H o o v e r D e c lin e s C o n -C o n In v ite In ha tetter te Coo-Con Prorident Stephen S. Nisbet, Hoover said tae limitation» ef his 17 yean prevents Mm from accepting. Hoover’s tetter was read to the detegntee by Edward Hutchinson, convention vice- president, and included sug­ gestions baric to representa­ tive government. The separation of powers is essential to any American Con­ TEMPTATION—The cold war cenid have changed abruptly if «heat mtoriks had stitution, Hoover wrote, and been launched. H e problem is, would ttemtaBatira he moorivf? —Mato Newt suggested that the convention Photo by Paul Remy. " - '■ _— avoid “referendumi” now cur­ rent in certain state constito- ttena. Hoover said the result of referendum procedures con­ fuses t h e legislative and executive powers, and clutters tho Conatitntian. ~ On Bffi sf Rights CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.JD. Concerning the Bill of Rights. —The United States plans Hoover said “M would be of literally and figuratively to service to the whole country if “shoot for the moon” next yon weald re examine enr bas­ week in what could be its ic ‘rights’ and w masncratB proudest ported of toe young them a year CaasHljuthia.” space age. Hoover rise advised the con­ Undergoing final checks en vention ts consider an additum- launching pads here are a trio a | right: of powerful rockets designed “There should he no inhibi­ to boost toe first American into tions of tho right of any in­ mbit about the earth, to lan# dividual to choose or to prac­ a package of instruments on tice fate railing- trade, or pro­ the moon and to hurl five fession,” he said. • —' 1 satellites aloft simultaneously. This right would not be ex­ The “big (ii®," of course, is tended to such professions as Wednesday’s scheduled at­ medicine though because the tem pt to rocket Astronaut State must reserve die right to John H. Glenn J r. into an o rb it determine th e mdivktsal’s which will whip him three competence, Hoover said. tim es around the world a t al­ Strengthen State Rights titudes up to 150 miles in 4% Since the Constitution of the hours. — United States was adopted But n o -le ss im portant to ¡States Rights have hem peat-, space scientists are the moon lv limited by the Federal shot, scheduled Monday, and Government, Hoover noted. A concise restatement of fee present rights of five States would be another service to C L O U D Y the entire nation, he sate. “Further, a public statement from year Convention as to the prospective encroachments fay Federal legislates action, such as control of fee public schools, weak! give Irocterohip to our country." ¡lower said. Weather tsm al dance. JADE, accori- Tass Rebukes fata lo gemmi tu tfaaicaiao Richard Retaberg, typèfirs UJ8. Budget As thè mgfcctten and beaaty of ‘BUY ROMNEY AND PRAY’ Neglecting People tbe Em-oasL. It is theae 4jpal- ktes whkh «he nanalHsn are stilline to asole la J* Gust Blasts Sw ainson's Policies MOSCOW (ffl — Tass had ai Hep- sour comment Thursday on President Kennedy’s budget. The Soviet news agency said he was neglecting the social Provtding » m ie -far tote year’s J-Hop v i ho thè weO- knowa Count Baste, bis orch­ and economic needs of the estra. and ientiircd vocaiut. American working people and a Tk’kets for the o rie ta l dee Instead spending the county?’a orated dance wHI ge r a sate to money on an arm s race.- junior* aad i cast ri Tuesday in “As toe draft budget shows." j thè Union. ■ Tass said,, “the math effort, resources and means of the country are directed at a fur­ ther intensification of toe arm* race, toe strengthening of aggressive military blocs and toe realisation of extensive plans for political and e o ra omic interference in the domes­ tic affairs of Aida, Latia Ameri­ ca and Africa. '-‘‘As previous administrations. Kennedy’s administratkm la cs iiirjiad least of all tetfe 4m vital social omaamGe sod cul­ tural needs of toe Amarican fM/i1«itép «yte»1 7P ¡“ByÿfTH gi . i, -4P* &k»»*>m4br -*#%* *Jw M ic h ig a n S ta te G o t t l i e b G o m m e n t# o n S e r ie s The same thing te true for Dadra aad Nngarhaveli. The people corid no longer stand toe tyrm y and w pprewiw by Partugaeac saftoiNies and they made thcfo ewn way after WCt. India claimed Chandcma- pre. Pondicherry. Dadra and VfogBtevrii as part and jmr- eri of tadte. Hence the accep­ tance of theee enclaves trio toe m The Du Pont Grant Indian nhoo was perfectly jus­ So tified. • • m as. the Editor Say» C¡ TlvDMiTt'WrH^TtwtiW't'lir^rrrvlMlvrfrlrLi'DiiirefW Let the writer of the letter be L ast week th e D uP ont Com pany an­ nounced th e aw trtiin g o f s $1,700 g ra n t to more realistic aad ratenal to underrtaid vtew ef this great F a c e t h e G D I M u s ic M ichigan S ta te 's departm ent o f chem is­ leader of our tone. _ : try* T his w as a kind g estu re considering I. C. Shah th e p o litical scrooges th a t -the s ta te sup­ ladfoa Delegate p orted schools a re encountering in Lan­ ta MSC United Nations j sing. A-Protest H ow evir, it is disturbing to discover Ta fee Eritar: th a t w hile MSTJ’s chem istry departm ent I am appaOed to learn that will reeeive $1,700* D uPont has announced an interest to ‘ academic aad th e aw arding o f a $16,700 g ran t to th e cultural discussions” marks a U niversity of M ichigan counterpart. ■indent not griy as n deviation front the majority of toe stu­ The num ber- o f undergraduates and dent body hot, according to Mr. P h.D 's tu rn e d o u t by th e two respective Gottlieb through the reportoriol chem istry departm ents is'" approxim ately pea ef Mr. Khaddnri, aa a beat- th e sam e. In fact, between 1957 and 1959, oik as wefi—and that the group ——*-g closest to too beatniks MSU produced 56 PhD ’s in chem istry as is “the group usually seen to com pared w ith 39 for M ichigan in the Kewpee’s Cafeteria.” sam e period. As a fairly frequent visitor to Kewpee’s, I should like to enter a protest agatost tote sort of guilt-by-associathm approach to sociology, «ri as a student Theft of automobile hub caps is costing 1 should like to protest being American motorists $5 million s year. This te branded as naar-beatnttr or de­ one of the things that sets a man to wondering. viant for having an interest to Why a hub cap? - ‘ - the sort of activity that made In the opinion of a high official source who me become a student to toe operates the corner service station, hub caps first place. do not keep your spark plugs clean or pre­ ffiUa J s ffr vent rust in the radiator. ‘ G raduate Student of “They might keep the, wheel bolts a tittle cleaner and easier for me to work,” he said, “ but outside of that they are just for looks.” Yet the ordinary hub caps cost $9 to $35 a set and fancy ones cost up to $200 a set . . . The simple solution would seem to be to abolish hub caps. On the other hand, there is the economic situation. With more than 5 mil­ lion cars produced each year with four hub caps each, toe hub capindustry might amount to more than $75 million a year. To abolish the industry would mean the loss of thousands of jobs, to say nothing of what would happen to tbe steel industry and that highly prized statistic, the gross national product. —Des Moines Register Dandruff, we are told, is more typically the ailment of success than is the ulcer. And It is better, too, because it’s out where it can j g S W ' frén o : HE'S impress people.—Chicago Daily News. ~ X600Q6W! PIEA5ÍDCNT A smile is the best eure for the flu, a group , 77 - , , MILTHW£> of medical researchers declare. Just grin—and srrad u atio n o r chem i you won’t have long to bear it? th e ir contribution a t —Houghton Daily Mining Gazette com pany. “You R eally Think You Can Charm Tho With Article on Race Issue F lfiM f! A T &L P r o fe s s o r HT*«VER HUTTAteWE M R» it« ! The following article was him the possibility of ever wia- have seen can be distinguished written by sa assistant pro­ ning fresh support tor Ids from their native classmates fessor ot American Thought cause would simply mean de- to intellectual or physical abil- and Laagaege. feat for him in his fight to over- tty. ' come prejudice and discrimi- ]g the South thousands of unna an a aaa a ! By H. KELLY CROCKETT nation. Here, one must agree with white families, especially to «pp five under coodi- ossword Puzzle □ □ s ia a a n a a o a a f f ln a a a a a a n n o a n i I hope ether readers were not William James that not to ha fare as economically and cut a s a □ a n - 'C i s a a s as perplexed as 1 in determin­ A caoss 22. Taka port in for something te practically tn turally barren as the majority 1. Audaciouc IS. Jap. coin □ n o EM 3 ing the actual purpose erf Dr. be agatost it. In a matter tote of southern Negroes. This is I N r tn a m JS. Umpire □ 0030 333 333 R. W. Wescott te writing his the race issue, the conseqnea- mdffridedfy tbe reason why " folk tunc AAkb 3333 90S 0330 article on the race question for ces of which vitally affect as that to the First World War f. Refuaa wool 40. Platform □ 3 B 3 3 0 O 0PB Q the Michigan State News on 12. larljr Amor. 41,Dwart all. I see no virtue in aspiring s*tw York Negroes made high- 43. Partira BOO 2 K 3 January IS. I found it difficult to a Jovian Indifference or do- of- scores on (be Army Stanford Indian 4S. A fianca B 3Ü 33 n a a a n s to believe that he was really u.m uteiiM n a s a a n a iif a c ia n ís n tachment. -Btoet tests than white Missis- trac 40, Bxprttcio« of serious. _ - Dr._Wescott next proposes a uppi draftees, 14. Italian □ a a 0 3 3 3 3 0 (3 3 0 However, the reader can only controlled experiment, the rate- „k. ]n this veto? □ 3 3 3 B O S 3 3 U 3 assume that a writer means tog of Negro children * The whole argument on whetb- what he says, and thus, we horaes aro vjee yersa. to am- w ^ y superior must believe that Dr. Wescott tie scientiftoally the qnmtton of y ethers is as miir*1 a non A Teller of is sincerely advancing what he wh*®,er seqnitar at that favorite cbest- untruth» considers to be partial solutions infenor to the whit*. ^ not of thesouthern street-cor- 4. Contradic­ to this grave soda! problem of flow« may I itk, could n c l m * louscer* "Wwtld too want tion our time. I cannot agree with « ? P g ^ ^ ^ sctom ^ " S g ie r l^ T c o u s in , AOpan country these, nor even with toe possi- tific?