4>mmmt*aê m mattes; Physic*- and Aj^ron- I^fo»WÌ& o S S ,tsSoolB,S Nundtg; tbeKallogg GuH Lain Biological Station; the Science « # d Mathematics Teaching ANNOUNCED IWDAY® » »ifc— inn——li.». m in i 11 n i < Center (Jurat with Education). tjm a s In^iraU M d w r ém m Ufo College of Sodai Sdirne« : U p departments of GeegiNK feiponrflfifor 1 « n u d td f tw New Bept. Heads plqr; psychology (Joint appoint­ ments were desirable with A t gF M * U l f f « W y W W B U>W |l* CoQege of Natural Science): « e n ^ b e ^ S S Î t o « S ® Sociology and Anthropology ; XI UWUlK DHuIDvr VI I K U V m c m h CT» ^ Economics (joint with Rnainess mants between foe University and Public S ervi»); Political College and foe various4l«a& A proposed three-way split la Sdenen; (It Is rec«gttte«d tort ra n ts of foe f oUarrs ef ithft- Carew Made V ( J -* . « ;7 • r. Finni Made fo t College ef gd ence and Arts certainn HdOaTjproinlptd iWU I w W f llV v a v u lD nip areas « yuiw d ka y m « k n to establish Colleges ef Natural ttujiep of alternative as­ and RRrmHP Letters. Horticulture D irecte ol 77. Science, Social Science, and signments. Such areas m il re­ . A Ih e Deans and foe facul­ Arts and Letters was approved ceive more study aaAfoneutta. ties .ef fot.-OofopM of Natural C hm nnau A d iiM w s Friday b y lb o Board « Trus­ d p t) Africa* Language and p r a K Sodai E den». ; J n tees. Area Center (with joint appoint- and Letters, and the fo N itK l c le W d y , taraiBg DR. H. JOHN CAREW ¡1 It was tweomtnended by PrA pants were desirable with th e , College should bo asked to de­ Dr. R . John Carew ts t o be­ come foe n*w chairman of the ti n - vost Paul A. Miller, who wffl College of Art* and .WRftPic : ' velop a liberal cove of studies become president of West Vir­ The CoQege of Arts and ¿ at­ r i foe lower class tev d T # 7# Department of Horticulture of ginia University feb . L and tars: The departments ef A rtt fortberraoommandsd fofo this foe CoQege of Agriculture July Ppovost • désignât« Clifford Music; Fnfttsh; Foreign Lan­ core of courses be respendye to Rrieiumn, that foe change be­ guage; History; Fhflraophy: unitr curricular obM M hi • 1. He was named Friday by the come effective July L Religion; Liberal Arts Program within and between theae col­ Board of Trustees to succeed Miller reported favorable for Adults; Cen tenia! Review; lege», and ta foe lava« prato Dr. Harold B. Tukey who wfil retire from the chairmanship reaction Is jwetbnlnary ac­ Humanities Research C edar (to be established with initial but conttmie to write and re­ tion ou foi man, and offered University subsidy, effective sembly in March, 19*1. R is search Id foe department. foe following commendo suggested that fols « e n be In­ July 1, 1962); £ ; - Carew has been an extension troduced into fon UMvenfty specialist and research«- in 2. There be initiated immedi­ eurricntam aTsoon as posriSe. JOHN CAREW ately and continuing unti! the horttctdtttre since joining foe, staff fei 1995 and has woo na­ begmaiag ef Fall Term, 1962, a " 1 The m m and fo « ..fâs- tional recognition for Ms work process of department by de­ ttes of the CoQeges of Natural M vegetable production. partment review in ard ir to de­ Science, Social gefooefc J |t s He far enrrently on a six- termine the present position ef and: Letters, be ' asked, to js* month leave fdtvided by a Na­ foe fundamental dtodpHnes at range and sponsor a Sberal op­ tional S e i e n c «Foundation MSU, longer-run goals sad pro­ tion at studies a t dfo-npinr grant to study and research at grams, relationships with foe class level, incorporating ad- foe National Vegetable Re­ professional schools and col­ leie-wide oridtuttons I s nit* search Station and National leges, ways a d means to fes­ urAl sdencé. setae*, Institute e f Botany in England. su ri communication «nnengfoe foe hamaaities. respectively, a s Carew, bis wife and four disciplines, and such procedur­ weB as flexible irrsngmnswH cMMkecL now living at Strat­ al matters as joint appoint­ ford-on-Avon, England, expect ments, cooperative programs, to return to E on Lansing fei and functional activlitoa which I i l p i K d e n s and fo« fmrfb March. ■, cut aertfcs foe Howe colleges, ties affo e. college« e f NattaM Dominicans Lew, continuing education, in­ ternational affairs. It ts recom­ Science, egd Litters Sodid lfolepc«, Arts take fo« S u m Smash Junta mended that the use of expert with the University GNfogfeca consultants be encouraged and tifo m e band, and with tifo that support for this be pro­ the other schools and colleges On vided by foe University. It ii other, in relating the funda­ also suggested that: mental disciplines to foe ap­ a. An orderly process be es- plied