PMMB fc ¿ y g £ S SIISI if ^8Bal3itíS»fesí®%»ws5SP»»2Ér'':ï.'4Ê$iÊ!Ê^S^^æS& IBMtf!,!4regJK-:T! w r e w w e ureJKHMg llu —BgiEBËSËWftKMteiP I 'toSs* :/* fP ■■ih'ttÆ.va',a a^mw»wea»^»i4aad^H/'4tf»we'fryf1-*-- »w»1- ik ' ”~r-7.‘ 1 L ......i, h __w . m u y p ’/ \ - ». g g f 1 «■ «.*«-.w f fn p w jT T i - ........ ..— r— - BBwf p* Marine May Be Next To Orbit CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla UB Whatever his reason, Glenn— astronaut to make the historic —When toe peven-man Mer­ at 40 considered the “oid man” flight. She wouldn’t say for cury astronaut team was first of the astronauts—soon wffl get how long she had known it. revealed to the public in IMS, his long-awaited crack at space She said she had great confl- f each waa asked Why he had flight. He was named Wednes- dence in Project Mercury volunteered for the hazardous day as the prime ¿lot for the which Wednesday buried a mission. John Herschel Glenn United States first manned or- chimpanzee into orbit, and was Jr. replied: bital flight, expected within a -“loeking forward” to the man- ’61 Spaceman Hopes ' “We stand sa toe verge sf few weeks following Wednes- in-space orbit. something as Mg aad expan­ day's successful recovery of a — Glenn was baekap pilot for Jarred by Malfunction sive as when the Wright bro­ chimpanzee from orbit. the suterMta) space rides CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., performed extremely well 00 thers stood at Kitty Hawk 50 dem i saM be was “very made earlier this year by fel­ IB—The „United States rocketed the first orbit. years ago, pitching a coin to happy” «beat bis sélection low astronauts Alan B. Shep­ an able ape named Enos twice “But we began having dif­ 'see who was going te shove and he wetod be ceady to go ard Jr. aad Virgil I. Gris­ around the world Wednesday ficulties with the control sys­ toe ether «If toe ML We are hdhpS ttg end ef tbe ycar if som. He has carefully stud­ and then named astronaut John tem—” he said. “The First very forfnaatt that we have he fat the word. .ife X ied results of both tests aad H. Glenn to travel the same evidence of this was gained at ~ CHRISTMAS CHORAL SOLOISTS at Ike upcoming concert wffl be Robert Lee been Messed with taleats X “Irait that something.” said Mam that his flight wffl tar- trail. Jenatogs, tenor, WhitehaO graduate student; Judith WeUeaaa, contralto, East good enough to be picked for Mrs. Giena when the aimounce- thei; contribute to knowledge the Muchea, Australia, tracking Laasing junior; Cerrtae Bowra, soprano, Toronto senior aad Valson Daugherty, Gleua Is a 40-year-oid Ma­ station more than halfway something like this.” I '/ rnent came Wednesday that he ot man's reaction to «pace rine Ueateoaat Colonel with through the second orbit We . X, kiss, East Lansiag graduate student. —State News phot* by Bela Feher. Later, in a more jocular is to mdke the first U.S. orbital journeys. thinning red hair aad m ex­ made a close check at the •' ’ ’ ’ '• 'XT' 'sV ■ ■"' -- . ' ■ }^;. i -v"• y,- mood, Glam, a Marine lieu­ ffigbt Danger is no stranger to pansive gria. Navy 14. Cnsdr. Woomera and Hawaii stations tenant cokuta, said: At her home in this Washing- Glenn, a powerful athletic type Bach Cantata Will Highlight “I figured tt would probably ton suburb, Mrs. Glenn admit- wtth balding reddish hair and be the nearest I’d ever get to ted that she and her family had green eyes. He has more than heaVen. I thought I ought to known for '-'a while” that 5,100 hours of flying time, 1,600 Scott Carpenter, 36, was and then decided to terminate aanted as G len's backup at California.” pilot. Williams said there, were Annual Christmas Concert make the most of i t ” Glenn would be picked as toe in jets.- t Announcement of the astro­ ” only nauts’ assignment came at a news conference a few hours they 15 minutes from the time had the first Mat ef after the 37Ml pound chimp trouble until the fired tbe A Bach Cantata, featuring four university soloists, will be the highlight of the annual Christmas concert of the Uni­ balconies red centre stage. According to director Dr. Go- mar LL. Jones, the concert tins year will be composed of sev­ University Chorus is the only on-campus music group that is open to the public without audi­ tion. Members from both the UN Spokesi tan Says Tshombe had been launched «V „ at 10:07 i a.m.. on what turned out to bei a partially successful flight. braking rickets from Point - This would not have oc­ versity Chorus and Orchestra ta be given Sunday at 4 p.m. in the University Auditorium. The eral comparatively short works by both orchestra and- chorus as compared to previous per­ faculty and staff and the stu­ dent body, under the direction of Dr. Jones, rehearse weekly for C 0 1 1 2 0 Violence Enos had been scheduled to curred if a man had been whizz around the world three aboard,” Williams said. “Un­ I times but his trip was cut to fortunately, on this flight 'we cantata also wffl feature Mr. formances consisting of one and preform in two large pro­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. Wi re demands here for UN ac­ ^ „ i. . twice around idler the space- had to depend on an automated Peter Hendrick on the oboe aad long work for chorus with or­ ductions per year,. Jp ciliator between Katanga a n d e a n developed troubles system.” —A UN spokesman charged tion to ead secesstoa of Ka- the Centra] Government On his flight Enos zipped Williams said one of the Miss Rita Fuzek, continuo. chestra accompaniment. ‘ The University Orchestra is taaga Province tram the Cea- George Ivan Smith, an Aus­ around the globe jlt altitudes -problems appeared to be with Another.highlight of the con­ Im addition to the Bach and that inflammatory statements cert will be a performance ot Gabrieli works will be four a more select organisation re­ by Katanga President Moise ge. -v*. tralian, and Brian UrqUhart, a ranging from 99 to 146 miles a small jet on the capsule Gabriel's “Music for Three French carols, three move­ quiring audition far member- Acting Secretary-General U Briton, were beaten byiKatan- and attained a top speed of which helped control roll. The Tshombo sparkod the vioience Thant w ar glvre Increased ga—paratroopers last right in 17.900 miles per brer. _ jet either stuck open or would BrUss Choirs” with a brass en­ ments from Handel’s Concreto ship This group performs sev­ te Eliaabethville in whkh two semble conducted by Mr. By­ Grosso In G Minor, and the tea* powres. t a the UN Security toe presence of Sen. Thomas Enos landed safety in the not open. eral tunes m year both alone t UN officiai« were beaten Cmmcil rest Friday to deal Dodd, Connecticut Democrat Atlantic Ocean, 336 mflec At any rate, the automatic ron Autrey. Three brass groups ditional audience participation and accampfaytag o t h e r will play from right and left carols. groups. ” and re Indiati UN soldier was wtth the situation in Katanga. who was visiting the Coago. southeast ef Bermuda at }i28 system brought larger jets, kitted. Hsrtaid that he is considering Aa Indian Grekha soldier p.m. (EST). He was picked meant to correct bigger varia­ Dipteoatic sources said toe appointing a special represen­ was stabbed to death red a ap by a destrayre aad was tions in the capsule’s position, Gurkha Major Is missing. being raced te Bermuda for into play. This caused an un- Highway Control Big Point tackteat wouhl resati la great- tative of high standing as a con- medical examination. Tbe 5Me year old chimp was due to arrive in Bermuda at 5 See ORBIT page 6 In Coming Russian Talks