gag' Serving MSU lo r 52 ye«r» 3D A Y M O R N IN G , N O V E M B E R 2 2 , 1961 Resolution I t ’s N o Y o l k , F o l k s Presented it * * ¥ . : ¥ ------^ ¥ m ‘E ggheads* F o rm C h a p te r Con-Con It had to h app en - - > The "eggheads" of the na­ tion, often laughed and ridi­ culed, are uniting and form ing a society in the U niversity area. John A. Klempner. doctoral candidate in general communi­ cations arts from San Francis­ co, C alif., has announced the form ation of a local group of “M essa," the fourth In the country. Klem pner said that M e w (L atin far tab le) is deveted to giving highly intellectual R u s s i a n s P ro p o se A HAPPY HOLIDAY is on toe w ay a s Mrs. Thomas Crockett gets a hand with her [ m en and wom en an spp srtsn - Thanksgiving D ay dinner from her little Spartan V illage neighbor. Kathy Kinney. [ ity to try M t and bear new ideas before a receptive bat N u c le ar T e st B an T a lk Coast Guard Investigates i critica l audience. L ee K endric, a doctoral can­ didate to so cia l scien ce from San Francisco, who la on cam ^ T o R esu m e a t G en ev a Mysterious Boat Sinking pus th is (asm , also is helping to t e r m to e lo ca l chapter. Other M ensa groups are to New York C ity, San Francisco and Boston. B esides holding regular m eetings, M ensa publishes a L in e r s W o n ’t G o I n to C o m p e t itio n LONDON (¿V—Aviation M inis­ ter P eter Thom ey croft ruled Tuesday that the Cunard line —ow ner of the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary—cannot go in- ¡to transatlantic aerial com pe- I tition with the British O verseas lA irw ays Corp. " The ruling cam e in a deci­ sion allow ing the appeal of na­ tionalized BOAC against the licensing of a transatlantic air service Tor the fam ous shipping com pany's subsidiary, Cunard. E agle A irw ays. The license had been granted by the gov­ ernm ent air transport licensing boardT ~ A U S G C lo s e d " D ue to toe Thanksgiving H oliday, the Student Govern­ m ent services office w ill not be open W ednesday. The sm all loans due oh that day w ill not b e.d u e until Mon­ day. g t Use- Ships, Planes NEW GUINEA S m tifk Ocmm m tiroftr Ofv MfW GÜINCA J AUSTRALIA H n I Iu! s■■ JW wHÊ R P I' & I>“M':3?« I I .. iS F •m m m W Ê 7%y;- f a r > .t Æ Morning, November 2 2, 1961 SlfBjR 1* v»1■ii&gws&t:.'$;•!i•"/> Published 1 $ !Im tta ta tfs o f Mtehlgan State U riW stty . issued on class days Monday tfanwSK Friday, during th e toil, w inter and spring quarters, issued tw% M (W §ty durtog thp sum m er term .1 Second c la ss Dostane — ^ at Etoft Editorial and buciim * offices *t 341 Student S ervices building, M ichigan S tele U niversity, E ast Lansing, Michigan. Ta the E id e r: publicity, because the article presently cooperating with the or punishm ents. It is quite a youngster, regarded as inex­ M as subscriptions payable in advance for one te r tn ,$ l;ia r two Is A m erica fooling arouad wasn’t handiest the way they P ane» Corps In im plem enting tragic reflection indeed on foe perienced, insignificant, e tc .” term s, |4 ; for three term s, IS. ‘ ’ 7 with weapon munbor 1? wanted It., '/v l l canrant projects. It u expected values of our seciaftjr whan in­ T M sH fo e definition of a punk Member of the Associated P ress, Daily P ress Association Iq to i inauguration gputob I think th a i everyoM should that la th e future a s m any as centives m ust b e hnniied. It takan from W ebatar's New and the College press. ; v ' John F . K iito d jr J (d s d to e Im p sa tera l factors ¡1 » to d : 90 p m JGfBt of the P eace Corps would seem to m e m at the World D ictionary. B y Mr. Editor— „ M arcia Van N ess Editorial Editor . Sharon Coady citizens o f the United States to i The State N ew s m ust put p n p h s i B be directly admin­ giving, In and o f itself, should Jonas* reasoning foe punks are be jp ep eretf to ton trftote to oitt an issu e every day. Most istered and supervised by vol­ be reward enough—not foe ex­ those individuals who disagree M aM gtogE ditor .B enB urns Feature Editor Cart Ittmdell untary or private erfjsnizations. tra h ow or fo e. extra dessert w ith present-day p oik tas or be- B usiness Mgr Larry Pontius TOnmjll. . c _,. to e solutions of national « id in­ organizations are concerned Circulation Mgr Bill M arshall •" Women s Editor . ^ U y Ward ternational problem s. If f un­ with projects lasting anywhere P aal W ortttagton that the child gets. We appar­ liefs. But the United States City Editor B ill Cote Sport« Editor Jerry Fischer derstood him , the President from a week to a school year. P eaee Corps ently have not learned m at broke aw ay from Britain and N ew s Editor - Jay Bttssick Photo Editor ......Dave Jaehnig w as m a k in g about a w ar, not The newspaper has only 34 F ield Reynoeatsfthre giving without receiving som e­ becam e the forem ost nation to to he fought by soldiers, but by hours. — , thing to return can -b O i w ay the workl because punks like citizens aft to t hom efront. 2 . The State New s Is publish of putting definite m eaning in­ Tom P aine, W ashington, Jef­ to U s address to new m ad- ed entirely fay students. Since A t h l e t i c T i c k e t s to our otherwise quite em pty ferson, Lincoln, Teddy and uate students, Dr. Clifford E . it is an activity, and not a vo­ lives. Franklin R oosevelt, e tc .. w ere Erickson, added to th is chal­ cation, it m ust com e second af­ Te foe Editor: I found m y own initial re­ unwilling to acoept the status lenge tqr asking th e students to ter academ ic responsibilities. I very muefa doubt that 1 sponse to Penny Night to be quo to their tim es. be prepared to contribute to The pressure on editors and re­ would be stretching the truth quite am using. 1 thought to And these are only n few of the solution of the following is­ porters due to academ ic re­ if I said that ihany people who m yself, no. no, I w ill not con­ the great men in our history sues: ' . sponsibilities and shortage of are not students at this Uni- tribute this year not under who '’ Although the loea l boards would have control of th ese col­ ished from view in le u than 10 Over 2,000 coeds m issed th e seconds, leaving only a yellow ­ h em reached. The world w ill leg es, the group proposed foe Taieyton /*’«» 1 a.m . all-university curfew ish trail of sm oke. Nike eZus take hope anew w ith the re­ creation Of a separate state f il t e r Friday night and didn’t get accelerate* 10 tim es faster convening- of th ese negotia­ com m ission or boiuti, for gen­ d e lir e r à / . ■ i late m inutes. . w '* than the liquid fuel Atlas Inter- tion s.” . ) . & ^-nr1-. eral supervision. They would the flavor... Í8N | DOES IT! As authorities here see thè also supply the legislature with How did they do it? Sim ple, continetal- M issile. The reck they took advantage of “ Penny w as intentionally destroyed an situation, the Soviets have «1 annual report by which th e N ight” and bought them selves undisclosed distance d o w n le a n e d from foe to et series am ount o f state aid would be an extra hour of “freedom .”’ range. ' they began three months ago determ ined. “Penny Night” w as the first th e «form ati»» they needed fund raising cam paign of the fra boer, or a penny a min­ for. further devefopm eat of their a a d ea r w eapoo» arse­ E M U S tr u c tu r e year for Campus Chest, which ute. is a charity group, sponsored , As a result, ( A e r 61,200 w as nal. ^ 7 7 ■;r The responsibility lo r control by AUSG. collected by the organization Khrushchev has algo achieved e f E astern M ichigan U niversity The idea was that if a coed toward their goal t o r this year, his purpose, to w hatever extent Is now vested In the State purchased a 60 Sent “ free­ 1of 610,000. it could be A chieved, e f trying Board e f Education. dom pass,” she could remain r The form al drive w ill begin to intim idate the re st of the TMe beard w as estahlbhed „out of her living unit an ex- in January. world with a display of R ussia’s a s the geverafag heard for a nuclear m ight. One of the de­ singleI school, ¡h o eL E u tera Mich- v ices he exploded w ig n ifo e r » tg a i U niversity (thea bomb with a force o f 55-00 m eg- State N srm sl School), which lion tons o f TNT„ had teacher trahdag ta d cer­ D o y o u k n o w „ He has thus read ied the tification a s its- prim ary-ob­ point w here he does not need jectiv e. : to go on tegthig, it is believed Now the board Is also re­ A U T H E N T IC here, and can alford to taka a step designed to regain som e of the propaganda poofoon loot sponsible for the control and governance o f W estern and Central M ichigan Universities, through Ms resum ptiou of te st­ and Northern M ichigan Col­ n a tu r a l s ty lin g - ~ ing. He can d a e try to pat th e leg e, w hich have m any pro­ United States i t a disadvantage gram s .not related to teacher because of Iti prospective con­ education. w h e n y o u see tinuation of te st explosions. “ It is alm ost inconceivable that w a could work ■wllln u t a governing board e f our ow n,” M o t i R , m o l Yog E m att sa id . E van roaa h i higher educa­ tion fe e ls th at coordination is tolos« is h n W u n l naceesary .” he arid la a pre­ pared statem ent. “T o th e eztea t,h o w ev er, that Post-find th e problem s of cooptinating higher educstiou g it m ixed up Stacks w roi tb s prridem a e f property can « <* eoordtoatien suffers and poor gnwraineid auqr re- t & L * He said h a f i h b f o m eet •Tartyfon'» Dual Rltnr in duas partes divisa «stl* e ffoctiva ceerdtaatiM w ill he « y ì «C line ( D e a d e y e ) C ln n d iu « , crock ma rks man o f th e votantanr, and sheuM c m e X V I C ohort ca ta p u lt team . “ P eo p le com e from N ero and fr o « outsid e fo e day-to-day p a tte n of m d v en tty n fe wtih far for T hreyton,” sa y s D ead -eye. “W rQ .TbreytoiTs o n e filter w hich a luwirafog heard la cig a rette th a t really delivers d e gu stib u s. Try a pack and see w h y fo e w h ole gang in th e cohort is forum .” EBtott saM ha ttlafes It wepM hadedhaH i fieri every MkMgaa taatitaliM ef high- DUAL FILTE R •rh a ^ J m esperai»- ^ T f iS w n t a g board m akes to t wH iBBuSQOu m u rapresetaanfiba respeos- o fha peeptoef foe state,** a « ta # n s rw m U to tm o O k f* ' Ü M . I t l f V s liiiM iu wir, fe ssu r i» _L rfeff » n e u f T h e L aw rence R ad iation Lta»* arvwwUf»« U u a H l l S Jbfe mm A «•tarili* Many d u n to make • oratory ia w orking in fha altari AfMfÍMÍlÿMf fVltf , "unirai