Serfinc MSU fo r 52 j e » 8 B M |b * , ' ''Tpr^i«iMn¥ **iTftT'^ ««Pow c u t ! M IT A « Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 119 Tuesday Horning, January 9, 1963 6 Pages MIO «T IM T LMMIM». MtCH, 10 Cents Iffii "• Vvv T e s s r L e a p e r s i! G lim p s e s By the A siectotod Press W o r ld iT r o u b le S p o ts 94 We in Train Coffinon WOERDEN, Netherlands, (B—Speeding through dense fog, a crowded express plowed into the tid e of a slow com muter train Arctic Air B B fc e s tic Is s u e s 1 with terrific force Monday, killing 94 persons and injuring ■ s c o re s . -Firem en, police, soldiers, uninjured passengers, priests and nuns joined in bringing victim s from the wreckage of the s on S k ip p e d a t S e s s io n Netherland's worst railw ay disaster. dam from the northern provinces. - _ The express w as packed with weekenders returning to Rotter­ ~ Midwest WASHINGTON, (B—P resident Kennedy got together with Republican and D em ocratic leaders for a pro-congressional unit;- session On world trouble spots Monday. — By i f o ASSOCIATED PRESS Stinging cold Arctic air L ate r the R epublicans served notice they will continue to Airliner Forced"Down By MIG i surged out of Canada and p u . m ost of the Plains States am fight some of Kennedy’s dom estic proposals. Specifically GOP C hairm an William E . M iller said th e Re­ ISTANBUL, Turkey, (B—A twln-jet Belgian Sabena airliner parts of the M idwest to a hart publicans will continue th eir opposition to the P resid en t’s pro- radioed Monday that it w as being purtoed by Russian MiG freeze Monday. ♦ g ra m Tor using th e social fighters, then veered from its Tehran-Istanbul run to land a t the H eavy snow w as piled high security system . to finance Soviet city e l Yerevan. Sabena officials said it w as forced in mountain areas of Colorado m edical c a re for th e aged. robe toward E ast-W est nego­ headgear goes the tw ist m e Stalin’s day never again would person. cant-w hichever i s larger, when refunding money to a passen­ Moore to Fight day w ith assurances that W est tiations on B erlin is getting no­ better. Germ any w ill stand staim chly where. ~ —- W hatever you choose to cad hold a public post even i f he Paul Visher, director ed tech­ escaped th e p arty attack alive. nical operations for the office ger bolding a ticket which he tad not use or can cel in ad­ Argentine in U.S. with the A llies against R ussia. Erhard w as questioned by Asked what success is attend­ this fashionable item , the ing the talks UJS. Ambassador “ shaggy box," the “ashcan," oUCivil D efense to the Depart­ m ent o f D efense, told • lunch­ vance of the flight. —Allow a passenger to col- ANGELES (B — Light newsm en at the White House Llewellyn Thompson has un­ or w hatever, it seem s to be on le d a penalty of |2 5 or 50 per ««»vyw eight Champion Archie on a reported R ussian proposal dertaken w ith Soviet Foreign the college cam pus io stay at Senior Kennedy eon m eeting of W ashington construction men: _ cen t, whichever is larger, if be Moore agreed M onday-to m eet that Bonn and M oscow seek set- M inister Andrei A. Gromyko to finds there is no space on the Argentine H eavyweight Alejan­ tlem ent of the Berlin question Moscow, Adenauer said; lea st for this season. This shapeless piece of furry Leaves Hospital “I personally don’t thing the gam ble is justified to term s of dro Lavorante to a 10-round to negotiations excluding the “ I cannot see that the talks fad w it- first seen on the step­ $2,000 or $3,000 per shelter. fligh t for which be bolds WEST PALM BEACH, F la. ticket. contest to the Los Angeles allies. 0 «re heading toward resu lts.” p es of R ussia a s the Cossacks He said $200 shelters fix hou­ IB—Form er Ambassador Jo­ sing four or fiv e persons w ill The U r lines long have been sports arena to late March. Erhard declared that if the The Chancellor gave Ms opin­ raced westward. Later the seph P . Kennedy left St. Mary’s be on th ein ark et soon. seeking CAB he! to m eet the £ M atchmaker G eorge Parnas­ “propaganda elem ent" w ere ions at a tea for B ritish corres­ Turkish arm y officers adopted H ospital Monday to recuper­ ■He said the office o f Civil De­ “no show lem through sus said the fighters agreed to deducted from th e proposal, pondents as he aw aited the ar­ It to give them added h eigh t ate in h is winter home from a fense w ill take advantage of cash I -penaKii tes term s after 10 days o f negotia­ “little is left." rival Of M acM illan. They called their headgear fez­ pre-Christmas stroke. They a re to confer a s part zes. T h isn a m e also w as used construction p r o g r a m s to In its ruling today, the CAB tions. P arnassus said he had to , Erhard said he could not be­ A spokesm an said the Presi­ schools, hospitals and w elfare held, to -effect, th at if the air Caargntoe Moore f3 8 J |0 with ttete th at Soviet P rem ier N i­ of a series of m eetings between to A frica, where various tas- dent’s father w as accom panied institutions aad offer aid if lines want relief from the “no an option a f 35 par cent e f Urn kita S. Khrushchev could be <¡0 W estern tenders during the B er­ sles w ere attach ed .. by Lola H ennessey, a-long-tim a fallout shelters are added to show s” they m ust be prepared gate. Lavorante w ill receive 35 irrational a s to think that W est lin crisis. | The B ritish further added dig­ fam ily nurse, who planned to buildinc plans. to accept parallel penalties for per cent of the gate. The exact Germ any would m iter direct Adenauer, ju st turned 8% ' nity to the headpiece by adopt­ stay with him at lea st until the He gave three roasoas for .» erb eo k to f their flights. date depends upon television negotiations w ith the Soviets gave no indication that l i t « a s. ing i t w ith alterations, for the end of the month. em phasizing fallout shelters to ‘ Air lines som etim es have de­ term s, Parnassus said. -on Berlin. fe -v A ' optim istic about g quick Ber­ R oyal Guard. U nofficial repqrts said a hos­ the Civil D efense toogram : fended overbooking on the Germ any knows It can rely lin settlem ent. But Whether from the frozen pital bed and oxygen tent had Asked if he expected any «0- steppes o f R ussia or from the I R egardless o f the size or jp m a d that th ey w are forced on the United States and the been installed to his hom e. wature a f a nuclear attack, It to do it to avoid excessive loss other W estern pow ers to stand jutioa in th e foreseeable pomp and pageantry o f Eng­ Hospital sources said his Is certain fallout wffl occur aad i f revenue t h r o u g h “no Olwwa." W e a t h e r * - A Mr it on th e Berlin problem, h e shrugged sa d asked: ■M ostly «toady aad ceM T ues­ Batum i said , and “th e United Is the foreseeable future?1 land, women o f the w estern WEat’s I t r right arm and le g rem ained many m n um could be aavsd The new regulations would day w ah "8Énr