Tuesday to Berlin As Russians Rebuild Wall BERLIN ilV-A U.S. Army meeting la Paris af Western night at Mannehiem, hi West hrtti# group 1,500 strong head- Foreign Ministers, the volume Germany. It «tifi baa • tfayY ed for Berlin Mooday in a re­ was loaded with official docu- - travel ahead beton It m em placement move that hat out Wednesday morning on the manta detailing disputes be­ brought warnings tram tween to t West and to t Soviet U N tO i trip across Camnm- «gwiv-'V • Ml ’ Union since the and of World nist East Ctorinaay to Barite. In r o v«h!clas, th t first bat­ War H. It noted that after 11 l i Barila, meanwhile, East F o rm e r U $ tle group, 19th Infantry, rolled out at 24th Division bam ton wwrk an a new sertea at Augsburjh and spent the . ermaa m East-West conferences since ___ 1945, tbe two sides w en as di­ vided as ever on the German waU di- C h ie f Ja h s vhting th e dty and narrewed cener ete b a rrie rs j t o question. ’The free existence of West O A S M ay a s m rre a ite g points iato Berlin is aaw threatened by C a lle d O ff A t B ritis h T a k e A c t io n fended E a s t B arila. - th e Soviet j m i annnt’s Reiaforcertent of the waU claim that it bastee power to UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. « without serious incident. abolish tor unilateral action EUSABETHUJUE, Katanga Rows of concrete slabs, like a western rights in Berlin,” the (»—Katanga bowed to a threat — The former U.N. chief in O n C a s tr o Katanga Monday accused the layer cake seven feet high, all vtem e arid. r of UN force Monday night and but dosed the crossing points. Uneasiness in Berlin was agreed to reopen the main read British government and British WASHINGTON (»-The Or­ to the Eliiabethville airport “gutter millionaires” of ssibo- ganisation of American States Unconfirmed reports of im­ heightened by another incident. that w ar barricaded during the taging the United Nations in M tt Cuba*« Fidel Castro a minent western countermeas­ T% óü.5. Military Police se­ day by Katanga troops and po­ the Congo by encouraging the sharp dktomatic defeat Mon-’ ures against the waU persisted dans Mtd a Soviet jeep for lice. -i . 'continued secession of Katanga day agreeing to consider col­ 1a Berlin, but no one in an of­ qbout an hour tor West Berlin Tensions between UN and Ka­ Province. •- lective action against the Com­ ficial position wouldtàlk. after East German People’s Conor Cruise . O’Brien, 44- munist dictator s regime. The U.S. command to Berlin Police broke the radio antcn- ^ tanga forces built up to a flash­ point before Katanga Foreign year-old former Irish diplomat, By a 14-2 vote, the council of protested to the ~ Russians-Ytaa-iof three U.S. staff cars in Minister Evariste Kimba an­ told a news conference that t h e 21-nation hemispheric against reinforcement of the EastxBerlin. A Soviet officer nounced agreement on reopen­ British support had provoked group anproyed n Colombian wall, but the British and and three noncommissioned of­ ing the airport artery'. violence by President Moise proposal for a forelgn minist­ French commanders in Berlin ficers in the jeep finally were Kimba professed surprise at Tsbombe’s Katanga f o r c e s ers’ conference to consider did not join to, apparently fig­ waved on. A U.S. army spokes­ against U.N. troops. ;. .... uring such protests are futile. man refused to say why the the new barricade construction that followed by hours his O’Brien left UN. service and “political threats to the peace and the In London however, a foreign Russians independence” of the office spokesman c a l l e d whether there were stopped or threat to shoot down all UN resigned from tbe Irish foreign American republics. ^ * was any con­ service last week with a bitter strengthening ef the waH con- nection between tbe action mid planes flying over this seces­ statement against Britain and Under tiw resolution, «be ■ tinuatlon of illegal East Ger­ toe antenna incident. However, sionist province. France. He said they used be­ foreign n W d m will meet man action. the United States holds tbe The agreement came with­ hind-the-scenes pressure Jan. It, USE, to raashter col­ StowHiaeansly, the British Russians responsible for what in aa hear of a UN ultimatum against him and his mission at lective action against the government Issued a 483-page happens to East Berlin. threatening military action U.N. headquarters, while pub­ CenuMurimn now openly velane declaring tbe wan ri- The movement of U.S. Army unless the Katanga farces re­ licly supporting U.N. aims in avowed by Castro. Site ef the olated four-power agree­ replacements to Berlin win be moved the roadblocks that the Conge. meeting util he determined ments on the city’s fatare. another assertion of western had paralyzed traffic between Britain and France have de­ later. Prepared for the next week’s rights to free access to the city. Elisabethvttie and the air­ nied tbe charges. Voting for the resolution, port and a U N Indian troop “Britain,” he aaid, “has w oe Colombia, Costa Rica, El camp. been steadfastly ia favor ef Salvador, tbe United States, D e p a r t m e n t a l E x a m s (JN and Katanga armored the secession of Katanga un­ Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, _cars confronted each other til it beeemcs definitely ra- Nicaragua, Panama, Para­ across one—roadblock. Five minutes before the UN ulti­ matum was to expire Katanga cogaized de facto fia fact) guay, Peru, tbe Dominican Re­ as ladcpcadest.” public, Uruguay and Vene- Britain has insisted th rtita zuela. ” Language Tests paratroops still were digging to tbe Comm is aimed at Cuba voted .agatort It in at one barricade. cone g Tshombe jjftf th* Was joined I f Mexico — the Elsewhere in ElisabethvUle. Central GotottosteM latter aitiaa explaitong it* tote freshly armed Katangan gen­ Christmas ¿¿»rations Ur the & fim Congo. British spokes­ was baaed on juridical reasons. darmes set up near barriers. throughout the campus have been up for seve­ men have claimed O’Brien was The Swedish and Irish UN camps were completely iso­ lated. all three main roads Mason Dorm r- ral days s u r as the Spartans get bate the an obstacle to reconciliation in wera holiday spirit. Matea women’s dormitory leads the Congo. the ceed-field as they covered planters, han- O'Brien disputed tbe Brit­ Abstaining on the roll call Departmental examinations tog and teaching of the various Argentina, Bolivia, Bra­ m being resumed this term sections and to let the students zil, Chile and Ecuador. for lour first-year foreign learn how they compare with languages courses, Dr. Stanley other sections. leading to them being guarded ^ listers and doors