I® ÜWmWM p i ? :^:w-.VÍV m m •m ^SRbhB 'W m $i .inO w n 3®. SÍ&ISkS, » mmk d i v e r s itie s ?¥ To Provide ’ r e W i l l i n Education Demands By GARY ROMBERG Of the State Nqws Staff Gophers August Scholle, president of the Michigan ÀFL-CIO, told the Con-Con education committee Have First Wednesday that « co-ordinating council for the state’s colleges and universities should be pro­ Refusal vided for in the constitution. I realise some o f ro y - Democratic friends may not tike it because it may disturb Big five conference repre­ sentatives have informally their domain,” Scholle said. asked the University's position but it wilT break up provin­ on a Rose Bowl bid should it cialism aiid promote state-wide be offered. Dean of Students representation. ' ’ . John Fuzak said T h u q lp . “If we are to adequately and He said University pfjcials responsibly meet the current told the conference men that demands for the expansion of no one couid-pradict tite on higher education, we must in­ com« of an athletic board vote. stitute a comprehensive pian PRESIDENT JOHN HANNAH tafrs wtft graduating seniors Jame* Wolf and of educational development for Robert Castrelj during Wednesday evening’s reception for upcoming graduates. But State athletic repre­ the state.” sentatives said that MSU fm r Scholle said the coordinating —State News photo by Mark Hrastef. maintained a consistently council would: peettve Rsse Bow! position. Plan for the higher educa­ Fuzak said that no team tional needs of the state arid S c ie n tis ts C h e c k D a ta could call itself under consider- establish goals and policies to at ion for tite hid until Min­ meet such needs. Allocate 4he programs to New Atlas Is Readied nesota officially accepts o r de­ clines the opportunity expected to be offered to its team. The Associated Press report­ state schools in a manner that would maximise educational opportunities while cresting a For Manned Space ed that announcement of the visiting Rose Bowl team has been postponed until Saturday system from the schools. Determine th e financial needs of the schools and organ­ ize requests for legislative ap­ night with indications pointing CAP* CANAVERAL, Fla. Iff were designed to he eirceoied, H.-Glenn Jr., Who, at 40, islhe to Minnesota«« (be moot prob­ propriations. —Space scientists went briskly but in the absence--of air in oldest of the Astronaut». § » able selection. Determine e a o h school's back to work Thursday as if spec* they overheated. In the wake of Enos’ flight, physieip The University of Minnesota Séhécmé Gover nment m>sting WrtesSdB^'ljftisiSg.' i State News photo by Pool determined to hurl—a man The latest of the two-ton -technicians and scientists were Senate Committee on Aihletfcs budget to meet these needs around the worlg fcy year’s end space capsules has had coolants holding meetings to study the met for an bour and a quarter Repy. ' t Scholle said toe council despite only purlini sucess of provided to overcome the beat mass of data telemetered back Thursday on the Rose Bowl would consist ef 31 members, their ape shoot problem; . from tite orbiting capsule as it question and broke up with no including three each from No one connected with the Whether the flight comes hurled across the Atlantic, Pa­ definite indication of any de­ W e s t T u r n s to U N MSU, Michigan «ad Wayne Project Mercury space pro­ this year or next, the pilot al­ cific and Indian oceans and the cisions readied. State. gram would come right out and ready has been selected by the African and North American Chairman Max O. Schultz* ixe s«ia the He said ure pian ror for a coun-cc say so, but they wouldn’t deny it flatly either. the program' always held out National* Robert a late Aeronautics Administration (NASA). R. Gilruth afternoon and Indeed, the spokesman for Project Mercury Director cision Space announced news at confer­ continents. manned of 1961 flight will in depend - - It may be that the final de­ said only that his committee’s On whether to attempt a report goes to President O. „the on last what days the Meredith Wilson for final ac­ Reds Kill A-Ban Talk tion today "by the full Senate GENEVA UR—The chief dele­ the West is not walking out of Minister Valerian Zorin. Dean schools. oil should explicitly authorities given the com and internal policy should be left* spell out council, entirely to tire individual the possibility that the next data tells about the now his­ Faculty Committee. gates of Brityia and the United tiw conference. also is expected to report to “The coordinating council U.S. space passenger might be ence Wednesday that the pilot toric flight of Enos, the ape. Tom Hamilton, executive-of­ States decided Thursday to “No matter how hopeless it President Kennedy in Washing­ for higher education, constitu­ another chimpanzee like Enos. would be Marbie Lt. Col,. John ficer. of the Big Five confer­ quit nuclear taBu here and re­ may seem, we cannot refuse to ton. Enos, a .17'vpound native of ence, has said no bid has-been port to the UN assembly So­ keep talking,” one western of Officials said the British- tionally establish, would have authority over all institutions the French Cameroon«, was proffered to my school and viet Russia’s flat refusal to fictal said. American report to the General to Michigan,” Scholle said. _ rocketed twice around the world Wednesday but his pian- Romney O ffers would make no comment on discuss a controlled test ban. The Soviet refusal become ap­ Assembly, which is due Dec. 14, “The Russell 'committee, which might be favored for the The Soviet refusal was a parent Tuesday, the first day will tell the full story of how composed of the top minds to New Year’s day classic at complete reversal of the policy the talks resumed here after the Soviet Union kept the two the education field, was paid * ned third trip was canceled be­ Pasadena. professed by the Kremlin since a nine-week recess that was western powers negotiating pa­ 1120,000 to prepare a report on cause of spacecraft troubles— and they were minor.- Everything else connected 1:24 Senate Plan early 1968. and let to a seem­ called when Russia abruptly tiently for nearly three years— higher education. My recom­ However, be did say three ingly insoluble deadlock at the broke an unpoliced moratorium while secretly preparing its teams in the Big Tea had three-natkmtaBu. mendation parallels closely with the earth girdling flight By JOANNE ALESSAMDRONI or exceed the norm, he ex­ been under consideration — on nuclear testing. big series of tests of bombs those made by the Russell re­ of the chimp worked perfectly. Of the State News Staff plained Ohio State, which voted Itself gate It prompted U.S. (hief Dele­ Dean and Godber are leaving and superbombs m the atmos­ port.” “ In districts where a widely In any event, anew, 300,000- George' Romney, Oakland scattered population jre a te r a out. Minnesota and Michigan ish Minister Arthur H. D en m -Brit­ Geneva today to resume the phere. _ In other business, Stephen of State Joseph East-West disarmament pound thrust Atlas booster, ear­ County Republican and presi­ problem of effective repre­ State. Two other teams are Godber to hand over the dead tiations at the United Nation« were completed, the Russians nego­ Then when the Russian tests Andreadis, chairman of the marked for the man-in-apace dent of American Motors Corp., considered: Alabama, which conference to their deputies. with -Soviet Deputy Foreign repudiated all previous steps board of libraries, appeared be­ project, arrived here Wednes­ proposed to Con-Con’s Com­ sentation Senate due to sparsity, extra has seats are alloted to a said it prefers the Sugar In deference to sweeping world fore the education committee. toward agreement on a control He recommended that the day and began undergoing han­ mittee on Legislative Organiza­ district that contains 1/24 or system and demanded that toe following provisions be guar­ gar checks. It will be erected tion Thursday a formula for ap­ more of the state’s area,-^ See ROSE BOWL page • opinion for a test bon. however. on the launch pad Saturday. portioning the Senate to repre­ Romney said. S o v ie t T r a v e l west stop all testing forever anteed to the constitution: without any controls at a ll.' See SCHOLLE page < A “man-rated” space craft sent people rather than area. Ns district is given more At Thursday's-343rd session has been undergoing extensive The government is set up to than two extra seats though, E a s e d a t U N of the talks, Dean called it checks at this vast missile com­ represent people, not economic be added. This ceiling of two “an _ astonishingly retrogres­ plex for the past several weeks. or special interests Romney seate was established be­ WASHINGTON rint a t letters which come same things about any campus a group of St. Louis scientists has collect­ organisation involved in the ed evidence showing th at Strontium 90. same activities. A newspaper We reserve the right teedit a highly radioactive byproduct of nacfasar reserves the right not only to any letter. explosions, was present-in b a b y teeth report organization activities ■ ■ ■ • m.m wrm m ■ ■ • they studied. • ~ Dr. Elizabeth Swain, chairman of the department of biology at the University of Hartford, said the group believes th at Letters to the Editor the testing may be responsible for the in­ crease in birth defects and cancer in children. - “If there is Strontium 90 in the teeth of children,” she said, “it is certainly in ■grounds but let us examine the j atmospheric nuclear testing— tbe state of Michigan. Several one Mr. Small uses. many felt this reaction to be the educators with whom t have talked agree'that thls is wrong, Following Small’s logic that | solution. seems to (America of late be a reactor—n ther and ridiculous on the part of owners of homes can refuse to than a promoter.) the administration. Why is rent rooms to Negroes and nothing done about it? Jews because .