iwa'KB £ P P $ flP ^ House To Vote On Mail Hike WASfflNGTON ig l - T h e H j t s t e voted -for an in- crease in first cla ss letter m ail to 5 cents and tat air m ail to 8 cento Tuesday in tentatively apnraviag a b ill which would r i t e postal revenues 1700 m il­ lion a year. V .* The to ll would increase sec­ ond cla ss (newspapers and m agazines) m ail costs by $S3 snillion a year and lift third ‘UN Victor d a s* m ail u?,*rs with a 11718 m illion boost. * The third class increase w es In Battle/ .|8 8 m illiofi m ore than the ad­ m inistration had requested, a s House m em bers n m in oppo­ Stevenson sition to so-called “junk m ail,* BLOOMINGTON, 111. UR - the m ain ingredient of that Ambassador Adlai E .'S teven ­ category. son declared Tuesday night the Rep. H. R . Gross, D-Iowa, United "Nations- is beset with who objected to what h e caned dangers, but he called it a bul­ “I’D RATHER BS BEAT and best badly fhaa f t atoag the “p ig ” rule under which the wark in the com m unity of na­ fafll w as handled, m ade a tech­ tions, and said it is winning its with this,” said Cen Cm Delegate William C. Marshal nical ehjectien that blocked a referring to Jto apjerttonmrat plan passed Tuesday. battle for survival. final vote on' the b ill untQ In an addrcr« prepared for —State News Pheto by Eldea Garleck. Thursday. . delivery before the Blooming­ ton Association of Commerce, Stevenson took issue with crit­ ics who proposed that U .S. foreign policy place less em ­ phasis on the world organisa­ tion. '.'^ * 3 1 Stevenson described som e of the statem ents about th e United Nations a s m yths. H e asserted that “w e m ust beware of the ‘get peace quick’ people and those who say wv m ust fight L See UN VICTOR page g Co-ops Begin Open Rush Wednesday Open rush begins Wednesday night a t the m en’s co-operative houses. ~ At 8 p.m ., Bower, Hedrick, Howland, and Ulrey houses w ill be open to all prospective members. Thursday night, Beal, E ls- worth, and Motts houses will be hosts for all interested m ale students. All prospective members must have at lea st a 2 point grade average to rush any of the houses. Some houses re­ quire a 2.2 to 2.4 a v er a g e.; Members of the Inter-Co-op­ erative Council w ill be in the Union Concourse -W ednesday and Thursday to give informa­ tion to prospective m em bers. Membership is open to ray student vim fills out an appli­ cation M ask and to accepted by^tbem em bers. W m m A wwr ii n U* I * C o m S ^ ^ g ilr>ir | ¿ ^ ^ íi| W ^ Í R «ronda t m year dace & AdM. « M k i r. bmmvBk hM m et w en, and reflect national aaods. President aeay too» tao earn o f om eo a n aoBveroa a « so n aw u s quem bn am na* to e kev torom nf th e aacom Æ : w Æ M m m iM É W & ï Ê Ê â r o m o a * r t a t t * ..T b a r o ia e been s o abato- a s * strong loader end shows sign s ( f laasaaral airTrm ■-■—^ '• t v -ji m an, tfwi u iflm w a TmT •«»....m p -i„ B k ^ m r o fim te a m M w ar a rtM e annihilation. President to st w as pndM ted when b s was * S a k so b aste a a iv .n th e stem rort a s ever elected to tbo CdSdrt d d a d c . But tbo P m td a d a s M K nai'SM i, i R M M npinB wo sn p n M M c s R ^ s i n m a m nas *5^ fj& y «mwhm Erwia O. Caaham, edjtsr, Chitetiaa flslsnaa U n i t e s a W IWtPIPt Wj aiP P ?'& 'a e g S S a x i. , /. a *" ------ |m * i n n i t§ § n f fiM fiilA ft i f A m tr ic m m a srnaiiam - -—* - -&nS fwmf_iniMr wsm j a Ew m?gp n nsisac - **i—a_ ■ I p gtrotey SH mmbm ta p n n ^ m oncM i 81 arresting too iprwH of ¡6ohkA.M H H h«6^^M I -‘ •ppf H t IHWBMWpgH Hmmrtflr I ImmdmWMtetnlratel w W ilM Il Ü IË W ^BSMAtmW O Im feMrafejtmkXetat IOT ll fOUDufiuOXI fitem The Kennedy adm inistration’s first year hhl base more stable, less experim ental, than tiw DsniBcratic campaign p lat­ iv v a Iw w ttn ivjhicii srsv^mI mfci VmBU larga Soviet Horn ■ form and pledges would have itej tMsd. P o n t e * H » ftm red V fltt generation w as sow , tbo problem s It faced wore not. audience. ^ * v, ■• .' , .■',-r-Vv ■ m W % ? T f r . Kennedy’« eloquent affirm ation of faith Is tbo United little front tin Eisenbowar administration, MBgftJtl tespie* S Overriding m ost other coscoras a t Koanody took aver w as the M ajor criticism s, la addition to the A udi with N ations a lta r th e ■death a t D ag Hammnrsktoki fa ltered vfc -eM tfa b r. There w o n splutters la tbo dom estic ecoaw n y. Un- assorted foreign policy i m h u n i i , 1 muntetien v siien lta l ran tela m r ilH s Iwtwaan the strong em dtovm eat w as corridor r o ll. fa r m surpluses continued to over policy towar d tbo Congo, Aagi g g ^ -T ilg.1 . " J group o f a d v iso n in flw executivt office and ikw w bsfs ant- ghft to e nation's agricultural coffers. And then there w as nations, high dom estic «pos i n g and side t t e State Department. dtoritivrtapsd H efu m h liil btafiy (m Q |k n )A n O v r o sfc r w a « r i-h ^ ^ ^ pro» The Berlin c r te ^ r a T fa c e d vigorously a t year’s sad . How­ Castro. ^s~4W x#;r • ¿y . ' s umption 1 nuclear toots bt the atn i à r i f f » » > roottegocotom tter o f tm te la t t e A m erica, A lls s a d A m e s . . . How is the President m aking out at the end of his first 12 Follow ing are the individual appraisals, either personal ever, many problem s loom abaaid: a more definitive solution Oa toe dom estic b a d i , the P r a W w fi oa Berlin, bravo thecam paignbattle over foenign tred s poUcy, the Congo great m rofhs la office, in the opinion o f observers who keep daily expressions by editors and publishers la response to tbo A P ì l f foevem cnt toward Wow Frontier» (h at) had rcla- to b rk u national and international affairs? What’s tbo adm in- survey or condensations of newspaper ed itorials oa tbo subject: m ess, tb s continued Cuban Infection, the weakness In South­ istrstion ’s outlook for th e future? . i east Asia. . -aJfe.: X vo tend w u ate s o a r a r tte Ms M l program for aid to President Kennedy has finmd that m iracles euanot be achiev­ t w Associated P ress asked a number o f leading odltors —— lia^ÉriMltes sHM *fti tO llltat ttttSU dO fttlM and ed readily, nar the power position in to e world a tten d by sgp- S iS T s y fts fS 'S is s : ?*£» s^sr* •' ^ tory and good intentions. _ — 't.-n, < l b s as sessm en ts, o f course, varied. If the general tone of the L ast Jaauary i predicted Mr. K ennedy would b s a great Barry Bingham, editor aad pnMisher, L ouisville Csurier- m ajority s samad favorable, few w ere unequivocal either in President, or a b u st Tbs story lo y et t s b e told. Thus far, It prm M * condem nation. J 9 m ore plus than m inus. - — J M Journal and Tim es: f ¡J They xaafod from statem ents that Am ericans "on the whole “ T he adm inistration fum bled on foreign a tta in alm ost a t Kennedy isn ’t the first ^resident to have the rhyteitt of plan- have ju st causa to bo proud of thoir-President” who b n "the one» "Cube, T jw e, and too mUcb ta ttin g . K agorlw os baa b om F n m tha Caribbaaa I» t i»e W to to C o n » , tbfites difficulty dflfictdty of choices nod progress on dom estic a tta in disn rssp a ct and support" of m ost citisen s to verdicts that Mr. a hard teacher. There has boon a firm ing 19 o f p o ik y w ith ear. P resident Kennedy te is m man­an-. eign events. Stumbling badly on Cuba, Kennedy’s record “is m ainly full of sound alone" and that Ms wider public aoceptanca. fu lly uh&AMy m aking the right choices, in our opbdMt, basing dence of learning by expwrience. He im advisors “have led the adm inistration from one m istake into World tensions have overshadowed dom estic affairs' so them on u w