" ''' ' y , . 1V •. •f \ 3''.% f • - || CHw>jBig Teii Champ A n n o u n c e s S U a fe S t o m p s I l l i n o i s , m m iM Spartani fin ish Third S ta k e - U p ’ in H is S ta f f In Conference Race ¿ • « I t i l i t f H IM M H W t WltW II H4 i I f 11t il l ' : Bowles, Harriman . r. a ? By PAUL SCHNITT ~ U N D e b a te ■% ¿ ¡ M O fm * State N ew t Staff _*• Among 10 Affected O n C h in a Not a creature w as stirring, not even a m ouse. That’s how quiet a w as in the southeast section of the stadium Saturday except for the chatter from the anxious and confident bell M em os HYANNIS P O R T , M ass. U fi- 4.Brooks H ays, form er Dem­ rin g « » . i •_ So u te r o wore the students? Oh, they w ere th e n ! The sa ilo rs sat on the SO yard line; the juniors sat on the 49; the T o B e g in MONDAY 11: aTa.m . — Cross-Country Na­ P re sid e n t K ennedy announced ocratic representative f r o m Sunday th e firs t m a jo rs h a k e u p Arkansas, and now assistant o f his high co m m an d , including secretary-of state for congres­ sophow ons gathered on the 48; and the freshm en w ere sit* tional C ollegiate Champion­ ship, Golf Course. th e shifting of C h ester Bowles sional relations, w ill join the uated from t i e « to the 45. u n i t e d n a t i o n s , n .y . m from u n d e rs e c re ta ry of s ta te [ W hite H ouse sta ff as a special And if you w ore the person sitting in the end zOfte, not even —T he U J f. G eneral Assem bly 7:31 p.m . — Dr. Roland Ma­ to a n o th e r sta te d e p a rtm e n t a ssis ta n t to th e Président your best friends would te ll you. heads. Into n historic debate son, “Quantum B iology,” 118 job. 5. Frederik G. Dutton, presi­ It w as o n of those gam es where every fan had his own nexk w eek on th e seatin g of Physics-M ath. root and every car h a i Its own parking lot. Communist China TUESDAY T he sh akeu p involved a to tal dential assistant for cabinet af­ So where w ire all those people that usually push the poor 7:39 p.m .—“Close-Circuit Tele­ of te n shifts, b u t w ith no one fairs, w ill becom e assistant sec­ O fficials and delegates, sur­ vision Open H ouse,” Kiva leav in g th é a d m in istra tio n . retary of state for congression­ students behind the goal p ad s every gam e? Where w ere all veying that prospect today, thejftudents that are usually pushed to this humble locale? _~ conceded that the 103-nation and TV studio. A nnouncem ent of it w as re a d al relations, succeeding H ays. Why, they were home building fallout shelters. And w hile they 8:15 p.m . — Faculty String to re p o rte rs by P ie r r e S a iin g e r , 6. Timothy J. Reardon Jr., wthiv w ill have to run into adm inistrative assistant to the w ere digging holes in the ground, the Spartans w ere burying Quartet, Music Auditorium, W hite H ouse p re s s s e c re ta ry . m a r to fin ish the 95-item a very courageous, though hopelessly outmanned Illinois team , agenda of its 18th session. WKAR. T he s ta te m e n t sa id B ow les is President, w ill becom e » speci­ 34-7, to and the season on a gleeful note, WEDNESDAY m oving to a new “ high policy­ al assistant, assum ing Dutton’s Actually, the crowd w as 38,344, which w as the low est since Thmr M id the assem bly, in 7 p.m . — Prof, Jam es McCon­ m ak in g position, d e ta ils of post. 1996 when 34,115 piled into the stadium to see the Green and « •■ ¡H i since Sept. 19, could nell, “ Commercial Graphic 7. W alt, W. Rostow, deputy w hich-will be an n o u n ced la te r .” White. whip K ansas State. ~ ~ - not m ost Its closing date of A rt,” WMSB. D ae. 21 and would bifid a re­ T he s ta te m e n t sa id th e P r e s i­ special assistant to the presi­ - Unlike the operation of radioactive fallout, there w as nothing THURSDAY sum ed session of perhaps five 7 p.m .— Richard D. MacCann, d ent, “ in o rd e r to prov id e a d en t for national security af­ insidious and creeping about the Spartan attack. N ot on the m o re effectiv e m a tc h in g of peo­ fairs, w ill becom e counsellor of last four touchdowns anyway. ^ w eeks s t a r t i n g probably “Hollywood’s F o u r Free­ ont'anH around Jan. 15. p le w ith re sp o n sib ilitie s,” h ad th e S t a t e of D epartm entand P is to l.P e te Smith threw a 57-yard touchdown bomb to dom s,” 118 Eppley Center. decid ed to m a k e th e ch an g es c h a irm a n of th e departm ent’s scam pering sophom ore'Sherm an Lewis in the second quarter T he AM»« debate is expected 4 p.m . — Dr. M ichael Erdei, w hich involve n o t only th e p lan n in g council. for m ate’s third score. ; ~ _ to start Thursday or Friday. “L Lived Behind the Iron 8. G eorge M cG h ee, counsellor It w ill b e the first no-holds S ta te 'D e p a rtm e n t b u t his own Two m in u te before Lewis had dashed 54 yards for another Curtain,” 31 Union. of th e S tate D e p a rtm e n t, a n d barred discussion the assem bly W hite H ouse staff. six points while 11 stunned Illinois players gazed at the human FRIDAY ICBM streaking by them . has ever had on whether fo re­ 11:39 a.m . — “An Age of S e v e ral m onths ago re p o rts c h a irm a n of th e plan n in g coun- It w as the longest nfn for any Spartan th is season, and it place Chinese Nationalists^ with K ings,” WMSB ‘ sa id K ennedy w as unhappy cil, becom es u n d e r s e c re ta ry alm ost equalled the longest rocket shot from Cape Canaveral. Chinese Communists. 8:15 p.m .'=- Christmas V espers w ü h B o w le s a s th e S to t< T Ï& \ o iasU* ? fo r political a ffa irs, But senior Gary Baìlm an quickly erased L ew is’ m ark as by Women’s G lee Chib, p a rtm e n t’s ch ief a d m in istra tiv e i . 9- G eorge B all, u n d érsecre- Inform ed d elegates believe he went up the m iddle on a trap early in the final period for the N ationalists w ill keep their Alumni Chapel. officer and felt h is ta le n ts la y ; t a r y of s ta tc ta r econom ic af- a 56 yard TD jaunt - his second tally of the contest. seats this y e w . B ut they see a SATURDAY in diplom acy o r policy plan- ! fa irs, will becom e u n d e rse c re ­ ta ry of state. In ten carries Bailm an picked up 95 yards to end his fíne chance of the ^Communists’ be­ 8 p.m . — B asketball, MSU vs. ning. _ 10. C h ester Bowles, th e c u r­ college career in a sparkling fashion. ing seated next y e w if they Northern M ichigan, Jenison. B ow les is a fo rm e r G overnor j re n t u n d e r s e c re ta ry of sta te , A 29-yard pass from Sm ith to Lonnie Sanders m idway really want to be. ^ SUNDAY of C onnecticut, fo rm e r U.S. rep- is m oving to a new high policy through the fourth quarter closed the scoring book for the Since the Communists con­ 4 p.m .