m w m HJ9 vSSSPR »vSra^H BG^fo Bnem^nwi^^^nin^afi t^ Ê oM ^oUtst^eo^^i^Ur 'tPiÉ^ÊÊ' ; WWjmt, npnUMnnnMRnWHaj wPSFWRSlBMIHRtWTHSf^Ttlbfii^KK'i :JBjïW5PWSiK^eRnM»8rr3WM®^R3 M ttrteft —■<—b i from B u sin etia n d P iib liC Service to Social S ^ y This new n ja to tiO R ' à n m ere "t f f>f pUed scien ce ed ecatfoti only. The needs o f lB ch igan in 1982, and oen” w ifib e served b a s f i the entire nation, have required MSU to re-exam ine its function f e l | ;R W frw frf 1 dairy and place in society. ■ m arketing S s. , - e; Hat. s s i o nw.-_, - jointly! _ •W Oar U niversity i* no longer a trade .sâ s s â ;% fr one f t the ©RBMffM 0 7 lot QUTJr «Q« m ajor univ e r itie s h i A m erica. >, ■ M g © « © econom ic* depart­ m ents. %^ M p P fI G reatness in snch a university asks that ed u eattto b e notthar provincial nor lim ited. The developm ent o f ft* total a a a n frfr th e fancbasn r t B f r s . f r Ma relation ta am dam society m ust be considered. This is In with, other related * * • not dfme in a specialised curriculum a t the undergraduate level. ■p a a s.J ea tu r es of the 'week It la rafoer dona with a generous liberal arts em utttfcxT lfrgn .w ftagfrg: n 1 n a n , ? r iu w t exists at the upperclaas and graduate lev el for specialization. and Agriculture,” to ' be The proposed change in the University College adm inistra­ shown at I t« * , tion reflects tid i. Although It would ctiittinue a s a separate unit T h e mehu w ill feature foods under the new plan, m ors Instructors would he given jaEnt that im p w ell aad m ay be appointments betw een it and other cefieges. atestoM or extended periods of This would not only strengthen the U niversity College fac- fias». Mew Mods developed by -u tty fr it would help in liberalizing th e student’s first two years the USDA and MSU research o f study. t -1 w ifi h e included, pi aim ers said. The new plan,, both te tts efo m p i « organization and MSU’s ' Em phasis w ill be placed on role in the future, would answer som e o . the problem s created avoiding sw eet or sa lty foods by a changing university. It shows an alert recognition of dif­ which cau se thirst w m s < m féra n t,needs and a refusal to cfing to wara-ont tfe a s. MSU em ergency w ater supply m ay A V ttm €H EC K *-BtotoJ«toto 1 is indeed m aturing, . T .'p , ^ ■ freshm an and SPOTUGBT E ftftr Transfer Students festere ef toe S te to M M M « i f r l . ftX to d To See H.S. Advisers W■HHro ÉMPmSM fsnÉ Knlto natouw TIBSI - ©ppp betb open to the pnbUc. BwXmt.' ôÎHBUMRS T! p|P© iwBii ©W man^ W iflS e e Transfer atartinfr' from 16 Participating w ill be rifre» e o B u m ü k r Junior sentatives from com munity col­ The unique lunchaon w ill pre­ coüeges Wifi m eet w ith their leges in Alpena, B attle Creek, cede the afim ratoa ad d rçn o f (inner afirisers^and couaselors iM fo n Harbor, Dearborn, Secretary of Agrku|ta r e , Or- next W ednesday « t K ellogg I i | Grand Rapids, Highland ville L. Freem an. L iter In the Canter. Park, Ironwood, Jackson, Lan­ nrM xam , Frank Todd of too Students aad cen a w efry ceL sing, M uskegon, Petoskey, Port USDA Agricultural R esearch leg e ofttcials w ill dtoctos ptob» Huron, Saginaw, T raverse City S ervice w ifi speak on “Urn Educational television, tts lem s of transition and cu n to» and W arn a. D airy Industry and the F all­ u ses wofi objectives on a region­ atam . s * I out Problem a l, stato andfiafianid& asls w ill T h e w ' “cnce wiU also en» Another program dealing b e aaalyzed-m vt dfrcaased by a ü e ee- nnRy eeüege ad» s t o em ergency survival i t cet M ichigan educators here F ri­ vfoers *. exam iae m ntaal OlOUDY tor F eb. 2* It is eufrttsd “Sur* day. preMr th rssnessato v iv el from Nbefrar A ttack.” I Parücipants ’ w ill observe fixes he varieus «fr» and is jointly sponsored by toe ctosed-cirCtdt cla sses, studio frsv* pns. : bficM gca Rural Safety Council aad daaareem totohltm in the n rän ^ 1» w ill opea with and to e M ichigan O ffice of Civ­ edacafioa building had special a dir esdjgy evening a t il D efense. facilities, equipm ent, v id eotop e KeUoc ter. followed b y a iwise! - * ? . u ssiw a n transfer A fih a , “T i e Ievisibie recordings and td m M te g i at credfrs : i curriculnra in gen» E nem y,” « B epea the ere* the WMBB-TV atg frn . eral id t’ stion courses. ’^#+3 gram at trto'fjB E I t ex- The Mbrth! Central Associa* stud' -t interview* w ill hegtet ptatas r iila tfr a , aad ftm ws ion o f C d tege and Seeoad ir y V ednesday a t | a.m . and con* the prabeble affects e f Isflh., Schools is sponsoring the tw o » b w untU noon. Transfer atu- • a t ea XBeMgaa if CMcage day state ctm ference, wfaich be- dents are invited to drop in at gan Thursday in K ellogg CeA- any tim e during that period for Richard 8, D'Am elio, acting a sbort Confe rence , usually W e a th e r . director, M ichigan O ffice ef ¡g; T he ceafereaee, ea e ef a about 20 m inutes, with toeir form er advisers. The forecast for FrM eyT T ' Civil D é fo n t, w ill outline th e series ea edacatioaal td ev is- policies aad pregraat of fhat fra , toetadee tafos gtven hy Closing t o t Conference w ill be d andy m i ' wtody with light - office. Henry- E . Fink, plans educators fréta acrees the aaff . a luncheon address by D r. John ■new and drifting, t i e **»- officer, MOCD, w ill speak ou ü i m i V isssr, prestdeat of the M ichi­ p ecto i high will be to the mrvtvad firent nuclear attack. H osts e f to e m eeting g e t gan Cemxdl of Community Ad- m inbtrators, on “ Graad VeBey W s - w r 4 1 x * * t I ■ ' 1 Max M etottto redW ojical WMSB-TV personnel, Including C efieje Aa exsm pie of later» Forecast far Saturday is and tr ifo ia g officer, ; MOCD, ' * etih k c s iilh n . m s n tg ii. I n wffl round out too-program FrischnechU n jarogtm ai man- Institutionai Cooperation in pertfr efrndy with slight tem ­ with a talk on “What Happens and J . D . D arts, dosed- Ifigber Etotcatfon. '' perature change, ’j & ß 'j ./ f § After IPs S afe to Gerne tin t?” circuit BM tta|ar. ^ S ta te o f ’U n i o n A v a la n c h e H its P eru LIMA, Peru, U b — A 12-yard-deep a m of am d. n e tt aad aedt- la g toe. sluiced d o * * a tow ering awuatam nde by an enormous nvifeiiphr entombed flte 8 mom d t o 509 ¡people . burst fr isip- n y g frfrm -to l from the dole p to to T in d n - have died mi one of t f r w orst disasters e f t o ktod. M W © « an d' toffrn e f B n f r t e a i - -- ■— -- • . • & ** N O l i r l l€ I T u J B | 4 I M I l l l g ^ ^T O B ^H A G U R . N etherlands, ^i l M ^ ^ t o B t o l a n d s y e n s e ont of. jobs. igsp nitmtrn «W B ad m U J L R . B e u fr f j'j|ir48 jnpp P P m b h H I a m m a lili U p ^ B l m m M B ^ eB f& Jtoah W W ÍÉpN m em $m 1 Ü ÊM ÊÊ m m wÊÈÊÊÊm>ÆË B m m H Ywa © ra si m m ^ i w m m m “to» W tM m m m M i ^ B || m I f W AUD mm « it i to to d ra u a Gott- sF b m ìì m ay be « •Ito swwsai pry is the |j aity fife it often to ■ Oto that to t end caito- tviACg ft©* ©DC h RIII« 8 8 f©f© 1 ■ of treat. . by t ><>Hi aa . . . . . . j ‘¿ e £ ' \ i iit o t o r poaRtoitodltoiraide. 