m m ara m W m Æ mm m m HR m unf i » m » Cents Established V oL sa, No i 129 W k 6 ragea pm » »¡f m m M u tu i! MICH 10 § m G lo b a l ¡H SË Sm l M m m Pr • ■ ■ ■ By the A m t h t o l Pres* S » ¡ Latin Allies Split on Cuba - i - «fcUNTA DEL ESTE, U rugu ay-U . S. hopes for «trong collec­ tive action against Castro Communism sagged sharply Monday GOP For under the pressure of spreading disunity among Latin Ameri­ can aides. Chances seem ed to fade at the Inter-American foreign Minis- v ■ _~7" , m «tsasO Adding 4 ■ tors conference for tiie im position of sanctions—penalties— against Cuba as urged far the United States. |f f e | Developm ents at the conference, which is sponsored by the m m To Senate Organization of American States- (OAS)T em boldened Cubans The controversial issue fa to predict that other Latin American nations w ill not vote for legislative reapportl o n m e n t sanctions. Z failed to be settled on a bi-par- A conflict between' bigger and sm aller nations was so sharp tisan basis Monday and indi­ that G uatem ala, an advocate of penalties, w as threatening to cations were that Republicans walk o u t At the sam e tim e H aiti, originally for action against and Dem ocrats would write Cuba, was reported to have swung to the other side with such th eir own proposals. big nation as M exico, A rgentina, Brazil and Chile. Republican -m em bers fa the com m ittee, who outnumber Bomb Blasts in Foreign Office the Dem ocrats 14 to 7, decided in a caucus they favored a plan PARJS—A bomb rocked the Foreign M inistry Monday and a which would add four seats to member of parliam ent w as the victim of a daylight kidnaping the present senate,-and put off in an eruption of law lessness and violence that stunned the until 1970 any further reappor­ French capital. One man w as killed in the blast. There ir a s im m ediate speculation that both acts w ere the tionm ent.'- The 1978 redistricting would work of the rightwing secret arm y, the extrem ist underground be on the bests ef a form ate sworn to keep Algeria French at all costs. E arliet-in the day, four men with a subm achine gun kidnaped allowing I I per cent to popu­ G aullist Party Deputy Dr. Paul Mainguy from his suburban lation factors end t t per cent office. Ke was sw iftly rescued unharmed in midafternoon by to area. police who seizett tw o men guarding him . Mainguy supports M ichigan State University Astronaut John G lean and fas backup pilot, President John A. Hannah, R- “ P resident Charles De G aulle’« plana for A lgeriaqjndependence. Russian Fishing Fleet Near China Scott Carpenter, right, com pare nates follow­ ing a sim ulated space fligh t to preparation for Glenn’s upcoming orbital flight Saturday. COLO 1 Bulgarian E ast Lansing, the com m ittee chairm an, said th a t not a ll GOP . F in a l C h e e k members favored the plan en­ TOKYO—A Soviet fishing fleet is engaged in suspicious oper­ ations in the E ast China and YeitowJSeas, the newspaper Yorai- uri said Monday. The fleet w as reported com posed o|_ 14 radar- LEFT. G lean -p ractices exiting from the cap­ sule through the escape hatch located ea the top. (A P W irephotes) Pilot Spy, tirety and reserved the right to seek changes or to subm it tbeir own am endm ents on th e floor. equipped vessels headed hy a 4,000-ton mothership. Yomiuri quoted Japanese m aritim e sources a s speculating “ that the R ussians, whom they have, never seen fishing, m ay be Campbell Asks Action Italy Says B asically, the plan followed a proposal subm itted far W illiam Hanna, a Muskegon attorney, surveying routes for Submarine navigation or laying sp ecial and a Republican m em ber of equipment on the s$a bottom to m easure the intensity of under­ ROME IG—Italy said Monday the com m ittee. ground and oceanic nuclear tests. night there were “ indications” Asked j f he considered the that a Soviet-built jet plane com m ittee to be deadlocked on Indonesian Forres Reinforced ‘U n ifie d E f f o r t jM B B B B M from Communist Bulgaria was the controversial Issue, Han­ MAKASSAR, Indonesia—President Sukarno’s ch ief m ilitary Weather ; ' on an aerial spying m ission nah said: — “ We’re not deadlocked — adviser said Monday Indonesia has strengthened its naval and air forces in the Near Guinea area. “And the next tim e w e m eet T o R e y a m p A U S G im a g e Partly faeedy and continu­ when it crashed in this country w e’re decided.” ed rather «fad today. The lew Saturday. He said toc dleitab lleem i t the Dutch they won’t find things so ea sy ,” h e added. — tost ntebt - S t o t t , to e high A statem ent by th e Italian faded to raMpnii the Hanna Maj. G earA ch W iT JM T M lfrihd on esia did not try to rein­ A ll-U niversity Student Gov­ day. George Galm$W, author o f com m ittee wffl m eet Friday to today — I f to to. T iie out­ D efense M inistry said further plan, w t t t K f f l r a t f e * , af­ force its torpedo boats involved in a clash with the Dutch a several books mi cosm ology, discuss the fin e system . The look for W ednesday: Mostly investigation w ill be conducted ter tt becam e apparent that week ago “ because w e wanted to avert w ar.” An Indonesian ernm ent President, L a r r y com m ittee consists fa nine stu­ eleed y end a little w anner toe DenM evstfarm m nben fa Campbell, called on fas cabinet w ill speak on “The Two Cosmo­ patrol boat w as sunk to the clash. dents; m em bers fa AUSG, in the afternoon with a to “establish whether the al­ the com m ittee w rald s e t to m ake a “unified effort” to logies” . i ~ student librarians, and honors chance ef tight snow. ready existing indications fa budge from their insistence Laotians Not To Attack - j decide on program s and pro­ Jim Anderson reported that college students. tiie newly-organized library The group a lso plans to sug­ a true and proper case fa aerial that both hom es fa the legis­ lature be apportioned ea a GENEVA—P rince Souvanna Phouma, neutralist prem ier- jects and carry them out ef­ esp ion ag rca n be further_sub- designate of-L aos, said Monday Laotian neutralist and leftist ficiently. gest that the library week-night closing hours until extend its Group OK’s stantiated.” population b asis. Tt w as doubtful, however, if troops «re under orders to launch no unprovoked attacks on the pro-Western forces of JPremier Prince Boun Oum. “ If w e are attacked, w e w ill defend ourselves,” Souvanna He spoke to the group a t a cabinet m eeting Monday. Scientist Now m idnight, and open by .10 a.m . on Sundays, u New Positions -- The statem ent said investi­ even the Republicans had m ade gators are exam ining aerial a final decision. Soma of them “AUSG is not a ’do-nothing’ E rnest Green, Student Organ­ photographic "apparatus and disagreed with Hannah’s in­ told newsmen. “But 1 have given firm orders to our forcea-not to attack first. I f there is further fighting, it w ill not be our side organization,” Campbell said. izations, reported that this Wa s h in g t o n -T h e senate other equipm ent aboard the terpretation fa the caucus ac­ aren’t putting across the Armed Services Committee tion, and indicated that they ANN ARBOR (D—The age of year’s directory is com pleted. Monday form ally approved the plane that crash-landed near a m ight not go along with recom ­ that starts it.” “ W e program s we ought to put Science has seen man discover The handbook lists descriptions nomination of John A. McCone secret North Atlantic Treaty mending the Hanna plan. across.