—U niversity Chorus and re se n ta tiv e a n d fo rm e r am b as- m ak in g position, d e ta ils of y e a r .- "" — quered the Chinese m ainland Orchestra, Auditorium. sa d o r to I n d i a l o se rv e d a s ¡ w hich V i l l b e announced short- Sm ith com pleted 4 of 10 passes for 107 yard s. L ast week and the N ationalists fled to c h a irm a n of tfife T tules co m m it­ against Northwestern, the E corse junior h it the mark seven D U L L S A T U R D A Y Q uarterheek . P e te S m ith , a ttem p ts Form osa in la te 1949, the issue te e a t th e la s t D e m o c ra tic -n a ­ tim es in te a tries rolling up 104 yards. COLDER tio n al convention. of changing China's U . N . re- That’s 60 per cent for these tw o {punes, which is as good as to tw eak up A pmm a s Urn lím e t e re e iv e w i m o v er college pfflpnig averages com e. B oo Ssw ast, Chicago senior, received the gam e bafl. “He h im . I t w a s a rare ’ (presentation has been postpon- " Ted from y e w to y e w . Bow les did not seek reelec­ tion to th e house in 1960 to be fre e to devote Tull tim e to the Directory f t ! * y e w the United States, turned lit an excellen t effort up front,” Coach Duffy Daugherty said.- ■¿h EO*» , £*■ f ,* “ I am happy that w e could wind up our season in good -■ <• _J7| A d m it G r a d s t o A U S G ? sponsor o f the annual resolu­ tions to postpone the debate, K e n n e d y p re sid e n tia l c a m ­ paign. Supplement style. Wo can look back on a real fin e y ea r,” Duffy added. The Spartans finished with an im pressive 7-2 record, a third saw that it no longer had th e sim ple m ajority to get such a i T he sh ifts a r e a s follows: W alter P . M cC onaughy, Available- place in the W estern Conference and a spot som ewhere among the top sevep team s in the nation according to the rankings. In too process, M ichigan State bad its B ig Ten title hopes V ote o n G ra d u a te resolution through. It induced New Zealand to propose that the assem bly put c u rre n tly a s s is ta n t se c re ta ry of s ta te fo r F a r E a s te rn A ffairs, A sup p lem en t to th e in fo rm a­ w ill b e shifted to a m a jo r a m ­ tion sh e e t fo r In d ian a n d fore­ on its. agenda the “cniestkm of b a ssa d o ria l post. ign stu d en ts an d a directory of and R òse Bowl aspirations sm ashed by two recalcitrant op­ ponents who selfishly wanted to w in them selves. SPARTANS, P age 4 R ig h ts S ch ed u led the representation of China in the U nited N ations.” The Soviet Union proposed Weather 27 W. A verell H a rrim a n , In d ian n atio n als a r e available p r e s e n t l y a m b a ssa d o r-a t- fro m Owen G ra d u a te Center, la rg e , w ill- b e c o m e a ssista n t U .N . Lounge, foreign student “The proposed amendment that the discussion instead Monday’s w eather wffl be se c re ta ry of sta te fo r F a r E a s t­ ad v ise r, o r by m ail fronrShri- Students w ill vote during S e n a to r winter term registration on would give representation to should he on the “restoration cloudy and colder with driz­ e rn a ffa irs. k u m a r P o d d a r, 914 L ilac, E ast whether to extend student gov­ fjnHwt« who are not now w ell of the law ful rights of tbe zle m ixed with occasional 3. R ic h a rd M. Goodwin, depu­ L ansing. ernm ent rights and privileges represented in the U niversity (Communist) People’s Repub­ s a o w . Tem peratures w ill ty special co u n cil to th e P r e s i­ Copies w ill be m ailed to all governing p rocess,” said D ale lic of China in the United Na­ m age to the znM 46’s. Snow d en t, w ill b e c o m e -d e p u ty as­ Indian students on recefot of a B rid g e s to graduate students.. The biB, as introduced by W arner, Eaton R apids Senior tion s.” Student Congress representa­ and Speaker o f Studqpt Con­ The assem bly docketed the night. flurries are foreeast for to­ sista n t se c re ta ry of s ta te fo r stamped, self-addressed envel­ in te r-A m e ric an a ffa irs. ope. tiv e Jim Gibson of m arried gress subject for debate under both D e a d a t 63 housing, and passed by Con­ “ It would serve to integrate headings. Then the Soviet Un­ gress, would delete the word ¡th e graduate students more ion a month ago slipped in a Concord, N .H ., Of! — Senator “undergraduate” f r o m the closely within the entire stu- resolution to have the assem bly rem ove “representatives of the Styles B ridges of New Hamp­ AUSG constitution. 1dent body,” be said. Chiang Kai-Shek Clique” from shire, ranking Republican of Beth graduate and uader- Attem pts have been m ade in a ll U . N. organs im m ediately the Armed Services Committee graduate students w ill vale the p ast to form a graduate and invito the Peiping Com­ and a m em ber of -the Foreign on the proposed amendment. ^student council in order ttrgive m unist governm ent to send re­ R elations Comm ittee, died in Separate ballots w ill Jbe pro- | the grad students m ere o f-» presentatives. his sleep Sunday at his home. v id ed ter each group. {voice hi cam pus' affairs, ac­ The Soviet Union insisted The 63-year-old senator who U ndergraduate w ill vote cording to Dr. Eldon Nonna- that seating the Chineje Com­ rose from farm bojr to becom e whether to allow graduate stu­ m aker, AUSG faculty adviser. m unists w as a m ere procedur­ one of the m ost influential men dents to participate in AUSG. A t present, the only grad stu­ a l m atter and that under the in the nation, had been in ill Graduate students w ill vote dent ‘organization on cam pus assem bly’s rules it could be ac­ ^health. A statem ent by his aide on whether they want to be I if the Ofren H all Adviaory com plished by a sim ple m a- said: - included 1n AUSG and are w ill-j B0*rq’ which plans social, ority. inc; to accept the constitution. , cultural, and educational — . .. ac- The United States took the Peace Corps “Senator Bridges died p eace fully |n his sleep a t 5 a.m . in A favorable vote by both is position that it w as an im ­ portant question and so could E onim te, his Concord, N.H ., home from com plications arisin g'from a required for passage of th e b ill. 1P * The v o te w ill not b e lumped howeves^ iiM y - take part in not be decided without a m a­ together to determ ine a m ajor- tneuo a cu v m e o ., . jority of two-thirds o f those severe coronary attack suffered S e t f o r T h is W e e k tty I A Student Congress repre- voting. SepfT 2.” The assem bly can decide If passed, the b ill w ill take 1sentative ¡Minted out that Another round of P eace Both former President E isen­ effect two w eeks after the d ec- should th e h ill p ass, several th is issu e by n-sim ple m ajority hower Mid President Kennedy tion i m em bers who are now seniors vote. ftarps Placem