with peiaseiils», tree branches ish approach. la easting its negative veto, Townsend, head of foreign The final examinations will by Katangans. and the Inevitable boughs of holly. See addition­ “By conciliation they mean Cuba claimed the nrepeaal Is languages, announced Monday. count one-third of the total Brian Urquhart. special IJN al pictures on page f. —State Nows Photo by riving Tshombe time to con­ States “an effort by toe Untied The departmental examina­ grade. adviser here, declared at 5-30 solidate his forces,” h i said, to grin aaestopltrei tions will be given Saturday French 101 students will take p.fa. that “we cannot accept Paul Remy. . ■ characterizing this is n policy for i new invasion ef Otoa.” morning to students taklng lQl the examination in C-1Q0 and that the main road to the air­ of “Pecksniff hi the UN. and Hie Mexican spokesman said Russian, Spanish, German and C-110, Anthony; and German port be blocked.” He gave Ka­ Gradgrind in, Katanga.” This the Colombian proposal lacked French courses. Hie oral por­ students, in 146, Giltner, and tanga 90 minutes to clear it. . However after Ki mb a _ , agreed to order the road University To K eep Jan. 2 was aTefereoce to two Charles proper basis because R dealt tion of tbe examinations will 206, Horticulture. Both Rus­ Dickens characters represent­ only with possible threats to be given to class Friday, ing, respectively, kow-towing peace and not with presentr Departmental examinations meet in 116, Ag. Engineering. sian and German sections wiU cleared, Urquhart said the hypocrisy and narrow com­ threats Registration , Sabine Says Were previously givon during Spanish sections wfll be to UN deadline was set aside to mercialism. World War II, Dr. Townsend 402, Electrical Engineering, allow Katanga troops to dear He blamed the continued Ka­ said. They are being resumed and 326, Natural Science. Sec­ the road “as soon as leas­ tanga secession on combined P l a n s T o A t t e n d to help the administration co­ tion U of French 101 will .also able.” Urquhart said the Hie University will keep the h£d the right to-change the hoar and a half of East Lan­ efforts by the British govern­ ordinate thé examining, grad- meet in 326, Natural Science. United Nations considered present Jan. 2 registration calendar. Two years ago it ap­ sing. The other stadents can ment and Prime Minister Roy M e x i c a n C o l l e g e •• the roadblocks a deliberate schedule, Gordon Sabine, vice proved the present calendar. return later in the week. Welensky of the Rhodesian “effort to provoke an iaci- president of special projects, federation, which borders Ka­ T o B e D i s c u s s e d FIN A L EXAMINATION SCH ED U LE FO R F A L L . l»«t dent.” _ At that time a stuclent-facul- “In addition, there is no tanga. Both African areas are said Monday ty committee drafted the pro­ penalty for late registration if [rich in copper and other min­ AU students who will attend Th« last da y of classes tor F a ll Term Is Frid ay, December *. A ll He add a convoy of UN A Student Congress reso­ trdbps whiting to pass through posed schedule and was later someone doesn’t want to regist­ erals. Mexico City College «hiring fin al exam inations w ill be given in accordance pith the foUowtng schedule. r~ A i p ’ the roadblock could have forced lution to change the -registra­ ratified by the faculty. winter term a n Invited to a£ tion date to Jan. 3 was con­ er-Tuesday morning,” he said. The time a t the exam inations In U niversity Collage courses Is tend a meeting Wednesday at glvsn M o w . Exam ination rooms wiU be announced by the Instruc­ its way through, but held back sidered by the administration, The schedule won’t permit M e e t C a n c e l e d to avoid bloodshed. Sabine also said the actual 7:30 p.m. to the Ait room on tor during tbe teat week of daeses. — _ but K was unworkable, Sabine number of students who. closing 4he gap between winter tbe third floor of th e Union, “The United Nations wants to said. would be affected by New and spring terns, Sabine said F o r S p a n i s h C l a s s A m erican T h o u g h t A L an g u a g e M onday. Dec. II , 10:15-ti:1S N atural Ocienca Tuesday, Dee. It, avoid any incidents,” lie said. Brian Nelson, ED 24844, will Kimba, ranking Katanga L a r r y Campbell, AUSG Year’s Day traffic woald be If finals were to end one day Because of the nearness of be in charge of the session de­ ~ HSocial Science ; .“S ' u m a n itie s ........... W ednesday, Dec. I S . m M r i l T h u rsd a y , Dec. 14, 10-14-11:14 minister in the absence of president, took the proposal to few, 3,599 students register later, the University would not final exams, the Spanish Club signed to give students an op­ President John Hannan. Tuesday morning, 15 per. he able to get out winter term officers canceled Tuesday’s portunity to discuss wirier lege Th# time o f exam inations 1« sections other than U n iversity Col­ President Moise Tshombe, call­ Sabine said only the faculty cent of whom live within an grades in time for registration scheduled meeting. courses is determined b y the days and the time the class la scheduled during the term. Exam inations w ill be given In the b u m ed a hurried news conference term plans and problems. classroom s used for class m eetings durfctg th* term. to announce withdrawal of the roadblocks. ~ J See KATANGA page 4 B u t P r ic e F i x i n g Q u e s tio n L o o m s MORNINO C LA M ES Beglnrrfng AFTERNOON C L A SSE S Beginning Y ou r exam I f your a t one of Y our exam I f your a t one o f ; ctasa those f l j i l MM - elaes these "W in and /ce meets It Suta l a ’ meets dato w F lo y d K O ’s hours ’ bourn MWE , Thursday IfW F "•. 