(Käppi p BlfoptevT pOi tfr -A a A w y teBk ^ a ftvato» tn ick -s crashed hStokm Tuesday kifltag h ve at least » others. Ut ig fta ik Ä ggir Arr^k T HEHIRBH w W i ZZvSn vOIufMKIiy Ä W U lf te the 2adr% m «red Division, seid CoL S u k a r n o T o D e c id e W a r o r P e a c e ^ l i • JAKARTA, Indonesia, UA-The question of war or peace with ■£* the Netherlandii oyer Dutch New Guinea w ill ha ted d ed by President Sukarno “within a week or 10 days,]1’ Indonesia's foreign m inister sted Tuesday. Sukarno’s delay in rwM hfof a decision bn war or p ea er w a h § | made known as U.S. Ambassador Howard P . Jones called m him at Merdeka palace in an apparent effo rt to etem down tbo beffigeront tone sounded by 1he Indonesian president on a four- day speech m aking tour te South Celebes. j? R u s s -C u b a T r a d e P a c t S ig n e d 1 HAVANA, IfV-Cuba and the Soviet Union Tuesday signed a I 1982 trade agreem ent. D etails w o e not disclosed. I Mikhail Kuxman, Soviet vice m inister te foreign trade, signed I for Ms country. ¿gS | F r e e P r e s s N o t F o r S a le ; , ': | DETROIT, (JV-The Detroit Free P ress Tuesday night pub- lished a full page advertisem ent branding a s a lie any report that it has .been te te about to be sold. gj J I Ä le s tlh o t Signed by President-PubUsher John S. Knight and V ice Presi- j dent-Executive Editor Lee H ills, The Ad carrying the caption I “THE DETROIT F R E E P R E SS IS NOT FOR SALE,” said: 1 “ Vicious, m alicious rumors were broadcast Monday night 1 that the D etroit Free P r e ss has been or is about to be sold. M 4 I WASHINGTON UP — A con­ along. The White House said gress already on notice that Kennedy w ill subm it his-bud­ President Kennedy wants to get—be has prom ised it w ill raise the ntetena) daf>t ceiling be in balance—on Thursday, rin gs up the curtain Wednes­ Jaa. 18, and the annual Report day on what probably win h e a on the. N ational Econom y on rousing election year session. Monday, Jan. 22. House democrats got ready T w ospecial m esages, with no Tuesday "at a sw eetness and special tim es set for tbem . UgjMvoataus. Without a mur­ w ill convey to Congress the ad* mur of te sse o t they voted to m inistration’s to r n and tr»de­ nom inate Rep. John McCbr- tariff program s. Both o f thaso mack te M assachusetts to be have been billed as new and house speaker. They m ade Rep. bold. C artA foert te Oklahoma their They could be a little tott; unanimous choice to stop into bofoLfor Congress to take. The McCormack’s old pete te Demo­ cratic floor leader. bid for broadened authority to cut tarrifs te in controversy A t F ir s t S e ssio n Thus in the house, which even before its details are known. shapes up a s this year’s m a­ jor battleground, the chief re­ sponsibility for piloting Ken­ A U S G W il W iê c u s s nedy’s program over legisla­ tive shoal* w ill fall on a new leadership team . ; Truman High bn the President’s list are proposals on tariff cuts, m edical c a r l for tbe aged un­ Refuses ¿ W in te r By SALLY DERRICKSON T e r m . P la n s der social security, aid to'edu­ cation, tax changes—but no general cut—a new farm plan, Invitation Of foe State News Staff Student Congress w ill discuss plans for winter te r m a t their higher postal rates. >~ , first session o f fo e y ear tonight. „Some te these tilings Kennedy Congress leaders mapped out m ay get. Som e m ay crash in defeat on congressional rocks. a program te possible protects for the term at a special steer­ T he Chief E xecutive w ill un­ furl the list to public view on Thursday, That w ill be done hi the annual State of the Un­ Exodus to ing com m ittee mooting Mon­ d a y ...,^ a j Vi*Q John M cNeil, newly appoint­ ed chairm an & the Finance ion m essage he Will deliver in com m ittee, reported that a pro­ person to a com bined Senate- posal to loan $2.850 to the group House session, in the House now broadcasting in Brody to cham ber. , / establish an alFcam pus radio After Thursday, two more te station te among his com mit­ fo e -fo r te major Presidential tee’s {dans. m essages that alw ays mark a m tii a loan, tile group could new session still w ill h e com ing expand its broadcasting area to Include Shaw, Case and the wom en's dorm s on east and C ou n t B a s ie S e t w est'cam pus. , f f e ilf p Bob Hencken, chairm an te F o r » 6 2 J -H o p foe W elfare com m ittee, said his group plans to study possibili­ T h e Junior Council -an­ ties for improving student park­ nounced Tuesday night tin t ing facilities on cam pus, p ifs Count B asie and his orchestra raarily te the a ffa te too Brody w itt play fo r foe J-Hop, Feb. 10^ •w fo - Count B asie’s group was . T ie WtelBR r— u ttts i wffi voted tiie top Jass band and the top dance band to thecom a- r e f l g l o a s fosertafom ffm ■ try in S recent jazz m agazine $ p B p $ ftft frafenplty aad fof poll- : M M M llf o is test M w B B T h« second w e e k » o f th e 87th C on gress leg isla tio n a liv e. D u rin g h is fir s t y e a r o f « p a i» to d a y w ith a r isto o f g o b iern a b eh in d -th e-scen es lead ersh ip on C apitol MSU students to w h ich i M d provide p len ty o f b attin e in H ill, t |r . K en nedy show ed th a t b o w a s wure h**d by Durstd th e m on th s ah ead . _ ■ n o t a fra id to u se h is j p s w . t h i s w in ter tiieb, assistant professer e f so­ ciology and aattiropotegy, M h e « to y h a v e to refer even m ore o n brio* P rafatew t. K ennedy , tanned sa d in vigo­ his analysis df three m wwost phone çaite en d re ea k ttr a n t con gressm en ern colleges. , -W m < ra ted s fto r severa l w o rin in th e P alm m ay g e t se v e r a l b id s to th e W h ite B o era . Gottlieb studied the students flo o d ! »gn sh in e, h a s returned to W o riih ifr their last year to high to n sarà Is now ready fo r th e lo n g flg b t JO H N McGORMAÇK, O -M am , h a s id- during thefcr first o f h im . H ip N ew F ro n tier program m ost b e » eieeted fle u e e sp ea k er to trito year of co llegt. ap p ears to b o in a s m ach trou b le th is R ayburn’s d a c e b u t to sp ite o f h it y e a r s According to Mm, a fresh­ y e a r aa it w a s la st. - man wifl carry with him toe o f exp erien ce a s m a jo rity load er, h e w o tft W fley rid S en t R ayburn is no lon ger h ave th e (tow er a» sp eak er th a t Ra^btdm values to r i he has learned from school. The three months GOTTLIEB cited an exam ple a r o tm d te a id th e P resid en t on th e H ouse lerence between graduatkm fle e r and i t IF p o ssib le t in t Mr. K ennedy of g girl ritom ltog Michigan A lth ou gh h e is an a b le p o liticia n , and from high school and enter lag State University. 8 » w as In­ w ill s u ffe r from tid e so m ew h a t O nly an the university wiU not change telligent te d w ax a ccepted to a s m a jo rity len der d id k eep H ouse Dem o­ • S t a xM easure o f personal P resid en tia l the behavior of the student. both the University of Michi­ c r a ts in lin e ,. McCormack^ w on’t b e $he p ressu re n toy keep s o m e o f h is fa v o r ite Thus the attitudes of 17 and gan and MSU. But after a talk d ynam ic fo r c e fo r W h ite H ou se le g isla ­ IS year r id freshm en w ill not with her brother a t the U of M, tio n th a t R ayburn w as. '• U P S be that ef m afare adults. Got­ she d u r a MSU . f t » reason be­ tlieb said that It is toe empha­ hind her selection w ee that she H e ith e r w ill C a d A lb ert o f O klahom a T h a t S h e lte r D ile m n a eqho M r. K m n ed y’s w ish es. D e m o cra ts, sis u p « unacadem ic activities to high school that cau ses som e corid get the “A” grade at MSU with less work and more n early agreed th a t th e m a jo rity lead er of the difficulties of the enter­ to n. T h e n to nothing very surprising about the coodastaa of scientists representing the pow­ p o st wiH g o to th is co n serv a tiv e repreee n- ing freshm en. Since her arrival here she erful American Association for the Advance­ ta tiv e . R ep . B o llin g o f M isso u ri, a lib eral The students who enter MSU jotoed several social activities m ent o f Science that nuclear w ar would im­ and th e P resid en t's ch o ice, p u t up h a lf a carry with them certain val­ and now she te active in a so­ m ediately destroy the social structure of the fig h t fo r th e jo b b u t w ith d rew w h » h e ue! and attitudes that reflect rority. She te now contented fir st nation to b e attacked. The result would toe values of th e com m unities with toe “C" average, and te se w h e w as n o t g o in g 'to b e a id e to sw in g, be chaos, dtostraction and suffering beyond from which th e; com e, he said. not as interested to her studies tmfeflntog. en ou gh v o te s. — ‘~ ~ v ~ Since a large n u m b « of the a* when to e first cam e, Gott­ This mach has b tea evident to all whs C ertain ly M cCormack an d A lb ert w on’t students com e' from rural lieb said. have ftv e e f l e m atter ¿he lea st HI ef cee- b e b u ck in g th e W h ite H o u se b u t i t is e v v areas, there is a tendency to­ Although several of the “im ­ siderattoa. Beyaad this H Ä e sc ist i sti ward conservatism . This ten­ age«’’ that are spread by the d en t th a t n eith er o f th em w ill b e r id e to c r ia i tri'"*®ritot t o i earn» dflem m s a s the dency is usually a passive «me word o f mouth m ight be true, d eliv er a b ill tosene 'brad, On to Kashm ir! ! really hate. Congress’ during his stay at Michigan im age which MSU c m reflect econ om y^ ia to th r iv e .. G reat B rita in 's we aged off an alm ost bitter p i- Eugenia h a Saraates That’s a