»BSfflSS affin Xm & i m ^-%y»M^gBw»iMas^Kjaas^aswMK^aÿfflaeani!^MKaiaB(S«i^ H R P ^ p H m r «S S1T O Ï5 l i a ‘.,5,KAÍ" V ' , «ÄT .(ta C T a iK H l W m m m m SS a w Ä Ä iß s ß y JIBKfclf FISCHER UäVF Pl. IIP5 PAvfim JealC l" ffil fiimfijf MD Hark, critics of Iba Slata N ava staff. Take oote, tboae who mock oar iaaora The h fich ijaa State N ew s m ay be a n a r e cefieglst e amé»; ... i~ni» paper, h at w e’v e got b ig idees ead a bigger-than you thhfir nsH ausi ranking. According to statistics com piled by Standard R ate Service, the fitta e N ew s is among fin Ufi» I P ta ev e r U P G h a rg e # x ‘W e’d fin jo y G oing,’ daily newspapers in the United States. f i l a its circulation ta 2».M0. to e Stale N ew s le fin largest morning paper ia M ichigan, topped oafy by th e D etroit Wayne k F ree Prora. la a Ü fiM j it n u its am eag the |s p 5» ta afi papere hi the eeuatry. Neglected Bv re » AOOOCIATSO VMM A whiff ta roses wafted over the M ichigan State cam pus late Tuesday and everyone sniffed eagerly. Standard R ate and Data places the State N ew t 17th am ong B y JOANNE ALE88 ANDRONI “We’ve alw ays gone on record as favoring the R ose S bw l,’* M ichigan d a ilies on the basis o f ctrcalath n Of ir a Mate N e w Staff said Coach Duffy Daugherty. “We’ve enjoyed.w onderful rela­ The State N ew s ranks among the top P ne wspaper s hi Ifld d - CeraCm's C om m ittea an Leg* tionships with the W est Coast, both in the R ose Bowl and out. gan including a ll newspapers, dorad circniatiea p ieces and tativa Organization Wadirai If the honor w ere extended, w e’d enjoy going again.” house organs. w day heard sta te legislators And how about these statistics: Ohio State, the B ig Ten chobmptoii, turned down the New areas h i w hich fitoy Y ear’s D ay football cla ssic la te Tuesday and speculation If, by som e m iracle, the State News could take itir d rca ta to u felt the legislature is unrespon­ and readers to Idaho, it would h e to e state's third la rg est swung to hliclrigBB State, am ong others, a s the visiting team . siv e tarfiie people. W £ , The ^ a te News-wouid also rank third h i N eh m d n , MSU tost to M innesota and Purdue during th e regular season, “Under the present system Only six daily papers currently have larpcr d r c iilitk n i h i ta apportionm ent, Wajme Coun­ but finished w ith a 7-2 reeord. '/'''v ':,; : . M innesota, w hile Indiana ton but 13 larger. ty b ill-considered, neglected, B iggie Mtmn, athletic director, said, “M ichigan State has Florida, with its m any papers, still h as sta y m e w ith floor» and m istreated artiere it harts traditionally been pro-Rose Bowl. We’ve heard nothing y e t than 20400 circulation. tira m ost—fin an cially,” Sen. If w e g et the bid, w e’d ca ll toe fastest m eeting ta our athhric _ -SO the next tim e you are tem pted to rise and storm tire drat» H am id M. R yan of D etroit tes­ council on record to accept i t ” to hang our editor in effigy (or in person!, tak e hand. tified . Dr. John Fuzak, chairm an ta the athletic council, said, “ We You ain’t foolin' with no sm all-tim e op erstiea ^ W ayne U niversity Is regard­ ................ - - — ■------- - .... - - ___ j * a ll favor the Rose BowThere.” ed a s » - “ iB e ia f stater* for B r ita in U . S . R e je c t , tira legtatatere ta eom pariaen to the U niversity ta M tehlgaa a n i MSU, Ryan arid. Big Powers Ohio State’s dream tafriey tag ta another Rose Bowl gam e had been shattered 1 - earlier in the day when the S o vie t N u c le a r B id He also criticized the tegb- latore's turning down tfar 923 foderai g ra ft to aid Resume school’s powerful Faculty Counefi rejected a Md to the P asedeaa classic. r~ GENEVA W — The United Statai and Britain Tuesday re­ confere t e , said “th e achi tv»- m eat af a ban œ nuclear w eap­ children ta the u a em p io y ed fiii je e r . ■. , Ryan w as asked to com m ent Arms Talks The council’s decision cu- lim inated a drama-packed 90- jected as com pletely unaccept­ o n s teste ander international i tira statem ent that if the c UNITED NATIONS, N Y. (fit— m inute session that dealt Buck­ able a new Soviet proposal for control wffl repreraat a sig ­ U nited States spends $18 m il­ an uncontrolled nuclear te st The United States and the So­ eye football follow ers a severe nificant forward step h i fira lion for m ental health and ta viet Union openedje new round jolt. ban. realization ta th e ga ris fo r tide M ichigan «penda 98 m fl- ta private tadkq Tuesday aim ed By a close 28-25 vote, the U.S. delegate Arthur Dean which the United N ations w as d o esn t this show M ichi­ at breaking the 17«montos-oki faculty body refused to approve declared t b e Soviet motto ratafafished.” _ gan t f responsive to m ental deadlock on resum ption of dis­ toe report ta the university’s “ seem s to be ‘let’s all join Im m ediately ta le r B ritish health needs? arm am ent negotiations. Athletic Council which yester­ atom ic anonymous until the So­ o f S tate Joseph G r i­ com pares to Adiai E . Stevenson and VaF day agreed to /a ccep t a R ote v iet Union wants to fa ll off tile bar, ch r ii man for th e k y , hud n o co s- IW«R> Bowl invitation by a 6-4 de­ eriau A. Zorin, the ch ief dele­ no-test wagon and te st again.’ ” read U T h f i s te e is g i, Tsar- cision r gates ta the United States ami s u t a fo n o a fiy stobndttad tita The Faculty. Council has. 57 the Sovjet Union, conferred fra: Soviet pian. Jp r n m -g m fI j CJiifi traKtfi fw n o mi *öÄwara»y e n d ^nwn lean^w^nw©^uwvw# tiTtoi^esd^nns an hear and # m inutes t a Zor­ m em bet* eligible t o vote» but p fo n ea fied for i folta ; 1ta flflfte for sted m ts w h s w ent e a t and d r a lp e to i the fruit and in * UN office. A U .S. spokesm an said lie . • ■ ■ tf t f 't f ■ ■ f i ■ ■ i a a iid f e r nearly a geaeration. E nstace w as head of the departm ent ì c e r ii n it com m ent en wheth­ Thera would h e i $f o » i f i M M m i” HM from n i l I I » , t t d etiti ita te le , each fa il a s a guest lecturer in' tira htetlcalfaire er eh y progress w as m ade, O h io Students 1 of controls if ate Senator Patt! C. Younger, la - • ' departm ent. Livtag new an the fitt a (tfn st, lra w as tira vice-president of Safeway but added that more m eetings issue a t controls developed at great pow ers ca n agree oa total abolition ta a ll arm ed pMiw C o u n t y Republican, > Chain Stores, a natioaw ide grocery chain. A nw epriateiy the eld baikUng w as w ere Bkety n ext w eek .. B u m E ffig y the three powers* first session nam eg after E teta ee, n taffl-naed m eanm eat to a nraaatnetaal figure in tira- The Stevenson-Zorin m eeting in 2Mi months. The talks were and nuclear and conventional “ The L egislature is a deliber­ hsrtterifarai world. —S tate N ew s photo by W arrai D ivelbiss. | - v' v COLUMBUS, Ohio (JV-Ohio ^ - ■;-v- ,.— --- -• A. . . ,— :................. — followed last w eek’s approval in recessed in Septem ber when arm s. This Soviet p b a ta < a te body, not a rubber stam p State U eiveretty students th e UN m ain political com m it­ the Soviet Union broke a vol­ p late diaannanraift ia »» g rad ed T hrift, prudence,-and livic poured out onto the caap u e tee of an Indian resolution urg­ untary three-power moratorium by the w est a s im riaiietlr. Tsarapkm a lee « h a d tira tw o within your focom e apply to A stro n a u ts to Fo llo w N e x t - f ing the tw o big powers to re­ Tuesday night in a demon­ stration against to e school’s by resum ing tests. th e sta te budget as it does to sum e negotiation without de­ The firm positions a t the w estern powers to" agree to in­ Faculty Council decision to W est and to e Soviet Union seem ed to pot a final seas on failure ta the three nations to v ite France to jebe th e talk s. T his, too. w as rejected for to e W est—u nless F rance a ta s to th e fon d ly budget.” T he legislatu re cannot spend enough m oney to p lease every­ body, toft n ever have th e m a­ C him panzee *E nos ^Chosen lay. It asked them to report K ick to tbe general assem bly before the end of the current session. reject a Rose Bowl Md. Soon after toe decision w as announced aa effigy ta Jack crane. „ - Fnllea, secretary of the draft a te st ban treety . But neither side took aay im m edi­ ate initiative for breaking taf the talks. They agreed to m eet I B H o ld s jor service areas received a s m o d i from aay ieriatatarc, Yommer said. ta th e area ta leea l govern­ P io n eer fo r O rbit F lig h t Target date for adjournment is strn D ec. 20, but m ost dele­ gates expect the assem bly to Abram! Association, aad a long-tim e opponent ta post­ season gam es, w as swinging stall over into tbe early months from a tree t o the fraternity again W ednesday. The three delegations re­ L a s t A u d itio n s m ent, Y eanger noted that the sta le in terned |7 I p er e a p ih CAPE CANAVERAL UP) — An adolescent ap e nam ed Enos w ill If a ll goes as piaaaed, the 37(4 pound native ta the the Indian Ocean—to track the ehim p’s space capsule. of next year after a Christmas district ta the eam pus. recess. Several bonfires w ere re­ sumed their tbree-year-atd Final andttioDs for the annual to local antis s i d e states piofleer the space trail Wed- French cam ereona, from the On this particular shot, Arrangem ents for renewal of talks at the request ta aa av- ported aad large creep« ef Union Beard show wffl be held s w h « New Jersey only re- neaday, if a ll goes w ell, for a b f o t a r n as Pan Troglo- Enos wffl have a great deal U .S.