1 Tuesday S n o w , R e m o v a l S e e n C h e a p e r M TThF »:** December 14 B W ld f 1:1* December 41 1:44-4:41 ir r w T h F 1 :1 0 - 1 :M T om in 4th IfT W T h ï By BERNADINE GIELDA four fin is again this year. Firms sullying salt for high­ Despite these pricing prac­ the anti-trust division of tbe TT»i *:SS Thur#day_ TTh 1 :«« i:t e Wednesday December 1 1 1:5« December 14 TORONTO, UP—Heavyweight - Of tee State News Staff “The contract was split ac­ way use are the International tices, tbe state did .save some Justice Department. $:« 0 -l« :e e 1 rte-8:»» Champion Floyd Patterson re­ Taxpayers wiU be paying less cording to a formula developed Salt Co. of Detroit, Morton Salt money on salt this year. * - “There te a m at pending," tained his title Monday by for snow and ice removal on by the state as a resultai past Co. of Detroit, Diamond Crystal “When Morton made bids to ha said. “Tha case started MWF M TThF lift F rid a y trw r » :* • — December t l IF F T k F I:«« 3:30 Thursday December 14 knocking out tough Tom Me- Michigan highways this year experiences with the firms,” MMne cities (comities and muni- oat teltoibHMq^^ ' MTWTUf t e n t e t t i if M TW Th r l:t e - l:( 0 Neeley, Jr., of Arlington, but the cost is nonetheless n PhUatua R. Peck, assistant con­ Salt Co. of St. Clair, and the cipalities also purchase salt Mass., in 2:51 of the fourth controversial issue. troller commented. Dow Chemical Co. of Midland. tot ice removair their bid was F rid a y —- TTh t :« f F rid a y ’ T tX . December 14 M l round of a wild brawl at Maple The problem is perrmmlal. ? Firms spittttag the 8280.000 “The firms ~btd 86.90 a tea a dollar tea» than the bid giv­ - have hem iadkted bet the SfMMtfU p u jto w te i * 1:10 - 1:10 Leaf Gardens, Each faU the state takes con­ contract are tiltD ow Chemical F.O.B. shipping point,” be sate. en to the state,” Peck explain­ ease has been annealed. I Patterson dropped tbs prev­ tract bids on thousands of teas Company of Midland, Wyan­ “This is even more strange be­ ed. ; dea’t aew hew It rtnmla at ItW F , r If;« » Monday m rr *:S0 M ead» iously undefeated, but crude salt and calcium chloride for dotte Chemical Company- of cause tile product the Dow j e m t '* t i it e pneember l i M TThF ■Iste Bocetober l i challenger ctdjMftan« in «.rip- of Wyandotte, Soivay Process Di­ Chemical Co. offers is a fabri­ Morton then notified the state MTWThK MTW rtiK t : e 4 - t ñ pm roaring battle that had the doinguse on the state’s highways virion ef the alled Cmmica! cated product.” of a new tew price ef 88.94 a winter months. toe. ■ - , .i ■ Pec said th rt tt U a bit pre- , i* .- « . TTh ».-te 1 Tneeday. crowd of about 6,800 scream- Corporation, SOtvay, NiY., and The Dow product is an evap­ sumptive to say that Miririga» Tri» 1 >,:M Tuesday-' December I t lit * December 1 1 And each fall, after the bMs . the Columbia» 8outhern orated, compacted brine that “That same day bdemriton- bas suffered *because, of o i 1:00-1* :«d 7j**-»:te pia ^HfcNeeTey, who had never are la, the official «—imaat W tlÊCompany ofBarbeton, Otite. is rolled into layers and then al notified the state of x now »ent practices, m J  '. been beaten before, was # 584 H i state controller’s of Thqy afi bld thé same basic crushed to meet state'specifi­ tow prim and tom both Dew . VI think currently we lt :M W ednesday M W F 4.»* 4:t* Monday flee .amada tike tots: and International decided ^ JMTWThF ËÉÊÊÏ JIM December I t f f m r ■ December 1 1 underdog. But he K pries F.O.B. plant «ad'te ad­ cations- benefiting by hiving a < M TW ThF 1:44-4:4» some anxious “We had loped that compe­ dition bid equaiixed freight ship at 88JB.” mm priñk” ha sato. We ha rallied from a kaoaMtown tition would have produced a rates te tbe atepmert woo’t International Salt Co. of De­ Compared to tort year, the troit it the sole Michigan rock betamfiaf because we teafi to­ T g a : 1 1 :W ll:M Wednesday' TTh December i t 4:te 4:30 Tuesday Deeember I t and landed a thumping right S P bid, a lower price. coat any more oo marier where state is recrivtaf me stone reador awarded stot cm trucli |:46-4':4t 1:14-4:44 . had to Pattersoa’s Jwk T '" ' consequent savings _ for tt cornes to n , Peck explained. salt producer. Morton Salt Co. amount of salt tor 8264,006 less of Detroit barges their product at 86.90 and If tom firm to the The boot was the second half taxpayer. Hwaa same films hâve bid due to file lower stopping onrts ) hadn’t bid less ia a lo­ . —-!*:••. If- of a closed circuit TV double- Bri ttwra doesn’t sema te be to from Canada and Diamond to specific lemttem aid the cal area, tea M l ttorn paid ItTW g s - , 1 1 :1 « F rid a y BVENINIS C LA SSES [jjT; ' ss t f t » : 8Spt«FÆ Salt Co. of St. Clair also mines ThS S S K ß i“ Monday, ¿ e c . I t , ! header. In the first half, Sonny Ü I0 Í re bidding of a major portion to rt ptote.” Liston, the No; 1 contender their salt to Canada, W s X ^ a 11, of the salt reqeiremmts. Tbe ¡The state toon maira atol fiton J l I i i¿ from Phtiadtiphto knocked out as the calcium chlorids-is coo- “Appeteatiy ttwcompaales Albert Westphal of Hamburg, cerned, tiw * doasa’t saam te deeÜNl teey*« staateartftee «1H, «Rij. i itoiw pnrawi Mulii«i sSasnt KmhanH. im Waam wvcu 8L88 price savei.fito Michigan calcium cboloride, it was podnt- "ItÌN Monday December t l 1 :» - ( :* « ruaraflay, Oec, 1.4, on tke market for twe or ’tom '’m ato GartM m & teU SI af the first be any c o m p a tttio a l^ n ^ - toehr prito. * * * *tod. *** tMuMkim JiRTn- fitest •BTW aa « Duaaslr PW almm' toxpajw f ifi, om to saitTcateium round with a right to the jaw. Far. m a te , the state «ter d m t haw fi Ifs priée flxtog. rtee fixtog.” ptetowi, pl&ined. äää and la aiways M i at. Peck only was held in traqt 1er 8jte» tehs ef «tort ‘m ’ iWfSsaawtlh cxaeRytoa «ame prierai tta practtob to fim -arit toUs a * cWeride 1 by arimi m l. tìm ^ h e a m a r te flte x M iH m rtl S ||s m w m ■ i m ia m Pi M p p li® V.'î:; Silk W rajgBigJM 9 £ § J ¡¡W n ( S f ili , ; "¡S»®» XvRAdUHMIm ^WtoF'. .,»RBpRIMp m z » i >4v L g 1 mm — n— M i ■'itmSs. a-e >:>5 mis W m w vÊ m ro vm g ' ffigfc acheai driMrmal tot») SON»people Lynn Shoemrt, Rlverview High Editor’« Nate: This it the lin t ia a aeries ef three ar­ era candidate, went to tbe Ivory Coast Barbara Jean “I look at fidaWMk a» basic­ ally symbolic. ” through** B aratte» wmo an MlÍ¡Ü m SS9tS TWeumm ÍÉÉÉíÍkÉ edha FaireMM Jar t e t e anther- 5CBOOI. Coordinator for the creative scbfliarshiM. Dr. Mtm A. B E n T a S l thte award wto- MÉ. Dr. » H I P p : ticles ftsrrW to tbe Opera- Hume, Alexandria, Va., sei . The Nigerian work project n e frite , head of the Sprach 'm ri.werid b«aii»nncad with­ tin C rtim adi Africa pro­ lor, went to I tg t. And Fred lasted for fitetoMfc* with tbe Mi' no fronrn in in aate to * weeks. gram to wbieh MSU students Lewis, former student from De­ students of MR cultures build­ Ia a t imbteed tettert -de have participated. troit, went to Western Nigeria. ing the badtv-aaadod steDs a t and rialr faculty advisers by Dann Fred 8¡ Mähtet «f anateratitt. Dr. Nat Eek ef h A dr Tbe Nigerian grepp consist­ a steep grade haring 'flu te * from B Boyne me CeHage ef Ceuunmleatiett dsnertment | A leading program for im­ ed of 14 Americana ( il men main road tat Achina to the vil­ Oiy. Btegatuck and Hofland. la te * "Wema fage te P proving international relations and 4 women) and I t Nigerian lage water supply to a valley, la is Operation Crossroads Africa. college men. Together these Oufatradtog in the below. early were the yaekem- Dr. Eek, director for fhe Urt- Begun ia 1958, it has doubled students built 280 cement steps The group also worked