flarriai- a a i 1 Stotcg cob t o assured of our ww_ jtliir—*— ■ — ■'— ’ mtei ; world b a te taken the fez over. Ctoni SmaOborg, Brooklyn, partially paralysed: and his h fto e r e is a fofloot shield. S S Iplfp .IflPPPIPpWPt •ü W m m I -IfPPt?: Wlurtever th e storied voice still w as affected as a f . Techniques s i foOoot^^«ro* to o l passengers m ust Ilvw taff and dH fttor a m r . ‘ loyaXF- Wie certainly w ill m ake ft is now a women N.Y. su tan asH i, sparts the result of the D ec. 19 stroke. taction have been developed. on and pay1 for reaervaf- High i M a y T m . our contribution to the common th » r n « a i, G eru w aq ees- centers w ifi asm e to te # winter fashkte with ber Kennedy w as am bassador to 9 . A fter warning o f < nuclear a i toast 24 h o u ri; before Potiseli ; tour,.. Wedaeedayt fk aa mm^fonwalMteJk m# A l iü i j until Bthen M iltit sw su eeps the Ameri- fw ry “m osetvR e" atei beste ¡H ip E n g l a n d during President attack there w ifi Be^at to a it 15 , I t i s possible, he 1conceded. /*■« ramraifi tiken the yo-yo or tota; b a se »ex. - t a s t e New« Franklin R oosevelt’s adm inis- m inutes during which persons ' See lORNfc&nr Pafe I tiw boto noop. F b ste b y M b s F a y oe. ' tration. lea n g et toto dheftsra» 's s m ts m m , m S m & w m m m i m e J fW m im , mm gffij Ä lS im m m W m W í S w im ê m & P s - SswSM ' " fw Wl S I MMra 0 |I 1 E H P P I T M m W m IP 9 P $ # S s i s Ess ÏS»® m i r g n W M J — wy % 1962 81 1 . . M i.. ,„ a „to,ma ■■«■¿„rara H R 9 S 5 9— sæfÎaÂS w ■>- jg M W ■yrargj I DCNT S a y s C h in a - S o v ie t H X D O lT T N M teC M E M tf P': THINK SHE T o a v eirc H g u N S H E ß ggptg H S x DD9> fN se a u n s for five w k / t k , gpf ili AND HSRÊIT'S e e t f t t w w * £ $100 Awards IT! ‘F e u d ’ E x a g g e ra te d D etta D elta D elta sorority w ill mtam two BMI « w a d s By J. M. ROBERTS saif through fa lse approaches available to undergraduate w a­ A m d a M P r m New« A aalytt to Chinese developm ent even rnen. The award money wiU to the extent of unhappy re­ cerne from the Trt-Deits far- D r. T. F . Tsiang, who as­ fusal to help the inn ocent,Chi- sumed Dew duttos recently a t vice toad. [ä M ä nose people. " Chinese Nationalist Ambassa­ dor to W ashing!», says ho be “ A diplomat, ’ said the for­ Applications m ay be obtain­ ed at the women’s division to îu"S3T X MADE N t / fcftgN I mer director-general for ail the Student Service* building HUMAN Uevos Am ericans are; inclined Ti. asid they m ust ba turned to to to exaggerate the importance China of the United Nations Re- a gcH oa P atti Colem an, CM E i C t t f IT of the Pieping-M oscow ideolo­ lief and Rehabilitation Program gical dispute as it affects the im m ediately after the war, January 26. . - A ll undergraduate women face presented to the world by “must promote the self-interest of Ids governm ent, but also are eligib le to com pete, but the Communist bloc. special consideration is given The veteran diplomat, who is m eet the pressures e f momen­ to applications o í juniors and also a former am bassador to tary passions in such a way as le m m a lu z » .»»M l geaiors. **- Moscow and for the last 15 not to interfere with fundamen­ Applications are judged on years to the United Nations, a tal long-term objectives.1’ the b asis e f the student's aca­ post be w ill retain, says the Dr. Tsiang expressed pleas­ dem ic • achievem ents, needs, noises being m ade in Peiping ure that he w ill now work more and potential lar tetara ser­ really represent political pres­ closely with men in Washing­ vice to society. T o w b o a t A id s S tu c k T r u c k sure to attain econom ic ends. ton for whom he expressed Since toe program began, The Reds, he said, are not a*eat respect, such as Dean the sorority b a t «warded 1690 WYATT, Mb. ON—Dutch Vol- when a towboat pilot eased getting the Soviet econom ic aid Rusk and Averell Harriman, awards totaling $396,002. ker received help from an un­ over gently and nudged the they w ere led to expect. The and said he believed Adlai expected seuree when his truck truck with his barges. econom ies of the two countries Stevenson was developing real becam e mired to mud. Nam e of the obliging towboat are not supplementary- China leadership through a display of pilot? _____ cannot offer to pay in goods open-mindedness in the United U , S . K id s f VeUter w as standing along­ “ 1 don’t knew. I just got to side the truck on the edge of which the Russians really need, Nations. the M ississippi River wonder­ mv truck, waved at him , and while herself needing the very Dr. Tsiang wg« educated in M o r e H o n e s t ing how he m ight extricate it, took off,” Volker said. things of which Russia is short i the United States a t1Park A- in nor cam paign for better j cadcm y and Oberlin C ollege More often than to other living con d ltlon sat home. and took his dprtorate at Col­ p u ts of the world, Am erican Peiping, the theory is. there­ umbia University. children react with expressions fore am plifies a political cam ­ He taught history at Nankai paign to the hope of .being University in Tientsin for som e bought off by Russia for the years, later headed that de­ of honesty, responsibility and a sense e f fa ir play Is difficult situations, report tw o M icto- The COLONY CLUB saka of Communist unity, and partment at the National Tsin- gaa State U niversity research- also to the hope of getting aid ghua University in Peiping, and Bruce Bandurtkl aad Jasa B a s t 7 '- 1 from non-Communist sources for a tim e edited the Chinese lir a . Harold H. and G ladys by creating the idea that there Social and P olitical Science Re­ L. Anderson, a husband-wifo is a M oscow-Peiping split which view and the Independent Crit­ team , h iv e a s k e d 19,000 child­ be exploited. But to the ic, a liberal w eekly. Seniors of the Week ren in eigh t countries te com ­ East-W est fight her position rem ains the sam e. Before the war he was direc­ tor of political affairs in Chiang plete stories Invetvtng social con tact situations . P h i S ig m a D e lta The problem of Western dip- Kai-Shek’s cabinet, and after- lom ats, the am bassador said, ward represented China on the is to avoid giving the Commu­ United Nations Economic Com- J e a n a n d B r u c e In t e r e s t e d F or instance, one story pro- serits a situation in which two football on nist enem y any relief from the mission for Asia and the Far beys w ere playing foe a secluded forbidden let. A lavHes all rw hee i to troubles he has created for him-. E ast. He is 66. I n A f r i c a , S o u t h A m e r ic a win dow is cracked- H e three sam plings from to t continental U .S. were a t the ito egea rash m aker All-Woman Underdeveloped _ countr i e s hold the interest of Seniors of the Week Jean Hume, Alexan­ have, even from village to vil­ lage. — A sidenote is that her mother, Bandurski believes that col­ lege o ff« « one a (dace