wfijnr*-f S il# i ¡^ ¡M I ^ m M ttltivlìifìii »? r«i t f f y r v r ^ T ^ W r ^ liTw- "ÎT' i c K‘ '.-Ä ^ J c - ?^ .» d w ‘>wÉffeii''**v#*. « * ~T --* ' rr*T • .«* Ij ’S* ^ P r a ls S L^-jSgFigisSBs» .fiysswiipfii WÊ&^f”â Serving MSU for 52 years 1909 VeL 53, Nu. 11« Friday Morning, December 8, 1961 im-t at the Lansing Caoitol Citv Air­ He Adoula’s central Congo mittee to review public charges! port at 9:40 a.m. if Eisenhower ternment offered to put its made by faculty members j M o v e d t o S p r i n g T e r m - y i g i f e _ •: j does not keep a scheduled late ops under UN command for against the University, Provost action to end Katanga's seces­ Paul A. Miller ggpd. sion, but reliable sources said tee offer was turned down. The theElected faculty members of ^ote Postponed luncheon engagerapnt to To­ ledo. he may accept Hannah’s invitation to address the Mich­ At Graduation Academic* Council will i igan Statestudents. Strains of processional mt’S- • students to help otber countries . reason: The combina- compose the committee. île filled the Auditorium Thurs- j to accompiishmoau similar to UN and Congolese sold* By LINDA LOTRIDGE However, after 45 minutes of Congress voted to loan the day night a s.707 men and wo-i those of the U.S.] " -r - [would create more 'pro­ ofThe entire''council consists] 13 deans, the Provost, the' Of the State Newa Staff debate, JEHck Vinters, Lansing, Council 92,558.86 to sponsor tee men marched into the hall to j ‘>Yott must 'make a menn- tean It would solve.” President, pointed out that the amend­ vocal group. réceive degrees at Fail Com-jtngfui sucmm «I your Kves,” W W R. - .two P - S t u d e n t -Congress v o t « d ment was unconstitutional due Frank Thompson,■!sophomore faculty repre- i mencement exercises. f Romaey said. "£Ps intoPrtant I ■ ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ and Owe faculty memberscollege •entauves from each Wednesday night to hold the elect-; graduate student vote during to technicalities. d a » vice president, tdd the B lack mortar boards, vyith ; that each of you has a goal is tr a tio n ed at large. 'T&fc- • - g spring g a | term | - ^registration- * in­ Congress then voted to grmm that the Council could The decision was promoted stead of winter term as was scad tee original bill and the make a preßt P A P if thé D ue for tesscls of all -colors bowed às! and works toward that 90a!.” f p t M s^r. Jerome V. ; He stressed the importance by charges against the Uni* previously announced. ^ amendment |a the academic auditorium is sold out. MacEach’fl, p a s to r of s». jof faith in tee Gnaslor as a le d u fe S e t , vwrnjy made recently by John N. Moore, professor of ie regislratioo schedule aatahd. science.. affairs committee (or farth­ The Brothers Four are to ap­ Aa amendment to tee ori­ er consideration before an pear to the University auditor­ Case Ibotnas Aquip» Church in E J meens of accompUshtng aB 1Lansing, a sk e d God’s blessing j goals. "H i»': w f spiritual ginal bill which called for election Is held spring term. ium sometime to Jiim nfy.r'-\. : for the student»*.. Cnturc^ :-?jsy^"i'Wfdcb detenniue* 1tite •saater- winter term was aa- Mipw, advisor to the MSU fnfftime graduate student« to Thompson said tim i tee By BERNADINE c ;u :in \ ;i~Üèat,'Goergo R o m n ey . prés»- tto l." he 1Thursday by the reg- Conservative club, told vari- become members of AUSG, Earlier this weak. Rivers Council woukf qae any profits Of libo State Newl Staff dent of American Motors and "Yen must have faith in l office. Singleton, president of Owen nto with last names orn groups and the press that stated that all gradnate site Graduate Hall advisory board, to cover pedtiieity expenses to- Dramatic new dimensions to i a vice-president of Gotl-Coa, God, and goals greater tens yourself.’’ he concluded the University teaches Social, dents regardless of aamber M id that he felt all graduate curred flffnghnlrt tee year Ming With A through E* istic principles of credits canted were eli­ and to printo tq> pamphlets University President John A. ur^lster Tuesday, Jan. t, I Be students should be allowed to praising the Uidversffy. S to S ll be seen at Case HaR *“£ tejro n p s from t i l l *.*. to p ftp p a rin in fe rre d that his job gible to v ete ia the winter participate in AUSG. % Debate waa' held before Winter term w f^ tr % Hannah then awardati degrees 'danger.- • term election. . j&F. , ..... . Î - . . i a r e d e m n o u to ..uve hi t a t . 1to the faff graduâtes.- ■1^5 P'“ ' 5 "*** last names The bill requires « majority - tee final passage at the triti. Cowtocabonal use of «mder- 1m M £st age in aB history. beginning with Pn through President John A. Hannah Jim Gibson, married hous- vote by both graduate and un­ grndjtil^ Eosidénce hall facili- r . “As. AmMteaasryuu aro;tito George Foley, L a a to K n t# i-pt'ftnm 8 a.m. ts 4:3» p.m J r irih r . !T^ ing. originator of the amend- dergraduate students although tent ft 'tilt presentation was *i w £ imu*ffwiWpi»y, :ÿ ■ revohftUmaries.”- h e ■said. :.«*! with name« from tig:/ ^ 5« ! nMfnt- said that more than 50 the votes will not be temped to­ flop. Congre» would be « .« » f l n i t r u c t o r offices a n d nuot keep n u r co u n try Mb Z from i a.m lb say abmt Hy matter. Since all j per cent of the graduate stu- gether to determine a major- in tiie red. * e a f lia v e in to tbe hnll.^ " W c a L h e r '.J v- î from e x p iria g - p n th e ’b e d of: RM«ltWdS'sma@wri ’M t- jM Moore s msinuat'ons baveri«- dents are carryiag less than ii w i lsboin>|. of hours for fleeted on his faculty colica- 12 credits. - mgmS _ Bob Hencken, BaUey. argued In other action Wednesday that this was tee n A 589-book library of paper* hack* I* made availabio-te the ! Romney said that the otbar P y f :«*tiisr, tkêt, Fridmr ’ I H H iiioih i and enrollment P P 1: Mid, ^he was | "Since there suvteo- require- ttMSM* ftiiffn a MMMd a Itir of AUSQ te naiite stttdenU on a no-sign-out basis. I countries of tile world may fool whh scattered mow* wading .w ill. be malted putting the tesuo m the facul- ments for credito carried," be tea ta «over say ftmwetid JB 'MfwPP'ig The. north .wing of the stir, I en v y toward tee United States la tei sfliifU b Ifrin r fnlr. i«R term yrodei. gQlh,baag|v m. ioaid, "some take 12 or it cred- straetnre wfll bMeW jfpr all the beWtite -SntiSw* Bureau ifto one term aad then do re- vtog men. ]tioms tiw country has. Ho said Friday atght. Higlii l» fh e wdtf- See CHARGES page 15 i search tee following term.” of Ute Brothers «sa yoge l l 'tt » t h e duty of the graduating 3Ts sa d the lew'j a a r d t . ji;;• Wmr K s i « | •K&s- j w w m m ïm M mm P f « ! Tolhe Editor: rtoriw tonhtotoef g Id reference ' to ME Fan's eiC We agree wtfo Dr. letter to Ibè Dec. 4 State News fort • ietterai disarm- regarding the propose^ govern ment lar M * m m ß «t-idcufs I i1 *” prÍT^ ? cí te ** t o f # Uttom League-slbly then, the mare expert-j ament would 1be the logical and would Editorial Editor Sharön Coady we sluül m rte toe Rowing in­ ■» '» ¿ W » bwrfiWced «U » M t taw | * W«1 «ota*, Feature Editor .......Curt Rund-11 quines, clarifications. and in-■:Ì S t ? i r £ £ 2 ! ! / 2 r J ! £ t « w «**« » -» a s i ** S i Women's Editor Sally Ward WttÊÉÈÊÊ&WM*'$ First the mqqirtaa: Sports Editor Jerry Flacher We question Mr. Fex s m * posed rationality, when to foe mu- fttoto Editor..... Dave Jaehnig d f ü í» m § m m l pp** opening uarpfmplt he admits ty have tbsas la p i at human attuta The that hi# tolormattoa is baseu mo to'fewrito about Christmas case upon hearsay. Why tod h» not AUSG Wise to Delay Vote on attend the open hearings an­ a fire hazard nounced in the paper held l»y Next year it wool be m bad mid students, alike, #ft aside students off-campus. New bow because we can use cinder their prejudices for one wank, May I suggest tbgt faculty " g g L y S i i a a a ; w«*« « * >■**» and jo»« us. The eighth annual Grad Representation W tow lto. Fox appeals ia institute is scheduled for May ***** 1962 ■ ^ -- , g t1 S tu d e n t C o n g re s s made a w is e m ove students, graduate and undergraduate, gimentation. independence and lirfniii htole its Wtmpwi B?W8PkP^r .to W e d n e s d a y n i g h t w h e n it^ y o te d to p o s t­ during winter term registration. freedom.'* we shall attempt to «- ama^dnr hew we are pro- D a f u f o f i M flA rP d& SSK clarify our position by using , l Wt H»r C abolishment of the House Un- u the Editor: ¿I p o n e an' a ll-n h tV e rsiiy \ o t e cm a p ro p o sa l «Article 9 none reads: Every regularly ratiocination. Instead qf his rtmT^i^farnlr Ta thr Kdltar y * American Activities Commit As a FtoeHst. ar fjwner Fi- to sriye tfn u H m le s tu d e n t s r e p r e s e n ta tio n -qnroHed undergraduate student of Michi- r^iraentation and ioss of Jg - ,hen >u ^ ^ J n U t 1 am a «wnaervative. I doopl.v •The -MSC camiMu newsaft- ^Äot. 1 am very muph alarm- in A C S<;. .; gan StatrU niversity (carrying ring 12 or more freedom, the proposed «•- wh were m - Krutov -night know t<4i«ve that this country neodfc ’í d f f i i í Œ d 't i ï T S wl Ä the recent fccU « !« , T h e ib id id f^ c h a n g in g A r tic le 9 p i th e credits) shall be voting citizens of the AH- r ^ „ Q»iiOV S i that thev posemo tlS S t.. And a strong and a vigorous con - S T  T ^ î ' » « » W JK- * c “b* University Government. B ? cnipi,- ..^.prnod donlt ftogetthe luggage rooms n a tiv e movement The pit- ^ «imitting he was _ j\ constitCttinB/*,W a.s to b e p r e s e n te d +o a lt ^ d?i!LSS£ where y4 can W ^ y o u r on- falls of socialism and commu- to Ito M^xist-Leninist or Commun- ' •S TT- . , . J y .« »..1 ■ (.' • - ■' . * jtor I "- • the off-rammM stu lv IE’s * dre hazard njsm are today threatening the ; a _jce calchy 1st. This statement by Pre-.<; W' • -^3L ■~-C ~~ ■ THE AMENDMENT.: wonU change ^ to keep them under your bed» very foundations of what uas . t ao-snnnean much when mier Caetro ha* removed *ny^ And. ,fin*U>r don’t use eke- come to be known as the Amer . mnsiapred The remaining sympathies I have 0 | »egPfPandora’s Box ‘u n d e r— g r aSd u a te■" t o "pi,, A H h ó u th t h . D ill g r aI dHuBa tSe ^P W P k .. 2. A b o ard w hich w ill-be r e - , . t . our w m .K-an w ay of tife. But. I cannot offfcials of a university c re a te i beW to r his re g im e start a ¡go along with, nor support fab libe offi- [ Castro came to power on Jan. The continuing re v e rb e ra tio n s of Moscow's yesrr'the^ramificattbns iVthi just became- evi- pmmt usU ctíM ^of -f« ,'- « i » right, ^ k J T E r t S ' ! 