-1 would like to revam p nuclear energy, m ake vast of a ll chartered organizations Monday’s developm ent wound on-cam pus, along with nam es to head the Central Intelligence Organization (NATO) m issile MSU Grad Studenf the AUSG im age, not for the strides in m edicine and reach sake of publicity, but in order the edge o f outer space—but it fa presidents and th eir phone to prom ote the program s .and a lso has had im portantby-pro- num bers. H ie Student Organi­ Agency. base in Southern Chairman Richard B. Rus­ making two p asses over the Italy, after up a weekend marathon ses­ sion at MSU’s K ellogg (tenter. Hannah, said the com m ittee Drowns in Bathtub projects them selves. * He. said that the cabinet has ducts. — One fa th ese, says the fam ous served as a “go-between” be­ nuclear physicist Dr. J . Robert zations directory tributed to a ll clubs. is to be dis­ sell, D-Ga., announced that the- base. com m ltiee in. a closed m eeting also approved the nominations usc The _ Bulgarian Solakov pilot, Kirov, L t.M probably il- probably would go on record with official votes taken on the proposal this w eek. The death of 25-year-old Ed­ breakfast, Hoffm eyer said. of: tween the executive branch Oppen heim er, is that the scien­ Stephen S. N isbet, president ward A. Woods w as ruled by An autopsy w as conducted and _ Student Congress, but that tist h im self is becom ing less a J-Hop Tickets Fred Korth. Fort Worth, w ill be brought to trial in Italy, fa tiie Constitutional Conven­ Tex., to be Secretary of the a D efense M inistry spokesman Ingham County Coroner Dar­ Sunday night at the Gorslino- th* cabinet m em bers have lonely m an. said after the statem ent w as tion, told to e convention’s ap­ win E . Hoffm eyer as “ suf­ Runciman funeral hom e. The prim arily discussed, rather focation due to drowning.” body w as then shipped to Grand than acted upon, problem s. Dr. Oppenheimer, who w as Now On Sale Navy. N eil E. Harlan, a Harvard issued. portionment com m ittee Monday director fa the Los Alam os Sci­ that m eeting self-im posed dead­ In som e ways the case ap­ lines is of secondary impor­ Woods died early Sunday Rapids where fas w ife’s par­ Cabinet m em bers K en Beech- en tific Laboratory where the "Juniors m ay purchase ticK^ professor, to be A ssistant Sec­ afternoon in the bathtub & his ents Rye. peared to be sim ilar, in reverse tance. ler and Barbara R ail, Academ ­ atom bomb w as developed, and ets for the J-Hop Tuesday at retory of the Air Force for. apartm ent J it 1613-B, Spartan H is parents, Mr. and Mrs. ic Benefits com m ittee, report­ since 1M7 has headed P rince­ Financial M anagement. —to the incident last May when The quality of the product of the Union ticket desk. P rice is V illage. - ton U niversity’s tastitute for - R ussell told newsm en there an American U2 plane cam e the convention is toe major W. E . Woods, live in Port ed that attendance at the |6 per couple. Seniors m ay buy N o decision on whether Huron, Woods w as a doctoral Provost lecture series is in­ advance study, delivered a were no votes against report­ down" in Russia, leading. ~to consideration, N isbet said. But Woods’ death w as suicide or candidate in the school of creasing. The next Provost guest leetnre a t the U niversity tickets W ednesday and other ing any fa the three nomina­ grave international com plica- he urged com m ittee members accidental has been reached lecture is scheduled t o r Thurs­ fa M ichigan Monday night. classes Thursday. tions to the Senate: fe: tions. —toward the end fa their week­ business adm inistration. y et, pending reports from tiie end session—to try for a March state crim e laboratory, Hoff­ ■■■'.'V - 31 adjournment — m eyer said. Woods was found by his w ife, S s ig ia s i M lliPiPlw fi BETTER FR NEEDED He said he would ask the lying partially on his i n s convention to suspend ¿«Serai orders th is week—in effect de­ with his face down, ■ claring a moratorium on floor said he had drawn w ater debates for the week. — a bath, laid out clean clothes and carried a laundry A t t i t u d e This, be said , wottM Im p convention sessions short «.nd basket to -the car before s tta f-i B y JODY PARSONS « fa s e r a r i t y presidents regulation and the problems a part,” said Nonnamaker. left for the laundry, Hoffm eyer " •to to tt'-to iit stroagly, and that m ay result from violation, All groups ranked the Place­ give com m ittees more ton e to Of Ow State N ew s Staff said. m ale afed te n a is RAt had the and because it made their own ment Bureau and the Counsel­ work. '• —. i -■ Their 18-month-old daughter, l r A ttitudes toward various secs n i highest correlation. job easier . ing Center above other services Laura, was playing In the liv­ ing room o f the apartm ent asp ects fa MSU m ay differ Sorority presidents and Wo- w idely am ong m ale, fem ale, men RAs had the next highest The process ef selecting offered students, M ao students ranked Men’s -¿¿Mm Housemother’s G taék and * independent stu­ correlation. : RAs w eeds s e t those wtth when Mrs. W eeds returned from the laundry. dents, according to a study-by unfavorable attitudes toward division ami the deans office The te«tost correlation w as the regulation, he added. second, and women ranked Portrait Stolen" t Woods had been tinder the Eldon Nonnamakcr, assistant between fraternity presidents TMs g ees net happen with women’s division second. A portrait fa Mrs. Ruth Hale, care a f a doctor, the Conner director a l m en’s - _________ . ^ .division. . j _ _ u a n A and wom en resident assistants. fraternity and sorority presi­ The attitudes toward the housemother a t Sigm a Alpha M id. Woods also suffered from dents, v h e ara elected, health center and the housing Epsilon, was stolen from the tem porary blind sp ells. fem ale resident assistan ts and office w ere - far less positive, SAE fraternity house Friday teraity presidents « a i m ale One fa the item s on the in­ . M rs. Woods told , police her fraternity and sorority presi­ RAs «m s only slightly higher, ventory w as sim ply listed as according to the study. B ig h t ' .,: . 'iglsk ■ husband bad com plained of a dents to rate 40 aspects « the Nonnamakcr f a n n i that M ichigan ’ SU to After toe tests were admin­ U niversity a s very positive, U niversity. M rs. H ate said the portrait headache and hadn’t eaten any groups charged with «effacing This Hem «ma ranked first % istered; the students w ere in­ w as given Tier by alumni after poettive, neutral, h eg ittv e or cam pus regulation negative. ; regulations rated te a titan and «romea RAs and by terview ed to find the reasons sh e bad served as housemother Æ » . higher than others sorority presidents. for their ratings. Gistrakh Coming; ¡fa th e study to determ ine sim ilarities and Fraternity wresldefas, hew- Students tended to look a t for 10 years. She valued the painting fa tiie Placem ent Bureau end 1500. She said the theft has been Coupon Exchange différences among the four groups, and to m easure gener­ asshtom ts rated the alcohol and women resident . ever, ranked tiie item fifth. F irst m tint fraternity rank­ the C eeasetteg Crater favor­ reported to the police. ably because tiune services At Union a l student attitude toward cer­ regnlffifai mach higher to sa - ing cam e Jh e Hem entitled are o f help on cam pns «Ml In ' R ussian Violinist, Igor Oto* tain features fa MSU. did th e fraternity B etter com m unication con- Hy pptoHaRHMD«'. “ fraternitie s,” followed by securities , Inter-fraternity preparation for n pu itir a af­ Fabian, Blemsster • j TV• ter gradeatien, tiie study re- trakfa, w ill b e tbe noxt guest to ti)« Lecture-Concert Sertas,; The only g r o u p that Council Bureau. and tita Placem ent porteL . ; frjg g Fill Frat Post W ednesday, Feb. 7 . Ticket dis­ sarvtcee Is needed, fas study Mgh<(r? than , toe r e s t. were the - “This ranking would tend Sim itar reasons were given Sigm a P i -Eta. hotel honorary tribution for students begins concludes. to support the view fa some for toe high ratings fa men’s fraternity, elected Bob Fabian, W ednesday