a.m., Thursday for a prelimi­ nary physical and he then will be flown back to Cape Cana­ Rose Bowl WASHINGTON (*—President West Berlin will be “one of the Kennedy said Wednesday es­ chief points’’ in future negotia­ President mentioned th e tablishment of international tions with the Soviets. Officials explained t h e ' third possibility to keep toe veral. Selection of the astronaut for specific space chores does not Decision control over the highway con-, necting West Germany with Kennedy briefly raised the One possibility would be a deer opea for suggestions. possibility of internationalizing mixed agency, under a neu­ necessarily mean that the United States is_embarked on an all-out program to place a man in orbit before the year’s _ Friday the 110-mile-long Helmstedt tral nation, similar to inter­ Congress 'Autobahn, in an interview with national control commissions Alexei Adzhubel. editor of the in Asia.' Soviet government newspaper Kennedy said be realized tt end. SAN FRANCISCO IB - An­ Indeed, Robert GHruth, nouncement of the visiting project mercury director, team to play UCLA in the Rose specifically declined to say Bowl is expected Friday night. Gives Club Tuesday in Moscow. j would be difficult to find a so- lzvestia. It was published j lution acceptable to both sides. ! The problem, he added, “would what effect the Earn* flight A spokesman for the Big Five would have m 11. & space which selects the teams for the plans. bowl game at Pasadena, reite­ Charter The West, the Chief Exec­ i be one of the chief points in utive told the Russian news­ any negotiation.” man. wants to maintain a The partial «access ef the rated Wednesday night that Enos flight may have jarred five schools remain under con­ U.S. hopes for H61 consid­ sideration. High scm>ol students here for limited erably. They are Ohio -State, Minne­ Student Government Day at­ the city number of troops ia tended the Student Congress national administration meeting Wednesday night in- the Autobahn so that goods and have “an inter­ on Mobs Riot Project vMercury officials sota, Michigan State, Alabama were so uncertain they wotddn’trf and one which has not been even say if the- next flight disclosed. the Union. ^ Congress dealt with ehd-of- in and • s i ” the-term business, approving and people can move freely In Carib would have a man aboard, let Tom'Hamilton, executive of-' alone whether it would be mate fleer of tbe conference, leaves this year. —. . late Friday night for the east the Caribbean Chib Charter, appropriating money f o r Christmas cards to he seat represents the only idea pro­ Kennedy’s suggestion. State Department specialists' said, Republic But a still remaining sense and the Army-Navy game, plus of urgeocy was apparent in several meetings. T h e an­ plans to ' rush the chimp's nouncement is anticipated be­ spacecraft back here fast. fore his departure. to University officials, and posed from the Western side SANTO DOMINGO, Domini­ Earn will be deposited at Feelers nave been sent to voting to maintain the Ù cent thus far on how free urn of the can Republic IB—Roving mote Bermuda at about 5 a.m. by prospective teams, for the New fondent Government tax for Autobalm can be obtained. clashed repeatedly wtth troops the destroyer fiat picked Urn Year’s Day game but Hamil­ winter term. and police on the second day of out ef the Atlantic where he ton has emphasized that no Gerald Heron, Jamacia jun­ Kennedy, explaining it at his t general strike attempt to top­ lauded after eapaule trouble bids have been proffered. ior, told Congress that the .pur­ news conference Wednesday, ple President Joaquin Bate- terminated Ms scheduled Ohio State apparently put it­ pose of the Caribbean Club is said: guer’s government. three-orbit ride after two cir­ self out -of the running as (he to provide information on West “What I am anxious to do is cuits of the earth. faculty council voted against Indian culture through movies to work out some system which .. Heavily armed troops aad Obviously, space scientists j the game Tuesday and speakers. The club at pres- will permit freedom ef access police hacked by fire engines wanted to make a quick inspec A meeting at Minnesota to­ cnt has 26 members from the for the people of West Berlin neared into downtown streets tion of the chimp to decide day will explore the possibili­ West Indies. Membership will without constant pressures and m targe numbers aad need whether they could move on ties and Bowl feelings there, tt be open to all students. tear gas t a billy ctebs to with hope of meeting the man­ was reported. Another Minne­ without, harrassments which disperse n m ty crnwds ton! Students will be voting on endanger their freedom and ned flight goal in 1961. sota meeting was slated on Fri­ whether to extend AUSG rights which increase the tensions be­ forced a few stenNLte close Robert C. Gilruth, project day to determine the official and privileges to graduate stu- tween the countries.” their deers agate afire they Mercury Director, wouldn’t position. -■ dents. had dared open up. speculate on the prospects. Michigan State’s faculty rep­ This means, officials saM. Streets were littered wtth But one NASA official said, resentative, Dr. John Fuzak, Ray Toknje of the Hawaiian that my formula developed broken glass end rocks. Crowds hopefully: “If we don't find said Jfes group would very like­ Club spoke te f tt group about by the Western Powers fee stoned pata*? taxis that re­ anything worse than we know ly approve a Pasadena trip-. the aessfMHty «f having a Ha- the use of the highway wffl sumed operations. One laid right now .there is no reason Alabama has indicated tt pre­ waifan Feotfval oa campus in cover both occupying forces dearly marked “United States a man cau l go on the next fers a Sugar Bowl engagement May- H u t m now tenta­ hi the dty, and Wed Berlin­ Presa was threatened .by three' te q t” at New Orleans. tive. If tbe group gets back­ ers, young girls holding stones and Meat encouraging of Wed­ Hamilton h a s . said Jhnee ing from several campa* or­ shouting “we dent want Yan­ nesday's f a ilspt o d i was teams fit the Kg Ten w ep un­ ganisations, tbe festival wffl Sosos kind of an international kees.” . eflffeiai ecftatety that a a sa der consideration along *with include a flower parade, a authority to control the Auto­ One group identifying itself emM have haudiii the pete-' two not ia the conference. TM> lean, sad Imputed enter­ bahn's traffic aad to guarantee as representative of the na­ tem tint c f im i m h wouhl seem to rule o te P ita B | tainment tram the Fiftieth Western access to it is under tion's professional «1»«« f a y . Btetaf' eapNte tnpil:carried tad tbe identity of ttai 2 B | State. ' consideration, Kennedy told re- ered a letter to UA; Consul ffla: flight on te the pftMwei noo-Big Ten team rMMfltefr- Miss MSU, Arlyn Griefen- porters. • ' ¡rXj:.i-X General John Calvin Hitt and dorf, told Congress about her Urn control agency could be urged the United States to ate R obert« Williams Project These was talk at trip to the Football Festival at the Untied Nations, the four its taflreaec - to prevent "top Mercury Ouerattna fttaecuir, about the posatbiiftikj f California red its value in nee- Occupying Powers,' or InitrWffW ot a new military said Hto IH te eras vary sac- * M 'inyitctioQ tintidt ■ t a i n t l e a d w ffl f o r M R L : ether body,” he added. dictatorship.” ;' oes&nu, me said tne § n i£li M nreki HHf Jfcggji llK f lare B » b m , ji5?