L ’Vrrr ■ ¡ S i! » f l a ? » » i Mm Solutions For W orld ROCHESTER tfl - Chester Bowles said Tuesday night one iaSacy ia the thinking of many who critldze United Mates for­ eign policy is what be called the pipe_dreapa that America M powerful enough to run the oh tire planet If tt would only ex erdse Its will. Such a feeling, he sold in an address prepared for delivery at Michigan State University— Oakland, “seems to inspire the angry proclamations of those who call on us to abandon our allies, pull out of the United Nations, cut our federal bud­ gets and then declare war on $ o m et$ m p rised any nation that earns our dis­ pleasure.” Bowies, a formed Undersec retary of State who now advises President Kennedy on under­ ion developed areas, said that while Al the nuclear talks reopened The. Soviet government for­ the United States undoubtedly after a yeafend recess, Soviet mally proposed the merger of could destroy the world in a nu­ Delegate Semyon K. Trarap­ clear war “unhappily we do not ida i p p à dy had expected tito test ban and disarmament possess the power by our own some protracted negatieli— . issues tost summer after the efforts to save it.” Conference sources said Taar- two western powers submitted Other fallacies which he arid apkln told IIS. the Delegate u complete draft of a test baa appear to underlie the thinkbtg Charles C. Sidle and Britain's treaty. Tide draft included far- of those who oppose American Sir Michael Wright that he reaching western conceastons policies abroad include the il­ week! submit their propesa! to on the toternatiooal centro! lusion of simple answers to all Moscow. . machinery the west fetos to problems, the fantasy of speedy .... Tsarapkin lstsr toM news­ necessary to insure observance solutions to these same prob­ men he was “not pie seed hut of an agreement to bra nuclear lems aad the panacea of panieri" with the western weapons tort. “cleaning out” the State De­ move He did not elaborate, Two Soviet government toen partment however. — withdrew aB previous agree­ His speech Monday night was Western diplomats wsperted ments worked out to more than Bowles third I nMicbigan to die Soviet Unica to agno that two years «T patient negotis- 24 hours. He spoke Monday the test ban Issue be negotiat­ tionrin Geneva, tt said to view night at the^annual Michigan ed within the odder issue of ef tjto wnrseatog political situ­ Council of Churches pastors’ ation any type of International conference at Ann Arbor and “After *U it It their m controls world be fanlomiutet Tuesday noon at the Detroit preponi,” one diplomat source to western aaptonege ra Soviet Press Ctnb. ;»toL In Detroit he said that while the United State« cannot run the worid alone, neither can Russia, which has troubles of Its own. . „"Witt* an angty China on its flank, an increasingly restless T h ie f Lo c k s G ir i youth, a set of unhappy satel­ lites and an economy stagger­ ing under the burden of aoim- In F r e e z e r 7 H o u rs mense war machine, the Krem­ lin facet problems that I for one BORGER, TEX., ÜB— Not a would come and aad got me at 12. would not exchange for our pera— was ¡a sight at the “At “At12.311 12:361 gave gave up19 an ea her own,” he declared. drive-in. It was XI p m , any- coming. ;^ way, and closing time. “At 23 o’clock I decided no- no­ Rare Pennies - Stairs Posey, the only em- body waa fisgón 00 duty, picked up aSheShe was coming. eased coming.” eased hertow feria byby em- Tamed Into ladE rentabler ef steaming hot bracing dritte tost togbt and took it Into —an bracingtoe until ft the containerof it tost tott Its beat. beat, of chili chtii Candy Treat the walk-in freexer for .the "Then night. “U no every time I sat doom to feel foto sorry for myself, - I’d down I'd EL CENTRO, Calif. Ut-Foor The door iismmeri behind hear mother talking. talking, year-old Paul Morgan was the her; “She’d “She*4 say, ‘D aen n Just Jest sit hero of the small fry eet after Seven hems later, she pot there, yew yea dopa. dope. Get Got up and he took 200 pennies from his her head to her hands ea her atora move around’.” daddf'a kH H r drawer and kaaeo md prepared to die. Her They had soon sera a TV show to­ to- treated Minds to Jolly beaus to shoes w en froreate the fleer gather gether recently, Sondra Sandra rotat­ retot- the corner grocery, | p aad her legs lad no feeling ed, to hi which a girl fnaad found tar­her- But daddy, Jeweler Kenny Morgan, is havtog Ms. - I^Veterinarians Convene front the knece down. “f gave up the 'ghost," M- ament self Éi ara in much tito ament. That “move, the sama same gretito “move around, prwtic- Morgan i* a coin coDoctir and tbe coins wan rare Indian Bead pennies, worth from SO I* For 3-Day Conference year-old Sondra sold today yon you dope” was the spoken from her bocptiki bed. nsing a vice Sondra’s apohm ad­ Sandra’» mother, Mrs. ad- Biblical tans lor dying. Joan Poney, Jara Pussy, gave toe tfas girl in « coots to MOO each. At the gro­ Veterinarians fr o to .many problemi, a d mosut dtvetop Officers É Ü a-fltief appar tlto the pictute picture tube, tube. cer’s last Tuesday night, he communities throughout the arata In Vitamin A-nutrition entiy Md himself a t f the tson- Finally dito she gave up and sat leaned that every one had rtatow e afrtvjteg on campus m b he dtocusmd. ager walked V » fha freezer. down.Her era. Her Masa shoes froze Is the to toe been handed out to customers fog thtor Mtii annmd Patogmd.. ^ Then ha the goer.- He- floor and the put her hood- in as change. Mte Coherence, which begin« «^ «m a Wilt feature demon druoeeC a tabu k d b ehareener her brads on lar knees fTednesday and nan through E S S f lS a p lo ! S a n J s ! i through a hasp to prevent Son- Mrs. Posey awoke to And Near Spartan Village 7 -J '.. dm from leaving took 630 her daughter absent aad d a t- from Ato cash register, over- ed a search first at the drtro- «— « 0 i n - (run dmoM to Un M M ail- Ä S " £ 3 P g v .! S W B * lookmg $46. . - . In. ■ . E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l ¡T o B e Vtgcos in the tmatmwá of .« W _ farm and home animals is ex- ™ conference p f e g j pro- pected todraw some «»prod- W 3L *Tai thief tamed eat afl the Through a pane of glam she lights bat tim night tight so saw Ttsajnto swuator a n d the drive la wooit appear a r - coat and aroused other work- icing veteriaarira* énd univap. «;.*« **2 mal. . . j ^ - l l S ír '' ers, who came and mscnod C o n s tr u c te d o n C a m p u s sity students to elk>gg Center. *£» « S S S u iS Problems e i m w y arac- w e t o f t he anraml program - sonora Mat sad menea .ea tito- gas. the dMr, she said, but-soon flsadra’s condittoa was listed tim, the fluorescent antibody n an alumni rempen for grad- realized tito frufttesmess of o¡a: rartous at thriElmmllal at By KEUN YOUN Upon completion of the new under six years old, to trudge a test’ f o é ì ^ S ? " l r S S that. 4$ h“* **• h«*p— ri ,an m Of the Slate News Staff school, there will be two ele- mile through busy traffic to setkmby members medicine and world hrnärn «*fy. torawfti% «■» Tin: temperatnre wao erefl .rating of good dartog the day. The East Tanting Board of mentary schools on campus. icbool h gjacuri,. „id “and the' H be JmpSUi.7, ,nmm|tommMmmtomnHmmmmM^||kuHMHWH|MMM §f| » i P K W i P R ^ a f f l .SÖT rewWtto Mow freonM butaaeae doMd' *3. poseed thé timo counting Education reported Tuesday The opening of the scbool will .__- _______ : I I M W M wffl atoo say B i Just haw eoM. limes,” Scsdn, !*ilH n e that a new four-room elemen­ provide some rdtof for the ” * ^ 6 " ■ row | “I kept thlnilrtng to O th *y‘a ie ll6 limes 16 H freonr.” tary school for pupils up to sec­ overcrowdedRed Cpdsr Scbocri, railroad trackaevery dey going I m ust have i terir~ ond grade will J * completed 46 Stu- Jo school" ^ dlmnyorpge, have next fall. . dento pt* classroom teach», th e aast of the construction The sdiori wifl Include a kin­ Sinclair autiii*mIsaid, Viriler -a .* ^ is 6100,000 which .