fa t n m . at til» f « a n d the m - Nonnamakor t ¡L ca rr faded that panmnael adm inistrators who and women's divisions. New R ochelle, N Y. Jun or, and Union ticket office. A ctivity ■ ■ ■ H n tinaia «antead that fraternities offen Students foarat it difficult to N on a Btem aster, f i t Ctair Book coupon A is to b e used to ..... I I H B te U fi w fa e ptóce them selves ^before the their lain positive at- Shores, senior to setv e a s p ate i for s tn d flt tifatoti. m ore nwnra fa th e nead fo r to e uatven& y e f «dtote th ey a re See ATTTTUIKES P age 2 lie relations ttig u y-a-aora ■Su G fe w iV ì, «m ir**, m_ Æk ' W aits f a t I P re s s M e e tin g CAPE CANAVERAL, F la. W —Gremlin* to the oxygen sy s­ However, officials said later that ea closer «munbHttoa no O p e n s F r id a y a t K e llo g g tem designed to feed the evidence fa dual w as discover« breath b? Hfe” to astronaut ed. They did not say exactly Urn M ichigan P ress Assn. veted to the annual business newspapers and the election of J o in R Glenn J r.t forced a what tbe trouble w as, content­ board iM ifatasa. ing them sel ves with announc­ wOl hold R s to te annual eon« m s sting and oilier dteonfaow . ■Mr posttMmoment Monday of H m luncheon Saturday wIB Tbe 21st Annual AB Michigan h i« round th e-worid space ing that a couple o f vital parts ventkm Jan. 26-27 in Kellogg be higbllffcted by toe appear­ Dinner, co-spraaerad by the flig h t were being replaced and that Center. ance fa guest speaker Sam uel M ichigan D epart***« fa Agri­ It’s off until Saturday at the “tests fa the system continu­ T h e convention w ill open with Lubeti. I b e bead fa SamaeTLn- culture, w ill be held Saturday ed .” a luncheon Friday in K ellogg’s earliest. beB A ssociates and writer fa evening. If the fault had gone uncor­ Tbe space cabin is filled B ig Tea, Room . Fred S. Siebert, tbe syndicated feature, “Tbe Tbe chairman fa the dtaner rected, officials said, there with ^oxygen fa a pressure d e n s s tb e College fa Commu- People Speak,” Mr. LubeU is w ill be D ale Stafford, president w as a possibility that oxygen sim ilar to tb it-on earth—much facatioe Arts, win present tbe author fa two recently pub­ fa the MPA. Tbe prafadaat atari would he used up at an exces­ the way that passenger cabins aw ards for toe General E xcel­ lished books. His topic w ill be is Jam es Tagg fa tha Abna siv e rate should the space craft o n Jet airlines are pressurized lence Contest. “W hat Do You Think.” Record. „ leee pressure during its three Astronaut Glenn wit! wear a The featured speaker fa to e Also on the program, w ill be The principal speaker fa the w hirls around the globe. space suit which w ill provide tuacbeoo w ill be Don R eid, a discussion fa tbe Con-Con by closing dinner w in b e Charles This could have spelled him both with oxygen to m anaging editor fa the Iowa “Ink” White of the Clinton T. V etter, J r., fa tbe United disaster for Marine Lt. Col. breathe as w e ll a s a sm all, P ress Assn. H is topic w ill be County Republkan-News. White States Information Agency . V e t G lean,.w ho had been schedul­ close-to-the-skin atm osphere “ Adventures on M ate S tre et” is a delegate to Con-Con from ter has been with the USIA ed to em bark oa his great ad­ and pressure com parable with Friday afternoon, the women S t John*. :— since 1958. Form erly, B e had venture W ednesday. that on earth. — w ill listen te Mrs, R osette Ban- Glenn took the delay philoso­ Should the space craft cabin Saturday afternoon w ill be been an adviser to toe director faster, food editor and w riter devoted to the annual business fa public relations fa the gov­ phically, according to officials be punctured in som e em er­ for toe Dearborn P ress. New s­ m eeting of M ichigan weekly ernm ent fa E ast P akistan. H is e f the National Aeronautics gency, Glenn would norm ally m en w ill (Harass a number fa be able to rely on the sm aller topic win b e “Competing With ■ ■ ■ ■ n n n m a i to p ic s,. including circulation Communism for tiie Minds fa atm osphere within h is space President K en ed y may be suit. However, the fault in the cam paigns, promotion prob­ lem s, advertising ideas, as w ell Navy Program j M illions.” As an extra attraction, there a t Palm Beach, Saturday oxygen system would have led when M a rin Lt. Cel. Joha H. G le n Jr. is iau n h ed into to the possibility that too much oxygen would be used and lost. JUST À CHECK UP—R ex, accom panied by L era Hankins fa A t S tale pofice, a s a “bell bra session ,” a round-up fa aU questions, ideas, To Send Team w ill be several special exhibits, including the M ichigan Presa and suggestions left over from space ea au attempted three- clrcutt orbit ef the earth. Meantime NASA officials-are still trying to prepare a rocket exam ines the view from tbe receptara mora fa toe Sm all Animal CSfae la d H n e r HalL He w as ebaaea from more than 488 German shepherds for a 14-we«k « ■ - other discussions. Here Jan. 30 Photography E xhibit, “Tbe B est fa the B e s t” Tbe display Kennedy has no plans to that will be aim ed at the mooa tag period ta tracking, crowd control aad search. —S tale N eva P la to I f F . Friday evening is set for the A Naval O fficers procure­ contains over 100 winners fa se e ( t e n or take a hand hi late this week, perhaps Friday. John IJsciandro. anniversary dinner. MPA m em ­ m ent team from D etroit w ill toe 1961 con test This show is aay activities Immediately And tbe Air Force still hop­ bers w ill be tbe guests fa toe' be in tbe Union from 9 a.m . sponsored by Consumers Pow­ feU ow isgJbe space flight. ed it could m eet its W ednesday Board fa T rustees. until 4 p m. daily from Jan. 90 er Co. and has appeared G le n probably will be target date for launching fiv e CAB Accuses Pilot, Airline Tbe m ain speaker fa tbe din­ through Feb. 1. throughout the state during the brought to the White House earth satellites with one rocket. ner w ill b e M errimaa Sm ith. Tbe team w ill furnish in­ past year. later far a form al, official He Is the senior White House formation on all navy officer _ The MPA was formed in salute and reception, sim ilar te that given the nation’s B la m e s D is r e g a r d o f R u le s Correspondent for Ufated P ress program s on general line, en­ 1868 and has grown to include International. H e te now cover­ gineering, supply, tew spe­ 292 weekly newspapers and a ll first man la space. A ttitu d es ing tiie fourth presi dent oa bis c ia lis t m edical, dental, theo­ fa the state’s 54 daily newspa- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i■ ■ ■ n n ■ « b e a t He has also covered na­ logical, and aviation. P ««- *I and S p a c e Administration (Continued from P age 1) titudes towards the health cen­ F o r C ra s h W h ic h K ille d 2 2 tional econom ic afffars, form er president Eisenhower’s Latin (NASA). ter. the study reported. Nonna maker found an un­ WASHINGTOfMG—The Civil t pilot w ere am ong those kilted. P acific A irlines displayed ut­ Am erican trip, and tile P aris H e was reported to have said Aeronautics Board Monday ac- T here w ere 26 survivors, ter disregard for the regula­ B ig Four conference last year. tersely: dercurrent fa negative feel­ tions set forth as to flight tim e His topic w ill be “The Wash­ ing concerning health gener­ cused an airline and a pilot of The California football team “The additional tim e will ally. He said there w as sem e an~“ utter disregard” of regu- was headed home after a gam e lim itations, minimum weather ington Scene.” only increase o u t sharpness.” doabt of the (isaltficstbB s of lations in a i960 crash which at Bowling Green S tate Uni- conditions, proper com pletion Saturday morning w ill be de- E arlier in the day, sources and filing fa required paper 1 