fill iÉSMÉa lair* aff’g"Od: ^w?ir'*<■ ewffl prw»-y^,owty# < pr** i l m ow OUM rèm o« 6 P agai MW ATKMT toOWIIMi, MCN C a rt» Station Makes Bow Shaw On Campus * Combine wMWx By SALLY DER»CX8aiif Of toe Stale Newo 8tafi * The State News SPOTLIGHT fins arrived. ■> The Brody radio station, WBRS, to seeking permtoatan After five weeks of planning, through AUSG and toe admin­ and 10 days of work by the ad­ istration to extend its broad 9Ü 9 vertising and cdStorisi staff, the casting area to induda sfl dorms on campus. 1 makes Its .debut as a part of the regular M ~ The gronpJs asking Student Congress to appropriate $2,878 to expand radio facilities. 4 ’ The new 12 page color sec- tion to under the to to r d # of Ted B artter, statins man­ Dave Jaehnig, State News pho­ ager ef WBRS, saM Sunday to editor, and Howard ifobaes. that If toe mea!* kaBa dtomnw ___________________ JRato News feature editor. the present equipment set an ESKIMO WEATHER brought imitation Igloos to Spartan. Village. Bob Harrtooe fu r too music Invora'TBere In Brody they wasdd n # 'top bafit this m o w house for Ms daaghter, Beth, left, bat like neighborhood* every* ere features mad listings of note assessed further chnrfds. * «here, everybody got into the act. Harrison Is a graduate student la Social worthy events. _ If each other living unit pays Science. —State News Photo |y T, S. Crockett \ For theatre fans, tome are 50 cents per person, thenesot stage scenes from backstage would be spread evenly, he Campus at the University Auditorium, said. He emphasised that fitis and previews of upcoming pro. would be a one-time and that with thto money For radio-TV fens, outstand­ the proposed AUSG ap ing programs for the next week tion, all the necessary equip, ment could be purchased. ~ To Red China will be reviewed. The latest record listings «* the top ten EXP AJUSTON PLANS a n la feO-swiag h r t M f i i wide radto coverage by WBRS, Shaw Hall also has its own surveys and features on re­ toe Brodjr ratos station. Adstotent Station Manager GOea Sheffield, foreground, radio station, WASH, which cording stars will bo included. Director at fat. A ttain MBtkc ElHot, standing rear, tad Announcer Wayaa Gnen- under present plans, would ha lite ra ry minded readers win tte r, -ai the mferophoae m presently waiting permission far ' the expansion disbanded, and the equipment get fine accounts from local w iÉ l wuflH tafear- a ita i the Shaw Had radia station, WASH. — State Newa Photo used for the new station, ft By ISABEL R A C» and very rude to the Secretary morality issue la considering byhfflteFayne. h W l Ä * E P e ! The proposed station would Of the~State News Staff <2enehil to that time. a country for membership does poets, a s well as novel news on ♦be located in the Union and new avaflibfe pnperbneks. The Campos United Nations If Red China fe sincerely not matter. Behavior toJH tftt would serve Bmdy, Shaw, to W ainf the I N.” issue in this case, ho said. He theFilm fe a t can keep up with assembly gave, a “no” vote Friday to both Russian and toe saM, she would have gave New Zealand resolutions con* f h m M .m nfjd towMag. R | At a members’ instances of 1 0 m UN aggression. Russia screen conference,___ H 'to#* la Hungary. Into# in Goa. add comments from its renders. heat, The State News welcomes :^ y j Moslei [g Case, and the wosnen’f~ d« #u on the ea«t and w e# ends of campus. Hiwntwtihr,< to tion would expand to cerning the mthtonion of Bed P H China Into the UN. fitoUiM»' A resoiutioa on Red China, The Formosa delegate chal­ Ghana’s representative «tod toe United States to Cuba. originally submitted by Russia, lenged Russia’s statement that that New Zealand’s motive for In Algeria; 21 Killed married and ofif-cam lag. a_ f-campus loot out after discussion to one Red China valued justice before submitting it’s resolution was submitted by New Zealand. But peace. - I | a consideration in disqualifying Freshman ALGIERS W— Armed hi the of Modem nationalists and ism and counter-terrorism. vidous circle of terror­ The secret army repression apparatus was reported set up appointed The proposed organizational structure would const# of an Student-Faculty-Ad- it. . ‘ X' i the New Zealand resolution “Taking advantage of a de* could not attract enough votes fenseless country jmd calling to pass. > — , ; ■ “ We can tol understand the it justice to * mockery,” be motives af New Zealand In Kills Self European extremists o ws e p t Violence spilled -into the after the nationalist rebels an­ of through m ajor Algerian cities streets of strifetom O r a n nounced in Morocco that they sentatives Sunday to a bloody series of again. A French gendarme go­ were going to step upJtheir ac­ partments from ministration Board. Members this board would ha repre­ various de­ The Russian resolution called fmrfd, v ^ ,v.. ■ « to amendment, WUHam G. Hailey, J r Lodi, terrorist attacks that left at ing to church was killed fay tion against the European and organizations for substituting the Formosan “Rea China should be admit­ to attenuato# to p it a Ohio, freshman, died to rn Lan­ least 21 persons dead and 60 Moslems and another European rightwingers, who oppose Pres­ Involved in the station’s opera­ delegation for one from Red ted into the assembly,” be said, vIm oi Asia. By dividing CM- sing hospital early Saturday wounded. tion. ' ~ * aa, the V S . cm eaafiy «all y was knifed. Crowds of Euro­ ident Charles De Gxulle’j China. The New Zealand reso­ “if we want war mongers in afternoon from a self-inflicted The board of directors would lution called for the admission our midst. Red China should 'to e tone.” European terrorists, hurling pean youth lynched two Mos­ plans for liberating Algeria. decide station policy and gunshot wound. hand gantades and firing ma- lems and burned several Mos­ French army sources said