•i I H ! jiè * I ***** Competition Affected Test Ban By Autolite Merger Retarded tard rather than adrtoCis' the prospects fa r b i g power ag iev rncat — a le s t baa» W est­ ern s t s m n k L T he » iiir t — n fflrisl reaction in London w a s m m o f t i a p poiatm enL «*......j The three-pow er negotiations m o w in g in G eneva Tuesday a p p e v headed far Am eld east- w est deadlock. wh ich for three y e a n h as prunenlad th e con- irtnsisa o f a lea th sw tr eaty. Inform ants said the Krem lin ; still is daefctog e a the control question. T here s t S is no sign f la t th e Soviet U n ea w ifl ac­ cept an international control i j d HB te prewa st ch ertiag on a test h ast' W srhw gtea and L sadea have said repeatedly they w ill never accept a haw e a anrtoar explo­ sions based on a system of self- im p ectu a . The two W estern powers want a le s t boa treaty establishing international p olk in g m achin- ery. ucasdSBg control posts aao m obile inspection team s. :-T h e Soviet Union proposed that fe e stw nir pow eri pledge them selves to refrain from nu­ clear weapon tests- in the at- m iij ir r f . trader w ater and in LEARNING TO work w ife children is aa important part sp ace. T he p ea ce s also would prem ise s e t to te st nuclear af--fee CUM Developm ent m ajor’s program. H ere M rs. w capsar tradergranad until a Barbara fetffler to fts w ife Bohseca M iller daring nursery ty e » w o f n s t a h is w oltild school b e a n . M rs. SttfQer is a student teacher in fee oat. F inally the R ussians proposed Chfld Developm ent program and works under fe e super- that f t e French, who n ow h ave vishw of a Laboratory Preschool instructor four afternoons th eir own atom ic devices, a week. —S tate News pboto by Frank Lisciandro. - should h e invited to fe e G eaeva talk s. v f: Several Western objections w ere sb riaaL The R ussians G o ve rn o r R e tu rn s H om e have concluded atm ospheric tests one monste r to ast of m ore than SO ntegatons. Maw, havin g gassed infomra- tion front fe a t series, they would pie veut tu n ila r tests by fe e United S tates. Britain has reserved fe e right to m ake such tests b at has m ade no arrange­ PiRlM APO EN, Dutch New m ents for them . G uinea til—G ov. Nelson A. R ockefeller, h is fa ce drawn rad downcast a s the first really S trin g Q u a rte t bopeful d u e faded, flew per­ S a im e s sonally to this Jungle search cam p yesterday in a a apparent P re sè n te P ro g ra m last-ditch effort to find m s son. H o n o re d _ The governor m ade f e r trip in a catalina flying boat after a The departm ent of m usic w ill w hite plum e o f sm oke, which present a concert by the F ac­ G easge S a la c e w as elected t alsed hopes when It w as spot­ ulty String Quartet to fe e Mus­ ted Sunday, turned out to be a ic Auditorium a t 8:15 p.m . native fire without connection Tuesday. The m em bers of fe e to 23-year-ohl M ichael. H e has quartet are Rom eo T ata and been m issing since h e tried to Jam es N ibieck, violinists; Ly­ sh im to shore from a capsized m an Sodm an, violist; Louis boat tone d ays ago. P otter, Jr., c e llis t The governor's fligh t over The program w ill com prise fe e steam y Jungle w as his th e “Quartet in C Minor, opus second Mr trip Mace U s ar- 1C No. i" by Beethoven; the riv a l tart wade and fe e first “ Second String Quartet” by fe r n h e had landed near fe e w aters to which hflchael w as Jam es Nitoock: and the “Quin­ la st sera . G ov. R ockefeller tet in B M inor, opus US, for talked w ith various search Clarinet and Strings“ hy Johan­ leaders hare ra d ora o f them nes Brahm s. A ssisting artist told M ai: for the Quintet w ill be Keith Stein o f th e Woodwind Faculty ^)3feLSS«SiL^ESSHi£22L™ --. Give the Kids Coffee c o t o W a n t T r a d e , N o t A id Weather 'm m m HS !§¡¡ M S G f Saasgfe SH Ste A y«M H | S till N A SA W M e F o rm LEXINGTON, Maas. f e - A copper filam ents—if dispersed powerful Am erican zatellite- into fe e planned ctood—w as ex­ !Æ ê tr »eking radar h a s picked up pected to a ct as a tim ed dipole evidence fe a t 3 N piUlioo tiny to redact ra tio w iv e s beck to training here for the upcoming On th e aptem tng flight, the cooper filam ents sea t aloft CAPE CANAVERAL, F la . m Oct. 21 tot a n A ir F orce com ­ earth, to theory, such a sparse —A Jogoarod chim panzee with m M M iO«lj^R.:(m r*. chim p w ill tip arooad ... J Hfe a cloud m ight have m ade pes- The orbiting chim p w ill b ejearth a t 17,400 m iles an hour, m unications test are still or­ rem arkable brainpower aeon s|M e a world-wide com m unica­ up much longer than Ham and i strapped f i jinj an " | |air-tight i| con­ m t biting to a package—instead a t w ill rocket around the world to tions system free from enem y learn the possible e ffe c t a t or­ w ill have m ore demanding tainer inside fee M ercury a cloud. f The M assachusetts Institute interference or eavesdropping- bital flight e e an American task s. He, or s ite wiB be in a capsule. He w fil work at a waist-high t i Technology Lincoln Labora­ actronaot. w ejghtfrss condition for nearly fe e en tire 4% hours and w ill shelf equipped with three Sev­ tory said it is carrying out TRY OUR VER1FAX v The chim p w ill p ro v id eth e calculations and experim ents h e subjected to higher blastoff ers below a trio a t display first careful m easurem ents ob­ tained by U . S. scien tists on and re-entry forces. Panels. Ip m ost of the tests, ps to why the 7/10 inch copper Copy Stories Scientists are highly interest­ he is to react to a colored light hairs seem ingly have not been INSTANT COPIES OF whether m ental faculties and released reflexes are disturbed by a ed in the resuttsTa r fe e test be­ by hitting the appropriate lev ­ IMPORTANT PAPERS cau se of fe e vertigo richness er. He also w ill Indicate which The task of seeing the tiny DOCUMENTS prolonged period a t floating in pac kage i s described a s space without the fam iliar sen­ which affected Russian coso- a t three sym bols is different SP A R T A N monut Cherman Titov during from the other two when they equivalent to observing—from