and professional areas. Avalanche Kills 6 iato “Spring Weekend,“ to give parants s leek at extra- enrricalar college activities. Frosb gsph Conseil is plan­ ning easapns toms far Sator- fonr tnendng- t i ||, three .top winners of Ifì* -£ iag and Sorority Slag may also be invited to enter­ tain Saturday afternoon. Blanks said the fate« of a É m p i! “Spring weekend” began to evo|be when the ehabrman and committee heads ef Water Carnival aotlced the heavy sdtotinte. of «strt-curricular activities durine spring term. ‘TTlfojr felt that students had become apathetic toward this myriad of evotos crowded in wifo study time, and a new enthusiasm m ust be built up,” ho said, They noted, he sali, that a weafesai fir special events had helped combat this attitude at other colleges “ Spring Weekend,” if ptoa- aed tonr weeks after r t f - ternfo '«nd Mte wevka before finals, aaeuMd U fa* foe ■ f lü w N I A. .■ W m m m m i:*, M il ©J» s I •’r*V-lHB è . '* ^ w ¡ $É: S-C"'£k. ^W’i ¥ »«* 5g*Ty.-,.M ~l-K\ íí^','?v'^8l!swsy^f-. o u r benevolent isolationism until we our- selvee ware threatened, men by tee availfbiiily ai the opposite gender. State is fine Red dr Dead? Need Battle Gry JThese new er and sm aller s ta te s . are neither in th e position to accept nor have for tee Incoming college men with its unmarried ration down to Wi teen te each coed. Fer­ Who Says So? tb e desire to, adopt our system of free en­ ris Institute. Michigan’s so- The expression “Red or “ America has not rallied the world. Despite called opportunity school, Ml Deed” he« a fair measure ef Its graceful benevolence toward all peoples, terprise and particu lar type of sophisti­ the steer hand favors the girls rhyme but precious Uttle rea­ daafáto its proud reluctance te »quotiate on cated demiKaady^>;-^f^% :::' wtte four men to every coed. son. the b u ll « overmastering military power, In our own self in teract th e U nited Movjgg outstate. N o t r e To suggest that the only al­ « lasting devotion te liberty end S tates should not w ithdraw foreign aid Dame, men only, draws many ternatives open to adult Ameri- America find* itself increasingly re* of its dates from Saint Mary’s ! cans are mass death is nuclear vi led, misunderstood mid suspected.” from non*aligned nations «imply because, aa th e President said in th e sam e address, Women’s College nearby. Says! war or capttolation to Soviet Thus opens an article by PrakoudrC, dain, a Saint Mery’s girl m a re-¡ domination ia to confess a be­ “th e views o f th e ir governm ent may cent magazine article; “Notre : lief that under conditions r i an Indian journalist who has contributed to a sometimes be very d ifferent from ours*” Dame is ten minutes by bike,] peace one doesn't believe that number ef leading American magazines, in Indeed, b etter to have them n eutral th an 15 minutes at a dead run, end we can win the ideological and the September 23 issue of National Review. 22 mihutes if you just walk.” economic tattle with tbe Com­ He eouttnues: “But the Soviet Union speaks leaning tow ard th e Communist bloc. W ith­ to aw r~ n o n enthusiastic crowds all over the draw! of foreign aid will have ju s t th a t Need more be said.? munist system. world, although hi fact it is one ef the most effect, “The independence of nations is a „ , . Given the productive ca­ Fashionwise, the State coeds pacity, the revolutionary econ­ inhuman tyrannies, one e f the most ruthless bar to th e com m unists11 'grand desig n/ ” hi thefc dirty white tennis shoes omy, and the intellectual flexi- aggressors, hi history.” “I t is th# basis of our own,” president need net feel . _individualistic. | „ .R bility r i the American system, Skin-tight What is the reason for this grave American K ennedy told Congress and th e country v I It seems to us that te «ay com- hairdos and t « in b o w eye | petition wite the Soviet Uhteg, failure, ^ns Mr. Jain sees it? Tha substance in th e seme speech. L e tte rs to th e E d ito r shadow reign at the University time, wealth, and • big bead of his answer isfo u n d in his article’s title — Once upon a tith e, the policy o f the of Miami. Every female seems start put us far out ia advance. “Wanted: A Battle Cry.” We have, in his view, United States in foreign a ffa irs was one to be-ih black loafers when the What should our attitude to­ failed to understand the historical foci that —o f neutrality. L et us respect th e neutrality men and nations are primarily moved particu­ larly hi times of crisis, danger, end greet H o f o th e r countries, fo r if w e w ere to re­ Writers H sun shines at the Uteveraity ward th e ' Communists be? of oat Texes, according to reports* F irst let’s b e t up to the fact When ft rains, out come th« H change, by idealistic rather than m aterial mo­ tu rn to th e “good rid days” it would be T i'te e Editor: v :)#> ‘ •* - i If you can not discern tee down peaceful Satya-grahis. clean white sneakers. While that iTwe don’t taws to admire tives. ^ eith er pure hypocrisy o r ju s t plain intol­ I must speak to defense ri distinction between a satire in '(passive resisters), g „J .. ___ .