ent tests w ill be sent m essages of condolence to g t e p Tuesday and W ednesday Mrs. Bridges. Kennedy in a — ----------- [would b e able to aerve AUSG n . Ifurther, using tbe experience m in H Union a* 8.30 a.m . T ests statem ent issued later, ¿»scrib­ w ill -also be given throughout ed B ridges as “the great p a tro l Basic Reviews ^ ”££$££335 Extra Session The nation. Applicants m ay take the who devoted his life to the con­ tinuing strength of- our coun­ To Be Held {be eltgibfc to ran for o ff ic e 1 L a r r y Cam pbell, AUSG Called for tests on ettber o t the two days. try.” Pretodettt, saM tfiat w hile the T estaw lll betfin at 8:30 and last His death marked the second for six hours with one hour Congressional leader to,-d ie In Union j graduate stndent usually par­ tic ip a te to fewer outside ac- Campus UN lunch. within 10 days — Sam Rayburn, The Campus United Nations Each applicant will be given speaker of the House, died Nov. b asic courses w ill be held M on -if* ***** „ 2 ® uii rkftr is called tote an em ergency h it choice between two types 16. jto participate if he wishes. session to discuss the detortor- of exam inations. Bridges was a power in the Oqe is designed for m en and Republican party alm ost from sions, sponsored by th e F r o « j as the privileges, of student student ating situation to tbe Congo. A notice by th e Gwffla wom en who would like to be the day M entered the Senate cu t within the Univer- review ing the term ’« vrith the graduate ste­ (Leopoldvffle) tira called for a cfu tid ered fer positions as sec­ in 1487. When the GOP control­ ch basic course. m eeting T p m f n Id 7:39 p m ondary school pr college teach­ led Congress, B r l d g i s - w a s T he Am erican Thought and draft/ lla said. to B en y Rhfijteffltortoni^l ers. Applicants taking this tort chairm an of the powerful Sen­ Language session w in be Mon­ The Leopoklville delegate has m ust have a Bachelor’s degree ate Appropriations Comm ittee. day from 7:38 to 8:39 p.m . IN’. araBjid the Katanga regim e bat need not be an accredited His death raises the question Frederick R eeve w ill be tbe and to e Eastern Province re­ teacher. o f who w ill be appointed to sa c speaker. Tbe Natural Science P r e - E n r o l l m e n t gim e o f creating the aggravat The other exam inations is for ceed him until tfie N ew Hamp­ session with Dr. Lincoln Pettit ing situatioo now existing u anyone jtiea who w ishes to shire elections in IMS, whan the w ill follow from 1 : 8 to 1 : 8 th eC engo. serve I s the P ea ce Corps. winner vrffl com plete the bal­ pxn. The t e e ^ t o .of to o central ance of B ridges’ term that ex­ On Tuesday the H um anities P u teiBraraf f o r a l l nwrmnont requests the Unit­ Interested m en and women who have net y e t filled oat a pires in 1988. session with Dr. WUBam'Sweet- f firara and Arte nrajera wffl ed N atioas la “ n e e d ily and to todrnnwa to the eaala of State, Join OMralnrg, P ea ce Corps questionaire w ill f The m ost frequently mention­ btud wffl he a t 7:39. The Social ha Hmbt1 through Dee. •» fercihty.aB d a ll tee «cessio n - p Detroit junior, and Pani Reinhardt, Detrait freshman, got a aarprtoe when d id he perm ttted lb t t t e the ed successor Is Republican Science session with Dr. Robto ■M M |B |p | fliüv 1st tra d en cte to to t Cange, they agreed te tako two Detroit firoaiiawn eooda home tor the holidays. Peg ex a m te tto o i. Tbey w ill be ac­ Governor W esley m f f , bat Dnroa wffl b e a t 8:45. partfrtterty that of Katanga, Trantnuum and Barham Ctofiag haoled home everything but the pm* comodated an A ’’space avail- there have also been reports A ll n w lit e wffl ha conduct­ and to e x w l -toE tius foreign ed to the Union Ballroom . verMal “kitehen afak.” —State News Photo by Eldon G toM b 8 m BRIDGES, P age t • ■ u rn a ■ ■ ■ ■ m Michigan S ute Newt, Eaat Unwiwg, Michigan M o n t it i^ , N o v e m b r r y p f , j Y d ttin g ‘ifecf’ D o e s n ’t Dormitory Taxation I D o n ’t W :7 I f ï ë à a n l T o B r ie r f « * lu t e i K n o w W h Ä lÄ e « » ' P u t o u t C o m m u n ism System Needs Change To say that there is a good deal of csrreot interest in com­ m unism would b e « rite an un- (torri— la te s, p est few professor of te e University ef Berkley; Bichard B s v s r A W ashington correspondent to A te tte r to th e ed itor h as ra ised a sore T h e th ird , and m o st im p ortan t, reason y eers H bee becom e apparrat te e New Yorker m egatons; and a g a in st dorm ta x e s is th a t, th e y are that, ter from atrophying, com ­ Gilbert daM ra, director e f the p oin t am on g m ost stu d en ts w ho liv e in munism he» t ec am» a formid­ Anaenbery School 8 Commu­ resid en ce h a ils. forced upon stu d e n ts. T he stu d en t h as n o nications at the U niversity e f able force directly, albeit sub­ a ltern a tiv e. H e m u st pay. tly , gnawing at the free world Pennsylvania, ceeMi raraBty W hy m u st th e y pay d u es? both from within and from agree that ronim ueiim is in­ F resh m en a re forced to Uve in th e w ithout deed a grave T h e tra d itio n a l an sw er h a s been th a t dorm s by h o u sin g ru les, w hich a u to m a ti­ free world. B et th e stu d en ts a re p ay in g fo r th eir p art in ca lly reliev e them o f 2265. I f th ey are PERIODICALLY one group phatic on the; th e so cia l a c tiv itie s o f th e dorm s. T he forced tor pay once fo r th é p riv ileg e o f or another stirs up discussions we m u s t liv in g ^ h à g iv eiT b u ild in g , w h y m u st th ey and witch hunts over commu­ with our d ues a re a ssessed by th e stu d en t govern­ must NOT bee ocH fascists in pay 25 fo r v irtu a lly th e sam e p riv ileg e? nism . The nam e of Joseph Mc­ in g u n ite and su p p osed ly th e sum can be Carthy, for exam ple, m ay ttyo doing so. r H ch an ged from y ear to year. in infam y ,for quite awhile as They agreed teat the U. S. IF A ST U D E N T d oes n o t p ay h e is m ust establish its itroagsst de­ a result of his nervous senate th rea ten ed w ith fin es and variou s o th er investigations. More recently fenses ever, aad with au dtsh- IN E SSE N C E , th e se “dura” a re ta x e s form s o f p u n ish m en t H e is n o t sim p ly the Communists could point patch; they agreed e lse tea t sin ce th ey a re a ssessed on e v e r y stu d en t exp elled from th e org an isatio n a s in o th er with glee at the sort of opposi Civil D efense m easures must in th e liv in g u n it. T h ey are n ot d ues in clubs b u t is treated lik e x ~ citizen w ho tion they bavé—the John Birch be strengthened and that amre th a t th e in d ivid u al is n o t fr ee to p ay them Society. If tea t’s the sort - o t tod should be extended to un­ ch ea ts on. h is incoTne ta x . der-developed countries . P resi­ o r ign ore th em . opposition com munism has, I t sim p ly is n o t d em ocratic or eth ica l ! som e m ight reason, maybe dent Flem m ing stressed the th e r e are a good m any p o in ts w h ich there’s som ething to it after need for positive, constructive to fo r c e a person to liv e w ith in a g iv en j action, not criticism aad un­ speak d ram atically a g a in st dorm ta x e s all. boundary and th en ta x him fo r h is r ig h t ! justified accusations. and w e fee) th ey m ore th an ou tw eigh th e Another frantic anti-Commu- to liv e th ere. nist ruffle was televised r e ­ “social b e n e fits” th e reven ue p rovid es. AND SO THE BATTLE goes T h e a n sw er lies in le ttin g th e se ta x e s cently on a three-hour block­ In th e fir s t place, th e stu d en t is unpre­ buster that m ost students The Register-Guard sum m ariz­ becom e tru ly dues— p ayab le b y th o se w ho i probably m issed. Hollywood ed the situation like this: “Our pared to pay th is m oney w hen h e fir s t w ant to b elong to th e organ ization . President ¿aid w e w ill never stars gave slm ost-chauvinistic com es to co llege. T he on ly m en tion o f th e dem onstrations of anti-commu­ negotiate from fear, b at w e wiD a ssessm e n t in an o ffic ia l U n iv e r sity publi­ I f th e d ues are volu n tary, on ly th o se | nism in action. At one point never fear to negotiate. Being cation is a sm alt sen ten ce hidden in th e w ho “belong" w ould b e en titled to a tten d I 20,000 people In Hollywood m ilitarily strong, standbtg firm ca ta lo g sa y in g th a t resid en ce h a lls m ay sch o la rsh ip d in n ers, hom ecom ing te a s and Bowl booed^ and hissed tee against Communist threats, a sse ss a s lig h t fe e .. term p a rties. T h ose w ho are n o t in tere sted “com m unistic” New Y e r k and keeping open the channels won’t h a ve to p a y .' _ i Tim es, heretofore regarded as of com munication with the rest S tu d en ts sh ou ld b e w arned b efo re th ey anything but pink. „ ^ of the world—th ese are the best a rriv e on cam pus how m ah y “e x tr a s” I f th e h ail w an ts to buy telev isio n se ts, hopes we have that m the long iron s and silv er tr a y ser v ic es, le t th e r e si- j IN A SATURDAY night pro­ run our way of life wiD pre­ th ey are g o in g to h ave to p ay. M any stu ­ d en ts v o te a t .g en era l h ou se m eetin g s. j vail.” d en ts a re on ex trem ely tig h t b u d g ets; it gram , four nationally promi­ nent figures provided a ration­ There is an alm ost fatal dif­ is n o t r ig h t to e n tic e th em h ere on th e M ajority ru le w ould d eterm in e i t th e m en [ al approach to Communist op­ ference between y e l l i n g p rem ise th a t th e c o st o f an ed u cation is or w om en w an ted to be a ssessed fo r a !. “F ire!” and putting out the sp ecific ev en t. position, perhaps in direct re­ lim ited to room and board, tu itio n and sponse to the hysterical Holly­ blaze. books, p lu s p erson al item s. D orm ta x e s, Item s su ch as~ th ese are n ot th e m ain wood program. Edward T eller, —Tbe Oregon D aily Emerald u su ally a h ea lth y $5 a t le a st, f it none o f ex p en d itu res in m ost b u d g ets, h ow ever. th e se c la ssifica tio n s. Such a sy stem , in fa c t, m ig h t d o m uch SE C O N D L Y , dorm d u es v io la te th e in ­ tow ard d evelop in g m ore g r o u p „ u n ity w ith in resid en ce h a lls. N o one h a s m ueh Letters to the Editor d ivid u al’s lig h t to ch oo se h is ow n a ctiv i­ Protest Stand on Dormitory Dues tie s . In o th er a c tiv itie s, you pay d ues a ffectio n fo r an organ ization th e y m u st b ecau se you w a n t to jo in th e organ iza­ b elong to , b u t stu d en ts w ill b e m ore w ill­ tio n . In resid en ce h a lls, you p ay w h eth er in g to w ork fo r a grou p w hen th e y h ave y o u w an t to p a rticip a te in th e dorm ’s v olu n tarily co n trib u ted th eir 25. a c tiv itie s or n ot. To te e Editor: respected, law-abiding, tax-pay­ form Professor Jones what the) In all fairness to Mr. Schnitt, dem ocratic creed that all men AAUP is, I should like to tell» we could assum e that this re- w ere created equto. . . Why, there- _______ M any stu d en ts sim p ly do n o t h ave an y The man at the next desk is enthusiastic After reading M iss De Long’s ing citizen. him teat the American-Associa-1 porting w as based on his ob-j fore, should people with defined PMUeaore Drummond in tere st in te a s , term p a rties and sch olar­ after his first highway trip in a com pact car. letter stating her view s about Phillips Hail President tion of U niversity Professors is; servations of the coeds of this] b eliefs about w grogratoa.^ Bke sh ip d in n ers. T h ey h ave .found a social life He reports that it’s am azing tbe amount of mandatory residence halls dura, K aren.K res tic *m i i a n»H«nat organization o t aca- cam pus. These- sam e coed s' the householder whose card w as o u tsid e o f th e dorm and are n ot dependent scenery you can see underneath the billboards. w e, as officers of Phillips H all, dem ies with over 40,000 m em -! have previously called the men tom up by Dutch, b s j f r a Phillips HaB Treasurer on organ ized fu n fo r th eir good tim es. Chicago D aily News. bers on virtually every cam pus of the cam pus imm ature. If the; cuted b y those who are m ust agree that she has made T h ey should n ot be forced in ta _ p a y in g in the country, and that it hi' coeds go to the extrem e of j notoriety by crying freedom “ A sm art diplom at/* said the old gentlem an som e very good points. How­ eludes among Its „m em bers dating “brown-speckled” ducks, ; and equality ? fo r a c tiv itie s in w hich th ey n ever p artici­ at the club, “opens his mouth only when he ever, we m ust disagree withj many o t the m ost distinguished what Interest could they pos-j If the Negro behevra be is p ate. has nothing to say .” — Grand Rapids P ress. her solution to tbe problem , N e w M o tto scholars and scien tists. _ slbly have in the “ men" of this persecuted, be should took at nam ely that “ they (dues) It is ^concerned with such ) campus the history to the Jew s who should not be paid.” lb tee Editor: problems as academ ic freedom , Jam es Baldwin have been segregated aad per­ Certainly, few people would i , as one of the officers of i tenure, conditions of employ- Ronald Strong secuted for centuries. disagree with M iss De Long’s Phillips, otherw ise known as ment, salary scale, retirem ent! Stanley Espeaship - Everyone is biased hi a w way Block ‘S ’in Couth End Zone