sation a t having weight. Boston—a football high over BOOK STO RE moot of his 25-hour orbital flash on before Mm. The anim ­ 223 ANN STREET The National Aeronautics and al fete learned the reaction the city of D enver. Space Administration is expect­ flight hi August. S future ft space pilots suffer tests to perfection in recent Each of the 350 m illion tiny ed t * reveal the nam e of the sim ilarly, this i s a human weeks. chosiai chimp Tuesday. If all factor which could alter fee - I f the chim p does not per­ goes right, fee anim al w ill CENTRAL MICHIGANS course of the manned space form properly, he w ill receive ride a Project Mercury capsule th ree tim es around the globe flight program s of both the a sm all electrical sh ed : in fe e United States and R ussia. fo o t SPORTS G U I OERTER in 4*4 hours W ednesday. Spaceships traveling to other r Cam eras and electrodes win PR O U D LY A N N O U N C E S How the ape reacts w ill de­ planets w ill be f e a w eightless m easure the anim al’s reaction term ine whether a human pilot state for w eeks' or months. tim e, alertness,T jeartbeal, res­ T H E A R R IV A L OF is to be sent on a sim ilar space The chim panzee is the m ost piration and tem perature. A journey within a few w eeks. logical anim al to pioneer space backup chim p on th e ground “ WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND—BAD” is ane of m ere f e a r IN top T H E N E W .:. , — A nim als have flown M rock­ t o r m an. In body and behavior, a t Cape Canaveral win sim ul­ newspaper photos which win be exhibited In E ast L aasiag by Cansamers Power ets, both Russian and Ameri­ can . But only one, a diapered chim p nam ed Ham, carried out in moods and motor ability, he taneously perform -fee sam e is m ore closely like man than tasks for com parison. com paay. The picture is b y G eorge Vaflfflee of fee B attle Creek Enquirer & N ew s. AH photo« to the show are IN I prise winners to the M ichigan Press FOSTER ~ P A U L, IN C any other creature. Photographers aad Michigan P ress associations contest. The display begins 2806 E A ST G R A N D R IV E R A V E N U E intelligent'tasks in a p ace. On a 15-minute suborbital fligh t last January, he successfully per­ There a re many physiologic­ a l sim ilarities — in patterns of the brain, makeup of fe e Engineers’ 1 Tuesday at the M ichigan State university Student Union and continues through D ecem ber 7. The public is invited. ^ B etw een L a n sin g and E aat L an sin g on U S -16 formed a number of lever-push­ ing chores and proved that blood, and structure of the hands. Like a m an, a chimp Conference such § trip w as safe for As­ tronauts Alan B . Shepard Jr. end Virgil L G risson. has his bright and bleak per­ iods. H is reaction tim e of .7 of a second is close to m an’s Sr Held Here '¡ado With Enthusiasm Ham is one of fiv e prim ates of a second. - .A nationwide -conference to promote th e m ore effective use of engineers and engineering N u clear P o w er Is technicians w ill be held how N ov. 29-30. More than 100 engineering By SALLY WARD Of fee S tole N ew s Staff 1 And the execution m ust not be put off. supervisors and personnel peo­ The solution to the dilem m a L ik ely S pace F u e l “Nuclear power has up to p le from firm s in m any states w ill travel to K ellogg Center for Continuing Education for “ On the basis of power per the conference. A prancing Lord High E x­ ecutioner solved the lo v e pro­ blem s of a prince in disguise Tuesday at the New York City is solved as the execution o f the prince is faked and signed by Poo-Bah, Lord High E very­ thing E lse, and Petti-Sing, MONTH To be discussed are such O pera presentation of G ilbert Yum-Yum’s sister. one m illion tim es the potential w eight of fuel, the recom bina­ topics as the future needs of When the Mikado realizes of gasoline as a source of en­ tion of hydrogen ions into hy­ and Sullivan’s, The Mikado, engineers and technicians, the fea t the executed, is his son, he ergy for space flight,” accord- drogen gas m olecules could he changing role o f engineers and j An enthusiastic audhmce fill­ ing to Lawrence J. G iacoletto, tea tim es more powerful than technicians and various pro­ decides to “ Let* fe e Punish­ ed the auditorium to watch fee m ent F it th e Crim e,” and pro­ professor of electrical engineer­ gasoline,” said the form er chief ing. of „the electronics departm ent blem areas in the supervision executioner, Ko-Ko, subm it to poses several sentences for Ko- of engineers. his fate as he stepped spright­ Ko, Petti-Sing and Pooh-Bah. Speaking before the mechan­ of fe e Ford Motor Co. scientific Speakers a t the two-day Ko-Ko solves all problem s as ica l engineering departm ent laboratories. G iacoletto added ly across fe e stage into the m eeting w ill include Lee A. he m elts fe e hard-hearted sem inar on high altitude and fea t such a reaction is vary arm s of the over-powering lacocca, vice president and K atisha w ife the song “ Willow, space in the E lectrical En­ difficult to coBtrolr however. K atisha, an elderly lady in lo v e general m anager fo r th e Ford Tit-willow” and is left only gineering btdg., G iacoletto G iacolelta said that an ideal D ivision, Ford Motor Co., w ife the prince. com pared fee relative m erits electrical storage battery using D isguised as a wandering w ife h is problem of m arried Dearborn; Paul Robbins, ex­ life w ife K atisha. of chem ical, electrical and nu­ lithium and fluorine has near­ m instrel, fe e prince, Nanki- ecutive secretary, N ational clear energy In space flight. ly the potential of gasoline as Poo decides to com m it suicide O riental fans flash and clap Society of Professional E ngi­ a space power source. How­ neers, W ashington, D .C ., and when he finds out h is love, and, brightly colored parasols Watch That Nutria? ever, practical problem s would W illiam Torpey, consultant. Yum-Yum is going to m arry turn in tim e to the m u sic-o f B E G IN N IN G TO DAY A T 9 :3 0 A .M . probably rule out the use of O ffice of E m ergency Planning, the executioner. “The Flow ers fea t Bloom in A selling