1. •*» P »1 ia e ‘ *<® P»P»e public revelations of .S la lin s crimes are pro­ 'dentt when wh* people actually considered how i facilities, * *_ * J f JtoktoÉ 1 *h* prim ed ipontobittiy theM throughDUt Uw j w r t i . l Wt ducing m o re ferment i n P oland than anywhere they wouki vote. ». A bow. which A di h, * 2 - anymore than I can on the toll. news]¡papers in any ^way they that Mto at last was the Ub- elso' in th e M oscow -oriented nations of E a s t­ empowered to create more y «•««« Dr. John Moore, associate see flt. Thcy even have t h e erator of Cuba. He had ousted e rn Europe * ""■+* The loophblek in it alarmed severaFgrad- (reodoirrifor "off^campos " stin * ^ “’1 ironed and why we d—t professor of natural science, ^ght to jbolish such publlca-' ttyt Bwxta tyranny ^hich was —T h e Poles h av e not h ad to toppje sf dead — students uktF - - ■ and even some-Congress ‘ dents, wash our hair »the hair dryers-bu stated that "socialism is tions supportod u*** with American m mili. ili- S ta lin is t fro m th e ped estal he occupied in th e ir members saw that -the bill would create 4 A board whose benefits * * * £ tb^Ty. ^ "These facts have nothing to tary and eeonomto aid. h isto ry —a s the C zechoslovaks h a v e had to do shall cost the off-campus stu­ be theyll set them up in the taught" _ at Michigan State Uni- w „m ¿0 with ^ ^ ___ „ „of the press.! Castro had.the tykridng Freedom _ of the' 1 m o re problems than it solved. lobby, but but not not on on the. the. carpet- carpel- j j versity. vendty. This This simply simply is is not not true. true, | i Xa utoverottv'oin university can uphold tmhold press Cuban Cuban people people wlfii with toe toe excep- exc iv»tj£„ G ottw aJd—o r expel a -living S talinist dent not a cent. _ mgi. .. - , . .. . . j Next term I will be a senior. , freedom by exercising its tiqns being the remnants of the f ro n t th e C om m unist p a rty and fro m th e d a rk In the first place only atudaatx. carry­ 15. And create a board whose Where there's smoke there'»* My major is In political science rights and responsibilitiesin I Batista dictatorship'How ever, — c o rn e r tn which he lurked and p uged m any ing 12 or morer credits may vote. This dents. content shall be off-campus stu­ fire and where there's a umver of th e strin g s of pow er—a s th e B u lg arian s whoee concern shall be ... . . . . . * which ---------contains --—~ an admittedly controlling or- abolishing ------ -—P -a 1less than a month after bis h a v e dene w ith Chervenkov. excludes a great proportion of the gradu­ off-campus students and whose u*ero s. l^*“l*uon - large number of liberal profes- campus newspaper. A student triumphal entry into Havana, Irnttcad th e Poles have been a sk in g the ate students. . ‘ constituency shall be the off- ^ m n - 1 h*^* f oum * “ .ii0“' publication is not intended and Castro began the mass war m o s r fu n d am en tal questions and m aking the • -f • '•'"""SsT Campus student. t>)fre arf„ like me, O H^ g and history, also'“libera t cannot be a method off project- crimes trials and subsequent l who a r e a ll fire d up m o st basic d em an d s for refo rm y et voiced Thirdly the indictment: al departments. And never mg the immature thouw Nanry A. Ebert once to these classes has social- opinions of a few visionary m tad executions by firing squads tor a n y w h ere in th e C om m unist cam p . SECONDLY, the bill-contains no ex- We indict Mr. Fox’s irration or -over 500 Cubans. This can be planation of how the new members would ality add irresponsibility in act- Abbot Halt ism—or anything approaching 1misled students. University !justified by the fact that these C onsider the fresh an d im p o rtan t ideas in* i it- been taught. newspapers are created for two people were the Batista hencli- . je c te d by p rom inent P oles recen tly into th e be represented. Congress members have tog without sufficient infor- C o m m u n ists' deb ate P h y sicist Leopold Infeld unofficially» said th at graduate students raation on the proposed bill. \ r f i J A 6 Furthermore. though many of reasons generally: To provide ^men who butchered, tortured» h a s-d em an d ed tru e freedom u n d e r C om m unist would be represented through Owen Hall indictment that there » ''evi­ And lastly we shall make t h e ^ [ d l S c a r i t l l l l c a i the professors I have,had would a classroom type atmosphere, and killed thousands and thou-: ’ fall under the liberal classifi- for budding journalists where sands of innocent Cubans I ru le. E conom ist O scar L ange h a s c alled upon and through the existing Congress dis­ dence to demonstrate that Mr. To the Editor: cation, they have almost to the they can gain experience to go ‘ But kinmediately the Ameri-j his Soviet C om rades to prove—if they can tricts, but no official interpretation can be Fox’s views, like those of an ­ May I suggest th at you con­ man been very fair to all be- along with their textbook know- j can reactionary press began T h a t the personality cult and its consequences in the amendment. other letter of Dec. 4, are not tinue the laudable *r~ «ST practice:**-*1 of ” Ucfs in their presentation jo t 1ledge; and to provide the to label the ^revolutionary re-* a rc n o t inev itab le m th e M uscovite version of acquainting necessarily those of the signer. community with me cmvenmy eootroTersial material. campus . commünitx’ with in- ; gtme at 'Totalitarian’’ and "to-j M a rffism -L cnim sm . Thirdly, tto one seemed to know what but those in fact qf a would-be t _ u. members . . . ... of' AA sstatement u iin iic iii uthat socialism ia i su tu iu oiii w is iv formation im a u v ii aof interest to that humane " Strangely enough And p a rty le a d e r W ladyslaw G om ulka h a s is going on. Everyone has talked but no student tnajiimaker. PredDmtn“ t theory taught community, imunity. . . these same publications rft* ~ in elfgct dtypanded th a t Soviet h isto ry a d n y t bfiffhas been able to explain, ctarify or Al Stockt-------------- goes to the Staito NewsVv* m PmiMCAf« tot the eithw. from a person'------There can be^ no other bm( VWR» Ctutw at miss «• pvz w w—r* rea- ' ID mained silent during the flUICU MJCIIVJIlHUi MWdura- U th a t m illions of Soviet p e a sa n ts w ere the first Al'SG Congressman Brovvn i rofesaori «F* ™ whots unaware ef what toclal- son fotJS student newspaper to tton of ^,e Batiste rogime. v ic tim s qf S talin ist s a v a g e ry when the collec- enunciate his opposition to the proposal. tiv e-farm sy ste m -w a s im posed. _ Tom Rasmussoa . Pani A. Miöer reatiy is or who is unaware exist. The editorial to the Mich ^ 1950 Castro appealed for Next term .should be devoted to a sin-1 Preveat of whit I ’ This country is being taught igan State paper is not calling ah f for his program of Judgmig bv P ra v d a s ca re fu l cen sorship of President. Association has a real need (am LVaaAinnA /kf tlm for Freedom of the ACC Kilt 1 pi ess. but economic development and M w:i_.___ a __ J ;*;-Goniuitea s speech, even such a revisionist a s cere study of whaUthe bill means, how it of Ofl-Cim|w> Students move- for Academic lieense. •K hrushchev q u ails b efo re th e im plications of would hork and who it would effect. Both' 4 • , « A* tor a strong; conservative o was turned- down. “ A n d jy e "are a lre a d y getting j This aid was needed for ‘he has a need for a A g a i n s t C h e a t i n g* strong liberal movement. And, too-mueh of tbe latter and not agrarian land reform which th e ideas P o la n d 's leading C om m unists a r e the graduates and undergraduates must be M o r e S u p p o r t en u n ciatin g m public. informed so that they m ight vote intel­ Tn the it either of■ these -* * groups two - enough of the former.” „ Castro had started. Immedi­ We do n o t know w h eth er th e fe rm e n t c le a rly ligently. • ; r To the Editor: With B u b around the oor- are to beOeftt this country a t Michigan State ately. the press took up thé boiling in W arsaw 's realm vrrtl sp read else­ In regards to a le tte r which ner. it seemed like a good time all. they must be accurate and Conservative Ctnb charge of "Communist and w here m th e -S o v ie t bloc. B ut it is alm o st Whether or not the amendment is pass-1 appeared in M o nday's State to | express r _______ something . t which ,_______ has honest in their presentation of forced Castro, against his bet ccrtam rw hat am o n g th e m o re intelligent ’ tor parties. „ have accomplished has b e e n - Iby the .rapidly dwindling . .... measures of food and sog-prk^i of Cas­ A * a m e m b e r in th e S tu d e n ts co m p le te ly a n d w h o lly * r o ? f 5 9 S P * * in ervation during toe aftermatfefS? well as Off-Campus 1 find It enjoyable 1 cannot comprehend the kt tte* ,.v would Uke to maké -* na.jrt. We to« Cuban to go to a home of some fellow cheater. 1 can t see what fee - -J* ** «"PJ® .. otwr. plea that some informed source •**r™71 iW. WoMi1lk plet's . not , member for a coke after an gets out of cheatwg . rd much h**t htfh his *lteJjU°n I® ^ present information of a |a*ac- Pjf all ttty MaihlFWs Castro for in tra m u ra l m intramural n * 'nir game um h , oth­ or some nth. rather to t« , m m alm ake aa !i niiinf i f i ' t * I M!OBU S tH■ M■!S t ■ OfH 1tile ! H Kritog? K e llo g g tk-gi tl#-al nnature atn rn inin this th is paper. n a n e r. Per­ P e r - tt«S a ctio n . . er activity atong the. seme honest, because i kQtfw haps the bureau of civil de­ If we as a nation had taksn lines. it is honest A shady, crooked triboted to thls sodahsm by do- fense or some _ similar agency Castro for at hi bras to toe Accortone to University reg­ 3 point- would bother me the mdtog Kellogg CatoWp-to a ^ulpp^d wUh ¡cienttfic'date beinnning and triorfto iettle our ulations. this home must be rest of mv Ute. How abort you? state university could offer information about differences at a conference ta- approved and reserved rt least Rehería Ferrea F S « the varied effects of the differ- We uwtead of with tovasionr two days inf advance of the .Sente V ü u s s Hab | r Owea Hal art kinds of radioactivity, what CW>* might have been saved «vert; there irtrt be' a mini­ might be the best .source of I from Communism. Just as mum of two fofCfdty uncontaminated water, the ones and must be ever H P r e ju d ic e s W a n e ; fences of reaction. Castro has p.m. When game« start at any- * • Te tfce Editor: , dioactivc ray«, chances that a Wton defeated by the forces *d IwÉitoÉrta 7 p.m. to 9:45 WWWW------- Strontium ^.■WWWI-------WW l l bomb might be ¡infornatfonal B U communism. One this is aa impossibility. We May 1 offer ■ suggestion tovrtiue'Chib would Uke to pro- j used and the best protective mimit also add the U.S. ,pr^¡s would UH» practical rules to those who are debating the sent the following editorial in moasures which industry could ( and State Department to the tabfcte by. • NAACP rote a r t m il righto the iirtorett rt pmiding sn sl-: U k e , ;" , ; ' ¡list of forces defeating both sl Much of tee discussion on questions through the medium temrtlve point of view to what It is obvious that much of the man. > , tin# new proposed government of the Michigan State New*, was preaentcd m this newspa- "saeo«fk"data is stilt purely ]FW |efore now reject Caafro f has been to toe regular meet- There occurs en tote campus per a short while ago. 5speculative but U does seem to and Ogmsnunist Cuba and hope mgs of the Off-Campus Stu- each year ana e# to« moto tog- The article is token frort» toe b« the best basis on which to for their liberation from the dents. If Mr. Fox would attend nihcant aad effective humaa pages of Official Michigan, make derisions concermng tmoeristtsm of the USSR and Amari- Dec. i, 19S1. Its tdle to "What tÈ m k é ■ ■ • ' 'Ä rt the nation maj never ts Freedam?" { Trtnecond question which » ¿again tea under the yoke of »muaite^ Briatmcs' - tortigto- “At tones. Freedom- a rt'* ' Tiriy^Grwotiaut sponsored by toa Sdsari of Po- that's toe eat with capital let- m M fchlga. I . I ■ ** ïmm m Ü • m m . 