model** suit, but few actually achieve o f M ndaar P a p r i k a , Cow- toe authentic look. Tht trolled T betm onociear Rimo* Ivy tradkkmalàt for tion e, N ttd ear B ip lo rivue fe e inauditi r,^-, u k paw wimuui . S„ .nucxuOi Indutary f e d D eianee, S pace •imply won’t do, will P h ysics, an d oth er advaw w d therefore find particular problem s in N u ck a r P h ysics aatisfaction in wearing »nri lb irinnnri| | | The **Maditonu n * by V a r n t o f W a C lo d n x styled with an ìnunema O N DECEM BER i aoderctanding of the Smoothed pair of dada that y w natursl-shottMer idiom. hit a campati Trim, tapered Port- D a b e m ta iy taafi m em bers w ill Vested Suite • • • G rad» -have the authentic saturai b e e n G b i p a t o in terview o ta - loot other f u ti try to imitate! Halt loops «ad «uff» ara rtanda*d equip­ sfaindm g sfratata» in th e Thya» ment. Kauf e t? Of courael 'Kct out io a l S d en cee an d ffiig i» — in f. • few p«il» today ■ut sture»'that an •Vtth Jt" Only fe to to $9.95 Fa biaad» of Grtou* pad othat wahuhlu fabrics. C aff you r p la c e m e n t o ffic e f a r a m a p p o in t m e n t u m u u c B M S tttir a A t * u r t ia t e oow rep tiii o f Project Gnom e, a « lip toward providing power «ad isotopa» foam under- LSBOUTOKT pwrnd Ifcw i f j n r liffra itim i Thteoamef B p * w p r to f Ptafori l l wwlMM^feffeitad ta of the Umtmmtv of C tM ttnia 113 N , WASHINGTON AVE.,' the I p ew m tsd U tto n I efm aia ly e f f e t M f e r if c r e f C agfom b. O fow Flu mrii mm | iu )« $ i — I« »tody ioriu d e th e w i w i t t i i j r » i ig i i lia istor i ferfaor to Altesfat, p ted o ctìo o e f a H tr a « tor m ads, B e r k e U y a a d L iv e r m e n t & d t fa n é a LANSING, MICHIGAN ^ygggiatfikririta m tarot o f r a w w t e j k ' l i W i M tatrifoew , « | i « m í id « » «ring «he ea sfe? # j g M « w - PHR : .4;:;4 > M M --- läriS« leRadSWwlP ■ I ■ w m B W m é ....-s-y-.-ÄS'. m m m lu J C I llg S ll 3B8ÜG iw W I ) B U I H o n in g , Novoninar 22» 1961 m *r n * CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Want Second Title Monday r C. . LOW O Û & Y è • • • S 9lW iP !fiP , i '^ ^ . "11 1’' “ ’“’IW ilS I Rob Hatchqr and Mitch New* ENDS—Art Brndstattar,* Jim H W W I la r r ie r s ' • NCAA «R* m « tf to •Dius Daugherty Thus Daugherty m to g— e*t |his fr ? i i charges m ay rh rrasi up 1S g S L ay b ise jtL bee aable lte for ft up for has XS ttte ti, a G eratet. Larry H ad is. Tout WU|ddL -P e ^ GUARDS — 1V«y Kumiega, * * * * ’ )b > e Ym l i r By DICK ROBINSON State News Sports Editor T C I A ehamptoa «ira la t h r e a t e n tee Oregea State aB base sfrsftg- gam e te a t otherw Sappeal. H E T 6 4 rocerd and Wad Mtfid toM SBm iraS -coito I mie Spartans n da strong carry ft a f e Hne e and rod a BOD W in sc. C E N T R R S -D n va Mandera, I Tried? 'ft cham ps. State piaesd ed sèeosJ h d h^o Into the gU gam Me w Ul white J |f t B r i t a l i R if P in o ti. * MSU hosts the running of the hi the recent Big It m eet. Individually, . I lia ite a ’s At S Amf HAM f i f dh m ave ,* « wSin.. They yet to !» , Fratetr M s Wnk 23rd annual NCAA cross coun­ Lawrence, la st j e s s 's tap har­ are 5-8. try championships Monday in “We have as good a chance to rier. w ill ha lea U a c tor h ie To T . com cp mplicate p U cto m m atters ttU n ,«even vw S jS w S b ^ X S S . m u lt f l a m to be the best rep- win as anyone else," com m ent third straight te fiv fto a l first m ore to r Aw w inlees Illinois Frondor Shopping C enter resen ted affair since