1.5^Mme©a«mAg* a/ |p t o - ^ Ito i t o J i t cam biseli riÉttra» wtth toa itord category and they about th e .. ’■'a .; .- j t má~^ « t S U ’ W D B D t iMJr W SV toe m ajarity e f toe ala- ta llo n a i EjCulvTi» iliniKIOU vvBQj E throw o i l 'burned' is when fallout ro- sense r i a d isease earned by this cold very rentdffy, ia a m atos ea ssa aw d sM b sar- germ s, sock a s the common m atter of a day or tw o, and be faces. The best im m eriate pro- cold ,“ the artteto said. “What back ea ids m et and fs e lfag tectton is sim ply t s w ash ex- actually happens is that radia* a r il. However, the individual m o d rtda surfaces thorough- tion has aa effect only on Hv- rim is subject to o d d germ s fy." ing cells, and because oar body aad is already ia a nm-dojwn Sterility, the article saM , da­ is m ade up Of m illions of these condition or poor health r if l pends on tbe amount of radia- tlny living ciE s, titeir ability trim much laager to throw o ff tion wcd at to function properly is defm- the effects of the common cold. “Those working la areas Jtety affected by jtoatettoa. Urn This sam e principle can be ap- where radiation is present m ay greater the num ber o f these plied In the cam r i reflatio n becom e tem porarfly liir & e H ceHs affected, the greater the 'sickness.” they fa il to protect them - sickness." The article also dispeQed solves," according to tbe art- The basic rule for the physi- som e half-truths regarding the id s , “However, m y w ifl re- cian or laym an in treating sick* physical changes which can be gala their ahtiity to reproduce, ness is to “treat the sym p- produced by radiation. State- T his m ar take w eeks or even tom s,” tbe article said. : m eats that radiation w ill re- m onths. ■ > m If the victim com plains r i suit ia hair loss mid sterility i f a person Is exposed to -a nausea or has a fever, these and produce burns over tbe ea- large dose r i radiation, h e m ay symptom* should be m a ted tire body contain • “very becom e perm anently sterile, exactly as they would be under sm all degree r i truth,” h e th e article said, o a t the otitor circum stances. said. chances are very sm all If pro- •- ....................... ..... ................... .............. ...... . tective m easures are taken. R e c o rd e r ‘On the Way Out m e w Y O R K m m rirm K M ilttd ee, N .Y ., Columbia Univer- HAKES from la st year's S7-megetoo slty scittrtiSU said . M seamless stockings Soviet an d ear b last to fo e Arc* Another m ajor w ave arrived tie w a s so strong it shook lb s 11 hours after the b last travel- ONE WEEK ONLY psn elf the paper r i a sen sitive tag areupd tbe earth before it recording devio» 4,000 m iles wma record «! tor L a n a r i de- aw ay in New Y * * . ¡ g l ta w s, « t o r each m ajor way* I t took only rts hours to r th is cam e luhs oqaeat wave s like the first w ave to cover th e dbtance w svleta generated by dropping S h o rt, regu lar, an d lon g six es to B a li R ose, S ou th P a c ific , S h ell. from th e M ata sito to L sm ori G eological O bservatory to 8 $ j ALL SHEER SANDLEPOOT SHEER HEEL DEMI-TOE STRETCH SHEER MKftOfóLM MESH L e g S ta n im i REINFORCED SHEER H B Probton I For That SERVICE SHEER Æ ' ^ to get ^ ^n8nrance 8 8 F in a n c e Local and O ut §| E o f State Student B H R H B B H E H h 'P lrendnxn Payments CaU Today J ,. L es S ta n to n A gency 1M> Bant Htehigaa Ave— s, Laastog n r 2 -068» . ■ a n d S H fltT L A U N D R Y A l f f M 1M *S m m -, m m ,i : HVLOM CAS COAT - E V f i f V t b y f (Is ic lu d li^ S a tu rd a y ; Ew f . ■ ' •' g j| I ,£ ||§ J| jfp| ;v ’ ’ I || |P ' Woshobln, woteT-ropoBor i, A t M o f i i I I I f i l l i il 1 1 *P ' wormood Bf o lw ilgfct J r t t Live and Direct roQlon slaava cor «coat is o votoe-pockoH mpertori Metropolitan Opera (•a te is ti KnHcoHev, c u ffs - “ S IE G F R IE D ” m m m m ! lm iR f l litl j© w li f3 mIM M \nPr w j S a t , J a n . 1 3 ,1 :3 0 p j n . j* 21# ABBOTT ROAD E A r r L A N H w jr m m m I lü p . . i . u .ih., H H i .jfctojy&i ÉME^toj«gg, VKramG W>«ÉÉaiHiÀÌ^^ut iUQB SOarp, KM LtiOMtag JWjf* Bkhn» m i tira f i » . GotA b J a in X X m r a J a e S s ; ? © © M. Jones Jr„ rector e f AB- sm t*- 3 as the i d t b t t oulpl M .pm . iwm i vw nn' Sainto-Cfcurch wiD aroderote B Which wm affect Roman Cafe». p m ri é k bm ! » s a “ChrtBtfa» B et afl over th e world. Views r i S cxari Behavior” r i tc q m sn k t l councils are if it « fJ B - r i toe official methods far The m u tin g wffl beffai with which tiie Rem an fiatim i» E vbw m P r a jir «ad a supper Church defines her p w T ii i l (h A M ria ts Church. E a s tm in r ta r ria l doctrines. U n iv e r s ity M e th o d is t ! Grihatfc Blafari O rgafisn- A cesm ftsf to C sasn Law , & tirai: M Bov. Robert Kav- P r e s b y te r ia n C h u r c h “An eenm esieal ceaaeB to H H p w ffl apepk p “Infetti- C h u rch the seiectisn ri tiMtatoalters / The Comici] of NteàfiiB the bittty and Falllhto Man,” r i f s S p.m . fai f t J o in 's Sfoderi vfited by the Pope aril pre­ . ;* 1-e.r-^■ 1 jEHmnHHHflHjKi flnp; moMa C ader. | f t i sBttoas expected to e n n e Catholic G taroh. Compiine and Denedktien sided ever tar m b , tor the W ~ ' purpose ri .jwmilritag do- ’betore fits eaaactt. a i a .t i s foto R w as catted by t i» em peror w ill follow r i ». 1 dstoae on aeestist ri the e f the hisbopa, liturgical re- Critotantfa» b y 1» # consent ri. W esley Fom ristfa»: A a in- C hristie* fatoi « r i ecelesh a tm , rehgfeus liberty, and Pope f it Syivestar and result- teraatàooai dinner held fai con­ astical discipline.’’ cbnreb r is a t in e . ' | S g j | p a i t a ta o e aadanmattnB r i the junction w lt b University M ethodist Church w ill replace The parpose r i tills council is not to discuss m erging with r m r i f a r i f i f e « i^**? : W m m 'faith drawn the regular forum m eeting. EVANGELIST BILLY GRAHAM was one r i five major other denom inations but to ^ ^ i& s n s s si R B f H n H B P r a ' J^ c a S T E T £ ? • £ Foreign students w ill be guests a t tbe dinner beginning * 1 1 1 1 S m m m . cm ed at 5 p.m . In the M ethodist Stu­ 10:30 ' i a W w fe « É MftMhg «oaken r i » sddnssed ataderis to attendeaee at the ornate m ore unity within tiie Roman Catholic Church by dent Center. O w l SOm I far Kindergarten and clarifying and modernizing s n i p s a d dkagreemsris 4 Christian 8tod eri Foundation y»(wfcf, baric dogm a. ueaag foe beats ri tbs i Nsn-Reman C a t h e l t e w ill SCF Group Attends * There is a possibility that ro- presentstives o f non-Cathottc religions w ill, be asked to at­ «baicb. I t , tast council m by P iu s IX ia UM a t the Vati- o ile d ebaiabss are watching the A ssed « y t o riton host the Latheran Sfoderi atlsa for supper and. a film , “ Battio on n Sm all Siw w "SUIVANT OS NONE BUT ONT' WESLEY FOUNDATION W | i I. in t o , Ml«litoi KnOn P la n e t” Mission Convention I tend the council. They would not have any official function, but their attendance m ay aM can, Rome to r tbe nnm ose r i establishing papal In fe E S tty , menmng ia r tnem . The program w ill begin r i The va st amount r i research SrJO in Peoples. Church. Tbe cramrftlar decision m et and preparation prim to the STUOENTS WELCOME Sup9«r I p.m. Swim 7 p.m. Mftfl* «mI mult i tiwJeets X Sixty m em bers r i Spartan Christian Fellowship, an inter­ the understanding of differ­ Trinity C ollegiate Fellow ­ K afa «VHtotog faction la the Ger- council a s w ell a s tim -cm m dl ship: “How Secular Should denom inational student group, attended a lour day convention ences. fa • ^7S| man-speaking countries which itself is r i great value to sta- Christians B ecom e?” Is tbe held a t the U niversity r i IlttMris in Champagee-Urbana, during It to algnffieaaft that the throetened the stren gth-ri the dents of and religion. topic r i a panel discussion Christm as vacation.. ' which w ill b e discussed fay . T b e convention, which had as its them e Comm ission, Conflict m em bers r i T .C .F. r i S:45. P e o p le s C h u rch and Commitment, drew m ors than 5,500 persons from the United - H a l Polk, p resident,.w ill con­ A ll S a in ts E p is c o p a l S tates aad Canada. F erries students enrolled in colleges and duct th e discussion. u rin critia s In those countrias also attended. A buffet supper w ill b e serv­ E a s t L a n sin g C h u rch M ed. ® rid ev ery three y e ir s , the convention is designed to * H fllel Foundation: Professor h h tin m iMliMl attew each student g enernttsn to realise their place to the W alter Adams w iil lead a dis­ witastenaty cea se In fo e church. 200 W, O titi River «I MMtifp« cussion on “ Econom ics, Ideo­ logy and Am erican P olitics,” 0». Wi l w r >«l mli«A Rrnlar M arrtfann fSM w as raised hy m em bers r i the Spartan- group Or. f , M,«iw Simmt to finance the trip for m em bers who would have otherwise been r i 6 p.m . r i HUM H ouse. tir . Ray A Safcimam uaabtaLta «fiend. A hot m eat m eal w ill be f o . Jaawh fotipr T he group traveled by private car and w ere housed in uni­ served end * so d a i w ill fol­ •Bnaow m* awmanea versity residence halls during their stay. low. Or. N. A. MaCmr Sgartan Christian Fellowship exists to m ake known the claim s WORSHIP 5ERVJCSS r iO n to t on cam pus, provide opportunities for Christian growth (Rn S*I Tmmi SB SaauaStj VOO S IIsOO i a SUNDAY SERVICES • r i tottowuflp and to promote foreign m issions, according to Sawmawt «I Uni'« Supper n esfaton t At R egers, Okemos graduate student. HOW TO ATTEND CHURCH Ci mmuti«« Mt i f o im WITH A RASY TIN «j«, Mumiuf Prcyw r i Htiy t o f f i HM during Am convention included group studies “IN WHOSE IMACE" r i arisatonhry experts, evening rattles featuring Y t rin ulS Im * UmI It«« b w« Cammuaiau. Smrnau S Cfcwah Sahaat tstarnenrastty known speakers to the m issionary t u X , Mtiltiirt . CKvrth .1« .tamii» .«fora lb, Rabartmu Ckut.u Sekuti 0:10 m >S II aju. I k e organization w h idi has m ore than 200 « d iv e m em bers Cito mum tkmufh 16» k KuuI «|« is th e largest religious group on cam pus. M eottagi jm u h e ld oach Thursday night at 7130 in Bethel B>00 pm. Cempw .Vespers CANTERBURY CLUB M anor M E . Grand R iver. Brief toe tifam i S tu fo. Jvrt M fa MeCeue Cfopel Sw Ottawe Street eutruuee ywT I t i for AR Uubenity S b fo b Otto gm. Swriay toe erto reem. A parti, tremeti erme b ia eke»«- We Iteve 13 ertoa enti 2 R r * t C h r is tia n W h it in g to S p ea k pler-p«"». „ ; ^ . R a fo r m a d C h u r c h Service« et H I enti 114)0 e-m. U n iv a r s ity L u th e ra n Dr. Francis W hiting, director r i spiritual life and E vangel­ "IEUEVIN6 WITHOUT SKIN«" C h r is tia n S tu d a n t ism r i the M ichigan B aptist Dwijtrt S. targe, Rmadtìug C h u rch Convention w31 be guest speak­ and S t u d e n t C a n ta r F o u n d a tio n er at the regular Tuesday even­ C e n tr a l M e t h o d is t ing m eeting o f the Am erican BIBLE STUDY GROUPS occupied many students who attended the missionary B aptist Student Foundation. -convention held on the University r i fittasi« cam pus, I C h u rch N«faceti lato ima Cn m Ì — Dr. W hiting’s topic is “Grow­ torbie« enti Am Street, LI. (2 Heek« «erto r i Betiey Hri) Jeseph A. P a i* Minbter ing in the Life of the Spirit.” Aeree« im the Capite! The m eeting w ill ■begin at ll^Z U f - Otte«« atri Captiti Avene» 7:30. Fgsteff9 3i0i p.m. Meet «t Calage Him far Damiti W. Heto t C T . rimkiick tefoggm party at Orma Beck Perk. _ . Camp«« Werker: Teele Santi K im b e r ly p a w n s F irst C h u r c h o f S t. J o h n s S tu d e n t Sentiejr Wenkip CAMPUS VESPERS fib- C h r is t, S c ie n t is t VOR, lOtllmti IltIB «m. C h u r c h o f C h r is t P e r ish _ S«m «e by fetter Herb TOO EAST GRAND RIVER— Fr. R. Kavanaagh NvrMty ««re h previtieti et «0 «erti«««. Peepl«'« Cforeh toAewed fay «baring 1007 Cmbetiy Drive, Lenting •US SCHEDULI fo 11,30 «ertimi Ee*t Laming Fr, T. MeDevtit «iWtiti IM I. Bmtip II« * Cric r i aatored Mm, “BATTU OMA SMALL % (I kleekt W. ri Pnader Shopping Can- 1*«04 Owm litio. Shew 11, 12. Mum Chtmh Service M AM. 327 MJUC. PtANIT," nbeawim gimp» and dbg* .j- term W. Grand River) ¡Itti, enti aritim «I chwch «bori Sentiey Sefoti. i l A.M. Smday Maeee* n ito M , Retem to teme m b »to IV 0.7130 7:IB-l:30-4tiS (High) llrltoUJO Smtieg Scheel far Univenity Stutienb “ Gerald O, fonia, S»' "“ (Babyirtting at IJ0, PtiS A H ill VJO e.m, ataHec) , X Sunday s n v ic s s ✓ Sebfect Daily Mette« t r i a.m., 1:00 é jm . “Mwrilg