'i l r t ¡ ^ S i^ t^ H n H i* ^ 2wwuri»» IUcImiW 3 ^ ^ 9K 3ippjl 6 jB n? s t* ftttrrtfT am i» BHmFiBP'"Wm$ valve Arme®Forces awl which, to . ha succewhd. c o n s id e re d must ex term irt» mwHiil of Cubans big to toe heavens? to wonder on what she has Cuba has rdpnaMil again «Ml I have read with interest the . Unfounded c h a r g e s er booed her ovkhaoe. M et of toe Hk areintereotod In beering from pwwpeetivs greda- arguments brought forth f i the charges of small importance ».gain ber w im itiw i b settle ftids RUI I see each monbpg her diiferancetoraigh M ateral atoe who would like to tau* «tea Advantages of a D im t N A i^ and 1 am dis­ are embarrassing wad bad for have copies of ton State News agreements Wtih Die United career ha inveatment banking. Our firm la a major turbed about tods, ?.’■ University morale a d cause and are reading etoér articles States or through mediation via origin*tor and distributor of Neuritim hsum on a People jgtyr';wQ^to>g constant* resentment against those who ta addfttea to "Peanut*:” other i^fof.natomsf The answ nationwide basis. Applicants must be ambitious and ly to Improve m e relations make feitn. ú w Sarah Tretdlceck er from this country has been wihiag to work hard. Engineering, law or accounting t throughout toe country and Certainly their rights can, - 45 University Drive a commerical ana? economic background deeimblfe. For further information, we, much progress is tbeing made. win and are being granted but blockade, conspiracy under the .The University, the State toe present method is not go­ invito you to write Bos 1961, Baying Department. direction S i .and toe News and other orgánisationa ing to cause liking between toe armud invasion of Cuban ter- have been very fltir » improv­ ‘faces. ing race relato»g. Jrv- " John P. Chamberlain ritory. •' The Cuban Revolution Is the E a stm a n D illo n , U n ion S e c i r i t i e s t Co. Emmons Hall ttsuaaM n s w y o k k STUCK KXCHANUS Yet, at the same time, or­ culmination of more thaam ae ganizations, ghe Urn Campus decades of suffering and, re­ 16 Brand Street, New York 5, N. Y. NAACP do nothing to create sisting foreign domination. In good wiD btit demand more and See UTTTERS page 4 more. Doee foe load organiza­ tion feel that it has to keep up with similar Naacp groups 'in the south? *■^ If so, Irt'to e ’ members re­ member one tiifng: *Serious wrongs exist in the south. They are not as serious to East Lao-, sing, nor ire toe same meth­ ods needed. The NAACP changes could and should have bees h an d led with more tact The present actions can only lead to prejudice and resent­ ment on the p a r i of E a s t Lan- singites. TV-.;., H ELP Rebuilt Motors and Transmissions INSTALLED' _ Mufflers - Tail Pipes — Exhaust Pipes Seasons Best FREE INSTALLATION C o m p le te S h o p S e r v ic e A WREÁTH OF GOOD to the students and DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY WISHES FOR YOU . . . faculty members who May all our good friends have helped make nunrs au to p a rts W h a t ’l l i t h e , M i s s P o r t e r , and , customers have a MSlPs Newest 6M n. u m » «cheery holiday. th e D ek es o r u s? ” Restaurant a success IV 4-4696 Saturday Sunday 21 GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 2GW 0NDERFUL SMOKES! AGED MILD. BLENDED MILD - NOT FILTERED MILD-THEY SATISFY The tim e has com e a g ain l & T i v - V -« ' - - •- tni-8- y e a r t o se ll all th o se - y o u 8 0 d e a r l y - • • r M M m So u se th a t k n o w le d g e m** . - __ ^ ~ - you g a in ed in co lleg e and g e t TCP PRICE f o r y o u r b o o k s > tor': C L aailM Am6a Ut uulft ' r rapati MM w m Frandor 8Kow»tng Cantar M rs. P hyllis W right 1543K S p a rta s M ilage DOG SH O W AND O B E D IE N C E T R IA L INGHAM CO UNTY K ENN EL CLUB BENCH ED SHOW C IV IC CEN TER - SU N D A Y , D ECEM BER 10 Y O U E X P E C T V A R IE T Y . . A N D Y O U G E T IT . CIJPPERT STREET ACROSS FROM FRANDOR S o m a n y tim e s d u rin g th e y e a r w e o p e n ly s o lic it y o u to p a tro n is e o u r s to r e . W e d o o u r b e s t w ith in th e h ou n ds V ■ _ SPECIAL o f g o o d ta steJ to e n c o u ra g e y o u to ~ visit u s a n d b u y fro m * * u s. It is o u r b u sin ess to d a th is. A gain to d a y w e in v ite CHRISTMAS BONUS y o u to v is it o u r s to r e a n d p o s s ib ly s e le c t a su ita b le g ift th a t can b e a re m e m b ra n ce fro m th is fin e u n iv e rs ity as t: IN CASH iv e ll as a p e rso n a l o n e fro m y o u . - ■"* H o w ever9 to o o fte n tee lo se o u rse lv e s in th e m ech a n ica l a n d - c o m m e rc ia l a sp ects o f our d u tie s and / a ^ '4 % re m e m b e r> o r a t le a st con r e v , o u r re td a ttitu d e to w a rd y o u . W e a re p ro u d o f M ichigan S ta te a n d its p e o p le . OWNER PROVEN W e tik e y o u f o r w h at a n d w h o y o u a re a n d n o t jtis t fo r 6000 MILES FREE DRIVING DR. ROBERT LUSTIG y o u r p a tro n a g e. v* •• 1 ■ * l ■ • T H E fA B U L O U B 1 9 6 2 R E N A U L T (Member of Atomic Energy Cm m Im í Mi ) We. can th in k o f n o b e tte r tim e th an th e C h ristm a s sea so n E c o n o m y D riv in g I L u x u ry S ty lin g . .' wrlll speak at’^ f '’;. T.‘; to m a k e o u r fe e lin g k n o w n a n d in tu rn to w ish y o u UgdL / i r"'^' .:'H •• '*j*M '• J- ' ’ - if-e ';-' Let SANTA and hits The Spiritualist Episcopal Church H ave a h a p p y h o lid a y . worker* help you make 700 S. Holmes, Lansing your choteo at . •' y' b~:' ?'■ I , i-' é' "- *• 7:30 p.m. Sunday, December-10 THEv UNION BO O K STORE T opic: INTEGRATE A. DISINTEGRATE 1106 E. MICHIGAN IV i'wL' I * *,*! ",-'i "jai r'.jK ï ,í < 'h& l ' OPEN MON. - WED. . FRI. U L » (Public Cordially larftad) V l! j^T’* iS K fv S I I HI Hm iH II B ’Ä i W ä®5H m m - HOME . . • am to* i t of k d p to yo»! Knapp's friendly i l " -te | •/ - -- -V- • V ' .. j w * n -S 1 v -Y# . . m -■ feitet ' " m m Ê fs & S à ^ W M n Æ fr * ' .æ ;•; m m m ta g p .c W ^ ^ ^ fM Ê& Ê Ê Ê Ê sem ces are oar gift wrapping, our credit services • • gift Rx W THANN BELMRJCN - U p | £¡¡¡¡£1 b -ta l ‘ need t e r am increase & â t| ■> . Of toe Stato ‘'fenrs É d i .m p p p r im e „ facilities which v e certificates. A km minute visit to Knapp's Christmas jewel Box is a memory '■*48 ‘ There a n m any roiseoo-1 — yk.,_____ te n r M da a s tia rn e , " he m id . : ■1 -1 -v■ - ’•' : Trîi’; ’ ' W '“V. '»'v- ¿*'■-’'•'■5^ ’ « C "'■-,j. 'i f e ■ • K r e t o T a i .' ♦ , ~ Ii J li I -“v - ^j#| »J * |S f W fte n p W i t o n g the propos­ lla lli V—I l l .f e y em im explained, “ th ere is ; ed request l o r a» in e tte — t e i ‘It la not ..... et- little mied te r a n te facilities : tft-f act!/ Imger math you. Do come in t ¿. and our.Merriest Christmas Wishes! stata s p p s p s istoriai tn support t e t e t to a four-year i fe a f e r n y e a r «chaat, an d w hen ,1 program« fe physicali and bio- medicad school." ¡ he said ‘B at » h o sp ita l is needed, the facili I lo gical eefencaa," —id Bichard we ' w ant t e develop au» fete-' ties of eith er S p arto * or ln- P . Byorram. n—fata— provost g rated -cu rricu la» both at the gkaua Ceunty II—p t* l w ou ld 1 for aa in- u n d erg rad u ate^ and graduate be sufficient.’’ and p e d te in e fewHfcr %I mm T r u s t e e w a s] “ Students would be trained for t e t e c - 1 entranco fete th e University a t A s h e r M en % e rru m report- M ichigan n r Wayne State Uni- ' 1- - ■-=" .J-'fOWty medkraJ schools after SMi ■ * " ac-#t|i»!pyters here. B verrum a n te .; P l a y S a n ta p ‘‘E stablishm ent qf the insti-1 fe te would- require ap p ro x i-: F o r K id s jn a td v IQteflOO to *300,00©." he ; said, " th a t is a to n a l! addition .Asher Student Foundation for ‘f e 'e u r present alm ost *23 mil- - men w ill entertain 10 Lanshuf lion.state appropriation.’’ i area children d their annua!. availab le." B yerrum estim ated. !* * « •■ To help solve this problem TODAY ON CAMPUS T h eh ex sign is best known as there would be an expansion in HUMlHI Itl Ittl 1111HIHH1.1HHUIHI III111 a 'b rig h tly colored, cabalistic the doctor of philosophy degree m r. device for putting the wham m y program to integrate with the Catholic S tedeat C enter—8:30 L o n somebody or something. It m edical p ro g ram ." he said. p,L»., movie,, "O ne D esire.” h a s been associated with witch­ 9-12 p.m ., ddnce, 327 MAC. craft. poltergeists and pretty Byerrum said the report G am m a D eito—Friday. 7 p.m ., m uch the whole hoodoo brood. to the board stated studies board m eeting, M ural Room Actually, the hex patterns suggest that, more two-year ' Union. Sunday. 0 p.m .. cost hide a softer, more benevolent, programs at the pre-dlalcal ' supper, M artin L uther Chap­ & less publicized side. They are level are needed to fill these el. COCK -O’ MORN good luck charm s, symbolic of vacancies for maximum ef­ Lutheran Student A sia. — F ri­ virility, status, fidelity, faith. ficiency d the existing m edi­ day, 8.30 p.m ., C hristm as Although commonly pinned ca l schools. • caroling, m eet a t church, down to the Pennsylvania Michigan industries’ need for popcorn p arty a t 10 p.m ., Dutch country, the hex designs afterw ards. biological scientists, especially a re much in dem and elsewhere. in the drug industry, would al­ M artin L ather Chapel — 7:30 a 1 Ott said today. Some of his so be im proved through t h e . a.m ., Holy Communion, Mar- best custom ers a re in such dis­ tinf Luther Chapel. additional m edical facilities, sim ilar places a s - the deep Rv. rriim ld South, th e f a r Northeast, Can- SOC Executive Board — Sun­ m isconceptions; day, 3 p .m ., Union Oak » ada-r-Mexico. West G erm any. 1 Only recently, Ott related, a regarding the program is the 1 Room. . ? v doctor in W est Germany want- [ ed two hex signs. "W hat do vou suppose for?" Ott wenUon "To keep the Russians out.’’ Ott said h t started painting hex signs as a joke i7 years ago. but before long found him­ F o r th e m ost b e a u tifu l self taking it seriously, even though he didn't go in for the superstitions, O tt creates 40 to 50 signs a. week, the circular designs g ift a w o m a n c o u ld tre a s u re ... varying in size from one to four feet across, and bringing EVERG LADES in S3 to,*75 each, depending, on size and motif. He has 50 de­ signs of four basic hexes "F irst, there is the daddy of D a in ty B a r b iz o n L in g e r ie them a ll,” said Ott. "T h at's w hat I call it because it-goes way hack to 1453 You still see it in church windows. It’s to prevent disease, fam ine, A gUt ef Barbizon slips or sleopwear w ill Y e welcomed by every plague.” This has m any v a r­ All Santas are invited to woman on your gift Bet. Imported French lace trimmed gown and iations. Often they a re bril­ lian t color patterns ra th e r than baby M s in Rlendaireo B atiste. Pretty pastels and white, sizes —» a pictorial representations. T hen th e re 's a pattern of oak M E N ’S L N 1 G H T S-M-L. Tafredda* taffeta er Crape Remarque «Ups with lace trim . leaves and acorns, for strength 6 In white and pastels. M imes and junior sixes. of mind and body. Next a ra in abd sun th em e, te r fer­ ( For Men Only) *^r LIN G ERIE - GARDEN LEVEL tility in life and productivity of crepe. Highly regarded. Ott said, is Tuesday, December 12, 1961 the m arriage sign, "which has love birds, distlefinks fgold finches», h earts and tulips, the 7 to —, 10 ■ p.m • -a»* tulip*.heing for faith, in one­ self and in others.” Specially wrapped for • F eel F ree to B row s« S IN G L O • Inform al M odeling • F ree G ift W rapping Christmas giving ' • L igh t R efresh m en ts Hand - Engraved Olympic Pottery PHOENIX A • D oor P r i« s and S ou ven irs • B ring a F riend (M ale) Be **King for a night” Mp P reaent D idn’t C om e From T h« Lovely to give • « Pink HoUy Modestly priced S ter« W ith T h« C h fitilm as Red D oor SB P IE C E ST A R T E R S E T Seamless Stockings 135 Olympic pottery w tth e m issiv e te n d engraving to rem ain eteraaB y m ar-free nod d h d m n h e r safe. C aters a r e shee r Sheer beauty at C hristm as tim e . . . seam less hosiery teed flattery . . . yetiow. t s n L g re en m falena. Oven- hy Pheqfex. Specially w rapped la a velvety pteg t* keep tend w a n n . P u t e a t e r M h t serving. 