for the determ ination e f one’s abilities, and that everyone should study tap e f the Mat te toe percent­ a ges e f children who said tha boys com m unicated with the owner w ad volunteered to pay WeAwtotoy, to n a ry 10, T • 16 p jk In a Man’s World dria, Va„ and Bruce Bandur- ski, Long Beach, Ind. M iss Hume participated in a teacher, has applied for the P eace Corps. Plans for the future include travel to many countries, in­ them selves a s w ell as their texts. “I view toe college campus for toe window. N ig h t S ta f f Parlar 6, Uatos M M h g NEW YORK The way to Designer Bill B lass, who is Crossroads Africa last summer cluding several underdeveloped as a laboratory for self scrut­ and Bandursld plans to conduct ones, and taking jobs where in y,” he said. t .. For ridi» and Information call 355*2631 succeed in business in a hurry Jrecuperating from a recent A! R oyee, assistant nows ed­ is not to be just a woman in a auto accidentr w asn’t on hand a study of the effoct of in­ she can be of help- He plans to get a m aster’s de­ itor; Keun Youn, wire editor; man’s world, but all-woman in to te’J the conservatively dress- creased econom ic activity on gree after com pleting h is study A m Darting and BUI Yancey, Bandursld, u wildlife man­ YOUR BEST BUY. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS a man’s world. _ j ed fashion writers that he is a the w ildlife to Equador starting to Ecuador. cop yed itors. next fall. — agem ent aad zoology m ajor, This advice which fashion P13? —ver^ent m0°d s - ®ui A political science major. enjoys working outdoors. For writers may now pass on to | n®4*s. too p in t two sum m ers ha has career girls prom ises to put Along with his passion for Mini Hume has been student floaty, flutterly fabrics. Bias* congress secretary a m em ber been Beth a raager aad look­ office m orale at a new high out at Y osem ite National this spring, at least among the likes starkly sim ple evening of the Junior Council, the gowns. His sleek, sheath din­ Frosh-Soph Council, and the Park. boys at the water cooler. ner gowns, with b rief jackets, Campus United N ations. She During the spring style shows low necklines and no backs An Honors College student be has also served as correspond­ has represented Equador to the sponsored' by the New York are equally as fem inine as ing secretary of her sorority, Campus United N ations, been Couture Group, designers Geo­ frills in tH s season of fem inity. Alpha Gamma D elta. a m em ber of IFC. Agriculture rge Carmel, Ben Reig and Bill But frilly, or plain, daytim e B lass of Maurice Rentner show Last spring she w as tapped Council, the Spartan Pistol ed done. M t a p r « . h o» »S|* S for Mortar Board, senior wom­ en ’s honorary. She is also a Club, the Fish and W ildlife Club, and the R ifle Club. who w ill chang? a girl’s mind m em ber of Phi Sigm a Alpha; - Avoiding the white collar girl about wanting to work to a He w as a m em ber of the political s c ie n c e honorary. freshm an-football and tennis look was one of Carm el’s meth­ man’s world. ods. H e sent his trim little la Togo, W est A frica, with team s before he injured his m odels onto the runway in pas­ Operation Crossroads, M iss knee and could no longer prac* tel suits crisp enough to be bristling with efficiency, but W ives W ill T o u r Hume lived am ong toe na­ tiv es and helped them build ticip a te._ Honors have com e to Maud- %■ - ■ - — with jackets molded in a very ladylike way. C rim e Lab, W ed. a school out of the raw terials to the area. She be­ urski in many fieM eT~Bi is Chancellor o f Alpha Zeta, and College lies Are The Strongest, Most Lasting BandsMade During Further fem inine touches are The Engineering Wives will lieves tin t projects inch aa a m em ber of B eta. B eta, Beta added by dazzling bright pinks hold the first business m eet­ this aad toe P om eace Corps and Green H elm et. Both a s « and blues and yellow s, or soft ing of the term W ednesday at neutral collars with blindingly 8 pan. in Spartan Hall. After should he expanded because of toe need n r m ere under­ freshm an and sophomore he w as-nam ed the m ost outstand­ A lifetime. The Primary Object Of Fraternities Is To Promote The brilliant silk packet linings and the m eeting, members w i l l standing between tin people ing Army ROTC cadet. H e also m atching blouses. take a tour of the state police ef different cultures. won the ROTC R ifle Team med­ His pencil-slim skirts, how­ crim e laboratory b e f o r e re­ ever, offer som ething of a chal­ turning to Spartan Hall for re­ She said that she felt this w as al. This year be w as one of 13 Lasting Friendship And Goodwill Among Brothers. Receive AO Thfc lenge to a well-known occu­ freshm ents. by ter the greatest experience students in the United States pational hazard, secretarial she baa gam ed from collogo. spread. But Carmel has made Often an ant w ill carry a a variety of big-shouldered, rose aphid in its mouth from M iss Hume tells of two na­ tives to * m et. One thought that to receive an undergraduate fellowship from the National Benefits Your College Years Has To Offer. Find Out About Frater­ W ildlife Federation. shaggy, swingy coats to keep one plant stem to another, as a ll A m ericans w ere N egroes, For hobbies be tikes photog­ the other that all w hite people the nine-to-fiver breathlessly men move cows from pasture beautiful when she’s late for to pasture. The ants “ milk" w ere trying to kill a ll N egroes. raphy, tennis, football, geif. riding, baseball, fishing, bunt­ nities And What They Can Do For You! _ work. their charges by stroking their She also stressed too lack of A man concerned with to e di­ abdomens. com m unication the p e o p l e ing, swim m ing, and cam ptag. lem m a of the high rising skirt is Ben R eig, who has created sem e suits that are efficiency axpeHs* delights. Jackets are lon g, softly belt­ ed, m odestly fem inine. Skirts A L L N EW bounce w ith pleats and flares and side panels that em phasize the shapely m iss on her way to the pencil sharpener, and elim ­ T H IS T E R M R U S H T O N I G H T inate tha need to tug m iserably to riding hem lines w hile taking dictation. At Sure to disrupt toe working force, though, are som e other R e i g sp ecialties, revealing handloomed knit d resses. „ While a career girl with taste knows she shouldn’t be a se­ T H E P I T A L L H O U S ES O N O R W ES T ductive vam p on office tim e, she can m ain up for it on her own with an alluring after- hours wardrobe. Submarine Sandwich • # : lettuce, mayonnaise, ABBO TT D IS C O U N T S tomatoes, pickles, f •alami* ham, onion, ON ALL U s m onarelln, cheese, on Vienna hw l. a s s a il« , ta p e i Pizza & Delivery Service 10 P.M MSC SHOP 203 MAC. ' Phone ED 2-6883 « m Im m S Ê È m m m s m m HIKBH bHI m m « u « r |i * e OPEN EVERY DAY 5 4 0 P J L r> D ErrL n IVmE m R Yr Sn Er m nK R V r if2 M PGn iif| *• m