■includes •WpSwmwseBPVwW' fur-• dergarten for youngsters above Sinclair said that thei» are The'Uitiventiyr will flv ejw u ra.flg .1 I ’ - l i e prepwed jlte of the 4|jiuthan SMfUfritointiilltM appropriate approximately 673,- -aelui|ti.SpM6Msmi tito weet- 14 clasmxMmi. whkk Cedar School, has only 7 p ^ ;;^ ^ 006 with tbsjtoard .of Educa- :tk>n furnishing the remainder, wn hstuito^’ ef Spartan ' Because of an acute shortage l. m M M M R ■Uumummm^Mptou., v:* of .clMaroon@to jRed C8dn -H & k i that tbelo§rorsity The ä m m g ß A ß built pci- School has htirrowad soma sf * J * ~ * «hs toad marily lm tito benefit of <9dK the 'CMMH frmiFlhe nearby ditto, a |p i l f 7*. ~ Two mgjte views exist M how a paper should bo run aad wtefefta service should H raKMtoteto timed te the fln t dap if be; it - * Li:-: expraree Ara áfcra IPIlNilAllll IW V U H « « e n M B . *# " fcfa M _i ' v * do tiifo- ■ gjgonìtegÉlÈirdM Up|RHp^Bm^i jipJs HuHra^rau IraM PvsuÊ wMmre M ? HHflnÎP * yâMÉ • àìtili t P S B W POT ^I¡Jsw AaKm i££l( iai lO One type of college paper is that iura- selote what shafi he printed, when it riaB ha otetatoi and where tested by the Michigan Daily, f t is fi­ Thua, tire University pteicy e f PWrid- it wttTa priated. nanced by voluntanr subneriptkme with hfg each student with a paper to forcing ' H dLgsaaAht p R adftttnaree ^mMAmusw IM P S I P i U I w iw HMHVTO «t B—— --■^■1«, C Y G S T lj C i lu C u a u g 1D | no direct subsidy from the University. the State Newa io operate at a loss under vtoWs «aaresaod ta a poem by JaeUe Korona. Thus, only those who pay for tha paper the present subsidy rate, r? Wo fsei that wa hare Ma sight ta print a poem er aa article mBBSKÊÊtrnm ^ ■':' Under the apposite philosophy, the Jato the vtew» ef the aajwtty The second philosophy la the one at State Hews might be abla t e operate prof­ ■ ... beeaira aa arttcte dttagreee-wtih eae’s vtows daes ate moka tt unftt fsr pubticatira. Misa H B R M8U. Here, tibe UnirersHy appanmtly re­ itably. . " .r'.'S \ satf she fait her peen sato that wa are toe ssnaO to aee the gards the Stale Hewn aa a «srefoa te all Voluntary subscriptions a t a realistic naaguttuds of God’s purpoit . - ' <••>-% m È E m tha stedrerta. It fa sls f that each student rate would bring in approximately ha We feto poopte are too omaU to seo nway thíng*. ha provided with a copy e f the paper. m much money as the current subsidy dees. Pmfcapa sánete toe tendente dsaT «utorstsad the p sy d o ef m Because it Is a University service, the The advortisiiig revenue would probably Ato papar. We are aot bar* te wpieawt spedfic toad University feels obligated to defray part remain eonstant. Yet, the State Hews gsoaps aor are we han to fofiow adsiintetratioa idrtadaa, would only be printing half sa many cop­ We, a i JounuüisU, ftgbt to prfK the treth. Wo doat dofcad «■ was enough to fill a few column it it it 'M* inches in your aew supplement To the Editor: of intellectual pursuit. 1 would Hitt SOS copies ef an Contrary to Holmes’ engross­ excellent artide, “Guidance to ing view, fraternities and thtor Greek Pledging,” which ap­ members are not ignorant or peared in Monday's S t a t e base enough to let a few ma­ News.- And by all moans in­ Conception Educations’New Challenge terial determinants decide who clude Howard W. Holmes’ by« compare with tha movies that toe State News cancerumg TherJdnd at democratic philosophy that ward solving the existing and growing will probably he their closest fine «.?■ 1 are girea full publicity. housing rules. Arguments wart wa adhere to ia- tee United States has friends for the rest of their John M. Smekrvitcbf t hops tote tbs “Spotlight” problem of education. But this consolida­ Sigma PM Epsflm wifi include art to too Mare advanced as to why ti» pres­ managed to leave Its imprint on many in­ tion and bigness creates an impersonal liyee- óte bousing ruins should be stitutions within our society. Logically, atmosphere. The intim ity, the give-and- h fact it is difficult to say & it it it topt do« not come just from Just what does constitute fra­ To the Editor: Uw toaster and mutntm alone. our governmental system is tire mote take discussion of the smalt claps will ternity entrance “require­ I don’t know which Billboard E. Moyer, Acting Since tbs bousing rules salient example. H ut the philosophy has probably disappear from tha American ments.” A social fraternity is you got your “Spotlight*' mag- haven’t bren changad, there our permeated other institutions. Let us take educational scene. Even today when we organised in order that aa at­ azine list of the Top M LP's Deportment sf Art educational system which we have refer to a small discussion group on tire must bo mesons hot thter con­ ever so proudly given tent unaspiring, mosphere whereby its members from, but the Billboard 1 sub­ ★ ♦ ★ Michigan State campus we mean a class­ will hare a chance to develop scribe to aad get every week tinued existance. T would like nonsnobbteh and democratic label, “mass room with 30 or 36 students. traits of good character, lead­ has a completely different ver­ To toe Edttsr: to hear there reasons stated by education.’’ ership, and honesty above that sion ef the Top M. As near as After reading Mr. Holmes’ the person er ergatentira re* Underlying this whole development, to mere scholarship. For these 1 era figure fe, the Billboard article I wan shocked «0 find spoesibie for there rules. ~ “Equality of opportunity”—one of the the nation’s educators have presupposed traits to emerge, wvery mem­ yon used was about IVk months my “heure away from heure” underlying principles of our society—has that students are aad will ha mature ber must he nked. respected, hud rejected ure—I am no long- I would like most of a lite necessarily lad to the kind of educational enotfgh to realize that this inevitable evo­ appreciated by his fellow broth­ To bring you up to date, here Greek after four ye— of know who has tha power of system white has indeed evolved in Amer­ lution toward large impereonal lecture ers. is the January B list’ of the ML Olympus (I ica. And it has created a mote conspic­ sessions and classes fey television wilf ; With these ideas in mind, a Top 16 IP ’s from Billboard: It lent AUSG. That la all-I uous crisis which to getting worse. mean a tremendous responsibility on tire fraternity seeks Its pledges. If 1. Blue Hawaii - Elvis Pres- era find set. Needless to say, the facilities and per­ pari of the individual student, a house feels a person era fit foy If tbs responsible party would la with toe chapter, era con­ stato Its side of too argument, sonnel are inadequate in both our secon­ Here is the pferadox! While tire classes tribute to toe goals of toe fra* perhaps my aad other students’ dary ^schools and collogea. But America are getting bigi bigger and intimacy disap­ terntty, and cm be an asset questions would he answered; does not stand still. Nor does tire prag­ pears, the independence of each otedent for their house, be is extended or porheps we would halve matic American ingenuity ever cease to win be greater. It is a challenge to 1tirestu- a bid to pledge- If toe house eomtelrtag arem to say. operate and experiment. While this coun­ dents. Will they accept the challenge and foefo-n person cannot do these I am a 22 rear old woman try continues to build more classrooms succeed? It is up to tire individual to things, he te net invited Te and I weald aka to know why and graduate more teachers, tw o other decide. pledge- 7- 1 cra i fire at aa adult. schemes are being implemented in aa at­ Different houses have differ­ Fat Hqphtoi tempt to educate tire ever increasing ent views as to what constitute» —te r e i JIIBVil IfmB HÜH ms these “requirement».'“ -Here, preferences by mahoas and by Television has become one of tire in­ Mount Everest, world’s tallest peak, to get­ ting tailor—science Hem. Thom tote mm gets. houses moat be matched ia or­ der to derive a solution. U w A ggressors struments white educators hope will solve the horrendous problem of inade­ -Houghton Daily Mining Gasettt. Fretertottee, Just an The uni­ To toe Etetert quacy. One instructor, several TV’s, a few versity, sometimes Had font lecture balls and the material can reach . “I we» bettor off,” remarked too reready- aew members do not five up to With refarrace to the letter inducted draftee to « follow GL “when 1 captioned “On to Kashmir” I any number of students. Along a similar the beam's hdtito expectations, line has been the evolvement mi this cam­ thought the Jnfentry was toe place tore kept hi fretertottee, tote action Is would request toe foarebd tor babies ia a hospital.” — Grand Rapid« writer to n * i Ctonpbell-Jtem- pus as elsewhere of larger and larger^ Press. raftered to as “blackball.” At sou’g “Mistera with lftreutolwt- lecture sessions themselves. the university, action ef tills ten” written by Em former rk r*\ - \ eoit te called suspenrioa. There are, perhaps, a true personifica­ Television pretty well breaks up Cunfiy to* Became ef tie foal» rad toe mom attache of Lord Monte- tion of “mass education.” getoeraaas when the kids tty to figure out » —— necessary environment, frater­ p m a , m rm tr Tviceroy —■- — fi ■—n■» w whte tt was their tofts saw to timre akMtat Governor-General te IndU. What does all this mean? It signifies mevlo tears. nities must he retoctivs.Otber. wire, ft might as «tel simply Lord Mountbotten was 1 that we are taking-« practical atop to- _ Chicago Doily Nows be eeBed a boarding house. British CXvfi Semate aad has PteMfn, Mr. Reim s, if yon i m i an ebjsctire review sf woM try getting lifttiipate in­ JtmeBMh, Kateuulr uud Hydcr- formation from homes ea this cqnpaa 'taitead of depending an ew s your resource center, .yah might find startling resirau Yon might area bo Ohio to wrtto an totslfigsnt, mature ar­ ticle. ~ V yea are Interested to aafc- iristog the fratemitlos, may I g ' «an ■ 1 1 H n t ir I *» Ta m m • ■ te Mr «¡M H8NW 1 recently ^0.. - ... ■ — *Ì« .A«. L.