*©lSS(ì(58Ì» OÌ fBili Knapp'i Restaurants, Bat* T ü if g fiia g i 1tit Creek: Robert W. McCon- 39. Convey« T o © Inochie. director of training for property » . Man's nickname Teachers tbe Sheraton Carp of America, Boston, Mass.; Paal Valentine, i assistant ta the maasger. Con­ HUUttwrthan- 35. Closely qIIM To Meet rad Hilton Hotel. Chkaga, JB.; : and Edward C. Leach, presi* FRANDOR St. Eternity - Approximately & representa­ 40. Den , tives Croat Michigan umversi- 43. Trouble­ ties, colleges and high schools some portons will gather hare Saturday for 49. Sign the third annual meeting of the «.Skillful 41. Clumsy Michigan chapter of the Amer­ Com plete O p tica l icas Association of Teachers of ' boat 40. Be situated Slavic and Bast European Lan­ Service 90. American guages (AATSEEL). Indian Discussion will center around 53. Dessert teaching aids and textbooks 53. Collega cheer used by Michigan schools, col­ 54. Frozen leges and universities in fir« water and secoadL y e a r Russian 95. Sawing coursas» said Dr. Nikolai Polto- party ratxky, associate professor in foreign languages and presi­ dent of the chapter. The meeting is sponsored by the foreign language depart­ ment ilIIMIII JJIIIMIill tlWI HII 11(¡1MMMMIlllff P lacem ent B ureau Interviewing at the Place­ ment Bureau Tuesday. Addi­ tional information in the Place­ See ment Bureau Bulletin for the week of Nov. 29 to Dec. 8: ~"E. L DuPont De Nemears t Les Stanton Co. interviewing chemistry ma­ jors, chemical, mechanical and For That metallurgical engineers. SI+EPARD’S Coatiaental Illinois Natieaal Bank A Trust Co. of Chicago interviewing College of Busi­ hard toget C a r In su ra n c e ness and Public Service. MOUCANT HEAR Vicksburg C o m m a n ity WORMSTHISTIMEOF Schools interviewing elemen­ We Finance ^fcAS.lHEâROUND tary music, Jr. High English 4c Presents \ 15TOOHARD, y social studies; Dec. grads. Walled Lake Schools inter­ viewing Early and Later Ele­ mentary, Jr. high counselor, Jr. Local and Out of State Student high social studies, sr. high physics, special ed-type “B” Premium Payments mentally handicapped; Dec. grads only. U.S. Air Force (Dayton Air F o r c a Depot) interviewing electrical, mechanical engi­ neers and applied mechanics L e s S ta n to n A gency for those fun ws ofcsndf majors, physics majors, pack­ aging technicians; Dec., March 1ÓOO East Michigan Avenue, Lansing add June grads. All majors in thé College of Business and IV 2-0689 Public Service; Dec. grads. DES MOINES, Iowa W-An old fire, station building urns purchased by a business firm which started some remodeling. f I diDnY^ Fred J. Retneke, head of the realize firm, removed a piece of il)O0H£TBfiN6 moulding from the ceiling and U1A5 5 0 from a- storage room above 5ËA50NÀL! > there, came tumbling down a half a bushel of oats. S e r v in g A S nack Tim horse-drawn fire-fight­ ing equipment was motorized in 1914. O r A C o m p le te M e a l In A R e s tfu l ' ~ S o u th S e a I s la n d A tm o s p h e r e DECORATO EARLY We bar« a large selection sf Christmas Decorations far Trees, Windows ' or just Ankle high boots of soft glove leathers, fully lined with Trimming The House. genuine shearling lambskin for fhsside comfort in winter «old. - j ipi • CHRISTMAS LIGHTS BwW* pOWfUwUrlvvnW CwInH^KVIQIVMOadBnlwsw»T1W^ E s # ItlwsT (M ifotioU t beets you've ever worn, and the Sofetrod w b w • ORNAMENTS «turdy and long-wearing, lacked by the rtputodow of Bats» «■» amber* of 6m nsn't sheds for evor 75 yaonl Featured by; • ARTIFICIAL SNOW • CHRISTMAS WREATHS OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 A PIT SPECIAL (East Lansing Store Only) O pen 11 A J L D a ily LANSING EAST LANSING P iz z a & D e liv e r y S e r v ic e SS SOUTH ACROSS FROM WASHINGTON HOME EC 293 M A C . v -y '. B MHBK lI H iî^ÿïSi S s ii Thursday, 7 pju . and 8:15 p.inn xiQiDCi nanor. t r i Bai» — Ifcursday, 7 pan., «B Natural Science. P n 4 M SaeMy — Thursday, A L L U N IV E R S IT Y FO O TBA LL 7:80 p.m., Union. WHH — Thursday, 7:45 p.m., 1 Ham Skaek. C H A M P IO N S H IP Lattersa Stadcat A tta . — Thuraday, study hour, 4 pjn., University Lutheran Church. Martia Luther Chapel —Thurs- day, 7:30 p.m., Lutberan Lec- tures, Martin Luther Chapel. Martia Latber Chapel— Thura­ day, 3:30 pan., Meditations, Martin Lutter Chapel. W a te r Candval Executive Board — Thursday, 3 p.m., 34 Union. CURIOOS' CREATIVITY takes place fai tte varieas dermttaries aerees die campas as rasouaates csnjàre ap uA pe deer sigas te IR what was originally inteaded ta bear thelr am es. Tte placarás, show tere actaal sire, cange from minor Works ef art te cltpphig» Urna magatine» aad Jr. PanHel newspapers. Tbe cards bave teca termed producto et Miri tadlvidusllfj. but oaly by these who caa*t think np a novel Idea far thelr ite r. —State News pbotos by Bela Feher. Purchases Trophy M r. J e f f e r s o n D a v is o f Friday • Saturday • Sunday At scholarship trophy to be D o r m D o o r S ig n s presented to tte sorority pledge 5S « g l & All Day—10 a.m. to 1 class with tbe highest grade R ic h m o n d , V ir g in ia h a s ★ dr ♦ -i " ' r * * ★ "1f print average has been pur­ chased by the Jr. PanheBenic Come and bring your friends to . , . Council, announced N a n c y No Náníes — Just Humor Chelerin, scholarship chair­ man. m a d e H e n r y ’s a h a b it... MARVELANES Somebody once said a man’s a trip througtf Michigan State home is his castle. : ~ men’s dormitories before he “Ulcer Dept.”- “Beware D.D.T.” The trophy is a traveling award which will be presented during the term after each W h y D o n ’t Y o u - It could be that the speaker voiced his observation, “Take That One Step Be- rushing season to the 'pledge of those memorable word* took Barely is more individuality yound.” class which has achieved the shown by the guys. Some “No Hunting, Survivors, Will highest gride point average. One Block West of Brody rooms are surprisingly neat. Be Prosecuted.” Alphi Chi Omega will be the Others are—well, not so neat. “Ladies Lounge.” first to receive the award, for on Michigan Avenue The main individualistic “ Four Print or Bust.” their spring term average. touch apparently centers ■- “Apartment for Rent.” i. " around small placards on the “Abandon hope all ye who iirudoi enter here.” doors. They were originally ' “I can resist everything but _ _ intended to bear the names of the roomers. But another purpose has been „ _J temptation.” “What, U* Fight?” : - “If you value the lives of Student Bookstore Presents found for tte placards. Names your children, keep them away ¿ have been often passed by for from building* under construc­ ~ humor on these signs. ~ tion.” r .♦ _ ^ ■ * Hera are a few samples, tak- en from campus men’s dorm- itories: “Get Lost, We’re Studying ” Many. doers are deeeratod with pictures, newspaper and magazine clippings as well Aft ybtf a S/J£eTcH? “Use Other Entrance.” “ The Trading Post.” as tte zany signs. “Come in. Everything else The door originality offers has gone wrong today.” the student another chance to express himself. And it’s ouite a change of L O N D O N F O G A g S h o rt C o u rse pace from that English theme. r a in c o a t [In F r u it C ro p s E v e n in g C o lle g e [ W ill B e O ffe re d Weather wise London Fog serves him H e ld in K e llo g g The College of Agriculture handsomely in drizzle or downpour, will offer a short-course in Enrollment for non-credit commercial fruit production in Evening College courses will be through breezes balmy or blustery. 