Werthip IhM am. 12:10 p a , aad MO pjn. “SACRAMENT" Saturday Matte« 1.00 A t r ie n , . Stofa Study .;g:X to » i A Carictaiem tiaily at 1:30 pja. Wed. Evening Meeting I piti. Saturday 4 4 JO A ItltoMO p.m. Cveaing Warthip AlOO paa. SO U TH B A P T IS T CHURCH Rearing Room Mamm tar«to«i I Wedaeadey «veatng Kbto Stady 7:30 Sunday Sapper 4:00 p.m. 134 W. franti River Teee. 1:30 A 7JO pja. tlw duy avenfag Ladini Stole Chm Sunday FerWrn — 7JO p.m. » l i l t S. W ASHINGTON— U N S IN S Men. tom Sal « a.m. * S p.m " ■■' 7JO pm. frmat Speaker Mm, Timp, Tkvrts A Fri. 7:00-4 p.m. Your “O iet d i^ way f ieiii-Hotito” for tramparfafam mfe PE 04110 CarapSee and Bmadbfam f r i 'f f A l am wclceme te «Meati Church . ED 2-ltM ar ED 2-2434 Sartie««, «ati vieti enti «m the Rmti- E a s t L a n sin g G r o a k A r c h d io c e s e H )G E W O O D "HOLY TtWfTY" L a n sin g C o n tr a t Ó k a m o s C h u rch U n it y C a n t o r O r th o d o x C h u rch o f th a N azaren a F r o o M e t h o d is t C h u r c h PEO PLES C H U R C H tnterdeciiafcu faanal 1404 HamiRm Rd. Wathingtoa at Itrim ea, l aa»in| 120 Spartia Avenae Mi ming Warahip ..... H * 1:10 P M . ADULT YOUTH lev. E. EUGENE WILLIAMS, Paetar Sentiay Sche el 10 a. Smc'ay Sefoal IMO am. Ym fai Sertie« t r i p. Maming Wanhip 11:00 am, ~ WORSHIP SERVICES Evening Warthip , T ri R . ll.-OOam. Yeung Pappi« Sartie« fa ll pm. ^-i Family Servite Wed, Evening 7JO Evening Service TOO pm. "PURITY. PERIL, AND POWER" Rav. 0. A. Waedt, Petim Mid weak PrayerWeti. 7:30 pun. 7:30 p jm , for Temapatiafam CrilV 2-40S7 Cai ID 7-4207 far free tmmpatiefapa. “REVELATION THROUGH Stopping c l Com Hafi, 4:15 m i f e l l - Shaw H el. Owwt Hal PERSONALITY" F IR S T W E SL E Y A N I M A R T IN LUTHER CH APEL M E T H O D IS T CHURCH * f STU D E N T CENTER Jrihd Meeer, ftXt end fo27 • Dfvidoo • M AC. • Cdfega Drug È. L W e lft hfarm Paator . Campbal Hal • landau Hal e Yahafy Hal « OMulfi Hal Bhopal Teh phwig ED 2-0771 '* vv, #' ■ f WBKama Hal - Mhhipw Aaa. ri Hawfaan KdL, h A a d f a t t IW amhip IMO. IIt» am, aid I t» pm. ;. Bafoy Hal . Iryau Hal. A Wbei^fr Svaati ' ' -i- to^bjii|0ikwik^tt^ahMg’ f ÿEAfo I fe v „ . . Cal lY g ifS tt fea fwOhar wtormaiiaa I Fournd took NEW YORK UR—Retara Kam- Michigan State, still sting­ per gam e and gntoered ta 267 sco red 'to cut Crisrado’s lem rebouodx. TMa paar Burwell had to com e from behind twice rifeg «I u u -irfj* ^ s u t e and ing from fiw Wisconsin loss, to M 1» off to a great Start, averaa• to d e fe a ts surprising Coiorado has baen «rocking an defense L ins than (am m inutes later toe Donald WTfesm) r i W rit Cheat- this week a t w ad as offense. - la g 19 potate | gam e and triL College team id ; at ton MSU toe Spartans tied to e score l e t Arena Thursday night. • r , (P a.) M s "We’ve bean giving up fit 'pritounds. ar the rarest plays la hap passed it to Tony The OrioradD Tigers look ed shot, tt ta foeri r i toe net nam ed to flto IM I 111 few rtca potato a gam e lately, and aaa "They ra t grittng fiw hall like anything tad « te a m with a 0-10 Western CoQegtete Hoc­ key League record. on Laurenee [aw ay. B e­ fore be could shoot, Cotoradofr f U r ith e final penoti soccer ta tto for ton second E BM t aoeréd toe wtantag ef. m jfe. mmi m■■i straight gpriyear, it w as announced Thursday. working to cut this down," An­ derson srid , "hut w e have been shooting •ttoog with toe CMlVVtt W dtm W w b yw» M i UH CjÜ Aadwoaa sali« “We’re ffin g U© S M IW f. Art Berglund tripped him from . „ J a m b a d a b e e e a Sporiaa The tow n atol chosen by the r a st'r i th fm . ta the W isconsin ta have to ca t Mw aff." - The Tigers took advantage of behind and Fournel went crash­ reta cxcept for Lanrenc* who National H op* « gam e, for exam ple, I think «re MSU’a lackadasical play to the “Thto team ’t errenf are to r t 2D or 21 )aore shots than first period to jump off to e * 4 ing into the n et. _i . madtf « aavea, 26 ia toa tori aodattoa’s selection ■ ■ a v m m t *tart more n sign a t immaturity After toey untangled the period. Kerneling w as ¡ricked for the they did. All toe have toHjfe to lead on fe a ls tor Brian Dut- M *ce action «rith feaa a t tacxperiaace,” he srid. kow iki and Ken Cartas. players and pad fe e n et back Tba S p n rtam 'm jt Calorada centra n ett an — d W ifi- uwstpee ¡aa.upes, acere." . " nF S S ? tatos fea center fo r w a r d .^ • 1 a u n t, has beaten Michi- While working to improve "Tb0 9 *1 9 young and tbey’ve W ife a minute and 22 seconds to place the refaie e i awarded tangie cK ri» ;F rid ay night r i q f i i f*-7i and lori to Purdue • penalty to ot. Coach the Spartans’ defense, Ander­ just got to learn to trink out gone ill the first period Dutkew- toe MSU Ice Arean a t S f u n . * 5 ri0 . Amo Bessone picked B ari T ar son also hopes to cut dowd on toere.” ; aid stria the pock from Spartan A fter the gam e Bessone srid A a l :- » .n • ■ defensem an Frank Mika, ia the Spartans end, circled aroond aad beat State goalie cotta, Stria’s leading scorer, to take to e sh o t 1 Turcotte started at the red r i C otorrita “ I kaaw tte y wrae- better iban fin ir vecen ! « id preved It" Spartani Swimmers Purdue, the Spartans’ op­ ponent next Monday night, beat the fifed «rife ^ balanced the team ’s m ental errors. 1 .• ‘We « y a r ia d toto team to Anderson p lras to CO «rith the sam e Une-up as in the past. This hicludes P ete Gent aad attack, featured b y Terry Dto- be rough from the begta- John Chandik from to feet. The Spartans play picked up but then Tiger goalie, Norman fine, picked up toe puck at the blue lin t1 and turned on the speed. He «sent to right on top torito riso «fid th ri Tetar E lüot w as toe p p a r ta n a t toe guato*", and toat EUiot had Called ‘Best Ever’ chingra’s 45 potato. Had Illi­ nois been able to shackle to t BoUerm fker sharpshooter with atag,” be said. ‘‘After att, titay only lest tore tetterraea cad have right back.” Lorade Sanders r i Uw For- «vartfe, Stan Chandler r i cant- er, and Capt. Art Schiran n Laurence, dam m ed the door in r i Laurence, fekad to the right arned a starttag asrignm ent. S i Br LIZ HYMAN a r t cordially invited to attend any success r i 0 0 , they easUy and Jack Lamers r i Uw guard their faces with spectacular and when Laurence m ade ms A crowd of 1,353 saw the Spar- State Ne«vs Sprats Writer toto first hem e m e e t . ■, could have com e to State atop Pacing the Mini are 6’4” posts. goal tending. _ m ove Turcotte flipped the puck tans rrise fin ta record to 4 - f