W Pm m Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 115 Thursday Morning, December 7, 1961 W ill N eed M illio n s LANSING on-An urgent idea lor a five-year HZ5 mil* Hon building program at state* supported colleges and univfer* sities was laid before tbe legislature Wednesday. The request was made by nine state college presidents appearing before a special in­ terim committee studying col­ leg e building needs. Sot. Carlton H. Morris, chairman, told the group: Qr with a “teen” in my heart is tee great debate be­ “I think It can be expected tween interested students m the erase ef the thirties that tee legislature will do returns to State. Dance marateeas were the rage thirty something to meet the needs of years age, and they are back hi the Umetffkt again a t htebte education ” Bryan Hail csattapes a “twis t a then" which they th e group recommended creation of a state agency to hegaa late Tuesday afternoon. —State News Phete by handle financing and asked tee Eide« Garlock. ~ '"' .-I , See COLLEGES page S~- M a y H a rm B u d g e t C o n s id e r a tio n s S e a ts O p e n T o P u b lic -H G raduates W ill H e a r A d d ress b y R om ney Degrees will be presented te Christ A Latter-day Saints 707 «tediati at tall quarter (Mormon). A* commencement e x e r c i s e s His numerous a w a rd s in- Thurtday at • pju. in tee chute an honorary toctor of A u d i t o r t e w * ' degree 'from MSI} last George Romney. president of «tene. , .v ii American Motors Corp., win Although admission tickets cement ad- have been distributed for use ■ by famflta* sod friends j f hwided by graduating stndenftT more I Hannah, than MM seats will be avail- ■s includes able to tee general public, candidates Prof. là m i Nickte. ce*u- Klidates. muncwiiate committee chair- •Romany, has headed 1man, said the pa^hc -w tt he Apqrlesri Meters since MM, seated a* long as designated is A & W Ê K M r* m M m m - s p a e e - remate* - available. Tnere^anrn o generai admis- am aìto M ktofsa, a state-wide The opening exercises and He address I by Rom a» will ha - ■ - :‘. ' . S S 5 ' ' Ï V HOURS ÜÉ go diractty tolba) ... ! - ¡1) ARE OUR REGULAR H O U R S g§ Soph CaaaeO aag AW8. Groups win assemble at 7 By KEUN YOUN && vices abroad, and English Of tes Mai* News Mall lammaee iaatroctioe centers language “The role «1 the foreign stu­ pm . at Brody. Case, Lat te a, dent adviser, in my aptoton, Mason, and Phillips dormitor­ Night Stoff | | MONDAY, TUE8DAY, THURSDAY, ^ FRIDAY. SATURDAY 4* ttto AM. to S:M PM. abroad. is to 'give maximum help and ies. From there the groups will Night Editor. Robert Neu* 5 (First af a Sarto*) “The fonctions of the foreign WEDNESDAY 12 NOON to t PM. student adviser «re seldom services to students through We mi i v nw ni p n« «POO t a sBa eau nateT nwto Editar, David w w mi i wo n i nt fiwv» t s a An attempt To solve tbe pro­ adequate orientation pro­ M T ,'' Copy editors, tele blems in foreign student pre­ ciearly defljied, and this is re­ grams, organising various hours of Christmas caroling. Filson, OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT grams ea campus has been re­ flected in U | anomalous por­ kinds of social activities for The Men’s Gtoe Club will be ported successful on the basis tion la-tee university admin­ foreign students, arranging o f “fundamental improve­ istrative organisation.” tee re­ CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS - port said. scholarships am) loans, and tbara to (Bract tea staging- ments.” ~ counseling on personal pro-i Students lMng off campus m -l LOW COST . . . Critics have charged that have Gaamat said be does not blems.” he said. programs for foreign students for thécomplete admission responsibility and regis­ “Things are not as bad asi in American colleges and uni­ tration of foreign students, or the report advocated, and f FIN A L EXAM INATION SCH ED U LE FOR F A L L , 19 *1 versities are failing to mast for their scholarship and loans, some difficult problems will be adequately the needs of the overcome by fundamental im­ finTahe l u t 4*3* o f c lt.c c » fo r F e lt T .rm is D ecem ber 3, AU students or their countries, ac­ hid such he shares responsibility for services with the admis­ l n t m l M t i « ! ! «ritt M g iv en in a c c o r te n e , p ith th e follow ing provements so that the ed­ ached trie. ■-j...-.-,.- i - cording to the report made by ucational job can be carried a committee of the American sion’s tes office, the registrar, and financial aids officer. _ . T he tin«« of th* ^exam in atio n * in C trivereity C ollege e é iiti« i io out as effectively as possible.” given hetoto. G u f f ilw tim i ro o n i. w in he announced by th e In»true- Association of Land Grant Col­ t o r d u rin g th e t u t « reek -ef. elodee*. leges and State Universities. A m erican T h o u g h t & L an g u a g e Monday, P m . I t , 10:JS-Ì2:1S Based on the conclusion of N a tu ra l M n c < Tuesday, Dec. t î , 1 0 :U -lJ:to N u m b e r s D o u b l e Social Science W ednesday. Doc. .IS, t e : l l - l î : I S a five-month study, the report H u m a n itie . - T tium day, D u . 14, 10-15-12:14 <• declared that “the education­ tte time of examination, in aectlon* other th.n I'niver.Hy COI* i enehadvled al program for -foreign stu­ dents in America appears to be a poor allocation of the re­ Con-Con Lures/ claaanooms coar.ee 1. determined by the dey. and th. time the class I. durine th. term, Kx.mlnatloo# wilt b* *iv*n In th. earn, usea fó r class meeting, during th# term. sources of the United States as | AFTERNOON C LA SSES Visitors to Capitol well as the homeland.” . | MORNING C LA SSE S “This is not an easy pro- j Begtnnina I f your at one of T o u r exam If srdtjr Ba tegone in n in g T o u r exam of time and blem,” Donato J. Gemmel,; c lu e tb .ee tim e an d claaa the** meets d a te to meet» hour* dote ta foreign student adviser, said, -The annual cavalcade .of stu- ( are keenly aware that the hour» “but we have been trying our dents fnoying toward the Lan- j delegates in Constitution Hail MW F MWF 1:00 Tueedey T h u rad ay best for what we believe to be ! sing Capitol Is Increasing in are writing a draft of the Con­ M TThF D ecem ber 14 MTThF 1:30 - December I t the benefits.and needs of the! size, due largely to the “onee- stitution they may be living MTWThPI 3:41*5:45 M T w T hF 1:30 -1:30 foreign students on campus.“] in-a-lifc-time” added attract­ with for many years.” He said he doesn’t agree en-q ion, the Constitutional Conven­ TTh' tide DT hecem u red ay 1:00 Wednesday .1:30 ber 14 1:30 December IS tirely with the report of the Ition. «:fb¿10:00 l:3#-3:SO Land Grant Colleges Assn. He gave as examples of sue-: According to Secretary of Delegates MWF F rid a y SfWF*“ Thureday THI SHAOOY TOQUI -cessful programs—the foreign j State James M., Hare, students B M TThF D ecem ber 15 MTThF December 14 student language center, the j an<) teachers who come by the American Brother-Sister prcA busload from all parts of the Return From M TW Thf 10:15-13:1» H T W T h F l:30--3?30 F rid a y First on tea «lapas» in fit# dty ond on tha Oiristmos list of gram, and the hospitality com-j stete ar€ asking . questions mittee on the World Affairs | about Con-Con and warn to look at the original, copies of * Ganada UN K Ä „ ut a. 14-5:45 D ecam ber I t 1:30-3:30 wtntof-octfva eoads ond caraarôts . . . our boightonod bond hiiggsr of Bwffy fur dotb. Always Council —. _ - 10:00 M onday 3:00 The foreign student langu­ previous constitutions which j ~The effectiveness- of the M MW F — 10:30 D ecem ber 11 MTThF MWr 3:30 M onday - December 1 1 age center, which has been are kepi m the Archives in j United Nations as a instrument M TW Thf TThF 1:00-10:90 JtTWThF 7:00-0:00 pm plush, always fashionobto. Jn bright boB- eriablished since last year, of­ Hare’s office. j for peace was studied by three fers special English courses “The number of students I Michigan State delegates at a 10:00 Tueedey Tueeday day colors» 5.9g 10.SO D ecem ber 13 December 13 for new foreign students to visiting Constitution Hall and i five day conference of the Stu- 1:00-10:00 7:00*3:00 P0» overcome the language bar­ the Capitol was twice as large dent United Nations Assn. rier until they are able to November as it was in Oc­ Representing MSU at the M W F 11:00 W edtjeaday , M W F Monday December i t regular courses. tober;” Hare said. “The conference held Nov. 30 to Dec. M M TThF TW Thf D ecem ber IS M T T hF 0:00*10:00 M TW ThF 3:43*1:41 M E N ’S N I G H T The American Brother-Sister ]chances are, when the legis- 3 in Ottawa. Canada were the 11:3 0 program, sponsored- by -both j lature is in session in January. campus Unitod Nations vice- TTh W ednesday T ueeday AUSG and the international j the largest number of students president Alan Kirton, East 11:00 p ec a m b o r IS December 41 a t J a c o b s o n ’s 11:30 5:45*1:15 1:45-3:45 Cooperation Committee, was in history will observe their Lansing doctoral candidate: organized on campus for the deliberations. — ' - Karl Magyar. East Lansing MWF F rid a y EVEN IN G C LA SSE« purpose of closer contact~be- “Young people today want junior; and Blrget Olesen. Fre- M TThF 13:00 D ecem ber i t TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12 tween American and foreign to see how their government dericia. Denmark special stu- j M TW Thf 12:50 0:00*10:00 TTTouroEe B S ïw K7 T B nr meet* 7*9 PM students. The program- in­ operates and many of them dent. Howard A. Scarrow of M a fte r , 5 - Wed.. Dec. II , volves more adequate’ orienta­ the political science depart­ TTh M onday D ecem ber 11 T. T Th aster 5 7*9 PM MW a fte r I Thuraday, Dec. 14. - No Women Allowed tion of new students on campus ment accompanied the delega­ 1:30*1:30 Tb a fter 5 -and the American way of M e d i c a l R e s e a r c h tion. a 7 to 10 p.m. life. The key speaker suggested NO F IN A■L EXAMINATION ■ ■ MAT « 1 B11 OIVBN a t a : The Lansing chapter of the H e a d S p e a k i n g ttyfeUN is not a really effective tFAh Ca Un LTY T H E