Joke, m an. Ami it's State University. Gottlieb indi­ •eieetiftc proposals by scientists. hue j u r i cry J sr ''titte r educa- to the present and the future. The botnb-shelter specifically proposed by m ove to jo in th e In n er S ix h a s placed th e as a joke that Congress often cated that Eastern and metro­ Gen; w hile, i t too a r a n torà, “ However, the program be­ anthropologist Dr. M argaret Mead — “ suf­ U n ited S ta te s in an even m ore p recariou s we refuse to pay for it - t o com - i a * « te treated. politan students undergo a dif­ » a ing carried now should not be ficient to accom m odate all the people mar­ p osition . M r. K ennedy know s th is and to pound too hriury b y sending O f f - C a m p U S U l t l t V “SUPPOSE you were an idi­ ferent kind o f experience. With so lim ited, The p e sse sr i« of ried ia a country during a two-week period”— prepared to u se ev ery w eapon i f C on gress legislators to Lansing to bicker K J ot," Mark Twain used to say tbeir backgfound of a com plex a 3.5 average should not be the defies our im agination. This is no ¡dace for p roves too stubborn. and to ss among, them selves as To the Editor: In his lecture tours, “and sup­ and sophisticated life, the m et­ sole criteria of whether a stu­ newly-wods and no substitute for Civil De­ w ell as with toe Governor like While Dick Fox (Decem ber. pose you were a member of ropolitan students face a dif­ dent c m Join the Honors Col­ fense plans based on real study. T he b u d g et, h ig b est in h isto ry , prob­ tw o year eld s. N ever, it seem s, IM i) w as right in saying that Congress—but 1 repeat my- ferent value system. They com e lege program or not,” he said. " - —Indiana Daily ably w ill b e cu t. T he R epublican and have so tow dime so Uttie for so I governm ent tor off-campus se lf7’ from a highly heterogeneous Another q u e sti« concerning S outhern D em ocrat co a litio n w on’t le t many. students m ight only be a repe­ “ Is the field o f humor crowd, commuiflty with more freed «« the Honors College te the advis­ to o m any p a rts slip b y w ith o u t ca refu l We are now » g a g e d in w rit­ tition e f AUSO, it’s possible to ed?” a young writer asked Will and action. ability of allow ing students, be­ The metropolitan student is A lp h a b e t S o u p scru tin y . R ep. M ills,, ch airm an o f th e ing a now Constitution. Yet. see where the governm ent Rogers. H ouse W ays and M eans C om m ittee, to a the form e f governm ent is n et could have som ething unique to . _ Only when Congress is in not accustom ed to the hour lim ­ it or drinking regulations that cause they are university schol­ ars. to m is» cla sses i f th ey so “at issue here. While there to session ,” Rogers said. desire and live by 'the reading With their usual delight in alphabetical or­ fru ga l m an and h as sh ow n h is aversion much to be « er ected , we can ­ offer. sì# It is Ito more than that, of ex ist on this cam pus. On the list alone. ; ganisations, those of the political left have to ta r iff rev isio n and m ed ical ca re fo r not and should not expect that I There are about 4,000 under­ course. ' other hand, to the sm all town graduates living off-cam pus “Here two problems are rais­ spawned or continued four groups of over­ th e aged. E ven th ou gh M r. K ennedy’sjin o a e a c tto a vi« can right many For Congress Is the most typi­ students the- cam pus and the ed," said Gottlieb. "The first to (not including m arried hous­ lapping m em berships to advance their ideas. b u d get now b alan ces, it ’s to o o p tim istic to wrtmgs. The fan *, to to e last ing), and this is one-fifth of cal of our American tostttn- various personalities and events whether it t e beneficial to keep w * now have CORE (Congress on R acial hope th a t C on gress w ill lea v e it alon e. analysis, is within «p. A gov­ th e total undergraduate stu­ tions. H ere we see m irrored, institute a whole new and fas­ the top students in tin univer­ E quality), the ADA iA m ericans for Dem ocra­ ernm ent of toe people cannot dent body. I f these people w ere som etim es larger than life, our, cinating change. sity out of the classes, thus tic Actum), the NLP (Mew-Liberal Party) and hope to succeed wtthout the hopes, our doubts and—alas, SCCR (Student Council for Civil R ights.) They MR. K E N N E D Y w ill n eed « m a g n ificen t responsible action of to e pee- only to g et together, they might too Infrequently—the greatness ACADEMIC institution» re­ forfeiting their knowledge and m ay not contain more p eo p le.. „ n u t as far be able to jMtoduce whatever flect a ceririn “ im age” to the '-rp-rience. Second, whether it coup to p ull o ff a ll h is p rop osals th is y ea r. Pte- of which we are capable. aa publicity and headline space go