Features - - - - * Masie „Jç: - :r' - - * Hwain - - — « Cdoriar «f E»M is - — > Radis t TV - - - ■ to i - - - - - - - Rscsrdiags a ri Books r * s f a . - - - - V. - H »«t 'mnf. W H SePawT m2 M HB 1RS frlS K f§ m: !» «ss m m |Ë |f c M— ihy p r n l i n i JaatMrjr 22, M H j »-•■i-:., -¿ i ,r; ìm hihkppiK 1ì£ '% ■■■ Wsihf-} i&ßmt ■»fieli ] Ì É lÌ É Ì Ì Ì È ITI 4CD « te m i» la**«« numi** ri c a T fo danari, III. I» thè runnerup gfHI ÉS#(|^m£^lÉÌÌpNto’ Ili i i f o i campaijpw «re tbe bes! means r i t i » ri gettìng resulta during toc. r S S » È S S I <**Be««e roethód ts Stale whea «a Individuai or firm wiU fe * S P É to e a de«gnated amount ri i t a money to thè fund if a certa»« K H R n| goal is attaìned by thè atafWlL S P I ; rissai jsri - ri- WtaP#«! to d N n a w n u le M w M ||' OU«I’~TW Judo I p riè lta a o d ia c u fty W alis ¡BS'tae trueìs ■ ^ S ta fra i« riftd; thereby thè fart (iati jr g s e d m e n m era in sonetti KÈBm nvcn*. ■ U jlty ncw s p g fte coast j g g Btfe bus*’" Wm ewist in; « ty pipiff໫ a pri«)« n a t i «had-.he ** ahi* u t ri m a g n w ages. dtaS^liÉeaelf - thcse. rFecefeed tO pay »Mistj | | H p N d K d l nM>,e<* m i - __________ b b e iìì IMBM fi Starched l>,il|lishH bjr U ^ J M H g M 1stand e » Ì IÉ ÌM M B B 8 P New», dariwe flggS i office« ; at a li -1jg g if llnivèrsity, ggdttgM ||Ì>edf>r lÉrtip** Tfeeater W i H | 1 1S b MWà Ì£**itr * n é M t a r W a ù w f -. I «jHW giveateD dy B iiP i ¡U S pM i VÉSl¿< to n -, ¿Y ■I get th en early what the Dr. ordered History, English & All Languages notebook sine synopsis of favorite classics Shakespeare, here we come! Attention Engineers, Mathematician* and ^ M p M rr s ic is ts SBS invites You to come in and browse our ■ifftllfta card aeeHon. from m Hall i® 8 ^ . H a» SPOTUGHT, . W■ : • • • - —State News Photo by Dave Jaehnig backgrounds, outlooks, ties, aBd achievements; but u activi­ X ri Miss Suburban s* -w •n A* a Viennese Conducts they had one important quality in common: all of them were a aristocrats. S GO B a MSU Orchestra ~ They were aristocrats in vir­ tue of their creative power. In any human society a t any ALL W inter Skirts, Slacks By JEANINE M1LDENBERG United S t n i c s where he time and place and at any SPOTLIGHT Mask Writer furthered his studies privately stage of cultural development, and Bermudas Vienna’« contribution to cul­ He was then graduated Summa there Is presumably the same ture on our campus has been Cum Laude from the Univer­ average percentage r i poten­ Dr. Hans Lampl .^professor of sity of Southern California music aad a member of tbe with his masters degree In tially creative spirits. The faculty since the fall of IMS. Born and raised in Vienna, music. question is always: Will this potentiality take effect? now ... J O 00 each Lampl studied at Reai-gym- After spending some time on Tbe answer will depend on nasium and obtained his teach­ the faculty of the Morningside whether the minority iejm f- Odds and Ends — Lady Gant Shirts er's certificate of music from College Conservatory of Music, fk-iently ia tune with the con­ tbe Vienna State Academny. Lampl returned to the Univer­ temporary majority, aril the now • 4 ,0 0 each IBS? In 1938, he traveled to the sity of Southern California to majority with the minority, teach and direct an opera te establish understanding, Michigan State football guard workshop. confidence and cooperation At the same time he earned between them. George Azar of Johnstown, Pa., was Pennsylvania’s “P r e p his doctorate of musical arts The potential leaders can­ Lineman of the Year" in 1958. majoring in conducting. He not give aJead unless the rest ? Mr. Suburban made his doctoral dissertation ri society is ready to follow it. from a translation of an early a 00 ORDER YOUR 17th c e n t n r y treatise of This means that effective acts Boroque performance prac of creation are the work oftwo X tices, which is currently being parties, not just one. If the peo­ r i prepared for publication. - ple have no vision, tbe proph­ m MSU RING In addition he made num­ et’s genius, through no fault r i « Save 20.00 on any Suit erous appearances as a pro­ the prophet’s own, will b s bar­ S J ren. NOW! fessional accompaniast and .T o give a fair chance to po­ n and Top Coat guest conductor.' p During Ms career, Lampl tential creativity is a matter of has directed, participated in life and death for any society. r i *— no charge for alterations — a n d promoted innumerable Whether potential creative r i Keens Hats 15.00 now 10.00 cultural and intellectual events. ability is to take effect or not •t Among them was a Shakes in a particular society Is a •J pearean festival in which he question that win be deter­ *9 served as musical director. mined by the character r i that fit Martina W inter Jackets In 1958, Lampl joined our society’s institutions, attitudes, » faculty as director of the newly and ideals. Ou 22.95 now 14*95 created opera workshop and as Traditional Medium t2 t.lt later became conductor of the solatt looks present-day America, < to me, the afflu­ 25.95 “ ° w 17.95 Traditional Heavy....,-, M Jt Symphony Orchestra. ent majority Is striving des­ K- Traditional Extra Heavy At his hands tbe opera work perately to arrest the iiresist- o J M t shop h a s produced many aWe tide r i change. a — Zip Lined Coals —— splendid operas by standard and contempory composers It is attempting this impossi­ r i Plus Y 5 0 .0 0 now 3 5 .0 0 --YyY"- Two. State and lt% Federal