■^ Serving MSU for 52 years Wednesday Morning» December 6, 1961 12 P * « « p Ä & Ä J Ä h . 5 Cflils wmmm ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga Former Presidents Dwight Uh—Bloody fighting #«ged in D. Eisenhower and Harry S. aeveral sections of this seces­ Truman have accepted invita­ sionist capital Tuesday between tions to address the Constitu­ U.N. forces mad President tional Convention at Lansing. Moise Tshombe's r t t u w » Eisenhower will address the About 40 soldiers w en filled 144 delegates at 9:Sra.m . De­ and more than a score wounded cember U in Constitution hall, Joyce BaBsck, WUlkmsfen, N. Y., freshman, trims Case BdTi before the fighting died.. according to Edward Hutchin­ Christinas tree as the Case eeads decorate far the hettdays. The battle may be the second son (R-Fennville), a Con-Con S o fa’s famous profile leeks i t visjfera from every ernnar of round of a showdown between vice-president and a sponsor of the campus, and eelered lights sparkle from dermifary wtodewa, about 6,000 UJN. troops in Ka­ the resolution to invite the but the bright decor cavers the feeling ef a n k tjr that gees tanga and 12,000 former presidents. along witt tin t final week before exams. —State News Photo gendarmes and paratroopers. Truman is expected to ap­ by EHen Garlock. _ Each side accused the otter pear before the convention in of treachery and of beginning January. the shooting. The fighting A later resolution to invite f o r m e r President Herbert D e s p ite R e d T h r e a ts erupted after w*4»ng»* offic- ials expressed anger over a Hoover, introduced by Alvin new UJf. resolution calling Bentley (R-Owosso), was ac­ Katanga’s secession illegal, ft cepted by the delegates. It is aot yet known whether Hoover, s U se A u to b a h n was the second engagement be­ tween the two forces in three months. At Leopoldville, the UJf. will accept the invitation. H e resolution te invite the command said it had received twe former PiuaMiinfs was [- BERLIN (B-U.S. troops mount twice for head counts were four people’s policemen tatredaeed daring the Mon­ I Tuesday crossed Red-ruled but this, like the rest of the ami ~a young couple who jump­ unlimited authority to crush day evening session under bi­ [ East Germany without hindr­ trip, was m t t e . ed 96 feet into a West Berlin disorder hi Katanga from act­ partisan sponsorship. ance despite concern aroused fire department net. j— ing UJf. secretary-general u k tar vague Communist threats It was tiie warmest Dec. 5 in George Romney (R-Bloom- Lt of dangerous consequences. the 131 years that Berlin has field Hills), a vice president of Company C, 2nd battle groupr been keeping weather records. R e g is te r in g Con-Con and president of r " 6th infantry, returned to its Hie mercery was just abort of American Motors Corp., was I West Berlin bam after' four 66 degrees. Barott described MORNINQ CUASSTSS the prime mover to introduce I days of training in West Ger- the trip as perfect. L a te W ffl Bodnirlnr the resolution. Romney said that the resolu­ | many. Customs guards lit up a I t re a r a t ono K T o u r exam tion to invite the former Presi­ It arrived hrthree sections, “checkpointtree Christmas at West Berlin’s B e C o s t ly CUM tbcae u p * *04 | bravo” hi honor of m eet* hour» out* la dents would not have been in­ , each headed by a military po­ the returning Americans. Col. troduced if there had not been ll Bee jeep — 24 jeeps and trucks Students may register late XVfjF T h u rad ay Ig p Tue*4*y prior knowledge of their in- S : in an. John R. Deane, of San Fran­ M T T hF D ecem ber 14 X T T 'iF OeoensOer 1! cisco commander of the battle only until Thursday, Jan. 4. MfWThV 3:45-5:4» M TW ThF 1:30-8:30 k j- The Americans traveled a group, welcomed the men. without charge if they missed The resolution proposed that p r 116-mile stretch -of-^superhigh- President Kennedy lust week their regular regjstrutiaB per­ T htffadey a committee of five delegates | way where most traffic is con- propoeed *9 internationalizing iod, Gordon Sabine, vice presi­ D e cw ik ef 14 >:00-IO:M be named by Con-Con (resi­ I trolled by. the Communist East this piece of the highway, built dent of special projects, said UJf. officials said Kat*wg*n# dent Stephen S. Nisbet (R-Fre- f i , German regime. Tuesday. . opened fire with mortars nod UW V F rid a y a fte r . flu n d ijr mont) to arrange the time and by tbe Nazis before World War A special period will be set other arms w h e n Indian M l Dwmilir 1 MTTHF December 14 Waregaiding the East Ger* II. Though there has been no M T W T bf 10:15-12:15 M TW Tbl 1 :*#*»:3# F a rm e rs’ W eek place for the separate appear­ mans, whom the Uaited reply from Premier Khrush­ aside on Thursday, the last day Gurkha troops advanced on an ances of Eisenhower and Tru­ States dees «wt recogaise, chev, Communist press react­ of registration, for those who airport roadblock which the man. did not register «artier. F rM ay F rid ay H a s F re e m a n m Capt. William C. Barett pre- ion was negative. Walter Ul- Kafangans badpromissd to ts - D ic tn m r It Romney said that it washop- Sabine warned, however, that 3:4S-S:4S ed that the two men’s appear­ m M M Ms papara to tte Bov- bricht, East German Commun­ those who rugster after Thurs­ j\atangan m u m * charged T o H e a d P ro g ra m ist leader, emphatically reject­ Mffr Monda; M onday ances would not create a poli­ day, Jan. 4, will ha fined ad-; that UJf. troops first fired SW F ed the idea. D tm n ttll Secretary pt Agriculture Or­ tical rally atmosphere at the ditional charges up to f2S. heavy weapons on lightly «uxu- MTWTSV f pm ville F. Freeman will b* the convention. ¡slip « Tass, the official Soviet ed Katmigans. * feature speaker for the forty- aews agency, has eawmlihi - UJN. sources reported t l Ka- Tti**day The twe f o r m e r chief S ch o o l B o a rd D 4 « m i» r U D*c*mbrr t l seventh annual Farmers' Week executives have beat' .naked , ed.tltou* siepped-up Amrri* CLOUDY I H o ld s R e c e p tio n ta n g a n * HH«H fm-lnrfing ferajgn meadaBaritSr i S ^ : ^ roadblock and in an attempted Wnbutii of U Jf. headquarters. gix 4:89.14:0# 7 :»0-t:00 P « Monday Ddcembor 11 3:43-5:41 program to ha had hers nest month, t t thane of which )a “A Century of U nd Grunt Progress.” ; I F o r F a c u lty , S t a f f This announcement was made f e _ Ä e Board oÍ Education faaid w«da**d*y by Dana Thos|us K. Cowden, Ddc«nk«r 11 Chrtatmaa reception 3:4t-5:45 f 1 of Gating« of Agriculture. The v m Farmers’ Week wffl bn KiSBKSÄ B IN M p l s y W W W J 4 1 Freeman, M fii has mm* it law figure fa the Kennedy cab­ inet will appear «ft Josnaryyi. - |H R y a uBUiid « gift to He Wffl Xddrss % fi,anner»’ Week audience in tito lp v a r- sity Auditorium as a part ff iM tts ia in k — * I mí ¡;4 Mrí Si Following in the wake of jammed these discussions. People simply aren’t th at broom cloaeta, bad pushing and telephone rational after even two hours on the phone. booth staffing, we find the latest college In addition, the perpetratore of this Ut- I wotedaothavo haototedfcr « a t t m i ttw w o » ta y .if l craze-—talkathons tie tSUch of insanity have chosen a m ost had beea asked to explain whatmahas Mkhigaa StoteU eivtatey — Several MSU students have succumb­ inopportune time. The wedk before finals a graat school, Readfty, I would hsi i tasarlwrt la in a fftesrirtn o ed to the lures of thé telephone’and are is hardly the occasion for a seven-day about State’s tam ed faculty, her l iia tto l campa», t a m y blast on the telephone. oua tar education or her vastad university spaasm a attem pting to “set a record” fo r the long­ e st telephone conversation—«even days. A slight fling before finals is needed Today, 1 am as unrestrained and etelwtfsirir as I weald imve for any student to keep his bearing dur­ team hi teat previous expkaatks. I a ad . however, m qaae THE IDEA, a t best, is ridiculous. ing the grueling study and long exams. one great factor which, I have toaraed ataee my flHt a n m « In the first place why anybody would But seven days, even when different peo­ canfpus, separates IfigMga» State from teI otfaer Issfs «alvm; even want to talk th at long is incompre­ ple participate, is hardly conducive to «ties and makes it saw ef them ost rawanfing astitetioMOf hensible. Other people are interesting and higher tam ing in our nation. Tbisqae aiearate. aadjW a J t a the intense study needed for most people earlier hypothetical description, is tte frismfltaeae te tteM SU the exchange of ideas is valuable but to get good grades. there is a lim it to any discussion. campus, radiated by her students and . . . ..... It is regrettable th at so much energy ttE te u e that most colleges aad universities maintain highly It’s impossible/and slightly crazy, to as­ cannot be-channel led into better endeav­ intelligent faculties, vast educational appuaimdtlas or ic m [ sume th at anyone is really benefiting from ors. Most students at MSU are concerned campuses. Not many of them, howsrag. generate tlte ly lrt with impressing thè faculty and E ast Lan­ and warmth among their students and facutty as daos MUmgan sing residents, with th eir m aturity. They State University. . ___ It U this quality of friendliness, then, ape« i W m B a m are basing their fight for better housing the foundations of learning and participation ae vital to a tm y NotfBMteÜM ami more voice in U niversi^' policy on fine school, which,T believe, makes State great. tosan rry u m p tef it it it —. ^ _ a W i the premise th at they are m ature and ready to assume such responsibilities. The wooded'paihsi the towering lefttm p . °*d. ta n m f beautiful, massive tempos spreading m Éta e d ta r th e r m » the eye ctii see—these are the Bangs thm wemo m a n a TALKATHONS and other ridiculous passerby remark, “What a great «tovertey!” _ inventions of the adolescent mind do n°t "But 1, seeing the smiling facet, aad deeper « ifi 1he sntftag help students in this fight. One can only (marts say, “We have »,000 otter reasons far saying that MSU assume th at a student is not generally in­ is wonderful.” _ ’^ ^ ......... terested in a college education w hen.he This fountain ot learning, a small dty ta «sag. isaow my world. I lls a world at hard work aad aftoa mmVpmmmMB, wastes his tim e on such pursuit*. to be «ire. But more than that, It is a place mhato la r a truly It is like a retu rn to the frenzied days sn individual. Although 1 stand ta to e with many ethers who of the Twentiés with the mad dance m ar­ ire eager to learn and then, to the, I knew M I udB not be athons where people danced u n til they the only one to re a d the head ef the Baa, pm ffiB 1 he fell to the floor. ) left behind. A place where every s ^ h n t a p d w im asary voice As a m atter of fact, about the only irheard, where everyone Is given th e ffp o rtw lty Jf i frg J md ‘thon we have never heartTof is a study- win tte difficult but wonderful gaum at leartaag -ttaak Incb- thon. W onder why no pne starts one of igan State University. . * ;■ those?' . Letters to the Editor To the Editor: cam p u s w orld h a s a p erfectly B ravo, M r. Robson, on y o u r; a p a b le police force and c o u rt c sy stem should he tro d on th e courageous le tte r to G overnor | social m o re s of th e com m unity. Sw ainson. . As ad u lts w e know th a t th e It is ab o u t tim e th a t th e m a le - w orld is tough, c ru e l an d h a s stu d en ts o v er 21 y e a rs of age co rru p tiv e influences. We do a re recognized a s m en and n o t ; not need a g lass house to pro­ children.,! assume that m an y ; te c t us fro m re a lity o r ru le s to p K m ale students on c am p u s | p ro te c t us from ou rselv es. W e B la s ts S T N ew s th a t a r e o v e r 21 a r e v e te ra n s ; do need a little -tru s t, a lo t of a n d h av e e n d u red m a n y h ard - j u n d erstan d in g a n d a ch an ce to Te the Editori ships before a tte n d in g MSU. A s ; cope w ith our ow n ad u lt pro- T have read yoor articlf with m e m b e rs of th e a rm e d f o r c e s ,1b l e r ^ of th is a d u lt w o rld ., we w ere su b ject to m any reg- G erald M aranka some amásemete, lOSKsrteng uiat ions.