they have action they want. people, Gottlieb said. In the atm e E « . "Howard H o è x n e * I W infiiiirurai ^ a e fott«m w ttch cam * t e a s ua tm W hÊ& é , fafKin flflmlràuraiM» tràT eff- W B & w m W m & i E’~pi>dK schools brought r v p o t V M s f m aoy . advaaees to -, m edical acieac* « f e e * of (h e major d isease tosato during the year. s R n rs & T ts £ | Tbn to n g aw fln tro u tie was m i m SCHOLARSHIP SPRING TERM GENETfCS—G E N E S S a d found to t e effettiv e ht errori- CHROMOSOMES Ing som e i f anr ceto i f ernes ' The tingle research area, e f a 'highly m alignant tu a e c esosi often mentioned by the fiam ii ;h|. wom en, i l » ira irln H Y O U T O O F E N K U S B deans respondbg te the survey onto, b one aeries e f O women . • JÈ SSb! -# M i r j f vapor aepostiea «mi«* was that of mancai genetici. with ehariacardanm n. 30 e f town will a guaita overlay» .■ The discovery ef a relation­ them lost aH traces a f their ff * tost site near Phoenix, T O N IG H T 0 W / m m ship hotnM n chromosomal ah- a n t a n to e la st check­ norm alities and congenital de­ up had bean w ell for periods Aria.,.—ato ..being used ’ ^ « - * , , 1 Ì eie« day the sour talea fects w as hailed da an advance ip to fiv e years. e t major importance to genet-, This particular form of c m rito there to equal to or greet- ics. th e chrom osomes are one cer to ttiw tf exceedingly rare o f several rod-shaped bodies and its cure m eans little to C A L L E D 2 4 5 0 1 A R ID E 'to this Orea. H y which appear tm th e w id en s of th e Overall can cer ptctare. 8 H i in a cell at the tim e o f ji crii div­ However, *tte effectiven ess e f is t a . They contain th e genes, m etbotreate «.p resents a fore­ E l® to to y a tti o r tered tiery factor* U ut det­ word, step to th e aon rth for. at, an ajDounto- erm ine physical characteris- agents • tin g ". w ill rhere b the world. YOUR BEST BUY. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ics. block e a n m ^ S ’ItiastotoSiii' yiMijppi up M ' fT‘* totof' " The genetic and physiologic im pH cattas of riw flef in geaea and Cancer H a Is A dangerous baffling kffler. But pro­ and chrom osom es are or tre­ gress in dwawOitiragiy offers mendous significance, one of the prom ise e f a gam ine u * - r ^ i« s p E IfeKh progreee has b e e n Solar Po 1 OPEN TODAY, 12 NOON TO 9 P.M th e deans wrote. Aa knowledge break-through ia its control. m ade b y applying com puter a new system t in i converte o f n u n 's genetic processes end The smaB su ccesses a ch ieved t o l t o p » te diagnose som e solar ^energy directly iu te elee- their biochem istry increases, thus far have 'tod « o in rrtin ri lu m e of te e r t d ie se l. Oomput- tricity ie now t e l « developed, it shook! ho possible J o red in e to anticipate the tim e token o n can now receive t t e elect- The system , which has a e the genetic diseases, including physicians w ifi b e en n ed w ith rie sign als generated h y the m oving porte, would h a v e cancer. Through counseling, a number o f chem ical weapons n ew t and anaqrae^tiMnn elee- n u n advantages t o use on som e geaotlc defects could be to treat and cure cancer. traeiealto te locate a d esti- spaeecraft satellites avoided, t h e results e f other NEW VACCINES AND PHAR­ m ate heart dam age. T te p reeem to unique to « U t defects c m be t r e a t e d . MACEUTICALS- Aa autom atic system for I r u ses a m irror to concentrate Through m ere knowledgeable The new five virus polio vac­ See MEDICINE P ig i I ‘ heat to to » area and applies h a n g in g of som e of the eeedi- cin e perfected by D r. A lbert B . t t a s that cause defects, such Sabin was licensed against two a s virus diseases and X-rays, of to e to r e e types o f p o le dar­ others could be avoided. ing th e y e « . The S e tte roe- OPEN TODAY FROM Jo in th e N A V Y a n d I t i i l th e s e a s o n s Clearance! TOWN to COUNTRY N D U 0U 6N A L S JANETTE i t i l i OTHERS Dr. W .C . JENSEN, $ f ^ j | - i Cv-V -i: M PK S8P ENPI p i Wm HEM 11 T o n ig h t, J a n u a r y 1 0, 7 -1 0 p an . 1 fm cs m *scorea , t ni, J e# pomss« f f> a v i a r i a Tbus 1 « total a n n u i pii b r i ptayed-Jn eriw a csatesU (in*. cfadNfto» Wisconsin game) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION OR RIDE but bad not seirid. Hi was a d&h J m business admLnistration « w jw - - The Spartana, after t t e w l * - CALL ED 2-2363 can tili h eartbreeter, now tara ED 2 4 8 7 1 their th o u flg ito w a rd Illinois,#- ' n"i 1 v ie tili» a t a « # P in toie en* Campt» Claaaifieds d e n ti* t o n t o aigbt io w h idt Boilerm aker Terry Disctaiagen potim i bom e 43 potate. 