2* velour w rap, h i sha des of noterai and fashion coler*. piece s ta rte r s e t eamdnts si: i each: d ten er plates, salad R s a ro rc a d heel and too, U f , demi-toe style, l.te platos, soap t i m d . e a p s « n i saneen . Stem ’ « n {*I aloe «* vlAtEOCv m W B fN B P W E ji ¡- r & g * K*J g* fr *.J a* to* n *ig . ( W ednesday bA Of fee S tete, MMttp Justice Colombia ' Is in a shaky Court $ sW :% - ' ' ' l S 3 I down the i w f o t i , fee«» reform s .J lie w a s fined tom days in 1'Ltf- U A poficy isn _ fee land own- IngsninLCecHdy H fe Ite . says an assistant _ _ organized groups that court coste and W county Deran It S w f costs, suhfoft to » days to jail prOfessor of horticufoft'e, w h*$ ■ M feat a program If net paid by D ec. » . returned from a horticultural reform would ghee land I Carter w as arrested N ov. 28 research trip to C olnpU n last, ¡j who aren’t m o d # b y fe e departm ent of public month, said: it but soma type i f safety for the feeft-rtjp o o k » "Colombian revolts w ill con­ , rfeorm - i s from a room ta Bryan H all. tinue as long a s th e general fee poor p m i f r w The books have been recover­ econom ic standards are low. astro m ade real nnfoross ed and identified by the own- There is no other Way out for organizittg a revolt, Mark* them . We lost Cuba to Com­ arian said. “ Castro offiKfol a munism because o f our foreign better w ay of life and got* fee “A .recan tsu rv ey shows fea t policy and i t looks Uke we are people of Cuba to follow him . . heading in the sam e d irogffet If he is given som e three f m * Jour out o f fiv e women haters in our dektfogs with Colom­ to develop h is a g ricu ltu ra l!» - m e wom en.” *— W illiam L. bia." ; tential. he m ay m ak* a su% Zeigler, New Oxford (P a .) He said rather than spend cess of it.” ;Item . ': 'W m S i lag money as the U.S. does now in general econom ic aid program s that tom pet* with each other, it should increase th e R ockefeller program, WMSB Audience which is .Already established in ' lÄ f l Seventy-five B lr e e te n -« f Njartfog developing suitable crops for ,r . pt B rikforC ontor Wtebtaodly , DEKAN MARKARIAN fee country. U * "We should also start a C o u n try T o G e t f r e e d o m parallel research program h i WMSB is gaining success in net attem pt to com pete on the determ ine the acreages neces­ its television programming, sam e content le v « w ife com­ La b o r R e l a t i o t ì ^ ^ S S S sary to prdvidp a living Income says P atrick J . Callihan, sta­ m ercial television. WMSB ’ * f» ìrtftM r.te tetetagtai hospital* were Tanganyika a large country tribes, European^ (22,300) and for the peasant class frunily in tion m anager. seeks to provide alternate; analysed Sy Ifee » r o e g e r nursing sisters in E ast Africa, becom es inde­ other non-Africans, mainly As ians (117,300). The main re- case reality,” land he reforfe said. becam e a v ing "WMSB’s fast," he audience said. "In is the grow­ last com feat plim entary ayaHabte an service com m t ercial o D is c u s s e d . . . , ^ ; ' 4 ‘ nag b y fo rfeta ri. L -Sfeèo News pfeto ^y*kJotai E rfefoe. pendent after 76 years of co­ _______ lonia] ride_____| |. Saturday } ligions are Christian, Hindu “The econom ic . assistance com pleted su rvey, the figures stations, v This country with an area of .and Islam ; and the main from the United States, and the show feat from June, I960 to “WMSB m ay em ploy the 1 I I 382JIB sq. m iles and a pop-1languages are English, Swahili United Nations alike ^benefit June, 1961 there h as been a sam e form ats as com m ercial ulation of 9,237,000 people and as i in y local vernaculars the rich people," Markarian 150 per emit increase in the television for certain typos of boarders Indian Ocean on the as there are tribes. said. _ view ers tuned to WMSB every program s, but fe e intent and Though Tanganyika is r e la -> He - - explained. . . that fee ^ rich quarter hour.” purpose of these program s are w ... east, Kenya and, Uganda on the ndrth. Congo, Ruanda, and fively little known to the world j poojrf« hold *{** *?*“* fe® d|» Callihan attributes part of divergent from their com ­ Urundi on the w est, and Moza- today, tt has a long history be- iaf m . ^ 11^1* fee success of WMSB’s di­ m ercial counterparts,” Calli­ Dr. Nikolai Poltoratzky, as­ tore and aim s. Lectures are Gogol, versified program schedule han said. “ All program s broad­ from State, the U niversity of toevsky agrift/ mique. Nyasaland and North­ hind tt.Some parts of the j ficientiy used and so cia te professor in-foreign lan- M ichigan and Wayne State U ni­ coast wareprobablyoccupied fertile areas are used for pas- to it’s affiliation w ife the N a­ ca st, by WMSB either have a He wiü q lsd jj ern Rhodesia on the south. guaggp, w ill be guest lecturer versity. The people consist of Afri- , before M l . I fe e — oldest - civilisation of {tu*e.,.at ,be!t .. .. in __ tional Educational T elevision definable educational purpose, conclusions' • r t f o L , , , P cans, com prising about 126 which there is any record. ‘‘Most of the aid goes to ag­ network. “NET ta the last or support other program s D ec. 13 at Henry Ford Com­ Poltoratzky w ill speak on fe e artistid- SMd tW o t o p tt o i nch- riculture.” Markarian said. ten year! has grown from which have this purpose ” „ munity College in Dearborn. topic, "The Golden Age Of R us­ ievem ssds and contribfefohs of I “Since the rich own the land » t o » affiliated stations Putting education in an at­ Poltoratzky- is participating sian Literature.” He w ill out­ R u s s in Bfierature. fe e gap between fe e rich and •nd with this growth has tractive package so as to ap­ in an annual series of lectures line the general developm ents Dr. Alfred M eyer, professor i fee poor Is thus widened." peal to the b a sk Interest of sponsored by the college for of Russian literature and the in politicai scien ce, spakg on D ISC S H O P I He said that one of the fir A source of fragram . offer­ 'things a visitor to Colombia in gs.” CaUlhhn said. He eom e a highly TttstiBguisbed ■would notice is The large num- noted feat WMSB also serves a ll people Is eae of WMSB’s students and fe e general public. achievem ents in the 19th cen­ M andsm -Lentoism jM t Novem ­ m ajor a im s, Callihan said. The series this year is devoted tury, giving special attention to ber to « e iÄ fflta ^ W ie s ’ ..le c ­ CaDfeaa said WMSB pro­ to R ussian and its society, cui- authors Pushkin, Lermontov, tures. J her of poor people in coiupari- as a production agency for gram s are designed to pro­ ; son to the rich. ^ NET program s. ^ > vide learning experiences for "The evidences of poverty Along with serving fe e gen­ a ll view s, regardless s i ed­ BEGINMW TODAY, DECEMNEB 8 i are brought forth in the thie­ eral public, WMSB h as Class­ ucational achievem ent, in­ very that occurs," he said. room 10 program s that pro­ com e or particular area of "You wear your w rist watch on vide daily instruction to 30,- Interest. THR0U6H SAT. DECEMBER 30 .your. right w rist M jrw when-J I ,you are — - ooo students in 55 public school driving a ca r b ecau se-if it ls , districts in central M ichigan, vice organization, w ife no pur- "Channel 10 is a public ser­ C h e c k y o u r o p i n i o n s a g a i n s t L M 's C a m p u s O p in io n P o l l ' 1 4 | on your left arm and you stop f-ainhun said, post other than to serv o the i a t a stop sign, chances are 1 Comm - — enting on com peti­ people,” Callihan said. “ As EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE | MARKED BELOW OUR DISCOUNT PRICE. 11i these I someone w ill take it off and tion w ife ’ com m ercial tele­ the ,needs and desires o f the ! disappear in the crowd/* vision. Callihan noted th a t people enhnge, w e w ill broad­ "Since conditions such as WMSB, being one of many en pur program m ing to include O Will thè'if.N. growstronger exist tt is just a m atter m ass m edia resources, m ast them . We are not a static or­ YOUR CHANCE TO SAVE ON RECORDS j of tim e before a revolt oc­ com pete for the attention of ganization and w e cannot be­ curs,” Markarian said. ~ fee pabilc. H owever, It does com e one.” . ' , in the next 10 years? | He said revolts start, in or- ! ganizations such as schools or the Tunnies because of the SI.98 RECORDS R NOWOW - I greater ease of getting an idea | to mushroom in a large group £ LARGEST DISCOUNT IN TOWN ☆ s1 . 8 1 of people. '■ "Most of fee soldiers In Co- .MUFFLERS — TAIL PIPES — EXHAUST PIPES S2.N RECORDS M RO WW I lombia com e from poor fam ­ ilie s.” h r said. "While they Are POLISHES -si W AXES — PAINTS — BRUSHES * 2 .7 1 I in the service they are given COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES ) three balanced m eals a day S3J8 RECORDS N MO WW instead of irregular and in- I adequate m eals. Their living ‘ 3 .3 1 f conditions are much better. COMPLETE 'T AUTO New A Rebuilt □ Yes II They even have a club re­ SPRING • stanar* AND sem bling our arm y's officers SERVICE GLASS , * Generator* • reel Pomp* ’ 2 .9 1 clubs which m akes life pretty good for them .” ■mierttv Installed While Toe Wait # W ater P U U * ' • Clutch Platee t He said these young soldiers Tteeke. Tractor* 34.98 RECORDS M HO WW ‘ 4 .1 1 ¡rem em ber their fam ilies and fee * situation of poverty at 0 Whichis most 0 Doyoubuycigarettes AM * 3 .9 1 I home. 