- including a n o ath th a t 137 N orth W averly the “fact” that tte Mate News w e w ould give u p o u r lives to “rate» among the top Id of uphold an d p ro te c t th e dem o- * afl morning paper* ta the coun­ c ra tic prin cip les of th is g re a t try.'* It may be xml that its n ation. circulation is oae at tte highest It seem s to m e a p arad o x j in tte country, bot I don’t see a n y mention that Ito rateate is th a t we w e re a d u lt enough t o ' g iv en a n y esteem anywhere— possibly have sacrificed o u r j liv es fo r th e d em o cratic p rin ­ but perhaps hr the staff mem­ b e rs themselves. c ip le of individuality, y e t a s ; If it w ere, it w eald only be stu d en ts a t M S U -w e a re not ad u lt enough to decide w h at to-j because it w eald he typical of w e a r to d in n er o r w h ere to live. the bulk at «ewepapma around the cuantry -which" c o ncern If it w ere not for m en like them selves w ftt the type ot o u rselv es se rv in g th e ir- h itch bias ever p r a t e la tte State rig h t now, we m ig h t not h av e New», la fact. I’m s a n they a p lace to e a t d in n er, a house could «ta a primea this score. to live in o r a state-su p p o rted u n iv e rsity to a tte n d . Y et w hen The staff knows, as de the th e se m en r e tu r n to th e U niver­ readers of the State News, that sity, th e y will be tre a te d as tte mata reason tte circulation of this newspaper Is large is c h ild ren . T his is som e g re a t re ­ w a rd fo r th e p ro te c to rs of o u r not because the newspaper is co u n try to re tu rn hom e an d a t­ bo great, bat bacamo students te n d th e U n iv ersity in hopes of sore compelled to pay tar tte b e tte rin g th em selv es an d re ­ paper at registration- The ceiv e th e sa m e n am by p am b y newspaper hi ast read by tte tre a tm e n t th a t te e n a g e stu­ majority ef statate» and those d e n ts receiv e. who do. read it mainly for T h e s tr ic t ru le s and re g u la ­ “Peanuts-“ tio n s m a y b e okay for th e ad­ It may aat bo a “email time m in istra tio n to m a in ta in social operation’’ as far as the num­ con tro l o v e r th e you n g er stu ­ ber of copie« that a n distribu­ d ents b u t th ey a r e i m ost sti­ ted is concerned, hot ae far as fling in frin g e m e n t on th e in ­ quality, it la arinole. 1 have divid u al rig h ts an d lib erties of found my epintoa backed up by th e stu d en ts th a t a r e o v e r 21 many at my proimaors a t well a n d co n sid ered a s a d u lts in th e as otter students. e y es of th e law . — I hara my fcebts as to I am certain- that the adult whether er not yea weuld dare students will not stay out ail let yo«r “readers" see a real night every night, cause dis­ opimoa hat I hope yea wilL turbances or- generally lower U t North Campi*» the morals of the younger stu­ dents. The adult student real­ izes that he will fail if he does not study or get enough sleep. C ir c u la tio n He also realises that the on* Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on class days Monday through Friday, daring the faB, winter and spring quarters. Issued torton weekly during the summer term. Second class postage paid at Eaat Lansing. Michigan. Efftorial and hnshims offices at 341 student Services building, Michigan state University, Eaet Lanetag, Michigan. Man subscriptions payable hi advance for one tom , 93; tor two terme, 9T; for three terms, 98— Member of tte Asaodpfeed A aad the OeUege press. Editor Marcia V toN ess Efftorial Editor ...Sharon Coady Managing Editor Ben Burn* Feature Edtor^.C M rt Randett Business Mgr Larry Pontius WOmm1* Editor SaBy WapJ Circulation Mgr Bill Marshall City Editor— BIB Cote Sport* Editor Jerry Fischer New» Editor Jay Bilssick Photo Bffter tD a v o jMttteg j*Ìr(EÌL- ¡S wmmrn jfo r a in fjl &SÊMÊÎ mÊmê* aHEW*3gj By «ANE ROSER Mrs. Ross M i “Only nhn- “If the u.k . needs the great­ Of Urn State News Staff mature male who Isn’t secure est intellectual output tt can la hitnsetf, feels uncomfortable get.” Mrs. Ross said, “tt needs The role of women la society with B g d of equal education women all through the work is fun of paradoxes mid ambig­ and of equal ability.” world.” uities. I p S I p A college graduate with some This it the opinion of Eliza­ Mrs. Drews stated that beth M. Drews, associate pro* ■ante piychslsglsts have m y work experience has a better fessor of education, Dorothy R. gested that seek to chance to return to work after Row, assistant professor of the satisfy their threngh raising hear family than a wom­ Counseling Center and Dr. their husbands. an with less education and less Stanley J, Idzerda, director of work experience, she said. Honors College. ' “BUt,” he spked, “when is In order to make weaken “Most professional women acquiring status through some, more aware of themselves In­ must do one-third better than one else ever enough?” tellectually, Mrs. Drews said, the nearest competing man in “Perhaps the first reason to everyone must encourage them, order to keep their-positions,” be educated,” she said, “is to rive them opportunities aad Idzerda said, “although most order to be a complete and ca­ show than that they can do of the time their talents are pable human being.” something else besides marry. equal to those of the men.” Mrs. Rose observed that the Someone must expect and care. woman’s job is not as import­ Mrs. Ress suggested en­ Our national habits, includ­ ant as the woman’s need to be ing a double educational stan­ a part of tte world of Ideas. couraging woman to begin dard, dees not, according to projects to college which they Mrs. Drews, eaceorage wom­ Idzerda suggested that wom­ can continue afterttey grad­ en ta work for careers. en should become more active uate. to public affafoMaidng an in­ She said that one girl, a good terest In t h e i r children’s She also advocated college high school student not plan­ schools, in politics and In serv­ sponsored workshops so grad­ ning to attend college, told her : ice groups. uates couldkeep up-to-date in “Our parents expect us to She also said that women areas of interest to them aad a make good in school, but they should get a formal education program to keep the faculty expect boys to make good in in rapidly changing fields af­ aware of the present day needs C H I L D R E N 'S life.” ter their children grow up. and demands of women. B oyran dg irls are treated “A woman may My she Mrs. Drews emphasized, “the alike until adolescence, Mrs. works because her family brain that Is trained to think Ross said, but when the girls needs the money,” Mrs. Drews independently, critically and assume their feminine roles, said, “hut usually It Is because creatively is neither masculine they begin to feel limited. she needs satnetttog more im­ nor feminine. It is an effective “They pick this up from the portant and fulfilling to do.” part of a fully realized person­ culture,” he continued. “We must find out what society does She said aa intellectually ality.” - to the girls to make them feel active woman makes a better this way.” wife and me&er than the She added that women and woman who takes no interest Keep your mothers can be blamed for in anything bat her heme. placing so much emphasis on wardrobe clean~ marriage, r- Marriage it tte, most im­ Q u o n s e t N u r s e r y . • . it'll last portant feminine rele, Mrs. Drews, Mrs. Ross and Idzer­ N e e d s W o r k e r s - longer and da held, hot they also agreed The Quonset Cooperative that tetellectaal achievement you’ll look better Is Important. Nursery School still has open­ ings for winter term. The Idzerda, Who bolds degreer school holds morning sessions in both engineering and history, for faculty children ages 214 to Mid: — 5 on alternate days. “A woman who doesn’t mar­ Recently the school had a ry, and who goes on for a PhD, holiday party at the home of has profound contempt for a their teacher Mrs. Milo Chal- woman who is ‘nothing-b u ta fant. For further information, Frandor Shopping Center housewife,’ and yet, it is easier call Mrs. James’Butcher, ED 2- lllutirttcd Junior Library .. _ MON. THRU FRI. TILL! in every way to be an engineer 8949, or Mrs. Myron Kelsey, The only, editions of these famous boeltt SAT. TILL 7 with all these features: illustrated in color and or aa historian than to be a ED 7-0014. housewife. It is most signifi­ ' t»l« photographs in Modem Library beautiful color (more than $0 full- ART graphs plus 132 halftones and draw­ ings describe nearly 400 wild flowers at $1.95 each color commissioned paintings) and ARCHITECTURE — their sizes, roots, stems, flowers, 310 Trtlei From «naps, R iblography and index. POETRY j fruits, colors, seasons, habitat— Regular Edition Which To Select Before Christmas $ 1 LSO COLLECTIONS 'Everything about them. Before -Christmas SI4.95 After Christmas; $13 J O ' After Christmas $17.9$ CO M E BRO W SE - SELL Y O U R M SU TEXTBOOKS TO . . - ■ * TH E The seasons’ fashion find .... diamonds from our sweater col­ lection. Knit of 75% fine wool and 25% Nylon, Ideal weight; C o m a A n n & M A C -A v e n u e for ail occasions. Argyle plaids in Scotch Mist, Ivory and Cam­ IjsF ■*..ÿ-.'rh-'.t ,uv;,:V. ' r -::: ’ - E a s t L a n s in g * bridge Grey. Sizes 38 to 46. " , Other Sweaters tn m 6.95 to »-B5 " * . - ~ Charge A yA Free Christmas Accounts \M C / Gift Wray a n i Mailing ftpss m B ait Grand « v e r éÈmÊÉÊ Pifjg Si sates ' *a' V'. ¿.gBffîfeHwt p n ÿfsçij M BS IlM iSS «S8 m ¡ü ü WSSmlm. BPisi wmmkKowfcn» m zmsM |||§ § Wm Settlors of the Week Many te are shared with tha te sn^higaw through estantes* courses teitetel i* many estar edlta^M munities. - I , j “Studente These professors vffl travel more than ji to SS « N f communities to :«■/* IfiSS O.-.