T«X- on television. of these were performed ble task because it is bent on i f c conserving the social and ec­ r i Sw eaters (one groap) 26%. off Greek Letters Encrusted In both the operas-and tbe onomic system under which n On Stone T $2 Each' orchestra, Lampl has featured this comfortable affluence has a Sport S h irts -tone group) 20% o ff the works of some of our own been acquired. With this un­ S3 faculty members. attainable aim in view, Ameri­ Trousers (one group) 17.50 now 12.50 RANNEY Lampl feels however, teat can public opinion today is a there is much more to music putting an enormously high a and the arts than the tech­ premium on social conformity; r i J e w e le r s nical aspects. l&jffyi And this attempt to stand* tdlte r i “Music should enrich one’s people’s behavior in adult life «6 O rn a lo life,” he Mid, “Tbe intellectu­ is discouraging to creative abil- al and emotional involvement ity and initiative." ml M NQSTiS#. l Next to State Theater la deeply row arriag." America rose to greatness as M F ir this reason be has tried a revolutionary community, « to foster intellectual develop­ following the lead r i creative ment through music by pro­ leaders who welcomed and in­ m ft. viding ter m student an at­ itiated timely and constructive r i East I snthtf mosphere hr which these things changes, instead r i wincing at 9 see m d O f avaflible. the prospect ef them. 8dH V 3dO H S NVÖHilHAS S .T ia H d W - , . I ' ^ 3 F H P P ijj' ¡¡cvBpsL.— L State New» SPOTLIGHT, Monday M orning. January 2 2 , 1962 Scenes The Miracle V^orker Presented Thursday One of the most talked-about Sullivan, the woman whose Thomas Connolly, Alfa» Your- , plays in recent years, “The miraculous teachings helped man, Frank „ Stevens,. Linda 1Miracle Worker” will be pre- Mias Keller become «me of the Gale, Laurie Miliar, Gillian | sented in tbe Auditorium at most courageous 'and distin­ Spencer trad Stanley Greene. 8:1$ p.m., Thursday. guished citizens of our country. barrin g Eileen Brennan as TBe, story is set in 1887 in Annie Sullivan and Donna Alabama. Down from Boston Zimmermann as little 8-year* old Helen Keller, the- hit play came Aaaie to meet young Helen, who at that'tim e could Lark To Talk j is the story of the early child­ hood of Miss Keller and Annie not comnnudcate with tec world around her. - O teR ebirttil Sightless, deaf and speech­ less, she roamed her funny's O f Israel - Bridge News House like a BtOe untamed animat: But -impaired as 'she Israel, crossroad of the was, she had a mind like a world, will he visited by Ed One m em ber of the Men’s steel trite, and * temper that faculty club may have (he Lark add his World Travel could create chaos in her fam­ chance to appear op Goren's Steins audience Saturday. En­ 'Beauty and Beast national television bridge pro­ ily. The story becomes a con­ test of wills and determination title«^ "Israel, "Rebirth of a ToJBeginFeb. :3 gram. listen to resist sfi teaching. Nation,” the film wiU be shown Sixteen member s are current­ Annie to win Helen’s love and at I p.m. hr University Audi­ ly engaged in a contract bridge thus be able to teach her . V torium. "\ r ' tournament which will last sev­ When. tee •■’Shop opened in The guided tour includes Tel en weeks. Each player will New Vurit, one of tee moat Aviv, Jaffa, Haifa, Jerusalem, By JAN BEARDSLEE m " 1 takes place in the play every other player and tee talhed-about scenes was the Natenya, Sated. Beersheba, SPtiTUGHT Theatre Writer .... o f; tee Italian Rebate- winner wid represent the greep twelve minute fight' between Nazareth, Galilee,-“Eilat and m nee^fw o-i^o. The W&Bm in Detroit. March 2L young fteten and Aude, during Negev. _ ! Nor* MacAlvay’s dramatiza- are exaggerated and simplified which net a word was spaken. Along the way, om will bo ion oi “Beauty and the to fit tbe style o f a children's In Detroit, he will play 'win­ ners of similar local tourna­ Chain: fly. plates break, spoons ririe> te see such awesome least” will be presented at Coetumes range from the hurtle through the ter, and an sights as the Hall of the luutt 30 and 3:90 p.m., February ments. Scoring will be on nn et of late plus basis. a surprise climax, a pitcher of: Supper, King Solomon’s Mines, I and 4, at Fairchild Tbeitre. to early Renaissance. water drenches tittle Helen King Davhfs Tomb, Hebrew A Children’s Theatre produc- Winners from Detroit will go frtBb top te teu. University, Bibical so©, Mt.— directed by Jack Byers, B l i t COLORS are used to to -Chicago, where winners Zion and t t e Dead Sea. from east of the Mississippi Miss Brennan and Miss tbe famous conflict between Sir rtnflgnits irtllianoni characters Zim fficnaanartegether with a Born h T C d ita d a , Lark be­ Beast and Prince Arrnand for and wferm ceten are worn-by River will play winners from supporting cast of 12, were di­ gan making commercial (Urns he love of Beauty is beauti­ the here and heroine. the west, in April. at the age of 13. He spent a rected by Arthur Penn, who fully retold by the following Miss Rutledge has said that The winner of this tourna­ staged the Broadway show and year in Europe learning about foyers. | her biggest challenge will he ment will be oa Goren's pro­ repeated Mb assignment for different cultures and gav%, tee foramlatioa of tee masks gram. the nattonal company. lectures with slides- and mo­ DICK NICHOLS, a junior of tee apes and tee Beast. m Ionia, plays Prince Ar- Fabrics also are molded to Men’s