protests that com pulsory dues one of the cham berm aids of benefits, insurance (it was In- j are unfair. In setting up our Phillips H otel, congratulate strum entai in the establishm ent | budget last spring this prob­ M iss D e Long on her descrip­ of TIAA), and the like. lem occurred to us, but at that tion of our spiritless institution. The local c h a p t e r of the f V v fn i* P s H p n r P or another toward som e group or another. In this free coun­ try, we are allowed to toOow our b eliefs, so long a s w e don't Better for Game Spectators tim e we had heard no protests. May she win the next election AAUP AUP has a membership m em bership o f j ^ V A fter consideration of past ex­ and for her victory celebration close to 300, which is over one- To the Editor: penditures, and what w e be- start tbe new regim e with the' third tee total number to the lived the girls wanted, tbe burning to the dorm television,) teaching and research faculty; W f/o U d U C hurt others. Men are segregated Into c ijsse s to w ealth, color, creed, Segregation is a state of sex. education, etc.. either by council voted to reduce dura to . irons, sew ing m achines, Ency- it is the 12th largest AAUP mind: If you look tor it, you choice or birth, but iiia e llj tend 13.75. 16 accordance •with this i clopedia Britannica, p lan ters,! chapter in thecountry. It has will surely find it happening to segregate tbem aetvw to eat­ decision the residents to PBil-j etc. Let hom ecom ing, water) never claim ed to speak for the to yourself. All of the activities ing establishm ents, s o c i a l lips H all w ere requested to pay carnival_and term parties bei MSU faculty as a whole.-but it of the NAACPjki cam pus seem events and bviag establish­ $4.10. (Each hall is assessed 35 j anathem a. Traditions . . things does speak for its members in) to be like the accident which m ents by choice. cents per resident by W1C.) J 0f the past. The new motto r . . defense of academ ic freedom) is looking t o r a place to happen. ObIv the radical grow * with­ and civil liberties, in favor to) The NAACP has beerr getting in a group, or outsiders without We believe tea t the reduction' ignore your neighbor. of dues to a minimum amount a higher salary scale, for a | a great deal to publicity lately full knowledge to the prehiem Barbara Kienbaum to cover non-luxuries such a s Vice President, greater voice of the faculty In; with thé latest purge hitting at are forcing integration upon the irons, sewing m achines, ency- Phillips HaU „ the governance of the Universi- Housing Director Dutch and m a sser at a rate too tost far --clopedias, etc., is, at the pres­ ty, for closer relouons between ¡M iss DeLisle. Last Monday’s people to d ig est ent tim e, technically possible faculty and students, against j paper carried the articles con-1 n ts ft but hardly practical. This can­ H ie p p imination discrim in a tin n in In any a n v form, fo r m and Anri |! ltaining a i n i n o tk n in (forced their a m m I policies maII aIao I WHJUIG WH DC 101* tTCCOOlB for not Jbe accom plished- suddenly. everyone is basically tor free­ kigbeit standards of Dutch reported that cases to Too many of our residents E x p l a i n s A A U P scholarly achievem ent. - j housing discrim ination are not dom and equahty.-hot ft should be for patience, the patience to want a term party, a television, I am glad to say_that the j reported to him , only rumored. allow all people to allow all scholarship dinners, faculty To the Editor: _ _ AAUP does not speak for Pro- Does this mean that there is people to follow social pry— re dinners, a Hom ecom ing d s -| The first rule to scholarship f essor Jones. or is not- discrimination? without fear or bate.— - _ play, Friday night m ovies and; teat you do your homework Herbert W eisinger Even if there is, Is it only yourself, the second rule is that Only foe lack to notoriety b y other niceties which m ake Phil-i AAUP President against the N egro’ Don’t .the these groups w ill solve any pos- lips less like a “restrictive !» - : you double-check your sources MSU Chapter owners to homes who rent to *ib*e existing segregation prob­ te l.”-T h e possibility to charg-j and the third rule is that you students have the right to pro­ lem s. Allow everyone to freely ing adm ission to social events know what you- are talking hibit pets or children, certain learn thaJL ail men are essen­ w as considered last year but) about. sexes, cooking and eating in the tially equal. rejected because of its im prac-i Since, so far as I know, Pro­ room .-alcoholic beverages or WHHam Small ticability. Granted, a charge) fessor Jones w as not present at D u c k s a n d C o e d s smoking, or cars in the drive­ 1JMC Iriv crrity YOage could be made for tbe term par-j the m eeting of the AAUP which way? And isn't this discrim ina­ ty, but should we install a turn-; he has taken ft upon him self to ' • tee Editor: _„ tion?- But everyone accepts stile and charge 10 cents t o r an condemn, it is fo r m e, as I ] We are writing in rep ly-to these decisions. evening to television? (After i colleague, a m atter to the deep- Mr. Schnitt’s article on “Date And they should also be al­ D r e s s R u l e s * a ll, several who-got to the term est regret that he should have a Duck?” We feel that perhaps lowed to choose the person to: party, never watch television 1publicly dem onstrated hhr In-; in an attem pt to m eet a dead- whom they rent by race, reli- To the Editor ~ and vice versa.) difference to the baric rules of line, he overlooked several, _. .,.. , . Why m ust we unfortunate Wooid it be fair to charge for I t r nthe profession which we both sm all assorted item s that have m ale students be forced to doe a term party, yet take televis­ grossly iMutiirMttmatMt underestim ated tho the in.! in- f**••" ’ *1 L “ teeir home or or hostel. , It coat and tie for ear regalar ion costs out to the treasury? Tbe m eeting to the AAUP to telligence to the students. „ * * owners. c o u a tr ^ : * * * * i0 T even— m eal to tbe d ora ? It Tbe sam e m ay be asked about which Professor Janes takes Inasmuch i f the «hicks are M U. D ,U U , painted o«t tta t Ì Ì S Ì " I * « “t “ scholarship dinners, the Christ­ such objection w as devoted to an integral part to this cam pus’ cases of discrim ination should inconvenience. Do w e need m as project. Parent« Weekend,, a review e f a number e f cam tradition, w e feel that ft is the be brought to her tofice aad not “training” fas proper inodes to etc. — ■ . / pus issues which the member least a student can do to learn hampered by “a lack to com­ dress? No. Moot to the extra­ — At the tim e our constitution