ilk i H H P p backbH fiw ui with power. clarity of thought end speech. He exhibits the root require­ another." . •, _ there is little basis for. judgem ent Considerable recovery, They m» not simple dMteoa. TSdgr are not toe easy ones to ment for presidential greatness -~ ability to grow under fierce Evaluation of the adm inistration’s outlook included prodic- ? y es. But wa have y et to sae whether Ksvnadjy caw M B Ink É w t — wttness thadsetetais «n t i» Dominican RepuMic and White House pressures. • ' tions that tea President would have continued trouble w ith lin e on spending, avoid inflation and f i t tite ■ fin a l! growth te« Confa—in ft» ine* of jutenaapatitimd oppoftion. But they Prediction: Continued trouble with Congress on dom estic is­ Citefpass, th at support for Ms foreign policy would broaden, rate really rolling. X bopa h i can. sues, increasing support on foreign policy. S tu d e n t D is c o u n t S e r v ic e L e tte r s to th e E d it o r A U SG is ag a in b egin n in g p la n s fo r a E ven th e sin g le stu d en ts a r t fa ced w ith - «tudant d isco u n t serv ice. P e titio n in g h a s th e prob lem s o f su p p lies, b ooks an d clo th ­ begun fo r ^ tu d e n ts w ho w ish to ser v e on in g . T h ese b ills p iled on to p o f fPS tu itio n and 9266 room an d board ch a r g o r o fte n th e board. m ean th e d iffe r e n c e b etw een a b a la n ced T e th e Editor: turn up oflT ttm pus as forty- faculty than he could personal, —nam ely to prepare the young Right now u the tim e to start T h e S tu d en t D iscou n t S erv ice B oard bank accou n t and a loan. Congratulations! Your edito­ four aeon Bghts. ty roach for opinions. citizens of today (the students) working toward th is goal. (S D 6 B ) Is b ein g so t up to handle stu d en t rial cartoon appearing in Fri­ Ken Peek P eats who have already for a responsible sod m ature Shrgmmar Poddar I f a d isc o u n t ser v ic e eo u ld be a rra n g ed , day’s edition e l the State N ew s found their style by winning ac­ role to the society of tomorrow. r 616 U b c com p lain ts sh o u t th e h ig h c o st o f liv in g claim in contests or by being The hum anities courses wffer it w ould b e valu ab le to ev e ry s tu d e n t w as very fittin g indeed. The In E a st L an sin g. O th er co lleg e tow n s h av e T he board m em bers can n ot ch a rg e in to erection of “ appropriation Meyer's Speech published in literary m agazines som e help in understsnding the Right of Choice su c c e ssfu lly developed d isco u n ts fo r stu ­ signs" in front of tiw m ajority would find no purpose in such past in relation to the present. th is p ro ject w ith a d o lescen t en th u sia sm , T s the Editor: |£ n section except as an outlet However, the hum anities course T s the EMter: d en t p u rch ases and A U SG is tr y in g to o f buildings on cam pus seem s h ow ever. In sp ite - o f its ob viou s m e rits, In toe January 16, 1662 issue te r their ideas; but others who called “The R ise of W estern I feel that here a t MSU we s e t up su ch an arran gem en t here. to m e one erf toe greatest m erch an ts and ev en som e stu d e n ts m ay w astes of m oney by th is uni­ o f your paper there w as an in­ feel th at they have a worth­ Civilization" leave two-thirds need a paper with the eco­ A U S G 'h a s been w ork in g on th ia pro­ oppose it. B efo re ap p roach in g th e E a st versity in som e tim e. Forty- terestin g rep o rt,on a speech while idea to present m ight find of the present world out. nomic structure of the Michi­ je c t fo r aa lon g a s a n y stu d en t can re­ L a n sin g C ham ber o f C om m erce, th e board four signs at seventy dollars delivered by Professor A. G. their w ay to a style of presen­ A more proper course would gan D aily. You te your article m em ber. In th e p a st it h a s fa iled m u st d evelop a ca refu l, sy ste m a tic d e­ apiece am ounts to th ree tbou- M eyer. The speaker sees the tation acceptable to the general he sim ply "R ise of Civiliza­ of Jan. 17 presented clearly m isera b ly . W h eth er it w as th e fa u lt o f ta iled accou n t o f how a ser v ic e w ould be sand eighty dollars of w aste to S erial Union a s . . » "a prosper­ public. tion." In the modern space age, the econom ic reasons fro such u n cooperative E a st L an sin g m erch an ts or_ be exact. ous, successful nation" . r . o f The poetry-reading public is tim e and distance no longer a change. I also feel that there ^ op erated . "Last spring term there w as a . . “ a kind of hum antterian, very smaQ. I realize, but I feel separate and divide the world is a distinct socio-political unin spired stu d en t- lead ersh ip is irrele- relaxed com m unism ’’. . . which that there te a possibility that as to the past. W e feel the im ­ argum ent for the change. v a n t—W h at is im p ortan t is th a t stu d en ts T horough stu d y is requ ired b u t th is loud financial com motion rais­ ^ . “ is losing interest in revo­ tMs te because of a too rigid f, as a student, like and feel pact o t happenings far away. d o es n o t m ean th a t th e p r o je c t n eed be ed when toe L eftete ta n ap- th is y e a r h a v e a g a in u n d erta k en th e pro­ lutionary ventures abroad." dictation by publishers as to This is so because the world it to a right to m ake decisions je c t and could m ake it a su ccess, b ogged dow n in m on th s o f co m m ittee re­ proved a cu t in the appropria­ The steffi day in conclusion what w ill or win not be jpub* has shrunk, i s shrinking and for m yself, I don’t argue that tion m oney for M ichigan State. search and volu m es o f p aper rep orts. The TOBfmisstoaa of this cut of an ed ito ria l , in, toe State fished. And this dictation is w ill shrink beyond our present I receive one dollar’s worth Of A d iscou n t ser v ic e is needed h ere. A érnaT w « n ie a t: H to e basedon1 what the poetry-read- conception as our transporta­ good from the State N ew s bdt I t m eans ra th er th a t th e board m em bers was« felt ew syw h ss e . portrait of dingy c itie s and in i m inority fin ds acceptable tion and com munication tech­ I do argue the w ay ten t the de­ S in ce it haa prOvnd w orkable to oth er m u st b e w ilH ng to d ev o te h ours o f w ork L. At that tim e I held a position fussing, grum bling citizen s pro­ |T T feel that there m ust be a nologies make new strid ii- cision is “ m ade for. tee." Il l situ a tio n s, It is n o t im p ossib le in E ast to th e p roject in ord er th a t it m ig h t be in the Continuity Departm ent seó te' pointed contrast with w ay of gaining the interest of did wot feel that to e s te le News People of different nationali­ w as worth one dollar and re­ L an sin g. A w ell-organ ised , fa ir sy stem at WKAR. When the end of M oscow’« flesh y propaganda more readers by new sty let. done th is y ea r. — # § — ties, races and cultures .are fused to pay this dollar at spring term rolled around, th e color s-coiors which too often Because I do not tool that I or w ould in su re p ro fits fo r th e m erch an ts- student help in too departm ent, com ing to Over greater and registration, I would not be al­ It ca n -n o lon ger d rag on from y e a r to seem to catch the eye of un­ this d esire is unique and be­ and ch eap er liv in g fo r th e stu d en ts. except for the head, and in closer contact and association. lowed to attend this U niversity. y ea r as it h as in th e p astr I f A U SG rea lly critical foreigners, including cause th is tetter aw idea born Therefore, the importance Of This 1 feel to a gross en­ assistant, w as inform ed that som e rom antic libérate in West­ of m y frustration, I sincerely S om e stu d e n ts a d m itte d ly a re n ot fa ced m eans to provide su eh A serv ice to th e their jobs would not bo waiting understanding each other or the croachm ent on my right of w ith fin a n cia l problem s b u t a good sh a re ern Europe and eteew hera." hqpe that this tetter w ill be stu d en ts, it should do so m eth in g con crete for them when they returned in world society as a whole cannot cboicc. o f th em are. S tu d en ts w ith w iv es and th is year. W e’ve heard too m an y com ­ the F ad . The budget cu t m eant Som etim es they Uke to c sfi considered and possibly pub­ be over-em phasized. With the structure ef'~the them selves experts on Commu­ lished te L etters to toe Editor We. cannot afford any longer Michigan D aily tMs sore spot fa m ilies o ften fin d it d iffic u lt to pay m ittee reports and seen too little action that tom «' w ere no tongor nism . fro reflection by other students ren t, food and clo th in g b ills. funds available to pay any stu- to rem ain ignorant of these would awtom aticblly lM rem ov­ in th e p ast. N ow is th e tim e fox. actio n . and frustrated poets. facts. dent help. ^Corners and to bo M yn aK aek m ak ed. I do not f o t l to st it is a P h i doctorate Fefiew 'J |p Robert C. Dye Of course, such s change te good thing to force a a tastru- cut—and I w as one o f them . A university w ith such finan­ curriculum cannot be done m ent of tokening and informa­ Need For Poetry Humanities overnigM . Considerable tone tion on anyone fro *ny reason. Grades and Insurance cial w oes as M ichigan State has alw ays bean pictured to have, m ust surely be aM t to find To th e Editor: TO toe Editor: and effort w ill have to be de­ A high quantity of circulation voted to pool the resources of does not k ria g a high quality The Mae behind the Univer­ the faculty and University to ¡of m aterial. H igh academ ic sta n d in g h a s long been plan p rovid in g a 20 p er cen t red u ction fat som ething b etter to do with I believe that there is a need sity College is aa excellen t one bring about this improvem ent. 'H arry Emmons throe thousand eighty «krilars th e goal o f d ed icated sch o la rs b u t it can au to in su ran ce prem iu m s fo r m ale stu ­ than to squander it 0oa forty- for a regular appearing section now appeal to th o se th r ifty m inded ind i­ of poetry by students in your “ Y o n H ave Ju s t H eard T h e V oice O f T h e People — d e n ts w ith A or B g ra d e a v er a g es. T h e four u seless signs. viduate w ho stu d y w ith on e e y e on th e new insert. r ,: te x t and th e o th er on th e w a llet. plan took e ffe c t In C aliforn ia J a n . 15 and L Tm sure one of many of the My conception is that each T h is H as Been A R ecorded Announcem ent” underpaid professors would is n ow b ein g co n sid ered by th e o th er sta te have w elcom ed this m oney a s edition o f SpotiigM would con­ JMl * A n insu ran ce com pany h as o ffered a d ep artm en ts o f S ta te Farm M utual. tain a s m any porosa w ritten by a rates in salary. the general student body as te 1 certainly would have wel­ warranted b y th e public re­ C om pany re p r esen ta tiv es sa y th e p lan is com ed it in tbo student help sponse to such a section. based on th e idea th a t stu d en ts w ith h ig h fo n d o t WKAR; perhaps than I Space Box Score a v era g es spend th e ir tim e stu d y in g in ­ could have been able to return ste a d o f on th e h ig h w a y . T h e b e n e fits, to m y position in the Continuity The puipeee would be to give unknown poets n chance to get dichotom us rasp oeies In reac­ WASHINGTON—-The- U.S.-Soviet boxscore, h ow ever a re on ly open to m en b etw een ifepartm ont a s paid student tion to their sty le and subject covering the period from the dawn of the th e a g es o f 16 and 25 sin ce y o u n g w om en help. m atter, but m eet a t aB aay con­ space age In October, 1957, through 1961, w as: L et’s bope4hat toe next raise structive criticism from a alread y h a v e lo w er ra tes. Successful satellites aad probes to date: in tuition finds a hotter use— larger pert o f th e student body U.S. 12, R ussia 16. T he com pany m ay h a v e coip e up w ith I’d hate to see the extra funds or interested m em bers of the * rev o lu tio n a ry n ew id ea in ed u catio n - Satellites still in earth orbit: U.S. 34, Rus­ sia I. - . fin a n cia l in c en tiv e fo r sch o la rly w ork. S ch o la rsh ip s a re u sed w ith in th e e c e d w ite Satellites in soler orMt: U.S. 2, Russia 2 . « Satellites Mill transm itting: U.S. 14, Russia w orld b u t rew ard s from an o u tsid e sou rce m ay o ffe r even m ore en cou ragem en t. High School Editor Rocket hits oa toe moon: R ussia t, U.S. 0. Men Maced in orbit: Russia 2, U .S. 0 . A stu d en t n o lon ger h a s to tr a it fo r th a t fiv e -fig u r e ta lk fro m IBM and G eneral E le c tr ic ; h e can g e t a h ead s ta r t on th e Arouses Local Patriots Men in suborbttal flights: U .S.^ T R u ssia 0. .gatae b y d riv in g s a fe ly and stu d y in g hard. R etrievals of spacecraft from orbit: U.S. 12, Russia 6. M oral:. H e w ho rates h igh gets J . -U P I r a tes. Pubttshrtl by the students of M ichigan State U niversity. Issued on «iros days Monday through Friday, during tb s fall, winter and ■ ■ H r o n a B ú te f' i » « » W w i t t y . ITMt 1 w r ti« , M M U n . " h"1? ? J s r s f T S ’Ä Ä 1* ^ ’ * — m . *• I M U y j K H A ssociated F ra si, Intend D aily P im a A sso d ftio t aad the College press. ■*- Editer.....— -M areta Vga N ias Editorial Edito r.S h a ron Cowty M anaging E d itor.. .. Ben Burns A sst E d it Edttor Paul Schnitt BtMÉMseMgr.— .Larry Pontius Sports E ditor... Curt Rondell A a lt Akr- M ^ .-. Toth f b r ’-K Photo EdM *r-..-..Oave Jaebnig CbteOatiro Mgr. Bifi M tnbnB Feature Edit. Howard H olm es N m m B dH or.. . É p i i BHssick Women’s E d it CMbto Mahoney City E d tto r ^ lS I x T B U l Orte ■ Science E ditor B ill Steiner ¡J í.í. s ü sws)immú-ÁuK»hwKk » ! ìli áÜ S É A lg ie r s m -ls u u m * sd -)pam a w ara kflted te r r tii rtir y i^ s ^ s e ^ r m ppTOd j i 'n r o p a w to 'InpuH K ammcamnrt m 'M d d I n i i ! t n j i U r lM i i « M H A m d iW ijiift l by d v ii n M M h i ■Si •"- m o w w N C bX x CQBEims» . liiw te v ggag^te mommy ohm S h |g ZTifarfc iib m i At lea st eigh t persons died I arm y command by rtmkMH and 22 w ere wounded mi Boro* Army sources saM it w as dtf- paana enpesbro A j s M i M s* ficrtjl b p M k i additional pendcnea fs a p * M rtsdm i who tr o o p for tba cities i t I ton e export te « a s Al s n i i Irani when ritm ffto m ilv ih lt to r*?»-------- ranee — --- ----------■ sow* r^y:' . te M J t i r i p L f c » - . wasmaMk iwo oivwhhis w ere o iw c a w 4hu In A ld ers, th e n w as no sign leave the country by President «1 the Mcin tty - » H ^ y Charles Do Gaulle. SPO R T SW E A R ninndsisThqr arthnrltli i for pm tectten agtenrt terrorism . Oa th e ccntrary, few er troops I M However, the Army w as atertin g - atote for po ssible I ,w edm ad«p when Winter Dresses so d raodMocko than u sia l ■ 3 .8 8 to 1 2 .8 8 were seen te th e city where tu foram tfaa M M M M M M H European teiT orists m a rten — In Constantine te the E ast, £ 2 * O tn ick ip te « f n ortwn to d a r o a ca m p u s • powerful c n iH iM sm ashed wanted ityle workers and a Moorish cafe* niM im in^Hism jitiiiiW HSW toisi One M oslem w as k fia d rod ■ - a European viDa. Three bodtes nine w ere w o m d ei. Two Euro- Marti* Luther Chapel - 7:00 Of Europeans wroe pnQed out say Has Tuesday moniag and ......................................