club members in tee RooMteg eut the supporting tion pictures be had taken of ; Diane C. Perrin, a fresh- the style of tee period. Cotton present tournam ent-are Clair cast are Douglas Herrick, America. When lie returned from Southfield, is Is worn by the peasants and Taylor, evening college direc­ Laurinda B a r r + t t , C. M. home at 18, he gave lectures Beauty; E a te w Bah», a Sault common irik-w hile the rich tor; Albert Drury, surgery; Gambel. Sharane McCrary, with pictures he had taken in Marie sophomore, as An­ don broccafes, silks and taf- Charter Harris, applied me­ Perry Greene, Javette Greene, Europe. te . H k m chanics; Roy Marshall, horti­ Lee W. Glukman, J r., I culture; Charles P o d r e y, Tickets for “Beauty and the speech: Everett Snyder, natu­ Michigan S tate U niversity from Winaetka, Il­ Beast” may be purchased at ral science; Tom Farrell, busi­ linois, plays Renard; Eileen Arhaugh’s In Lansing, tee LECTURE CONCERT SERIES JB |Q y , a Detroit junior, is Hobby Hah in Frnadsr and at ness; | SPECIAL MAlptensine;—CMhie Maim, a tea Union Ticket Office. - Armand Hunter, head of TV, v‘freshman from Detroit, plays rad» and film; Henry Dykema, ‘‘THE MIRACLE WORKER” p»e Fairy Godmother. men’# division; Frank Geo- STUDENTS: 50c DISCOUNT f i Aurdie is“ played by Patsy The city of Canton, Ohio, ,1‘Pinkstaff, a sophomore fromlong a producer of fine'-prep 4 Floss moor, Mioois; Herminet grid talent, contributed tea- s Tfamplkian ¡days the Queen bnck George Srimes, quarter­ dron. dairy department;. Larry Miller, exchange student; Bifl Cook, physics and m ate; M. Acyuthan. graduate assistant of M E E T E IL E E N p u d - Allen V. Kennedy is Wayne back Dick Preebetle, halfback physics mid math; James Dent- lipteaunte.^: ' Pontes and center Jim eon. administration, and Stan­ C Yo u will never H g e s t e Michigan State’s ley Crewe, retired faculty mem­ 'M Two graduate students are 1911 fasten# varsityT ber. fo rg e t her as »w orking on this production for S i ' ’ t ' V gpitheir master’s thesis. ; An nie SuHivan in j j S E T DESIGNER Robert I t Winters has constructed a steel » P A srvmo T M ITC H m * awBMHNrj this prize-w inning I blue setting of tbe enchanted B ro ad w ay h it! I palace of me Beast. Winters premises that all of the feats af magic hi the famous fable will come to lite before the PHOTOS | eyes of tee audience. A scrim is going to be used for tee magic mirror. This is H our A N Y =^ , T H M fl mim entra» mmante nm a v ri gm e-textured materiai Wfttah n i l trteim ih .the wishes of tee Beast when he rnhs his fmuiKSBm amssxms sa a üi l ü ü I T t WCWjfeyIf RIAW # wC w T l 1» A h . 1 »chanted ring. The enchanted Passport — Portrait$ 1 reeebush end the p fc te n te the UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM Prince « re d s # part of Winters' Application* Ja n u a ry » - 8:11 o m . a a n f u f f l f iw * .. c f y s g p No Camera Charge • Ne Appririntoal» N eem ary S e n te : f l i t * I 8 J 8 - f& te Pheha € . Rutledge, d rier In Ml Enel Miehigaa Lansing — IV M B I *JJ8 3HUB- 81J81 law o fM n . Barbara Rutledge, MBhteBnjbMAdmhahftdhdjdh^dnd | the -production** t h w g f p i ON A lU n R V M W TICKET OFFICE J R N R rtl pr, to tee costume dorignsr. mm sm htM m a wm m •swna.-***' New* SPOTLIGHT, Monday Morning, .Jan u ary 22, 1962 38S?sr AV-' MONDAY, JANUARY « neering-Physics Seminar. 404 Campua Students. 34, 35 Un-4 Electrical Engineering ion. 12:30 a.m. Spartan Christian 4:O0 p m. Plant Pathology-My- 7:00 pm , Spartan Christian Fellowship. Oak Room. Un­ cology Seminar. 4S0 Natural Fellowship. Sun Porch, Un­ ion. Science. ion. • " 3:00 p.m. Food Marketing 4:10 p.m. Union Board Social 7:00 p.m. German Folk Danc­ Lecture 118 Eppiey Center Committee. Oak Room. L b-' ing, 21 Union. . 4:00 p.m. Dairy Seminar. O i •' Ion. 7 30 p.m. Student Faculty Re­ Anthony Hall. ssource. 22 Union. _ 4 00 p,m. Food Science Semi­ 7 00 p.m. DeHa Sigma Tbeta. 32 Union, . 7:30 tu n . Humanist Society. nar. 110 Anthony. iiaB 33 Union. 4 09 p.m. Mechanical 7:0» p.m. Association of Off 8:00 p.m. Basketball. MSU vs. Minnesota. Jenison Field- house. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23 11:10 a.m. Electrical Engineer­ ing - Computer _ Laboratory- Philosophy Seminar. 404 Electrical Engineering. 12 noon Faculty ^Women’s A t p sociation Luncheon. 22 Union. 12 noon J-Hop ticket sates. Sec­ LINDA' W fl'liH '« English ond floor. Union. education: think it looks 12 noon. Spartan Christian Fel­ e d u c a tf e 'T think they look lowship—Off-Campus Coeds. very pheap. H * y ruin the ap- ' Oak Room. Union. SftAftOH HUGHES-non-pre- iR cheikpens fhe university. It’s 12:10 p.m. MSU Men’s Club f e r e n 'i tllS e whether t like -net only my opinion; ads is Luncheon. Union Parlors., them or not? Well, what are many people’s opion. They are 3:30 pjnrGeography Seminar, they tar? They don’t make any lbs addition to the university.” 409 Natural Science. sense to me. I think they a re 3:30 p.m. Taret Magaaiar a waste «1 'money. I don’t COMPARATIVE LITERA- Meeting. 222 Morrill Hid. think they Improve the cam- TURE GRADUATE: ’ ’ B i t 4:00 p.m. Chemistry Coiloqu- archaic ! Let me see. Foltewing ium. 122 Kedrie Chemical !*»•” WtsMMiii ...Si' mi the gaiterai lines of architec­ Laboratory: ture an this campus, I think 4:00 num. Horticulture Semi­ squarer signs would be more nar. 204 Herticattufe. appropriate.” 