m m mm fi HS äSBia m *- 19 s«?!«* ■ 91 m : VUalma EatnhHaiieti Page* gg MUMamiTtemtetem. 10 Cento 11 in . W K Si I ¡life ra&SSlgi A preliminary report on teas- teg problems 1» fpgtato* at am atet ante’s moating of the fa c ­ ulty Committee on Student M- JFK, Macmillan To Meet fairs, Doan if Stndoats John WASHINGTON—The W hite B m ite «ate H ednesday P rteh lent Kennedy and B ritish Prim e IfiaisM r Itao M Macmfflan w ill see each other Jmonths w agot before f f i student r § «tel 1 D e m o c r a ts spring,'- " 1 r. r :'’- tation for ;« tl» h # fte a n g e M acmillan w ill address the Am erican Newspaper Publishers A ssociation’« annual dinner la N ew York April 28. H is accep­ reached * peak lariNstomber. tance of the invitation was announced in Chicago b y The committee is gathering Stewart, chairm an of the board of the ANPA’s bureau of j tising, and executive v ice president and general m anager of the W -B M K SK i possible said. JOANNE ALESSANDRON1 Of th e S late N ew s Staff seat would b e added to W ayne, Oakland, and G eaasee counties. Chicago Sun-Times and the Chicago D ally N ew s. Fusak arid be o g M t i i i t o Seven D em ocrats on Con- Pollock’s prepesai wifi im­ By SALLY DERBICKSON ommendation for m odification mediately add five Senate Of te e State New s Staff Red China Faces Famine n f t ie present policy by ted end Con’s L egislative Orgaalxn- tion Com m ittee announced seats, and after BOI estab- o f te e year but h e d ees not ttte I Student Congress Wednesday HONG KONG—Communist China’s m illions face another W ednesday they w iS support know w hat changes would be night passed a m sohitioa ap­ year of Hehiiitatlng hunger, a report com piled by a research Dr. Jam es K . P ollock 's plan involved. The^ D ém ocrate said they ba­ proving the proposed aD-uni- group of y .S . governm ent agricultural experts h ere said Wednes­ for Senate apportionm ent. vendty radio station “We don’t know how many The Dem ocrat’* announce- tteva Pollock's form ula w ill day. .■ f£ § fj ■’’ **' -—v-.' The report Indicated the food crisis, now entering its fourth people would b e affected or « a r ic a iM a s a reaction result to apportionm ent w ith The resolution urges the ad- year, could affect the econom ic stability of the P eiping regim e. w hat criteria to u se tech angtag against th e com m ittee's R e­ “s ii deliberate speed, and wa m htotratien to approve the It predicted the “dangerously low level” of %od supplies on the policy,“ he said. publican m ajority th at pushed w ill w att to ach ieve convention p sp o ssd station, and to w to the China m ainland, following three su ccessiv # y e a n of poor I f the com m ittee agree« on a through th eir 8 riude apportion­ harm ony and bi-partisan sup- rhangs fhrir prdiryen conuner- harvests, could take an enormous toil in health and ability to change, it w ill probably pre­ m ent plan Tuesday. p o r t-fo r th is principle, «vu » ria l advertising for sack a ra­ work. '.■ ■■ ' X . ■ sen t a recom m endation to R e s ­ D w R epublican p lan c a lls for though w ■ do not receive it dio station. P resen t p olicy d e­ id e n t Hannah for a p p iite L Fu- the Senate to ” b e ayportioaisd im m ediately te s t n o com m ercial zak said tt e typ* o f recom m en­ I D em ocrat mem* advertising w ill be penntted. Strike Paralyzes Algeria dation would determ ine wheth­ under a n filp e r e c a f populatim« and to percent arwe after U N . her, R alph A. L iberate, pro- Brody radio, WBRS, which ALGIERS—The right-wing secret arm y organization para­ er Hannah, the Academ ic Coun­ U ntil 1870 Senate additional phecized that “eventually bote has asked AUSG for funds to lysed m ajor Algerian cities with a 75-minute general strike c il or the Board o f T rustees houses w ifi ha baaed on pop» op the aB-univerrity sta­ W ednesday, la France itself P aris w as rocked by seven bomb would k m the power to n u k e ulation. R 's ju st a m atter of tion, contends te a t the ririion blasts attributed to the right-wingers. No casualties w ere reported in te e bombings, but a continu­ in g w ave of terrorism through this seething North African it official U niversity policy. Fuzak said any change to policy i t a alow process since Would Up tim e." v p The D em ocrats said they al­ so favor D r. John A . Han­ w ill need advertising m oney to operate. JehnM eN efl territory left cme European dead and six or m ore wounded. Glenn “On Schedule » the U riversity m ust adopt a basic p olicy which would b e a s effective to U f i a s it la today. First Class nah’s plan for the house, which is b asically the sam e t o Pol­ lock’s b ecause both establish Comm ute, tt e H -te lie n , John A. Fnsak is Students la ri to ll protested a H ouse based on population. CAPE CANAVERAL, F la.—Space agency officials said Wed­ n esday preparations, for astronaut John H. Glenn Jr’s orbital the housing policy b ecause o r its sm all off-cam pus Stamps lc Under Hannah’s pHO Ttoe H aase tooted con sist of M l tie regardtag a change of po­ ttery on teriwdeast advertis­ ing. Mc.N’efl srid tea te e voyage are “proceeding on schedule” w ith the target still set housing list and its a |a lim its . m sm brrs. The Honsa dis- for a Saturday launch. for unapproved housing. Single WASHINGTON UB - T h e tolmSa h KIS sw HM MWowfidl NM toJOfetfMiM dto Vfl 19 totototo_ CtiWr ate- to s a to deace of solM bnrirlng from WaRer C. W illiam s, director of project M ercury operations, students m ust be 25 before they House passed and sent to te a ty fine«, and tea m slofy reported this as optim ism swept this spaceport that after four can Uva to unapproved bous­ W ednesday s postal rate th e student body |y for te e pro- d elays Glenn's orbital flight m ay a t la ri be attem pted. ing. Single m ale students over b ill th at w ould cost d a a ee h t'te u prai i artaasM muon Wwun we im p p ra. P i & y 21 nitor fiv e to approved, un­ o f the m ails I fN m illion “ The m oiety c to n o en tities supervised hom es. Stogie wom­ Nepal Accuses India en x m a t be 25 before fta y aea a y s a r m ore. M ori e f 'tee iacwuewd, coat dhdrtato w ith I te te a stan- PROLOGUING—Editor Jerry H ohnes, H owell junior, loft, M cNeil wnphtotasd that this Is not fito ito M n m a te f * Jem NEW D E U ti, India--T he bombing attack on K ing Mahendra allowed to uacugeryiaed. hous­ would to fi on b usiness finate. each d istrict l e i second rap- from AUSG to the radio. . S8CS W olverine copy and layont wtth A ssociate sso of Nepal noar the Indian border o f southern N epal brought a ing. m m The P a st O ffice D epM W H t Edttors LosroB Kinney, Iron R iver jneter, rigbt, and BBl “Oar purpose,” he said, ' i s sharp exchange of words W ednesday between India and N epal. estim ates tee average fam ily The D em ocrats explained to give verbal hacking to the D eem ër, W ebster G raves, M e., junior. The B B V j w t o , Home m inister Tulsi Girl of Nepal told reporters in Katman­ woold pay only 31.40 m ore each th ey a te endorsing Hannah’s changing o f adm inistration po­ 531 pages *f pictures and copy of tiw 1811-62 scboel year, du tea t