the cla ssk od Coach Fran DHtrich. "I w as p lace. If he can accroipltdh taam thev m criDDM by in! ? ? ? v L T rtnnlm i^w in* M itch Newman, John Sharps h a re to 1988. particularly pleased with the feat, b e w ill be the Brat < Ä Juries. ÌB2acks f c fJerry lS ? K l £ y.rod P arole S MANAGERr-Jün Arbury. , The race, adm ission free MM running of our sophom ores in in history. Ken Zimmerman are doubtful Starting a t 11:30 a.m . on the the B ig J> and IC4A. Both Bob C oreaV s sensational soph starters w hile Linebacker Tony Forest Akers Golf Course, w ill Fulcher and Pat Stevens fell from Kenya, A frica, Steve Ma* ParfflH and guard N eal Ander­ Jaature 294 harriers, represent­ on the slushy course hi -th e c hooka poses a strong threat son are a lso questionable . in g 94 colleges from California IC4A and still placed 12th and Injury also m ay lim it the W h e t ’s G o in g T o H a p p en to Lawrence . Reports oat of fft Connecticut and from Michi- 25th respectively.’’ Ithaca, N ew YartO say th at h e AL LAWRENCH play o f quarterback M el Ro- gan to Texas. The number of Another strong contender for h as n ever la st a ra ce ia Ms Ufa. f«»nt ■-r, S ' rm m ers entered is th e second largest ever. Thirty full seven top honors- is Penn State, who placed second in the IC4A with H e took the top honors ia the* QB Stars in Holidays Cost Ilinois is fresh from a 55-7 thumping a t the hands of W is­ O n T u esd a y , N o v em b er 2 8 th y»f*" team s w ill com pete. 86 points, seven behind MSU. * State, which toutes one of the The Nattany Lions have a first m ote am axing athlete h e consin la st week w hile State is b est harrier reputations in th e rate runner in G erry Norman, ever seen and has no idea Fresh Chute bade on the victory path tor the ceuntry, has won the m ost na tional titles (8) in the 22-year history of the race. The Spar second in the IC4A. K ansas, winner of the 1961 fate be can n m . . _ v' . ’f M State’s team captain and sen- R oger H ailey com pleted six of seven p asses for 104 yards $210 Million first tim e in three w eeks. These seniors how out Satur­ day. Central College m ete, figures - f a J e r r y Young also has a shot tans can claim only one indi­ to giv e stiff 'com petition with at the title. He placed second and three touchdowns, and V acation and holiday pay for vidual crown. scored him self on a two-yard m ere then iOO.OOO steelw orkers its two top barriers B ill Dotson hi the B ig 10 and fourth in the ■ A perennial strong Houston and Charles Hayward, who fin­ IC4A. nm to lead the W hite to 27-8 h i Am United States cost the Thanksgiving squad again returns after tak­ w in over th e Green in MSU’s steel Industry nearly $210 m il­ ished one and two in. the Cen­ Other fast distance -men in­ am n u l freshm an gam e Tuesday lion in 1960. ing the crown aw ay from the tral race. clude Colorado State’s Gerald T hese tw o item s alone added Holiday Special Spartans in last year’s race. a t Spartan Stadium. State had held the honor for lew a, Big 18 champion, with G lyde, third hi 1180; Houston’s H ailey, a 6-foot. 185-pound nearly 25 cents to the costs for tw o straight years. Coach John tee conference m eet’s top io- B arrie Almond, eighth mid P at quarterback from N- Tonawan- each hour the steelworker RENT A DEER RIFLE M erriss, once MSU assistant dlvidual, Jim Teeker; W est­ C khessy, 11th; and Oregon da, N .Y ., fired scoring strikes worked during the year, ac­ FOR THE REGULAR athletic director, boasts another