6:30 p.m. Sailing Club. 32 Un­ AKT STUDENT; “I don’t be­ ion. | | §* lieve they cost f79 apiece. A 6:30 p.m. Christian Science |B,800 9 0 s MU is rather high. Organization. 34, 35 Union. The pieopte who are interested 6:30 p.m. J Council Public R e- gh in the financial situa- lations Committee. 31 Union. tioe of the university to do 7:00 p.m. Union Board Execu­ something about it will find out tive Committee. O ft Room, where tee money for tee build­ Union. ings came from without the aid 7:60 p.m. Water Carnival Rush of a sign. I don’t see what’s in Union Parlors A, B, C. wrong with tee colonial design 7:90 p.m. Association of Off- Campus Students, Art Room, though.” Union. ELEMENTARY E D U C A ­ 6:00 pan. AOCS Dance instruc­ TION STUDENT; “Well, tee tion. Ping Pong Room, Union. only thing I have to say about t:30 p.m. Veterans Associa­ it is teat the signs cost so tion. At Union. much themselves, it gives the MARCHING SEASON is tee coeds have Invaded 9:00 p.m. Spanish Club. UN impression that the university the male ranks at tee MSU Concert aeaaan is aear ■ Lounge, Union. MARGARET JENKINS — has money to throw away.” as tee band prepares far presralatieai. —State m edal education: ‘T don’t like News Photo by Paul R m r. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24 teem. I think-they're open COUNSELING a a d GUID­ propaganda for more money. ANCE STUDENT: “The signs 8:00 a.m. U.S. Air Force Re­ themselves ttTO colonial and cruiting. First Floor, Union. They a rt sort of an eyesore. I doni like teem at aO.” they contrast with the build­ TOBOGGAN 12 noon J Hop ticket sales. Sec­ ings tout besides teat the ond floor. Union. money used for the purchase 12 noon Systematic Biology of the signs could have been Seminar. 456 Natural Science. used for a more useful pur­ 12:30 p.m. Spartan Christian I3ITALS Fellowship. Oak Room, Un- pose.” ion. ■■ui-sg SOCIAL SCIENCE S T U ­ 1:00 p.m. Forest Products DENT: “i think it may im­ Seminar. 25 Forest Products. press some of the people of ’ • JU 0 0 B E D S 4:00 p.m. Botany and Plant Pathology Seminar. 450 Nat­ j&NdgmT teat the legislature is taking all tee credit for ural Science. things they have nothing to do 4:00 p.m. Entomology Semi­ with and it’s time the public’s • HOCKEY EQUIPMENT nar. 352 Natural Science. 4:00 p.m. Mortar Board. Art eyes were opened." Room, Union. >v FACULTY MEMBER: “I 4:10 p.m. Surgery and Medi­ don’t like it. No, it is n ’t nice looking. I think there is a • M T S . EB . REEDS - ' cine Seminar. 161 „ Giltner political j-easoa behind it. The Hall. 7:00 p .iu French Film “For­ signs have no place on cam­ bidden Games.” Fairchild pus." FOR A U . W INTER SPORTS N fX D S Theatre. 7:60 p.m. Russian Club. ¿El U nkar A I f .‘ M R S . JA C .G D R I.IN E Record Arrangement at r - ..a g 7:69 p.m. Ski Club. 31 Union, SCHNUR Librarian: “The NEW YORK, An unusual 7:00 p.m. Accounting Club. 32 imiversity putting up tee signs? strohernen! has been worked .Union. ; , •j Well, 1 really hadn’t thought out tar the orgiaal east record­ SPARTAN SPORT# 7:09 p.m. Sno-Cape. 34 Union. about it. I was interested when ing of "No Strings,” tee new 7:00 p jn . Spartan Women's I saw they .were up. It seems Richard Rodgers musical. 35 Union. to m e it would be a good idea Instead of selling the disc 7:66 p.m. PM Gamma Nit. 41 la lot us know where the funds r i f t e to one of jfea r e c o r d &H0BBK# " Union.. ... Old College Halt, Unten. ' «•tee ft«m. The signs do im­ 7:30 p.m. Winged Spartans. press us vitll jlia fact that iteft# buildings were put u p 7:89 pun. Arnold Ate Society, without . a t a t > lsgwlsture ^ common practice —Rodgers has taken one of the firms iato partnership. He wUl finance tee coat of the record­ . (lo rw r Ann & MAC Art Room. Union. funds’* ing. The company (Capitol) f:«6 p.m. ¿Trench Film “For- I I will handle *he m erota«ti*infi- Ml Michigan Stale News SPOTLIGHT, Monday Morning, January 22, 1962 bidden Games.” ^ :00 p.m. Delta Phi Epsilon. bidden Games.” Fairchild 4:30 p.m. Basketball. MSU vs. -3:00 p jn . Omega Psi Phi. 34 Theatre. 32 Union. Theatre. Northwestern (TV); Field- Union. ; ■ THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 7:00 p.m. Christian Science Or­ 8:00 p.m. Campus United Na­ house. 3.00 p.m. Alpha Kappa Alpha. ganizsimi. 34 Unioni tions. Union Ballroom. 6:00 p.m. Indian Students As­ 35 Union, v 8:00 a.m, U.S. Air Force Re­ 7:00 p.m. Union Board Bridge 8:15 p.m. Graduate Recital sociation Dinner. Union Ball­ 3:88 Ji m Kappa Alpha Psi. cruiting. First floor. Union. Instruction. Ping Pong Room, Leta Thomason, Flutist: Mu­ room. É&! ■ _ ... sic Auditorium. Oak Reton,'Union. . ■12j noon. Deseret Club. 36 Un 8168 p.m. Unión Board Dance 4:00 p.m. Alpha Phi Alpha. 36 9:00 p.m. French Film ‘ For-, -"-Walrus Romp." Union Par­ 8:00 p.m. NAACP. Old Col bidden Garries." Fairchild Union. 12 noon Anatomy Seminar. 273 lege Hall. Union. lors. 5:00 p.m- Pan Orthodox Stu­ Giltner Hall. TheatreT 8:00 p m. Philosophy Colloqui 8:00 p.m. Basketball, MSU vs. dents Association. Chapel. -- • 12 noon E c o lo g y Discussion lim. Physics-Math Conference SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 ¿ Northwestern. Jeniaon Field- 6:30 p.m. Channing Murray Group. 450 Natural Science. Room. house.- ' Fellowship. Art Room, Un­ 12:30 p.m. Spartan' Christian 8:15 p.m. Lecture-Concert Ser­ 1:00 p.m. Gymnastics. MRU : 8:00 p.m. World Travel Sériés ion. Fellowship. Oak Room, Un­ ies (Special). “The Miracle vs. Wisconsin. Intramural Ed Lark, “Israel.” Auditori- 7:00 p.m. Disciple Student Fel­ ion. Worker,”. Broadway play i Sports Arena. j urn, ■' fT*- : lowship. Mural Room^Union. based on the life to Helen 2:00 p.m. Swimming. MSU vs. 3:00" Purdue. Intramural PooL j SUNDAY, JANUARY 28 | Ciya, Education Ruildipg. Keller. Auditorium. 