in rid tch ( n a p had regist- in size In its attempt to shew as part ef their work project of tet high school ten* verifty Theatre protection ef aearfry town of Naaka planting the students were taken in comprtttion for the “Dr. Faustus”, included to the Africa that the American peo­ James H. Robinson, Director trees and W ditches with en tours of the University fa­ ple do care about their future at Crossroads Africa to N.Y., new creative scholarships to demonstration scenes from the a Nigerian had been cilities by members of MSU theatre. production, taken from the and friendship. planned the summer work pro­ working aon this project for Players sad tbe theatre honor­ According to Homer D. Hig- jects to give the students some­ 20 years, . These finalists were: Karen angles of a first reading to jbe thing to do. ary, lhate Alpha PM. Kanjen, Grand Ledge High finished produet. bee, Assistant Dean of the In­ Speaking ef the results of tho Memoer* vi lo t umveritty ternational P r o g r a m , 208 Higbee said that Robinson MM---- School; B r y a n Carpenter, Jade Byers, costume design­ program, Miss Morris, Chic­ ' Groves Ifigh-Schoet» Birming­ er for the show, illustrated his American students from all also wants the Africans to ago. 111., senior, said: over the country traveled to learn the dignity of labor, re­ ham; JuHe Lootens, Corunna explanation of costuming with “As a group, we accomplish­ High gchsel, Bancroft; Chilton tbe step by step putting togeth­ Africa last summeh gardless of educational status, ed quite a tot by working and Five of these representatives and wants to develop interna­ living with different personali­ equipment U p procesase af the Caantegbam, Ann Arbor High er of his most outstanding were MSU students. Two coeds, tional friendship through a per­ ties. We straightened out some costume room, scene shop, School; Sue Morris, Sorthwes- creation for “Dr. Faustus,” the Mary Cline and Patricia Mor­ son to person relationship. Anna Theatre, and the f r a High School, Flirt; and gown ef the Duchess at AaholL of the stereotyped impression* ris, went to Nigeria together. However, in viewing the we have of the Africans ted Three other MSU students work project in relationship to they have of us.” went to other parts of Africa. the rest of the program, Higbee Miss Cline, Auburn, lad., Ann Baker, Glencoe, HI., Mast* said: J senior, said that tbe success of HOW MUCH?—Gay Firth, Detroit sealer, examines a DUE CHRISTMAS the program proved that cul­ tures can transcend their poli­ ceramic piece made by Gretchea Fooler, East Laastag STORE HOURS Executives Don’t tical allegiances. % Art Graduate stodeat. Tie piece is M g shewn to her by “ I think'we proved the point i James Dram, Augusta, Maine, Art Industrial Design that people can live and work Major. ARE O O l Men’s Shop together,” tee said. “We made • REGULAR Die ‘Early Death’ friendships that are just as strong as the cement steps we built” Christmas Sale HOURS Good news for those who tion, yielding a standardized Higbee said it is important to plan on entering the upper mortality ratio af 44 per cent, show the Africans thrt educat­ M aaiay echelons of the executive. You a considerably more favorable ed Americans sire not afraid to won’t become a “harried and experience for tbe executive work hurried man drivetTtoexOrably peoples. and will do so for other' Show at Kresge Tuesday toward an early death.” than that of males of similar “Crossroads Africa has its Thursday own way of presenting a Now is the time to get that tiie art department to promote Actually, according to a ages,” they said:—-s" graphic example of “it can be unusual Christmas gift for a next w ar’s sale show. 'T ü Êêj " - - study reported in a publication Coronary heart disease was dope.’ Here’s a living, walking special someone—or for your­ Ann who knows, you might ' of the American Medical As­ the chief cause of death among example," he said. self. \ t:; purchase the work ef a bud Saturday sociation, the mortality rate tbe executives, tbe authors The students chosen for the Running now through Christ­ Picasso or a potential among executives was found to said, 1mA the occurrence is Crossroads program must be mas Eve, or until all works are be lower than that among the “probably not excessive.” carefully selected, Higbee said. sold, botii art students and general male population. to The favorable mortality of It ta k e rs special person to be faculty members are showing In the study, conducted by these executives is probably able to live successfully in a their art work at the Second 5-^e Robert M. Thorner, M.P.H., related to a high standard of culture as different frojn ours Annual Christinas Sale Show at and E. -L. Urumpacker, M.D., living and good medical care, as Africa is. r~ Kresge Art (tenter. Washington, P.C., 451 male ex­ they said. .—— L Those students chosen are Prints, paintings, sculpture BOWL HIM O W L with Alfred Dunhili’s ecutives of one of the major They added that the stress generally abort 20 years old, in and ceramics may be purchas­ E V E R Y WEDNESDAYS industrial corporations in the encountered by this group is good health, mentally stable, ed on the spot and carried off 12 NOON new pin bottla toiletry set • • • miniqtura ncountry were checked.on every often cited as something which adequate students and with out­ by the buyer. Aa pièces are ~ year for a period of ten years. would cause death at an .early side interests. sold new ones will be put out C O L L E G E J TO bowling pins of gleaning black glass filled ' If the executives had experi­ age. The' program is entirely priv­ to take their places. enced the mortality expected “However,” they added, ately financed and costs be­ A large selection of works is t P Ji. ~ among the general white male “one may counter this argu­ tween $1,800 and $1,700 per stu­ S T U D E N T • % with 4-ounces of After Shav* and 4-ounces population in the United States ment by saying that stress, dent Each student pays at available to choose from atrt reasonable prices vAflwpMhse OPEN . of comparable age, 25 deaths like beauty, is in the mind of least half of this expense. would have occurred, the re­ the beholder.. The wage earner „ The MSU searchers said jn the current who worries about a layoff may tended orientation sessions on representatives at­ the pockefbook. The Kresge art gallery is needs this EVERY of Cologne for men. The sportsman's set, open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5.00, plus tax. Archives of Environmental feel as much or more stress Health. campus throughout s than the executive wbo fears term and in Washington, D.C. weekends. “Actually 