__ . , them we do tew« te live with erance to attack sm aller nation« fo r m ain­ the Stats News in view r i tee ficial editorial viewpoint r i a a feature column -and tee Of­ t , T lw tJN h lW M ed ereso - £ S 2 r £ 2 3 ; . i E ' ^ \ a « ,. s » * u . u » lotion urging tee p-anting oL] te o w‘ .¿ ue.rins ien“^ rty i n fth o ,s SUt* ’’ and'fuíl j Mturtlon JM MttsfactM? a t WHETHER THE MOTIVES in question are taining aupolicy which we once cherished severe and undeserved criti- paper, then you have missed goad or bed is not necessarily a determining lonial tern- skirts above aiw,«,* th* the r,*knee, * andanA at *4 possible. and defended—although we no longer can. cisms it has undergone for something te your search for, tories. Let us look to our strength, factor in what results freon them. The point simply trying something new— Reed College in Portland, both material and spiritual, la te n t tbe “call to snprwhumas goals always Arid nobody want« to accuse * patriotic namely the Spotlight supple­ an education. ( I 4 The UN condemned tee Ore., »tew r i the girls gotiare- ¡wite confidence seems to bo necessary in order to engage the group of being intolerant. I t would be un­ ment. To attatfk the merits r i i ; Portuguese for failure to sup* foot. and maturity. — | Let us welcome competition allegiance of the messes.” Mr. Jain cites ex* patriotic and un-American. „ ■ _ . _ , story te well warranted. Bid ! toy information about th* pto- That nervous U.C.L.A pro­ with the Communist Moc with «unite after example — the m artyrs of the Daily, stu<^students 5 f complain r?i 1 letter'accused tee Stale'jp^ss in their colonies. _ fessor had the- right idia I[-a whole heart, assured if we’re Christian Church, tho followers of Buddah, the J if f 04 f*mag Portugal made raiKUry ex- though when he asked th e the better men we tblak we are, almost suicidal defense made by the Dutch • J i? “ *•.***” I ifosl* r i maturity, scholar- cur.ion« «m Indian territory: short-skirted coeds in bis class against the Spanish invaders of the sixteenth try nothing new, how woold tte (^ tyuth” and “especially ■««mmhinr teerefofe had to be to “Move back or leave class ] we’ll win. For make no mistake quality ever rise? Let me add, trrih .” i about it: m nodear war neither century, the Spanish explorations of the M ini ere, end, to choose an instance of the present Press Exchange it seems to me that most stu­ dents judge the paper largely overstepped , j done. Step by step India came until I blacken the lower half ' we nor the Russians would win. Here your criticism bas to the conclusion that we must of my glasses.” _ Let’s get off the defensive age, the lesion of followers of Ghandi who will* by their agreement or disagree­ the boundary riib e prepared for every action, and concentrate on living rath- ingly let themselves be jailed for what they One r i tee most frequent cries r i tee ment with its editorial policies good judgment. v The Indian troops were moved The general coliege opinion ' er than planning for dtatih. We believed to be a transcendent moral ideal. working press is their claim tuTfreedom of and do not base their judge­ F o tte r i the functions r i a > the Goa boarder at that time, across tbe comitry considers information in every phase of reporting. But, ment on any real cm eria. “playing the field” comparable ! are a young and powerful na­ We, in America, have had battle cries in the now one r i this country’« papers, The Chi­ paper is that r i being an in­ Salazar declared that to Santa Claus, a thing f o r tion. Thanks to enlightened peo- past. Mr. Jain dies that of World War ! — strument for the expression of would Mow up all r i Goa ] pie in our society we’n i still cago Tribune, has come up with a new pro­ It must be remembered that views and not the handing soon as news came ri the Por­ children and naive grown-ups. ! freer And in matters r i revriu- Wilson’s “te make the world safe for democ- posal for freedom r i tee press, and the re­ the Spotlight is new; it is pre- down r i mandates r i truth. Too bad dating security h a s racy.” He adds, “There was no such battle tugese administration cracking come up with the universal so­ tion, we're still way out abend. sults r i the proposition could be very startling , senting different problems, to up in Goa and r i anti-national lution of “going with” or “go­ I—Winchester (Mass.) Star cry for the Korean War, and America did not —and very enlightening. the people producing i t .