Established 19 0 9 Vol. 5 3 , No. 12 4 Tngadpy Hui»1wg>p « ia « ry Ifr, 19 6 2 4 Pages 1 0 Cents W e s te Ä ^ B W p Jiie e p s s R is k o f W a r D u t c h WASHINGTON, (B -Presldent Kennedy Monday listed a serge MV UrStudents C a lls toward western unity as the most heartoalag m e t of Ms first year la office. He said the most disappointing “w as su r failure to got aa agreement on the cessation of nuclear testing. P e a c e f u l Needed ( k B udget In highlights of Ms first news conference ef the new year—just five days sbert o f“ Settlem ent s ^ Radío E rro n eo u s CLO U D Y toe first inaiversary ef his presidential Inauguration—Ken­ nedy said Also th at: HOLLANDIA, New Guinea By SALLY DERRICKSON WASHINGTON UB-Congress —The risk of w ar Is the altar, W>—The Netherlands navy an­ Of the State News Staff was toldjtionday that the an­ native of the risk of Commu­ nounced Tuesday that Dutch de­ nual Presidential budget is a nist control of coalition govern­ stroyers intercepted three-Indo­ Second of Two P arts poor guide to the government’s ments in southeast Asia and nesian torpedo boats off the The proposed all-campus elsewhere, and to Ms judgment southern coast of New Guinea, radio station, will need about im pact on the economy be­ “It is in the best interests of sank two of them and drove off 75 students in special positions cause it doesn’t reflect the full our country to work for a neu­ the third. in order to operate on a semi- range of federal spending. tral and Independent Laos.” Naval authorities here and in professional basis. Dr. Roy E. Moor reached —His atoninistratkm in the The Hague declared the^m all Brody Radio, WBRS, cur­ this conclusion in a book- last 12 months “ made more flotilla was speeding toward rently has. a-staff of about 50 length report prepared for the progress in the field of civil Dutch-ruledJV e st G uinta-forfpeople. Xhe shaw radio station. an invasion. WAHS. has a considerably joint Senate-House Economics Committee on whose staff he Weather rights o n a variety of fronts than were made in the last A naval spokesman in Hoi- sm aller-staff. serves. The bulky budget for Increased cleodtaess and eight y e a n .” _• landia said the Indonesian WBRS is seeking permission fiscal 1963 will be sent to Con­ cooler with a chance ef light —& ho p « steel management boats were intercepted inside from the adm inistration and gress Thursday. saew flurries fids afternoon and workers can agree on a Dutch territorial waters near funds from AUSG to set up Etna Bay Monday. The Dutch the new station. BACK TO SCHOOL—C«ofrouted with an m r w h d n h f amount of reading mate­ Moor recommended that or evening. Lew last night, new contract early enough to T~ changes be made so the budget avoid heavy buying up of steel Radio said 70 Indonesian sur­ rial, a class iirrapM reading Is befalg given to S Constitutional Convention dele­ 1« and the Ugh today, 26. Out­ supplies to advance of a threat­ Among “personnel required gates. Left to right: Mis* Kathryn Burns of Michigan State University and- will be a more accurate and vivors were picked up by Neth­ useful economic gauge. look far Wednesday: Partly ened strike. erlands ships. will be announcers, a large delegates H erbert M. Turner, Morris. W. Hood, Adelaide J . H art and Ervin J . news staff, and students to Estim ating th at in 1960 the cloudy and cooler with a Naval sources viewed the HaskilL —He hopes, toe, that trr.m work i n special productions government had actual cash chance ef scattered anew flur­ a conference ef foreign min­ number as proof of an invasion mission, declaring that a tor­ and sports departm ents. receipts of nearly 6127 billion ries. ~ isters to Uragaay next week and expenditures of about $130 pedo boat’s normal crew ftouid The station will need both not number more than 20 or 30. staff announcers and special announcers. Staff announcers Rocket’s TV Camera Smallpox billion, Mom* said the published budget amounts were 678 billion “the veiee ef the hemisphere Win speak agatart dictator­ Ns mention was made of any Dutch casualties or ship will broadcast during the 18- Shows Balloon Burst receipts and |77 billion expen­ Basie Band ships ea the left wMeh are sustained and supported from hour day damage. The number of specific shows according toand will engineer Menaces ditures. . Not only are the — operations outride t h e hemtepbere.” TMs shaft was aimed a t Cu­ Dutch warships in the en­ the "programming schedule. gagement was not disclosed. CAPE CANAVERAL, FLA., Newsmen who watched a one- of such things as the Social In Far-East ba mol Prem ier Fidel Castro. Special announcers, will do Aside from skirmishes with news roundups, sports and UN—A mammoth space balloon mtnute segment of the tele­ Indonesian infiltrators the bat­ types of broadcasting other burst apart high above the vision film agreed with Bres- England Security Insurance s y s t e m handled outside the budget, Moor said, but i t omits wholly Id A t * w- t t L H n n —Integrity -of the judiciary is *° imP°rtant that “I don’t tle was the first armed clash than the regularly scheduled Atlantic Ocean Monday and the sette that the pictures were or partially the gross receipts * "1 . a l -U--U-vf i - r think anyone should accept a cause since Indonesian President Su­ music and news program s. A truction may have been pin­ of its spectacular des­ among the best of this type karno warned last month he chief announcer will be in