doctor who would associate took 22 lives. versity. close to NASA indicated the trouble m ight have been due him self on a salary basis Sixteen football players w ere! The CAB said there w as a work, good m aintenance and S a g in a w T r ip to tiny specks of dust invading with a university health cra­ among the victim s of the Oct. “loss of control due to pre- inspection p ractices, and for tbe delicate oxygen life-line, ter. 29 tragedy a t Toledo. m ature liftoff.” This w as caus- coraptiance w ith regulations Set For Feb. 3 concerned with ensuring opera­ perhaps preventing a v alv e Many students equated the The CAB said tbe plane, ed, the CAB said, by a power tion, including maximum _ The trip to Saginaw for for­ from closing. - housing office with the bousing carrying the California State loss, a swerving Takeoff due to gross takeoff w eight, in a man­ eign students w ill b e Saturday, regulation, which they found Polytechnic College football erratic en gin e perform ance ner to guarantee safety to the Feb. 3, and not this Saturday team , was overloaded, engines and poor visibility. Spanish Club distasteful. This m ight explain the low rating of tiie housing were not warmed up sufficient­ The plane w as loaded 2.000 public. as indicated in Monday’s issue. ly an ti tiie pilot. Capt<-Donald pounds beyond jtts m axim um To Feature - office, the study said. L. J. Chesher. 38, attem pted to certified w eight, tiie report Language Prof Choir_Contracts take off in a heavy fog. said, adding it also w as over The agency noted that the tbe allow able takeoff w eight on C o r a l G a b le s ' airline, A rctic-Pacific, an Oak­ departure from refueling stops The Spanish Club w ill' hold land, C alif., supplem ental car­ at Albuquerque, N . M ., and its first m eeting fa winter term Due Saturday rier, w as suspended two days Youngstown, Ohio. Tuesday a t t : l t p.m . la tbe UN lounge fa the Union. .acfadrat and th at its The CAB I L F O R N O printing dom ltorle* pUnnmg to partiei- tfaW M i g ' certificate has not - Tomas Ram os. Instructor in Fog w as so pate in the Inter-R-Sing must been renewed. T h e N a a n th a t M ade P izza F am ou s in L a n sin g the foreign language depart­ The tw in-engined C46 crash­ Chesher bad to-m alm m ent, w ill be the guest speak­ turn in entry contracts J o ed and burned shortly after ing tour fa the area MW 0KR 81 IJdS LM. er, and there w ill be an inform­ al program after tbe lecture. Linda Collins, 256 North Case, by Saturday. take-off, Chesher and his co- w here other airplanes w ere parked and refueling personnel had to direct him to tbe taxi­ S erv in g S n ack s - S an d w ich es • L uncheons - D inners A lso C a terin g to W NCH 0 SERVICE Transport Club way with flashlights. The left engine w as fa » type P r iv a te P a r tie s • B a n q u eta - M eetin gs 1 7 2 0 E. M ich ig i To Be Reorganized not certified for use on C46’s. Chesher and bis co-pilot w ere Visit Our Rathskeller L a n s in g 4 8 4 -7 7 8 6 1 Plans have been annoimced on continuous duty on tbe - O pen 6 punt. D a ily for the form ation o f a Transpor­ flight from Oakland t o Ohio •P h o n e E D 7-1S11 “ tation and Physical Distribu­ and on another subsequent C om plete T ake-O ut S erv ice tion Club, a reorganization of flight to N ew H aven, Conn.,— the Transportation Club. or 26 hours and 40 m inutes and Its features w ill include w ere actually fa the controls speakers in transportation and for lV / s hours fa the 14 hours physical distribution, field trips and 41 m inutes fa fligh t tim e. to business and industrial sites, Civil air regulations Rabid and furnish job placem ent in­ the scheduling fa a pilot for form ation. - ' duty on the fligh t deck m ore Interested students should than eight hours, for duty leave nam es with the m arket­ aloft more than 14 hours, or ing departm ent Secretary, third for any kind fa duty m ore than floor, Eppley Center before 20 hours, during any 24-hour W ednesday. period. •7?- John F . A. Taylor, professor The report said, “The board of philosophy, w ill speak oil concludes that Capt. Chesher “The E thical Foundation fa the and tiie m anagem ent fa Arctic- Econom ic Community,” Tues­ day a t 8 p.m . in the Physics- Until tbe Civil War, peanut Math conference room . growing and eating in tbe The m eeting is open to stu­ United States w as confined to a IN T E R V IE W dents and faculty. sm all area fa eastern Virginia. ■■Mutait er Ha sta it Oa- Endtoott, Kingston, Owogo. pesa am méta» to Drama sppsUunlttas to: Vallai, Ydrtaown, N. Y-; BurMngton, Vormont; Lexington, Ky.; San Joaa, Cai«.; Bathaada. U N IQ U E Engineering and Sales Md.; and toebaatar, Mlnn. Ilsadquartsn io locatad in Maw Vota City «tali sataa and aarv- TMs Is a uniqua opportunity to fled eut abofa iea otacos In 1M major dttaa throughout tha tha many career appatomtHas at IBM. Tha Unitad States. ISM rapiaaawtativa can discuss with you typ­ Tha Accant la on tha tadMdual: No mattar FEB R U A R Y ical Joto. various trainine programa, chancas for admwead education, financial ramuda, what typa fa worfc « paraon dora at IBM, ha end comee*? borato» an important factors is gìv«r all tha raaponalbitoy ha la ab»a to taat fatato your futura. . handta, and aH tha aupport ha naoda to do 1 bomb m e t* m b OT m m ’ .. Ma Joh. Advancamant la by m erit __ An Unusual Broto» to n e IBM hra had ona Tha eraaa In wMch IBM la angagad hava sm ef too anusptlnufaagwto «toa to taduatry. it tmMmtad futura. Thla lo yaur opportuMty te “ - —'«-- — jfldùyiitiiiinraEdiM l*«M MWNaM'PRORPWipiHPwN mlN iitoO taT Kp'nH faU raH tedÉÉ'a piw ™ura laftÉíráát ftadout what that futura ha» ta odor you. A i w r e n 9 m w m quaSflod apfalcants w» ba oanaldarad far end pwtoata totora an «brant tafinba rand* emptaira ent wtthout record to t a ta , craad. catton te tata «tadtau tasramy. SHAVE > D ura^iv WOTaMta-sp nppdpRta hnrarteni ^tagm^wuarauw.w ops, manotactorraand marhota atada rang» Products: rourarararara» MIBM dawol- jgira ra»w eoiar or ratioM i origta. Ysur ftaesmanl aBtasr con bolp y w to taam Haw "wottor-thnn-wntor*action m elts board’s tough. fa produci» le Ito data proeeoeing tota. IBM mera ebofa IBM. Ha ean giva you «tarature nose "I tw second#. Remarkable new ‘‘wetter-dun* water" CWIipilWnim m ÿÿjjA vHjÊIi gtWBa« tajilnraMEjgraihàtoiam NIWIMwfam # afatarai •m VHra doootataB taa «wrapraraor Baldi at IBM. Ita action gives Old Spice Super Smooth Shave its scientific Indoaby. 'StajartanBi an araalntnwnt far you tota tha approximation to the feather-towch feel and tbe eflkiescy of tata letiraaiito tr a . tf you earawt attand an barber shop shave». Melts, your beard's toughness like hot EXCLUSIVE UNUSUAL Aerata fiie Country Opa-h o n » : l aboratory, tatm taw. o rto or cali thè minaB« fa B« towels and massage—to seconds. Nowhere can yva fiad a 'm o re aaiqze gift titea , . . ead ma ifaacterlng toc*»*** are located ta M aiaat IBM office Shaves, that are to com fortable you barely fool «*• Ornamental Hands . . . “ A P érirait te Pew ter . . ..m ade blade. A unique combination of and-evapsratMh agents R. f . M esto«, «ranch Manager a f a m M exclusively at P aigeeraft . . . When y ea A U IBM ftetotataisto. Oapt; 882 makes Super Smooth Shave stay moist and firm. N* re-lathering, no dry spots. Richer and creamier... give* you fa a gift for that sp ed a! per*— . ; be sure to f a t o . . the meat satisfying shave...fastest, cleanest—and most Lanatag 7. Midi. . “ comfortable. Regular ~*r mentholated, 1.00. « 4 4 IÌ4 P.•v1'.j.A' y .i I Gj|jp E C i ípsilÉRl A Fpp¿/'-I':,fT-f«'--:1 /*tojp*4^!?• i usto««« bara a bsltor ftotas» to to to ’w l» a «mota aompragA ■ S M U U.TO N 2 » ABBOTT ROAD OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENING BgiBsspi! ---------- JS u . w N K M m r m s o m y ,a m Fo u n d P l a n t s ............ | o£ Iteri Jnhasoo place« By GAB Y BONBERG the hm m him gm Hi# E T if P Court B p '• o m v w t i i rHMNN niHvii aOO*wB Em erald - Em bers ^ State News «parts Writer [surged to several 17-pot* 6 p a . PM D elt ..S . No leads, and w e* In the dress­ A l t h o u g h v i c t o r i o u s Indiana’s «rihrihsf b o * out ■ f ' p J i . __ ria Olym pic team m ate Mike 7 p.m . Z.B.T. - Phi P si i f M kcM ga State’« youthful ing n o * ahead 4648. against Iste a e Saturday, Troy to break m any records fat P ttio g lsta s - St. G enw ds 8 p'.m. L.C.A. * FTtse Spartans built u p $ 17-point State shot at a fine ,470 clip Spartan sw im m ers p l a c e d the 2 8 (K y d S b u ttc e K |« M P M Hall - Playm aker* t p.m . S. Chi - PM Sig K. ~ halftim e lead rad then bung on in tbe first stanza, staking » fir * ta four events and land» P u r in Schulhof’s tin te w m 1:57J . / BOWLING field goals in ?4 attem pts. Min- ail am erican records in B is E m in en ce. doggedly te S m a rt'p courage­ This tim e a tite j» ; new dual A lleys $ pm . nesota managed but right field 408-yd. freestyle relay to score w p p * I pan. ous Minnesota ratty in the m o * teeo n ii tios t i» A m e rica goals te t a e halftim e busier. 46.5 prints against tb e Hoos- 1 4 R adciiffe - Randall second stanza te gain an SM 9 in co iti, NCAA m a d the pool Gunners - O w n Grads ’ T he second 6 * w m « com­ tors, 84.5 score. / . i p record. T ie y c a m e in second 3-4 Rangoon - Rafferty B ig Ten victory Monday night B ig D ’s -C S O plete reversal State w asn’t alone * setting O d Cart Shear third w ith a 5 4 R aven h ill. Random p Jettison Fieldhouse. Burgess - B u r r itife Gophers E ric Magdanz, T o * records * Bloomington. The tim e of 2:02.4. Chuck Strong 7 4 Ravenna • Ram sey S p a r t a n soptom dre Bill Empowerment • Empyriara McGrann, and Don Linehan Indians squad, led by 1 0 » held fourth p lace trite 2:09.9 9-19 W est Sbaw 6 - 10 Schwarz led State’s s is men in Troy a d Chet Jastm m ski, 9 p.m . A lleys 4:30 p.m . led a M innesota flurry tit* IB ke Wood' with a tim e of M agaffers « S. Fid DeR. double figures with 30 m a r te n , helped brrift m a y national 1 4 W e* Shaw 8 - 9 drew them w ith * three points, 4 M t e 0 » M8-yd. freestyle, e . S. A . t picking tpt 10 of these in the records, 3 4 Burma . Burnley Wild second half when the 78-73. * the three-minute ptacoti first, breaking th e dual EMU - E m bassy : m a tt: Indiana won the i t e t 5 4 C a m era - Caravelli Gophers challenged. m e * p o o l'a n d MSU varsity I R adcliff - Randall The Spartans slowed it down m edley relay I s 3:38:5, setting record, J eff M attson c o t e in 7 4 , Cartilage - Cachet “ S tate’s Fred Thomann can­ a new dual m o * record. State Courte 3 ft' 4 — Gym 11 9-10 Carletons • Casopolis * this point and tb e Gophers second w ith ; • ! * Courts 5 & 4 —- Gym HI STA R TS T H U R SD A Y ned 10 points, P ete Gent had w ere J forced to foul. Min­ sw im m ers, D a Jam ieson, B B 13, and B ill Berry goTlO All Tbp 208-yd. backstroke put HOCKEY ; ÿ nesota’s Titwh»« fouled o * Driver, Chuck Strong and Dick Indiana first and second with are sophom ores. Juniors Lon­ nie Sanders and Jack Lament with 2:11 to jo , Bob Batem an left * 1:14, and R ay Crook, Blazejewski swam tim e. a 3:51.5 a tim e o f 1:57,3 a d 1:69.8. 8:15 p.m . A.T.O. - FTtse n ew i a l i i finished with 10 points. Dm J.m iw o n c m » in t t a * . J / S p £ A rSoS S * who had played siaee the SUM Tieing a pool record a d with 414.5. Tiie win gives MSU a 2-4 con­ ference mark mid * 7-7 slate on m in t of tbe first h alf with four personals, Ifeft the gam e breaking a new dual m e * re­ cord, the H oosiers took the 220- A la Som ers of Indiana won 10:30 p.m . W. Shaw - E . Shaw Serving Lindi the season. The Gophers are with 1:10 rem aining the 449-yd. freestyle In 4:27.4, FRATERNITY HANDBALL yd. freestyle hi 2:04.2 Mike breaking soother dual m eet 8 p.m . now 2-3 in the Big Ten and 0-9 The loss of these three hurt Wood placed second for MSU overall. Minnesota experience • w ise, record. Dick Brackett placed court H second' in 4:32.8 and N eilW atts singles doublés The contest was plagued by and the Spartans played it the fastest tim e, he also broke a steady parade to the free close to the vest from then on fourth in 4:49.L PM Sig. K.-Sig Nu 1 2 tbe dual m e * record in 2:03.2. throw line as 51 personal fouls in. Doug Rowe placed fourth with Chet Jastrem ski, one of the D.U.-Z.B.T. H oosiers top sw im m ers, took PM K. Psi-L-C.A. 3 4 Gasa Nava No. 2 w ere called. ’„ne Spartans were MSU coach Forddy Anderson a 2:07.4 tim e. 5 6 guilty on 25 occasions, Mim praised Schwarz for b is out­ Jeff Mattson took th e 50-yd. te e 200-yd. breaststroke in 0 p.m . 211 M .A.C. nesota on 26. However, even standing {day; and said be freestyle in :22.4, setting s new 2:12, setting a new dual m eet, A .T .(L -D .T 3 ). 1 2 the large number of fouls call­ thinks he has A starting five dual m e * and pool record. Jim A m e rica a d NCAA record. Sig. Chi. - D .S. Phi 3 4 ed couldn’t mar the gam e from that w as “beginning to jell." White tied for third place in Bin D riverp tecsd third in 2:24 A.E. P i - PM D.T. 5 6 and Joe Koine fo r th in 2:30.8. FRATERNITY VOLLEYBALL Program info IV 2-3985 the spectator standpoint. “This w as a good one to :23.4. ' ■ I With a_crowd"of'5.839 cheer­ w in,” he continued. “We beat Ron Stickles, Indiana swim ­ State J o * tbe la * three C oot 1 Deborah Kerr ing them on, the Spartans re­ a good team and th is-w as the m er, broke a ll records ta ith e events but m ade up for them M IC H IG A N Intty ton » a covered from an early cold best our offense has looked ail 200-yd. individual m edley. Re- Mr capturing tee 400-y j free­ “ w alkaw ay” for year cording a . tim e of 1:59J5, style relay te 3:15.8 which bet­ M ich ig a State tadkie D ave J fo w ..^ 8 5 e to 5 :3 0 spell and a six-point deficit to Behrman fa D ow agiac, Mich-, the O scar to race to a 19-11 margin“ with Anderson said that Spartan Stickles broke the dual m eet, ters the A m e rica and NCAA Feature a t 1:91, 4:96 “The taueeeute” JO :27 to go until the half. Capt. Art Schwann had a pool, Indiana varsity record a s records counted with hand tw ice was a All-State and once a A ll-A m erica prep foot­ 8:35, 9:18 PJM. Dorothy KugaUea w ell as breaking the NCAA and touch. Tbe B ig T a , however, * W was £ ,Ä l 2 : «he Splayed i . ' ,£ bombs from the outside and Thoinann hooked them in on the reason little, Anderson also revealed that Lament had sustained a so A m erica record. Bfil Wood placed third in 2:08.3, break­ ing the MSU varsity record. doesn’t recognize the hand ball selection, finished runner, touch a freestyle events so up to the U.S. w restling tryouts tMs e v e * w m not a national for the P a A m e rica gam es, Mlün&ER B E FO R EW A R N ED M ichigan^ State’s slight sprain o f th e aride, b ri football should be ready to go against Dennis Collins cam e in fourth with a tim e o f 2:14.4. com petition. The present re­ and played tbe ridire 60 min­ cord w ill told until State can utes fa a college football gam e n ifln E n! n y tsr tw i interests, see tais ptetere fr a * tbe bs^iaainz. team has played before six Northwestern Saturday. Van Lowe, State’s outstand­ r e s * its tim e la the AAU and —a ll before to turned 19 years crowds of 100.000 fans or more- Game "time for the Wildcat ing sophomore diver once more NCAA m eets later to the year, of age. in tbe last-nine seasons. encounter is 4:30 p.m . beat out opponents with a score BECAUSr PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL E D 24817 T ib jNctnre creates a tensioi and m ataw splari i m r ¡R u n n e r s By DICK ROBINSON P re p a re Mller-two m iler B illy R ey­ fo r T e s t The Spartans have indica­ .S T A T E * E A S T L A N S I N G • PH ONE E 0 .