^ I willingly assert your right [ win it. There is no such battle cry in the Cold elements taking advantage ri ing along w ith” “G o i n g - Christian Science Monitor War, and America is losing i t ” The Tribune stated in a lead editorial last Granted, tiw State Nows often til your defend the Greek way. But tee situation. condemnation r i the State Nehru said the s t e a d y . i s now a iquarer week that it would like to swap editorial writ­ makes blunders, but, remem­ News- and journalistic prin­ government was thus driven to phrase far it. ers with Soviet Russia’s. Isyestia. _ ber. the staffers are students It follows that, to Mr. Jain’s mind, the Soviet Union has dona a far more effective job of “OUR IDEA” tee Tribune said, “is to send learning how to do the job prop­ ciples Is totally indefensible ] a position r i intervention. erty. Wo all fell before we in accordance with the Ameri*| The Indian troop movement P.D.A. — public display of affection has brought down Campus pursuing ideological and propaganda warfare can tradition r i freedom r i ex­ was postponed several times. the disapproval r i the author­ than we have. have The Soviet spokesmen endlessly pursue tea theme teat America is e land ruled one r i our men to Moscow to write « column walked. a day for publication, uncensored, and take Ai for tee Greeks (and not pression. The first time, Dec. 14, the ities, especially v o m c i ’i U.S. government asked wheth­ deans, but tee otter lack of Quotes ruthless exploiters, interested solely in • column« day from Isvestte’s man in Chicago tiie ones te Humanities', I realize that the majority-ri crass material velum, in which there is no for publication, unaltered.” Don Maxwell, ed­ if they possessed aa much hu­ your letter was devried to er India would be agreeable to privacy on the campuses hais “Love te America if a hope for such ideals as justice, freedom, itor, explained he bad suggested the exchange mor and mntnrity as they dispelling tbe specific “facts” the UA. taking the initiative in made it an everyday occur- istori . . . it was kUlad’by Hen­ peace. before sad was trying agate with the start r i thought Howard Holmes should r i the satire. But how can you the matter r i negotiating with anee. ry Ford.” the New Year. even consider-the exaggera­ Portugal. I n d i e promptly With coeds being creatures , Gxman have bad, they could easily agreed but within a day or two In his words, “What teen is so astonishing Ia Moecow, Isvestet’« editorial board raised ha ve laughed at the te tire tkx» te the article as meriting the U.S. told r i Portugual’s hi the fact teat a large number r i men ana an objection that the offer wag a ri a fair ex­ written aboutthem! rational censure? -c^V women today regard America — the leader r i change. They claimed that tbajtussian publi­ Howard Holmes, I ten sure, Nevertheless, 1 think that negative reaction. Crossword Puzzle ac rsa 3n id 3 uo« world capitalism-—aa basically unfree, unjust, cation is national with a circulation r i 5 mil­ was writing in jest end just a these H ‘fut h 4 J S UN M ^ i l c a l^ n tu f i a ' 7.' ìf%; warlike and colonialist, while, they regard So­ lion, white Tbe Chicago Tribune te regional moment of reading should re- f«dura by Mr. Hotmea y thwe 0.30:71- Í453C2Ó v iá y ’y- viet Russia-» tee leader r i wdrid Communism and Only circulates to 100,000 persons. veel that this Hern was a fe» » » y«*r edvertiaement teth* w a w to g te Acnoes tatW I o ia o c a tr-j »■.' t ■ —h e the champion r i The poor end oppressed, tore and not straight new s.! Stole News t i r a g n u h week: ]j«ct tta ^ S f I. P liw n a u e 42. Ramkt* a a > i 4 J ' S tid a Mr. Maxwell, does have hope that some day t. Cripple 43. D e p o s ite d the ocourge r i tyrants, andiHf dream r i d new the Russians might acquiesce. He says, “They H « « r , if th . r to . H t. . * C“l' : i S i i r M, ** •.Sm4vmm1 45. H o m s - s p u a □ a : i 3 u o t im '.iíl'7 0 day?” j a E f r frfo ' didn’t turn us down flat.” I also lament tbe fact test 12. Roof *d(* taO m y 0 3 3 OC3Í4Ü- v ílU suck a small «»»«»«ft 1 I. believe I have enough in- ^ ^ ec‘ IJ* ^ n is- *1. Half: □ a a a a a * rj i ' t u y Be much for tee fgteblem. Mr. Jain deea not BUT HE DOES believe te st tec Russians sum for a smauthe ideas telligcnce and toleraocw to T#- ;0w t India announce a delay •»■rompoeer UftMd S O H O .BÍ2S-5 4 ■■',41 believe that It Is insoluble. But tea solution, •re not in a petition a if f c tim a te allow a i toKear fratefro m teeu n i» M » s« tey d e.N f^^B® M » ^ « ,t i » f g ? * 0» teMfitwimi Ó Ü 0 O y J i . i’m ha Is convinced,teuat be r i » revolutionary foreign reporter to enter the country and write otherB- “ aatow»fod_nte to near nunciation r i being mlfatt a | the U.S. and other frimdly na- 1 ft.