1962. The eight-week course, held from 6 to 8 p.m., Jan. 8*10, Precision tailo red of w ash-w ear running from Jan. 8 to March at tte conference desk in tte 2, will cover subjects dealing Kellogg Center. ; D acron* po ly ester and co tto n , with production management, A new course will be added / closely woven and treated for max- harvesting and marketing. winter term, that of “engineer­ Anyone interested is eligible ing refresher A.” ~ | \ imum wind and water repellency. to take the course. Details may Other courses offered wilTbe be obtained from county Coop­ English' as a second language, P | This Christmas, give him the erative Extension Service of­ rapid and efficient reading, J most gifted gift of all: a chill- fices or from tte short-course French, German, Spanish, art department. and ceramics. chasing. shower-shedding London Fog Raincoat. In a choice of stylos bow featured in ~ ' and colors, from 3 2 50 w ^ -T h e S K E T C H E S a n d o th er S td w e S Other Gift Ideas . . . SBjjftj? L / IN 196.2 \ J * M S U S w e a ts h ir ts ~ ~ Ê ü È jjJ AbtoU»*lr Cm , A I m K t , « • * A4m»t*r*. B O b x 't C w p M Twns <■■»■» V I p tfW M B y M t r t w l, A il- 1 I tXWHSe ASSêmètt* C«S » f (AB Sizes Fer Entire Family) SSSSM I ft b u n . . . t n H « H | Loado», ■ oMMrtriM, 4S *• 43 day*. AU ■ •EXPENSES ••b »• * F in e E a to n s S ta tio n e r y ¡H »ms. j— m wie» m frw Hr» YwkmS MmmmI H ytmCummé Ihm or M Ah, •M S U P e ts (Large Selection of Finest) STOP - SUP - SAVE P .S . (W e o re p a y in g to p cash J a r B ooks N ow ) Open Monday through Friday Huta 9 PJM. OM I 1 3 0 W E S T G R A N D R IV E R EA STLA N & P& ACROSS IVDM. BERKEY HALL twe rieyea south Washington F ree P e r k in g In R ear (Just East e f Peoplee Charak) ; sssa C oeds C ope — " " • '• " — ,'^r fv6 * '- " B y C a th ie M . M a h o n e y '•,'v "C ,T <>-u' rc * r svi'fi-j V' * * annual Christmas D uct Sat- will be held at the Alpha Gam- Nancy Anne Fleming's room­ (Kfferent because she is Iff» ] "But a boy must want to date weabsad. Thera are ooty six urday night e ’-fr ma Delta house Friday night. mates, Martha Nelson and Le­ any other girt.” Nancy, sot 0 ‘Miss America,’ days Iticlttsm before « t o p Phi Mu will hold their an- Dawrtng will frikw the dacera- nee Kowalski, both freshmen, Martha and Leaee agree that before she wffl accept. She can N o t weekend wffl most fflcoty nual Busboy Christmas Party ting. Drew is casual. think “tt’s tea but not tkniitog” except for having more poise, usually tell by iasttact ii ha la be «pant «,T* w »hy for toe ah' Thursday nr ratnf Junior and Delta Upsilon win hold an to room with a beauty queen. Naacy is still the same girl sincere.” p K i aaular members win serve din» informal Open House Saturday Both ghis knew Naacy be­ they knew to school. The phene rtfll rings a 1st But this weekend the patty ner to the house staff and San- -afternoon from 14. Guided fore she was crowned “Miss “She always has been mature bet the “creak" calls have quite 1, and Caroline, almost 4, K m Is busy, efirty Christmas to will present gifts. On Satur- tour» of the new chapter house America 1911.” Martha and aad poised." Lenee comment- lessened. When they want te Kennedy mnds the comment at tonnes dominate toe scene. s day night, they win hold a win be given to visitors. Every- Naacy hive been classmates ed. > rSu- «tody er sleep, the receiver a White Boom welcome for "Misty” is the theme ef toe Christmas Term Party at the one i* invited except first term and close friends since the .ytheegh they are a tormer is taken off tee pbeee. M tosfod Kammy McGrath of Students Off Ctempue term par­ American Legion Has. Dace- froahmen who are aotpermit- third grade to Montague. Le­ “Mbs America’s” teem- Martha emphatically stated Arvada, Gain. They’re the pos­ rations win 4ndude a oma- tod to attend due to IFC rush nee. a year younger, met Nan­ ■sates aad aren't thrffled that nm ori about Nancy's so- ter girls for this year’s mad ty te be held Friday night at mented tree told snowflake mo- rules. Norm Duffy win enter- cy in high school aad worked ahenl It, Martha and Lenee cial life (such as not being able drive fay the National Associa­ The the 8 at Lansing Country Club. semi-formal dance calls biles. The Kenny Davis band tain. -- with ber in a local drug store. fed thrir pssldsn has affect- to date until Jan. 1, or having tion for retarded children. will furnish the dance music. Sigma Nu will sponsor a ed their college sectei ttfe. to double date with one of her torecafled roll, excited Whis­ for d«dt suits for toe men and Nancy wrote a letter to each Both have dated some of the roommates) are untrue. ^ pers were heard from students Sheila, 7, wasn't aware tost cdektaB toeaaeafer thrir dates. Alpha Sigma PUwfflhdd benefit dinner Saturday night In February asking than to be boys who can their famous “Nancy has no restrictions who knew who the two g its to t was meeting the President. Dancing wffl bb to the music aninfarmafrecerd party PH* for members and dates to raise her roommates. ^ j except personal ones and die were. s Kammy* 5, certainly was. In of theModenudres and an in­ day night Old St. Nte* wffl money for Wood Haven Cen- “Of course I was excited, bid roommate “Of course we are very care- ; carefully selects any date she "The funniest thing that hap­ view ef her older sister’s condi­ termission program is planned. make a visit ia keeping wito ter In' Retarded Children probably a little more flattered fuf about accepting blind j accepts," she said. “It isn't pened to me,” Martha tau , tion, she was tasted eft Mrto the Christmas theme. Dancing to the music of Kenny than anything else," Martha dates," M artha ' said. “The true either that die has to “was when a boy asked for my mid placed on a special diet . th e PM Kappa Tin’s have a “A Christmas Tree Trim** Davis wffl follow. said; boys usually come over to see] double date with one of us." autograph because I’m Nancy's the Recovered by researchers in busy Saturday schedule. After "We hadn't planned sa be­ us before ye make any dates.” I Both agreed that the girls in roommate.” last few years and is a nor­ their annual Christmas party ing roommates before the mal, lively youngster. for the underprivileged chil­ I Visit our do-it-yourself ~ contest. Nancy decided to with If 'Nancy would tike a date | Landon nave been wonderful, .. Lenee recalls as her most dren to toe afternoon, active« one of the many boys who The girls are not pestered by amusing incident, the tone a Kennedy, whe Is pressing a will board a bus at 6 p.m. to room with ns keenest she call, her roommates net as "curiosity seekers.’ v boy asked her, "is it true that research eampaiga to help get thrir dates for a coke and ¡a flp i Xmas trim department naturally wanted tesserae ■p i«t i and “screen" Mm. This “The girls respect the fact Nancy wears high heels with to r mentally retarded, said pizza party at the Coral Ga­ who wouldn’t feel s tr a y Is done simply by “checktog that Nancy needs some pri- her knee sox?’’ She doesn’t toe Mead and Mae eyed fitria bles. The group wffl return, to HppSpi Candles • Ornaments •Green® about rooming wilk a ‘Miss hfemauf* w ntfcrir friends who vacy,” Lenee said. “She is Martha, who wffl be 80 on presealed toe best peaalMe America’.’