of Red China and the retention be admitted if we want slavery The Ghana delegate also ask­ Hailey purchased a .22 cali­ chineguns from autos, attack­ lem stores. Rioting cost a total that, in truth, the French rebel handle staff appointments and of the delegation bom Formo­ circling the tfobie.” ed whether the Formosa dele­ ber rifle Saturday morning ed a Moslem ad o to an A lters of five lives in Oran, Including terrorist attacks claimed the financial matters. sa. Poland's delegate said that gation would remain to the UN from, a Frandor department suburb. Seven persons w err toe two Europeans. Five per­ lives of several secret, army If the station to set ap, it The Rasaiaa delegate claim­ our goals for jia ic e cannot be if the New Zealand reaotuftfam store and walked to a spot near idled and IS wounded. sona were wounded. agents, among other victims. would be supported fay ed fimt it weald he impossible accomplished by “throwing out calling for representation from the Red Cedar River about 120 merclal -advertising, to allow both Chinese delega­ every fourth person.” both governments of China yards southeast of the intersec. In another area o f Algiers, the station would terrorists sprayed a crowd ot tion» to he represented hi the The people o f Red CUna Lshould ansa. tio u 'o f Kalamazoo and Clip- delegate re ­ pert .streets, He then placed Moslem dem onstrators. with MSU Serves Overseas - under the cede of the Na­ UN. He said: make tor one fourth of toe to­ fused toFormosa The answer toe question. the rifle barrel againrt the machtagegun fir«. Two' were tional Association of Broad­ “We would have two delega­ tal world population. We eah caster», no more than six tions representing the same correct and improve snr The silence was greeted by ap­ right side of hto head slightly country. This is ridiculous and goals for peace by including plause from several of the dele­ above his ear and pulled toe Tm -sure nobody really wants them, seeing what their poli­ gates. — ■’ ; t trigger. wounded. " -y-y Moslem nationalists struck back, firing at European cafes f l P p i Taggart Tells of Aid minutes per hour could i s devoted to commercials. The station would be on the this.” cies am , and working with “We maintain that the gov­ them toimdai peace.” ernment ia Peking is both the Nemal Singh, tile recrciary Hailey’s father told Ingham. and cars carrying European general, amMNmcod three ap­ County Coroner, Dorwin Hefi- residents. Police fldd four per­ pointments. They are. Machio myer, that hto son had been sons wore killed and four in­ ions air approximately 15 hours per day. Broadcast material woiild include music, sports, government “de facto” and Ilrfie'dtotonnaif * Amunga as second vice presi­ despondent for some time and jured to the attacks., y:. MSU’s international programs 5 Taggart explained that toe commercial and promotoMal “dd}m e7*it la gSiloj goverstmem ffn,i, - . “Who lioukf tone if we had a. dent, Gwen Miller as under had previously attempted sui­ AM M l I M U M C T B p tM I . are oriented to the land-grant programs a r e maintained announcements, a n d saws im Peking that million Chi- third wortd Wftrf The countries secretary, and Tom Rossowas cide. the HrWtt wteg secret through agreements with for­ from the campus mid the na­ «e look to ’ . » that have the most peopl* If acting treasurer. Hoffmeyer ruled the death a army srgantxatiea threw its college service, tradition of public Dr, Glen L. Taggart, eign governments, U.S. govern­ tional and international scape. the UN wonts 1» include the we horn for peace, toe must He also announced that let­ suicide. M n * •rgaaised repression dean ot international programs, ment agencies, and private The proposed station weuld people of China in its attiv iti« , nflow Rod China to ho admit­ ters inviting o tter campus UN The~victim wag found about commandas Into, a c t i o n ttdd a group of horticulture foundations. have to be approved by the ad­ it must accept the government ted. So far, go country has yet groups ips to MS1T« annual UN 11:40 a.m. by Robert Byrd, 805 against tite Moslem national* faculty members and students Taggart cited Nigeria, a for­ he has contacted ministration. Barbier said tost in Peking," the Russian deto pointed out oiy real disadvan­ conference were hofim seat out S. Homer Street, whowas hunt­ tote.- reeontiy. _ : •«y- -v'stt t mer British African colony, as istration and to awaiting toe admin­ tage to allowing China Into toe He sato th at Canadian dele- ing rabbits to the area. woN He pointed oto tont the Pe­ gates were being naked to visit Funeral services sdRbe held The government has alerted Taggart, introduced by Dr. a dynamic situation. He said from them. king govenunent represented - Nesf Zealand, in submitting this year in addition to those Wednesday to the Parker Fune­ 25,006 French troops to brace H nm ti B. Tukey, head of tik* that State helped the Nigerian In 1958 and 1966, the Brody 4*0 million Chinare while toe its resolution, said that the from 'toe UR. • H ral Home, Lodi, Ohio. for poasfoio widescale reaction horticulture department, talked government to estabttsh a new radio group sought permissiotT to Fereoosa gaye Sf to e Universtty’s roie in in- totiyarsity. , . ( \ * for a similar expansion pro­ i to only seven million ternational affairs. "The Nigerian university,” gram. They planned to hook up Rad China's “aggressions Rites To Be ’The participation of Ameri­ Taggart said, “ it oriented to one dorm a t a time to toe can universities,” Tagghtisfcid, toé land-grant philosophy of Brody system. Because ef fi­ were the subject of much con­ "was increased a ft# World meeting the services needed by nancial difficulties, the troversy. ■ ■ be a sMerafiSn to aOswtog a mem­ ber tote the UN. The Russian KowcsFuneralMonday War O when the United States the young nation. About 240 was dropped. Under sub­ assumed important responsibili­ highfo qualified students wwre sequent reorganization of the ties in world affairs. The effect enrolled when the university station, the group set np a da- on MSU has been a broad mid opened In October,-1160.’