— M|m. B O «r > 9 f M p * t » reward the Ufo of the mind. As Mh ^ vwrew c m raw.«te" rem«—»—sww W phbhì^p^s®awtr, sw11WP?« V . a aanon wt ara A«emgevory- ' ^ ^ , ai ___ teteteau« osmms p arid, btethe subti* «base K i atedret fg m e : 9 m l ! I thing in cur power to destroy of language maMes t h e i r 0Mwhy; I p e f t m h T m i what intellect is left to us.” names t» ramato tire «reso. It hraet the open rati— ri institutions, tire «■prerare mpHiçpapg^rereaipi««d W, lectuals of the book-tnsratef trsdtiiraal cnrstac» tetb e fife Clob ~ 7 pan., tW Ecshom variety who. arc particularly of reason, bava boon seized ’York City at thè American ntm sophomore: KaVen Kupiec. ics. dangerous, ho said. aad doboasd, ¡5 fc 2 S j iS r 1 l ^ Management Assn. SeminaTra Frnningfonsophomore Bonnie “The American school sys­ , Purchastog Research. Martin, senior; Rteteoi A*ts~7:36 pan., 2M and 306 Home Economics. Con-Con Boss tem is not ovan approximately given o— to the nfe of the in­ Pels lfosetis, Grosse Potate “Critical and Priority F to «¡B^ chatrm— te flte ftwete ton Cm Estabìishtag Purchao- Betsy McPherson, Lowelljun- fe ; Carolo Meriam, Elsie Roteo Frioinric» IbsiM sf — 7 p.m., placement Bureau, Guest Speaker tellect,’' ha arid. Wtodom arises oat of the r-r y grepm u _________ put committee, and Harry In* Research” will be the topic ^ ,S atito& ^ |O tow m orei of Ms speech to purchasing ex- sophomore; Linda Hard, Gar- den City tateor. Student Services. '• Of Chamber. IMilsag pafcwdt of 9» he said, h to u sb n toned» brat rad routed its i flotilla mat hi oar achates a ehflds companions “twist« 1 — a dtieet tHhslieoge and war provoa moral ChaU-maa sf the Whirl, acutives from tel parts of the dd the Judging and selection United States and Canada mid DUm, padly, D etroit fresb- man; Jody Potts, Detroit fresh- -Boote Bteaaadte Gerani 7:3® pjn., 2M Basât Econ­ The East Lansing Chamber te time is se takra ap with ir­ tkm,” an Indsnatemi «may spokesman to tto t e to Jakarta. / ! toe Sweetheart will be a dif- foreign representatives. man; Pat Reaooaor, Lansing omics. • Commerce will hold its seventh relevant activities be ton as cat job. ' i)r. Harold E. Fearon, now junior; Myke Roberts, Ahna Chflg DevetopsMBt — T p.m., anniversary celebration ban­ time to practice leaning. quet at 6:30 p.m. Monday te Essential to aa tetofloctosl U. S. Man mte Orbtt Delayed 7 Serving as hostesses st the at Arizona «aie University, will »option wore members of the present results of a research senior; Dedte Strenge, Sterling, DL sophomore; aad Jeanne toharalary ■PnschooL nrisilag Cteh-—7 pm., 207 Kellogg Center. CAPE CANAVERAL—A fanlty vteve to a unit which Vffl [SU Votarans Association study he did here. Zambisky, Dearborn Junior. Home EMhradCT. is discipline, Walsh said. ^The Stephen S. Nisbet, president rate intellectual is a disciplin­ cool nstwrete Jakn BL Glenn Jr.to space «dt TtotoMfK forced of the Constitutional Conven­ arian, ha is Umsett disciplined. a ano day pnrtprasrread, until Jan. fit, te the offert to orbtt tion, will be the featured speak­ • “And the United States ÉT m around the earth. mm% ■ er te the baaqote, which ia r«pidly becoming the most un- WordM -fife' postponement came from reliable sources. The open to the public. diciplined patio« history has National Auronotefes and tomes Administration hsn nover The 1962 officers and board ever known,” hs said. simwmrail a specific date tor ton taunchtag Ü dthcrteore te directors will bo introduced. Wtetet attributes much of tills had no comment m the reported delay, p p f Outgoing president William lack ef self-discipline to point­ Bunt will officially turn the post less over-disclphne la child- over to president-elect Russell ReElection Assured in Finland | Runquist. 0 He sees little hope for the HELSINKI. Ptolnad Prostdred Urho Kekkoeen has swept to — OJher near Chamber te Com­ American society, where re- apparently rvrtoto re teoteton «a d ite mwetefaw of to » — Ml merce officers to bo introduced U |b s hoc become a kind of nation on Rondato doorstop. are Harry Kull, Jr., first vice amateur' , social psychiatry, In balloting Monday rad-Itoeaday, the Ftons votedpveiwhsim- president, and Joseph Muktdla, patriotism has become fanati­ ingiy to favor a t electors are second vice president. cism, the economy is geoirod Tha Mi ejectors will gather president. For ticket reservations can produce junk, and the ED 24511. ■ is unreetepdssMe. RepublicDaySet Though be is pessimistic about the fate ef the Untied SouthAfrica Prof TalksonCottomi States hs remataf optimistic about the fate te man. Dr. Desmond Ore, prefatore j the African Imjguagq and Area CORDI!ROTOR BRUSHSD For Indian Assn. The Ufa te the mind can bq te Bantu Laaguagosat tha IM- va. ,a NYLON SNIAKIRS Indian RgpubUc Day will bo destroyed locally, he said, bat versity ot w s w M n n f 'toea o celebrated by the India Stu­ truth and reason csn stand South Africa, wB «preti aa dents Assn. Saturday, Jan. 27, the test of time. at 6:36 in the Union Ballroom., It Is ttteortunate, Walsh said, “Bantu 3.00 ^ ^ ^ Tickets for th« dinner mid that the Untied Mates is so] Culture*” at t the entertainment following are powerful aad influential in an to to to p H B H I H |||H A H I A D STA IT O N tlA U T Y An axcoptionol value ^oor tnttra stock of ‘ available at the UN Lounge ago when we have given up His talk to NpOÄSöYdji jfki wI from Mrs. Wold.- the life of the intellect. by the lingnirihr Society and 9itfa*ond woman's ckmtet teiwil»oxt«rilgwiA A- baglwiw BHKairco ri fa tiJo c ^ to n 'i. Do cushioned orcK support, moulded rubbariol«, Plans Set for Miller W elcome coma id cmslt«! our axparfiytrolnad stylists At our wonderful, money-saving price, you'll A West Virginia University committee’s plans at_a meet- gram also s t i factade peeking» wont opoir In aocheofon ton, loden groan, committee his completed the nt. n, „ cm „4,1-v -I» tog d«»,, of the alumni, tire A— ritorna te curUngondcofarlnfl nrlnpf«dtoanlion<;a be climaxed by the induction ^hoel te Music, said the pro­ State CsBagi and UUranMy W tv m m of Dr. Paul A. Miller as the University’s 15th president oa gram will open at I p.m., when Présidâtes aad fta peopto te aa academic procession -la to West Vlrtetea. mm* wm your own notorcil baoviy. ' ■-, • ’ R o t Sal«« •• ^ April II. form on too Library terrace. te keeping with the Hama te WVU Board of Governors Highlighting the ceremony simplicity requested by MfScr, President Forrest H. Kirkpat­ will be too formal induction te social activity wiD ha hdWI-to m m stu d y CalJ lor your appoinhnant tomorrow. rick approved the inaaggpal Miller as President. The pro- a Am inum m i. i teil, ' tei. sa-,a. o n—wuh a-t a - raoia «w m camate ib of the corwrealaa and Dr. M&- A ID S ' ' ‘ Téléphona ED 2-2369 lerto üpeoch is ; A Smart Scotch Lass Cm— Browse J acob—«*« Beauty Salon S en so rs: m m ■ With Real Fas WILL YOU KARN Y— Wm Be Better OFEN EVERY W EDNESDAY NIGHT U N 91S mm WHAT YOUTtE ' Eqalppad For WORTH? Whatto Ahead SMB OP DOtM PAJAMAS sM ira re^—ydtere—: reteM M —to—MÉg BNKSINE Corner Ann A MAC Opportun« sowing«! S t-k a p * * * •*»**« wafmi—lomret ,7v Eate Lansfaur. cotton broodkloth «rad flonnalan« pojomos with roomy _ cut otid osi{ustobl« woUts...a glorinut'orray of tdofW solids, K¡sw ploids, strip«« and patterns. 'Bte fsrinsÄ— I» compl«te, ranging from classic long si— coat top styl«« te l i h it o l ì d iètor «fe te«d*fi. * 1 . ^ - <■/J i S te -M te 39. LesStanton 1 F o r T h at ;p *luurd to «wd fë'iOH >g^^reprePtowmp:j.. « m . m w Car Insurance «Fi wm-. w e F inance Stoto is a — irei «ito « English to ter flwsalsr Jae. ü f Ü I WS K wM .■S :M';MÈÈèL MZj note ì h i*; “f ■¡31 m m WB mm mm i I Wm itcmm — mm to bflltf St. LOUIS, (A—Tho UnhwnSty HAD of F«m . 