Writ th e heat teem State has Tbe 220yd. freestyle «rill to e Big T a n with a 2-0 record. junior forward D ave Doomey Ready for. Instant aervke At 11:44 e f the first period into tbe left side r i to eja ri. te WCHL com petttion aad have Dick Brackett and Doug and 6*8” junior center B ill Bur- r a t B ill Sdiwarx. Ted Wil­ liv er had, according to swim­ Rowe. Swim m ing the 30-yd. M S lrh eed coach Potddy An­ Colorado’s Ken Hanson hit State continued to apply toe 10-2 ove rail. Colorado is 0-11 derson w asn’t too am azed r i «roll. ig jg liam s, and m tt Berry. team m ate Ken Carins with a pressure hut Laurence slam ia Magna ptay and 1-13 overall. m ing coach Chariot McCaf- freestyle «rill be Jeff Mattson Illinois’ record, though. Doomey led the squad last Anderson expects the next perfect pass as be w as cruising med the door in their faces and free. the Spartan tank team and sophomore Jim White. In year «rith 402 points ta 24 two squads bis Spartans m eet The M ini w ill also be a ser­ across fee Spartan goal. Cairns the second period ended 2-2. m eets the U niversity a t Iowa the 206-yd. individual m edley ious threat from the outside. gam es t o r a ISA average. He to be tougher than Indiana er flipped the puck past Chandik Within five m inutes r i the aa d Illinois in a double dual «rill be Ron Schwartz and B ill A pair r i fin e 0*2” picked r i! 267 rebounds to lead W iscmum, la st- «roek’s Op­ W r e s tle r s t” guards, aunio the TIm i led 2-0 at tbe third period Colorado had a m eet, Saturday r i 2 p.m . in w oea. :/- Jerry Coiangeio the team in th ri departm ent ponent8. * and BUI end e f the fir st period. 4-2 lead. At 1:22 r i fe tp e r fo d the Men’s IM pool. D iving com petition w ill in­ Sm all, se e extrem ely accurate also. "This to our taggest weekend so fa r,” he « o ft “and it In the second period State Brian Dutkowski knocked to T ak e R oad | Going into this com petition, clude D ick Van Lowe, a sopho­ «rith their long-range bombing. S t a t e ’ s assistant coach, strengthens my opinion fe s t started applying toe pressure.: Stan M ortal's rebound aad r i State has participated in one more srbo put in a fine per­ “They possess raw outside Bruce Possum 'said: the Big Ten to as streng this They had several shots m a t 4:47 John Status scared for tbe The varsity w restling team m eet, the B ig Ten R elays, form ance in the B ig Ten re­ shooting,” F e s s u m said, "Doomey to their best att- year in bariwtball as in foot- only the brUBaqt work of Ti­ travels to Bloomington Satur Iowa, having previously beat­ lays,, nod Paul Johnson. “Sm all to a real good shot. From then on it w as all Mich­ Captain Carl Sbaar and Consequently, they can beat aroond ballplayer. He’s a twtt." ger fo efie Laurence kept them day to take on toe B oosters ta en W isceorin mid Illinois to from scoring- Then at 10:30 of igan State as the Spartans pet their first tin gle B ig 10 m e e t touted a s a good swim m ing Chuck Strong «rill be s«rini- you from anywhere ” fine shot, excellent rcboond the second period with Colo­ on a great ratty. L ast weekend tbe team fin­ team , but a Spartan victory to m ing fiw 206-yd. butterfly. The Sm attrgotag great la st year er, a a d d o es- everything rado’s A m Frolick serving a Bob Doyle scored on e pass ished second in a quadrangular expected. 10P-yd. freestyle w ill feature until he broke U s Writs, to do­ wett.” ^ S K I ÍU N m eet r i Northwestern scoring Illinois w ill lean heavily an Harry Benson, Jim White and ing even better th is season. So far this year Downey has a total of 82 points. ace free style sprinter, Jim M ike Wood. Averaging 1 3 .4 'p o ta to per averaged 18 points per gam e H O L ID A Y A ssistant conch, Grady P en Spreitxer, to lead a squad Dan Jam ieson and MU Wood gam e, be led a fine Illinois W o r ld o f S p o rts nger said they expect a tough which has m ost of Its strength «rill s«rim the 290-yd. back­ second half against Purdue and snagged 116 rebounds. Ittinoto’ s e c o n d major sk i n a so n r TMwqf Crty, MWk m atch. . ta freestyle and relay events. stroke srito Dick Blazejew ski, irithJM points. Ski M threat h as- vastly improved T h ey beat M ichigan 10-14 Iowa has a fin e backstrocker D ick B rackett and N eil Watts Left handed J e r r y Ce- m» IVY LEAGUE football coaches, at a m eeting during the NCAA, him self over la st year's {day. and lost to Illinois 14 to U ” , be in L et Cutler a a d standouts in com petiting in the 40-yd. free- laagelo averaged 12J potato convention Thursday, decided to investigate the possibility ri B ill Burwell, who weighs 233 said. — — sprinter MB Meyerhoff and style. S«rimming the 200-yd. a gam e tost season and toto FAMILY using twiHmitad substitution next season. pounds, to a s big a man as nttrby. UM«Mt Also the team is without the breaststroker D ennis Vokoiek. breaststroke witt be BIB D riv­ year is getttag ever 12 per •M family rafa*. WIHO State w ill see this year raid he urna BILLY (THE HILL) McGill of Utah is making a runaway ri services r i fiv e graduated let- Saturday’s m eet wQl be high­ er and JoaK ottw and Dennis eer iest. P ossessing f i n e has suddenly found tbe scoring the m ajor college basketball scoring race with a 37.2 points- i erm en including B ig 10 cham p lighted by two special features Ruppart- The 400-yd. freestyle heads and extrem ely fast, touch. HULIOAY J M m Frae per-gam e average for 13 gam es. form Young. - - It to a dual m eet, which m eans m edley «rill have Dick Blase- h e to usually ea toe end ri «rochur* Traaataa City, Mi«*. Making the trip «rill be Okla that it «rill be considered a i jew ski, Dennis Collins, Juragen an Ofewto la ia st break «rhea During the 1960-61 cam paign. WriUi «VUiUaMMMB ar M M THE COUNCIL a t the National Collegiate Athletic Association Johnson, 123; G eorge Hobbs, two separate encounters . It to Matt aad Jeff Mattson. they ran. BurweU averaged 12.1 points Thursday endorsed creation a t new federations for track and 30; Tom Mulder, 137; Monty also Parents D ay. P arents r i field and gym nastics, an dthen slapped probationary periods lyington, 147; Hap F rey, 137; the athletes as w ell aa parents on four colleges, includ ing^ three-yehr tram on New M exico John Me Cray, 107; Alex Van- r i a ll M ichigan State students State U riverrity and a one-year term to the U niversity a t Utah. canoff, 477 and John Baum, heavyweight. KENNETH L. (TUG) Wilson, president r i toe United States In la ri w eeks m eet, Johnson, Olympic