— ----■— p jL , Chair reh ears/i. of to e debris. Autosrittes f d i wm trtrtn to Otin Health oon- aw a i p a e s i L ' r 'g ™"—T t a Pramcuadros — TA6 p.m . — j U k f i l N kwrtDft,wtetona they d o f a badly d f n iM H W f l s A H 4 l u | M tro for sterratimi > velvet, priais arti a lto Alse W m a irn H /POST TALK \ «m b dance; 6:66 p m . — gearea DomD wnicis nicy hhxr* Starring, who had been wtib 2-pc. »mmllaatmd wiÄ (b m w m m m m } f: f closed m eeting, 34 Women’s selves prepsuod. . the Univw stiy since |944, was •es sflk ergaasa, wert Jersey 1 tt k te tP . j g I E _ r |. At the seaport of Bone, « described te good conditio«» at V S B S W /fl Acm m dtag and Pteance Clnh— bomb dam aged the trana-Medt- Otte Tuesday. aad d l ataiaa. Asserted ertros Greatly reduced dresses la ■ te V —■ — fl 7:06 p .m ., 32 Union. tw ranaan ship D )iM Dira, watting to em bark a nati of rint police. worts, wert Jerseys, uaym, «Ü many other Una fabrics. B y te A lgiers braced for wartim e Ladies’ fro mast aay canal ro dram lc y /O v y SU Cteb - 7:36 p.m ., Union anstrotiy wtrteh is to begin occasion. In misses, Jartro awl 4 < ‘ -J Ballroom . -J half sizes. \ _ / Fisheries aad W ildlife Club - n . ~ \C 7:16 p m ., Forestry Cabin. Brother-Sister, DRESSES— STREET LEVEL PM linm m a N a — 7:00 p .m ., TA__ 1 — ___ 41 Union. ------- - Program Posts ■■ ......... a n te CM» — 1:30 p.m ., Base- l*M NOT INTERESTED! m eat of Demonstration H all. | Now Available - IC N L P lfT C M t lJ E e t ! Aged O a b - 7 : 3 6 p.m ., 237 Ed- __________ ,,— ■ -- ucation. The American Brother Sis* I A ssr t Flight — 7:00 p m ., 31 Program conducted by tiie In­ ternational Cooperation Com­ f f P \ 3 J Alpha PM Omega - 0:00 p.m . mittee af AUSG has sevrai t o | > Jt S \ y U .N . Lounge. committee openings. ( ¡* Y AraoM Air Society — 7:30 p.m . American participants in tba vi , I HAl/E, «W O o r r /A iu m Sno-Capa — 7:00p.m ., Dr. Ped- ry, Speaker, 34 Union. PeHtteal Science CaCfee Hear director of the committee at 332-2119. Better Dress Sale! ¡jJOfiRV ABOtfT i(-TU4r7 1 C — 4:00 p.m ., Thursday, 22 U X # W P fc « l£ ttW V !l^ ] Union. Charles G allagher of ~n ~ ~ — ~— r v —< the Am erican U niversity F ield At mott unusual saving* 'J t-cT W C ) \ J staff w ill q m k . Prem enaders — 0:00 p jn ., Fri- G ive s M ore Service c Lt A N I R S d l — dp *> J day, square dance featuring U \ *l,K:lCMn> W omen's nU N D O R . , . Sam Sayjüsasiag 1 Shirt Lam jDtenro and date time styles new rsdnesi tor S ix P o s itio n s ¿ A H s n v f i» c e ; j - j ■ ' " Everydeyl ! clearance. Csstnmrs, Jacket dramas «M sheeAs is silk, silk cembtaation, wsab and wert eemMasrisas, g T T T O pen fo r Opea tfl • p.m. Mail. - Fri., Sat. tiD 7 p.m. A wonderful cefor range, b misses m t arissss petite sizes. I C a re e r C a rn y 1 ^ Petitions for the six student 1962 l l B | | c h a i r m a n s h i p s o t the 1662 Ca- ^ cB B b d cm ^ L M . ■ rero Carnival are avalhtole at to e m ate desk te the R ace* COLLEGE GRADUATES S p e c ia l S a v in g s ! ----------------- I,r" nmmmmr * ri m entB orean. 0; ■ E dw in Fitzpatrick, Place- The Intend Mart Company, East ChAeage, fnrtsna, C o c k ta il D re s s e s TfiitciiRT roan u ' m ent Bureau advisor to Career | - Carnival, w ill cm dact aad to- invites yonjia tevastigats ero maay carer sppirtmdtiei. Our npi'iisanhitivsf wffl be m y « « rampas en Friday, B ETTER COATS H M r a m n trorisw e a d i petitioner. A toeat K P S^ h S H ^ S is attached to each petition de- February fort. Canted Mr. Jack Haney, Director of I M |l |V M w scribing the responsibilities of each chairm anship. Placement, far no appointment a n d F o im a ls n i M U |f ' The six positions open to ri»* a H H H dents a rt: general chairm an, INLAND STEEL COMPANY W m . U I executive secretary, p u te d ty East CfcJcag* Indiana IfI M I chairm an, staging chairm an, _W ^W ^m a rt chairm an mid banquet 0s stais, Hdwd Batm is a chairm an, sesw iij t istirris Offstajs , Petitioning ends Fob. 16, H02. h« SobnotewNh csdtessrs m The annual Career Carnival, < itri» ltd ii sahnas. is this sponsored by P lacemen t Bn- wssfc's took j e s l anal Us reau, i f a cooperative effort be* bfasNsi stir ef ‘tm nfrt" tw ees student ro m m tttee s add COATS - STREET LEVEL lesm start Us Mart a p r Placem ent B o n a a . tkst test and» Mn a rtse- Students are given an oppor- tad ssrolap B A IM iB lsrt tunity to inform ally discus« teytem kM idN ashtJsosi currfoulum praparatisn, job "Us eteapost ter is la m * requirem ents and job opporta- M IN K T r im m e d n e f wt e s r r t w nities w ith te o o t 290 rapra* n f t o O T I I ssrtstiv ss from business. In* w C 3PJIL dustry , education, gewmnmmrt • * and'aorvica groups, i f F a s h io n C o a ts Save many dollar* Es t h e to w n a t to p o I Q P * HOURAHCC ORJdiNATtD NEARLY FOUR CENTURIES AGO hi 1S6S, e lo wdoeor boufM a yoTOs fuetaaBaa lor to English ■ffitoria, Um» dfod wtete too year. Ms Hairs cabs erti 466 . MMPpMpt.i rtteMih aHBm£S mtertC WiiiiM UtetidIs9«RCvmro M^ekte't H illtC ^ 9HHteK*m¡¡rtim Vh Bim Kmumso w Ww têmsgfssmOtt. A n d M r t e Farm M s insurance prostesa tMs ■tommiikiâNtiubiâmKnJQQVfilV '«nFto!«. dtekefert- |m ^iytee^Memagtemrt p if lw R n « I6Sw RmaRQI9EWI9Mni mgpsmsff jgdmuelfite fsm iterteklAkteawts dy teH unte^MiidkrtùdbÉ ÉL 6 I pUpp JNWf ippHM M pM || R IV w i n to® 9 ® N rtoalll 9 Hraf ■vat» U m m jmhhéJH este iHnimbift r o f ¡iS «— i eatl a r te site t o i ia a ro m e e . C i U to d a y. - ■ M STAN WILKINSON ^ ?4% r ’|r w iu j A ii it n w r g ij . ■T' STATE FARM MUTUAL M l MtiTdWMMlU tNSURAMCC COteFAMY FROM i a NOOR TD 9 Vtf> ïm Ê M Ë Ê Ê È \ \ rmm m B mm. g g f f i M S Ü rfrl -', I l i ¡$1111® m J0p! wpmIméì EH» mmSM s » ¿wife* WÊÈË ■ I mm '*vwm m m m m "m m m m I "Tba vast piata» of Central for the of A i m iW II [NUlirom BuMenmnte. fcteMBH quantities af meat if f # of Veterinary Mi : Um» Wim« W. Ar- I ^ H B t o e Cofieg» o f V ib. per cpnt during the past five W lM fy M edicine. could be mes­ years. k a report I» MSCPs Bawd "Michigan State's CoDego of a Trustees in which h*.-**- vtawad the program and needs of the College, Doan Arrotiti»ed .. Ifiddgoa State bas .. T ....___---• "ia among the top m i . # ieges hi the nation la term ed mtdoracorrf t b a i£ 3 5 ^ T £ 5 S S * I*®***®* •k fld k fli of veterinarians and ftlMTMFtBtdi VïkWÊ. OÊ s"#-* *** B « ¡ K M j p » # Ha af there- increasingly withsuch!°®® of the best n M W .w »> n m sn i notogy programs in tbe VS., judging from a i angariate of veterinary col* curricula trevel and1 nuclear warfoaws ' _ n greater employersand of the csteMMte « our .g M # win be dene on animals mad of requests for veter- t t t i the craters o f tbo by er with tba M p of veter- D e a n Armistead Michigan State has beali ait ar* o f volcanic origin- This in r im s* ■~'~^. ;• printed out, «¡Mag that many _jnovator te veterinary medi­ would m ean a v a r ie ty o f sub­ "Today's greatest mankill- of these requests are for po­ cine «duration. The College of stan ces, belched out of the ers,” h* «¿.iT "era tboaa dis­ sitions ia institutions or cor­ Vatertaary Madida« ta IMS eases which man shares with porations where veterinarians was tba first in tea UJ5. ta aaa fee te called lower animals: were never employed before. ckwed-circuit television In heart dtsoose, cancer and the Be also reported that more aemrtad infirmities of oM ago. Bras MAN MADE-A perfect syntactic qaart* crystal p a n te aasrtCf i iliatfrtff rath gardm, rofcr trsmsadsas pressors _ „ _ j ’a interior by volcanic ac­ tion, arc available a s ra te m a­ terials for th e first m en to reach th e lunar surface. He said scien tists have ar­ ■ H Research an those and other graduates votved te are becoming te­ basic medical *■“ "The thechnique has bosn re- rà- aad bate The crystals eaa aew be m a n predated. TMs gued for years whether the yraUams must be done largely —* by the College faculty.” retieves Ite U.S. from iepoadsarc apse a fevtiga source moon’s craters arc due to vol­ on anhnala and, increasingly, search aad mo schools am employing eater» "and it u establish- of «apply. (F id e ceartasy of Westen Hectrie) canoes or to m eteor im pacts, by veterinarians.'