R E G U L A R L E SCH EDULED TIM E J S E S ffT I a c t io n . Gentlemen, here to yntf ehaaca to \VdHd Affairs "Council is thtff instrument for world peace al­ only off-campus organization,! A f K A fl71P though it is still the greatest to “peace” — unhampered I f aay af which arranges the invitation single hope. “ the fairer sax. Only ow awa helpfal _of foreign students to Ameri- Dr -puoma* p. singer, head Meetings were held at the ] ~ pesple to assist ym to w h to f year can homes for better under of the biochemistry depart­ University of Ottawa and Carle- j standing of customs, and life. ment of the Edsel Ford In- ton University. Approximately t Other 'programs Gemmel stitute -for Medical Research, 90 Canadians and 10 Ameri­ cited are the annual Christmas will speak Thursday at 4:10 cans attended. Varsity Drive In “whnt-to-give-her” p r s b l e m s . Gift wisppfag aa ten spnt. Bring tea tops * they will enjny shnpplag for Mnm’s gift Adventure, the International p.m,_at the biochemistry col- This was the first UN con- j 1227 E. Grand River M her favorite star*. Testival, and the campus UN. loquim in 122 Kedzie. ference organized tv the Ca- The study of the Land Grant His topic will be “Chemical nadian Universities. A univer­ Op*i Evtry Day 1 **• Colleges Assn. also found “ser­ Nature,- Origin, and the Bio­ sity UN conference will be held Informal Modeling — Refreshments ious defect*“ in the selection logical Function of Mito­ spring term at Michigan State.. DaNmry Sorvioo “ • of foreign students and their chondrial DPNH Dehydrog­ placement in the nation's col- enases.” - 8:30 p*m. * 1 :3 0 a.m. legcs and universities. Singer Is an established in­ T e s t s R e s u m e d Sunday 5:00 p.m. • 1:30 a.m. Other obstacles Included in­ vestigator of the American difference to foreigir students Heart Assn. and has achieved A t M i s s i l e R a n g e on many campuses, rigid national and international dis­ course requirements that fail­ tinction for his researches on WHITE SANDS MISSILE ed to take into consideration the purification and mechan­ RANGS, N. M. <*—Project th e student’s educational ism A action of certain oxi­ Banshee tests were resumed needs, and the “startling dif­ dative enzymes. today over White Sands Missile ferences" between American He earned all three of his de­ Range. educational and educational grees from the University of A Nike Hercules guided mis- systems elsewhere in the Chicago and also was a Gug­ 1sile provided the explosive world. NEED CASH MEN’S SHOP genheim Fellow at Paris and Iforce measured by balloon- “The student also faces pro­ Cambridge. _ •borne instruments. blems of readjustment wben he returns to his native land,” the report said. “He may find Limey Says it difficult to utilize the know­ ledge he has gained, because the subjects he has studied ‘«ED A PART FORTHAT lakea Cue bear on conditions unlike those at home and because traditions and customs still dominate his •OLDER CAR?’ S e ll Y o u r U s e d national life.” The report called for Feder­ al support for services helping UMCO AUTO PARTS! in the proper selection and placement of foreign students in American institutions. These would i n c l u d e academic 13 3 2 N. LARCH ST. counseling and testing aer- (LOOK FOR THE RED HOUSE 1 ■ ■ - IV 2 -13 0 3 We have gaad used 15 and 15 inch tfiras JuniorYear SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS GIFT CASUMS FOR TH! WAN in . KAMNINO A VACATION UN DIR TH i5U N .ee HewYork CO-ED SNOW BOOTS Sond ’n surf ssiperrotss to sizes S-M-l-Xl. loftt Poim tree print 4 a eiwseaf ana ysar With Robber Lining cotton iWrf to white/Wue or g ceifsge jm© white/rile, 4.95. Dacron-cotton A amait looking anam boot outrigoer swim trunks in otoro» tile, ta n u r to dass or a• m biadt» bomboy bhio or whrto. 7*95. ■pedal occamon. Buy now at Right» Dacron sport shirt to vWd this low price. tile. Mu* or obvo print, g.9*. UM » far Barmuda shorts af doeron*co«ton to oütoi» wtota, Mock or fit*. Waist, 28-40. 10.00 WOOLWORTHS OPEN MEN’S SHOP - 21* ABBOTT ROAD - EAST LANSÍNG HRANDOR U N DOR ■ A r£y ;: mon . - sat . mm -h m m m m a m — ; l a 1 TV 'ÊÊÊàÈmk r ------ í .......... vanHan taimédiatap ■i couvenuon wamwsuay five-day sesteos ta order to v>y ftdt -^SÄSM patai 1 resolution **n,i ip meet the deadlines. Bar pa* i d i convention ta tiw Com- ¡111% « stries of deadttaes In order poaal was «afanad to tea com­ m**M of I te White. far tan convention to adjourn mittee an rules and «apto* Mardi » — Second approval March SI. tema. and'adoption by roll call vota However, the vote was pre­ Finally, Madar heatedly ask­ of aB proposed articles and ceded by a spirited debate. ed that the press carry «. teat sections. The 9*41 vote was generally acaro ef abenteeism, bet his M íate Q — Final report of along party te n , Republicans proposal wan voted down. the naar constitution by ite ab o u t w h a t to g iv e vote« lor te a proposal and Tne daadtaw* approdili by eemmtttoe on style and draft- Xteaiacnda toe canvantb n include; ' inc. i :i R i P l D ad fo r C h ristm as? Theproposal, by Richard C. Jan. SI — Convention com­ abarte SI — Final adoption, Van Donee (Rep.), Birming­ mittees mast complete draft­ submission to votaro, and ad- ham, sat various deadlines, ing new language. journment. ::vffl| with the te a l one being March 32, ao the new constftroon can go on the November ballot. Melvin Hard (Dem.), De­ troit, started the controversy S P E C IA L with a proposed amendment to tee resolution saying that none ef the deadlines would be rigid, but would onto act as guid- C H R IS T M A S B O N U S posts to on tens. Van Dusen replied „ teat Nord’s amendment was un­ necessary and if passed would, IN C A S H in effect, nullify the proposal. JOEL BRYANT settles down With bh 13 octave masieal Other delegates jumped into saw. A devotee ef classical music and jazz, Bryant Is a the fray.. Milton E. Higgs gnfaito stadert here, fie has beta accepted by the Ted (Rep.), Bay City, agreed with Mack Amateur Hear to perform on television. —State Van Dusen but said it would News Photo by Eldon Garlock. . be a good idea to vote an ex­ tension to any committee that wanted one. Arthur J. Madar (Dem.), Detroit, said there wasjio rea­ son to impose deadlines. t “Everybody here Is being OWNER PROVEN honest in trying to get work done on time,” he said. Richard D. Kuhn (Rep.), 6000 MILES'FREE DRIVING Pontiac, and Jack Faxon (Dem.), Detroit, also spoke in THE FABULOUS 1962 RENAULT By RON YOGMAN A.B. in social and political sci­ favor of Nord’s amendment. Of ¿he State News Staff ence and where he now serves “It insults my intelligence to as assistant to the dean. imply that I don’t know how to Economy Driving 9 Luxury Styling Aay day now Joel Bryant, He has recently completed finish on time without „dead­ y o u ’l l f i n d D a d ’s b e s t Birmingham. Ala. graduate another article on the relation­ lines,” Kuhn said. student. vriB receive an invita­ ship between fraternities and Faxon said there whs no Let SANTA and his tion from the producers of the higher education in which he need for Van Dusen’s proposal. workers help yon make C h r is tm a s G if ts a t . . . Ted'Mack Amateur Hour in concludes that the two can ex­ “There is no foot-dragging your choice a t ” New York City to perform be­ ist in harmony provided that going on,” Faxon said. fore their cameras during the their basic philosophy and poli­ Nevertheless, Nord’s amend­ uptomaig holidays. cies are complementary rather ment was voted down, 89-45. «*, Joel is perhaps the only stu­ than contradictory. The opponents of Van Dus­ dent on campus who can claim Currently working for his en’s resolution were still un­ mastery ef the musical saw.rr master’s degree at State, he is daunted. frtm d o r sh o p p in g c e n te r Kuhn again took the floor to 1105 E. MICHIGAN IV He has given recitals for high carrying a six credit load in propose teat all deadlines be OPEN EVERY DAY 9 A.M. TILI*_9 P.M. TILL CHRISTMAS schools, colleges, community counseling procedures and stu­ removed except that of March OPEN MON. - WED. - ERL T IL 9 and church groups and has per­ dent personnel in addition to 31, but the proposal was de­ formed for TV and radio aud­ serving as an assistant resident feated by voice vote. iences. adviser at Armstrong Hall. Adelaida J. Hart (Dem.), “I play by music rather than Detrotty proposed that the con- by ear,” be said. “Since there is ao sheet music published K a z o o H a s specifically for the saw 1 use the melody as a guide to pick out the necessary notes. C r a m -a -th o n “I’ve tried to take it out of the novelty range by learning Hie “thon” craze has hit to play classical music on it. Kalamazoo College in a long I can do almost any type of list of triumphs across tee classical piece.” state. But the critics of th* His repertoire includes classi­ marathon telephone conversa­ cal. popular and. jazz selec­ tions in Michigan colleges can tions:. take heart. _ „ They’re reading bodes in “The musical saw is similar Kalamazoo’s to a carpenter saw,” he ex­ tion, newest innova­ a “cram-a-thon.” plained “The blade is made - This “thon” takes ¡dace to from tempered high carbon the college library with the steal which allows for a 13- promise to college officials octave range. Joel’s three brothers and two that ataleast 30 readers will be “ MY VIEWS ON „ sisters are all musically in­ there The ta ll times. college is cooperating n m r clined. Perhaps this is because with the idea by leaving tea gHgg^gggpRtBuREftMMRjfctiHMNMP both of his parents are music library open 24-hours a fay. teachers. This week Kieenkewer epeakt This is final examination What effect have his parents week at the college, which Is his mind om the Berti» crisis. had on Ms development? Be tells why theRussians hove the cross-town rival of “talka­ stepped up the pressure. "They are the ones who help­ thon” „enthusiasts at Western Whether, in his opinion, they ed me get to the point where Michigan University. ‘ will risk nuclear umr. And how A LSO ... 