'It- isn ’t hard to understand 1that these soldiers would do anything for them if they had the opportunity,” M arkarian KRAMER pS ifomrtant toyoo insoft packor box? 35J8 RECORDS NOW ROW ‘ 4 .8 1 said. He said that a lien a young j lieutenant offers a prom ised . MAGNINE SNW SEIYlCE i i hi jrickiog aliate... way of lift and wants to revolt 800 E. KALAMAZOO ST. PHONE 1* 4 -18 5 5 against fe e existin g regim e, fee soldiers follow him because DUMOMHEEOtES-ALLTYPES 33.33 they are thinking o f their fam ­ ilies. ' '"~ . > . "I think they are interested RE00R9MTAPESHOWWHOLESALE in a Change . . . any change fea t is a change for the t>al­ H E N R Y ’S ter,” Markarian said. "The change# com e from the groups ' 1200 FEET 31J l IRRR FEET S2JI feat are fe e b est organized. At the present tim e the Commun­ B IG F IS H S T O R Y i s t s ere the best - organized CLEARANCE OF FLIT STEREO m inority group, t a t thay are h*tng fought by th e church and p Sod pock CONSOLE PNQN00RAPNS! fee state gevenunant.” He d id fe e governm ent is Looks O Psfsonality □ Intelligence D Box trying to establish land re­ WE CANNOT MENTION THE THE form s that would benefit fe e SALE PRICES - CHECKIN PERSON ix p e c t m ore, g et m ore, f r o m ' liM i IPM NTS (WE NAVE ’EM) OUR ENTIRE STOON 08s Thoro’s octualty more iteh-flavor k o f ln.L&M ffitPl MOW1121STÙBIKTS than «von In tom o un- ATIM CILUB9 VBTED! M ltfSd ci|arottos. You OHMS^AS RECORDS AWE ¿?;3!feF W fo Boneless ¿fo ri more body In too biend, mors davor In the MAMED M TINS SALE Hot Fhh Sandwich Y: H • m o k e,'in o ro t a s t e "'■through the httkr. So ex- ■«os m •ow im w .id s ,/In TheCwmtry ■:¡’peri mo»«, get Lot» More m frap tAM. And remem- •iMismsisg 0 s k ber*-with U M * medern ■ I bonghi tor disc shop Christmas Preaont ? tnim the Store o a ly 29c / ’ 4 Ottc Block W o t of B rw b K lo r $ 1 .0 0 . -fitter only p u n whits tDuehaoyoarfipo. ___ _ w*KV*jte .-jp| i' fJMAM t*. o HiI r ■■** ' * - |■-•MiMSfe dtVU.'fSie h t OPEN EVMY EYEftM . ilk 'tit* m t 'ß m MR PH sa Ü W S S m y*$i§jK ¡P Bwwj s[iuififlip ijìiqei'Miii ip m ÈÈm Ê m liif h f 'lÉ iv ^ ^ f t CAMPUS BOOK STORE w w ld be obtectiao t r a t a these 1 1 f e t b e] opposed puntotonent. S ^ b í^ a t o j íd t e Eichm ann, h im se lf,rath- » > wt f£ £ ¡f í s l í S m i m íá L S T '--■ , Cfiiwtt mfV4pBBMBfi5W|:_Éf® iiBltiuriocd^ take him We im prisonm ent, bat feo t e 9 p W r a r t pubU crtB M n o i t a wiB- L a L fjB r s jft^ JI & * .* » • ; M m S m A « ■ •n il j Jerus alem when the trials be- q » ta • .0 be * L ” ■ %. «¿¡jg; -j U g "W e kept aaUng ourselves gan. He w itnessed the tanae bow m any people would a ct as im. but tt session s jam m ed with «p icte- IBchmaan did in the sam e sit­ ii ; .¿l.;;r , . : ../ tors from all over the World. uation, and w e cam e to fe e H M m j He described the trials, r -'/ reluctant realisation that it “ Eichmann w as enclosed hi could happen here — although P a bullet-proof glass booth. He not necessarily w ife respect to a n m otionless and apparently fee Jew s.” em otion less, throughout fee One of the m ain points in h M B I tria l.” ’ Eichm ann'> defense w as feat H | The trial, held In Hebrew he w as a puppet of H itler, and German, w as translated m erely acting on orders from feto three other languages, above. French, English and Y iddish, “ Eichm ann w as more than a ■ i for fee benefit of feose In fe e puppet.” Fein said. "H e w as a K gallery. Three judges heard good bureaucrat. He w as very ^ ^ ^ B the testim ony. - com petent Oven im aginative, i f f A great deal o f antagonism in carrying out orders. B toward Eichm ann w as exp ress-1 H H ed at fee trial, as w as to be ex- “ If fe e defense a t 'super­ pec ted." he said. “ One-third ofj ior seders' has any validity B B M Q the population o f Israel had ¡ at a ll, ft te sts that validity |H ||0 le st som e m em ber o f its fam -! when fee orders are carried H I | Uy during fee w a r .7 out w ife the gusto and en­ thusiasm K irilinaaa dlsplay- H K “Urn murder a t six mllUea j ■ M Jew s has been burned into j . Israel and th e world anxious- { fee public, cw uefousness te i ly aw ait the judges’ verdict. ^ ^ B inch a point that a sp ecial j Desdb or d ism issal — either |H B B weed, Hasho-a (the hate- j w ill affect history. cau tt) has b e e a s e t aside to j “Bftt fe e judges’ decision t a |i j |B refer u d y te It. p ales i n t o insignificance,” ^B “D espite —t h e antipathy, Fein said, “when com pared to S g j|m lB there w as the unexpected feel- the story told a ft the trial •— a 111 j ing that the people w ere try- story that is far m ore m ean­ t a m | ing to understand how a hu- ingful for history than the B B M fiial man being could do such a fate of Adolf Eichm ann '’ EVEN THE weather contributed to fee ClHMnlaa spirit tare e s t tight blanket e f anew covered fe e campus Thars- d sy. Students hurrying home from fee library found the w pgfet* B ,B ttte cold, but they eo u ld a t rstogluli about tta .ljiB t a l ftid ly atm osphere «rotead fe e campus. —Stale N ew s ffe lto by P a d Remy. Requirements A re C o n s e r v a tiv e C lu b H a s F u l l S c h e d u le l i ANN DARLING but fee MSU organisation is offe» «tato News Staff com pletely self-governing and j (TWl )• fe« last in s series , independent, Laay said. ef fervi «rifetea oa fee active The club’s prim ary function ; politi«! elu b i oa campus.) is educational, he said, and its I activities include sponsoring j T in M ichigan State ~ Con- public lectures and holding j servattop-Cluo, a newly chart­ private, inform al discussions. \ resentativè. Buy one T O D A Y ered eripm izstion on cam pus, See CONSERVATIVES page IS haa « «gay schedule of pdblic lecturot:«nd inform al m eetings blannoidier this year, accord­ ing fe K m U d y , club presi­ dent. '■ % : x T ht group w as chartered last April ta d now has about 90 m em bw*. - Tito JPonservative Club to afflUatoil with two motional orgtatostions, Yeung Ameri- cam (||i Freedom and fee latotoNtldate Society of In- d ivli«M b Y ounf Am ericane to c Free­ My -Girl G ave dom, jfe t a year eld , has, 100 chapter« 0« university and col­ lege ctafeUf«# and m ote than Me a B a g o f W hen You S e ll Y o u r B o o k s ^ • fe L ta m b e r s . Lady said. T. P . H . M. Srom T he ISI has about 13,000 mera- taro, T he S to re W ith C oasw ystive .Club program s are pfeljptod in coordination T he Red D oor w ife life two natipnpT groups ID e h ear fl See our fine collection of • t" i t h in t e d : 1 g e n t le m e n Books for your friends and i -¿ft - ¡W:í p r e fe r o u r family st i™ . CROOSE THE MOST THOUGHTFUL G O T epO C T i m , 1 G»1 ill flavor. (Across From The Union Building) 20 Years Of Complete Book Store Service H H m I mm: f#? V - If ; if&'f: CINCINNATI, Id M rtre stu­ iie r e am th e top » to dents are attending American tim e students: coO efesth i* year than ever be­ L University of California fore, Dr. Garland C. Parker, 52,346 ; 2. V ate University of U niversity of Cincinnati regis­ New York, 30,857; 3. City Uni­ trar, reported m eantty. versity of New York, 33,406 Dr. P r t r t r t * total full- 47 M innesota, 30,846; S. Illinois, tim e enrollm ent at 1,047 ac­ credited institutions now is 37,070;. 0. W isconsin, 26,355; 7. 2JS 7JV (M ). The total full Ohio State, 24,383; 8. T exas. and p u t tim e enrollm ent at 22,622; 9. MICHIGAN STATE universities j n d four-year col­ (E ast Lansing), 21,231; 16. Hi m m w m o u , m '■-T illI :! ■'T-*'-'" • '" :- m M ■ :vr *?"-*.• leges is 3 0 6 & T M ) - i r , I MICHIGAN (ANN ARBOR), He said this represents a 7.5 20,963. PERATE.D MY V M M DEPARTMENT ^^ ’P Ï n ' W - • wiT* v* ■- •-■< • “- ' '" ’ ;; ',. ; •W '“ ♦ per cent increase in fu ll tim e students anil a 4.2 per em it in The top 10 In grand total stu­ part tim e students. Altogether, dents: h there e r e now 6j6 per cent 1. University of California, B 1U 1 1 1 m ore college students than 87,457 ; 2. Ctty U niversity of îb s Æ ê m i m MM : \ - “ i l I a > th Inst year. ' v f .' ,4 New York. 81,796; 3. State Uni­ D r. Parker, who conducted versity of New York, 46,7»; the 42nd annual enrollm ent sur­ 4. New York U niversity, »,870; vey for School and Society 5. M innesota, 42,130; 6. Wis­ m agazine, said full-tim e fresh­ consin. 32.835; 7. Illinois, 32,445; man enrollm ent rose only 5.4 8. Indiana, 28,975 ; 9. MICH­ p tr cent — less than half of IGAN (ANN ARBORL »,775; la st year’s 11.4 per cent in­ 10. T exas, »,139. crease overi^BW. MICHIGAN STATE w as 12th j with »,09 1 . and Wayne State D r. P w k r ts ' m rvyy showed COIN-OPE n OA per ce rt decline in bus- was 19th with 20J06. in ess arim in litlftluiv freshm en and a 0.4 f a t cent decline in freshm en engineers. At the sam e tim e, freAhmen enroll­ This ’ere Fire, m ent in teacher training rose 0.1 per cent, agriculture and Yon Say-Where? 1 arts and scien ces also showed LONDON ((F)—“ F ire,” som e­ gains of 0.7 per cant and 6.1 one gasped over the- telephone par cent respectively. W ednesday. “We’ve got a ; Teachers colleges also led the field in general enrollment chim ney fire.” Increase. Their enrollm ent in­ The firem en at nearby Luton I creased by 14 per cent, follow­ hopped on their trucks and rac- \ LA U N D H ^aW ed by the large public univer­ ed to the scene of the con-1 sities with 7.0 per cent gains; flagration, Luton Hoo, "one of DRY CLEANIN . independent arts and science? England's m o s t beautiful j colleges wtth 7.2 per cent, and stately hom es. J J the fine arts applied arts and There they encountered one! EQUIPMENT m a r t schools wtth 0.5 per cent. of the m ost baffling challenges Independent technological and of their collective fire-fighting related schools had a 5.0 per lives. For Luton Hoo doesn't cent enrollm ent increase. have one chim ney—but 200. M ost students still go to the By dogged elim ination, the large public and private uni­ fire-fighters finally discover­ versities which account for 52 ed the faulty flue. But by th is per co st of the total enrollment, tim e the fire, had gone out of Dr. P a tte r noted. its own accord. KVi 24 - HOUR FREEv fteàwooà t Rosi I / • Mian Maria F leh asr Osti Operated 1 Article P re -C h ris tm a s will visit our Sunshine Center Laaadry I D ry Gleaned between 9 :0 0 and 10:00 Dry Cieaaiig FR EE Monday Morning, December 11 FREE FRIZES FOR YOU ’ J I I MM YOUR NEKMOR I FREE DURING PHIGCO-D.ENDIX WEEKS l'/v'1 “RscsommmI f Fnrt’’ 1 GIFTS FOR ALL CUSTOMERS .D O N U T S . • T A B L t • é & M f ê Ok. POCKET during th is ed b bration d u r in g ik ie • STAMESS WARE c e le b r a t io n REFRESH WHILE YOU WASH UH F u lI D tta ils a t th e S tm e h it* C ê n té t | Iw a W ttfeHOlWrtsftWW MUWHAWttti by the Spanish poncho . . . interpreted srM Highland Platon and styled for man o f'a ctiv e leisure. Ragged » ox. S H b k Pepover Poncho with zipped -\v com fortable . . . ideally sotted PLAIDS of RED, OLIVE and BLUE • now 9 .9 5 Sm all, Medium, Large, X Large As advertised in PLAYBOY Cbarite Free Gift Accounts Wrap and m mIff#; m m As Usnal Mailing , FORMERLY V m rR R SIfY LAtfHtiERCI^TER Æ t 2 1 s Ann sn m ■* S S IiS I 111 EAST LANSI^C, sr .T e m B t I K P M ii v,.-.r-r.. . r .7 :T:.rin n N n in R i# m lË iiè B m Ê ËÎÊ É à i â l I¡IPB H ì M K PI h a "- - ■¡■■■IS^Èa i ' ’S ' A m a Ê Ê Ë â Ê Ê Ê tË S ê tà ip Sx- i¡&i#fcgggg m W ß m m P i m m m m W fw m i m c¿ W S. M m m * rama Æ B B ! í» B m mà M l » I m ^ m B g g p im sfata Tfee Tulsa, Oklahoma H urri th e cttatrovursUU anes storm into town tor » M 9 M f Factor” out o f • new S o tv d iy night basketbafea- « a g en .fo i have ta w m tort I? f h ta o tie a o f fe ta l * Êt in a p ú T once-vietenpu* aid-to-athtotee sday. substituting M¡rTHi~rr Sfete. The Tufen club hat good ex­ fponte achievem ent M Gam e tim e is t p.m in Jeni- perience and w ill probably start average (2 ton Fieldhouse two seniors and three junitas. should do much t o reduce ceUege WW flank-out losses. 