* te fuUfacuity status, ed aa an efficient and practical there are m roy tim uteritiaa be- D w h i f a ncn In trwnpar local governments te« in teaching anatomy, phy­ tfttkffi M d ftoew m nittrinH rit Sgfi ere ah* establishing postflens siology rod surgery. Other eaptetead, “medicsl problems for veterinarians te veterinary schools are begin­ V a lu e o f S u m m e r once peculiar 16 Europe, Asia numbers. er Africa ’now mast be can- The Association of Deems of Anotherfanovation came te jddnrad along with ear own. ning to follow our lead. SKI! lif e adds enormously te the American Veterinary Oofieges MM whad aa arrangsment was vriume of subject matter to be aaad for « le a stthat recently agreed thwa te a made with the Meet Inspection J o b s I llu s tr a te d S Betontes frem campus treated in education, research increase te the number a M par cant Division of the U.S. Depeetr of vet­ of Agriculture to assign At fee close of each sum­ ment next year—perhaps even < Formal Initiation of Fledge* mH public service.” erinarians. to tim College one of its top mer, science end engineering those students who reject the For example, be painted oat: career inspectors students all across the nation idea because they do not es­ Ijin a ia g S k i CW b “There is no doubt that a little "This undoubtedly w i l l The inspector bas a twofold quit their summer jobs to get pecially need fee money. & Discussion of Dance in April meat in the diet of millkms mean,” Demi Armistead re­ purpose : to teach the course to bade to their regular employ­ Don Vrodsn Akker, senior « who new get none at an would ported,“ that Michigan State meat inspection to veterinary ment-getting a formal educa­ MSU, said: "In school, Of Opro Night* Monday more human disease soon wffl have to consfahr an students and to establish fed­ tion. ■> Attendance Mandatory : than could a thousand heroic increase in the enrollment eral-type meat inspection la tbs Generally, these students tems engineering « ail, rod course, we get no view of sys­ „tlurougk Saturday medkal missionaries ’* quote in the professional cur­ meats laboratory of the Collage _jm salaries well above aver­ fete’s why this summer has "Protein foods, particularly riculum.” of Agriculture. age for summer work. All indi­ hero of special benefit to me. animal products, which are so Despite the fact that enroll­ JTbe arrangement, although cations important Is dfoooss ruistanri, ment in MStTs veterinary de­ are, too, that they take It was a wholly new experience Lake Laatiag Road CLUB ROOM 7:30 P JW. only te operation la months, back te school something more tor me, and gave me an in­ potete Walnte Hüte are the scarcest foods of «11 gree program Is limited to 64 looks so prondsteg. Dean Ar­ titan just a larger bankroll. sight into the practical ap­ wherever people are starring. new students per year. Dees mistead reports, that the UA.- Perhaps the word experience plication of engineering prin­ Cenairy CITO D.A. is now negotiating with sums it up. Those students ciples.” ~ YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS other veterinary colleges te hate had a BNview of the na- Without doubt, many college up similar programs. tart of wont an d responsi­ students are wondering with Great strides te i---------- bilities encountered in the some trepidation what kind of R E N T . . . have been made by the CoAsgs realm of applied knowledge. work atmosphere they will en­ of Veterinary Medicine, ac­ This was feustrafed in the counter to Mg Industry. cording to Dean AnaMaed, comments proffered by stu­ Vanda Akker touched upon SKIS-BOOTS despite the need for additional dents who spent their 1961 sum­ a print which, if no* a cure- facilities and operating (note mer recant at fen Western El­ all, certainly mitigates these ectric Company's Equipment disadvantages of "bigness.” POLES salary) funds. "Particularly impressive, Engineering Headquarters to "One of the things I've noticed he said, "are the projects on Chicago, Illinois. (The basic is the parroted ndiulaitowoo of bovine tuberculesm and jite ■ j S e t U m Equipm ent Engineer everyone: not only the super­ germ-free and specif Is te prepare engineering spe­ visors, but the engineers I've gen-free animals, «11 taken since IMA" He also that the Veterinary cifications for the manufacture worked with. Everyone has aad installation of telephone been eager to help me with any central office equipment.) problem, whether ho owwouldyon spend a $5000 inheritance? PER WEEK-END! cfoe library has been mwa "Then comments are of par­ or not The ah atmosphere ttom doubled in size tinea M67. ticular latere« to ~students much more friendly mdly than I Michigan, State's recently contemplating summer emptoy- pected.” (WE ALSO HAVE CAR-TOP CARRIERS) established Institute of Biology and Medicine “will exert a pro­ found influence on the pro­ The Finest In Laundering - LEARY PAINT STORE grams of the College of Veter­ inary Medicine," Doro Anti- steed reported, but added that it is too early to attempt to define these changes. At The Lowest In R ices FR A N D O R C EN TER IV 7 -0 2 6 4 The island of Philae, called the Pearl of Egypt, lia sl* - Ciuasr ate tweea the present Aswro dam aportifite . and the one soon to ha buOL Tba temples on Philae a n al­ most completote submersed nine months of the year. After Skirt Landry G □ O the high dam ia completed, the bases of the temples will feel EAST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING 0 Should the faculty fluctuating water levels ar era! times a day. have the power to THOMPSON’S censor campus JACK LUNDBERG that l a ..« JEWELRY newspapers? « «01 show y*s ton to new monoger of WALLACES i m tk * BRANCH OFFICE DOtlARS MD G duringted soaeiOM Vine at CRppert □ Yes Q eWis studying O IS A P P O H m E R T Gtecfefcdtea i* B i® ia « É U Famous Maker Special Purchase I h a r iK tn fe im H IRE’S HOW 1 0 2 9 SUM S ’ " 3 rich te w r lari to UM - feteswaw to sums mt- fW iiedciga»ritos.You wwaavM STUDENTS AT 1 0 0 COLLIDES VOTED! . C o m p a r a b le v o tu e a t $ S JS aet more body to the M H m I wWro mteasam-»S tefm nv ^^maaasM» as* Gals! Here’s the special the smoto, wwe taste W r~ lä Z 9 sale you’ve waited for! ttwOUgh the filter. So Choooe a wardrobe of g te Lot* |k w e frem fitte r MMking with light-weight wool slims te i # . . . t e e «rotate new spring pastds, stripes that amstass- tasartier and darks. Many a n feltjr a s H draw s fcaeiy - lined. AB sites. through th e f o r * Mrytdy1 HÈÉ «aro MMro»TOMHWBMgteMroj w m m m m ■ H U - I’ 1 K■HP| - 1 i 1 .1 , V ' - ; i î = 3S i l i a P - ? î . r ^ | 5a t BffiS •/ ;nr:3m H S i^ sÉ P iir M ’% â î l l ■œ ^ S f ^ r p .» * ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¿ ili Iì UntoacfiattM * Uocte Tòrt*« w r n mW § m m W m p M fm ■ » ! fjp iiy il COMMISSIONER Football Lea- I Vets II - Aunt Fanny» 5 H< gue dahnedi 1 — ^ _______ W f e U in