-- .. _______ .. teach 175 credit aad informal She Mdd that «fe» lates that courses offered this fan, ao- studente afented tete mate tm cording to intermafeisn jest re­ safe in discussine ideas witb leased by the Gantteadng Ed­ fluir professor*. ■ c-agMl ucation servira. F* A combined business tete Ea* Last yesar nearly 13,000 par­ I te aijor, ite plana te eltber sons participated in f i t tesate orwork.in flw bmdaaas" courses. , n workt, « te perhaps. later .to "da graduate work. : W Osterink, aa -teectrical en­ Classes are effered ia near­ ly every pert te tte stale, gineering major, fcweátíOy. preside« te tte Interfrartemity hot three foeiths are taught te tte six regional eowttoo- ~atB g-edoeatla center» te Coundl tete Excattbtjfe; samar Bento* llnrter, Grand Rap­ men’s honorary. -w-'# ids, M artnstte, MSU-0, Sag- LO O K ! He te ateo a member of Blue mi Ita te n e . Key.Groen Helmet, PM Eta Kellogg C olar, fat ito 10th Sigma, Phi Kappa Itti,, Tao year te operation, te headquart­ Bay Used A n ta Same Msmry Beta PI, engineering honorary, ers for tte extension program. and Eta Kappa Nu, an honor­ Shuttling professors between We Sell and Instati Matan, Ttamfattsa, ary for electrical engineers. the campus classrooms and Michigan communities has Rear Eads, Springs, M O sn, Yhüpipsa, «te. la HM, he wm B rattate te ite fraternity, M ia Tan E x c h a n g e P r o g r a m p rav a im portât to prapfe» fat Delta. Last year he was the m a y professions., East Lansing’s Only Used Car Past ttefcate chairman for the J- In eduratla, far asm pie. Hep, and in Ida freshman year ho~was a member te sfsdeat congress. ' .7 r Columbian Students teachers and school adminis­ trators use the extension courses to obtain permanent FrsfahHwlment To m ala his 3.95 average he has «dy two B*a, both in sec­ May Attend MSU certificates, to increase com­ petency and to fit ttsmaefves for educational administration M A R T IN S AUTO PARTS ond-year German. Morejpradnafa students may Rockefeller Foundation of New positions. lie te attending college on a attend Michigan State from York. Engineers seek tte extension ----- ED 2-5319 General Motors scholarship, Columbia as the result of a and baa received several a* new scientific information ex­ wards including the Hd=JBta change program now under Sigma Award and the Tau Beta Pi award. consideration. Varsity Drive In Last year Osterink received Doran Markarian, assistant mi Outstanding Junior Award professor te horticulture, 're ­ and was crowned Mr. MSU. cently returned from Cattmhia ~ 1227 E. Grand River J Opm Evuy Boy ?**• SHEPARD’S^. Ha-said what he likes most where ha located personnel to about MSU te its philosophy of exchange scientific information steesshig both academic and between Columbia and the Dainty Sanias extra-curricular activities. Al­ United States. 8:30 p.m. • 1:30 sura. though he teds that scholastics The same program could Sunday 5:00 iUU ppoo. .m . -• 1 :3 0 a.m. are tte most important part te b r i n g Columbian students college, he ateo feels that wanting to do graduate work grades tend to go up with par­ Markarian went to Co­ ED2-8617 ticipation in outside activities. lombia under the auspices of “Ì am thankful for the Hon­ t t e CoQege of Agriculture ors College and the opportu­ Foreign Program, nities it has given me in choos­ “At p ro m t there are only ing electives and broadening three research people in horti­ my education,” Osterink said culture in Columbia, a country in stressing the importance te te 14 million,** Markarian said. the Honors College. He plans to attend graduate The need far school in either taatewss ad- educated la tte mini strettite or FifglBeering. fleM to hrrsssteg nouaeed. They have hi suit­ able varieties te vegetable* Perry Como Christmas Album $1.77 such as tomatoes produced la V a r s it y C lu b tte Uattod States aad bave Chubby Checker’s “Twist Again $2.47 may fient disease pro­ S e le c ts F ‘ blems. ; All Mitch Miller Albums $2.47 .Graduate students studying Sinatra’s “I Remember Tommy.99 $3.69 D o tty D re y e r in the United States learn new methods to solve problems in Rusty Warren “Bounces Back $3.69 Dotty Dreyer, Birmingham senior, has been selected to re­ present MicMgan State in tte horticulture a d friends that are mad while Am students are in school teod ta promote a $ 17.00 Assorted Children’s Albums 88c Far West Basketball Classic to flow te information when the student Is out te college. be hdd in Portland, Ore. the Children’s Disney Land $1.77 -last week in December. “Personal contact between Miss Dreyer, a Monde, blue­ graduate students from differ­ ent countries leads te corres­ All 45’» 77c each & 2 for $1.00 eyed education major was se­ lected by tte Varsity Club with pondence with one-aaotter and a freer flow of information WONCH the advice of head coach Ford- after graduation,” said Mark­ All Jazz Albums At Reduced Prices dy Anderson.' 1720 E. Michigi arian. “This eliminates much If chosen a§ queen, she will confusion fat information d r- attend the tournament in Port­ eolation and speeds ups* Lansing 484-77861 Beethoven's land with all of her expenses paid. She wfll ha competing against csndidsftr from flip to questions confronting those that a rt separated from one an­ other. lowest record prices in Michigan seven other schools who will Graduata students would bs represented in the classic. study hen under the rid te Compare prices and save Mtes Dreyer was a member 207 M.AX. te this year’s homecoming court and her hobbies are sail­ ing, swimming, and dancing. A M E R IC A N L E G IO N H A L L SH i Real in mm mmmm. V ADMISSION ILM IN ADVANCE Foldin’ 6R 12.50 AT TBS DOOR TICKETS D ie D ise S lo p 323 E. Graste River ••V ; JjgjSp ' . W . ■ • •21.00 ■ u h - fu a r aS—i y mmugtm Jimmey Jean — Jackie Breston . ED 7-0909 11 Avoid The RUSH Most of be Winter Ton* Books are on For YouAMsed Eioiae Carter - The Ike - Ette« TIME ' OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 SATURDAY :¿J 10 F.M. ON 'Ê LMta S*—M '*JtVa s n -g_- s g— ofl!* tangm e■ U n lfy \j f otur shelves «SB Buy Now Wft gd-tett BaH mar Mason — trito US-27 Sasdh Ädek, "tara right aad follow the'raad tm * tha ; > w s I m m n iw«. Wmmmm B BSS >‘V' ' pt-y--5'- yQiift C a d e ts G e t » A FR O TC | g w ggM aw s set ta • {ton® WM successful la doub- . pK ■•.py&•;•: ;;, Recognition Distinguished M i l i t a r y 5BUBjiRisiS4^^^¡RPftiB -.- fissesi is a safé esa* tram s sa a a a a Ysaas “ %S*S £ ? ' Awards were recently present­ ed to six senior Air F a ta vetea* placa. 6*. •. Plan tar this year include RsnahRssae Club, Yeaag p sesse infer stai discussions, de­ ROTC cadets for outstanding Demeerate CSsO*' aad Gen* ft* fastes with o t h e r political achievement to University and S U N ” GLASSES aervattee CMM ft groups on campus and a de­ mfiitary performance keep out— bate between seme RepubBca The cadets finished to the up­ i By ANN DARLING per third at tta ir sununer onth»¿Inmear. e * and Démocratie Con-Con dele- training camp, h a d Ugh ro fa ssla lieaally a a llj^ - Of the State Newt Staff sr gates. grnsad grades to AFROTC subjects, both si summer sod The Yosuf Democrats were a d were to the upper haft of ergm ted on campus tea years t h e i r university graduating w inter w ear. ago aad m so # aa active greufr with n members who Harrison |§ | glass The cadets are «itgiu* to ap­ are still pra te tip p y about tost year*« Mg victories. Receives ^111 ply for a regular commission m tbe Air Farce. Tbe Young Dstnocrats are af­ ÌTH BItflft The Distinguished Military filiated with ft»*» and nattoma tannmjhMwflw C lu b H o n o r Cadets are Paul Burbage IQ, East Lansing senior; Richard ■R " has» i t Sigma Epsilon, tte food Bunting, BUssfield senior; sad shoot 1.7M members, ac­ marhtetoghoaorafy. announced David Ishister, East Lansing cording to David Winfield, cam­ that tt awarded a honorary LORGNETTES at pus chairman. membership Monday evening to City, Cfflf. senior; Robert Rei­ dlrtfactisa v*. . be- Other officers am Robert Its guest of honor, Thomas G. man, ward Ypsilanti senior; and Ed­ Allis, Howell senior. jeweled sty lin g Beaches, vice-chairman, aad Harrison, chairman ot the that adds a spedai Philip Ames, secretary. A hoard at Soper Valu Stores, für« to eyeglass treasurer win b e^ aalB at the Inc. wearing. asst mooting . - ^v W BWEJ I atHarrison addressed the group C la v e n g e r & tM m tiem m M 0 9 5 & s S p.m., -Monday, on “The The Ysaag Democrats as Role te the Voluntary Chain T o " D is c u s s MAGNIFYI NG csmpsa dfo stlf several«! 3WQMLDICARN*»BETAUNG. 11 and Merchandising,” in US Ep- GLASSES teacea* aad flwir faction Is educa­ t a H k i pley Center. ~ After the 6:30 dinner in' the R u le N iu e venient, purse size tional, teaflsM said. ~ Characteristic te tte Scotch House are these fashionable that f o l d . . aad arw oasQy stowed The chapter triet to stimulate Red Cedar Room at Kellogg outfits worn by L o ra Most a d Saady Grecaste!*, l i a away . . . when not in students a s interest hi gov­ Center, students presented a “Should 10 Follow 9?” will be versatile mohair sweaters are easily atatcbed Whh skirts in us«. ernmental affairs, to Increase panel discussion on the role of the topic discussed by Ray­ the efficiency and effective­ the discount house and its ef­ mond F. Clavenger, state corp­ or sleeks. They add warmth aad stetaest to eeaapiete a ness at democratic government fects on manufacturers. whole­ oration and securities com- smart outfit. Stop to aad let os help yea make year FASHION FRAMES and to foster libera! democratic salers and «tellers, a c c o r d i n g } missioner% b e f o r e Ingham selectiea. ~ -. ideals.. . Edward M. _Barnet,. . director to . County Democrats at 8 p.m from our unbeatable ^RERlSMtGiÄfiÜg UBI, selection will bo a “It shall be tte policy ot this of the programs in mass mar­ Thursday in Parlors B and C and advisor to the group. te the Civic Center. welcome gift. Attrac­ tive styles for an organization to cm U jm tt to the growth and influence of ■U U BH Bg SPEECHHAS« MY EVES... keting Harrison was asked to com­ that Clavenger h a s announced Exclusive at the ages. tte Democratic party and its ment on the pdicy of Super ditionheofisRule considering the ad­ 10 to the State liberal ideas, to enceangs par­ Valu concerning entrance into Real Estate code. The proposed J u a t a h * o f tb a u n- u aual p ra c tic a l g if t Ideas a t W allace’a. S to p bp c ith e r con­ ticipation in goverauamtal ac­ tivities a d to tecfeeeeteudent responsibility in government,** file discount field, Barnet said. rule would be designed to pre­ vent agents from pushing sales C h a i r m a n Khrushchev’s in partially integrated neigh ù n titi? H o u se v en ie n t lo catio n an« according to the dab's consti­ daughter writes a article de­ borhoods by thj« device of Across From Campus le a them all. tution. -\;v Y ’"; 4 j nouncing America’s mad pur­ harassing homeowners.” Rule suit of the dollar. We pursue it 9 prohibits real estate agents Layaway Charge EYE EXAMINATIONS by One of the greup*a goals this y e a , Winfield said, is to afi right, but who’s mad about from practicing discrimination DR. ty. C. JENSEN, }' 4 i get tooreaed sapped from tt? —- Detroit News. in their dealings registered ioptometrist the stnle oegasis s tia te pew* vide local chapters with WALLACE OPTICIANS SOM Viae (Opposite Fraader) ^ Phone IV S4EI74 speakers. Him strips in i ott­ er program aids. The organization on campus ! ■ ■ ■ d o office» downtown at 107 N. Washington, Ph. IV X-IJ75 is now compjetoly financed by ■ Plus • . . dues. f u S -.•*1 Winfield said its also hopes AGE-HI «FT jastvmr STAMPS WHOLE LB LUCKY STRIKE CUT-UP 2Se p r w w its : PILLSBURY’S WINTER SPORTS B ettor work on his tstom eebm “Those batch he't got e heed like rock. toughs batter L8 BAG not kick sand in m y foca next summer!" M o Frail CAKES COCKTAIL Jiffy Mixes OR FROSTINGS S ^ 5! 