'T te Ito ei, a-FeveraQ a iid - M in tteBtoTra, ace kd kjr I 6flP n a t o B tt B é w l a r f C hoice Beef r i ” fa n ra fg D ave Dowaey. B n v t il l i r a r a f t ì * v er a g -. tagl g l *p eto » per fa s te aad : D ew eey 1*. G am e to t e is 3 p.m . at Jen- ison Fleidhouse. IB S . W Èé ÊÊÊÊS ê i BOAST S K B t a i « tU T B0AST 6 K S e e s. S ix ty H o m e rs L e fto 4 a A fp |J| 59k Lamb Shoulder Roast 39» - CHICAGO (ft—Tetf WHBam* M M T a tin be wouldn’t I« a fait surprised to see eomrani to the National Lagne bit dee* te 33 baa» runs next s e a « or "Hell be definite he said of Maris, "and I don't mean they’ll throw at htm. But they’ll (the pitchers) be week- tag on Mm like they never ACCIDENT! r .. and# •« # ’* your car tneeraaos *•*«*? Riatterò tat S i i t r wnw^^wwn toraw ^w » R bH Ssptr Right tpt «e high ex MB «r .380. ‘‘You’ll «ever get me to be- worked on him before. B H teamed with State « cm MutestJ t t raover you' , e Strie Prim Carom A put bte NgntfjR neriby Ranch Style Bacti 2LIPKG 99* Sassage Mb roll 3 - 1.0 0 "I thought after Merle Ml « « • than 7,600 of ne aro ptedged to give you westows " P T ' .'v.; "• ’ ( ' ‘ tittl* tte present dear ballplayer *33 home run to 1313 he’d be but expansion to 10 teams is booadto help toe hitter,” base­ under extra pressure and ! Sorvicelday and riti*- Find «».aboutJh » pristanding; protection, todays P | : Sapir Itati Slid Mm ee. J think toe Amer­ ball’s last .400 hitter explained. - "It steads to rossen, doesn’t tt?Yon*ve got 22 pitchers or so ican League expeasieu made U tottsieaee. TMs year,■' though, it onght to she# op.” STAN WILKINSON WILLIAM MITCHBLL Liver Sausage MESH SMOKED 39» Stewing Beef BONELESS OR ia toe majors who wouldn’t bs than except tar tte addition of tte new teams. Who win be the Hktiy na­ tional League benefactors to 702 ABBOTT ROAD, EAST LANSING BD 2-4730- ED 2-0123 ■fünft •* "Sure, it helped Merit hit Cl. It had to—and that’s not talcing anything away team Roger.” - Williams, burned, rested and • lid season of watered (town pitching? • ‘T v* always thought Hank Aaron had toe ability to hit £T5 • 'Anettenarawteto'tigte^ritatitaMtaAhLiJMMfeJMJNHMRRA Head U t h m — -^>2i 29* CARROTS 2 4 bag W hsnliema as ever, « m to Chi­ •400.” Williams said. “And Wil­ • * F te fa cago tor a lecture ou hitting lie Mays, too. Orlando Cepeda could do it if be rats to toe tsd tig m to the nation’s col­ lege besehen coaches, whojars conducting their annual meet­ right ball park and te ootid hit a bundle of home runs, too.? YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Your Key to B e tt« Value* . » 50 LI BAG 99( Teaple Ora^es » ™ 4 9 i ings to conjunction with the NCAA Convention. ' The MendM SpButer, aha " v l l l i w Ups ',-:0 Rhtap* ÜS earner with the lotosa Bed Seat with toe 1333 aaaaen leaked dettale Ms B AN AN AS . . . I5£ taurUaiiJ Apples - - 291 dimeertr'tflses e» il he canid mw mW tiüPW fW w m | t . tA n S e ftto r r W^rmsüvtiw new acts as a 'W sK Ë M Ê Ê Ê i consultant to the Red Sox front office, said to answer to a ques­ 213 E . GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Fadai Tissues 400 Ç0UNT 3 1 55* Com CREAM STYLE 17 02 CANS tion that he tat the New York Ycnteee’ Maris would be under terrifie pressure next season. Ph. ED 2*2114 dnÉH K is f u g a n te The NEW 3*49» « f a Baa« 15 « or CANS Philadelphian p la n a fu n - p a c k e d T B U R C H O IC E . O d iar by ski w eekend now ! — Cttaa Bsaify Asm Hc m B s a ty Chinese Noodh» Prepared Spaghetti 15 Vi encan Beane Oprante Mixed Vegetables _ „ 15 os Soy Sane# Sliced Carrata . . . 14 Vt ea can Great Northern Benna ;-------- I - 13 « jiffy Odw m u » è « pkè '« v«ri«tiM Green and White L&na Beane _ 15 « Jiffy Brownie Mirai 7Yt os pkg 2 Varieties Tomato Ju ice 14 • bright Doff Pancake. Mix S as pkg > Cot Beets Iena i l a Perk end B een e Sultana 13 ex can Hominy lent 16 as cran’ U ta.iieM M t Awa P a g * 1 8 *x can , Bath Saap Jergena Bath Sfa» cg'liM P . N H ER BAKERY R A IN ES t o e I n n i I n d i t a n s W kto t n f t e f I n a i I k M 27s * Plaid P g t 33s # P O L E S lilS 3 # « te 3 3 « |iiS m b H« t h M s B O O T S i k l # i u to I a pkg I t ar t o E xdu daa a t A a AH nBrtielMa aw;'I iinnilitl , th*» Ad R ffa r iiy * to m Saturday, Jan u ary 1 3 th to' Stare and A l Uva v- UmQrana w â B B È té mm. » r » m È È È È M iM N M iiln lH H i rnmm. IT vimm II«* ^ j i . K 1MPPP ‘jr«Hw to Bloomington, lit* m attoemmmfy mamm tu fili Ami! iflwantmIHÉ AIUa CI4W* pi V fm W K H u n p W O ow e from Its number on* spot ■J2JP5T~*T .' ‘ , ... • .vW." - v-.