-Soriet talks w ere under students ream ed the area. trwhslrafog m ajority ta the W ednesday a t 7 p.m . ia toe torn 92» per cap ita. U .S. astronaut to follow . gydte, w ill m ake three trips more work to do than Ms col­ way before the political com­ LTTGeaeral Assem bly. Union ballroom. H e noted M ich lgte ranks W hether the Untied States around the earth, fab altitude league, Ham, who preceded m ittee adopted toe Indian reso­ ■ ■ ■ to a ■ a a a a ■ ■ Acting UN Secretary-G eneral Accordtog to the straw’s di­ fifth highest in the natian in w ill go all-ou t to ta fo « m i as­ varying frtfn 199 to 189 m iles. him into space on a sab-erbit- lution. U Thant, In a m essage to the H e wffl land hi th e Atlantic al flight la st Jaa. 31. . fouri w ere absent from today’s rector, grad student R ea Grew, teachers’ salaries. tronaut h i orbit b efofe the Betii powers h av e agreed session, this year’s program , a m usical Joseph J . K owalski. Dem o­ year's end Wffl depend on the O ceaa near Puerto R ieo. By perform ing various chores ea general principles to guide The second-ranked Buckeyes Yule Party - com edy baaed on MSU cam pus life, wffl require m any etdhusi- cratic lead er-in the House or R epresentatives, testified tin success ta th e chim panzee shot, now scheduled for som e tim e This is the United States’ greatest space effort to date over a 69-minute period with frequent six-m inute re st breaks, disarm am ent n e g o tia tio n s, but have n et bee» able to eon- last Saturday walloped M ichi­ gan and clinched toe B ig Ten For Germans a stic students. . - . \ N eeded are chorus m em bers, m nririant. a m nricnl arranger, legislature tf not elected for • m ajority ta th e people, which can b e acre for looking a t the between 7 a.m . and 10 «.m . (E3ST) W ednesday.-* Selection ta the 5-year and and the tension a t .th e launch site is som ething alm ost tangi­ Enos w ill be rewarded with a banana flavored pellet and a sip ta w ater. cur oa toe composition of toe negotiating body. The United States has pro­ cham pionship when W isconsin upset M innesota. The German Club w ill hold b le. The R ussians put two men There has been som e indica­ and weetBaruinr snstrenp, stage, election 'returns. 4-month old chipper chim p t o r E nos’ backup~pitot w ill be a posed that 16 nations be added tion that t b o second-place its annual Christm as party into space orbit earlier this and hghtiwg crew s. .\ “M ichigan has 3 m illion acres the 4% hoar journey around chim p known a s Rockey. T his to /to e old 10-natirai east-w est Gophers would be receptive to Thursday at 7:39 p.m . in the year.. ^ --X u . W ednesday’s m eeting is « iso ta lea d ,” K ow alski said. '‘Hew the r ite » w as announced ia anim al at 3» inches is -a half group whieh broke up in dis­ a Bowl bid as a replacem ent staff room of the Music Bldg. Hundreds ta men are on duty The program wül include a open to all atadenta'W he have many votes are yon going to the shadow of the 93-foot high inch taller than Enos. Rockey agreem ent in Geneva in the reeves. t o r the B uckeyes. ideas which they would like to giv e to toe tatara. sw am ps, and r o o m w ith its «tías booster. around the w orld—A frica, Aus­ is 43 months old end w eighs 31 sum m er ta 1960. Tbey would be Today’s rejection left the color film , “ European Rococo." see incarperated to to e draw. See CON-CON page 4 designated the 93-D. tralia, M exico am! on sh ip s in pounds. • _ • selected on a geographical bas­ m ost glam orous of a ll posLsea- The«» wOl also be a presenta­ tion pf European Christm as mu­ is. . / £ - ■ '~ soa gam es in som ewhat doubt­ sic played a t the harp for Ar­ eola Sm ith. Refreshm ents w ill be served and the group w ill go Fewer Clinical Cálb This has not been accepted for the Soviet -Union, which wants • troika g c a a p r~ five fu l statu s. UCLA, winner ta the Athletic Association of W estern U ntversfttoL • | fm« * | |a| gr «afiB | »iin m i' istaimHii Hiiii i « n »na«M iC'Z g ^ / ^ R a ? i 5 . f f - i ?; rara Bssa eggs M 3*95 lililí E mPm Ê&S m M W R ggg Hi W t S H i ÍÉM1P9 ig ¡p ■ K ig li m£. "““■' w wiewSa mm mWÊmm¡M i mk ' ■■/i' #«# Si ¡F$P Tbe h o t .... ,ai» often misdirected. fact lead many '« p a i to think that the ties si*; aad, most fanpoetaat tw o th o u f or more _tbft_ lillm e t ly NAACP 1» not W Êhm ’M far equality but The of aR assuming that there are rotatives ea d iriea d s ta th e N o Patience III m aheaykdiSdH w «fetch »test gradM las to change travel res­ Te toe Editor: taking p ía» i ¿ «0«# «O camfe*»« fiife su p to ioritK l i .— be recognised, fee mfun must ervations, arrangem ents 1er Tht NAACF has bad had »a to*f to and crnii- For instance, th e, NAACP Ins asked at toft AU8G ttotjve ere 1omf.lt the dtffieutttoe ate al­ getting o ff w erit a « other Although 1 am not a Negro, that the State News Inquire of Its adver­ mary objective« ef the Harnea» much ef eur-encatiee lowable rad if they are act, 1 « filtlik e jo defend this teen tab!« history at w orlfaf for the best good wheat, for a Jew hears every plan* M d to cam e to E eta Laa- against “cry for patience” of e t «8 peopls. He name explicitly denotes tisers whether they will rent to Negroes. ist Society are: 1. To preawte what does this mean to rate sing m a a « « « l « t a night. week, toe tat ia dess sad listen tioa to staving the problem? la The administration ta «ta» Mr. Jtautik Tfeeroli I 'decided colored people bat no critic has ever justly If the potential advertiser says “no” the the maximum.«» ef scianca fer human Welfare, f. To en­ t o « instructor lecture. Learn­ there another soluttehr? working hardOHpe « toe grad­ difforonco between the home­ ìndi Hurt this group works fer the ad- paper is suppoaad to refuse the ad, thus ing is' «$,.<» e « vwajr fretess, ta order, to accom plish the uates themselves, many ta smoking privtiesee conking owner restricting and racial or vawrentowt of refared people a t the expense discriminating against both the individ­ courage a rational approach to but "hew ise totat of learning, «p erson m ist whom have bouiiy-ftoal exams discrimination, in the of other». uals right to advertise and to o p « too faunas problemi, 3. To protide tottfe the so-called students have so m e o « , preferably a first In­ must sit for to minutes listen­ group o f people with whom he the next day. And whet about stance, rules ta conduct »re re­ home to whenever he likes. a constructive alternative to the the oemmencemenUaaaMaco- quired, ead any person willing U N F O R T U N A T E L Y , th is ca n n o lo n g er; ing to a tetatoto with only an oc­ c m discuss bis ideas and ments white Me already print­ to comply may rent. 1» the sec­ The paper has consistently refused to religious views ef fiffe-ii casional opportunity to contri­ theories. People with the sem e b e sa id o f th e local ch ap ter. print “Negro only” or white jonty” ad­ f a tbelieve e li t a « «toics (mor­ bute of himself? I could not class aad instructor have a ed? ond, certain peteo« are pro- R the pest fe w w eek s th e local ch ap ter, The adm inistration has moved ventedjrora renting under aay vertisements because it feels this is ality) that greaags tal human rati tide learning; it seems com mon ground on which to the date « handily M d y et has circumstance*. 1hi it» Misdirected attempt at equal rights, wrong. At tSeTwBns time, the State News «áte» la t t t aartMy exper­ man like a process ta abeorp- m eet already, M d m od only a apparently chosen to ignore h a» done none to set back the Negro recognizee the iamridjpaTs right to fata iences apd relationships. We ttom g p . ; -MM’''t>-i leader who w ill organize and the request ta AUSG, pathetic The decision as to whom a «ause here than any dJacrtarinatory action as he does. v ' bold at our highest grafi fids Absorption takes'place from instruct them outside ta the voice ta student « in io n M d in­ homeowner may root might be by whites. , ": t* 7 # ; AI Ì « « « of greater deotaty to classroom . They need som eone terest, to m ove registration Ids own decision If it were not Equality must bo granted 1» public mat­ ta toner femtaty; and, to bring them together inform­ ahead one day to ratable' stu­ for the f*ct that tbe Uahrertaty We speak sp ecifica lly o f th e recen t cries ters but (me cannot tafea private cittoen «Q EBOosiCy cunurai bonomie cuBantì sdq .