W r n tfm W m m I P I ä ÿ :/ çaæ £V f |||p .x BmPBeS&■ ***è$ -.■■.■.'■,v*yiiTO S O llU Established 1909.>VoL S3, Nm- 104 S Medicine Iw X q Benefit By MARCIA VAN NESS E dtteptoC ktef BATTLE CREEK — Univer- alty of im m ediate suspension; Hannah said tb« 4S « |it 1 dead­ BATTLE CREEK — An In­ sity chapters of fraternities and! ■ »£ no fraternity or sorw ity line should be teng enough to stitute r i Biology and Medicine r a m n v a ..« « a i lwith r a c. .i»a l ^ ' discrim rem ove tee'C lause*. sororities m ust rem ove racial . ,____. T2£ “r ination 22j designed to expand the Uni­ clauses shall be Chartered in '.'Thera’s no excuse for fra­ versity’» graduate program s in discrim ination cla u ses b y the future at MSU. :Jp| tern ities and sororities not to the biological sciences will be­ Sept. 1, 1962, or lose Univer­ 5. This legislation shall sup­ trim im m ediate action;” Han­ gin operation Decem ber 1. sity recognition. Trustees vot­ ercede a ll previous legislation nah said. “But th ere’ll be a Dr. Richard U. B yerrum . a s­ QUICK OPENER—Dewey Llncolq, goes up the middle ed Priday. . which provides ter thè elim ina­ g r e a t, hue - and cry just the sistant provost, who has con­ as quarterback P ete Smith clears the Way. iia e o la fin­ sam e next Septem ber when ducted studies OQ its need at ished the day with M yards ia 18 carries. —State News Members of the board, m eet-, tion r i racial discrim ination chapters still with clauses are ing at the U niversity’s Giril in the Orerie system . M ichigan State, w ill serve as photo by Doug Gilbert. suspended.” acting director. {Lake B iological Station, offer- THE ACTION WAS sim ilar led no objections to -a resolu­ to a resolution originally adopt­ The Institute plan w as ap- '~ TRUSTEE Warren Huff of Spartans F o il tion adopted Oct. 31 by the ed by A ll-U niversity Student Plym outh asked w b a tit m eant proved Friday by the Board of j Faculty Comm ittee on Student G overnm ent. The new resolu­ to a Greek chapter to be sus­ Trustees m eeting at the K el­ logg Gull Lake B iological sta­ IAffairs. tion, however, em its Ji 180-day pended by the U niversity. Hannah said th e organism tion -n e a r Hickory Corners, M achine THE RESOLUTION, now of­ probationary period included in tion would ceoae to ,ex ist legal­ ficia l U niversity policy, in­ cludes the follow ing provisions: the AUSG resolution. John A . Fuzak, D ean r i Stu­ ly , the house would nave to be sold and the m es& on h ip dis­ Mich. The station is owned by i the U niversity. One purpose o flh e Institute By JERRY FISCHER team ,” Duffy said, “but they 1. There shall be M rexteas- dents wad chairm an of the banded. w ill be to provide tw* y e a n State News Sports E ditor could only play our past p er­ ions granted except by the faculty" com m ittee on student “ Sororities and fraternities r i pest-graiB ate week toward form ances. Our gam e plan was President o f the U niversity and affairs, signed the resolution cannot ex ist on cam pus unless A m achine, and a football tor decoy the fullbacks and p a sit this shall he done only if he riracted to the trustees. doctorates to m edicine. 8 ta- team went down to defeat m ore than we have in earlier feels tin t th e provisions w ill they are chartered b y te e Uni­ d eals com pleting the pre­ DBrry Osterink, president of Saturday at Spartan Stadium. gam es.” . versity,” Hannah sad«/ - gram w ill be prepared far be com plied w ith a t the term ­ Inter-Fraternity council, has M ichigan State, its scoring bespital-caadacted third year That change in strategy lit ­ ination of any such extension. said that tw o cam pus fraterni­ courses at other m edical punch back again, handed the erally tossed a boot into the This extension shall he granted ties, Alpha Tau Omega and Northwestern W ildcats a 21*13 Northwestern plans. Worse than only once. spanking for a victory that al­ that, it wasted a ll that work Sigm a Nu, h ave discrim inatory 2. The Men’s Divirion of Stu­ clau ses in their charters. _ Goals for schools. The Institute is expected to — most reeked of the defeat of a with the com puter. m achine. ' ¿ > A ll la st week, Parseghian and dent A ffairs sh all notify th£ National fraternities immedi- M iss M abel P etersen, as­ sistant director of wom en’s di­ Class of ’62 add to present graduate pro­ gram s in the biological sci­ vision, has said that no sorori­ Why. a machine? Sim ple. Ara Parseghian, the Wild­ cats’ coach, uses a com puter to his aids were probably feeding yards of inform ation into their provisions of this f i i ® “ tie s on cam pus have discrim ­ legislation inatory clau ses. .- Named | ences and equip m ore persons tp teach and do industrial re­ search ia the field. blinking thinker, and it cam e 3: The W omen's D ivision of learn tendencies of his oppon­ Student A ffairs shall notify the r PRESIDENT JOHN A . HAN­ G oals j o f one hundred per­ « D l . ERICKSON It was" presented to tbe board out som ethingjike “m ostly full­ ents. He used his computer to national sororities im m ediate­ NAH told the Board of Trustees cent participation by seniors as a method of strengthening back runs, few p asses.” evaluate Michigan State during and $5,80d for th e cla ss gift present program s in veterinary BUT THE SPARTANS foiled ly of the deadlines and the pro­ tiiat this type r i problem the week before the gam e. So Northwestern played the the m etal m arvel by using 15 visions of this legislation. pass p lays, com pleting nine, „4 . No existing fraternity or organizations them selves- should be handled by student of the cla ss of *62 w ere an­ nounced Friday by_ the De­ New Provost m edicine, anim al science, m ed­ ic a l technology and nursing. Spartan tendencies Saturday, . “U nless the board objacts,” velopm ent Fund Comm ittee. Although the institute win be­ one of these for a touchdown. sorority at M ichigan State shall but it w asn’t enough. percentages,’’ Spartan " coach Fullbacks George Saim es and be allowed to re-establish rac­ he said, “th is resolution w ill be­ “THEY GAMBLED on the Ron H atcher carried only six ia l discrim ination clau ses in com e o f f i c i a l U n iversity tbe Devriapmeist Fuad ri­ See MACHINE page 6 their constitutions under pen- peUey." Tbe class gift gees through fle* aad time aa to where it is tf be used, said Bab Toll, Erickson Takes gin work im m ediately, the m odical training section w ill not function until a director for th at division is found. Duffy Daugherty adm itted after B iological and bealft-retetad the gam e. director ri tee office. Alamal make SSntributioos to the departm ents in the Colleges r i “They are a fine defensive Science and Arts, V eterinary University through this of- flee. M edicine and Agriculture w ill BATTLE C R E E K -D r. Clif­ Born June 3, 1907 in DeKalb, be included in the Institute, but D ro w n in g “ Our m ain object other than ford E . Erickson, dean r i the IU., the Provost-elect was grad- w ill also rem ain in their re­ the cla ss gift of 85,000 is to College of Education, wlU bo- u fted from northern Illinois (E ditor’s N ote:. State News with Thomas A. Dutch, director integrity of his offices as Uni- have every m em ber of tbe com e Provost r i the U niversity State Teachers coUege in 1930 spective colleges. — of housing; John R . Kinney, verrity president aad as chair­ R u le d a n | Reporter Mary B asing covered cla ss o f 62 participate, even if on Feb. 1, tee Board r i Trus­ with a B . Ed. degree. He re Trustee C. Allen Harlan of the NAACP m eeting Thursday. director o f the placem ent man of the Civil R ights Com­ be only donates 91,” said Larry tees decided near here Friday. ceived an M.A. degree An 1934 Detroit asked tew the MSU - Tbe tw e sidebar stories w ere bureau; housem others; dorm m ission to bring about a speedy W alker, HollyWood, F la ., sen­ Erickson w ill succeed D r. and Ph. D. in 1937 from North­ r plan would d ovetail ether written by Frau D eL ouf, a social chairm en en d the State elim ination of them practices ior, th is year’s chairm an. A c c id e n t m em ber of the NAACP com- N ew s editorial board, accord- in a ll a rea s,” Syfax told the i m ittee investigating alleged ing to Syfax State New s Sunday. D aniel Archibong, N igerian Paul A. MUlei* who resigned to w estern -U niversity. Central m edical schools at tbe Uni­ F or the dollar or more dona­ accept the Presidency of W est M ichigan U n iversity awarded versity r i Michigan and tion tb e student w ill receive his Virginia U niversity effective him an honorary Doctor of Wayne State U niversity. discrim inatory practices on j - “ M ist D eL isle, director of own D evelopm ent Fund donors Feb. 17 - B yem un said graduates of A 6-man corom er’s jury rul- i . W omen's D ivision o f Student m aster’s candidate, t o 1d Laws degree to 1957. ed Friday t h a t Rudolfo « “ P“ - > acknowledgem ent card, Toil State’s . school would have to IA ffairs, assured us of her co- ¡NAACP m em bers Thursday T rustees, m eeting at MSU’s Dean E rickson has written study two years at another in­ Rodriguez, the 17-year-oid Lan-1 "By MARY BASING said. operation and support to end Ithat they should take part m “ By participating, • tfee stu­ K ellogg CMfi Lake B iolegkal or co-authored 11 books. Be­ stitution before receiving de­ sing-area youth who drowned i Of the State News Staff . jd i s c r i m i n a t o r y pract- more cam pus activities, such in the R ed Cedar R iver N ov ,l dent w ill be helping his class station at Hickory U erners, fore eom iug ta te ls U niversity grees. 