1 Assoctetkn a a- ' coaddng job» i Tuesday I wfe net IBg IK 1*53, W l IS n IH lw i m further f p “ *"» 'dN ' Y aaMinn4ra VTt^L Tnhiwil «1 ifMNPiRigr lufn-jcoooi m flnto «ear - dm • CachotConraiteGyfallX to hmer p itefJK'Wjnltrn. Cnii.rioto HoCkST Ywsi hant r a FMtin ti l ^ 1M l I K 4jMHMj£ fSSSNnHF Monday, m °> ^ m * a n & » potota on O g FranUin High Scbod. commitineat to SAmntoe tor • franchise for the, M62-69 Sin* son if the Ms^ng «tins to March •* Itom oat ____ __ Thi following yair, McVay ready. ’ P r v ij ; f( b« ap mM oLr *' m~ ... participate ia tote tournament _ took over the coaching duties The NBA Board of Gover­ m aym gaw at the Intramural pRed) Berenson of hficMgaa moved at:' Central . Catholic R l gh nors, mooting to connection • T— gsCsrhi Gym HI Office. The dead»no for enter­ Mace I ascroing With 19 goals an* ffftolill, Louis Agaott ef School and In 195» assumed tns with tho 12th annual NBA All- oim i. <, t p ji. ing fids tournament Is Friday, T«ch has 16 potato. pest of athletic director. January i t at 1:06 p.m. Mare Mtebigno’s Bob Gray remains tha sdngteat «mite, averag- Star Game Monday MGS, also » ggcttg-Raogooa Gym U He to married, aad he aad dhdm d a new formula — as information may be obtained tag 24 goals per game In four contests. his wife, Gloria Am, have yet undecided -- will, ha used through the IntramuraT Office. Trailing the Area Mtohtoan loaders In the standings are. three sons— John, 7; James, to supply players for the earn Friday, January 26 at 5:08 Denver, Minnesota, North Dakota and Colorado College. ^ f t and Timothy,'*. franchise. p.m. te the deadline for Frater­ | i t ■ 4r .v'i Maurice Podotoff, NBA pres­ Court t» m . I m M r i b t e t f Gym H nity npd Independent Team (three-man team) Handbell. WMITEY FORD, baaeball’cj No. 1 pitcher of ISM, anet Yogi No Radio Or TV ident, made it clear a formula used to provide Mayers for tho 4 K J. U Gym Q Berra, venerable catcher tamed witliitoir, signed their 196 5 Cembridge-Carlton Gym III Twenty teams have new sign­ contracts Tuesday with the New York Yankees. PITTSBURGH, (A-The Pitts­ admission of CmcafO'-tr~tha f Gatina-Camerao Gym III ed up for the Open League Hoc­ burgh Pirates said Tuesday league this season will bo dis­ key Tournament. Because ef aad added twowon Ford, who 25 games last year while losing only fenr no member of the team will carded. the Halted lee time, as pre* in the majors, victorias reportedly in the world settee for hte-best season signed for $46,000, an tacre>M of bejtomntttad to have Ma own Podoloff said the board of DORM RORY BOWLING vtooaly stated, only the first yis sm - radio or television show. this, govern«* has boon assured the g s ¿7 ¥ ABeyi *1 p.m. twentv teams to have their ros­ Berra, starting his 16 full season with tha yankees, signed season Baltimore Municipal Coliseum, ters in would bo accepted. for the same smsry ho «anted test year, aa ostjinatod $50,000. A Pirate spokesman s a i d now under construction, will M Therefore, no further rosters general manager Joe L. Brown be ready ta time for the 1982- M I for die Open Hockey League r -. ' jA dr ★ ' and manager Danny Murtaugh 63 s e a s o n , a condition for • 4 Emerald-Embers win be accepted. agreed to the ban because the granting of the franchise. 74 Emtaence-Emporer THE LOS ANGELES DODGERS Tuesday announced shows would be “too time- Three informal bids have The SpartawBadminton Club signing of Billy Jones of the University of Misaippi to a »-M g |— i i ii—ill Frppyrtsm win bold its first meeting of demanding. I been received for a Baltimore tract ith Omaha of the Class AAA American Association. Last season third baseman franchise, Podotoff said, an d Entries are now M ag ae- this season on Wednesday, Jones, 21, played ta the Cotton Bowl as a guard for Ifieato- Don Honk had a TV show were discussed at t o d a y ’s ceptod for the MSU Intramural January IB from 7:06 p.m. to sippi. As an outfielder, Jones, 6-1 and 900 pounds, Mt M i and while shortstop Dick Groat and meeting. NOne of the bidders ItoWrtnT Ladder Tourna- 10:00 p.m. in the Sports Arena got five home runs for the Rebels taatnensoS. Hs was named: pitcher Bob Friend had radio war represented at fee moot­ of the Mens IM Building. The club is open to both sexes of to tho AB-Soutb-Eaat Conference baseball tram. shows. ing. t ^ the student and faculty body of . to ■ ★ ★ |J |i IISGOURTS MSU. An those who are inter­ acted are invited to attend THE MINNESOTA VIKINGS Tuesday signed Roy Winston, N ALL LPt either ready to play volleyball speedy Louisiana State ltasman aad tha Yung’s top available or the business meeting te 6:00 draft choice. N O W In Addition To p.m. Equipment for playing Winston was Ifinnosotato second oelsctkm la the National may be obtained or brought to Football League draft moating! last month. Viking officials said Winston, 41 and 222 pounds, will play REEDIES, TArt the meeting. ta altaebacking spot. _ ? Our Regular Hours . Gus Hendrickson, Michigan A - dr ★ dr -J State let hockey star, is the SHIGEO FUSHUSHIMA of Japan sat a world's record far the DISC SHOP brother of Dove, a Spartan 220 yards bedutroke at Dlonheim, New Zealand, Monday night sandout la the 1954-55-56 sea* Ha swam the event ta 2 minutes 17J seconds and dtoped more sons. We’re Open From than a half second oft Australian J. Monskton’s world record -f „1 r time of 2:18.4. dr dr dr '% | f to f Mon. Thru i W o r th 2 5 I TIT*’ WERKMAN of Seton Hall aad Colgate’« Bob Duffy, .w* ^et school one-game scoring record« last weak, head this w ( i all-east inajor_coIIefe bashstbH team named Tuesday n Crossword j n -i ■ ■ □ a n a Puzzle la a s p anas lo a a s anani a s s aaa n aa i I by te Eastern College Athletic Conference. V erkman, a 6-foot-3 aopiioaora a d ana of tho nation's top 3 3 1 3 3 3 □□□□ naou aaauu Safe To Serve You . On Any Order of New HEELS scorers with a 31.5 avarage, scored 49 potato against Loyola, a a a a a a a s 3333 i I Duffy, a senior guard, poured ta 41 against Rochester. Rounding out foe tbe teem team are Delaware7» Dctewai Nat Qoad, Leroy Ellis □□3 3 3 333 033 □ a n sa S 3 s i j 3 a a 3 sa a a a 3303 ¡ M S U S h o e R e p a ir | of S t John’s (N.Y.) and Duquesne's Willie Somerset 3 3 H 1 a ic a a n a s s c a s a u a a a ii Lunch. -, □□d 3 3 3 3 sa a n ■ '« I HUSKY JACK NICKLAUS draws a rugged assignment in sa c an as aaau | EastLenoing ED 2-3619 225 E. Grand River I familiar anraunfengs this week as ha shoots for Bing Crosby Golf monsy at tha arena of his laat Mg amateur triumph. ., w a»iutlon raueMassit -as -- ■ ef Vestacdevfe I Coupon Expires January 24tk | It was just four months ago that me 21-year-old Cram Ohio V tsLtooM -k State University Masted par repeatedly on the Pebble Beach course to win Us second United States Amateur Championship. to fu nn vn 9 t* . 2 / I.Jotms (ACT LANSUM'S OtOCST PIZZERIA • au a v a . c . - In tbe final be decisively whipped Texan Ddley Wysong 8 and 6. SMUUarv ILDmvi ★ ir dr ■-v f *-¿-7 f .j tol WHAT EVER YOU BILLY HITCHCOCK, die new manager of the Baltimore Orioles, says he's not surprised that catcher Gus Triandos has S. Ins PHONE ED 7*166» for your car . asked to be traded. “ . “Gus had some sound reasons for saving that, Hitchcock ¡4 fold the Baltimore Spoilers Association Tuesday. “Baltimore’s country SLefaldsbs SAVE 666 SAVE 663 SAVE 199 SAVE 499 SAVE 0 9 SAVE 919 Muffler* - TNI Pipe» ~ Exhaust Pipe* pjtphtiig staff is hard to handle, and thls park (Memorial Sta­ f. Toward AVilDsm pi FINAL D A Z E . . . 1 INSTALLED dium) is difficult on n hitter Uka Gus «fee doesn’t pall every­ 8 thing down tiie line. ~ 1 Complete Shop Service ★ - ★ -dr p ia tfl J J U i IB w % SO t m ALL 10 TO eo > Motor* and Transmissions CHICO FERNANDEZ and George Alnsik, holdout preMems S a x !!■ ■ ■ H i l l ¡3 INSTALLED Speed Eqeipnwni — Accessories lo t season fo rtbe Detroit Tigers, signed their 1M2 contracts with the dub Tuesday. tim m M ¡ I H i l l l l id ii■ ■ I SH EPAR D S 8 M8COUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY d r j| ★ ★ STRONGMAN PAUL ANDERSON, a former Olympic wdghA- lifting rhamphm, add Tuesday ha accepts terms proposed by U d d M d d H H d r f d d X B d B B d B B 5c w DOWNTOWN AND CAMPUS STORE I 1 Sensational Semi-Annual 8 U M T S AUTO PARTS the current world champion, n Russian, for aa hrfetmal con- d B d B d B B d B B B 626 A LARCH who tnrned profoosional after winning a gold modal In the 1956 Olympic games, naH he’s looking forward to com­ peting, even indirectly, with Yuri Vlasov of the Soviet Union. d B B iilB B d B B d B B B f S d B IB B d rifl SHOE SALE! 1 IV 446M dr . dr ★ - d B B d d B f ld d Hundreds of Palis of 8 PLAYER-COACH Doug Harvey of the New York Hangers d d d B B d d B d B B Ie l 9 Mm. «Fri. Sstnrday 1*1 Sunday 9 -1 virtually cHnaied a National Horiwy Loaguo ail-ster berth for a record tenth time Tuesday. Tbs Sf-yrar-old defenseman was named to the drcuifs all-star team for toa first half at d B B B IdB B B d d B B B B B B d B B dB fe I M B T S SHOES $ 8 tha 196142 season by an overwhelming margin, i WOMEN'S SHOES 1 INTERNATIONAL .HOCKEY r LEAGUE Players, who had begun te look 10» unrehearsed jtag team wnetiere, had a store warning from Commissioner Frank flaHatour respect officials and Ignor* nsorBIng tons. GailaDtor Tuesday to i £ (H IL N E irS SHOES 8 9 EEGROUPU) ADD FURTHER REDUCED 2 Ho cmpfemtoad tho ordor wifii a ssrioo of severe pmfilftifi - For Complete Clearance i 8 ^*1 IID J te the Very.List Pair' TO BA G G O N % L U D Eveiyonc fo tfiMiff tefttaj afe| a t ivinr . ifiwi harry . . , Harry wwaa^p i wwwio to ik p iirfiaa aawawp- todr war w^wi^revi atMial t wtaom aaaaw^aaaaa pair» of fibcpar«*» ja ttv a fop' kam fSkam for y«arefit or SKIS-BOOTS £ family a w ■ i CAMPUS STCTRB OPEN M POLES WEDNESDAY 19:00 TO 9.