cam paign to beguile such a battery, he said. the Spring" to bring down the buyers of troublesom e and E xecutive O ffice of the P resi­ Ko-Ko decides to take ad­ “ All chem ical methods of vantage of the disguised curtain before- an appreciative overrated m uskrat-like rodents storing energy w ill be equal dent, W ashington, D.C. audience. S u b sta n tia l sa v in g s on Jacob son 's fin e fa sh io n apparel for ended in m ail fraud convic­ when pushed to the lim it of de­ Joining to sponsor this fourth prince, and throws away his list of “never to be m issed” ex­ The opera w as fee second tions for Cabana-Nutria, Inc., sign ,” said G iacoletto. T his, he annual Conference on the E f­ w om en and ch ild ren . Com e in early tom orrow and check a California corporation which said, is because the binding fective U tilization of Engineers ecution suspects, who . . . presented by the New York has done business in M ichigan. energy of electrons is the com ­ and T echnicians are the M ichi­ “ puff pepperm int in your face City Opera com pany in con­ th e se tim ely v a lu es, so im p ortan t now w hen you w an t th em gan S ociety of Professional , . it’s such a d isgrace.” nection with the Lecture Con­ The defendants drew fines of mon source' of chem ical energy E ngineers; M ichigan E ngi­ th e m o st. A n ex c itin g b u yin g op p ortu n ity V $1,000 each and suspended five- in a ll atom s. A s fe e “Pretty State of cert Series. - neering Society; O ffice of Things, A Pretty How-de-do” year prison sentences from a According to G iacoletto, en­ E m ergency Planning, E xecu­ Los Angeles federal grand jury ergy from the sun is sufficient tive O ffice of the P resident; continue, the prince is allowed to m arry Yum-Yum for a and were ordered “to refrain to sustain the life of two men and MSU’s College of E ngi­ from a n y -illeg a l advertising” in space, This solar energy is neering, Labor and Industrial for their com pany. premium energy because un­ R elations Center and Continu­ month and th a t be .¡executed. According to tradition, the Have You They w ere convicted on like other sources it need not be ing Education Service. w ife of an executed m an is bur­ charges of advertising that carried in the space craft, he ied a liv e in fe e Japanese towrr D RESSES their corporation had develop* said. ~ ed a superior strain of nutria, ' - “Completion of any space of Titipu and on hearing this new s, th e prince once again Tried a fur-bearing anim al known as project requires tremendous Police A rre s t w ishes to com m it suicide. the Cabana-Marrone. whose energy,” said G iacoletto. As an But the Mikado is on his w ay Fraador Rito Wash C O A T S - S U IT S - B L O U S E S pelts supposedly brought an exam ple, he cited the recently La n s in g D riv e r to v isit Titipu, accom panied by average, market price of $30 tested Saturn rocket which K atisha, who is pursuing the F randor S hop p in g C enter w eighs w ell over one m illion N ils Adolphson, 30, a t Lan­ ¡wince and accusing him of each. sing, waa arrested Sunday Postal authorities estim ate pounds at launching and uses running out on their m arriage. the advertising cam paign at­ over tw o tons of fu el during m orning b y th e deportm ent of 2 and 3 P ie c e EN SEM BLES tracted som e 4.000 nutria buy­ each second of powered flight. public safety and charged w ife ers and grossed more than B ecause of the great energy drunk driving and driving with­ w u n co K * « J M n s? needed for space flight, Giaco­ out an operator's licen se. PANIUKS $3.000.000 from 1964 to 1900. Conservation D e p a r t m e n t letto said the rocket engineer Aldolphson pleaded not guilty m ust aim for the m ost possible in Lansing Township Justice S W E A T E R S - S K IR T S - S L A C K S gam e men, who have warned M ichigan residents about the fuel in the lightest possible Court Monday. H is trial w as set com pany’s “ get-rich-quick" ad­ rocket structure. for Jan . 4. 'W m H B ! ; vertising, say the m arket for Whato tato* m «iris to a m f wild nutria is practically n it in M ttm te Um «MBrtnrt FAUT*. R A IN C O A T S - K N IT D R E S S E S this country. The going price LEGS I r GLEN EAVEN...Ute_ for their pelts is about $1 at tebatow m m tm U m thaTa «ah- In* girilM , farters *a4 «arte* best. M ts M fashion 1 A sum* «te» The nutria has a voracious binatimi af sfatemi stento steste I M B O Y ’S S N O W S U I T S appetite which m akesAt costly haw seri acsfUsaw w i stratte to raise for com m ercial pur­ ptnty b ri.f, PANTI-LKG3 aro poses. This anim al is a serious •Mtetfcaltywmfortabla witheum- m enace to muskrat and water­ F O O D «as U fi, data frock«, «U jrsa* fowl habitat and farm crops in ’round-ths-doek doth« — asp*- states where t t i s found in the «alls’ ths mV culottea aad und« w ild. There are no known wild slaeks. N s aar. wriakla « btdg* nutria colonies in Michigan at L-o-a-f wearing. OC tte k torta O ur Entire Slock of - Chôme among the best of Italian foods at Cass Nylon. Avai laWs ta totea «batos th is tim e. «f brigo-plua Mack Mat Essati«« N o va Subm arina sa n d w ich es, sp a g h e tti, or wito ««ai« Patito Mattate, ! Modista Tali, TsQ. GIRLS’ COATS Holiday Permanents Stami«**, «.00. X ter tota- Wito aaams . Qualifies- 1 Instgnifi- ef flame veloped' ahead of th e rest of undisguised boon to busy college students. Basy- 28. Creeks -■ lion cent 10. Tune Thafland, and has not provided to-read, eaiy-to-ctody, an y to seviaw digests. si tend 5!. Conquer 4. Unit* of 11. Female measure SI Heron energy sandpiper much of a m arket for m e other th ese convenient bocks baws been approved by 11. Mettatela S t Born I. Angers: I I Crew areas, a t it h as im ported m any professors. . . work Hks « « d m ask of asrif 91 At all M. Kntreness eolleq. •.Stage of life U P echs SO. Seed i f c o f its needs. WASH-N-WEAR prepared by outstanding «p at» fit aach laid. B/W sadag Dadaatry in the Bangkok Hick S7. Consume 7. Hence coatins areas b ee not boon r it e to ab­ FLANNELS 31. Walked XL Fay sorb enough o f the population homage to growth of the rest o f the n a­ n u i v SJ95 24. Threefold tion. A general growth requires 31 Maritime that the various areas devriop 223 ABBOTT HO. E .L A N 8. 