11 executives died tbe loss of a 850,000 a year a week before flying to Africa. p r i n g 5 p.m. and from 2 to 3 p.m. on book WEDNESDAY NIGHT Men’s Shop — 210 Abbott Road — East Lansing during the period of observa- job.” - '" V Both Miss Cline and Miss Last year’s sale met with im­ Morris said they felt toe pro­ mediate rad enthusiastic re­ gram had great personal value sponse and was a highly suc­ Only 10 more fur them. cessful venture, according to Miss Cline who hopes to work Robert Alexander, MSU, art in­ in international relations after structor. days of the r graduate study said: “It'w as our first such sale “The underlying motive in and over 1900 worth of pieces term left. my going to Africa was -to see were sold/’Jbe said. — if I could live in a situation Equal response is expected Get your clothes like this, and I was satisfied again this Christmas. cleaned at with tbe outcome. I have a bet­ Proceeds of sales will go to ter understanding of myself the artists, but a 20 per cent and how I react in various situ­ commission wiU be taken by toincrease Rockei Seeks hisabilityto LOUIS before you am ations. R let me find out if 1 suited to work in interna­ go home. tional relations.” Miss Morris who plans on CIsaatr aid getting an MA in guidance and counseling and then returning to Nigeria to teach said: Radiation learn “I grew ■. , ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY • N ew ark, M*w iw » * y mm Hü «Ut » Hmwm® ÆtteSWtewfcaBteHwB i | í p | gÍB papasS f c i r ■msum m I s*«> ■ K mp 1 Nan- 5 m iÆmm H » l i IM I M H U ü ü p» ü |p I A Em pM an: Jadfia * -I ■^“ .DeoateGaa-T David Jae- * i m. this Ctiusttiutkori Convention ' ."tmk fH pM ntoiddM ; p» i « I » K ^ i h e Bible Lata JO Twentieth Century,” Bat Ba B C U U Vv 'H U B m w m «raiMdniiliv fitfb '' ^Uri^teíbAi^hH éÍMÉmHiBHÉnm — f i W C U «YmSaWÎIp ** -P n i l M -S ■Pïi lived to a dormitory with Rus­ board, and Modi be la q w S ilt ; By lois GOOM HH He traveled with the group of tot the ' «xacutioAÉj of ite The MEA AnM rtate * Moscow State sians and other Americans P M 1 » A g jto g . lïittrifîi#l S’il that the leg Uafcrpnpy to old historiad i Two professors far the bu* Russian cities near Moscow, Kaplan s a M ta a f tad fila experience of fcaéwing what fi is Bke for an American to live Yauag Seriated Club d iy / to * p -m ^A it M M Tbe MBA m msffita Is Escretive See- system of ' public tchspte, and rdfilda fito present provisions Hiv« 'fog i maritie*. department, : Charta visiting d f «tort a , mona­ •Union. , lÉÊSÈxÊm retary R Prie Kenuedÿ, to rogardtog Mkhigan Stste Hirschfeld and Frederick J, steries and museums. to , the Soviet Uaion and Ito Sigma Alpha RSto;- H theboSrd E l s I M U VC V i M M a mfr Mtchigsn, and Wayne State Kaplan, have. resumed1teach­ He also visited ctties in Geor­ ing d etai l spending thé « 't a » , after gia. Adzerbajan, Armenia and acab ale Crimea and went over the treated'as ap Ameri what foto. Bke1for a Raeslaa to live to fito Soviet Uatof. ? 7 p.m.. Art room, Union. flNpHHSPlplI - Tuesday, 4 pm ., Study te ta m ta n , aad universities of The association racommoMh lim i _ year ia 'ttd y a ta Jtaria. re­ Georgian Military tBgbway by "It is not a periety to which hour. University ItfW jn ed, however, thgt a governing spectively. '/ v^ ^ ï £K. • •*•'-•- a H p p p S one can learn very much by CtottrA. f s g g g l W -CM ÉaMI ü i looks upon board ef fix members, appoint­ ürsaie la b W art ffirschfeld wedt to tiié Euro* He visited Leningrad, Kiev observation,” he said “No ea- Wesley F e u a ta ta m$Wednes­ ed by tbe Governor, ho estab­ couragement ia given one day, 7 a m. Communion, lished for each of the remain­ VrtftilfiF OIumImt IWAta —1?UllBfe to ri Odessa and toured an auto­ ing degree-granting colleges WmUHIW mobile fa ita . i* Moscow and waria-to'gffi-'.Batew the Breakfast, 7:38 . J j '•luJlYCrSlUfif IB tunB'Tlitutsinan uVllttlfl ggp UMf Bologaa Center oo a _ face.” . *. ' BgWBlffj Scieuce Orgaatzatta aOQ MiCIiI^mi. - a collective farm outside Mos­ P i Lectureship. He toctwred o l po­ cow. . He s«id Russians are curious — Tuesday, 7 pm ^ SM6u6* litical, social, aad literary as­ I He said that some cities are ritolto what Americana ama, ■ lato. ' | , mW m. pects of 20th eeatury American ctaed to foreigners and all ' civilization. : ■ Americans are confined to a Kaplan did researdTTn B*»- rtU in m tar radius ef Moscow. sian history at MMeow State Students are considered per­ what it caste them to five, aad what they know about R a ta l “They know toeir informa­ tion is controlled and their Latberaa Stodeat Orgarimtiea t - Wednesday, 7 a.m., Ifohr Communion followed by light A wagon drawn, by «a* white atmosphere was created by breakfast. University LiltiW- horses was seen' an Grand Riv­ snow covered mountains, a HENRY'S HAMBURGERS University on a grant from the manent foreign residents of knowledge uf the U n I i t d aa Church. •% ■,- •• er Friday night n i l traffic roaring fire mid huge pine Intertmiverstty Committee on Russia, he paid, and as resi­ States limited,” he said, “but trees. lights and speeding auto* as Hie couples danced to the Travel which administers for dents are issued internal pass­ they would not express doubts MSU coeds picked up their music ef Buddy Spangler’s the U S. government the ex­ ports which allow than to about toe essential structure ef L a n s in g L a w y e r d ata. band dressed to heavy sweaters H e n r y ’s change of scholars with tbe So­ travel. They must, however, ob­ its attitude tow ard the Soviet The occasion for tbe «aunta aad ski pants. viet Union. X tain permission from several Union.” T o S p e a k T u e s d a y scene was a rid party sponsor­ At midnight came reality, Hirschfeld said his students offices and register dates and He said be found the Russian s e ll ta s ty ed by the Kappa Gammas." horses mid wagon turned into were a highly selected group of times of arrivals and depart­ people to be deliberate and Stuart J, Dunnings Jr., Lan­ Dates were taken to toe so­ cars and students hurried to Europeans who were working ures in tite passports. disciplined to ordinary every sing attorney, will speak on the rority house whore a rid lodge reach the 1 o’clock deadline. H a m b u rg e rs for masters degrees or were in While to Moscow, Kaplan behavi role of the defense counsel ,at training for foreign service or the Alpha Phi Sigma, police ad­ these planes might be need for jobs in international busi- ministration honorary, meeting Katanga against Katanga. b y th e Mi#*—-v Hirschfeld also lectured on 20th century American civiliza­ A rch ite ctu re M in d fu l Tuesday night— The meeting will be held at 7:90 p.m. to 32 Union. (Continued from Page 1) “We shall shoot down any unannounced aircraft,” he said. “In the cease-fire agreement M illio n s , tion at the American Studies “The meeting is open cod Kimba said be had come (0 It area clearly stated that the o n ly 1 5 c Seminar r t Nh>e-on the French Riveria in -July.