00 Duff's Mixes MUFFIN OR PANCAKE SHUBFINE FROZEN DOLE »Wow! Mow m M Ü H e power Orange Juice Pineapple C R IM D tid S it ; CHUNK 5 211 CANS 1-LB CAN 1 SPARTAN 1 COFFEE Tbsues SCOTTIES 400 CT BOXES I a 2 - » jr Butter SHOP-RITE HI-SCORE Ml PRINT ■vvp i WHEN POES A U K K t TASTI j E T O THAN fi U K X T Ì question because, so y m ü M W M I Ì Ì MMt S S Ä ******* IpMNCi'S H A unsS and «mote more of «mm W m m * W * " W g t ó # ß g m ^ t i p Moti f Lucky that fastas a Wtio Ml lite r. Uffitt sstfm b er kind. T im o nxtra-apactal mShop-Rite Shop-Rife §j Lucid* aratte J s a froo lucky. A slrfsr a carton BÈI ChftbÉ m . ■ UK E. GRAND RIVER MOI ■ W. ST. JOSEPH 3301 E. GRAND RIVER m t W, SAGINAW I ■ ! N E . GRAND RJVrat 2513 S. CEDAR • CHANGE TO LUCKIES and ta ils for a c h a p e l ■ LOGAN at JOLLY RD S . * A it m 2418 N. RASY ST. #A*¡Ok frodati 0 „flKew éTtjamy - JU mam isènrmtédU iip a i m mm WÊmÊ Sm SÊ mÊÊË Ê m rara mk i ¡IP ■# AÏ Patte ¡|nd:-ihn : W ASHINGTON UR —Capping a feat nf aerial logistics, the United States has established a new scientific station te a re­ mote area of Antarctica. This was reported Tuesday by the National Science Foun­ dation on the basis of a radio dispatch from its~ Antarctic headquarters at MsMurdo sound. £ h./ 1 The new station, called Ski* Hi, was set up Sunday in a formidable area of ice-capped terrain lyteff between ftthe Palmer Peninsula and the Sen* tinel Mountains; It is 700 miles froffi the nearest previous American Station,- Byrd Sta­ tion, and some 1.500 miles from Coastal MsMurdo. ’ SkbHi was established only after weeks of waiting for fa­ vorable weather, tricky recon­ naissance flying, and ) a dra^ matic ahr*faauiing and dropping of supplies by Navy and Air Fcmce aircraft. It is designed to make new measurements of the earth’s magnetic field and of the iono­ 427 E. GRAND RIVER sphere—the layer of electrified sir that plays a key role to ter­ PHONE ED 2-0361 restrial radio Communications. The particular geographical site was chosen because It is tiie “conjugate point” for an invisible line of magnetic force whose northern terminal With W hiter W eather Coming lies 8,500 miles v m te Parc Des Laurentides, Northern Que­ You wfll need Shoe-Saveb W ater Proofing M ESSIAH bec Province, Canada. - for the If yon consider the center of Correct Care of your shoes the earth as a huge bar magnet whose ends approximate the Soles & H eels W hile Yon W ait earth’s geomagnetic poles, then each line of force of the mag­ 22T IA ST GRAND RIVER AVENUE netic force of the magnetic field surrounding the earth passes through tile surface of the earth ’5 9 8 at^jtw& ,,potatar-tfe^. magnetic conjugate points. COMPLETE RECORDING — Foundation scientists said MONAURAL OR STEREOPHONIC that to learn more about the composition and behavior of the ionospiiero-^aqd the earth’s magnetic field—it is desirable HERE’S THE PERFECT W K A R G iv e n - to make observations simul­ taneously from both terminals. I n te r e s t A w a rd A station at the Canadian CHRISTMAS GIFT - FOUR L P RECORDS terminal was set up Nov. 17 For the 10th consecutive and simultaneous studies -at ATTRACTIVELY BOXED year, MSU’s ratio station both stations are scheduled to WKAR has been granted the NEWLY RECORDED IN ENGLAND National Safety Council’s Pub­ lic Interest Award for excep­ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! tional service to farm safety. C a m p u s C h e s t The MSU station, managed by Dr. Lawrence T. Frymire, S l o g a n D e a d l i n e ' »tiyjjjwnwmwaw»HHwiCaNB»Omwlam and WHFB te Benton Harbor’ EXCLUSIVELY AT were the only two Michigan S e t f o r T h u r s d a y C o lle g e Q u e e n s m a k e Ç stations honored. WKAR was tiie only educational station to The campus chest slogan con­ " g r e a t d is c o v e ry i n N e w Y o rk ! the US. to receive the award. test ^deadline Is midnteht Thurs­ day. Slogans should be mailed to Cbuck Dallavo, fund chair­ man, 318 Student Services. DISC SHOP Of courae, tiny loved the city-the fan and tie wehwapl. But they also leaned about diamond rings—discovered there it a way to bum of thediamood yon hay- They «uw how The winning entry will be us­ ed for tiie major fund drive Artcarved guarantee* every diamond » mittag for odor, winter term, the author will cot, clarity and carat weight. They wan impressed by the receive $10. ft proof oi value offered by Artcarod’a iatieoafly tdsliae J Permanent Vaine Pia* backed by dm quality reputation of this 110 year old finm And, 1hey were meet delighted-with Artcarved’s magatfeent assortment of award-winning styles. Visit year local Arteerved jeweler and een afl the wonder­ ful Artearved styles, including those selected as the “10best” by theCoüege Queens. He’ll tell yon why Artearved ia the OVER 688 diauModyowîlbesoreof and proudof all thereat of yoorHfe. ARS TO CHOOSE FROM NEW ft USED 'G h c g o o s e SEE US AND h a n g s h ig h SAVE ON ÿ: f o r t h is Merton fin e r a in c o a t Transmissions Rear Ends ft ? The gentleman wiBbe f M CH A spirits when r pack n C uiSC OvefS aT m mXNU in Ms Chrinrnfu package. mm DISCOUNTS TO ALL UNIVERSITY ' I ft A t ekmental gift/ O ffers for Artearved T tB ftttfi CPMHPil PERSONNEL < i l ft Lmiaii 4 .4 .X And Wedding Kingê Danirfs Jewelry ' *' :v-v .f’’ft ’’ • 207 Sottth Washington JF K on Civic Player M B Anne Frank Drama irrr -—- — K . nom nan, «*- to » h ie i n terns variety of One of the modsria theater's mito floor bon office of toe , professorM the depart- * " i d e a l s F. N. Arbough CO.. toe Par*- at of antosnology andCmdr. mately wttfa «moSonalt y S B b e d B B S¡ H E S K I S a d * * ' Ttech praducod by reatete successes, "The Diary NEW YORK (JP—President Kennedy ^ ... M cD ow ell offoe Naval Re­ ffig | AgrtctiHgral gteperimcnt of Anne Frank,” opens Ms four mount Nrwshsp* « for calling the Amatfcw paapte physically soft es a result to f living. He urged as a remedy a mast step-up toJi serve Training Center said the te thectorte by schools, ailntetsrs, waBBwhgsucto* on| docfop. Bight run Wednesday at West too Lousing Chic Players to Reserve Officer Corps precram earned his AJ|auf He -* hafjtorved * ---- itponsultaat tlto M H type of tree to m oot IV itttt. -gl-U' Habits of exercise. Wt'M'■ The chief executive in the past has draw awnn banterfof comment is now accepting applications. w ith a m tner to ed- to too Viteria’* Ariministri» satisfactory for proceestog as Jpfor AudKoriwi in Itatene a L c ju a . Jo no. i, tbO'-eafifornia State D» Playing toe rote of Awe is his serious The ROCprografo is the far Ids prowess at teachfootball. B itet cn iiwy-m—w,w. emphasized xpflcera for physical fitness to aa address preparedfofttonner Navy’s select training program of tbshattonal football foundation. to which college students are □ H I S _tm ent of Canforato Mental State Hygiene, D epart­ tatajbit to IfidtixaaaoÛ. te* toss tor grow ing M o soph Ute Faith, Jersey CKy, NJ. omore. She is making her Trmnsl Ore. UB- Bteck trained and commissioned as Arm y Air furiKpilsrtoi ment at Education, and the SUnley Jdhnston and J. EJjròlappM '•WO fop under-exercised as* .. •■ -^1“ Ensigns to the Naval Reserve bears are destructive nuisances nation,” the PreaWent de- M afl-but watchi^ ffo have upon 'as a --bem ber ftest toIsmum too . >alo Alto Unified School Dii* Motdtensftoe station describe ■tog sing Civic Players. Miss Fsfih has appeared iff many stage to tree farm* for Wnsfog t e d their graduation from too - ------ f ■- atei- toe firtol it hetog m edium foste clared. “We look instead of abecome more and more, not university. JVIvQHvx i wgmBm w ■ is a Fefiew to too presentations including. “Our to peel frtw young treos.ted d nation of athletes, tmt a aa* .IM IIf/p ! Psychiatrie As­ andunUormltf^Mtoe. the flesh TWwn,” “You Can’t Tabe it hnmuMi way of controuuig play, ride instead of walk. Our push-button existence deprives tion of spectators -¿¿L... Ttt be aslitated for the ROC program a candidate must par* In the ftQ of IMS bo bsgan sad has iwufo Ü toe fhawjtogtornear, orange- yellow, flnvtextaradand very With You,” “Letters to Lucer­ them has bow de*efoped~1# us of foe minimum of physical ’The result of this shift from ticipate to fbe reserve active M s graduate work at Stanford for mambariMp to arm. It U expected to mature ami “Dark ne,” "Harvey,” “Carniyal,” trpppar Jack AMrkh. , activity essential for healthy participation to—If I may coin training program, meeting University from which he re­ FsjrcHaMrAa* about tea to twtevs days earlier at the Top to the He has devised a light-weight living. AndYMfJPfoody, in my word—«pectatloa ii all to once a week with a local is* ceived MsJLA. to IMS sad too Stairs." foot snare that holds the ani­ judgement, fies one direction— m to thephytefeal dwdltion serve unit He must also be to Ph.D. to lMi. He tem ember of Sigma Xi, tow Efoerta peaches, • » She attended the American mal unharmed until the trap­ in developing pro m * » for of our pepuMfon.” ; either his first-second, or Winder vtofe on the teaching ftatondty _te general scientific honorary Trees win be available to Academy to Dramatic Arts and per along and transfers broad participation to exercise Kennedy ited American chil­ third year at an accredited col­ facufiyai Stanford from IMS and a foptomate of n u R wabere foam several also studied under Herbert M to .another section to forest by all our young men and wom­ dren tog behind fooM to Ear* lege or university. Two sum­ until he received the andte the American Board of Exam­ nurseries aad h r la too spring of ’82, larger quantities at a Berghof. where young trees ore not be­ ope to physical fitness and that mer courses, lasting approxi­ ment as Director el toe iners to professional psycho- en. . . ? “In short, wha\we must do is of 6 million selective’ service mately 8 weeks are given at Psychology Cfinfc to Septem­ fogy- - ' ïÆ later date. tickets are available at the ing nurtured. * literally change the physical recruits called since 1MB, more toe Navy's Reserve. Officer ber. habits of millions of Americans than a million were rejected as Candidate School at Newport Under t h e feUewsto, —and that is for more diffienlt physically unfit, fi* R.I insasered by the IOtotes than changing their , tastes “And a good many of these,” The ROC graduates serve ifaara- Osyslstogical Insti­ S i p s ! R igM their fashions or even their he continued, "were men who three years on active duty tute, Dr. wtofor did advanc­ politics ” would not have been rejected During his reserve drills and ed stedy fa abeermal Kennedy appeared at the 4« they had the opportunity to summer training the ROC pbycbolegy, psychstogteal foundation dinner at the■ m ‘ take part to adequate physical candidate receives the pay of ■ testing aad psyche therspy. Wal­ dorf-Astoria to receive a gold development programs.” the rating he holds to the or­ medal for setting *n example As further evidence of phys ganized to the reserve. Participation Winder was director of a re­ Naval Reserve exempts search project studying decia- of the major role Of Amateur ical decline to this country, the Athletics to fostering moral President said that “to the students from ROTC. ion-maktog sponsored by the Values and leadership qualities. Olympic Games we ar* steadily Applications for candidates Navel Research Department faiijng behind toe nations which tor the ROC program will be and was Principal Investigator The President bad flswn to ♦aktwi