ever sent from a space vehicle. LONDON (JV—Britons by tens and expendHtares of the post federal judgeship unless teev by . some of the most They showed in clear detail, of thousands lined up for vac­ office and other government are prepared to fill it for life.” would take West New Guinea charge of the announcing staff. pointed striking t e l e v i s i o n pic­ much better than the average cinations a t special clinics Mon­ enterprises and lending agen Incorporating the finest tra­ Several judges have resigned by force unless THe Hague ditions of Confiucius, the fire- government handed over the The news departm ent will in­ tures over relayed from space. home TV set, the 44-inch ean- day In an effort to escape apes* ciro, receipts aqd expenditures breathing dragon, oriental de­ to go beck to private law prac­ wild and forbidding region. De­ clude people covering events from The TV film, transm itted ister separating from the Thor,4 ^ 1 « smallpox epidemic, of foreign cu rren o efan d many sign and the ever-present dark, tice. spite his th reats, however, the and organizations on campus. a cam era in the Thor the opening of the canister with monetary and banking trans slant-eyed beauty, the 1962 J- „The half-hour news confer­ Booster Rocket, showed vividly general belief had been that A staff of news reporters will how the 500-foot bundle of one half zipping off into space, tal emergency precautions, to- The government ordered to­ actions.- Hop will transport a far-eastern ence touched on nearly a sub­ be on duty continuously during the immediate expansion of “ The conventional budget to­ world to MSU. ject a minute, national and in- Sukarno would net launch an plastic sheeting expanded to the balloon, and the swift, eluding a quarantine on mail tals as presently constructed . ... . ternational. It got around brief- invasion until later this year if the broadcasting day. They no settlem ent were reached. will compile and edit all news nearly its full 135-foot diam eter slashing appearance of the rip from Pakistan. But the Minis­ give only minor economic in­ for the Feb. 10 event will be for *°peace, «* hoj coming from dorms, clubs, in two seconds—and then just which tore the sphere apart. try of Health, seeking to allay form ation and may be mislead­ tariffs an textiles The naval action touched off special team Hannon Flowers of Detroit. The and oil. women picketing for im m ediate repercussions. s, and taped con­ as suddenly was ripped to The pictures were taken while alarm , said fio emergency ing,” he said. _ company, especially noted for peace, clubs that bar Negroes, ferences and meetings. pieces by a jagged cut which the specially stabilized Thor fol­ One way in which the budget its work at toe debutante par­ foreign trade policy, United Na­ Dutch Prem ier Jan De Quay m ass vaccination program summoned his cabinet to an A women’s news departm ent whiplashed across the silvery lowed the ball a t a distance of would be ordered unless other may mislead students of the ties of both Ann and Charlotte tions finances, and what Ken­ surface. _ methods failed to keep the out­ economy, he said, is by sum­ emergency meeting a t The will get news from sororities, The balloon was fired aloft about four miles. ~ Ford, will construct a false nedy called Dwight D. Eisen­ Hague and announced the gov­ women’s dorms and wire ser­ Also mounted in the head of break under control. _ ming up a single point econo­ celling of white branches as hower's well-taken warning at 6:06 A»M. (EST) and three ernment would formally notify vices: A features departm ent minutes later began to unfold the-rocket was a 16 MM movie At least five -deaths have mic occurrences that spread p art of its decorating scheme. against a military-industrial Acting UN Secretary General w3i als to r e g ta ta * « to ü * * “ * * -bag I ¡ ¡ l i M of the-0 KÊm. Tlura tail ta ta ^ desta who tata to «tata • mi­ d i i .«n ata it tau** nority of the i t a m to » par- Qtt ito aitar tata» ta «tiri, ticuter field. buted communiât v i c t o r I « s ta ta IMI te' ineretslng diver­ sity «ta flexibility within Ite Sign-Up lE^jí* npgabrresists 1er oxgos4*saSbSSSeI la Ihebr Among the “milestones in the gaflopiBg diaintegraUon at •■.“The R asstaT tan w «as to whip tttar paüfto forward. community unity,” Meyer d i­ ed: r n i T i+ t Ita cost was tonar.’*' Along 1-GraduaI recognition that sama language at concepts de­ with Ite coercion cama "tafee» the East European countries rived from Marx, Lenta, and trinatali, a feveriih, almoct in­ were different from Rustae. Stalin. . .bid already the gulf sane campaign to Martres tta Their literate, industrialized, between them is great They people at the nata lor fila par* politically sophisticated pee* are irreconcilable. Their dif­ V * national program,” be pies would be held only by ferences are fundamental.” “g kind of humanitarian, re* ^ The Soviet Catenate said, **fl>day, Meyer «aid, "toe aw* jw H communism.” 