1 . f o r the Tulsa squad. the con- : One thing that Anderson wiU dark»* to* y o o K '" ^ ( » S t i thon w ill be their fourth! be looking for and expecting fa c u lty representatives took M aximum' aid rem ains as '{ store tort Saturday. . among hfe Spartana« fe ons It fe e action at th e conference’s cost 'o f board, roots, N“ That oigbt they w ere beaten an improvement to each game. annual winter m eetings, which are 'expected to b o clim axed tuition -and feos. This, is be Colorado State. Mondcy they “It was a satisfactory apea­ Friday by a « 4 v ote favoring restrictive than few wbfeped T o u » Western and l e we had sgstoot North­ renew al of R ose BoWl foot­ program which provides for this Thursday night they p a y ­ ern,” Andersen sta i. “ But t ball contract negotiations with these item s {dus $15 s month ed fe e Detroit Titans want te caution a g ito si ever- feo W est Coast’s B ig F ive. for' incidentals The Spartans have never optim ism . Oar first half we* All aid is granted by a sys­ m et Tulsa before to their his- loosy. We had a toag, long M arcus L. P lant o f Michi- 1 lory but Coach Forddy Ander- way lo g o .” secretary and spokesm an tem of “tenders” — written m r th e faoultym en, said of Thursday’s action: notifications of awards of fi­ nancial aid and acceptances. The number of new tenders i m sort assistant coach Bruce Starting the sam e .five a s he i Fossum to scout the -M issouri did against the W ildeste, Ato ■i Valley in fe r e n c e team to derson w ill be counting nuce :•*' The general feeling now is that can bo issued in sn y year fe itr clash-a-thon with Detroit. again on creditable relief fo ies feat tt will he easier to re­ i s reduced from 100 to SO. T ie Httrriean week- from chnter Stan Chandler, for­ !2$ cruit wtth fe e seed factor r e ­ average issued in -fee past w as ward B ill Berry and guard BiD m oved. A lot of faCnltymcn around 60 w ife only a few Sd i ^ n also feel there is a strength­ schools giving the maximum IM F in is h e s For fee opener against Ndrfe- ening of fee academ ic lev el.” 100 in an sports. il r» 1Z-- jen», 11,344 fans foot jatom jammed od into Football coaehesm ainly have F a ll P r o g r a m Jeni son.^ ¡The t a Mattendance m r t |||« w as K i long opposed grants based on j need, wnieh are determ ined on ( Rifle Team Rates F e n c in ¿ T é t$ fFa c e s | The MSU In tram u ral pro-1 c) j believed to be a record ffor an opener-in State’s history. a' fam ily’s fin an cial status. They contend it ham pered fw«| cruiting and threw the area j Second In Meet .g ra m , one Of fee best o rg a n -1 t «zed to the nation has just com- X $ K I FW N B H B S I ! 5, , : pteted its activiU ci for Use F ail open to poaching by o u tsid e: The M ichigan State rifle team ■-■ ) term of 1961. schools. . placed second in a field of four By J m OLStSTEAD B rt the team has m ore te a m jn tra m u ia l sports are di- j m H O L ID A Y H owever, in order to rem ove m g Ten team s Saturday -by S tate-Jfew t SpOrts W vttOf t a r it than any“ in the past. Vided into three leagues plus! OKI RESORT fe e-n ee d factor, the package scoring 2810 points out i f a in p e r tt, Schm itter said. . individual sports contests, t T ra v a rw City, M idi. deal included m ore stringent possible 3060. In foil, Schm itter said f e a t; These th ree leagues—F ra te r n i-! Shi fliaM and «ay scholastic standards for a ma­ Captain E van T .. Tabbert, team w p m m tough _ he w ill be counting m ainly o a ) ty independent, and Dorm itory rum. *. r - h___ , . u r *1ft, jority of Big Ten schools, Some team coSch said that thé State ■feto year, Charles R . ■ | tohlpem er, ^l eturtftng varsity —have participation points Snow-mak*r. Sm-MCfc- *r. L d w l t d . * ■ **» coaches don’t lik e ,fe a t, and tans score was vary good—If a m ttfe r .ta a fe c o r tli rtld ¿ Bob Brooks, and new- j w a r d e d to them for partici- l a u t «ccuinm a d iUa w f AMW.V .even a few have indicated they team cap shoot 2800 points, it fefllelud ed to John P elletier “ ^ jp a tin g in the sports. These nanm«rbfam y. S m e la i ahi elub ily SKU NS csn tsn would just as soon have fe e can usually take fe e m spfe. Leonard. i points count tow ards an All .need factor than w hat finally F irst in the m eet was (Afro . On fee sabre squad, ail of 1 Sports Trophy which is given they got. - ' ; V - ' J F :' State w ife 2639 points fO fioért It w as like wanting to eat by M ichigan State, University F orte Academy ■ B forttoL - . fe* first foar m en have'had | in each league, for the highest experience to com pe­ [total score to each league at teain wfilL isem e «operi yrN Ifwhufi v W MOLIOAY—OOX MS Tritato ÇHy« Writwt »• Wlntitof 1*80® to T-itTA your cake and have it, too- of Indian* w ith '2766 and fee have onty two ' - j f r t ® * Æ T T to y *ar« Joe Artanet- ' the end of each scholastic year. U niyertity of M ichigan with w W J e fr tto g lytoa, Jim Olm- , “ W hatever Is w rong h ad bet­ 2744 pofefe. team s, o n tfe r D ave Zopf- Seto I te r be right by this weekend^ ■ 'Our big w eakness tito year ttotter also mentioned Louis or w e’re in trouble. This Wichi­ High scorer fe r fee Spar­ is inexperience,” Schm itter na a possible eom- ta ball club is a re a l running tan s was Nicholas C. Steen, said, “ w e lost four out r t Jam es Kiag, f V \ 175 lb s., Ft. Smith Ark. outfit. I’m not even thinking Bloom field H ills sophom ore, : sto fettarm en through flT ’ i g g n s , a r V Kmgbt Ai of W ake F o rest fe e following with a score of 574 eat of a tion. Among thank tofo — „ S t aieog s m 'Bon night. We have enough to possible I N points. Don Jöfiuw o w ho w as B ig » r s p s to r t m ake jap the epee w orry about with W ichita.” -Other m em bers of 'the team sabre champion Inst year, and squad as it now stands. © S tr ip p in g Taylor said if Lucas cannot are: Ronald H augen.. Lansing Clfuck Schm itter who w as — ' sidd. j 2 lineups are fry ho play, -he’ll go wife G ary senior ; A few jS to ck i, E É M fe B radds, a 6-8 soph from Jam es­ final, Schm ilhir Ibtid, COLUMBUS, . ( M o ; r Ohio m issed ealy two game* to*-'] ause the team still has to last two years. town, Ohio. Joseph senior; N iel vtoH w l State, which lutt to t looked C srtnia Dick Schteem er in go through- the fence-offs to like fee nation's No. % basket­ The bad knee forced him out “ H e’s looked good In spots,” Grand Rapids sophomore; and determ ine squad standing be­ Carl Behne, Bronson sopho­ fe ff a r t Al McSallam ta ball team , may be handed for o f. the Delaw are gppae two Taylor said, “ B ut J s nervous fore tb s.season begins. years ago, and a turned ankle and inexperienced.” m ore. iffî «p ee. ■■ a trouble-filled ed him from playing Coach ey es face a E vansville la st season. Friday night enter- Lucas usually contributes tain unbeaten heavily to Ohio State*! f f o r /m o r e scoring offense. H a averaged And feere’ji when 26.3 points a gam e as a soph perilous data Forest a d 24.8 last year. 1-ranked In two gam es this current ishes fee a t Win- U iat m a k eem p ^ sttu a tio n cam paign, t h e Middletown pheoom scored 11 tn fe e A t M e D o n a k l'g Is th a t/w c b y - Lucas, Bu it€ : " H t ; ; t * M ' r* .* I ÉI a - 1§ F lip - T o p b o x a r K in g - s iz e p a c k AM * . MAI m : »$¡§ÉÍ mm W Ê F .Æ m *# » mmm i:- M ?Æ gm er for tab n eaH foe years. This has been predicted by Or. Chaf- l« r G. Abbot. renearch associ­ ate' «f the Smithsonian Insti­ tution. . Jrj The* prediction is based on of a SmaM Ki m ondss/' h e said, “a hidden fam ily o f harmonic “su ceasfiu l forecasts, m a y b e *ood h n r i d i a i i r ' financial regular periods that, exists in made «P lv a lS ^ ,^ h e % S td weather. Dr. Abbot’s fore­ hackcasts mdy he m a le for cast, is for 1® representative form er years and compared in “ Around the world, eerru American cities for which former évents. Agreem ent hr and Communist regiinee n weather records extending far such backrests wifn the recot tfc living off the fot «rA m orici into the past are -available.. warrants confidence in future biUiohs that have been poun Dr. Abbot h as predicted for .forecasts***. M ? i P down the bottomieas drain five year* into the future and Dr‘ Abbot does not claim to idealism .“ J . Morris Richard also “b ack rests“ five years in- “hit the nail da the head.” Tfl* Winslow (A r il) Mail. V , « 3 « , T h in » - f-y ‘‘¿J!. ’ E -v . a ¥ott Don't Know The Store With The Christnias JRed Door SCIENCE CONFERENCE—A conference ea science facilities for school programs w as held recently in K ellogg Crater under the sponsorship of the College of Education. School adm inistrators, science teachers, architects and dealers dis­ cussed the scientific equipment needs of schools now being built or remodeled. —State News l'hoto by John Erskine. -„ i . Bundling Attacked Christmas Gifts for the man or woman who has m inistrative staff had approved the book prior to its use and in­ two of Everything or who has JVothing and dicated that Orlandini had re­ moved the pages without ad­ wants to get started m inistrative consent.— H U N G R Y ? COMPLETE DINNERS PREPARED IN THE FREE DELIVERY $ v Sigm a L am bda 'Chi, nation^ _ to y o u r al lum ber m erchandising and EXCLUSIVE CHICKEN DELIGHT METHOD A partm ent — .D a n a residential building honorary, F ra tern ity — S orority honored two new pledges with — CHICKEN M m , — — SHRIMP — — WISHING ALL OUR a dinner and initiation Tues­ day. Th# new actives a re Jim A COMPLETE HOT CHICKEN DINNER CONSISTING OP': A COMPLETEHOT SHRIMP DINNER CONSISTING OF: A C O M P L E T E H O T F IS H - A COMPLETE HOT Rll D IN N E R C O N S IS T IN G O F: B air, a Wexford, P enn.,.junior, S CHICKEN DELIGHT _ TJUMEO GULF SHRIMP DINNER CONSISTING Oh FRIENDS MB CUSTOMERS 2 P IE C E S O F FILET and R obert Hisch, a Water- SPECIALGROWN CHICKEN GENEROUS SERVING OF A GENEROUS PORTION OF G fN E R O U S SE R V IN G O F ville. Ohio, senior. GENEROUS SERVING OF FRENCH FRIED POTATOES F R E N C H F R IE D P O T A T O ES »A R -A -Q RIBS FRENCH FRIED POTATOES TANSY COCKTAIL SAUCE GENEROUS SERVING OF REST WISHES AMDA ... CURRENT DIAMOND PRICES KRAFTS FANCY CRANBERRY SAUCE MUFFIN INDIVIDUAL PACKAGE OF M U F F IN — T A R T A R -SA U C E IN D IV ID U A L P A C K A G E O F FRENCH FRIEDPOTATOES HOT SAUCE— MUFFINS MUFFINS MINTS M IN T S $1.45 $1.45 $1.05 % C arat V t C arat "■CHICKEN SN A C K « "SH R IM P SNACK — PIZZA — ........ PERCH % C arat i CHICKEN DELIGHT f JUMBO GULF SHRIMP A COMPLETEHOT PERCH SPECIAL GROWN CHICKEN FRENCHFRIED POTATOES PLAIN OR PEPPERONf DINNER CONSISTING Oh 55 C arat FRENCH FRIED POTATOES- TÀNGY COCKTAILSAUCE 4P) EC« OF FILET KRAFT'STANSY . MUFFIN GENEROUS SERVINGOF K C arat CRANBERRY SAUCE INDIVIDUAL PACKAGE OF F R E N C H FINEOPOTATO« % C arat MUFFIN, MINTS AMAGSAUCE — MUFFINS 95c 95e &Ê 7/ $ C arat 1 C arat riiLi /iïuéiijiinf» 2 C arat 3 C arat Bucket Or Chicken Sam e è 4 Piece» a y2 Chicken E xcep t Snd W hat m ake» th e d ifferen ce? 1 6 j r ie e e s Where your» invited to save 10% on your W h at doe» a carat w eigh ? H ow b ig is a % carat? 