from now until Jan. 10. of e two-year study on Atti­ from Washington earlier to- stressbread participation to a Interested applicants should tudes of Parents as Related to launch a four-day journey to great variety of sports." contact either Cmdr. McDowell the Social Behavior of Sons Osdw M New York and Florida. Wed­ Kennedy declared: nesday, he addressed a lunch­ “I do not suggest that physi­ at the Naval Reserve Training sponsored by the National In­ Center 1820 E. Saginaw St., stitute of Mental Health. eon of the National Association cal fitness development is the Lansing, or Cmdr. Hoffman, Loin End PORK ROAST of Manufacturers here. Then only object to life— he flies to Florida for a Thurs­ should sacrifice cultural and day date with AFL-CIO con­ intellectual values or to that the we pur­ 434 Natural Science. of accounting and fiance; Dr John L. O’Donnell, business Pork Chops vention in Miami Beach. suit of more perfect physiques. and economic research bureau Dr. E li P. Cox, director of the Sspsr R ig h t P r o f s , t o S p e a k But I do BHdgcte^dkBd Kennedy, who never made health and vitality constitute 4PkFtecal bureau of business and eco­ " Sopor RUrt the football varsity during his an essential part of a balanced A t S o c i a l S r i e n c e nomic research; Dr. Frank H school days, shared honors at "the Waldorf banquet with eight life. “There is - .. no reason headlined football stars of yes­ world , why Americans should to the G o n f o i n N e w Y o r k Mossman; Dr. William Lazer; Dr. Robert W. Johnson, dept, o Liver SaiBflpe FRfSH ORSMOKED 39, Sausage 3 1 LB ROLLS 1.00 accounting and finance; ant teryear and two coaches who not be fine students and fine Several Univdfoity faculty Ehr. William J. E. Crissy were inducted into the football athletes noth.** - members will speak at the Na­ graduate school of business ad hall of fame. tional Meeting of the Allied ministration. The President declined to de­ Now a foreign correspondent Social Science Assn. Dec. 27-29 A special program wifi be Sopor «gM Woligso bate whether football or base­ says American tourists are to New York City—- . given to honor graduate stu­ ball now is the nation’s na­ ruining our imago abroad be­ The meeting is a national dents to finance who have-re­ tional pastime. He added: cause they are too shy and conference of associations deal­ ceived Harold Stonier Fellow “The sad fact is that R looks timid. It may be necessaty;to ing with the social sciences. ships. MSU tendent Harland R SEMI BONELESS 65lb Jonathon Apples c 8-lB BAG more and more as if our great alert our ready reserve of MSU speakers and chairmen .Patterson will be one of the national sport is not .playing loudmouths for overseas duty. are: Roland I. Robinson, dept. students honored. IflU M N r " ' 7 -ayx ii t .............■ GRAPEFRUIT rJX SL, 84b bag 59e WAR8 H nm & i 10-LB BAG 6ŸTOMATOES 11-OZ TUBE F O ir Y O U R Braswell Sprouts Green Wax Beans 25 AND Mh or Hatch VEGETABLE SlicedPineapple4 20-OZ CANS 99‘ Campbells OR BEAN SOUP Frozoo Usai Pies - Mix or Mofch S d l Now W h ile P ric e s A re U p, MEAT PIES 8k>i pkgs 5 tor ’1.00 Quantities Sold At Regular Price W e Need U sed B o o k s F o r N e xt T e rm Christaas Tsys 11 . Jo n Parlar Bakery Faa|wa* - 1 .j Supermarket Model I CRACKED WHEAT BRIM 1 fe laaf 17a Tractor ito Trattar S 3 J8 F R O M A cco u n tin g T H R U Z oo log y 8 in 39« sa With »5.0« P u rch .s. I APPLE PIE PotyetfaytaM | j B A H » P ttT IY R M 21« aa Toy TataplMM M s as 1 POUND 8 A K p l:J |l§ ..¿ ..ft 33a m CRESTW0W GdOCOUTES All Milt arDart ate ite « b l u 8IJI Sett 1 W hn Salad Brassing j up jgg SsyfehUasPsntoltMs illsstes Ms S wiliiil MMi ”* ..„I Your A ft F Sapor Market Comer of Higadorn and EastjGrand River ■7. Lone legged birds Sugar Bowl Regatta at New Seven members to the Spar- sophomore, ft liv e s to c k Show A RARE O P P O R T U N IT Y 11. Scourge* Orkans, according to Jerry tan chib will attend the regatta, This stoats ti SS. Obtain by 17. Accumulate ' Valker, club president. 1*. Jubilant — four to whom will race. ' the wga «« wi in D e tr o it To Examine - A Vanishing American to. Devoured Although the regatta will he The racing members are: by the nrid-wl mmmmm mmm mmm 22. Mingle leid Dec. 28, 30 and 31. Spar­ Jerry Walker, senior, Buffalo, aociatina la 1 Nearly three hundred and fifty 441 Qub members from I n s titu tio n • . • tee tod faskkoed beak store. N* £■■■■ *mmmm Mmammm i l l t«H H A chocking device ST. Contorted SS Decay to. Banqueting tan fans will be unable to view N.Y., Dave Davies, senior, been sponsored it on television until Jan. 3 Pontiac, A1 Krantz, senior, De- varsity, with t when it appears on the “Sports troit, and John Fesenfidd, h is t y e « when Spectacular” show. kwer Michigan will faring more than 8180,008 in prise livestock te the Detroit Junior livestock greeting cards, phsaogrsph records aad the tike, only hooka eld, new, rare, cooudob, good, had aad indifference. Shaw next week.. Tk&ahow is ilH H ii a r fH H room i n * _ Roman house A 14 foot Gannet sloop will he jointly sponsored by Michigan MSU stadeats are Invited te browse te their Hiking amongst oar eelkctka to 35,181 books. Prices range lai«» mmM mmmm tt. Conveying sense used by the chib. It will be sup­ plied by the Southern Yacht ÎM G ym nastics State’s 4-H Chib department aad the Detroit Junior live­ from M e.teH M . Bring this adrvertisemeat with yoa before December 25, and receive a 18 per cent discouat n i m ui i í i k impulses ».A ge Club, where the race will orig-1 stock Society. aa year parchase. — >, mummum mmummm 34. Excavat* 9S. Inclined inate. Three other ftfta mid-western schools "will participate in the T ou rn am en t E n d s One to the show’s highlights will be the annual banquet mummum muu 3*. Dike IS. Ward off sponsored by the Livestock Society ob Wednesday, Verne mmmu muu aaaa 4t.outCrowing _ IM Schedule Freeh, to the MSU college to 101 E. WASHTENAW ST. IV 5-0451 muuum aaaaa i41 More reasonable IM Schedule agriculture will be tbe toast- n a a td . MummuMu aaaaa 4 8 Location 46. Go ashore Alleys Bowling aaa aaa aaaaa 30. Hat] 4S. Lubricate 1-2 West Shaw 1-2 aaa aaa aaaaa 311E. Indian weight 3-4 West Shaw 3-4 54 East Shaw 8-7 7-8 East Shaw 8-9 9-10 Armstrong 3-4 e r v o o r t ’s Æ 213 E. GRAND RIVER _ EAST LANSING - Ph. ED 2*2114 _ M ake V a n D e r v o o r t ’s y o u r s k iin g h e a d q u a r te rs IM S c h e d u le q u a lity n a m e s a t b u d g e t p r ic e s ! BOWLING A llay* 4 p.m. 1-2 J£ram *m 1 n . ! I-4 ~ E m m o n * 2 va. 4 the famous original metal ski — t-l Em m oai 8 va. • T-8 Emmons T va. 8 • - 1» R ath er I n . ! A lleys | ; U p.m.. H EA D STA N D A RD 1 1-2 R a th e r i w . 4 2-4 R attier 5 v a 4 5-8 R a th e r 7 v a S S p a r t a n f a m i l i e s . . . For a complete 7-8 B ailey r v a J is now better han ever! 2-18 B ailey 2 v a 4 selection of toys sad games that are sure to B ia k e a hit with children of all ages on Christmas • Unmatched skiing quality morning, step in a t our toy department today. S P E C IA L • Unsurpassed Durability We have all the old favorites phm the very latest • For all pleasure skiiero arrivals in the world of toys and games. C H R IS T M A S BONUS We feature a complete selection Open — Monday to Friday 9 - 5:30 of leading ski equipment ! Wednesday f - 9:00 IN CASH Saturday 8 - 5:30 (Open every night the last Head Verier Kastle Btiaard Kaeissl week before Christmas} Corttea FIS Northland Continental Sopreme Fincher Miller Short-ee OWNER PROVEN Ski Clothing White Steg Reffe-Rese 6000 MILES FREE DRIVING Franconia Cemfy Sportscaster Iceland THE FABULOUS 1962 RENAULT Ski Boots Economy Driving t Luxury Styiima Heeke Ricker Let SANTA aad Ms ’,_|Æ ; > • ) \ ■ BhI K n d ln g s workers help yon moka / W Marker Cakes • your chokw- s t L A Y A W A Y f tf e t :ZR lte Po1“ “ d S K I E Q U IP M E N T i¿ ¿ S S L * ■ HW E- MICHIGAN • o pen m m ■_ tW I iò iB I ; . ;; S** s p a r tA N B s a v o m irs t o n ig h t m 9 in»! W M B H B M H t e H H n W ê .^ . a n mg?" t f è w É f Homing» December 6, 1951 P o lto r a tz k y CAMPUS CLASSmEDS «rads Slav - fcaite) -: ■ • ' HIGH READERSHIP ..¿LOW CÖST... In s tr u c to r s Jte r the aecoad year Dr.; Nikolai P. Poltoratzky, associ­ GIAD M ER ate professor of foreign langu­ A new course has beed added through your materia!, review»second er third term usually ages at Michigan Stale lw * r | t!»o University curriculum to make sure that you under- f do better ia school teaa th o se varsity, has been selected 1 students “who have net yet stand it, sod then close the stndeofts who take it their fins' president of the Michigan chap­ FEATURE AT irned the correct methods to hook sod see if you caa redte term dr don't taka it aft all. ter of the American Association 1:M -3:IS-5:15 st toying.” what you read. i She Said she feels that the of Teachers of Slavic and East 7:15-9:25 I It is designed to help the stu­ Tide may be an effective ■course is definitely in accord European Languages. dent learn to study by present­ method or you may find aa-lwith tee pr esent University Dr. Poltorattky had headed ing several accepted methods, other method which is better j phflesephy of mare independent the Michigan group since it w*s from which the student choses suited to your needs, tee said.' study. formed two years ago. the best. said. F " I The com e is open to frete- Dr. Morse said tee has fsund mea aad soptumeres, and to ■ Other officers named at the “Psychology 101 is a course through her research teat. atu-|upperclassmen with special association’s annual meeting in which a student is given the dents who take tee course their ■permission. - held recently on cmnpus were opportunity to explore for him­ Ida Paper of Bedford High self what is seeded to be a School, Detroit, vice-president; good student,, mid then to find E a rm a rk Funds and Horace W. Dewey, Univer­ the correct method,” said Dr. Wmß sity of Michigan, secretary- Jo Morse, assistant professor treasurer. of psychology and a member to the Counseling Center staff. Dr. Morse said that re­ Panelists Discuss ! ' “Enrollments in Russian and other Slavic languages in Michigan schools continue to search is carried oa every increase,” reports Dr. Poltor­ term la all the sectioas ef 101 aad the staff has feoad that it cannot prescribe one par­ School Allocations atzky. “However,” 1he adds, *‘these increases are not as spectacular as they have been ticular method to Study which in the past few years.” cos be ssed as a standard for The group voted to make a every stadeat. compilation of all existing Rus­ “ Y o u r m ethod of stu d y is I sian and Slavic studies being so m eth in g w hich you should offered in Michigan schools. h av e b ro u g h t" to college with y o u ,” said D r. M orse. “ H ow ever” , she said , “ if you, Overheard. One of the more find that you do not h av e an prominent sororities on campus e ffective m ethod, the objective ANXIOUSLY AWAITING a first glimpse If Santa are Steve, 2, Neal, 4, and Anne .actually has a “queen chair­ of this co u rse is to give you an man.” Tafcb that for what it’s JMEtKHÉflRr* * ■«SâbtW opportunity to find th e c o r r e c t ! Sellick, I. They ore file children to Mr. aad Mrs. Neal SeMck to 1441C Spartan worth. — Dally Illini. m e th o d .” Village. Mrs. Sefifck painted Santa ea