* the chapter house for a record Martha went m to HP that gnaw Mm. treated just like any other Dec. 18, is 5'4” wito light argnmeat for i great nation­ dance and Santa~will give fa­ **1HHn • hey calls Nancy_ is just n normal p d And Nancy thinks he sounds in- frequently girl." Martha with the problem« ef any eead tonsHng, we go to work find- that although a three-girl and Lenee agreed brown hair, Mown eyes and a al effort to fight toe disabil­ warm and sincere smile. ity. Wito a grin, be added: vors to the coeds. Piamates ef Delta CM wffl Barnes F loral but, because she wan to toe tag a * Who he is,” Lenee said. [ room is crowded for space, InGamin-like Jaae. She Lenee was I t is very much “They are also the best be­ give a Christmas party for ; p f ■| j | of. East Lansing public eye, some people Oink like Martha except for her, haved children we have here toe chapter Saturday night. WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE she is different _ dark brown hair. Last June, in the White House, and that in-, 215 ANN epea Eves & Sun. ED 2-0871 General chairman Is the this: Lenee agreed with Martha on “I was so excited I jumped Toy Party Answers she w t t crowned White Lake,” toe «He which started Naaey Fleming “Miss ea eludes those who live here.” chapter sweetheart, Sheila sat on a yellow and Phmrtree, Lathnip Village black bobby horse which was sephemere. Santo Claus wffl K ay coupon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ up and down when 1 received Nancy’s letter,” she said. “1 thought „rooming w it h her Christmas Requests toe read America.” v to became "Miss ■ made for Caroline by mentally officiate when gifts are ex­ B , retarded persons at a workshop changed. Bob Omtvedt and Nancy, Lenee and Martha all in Hackensack, WJ. As toe Ms Fake Kingston Trio will ' — city and Save — would be exciting but not really rocked gently. Kennedy gave provide the masic. ■ R e c o r d S p e c i a l Go43; There isn’t much spare time in Evy’s busy schedule, but she finds time for extra-cur- M IC H IG A N PU R E BEET -rjcular activities. In her fresh­ man year she participated in SU G A R the Spartan Women’s League and was an active member of the Presbyterian J? a m p u s Christian Fellowship in her freshman a n d sophomore years. ~'T Now Evy’s spare time is de­ V AU U A B L E C O U P O N voted to Paul JNewman, a grad student from Montana.- Paul, also blind, received his BA in MICH PURE -education from Montana State University. He will graduate winter term, 1962, with a MA in Rehabilitation Counseling. Evy and Paul plan to be married after they botif grad­ uate. Margarine KROGER BOOK Matches CHARMIN BATHROOM T o m a to I O t- 1 Tissue Ondm n V aaaSibla *worn - - < or - , •N -a-X — CMckan Rica C M m Gumbo t *« *s - rvpotpa Chicken Noodia V ALU ABL E C OUF» O N Mashroom Mmmlrona Turkey Noodle 100 Extra VALU! Stani VierSafaia loaf G rapa at Oackan with Ais coup on and the purchase of any pkg. -J Jubilee Rites BANQUET FROZEN COMPLETE KROGER ALL-PURPOSE (25c off label] Coupon good in your Western Michigan Kroger store thni-Sat., Dec X 1961 Dinners Flour _ _25-h. bag *1, U . S . N o . 1 M IC H IG A N W A S H E D CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS . . . LOW COST . Varsity Drive In _ 1227 E. Grand River Opea Evsry 0 » _ JUtCE-PACKH) FLORIDA RED DHiCIOUS PoBtsry Sonica 8:30 {Ma, • 1:30 a,m. » Oranges 4T- Pel tsèxiliai» Sunday 5:00 p.m. * 1:30 a.m . C O H FK PLA N T moBB ¡Wm m ililPPl hish PW*W Ml SLvf** 30, 1961 H ill '{•GS*. SSikI® little of th e Ledy vsaiihe» b* i J o m Ma d h k Seven pledges were initiated into Omicron No, notional ^£gi|j|fgk£g| H M H iB l ^ ¿itotela« w n hi Merry Widow* by WARNER’S* h o m o economics honorary. I piTnp M tom asearing wMP Tuesday evening to Owen so be elected. fhinl ^Éfetit Graduate Center lounge. At present there are 42 active ' A W teat could have Éptó Be the 4mm$ testing of your group to o Merry chapters and three ahnmd died the problem of two mm- Widow! Very such to t e 1912 mood, « u u o M The new pledges are Phyl­ chapters across the couotry neaoiig iBWnpi oy switcfiing lis Radatelo, Scettvffle sen- s tiel to gria evenings as a captivating sasik. Be 1er; Mrs. Sw Schubert, Tra­ tontes* aud seniors mato ma­ with a total membership of to aa emergency battery power fitted today! • „ 30,000. _ WMttiy 'Éii'wBbli^ccfcrt.. verse City graduate studeat; jar to home economics and Dr. Dcna C. Cederquist. head Tbe inverter problem was Only Warners wakes Merry Widow! _ toy Stermaa, Mariette sen­ maintain an afl-universKy 3.0. ior; Mary Hardy, graduate Graduate students must have a of foods and nutrition depart­ net serious and. to tact, cor* studeat «Ml lalsuslsu agent 3.5 avaraga and have majored tional ment, is the Omkrroo Nu na­ rected itself, WUliams said. fur Oakland County; Mrs. president. Mrs. Elisa­ Thai the critical control prob­ C u d Powers. East Laaetog beth 11. Brainard, an honorary lem developed.- senior; Winifred Lowsma, G a r b o 's T a l k member from East Lansing, to Asked what would nave hap- Big'Rapids senior, and Cea- executive secretary. pened if they had allowed the nie Gordos, Birmingham sen­ W iB F e a t u r e apaceet aft to eanitoue for flttee ior. *i " . ■ orbito, GUruth said “thOre was T a y l o r ’s P o e t r y a chance we would have run out Dr. Jean Davis, associate of tbe reaction Jet tool and professor of borne management Norman Garbo, assistant pro­ wouldn't have b u s a to to sta­ and child development, spoke fessor to English, will present to the group on "Women of Tal­ • paper on poet Edward Tay­ ent“ to tbe context to the three lor at toe Modern Language Doctorate Hi-Wagon Tea bilise the craft for re-entry. “We retsuwed it to save -theariBsiea^tfcc Its and the numi mute «enpii ideals to Omicron Nu—scholar­ Association’« convention Dec. ship, leadership and research. 27 to 20 to Chicago. Approved M u sk P ro g ra m Set To Honor spaBsMartt. There le a rhaarti we eeali have made a third arMt'kpt toe ptan of the mis­ •ette. Fe— t e ed « pa. Whte. 110.95 Omicron Nu was founded at The paper, "From Preacher Michigaw-Agricultural College to Poet: Edward Taylor,“ de­ The Academic Senate Wed­ (now MSU) to »12 as anbonor- scribes Taylor’s sermons and nesday approved a new sat of O f S t e e l B a n d | New Faculty sion was to bring it down after either to t S to or se­ ary organization „comparable their close relationship to his by-laws for faculty organisation All new faculty members will dute erMt X tonre wore aay troubles.“ -— with the honor societies to oth­ poetry, - it discusses the works and established programs for O n T V H u m . I be honored I t a tea, sponsored to discussing toe capsule re­ er fields. Its purpose is the and significant ideas of the ear­ doctorate\ degrees to several by Spartan Hi-Wagon, Thurs­ entry promotion of scholarship, lead­ ly American poet. * The Bamboushsy Steel Baud day from 0-16 p.m. in tbe Stu­ stabUixatioa, Gilruth re­ S Z r ix ership and research. ¿1 Garbo is author to the newly foreign languages. — wiB present a program to folk Approval to toe Beard to and popular music Thursday dent Services Lounge. ferred to the fact that the The -name, Omicron Nu, published book, "Edward Tay­ Trustees Russians test year had trouble is needed before the Spartan Hi-Wagon, sponsored jaf this nature with a spacecraft comes from toe first letters to lor.