com m ittee, is trying to arrange a peace m eeting be­ ’/alcanoff and Baum scared S p o r t S h o rts tw een the NCAA and AAU, the Oakland Tribune said Thursday. «naywjfU firsts with Baum d efeatin g the - FRANK F1LCHOCK w as fired as coach r i the Denver Bron­ defending B ig 10 cham p from M ichigan State has a brother forth w estern. , com bination in basketball with cos r i the American Football League Thursday. He w as the sixth r i the league’s original eight coaches to get the ax. THEY RAN the film r i tb e controversial Notre Dame-Syra- cuse gam e for the nation’s football.C oaches Thursday and it showed clearly that: 'One r i our toughest m atch­ forward Lonnie ganders on toe es witt be in to e 130 cla ss. Pen- varsity a n d forward-guard inger said, a g a i n a t Ron M arcus Sanders ea the frosh Hutcheson. H e’s fr tough boy team . Both propped a t D etroit to beat". - Pershing High School. (OR PARTY) Two sophom ore's w ill be 1. There w as a foul, on the la ri piny field goal attem pt by Notre Dom e’s Joe Perkowski, but after the ball had been kicked- - ' * - v X X 'X | 2. There probably would have been no controversy at all if Syracuse bad used better judgem ent in tb e la ri taro m inutes m aking their first starting rids with the team . They are Byington and Mulder. M ichigan State has co ca p ­ tains ta cross country for the Byington decisioned senior first tim e «ritir th e election r i >oi)g M illiman and Mulder R eger Humbarger r i God«rin STOP IN AT raid concentrated on running out the clock. >eat B ill. G ucdSrdo, also a H eights and Don C astle r i U tica THE STOCKHOLM afternoon paper AftonMadet, reported senior. - to lead the Spartans ia 1962. * Thursday th ri an international syndicate, w ith more than 92 m illion availableratarted negotiations tor a heavyweight title fight between Floyd Patterson and Ingem fr Johansson r i Sweden this summer. JACK NILON, Ridley Park concessionaire, said Thursday OUR the announcement that he would m anage heavyw eight boxer Sonny Liston is prem ature. , - But he left little doubt that he would take over Liston’s con­ GREATEST SALE tract feom George Katz, if he hasn’t already done so.— VETERAN RIGHT-HANDER R eger Crate ta d three others signed th eircon tracts with tbe New York Met* Thursday. This OF YOUNGMEN’S raised to six toe number e f signees with tbe new National League team . SLACKS..... - IT S BASEBALL'S New York Yankees ev er pro football's Green Bay Packers for thelflSl team r i toe year. The result r i the voting by 136 sportsw riters and broadcasters participating in the annual A ssociated P ress year-end poll I T Y a n d C O Coffee j showed today that the Yankees cad Packers crushed a ll oppo­ sition just as they did in winning their cham pionships. THE NATIONAL Football L eague's b est players—minus the - ALL BASIC COLORS •*» Mamburgs N o. 1 among them —square off Sunday ta w hat alm ost look* lute a rem atch r i the N FL title gam e, ix x E ight Green Bay Packers and E ight New York Giants—nearly 23 per cent r i each squad—w ill be in the E astern and Western O u r E h t ir e Molts - S to c k — :* division ttneups. But m isting is the NFL’s m ost valuable player, P ari H om ing, who ia still driving jeep s r i F t R iliy , K in . ~ — 2 P r ic e s French Fríes Etc, Etc. . TO $17.00 $ J ^ 8 8 ’ 2 p a i r $26 OPEffTILL 1111 TO $20.00 m m È m m m m fi? m m m e m B S s ES m m M W^-rt 1 M Êm M W ËM Ê I y S ; W Ê Ê Ê s Ê È Ê È È Ë m • •• a H D t —vw % * . * » * IM S those - mm rip rowing The n o t wm iaarv ia “C aste Spring g # American and .. wtt Vocations! a»— m « t i ... ftReUtiona;” mm&W. ; - DC o e tlS H H l -O f * M. M B m n r Of dtsfingntfiied speakers from fifteen fUP© «•» iuen^toE8©MNra© COIflEm.. :9 A ll mariner». 4» wtteSh fee. G p ttft public it; invited, w ill h e te H m S E 415 p m . ia 101 KritoggCenter, i Opemn ^ tbe series Monday æ & Wtit he Dr. Arthur R. SI. Low v ■. veHsCsftl© H rrM iy fta prftW EK M sD s Oft ¡Ê Ê m a C sn ad ilu M stary, t e rmerty of Queen's University. M s topic f will be “fb b N ational ia d Soc ia! Identity af Canadians.’ _♦ The second sem inar Fete w iv e s "will feature a discussion e f . I _ Market,” by a three-member f * * * * * v * * * * • * ■ * . I n f o r m a l C o u r sk*7eV > P*8*^ . from M icht-1 ^ informal course hi the “We wiS teem bow people are influenced by til* groups R jORS HHT • KORGE HMfllRi ■ " e f Chicago aud t t e p ro ria a te ef; ^ relationships. designed es- /VETTE WMttUX • JM HUTTWI ■BARBARA NICHOLS ■PMftt PRENTISS to which they belong and why jpeciaB y Mr am dete wivaa,- fr. people act and f e i i t to each ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN—Aad m a lty f e whea toak-atite* © M b Fitzpat­ -«jBKQOfite-^COWBtfXWraS ^ — R p n r P ^ P n tftfh fP being ottered this term by the other as tbgy d ij” she added. rick, MIL a n i brother Laniorae- e fe d h te fe e ir friends. S ia la , assfctsnt M M ( M lU l- M f o ! m t • — m. n c u r r n iia u v c d C m d h u te« E dncafim Service. EatoBm atds win he accepted ’of the Place meat B areaa, e a r n to the U niversity M A p ri, H U . S o brother, m m m » m u \ m - M»;!« pisrttttt f r k -: nf is th e first -of a series of op to fe e second cla ss m eeting I to O verseas Project ferétrttif, joined the staff h i January, U K , as a perm ansi D f* e i» ? s ^ 'j courses te bp ottered by the next T n isd ty . Student wives^ interview er. The a t x q i began when Edwin w as orraafinjTH tekw t em ptoym eat 2 N D BIG COM EDY H IT ! L is le F e J l o w s h i p s J Cwiti,wiB« E A ,catkw * * * * * can register ad I I I Afentedatra- and S s brother doe ting with Uahrenfry employes. H ere they’re exawfarfag a tion Building from p fp p i; to pane e f glaseb ro k ea Wednesday evening la the front door o f the fendete ie r - £ M iss Anne Tongrrn. repre­ |variety o f areasjw fciJe not pur­ aeon, >and fron t X to ft p.m . sentative of U sle FVl’owsh'ps suing a form al credit coarse Inc. of Ann Arbor t f i be m the I program . and 41 to 50 below really UN Lounge in 'fee Union Mon- j The course. “Person to Per­ D r. D e L is t e doesn’t hurt you," be said. day and Tuesday to discuss fel-{ son; A s fm rodoctm a to Homan “M ost people keep active r . . lowships w ife interested U.S. | R elations.” m eets Tuesdays from t to 10 p jn . in Kellogg R e c o v e r in g keep working. You never find and foreign students anyone outside staaffing stiU.