there would be serious-consequences if India failed to heed a request to prevent terrorists frsm entering N epal. The Indimi external affairs m inistry arid It w as “com pletely Education year if th e 4-cent letter goes to 5 cents, a s proposed. Senate passage o f som e form plan becauaa it firm ly estab- li she* the population House toltoitloam ent, - tion basis for even 1s ta the m iddle stages of pretoetton. Publication is set for May 15. The W olverine c sa be purchased from Bving unit sales représentatives or from the W olverine sales licy and to adm inistration ap­ proval of the station. The resolution passed unani­ irresponsible” for Girl to m ake such a statem ent before in­ vestigating and th a t there w as no evidence anyone in India w as responsible. __ _ ~ _r Hit of rate increase biU is consider­ ed certain but th ere m ay h e cuts to te e higher second and though it iiss jo o o it aa p erfect as w e would tike i t ” i p office 344 Studcnt Services. mously wtth very little debate. In other action. Congress granted a tem porary charter third cla ss rates voted b y the to the MSU H ospital Associa­ house. The new rate MO is expect­ Starring Gypsy Gertie tion. Kathy R yan, Congress Buxines a n d Organizations H e a lth y Ec o n o m y Con-Con Wonderland ed t o end te e perennial post Comm ittee, said that th e group Presidents of M ichigan’s office d eficit b n f there were includes students in hospital nine state supported colleges work. ladleatfoas such an achieve­ and universities expressed con­ The ordinance to provide m ent, if reached, m y he Fo re c a s t fo r 19 6 2 cern over Governor John B . Swainson’s 1862-63 legislative sherttfvod. Sen. OUn D . John­ Coo-Con delegate Claud R . inch forty crystal ball w as 1 For each l i t sparse cit­ students governm ent backing ston, D-S. C.. chairm an of the E rickson, Lansing Republican, called before the com m ittee. izens, a district w ill receive for the Frosh-Soph Council’s The Lansing area w ill pros­ tive and intelligent planning in budget recom m endation t o r Sourte P est O ffice com m it­ A fter five m inutes of testi­ one senator. Sparsity m eans project to bring the Brothers has' a plan to apportion “Won­ per in 1862. along with Michi­ the state’s m etropolitan areas higher education. lack of one of the foBowing: Four to cam pus w ax am ended. gan and the nation, if three ma­ are also factors which are ac­ The M ichigan Council of tee, schednted how in g s Feb. derland” that w ill be the “in­ mony the entire com m ittee State C ollege P residents m et at 7 ea n MB to ra ise te e nay o f tegration of te l th e unaccept­ feti a sle e p . teeth, hair, one leg , one arm , The coverage <32500) extends jor segm ents of its econom y r e ­ tivating the expansion of M ichi­ two hands, one ear, m e set from Jan. 1, 1862 to June IS, K ellogg Center Tuesday and le o e m w o r ifn , iK w > n | able plans to d ate.’’ “ Gypsy G ertie continued her m ain stable, according to D r. gan’s econom y. of underwear, a bicycle with 1862. discussed possible m eans of postal em ployees. Erickson said bis plan should testim ony to the whirling, neu­ The group also appropriated E li P.-Cox, director of the MSU developing a budget for future 'T h e H ouse-passed bUT would a flat tire, or with lethargy m eet with the approval of all ter. sexless tape recorder.” Bureau o f B usiness and Econo­ presentatim i to the legislature. apply one-cent increases across —legally classified as lazi­ $200 to purchase a new type- m ic R esearch. Cox said he b elieves that if Echo Valley There was unanimous agree­ the board to first cla ss and air m ent am ong th a - presidents m ail Hems. In addition to te e delegates “so w eary with con­ fusion and boredom th at all re- sistance to (»position w ill have Gypsy G ertie proposed the following apportionment for “ W onderland,” to^which Alice ness. -*■ •" _ - — - 4. For every 1,000 people in a ■ 'writer for the Student Traffic Appeals Court. See AUSG P age 3 three segm ents of the Lam ing area, autom obiles, state gov­ ernm ent and higher education, Trip Planned that th e Governor’s figure, rep­ new letter rate o f 5 cents, it resenting mi in create o f 318,- would ra ise p e e t card* foam 3 ton* left th e » m ental facilities so numb «ad dumb that their concurred. _ 1. Each county or group of district who understand th e ; quantum theory, an additional ; 500,000, fa lls abort of m eetin g to 4 cents, air m ail letters from prosper in proportion to tec predicted prosperity of Mirhi* By Jr. Class the minimum needs o f higher 7 to 8 cents and air m ail cards education to the from S to 3 cents. only course le ft is to approve.” H e then described bow the d elicate task o f senate appor­ counties which still have a judge who covers his circuit on horseback receives 2 senators. senator is allotted. The Governor of “Wonder-1 Campus Chest gan and the nation. Lansing il Sw süisob’s d m I» a little Those increases would raise land” shall have tee veto pow- [ ry - T h_* w ill have 'a good year. - ■ Winter Sports Day, sponsored tionm ent to “ Wonderland’ w as If the b o fle is white or blind er to prevent the seating of i J L lF I V © i m ere than M i t i e am ooat re* >8455 « 5 m million illion ofo f the th e total total new new handled b y th e apportionment in one eye, one additional sen­ In the la test edition of The by the Junior COOS, w ill be heldu quested la U i f r t l t a M t t t d revenue revenue la to ththee bbill, ill, the the reet rest any elected senator personally ! M ichigan Econom ic Record, Cox said: ■ ' Feb. 3 at Echo V alley, mazoo. Attractions a t Echo K ala­ 0 by the nine Inrittuttons. Their com ing from coining from higher higher rate* newspapers, m agazines and ad­ V alley, include right toboggann amount cam e to 'a a increase new spapers, m agazine* and ad- rates for for com m ittee: Ftrst,_A lice was cotottlted. h adtetioa to f i t o , “a ate seat is allotted. 2. E ach area shall be entitled to to e senator few every school repugant to the Governor. A lse, en a 2-day notice the For Monday vertising “State governm ent and runs and ice skating facilities., «f $27,tit,ISC . ' vertiiin g m aterial. teacher still w earing high but­ i Governor may reapportion “The Nam e’s the sam e, so's higher education an- not af­ Ten buses have been charter­ ,♦ they The college are alarm presidents ed a t the said grew* | P assage w as bbyy -vvoice three m inutes after the r ic e vote te e house ay fsrtaae M ier with fS ton shoes. i the senate in l a y manner ids i w ife m ay desire. Ik e Gev- the aim , m ik e tins year’s chest fected much by tem pvrory ed and w ill be leaving to front tR ffir and b est.” That w as te e et. w as a ot ddebate eb a te and fluctuations to the level of of the Uaiwt at 18:30 a.m . Sat­u ing evidence that M ichigan is m ot. There j ernor m ay delegate the ap­ winuiag entry in the Campos e slipping behind m any other no recurrence of the angry ap- op­ portioning power to any ecouoarie a c tiv ity . . . so Lea­ urday. The return trip w ill be Chest slogan contest. sing’« change from tee pre­ m ade in tw o sections, The first vious year wffl probably re­ section w ill leave Echo V alley late prim arily to tee change about 8 p.m . and the second: * „ Î states er m the education. financing o f high- “We cannot perm it further ship abruptly c—ay fir the htenl stu- I t e c o M l m «te HflteOT CoQago m m . m , OiteMpi a l i i •». «rtgsiPy rnmmÊmm W ednesday, w ill bo hrifTfcH h* S M n t Startern QiWBiltelteLamme THteB vlWWteBteWltete hun- pWOW dm M tt M k ¡I k I as so* Wm im I f SALLY WARD of th e fam ily,” she said, '•% ! aw l not fight afttat M M lItt ” Z State News Staff W riter priority interests misst h» eoa- The q u est* « e f fem inism std sfsd .” '. ■f y g u Æ f r j L ¿ a t e n d íy e o o « Into any * * A suashtoeycB ow office adds To prepare for the varied role taflston e f eqaaflty, te e said. to tb e colorful personali ty *f w e m a w o st p tey . lfc s . AL Aad a o a have a tsa te a ey a hom e econom ics professor drfch su ggested tas» « tea s e f ¡ g g , B g riba didn't want to ha a teacb- stedy te te e Utoveratty g a n an fir e sam ples e f too -- “ Uh* Urtveratty wesaan contestant's work m ust b e sub­ Red-haired P earl J. A hklch, e sa take advantage e f e e u m s a e f « a ta » — g — wesne« m itted tor the Art con test. On­ research coordinator and pro­ Uke eh ftt devdepsneat, w U eh settrage w ev eteea l, she seid . ly • « • Story of 2,500 |e 5,000 fessor of home econom ics, read­ » * give h er a — torts «ad Although she h a u l had to H | u sed b e entered for the ily adm its an early aversion to fte tto n co n test However, a ll teaching, « t a t a d h f whea n h ta g c— p ste w ith — a . M e gtiU h as rMMrsa had to com pete w ith to her rstortor m ust h are ftttìfiou s p S i « m y andergraduata days. characters aad a tta flp a s or I f $ had been g iv es the choice “Today’s society also c t f s ^ ------ ttg r w ill h e disqualified.’ e f ' any profession, for a knowledge e f consum er She feels her success is portly The co n ta ta s ta s p ie te t e Weald have been a t tee problem s sa d consum er econo- due to ber early interest in men students between te e ages h f th e t a t " L i * m ics,” sh e s a tt, “because th e teo d e M d autrttioa a s h e h itt. fabric .belts or seam s, M d even T I B CONK SHAPE—Edward e f IS o d I I who are enrolled , *1 thought te a t hospital die­ hom em aker m t a « s e m any de- B o n to FortviBe, Ind., M rs. down to te e N g , AbbottY idea tor i s m - t o N s i h i coO sfe or fa tter college. tary wtoft would b e m y life's datons on how the fam ily bud­ Aldrich after 21 years considers * N ecklines piuag* to daring sttw actte is the eeae shape The deadline far both Contests profession,” she said. g et w ifi he to ta l.“ M ichigan her hem e. depths shewing te e bosom to fflustrated by this plaagtog is M arch i.' SPRING HEADLINES—Here are fear bats for spring, d to The professional role also has triaagtas or ovals wtth « .tiny E ntries should be addressed T he A ld rich « w o n m arried V-necked w on ted M ato draw p to y ei a t attttaery fashion shew hs New Y eto raem tty. ”101 I s e a team ed fla t its problem s. oval cut deep « to te e m iddle with the fitted m idriff (M l faB to the appropriate contest, Ma­ T t f are sa ile r wtth cushioned brim aad Mgh kaBea crown whenever y ee have a respon­ fa 1188. T beyA ave a s children “ To com peto w itb men o e n aad te e fevered individuals to for good m easure. B acks (five skirt, ft w as httrodaeed to dem oiselle, 420 Lexington A ve., to white rough straw wtth aariyw coffee gresgrato baad sible job yea are to a teach- A a the w aist hid era generally New York 17, N . Y , teg pcstttetf.” s x v .. b asis of com plete equality can te rir boasehaM are tw e cate. m ere than 210 fashion w riters aw l alead e f b d h q , by Lily D aebe, left, aad bratac. ef be unfortunate aad unsatisfac­ covered b y a capelike floating ihr«. A ttrito i» a m em ber e f toT New Yart; t r w itness (he b s m veiling, faced with forsythia, by G lgi. Bottom a r t scarf attached a t te e neckline. So after working te c field for tory,” r i» s e tt. the A m m a n and Di­ w eekleag shew of spring aad pet «Bed brim cloche e f raspberry sherbert straw sew « wtth cafe crem e balrbraid, ly John Frederics, left, aad onto tw a y e a n , n o decided to “ She should rather be accep t­ etetic A ssort «tice s aad the In­ Sheri skirts wtth all th is fora- iniae stuff are obviously in. saau aer e d h e f lm created hr Board Openings go m ta Isarh in f ed as a woman ta tL * p e r s a stitu te e f Food Technologists w em hfrs e f the New Y e » G irls interosted to positions taflsred bretes ef cafe ere— straw braid with M ost su its have short jack­ She did S e tt weak h i tasti- Couture Group. (A P Wire* on the 1382 College Boerd at hm tt to M ato glace kid, by Mr. John. {AP W lrcphots) e ts. They trace th e body with­ LasalM 's o f Toledo m ay apply «'- * r tlves to an ‘"Mkampus can» -, fi i i cmmstituM-emu* e » t i e a. mm-M prooiems \ mm iinvi 1rfI **'S'I'IUiSMllll— iSTn'igpnto^r » W1 E v o lu tio n HAS their X pit 1" to off— puk T I M A M W W tm w m H iillr I l i S b td irti it ni I The graop w attd h e M ttip tor » » « i l CrOtta wl sd w din s %w asnaanaqm te» t Dooularlv-elected U S i ^ TnirtMS toh r. - j , «tiMMiak i Hj Q V •. 4«ABitaitt(M b u v u iM ! krt •t n to V w lM M f lB w nnam n . u o m m j m m m sm ':'4 l 7 7 2 y L k à Tom Rasn— ^jS q T h S For i to u il mi Springtime Dana «f Bdacatton, 1 Student Congress Wadtntaay O rder Flowers fro m . . • B^'^lStoatodaSra night. Barass Floral Clifford BrtctawL tea sgw tíifbii* Rasmasson outlined the plan Fsnriwiifstirs Linda Lot- to a special report. The need « bill to be said, to not for gsveratog- B p itg ) a section af tea jwh- body powers, tod rather a rep­ af Bast lanatog am ef 1 citt article ef tee student go- resentative body.1 atti, “tes asBogt SfT] vinwmta cahetltiiffT« At pre- WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE is «reaaater to prestotiy under nadar an aa totentive The temporary plan would be seat, heartaga tovolvtog student to set up a group that could camcatum iimhimbiw » p i infraction af naiversity regu- H been doing a tot of werk work with the personnel, mon­ 215 Ann St. ed M e n 11 dosed. ■ If the ey, and organisation of the National O sftn tt to' reorganisation atol research amendment is pniaad, tee bear present AOCS. This group m m t iiT w iu Q o ^oftatoiteíSfÉl^todiamB and I hope to keep the program tog! caa be opened to tee pub* mFbwwWwaywtafitawy moving under Ina sama ntt» would eventually Meet repre- onta Spato 8c i t tea student* request. The hffl caSs for g Student refe­ Hawley got Us BA. and MA, rendum on ti» nudter. It was 6 3 t r 3 dagrees from Wayne State 0a$> rtiired to tee Student Rights varsity and also fod sonia werk at tike University ef Michigan committee. ' Two resolutions were refer­ N O T IC K E E - N O J -H O P and here. red to tea newiy-focmed M - w m zm m He fob at at s f tant tical Affairs Committee. One to state supervisor ef public con­ .t o “urge Coo-Con t o restruc­ W m m m í struction to take the position