« f-Mt^ohc cS«»ì therefore. by analogy, when a a lly in order that they m ay dents to return to school m ote sees fit to regulate off-campus o f “d iscrim in a tio n ” a g a in st D ean F rances to whom he may (qua his home. Mr. Jones areas for tal mankind, irres* ■student sits to clan aad tisten« have the opportunity to discuss safety. bousing. As long « this to the D eL isle, th e h o u sih g O tt im e and S ta te may not want to rent to Negroes, hut he pective ta satkm arte*». to a Stature, he tou t absorb and share foeir ideas. . ! do not doubt that there are care, say discrimination is a N ew s cla ssifed a d v ertisin g p olicy. some ta tbe material offered The instructor could w ell m any fine men in the admin­ reflection on University policy may also not want to rent, to single stu­ We btateve that mea beve hot and rannot be tolerated. dents, children or pets. Is that discrimi­ éa* fife le h ta and atmdd him. Bat,« happens to absorp- perform -th is -organizing task istration. I should think that DISCRIMINATION does exist. And the mtato thè most of it ili termi ta tiha, tab« the .«tea ta greater and, to the process, provide not the conscience of a t least rate Mr. Small seems to think that nation? NAACP along with every other respon­ creative werk and happines*. draiity to removed, the direc­ only leadership to h is students ta these fine men would prick American freedom means the sible organization must Work against it. To toll that person what he can and Tbe mette*« ta damscracy, tion of ftow «vanee; so it is to m atters ta uncertainty -to him to offer at the very least, freedom for prejudiced persons But Mm methods must be ethical and there catinoTdo with his home is discriminating inchiding freedom ta expresshm to the student’s mind. He leaves, th em , but also provide him self, a better explanation than “due to conduct their discrimination must b e legitimate charges made. against his righto. , < flml and tatti Hberttos are an tot»- the classroom and the presence with an excellen t opportunity to adm inistrative conflict’’ f o r without opposition. American gral part of our philosophy. ta l « instructor a « what hap- t o r sharpening his own theories these two blow s. freedom refers to equality of Ton Dutch, director of housing, has THE NAACP must leant the boundaries Although wa do not bailees to Much ta the material under the questioning ta in­ g ^ i Wm during that period terested minds. Calvto Lamoreaux individuals ^ and opportunity. said that only on* person has formally 32» East Shaw The persecution ta the Jews of freedom. Equality is not aii unlimited an active superoaturta power goes by the wayside as in the I sm of the belief that hereto certainly has no bearing on the complained of discriminatory housing. No or being, tea majority ta Hu­ plight ta tbe Ameriran Nano, one Ine béen ab le to prove interference Utopia where «very man may live as he absorption process. Thera fajao lie s the essen ce of the instruct­ manists are wfflmg te admit retainer, nothing which ran em ­ or’s responsibility to h is pro­ whatever the comparison. Mr. pleases. By its definition equality accounts on the part of Mie» DeLisle In interracial for the respect of righto of other». to the possibility ef sntai a pow­ er dr being. Therefore, we ere brace the knowledge within the fession . Also by m e use ta this Ex a m Shelter? Small seems to be Saying to dating. The State Nows docs not carry mind. - method ta instruction, the stu­ the Negro: “Sure you’ve got advertisements which say that Negroes I t is easy to understand this «hip on not atheists, but rather agnos- To leave my metaphor and to dent who has the d esire is able Dear Editor: ' it e little tough, out people could not apply to vent rooms. - ** ofn the NAACP. the shoulder ----------- The American crane to the point: it is m y feel­ to get much m ore out ta his (Why would My. person to have been worse off, so shut up Negro has been repressed end cuffed We are interested in develop­ ing that hr those who have the school education. his right mind call an ed itor apd don’t rote the beat. Why, then, the fuss and bother? It’s ing within ourselves a mature interest end desire, an hour in _ Richard Brack« a dear?) Mr. Small suggests patience. simple. The NAACP is fighting a war and about for so long that he cannot under­ 451 E vergreen I, too, find it very necessary The Negro has bean patient for stand what actual equality ia. But the responsible approach to life. d an offers tittle m ore fo a n a the local chapter is not too particular about Our meeting* are always open stimulant toward learning, and to add m y say ta seven cents 100 years, and will he reward­ whom it attacks. whites don’t fe e in pure heaven, either. to ALL individuals regardless the classroom should h e only to the g reet and intellectual!?) ed with another 100 ta discrim­ The theory seems to bo to arouse emo­ Life is full of little inequities, small dis­ ef religion, race, creed, na­ the beginning ta an instructor’s G rad u atio n D ate discussion and debate pertain ination for further “patience.” criminations, painful wounds-—for every­ tionality, sex, age or status. teaching responsibility. tog to the danger (? ) ta radio­ The belief that “everybody” tions, get names to print, create uproars. one. I l l i conclusion, we toe under­ learning requires the mind Te the Editer: active fallout. N am ely: The is prejudiced toward some Never mind whether the accusations are signed hope that we have fur­ to activity mull over the pro­ Once again the heavy hand only fallout that I am worried group,” is the perennial ration­ accurate or even founded. Just make them. The NAACP has the potential to do a blems wnicb are offered it, ta the adm inistration has struck about is failing out ta M ichigan alization by white tbe prejud­ great deal of good to eliminate the real thered the knowledge tf those Someone is bound to rally to the cause. who had previoualymisunder­ blit, alone, the mind cannot dis­ a Mow to students’ rights and State U niversity due to a sneak iced person justifies Us irra­ discriminations which exist. By making stood our basis ana purpose. cover all 'aspects ta the best interest to a dem onstra­ attack by the faculty, e.g . ques­ tional bigotry to himself. - But the rally, here, ia dying. Those, who legitimate criticisms which are based on thought-object The mind needs tion ta it r apparently caprici­ tions I cannot answer on tbe Perhaps Mr. Small dislikes two months ago, were active in anti-dis­ ■ Garry Bills Spg; company. It needs discussion ou s, and absolute power. final exam ination. H “NegTO notoriety* because K fact it can be a powerful force for better Humaaist Society president criminatory moves are now heard mut­ racial relations. toil further stimulation. It . B y m oving the fe ll com ­ E rie Rikans to an uncomfortable reminder tering against the NAACP practices. L. Dtaores Rada to thrash out its T»ro- m encem ent date from Friday (N Gs b s m H of hto own responsibility for the' But it accomplishes nothing by wasting lice preridoef blems to a point where it clear­ to Thursday, when it is a m ere P.S. Me too. plight ta the Negro. TRÉ RASHNESS and brassy accusa­ its energies charging at windmills and David Terek ly understands what each pro- tw o M d one half w eeks aw ay, D ave Craley Den flymens tions being made without foundations in crying for an equality that does not exist. secretary-treasurer biem to and what the difficul­ the adm inistration is forcing 4*0 Gubsob _ _ 514» North Okemes • . im ro -1 m m m s (Editor’s N ote: Jenkte Lteyd Jones, editor ta toe Tulsa ers and sculptors ta the past studied anatom y so diligently that liefers who start throwing bottles' every tim e the cops try to Am ericans—our readers—do believe in them selves and to their* (O kla.) Trtonne, recently gave this speech te the m em bers ta they often indulged to their own body-snatching. And today, m ake a lertten ate arrest. country toe I n to « D eity Press Association at their m eeting to Chicago. after m any centuries, w e stare a t the ceilin g ta the Stotine But there is rot and th ere to blight and there 1» cutting out? Jenida titled it “The Stomach-Turning Point.” ) Chapel and m arvel a t their works. FINALLY, there to the status ta our entertainm ent and our M d fillin g to b e done if w e, as the leader ta free m en; a re to l- But this self-discipline to ta little concern to the modern non­ literature. survive tbe hammer blows which quite plainly are to store# I to te upon our own country