12, died by accidental drow n-' The NAACP investigation o— f .i. Fran ......... DeLon«' .... G rand;«* . . . fashion shows and beauty to) help the U niversity to .b e - voiced unanimous approval r i he w as assis taut dean r i the The board also appointed in * r a c ia l discrim ination ©n R*P“j* * « ' fov TarT-v ^ v ^ V a n ’* «u s„ com e W e r and in the 4flag E rickson's appointment. J university college a t North­ Prof. L. L. Quill, director of The jury returned their rul­ c a m p u s is notcom plete, ac* c L w111 h e ,p W mself to becom e w estern and asM stori profes­ the division of m athem atics cording to NAACP President Ward, .Lakewood. C alif., junior, or go to an Am erican Legion Kat+ar >• w oivor P res. John A. Hannah said sor and director r i tee guid­ and physical scien ce* and ing at 12:30 p.m . after nearly b etter,” W alker said. Erickson had been chosen from ance laboratory there. j and Ron Brown, Cincinnati, dance and expect people to head of the chem istry depart­ two and one half hours of Joe Syfax, E ast Lansing sopho­ ¡Ohio,, junior, saw Dr. F ran ces'realize what talents you have “The better M ichigan State lists of possible successors to testim ony by w itnesses. They more. is as a U n iv ersity the higher m ent, as director of the new­ to offer,” Archibong said. Ite is a m em ber of tbe Na­ ly-created Institute r i Water concluded that Rodriguez’s Syfax told m ore than 50 per­ D eLisle Thursday afternoon. opinion others w ill h a v e of a M iller subm itted tor Deans r i sons at a. Thursday night “I feel M isf D e lis le w as “ In talents I ’m convinced the colleges and b y the faculty tional Vocational Guidance R esearch. death involved no unlawful ac- M ichigan State alum ni, he ex­ . tivity NAACP m eeting that the in- sincere when she asked that that N egroes a re w ell-gifted.” plained. , senate. _ - A ssn., American A ssociation r i B e w ill retain his titles in Archibong urged N egroes to Adm inistrators w ere search­ School Adm inistrators, Michi­ the CoUege of Science and Ford S. LaNoble, foreman ¡vestigation team still has to cases o f racial dtscrirolaa- Tbe cla ss gift and tee way ings Hannah said, for a man to gan Counselors’ Asan., National o f the jury, made a~forii>al talk with many people before tioa oa cam pus be reported talk to their professors about A rts. _ concluding the extent of dis­ to h er,” M iss DeLodg said. housing and other discrim ina­ It w fil be selected is to be an­ perpetuate the 7-point program Education A ssn., National Guid­ . In other business the board com mendation praising patrol­ nounced r i a later date, the m an Harold Kent’s attem pt to crim ination. Ward and Syfax talked with tion problem s. for U niversity im provem ent in­ ance A ssn., Phi D elta Kappa named Dr. Robert Unkefer, save Rodriguez’s life, The NAACP wants to talk | M arcia Van N ess, State N ews Tim next NAACP m eeting is com m ittee decided. troduced la st spring. and Phi Kappa Phi. assistant professor r i m usic, editOr-in-chief, and Louis Ber­ scheduled for Nov. 30. T his year’s com m ittee is . “Dr. M iller has done his job acting head o r the m usic de­ About 45 persons attended the inquest and beard w itness­ ' dr ★ ★ ' m an, S tate N ew s adviser, m ade up r i the follow ing sen­ w ett,” Hannah said, “he w ill be partm ent during the leave of e s, including Kent; Colby G enereaux, Rodriguez’s part­ Dutch Asks about “discrim ination in K ate News housing and em ploy­ Dr. -DeLisle iors; Larry W alker; Diane a difficiiU man to follow .” Anderton, L easing: Jim Ar- Dr. Erickson A t a nationally- Profs See absence r i Dr. W alter Hodgson. It conferred the title r i as­ bury, D etroit; P a t Clever, known educator and guidance ner; and one of Rodriguez’s form er high school teachers, testify. Race Bans m ent advertism ents.” “Berm an said that white stu­ dents would be deprived of em ­ Denies Holt; John F oA yth, Tensing; authority. Joan H all, Pittsburgh, P a .; He becam e Dean of the Col- Teaching sociate professor upon Dr. A. W estley Rowland, University- Editor. - THE INQUEST w as conduct­ T * ed by coroner D erwin Hoff- l i f t n lle u o r t e a g j pioym em ploym ent u if m tbee auue screened and then elim inated State mews News Intimidating Larry Moriris M idland; M yie le f t r i Education here to 1953, R o b á is, Alm a; P a t Shirtum, w hile he w pt still D eaa r i what Machines John tbe W. departm Crawford, ent r i head of advertis­ m eyer rad Ingham County r all discrim inatory advertis- advertis- W ebster G roves, Bio,; P ete w as teen B asic College. He-join- j Van L eer; E ast Lansing, and ed te e MSU staff to 1»M as pro­ hing m achines w ill be ing, w as promoted from as­ Prosecutor Lao A. Farhat. Students confronted with ra-1 cr.s iT Syfax said, Cases o f racial discrimina­ shown and discussed by about sociate professor to professor Genereaux testified that toe cial discrim ination in Univer- 'Berm ” an — suggested — tea t they tion on cam pus should be re­ Roy W aldren, Lansing. fe ss« ' of education. dozen distributors Monday at effective Jan. 1, 1962. and Rodringues had gone to sity-approved housing should talk to th e State N ew s policy­ ported, FraaceeDeUale, direc­ 1:15 p.m . to the Audio-Visual See INSTITUTE page 3 the library parking lot with tee report directly* to thè housing making student editorial board tor of toe Women’s D ivision ri room r i the Instructional Ma­ intent to steal. office, Thomas Dutch, director about alleged discrim ination hi Student A ffairs,- told four After escaping during the of housing, told a NAACP rep­ the paper , Syfax said . chase, Genereaux returned to resentative Friday. Brown, NAACP executive day. NAACP representatives Thurs­ ' Trujillo Brothers ^ terials Center in the Education Building. Rockefeller’s The showing is for m em bers their ca r in the E ast Lansing parking lot behind th e—MO block of E a st Grand River form B ecause him students of do specific not in­ cases, vice president, graphs f r o m colum nist Cathie read two para­ Hampered., by “a lack r i K ate News com m unication betw een stu­ M ahoney's dents and tete o ffice,” Dr. De­ To Return to Exile r i th e natural scien ce depart­ m ent and interested faculty Son Disappears A ve., ha s a id ., Dutch said that he has not been article Thursday concerning lia !« pledged her cooperation aw are of tee alleged exten t r i CIUDAD TRUJILLO, Dom­ the Air Forra tijraw its support m em bers throughout the Uni­ versity. ■- ■■—- In Jungle Ha and a triad youths Ronald tbe debut r i the tw ist dance on so d support to end discrim ina­ inican Republic (A -P reaid eri to B alaguer. , The Audio-Visual Center is ■NEW YORK UR—The young­ Jenks, who had rem ained in such practices. _ . cam pus, tion. S j B M Joaquin B alaguer apparently Balaguer declared a nation­ the car, drove around until “I have had only one direct "The NAACP held such a. Dr. D e lis le arid she regard* won a sm ashing victory over a l state r i em ergency and said sponsoring the display to co­ est son of Qov. N elson A. they beard a radio broadcast com plaint this term ,” D utch dance la ri spring,” Brown ed reports that she h ad at­ foea of h is liberalized regim e he vraS assum ing command r i operation with the natural-sci- R ockefeller, 23-year-old Mich­ Rodriguez's death. said. r said. ence departm ent. ael, Sunday w as reported m iss­ about tem pted to intim idate persons Sunday pa four U.S. warships ttto arm ed forate. G enereaux sum . They then “ I tore up the card, which This 'dance « net receive dating interracioliy as raise. took up station o f f the coast r i ing to the jungles o f Dutch Balaguer said the Trujillo New Guinea -«- described as turned them selves in to Lan- registered tee dtecrifninating as am eh publicity a s ea eeev * “ interracial dating Is a pri­ th is troubled island nation. ^ brother*. G eneralissim o Hec­ party) in Ms (the com plaint - I M it S h »»»»»A S» t p P P p i a v C w H S a ^ ami vate m atter ^ri Individual ~ Two Mother» r i tea tote tor, a form er président, and Frosh to Get “one of the w ildest parts of the w orld.” ^ gW e REAUX WAS schedule aa t’s ) presence.'’ he said. tea S tria N ew s, accerdteg to choice . the couple’s own dictator. R afael L. Trujillo, Jose Arizm endi Trujillo. *an riT to appear ut circuit court B ecause racial discrim i­ Friday afternoon. Its w as nation does not com ply with Brown told r i nine incidents business," D r, D d L m said. agreed to return to ex ile after arm y te n e n ti w ttira large m ili­ Tickets Early The s a v e » o r w as told b y Dutch officials that his son dis­ Incidents r i discrim ination ta ry following, agreed to k * v » charged with larceny from « U niversity policy, the party involving N egroes and what to dorm itories w ere cited by ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ to to • ■ to ■ * m Both freshm en aad sopho­ appeared white scouting f o r vehicle and w aived exam ina­ w as notified that her listing had t e e country. J g ^ | g g i m ores a n a , pick up football p t m M v o sculpture t o an area temr frit w as discrim ination,, Ron Brown, NAACP v ice presi­ tion in Lansing Township Jus­ been withdraw« from the ap­ These w ere m ainly concern­ dent. m Fashion Features B Tbrir return from ■ brief ttckate iter-th e Illinois gam e firititribrri by a tribe r i fierce tice Court on Nbv. 13. Jenks proved hate,' Dutch «rid. ed w ttk where and w ith whom Acting sUiTrtee# at such ac- e tite thte w eek sparked Wash­ W ednesday at the J e o lse a ^ la v ig e t- ■ i - w as not held. He said that tfe r e have N egroes w ere livin g h i the tio i by housem others. Dr. De- MSU coeds use som e Russian ington « a r s te a l rid Has fri- f i r a i i t o f l c tick et'm a n a g er The governor said he would tiW inquest, te e sam e vague eosnptotata during dorm s, N egro housing prob­ U ste said Ih e "w asn’t aw are ta ctics to figh t the crid war as “"! ri ito» *-toto-Mtofáter B ill B eardslee said M anda* t t y Sunday night by jet plane to toured tea library parking let. the past y ear but little evidence lem s off-cam pus «ad fuabtog Umt this w as going an.” fur headgear, R ussiatM tyle, tr y to aahm new er B eardslee said that because f l n Francisco oa the first teg te e path Rodriguez and Kent had been presented, Brown’s n fo ren ces w e r e clim bs the faahkm ladder. new dictatorship. tb e Thanksgiving hnflday falls r i hri A hfrA rthe area. took to the river aw l tea spot f Apparently Am erican aad for­ Wbfle souse ef th e torideuts n r ir iy to .N egro coeds, who For the la test to fashion new s, to show that aa th orad ay. the norm al day Tim governor left his North as tridTby State N ew s Women’s «j w h a n Rodriguez drow sed. eign N egro »tudaris don’t go M H I K Brawn s r ii had been m oved ftom room s far freih ro a a to pMk up tickets, T aw ytown esta te, where he has *m "rl'71'.lé l' As far as ttosy are able te beyond discussing discrim ina­ to werldn« m n m are cam - in dorm s where they w«ra P a ge Editor ia lly Ward aad A r i sw itch w as o m o m fo f. hMto staying "«tote la s t Friday determ ine, r ii stolen property tion in housing am ong them ­ originally frikmd w ifli white aaslstaat U ad a Godfrey, ra t crateri -Illfla ! Rock «ad torra Mb rihar C hang» to ticket «tom h e aanouarad that ha aad has bau» recovered,- the de­ selves, Dutch a a t o ^ p j f | H i O fU fm . ^ '- j page« four ted - fiv e. desteeytes w e » sent to -Driri’1dlstrfta tk n a r e ptaaned, h te- w tfc had sep arited and partm ent r i public safety said. See RACE BANS f i t s I nah will use the toffee^at and - B o o D r. DeLISLE pnge t ' ■ * * ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ t o I inican w aters Beardsl ee said, v would .«toil a divorce. t S 3 I § Vv-!- ‘ --1 -■TM r rr' fr" - ‘ . V" ï - ' ' fàÉiâliiÉi ...................... ‘ ‘' W " ' **& S M ifiÄ U lf M U fe ¡S p íí* * ? n a G re a tS e rv ic e Ile e o rd F rom W ilson to K ennedy 8 am R ayburn had been learning the trade a* a lawmaker served hte cou n try. : front t |e fourth titetrfc^sf Tetas sines hte riesttte in 1912 at the age of 80. 1r r ■ w r j n l, S he* ■ ■ ■ ■ Ho served fo r o v er SO y e a n w ith eig h t d iffe r e n t p resid en ts. Hte d eath T hursday He took offiee with President Wilson, At thè recent United Nstiens tbe neutra! Battona to play io lo ft b o th a p o litica l and em otion al void who became one of hte heroes. Item Student C anfore** in N ew g i iWM * M m u t ìm u i rela- th r o u fh o o t A m erica. childhood all Rayburn’« heroes were | t~ wuést urofessor rvointed *w “ uwmmmmmJf lUlHnir anJ) n a r i n i l llll statesmen. He Eked politicians and out thpt anatrai nattoas ara Mr, Sam a t h e w as called , w asJw rn in thought House members, ospecteHy, were j 1882 in th e h llte o f T en n essee and raised abìè to remato neutra! becanse <«r*im»cv While tt is easv to this greatest people on «kith. He knew the on a 4ft acre ranch in T exas. House eras' the~ greatest legislative bqfty oMriAtoBMjorpowenteina- S r ^ ' lndia berseli iup- tecttag that peutrality pttesliercwnperooitBelaadlier on earth, and anybody who hi hte pre-j own pejfcy policy ri noo-aHgmnoat, tt BETWEEN CHOPPING th e cotton and "tWa idea daaervet our atten- ow» non-alignment, it sence used the term “ppper body”, ‘to|- (tea at a tene wben thè Uaited te much «neh more difficult dUfeuttto to «bow tiww o th e r d u ties o f th e ranch, h e read a ll th e refer to the Senate simply didn’t know States te tryins to determine that tost baila India has w fflctef power haa safHrltett h isto ry books he could g e t. H e seem ed much about getting along with Speaker to baqgria equally with such just whàt roie tt should expect te bacala sqaaHywtth to know wherq.hf w as goin g . W hen it gtofFte eg Rustia sad Sad Chi­ Sam . ’V ! .V T * cam e tim e fo r co llege, 'h is dad .sh oved na. >• $28 in hte pocet and se n t him on h is ow n. 8 am w en t to E a st T exa s N orm al. H e AS SPEAKER, Rayburn developed in­ fluence and power tor exceeding those Con-Con Men THU-POWER she uses, albeit torirectiy, to dealing with those two powerful nationa, Has to sw ep t flo o rs a t th e coU ege to earn hte w ay and w a s p aid $3 a m onth. H ard work nominally-prescribed for the job. From hte election in 194ft he hold the jab continu­ Hare Heavy UJL wURngness to friendly neutrals with an the and d ed ication b rou gh t him to the"$45,000 a y ea r jo b a s S p ea k er o f-T h e H ouse. ously except for the four years of the 80th and 88rd Republican congresses W ork. Load means at our disposal. A perfect example would Sam R ayburn w a e elected h ead sto re­ when he nerved as minority leader. In be India’s boundary dispute By WES WIETSMA keeper on C ap itol HiQ Sept, 16, 1940. Ho hte conduct of the office he was scrupu­ Of toe State N ew s Staff with Rad Chtaa. If India were lously non-partisan. As htentetfty^s leader not able te count on an Ameri­ he sought from fellow Democrats the The Constitutional Convent­ can military reserve, aha cer­ ion is a historic occasion which tainly couM net assume the p . Sam* kind of party loyalty he practiced could greatly influence the fu­ same bargaining pastosa she Editor Serves Nation himself. v Rayburn apparently grew up lonely, , v ture liv es r i M ichigan resi­ presently mafattias. The fact is dents. she keeps Chtaa from tearing as some children do in big families, and The decisions reached by the down her door by warning her There were both ’courage and pathos in the that America will not allow any lived, essentially, the same way. Hte early delegates, if accepted a t protest against conditions in M ississippi by polls, w ill to large p ari further communist expansion. Jam es Robertson, editor r i the M ississippiaa, marriage lasted only three months. In m ine the p olitical, social Washington be Uved alone for more than Yet, even with this depend­ student newspaper at the university. He wrote econom ic Mwrlrenmont a t ence on our milttary power, tt to the New s, at M ichigan State U niversity, 30 years in the same one-bedroom bachelor state. W hether or not th ese to t to not very often toet we find regretting the then two undefeated football apartment. > ■ * cition s w ill afal to th e future India taking our tide in an in­ team s could not ptey each other. „ p r o c e ss mid developm ent r i question — e v e n He rode to hte fis h in g holes in an atft M ichigan rem ains to h e sea H is them e w as the “ archaic thinking 'which .onditioned $11,000 Limousine, and fish­ when tt