_ W hat criteria corid he y g y grandm other, etc.) to A So. Amer, — Witty that they are solutions. devised far the selection of the mTrry a tagger?” river First, suppose be does suc­ many children and hundreds of f.DlcsimiUr ceed in preventing all presently hemes with all the variables In- uncommitted individuals from vetoed?NonethriIc*thlsfcri joining either tote of the con­ which would satisfy mg acton- troversy In the future-—what t jy ^ e r e t t h r i r i t o e t w . * * * £ £ . 2 would be too result; ^ The southern recist 1$ con- Would the lritor ho content ¿ S r i M a f C toe *rf? tented with ton overwhelming to retire to thrir srisa of too g ^ S i t o r i w tertS hi support of his class, the social­ field for the fifteen to twenty J T O W « . eriM ehri»drne ly dominant, rnltag groan of ids years necessary to conduct the area. He hes closed ranks end experiment? And werid the eitovfG netthwr wvwwu si«««««*« seeks issri nor needs vm (Had- unrenqr {¿ ten which lari fo tote Z pies from the outside. 1 predict dtalhy.scknce-he wdteg fo Z m * * * * * * Jeffer- tori toe pktofoe non support or aecept too results? , t t . Moda « fa even risapprevri ef Dr. Wes- Moroover. there Is ae oeoi ¡W * ’ certain cannai cott’s group would arouse no to conduct such an experiment Item mqy te tonple »aysto «4. hartarlolc concern to Win and cause him or to wonder sho«t Hs posetoie cnoe the race rarireyristy, bri SWfowtw # as Bttie pate. mutts. $ dont think Or. Wescott hns 4S. Thorough- But the consequences would After World War n and the fomri any of than, t have ari he regrettably different with Korean War American service- toe least refortsore to. toktog the Southerner’s Negro adver­ men adopted hundreds ef Phti- a stoi and, teytof no cfeim te sary. His te already the pbysic- lupine aad Korean orphan* aad -befog i srforitri. am wfflta* K S b tto ^ W T O urea fo mafotria to r i 1 haw, States-Noa« of toma a te * I afl too aagals for cmmpray. I E O T liE ll W KÊL H H PS ■ W Ê M lK Ê lÊ m K F Friday 1% 1962 a u « 3 9 IÄ Iä w J S f e I 3 I I Z I B tti iif ii i ■ I - W m m m , » I H E M m m 1SS ttka n u t to the aaanat little w S nafliiniil TftreMr Tfatfog and Showing Contest Saturday Studontpartkdpanls draw far to ■ aS,_ e f-—-1—1. neirlH ira ft# SW uVCStOC* pSVillwD #* animals 10 days to advance of 'ttltB J n . .-\ ■- ft» ' j F? i the show, th e anhnals are all 1 The contest, sponsored an­ owned hy tile animal husbandry nually by the studentU nto and departm ent and students must Bridle Club, gives students an groom , fit aad show them. opportunity to grin gjtperiattee Judges tar th e contest toe: to fitting and showing sheep, George YeaiLosea of Howell, beef cattle and horses and gives horses; Carolyn Bay of Mid­ land, beef; and Fred Bricking- ham, Kalamasoo, sheep. All Renowned CsBer judges m e MSU graduates and Mrs. Bay is a form er showman­ Featured At ship winner at tile Little Inter­ national contest. ‘Shoeless Shuffle’ TheTe is no admission charge. A “Shoeless Sbafile” win be WHO WOULD W ANT held by Prom enaden Feb. 26, featuring nstfonaUy-k s o w s V TO SELL square dance caller Jack Jack­ INSURANCE? son of Columbus, (Rito. Perhaps you would. If you With folk singing as a back­ knew the faets! Income ground, Jackson, a professional matching your ability . . . square dance caller, was fea­ plus a chance to he your Oldsmobile general m anager, right, leeks tured at the ammal Boyne own boss . . . these are over a painting by “Sphinx Embedded to Sand,” which he do- Mountain Square Dance lu ti- among tie many benefits sated to the art Cbarles E. Meyer, acting director of the division of tute. He also teaches classes of aa tasnranee carera. fine srtSi explains a framing technique. The pletore is part of a display of every summer to Colorado. Make a date with the contemporary art to Center now through Monday. •— - Tim dance will belMrid to the Placem ent Bureau on Womefi’s gym from S to 11 p.m. Jan . 23. Got the straight ’t'ttiiifiicttifttaiiritriiikn'CtitMtoiraiiMajiH.krirtiriiii.’t'.iTuitm.iiiJ.riiRs Dress will be square dance at­ facts from , , . tire, and soft slippers are a must. T ho P ru dential Insurance today on campus For information on tickets call 355-8049. i Com pany o f A m erica Loaned For Show Lutheran Student Assn. —- 10 p.m Friday, University Lu­ Hillel - 7:30 Friday, Hillel House, Sabbath Services. The impact of contemporary a rt is spotlighted in the Kresge theran Church, L.S.A. pop­ corn party. Lutheran Student Assn. — 5:30 Hillel — 10 a.m . Saturday, Sab- bath Services and Kiddish, Hillel House. On ( to p s A M o s t O u ts ta n d i n g Art Center display on exhibit Sunday, L.S.A. Supper, Uni­ Hillel —„8:30 p.m. Saturday, 4Auihorof“ Rally Round The Hap B ay'', "Tha Many through Monday. versity Lutheran Church. Hillel House, a m arried stu­ LoattofDMeOiUw” , * .) Among the paintings is one Gamma Delta — 0-8 p.m., Sun­ dents get-together. by the famed Spanish surreal­ day, cost supper & program, Hillel — At 6 p.m., Sunday, ist Salvador Dali. Named “ Sphinx Embedded in the Sand,” it was donated to the Martin Luther Chapel. Martin Luther Chapel — At 8:15 Hillel House, supper forum with Professor Marvin Soto R IN G I N T H E N E W M e n ’s D re ss S h irts Sunday, a Vesper Servicer mon as speaker. center by Jack F. Wolfman. Are you still writhqr“1961” on ycwr papers and letters? M Oldsmobile general manager bet you are, you m n p il But I am not one to bo harsh with From one o f our top makers and a vice president of General TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL those who forget wo are to anew year, for I myself have long Motors. been guilty of the same lapse. In fact, to my senior year at Two other paintings loaned by Wolfram for the exhibit are — WEEKEND SERVICE college, I wrote 1873 6b my paper* until neaHy November of 18741 (It turned out, incidentally, not to be such a serious jim m y E rnst’s “Tbe Silent BRING IN: error because, as we ah know, 1874 was later repealed by_ Place” and Elaine DeKoon- President Chester A. Arthur to a fit of pique over the Black ing’s “Squeeze Play.” Laundry ’Til 1 p.m .' Friday Tom Explosion. And, as we all know, Mr. Arthur later came Dry Cleaning ’Til 10 a.m. Saturday to regret his hasty action. Who does not recall that famous meeting between Mr. Arthur and Louis Napoleon when Mr. Famous name dress shirts at outstanding savings. White and Phi Kappa Psi Get Back Early SATURDAY AFTERNOON .Arthur said, “Lou, I wish I hadn’t of repealed 1874.” Where­ upon the French empetor made his imjnqrtal rejoinder, uTipi colored stripe* in oxford and broadcloth. Wide variety of collar Elects Officers que nous a tyler tu." Well sir, they mid many a good laugh about that, aa you ean imagine.) ^ t r styles in button down* snap tab and eylet. Available fat most sizes at this exceptionally low price. p C _ Newly elected officers of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity are Errol Gleaner and But I digress. How can we remember to write 1962 on our papers and letters? Well sir, the best way is to find something MEN’S SHIRTS — STREET LEVEL Foss, Grosse Pointe senior, Shirt La n jd ry memorable about 1962, something unique to fix it firmly in president; Greg Mason, Te- your mind. Happily, this is very simple because, as we all know, cumseh junior, vice-president; 1962 is the first year in history that is divisible by 2, by 4, and Frank Doty, Detroit senior, by 7. Take a pencil and try it: 1962 divided by 2 ia 96l; 1962 secretary, and Mike McNulty, EAST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM divided by 4 is 490-1/2; 1962 divided by 7 is 280-2/7.This mathe­ Birmingham sophomore, trea­ surer. STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING matical curiosity will not occur again until the year 2079, but we will all be so busy then 'celebrating the Chester A. Arthur JANUARY CUE Ait AN CE! Entire stock o f men9s suits , sport jackets, top coats! ' Drastically Reduced! S p e c ia l S e l l i n g 1 The money that you will save hy_ Boys* white broadcloth being a steady customer at Student bi-centenary that we will scarcely have time to be writing Book Store can’t be measured by a papers and letters and like that. tape. Cone on b ran d see! Another clever little trick to fix the year 1962 ill your mind is to remember that 1962 spelled backwards is 2691. “Year” spelled backwards is “racy.” “Marlboro” spelled backwards is D r e s s S h ir t s “oroblram.” Marlboro tmokai backwards is no fun at all. Kindly do not tight the filter. What you do is put the filter end The book store designed in your Ups, then light the tobacco end, then draw, and then frith you , the student, in find out what pleasure, what joy, wbat rapture serene it $ to smoke the filter cigarette with til* unfiltered taste. In 1962, as 1 .9 9 in aaee and future years, you’Uget a kit to like in a Marlboro — m ind - —t; available in soft pack and flip-top box in all 30 states and Duhith. - . V; ■, ■ -But I digress. We were speaking ef- the memorable aspects Boys’ dress shirts to 190% combed of 1962 and high among them, of course, is the fact that in mercerized cottes. Wash and wear 1962 ike entire House of Representative* stands tor electron. There wilt, no doubt, be many lively and interesting contests, with convertible caffs. Regular, fob but none, IT w|ger* quite so lively and interesting as tbe one aad aew style collar with concealed to my own district Where the loading candidate is none other permanent stay. Size* I to 18. — — than Chester ¿ . Arthur 1 , ’ % Stud ent Book Store Mr, Arthito toetoentaUy, is not the first ex-president to come Out of retirement mid run for the House of Representatives. BOYS’ SHIRTS — GARDEN LEVEL John Quincy Adams was the first. Mr. Adams also holds Locaed conveniently across from Berkey Hall another distinction; he was the first son of a pn»id«it ever to servo is president. It is true that Martin tan Burena son. Walter “Blinky” Van tone«, was a t owe time offered the nomi­ nation far the presidency, but he, afaw, had already accepted WÈ a bid to become Mad Ludwig of Bavaria. James K. Polk’s eon, cm tbe oihec hand, became Salmon fL Chase. Millard FiB- .F ree more’s son went Into air conditioning. This later » » known as P arking the Missouri Compromtar- A s w f c A In Lot At fri fiBtiaregfikra tiigsshore «fee, th an In no eompromiaawith amtUy * M urieres or tha now mMtarad ******* BhUip Starr* CammtmSar. Tha Commanta r *taa somethin# maw ta e*araihlM É»m f i a t» ramno* atanm to t latore» far EAST LANDING - OPEN TODAY, »:S0 TO 5:30* E p 2-5006 tower amdmtUmaaa. Oat abonni! Taa’B to malcoma. 