and much th at I see disturbs me. objective painter. A ll be needs to pigm ent a « press agent. He C m anyone deny that m ovies are dirtier than ever? But they for us afi. But w e are n great people. We have noble traditions. We have -ran throw colors ta a canvass and the art world w ill discover don’t ca ll tt dirt. They ca ll it “realism ”. Why do we let them We have reached tee stomach-turning point. We have rea d ied 1 much to teach the world, and if Am erica should go down soon Mm. He c m stick b its of glass, old r a p a « quids ta u s « chew ­ fool us? Why do w e nod owltoMy when they teU us that filth is the point where we should reexam in e the debilitating phfloeo- i it would be too e a iiy . ing tobacco on a board a « he to a social critic. He c m drive a m erely a daring art form , that licentiousness is really social phy ta perm issiveness. Let tMs not be confused wtth te e phil­ com m ent? Isn’t it tim e w e recognized H ollywood’s quest t o r ONE THING to certain. We shall be given no centuries for car b a te end forth to pools ta paint a « Life m agazine w ill write the fa st buck t o r what tt to? Isn’t it Mato that the financiaUy- osophy ta liberty. The school system that perm its our cMldren* a leisurely a « com fortable decav. We have an enem y now— him up. — harrassed m ovie industry to putting gobs of sex in tbe darkened to develop a quarter ta their natural talents to net « champion, rem orseless, crude, brutal a « cocky. However much the leaders Talent to for squares. What you n o « to v a st effrontery. If drive-ins to an effort to lure curious teenagers away from their of our liberties. Tbe healthy man who chooses to toaf M unern-* ta the Communist conspiracy m ay Ue to their subjects about, you undertake to paint a cow it m ust look som ething like a cow . TV sets? Last week the screen industry solem nly announced that ploym ent com pensation is not a defender ta hum an freedom . our m otives, about our. conditions ta prosperity, about our That takes ta lea st a sign-painter’s ab ility. But you c m claim henceforth perversion odd hom osexuality would no longer b e The playw right who would degrade us, the author w h o would policies a « aim s, one thing they believe them selves im plicitly to paint a picture ta your psyche a « no m atter what the re­ barred from the screen provided the subjects w ere handled profit from pandering to the worst that’s to u s, a r e « frtoedm —and that to that we a re to an advanced state ta m oral decline. su lt who to to say «diet your psyche looks like? So our m useum s O t (HITS. I w ith “d elicacy and taste!!. Good Lord! When Nikita Khrushchev visited Hollywood he w as shown rare filled with daubs being stored a t by confused citizens who And w e ta the press are a party to the crim e. Last year tee IT IS TIME w e hit the~Sawdust trail. It to tim e « # r e v iv e d * only one m ovie set, that ta a wild dance scene in Can-Can. H e haven’t th e guts to adm it they are confused. m ovie ads ta our newspaper got so salacious and suggestive the idea that there to such thing as sin—just plain tad willful said tt represented decadence a « I sm -sure he really thought But th e A ge-oi,Fakery in art to a m ild cross that American that the advertising m anager « id I decided to throw out the sin. It to tim e w e brought self-discipline back tote R yle. A nd. so. It to a dogm a ta current Communist faith that A m erica to civilisation bears. M ote m ore serious to our collapse ta m oral w orst-and set up som e standards. We thought that due to our Sodom M d Gomorrah, ripening for the kill. standards and the blunting ta our rapacity for righteous indig­ who has a greater responsibility at this hour thM W«, file gen-i ukase there m iM t be som e interruptions to advertising som e Do you knew w hat scares m e about the Communists? It to nation. _ — - tlem en ta the p ress?_ show s. But no. Within a couple ta hours the exM bitors w ere not t o t e political system , which-to prim itive a « savage. R to OUR PURITAN ancestors w ere preoccupied with ata. They fee 1 suggest: down w ith m uch m ilder ads. _ net their econom ic Systran w h ite works so badly th at progress w ere too preoccupied with tt. They w ere hag-ridden and guilt- /L e t ’s look to our educational institutions i t file local lev els I think It’s tim e w e q u it giving page one {day to the extra­ to a few directions to purchased at the price ta progress to all ridden and theirs w as a repressed and neurotic society. But m arital junkets ta crooners. I think it to tim e we stopped treat­ and if Johnny r a n t read fay the tim e he’s ready to get marrto ■;— ■ •testa graduates who move their Bps as they reedFend cannot m en who sw agger up and down th e 'str e e ts, boldly And there’s our literature. H ie Old eye-poppers ta tee past, wMcb tourists used to sm uggle back from P aris under their In short, gentlem en, let’s cover up the cesspool and start write a coherent paragraph. While our Russian contemporaries, g th eir gang sym bols on their Mata* jackets, are planting som e flow ers. who were supposed to be dedicated te the mas* man, have been for m ers M essed ta « resto re com forts , opportunities dirty shirts, are now tam e staff. Compared to som e ta our mod­ ern slush. “ U lysses” reads like th e m inutes e f the Epworth But I am fed up to here wtth the educationists and pseudo­ busy constructing M toteOectual elite we have been engaged to fo r advancem ent, M d freedom from drudgery thM « per cent social scien tists who have under-rated our potential « a the wholesale production ta mediocrity. Whet a switch! e f th e teU dren ta the world. Wo have sown the dragon’s teeth League, “Lady Chatteriy’s Lover” has been draped with the people. I sm fed up to here wtth the m edicine m en wfee try When was die last time you, as editors a « publishers, exam ta psuedo-scieatific sentim entality, end out ta the ground has m antle ta art. and ft to new on sale in the corner drugstore toed the carrictei ta your local schools? Hew did yotit schools te e to r t« tea rin g switch-blade knives and bicycle to' your high-school-age son or daughter for 50 cents. Henry to peso off pretense for art and prurience for Btoretor s . I am rate m the. standardized Iewa test? When btve ym tooted at Mffler’s “Tropic ta Cancer,” wMch resem bles • collection of tired ta seeing Am erica debased and low-reted In te e ey es off your schools' report cards end the pbflosophy befetatf ttetr inscriptions h u m from privy w elto, is about to join Lady Chat- foreigners, And 1 am genuinely d istu rb « that t o id ea listic. youth to many countries the fraud o f Conuntatem appears grading system? Have you asked to examtoe any senior English CLEARLY SOMETHING to m issing. Could it be w het tee terty. The qttick-buck boys have apparently convinced our synonymous wtth m orality, while" w e, tb e ch ief repository ta item «? Have you offered any recognition to your achools’ teat rest Of tee world’s children have been given—the doctrine ta bum foxsled judges th at there to no’ difference between a peep real freedom , a re regarded as being to t e i la st stage» ta d eray.] ecbetors te compare to the recognition yen accord your schools’ individuai rsaponeiMHty? . t •how and a m oral lecture. - We c m learn a lesson from history. 'B rice before cur B ritish test football players? Relita to gradually becoming m honorable career to America. D m M axwell o t The Chicago Tribune has recently asked Ms cousins appeared heading into a collapse ta prtnctyle, m 4 te h e e JK r tba linny thing about “progressive educators” to that R to « pretty fair Rfe, if you here neither conscience aer pride. hook departm ent to quit advertising scatological literature by they drew them selves back. Tbe B ritish court read ied u ad ­ theory vanishes when the referee’s whistle Mews far tbe kite- The pelitictons wffl weep ever you. Tbe statowffl give a mother farbtotot tt ta the fist ta b est sellers. The critics and the book vanced stage ta corruptioa under th e Stuarts. B it Itefe people off. to the classroom they ^pretend to grade subjectively, .against i teamster ter ittegRhnato children, and if ate « g le e t s ten s t o t f l it o * t o n denounced him for tam pering with tee facto. «La ib m a u J m the student’s msupposed capacity, wlest - --■* - , . Tma- a ... ■ %_ he_ e_be- n,humiliated ... r » sufficiently sh e can sa v e enough eta ef her ABC p m « t s to by natural I would like to raise a som ewhat larger question: Who to tem p­ rebelled. A « to the wild days o f Goorgo IV had « B m m # it ‘ tondto wine end gte. Nothing to yew looked M though Birltato « r e rotting out again. But t t t people « u f e s• football fidd field they »ever never nut te e ering with foe soul ta Am erica? banged terougn tbe reform law s, M d under V ictoria want an■thei ineory theory teat, that, eooeidertaf considering Ms ! disability. And when the dty father* ta a harassed community like ro fe­ halfbate'JMmgliitte tbe beet halfbate they’vc Newburgh suggest teat p ie bedtod wejfers chanta might sweep PQR NATIONS do have souls. They have collective personal­ 00 to the reek ta their power." The mgiftad te oa the beuch or back ta the Stands tea «treats tee “iterarmi” editorialists arise « one a t « a « ities. Peopto who think weU ta them selves collectively exhibit 1 In th is M ur ta foar, confusion and self-doubt tot fife» be tee g_te story ta A r n ic a . U nless I m isread the signs a greet number »ven tteugh ttey, Iah, night tidret fer giory. if our schools denounce them for their medieval cruelity. 