* intensive involvement hi biter: Taggart said th a t in the uni­ tailed plas for the new slatted. (The next story wflB #*-' HOLLYWOOD Comedian torn« with ■ ■ meant to to «ntoped, to to* fiv* E m #' wan hto usual , national program s.-. y a , v versity’s first year, MSU’t staff amine the plans for • d W e many S MCM wsndarfui, M who kàMË Evorywfaor o" filare w e r e buried od and, . bast, of «kfl, to bo trea- Friday nigbt at w r wm w&m ^woptea a idby Taggart MSU’s gave two reasons foreign'programs. for They personnel education, aided ]n agriculture, the fields sctepce, of a d , gmdxitttou station.) programming, in the and Despite à public flamboy- of m m Berte. The gay are: _£•' S He M l JtfoMtoy m China by tay- m Ê L 991 wito timpte Freshy Ito fio tk ffim l 'tartan riten-estad aiarihC y- I jfttfy •ftplMlfy PRfnp y*«fL «t brown d ears that ance, Kovacs was a kindly, sheomr- party w ae totot'-ii ttie ‘ # T à he'of oorrtce in foreign gentle man who loved toto font* home of Director BUiy OTd social sctonce. . countries by aiding In the '«to. iff a'§A*p- ? àygj a■-.' “a Chtoa to net, caaiidt rad a the {«ti a n th v e r this town par ' e lfÄ fey fkÜp-toa MkaMn.'.còntoc. «wer* WÊÊÊÊ'mWKÊ üy m a ini of all. When ’ha went Ernie |to d toorked velopment to Rompe to make pictures, Friday with B utter Kestoo on culture, sodaT fcnd phystoal scU of education, agri­ Peace Corps CO LD & t u O o fi# whole funfUy went along— the pilot of a new TV ’s l i i p onma, enghSMOtof. administra­ «toes net' vatae pence bef«ir» justice. Thto deep not mnsn to J r XS them from Ü 'atoe to» dUtot g>. ’, : ; “If my work mean» s«Mr»- Ho came the W m M i M tion, and other field*. fi. To develop ñ program tor Hit in Nigeria If wa accent ber ae a a sanmnng, idfmiug traffic Ä9W6Ä Tm , f tio* from Etoe and the kids,** ! ho «neo «ani, “then it’s not UH LAGOS, Nigeria « M H O * # , would promote understanding, ian political organization, The evahutim . and partiripation in I f i « h «M ia « iBternattenef. fototióMhips te Zikirt Slovem ent, has arked strve the broad needs and is- toe federal govenmunt ; to ' flf otur culture. “keen the activities of the American Peace Corps under i^^iSSuÊ. cwwtM* Scrutiny. fs annual a t .F u st . Haromrt, also aSkcd Weather B ÜWÜÍI ÜÉtíÉ to Vmw tourtes '— 'sto- A‘'RfiasaMkai. %S ef' itoeÉyfi#ntr M dB í¿¿í will hé-to .'Ä ii In »¡ilfis mmm RabHflhed tor to t #»«**»«*■ off State 0 m h M>,' t M l i « d a « dagrs I W # throngh Friday, toiriaf to t fatt, wtater and sprkig quarters. lssaM tarn* weddy dnriag tba »ummer term. Moaad d a « postage pati at East Ijwatng, Ifidügan. Editorial and tastnes» Office* a t AU S a t o t te d c t » buildinf, Michigan Stete Univerrity, East Taaring. jHrMgan f- Mau robacriptions psjsM s in e dvanco for saa term, f i ; b r tw terma. 14; for three term«, $5 ■-• r > 4 M # :S^ Member ef tba Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Asctodatiot aad tbe CoUegs press. Editor . Mar d a Van Nesa Editorial Editor Sharon Coady Managing Editor Ben Burns Aast. Edd. Editor Paul Schnitt BushkMs Mgr..-..l.Larry Pontius Sports Editor Curt Rundell Aast. Adr. Mgr..... Tom Huckl« Photo Editer. Dave Jaehnig C&rculation Mgr».BiIl Marshall Feature E dtt.H ow ard Hohnes News Editor Jay Bhssick Womaa’sJEdtt^CatMa Maboney O ty Editor BOI Goto Scienco Edttor . Bni Steiner i t R e s e m b l e s a local .paper in stm another way. I t la responsible fo r cover­ in g ail th e news w h ic h is significant to th e community as a whole. To Race Question The U niversity faculty and atndenti m ust foe made aw are o f financial prob­ lems which vitally affect th e ir life here. Advocates New Approach F o r instance, la st spring MSU couldn’t depend on D etroit papers o r even Lan­ sing papers to com pletely tell th e story of th e budget cut’s effect on th e Unfver- sity.~N o other paper o r area is as in te­ rested in Michigan S tate as those are who j are located in E a st Lansing and are an integral p a rt of th e U niversity. . : T he campus paper had to tell th e whole story. Sim ilarly, th a campus daBy m ust re p o rt new ta x « on #todfents, medical plans fo r th e faculty, curriculum changes. And th e paper m ust explain them and tell th e ir significance to each individual involved.- ~ - ¡gflfóira- n u a n >; Crossword Puzzle n n n i c r ia ® il -:e öüsjri t u r n : n : C K 30O 9I4 f i f i u a . ACSOM 1. ft » .W a te te « »«JTowly raann raitiîiiü t.S trtig h te n * 34. H id d e n B & S lä a O g ß :HJMD I t . A b o m in a ta J7 . C o p y c a t @ s o t v O M r t 'i a n a 13. P u b l i c M. C heat b o a a n n u a r4-jf£jasawo& «Saahar 3». T u m u ltu o u a M a n d a iJtlB f* ■ 14. P r e a i d e d d ia o r d a r ri 11 *1 4 n a n o f i o 15. t f u t i c a l 41. K in d le d a n n 'riosara- u a n a p e rc e p tio n ta Innés « i In th « i a n u a n ta. m trao m p la c e Lir.tiJ 231401 I arjH-Jt# 11 M attar 44. Created didb t a Daiaetad , dS. Roman ».Second call numerai • t teridta OS. Boatti ite a .O « w «»placar t a c « » '- f1 47. Pterpaaa, » . T h re e d a l 41 N o te o f t k a ■ sa la i - a u le ■ fa a te n c r J u d g e 'e » . O r a d e p o at t cteaastear 27. M e d a ls - sa tu b a r » . B o u n d e r« M . T h e ch o a ra » . T h in g : V iw 3 5 . U n w « a t* d mu mmu an m * u a ttm m u u M M «!