w È & im KÜBl m tm m m g it io o o a y Make Sure Officiais Stay Out BERLIN m -A busload of Bay City Power Cut, Soviet Army officers was blocked for 75 m inutes at the Communist border Sunday by Detroit Fire Claims 4 U.S. M ilitary Police enforcing a baft against the Soviet com ­ mandant and his top political adviser entering W est Berlin's U.S. sector. The MP’s permitted'-the bus to cross from Blast to W est B er­ lin after making sure the ad­ viser w as not am ong 18 an­ noyed officers on the bus. i t w a r the third tifne in a week Russian m ilitary person­ nel have run into delays result­ ing from tighter U.S. screening at the Communist border w all dividing the d ty . INTEGRATION TAKES over Case HalL Marsha Hilton, Livmda freshm an, seated left; Sam Schultz, Oak Park freshm an; Karen Laadee, Midland freshm an; David Weat Berlin Mayor Wflly Simmons, Rlverview sophomore; and standing, Jack W alsh, Jackson H ts. N. Y. Brandt said hi a radia broad­ freshman, and Jim Fowler, Mt. Clemens freshm an m ake gaad use of the paper­ cast Sunday the w all " b be­ back library la the newly Integrated Case H all. —State News Photo by Dennis ginning to work against these Pa jot. " (the F a s t Germ ans) who built it.’* He referred to the im pression the w all m akes E x p e r im e n t B e g in s - _ / r an visiting world personali­ ties who aee it with their own ey es. ^ An MP jeep was moved into R u sh ees B ra v e S to rm the path of the bua a t the checkpoint Charlie crossing on encyclopedias and alumnae» cem ber of 1960 and is the first Priedrichstrasse, the only gate­ selected by students and paid of a three dormitory com plex way for non-Germans between for out, of their own funds. to be build to h ouse 3,500 resi­ the two sectors. Books w ifi be paperback dents. Construction also has ’‘The bus was delayed dntil edittoas of many o f J N started on Wilson H all, which t U.S. RusiiiuaMqNMkuif inter­ world’s cla ssics and fam ous w ill contain, la addition to resi­ preter arrived on the scene,” a books. dence room s, an auditorium , a U.S spokesman said, indicating An Am erican Thought and Language com m ittee particip­ library and 35 classroom s. Disgrace Themselves that the language barrier had been a factor in the incident. ated in the selection of the ‘‘At the sam e tim e,” the volum es and m any o f the books on U niversity College reading E n r o llm e n t U p Robins G et Stoned spokesman said, “the Soviet provost m arshal!, Lt. Col. Laz­ lists w ill be available in the arev, arrived and gave assur­ Case library. ance that Lt. Col. Georgi Alek­ Several faculty m em bers have offices in Case and stu­ F o r W in te r T e r seev (the political adviser) was not aboard.” L ess than half an dents who have not decided on hour after entering W est Ber­ a m ajor w ill have advisers in lin, the bus returned to the the dorm to help plan pro­ E ast without incident. gram s. Both Alekseev and his boss. Adams said that Case has Col. Andrei Solovyev, were sm all, closely-knit precincts barred from the- Am erican and varied educational, fac­ sector la st mouth la retalia­ ial and recreation facilities tion for attem pts by E ast and extensive student gov­ ernm ent which are designed Communications German border guards to force U.S. civilian a ffid a li to to give the student more identity and opportunity to Majora Needed identify them selves a t Pried- rtchstrasae. The United States m ake decisions. For Reporters refuses to deal w ith the E ast Germ ans. Case is an outgrowth o f President John A. Hannah’s R e g is tra tio n All students m ajoring in Typist Dies After Wz Year *81660’ The U. S. spokesman» said seven point ¡dan which calls Communication Arts who are the bus w as accom panied , by OXFORD, England. (JV—Veronica W ise, 23, died Sunday still for classes in housing units, interested In reporting for the in tiie oblivion or a com a which has wrapped her life in dark­ 1 sedan carrying tw o addition­ self-learning aids, and an at-, F o r E v e n in g Religion page are asked to con­ n ess for m ore than 3% years. al officers that w as im m ediate­ m osphere for the discussion of ly cleared to enter W estBerlin. tact Ben B um s, m anaging edi­ An auto accident in May 1858 when she was an attractive ideas. —; But it chose to stay with the The hall w as begun in De- C o lle g e O p e n s tor of-the State News, or Chaf- 20-year-old typist dam aged her brain beyond recovery. bus. lotte Dalton, religion editor In the years after the crash Veronica lay in a hospital seem ­ R egistration for Evening ingly asleep. Som etim es she opened her eyes. Som etim es she U.S. officials did net disclose during the com ing week. who the R ussians w ere or their College courses w ill be held at sm iled. But never did she show the slightest recognition of Sophs M u s t E n r o ll the conference desk in the main lobby of K ellogg Center begin­ Prospective reporters m ay subm it their nam es by calling anyone, including he parents. N early 18 m onths ago. they slipped the engagem ent ring off purpose la W est Berlin. The sudden appearance o f so many See AMERICANS Pago S ning Monday. C lasses m eeting a t the State N ew s office per­ her finger and handed it back to th e man she had planned to In R O T C T h is T e rm Monday or Monday and Wed­ nesday w ill register Monday sonally or by telephoning 355- m arry, 8 -year-eid Colin Steym aker. Even O din had failed to between 6 p.m . and 9 p m . C lasses raeeting'On Tuesday or 8562. win recognition from the sleeping beaflty.