*’ is L isle F ellowship« w ill spon­ Center. F ro m In ju r y Lang wollen and insulated un­ sor two sum m er educational: Teaching th e 10-week cla ss is travel sem inars. Mrs. Elizabeth N all, research derw ear still 1« popular there­ Dr. Franerai Da L isle, direc­ Winter added new wrinkles They w ere afraid it m ight be abouts, however. They w ill bold International j associate ta the Bureau o f So­ tor o f women’s division e f stu­ to human habits today. . contam inated w ife radioactive Human Relations Institutes in cia l aad P ahticri Rese arch . dent a tta in , retarned to her of­ Ia M ontgomery, Ala., sem e HodTAYLOR•JimBACKUS-Claire KELLY W ife much of the nation Mt fallou t.-B u t health authorities W ashington D C. and Sms Fran­ “ In fid s coarse, w e are con­ fice Monday after recuperat­ people had It worse than a dog’s b y icy cold and heavy snows, said tests showed no taint. cisco. There w ill be sim ilar six- sidering hew w e get our per­ ing from an iniured knee. life. The city pulled six police week tours to Scandinavia. Ger­ sonalities^ how w e ase them to people resorted to various de­ * i tell them to go ahead and dogs off their beats last night M.G.M. Cartoon O r . De L isle, w hile returning v ices to cope w ife fe e problem . m ake m ow co res,” said John Latest News m any, Italy, Japan and Jam ai­ affect o tters and hew we because of thé sieet and m ow, from « m ooting ip the D ea n of to Hom ewood, A in., a suburb J . Lentz, public health director but ordered a afreet crew out ca. change them .” M rs. Nafl said. Students office, fe ll la st Oc­ o f Birm ingham , som a law- far N ashville and Davidson to sand icy bridges, tober in the Student Services abiding citizens spent a night County. huilntog $be underwent surg­ r In Pensacola j F la ., crid tn ja ti-~ ju st to keep w a rn . | From B ig P iney, Wyo., one proved m ere attractive to one ery for th e fractured right They w ere stranded motor­ of the nation’s « M ea t spots, M ic h ig a n S t a t e U n iv e r s it y knee h i D eetenber a t Olin man titan h o t H ealth Center. ists, and tbe police opened cells to them . cam e th is .ad vice for beating the cold: Claude Hariden e f D allas, a OPEN 12:41 OLADMER 43c TO 5 P.M . FOREIGN FILM s b tlF S Far fe e South, the m ow w as : “K eep a ctiv e.” trade driver, -jum ped 50 feet tide frigid Chotawatchee H iver p r e se n t» alm ost an oddity. Middle Ten­ n essee parents swam ped doe- to rsw ith ca lls asking i f It w as Thia w as fe e cold-weather prescription « ( Chuck D avis, Mayor of the mountain town in after m s clothing caught fire from a burst gas tank fe a t ig­ nited atom Ms truck crashed HELD OVER AGAIN! sa fe for children to eat the western W yoming where it w as on ïb r id g e to avoid a sfcKMmtg FOR A 3RD SFARKUNG WEEK stuff. J ’ in«* mswdet 43 degrees te tew H fr car. “ O w to M is m y fe y . . . See COLD P age 7 F ren ch ff e n (G erm an) ' i 'A t A n t lx m y - | | sta r ts T O D A Y ! f T w a i i s a Vivid, BenBatte, Prerogative Dram a 1 “ Le MtffiM,** # French film ’' Continuous from lrftt p.m . M IC H IG A N WEEraM© Baaed On ActnalJaridcnts Inside East Germany C finefer^ directed by Xtann —a.—a . — a Clair, wffl b e shown Friday at spmoon S U P E R B A R G A IN D A Y ! Themfrcof Y find 9 p.m . perform ances in T O N IG H T , F R l , J a n . 12 ^ Anthony H all. Adm ission is by San Francisco’s U niversity Theatre coupon fabutous " • X * 7 4 9 P.M. r*f W T w r ^ r CMhémr? t I.iîL l. iroroD ie^ tend-Mhters ani keekie FAIRCHILD THEATRE ~ enfiasse! ate 4a sea le mb'a bate! k M énmiI A«lmi»»ion 50c FRCKÎRâM a f M W H M I f m ttJ W f in ii at Pw rvSkAa ItV vt Wh Bk E A ST L A N 5 INC - PHO^E E D .2 - 1 8 1 4 T ït f t • » s » s m it e . HOME OF FOREIGN FILM S— NIGHTS and SUNDAY ADULTS Me PLEASK COME EARLY S E S IT m > M THE 8TABT p |o » r i c f c Y O U R S S L H W t f id v e o f io n a l h dfei tR rp M arf w it h Imwhi Mfcwrtioiwil (Mjtvfbockt"* C okm M w ctM ree p rm m n t * ^ •Mir 1# # mwi Hie faBewioe iGlteyn s M a e tom . . ..m —.e 'PiM M M Two* W g HRp-H».) teM m m sH tes-dH te- m m ' a p s z a *« CO-FEATURE . . . TODAY ONLY! COMING SATURDAY, J ACTUARY 20TH B a !!I « * 9 lE g Shewn today M X ;«,*:**, 9 :« ip j^ Jfcg 11; wfe Mato Man, IMnte fdkouthoo©CMSIrtL ARfegfeEEbRRgdBW M M lm M M a iM S E M H M B I M M w m m irara ■ ■ n r •¿ m W g B O m m m w lS M S m a m B 1 0 Q 5 9 .’-’A; v-AittaN fi» UMBtesrreriRrtj isteffisiBfete, «tatf# at m m m returned tram « m i if llaarta oeteiflus. teboieeed Sint tod tm A d m i it is feds 9 @ B juat yiate M iiw r t Bra«« th* l l l l l ■T O ». H M S B w « « w 1 1 1 1 i r e r a p * « » M 'a S f e s * * ■. U W . > ( iL ; :+.ream« <.ryy I v . y — *- ; JSjl »*«;.,••" '• •• f' ^ ? N :M M ite4o ^ retetan “ w* UMd to thtak that liter- ^ ^ ■ H H ef pram» l i l i n r t £ f l 5 S « ? was • fores fete weuid Amarteaa I p M Me wttijpra- Um m « M i at aw»*” Buafo vati, or tha ftasrtsas — *•-------- ta sad tltotr raoc told.-------- ■ ' “«erne SO school puper izwY^E. H 11 to I wu A j^£ Systran mwiu gj£E nfi MS uauaSj m — *— ■“* - M ftpnttaate, it riiiih * fo i a3 B ■R gxm/W « fito] B BflE :»i _ _ ' :.ggMB«URU^toltotodtomU fMBgt|M tol qp MB itW rt Dt*mHj ,« . i i m pHMMt« £¡¡1— i^aa **^" h * u T 'W . w SMtfewtit —« — - onw,?i^T] ^ ^ ■ ■ ¡ ^ 9 Grosse Petal« MPteMMOret re -flu , ‘"¡tore, tartaad of * «choahfc fmrfnf tha i M II ta hstag ^ ■ ■ H Busboef reported oa ta« ob- aaad to chrio tha ndad to the rarkaflwi p Rusttan «Bools M r avtt s g e f f p l — M B . before a Southwestern MteU- «fo * country ncft ss sars, ^ H B b H faaScbool Administrator* Coo- mdoctrinstton’ isattm rftiarf M H H M H H n «rence Monday at Kellogg Cen- $ | many peopk,” be arid. ■ H B B B |K “ Well, if tt’i natty to teach chl!- Bb^1', ‘More atbaa wJ^UWBR. tba ^^¡w*^ni —^gtoPrMpusi^Bus HHvppMgn IB» draft wpBrj. o««umu» toana ttw wemwoith the pe.«««•mui^uptradMtous juu^uswburur*»— ftps-w A U T O M O T IV E FO RREN! M M # Serial troops, more of sor country, la dUBks aam- M than thetr powerful ICBITs, | H and aU the fsdtote 1958 C H E W O U T . K m , A c y W t f , A M N f f e ta — g m m wsre ate ap 1bm j m(£ib £ s i - more feantheiraifohty» meg- thing« g i n , « -.—gi - jg gjaggE i t , afigja...- *._ asia a s — 1 c - ------ . — it stands for. M l * • •utdm «tic ehtft to d y to n - WahIÔ L ' ¡ d W " '«¿mU T ì» UMB- *— ©©© v©MHnNM wMBMM©» .. Wffl DORHMg * «©8»- VD© mf©W©B Mu Dvtl8f D©MMPEpptt ditto«. M o to r ovtrhoultd. 509 D M «- t o » » «QBd w tot S toBS * jwM l»tto. es» iw». ED a-7tS9.__________________ I I ■ a a w v t e , e f f cé^W M . 