¿‘it is a free Within the meeting, it was country,” would he deny Mich­ stated that LIFE magazine had I believe that if something is igan State University the same an article, with a supplement­ going to be done, the action freedom to refuse to list such ing letter from President Ken­ must come from the state ad­ homes? If a fraternity argues nedy. stating that 97 per cent ministrators. "Many parents ar» that it is its ‘‘democratic” right of Americans could be saved shocked at the “protectiveness” not to permit Negroes and Jews from a nuclear attack with of Michigan State University tojoin it. cannot the Univer­ proper planning. Americans shown towards their children, sity have the “democrat^” read this, naturally absorbed whom they consider adults. right to refuse to permit the it and reacted, as seems to be This, regulation and others con­ fraternity to exist on Its cam­ the trend of thé ‘50’s and ‘00’s, nected with housing are an pus? There may be some good by doing nothing—excepT say­ insult to adulthood and intelli­ reasons for favoring patience ing,” I approve, who is going to gence, and certainly need to be !or doing nothing about discrim­ do something about it? Maybe reconsidered immediately. ination, but one of them is not I’d better build a shelter.” John M. Robson that it is undemocratic to fight I We, the students, can make Student Congressman K- -a stand, but wa’re apathetic—a Married Housing Albert A. Blum 'r^T j nominal term used to describe Associate Professor of 1 American citizens. Jim Ander­ Social Science son aptly stated that American | college students seem to be the R o ll T h r o w in g 1 0 1 -j least concerned of western ' hemisphere students, -while in T h e re is a n eg ativ e a ttitu d e p re s e n t hi po­ inther countries they play a litic a l-c irc ie s on campus and the rest of toe leading role. country' w hich is blurring any good effect Although I cannot say that I lib e ra ls an d conservatives are trying to know an immediate solution, I ach iev e. —— 1now would recommend that T his a ttitu d e m a y be caused by factions la i MSU students send President both lib e ra l and conservative circles. Beth j Kennedy —the administration factions tean more toward name-calling rafter ! must take the stand—a -letter th a n constructive planning. Some conserva­ backing all work towards dis­ tiv es accuse liberals of following toe Com­ armament-even if it requires m u n ist party line because many happen to be compromise. a g a in st social injustices Communists attempt Instead of building fallout to ex p lo it for publicity. —t ~ - j shelters, the security of 1961, Some liberals accuse conservatives of neo- • we need to build positively—the N azism because the right Whig, like many i new American foreign policy— N azis, is against any form of social welfare ! we need to DISARM. w hich would threaten tbe status quo. Many liberals are quick to pomt out what Doe Baer is wrong with the United States. Their criti­ 711 G rata River Ave. cisms are quite v&Ud most of the time. They fall short, however, in providing constructive plans to solve the problems. They sometimes sneer at patriotic gestures, swearing there L e t ’s B e A d u l t s is a rightist movement behind them. Some right-wingers are so busy trying to defend their position that they fail to do any­ thing constructive They hate anything they fear and label it Communism. Any new idea or social reform is opposed because it might shake the status quo. They attempt witch­ hunts, either physically or verbaQy. They are quick to point out that any sort of welfare plan win lead to Communism. To quote J. Edgar Hoover, “People would do well to recall a recent lesson from history Both Hitler and Mussolini were against Com­ munism. However, tt was by what they stood for. not against that history has judged them.” —Ohio Stole Lantern Pubbahed by toe students of Michigan State Drivers*». Issata an class days Monday through Friday, daring toe ita . winter and spring quarters. Issued twice weekly during toe liiiiiaira t a i l Second class poatage paid at East Laastag. Mxtugw Editorial and business offices a i SU Statata Service« Trrihlu. MfcktgBBStata University. Feat I tart». M lr^ m Mat jtatartjdl— payable ta advance far ana tana, «fc for two termo, ft; far torta barms, » , Member of to t Associated P ressjn to ta Daily Press Aasectattea and toe College press. Editor. .Manta Van Ness Editorial Edtar. Shame Cetab *2S£l5F5&iEZ ^m»a .«retata* m w taHHKI ww -on- dfa-jfaL-* Otty E d i t o r ? ! BiH Cote S ports E dtar _ Jerry Flank« News Editor— Jay Btfarick Ptato Editar . Dave Jaetata ÿÊÊfètfiÈh llllllfiil ■Wtérh] f ig f jBHg&fSM say,” 1952; “Wffiiam’ Lloyd ture s ta tile albur Is aa Amer­ ptos’ responsibility te cali «olí aad PM Kappa PW schriastk Garrison.” 19»; Sbd a ‘ His­ ican intellectual had cultural timbad.” tnhtnM?. | P l | g tory of the United States,*’ blstory. Jala ? "-»A* written with J. E. Morpurgo in In the little spare time he la I I » he was one of 25 Nye is married and he and 1966. has, Nye likes to read aad to prominent American acholar» lis wife, Kay, bave one son, In 1167 ha wrote “A Bafcer’t enjoy much of today’s enter­ who partkripated la a confer- M a r, a student temí, Do*ear” aod ta flto la edited tainment, including toe movies cace on American intellectual ncnatkxu are an autobiography of Benjamin and television. He is quick to ^ fo ry « d i t a á e , te Arden ta te b a X ^ S S h be Franklin. admit that much of this enter Rouse, Harriman, N.Y* gttie time te devota ,to A Newberry Library Founda­ taiament is far from stimulat­ He is presiden! ef the Mtch-- Olther. tion grant enabled Nye to ing. igaa American Sítate» Assn., But time, to Russel Nye. bas spend two and ,a half years **But I think it Is an injustice a member of the Advisery meant more than just the pass- writing “Midwestern Progres­ ceaacti, America» Uterstaro ing of minutos and years. It sive Politics.” During this time to brand the entire held bad Secttsa, Midem laagaagr has meant »enrice, recogni- he met Gen. Jacob Coxey, lead­ just because of tbe f a ta e f a Aasa. s a i a member e f tte tion and sattsfadtion in gene- er of “Coxey’s Army” in tbe tew,” he added. “R is tbe peo- Miehlgaa Histerical Soeiety rous amounts. 1990‘s. A Rockefeller g n a t in 1945 enabled him to spend a year on the relationship between civil E n jo y your C h r is tm a s ah o p p in g at liberties and aboHtibhiat con­ troversy in the tim e decades K n a p p ’s C h r is tm a s Jew el B ox beforethe Civil War, From thkf study came the boric ’‘Fettered Freedom,” lo v e ly w o n d e r la n d which Nye considers bis most Look J a r our campas representatives successful work amLmost en­ » ../«A. <.;:?• .. . ; joyable to write. What attraction did MSU when you want D iam ond Counseling .have ter Nye 21 years ago? “A strong force was polling P lu s h and w arm me towards the University,** DENNIS N. RIPER Nye arid. “This was toe presence of Dr. Cfemde New- hooded tordüroy V , Engineering freshman; our on, head of the English de­ I I■i®é / 0. partment at toe tone. ■; t S IS ’ ^ expert on brilliant-cut dia­ “Dr. NewUn was an excep­ monds. 