2-Tta emergence of Tito, re­ tertty I» no longer needed, ata nattre^iEptjr*’ estaUMwd tata toe dictatorship ata Ma garded by Moscow as “th e TOR STUDY m a werM power. It Is tom* torrar ara tatui roteata» Ree® most loyal, best trained el the tag “contented,” and is las* indoctrination to W longer re European leaden,” as a her* ette. Hte “revisionism” led to and tog ttasrsst la rsvsbtatonary vehement, io intentai«. ’ ventares atenta that might “There to nera telata new m n m p m m 9JS us with their wide lead wtrjuat 1. OHIO STATE (41) (124) Opener To couldn't catch up,” be said. “Purdue’s hot shorting put the Skiers Have H t r t k ' W f f l l f r o m ■ ■ '■ I f f pressure on us.” 41 r* 2. KENTUCKY 3. CINCINNATI (12-1) (Jl-2) WMU Riflemen The Boilermakers surged to New Hostel ; START 4. KANSAS STATE ~ (12-2) The AFROTC rifleman lost an early lead with guards Md 57DUQUESNE (11-1) their opening match of the sea­ Garland and Urn McGinley In-Bessemer n O S U T C K O W T H I R of tteN.Y.Tisns 6. SOUTH. CALIF. (12-3) son Saturday at Western Mich­ searing the cords with long- range accuracy. A pairof f* 1“ The ski hostel idea, which HttuM~ |“A thriller, more than 7. DUKE (11-2) igan University. The t e a m , flirted st Telemark in 1959, 3. BOWLING GREEN (12-1) compiled composed mainly of freshmen, playmakersr they connected 1372 of 1S00 possible on 12 of 22 attempts between to now spreading to other areas ire wIm* tingling, •«■Scllr tmr _ a( that is. . as . .9. BRADLEY 10. BUSS. STATE _ (18-2) points. them in the first half to lead (10-1) Top scorer for the team was Purdue to a 49-30 bulge at the of the Bfidwest. Another dormitory-style ac­ ass^ fascinating as it is Ronald Haugen with 285 points intermission. ^ comodation for skiers is now srsfo dazzlingly beautiful of a possible 300, followed by Spartan Capt. Art Schwarm open at Bessumer, Michigan, LAST 3 DAYS! Harold Duriteg and J o h n fought gamely to offset tee Banmgras with 274, Jim Ear- Boilermaker advaoee with his “Ski Capital of the Midwest.” The news hostel, a converted g r sharply, smooth- czewski with 270, and Cart deadly Jumper and determined g—«*•■- ly cut as a diamond.” LU CO N Behne with 269. Top shooter for the Western drives but he oatednt do A alone. He completod the firrt Michigan Array ROTC team 20 minutes with six fielders in 3-story school building will have 100 beds and will operate on the same self-service, cost basis as tile Ches Perry Hostel at Rene Clement's“PURPLEKOOK”withAlain Deion. MarieLaForet was Mike Ragman with 2M 12 attempts and 13 potato. ">y Mt. Telemark, Wisconsin. It Um i points. The WMU team com­ ■ Partes’* testtsot margin , piled 1402 points. will provide aQ-yoo-can-eat Zamffy style meals and offer St«m u,»«!»wrenh«»tm noM it» Next week, the Air Force evening recreation facilities for STARTING FRIDAY ar marksmen will be at Ann Ar­ la the game when tee Boiler­ dancing, games and movies. It bor for a match with the Uni­ makers led 784BL will have its own ice skating THE MAN WHO WAGGED HIS TAIL1 versity of Michigan team. Those who came to see All- American Terry Dtochiager rink andf toboggan slide adja­ WITH PETER USTINOV * W h jß re sat? the 67* Boilermaker atar cent to the building. bottled upi tor tile middle aad MICHIGAN u•nr e a«r m 's M a «ABÉÈI* * stori ttd e h ts -n GRAND PRIZE WINNER Wagiíe JI-Haut J ones CANES FILM FESTIVAL -M W Avälon Kovacs « f ita Crane» Flying” The temperature outside may be zero but South Sea Island breezes always Mew at THE'PIT. ' ’• ’¿ 1 ¿ i - st 7:« - H:1S a to rtt FRIDAY PLUS Opal at 11 AJI. Daily v Serving a Variety Of Ffeaa Foods P isare Delivery Service N ttf iN N l H W m m Ê rn wm IM I 1 1 1 1 1 lÊ È m Ê w m jreteBnfileal „5H WgBNrt. J. €L Feaaey €8« AH majors from tea CoilegBt st Barirew 4 PttbBc Sendee. Science 4 Inondo n ers P roteal UNITED NATIONS—Portugal Monday recused tea United A0*80 LMIRBpKVIHre flJTSi ^^!saeu«auaaasa^av*atiAd^rii Haan* jtsda Im m igration Curbs Ndttaat ei Mat and declared ft would refuse ttUake part in Cerafag Glass Work*. Me- chanical, electrical, chemical LONDON trt—'Two thousand aad awtatturgical engineers. Commonwealth citizens and The accusattaa was made fry Ambassador VaecsVtaira Oarte before tea 104-aatem General Assembly as tw* Communist Mac Applied m iehaalf. ehontetry membars df tea Buttali Young and physics majora, accounting Communiât Langue marched Hs said tba potential condrtas ftapaaad that tea assembly direct the Security Coun­ maters. Ail motors from ths Sunday to a rally to protest of fBitere of As conversetiona cil to consider application of harsh penalties against Fnrtagal. Colleges of Business 4 Public may be discerned after “a Service, Srissrs 4 Arts and disorders. There ware re reasonable to maka any parted" toft refused forecast. U. S. Planes to Saigon Communication Arts. A gwmfnmont project to re­ SAIGON—The united States Monday added two army heli­ NatftBBMl Lead Ce. (Titanium strict immigration man Com­ Neither would be set any tea Dlv;) (Bawteal engineers and monwealth countries has been it -oil what hi consider* “a copter! and several plants to the expanding air force that to reasonable ported." helping President Ngo Dinh Diem’s troops cope with the Com- Bendix Systems Divisimi *f chemistry majon- approved by Parliament. The The BesuHx Corp. Electrical, bin came under strong attack At te t amnt tone tee Prod* munist Vtet Gong guerrillas. Kawneer Ce. Civil sod ms- from tee Labor party opposi­ dent— as he had been reported mechanical engineers and phys­ chanical engineers. Accounting, The U. 3. Navy aircraft tarry Breton, a converted carrier, ics and math majors. marketing nod production ad­ tion as being in reality a re­ to feel earlier^said any efforts steamed up the SalgOttlUvtr to deliver tea helicopters aad some striction on coioigd people. by tee Wtet to tear down the liad te Mahawaka Divisien ministration majors. Commuaist built wall in Berlin observation