31 Salvers interdependently, servin g a s VARSITY SHOP 31 Conveyed 31 Mountain m arkets for each other's goods. lake 3 1 Stupid 34. Rebuff 31 Sully 40. Showy Sower r4 V arsity D rive In 41. Cavalry 1227 E. Grand River ^ sword 49. Soldier’s equipments 41 The Opes Every Day * pm THESE PLU S MANY MORE mllkfisb 47. Clamor _ Delivery Sanies 41 Orinoco 8 :3 0 p.m . • 1 :3 0 «.m. tributary 4». Chinese shrub 9 1 But Sunday 5 :0 0 p.m . • 1 :3 0 a.m. STUDY A ID S IN C L U D IN G ftB arnes and N o b le 93. Proceed - | D a ta G u ide I ■ ' ftL ittle fie ld A dam s _ B rie f Courses - *' ftC B ffs N o te s - Schaum s ft D isc E d Records ft th e s is Guides ft V is E d Cards J u st T e le p h o n e D ial L ocks ft K e e p yo u r phone P R I V A T E Distinguished from that which h at praoe licaJ application, pur* research to cw w A rriv e d ft N o unw anted calls Oflly M i l ft Com plete w ith 2 keys <*m ed with the discovery of fundamental knowledge to widen man’s understanding o f himself and the universe. ta rd Motor Company’s Scientific tabora* tory in Dearborn, Michigan is dedicated} to tha pursuit of knowledge in the physicAli scien ces. On Its staff am scientists o r national and international reputation w ho conduct independent basic research pro­ grams of-an extremely broad nature. ~ W hy does Ford Motor Company support research w hich seem ingly Is unrelated to th e m anufacture o f its products? It is our view, and a pioneering concept in our industry, that entirely new ap­ proaches to automotive development can G r a d A n n o u n c e m e n ts coma only from unhampered scientific Investigation. Deeper understanding of matter itself, and of the conversion and a r e in - P le a s e storage of energy—aside from widening man's primary knowledge—may have practical application in tomorrow's vehicle p ic k u p y o u r o r d e r design. Thus knowledge wrested from nature by scientists will be taken b y technologists and applied to serve practical needs and : N O W - T oday f t desires. A nother exam ple e f ta r é s leader­ s h ip th ro u g h s c ie n tific re se a rc h e n d engineering. — -4 Y O U ’L L F I N D f t A T T H E mfMm ¡ \ i , ■. j 1Ü a h Í- - ¡¡11 ItSl IHBBi su a ® w m m m m M N If y ea Bke m usic yeuH like AB window s arc in d otcd by from 2 to § t iv U n iM ^ p a te room . , 5 double panca of gla ss. ' :A to 9 in th e • CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS 2 F ar houoed in th is roam is A fiftirbeoth is equipped with ì^ m é m i an upright piana w h en anyone I ¡ñ u p fe o f th e m ost com ptoto:rec- m a y a se . ord codectloQO oa cam pus. H t » upon «very afternoon H e sa id tfca t near Japan mid W hether it I t folk songs, By GARY RONBERG - to go into irony and sarcasm c te ssitW ta ” Broadway Ishow i | Of toe State News StaB Any disarm am ent program concerning fallout «betters.** area where the bombs w ere ex* D ’Am elio urged that, instead pioded R van 100 tim es a s « 8 | of «w jrthtoking, people should tam inated a s tt w as ia f, nnstofl tim es, m m m a m (fee M arie room , located i n th e third Researcher LAST L A N S IN G • PHONE EQ.2-2314 w ill m eet great obstacles a s as people b e tim th e y are professar Thomas becom e better inform ed about T he path o f fallout from J fc i what to do ia ca se e f ha attack 30 m egaton bomb tr o v fltlt floor, baa your favorite. fes dNMHMl Rbcasy - a t . records To Talk a tq SOME OF THE KS8T IN FOREIGN TTLMS G reer said Thursday night. Greta’ appeared on a panel and realize the uses of fallout right over one of the m ost popu­ sb elteri. m h -y I r lated and developed p a m o f Siberia, he said. ; ita growing* More fluua 38 new ¿tons h a v e-M m a d tea f l b MR, a re a iflta f fa B tayie E . Seminar - , EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING of faculty mem bers and Civil m said cities m ust bavé pub­ FIRST SHOW 7 PJL ADULTS 88e “ One wonders if any natwR W hite, directer o f activities Dr. I. H. G erks, a m em ber T ■ j..... D etente ftaresen tatives that lic m eetings and distribute lft- THE far th e U a tm r H of th e re sea rd r sta ff of CoQins discussed the facta o f radio­ erature about pians concern­ baa deliberately planned to am Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, activity and the value of fallout in g nuclear attack protection. pose i n people to a fallout o f SORTOr UR- “The M uric room has a good Iow a, w in speak at a sem inar r r s A R E A L LAU G H IN G G A S S E R ! shelters a t a public m eeting “Ê ast Lansing bas no such t h i s m agnitude,” W olterink is ja a s a n lilh « collection,” M iss an hloh atm osphere » « s space sponsored by the Lansing Ite a ,” D ’Am elio said. “ It needs said. W hite said. W ednesday a t 4 p .m .\ ia 404 SANE Nuclear P olicy Commit­ one. “Yon ju st don't test th ese “Many o f th ese recordlT are E lectrical Engineering. tee. D’Am elio said that disarm ­ bombs near anyone.” stereophonic. T he Union am ent is the best solution, but The title e f Gerks* talk is, W olterink said that the atti­ Board baa put m ore than 8700 “ Ionospheric Anom alies and “ W hile fallout shelters if the Civil DefSasejarogram is tude o f d ie nation would IM m ight save far Into th ese records during the Their R elation to Solar P he­ proparly supported it m ight much different if It knew a past th ree y ears, tocluding os they eertaaty don’t of­ mean the difference between bomb would be dropped on i t nom ena.” The departm ent of fer any long-range protec­ total destruction and- survival. 