“ • a** - faculty orgaaiiatioo «ton can : at noon ou WMSB-TV. by Spartan Women’s League, caryiite two dogs and other go into effect, tb e Board is | The program, including West was established to promote bet­ animals. The retro-rooketo on Lanstog and expected to act sa the mea­ 1Indian folk songs aud popular ter student-faculty relation­ that vehicle fired in the wrong • COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE sure *at its December meet­ [American selectwoOL will he ships. The 22 students on too direction and the capsule was East Lanstog available to viewer* to toe Board to Representatives visit not recovered. • GLASS AND ROCKER PANELS INSTALLED ing- third floor Union Music Room, new faculty members and wel­ Passage to the new programs • CAR PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY j will mean doctor to philosophy adjacent to tbe south teairweB. come them to tbe campus. [degrees may be attained for Host for the televised show Student representatives from • WELDING • BRAZING • SOLDERING ¡toe first time to French Ger- win be Gene BtooMeiii, instruc­ campus organizations mid oth­ | man and Spanish language tor to toe department to Amer­ er faculty members wiB aim _ Philips Btoy I WsMhg Shop and literature. A masters de­ ican Thought and Language attend the ten. gree has been the highest. and a member to toe group. Babysitters for the tea will "OVER If YEARS OF DEPENDABILITY A proposal to revise pre­ be provided by Angel Flight, sent Honors College legisla­ As we see it, toe American national Arnold Air Society IN THE QKEMOS AND EAST LANSING AREA” tion was seat buck to toe city has a choice—eitoar adequ­ auxiliazy. eeuadl to toe senate for more ate public transportation or a BUS. PHONE RES. PHONE study. ~ step-up to automation so that ED 24H4 ED 2-3237 The senate also made numer­ maehhiea do all toe work and ous curriculum changes and we can send cars-down to work 1732 HAMILTON ROAD • OKEMOS adopted new course* to ano­ without us. — Chicago Daily ther measure. News. ~ , o —' : EVERY COLLEGE BEEF SALE! STUDENT needs tins \ book V R o u n d o r S w is s S te a k 4b 79c S irk d n S te a k lb 89c T - B o n e S te a k lb 99c Z'èrtf SiUHO-éCUjgf • * > * R o lle d R u m p R o a s t F lb 89c S W IF T N IN G toincrease B e e f M in u te S te a k G ro u n d R o u n d S te a k lb lb 69c 79c lb can 49 m p p ^ a *v • With Coupe« And Purchase Of » .« er Mere B F re sh G ro u n d B e e f lb 4 9 e learn. . Limit I . . . Expires, Satarfay.Dectanber 2nd I f SN H P o ta to e s - M ic h ig a n - U JS . N o . 1 An understanding of tSt irvth contained tot 1 5 lb b a g 39c Heahh wkh Key «»the I n to team tyM m yRaharlddycaa M ic h ig a n B e e t S u g a r - nano«* the pKMurewhidteom J if f y cents today's coUegs studsnt upon whom io a e u k g de­ - 5 lb b a g 4 9 c BISCUIT MIX mands are being made for academic excellence. S tra in e d B aby F ood - y o u r c h o ic e Christian Science calms few 40 oz. box m d gives to the student the hill 10c p e r ja r _ - assurance he needs to order to __ —„ ■■ § -- ., [ With Coups« Aad Pardmse Of »»JO er Mme learn easily and to evaluate Limit 1 - t . Expires, Sotorday, December tod whar hg ton learned. It teaches D o m in o lO x P o w d e r e d S ugar * — vsiSH rbhkk :îtoáis? : SIM that God » man’s Mind—his only Mind—from which ema­ 2 fo r 25c nates all the intelligence he needs, when and a* he needs it. S p a r ta n S a la d D r e s s in g Science and Health, the text­ book of Christian Science, may ~ q u a rt 39c - SAVE 30c be read or examined, together with the Bible, hi an atmos­ S p a r ta n C o ffe e toward* p u rc h a s e of Vz gaL phere of quiet and peace, at any C hristian Science Reading McDonald’s Ice Cream Room. Information about Sci­ - 2 l b s $ 1 .1 5 l i b 59c ence and Health mayalso beob­ With Coagsa Aad Pvcham Of «MO er More Lindt 1 . ♦ . Expires, Sotorday, December ted tained on campus through the S h o p - R ite B e a n C o f f e e - , sw From fop 0» bottom : C h r is tia n S c ie n c e 1 lb b u g 4 9 c Ä Gfovta to overy.length, aleak er ^heliday trimmed. 'RL09 to 14 J5 O r g a n iz a tio n a t Scuffs and boots take to furry trim* for kmngtog. $ 2 J5 up 8carf - to 'w ear. w a y mips» 62.66 Rp; * r ite «mbrelto, 6SJ6 cp PRINCE'S HAUER'S Hosiery to fashion shades. 3L66 H eaderirirchlefe fat every desigli $1.66 up . ^ ■I Mtehigan Uaie University Meeting tim e:. Ff r f.m L E Ka l'lu lfii m 11 nrimr11ìiB~ stomlzec* | | J | eé T lU«nnsm XCm iH IW . Ê nAist«« MPfttÊ fM 9L ' «jeá top '_i■■..'' !5| E. GRAND RIVER 1105 B. GRADO» RITER ' Handbag» to aew shapm and fabriea. $8J5 up Tuesday. 7:10 pJ«. * ' 'i •• ^ f-k-i *r. 2491 W. ST. JOSEPH fe 2301 R. GRAÉTD RIVER 1616 W. SAGINAW 2519 S. CEDAR ALSO: aB typm o f «ow sw eateta aad «tatehtof tochrts. LOGAN a t JOLLY RD. ^ JCtB 8. CEDAR 4206 N. EAST ST. 2416 N. EAST ST. . Meeting Placet ■' ~JW tow a^ A aawaMir w aw eflr g ift seto. 34-M Uafoc : m«iW««im(ites«iitemi*uamusu««smiiímmimpui«uteau«m««toP«PWtote|1fte>» — The moans are loud and long, and growing In volume—but there’s nothing in sight to reverse that Field Hockey Ends faculty council narrow 28-25 hut on another trip by Ohio S t a t e University's football With Another Win team to the Rose Bowl. After a night and day of stu­ dent demonstrations — and re­ monstrances heard from far and near—that one fact was emphasized Wednesday by OSU president Novice G. Faw­ cett in no uncertain terms. Some wishful thinkers during the day bad pinned a glimmer­ ing hope that the university trustees might do something tp reverse the council action, or perhaps by calling for another vote by the entire faculty. 1 BLOCK EAST O F CAMPUS President Fawcett called OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A .M. FRI. A SAT. aa informal campus session of five members of the board ' ALSO AT of trustees. He gave teem a 212, N. LARCH LS 27 A <7M S. CEDAR US 127 report on all the actions thus far, and teen issued a state­ ment saying: “It is the consensus of those members to whom this report was made that the board of S h o p O u r H o b b y a n d C r a f t C e n te r trustees is without power to act in this matter without jeopard­ izing the membership of the * 80 Trah Sets \ Ohio State University in the Western Conference. “Consequently, no special 'W W sS * io ,W * War Carnes meeting of the board will be called, andrin ray opinion, tbe decision of tbe faculty council with respect to participation in IS PREPARED FOR YOU TO the Rose Botvl game on Jan. 1, ' * Mosaic Tile Kits 1962, is final.” * lee Skatas ' j | | IM Schedule • Childrens Books - * Hockey Eqiipment The deadline for all dormi­ • Bibles - tory bowling rosters is Friday . Michigan State Intramural • Cook Books Gymnastics Championsh i p s Spartan Sports & Hobbies anil be held in Jenison Gymna­ sium at 7 p.m. tonight. The Wrestling Championships sh o t t • Paper Bounds Art Books S 222 ANN STREET EAST LANSING Finals will be held in the Sports Arena. Headquarters • Poetry ~ For Im Sfato • New Fiction t New Non-Fiction • Science Books • Modern Library m en recom m end it • Paper Bounds in French German Spanish t Books On The Home • Gift Books We Aeecpt Year OM Or Outgrows Skates As Trade-Ins CHRISTMAS SHOP HERE - YOU W ill Find We wffl ftve aa allowance far year eM pate whea a Fun Relaxing and Satisfying pew pate Is purchssed. «..ate* a Fine Selectk a ef Used Skate* Far Sale Coo^cleon Old Sptee After Stove toNon always pets you oil lo a fast, smooth start. Feels just as . A FTER S H A V E C om er A nn & M A C A venue pood beane* shoves as k does after shaving. I Rotes Ä-OK wMi date* UQOaed 175 phn tax. LO TIO N - $ £ aM E a s t L a m in g . _ ~Z » M W 1 .T O N • « .te e m n n 3 Wmmm susm By JESS MAXWELL v Of i i flM i News Staff The tifficult task of register­ ing, scheduling, fad maintain­ ing student records belongs to Registrar Kermit f t Smith, a 2&year>eteraa with the Uat- versity. Osborne cited the Scandina­ And this is quite a job, as any vian countries ad loading the student knows; United States in overaU health Smith is in charge of the en­ tsctth a. * .1 tire registration process—from Osborne «ame