1 am today, since (hey are both very critical." he replied. The father of a son at college each of usJeen help stave off Joel has proven his versatil­ says the boy seems to be catch­ nuclear war. Bead Bus week's ity. having gained recognition ing on quickly to the time-hon­ Saturday Evening Post. We WiU Buy Books Dropped From MSU as an author as well. ored campus traditions—such He. has am article entitled ~as never writing home. — De­ “The Natural Rights of John troit News. H ie Nations Largest Wholesaler - Locke. Its Influence and Use of by Thomas Jefferson.” appear­ ing to the January, 1961, edit­ ion of The Quarterly Review of Higher Educate» Among MEN'S ARTICS ¡ S i # t& E US'HRST! Negrete. This review is published lour times annually by Johnson C. „P R O T E C T Y O U R ' Smith I'ruverstty, Charlotte, N.C., where Joel received his F E E T TH IS W INTER b o o k s s a y s a w .« mu» Why take a chance on getting trick from wet fata? Enjoy Wentworth’* winter foot protec­ . . . see our f in e c o lle c tio n o f B o d s fo r your f rie n d s and f a m ily at tion with • pair af oar winter hom e b e fo re you le a v e . T r e m e n d o u s S e le c tio n ! „ _ artica. New edy • . . S to p h r A n d L e t U s H e lp Y o u WOOLWORTHS (A c ro ss F ro m T h e U n io n B u ild in g ) OPEN 2 0 Y e a r s O f C o m p le te B o o k S to r e S e r v ic e FRANDOR n i l junior ond « È l i Kappa. * Mahoney Fteal exams aesrwoahaadt ID., sophomore. TomDeir, Knot Lansing jun­ watchword for many groups fa» partite this week-end. DELTA UP8ILON ior, to QtaMFLaidlau, Toronto, of Michigan SUte students. That’s the social picture. W-m Larry Geiger, North Cattn, Their service projects will Students hibernate to do last N.Y., junior, to to m Cook, TR ttM U S bring Christmas to needy fam­ minute cramming for those m Sault Ste. Marie junior mid TomGoweU, Hart sophomore, ilies and children’ homes in tests which usually count one Kappa Delta. to Mary Rtoks. Mean senior Tom Manuel, Angola, N.Y., and Alpha Gamma Delta. tee Lansfchgaroa who would half of the final grade. junior, to Brepda Cook, Syra­ ALPHA EPSILON PHI be " mm* to have Christmas. A Christmas party will to cuse University freshman, v. |larr Sac Ftrtel, Belleport, South WUttema HaH resi­ held for tea men of Delta Up- Jerry Haines, Birmingham Long Island. N.Y., sophomore, dents have been making dote stion aad their dates at the junior, to Brenda Field*, De­ to Ricky Stienhauer, Syracuse toy*'aad animals for children University junior.: in the St. Vincent’s Home. chapter house Friday night. troit junior aad Delta Zeta. Ken Kemp, Taylor junior, to GAMMA PHI BETA North Campbell Hall is col­ They will decorate the tree and Peggie Turner. Farmington Linda Collier, Glenview, til., lecting food, clothing, and . bum their traditional Yule' freshman- I; senior, to BofrSteffi, Berwyn, toys for a needy family in Lan­ Log. Housemother Mrs. Blan­ 10., and Evans Scholar sing. South Campbell resi­ che Salisbury will treat the PHI DELTA THETA dents will donate baskets of guests with her famous home­ Bill Bumgardner, Bloomfield PHI MU :fr food to a family. made eggnog. Christmas carols Hills senior, to Wendy Turner, April Corey, Plymouth soph­ West Mayo Hall held a will be sung around the tree Farmington junior and Pi Beta omore, to paid Dobbs, Royal Christmas party far the resi­ .to wind up the party, A Phi. Oak graduate student. dents; the girls brought food, Alpha Kappa Psi will enter­ PSI UPSILON Jane Oik, East Lansing soph­ clothing am! toys which will be tain the children from St. Vin­ . M m SUM* ‘t o y » Carvel Tefft, East Lansing omore. to John Fitch, East given to a Lansing family. cent’s Home on Friday night. Far Office aad Piraeaal Dae senior, to Anne Mayer, Canan- Lansing junior. <&■ West Yakley girls are do­ Renta Claus will be there with WEST LANDON HALL nating pop com poppers and hi* sack of presents. The young­ A fun duty, eleetete efflee typewriter — 12” carriage, U” witting line, wile selection ef type «teles. NEW WOMEN'S PAGE EDITOR—Caöds M. Mahoney, R u sh in g Margie LeCureux, Columbus, Ohio, sophomore, to Doug kitchen appliances to the School for the Blind. sters wUl join in the caroling and refreshments w i l l be Dent buy any tethic « manaal antil Grosse Points nphimsrs, was aamsd new women's page fT I , H T 1 rja Hale, University of Michigan Needy families are chosen served. yen have teen the new Smith-Corona compact elec­ editor by ths editorial toaré members «I tee paper. Miss Mahoney, a joaraaMsai malar» hai tom assistant editor 1 0 B eg in sophomore and Delta Sigma PM. by Lansing’s school teachers. Gifts will be sent to the These few parties wind up the social life this term wMch trics. Authorized Dealer for Ingham — Clinton — Girls’ Training School iiT Adr­ has proved to be a busy qne. Eaton and Livingston Counties for three terms. flte replaças taffy Waid» Baalt Ste. Marie senior, who has beli tea pastosa tall term. N ext T e rm DELTA DELTA DELTA Pat Zueheke, Grosse Pointe senior, to Roger Cope Lieut. ian by the coeds in Van Hoosen Hall. Good Luck on finals and have a happy vacation! Formal sorority rush will be­ United States Air Force. Engagements Announced gin January 6 and 7, the first PHI KAPPA PSI weekend foDowing the term Ed Lucas, Port Huron sen­ .break. OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT - ior, to Barbara Miller, Detroit WEEK DAYS - ALPHA EPSILON PHI State graduate and Alpha ' PanHellenic Council has sophomore and Delta Zeta. PH. HT 2-4418 Georgia Bergman, Detroit Gamma Rho. • _ ’.'-r planned a consultation period Jud Alford, Grosse Ilejunior, FRI. & SAT 1 A.M. 117 E. KALAMAZOO ST. senior, to Harvey Gole, Wayne Pam Parkins, Birmingham for all rushees on Thursday to Judy Andreen, Northwestern SALES REPRESENTATIVES senior, to Richard Campbell, evening. January 4. Ali coeds University junior and Alpha BOB WILLIAMS FRED VANDERUP State University graduate. who will be going through for­ CM Omega. Joni Delcvitt, Glencoe, 111,, Detroit senior. JACK BAILEY- CHARLES NELSON mal rush must attend this Tom Oster, Battle Creek sen­ senior, to Neil Rosen, Detroit DELTA ZETA meeting. All the information ior, to Carla_ Radtke, Battle senior and J*hi Sigma Delta. Beverly Brinkman, Saginaw junior, to Errol Foss, Grosse a rushee will need to know will Creek sophomore. be discussed. _ LIEBERMANN’S GAMMA PHI BETA Pointe Woods senior and Phi Group I-Q will meet from Open 9:30 to 9:00 Wednesday Georgia O’Conner, Grosse Kappa Psi. 6:30 to 7:30; group R-Z will Downtown and East Lansing Pointe junior, to John Brooks, meet from 7:45 to 8.45; and W i v e s M e e t PHILLIPS HALL group A-H will meet from 9 Engineering Wives will meet Wayne-University, sophomore. Linda Pangborn, Detroit jun­ EAST MARY MAYO HALL ior, to Jack Slaughter. Win- Nancy Tobias, Fowlerville nefka, 111., junior and Phi Kap­ to 10. The convocation will be in Spartan Hall at 7:30-p.m. held in the Union ballroom. Wednesday Dec. 13. Invitations for the first stage The group will Visit the Con­ M cDonald’s.».the drive-inwiththearches GREAT GIFTS.. senior, to Elwin Robert Fateh- pa Psi. of winter rush will be available sumer's Power kitchen for a ONE BLOCK EA ST O F CAMPUS ett Jr., Blissfield senior and Al­ to rushees in the Pan Hel post demonstration on the prepara­ f o r p e o p le o n th e go! pha Tau Omega.~ m- ■ ■ mm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I office, rooms 8 and IS of Stu­ tion of holiday foods. Refresh­ EAST LANSING dent Services, on Friday Jan­ ments will be served. EMMONS HALL uary 5 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Charles Ondrlck, Brooklyn, P o s i t i o n s O p e n Rushees will choose eight of N.Y., junior, to Margaret Positions are open for re­ the houses which they visited A i l in v ita tio n to shape y o u r ow n fu tu re ... Sworthwood, Michigan State porters on the ^omens’ page during Fall Open Houses: Each graduate.'J of tee State Newv. Applicants girl will visit four of these on PI BETA PHI should come to the State Saturday afternoon between 1 P a t t i Shirtum, Webster NeWg office, 341 Student and 4:45. The remaining four Groves, Mo., senior, to Ted Services, or see Cathie Ma­ will be visited on Sunday from Robinson, graduate and Sigma honey. 1:30 ta 5:15 p.m. Nu. Rushees and- actives will I I I I I I I I I I J I wear wool dresses and heels _ Julie Zemper, Grosse Pointe for stage one. junior, to Hugh Sheenn, Uni­ versity of Michigan junior. Offers Prizes _ SIGMA KAPPA Nancy CaFr, Grand "Haven senior, to Jim Draves, Sagi­ In Contest naw senior and Delta Tau Del­ Mademoiselle Magazineis of­ ta. ~ fering prizes of $509 each to Mary Lynne Conner, Detroit winners of its annual Art and senior, to Pat Oreson, Detroit College Fiction contests. senior. - The two winning fiction en­ TRAVEL ZETA TAU ALPHA tries will be published in the Maureen Callely, Pontiac September, 1962 issue. Each of junior, to Bob Gark, Brighton the two Art Contest winners ALARMS „sophomore and Lambda Chi will be asked to illustrate the C om p act an d light, th e se precision a la rm s fold into Alpha. — stories. f ia t le a th e r c a se srtc r slip in a c o rn e r of th e ir tra v e l Sandy Avery. Jackson senior, Bote contests are open to to John McRae, University of women students between 18 case. Choose tan , re d o r blue. Michigan senior. and 26. At least five samples of the artist’s work- must be SOUTH CAMPBELL HALL submitted for judging in the KHRUSHCHEV'S Mary Anne Klerkx, Detroit Art Contest. Only one original SECRET FM H ISE - J 5 9 5 .$ . 