1r~ « p ip i ppllil éÉ éü ÜÍ SlSisgäSaB will remain at their fi«!»«« starting pons. wintñng at hama. H » row combination wH TI» woha rir o , invigoratod tisteaorid be rococnisMt ajtbSi by a butaroad IMS win over tag row offcial nutagbody fo lowa, ara le* by V 5” Jéha Os- Cäy, fona «broa, thro «IB U J. track and firid under ere terbaan. So for this winter ti» trie «a lows stria Friday i0 i^l International Amateur sophomore forward has rogis- night « ri lews the feBowtafl Athletic Federation t Anderson said tbe chanflas tered 296 points in 12 contesta evening. The coaches association baa are rot for disciplinary rea- for a fíne 17.0 par garae aver- Chad) Fendiey Cribro said asked the AAU to join its fed­ be u r a n i sattsBed with 0 m eration along with the NCAA* showing his team had made sa high schools, the — 9 college NALA and junior caBogei. Until the AAU joins, how­ ever, tbe conches threaten to hrid their own meet in direct we’r e a e t as had as t i conflict with the AAU meet te •cores Indicate. We*re cap­ name the athletes who will able ef driafl swch better” compete against a Soviet Union team this summer. The team has ffoisbed second The coaches claimed ta their hi a quadrangular meet with statement that the ^members 52 points, and last Saturday asked to join the federation tied Indiana, 14-14. - represent almost 100,000 vari­ Coûtas went on to say he ous meets each year in the hopes tbe team wQl find itself United States. -^ ,9 this weekend. “We beat Iowa pretty sound­ ly last year, bat we caught them when they were crip­ S IB LEY ’ S pled”, be said. Iowa Stole ta NEW COMBINATION—Bill Berry a ) aad H I Schwarz, always a tough team fcfhaat, just promoted to first striag,-wH start at Ami Arbor. especially at home. It’s Uke playing Notre Dame at home ta basketball. The whole stu­ dent body shows up and cheers P ecan ir iq H i& J tt» loudly. This te demoralizing to Pancakes and "7*$ imt dmgm to oro nette«.” the visiting team.” U)WBmfQoMwitar, "coma*tram Waffles with tee terthtete ero m&tt° And he The scores of lest years eh««** test tedfeafe hou 97 foy meets were; lewa State, t i­ Sutetr Pecan /oh* te WMdrtegten. te tete wmk't l l aad lewa, 31-3. , || 3ofartf*r fronte; fori. aro. flote- watt ripalatahft-wingextramlsts. Andtali*whythalridaasplay "right Last year, State was the Bifl 10 champion and boasted a Here’s deodorant protection tete the hrad» et the Attero««." two-time conference champ, They are tha Smméay Barnilw*f Norm Young. Grilfoft said tbe team s best bets fro a Big Ten champ this year were senior’s George Delicious YO U C A N TR U ST Hobbs and John Baum, a id OM SpiCe Stick QeeiOrait...fatten. w«rf«r wey to *tt- junior Oakla Johnson: “ Hobbs hs* finished second day, every day protection f It** the active deodorant for the last two years, hu t due to Today a t 5:00 p.m. is the active men— 7. absolutely dependable. Glides on snooihh, the dropping of the 115 pound- deadline fro the Fraternity and speedily...dries in reeordtune. Old Spice Slid; Deodorant class by the Big ta, both John­ —most convenient. rmM economical deodorant Maty can w f t r n mo of dandruff , thaÿ tsi) son and Hobbs were forced to Independent Team (three-man move up” , he said. team ) Handball tournament. buy. 1.00 plus tax. ___ Tbe deadline fro the MSU In­ He went eu to say that al­ tram ural Ladder Tournament though there were two gosd Sibley’ * heavy weights ta the confer­ is 5:00 p.m. today. All students ence, there was a chance for are eligible to participate in Pancake. Palace Beam to win. this tournament. Students may 4300 N..EAST STREET Team members m aking'the styn up ia the Intram ural Of­ (U.S. 27) trip are: Johnson, 123; Hobbs, fice of the IM Building. 130; Tom Mulder, 137; Monty Byington, 147; Hap Frey, 157; John McCray, 167; Alex Val- canoff, 177 and Baum, heavy­ T H E BELL T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N IE S weight. _ SA L U T E : N O R M S H E R E R Sport Shorts Nona Sherer joined Ohio Bell two years ago. He hadn’t informed on advances in teiepbeoe service and equipment. One of Michigan State’s 1961 been with the company long when be had an imaginative Norm Sherer of the Ohio Bell Telephone Company, and defensive grid stalw arts is idea for speeding up customer billing. This ides and other engineers like him in Bell Telephone Companies Larry Hudaa, senior from De­ others won Norm an important promotion to Sales Super­ throughout the country, help biing’the finest communica­ troit Denby High, who has pros­ visor for die Columbus Office. Now, with six engineers tions service in the world to the homes and businesses of pered a t end after two undis­ who report to him. Norm keeps Columbus businessmen a growing America. — ' tinguished y e a rs-a t offensive halfback. B ELL T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N IE S The—Men’s Clothing Store With STEP 2000 Pair Of Trousers, Presents CLOSER This IvyLeague Special TO YO UR FUTURE Buy One Pair Of Wash & Wear Cotton Pants ^ \t Regular Price and ; Jlil:#! Get A Second Pair For Half Price t i l BAST GRAND RIVER ■ A R LANSING 'S E & ffs s s tts s s s a s v tz SPARTAN GYMNASTS wifi, Thursday afternoon. IS i 2 p | fat facing top Big Tea Cam- S h o ck er ia tbe iaadtag rider at tbe meritag. with II wins, petition Saturday altomera Fkradtf Shopping Center it was not known how long he werid he out of actioo. when they foff the Conference fiwnipiflit Michigan and IaM fo r Fast, Expert deeming and Laundry THE NEW AMERICAN Basketball bmgm ■mwwrai Throe- at 0 » IM Sports Arena. Open til) • p.m. Meaday - Friday, Setnrday til 7 pja. day tbe U s Angeles Jets had resignad from the eight-member Tha meet Marts at four pro Imnx o’clock fo tbe arena aad A league spokesman arid the circuit wtwM continue to oror- promises to be one ef foe heat ate as a seven member wheel rad thfo application« for the meets of foe season with most Los Angeles had been tecetved from Fart Worth, ef the best performers hi foe Tex., Long Beach, Calif., and Portland, Ore. . conference entered. Coach VETERAN PRO Art Doertagof Cotambns, Ohio, fired atade George Szypula arid tbe whmer fat era Thursday In the opening round of Bing CroSby’« «50,000 of foe two meets Saturday Go» Tournament, hot fin ish ed wefl down tbe fist wtth an fotefo would establish himself as foe State’s DOIe Cooper is foe score of 7$. r-- potential Big Ten champion. favorite ra tha still riags if ha THREE AMERICANS-hroad jumper Ralph Boston, hurd­ In foe free exercise it wifi fots according to his past per- ler Hayes Jones and pole vaulter John Uelsei wifi compete la be a battle between Spartan formances. Cooper is rated as the second lateraattoual Indoor Track and Field meet March Gaul Browsh aad GflLaiiose ef foe beta ttag — in eaflegiato 17-11. Michigan. Larry Bassett could he right in the top foyee, Wtth foe tacking of fine per­ WARREN 8PAHN, the greatest lefthander in baseball and Szypula paid. gj formances hy State's Jim already the fame’s highest paid pitcher, afcped Ms 1982 con­ Steve Jebasea eedd wbi Durkee, Browsh and George, S o u th e a s te r n M ic h ig u ’s N e w e st S k i 1 r e s tract with the MQwankee Braves Thuradey and said he was the trampetiae tf he eaa re­ fois event could ta State’s beta. Tha skiing aw the ffva wow rune of “very happy" wtth the terms. His 1911 salary was about 175,000. gata the form he had whra GO LaRose is tbe standout for Mt. Brighton. A n d th a o ru fa u a u y to d rfv a ta ... - ■ PURDUE’S TERRY DISCfONGER and Ndrtfawestsrn’s win- he won the Mid-West Opee M irM g u i. lutt west of Brighton off U.S. IB. Sring tha family leas Wildcats art aiming at new free throw records In fits Big la December, ffis nemesis is Tumbling, foe last event ef for on afternoon or i weekend. Two-atory M n Ten Basketball n e t. -—— ^ Tern Ostertaad, a very fhw tbe (toy wifi ta n tattle hke sfl foe ether events. In this one Chalet lodge futuras snack Bar and dining ru m Discbiager, who hi being challenged in the Individual scoring Michigan trampolinist. race hy Indiana's Jimmy Rayl, needs only to sink hlsfirst On fo* side horse, Jerry Steve Jobnson wifi te facing throe free throws Monday night against Ohio State far a new George who with last week’s Tom Osterhmd for top posi­ • rivs run« a SavM conference mart ef 20 In a row. - performance established him­ tion. Larry Hyman, an out­ to rs a Exultant self as State’s bast horse man. standing tumbler from Michi­ THE LOS ANGELES DODGERS aad the LorAageles Angels gan. might also 1» a threat. baginnart1ares a Snow win inaugurate n animal intercity baseball fued in 1983, wtth If Wayne Bergstrom fots his Iowa’s George-Hery cewld also machinas