355-5338 tional scholar in the held of literature,” Nye said. “I fig­ ured any place that was good' Weatlrerbée enough for him was sure to please me.” * HURON M. SMITH Poultry Science s o p h o ­ DR. RUSSEL NYE Compared to most people in mtttie, “Far teaching patri-, Ms field, Nye says his personal otic and unselfish service to library is small. lie tries to Greatcoat toe people.” keep ft down to a working col­ more; our specialist in lection—those he uses in re^ Wrtting is terrifically hard search and class work. He has fancy cut diamonds. work, Nye says. He fin d ait a collection of Brady photo­ ^ ' 355-6360 necessary to revise his manu­ graphs of the Civil War which scripts five to seven times be­ be prizes. fore hbls satisfied that his work At the present time he has is as accurate and readable as a contract for three books to C h r i s t i n a s C o n c e r t possible. __ be completed by the end of Other books he has written 1963. One is concerned with Is­ Wide-wale Crompton cord- CARL E. SCHMIDT S e t f o r T o n ig h t sues nf American democracy are “Fettered Freedom,” 1949; during the Jefferson period, the uroy provides the plush Engineering senior; East “Sound His praise with a “Midwestern Progressive Poli­ second is an anthropology of background fwr this superb flourish of trumpets.” tics,” 1961; “The Modern Es- 18th'century American Utera- coat Collared aad lined Lansing Area Manager. As the Women’s Glee Chib echoes these words Friday dur­ with “bogas beaver” ex­ IV .9-4171 ing tbeir annual Christmas con­ clusive Thame pile. . . its cert, a trombone quartet will ceaeeatei hand as change­ project a touch of its own maj­ able as tbe weather. Rain- esty throughout the Ahntiai repellent, IK coarse, flf Chapel. fawn or peacock. C h a r le s K e n t R e a v e r C o. Miss Lauralee Campbell, harpist, will also accompany DIAMOND MERCHANTS the Glee Chib on a chorale and . . . Y O U E X P E C T V A R IE T Y KNAPP’S COATS srio a number by Tournier. STREET LEVEL_ We import a ta e n t oar own diamonds Due to toe increased atten­ . . . A N D Y O U G E T IT . dances at this concert ever the Detroit Kalamozoo Lansing Ana Arbor^ Rkhnisad past few y en s there will be two performances, beginning CLIPPERT STREET ACROSS FROM FRANDOR at 7'pjm. and < :» pjn. F a s h io n a b le , ea sy to carry Coffee Clutch Fitted coffee clutch with cigarette lighter, ciga­ rette aad lipstick holder. Inside sipper, mirror and change purse. In Mack, tan or red, Easy to carry dartag classes. HANDBAGS — STREET LEVEL A w id e a s s o r tm e n t ! Madras Cumberbunds / / you piam to g iv e tk e chapj a gift, it should be of such SPECIALLY fashhm and qaeR ty d m w ill PRICED! ■provide htm w kh pfeasure and * ■nutch tue. Sock g tfu eppear upon this page. Choose from a wide assortment of madras plaids Camel Sweater ............ ,20 j00 in yoar favorite tamboritead style. A casual Bmracutm Joch et 22M favorite to wear with skirt atabiw ues. Sises SUk Rehe ^ 1«__ —. StJSö S-M-L. Washable fabric. Spert S h ir t ;....... 7j00 KNAPP’S BELTS — STREET LEVEL D e e r S k U Claus■ 7M Bpt eed Seeke — „....r.,, IM E A S T L A N S IN G - S H O P T O D A Y , 9 . 3 0 . 5 . 3 0 , E D 2 -S 0 0 6 llf f lp l H .il Season on Ca A different sorority joins it each year. The groups willstagl separately and together. Con­ gregational singing win also be ■.a part of tbe program. -A j Selections for the service in­ clude "Carol of the Birds”, “Carol of the Brits”, “Happy H IL L E L F O U N D A T IO N Bethlehem”, and “White Sfaep* herds Watched Their Sbeap”. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 7:39 P.M. Sabbath Services aad (Meg Shabbat A highlight of toe program will he the anthem ter mixed SATURDAY; DECEMBER ¿ 1 0 :0 0 AJM. voices, “Two-Kings”. This song Sabbath Services aad Kiddash traditionally closes the service. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 8:30 P.M. Alpha Gamma Delta choral Married Students Get-Together At HlUel P re s. K e n n e d y ’s director is Keren Wendland, Kindling Of The First Hanukkah Candle . w a r e x p lo its Bay City junior. Theta CM choral director and organist is 1 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 8:00 P.M. William Giilis, Perth Amboy, ' HANNUKAH BUFFET SUPPER N. J., graduate student. _ ‘; Lighting of the Second Hannukah Candle Members at Delta Ta« Delta'and Pi Beta PM w ill,/ ALL AFFAIRS AT THE HILLEL HOUSE bold the traditional Christ- l j EVERYONE WELCOME mas tree lighting ceremony - Sunday at 8:15 p.m. FOR RIDES CALL ED 2-1816 To be held at the west side, | la B u s in e s s R e v ie w ’ of the Union building, tbe cere- ; mony will feature card! sing-' LARGESTCNEESERURRERH WOMAN Blunt Questions tag. and the lighting of the first- 1 1961 MSU Christmas tree by an underprivilegod child from AUDITIONING FOR a rale b tbe apcemtag Union Board musical prodacttai Is Carol Lee Sande, Syracuse, N. Y., SIBLEY’S " f the East Lansing area. junior. —State News photo by Paul Remy. PAUL BUNYAN CHEESEBURGER Labor Talk Value O n S a tu rd a y •/j pound of Ground Beef on Semame Seed Bun When U. Kennedy's PTMat was T h e 'd r y sunk Is ’48, to and his crawwsrr served with Tolalo Chips, all the Trimmings riven up for dial But actually, they ear* fighting starvation on a desert Maud. Raid the authen­ Faculty Women Plan c le a n e d lo o k and Sibley’s Special Sauce tic account of their ordeal in this week's SaturdayEvaiing Post. For Christmas Bazaar is t h e ' Danish - aebleskiver, rolle- Wood carvings, hand decorat­ n e a t lo o k poise sandwiches, applekage ed stationery, screen printed and coffee will be served at Christmas cards, boxed candy, Also 24 oz Paul Bunyan Milkshake 39c the annual Christmas bazaar to be held by the Faculty Wo­ novelties and decorations will men’s Assn., Saturday from 2 be for_sale at gift tables. . ALL AT SIBLEY’S to 5 p.m. in the parish hall of All Saints Episcopal Church in Miss Marie Adler and Miss t i l a n i r s Dorothy Kerth are co-chair­ East Lansing. men of toe event and will be Frauder Shopping Center PANCAKE PALACE In addition to refreshments assisted by Miss Mabel Peter­ ■27 VARIETIES OF PANCAKES' another feature of the bazaar sen, directing the aebleskiver. MON. THRU FBI. TILL I will be an array of foods pre­ Hie purpose of the bazaar 4s to SAT. TILL 7 4360 N. EAST STREET (US 27) pared by specialists- in home raise funds for student scholar­ economics. ships. A c tin g T a le û t S c h o la rs h ip s Scholarships in Theatre will nual High School Drama Day, be awarded fox the first time Final competition for these to high school students enter- scholarships will take place ing college next year who have that morning, displayed strong creative tal- Winners of the scholarships ents in theatre, according to wm be announced in the after- John E. Dietrich, speech de- noon just before a special partment head. _ matinee performance for the' Students from high schools high school students of the Uni- throughout the state will be on versfty Theatre production campus Saturday for the an- “Dr. Faustus.“ HRnBMM^imBimiM^HmSRniBiRBSiSMmtt ■ ¿augi Don’t mise. this outstanding series of historical L ite r a r y G ro u p plays by William Shakespeare. It’s a National Edu­ cational Television highlight—brought to you by M e e ts F r id a y HUMBLE OIL i REFINING COMPANY v America’s Leading Energy Company. f(lK O ) Members of the English Lit­ erary Discussion Club will hear. Dr. James Rust oMhe English FRIDAYS AT l l r 3 0 A.M. department Friday at 8 p.m. 218 Abbott Read I Rust and the group will dis­ East Lansing, Mich. \^ / REPEATED SUNDAY - 2 :3 0 P.M cuss Nicholas Gogol’s short WMSB - CHANNEL 10 - story, “The Overcoat,” at the ACROSS FROM'THE STATE THEATRE Library 4th floor auditorium. OUTSTANDING VALUE PLANNING A PARTY? FoTstmann Woolens I t ’s O A D E ’S F o r A l l Y o u r P a r t y T r e a ts , Values to 1 2 .9 5 yd 1 0 0% virgin wool Tweeds — Solids Beverages (any kiud you would w ant). Checks — Phdds 54 indica wide Mixed Nuts, Adams P otato Chjps, Schafer’s Buns and B read, and “ Ready To H eat’’ Pizza. Chopse from a fin e selection o f colors — some in Spring —■shades. A wonderful gift THE PLACE TO GO IS Item fo r-th e women who sews A round T he in Vi gal. containers B ond F rom University Village” % S ÿM BOOKSTORE GORIER EVERGREEN M B W. ORMO RIVER g g g lp p YOU’RE INVITED TO SA T * 1 * $ ON YOU» NEXT FOOTWEAR PURCHASE, SIMPLY BY PRESENTING YOUR STUDENT ID AT jfe C A R T W R IG H T S H O E S • ALL MSU STUDENTS A FACULTY ELIGIBLE ' • BRIN G ' YOUR ID • HUSH p u p p ie s and sale it e m s excluded Cartwright Shoes BOOOKFIELD PLAZA HAGADÔRN AT GRANO RIVER (Just '/* Mile East Of Campes) THE SPECTACULAR came to Fabebld theatre Wednesday evening as Uafrn- sity Theatre's preduetfon, MDr. Pastone" epeued at t port. Extravagant costuming highlighted the shew which v u written by Christopher Mariewe and is atete be confused wtth Goethe’s “Fuust.” Bat Iheplte Is basically the same, as Goethe used Marlowe’s ptoy as a bads fir bis aatfc. State News photo by Paul Remy M a g n e tis m F in d s N e w U se / - 3>iew Blood Research Tool P if g - unearth th e fundamental mechanism of the antigen-an- 600D HAMBURGER T«fioro« orf wofir for TmN% tibodies when it enters the toy M * « « n é . totop'ro io sg , (sen end *fco ... riflt dtom bloodstream of an individual not normally containing i t Try so your tto e - n q B . Tob# a s t e #f At 4-«ch *sat of flho cti#H6ss tute*®*». S t a t o r i G to l « • ( b e » » . f t» B - f l« |s h « « k The antibodies that it pro­ duces will react only witn it . ■mry’* Oscs pocho*«. S o o fe ñ e e d co toon in hloch, «Uv« « a ri wtofio. jmd no other antigen. This phenomenon although Yoa Will Be not completely understood, is beneficial as a basis for disease Back M ss immunity, for blood transfus­ ions, for genetic studies, and is known to be a source of danger ia allergic reactions. Collaborating with Hackel on his research, were Dr. Donald