ship w as exsffitotag to drier- som ething about our “ fine munication between students curricular aad social activities PuM Otod if f tea students to Michigan State Universi Issued w as revised last year, no con­ m ine which would m erit more feathered friends.” (not at all raid the office.” If stmtents are on raid off cam pus require the e a cla ss d a y f t e t o f f through Friday, during tbe fall, raw ed structive solutions to tease detailed study, fo aB. six prob­ unite« learning the words to not re porting these incidents, sem i -formal dress a f coat aad lashed tw ice weekty during the sum m er term . problem s w ere propeeed. A .,,lem s warn - ...raised, e f which . the tee “ Fight Song” ). are all e f them true or m ost of tie. Do w e need to Is— tb e Lansing, M ichigan, letter to tee Stato N e w d o ^ pote^ q n e sti« wra bto one; in Mr. Sehattt has overlooked traits to “haM teat neatness a t 341 Studcnt Service* building, not officially challenge tee every case, tbe ef the [tw e item s about the docks that Andmaserely them gntotellngs? for iaterrad al dating. raid good personal appear­ M ichigan State U niversity, E ast L aasteg, Michigan AAUP voted th a tA ttera exam ­ w e feel — very Important: * MaS snbacrinttons payable hi advance for one tram , A ; for two present policy to as— ring M iss D eU ste said that It Is a ance?” No. The g b it m ay have ination tra t needed before a term e, M; fra three torma, 15, - — • dues. Our suggestion to M iss 1. There is a discrim inatory private m atter. Is It not a pri­ called us im m ature hot net De Long aad others sharing her stood e e r ii b e taken. difference la coloring between vate m atter wftfa 'whom you untidy, poorly grow — or slop­ Montera to te e A ssociated P ress, Inland D aily Press A ssociati«: •a d te a O eltogi pease. sentim ents is that they pay tea The T “f f — which were the nude aad t o w to tea d a r t s room or a m eal, or py dues. By so doing they w ill give m ade w a n t e — to th e num ­ sp ecies. The fem ale is brown double date with, ra *— rent We combed our hair, scraped E d itor,,. M arcia V ia N oss Editorial Editor Sharon Coady them selves tbe right to jp e te e l bers reporting on these prob­ and »padded, not {to m a to . • room to? I bold that hi a free the manure off — hoots and M anaging Editor Ben Burns Feature Etetor X.Curt Rundell raid constructively w o n with lem s, bat terar — B id te as pol- 1 The average size to the couatey ft to prerogative was— up before w e eam e to B usiness Mgr,— ...Larry Pontius their hall poveram ente to rem­ icy to te a X A D F until tte y to eb— e your p a w n in ev­ S t a t e . The adm inistration Circulation Mgr. BiH Marshall Women’s Editor Sally Ward t o r t b— i discussed and voted m allard duck is more than savy erything you do, even though ft doesn’t aeed to do It for as edy the situation. v Sprats Editor Jerry Fischer - City E d ito r ^ . Bill Cote la drdra for som eone to suc- o e; tide wffl be d a le e t ari— ea la tea s as r ia to i hi Ms arti­ ea— be misconstrued as seg­ through strict drew r e f— . N ew s Editor „ Jay Blissirk Photo Editor D ave Jaehalg j cessfuUy challenge his fe v w » - ouent m eetings. M . & '.«S'T;./ . . cle. .ft|ii^ |A ia a r ie « i - robin regation. - ;«$*• I m eat’s poUctos, I » m ust h i • Stoca tea heraWai did not to- b— suree about B inches.) The C— titutian upholds tea % P B B P S K 3W m § S m m & w 9Ë S S i « 'f f c W E ® $** ^ STUDENTS ì 10% DISCOUNT la tw i tew ing a t th e F lace- restaurant m ajors, December usent Dareaa Wednesday. Nov. and March grads. bgk Additional Information in S u a b le Ofl and Bsfhrtag [the P lacem ent Bulletin for the Company — Production Dept. Interviewing chem ical, civil, [wapk e f Novem ber 21 to D e- electrical, and m echanical en- . “The single bouse legislature gle house. It is the basis e l w ill jbe pert of M tehtgaa’s fu- the Model Constitution e f the gineers. tu rew b eth er w e adopt it sow N ational M unicipal Leajpw. I Jean Jew ett MedtMag and Humble Ofl and Refining Ce. or not,” Harold N orris, (Dem ), 3 . The bicam eral legislatore Jfeiteteg M M « interviewing interviewing chem ical, c m l, e k D etroit leM Tuesday. provides m ore balance and lese :ii*Tma boose 1 ectrical, and'm echanical engi- m orn confused aD D ecem ber grads interested Norris testified before the checks. neers and chem istry m ajors. i L u fl g a in operating the new J o n Jew- Comm ittee o n . L egislative Or- a lt School in Jackson, Michi- i P ort S u ren Area P d tfc v .* S c k n li interview ing «prig ele­ sflHlity, e a « R e , dUlbemttvn* W ® m m entary education, Decem ber j n ess, could be better reached :g rid s Whan based on1populattofcWl Pontiac PUbtie Scbesls inter- j H (id s www | w jws& bje th e view ing early sleman^wy, D e­ single bouse legiiBdlMW M i cem ber grads only. : ;"!0 still be effective u ttw e r e based e i som e new corprom ise for­ Castlnrntal Csa Ce. ifiter- view ing m echanical engineers Tied ap with Insurance Les Stanton m ula, he said. ^ D ecem ber, March and June A rticle H , Section 1 , of the grads. Packaging engineers, Problem s For That M ichigan Constitution stated Decem ber and « a r c h grads. that, “ All political pow er 1» K eandey S c h • 0 1 D istrict ;; hard to get inherent in the people. Govern* (F lin t) interview ing E nglish, I m eet is instituted for tiMhft vocal m usic, girts physical ed- C ar In su ra n ce equal benefit,,security and p m jg cd io o and history, Decem ber -tiction.“ ■ . g flS Igrads only. . “ I subm it a single house le g j Mount Clem ens Community We Finance islature Is a good m ean* to j School D istrict (D etroit area) ... \ .. _■ --r—«?.''■ • ■’ ward that good end In ROchl 1interview ing early and later Local and Out gan,” Norris said . elem entary education, jr. high FOLK DANCING scien ce and m ath com bination of State Student and g irls physical education. Prof.’ Gets Dancers Learn D ecem ber grads only. N atiaaal Cash R egister Ce, interview ing an m ajors in the Premium Payments Honduras German Polka C olleges o f B usiness and Public Service, Science and A rts an d Comm unication A rts, Decem ­ V a r s i t y D r iv e In Tax Post A nd'another m eeting of the hurnw da M arts with em­ ber and March grads only. YePagf Skutt and Breiten- L es S ta n to n A g en cy Germ an folk dance group be­ broidery e a the packets; sus­ w ischer interview ing account­ 1500 E a st M ichigan A ven u e, Laaadng 1227 E. Grand River Dr. M ilton C. T aylor, profes­ gan as Advisor Dr. Ruth penders; w hite shirts; sad ing m ajors. IV 2-0689 I p E n ry Day ‘ ' ” sor of econom ies, has beim ap­ pointed tax adviser Jto the Re­ Ktiebeamann and her partner danced off. knee-high we stern 1tec I lugs cut away around the a H ie , - Slater Food Service M anage­ m ent interview ing H otel and public o f Honduras. Delivery Service M“ s“' In carrying out his m ission, The folk dance group w as hot covering the rest of the legs. Taylor w ill b e * serving a s a fegm ed this fail wbea mem­ When m em bers have perfect­ 8 :3 0 p.m* - 1 :3 0 aan. consultant to the Pan Ameri­ bers e f the German d n b ex­ ed the dances, they bope to pressed an M erest in such Sunday 5 :0 0 p.m . - 1 :3 0 a.m. can Union, th e-jecreta ria t of aa organization Dr. Kitehea- give perform ances for outside the Organization o f Am erican groups, Robson said. m aun, Germ an instructor la States. “We have contacts with ski A fter two months in Hon­ tip foreign language depart­ m ent, and John Reason, d u b resorts and h otels,” he said, duras, Taylor w ill prepare his “ and w e also plan a jdint pro­ report and return to his teach­ president and Holly M ich., duction w ith th e Ltedenfcranz ing duties on cam pus. junior, initiated the plaa. group of Lansing in the' fu­ A taxation expert of inter­ The dance group, currently ture.” national note, Taylor has pcev- com posed of 20 students, m eets The records providing m usic iougjy been consultant to the w eekly. _ for doaetng and m ost o f the Secretary\ö f the Treasury in M em bers o f the group are inform ation far the group w ere Puerto R ico and tax advisor to learning w hat Robson ca lls a provided by a Germ an govern­ take advantage of the savings the Republic o f South Vietnam . “ G erm an-type f o l k dance m ent official, D r. Kilchenxnana His article, “South Vietnam : polka” . They w ill also learn said. D r. Seebotm, German now being offered at Gibson’s Lavish Aid, Lim ited P rogress,” other Germ an folk dances, In­ m inister of transportation, scad appeared in the journal P acific cluding the Rhinelander and the m aterials to her for u se in >k Store while you can because Affairs and w as reprinted in Schuhplatter, from D r. Kilch- such groups. the Congressional Record. H is enmann. “Tiiraugh Che fa it dance»,” book on '“ Industrial Tax-Ex- _ “ We are concentrating ant turaou. Msttm i s mas. . n m om m g p Charge E a st L a n s in g R a d io & T .V . ~ ifMAtinfc ¿n I uece le ito obstoete w h e it I t rom ea to p o p u la r - p r ie d Mmrlkoro, or to M e rlb o o ’t p o t : lor I f priced partne r in A t U snel S (f« tn r« — t k r a a f T * .’• '» » • r ii* P h t i ' n V a r r io S a le s & S e r v ic e K A T H A R IN E Contiti ~r *a?. Got a»ow Jim Brown, t h e league’s e ard touchdown p ass from stfcowski to end Duane Allmi to fin ally wipe out a 21-7 half- R The third quarter found the am s threatening continuous­ PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 24817 ian outfit which copped the tackle Bobby B ell and guard rushing leader, who rolled for tim e lead com piled on fall­ ly but all they could salvage NAAU title for the third Robin Tailor, the fam ed Go­ 6:40 D elta Tan D elta (pi)-Phi 287 yards against Philadelphia back R ick C asares’ three w as a 15-yard field goal by straight year. The Cougars pher pass rush w as practically D elt (pi) < aS T■ M A TI E a w eek ago, w as held to '88 in touchdowns. Danny V illanueva. E arly in the m ay be vulnerable with Law­ nil. rence less effective, but Bar- | Only once did the M innesota rfe Almond, seventh in the rush catch W isconsin’s Ron 7:25 PM K. 'Sigm a * gan, Lansing. Phone 484-7786. tf fessor of continuing education, T Y P IN G In Spartan V illage apart­ recently returned from Ottawa, Id ea! C H R IS T M A S L O ST . Greerf cordoroy jacket in Brody dining hall, W ednesd ay noon. ment, Electric typewriter. C e ll 355- Ontario, whore he attended Reward. 355-1327. 41 3012. tf Canada’s N ational Conference WILLIAM H. THOMPSON P ER S O N AL T Y P IS T -A N N IR O W N . E D 2-8384. on Adult Education. Electric type«rrit*r. Term papers and theses, a lso general typing. Sharer w as one of three U.S. tf educators a t the conference T ake a book hom e JEWELER N E E D A H A I R C U T ? T om s Birber FRANDOR, MALL COURT Shop. 3002 Vine St., W e st o f Scars, across from Frandor^ fV" 4.8844. 42 ST U D E N T D IS C O U N T , self wash, and represented adult educa­ t .75 Luba fob, - 1,00. Sbyfent parking. tion a t the university level. $1.50. Free quart o f 08 with every oil The two other U .S. partici­ to y o u r F O R T H E F IN E S T - In d a n c e 'm u sic change. .C om p lete tuneup. "O p e n 24 pants represented adult educa­ f l G IL LE T T E Super Bladei, 69c. It's Jack Iraun, lo b b y Stevens, Ron hours. D a v e 's Pure O il. 1010 E, G rand 2 7 c 'S im ilu c liquid. 20c; $3.95 Polyvisal English, plus many others. Phone the tion in toe public school and in Rivet. tf drep*. 82.771 $3.1 1 Unicpp«. $1.11: 73c J oh neun'* Saby founlar, 49e._49e V ie l* Rub. 33c. Thata priee» |ood witk th« Bud-Mor Agency. IV 2-0624. D ID Y O U ForgeL to wish Susie a H a p p y Birthday? D o it by calling 355- af EXPERT T H E SE S and general typing. Electric typewriter. Eighteen years «*» perience. O n e block from Brody. ED 2- the evening cottage. Sharer is president-elect o f the United States National F a v o rite Y o u n g ster a d only. M arek R v ia ll Pra»cription C e n ­ ter, 301 -N . C nppcrt, Northwest of 6331. Thanks. 41 5545. H Adult Education A ssn. Sears bv Frandor, (W a rarerve tha right U R G E N T L Y N E E D E D . by N atash . P E R S O N A L D A T A forms, theses and to lim it quanU U ct.) 44 CHKttYMAI TREES - carefully »hear- ed »catch pine 3 ' to 20‘. Cut any tree end the Count, "w tctim s." C ell ' ‘W arn- pirei A nonym ous." 41 general typing. O ffse t printing, plastic binding n o d typesetting. W e n d t G rafie Service, 1720 la s t M ichigan, Lansing. B IC Y C L E S • sjbeading a Cold winter, Phana 484-7786. v J T H Wë clem H o lid ay S h ip m en t of far only SU». »SO CoH.g« Id. IX miles smith af Cavanaugh Id. Op«* leag trip heme. etc. Store yourself ell cleaner • * < winter term, including the Christm as T y A n G IN M Y H O M E . S y woman cvarywaekend- '________ SO recast, for just $2. Repairs alto avail­ with 10 year* secretarial experience. more C H IN A cabinet • walnut; amaH but* fet-qah. 223X Q a k h ll Avenue, 1 0 2- 4510. 43 able at reasonable rates. Pedal ever TU 2-6738. or better yet, have your owner phone I D 7-0147. 44 M O V IN G ? Loeel-state-natianwide tf thoroughly C h ild re n ’s D ooks J u s t A rriv e d A t For free esbm ete call Kevin W abh. too swunmatsTOK T R A U lk » S A L L Y D E N N IS and D A V E H O U S - yqur Am erican Red B#H M ovin g C ans T O N please com e to tha Stete~N tw s pany repräsentative. IV 5-2242. 