on all sienes act sate recelnts going to charity. routine he could win. Both of be right in there battling for • Bra Shop a Equip­ the club presidents, Walter F. O’Malley ef the National League State’s men face strong com­ first. _ ment rentals o Statt Dodgers and Robert O. Reynolds of the American League petition from Gil LaRose, TUs meet wffl he foe finest Michigan’s fine all around ef certifies instructors Angels, announced the formation Thursday of a baseball foun­ meet that has ever teen dation for local charities. maa/Lewis Fenner and Arno held here at MSU wttt foc Lasesri, other good an around exeeptira ef foe Champfra- men. ship meets held fo the part. , Tbe horizontal bar could be GYMNASTICS CAPTAIN Jim Derkee performing on foe In all the events the foas A tte n tio n . . . might te seeing the tarivhtaal Big Ten Champions ef lOP. stii lir a , v fl ta entered in his specialty fo Satarday’s meet with Michigan aad lewa. Physics & Chemistry Students G ib b a r d S ëes •ra -w I to have a A Notebook sized «INC M U . OU foe CarWM,Control OS. M ÂmaUn Taieohona 227-1451 f PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS raJraMraram rM V ii9 W W fUHUi pSmjw9~9 Baaketbell tbm , aeys Kentucky's - only 50c at... Coach Rupp, am tha fault of a few badagga. But according toe formar NCAA prwMant athlete* -have learned to be diahooaat... from tha CAMPUS vary man who recruited them.” In thia mmTi Poet, you'd mad a hot debate between thoeo two exports. P r e s e n t e d b y P a ll M a ll F a m o u s C i g a r e t t e s BOOK STORE to r th e ta s tie s t tr e a t In to w n / ©°Who may watch Any male is eligible to become s girt watcher. There it honor. Since he can’t possibly-take nous, as foa bird m tyi la k , tkhoupi m g jpl vadufi m (r a u ii watcher does, we must rely on tot word.Thcnfota,whao - —g,r rrnntmst~J —»«— •"----- — an experienced giriwatdraitfo yen he saw afoshwn wdght requiresiieoti, although uller men enjoy an obvi* tiful girls while on his way to daas, he «aw nine Bountiful o u ad v aatag ert crowded paities.The only strict require- girh. And when he telb you Ms PBttMsttlSfog tigSWHl rarahraatodhwrara t t a g b l w w tarii am w ef of the cenmry, b d iev elw a.lt is. ^Pfol Malik n n fa im l m M n w s is so good to y o u r ta s te ! . ONE BLOCK EAST O F CAMPUS ^ So sm ooth, b o satisfying, so d m u tr ^ ia n k a Í M e ! (2 1 2 0 N . LARCH US 2 7 & 4700 S . CEDAR U S 1 2 7 ) mmmmmmxum ts m . É ÍI " is K P p llS I w® WtÊKSBBÊ m- *gl srtEri i S | ! V f: Hæ ■SRI OTL.f i '^éaÉfi Ri OTrtrdm H — H iu K r H » . ¿*: s SS® IB I ■ m V East Lensing Lensing Centrel Unity Canter 42S W fiora# Ko» Erne Method*! Church F o r J jI K : U n d e r sta b u i a G . M S be, N o ta i S unday W a n h ip - I I J O wvneagve *a «vnanvit esrenreap "L IV IN G WATER” M a r d a g W a n h ip tt S c h e d u le d f "AFTER T H IS M A N N * M A Y YE") Sunday Sabort - llttl aa> OdMtffifÄ(Ssfifcs ré SfilffiffB o d ay S chool , „ Youth Service .. 18 448 Hrtlnn w ^msgopu w ( ¡puUqpp fss i « w OhNMffîffft w^^BXsmoww i uuaiag W a n h ip 748 By KAREN CLABUE8CH ‘There are cherche» that are gar wrtttag in “Cross Currents Representatives of sevenPro- S tudy Clam o* M m rie y I W a d a a o d a y Fam ily Soruioa W ad . Evening 7 J S State New« Staff W itter J a r ap art," he added«-“! * ia tertan t denom inations will m eet «vi o b g » a t 7 J O m , Ibm . D. A . W o o d » , F aeter Bajrrir r still « 1 st between some, conversations are now “ S R m DITBOUC ecumenists here Monday to negotiate ter a A fRBatod with Unity School o f C h rirt- For T rcnepgrtetioo C o l IV 2-4SS7 ProteStant end Roman CatboHc possible.” r : can aad d b te p a fo * the cen­ ia atty , L ca't Sum m it, M urouri. united campus m inistry.; Ob­ churche«, t a t signs of ta tte r This cbange in the previous­ tral agencies of the church will understanding are indicated by ly opposing atmosphere could institute methods to servers from four otber de­ the curreat mutual interest in be connected in some v n wtth foe Sew requirement» of infor­ nominations will also attend. other refiglettt, Dr. Peter B. the emphasis on liturgical serv­ mation, contact, aad dialogue; People» Church University Lutheran Fischer said Thursday. An estim ated 40 persons will ice of the Lutheran, A n ali:« , in brief, ot accord to foe “Oth­ “From the Protestant view­ be present when the meeting Church and Roman CatboUc Churches, ers” foe respect due to them ." East Lensing point, he said, “ studies have he suggested. Cong* attem pts to clarify convenes at 9 a.m. in foe Un­ been more sympathetic with the possible im itation of other ion Art room. end Student Center the Roman catholic Church. Frees the Rentas C attata churches to foe couafeU. t-terd ri* am m otional viewpoint, a feed example ef “Conversations have been For instance the Lutheran The objective “does not aim 200 W . G ran d Rivar a t M ichigan N o tio n al Lath ar e a C ouncil Church fronted an institute fro foe growing awareness ef fo * solely, in foe view of foe Holy held in the part between both Dtviaiun a a d A m S treu t, EX. the stody of Roman Catholic R o sna world I» ether r e li­ F atter, * the spiritual good of clergy rad laity to see in what Dr. W a lla c e R o k a ittan , F aito r (2 Mocha north a t l adiey H a d ) theology a t its last conference.” ions Is Us csnslderoUsn lo Christians, but ft would like to ways we could more effectively Dr. F. M a ria * Srmmt 332-2S84 Fischer, associate prafetser hnrtte non Roman Catholics be as well aalav ttatio a to the cooperate or units our efforts.” Rav. R ay J . Schram m (these religions weald " tot separated communions to seek a n . J a i t t Fort** of haaaanltiM aad reffgiasi, the Rev. Jack Harrison, Pres-1 . F aito r Emarita t said that Jaraalav friB raa, a have a vote! te attend foe again foe unity to which so byterian, said. Dr. N . A . M eC unc D onald W . H e rb A C T . R a b i c i Lutheran ■ iaister has evea prnpaosd ecumenical many souls aspire today in all C am po* W o r te n T e d a S a a d cil. . W ’’The resalt of these eoaver- eesntsjlad 'G ready eaDed, parts** the world.” * satieas was a meeting ef aa- j W O R S H IF SERVICES “The Riddle sf Cafoeteism .” Sund a y W an h ip Fischer said that even though ; Asked what he foought of the tional, regional, aad local 4:3 0 E 11:00 a.m . ,> listin g another example of th e tetfa century reform ers, attendance of other churches 4 JO , 10:11 a n d I I J O a « e . campas ministry staff mem­ "AT W ITS END” Protestant interest In the Ro­ Luther and Calvin, had recog­ a t the council, Fischer com­ ber! ef several denomina­ S ermo n b y Facto r R a t e i r t - man Catholic Church, Fischer nized Roman Catholics as m ented: V 'V -V V V V ' H ’ tions ea Nev. IS, l f t l to dis­ Dr. W oK ac* R o h a rttcn Nwnery c a ra ia proa id ad a t a l (am ic a i. said: - * Christians, the Romans have “I its are know if iateafoms cuss possibilities ef • united •U S S C H E D U L I fo r I I J O M v m c r not until recent years identified are csmpotitlve (with the' MEMBERS ef Afi-Saints Episcopal Cbureh Chair have “THE ANGLICAN CHURCH one last practice before the worship service begins. campus ministry effective C hurch School 4 :3 0 a.m . E 11 a.m . G d cb ritt 10:15, Irq d y I I J * C om has approached a respect f r o non-Roman persons i s Chris­ World Ceaaril of Churches) June 1, ISC. — C rib roam th ro u g h high (c h a a l ag o I I J S , O w en I h * Show 11:12, M aeo* Rome. This was indicated by tians. or aa attem pt at unity.” Singing ia the choir is one ef many ways open fro students l l : i l , a a d an ivtag a t t t the Archbishop of Canterbury’s This changing attitude is ex­ The World Council cf Church- to serve the etarch ef their choice and participate in its ■ . The invitation, addressed to, S J O p.m . C a m p u t Vesper j 11«20 a.m . Retu rn b y «ara* m a te . visit to Rome last year, emplified by Yves M-J Con- es if foe central orgroisatton Worship. _ “ all Christian groups having M c C u ae C h a p e l L S X : Sa g g a r a t S J 0 . of the ecumenical movement, an interest in tbe m inistry of F ar All University S tu d en ts G roup* a t 4 J O . which is foe attem pt at the Christ in MSU,’’ and signed hy 15 clerics and toymen, stated /First Christian Reformed Church " East Lansing Protestant and E astern Ortho­ dox churches of the world to draw together into a closer Rev. Porter Ends Stay that one the m inistry of Christ is m inistry or reconciliation Friends Meeting unity..' .. - *#> ’' united in Him. The hope was University Methodist The Rev. John Proter of All- students at Bexley Hall, a sem­ 240 M anhai! St., la m in g Congar’s opinion on their dif­ Saints Church has resigned as inary of the Episcopal Church. expressed that, “ tf tbe church­ Christian Student ferences was, “These are two student chaplain to accept the es couki discover their common (Quoten) During his m inistry at All- mission in the university, they U n , M » M . H affm nn, f a t t o world-wides which . co-exist position of rector of Harcourt Saints, Mr. P orter served as Church without coming in touch with parish in Gambier, Ohio. . would discover their unity in Foundation M orning i m it i IS o jo . D iscutim i G ro u p — 10: tS A 4 ) . a le c tu ra r in foe religion de­ one another. The problem lies His association with All- partm ent ami aa advisor to Christ. L l l l S. H arm o n Rd. Evania* I arm a i 7 y.