SAmT m. 8 :3 0 SUNDAY 5 :0 0 W t * 1 :3 0 AiM. « Ä & te ff iä & s Iss« 1 1 YOUR BEST BUY, psedsasieM l f r a t e r n i t y for ¡ B hI m m * tBtoPM — t i p t o t M m m o b iI bnstoese« S22J2 ^ J ta p sr. w i» j# « h f» if tw« t S S r * ta r n to com plete a book ob as. ins» tb« Soviet poüticai system , is wosjma , w eü known t o hl* books, “Leo- .j y i* * i i t e , " and i^ Ü a n im : the w-ramene* Unity ofT heory and P ractice.” • /' II1 "II"" B e waa director e f Columbia „X JL . UW varsity’a research program HT to P ie history of the Soviet r -» — com m unist party before com- m ta g to M S U w 1957. . ” J T ““ “ After the talk, the fraternity m m IT w ill bold a s open rush coffee heur fo r Ü undergraduate aad §H P " graduate men interested in in- 1 I ternatiooal affairs or planning BT j caresra to governm ent service | w —m and business ehroad, aad to r fm m inted professional fields. I f “ f f The city o f Canton, Ohio, long a producer of fine prep HP P — grid talent, contributes toll- 'IT Ä _ back George Saim es, quarter- pT back D ick Proebetie, halfback — — Wayne FOotes and center Jim f 9 - j B ridget to Michigan State’s M m te m + m d 1961 football varsity team . I . --- re d u c in g . . . ■ o u r s ta ff o f e x p e r t h a ir s t y l i s t s . . . Peggy Lundberg, O w ner-M anager Graduated from D on Bonne Beauty C ollege, Columbia« C £ v 4___ Attended Advanced H airstyiing, U niversity o f South Carolina (Robert-Fianee, director) Diplom a from Clairol Institute of H air Coloring, N . Y . City BLOTTERS & BOOK COVERS Diploma from L’Oreal Institute of H air Coloring, N . Y . City w / p p p t Ann? A R D iv iiw r Graduate of Vu gioa F arrell Advanced Hairstyiing# W Je ja Cj L A i J u A lu tlV J Iilx Detroit Diplom a from Contoore of Paria Cosm etics, N .Y . City Diplom a from Revlon Coometka, N . Y . City , ~ p a st Member of Board o f N ational Hairdressers Association ~ L illia n B rillh a rt - _ RacheUe Beauty College, Tjn«tng D onna P e ttit Farthing Beauty College, T.»n«h»g THEY’RE HERE Comar and Doran Advanced H air Design^HoUywood, California - Eugennie B auerle School Advanced Hair Fashion, CM cage NOW-COME GET M ary E . L um brezèr R iggs School o f Beauty Culture, H illsdale, M ichigan Clairol Institute e f Hatoctdoring, N ew York City W m m Connie Maiers F aJBw» R a f l L HHhw E «JHLeanHI EJMLmmm Farthtog Bendy College, L aastog / 'ony S h a ffe r . - ■.'tsf§ | Farthing Beauty C ollege, LaBstog Eugenie Baoorla School Advanced ■§, t t , | a «a t ^ i __ W È h y rm m v e rs i M l* w ill be held at T-:8W M eaday, Feb. » --E n tr ie s are \ tu r n beta#r#ccepted lor the mU.«W*..... At. - A ^ MSU Intram ural Handball Of niS pMBj (sin gles) Championships a i l m ent w ffi « thrue 6 i> ' Fraternity Swim m ing. 2 ■£ j aers of com peuuoo. m meting for individual The tournam ent w ill b e held ionships and M anager's of Bas- Friday, Feb. Id -A ll Dormi­ from January Shad to March fc e ttX fA lf L e S S S i l .Volley­ tory HaadbaS ro tte n (Three- 9th. E ntries w ill b * a cce p ted ball (Fraternity), and Hecfcey man team ) are due in the In­ e*-— At-A_ iniiiiMO — *0* 9RHH f j l j f P D eglQ om g (Open Lettene), a t 7 : » p.m . to tramural O ffice by 5:00 p.m . A Monday, January 15th to the roote'B M Of p i Intramural three maw team w ill represent Mens* Intramural O ffice. Re­ Building Dormitory bowling re­ each Hall. sults w ill be posted as m atches sta te s tonight. . Saturday, F eb. 17—MSU In- ere played end positions kept ' W ednesday, Jaa. to—A meet- tram ural W eightlifting Champ­ eh the, bulletin board a cr i to to t fe r «U B asketball snd Hoc­ ionship* w ill be held in the th e intram ural O ffice. k ey O fficia ls w U be held to- W eightlifting Room today at The Ladder System is com - nigto at 7:30 p.m . to room 208 9:00 p j» i ’ ^ $ ¡ ¡ £ - * $ .4 p oeedof three L ed d sn ; Novice, IM Building. Monday, Feb. lb—E ntries are Interm edtete,' end Champion­ , Friday, Jan. 1 2 -A ll Basket- n o w b e to g accepted b f the ship. The novice ladder to com ­ IpR, Bowling, and Volleyball MSU Intram ural Badminton posed of participants w ho have te tte r s due in the IM office by (Singles) and the Fencing Tour­ not previously entered Od com­ 5:00 p.nt. ;$?; nament. A scratch m eeting lor petition and are h t the novice § f | Monday, Jan. 15-D orm itory all Fratetrmty Swimming Man­ Basketball begins tonight at agers WUl be held in room 2 » 35 8-1(122 78 5:05 p jn . E ntries « te now be­ IM Building a t 7:30 p jn . A ing accepted for the MSU Intra­ representative from each F ra­ mural Ladder Paddleball Sin­ ternity m ust be present at this P n f f i OAKS of gles Tournam cst to the IM Of- m eeting. IC sadayvF eh .13—Fraternity * Tuesday, Jen. 15—Indepen­ Swimming Championship pre­ dent Basketball and Fraternity lim inaries begin at 7:30 p.m. The MSU Intram ural Basket­ BOWLING SCHEDULE A lleys 5:M p.m. THETA DELTA CHI Volleyball begins tonight. 14 Arm. 1-2 _ Friday, Jan. S3 — The dead- ball Freethrow Contest begins 3-4 Br. 2-6 'C O R D IA L L Y IN V IT E A L L RXJSHRES fine for Fraterntty and Inde­ today. Contest w ill run through 5-8 B u. 5 4 pendent Team Handball rosters March 1 Contest w ill be held 7-5 E .S. 1-2 ' TO A N I ffitree-m aa team ), Paddleball Monday thru Friday, 11:00 9-10 E .S. 3-4 m Singles Tournament, and all a.m . -1 :0 0 p.m . and 3:00 p.ra.- SPARTAN GOALIE—John Chandik, r c ip in sttls f«r head- 5:00 p.m ., to Gym II. „ A lleys 5 . » p jn . é 'Open league Hockey rooters is tag up the rugged S p u ten defense w fte iç le c o r d t e g te 5:00 p jn . NOTE: B ecam e of Tuesday, F eb. » -D o r m ito r y fite lim ited Set-tim e, this year, Team Handball Championships only twenty team s w ill b e able begin tonight, f coach Amo Beasene, is greafiy rsiponslkte tor toe great improvem ent to the hockey team 's record. 1 4 W.S. 6-8 3 4 W.S. 9-10 5 4 WJS. 1 4 OPEN SMOKER 7 4 W.S. 3 4 to play. Therefore, the IM Of­ W ednesday, Feb. 31-D ead ­ fice w ill be ab le to accept only lin e for entering MSU Intra­ 9-10 E .S . 5 4 Wednesday, January 19,7-10 pjn. Hockey Te a Cbedc to e schedule of events toe first twenty rosters n ib m ural Badminton (Singles) for the w inter term en this m itted. tournament is 5:00 p jn . I Monday, Jan. 22-M SU Intra Monday, Feb. » -M S U In­ mural Paddleball Ladder Tour­ tram ural W restling Tourna­ T h e Independent Hockey - . 