2 ■ ■■ ftM and enthusiasm end m orale. When nations cease believing ta oar peepto are ready. L et there h e a freoa fareese, • fareeae ta wem « aaxtous to turn out brate» « they «re to turn out The- w elfare stato teat tito« away tee rewardsfor responsible in them selves, when they regard their Institutions with cynicism es for tor to lrre- and their traditions with fiipfMmcy they w ill not long rem ain new honesty, new idealism , aew integrity. ■ ' 1' . - '■ f wtaatag footeaü toams tüs stränge oontradiction Vouldn’t exist. tefeM jtor « te a t It « a rem ove te e m n M perenta» re «MManP« KhBÉÉÉÌ H iÉiiiiiifilÉ mm' m HhÉM Hhk mi k S t). f t fo r &, ■ ' '■'C-.~ A « there, giattsw upj to where- you com a to. Y « l a « typa* JllB W O NEGLECTED dtociplta« ia educatkm tt was quite ■ ¡ H ü etom jad ttta I elah ere to a r e l « « te a t f t w i to « d gentlem en: do not le t m e overdraw the pictare. i, anrere and n 1 kgkal ttet w« teeuld reject dietapltoes to art. The greta paita->eac« btaween the geuutooiy utaortitoai* « ta u er ro- n grgat, powerful, vibrant, able, ofttovtotic « 0 « How atetoratotog heB? j 1 ¡gasi iiMááÉm H ÈËÈÎÈÉàÊi SME5 3wS6nSgi2l^3BKlSTOWgBI-S^««vB5feaaggBiÆTa.• 100 m egaton one. E n-route to Spain h e visited im agination and creative abil­ Faustus and the devil Meph- th e ca v es a t L as Canx, F ta n ce, Tbe only logical w arfare,” ity. istophilis, toe m ajor actors in he concluded, is to have a and view ed pro-hi storte c a r e The costum es, from the early this show, w ill appear in var­ draw ings. .. > general disarm am ent for ta R en aissan ce-p • r i 0 d, range ious costum es, depicting moods nations. This is the best chance H e spent to r e s w eeks ta M a­ from the clothes of a royal and ideas. And • finishing for survival. drid sight retaag and tan fam ily to those of country touch on the d evil’s costum e is Spanish. H e spent m any bumpkins. Even the angels ta his trim Mack beard. visitin g t i » a m a ren e ta Spato Heaven and the devils o f H ell AMA Objects w here a rt tr ia w r e e b y G oya, E l G reece and V elasques are Glee C lu b to Sing To Medical IÈ AMW. MK'ltoW r W. « ì» £ fl Polachek's Christm as M u s k The Women’s Glee G ub w ill Care Proposal "Forcryinf out h u d , Hew/dost Whi 44 Doesn't anybody /mow ever teught you to put up a ten tr' how to firn tide thing7* initate cam pus C hristm as' fes­ Fabrics tivities Friday by presenting its annual‘ Christm as concert entitled “ Christm as Vespers The president ta th e Am eri­ can M edical A ssociation said tbe adm inistration's m edical to the Alumni Chapel. ^ care proposal would b e “th e 427 E . G R A N D R IV E R D ue to the increased attend­ first m ajor, ferevenflbie step ance over the p est few y ea rs toward th e com plete socializ­ there w ifi be two perform ances, ation ta m edical care.” PH O N E E D 2-0861 “Tbe im m ediate objective ta beginning at 7 p.m . end 8:30 p.m . this legislation is to substitute com pulsion for voluntarism in the financing ta health ca re,” A Mgb-Sgfat ta M e le n sa Dr. Leonard W. Larson of B is­ when h e f io * to R aty DOES YOUR EXHAUST m arck, N D ., told tbe AMA spani: Urne ta B oom and Kap- bouse ta d elegates. “ It is to substitute tae. N ear N ap b e te vtawed th e r e c ita awr erettore ta SYSTEM HEED HELP? m aking by a sm all elite corps ta federal adm inistrator» for retied ta G reece to vtidt thè the independent decision ta Acropoli»» - aad from th ere t e BROOK'S 8 V M M T EEB M UFFLERS m illions ta consum ers ta Swayae Inai MB whfle statista» ta tea la Beare ta “ THE SMOKING LAMP IS U T !” For Sailors m d M arin es, th a t ta service.” .Tail Pipe» — Exhausts D r. Larson said the associa­ W rendly ta lta r e e , stai ®tirëi T hey ca n » lo w d ow n an d lig h t u p a Lucky, In th e A rm y an d Ate F o rca , tire tion supports th e Kerr-MiDs • g t a i t e n t a » t i to to retare cry is "T ake te n !" — Lucky lig h tin g tim e a g a in . B ut Lucky you; y o u c a n a n joy lìte ith a ts tita A ct for m edical aid for aged a n W » N H iM p |R H » ; In stalled . F A ST . By E xperts ! ^ persons “because it to tailored Swayse weta to tee thè Pha- L u ck ies an y tim e . W hy, you ca n « ra n h a r e o n » rig h t nore. And w a n t i t ta s ta to help those who need h elp .” tival ta Twe WorMs in SpoUeto g ra ta ! F id , rich to b a c c o flavor— th a t’s w hy c o lle g e stu d e n ts s n o lr e mora BRAKE RELUIE (, H B ut th e King-Anderren B ill are» reta tata» Sta ta- L u d d r e th a fi a n y o th er reg u lar. M arch o u t a n d b u y a p a ck . fa » ’m edica! ca re financed by tota n » tareata ta, t e was fr w 8 8 J 6 Tsory payroll ta x es, t e t a t a to werk en thè «et» fori m1 j. *— ■— r z—.: ■' „j-. '~ , r~~~. '♦ - _*'■ ‘i s truly extrem e ta to thè opera “VtaMesa”. BRAKES - SHOCKS — SPRINGS - SEAT BELTS * FR EE INSTALLATION reati» ta toe a tta « aad Hereturoed to IR» United tanta com m unities. {hr, Lareqn said I t e AMA reta d f tire aamrere ta Stata» f a Juiy and CHANGE TO/LUCKIES a n d g e t s o m e ta s te f o r e c h a n g e t DISCOUNTS TO ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY Itaads “for preservation ta t o t » acttots* cataay in < historic federal-state organiza­ A t M SU t e tesch i tional structure, for tadM deta and jswalry maria» B M W W F F L » 0 U * 1C respoM totitijr, fo r beta to th ere tvsons who need h elp.” 128 W. IOWA 5 IV 4-5WS * H e said 88 p er cen t ta a ll ■ ■ ¡ ■ ¿ ■ ■*5 ■ have ■ I sem e Mad o m lR lin r MONDAY - SATURDAY g - 5:31 ta botato insurance, com pared to to p er cen t in 1882. I In m any respects, the group is better o ff than aay other group to th e nation,” D r. m Larson said. " T h eir liquid as­ se ts a n higher and have risen faster th M any ag e groqp; A The l a — w RadUfaa LtaN much higher percentage own oratory le «mridngtn tikea— » th eir homes- free ta m ortgages; ta their financial obligations are sign ifican tly le ss and th ey en ­ trailed joy tax advantage«: not a v a il­ dam, Nudare Rxphtaree foe able to recu ta w 'd ttom s.“ Industry and M a n , Spore said' th e nation’« doctors are “ dealing w ith a dim inish­ Phytace, aad ottre afoaand ing problem wMch b elies the prahirere in Nndeer Fkytacr e n d s propaganda ta ca r « p ’t a i i M f i M l t f t t H H M I f i i A “ PORONO" Rugged Norwegian styling h r today’s yeung man ea toe go. Leese fitting popular pop-over that K e e p y o to er s h ir t R ed Æ Week, «Uve A Mack, t o l d stiv e pitad to warm w eelld m rt. A toe to sw eaters in beonGempnetai cotton. Sixes 8 , M, L. ■tandmf stadonto in tire Biga» mai Scâancee and i WOOL BLEND ».88 shape ALL COTTON S J | d a lk O A y e a r p la c e m e n t * fare g g f j p r g 311 E. GRAND RIVER u v s m K t im p n i I M h C— r ^ I4101ÂTOET ■* ■■ M tevetoryta tiw U ta r e S ta C s i H ^ O t i M Plow reerap r o j ^ «ôdre M ON.TRKUnU.1IU., oi the UaumrmtyefCeliformm OPEN; $ p R |r WEDNESDAY EVENING § to Berkeley aad Lkerm ore& ditarwe W Êm iiS É iS /VA.;.' mm® hm m É M iÊ Ë È È B k * a È m m tvemment Day # rri 1 * ••**», '.?*** ($ f W e "’ '1' * Thirty students from E J g rw p «boat tbe functions of M ichigan high schools w ill b e ! the branches they rm reaent km « M t to U k , p m . rou g» !« « < f m % .©»..»► . in Stuaent Government D ay. ^ S b t ie a t Congress m asting Tht students , Ml mem ber* of *t 7 p .