■ ■ M M M U II M il m b '■ mm . mbbm v u u m m b - m b # M B M B B JI M B m «im m«i é.mamnm mbmb mbbb - J im Wm ‘ìi s m w m ■t ' . '1 in T S iS lS WÈÈ&&& WASHINGTON 0V - LO» fa ta r if f M n i M i l M I itfb j Mtel t Mfrsti worrted About leaving hit h m t te w te h k e sn v ia f h iM ta ,te t — -» » -‘ — ■»- ' 1» A m t i l i l i » HAVANA,—Prim« Minister f l pitcher a t the university here, SU i B W SfWK. H H S wifliìthe ! aaiaiai uairere. m fotyeball season Sunday night wh For Peter Galbrattb, whose H i r n Ê iim m m m m first and second tea» fa *. speck father !» the U.S. tosaader la the Chart ef *k The bearded “Cuban dictator, ! , to Indi* JÉ* compensations JOsses, and the watched toe first two ptttoes go by, than fait a teeacfag have included: ' * . ' eoi te Leaden. first and second Jtose as toe sp a te * fidgbt crowd A pet Jeopard (new bade at cheered. ■ - ^- the see after a irratrfatog te He added that Peter probably | Castro, who tea never boasted of his hitting prowess during cident). would become aa experienced § his limited baseball career, remarked to Brazilian Ambassador Two peacocks. horseman la India, and would Luis Bastlan Pinto and his wife, who attended toe cpBfag A horse and a coti. find toe animal world there .fe e d s w te g .P r ■ To games: :. ; EtepteaiiS^ÆV'^li-;. . ‘Did you see my hit? I think it coukl ba called a more diffi­ Young Potar, son ef John Waabtagtoa Pest reporter h g f j r t * cult catch than a ML” ; W ^ Kenneth Galbraith, got a let- Bernard D. Nosstter wrote UNION BOARD WEEK arrives January 28th, bad prtpreH re* have been nader to r, give te r late etteteratos way far several weeks. Here Ite «tersa â d s I# » Friday’s social Mie to rateare* (three tiame as amah as yen Push for Angolan Independence wuaM give a g iiadsg ehfld). for the ape— lag musical comedy to be w w id t i February fad. L ift to right, first rewt Sae Grew, S ana Fry, Banale Grass, Rasty Setaster; (F M I row: Betty Boeit, Elaine Newland, See Sommerville; third raws Christa WHmarift, UNITED NATIONS—Communist countries were reported working Sunday to have the U.N. General Assembly push 60 Top Bosses ; Jaraaa scratched ray hralter ■wftsfldsg Beta* s# wa ra- turned ter to fte aaik P at Buies, Joan Wnsterkamp; back raw: Dean Kybarz, Jaa Millord, Dave Graves, Eddie Janes, Director Ben Grew, Jim Keating and Alex Ge&ty. »S tate Near» Photo by Dennis PajoL Angola toward independence «id ban supply of arms to Portu­ gal for use Against Angolan rebels. They were said to lie urging African delegations to sponsor To Hold Seminar “ The birds are different, too. I’ve te d two peacocks far pste. a resolution for those purposes in toe resumed session of too About 80 top executives; from creating costs,” said Dr. Wil­ A peacock doesn’t always have lM-nation assembly starting this afternoon. firms throughout (te midwest, liam J . E. Crissy, professor a beautiful tail, auty the male Holiday On Ice Sparkles •S M _ " Troops Crush Gizenga Uprising Congo,—Thirty-tour ooff Automa LEOPOLDVILLE, Congo.-Thirty-tour Antoine G will partidpate hi an Execu­ tive Seminar in Sales Mena t e GizengtTs meat Monday through Friday of marketing and transporta­ tion, “more precise marketing mast be established does. There are riijtew ls out­ side of Delhi. Yoc can go horte- back riding in DriM IteeK. i’ve bodyguards surrendered la Stanleyville Sunday as Congo in Kellogg Center« order to halt Anther in­ a horse named Saadrtona and government troops moved to crush toe pro-Comnranist leader's “Do* to the eqneazo of t e roads on toe current profit a colt named Marylags, insurrection, the United Nation« reported. picture.” “Sincerely years, Skaters Delight Audience The report said a half-hour tetti* a t the bodyguard’s camp ended ta-viotny for the government força t ana Gizenga then offered to return to Leopoldville by Saturday. Rival Objects The seminar is being spon­ sored by the College ot Busi­ ness and Public Service. “ P e l# Galbraith. “ P S. I got some help m the Sparkling skates, costumes a live volcano, a French cafe many la the audience watched lb ‘Jones’ Boy. typing.” •nd dancers were the order on the banks oftbe Seine, and a the costumes more than the Indonesia Mobilizes LONDON 1 3 - London’s Sun­ Wednesday in the Holiday on Ice show at the Lansing Civic Center. giant toy box offered back­ testes. JAKARTA, Indonesia—Indonesia moved toward general mo­ day Observer raised an editori­ grounds adding to the sparkling The ice show which has tour­ bilization Sunday. The army announced that thousands of volun­ al cry of protest Sunday over costumes and the music, direct­ ed too country and the world, teers who responded to President Sukarno's call to oust The the decision of Princess Mar­ Varsity Drive In The beauty and illusion pre­ ed by Ben Stabler. V from London to Johannesburg. Netherlands from W a t New Guinea will be called up Monday garet’s husband. Lord Snowden, — 1227 E. GRAND RIVER sented in the “Nutcracker The skaters went through] South Africa, may be — to hwfftai wiHHWy / - (Anthony. Armstrong-Jones) to Suite” number from the Revue their routines in perfect timing through Sunday a t the Lansing t t e West New Guinea operational command chief, ,M*J. Gen. joia the staff of the Sunday i OPEN EVERY DAY 5 .*00 P.M. des Ballets was outstanding in —for the most part—although Civic Center. Achmad Jani, said full mtotoxy preparations are in progres Times. The two newspapers are DELIVERY SERVICE MON. . SAT. its use Qf bubbles and lights. in all ports of the country. rivals. These created the effect of a The observer criticized Buck­ 8 :3 0 P.M. - 1.30 A.M. snowfall as Dorothy Goos with the Ballet Ensemble and Bar­ McCormack Is Rookie Communism Failing, Stevenson Says ingham Palace for allowing him to take toe job contending SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P.M. . 