«*. T hat« ia M O d o f tm ru p a rta tio n <*H M eeting for W a n h ip — 11:00 A A4. in making them meet, recog­ Saints, spanning eight years, Canterbury Chib. - “ Our present separate opera­ 140 W . G ra n d River th a t a ma a t R a fifto rt A d i t o . M r. C or­ C o lleg e H o m e o f F co p lo t C hurch nize. and fuse with one another. will term inate oh January 26, A reception was given in his tions a re Inadeqate to effective­ nati** Knrham a t 454-5É52 a r Mr. H enry-G aM b a* 1 0 2-2223. For Inform ation. Fhone EO 2-1441 Twe issues that Ceagar pre­ Mr- Porter’s new duties will honor by the religious advisors ly discharge our mission,” the W ilto n M . T ennant. M m ilter J o ie p h A . F arter, M inate* dicts to ta topics fro the ecu­ include chaplain to seminary Wednesday. ~ latter continued. menical council are: C hurch Service», 4, 10 E 1 1:15 J J O p a n . M o a t a t C oU cga H oc«» for 1. “WU1 the Roman Catholic ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ R ev, G e o rg e L J o r d a a - Church be but the passive re­ to b o g g a a p a rty a t G roe* last F a rt. First Church of cipient of decisions transm itted All Seints Episcopal Christ, Scientist with authority by its head or will it again come alive, cer­ W hy I Am P ro te s ta n t "R A C E FO R FEA C E" N u n try , crib ro am fa r all tatviec* C A M F U S VESFERS Church tain ly not cut off by its visible bead but transm itting some­ ■ ■ ■ ■ I by T ilda N orberg, S hirley Moore S J 0 p.m . S u p p e r in f a c ial H a l o f C h u rch School 10 J O o.m . all a g c t 7 0 4 EAST G R A N D RIVER thing to him as well?” F r a g t e t C h u rch . S p eak er, Dr. Jttm * 100 A b b o tt Rood— ED 2-1317- Eeet hom ing 2. “This council wifi proclaim Shirley Meere is a junior rad aa R.A. to Concurrent with our studying, we fe d that WESLEY FO U N D A T IO N C hurch Service I t A M . in the most positive, kerygma- -East Yakeley. She has been active to foe it is im ports* to establish a personal rela­ Fitch bach. R tv . J a b a F. M a • C h a p la in tic, apostolic fashion the con­ choir ef Wesley Foundation aad to a former tionship with God. Since all individuals are G e o rg e I. Jo rd an , M rah tcr D irector T opic: "C o m m itm en t a a j W it* « * .'" R tv . R obert G ardner S unday Sc h o o l I I A M . viction and urgent needs of the chatemaa of the Cenuatostoa on Challenge different, these relationships will vary. How­ faith.” to the Campus. Miss Meere to atoe treasurer ever, this freedom of relationship to God does S u p p er 4 p-tn. Forum 7 p j n . C h a p la in t a M a m ad S ta lla n ti S unday Sc h ool fa r U nrrcrw ty S tudents of E ast Yakeley aad ritual chairman ef not imply irrespoasiM lity on the p art at the 4 :M a.m . — Kappa Phi. tude that it does not m atter what he believes F«. tingle a a d m e m u d itu d a a t t Everyone W elco m e "Ra». G o rd o n J a n e t, Rector S ubject Tilda Nerberg to a member ef Honors Col­ tude that tt des not m ater what he believes SUNDAY SERVICES lege and Tower Guard. She has performed or (toes: 00 the contrary, his responsibility to „"L IF E “ 4 :3 0 IHM au n . H oly C om m union a.m . M om m i Frayar of H oly W e d . Evening M eeting I F.M. Forums wtth the State Singers, orchestra aad Wesley choir, and to chairman at the Commission ob Personal Commitment. God rad to society to squarely on Mm for foe rationale of Ms actions and beliefs. Na eae person e ra claim fo * he has Kimberly Downs - (R e a d in g Tim a: 4 8 S eco n d «) R eading Roam HUM Foundation: Prof Mar­ the “truth” or that he betougs to the H O W T O ATTEND C H U R C H C om ma n ion. Serm on I C hurch S c h eel. 114 W . G ran d River vin Solomon will speak on “Is-, To make a generalization as to why we are “one tone cbureh.” Instead, ta M a t have Church of Christ rael as an Exporter of Techni­ Protestants, we could say that we feel that " W IT H A I A I Y 11 iOO a.m . M am in f Frayer o f H oly an attitude at seurchiug to make Ms own M a n . thru S a b 4 a-m . • S p.m cal Assistance” at a 6 p.m. foe characteristic spirit of Protestantism is relationship to Gad a m ere meaningful Y «bauld tn a v r t h a t A a * b j C om m union. Serm on I C hurch School. M an. T uek, T h u n , S Fti. 7.-00-4 p.m. supper-forum. the best context in which to nurture a vital one. We feel that Protestantism affords 1007 Kimberly Drive, L am ing M eth o d U t .C h u rc h . b .l a a t t n g Christian faith. the best opportunity fro this search to take you n g t a u p b a a t t e nd ch u rch « M b th * CANTERBURY C I U I AR are w elcom e t n a tte n d C h urch Gamma Delta: Jack Randall, Contrary to popular belief, Protestantism place'. (2 blocks W . o f F randor S hopping C en­ b a b y a a d o th e r y o u n g a U d r a i am b e ­ Sorvicca, a a d visit a n d urn th e R e a d 1 Christian Growth chairman will is not only a protest against, but a protest for ing' c a ta d f a r h a M y o g a ip p a d t t b 4 :0 0 p.m . Sunday — nig Room . lead a topic discussion a t 7 certain attitudes and practices. We feel that As is implied by our previous statements, te r a n W . G ran d Rivar) room a a d au n cry . p.m. on Jehovah Witnesses. the responsibility of questioning and search­ the emphasis is clearly on the individual IV 4-7110 Bring th * a b ib h a a f a a d agu J b t t fa ttd * The Rev. Enno Woldt will ing, the opportunity to establish a personal concerning his beliefs and his relationship to th a O tta w a S tre e t a a tm a c a g a t t i C o d God. Although tbe individual is emphasised G e ra ld O , Fruit*, Sr. conduct a vesper service at relationship with God, the emphasis on the th a c rib roam , A p a id , train e d non e i* 8:15 . Each week a personality responsibility of foe individual, and freedom in this way, the need for the church is not SUNOAY SERVICES in ab o rg a, W a b a v a 11 arib e a a d 1 East Lansing eliminated. Christians need the church as a play-pane. _ EDGEW OOD from the Bible will be consider­ in forms of worsMp are some of the more M am iag W a n h ip J l J O a.m . Trinity Church ed. ~ important positive protests which are charac­ place of renewal and revitalization, as a S arvicct a t M l « a d I I J 8 o jo , source of information about their faith, and B ib b S tu d y PEOPLES CH URCH ' A cost supper wifi be served teristic of Protestants,. " as a group to which to experience meaningful 4 :45 i a " g o o may su m m usr I ricrd rfia m io o tio n al at 6 p.m. Evanin | W a n h ip 4JO p^n, The freedom or foe respeasibiltty of fellowship. D w ight L Largo, F r a o a b b f "444 N orth H a f a d o m R oad 120 S p w to c A venue Canterbury Club: Evening doubting has beta very tofiaeatial to us We also fe d fo * Christians share a com­ W a d a a td ay ev ening B ib b S tu d y 7 J O R av. L EUGENE W ILLIAM S, P a tta r P rayer a t 6 p jn . will be follow­ (bring our college years. An ■agueatioaed mon m inistry to each ofoor^and tit* It ia T h u n d e y evening L a d ie t K b b Cl*** Central MethodUf ( I Macia north o f G ran d Rivar) ed by supper. faith, we fed , cannot te oar own; it to through tbe P ro te sts* church th * this min­ Rav. Truma n A. M orriio n , M iniato W O R S H IP SERVICES The Rev. John P orter will oaty when we have doubted ra d searched, istry can best be expressed. We roe moti­ 7 JO p a , - Church litt» lead a discussion on “Is tbe questioned aad studied th at foe Chrtot- vated toward this m inistry by love, rather A ch u rch la th a F ra ta rta a t trad itio n Episcopal Church too Tole­ tira faith becomes genuinely nan. A per­ F or tr a m p p rtotioo « all F I 4 4 1 # ■ FIG H T IN G G O O ” fora fear, as a result of our “love relation­ c o mm on l a th a m ajor denom ination*. rant?” son cannot say, “I believe la principle A,” ship” to God. EO 2-1440 a r CD 2-2434 7JO g o , If Ms only reason te r dsiag ah is because Ottawa and CapBsi « In ch a o o b t a n tm r ta r t a th a m arch Lafoersa 8tude*A ssedatiea: someone else believes in principle A. We te d til* worship can take place any­ t a f , q u estin g (pint. UNFEIGNED FA ITH " where under many types of d iffers* condi­ A aew progr am form * will He can only make such a statem ent if be - begin on Sunday. Students will Mmself bra thoroughly studied the con­ tions. If we say th * corporate worship can SUNDAY SERVICES OTHER SERVICES join interest discussion groups tent aad meanteg of principle A. roily take place to a church buiidtog during 4:10 a n d I U 0 a.m . 4.-4S a * Saa d a y S o b a d ’ on topics ranging front a rt ami a certain ritual, we are limiting the power of SOUTH BAPTIST C H U R CH architecture in the church to In our opinion, this to what Jesus meant God to ta p reae* wherever there are two A c o m p ltte church- x h o o l a t C lama» la* U ntuanB y St a d a a tt ff«Aff a, •«va m T p«mb aSA, mH »V fxy VvIiOyieiO rxwuwjnip doetrines. when he quoted from the (fid Testament, or three gathered together. hour«,, eri broom th ro o fb J r . H igh M i l S a g g a r a a d S f r t r t Im piratioq Supper wifi be served a t 5:30. “ . . . and thou shatt love the Lord thy God There are many forms of worship which ISIS S. W ASHINGTON— U id S IN G "L Serm on January 2 t i t hy with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and are meaningful to different people, and we Rav. Truman A M orm on 7 J O g o . W c d a a td a y « w tto g . Frayar Wedey Foundation: A choral with all thy MIND ami with all thy strength.” fed th at to stogie out one of throe forms as a a d M d a Study. dram a, “Clrcls beyond F ear,” (ilk . 12:30) Paul, echoes this idea when he Your "Church-Away-frorit-Hom*" 4 :3 0 p m . J r . H igh FaRowthip will replace the usual forum foe only way to worship la incorrect There­ b o a t th a C h m ch affla«, 127-7444, f a r «ays, “ . . . I beg you, my brothers, as an fore, just as Jesus talked abort, the need fro 7:00 p .m . Sr. H igh Fallowibip * 7 p.m. act of INTELLIGENT worship, to give your inf a m a b a n c oncerning th a new wineskins, so we need to change the W ELC O M E! bo« «ehedole. Tbe meeting will begin with bodies as a living sacrifice.” (Rom. 12:1, forms of worship when the old ones become I0.