8400 la st year. m echanical engineering w ill “The question is n o t w hat “Now wo have som ething to e sponsor the sem inar. tion,” Greer said. Jim Anderson, vice president is the nature of falloutr—it is, everyone.” P rofessor Richard Reid, ' “ I think the great illusion of AUSG, analysed the student are th ese bombs going to be ex­ l FER CREEPV! J H owever few persons seem departm ent o f electrical en­ tea t you go underground for reaction to the world situation ploded,” he said> fr - to know about ttw M u sic roam , gineering, w ill be the presiding STMtaixa two w eeks and then com e up and the possibilities of nuclear THE “CARRY ON y i “The point here is that none M iss W hite saldT ' chairm an of the m eeting. A ll and rebuild is absurd. The val­ war. it of us have experienced any ef­ interested persons are invited. GANG " It is open for everyone hot ue of fallout shelters has been “I doubt if there is any fects o f fa llo u t” W olterink it isn ’t used a s m uch a s it use grossly exaggerated.” country in the world w h ere. said. G reta, a professor of human­ students are less ities, is dgeply interested in the about the world situation W olterink said that the tiauatioa of b em b te tta ce u id to b e. O R “We haven't had a w aiting .B it to fiv e y ea rs,” Honorary history of warfare and the de­ than to the United S tates,” (continued from page 3) KMT velopm ent of m ilitary doctrine. he said. effect the econom ics s f te e Sue V an R iper, stodent a s­ com pleted by the applicant H e is co-author of the official s a t e s because people m ight sistant, agreed. h erself, and subm itted to M iss history of the Army Air Forces “There exists a general state step haying feed s teat w ere “ We have • few 'regulars' L ucille M . Scheuer, National and has written a text now in of apathy toward the m ost cru­ reported to ho affected by ra­ who com e in during the week,** Fellow ship Chairman, D ean of use at the Air U niversity. cial events of The day and a diation. R ussian M usic she said. “ B ut there are not W omen, Tem ple U niversity, H e said that in a nuclear at­ passion for som e of the m ost m any eth ers.” P hiladelphia, Penn., by Feb. tack, both sides would fire upon triv ia l,” Anderson said. T o B e Discussed Among the favorites of the 15, 1962. v 7:35 a n i 0:45 each other until one w as wiped Anderson said that during his out. years as a student at MSU he “ Such a war would not end bad never seen a s strong a stu­ One Change A t Russian C lu b “regulars” a r e - “Exodus,** “G randC anyon Suite,” “ Bela- fonte a t CanMgto HSU” ¿nd Application blanks and fur­ th er inform ation m ay be ob­ tained from Joyce M cNamara, FRIDAY — 1NGMAÄ BERGMAN’S “DEVILS EYE* until one country had lost its, dent reaction to one particular launching cap ab ilities,” Greer event as when the football Spar­ Made in Final The bi-w eekly m ooting of the R ussian Club w ill b e held in 36 Union a t 7 p.m . W ednesday. T chaikovsky’s “ Pathetique.” M ore than 12» ether records 101 Stodent S ervices. said, “and this would taka a tans defeated M ichigan several gen eral saturation of attack. ‘‘They would just keep plas­ w eeks ago. Today’s student w ill suffer Exam Sked The gu est speaker, M is s P a - tricia P alm er, w ill talk on a re also th ere. ^ T here a re four booths, th ree tering each other until one was or enjoy the consequences of “G reat R ussian M usic of ten o f w hich have stereophonic The, office o f'th e registrar speakers. finished.” G reer said the building of today’s events, but be isn ’t in­ announced Tuesday that one terested, Anderson said. _ change iuut been m ade in the P a s t ’*'- N ew ly elected president, T hose a re need to p lay th e a n o t h er s e n s a t io n a l Anderson said that students Ronald G. X kw t, Grand R apids longer L P album s. The fourth fallout shelter» Is a m atter should inquire into university final exam schednle. senior, w ill b e h i charge o f fbo booth is used for th e playing o f of personal judgem ent and program s^ concerning fallout The final exam w ill be held m eeting. Other new o ffie sft th e sm aller stood 45's. he didn't see any sense la a protection by writing letters on Thursday, D ec. 14 from are: vice-president E ffie Kuf- E ach booth is w ell sound­ national shelter-building pro­ and contacting public officials. 3:43-5:45 p.m . for cla sses which dakis an a secretary-treesuror, proofed by strip s o f foam rub­ gram . have been virtually written off if an atom ic attack occurs,” M eetings on the living unit m eet a t 8 or 8:30 a .im jm the interest, he said. follow ing days: Monday, Wed­ “The people of m ajor cities lev el m ight help to stim ulate nesday, Friday; Monday, Tues­ R egarding fallout shelters, day, Thursday, F riday; Mon­ day, Tuesday, W ednesday,, M ary C line, Indiana R ater. ber around ft* door and ¿lass. LAST TWO DAYS! BACK DOOR he sajd. _ Anderson said: * A Grunt ^ Such cities would becom e The fallout shelter program . Thursday, Friday. “raging firestorm s” and Utile * « p a n ^ to a natioru1 rath- tim e would exist to reach the er than individual level, is very shelters, Greer said. “The only real protection is likely to hinder disarm am ent negotiations.” M S U Professors Pre se n t P a p e rs H M N a.1 Shewn 1 :1 8 -4 :5 8 -8 :3 8 t ij o m Twin-Hit Show SALE! disarm am ent and anything dis­ Richard Ü . Byerrum , tracting from that is a th reat,” fesser or biochem istry m a in c Three professors o f the De­ be said. assistant provost of MSU, R_ S. D’Am elio, acting direc­ lined som e of the effects of partm ent of Anatomy w ill pre­ sent papers at the 42nd annual Tstriai NigH, Novaabar 28th, 7 h 18 tor of M ichigan’s Civil D efense tt o n k radiation. office, defended fallout shel­ m eeting of the Conference of ters. He said the b asic effect M S S Ü Ü i W orkers In Anim al “Why do you think our en­ an excess of radiation w as cell M Chte**® Monday 2nd C olor H it! 2 : 5 0 - 6 ^ 0 - 1 0 : 1 0 em y is so concerned, about destruction by ionizing r a t e and Tuiisdy , D r. J . Thom as B ril J r., As­ T h e a t a n o f “ W h e n Ih n B aya A re” — back Ekitrance th rou g h the B a c k D o o r O n ly ! ”*1 -th em ?” he asked. — ¿ tton, and disruption of genetic in a n o th er M s r i w a w a t e y ! ~ sociate professor of the de­ ’If you keep believing that- m aterial T his re s u lts in m u tatio n , he partm ent o f anatom y is giving nothing w ill be left when On attack is over,”_ he said, said . _ a paper entitled, “ The Com­ . — H “you’r e selling a heritage for B y e rru m said th a t, by exper­ parative Enzym e H istochem is­ a m em of potage. im ents on lower anim als, aging try of Leucocytes of D om estic A nim als.” “ And 1 don’t think you ought is apparently hastened by ra­ UP TO OFF, dioactivity. He said that there has b ees about 15 per cent increase in natural radiation as a result of D r. Madan Bharadwaj, a s­ sociate professor o f the depart­ m ent and Dr. M. Lois CaOanm, professor and bead o f tb e de- partm ent a n delivering their 507« 2ND WEEK! R ussia. the nuclear tests conducted in paper, “H istology of the Bulbo ( S ta r ts Thursday • f IM . S Wo OF OfTfWWwWOWWI IWIMBKE” BI Urethral Gland o f the D om es­ “The num ber s f w a tattons tic Animal.