^-r^ - West German Vice Chancellor Tuesday and Thursday w ill reg- tster Tuesday betw een 6 p.in and I p m . W ednesday classes w ill register W ednesday be­ Union Phones 6Get Hep ArrivesForTalks tw een 6 p.m . and 3 p m . WASHINGTON »■'" point the faculty as the group Wfco which would give a student Business Mgr Larry Pontius Sports E ditor Curt Runddl sw ers to th ese questions when som eone who “knew»-- h is « it e flw tew er ri— students can by continued pressure and prestige with the faculty- “D e­ Circulation Mgr. B ill M arshal! Photo E ditor.......D ave Jaehnig he conducted a survey an stu-< field ,” «w teen e who retely |B this group. Thus the grant- pane setting bring out their m onstrating scholarly capac­ Feature E d itH o w a r d Holmes dents at three m idwestern “ m akes students produce” and $g$ teacher and guidance sup- potential which th ese people ity” , “bring original and N ew s kditor ..Jay B lissick -Women’s Edit. Cathie Mahoney som eone who caa~Mtea6b to an « t e Ik given to students who nave have been toM they poetess postoes creative” and “ dedication to colleges. ; W 7 : “V City E ditor............... :. B ill Cote S •dente Editor B ill Steiner H is study shows that m em ­ entertaining m anner.“ Bar* depart frem . expected patterns end and finally m ove them into Studies” w ere chosen a s the bers o f afl social cla sses at­ tfcipteiau ta civ ic, refigteus .tow er cla ss high achievers closer harmony with the aca­ aca- most important—com ing from tend college but that Mies and cam pus affairs te not Con- awj upper h « « . )cw achievers, dem deniic ic expectations held ft»* for the right serial background, from m iddte and upper cla sses sid era d te be too Important. Gottlieb kirid. m em bers of their social c la ss.” being active in tatir-eo& efiate n o f T V P ro g ra have m ore pressure toem par­ ents to d e an Students’ ex- students w ant According to G ottlieb. tha a j?rteaasor T tfr i e in BESEABCH also to- ■ «„ As to As r am! to students from the up- athletics, and bring a m em ber ^ middle m iddle cla classss whowho are a n te (k fraternity er • sorority {tocteflens differ but nearly all “ who would pat indoctrinate dkcatod an agreem ent between [ D ,igh achievers, achievers,t e there m w w asas were not ce n n lsra d im portant of them w ant a BA. Their ex­ Mg' students ner becom e to- th j Upper class low achievers f0Und found HttleHttle expression expression of need factors ta the relationship b e­ H a s B r o u g h t Im p r o v e m periences differ also but are ! volved ta their personal life, usually based on w hat they be­ and lower cla ss high achievers ^for faculty THE PBOFEwBOR should aJ- upon the item “no one - r e - ^they gppm faculty pressure appear pressure nor r toto seek nor did did tween the arrtvtaf freshm en seek career and the faculty, Gottlieb said. lieve th ey should experience. | so be a person “who te com- ferrtag to influence to enter Dlan8< plans, c&ttueb Gottlieb said. sold. W ite the With the The idea te a ttic ism and T h e n ew s ed ito rs o f A sso cia ted P ress H ow ever, a n y a lert ob server w ill n o tice knowledge that they have dona prestige betw een students and m em ber new sp apers a re ask ed an n u ally th a t in recen t m on th s, th er e h a s.'b een a GOTTLIEB'S research dealt w ell in the past and having w ith two topics: “ Social cla ss, faculty w as d ealt with ta th e to v o te fo r th e top n ew s p erso n a lities o f g rad u a l im p rovem en t in p rogram selec­ had few difficulties ta making college students « te , th e ideal the m ove to college", "toey can research. The high achievers th e y ea r. F o r 1961, th e b a llo tin g revealed tion b y th e sta tio n s. P erh ap s th e m ost college professor” and “ Sem e afford to hold a less rigid view from the upper and m iddle m any ob viou s ch oices in vario; j field s. sig n ific a n t b reak th rou gh . h as been th e 1factors pertaining to varia- of th e to ta l academ ic picture. classee felt that not being too E rn est H em in gw ay (lite r a tu r e ), Jam es em ergence and ste a d y in crea se in th e i lions in academ ic expectations critical is one m eans by which H o ffa (la b o r), R oger M aris (sp o r ts),a n d num ber o f d ocu m en taries and p ublic ser­ 1 and intentions.” “THESE ARE t h e people a student gains prestige with v ice p rogram s. ^ G ottlieb studied the who ere not particularly in­ the faculty. They alee indicat­ N ik ita K hrush ch ev (fo reig n a ffa ir s) are group te studeate to their tim idated or awed by the many ed that though academ ic per­ am on g th e ev id en t top n ew sm ak ers in MINOW ’S ATTA C K seem s to h a v e jo lt­ ior year ta high school and a ra ftin g lists, cla sses and ritu­ form ance is certainly import­ th eir resp ectiv e realm s. • i ed b oth CBS an d N BC o u t o f a s ta te o f year la ter when they w ere a ls of college life. These era ant, application te tho proper N o t so ob viou s^ to th e a v erag e citizen p o litica l and in tellectu a l leth a rg y to a freshm en ta college. T he stu­ the elite with to e greater soc­ social skills has its place, Got- w a s th e selectio n in th e en terta in m en t con d ition o f a v id p a rticip a tio n and com pe­ dents attended eith er a large ia l sophistication and know .tlieb said. field . S u ch ce le b r ities a s Jack P a rr, F rank titio n . Such p rogram s a s th e D avid B rin k ­ state u aiversity er one te two S in a tra and E liza b eth T a ylo r ^ w ore sm all denominational schools. le y Jou rn al, C h et H u n tley 's W h ite P ap er, Students sdtondtag th e sm all­ snubbed a s th e g r e a te st 1961 n ew sm ak ers E y ew itn ess to H isto ry , A t T ho S ou rce, er schools showed < (e fie ri to the Editor in e n te r ta in m e n t C B S R ep orts and o th ers a r e n o lo n g er change to attitude and A nd w ho did th e ed ito rs se le c t? T h ey picked N ew ton M inow. W ho is N ew ton M inow ? N ew ton M inow is th e chairm an m o n th ly o r b iw eek ly “sp ecia ls“ b u t indeed than thoee attending the large er e fillin g th e a ir w a v es n ig h tly . I t is a good sig n . N eed less to s a y , an university, G ottlieb sa d. “ Large institutions. Lke high Against Sunday Laws o f th e F ed eral C om m unications C om m is-' schools, offer a greater divers­ in fo rm ed and ed u cated p u b lic ta th e fo u n ­ ity o f events and interests staying open on Sunday and a To te e Editor: sion w hich holds th e pow er over televi-^ d ation upon w hich a fr e e so c ie ty ta b u ilt along with academ ic