- ’ V J H IM n i 0 W H O U M H aW M b* ÎM r nttampt was 'Is vain. P l p d i H h i h ad hfa^boat c w IB B took second piace. f i l l * w ith th e P irates h i H U ....... THwll ItolH f l i m M kA (M A IM lk A M JfcA AtolA SUykMat I d « b w as th e defend* m ing PrcBm tearias a ie i s be mb roem oers §§ are: Al Stocki, Detroit senior; R te H aufen, E ast Lansing se­ u» m m S 1 Qiampiort. IQs ra- baH a t 7:30 * m . Isa M *. nior; G erald Nya, St. Joseph H4® th e p rev iew . « a t a r i * M l M n In- senior; N ick Steen, Bloomfield M p tram orai w iig w iu iia g u w o ^ sophomore; Fletcher Mon- d p d h l o f M O, he saM Isw fdps wffl h e h d d la th e ningh, Iowa, Mich, sophomore It a w probably the m ost W eightlifting B ea n a t 1 4 0 a.m .we--------- « -A i: - - - — -n - 1_n T a a a iU n Iff-O - a i nan----- - ana Gideon Ro barge, E ast I JW H r . wwtl I M V W J t jmpHpi 2129 N. LARCH US 27 A 4799-S. CEDAR US 127 L ansing Junior, , \ ; ‘*4 ! « ta b -h o e gene through. I prehm inaries w ill be held at ¡r a l 4 $ ta ta :-th e r e ' w as a letdown 7:38 pan. Fencing (F oil) Tbur- -X Other team s on hand In the and w e didn’t realh e It had nam ent begin* to o lk it a t 7:30 s h s a lis tto rtsa M si m atches nippCBCl MRS 8 8A V S »00 '!^nweeeSeniuwei^d^Al p.mmm . w ort from the U alversity of lade. 'ji, loWSr U alversity ^LW beo»> I But he said h e fe e is the Pi* w ill be pitching in h is 12 sea- sto, and University of Indi- rates are a good team and son with th e P ir a e s, is the ’ ana. U fifc, r io u ld m ake a good showing workhorse o f fim staff. He has C ast. E van T. Talbert is the ht 1882. The jifcto has bounced pitched evor 200 hw^wg« in coach o f the MSU varsity team . hack before, h e said. each of the la st seven se a so n , The MSU varsity pistol team , H ie 31-year-old Friend, who working 230 innings la st year. coached by Maj. Robert L. Chamberlain, left c a m p u s Thursday» Jan. 4 to take the train to W est Point and com ­ R E N T . . . pete against the United States M ilitary Academ y pistol team , ached by form er Olympic TONIGHT! S itol champion Master Ser- > geant Joe Benner. S K I S -B O O T S P O L E S The MSU team was defeat­ 1ST O P E N M E E T IN G ed by 12 points, hat received valuable pointers and exper­ ience (o n Sgt. Benner. Tim Spartan squad is com ­ O nly *5°° O F W IN T E R T E R M posed of the following m em ­ SPARTAN FORWARD Loaaie Sanders shoots over the tap o f Tern Hagbbaak’s bers: Edward R. Curtis, Caro, outstretched arm isran attem pt to pot State ahead fta the last half o f TUsadaj P E R W E E K -E N D ! Mich. Junior; - Mike Eelding, night’s gam e with the W isconsin Badgers. —State New» Photo by Eldon Gartock. E ast L u llin g senior; Gerald U N IO N B A L L R 0 M - 7 :3 0 E . M edler, Lansing junior and (W E A L SO H A V E C A R -T O P C A R R IE R S) Gary T. Crawford, Tecumseh senior. Masks M E M B E R S H IP $ 3 3 0 O’LEARY Ed-Curtis was high man on the MSU team with 272.points. MIAMI BEACH, F la. (A -T h e Clint Murphiton, J r., presi­ If toe experim ents m e suc­ National Football L e a g u e dent of the D allas Cowboys, cessful It w ill b e put Into A r c h ie M u s t S ig n adopted its first playing ride cam e up with a new device, operation to a ll ga w ss PAINT STORE COFFEE MOVIES change in foirr years Tuesday tried in the Cotton Bowl. It in­ The club owners beard a in a safety m ove and-approved, cludes a stop watch, connected progress report from G . A. FRANDOR CENTER IV 7 - 0 2 6 4 W it h in 20 D a y s with a tiny radio transm itter G esel of the Wgahington 'law on an experim ental basis, a new radio-controlled tim ing de­ that easily can be strapped to firm that is hanoltof’ n s legal YOUR BEST BUY. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS NEW YORK Y -w in glance whether any* Of the U s ehancoe of con­ " pat.. uto under her charge were tinuing his studies in Berlin. it need of personal attention M ichael Gwyna plays t t e -A radioisotope scanner de­ ta lt~ a f toe paster, Friedrich tect» brain ten o rs. A radio pill Gottfried, and U S son F ile r is broadcasts its findings t e l t portrayed Christian de KU8BANDW IPE YBAM K fcf H i t e i Imo * « « C ete T^,i «irit Mé fi teffctaah V i i siisslitarr SsteimMnwSl tatetafluAtete 'Ata sanasaitm—A Mâ ! TIm bps'll m oves down a ptairtft*» gast­ Bresson, eoneesHtete íNPbIIINBISISvI ■: rointestinal tract. A m iniature c. .t w oo approval with Mim electrocardiograph, worn hy . Tickets m ay be purchased at C oca's thought-provoking aste* the p atted, records heart ir­ the door. regularities that a brief exam ­ a n d a t e Donovan’s “I t a Se­ ination m isses. Some 500 men cret 1 2 e of W alter M itty.” Scad year laandry to as a a i and women are being kept a - C o l d S n a p s R a i l ; “U r , Preble G ets R i« o f » s pai toase w ashday Maes five today by a sm all electron­ W fe" sym bolised a ridiculous ic pacem aker that keeps their 1 D i e s i n W r e c k satire on modern m arriage. forever. We gaaraatee that hearts beating regularly. Per­ ■A te _ nciQ ciiuii b 1V0 miatn w h c v-dT1 m haps 100 of to o n have a trans­ AURELIA. Iowa UU-Intease a f J ta B tete K Iffliilt- waa yea’ll be luippBy