9 9 5 $ 1 4 95 sophomore, to Dennis Schaefer, story of 2,500 to 5,000 words is TO IK E Detroit junior and Alpha Kappa needed to enter the Fiction We can't discuss Berlin, says FREE Geld Monogram Psi. _ Contest. Ail stories must have Eisenhower, unless we know its DELTA DELTA DELTA ficticious characters and situ­ background. In this week’s Katharyn Norton, St Joseph ations or they will be disquali­ Post, he tells why he opposed w n ere senior, to Robert Peirce, Ferris fied. the Allied.plan for Germany, Institute senior. Deadline for both contests is Why the ffati surrender was you can Jo Ann Boertman, Saginaw March 1, 1962. hushed up for 24 hours. And junior, to Don Stewart, Mus­ Entries, and requests for ad­ what Khrushchev promised kegon senior and Lambda Chi ditional information and contest him privately at Camp David. Alpha. rules, may be sent to Madem­ Jeanne Tomlinson, Detroit oiselle, 420 Lexington Ave., senior, to Dick Kohn, Michigan New York, 17, N Y. poST At General Telephone your starting point » on training is supplemented by formal training the job. Because we consider on-the-job training courses and rotational assignments. the best method available For the development of As a major communications company in a professional skills and talent. growing field. General .Telephone has an ever- Equal consideration is given to your interests and increasing need for man to assume positions of attributes. In accordance with tbe-duectkm in management throt$bout its system in 31 states. which .you wish to 'point your future, unusual In consequence, we offer you every opportunity opportunities are open to you in Engineering and to shape your own future. Technical Activities, Business Administration, Your Placement Director has copies of pur bro­ Accounting and Data Processing, or in Public chure on Management Careers th“*—overs the rod Customer Relations. opportunities at General Telephone in more Whichever direction you may take, on-the-job detail. Ask him for one. ■AMOME KITS Cowhide leather case fitted with four precision instruments . . » tweezers, file, scissors and nippers. SERVING F ine F ocllitie a Employment J Opportunities v. GENERAL (Fed tax extra) STEAKS TELEPHONE Th« Cenerai Telephon. H i AND for C »w p»»y «f M ic h ij.n Im *W«y «mpWymcnt CHOPS DAILY Term Fonie» «PPWteMtNñ f«f C»J- AND ken-Utimei ' pMple. kmmAtstft t awpwÊ LATE SNACKS UpUmr» CMtatrwrPUiiMiit ItTciippaocíafil T SythtM Offie* (si hl mft. 204 N. Washington • Acroe* from Gludmer Theatre • Open till non» % 117 S. Washington Ë ™ i I1IÜ É ¡ mat I N 1 iI 1 mÊmÊÆ Mmm& pjfjg imrednctien le Christían- thtegs that can eama fiaa» W - and those of for fbvM fy. placing Nrriee above «no* “I am trying la aM studenti continuo to give dr whole- M ft 199* in a programof unselfish serv- hearted support Lee mean» what he «ays. He has bean instrumental la erecting the Chinese YMCA Once upon o midnight dreary, Building in San Frandacar or» ganiztng the Institute of Paci­ While I studied weak and weary. fic Relations in Honolulu, and f thought o f Louie with a smile starting the financial campaign to support James Y. C, Yen's Fee taken m y clothes there quite a Maas Education Movement. while. ¿1. He helped to build the Orien­ tal Collection at tee University The way they clean them makes my of Hawaii library, and estab­ 'Spirits soar. lished tee Annual International Festival at MSU. To other cleaners I Last July he became profes­ go . . . NEVERMORE! sor emeritus. A graduate in 1913 from CUjng Hau College in China, Dr. Lee also holds degrees SERVING YOU from Yale and Columbia Uni­ versities. WITH 4 BARBERS . . . YOU EXPECT VARIETY "My house Is always open DR: SHAO CHANG LEE to students,” he said, “be­ . . . AND YOU GET IT. cause I was at one time a “A poll was taken to see how student too and remember CL1PPERT STREET ACROSS FROM FRANDOR many people watch TV in bars. how it fete tohave someone The returns were staggering.” interested in me.” B -ll F n a b r Awmw Lee has a fine collectkm of (Concourse) fX Chinese art and «joys stow­ Tuesday —Saturday 8:00 • 5:30 ing It to his guests. S a m p le B a llo t - A U S G R e f e r e n d u m , W in te r te r m He has written several hooks, Frandor Shopping Center among which are “China: An­ —Read Completely, Then VOTE cient and Modem,” “An Out­ UNDERGRADUATE STUDENT REFERENDUM BALLOT line History “O f^ha United “I APPROVE OF AMENDING ARTICLE 9 OF THE AUSG CONSTITUTION. THIS States” (in ChineseT,and "Pop­ AMENDMENT WILL DELETE THE WORD “UNDERGRADUATE” AND PERMIT ular Buddhism in China.” THE GRADUATE STUDENT TO FULLY PARTICIPATE IN AUSG.” YES — ™ Many of Loo's essays and NO.....__ - - articles have appeared in “Cy­ CONSTITUTION _ clopedia of literature,** “The _ *. - — Article 9 — World Through Literature,” Every regularly enrolled undergraduate student of Michigan State University and “Book of Knowledge.** (carrying twelve <12) or more credits) shall be voting citizens of the All-University COUDER Student Government. He will become n part ef the department ef reHgkm next spring as professer ef —Read Completely, Then VOTE Christian Movements hi tee GRADUATE STUDENT REFERENDUM BALLOT Far East, Oriental Religions, “I APPROVE THE AMENDED AUSG CONSTITUTION” YES . ._ NO......... THIS AMENDMENT WILL DELETE THE WORD “UNDERGRADUATE” IN ARTICLE IX OF THE AUSG CONSTITUTION AND PERMIT THE GRADUATE THESE STUDENENT TO FULLY PARTICIPATE IN the ALL-UNIVERSITY STUDENT GOVERNMENT. ® CONSTITUTION — Article IX — NATURAL FRONT SLACKS T h is is the English language as it is spoken and written today — a personal key to knowledm, enjoy­ CONFORM ment, and success for yon and your family. This new Every regularly enrolled undergraduate student of Michigan State University dictionary brings you 100,000 new words or new (carrying twelve (12) or more credits) shall be voting citizens of the All-Uaivertity fw.ning. never before included in the unabridged Student Government. _ _ Mcrriam-Webstcr. Every definition is given in a “I DESIRE THAT THE GRADUATE STUDENT BE ALLOWED TO FULLY single flashing phrase of precise meaning. 200,000 PARTICIPATE IN AUSG.” YES ..... NO ... examples demonstrate word meaning for full, clear understanding. Over 450,000 entries; magnifi­ cent color illustrations. Here is the Jinal language authority of oor time. Only $47.50. Let assjjgw ycnexopy of this remarkable book today*j* From $47.50 can see the entire picture...the man who can draw on n “L I F E Pictorial broad background of knowledge, evaluate the problem, then assign the details to specialists. The world of entertainment may seem somewhat spe­ Atlas of the World cial, but it’s »ease in point. These days, it demands more of its people th*« ever before. Today’s musical comedy by th e Editors of Life & Rand McNally score is often as sophisticated as grand opera. Drama draws heavily on psychology and history. Television pro*, R o b ert Saudek, P resid en t ductions are concerned ante nuclear science end political science. If you’ve ever watched ‘Omnibus* you may have _ ,~ R o b e rt S a u d e k A sso cia tes, Inc. seen bow our productions have run tee gamut of a wide A few remaining copie« of the T h e more specialists society creates to cope with its range of man’s interests. complexities, the easier it can be for a non-specialist to So I suggest to you that even though you may concen­ original issue — achieve success. tre tro n one spedal field of interest, keep your viewpoint If that seems paradoxical, look at it this way: tee more broad. Keep your college curriculum as diversified as poe-j men who go out for specific positions on tee bell club, sible. Attend lectures sod concerto» tee theatres and mu­ tee m en chance you have to wind up ae manager! seums. Above all, rend and rend» aad listen and listen! Today’s world —in government, business, the arts, even But pay scant heed to the oracle who sayi thereto no route science—needs the well-rounded man. He’s tee man who to tee top but teat of specialization. I don’t believe itf* UFE PICTORIAL ATLAS $2045 Regular Edition K w leu T an u » UFE PICTORIAL ATLAS $23.45 » c y liM r ifl riuprd Deluxe Edition M fit tb * M r per­ fectly. A fter Present Stock b Sold Our Sports wear deportment features The Price Will Be ~ Ivy nbeks that are different.. . more _ $30.00 and $33.00 than jasi slacks — they are tailored to fit. Fabrics of all types aad shades to Mend with deeptone coats and C om e - B ro w se A t T h e Bbsers . . .. drop by and see the difference. - - B o o ksto re Where MSU Textbooks Are Being And for o apocini kind of smoking satisfaction Bought And SoUU Corner Ann A MAC m N. WASHINGTON AYE. m EAST LANSING THE BEST TOBACCO MAKES THE BEST SMOKE i w - p iwW ÏVâkTZaùt j \ MBk and Ice Cream IU Cash & Carry *-2 Gal Plain Homogenized HENRY’S Machine Is ‘Learning’ 1 Gal all flavors B IG F IS H S T O R Y How to Read 1201 East G rani R o er . . . a n i 3055- East Michigan — J a t «cat nf F ra n d o r OPEN EVENINGS T h e F in e s t B o n e le s s UNTIL H o t F is h S a n d w ic h CHRISTMAS In H ie C o u n tr y 29c 4 for $1.00 One Block West of Brody - on Michigan Avenue ALL SOMERSET RECORDS HIFI _ à THE NEW DANCE CXA2E _ V - THE TW BT ] You’ll look trim in REG. «1J8 STEREO NEW RELEASES CLASSICS PIPE ORGAN Lota ot n r i t n i n l on your REG. I2.9C w lw ifar? Chriataa—ttnoh a- t happy time in w a y h a d y . I t’a \ a tuna to ghra t a thorn w lo o » # 5 ^ a time to ait baek and give thaaka, r too, far aB the food thiapa thfe year. M siaeeraly hope th a t y o u » ia a happy I SINGLE OR DOUBLE TIP ChrwtmM, and a tmfe holiday. FINE QUALITY C aieM drihmn m p e e t etaeybeiy'a I FULLY GUARANTEED richt to anjoy th h w om krM , • 1 amnon. M any Clviatmaat STAN WILKINSON WILLIAM MITCHELL G R IN N E LL’S 7M Abbott Road, East Lan EDS47M EDM323 INSURAWCf COMPANY; S h arply tailored of FaraGab Hip-Huggir? I mo Slung Tighb-FUtm* P I* or Morir stretch $19J5 Avoid The RUSH Mod o£ he Winter Term Book» w e on Now Staro Honrs our ih e h n — IB Christmas... Buy Now — ieoL •— FU 9 to 9 ■ 11 SaC9 to 5:30 s ii 1 H I ppm « Wpw-. Frandor ShoppingCenUr C o m p le te ly R e m o d e le d New.Mexico Meets In A n A ll N e w i # ►ning halfbacks to carry the S o u th -S e a Is la n d A tm o s p h e r e t brunt of a strong ground game. t The Lobos, who finished in a ' tie for third place in the Sky* MARTY QUIRK i tine Conference, are slight fa­ converted defeaseman vorites to cop the contest. 