this year, haprdvad televirion coverage and a "greater p f ® far” ip prospect far the AFL in 1962. E 9 West Sbaw 1 ♦ 4 „10 v f p.m. BSW « rea d y fora pro c hampionship g a m e with the N tta d League right new ,” sudTFbes. tR h aaotfiw y< 1 Ford Afl Sters - Dollar 65 1 b e said, the I s v « t» 1 ... A o c s n 1 BOtcQOt. i l Screebe - Bagrats 0 I 4 East Shaw « • 9 0 k 'j j r j ’ c r ii- M Ar . ' ★ 5 West Shaw 4 - 9 ■ 01 MILT PAPPAS, one of the bright young pitchers of the B alfe f • Bailey » - • ~ 01 0 9 - -'4 9if-9 m ere Orioles, says Ms right arm Is ready to throw fa st b aas t p.m . ■ 'E y but not to a g o a con tract I 1 Comets • Grosbeckers I “Certainly not the one they sa v e d up to m e,” said the 2|> I 1 Nickels Wortb-Tbe Scrubs 1 year eld hurier Tuesday. ‘'They offered m e the sam e money as la s t year. They'll have to do better—a lot better—before Mtohigan Stage has bad tea OPEN SMOKER -y; • ~ they Ml m e to sign, W s*» far apart rigid sow . I fe d 1 haws All-American sd ectlo as la soc­ ... . - -;w ■>. ' ■■' a good raise doe m e.” cer since the Inception o f the sport o s a varsity stagna la JANUARY 25 IdR f À m H ig h lig h ts Basketball schedules for all chance to prove his ability. AH leagu es, dormitory bowling persons interested m ust attend Al I ta Statarti ttrii m eeting. schedules, and open league T heB ninrinton Club of MSU hockey schedules are now avail­ able 1er dstributkm . One copy w ill m eet a t? p.m . hi the Sports O ifld y t o M Arena of the M ens Intramural m ay be obtained for each team pMihilng. at the lie n s' Intramural Of­ Any student or faculty mem­ m fice. ber o f either sex m ag attend There wfD he a Basketball this m eeting. Equipment m ay « u à « « ™ Economical Living O fficials M esting a t f p.m . pt be brought or obtained at the room -20# of the Mens Intra­ m eeting. The business m eeting teas overcame a late Mhmeesta rally to tafia the game T»*cber*~uy$*teechsr‘«wif* Friendly Atmosphere mural Building. Any person in­ will be bold a t t p.m . New -*rt tody. Theirincomt is up. terested in becom ing a basket­ b all official w ill m given a m em bers a f w ell as guests are welcom e. D o u b la 84-79. Appearing as an extra pair af arm» fsr Mfameaota’s Ray Creak (» ), la HSU'S Pete Gent. Aasthsr pair H Theirdivoree rati is le». Their IMs hetong to a prhdigsd I, M. Athletics players, 34% are Tom MeGrana and SpartanFredThsaitnn grasp hi this ueek'i SetorSsy Minnesota's Dea Uaehaa (ft) has Sputai Bffl Schwan L iA iiifv n Oufewfi a e A i'li I aj. m AggM evening mvi» r r iv h v i w i j looking ever his shoulder, wlrito team m ate Art Schwann Scholastic Jo h n 's Lunch ITiOSl IH w W fl W w w I cnivtf• (34) com es dewncsurt atone. —S tate News Phste a y M m a|^2 a finfi' ineii gtouto M^^^s Otomlw RnmmeL put ef fito. Asdwtot aseHHes sMtoigsedtMCbsr. ITaanliey 711 WEST GRAND RIVER ED 2-3591 Hot 7k Cold Sandwiches Home-M ade Soups M S U ’s T h i n c l a d s I m p r o v e p o g rr *******«THm UOWWIMMI to Short -Orders & Dinners By DICK ROBINSON participate in the high and low H e w as toe Psunsytvaata State News Sports Writer hurdles, shot put, high jtnnp, cbam piea 1er three Special Lunch F ive newcom ers to the indoor broad jum p ra d m ile relay— years mal won the E a sto n track team figure prominently Wilroer Johnson, Junior from AAU crew u with a 6>ftt m ark. He atoe com petes to Served Daily 8 5 to raise State’s running pres­ B ristol, IP s ., who transferred the breed Jump* tige this year. from Trenton (N .J.) Junior A R O U N D T H E CO RNER One of the Spartans’ top pros, C ollege, Is possibly toe beet HasM Park eoph Bob Fulcber pecte is soph M m Parker, a high Jumper State has seen. to u r a m em ber of the 1961 FROM T H E LUCO N . Richmond, VS., product, who frosb record b resito g oomW- W ilmer leaped 6*Ttt lent year O PEN 6 :3 0 A.M . — 8 :0 0 P.M ran :46.7 last May in the 440 to tie Nficbigan’s Steve Will­ nations to to e indoor and out­ to set a NCAA frash record. door m ila and two m ile relay 2 1 3 E .U R A N D « N ^ I iam s’ 'Jump which set e MSU 107 C H A R L E S ST R E E T The 6*1 speedster won three track record to IMO. Johnson as w ell a s the outdoor four mDe E A ST L A N SIN G events a t the 1961 M ichigan set the frash outdoor record relay. As a freshm an ha ran a AAU and has run th e quarter with to e same Jump. 1:56 to toe h alf m ile. P h . E D S-S114 to :47.6 indoors and th e 22Ql to 4 0 .9 outdoors. SAVE Ml SAVE m SAVE Ml SAVE Ml SAVE Ml SAVE IM WHAT EVOt ¥0U NIE9 Although a fa st 300 and 440 fo r y o u r c o r " yard dash m an, he w ill prob­ ably com pete to the 000, Inroad Jump and m ile relay in h ii first varsity m eat to Ohio State Sat- F IN A L D A Z E 1 smart fashion, warm as toast Mufflers - Tail Pipes - Exhaust Pipes urday. ' y g ip * _/1 Footballer Sherman L ew is, INSTALLED « Lsntovflto adtfi» ansther top NEW LOW PRICES Jersild’s Norwegian patterned — *a.„ja m „ a js „ s ’ Complete Shop Service kWHS auMBNWTp W Ham m aauMHB IH* door records to the 90 yard Rebufil Motors end Transmissions dash (5 4 ) aad the to (6 4 ). — IN ST A L L E D tf' v mM a>M maW P«wSn"-«pn»W JblHUfiF M ktoft MMF RlMiRflMRB 0 4 a t to st y ear's hBridgan **7S. SST Hurry lo • • • Spwsd E quipm ent — A ccesso ries D ISC O U N TS TO ST U D E N T S A N D FA C U L T Y AAV am i w as U gh scorer to the 1111 K sataeky state uw et. ¿L SK I ' I The M , 164 pound sprinter wffl probably run the 60, tow hurdles and com pete to the S H E P A R D 'S u n r s UT9 H ITS 521 K LARCH broad Jtoap Saturday. Another gridder, Herm John«, son, soph from Plainfield. N J n S em l-A n au al SWEATERS n is an all-around track perform­ er. Johnson, who started to the 1900 N ational AAU decathlon com petition until Injured, w as SH O E S A LE fo r men and women M en. - F ri. Saturday the M aw J ersey U gh hurdle t f F am ou s N am e S h oes fo r Sunday cham p when he ran that event 8 -6 M EN ,« é W OM EN . . . CH ILDREN in :14.1. The versatile 6-4 athlete m ay Thfer week inclofdes | . • THEY’RE THERE M A N Y M A N Y 2 3 0 pairf of and up W J flH E m g regular $15 f c J,i M Ò R E * ''L f ■ ;• f.. • SECONDHAND Blizzard Boots ; bow s MOST SIZ E S A V A IL A B L E M ! ; CAMPUS STORE Stop in and look them over , OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. SElRENTAL . LANSING »TORE T H i « V I |g g & , Reserve yours now AT THE ■ ' .m i Ir I.nullin' iiw iii»ni...faràiiiiRi#»; \ Rental priee indndea SKIS, r a L Ë f âN D HOOTS fa r eatfito veekrad M H M H LANSING EAST C utter A b b f i M A C » '(/-*• r' SHOP TONIGHT TOLL 9 F J L M ÊÊÊM ,4IlI 5 é S — «I I PI r a H B # SAVE $ * SAVE m SAVE I * SAVE iN S A V K fM t m H H . . m am a m m m m rn rn m ir i pPW & i® mB M K IM 'I m fW w IE f M ' í * w P JH i S 8»< síbb3 IIÍP ill ass««MiKas'wwt‘rnTffTnP^WIP^TinrlTISUIWTñliln'ff•'■'^TfrTfiri m ié : h H P ^ M P V Í p w w Winner 01 H m M Q g A iir fc _ P j p p iiv E l w i^Wa i ■ g f i ^ H ü ü 1111 rsp & g - F A IR C H IL D THEATRE iliB g a B to iW M I W ed . & F r i. — vJ a n . 