JT Montgomery, professor in physics and astronomy and ONE BLOCK WEST OF BRODY Adolph E. Smith, instructor in ON MICHIGAN AVENUE electrical engineering. - DISCOUNT PRICES m IPs SECOND TERM BASIC M O N A U R A L O R S T E R E O P H O N IC CH EC K O U R V A LU ES! OPPORTUNITIES FO R E l, M i, PH Y SICS STUDY GUIDES A N D RULTH M A JO R S L F of the year: Henry Mancini’s BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY’S fea­ A S FIELD SERVICE EN G IN EER S" turing MOON RIVER. Perfect gift for Christmas. IN THE M ISSU S SYSTEM S FIELD i - '** AC, the Electronics fifridon of G eneral MaSor», p ramnriy R r a GEORGE SHEARING with Montgomery Brothers JAZZLAND Regular 4.98 the h o t position» available for Electrical Engineer», Mechanical Engineer* Physics a n d M ath « 0(010 to work a s Ftold S a n ie s h a in M U on nieils M t a u , Yoa will work na AC's ACADEMIC PUBUSHING alitoaritol guidance system utilizing digital compute rs fo r th e TITAN U missile. , K W CANNONBALL ADDERLY QUIN­ TET plan N at A dderiy.Sam Jones, Wynton KcDy RIVERSIDE Regular 4.98 W hen poo fain no pen w ill bn given a bhtoo mentis ! VfWMMMp ^MPSpEIMf YWHBe ggamMMfiMMibMPDEb IsMwiDSTIHM wspw^O^SMS WBAFONS SYfTBMS e THBOCY O f OYROS • IMMRT Of OPKATIONOS OntOSIN A fTAMUZB) PU1POBM NOW AVAILABLE * BTAMUXATtON AMO MMfUMMMT LOOPS OP A PlATPOtM e THCOtY OP OPMtATtON OP HMCTIOII III GLORIA LYNNE LPs on EVEREST LOOPS e THBORY OP AMSOHNI DMHTAL COMPVTMS Motto or Stereo e OVBtAU SYSTIM 60NCBPTS Regular 3 .9 8 Now only Following this training p eriod you will be responsible fo r installation an d check-out of th e guidance system to r th e TITAN IL Assignments will include positions a t'to R ta ry REW Two Riverside Jazz Samplers • Mano t | P fl installations or to Milwaukee. or Steren ~ W is ^ Contact your College Placement Office regarding n G eneral Motors-AC campus interview o r sand the form betow to Mr. G . P. Raasch, Director of Scientific a n d Professionai MEW Hftndrfs Messiah w ith Sutherland, __ Employment, Dept. 573% 7929 South Boweü, Milwaukee 1, p f ." etc. Boult conducting the L e B d « | ( | J | Wisconsin. ,, '0 ■■ . ‘M sg fjm m _ ■ Symphony. Beg. 14.98 — A n E qual O p p o rtu n ity f m p lay er ILL CLASSICAL LPs, AO Labels, mono w a g AC SPARK PLUG TK« C L iC m O N t C * O lV IS t O N MILWAUKEE • LOS ANGELES • BOSTON OP O fM lN A V . M O T O R S DOW N STAIRS ILL CHRISTMAS L P , A C ttm r M M Cui M n t r» t m m t « rt» T I TA H II,M 9 S W ttm S - tS C S O W it INK POT m ¡ m H m , M i n , frU w w far W S-CT •ImN . . . tCwnxtwi maUh iWNWWWw ILL DIAMOND NEEDLES m g r a m ìr iv é r DISC SHOP I I mmmAmmr s . b h h H H H r I im EVERT EV B R R ¡¡¡¡¡È ¡¿SA, ■„ um. m. MM : :■ .■! SI m ¡II «siü m 1, m i z m r y\-' w m m. *e ü m. □□sa □□a n a ? ai3C1Ü3 LÏS353 T a n g a nn ny ik a »’o 4*3 ü l an n 3 Dü 3G d n o ? H£ r (j Oíi ° o . 33a a 3 3 0 3 □ □ a a atM a a a 3 Qr~*. aaen i ^ 3 3 3 3Ü3E*! aao g san aa 30 0 aa s a □a n ü A f»M M g n te team the Na-t for research has gone Formtr Governor Harry F. tons at an atoettoa to be bald j a a a hi*í»mmmuwMmam O . K in d of furi St. «sdamo- tioa _ abate l.m in Ifiteiga». They work in to companies. 94 coL leges and atevanitias, » achote agencies 1er special parp—es. 12.95 obstructing the people’s man­ 44. » ev ie* fo r systems. 37 community service be held responsible for ap­ c arry in g $ pointive officials, and should be When questioned as to what date for a streamlining' of their brick centers. » state teMtufiaas, 9 able to remove them at his he thought should be the order government.” 4T. Sheep- federal a feados aad to private will.” - ^. of succession among the con­ killing practica to » Umaomdtim p a rro t Dartog the past fiva yaars in In regard to legislative au­ stitutionally created state of- 48. K now thority, Kelly maintained that the legislature should not be allowed to regulate or interfere Rose B o w l 1 Scholle 48. Poetic n u n * to r a n — — r - - E astern country (hé psychology departmeat: On- csaapaa toachtog has Increased «S per cask. EnroBmerts of psychology classes total 3,595. LibtiVÜ with the appointment aad re­ (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from.Pace 1) 81. Italian moval powers of the governor. 'titr e r te which 4K are at the graduate Trade-Ins He provided for. the selection Bewi, aad aa" uaamed fifth Establishment te a state St. Perron» level. of the auditor general by tee team. library and a state board to add rested have to­ legislature and the superin­ Meetings in Minneapolis will regulate tbe lilnrary. te to tendent of public instruction by determine the attitude of the Retain state aid to libraries. the Board of Education. Kelly suggested that the gov­ ernor be nominated at a state­ wide primary established by Gophers’ faculty and admin­ Retain the original Intent of istration toward a return en­ penal fines. gagement in tbe Rose Bowl. If " Monsignor V in c e n t J. $10 Prize Offered articles Cone Keen-bladed beauties aad all tbe ether Canadian Flyer models Minnesota is not interested in H o r k a n , superintendent of law, and elected for a four-year a bid, the top prospect would schools, Archdiocese te De­ A slogan contest for the appear to be Michigan State.. troit, recommended that some Campus Chest Fund Drive be­ Minnesota posted a 7-2 record maimer of "partial educational gins Friday continuing through Chest, Your Cause Because” and “You’re in Demand,~Ts give a hand, to Campus Chest” Msmsr a m amarne sources to to. LARRYCUSHIONW ORTHSM ODS G e o r g e S a im e s this season, losing to Missouri tax return” be provided for next week. The fund is the only stadcat CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS 3020 Vine Street in their opener and to Wiscon­ parents a t, students attending Tbe winning entry will be organised drive on ounprn LOW COST L e a d s T w is te r s sin in ttter finale. They beat parochial schools. This year’s Penny Night con­ 1 Meck North of Michigan Avenue - West ef Sears used for the m ajor tend drive both {tordue and Michigan ' “A growing number of these winter term, and wifi win a tributed to the drive white di­ HIGH REA! A t T h e D ance’ State in conference games. good people are expressing a f]0 award. - rects funds to needy and de­ Last year in the Rose Bowl, need for a partial return in ed­ Slogans should be mailed to serving students. “The Dance” sponsored by the Gophers lost to Washington ucational taxes,” he said, “and Chuck Dallavo, fund chairman, This year, the organization the Frosb-Soph council will be 17-7 and Coach Murray War- our gratitude to these people 31t Student Services. plans to accept petitions b a a n s a g a in s t L M’s C a m p u s held from M2 pjn. Friday in math has stated the dub would should be recognised.” Deadline for the contest, students or groups Indicating a tteU siM Ballroom. Uhe to gain revenge at the ex­ ■t Msgr. H o r k a n said the white George Saimes, the MSU pense of UCLA, this year’s Big parochial school system saves is nexttoThursday wpo» to- aft if i f , midnight. petitioning t group twist champion, the Promen- Five champion. ^ • - tee state about $100 million in Winning slogans in proviens investigated (jgcste aders, and a WBRS disc jockey Announcement of the eastern ment. Francisco, in Los Angelos maintainence alone. ' ' Will be the featured entertain­ selection could come either in "People financing parochial San schools to the state are going contests include: “Campus upon possible aid. 9 Your best friend’s beautiful date Admission for tee dance is or hi Philadelphia where Ham­ to be faced with the problem 90 cents a person or 75 cents a ilton, a retired Naval Admiral, of higher-costs in the near fu­ _ couple. will attend the Anny-Navy ture, be said, “and we don’t ub youto nwet her for a latedate. I The dance Is primarily for game. ' •. . want our schools to become the freshmen and sophomores, but Although Navy has evidenced exclusive n c k o o ls of the Wouldyou all other students ate welcome, interest in n Ross Bowl assign­ •fluent.” .r Besides the twist and square ment, there was no firm indica­ He said be would want atate dancing popular music will be tion here, that tea Middies aid directed to the parent woaldbe invited. played. ratber tkan the school system, and recommended thattbe pub­ lic and parochial schools work the look together to solve their pro- love is MEN! blems. E. R. Post, princfyal ef Grand Rapids Christian High School and rapr— nttog tee National Union el Schools, told An Nov that we haw*» your attention girls— that te schools must not be tested against, why not have those grubby skirts and “fit tee field «I meeM as­ sistance to tbe mentally aad D airatherandtoiyosrfrisnrlt Dtenaadnedte«tbto| sweaters you wore to the football games pbyMekOy bantecappad « M pupil, there has fadmaamMst cleaned? Louies9 makes them look like discrimination,” P o s t «ted, “and another axam cte» tta f GFriparmajorcoarse $ H a s a d v e r tis in g n s r new. te transportatioa by . school bus.” - Post said parochial stoteoto should not be doHed aay con­ «tohaariiyn ftoBaaacad yew daks if* t o f c i g a r e t te ? sultative services, library 1« cilities, or other -functions. “It should ba statad In (ha ffllH if m i new constitution that no child ba denied team beaaftto," ha S ü l l 1 VMH WMNnH J1 M É I said, “and the dedstat to in­ clude or exclude a child should Peek-of-you not u d may not bé left to tee local aufiMrifim.” . embroiderea lacs bands black f E n jo y W o n d e rfu l E u ro p é e n Foote w ith Caraffe Uto e n d M u t e r Jfteitr -teg * A ffite lo peau desoie □ crans square-toroated,' slender heeled./ Surprise price, bar 1861 House DUNCAN HINES ftp » P to ttog : fiiffM M I WranNNI Sauerbraten Ser Gut ÉÈdÈtìÈtÈÈÈÌÈÉÈÉÉHÍÍ0M& ram É Ë É llt m l wdP :"?