1 Bat most observers here are looking for a high-scor­ ing, wide-open d a d aad rate the gam e a taoo a p. The Albuqurqoe gridders ran from a wing-T offense that has averaged 273 yards per game. HONOLULU (A-Gene Conley — Western Michigan rebes of the Washington Tapers broke heavily on the pacing artistry his left hand Tuesday night in of Chtebek, a senior from De­ a fist fight with Fred Sawyer, MATERNITY SHOP troit. The Bronco quarterback center of the Hawaii Chiefs; connected 73 times in 129 at* tempts during the season tar Sawyer caught a blow in the nine touchdowns. left eye. Af a team, Western travelled The fracas occurred In the through the air for 1.244 yards fourth quarter of their Ameri­ and piled up another 1,181_on can Basketball League game. the ground. Conley, who pitches for the New McxjCo gained only Boston Red Sox during the <39 yards aa passing hat baseball season, will be out groand oat 2,IK yards rash* of play about three weeks. DAGWOOD SANDWICH Coiffures t»g. New Mexico carries a 6-4 mark into the bowl game while 2 Hamburger Patties with Cheese the Broncos. BASEMAJLL IS HOT Lettuce & Thousand Island Dressing T r i - D e l t s W in OVWWO. 1 SPORT! On Toasted Bun So toys the owner of the Wash- V o lle y b a ll C ro w n ington Redskins. He lashes out at baseball (“it’s cooked?’). O PEN 1 1 A .M . D A I L Y every beauty aid and service for today's coed For the second year in a Basketball (“the public doesn’t row, the Delta Delta Delta so­ care”). Boxing"(“doesn’t even rority w on the volleyball deserve to be called a sport”). P iz z a s & D e liv e r y S e r v ic e 1045 E. Grand Rivar, East Lansing championship. And, in this week’s Post, he The Tri-Delts beat Mason tells why football is tops. ED 7*1639 hall 32*29 as they played the game against time—10 min­ two blocks East of Abbott Hall utes composing each half. . Members of the winning team were Paula Schumacher, Sandy iH w m n wiw w n n w iu ia Boning, Sandy Fenwick, Barb Bishop, Ellie Hill, Sue Wisby, and Judy Dow. Tri Delta won the all sports trophy last year. Tareyton / delivers M Friday • Saturday • S unday the fla v o r...^ DVAL FIUER DOES IT! An Evenings Fun Begins At M A R V ELA N ES from our coachful o f Christmas Gifts 'WmÊÈÊÊâ U m u ersi Ip Ä fl sweater White with in 100% mooI A rgyll trim $15-95 This great wool pullover enftfly captures the true Scandtanvfaa flavor. .. and its «oft, warm, rugged . "T driyton'* Dual FHtwr in chms p o rt« divisa qualities make you ih t "tout" of the campus even ontha ■ays S ex tus fCrozy Legs)Cnto, Bacchus Cup winner. Mmtriml day. Aanpath ia> HIT» “Tbero are lots of filter cigarettes around,” «ays Crazy Legs, It features jacquard pattnr* bands “b u t« piuribus unum stands out-*Dual Filter Tareyton. For at tbs wiiat and aiasvouGnat tar the beat taste of the best tobaccos, try Tareyton-one filter an pm i ».elty .»»«ado— Iry Uviag. cigarette that really delivers de gustibus! ” JLs aaan in Sports Itksstsmte i D U A L FILT E R S M A L L ’S two «lay« a, u a iM tt« « f « na 9 pan. oxeopt Saturday HBæ IM 11S| W ÊÊÊÊË WÆMM j**§£ m W ÊÉÊm#MÎÊ 7, 19611 || mWt ÜÜÜ#l$iB8^9KSffi |æ» A grien R e a d im p M B .J H R l O t m i Stadest . Thursday. A p.m., study; T h u rsd a y N ig h t group. University Lutheran Carolers wifi march across T o ‘G reat Issues’ R ed A r th* campea at 7 p.m. Thursday evening in a “Gmeteif Night” Kappa m -T b u n d ay , 7 pm .,: Yolo* Lo* Service, Wesley ; Foundation. The AUSG academic benefits sists of Barbara Rail, Linda sponsored by Associated Wo­ Martel Lather Chapel Hww- « committee has organised a Lotridge, 'Kan Beachier, Jim' BERLIN men Students end Frash-Sopb day, 9:30 p.m., meditations, group to serve in an advisory Anderson and, Wolcott Smith. East Gorman Marti» Luther Chapel. role to the fgciilty of the van It will represent the student Soviet troop movements -Wore' •■ «s*?-** reported Wednesday on tee Groups wifi start at Butter­ AIES IBE—Thureday, l p % “Great Issues” course offered viewpoint and will advise on field, Abbot, Campbell and Interuniversity Conferences, by University College. the issues to be considered, Autobahn finking West Ger­ many snd' Berlin as an. Ameri­ Cam dormitories, They will 6:39 pm .,^banquet, union Hie senior-level course, of­ types of materials^to be used meri at Beaumont Tower and ballrooms. fp s f® fered ip response to long-stand­ and methods of presentation can battle group prepared to SBC Darning Class — Thurs­ sri out over tee 116-mile super­ march wound the campus. ing student requests, will be and discussion. AS students are invited to day, 7 p.m., Union ping- The winter supplement to tee highway. taught for the first time winter join the caroUrs. pong room. term. time schedule contsfc»-^ the West German (ruck drivers meeting times for the course. « m ew p w B n m w B sa told border authorities at tee It wifi be presented by a West German chtttpoist of PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED >«17 “team” of six professors, se­ It wifi meet three hours a week for four'credits. Heimstedt of increased Auto­ lected from various colleges bahn patrols from East Ger­ Some of the books to be read of the University. Dr. Thomas Greer, professor of humanities, is chairman of the course. The student committee con- are: Harrison Brown's “The Challenge of Man's Future,” Karl Sax’s “Standing Room ‘FLYING THE HUMP’—-Oakland Tribune cameraman Dsn M«br spent three many. West German customers of­ - •••] ficials said they also had re­ *S T A T E * E A S T L A N S I N G • PHONE ED.2 T8I4 Only," Norman Cousins. “In nights on San Fraacteco-Oaklaud bay bridge ts get this spectacular picture of ports of Soviet trucks carry­ Place of Folly,” and Arnold a car “flyta* the hump.” The hump is a steel ramp covering a bridge section ing troops over the vital link HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS between the West and Red- M .L . Meet: Rose’s “The Roots of Preju­ dice.” The committe has suggested befog rebate. The car vaulted 71 feet, was wrecked, but driver get out unhurt. (Copyright, INI, The Tribune Publishing Co,, from AP Wirepheto) ; ^ encircled Berlin. " EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 99c In Chicago that students planning to enroll in the course may wish to be­ gin their reading during Christ­ New By-laws Parsed LAST INGMAR BERGMAN'S “THE DEVIL’S EYE” D raw s mas vacation. NIGHT Four faculty members of the division of science and litera­ Honorary IF C H a z in g L im ite d .../7 W STARTS TOMORROW — FRIDAY ture will participate Dec. 27 to W H A T G O S S O N W H EN T H E U G H T 3 G O O F F ! 29 in the Modern Language Assn. meeting in Chicago. Initiates 16 The IFC has passed a series The by-laws, which were of pledges, such as paddling or of new by-laws 'to enforce added to the recently adopted excessive calisthenics, will be Dr. Russel Nye, head of the division, will appear in a panel in the American Studies sec­ Soph: Coeds stricter regulation of fratern­ IFC constitution, went into ef­ allowed. V>' - ity pledging, according to fect last Wednesday. The new 2. Nothing is to be used that f , Jerry Roberts, IFC publicity regulations are: • is conducive to regurgitation, tion. The panel will consist of Sixteen sophomore coeds chairman. 1. No physical harassment if taken internally. w Dr. Nye, Lazer Ziff, professor were Initiated as members of 3. A minimum of six hours at California University, ami Alpha Lambda Delta, sopbo- of sleep per night for each Leon Howard, professor at m o r e Women's honorary, UCLA. Discussion will be cen­ Thursday night at the Alumni tered around the problems of Chapel. American studies. — ~ Language Prof pledge is required. 4. The total period "bThelp week is not to exceed six days and five nights duration. Membership in the honorary Dr. George Price, professor requires a 3.5 point average of English, will read a paper for two terms of the freshman Stresses Fluency The length of thejperiod al- loted for help week is due to rarRA N D fllL ihbmIOTBL entitled, ‘‘Castoff Copy in the year. the -fact that many fraterni­ man AMMS-MARCEL BAUD-MIA MEADE A UEHViWMMNraMMKMAätttAJI Printing of ‘The Phoenix,’ The new initiates are Ruth ties hold pledging before and \ im 5 o m . V oh, n Emrihn COLOR *CINEMASCOPE 1607,” to the-section of Gener­ Muirhead, Plate Centerr 111.; ‘‘Fluency first” is the motto her again if the present world after registration, Roberts 'CHARUEBßOUM-ITHATBALL DOUBLE FEATURE al T o p i c s , Bibliographical Gretchen Fl o , Greenfield, of tbq Oriental division of the situation,remains as it is,” he said. ' ' — IREAU.VAM! 1 RI6HT.. Evidence. fpreign language department said. Mass.; Arlene Anderson, Gros- At the same meeting, -the “Theatrum Mundi; Illusion se Point»; Carol Friedman, under the direction of James Wang h o p e s that the IFC voted to change the dates as Reality,” is the title of the Birmingham; Adelene Helm­ P. Wang.