of ture the higher educational in­ S ou rce ta me ¡ ¡ ¡ I I I m zm w í bead ef the department of vh- stitutions of Michigan”, and “ JA D E cational education to OKS. the «tear elates that AUSG to THE aVQCXT DOLLAR—This chart d m where the badge« M ar wiB eome Later ha was tea head af the to fover of lowering the voting freni «ntt hew II will be speat ander Preaideat Keaaedy’i budget far fiaeal year department of teacher educa­ age to Michigan from 21 to 1*. IMS, beginning Juty L The President's badge« calls b r i IRJRJIM N epcta- tion before becoming an assis­ Paul Butler of tee Stndent Rights Committee introduced a 1962 J-HOP iag program. (APWircphoto d art) .................. tant dean. ’ The new appointment Is ef* resolution urging tea Univer­ sity to publish a handbook af FEBRUARY 10 L O O K IN G FO R Bride Says Tragic Death fective F eb. 1. Hawley has a wife, Dorothy, aad a son, Bryan, who is to ■regulations academic, social, mater vehicle, and general— Is ‘All in Hands of God’ n a to r a along with an explanation of junior Ugh school. ^ tee lladictory system and a MJ*. description of penalties. „The COUNT BASIE ENGLEWOOD, N . J ., tf> - her to America. Frank re­ resolution was referred to JOBS t m Frank Lovato and his child­ hood sw eetheart Rena strolled turned to the States three months later. Congress Sets j committee. The deiefgates enjoyed the along the b an k rof the Chiampo River iirA n hm ano, Italy, and hi tee meantime Reha work­ Committee - film “MSU Report—1960-61” produced by the Audio-Visual 3 :0 0 A-M. LATE PERS ed 12 hoars a day to « Milan dream ed of life in Am erica. But there w as te e problem leather factory. Appointments Center. LATE BRUNCH ~ By New Year’s Day she had of money—neither enough for saved enough for passage Student Congress approved Two future presidents w ere two passages nor enough for Frank wrote he had rented a several committee appoint­ among 8JK9 persons who gath­ two to liv e an until a good fob small apartment ments at their regular meet- ered en tee tree-shaded slopes Tickets at Union - m ild be found. Rena was scheduled to sail tog Wednesday night. ef Arlington National Cemetery So in 1958, a t the age of 19, Gary Parker was «mpototod for the first official observance Frank left Arxignano to see if Monday and arrive to the Uni­ representative ef fraternities, of Memorial Day to IMS. They Monday, January 2 9 he could m ake a go of it alone ted States Feb/L awl Jack Shea was named w en Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, an in Am erica. Rena would fol­ But while she was making beta of the Academic Attain h e n o r t d guest, and Gen. 6 .0 0 per couple low soon. ast minute preparations to committee to replace Martha James A. Garfield, who deliv­ In Northern New Jersey he leave, Rena got word that Holton. I. ^ ered tea oration. found a job in tee building Frank had fallen off a reef and Marilyn Pierce was named trades where the enork was fractured Us skulL to the Student Welfare commit­ bard but te e pay good. L ast year h e returned to She canceled hfr ship ticket tee, aad Joan Scafuri and Stove and-took a plane. She arrived Habennan were appointed to VNF QsaMy Issf MNMDw Italy and marrtod R ena, then Sunday and, weak from a t the Students Bights commtttae 29. sickness, rushed to bar hus­ But still more money had to band’s bedside at Englewood he saved before he could take Hospital to sit aad hold Us toiai. Ha had hem to a coma since tee acciden t v Gamow S w i s s S t e a k LB (Contimod from ptgo 1) She saw him three times— continuous creation or steady twice on Sunday aad eaca state theory whooo boot known yeetocday- proponent .to Fred Hoyle of Rath Blaefc Mawk "'V , - / ’u' : The doctors said Frank seem­ Cnurtdgo University. ed to be improving hot had The speaker has subtitled his soma treubio breathing. talk: ulk: “Does the Unfarer Universe Be­ But Tuesday be food—mi the have according to Hoylta?’ second anniversary ef his aad -Background material on tee S lic e d B a c o n “ Rena's marriage. talk, especially useful to Na­ “Etutto Naur man! di la," tural Science «tndents, to avail­ tea girl settoed. “It’s all to the able to “The Creation of the Low prices plus Ace-Hi Gift Stamps»«» nds of God.” 5 *“ Universe,” by Gamow te pa­ perback, and “Frontiers at The term “some pumpkins” Astronomy” by Hoyle, Mae to designate a person or thing available to paperback. yl 409C T 11 o f consequence The crucial issue of Walsh’s Puffs W hite Facial Tissues - T BOXES 1 arose to NawYork about talk Jan. M is “What a century age .whan tee pub­ all doing hare?** Readings sug­ TALL 7 Q e lic’s fancy was Taken by gested are Plato’s “Timaeus” "monster pumpkins" displayec and Lucretius’ "D a Rerum D e l M onte R ed Salmon CAN 1 / at the Gryatel Palace. _ Natora.” f 1 *» *1 D e l M onte Y e llo w Q in g Peaches O CAN8 1 1 9 6 2 Ambassador-Big Ten D e l M onte Pineapple Ju k e 7 d 4« OS f t CANS 1 A m -n D e l M onte Stewed Tom atoes * CANS i E U R O P E « 14 OR F or Student» and other Young Adults D e l M onte Tom ato Catsup O JARS 1 Scotland » E n g to d » H olland-B clgim n j C SOS $ | G cnnauy« Swilwwrlawd «liedbttatetain _ D e l M oote Fru it Cocktail y CANS 1 Austria • Y agoekvia«Itnly - Monaco - France e sos i f (D enm ark) • (Swecden) « (Norway) D e l M onte Ea rly Green Peas 0 CANS 1 fOt CANS * * $1 Sail June 2 8 , Empress o f B ritain, o r D e l M onte Cream S ty le Corn I Fly July 3 , by Transatlantic Jet | | . \trA¡-. " ■■ — \ tl R eturn by^Shfip o r by Jet . ft'. I I SPARTAN FROZEN | SPARTAN FROZEN RINDLESS 1f SPARTAN R w i s s s y s iii » i u w t o i l M COLBY II V a c u u m -P a c 1 I A sso r te d II ORANGE I V e g e t a b le s I1 J U IC E Leadcrt Dr* James B. Tintera, j j Y C H EESE 1 r c o iïlR f a ' Assoc. FroL , BLS.U. ; I a tip r c m h s f1 .(« e s HH « 5 9 1 1 lc % 5 9 1 1j O CHIOCE t j ! O CANS 1 . f t INCLUSIVE DATS, BY SHIP m o ja $» DSCUÄ8VR DAYS, IKY AIR . 11^1 mui 9 1 9 4 1 «7 INCLUSIVE DAYS, BY SHIP A AHI I n t t m - '(INCLUDING 8CAKBANAYIA) 7 f INCLU8HYEDAYS,BYSSQDPftAIS . t t H t t f P B I H C E 'S U INCLUSVE aapmbassm etow toamwotoaiwuptonp^'-tow 8 Ü >uapinnto»p^i>:wo»o#a*1*>aito*v.w.ËUÊÊM DAYS •mom. w— ” - S h o p -S & eL Uto E. GRAND RIVER s a B. GRAND RIYER Il •?:'-¿J - ’*■ a n e . g r a n d r i v e s p ^ i» W ,m ,-* W D ‘ * w „ ... 