** ^ ^ L U X U R Y W IN T E R C O A T S la tike total pspatvrtsn and 'ft w o o l suns shortening e f H n should a rt be very rignifieaat,” Byer- nun said , “b ete sn str trn l in­ creases ia radioactivity m e going to have som e dam ag- 1 big effect.” S IC F L IC S * F A L L a n d W IN T E R D R E S S E S L ester F. W olternick, profes­ sor of physiology and a bio­ physicist. gave som e tacts about the recent Russian bomb ft W O O L and F U R - B L E N D S W E A T E R S tests. R ace R elations ftN E W W O O L S K IR T S Top ic o f Speech ☆ W O O L and C O R D U R O Y S L A C K S - The H istory Club w ill m eet Tuesday j a 221 Physics-M ath. Feature At Dr. Jam es R . Hooker of the 1:88- 3:85 -8:15 • 7:25 -1:35 history departm ent w ill speak | M I|Im T M ' Spedai oa “race relations in central STARTS SUNDAY— A frica” . A business m eeting HaMay Isbas Purchase! ‘W H ITE CH RISTM AS” and coffee hour w ill conclude the even in g.— N O W SH O W IN G ! M I C H I G A N F a e to n L 3:18,-5:28, I 7:11, 8:45 p jn . u m /t 'YEAR'S FUNNIEST!’, HOPE ’ TU R N ER ' s**-n e m e n ta l “Eyeiy fraternity needs ¿ ’JlWß RUGE some kind of mascois í Æ am W IÍT • . • 417 Eaat Groad River — On The Campus - \ JMHUnON-fWAPfmßS Shop early toe Christmas with ear lay-away or open a charge sccount ' “THE 2Í GREAT TOBAC ¿OS MAKE 20 WONDERFUL SMOKES! COMANCHEROS’ AGED MILO. B U W D tD W»U> - WOT F I L T t ltto llliD ~T H tY lA T lIfY w ta t a m ita n p t a M « m ■. m Êm Ü l« StucRsntWives An open m eeting for *H stu­ dent w ivee l i planned Tuesday ia th e K ellogg Center anditer- hnn a t 7 J l p jn ., sponaorad bp flta departm ent o f cc stS a d o f ■raucuuion. I Pvovoet P ani Ifillo r w ill give I b rief talk oa S $ w p aaamH- tty o f the U niversity la-provide IL F O R N O flefltaf CM» — Tuesday, 7 J I T h e N am e th a t M ade P ixza F am ou s in I^anaing ’ p .m ., 32 Union. opportunities n r student w ives. Htotory C M - Tueeday, P R A p a a sl discussion Is plan­ ^ M W W EN ÄT l i d o A l . p .m ., 331 Physics-M atf). ned. o r T S ta r te r J . Idserda, S erv in g S n ack s - S an d w ich es - L un ch eon s - D in o ta i Prom eaaders *Beard Meettag^* 7 p jn .; dancing, 8 p m * director o f tin H onors C ollege, - A lbo C a terin g to Women’s Intra-m ural. « ffl a m aa a awwrriar . Otbsr P r iv a te P a r tie s - B an q u ets - M eetin gs narticipaiiie oa th e p a p el wffl « * C lass SpM t - W ednesday b e D r. Ruth H. U seam , R e­ X V isit O ur Rntfawkrilrg * * ,* 8:30 pjn., 34 Union. search Oonsattant h Sociology Senior R eception — W ednesday and A nthrspolsgy, D r. E liza­ O pen 5 p jn . D a ily 1 7:31 to i p .m ., Cowles beth "M. D rew s, Professor of •P h o n e E D 7-1S11 H om e, a fl graduating ,sen ­ Speaks B e fo re . Education, and tin advisor to C om p lete T ake-O ut S erv ice iors invited. ~ Spartan W ives, M rs. L oo S . The Spaateto Chib w in n et Republican C h ib CLOSED CIRCUIT OPEN HOUSE—The recently eempietod television studios have its regular m eetim Tues- day, but wffl m eet . $2.77; $3.11 Unicaps, $1.88; 73c R iver.. . tf Johnson's Baby Pawder, 49c, 49c Vick* V ik in g P r e n C om pass lin o co m es: Ibrb. 33c. These prices good with this EXPERT T H E SE S and general typing. E. P. Dutton PAPER BACKS comes. . . new: Elcctnc typewriter. Eighteen years es* “ T h e th in k in g R eed by - a d only- Merck Retail Prescription C e n ­ “Russians As People” by ter. 301 N . Chppart, Northwest e f periencc. O n e block from Brody. I D 2-! - R ebocen W est $1.85 «tart by Ftandor. |W < reserve the right 5545. . tf f t S t ile - Right MUer f U T “T h e G reat R h ea rssl” by 6» limit quentibc*.) 44 V E T ER A N S A S S O C IA T IO N _ P E R S O N A L D A T A forms. Ureses and “The Artist’s World in Piet area” ^ C H R IS T M A S TR EES - carefully shear- general typing. O ffse t printing, plastic $10 C arl V an D oran «1.75 — by Fred W. MeDumh «2.45 i d scqteh pine J ’ to 20*. C u t any tree binding and typesetting. W o n ch G refic ©sly $2.50. 2850 College Rd. I X Service, 1720 East M ichigan, Lansing. IM P O R T A N T M E E T IN G •rite* south qf gwery wisekend. C avanaugh Rd, O p e * ’ 50. Phone 484-7786. tf qpnmaaxoometeposemmeoamateriwaooopaopnmoniwaaapnoimaiapwiuiaoepoampppn ' T Y P IN G IN M Y H O M E , » y woman WHY BE A PALEFACE? USE OUR -A 5 Publfahers Above — Come See What with id years secretarial experience. r C H I N A cabinet • walnut; small but- SUNTAN ROOM G t-oak. 223X Oakhiil Avenue, E D 2- «10. . ->43 T U E S D A Y N IG H T 7:30 TU 2-6738. * M O V IN G ? local-state-nationw ide tf 78 Publishers Can Publish In Books !; N I K O N S-2 earner# with F 1,4 leni, àcce wer tes. Cal! 337-1837 alter 6 p.m, ROOM 11 U N I O N " For Aw e estim ate . cnR K evin W alsh, yewr Am erican R ed ta il M o v in g Com . U N IV E R S IT Y 44 pony — “ ‘ ~— iresentativc. IV iV S-2242. 5 - 2 / 4 / ^ ,^. 49 « G E R M A N transistor tape recorder. N E E D A H A IR C U T ? T am 's Barber TRA N SPO R TA TIO N B EA U TY Beautiful leather cartyiug case. Prac- p e a 8y new, only 3 m eath* old-. Larry, Shop. 3002 v.ns St, W * t q f te ars •crass from Fraudar. IV 4 J m € 42 • : Ì t M | P W i Ì h É «bada* New S A LO N , 137-2232. 46 York, Jattpy, Dacam bar 13. D aa 't be J U N IO R C O U N C IL will h d d a sac- left *jrU Inquire ntm • M ve. 355-4110. E ast L anslM ’i M eet I; R U M M A G E SA L E . W ednesday. N c - B t m bar 29, 7-9 p,m. at 100 F H ad 1 * 0 0 N . W ashington, , 43 ret football practica Tuesday, N e v. 28, at 4 o ’efoct on Landon Filed. Egea Semoir C oun cil it w ckom e to com «. 