activi­ There has been som e discus­ number te clergy are backing sion licen ses. L a st sp rin g M inow crashed and m ain tain ed . -T h e m o te in fo rm a tion , ties, he said. “We also know sion regarding discrim ination the “No Work on the Lord’s th e en tertain m en t scen e w ith a stro n g ly a n a ly za tio n and en lig h ten m en t th e b e tte r , th at the public enrollees are of various types in pest issues D ay.” Thus bigotry seeks to critica l speech ab ou t TV . esp ecia lly in th e w orld o f to d a y . m ore lik ely to see their school of the New s and I would like to. get its foot ta the door. M inow d eserv es cred it fo r in stig a tin g as one w here serious study is ca ll attention to one type that The labor unions have their not part of the cam pus culture. THIS STUDENT Is hard at work atadag for the is seeking to becom e a law . shackles on free enterprise, the “ I IN V IT E YOU to s it down in fro n t a d istin c t trend th a t ta ev o lv in g in te le ­ This isn ’t a s true a t sm aller A hearing was held ta the governm ent grows bureau by o f you r telev isio n s e t w hen you r sta tio n v isio n . O f cou rse, m o st o f th e sch ed u lin g co lleg es.” degree h e cam e te ceflege tor- David Gottlieb’s survey e f three m idwestern colleges shew s that afi entering students judiciary room te the State bureau, groupa te this or th at- g o es on th e a ir and sta y th ere . . u n til fo r th e 1961-62 sea so n w a s firn d y fix e d G ottlieb studied the relation­ Capitol at' 10 a.m . Jan. 4 ra- conform ity press oa tha in­ th e sta tio n -goes o ff. I- can a ssu re y o u . b efore M inow spoke. T h e 1962-63 sea so n ship that existed betw een the w ent te obtain a bachelor’* degree. “1 ~ j garding proposed Sunday la v s dividual. Personal froddom is th a t you will ob serve a v a s t cu ltu ral w ill m ore accu rately m ea su re h is im p act and aim s te students be- college. Upper class students for M ichigan. I understand the a rapidly dim inishing item . w astelan d ,” spoke C hairm an M inow to th e they attend college, and patent and w ill ke«> students chose this item since college retail m erchants want it be- Sunday law s are ram pant ta on th e program q u a lity . going without m aking it too what happens when they finish attendance is so much a part I cause the large chain stores the E ast and you m ay pick N ation al A sso cia tio n o f B road casters in N ow , h o w ev e r,, a n o th er d istu rb in g and th eir academ ic education. The personal or painful an experi­ W ash in gton . , ence. These observations w ere te their value system that en­ are hurting their business by up a few coins a s a reward for 'depressing elem en t is b ein g -discovered. »research showed that “regard­ A t a g iv en _ h ou r on e e v e n in g , sev era l less te sex , socio-econom ic dif­ selected from a num ber te 15 seem s hardly necessary. The couragem ent f r o m others turning your neighbor ta for a T elevisio n is n ot en tirely a v a st cu ltu ­ statem ents regarding teachers violation ta som a p laces. ral w astelan d as Mr. M inow so tren ch an tly m on th s a g o , W alter L ippm ann, a d istin ­ ferences and high school grade low er cla ss students are youth qualifications*, G ottlieb said. From such thé Pilgrim labeled th e m edium . It would be u n fa ir to claim th a t alt p rogram s m u st be incXuded g u ish ed jo u r n a list and p o litica l a n a ly st point average, alm ost every A special study w as conduct- w as in terview ed . On an a lte r n a te sta tio n student would like to a n d ex­ ed to obeerve the différer* avant, that is, oççuwttQOf.sim i- '*0410 know what they do not Opposition to Aid fathers fled and history is all too full te persecution duo to in h is g en era lizatio n . — G ranted, th ere are m any p ro g ra m s'th a t th e U n tou ch ab les w ere p erform in g in th o grae.” C hicago d istille r ie s. ~ _ pects to earn the b a d d to h B e l tafluencos upon flg ; r iu d e n t r lw to those h ëld by their decision to eid er college. teth ers.” Revealed in Poll civil taws based on religious belief of one group or another. m u st be considered ju s t plain “ju n k .” “REMEMBERING that this G ottlieb found that “ regard­ “Without the benefit of par­ The National Council of In­ Shall we let history repeat it­ S IX P E R C E N T o f th e te le v isio n s w ere Som e are tru ly an in su lt to th e hum an inform ation w as obtained prior le ss of academ ic achievem ent ental encouragem ent, and en dependent Schools' recently self and “The Land te the tu n ed to th e L ippm ann- in terv iew w h ile to actual involvem ent in co l­ lev el, m iddle and upper c la ss environm ent conductive to col­ polled its m em bers on their re­ F ree” becom e a m ockery. in tellig en ce and y e t th ey th riv e -w ith a v a st m a jo rity o f th e v iew e rs w ere leg e life and knowing that boys are m ore likely to report lege attendance, they have actions to the three possible ap­ There is no longer a place to p lenty o f a d v ertisin g and p len ty o f popu- w a tch in g F B I a g en ts sm ash S o u th S id e sem e 15 per cent te entering parents as inftoences than are m ade it this far end bv their proaches to Federal aid f a w hich one m ay flee. We m ust ia r ity . A s M inow p u t it, “you see a proces­ b o o tleg g ers fo r th e six te e n th str a ig h t freshm en do not la st out the those from tu e low er class. own adm ission, they would not private schools a s proposed m ake it work here and now sion o f g am e sh o w s, v iolen ce, audience w eek . first academ ic year, it would High level ach ievers report the only like to com plete college during the 1361 session of Con­ and learn from history the m is­ gress. takes and pitfalls so as n et to p a rticip a tion sh o w s, form ula com edies M ore and m ore o f th a t T V w astelan d seem that students a re ebme- greater parental encourage­ but anticipate doing so ,” Got­ w ith to ta lly u nb elievab le fa m ilies, blo.,d what naive a b o u t their m ent.