planes at tee capital's docks. Four fote bearing the af The BeasUx Cerp. Electrical Crucible Start Ce. (Midland could have had • ifery vio- markings of the U. S. Air Force’s MB Fighter Squadron landed and mechanical anginaers. Works) MrtaHnrgiral, mechani­ CA M PU S C L A S S IF IE D S reection.” On the domestic front, Ken­ at Saigon's airport. ^7. cal aodrtactrtcal engineers. DEADLINES: 1 pan. Day Before Publication for Tuan* Wed., Than., nedy expressed hope for early agreement on a new steel con­ Gizenga Censured Ask Annapolis and Fri. Editions. Deadline for Man. Bditlon: 1 p a . Fri. tract to replace the sot expir­ LEOPOLDVILLE. The Congo—Antoine Gteenga, tee Commu Journalist Named — ^ PHONE: 355-8255 or SW-82M ing at mid-year. He t e d tee nist world’s best friend to tee Congo, was censured fat parlia­ buildup of steél inventories ment ItesdhQt in a quick sequel to his defeat hi battle at Age Limit 20 To College Boerd iing 1906 negotiations had Stanteyvilte. „ ; WAS HI NG TO N (IM-Tha A U T O M O T IV E F O R REN T R E A L ESTA TE had an advene effect on the Nearly 300 of his palace guards were captured and disarmed Board of Visitors of the U.S. whole economy, es well as the Sunday by central government forces under Gen. Victor Lun- Naval Academy recommended By Mademoiselle 1956 CHEVROLET. Blue, 6 cylinder, AM8TMËNTS ATTENTION! C u sto m b u ilt bridr industry end its employe«*. dula, acting With the full support of the U. N. Ethiopian battalion Monday that the age limit for Carol Wallen, Ashley sopho­ au to m atic shift. Body excellent con LARGE o n e room a p a rtm e n t for ranch, b eau tifu lly le n d tc o p e d . L arge Kennédy ted he hoped Un» in the onetime rebel capital. more, Is a sacred member of ditto n . M o to r overhauled. 509 Divis dining room , large b o th with vanity . situation could be averted in admission to academy at An­ the State News ataf to be ao- ion. ( 0 7-7859. I I tw o stu d e n ts. A p p ro v ed , untupervised, Full napolis. Md, be reduced from 1961 OLDSMOBILE, f S 'co n v e rtib le m en's room ing house. C ooking facilities av ailab le. C e ll m ornings or evenings a tta c h mirror, ceram ic e d g a ra g e . C o m e a n d t form ica 1M2. The President declared th ro u g h o u t h om e. Finished b a s e m e n t r lot. FE 9< the government had no power Plane Sale to China Opposed 21 In to » years. a report to President Ken­ lectod by Mademoiselle matt* zine as a membnr af its Cofiegs W h ite, green interior. S harp! L ott o f ED 2-3727. i2 9 except in cases of national WASHINGTON—The State Department told Great Britain in Board. extra*. ED 2-5515. 8884. emergency to hotp the compan­ advance that it was opposed to tee sale of airliners to Commu­ this recommendation nedy, the board said it baaed Miss WaBea, and. State News G R A D . STUDENT tu share -th re e 1812 MELROSE. 3 b e d r o o m 'r a n c h , ies and united steelworker» to nist Ctetna, a department official said Monday oo the women’s editor Cathie Ma­ 1952 PO N T IA C , 4-door, radio, h e a t room, furnished, u p p e r story a p a rtm e n t. high attrition of 21-year-old stu­ $15,300. Low dow n p a y m e n t. ED 2* G o o d tran sp o rtatio n . ED 2-0844. 4 Location M A C u an d B eech. ED 7-2214 avoid strike but ted Secretary The British consulted with the-*State Department before the dent? This was a way of say­ honey, Grasse Prime sopho­ b etw een 4-7 p u n , - II 2413. 10 of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg sale but still felt they had every right to mako toeir own deci­ ing tha percentage of drop-outs more, whose selection was an­ 1953 M ERCURY M onterey, green LEAVING CITY - $795 fo r e p u ity . J would he available for what­ sion, Assistant Secretary Frederick G. Dutton told Sen. Ken. '* nounced Thursday, are among 4 door. A u to m atic, e ig h t cylinder, h eat N. H O M E R . Furnished a p a rtm e n t. 3 brick ranch, g a t ' h e a t, fuN ever services he could provide. neth B. Keating, R-N. Y., in a letter. Keating had protested lower among midshipmen 190 coeds across tee natten tarn nr. radro. $IQ0. IV.4- 32 Id a fte r 5. 8 room ! and. b a th . Private. Parking for bbedroom who enter at a younger age- - 2 cars. IV 9-9666 or IV 2-8001. 11 asem en t, alum inum storm s a n d screen s. Kennedy was asked in parti­ to Secretary of State Dean Rusk. may compete for the position F enced b ackyard, 8S‘i l 4 0 ' Int. N e a r cular If tea United States were The hoard alio recommended ofMadanriseUe GuestEditorT EM PLO Y M EN T APPROVED, supervised, fo r — 2 m en. schools. S*'h% FH A m o rtg a g e . -M u st not taking a chance in support­ that midshipmen without out­ . FEMADp^ebyiS^riMdligMMuSe ED 2-0406. 9 h av e g o o d c re d it. FE 9-2472. t 5603 H allan d ale Rd. H a sle tt. - 17 ing a coalition government in U. S. Agrees On Tariff Cuts side income be given a general Twenty of tee Board mem­ bers win be choeea to spend a .keeping, I I a j n .— 3 p.m . 