-00 A.M. MILE SCHOOL HOUR supper * 6 . Phillips translation). archaic and no longer understandable. Greek Archdiocese IIKJ0 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP ^ E a s tm in s te r Olcemos Church FiritTresbyterian Pint Church St. Johns Student "H O L Y T iiN IT Y * of the Nazarene Orthodox Church P r ts b y te ria n C h u rc h O tta w a a u d C h eetn u t of the Nazarene 7.-00 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP Parish W a n h ip Servie** 4 J 8 1 I I J O o a k 1404 H om ittoa R d. ~ ^ S. W e llin g to n a t E. Elm \ Rav. Fr. C o tta * KauUaki« . G a n g*** a t lo tta r Fr, R. Kevnnaugh I 3 IS A b b o tt R d , fo o t L o atiag C . A . Bruch, p a tta r Matin»': 4 : I S A M . 4 J O . W a n h ip l arvi*« 1:30 PAL ADULT YOUTH C h u rch Scha r t • 4 :4 5 o a k Fr. T. M cD evitt Ra». R a b a tt L M a ta la a d , M iaittar fig. 4 S u n d ay S chool I 0 J 0 A .M . "410 DISTANT TRUMFET” S a a d a y S c h o tt 10J O * j h . M am m y W a n h ip • 11 J S a.m . D M m litu rg y 10:30 A M . Rav. Sh e a f, Ft« «chie g —127 MAC. - ^ M l W a b d d g a Driwa. EX. M a m iag W a n h ip I I J O o a k (Hym n« ia G reek, Serm on m Er.glrah) Y outh G roup« • 0J O pak Diuueeian and Rrfraahmanti Y oung Fa g p lw Servia n 4s 15 p a i . 11 J O W an hip S a m o a Sunday Mann F ar t re n i p o rt « tro n from M SU , m a t t a t EvongoBriie f lo u r - 7 J O p a k S td d y Pfcoaci ED 741X 1 O R D IN A T IO N ft INSTALLATION t v in m g Servi** 7 4 8 p m . K aw paa’* a t I O J 0 #.m. N q n o ry F rav id ad 7:15-1:30-4:4* (High) 11:11-12:30 M id-week Frayor W a d . 7 J O p a w W a d . 7 :3 0 F.M . M o a tin g o f Sigm a FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION (Bobytitting at MO. 4rtB b 'H ilt SUNDAY P R O G R A M O F O FFIC ER S H arry T. Sta tta y , M b iita r Col 0 7-4207 f o r fro* b q o ip o i b t i oot E p n b * Fhi o f M .S.U . with G O Y A a a d matta*) C h air M am b a n Dr. M arrow , Fraoching Daily Ma«*w 4:41 «j», OHM t o , 4 J O a j n . C b am b S cbaaL « U b N w aaiy, Stopping «it Caro Hafl, t:IS an# 4:15 - Shaw H al • Oman H al 12.10 g o , aad SJ0 p a * aad A dah «tody, r t d t a k iooiodod. Saturday Maataa 0.-00 A 440 am. FIRST WESLEYAN Farm lane • Aodrtonum Read - Physics Read - Darmitary Road C *rt*«*iam dotty at Sili g o . •0 :3 0 OJO. W o n b tp , odlb aooH oatag MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL Saturday 44:30 b 700-408 paa- C b w a b S t t i t l f a r Kiad x f a tta o a a d R STUDENT CENTER METHODIST CH U R CH I s tM Manor, W ? and 417 * P b iiion • M A O . * Col* go Drog S aad ay S a g g a r 4 J O g y a | | Mr t LX^^JU Aw rnA Too- I J O B I J O p m . L L WaWt, Interim frotar SB fea-rtaa. Bave —---- rap warn*W 4«t-L-l-----. ST W-IWXnroPPn* »,OP Campbel H al « Landan H al • Yateiy H al - Gadrort H al Sa a d ay F atom — 7J O g * Dr. U a d i T arby Chopal Trtaphotw ED 24771 S u n d a y S ch o o l f i W o a k WHoms H al • Michigan Ave. a t Hamton Rd^ f-JS, aad 4«3i "A SA N S NU C LEA R P O L IC Y " "R ISE A N O U V E I" -• S a a d a y W a n h ip I 0 J C I h l B a a u a a d 1 :1 5 p a i M»ruing Snv'n* IIJO aa<. l a lay H al - teyaa H al.' M a*ia «vary Friday rtfM ot 0 J0 STUO fNTS W E LC O M E Á VIPíffCBKifíff' Syne# ENDURING FEACE” Do o m (ai^gJra **Toruuy UI|UI )ff,gg • St a d a o tt f a p p ir Fta g ram ( 4 4 * » p.m .) C a l EO 2 4 M 4 f a t fc o ia p a rta liM E vqoiog S o n b a 7 JO p a k . C a t IV 2 -f312 for {iirthar iafermat ion » 7-4T7S F ra v id ia f a C am pa* M M rtry fp r M arried a a d S ia g b " im uvr V« fà ■Sjè, S3S0SS „ v »i » I i ' O n -Jo b ^ by legislative action ar judio- ial decisions until it Is ao long- ore fiefcqn e f t e f i procedures, ar a deterrent ta crime, Hoevlr tba practices of snapmuted C o n f ir m s Ih» I aerina breech af fil» Abolition” «Itti tha area» re» Aroertrre Qvfi Ubarti* Uatre «aaheaa to it, only fot «tir* « 3 show te« film “Operation aanterebas bere chregafi. wniBi - -- t-’’A sentences, perdons, refi fife Careen in retailing are stiU t e - L» Strerei, l ahrereafi. Carrectire** at rei apra r e t e “Tha effe* «f fot contradici- "Crime is Increasing steadi- ratea." ■ • • « • By the Asseriate Press goals for 13 Hama Economic» Chlo, v u ampleyid -te Hafla tag MBt ì t e t e * * ' » « . la K r e n t e h SOoaretion ly—end faster than foe papula­ **Oor system «f la* refeeee» Retailing «fitert who recently Brother« la Claaalanfi tha East L a u te Paoptes Correction,’ “aura « di story, tion. Only a minor percentage ment cama frani firn English completed na tha jell training la Detroit at tha J. L. Ha* Church. written by Leu Erickaoa,” Is of tha persons arrested reach Common Law. Tba Brillati still UNToHelpSeek K i t e at department stores to Chic­ sen Company w en Judy L. ago, Cleveland and Detroit. Coffin, Ornare F e t e Wrtfie: tha showing sf “Operation b make tha m im picturas t*U Correction” will ba t r e t e rwsree* testae. LEOPOLDVILLE, Tbe Congo—Tbe United Nations has offer* Dr. Demetre Mafias, adviser Barb A. Jordon, Detroit; Jnfiy ha a brief review at tha untare reti «Bai bava bare filiaUhad F rid ay S tore H ours 9:30 a.m . to 5:30 p.m. ed tbe Crecelaae government every poeaibie assistance In to t h e group, announced K. CampbelL FawlervfBt: « f i panare af tba HUAC film team t e a la t e a la tere p finding tbe Congolese troops who perpsteatod tba Kongolo Wednesday that each depart­ Elaine L. Ross. Grosse F a t e “Operati«Abotttton”. A gm* fiay aeaaaa wart fahre, massacre, UJf. headquarters anamnrerl Thursday. . ment store indicated they want Farmi; Lanrie R. t e f t w . acre reacaaaton adU follow tha ' A. UJf. spokesman said it wffl help, Ire, la preventing further foe co eds as permanent em­ Newago; Barb A. S c h ifi, ßlm- Mauritania** . principal ex Wonderful Savings incidents of brutality and trtfioc ta te . Aerial reconnaissance at the KMfoto area tew ed no signi­ . .... ployees after graduation. Mesure; and Carol S. t e t e , “Operation Correction” area ports ara a law tbousaod (ani the erigtaal film af “Operata» oTsalt and gum arable a year. ficant lomaafratisns or movements af troops. Port facilities Sales positions were held by Fowlerville. - During af tbe Inuiube river town in North Katanga province were silent aad deserted, the spokesman said. most of the group. Sore feet rad hordes of Christmas shop­ pers celled for a great amount of stamina and enthusiasm JACOBSON’S US. Aid Mission Leaves they agreed. Each said that perfection to dress and a smile are musts far success to such BABY WEEK SALE! SANTA DOM1NGA, Dominican Republic—The U.S. technical miMion left for home Thursday as Dominicans offered scattered a “wide open but highly com­ petitive Arid.” resistance to the mfittaiytertnated junta which suddenly Beginning Today • Friday, January 19 took over their government. These who went to Marshall The US. mission, which had barely .arrived in tills torn Field A Company to Chicago Caribbean nation, was sent to help the now deposed council roe: Diane M. Felton, Dene- of dree shape up p»»« for a tost economic recovery. villa; Bee A. Voorheis, Ro­ 100% ACRILAN BLA N KET SLEEPER chester; and M a b e l F. Ressequie, Port Huron. in size» S, M, L..7.,..................................... - - ........... 5 W Strikes Cripples Algeria ¿ , Sandra L. Dobbie, Battle ALGIERS—French troops Manned and captured a terrorist Creek, and Martel Keys, Birm­ 1 - PIEC E STRETCH TERRY ^ - ingham, trained at Canon, hideout in Oran’s Moslem section Thursday while strikes pro­ W RAP * A - TOT for sleep or play......................... 2.99 testing mounting insecurity crippled Algeria's two major cities. Pierie 4 Scott to Chicago. 4 French Army headquarters said 14 terrorists were killed and SW ISS » EM BROIDERED COTTON 10 captnred in an afi-aigbt assault by steel-belmetod troops CRAW LER SETS in sizes M, L . . . . . * > * backed by armored cars. Army sources said tba terrorists were responsible tor a number of "attacks ia Oran which ia turn had provoked rioting fay Europeans. Hundreds of Euro­ JACOBSON'S OWN peans mnurt through Oran's streets chanting slogans while GAUZE D IAPERS . . ..... * « « ■ ' 2*99 the city’s telephone, telegraph and mail service* were para­ lyzed. . ifP P l PRINTED PERCA LE SH E ETE ........................... 1.19 NYLON COMFORTER • PILLOW SET.»™........4.99 Indonesia Gets More Russian Subs JAKARTA Indonesia—Informed sources said Thursday four long-range Soviet submarines arrived Monday to augment tha CRAW LER SETS, p rin t cotton top IffA u rt« Navy to the conflict with the Dutch over West New corduroy p an ts in sizes M, L, XL.. 3.99 Guinea. Tbe first Dutch-Indooesfan naval engagement was »' surface clash on Monday. .1 cattate «mimi ara «nt ta to* Job marita* afta tor futura COTTON K N IT PAJAM AS The four subs were described as long-range “W” class vessel« of 1 are tons displacement, carrying 14 torpedoes each. Two of Soaclal Cauraa tor Cat- » sites 1 to 4™............ ..1.99 waraan im monto*. WiIta «tatara the same type were delivered by the Soviet Union ta Indonesia «or ewes anna a t worn. “ T h e D e a n w ill s e e y o u n o w IN FA N T GIRLS’ COTTON^ KNIT 1 ^Irtorrnlnts Mid the tour new sub* arrived to Jakarta’s heavlty K A T H A R I N E 8 1 1 1 0 p.awimg Tandjung Periuk harbor under escort of a Soviet SaOTOTAAMI. POLO SHIRT in sizes M, L, X L............................. 1.29 mother ship from Vladivostok. •OSTONII. MASS. . IN FA N T BOYS’ COTTON KNIT MWYORKIT. H. Y. MONTCUM, N. i. . 21 GBEATTOBACCOSHAKE20WONDERFULSMOKES! POLO SHIRT in sizes M, L, X L ......... 99 Laotian Princes Fail To Agree ' raovmowc «, R.b AGED MfoD. »L£HOED MILD- NOT FILTERED MILD-THEY tATWFY GENEVA—Laos three feuding princes met for more than on IN FA N TS' TERRY SHORTS hour here Thursday and broke up without reaching any agree­ fo r boys or g irls .... ................. - -89 ment. _ Rightist Prince Boon Oran, Neutralist Prince Souvanna Pbouma and Communist Prince Souphanouvong failed to agree A U T O M A T IC L A N G U A G E T R A N S L A T I O N IN FA N TS' TERRY ROBE for even 00 a date and place for a next meeting. boys o r g irts in sizes M, L, XL.............. 5 ......'