“ tlieb said. To date 267 or 53 per cent te fall in the sem e pit tw ice. is b ein g con verted in to rich to r tile acre­ This correlation that ex ists The student’s background, m em ber schools have report­ . . . fool m e once, sham e mi ch an ces,” Gottlieb said. and th u nd er, violen ce, W estern goodm en, a g e w h ich can and w ill produce a b ou n ti­ H owever, a discrim inating betw een social cla ss and par* Ids earlier behavior and at­ ed. Of these, 222 <88-percent) you, . . . fool m e tw ice, sham e W estern badm en, sad ism , m urder, p rivate fu l, v ita l crop. N ow th e q u estion is w ill break is found betw een those antal encouragem ent differs titudes a r e important to his w ere opposed t o Federal on m e. 7 ------>. ey c srg a n g a ters.-m o re v iolen ce . . . ” th e n a tio n ’s T V con su m ers p u rch ase th a t who expect to get the BA and from the encouragem ent te valued and view s of the college grants to private schools, 30 in D ale F ergnsee T Such p rogram s ex iste d in 1961 and crop? You can b rin g a h o rse to w a ter b u t favoT, with tw elve undecided w hen th e new season opened, oth er you can ’t m ake h im d rin k . H orses d o or . taking no position. Concerning Federal loans to “Right now there are more eq u ally poor sh ow s m a d e th eir d eb uts. d ie o f th ir st T — With ita Limitations as Usual private schools, 166 or 65 per­ than 200,000 Am ericans under cent were opposed, 60 ta favor 25 years te age who have been “ I Don’ t K now I f ItV S o lid E n o u gh T o H old Both O f U»’ * with 12 undecided or taking no out o f work for six months or K e n n e d y ’s B u d g e t Is D u e position.. - longer. M ost t e them dropped Seventy-four per cent were, out of school and are not train­ how ever, in favor of som e form ed for higher-paying, skilled By Bfehard L. Street receipt; and (e) if the .farm area weather is of tax relief for those paying jobs needed by bariaesaes and Congress m eets W ednesday and the P resi- * n ot so favorable that tho enorm ous federal tuition. industry.” — Leonard todHvan, dent’s annual budget com es shortly there­ expense te keeping consum er supermarket —H ie New York Tim es MooreviHe (N .C .) Tribune. after. It ta a budget ter th e year ending I t prices artifically U gh w ill be greatly ta­ months ahead (July L U f l J n e 30, 1963) and c r e te e d by bigger teed and textile surpluses. L JW 32 1E Ü a n a i has a fairy-tale quality about it, becanae a s . A tederai buttate can be dism issed as m ean­ en raa a s n a 3 0 0 | usual who knows w hat w ill be happening a ingless because te the qualifications involved S a n a U 0 3 □ n & .a year an d « h alf from bow? But ft w ill ex- and sem e observers treat it that w ay. H ie pro­ A ca o ss li j O ii ESa :3 3 1 3 3 Iprase the kind te goals Mr. Kennedy seeks. per attitude toward it, I b elieve, is to under­ u n aa u n » w ja 1. Explosive ._ We knew already from authoritative state­ stand its lim itations but at the sam e tim e to device M. Lower an a n a n sa 4 j 0 3 Im ents eats from President Kennedy soma of te e accept it a s representing the econom ic view ­ 4. Brightest M. Mr. U aw ls □ a a a O J O ia n u a potato ha points be w inill m ake. L et u s list them : point and aspirations o f the adm inistration ■ter iaecen- 17. Dowry — « a ^ n m oria a n a rt«fl«tton n a a a io 3 a i n The recovery from the 1MM 1 recession is In office. v, » T Fright«« St. Pedal difit proceeding nicelyn icely and M 2 should b e-a good Perhaps the biggest difference between 40. Bufalo HU ¡ □ a a a □ a n ti! 3.1 It. inUre year ter for business business. The arimtatsteatton argues Elsenhower and Kennedy budgets is the fun­ ■mount 43'Rendered Ö0 2 . U 33 D 31 dam ental postulate e f thè form er that the U. Amer. powerless sa a a is 0 3 u n a present recovery justified going In to debt last federal budget w as toe big. P resident E lsen­ 4S.T m dettar 0 3 0 a a a ir j year—ta other iwords d eficit spending has 14. Animal wMh « .J A gOfflgW CV paid off. - - hower repeatedly expressed this thought. He four fron» _ 44. Agrippina’■ Mr. Kennedy w ill drop a political tear or Mr wanted th e governm ent Urwithdraw from cer­ an*three pon two over continuing high unem ploym ent but tain activities en d to soo this reflected in a hind Wee 4». SartaUroH w ill forecast that the rate w ill gradually de­ sm aller b ud get — 19. Creek eftobacco On Jan. M, 1MU ta his final budget m es­ IA Healthy sa. »edam clin e. He wiO say , too, that the growth rate lAlaaecta *4. Vigilant of the Am erican econom y based n n gross sage, for exam ple, he said that ta th e past 31. Day’s SS. Jan. outeaat national product sbouhf b e advancing more eight years be b ad sought to keep gpe role of marsh «•.Character rapidly; bite he w ill Mid that J t is still behind th e federal governm ent “within tap proper in~Faar W estern Europe, Japan and the Soviet Union. sphere,’* and be argued “that requirem ents Grst" u v e been m et w hile holding budget expendi­ stTameUCr He w ill te ll business and trade unions that St. te a s bug prosperity depends very largely on them in tures to e tesser proportion of the national M W eat ahead the days ahead and that business should not incorno than in l i n . seek too high profits and labor too U gh w ages. True to fate beliate, General Eisenhower (H e win net define “too M gh.” > boldly preposed a budget with a slight surplus Finally, Mr. K ennedy w U lsa y that ha does for the l i n fisca l y ea r (Judy 1, 1961-June 30, not intend to rednoe te e siz e o f the budget H O ? aH boughthe, country w as then te a re­ (a s P resident E lssw hew or repeatedly and cession w ith uoerapteyaient around 7 per cent. vainly tried te d e l but wftt actually ilcre a ee Pretident Elsenhow er proved correct tatere- it by aeveral teuton dollars. Growth e f pspu- castin g flute the rece ssion would touch bottom latton and uattonal incom e fu lly ju stify th is, _ th orite; It did to February. M l. It is lm - b e w tt argue. pauailo te *ay bote much th e Ksemsfly