4 d ay s w e e t. W A N T MALE s tu d e n t t o share Laos. A reportar said such con- BRUSSELS—After a final round of conference* the United income pay raise and exemption from month in N iv York Otty work­ ly. $1 p e r hour. ED 2-3902 a fte r 6 p.m. a p a rtm e n t near Brookfield S hopping States and the Common Market are expected to initial Tuesday tax. A midshipman’s 10 C e n te r ! Nicely furnished. R easonable. S E R V IC E teon s in the past have tended ing re tha Mademoiselle Au­ to drift into e Communist re* an agreement to cut tariffs on many industrial goods, informed pay is now *111.15 a month. gust issue. W ANTED: M arried stu d e n t 5 hours ED 2-5977. ~ 9 KENNY DAVIS O R C H EST R A . CaH gime. sources said Monday. ~ | The board said progress has been made on physical educa­ ^ Setecfire for the Board is S at. en d Sun. m ornings for servicing GRADUATE or working girl to share ID 2-1477. , IS Kennedy said there was no Some hitches may develop, but the sources said prospects tion aad athletic facilitiee at the based on fashion writing or de­ vending m achines on c a m p u s. W rite 71 a p a rtm e n t. 332-89B7. W ILL TAKE CARE o f tw o oi three easy answer—teat “we are tak^ are good that the first step will be taken toward what Presi­ academy but said It found 9 University Drive. 9 signing. Guest editors are se­ ATTRACTIVE 3 room s with trie b a th . children in m y e p a rtm e n t. C a ll 355- ing a chance in southeast Aria dent Kennedy hopes will be a meshing of tea two economies lected on the basis of aa article STUDENT W IFE to help with children U nfurnished ex cep t refrigerator a n d 6166. r 10 and hi atete areas.” to head off a trade war that might stake the Atlantic com- "serious deficiencies” in aca­ about collage life. 3 aftern o o n s per week. 4-7 p.m . O w n sto v e .-A ir-c o n d itio n e d . C lose to cam - Kennedy has made it his ad­ munity. - demic facilities, in housing tor M U S IC FO R a ll o ccasio n s b y The enlisted men, and in support fa­ 9 ministration’s policy to support tran sp o rtatio n . ED 7-2236. 9 p u t. A dults. ED 2-4886. 14 Bachelors. 482-3503 e n d 355-6189. Informants 'said tee agreement would provide for tariff cuts cilities. , BABYSITTER; with raLereneet, for one neutral and Independent fli­ of as much as 20 per cent on some items. The list of industrial The report recommended a DISCOUNTS MALE STUDENT t o share a p a rtm en t. ï y eer old. 8-4 p.m . O w n tran sp o rta- A pproved, untupervised. 2 blocks off TYPING, «II kinds, by ex perienced nt«,, for newly-emerging and goods to be affected was not disclosed. tip n .. IV 5-9884 a fte r 4 p.m . 11 cam p u s. 410 G rove. ED 7-0197, ED 7- typist. Very reaso n a b le . IV 2-6652. 9 presently were countries to new science building and bar­ racks for enhfted personnel at 0830. I M U S IC FOR D A N C ES en d p arties mister them against Commu­ Wom6n March For Peace the Naval Station, a supporting 1957 M F O R SA LE OPED m otorbike. R e ato lteb 'e. ROOMS by th e “ C o n tin e n ta ls." Ballads, twists, nism, almost regardless of the a n d b lues. 337-2591 O f 4 e L 4 l0 4 . 9 form-of government they .cre­ WASHINGTON—Hundreds of women braved a downpour unit of the academy, ha pro­ ON M L Us C a ll ED 2-8849, a fte r 6 p.m . 8 V A C A N C IES in th e - S te ad m an A N N B R O W N , ty p ie t p a d m ultilith- ate for themselves. Monday to picket the White House in behalf of disarmament vided at once. aad the eateag af nuclear testing. NEEDLES, TAPE H o u s e -(fo r boys) right dow ntow n. Pri­ ing. G en eral ty p in g , term p ap ers, th e ­ In Laos tee Halted States _ MATERNITY CLOTHES site 12. For­ v a te en tra n c e , privacy, television an d ses, dissertations, d u p lic a tin g . ED 2- m al, s u e - HI. -C elt ED 2-3398. 10 kitchen facilities av ailab le. $ Ta for 1314. b ala n c e o f term . IV 4-7406 >I IV 2- • tf Is beckiag efforts to form • government including right, The Many women call themselves tee “Women Strike For Peace.” of the pickets arrived on the “Peace Train Special,” Night Staff STEREO, Fisher X-100 power unit. 1797 a n d ask feu Mr. S te a d m a n , in ~ THESES TYPING, p rin tin g . IBM E lec* left and avowedly neutral de­ a Pennsylvania train from New York. By the time the train got Al Royce, night editor; Keun 2 0 w atts pef~Shennel. 3 channel S te p ­ th e evening or w eekends. hens speaker system . A udio Empire tu rn ta b le a n d arm . ED 2-3581, ask for SIN GLE R O O M for m 10 cam p u s. P a rk in g rC a ll ED 2-3151. en. C lose 12 trie typew riters. E diting a n d p ro o f­ ments. to reading av ailab le. W onch G ra fic Serv­ 17 ice. 1720 E. M ichigan A ve, Lansing. Kennedy said he recognises to Washington, tee women said, there were about 2,000 aboard. Youn. wire editor; Renee Ger­ bo*, Ann Darting, n il Yancey, copy editors. DISC SHOP M es. “ 484-7786. ~ t f the risks involved but ateo the LATEST M ODEL W ilson golf c'u b s. MEN STUDENTS • A p p ro v ed , kit­ risks in faihurs. Hs said failure Four w oods an d ten irons. U sed four chen, 11$ blocks to cam pus. A fter 4 could lead to “an escalation of 10 p.m . C a ll 332-21RS. 12 military struggle,” or a series tim es. ED 2-3581. Ask for Mex. G O O D lavatory for eaie-quick tale- APPROVED. 2 units av ailab le for j Lavaliers of te small wars that could lead a Mg ere. Coral GcMNMr half p n ceT C all a t 5:30, ED 7-9357. 10 students. C ury’s C a m p u s C o u rt. ED 7- 2334. ~ 13 Recognition Kennedy spoke to an audienee of 378 at his 19th news confer­ I L F O R N O TW O OLD-TIME. 5 string b a n jot. Vega an d co ncert to n e m odels. $45 APPROVED SIN G LE. 3 m inutes from P in t ence in Washington since he an d $35. IV 4 7 1 9 7 . 9 U nion. P rivate hom e, Phone. 425- Park Lane. ED 2-1317: 12 took offlco ftvoflays short of a FREE FILM a t Marck Retail Prescrip­ M SU The Name that Made Pizza Famous is Lansing > H O W L A N D H O U S E . C o o p e rativ e, tion C e n te r with each - roll d ev e lo p e d y*The^hief Executive was ask­ Graduation en d printed. 