20 pite«$ F or th e footb all gam e, fa ll o u tin g s next footwear purchase simply by present* W hat i» m eant by color? T h e fir e W hat is m ean t by cu t? 24 iN tc it or fam ily g e t „togeth er» ta k e a B ucket O* C hicken alon g. J o t ing your Michigan State IB* P earl • E m erald • M arquise 28 im m open and fea » t! W hat is m eant b y th e term » Im p erfect, P er fec t, B in e W h ile? 31 piscas • ALL MSU STUDENTS AND FACULTY ELIGIBLE H ave Y our J ew eler E xplain BUCK ET Parking la SH R IM P Back af Store • BRING TOUR ID 2 th $3.99 • HUSH PUPPIES AND SALE ITEMS EXCLUDED Ntra it aar comptas mom • phot is yoar phoaa RANNEY Jewelers book far *a*r nltnaaa CARTWRIGHT SHOES É M * ^ !fo a te i» a h ll FIR not W « FREE DELIVERY BRO O K FIELD PLAZA G R A N D R IV E R A T H AG ADO RN (Jn n t % M ile E u t O f C am pus) N E X T T O ST A T E T H E A T R E E A S T L A N SIN G CALL IV. 2-1248 South Logan at Ml. Hope MSP W Êw m w*•Êm|w Ê È mm ÜSb mm m * f— ;;* w ¡ISlSSFH I M■ FÉ* lE H ü tirantes N ap es ài H l . v#. ÜH Mi T u rn a s t * I and Mc­ l|E p ^ S p k |' *m $ S S S m g a t« from d odicai Laren General hospitals, m M hi MMé. schools to « j ufabr di Daniel ]§. Kruger, associata H o n o ra ry r e d ir a of 1 W edaoodayio •enrices profasaor of h n iM tfiti rain- Center.* t ie « , and associate director o f the la b o r and induotria! re- Stuart J . Dunnings J r., Lan­ S E t Ä I lattoni center. A acU ssed ‘The sing attorney, spoke on the A sm ., f e a t u i t d prominent M B B B Hospital Business in Michi- rote of the defense counsel be* speakers from the Univer |S 2 H—i'V for« Alpiui Phi Sigm a, police adm inistration honorary, Tues- f day night. Louis Lanudfy la discussing the role of the j attorney when he knows Ids I withes you a client is guilty. Dunnings said J the defendant has the right to I I happy vocation •trail and it is the duty of the ! ! prosecution to prove trim guilty i S e a r ^ ^ o a M and Ougpesis | beyond reasonable doubt. far a realty white I Loop-ludes through which ¡the defendant m ay be found IM * , Christmas you ! not guilty are not a m iscar- wear a shirt Iriage of justice¡Jjut rather are elem ents not proven by the ¿leaned at Louis. i prosecution. Dunnings said.: Parents and children of the and B litzen. He is considered , ra se d , better knows as Santa i He also discussed the selec- ,J ^ ^ L t,î^ ? * Î S £ Î í m éa ^ aD laughs w ishes be knew, fn tfri^ age tif the giant department store said. like a bowl full of jelly. He is | and Ugh stacked counters, a shopping trip oftens turns of m edium build and c o n sid e r-' from an excittag tour af exploration into a scary search ed chubby and plump. Is known to be a heavy -to find a mother. —State News Photo by B ill Steiner. sm oker arid can. be idenUfira by the smoke th at en circk » Talkathon Ends l^eed Writers his head like a w reath- SCARS AND OTHER 1D EN T -! IFYING MARKS: MSU’t talkathon craxe end­ - AH students majoring in CommuaicatteB .Arts who are Cheeks like roses and a nose ed at 11 p .m . T hursday night interested in reporting for like a cherry'. «*- with the Landon Hall coeds the R ellgioa page are naked OCCUPATION: claim ing the national gab to coataet Ben Boras, man­ Looks like a peddler ju st [ championship over U rof M and aging editor af the State opening his sack. 1Western Michigan University. N e w s,. or Charlotte Dalton. CRIMINAL RECORD: Religion page editor, during Has been convincted of in­ T h e other two colleges a l­ registration week of Winter te rsta te T ran sp o rtatio n ; c a rry ­ legedly violated the talkathon term . ing toys in an unm arked sled. rules when the tJ. of M. acci- TODD’S | dently hung up tb eir phone for Those who are interested CAUTION: lo n g , I t o n , a m inute, and W estern Michi- may subm it their nam es by Is sought for .b e in g overly I and Skin Tight I gan failed to verify their start- calling a t the State News of­ ' friendly to millions of children . mg tim e with the local papers. fice or by 'telephoning 355- :eac h y e a r a t C hristm as tim e, tf* 8302. . - j Was la st seen in th e com pany “ SKINS I The coeds com pleted their . j o f D asher. D ancer, P ran c er, 16t hour conversation with the ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 11 V ixen^ Comet, Cupid, D onder j A Todd otbiuiiv* . miorod men of Butterfield Hall with the 1« Our ooochrf oomrtmOPto -«| . uaVH r They >•%»». idea that they had im proved Js a r a *4 4 * IT*c o toeued th eir educational background ■ fl o» »ww** too site, and rounded^out th eir person- R‘>*Wstiftdsolid*•* colorsof hJua# alities. Studying by plione dur- h*oo,o-i »a. ing the early m orning hours, the coeds believe they have im ­ 6 " proved th eir grades through the I help of the m en on the other en d of the line. — ^¡oddTs v/ l ^ I Hitting a t the critical legisla- [ tors h i Lansing, the coeds re­ I ^ ^ C ekt^ ho' ps ferred to the goldfish swallow­ ing and flagpole sitting of the ilegislator’s day, and said, “ if !they’re so w orried about us, why don’t they give the Univer-1 sity the appropriations it | needs.-“ t i l E A S T GRAND RIVER * OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS LOW COST A M E R IC A N L E G IO N HALL - DANCE N o . . . L ittle F u tu re M is s S p a rta n - C a th e rin e - I s N ot B u y in g The M .S .U . T e x tb o o k s at th e S p a rta n B ook S to re , C a th e rin e D o e s n ’t M in d H ow ever O ur G iv in g ««at£d-^ ìftódèw IK E & T IN A T U R N E R A w ay H e r P la y tim e C a rto n s . V Phis % Jimmy Jean — Jackie Brenton Eloine Carter — The Ike *Ettea COME BR0WSE-SELL YOUR TEXTBOOKS-FREE CARTONS ADMISSION TICKETS GIFTS.WRAPPED - THE BEST IN PAPERBOUNDS, $2.00 IN A D V A N C E OR T H E DISC SH O P $23 E a st G rand R iver CHILDRENS BOOKS, COOK BOOKS, FICTION $$.50 A T T H E DOOR E a st L an sin g. M ichigan ED 7-0909 — and NONFfc&dN -j f£ . TIME x SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 > v . 10 P.M. ON > A t T b* A m erican L egion H all N ea r M ason Comer Ann & MAC Avenue T ake U S -27 S outh 0» R ichard’» B uick. ta rn rig h t & * * fo llo w th e rpad to th e lop o t th e MIL East Lansing W im m Ü . * ’ ' Y- LrM fjw m m "y î i ÉÈM M L i« sä« ............ IHEGKEXnSr ABVENniRE EVERHWIDÌ PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-»17  g e L im it R is e I s P r e d ic te d Your children should liv e to D ig e s t s a y that children born E A S T LANSING • PHONE ED.2-2814 be 128 y a m old! This is the latest prediction of B ritish s o - in 1961, if they are spared by nuclear bombs; h ave a good 1 W « M t« (IW M M N ( l a g eu tists. ;... r- chance of living until the year f p m . NEW SHOW TONIGHT The eductista, quoted in the 30H , ~ ^ Decem ber issu e of “S eim ee The Russian*, not to be out- JAMESDWBI “ Î,S3 i>dSIm tafc fWO BIG COMEDY HITS IN COLOR • ; vfTS LAUGH TIME • LAST n wnmn e imsmwu s r a m s it is m m msnsa, _ rw v mum m mum ■ STARTS "Home From the HUP a t ? :* DATS THURS. "The Last Voyage” (CROWDS! CROWDS! CROWDS!) B IG W E E K ! p m sH 3 K IM M E Stop Your Christmas Shopping headaches with ONE STOP at the. Campus Book Store LET US HELP YOU! COME E A R L Y • 4 H O U R S O F F U N W “A sardOfifc v t w s t ssroe g e tn tb q a tc k o p e ra to rs wtia tiave m caraman a iu st % l weil thg RKÜHMfasipMEI 8C7NRStaff artangeti t a i t - a girt wasted oii Mi» BARBARARUTTING (liC'CioddiSh awl m a l type? f t MSU Souvenirs St 1 M - 18:11 »rho ¡jufwe her.". %*«**».■«** fit* M I s kids ^MSU Sweatshirts 4*ftadMR MMirtiau'fi' BVC u N j f nHMR |§ Adult and Juvenile — Full Range of Colors bwHnadrits! •fr Stationery j„ MSU Imprint and Social Mugs, Glasses, Ash Trays MSU Imprint n r lfp.dt) RMNfN ONOB AT S :« FJK. ■& Christmas THE GREATEST TERROR T tttE V E R TOW! 24 Hour Personal THANK YOU .... . . Imprint Service For your repeated visit« To Onr Store this term WE WISH you a ■fr Plu» Many Other If ’ r Verjr Happy * hont to help yon Holiday Season Solve your Christmas C.B.S. Shopping problems VIO USNTSATtm XAY SHOWN 3RD AT W zW SHOP TODAY AT EXTAH • SEE CHUBSY r m a r r a DANCE «THÈ TWIST" IN “TEENAGE MILLIONAIRE” - YOU’LL SCBEAMÜ ( l a w W nm Tiw Uakw Building) 20 Yews o f COMPUTTE BOOK STOKE SERVICE i m m 1PPP1 É Phone 355-8255 or 355-8256 Deadline: 1 :00 P.M. (Uae a classified display ad for even greater readership) a u t o m o t iv e MICHIGAN BOOMS APPROVED ROOM for two in new ¡me. Te*epJ>oir, c trn te b tà . ED 2* COMPLETE SECOND floor, vacancy for 3 jaer.. H i'S* a daub!© I full double. Kitched *-d foB bath. Parting, extension phore. Quiet for studious person. $5 pV-m a-.. 4V 2 - S l » r . SO MEN: APROVED off campus. Quiet- study;-j conditions. S minutes from Bertey. Winter term. Caff Jim Aitken, ED 2-2075- after J p.n>. 50 ACROSS FRQM csmpus.^Double Î8ALE. 1954 ÖÖDGE- ôi-dAi : TENOR BANJO,: Ka- ■rqaar-arith study room. ED 2-8029. 50 còniikih«. 3 ‘ P P tffe»." Best! dew, WIM sell to >fiiah.i Les it. C al 487-5371 , 50 | ED 2-8951. UGHT HOUSEKEEPING. Approved RlEOEl FIGURE SKATES, black, partly f-rr'-shed- 3 boys.- Ciose-in. IV 9- 1958 ■ ENGLISH FORD. ‘Reject. 3347 after 5:30/ for 2 sleeping doubles Needs motor wait. First offer, over $300 site 12, $10. Three quarters site v o!a. wth cooking privilege*.) Kt takes -iff 355-0228 from f-5 .p.m. ED t- 'half price. Maple bun), beds end, 8913 eventngs^andvweekends. SO springs, »20. ED 2-4518. SO A SINGLE and a double, attract!re mes’s -ooms, close to campus, quiet, 1955 mercury Monterey , c-ocd I -COCKTAIL* PARTY DRESS, blue dots area,'fee for studying winter term $8 ccrditS>r0 2 d oor hardtop, radio, heat­ on white organza, sue 14, $6. P caJe and $430. 428 Grove Street. Phone er whTC‘ «afls,’ rutdffikftc. 337-0623; call .after 5 p.m.,’ ED 2-6934. 50 ED 2-2208 or EO 2-.22i9.__ 50 50 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. Re.-n«s- S E R V IC E "tcft. Excellent buy at $40. Call 1V 9- UNAPPSQYfD PANELED room for 6287. * 50 older student. Private' entrance, ccr- i w stswer, phone, piano. ED 2-4513. DIAMONDS, large sele, ¿optional velvet. Can E. Schi 4171.' Charles Kent Reaver COOKING, APPROVED, unsuper rriqnd Merchants. >ed. 2 men. ED 7 9142. 5< STRQM8ERÓ CARtSQN cmb net oh'"radio. Phono31 t. ED '7-0153*. • ' RQCM AVAILABLE. Beal House POODELLA, adorabl, Ce-Oc. 1*55 per term, room and visinrias «îft for Th board. Ursvoervised. EO $-5555. SO 1955 METROPOLITAN 30*«* - TO SHARE wjtb_ another 1956 O LD S, 5 St hardtop e- a male student. Kitchen oriv- s. ED 2 8162. -- 50 1917 M G -A 1600 .... X)M NEAR OKEMOS. one or two 1957 C H E V R O L E T hardtees, if»»-. Private entrance. TV. Call TRAILERS , s ED'.7-2334. _ . ,50 I9 M C H IV R O L E T S e s * i 1956 STREAMLITE, 8.41 dee. 1458 -PORD s . st cr. Carpeted living (0m, spacious kitche: spartan hall bedroom, betfc.’00mT On lot E 24 Ms 1958 P O N T IA C n e d tso b '* Hamei, Mener. Ready to move . T Y P IN G . Manuser! Low down payment. 3S5-ii!4 pr a: e. Cell ED 2-0570. 1459 P lymouth Sa-ey FROM CAMPuS TO DAY & SA T . A T 1 :00 - 3 :0 $ - 5 :0 5 - 7 U I - 1 .15 1956-1961 V O L K S W A G O N S 1955 FOROLINE raobäe tórbe, TH E MOST FA B U L O U S MUSIC* A N D-M IRTH SHOW and. 2 doer sedans. Exc •cet. -ésceitent home, fer t or 2. " ■lea« and priced nght. students. 6335 Patk Lake** Road. NA « T O N S 2470 days, NA 7-2995 night;. 1957-1461 C O R VETTES. 