ern M ichigan, third in the State’s D ale Story. of 21, 44, and 23 yards to ends cording to Steehvay, the offic­ Central cham pionship, with The NCAA cross country rec­ D ick F^mn, Larry Kossack, ia l m agatene of the Am erican WEEKEND RATE strong team . The Cougars have been beaten only once i* 4 h e. Dm Hancock; V iliaaeva, ord and m ete record is held by and Tom K rtem ienski. Iron and Steel Institute. Of the 25 cents, the m aga­ RENT-A-1UFLE RATES la st 41 dual, triangular or quad­ third in the IC4A, with V k Max Truex o f Southern Cali­ K rzem ienski also caught a Zwolak, fifth in teat m ; fornia 19.123 in 1967 and Law­ 57-yarder (r a n H ailey to set up zine stated, vacation pay alone W EEK END 8 7J5 rangular m eets. l b e Spartans, Monday’s Southern Illinois, NCAA col­ rence j e t th e course the White’s first touchdown. accounted for 1R5 cents or $184 WEEKLY ------ 1M6 lege division winner; and last y e a r liL 19:282. Quarterback BUI Gordon m illion. The rest am ounted to SEA SO NAL — 15J8 sw ept right end from one yard 846 m illion for holidays not Treat out in the third period for the worked. The industry observes Special —-Last Week Your State Swim Host lone G reen ta lly .- seven prem ium -pay holidays Flynn, a 5* 1” , 205-pound « id each year. from Mt. P leasant, w as select­ Offered „ With fourteen Spartan sw im ­ eson. in the b ad ; stroke; Joe ed by th e coaches a s the gam e’s Frat to Treat 15 Kids In su la ted H u n tin g B oo ts Clothes m ers scheduled to com pete, Colby, in the b reast stroke and b est all-around player. 10.88 ^ individual m edley a d J eff M at­ Center G erry B ush and tac­ T riangle fraternity w ill enter­ M ichigan State hosts the Mich­ To. . . igan Men’s AAU M ete oh Fri­ tson, in the back stroke and 50- k le Jack Schinderle, who dis­ ta in 15 erohauL from th e St. Spsrt« Sports" yard freestyle. f-- __ located Ms shoulder during the Vincents Home a t th e Illinois day, Novem ber 24. gam e, w o n voted by their football gam e Saturday. Also, Charles Strong, in the team m ates a s the season’s out­ CSder and doughnuts w ill b e iwL II0BBIS9 HabUae Approxim ately 100 swim m ers 104yd butterfly; Jam es White from M ichigan, including the in th e 50 and 105-yd sprint and standing linem en. served a t th e fraternity bouse. W a tc h F o r O u r A d Fullback D ennis Collins, F d tew iu g 4 h a g a m e the 222 Ann St. E ast Lansing Mike Wood in the 220, 100 end E D 24415 U niversity of M ichigan, w ill be from Ri ver view , likew ise w as group w ill return to te e frater­ 440-freestyle. Spartan divers in­ com peting in eleven events. clude Ron Syria, D ick Lowe, voted the m ost im pressive nity t o r a buffet luncheon. ~ Thirteen varsity and -four B ill Wil&ams and freshm an Jim back. a® freshm an Spartan sw im m ers Chamberlain. The other three The unofficial satisfies for Fraader Shopping Center are scheduled to participate. p a rtid p a tin g - freshm en are th e contest w ere quite even. MON. THRU FR I. TILL» SAT. TILL 7 The m ete is strictly orran indi­ vidual basis. State varsitym en com peting include B ill D river, M ike Atweod and Phillip Brad­ ford, in the freestyle sprints, and Richard Gretxfaiger in the T he W hite team com piled 280 total yards, 178 b y p assing, to the G reen's total o f 251. T TABLES in the breast stroke; Dan Jam i­ individual m edley ■diey and 448 44 free- G reen team gained 121 yards style. by th e a fero u te. Four Gain Spots TURKEYS In Football Semis 2 0 -2 4 Four