75c minimum. 301 N. C lip p e r! by Frandot. Rhone 485-4355. nexpensive living. Foreign stu d e n ts wel­ com e. 2 blocks from U nion. 323 A nn. C a ll ED 2 -6521. I ed to n llie t oa his year hi tee White H* Z NOW OPEN *T 11dO L U . - 23 R ing* He te d hte greatest disap­ UtiLL, 1 TIMO ID Serving Snacks - Sandwiches • Luncheon* • Dinners SINGER tew ing m achine, m odern APPROVED, supervised singles an d pointment was failure to con­ ^06 flRÆNDtVÎ f - Alao Catering to d o u b le s for m en. I black from ca m ­ IN S T O C K walnut co n sole.- excellent' co n d itio n . $60. ED 7 9318. »0 pus. Large, warm room s. H o t a n d co ld clude i nuclear test Private Parties - Banquets - Meetings w ater in each . L arge lo b b y with TV. Thto, ho BgUs «ted hovo boon FORMAL, floor length, pink orlan Perking. Laundry facilities, S partan. “a very important stopja eas­ V isll O ur R athskeller organza, worn once, size 9. Jo y . IV 4- H d l t J I S Lewis, ED 2-2574. ~ 9 ing tension*.” . M - ■, Open 5 p.m. Daily 9421, after 4:30. IV 7 -0 0 7 8 .- II _• j- ii i y u i » » * " ; » " ■■* ■ PRIVATE_ R O O M . 2 b l o c k from •Phone ED 7-1811 New Y ear's S pecial Union. Private en tra n c e . Extension phone. M ele stu d e n t. 136 lin d e n . I D 2- Kovacs’ Estate - Coaudete TakoOut Service ». t CANDY Famous' la d ie s a n d M en's W yler—W a tc h e s ~ APPROVED k d o u b le. $7.50 week- MAILED A N Y W H ERE In Sad Shape G u a ra n te e d W a te rp ro o f for 2 Years ly. 3 blocks from Berkey. C ooking ev elleb le. ED 2-0097. (Cemtinuod from pago 3) Stainless Steel C a se COM PLETE ASSORTM ENT. orderly throughout the brief a t th e lew p rice o f $25 + tax APPROVED R O O M S . 2 blacks to AVAILABLE aV rite*. Top tra d e m o th er fine w etchea W M . H . THOM PSON U nion. C ooking, parking, C a ll a f te r 4. *332-2195. 334 E v e r g r e e n ,- • TH E Meonwtüle, at the couple,a 9600,000 Coidwater C a n y e a R A LP K rS C A F E T E R I A homo, telegrams by the boxful JEWELERS LO ST en d FO U N D from att over the world piled C A R D S H O P Ftendor S hopping C e n te r IV 5-07491 L 0ST -6L A S S É S green fram es M green leather case. L eft lens creck ed . IV S-1430. rrK Acro«* From up. Kovacs* estáte was reported hi sad financial plight. The in­ ' “ K E W P E E ’S” ■ - .- 7 A R R O W SHIRTS, w hite long- LOST, O n e p a ir glasses. Brown rims, sleeved, sire 15-13, g o o d co n d itio n . $2 g reen c a s e . C a t) M arera Lemoreeu«, H o m e Econom ics Bld g . _ ED 2 4 7 5 3 ternal Revenue Seme« recent­ ly put a *308,808 lieu on it for FINEST Nl FOODS L iW I S Î ea c h , O R 7 4 1 6 1 . -, 9 2-5061. : ■ 8 back taxes. Hte style of living was so SPOTTER S C O « , 2 4 . (24*63) T in - PER SO N A L graadotea thatbe spent thofaw F i - I t ’s F a il e rth . ISO. ED 2-0732. ask f o r Bob. II W ANTED millions be made. He eftan ad­ mitted he lived beyond fate hi* H1-FI, FM tarter, am plifier e n d b ase SEN IO R with e«r, w epts to " m e e t reflex sp e ek at enclosure. $80. I D 2 - Co-Id I with tinte. T a m ' to u c h , S t. 0732. Leave m e tta g a fa r B ab. : -I I J a h n s. - IR O N IN G in m y € . Lansing h om o . $2.50. P teb u p sn d S d a h Y e ry iE ad d itio n - eamo. I a) c h a rg e - ED 2-119$. “In fact," he once said. “My MEMVAST LUNCH t REVERE M O DEL T-2000 t a p e re- HEY JU N IO R S -R eed y ? February 3. manager te&s ma I Uve beyond IR O N IN G t o d a hr, my h o m e . Pick Nelson Rockefeller1« income.” to rd e r. Syivimie clack rad ia, r e p e a t u p a n d delivery a * d e sire d . 484-3227. alarm . ED 2-IS 07, Tom Palmer- . 9 The laid television program W H Y FIDEL7 S ee 8ubofz fo r a u to 1 ; • filmed by Erate/ Kovâcs will THAUL8U m iuHince. C h a C h a C h a . ED 2-4671. HE LPE R , or tu to r ' w e n ta d fa r sta* ho stw telan . 39 as scheduled, "loss FORÖUN« JO*. (teeSl* on« tiitic s (4 0 1 ), CeM ED 7-9268 a f te r its sponsors said todigi^^%f of (wo stu d e n ti. C e H .N A 7-7470 duyt, 5:30 pur». • <- O ffirisli d m CMUo&btM O F F C A M P U S stu d e n ts. O p e n Na 7>|tU eveningt. . &• -It ing a n farm ing a governm ent l e t off- LADY T O CA R E f a r aew b a b y . U s i O g ^ ^ î jpreviewed Jto* cam p u s stu d e n ts. 7 (3 0 p-m „ J a nu a ry P P ri o f Ja n u a ry , $29 «aM by. O w n 16, Room S t, U nían. i, 8 trd ne p a rMBa a . ED 2-3292. , . f after funeral —SRa 1r s INTESTINAL FORTITUDE - Prim« coinediaa were hate wood. "T * o t ' í"fliic?5v!~t¿“ iH.f,,“í«' (f*#«f, nt»t Coi«l Cabin. Lon of J k p triM t i d ' tw o girl* int a m S e d in to u rin g Enra g e h y ca r a n d «hara ex- ïïnvatt W i rtllad early Sat- T h e Ideal ■MM to M eet Y our •PEN TO penses. L aaving en d o f M arch, return­ urday ' fat aa autosaobUa accdk Friends O ver A Snack or ■INK A t M o i R oger. 3SS-27IO; 1| I in g ? M e d know im m ediately. B cttfe 355-1605: ij H É of U H e e . ^K E W PE E S A ss 8 S2 H H flEHH IIm Ii APPROVED, * u p * r» ;* « J;'' . ' ' g room DENTAL H ygenist, n ee d s roam end vutalkiaata taa Nrisnè t o Retnem W . I us. * ld 8 s # i H I -SnsOjw not* .J M É M I t oaad* room m ot*. te l Saeites Are 73X0775. » Classifieds b o a rd b y F s jc i . .W ouU id « W t y 9W t e ^ f * * -3 6 (3 evenings. „ - V, A a iu . I? v - a lM a jiS a B i MBi i l a wBfëm Wm m e i MËMBfeÆai EtonCWm mm i » MgMKWs ÏMÊSm mm wm mSÊm WIsMm ZïW ËjgM 19H £98 I&J ta te le e r e t« * * Dean R ata M u ré« is a feeling ¥Sm