44 1941 F O à b l lN I M ob ile Hom e. 30 office, Room . 347 Student Services feet. EaaeRent home far \ or 2 student». Bldg., for two free pastes to the Crest 4 3 SS Radt Lake Read. M A 7-2470 dav*. Drive-In. tf T R A N S P O R T A T IO N N A 7-294$ night«. 41 W O R D H A S IT that tha Seotpr C o u n ­ C H R IS T M A S lU S charter . New T R A M JM cil Has asked H ank Bullnugh to in­ York, Jersey, Decem ber IS. D o n t be l l i k t Y R Ü A M L IN L M i l " Clean, struct them in the fundam entals o f left ou t! Inquire now » «ove. 355-9310, carp eked, living ream, epae-oue bed­ football. Junior C o u n c il says g o ahead, A rt U pton. room, bathroom , kitchen. Sm all dawn m om power to you, b u t a t your age* paym ent. O n tot. 355-3114. 41 d o n 't you think football Is kind o f o f "Cm lor A C R O S S F R O M B E R K E Y d angerous? Q b w ill, we prom ise to 1451 A L M A , 25*i suitably for couple teke it easy. '4 1 MON. THRU FRI. TILL • m two students. O ccupan cy winter W A N T T O T R A D E high chair, car SAT. TILL 7 (FREE PAXKD4C m REAR) term. Very reasonable, Let 209, 2710 DIG THE TWIST? Celt Kenny Davis scat and taris»- I* « b id s nr b oys bi- E. G rand Rtver, 43 orchestra, ED 2- 1477. 42 -ucH . W ■»•*«* I. 42 I*I »PP IS M m ïm m Ê m S Æ i ’ V ''î v3R bH H lili» ! w fW fÊ - W rn m -$ m 3 jgj . ,,V V « f i m» ! ' WM m m w m m m W m i l l l f P Í' y S jr"V M — m H- B H S Ii PR 1 1 Í1 É Í_ I H i H i Warner ■3RTT'.T'¥r2'T iiffljm .1 ■ ir .M a r i t t Ü c~it. tMf tg »B-otai .- _In t Sagfaanr. 0^ . 0* -ji" a.—• ■ ectar ef dralaral. W—HB81% A spec—its* SB Own*« W O N T f o r m S h o gfa apeak a ta a— Magef thel W3uB IRuRraMBraliRi ip m a a m m a sr— cg cfa«, wffl — alt on llm tr a g e M arket O utiuk Auditions will be held Tues­ “We c a n t ossibly go era Aasa. Y hatsday a tth e 1962.“ day at 7 pjm te the Union through «M i 8— —¡par W A N T T O M IS S . . . W ^ # f U u a h ] r « t a show unless w e j e t support Jfftpjn. •in the. h l6 # d r t o Att from tbe cam pus,” em phasiz­ i f The F*1 Rocket .. K udents S J fa ta fcra X e d la ^ g u j j ‘Ada tibe annual S ^ | W e ek^sbow ^ ed R iley. “We’re going to need fate t f p eop le wtm enthusiasm a t w ell as people w th talent.” College Graduates^ centi— d — Union l è nt i ig Why The Space Race? shew Chairman. • ^r*’> j,-1'- •.J | ; -j' 'i. p:• - - ^^ around MSU cam pus life, th is year's program 4 s M a g writ­ Required to rapport m ain i f Mist November Engineer ten b y p reiessk n ally^ experi­ perform ers w ill b e a 15 piece T r a in in g P r o fr a m s L e a d in g T o en ced !grad student, Ron Grow, orchestra, com posed of a • i t Concrete jfc Architecture jl ' add h is w ife, Sue. ,& ■ french b oto, violins, trum pet, . . To b e presented on Friday oboe, piccolo, trom bone, piano, basa, and drum s, a r w e ii a s « I n te r e s tin g C a reer P o s it io n s i f Computers tn The Sky I eve^ R L Fdh. % the narrative m usical arranger. w ill feature a variety t f scenes tfepfafaag freshm an arrival on T u e s . & W e d # Lansing freshman, broke oat his summer togs, grab­ MM Highway Pfauafog Psychiatric S ed al Werk if»*:, m i gH H t lasfflntiaaai M aaagratest bed s buddy, teonjs racket and a loose court and took P sy d id sgy ■ ' ■ advantage of the break in the weather. U N IV E R SIT Y la m a m r E u a d f o g Right t f Way Buying B (available only with coupon) a THEATRE BUTARP«ÄÜ NO. JUST RWifiils - C h u b b y C h e c k e r ’s ' <ÆS A WHOLE LOT A LITTLE THíNK IM UBeMgaa O vfl Service is new recruiting applicants for TW5AfTBZNûOSfMAK! SMARTER? SMARTER its c u n ta ! n s n brades program . Trainee positions to- VOÜ fiJSS TMI« ums vehhteg foSraalrr w -tbe-fob devefopm ent program* w ill T W I S T A G A IN ” SMARTS? N ov. 29* D ec, 4 M0RNIN6? b e fitted foam A te exam ination. * ' ■: tw . . . ---- — - F airch ild T h eater Regular *3.98 ~ Saw * 1 .5 0 Apptteants am st be college graduates by Angaat 1882. Variasi— la am Jars required according to class. Appli­ SALE PRICE $2.47 t t-Z L cants m ast sabm it transcripts t f their college credits w ith their apptteatiaas where indicated on t ie asme— e- th eb e m s m m RAU)G (N OUR OWAT? EDUCATIONAL. i S & W M Write fer appdcadeas for exam inations before DECEM­ BER 4, 1981 to the MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, LANSING 13. MICHIGAN or n u k e lowest record prices in Michigan arrangem ents a t the PLACEMENT BUREAU’S RE­ CEPTION DESK far a per— I Interview with Mr. C om pare p rices an d sa v e Rhrhard C m lfo . ch ief t f reendtm ent for the agency, o ///* •««dev 207 M.A.C. MARLOWE’S w hs wffl h e on tarapui Decem ber 4. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H a s n ’t F a i l e d Y e t SA U N A , K an, (« -T h irty DR- FAUSTUS Benefits Available To State Employees t seven .years ago M rs. O . A P ay rates h i Mar with those t f other em ployees G rinage found « x id p s for a R egalar^atary h r r a w s “never fa il’ chocolate cake to the Saline Journal. Groap tesaraace program In 19<2 her daughter, now M rs. Longevity pay SPECIAL DEMAND PERFORMANCE Edwaffd M adison Jr. of Salina, Liberal anim al and sick leave provisions. (Paym ent of won a school baking contest DECEMBER 4 ,8 :to P .M . ADMISSION IS.M S S % o f earned rick leave on retirem ent or death. No • H iritim » - Shopping Get Your ;A ^ with it. n ow h er grandaughter, HaaM on rick leave accraal.) Susan M adison, b is won a tone TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT FAIRCHILD BOX OFFICE E x c d k a t rejjrtm ent plaa including social secu rity' ribbon for a cake from tiie M O N.- FR I. 12:88 5:88 P.M . IM p *1 H w _ _ Christmas Cards sam e recipe to the Tri-Rivers F air. PHONE 8550148 OJUinJS BOOK STORE from our huge selection floor Imprinting Servie» Thousands of Books A to choose from jd fl « u t u u t a S / A toast to taste...Choose not in haste T h e p r o p r ie t o r o f t h i s C h r is t m a s e m p o r iu m h a s b e e n la v is h w it h h is t im e a n d e ffo r t s to s e le c t t h e g if t s sh o w n u p o n t h is p a g e . T h e y g iv e th e m a n a s lic e o f th e g o o d life ! G et yo u r F R E E , illu s t r a t e d , 34 p a g e C H R IS T M A S B O O K S w e a te r ........ IS M S h irt .....______ f-i* S la tta .......... 16.00 Ja c k e t 2 2 J ê ¡T S H O P P IN G G U ID E • -j j C o a t ........... 225 0 P anche ______ Í 2 M H a t 7 .0 0 C a r d ig a n — 2 0 M i w . N O W ! . ' ¿ ¡ a J f la u le f ik t . -.i, ; ¿ 9 ’ ■ ’ . CUSTOM SHOP au a t.... - ~ W ^ m m Ê A SM ;.y M a i E ast Grand Rtvnr s a fin Can— ÇAMPfôBOOKSTORE Aerosa from the Union Building . iSË a n i