team s have battled their « it runnerup, 47-26, to gain a w ay tote the sem i-finals of the spot in the sem i-finals against LB AVG all-U niversity intram ural touch the D elts. football cham pionships. B urgess gained its place in The quartet, Rangoon, D elta tbe sem i-finals w ith a la st m in­ Tau D elta. B urgess and Lam b­ ute touchdown p ass from Jeff da CM Alpha, w ere slated to E vans to H arsh W anks that duel Tuesday night tor a berth wrapped 19 a 29-21 victory. in the aB-iuuvertety fin als next E vans accounted for a ll 29 16 -14 L B- Monday. O f the four. D elta Tau D elta B urgess points, hitting Joe Ber- gaila w in a pair o f touchdown HENS AVG LB cam e through tb e quarter-finals p asses and tossing tw o to DUBUQUE CANNED 5 - LB in the mote im pressive fashion, crushing Bryan seven, 534. W anks. Sparked by th r brilliant d e­ fensive p lay o f G ary Ruthruff, Libby’s PUMPKIN HAMS $3.98 T he of Jim D roves 1 BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS Lambda Chi m oved into the YOUNG TENDER SAVORY OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1A. M. FR I. & SAT. sparked the victory a s be ran and passed for eigh t touch­ downs and fiv e extra points. sem i-finals against B urgees with e com eback victory over B ailey throe. 2 *n o*® 33° DUCKS «49° ALSO AT John Archer grabbed throe of Lambda CM took the early ' * 2128 N . LARCH US 27 & 4700 S. CEDAR US 127 the TD strik es. lead and then lo st it, needing Dorm itory cham pion Rangoon rolled pate D ollar the com eback aad the work; of R uthniff to gain th eir spot. Heilman’s Mayonnaise Asserted Flavors m o re SALE BOOKS IM Info latram i « ! building schedule qt Jar JELL-0 for the Thanksteving holiday 6ELÂTMS Thursday—doeed aH day. Spartan SQUASH 3"*25‘ Friday-open 8 sum. to 9 p.! JU S T A R R IV E D Sduiroy —■open 28 aura, la • Sunday spaa 1 pin. to • p a c FROZEN 12 0Z WCG — STACKS of MYSTERIES U S E D P A P E R B O U N D & H A R D B O U N D V ' CREAM CHEESE PHILADELPHIA ____ -a/ v , BRAND 3 0 Z PKG X U MANOR HOUSE or SPARTAN - STACKS of NON FICTION Shop-Rite BUTTER COFFEE - A PILE of FICTION ^ ■\ l8 print SHOP - RITE CUSTOMERS CAN BUY ONE CAN WITH A 8548 FOOD PURCHASE Come Browse Jn The Spartan Bookstore PRINCE'S 999 E . GRAND RIVER IM I E . GRAND RIVER Corner Ann •—«. ■ A MAC i 2481 W. ST. JOSEPH 2381 E. GRAND RIVER 1818 W. SAGINAW ^ _ 2 5 1 8 & CEDAR East I ansiw f 428« N. EAST ST. 2418 N. EAST ST. LOGAlfai JOLLY RD. 3588 S. CEDAR lilÉËÉl i -iâ È Ê È s i H H BslW SE ......... §§1PP!| i p f l r .r J fjfc ^ P i l lìw » E a s t L —fca iw fi M k h % n n » a L9 Van Wagoner • v .i - --- a i ÜM f Student Hurt mm (URN, Wts. (41—A long mm ective R u m ta g u coded for a furry lit- a L in e Jam es H. Menton, Orchard TWO ago, 87-year-o!d Form er Governor Murray D .j The highway departm ent is j duces the pressure on the gov- ™ . -¿ f' Lake freshm an, w as injured ¡Tory son ,* took pint- Van Wagoner went before the. important to everyone, h e stod,j ernor," Van W agon« raid, SRINAGAR, Kashmir ifF-A ir ] TueJd—A H orse| the com m issioner takes him I H i g h H o n o r s stum bled on a Wor d W ar U j more M t of politics than If he a erial bomb buried m the dirt: |g ^ ,* , 1,,,* /» , '9 m I Tjiree m em bers of the MSU beneath a gypsy camp Tuesday D ebateT eam took high honors and touched off a blast which An appointed com m issioner in the Bradley Speech Tourna­ injured eight persons. The ex- would be a captive of the gov plosion tore a crater 200 feet in