- foreign language depart­ of open rush during winter paper Dr. Herbert Weisinger, ing, “Teaching East Lansing; Marilyn the grammatical method is a language by ment wifi offer s degree in term from Jan. 8, 9, and 10, cocon professor of English, will read. Italiano, Chinese -within tee next few to Jan. 6, 8, and 9, due to the Newark, N.J.; Mary The paper deals with esthetic R. Jackson, Royal Oak and old-fashioned,” Wang said. years. At preseat elementary first home Big 10 'basketball K je - -- “First th e student must and. secondary classes are game. - ï l f f Ï Ï T J i S 6 mage 0t the !Julie Jaumotte, Scoteau. Mont. learn to speak the language, givea DPERfflOK PEmCOff and in both Chinese and The IFC also appointed Ed Min Imw a-lff w i H mwrn war iiHliiiiU slant p w l jg L , then he should learn the Japanese. Waag raised the Hecbt, IFC treasurer, to take fessor of EngUsh, will read a “ J** lf nsing grammar.” number of hours of clan and over Frank Giardin’s duties MINE 15 THE SORT 0? —twiuwinwom-âBinnaiiBawiBuiKUUt paper on Edward Taylor, an! Also initiated were: Nancy lab work in Chinese from FACE THAT PEOPLE JUST FIRST SHOW SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1 PJMf, early American poet. ! R- Lee, ^Mt. Clemens; Sheua And the student certainly five to eight hours in order as executive vice-president. NATURALLY LAUSH 1NÍ Dr. Nikolai Poltoratzky, as- Lobenhofer, Rome, N.Y.;Lynn does learn to speak it! After to make tee course more in­ Girardin is leaving to serve a sociaie professor in foreign I Maynard, Pleasant Ridge; eight weeks, first-term ele- tensive. term in the Army. languages, w a s re-electedfMartha McKim, Eaton-Rapids; mentary students carry on H e c h t . recently returned Gil [conversations in Chinese with “Students are expressing from Boston where he attend­ .president Saturday, * at H the i an­ nual meeting here of the Michi­ ane Sovey, Upsilanti an ayda the instructor and among more and more interest In ed the national IFC meeting gan charier of the American Zavit, Lansing. themselves ^ . ' 1Oriental languages,” he said, with Larry Osterink, president, Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. L u k á c s R e c e iv e s “It-is •only nriural for the} There There are ^20 students stud entoB- and Bruce Bancroft, admin­ student to learn a foreign ed in elementary Chinese, he istrative vice-president. - _ language by speaking it first, said, and 7 in second year. MAKE ITA Some 30 representatives from he said. “That’s the way he Japanese enrollment is 18 in Michigan colleges, universities, A r m y M e d a l i n learned his own language. By elementary classes and S in and high-schools gathered for speaking, the student is en­ intermediate. Second year the meeting. Discussion was B r i e f C e r e m o n y couraged by his own progress studies foe both languages in­ and interested in learning clude short stories and read­ R E C O R D centered around teaching de­ more.” vices used in elementary Rus­ The Army" Commendation ings in philosophy. sian courses. Ribbon with Medal Pendant Wang, who Was born in Many of the students taking went to Michigan State instruc­ Peiping, China, joined the classes in Oriental languages tor Robert C. Lukács in a brief faculty in 19M. He taught are language majors and oth­ Christmas! ceremony conducted in the Chinese to intelligence and ers are majoring in Far East ballroom of Demonstration Hall 'U.S.mffitary personnel at tee studies. on Dec. 4. The presentation was made by CoL James F. at Army Language School Monterey, Calif, for eight 3.98 Skells, PMS, in the presence of mentyears. As assistant depart­ MICHIGAN STATE Mrs. Lukács and members of chairman there. Wang UNIVERSITY the Army ROTC Detachment was in charge of N instract- staff. o n who taught for 46-week Specialist Lukács came to periods. Lecture-Concert MSU at the beginning of fall InHeitnguintiea was a graduate assistant at Cornell Uni­ Headquarters terra from a three year tour ed duty in Germany. He is cur­ versity toe three years. Wang Series For las Skate* rently on duty with the Basic received his BA at a Catholic Subjects Division of the Army university in Peiping. His SP E C IA L % ROTC instructor group. mother, whom he hasn’t seen since he left China, is behind the Bamboo Curtain. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS “I will probably never see ^ In WASHINGTON H UB Adults 1.M D o w n to w n /© Studente 78c with O V ER Pho ne 48 5 - 3 0 6 1 [ i DCnt e ND (CROWDS! CROWDS! CROWDS!) \* L 2 J BIG WEEK! .S h i p ’ n S h o r e “ f l o w e r n a m e ” s h ir t o v e r s h ir t n e w s: lo v ely g a rd e n p r in t Perry Como Christmas Album *7 mm* to be a femme fatal* t h a t s o r ts o u t th e flo w e rs by n a m e . Chubby Checker’s “Twist Again’ We Accept Your Old Or but I don't wmt to get Outgrown tentes As muni UPwith men. Easy- c a r e a ll c o tto n in Jh o t o r th e All Mitch Miller Albums Trade-Ins « ¡¡¡¡a n ew COOl COlorS. Sites 30 (0 38. Sinatra’s “I Remember Tommy’ M H IM CYRIL GIFFELS Rusty Warren “Bounces Back We wifi give an allowance for year rid pair when a Assorted Children’s Albums new pair it purchased, Chlkben’s Disney Land . . . also a Fine Selection of Used tentes For Sale t srisy, Ja*. 8 All 45’s 77c each & 2 for $L00 All Ia n Albums At Reduced Prices ,- Stil pa. U nivertity Auditorium ■ V '1 -v . T t * H Reoerved Sente: | | Abbott Road/East Lansing 2^ $3.80, 83:88, ft 14 lowest record prices in Michigan + ^ a im Ope» Daily 9 : 3 0 ’til S:SO P.M. à FRANDOR (SSCdiscount te stataste) STOPPING Compare prices and save On «ale at • «M 8. WASHINGTON CENTER Unten Ticket Offtee ■ : W«dhffar 9i30 va 9' PJLÍ 2 0 7 M .A . C . m ¡ lili ■■ i S m®» ■ SdfiKii'. 3% . jp’ ÜÉ p ï?ï^ W œ !m W m È Ê Ê Ê Ê riri C A M P U S C L A S S IU K D S | iSEffih ï-duLAOàattfil A U TO M O TIVE fORSAIE PER SO N A L ¡jjjgíd, Ce&lfüllllism t§', MBT snewy, vrtri- shoridat Amori- T î u î f l f l Ô B l Î A t f Y ^ s r S a id *004* ntAUMi cSsbe against it?” r '* AMBat, heRfcvadM fclBuid, a» ■>the smtonrr dition. ah extra«. Muit mü. 3)7-4514. f4|> t t e t ir t y c h Ì 3 Ó i i i « w te r i t ì __________________ 50 puatity mobile h o m e 'm food^condition. K l A' lÉ MkaM ■jm ■ »-S mmAhí W W 0 ( U g B M t t I M Q Q d ir Automatic wash«», boot 0 « d mor R i ó , _____ 1454- C H E V R O L E T Bel A b . 4 door 200 gölten p if drum. A fl oblity con­ “The m tetey rtb at a t m r i Government order«. óMan i tandard frentmitnon, jood nection» included. Reoom oble ot $2200. el tee eepririioa thet knows Ai for the civilians, politic- tyei heater. Excellent condition. 6 0 2- 1 5 8 4 )2 1 t e m 1 4 p e n . . f O 2-141} tea meet abet* Communism, al mon, at the ate major a « 3443. 44 ^ e n g « o K w e e b g * j JL 10 twa beea muzzled tqr directive* tary cantor« hi the country, CANOY « a te the U.S. war colleges. Stande ter tee “will** pari» ' i C O M R U E f t 1461 C H E V R O L E T .-34« apf in. «name. N ew in crate. 317-0423 FORK E N T -.tAtCSD AN TW H ERK from the teato Department,” Thurmond cakd. Thurmond arid, “ft- angaria Übe rather t e « te r “ftp. « te r pea­ ky. flaT a staad ap (te flteBte» - ? » C O lO *L m S ASSORTMENT In a «paacb sponsored by the Russian CommlaÉte sys­ irido wo o s stand a te P A R K IN G S P A C E S ter rent winter ” AVAITxABLC a t tltt neww form « Genesee tem to mo.” * ^ 6 0 C O R VETTE. W h it* M h ifd term. 3 blocks from B o m . $10 pet County Censervative Club, ihe He continued, “F ui f ri tee teem!” he ari* , 7 »lt. biadi intarior. 245 HP. 4 ¡peed. 000 mire», fied tent condition. IV 4» * 0 4 aHer 5 p.m. • 50 quarter ED 2-3634. SO Hie Card Shop Major General el tea Amy Reserve arid that tee national “Ile amat t e a n ri tea Stale O m t e n t from tan I» Course r t m w m uSt m k c m i f T . i ri 1.458' H O U SES bottom” he mid, “tori te» the E N G L IS H Need« motor w«it. Ffiit offer, over $300 PO R O . tpfcei it. 355-0228 from 8-5 ( m u . ED 2- Perfect. F O R E M l R G l f i C Y «e spia, w.H rent for very reasonable rate, beautduJ house. 3 bedrppms. Ie ri« Indnf room, « « .6 ( - O pe n Every N ight Thtîs W eek at 44X1 ' security council in 1968 issued a statement urging the mili­ Acto«« from ^4-* *-*: tary to give tougher anti-Com- K atanga" ... n, l l - *- -- ■* mu. .. ..--- » W U T IB S D O B t I W R 9 B S Z 3 . tt O ffe re d O K M M B 8 I K U Anna Bancroft aarnt ovat ttyflOO ayaar-yatoata in ? y H evanm fì and wecttndt. 10 room, farage. fonyl Family or tec- munist training to troops and (Continued front Page 1) Tinms Souara eafatarißi. Ani * 145$ M E R C U R Y M O N T E R E Y . G o o d Condition, 2 door bardino, tediarlieet- ifJty. I fefocl from Barkey. Evenipf» ED2-I323. m B om Eoobl BHf. ED M itt ate conduct seminars inform­ ing civttians of the dangers ef Other UN planes destroyed 2 S t u d e n t s H u r t a highway bridge at Lufira, T o -W iv e s M t probably Ôte only gal in Raüywooi to tom Aw«» * 2 * ^ ’Pi, vw-hitff wall», automatic. 3374)623. H O M E IN O R E M O S desires third 'E L A I N E T IM A 5 S E Y 8 A R T H U R A N ­ Communism. " linking this capital with the I n S c o o t e r G r a t e - Student wives will he offered ring rola oppotùa Frank Sina­ I ! ^0 male occupant E D 7*1172 after 11:30 K E N Y piense come t o the State Newt Ikon, he said, the Cem- military base of Jadotville, 65 a new course entitled “Pereoh miles northwest of here, it was Two riUAeris were injured to Person 4 » « Introduction to tra. Moat me »tor of *Mirada ,y ., - , ■ ■ a ...................— * p.m. 50 offie«, Room 147 Student Service* muniris in Moscow decided * 1451 N A S H Hydromatic. no rust fldg. for two frac patta» to Uta Crest announced. - - Monday r ite s « « vtam tee Worker* in this week'* Pott. feame from UtabJ, new battery and APARTM ENTS Drhre-tn. ff to atari their own anti-Com- H m n« Relationships” in Even­ tailpipe, fo p d tires. $85. 355-7775, 50 « n te t campaign. The UN air strikes were car­ motor scooter they were riding ing College winter term. p G S tP ried out after . the Kataagan collided with a ear. x «Jtenmwi. ......... i.m. . ■■—« m — ■■■■■■— — ^ m A PP R O V ED . U N 4 U P E R V IS ID *o share with one or 2\m e n , K block F O R T H E F IN E S T in dan«« msiatc “A memorandum then ap- The cenree wan announced a t « 1455 P L Y M O U T H 6. 2-door, radio, from campus. ED 7-0742 euenmf». SO rt * Jack Broun, B obby Stevens, K m neanreil which directed the mili­ Air Force swung into action in Arthur J. Brown, Bast Lan­ a meeting ef student wives in Beater, manual shift. Carefully- rnain- w ined by one Owner. SlT S. ED 2-5326 E nglish, plut many othert. Phone the tary to modify their seminar«, a hid to repeat its September sing sophomore and Ronald the KritoftE Center auditorium A P A R T M E N J ’ F O R /RENT. .U n o p - Bud-M or Agency. IV 2-0624. *f. increase censorship, and place success. '• Schwarts. Fan Bocfcnw ny. New sophomor e were taken to Tuesday, November 21, which Qf 355 6513.____________ 44 Program tafernuttioa A lone converted "Dornler York proved, unsupc-vised, \MS b lo d s from * 5 5 0 L D S , 4 door sedan new brakes, le d cy. Svit#8le™ bs erlher single or S M O R G A S B O A R D . Saturday. Dec troop training and war col­ SI wives attended. v 4. serving between 5-6:30. 