anti­ He w ill after n budget w ith n com fortable l recession actions a g i flte new m eed acceler­ balance if flm following things happen in te e ated th is even t, if they d M affliettL :- next I t m onths: f t ) Congress r i t e be fill *MBnt President Kennedy .hoe taken a differ­ flte P eat O ffice d eficit e f «haul a billien dol- > en t fine from Ida predecessor. H e accepted tars by ratstag stam p rates; flte busteeas c y c le done not .turn dawn, ramtartag m assive a e w fo d e r a l unem ploym ent insurance orittnya. supporting * T o U n ite te n a it L . H ester, G antes O b i N . Y ., senior ta agricul­ tural busin ess. ta s beea award- «d a work TholaritilB from Philip Morris Ine for the F ir a n e n e is e a n s w e r e d à second consecutive year. Aqrthar heltef thht ko ime to tfl ta tn a rtsn VUlsge early H etfar wffl serve e s liaison t e coiled t » strike—ateo is not M i «k en perenta of an ta ­ tetw e r e th is cam pus and the tree. .. ,,... nt girtrapertad the child iras Philip M orris offices ta New ivtag difficulty Éreothing. An York City. He wiO develop end The rattier iwnsdly boeeet th e work en advertising and pro­ horny rattles at te e end te his motion prefects for Philip Mor- tail before striking, b a t he som etim es neglects to da so . Literary Group Holds First Meetine Friday ...P le n t y of ALSO & NEW • - 'V Good V, SHIPMENTS ARRIVING Used Books DAILY Varsity Drive In 1227 E. GRAND RIVER - OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. DEUVERY SERVICE MON. • SAT. 8 :3 0 P.NÛ . 1 3 0 A.M. S T O P ! SUNDAY 5.-00 P.M. - 1 :3 0 A.M. i D 2-6617 Buy Your & E n g in e e r in g S u p p lie s S H O P ! for those outside.readings and “hard to find1 books here. S A V E ! on student supplies Everything for you, the student w » E A S T L A N S m G | " ;- : '. ' C o rn e r A n a & M AG A venue f ilili B É ¡n d b e t w iw b tü s « n n nu R g people* m i «P*OTBu* /W W wQ IM mfllaf Mtr thé Tsrrnec te cheer te e young tote tear. T all and lanky, te e fatoteatr- ed, blue-eyed Swede clim bed LJRNE, Australia, (0 —Indonesian' forces outnnumber M l la te e Wect New Guinea area, but the Nether- sent in no reinforcem ents, Dutch ambassador J, G. ’ ordered general mobilization of a ll men 10 and 45 m E ast Indonesia bordering W est are In addition to the 250,000 battle-harden- Portuguese Become Indian Hostages Outstanding Special Value1 . NEW D K U tl, India, LW—India raised a veiled threat to bold Portuguese soldiers captured in Goa hostages for release of lad ian nationals interned in Portuguese territories. Deputy Foreign M inister, Mrs. Lakshml Menon, w as reported t e have te id ji m eeting in Coimbatore, South India, Saturday ab ate what appeared a change in governm ent policy. She «aid originally India had planned to repatriate 3,299 Portuguese soldiers captured when India siezed the three coast- a i enclaves o f Goa, Damao and Diu three w eeks ago. But, she added; India has to rem ate uncompromising so long as Portugal keep s overseas Indians interned and holds their confiscated p ro p erty .' 24.88 Survival’s like A Big Lottery Timely, tremendous buy! Our vrater-ippellent, washable MOSCOW, (It—Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet author and poet, says 1 ». .; J h e w ill“w orkfor the resurrection o f artists and w riters” in the JIM SILBAR shows sem e e f cotton gabardine coat 1 Soviet Uiyon. the gym nastic excellence seen B efore a pocked hall Saturday night, Ehrenburg mentioned with a lining of colorful at Saturday's inter-class m eet m any w riters, artists, theater producers and poets who w ere fattersal checks * . , plus executed, tap risioned or driven to suicide during Stalin's re­ in which the Jonior-Sealer gim e. ■ ?; ^ team defeated te e Freskm an- another zip-out lining of “How did you m anage to survive?” a Russian asked from the Sophomore participants.—State plush orlon pile! Black floor. -------- ■ ■ - News Photo by John Rum m el. R eplied Ehrenburg: “That is difficult to say, but I think it or natural with splB should* w as lik r o Msg lottery. I had the winning num ber.” “ The two-party system Is hack pocket styling. based on the assum ption neither m y w ay or your w ay is Sizes 36 to 4 6 , regularj No Need To light Guerrillas '*15 necessarily th e right w ay o f getting the Job done.”—Dorothy and 36 to 42 long. WASHINGTON, MV-A State Departm ent spokesm an reiter­ S. Scott Smithtown (N .Y .) M es­ ated Sunday th e official position that U. S. com bat troops are senger. not m odod to fig te Communist G uerrillas in South Y iet Nam . W. Averefi H artm an, assistant secretary for F ar Eastern affairs, said im proved transportation, including helicopters and p lan ts, is the ch ief e m o te need te the forces te President Ngo B o h D iem . Harrim an’s reassurances cam e in the face te som e reports th at U . S. soldiers already a n taking a com bat role" in Viet N s ^ against th e Communist V iet Cong which is backed by MEN’S SHOP - ■ S Bow Well We Clean M EN’S SH O P • 2 1 9 A B B O T T R O A D • E A S T L A N SIN G Bchmann Wears Grey Suit T E L AVTV, Israel, (A—Adolf E ich m an n h as been allowed to taka o ff the red apparel te the doomed m an and w ear h is grey eatt again, h is law yer said Sunday. B ft Robert Servatios said Rem leh prison authorities m ade a m istake in m aking Eichm ann w ear the red garb before his appeal to decided. The fbrm er Gestapo officer is under death s«at*ace for his role in the N azi exterm ination of Jew s. E A S T G R A N D R IV E R A CR O SS FROM T he law yer said Eichm ann is being treated w ell in his-prison c e ll. H e denied rumor* that Eichm ann b ad collapsed in prison STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING and that h is health w as bad. Mt Americana 1882 A top-down picture i l Jeaaaryfl Sarei We sraÈpfcr couldn't watt toj show yon tee easiest-toown Cher* volet Convertible you ever flip ped R top o v er! Get a Joed of that Im M b op carpeting; the elegant red, white and Mm instrument panel, and th e leather«! like vinyi on