Î - 2 8 I 4 axparitRcad is a motion picture. BECAUSE _ State News Sports Writer nolds, the other graduation loss, tions of strength in m o * fa the State’s indoor track debut at placed third in the two-m ile la * running events, high jump a d Mgher prices. - Mmek g rs e n, b eîg SfCoiaeL dmrceoL $46 sizes. 6 24 01 MNRI w y M P B O M B l? s ii» « mwMm e U H SÉ B e a te n * ! greatest lefthand­ er a im » » m f tbe Itlfiiu t sal­ aried pitcher in the fam e** * ^ The AreocUted Pim» history Monday—if ha wasn’t 1 'ijtOGKlpMAJKXANO ' former warid haavyw eitht bostag « p a r tftfB r ,"Warren S p ate r t i g i i . jn # « te < Moaday that Me ■ ¡ ¡ j f » * * h es signed f ir III 18th season with w ffl haat Brttioh c h a a p im Heary Coepar Tüesday night. the Bravos, and it is safe to say he to t a raisa. FULLBACK JIM HIOWN s a * Moaday he would Hke to pUy fo rtfae d ev eia n d Browas “tare ar thraa m ore yeark.” Brown left no doubt, however, that he w as aftor a raise. STEVE O’NEILL, 6 , former major loagao catcher and m anager, rem ained in poor coodttk» Moaday a t H u n » Road HoopitaL H e w as to t e hospital in aa am bulance firent bis borne fci G eveland H eights Sunday. Neither hospital aides aer his Veteran's Am m . — » : » p ja .. physicien would disclose the nature of Ma alim en t — » «a f with SimeteaMft ROGER MARIS a f the warid champion New York Yankees, randM *t>, 41 Union. G aorea D etta — 7 p.m ., Pledge tbe onty T"*q ever té hit 81 home runs in one season, w as an* m eeting, M a r t i n L a te r nounced Monday as foc winner of the 1 6 1 S. Rae Hickok pro- C hap*. fesskm al athlete of t e year award L a th aa a Stadent A ssn. — 7 WHITEY FORD, brim ant soutbpaw ef the New Y a k Yankees, a.m .. Commuitios followed w as seiected Monday hy tbe New Y a k chapter o f tbe B aseball Passports - Portraits by light b reak fast Wrttar’s Association a s tbe outstanding performer o f tbe ttM Applications v Baptist S ta in * FfBaw ihip — 7 : 6 p.m .. B aptist Stadent World S o ie s . •“ * No Camera Charge • No Appotafm rati N ecessary HOT STUFF—Firem en from the E a * Lmaring Art department extinguished Center. Speaker. D r. Anna TBE BUFFALO BILLS of the Am erican Football Longue 67% Ea* Michigan - l ai d * — IV H ttl bandag d a t e s belonging to W illiam B . P a t e » , 1412-L, Spartan Village. The Barbara G m j M M y . nam ed John M a so of Boston U niversity f i backfield and end Aceanattag and FI— ea Cl ai coad i and Jerry Smith of tbe AFL Boston Patriote a s dafonshre H ie secured a t 4:43 p.m . Monday * t e E taniiry inSpartaa Village- -- 7 pun., S Union. lin e coach Monday. Michigan State University P a re n ts F i g h t S e g r e g a tio n Deadline Near LECTURE CONCERT SERIES “Perm itting deterioration * For Tri Delt V a r s ity D riv e In SPECIAL existing school facilities and 1227 E. GRAND RIVER “THE MIRACLE WORKER” failing to provide new an d jm - proved facilities f a segregat­ Scholarships OPEN EVERY DAY 5¡0O P.M. STUDENTS: 50c DISCOUNT ed schools. One week r e m a te in the “Discrim ination in recruit- dead-tine f a t e wem en apply­ DELIVERY SERVICE MON. • SAT. plication fa regulations under ing for one fa tbe two $186 8 i3 0 PJH. • 1.30 A.M. which students w ere -perm itted scholarships being offered hy to transfer to schools outside D elta D eita Dotta sorority. SUNDAY 5 :0 0 PJH. . 1 :30 AJU. their residential district so as to help create or perpetuate a AB undergra doete wom en B 2-8617 pattern of segregated schools.“" are eligfote to com pete, h at U N FO R G E T T A B L E TH EATE s p e d * consideration is giran D r. Samuel Brownell, D etroit to ju n ta s and u n io n . The'ap­ TIMf MAGAZINE ' school superintendent, declined plications are judged on the com m ent on the charges until A L T O G E T H E R S U P E R B m gtadent’s académ ie ad d avo- he could study tbe com plaint. m eat. need, and potential serv­ ie« to society. A S M A S H H IT CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS D E A D L IN E S : 1 p.m . D ay B efo re P u b lica tio n fo r T w s , W ed., Thurs. The m rority c a n e d th e m on­ ey for tin s tend throngh v o to n s projects ranging from wo fctag WALTER WINCHLLL BEST P U Y OF THE YEAR c a n to seBing p a n e s. and F ri. E d itio n s. D ead lin e f a M on. E d itio n : 1 p.m . F ri. Applications m ay h e obtain­ PH O N E : 355-8255 a 355-8256 ed * Women’s D ivision fa Sta­ UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM dent Ser vices and should he turned in to either the W on Thursday, January 25 — 8:11 pjm . en’s D ivision a ta P * t i Cole­ Reserved Seats: $ 4 .6 - $ 3 0 - $ 2 0 A U T O M O T IV E PER SO N AL (Students: $ 3 0 • $ 2 0 • $ 1 0 ) m an, 634 MAC. ~ NOW! F u t a n At GLADM ER ON SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE ! : • . I :« • M . »: • . 1.958 C H E V R O L E T . Blue, 6 cylinder, Church Hits automatic shift; Body excellent con­ dition. M otor overhauled- 509 Divis­ ion. EO 2-2859. ~ 13 W A N T E D . W O M A N graduate, stu­ dent or teacher to share apartment 3 Right Wing 1961 V O L K S W A G O N , black, sun- roof, white walls, undercoated Plau- blocks from Tferlcey. ED 2-0003. F R A N D O R N E A R , (N iw er building) IE W IN G E D S P A R T A N S Extremists punt radio, excellent- condition. See Nicely furnished. 3 bedrooms, ceramic at Rahi's Shell. CITppert and Saginaw. O P E N M E E T IN G ATLANTIC CITY, N J . «1 - S om e s s y tengffifl bath, laundry. $ 105 plus electric. Also A m ajor P ro lesta n fch a rd i or­ 3 rooms unfurnished. $95, plus electric. w e g o to in testin g Ford-built cu rs e j Call IV 4-979T. 16 ganization r en ten te in a report J[?.60 F O R D Corny I, 4-door. excellent r'H u rrlcu n e Road'*—o u r w in d-and v that liberty is threatened as condition. Very economical. M u st sell, RO O M S- ' " 'r ' " 355-8303, 8-E p.m., Mrs. Eyde: 15 mueh b y “t e resurgence fa W aather lab In Dearborn, M ichigan! 208 A LL E N . Private" sleeping room, O L D C O L L E G E H A LI extrem e reaction'’ a s b y 'te n - [And for practical- purpose s w o d oj A U T O IN S U R A N C E for students 5hare kitchen and bath with male stu­ munism. and -faculty. Low prices, high limits, dent. Private entrance. IV 4-5898. *4 {You m ight ca ll It "testing in depth^j IN TH E - U N IO N “Groups m oved by them re­ fast service. Bubolz. ED 2-8671.~ 19 O F F CAM -R U S. Light room, quiet, actionary forces attack with ¡Ford scien tists and engineers' have 1959 V O L K S W A G O N kitchen and living room privileges J fearful sasps c t e The very in­ d ev ised a gigan tic te s t tunnel th a t .ondition, O R 7.1122. desirejd, IV 2-8257. 15 stitutions which preserve oar lib erties,’* said th e report, crea tes m onsoon rains and tom ad ia EM P LO YM EN T S IN G L E R O O M for men. Close to campus. Parking. Call ED 2-3151. 17 adopted hy the North Am eri­ w in d s In a m atter o f m inutes. Super* S ER V IC E can area conacil fa t e World su n lam ps b oost tem peratures from 2 9 C O U N S E L L O R S W A N T E D for sum­ A P P R O V E D . 2 units available Tot Presbyter ian Affiance * its an­ mer camp in New Hampshire. Contact students. C ury's Cam pus Court. ED 7- L A W ST U D E N T R A TES for summer b elow to iiO above zero. Fog a n d Nnncy Bogart. 355-6373,___________ 17 nual m eeting. 2334. 7~T~ 13 trips. Europe, Hawaii, Orient, or the drizzle, snow and sieet—ait a t tha tw ise “Their leaders a ssert that Americas. A d ult leader. A.Y.H. spon­ leg islativ e bodies cannot h e o f dials. Huge cylinders beneath test-4 L O S T and F O U N & sored. Call Dick livesay_355-6956. 