1 :3 0 d U L NEW YO&fc^-AdUi Stevenson said Sunday that history his name will unfairly boost bara Garrison skated through their routine. At House Speaker Game Achmad Jani, said full military preparations are hi progress the advertising revenue ot the succeed in the world. Times. ED 2 4 6 17 A “ baby elephant” with WASHINGTON iifc-At an age and he has managed to reauda The U. S. Ambassador to to* United Nation* told the annual pink raffles and a wiggiy when most men have retired eager and bmtitng to teak award luncheon of the Anti-Defamation Laagno ef B’nai B’rith nose brought forth exclama­ for years, John W. McCormack So It must have galled t i n , that 0 » so-called promised victory e f Communism keeps on tions of delight from young embarked Wednesday on a new after all tbeee years, to read receding into the Altar*. He added: and rid alike as the costamed Juanita Pereefiy skated ant of toe “Magic Toy Box.” career as Speaker of the Hot&e, news stories declaring feat now “Communism te a yet to be the popular choice ef one single a promising 70-year-old rookies. that Sam Raybten is dead the where Standing there addressing the Democrats n im t depend « oh* nation anywhose on the face ef toe globe. la the four places North it has extended Its control, whether in Chechoslovakia, Vietnam, or Cute, it has been in the same clastic role— Discontinued Styles In the same number and later with her parents and yourger brother, little Debbie Williams showed her skating ta le # as House, of which has been a tested leadership. Untested? member since Nov. 8,1928, Mc­ Wind dee* it take to become a Cormack was a wonderful illus­ tration of the harsh facts of legislative fife. tSSRS&SS ythnanianft*8*8«*»t™ scavenger ef w ar mid of ruined xevotuitens. - *1 MOSCOW—A groufTof Roman Catholic priests go on trial In Pendleton Sportswear the executed spin after spin. The eight-year-old miss also Representatives who a r e ied Wednesday. Vttaa, Lithuania, Monday charged with carrancy speculation performed ice acrobatics with mere striplings of 50 or 60 had During tbes* opening sessions the Communist party paper Pravda reported Sunday. great muscular control. further evidence of what they of Congress everybody loves The trial of Catholic clergyman in Lithuania, an* ot too three Gliding over the ice and learned long ago: To get any­ everybody. The vote for Speak­ Battle states absorbed by tte Soviet Union in World War II, around specially-placed obsta­ where In this business you’ve er Is strictly a lp f party m es, comas a t a time of repressive measures against other raUgioiui cles, Werner Muller w o re got to have.incredible fortitude but the-words am sweat and bodies which have tatarastional and patience. moteraes. skates built up more than 12 Inch««. Later, this young speed skater jumped over barrel af­ - Well, McCormack has that— Everything moved smoothly. Harriman Optimistic on Laos GENEVA—W. AvaraB Harriman flaw hi Sunday evpressing ter barrel in a number entitled more optimism about tte prospects of Laos' th ree feuding “On the Warpath.” Also doing some jamping was a little chimpanzee Placement Bureau un iit liM M iR ^ M m n n n in s princes forming j i coalition government than Is evident to the Southeast Aria jungle ktogdem itself. The U. S. Assistant Secretary of State for F ar Eastern Affairs named Junior. Dressed in told newsman the 14-nation East-West conference called to short green — its with a Interviewing at the Place­ leading to management if de­ neutralise Laos is “in Very feed shape,” aad added: *£ white shirt and silver skates, ment Bureau Thursday. Addi­ sired. : . - ri “1 am sure it can be brought to a rapid conclusion If toe Junior leaped traces and imi­ tional information in the Place­ Rohm ft Baas Co intarview- princes can ba brought to agree. I am hopeful that wito the tated pianist Liberaee-« com­ ment Bureau bulletin for the ing Chemistry majors. Chemic­ of the tore* princes, progress can be made hot only in plete with candelabra. week of Jan. 15-19: al, and mechanical engineers conference but also with toe formation ot a government of “ Stage” sets which included General Motors P r o v i n g and all majors of the College national unity.” , Grounds Dtvislen of GMC. of Agriculture. Acoustics and applied mechan­ P ratt A WMIacy A ircraft Common Market Enters 2nd Step Edcators Map ical majors. Mecanical and Mechanical, m e ta llu rg ic a l, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM—The booming European common electrical engineers. chemical and electrical engi­ market entered S ued# the second stage of a - three-phase. * Convention Plans Bniek Motor Dfviston ef GMC neers. program for eliminating trade barriers aipong its members and Mechanical and math majors. New Yerk Stale Cetiege ef erecting a common tariff watt against to* rest ef the world. At Kellougg Harris«* Radiator Division of Heme Economics. Homo econ­ The step, following U days of tough bargaining, smooths the GMC. Mechanical, metallurgi­ omics majors. way for negotiation with other European countries seeking to The executive board of the cal engineers and chemistry The Bendix Corp. ^pctrical, join the six-nation market and possible bilateral agreements Michigan Department of Ele­ majors. mechanical engineers a a d with toe United States. mentary School Principals, a department of the Michigan Guide Lamp Division of GMC physics majors. Tha kng-range goal b ra United Mates of Europe to com­ Beadix Research Laborator­ merce aad economic matters, a giant that could compete suc­ Education Assn, wHl meet in Chemical engineers, electrical ies Division of the Bendix cessfully with the United State» and the Communist bloc. KsBogg Center Monday and and mechanical engineers. Carp » electrical and mechan­ Ibesday. :~ Airborne Instruments Labo­ ical engineers, and math and The agenda includes formula- ratory. Electrical engineers. physics majors. "tion of plans for the Michigan DESP annual convention April 12-13, and for the National DESP convention March 24-28 Otba MatMesoa Chemical Bendix Prodact* Divi#lon ef