4 f WANTED Medern Keton ED 24116 f C o rn er A n n &M AC Ave n u e 2 D eere E nel M in e e n Your Key to Better Value» WANT TQ. TRADE high chair, car P I S S E e r i La m in g I F R E E ,PARKING f e CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS - HIGH READERSHIP • hl t o y « to. : .;k S á t m s ^ ¿ S O i* s -| ¿'vvtóf- M ^ Èè ÈS Èm Ìi OMI V-v, • K l i m Sigli m s s Fi ¡BBS Jwls ni u n W5:7KJ3öK ■ SAIMES H i M i l M k tito n MkMéss Stato te to w a e o SE H H ‘‘M toaM cM p>fficoo(H >lacen lota m o m taster to Saturday’s loss ta W isconsin. Then No. S, MteMgan State, “Alabama’s perfect - record may stili play ta tbe Rose Bowl squadbas voted In WmW the - t f thè AAWU aands thè invi- Sugar Bowl. tatton. W. “Rutgers, the aract^’s only Interest o l i hapes other unbeaten and untied team agaia Mimday after thè Detoatt ef atifir classification, to not Free Press saìd taIti Mcnday considered Roee Bowl caliber. ione "The Spsttau may play And, “mostether worthwhile in tee Résa Boeri,”—a teams are already committed tton madeby process ef ehm- far their holiday football. totatan “This,” concluded the Free ElWELL «M S» S e i l í^ T S Z T S INGRAM M innesota O hi» Stata P u rd u e Wood Places First MEMBERS OF THE ALLMG » football team fer lis i Stan Sesnrek, Purdue; center, Larry Onesti, Nertowest- ISSSffigS selected hy writers and ceacbcs far the Associated Press include: Eads/ Pat Riehter, Wisconsin aadJaek Ehrefl, Purdue; tackles. Beh Bdl, Minnesota, and Dave Behrman, ren; backs, Sandy Stephens, Minnesota, Bande McRae, Michigan, George Sahne«, Michigan State and Boh Fer­ In AAU Freestyle bS l il» >■■** to to* *"■ Michigan State; gnards, Mike Iagriua, Ohio State, and guson, Ohio State. —AP Photo. By UZ HYMAN ¿ tid e fr o m snagging first i iM to f t State Hew» i jpmli Writer p lace in the 100-yd freestyle, Saim es, » an Nam ed ............................... Mike Wood led Michigan M ike Wood placed second ta tbe State la st F riday when h e cap ­ tured first p la ce ta the M0-yd freesty le a t th e annual M ichi­ 220-yd freestyle a t 2:019 behind M l Danton a t 2:08,4, breaking 4 new record. „ _ gan l l a f s AAU swim m ing J eff M attson also copped sec­ T o A P A ll-B ig T e n S q u a d m eet Wood’s to n e w as 494- He earlier brokeJbe standing rec­ ord b y finishing a t 4 9 4, in qual­ ond place in the 109-yd back stroke along with h is third place to the 50-yd freestyle. B ill D river placed fifth to the ification rounds. CHICAGO (¡ft—Fullback Bob M iller w as a solid second All-Big Ten selections as jun­ guson w ere injured early to J eff Mattson took third place 100-vd breast stroke ta 1:08.8. Ferguson of Ohio State, Quar­ team choice and found Sher­ iors last year. H ollis and Fer- the season. in the 50-yd freestyle a t 23.1. D ick N elson, an unattached terback Sandy Stephens and m an Lewis of M ichigan State, The winning tim e waa recorded swim m er won a t 1:03.4, setting a-new record. Farm Set - 83 pieces - Vinyl figures • $445 tackle Bobby B ell o f M innesota D ave R aim ey of M ichigan and were unanimous choices of the Marv Woodson of Indiana in his 1961 All-Big Ten football team backfield. Spartans End Ninth by Jim M cM illan, an unattach­ ed iw im fiti, i t 224. Freshm an D ick G rettinger Spartan d ivers, B ill W illiams Ron Syria and Dtek Van Lowe, Ita Toy dock - Actually runs - $5.98 Life Stae Thirstee Doll - Sleeps • Coos » $5.88 -n a m ed by the A ssociated P ress The second team line had placed third, fourth and fifth yesterday, Tom H all of M innesota and Ferguson, who led the Buck­ Tom Perdue ta Ohio State at In Harriers’ Meet had an outstanding day finish­ ing second ta the 200-yd indi­ vidual m edley and fifth ta to e respectively. The top two po­ sitions went to U niversity ta Games • Skates - Trikes - Trucks - Construction Toys Spartan Families . . . Stop in today and see our eyes to the B ig Ten Champion­ ends; F ate E chols of North­ 440-yd freesty le , - H is tim es M ichigan divers JFaco and Cox W est Coast powerhouses, Ore­ 57th, P a t Stevens, 69th, Roger ship, w as the only repeater w estern and Don Brumm ta w ere 2:104 and 4:43.9, respect­ The diving com petition w as < complete selection of Christmas Toys. from last year when he gained Purdue at tackles; Tony PariUi gon S tate-and San Jose, took Humbarger, 77th, Bob Fulcher, ively. vary close race between the All-Am erica honors. of Illinois and Sherwyn Thor- th e first two places to Monday’s 78th, Ron Berby, 88th, and Dick Fourth p lace ta th e 100-yd W olverines and the Spartans. The team , featuring balance son ta Iowa at guards and Bffl NCAA cross country cham p­ Gyde, 113th. With team scaring butterfly w as taken by Chock M ichigan State's swim m ing JOHN UGKS M E HARDWARE and speed, w as m ade up of Van Buren of Iowa at center. ionships a t F orest Akers Golf adjustm ents m ade, State ended Course in the first tim e either up with 112 points. Strong f t 9 9 4 . The winner, team w ill next take part to an two players each from Ohio The big surprise to the Big Lanny R eppert won it at 55, set­ AAU gala ta the U niversity of 101 East Grand River ED 2-3212 State, M innesota, Purdue and Tea this season was the school had entered full five “Our runners w ere altogether ting a new record. M ichigan on Decem ber 9. M ichigan State. W isconsin, downfall ta Iewa and the m an team s. during m ost ta the race but M ichigan and Northwestern comeback ta Minnesota—last Nineteen-year-old D ale Story, they w ere too fa r back,” com ­ each landed one berth while Oregon State sophom ore, cop­ m ented Coach Fran D ittrich. year’s ce-chamniea#. Iewa Iowa, Indiana and Illinois were wag a solid championship ped th e individual honors by Defending cham pion Houston shutout.' ‘ running the four-m ile grind to w as third w ith 122 potato. The choice while Minnesota was tt: 48.6. M ichigan State finished Bennie M cRae ef M ichigan Cougars P at C lohessy, placed and George Saim es ef Mteh- igea State w ere the' ether not seriously