- O f Student Needs may be of special interest to an aceem ent with acting UN United Nations w oe not al­ preJaw majors,” James Palm­ Chief George Ivntf Smith that lowed to fly over Katanga. Any He traveled to various ports 't By PAUL BURBAGE sity’s plans-for a number of er, publicity chairman, said. both «idea withdraw their aircraft used for normal pur­ of Italy during Sts lectiircritfn projects to its attempt to uc Of the State News Staff .1 commodate troops from the main artery poses such as flying to supplies there and. then spent a month the rising need for and epos the road to normal or flying out troops will not be in Switzerland in the summer Surroundings free for thought facilities tor more students. C a r ib b e a n G a b transport. attacked.” after his assignment was com­ and protected from outside to; He arid that every struc­ Kimba was referring to the pleted. terferences . . . ture erected here can be W U 1 S h o w M o v i e S tate earlier had deoertoed cease-fire agreement that fol­ He said he was fascinated That’s what the University called contemporary because Kirabs’a firent to UN p l a n lowed the September fighting -with Italy and that the Italian aims for to planning for the toe newest materials and The Caribbean Club will as a very grave atat— sint. between UN and Katanga people are friendly and gen­ campus, says Harold W. techniques available are us­ show a movie on the Virgin Is­ Asked abeet tote tercet, forces that ended to A stale­ erous. .. ’ Lautner, head of ptenatog. ed. • - lands at its regular meeting Kimba said he had been to- mate truce. "Each area of Italy is diCer­ “Architecture ia a matter of In his office Lautner keeps a Tuesday t p.m. in parlor A formed to ri 12 er M UN nte- Katanga police, issued rifles One Block Weat of Brody ent," he said. “Even the bread personal taste, as is any other map of tbe campus which Union. Anyone interested to ernft had haan tennatoqud rad grenades, blocked toe changes from city to city.” form of art,” he said. “It shows concentric circles that knowing about these American from LeepeMvflto to L a ta : roads with tree tranks, drums Hirschfeld said be considered evolves through time as does measure distance to terms of islands to the Caribbean is urg­ benrg, In nrighheriaf Kasai and heavy rocks and turned on Michigan Avenue r “his experience in Italy a great fashion to ctothta.” — walking time. The smallest ed to attend. Prmhsee, aad A at ha feared back all traffic. help to him to making what he Lautner explained that circle encompasses, miny of There will be coffee after is teaching to class more real buildings on a campus need „ tbe classroom buildings. Ten the meeting. to Ids students because he has different architects far sev­ minutes is the walking time M » , hv ataeemeri eftrees, seen a lot of the things first eral reasons, sue ef which is from one point to. any other hand. ^ toe special fmactiea ef each within that circle. and the arrange­ He visited the Greek ruins building. The ring around the class­ ai toe hnfldtoga to each at Paestum and saw Renis- He said that architects spec­ room group contains existing He said he feela that the na­ sance and baroque patottof ialise. Some become experts to parking faculties, some r t a tural growth mallowsjodjcom- and architecture. * . ptouutog mg$cfl centers, oth­ deoce halls and tbe m ost fre­ pliments n building, riving tt n “Jtist traveling through Italy ers to tteignteg dormitories. quented labs. G M M k tc h e r ’s G u id e is to itself a liberal education.” The University now employs .Surrounding tbe outer circle often unique flavor and sritentog an P ra te n te d b y P fiH M a ll Fa m ou fi C ig a re tte » he-said. "It is a living encyclo­ five different firms. are the remaining dorms, the harsh and overpowering pedia of the past of western While tbe University is faced less frequented labs and the appearance. civilisation.” with the problems of using toe terge parking areas. Kaplan said he saw things to existing buildtogs, space aad ed,The is Idea Laateer explain- to reserve the center FOR SHOW TIME Russia cud) the former estates available funds, he said the! to of the former nobility «hat were as many cu es as possible plan­ trhffie, Vetring ef campus for DIAL ED MU7 helpful to Urn fa an historian. atogii ts done with the student to He teaches Russian history as mind. ears to a minimum. i jotiww told of the Univer- While tt takes more than tea S I A T E • wen as humanities. minutes to come from Brody Hall to Berkey Hall, oacn in­ side toe tea m touiedrcle, the NOW SHOWING 1 student can reach other class­ es in a short time. Adatta Me He told of plans for btdJdte ! HAMBURGER HEAVEN two multi-level parking ramps, the first to be built sooth of Shaw HaU, which will ultimate­ Xwvb ntMODRanwi . fsr Children ly boose space for UN cars. Forelga Films . Í . W R . E X P E C T V A IÜ E T Y Lrataar arid «hat fits com- The Beat la iwu denominator sf ths varted ...ANDYOUCETIT. ai rifinì final ranga r i caapna Shawn At TtM • ftlfr c u iff lB P s t r e e t a c r o s s fro m f r a n d o r Ha exp W aadttri--------- INGMAR BERGMAN’S ara risen nrity In tnrw ri atei NBWIBf a m IfW M W N v d sew " w a tt n in iA m m i« m§@@G3 @°The importance of head control F a ll M a lik % |flh|rn| m ild n e ss R H STARTS FRIDAY I to y o u r ta s te ! Cool. «toan OUteiC»After Shave tohoncdway# V, i So .ffiMDORLfifi' «•ts you oH *> a fast, w*oo*h Mort. W ib V » AFTER SHAVC bd gnidhfiiiiiiÉfit goodtefwewi atawes m tj does öfter ig p ft: S tet A-OK »Mi p p i U O N d U S pi* «etc LOTION im r . ' ' * H U jb » o w Ib # W w S È f 1i W ; ë ,S I;g ■m Ü K l f e . . « p a a a a v i 3 ¡m ¡i Crossword Puzzle » raro n tjliù j a a o a B est H ouseholder ¡n a n o liija a a n a a « liW P J I , a a a c jc s u a a Q B 3 led display ad la r I. Hetfecqn; «.Part of ■n a a u n a n u a - □e aann nanoo O 0 ( * I3 0 3 3 O t lO J T o R eceive P la q u *' « « n « » ^^^fggk «M k I. Belgian (E D U a a 3SK323 o a # .jS w S p :i .commun« | i tte^en^rong«emms nan a unoau 11 Topaz hum. □ 0 3 3 3 f 50lii n a '3 W p o w a r* m in g b m T IX Diminish m p a u ié ' aaourtu a a n ♦:33! gradually 40. S e a a a o t % , nana aran asaa T YW ST JTO P I M O W N , f D M W . conflict 4 tt n w l oriaa »na aooa «A 327-4514. Electric ty p ewriter. Tams p a g a n e n d 41 Vriiiela the year. G l A D M E R theses, el»» tf 4 « h u r t « ha m Union. Available change. C i wptete tuneup. Open 2 4 -M a g tlW aoM holder who has matatatoad e hours. D a v e s F u n O H . *0 *0 E B r and 34. F a c ilita ta * t. V lg o ro u » ' Ì r ó j B M W & 0 9 .1 Ait. 4 - d a a r far winter term, C e R E O 2-1)17. §0 River. Ip g y & llS » 31. Attrita* 1 aadrahuit ‘horn* - away - frotn-horoe” a© ,e frn , j stende r« . tmnenwrrion. flood 1454 STREAM LETS, «>41, dean. DOWN 4. S im ia n mospfaera «a evidenced by C arpeted living mam, ip xcie« tltchcn, P E R S O N A L O A t A fanne. S m m s amt T.Caaegraiiif t l - « hcetgf. Excellent condition. ED 2- bedroom, bathroom. O n let E 24 M o ­ LO S T and FO U N D renerei typing. Offset printing, pleetic 1. O r ie n ta l physical improvements and/or bile H a m « M anor. R e ady to move in. binding e n d typaxnttm*. V r w d t Brafte lu ta • S m a ll n o d hnmehrfW jitnliint tela- m issio n s Im C O IV E T T E . W h it, .11, H i Low dawn payment. 