........1.99 Pbourni Vongvichit, spokesman for Souphanouvong, told news­ men Boon Oum’s strong man, Gen. Phonmi Nosavan, insisted bo frnmi discussion between the three princes should tjre| TODDLER SHORTS, sizes 2 to 4 place at all outside of Laos. for boys or g irls................................... .----------- -— .69 TODDLER BOYS’ TERRY - Call Castro Main Troublemaker SHORT SETS in sizes 2 to 4.......... iL.------.1.69 WASHINGTON—The Inter-American Peace Committee ac­ cused Fidel Castro’s Cuban regime Thursday of an unceasing TODDLER BOYS’ DACRON ■COTTON campaign to defame other nations of the hemisphere and to incite violent subversion” against their governments. SUMMER PAJAM AS in sizes 2 to 4.............:...... 1.39 Denouncing this as ‘‘political aggression,” the committee said Castro’s ties wtth Communism, subversive activities and violations of human rights are the main cause of international In fants’ Shop — Low er Level tensions in the Americas. ILSr Holds 10th Nuclear Teest O H H o ro n o jw h t o jia S ix o f o n e \ WASHINGTON—The United States fired Thursday the 10th From the same .field »thé berry. shot of its current series ot nuclear tores. h a lf a d o z e n , I to AMnie Energy Commission announced the mast at its i Nevada test site was underground as bare been tire others. 1 The shot Wms described as of low yield, meaning one with an o T th e Iexplosive force of leu than 19,000 tree of INT. - C ’e s t b o n n e t b l a n c é t b l a n c b o n n e t It is hat white and white " hat p th e c COLLEGE W E E K IN B E R M U D A Departs March 20, Returns March 25v 1962 All The Special Events O f College 5 Nights, 6 Days at Harmony Hall Hotel Hotel Tips and Bermuda Transfer Included tf computers process data in mathematical terms, hoar oftransiatioA-the translation ofan Mm ihto aworthg Private Pool, Swim At Elbow Beach Travel b y American and Pan American can they ba instructed to handle information and ap­ system. For people with this ability, wholika to träte plications fore are not essentially arithmetic? IBM. in beyond tha boundaries ef thalr specialized meat, IBM Breakfast-Brunrh, Dinner and Tea Included ¡Jets. 'I ^ cooperation with the U.S. Air Force, is finding seme offers unusual opportunity. If potri» totereette to answers through research in automatic language any of the fields to which IBM is QMldfiflmportant translation systems. ir a n c ii • NvniconouciDrVé nwcruwBVBS# ìthi(i wkk av All Inclusive, From Lansing, $275.00 Machinetransiation of idioms, for«ample, ts teaching suparconductivfty—and your major Is to anginoartog WlL-i -- T \ j - »¿a —-•. ~ fikA M A A A • . us a great deal + * * tofcmMtion process«*. An idio- or one ot tha acience t, you a ri invltad to talk wfihlha matic phrase may hare a meanfng cpilta different fnvn I t e rapreaantaWva. He t e l be Interviewing on your the sum of Ita individual vror«fe, and a system that mere­ campus foto yrer. Your placemant oMee can mehere ly matches these wonfewon’t come ckwa to trenciatii^r appototmant ABfauallfiedappllcanta wiHracalveco» MlOne solution it an "expanded electronic dictionary" sidération for employmont without reputi Id race, that contains idioms and grammatical instructions as creed, color or notional origin. Write, outlining peur well as sing# words. Work is now under way to clarify beckomund end interests to: Mmr. -tt Tachntcel Em- meaning further by automatic syntactical analysis. pteywret. Dept BBS* MMEGaaporstioit, 990 Madison • Systems research aucheathia requires it» rem kind A v u s, Maw York 22, N. Y. g ÿSsis H — äMMjs 3 K !. ----^1 §2||g||2 Wfmm the country. 4 *T am sfltoettmes wrongly nThe wes a staff writer with called a Fascist or .a Commu­ . ia natiaaat newspaper. Ha nist and foal makes me think a ef the aims ef the aa- I am probably right.” '|1 | fcflewshia hi »Uttered The files around Martell indi­ newspaper o f f te e jht East cate his many iatexfirts wtth la- iM h a Cram where he has bets such as “i«fretire,” “Son. pnMished his Mew Daily day WSM “inflation,” “Press share its feaailBg April *5, Lords," “immigration” , and 0M . * _; “back to greatness.” Inevitably the National Fel­ He turned from a ceaselessly lowship has invited compari­ ringing telephone to say he be­ son with the John Birch Society lieved some right wing forces in America w h i c h made hi the United States had “ gone charges of Communism in high toe far.” . places. P S "We are an organization of “ I know little of their activi­ the right,” he declared, “but ties,” MarteB admitted, “b u tif not of the extreme right. tbeir policy ami aims are the “We are against hanging. same as ours, they m utt be a That’s left. We are against pretty good organization.” corporal punishment. That’s “They are called the luna­ left, too. tic fringe. I have no doubt “Bat most of all we are that some people will give against this government at aa the same tag. ^ the moment . . . the sett of “B u| that is te a t everybody government we are getting in Michigan State University expects at the start. Abraham this country is government FOREIGN FILM SERIES Lincoln was called a lunatic hy vetted interests. p r é s e n ts o w n t o w n té ADMISSION $1-25 STUDENTS 11.00 EQUIPMENT (wtth I. D. Card) B0X0FV3CE OPEN 1:4$ TOM MORROW aad PAT FIFE FILM CRITICS AWARD WINNER OF THE Miss-Fife, Morrow NEW YORK BEST O u t d o o r E n t h u s ia s t s FOREIGN FILM Muaie by N a m e d S e n io r s o f W e e k Th« mo»t talked about —J Most ihockcd about pic-^j KURT WEILL Thomas U. CSnando« presents tur«-o< our ycarti THE ORIGINAL COMPLETE GERMAN FILMVERSION Of P EN N Y FAIRCHILD THEATRE - • - E xtra TONIGHT - FRIDAY, JANUARY _19 M IC H IG A N FEATURE AT 7:00 • 10:00 Mr. Magoo Cartoon 7 & 9 p.m. Admission: 50c LUCKY STRIKE An Day Prevue of These Two Features? presents: W a s h in g to n r id d le d w i t h l e f t i s t s - AT THE PROM says Goldwattr According to Barry Gotdwatar. 37 “ I ’ll g iv e a b u c k to kay Washington jobs am held by " I ’m m a d d o r a n y g u y w ho members of a "strange organiza­ y o u M a rt h a .” tion"—a leftist group that wields d a n ce s with h e r." great power. In this week's Post. Senator Gokfwatar lashes out at left-wing extremists. And tails how their ideas play "right into the mmmÈ bends of tha Kremlin." Tba Smtmrdmy Keening wmm. SEE TWO FEATURES- G L A D M E R Th e a t r e • p h c n 1 1V 2 983 SATURDAY! SUPER BARGAIN DAY NANCYKWAN*JAMES SHIGETA «cusses cDonnns ALL DAY PREVUE OF “HEW L E T S TWIST” & Sat. a t 1:1$ - 5:14.1:50 m m rn m sm T h e e x c itin g . m o v ie a b o u t k me w L s e n s a tio n " P u t m e d ow n , vO T t h a t 's G e o r g e .,,/ s w e e p in g S A ID P U T tà d m th o n a tio n M E D O W N !u I B in t o t h e WÊÊÊÈÈÊÈÈÈI E jy l h e a r ts o f Today a tl 5, 9:05 r M e ***** ( M r a n d o ld l p.m. (bag office cleare 14 p.m.) TODAY ONLY! at J:$t> 7:34 & ance later HEY! HEAR & SEE THAT JOEY D E E - RAJAH OF THE TWIST! 2 SU itilU fii ttnuSresdübiM I T O * « E R S àPtWMOUWKfASE THIS FEATURE SATURDAY AT S:2S - 7:1« - U:4t (BOX OFFICE CL0SE8M) fM P B IS I ■ l ü A u d it o r iu m Solar Expert F a r m Le a d e rs Talks Monday - By DAN WHITNEY H g Dr. 0 . L. TUfany, re—arch Of the State News Staff Theoretically, the library B I ■ T o G e t A w a rd s scientist for the Bendix Sys­ tems Division, at General Motors will talk on “Solar s'iould lead the growth ef the B Six Michigan farm leaders tors of the American Farm Activity” Monday at 4 p.m. in ?ivarsity- will receive special honors dur­ Bureau Federation. 4M Electrical Engineering. This hi tbe basic assumption. ' Tiffany will show slides to Il­ underlying tbe work ef Richard ing the 47th annual Farmers’ The award to Beach, a IMS Chapin as director of ^ B I Wash program Jon. 31, in the lustrate Ms lecture. Audttorhun. MSU graduate, will be made At S:1S p.m. Tiffany will libraries. for his many contributions to “But 1 find it difficult to Walter Wightman, Fennville, speak again on “Lunar Ex­ lead the growth of Michigan Bernie F. Beach, Adrian and the dairy industry. Now gen­ ploration and The National S tate,” he said, “ it’s such i Reisener Bros. I Hopp, Regers eral manager of the Michigan Space Effort” before the meet­ dynamic institution.M City, will receive the .Distin­ Producers Dairy Co. in Adrian, ing of the Naval Research Co. Chapin j§j an intense iuan guished Service to Agriculture he has a long record of service who is devoted to his work in awards as a highlight of the to dairy organizations. He was library. He has a keen Wednesday program. - a member of a three-man team awareness of the library’s role Preaentattoas ef the awards, of American dairy consultants in the University community. madr to outstanding rural which went fio Chile in 1957. Valnes to $ 1 2 .9 5 library is the focal '\ '.' leaders eaek year, will be The partnership of Fred and point source of made by T. K. Cewden, dean David Reisener and their bro­ A J . . SA W energy of the University’s in- of tile College of Agriculture. ther-in-law, Ervin Hopp, will tellectual life,” he said. — | '" B Tbe program wffl precede the be honored for their pioneer ef­ Chapin, who originally ¡dan- ■ forts UuMichigan potato grow­ ned to be a coach, played foot- bail and was captain of the ^ S /M B | address ef Secretary of Agrt- culture Orville L. Freeman. ing. The Presque Isle County las Iwildwk't basketball team at Wabash k College in Crawfordsville, Ind. Wightman, who operates 'a 270 acre farm in Allegan Coun­ trio have been long-time pro- ducers of certified seed and VARSITY SHOP When he returned to Wa- «- ty, is president of the Michigan have also been instrum ental in 228 Abbott Rd. bash from the Navy in April, Farm Bureau. He has been ac­ the development of new va­ East Lansing 