thrilled with istorized pacem aker, no larger cold weather, which possibly ,.. •m14 « WtJeÉ Item M O S j pQnfOTlMV tej « p m w tm mÍIAí toe resalto, aad toe lew , Isw than a pocket watch, lasted in­ caused a rail to crack, w as be­ 91«w art te a r tte e . The cost­ side their dhtal i . •% % r-* ing Mamed for a passenger antes by R etase titevens w e r e . prices! w conclusion ■i l f e r i train derailm ent that killed one U se very -, appropriate «mi Many of the deans respond­ and injured 10 persons Tuesday. ing to the AMA’s survey lilted The six-car Illinois Central *TOe*most enjoyable o f toe v a wide variety of gain sin med­ Hawkeye w as derailed four evening's shteim igans w as the • S erv ice to l i t every n eed, ev ery budget, ical knowledge that have not m iles east of here to 14 below fable J f f i t e O otbes Moth and t e n recorded here. Only the z e r o cold and Minding Mowing the Lana K oto” portrayed by highlights a t toe year's major snow to st tem pered rescue op­ Arthur T teteh or and Rnogaae developm ents, phis a sam pling erations. 7-;;- Coca, t è q g t it ìp n t y U A t r a g i c of toe lesser bits of new know­ • C lothes com e ou t refresh in g ly d ea n Th e C hteago to Sioux City ledge have been presented. - train w ar running a s hour be­ hind schedule because of the Where ear customer* tend severe weather, officials said. their friends. A train crew member said the cold m ight have caused a rail t o break. NOW! 2ND WEEK! x w e v i« * ff e t E a st L an sin g Open 12:4*-Me to l:M Featore I ; » 4:1« P u b lic a t io n B o a r d Q jn A e r you r flow ers A co rsa ges early 6:S0 - t:M for.rush parties . ■ ■ j. O p en s P e t it io n s E A ST G R A N D R IV E R ACROSS FROM m B R O A D W A Y 'S JO Y O U S C M U S IC A L LO V E S T O R Y / 215 Ann St. ED 2-0871 STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING F o r A U SG P o st Petitioning for positions on É toe All-University Student Gov­ ernm ent publications board w ill begin Thursday âm fiiO se Wed­ nesday, J te . 1 1 . Students selected for to e tooard w ill work on editing, layout and distribution of toe' !^ l 4 r e you tired of being a college ; AUSG new sletter and various pam phlets. - Petitions m e available to Brody, C ase, toe U n ite desk and 338 Student Services. Fur­ vegetable? Find out what the Univer­ ther information may he -ob­ tained from Jim Barnes, AUSG public relations director, at 3 9 *0 7 1 or 355-2999. sity coupled with Fraternities can do T 9JIIR T K o rea S e n te n c e s ¡ g p p T I L L I P .9 E x -L e a d e r to D ie fo r you. Let o th er b_set back and SEOUL UR-Cteng Do-Young, ousted lander of South Korea s S H E P A R D 'S m ilitary governm ent, w as sen­ ten ced to daato by a revolution­ ary tribunal. DOWNTOWN AND GAMETOS STORES vegetate, its time for YOU to activate. A fiva-m an court also ordered Sensational Semi-Annual , death for Chang’s form er sec­ retary, ax-M arim CoL L eeH oi- Yung. B elli w er* condemned for revolutionary acts. W O M E N 'S At Unbelievably T te totality Shoes far yourself er fam ily « te save M * ¡H O U S E S E A S T WEDNESDAY’S HOURS: '-*>• g Æ E ast Lanatog 9:31 AJML to 9:99 PML M l m m : s T A s r s ta iD A Y - •< .-Daw ntaua Lanetog t î l l A JL ta 1*19 F J f c £ fe, : A B B O T T J t O A D I M (m S lililí SffM ! a te te m^fsmrn ‘î a m m D E A D L IN E S : 1 fU B . D a y fm n é F i t E iltlw w L 3 Michigan State University AUTOMOTIVE f o u r n ir LÖST and FOUND FOREIGN FILM SERIES - 'H t C H E V R O L E T . Vue. * cylinder APARTM EN TS LO ST. f l ’.IfT gold charm, (eco, tvby autom atic shift. Body excellent con­ dition. M o to r overhauled. 509 Orvi*- r m tE R A 200 E^Ökjiftuta to headlight*. HCA Kcente plate. 355-6399. presents Unhrerwty. Built like home. Com plete ion. ED 2-2*59. 13 kitchen, garbage ¿« p e ta l, I bedroom, S3 D O D G E . "V-S. 4-door, rodio, heat­ carport, private drive, b ra e yard. PERSONAL er, autom atic. $85. Runs well. IV S- Stove, refrigerator, and Utilities fur­ «041 after S:30 $ nished. $100 per month. A fter S p.m., O F F C A M P U S students. O p e n meet­ “ Q U E S T IO N 7 ” TU 2-329». 6 ing on form ing a governm ent far off- f 9 * l C H E V R O L E T . 2 door Im poio hardtop. Turbogfide. power brekcs -and ^ D O W N T O W N N E A R . Furnished, 1 cargpu* students. 7:30 p.m., January (Germ an) steering. M u st sell. 355-1190.' 2 moms, approved for 3 men. Evenings, S K I B U F F S B E W A R E ! D on’t mis* _ rt9 « l FtA T Branehina eonvertible. 40- »V $ 4 3 *4 . o IS P ä - f f 5 W arren M iller’* "Sw ingin1 Skii*,“ 90 V ivM , R eaH etic, Prorocstir« Drmmt S0 M F G . C a ll M r. Fishj& JID 2-1052. m inute* o f colorful titling the world G R A D U A T E ST U D EN T 'o r working Based On Actnal Inridoalt UpMolMGrnaaap if F O R D . 