355-3114 * r am L O ST . L A D IE S '“ gold Swiss watch, Service, 6720 S i t M U d g * * . U m M f . ». T w ilig h t t i o n i h i D S ft f * 1 O lia tc a inset* black interior, 2 4 5 HP, 4 rpeed, far lerry, EO 2-4879. " • SO Phone 4 » » t o i f c r ^ V *f Thotoas A. Dutch, bearing 21000 m il«. Excellent aandition. IV 4. 7 l f 4 eitrt 5 p.m. .' SO ST A R , 10*4S, 2 bedroom, creellent TyPINB m ACPto£H4L to eromaa condition. Vacant, will deliver ht Lan- LO ST. © Ia n « , black heme, whit» with '1 0 ycen secretarial .experience. |948 F O R D . 2-doer, V I, radio, heat­ ting. O L 5-242«. SO cere lettered Or. Richard Kertzic, D e ­ TU 2 4 7 » , a tf er,* excellent condition, best offer. troit. Diana Kupiec, 355-4421. 47 3sf 4236. 47 M O V IN G ? bacai rtet* nationwid e LO ST TWO W E E K S eflo. Seefllc Far free ertimele cell Kevin Welsh, on fito part of oar off-aunpag l*5 t E N G L IS H FO R O . Perfect. p u p p y la vicinity o f H aver’» Shop your Am erican Red vaR M o v in g C o m ­ householders to not only im­ N a d s motor work. First offer, aver $300 P A R K IN G S P A C I S far r« a tJ > across from M a cD o n a ld s. Black, tan, pany itp rerenterive. IV 1 2 2 4 2 . 4* prove their housing fodHtteg, 31. C a t c h « * trims It. 355-022« from 8-5 p m . ED 2- term. 3 block» from Union. $10 end white. Two smell white markinflt 89{3 evening* and weekends. „50 quarter ED 2-3634, on beck, white tip an tail. W earing TYPIST.' 355-4610, Electric "type­ o n » ’* but to do more in tbe way of e leather end chain colter, ED .2-0433. writer. T rim papers, there*, general attention nunktod students fed more at 33. C h ie f #451 N A S K Mydrometie, -no rust H O U SES typing. ' SO 34. C o n t a in e r * home. (cfrne from Utah), new battery end taiyip c, flpod tires. $85. 355-7775. SO C O L L E G E M A N desire* to rtiei* '• T Y P IN G . I y ear* experience or M S U 34. P it a b a n Householders were notified of furnished ranch home with 3 gr#d rtu- P ER SO N A L rccrctary. Term papere, th e *« , general. IT. Girl mâtage the award last week, Dutch 2*55 P L Y M O U T H 4. 2-door, radio, dents for winter term or rest o f school E O 2 - 4 t a sdter 6 m m , 47 rtudent» said Thursday, and already the belter, manual shift. Carefully mem- year. 337-O ISI efter 6 p.m. 4? St. M i r t h T W IS T E R S recommend northeastern housing office has received taifled by ©nc-owner. $145. ED 2-5326 or 955-6513. 44 F O R E M E R G E N C Y reason», will rent for very reasonable rate, beautiful M ic h ig a n s Swing Bowl, I S m it« so ith af Alperu» on U.S. 23. 47 TR A N SPO R TA TIO N 4 0 .T H fle 41. E x te n d e d several letters from off-campus students recommending their M IC H IG A N C H R I S T M A S I U S charter » New 4 L P u b lic - 35 O L D S , A door sedan, new brakes, house. 3 bedrooms, large Ihrlng room, householders. battery and fuel pump. Clean tnterier- dining room, garage. Family er fac­ b u f b o d y 1 rusted in p le c « . Excellent ulty. I block from Berkcy. Evenings York, Jersey, D ecember IS. D on't be left out) Inquire ham • « v e . 355-4310. - v e h ic le 43. M o r a y 44. P e r io d An electrical engineering Jun­ s*art*TMNMNW transportation. $125. CaU ED 2-8351 E 0 2 4 3 2 3 . efttr I p.m. - SO 44 A rt Lipton. $0 A A A C A L I F O R N I A , S w tt lc , V aga*, o f ligh t «T. N o t e o f io r wrote: “She (the householder) never SUPER m s m BET APARTM ENTS bast 4Ì0 V X M C «. Alaska, $100. N o G m - the sca le > f n i T R IU M P H T R I, hardtop, néri wida DrivmAway, 0 4 00 Gratiot, D a- forgets nor neglects ‘her boys’ siró eurtains. new battery, axcallent W A N T E D , third man to share opart trait W A h m t G 2070. 2 4 baut*. 50 in any way, often surprising us condition. $1075. IV 5-0354. 50 m e n t W m ter and spring terms. ED 7- at dinnertime with one of bar — tt«4 T R IU M P H TR-3. Show room 0544, ask fas Louis. 41 N ew York. N ew Jersey, Dee. tS. V e ts A s s o c ia tio n -freshly made, delicious pies SEE AN ALL-DAT U N F U R N IS H E D - with garage, I .M Ò R T I Returning b y Jan. 2. Safe driver, . for dessert . , . and is an in­ PREVUE OF THESE condition. $1445. 2309)4 -So. Pennsyl­ MUÍ A T vania. IV 5-4314. 50 M ock from campue. Air-conditioned. seat belts, 155-1134, efter 5 p.m. 332- E le c ts M a c k K in g spirational leader to her stu­ Personnel or staff m ember«, E D 2-2782 0716. - 47 TWO FEATURES 160 V A U X H A L L 4 door, excellent evenings. 50 dents and takes a high interest litien. Radio, heater, windshield T o 7 -M a n B o a rd in their academic world.” Shown Wed. 1:00,-4:59 iers. O X 3-2885 after 5 p.m. 50 A P A R T M E N T * Furnished. Private en­ T h e Veterans Association compare? How do other householders 8:59 PAL trance, two rooms and bath. Lady, ne 9 * V O L K S W A G O N , sun reef, blue, smoking. Utilities paid, $70. ED 2-1274. vcr} good condition M ust sell. C all membership elected M a c k “This is a chance for any off- IV A -4 4 1 3 . 50 King, a Lansing junior major­ campus student to submit a THE L A W ... F U R N IS H E D 2 rooms, ground floor, ing In industrial design, to tbe recommendation,” Dutch said, T R A V E L IN G , need to sell I4 S S Ford private bath, entrance, garage. M a r­ V f . automatic, power steering, radio. ried couple or 2 students, W ill help S T U D E N T S S T U D Y IN G in Mexico vacancy on the 7-man execu­ “tilling us bow their house­ THE L A W L E SS. winter 1462, will meet in the A rt Room, tive board. holder has made theirs a bet­ 3595506. $675. 44 car* for small child. E D 2-S762. “ 50 3rd Floor, Union, W ednesday, Dec. k r All decisions for tbe Veterans ter home.” THE L O V E R S ... — EM PLO YM EN T W O M A N G R A D U A T E student to 7:30 p.m. <7 Aron, are made by tbe board to Deadline for all letters Is share apartment d o se to campus with conjunction with the President, T E L E P H O N E S E L L IN G . E d u t . t o , , ! 