Tlww A801^0Rwes‘^U hé RW -RlHPüR^P a f H H IM BBS m m m might ta , if aaythtog. Bpl t* t' ,"»> dPhvte^v ~dtre ÄliSfö ^HWDWltewypPRSflHWRS^HyjHHH@HH&ijHgW «■ lag ré te the 1Eremlta,tf « ré. Hubert a Humphrey, „D-Mten. «g: “The tte n n U d (Hsmuqq «OTM MM Wmt- lack ef information indi­ Kokov md Red CUm, but cates some m ajor policy dodj- added, “I would not . want to m "J*/ U M « C a i« iTn may be in the works. ” ' frwwy to any hasty co artatin e* Sen. S. W. FuTbrifbt, D-Ark, as to what this might mean. told repertori R ust apparent- Reek said he is muck en- isjy sH - 7 ly “ta s tee feeling aomethlng is gsteg en” inside Russia but does not know for «ox*. M ?over prospects fo r# ..utllxuMin«if ¿ur dlsiaa •etuem em ot me w o- Don’t Expect w » to lO p .m .' go problem. “ It is based on weO publicized differences within the Steefio-' Fulbright, chairm an ef tee committee, told reporters Rusk Groundhog• Kmtrmnca through (*• back door amift Bring your Fri^daf viel Woe,” FuQbrigbt as weB as what be called “tea very mysterious H P in­ m m m devoted much of Mo ten e to To-ÎélpMuchj veillying trera jfi er Foreign Minis- Kennedy's proposal th at this H teform r V.RM. RW Molotov. H IR H P Tito W P S i country buy half of a gaWrnQ. V P71-yeqr WASHINGTON (4—Don’t ex­ pect any to Ip from the ground­ famous maker lion UN beod issue {sw j| P |H p ^ : ' -old Molotov, denounced by So­ hog in bringing on an early viet Prem ier Khrushchev a r a The bond sates m e designed Stalinist, was te st reported to to help the United Nations over a deficit created by its p ig ' - *m Experts say th e Jegeodaiy winter coats Mg inability to collect apeetol-Con- weather prophet is a lazy, shift- iow who sleeps right I*P Need More go assessm ents from Russia «ad some other countries. The through Groundhog Day,—Feb, G he to supposed h i car MOW O N L Y deficit is expected to reach $179 2,-w ben ion million by June 30. Fulbright said Rusk’s report Dm his den and look for his fbadow«, ‘ \ :^ ^ 1 W M Priced of practically half their, original price! Choose single re What was te a t we w ere read- on the world situation as a m The old bej|ef is that if he j ti»l about Btw M y t a ) Hl,|w i whole -mas M H J M B i sere It, six .more weeks of win- j double breasted design* In w ater standing fqreequare behind tee “While we still hav* im port­ tor weather and pew crops are repellent peplin. Orton® re quilt ideal of free eH te rp n fta o d ant issues unresolved, there has supposed to fofiow. If he doesn’t linings in every w anted celer, size. competition? been improvement on others, c a rt a shadow it m eres an j SWAINSON CONTRIBUTES—Fouryear-oM S q te H ^ r n - early spring and good h arv est • it is: fb e na- including developments in the ctoee ef Fünf, Michigan receives the first CM trfoatim to izaoctotkm a t newspaper Congo which seem to be favor But co rner Ms day to pre­ tee J u .J W t a from Governor John I . Swains««. Stephen, form, reports the National Geo-1 publishers, “ viewing w i t h able to stability,” Fulbright who is tee sen ef Mr. red Mrs. Rehert, Francisco, ef 1227 alarm “ a nattoaai “trend” to­ said, addtog: gr aphic ' Society, re d ttreJ “He doesn’t pretend there is Knapp Avenue, was bora with a serious birth detest. The groundhog is snooting so souiKfc i ward eocjalim , baa called for 110 March af Dimes seeks H J N .M to Michigan to find & return to tee tim e booed any sotutkm yet ef the Berlin ly only a aretifiva American principles of free crisis, but a t least there hasn't tee are w en to tee preveatire ef birth defects and arthritis can teil whctfaer he is dead or j Competition, been any worsening of tbe sit­ re well as to cootbwe the fight against potto. afire. uation there. And tee Laotian The groundhog prepares for f Hrnmxm situation hasn't been resolved. his h o g sleep by eating so | Also note te at fa Los Angeles, | Sen. Homer XL Capehart, R- both the “ E xam iner’ and the Ind. commented th at he “c a n t “ hQrrer” 4 m folded- And in see” the bond proposal, W if Swainson Challenges heartily daring the smnm sr i that body fat balloons Mm out] to four tfaiu« norm al a lp . He I D etroit, «md in Boston, mid in the bonds i t e issued *1 plan to hibernates from mid-autumn Chicago, and in Pittsburgh* tosd offer an amendment to require fo . • . payment of 3% to 4 pm cent, Romney to Help Solve until M arch, Uvteg off fois t o t j tee society says. R offers these j Competition a p p a r e n t l y which is what we h a re to pay other details: doesn’t apply « . when it ap­ far-m oney, instead of 2 pm plies to newspagdhL The na­ ceni-*»ft.41 Problem s of Michigan When he em erges, thinner | and trim m er, he isn’t thinking tional trend we te e to one to­ The proposal is far e 25-year LANSING (A—Gov. Swainson fore his successful bid for Gov­ of te e weather, rely romance I ward te e one-peper d ty . issue of 2 « er-cait bonds i re d food. , even in towns capebU of sup­ In th e House, Rep. H. R. challenged George I f . Romney ernor fo 1960. \ A first-class chow hound, he The Governor firm ly turned porting half n dozen. \ Gross, R-Iowa, urged support M reday to use nis leadership aside most of the questions pot can put aw ay a ton of hay fo a . Here in tbaraptiga-U rbaBa, of U s resolution to b ar the during the 1962 legislative ses­ to him about Rotnney.. an enomaiy exists: this is t i e United __ Btato* 1 _from purchosing| sion to help solve some of Mkh- season or a bean patch fo a j sitting