« . ia Parlors A ead B high sd-xrt student councils, of the Union, wffl to w tbe An-UnWersHy Stu- Bliee MSU. Arlyn Griefendorf, dent Government Headquarters wffl speek at the m eeting. Oth- tÌM£ dNbdiB® a f in Student Services in the after- w business sth eitu lul trctod w - ftnlat Mdtar Hwflywewd’i noon rscoastdarattou o f tbe Human- a XW VMCw^Ni. V V W * Lerry Campbell. AUSG 1st Society Charter and approv- In MGSMncCaon produced a president, wffl welcom e the al of Caribbean Club Charter, group. Tom Morrow, Chief The m eeting is open to aU MSU « aami.L\ _ .W l m-t ■color film , “D egas: M*rial‘ o f Justice; Chuck B race, execu- students, m m .cfW * ä m a c tu n a r , M otieo,” baaed oa an exhthitioo tive vice jr tffle n ti and Jim ] H ie student tour is sponsored MacCann Is preparing a b e ta , ,of D egas paintings a t the Lee Anderson, adm inistrative rice-1 b y the AUSG High School Co- "Hollywood’s Four Freedoms .” A ngeles County Museum. president, wffl speak to the operation Committee. The book is an analysis of MaeCana r eceived his A.B. the rise Of television and HoRy* d egree from K ansas U niversity w ood* response and d atai wtth in H to, a IL A . d e g n e from Stanford U niversity in 1942 and ffle upswing in independent mo­ hto Ph.D . from Harvard Uni­ tion picture production during versity to IM I, a ll in poetical the la st lew y e a n and the h*< scien ce. > Y O U R S L IP IS SH O W IN G ! Seniors o f W eek Y o n fo rg o t to take H o n o rs C ollege N ew lyw eds yo u r laund ry to L O U IS . B e tte r do ” it n o w . ' _ wonch m n 1 7 2 0 E. M i c h i g a n Ckaaer aad L ansing 484-7786 SMrf tawdry Muffler* - f i i l Pipes — E taam t Pipes * INSTALLED I ÖOMPLEE SHOP SERVICE x. B flw ft Motors and Transmissions INSTALLED Tender, Young, Specially Selected S peed B qntpam nl — • Accameries DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY- T o bl« Trimmed, Nourishing a n d Highly Digestible Whole or Loin H alf WITH THIS COUP ON Vmene> »•er uMMe^gp mW eeie iHae ofslu mnv M axwell House - ’ 1-lb. toepee eed $146 parches* or a n a . 4c OH Label Caa Special' Label «s □T1PE - - XT 2 5 * M axwell— Special Label ms a a Michigan, ilpFFK • fh m ser £ 59* «- « tr it o .. Pioneer □ SU G A R £ 39* W H I G l» £ Y U.S. No. I M khigan A lt-fa ig on S S r RMi iS « q flw board emoting^ Art team* of I H K l i i !» Room. V m m fm m X i jjg .4l the -American .Ite fo rt p.ai., Student Lounge, fi t Planner* held in 'o ta Eppiy cm iF X m m Ê ï ifitetier-Hilton Hotel IMs T u fo W S m m m m ^ m m rn IH M M Iw irtM P iH W «P « fof® p .* . Fieberte» aa< WB*> lIM e-b n d n d delegates réfe j#MMsl‘te7 fete among the** WRÊÊR^Ê^^ÊKiX; p ® ■*- Stela Ceaservatfve CM , te 7 fete. Alpha PM Omega UN. liH JMtt» Room 31 of the Ihtefe l i f i i o Ifcfm ga, Uatoa. «JR2*ÄSLÄ?ä MSeOMRt. Pem. R n YOUR CAR WANTS A GIFT, TOO UMivfersity Society at Too» Barton, Chkagoientor a t Michigan Stete university, Ï JMtt« te»*CRps Dr. Bates Urban Piàimers. a #(«%** er«! Thursday, November 30, at t ttM p ja . Wtoged Spartest OM speaker, M Union. gamsed n o » , ate tee when in charge uf the penal, said fl p te . Cottage Hal!/ 2 7 M .- AagetFlight 41 Unleo. Leave yoar car with as wkfleyou’v* at cfoas Ü H » faculty from this uni- would include Paul Opperman, Dr. Erdei is one of two ham •« tep te. O’ C tos Spirit MUn- ?:M p.m. Las Geatmete tour et examdive director ef Norte- M l thousand srtf-exflte Hun- lte. Brody Utchoa, Kellogg Cen­ MiA{|sn Avenue at W. Grind River Easters M n h Metroftoiirto »«<•»« who fled their heme* Greea Splash — Wednesday, ter Cafeteria. r Night editor. Brace Fabri­ Planning Commission; Mated land after tee Freedom Fighter 6:30, members, 7 :0 p.m., try- 7 p.m. TU Bete I w M l Dr. cant: Spurts editor, Jeff How­ ED 7*9886 Eisner, - urban pUnaiag/eoo- uprising. He will giva first rnits for ptedgtec, Women’s Heien Greca’s home, SU W. ard; CB# deck. Id a Baras, Al sultaat for Pasadena, CfeM.; Mad descriptions o f the Red , peel' V- Centré. Reyce, Mary MarzoK. Perry Norton, professionsl con­ Fascism te n prevented fin sultant wtth tea Natiteal Coun­ freeing ef his country. cil of Churches; Miss Marjorid Berger, essistent director ef Erdei and his wife reached England from asylum te Aus­ Knapp*» Boat Lonaing A Christma* Jewel Box, the American Society at Plan­ tria. After studying at Lotte ning Organizations and sacra- tary-treasurer for. the Inter­ university he received hie Ph. D. degree in IMI. He came to brimming over with moat wonderful gift* for national Federation of Hous­ ing aad Planning. MSU in May, IMO. He will compare democratic Do your »hopping early! procedures, civil rights, a te other civilian privileges in this country to his expenmces in Hungary. U n iv e r s ity O ffe rs L e a d e r T ra in in g C la s s N e x t T e rm E x p e r tly Fabulous, New fondent Leadership Training, a formal two crefflt course u Man •tailored 1 P I Z Z I FORTIES Af A Discount Off More Than 10 Pizzas the C6Hege'of Education, will be offered winter term. The course, designed to pre­ pare students fotr positions of Dacron - Cotton Tennis Sweater leadership and responsibility, will he taught by Dr. Eldon R. ORDER E » R l Y — > Notmamaker, assistant direct- or, men’s division of student the fashion rage for VARSITY DRIVE IN 1227 East Grand River, East Lansing affairs. Enrollment in the course is limited. Interested .students may submit petitions to the campus wearing Delivery Service . ED 2-6517 Women’s Division, 101 Student Services: AD petitions must be filed by Wednesday. e r v o o r t s M 213 E. GRAND RIVER Everyeee’s easting their vote for the M d fF EAST LANSING ten ie sweater. Calle Iute style la 199% virghi wool. Satw white with multi Ph. ED 2-2114 stripe* ef red, white aad Mue. Perfect1 topplig tor slacks aad skirts. In sizes SPORTSWEAR sssifi, medium er large. Make VanDervoort’s STREET LEVEL SPORTSWEAR -r STREET LEVEL your skiing headquarters! to p s e le c tio n o f q u a lity nam es a t lo w e s t b u d g e t p r ic e s ! Fashion flare m junior tues • Head • Northland a KneissI • Blizzard Knee-scapes make the secai again . . . newest • Ricker • Henke when flared and teamed • La Dolomite with b » to n . AB tetterei IM * weal In a wide variety af bold ate Missed navy, fru ito li-dow n subtle plaids a te your favorite b a s i c colite. Junior rime foli. SKI BINDINGS Gebee, Marker SKI POLES aluminum aad steel Oxford Shirts SPORTSWEAR Ski - Free — by Echd ate Nertklate STREET LEVEL The foundation at every coeds $ 7 9 5 — $ 1Q $5 wardrobe . . . long réeeve» m button eottar Meuse In eastern /■ tottered oxford doth. Washes • / j and Iroas wtth the teghteot ^ ■meaet at c a n . O tta shirts -« • S K I C L O T H IN G . , . 4.M to TJS. • White Stag • Sportecaste SPORTSWEAR - STREET LEVEL • Roffe Custom-Made Stretch Pants EAST U M 6 Complete CO M PLETE REN TA L SHOP TODAY FROM Selection S E R V IC E p 12 NOON TO 9 P.M. ICE SKATES book y o u r outfit now iute arreca price ORDER BY PHONE -for fun later! ED 2-5006 SHOP VANDERVOORTS TONIGHT TIL 9 H ü PjOy i sg ^ te L te2iifefth#fo^ririiR * JM BaM gHgm t e a l engteeere, chemistry By JOYCE BUCHHOLZ to panned with tte I physics, aad math majors. m Of tee state New* Star * - to i U. S. Air Wem- tetsrvlswteg titotan d ty t a l k Stand* The- L e u h i ahopoer ef MM wfl! hum no traffic difficulties Fronts of buildings weald be î . Meré btolteags for public utfl- IC JE ? fUCB - TT 75 "W ptyf Tfewefai| i w m p n « r i i cciiiBCRi n - uroatfld -ß g to r •• ttiniwitiltm to htitavtawteg aad eelreoe, Jr. high mate, E.M.H. teacher, because foam wffl fe* no traffic. altered to fit tee aeedto* decor itfto r o i additional perk gad e t American__ She atm be «Me te perk her hf tee area. Old buildings now roereytiea taritela« wffl bo bo- stores with apartments cessary ft* «Met tbe needs of rodato Roman. S r ernei I v Ttfanal B fa l IRMtataaiai^kU 2H r Jr. High and Jr. High aocim car te a ramp garage at tee housing faellÉ'W ÖUIR XÉixmstut CitMM-I rtoery teter vtowtog m ilite studies, laagug* tots, v irtfi» edge ef tee buamess district, modern officebebuildings. above would replaced with the tnrroatodf populate» lurgkaL toectrkaL mecfenic- teacher, earty ead later Ela- leeve her children to a play­ Another aeatf, « fo reseen by square, tin t ' to, ehm engineers, chemistry, mentaiy; Dec. grate only. commercial mate eag- physic* majors. ground at tbe Michigan avenue- The new buildings would pro­ the redenta, to the faH-out «bei- residential. J S W W Washington street Intersection vide facilities for the office per­ ter. F la n have been atede la temteBe Steel Corp. inter­ f a t a viewing •top bop a (huttlebus to to n sonnel, including restaurants, install one to each LanstogH problems b M H PPi bio- accounting majors. hersbepptag. v '4 beauty shops aad, recreate» park. population tacreaèe aad majors. m eati» tWs H plate tar Cfey ef HBwataM interview- At seen tee may stop for centers. The peyndtoleBbeeae is net additional perk» red recreetton -; Capta- Cseeaaadty Seheeto teg civtt eagineers. J hatch at a sidewalk cafe or “Urban renewal to tee cen­ ceaffaei te tee dty Marito meet tee children for a picnic tral business district atei cre­ et facilities, new tihtailca aad fie# buildings. I I m et (Flint a n a ) jetervfaw i» early Teasteg eta M* seheeis inter- pan rismsntTy edacatloa; Pec, viewing ail Daei grate te toe- OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS r AJfoPRI. k SAT. Tf MLO€K EAST OF CAMPUS 1 to the park near a fountain. In