1946. he decided to enter '" tive in rural and community rieties. library work— unMM. B la lS r affairs for many years and also “I finally decided when 1 d r . RICHARD E . CHAPIN serves on the board of direc- PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED HOT came home from the service . that there were more impor- Chapin enjoys playing golf its new building. He was depu- tant t h i n g s than paying • with his wife Eleanor, and said ty director of the library gam es.” he said. j he was proud to mention that school at tbe University of Fun on Ice Does he think sports are he had average 178 in his bowl- Oklahoma before coming here, overemphasized’*z “Sports are never overem- \ ing league the other night. “I cam e to State because I The Chapins have three wanted a chance to teach and Taboo for E A S T L A N S I N G * P H O N E ED.2*1814 phasized if the players are j children; Robert, 1«, a student finish my dissertation,” he getting their studying done j at E ast Lansing High school; Mid. Officials Too NIGHTS k SUNDAY — ADULTS S9c SAT. MAT. Me ADULT ENTERTAINMENT first." he said. ! David, 10. now a t Baily school; Chapin, who is a professor KETCHIKAN, ALASKA,« — STARTS 7 P.M. — FEATURE AT 7:15 • 9:30 “ But if they are taught to and Becky Anne, 5, who at- in journalism , teaches one f ’oohasize football morethan i tends nursery school. ~ course each term . D istrict M agistrate Richard Lauber and Robert H. Ziegler, LAST NIGHT — “PU R PLE NOON' tHeir studies, then football is ! Chapin-came here as an as- He did his graduate work at Ketchikan nttorney, were each d -'finitely overemphasized.” he j sociate librarian in 1955, the the University of Illinois, after a^ded. year the library moved into receiving his B.A. degree from fined 8$ recently for coasting STARTING TOMORROW — FRIDAY on an icy street after midnight. Ziegler, 40, Mid he was baby­ Unfailingly CAMPUS C L A S S IF IE D S sitting last night and Lauber, 33, called to him to come out and join the fun. P tf tg h tf u l an d good for an arf!" D EA D LIN ES: 1 p.m . D ay B efore Publication fo r T ues., WedU Thors, —Time and F ri. E ditions. D eadline fo r Mon. E d itio n : I p.m. F ri. "You were too easily en­ a p p e a lin g ticed,” said E ith er Powell, Magazine PH O N E: 355-8255 o r 355-8256 who is Lauber’s Deputy Mag­ f i l m ! 1' —POST istrate. “The 15- The fine will be |5- PETER Both pleaded guilty. T h e y USTINOV AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL were arrested a t 1:25 a.m. by AT BIS TRACERS .' y ^ * • Police Sgt. Carl Webb. Webb VERY GETTING 8 A L 0 7 Rem ove th e wor­ 1953 BUICK SUPER 4 d e w dyms- had warned they were violat­ BEST :w. Red'O. hea'trr. -Sharp. New tires, 1955. FO R D LINE 30‘. G o o d foe on e ry b y insuring your a u to with Bubble. ing an ordinance which says or tw o stu d e n ts. C ell N A 7-2470 days. ED 7-8671. __________________ ___11 N A 7-2995 evenings. ' IJL sleds, coaster wagons and toy REAL ESTATE care m ust not be used on the 958 CHEVROLET I 1958 M AYFAIR. 28* x 8*. excellent streets. o m a f e shift. 8ody e d itio n . IV 9-4181. 13 Lauber protested they were GROESBECK HILLS. 3 b ed ro o m ranch, j i t b a th s, lo c a te li in • m ost sliding on the snow and ice, deniable are e . T a te e v e r low in te re st not on the streets, Webb, un­ 1959 V O LK SW A G CN - H O U S IS m o rtg a g e $1500 dow n, 8119 p er m onth. impressed. whipped out his ci­ Includes insurant it and taxes. IV 4-5918. . m. M Bai MMHa1 - tation book. _ H A S 1 0 T . N ear schools, unfurnished. 3 b ed ro o m brick ranch. Full basem en t, SPECIAL ATTENTION: M SU person- fireplace. $117 m onthly. C e ll Mrs. Rice, EO 2-4092. O ffic e . ED 7.1641, Hilley, net. R eady for o c c u p a n c y . 3 b ed ro o m a n d d e n , 2 story house. L arge c a rp e te d Inc. R ealtors. — II living room , I H b ath s, full b a se m e n t, 800 N , HAYFORD. _Newly d e c o ra te d gas n e a t, a tta c h e d g a ra g e , fe n c e d rear Z b ed ro o m s, b asem en t, g a ra g e . $80. yard with m ature sh a d e . L ocation ex­ IV 5-2261 or IV 7-3446, Edw ard -G . trem ely g o o d for all school*. Priced i H acker C o . — ¡5 lets th a n $18.000 w ith easy term s. For d etails cell Eva W a b e k e . ED 2-41 I t or | APARTMENTS _ ED 2-659S. W a lte r N e fltr C o ., Realtors. 317 B O G U E ST. 2 room efficiency. | S tove, refrigerator, h e a t en d w ater. $75. EAST L A N S IN G . W hy p a y ren t when | P arting. IV 5=2261, or IV 7 3446, Ed­ EMPLOYMENT ward 5 . H acker C o . - IS buys like these are a v a ila b le ? 2 b e d ­ room s an d d e n , larg e c a r p e te d living- LARGE o n e room a p a rtm e n t for room with fire p la c e . Very sharp. $13,000 tw o stu d e n ts. A pproved, unsupervised. with $2.000 dow n. 2 b e d ro o m hom e m en's room ing-house. C ooking facilities n ear M arble S chool th a t’s in p e rfe c t av ailab le. C a ll m ornings or evenings co n d itio n , $1,250 dow n. 3 b ed ro o m ED 2 3727. - 12 C a p e C o d , close to U niversity a n d F randor. $3,000 dow n, $125 p e r m onth. S P A C IO U S first floor flat. 4 rooms C a ll P ic k C lau c h erty . ED 2-5900. East w ith b a th , p le a s a n t front porch. S ee Lansing R ealty, R ealtor, ED 2-3534.- I I Mrs. E sö. 2227 H am ilton Rd., O kem os. OLDER H O M E . 3 bed ro o m s a n d ex- T alk to “th a b u sin a a a th a t o ffe rs tras. C a n sell for $850 dow n. Low c o s t W ANTED. G IRL to share a p a rtm e n t.' an d u p k eep . ED 2-2946. 11 Rapid Growth • Diversification Foreign stu d e n t w elcom e. IV 2 -1153. betw een 8:15-4:30 ask for Terri. II LEAVING CITY - $795 fo r equity. 3 Management Opportunities - bedroom brick ranch, g a t h e a t, full G R A D . STUOENT to share th ree basem en t, elum invm storm s a n d screen*. room , furnished, u p p er story a p a rtm e n t. F en ced b eckyerd, 8S‘x l4 0 ' lot. N e a r ARCHITECTS L ocation M A C a n d Beech. ED 7-2214 schools. 534% F H A m o rtg a g e . M ust b etw een 6-7 p .m . II h«ve g o o d c re d it. FE 9-2472. 5603 H ellen d ele Rd, M o tlett. - 12 N . H O M E R . Furnished a p a rtm e n t. 3 room s a n d -b ath . Private. Parking for 2 cars. IV 9-9666 or IV 2-8001. 11 SERVICE ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile bath. W ILL TAKE CA R E o f ekildton in U nfurnished ex cep t refrigerator an d my a p e ttm e n t full or p o rt time« C oll stove. A ir-conditioned. C lo se to com - CONN C e p p e -B 355 8063. — V — IS p u s. A dults. EO 2-4886. 14 Until s ta n d . G o o d condì! M U SIC FOR O A N C IS a n d p a rtie s ★ 484-0870. ROOM S - 5:30 p.m. by th e '‘C o n tin en tale." Balled», twists, en d blues. 337-2591 or 485-4104. _ 15 Bit No.l LADIES R A C C O O N r ie S H A R I DOUBLE room. I W eek from Shown Evenings B er6ey._0obt>ng. ap p ro v ed , supervised:- N O W A C C E P T IN G bookings. The when the Bell System Recruiting Team Perkmg av ailab le. 337-2186, ask for 2:30 & Sunday Jim Bader. — 12 S tatesm en , rock ’n roll, tw ist, p o p u lar will be here. The Placement Office is BRIDAL G O W N , d o n e e music ED 2-0854. I? making interview appointments with rep­ 6:15 fOb#DC»if»t over chap«! tr«in, sites- 7-9 APPROVED, supervised, d o u b le rooms. E D I! STARR, typist. E xperienced, in resentatives of the following companies: 10:10 Kiddies $6 p e r person, ED 2-2644. 12 th eses work, IBM. Excellent q u a lity on \ FREE FILM a t Merck R etell R'escr-p- _ PRIVATE R O O M . 2 blocks _from m ultilith m asters. C oll O R 7 -8232, 19 KU TELEPHONE UU0NAT0MES tion C e n te r with each roil d ev elo p ed Union. Privóle entran ce. Extension -world cooler of communlcotlo«* rataareh and a n d prin ted . 75c m in imuro. 301 N. KENNY DAVIS O R C H EST R A . C e ll ph o n e. M ale stu d e n t. 136 Linden. ED 2- development C lip p e d , by Frandor. Phone 485-4355. ED 2-147?. 14 T W O V A C A N C IES in th e S tead m an A N N I R O W N , ty p ist e n d rtrolbTith- AMCKtCANTELEPHONE APS TI1EMAHI COMPANY H ouse {for b ey s] nght dow ntow n. Pri­ ing. G enero! ty p m g . term p o p e n . G a ­ -Lon* Uno« Dopartment-build», operates and main- ses. dissertations, d u p lic a tin g . ED 2; tains the wattd* lerpst eomnumfeeOma natwwft v a te en tra n c e privacy, television a n d kitchen facilities av ailab le b a la n c e n f term IV 4-7406 o r IV 2- $76 for 1797 a n d osk for Mr. S te a d m a n , in 8384. ' - THESES TY PIN G , printing. I fM Elec­ H WESTERN ELECTRIC COWANY ............... -th e nation’s largest manufacturer and supplier of 2ltd Spectacular Color Hit tric typew riters. Ed: sinless Vt**i C a se M EN STUDENTS « Ap p ro v e d , l i t . lob REEV ES ch a n , 136 blocks to com pos. A fter 4 q u in te t featu rin g Ruskin. N aur e f the Thief Whe a t ' th e low p ric e e f $25 4- tax UMdee new m a n a g e m e n t. From H o ra h t p.m . C o « 3 3 3 - 2 1 « . It Tap tra d e in o th er f e e w eiches to TwisL C oll IV 2-1240. . ____ 13 Defied An Empire! APPROVED. 2 units av ailab le for b g Nf Dad Ti laphawa OimgwilM m nm tha nation W M . H . TH O M PSO N stu d e n ts. C ury's C a m p a s C o u r t E 0 ?• t r a n s p o r t a t io n This teem will consider eli ^ JEW ELERS «34. . J,7 > - M APPROVED SIN G LE . 2 m inute* ham 'I. W ANTED. RIDE from C b e tin v t e n d queHfled applicante for «mptsy STARTS tfm e e . Prm ote borne. Phone. 4 2 ! P ert Shiawassee, 7 :3 0 a.m . t o campa* a n d ment without regard to *•*•> iM M M l U creed, color, or national origin, SPOTTER SC O PE . 24, ¡2 4 ,6 3 ] U n- erth. $50. ED 2-0?32. a s i for l e b . ti L oae. I O 3-1317. LOST and FOUND b a d . TU 3-1134 afta« 7 p.m . W A N TS) 13 MICHIGAN BELL TfUFHONk COMPANY TODAY 1 0 5 T -G LASSES. ien frame* in H I-FI. FM tuner, s u p l i f n a n d b ase INTESTINAL FORTITUDE — Prime green leaitbar c o ta . Ft les* ciack ed . ’ 'eflex speaker e n c lo s u re ,- $80. ED 7- requisite fo t tw o $r