501 MAC League w ill bàrin M onday, Jan- nament begins tonight. E ntries ment Prelim inaries are held at Are now being accepted for toe 7 : » p.m. D eadU nefar entering FOR FU R T H E R INFO RM ATIO N OR R ID E head- MSU Intram ural Individuals the MSU Intram ural Fencing TetiMs Swimming M eet Open Hockey Championships is 5:00 p.m . By ED KOTLAR fense that is greatly improved m ay practice to ts w eek for half C A LL E D 2-2553 & r j M f it e and Independent Team — E ntries are now being ac­ State News Sport Wrfter this season and gets better s a hour Tnseday betw een 8:15 Handbatt begins toMght. cepted for the MSU Intramural with each borne. p jn . so d 10:45 p.m . and Wedr I Friday, Jaa. 38~Tbday is the G ym nastics Championships. After 11 gam es th e Spartan Leading the defense are sen-, nesday at 10 p.m . v ' — M onday, Jan. » -E n tr ie s ere Tuesday, Feb. 77—MSU In­ hockey team possesses an over­ There is no charge for sc h e * now being accepted for toe tram ural Badminton (Stogies) a ll 9-2 record, 3-1 in W estern tors Carl L ackey and A m Jac­ u!«d practice or gam es. Team s Dormitory Swimming M eet Tournament begins at7:30 p.m . C ollegiate Hockey L eague com ­ obson. B essone spoke highly of can h e m ade up from any stu ­ A scratch m eeting w ill be held W restling Finals w ill be com­ petition. tor e ll contestants « tiered to pleted a t 7 : » p.m . these first y ear m en a t th e L ast year at toe end of 11 start of th e season sa d they dente. There m v no heustog require- We’reTiow Open At ^ to e MSU Intramural Swimming Wednesday, Feb. M — E pee gam es the Spartans w ere 5 5 have lived up to h is esp eeb m ents for th e Hockey League. M eet a t 5:30 to room 2 » IM Fencing Tournament begins tor over-all end 1-5 to WCHL act- atom s. . ',Z ~ ijjp; Standard IM eligib ility rules Building. A ll entries m ust be- night at 7:30 p.m. W restltog ten. coafirm ed s t tote tone, Finals w ill be com pleted at Why the big Improvement? a s g f& in g g s m a re e ffective - for . R e e k e y . League. R eservations m ay he ^ 11^0 to serve yon^.-' deadline for entering tne MSU 7:3» p .m .: • Coach Amo B essone has a They tack le C o leied o ca Q eg e m ade and further information Intram ural Swimming m eet at Thursday, March 7 — Sabre couple of answ ers to th is quest­ h ere Thursday and Friday and obtained from the DX Office. 5:19 p.m . Fencing-Tournam ent begins to­ ion, one of which I s balanced then p ity six gam es against W ednesday, J o . f i — MSU night at 7:30 p.m . scoring. g g lg th e t i n e top tea m s to top Our Famous Pizza, Spaghetti fitiram ural Swim m ing finals Friday, March 3—The dead­ B essone has three forward leagu e, M innesota, M ichigan tiro hold tonight. ~ lin e far entering MSU Intra­ lin es, th e N o. 1 or '‘French end Jfld d gaa Tech, F i n o f to e - Tuesday, Fob. i —A scratch mural G ym nastics Champion­ Line” of Claude Fournel, Retd six gam es are on m eeting w ill h é held for ell ships i s 5:00 p jn . Turcotte and Bob D oyle. The and Submarine Sandwiches Dorm itory Swimming m ana­ Tuesday, March 5 —'The MSU Sto. 2 Line of juniors Tom Lack­ gers to room 2 » a t 5:30 p jn . A Intram ural G ym nastics Champ­ ey , Watt Johnstone and Art representative i § n m e a c h ionships w ill be held in Jenison Thom as. Spartan Officials O U R N E W HOURS Dorm itory m ust be present at Gymnasium tonight at 7:30 fids m eeting. Dormitory Swim­ p.m . m ing Championship fin als b e­ The third line is com posed o f M arty Quirk. P at Baldwin and Fill Olympic Posts Sunday • S atu rd ay 11:00 to 1*0 Friday, M a relT f-T h e MSU Gus Hendrickson or Tony E ll­ gin a t 7:30 p.m . Intramural Ladder Paddleball iot. . F iv e kfichtoan State athletic figures, headed tor A thletic Sunday - T hursday 4 :0 5 to 12:30 W ednesday, Feb. 7-M S U In­ Tournament ends tonight at Bessone feels that be can D irector to g g le Munn, have tram ural Table Tennis Tour- 5:00 p.m . put any one of the Jtoes on toe been nam ed to im portapt posts F rid ay * S atu rd ay 4 :0 0 to 1:30 ce with confidence that the ab­ to U ncle Sam ’s Olympic pic­ ack w ill not bo w eakened. A ture. V'I good exam ple o f this is toe tra i G a b le s ' M innesota series la st weekend. Munn h im self baa three cap- « ttk w . H e is a m em ber e t lb e State scored 10 goals to toe heard o f directors o f th e U B . two gam es, t h r e e by toe O lym pic com m utes, m em ber “French Line” and tw o b y the of-toe NCAA com m ittee for tea I Ü 0 R N O third Itoe. The other tw o w ere O b w jd ea te d a m em ber o f the acoreq oy aeionsem en. otocsr Firriftia • ait m a .'€ NCAA Olympic boxing com ­ Hie Name that Miade Pizza Famous In Lansing Another reason B essone sites m ittee. ;■ NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A. If. for th e batter recerd th is year ■ The other four, •a ll Spartan a im proved defense h e 4_d t d head eoacboL are m em bers of Serving Shacks > Sandwiches - Luncheons - Dinners by goalie John Chandik. to o NCAA, Olym pic com m ittee Also Catering to Chandfk took o v er S tate’s net to their respective sports. They m inding chore for th e fin al taw: John f t e s , baseball; Private Parties -Banquets - Meetings 14 gam es la st season, m a te ' Visit O ur Rathskeller 406 saves and w as runner-up to S i « J S » £ s s i G eorgs Kirkwood o f D enver hi and Fendley CoUiaSgwresUing. Open 6 p.m. Daily Ü the balloting for too leagu e's v * - »Phone ED 7-1S11 top goalie. —B essone rates Chandik’s work tid s y ea r a s BALA 0PESW 6 - T M K H T - 7 P JL Complete Take-Out Service ' “outstanding” . C IV IC , C E N T E R ! ■■ In front o f Chandik 1s t de­ Vmiim. Mint, «= Jan . 9 te n W ed., Ttonrs., 14 : S H E PAPERBOUHD^ M attoees: Sat. |'« ||'* f ir ii: F J L Ml PMEKRT MER8NAIIIH8E IT FARTASTfO SAVMS! WINTER - Sau. 3 * 9 * 5 t » P J L t E M r / ■B A m o I Sweaters £ WASH N WEAR E l o ^ t l w' J id u ts lv a lu e , to 12.951 • UlRHNNiS *y Z i Values to 34*50| SM S M f ilU l V a h m to *2.50 ¿ M m . feâÿpp.--- m cW m •v ' & V t , r .-'i WmM 111 Departm ent's togtolative pro- be a (toeads i f cord is to-support foe prtocipto field s. We aro m tetog tote a new j plied srisncos , ho conttawod, B r tw » Ik sl KÉI jfttf1 IÌa o f agreem ents to tower trade barriers, but be said individual members probably w ill fc| CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DEADUNES: I pja. Udy Before PebBcntion fur T m s, W«d„ Thurs., ahty higher i m i « f to e froto- m as to m i to c e s e r a i.. "af tb s fto to af . totete * • . to • moved by regional ta d »cat e :y ; nfie factors. I He said R apubU csnsJn foe Mawtatoid and Sen. Hubert pata have opposed the financ­ and n i MRtota. DondHns ftwr Mon. Edition 1 1 94 a. Fri, = “Better studente,” Rvder H. Humphrey, D-Minn,, both ing of health benefits for foe PRQNR: 35542SS or J5M25T Mk said, “moan Bud tou ìses move sa i to w em phasis w as entirety » te d under social security faalar, aad m art aw l biabar an totaraattona! questfotlf n ip “and so far a i I knew p * w in lev el m aterial is covered,” B t a iit a te ta tevertal i parta af continue to oppose it. We R yder a d d improved high Ota P to a td tet'i domi i ttc pro- agree with the voluntary ap­ AUTOMOTIVE FO R R E N T FO R RENT atoad program s lum e helped gram w are em itted- proach." - ---------- ^ . I to upgrade tagtaeartag stu­ Q M n ii1! v e n k tt OOlnCÌdfKÌ. <7*1 C H EVRO LET., 2 door tmpm# D m GOP toattor aald there dents. Program làfo IV tlM I benMe«». T v rb o e N « power b-«tcs end 4 JVÀfclÀjklflft-. S» pie Steodmee w as m tow n ita m i of B it Ken­ w iA P . - ic r o i Ryder em phasised im prove­ stcenwp. Must es*. 