57, 4 floor hardtop. Rower girl share etrectivc 3 giri apartment close to cam pus. E O '2 -2 S « t evening*. ever. Sexton H ig h School auditorium s Lansing, Thursday, Jan. I I , | p.m. Adults, $1. Sponsored b y ta m m g Ski G r e a t Issues everythin g, rateellent condition. N o t 0 ct-eapy. Rhone ED 7 4 2 1 1 . 4. C lu b ; ~ ^ ' t T h an ., FrL, Jan. 11, 12 IS v A P P R O V E D , single and double. 3 * 1955 Q U 3 K G o o d transportation. m inute* from: Union. Private home. C a ll ED 2-3697 after 5 p.m. and week­ 425 Park Ia h «. Rhone ED 2-1317. T H E C H R IS T M A S ca r ca n g o quite « fir- When insured with lub olz. ED 2* 7 a 9 P aM . ; ; •«71. ‘ ^ 4 ends. 5ir ' ' " S S O U T H ?- 1st floor furnished apart­ 19«! © L D S M 0 8 IL E , M convertible. m ent fo r married couple with rafet- FAIRCHILD THEATRE W hite, green interior. Sharp! Lots of erica. ED 2-5804. « extra*. EO 2 -5 5 1 S. S F U R N IS H E D A P A R T M E N T 1 room Admhaion 50c 1952 F O N T IA C . 4-door, -radio, heat­ end both. Private parking for 2 gars. er. -G ood transportation. D 2-0844. 4 N . Hom er, one block from Fteisder. C a ll ÌY 4-9666 or IV 2-8001, * I9 6 0 SPRITE, Ted excellent condition. C a ll Dove, E D 2-3074 between SiOO- FO U JL R O O M fully furnished, for 1 3 8 p-m. « fam ily with I child. ED 2-2574. 5 W IN G E D rr' □ 3CDÌ4 q ia! ',1 F O U R D O O R r green M ercury M o n ­ terey, t953. Autom atic, six cylinder, heater, radio. $100. IV 4-$2 f6 after ROOM S A P P R O V ED , M E N , double. C o o k b g ,' parking,' go o d studying conditions. V SPA R T A N S Crosswo l a a'■’IH T A Q ^ tl *: 0 3 > , 3 tj i l Lì fi □ :3Uii li idi £* rM L'jli r»u J SPORT SHIRTS 5.___________'■ ^ ‘' 8 W alking distance. '9 3 9 Burnham. $10. li □ ri « i i li 3 w ere 4 .9 8 a n d & 98 O pen M eeting ED 2-27R8. ED 7 4 B 8 I. 5 !□*1 Li f V □ D ^ OÜ3 2 r~yj EMPLOYMENT A P P R O V E D R O O M S for 3 students. IH1-’.11 ' I I K S A T 343 A L B E R T F R O M 7 ^ 0 T O 1 M $ l A P 'l / . N S I N G , A pproved ' ham m : A RIDE bam Aswartua Rd. ,'i*# - 6Ü b w - « p tm sà f Berkay H a lt Sto gi* thmugb’ Friday for RGB date. m S|8|B 6ifeyipE D i §§ flndM ,/M ; d stadmtts, ^ B B S Baiai" 8 1 ^ ^ * * M A L E . S H A R E fjrrti-he-j anartment. WANIB) w Ê Ê Ë Ê tÈ C om plete kitchen, parking. M l weekly. V ‘ C A N C ia e « r S t o r im * HI ia - t e » « : - . - - -, ,a - . PART TIME laboratory wo*i, 5 ÿêpa M l ««ÿqKe.' pwacyl^afovisieri';’*ad 4 W A N T E D . O N E me* xtosfeqt- W r lifh e n .fac'il(t:a t s u t o w fo -'llw ie 'W 'd fc '. -'ih iM 4 toSMbp««t. G prage p§j| «ça.. j r ,/Br.- — —. . J ; A . u S ò B B ^ B B a B B ii ; -fRPP[»#***>» v^RWkpKix. -.rJLJ^MÌWi|p„y.. . -■! I ,.I. .I - Ja ... - ..'.'j—I— _■: i ü Ste mm mm rsp ® | | k a » « ™ 8 ™ 1 P etitions arc available a t tb* aton desk and' 'W Op h i ;*fc- mwd by Sunday. 'M l V m s president of Liberia 1«. Ejected tor an InittaX term of rnglit years. After that h e m ay Be re-elected lo f further term s of four y e a » each. ; Wedneoday Stare Hours - Neon to 9 PJHL . - w s m m B lack M ohair th a t’s doubled mad b u ttoned b ig s ix . . . CUSTOM TAILOfilD The new est in m oo’s w ear in today's m ost wanted fabric . . . m ohair, in WT ADiLAAR ' r today's m ost wanted color . V $ black. Jacket to buttoned w ith six pearl FOR HW battens, sleeves are cuffed. Stocks m e tapered to continental m aim er. $40 R io te rs L o o t r f. Our classic white shirt of F lo rid a S tores easy-care dacron and . ■' _, • ■:; % m 0 m HAINES CITY, F la . W - Rioting by scar es of N egroes cotton. With small gentry resulted la the lis tin g s t fire stores in > N egro section of collar, polo pfbeketond H aines CRy eariy Tuesday. Deputy Sheriff Ctoude PyndaB roll-up sleeves. First ~ - said. _ # j;. J i f f f ?'' No tetertos w ere reported in on her list for- 211 EAST GRAND RIVER file d a a t o K a w hich P yndall sa te apparently had a t. racial giving EA8T LANSING m otivation. The caaaft a f the —m '' 111 ' ~ ' rioting w as undeterm ined. ... Pyndall tod 20 la ir enforce­ and getting. 10-16. iu e s, m ent officers in r e a d in g ap 73 N egroes sa d carting them to |. f t BOOKS ' . Jafi to trucks «fiaut S a o a . H e sa te charges of J ,. 4.7 r a riot w ere filed against -m od j o f tea N egroes. SPORTSWEAR CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS • H A S M A N A F U T U R E b y B e r tr a n d R u s s e ll v LO W COST Ait examination of man*« hope In the nuclear age (d o th ) 5.00 •P O R T R A IT o f H E M IN G W A Y b y L illia n R o ss (C lo t h ) 2 M s p * TONIGHT • T H E R U L E o f F O L L Y b y B e r tr a n d R u s s e ll (P a p e r ) LOO UNTIL t 1 A powerful attack on the nuclear and civil defensepohcies that are leading the U. S. to self destruction - 'f ; ‘i ! | ! D e n im c h a m b r a y 7 V7 t ® ’’Afc*