7*8:30 at leges under civilians,” he Otin m a th Center. Brown IV 24903 battery and fuel pump. Clean interior double. Phone Or. W . A . Dcppo. transport dropped three bombs was admitted for X-nys and ia- D on of the Evening Cofiege Out body rusTed in places. Excellent. N A 7-2401 50 M otonic Temple pn M A C , E. Lansing. said. at Elisabethville Airport and iuries to t e e right knee, and Dr. Claire Taylor, describing Ì ansportatien. $125. Call ED 2-8351 f t e r l p.m. 50 N E W , D E L U X E apartments, (3 9 per Public invited. Tickets available, E D ‘2* 4488. A dults $2-00, children under I2 r statements Thurmond said that such as “Communist another Katanga plane circled Schwartz 'was released after the course in a tetter sent out M IC H IG A N i MCAî Mi #KONf j V ¿.7 i.H week. Parking. 2 block* to campo», $1 00 . SO conspiracy is directed toward} the UN field but was chased hy examination to prospective students, arid: * 1457 T R IU M P H TR3. haicftop, gew •also rooms. ED 7-0830 after 5 pun. 10 O H C A R O L ! The 1462- W O L V E R ­ absolute domination ef the antiaircraft fire, the UN said. The pair were raring tee “You will teem why people NOW...65c to 9:30pjn^ lide curtains, new battery, excellent A P A P T M E N T S and R O O M S for mea IN E is the perfect gift for girls like world” have been censored The bombs caused no serious scooter at TM p .m ee West are influenced by groups to condition. $1075. IV S 0354 efcoP— 1—oomoaolamm—m—IH UM.......... .w 50 — in unsupeivised student "housing. I D 2- Karen who have everything. JThankt from speeches given by men casualties or damage, a spokes­ Circle Drive near tee Meeemn which they belong and why Feature at 1, 3:85, 3:19 : 1460 V A U X H A L L 4 door, excellent 3727. » for the febulou» Mea. Kim. 44 of the military. man said. w hen their scooter struck the people act and react to other* ¿cinditión. Radio, -heater, windshield A P A R T M E N T T O S H A R E . Need H A P P Y B IR T H D A Y Bruce! H op e H e Secretary of Defense (hie twin-engined Dornier side ef a car driven hy Edwin as they do." washers. O X 4-2885 after 5 pim. 50 third man. ,$52 monthly. AvefiaM e your 21st i» twinging. Susie. 49 has arid, according to Thur­ ducked into the clouds during M, Marsh ef RFD No. % Mrs Elizabeth NaU of the I960 V O L K S W A G O N tedan. Show now. E 0 7-2114. SO mond, -MWe de allow them ing the Kolwezi attack. Indian Buchan«. _ Department of Political and GEE. I H O P E I «et a 1462 W O L - loom condition. German radio. ED 7 U N F U R N IS H E D with garage. > VER IN E fa» Christine» too. 44 (military personnel) to make Brig. K.A.S. Raja, new UN Marsh turned in free* at the Social Research will instruct 464r. SO block from campus. Air-eond-t-oned. tough statements.” He gave chief in Katanga, said a Fonga scooter write attemtemg to ent­ the class, which will begin 1 T R A V E L IN G , need to self 1458. Ford Personnel * r »taff members. ID * 2-278? W A M T $ 1 0 0 0 ? ? It's «oty, «nter thè u example ef such a state­ got off the ground but made a er the Museum parting lot. Hi Tuesday, Jm. 9. Mrs. Nail has V8 automatic, -power steering radió: eweninfs. SO Cam po» C h e ti Slogan C ontest lodavi forced landing in nearby Ka­ was iss—d n smmmons tor « conducted considerable re­ Just write thè wrnntng tolgen to be ment. However, Thurmond 555-5506. $675. -. 49 F U R N IS H E D 2 rooms, ground Poor, used fm thè C e m p u i C h e ti Fund soli that tee example itoeK sai Province near Luluab&irg. improper toft t o n .- 1 search In interpersonal rela­ . H A V E C A R W H O is looking for pnvat* bath,” ‘ entranee garage Ma«- Dnve. M a il entri«» te C.huck Dallavo, was a statement which had The Katangan Air Force was At 4:36 p a . Maatay Vincent tions and the sociology of com­ 'inwner. 1951 Ford, motor good . . rlerf couple et 2 students. W ill bWto 118 Student Service» lid g . by mtd* hem censored but which the believed to have not more than J. Carfflrt. nmtotnri feetisaft munications problems. -She b o d y ? $75. Call 334-8144,__________50 care far small child. ED 2-5762. ,S0 night tonìght! 44 tpeeher has said nyway. 20 planes at Kolwezi—includ­ coach, « a taken le gpanww has taught the new course in F U R N IS H E D APT. 3 large rooms, SUE. I 'M G I V I N G you a 1462 Thurmond said that the miii- ing a lone Fouga mounting Hospital and treated tor a com- several communities through- EM PLO YM EN T private entrance. Walt to wall carpet, W O L V E R IN E for Chriibnat. It'» pack, rockets and twin cannon, five j pound Brat ta ne ef tee right out Michigan T E L E P H O N E S E L L IN G . Educntcral gas heat, adult*. Very reasonable. * 0 ? ed with picture* e f campus activities Dornier transports, two twin- {ankle, bourse. W ork here or at home. $S per East M iddle St- Wifl-amston. 44 and lots o f ether things. I think it is TR A N SPO R TA TIO N engined Doves converted to The Department ef Patrie^ a perfect gift for en adorable room- bombers, a DC3 transport and Safety v a i çritod whoa Cáf0- J - H o p F e a t u r e s Pour commission for those willing to U N A P P R O V E D , few 3 men, parking. m ate end l*d likg_one too. Jane. 44 make the -calls. Also, collector needed $36 monthly each. ED 2-8386. 49 C H R IS T M A S — B U S - charter - New assorted light.planes. lott fefi «town white playing Jtaghth Institute, IV 5-311 f, mofn'nq:. « 50 ROOMS D O G S H O W and .Qbedienea Trial. Yert, Jersey, D icam b er IS. -Don’t be Civic Center, Sunday. December 10. left out! Inquire now • ; , 44 A rt Lipton. . save. 355-4310. 50 handball to tha-Mmfh Intra­ mural ImMtog- He was gnm Breakfast a t P ic k - M E N : - A P R Ö V I 0 off campus. Qurct first r ii, Uten takes to the his- W E N E E D G R IL L p irr e -cook, de- -cry boys. A pply after 5 p.m., Varsity ■•ve.ln, Mrs. H olt.-- 50 studying conditions. 5 minutes bom Berkey.- Winter term. C a ll Jiff Aitken 1 R EA L ESTATE A A A C A L IF O R N IA . Seattle, Vega», best allowance». Alatka, $100, N ation­ Tshom be P it a l. _ _ Paul E. Pepp. Milwaukee - A n d 3 a .m . P e r s . I D 2-2075 after 8 p.m. 50 wide Driva-Aw«y, 8900 Gratiot, D e ­ jumor. was 1 irslgwiil Tuesday Breakfast at the Albert Pick FO R SALE A C R O S S F R O M campus. Double room with study -oom, ED 2-8014. 50 E A ST L A N S IN G . three bed mom ranch. Priced below 1812 Melreta. troit W A In u t S-7070. 24 hour». C A L IF O R N IA . Need I rider. $20. SO B la sts U .S. in TjompwH Tewwdap Jastiec highlight Court He pleaded gmRy-te in­ and 8 a.m. pars for coads will the 1962 J*Hop, to decent and cteceee c—i art in be hate on Feb. 10. F . H A . sppraisal. Smell dawn pay- mint. E D 2 2433 SO Cafl Denny Sackhn. E D 2-2554. 44 _ L IG H T H O U S E K E E P IN G . Approved, I was fined To enable all couplet Who LAVAW Ay NOW FO R partly furnished. 3 boys. Cíoie-in. IV 4. 1347 after 5:30. (or 2 sleeping doubles with cooking privilege».) 54 EAST L A N S I N G 3 bedroom ranch with fireplace on beautifully landscaped -January ), Need 3 rider» to »bare - M E X IC O . Leaving Dec. 15, return A ir A tta c k Iy^sf* ceste. attend the dance to be prestai at the breakfast, the cost of Full expenses. Former rctident, will assist 100x150 lot. In Sylvan setting. you there: Floyd Austin, IV 5-6424 or PARIS, Dec. 6 tJfr—Denounc- j the breakfast will be' included A S IN G L E and a double, attract! .-e attic for* opansion, I X car garage. in the overall ticket price. C H R IS T M A S men'» rtoms, close to campus, g v rt Complete this b a rg a iira t $14.500 cash Attcn St. School, Lantlng. _____ 50 tag U.S. aerial operations in j M C T I R m n lf iT M S area, fine for study!*)} winter term $8 of c a n . be FHA financed. E D 7-4305. the Katanga war. president! Directing J-Hop are Co- and $650. 428 Grove Street. Phene M a b le Sylvester, Investment "Realty, SO W A N TED Moise Tshombe left Paris -TP B o v m D w gdvr chairmen Jane C o 1U n s, W IL L IA M K . T H O M P S O N E D 7 220» w ED 7 22 IT. SO Wednesday with the avowed] * tP l l d i c I d i t j Greensburg, Ky„ and Richard G IR L ’S I I K E with gean. jL— t jn ib ie Reisberg. Long Beach, N. Y. Storta December 22! U N A P P R O V E D P A N E L E D room for SERVICE 337-7038. 44 aim of taking«. overI command m i j An « t f t o t e w d C h ru te n a s JEWELER I older student. Private entrance, cer­ Watt Disney’s TV and R A D I O service. Special lew ip S S rin S * was ininio^hrsma will he tee thema af tea MSU 1 amic «hewer, phone, piano, E D 2-4513. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS “Babes in Toyland” 50 rate» to student». New «n d ute J TV FRANDOR. MALL COURT C O O K IN G _ tctt and antenna». Free tub« check­ A P P R O V ÏD , uniupet- ing. free parking I a.m. to 4 p.m. G LA D M E R **• “ » « b p . ¡ 5 3 « “> < t S ? i a L . g ? S 7 j r ? £ former French Congo. Tshombe charged earlier -11:38 in tee Uri« _ j HIGH READERSHIP * C h r i s t m a s t r e e s - carefully shear- vised. 2 men. ED 7-4142. 50 daily. TV Technician» Co.. 1022 E . The party wtil future dtooc- STARTS SUNDAY! that U.S. planes piloted by ing, m o v ies, bawling.. taBartok, wed scotch pine 3' to -20. C ut anv tree R O O M S F O R I or ? student», I2 l Michigan, IV 7-5558. . 50 Americans have carried out card p ta y in g as- « f l a s d c p o it- Start« N r- only—$2.50. 78S0 College Rd. IX JmTes south of Cavanaugh Rd. Open ut ham Drive. ED 2-1104. 50 T Y R IN G D O N E in my hem*. W ill Feature At bombing raids in his secess­ mental urieet saiy dtefdayt. TODAY «ick up and deliver. C e ll IV 4-0414. l:M .S :IS -f:M >7:U -i:2S **v*ry weekend. 50 D O U B L E R O O M . I block from |er- $0 ionist Congo province, killing Fntertammg p w t j - f w n vffl key. Cooking. Approved; supervised. Negro women and children. ^ S C O T C H , RED P IN E and spruce. Parking available. ED 2-54M . 50. T Y R IN G . Experience theti* typut “This means war,” be told dance be the C o m « Raddh square « 4 1 50 d t o & p 2614 !.. Mt. Hope. Third with v«ri«d teientific background. Pro- newsmen. lumd r i l tee V w m «house west o f Evergreen Cemetery. 