356-1370. 7 reams, approved faa 1752 POSO. 2 «few Victoria VI. ) man. Evanisf*, House {for boys) nifhl downtown. Pri. yfte eoteance, privacy, telmmion and m ents to the engineering staff, la Mgs, bo « u 3 7 o h ly jft per nedy tax program , the health caro for the aged pian, or other MICHIGAN automatic t-enimq»i«e. foeeîient coo- kitchen facilities available. Phone IV 4» purely dnm eatlc issues. GRADUATE STUDENT or. workmj 740* «r IV 3-170* end esk for Mr cent *f to e sta ff I d PhD**. -• Ite w . . » IWWH R l l i . 1 ebtte«, oew pa-r-t. tiO ©rove.,~Eö~ 3- jirl share «tractive I «1») apartment The adm inistration’s budget, ***0 - . ’ 1 eie« to campet- 10 24541 evcninft, Steadman is the evening or wad, That figure b as cfontad to to S tam i a t I t i » 3:35, lt4 L emft. 4 wbieh to «cpectftA te sta a new •.-¿¡gd ’■'"v y i■ percent tote yoar.T"~ 7:15, F A ~ SOSO. 57. 7 dsor hardtop, Power .* 'aff-t, to " f o r peacetim e, w as «vcfythwrg. mecücet condition. Not a “ Ut 1M041, toare « e r a «to ataly to connection chaapy. Phon« ED 7-07SI. APPROVED, tmjle end double. 3 4 minutes frpm Union, Privet« hpme. W PERSO NAL ^ a com panies sorbing our 340 m ilitary spending prob­ 425 Perk Lent. Phene I D l - l 117.1 * graduates. “Of to a se gradúalas, lem s, Dirks«* said. (750 PONTIAC. 2 door hardtop. SKI RUFFS IEWARE! Don’t «rise Warren' MHtar's "Swrnjin* Skiis,” 70 SS por ceto wore em ployed b y From aB aooooats, Kamwdy Good -toes, mccharícaify perfect. SOUTH, lit fleor furnished >p*it toe Isp HO industries e l B fo N«aV W e« ài. IV 7-7*1* after 5 meet ftp merrifd couple with mfeiw mmutes of colorful string the world m eetly sa t back and tot Ms over. Sexton High School auditorium, U .S. «a Mated by Fortune Mag- top aides lay out the prohinns. p-m. 3 enees, E0 2-*S04. . Lansing. Thursday, .to*. .11. t p.m. a s ite .” Among those conducting the FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 room Adults, $1. Sponsored by Lenting Ski b r isfto fi wore Secretary of USED CAt SPECIALS end teeth, Priuete perkmg for 2 eers, Club. I Ryder Waa saM that s to artes ter M R ) engineering State Dean Itusfc, Secretary of N. Hemp, ene Meck nom Hondee D efense Robert S. M cNamara, S7SO O A N D U P Cp» IV O-SMft. « l i f e ! » ft THE CHRISTMAS car can go quite gradantes average a t htgk a s ¡ far when insured with lu bob. ED 2, J o ta A. MeCone, Director of (AST SIDE. I rooms, teeth, fumtehod. •*71. ■ ~ -4 tb e Control Intelligence Agen­ TOM GAllAGER AUTO SALES $75 menthiy. Students or couple TU ?• cy, and G«n. Lyman L Lemnit- 22SR. ^ 3 chairm an at B it Joint S K S iB J'HMfeii' ImJL, ÉtfÉSiiM |7t7 E A ST M IC H IG A N AVE. FOUR ROOM fully furnished, for Chiefs of a t o ff. family with I child. ID 2-2574. S tho te iffh w b » Jwpwy, tbe riaaibii b stet hi tbo a f the Sanai» 1seders TWO. AH new interior, 2 blocks front.. later joined Rusk ta lunch fir L A N S IN G campus. Available' immediately. Call n further review of the State IV 24177* ED 74177 or ED 74030. 3 starting FRIDAY ITS! SIMCA. 4 dea- sedo*. 30 MP4. from UNFURNISHED, jereye, I Med cempus. Penan*«! w «taff. SD 2- W IN G E D P e a c e C o rp s G ra d MSU Aida Journal Radris, heetor. whitoweRs. Good «50- 3712 evenings. ' 10 The f in e borine»! journal to be pubhahett to South Am erica T e a c h e s F ilip in o s dtooe. $400. to 1-3*7*. 3 SP A R T A N S OKgMd 7 to getting support from Michi­ house. Unfurnished. Hat water heat, 1955 OLDS. Good tmnspoftetiee. Nee* «toóte, to t^QO. gan State university faculty CeP ED 2-3*77 after 5 pin. and week* ends. —- .. 5 21 Iti-E. Grand River, approved, su­ 3 O pen M eeting Dr. iron Talk Pene« Oorps eehigteer Judy •tee is also expected to partici­ m em bers. It’s being published by the Sao P aale Schota e f EMPLOYMENT pervised. deutete«, tft fita week, 3 W ed. Jaa. 10 Elected to Fkml Crtdtor, Stato graduate, of Grand S a p id i wfil spend firn pate in the toeal com munity ac- tlvitlea ta scouting, GH work, B usiness Admtototrattoa ta B ré­ sil. which M ichigan State UM- (US SOYS. Start imtnedietefy. ED 7 ROOM S APPRO ÎVEO . M E N . double. Cooking. 7:30 P.M. Hall Fame noxft to « years on thè tolnnd «f CMHHtntoft bl Bto Pteilippines adult adocattoa and com m uaity developm ent. versity’s Graduato Statata of Business Administration helped toll, ask for WesV. * parking, good etu dyin g conditions, W aftin g tostane». 73$ lurehem . $10. R o o m '35. Union Tbs editors of Florists Ex­ M iss Crtdier bns just ftoished In order to take part in the eatobUrii. An MSÜ m arketing K > 2-2788. E D 7-0881. change m agazine have elected to ff mwdh« of training and scouting program. Which is of­ professor to a consultant for the IJOl k Mwft teen Iwkey. to 2-534*. Or. Leon J . T oile J r., research ww assigned to tbe city of Da­ ten a part o f tbe school activi­ pabtteafiea. S A P P R O V E D R O O M S for 3 students. Q uiet, worm, garage, parking. 337- W E D N E S D A Y , January 10, 1 pjn. sp ecialist in floncultural mar­ to, wbieh h a i « population of ties, M iss CrhRer has HELP WANTED. Mate e«d fomafo mi. S C oeducational Fencing C lu b organiza­ keting bar« Gad • form er as* a b o to S M i. pated ia the Cub Scout regi It«red phvsrcei thcraprU. Good NOW 2N D BIG W E E K ! working operations. Good salary. Cam tact Jod Hifsón et R.M.C, 1215^4. - A P P R O V E D . 2 double room«. Perking, tion«! meeting. Room 203, M e n 's to* sistsn t protosaor « f floricult- tramur«! Ruilding. " . 4 ura at T exas A A M College, Tbe secondtw o raoaths of ber training v er o spent in th e Phil- ship training prtor*»»!- FEATURE 1:1ft-4:1ft CLADMER private teeth, quiet for studying. EÖ 2- to tbo 1 9 S1 H all Of Fam e for ippines, where $he w as in class , fifo e fo lS M t -gen Ave. IV 4-7701. * T H E S IL L H A R T Ozchaeti*. for SUS iSOYS needed immediately el 36Q2 or W 4-8442 (offese). A P P R O V E D , unsup e rvised double«. S dance m uiic with “H qik.'* C e R to S- Floriculture. »101. . ' % jjg r ' 7 The c i t a t i o n recognises mx days • week. « o r coursns Includod htiensive Tagalog. « e It Was Bad Day S ema. PM I pmo«. Call to 14*47, e>k for the atewerd 3 C eoking faciliti«!, parkin*, f Week fo»m eem pus, Mefo. I D 2-01)1. I achievem ents in itoftnnering m arketing and busuw ss re- PhiUptan» M ttG g language, Philippine culture and society Her Ad Showed BROADWAY'S RELlASLg teobyvtter for 3 year dkft 8-5. Owe kaampertetioe. Near eempus- Cori ED 74te*- E 200 A L L E N , tteepteg ream, «bam kJfohfa end bath M e l« «twdent. Privato entrance, IV 4-587ti 7 snsreb for the florist industry. ToDf’s research pnbbcittions i f (fro ecclesiastical nnd lit­ and th è PMBpptae school Sys­ tem and methods of teaching. M iss Crtdier II « te of m JAMESTOWN, UD—The fol­ lowing appeared among tbo classified advertisem ents in JOYOUS UUStCAL FLOWER urgical use of flow ers, includ­ P LO W 8 T 0 *Y t ASCO. Registered technology feu • m m vCte mINmR VY nth unt etet e e ni i ss- hospttol leteemtcy. Regrimmg salary A P P R O V E D , Room ftp mete with ing a paper entitled “ Project­ under “Wanted to Buy—What «pokin g feeilitiesr Parking. 