*06 8 1 R E I 9 l K (M a k e y o u r rencr v l l o i i « e a r ly ) Discuss P! - 9 we, SAY r n n n m | r n im aem s I M l y *5°° This Wed WEEP M QBBm 8 I W riN T tg g « n K s P e Ye* <*.We Ham Charge Accounts Pas n l PER WEEK-END I To Thunder 8 o r o s SPARTAN at an f c l FAINT EIVHLS ...... I H I 326A Waafetagtea A m -« ra w ra m & tiv r t 4m * M B Aak Ua About FREE Packing tmam 4AVE119 SAVE 696 SAVE 999 SAVE m SAVE 911 UVM |9» i n mS. m sa s. m Wmm SSM ?| i - 1 ^ . M M « -mem.. Bob m i t at 8L U tk , MX g E S S S ftí« !^ and Pacar B it ut— at Ctetto- oí the mofean. He was 34 with ti» Anglia. w m Bii i J p f y Hi a momo* Volleyball O d i Metta PITTSBURGH - The Pttts- Ihi^*1i NJf*i nicciucnt in Gímff>i hi h i burgb Pirates arid Tuesday dent said both received raises TU MSU VoOoytaB CI ab they baúa signed taaarva in­ hot no figm es won1announced. cut montes ago, but said he’s wM moot Wotaesdoy te 4 p.m. fielder Dick Schofield to a 1962 Martin, a voteroa of both ma­ readyto go now. The knot has te tiw Men's IM, gym number contract jor leagues, batted 946 in Ì06 acme fteid in i t be arid. a» ■ *•7>*9¿é-X The 96-year-old Schofield hit garnet for tha Ttelna s g t e t e .IM ia I t games last yaw. He’s ing acquired from tbe Milwau­ kee Bravai. Green led the dub the eighth Pirate te agree to in hits with 171 anglrit JU. terms. Tha Pfratoe also received CLEVELAND - Wfflie Kirk- signod contracts from two rook­ tend, Cleveland's ateggteg right ie catetes, Jerry May and El­ (Iridar signed Ms 1962 contract mo Plaskett. Tuesdayfor an estimated 618,* CHICAGO — Danny Murphy, CHICAGO (fMhuBndc BIS the Chicago Cub’s 6125,006 bo­ “I got a rice raise,” said the nos baby te HID, became the 97-yaaHdd ite r a brief con­ Tunuicliff at Michigan was Util pifrir to sign 1962 con­ fer໫ with Indians’ general signed by tbe Chicago Bom« tracta with the dub Tuesday. manager G*ta. Pant “I hopo Tuesday. - , Tbs 19-year-old outfielder bat­ I get another one next year.” THOMPSON’S VThe 235-pounder from Fem- ted A25 in 140 games with San Ho Is tho 14th Cleveland player chde, Midi., was the Bears No. JEWELRY Antonio-test mason, hitting 13 to he signed tor this season. i choice te the National Foot­ homers and driving iq. 33 runs. 4 Kirkland was dbtateed te a ball Player Draft - 4 “Only ano» was TunnidHf 223 M.A.C. AVENUE, EAST LANSING thrown ter a Joss test season and that wap only one ymA* said ewaefreaach George Hat as of the jfoars. * 0 * scouts say Tumdcttfi has good apaoi as well as power and was thf best blocking fullback In the Big Ten.” AS CLEAN AS NEW Tunricliff gained 397 yards In 96 cantos for a 4.1 average in 196L H« is the third high draft chrire rigaaft «a n r by THAT IS OVR AIM the Bearri Tha others are half­ back Ren Bun t t Baylor, No. i choice, odd Tackle Clyde Brock of Utah State, Mot. A FUTTLEATTEMPT by Jack Laasera (15) te get the r o ta te from Big IS ocottef leader Terry ENscMager (6 ). Ifcrktegi r tippsi t e tete te for eue ef Us four Motprlsts fletei geak, Loada S o d a i (» ) and fete Geot (36) teak oa bewildered. Dfechta- ger, wMk n pstats, paesi tifa Bitirnaelwm te aa eaay »-74 victory over the Spartans Monday right.—Stale News PWte by Jeta Hummel. Take Notice DAYTONA BEACH, Fto. « 1 - Las VUan of Livonia, Mich., C h e s s C h a m p io n D e fe n d s T i t l e EAST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM got tha h id mileage out of one r BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS gallon of gnsottna .te economy Don Napoli, Michigan Slate 1 Players win sign up at the United States Chess Federation STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING trials at Daytona totentottant University Junior, wuTdefeod YMCA from 4:39 te 7 J t Tbura- te New York, where new na- OPEN TÍLL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. FRI. & SAT. spaedway Tuesday. , hls title as L a n s i n g chess th_ rnmB, tional ratings will be comput- * alb ° ' a ^ 7 Viten drove i Rambler Ate- champion when tee 1982 an- ” W ed. 7 21» N. LARCH US 27 A 47« S. CEDAR US 127 bassador VI 29.214 miles, lead­ nual city tournament opens ia ^ *w w wijr* m e wwm Director of the event is V* E»i ing dam #tor medium VI en­ the YMCA here T h n r s d a y nan^nt isepanteABptejtrain Vandanburg, president at tho gines. ; : night. It win continue for stir the area with tiephias a n d Michigan C h e s s Association T r date tour for «man va more 'Thursday s rsnteff prims ofiered to ovary class and of the Lansing Chess club, engines, Btil Horton of MOfard, When Napofi wen his title of players from bggteners on which ia sponsoring the teurna- Micb., was best at 19911 mBes at 19 teat yam te a field of 63 up. Thar m e r e experieaced meat He may be caUsd at IV payers, he became tbe young- players wiD play te a separate 9-2109 or IV 4-9718 far more to»’ In a Chevrolet Bel Air, est city chess ctampkm in Lai. division end results at their formation. Assisting him will Compact cars win wind op ring’s history. - 1games will he sent to the be John Braitin, Jr. economy testa Wednesday. | | Summer Football MayGamSanction our owm design — outst anding values FORT WORTH, TEX., <*- — authentic traditional stgling — NCAA president Dr. Henry Has« indicated Tuesday sum­ e r v o o r t s mer ell-star high school foot­ 213 E. GRAND RIVER ball games will soon have -a new recourse open to gate EAST LANSING Fine wonted wool mid- sanction. v_. A year ago tbe NCAA-issued Ph. ED 2-2114 weight fatate, by Roofard its verdict against summertime milk. Disttecthra twite football games because high school groups te two southern te tha weave te N r if steteo requested the ban due to trnqptiirities te thrir post­ season gnmoo.^ ; V p la n a fu n - p a c k e d autotandteg dnmhflity The all-star caatoote .wore and shape rot i t ten. put muter control at national Dark Ohve, Mack and and state high school athletic ,M M K * t f l t o jpEflEI- ski w eekend now ! Charcoal Breva. alty of one year's toss if var­ sity eligibility at any high ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED school players competteg te an unapproved all-star p m . Name yam favorite style As only 21 ef tha state high and color. It’s taro now school athletic asaectettons - - • t e n huge SAVING! a s s u m e d jurisdiction, the NCAA took a further step Sun­ corduroy 5.50 day to govern the all-star m EAST GRAND RIVER games te tin attar states It derignated a commlttoa to ap- pants - 2 &r io.» provo or disapprove the ami« mm bowls. SKIS POLES BOOTS BAH* ON DUTCH f I STUDENT SHIPS (A ll. COLLEGE STUDENTS) weekend I INFORMATION P h " :S 8 eî,' ^ S m mmllH H iB m S ’s .Ill W f* m m m 1M Under ite tenni, the Army tarfteP g.^ bilm nw B y ewto CHICAGO « M M m taasta A t * » K S bat d £ te e p m e te s^ a m l. ed ri*p by teep Tuesdays rtsto- « t e m i logistic command This utet-udg wrek « i doc- which wül conduct: l oooarch trine, war games, field ex- mste attributi d to a O-year-old ' aad dawfoframd, precurtaaete psrimetesdsn tad studies of S tate hs touched off the Our r ef the Angels School fire ta te kffleteN persene la SMI. tr w m - m aad production, supply Savon- tory management, storage and (dative cote aad effectiveness ef varions weapons systems. b a i p tw et a B pad lavasti YOUR BSST BUY, CAMPUS CLASS g rim e 'ta n t-ta ta 1 huddle te : The bey has ate been charged dteermi&é whethe r they I p A and his name was withheld. - i The Tribune sali in it cepy- r t l n n l C erta right story that the boy related National S t e e l j g K f r o m the The Chkrago Tribune said the la Iris statement that he loosed »y made the statement to fio tta matches into a card­ tan £ - Bsid, .tarn rent a ha board waste barrel near a stair­ Gives More Service well In ta r basement a t the west side acheeL try and biochemistry, f e e d FRANDOR * fa school at the tane ef the fire. The tames «hot up quickly to, the second fiere sf tbe two- ROTC Major technology majors. Sam Baf Ctoaaiig I Shirt Lan ASn d tn fr m îte C r tltg e ot Evtrjfey! i '' Guest Speaker Business it Public Service. Jr. Opes t t t t p.m. Mo«. - F ri., Sat. tin 7 p.m. '¡SLACK S A L E !, ; At APT) Meet hi electrical engineering for munmer employment. R eftear H JS A I2JS | now $10.95 2 for $20.00 Alpha Phi Omega, a nations R egular IM S A t.§5 nére $ 8.95 2 for $10.00 service frataraity. wifi hold iti tate meeting te the year Wed Regular M IA 7.15 now $ 6.95 2 for $12.00 nesday te 3 pan. in the U? Ivyr or Pleated Models • Sixes 3 0 to 42 Nationally Advertised Saggar Slacks . aL■ e« , » Abbott ■ “The mate fanctanM ef tae fraternìty.” soid Nelson, “ere service pròjeets to tae campus STUDENTS: Sto DISCOUNT rad community and «e sreufing H H A M tfl E c O C f o l. “ T H E M IRACLE W O R K ER ” Gotte te thè meetiag wfli ha Mnjre Douglas Stewart, casto pus Air Force ROTC. ipeaking I fcq rifr portion 3 9 : âK "O ne o f th o * « th e a tr ic a l on “Faculty Co-Operation tata taa APQ.