«racket S4. AustraHm MM ~ .... Q □.QO a u r n r / - ] r*:-rri t nature—a completely now approach, based on i anything he phtasea. people suggest that Jackie Ko- Sua d ita -33 n a y a 3 0 1 1 S tyini’s noetrv have been omit- “vegetable." Why haven’t you tious would_try to srive the ’ IS. Otar ftft “frrdinaxxi spiritual values and philosophies. , t ^ s L S f L ^ a u i S portrayed these ipmlities? i ■ ■ problem ■ ■ peacefully. India IwSa ap- l t te wh . the Buir n o a o a o ñ i ' *■v'-:yfj .S till, and ah, ft’s $ sic« try, Mr. MexweJl. ted simply becauta they israerrim • «lUser He ends hi» article on this note: “America Mr. Kennedy's interview published in Izvestia Robert Beeler preciated the American anxiety not 4n agreement wite it. All as. AirplMM - H Pn?«imts alona seams te have tea reeaurces and sdMflsar- tMs^fefl wasteidbubtodly ■e sfate toward better dfahuons and ideas deserve ex- 3B East Shaw to be hetpfuH tat nothing sub­ St. W arn ma«r thip and ability to btteg shout such a revolu­ k S M rleto 'ri the United States SI for the flsndet prestton. stantial came r i It. 24. Auriculat« ST. Behaalri 5 whslw tion la human thought. Will America H It? exchange UiattLr And, the exrhenge f'ould ef- The State News sbeuld be Nehru jminted out fin tbe press 27, Very i feet even-grteRi even greater strides in international that he was amased that peo­ ^KjleUier M Whirkpaot Much depends on luck, but much also depends UB-commented tta '^ H p te g ' to on whetesr America will recognise, before it is too late, tifoteB meaning «1 tee Idedtogteal dynamism that has made Communism a worldwide crusade.” The ■Valley- Farm er derstandinf. derstaadteg. Don’t five up* Chicago Trib h a Uttíe . 1. J f t f Tribune. much qtem (te proportion to With a little ‘polishing end f ^ taitesgneftts, tile paper’s *ize). to reader the plan may one day be accepted M Goa Operation comment te the form -ri letters T b t e e E d l t e r : ^ - ple preached to him a ta ri non­ -22.rim violence by those the faintest idea about it. He tortear said who that had only not tiie SJ. IV. Zaalaai Slink teSfoawieia |U n :n r. ft* Put on «art* OOWJf S.Oiviaga* m K B m mmmm to the editor. . ^ . »»„ -*p_.— ■»_ 1 think it is the right time UJ5. and the United Kingdom IS. D is u n ii* t e point out some solid facts wete kept te touch te a t the be­ tiC m m t which compelled the Goa « y jterifag a f p ty weto friends of r- I" r pration^H p advancemeri r i | H p Portugal. He said India’s dgtonse:torce into Gea, that tiv re was no word be­ ¡üT Dm’ and ' Damao to w ipe. e ri tween India and the Soviet Uh tñF Unfair Criticism colonialism iodI aitifough at a later stage a Aslan and African friends on the stri and l t tee Editor in h a b its^ r i those V W ^ I wer« informed . r i tifo develop- May t address tide letter te tee LF.C.: 1 understand and deeply sympathize righ- A M |H fadense desire to lash heck riite w <_ E f c f * s [SstsiiT!5a i Brwhsfov r i tifo USSR. The first teose who satirized yow jta y j chart«- w S f iton- i tene Brezhnev knew r i this was of . m m S m S m u be « ,• • recurrent theme te tifo realm j om nm m onfpT- mmk jyani ¡we ^, ■\ ■, 1 r i jfuntafism today: S e r te - te le r iÌ ¥ Detei, Nteru clar- 'f What has beah dewr te Goa m article and Hete be pronte' .j % d " urtata pateta: ¡fpS -has bitÉ done with full justice ed to deck, quickly from th* rísffiBsjsyLóe dlbeMte itelkik test foilr **mfo Calbri w§m bedteri- to teed o » .-;:® eoufod ' tifo JÜU MèmYw gllllw -yw«%Mlat'ifoasjnaita. . / ‘ \¿y ■ for - 'io eteHHw» the “smmx.” \g | fu £fg| m m m í M l rm su iüaí TEHRAN. Iran—About U W stedento riatoed w tthsecurity w&'SAiSES^MasEII poBos I p » Tehran Ubrimrity cam pHSunday in * « e k e r i were injured, I «srtously. Thigr arrested about M rio d w te Authorities said tbe student» M i | dsmnnrirrilrn to » » » last dismissal rito re e j M t a w «» tarred to vtatarie ttgr elements opposed to toe Shah's Mnd reform pm gratti A government spokesman reported some r i those arrested waia not students. 