ale heestag problems 1er the ned fan-out shelters. jt a t a r v 4 I J mentary education for semes­ tip afternoon fliey're off by displaced,” Leyrer said. “We . shuttiebus to the Civic Center expect that tnaestry v f i pro­ Lansing's planai» «to nte Hooker Clwmlca| Cerp. inter­ ter positions; March grate for ALSOJOT _ — for a theatre play or for a swim vide housing pear factories past tee present dty Bmits as view!» chemistry majore, elementary aad secondary ed­ 212# N. LARCH US 27 fe 4709 S. CEDAR US 127 to tee pool. for a greto many such per- The boundaries of this area mare am au re rWy dirigiert mechailcaL electrical red ucation for September 1902 extended into Clinton county ee eater lato rito a h u fth exe- civil reghfeen. - - - teaching positions. All these are part of e set of _jriare to be to operation in Lan­ the north, to Halt on the south, sing In the nextSO years. ~ Others, be said, may apply to tee CTOst Drive-In on the The plans now in protest for federal loans to buy hemes east and into Eaton county on to the panntog by ti» A men for Lansing is to on a 40-year mortgage pan. tiie west. This area now has a Planning Commission toi point tee drafting-tabic stage at the The federal government has population of 165,000. Lansing te a Lansing of 1100 as modern , City Planning Commissi«« •(- stepped to to aid the displaced at present has 113,000. and up-to-dete as cities, not Super Right Beef fke, Victor G. Leyrer, direc­ to other cities also faced wtth Slum clearance has always only in America, but all over tor, said. 4 'XX-^XW^i urban renewal problems. been a problem in the burger the world. XXMk4’ The jrian for the mail calls Tbe purpose of tbe mail in for a large circle wtth the mein Lansing and other U.S. cities business area east ef tbe Gspi- Is the same as that of Grate tol at the hub. Parkteg ramps and Eastern towns in rodent are planned at tee fringe of times, an attempt to separate Home Rem edies H U C K -R 0 A S T T 4 9 the circle and only ahutfiebuses the commercial from the resi­ are permitted tojpaw into tbe dential. The park area in Lro- mail area. Many of tee pres­ sing's pan corresponds to tee ent downtown streets would be paved square so popular in tbe U nsafe Am Oat N o lb filled in for park aresis. ancient towns. By CHARLES SHARPE Read tbe directirec for usage iagIM M We lb “Tbe proposed mall would! But modern Lansing hto Of tee State News Staff- veiy carefully. Dfaictibns ere c alleviate traffic congestion in . and will have problems tbe Home remedies for head­ included te most atedteal pro­ tbe central business district and! ancient cities didn’t face. The aches, stomach pains or other ducts to nrofoct yett. If the-te- minor irritations can cause ser­ be! says to shake well, or avoid excessive dosages, this is exact­ UU4JUW 59 » Sacked Fork Chops N o lb ious trouble. Medicine that is prescribed ly wbte is required. J by a physician is for a specific Avoid taking medicine in the purpose. The physician knows dark. It is very easy to take the i ll Bacon Sale. I / S » Right 'i Bologcc Sliced 49c fe _ Pieces 43c ih what medication to administer wrong pIL Make sure that it is for a» illness. He includes exact the rig id « » . -^ orders about tbe size and fre­ Don’t shift medicines to dif­ taper Right I lb ykg quency of dosage.' ferent boxes or bottles. Keep A few simpe rules for taking the medicine In its original H M 1 Ih pig medicine c u tod us in avoiding package. The directions for unnecessary fflness. By disre­ usage are often printed on the garding the recommended dos­ container. Many pills are the Reach Style 2 Ih pkg 17) Nov. 29 - Dec. 4 age a jntoor discomfort can be­ same shape and color any they Fairchild Theater come serious. - are easy to get mixed up. Do not increase the dosage. Aad don’t take mediciae Ü HshigM 9. S. Ne. I t Florida Taking mere ef a medicine that has beea prescribed for »ay atotee what the deetor somebody else. Just b e a n » would advise. Taking tee year roommate had a «eld mecfc ef a medfctoe eaa belli aad get e e » pills, yea may ■p re immunity to fee posi­ not have the same teases. POTATOES — 99i GRAPEFRUIT 8 IB BAG 691 tive effects expected from a drug. Therefore -a needed Seeing a doctor and getting Yosr Choice ~ Florida m ed icatio n may yieM no aid the correct medication and at all when tt is really seed­ treatment Is tbe best insurance ed. of good health. Oe c u hcr» - TANGERINES 49; MARLOWE’S F in e A r ts ’ F u tu r e In D anger Rarichcc - Celie te g Im a Peppes 10 Mix er H » i Symphony Conductor Leopold ed . . . we are hand» quantity CAMPBELL'S SOUP DR- FAUSTUS Stokowski' testified the future of the nation’s arts is “in great danger.” Performing a r t i s t s must instead ot quality. W ell have to have quality now because competition in the Iren "Curtate countries Is so greet.” Vegetable, Beef, Chicken Noodle, Cream of Mushroom 6 - T.00 have two professions — music Hafiia Lacchooo Meet ß"2 12 cz e cu toe Vegetable or Bean with Bacon and something else — to make Contemporary, traditional, 8 » J1 . 0 0 financial ends meet, be said. provincial? The decor te tee TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE ONIAT FOR THE Tba conductor of tbe Houston, second house from tee corner Fresh Like Caned Vegeiehlei -■ Aristocrat Saltiees SPECIAL DEMAND PERFORMANCE DECEMBER 4 S;M P.M. ~ T e x ., symphony t o l d , a congressional subcommittee is best described » Early Mish-Mash. Detroit Ifows. I fe hex 23e - . ADMlSaON 98J9 1 y opeateg a h eart» into the Wheb Renal a C m a Style Sen TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT FAIRCHILD BOX-OFFICE economic situation ef tee per­ MON. - FRL 12:30 5:00 FJri. U PHONE »64140 form !» arts: “All operas today m i wider- P0MBTS M nanan ••• mis X~X' ^' r* Ì V/XSfflSP '/A à V Sugar Market December lad in Witeaawtw Stare and AJI Five Ticket Information t ED 2-3840 C en0e j§ 1 fa 8 U em a * i B u t Grand River L auto» A A P Saper Markets mm E aat Laastog | Meadow brook Country C ita t a t the d ita li *a L » ta a EaH § ¡ ¡ 1 ? ” fid«» O Wtmeeum i W q «ivV Im ì • s Maaoa — tabe UB-27 South ta RfcfcartffcBokk, tu ra tiatteddy ÈL~-X^X \x w A foflow the road ta -tap -V'I' I -a a « mmm ■■■■ili K ■i -SSi-'iSffi/vi a -'...; ■ ‘‘B IB M BBS ........... 1 i’Ê&StÊÊÊÉÎ'MiX MBBggIII WÊÊÊ a « i ■re! Slp K W Conference L A S tV A Y t was the thane at the bomb! çoufcistscs .ef the Mfchlgftft Welfare League Wd hi Greta LUCON Rapide M o n d a y through Wedneedey. The ttd w rity , a» ee ipeaeer ef the conference, was rente- •sabed by Gardes J. Aldridge, AU TO M O TIV E PER SO N AL director ef the Kbooi of sodai W B ÊK ÊYSYB S^SSStè *» condrite*. «OS. CSTÌV » l i IO, m i S II» ML ç « t et tel» « wort, Barrett Lyons a a d Myrtle ReuL assistant proies- Y «« A Feim U m . ' M É p * Stet« Uni. sonito. Compos. AppraaSieotsto » bi- eyoba wG bomdd Ut ooctlaa. hw»«c ffatafe osli»w, ppRHiajttvn»» Mresu. t -w —— 1 U • M k b 4 * 0 ( M b « a d t Vumday, C O N SER V A TIV E- Na*- 10. V «JA. 4 «M Uw. « M il m m Ttrmi? C ittì V- 4| C LU B f SKttlSs * «ft* I «MM*,« win* m L tem 10 te 12. 3 men’» suits, 40 lang. EwjteH iwt — nditian. 1 0 7 -IM O . the Aging.” P R E SE N T S Ioroos was discussion leader O N E T H IR D carte é iw w l engage­ ment and matching wsdding rings, both «tei» smsll dii mosds. $100. M Dr. M ichaal Erdaì può. ED 7-744U 47 E IN IS H E D I w d i ii alate design M e sta ter T T W q u i*. C a li IV 2-5321 D E P A R T M E N T a f E L E C T R IC A L S ilv e r M o o n B a ll after S p.fn. ' r~ 44 jem scHto vu Bua. 2-5U ED 2-5834. 45 ENGINEERING, M.S.U, Jehany T i t r n (Temple a t Second) I4S5 PLYMOUTH U «tel» powerfRght, è cocktail drcssss. Mia new, sire» (Crystal DETROIT «•die. and l a t e . G ood condition. IO -14, co lo n white, graer, pini, arte Ballroom) £0*2-3544 «fear 4 pen. 41 Wue. $5 te $2& 155-4424 after 5:30 Tommy Baldwin Dec. 31, 1961 — 10 p.m. Til 2 m l pjn. 45 T H E I R O N C U R T A IN 1 (Fountain Semi-Formal — D aaatireM t/eeapto Ballroom) Favors ladedei 1451, A L M A , 25', m itsb l« fer coupla May Be Purchased A t All R E N A U L T D A U R H IN E 1440. R a d ia a t tara (toteante. O ccu p a n cy winter e - d beatati w j» , to p shape. ftrnaa terns. Vary reasonable, Lot 204, 2710 IV $.*473. 45 i . G ra n d Rhmr. 43 Tkarsday, Na». 30 TICKETS YMCA’s Or Cafl WO 3-5058 1457 T R IU M P H TR3. Wetetop. aaw N A T I O N A L 8x35, 2 bedrooms, vary- s d e curtains, »ew battery, sac s la n t gaod condition witk fuR length alum», ccndtm n. « 0 7 5 . IV 5-0954. " 44 num awning. C a n finance. Sen at M o - bil*~ H o rn * Manar, behind Fop,an R O O M I I . U N IO N IU IU M N G Restsursnt. C l 2. 