re d add cabtage heads, winter $100 umillion of tee bonds are re ighan’s most pressing prob- “ If and when Mr. -Romney punffciw vines and young corn i sm allest 'tow n in ten; U nited fong any UN members becomes a candidate,’’ be jam , for dessert. States with two professional in arrears on their regular or lems. competitive, separately owned spedai assessments. daily newspapers Romney, who may rue for “I will be happy to discuss his governor on the Republican comments fo greater detail, i account too. He assumes no re- As a parent he’s sort of no­ M ES S ES Has this competition locally ticket this year, could be in­ am much too busy trying to sponsibility for rearing the fluential with the legislators work to build Michigan to con­ young. He spends bis tim e improved , the journalistic pro­ duct for twin city readers? Leadership in helping tbe state m eet its cern m yselt with Mr. Romney’s feasting, sunning and tigging needs to- education, mental statem ents at this tim e.” den holes that are a hazard to I ,4 0 The feeling Is imanimout in Chicago newspaper circles and fo the state bureaus of AP and Change Made health, capital outlay and other areas, Swainson told Swainson dismissed as “ ri­ cattle, hones and farm m a-| j i news diculous” Romney‘s assertion chtoery. that August Schoile, Michigan . SB j I . O r i g i n a l l y i o 4< *< 98 conference. The legend of Groundhog Day UPI that Champaign-Urbana is tee bestw ew spuw r town In tbe In ftOTC Swainson commented in reply AFL-CIO president, is th« chief was brought to America by the spokesman of the Democratic Every new sHheuette in iuxurieui woois with pilgrim s. National Geographic [ dressmaker detaiiini. Wraps, finite and state, outside o f Chicago. to Romney’s statem ent on the An unusual ta u ter term weekend th at be had no inten­ party fo this state. says. They substituted tee | Bote The News-Gazette and groundhog for the European ! dréhte braactad dasiqinwith aü tfia naw the Courim have ranked high change of ROTC hierarchy has tion of urging tbe legislature to hedgehog, who w as supposed for years 1a HUm Is Press Aa- been announced by_ both the adopt the tax reform program Structural steel is the domin­ collar thafws. Each warmly interlined, sn. contests Artoy and A ir Force detach­ of Citizens f « .M ichigan, * ant m aterial for schools fo the to cast a shadow re Candlemas j We thhte strang competition ments on campus. non-partisan organization which United States. WM Day. including blacks and grays or fabuteufiyj between newwapers to a good Cadet Lt. CoL Richard C he heads. Romney, American thing. We te ra k it has fonm ttt Kerner, Merrick, N.Y. sen» Motors Corp. p re id tiit and a ceiorfui tweeds. Ail sizes in graqt this co ag u u ity definite bene­ is the new Army Cadet Chief o ! vice president of the Consti­ fits. Staff, and Cadet Col. Paul Van- tutional Convention, said he is ston. E. to iartn g junior, to the too deeply Involved with tbe Manufacturer’s It could do the same for a lot new wing commander for the convention to piuh for adoption of other cities, and it could help Ahr Force. strengthen the national_ptcss For the Army, Cadet K ern « lature. of a tax program in tbe legis­ COED close-out and reductions from our .- as a whole. is replacing Cadet Col. Jam es hotter dresses. New If those publishers would put Aitken, Eaton Rapids senior, brushed aside Romney’s asser­ their principles into practice. The Democratic governor taw is off campus this term tion that be w fl beat Swainson - The Ita ly mini doing student teaching. SPECIAL priced at less than half I New winter if he decides to run, with: designs in sheaths, literary Group For the Air Force, Cadet V u t Larry Hrefey* E ast Laaafan te a t.” “Every candidate that has] ston is restatin g Cadet Col. ever been against me has sakii \ I DAYS m we : flared and pleated skirts! W aol, Arnel* senior, who will be doing flet and wool jersey, Wffl Discuss mm work for tho - •-1—“ i ’ w' * crepe and many Sartre’s “NoExit* « e d tap hooors a* the AF fo r te e I lte D istrict seat to tee ROTC summer training cam p State Senile apd once befog EVERY WEEK i ü winter fabrics*. Y-r Solids, prints end etetied LieutenantCovernor be- 1 The L i t e r a r y Discussion last year fo competition with P e tty Lundberg plnfcfcl fe stivo dale group will discuss “No Exit,” 330 oteer cadets from through­ ¡pfi ' Ml V JYv ON - Owaer-M—egsr S lip s , Ml and half 2 f«» $ 5 a one-act May by Jean-Poal out tbe U rittd States. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ^ design« and «mart A Sartre, on Friday, Feb. 2, at ' S "'rf* ‘ 'A ' tosueis! AH sixes. 1 p.m . " M ONDAY, TU ESD A Y , an d W ED N ESD A Y "AStk, ‘ ¿lLÌÈ^ìQ ÌI*! .tu*! 7 ¿¿'à* '• 7 The selection is taken from P o n tifiS , ocefofe •nylon - cotton 3 to $ 1 “ No Exit and Other Plays’’ which may be obtained fi^in ☆ PERMANENT I - : ? I n r l v. H i n i S iw i fii l D r. Gordon Rorman, asslStan f professor of Brassières, famous names I h » $ 3 rm HaD. I ☆ s t y le M Whrtw Handbags ^ <* O’ m» BLOUSES 't — i m e m 1 only M E I® I SO *- W hy B e A P a ljfre e ? U se O ur flm riaa Room ir r SKIRTS WE R XXlVikil 2ND O t W f l j y W PERMANENT WAVE8 !4 wm r P U N T V E B S fW S I S e a u t y j Sa û o S il l i Sorry, no moil or phono enters! M aates ftsett , ,(EAST jLANBKNG’S MOST M O D Q IN BALON) Sm m IH H 2. Dotera Efim g f I m m mm R FRBX PARKING 1N lUCW f iw » ,. äm tsssEgmmmsmmm 8 S E w ,' i S E m Ë È Ë ' ionai