; ;f ' HH| « i ü l m sæ t ilff^ •-y e . p 0 **r j)S ^ i ’ « Ê ^ M ^ w k m M Ê Ê Ê ï Ê iï ? , ?» ¡ ¡ I M I apte sfMSÉsM Mw *t u n m w i. tíicH. 10 C e u ta BSif?® i^ S ï^ p î^ ^ S u k a rn o P le d « « ! I ^ » P l •J l . ■■■■" »^j1 1 "I11 *■"* » '■■* ■■»"" ,i& Indonesia W i l l e By PETER ARNETT Sukarno said The Netherlands MAKASSAR, CELEBES, Jta starting to yhdd J o our «sta d oora* UP*—P residentSukarno determ ination” MR still has vowed before a cheering crow« M l gone far that filled M akassar’s public “ w e w ant the basis of toe square Friday that Indonesia talks to bk the transfer ¿f threw .'the- Dntch *enter H M CtuSC^D * Meany w ill take Dutch New Guinea adm inistration « V e st Iran to this year, either by taOdng or u s ,, only then do w e w ant to votusteor fo r «tor service and fighting. w i _ _ He appalled. to the crowd to talk with y en ,” he sldd, adding: w as anew iifed by cries, “ We Schedules Calls for “No fleet, no arm y, 00 force w ill stop u s.” be declared “But whether the Dutch talk have eirphdy registered, w e or not we w ill get on. No pow ­ arn:ip e d y ,? -1 -^ '.' The Indonesian P resident de er in th e workt can stop us. [ Tm rTndoncsiaB* claim they Debate U. S. Aid livered—in this largest city of Until to e Dutch yield we w ill shtoiid|U tve received the Dutch WASHINGTON - U B -P re« the C elebes, whose sprawling continue building u p our pariofJfO w €R taea, to e world’s dent John A. Hannah said Fri­ The reception w as quiet fingers reach eastward to w ith strength and invade West second biggest island, when Thursday tor' s proposed “de­ day that the problem s facing in 000 m iles to Dutch New teian when the ton e copies. *V they received Jheir independ claration of sight” reported out m i education in toe H V s “will (•uinea — the first of five .fla n k in g Sukarno as he ence in 1949. The Netherlands o f com m ittee to the constitu­ •'i!®ra^fÄSW*3! not be solved until toe Ameri­ speeches to whip tip national spoke w ere two native Pa­ contends N ew Guinea never tional convention. can people realize that fi is fervor in h is explosive dispute puans. Also present were 10 w as part Of to e Dutch E ast In­ B u t the fu tu re' appears tbe education of their own sons with The Netherlands. foreign diplom ats, including dies and tin t the Papuanjxjpir- storm y for t,h e J proposal, and daughters that we are talk­ He saM h e cam e to Ma- the Am erican and Soviet am­ lation i t not r a r it y finked drawn up by the com m ittee an ing about.” K aasar, r etty to about §5,- bassadors. Sukarno frequently with Indonesians. rights, suffrage and elec­ He addressed a confere n ce _ to t, because “this area is a addressed tbe Am bassadors hi An Sukarno started nut on m i tions. The com m ittee is head­ of educators and union officials ~ Jumping off point for any his 'speech. barnstorm ing to # ;; of the ed by D r, Jam es K .'P ollock , called by the UAW-CIO. action w e t o r over west Take hood of m y words,* Celebes, the A m y announced