—-21g Saotb Giwtol j ILS ¡SmMM wmmí ■ ffM ~ ■■■ SOOTH WASHMOTON For Raeervatkua I ? Í4 3 II i p pyai MÿmLMÊ M H R » J É ÉStÉ#*! YOUR H S T BUY, CAMPUS CLASSFHEDB ^ r LARGEST DtSCOWTM TOWN * MUFFLERS — T 'A IL P IP E S — EXHAUST PIPES p o l is h e s — Wa x e s — p a in t s — bru sh es m COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES asked by B OtBce M JB» irs^tssssss Faculty Awards. COMP! JETS AUTO David N. Hass, assistant 4 ■rip "V<*§XT * ; |f A >. aU o a t ? _ ^ C o rn e r A n n & M AC 2120 k lM d i,( tS » ) f t 4 7 0 0 S . C e d a r (U S -1 2 7 ) EAST LANSING ' .- 'v*aÌsXL HW» im i *yjv « D e e e o d b c rrl. ■'1 9 6 1 • g g S fl! ÎSsÿm m fi -WPM •~-%-ììm :** • C heerhig Section iOhlo Stàlè^ Fawèett ;era Ready m Sparta* %Wt Board anf. nemmteTA m t e ttet thenf Up in the Aìt^ h^ K Ì m KÌM - MSU’s hockey team | K 7 t t Wes Hockey League of tetiermen Tom Ltefeey, a» be m m m m M '-.iw®PÇïr: MBsfratti -- mmâm im ^km i . . Jm wmfi section al firn te n t heme baa- Thfitnxs, Iftp fot! p tlc f frtro ktebaB game against Northern l COLUMBUS Uh-W< | “By the way, I've been ling Norik Dtfada at funma ’iailhafc à fiahmlfir lig h t was * rough day liar little busy this morning, ban fonts, Fri. and a f e li *So (»"this year the Spartans wearing white shirts Novice G. Fawcett of Ohio Uwygot the chimp up hi the have a 2-1 record. They de­ can s i in a special section be­ State University, bat be never feated St. Lawereacq, Eastern hind the Spartan bench. The 100 lost his sense of humor despite Be was informed that Enos Champions, twice, both times seats » the blocked off section the Rose Bowl b n uproar. hnd not only gone for his ride, te r-ra y huflhidhhg <$ght i f his by 3-2 scores, abd togate dark- witt he oa a “first come firn - After reading his official but was oq his second lap top nine scorers from, last year sen College M . serve” bate», - statement around n o n on the around, ‘a id should improve on . last situation to, among telaert, Paul Harming, Columbus Dis­ “You know,“ mused the har­ patch Sports Editor, Dr. Faw­ ried OSU p ray , “I Unde with cett remarked: I were with Urn.” yaar*$ record. l l E f . Bessone feels that hia.de-1 tense, which was the Spartans weak spot last ydte./Is greatly CORAL(SABLES’ improved. John Chadik will be ÉÉ lasts Hopes High hi the nets again for the Spar­ tans. Cbatfik look ever the goal tending duties for the Spartan’s late H games last year and IL F O R N O made a total of 405 saves and The Name th a t Made Pisse Famous la Lansing Spartan gymnists will begin State hopes toplace men in finished second in the voting the 1981 season Friday at the the top ten in most events. ter the WCHL’a top net minder. NOWOPENAT 11:88 Ltt. midwest gymnastic champion­ Steve Johnson, one of the best I .parting the No. 1 defense Serving Snacks- Sandwiches • Luncheons - Dinners ships In Chicago. ^ - "^rV- in the nation, has a good in final of Cfeadik will be vet­ Also Catering to * The gymnists will be facing chance to win trampoline and erans Frank SUka, team cap­ some of the best teams in the place high hi tumbling. Dale tain, and Bob Kempf. The No. Private Parties - Banquets - Meetings midwest, but coach George Cooper is one of the best on 2 blue line craw is made op of Visit Oar Rathskeller Szyt&la is Imping the team will still rings but he will be facing! res Carl Lackey and place high in the team stand­ stiff competition. Jim Jacobson. Bessone speaks Open 5 p.m. Daily ings. T Gerald George and^Wayne highly te these two first year Bergstram should do well in the men and much te the job te ♦Phone ED '7-1311 “This will be a tough test side horse event. Oa the par­ MICHIGAN STATE i i akrtbaB ceaeh Ftrdfy Aaderm peses with Che five S i ’ £ Complete Take-Out Service for the Spartans,” Szytula said, allel bars will be Bob Carman improving State’s defense falls- players he has picked to start hi MSU’s 1181-82 season opener Satnday at East on their shoulders. “to see how they will ahape-up and John Brodeur. Jim Durkee Lansing again» Northern Michigan. The starters tee, from left to right, center Bessene item bis first two against some of the best in the should place on the high hori­ Ted Williams, gaards Jack Laniers and Capt. Art Schwann, and forwards Pete offensive lines as even. The Past members of the zontal biur. country.’’ Pai Gent and Dkk Hall. _ _ ; first line i t made op of let- 1960 Olympic Team are expect- Along with the varsity team termen Claud FonrneL Bob C h o o s e A C h r is tm a s G ift O f P e a r ls the meet along with the freshman team is going to e d to b e a tth Doyle and Real Tnrcotte, top college teams like Michi- the meet. The team, according r late years high point man. v gan, Southern Illinois and Illi­ to Szytula, is the best freshman The No. 2 line is composed We-have fine nois. team that we have had. C a g e r s O p e n S e a s o n potential fer having a solid selection of cattar- K e n n e d y R e g a in s A th le tic S ta tu r e Michigan State’s cagers will no _team had been within ond in 40 years. The Wildcats hall club,” Anderson said. ed or simalated attempt to tame a pack of Wild­ twenty points te the Buckeyes jolted the Spartans, 79-71, last “There’ll be good competition WASHINGTON (»-President Most of their conversation cats Sautrday night as they for two years. wilder. at all positions with no one pearls to necklaces, Kennedy officially regain­ dealt with the president’s phy­ take on Northern Michigan in Michigan State gave “the in­ of any job,” he add- pendants, earrings, However, the Wildcat Mg ed. ed his status as an amateur sical fitness program. Barack Jenison Fieldhouse. Game time vincible»” quite a scare before gan, Wayne Monson, graduat­ 'athlete today. He received a said the AAU had been inter is 8 p.m. J- succumbing, 91-83. — Jenison Fieldhouse will have branches and rings. lifetime membership plaque ested in fitness throughout the The clash will be the season’s la their final ganje, the Spar­ ed nrhich should cause a sigh the look of the New Frontier for and card from the Amateur 74 yean of its existence. f opener f o r both basketball tans whipped Iowa, 74-64. The te relief for the Green and the 1961-1962 campaign. New Choose now - for teams. White. Monson accounted for bleachers have been installed Athletic Union. He said Kennedy “typifies 29 points to the game. v o i r Christmas Officers of the AAU, here that which the AAU has stood Spartan fans will be looking 8 te t e ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ along the sides. They are more for their annual convention, for in its desire to make a and hoping for a come-back Dick Hall with 16 and Art comfortable,' sturdier and bet­ presented the credentials to strong America.’’ from the Michigan State cagers No activity book! No Schwann with 14 carried the ter looking. And there is a new Kennedy at theWhite House. Barack was accompanied to after they slipped to a 7-17 That’s ticket! Jast an ID card! scoring load for the defeated print job to brighten up the The President recalled that the President’s office by Dan over-all record last year. all it takes to get to­ Spartans. arena. he was a swimmer at Harvard With a 3-11 Big Ten mark, te the Michigan Stnto-North- Both will he starting Satur­ and at that time was register­ Ferris, retiring honorary AAU they finished no higher than e r n Michigan basketball day along with Ted Williams, ed with the AAU, governing secretary; James F. Simms, ninth place while Michigan game Saturday night, accord­ a 6’ 7’’ center. Jack Lamms at body of amateur sports. ' _ secretary-treasurer; Ed Rosen- wallowed in the cellar. Nick J. Barack of Columbus, blum, chairman of the. Life­ “We played much better Beardsley. ing to ticket manager BID 6’ 3” ahd Pete Gent who stands TV’s o f f b e a t h it: Seats are on a first come* 6* 3” will round out the first Necklaces • Simulated Ohio, AAU president, assured time Membership Committee; ball near the end of oar late Kennedy of the organization’» Charles L. Ornstein, chairman season,” said head coach flrst wffl serve open at basis. • pan. The There doors will five. But It may ju st be tentative. “ T he F lin ts to n e s ” $1.75 to $15.88 “full support in his determina­ of the . AAU magazine, “The Forddy Anderson. “I like to *1 think we have a lot te Cultured tion to make America physi­ Amateur Athlete,” and Bob think that was a barometer be an intra-aqpad game $18.08 — $285.88 cally strong, mentally alert Hoffman, coach o flh e U. S. of things to come, and that among the freshmen players and spiritually blessed.’’ J Olympic weight lifting team. we can pick np now from prior to the varsity clash. _ W h i t e G o l d " I Earrings - Simulated where we left oa.” $1.75 — $5.N In the next to the last game BUFFALO, N.Y. (»-Dentist, Cultured a year ago the Spartans journ­ Hawkeyes finished second to ry has solved the problem te $6.99 — $85.98 GLADM ER eyed to Columbus to {day Ohio the conference. using gold fur its good filling State. The Buckeyes were un­ Saturday’s meeting between qualities without making a pa defeated, had a wittning streak Michigan State and Northern tient’s month look like a jewel­ te over 30. In $L John’s Arena, Michigan will be only the sec­ ry store window. ^ Broaches - Sim. or Cui $5.88 — $225J$ we, jc -TODAY & SATURDAY! Dr- John Y1. Johnson te the Indiana University School te Rings > Cultored $15.80 - $109.09 FEATURE TODAY AT 1:80 • 3:85 • 8:13-7:» - 9 :» Adults 81J8 Dentistry told n dental meeting TODAY Students 75c here recently that porcelain ve­ neers baked to the gold filling RANNEY Jewelers W nSm ET OPENTf:45 (wtthLD. Card) surface cover the gold and AMD A PAMDfSC O f SONQt V | closely resemble the color and surface texture te natural teeth. The new process is based on Th* most surprisod men in Holly- {CeTttfteO Qwnlaglit) a natural binding that exists woodare a couple of middle-aged between gold and porcelain cartoonists. Four years ago nicy iK o saam ia i H uW uus A when they are baked together. wereJias-beens. Todaytheyowrve MtamigiiMgn muitimillion-dollar empire. Read 3 3 lUW I MBA LANS8URYUKTtoTHB « an i TSCOKOtOt the storyof the menbehind “The Tony Kumiega, Michigan Flintstones ’ in this week's Post NEXT TO STATE THEATRE State senior football guard from III 9mmrfiay ftoalog S T A R T IN G S U N D A Y ; Chicopee, Mass., bolds the P O ST EAST LANSING Spartan varsity javelin record. S u p e r B a r g a in D a y ! ASTORY ■ ■ ALL DAY PREVUE OF THESE TWO FEATURES! ^ m LIFE, Telia its Millions of Reader» LAUGHTER Tha Music, th« EAGER, LOVING, PASSIONATELY ALIVE and sainted to-* man who “A STAR IS BORN! Susannah York, headed for fame.” ANDHEART... Magiewf on* Of tha greatest will not realize that ha is not fulfilling her greatest needs. fe y fT w fi ^ lO W entertainers The story of too many women,.. ALLAGES... S of a l Mmol personal, probing, powerful An innoi ation in screen — ■.-Jmfy « N il < ¿0 0m /L i t m & â Oj J a a m k V AGAIN... . W frankness! ® lp f jp jR u I M I ONDERFUL* AND W&MJ jJjL- 'tû& ÛL Q/Qti&s AGAIN! CU^OÌmAÌj '  i A / &j o 4j f CANNY Btw%Biy » MNHlr 0(imaeaeaEÓa*iwMa»B-dte ■ "*£*“E 3flE$5^F fifcsReo SHAtEMttlfSI reasonable. ED 7-2540. 45 LàJÉ A C I U I I M M M B K H lM f i fiw t N W S 1958 E N G L I S H - FO R D . Perfect. ML ROBERT BROWN y»aihrgoifi» vHHBH Needs minor work. Fiat offe* over $300 O N E T H IR D -ce re t diam ond engage­ takes i t 355*0228 from 8-5 p.m.-ED 2- ment end notching wedding rings, “THE HUSTLER” SHOWN ONE TIME AT 1:41 8 $ 13 evenings and weekends.______ 50 both with smell diamonds. $100. 5-7 p.m. I D 7-7669. . information * * R E N A Ü I T D A U P H IN E I9 6 0 .-Radio and heater, w.w., top shape. Phone 21' I N C H R C A Victor table model IV 5-8673. TV with stegd; $50. ED 2-5834. 45 ASEARCHINGLOOKINTO ¿1957 T R IU M P H TR3^ Hardtop, new su e curtains, hew battery, excehent- sizes 6 C O C K T A IL D R E S SE S. tftc new, 10-14, colors white, green, pink, THEW IIERM OSTDEPTHSi corditiqn. $1075. IV 5-0359. 48 end 5:30 blue. $5 to $20. 355-9929 after p.m. : 45 OFAW OMAN?HEART...1 i960 V O L K S W A G O N . Bleck, white­ walls, '20.000 miles perfect cor.a ton, - TRAILERS ,- ANDAM AN’SDESIRES! $4.395. IV 5-8327 alter 6 p.m. 45 1951 A L M A 25'. Suitable for couple - or 2 students. O ccupan cy winter term. Very reasonable.— Lot 209, 2780 E. G ra n d River. ■*- ; 4S I 1955 R IC H A R D S O N mobile home. | 32x8. Excellent condition. Ideal for stu- j dents. 882-1450. ' 45 -1956 S K Y L IN E mobile home. 36x8, ! balcony kitchen. Graduating, must sell. 275 gallon oil tank included. O n jot 301 at Trailer Haven, 2780 E. G rand River, ED 2-4784 after 5 pan. or week­ ends. 45 I9 5 3 _ L IB E R T Y C U S T O M . 8x45’. _A I quality mobile home in good condition. SERVICE Honest Value Automatic washer, front end rear steps, I 200 gallon oil drum. A ll utility 'c o n - 1951 M E T R O P O L IT A N ^ hardtoo j mectiorts included. Reasoneblgjst $2200. 1355-0228 from 8-5 p.m. ED 2-8913 1951 C H E V R Q U T . Bel Aire, 4 door I evenings or weekends. ■_____________50 195» C H E V R O L E T . J a l .Aire, .convert: MICHIGAN H O U SE S 1958 O L D S. 2-door, H oliday 1957 C H E V R O L E T , Be! Aire, hardtop ÍÁSt- L A N S IN G , - furnished, 7 lorge f j ry g i f STB I Fri- tot Su. rooms. Available early. January to A u g ­ 1951 C H E V R O L E T , 2-door, Dei Ray ust. $200 monthly. Family only- ED 2- <071. . 45 ■3¡5?™!i&¡íx 3 Hilt • Ada 76* 1958 FO R D , custom 300 I95B V O L K S W A G O N , suiwocfer ~ C O L L E G E M A N des-res to share furnished ranch home with 3 grad stu­ ■ THIMIELL-T0- dents for winter term or rest of-eehool 1958 P O N T IA C . 2-door, hardtop - year. 337-0181 after 6 p.m. 47 1958 C H E V R O L E T , Impele, convertible F O R RENT. 7 room approved house, Always a ..selection of line pie-owned furnished for men student. C ell after He’s toe woman s Corvettes. — 5, ED 2-OM3-_________ ~ , 46 home cotnoawon—write FO R E M E R G E N C Y reasons, will rent­ hubby’s at work! ier very reasonable rate, beautiful house'. 3 bedrooms, large living room, G IV E photographer- for Christmas. dining room, garage. Family or fac­ Children's portraits in your hom fe.EC 7- ulty. I block from Bertey. Evenings 1201, evenings end weekends. ~ 45 £02-8323. 49 T Y P IN G , all kinds, b y experienced L A N A SPARTAN MOTORS | A P A R T M E N T S woman. Call ED 2-6822. 45 Brown say* b« feels th at th ere 3 4 06 E . M i c h i g a n L IB E R A L broedminded gentlemen to share beautiful apartment.'- Approved, unsuperwised. 355-8134. Saturday, IV 5- T Y P IN G done including term pepe-s and theses. 482 6 8 13. ~ 50 trill n tN tu flj he a balance batw ea a capitalisai aad a - URNER E D 7 -8 6 0 4 - ria liara bi e a r noric ty.~ 3211, Ext. 228 18-12, 5-I2L, 49 T Y P IN G , manuscript, term papers, W A N T E D , third men to share apart­ etc. C a ll ED 2-0570, 45 “Oar tdacatioa lyatem is so­ ment. Winter end spring terms. ED 7. cialistic to a Certain extent. EM PLO YM EN T TYPIST A N N B R O W N . E D 2-8384. Even at MMJ, where the State h o w a r d n r r .t • v m H i D l ” 0544, ask for Louis. " 43 Electric typewriter. Term papere and pays for part of tbe student’s —— ja m s FAJGE ARMORED COMMAND” SHOWN TWICE 7:87 • 12:38 U N F U R N IS H E D with garage, I theses, alto general typing. tf tuition.” ¿ W O M A N , F O R C H IL D tore end block from campus. Air-conditioned. light housekeeping, Monday, W ednes­ Personnel or steff members. E D 2-2782 S T U D E N T D IS C O U N T , self wash. Brown admits that while JIM HUTTON * FWJlA PRENTjSS 2ND FEATURE d ay end Friday. Experience with local seme of his theories have at­ M b or character reference. M utt have evenings,- 50 $ .75 Lube ¡ob, -1.00. Student parking, transportation. 332-6041. 45 $1.50. Free quart o f oil with every all tracted national . attention, 1.02054 Jerome Street, Upper, un­ change. 'C o m p le te tuneup. O p e n 24 others have aroused much ani­ furnished, 4 rooms end both, private heum. D ove's Pure OH. 1010 E. G rand ‘ P A R T T IM E, .4 well dressed men to entrance, heat and water furnished. River. tf mosity. deliver free advertising gifts. $15 per elening. C a r necessary. Alcoa. IV 9- A dults only. N o drinkers. Colt IV 2- EXPERT T H E S E S and general typing. 1118,-6-9 p.m. only. _ 46 3958. , 46 Electric typewriter. Eighteen yeans ex­ PROGRAM INFORMATION CAM, ED 2407 'T E L E P H O N E S E L L IN G . Educatonal P L E A SA N T , 3 room, unfurnished, perience. O n e block from Brody. E D 2- course. W ork here or at home. $5 per close in. Faculty or business personnel 5645. ~ tf j hpgt commission -for those writing to only. Parking. ED 2-1300 er Grenum, E D 2 2 5 9 6 .____________ 46 P E R S O N A L D A T A fonm. theses a n d m jke the calls. Also, collector needed. general typing. O ffset printing, plastic English Institute.- IV 5 3111, morri rigs. N IC E L Y F U R N IS H E D . 3 moms plus binding and typesetting. W e n d t G roß e FEATURE AT bath, .married couple preferred. Avail­ Service, 7 720 East M ichiga n,'La ostng. E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE £0.2-1814 7:21 - t:S8 £ able Dec. 15. $1.00 permonth, util'tTttr Phone 484-7716. ' tf paid. -Coll ED 2-4679. 