to MSU in the setting up the 1M Building to fall of m o and has been work­ the Scheduling of classes. Frandor Shopping Center ing on behavioral concepts as The Registrar’s aCHee also they relate to nursing. He has handles the printing of the University Catalog, the atah*- S E R V IN G YOU taineace of permanent stu­ dent records and transcript*, W IT H 4 B A RBERS and the providing of factual information to the adminis­ tration and faculty for decis­ ion making. ^ $ llf It also handles the senior graduation checkout and the is­ B -lt Frandor A n w suance of diplomas. - (Concourse) “It’s a challenging job with never a dull moment,” Smith Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 • 5:30 said. - ~ Frandor Shopping Center High speed data processing equipment helps to ease regis­ tration problems, and each year more equipment is added. MSU started using machine equipment in 1939, and was one Coiffures of the first universities" in the country to do so. ‘‘We have one of tbe most complete data processing systems for universities in the country,” Smith said. Machines are capable of sorting 2,000 cards per' minute every beauty aid and service for today's coed and writing grade reports at 150. lines a minute. Last year 200,000 records were 1045 E. Grand River, East Lansing produced by the Xerox — the newest machine for tran­ ED 7-1639 scripts.., “We’re lookings forward to two blocks E ast of Abbott Hail the use of even faster equip­ ment,” he said.. Smith is a medium-built man with a keen interest in regis­ tration and everything that goejs with it. T ria n g le —Herald Tribune He is the* third registrar in I the University’s history, and has worked for the other two. Mrs. Elida Yakely 4 “Engineering-and the physi­ cal sciences are becoming in­ 228 ABBOTT RD. E. LANS creasingly similar In scope as VARSITY SHOP they advance,”- said Fawley. “Because of the common in­ A g E x p e rim e n t terests which now exist be­ tween these professions Trian­ S c ie n tis ts P r e s e n t! HURRY! HURRY! gle’s-national organization has N ow th r u S a t GLADM ER f Mi A T«C PMONf voted to permit pledging of chemists, physicists and math­ R e se a rc h P a p e rs ematicians,” he said. Ten papers are being pre­ According to „ Fawley, the sented by scientists -from the new membership policy gives Agricultural Experiment Sta- the fraternity a broader base tion at file annual meeting o f■ which wUl allow increased par­ the American.Society of Agron-; ticipation in campus social and omy in St. Louis, Missouri. SEE ELVIS 1 professional activities. The staff members present-, SING AND J “ Individual members of the ing the papers includes C. D: DANCE THE „ fraternity will benefit too,” Piper, L. S. Robertson, C. M. ROCK-A HULA* Fawley said. "Living with peo­ Hansen, H. K. Cressman, J. F. TWIST!! i ple of varied interests cement­ Davis, S. MacCallum King, T, ed by a common professional- Vf, Priest, E. P. Whiteside, Wil­ background is a rewarding part liam Heneberry. E. C. Doll, M. of life in a social-professional M. Mortland, K. Lawton and fraternity.” Boyd G. Ellis. He. said admitting a greater Others include J. Pratt, I FROM RUMER GOODEN 5 variety of professions will help H. D. Froth, H. J. Retzer and INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS NOVEL fulfill this purpose. A, L. Kenworthy. , " "THE GREENGAGE SUM M ER”. PHOTOGRAPHEO IN THE GREEN * AND GOLD CHAMP*AGNE HalWauis o w n to w n ß E ß COUNTRY O f FRANCS *1 commend It to your W Ê & SÊ Ê B m È B B m lg g g g i | | H K | attention'' -Fto Nu»rarfw «-JOAN BLACKMAN*ÂN6EU1ANSBWY-IWICY WALTERS OPEN 12:45 • FEATURE AT 1:90 • 3:15 - 5:15 - 7:25-9:35 • STARTING SUNDAY • T H E B IO O E S T , B E S T M U S IC A L . O F J V W Y S E A S O N . A N Y Y E A lt I • Feature m R P ] 1:09 - SUS - 5:20 TODAY1 , .$ Ä § pas f: i so m b i H bm p S flÉËBSFORIKBEST8EÜ Pboae 355-8255 or SS54B& TuradRjr. S ^ H Deadline: 1:00 IM .Í- Dees the Anwricaa press Al 1:1» p.m., » f l r t w i n - (Use a classified display ad for maat its responsibility to :$ ; portod «t ttw OSNorély lann- Hie colorful trees and shrubs nlng system desifDed with you, dry. Unt wa* caught In a dryer even greater readership) rittmnry which needs, a n te that surround your dormitory, tea student, in mind. ' than aver before hi history, • and tha firc was tititfutihMl the pod», the terraces, the gar* Each term the fT T "* teg' Its own special huttfjfrln Ite faB straight, oabtasad prawteatew by an amptoyat. MS damage ideas‘-and green lawns, that typ­ the treat gjtow to a ritaae of of the news? it aatf cook! it, resutted. pottc* m U . ify tiie campus a n aB a part orange, yellow and brown and considering the - famed journalists, a noted tele­ C hin es* rug 10.4x1.6, oat rociar, hand The campus was pteated so vision newsman and a dis­ « 1954 B U IC K . I owner, excellent -me* duplicator, paper cattar, lamps, ED 2- ahantcal condition. $195. 355*5633. 46 4422 after 7 p.m. 45 that the student might enjoy tinguished historian, exposed this beauty while in school. Inadequacies in news coverage 1954 B U IC K S P E C IA L . Excellent con- T U X ED O , file new. midnight blue. THE M IC H IG A N ST A T E Each of the 4000 varieties of mid the reasons for their ex­ ¿ilion. $175 or best offer. Leaving, must 44 long. Phone ED 2-4936. 45 y » . ED 7-1870. 44 flowers, trees sod shrubs that istence. : ,y BIKES, girl's 2 6 " heavy duty $17, dot the campus was designed Historian Dr. Arnold Toyn­ 1948 FO R D . 2-door V8. radio heat- Boy's 24“ $10. M a ngle $12. ED 2-2104. CO N SER VATIVE by the Landscape Planning Of­ bee; New York Times’ Wash­ LAST NIGHT t, excellent condition, best offer. fice to m ate the student’s stay S 55-9236.________ - -r -47 more enjoyable and rewarding. ington news bureau chief, James Heston; The New York­ R E F R IG E R A T O R $39. S o fa and C LU B 1 1949 F O R D V8. Black, 2-door, R and matching chair, dark green $44, light Since Michigan State is con­ er’s A. J. Liebling and CBS- Adults Ne it. stiçk. excellent whitewalls, 30o d oak dinette with 4 plastic upholstered tinually growing, careful at- TV’s Charles Coilingwood, the The Best la Mechanically. $100. ED 2-871o; 44 chairs $54.' 16 mm. Revere camera, program’s host, comprised the never used $24. Alt in excellant con­ t§rUtion is given to keeping the Foreign Flfans « 1953 FO R D , hardtop, Fordomatic. dition. ED 7-1840. 44 atmosphere as beautiful and in- team. W radio, heater, excellent condition. $275 formal as possible. Before any FIRST SHOW 7 PJti. •r mate offer. .Call TU 2-0830. 44 B E A U T IF U L S T R A P L E S S aqua se- Dr. M ichael Erdet new btohUng is erected, a site CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS '*T^52 P O N T IA C . Hycfrdmat« qiiined formal, worn only 2 hours, b lu a SERVICE is carefully selected by the Site lites, good condition. $95. Cej brocade 'cocktail dress, sizes 42. Shel­ Planning Office. After consider­ LOW COST led .doeskin dancing slippers. M o st HIGH READERSHIP D E N T IS T I p.m. ED 2-5168. reasonable. ED 7-2540. 45 able time and effort, the build­ R E N A U L T D A U P H IN E 1960. Radio 2 SK IR T S, 2 suits, 3 formats; I rain­ D E P A R T M E N T a f E L E C T R IC A L ing Is positioned in a spot that IN T H E id; heater, <*.»*.. top shape. Phone coat. sizes. 10 to 12. 3 men's suits-~40- will add to tiie attractiveness 5,8673: *5 long. Excellent condition. ED 7-1140. of the campus. 