ernor, having neither the ment Friday and Saturday at circum ference.' Three gypsy; chance to build roads as he Bradley U niversity, Peoria, 111. wagons were wrecked, and sev- wishes nrr the courage to say Jerry Pinkepank, Lansing eral horses and sheep w ere'n o to the governor. Van Wag- junior, and Helen Altman, killed. ■ ~ ' oner said. Birm ingham sophom ore, each won five out of five debates. Joan Shields, Grand Rapids Mariloro Marinoni Ma M S U TIRED Lags . S H O E R E P A IR sophom ore. received an ex­ cellent" rating in oral interpre- | tation com petition. ! Other com peting m em bers -Of CtAAl Ilf* f ill ITI» PUTIRttAAAITVIt ¡the Debate Team w ere. Sally ¡Smith, Milan sophomore, and o ften re su lts from worn down h eels, w h ich fGeorgeen Leucht, L eslie soph­ place undue stra in on leg s and an k les. Check your sh o es o ften . W hen h e e ls w ear down or so les w ear th in see u s -for 5 omore. ~ I MSU was host Saturday to ¡the M ichigan Intercollegiate m m in ute serv ice. 2 2 2 East G rand River i Speech League N ovice Tourna­ ment. Ten State students par- i ticipated in the contest. No r e ­ r i m Manlioro Marlboro Marlboro cords are kept o f results. CtAâRfTTVS »IRcitai i PUTIRc»« l u m i FUTIR FUT« tuffila F U T IR ita if««« PUTIR m o 213 E. GRAND RIVER o r f s ariboro Marlboro Marlboro Marlboro Marlboro Marlboro EAST LANSING PUT PUTIRCfAARftm ritti» « » (T ill F tl T l R <14**1 Ph. ED 2-2114 skiing is b e l i e v i n g . . . the famous original metal ski-5 H E A D S T A N D A R D is now better than ever! • U nm atched sk iin g q u a lity • Unsurpassed Durability • F or aH p leasu re sk ie rs We feature a complete selection 9 flf leading ski eqi|ipm ent: Head Vector K astle Blizzard Kneissl FIS Northland Costtoentol Supreme Fischer a ta p teller a t college* from U .S.C . to Y ak M ilter ~ .Sbort-ee ...a n d le t in th e F lip-T o pb o x in every ein g k sta te If you think you’re seeing more Marlboro men Ski Clothing lately, you’re right More than 25,000 ;- White Stag Roffe-Rene smokers all over the country are switching Franconia— Comfy Sportscaster Iceland to Marlboro every month! You’ll know why when you try them. Ski Boots Marlboro is the filter cigarette with the unfiltered Heake T Rieker taste. The secret of the flavor is the famous Ski Binding. Marlboro recipe from Richmond. V irginia..,. and Marber Cube# the pure while Selbctrate fiber that goes with it L A 1 A I T A 1 Pole! and Accessories Try Marlboro and judge for yourself. On or S K I E Q U IP M E N T A AT Eckel off campus, you get a lot to Jike. -'*■ Tiroler S t Merits Ski Swix - Faiki N -O -W ! Tabi jGo F l ip - T o p b o x o r K in g - s iz e p a c k SHOP VANDERYOORT’S TONIGHT TIL 9 Vr M S Sil an T he discovery w as m ade in the (torrink-on-Shannon D istrict of CouMy L eitrim rT be bearse was tataied fur th e Northern « P i l l i ^ R i f l e c I n s id e - Ireland border,' p eiice said. Three m en who Jumped from found late m onth,” he «aid, Northern Ireland toe vehicto were rihaw d b y d v - 1 ~ W V-Peike in the Irish Republic The box w as filled to th e to id B ay Ii« S fiin iir, manager Rgem on a funeral ic guards and two w ere « r o te - Ail tbe found articles f m arried bousmg. ¿ Tuesday. . ed. iS p ! are a te claim ed within a cer­ A survev tataro tote Mav - lMUie tbb#aadtob«flr«owatgrnal M ason -*-■ ta k e U S -127 S o o th t o R ichard’s B a tch , to r n r i g h ^ tffriagtfR P uliteli gfrtegl Sfratilo It* and follow th e r o t« to top o f th e hU l)