te apparent that the prevails in our capital at Jackson.” In is ar­ T h e com m ittee m eetings principle we are fighting for chaic thinking, the student editor indicated, ed with- hte chauffeur. He mingled with forma! sessions r i the conven­ coincides with her own values. and was one of the great He was a trusted m u»»-«» i is harmful to the m orale r i the students aad, tion com bine a ll the The reason for India’s seeming­ presumably the team . advisor to three presidents (Roosevelt, r i the dem ocratic process. The ly hypocritical behavior to this ple r i M ichigan, esp ecially situation boils down to this: “We can’t play any team which has Negro players,” said the editor of the M ississippi student newspaper, "which practically re­ Truman and Kennedy) and had plenty to sa y , one way or another, about the ad­ Letters to the Editor ministration of a fourth (Eisenhower) r students, should participate to this process by following She fears possible reprisals from tiie Soviet Union but Supports Police Rescue Try closely the course r i the con­ knows from experience that duces us to our own conference. I feel that w ho preferred to take hte advice some­ vention. U.S. patience te timori inex- this is ridiculous, as do the majority r i the w h ere e lse . ' '• student«. THE VISITOR to Constitu­ hauriable. -r^— I f all t h i s w en t to Mr. Sam ’s heacT, it tion H all is im m ediately struck “ W E HAVE th re e m a jo r pro b lem s w orking As you can see, Daugherty for tbe cea seless activity r i the ON THE OTHER tide of the didn’t sh o w . And h is w as «.-head n ot b u ilt 'TO the Editor: ceived visitors other than Of­ fence we have aa example ri a g a in st u s ,” he w rote. H e listed th em : cannot be blam ed for what hap­ f o r con cealm en t. R ayburn w a s bald a s In the N ov. 15 issu e r i the ficer Kent. delegates. spokesmen from northern Laos 1. L ocation “ 1.000 m iles from n o w h ere.” lo n g a s anybod y could rem em ber, a n d h is M ichigan State N ew s, M iss If it were not for the skilled pened on Saturday; he had Tbe work load undertaken by pushing an uncompromising nothing to do with the cause r i 2. The re lu c ta n c e of o th er schools to play g liste n in g sk u ll, alth ou g h so m etim es a Aim Connor m ade a spectacu­ judgm ent of those to charge, tbe final score. H owever, it these elected representatives agreement at the International M ississippi. those who m ight have attem pt­ seem s insurm ountable, yet Commission formed to deal with se n sitiv e su b ject w ith R ayburn, w as h is lar attem pt to denounce the ed th e rescue m ight wC~have would appear that he did have ~3. The race is s u e - M ississippi can not play th ese m en proceed about their the Laotian problem. The re­ tradem ark. W ith h is-T e x a s-ty p e h a t on, Departm ent o f Public Safety been ^a s “fortunate” a s O fficer a little som ething to do with work ta.a calm , orderly fash­ any schools w h e re w hites com p ete ag a in st serve strength that allows them Negroes. h e a d m itted , few p eop le k new h im . B are­ concerning its t c t io n u L J |a i g a u y t e a a t i h havetioin tjjoi ed the national standing of the ion which says m uch for (he to pursue such a bard lina scene r i the recent y H H the v S tim ; possibly W U , Miss Spartans only two weeks age caliber r i the d elegates. “ 1 would g iv e anything. - R obertson w rote, h e a d e d , h e w a s recogn ized an yw h ere. comes from ths Soviet Union. which occurred o s cam pus Connor. . . . rem em ber what that was? “ if th e re w e re som e ch a n c e of Ole M iss and Nov. 12r By the w ay, how big a crowd T he effectiv e qualités r i th e In addition. Rustia usually M ichigan S ta te playing each o th e r in a bowl ALTHOUGH h is frien d sh ip s crossed My bat is o ff to you. M iss com m ittee chairm en are in­ manages to hoM friendly neu­ The purpose o f this letter is Connor. If there w ere more in- was out singing his praise then? d icative of the general mood of trals to pretty dose diede. A g am e. H ow ever, th e a rc h a ic th in k in g w hich p a r t y lin es, R ayburn w as a D em ocrat rat to slap her hands and ten dividuals to this world who I hope th a t you w ill urge your p rev ails in our c a p ita l city m a k e s th is im- f i r s t , t e s t an10333 He could not print his, or the m a jo rity student la y in th e fa c t th a t n ew , y o u n g er m em bers w ise, she should never have Te the Editor: trouble finding som ething just «•stria 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 opinion in the university newspaper. He had th o u g h t h im form id ab le, stern an d b e­ been so posttivp. ~ ' . This is really none of my a s good. A fter a ll, I thought. I fairy 0 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 3Œ 3 business, and perhaps 1 should am 22 years rid, a veteran and s. The Ostes* •f a* tesate to go aU the way to Michigan to have his yond approach. A s old m en do, h e scow led An exclam ation of this type Q 3Q 3D 0 3 3 3 3 keep m y big mouth shut, but I have doae m y share r i knock­ t. (ta rila ( • .S t e s s i say. But when he did so, he had an im m e d ia te a lo t. A ctu a lly , h is frien d s said , w h at leads those who know less to wteMUis 3 3 3 3 3 3 3O B 0P Í national audience. m ake w ild accusations which, w as appalled and a little in­ ing' around. T his situation clumsily E oan 0 3 3 E n os R ayburn lacked w a s sm a ll ta lk . te MantteM to turn, lead to uncertified censed when the picture o f MSU should present few problem s 11 Smooth •rictScatly 3 0 3 3 3 L ISO 3 0 3 It w as an im portant statem ent. T he voice 13. Ceremony proclam ations such as “ He’s students banting Duffy Daugh­ indeed. te ! 2 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 3 2 of defiance from the governor’s office, th e H E S E R V E D in th e H ouse lon ger th an over (h ere,” ’’N o, he’s over Then I went to the University 14. T h ai erty appeared to the Lafayette IL~UeMa«*T □03331 0 3 0 0 3 a rrest r i citizens r i the United States in bus paper. I hope th e “school spir­ Housing Office. Huy informed 3 3 3 3 0 3 3 3 depots, defiance r i ICC ridings in bus depots, an y m an and serv ed a s H ou se S peaker h ere,” etc. I t MafniA- m ote th a iu tw ice a s lo n g a s h is nearesjt My advice to both Miss Con­ it” displayed there is rat me that the University will now are tagged “ archaic” by tbe student (S. Tears typical r i the student body, H continue to exercise control voices r i the state university. com p etitor. In h is y ea rs o f sp lin ter in g nor aad the “petrified girl” is it te, you m ight as w ell prepare ever where I live until I gradu­ te-Oraunr i , aow N S Drift It is an appropriate word. Every day that g a v els Jhe b u ilt th e jo b in to th e nation's to repsat snfr whatthsy actual­ yourselves for tw o more de­ ate or attain the ripe old age ri 21. Out r i a __ « .fu r in e — I. Kammar direct courts passes labels opposition to equal citizenship second m o st p ow erfu l, ou tran k ed o n ly b y ly see. I mu sum tori they feats this season. 25.- I am too immature to 23-Agile « both realist that gossip and ' 30. Performed rights for a ll Am ericans as archaic. th e P resid en cy. H e sa w , m ad e an d h elp ed rumors can be very dangerous. If 9aturday’s gam e had turn­ choose the place I wish to live 14.“ i» SubüQUlHi 51 That equal use ri. a bus depot should be m ake m ore h isto ry th a n any of th e tig h t ed eut to be a hum iliating loss without University help. Aad a si MtrtiW considered by som e persons as somehow en­ Today, rescue procedures with a very lop-tided score, and after they help me Had my ta- 4 Within tl. P resid en ts h e served w ith , (n e v e r sa y , are very and Is topee 10. After M. Veite U l 5 Workurilg 17. dangering their social status or threatening “ serv ed under”) , he chided reporters. if the same thing hadhad been hap- ture home, darned if they Camay 93- Dt— r i A MtetaAM racial ,purity is being recognized as a wholly highly traiasd In tote field, res­ pentog att season or for the aren’t going to tell me haw to 11. Caminares teA I T.