** f j T , ~ KAMMERSIBIn f 6» ? «xporionces that can com « very seldom In a liftalm o.” Butt portion ' 4 9 n K j â L ( X ; || , ; WASHiKOTOH POST Scobil To Speak ToGradWomen’s Annusi Reception Stema Detta EpsOsa, grad­ uate woroen’s srteattflc frater- nity, wiH bted its annual recep- VE IT-NEVER FORGET IT tion ,for gradaste v a n n in Michigan State University — LECTURE CONCERT SERIES S f p f SPECIAL TEMPLE O n t o ) '— 6 9 « BANANA! iM — I UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Thursday, January 25 — 8:15 p.m. iWEs s M m J m Midripa 0J . Irate Rt. I Reserved Seats: U N • 34» - tM ^ -nvOSMOMEN (fendete»; |J.5i * 2:5» • 1:50) ~ ON SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE ‘How To Get Job’ STARTS M S POTATOES 5 0 k l * * 9 9 M ach tak Topic of Taft LAST 3 DAYS Twin-Hit By P'wementMan Edwin * jpntrick, Asst. Di­ Csmedy ftaew rector te fee Placement Bu­ reau, wig speak to the MSU Mstvsgemmrt Qeh Thursday at t:N pas. la 33 UWea. Following his wnach, “Hew te Get a Job by Trying.** f lf r (NKnci medflR v u m«wwwm m h b akM M rasal personal iV STARTS FRIDAY f t 2 Spectacular Color Hits! AM6NSIEI4 STATUE 1 îælilOtìSFOBTUSS LO O K IE jwatnsmuBiiui^ RefLBaami - Ann Page 13 os can Tentato Soup • Ann PM* t»% 4« can Prepared Spaghetti • American Beauty 13% oz can Sliced Carrots - American Bennty 14% as can i E É l k •• . a * Chinese Noodles - China Bandy 2 o* can Great Northern Pari: - American Bsenty HOME OF TOE BEST IN Chinese Bean Sprouts 4 China Bennty Id ea can EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA «OWIMflF Kidney, ChiH Hot Beam 15% os can Chissà» Soy Sam e - Chine Bennty 3 on bottle FIRST SHOW 7 PJL — ADUI/T3 Me Cnt Green Beans - Iona 15% ea can ■|ta Beets • la ta 13 os can ‘J ‘r> FEATURE AT T:tt - %t* ' Shoestring Pe tetore • Kobey 2% os can Tomato Jnice - American Beauty 14 on can U ta d Vegteahlte '» Amreican Bennty l i e s can Green and White Limas- American Bennty 15 os can E a New w o tip o r m in a WOHONII Stavo “Bereidee* Reeves S AH primi ia thla Ad Effective th«n Satnrdtfy, January 20th in WiUiamatou Store rad all Five w m Ê È Ê Æ ï^ m ^ ^ n k Æ .. ■ m fe l P S m 5§È B s n A v t-: m gü W' m Bär HKÆaS m IlS f IÉÉÉIsÉÉ •m H » h ë mt m feâSR mR fm raded exempttea front ra ra f WKW ' . t i r a 's i sdl eoaatnictiM in pro­ m* gress for. a f a m i te .G p i'G re (Continued from Page I), jf r a ts . ‘ iag M M m Mm much to supplement such te- j .Additional appropriations mmp riVM I t OHUrilf B , mm m a o n ia said Iw | H Ì M forts,” he said. “This will ««re recommended h r Swain u m m sm w n m 'e te k N o f dm Uhfttod States to face to th e aarta, teat ■ÜM'lai aÉ' «H nfK Hpi^B ito s H iM H l reitoa I mako m eettaf the ecem *nic|ara to enconraft re m a rk to and reported to Ib g r. UJT-alJ>rasJd#*o Ü « « ella * * News M heM the worid’i HMHMlrà NÉ N ltt fyfeittteilMlflP’iiMI ' ™SB0 problems ire foce within the tae k m areas: science mining. Ctv Arthur ’IL M. Lower. >a trasfctoess a d sfem C kire, ids k e k g b S S ^ ^ ^ . Roth Useem. research ts help bring wsmsn gradw* water and agrictetnre. distinguished CatiadssMpbrtori* I Neither 'the n a m tjp to a stn- ra te ten years, much easier.” The MSU Board te Trustees Lower circulating that «rate •consultant y Rn Rgw gm w Rf lgi w gfy:•la aocisiorà .aiid nRH wem aW ren^'W nw S ^■ ^mrare OTMNHHm 'ttP. Edreaie ralRCwRto uM®HT w*. diuffnttM Canada ta de­ th at "American euJtare” serves BsiktebsH Assoetottoa a u r a kAaMHMhlmaMr ttoailRIB' oucttts -àe.—'Si— »L.-L proD" -a. - aatefotehRniraihm •' N O T .TOV* I l i l l las«—/ “TO transform out reservoir has authorized the estrbiish- velop a cultore of Its own u ad a s s c o n v e n ie n t - “whipping closed. The pftest W«t said 1» troops to iMrthera Kstsnga Reas te the eennstelMi ceteer te resources from potential to ment te an Institute te Water a 'dress ta Kellogg Cealor Mm* b o jr T tk b y paperback books, have iavestlgatod ta t facts be* sag ‘w. neighboring H ire, for­ t o m j 'lteiilred | Itm graduate e — — saul ■>»§ 'rah' ’■atfcwemra ttradl Gra. sfody for women a t ti» faculty aad chairman te the meeting dynamic reality,” Swainson Research ¿wainson recom­ « V | w l » 10 j p p v i :. j p diiâ lM â M liB iM iM i " Botod. * re« h m y s “Amerl- YWrenves K ^^^MnnwaMtaijSbtix -wnmMraa ?'EluM^Mra 'oik' merly loyal to Gkzsnfs, were n r a l association meeting said, “wo have to enact sound mended aa appropriation te “Engtisfa Canadians are Mr ” w iäe toe M etropoßtm Op- DBvV C m u l UMJU T O mips» V »raring lode toward Stanley­ te_7:l>^p.m . Thwlraday - to the The association is concern* programs. This concern de­ $1004100. for this purpose. a n T a e n a n i f n t s.F Ü n ih Rrarèan Binali vov reipocnui n ovui jvuh öih» Company is ju st the Metro- Congolese source. ville. ed over the decline in PhD’s mauds action now; detoy can­ TO provide the executive of­ and Uncte Sam Si for their tan Opera Company. . y •' - The sohhers apparently were granted to women, Mrs. Ross not be tolerated.” fice and the legislature with ex­ good, and far too ameh under taking reveage because the Whether they were rallying to Five students will to a d 1at the latter'« eultural influence,” While paying tribute te Caa- CGtHgi was ate «tear. Congo prate 4hteSuke before Ä wo­ said. In 1930 women earned 17 Swainson recommended -the pert economic advice, Swain- da as a successful nation with m isrienarira'rejoiced publicly ofllrinG io M there was a dan­ men graduates sifter M re Us- per cent te the total PhD’s repeal te tag business activi­ soi proposed n Full Employ­ said t a i l when invading troops ware ties tax and the use tax on ment Act, establishing a Coun- “Apsrt from tae organiwd a rich heritage, great potential driven aut te tae town by Ka* ger the ouster te Btzsngs from eem m d ttaa her tato on “Thè granted. Today they earn only government contracts in order j cil te Economic Advisers to w arfare that goes an under the wealth and an endless frontier. tangsn soldier* « D e c .t t , the the Q mmo n ig h t start trouble Challenges aad Dilemmas te 10 per cent. ' >■- to encourage business growth ’ gather infonaatira so econo nam e of hockey, Canada does Lower attadGed its arts. account said. among his former troops. Graduate au d y .” ÿ and expansion. He also recom- mic development and trends. not Jtam i popular culture of “To aw ,” he said, “modern Three days later, when the "We have no information to They are M argaret Bolt, * “The association feels that it» awn,” low er said, ip s Ceaediea poetry it unreadable, Invading Congolese returned, confirm those rum ors,” Admits Monlfcsllo, N.Y.; Mrs. Je w a study te the graduate women Lower, re* inker. ■, . Michigan State University The «w aiter sate that with cultures, English rad French. Refusing to rule out the pos- p tet added. , the Improvement te communi- Besides the IS HSM , the re­ sibihty he would appoint an as- FOREIGN FILM SERIES cations, Canada would continue ssetete te Itetombe;* to take to be swamped' by American Salt w ater bathes three sides port said, one priest was ta k ia preoents Ä popular, cultafe. ■ of the peritosela of B rittm y, away by th eso k b ers and fans Gizenga’s plsco, he said he was te srara ag the question with “Tlds I regret,” he said, “be­ France's westernm ast' prov­ jjot been seen since. various political, groups. cause I consider the popular ince. Tshombe protested to Adouk Adoula sold jfiBaengs was' be­ M4S r e s n»a) BÜDCXPH F0WSTBI ing held “under protection” to ft - STARTING FRIDAY f t- Sttedeyviile until legal pro­ Niiv «UCMUM. . . . . . CAROLA NKHOt ceedings, starting to a normal jraw..-............... ..lo m u a n A HANG ONTO YOUR HAT, HANG ONTO YOUR way te the provincial level, FRTTZ RASP SIDES , . . HANG ONTO YOUR HEART • - • J f f lS D EA D LIN ES: 1 p m . D ay B efore Publicatiofi fo r T ram , W ed„ T h u m , h a re determined what to do v u Bre^re^wi H A aratmr *r WILL DAZZLE YOU WITH THE FUNNIEST TIME # • « « a « • ^raramm and F ri. E ditions. D eadline fo r Mon. E d ition: 1 p.m. F ri. W itt him. tS I i t ^ fy - OF YOUR MOVIE GOING LIFE! Tho United 'Nations said IS Tira mora. BSMH0LD SCUUOGR PH O N E: 355*8255 o r 355425« te Lusdula’s soldiers have •nsmsnzt. . . . . Ì . HflMAMTWhgG mm FORDBBTHUB A U T O M O T IV E ^ F O R REN T ^ PERSO N A L taken over the guard around Gizenga’s residence from UN Ethiopian soldiers. It said Gt­ t u s j a i u » . . . . VLADIMIR SONOhOV tin turar-tMra~. . . . BMST BUSCH HOKUWZMn»OCMBL zenga tote the late te Ids mili­ ■amatego UboFloytoy ^ •F R A H K C A P W C S ^ > .. m CHEVROLET. Hue. 6 ey!ind«f, APARTMENTS - _____________ OR. RUSSEL B. NYE, d ire c to r o f th e -^-«rir shift. Body e*c«H«nt eon- W ANTED. G IRL to 's h a te a p a r tm e n t division o f lan g u a g e s a n d literatu re tary support when I t more BERT BRECHT V m « * n J • ! . Motor ove'hauledr 509 Oiwis* Foreign stu d e n t w elcom e. IV 2-1153. discusses A m erican fictional d e e d s o f members te Ids guard joined Mstala by O trtcM S by *• J* M 6 R IU »n, . fO 2,2859, - IÎ T om Swift, th a Rover Bovs, a n d Frank 300 o tters to surrender, KURT WEILL G. W . PABST" betw een 8 :IS -4 :3 0 «sk fo* Terry. 