44$ A bb ott rtg n ei m a » F b M n lte s tMs $410 per mpath and up depending ions for Ftortcidtiire” )n which H ave You?” section: uoen r r p r e u t C a lí IV 7-1451, G t. Rd. E D 3 4 J 7 S . 3 year m pnrt ftf • prejoct f r he forecasts future trends and “ For Sato-cheap! Four boys, 256. 3 _ 2 S IN G L E , gtbective, w«H,furirished strategies la the floral industry, A te i to te !« *» i t tnwb* agos 7, 4, 3 and 1. One hus­ S O N G la g of «ftiatee nnd Fmpfofo in room for. em ploy ed women or graduate w ere specifically m enttftted in tbe reta i potette sebooii. band. age 31. All in repairable FO R S ALE students. I M ock from Knapps. G ar* his citation. H er form ai Jdb w ill be that condition. Make offer to Post- eg«, t o 2 -2 S H , after *, call ED 2- M A H O G A N Y -D ancen Phyfe dining 17*0. ~ S of a toacbor’s «sststs a t, but Journal. P .S.—This has been a totete, t ÚO». w ets 8» Esc «rient condr- ‘bad day.’ ” atCOLOR- V E R Y JL A SG S tend sitting room. - L A ST 3 D AY S The newspaper said the ad BANCTKMCUhve-suzEnqmt c, t or». $30. ( C 2-0*62 4 S K I SO O T S , See 7 7'*. New l«m Pbea«. batte, $ 7 » ED 2-JM O, 301 H ighla n d A v tn ua. S IN G PHONE F0 77BI4 A P P R c n e o . » im fw rx t. « om ics departm e n t pourse, to calling It the N erih F-endee Shopp ing .Centex NKHfTS A SUNDAY - ADULTS Me SAT. W AT. «to double«. I black mm ccm* Coeds a r t asked to wear Georgia M inisterial Golf Tour­ IV $41747 HoN, t i l . tanh, to *•**?♦• H it MILSOSi- t te»¿tow mmk ADULT ENTERTAINMENT betas Rod d resses. nament. STARTS f P J L «áte FEATURE AT T iM -ft J I LADY TEACHER 'ö r greduete. Pri­ 115,300. Low dews |Mymwt ID t T lA J m i- ____________ .. . ■ 1 TNRÌLLI9V6! vate perking a m * 2 bus linei. 4ftS»7227. r754 V A N D Y K t house tmiier. 10*46 4 n ■Wito I s with to e m w p e M «ri« d o we. EactO eM SERVICE Michigan State University eondStion. C efl OX 7-3400 aeyton*. 3 g *aduat{ stuoWT S i* * mm in privat« kom«. t Meck from campus EXPUtT TUTORING Frmtdt PhD. 2nd Hit! HBartons Cftnedy 2 KOROOM mdWe heme. 9M . «0 . 3 3 7 4 m . . -, '£ § . 1 language « « * . AtM, ED 7-773t. 3 to p cem hlM M | *e m w ry ç M é w ) . 1 2 :« « 5:2ft y M ito FOREIGN FILM SERIES W il t» *mS Sefog ' mom carpet, n - APPROVED I t ANN SHOWN, typist «ad muKKtk- cericut lot toeetlte (< M i trots. mSo ta b 2 Meek 1 i«j. t w u i l typte f . kmm e s p íes, the. - O e e * » K f Ite » k e * e M p m ) M eO est pñcc. E D 2 - IMf. 171 Gvmm, *K_ dlWkS>i»IU. dxphcetrrr*. ID 2. p r e se n ts MIS 3 to * - 'W ^ W j Æ f : » tBmjtetab gnjBtajiayujyj ^BRHR^tefBitenR^MDIBR REpfoSHpjMHHPlI WWlteP ^^WDj^teF■tetei taEBWto^^^^ iv o tcg " " neff*UCTION. *' QeJÜÎê huche. M iilift t e n s - jhwêe I M e ets hem eempes. Tbe*« ED 3-5*77 OQUIll IQOM. tejPw wee. Kit- ..... I Lr«H^e4 C “ to*$* HR IBPSf gp to to- AteteW Mf. M W PIANIST. H.»tlUAlO (Germ an) THESES TYPfNG, T W A B ta lr ttc , P ro v o ca tiv e Ibrama W AHTHX I #r Î ta * r w Éffl t mairm u ’ m itmW m s".i“¿te n,»« BE B to ta i On A ctu a l In d d cn U In fid e E ta t Garawanr w p t r i t a c f t ffor f o te i if* the i m m gi^^ltt^i« Ri a« p^hs^tts «èsm atCD nuuî Tbnrs., F r i. J ta . li* « iW A B M f « «• I P M M f DOOM, RENT siegte «r tornèi*. stu d en ts. ,m > immte for ye«« w w ARE” , ; w s n iu iM SH ns tVrrHtoTmniii t o 74* 30. MMMÍ-. . A A U to M ) m nduMMhitawk« ■' I THEATRE R M l WBWW¡F H lM 9 |l l H te R teifo teÉ I $3J0 « meed. CH *07- av fo^^^roaaSM am m É^M b :i*|^u||toSkiteÉtata' ja a S H I A P B lW C P W r o P f l f a n C IW M ‘A S K A N Y CrHtL” TRI ‘RBRKBBBB jFteHDAn .Ill I IB M mi......... W i l l H M B * ■ J m p H i I I » H H if oreTi'l»?« -1u)»h11‘.pi mmM - • I s s a W m M M Ë Ê È M M «n Ê M Ê M i » y 9 H | H H É M m wbwbbhhi ■«SÎfâS H -J *’■Trii •■i Tiw ". 'T^5£i K JS 45 m iles « h hour and to te toHtpwahuws near «arò didn't . I M * man world » ..ili ^Pg» ^.g, <1u w. USB appear T s o n y ■ n i W 3^ n o M b to g a n rich w inter wheat u f j i «■tear as the huge herd of.LgQO «rod toe ------M.Z «fop D on Hlght’s cattle from rec&uea\ Wê É Ê Ê îÊ w É Ê È Ê Ê È irf fife C Ê H & * ««U Hi not w w ftka i n quesuon ot otttL publish- o ;! n the Marshall th è Auditorium e t 9 o ’d e c k te anim als trundled a e r o « the gratatif Hji ¡ÉÉÉ1 not twon by iiw n fW u ft BrYBUWMf' rtTOlrtrnt Tfrimurty m l M m stii. c a m p u s c l a s s i f i e d s M v f o « d p 1 ¡•'a% j*9n|gSB )i n rancher te W est At that ttA i a. drive te 5,000 But ha said Ü eras touched on ¿¿NT-- '-L in his conference earlier in the m ? de MUHe bas sakl to te S.D., « a d feds hands are I uvl low c o ri college studenti of today w fil driving the anim als OS m iles to -■■■ i ...... deform ine tbe ftfonw o f " here and w ere-etey 13 theater. She wifl discuss Ib is « fla t from their destination at •q d e th e r coooectiona betw eea w as knee-deep in tbe «tudent and theater in ber |n p laces a s the c a m m r te beefqaB fottied foe fifth day. Beta knewn for ber cbqreo- f t * drive bogged occasion­ graphy, M iss de M ille a lly a s packs of cattle strayed arrannged fon nuiubers for so d i sbows a s “ Okla­ from ttie h o d to graze. hom a”, “ C srousei,” "W e ju st have to keep a tteri d o n a , ” “Gentlem en them ,” said E arl Siebers, one Blondes’’ and o se of thè te the drivers at tbe rear te th ef Broadway m usical* “ Kwaij- hard. Im a.” H ight's problem is he w ill t E arly in b er career. M iss d e gutter w eight loss by pushing M ille studted baUet la Engiand. fo e anim als too to st. But If the retar ned to fida country, and hard m oves too slow ly, the cat- choreographed m ajor works for tie w ill eat too much expensive boto thè B allet R osse d e Monte w inter wheat. p a rlo and BaBet Theatre A 40-year old ex-paratrooper i M eri : recently, th è busy with two children, Hight has dancer h # found tim i to con* disdained trucks and i f driving trttm te artid e* i n Vogue, At­ his rugged berefords to winner, la n tic MontMy, Good House- AGNES DEMILLE chats wfeh D r. WHaee about 28 m iles n o rth -te tbe keeptag, and tb e N ew York Nebraska line. a lle r t n M t f e a cam pa» M sm hy after» Ito w as still on schedule and 'T im es. She also wrote two se- grapher n i l apeak Tuesday evening at lections for ber sutobiogrsphy claim ed he has not lost one entitled "D ance to th è P ip e r ,|( head o f bete. Ito started tbe and “ And Prom enade Home drive Thursday m orning and is B a c a n e o f bar interest la slated to bring tbe 9300,000 worth of b ete to tbe auction college g to d a ta and their in- tereaM a theater. M iss de MBle S u p re m e C o u