Ä A s long ago as April 16, 1966, Rayburn cue is not only complicated lari two seasons, then you live as wdl. 33. Negativa SXIUmrfit preposterous argum ent and a n untenable po­ sition. P rivate association w ill rem ain a m at­ had become such an institution that more bat it is extremely dangerous might have soiqe cause for Now, I am sure that in some 34. Sa that te r r i private decision, Public facilities are than 3000 of the Democratic faithful, as wefi—evea more dangerous cemplatei. Bri l see nothing for cases tide close supervision te for the public. including Truman, Adlai E. Stevenson, e n d to those t ^ ,^ ^ who know nothing your school to be ashamed ri justified. But what about per­ r r - jn * - mmmJ ■w ays . a Those Southerners whose insecurity and fear show in their claim s that equal rights in -M rs. Eleanor Rooeevtit, gathered to honor him -at a 6100 par plats dinner which in MY MAT is off to the ment­ to last week’s game. I am not familiar with the sons like myzeif who atqtettte capable ri managing without r ¡«■■to M public facilities r i travel, or desegregated view ­ p reviou s years had honored Jefferson ri (he Department ri circumstances ri the shutout ri Public Safety for I feel that the hands ri Minnesota, but t ence. Under most other cir­ their to loco parentis interfer­ H I ■■■■¡Ito ing r i h ears and m onkeys at the zoo. w ill de­ stroy their purity of race, unwittingly reveal sim) Jackson. H e had Uved 73 years at they did all tori was in their nUnaziril the Purdue - MSU cumstances we are allowed to th a t . tim e, when hte party formally be­ power under t h e circum- game Inst Saturday. The two fend for ourselves. rito ritototo them selves. If race can be adulterated h r stowed on him the title, “Mr. Democrat,” .stances. Iivelr ri the remite teem« were evenly matched Dote being a University stu­ B ritolto where one site in a bus, eats te a bus cafe, or by who stands next to oqe at the zoo or H e couldn’t quite hold back the toanu Officer although his ri­ and the Spartans appeared to dent suddenly make me too im­ c ■ Britoto riri art m useum , then there Isn’t much hope left. Sam Rayburn was never seen stepping torta of rescue wore futile, was h i a capable, well-coached ball mature to act without their If, in OH, whan the menace ri armed -i back. Bs didn’t smile much. He seldom tori ha dUtet try. Æ T ; chib. hospitalized m you c a st say The outcome ri the game benign guidance. L P m - m ritototori ri Russian communism threatens us, s e must mad* speech««. He dtefflasd a¡ad was ? I íw-i’-í ü s s s s * -u " " iw p p 1 «— to tmmmám liSiilïfil îSS ê- B E C H R IS T M A S Y ^ Take an «fentof off and leara, t e . make beantifui, laiipytoisrhrtotaM a isrirmtfr— fer your bo«w. Or they make — Meal gift for teacher*, frtta ffier rdativen. ' Ü1 ’#* 11 era P » Feather treea and wreaths Poinsettiaa n al « d p * centerpieces CALL ■ S A N T A ’S W O R K S H O P % f E D 2-6993 ^ (person ex p er ie n c to f/tb s': dls> 2 33 6 E . M T. H O PE RO AD Icriinitiation, a h e 5 S ^ ^ ^ TODAY O N CAM PUS q m h B - I .An NAACP com m ittee. head- led by Larry Ward, to discover lUHÉMMHMIIIMMMMMHRWttt) Jand docum ent discrim ination StudenU-off-Carapus — Mon­ could effectivly « a rk on to t f ocal level, the NAACP r e - day, 7:90 p an ., $13 Student Ser­ prcoantatives said. ' t vices B ldg. : M any itu dcnti are'afraid to j Lutheran Student A ssocia­ apeak oat because they don’t i leant to create trouble or Pollack To Speak tion M onday, 4:10 p an., Study bear, U niversity Luther­ jeopardize their chances of re­ m aining in school, according to At Coffee fionr an CH wcfa.. ftum aniit Society » Monday, Brown. " D r. Jan— K. Pollack, pr»> 7:1$ p jn ., dhcaosfon groo» and Students need not fear to* lessor of political scien ce a t NAACP l epra— it stiv e, 36 Un­ timfatation from the w om en> toe U niversity of M ichigan and ion. w x ■ :-w,: division, Dr. D eLisle said. the W atoteaaw county dtoi- They can expect her coopera­ gato to the Constitutional Con­ tion'to deal with discrim ination vention, w ill m a k a t a coffee E vans Scholars won to e In­ effectively once to e fa c ts are hour sponsored b y toe potltica] dependent Intram ural Team evident and significant on an scien ce departm ent, Monday at P a d S e b ill tanraam eat fa 1*60- University-w ide b asis, Dr. De- 4 p.m . la to e Union. L isle added. Institute. - «Continued from P age 1) The title o f Drt Clair L. Taylor w as changed from di­ rector of th e sum m er school and evening college to assistant director o f continuing educa­ Fo r Henry’s Hamburgers tion and director of to e even­ ing college effective D ec. 1. Trustees c h a n g e d sum m er 4 And Other Fine Foods scbooL program s to regular term status la st month and M a k e H E N R Y ’S A Habit placed responsibility for them in the several co lleg es. v Trustees voted to extend One Block West of Brody sym pathy to the fam ily of Clark L . Brody, form er chair­ On Michigan Avenue man of the board, who died Oct. » . . S P E C IA L 3 -D ay S ale! M a g n ific e n t F o r m a ls - Outstanding savings on gowns from our regular stock, plus special purchases - 8 - * 1 2 - ’ 1 8 S a n ta say s, E x q u isite gow n s to d a zzle a fte r d a r k . . . fo r sp ecia l cam p u s a c tiv itie s . . . fo r th e g a la h o lid a y sea so n . E x c itin g s ty le s “ Some of the b est gifts that you can give are in cover-u p tim e, str a p less, sp a g h e tti stra p s . . . tu flo w in g ch iffo n , r u stlin g ta ffe ta , p u re silk s, eleg a n t la ces. C olors Personalized M. S. U. Christmas Gifts from couldn’t b e p r e ttie r , s o ft b lu es, a cq u a s, p in k s, m in t g reen s, Gibson’s Bookstore.” * w h ite an d co lo rfu l p rin ts. B o th in m isse s and ju n io r sizes. P riced a t g r e a t sa v in g r ig h t a t th e b eg in n in g o f th e g a b Shop Early! Shop Today! Short and Sweet sea so n . S h op ea r ly , W ednesday is th e la s t d a y . - FORMALS — STREET LEVEL ☆ M SU S tu ffe d Animals Pleated K IL fT ☆ M SU S w e a ts h irts SALE! PARTY TINTS a lls ix e s and ceio rs Elegant satm in high o r m id hods . ☆ M SU B la n k e ts ~ ^ 6.90 •' 'V ■ ' ' 7 f” Tin t e d fr ee: w ith s o m an y om s Cton jrtato k » : t o s t fa lls just above to o knee. Sm art w r sr to a a h r fdtyle wfth frtnpirt straight E xcept Specially front, adornad w tto a pte and pleated back. In B headei Shades - S ’ ☆ M SU M ugs, _ :■ - 5 £ l M l* wato, R ayai Sto— r t plaid in red /green / ;:v I %■ ■ Color-match for holiday dresses w ith party Also fo r yon we h a v e . . . SPCEtnW EAX — S H E E T LEVEL tfeto, S elect from high or m id h eels to satin. S tood from ev er M l colors with B rad y __ N ew tfaitfng f n e , if chosen from e a r Are chart. Brief Cases Student D irectories SHOES — CASDCN LEVEL So handy for ftodtog Corner Evergreen and West Grand River EAST LANSING - SHOP TODAY, 9 :3 0 .5 :3 0 , ED t-5 0 0 6 mm W $ h $ vm $ # M d&l§ig®|£sP5mP|HrtR mwmmimm sP^I^S510jSPlSi! hvg^PYm»*#Y wMn erf diirtMmH p bbm IfMiiini?! WBieSaSP® IrSmPMIIWIW^ttPlki^^^^HB^W&PWI^^W-'^ of -fgnHnpE - * a t ■ , ||, , knee socks and * ed for a |H h Ml Smb most itr* * --*r~~~ ■**-■•■-■ » g ,> .«Ml gloves. "*" j^ 'i^ : Tony Hirsb, a New York A f t ^ lp ii i l fjjjW Nlw^ agrtaM sn green. sophomore, dress«« for th« « » f g l y W ” Coats th is year a re m ade to game and a Bight on the town ^ .W fmjjfjp M«a « m m look warm as w ell a s being afterwards la a black coatm- * ■ » ki BMaea senMfK a ” ir ; single-breasted top eotal r ~ 7*~ coat, 7 u| ^ k ni i t u a a f c i i i i &m• warm. Both men and women cuddle faefcionably next te pUe gray gaslight casual slacks, a gsma. U sings which look warm and white tab collar shirt. Ha has «wth Awn ftohmflefr, a Birm- are. These coats are ,o f suede on a two button single-breasted i««akwm junior, is one of flan doth in m uted, colors. Deep tweed continental uattr, and young *Mbtn",l>l«« She wears browns also are seen in these wears black fur-Uned calfskin « r a d wool fro* \ and the sport coats th is year. gloves. He carries a black slim bright red is carried out in the P aid Lang. Chicago junior, leather-cased um brella. multi-colored coat The sbrUM w ears one dubbed "the Shep­ Dressed in a sim ilar as- coat la taylored akmg the lines hard” imported from Den­ sem U e is Saul Berkm an, a of the ever popular boy-coat • mark, fas old gold, a sucde coat New York sophomore, who John Pelletier, a Southfield with an all wool lining. wears a Mack continental junior, fashionably watts lor He completes his outfit with Diana H aaaa, New Jersey double-breasted suit with tab his date hi a singular suit hi a dark brown pure silk tie, a junior, sporta a M ede doth collar shirt, a slim black and muted G kn Plans. H e own- brfchOe harness b elt and tradi- coat featuring a Sherpa lin­ gray t ie . He carries a nylon pfetes his assemble with an all Ussuri trousers of compound ing and leather thong b elt cased um brella and wears season Thundercloud weather colorings. This year's colors With this rant she w ears a gloves of unlined calfskin. converter and a sporting hat Presenting Lefts SAM WARWICK, Pon­ tiac Grad Student wearing a Catalina Blue Cardigan with Back Piping. U4.95 B a a Oxford B u tto n D a w n Pullover Skirt. — 5.00 Navy SUk Ascot 3.95 Black Leather Belt.....