1 * *■ ‘ * Laotian Talk Hopeful Harriman Says JSIINKPI) wwH UBS VvtHWH VIMiilljfo NEW YORK—W. AvereD Harriman, assistant a e c re ta ry ri fa«—My tn the Mbpift state for F ar Eastern Affairs, said Sunday be is “hopeful” that totora ritonal U viatoch Fitting tbe three princes r i Laos will settle their differences and create and S m É g canteri as well a t a neutral coalition government early next month. Tbe grants involve: **tf itiu iq f o ta te ¡a the sheep Harriman, who arrirad at Idlewild airport front Geneva, r L BP,BOB far n mathematics división. said be was satisfied with the tentative agreement reached by instante far 41 t eachers, Jane The winner to toe beef d k the Laotian princes on the «fivteton r i government posts among * Arongh Angari U , under toe vision was Jam es Landm an, the three Laotian factions. t o r t a i r i Dr. JOhn Wagner, a'sophomore from Rhtnebeck, «nociate professor r i mathe- New York. Larry Prime, an Nehru Calls For Peace . Akron junior ra ririad toe NEW Q ELH I-Prem ier Nehru said Sunday Ida government championship to toa barse di­ FALLOUT CLASSEB.lwM S rinday r i Cese Hall met whb imffifereri riteudauee, 2. I B . » to be used under vision. ■( firmly intends to get what he called Peklstarri-Chfnese regres­ the dnection r i fir, T. Wayne sions eliminated from Indian son by peaceful means. ^ b ri Max M eKan, r i tiri Miehtgan office ef Glvfl Defense, and Casri Hyuen. One hundred student« partici­ Paster a d Dr. Frank Peabody pated to tfaa contest sponsorad Replying to criticisms by political opponents that be fought Grand Rapids senior, Safety Chairman, terra plumed tarttacttsael and inferma in a binlocy lutatele fur 40 shy of dbitoa and Pakistan while he sent U s army against tile Uve classes fat ondear fallout protection for the next three Saturdays from 1 te 4 by tire Block and Bridle Clab. teachers, June M through Aug­ Ronald H. Nelson, hand of 1 te Portuguese in Goa, Nehru called the criticisms “childish and pan. —S trie Jfewe Photo by Dennis PijeL ' ; ust » . ¿ J p .' — w Irresponsible / Animal Husbandry Depuri- India has been involved in a U tter border dispute with Red X 199.7» for a summer to­ most arid, “This was tho Ugh- eri quality show to ri the rite China and has been feuding for years with Pakistan over Kash­ mir. ^Violence Is Anarchy* stitele to physics for 8 to n te ­ e n , tone 8 through August has put on.” 31, ««be directed t o D r. w ar- UAR To Buy New Soviet Plane weed K~Hlÿ»iii, Chairman ri tte D epariasat r i F to d te and CAIRO, Egypt—President Nasser’s government plans to ob­ Astronomy, tain now twin-Jet TUI# bombers from the Soviet Union, infor­ mants said Sunday. The number and delivery date were not known. I FOR A SHARP APPEARANCE J Unconfirmed reports sariihelblig-raage TU16S would replace an estimated 60earlier model bomber* Egypt had purchased from B im lf . . . IS CLOTHES CLEANED AT I The informants said a number r i Egyptian cadets are bo* lieved being trained in Russia to pilot their new bombers. — Saginaw Trip Philippines Restores Free Economy Set For Saturday ~ MANILA—President Diosdado Macapagai restored the A trip te the Saginaw Steer­ Philippine* to a free economy Sunday with a sweeping order ing G eer Division ef General abolishing controls in force for_U yearedta effect, toe Peso la Maters wffl begin r i B a » . devalued. |g | I Saturday from the UN Lounf»- “We have today taken two great strides, one toward pros­ Foreign tte d trii may sign perity .and the orther toward freedom," the man Jnstalled only ri* to the UN Lounge and par­ last December as president declared in a statem ent “Controls ticipants r i the Brother-Sister EAST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM have hampered the economic growth r i the country and have r ragram may caH Carole Van- STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING been a source ri graft.** ta n Hock. 3554264. The president's order carried out a campaign pledge he had m ade to aboiosh the controls imposed in 1948 to conserve scarce doOarr in a nation still recovering from the ravages r i war. Malayan Princess Gets Home - f KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya—A missing teen-age princess, who had been the subject r i a week-long nationwide search, turned Saturday and told authorities she had run away to visit her grand uncle, the Malayan prime minister. Bewildered and lost here In n strange city 900 miles from her home at Alor Star, Princess Habsah, US, had been taken to tbe home r i a passerby, who wrote to her patents. Said her mother: “She was a bit annoyed with me for breaking aa oft-repeated promise to bring her to Kuala Lumpur to visit her grand uncle, so fho just left home jim her own. L (Y . DOES(TBOTHER X MEAN, EVERYTHING6 5G MOUTOUVE IN UNCERTAINANDSO CDNRJ5ED., TIMES UKE- TWESE, LUCY?; %o o r | « u s o h N » m w n j, b o tte n t these who did a ri want to lata tow union rim D0C5 rr WORRYTOO OR m v A M to itm fim ib had the right r i free choke. w raee «xi,o* do « m l OO.ftAKTANAMfifeOrr? These men should be allow­ ed to stay eut r i unions li they se w ita^he said, “Violence te anarchy,” Petro