3:00 p.m. Wrestling. MSU vs. 30 p.m. Economics Seminar, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 Purdue. Intramural Sports I 1:00 p.m. Union Board Special Do You Ha bit Room, Union. Arena. i Events Committee. Union —4;0O 00 Biochemistry Colloquium. 11:00 a.m. Chinese Student Bi-. Bi-, Ballroom,. " .22 Kedsie Chemical Lab. 7 122 ble Study Gass., % 35 UnionT Union. ] iHO p m. Alpha Kappa Alpha. 4:06 . nar 00 p.m. Farm Crops" Semi- 12 noon Zoology Seminar. 450 lar. 308 Agriculture Kali Natural Science. 450! Twist Palace Art Room, Union. '^ - # 1 4:1010 p.m. Microbiology and 12:30 p.m. Spartan Christian I Out-of-Joint ptublic -- Health Seminar; ' 335 Fetkrwship. ion. ' Oak Room, Un*-j Un* Twisting at the famed Pep­ L-C Series . 4:1 m. Psychology Colloqui 2:00 p.m. African Studies permint Lounge to New York ttm.Lfourth floor Auditorium, Library. Group. Art Room, Union. 3:00 p.m. Seminar in Union, to U.S Ag- City recently erupted into what Ag­ columnist Walter Winchell The Best' ’%4:10 i I Veterinary Pathol­ riculture far . Foreign W p.m. ogy Seminar. 346 GUtner Hall. dents. 36 Union. ' “ i Stu­ Stu- termed “the wildest free-for- all to Broadway history ” SaysPoul 6:08 p.m. All A Dinner, Union 4:00 pm , Sigma Delta Chi. Old Dancers swung b o t t l e s , William Gibson’s “The Mir­ Parlors. M College Hall, Union. chairs, and even high-heeled acle Worker” , scheduled here 7:88 p.m. Campus'Chest. Ball­ 4,*00p.m. Metallurgy, Mechan­ shoes at each other in a hi owl for Thursday waa chosen on room, Union. ics «Ml Materials Science which rated not even a line to the basis of both cast and pro­ 7:88 p.m. Blue Key. 31 Union. Seminar.'*404 Electrical En- the newspapers. ducer said Wilson B. Paul, di­ 7:88 p.m. Water CarnivaHEx- rector of the Lecture-Concert ecutive Committee. A r t Union Board Week. series, • ~ ■ -'.vr- Ro«md, Union,'*- ;T ‘ .Ballroom , Union. Tberber Fahl« The second cast of the play, Union. French FUto ‘For- is as good as the original, said NEW YORK <¿1 ~ The late Paul, and producer Martin James Tburber’s fable, "Hie Tahse has a reputation for jbits Last Flower," is being re-is­ —“Fiorello” and “Advise and sued by Harper A Brothers. Consent". Published ^to 193Ö; it has "P a u l showed the care taken been out of p ra t since 1854, al­ in choosing the programs. He though the story and drawings T e f e r r e d_ to “A Thurber D tiirid g e are included jn a collection of Carnival,” a series of sketches Thurber pieces, “Alarms and presented here on Jan. 8. The Diversions.” _ director said be checked per­ Yellow or W hite sonally before he booked them for the university. Gold . By A, R. DRURY enough, South then passes, hut Flesh and Devil Theme A good example to the qual­ Department af Sargary awt~ the damage has already been NEW YORK, lit - Flesh and ity to the- performers was seen Medicine done, whereas if North has high the devil are the theme of in the play “J.B ,” presented cards to bid over response of "French Street,” a drama be- here whiter __ term 1961, Paul ii Today’s hand is as example 1NT, Booth can then show his big prepared by playwright ta d , toe actors formed^ a bet* of a very common mistake Of Beard heart suit at the three Norman Krasna for Broadway ter cast combination tban in responders to opening bids. level and game may be possi­ production next season. the first Broadway presenta­ When you have fewer than 10 ble if partner holds two hearts Based on a Jacques Deval tion. „ point«, but over 8, and cannot and 18 points. play entitled “Roman Saro” bid one over one (ID opening Two hearts bolds no prom­ which was exhibited four years “ I am starting a committee bid—response 1H or IS) your ises, and a raise to 3H is im­ ago in Paris, the script is des­ for the provocation to nuclear call is 1NT, unless you nave possible with current North cribed as treating “to a moral war. Humans have had the Choice of three or more, including an hand. North is not strong manner” the relationship be­ earth long enough, it’s- about Stowe honor at opener’s bid su it Two- enough to bid 28 over INT. and tween a cleric and a harlot. time they gave something else over one (such as IH -JD *! besides 1 NT suits him, as he The property is on the agenda a chance.” promises 18-18 points. has honor cards in clubs and of producer David Merrick. Chenery Library Beautifully crafted M. S. U. Frustration: ■ V- diamonds. North now knows Class Ring featertef the date North (D) - combined hands have less than to gradaatiM , the M. S. U. F A Q 1884 28 points required for game Seal. Beaomeat Tower, aad H 88 contract in the majors. D K J7 3 With West on lead at INT a year degree •> the outside«, C A «. 10- of hearts will be a likely Three initials an the inside. West 8 » # East lead. South can then try m The M. 8. V. Class Ring is 8 8 7 1 r - - y S K J A ffS » spade finesse, a heart return priced as lew' as 82* 88 plus HK» »I H 38 will produce two heart tricks, tax. D Q6 8 D A 18 2 three spades, one or two dia­ CKQ2 C 18 8 7 4 3 monds, and one or two clubs, A symbolic, lasting reminder South depending on who leads the to the climax to your fermai S32 suit, and the contract will be education. 'T. W?