2 others. 337-1440 after 8 p.m. 48 C A R O L M A U S and D O N O L S O N pleas* come to the State News Brace Geodbafne. The Associa­ Wednesday. They may be sent course. W ork here or at home. $5 per F U R N IS H E D APT. 3 lerge rooms, office, Room 347 Sttfdant Services tion, with 900 members, is the to the Housing Office, 2S8 Stu­ hour commission for those willing to private entrance, wall to wall carpet, Btdg- for two free passes to the Crest largest group on campus and dent Services. make the cellt.„Alsb, collector needed gas heat, adult*. Very reasonable. 402 is dedicated to the social wel­ The plaque, which has been English Institute, IV 5-3111, morn nqs. E a st'M id d le St.. Williamston. 44 F O R T H E FIN E ST in danca music fare and betterment of man ordered, will be awarded at APPRO VED, furnished. 3 boys, it’s Jack Braun, Bobby Stevens, Ron coming back to campus after 2 the end of this term by Jade beautiful. Available Dec. 15. IV 2-6677 English, plus m any athers. Phone the or «nora years of active duty to Seibold, assistant housing di­ after 6 pjn. ; *» T 44 Bud-Mor Agency. TV 2 0624. n af tbe military. rector in charge of off-campus U N A P P R O V E D , for V r it e n . ‘fttftn fT $36 monthly each. ED 2-8386. 42. Sue fo r LAYAW AY ROOMS 3 B E D R O O M B R IC K ranch, $1500 211 E. G rand River. A pproved hour down. Assum e G l mortgage. Phene ng. $5 per week. 332-2644. 4) B illio n s pwner, IV 2-7024.________ 47 C H R IS T M A S M A L E . Share double room. Ap. E A ST L A N S IN G . 1812 M etros*, proved, 3 blocks from Union. Parking, three bedroom ranch. Priced below E D 2-3634. ~ SO F . H A . ' appraisal. Small down pay­ W IL L IA M H. TH O M PSO N ment. ED 2-2433 50 M E N . Quiet, single a n d /o r. double room. Separate ^entrance, bath ap­ E A S T L A N S I N G 3 bedroom- ranch JEW E LER proved. W inter term. 222 Beal St. with fireplace on beautifully landscaped ED 7-4510 after 5 p.m. _49 100x150 lo t In Sylvan setting. Full CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS FRANDO R, M A LL COURT attic for expansion, I X c a r-ga ra g e . HIGH READERSHIP O N E - PR IV A T E room for male stu­ Com plete this bargain at $19,500 cash ...L O W C O ST... ~ dent. M odern, parking, breakfast or can b * F H A financed. E 0 7-9305. available, reasonable. IV 2-7466, if M a b le Sylvester, Investment Realty. SO C H R IS T M A S TREES - carefully shear­ no answer call after 6 p.m. 49 ed scotch pine 1’ to 20'. C u t any tree for only $2.50. 2850 College Rd. I)i SERVICE JO H N miles south jof Cavanaugh Rd. Open -every weekend, 50 SPART AN H A L L S C O T C H . RED PIN E and spruce. $1.50 and up. 2619 E. Mt. Hope. Third 215 L O U I S " L O W C O S T c o p i« ef dess, notes, rough drafts and printed material. W ón ch G raphic Service, 1720 E. M ic h i­ ON ALL RECORDS, DIAMOND NEEDLES, WAYNE L .B L O C K FRÖ Ü T C A M P U S gan, Lansing, Phone 484-7786. tf house west of Evergreen Cemetery. 50 TYPIST. Professional, experienced in RECORDING TAPE O N E T H IR D caret diam ond engage­ le rooms ava ment and matching wedding rmgs, theses, manuscripts: publication*. C o l­ both with small diamonds. $100., 6-7 p.m. ED 7-7669. 47 warm rooms lege graduate. Electric elite. E D 2- 5546. T Y P IN G done including term papers 47 disc shop H I G H C H A I R $6. Maternity clothes sizes 10 and I I . $1 to $5. Call IV- 4- and theses. 482-6813. 50 3363. 48 T Y P IN G . M anuscript, term papers, etc, CaU ED 2-0570. 50 LA T E M O D E L Kenmore automatic washer in excellent condition. 355-8211. S EE A N D T R Y S P E C IA L "4 9 TH E NEW CAM PUS C LA SSIFIED S C H R IS T M A S BONUS LA8T 2 DAYS SMITH-CORONA Compact Office Electric IN CASH th* Raw Medal Eltttra 12 ( 1 L - Whenever you leave town* HttaM-maonr . sa to « « » « uutt [Mins mm* cuts m m carry money only you can Based on the nomi By PAUL l WEU.UWI COLON by OC LUXS For Offteo e o i P g fa q il Itos OWNER PROVEN spend: Bank of America ComsniaacQgWC M00 MILES FREE DRIVING Travelers Cheques. Loss- THE FABULOUS 1962 RENAULT proof, theft-proof, cashed Economy J P r M n f • Luxury Styling only by your signature. f HOPE L it SANTA apd Us Sold at banks ovoiywhere. TURNER STARTS THURSDAY w o rk ers h elp y o u n u k e y e a r choice at CIIttingCBWtm*«miagsiaa JA M S EW G E- J tid H ü r iQ N j tm s p tm s s 1105 E* MK3DGAN ß : IV' 1:19, 2:11» S:25, 7:35, 9:45ry.m, WtxL 3:95,7, OPEN MON, - WED. - FRL T IL 9 HIP" I• ?wtëfflmm!SÊsâ V — -V' iW ' ■ *4 1 ENJOYING THE refreshments at, “MBsty," the Students OffCampus Christmas Party Friday evening at Ike Lansing Coantry Clab are, J in Pence, Lansing irphranic add Pat Yedag «C Lansing. —State News Phot® by Dave Jaehnig. Varsity Drive In _ 1227 E. Grand River OpM Every Day >, - DsUvtry Sanies M" ' 5,1 8:30 p.m. 1:30 a.m. • YO U CAN BE Sunday 5:00 p.m. • 1:30 a.m. a 2-6517 ASSURED O F CORAL SABLES’ CORDUROY T H IS — SUIT IL F O R N O The Name th at Made Pizza Famous in Lansing HOLIDAY DANCES and par­ REGULAR CMS NOW OPEN AT 1 1:00 A. M. ties are the seeid evens of the Serving Snacks - Sandwiches - Luncheons - Dinners 95 C hrbtqw season as the sto- deats aear find exams. Orga­ Only *22 _Also Catering to Private Parties - Banquets - Meetings ^ nizations eaaspas wide began the social whirl last wetlan d LEN KOSITCHEK’S Visit O ur R athskeller^ as Christmas comes early te Open 5 p.m. Daily the Spartan. —State News VARSITY SM P „ ‘ Phone ED 7431r ~ Photos hr Dave Jaehnig. 22* Abbott East Lansing Complete Take-Out Service Shop For Study S E C O N D T E R M B A S IC Aids & Outlines S T U D Y G U ID E S * A c c o u n tin g * A lg e b r a *1 BY LANSING AREA children d ie are anticipating the holi­ days ad various stadcat groups across campos ipw iar * A rt Christmas p e r te foe the youngsters. —State Nera Photo * B u s in e s s . byFarilReiny. ACADEMIC PUBLISHING * C h e m is try - * E c o n o m ic s Peggy and her N O W A V A IL A B L E * lite ra tu r e Fine Staff of ] Hair Styüats J * L anguage FOR With AU o f JJ * M a th e m a tic s You • ••• W¡. .—air«H* * P h ilo s o p h y * P o litic a l S c ie n c e Owner-Manager MAT so 181- 182 HUMANITES - 241 - 242 * P s y c h o lo g y a h 111-112 S0O A LSQ EN C Ë 231 - 232 * P h y s ic s g . HAPPY Hr fSell Your Textbooks HOLIDAYS DOW N STAIRS J f| To The) i U n iv e r s it y •„ J N S ¿ M b ¡ ^ É ipartan Bookstore M SA LO N so? ill (EAST LANSING’S HOST MODERN SALON) 'i C w n er Aim & MAC M O N D A Y -F R ID A Y S 12 ä S ’ > iftîl'E D M U * t . "-.C. ■ _ M&Wi ■■BK9 ■■■•■íív'- fv 'W w m \ _ -''.O;