said to reference to the “wide­ spread use r i violence to labor , Jlm Glbbard, asàstant Mich­ igan State traek and cross country coach, posted a 101-16 weriloas record as ~;a high adboel condì In tra d ì and cross c M m trjv Hurry io 1 Les Stanton SHEPARD'S <§! F o r l i n t W< hard to get BLOUSE and SHIRT SALE! ¿C ar Insurance e f Fam ous N an » Shorn fu r w W e V ka m m ¿ ^i MEN . . . WOMEN CHILDREN Local an d O ut ^ LANSING STORE Æ w®pa WWLslvfl* WtyHtlwi iw* Mdsf AAtaf Tffwtotata vWUfwl lk fe e » MBMRdtbA \1"I ■<\111 *Ï o f State Stndenf i s tty ¿oteMi J htoumt anJm aa-teMorod ritiri» yen'« ™ r''£ i:-!: I OPEN TONIGHT TUL 9 PJL P9W .J w lirìmlìtoÉ WlIJItlWR 1M §MM WIf fegirBtoH ÏÏ MfPfftop ^JkflAÉÉÍUIkáfitfl V ' líÉSPI rrtm ia m Payment* EAST LANSING STORE TILL S :» TUESDAY HOGRfi te » I t t i , feto f i n t i ifiiilw m l»». rfirlT l ' !¿ S ' I Mm h » g e t 1 3 K paM f o r M aj " l l f ’ points itesota i flflftiH H e g id d h o iiM to jte tt A r tj i ^ Y Y ip R w n i r i i B F m a r i m t i a m m m i i Forddy Anderson. « d m Ate coeeh ef to r Spartan. •*, MSU flnt-yeer m s Pete« Gent aMl Fred Thwm— cel- lected 8 and » points imyee» W m f'W feed the Spertan acnr- fetf asiault, and both were out­ standing te' toe fbbwmi cate­ gory m Gent gnMtotf V and Thomann 15. The win givee State a 14 con­ ference merit and an overall rseord of «7. Michigan 1« new 14 in t|ie Big Ten and *-l* ea toe w aeoe.: , The Spartans led throoghant McDonald’s™tie drive-inwithtin vcles 1 BLOCK EAST OF CAMPOS OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. FRI. A SAT. W: ALSO AT_ 21» N. LARCH US 27 & 47« S. CEDAR US 127 IM Scoreboard THESAFEWKfiAhrakrt H f o l T f f e n .M J i H g l is voure In VWnston an d ontvVflnflo n . I Up fron t you g et rich golden tobaccos specially selected 8 I0 H S B S a a sS iiss H H H ËÊÊÉÈ ■ H Il 8B M < Ü Hi M w pppi i MMM ^ G T W HBHEMK r a n , 4 r l Iww* Accord-*G -i, M of the ffustrattonaad cm- y H US . H gl w& *& - W tth iS- g UpfUM saM, “is divided as H has nri .been since tbe rrilgioaa' wars ri the 17th u r ilf j and a large part r i the f M t is ia 1 g rad upheaval, the tike ri which has not been known since toe end r i the Rtiddfe' *Q)Mje at y ^ banquet I Dairy Association' of Michi&fn- ' Y- Y’:-]"" Tuesday's- dairy program Dr, G. M. T rout,Stato 1?BT7. •President Eisenhower and | features discussions on “Mas- scientist, will giv^ bis obwrva- President Kennedy are the only j tJtiu and How You Cun Get Rid tions of dairying in Russia, I t t i SINGER Wap Dunne. fcimfaghsm freshman, two American presidents who of It.” Dairymen will see the The president ri the Ameri- ÉtinMued aatorfrty cveatag ^fpwaæami^aHBiafe ms ever Uved in a world* like this j process of milk production via—cat» Itairy Assn., William Hit*, rem U fU M at r i “U tos GreWHIgfc,” ertgtoally written one i. .' . there are no clear f closed circuit television. Polk City, Iowa, will address fer S tu Jo n s r i “Ghost Riders ia the ha# guidelines r i action because-i-^ Discussions on the milk the noon luncheon, been recorded by the Brothers Four Sis their UP K iñ iia there ■are no precedents for j — :— •— -------------------------------------------- *-— v.A ' Dunne sang three ri bis eww cwapastosas S aM h y . as the situation well as the popular requests from tbe andience. —State “The poor dears among us News Pbotoby Dave Jaehnig. who sfy that they have had CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p jn . Day Before PebHcatton for Tues., Wed., Thurs., enough of all this talking and ] negotiating and now lets drop : the bomb, have no idea of what and F ri, SMitiei|aJDeadItM fe r Men. Edit tout 1 p.u».Fri. Glenn Calm Before Flight H JH they are talking about, ” Lip- pmann said. “Y .. They belong] ; r ë PHONE: 355-8255 o r 355-825« hands with the Rev. Charles ! Pf** • - * * moral ! COCOA BEACH. Fin. (J), — Astronaut John H, Glenn Jr. W. Pfeiffer, who wished him idiot with a suicidal mama ; left the »delusion r i his flight “good luck and God hiess you.” ! wouW P1-«*® J he button for a . AUTOMOTIVE PERSONAL “ready room” Sunday, attend­ Several other fririshionen, nucicarw ar. :i4S 3 IUIÇ3C i l t o r t _ 4 r i o o f . dyne- ed church,' and then—as if he wished Glenn luck before th e' Yet, he said, although nu ' ©ÇTTINÇ» lALD? Äeffiov« th« woi didn’t have another thing to do kids swarmed about him. clear war “would be lunacy,’^ tfow. R adior^N ofor.. S k lrp * Now tirsi, bpttety. No : Aiti, fo g ¡ne A-1, $245. SPACIOUS p * t floor Hot, .4 room» fy^by '^s4jrb%S your fu to with fi-úboí: in tbe world-signed auto­ When the line r i children fi­ it still is a possibility. » 5 -0 9 4 4 ofotr * ¿.m l L ' with fceih, pleasant front: porch. 