the windew as tee has for several years. “ T h is c o u rse is an outlet i —State News Phete by Dave Jaehalg. w h ere stu d en ts c a n ta lk o v e rj Michigan State University w h a t th e y a r e like an d d iscu ss j LECTURE CONCERT SERIES th e ir own p a rtic u la r stu d y p r o - ; blem s w ith th e r e s t of th e I Crantnimist Activities . presents -- c la s s ,” sh e said. THURBER’ ROUS 'EM IN THE AISLES D r. Morse sa id th a t sh e felt i th a t th e R obinson Q-3R is th e j b e s t m ethod th a t high schools c a n te a c h to th e ir stu d en ts. In E r d e i R e la te s S to ry th e R obinson sy stem th e fol- JUDY MARUCCO lowing things a re done: Of the State News Staff v*«** S urv ey — ch eck th e title an d j “The percentage o f' Com­ c h a p te r h ead in g s to g e t a n idea munists is greater in the Unit­ of> w h a t th e m a te ria l c o n ta in s .! ed States than in the Iron Cur­ Also ch eck th e len g th of y o u fi tain-countries,” Dr. Michael m a te ria l an d b u d g et y o u r tim e , j Erdei, assistant professor to Q uestion — B efore you re a d electrical engineering, told the th e m a te ria l you should form Conservative Club Thursday som e q u estio n s ab o u t th e c h a p ­ n r tfig L t e r fro m w h a t you re a d in th e h ea d in g s. ' R e a d , R eview , R ecite—R e a d j night. Erdei, one to the 200,000 self­ exiled Hungarians to flee his homeland during the Freedom Si ftghter uprising, arrived in the, United States in May 1980. He joined tee university faculty j The hospitality committee to tee next fall. In his speech entitled “I A l THURBER "ON ALL RECORDS, 'the Lansing World Affairs Lived Behind the Iron Cur­ tain,” Erdei said tbe ealy DIAMOND NEEDLES, RECORDING TAPE j Council ia looking for students i from other countr ies who want }to become friends with a local way Communists caa enforee their doctrines is by tastQl- CARNIVAL”! t American family. Some 234 iag fear. disc shop i students new to the campus | during the past summer and | fall have now been assigned to “The people are afraid _to die,” be said. “They shut up when they see the machine .• W ie m r guns.” MONDAY» JANUARY 8 o p « « e v e n in g s j families in this area eager to | know people from other coun- “During the Freedom Fight­ | tries and cultures, and to offer er revolt, the people in Buda­ ■ j ff lW S * ! 8 = « PM- I hospitality and friendship. pest refused to go to work,” he o w f o ’i f - 1 UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM I These ia still a list of more said. “The Communists block­ ed ail roads in and out to the DAZZLING! . j h« i 40 families asking for names to students who would city so the people could not get food. They feared for their RESERVED SEATS: 13.50, 13.00, $2.10 (50c DISCOUNT PER TICKET TO STUDENTS ritee to participate in this plan - is th e s h ir t c le a n e d j to fRwuiwirihg friendship, and to children so they went back to ON RALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE) i see something to life in the av- work.” erage American borne. The doctrines that the Com­ a t L o u is . I Students who have not been munists are so avidly trying to PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 ; reached in this exchange_are enforce cbnsist of a series to • invited to sign up in the UJf. contradictory axioms, said to g ? y C le a n e r t o Lounge, or to call Mrs. Jade Erdei. „ . ' Green, chairman of the hos­ “The first axiom is that the LAST DAY o S h i r t Landry pitality committee, at ED 7- i 1577. majority is bad,” ha saicL-“ft is too selfish. The Communists Fautore 1:10*3:20 E A S T L A N S I N G * PHONE ED.2-2814 «Se to 5:30 • Evenings Me 5:25-7:35 *i:40 NIGHTS A SUN. — ADULTS Me SAT. MAT. Me ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS SE E A N D T R Y _ starts TO D A YQ MQ I Cgy^H I G A N «BaeoaMMaied Wlthaut R esem tim r* THE NEW _ Starts 7 p.m. —Feature 7 ¡25 • 9:30 Super Bargain Day! KEMETH MORE -DANIELLE DUÉ1EUX S M IT H m C O R O N A A DEVIL-MAY-CARE ROMP! Compact Office Electric INGMAR BERGMAN’S ...NEW EST F IL M ... T h e N ew d M i M h wuuss AMonmts. 'la s te te SWAfttffiWY W f '1• JOHN CLASHING IN A KINGDOM • STARTS TOMORROW Mar* Ragged A ction...M ot*Suspense than “The Bridge «a the River Kwai” •> THE • WAYNE H FU LU N S! ^ ih e g k h is i high m im m b /s s fhmedi DEVIL'S EYE t e map MWBp m * -lèLv r EXTRA — “CONQUEST OF AZALCO” STARTING FRIDAY 3 HITS F ar Office sad Personal Use A fall duty, electric efflce typewriter — 12” carriage, n l'- o w 11” writing Hoc, wide seieetiea to type styles. DeeT bay any typewriter^ electric er manual u til | A l ^ yea have seen tbe new Smith-Ceroaa ccwpaet elec­ trics. m «TSV» 1-" mmmmmmammtm- 4W, * # ,.- r v J J JLÈ L ii1 Authorized Dealer for Ingham — Clinton — NNSKMAMS'IUKB. BAUMt*JBUft MENME Eaton mid Livingston Counties — DOUBLE FEATURE — Z m E tM - m S M A 117 E. KALAMAZOO fTF. PH. IV 2-4413 x m m u d » m \â Ê L SALES N m M N M I i m ' . .. BUS WILLIAMS FRED VANDERUP • -.«¿..JACK BAILEY CHARLES NELSON m W W m m my SJ wm wmmssm »Isök B&i i£ M H i ÆÊMÈÊÊÊSÈSÈkmi m iM W mH m 'mimÀ wmwwm $981 ÍSs tato m Ps v .*'• ?m x ñfe MM WM ü gift ,l.,l.a p n ., .,j¡a «■*■»■■■■ m ite w rfw » 'D H tm h r r 6 , W tc m m m wUtgwwkk m m . r •*'. ; . WWÊÊ. SSSßSS m rm %H H straf RSfl |M 4 ì Wôtild Increase »® S * V? :;.*: *fcWl*Sl lus ia markets ' t tlfelQ advataaA to the techno- M E N ’S N IG H T FacultvControl iX ié m A S m m t e m m ’à« n o p r o te s s o r English, w m i m i i -te lil'' l S t % _ _ _ H i boatta* term iirirtt 4|p««r"itew M9HÉ tesa H i te tte « « W o o d s AT p o e t a i » y ^ - ymnM ááfL ■ato# gnmigh. •.t ibey a tt taB or give Faculty members wiB be gtv- i curriculum and course change en n t n«.«0W( in tie .PttyskwMatte :ide uni­ system, more control“ Witt be floor lounge, to tee first of a « w tr ta decide second “DwTktoc «or an easy tate « Sty* AD» Bird, assistant ft “The amount to food tbe | TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 versity policy and the present given to tbe division, school or series of lectures sponsored by professor pt agricultural ifete ttv m M O t has to store is get­ system of curriculum and cottege faculty, and any mem­ the Rpgttte department. :f $ |l cours* change will fot stream­ ber or group may initiate a tttataet.' I, - x ld * ’ ^ ting bigger a n i bigger,” says NO WOMEN ALLOWED lined by the proposed revisions change. The lecture will be “buries- Bird presents a fresh ap­ Dr. Bira, “and may well well -ftft "'ft'. ‘ •; ' --.'V, t to file faculty organization by­ proach to tee problem is ms increata as American tanners ^ I en titled . " S u r g lfo f modernize.” t... 7 TO 10 P Jf laws'of The Academic Senate. " ¡ » i 3 5 a » ; S S t Tte-cast to buying tate stor­ u„ iTC T. Professor Roilin Simons, of curriculum - • u°l , , “ a?. 1 » « « 5 a & n S u u « a i t » . w « ie « a m « * « , a » * committee and ail i ^ light poetry of Stake- euttuiw. culture ing this food k jfotunc te g i« the personnel and production major changes will have to be BMPs book, to he pubikb- too. It now rtuui fit* buttons to Gentlemen, here k your chance to shop in administration, said that al­ passed by me Academic Coun­ re’g “King Lear“ and Lewis though the changes would be cil,” he said. “And minor * 9 f o t lh Wonder­ ed Jan. 12, 1982, is • chal­ deitars-foid makes tbe word “peace”—unhampered by any of the fairer small, they were definitely a chimges will automatically go land.” Dr. Smith will te e give lenging and probteg study If “surplus” political dynamite. tbe problems that face thé Hi Ms seek, Bird empha­ sex. Only our own helpfnl people to aaskt step in thé direction of increas­ into effect ypon_*pproval of somereadtogs. WM American fanner. sizes tee gevernmrot’s pro­ you in solving your “what-to-give-her” ing faculty influence in univer- the committee, to streamlining Any answer is political dyna­ blem with these great stocks sity affairs. tbe present system.” mite, Bird says, and often a -el feed. problems. Gift wrapped on the spot. The mproposal must he adopt­ Thus the policies affecting The neighborhood gourmet ■ ■ has discovered « ed by toe Board of Trustees oe students will be detei mined by jdelighte-by leaving off the sour have failed new gustatory moral issue. Past solutions “We've all read something ford it can go into, affect. and the canned about men melting fortunes Informal Modeling — Refreshments i the voting faculty and less by cream -and chives it k possible facts, figures and arguments from storing grain, Bird says, “This efcaege k of aa jdepartmental chairmen and; to mate a potato taste like a have only served to blind farm "tod why must we store It and evolutionary nature rather j deans, Simons said. ft «potato. — Detroit News. people, legislators and taxpay­ pay good dollars to do so when tkut a revolutionary one,” ers. . ftftftft fajfjP* there are millions suffering he said. “By permitting this “American farmers h a v e from starvation to India and worked themselves out to their' Pakistan and other so-called inflneueial Increase, we feel we are keeping in practice with tbe policl« of the so- Nam e T w o S cien tists ‘intomdevetoped' countries?” In h teb n w , Bird suggests called great universities”. A s A S A M em bers UB Needs some methods to disposing to surplus food. Each program so Simons said th r most signl- far te « he«1doomed to failure, iflcant changes would be in the Two Michigan-State Univer- charged with the task of or­ M u s ic ia n s ft he says.' v .*i. ft" * W lm r t » d cotfege fcwfc I ganizing a College of Agricul­ Bird has university degrees with h w .nd.rd policy on cur- 1 8 ’ riculum Md ronr« ture at the University of Ni­ F o r S h o w from tteee different countries, including a Ph.D. from Michi­ In . the department geria, Nzukka, Nigeria. chairmen would replace pre- Elected to receive the covet- All cast, crew, and com­ gan State University, in the sent department neads, he; ®? honor were Dr. J. E. mittee members involved in search years, last 12 he has done re­ said. ........ ----- \ Grafius. department of farm H o w l a n d H o u s e the an nul Union Board show to agriculture to five problems on economic universi­ Tbe chairmen would be re­ crops a n d Dr. Kirkpatrick will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday ties to the United States, Eng­ sponsible for educational re­ Lawton, soil science depart­ N e w O f f i c i à l s in the Union Ballroom. land and Australia. search and service programs, ment. Those students who partici­ He has received professional budget delusions ana physical Recognition for the contri­ A r e A n n o u n c e d pated in last week’s auditions awards facilities, he said. butions of the two Michigan will be notified by telephone If countriesfor and his work in two has traveled ex­ The voting faculty, "in mem­ specialists came at a banquet Robert Forster, Royal Oak- they are to attend the meeting. tensively to the United States bers above the rank to instruct­ featuring the ASA’s 34th an­ master’s candidate, was recent­ Ron Grow, p a d students.di­ and to over 20 countries. or, shall consult the chairman nual meeting. Attending the ly elected president to the rector-to the show, will an­ Born in Australia, Bird now on departmental matters in-, sessions were many leading nounce the ft schedule for re­ lives in tiie Untied States. He eluding promotion, appoint­ crops and soils scientists from Howland house cooperative hearsals, which will begin is married and has two child­ FASHIONABIIS ments and program plans. . tbe United States, Canada and Other officers include: secre­ winter term, and clear up fin­ ren. ■ ■MSI Chairmen could have their I other countries. tary, Marshal] Green, Nash­ al production problems for the appointments renewed every Dr. Grafius received his B.S. ville junior; membership chair­ cast and crews. five years. ; degree in farm crops from man, William Dowling, Akron aryStill available for the Febru­ A similar organization will be iestitatod at the college tained Michigan grees State in 1937 and ob­ sophomore. his M.S. and PldD. de­ Tbe assistant steward is Gary Among from Iowa StateUnlver- Schilling, Hillsdale senior; ath­ openingsthroe 2 musical comedy are sev­ eral cast and crew petitions. opportunities are CORDUROY dresses,'strife, coot’s, level. The deaa will remaid sity in 1938 and 1942, respec­ letic chairman, Paul Johnson, members, and a typistchorus for musicians, at the betol, but a faculty or­ tively. He has been on the Uni­ ganization would be 'crested versity staff since 1953. within the college to advise Denver, Colo.; education chair­ experience in stencil work. man, Hiro Matsusaki. East) Also needed to construct var­ with SUIT sweaters « and blouses* In U.S. Natural Rondi the desa, he said. Dr. Lawton is currently on Lansing master’s candidate; ious stage materials are sever­ leave of-absence, serving as public relations officer, Con­ al students with either artistic According- to the proposed agricultural advisor in Nigeria. rad Ryden, Iron River senior.' ability, or experience in set. SAIE and U.S. Royal Pastel mink* left.Nbawi collar, 3I,9S. building. REGULAR ta ti T o urist P ublication Only *22” Center, Potor Pan stylo, I L f l , Right, choker cottar,JhM Cooperative Extension Ser­ vice has released a tourist and LEN KOSITCHEK’S resort publication entitled, “Sales Promotion for Motels VARSITY SHOP and Resorts”. It was written by tourist and resort specialist 228 Abbott East Lansing Robert McIntosh. ~ O pen Every W ednesday N ight U ntil 9 SJurts takea brand newfashion turn! OUR CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS ft Pendleton’ ARE OUR REGULAR HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Y ou can be a o n e s te p sh o p p er Box Pleat* 9:30 aju. to 5:30 pun. Wednesday <— IS noon to I pm. ~ th is C h r is tm a s . :A OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT F o r yo ur hom e o r g ift giving: POINSETTIAS BEGONIAS CYCLAMEN From o u r Christm as trim shop: j > HOLLY WREATHS L ^ EVERGREEN WREATHS t DOOR SWAGS ¿n ' ROPING fg _ CENTERPIECES $9 0 0 5 IS CANDLES " ^ s a iU t Country Clothes by ¡fe , Pendleton ALWAYS VISCiN WOOL Barnes F lora l New, wstaftvitep ante.Twia sm m yaar. fintea b> iiiiiH ■nP It^ *K iwMHra^LiQeMHÍ(ÉrM .MjÉ aÍRitatowmta«ih Á • 'J«PPM jtetewta]|M«B Mats"WÊoÊtÊ. Mmm r o f E a s t L a n s in g Turnaboodi TisatetitateMMasia ktat'MtaUt foteie ec inskh toptafo-a jsmtei bate wejaJfu éim strips» te 215 A n n ED 2 -0 8 7 1 Bftey, kroiy riigk weol ItateUkMresertce&mswtakr COSftWmiTAMftTOW-AW/IY, TW »OX SATCHB. in oooidiiMUing color», 36-40,1M5. smortty styled ond «trotchod to a now, long W% mchro to ft ‘' •1 1 - ' provide a roomy interior lor your valuables. With o sturdy vanity frame, fluted gold lock • • • ear handbag in softest block or navy leather. From a special cofloctiott of foatfwr» w e T n r t i w i ri fined bags* 1540, plut tax. ■WgHBdHRt mimm yn TestelStudent A ttitudes D iffic u lt Previous studies along this Provost Paul A. Milter, pres­ A t f f t iM o m r E liM have t a it t piiM at Sterah ident-elect of West Virginia JtoUUta ... Lawrence, Vassar, Bennington. University, - finds departure A U S T W -H B W V tm 9 o o d con- LO ST. G ra y wallet b elongin g to Rob­ d itt a , all eetms. M d f f t a l . $ > 7 4 *1 4 . *" WSJ UB&TY CUSTCÄA 8i45\ A ert I Knight In vicinity of. Abbott Rd.. Theodore Newcomb'S Ben­ from Michigan State » tender quality mobile home in go o d condition. Spartan Village o r Spartaa ViSog e nington study to the 1930’s sug­ spot in his future plans .Autom atic washer, front and rear (tape, Laundry. 1412 Apartment K, Spartan gested that students, although . r.954 C H E V R O LiT Bel Air. 4 dkior 800 gallon oil drum. AH utility con. Village.__________________________ SO liberal ia school, are conserva­ Milter will leave tor Morgan­ sedan, ita nd a sd b o rtsm issta j p c d M e t t a » included. Rettone ble at $2200. LO ST. M a n '* wrist,, watch. Dec. I. tive again following graduation. town, WftVi., to begb» his aew tires, h safer. Excellent condition. ED 2* 3564 22 8 from 8-5 p m . ED 2-9*13 L O W C O S T copies, of class not*», 3993. 1 t o evasriaxs or weekends.____________ 50 G o ld case, leather block strap. Ham il­ rough gram s and printed matcriofc “Those studies woe quite duties in February. ton. Please phone 355-229» or 485- W o n ch G ra p hic S e t a e , 1720 E. Mtar- restrictive,” "Hr. Lehmann “We’ve been here 18 yean ,m COMPLETE 1911 CHEVROLET, to t 6655__________________ _ _ __________ 50 gan, Lansmg. Phone 484-778*. tf explained. "The population cu. in. angine. Hew m crate, 337-0623. was entirely female, to sue Miller said. “It pdQe on the LO ST. L A D IE S gold S w im witch, TYPIST. Professional, «Merienrerf io PARKING S P A C E S for t a t vmtcr1 black suede bend. . Reward. ED 2- theses, manuscripts, publications. C o l­ economic bracket, aad the heart strings to plan leaving.” 1460 CORVETTE. White with md 1 Mocks fm m Union. $10 per >311. 41 lege graduate. Electric elite. E D 2- testing concerned stay one er He is not starting any work inset,; Mack interior, .845 HP, 4 speed, quarter ED 2-3634. ftft- SO 554*. . ' .’ft,' V *’ two vertibles.” that ha will have ia Ms aew 21.000 miles. ExccHent conditta IV 4- LOST. Glasses, black frame, whit* Hotim case lettered Dr. Richard Kenxit, 0«. Stadita concurrent with the position, he said, although the 7804 after 5 pm. .. :-ft B0 T Y P IN G done including term p ap e» F(i)R E M E R G E N ¿ Y reasons, will rent troit. Diana Kupiec, 355-4921. 47 a n d theses. 482-6M 3. 50 MSUwork are being conducted idea is tempting. I 9 S I , ENGLISH PORO. Perfect. for very reasonable rate, beautiful to {ten Jose and Santa Clara. Need» motor work. Ant offer, ov*r-$300 Rouse. 3 bedrooms, large living room, L O S T T W O W E E K S a'go. Beagle T Y P IN G . M anu scrip t term papers. His duties here ss provost takes it 355-0228 from 8-5 pm. ED 2» dining room, garage. Family or fac­ puppy in vicinity o f H aver's Shop etc. C ell E h 2-0570r , 50 Santa O ar, similar to Notre are taking up all his' available 8913 evenings-and weekends. * -50 ulty, I block from Berkey. Evenings •cross 'from M acD on ald t. Black, tan, Dame, is concerned with what time. E D 2 - 8 3 2 3 . ____________ 49 and white. Two small white- markings TYPIST A N N B R O W N . E D 2-83S4. happens to the student at a “i ’ve tried to cut down on 1955 MERCURY hfONTEREY. Good on back,’ white tip " on tail. W earing Electric typewriter. Term papers and Catholic institution. condition. 2 door hardtop, radio, heat- APARTMENTS a leather and chain collar. ED 2-0933. theses, also general typing. tf trips and speaking- dates in "er,, white walls, automatic. 337-0623. •NEAR C A M P U S . Trailer-type epsrt- 47 Dr. Lehmann said he would order to finish up work here ment, private bath, furnished. 155 a S T U D E N T D IS C O U N T , self wash. like to see all the students_ln- and prepare the office tor the. month, utilities paid. C all E D 2-4*79. $ .75 Lube Job, -1.00. Student parking. volved in the study receive a new provost,” he said, "and 14S I N A S H , Hydrometie, no rust P ER SO N A L $1.50. Free quart o f oil with every a l copy to the study results. This (came front Utah), new battery and change. Com pieta tuncup. O p c a 24 have a free evening to read tailpipe, good tires. $85. 3$S-7775. 50 depends, however, onlinañcial about a place called West Vir­ N E W , DELUXE apartments, $30 per J W I S T E R S recommend northeastern hours. Oave's Pure O il. lO iO E. G ra nd conditions. 194» P L Y M O U T H , 4-door. Meehan- week. Perking, 2 .Mocks to campus, M ichigan's Swing Bowl, IS miles so.ith River. • JV tf Tentatively, provided financ­ ginia University.” - also rooms, ED 74)930 after 5 p m . 50 Ically good, now battery, good tires. o f Alpena on U.S. 23. 47 P E R S O N A L D a t a forms, theses end ial support is available, he Miller returns to West Virgin­ M u st sell, $40. ED 2-6275. 48 A P A R T M E N T S and R O O M S for men general typing. O ffset printing, piastre would also like to check with ia as the first alumnus to aerve J 955 P L Y M O U T H *. 2-doer, radio, in unsupervned student housing. ED 2- binding and typesetting. W on ch Grafìe the students five years from as president in nearly half a Service, 1720 East Michigan, Lansing. heater, mangal drift. Carefully maini 3727. / , 50 Phone 484-7786. ______________ tf now to see If.fo r example, the century. He will be the third tamed by eM|Pwner. $195. E 0 2-5326 A P A R T M E N T T O ‘5 H A R E . Need trends toward tolerance and graduate to occupy the position c/ 3 5 S4 Stk . 49 third man. $52 montbly. Availabie T Y P IN G IN M Y H O M E By «mman relativism continued, stopped in the institution's 95-year his­ now. ED 7-2134. 50 with 10 years secretarial experience. tory. 55 O L D S , ,4 door sedan, new brake», TU 2-6738. - tf or were reversed. batttry and feel pump. Ctaan interior U N FU RN ISH ED with garage, I CANDY In 1939 Miller received his but body msted in placas. Excel!ent ' Meck fmm campus. ”Alnconditioned. M O V IN G ? Locel-state-nntionwide Bachelor of Science degree in t'aniportatipn. $125. C a ll ED 2-1351 Penonne! or staff members. ED 2-2782 For free estimate call Kevin Walsh, aftcr I p.m.,«“ f- ' , $ 0 evenings. H A A N Y WH E R E your American R a d l a Ih M o v it g Com - O r ig in a l Y a le agriculture from West Virginia. SO COM PLETE ASSORTMENT pany representative. IV 5-2242. 49 He received his masters of arts " , 1 9 5 7 T R IU M P H T R Ji hardtop, new APARTM ENT. Furnished. Private «n- AVAILABLE AT D e c o r a tio n s in 1947 and tbe doctor of phil­ side curtains, hew- battery, excellent trence, turo room* and bath. Lady, no condition. $1075. IV 5-0359. 80 smoking.'Utìlitias paisL $70. E D 2-1279, TYPIST, 355-9610. Electric type- osophy in 1953, In sociology and writer. Term papers, the»*», genere: typing. ~ . ft- 5C T o B e Show n anthropology, from Michigan »959 T R IU M P H TR-3. Show room State. ‘ condition. $1495. 2309b So. Pennsyl­ F U R N IS H E D 2 room», ground floor, O p e n Every N idht TR A N SPO R TA TIO N The Newcomers’ Club to His new home will be en tiie vania. IV 54 31 4. 50 This Week « I 4.00 private bath, an trance, garage. M a r­ Faculty Folk will meet Thurs­ campus at Morgantown, a com­ I96 0 V A U X H A L L 4 door, excellent ried couple or 2 students. W ill help Across from C H R IS T M A S B U S charter . New day at 8 p.m. in parlor C of munity of approximately 39,000. gnat fo r «mail chad. ED 2-5762. 