Corp. Civil, electrical and m s The Bendix Corp. mechanical chanicai, chemical and metal­ engineers. lurgical engineers. Chemistry Eclipse-Pioneer Division ef ana math majors. — The Bendix Corp. Electrical % S tu d e n ts In Cote Hall, Detroit. _ Herpolsbcimer’s an majors engineers. in the all colleges for positions Beadix Systems Division ef See Susan Hogg as executive trainee in fields (he Bendix Corp. Electrical, of merchandising and sales pro­ mechanical engineers sad phys­ Les Stanton WiD Dsknss New York Trip motion. ics aad math majors. Fidelity Mutoal life las. Co. Beadix MMtowtes DAM m An majors from colleges for af The Bendix Carp. Electrical positions in life insurance sales and mechanical engineers. For That more styles more colors / *35°° Off students will meet hard to get - Monday 34 Union at 7:30 “ i i • s j mni i i .11 W hat a Add day for Pendleton eoi- p.m. to te a r Susan Hogg. Sagi­ naw sophomore discuss the trip 60 ADDITIONAL TICKETS - Car Insurance lectors! Im agine flret-quality coats, real value, aa d to n e ’« • wide lection e f par itw and solids to aba and five ether students ja c k e ts, th ir l$, pont». M M iic ri- choree Aula, S a m M R 34-42, h u t made to Near York to visit the AVAILABLE ^ Finance 100% virgia wool, a f o o u n e -a t not a» colare and sfato to to sh UN and Indian Prim* Minister priore like there. Svecy to re is a ' style. Sony, uo p te re a r audtactore. Nehru. Les Gourmets » Hotel Association ilL ocal and Out A discussion and question period will follow which in- d State Student ctudes a student panel of AI A nnasi N ationally Fam ous D inner U n e s , fr ’ ^ -‘n S to c k ! , Marcia Kingman, February 3 — KeBogg C enter IVetnittm Payments George Folty, John RritefljU Walid Khadduri, and Susan Hogg. The public is invited. “Golden Days fai Heidelberg” Special Ticket D iatrlb ad sa T w d u r . J u r e i y 10. ft A.M. 180# S«# T icket O ffice - » Utoew Ô *|Y- Ë S lM ■ ■ ! rdmrér B ill I hSSbsKS f U S ^ p r a BWM8I M i mm m & SSR Ê É m s i ^/•®2Sra MARGARET SMITH, Australia’* top woman hmato player, « a p j p p g j a B i f e —and tran tte Australian NationalSmgte* K for toe third straight 28 p oists-the «higgUh ruini y e # Sunday and Darlene Hard. U.S. chtmpton from Monte- w ouklbavo become State’* ets by reeerve forward Beb bello, Calif., feat in her bid for at least • share in one of the first Big Ten basketball victim Starnes a a i OM eeeb by crowns. 'T* * 1 ’ **_ ’ ¡¡¡p «hto V&r- However, a lato' • guard Bffl SmaB aad, ef As e je c te d , defending champion and U.S. tttieM der Roy Spartan ftourish feil teort and coorye, Dewaey. BBm I» lad Emerson and Red Laver,W1mble Were ...... from $50.00 Our Regular Hours . N o w ......s o m e at 30.00 We’re|O p en From T O P C O A T S (AU Wo°' * 6uBtaa(.) - W e« ..._____ .... $49.9* 11 tol 1 iMon.; Thru ||S | Ni#w..... .•••«- WMj SPO R T COATS *' Sat “To Serve You Now . . . . gome at $1598 ■ F or Your Gcurve Open TIB 9 p.ra, w m m / /' mm W ir ts * ate* M S places, seven second Piece* and two third places, M MMfeteg lU- of records 1 Tho 4»rtn«dky i*tay w te % include D*n M a n te s« ,^ D ttnK ' S m p ft, sophomore Gebrge B roynabdD ickB laze- jekiid in The MD-yd.;, ; froostyle v u won by ; M S# J Wend in 2 :01.0, which «eta * aew dual meet record end ties the EM pool record and the j M-S.U. v in tty record. Doug Rowe placed second. ! Jeff Mattseo took the 300- FRANK SILKADetiwH M g M yd. freestyle event la d U , for three seasons, new eaptstas S p te forward to the WCSR. hockey playoffs wrwnr*»' # ' n# vandQjr mark. Joergea Matt eame ia tecead. First place winner la the Wrestlers 200-yd. Individual medley was mate’s Bin Wood in 2 :00.4. act- Draw. GAMPXJS CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Dey Before Publication fo r Tees., Wed., Thar«., aad F r i Editions. Deadline fo r Men. Edition: 1 p.m. Fri. m S1SI v PHONE: 3M-A25S o r 335-B2M * ¿¿¿¿fa 1951 CHEVROLET. Iluc. 4 cvtirtder ARARTMfNTS MUSIC FOR *15 autamatNi—dufT. Bsciy aacelient con' lachetem . 482-3503 ~tllNSU>fe*W SED.'Y rooms m ditibn. M otor overhauled. 509 Dtvi* ♦ students’. $100 monthly. !V 5- TYRING. *55 t o h b j b r ekixr- ieaced ion. ED 2.2169. _ 11 . APPROVED, supervsed, i ’~-roarti fypilL- Very rensonifele' i ¥ ¿-¿¿S2» 9 1969 CHEVROLET, 4 d ear sedan, •oartm cnt. Student need« ro«MtaSie. • MUSIC KEÖR DANCES a i d e artie autom atic 'traosmisua«. Excep­ 508 Seertan A v « . 3 3 2 - Q m . - I h y V*9 ''C o n tM e rr,'’!." Boirads. twäh tional condition'. Large cash a s-ourt, 3SS.S942. EAST SIDE. N eed on* «tvdent to and. bide». 337-2S9I «'-485-4104. ' share S% resin home with 4 other TYRING. M anuicfc-t’, term pepei 1961 CHEVROLET. J ! d ear Imp« « beys. Approved and tupcrv.'tcd. C an these*, etc ED T * 5 7 0 fiardtop, Turbeglide, power brakes and IV 5.4824 or IV 2-801 J 'a f t e r 11 «.tq. • steering. Must sell. 355-1340. ANN » Q W N , typist and muMsth- N HOMER, furnished apartm ent. I- mg, Srener«! typing, term pop?*», the- 1961 OLDSMOBIlE. 88 cn ream s and bath. Privat«. Rartmg far ess, dinertat.on*. duplicating. ED 2 W hite, ffeen Interior. Sharp!., 2 cars IV 9.9664 p r IV 2 ^0 0 1 . II *384,- "T T . ti extras. ED 2-5515. 1952 PONTIAC. 4-agor, -sd'io Feat- G ood transport«: on. ED 2-0844. ♦ I9S3 MERCURY Monterev, g APPROVED, supervised, for 2 men • THESES TYRING. printing. 18M B es- £ 0 2-0406., 1 tric typewriters, i t f t l r f and proef- WANT MALE student to shore rna ding f y » i a b l e W nnch G rsfie Serv­ Distance apartm ent near Brookfield ShopoiagJ le t. U l i E Michigan Ave, Laming. -4 door. A utom atic, eight cylinder. 1 e> radio: $100. IV 4. 5 ,* t . . •C enter Nicely furnished. Reasonable, i # 4 .7 7 1 4 . ED 2-5979. 