4., Pregiram information IV M M C H A IR ” ENG INEERIN G . M.S.U, While the building is going « 1957” T R IU M P H TR3. Hardtop, new arte curtains,' new battery, exccMent ijjandition.. $1075. IV 5-0359. _^46 O N E T H IR D caret diamond engage; ment and matching wedding rings, 1 UVEO BEH M O up, the site construction dept, builds the surrounding pods M IC H IG A N FRIDAY ' I960 V O h K S W A G O N . Black. whUc- both* with small diamonds. $100. 5-7 and terraces, and plants the Now I 65c to 5 :30 Walls. 20 000 miles, perfect cor.a t-on. pjn. EO 7-7669. 47 trees, flowers and shrubs. This $1395. IV 5-8327 after 6 p.m. — '4 5 . F IN IS H E D dresden plate design T H E I R O N C U R T A IN ' is done so that the surrounding Coatteuoiii From 1:10P.M. blocks for 72 "x90'' quilt. C a » tV 2-5323 landscape wffl be finished at à w o m M rt after 5 p.m. _ 44 the same time as the building. MSU intends to maintain Its c h a s tity ts 21- - IN C H R C A Victor table model TV with stand. {50. EO 2-5834. - 45 parklike atmosphere, therefore a s ty in t h e no new buildings win te erected D evils eye** 6 C O C K T A IL D RESSES, Ske new, on Its “Village Green” - the sizes 10-14, colors white, green, pink, -O ld IBUft PKOUfcfi* and blue. $5 to $20. 355-9929 after wooded area surrounded by 5:30 p.m. - 45 R O O M 31, U N I O N B U IL D IN G East and West Circle Drives. instead, plans are being made ■ tis T R A IL E R S to make additions to the Ad­ 1951 A L M A 25’. Suitable for couple A U M SU ST U D E N T S ministration and the Union “YE/UTS FUNKIEST!" lo a d e d - or 2 students. O ccupan cy winter term. buildings, while concrete park­ M-GMrmwm w ith Very reasonable. Lot 209, 2710 E, BOB LANA ♦ O _ . Thrift .Mon! 1955 M E T R O P O L IT A N , h id t c p G rand River. — N A T IO N A L 8 x35, 2 bedrooms, very good condition with full length alumi­ 45 IN V IT E D A S G U E S T S ing ramps are being consumed for the area south of Shaw Hall. MSU is also planning to add a cyclotron sometime in the near H0PETURNER p a n a ô o x e s .' ClPWlUOMMhi— num awning. C a n finance. See at M o ­ FREE A D M I S S I O N J955 C H f V R O l i T , Bel A re. 4-door bile H om e Manor; behind Pop *#* future. Restaurant. C l 2. 44 'State remains beautiful year B acneL O R . Î9 S 5 ' C H E V R O L E T , Bel Aire, convert after year because its grounds are well kept. Hie (rounds P A P a D iS j ]9 S 6 O L D S, 2-daor, Holidav dept, takes care of all tte ne­ J JANSPAIGE cessary tree-trimming, mow­ J957 C H E V R O L E T , Bit K M . hardtop ing, spraying, snow removal RM HU TT O N--PM tLAPRENTISS •. CINSMtCOOPC J95S C H E V R O L E T , 2-door. Del Ray and an other related activities. \ aneMatfoOOUm A 1951 FO R D , custom 300 — A head gardner and a-grounds crew ts assigned pectin ten tbemStaey to»-., Arbor.; M ¡ I T a m a r a B n u m sch w eU er, > vice, aM dty ptaaa, an eaily ’ - The two-day program Is spoa* A Grand VSBev State Ote ■ ‘¡Mh h r a r ia n af .-tee to p p e a n d new s- k>M vioToresident cited for The new constitution. Bochen i Kwptah fee* tate tota a re compiste mK rulé ovar finan- teM,.teaaM g t o n d i of the p a p e rs divisioigpùd thè map aridartlaa ef a Lewis and sored by the institute of CMP turning Legal Edecatioato th i (¡tn»gN a d stato s ton totetetoi and ntovar» jma. teffia to; 1506 fro m Colum­ O ate n aff ara aa display. b u s ’* d escrip tio n t o l t e v o yages School—Wayne State Univers; itevarstotaaTOateptetes Ed- ateto control of their fonds, Bcatien Conuntttaa TiuwitHig of Such a revision would give, a n d - f r o m b is re c o rd e d longi- Modera maps are added to sity Law School and the S ta te CnwOoau • he saM, adequato authority, tu d e s a w M a titn d e a . «r provhtaroaMraatwttti the early University of Michigan Law efforts, tee said. Bar of Michigan. Philip W. Puchen, vice wee* free from administrative en- ident tor buffato* affairo of the (teteáteents, to tberespecttve Grand VaOey teatoCOttagcjW. teards *bteb ate responsible seemuQer’s glebe ef UR are P. Ralston, director of the MSU for the governing of the teste. a to displayed, tee said. cooperative extension service; tutioos of higher éducation to Other features include sam* and Evéreft Soqp, dtoector of the state, plea of some to tiie oldest maps extensión sendee« at Ite tute “We beffate that the uacer- shown, dating back to the Ipth vèrsity of Michigan each pre- tainty caused by not having, in century, and handtMtoks~ahpta santo« testimoakè before the the teasete censtittaJon, «tei cartography and cartograph­ Coo-Con committee. .form provisions on tee author- ers. '■ ' M ilk and Ic e C re a m Buchte suggested that tie fry of state college and univer- A map by Mercator and a aew -aaaMlltoÍWrt e retesad - sity governing boards should be reproduction to Champlain’s to g>te 'teavbearteef contriti corrected by having this same af ta te toils esffsgè and ate, language apply in the new con- versRy complete eetorei and stitntion to every one to the ten map to 1616 are (Undated with illustrations to_18th and 19th Cash & Carry^ century cartography, accord- direeura over all sspendi- existing institutions," lie said., tares toteada, m Ruchen added that the pro* “Unlike the boards of the poeal was not designed to avoid University of Michigan and the gaveming boards’ fiscal »■ Michigan State University, our spoosibiUtita and accountábil* board dees not heat direction tty to the state. divided into three shifts. The largest shift- Works from 4:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. It consists of 73 men and 48 women. They cleaqjhe buildings in which the Milk l/ l (vial P la in H om ogen ized work day ends at 5 p.m.' The late shift work* from 16 p.m. oatil 6:3* a.m. and consist to 46 men and 11 women..They clean the build­ 1 Gal all flavors ings where activities go ea -«toil late evening. Buildings such as Berkey, Betsey, Edu­ cation and the Library. •The third shift, which has only 7 men and 4 women on it, 1201 East Grand River . . . and —' runs-from t a.m. until 5 p.m. FREE They work mainly in the build­ 3055 East Michigan —»Just west of Frandor ings like Berkey and Bessey G o ld which receive the main flow of students. Their job is to keep M onogram d , i '- A the rest fooms clean and the building picked up. —■' jë ÉÈ .Mea MATCHING KEY GUARD O ve M a in e Term Parlies L o b s te r s Upstair* 204 N. Washington • Acro» from Gladmer Theatre - Open till 2 a.m. Store Hours Just one of hundreds in our famous collection of billfolds from the finest leather craftsmen. Choose one far every man on your list Mosonlwss fashion n a tu ra L . a THE LSATHSR COAT Æ WITH AN ORLON RILE Æ ZIP-IN LINING sfS f'a.aiij to keep you wonderfully JH E Warm right now, to . _ M zip out at p i ' '||K 9 ^ H | first sign of spring Æ*. JwaÊt »actually two coats in one, with m j unlimited j v T jm « “BUTTERFLY” fashion :: fcf hisM rt Banter You, too, ara «goy te» acom iniei. . . (he better quality . . . the "custom-dcsign” of Ut* kit approach to to f to O y vk ? stereo/hi-fi! No technical experience needed . . . Such charming purse accessories for e lady. Smooth taSoflaS »»ructions show exactly “what” »Ml “how“ A. Beige, ^ ... aasambtad mwitauical patì» p t you off to polishedcow hidete btae, green or orchid with a fwl «art. Com« in tnd see the complete line of white, toffy or green 26-inch Daywrom Stereo /Hi-Fi kits now .... they 're erabrtoderedbtoterfte*.... ' designed eapecially for you ! coat wilh turnback cuffs and Clutch {«teA fMBsid, <1.65; key case, <116 cigaret case, 63.96; Uglter, <2 95.. ’ bock beh. KM8 sixes. 29.95 TAPE RECORDING B. Block, toffy or beige 31-inch coot with deep pockets, and convertible INDUSTRIES shin cottar. 848 sixes. 39.95