2519 & CEDAR ^ «4M W. ST. JOSEPH • 1 SCSI 8- CttftM l .;¿!X 9 0 S N. EAST ST. 2411 N- EAST ST. LOOAIfatJOLLYED. IiS g; 1 É É :Í1 ÍÍÉ mmM ■H ■g»! IB S WÊËÊ R H m M Michigan ^ I I I éS :^|ffi|RPBS|R9Hp i 4p1hW fai te a ! «vont a t tea MSU The 6-10 speedster holds par; o f freshm en record in the con sists o f a sprinting work out far a ll but the distance m en. tw een 9 to 10 hours sleep a S l l l i T H IR E R DELIGHT tetagm I n i w tater. and indoor sprint and distance m edley relays a s w ell a s ties in th e 100 and 220. Stand-Out Thomann Thin work out con sists o f sw im m ing anywhere from 9 to 21 lengths o f the 25-yard pool night. During the w eek they consum e 70 to 80 pifis, which a re to keep tta boys to top A L L T O T C A N E A T FO R 9T health. AH to a ll to be a Devo Bahnaaa,Michigaa Stato football aenter ani «beta* te tee teak AftAmor- B ill Man, n T raverse Cttv junior, is a top Spartan hurd­ ler, who placed third in the Tallest Spartan Cager at full speed wtth a minimum am ount e f r e s t In the three hoar period the sw im m er tak es tim e, physical assertion and dtocipiine. The T O U R CHOICE O F tma team, ata tee Amecia- 70-yard highs a t th e confer B y GARY R0NBERG Thomann potted 21 points to sw im m ers w ill sw im this about result to n potential champion­ BOAST BEEF tta Preie AB-Americaa team ence m eet la st M arch. Bother­ State N ew s 8p « ta W riter the gam e, 13 ta the first half, 29 n 36 tim es. The purpose is ship swim m er. arte V H ha ne teeve n reripteat q ef tee* a ta p la y ta a strong gam e un­ or ed t a injuries la st spring, be­ Probably th e m ajor reason to build « w ed and endurance AP. AJ». piegai Ptanne M toni)f t t at a baa- ta now im proved. derneath th e boards, snatching plus a fa st recovery. ante »Kaìtocg Center, Other returning letten nen for the sta d en brightening o f 15 rebounds. vV SPAGHETTI WITH MEAT SAUCE S S * eweritnthe include pole vauiter B ill Al­ M ichigan te s te 's basketball for­ T rad w a s an answ er out DISCOUNTS tentar g r id a m wte i he Gran- edMér ef tee Pevt corn, Birm ingham Junior, who holds in from indoor and out­ tunes is th e outstanding work of sophomore Fred Thomann there th is a fte rnoon,” Anderson wMd t a n the c o n te st' “ He Galen Hall B te a n Spectate G eed Frem Neen U ntil 1 A.M. and at the vital center position. ILL L h ncaaideat ef tee Mtehigan Praes Assentate«, meeting door records; Gerald Dehenau, a pole vauiter from Detroit; ana Junior B ill G reen, 600- The ta llest player in Spartan cage history, te e 6* 9” Taylor w ent right a fter them and 1 think he surprised everybody-* A w ell-built 216-pounder, Tho­ Signs Pact J - a n t a t t * M J h O iM Center. Three eteer Mtehigan feot- leyen wiH receive yard dash m an. Others are tw o-m iler Roger Hum barger, from Wyoming, Center product w as prim arily a victim o f obscurity through­ out the first h alf o f MSU*« mann started against a good M innesota quintet la st Monday WASHINGTON (A - Galen H all, tear quarterback a t Penn NEBIES, U K C H IC K E N D . I N N night and w ant right on about State who w as overlooked by Stafi e f t e s i) along with Behrman. Incltaa Bennle McCrae S M n ta y d W e U g n M ich.; senior hurdler Tom Jef­ ferson; T h o m a s Peckham , hardier and high jum per ; Jim schedule. H e played in seven gam es and scored but tw o points. h is busin ess connecting for 18 to ts aad p u B tag down 10 ro- a s State won its second tta professional football chibs draft, w as signed M onday by the '-W ashington Redskins of DISC SHOP E. M id fim Across From Frondor nr s o s f r e e d e l i v e r y a f t e r s pjm . ata a fiayer Arem Nesthern R o t, who tied f a r fifth in the H ow ever, when a M ichigan in n raw , 84-79. ~ tta N ational League. NHrMgen ata Western BflcM- todaqr te g S S L high jum p; and State losin g streak reached fiv e H e term ed tin Spartan fan s Tony K um iega. who holds the gam es and the Spartans w are w ith a fin e heck-shot eraim tioti, varsity outdoor javelin record. w inlessrin the B ig Ten, coach Forddy Anderson m ade som e looping to fonr beauties. Anderson said how ever, th at changes—three of them , in fa ct. Thnm— *■tut Tmtbmi— have For i to n d i of Springtime State journeyed to Ann A r­ com e to h im a * *toe surprise.” bor to take on M ichigan, a O rder Flowers fro m . • • team that w asn’t supposed to “W e w ant wtth oa r expert en ce until ten proper situation have anything, bat one tin t LUCKY STRIKE Barnes Floral a f E a st L a n sin g had enough to poll th e rag out from under Iow a, 9455, the week before. ,5 enabled us to use our yooth,” be said . “ F to d w a s one o f three chan«es w e m ade a ta has done a fin e job." pnunts: Anderson gave three sopho­ Thomann played hto prep WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE m ore^ th eir first college stort­ basketball a t T aylor Center "TH E ing assignm ents against the high school a ta w as selected W olverines — B ill Barry, B ill 19 Schwarz, and Thomann. A ll for aR atato honors to h is sen* u r n m m s IN T E L L E C T U A L S 2 1 5 Ana St. ED 2-0871 did an excellen t job, hot It w as tor p ear. A rate t o t a l« a ta hard work­ B ig Fred who shone the bright­ er, g pnrtaa follow ers should be i est in S tate’s 90-74 triumph- seein g a l e t « B ig Fred to th e future. —F ROTC Rifle Team H O L D E N ife R E ID Loses To U of M STORE WIDE CLEARANCE SALE U nlvortely o f M teM gsn ROTC m arksm en defeated both tho Arm y a ta A te P tao a ROTC rifle team s from MSU In a trian­ MEN’S SUITS AND TOPCOATS gular m atch la id Btearday at Aim A tta r . (1 & 2 Panto) T he Wi i sm toas com piled 1399 potato from 1 W -p ossib le w ith $60.00 to 75.00 Values - S cott lead ing the individual scoring fo r I f. o f M. wtth 286 p .iW ir . • N O W MSU Arm y placed second wtth 1 9 » points w ith N ick Steen cooM balfag a 295 score. MSU A ir F orce, la st years s49.95, L eague cham pions, follow ed MS(T Arm y w ith 1373 total team score. Ron H augen, top'aeorer ‘54.95 *59,90 for the A ir Forpe team , wan a lso U gh shooter for the m atch, w ith a 291 score. - Other* $80.00 to 155.00 V ih n NOW 9 9 4 9MB TO I29J6 I fc C a ffo e e H ea d M ichigan State swim m ing «oach C harles M cCaffree w as a i l ’9 SPORT COATS elected p rateiau t o f the Ameri­ can Sw im m ing Coaches Asso­ \a l $ U 0 * 30.00 V e lu s $53.00 to 90.00 ciation i n 1 9 » . “ ROW 2496$ 3246 ta 4245 46.00 wwwIM Stal to 00J6 WW wvrstPw Ü SKI! H a’s QssBly S ta n ■ a n M a h t a Oar Osto $13.95 to 12245 ff mirali i frim rampe, y a a 'ra fiv fig a t tb a righ t tim e. T ho (P ia to 4 Batata) taw 111.90, I4J9 «• I9J0 l a row ta t o s s , now id e a s. 12040 f i 15040 V alu» Others 52449 1» 53449 Lansing S k i Q td> R tin g s, th e f op ta s rity o f taw SI4J9, í9.29 H44.ító V taw C24J0 t$ MJO u p a Lucky. A s O penIfights Ifttadiy R s haody arom a sta r ts a b o u t y o » , • s i s p n ta n ta b y : C o lleg e stu d e n te t if * * * *7 ” o l“‘‘" t f t í I I * P i n t e r s - Thi r ls * I t n g i ~ F t tra T tn gT * " * •“ *• ¿ v thraagh Satataay | . sm o k e m ore l.ia tb ia i ttesa a n y ta b Ita H O ID E N * REID ; Lake L aa iteg R o ta CHANGÉ t o LUCKIES and get some toste for a change! f U n iJ U B w fu r r lN C C SHOPPING Em LK CENTER W, isRBahBf Ctob te # # «t a ■ f id im if f e 9 tM A £ s a fe a » e Ä 6 * » 4 ß y 8 » p p " STORE SO C RSi MON. O n fltL 9 lu » , to • ju a . SAT. T IL O p m . m à m S & S S ES B S S B S & - i........■— ate ►wv - — • ............. Ä?' 11 mrn i l mm i^ É M É rÉ â *' -• * IsI^&ÉÌPÉ^< ;' 1. >H ü l M 0W H i ü W m PÄ S I W S ^ K Ê Ê Ê K Ê Ê Ê Ê PI liïm Ü K SSS 'm IS Ê ' K È Ê Ê ^ ^ '- ’ YMF• .''.?TV.*.v ^ H p M p |H |K lüw wm m ■ |K |] I ■ li Thè Intram ural paddtebaB ■ ¡S i’1 tournament is noiif. a U K err, * Zi 1227 E. GRAND RIVER A ir A ll-A m e r ic a n Several challenges HiW*W ' ■aOTH con fid ate freon te to tea aacaatf psrttin aa OPEN-EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. Im ngit Ron ‘B’ ladder. By ART DWORKEN cam e from aft over Europe.” tm tM lS In tap s a tha *€* lad d er 16' finiw-nin rnffnmr DELIVERY SERVICE M ON.