those bucket seats*, wool knit M ordiaitis ' 5J tip fn o t, We call it Fisher Body finesse. What dee w ill yea find?, ora showing their true fashion i Plenty of rip, for one thing, front) ft spunky & Plenty of room , toaj colors on theexciting 1962 resort 1 And the ride’s firm, bat ev er so gentle, thanks to new Mono-Plat® scene~.Iightweight, travel-wise •I rear springs. Go aee how inexpea* iM r Jem Chevrolet dank» «atti flat knit wool separates with tb a t^ i put aoma June In mmr Jtam ar wonderful carefree, young with Chevy H I American look. S iz a stto lA . A. Sleevelet« sailor lop* 12.88 Willowy, tapered slacks, U A I ¿k B. Jacket, 1 7 .8 8 Sttie skirt, 14 .8 8 Sleeveless ¡ewel neck blouse, TI.88 ■■«•■II« éUm IS mCh " ' ' ' ’V ' S p o rtsw ea r S Î b BHËB W arning — During ( t e a n t MiDer’s opening speech at the cation of the new agricultural few days 90 coeds m ay anpaet allsinote H p H | OHM, "The fad ltties on the Evansdete to t e stopped by a m o o te r of AppatocMaa Family m a Hu­ cam pus of the IJnlve is ity, die Veterans A m i. and teadod man Resource.” IW t evening which is about one mOe from a letter inviting te r to com pel« te wfU speak on "Poateble the main cam pus. ANA6AS9M£NTMTH for “Veterans Sw eetheart* Method« and Programs in the The M ilters wiQ leave E ast M R R ja tfu P Y a * This unique letter system w as Development of West Virginia’s Lansing Jan. 27 and expect to ’ FfiHTDgiVEUP devised la st yea*. Each v et­ Human Resources.* arrive t e their new home Jan. KB? BN6fiRNAl5... eran m em ber is handed m e te The forum follow s the dedi- 90 tetters at toe first general m eeting end teen t e m ust f i ^ ^ gate^preteiction^a^^tii- search for a fo o d sw eeth eart The tetter the coed rocefcfof ta r a f The invitation to speak at the contains information about te w tee contest is r a t, the tim e «1 symposium, came late last the two elim ination tea s sa d snmaisr k»g before anything transportation arrangem ents. developed cancortengino pres­ THE U S GOURMETS BMmcr B naae Oetefo go en sele idency of tte University, Miller MTC D0 M 6 IT! The two etas w ill be held on am— laiH n y—' M in« ■ i a h r ^ MteHMMjy-am» dhhe ^m mbmbgmi ehhmiv pipn|H tmie r v , r( Mh irf ro »aid. different Monday nights in te e IMWMlS STOCK! Student Services Lounge. B nddteL Leonard S tem , Mdhean. Man—senter. m te n d MBter tree appelated prés­ eh afrn aa a f M e dfoncr d o v e and P te G ffta s, Grand The "Veterans Swwetheert" R apids, aenfor, d a te fa te dfoecter get together te Me ident of tte wrtverstty in No­ on s very g ^ d l l i Bm m ran t w ill be chosen from among K eitogg Center K itchen. I t e h a t e w ® he Febm ary 9. vember by the beard M trws- five finalists at the all-univer­ State N ew s Pfcsts. teee at West Virginia Univer­ sity “Winterland W hirl,” which sity. He ku teen acting pres­ w ill be held Feb. S. Veterans ident since Jan. li and wID Assn. m em bers a t t t e dance F e te H as G e rm a n T hem e take on official dattes there w ill pick the queen by ballot. T ickets go on sate T teaday ’ >oint dinner. Separate events Feb. L ' w e a th e r c o n v e r te r Inaugural cerem onies w ill be ittdtTOTOBECicoiiajrrK te • a m . te te e I t e m Bemrd t« * year w ars te n ante tt e held Feb. 11, M iller said, after IhHwAOTV OF THF the beginning o f new sem ester SVTMhstever the weather, Thunder* MJDta*0W6CH0ÛLTEACHER.' * " ack e^ te the U n iv ersity .' - ¡ 9 § d o u d is more than a raincoat — and the H otel A ssn., to te heM Feb. 3 in K ellogg C enter. jmmMmMMMMMM|MMiM|MM you'll wear it any aeaaoa! The sip* T he event has a G erm an S H n m H B H out Orion pile liner converts any sea* them e, "Golden D ays in H eld- elb erg,” and besides n l a p goa to your comfort. Tte dark plaid buffet tenner, w ill feten m a r |l |t i y J outershell Is a blend of 30% Dacron fioorsbow , group « a g i n and 1 T i l H lli* !! Polyester, 30% Cotton for everlasting Germ an m ug favors. ' V ’ -~i ^ ^ M I i \ l |j M f l ||H h ¡John Barkm an. p t e k f o ^ K V u t e P ^ ^ v shape retention. SCQTCHGARD chairm an o f the even t, sandi te h a , brand rain and stain finish assures 200 tickets w ill be soid Car the H H M g B event te IA person nr 932 p e r 5 lasting water repellency through couple. Theite w ffi t e a I s s d l! washing and dry cleaning. o f two tick ets per p em en . Olive or Charcoal, sizes 54 to 44 T h te-te4te first year that M e ^ K j f t P /r a v j lK two organiM ttene h as« heM a 1 BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A id . F B I. ft SAT. 203 Eaht Grand River M ALSO AT 213» N . LARCH U f 27 ft 47M S. CEDAR US 127 JE W E LR Y : f UNIVERSITY RING CHASMS FRIENDSHIP RINGS SWEATER GUARDS KEY CHAINS CLASS RINGS 111111 M S « ; 9É IH IIIB h Ì ■ ■ glypSw jlf'^lw.l ,J ^ t m m *ju a « g c r to -n « iKW Dw w **■« 2 -s*«** :- m fi-*.K r **t im m m ; Skaters w ishing to apply m ust be between the a g h e l It and 23. G irls must be S foot M W M M » w in g m e W ednesday p a ra n e- 2 to 5 foot 8 inches tall Re­ p e e a t t i» L a n sin g d v ic C eo - quirem ents for men are 5 foot m »m m a ffi Ug npoM UtedSt I lii J r g r s jjs J ^ é * f to t foot 1 inches tall H i sbow, which w ill present Try outs are prim arily for U niversity Audttoriem Moodsy tte first revue Tuesday, wtil ap- positions to the ensem ble or at- 8:15 p.m . for s U d rtrti'Q ® p eb f righ tly e t tiw Chric Cen skating tine. The th o r n is also .................. iiis iMÎiMijiiÿlkiiiiaufoii interested to feature skaters for next year’s production. no w ; ¿g g j/g g j . Applicants should contact ; wH 4 B H C P t For Georgia ' Ken S teven s,' company man­ : Jèea Mare Bery a M M nrt*m H « r i SrtiBw ¡ ■ ■ ■ H i t e ATLANTA.UR!3 'G e a r * fo is ager, after th e Wednesday per­ 7:88 - 18:85 investing 8158.150 this ye*r tat a formance or call 485-6216 for a p riceless product "country dec- private audition. • pins • tors” for sm all tow ns'and ru- ■ M i ral areas. '§ h ^ -0 0 Robert M eriey • • Ralph R k h aid sea » E ach scholarship4oan a-j ,...:.:. mounts to 81,290 a yaar, 