9 _ * STUDENTS. TV Rentals for you- tf Is the EMPLOYMENT home, apartrr-er.t «- domr to«y -oom. IBM MACHINE operators, ftfau basic machine experienc'e, Male OkEM O S. A pproved, ii apartm ent. $35 mantbly. Utilities P aid, ED 2-2462 As litthf s i 11.50 a month. C ell 489- lb 84 o r ED 2-897* immediately. — 7 Difference need apply. N ight wprlt, Apply GRADUATE er werUng gi DIG THE TWfST? Coll < - By MCE ROBINSON i Orchestra. ED 2-1477. State New« Spar# Writer 11. .Administration Building. apartm ent. 332-89(7. ATTRACTIVE 3 reems »,th tile b a t-. ladoor aad outdoor track do WANTED: Merried student 5 heurt it. arid Suif, m o'n’ for se-v'ciig Uhftimished except reftjgerater a -5 oM havc much in common. ndiKg rra c h lfe s e n «ampul. W rit* 71 ntpyf. Alr-«er.aiI»on«5., C lp-a to c* - Lavgiwrs Head coach Fran Dittnch. p-s. Adult«. ED 2-4S84. 14 who has been putting his run­ Recognition ners through the pre-season STUDENT WIFE a ftfn o o n r-p e r ■ ■afiipertatipn, ED MALE STUDENT to «bare apartm ent. Approyad, un»pervi««d. 2 blocks off campu*. 410 Grov«. ED 7-0197, ED 7 Pins grind far the opener Mo lids month, agrees to an extent ¡Fencers Get j§ "The distances are dtttet^ BABYSITTER, with refer«nc*j. for an* 3 y**' old. 1=4 p j r . Own tran ip o ’t*- 0130. ROOMS 8 MSU eot." he begaa. Then hk» head sidiealy IDumped by ! 46«... IV 5-9884 after 4 p tW.' ~ »1 208 ALLEN. Sleeping room kitchen a n d bath ,M ale student, entrance, IV 4-589B. Graduation shot apward t e a # degree angle as he watehed eae of Wayne State '% Ms pete r a d ta i d e a r the 12 ARRROVED. 2 :W>tts *-* , * .« 10 Rings feet, three tech her. Thc jeiicing team was (M- S SILVER TONE. 17" TV, portable’. "That's a pretty good jump fasted Saturday at Detroit by « S t a n r a n d antenna. $30, 356-2933. TW O OfD-TIME. S string bar,)««. 10 students. 2334. C uryT C am pus Court. -ED IN .STOCK far practice,” DHtricb softly Wayne State University 17 to > murmured. le t «anting te give 10 and by the Air F o rc e r^ DOWNTOWN AND CAMPUS STORE V kga a n d ' eehcart ten« mbdels. $45 „ H O W L A N D H O U SE .. C oepe atlv*. and $35. IV. 4-9197. "9 i?expensive living. Foreign student* wel­ his vauKers tea much con­ Academy 23 to 4. m w fidence, Concerning tbs doubts de- g come. -2 brocks ffism Union. 323 Ann feats, Coach Chteies Schmitter u> Sensational Semi*AnnuaI C all ED 2-6521. 1 lie continued: "Thu field house track is 221 •aid, “I fed that strong res- > ARRROVED, lu p e ry je d »ng'e* ar.d *one-eight of « mile) and the sons tor such a dismal show ^ doublet for man. I black from earn- { ing 'come from the training pus, l# fg e, warm roerr.l. H ot and cnld I CANDY outdoor is a 41*. Indoor times handicaps of meeting semester g watbr in each. Urgjt-dafeby Yrrth TVr j are geoeraBy faster since the schools too early after the holi- xa (arinngT Laundry, facilities. Spartan { MAILED ANYWWIRf track is faster aad there is io Hail,. 215 Lewie ED 2-2574. 4 wind.” , days.” ' ^ 15 .Lames and Men’s COMPLETE ASSORTMENT But the difference between Several team members be-! ^ RR1VATE- ROOM . 2 blacks Ir««, i gan their intercollegiate fenc- Fampus W ,k s W asch«! Union. _ R 'hrate: entuw c*. Estanpan.i a v a ila b le AT indoor aad outdoor is mare G uaranteed W atecprppf I«- 2 rears phone. M ale student. 1$8 L 'nder. ED 2 1 than th g t in aids, track, is a! ing careers in the nieeta. They K 1441. ti microcosm where the specta­ were Louis Salamone and P hil; p St*!nt*iS S teely C eie a t th* low pric* a f $25 4* fax T H E^ V - tor. because of Ids short.dtej Slayton in sabre. Lewis Lorn-; > ARPROVED W double, $ 7 i 0 week­ tance to the- runners, can feel j and, John Pelletier, aad Nels pj Top trade, .(.ft o th er f ne watches ly. 1~ blocks From Berkey. Cooking avertable. ED 2-0097. , : . r S CA RD SHOR the emotional impact of tha Marin te foil, and Ron Fcisosky 0 W M . H . TtuOMRSON events. The tth h tit become te epee. Jb je w e l e r s ARfiROVEo' ROOM S. 2 Mocks to tloos aad very human te ffca Both Slaytoh end Marin » Urrton. Cooking, partm g. Coll after 4. watchers Outdoor, the track­ pasted 2-3 records for the Rrandar Shepoing C en ter' 332-2196. ' 334 1 ■ -S men seam to be reacting a sl­ masts wh|le Captain Did: Site- :«§ IV 'l-0749 loeraer had a 4 -l|||p f.: REGROUPED AND Fl'R TH ER REDUCED Z LOST and FOUND iest movie tea far away te ha The next meet for the team * # $2 ^ 7 ~ * i 7 ARROW SHdiTS. whit* l«t- llet-td. six* 15-33, good condition. <2 TRANSPORTATION Will he February 3, when they ; »9 meet IQteois. Chicago, and 2 For Complete Clearance % aach. O R 7>3$6I. ' ftlDE. WANTED"^OTfj wcTfw-i Iowa State üt Champaign. m . S to the Vtty Last Psfc^-.'T^S SROTTIft |C 0 R E . 24« 124*63) » S^-'tet^see mr:4 CHcstnut to | | YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS t t t h . $50, ED 2-0732 a d far Boo. . ffs PERSONAL ?:jf0 A»m. TU 211H f #„«<1 Your. Key to B etter V alues , . . Every#« is tslU e | «*#ft ser fiilw lH sal# . . • I , . • HI-FI, FM tuner, amplifier a n d basa W HY flD £L 7 Sea Buboi; ior *uto harry • . Harry dawa te Shepard*« aad bay several i , raflts s p ü l t e andpsei*. $eo, i o 2 - lasuranca. C ba C h * C h*. ED 2-4671. WANTH) pain sf Shepard’s tap aaaBty sheet for yourself or < 0732. LeaPpm etsag e far Bab. | II family sod SAVE m T T / " - r t a a " j ' 1. A,.. IR O N IN G in my E. Lan*'«g hease. ~ R E V B IteilO D b L '''t- 20eD''^i)»*'*r*n | 0^:C A .M R U S; student», O pen m a n - : f * . » , ^ ^ a d r f tb r - - THURSDAY HOURS 9:30 to 5:30 i .«aid * /. SjteoMp .doak m d r t ^ i a p a # ; W f d d f w w h s -ttW tPM üp^ •t e Ml- j ai d-.erge.- 2-5 „ ' g al#rm . 66L214S0T, Tam^Rpimer, -A ’ .ewpteAv t e r t t o d g '.¡yd»-; p-m » J a I "**" (■■■■.ini.' L», ' -....r .. . :|r- ,.. , ’, . RI tig ifs ffiv Ütuas#.'md NEED WE SAY MOHEHI sfe* M O B IU i'^P M E ! BOklÖ! i b e d rooms, ■ H g sta ti ow ked ta fm * U a a n g . ED 7 0 0*6. *7 ar. takar w anted 6 a ala- We Ham Charge Accounts f i l f i 4*» 10 ■t 'bodloaiM V u p S ie d i raneb, baautifuily lendscaped. Large Kebsa t # I J . Ca« ED 7-9261 alle« Mrtb w4K Vanty. Ssie gCm. b ttJ y .' ja a ifc U p iB d p ä i' $y appatntnM di^ eteawile .and . fatrwica.’ anly. pL*'$4Ni2t. j i ttw lttk e te 'baäSb Fin^bed basement, Rpk;a ^ADV .7 0 CARE la#' ppur baby. U mI rt a f Jaaua-y. 120 weekly. OGa '«NHM^bnagC# Cekner .ttt . A ^ b»n*pai4ati«a. iS) - t ^ t n s f ö t p Ä .te v -is te g w w two rb a i te ti. C all 4M 7-2470 da«*. N A 7-299$ aygnings. '•“jg '’: ^ I 8i2 M ai0SI.V3 b«dn*am '«f *At H te te fi S i 5,100. Law d a w payraaWL ED 2- irn. iSÜ t -jft Shop With P i m s. Widhtejli» Ave, , 317.E. G reat River A r r ^ o w v » i | Campus i| ' Ttest's jhte adtatt Dittrldb’s J : LANSING p | .. ,f EAST LANSING hoys wiM fim i te do wfow «bey m Atet Uo A b ^ ;I # # P ^ r i d s « j Ä Gabh». -taka' §1 Classifieds t w d te ow Yoitt I kM are* ter sav e m sav e u i sa v e n l 'I m W SAVE m SA i W v& ì y y pof f r ta a d e - M p rapuny e«»®*; ime. - ‘Í W í a rt now two organiz­ Me rble ta a s educationaí pro- ed ¿roups in flit overseas area« ' Mere careful selection *o f ona in J a m a# and the aperta eÜÉB -lawaw laretoa th rtrH f Is the k s r to si aTbe the Philippines. A Koreaa successful cross-cultur# edu­ ..a—a_project . ^,je «i. —wiB be—--caUed: -■w«— ■ — group U In the process of or- cation, Higbee suggested. A stuoy n tne jrrootems, itoy- gastzing. s i t i e s . Compeimation aad ‘‘This is O s Job to be dene Rigbts of Teachers te H e Pre* H arr H: Keesler, director of IV eteree«« ahmmi to give duction. Performance and Di*, alumni re)aUoa>, «aid several some inform ati» about «ter tributioa of Educattoea! Tele- other countries wiU be added dent’s abilito; character, w e- vlsion and Radie Programa; td'the program within the next ficiency in English and the Educationaí Films, and Pie-i fdW'yent'*- ‘:L„,-■ quality of Ugh school eradas grama for Teaching M achines”, ; ‘5fcach nattonallty g r a s p tials, based an their knowledge The original proposel f tr the . m o i 0 eaaipea, large or and sound Judgment,” le said. study carne from the U.S. Of­ fice ef Edúcate». Jtftpnai associations. One of the program's most difficult problem« is in sacur- Lingufets^ tag-enough funds to finance the cdftters, Keesler said. Ex­ change rate of foreign- cur­ Accidents Historians rency is often a barrier tad.-. Other problems that Keesler Gonvene g j MOW OMLY indicated are the lack of com* Feurty-nine faculty members muMcsetion between the Uni- attended-coaventíans in Chic­ versity and overseas groups ago and Washington, D.C. te» and the uncertain location of cently. aluimni members. i I ■ \ UBBIE WILLARD, cunraat ! Veterans’ Sweetheart aad T h e hurnaattiea, foreign for instance.” Stephen Rstater, Vfteraas PabUeity Chahrmaa get letters tanguees, Rugttsti. and Amari» K tesler said, “the members te ' queen caadldatei reedy .far tee u g ^T ifo '; in r ' sweet - -u n r scattered all over the country so that it is difficult heart wM he chess* at the Veteraas’ Aseeclatfoa “Winter- tee n a u d ’Modani Language to ’Bontact them even once a le a i Whirl,” u February 3rd. —State News Photo by Tem A«m. meeting in Chicago. , yepr.M Heiteags. Norman S. Garbo, pseistant ;■The ‘ everseas .«Maui as- Professor; Russai B. Nye, pio* iiu js iM has primarily heca » •so r; George R. Price, prò- fa wKP •PN BÌ ey» PHP ji ««ri ET» «il»«r>iw# W atelsi« JuPavPEXwV sa *» €*0111^^3» ^ S'eK up la eraste a favorable iiftage toward R e University professor, sO a lte e English de- , hi foreign ceuftries. pertment, reed papera. 1^ Fifteen members a l tee hu- * Ope of the important roles of manities, American theught the- asfeoclation is to interpret and langnage, and history de- and introduce^ the purpose of partments and tea *■»«■«—»«■»- ABWHepn Universities to the want tn Washington, D. C. for foreign society, Homer D. Hig- the America* ffiaforicul Con­ bed, assistant dean of the in- vention. ; ternaiiOhal project, said. : ¿1 A guidance conpjnittee of tee Aiaoud Association, whose Nye To Discnss i job is to carry out pre-orienta­ tion of new*foreign students at Fictionafl Heroes <*10?. Russe! B, Nye, directar students th the United States. of the divistoti al language and ie f g b-ed^iweBRwed te n t literature, will discuss Ameri- AWiertcan universities wire can^fictkmal heroes a l tea per- specialized institutions. ■whose ied from about 1390 to 1830 on purpose is somewhat different “D ie Young Hero”, Wednes- th a i tM of most foreign uni- day, a t 7 p.m. on WMSB, Chan- ' tm 10. nThe students must be ad- The deeds of Tarn Stvift, the Rover Boy«, end fYank Merri- weB ave recaOed by Nye on tela program. Originally lo 49.98 te « m áj^gytíhfinp^uB W w fg|Uñj¡|gdHS£m u h » #-^^Mpu^waa|»i^e pv p i p ì p p aaéSl^fc w p p i f w fT n Assistant N e w s Editor; stPen»sm| P W P P^fl P i »»ApgUukMuee^uft jpj|P|E|mHPPhIIPPBpit e mi»ansi 0 Brando« Brown, Night Editar; Isabel RacU, W ire Editor; Ketut Youn, Copy Editors; STlRgjtg Linda Lotridge, Kathy Ryan, ‘»aPl^m . wPTPPy PPPwWWWIe 9PHPP ■■ ,.\n ¡§^|§||¡¡ ■■»AtelflgMi blumtaue - «gituCfSiSH sa"‘Jb teH.wB"fi/- ■*' H end BUI Yancey. 9|pPp UiPPMpgv 2Ì^^I^P eolterfuf fwasdi. AWsizes in graop. # || B a c k to c l a s s e s .. p re p a re d f o t e v e r y M snvfsctvrer's ale s a s e t « u t reductions frem s u r • if lÈ É iH f * c o u r e e PPffPe PEwSWfS* IfwW WLà ^' w ith priced e t Mea th e n BaaaSS W fR^Rs aí W ÉEPteuw gMwV» à f t p i i Im h i i r t i i , filWttíí Jpt íi i k M t l W t ^ r A n m t* mné w m ) fü tp y , c rtp c oitd RMMiy w lf s S p v ^qímHIbcs*- Nl 11.fia aaaeadl ePmWPto^Pp gPeueSPI "nQ selauJ^Ési I 'PaasatesoA gPPPw j^^Pi^PP*. aAaaBu “Soow-clean” i$ our motte desig n s e n d «m art cesw írisi AN sizes. Yo ar Clothing acetate dean » new «new B ra m re s, famoot that k oaur aim . SKIRTS m m ■.g| W m m S m Si & A :3 & .W Z i