2 4 f t 2 6 - 7 & 9 p .n u A d m ission: 50c flying «ver the Kwrtt A t o l l e Treaty 1:11 A B h ' I ^ P lv 1:K p.m . K iim rH m i«ttf«iii«i»iH«ii«xii^fii anew M< S e n io r Sales Hang Placement O p e n lo r u i« Bureau . MMMRMiK» R e d J lle s tr ic tio n s Over MO J-Hop tickets were feterv to tftei i t th e Place- sold m A c the first hours o r ment Bureau Monday. Addi- WARSAW W -PM aod’s last toW official lim itations are ’Jade” sales, according to pub­ tie n to lnform atf o j n t i w Place* r»™ - a n M a g ttm «fisc necessary was led by Poland's licity chairm an Mike Paster­ m ent B u reau b u lletin tar the m b sM C ein iiB in lst nak. best known living poet, Antral Although Tuesday's sales ~ TICKETS M e,. AVAILABLE AT week of Jan. 29 to F ra. 2: j m on freedom last Thursday night Slonim ski,, rad Edward Lipin- w ere lim ited to juniors* sen­ Aetna Life Inc. Ce. — All in­ in term s that som e P oles de­ ARBAUGH’S, THE HOBBY RUB IN FRANDOR, ski, ra econom ist' terested regardless of m ajor s c r ie d as rem iniscent of toe iors m ay ptochase tickets Wed­ AND TRE UNION TICKET OFFICE fitod. “L e i ns press for frradom, nesday for toe Feb. 10 dance. anti-Stalinist ferm ent of 195L then freedom of speech w ill FOR INFORMATION Califernia T exas OS Carp- — Sates w ill ha open to all classes M echanical, electrical a n d W. f g com e autom atically,'* Slonim­ to the Union desk beginning , CALL W WW chem ical angiaears. R eliable sources said Tues­ ski said. Monday. rsm ph rll Semi Ce. — E lec­ day that Communist authori­ IJpinski also called for gen­ The first fraternity to achieve trical, m echanical. civ il, agri- ties w ere angered by calls eral freedom . - 100 per cent sales w ill be cultural and chem ical en­ front sev e r« distinguished awarded a Playboy party. A thinkers for* general freedom . “ We m ust struggle for a new gineers. social m der, above a ll, for a pizza party w ill be given to the A STRANGE NEW EXPERIENCE K rarfstt D h isiM (General Unconfirm ed reports are d h change to toe system w hkh first dormitory precinct which p m d d m Equipment Corp.) — culating ***** the d u b named "j OH ALL LP* ‘ a s s i s t , TVE Feature Starts At 1:4M:494:494:494M9 DISC SHOP SAT: TUESDAY WELD h i “BACHELOR FLAT” D e b o ra h K e r r ™ ‘r R I » 1M- )RMATION CALL E D 9-9117 ìM à B EA5T L A N S I N G • PHONE E D .2 - 1 8 1 4 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Is th e re ro o m fo r yo u in m a n a g e m e n t? - W B * i m » , .B W HEFHEH»m eaner M a tó r EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING I f you a ie looking for the “growth w tu atioa’ d ata pcooe iiiiig syslen i , anil wpfot amfos— s MM iM MoAGXaAYI» M u W t iiM n M S BE O fW MR 96ATURC AT FIRST SHOW 7 P.M . — ADULTS Me . . . enjoy unreveling tough problem s . . . and "find it hart to resto toty chaU m ge... you are in p attine sototiatts to te t í f c t o . W ehave a critical M ad raw fortoasnw foe .IMMjEMRE P S I FOREWARNED! ADMISSION IIJSO N Q U I NSW E w m am NOV I tha kfod ofpereon who m y discover umieual have m ajwed to SctonoM IW M W V iW » !—r« s » ID Car*) ^UffMWr astisgMtflra and qppetoanity to th e dynam ic engtosoing. I leww»w . We h avi rara! W HENRYKUES LAST field o f electronic data jarooeanng. tu n itie . for thoae m ajoring to bnstoam aA - Opentopi exist tiuoughout the country in ministration, economica, finance, and Rtoral sftosr ÉH*smi .F itg in r n n n g a t D ir e c t S a ia , istia who porne« an sptibsde and totsnw t to Sfolto I g NIGHTS IBM te r a Equal Opporttmity Employer. ifoctronie dtoa ivon wi i Bg. TOMORROW! am m T he marketing and applioi tio«» o f data I fa a now preC siional S o li im hato a ra i SHOWN n m ¿iror»«teg s y t í s i la chaüsngmg and foari- and women, te w h fafaosn tofl»«raft»» and ... £¡*Sf*3Sfei jto fr ndR « H to r W t. AM U nating. A fter w e p to n d w training you peomationa come qoickiy. For mom tadacne- n e a r amainauenT «hbh m rava* work w ith management executives m div en e limi dm rihingTtie inniretimitim al IBM , sm # 9 k * and FVIgktoMNKt” —Newsweek M agarine toduafrtes, study their buw ne« er »dentifk: y w g Cotiagi Placem ent D issetar es; H you ' ' Vtofifr9.'»HIHH| jn k k m m , ig u re out to e solntieM fay m e o f desini, weile, er oefi— 1:1» - 9:19 - 1:49 - ■R* ?. IBM CevpareHon, Ooft* SS2 9:19 - 19:91*^ g g g g^ W totoM M Blffik-' a m p j a i f c s s z 1 ISM wH< interview Jan. 3 1 , Feh. L. wBhadyavm iaBrwwtkeM apaay. lB H W ^ w w i l l ll MTAfMCXmmfO P a P mm W m m m IS asíá^sa 1 l i l i IP ÍK m W r 'i :& M 'M â É l> ^ É Ê £ W ' « ¡R S I M W B G h & m m , • m ^ m -4* m Pÿgp l l l l S i la tu mra*•- Who a-e^ap , »i l i ^ma w - tB B u e fjYOr of Si l3ÉCMBI£l*Rl matiMMMa Sk«f i a m ention o f ;tom . W g M ,'- m “ Ä % { * « ." iM m M a u . ’ ~ 1 Should hath hens is «m -. .7 ^ A t e t w c o m m it« ,’, wMk* |^aEjjdK djj|9 ^BHBBÉ«ujjutf districts? T h ereto w as 0 4 M n r w p O S f i " * w **““. H - w m i ■favor e f the ttngfo raprerarta- ^ T m « w 4 m w a . - i S B ^ Ä . * Ä aS ; tive d ta trirta T T ^ : W :’HÌÉWWÌHL:WH8 RRR ÄJUpl ÂHÉÉI ! wmwaai mm ii|PSPjp R to tara to « * it « lito ten J - ¥j£ , -.1? ,,,u ^ □ ou a a o j township lia rather w t& If they -r o ssw o r d P u z z le n a a an aci B aaa coumy uBCor [? Ü L > S B later W H D 3J ja a oB ^no DtfBMB D thoke, M ai lw t t i 1 * 1 1 r V P H i l i wflitr | f f l lDCru i r u a B ij c o c - H county MkMi — » th r e T torfflrt t o B igtonoee MIVMQf-ra i^mdh WIHUl9r«9 W la to |L m > ■ m mm m « e .c a r a a a l i j u j U B c ij a u pmg^gyamk^dl to« toitH iiff K:V u U B M U H I ¡S a t» * « /? ! a a a j u a a j 3 n ;3 districts the sew coastito- m i r a l i . «Hm h a« could right- sep a » u ia a a a n u oad 2 B i agrieaH vai state s t o H l:f M l 8 t r in i I wetod receiv'd öo «ut-atate g fe u u u B n a a a o iu sm tB W k few « mmEreads 2 B U 3 £ ü iü U 2 a h a t Bitte cea m aa fea ttaa jd an y delegatee, he said, ere Y cuger’s propM «! w a t i a t w antt ea D o a r K G 'fQ a o a a a * N ew w e are a great h i » □ □ a a i3 a s a m 3 ; a tto 8-8 with the rest e i the 1 4 1 a r a . B W f t g i Thefa- days A iy I qmw be* □ a a a a a a a a ao to n a ta h ~Mi aal «to am fflh tt with com m ittee m eet- aUVMk Uw MHw □ a a u a a a a □□□! awtfea to draw Houw iBateieto gam e MMW crepe ia a m lags, saadeae with the Cja w e Spaakto« to deadline«, Nls- abm gH s m m to cuuaty Haw «B8 tioo a t h B ^ m t t t o s B I B B h s t ent« a fi atae conuoittees m eaafaeBprn a greater va­ m uet report thetr proposais tô IT.IaUwetWr m fS S S k to the com m ittee Each d elegai« h # «>■«*■ of the craveatien e s a whole by Ol.flbespsd riety ef pr id e ris d m say ! 43.CrlS m eeting, delegate Mehrin Nord, ether -1»*« ” Jan. IL He said that debate « tO V u tte D etroit Dem ocrat; esk to «to 1. With a near-billion dollar a year tourist trade tovolvto, Accountants Hear and argum ent wffl follow, tak- t a g t i» 2-6422. 14 R E A L ESTATE - *iF R E S Ê N T A T IV E S for -nationwide ARARTW NT S _ mm 217 B O G U E S T r ? room efficiency. L A N S IN G S O U T H E A S T . 3 bedroom advertising institute. Excellent chance StoueT-refrigerator, heat and water. 375. ranch, finished ree room, enclosed yard, to earn extra money in your spore 6 years old. F H A terms. C all 484-8064 time. W rite J.C .M . - S.M.I. 3531 Jewel Fading. IV 3-2761. ór IV 7-3446, Ed­ fe^M pÿtm enL^^^ JÏ Ave. Lansing, Michigan, stating name, ward G . Hacker C o. IR a d d 'ts s , a ge and sex, 16 A T T R A C T iV t 3 rooms With tile bath. S ER V IC E C M A R L I S K E N T REAVER Company. Unfurnished except refrigerator and stove. Ar#-eondrttone,d. C lose to cam­ L O W ST U D E N T R A TES for summer Dlnm cnd Merchants, desires mature M ichigan State students to act as pus. Adults. EO 2-4866. 14 trip*. Europe, H a waii, 'O rient, or the campus representative*. For appoint­ | W A N T E D . W O M A N graduate atu- Americas. Adult leader. A .Y .H, spon­ ment interview^ call IV 9-4171. 15 I dent or teacher to share apartment 3 sored. Call Dick Livesgy, 3S5-6956 IT — 9A R T T IM E . 4 well dretied men to I blacks from lerkey. SO 2-6003. 