'Sot EO 2-8671. 12 Mrs. t e a , 2227 Hamilton Rd., ©kemos. I graphs for more than 50 wide- nally ran dry a f te r » minutes, “There js a line r i Intolerable OPEN RUSH FOR ALL mon intere*, eyed Sunday .School children a few adults came forth for au- actions become provocatimi beyond which re- ! _ ICHEVROLET 14», 2 door, ¥4. »t.ak e d ft co-oo living. See Tuesday’» State uncontroll­ tkift, red'« _hpeter. L oris ¿Id but A TTR ACTIVE 3 spam » wfeth filo bath. Nows for detail». ' IS Looking trim , cheerful and ; tographs and nil wished Glenn able,” Iippmann continued. yfung at hood! EO 2-6414. S 13 Unfurpiihed ~ e x ce p t refrge'atar- arid relaxed, Glenn wheeled his tan j luck, It is the business r i the gov- HEV JU NIORS— R eady? February 3. convertible into^the shaded | Then Glenn gri tefo his car e v e n ts to findoitw here that fi old iß I4SS .CWeVROUT. Hue, é «vl'r.dor, i »toyh.' Aif-conditfoned. d o s e to com- ap to m a tx shift. T o d y «xceRent ekta- nput. Adults. EO 2-4886. 14 perking lot of the Riverside ] and headed back to Cape Ca-1 ^ |s> ^ to stay wall back dftijm. M otor ev*-heul*d. 104, Divis­ Presbyterian Church in Cocoa naveral and Mm job r i being i ^ ion. EO. 2-2*64. y d g r ■' 13 ROOMS . :YYj "--Y; REAL ESTATE Beach about six miles'south ri an astronaut—and the final ; yy,p future M the Western © R O tS lE C K H ILLS.- 3 bedroom f Cape Canaveral, where Glean anxious hours before his his- C ol’. 355-8063. 15 hymn, “tb e Silent Sea,” te Ids upcoming voyage in the silent SUNDAf 5 :0 0 P.M . . 1 :3 0 A.M. THE BELL Now Year’* Special MUSIC FOR DANCES and partie» by th* "Continental«.” Ballads, twists, LOST-SfcASSES, ■ green . frèm i» !•» and Mu«». 337.2591 or 485^4104. 15 void r i space. After the church services mm b m b it Laoiei a n d 'M e r't Fanfau» .-Wyler W atch ct G uaranteed W aterp-oof fo r 2 Year» green IkOther ca>*. Left f**r crocked,. iy ■Big M ' ■- (j •: N O W - ACCEPTING booking», T h ai Statesm en, rock ’n roll, twist, popular : Glenn walked out and shook 1 TELEPHONE SYSTEM LOST. CAMERA filter. M ounted Staijdtsi Steel Ca»e ‘ sene» V, w,th tide e>m._R««ard. 35f. dan ce music EO 2-0854, ; 12 ¡J ' a t th * 1ÄP ¿n ee o f $25 -ft tax Top L ad e In ofher fin* watch«»' 8510. Hpme IV 2-S¡26,’ PERSONAL 13 EDIE STARR, typ'rit*. Experienced, these» work. IBM. Excellent quality mu’tiiith master». Call OR 7-1232^- In j ] en j 14 JAMIARY 30 Y r W M . M. THOM PSON when the Bell S y s t e m Recruiting Teem ÍLERS KENNY DAVIS ORCHESTRA- Call wilt be here. The PI&emefYt Office is EO 2-1477*- , -* 14 Fiamfof Shopping C antar making interview appointments wijh rep­ Y Y.. IV 5-0749 HAND ANN IR Q W N , typi*t and AtultititH- iftf. S e n e rai.-tv p ^g , t e pm app ait. th a ­ resentatives of the fp Ilowing companieü ïe*, em eftatien», s ¿uplicating. EO 2- 8384- - YY'VÏ ■ ÿ M U TfiJFfHNK UUMUTMNCS - w o r l d c a n t o r o f c o n u ftu n lc a h o ifo rMeafeb and THESES TYPING, »riatin f. ílS T E lee- d auelopm ent r-^ ' •:[& , ■ ' tele typewriter», fotiting and proof- ■taaing available. W ench G ra fit ' Serv­ im m iM m m m m m m m iè m rw t ice. .1720 t , M ichigan Ave, i d ü r b g - L o n g L inas D e p a rtm e n t- bui We. ap arate* a n d mairv- g a ra g i. A e ra tT fre m WìlEaM*. | § 4R4-7786. - ' .' taip* P m world’» ta r g e * com m unication* iwSwork «oblM y. t r i e r a 'r i 321 W . M fctefon. 1~ — . THE IU 0 SPANGLER «pxartet «n¿ Curfttet featuring Bab Rutkta. Now m tm aicmic c m m à M i Ê Ê i MOUSCS ;; - t h « n ato m ’è tomas* m S n u fa c tu w s o d suopMar o f under new^nvenegemant. Fran» H arahi c a m a a m iqpitoa a adiiiewònt '•• s » î ï l i l p f l p œ t Newly d t e s r r i i d ta Twi«t- C all iV 2-1240. II 2 bed'oorgg, bn»*meflt. garage. SfQ, IV 1-2261 §5 i | 7*14*6, Edward G . SANDIA CORPORATION Hacker CèYi ’ 1 § 1 « • !s VETERANS ASSOCIATION TRANSPORTATION -d w r ie » a n d developm ent «f o rd n an ca «haaa* o f nuclear w oapons I UNAPPROVED ) reto forruihed '■$ MEETING TUESDAY W A Ñ T I0. ; RI0E fotm ¿ f e and eotóri r i UteftlaRiing. for t *r % mol« $h:ew auee. 7:30 a.m . § | eampu» a n d MICHttAN K U TEUPWNE CWPMIT i|f®§§Ä Ilft.wroaMy with uW>tip* paid. ‘ JA N . 23 ,kmk:M M m m m ’YY11 -5|m upoiPM nf fcomppny o f th e t e l l Syftom ro p reia n t- .- ' - r ft i n j OK Ball Telephon* C om panies a c r e « th a notion NEW TIME: I *B P.M., tjM c n m m ~ W AN TED ROOM 41 This team Will consider alt T m m m 2 «oap»" efficiency. Stavo, refrifosoto*. Hori and water. »75.. 4 , U N ION RUiLDING . { intestinal fortitude tp i qualified applicants for emptoy- Jpntt*. mmm «* * 7^444, Id- l.aguidta Y.fot' toé., giiii tatemtiM ,h* ment rifhout regard to' race, tattfthb Iwapa by ‘taf .and Hiéra o k :pen*«*. Leavtrtf i