___ 1-50 Subdued G low B a ld T rou sers w ith C sisr ia g s fai th e T rad i­ tio n a l B y is s . — 17.95 Right TOWARD K E E G ST E R Grand Rapids Senior wearing an Iggttah Riding Corti,with L e ft: R ig h t: «k ! ___ Compound Colorings which is D IA N E B R A IN E R D , L an sin g Sopho­ N A N C Y R E V E L IN G , S alin e S en ior, s ffs s tk y a Madras Weave 37.50 W earin g a P en elto n P la id S u it W ith m ore, F ea tu res a Suede C loth Car w ith sh o rt b oxey ja ck et and m atch in g C oat w ith a m atch in g Suede C loth. p leated sk ir t. C oat. T rad ition al T ro u sers in Com Fashion Forecast: Cold pound C olorin gs ~....15.9J D IA N E H A N N A , N ew Jersey-Ju n ior, S Ü S IE A D A M S, W illiam ston W earing a T u rtle N eck S w ea ter b y Sophom ore, and J A N H O F F - K aret of C aliforn ia. H er Sued« M E Y E R a r e ste p p in g o u t fo r cold w ea th er f u n . in th e ir C loth C oat fe a tu res a Sherpa L in in g Jo h n M eyer N o rth E a stern an d lea th er th on g b elt. C om pleting C oats w ith s ty lis h sa ilin g h er o u tfit a re k nee len g th so ck s and c le a ts fo r b u tto n s and w arm W ool G loves w ith L eath er p alm s. fle e c e lin in g in sid e . - B o th S u e an d J a n a re w earin g th e ever p opular F lo ren ce W alsh b in e tw eed -k n ee-ien g th D A V E E A R L , S t. Ig n a ce S en ior. A k ilts. D ark M uted P laid Sport C oat ia C om plem ented b y O xford G ray S la ck s V illa g er b u tton dow n b lou ses and a S ero of—N ew H aven B u tton and N a v y B lu e V -neck sw ea ­ D ow n S h ir t . . . A trad ition al SUk te r s com p lete th e ir w in ter R ep T ie and a V alour H a t by C axton en sem b le from th e Scotch' H ou se. o f N ew H aven . F eatu red is a n Im ­ ported 3 /4 len g th A lf W eath er O uter S top in to d a y and le t u s help Jack et. É ÉÉ i you se le c t a w arm w in ter w ardrobe. ¡ p a « , - , I M » ÎÆ Ê Ê m m m Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê m m m i B p u ¿ te B is The French -tfom an’s »rtful R icci. R ted , vice-president of w ays and ihod ejof d n ts w r th e aasoclatkm of Paris design­ designed to csp ttm ttm g B *8 Im­ ers Chambre Syndicate da la agination. American m m m Couture Parisienne, says that ju st t e a r i r t e r granted, bet te-wfiy a ll the c o n so t fashions that Is a ll changed,** he § S S s . are designed for a fem inine R icci Is considered one « ¿ tb s look. best “noses” to the perfum e “ P aris anticipates these cy­ business, but in the past «waiv­ c le s and designers jure geared ing a perfum e w as a ticklish *to create tor our tim es. Men business because of the differ­ need fhair m orale bolstered and en ces in women’s preferences to IceM b eir own strength, so around the globe. women- m ust em phasize their “T astes are more universal fem ininity,” h e explains. today, and it is c id e r to m a t e He ceocedes that the little a scent that all w ill enjoy,” he helpless woman Is a thing of the « y f. ■ ' . . ■ ' '■ ■■ above • Y : - 'Y - i/;i t e SAUL BERKMEN, New York, N. Y ., sophomore, is dressed fer a 'fu ll day's activities as he heads for the football gam e. He chose a black continental double breasted suit with a tab c e ll» shirt and slim silk black and grey tie, all from Todd’s Gentry Shop. Jast la case LO U HOOS, M uskegon, M ichigan S en ior, w earin g PA U L L A N G , C h icago, Illin o is Ju nior, h as on ft rates, he carries a slim nylon cased um brella. H is an im ported Ita lia n Car C oat w ith sip o u t luring. "T he Sbeapard” a D an ish Im ported H eek Suede gloves are black nnlfeed calf skin. The -salt: $49.50; shirt |3-M ; tie 11.50; um brella 15.98 and gloves $3.98. U ndr th e co a t Lou h as on a S w iss im ported hand C a a f w ith an a ll w ool lin in g . T h is co at is in old gold. k n it sw ea ter w ith raglan sle e v e s. T h is is th e h ig h U nder th e co at P a u l-h a s on an o liv e green S w iss V neck m odel. T o m ake h is o u tfit com p lete Lou Im ported S w eater. T h is sw ea ter is hand k n it w ith h a s on a sp ort h a t. raglan B e e v e s and is in th e V neck s ty le . T he h at P au l is w earin g is an A lp in e V elour. BELOW the above fashion» and many more a t — TONY H1RSCH, New York sophomore, is wearing a black Continental Single-breasted Top Coat, $35.00, with gray G aslight Casual Slacks, $0.98; a GENTRY SHOP white Tab Cottar sh ift, $3-91; a two-button, single- breasted Tweed Continental Blazer, $35.00; and a Mack silk tie, $1-50. With this ensem ble be wears black fur lined calfslda gloves at $5-98, and carries a black, slim , leather-cased umbrella, $5.98. _ ' » JÊ t Wools Woo Winter Suits have a new glowing _W ool coats breeze into the ful silhouettes is the lifted of the costum e them e. Color Ruth Ann Hefanrich — new season with a dash and w aistline and the closer, high­ {days its part, in Mends of fam ­ vitality, i n color-blooming, verve that indisputable? stam ps e r sleeve. However, th e tiny ily-m atching, shades, or the ef­ deep-textured wools of a light­ A Ju nior from B irm in gham , i? w earin g a 1961 as the year of the fashion- set-in sleeve coat belongs in fective contrast of - ‘in-law” weight quality. Short jackets red w ool sh ea th d ress w ith lon g sleev es. stirring **coat. Shape is the the m ulti-coat wardrobe be­ j colors, that draw together the arch closer to the body in front, thing, in fascinating variation, cause its high fit confines it 1ties of the com plete costum e may be douMe breasted, belted H er co at is a m u lticolor plaid tailored in from th e narrow-topped baby- for w ear.over slim dresses. j unit. or asym etrically closed. Skirts — doll look to the lavishly wide- Buttons are big, merry and j Wool jacket dresses adopt are eased and slender, som e­ th e boy co a t sty le . T h e o u tfit is accented flung greatcoat. -Often a back ingenious. Fabric and color are the_ costum e role, expanding tim es springing into exuberant view tells a surprising style the dram atic sty le punctua­ their all-hour go-everywhere w ith black a ccesso ries. story, flarin g out from a flat dom es or flares. tions. There’s depth and rich­ versatility when the -jacket is button panel or a softly fitted ness in fluffy-textured wools, off. The addition of jew els and Trim little over Mouses', oc­ front. plus a riot of vibrant singing accessories on the dress make casionally repeating the suit One of the charm ing, youth­ colors. it festive for solo appearances. fabrie, pinpoint the importance Winter Fashions f o r ‘Y o u n g Id e a s’ - DRESS WARMLY AND SMARTLY ÉÜ «U S WITH SEARS WINTER CAMPUS STYLES C A M PU S M EN GO FO R CO EDS GO FOR YY P L A ID L IN E D - RACOON TRIM M ED ¡É l .UAÆs'MI m m m m ‘ì ■ Stadium Coats Suedine Coats T K cl i it m Hm cd m y with d m H A »mart eoet to wear to any camp«« *&■ - * * jP >1 t t r f a i ityft bab y ta b collar. Bright function. 100 percent cotton With a - * \ J f ,i plaid lining. Side vent, thet have fab w ede fiahh. 42 per cent A crylic and «*••• Y -‘ -- » •■ ■«* • > . .4 A n e w , in taupe ar laden green IS per cent W e lining. W ater rcpei- cafart. S im 24-44. - ~ lent. Sir*« 10-11. Laden green or CORDUROY ‘COLOR-MATES’ SPORT SIÜTS HaadeaiWe and papular, with nrvert- SLEEVELESS TUNIC vaet Caat. tramer» ar veil can Ta waar with cate far leuure ar with b t war« with other etothei t o give f c n g t d ^ tor the import«*t date, yaw a »mart vpriety of ityla» for every faylefed af home*pun-type »anted campw* avant Sim 24-44. Régulai» , . dry Sian. Site 10. 12. 14. W6 Ion ft. 14, IS. B la c k o liv e is th e b asic colo r in th e w ardrobe o f C harles A dam s, a Sen ior from JOHN PELLETIER, S o u th field , M ichigan S op h o­ r PILGRIM SOLID SKIRTS D e tro it. H is su it i& a m uted plaid tailored m ore w earin g a sin g u la r s u it in m uted G len WHITE OXFORD With tida-plaatt and aantcr boi- p laid s 69.50; att sea so n T hundercloud W eath er Con­ ptaatA Homa»puMypc wanted *aaL™ TAILORED SHIRT w ith a n atu ral sh ou ld er tine. A black c lo th Bimrrs S * tipper . ; . dry ateaa. S t.. 10. WW| rfHchiag rain coat and accesso ries com p letes th e v erter 36.50; and n on-cru sh able sp o rtin g h a t SM I. With button dawp aalart. «• M* * »«> and placket fran T ' o u tfit. JACO BSO N 'S M EN’S SH O P ■ lê*dr ■ 210 ABBOTT RO AD — STARTING FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING SEARS WILL BE OPEN EVERY DAY I A.M. - »P .M . TIL CHRISTMAS •'"‘Vj <-.