-SAT. State N m i f eet» W riter “fc w as a t ETdtog M f lie t t a first place petition M arty L evin, a fu rim in fram - '- - z M S S S 8 :3 0 P J I. • 1.30 A M . first mat Ken G raham ” (Gra­ Hockey Association SEASON Standings L astS eM ay I called oc Rein- ham, also a m em ber o f the Cren Ite third f h a a t e f M ichigan, to the ate- ‘ NUt ier K em eltag. H is friands «ad J i l l MSU v a n ity w as a tetin i to ladder, to f i e n ew *# f è a » » ond isti partiteti te J e Da v e W ffltea SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. IPS nrefer to call hlm “ »WMfc& B a p ta y i center-half the All-Am erica Honorable m ention this y ear.) “ I played Ron Henry, a senior frani E ast ta fraas Î M m p .,- The d o ta ta » f ir «rata( S f i t t i BMII? sum f o r U e M Ü m o m team aad outsktoleft,” KjsmeBn g says, lIMuYiKsDU for tw H fe tM i straight year M oving from unra to n rst Friday haters 5 p in . S is team “and Graham played Inside th e N ettam i Colleg e Sacear right. Graham, only IS a t the position on tike *B* ladder w n affittaitetiJo a a c a m r y te atiter YUUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Coaches and R eferees nam ed tim e, w as nam ed tb tt captain Ran PapedorL a sophomore th is aMMti,”- Prttegs him te All-Am erican squad. e f the Arnwd F orces Alt* fS ù c ù ts t t e s â lw tv f f MM eô#y Stars.” ■H B for Kemehng. He w as horn in “Oar first international gam e T ie Hague, N etherlands, 26 years ano aad grew up on the sport. H e cam e to the United was at W iesbaden, Germ any, against the Turkish Armed 521 EAST GRAJSD R im E. LANSING 1001 W. SAGINAW LANSING F orces,” he says. “ Six of their States when h e w as 17; p l a y e r s w ere international K em ellng settled down in Re­ stars. We w ere beaten 4-1, but chte, W isconsin. ha bad w e gave them a real rough gam e. Our only goal w as scored by Graham , on m y a s s is t” In 1957, while playing for the CISM team , he first m et Sam Donnelly and Jean Lohrl, also cu rreat4itate stars. M ARKET A fter h e ftatehed Ms hitch la 19CI, K em ellng r e ta iled briefly te U s old jeb to Ra- d n e . “ I derided to take n WE RESERVE THE RIGHT ■ S EV EN A W E E K crack at co lleg e,” h e sa ys, “ sc I enrolled a t MSU to Sep­ TO IÄMTT QUANTITIES tem ber, M ti. Ken. Graham had already enrolled here. 1 w as i a t r a a t e t i h getting F R O M 9 A .M . - 9 P .M . both D u a i By and Lehri to com e to E ast JL aastag.” ■ah ass K em ellng has thus played a BE m ajor rote to form ing the nu­ cleu s o f State’s current out­ standing soccer team . They BANQUET D IN N E R S i 4f- ' r. '-¿L D EL M O N T E have had a 16-2 record since BEEF he, Graham and Lohri becam e TURKEY [S R eeier “Dutch” K em dteg eligible to 1960. This p ast sea­ son Donnelly, o n ly a sopho­ graduated f r o m M achinist m ore, w as nam ed the team ’s CHICKEN S A L E IN E F F E C T Trade Schott when he w as 15," m ost valuable player, a MAC & CHEESE his first job w as a m achinist award K em eling bad received SALISBURY STEAK (lim it 3 dinners) for a Racine firm . Two years him self a year before. later be enlisted in the Air K em eling, i 6-1, 175 lb. jun­ Force and w as sent to Air B ase ior, with long blood hair and a Lean Ground Beef DEAN’S DAIRY FRESH D efense School. warm friendly sm ite, is m ajor­ “ I w as eventually sent ta ing to production m anagem ent. -L aen , A .F.B ., France, about He has som e very strong feel­ Michigan Beet COTTAGE 2 lb carton m i 65 m iles from P aris,” he ings regarding tha state of soc­ says. “ A tL aon , two baddies cer to the United States and and I organized • base se e - here at MSU in particular. ' cer teem .” The Idea caught “ I feel that urn A thletic D e­ en aad wtttda two months partm ent should appropriate SUGAR CHEESE K em eliag helped to farm 15 more m oney for the soccer squadron team s oa h u e . “ My team and m ake m ore scholar­ (lim it one bog) 5 pound •quadrea had two team s, ships available.” he say s. h e say s, “ and I had to da “They should also pot a fence all tha a g n h h g aad ceach- around the soccer field and LITTLE BOY BLUE tog.” charge adm ission te the gam es. One day in 1966, he got n call This would arouse sp ortster R O B IN H O O D invtr U ,S. iting him to try out for the interest and attendance would *. Armed Forces All-Star increase accordingly.” team . “ An Air Force B-26 made “One ef m y dislikes «1 a special run to fly m e to college soccer to te a United Erding A -F.B ., Germany, for States ' is c a n e d - 1 $ tike SWIFTS PREMIUM F L O U R 2 5 lb Bag * 1 » OLEO 6 i*1.00 1 pound quartato the trials. Thera w ere 150 m en change ta rales I encountered invited to the trials aad they whoa 1 started playing here SLICED a t State,” h e sa y s. “ If w e a re IM Schedule ' ..v.i,,: .Court ; ,4 3 A .E. P i - Phi D elt • 6 p.m . "b y m to le a n the right w ay te play the gam e, w e m ost p lay it the w ay its d a n fir the origtaa- ters af the gam e, tt a Eure* II peons.” BACON LITTLE BOY BLUE ICE CREAM 1 2 GAL Pewamo 4 S.A M . - D. Chi II Dutch is w illing to go out en | B U T T E R 5 Phi Tau - A .T.O .' HI a lim b by saying he b elieves j (-limit Yt g d ) 6 D.S. Phi • Sig E p. HI that soccer on a am ateur lev­ 3 Phi Gam - L.C.A. 4 T. Chi - Phi Sig. K. 5 Phi K. Sig. * A.G.R. 6 S. N u -P h iP s i 7 p.m . ~ --Y el, w ill eventually draw ev en | II with football aa far aa popular! II ty is concerned. To back up III b elief be say s, “Ji 1H rapid grow th-of soccer team s ] up1this * HAM ADAMS (1 pound lim it) M ID -W IH T IR 1 Pound Print 6 p.m . to your h igh schools and col­ Farm house . S. Chi ^11 leges. At f i e sam e tim e yon see I K .A J M P b .T. P i II these schools (hopping football HI because of the injuries aad tre* | SHANK 3 9 Full Pound Pkg » S.A.E. Z B .T : - A. Phi A. ■ 6 p.m ., HI mendous expense involved.” PORTION CHIPS 3 P.K . Phi - K. Sig H IM Scores 4 T A . Chi - Phi Mu A , 5 P el U . » D.T.D. 6 Rangoon - R afferty HOCKEY III U 111 E ast Shaw 9 57 - E . Shaw 8 37 Burgandy 9 9 - Burm a 411 ' SHURFINE FROZEN FREE 4 LB BAG UÄ ND 1 ran 4 9 * -2 0 p.m . U . Tom’s Boys • S. Chi Em bassy 32-E M U 27 Jenison gym s a rt not going Behav. Sci. 1 8 0 -G . G elds. 32 to be available for basketball Ptoym akers 73 - M HaU reservations a t specified tim es. B ig D ’s Em erald 51-C SO 51 5539 - E m bers - 3 4 301 46 4 PORTION ORANGE b 'i $1 .0 0 Macintosh APPLES They ares Monday — 6 p.m . • t p.m . Tuesday — f p.m . -~7 p.m . Em porer Empyrtam win 40 49 • E m inence 23! rin • E m pt. forf. JUICE .Ì o f can e With Puiriutte of 4 lb for W ednesday — 6 p.m . • 9 p.m . R ad d iff Thursday — 0 p.m . - 9 p.m . 