47 T Y P IN G IN M Y H O M E , » y Vornan ROO M S with 10 years secretarial experience HOME OF FOREIGN FILMS— NICHTS .ite SUNDAYS ADÜLTS 90c S Y N T H E T IC fur coat. Nev.er worn, TU 2 -67 IS. _ tf S off originai price. CeM „355-1511 W O M E N , A pproved rooms, close-in 1er 7 q.m. 45 for winter term. 32S Grove. ED 2-21SE. M O V IN G ? Lecai-stete-neb enwide Far free estimate call Kevin W alsh, A M M M 't O M iw y M a sea m t h e D e v ili e y ß * your Am eriten Red Bell M o v in g C om layaw a y SPARTAN H A LL - pony representative. IV 5-2242. 49 IT S A M E R R Y n o w for 215 L O U IS TR A N SPO R TA TIO N LA R K FO R ADU LTS I BLOCK FROM CAMPUS C H R IS T M A S B U S charter - New CHRISTMAS York, Jersey, D ecember IS. D on't be le end double roems eve 1able left out! Inquire now . «ove. 355-9110. L arge warm rooms A rt Upton. 50 William h. Thompson wash bowl in eoch. A A A C A L IF O R N IA , Seattle, Vegee, best allowances. Alerte $109. Nation­ JEWELER Large lobby with TV. Porting wide Drive-Away, 8900 Grabet, D o laun dry facilities trait W AIm rt $-2070. 24 bourn. » FRANDOR, MALL COURT ED 2-2574 RIDERS, Now VoA. New Jersey, Doe. IS. Returning by Jon. 7. Sold driver, R O O M FOR R EN T , Women mod seet beite. 315-8134. 332.0715 öfter C h r is t m a s t r e e s - corefvUy «hoar- edl scotch pine 3' to 20’. C ut any tree preferred .* C ooking feeitrties oveiloble. fori only $2.50. 2850 College Rd. kb Plenty of porting. 820 N . Foetor. Coll W O M A N NEEDS respanerble sto- ihibt south o f Cavanaugh Rd. Open 4SS-9299. % - : 48 dont to drive h«« cor to A lio d ird ite . ovary weekend. - 50 wool o f Ooc. H . PleoM «88 Mr. Jackson at Portland. MHchefl 7-7011 BC O TC H , R ID PINE, «urei spñüu. «M tedio« arroanemcnts. 47 t i 1 0 end up. 1819 E. Mt. Hope, tkfid! bqtNt w ttt o f ivargroon Cemetery. SO LO S T ««M FO U N D . W A N T ED w t M A N transistor tape reoordar, logntiful leather conyine case. Prae- JIL1IP." P ü U » "ïi tmoHy -new, only 3 mon th« old. Larry, twees, tessey aad Bertey oo N o v . 22. 317-2232. 41 tdentHfieo i b i ii i l iit d . lV 5 4 1 1 3 . 4$ TU TO R W A N T E D for Ec four Kay to Batter Velma 30ft. Col Steve a t 155-5431 US CLASSIFIEDS - HIGH READERSHIP i effigi mm vi H B i1 Ft— toe Buel ihte «f& reertrtare flirfetiwei 1 On the nature te mwi tt says hi ri u letiea. that Gayomard, hi pasteag awqy, goes M b M M M i — m tm m m m m m m m seed; th a t seed waa ttn r— Wy furtbed ly the motion of the light of the « * , and Nerye- 11B i t S s S m ^ T u S . W M f i l i a l » America awl U n iv e r s ity sang kept charge te two portions, and Spendar- S S J 3 S . S cen t!ttto M M M h M M M W eeutattan C M * * » Ottho- M e th o d is t mad receivod one portico. ' M g ™ V |1 ¡ ¡ I p AND IN FORTY YEARS,'With the shape te S w S lH ^ te h m L to w S » v Seventeen Eastern Orthodox G u á “»< out efesnuiod Bless ¡laut, awd ffle fifteen churctamra were named toJhe yean te Its ftfleea leaves. Hatro and Matro- :■ ttm a. I—M «»« dm. ; yaa grew up foom-fhe ewth tasucfc a wawwr g § f c : | | g £ * s w ! i that their arms r a t ed bdried eu fhter six WMaate H. T»— te«. Míate— ghouMers, and eae joined to the ether ffley •« ,. MiMm t %. Jt»«»tl«xf . I« WriWHsa» «M—. a*. ' rótte— ri«rate «te, ri. M A M dB were connected together*both alfte. And toe Ntjl|k ||l| Stan*WieM mmm} ' JQUL fflittW JOVGfll^ipGWwOM Of ^ . S u n d a y StteM* n n i i SO f-MI— waists te both te them were brought close *w»——-. R«« w HM99m pÄl^gm gg »ra R^m lm jfM RM#E Jmhí'i>-SM ,^jk HÉ Hto RteT' A w win Ha M l i i tn Sffltiir* tM WOTMS f l H uOGJr MVPND n||[ A icmtAT m oo it am D ar. « I h m M. T r— ♦ and se connected together that it waa ate MjülPwRwpipi -YfWPBp®» !I dear wbicb was the nude and which was the female, aad which was the one whose Bring granai. Aad fee L eri Ged term ed 'mia w ttlb ,“ M ^ « ¿ ¿ 5 w J w m S Fo ru m s etto tejn. (DritteM •wMtk > T lt« HO AD TO » B T H U a n H P t te too dnst te toWjgraend, - mA. - -ra i l autt towelled I ÜL ■wans- . ^¡§|§¡ggg|¡¡¡ * ; w# 5 % '’dr v *7%:- ■ Among .0» 17 Orthodox Bril—»I. MM AMteM atari«. ■ ■*■■«» » — rr. «HD «tetetet te* «Il — terri soul is created before and toe body after. MBB Bn MBlrfiS p || PpMHj H H | MS h MR A two-day om m Ooa of the churchmen ware five from the Trinity Cottegiate Fellowship CtteR— «—■tel As it is said thus: “Which to created before, hearae a M g ante. Cmfwu Cruaade fa E ast Law- R u s s i a n Orthodox church, to hobttng a discussion on, T i r A l l i GSk'PM —saiM» Mi— AM. AU MH the soul er the body?” And Ahunt Mazda * 5 % feature as 6m of Its which was admitted te the "Samuel: Steadfastness in Dif- .taMri—ar- said that the soul is created before, and toe Ani «he Lard 4M planted a garden east­ B K p o b Davenport, UCLA council St .this assembly. ttete ateM r— ri»*■ WHit-Bt POVMDATIOM AU-Amerieigi football Pteyor. Lutherans received tbo next ficult Times,” at 8:45 Sunday. body after, for Mm who was crated ; It to ward In Eden and town he put the man whom 1-------if«iTi V Mi eMai l — Æ givea into the body that it may prodace ha had termed. And eut te the ground made He witt speak iadbdduaSV to largest number of seats. It. A buffet supper wffl proceed “TluoM j . "TUB UWMV Ari unriv am» ohacb** flMWRr t. tette* activity, and the body to created etey tor the la rd Ged te g o t ev«ry\ tree teat to members of tim Crusade » flat Presbyterian and Reformed the discussion led by Fred H te te — IH m te r activity; hence the conclusion is this, that the pieaamt la tbe aghi, sad good food; tee true their lives with Christ. groans received 15, Anglicans Wagner. Special music will be m o K im WBLCMi •■ritte* ri «tek te n « r *•«• soul to created beferv and the body after. te Be teha in tea HAM te tee terden, aad The convention, to ho held Methodists 11, United t e t m d t e m M t o d |N d i H « m . Friday and Saturday at Trinity churdbee 10, Baptists, 5, Con- featured. ca ll ED » M l ter t—a—«Hatlteri t e r ritt «tarile «ari — »rt*M a t terietetri And both te them changed fraas toe Church, 1» Spartan road wffl gregationalists 4 and other THE THIRD in a aeries of And toe Lord Gad took the miài, and put include fellowship meetings groups 1 or 2. „ ihape te a plant into the shape te a m an," Mm tete ton ganden te Eden, to dross It aad •ad • « r jw d discussions on] Alib elected was a six-mair discussions centered around aad the hr i nto went spiritually into than, te keep ft. “Living the Christian Life” which to toe seal; aad sow, mwvnwnr. Christian living. presidency of the World Coun- P e o p le s C h u rc h A li S a in ts in tote slmiHtnds a tree had grown ap And «he Lard Ged said, it to not good that —DR. PR. WILUAMWILLIAM BRIGHT, in* hi* cil, which represents 198 will be presented at Wesley whose fruit was t t e t o i l p i d h i te man. ha steae, I wffl ill make Mm an help ternetional tenunkmal director and found* church bodies with more then Foundation at 7 pjn. Sunday. E p is c o p a l - Aad tee Lted God caused a er of Campus Crusade, will be g » million members — the Students may join related I E a s t L a n s i n g deep steep I» tell upon Adam aad he slept; the principle speaker during bulk of Christendom outside the groups led by university facul­ Atom Mazda spoke to Meshya and Masb- s a i he took one te hto ribs, and closed up the week-end. Roman Catholic church. The t » lit iit e » il« » t l« M l C h u rc h yoi thus; “You ora man, you are the ancestry tike flesh hatead tiwreof: ^ ' Beginning at 7 p.m. Friday, six elected to the highest te- of­ ty members or Wesley Found­ M W . a —mt R lv lr mt Btefelritete te the world, aad you are created hi h w h n ation personnel. a«« AUteM Eteri«—bd a-»ata by me; perform devotedly the duty te the - te d toe ite, which tbe Lord God had taken the craventioa will last until fice were: A supper proceeds the discus- Pr. Wan—« M M«H— . Paatvr Dr.'ll. BriH— Site— Jaw, think goodthoughts, speak good words, > a woman, and brought W * .* . Saturday, and there is ^ , The Most Rev. Arthur M. do good Seeds, and worship ae demons!” her aste tee.! Awl Admn said, this is • 82.» Charge whktr wffl COV* Ramsey, DMnMv Archbishop Canter- sion at 6 p.m. Arrhhixhnn of Canter Btetr. Bar t . »■»«■■ ■ Ha*, t e t a V. t e t M t . Cbterilaite R « . t m r i te tte r te aqr heat, and flete of my flete: ne aft expenses- bury. .; ¿v . BISHOP EMRICH ef the dio­ Kritette* BawrlWa Me«. Haber« O arM aer tec teaB he called woman, because she was Further Information and res­ cese of Michigan will be guest Dr. V. A. MmCmmm Fram .Genesis te the Holy Bible - Whew sa» te man. ervations can ho obtained by Sir Francis IWam, a Presby­ «• HanM StariteteM calling Don Petersen, local di­ terian mid governor general of qieaker at a special Joint din­ WOHSH1P SBBTICB* a u Rriri He*. OteriM— ttmmu. Harte» rector of Campus Crusade, at Eastern Nigeria ner of the Cantebury Chib and IC S M T «EHVICE* e d 7*3505. ;* ArehHshop Iakovos, head of members, of the high school «OR DfBSIRQ A CBHISTtAlt” ih h Mh Tin r s «>»—<■! group of All-Saints church. n o T H I T H IX K w i . i x r « F irs t C h n th e f ★ * dr the (keen Orthodox in North «tek Hatr &>■■■■!