*- . '■ i , of - / *■r*K.;vr,- ' ' ' * .'I 'J*\ ' ”- i | ' ' . ‘ . i W * * - * W h h . ij p S s ■ m u ^ 'f V + r 'j 4- ■’• ” 'JV ., >•' '■- m w **y >WV.V . ¡of '■'• (>, ***„. v - clothes r % 3 ». I‘ cleaned at Lohisfm d it made a world o f difference 1 B LO C K E A S T O F CAM PUS O P E N TIL L M IDNIGHT W EEK D A Y S 1 A .M . F IU . Jc SAT, ... — ALSO AT*t; 213» N . LARCH US 27 A O M S. C E D A R US 127 What’s Going To K&ppen PROGRAM IN FO R M A TIO N CALL ED M » On Tuesday» November 28th C o a c h t o t Smith aaUL T W r sp irit has been wan* J**U E A ST L A N S IN G * PHONE E0.2-23i4 derfeL” ' ^ ' U rp t- a t I p i « «fc HOME OF TU E BEST B* FOREIGN FILMS Considering the starting line­ U N IV E R SIT Y ' up«, tb s G reen team w ill enter TH EATRE - EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING the gam e with w eight advan­ FIRST SHOW 7 P.M . - ADULTS Me tag es both tat the Uae and the bncbHeld. G ram forwards av­ erage 213 pounds te the. W hite's NOW - T H R U W ED N ES D A Y 301, and the dark-shirted backs Now. 2 9 » D ee. 3 ga M3 pounds to o f the W hite. F a irch ild T h ea ter The W hite team w in b e led by L ea Botaieh, o f W oodvflh, P a. The A foot I R f a n d quar­ terback to reported to be an ex­ cellen t p asser and fin e field geiM nd. Joining Bobicb to the W hite bncMleM era E d M acuga. o f DbrauviQe, P a . and D etroit Coaiey’a R oss M acDonaid a t ton h alves, and fullback Don Grandmateon, of N ashua, N JL B ill Gordon, a r 1", M8- pa a d t r from DuBots, P a ,, w ill dfaract the G reen attack. Raawdag from th e G ram half­ back p asts w fflb a D m H ackey, of B akersfield, CaBL and D ick Gordon, o f Q nrinnati. Ohio. The fafflm dk to R iverview *s D ennis CsQins. The b igg est m en to Die G ram forw ard w all a re tackle Jack Sririndsrte. I fe et and 8 7 pounds, and center G erry Rush, SHOWN AT at *’ 4" and S B . D an G rim es, 7:11 AND 9:21 r 3” and 211, andds m ore beef to the tackle slots. STA R T IN G T H U R SD A Y A T 1 :0 9 P J L The W hite tack le positions w o n t lack any size, either. Bro­ “D E N T IST IN T H E C H A IR ” thers Jim and G eorge H aidtp both w eigh in a t 22S or m ore, Ted Rohrer, 5’ 11” and 211, w ill b e over th e ball. ) Coach Sm ith said that Iris assistant coaches have had a , great d eal to do w ith getting I the teem ready and h e M s j they deserve recognition. Tom m y W ilson, la st year’s | regular varsity signal-caller, has been helping th e quarter- ! backs; and form er Spartan lin e­ m en Jim H inesly, Larry Hard­ ing. E d M cLacas and O scar GLADMER Hahn have been working with th e froeh forw ards. LAST 3 DAYS! Two G reat IB ts LUCON J u s t lik e th e m illto u » o f E m c n o a radio« th a t preced ed i t . . . t h i a E m o tio n Me d al 1702 ie y o u r beet b e y for sty le, p erfo rm an ce a n d value. G w to m c ra fte d . co m p letely m o ld ed , alim-Kae c a b in e t i i « ccen ted kjr th e r ie h «old am ah grille. Radio chaaa» include« a ll th e e x tra feature* th a t h av e m a d e ~Emer*on A m erica • e s your Beat Buy .„A d v an ced AC-DC c i r c u it. . . futt- yiak u t d i a l . . . v a ria b le baa* a n d tre b le controL e v e ry pi ...O C 6 A refresh in g discovery is yours every time you smoke a Salem cigarette...for Salem refreshes your tsuite just as East Lansing Radio & T & . Springtime refreshes you. Most refreshing, most flavorful, to o »,.th a t’s Salem! Sales ¿ Service .. « I fO U W B ” • mgnthol fresh «richtobacco taste • modomfilter«too Y 1U W . G ran d R ive r ED M 7 B I B » « <; fëPKRrai f G ifts and Jewelry Repairs M I C H I G A N Thompson’s P d a C . » t» sttt Jewelry ? I J p & f»*W im 223 MJLC. Av*b i£ -W m m ÊÊ ilM h f In a now record breaking per­ tory. East Lauriug, Mtehlg— formanca, Judy Ewald, a Bui there u more to It, tor sophomore from Birxnington, next Saturday the Fighting won the 50 yard backstroke. lliirti converge upon Spartan Other swimmers who earned Stadium. pbints for Michigan State were Now doesn’t that fact creato Marie Niemeyer with a third a wave of excitement across place in both the 50 yard back­ MSU’s campus! It’s enough to stroke and the individual med­ canae every loyal Spartan vest- ley; and Jody Reynolds who or to pack up hi* ThaaksgiviBg captured a thin! place ia tbe50 dinner leftovers and dash off to yard breaststroke. the stadium to throw turkey drumsticks at the official* Tsr ever scheduling the game. -A GAME OP INCHES—He ran, he dove, hé reached and be helpksely watched The Fighting mini have been as ttn t pigskla i d to tlie ground. Spartan end Lonnie Sanders gets a capital “E” Starta WEDNESDAY! fighting all y ear. . . to prevent Isr eifert on hsvray nearly caught toe pass. —State News photo by Mike Stoll. the opposition from scoring 100 Are yea kissing mere points in any one game. They 7 uraves oí tirana tupias n r n « j i CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS — HIGH READERSHIP new and eajoytag ft have succeeded, too. Slice no lem . . . then M-G-M team has ever been dose. OHIO STATE fell far short ÄÜTxJSÄiSM ,,Sfh tf jeS*É5íSLmSSS6eí!íS*5mm Write far appRéatts— ter. OTanstaattea before DECEM _ with Arrow Tabber Soap. 19$$ F O lÒ Ù N E M o b ile Hom e. 30 T Y P IN G IN M Y H O M E . B y woasaa feet. Excellant hom e for I or 7 student». with 10 y e a n secratmsal sw p srrsxa . — I 4. IMI to toe MICHIGAN f w p . SERVICE Horn’s a miligi itiirt irifli tfaa dtetinctivo 6355 P e rl Lake R o ad . H A 7-2470 day*. R E A L ESTA TE TU 2-6731. If COMMISSION, LANSING IS, M K B G A N . N A 7 299$ nights. 41 lab collar mfams tiw nnteansa ef a “B S f L A N S IN G . I I I ? M e fie a a T Î D IG T H E T W IS T ? C aM K e a ry Dorris g illfr imisiq jwjd tite taha hipfaoo. »956 S t R E À M L IN E . S» 4 I. Clean, bedroom ranch, priced Far rmmadHrte O rchestra, E D 2 - 1 4 7 7 . _______ . J9 carpeted, living room, spacious bed- tala. $15.300. Low dow n paym ent. — The tehs snap togstosv muter tiw tit knot room, bathroom, kitchen. Small down E D 2-2433. 38 W AN TED B e n e fits A v a ila b le T o S tatte E m p lo y é e s : giving you tho crisp, clean M mvokteireMlook. payment. O n M L $$ $4 11 4, 41 O W N E R L E A V IN G state. 3 b edroom, TYy Tabber Snap tor a change of pace in brick ranch. Valuable extras and built- " fw ¡0 WniOSS ^Jêti-e" nea*. a í striped safari, white ami oatew. FO R RENT in*. M ake reasonable offer.' IV 2-7024. proved, w patvisad e pertinent C a e * rag Prjt CBÉBBAbttst with Amnhs fif otbw wRjiloywi SanJoriaod labalod. 4 0 facilities. W in te r and h u m term» C oW ésasM ÍaHM aapmnmnnajJllljpM mm G O O D ST U D E N T opportunity. Re- R E L IA B L E fondly « r fm d l Student te fri sb m sat stand aaat to C o u n ty Park, I TR A N SPO R TA TIO N rent kn o b b e d East I m A M d baust kram J e n .1 t o A s m . É 0 2-2368. « p A R f M fr flt 39 _ mmlatrpa g o lf courte. phis m adam 9 bedroom hom e and huge w oed sd let. This p m paHy hat been ncglactnd and naads aama w e d «a d aBsm» grsa ss bat w e a e d n d d e to Mem ; ecliesethi C a n leave Tuesday afta» 9 *.m . Ç a » M a a n . 155 S336. » -A R R O W - f te a tte FO R A W bk 4 m arnar Incladfng bos tartine p a tin ila ! fa» > am brtious shower. U i f MkemeUa« room with fir«- students w entm g summer rr -r y -t **** ’ ’'PÜRP. wHSHHIhPb wWClÄt B E — . “Cam Lttude Csdkction* C H R IS T M A S B U S C H A R T E R . N ew pine«, ptjyple eatry. to 2-IS73. 40 G o o d tanas ta rlgirt party. M r. Ebarfy. Y s ik d a p y , Decem ber 15 Rctum v,Jan­ H ) 2 4 6 1 « , O ffice. H ) $.1641. H.Mcy uary Í 4 P w f t b e left «ut! tnquw« mom. CAMPOS CLA86IF1SD6 Inc.. RaaKars. 39 Save! 355-4310. A rt lip « **. |4 W'í - *k 'i n l&SBsàtài Æ ÿm M âm m m m " SWl i i S ¿I W èB è RiPISBB SÉH i p p p n m s m rn M T Æ M i iBNHB ÉISÉIL ■ M fll *3 » S Ä g aHagafe m m U s. Gamma Phi Beta defeated ¡I The D G«, were coached by ed » , I f « 1Carrier i far «. Detta Gamma it o ’O tetlil Mte toe Sigma CU fraternity Md tsaeM nn. -The yilpeever- m annual Powder Puff football the Gamma PW* were coached ed ffi yards. — game Saturday n a t o g it O f by Beta Tbeta Pi. The reel tfflpi" ''" College Field. W ^ ë £ i The ealy acme o ftie game - j w i« r battle rough end spirited ^ .. It was the fourth consecutive e a r ly ia the seeead-per* Ptoy- ' W ttS L win for the Gamma Phis. hen Dot Eschwte pass A muddy field slowed torine »■■■■■in ii.isiieemsto.Mii 1. 1 W È Ê S Ê Ê Ë B m play and made footing treacb- ■ erous, but this ¿ d n sT IM P O R T O ) the coeds. Late to the several of them took off saoakers and played to toafcr stocking foot - .4, , £§yg The football game «mi part of the annual uad’s Day for B O O K S FO R C H R IS T M A S both sororities. The coeds sat C h ris tm a s W r a p te a block with their dads :it S m a r t to G iv e . . . 