considered a_ contender. ninth out ta 17 full team s to third. B arrie Almond, seventh, what is considered one ta their and G eoff W alker, 18th. One reason for Iowa’s fa ll to w orst finishes to m any years. S t u d e n t P r e - C h r i s t m a s S a le _ backfield m em bers. Aside Other finishers in the top 15 from B ell, the lin e included a 2-4 record w as the loss ta Story, running barefooted in harriers, a ll ta whom received ends P at fUcbter ta Wiscon­ quarterback Wilburn H ollis ami the 32 degree w eather, took the All-Am erican honors, w ere Loy­ sin and Jack ElweU ta Pur­ halfback Larry Ferguson—both toad ta the -134-man pack a t ola's soph Tom O’H ara, fifth; due, tackle D ave Behrman ta the two m ile mark when Brig­ Iowa’s B ig 10 cham pion Jim M ichigan State, guards Mike ham Young’s M atti R aty, run­ Tucker, S P E C IA L - S W EA TER S - ~ Ingram e f O hk State and State N u m b e r 8 eighth; ner-up to 19:5?, challenged State’s Danny M etcalf, ninth; Oklahoma Stan Scznrek ta Purdue and Story to force the race. The 143 Colorado State’s Gerald G lyde, Monogramming on all our Blouses, Ski, F ur Blends, Lambswool, Bulky* center Larry O aesti of North­ In Fo o tb a ll P o ll pound, 5-8 harrier had no 10th; W estern M ichigan’s-D on Sweaters & Jackets. % our original w esters. trouble from then on as he'4-Hancock, 11th; and Richard j Unbeaten and untied Ala­ price on stock in our shop. 20% OFF Sizes 3 6 - 40 Not a stogie sophomore made bama held a slim lead over broke the tape 30 yards ahead Cuddihy of Oregon State, 12th. j the team . Juniors on the squad once-tied Ohio State today to ta Raty. Colorado State’s Jerry Sch­ In this Sale Dee. 15 only, over 100 w ere R ichter, B ell, Behrman the next-to-last Story to a noted runner on A ssociated the coast since he broke Olym­ m idt, 13th ; and V illanova’s V k One group Villager & Gant and Saim es. 7 P ress poll to determ ine the na­ Zwolak. 14th w ere the other Samples to choose from —shipment Ferguson, who has an excel­ tional college football cham p­ pian D aryl Burleson’s high -distance men in the first 15. 10 days. - Values to $11.00 —now $3.90 lent chance ta m aking All- ions. school m ile record to set a new national mark ta 4:11 to 1959. The top 10 team sum m aries Am erica again this season, w as The Crimson Tide, idle last follow: 1. Oregon State, 68; 2. the leading B ig Ten rusher. In week while preparing for a final San Jose, who has m ade sev­ San Jose, 81; sm o u sto n , 122; six B ig Ten gam es he gained date with Auburn Saturday, en p erfect scores to 11 m eets 4. K ansas, 124; 5. Iowa, 184; 6. 627 yards for a 5.2 average and lost ^considerable ground to the this year, scored 81 points be­ scored 10 touchdowns. hind' Oregon State’s 68. San W èstern M ichigan, 165; 7. AD corduroy dresses left in stock One group of Sweaters in lambs wool Big Ten B uckeyes, who were Jose’s top runner w as junior Southern Illin ois, 173; 8; Penn Stephens w as the big man in Im pressive to a 50-20 triumph runnefup M innesota’s offense. over M ichigan. Jeffrey Fishback who placed State, 203; 9. M ichigan State, Includes a few dark cottons Values ¿S h etlan d cardigans -Wo* 212; and 10. Air Force* 244. — The versatile quarterback gain­ H ie final poll, determ ining fourth. ed 394 yards rushing and 757 the nation’s No. 1 team , to *11)0 M ichigan State Spartans Story received the Ralph H. to $22.95 now $14.90 - " Values to $20.00 now $10.00 yards passing to edge Wiscon­ scheduled next week. Alabam a, m anaged to place only one run­ Young Trophy w h ile Ids team , sin’s Ron M iller in the first with nine straight victories, ner in the top 20. Jerry Young, which won th eir first National - team backfield. w ith a sub-par perform ance, C ollegiate title, received the m ust torn back a tough tradi­ placed 18th in 20 m inutes and 38 annual E.C. “ B illy” H ayes The team ’s record maker, tional rival to Auburn. Ohio however, was Richter—Mil­ State has closed its regular seconds ler’s No. 1 target. Richter set season with an 8-0-1 mark' a conference mark ta 656 yds On the basis of 10 for a first Following w ere Don C , NCAA Cross Country M emorial astle, Trophy. O dds & E nds gained on passe« and tied place vote, 9 for second, etc., record» ef 96 passes caught - Alabama collected a total of and seven touchdowns. 459 points. Ohio State w as only The all-conference team had seven behind with 452. HENRY'S HAMBURGERS Mens & Ladies One lot of 7 English Coats a line average a shade under The only newcom er to the Shetland Sweaters — Alan Paine tee Values tè $05.00 now $30.00 215 pounds w hile the backfield rankings to M issouri, which averaged a little more than 194 knocked K ansas out of the No* shirts A wool skirts 50% off pounds. — 10 spot by winning tbeir gam e 10-7. . lilt Wrestling The top ten, with first place votes and season records: The Michigan State Intra- j 1. Alabama (26) (94)) 459 One lot of 6 mens Madris Sport Goats X*tra Special one group of Tartan mural W restling Champion-1 2. Ohio State (21) (841-1) 452 ships begin Tuesday a t 7 j 3. Louisiana State (1) (9-1) 366 Values to $30.00 now $10.00 Suits With McMillan collar & straight p.m . AU contestants «too have j 4. Texas (9-1) 354 signed up or who desire to enter i 5. M ississippi (I ). (8-1) 272 this tournament should report I 6. Colorado (8-1) 169 skirt. Originally $35.00 now $20.00 to the Intramural W restling j T. M innesota (7-2) 168 Room at 7 p.m . Contestants 8. Michigan State (7-2) 139 w ill weigh to and the draw w ill i 9. Arkansas (8-2) 181 be made at this tim e. 10. M issouri (7-2-1) 31 SA LE EN D S D E C E M B E R 15 Visit our do-it-yourself Lin c o ln led th e country Esckufoe at the Xmas trim department T h ro u g h tb e C iv il W a r. ^ (handles#O rnam cnt>#Gi ecus N o w H E N R Y ’ S leads the Barnes Fiormm ■of East l aaeini country in m aking ham burgers Id ty e n e a y Charge WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE J1 One Block Wert o f Brody v Aera» From Campus 21« ANN open EvenJkSan. ED 2-0834 M on Michigan Avenue Ä Jp a M M lS p $É ¡ ■ U H I ' i B H l ÜÍ r.-.: m A