50 ROOM A V A IL A B L E . Beal H ouse <"«iO" werk et reetonebl« rate«, E D 2- C.o-Op. $155 per term, room and 6048. ~ The Katanga leader's de­ KmbaB Until Evening Kiddies v ** LATE M O D E L Kernware automatic beard. Unsupervìsed, E 0 2-8555. 50 parture was cloaked in semi­ 3 p.m. A Sunday 2 ftc ¿washer in excellent condition. 355-8211. L O W C O S T cep««« o f d«»» nate», official secrecy. A d a r k ] w *«€37-1279. SÄi - ■ 44 44 R O O M T O S H A R E with another ••wgh dreftí «nd printed materiel. congenial male student. Kitchen oerv. ; G IR L 'S BIKE, G o o d condition. $10. ileges. A lso doublé room. ED 2-8162. W on «h G raphic Servie«, 1720 60 gan. Leming. Rhene 484.7716. E. M ic h i­ tf limousine with a police escort whisked Tshombe from Ms { hotel near the Arch to Triumph j DISCOUNTS Feature Today 12:40 • 8:30 • 0:20 « 0:10 ZmxHI.FI C O M P O N E N T S . DÇtfSr Kit, R O O M N E A R O K E M O S , one or two T Y R IN G dan« including tena pap aie to Lebourgft airport. ON ALL KECOftDS, Mat* rugged action . . . more thrflting suspense “Whplifiir, pre-amplifier. Nqrelco tape gentlemen.- Pnvote entrance, TV. C « B end the»*». 482-6813. IO Newsmen waiting at the rir-j DIAMOND NEEDLES, than the Academy Award Winner “The Bridge on order, Hrathkft tuner. Wharfetale Curry s. ED 7 7334. ~ 50 port were prevented by police the River Kwai!” All stereo. 355-8155. 50 T Y R IN G . Manuscript, term pepar», etc. C ell 1 0 2-057 a 50 from getting near ar even see-1 RECORDING TAPE j M E N . Ouiot, a ngle andfor double J J S L f I G H BELLS 27 numbered b-ii». room. Separata entrance both oo- tag him. Photographers and | Areiy unusual, $18 Another string. $2.00. proved- W inter term. 222 Beal St. Electric typewriter. - Term paper» and -•1814 jewelry catalogues and other ED 7.4510 afte* 5 p.m. «Otoks -alluding Bible over 100 year« TYRIST A N N M O W N . I D 2-8184. 44 these», elsa general typing. » tf reporters were kept in the Mg] entry hall until the plane took I off for Brazzaville. disc shop MOtElMHiMAiJVEfnURE EM FILMED! .«Id. Large Shoenhut wooden doll O N E P R IV A T E roem for **«1« stu­ ST U D E N T D IS C O U N T , »elf w««h, oif,ely dressed, $25.00. W rought iron dent. Medern, ««rt-nq. breekfott $ .75 Lube fab, -1.00. Student perking, Only after the plane was air­ •candelabra, oil painting other items. Bveileblé, ntesarroble. IV 2-7466, if $150. Free eptcrt of ait m th every «« borne did police report that wFri., Sat, Sun. 10:00 4 30 I I I ? Chmax ne «Rjwer cell after 6 o.m. ' — 49 change. Cam ptet« tunaep. O p a a $4 Tshombe was aboard. 'JSt-eet. Lansmg, ».de entrance. |ba- hours. Dave*« Rut* O il. tOtO L G rand •tween S. Hqimes St. & Pennsylvania River. SSi W Ê g A ve .) 7 SO SPARTAN HAU. P E R S O N A L D A T A forme, thetee and NOW th ru S A T .Í I $ T E N O R B A N J O . Kay, practicotly 215 L O U IS gen««) typing. O ffie t printing, p lectic ¿new . W ill tell to highest b-d. C a 'I binding a n d typesetting. W on eh G rofic 4 * 0 2-8461; »LO CK FRO M C A M PU S Service, 1720 East Michigan, Leming. me TO fc tt / * R J ID E L F IG U R E SKATES, blue «6*-je 12, $K ) Thrge quarte?» »ire viols f Single, end deubhr roam» erva-laUe. Rhen« «84-7786. T Y P IN G I N M Y H O M E . By warnen tf TROY TH E M O ST F A B V W V S F t t T l l E AT JJh»if- pn««. M ente bunk bed» end Large w«rm roam» •nth 10 year* eatrateriel experience. M U S K rA N D -M lR T B SH O W D > fc tt-fc fft-S ftl «aer-ngt. $20 EO 2-4517. 50 I TU 2-6718. tf wash b e .) in e« t l K n if f t in rntitäbf « I A b o o M P d quette or Enconaba «r vicinity. E D 7. psile- Hornea Manor. Raodv to move w. S p a iti n VJfoge ‘ « Sp oil»« ’ V U ege Piate ' ' so f l o w down payment. IS P - 3 1.10 oi osi laundry, 1412 Apartm ent (f. - S po iteo á t e lorry, E D 2-417?. SO Village. . ■ to B 0 5 T O N . N e ed on« lider. Cail Dan Kriaety, 117-0714. SO t I4 S 5 F O R D U N E jnobite bom«. 10 L O S T O N C A M P U S , on« M o t t r i ­ W m ñSC H K rteat. Ençeb««t boma tor. t or 2 mela fate, £ * « M l J - r i t e . to '»t udenti. 4135 R«ik la t « Road. N A 7. *2470 day». N A 7 - M S mfht». » LO ST. G r * . wdltat. H t S d . M g , Ta iid a y , Doperete!« a c r i ' IO. -«du. STAR, á R p .0 l I M 10*45. 2 bedroom, enccltent titoéte». Vacant. « doIntel « ton- t I» fo r’tradii. 355-4168 * . ,, / WCIfWAiO HO) Vkinity of Coke- ïîê ê M ê ê è ë S Ê S S Ê ié I k x íí£ m. « r i » Ü ÈÊË È êÈ È ÊÈêÈ éÊ ÊÊêÈm * feria W & T h & l'È i'-, im. (W'WaÊM . ^1, ‘>*i m m M M « M i s M M S “m '1 H | SrSfs^I a ss» m Ê m m mm 5$'V-' m m. m :;V:'’ mm m al football « P ii ¡sliSS • COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE • GLAM AND ROCKER PANELS INSTALLED • CAR PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY .- • WELDING • BRAZING • SOLDERING ¡ S S tX M ,m m m m Tsais Used sad New ElisabetoviUe, the Katanga (STUN) «ill again buy sad sell capital, thua demonstrating books daring registration week m m that the UN forces «ere to 5 3 “OVER II YEARS OF DEPENDABILITY of «inter term, say Sally control-of toe situation at that carrapendtafsecretary. vitet’fipet IN THE OKEMOS AND EAST LANSING AREA” Smith. M 11a n sophomore, The Y ong RepuMtetoas are Michigan. \ «, i STUN chairman. ‘Ta spiteef their sajato Anti-UN statement« being BUS. PHONE RES. PRONE affiliated with toe state Young broadcast by th e Katanga STUN, sponsored by As­ Republican organisation;«Moi at C—-C— BtaaeH «aid* TANIMOWO OGUNLESI of Maian, Nigeria, a «sama ED I41M - ED 2-3237 sociated Women Students Ac* "Reputas have attempt radio were described by the tivities Board, was set up to is m turn affiliated vfitt * na­ ed to serve toe toterests sf sefftags psBtkal I—tor of the aew African ladepoadoat spokesman as evidence that tional group. State visited State Wedaeodsy afleraom -State No«« t n e “Katanga propaganda 1732 'HAMILTON ROAD • OKEMOS . help students buy and 'seU The chapter on cantons to tbs pespie, aot of their book» at a lower cost Students Photo bp EMea GariodL machine is to high gear.” take their books to the STUN autonomous, though, Bissell bookstore to 13 Student Ser­ said, and its mato function is vices, set their own price, and educational. receive toe money when toe “Oar parptse is to faniB- books «resold. larfae students with the ob­ The STUN room will be open jectives «I toe RepaMtesa Teghrtratom week, Jan. 2 party,” he said, Mand Is In- through 5 from 1 to 3 p.m. terext themia politics.” AWS to planning a new sys­ The group was especially ac­ tem of sending students their tive last winter term doing the jchedto from books two or presidential campaign. Young three days after toe books Republicans canvassed and dis­ have been sold. Usually stu­ tributed campaign literature dents must «aft two or tore« for the State Central Republi­ weeks after tbe'books have can group. ' been sold to recdve their They also prepared «" bro­ money. chure which they distributed at fk tm p e A . (Autixrof“ Bartfoot Boy With C h*kH, MT I* Mmm$ Lotet of Dobie OilHt", He.) FROM SEA TO SHINING SKA America h a great country. America’a cities are fid af 1 America a forest* are full of trees. America’* m e n a n f d of water. But it » not house« and trees and water th a t a America great; it ie eurioeity—the constant quest to an*were—the endiess, reetlen “Why?” “ Why?*' “Why?” . Therefore, when I waa toM th at Marlboro waa a top i î T U M r l l l i i ItH< T ? V ’T>1? St (dagM: from USC to Yale, I waa not conten t merely ta accept this gratifying fact, 1 had to S h i OSt « to t ? 4 ' 1 hied myself to cam purest in «very sector of thie mighty land. First, I went to''the Ivy League—d w ed, of w ane, to an appropriate costume: a«kuil-and-bones in one hand, a triangle TOP PRICES in tiie other, a ma«k-and-wig on my head, a hasty pudding ia my chop«. “Sir,” I cried, sailing an Ivy Leaguer by toe lapeta, which i* no mean task considering the nairowneea of IVy League lapels, but, I, fortunately, happen to have little tiny hands; in fact, I epent the last war working in a small a rm plant where, I mb proud to any, I was awarded a Navy “E ” for eaoeUenee and . —;; w. *■ % wu*» many friends—"Sir.” I cried, seising an Ivy Leaguer by tba topela» “how come Marlboro is your favorite lite r cigarette?” FO R U S ED B O O K S .N O W ! 1 “ T n giad you asked th at question, Shorty,” he NplSed. “ Mariboro ia my favorite filter ciguntte because i t is to e filter cigarette with the unfiltered taste.” “Oh, thank you, air P I cried sad ran poathante to i AT TKÊ USED cnmpusea in the Big Tea, wearing, of course, the i costume: a pfaud Mackinaw, billing boots, a g ~*u v bear «ad frost-bitten care. ; Hpying an apple-cheeked young coed, I tagged my forelock and said, “Excuse me, miaa, but how some Mariboro is your favorite filter cigarette?” " I’m glad you asked th at question, Shorty,” rite replied. “ Mariboro ia my favorite filler cigarette because the tow er is flsvtxfui, the flip-top box flips and tba aofi pmlr is aoft,” rOK. thank you, apple-cheeked young wed,” I eriad and bobbed a curtsey and aped as fs s ia s my U fa fa tjg p w o u ld (Free P a rk in M Rear) «wry me toseveral campuses in the toutoiw A , wuarmg, af « • re s , toe appropriate enstume: chapa. eantoea, aad several ofl leasea. Spying a group of aadHgredoataa i R aw ,” I removed my h at aad said, Acro» From Berkey Hail -* T *- — i— *-— ’tii H ut ilia iii y r “« h a re glad yea « fa d th at qnwtona , S W y ,” they s«dtodL “Mariboroiaour favorite filter j — * r-friatiems« Abo Pick Up Thai Last Minute Stoáy Aid :«Mid daughtem of toe wide opra rp ssss, waat «cigarette that ia freak aad forthright aad honest- t o w aaM adtort, M arfa««.” “Oh, thank-you, a li," I sited ahd, doew g » ssee seea, I eel .«si t o M b eraaM teB aw afi.« « every state wtetmCfld Glory «tost Maitooro ia ihe teading rettar ia S p -to p ittt Oa i•■ ■ r r — r - *— r -k iitiw u ephimifa f« ;|fc H to to Ib is p a st h erfcf a— , yuawM f a T ' * " *■* I,,,**" fel: V Ê iW m S M RSA IS 4- ÜM ‘ “ •• M B