44 M IC H IG A N 1455 R IC H A R D S O N mobile home. A U M SU ST U D E N T S 32s*. Excellent'condition. Ideal fo: *tu- dents. *82-1450. — 45 EM PLO YM EN T 1454 S K Y L IN E mobile home. 34x1, IN V IT E D A S G U E 5 T 5 « A S T E R 'S D E G R E E ia U o-c h emiitry. bnlcony kitchen. Graduating, mutt tell. Experience in food research. Knowledge 275 gallon «il tank included. O n lot e f G e rm e », Crack, French. W o u ld like 301 at Trailer Haven, 2780 E. G rand FR EE A D M I S S I O N to d e reseérek ar translatiiig at home. River. E D 2-47*4 after 5 p.m. ar «reek- Rhtee € D 7-OririO. 41 ends. 45 $ U L L T IM E n m , grocery cashier. N E A R L A IN G S B U R G , I and a third Experience «referred but net neces­ acres - and 1451 G reet Lakes trailer, sary. C a 8 fe person. Prince Brothers 10x4*. Reasonable. C a ll 355-1700 44 Market. 45 C h a r l e s r e n t Re aver' Co. d i «- nwftd in t ickants would like capable, matera, M S U student te act at campus H O U SES representative, Fee appointment inter- r w CO* 355-533*. 44 E A S T L A P S IN G , unfurnished 2 bed- room, gat hast, garage. S I 10 monthly M S U G I R L fe*. b n b y sitting end plus utilities. 424 G un tin . ED 2-1444, tight housework in exchange for private fcora and bated. M u st enjoy children. or ED 7.742B. 44 BOB LA N A E D 2-4128. 43 321 S O . . C H A R L E S . 2 bedroom un­ T E L E P H O N E S E L L IN G . EducaVoeal furnished. Close to campus: C ell IV 2- WINGED SPARTANS 1514. , 44 a u n *. W o * t here or a t home, t o per scor cemmitsmn for those willing te F L Y IN G C L U B i poTEDRlOmWD « a i u f f i ( E A S T L A N S IN G . Furnished, 7 large una aaaaa uaa ■«1« the ceRx. Also, eofleetor needed- -g-'-sh Institute, IV 5-3111, mom ngs. m a m , available early January ta A u g - u s t $ 2 » , monthly. ED 2-4071. 45 M E E T IN G C ro s s w o rd P u z z le seo UOQ0U anaan ¡ina i janispaige C O L L E G E M A N desires to share furnished ranch h am s with 3 grad stu­ W EDNESDAY 7:30 P.M A C M U » . A nath e m a □□□a □□□□ s a n a a n a □ana uauaunau I -JIMhuttonflk | paulaprentiss* O LD CO LLEG E HALL *1. M r . L in c o ln dents for winter term or rest of school I W o r ld W « r 32. S y lla b le e< □raaaa unau □□ Shews at year. 3 3 7 4 )1 « after 4 p.m. 47 U N IO N 11 a rea S Y N T H E T IC fe* coat, h s r o w s r s , 0013 UQI1Ì3Q □□□ 5 0 S erf ' o - g nal pnce. C a « 355-1575 afte* 7 ojn . — - 45 E L E C T IO N O F O F F IC E R S 4. H t e d a - nos s t i r - he sitation 33. A g a U e c h na onaa orauaa □aaaaann aana 1 :1 « , 2 :1 5 5 : 2 5 ,7 : 2 5 mmid•mucm-memou^ 102014 Jerom t Street, Upper, un- t. P r o v id a 34. Appettatio* •:45 p.m. LAYAW AY fum'nhed, 4 roomt and beth, prívate entrence, hant and water fumlshed. SERVICE w it h w eapons of A th e n a 33. P a d d le s fo r □naaarceaaa san n a a n anaaaaa c u a n arm STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY NOW FOR Adults only. N o drmkets. C a li IV 2* 3451. - 44 T Y P IN G , all kinds, by experienced woman. C a ll ED 2-4322.— - 45 12. Vantiate s h a p in g c la y 37 M a n 's □□a 00000 aaa J o h n W a y n e in “T H E C 0 M A N C H E R 0 S ” P L E A S A N T , S mom, unfurnished, 14. T i p C H R IST M A S cim a in. Faculty ar business personnel G IV E - photographs far C h ristmas. Ifc P t p d i STUART WHITMAN • INA BAUN • LEE MARVIN only. Farkbg. ED 2-1300 o r Grnnum, Children'» portraits in your home. E D 7* CO 2-2544. 44 1201, evenings and weekends. 45 G Re latives WILLIAM R. THOMPSON 7. H a s b e in g N IC E L Y F U R N I S H E 6 T 1 rooms plus T Y P IN G dona including temí papers bath, m arried couple p referred . Avail, 8. Entourage and theses. 412-4« 13. 50 a b le Dec. 15. $100 par month, utilities t. Biasing paid. CaW E D 2-4474. 47 T Y P IN G , manuscript, terri» papers, 1*. T u r m e r ic etc. C ell ED 2-0570. - 45 11. H o n e y F E M A L E T E A C H E R desires room­ IB . Iro q u o ia n mate lo t furnish ad apartment. C om er LO W C O ST copies of class notes, If-fix e d Harrison and Lilac. Approved, unsuper­ rough drafts and printed material. ch o re a vised. M U B I S 4 between *- 4 pjn . 44 Wonch Graphic "Service, 1720 E. Michi­ S U It o t e lo sott gan, Lansing. Phone 4*4-7784, - , tf 31. D r ie d o r c h id i m s l TYPIST A N N BRO W N . ED 24384. 3 L O r . m a rk e t Electric typewriter. Term -papers arid p la co S ta rts T h u rsd a y ! theses, olio general typing. tf BUHooted STUDENT D ISC O U N T , self wash, LO S T tix i FO U N D $ .75 Luba job, -1.00. Student parking, $150. Free quart o f oil with ovary oil C H R IS T M A S T R EES . carafuRy shear- G IR L S W ALLET, baiga, lost be­ chonga. Com ptât*- tuáeup. Open 24 ed- scotch p s t I ' te 20". C u t any tree tween Barney pad Bertey on Nov. 22. hours. Dave's Fura OR. 1010 L Grand only S 2 J U 2858 C a ll» * Rd. I l Id entifbotion ntadod. W «4153. 45 River, - tf mi iss touth- o f .C avanaagb Rd. O p e n L O ST . M onday befara Thanksgiving, EXPERT THESES and general-typteg. short-hand notebook with ring at toe. Electric typewriter. Eighteen years ex­ t H IN A Ciohinet - walnut? small but- Contain« dab sb fa nails, tsw a rd . 355- perience. One Mack from Brody. ED 2- fefoa k. 223ft ’O a k h il Avenue, E D 2- 4780. - - __________ 44 5545._________ j: _______________ « L O ST .Sta rh n g »ihrer bracelet ot PER SO N A L D A T A forms, trias ss and NMCON 5-2 'carnaio with F 1.4 laris, IF & F o e H si Bo«. Reward. IV 7-4774 «encrai typing. Offset printing, plastic * m oriste C a i 137-1837.o ftH 4 pjm. * 3 binding and typesetting. Wonch Grade Service, 1720 East -Michigan, Lansing. Phone 484-7784. H feER M A N tmnswtwr S a m raconter. PER SO N A L Ie$«trfisl laotkw carrying case. Prac- ' T Y PIN G IN M Y H O M E By wenwn t ic a iy now. only 3 months aid. Larry, 33 7 -2 2 3 U 44 BICYCLES.* dreading a co ld winter, with 10 years sacretariai experience. long trip bom«, ate. M ote yourself ell t u tf lU h M d A G C SALE. Wadnasday. Ne. winter term, including the Christmas M O V IN G ? Local-»tate-nattenwids. »«¡»ber 24, 7 4 pum. ot 100 f . HoM recasti f * r just $2. Repair» also avail, For free estimate c a l Kevin Walsh, »(ftO N. W a shington. - -< 4) a b b ot masnnriM» rates. Fedel ever your .American Rad Sail M oving Ç ohf ar. bdfter.:Mi, béve your, owner phone pony representative. |V 5-2242. 44 . i r •LCM O ^M otam tn TV: White ID 140*7. i 44 seanrii oMKtowi, heavy duty portaM e: CNnasa ma IS A a t i eak rocker, hpad A N D R EA H U T C H IN S I A N N E DE. TR A N SPO R TA TIO N riiihliruter. pepar cattar, lampi. IO 2- C A M P -p tssii eomt to the State News 44Ì2 «Iter t pjri*. Au 45 «mea» Roam Ï47 Student Services C H R IST M A S BUS charter . New f d l» % boo ftoa posses te the Crast York, Jatsay, December if. DoriV be Orti* Iti. *- If; :left Out! Inq uire now » save. 355-4310. Art Lipton. ■ - í '-,r’ * IB FOR T h e FINEST •* dance m usk it's Jaok Broun, tabby Stevens, Ron RID E W A N TED te CJ tngksh, phn m orir other». Fhone the Dec. I onytimri. C all Flo, tud-M or Agency. IV 2-0424. . of W A N T ® , « d a is te Florida « «beut December IS. C«H Lariy W i CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ED 2-OB4I. 1 to w c o n ! W V READERSHIP 8TAKTING SGNBAT * tR V lN 0 W8 * W r * - " * 1 Ê Y I -V-S Frandor Shopping Cretcr FORDDY ANDERSON ART SCHWARM HENRY'S Pistol Tearn AimsHigh M R M W LEIE SM E SERVICE Brings Satisfaction To Those ' Who Care E a n g i To Want The Beit la Shoe Repairing Soles & Heels While Yon Wait One Block West of Brody 225 East Grand River Avenue . oh Michigan Avenue have you hea k /H I R L I N T O A N T E X C IT IN G H O L ID A Y SEA SO N L O O K IN G Y O U R LO V ELIEST. , 1st W alken's glamorous selnctiofi of oyowcar odd to the Mason's - enchantmant. For tho accomplish#«! sfeor end confirmod firssido loufigor^.Whlto Saag’s {aunty hoa«Mo4oa color-coordinolod soparotas., Slrek-fiRwg wooUmd-nylon strotch ski pants in proportion^ short, roguku ond kmglongtiu. 8lo18stzss. IM S a n d 2 M S Color-cwod to match tire sM potato oofld and Kaewins that yw* printed rovwrsibln popRn, nylon, sfflt or fur -1 CHORE AMERICANSARE INJURED EACflYIAR lKiodod p odw ioclM teSM lsfaeoo.iaU W aoS4.ti3 IN AUTO ACCIDENTS THAN W E& INJURED IN BOTH WORLDWARS AND KOREA COMBINED ; AND~o wooMi of cotor«coordina*gd ocooiinrfoas it's a tact: 774,230 American serviceman injured in the ieet two wars And yet* over 1 million auto injuria* are reported ’Farfdz ond each year! Good reason for ear insurance coverage against costiy accidents. More and more careful drivers ar* insuring Nylon mitts and loothor glovos. 190 to 7.95 with State Farm and enjoying complete car insurance pro*, Turtio nock T-shirts and knit Hood«. Each, 2 J 0 taction, plus "Hometown Claim Service” wherever they EYE EXAMINATIONS by drive. Contact me today. ■ - Cfipon mod monoy ond ^ d d t f t e A DR. W.C. JENSEN, r ^ STAN W ILKINSON.;, ai WBPEtataBlltaFKwItaï k ' WILLIAM MITCHELL f f m ABBOTT ROAD, EAST LANSING ||| t] e d u em ED 2-eta gSTATE FARM M U T U A L ^