'The1 THE SINSOF doctors m ay repay it by prac­ ticing te a rural community of OSCAR WILDE 5,000 or less lor one year for' Shewn Once M 8:30 tS r a r P B r Si p i i l ' ‘ * each 81,000 received under the I* plan- IIA v u lv f The program w as started _ m m eight years ago end currently M s O p e s is g • T m d a rr o w - 7 M l r> Iw m I f i O V f D C doctors are repaying past loans ^ CIVIC CENTER iflfo o ffv d by practicing to 21 sm all towns. ’§ ' Spl lit is year’s budget covers 33 n\?. - : Jan. 9 thru 14 ** c«EySr (« M c d ta a a l Both program s are open to new scholarships and 94 re­ Tues. — 7:80 P.M . - al! interested persons, newais. W ed., T h u n ., F ri., Sat. 8:30 P.M . ^ L A ST 4 D A Y S! M atinees: Sat. 1 :8 1 1 : 1:80 P.M . g jm d San. 8:8» ft 5:38 P.M. jtt K A G iant HE T w in-H it Show a*»^ V 9 N tj ^ S r V a n ti 7x88 1 8 :« -1 :2 8 -1 8 :8 8 / TONY OJEAN^ J i ^ T S tu d e n t CURTIS-MARTIN-LEIGH W iv e s .. Have you heard about Knapp*s tic k k ts P I 1.** DISCOUNT .HALF PRICK l «r T an. ar Wed.l > 0 * e» to * Night aad Ret Free D lm aat *•0. 1lS* P.M. Parfontuart l a a m At MSC Every Thursday at 2 P.M. lee Aren i n Offlee New Seri** Starts January 11th • Demonstration nati i practice to hendling aati dressing a new bora baby. Baby b ate dem eastrriiea • Making the baby’s bed, both the bassinet aad crib. L ist ef beddtog for each. • What te pack for the hospital, plus visit te the m aternity fleer e f a local hospital Becoming acquainted with the appearance and ways ef new bents which m ly worry new parents. Baby’s developm ent from birth te first birthday DOWNTOWN AND CAMPUS STORES The baby’s foundry. Démonstration e f care Sensational Semi-Annual te riv e baby a t diaper changes. Sep-by-step cere e f the diapers AUDITORIUM-DOWNTOWN FIFTH FLOOR SHOE SALE! H undred s e f P a ira o f Come in and meet M O TS S N O B textbooks The C U R IT Y WOMEN'SSHQES C o n s u lta n t At Knapp*s East At Unbelievably U S E D r a t loosing. Tuesday M rs. ' Mary E ttsabeft Quigley, th e' Curity Consultant w ill be to our B o it L m to g Infants Every bear cenato... Bay several yatrsef Shepard’s « Department; Tuesday, January 8th. ■She w ill T*p Qnetity Sbees for yeurseti er family aad save 888- X j| asaist-fiott .y t i f o ’lB in l^ tefoctien of your baby needs. H e r tr a te fo g a m te a p e r ie r a w lti b e very •; ¿ 4 4 'i . O P E N -tv r TO iïSti ^ W ^ i W -*É beneficial ’to yes* a a ti yeur buy. f -~ NEED WE SAY IIORE! CURITY GUAGE DiAPERS, 21x40” size. W ashes easfor, dtfogTantor Very abscrbeat 3.71 dot. We Have Charge Account* , * Î K * W e * S * .. 1 1 'W à f .^ Æ ÿ ^ ' )\ l i H CTIMTY O titi RADS, For b a tte teti, cribs, play p m ^ d g k ljs it s . 100% cotton. 27x34” U S ; \ M m S m i M ~ *m s k CURIFÉ' KM ÉY DIAPERS e m trifoe the place EAST lAfliSING'S PERSONALIZED BOOKSTORE e f two, foris e li lig h t E xtra absorbent, keep« baby and beddtog drier. T w o d tep ers, 2 1 x « ” Y > r "* ■ ' 1.35 « 3 888 8. Wasbtegtan Ave. 31S E. Grand River Ave. :-M y .r LA8«NG _ EAST LANSING H , e r W . G R A N D R IV E R and EV ER G R E EN GARDEN LEVEL — EAST LANSING U tf Atet lia Ateite FR E * ' S it o m sa ve « -« A V E m a i f i t i l i v G m ia tC VW ® Sgip j m fim » looked Mother äoeiüt thrays know beit“ , i t e Agi Whoever the«« coed« were who claimed gentlemen wore laéhtag ai Stale might Jake good notice et this oft-repeated scene taken dnkg Friday’» ley weather. The tasting was hod, bat the ■ saner» salstsading as coeds tannd Of C h iv a lr y themselves helped to their feet after a «Ita en the ice. —State News Photos by Paul Reay. U N IV E R SIT Y AUDITORIUM TO NIGH T — M O NDAY, JA N U A R Y 8 — 8 :1 5 P.M. Brazilian Gub R eserved S e a ts: |3 J 0 - $3.00 • $2.50 from cam pus. Personnel or staff. ED 2- Aud. 2782 evenings. 10 - RELIABLE babysitter for 3 year olcfc- 8-5. Ow n transportation. Near cemous. O K E M O S 7 room older modern PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 24617 C a ll E D 7-9226T- - S house. Unfurnished. H ot w ater heat. A S C P . Registered technologist tor "N ear schools. ED 2-6300. - 3 hospital laboratory. Beginning salary 211f i E. G rand River, approved, su­ $410 per month and* up depend ng upon experience Call IV 7-5451, Ext. pervised, doubles. $6 each week. 3 - M E E T IN G , S T A T E * 2S6. 1 W A N T E D R O O M M A T E for 2 col­ lege men in approved 2 -room apart-- T U ESD A Y ^ J A N . 9 - E A S T LAN5ING ’ PHONE É0.2*2814 FO R S ALE m snt. Private entrance. 954 Lilac. ED 7- 7:30 P.M. NIGHTS tHUNDAY — ADULTS Me SAT. MAT. iSe 2026. - 2 -M A H O G A N Y Duncan Pfyfe dining U N IO N BALLRO O M ADULT ENTERTAINMENT table, I leaf, seats 8.-Exccilent condi­ ROOM S 2 N D FLO O R STARTS 7 P.M. - FEATURE AT 7:M * »:M tion. $30. ED 2-0962 4 A P P R O V E D - Room for male with cooking facilities. Parking. 445 A bbott SW E E T H E A R T LETTERS M O N U R A L H I-F I system 20 watt NOW am plifier.- Separate pre-amplifier, A M - Rd. E D 2-437$. .? 3 S O C IA L S C O O P Swift and intens« movements, SHOW ING F M tuner, Garrard changer with G E cartridge. Electronic equipm ent all 2 SIN G L E , attractive, well-furniehed room for em ployed women or gigguete LETS A L L M A K E IT stre«| andstriking ¡mages... H eath. So ld as a unit, reasonable. C a ll ED 2-8025. 2 students. I block from Knapps. G ar­ age. ED 2-211 1, after 6. call E D 2- Pecks • great dent ef “ Hantants at 1760. 5 REAL ESTATE S K I B O O T S. Sue 9-916. New Euro­ iivwvmsivi rhmi 1™»$ pean ski sweaters. Ski rack fo r rent. W O M E N . A pp roved housing. Clean, 1112 M E L R O SE . 3 bedroom ranch, « im g m m A t# t t f t w ir 35mm cam era. IV 4-0294. - 3 attractive -roam s, newly redecorated, $15.300. Lew down paym ent. E D 2- I1W p f m ie * double end single. 508 G ro ve Stteet. 2433. '_________ 1» - jorfnr Cientker , f i t Fmei ED 2-0837, 3 H p—~ N ew Y e a r's Special.. P A P ER B O U N D B O O K S Ladite and M e n 's VERY LARG E bed-sitting room. **g p u p a H A |A a |M Phene, bath. $9.50. ED 2-3110. 