17 trusted; th at coo t s r a m * be ca r w h eels im itate every kind o f road« K E N M O R Ê SW EEPER and attach LOST. C A M E R A filter. Mounted trusted; that c hurches c a m * from fiat, sm ooth, turnpike t o . rutted cots. ED 7-9397 alter 2 p.m. 13 senes V, with side arm. Reward. 355- W E D D IN G IN V IT A T IO N S be trusted; that people cannot 8510. idom e IV 2-8126. 13 be trusted.” ' _ — m ountain trail. 35 M M C A M E R A and- case. Almos' and hew (7 months) Will sell for $35. 355 ANNOUNCEM ENTS Tbe report a lso said s u c h O ut o f It all com es know ledge o f how to LOST. 62 white gold class ring, 9929 after 5:30. _ I! amethyst birth stone. Reward. Call groups “betray” a d only a_ with matching lack o f confidence in the struc- bifild better cars—ca rs that are~built to» ED 2-4606. 17 B R ID A L G O W N , chantilly lace, appropriate accessories ture of our free societies, but last longer, require le ss cart, and retain! _tpseDoirtt over satin. Safenm neckline, also a failure fa faith In God.” chapel train, sizes 7-9. IV 4-7286. 13 Expertly done their value better. This constant aiming! Fast 8 day service No nam es w ere m eutisaod In for perfection is ju st on e mora w ay Inj FREE F IL M at Marek Rexall Prescrip­ t e report, b at a siwha m an tion ¿e n t e r with -each roll developed PER SO N AL The C ard Shop for t e council said tt aBaded w hich r e s e a r c h a n d e n g in e e r in g e r e and printed. 75c minimum, 301 . N. Across from H om e Economics to such rig h t w ing groups as e a r n in g fo r F o r d M o to r C o m p a n y i t s Chppert, by Frandor, Phone 485-4355. ED 2-6753 ~ the John Birch Society. p ie c e o f le a d e r s h ip . Dr. E ugene C a m n Bistro fa PMIadrtphia» ch ief eso cntive W IL L T A K E C A R E of children in my Cherry Lane apartment full or part officer fa t e "United Presby­ Ladies and M e n's time. Call. 355-8063. IS terian Church and chairm an fa Famous W yler W atches the coaacii’s - com m ission on M U S I C F O R D A N C E S and p a rti« civ il aad religious liberty, pre­ Guaranteed Waterproof for 2 Years by the "Continentals." Sallad*, twists, Stainless Steel Case and blues. 337-2591 or 485-4104. t5 sented the r e p o t T w elve Presbyterian and Re­ at the low price of $25 + tax EDtE STARR, typist. Experienced, in form ed church bodies in the Top trade in other fine watches* theses work, IB M . Excellent quality on U nited S tates aadjCaaada, with * W M . H. T H O M P SO N multilith ‘masters. C a lf O R 7-8232. 19 about 8.5 m l H i a n m em bers, JEW ELERS K E N N Y D A V IS O R C H E S T R A . C a « m ake up th e coonriL ED 2-1477. - 14 “Oa the one hand,” t e re­ Frandor Shopping. Center p o r t said, “ wo^ a m * take se ­ : A N N B R O W N , typist and multilith- IV 5-0749 ing, General, typing, term papers, the­ riously t e threat to our free­ ses, dissertations, 'duplicating. E D 2- dom pared hy t e lata n a tio n al T R A IL E R S V E T E R A N S A S S O C IA T I O N 1384. ' ' tl Comm unist i sogdrnry and hy 1958 m A y f a i r . 1? r a ll appropriate m erer oppose M E E T IN G T U E S D A Y T H E S E S T Y P IN G , printing. IB M Elec­ tt. On t e other hand, w e m ust condition. IV 9.4181. tric typewriter*. Editing and proof- J A N . 23 reeding mweitabU. W on ch G rafic Serv­ take with equal sM istiia o is t e ice. 1720 E M ichigan Awe. Lansing. threat fa there w he endanger NEW T IM E ; 8:30 P.M. 414-7784. tf ou r liberty hy fa e e tlr * social G A R A G E . Across from William*. $6 ROOM 41 T H E I U 0 S P A N G L E R quartet and monthly. Inquire at 328 W . Michigan, quintet featuring l o b Ruthin. N o w 14 . U N IO N B U IL D IN G under new management. Pram Hoxaht H O U SES M EET "S W E E T H E A R T " C A N D ID A T E S to Twist. C o « tV 2-1240.____________ (J SOO N . W A Y FO RÖ . Newly-decorated 2 bedroom*, basement., garage. $80. WANTED IV f-2261 or IV 7-3446. Edward G O P E N R U S H F O R A U . men interest­ Hacker C o .- -5 ed in co-op Irving. Sec Tuesday's State IN T E S T IN A L F O R T IT U D E — Prime New* for details. tS requisite for two girl* interested m touring—Europe by car a n d there #»• pensas. L cavng end o f March, return­ ing? Mu*tk know immediately- Betta. 355-8605. 13 CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS § 5 1 LOW COST. « . BBm P LONDON » —T he Church fa I a l i n i r tc e tO y * * * * * t h a t r e — S fa ta » fa * e b reE sbofaá « « H M t t o l m r t « l i s ; Open rush by the f i B rr » houses h a re com bined over $5 catecM sretar a t I m * t e aaset operative houses w ill be bald « s e n e f operations and have W ednesday aad Thursday. had m ore I B * 190» m em bers. S Wednesday fa t p.m ., Bower, | T he m em bers e f , fa il co-" i Hedrick, Howland, and U lrey operatives handle m r i§ M .te e houses w ill bold open bouse, task s called lo r la kporeting According to Harry B ow es, and maintaining their house*. publicity chairm an for .0 » Each m em ber works about tir e Men a Inter-Co-operative Conn- or six hours a week fa various fa t j i astagsm rilts. t I B e a t Eteworth, aad Motts Tbe ICC, which w as form ed bouses w ill open their doers oa th 1946, represents tbe cfrops- Thursday at 8 p.m . jlE te.B ish o p fa Coventry. D r. in certain functions fa tbe Uni­ . K. N . B ardsley proposed a .^M em bership is open to any versity students, serves to SS. Cottale egre» t m ale student who fills out an handle problem s of com mon in­ .Sk Ceremony com promise ntaonitioa resort­ application blank and is ac­ terest, and furthers contact J7. Slittar* ing the D evS ta t i» catechism , erated by the m em bers ente but ofay f o r an esqwrfiSMfafa i among the houses. ; A l t prospective m em bers SA Matando period fa saren years, l l j f æ m ust have at least a 2 print to T w teure The B istop of Birm ingham , grade average to be consider­ ed by any ef tbe houses. Sem e ¡3 Cars Crinkled H r. X L. Wilsao - a strong a U H k v fi adrecata safa he bouses require a minimum 2.2 to 2.4 average b e m aintained In Minor S o fa s n a t e c i h e w » retauw tared a n i waaU withdraw his ob- before a student m ay join. . M embers fa the Inter-Co- On Campng jectires. But, saM he: .' “I deplore the reactionary operative Council (ICC) w ill be hi the Unkm Concourse on Three care w ere involved In m easure fa p u tlo g the devil Tuesday, W ednesday, a n d minor accidents on cam pus this bach and I would a fa one ques­ Thursday from 10 a.m . to 4 weekend. tion. If he is there, obviously j p.m . to answ er questions from there » som e doctrine about A ca r owned by John Wilson bbn and t h * doctrine that has prospective m em bers. w as dam aged when he tried to The m e n ’ s co-operative rem ove it from a parking to be v. 1 BLOCK E A ST OF CAM PUS bouses enter into their 22nd. “What ia that doctrine that OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. FRL A SAT. p lace. W ilson § b i out fa h is car, h as to h e taught? _ year fa operation this term as leaving th e engine running and a U niversity student organiza- “Ought w e not to have som e ALSO AT V tiie gears in reverse, and push­ conwfassicn or other hi order -'“^ttons. ed it. I t broke free and hit 2129 N. LARCH US 27 A 47to S. CEDAR US 127 • Hedrick House w as opened to tel! u s w hat » t i» church’s a guard rail fa th e c o r n e r fa d ectobw -fat the D evil about w inter term o f 1940, followed the food sd ea ca lab. which it- a so im portant to by the opening fa Elsworth House daring tbe spring term . A car driven by Shirley Thurs­ teach our dfadrfaf?” To date, tbe seven m en’s ton fa L am ing w as slightly dam aged when a ca r driven by Robert Beighard fa E a * Lan- A m e ric a n E m b a s s y D r. B ardsiey’s com prom ise w as adopted on a show of hands. sthg struck her stopped veh icle n ear Dem onstration H all. In C a ra c a s B o m b e d A1 B oyce, night editor; Kean Apparently Reighard’s ea r CARACAS, V en ezu elan )— A W fasbger To D pen Youn, w ire editor; Ana Darl­■ skidded into M iss Thurston’s Cleveland Conference ing, B ill Y ancey and R om e! car when h e triad to m ake a bomb Mast Mew out a section (Author of ‘'Rally Rsmod Thè Flag, Boys' G eber, copy editors. turn. - fa the seventh floor o f th e U JL M a n y L o v é s o f D e b it G ilH *” , f t e .) Professor H erbert W eisingt-r, E m bassy Monday close to tb s chairm an of tbe com parative office of acting am bassador literature program , w ill give Allan Stew art. There w as co n ­ t e opening talk, “ Y et Another siderable dam age but no ane Theory fa the R enaissance,” a t w s» h u r f,^ f toe North Central R enaissance THE TRUE AND TRAGICAL TALE OF T h e explosion occurred m aid Conference in Cleveland Feb. tension on th e opening day fa HAPPY JACK SIGAFOOS I t. The conference w ill be co ­ the H em isphere Foreign M inis, sponsored by the Cleveland Mu­ Who would have thought that Happy Jack Sigafoos, the boy tors Conference fa Punta D el seum fa Art and W estern Re- E ste, Uruguay, on the problem the sky never rained on, would teeter on the edge of a life of crime? s e n » U niversity in conjunction o f F idel Castro’s Cuba. - Certainly there was no sign of it in his boyhood. His home w ith the 75th anniversary fa the E xtrem e leftw ing elem ents museum , jmv life was tranquil and uplifting. His mother was a nice fat lady FOR YOUR agitated during th e day a g a in * who hummed a lot and gave baskets to.the poor. His father the conference aad the anti- was a respected citizen who could imitate more than 400. bird Castro governm ent fa President calls and once saved an elderly widow from drowning in his R om aic Betancourt. Anti-Com­ good suit. (That is, Mr, Sigafoos w in his good suit; the m unist students dem onstrated elderly widow was in swimming trunks.) Happy Jack * life w ith dem ands that the confer­ was nothing short of jdjllic—till he went off to college. en ce take strong steps a g a in * Here Happy Jack quickly became a typical freshman— Cuba. tweedy, seedy, and needy. He learned the joy* of rounding out The bomb fa the E m bassy his personality, and he learned the cost. His allowance vanished w ent off hr a m en’s washroom , like dew before the morning sun. There were times, it grieves blow ing a bole about e ig b tfe e t me to report, when he didn’t even have enough money for a square in the front w all fa the pack of Marlboro Cigarettes—and you know bow miserable building’s top floor. that can be! To be deprived of Marlboro"» matchless flavor,its Adjacent office sp ace w as easy-drawing filter, its subtly blended tastiness, its refreshing dam aged, windows w ere sh at­ O PEN SM OKERS mildness, its ineffable excellence, its soft pock or flip-top box— tered and broken, and w ater why, it is a prospect to break the heart in twain! — pipes flooded floors. Telephone and elevator sen d ees w ere Marlboro-less and miserable, Happy Jack tried to get mors knocked out. The blast w as mousy from home. He wrote long, impassioned letters, pointing heard through tiie em bassy sec­ out that the modem, large-capacity girl simply could not be tion fa E astern C aracas and courted on his meager allowance. But all Jack got back from brou^it crowds and p olice ca rs. P olice said a p lastic bomb ap­ parently had b eta used. Tbe em bassy sta ff w as at work when it w ent off hut tiie We are groupa fa m ea whe hare ande to e heat fa fhrepctal necessity by working Am bassador w as aw ay. An fa - together (tear to fax haare a week) to achieve a total living ccst averaging less than ficia l said he noticed an un­ Zito per ter». We serve exeeBefa f t * and we fed as ware fa sacrifice ta this identified m an in the washroom venture. Rather we feel a great gate ta dafly Ihres from the experieaee of cooperat­ minutfaL before tiie M asC :- ing with others toward a common parpe«- Itarttorerera. we refate that are tease About two hours la ter a sm all offices, opea to all am aten, etter as stgtoBeaat opportunities fat leadership. Inter­ bomb exploded in front fa an ested? Then let’s investigate a r e specific arare fa C N f He. apartm ent buUdhig near the M inistry fa th e In terior. It Co-ops participate ta AE-Uairanlty recata «fai as nomerei«tag aad The Junior caused slight dam age but no Sto. Ia addition each hoase perftrtafan as a nah ta toe IOC Independent League. injuries. : Oar «ports tactadc testetbafi, sfatta*, feriteti, viticvirtl aad tewttag. Every eae A ctivity in downtown Cara­ gets a chance to play ufa the csupfaltifB tar toe M en taker Co-op Cread trophies cas slow ed to a craw l a s m any is spirited, but friendly. • ‘ \ • ta x is and buses disappeared from to e street In a strike ca ll­ Lite p a r iâ t Wa bave t e a , aad fa si area, too! We a te bave exchange dinners borne were tiresome homilies about thrift and prudence. Corner Ann & MAC ed by drivers’ radons. Then one dark day a sinister soplmnScffC came up to Jack Leaders fa anti-Communist and Haid, “For tone dollar I will sell you a list of fiendishly clever unions sakt th e itr lk e w as tim ed Haw a ta r i studies? The « r a s •» * g te r a have n a ilefrutly bad a higher grade lies to tell your father when you need some extra money.” petal average to r e rear other area’* t a if a gronpa. T h» lir e academ ic record Utas- He gave Jack the list of fiendishly clever lies. Jack read: trates t i» em phasis placed r e statore h i to e «a ape- —J. A bunch of us fellows are getting together to buy a new house for the Dean of Mon. -v It Is ta the nom bre fa t e ta d M tefa haasre th at toa tree «pirtt a l e t r a hvteg 2. A bunch-of m fellows are getting together to buy a head­ em erges. F or it » t e rn * d eta te, tatfatag oaty tore to fax hares a w eek, «tedi stone for Rover, our late beloved dormitory watchdog. brings toe m em bers together h i t i» Ireret ktad affetiow fadp. Three d otai», assigned 3. A bunch of us fellows are getting together to endow a chair accredta f to to e m em bre*» choice fa wsfat r e d Ms d a w re ta d a » , offer woaderM! of Etruscan Art. __ opportunitres for hire to develop Ms patee aad tentative. T his process o fp o rr ea a l growth cannot be d sreritadL It aaret t a se r e to r e tir e 4. A bunch of us fellows are getting together l a build our own particle accelerator. ? —. For a moment ¡wor Jack was tempted; surely hi* father could Stffl interested? The» pfek up t e flrem aad «sto sa c fa ti» houses Usted below, t e a t ask for the a r e bwsM p chairm an. B t a t a r i already your fricad, ta not bat support all these laudable causes. Thda Jack’s good upbringing came to the fore. He turned to the sinister sopho­ s a w w fll to . more and aa»d, “No, thank y o u .1 could not dseova my aged parent so. And aa for you, sir, Lean only say—fin,'” Upon hearing this tbe sinistCT sophoraore broka into a huge grin. Ha whipped off his Mack hat aad paaty faca—aari who do you think it wag? Norn other than Mr. ffpfswi, Happy Jaek’a father, that’s who! B O W ER H O O K “Good lad!" cried My. Sigafoos. “You have peeeed yoor BEAL HOUSE 8M ABBOTT ROAD E » i t brilliantly.” With that he gave Happy Jack a half auBim d a te » ta small bilk and a n d convertible containing power fe * f H E D R IC K H O U SE Steering a«d tour nubile maidens. \ M fH A S L E T r tn B E T E -M>' ELSWORTH.HOUSE Crime does not pay! jjgfiK j ■ a w n sn w >■■■ 711 W. GRAND RIVER ED 2 0 8 1 ' H O W L A N D H O U SE 228 ANN S T K B E T f 1 H u t h o u se M oney sa d y ir U H o e e n 'l e h o ts y o d tto p p y J o c k . E x c e p t fo e i lp S ABBOTT ROAD 1 th e m in o r b v iy o M h is c m s h m e re ja c k e t r e u s e d b y ( I ) « I"»* o f U a r lb o r o s tir td ( T ) o b o x o ( M e r lb o r o s , h e ’ s th e s tu n t o lé 828 A K K O T m EAST LANSING