1 9 Merriwel! are recalled b y Dr. N y e in err Gizenga was made a deputy I9f? PONTIAC. 4-door, radio, heat* in te re stin g a n d en tertain in g m anner on prem ier tost Aug. after parlia­ * Thtomom tl^ttrairiGon pr«G«nta F s W o t h O B b Good M»mport«tion. EO2-0844. 4 G RA D . STUDENT f o share th ree W M SB. C h a n n el 10, W e d n e s d a y , a t ment decided to support Adouto T K OMONAL COMPLETE M M M N F U I VERSION O f room, furnished, u p p e r story ap a rtm e n t. 7 p.m . .... r ~ , \ 9 as the head of si unified gov* PENNY Location M A C a n d B eech. ED 7-2214 EM PLO Y M EN T betw een 4 -7 -p .m . It W E N N SIE A U T O insurance m ustcn eram ent. He spent only about F E M A L E 4 te> y w t^ r « n ^ u j r t koujc- -rC ___________ haben, Bubolz will dein m oney g reb en . three weeks in LeegtedvUk. N . H O M ER . Furnished a p a rtm e n t. 3 EQelweiss 2-867». le e p in g . 11 a.m .— 3 p.m . 4 day* we el- O PERA 18 however, returning to fitanley- room s a n d b a th . Private. Perking for ly $1 p er hour. EO 2-3902 a fte r i p.m. vilto oo Oct. 4 aad Ignoring re­ 10 2 c o n . IV 9-4696 or IV 2-1001. H L O S T ra id F O U N D peated appeals to return. STUDENTWIFE to help with bhildre-i ^AVPROVED. supervised, fo r 2 m en. LOST-GLASSES. green _ fram es In For nearly a month Gizen­ 3 afternoom per week, 4-7 p.m. Own ED 2-0406. m V green le a th e r case. Left tens crocked. ga lived hern to my bouse,” transportation. ED 7-2236. - - 9 12 Adoula told newsmen,” ate a t FAIRCHILD THEATRE puunsas'coiN WANT MALE student to share lV 5 -f « L _ _ — the sam e table wtth me. Ho SAIYSITTER, with reflrenccs, for one apartment near Brookfield Shopping never stopped asking te be al­ TpURSa & FRI. - JANUARY 18*19 3 year old. 1-4- p.m. Own transporta­ Center, Nicely furnished. Seasonable. REA L ESTA TE tion.. IV 5-9884 after 4p,m. II EP 2-5977v" ‘ ^ 9 lowed to go bate: homo to pick & 9 p.m. - - - Admission: 50c EAST L A N S IN G . W hy p * re n t when up Ids personal bdtorattgi*” F O R SA LE GRADUATE or working girl to share buys like th e s e a re a v a ila b le ? 2 b e d ­ apartment. 332-8987. 9 room s a n d ' d e n , large c a r p e te d living. h .r I «< SKI BOOTS, Siae 9*916: new Euro­ ATTRACTIVE 3 room s with tile both.. Voom wlflV*f rep lace. Vcrv sh a rp . $13,000 pean iti sweaters, ski rack for rent, 35 U nfurnished with $ 2,000 dow n. 2 b e d ro o m hom e e x c e p t refrig erato r an d mm. camera. IV44)294. 9 stove. "A ir-conditioned. C lo se to cam ­ n ear M arble S c h o o l th a t ’s in p e rfe c t » condition, $1.250 dow n. 3 bed room FRAT M EN! Be - th e first in your pus. A dults. ED 2,4886. 14 C e p e Cod: close to University e n d house with your very own m oose head. ROOMS_______ - ~ F randor. $3,000 dow n, $125 p e r m onth. Very reasonable. 355-4885. 10 TWO VACANCIES in the Steadman BRIDAL GOWN, chantilly lace, House (for boys) right downtown. Pri­ Lansing R salty, R ealtor, ED 2-3534. I I C a ll Dick C tau ch crty , ED 2-5900, t o r t venga ? veda! rosepomt over satin. Sobrini neckline, vate entrance, privacy, television and OLDER H O M E . 3 bedroom * a n d ex­ chapel train, sizes 7-9. IV 4-7286. 13 kitchen facilities available. $75 for tra s. C a n sad lo r $850 dow n. Low cost MATERNITY CLOTHES size 12. For« balance of term. IV 4-7406 or IV 2- e n d u p k eep . ED 2*2946. 1797 and ask for Mr. Steadman, in -ft BRAVISSIMO! NUOVO! MAGNIFICO! mal. size 10. Coll ED 2-3Ì98. 10 the evening or weekends. 12-, ATTENTION! C u sto m b u ilt brick STEREO,- Fisher 3C-IQ0 power unit. SINGLE ROOM for men. Clerfe to ranch, b eau tifu lly la n d s c a p e d . L arge 20 watts per channel. 3 channel Step­ campus. Parking. Call ED2-3154. 17 dining m em , larg e b a th w ith vanity . AI Fresco in ITALY hens speaker system. Audio Empire Full mirror, ceram ic and form ica turntable and aTm, ED 2-3581. ask for MEN STUDENTS • Approved, kit­ th ro u g h o u t h e m e . Finished b asem en t, Mes. 10 chen, IM i blocks, to campus. After 4 a8114. tta c h e d g a ra g e . C o m e r lo t. FE 9- - . 9 Sportswear AMERICANO LATEST MODEL W ilson g o lf c'ubs. p.m . C all 332-2105. 12 Four w oods and ten irons. Used four tim es. ED2-3581. Ask for M APPROVED. 2 units av ailab le for 1112 MELROSE. S b ed ro o m ranch, ex. —10 students. Cury's Campus C o u r t . ED 7- $15,300. Low dow n p a y m e n t. ED 2- ee December MADEMOISELLE J7. GOOD lavatory for tale-ouick sale- 2334. 13 2433. _____________ 10 h a 'f price. C all a t S.-10, ED7-93S7. fO APPROVED SINGLE. 3 minutes from LEAVING C IT Y -- »795 fo r e q u ity .- * TWO OLD-TIME, 5 string banjos. U nion. P rivate hom e. Phone, 42 5- Park b ed ro o m brick ranch, gov h e a t, full Vega .and concert tone models. $45 Lane. ED2-1317. _ 12 b asem en t, alum inum storm s a n d screens. F e n c e d back y ard , 85 x140’ l e t N a a r and t3S.riV>4-9197. _ 9 APPROVED, supervised tin g les a n d school*. 536% F H A m o rtg a g e . M ust FREE FILMat Marek Rexalt Prescrip- d o u b le t for m en . I block from cam ­ have g o o d c re d it. FE 9 .2 4 7 2 . 5603 bon-Center with each roll developed pus. Large, warm m om s. H o t a n d co ld H a llc n d a tc R d. W aslett. 12 and printed. 75c minimum. 301" N. wParkin», ater in e a c h . Large lo b b y with TV. Clippert, by Frandor. Phone 415-4355. Hall, 2 1 5 laLewis, u n d ry facilities. S p artan ED 2-2574. - 9 S E R V IC E 23 KENNY DAVIS O R C H ESTR A . C all SINGER sewing machine, modem PERSO N A L mm walnut console;- excellent condition. EO 2-1477. k I ^ : 14 $60. ËD 7-93IB. 10 W I U T A K f CA R E e f tw a a r three H children in my a p a rtm e n t. C a ll 155- FORM A L, S pot Ltajjth, pink orlon THE M IC H IG A N STATE o rg an za, w em once, size 9. Jo y , IV 4- 6166. - ■ 10 9424; a fte r 4:30. IV 7-0078. It M U S IC FOR a h occasio n s b y t h e Bach elo rs. 4S2-3503 a n d 3 5 £ - 4 tt9 . 9 - CONSERVATIVE CLUB _ > N ew Y ear's S pecial TYPING, M L Ha d *, b y experienced L adies a n d M e n s ty p ist. Vary reaso n ab le. IV 2-6652. 9 Fam ous W yler W a tc h e s : 5 Frese«!* M U SIC F O R D A N C ES a n d p arties G u a ra n te e d W a te rp ro o f for 2 Y e a n b y th e "C o n tin e n ta ls." Balled*, twists, Stainless S teal C a s a a n d Mu«*. 337-254! o r 4 S M IQ 4 . 9 a t th a hair p rice o f $2 5 + te a T op tra d e in o th er fin e w etches DR. SYLVESTER PETRO V... ANN BROWN, typist and muhilith- ng. General typing, term papers, tha­ W M . H . THOM PSON ws, dissertations, dupRcabnf. E0 $• U •3M. : te - JEWELERS Professa* a f la w THESES TYPING, h p rinting. IBM B a c ­ F randor S hopping C e n te r . IV »074» if l I iti« t y p ewriter*. E diting m>i readingm g av ailab le. W e n c h G ra fie Serv. R ue needle, flat knit, wool co-ordinates that look N ew Yark University *ce. 1720 E. M ichigan A v a , Lansing r ARROW SHIRTS. «Kit« leng- 98 » j m . . ■. j I tf as though they canae straight from an Italian «** 15-33, g e o d condition. $2 m m BUD SPANGLER •od». W WIM. ■t q u ia to t featu rin g - Bob R u tti« . Mam sportswear bothfue. “ M O RALS. IA W , E C O N O M IC S under n fw m a n a g * * ant . From H om h s SPOTTf* SCORE, M i (M d«) Un- t o T ^ ^ ^ . ^ 1» •»«H. ISO. 10 2*0712. art for Mb. ; »t HI-11, EM«uner, am plifier end beat a n d UNICOI OOW ER” tT A T IO N ' refie* speaker enclosure. $80. E 0 2- 071$, L eave wwsii g e far Bob. II WAKBO. f p jB tS Ê R S tT c ^ c - tkuL Laa e to g t keiiQay «f te ra a a a . IV ». J a c k e ts 1 1 .9 5 R IV E R Ì M O DEL T-70C0 to p « t« . T hu n d ey , Jan . ' t a 800' P*M. c o rd a r. Sylvan ia «Jack ra d ia , rep e a t alarm . ED $-1507. Tam M a p . 9 W A N TS) TRAILERS ' ' Shells Room S t j Union Buildmg IR O N IN G l a m y . E. L ansing k am a . ■ 1 9 « V 0 Ü : U H f X F r O v e d lo i «n« « I r a G t e 4 9 ' * b i Fafamgr a t a d d iti a n «h p j | i t e d t n l t . C o ll N A 7-2470 dey*. M «bat0«. B) 2-119», , V ■- .9 N A 7 -|9W 'a»«M bg> ... ^ 11.95 AU M SU STUDENTS 1 1 1 m n s r i N A l FORTITUDE — Aim« F O fO E « !. rwpijdkS far lato (H e intarast ad ' to .'tototof lam p« by ear jtn d abam as- ■pe^Äw|HiBrSffiy^^ng|a|te0^re a MWterafj ' -to WGr^Uw wnWttw Sm6-*.^*L f fc n , i m ^ U^nr- INVITED A S GUESTS in « ? M u s t know ¡mm ad latolyi. « a tte . L A R G t one room a p m to m to T T w 3& -8 6 0 5 . •twy ; t t uden h . .A p p ro v e d .. Navy • Bone «“l i f t m en ’s r a p m in t hoeae. .C g stto g p i M g i FRtt A M IS S IO N (0 U 2» . ^ ^ j 1'g-l jßy J si ~OT ihm li m mmm É8I m P f ii s » (M v o rT aM w t c e r a t e i i S j i l S S ^ g ^ ^ t o w w r a i N p l i M M g The grawtog ia d ta a cea ot conference « sewage disposal tae w ater need to this country ground w ater poBntion pose here this m m . - may be drawn up from the serious probtemo for the na- Coosider tae fact ta a t nearly ground, ^.v.