* H AQJ 43 fulfilled. - m f: D • 54 . A INT response to an opening CJ I 5 (Both vulnerable.) hid says: “Partner, I do not have a higher ranking four-card Winter Term ¿ T h e bidding: North K art South suit or three to an honor in West your hid suit, but I do have 6-8 G ra ft»!«« I | Pass IH Pass high card points.” I S Pass Pass Pass An opening bidder may pass 0G0ER ROW! 1 Opening leads: a limited bid response as he is Heart 16 against 1 NT by South obligated to keep bidding open Your Headquarter* Gnb K against ) R b y South only when a progressive tod Heart 7 against 2 Sp by North has been made by partner, un­ F or MSU Ringa . . . Club 4 against 2NT by North less an overcall insures a fur­ 1 BLOCK EAST OF E q to e what happens when ther chance for responder. OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 M* improper 38 laspaatt to an 8 E-W were not vulnerable opening bid ttU f might reopen the bidding . ' ALSO AT SAT. I CAMPUS North must go on with the bid­ w in 2C over the INT, but the ding with a a f t of 2S or 2NT, penalty is too great to take a 2128 N. LARCH US 27 A 4788 8. CEDAR U8 127 BOOK STORE showing a minimum. True chance. I Aerose from the MSU Unimt the launching dees take place. scheduled program* to presemi Glenn To Go Weather conditions will control the actual launching time. special *reports on thè space shot The half-hour CBS Special With Rocket H the attempt to orbit an American wstroMHit takes place Report WiU he at 7:81 p.m. (Channel 6) and thè NBC Re­ port wttt run from 10 to II as scheduled. CBS and NBC Be MARGARET ANN OPSATA will pre-empt their regularly p.m. on Channel io. Spotlight Radio-TV Writer Lt. Cat. John H. Glenn Jr., will make the first manned or­ bital space capsule flight for the United States. The launching erf Project Mercury is tentatively set for 7 :» a.m., Tuesday. AM three Broadcast on Radio The MftropolitaA Opera is “La Perichole’’ by Offenbach; networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) will cover the entire shot. being broadcast live and direct Gtack’s “Orfeo Ed Euridice” ; The telecasts wiU pick up over WKAR-FM every Satur­ “La Gioconda” "by Pon Chielli; the activities before the count­ day afternoon at I s a WKAR- and Mozart’s ‘‘CoeiFan Tutte.” down and will continue until FM (98.5 the recovery of the capsule. The only station in Central Michi­ gan broadcasting this ^series. launching will be given^prece­ WMRT DISC JOCKEY Ari Alle«, left, chg» f f ' » f f d e n c e over Ml programs sched­ This Saturday^, opera will N p i larily Okarl Hob«rts, Washington. D.C. sophomore, right, aod SeByjawmqr, uled for this time or whenever be “Die Gotterdaramerung” H NEW YORK ÜB—Maximilian MHHynit sophomore, center, at a recent dance in the tam o. by Richard Wagner. Because Schell has a sure guide in Ger- State News Photo by John Rummel. _ erf its length, the program will many to the ups and downs of Wave begin at 1 p.m. Ia subsequent weeks listeners will have the opportunity to his flbn popularity. ■ “When I appear ia something TViews hear “Madame Butterfly,” they don’t- like, they refer to Lengths Tosca” and ’Turandot’’ by Puccini; “Aida,” **Ua BaUo in Mascbera,” “ MqcBeth” and me* as a Swiss," he reporta, 'and when it ig something they do like, they call me a German.” “La Traviata,” four of Verdi’s WKAJt 838 KMoeycko o p era; “Saiome” by Strauss; The actor, who was born In Switzerland but spends much WKAR-FM .. I U Megacycles time in West Germany, visit­ •4 * 1 GENERAL INTEREST WSWM (FM) 88.1 Megacycles R x s Humor ed here after completing Ms MONDAY, Jan. 22 _ - WJIM 1288 Ktteeyek* NEW YORK. UR - J J . Ro- role in “Judgment at Nurem­ WJR 88» KHaryrlr* ® . daie, a nature food enthusiast berg." - 10:00-11:00 p.m. (12) Ben Casey WJR-FM I U Megacycles > Medical Drama who has teiec triad bis lo ad Portraying the defense at­ JA B WJR Programs) at message drama, la pre­ torney for war criminals was 10:00-11:00 p.m. (10) Thriller Mysteryjrospeftse Moaday through Friday scribing more hdibor for his " in act i f courage” for Schell. TUESDAY, Jan. S3 Arthur Godfrey A W - U *- own work. ^ A number of people, he ex- m. (WJIM) Redale withdrew “Tohaette,” plains, criticized him when be 0:00- 9:30 p.m. ‘(D* Red Skelton Adventures In Music 10—11 a musical that was generally p ayed the same role In the Comedy. Red learns the Twist. a.m. (WJR) panned by press critics, to re­ original ' television of the 10:00-11:00 p.m. (10) Garry Moore Show. Art Liakletter 11:07—11:10 work his criticism of doctors drama. Variety *.m. (WJIM) and medicine. “B eettse of that criticism, I WEDNESDAY, Jaa. S4 Garry Moore J1:3 0 —11:80 a. “What I ’m trying la do ia was a Utile hesitant.’’ toys m. (WJIM) add 89 hraghe to the show,” he Scholl, “But I think an actor 9.00-10:00 p.m. (10) Bob Hope Special Bing Crosby/Rosemary Cloo­ explicitly reports. A new pro­ must stand up for a part he be- Variety. Presented to the U.S. ney 11:88—12 noon (WJIM) duction is planned when the Shoves in, despite such citi- Armed Forces in the Arctic. Jazz Interlude 11:80—12 mid­ reyiaian is completed. cism ." - "k Westinghouse Presents night (WJIM) 10:00-11:00 p.m. (10) News Special. “Our Man ia Vienna” with David Brinkley. Twentieth Century News 7:18 THURSDAY, J a a t f 7:88 pm . (WJIM) Basketball. MSU vs. Minne­ « h a ft y n v d m î Dr. Kildare _ sota 7:86 p.m. ( WJ I M) 8:30- 9:30 p.m. (10* (WILS) Medical Drama. Sing Along with Mitch Tucsdsy 10 00-11.00 p.m. (10) NEW JOEY Music Background 7:10—7:81) p.m. FRIDAY, Jaa 28 (WJIM) sjvjkSj® Gaelic Concert—Pliilharmoo- TWIST! DEE LP 8:30- 9:30 p.m. (6) Route 88 ie Concert 8-10 p.m. (WKAR- Adventure FM) 9.30-10:30 p.m. (10) Dinah Shore Wednesday f V 4 T ir> lfl NICHOLS it MAT T IQ Variety Broadway Melodies-'7:15 - JL A Ia t i II EXAMINE DOCTORS SATURDAY, Jaa. 27 .f>_ 8 p.m. (WSWM) Concert HaB—Sibelius, B ed 9 00-10 00 p.m. (10) (12) Lawrence Welk lovea 8-18 pm . (WKAR-TM) - » 9:30-10:00 -p.m. Variety (8) Have Gun, W1H Travel ROMANCE! “SO MUCH IN LOVE** 2.91 Concert HaU of Jazz 8-18 p.m Western (WKAR-FM) SUNDAY, Jaa. 28 f r ita r * ■ ¡ f f v - i j g g SOME DAY MY PRINCE A A | 2:30 p.m. (10) An Age of Kings - ... . w Cl. tit uttonal C onvention WILL COME - MILES DAVIS U i7 1 ~ Drama, Shakespeare’s “Henry VI 7:18— 7:40 (WJBB) Broadway Melodies 7:11 5 30- 6:00 p.m. (6) General Electric College Bowl 8 p.m. (WSWM) £. Quiz - L eu Thomason, Flutist <-!• SIBELIUS _ _ - 10 00-10:30 p.m. (8) Candid Camera Human Interest. p.nrJWKAR-FM) ^ ¡ 1 1 LONGHAIR! VIOLIN CONCERTO 10:30-11 09 p.m. (6) What’s My Line Basketball. MSU vs. North­ Panel. western 4:38 p.m. (WJIM) FINE ARTS (WILS) (WKAR) WEDNESDAY, Jaa. 24 7 00 p m. (18) Joan Miro James McCenaeQ discusses taM Broadway M k h d » 7:15 — 1 p.m. (WSWM) M . Metropolitan Opera “Götter­ dämmerung” by Wagner T DISC illiterates the work of Joan Mire. p m (WKAR) (WKAR-FM) DISCOUNT PRICES ON A lX UP% dU ttnguiataed„caaterap© rA fy Spanish Artist Mantovani 18:86—10:30 X A (WILS) W $: DIAMOND NEEDLES. RECORDING TA P* SPORTS — Percy Faith 3—3:38 p.m. (W ÄJ SATURDAY, Jaa. JE7 Hawaii Calls 6-5:38 p.m. 4:38 p.m. (8) — Big Ten Basketball (WJR) ■ . m MSU vs. Northwestern Showtime 8:15 p m . (WJIM) Michigan State Newt SPOTLIGHT, Monday Morning, January 22, 1962 Avant Garde Art Displayed Avant Garde art has been 'displayed in Kresge Art Crater . / Two professors of education this term. are co-authors of three newly The shew, entitled “Con­ published text-notebooks for temporary Trends in Painting high school students.1 and Sculpture” includes works ™n*e Opportunity Series," de- of internationally known art­ signed to stimulate the student ists. in self-appraisal and examina­ Robert Alexander of the art tion of his future plans, was department translated Avant written by Drs. Raymond Hitch Garde as meaning “-Way (Hit.” and Buford Stefftre, MSU, and The display consists of paints Morgan Parm enter, of the Uni­ from New York galleries se­ versity of Toronto. lected by Mrs. Lindsey Decker Planning Your School Life” and Clifton McCbesney, '"pro­ is for the seventh and eighth cessors of the art department. grades; and “Planning Your Included is a painting by Ed­ Future’ is for the 11th and 12th “ U N T I T L E D ” hy Julius ward Cerbett, visiting artist at grades. - S3-* Schmidt in in n , JM l, a part MSU last summer. Dr. Hatch is. head of MSU’s ef the Contemporary Art Ex­ After the display closes Ryukyus project and Stefflre is hibit at Kresge Art Center. Monday, the art department returning from sabbatical leave —State Neats Photo by Dennis will purchase a few works for in E urope.. Pajet. its permanent collection. Contemporary Art At Kresge Art CeSter i t it i t “Research Opportunities in American Cultural History,” a new book from the University of Kentucky Press, includes a chapter by C. David Mead, SLIDE RULES 'h ead of the English depart­ ment. ★ ★ ★ Dr. Hans Nathan, associate professor of Music, is the ectit- or of a facsimile edition of “The Continental Harmony," hy Will­ iam HUings, Boston, 1794, a collection of American psalm tunes. Nathan currently it on sab­ batical leave, supported hy fel­ lowships from the American Philosophical Society and the DIETZGEN - POST Italian government. He is in Florence doing research on the composer Luigi Dallapiccola, hi collaboration with him. K & E - PICKETT - ARISTO — ★ drpdr Dr. Frank Pinner; associate professor of political science, is one of 30 contributors to a 1,064-page analysis of higher education in the United States entitled “The American Col­ lege." Sponsored by the Society for the Psychological Study of So­ cial Issues, tiie volume was GIBSON’S edited by Nevitt Sanford of ‘Stanford University. Pinner, director of the bureau of social and politick! research, has contributed a chapter en­ titled “The Crisis of the State Universities: -Analysis a n d Remedies,” in which he discus­ has them all ses the pressures encountered hy state universities in a num­ ber or areas. FOR- ALL OUTSIDE- Dore Schary’s Parent« READING AND STUDY GUIDES NEW YORK, M — An auto­ biographical play-witb-music TRY OUR about tiie old days is being written by Dore Schary under the title “ For Special Occa­ DOWNSTAIRS PAPAR BACK ROOM sions.” ... ' . :f-+ The action centers on family hie before World War I, when ScliarVs parents operated a catering service in Newark, NJL Schary, busy IQso as a producer and director on other projrats, tentatively lists the play for staging next season. 