301 wewfw«Ew(. Fam ous W yler W atches U S E D B O O K E X C H A N G E . O ther H ighlan d Avenue. 5 G uaranteed W aterproof for 2 Years items. Buy, sell. Knew d ie b gh t person. \4- .Staialess Steel C ase R O O M -A N D B O A R D in approved, Fey lew iervic* charge $ % , only if on - t e i in supervised housing. G o o d location. you get whet you want. W rite S o * 22. of at tha lew price ©T $25 + tax Y a p trade in other fine watches ED 2-2S63, ask for Tpm Cornell. 4 S il t lanem g. 332-0716 I e$8S wS4s®5In dert» (neer cempua). ED 2-0908. « Vv ■ HF H Ü SM S f | l nr I by S B P g g g ? »; it « in the 'hi-, W M i anal by Jtan Hoosiers Michigan S t a t e J s team established itself as • 5* final sac- a fend the I A cold second haJf, during strong contender far the West­ «h teh Michigan State bR 00 ern Collegiate Hockey 1 sagas but 13 of 45 shots, kept ihe title by sweeping a two game series from the powerful Min­ Spartan cagers Cram upsetting nesota Gophers, 54 aad 5-2 at of Indiana took the Big Xm ari « 0 * 7 retar sai ase«* ndiana Saturday afternoon at East Lansing Friday and m e ^ w ^ a acore of IK ^ site. ta W MO-yd-frsastyl« «ad lo o m in g fo n .i ‘} J £ l ' : v S tan d b y. É H I t t a a b y ta i'J w d h i- d t a f i . tipV tai^fP ta^ Led by sharpshooting, skinny la the opening m inutes a t Jim m y Ray!, the Hoorters re­ Friday nights gam e, the » Ä a S e S S y Ä g f j u - e - * » « -* £ 1 Gophers kept the Spartans beg- > M t e P H R 9 roto WmA Jim WMt*. a soph- covered from an equally cold JeffMattson, Jim White, Mike omore swimmer, Dick Van Grander $tapptag Center first half and a 41-2» halftim e tied up in their own cad« then deficit to pull the gam e out, at 2:00 Spartan defeneem aa Wood and BUI Wood. The MG lam«, sophomore diver, Dow MON. THRU FBI. TILL» 78-71. ^ Carl Lackey picked up a yd. retar «as «ob by Deng Rowe, cántala Cart Shaar and SAT. TILL 7 loose puck at e eater ice, skat­ Rowe, Mattina, Wood and Chuck Strong, both in the bat- > R ayl, a 8* 2” 145-pound jun­ Wood. terfiy. ior, canned 21 e f Ms 28 points ed down the left aidé and fired CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS a 15-footer past Gopher goalie In the second period to take Mike Larson. It « a s the first »coring honors in the B ig Ten shift o f the g a p e for the Spar­ opener t a r both teem s. | State’s Art Schwann and IjJack Laniers eaek fhdshod tans. Minnesota continued the artisan bat Spartas .goalie DO YOU with II paints and Lonnie Jeka Chandik kicked eat •I Sanders and Pete Gent had skate t a n a l angles. *|ll apiece. § ■ . f is At 7:04 of the first period jf The Spartans led by a s much Spartan forward Art Thom as « ’a s 14 points with seven m inutes gave the 2.805 fans som ething gone in the second half, but to cheer about a s h e took a Indiana scored 11 straight to m ake it 51-48 w ith 10 m inutes to go. State didn’t quit and led 65- pass firent Dick Johnstone aad beat Larson on a 19-footer to give State a 3 4 lead READ FASTER In the second period State’s 00 a t the six-m inute m ark, but ‘Rayl tied It 67-67 soon after­ ward on a three-point ptay. — M arty Quirk crashed into a M innesota player a t M SlTs blue line and shoved the p ad : READ DYNAMICALLY Indiana’s sm ooth Tbm B oly- ahead to Gus Hendrickson who m m m m . ard scored tw ice on fa st breaks to m ake it 71-07 and th e Hoos­ M asted a 30-footer p ast I* r - son to give the Spartans a 3-0 WHERE DID I f GO?—Michigan State aad Mtaaeseta players pile up in front of If You Read Less Than 2560 Words Per Minute iers iced it b y playing for the lead. the Gepber net as the puck nestles la the corner ef the net just ever tee goal line. good shot then on in. It was State’s second goal of the first period aad was sewed by Art Thomas. The The Spartans nude the trip to Iaiiaaa wfthent forward The Spartans sp aed their lead te 4 4 at 8:15 ef the sec- ead period when Jim Jacob Spartaas area Friday 54. State News Pbete by Dennis Pajot. YOU NEED D ick Hall, tael year's lead­ ing scorer, «he is reportedly eat. «■assisted New Ticket Plan thinking ef dropping eat ef school. * Ten seconds later M innesota broke into the sew in g colum n ic There's a new Saturday serv­ e plan fo r M ichigan State SLACK SALE! READING D Y N A M IC S State w as forced to m ake the when Jim Stordahl so w ed as­ basketball fan s who w ant to long-trip by bus because bad sisted by B ill R am say aad avoid la st m inute rushes in Regular 14J 5 & 12.95 now $10.95 2 for $19.00 weather conditions .grounded Larry Stordahl. The second getting their gam e tickets. R egular IMS A 9.15 now $ 8.95 2 for $16.00 Réservations Are Now Being Accepted'Tor a ll air travel. period ended with State leading It started a t the Northern W isconsin, who jumped on 4-1. M ichigan g am e la st Saturday R egular 8J5 k 7.95 now $ 6.95 2 for $12.00 Winter, Classes Beginning January 11. Iow a 01-70 Saturday, w ill op­ M innesota scored tw ice In pose State tonight at Jenisdn the first three m inutes o f the and w ill b e in opération fo r the Fieldhouse. Game tim e is 8 third period, both tim es w ith Ttdsa gam e this Saturday night Ivy o r Pleated Modek * S ian 50 to 4 2 and right on throughJbe sea­ p.m . State a m an short. The Spartans final tafiey son. Nationally Advertised Haggar Slacks 2200 Michigan National Tower H ie United States leads the. cam e a t 18:42 o f the final --- This w in enable people to buy period when Claude F ourod tickets ahead o f the mob and world in newsprint consump­ scored in an open net. then pass right through the LenKositdiek's VanityShop “ ¿25 4 _ For Information Call 484-1305 - tion, taking a t toast h a lf the Saturday night’s gam e, wtt- doors to the field bouse open at world supply« nessed by a record crowd o f'.f:I5 p.m . Get all of your basic College Books, Get all of your Required Upper School Books, '- ; ~ ' 4 ? } ' ■ 1/. M , ’ - y ,v ~ . . .v: , Get all of your outside Readings, Get them used and new a t . . . . JÈÉS M m W m Ih IIIIìéIÌI ■sm ■■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ « m . ai ~ étâ M m ÈmÊÊÈm ïm & kâÉi ■ $W 3& ê M Ê a m M