15 deliver -free advertising gifts. $ IE per R O O M S WEDDING INVITATIONS evening. C a r necessary. IV 4-1318, 6-4 p^n. only. Alcoa. ■ 16 268 A L L E N ; Private sleeping mom. and share kitchen and bath with male stu­ ANNO UNCEM ENTS C O U N S E L L O R S W A N T E D tar sum- dent. Private entrance- IV 4-3898- *4 m er-cam » M New Hamothirt.“C ontact with iMetchiflf Nane» Boaart. 355-6373. 17 O F F C A M P U S , tig h t room, quiet, appropriate accessories kitchen end t-v-ng room privilèges w Expertly done FO R S A LE desired. IV 2-82S7. -~ t S Fest 6 day service _ S IN G L E R O O M for man. C lose to 35 M M C A M E R A and case, The Card Simp campus. Parking. Cat! E D 2X 1 51 . t? ntw (7 months) W ill teH for 335. 355- Across he m H om e Economic* 4424 aftar 5iKL 15 D A V E N P O R T and matching chair. PERSO NAL ED 2-6753 Ve v good eoM ition. 347.50. C all EO 7- l|4C. 16 W IL L T A K E C A R E ef child**« in my Cherry Lane apartment full or part R A C O O N C O A T . C a ll Reaver. GO 2 time. Call. 3558063, IS 2314. • * l - • 16 TIm ItG rk H 8 9 *< fa r« y rfi» f M U S I C F O R 0 A N C I S and parties FR E E F IL M at Marek Resali Prescrip­ by the “Continent#!»." Ballads, twiets, t s Contar with each rail developed and blues. 337-2641 or 48 54 IÖ 4. IS tnrf 8« ¿9 rtiarm ti« fa rftti aattMla« fa and printed. 75c minimum. 3ÔI N . Ctippcrt, by fjrandor. Phone <1 54155. If it E ST AR R, typist. Experienced, hi ' ■...... 23 B a ia i work, IB M . GtteRenk duelity on Gar ff| A , ) i i n « wttfw afty Ittritiam . la ffi multilith mestar*. Call O R 7-82J2. 14 N ew Year’s' Special K E N N Y D A V IS O R C H E S T R A C a R Ladles and M e n ’s ED 1 - 1 0 7 , 14 Earnout W yler W atches A lB f typist and multiUtb- aaayto aratoa^ai^afflPGttjppy affl Gwâranbead Waterproof for 2 Y e n » ing. G e neral typing, term p a p er». Urn- Stainlew Steel C ase se», dittetkakmns, duplicating. I D 2- at t h * law price « f $2$ + - te* wntGED SPARTANS 8384. % : M Ê Ê Ê IË W il^ W +f T o p trade jn other fuse watches OPEN MEETING T H E S E S T Y P IN G , pónti««, fttrf B a g - * W M . H . TH O M PSO N trie typewrit art. Editing and m JAN. 34 reading avattable. Wonch Gml O L D C O L L Ï G E HAJU. ice. 1720 i . Michigan Awe, Laming. u N n m sn r addrorxum ■ Wto8*w wB»i^patoBuapy vvaraipa «a toraj^GsfflWae ! 'S W ff% Prender Shopping C eatea . JN THl UNION r THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 8:14 P J t W Ê Ê Ê M « « fa r - f . : i , 7:W f n a v y , 9 . 9 « l a d i , 8ÌS99 A>Mb W Am m m ? ■■tatototota^tora»- ';wk, -■ H ür- Campus Classified« " W t « r t year siM. 1650939, By:ON ppp UL* arw aoffltiacC T t i f K X after t r l B . M Ü .Æ *- , 1 4 ;■ w filI# & u& i Your K«y to Dottar Values Rife- fm source said Clenn iito flt gwttim im ß :% s sw r | p ts jjte j m ake a la st pre-flight run P lou gh Thursday. H * » a _j--.Vl At 3 A JLi üiS .'•■ M eanwhile, the m M business of testing m ilitary wrtwtW r e w m ed -w w i a r t much more luck than had been I The bomb, described a s a mZ me rM m l» * • 10-9S2 f#r .•*»*» n m i - m now * 8.95 2 J o r $16.00 encountered previously a tih of to e 41-year old King’s t o g W Glenn's proposed la u a ck bystander. Mahawdra.waa -unhurt« lb**» tM * TJ» m w | 6.95 S for $12.00 yT ^ m n T S ton rttocfc to iaSS Wbat w as to have been the 1 B I .O C K EA ST O F CAM TUS riding in the jeep from the airport to ttto m t o r t week to U.S. space history—and m ay be yet—h as /w u iri to <™ ~ prayers before stteB dteg • lay or Pleated Modelt « Siaet SO to 42 OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A J |.F * L It SAT. been ptogiied by an invasion % ALSO A t ' , of gremHns—invisible littk rS a a who m ake a career a t works- Afro-Asians Move To Nationally Advertised Haggar Slacks 2 1 » N. LARCH US 27 A 4N I S. CEDAR US 1X7 gitntm ing. •“■ 2 » Abbott ^ At 12:05 p.m . Tuesday, toe N avy fired a Polaris m issile S S S S S S ^ ^ ^ m m v«nMv »o p E . Lansing YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS into a height blue sky to test a a«w guidance system for the subm arine borne weapon. g The solid fu el m issile arched high ever the A tlantic, leaving a arigh t trail of w hite sm oke, but a malfunction to the sec­ ond stage caused prem ature term ination of toe flight. The moon-shot known as Ran­ ger 5, which w as to have taken pictures of the moon’ and to nave placed an instrum ent package on the surface o f this .earth satellite Monday, had to be postponed until Friday after a fueling m ishap. saw MgM UNITED NATIONS—Acting SecreUuty-GaniHlI D Y h w tT lw a- day appealed for additional troops to help carry out a new C o rn e d Beef (G crrm e n o of d a m o u u ff, t h a t fst) and constructive phase” of U .N . operations to the Congo. The appeal w as addressed to tho Ifl .countries having com bat troops t o t o e Congo. Thant a lso asked these countries to use j FU M Point Cat their influence to get additional African countries to contribute troop contingents. .J Protest Spending on {tog’s Hone I LONDON—A plan to spend nearly a quarter m illion doBara to refurbish P rincess M argaret’s hom e provoked angry outcries in Parliam ent Tuesday. ,... i The governm ent w as told this kind of money would WMMtter j sprat on people who have no hom e at a ll. . The protests ware hurled a t Load John Hope, the min ister of | works. H is office atuwunced that ISR to pounds (»238,000) w as j being appropriated to repair the ravage* m ® 7 r t r t N o. 1 A, Kensington P alace, which is w here M argaret and h er husband, the Ear! r t Snowden, have their ham*. way for men: FITCH Jackie Robinson in Had of Fame Maw 9 * . ■ ’ .* er Piek ttm m , hiahhhr Yoor scalp Robinson also is the first of his race ever named to th e base- tfe«lca,fceb to refreshed. the ball shrine at Cooperstown, N . Y . Michigan PITCH D t t i n f R eow tr SHAMPOO w ry week Mr LCAOINto MAN’S p o s itiv e dandruff control. e U A I lf h A A e f lA M r v O keep your hair and ecatp really dean, dandniff-fret! Erickson To Show Alaskan Slides 4 6 9 d, Delicious Alaskan big gam e slide» w ill be shown by the F isheries and A Pocketful . W ildlife Chd» W ednesday a t 7:to p-m ., at Jh e Forestry CaMa. h o f Sunshine A1 E rickson, who recently S liced returned from doing gam e re- HASF/UUBTOMITSJ0B! 29-OZ CANS 2O-0Z CANS M arch to A laska, w ill show the Halves NATO Is a a l rtK totehh a * B rig h ten -y o u r ifld et. ciaar u a a a rttfet ik an * k d ay, b rin g su n ­ so smsit, says Stawwt Aliop, sh in e yo u r w a y b y m aking th ia Informal Party that the IMs oaN | M In vrtaks. A tMs wmk's Put. N MU lav NATO k esurtog it A k. P6 For 4H, Dairy Club o u tfit y e a r s. T h is b rig h t and The Campus 4-H and the dliartw.W hysafsnafktolof “driftm k a dk na." Art how we cm oftast tbs Soviet' IN S T A N T C O F F E E MSU Dairy Chib w ill co-spon- sh in in g en sem b le, aar an inform al term party rt ir- s “balance «I tnw r."'7‘ ,■ 24c O ff Regular Price accen ted w i t h toe F orestry Cabin Friday co lo rfu l p ock ets circlin g th e s k ir t, from S i » to 11:38 p.m . Arden P eterson w ffl be the caller. 1 0 -oz Jar $ 1 .1 1 b rin gs sp ark le to you r e y e s and g a ie ty to y o o r p erso n a lity . T h e jn e w H on g K ong S tu d e n ts Desserts C ollar introduced See b y th is o u tfit is an oth er fa sh io n Les Staaten f ir s t of th o S ketch H ouser—- F o r T h .t Save! Oar Final s. r.; I w r d t o get J Sale an winter d eto es, wffl only Car Insurance last far th k p t' week. ; We I b i m e M odeled by | Local and Out Sandy. L arch of Stale Stadeat I K ÜS E x c lu s iv e ly a t th e H R L a y a w n y ^ ^ CJtorge la r a