50 condition. Radio, heater, windshield Home Eeua. Bidg York. Jersey. December 15- Don’t be the Union. It’s mostly a university washer». O X 9-2885 after 5 p.m. 50 - W O M A N G R A D U A T E student to ED 2-8753 left out! Inquire now - saVc. 355-9310- The making of “Christmas town, share apartment close to campkr* with Art Upton. 50 Originals” for the home is to do have he said, although they I960 V O L K S W A G O N sedan. Like some industry. 2 others. 337-1490 after I p.m. 48 ST U D E N T S S T U D Y IN G in Mexico ndw condition- German radio. ED 2- A A A C A L IF O R N IA . Seattle. V e g * . be the theme of the program, 9648 after 5 p.m. 50 F U R N IS H E D APT. 3 large rooms, winter 1962. will meet in the A rt Room, best allowances. Alaska, $100. N ation­ and members are being asked Student population at West 3rd Floor, Union, W ednesday, Dec. 6. T R A V E L IN G ,-n e e d to sell 1958 Ford private entrance, wall to wall carpet, 7:30 p.m. .— ,— *7 wide Drive-Away ," 8900 Gratiot, Oar to bring their own original holi­ Virginia is about 8,000, but V i automatic, power steering, radio. gas heat, adults. Very reasonable. 40? troit W A In u t 5-2070. 24 hours. 50 day arrangements and designs within the next two years it 395-5506. $675. — ft 49 cast M idd le St., WiHiamston. 49 K A R E N S U G D E N and D A V ID TAFT please come to the State 'N e w s W E S T W A R D H O ! Vicinity of C o lo ­ for display. Mrs. Clarence -should reach 9,000, he said. APPRO VED, furnished. , 3 boys, office, Room 347 Student Services rado. Ride needed b y two. Share •cx- Powers will give a demonstra­ The increase is due to tiie EM PLO YM EN T beautiful. Available Dec. 15. IV 2-6677 Bldg.. for two free passes to the Crest pentet. C a ll 337-9676.______________ 50 tion of how to make inexpen­ opening of a new medical cen­ after 6 p.m. ■— ft . 49 Drive-In. tf C A L IF O R N IA . N eed I nder. $20. sive Christinas decorations. ' ter which is just in the begin­ course. W ork here or at home. $5 per U N A P P R O V E D , for 3 men, parking. F O R T H E FIN E ST in dance music C a ll Denny Becklin, E D 2-2554. 49 A social hour will follow the ning stages. Medicine, dentist­ hour commission for those wityiffg to $36 monthly each, ED 2-8386. 49 it's Jack Braun, Bobby -Stevens, Ren , M E X IC O . Leaving Dae.. IS, return program.. Mrs. Gordon Howat ry, pharmacy and nursing are mhke the calls, Alto, collector needed RO OM S English, plus many ptheri. Phene the January I. N eed 3 riders to share and Mrs. Derem Markarian are included in the center's pro­ English Institute, IV 5*3111, mcm'ngs- Su d -M o r Agency. IV 2-0624. af expense«. Fonasr resident, will assist co-hostesses for the meeting. gram. R O O M S F O R I or 2 students. +2! you thara. Floyd Austin, IV 5-6924 pr Bircham Drive. ED 2-1809. 50 f l d f M E N ,^ N D women o f Scale« Council in a display of offensive might A ttn St. School. Lansing. ■ 80 W E N E E D G RILL, pizza cook, de­ livery boys. A p p ly after 5 p.m., Varsity D O U B L E R O O M . I block from Ber- and defensive sturdiness defeated the Drive-In, Mrs. Holt. ________ 50 ;|«y. Cooking. Approved, supervised. “poorly manned Junior Council. 7-2 in W ANTH) Parking available. ED 2-5988. 50 a coed football game. The game was no match. 4f ROOM A V A IL A B L E .’ Beat- House C o -O p . $155 per term, room and S M 0 R G A S 8 0 A R D ; Saturday, Dee. board. Unsupervised. ED 2-5555. 50 9, serving between 5-6:30, 7-8:30 at LAYAW AY Masonic Temple on M A C . E. Lansing. - R O O M T O S H A R E with another Public invitecfi Tickets available, E D 2- congenial male student. Kitchen priv­ 4488. A dults $2.00, children under-12, Pili) mw for your N O W FO R ilege's. A lso double room. ED 2-8162. $1.00. ft, - 50 C H R IS T M A S 50 H E Y J U N IO R S — re a d y? Feb; 31 4 t BERMUDA College Week R O O M N E A R O K E M O S , one or two gentlemen. Private entrance, TV. C a 'I T H E S W I N G B O W L really lumps Curry's. ED 7-2334- 50 every weekend. 9-1 pun. south of A l- WILLIAM H. THOMPSON M E N r Quiet. single; and/or double room. Separate entrance,' bath ap­ pena U.S. 23. 48 19 6 2 JEWELER proved. Winter term. 222 Beal St. Btgflfv KSIwf ED 7-9510 after 5 p.m, 49 FRANDOR, MALL COURT O N E PR IVAT E room for male stu=. E A S f ~ L A N S IN G . 1812 Melrose, better tini «m ! dent. Modern, parking, breakfast three bedroom ranch. Priced below a Infocata sta m ta a g t a s 6a start ava ilable, reasonable. IV ?i7466, if F . H A . appraisal. Small down pay­ «balta C H R IS T M A S TREES - car,-fully shear­ no answer tall after 6 p.m. 49 ment. ED 2-2433 50 • Ccdlafa D a y a t t a B a t a . . . t a ed scotch pine 3' to 20 . C u t any tree for only $2.50. 2850 College Rd. Us biggeat head s p a rty at Iba yeta mjles south of Cavanaugh Rd.- O pen • All-day awtea ta histeria IG every weekend, 1 50 SPART AN H A LL Q s ^ M ta C U n m a ta ^ S C O T C H , RED PINE, and spruce. 215 L O U IS $1,50 and up. 2619 E. Mt. Hope. Third i BLOCK FROM CAM PUS h*u»e west of Evergreen Cemetery. 50 H I G H C H A IR $6. Maternity clothes, et 10 and IT. $1 to $5. Call IV 4- B IG F IS H S T O R Y T JtA ltER S TRY THE “ALL»AMERICAN *n V 5 6 S T R E A M lit £ r daan. Carpeted living room, tpaCt a s kitchen, bedroom, bathrooA. O x lot E 24 M o ­ bile Hom es M»no«, Ready la move In. Low down payment. 355-3114 or ask far Barry, ED 2-6879. 50 * 1955 F O R D l l N E mabita horn*. 30 feet. Excellent home for I or 2 malt students. 633S Park Lake Road. NA 7- 2470 days, N A 7-2995 nights, SO STAR, 10x45, 2 bedroom, excfHant condition. Vacant, wkR deliver in Lan* *n g . 0 1 5-2421. - ¿ftft 50 ONE BLOCK EAST O F CAMPUS B O O K S T O R E (OPEN TILL 1A.M. FRIDAY A SATURDAY) ALSO AT 2W N. LARCH * «Ü8 S. CEDAR io MSU Robberies ! » Z'-h g w^^ mk«a a Ju ta y s M S ik . i A f t r a r t o l « m sw W was i «TS., ■ ut ■ T urnm lufSQiy, • arrested last week te Cincin­ aa, tha-pm r trito cashed two Bf iipPiI muitil;|i« i nati, Ohio, and admitted toot­ checks sit the b u t ing two State fraternities t » I The PM Kappa Sigma fra­ Oct 20. ternity, a s N .ä a rrfa « « ñ a t, . Seelpe 1 Bernard H. Mclntrye, who al­ ;«parted ta police that 124.75 so admitted looting fraternities was stoica from tito borne ria at 42 universities since the fall t k g - m p l of 1898. said he stoic checks "These an y have b e« « to r Graie land browse. Open tonight tiB 9. and cash from two fraternities rehbsstoa the same sight that in East Lansing, police-said. were est reported.” LtYtephun Mclntrye gave ids name as Naert, East Lasada; police Bernard H. Aldrich when be said. was arrested. He^was released The robberies were ail com­ on parole from Southern Michi­ mitted ia the « n e manner, he Two Campus gan Prison la May, 1958. When he was arrested, Mc­ were The mower arid valuables stolen from waBets, dwk lntrye had in his possession drawers identification belonging to a unlocked aad member of the Lambda Chi students were asleep study Alpha fraternity, 128 Haslett part of the house. Naert pants packets in rooms; wftQe in another CLASSICS . st - .; said. , Lambda Chi Alpha reported j to police that on Oct. 20 some Coats that go in fraternity members had been robbed of 848.90 from their G r a d R ig h ts wallets, desk drawers and style • •. everywhere pants pockets. Continued from Page 1) Also on Oct. 20, Richard R. votes will not be lamped to­ Sheppard, Shreve, Ohio senior, gether to detenni« a major­ reported several of his blank ity. " checks missing from Farm Dato Warner, Student Con­ House fraternity, 151 Bogue St. gress speaker, stressed tee Mclntrye admitted he stole need for a quorum at tbe meet­ 95 some checks, forged and cash­ ing tonight. ed them in East Lansing, police Also on the agenda for to­ ft £ 1 7 said. night’s meeting £1 a resolution A teller at the East Lansing to establish a student forum. State Bank identified Mclntrye “Operation bill to give The go everywhere coats, dassicaRy simple, to a Frosb-Soph neat aad trim. The chesterfield with rip ant S ta te S e ts ject to present tiie Four on campos lining, realty two coat« In a « , Jnst rip-rip, Jamie Blanchard, you’re ready for mBd weather. Rack or beige, N e w R e c o rd class president, will — misses and petite sizes, 17.85. The dssMe tbe meeting. breasted boy coat, slash peeketed, aaftty ttmd In T a lk a t h o n m collar wtik Alpaca Mark V* far warmth thra any weather. Misses sizes, grey er frige, Michigan State broke the Uni­ P re se n t P a p e r o n 18.85. ' " versity of Illinois talkathon rec­ ord. last night at 7:06 p.m. when F e e d in g o f S a m e the event passed its fifth day.. According to a Butterfield Staff members H. D. Ritch­ GOATS - STREET LEVEL Hall spokesman, the talkathon ie, E. R Koroegay, E. R. Mil­ with West Landon Hall passed ler. D. E. Ulfrey, B. G. Har­ its 116th hour at that lime. mon and J . A. Hoefer present­ Sheer loveliness The spokesman also said that ed papers at the American So­ Butterfield has challenged the ciety of Animal Production la Western Michigan University Chicago lat ently. for Christmas giving record because of an invalid The papers covered mineral starting time. research and spiramycin and “MSU’s starting time was antibiotic combinations in verified by the newspaper press associations,’’ he said, “but swine rations as well as studies affecting tee antibody produc­ H anes Seam less WMU’s was not.” ing ability of swine. i Give a gift of sheer enchantmenf . * . elegant «T hr' hnslrrj by Banes. Daytime and evening sheers & phM the ever popular mesh. Shades of Sooth Pacific, Bali Rose, Shell and fashion colors to compliment her finery, Sizes W to 11, proportioned lengths. BRACELET BAG, in heavy-guage SHAGGY MUK LUKS, for her EVENING CLUTCH, with throw- Reinforced heel and to e - 1.58, 3 tar 485 vinyl plastic, ringed with gold. special lounging, hours. Soft and over lock, pleat accents. In elegant Brown, Mack or otter colors. so comfortable. Colors galore to black tissue faille... so appropriate Demi-tee .--------- 1-86, 8 far 4.75 Sandalfoot ft. 1 » , 8 far 5.35 Perfect for casual use, ideal for match with robes and sieepwear. for those special holiday occasions. Sizes S-M-L-XL ........ - 4:88 2.98 Christmas giving 3.88 m HOSIERY — STREET LEVEL All Santas are invited to M E N ’S N I G H T A R T E M IS Our new and wonderful (F or Men O nly) Lace sadptnred Tuesday, Decemeber 12, 1961 - 7 to 10 p.m . nylon tricot dip T o y la n d is O p e n • Feel Free to Browse on the second fioor • Informal Madeline Scalloped laca h an nnd • Free Gift” Wrapping lined bailee «f áto n a* We lifted the ttd higher on Kaapp’s Christmas Jewel • Light Refreshments IM MNfVS p w l. ew- B « ! 1% ee Jhe new second floor a new Toyland Is ganee ITthis éasy-care ready wtth toys galore la tiurfB children ef every age. • Door Prizes and Sonvenirs stip. Wash R, wear It ■taftwwném« Inlwn Take tee elevator ta Knapp's East Laming’* • Bring a Friend (Male) flNpnv9 Hier* fifftlWir . , Toylaad . , r . yea’ll Had everything to make the ttoacd l e n g t h « far ehtldrea’s Christmas the happiest aver! peefset tit. Sizes 3M8 everaga.1 ’ f ti TOYS - SECOND LEVEL ft Be **King fo r a night GARDEN LEVEL S iîS É ii ip iìip B l M il® ;ft lilts ' J* .»gì '■ ■ » WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS 12 NOON TO !► P Ä , E P « 6 0 6 E A S T LA N S IN G Ê&ÊÊÊ WÊÈÊÊËÊÊm. M ¥w m « » w BRaOHMW mm B ili m .