r t R u le s block this m orning. ■ wiB tpeak a s a gu est in thè D espite the disagreeable MM MdttMLTVMMMaid 'àJàwtdM C IO rfv K a m «CfiVI. t w eather, the herd is still a Ticket» for thè tetta re mny huge attraction. W inner resid­ be obtained at thè Union Ticket A g a in s t S e x M a g a z in e s ents by foe dozen have motor­ ed out to side roads to gaze at the two-m ite long str tag o f cat­ WASHINGTON (A -T b e Su­ m agazines a product te the ham , A la., who refused to sit in tle as it m oves by. prem e Court refused to hear "dirty book industry” and de­ the back te a bus as ordered b y “They ju st keep com ing,” appeals from tax Baltim ore clared: , > the driver under a city la w . chirped one wom an a s fo e newsstand operators fined for “On the face of foe record Tbe ju stices did not explain selling m agazines featuring these exhibits could qualify as their reasons but they appar­ to d a y o n p a m p a s pictures o f nude ana sem i-node trade m agazines for the w ait­ ently w ere not ruling on the T o o - R a t e d R o b e r t fem ales. * . ' A ,- / ing room o f disorderly bouses.” m erits te th e appeals. -They m w M aw sm am m sm - Shying th e M aryland court seem ed to be accepting the C G V E K T R Y r Uomb m - The" tribunal, which hi past D ette P i—8:30 p jn ., years has upheld other state of appeals had found itself city 's contentions (1) that the H ere’s one the judge m ay not S p ecial S ellin g ! N ykm trico t b riefs in sev era l sty le s ! SI Union. law s lim iting the sale of sexy loosely referring to lew d ex­ appeals w ere filed too la te un­ have heard y et from som eone m agazines, gave no reason for hibits as “ purety m agazines,” der state and federal Court accused of speeding. White; soft pink, blue, beige or black with pretty pastel of floral AWS A ctivities Beard—7 p,m ., Fiaan said: rules and (2) that federal con­ Robert O u ter w as accused te m eeting, 328 Student Ser­ its action in this case. Thus it offered no new guidelines as "T he hawkers te filth, in or*, stitutional questions w ere not going 56 m iles an hour in a 30 embroidery, lace, or satin applique trim! Wonderful value at this v ices. der to give th eir trade an air raised soon enough in the m .p.h. acme w hite driving to the to what constitutes ob scen ity in B a p tist Student FeB aw sM p- publications. te resp ectab ility . . . create new lengthy proceedings tor the courthouse to post $100 bond in low price! Stock up now for future needs, and save! ^ 7:30 p jn ., m eeting, B artist Tbe decision lets stand a words and new definitions high court to consider them . connection w ith an earlier Student Center, speaker, Dr. M aryland court of appeals which are bandied in the courts During th e 1958 cam paign to speeding charge. Benjam in M orales. ruling th a t the m agazines w ere and briefs with the hope that end segregation in Birmu obscene within the m eaning te their quotation in som e (court) ham buses, th e R ev . J . S. P i G radates Inter-Varsity M aryland la p . J s opinion w ill establish an au­ er w as sentenced to 30 day* and ttan Feflowshfo—7:30 pm-, thoritative b asis and legitim a­ the R ev. F . L. Shuttleworth T he m agazines — Canted, public m eeting, Owen Hall- tize their birth.” got 90 days. E ach also w as Consort, Sextet, Cloud 9, note Sem inar Room “Some T ests The Suprem e Court handed fined M00. E leven other defen­ Torrid—w ere purchased b y Bal­ for tb e truth te C hristianity.” down no opinions but issued dants also accused te disorder­ tim ore police. The prosecutions Green Splash—8 p jn ., WJt. then w ere carried out under a attorney general, in a brief op­ ly conduct received suspend­ ' FooL « state lew which m akes it a posing fo e appeal, called tbe ed sentences. m isdem eanor for any person only orders agreeing or refus­ - - I n another decision th e Su­ Social W o t Club—12:15 p.m., knowingly to sell any lewd, ob­ ing to consider appeals. prem e Court denied a hearing undergraduates, C a t h o l i c scene or indecent books, m aga­ Two m ajor appeals which the to stager Gordon M acRae who - Sudent Cent«*, speacker. Dr. zines, drawings or photographs. h ig h - Court turned down in­ appealed a decision that he Gordon J . Aldridge (Social Attorneys for the newsstand volved the 1958 arrest of two w as deficient $102,582 in incom e Work Curriculum C hange). operators relied on a 1957 m ile­ Negro m inisters in Birm ing­ taxes for 1952 jmd 1953: Sigm a Alpha E ta—6:30 p.m ., stone decision which upheld iniatiaoa, m eeting at 7:30 convictions under state law s p.m ., A rt Room , Union. but did not c lo se the door on sales of sex m agazines. Campos 4-H—7:30 p.m ., m eet­ That ruling declared: ing, 312 Agriculture Hall. “Sex and obscenity are not AWS Judiciary—7 p.m ., m eet- synonym ous. Obscene m aterial - tag, 338 R odent Services. is m aterial which deals with sex in a manner appealing to Alpha D elta Theta—7:15 p-m., prurient interest—-that is ma­ m eeting, 101 Gittner. terial having n tendency to ex­ ASAE Student Branch—7:30 cite lustful thoughts.” - p.m., m eeting, 110 Agricul­ The attorneys told 'the court tural Engineering Bunding. in their b rief that this guide­ line m eant "only hard core Winged Spartan»—7 p.m ., m eet­ pornography is obsecene.” But ing board of directors*-Otoen the M aryland law , they said FI Hall-lounge. “has been given unlim ited A W S A ctivities E xecutive scope” to perm it prosecution w ith a ll y o u r s c h o o l s u p p lie s !- ^ : l Beard 0:45 p.m., 328 Stud­ and c o n d c u w for tbe publica­ en t Services. tion and sale te nay m agazine which has a tendency to excite Block and Bridle Chib—7 30 p jn ., m eeting, IB) Anthony HaB, Showmanship demon­ stration and drawing for lustful thoughts. M aryland said the interpre­ tation that the Supreme Court Student Bode Store has those ban w as onfey against “hard L tttif International. Women's Auxiliary to AVMA— 8 p .m ., GLltner, surgery ob- com pornography" w as a dis­ tortion te the trib u n als test opsceim y • . - * paperbacks • outside readings and I servation. Thom as B. Finan, Maryland • stray textbooks that we all need “Bleu those wonderful people/” . ■.•■’«NV%>t -'-v -• - . «... ;k.,y - .* ■ i -.ft»'-?* ' 4*'' iCAIITY JKBOIUTION FO* 1962 Shop aft your one stop shop today / -Hair core from Jocobson’s-.beginning with a , ‘ I m t } ' '. -Si:»:'' fxi '-' 4 ^v;. K,r new side-swept coiffure. Our expertly trained *rTiirrFMT sfyiisfs will provide the corefut attention and wave-indfvemg haircuts to meet fhe season 1 BLOCK EAST OF ahead vritfc fashion ond confidence. Coil for WM * OPEN m x MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS I H M . your appomtment today. m m tm N. LARCH VS 27 A «M B . CEDAR US 1*7 as 2-2389 W W a lK lig M # m m 'W f e 1 ~n t 'i  l 1 vll 'ÌvA iif' ' *mWBWiKil iiiqWE|IBi»iw-|iWii!i « S i t i « » - iia iE M Ü Ü ^ ÉIi I ,f e f | ■V/ji* . iP i *4® a m