230 270 s 3 a d 4 speeds. Arac ST AR , • l-CMS * 2 bid.’ooîT» cxcei ohd?iiof)a Vacant, ■ will deiive* 1$ I ftt'3. OrS-2421. SPARTAN MOTORS 3406 E . M ic h ig a n ~ T E C H N IC O L O R •DEANJIGGER CSRYMG BERLM L O S T and F O U N D . :4$T"PtTR«OUTH, 4 VS -power steering, radi STARTING SUNDAY relient condition. $450, f Triumph t.R3 hardtop; -tarns-, new battcrv, cxc lent ! H O U S E S T R A N S P O R T A T IO N 'he g irl who r. $1075.. IV 5-0359. - 50 —n»r.e- PERSO NAL TROY a n i CONn î B * 1966 VAUXHALL 4 condition. Radio, Kce that “PARRISH” wa,hfe: OX 9-2885 aft learned to P a ir . . . ja « perfect 960 VQLKSWAGON 2 door, white- a g a in . . . and in W A N T B D . R ID E R S to Sen Franr Is, ' excellent condition. $1200. IV 4. ravine Dèe. 15. C e il ED -7-0962, Ieve' again! APARTM EN TS I9 6 0 VOLKSWAGON U N SU P E ftV ß E D . app room re n d itio n . Germ an 964»;' ___ »shed* for four mar. 4 ampus. Utilities pa d. ED CANDY HAVE CAR 'WHO it F U R N IS H E V A IL E D A X r m t t R I owner. -1951 _F©rd, motor body? $75. C a ll 339-8144. COMPLETE AAfORTMENT . AVAILABLE a t Michigan State University EM P LO Y M EN T LECTURE-CONCERT SERIES TELEPHONE SELLING, Edue^tU'd S P E C IA L ^ course, Work here or at home. $5 per EAST LANStNG. Large 3 mon hour commistion for those wihtnf to and bath furnished'. Plat basente; Week make the calls. Aise. collector needed and ga'tge.. ED-Î C929 —I English Institute, IV S-3J.U. roore’nen. APPROVED, UNSUPERVISED share with one or 2 man, X WE NEED GRILL, plea a ffom campus. ED 2-0742 evenings. W A N T E D . Rrde to Ft. Lawdataaia, livery boyt. Apply after S p.m Drika-ln, rSdrs. nett. ' APARTMENT FOR proved, ur.superyised. J A N E IS G IV IN G her -pom mate a !9fe2 W O L V E R IN E for Cbriatmas. a real ttósb ag gi rl i ' - m — 50 Pttasa call Tom Cornell, ED 2-266$-. TROY Bert ev.. Suitable as W E S T W A R D H O ! Vicinity of C o lo ­ 1 TORCALE doubla. Phone -Dr.- DONAHUE lj : G O IN G N O R T H ? For a cool Yule, rado. R id * needtd by two. Share ex- NA 7-2401 is.d a iw rn g n f First, you won’t top pantes. C a ll 337-9676. SO modèt. $7S£0. Call ED 7-9493 after H E S W IN G B O W L. 15 m3es South N EW , D E L U X E pp*rtn»«rt», $30 pat 5:00o.m. 1-, 50 week. Parking 2 blocks to camp*<. >f Avpana or U .S. 23. O p en 9- 1 ev«- C H R IS T M A S BU S ch uter - New CONNIE :-ng*. ever» *e *k e *d .' SO York. Jeney, D ecem b er"'15. D o a ’t be a lso room«. ED 7-0830 after 5 p.m. 50 left out! Inquire r.c— - la v *. 355-9310. A rt tip io jv , .________ 50 M r t k o doexte'i tivutyt STEV EN S A A A C A L IF O R N IA . Seattle/Vega», k# m 8«* “ beet atlowancas. Alaska, TlO O . N ation­ w ide Dnva-Aw ay, 1900 G ratiot, Do» feature at troit W A tm it S-KI70. 24 houti. 50 1:N - I BS - SìlO M E X IC O . Laoving Dec. tl. ratur* January J . N aad 3 ^òdar» to «hart expanses. Formet 'ip lM in t , * M asrUt yo u that«. Ftoyd f o d b , R 5*6924 or ^ I W A N T »“ " “ FRANDOR, MALL COURT MONDAY, JANUARY I - M i P.M . »hör« yntuparyliéd Stoddard A ve. apart- UNnrrasrrY auditoiiium marvt, C p II E 0 2-5*89. » BR IA N A H E R h C -G R A N T W 1LU A M S’ N A T A L E S C H A F E R -K iN T D h H caorrad S ia la : $ 3 4 0 - 13.00 4 32.30 -in- -im r - 1-"1 ———w.--y, CAMPUS H K lf c D S - TECH NICO LO R* W A H N ER I R O l (SOc to co in t to RtudanU) ^ On Sala AI UiUoc T ick et O ffice g B Q p |j S First '9 I First.Church HAMDEN, Caan. (P -W k a flm Education agreed WaftMUtiav ' ■■■ ■ Presbyterian of the Nazarene to observe M frtim li tholidays night with the Troy Jew ish in classroom s is concerning Community Council that ob­ school officials in Connecticut serving such Hebrew holidays and New York. as Chamtkah he discontinued DaVid W ylbe, Hamden sup­ in the schools. But Dudley Van From the Gospel A ceordiaf to M sd Joh n .' erintendent, issued a directive Araam, superintendent, said In the beginning was the Word and the at tike request of the Now Hav­ the decisioa would not inter­ Word w as with God, hng the Ward was Odd. en Jew ish Community Council fere with trathtional Christinas th e sam e w as in the beginning with God. calling for the toning down ot program s. Children will h e ex­ AS things were made by Mm; and without Christmas observances in pub­ cused if tbf^ program s con­ him w as M l sa y thing mad* that t it s made lic scboats. flict with their religious be­ In him was life; idtd fe e life was the light Both W yllie and first select­ man John de Nicola said liefs, he added. Dominic Garofalo, school df men. AAd the light shinetb in darkness; Eastminster University and the darkness comprehended it not. Wednesday that a s a result they had been visited by pro­ board chairman at W est Hav­ en, Conn., said his organisa­ i There was a mao sent from God, whose ham s w as John. T he sam e cam e for a wit­ Presbyterian Methodist testing groups and had receiv­ tion had decided “alm ost -un­ ed numerous telephone calls. Tha Jewish council cited the animously to ignore” a request from the Jewish» Community ness. to bear vgtness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not Church Church council there that religious ob­ th it tig h t, but was, a tilt Jo bear witness of traditional t e p A r j i i i o n of Church and state and recom ­ servance -b e discontinued. that L igh t ^ .. ISIS AJbbatl ho . mended elim inating both Jew­ Christmas w ill be observed in That was the true Light, which lighteth I — R*»riM alM West Haven schobis. he said, every m an that com eth into the world. He N la M w ish and Christian religious “ As it has been for the past was in the world, and the world made by ! R rv . R b W h l celebrations from the schools. M l W ilk rM v t D rive. R .I. him , and the world knew him -not. At Troy, N .Y ., the Board at 100 years.” Atedy 1*6— r i ED .1-019* He cam e ante Ms own, aad his own re­ SVNDAY n tO O R k S East Lansing | ceived him net. Bat as many as received Mm, te them gave A f power to becom e the ) S ite aw . C to re k M b—*. »«* St. Johns Student Sous of God, evea ta them that believe-on his nam e; Which were bora, «ot of Mood, f l f i w r r . I N AMH »t«dj. etndrata 1 la r ta d rd .' Friends Meeting Parish ■or of the wfil af the flesh, nor of the j l l i » a w . W i n l l y . w ltb —n lla a - | to « C bareb M b— I M r K ln d ee* ar- will of n u a , hut of God. . m m krn) ; t— n * i m t i r . And the Worth w » made flesh, and dwelt CbrbrtSMM C » « t» b i A 111— aioa C ro it. — -M itS A.M. among us, (and we beheld his glory, the ‘•THE lA r iK C t o r J u * U by M a n r i r t» glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) 1 D«u«ld I*. R r n r * . € W r O l f f t t «t * lA B*»b M enlo* f a r Wo»o b i. — l i t — A.M. C o llet» Ho—o o f People» C b o rrb r.ioa ..m . C hildren’» C hriatm — fuU of grace and truth. ^ P a rt.- — Sunday. ST ID EN T S W Cl.CO UK -- F o r le ro rm a tlo a , Pbune John bare w itness of him, and cried, say­ A M ..m . b lla a (he A dvent ing, This w as be of whom I spake, He that | Call ED S-OSM for tra n a p a rta tio n KD 3-ISM b 'r r t i b , cometh after m e is preferred before: for he —' « o n d a r Mae»*» was before me. And of his fullness have all T i l M i f M i « « llla b i Ililft-tS iM we received, and p a c e .for grace. For the t H nhyeltflaa a t A lH r f l O A , First Christian I I ilft Ms— ) D ally Maaaea f ¡ « « a » »O* « a»., law w as given by M oses, but grace .and truth cam e by Jesus Christ. Peoples Church All Saints Reformed n i l « «M n a a d S M ..«■■ « a f a r d a r Maaa— Hidd a «idd Coafe««io— d ally a t S M « a fa rd a y 4-ftiSa a TiSS « ita aw . .-O». East Lansing Episcopal Church ? W—r a a «erri« «« «a. le trrd r e o o tle e tlu e a l Church T a ra . SiM a TiSS ..ex* 30# W. C ré a # H iver a t M leblaao C e w .ll— a a d B r— d lrtlo a D r. W alla— R aberfa— . P aeto r _ TiSS . w . Dr. F. M ari— «le»et« Mm Ir every F rid a y a l* b t a l AiSA N e v . H a y J . M b r a a te i D ance every « a ta rd a y ' « U h i — Rev. d a t a E l P o rte r - C b a .la ta * - 13. j Itev. d a — . b P a r - e r .« « fo r E n te rn — Rev. Habar« G Srdaer P b o ae EH 7-M77M |>v. A. A. MeCa— ( b a . l a l a « « M a rrie d » ta d e a te W O RSH IP SERVICES liM a 11 a w - Nev. C ordoa do— ». Madtor (R en d io s T laiei 43 «e— ed«> •M A C A iril AJlCK“ Sk «DA V SERVICES HOW TO A VTVSP (CHCRCM W ITH A HABV First Church of —by Jo b e o a P— belbel ( I r i t t a M W o r«bt. « e rr i— la X arlc A M a w - R oly C om m uai«» StSO I * M orata* f w w o f ***f V— ehoald k aoar tb e l «bere le ode M ethodist C bareb Ja l-a an la a w here Christ, Scientist f h a r r k «eb— I StM a I I a w . ( taan M , Vbeat— *II cbareb Seb— I». loaey y o a a a — I— a tte n d e b a rrb in— Monda—P— e o f R oly « b ile tb e baby a a d o th e r re n a * •tm EAST fiR AM l R IV ER Crib rwoay tb ro u a b blub rh lld re a a re belo* ea re d fo r lo Raef I.BB«l«e "orb— I e a r ro atataalo B . Sera—a a C bareb a fully —u l . —d e rib -r— ai and C bareb « e rr i— l ì A.M. SlOO . w . C am .u« V r«|w6i nureery. MeCaae C hanel « aad ay «eb— I II A.M. CA V T E R B l’MV C t f S ■ ria * tb e eb lld re a « aad ay . Ju«t Fur All I »lver»lty « fad ru la I«eide IM O lfaw a « Ir—I e a fra a c r «wuday «eh— I fa r ITalverally yen'll fia d « ta e rte room . A — Id, S tadebts-StiM a w . tra in ed a a e — le la elyirae.W r — v e Sablee« ... _ ■* 43 ertbe a a d 3 . l e y - —«». (.(>1), T H E .R E «E K A ER University nervie— a t I d s aad lid io m.m. THK PK H 'K va. THK V \ l . l K OF MAS" Lutheran Church Christian llw lg h l V I s r x r . PrmcliisiK KefldlBf Horn and Student Student Central Center Foundation Methodist 31»».. Turo., Thtira». A Fri. N alloa.1 I.utbe— a jC eaaell . Church 7iiW p.m. j*. 0 p.m. %li arp w rlro u if fa »Men«!. f liMreh IMvlelaa a ad A aa St reel. K.I.. IS bloebe N ortb of Mbekey H alil ■33-3071 a r 333-307« krrvkroa, »»«I vIMt au4 urne ih r F u o tu ra i ” Jwarpk A* Porter, D aaald M. H erb and V. T. KMakelek fnm .uM W erfceft T e rla « jn d C tV P I S IfcN PB IU «aaday W orefcl. • M . ta ilft aod IIdHt a.m. Kimberly Downs East Lansing Church of Christ Trinity Church Calle— Hooee lo te rd e o u a ila a llo a e l 13« « p a rte a Av— ne K. E l DENE W1A.I.IA MS Pastar* ■’ W e i— ( “ DAD'S PEACE OA EARTH" O THER SERVICES SO U TH B A P T IS T CHURCH « its a w . H aeday Sekdal — Cl—ara foe V alve ra tty R fadeala K veala* W o r« b l. T be — a t a t t f t a f of T rin ity Col- le d ia te F rllo w a h l. w ill — J a a a a r y 1518 S. W ASHINGTON — LA N SIN G W ed need» r e v .e la a Hll.le «lady 7th a t AdS .•«*. ■»43 y a . _ ~ TiM *,BE - T k a ra d a y e v ro lo a l.adir« HIM» 7:— ..a t. W pdaeaday E v eal« a Your “Church - Away • From *Home P ra y e r a a d R tb lr 'S ta d y ciano À . 7dW m l I’hnae ike C bureh a ffi—. S f - M t Vor tmmmpmrtmtUm m il KK h-siim to r te fo rta a llo a — a c e ra ta * tbe Kit S-tMM «g K li ¿-24a« r o m .a a bu» aeb rd ale. Greek Lansing Central East Lansing Archdiocese Twwrpv" j; Free Methodist Unit; Center Orthodox Church Church 480 H u r t It H a c a i a r a lt««ai«t '•». Waahta**— -agp . H aH — t Si13 A.JE ' ■aada y ■ebaal l « d l A.M. * . EARTH'S INVASION H tb a I iHmtmi 1 t i B AH. iH y a a * b f i m k , Stetaaa ka KM Itilt»«era A p fc iffl Ip tta# l*ru|pMiaai ir a ll tl a a «mmmi«Mi to