“■ « u n u n s e D irresK Stf A ttend Some An all>day Christmas party and South America. deal Bishop Emrich’s speech will wtth the possibilities for Dr, WriltriM Bte— Wri •irilt te.Ite. Morata* riiRjr» « f Hot* >mmiMXII Im v that l*»w te j for the members and guests of Tbe Rev. Dr. David G7Mos- - cha««*» t r i t ì i < omMaataa, ri— «te * Cbterab S r t M M l l w r k te « h e ** { C h r i s t , S c i e n t i s t Gamma Delta, a Lutheran or­ es, a member ef the United church unity as developed at IMI ri:«». A 11 ■■">• Rrbatel . U t e r i — 4 w r ir itw » « « r ii a n r i t e - i I r mì t t a tet t l r i telrite u tr m r nM r> | ganization, will be held Satur­ Church of Northern India. toe recent national convention I l iM ad*. Morata« Ktterter r i Hrilr ■■■. day at the Martin Luther Chap* at toe Protestant Episcopal Cltt r*rm «— —A Mah Vtete «te* —>.te< tte TOMhl.r a mmu~ 1 ffflft u s i «um Church .el at 444 Abbott Road. The Rev. Dr. Martin Nie- church. moeller, a German Lutheran. - i ~ * * territetel ari* (•■ m a a lo te . •■ « ■ ■ ■ A Cbareh ■ ■te. tetete tri»«. M t e mt trite « I l « r i j AT NOON THE activities will Charles Parlin, a Methodist The Catholic Student'Orgim* fti— «•■». Cmmrnmm V— ra SS-rir te* t m m r .r m+ tra W* Tte Iter*. ■ trite ri Ihr fM - t e ri«« Trite» begin wtth decorating the ization wffl bear a panel ef _ MteCtetete Ckte—I CA»T K R BIR Y CLUB ■teteB«tetl»tei~ f a r trite « tetelltetetltete m t chapel a j d trimming the lay leader from New York City. foreign students present their Par All VriteteMltr Btmémmtm • ■a* «.tek ri««««« trite atrw M . — Every Sunday Christmas trees, ipside the Elected Honorary President impressions of the United « «tet t e Wi a t t i r i « t e «fritte ■ •«. building. was Dr. Joseph H. Oldhma, -* s«w ru sd P ijc FW Powtnf a «upper at 5:90 K y o raM British toyman and States at t:15 p.m. por e i v t s e * u r l i ». Tari _ } p.m., the Gamma Deltas will leader ef the Edhdtofjh Mis* THE STUDENTS will repre­ U n iv e r s ity _ cA traa a » » c a n m go cafottng in and around East sionary Conference of 1910 sent such countries as Europe, C h r is tia n Leasing. - >f :\V-. which is considered toe fore­ South America, India mid pos­ L u t h e r a n Ç h u r c h ‘ runner C e n tr a l w«te. r í a ntela F ir s t C h r is tia n They wffi return to the chapel of the pres«mt World sibly Korea. lotmge about 9 pan. for Christ­ Council. Hillel Foundation is holding a n d S tu d e n t S tu d e n t M e th o d is t R e fo rm e d mas vespers. With the new executive cab­ a buffet supper at 8 p.m. at mm. «rita «tete, te Highlighting the day will be inet at the helm, the council HUM House. C e n te r _ F o u n d a tio n C h u rc h C h u rc h a party and refreshments to be was directed by its member Kindling of the Hanukkah t a—Iteri held after ton vesper service. denominations to serve at-the 'candles will follow. Kattotetel lintelh— Ctetetertl DI,latan abri Ari» Street. K.Ï.. ri» W. Graari R iver hmmm t n a tri* c » * f t«l tri htoehte Harth e f herher Hall) aa-rian »r asri-ririta Otta tete teteri CteteWat A m te te -Citte« teteS O—■——«*«■- •vary tm r i« r a* u ■»■■ I Campus Pastors Aid Students Ktetelniat ttoteteM W. Herb aaM C. T . Kllafcatrk Jwaerib A. P artrr. Mtatoteri Young people entering the Mr. Porter, courses such as istry at the annual conference (bteH te W ether i Teeta Raari conftnrion end bewilderment natural science don’t include to ask each other, ’bow many ( A M P tS V E S P E R * ••■ M a r Weitebt* * wfflch is so much a pert of that conflicts in a major way. times in the last Six months ~ %tete, Iteli» «ari tirito «tek K im b e r ly D o w n s first year of. college find the "I personally have not been have you been asked when you "T H E DAT IS A T BAUD* E ast L a n a q are going to enter full-time S t J o h n s S t u d e n t office of titeir campus mintoter involved in a counseling situa­ a convenient place to air dif­ tion where this (natural sci­ ministry?,” he said. P u t e r Herb «■r» la prmrtêmt at all Si»« «.tek M «rabí* la MrCteiMI Cberi- C h u rc h o f C h r is t T r in ity C b ficulties, according to toe Rev. ence) has been tira root of the “Meet people don’t realize,” ri. P r« »Ira C taarrh. ? . P a r is h ; Joseph Porter of People’s problem,” he said. “I think it Mr. Porter said, “That the BOB S C B B D C L B tor l l * acrvtetet Christian ministry today te a ~BDebita* Iteiftft, » mmér UHM. I t e » church. is more of a process of growth U M Owe» 1 1 Uri. H teri 1 1 Uri. Ha­ iteririer •« Calieri» H a u t f e lle w« ri Stew a. W R uW tete«rie ri*. T. te te r fM "These problems range from mid education which is neces­ highly specialized profession. stete tliM , • • « terrtvtori tel «■bareb ear —4 * .gfeg the most trivial adjustment sary in a university setting. A person becomes a apecinlist •tatet SIMM ■ •■ • Ratterte b r W M hy> (brlatm aa rterettori aaM "hteri«» Mttetek te many araes rnmpns min­ r ate«». ter. « m o r e . h u n d a ir p a r i m needs to the person who comes tari mt the «»■«■■•’* iro n ía s in in a state of total confusion “Education requires an indi­ istry te effly eae «1 these wi rin a C I l L NOTE) AMrete* V*te*rra about Ms personal philosophy,” vidual to face himself hi com­ Mitri M L I be b*M at «MD *•■»• to *8« areas.“ «■» «Mteter r . Ute tether L A A . «re* Bverptete« W rIrete# Iff - T a ttoo e s r a w- ok c a a .- Mr. Porter said. plete honesty rad to weigh atol He admitted that the campus «■■te to «itetetecM. “We attempt to bejp the la* examine. It is an opening of the minister does find himself in ernoAT n a n c u fflviduel relate tooents at see what a man can eyes of Ms mind and heart to isolation as be endeavors to r r iM M M iO »Htri*» tlit»-t*»Ste faith to Ms life and mind in really be­ minister to a university. >1« «Mari«■It ««»» Rt IM A M B Mm terms ef Ms awn leaning ex* questions and learns toaskinglieve. And until he toarte “He has to have a much insny aamaaaame o n e .wm—i «awe IMHrii «atei MM»Jriteri m ee « perieaee,” Mr. Porter said. the conclusions, Ms faith really nPhfe tea’t just a pigeoabrie gets a testing. Mr. Porter sakL trust wider degree of freedom than a parish minister,” Mr. Porter SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH t— Mar Watete— M O * •■eewriri CiateMtei—R— 1 M i r approach to reUgtoo. The un- asserted. lSlA S. WASHINGTON — LANSING :91 *999i Speaking of his profession, “He cannot be tied complete­ W it e iir ir f ■tea Write «tatet the Christian faith speaks to Mr. Porter commented that ly to a local church. I feel that ,ffle total iB flos te Ml Ms White it te a relatively new the time 1 spend hi my office E tm r **€hureh • A w ay - F ro m • Home** täte «Jri phase of the church’s ministry, by and targe is not nearly as ,* «»«■Iteri I ■rit«« | ■m 4' student enters an pea* campus patfche* are net recog­ valuable at The time I spend derate career, be ancounters nized as essential by many of vi4& students in their own set­ 1 0 :0 0 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR Stete tf — tert« tt«te rril VW M I M things which trod to contra* Ms fellow pastors. ___ ting, whether It te the univer­ B D r i l M «r KD M W . KO S-WT* diet many ideas he has held fat “It has become a joke among sity hospital or Spartan Vil­ 1 1 :0 0 A.M. “ MAN’S DESIRE FOR early religious faith. But, says those of us in campus mini* lage.” ■ OUTER SPACE” ^ . G re e k , L a n s in g C e n tr a l Contimiing Series Oe Beak Of Graeete EDGEWOOD PEOPLES E a s t L a n s in g A rc h d io c e s e 1 F r e e M e th o d is t O k e m o s C h u rc h "holt la frs r r o f th e N a z a re n e U n ity C e n te r ~^7:<00 P.M . ANNUAL THANKSGIVING O r th o d o x C h u r c h . C h u rc h ' «Sri« ' HteteUHtete HM. Wte»htteritote at SriWer— .. C. A. Hvterh, «tetetov 7 :0 0 PJM. “ GOD W ITH HIS HANDS f c J T p g a . 'l t A ! .iterato« ¿L fl «teteMur » U fi - trite» a.w. fe Matttetei SU S A .B. «tarato« Warebl* — 11 tete«. r m tr DriRh Traatted A. R a u t a » s r a e r ó ifp t o r ii S M B a b . «teUMter »«betel _ 1 » ririta — Ma rte to « WteTriblri - 11 rito ri.ak Malte* L H r iW SteMD ASA y«rillt Sterri»« «ra ra riritewhl» _ — rite« im«. — t«*e ».tek Tritenri Keteritae Sriririta» ritiri «krik Cratteufng Series Oe «Can We Knew Ged?’ HIM i mh i MNWtA « t e t e , l—i t o tea t e to BBteri- »« * Sh'»»Iteri S«r ita» M S «ktou ' (rwte > «teirrlr* W tft B rätelte« row h ejfllsra Iko ¡fia Btaira—U wi uui akA . -- .—n-H■i BPilnPPKlBMM HI »tote MIM-w eeh H iaje« WeM. frito *>•»■ inv cneanR nftM se wmtm m r. Sto*. D. M Kter Ti«»— H H «toll IT S-MriT . Call KD S MW (te* D ra i raHteftet “ lattate 8:30 P.M. ADULT YOUTH DtecueelM end Refreehmsute MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION -: v-:”'lìSÜ . — . teHBtelRita «»»■■■■« ■«btririlto tetearitetototeririririaltera. ffiffl, 9:15 rad 8:18 - Shew Sell • Owen pfflwki Rend • Der* ft & S TU D EN T C EN TER ““É È » e Hal • cMg Bryan B R Ï ' ritt—lflfflfflfflA » fiRf lw w á r a t i í I hlgpiFfiaS ''WW*'*%'.■i«® .■MSh „., ‘ ' Âwiy»$^ iSaEiffifô WÊMÊÊÊËBffl M f ü l i ^ " mm URI m .■;.f'v■■ » i WBUQg®.