4 to R e c e iv e the MSU-Nortbwestera and,took them out to afterwards. (bramas $ 1 .2 5 f- The highlight at half-time w as to Hiesueetim e ' ef Miss . fgg|g| Pewder Paff by the fathers ef the sealer eeeis freao both C O M E!! B RO W SE A T T H E sororities, (aae ef wham was A d v e n t C a rd s fr« 2 9 c Doa Watrfck, Detroit sports- S P A R TA N B O O K S TO R E. c as ter.) This year's “queen” is F rin k Marver of Delta Tan Delta fraternity. The _ W E W ANT YO U TO COM E Spartan Bookstore runner-up Is Diek Ridge e f- Alpha Kappa PsL An estim ated crowd of 2,¡>00 S E E T H E W O N D E R F U L W O R LD Comer Ann & MAC attended the gam e. , O F W O N D ER FU L BOOKS | . „ ■ '"-'■■/■ •'(■ * • ■•.••>■’»• . ••' r-> i" 1, ‘Sfa ». ■ e F O R R E C E IV IN G A T C H R IS TM A S T IM E Eaflt Irewsingf Pledges A GAMMAFBI BETA tosses a pass whge teemmates stand ready to black ta toe lito Haual Powder Paff football Give Free game Saturday. The Gamma Phi’s dawned their fee, Detta Gamma, §4. —State News photo by Doug Gilbert ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Plane Trip AMERICAN HISTORY REVISED AND ENLARGED W hat would you do if som e o f your friends took your mon­ Edited by Richard B. Morris ey, drove you to W illow Run Austria’s , finest craftsmen com­ airport and put you on a p lane bine special sole construction The only com plete, authoritative, one- bound far New ark, N J .? with an anatomkaffy padded, high, volum e encyclopedia covering every T hat’s w hat happened to D m speed-laced tom fool t o stake phase of American history—political, D enaw etz, D etroit senior and mi MteUnfog tasti econom ic, social cultural—this landmark value at orir ~x among reference books has beret new ly PM Kappa Sigm a pledge train ­ revised, updated and enlarged to Include I T S LATER THAN YOU TH IN K ! er. P ledges a t the fraternity •3 2 r m issiles and satellites, the Eisenhower abducted” him — W ednesday AH year long you’ve boon promising yourself to go there. Now night, drove him to W illow Run Administration, the Kennedy Cabinet, the aecnaster is nearly over and you still haven’t set foot in the airport and put him on a Ne­ 1960 Censu&__$tc. . . . now m ore-indis­ plan. Shame on you! —— : wark-bound plane after taking pensable than' ever as a reference at But it’s not too late. Right now, tkis~very minute, before m ost o f h is m oney. hom e, at school, on in the office. 37 you weaken, lift.up your head and forward march to the place “I w as in no dire ftnenH ei updated maps and charts. you have been avoiding ever since school began: I refer, of straits because I had people I 7.50 ($8.50 after Dec. 31) course, to the iibenry. could count on out th ere,’’ said Now hero you are to the library. That wasn’t so bad, was Denawetz. it’ Of course not! Go iwude. What do you see? A rign that say* According to 'D enaw etz, he “NO SMOKING.” Go outside. Light a Marlboro. Smoke. rode a bus to nearby N ew York Go back inside. : • ' City and saw th e norm al tourist T H R E E real GEM S - little books for g iv in g and receivin g Because now you are ready. Now your trembling resolution attractions. W ednesday night — fo r a g e s from 2 y ea rs to 102 y ea rs — is rigid. Now your pulsing psyche is serene. You have been h e slep t a t th e Newark a ir •aimed by mild Marlboro. You have been soothed by that fine term inal and Thursday a t the “ Mud P ie s and O ther R ecip ts” by M arjorie W inslow $2.50 selectrate-filter, by that fine full flavor that dotes and pampers YMCA. * „ Due to a m ixup, m oney sent “ L ove is a S p ecial W ay o f F eelin g ” by Joan A nglund $1.75 and caresses, that lifts the fallen, repairs the shattered, straight­ ‘A F riend is Som eone W ho L ik es You!! by Joan A nglund $1 t o ens the bent, unravel« the knotted, lights the askew, and by the fraternity for h is return fastens the unbuttoned. trip n ever got to him , so he used m oney from h is parents to —In the center of the library you see the main circulation desk, look in the card catalogue for the number of the book you- want, write the number on a slip, and hand it to the efficient return Friday. Said D enaw etz of h is adven­ A N O T H E R F A M O US N A M E FROM I JPOOH ch ild ren and “a ll”. is for g iv in g and receiv in g . P O O H is liked by all ture, “I enjoyed m y trip.” and obliging young lady at the deck. The efficient and obliging N E W ! “T h e P ooh Song B ook” P re-X m as $3.95 — T h ereafter $4.95 vuung lady then gives the slip to an efficient and obliging page !*>v who trots briskly back into the stacks, curls up on a limp p ia iiiis m n M p p H H K p ^ Available at fine ski shops and department T h e “Pooh*® L ib rary” by A . A . M ilne.... ....................... $ 10.00 stores, or write to PAM Distributors, M ade up o f fou r books a t $2.95 each leather eoeyeiopedia, and sleeps for an hour or two. Then, puffy but refreshed, he returns your dip to tbs efficient and obliging young lady at the desk, who tells you one of three | Cam pus 40 New York Avenus, Wëstbury, t L, N. T. “T h e W orld o f-P o o h ” b y A . A . M ilne........... ........ .......... F o r th o se w h o lik e Pooh in L A T IN fo r m . . . th ere its $4.95 things:») <) "Your book is at the biadety.’! , r) ‘Your book is on reserve.” Having learned that the circulation desk hasn’t tbs least ~ I M em os Wft T h is co n ta in s new illu stra tio n » in fu ll color by E . H . Shepard “W inn ie Ille P u ” tra n sla ted by A lex a n d er Lenard ................... “T h e'C olo rfu l Land o f Pooh and C h ristop h er R obin” ..................... $3,00 $3.00 intention of ever parting with a book, let us now go into tbs MONDAY l«nodical-room. Here we spend hours sifting through an im­ A la rge colorin g book w ith th e accom panying sto ry posing array of magaatnes—roagasines from all the far corner* II a.m . — W alter Orir Roberts, of the earth, magasines a t every nature and description—but “ Our Neighbor the Moon,’’ WMSB F or so lid listen in g from th e you n g s e t, tr y readin g though we search diligently and well, we cannot find i f ad or Piastre. 4 p.m . — Prof. Jam es K. Pol­ “S tu a rt L ittle” b y E . B. W hite $2.50 lock, “A P olitical S cien tist V iew s Con-Con,” 21 Union 8:15 p.m . — “Cost Fan T utte,” | N.Y.C. Opera Co., Auditorium For w asting . 7^. LIFE’S “Pictorial TUESDAY A tlas ef The World” at $28.85. A few rem aining copies at the above j 3:15 p.m . — “Job Opportunities in M edical-Chem ical Indus­ price. - try ,” Honors College Lounge, I in a r y . ! 3:30 p.m . — “ The Mikado” , For Group Giving . . ail of you - j- N.Y.C. Opera Co., Auditor- i ium kick to o the fund for a group gift 7:11 pan .—1‘Problem s of High­ “W ebster’s Third New Interna­ N eri let us venture into thè referenoe raom. Bere in Una er Education F acing the Con­ tional Dictionary” ^ hushed, vaulted chamber, we «find thè trae scivolar» of thè stitutional Convention” , Mus­ uni versity—canteri, dedkniod young men and traesse wbo sare i c Auditorium for oniy ooe thing in thè worid : thè pursuit of knowledge. 8:15 p.m . — “ The Mikado” , Priced from $47.50 Let us eaveedrop for a nmnent onlbis «udite oouple poring - Auditorium aver beavy tornea at thè eornar tabie. Hnsh! Shespeafcsr EXHIBITIONS - Nov. 17-27 SHE: Whateha readin’, bey? Ererw Saariaea, architect, mem­ HE: The Origini of Specie*. You ever ned iti orial exhibition i * N orm an V in cen t P eale’s n e w book: SHE: Nsk hut I sena thè movie. Americas Prints — 180 “T H E TO UG H -M NDED O PTIM IST” $3.95 HE: Oh. " N. A. W. A. Print Shaw, 2nd ; .7 : D on’t M iss L ookin g A t T h is SHE.You K b reedin? _ floor, K resge Art Center. ~r ~ HE: Nash. .. . . ~ - r SH E : What do you liks? Browse at our book store . , here you will see the widest selection in _ H E ; Hoekey, tieorwe, góte, stafflike tfaat. SH E : Me too, hey. . _r ~ Your Shirts PAPERBACKS . . . here you will see the widest and best CHILDREN’S BOOKS. . . Toe, here you will set specially designed books for Christmas HE: You pimred or aoything? SH E: Wdl, sort of. Tre wrerin a fsilow’a motori jrril have never m s . 1 receiving. Store hours 8:30 til 5:30, til 9:00 on Wednesday. —. *emblem. . . But it’s oniy platonie. HE: Hènna §o eut for a sreekef had it SHE: MariboroTr—— — - HE: Whateiae? ■ ; r~. : so good And ss our learned friend* take their leayr, let «ss too wagd ear way homewaid—a triff» weary, perhaps, fato rnligh tenari Spartan B o o k Store and renewed and bettar «tiare« for having spent thsae happy hoursin thè library, Alalia, hbnry.sloha! f.'v * ■ 4 L Ì* . V ,r ftx T h * m etani m i Msrthsee, rete « a u w th ia snknwn. sankf m ito U i ^ s f iq fla f u n a lj ir « h tbm j emdm U «Wrre r>.n,mtodre »n« Corner Ann & M.A.C. totoslrefOw** s«r teak, ffb/re « m o n »T ra u m 83S m m East Litiaing ass® ¡P P m . a m 'mmm