•? tion’s future wafer supply. two-thirds te such w aters w e are floodhgbtsjPe b eteg jnade f £ * satellite under design, aad To protect o re w ater re­ » M f * avoid the tim e sa d « p e a se s i Information compiled from returned to surface w ater cour- various surveys reveal» find *es or seep fate underground sources against contaminants project being carried ctit at the many tests under actual «mta- only three of tae 80 states (Ha* strata, be said, aad th at mocb which might make It unusable, Company’s VMley Forgje Space tions. The tests will'be coaduct- watt, Mlsslsaippi and New «* this "water is recovered for ho warned, wo omet coosider Technology Ceater near Pfaila- ed to a giant space chamber 84 Hampshire) have toW TftaliK municipal and private domestic the growing problem te polfn- delphia. feet high and 32 feet in diame- note nwngh fo escape substan- u * . ^ ^ ^ ^ E S S # l i l ® S v '» tion by regante chem icals. tended. U n i sowers h file 12.000-footcandle beam tar. tial problem? hi M i area, ac- ¡g many areal, he reminded, Chemicals in ra u te and steste Walton agreed taat m ast aad oofltotont produced by tin floodlights wilt The fioodJights will be mount- cording to Graham Waltcn of ground w aters «re tan only ra te rs which ore, to themsel­ state agencies are doing what «el to m a te 1 [be trained on i te ll vehicle ed in four banks, each of which tbe Robert A. Taft Sraftary Eta- available supply. ta other ves, harmful, e r which react they can to alleviate the preb- vestigatkms. suspended ia an outer space will contain 37 lamp nawm- gineering Center, Cincinnati, areas, he continued, ground wa- Wtta soil substances, decom­ Obto. - te r is used because 4 t is eco- pose or ate synthesized, bring C unent estim ates are that Domical, uniform ta temper- 0« pollution problems, he noted. w ater use in the U.S. is averag- ature and tn good supply, ^E xperience with ground rat­ fog 312 btilioa gallons a day. He noted th a t authorities es- te r pollution to various parte and the forecast for 1980 is 600 billion gallons, Walton told a tim ate that wtthto the «met 20 to 99 years, 19 to rae-half te te tae country indicates that prevention, rather than eteree- J A N U A R Y W fflT E S A I.K ! SH O P TODAY .7 . _ R e la t e d t o Ç h r o m c f C o u g h STO RE HOURS ARE l l l i l There Is such a thing as irritating than th at from cigars “cigarette cough” according o rp ip es.” a addition, cough increased 12 NOON TO 9 P .M . |l||p || te an article to the January Is­ Prelim inary results of a study with increasing degrees te 1 i l l lir e sue te “ Archives te E artroa- te chronic cough among 6,137 smoking to a peak of 41.6 per m ental H ealth.” n u n 48 years te age or older cent among heavy cigarette “However, tin sim ilarity to »1» showed : smokers, tbe research»« said. PH O N E ED 2 -5 0 0 6 cough pattern between cigar —The prevalence of cough A heavy smoker was defined and pipe smokers snggst* okter m ate smokers as one who smoked more than tin t tobacco sm ote to g ra v a i, was H i per cent, compared one pack arday. rath er than cigarette «mote with 13 p er cent for the non- 'Die probability th at chronic atone, causes esagh,** D n . smokers. cough is a factor to tb s develop* Katherine IL BqucoL David A. -C ough increased with age m eat te emphysema, a serious Cooper and W ffltonf W e i s s to a rate te 3M per cent toe tong-condition affecting an said. - v nonsmokers mid 39.4 por cate estim ated 10 million persons “Branchial irritation seems to lo r smokers. Among m an 45 to the UJS., has enhanced the be proportionate to tin volume to 84 years te ago, only 9.9 per importance te exploring tae te smoke betatog the tracheo­ coat te nonsmokers coughed association between smoking bronchial tree. The higher pro­ contrasted to 27JT per cent te and cough, the physicians portion te inhalers among cig­ m ak ers. said. arette smokers is probably re­ —Cough rates increased with sponsible for the impression increasing amounts and dur­ th at cigarette smoke is more ation te smoktag for tel amok- Farm 7 _ y Weather C h e m ic a l A d d i t i v e Forecasts |g || Weather Is all im portant for I n c r e a s e s G r o w th the fanner. I t can mean the dif­ Gibberellins have been able to increase the growth rate te act like nor alter the natural growth-promoting hormones re ference between a successful growing season or a. serious crap lore. S a le ! C a n n o n C o m b s p u n some plants from two to five substances te the chicken em­ Western Michigan farm ers tim es the normal rate to tests bryo re te the growing chick. «rill soon have an agricultural conducted by MSU horticultur­ ists. The dram atic growth rate ef­ “ It appears th at tae chicken embryo is more sensitive to in­ jections te gibbereliin afire the w eather setv k e, tailored espe­ cially to their jieeds. This could tip rth e palance between loss S pedai S trin g i ! Sanforised P E R C A L E S H E E T S fect has been caused by cell various tissues, organs and sys­ and profit to a year’s form pro­ enlargem ent and cell division tem s have undergone differen­ duction. within the plants. Animal scientists have been wondering for some tim e what — tiation and specialization,” says Champion. _ - Speed te hatching and day-old Farm w eather foreeasts will he issued a t least three times CELACLOUD fflled CembSfNUi to look lovelier, late longer. Woven cotton M ead te >4% Upland Twin flat o r fitted daily. Special forecasts for ag­ retli 4% pima cotton to give yon the effect these gibberellins would body weights te chicks were ricultural aviation win he sup- j MATTRESS PADS have on-anim al growth. Thera has hem a lack of information on tbe effects te these chemi­ cals on anim als, except for not affected by the gibbereliin to these tests. plied during the spraying and dusting season. Ttctfs Contour Full Contour quH ly and luxury wanted to sheets. These w e genuine values ea snowy white C g n w percale sheets. ~ 1.9 9 certain toxicalogical studies. The effects te injecting a po­ tassium salt te gfobereltin V a r s i t y D r i v e In C A N N O N P A S T E L PERCALE SHEETS, dehcate shade* te yellow, aqua, ptak, green and lavender. 94% Full flat o r fitted (GAS) into incubating chicken 2 .2 4 1227 & G R A N D R IV E R eggs has been studied by L. R. Upland, f% pimt cotton. Colors stay Champion, poultry scientist O P E N E V E R Y D A Y 5 :0 0 P .M . lovely as ever, washing after washing. Pretoet year m attress wfth a saaferhnd m attress ta e . _ F lat or fitted styles. Twte site, IM ; It appears th at glbberellto D E L IV E R Y S E R V IC E M O N ..S A T ._ pod filled with Cetactead, a Cthmese* fiber to 42 x 38" cases . . . S4e ea. does not have the same cell en­ pure white. Nen-aBerge*ic, nheertn n i i t n r c, double stoe, 2.64. . largem ent and cell division ef­ 8 :3 0 P .M . - 1 .3 0 A .M . moth aad mildew résistant. fects on the chicken embryo as- SU N D A Y 5 :0 0 P .M * - 1 : 3 0 A .M . KNAPP'S SHEETS - SECOND LEVEL ft has on certain plants, be says. Injection of gtobere&in-tato tho albumen te eggs prior fo % mm MATTRESS PADS — SECOND LEVEL incubation did not stop embry­ onic development at four of five dosage levels tested, ta two te tae three toots carried out, the DIP YOU KNOW «HN injected prior to inenha- tfea with 186 mg. te gtbberdBa —the highest level to jected - Virgin Acrilan f ailed to hatch. Injections into eggs which- contained embryos which were throe and one-half days te age, fore and one-half days te age BLANKETS ra d eight d a p of age resulted to • Ugh proportion of embry­ onic deaths within 72 hours. S a le P r ic e d ! A large number te ruts w ort fomta a t t i t t t r a highest dosage levels, Champion s a p . Embry­ onic decomposition was sug­ gested as bring prim arily ia* sponsible for this rot. Data collected sa ttM ts th at gibbereliin does ao tstim teato R A IN T M f A S lÄ E D B Y abnormal ceQ divisioa and does not play an im portant role a s A U T O R E P A IR M E N j T C T Y E A R ID W W T a nutrient f i r the i s »sloping 72 H P stw to M fet Acrfian* ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ I T H E Q U E E N M ARY 6 O O P T1M E5? ■»irsiH o»o'j WIBta chick embryo nor to the grav ­ jLSjgp ratatttarâta tea bShhUkSb^himhm* ttmri masMa^ral ■R n^yraw WRI ra lra MTOraR ing dhtok. 1 “ It also apparently does not ‘ LI'. , -........ > I Iftal oratamfmta jAhuuhmHÉ’teoreta- s^ÉhÉÉtotoÉtÉt feta yore «reso» he e e sre .f f oi l o'aer oOswwwh ' reumá--ÉkammÈÉÈÈt-draateMi^ihtaaBfRÉtt'Il tatataAtafetaAtat feHtaw Dacron filled Pillows Rjhto ïdÎiSÊiÈÊËit |BnraflfeÉra|raa li dnÉM i l itttii ' wêêêl STAN WILKINSON M f t tttp Mbs* Priccdl WILLIAM linC H SL L a t a very «pMfttil White i t a price. 702 Abbott Read, E w t Louing BLANKETS , - V^ SECOND LCVC3L , ■ STATE FARM MUTUAL , , -v v -íriri¿»(í - MJT0MORILC INSURANCE COMPANY BED PILLOWS SEOOKD LEVEL É ri ijMyrffev¿L_¿.'_ gwraötegMe ran IS