917-ISO A r, aakea flw M l meooare- schools,’ be ttated. Jfi _ ; «0 ^ pm ft maa| be deter- ft -T‘ ■ ■- 1 ■ ef the »eidfta. fetes Him “Not becauie they wffl turn mined & it wo will aot bow 53 D O D G E . V-S, 4-dow , rodio, hoot- er, autom atic $15. Jtuni wall. IV ft. 6 0 » offer 5:10 — ' ' C ft » im «H O 'citettra. I D o m T m M 477. X~y ap pointment ED 24753 1 o n k m M « 1 j : 7 L lo y d B ro w n a n d C o m b o W ANTED R ’i'-.., I o è '- 'I ^ W i l O W S to s h o r e " » ' U SE D S A U R I and dum bbells w itt trailer, n e « C ore l G ables. Lots o f riffa*. C oN 355-413 ? aftdr ft p.m . 1, extras. A sk fa r Ro g er. 315-2710.- I I — * .......... - - W A N T E I). I • 2 m ofa gra d u a li R O O M A N D R O A R O ~ w «» tod with f students to there 3 h n l ro* (p bouts fam ily to t lo o tin g in e ttto n fo far k • :.:í:S¿Ífidktof dtotonce to eomput. ED ?• J H H M i ß l i p w f t r housework. Pam g l 2I7S betwito S 4 p.m. 4 w iM k lv ftrtiei. , room furnished ALPHA E P S I L O N PI M O H IN O ; to m y E. Lo»»d n g home. pI c e b i* t t U s e lo a tin g I « I vk> . • in p etoiiod. y ^ X ^ to o m C cM É sr W e s t i f f — -.ftp « **««et Student oeods "som m ate. P P l B l i f o a t o A vo , 332-0775. m m i ander- afeaduuVfiWf N ife Id i TODAY, tei tal ta the m agoatae. “As f i» firrt-tesH rid a n erurideot to protesa thè ; R em a» Catholic faiih, he « n , is and w ill ré* a g io a m ark et m an.” Roman Cathèlies are not lik ely to ask special fav ori a t tbe premrfent, the editorial conttoued. At the saune tim e, w ill ceHttauei D e b a fe T eam to presa for aid to parochìal scbools and other legislation of T o C k ta É p e te aa tbey wottht w ith any president e f «ny fatth. m T c m tip p y T h t w litorial added. “In b rief, th e tv fe e president boa n et «a*f gene out e f b is w ay not to Jagrattato him eett w ith J » | H | Rom an QgheBfe « nw lttatary; h e ha* regulariy bent over backwards so a s to m ake it dram ically H K 9E1E0LDER OF TBC YEAR, Mr*. R ay N a ta n , 1 9 « E R Y - S P E C I A L clear . . j that h e doesn’t givo ITnpftairti— Read n i — te l « 1 l y f t t e :ftete* t h e w ife « I an tach . . . a Botany professer, S ta . N elsoa w as eheeen fe e eutataad- d te f landlady tor t a l by the Hearing D tp w ta m t e f the R ed C h in a E n tr y U niversity. —State News P h ele by S ta te B o y s ’ P r o p o r tio n e d Wi n B e D e b a te d B y C am p u s U N The adm ission o f Red China w ill com e hefore fe e cam pus Placement Bureau Unitetf N ations Friday night at the f e t e general assem bly ses­ Interviewing at the P lace­ of Air F aroe) chem ical, electri­ sion e f fen term . m ent Bureau W ednesday. Addi­ ca l and m echanical engineers Soviet Union delegate* w in tional information in the P la ce­ and p hysics, -chem istry and m ain the « so lu tio n In the ses­ m ent Bureau Bulletin for the m ath m ajors. sion in fe e Union ballroom at weekrof Jan. 15-19: A m ericas H ospital Supply C m . Am erican Can Co. M echani­ 7:1$ £«. ca l engineers and production M arketing m ajors & Others The resolution state* fea t the from the C ollege e f B usiness i N ationalist Chinese D elegate adm inistration. Public Service, Science ft A rts does not represent “0 » govern­ Indiana State Highway Com­ and Communication A rts. m ent to w hich practically a ll m ission. Civil E ngineers. Buffalo Forge Go. M echani­ e f fe e China— poopto turn for Departm ent e f H ealth, Edu­ cal engineers. — leadership” aad h is credentials cation and W elfare. A ll m ajors In s u ra n c e R a le s C u t cnem istry, Dactenoiogy, dio- chem istry and p hysics m ajors. V a td y ed h ln ed en im jeans at special savings. FWfiy sanforised Genera! Metra» Carp. Ac­ with trip le, stitehtag and reta ta ced a t a fi potato of strata. counting, m arketing and ¡fi­ nance m ajors. AU m ajors in the C olleges o f B usiness and F o r ‘A \ ‘B ’ S tu d e n ts F to te sipper cloonre, vakaaixed double kaee for lo a fer w ear. S ta s 4-14, a im s, regulars, husky in 4 popular shades. rJM$JOTHMAR Public Service, Communication LOS ANGELES tA—A a insur­ A rtsjb Science ft A rts, mechan­ BOYS WEAR - GARDEN LEVEL e m K H a c ance com pany anaotmcert T ues­ m vrank etL ica l, electrical mid metaUurgi- day a plan providing a 9 per, ca l engineers. cent w f o lf a » in auto tasur- P ieathmy Arsenal. M echani­ ance prem ium s for s tite n ti cal, chem ical, electrical engi­ w ife A or B grade averages neers aad physics and m ath m ajors. Ashland OU & Refining Co. erth eeq itfvalittt. feat» Farm M utual of Bloom­ ington, I1L, said the discount PARKA AD m ajors from the College a t can m ean annual savings of B usiness A Public Service. $10 to $100. p g j x E jM D X O W T W E lT SMXy^fiaRE,dUT5M£ Aeronautical System s (D iy. It said the p la n w ill take ef­ fect Jan. 15 ta California and D riven ; wiU be subm itted for approval lf*2SnSAU.Rl6«T FORME S e m in a r F e a tu r e s to insurance departm ents o f S e s s i o n s 3 HAldi ITAT HOHE« rtbm states as rapidly s s poc- N o r th r o p H ea d J To quote fe e com pany an­ D r. Geza S. Gedeon, head of nouncement: do high grades astrodynam ics a t the Noralr m ean few er accidents? D ivision e f feeN orth rop Corp., “N ot in th em selves,” - said wiU talk on “Lamhertiim Dr. Arnold E . Schneider, edu­ M echanics and Its Application cational consultant to S tale To Planetary Round Trip Tra­ Farm M utual. “ Choosing stu­ jectories” Tuesday a t 4 p Jn., dents w ife A and B averages in 4M E lectrical E ngineering. | | m erely * w ay o f selecting fee group m ost I ta te I® if 1(fed S P E C IA L ! T te-proffete^:w # f h e part of a ser ie s of M echanical E ngi­ their eventegs Itisfeteg and, neering sem inars on “High At­ consequently, o ff fe e highw ay. m osphere aad S p a c e * It’s a sim ple m atter o f le s s aa- Bsyi’ fine tailored W M SB T o H o ld T h is i s . . . S i b l e y ’s P a u l B a n y a n JM T m S K T m KH&PW 6HER70ST0P K & N E A u d it io n M on d ay i f L u n ch eo n D R E S S ) A student is n eeded by !T W 6 H » F iN « R N A !L S / WMSB-TV to do part tim e an- 'n o fe te te % Auditions for fe e position w ill S L A C K S be held Monday a t 4 p f e i f e fe e WMSB studios. Interested students m ay confect fe e pro- jr a m m anager a t 355-7440 far B O Y S ’ ¡P A JA M A S ■ n ife ir inform ation. i | ;J i Aeeorted sfytes I 3 .9 9 É » t a r P r e r e q u is it e FOR A SHARP A fM M U N C E H i . IS CLOTHES CLEANED AT H i M Ê Ê È &