11 ‘Murder* Version* NEW YORK, (i) - Overseas GIBSON’S versions of Broadway's new suspense play “Write me a Murder" are being prepared to 11 eountrfes. BOOKSTORE Twelv-e offers have been re­ ceived for a London presenta­ tion, hut no decision on that Evergreen and Grand River one has been reached by toe White Way sponsor and play­ wright Frederick K nott M idiigai State New» SPOTLIGHT» Mowjby M endafr Jmmmry 22» 1962 LAST 4 DAYS! Gjfant Twin Bit Shew Line " GLADM ER Account NOW! D. Jaetinig A "National Poetry, Association writer, D. Jaehnig is a senior th e COLOSSUS in Journalism from Midland, Michigan OF RHODES The look that is seen in each other’s eyes The overshadowing of brightened skies The emptiness of each other's heart Yet the fullness there is as lovers part The tenderness of each other’s smile Your waiting lips as they part the while The tripping-over, the unspoken-word Yet the deepness there • as a soaring bird f ftM K R n flB The thoughts unspoken, they need not be " Extra! Cartoon — p g Your eyes speak all — to tiie depths of me — News Travel The unloosing from my depths a prayer Feature A t ___ Yet it follows — follows — everywhere The hflBrwf parting seeks from out the day A time — a minute — a going away ~ X, COMING SATURDAY A crescendo of love, a sad good-bye “ BACHELOR FLAT” A parting of touch, and a lonely sigh «nm nvH H linG V Y SI wm. m m m a iH lilf ’“'I '=• 1* ; 2Ü ^ im L ÌkÉ^lìÌaÌÉÌtoÉiÌIÉBÌ^H i ■: HHHH MSdugm Stale New« SPOTLIGHT, ìia m à tf January 22» 1962 of Miracles' Offers Gangster Plot By DAVE. UPRIGHT cops and robbers end half When you take this original SROTIJGHT Film Reviewer Cinderella. problem and add to it a gang­ The film fat adapted from a land rivalry and a mild case “Pocketful o f Miracles, story by Urn late Damon Run thowing at the Michigan this you, and tbe 'authQF’s style re­ of kidnapping, the result is a week, offers a plot that’s half mains intact in the movie. non-serious highly entertain­ ing film. The story deals with a New York gangster by the ‘Forbidden 5 name of Dove the Dude, playi-d hy G l e n n Ford. His 1*.■V*A§4*466%foto Games’ Set supporting c a s t includes “Apple Annie,” the beggar woman played by Bette 1 o w n to w n For Fairchild Davis, his girt Qoeenie, play­ ed by Hope Lange^aad an as­ OKN 6 45 FEATURE AT 7.«O-«*:0oj A D M ISSIO N “Forbidden "G a m e s , ” a sortment of characters that STUDENTS * unique French film that un- coald only come from the vtolsThe most unexpected mov- pages of Rnnyon. — i#rom anee between a boy of Dave considers Annie his nine and a girl of six. will be good iuck charm. Whenever presented Wednesday and Fri­ there’s a big plan cooking, he day at 7 And 9 p.m'. in Fair­ buys an apple from Annie His child Theatre. coincidental good luck, has led “ Forbidden Games” begins Annie to his dependance upon her. with a violent page of history, lives in Europehas a daughter who the strafing of a column of re­ not seen for years. whom she has fugees who are fleeing the Nazi separation, t h e y During have their cor­ bombardments on a country responded, with Annie describ­ road in Frafiee in 1940. Sud-' ing her life as a society matron denly, it narrows down to the to her daughter “FORBIDDEN GAMES,” an nnasual French fflm bewilderment and terror of Trouble begins when the war-torn Europe ii this weeks, foreign film. It will little Paulette, orphaned by shown Wednesday and Friday evenings at 7 and 9. bullets, wandering airalessly adaughter becomes engaged to WINNER while carrying the dead body New. Yorkcount, Spanish and^c-omes to OF THE FOREIG N of her pet dog, also a victim visit. for a pre-marital NEW YORK rlLw FILM CRITICS of isesii Germani- strafing. Paulette AWARD At H i Gladmer II Tht WelrigM : w « /am 4u, „#• rDave theDude agrees to help — h its ': Mr. M « j m C « rto*» “Pocketful o t ‘ Miracles,” i a S S . w i« 5 ¿ . S . S “ ^ r l ’ z ¡™ s “Hey Let's Twist,” with Joey J S T i« ! , , . , n 8 Michel, thelr ^ r « X ^ * ” “ *‘ Dee. Joan Campbell. Starting Davis, andGlenn starring, Ford, ■; Bette Hope Lange. Start­ son. times: 5:05;7:05; 9:05 p.m. ing timesT 6:25:_ 9:00 p.m. The part of Paulette is play­ Starting Saturday “ Bachelor's"! Starting" next Saturday.: “The ed b y 5-year-old Brigitte F lat.” □ ¿ H i? Second Time Around,” with Fossey, an amazing child who Debbie Reynolds, ¡p depict* a ll the purity and A STRANGE NEW J tr poetry,;of childhood. Michel is EXPERIENCE 31 Ih s iH s s 1 1 ; played by 11-vear-oW Georges “Colossus of Rhodes.” star-1 Iff tfc* State Pfaojodly, who in roll lire, sup­ ports his poverty-stricken faift- ring Rory Calhoun. Starling 1 “The-Man Who Wagged His ily by his acting. _ JACK CLAYTON times: 2:10: 6:00, 9:50 p.m. Tail.” starring Peter Ustinov. m m n -ua»oo»mr “Thief of Baghdad,” starring^ Starting times: 1:40; 3:45; Program Info IV 2-3965 Sieve Reeves. Starting times-1 "5:45| 7:50: 9:56 p.m. Starting 12:40; 4:25: 8:20 p.jn? Friday: “The Bridge.,r M IC H IG A N pr o g r a m in fo r m a tio n c a l l e d m m ? H o w ...6 5 c te 11:30 Feature at 1:36, 4:65 , 6:35, 9:15 F-M. *S T A T E * E A S T L A N 5 1 N C • PHONE E D ^ T 8 1 4 IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING FIRST SHOW 1 P.M. — ADULTS 9to PETER USTINOV AT HIS BEST COME SEE THE TEAR’S BIG COMEDY SHOWN a t r.m AND 9:35 BE F0«£WMW£D " M s h tfo l f u n n ie r f and ~ THAN Inyour own -a p p e a lin g SHAGGYDOG’ -UNEIMHL intonati m BS» pidwmlWatbo -jg-DEBORAH KERR, “ A minor vary tociomnx ** •rrewbofl SNammd*tuf*fHf* ■imuflun Im*«—W *K ***'"*' wtol* * • —faWngfy km ** «ss ammi good tor an »-TW&S3S «■ti I itstu man n 1T****«öjta* if —Time - Magazine r« fffw a t n^nucuuw È* ■\ S ta rte . ,PETERUSpJV-fmffO CALVO? THURSDAY aw - iS $§§ tiL aftaw aa BBH aal SB SPOTLIGHT. NéPw* To Attend " I The M Provost Lecture Jan. 25 3 ÿM . KIYA > And The Best Place to get Them - naturally Bargain Book Sole IS cheek o ar special table |o«t ; ike one .you wont tauff I» there -oi|f./.. 'o httgafo price