37 • Randall Throwaways 44 A nim ali 311 38 m i m i Gerauds Saturday — 8 a.m . -1 2 noon S t G R eservation m ay he m ade O w n Grade 42-G uniM ni erauds 3 9 -P h lo fs- 37 S3 HOM E through tb s Intram ural O ffice. » • S . Phi D ’* 3 0 | Snks ffS i W m m w K O E G E L S PeachI W M UÄ NO. 1 SKINLESS FRANKS P in e a le « IDAHOr r" ■ » - 11111 11 BAKING PINCONNING (m edium ) m m F0OBS UM IK ^ '7 É « É Il» r -; CHEESE 9 Cruahed Wheat (B orjpri) in 3 Grinds • SyrUn Tritimi »fed T nrkkh Coffee 10 T ray Pack 0» bag * s t im i fHretio § À 'i Ê Ê ÊB ÊaU > H r Ê X ücattow i ...;t W' ^ TalKif f '^ Mm.vranamBa> • ■" • 1 y.-fä’.w 4,' ^ Tomatoes 2 FO R 3 f| • M T h ick S y r ia « B read B aked F reeh D aily 1 BLOCK EAST OFFERS IN THIS AD - C aliforn ia N ew a t Hart l.im tog star* ^ ITh WêM Right OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 AJML FR L A SAT. '■ ALSO AT EXPIRE JANUARY 3 1 , 1962 il Cabbage LARG E SO LID H E A D S 2 for39c S ite N . LARCH US £7 A 4796 S. CEDAR U S 177 M ■ JM a«»' p ^ p ■>inPi m m dM m m Ë Ê & M BBW a en a a u s! I : -; I *A ‘ ' V '^ '^ 7 % ¿ f ig . !,iiji .n'»rmunpjf..’u n v ( i H T X l* J l7 C .X lt ! # _ '#1JÉ1ËL*. a* t a lS f c w 'l ■ Go•'•••' lo Seniors l& aal;» H H The Senior Council has re­ served a sp ed ai s a e tta at the m eat ta r e a u Tuesday. Addi­ Northwestern gam e th is Satur­ tional inform ation ia the Place- day for all t a t e n . The section s e t i B a r e si Bulletin ter the week j O w E s i i t , f t PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED S-8S17 - F etd M eter Co. *«* Mechani­ ca l. electrical, chem ical eàgi* nears; m arketing, econom ics, production; purchasing. ..9 c . nance, Accounting, statistics, m ath and physics m aters; BeO Tktepheae System el- ectrical end m echanical engi­ HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS neers; . physics and math ma- EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING * & n d Esptds Beard .et tede-j e a tia a -r AH elem entary educa­ FIRST SHOW IIM H . — ADULTS SSe tim i, all special education, all feca a d a ry except s o c i a l ENDS “THE MAN WHO srlanre and Men’s physical oducation ter teaching. TONIGHT WAGGED HIS TAIL** » T 't a in a Castrate — Mechani­ TODAY AND ca l, electrical, and civil en g l; STARTING FRIDAY — AT TsCt PJL FRIDAY N ational tffte t D rill A Tool Co. M echanical and m etal­ lurgical engineers lor produo tion and-experim ental work. W yandotte Chem ical Co. — North Am erican d m t a t t Chem ical engineers, chem istry w eu ld n t spread so profusely if and busin ess adm inistration t a t e E ves warn com plicated by m ta r s . M affiaekredt C h e m i c a l State ? M w rsity botanist Works — Chem istry m ajors lik e som e of th eir Soiithèrn cou and chem ical engineers. sin s, sa y s D r. ¿¡fab H . B ea­ Whteteeel Cerp. — M echani­ m an, m ost North American cal a n d electrica l engineers. IM É i dW Bdtata^aM Üqnread rapidly into n i l a r e a s'n c sm m th ey do not require cross-fertilixa- non to repcoouoe. History Prof ■ STA R T IN G S A T U R D A Y ----------- S a b in e S ends To Spok At Michigan State University ANEW LEA8K ON LAUGHTER WITH THE M K tw B iT M m n rat m r g i m p # Caribbean Club DISCOVERED BOYS . LECTURE CONCERT SERIES S a f e ty P le a - D r. Harold B . F ield s, asso­ H M É cia te professor in the depart­ T o C l a s s o f ’6 6 m ent e l history, w ill speak presents Thursday at 8 p.nE on “B ritish It’s “ safety first” with the independence in the Carib­ C lass of 1968. bean a t the Caribbean Club “ T H E M IR A C L E W O R K E R ” In a letter to high school sen­ m eeting in SI U n ta . iors who w ill com prise the F ield s, who is presently T he G n a t B road w ay P lay E veryo n e I s T a lk in g A bout C lass of W , J J r. Gordon A teaching a course in Caribbean Sabine, director of adm issions history, lg s traveled in M exico ...if8 where and scholarships, reported that aw l Central Am erica. YOUR BEST BUY. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS all the fun Starring every year MSU loses som e takes place/ EILEEN BRENNAN students who a n k illed or m aim ed in autom obile acci­ is. dents. —‘ . ■ " it ^ i A STRANGE NEW (Special) - TONIGHT “ Four students who would have been in th e C lass o f 1988 ' E X P E R IE N C E w ere killed while driving before they ever had a chance to reg­ ister for their first term ,” he said. R eserved Seats: 84J8 - $3J8 -12.88 As 8 rem inder to drive safety, (Students: $8 88 * H I * - gl.50) particularly during the hazard- ous w inter season, each m em ­ ON SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE ber of the C lass of ‘68 received C Q C Ô K tn b e m i t O w w *Seo«C a special “ M ichigan State Uni­ versity” decal w ith the rem ind­ er to “display it only if yon plan to use your car sa fely and w isdjr.” . Seconding the plea for young drivers to drive carefully w ere Secretary- of State Jam es M. Hare and M ichigan State P o ­ lice Com m issioner Joseph Childs. Syria has been called “a kingdom that has rarely man­ Taieyton nsM aged to e x is t" P art or aU -ef Syria has been held a t tim es by delivers rjmff E g y p tia n , A ssyrians, Babylo­ nians, P ersians, G reeks, Ro­ the flavor m ans, M ongols and Christian crusaders. - . -v DVAL FllTER DOES IT! sta rv e d the innocents w a s “F in e and frig h tew in g !” —Newsweek M agasine 1 picture fron thd fS S É p I;- s Isssä n ■ and! à , l l | * , f f - i t a a r g a n o "t* h » « m e ta » * fc s m r w a s I « y « , PETER W YH6W Ì0E-M E6S JENKINS . [ ìH Q C ■ -* « * ¡M ^ M m E L P E O m E nT tetente’*' V # , £ *:f$§ TODAY! “ H m m M M rnm m SlM lH S “ D eborah 'S ta r m ay h a r e a ‘w aJk-aw ay’ fo r th e O acar fat T h e l a n c i a t a*. lM tii-d a n a ü n ft. lt*a an asta «reaatta “ &é m & M _ . ' •» ' jg - —Dorothy KilgâUen g Ceaspiate Shew F e a la n Shown I ta - l: ü - f : lf |V |T 2 |||f Y ^ t e 1:99 - * î» • * ! « i i i l km l a Q o u x m á in 2nd RoeR.tt* Lutheran Student A s « . — 9:31 Detta FM Epritaa - 7 p.m p.m ., M«dilations, Marita Fledge M eeting, Union Oak Downtmwn Ari Luther CfcapeL Roam. D elta PM Epettee - 7:30 p.m ., l.ofheren Staten* Asna, I f 7 : » Speaker, Chartas GaDagber; p.m . . *■ Lntiwrnn Lectures, N i* n ew •V appointments, l y y f i i w i i w i i i ■# 23f •» old Hart, professor of cb em i* Ralph Gardner, buUdtag* and 1962 te D ec. 31, » 6 2 ; assign- S r e it a lk Northwest “ The Arab World Today,” S M u ta Luther Chapel. leaves, u m in a n t i* , i f mia- try. S ta - 1 to A ta 31, 1963, ■ v emp ■ " mem m m S â t m Ê È Ê Ê K k D istrict, Paul K. Campus Cheat Itepreeewtetives jpf lies^ professor e f m arketing Untan. cd te a w o s changes and I res* ■National■ ■ Science ■ ■ Foundation I . K arte Harrison, z o o t o g ä B professor and chairm an o f * * Academ ic A ffairs Committee— — 8:80 p.m ., Instructions „ term inations fellowship at Cambridge lln i- iployed M l; John Hekhuis m a i science, to the If U niversity 4 p.m .. Student Services. M eeting, Untas Ballroom. w a ff aper n a d Jaa. 19 by the versity ; Max T. R ogers, pro- buildings cad u tilities, em ploy ef N igeria Program ,. Jan. 9 Lfag and assistant Boar#I o f Trustees. lessor aad acting chairm an of ed 1188; Edith Ifemtw, laundry, to Feb. » , 1962. dean af business and public chem istry, S en t 1 to Aag- 81, em ployed 1862. service , to professor, Graduate AfnetataM tas approved were 1963, NSF fellowship to study W etts K. W illiam s, School e f Ba sta ssi Adm inistra­ smttw......... a ra :, Norrnan w. J. Brown, Br Hazel N e t* » , dorm itories u r ta n e » o f a ta r a l science j i: tion aad a ta M lta g and trans­ Michigan State University in London, England and food services, em ployed fo e U niversity o f Mgreta, J a a. c a p i t a l llra eter, Kalkaska portation, Jan. 1, 1962, C iia ty , F eb . 1; Anthony L. ‘ W alter E . Freem an, associ­ IM i; W alter Toenjes, superin­ 15, r m to Jan. 14, IM I; do- W. Lloyd W areer, University FOREIGN FILM SERIES R apes, agricultural agent, Hu* ate professor o f sociology and tendent o f the Graham Experi­ fo r e s ta e f the rrilosm ret of professor, personnel and pro­ anthropology and continuing ment Station, em ployed JjM ; Jacksoa TowiM, professor e f m y County, jPbb. 1; Charles T. duction adm inistration, given education, Jan. 1 to June 30, E sther Van M eter, departm en­ bibUograipfcy from July L 1M2 presento W#ods, 441 i j t a , Kalamazoo adktttiooal appointment in so­ Cottaty, Jan. 8; Robert Mer­ 1962, study in Jam aica; Art tal secretary in International until J u t y l, » 6 8 , and chango ciology and anthropology; j k el,, associate professor o f ani­ chibald O. H aller, associate Program s, em ployed 1948, Had ta d ite s e f sabbatical leave for R ussell F . McDonald, market-1 —‘ i professor of sociology and an­ Berenice Doren, food service Myril B . H oed ,. professor e f m al husbandry, Fab. 1; Donald tag agent, Lenawee and H ills-i. J . Bowersox, assistant profes­ thropology, March 23, 1962 to helper, Sayder-Phillips, em ­ electrical regtaooirtag, Rom dale counties, given additional ! sor of m arketing and transport March 2 2 ,1963, FOMlright grant ployed 1947. April l-June 30, 1962 to B aft, tattoo adm inistration, March for study in B razil, aad C. 1; Alexander I. Popov, profes­ David Mead, professor and proved for; Agnes lftcCoaa_ Other retirem ents w ere ap ­ 1-Dec. 31, » 8 2 . ^ Fred J . Peabody, exteoekm appointment ta agricultural oc- j enom ics. % FORBIDDEN CAKES sor and chairm an of chem is­ chairm an o f English, April 1 to director, loath County, to ex- David G. Moore, professor, " (French) assistant to the dean of engi­ Anita Bkbarg as s a infantile try, July l, aad John E . Me* Aug. 31, 1982, study and travel neering, em ployed 1917, retires personnel and production ad­ L v •V n ' ' 'V.. Hollywood star, ti t a w n j o a Vay, assistant football coach in Europe and to com plete a m inistration, giv«n additional W inner O f Three Major Award» July L -1818, follow ing a year scene ( r a s “LA DOLCE and instructor, intercollegiate book. on retirem ent furlough; A lice appointm ent, fit sociology and VITA.” This cootroverslal fir n , athletics. Other leaves were approved Koski. housekeeper, W illiam s C h o r a l C h ib s anthropology, and R . Winston recent witmer o f thè N ew York for Ellsworth A. Netherton, H all, em ployed 1919, retired as Ofcerg, associate professor of Sabbatical leaves w e r e agricultural agent, St, Clair Film C ritici award as te e B est granted far: Putnam W. Rob­ County, April 28 to Sept- 8, o f J a n . l, 1912, and Clauds T o C o m p e te personnel mid production ad­ FAIRCHILD THEATRE Foreign Film , ta fe w m tts 2nd P rice, forem an In soil science, m inistration, additional ap- bias, associate professor of for­ com plete-M .S. degree 'at MSU; itment a s asaistant dean of week a t thè DOWNTOWN ART em ployed 1935, retires Fab. T, THEATRE. N ew Cteem aecope estry, March Id to June If, for Nelson D. Cushman, agricul­ la W IC S in g and pttbttc service. 1962. _____ study and travel in the North­ tural a g en t Schoolcraft Coun­ equipm ent and e e m o w est; Henry D . Foth, professor ty, Feb. 9 to Feb. 23. atten d New assignm en t» desig­ Choirs from w o a t a r i t a - R eslgetfto— and tenataa- Friday s January 2 6 — 7 & 9 p.m. beve b ere tasteitad. o f soU science, March Id to extension school, U niversity of nations, changes in statu s and ttaas w ere approved a s tri­ transfers ware approved a s fol­ dence h alls w in participate ta ta«»« W illiam F . Yeom an, a s­ Feature tim es: 7:00-10:00 Sept. H , study and writing a Arizona. — A d m ieeioa: 50c the WIC Inter-R esidence Sing sistan t football coach and as­ textbook; Charles P . Larrowe, Charles A. R ogers, associate low s: R . C. Lott, progrmn con­ FBb. 25 in the Ks&ogg Center S pedai P rice for Studente professor, econom ics and the professor, personnel and pro­ sultant, Huron County, to com ­ sistan t professor of health, Labor aad - Industrial Rela­ duction adm inistration and L a­ m unity research developm ent Auditorium. physical education and recrea- tions Center, Sept. l, 1962 to bor and Industrial R elations agent, Huron, B ay, S t Clair, E ach choral group, com pre­ tion, D ec. 31, » 6 1 ; Jam es M. Aug. 31, 1963, study end re­ Center, Jan. 1 to Aug. 31; Rob­ Tuscola and Lapeer counties, nd o f from 32 to 36 coeds, w ill Hutchinson, 4-H agent, Monroe sing tw o sotacttods appropriate County, D ec. 16» 1981; Ivan M. search on the W est Coast. ert J, Heinsohn. instructor of Jan. 1, 1982; W illiam S. PryOr, to m is year’s them e, “ Songs agent to extension Lappin, 4-H a g en ts Macomb Victor E . Smith, professor of m etallurgy, m echanics andf A m erica L eves." r , Ionia Comity» D b . L County, D ec. 31, S U . ecooom icr, April 1 to June 30, m aterials science, Sept. 1 to study and travel in England, Aug. 31, 1863, NSF fellowship H. John Carew, professor of A roving trophy w ill he E llen R. R oss, 4-H eg ret, Germany and Scandinavia; for study at MSU. W illiam H. horticulture to professor and •w arded to the winning group. Kent County, Jen . 31; N eil B . Louise Sause, associate profes­ Loyd, -instructor, m etallurgy, chairm an of horticulture, July If a residence b oll w ins the W ebb, associate professor (ex­ sor of education, April - i to m echanics and m a t e r i a l s 1; Darab B. Un w alla, assistant trophy three tim es ta a wow, tension) of food scien ce, Feb. June 80, study end travel ini science, Sept. 1 to Aug. 31, professor, from the office of it m ay k a n the trophy per­ U ; D ean E . Blum an, instruc­ England aqd Europe; Margar­ 1963, NSF fellowship for study the Dean o f B usiness and Pub­ m anently. O nly W est Landon tor o f m etallurgy, m echanics r w m et C. Hearn, associate profes­ at MSU. lic Service to personnel and has accom plished th is feat to and m aterials scien ce, Aug. 31; ■Æ , • il l U a ' A ; sor, textiles, clothing and re­ Hinrich R. M artens, instruc­ production adm inistration. Jan. date. Wayland P . Sm ith, associate lated arts, April 1 to June 30. tor of m etallurgy, m echanics 1, 1982, and W illiam L. Finni, This year's program is di­ professor of m etallurgy, m ed i­ write a textbook; Paul V. and m aterials science and elec-L irom associate director o f ad- rected and planned by co-chair, anica and m aterials, science, "Love, professor of art, Sept. 1 trical engineering, Jan. 1 to m issions to acting director of m en N am » Jelinek, South Wil­ Aug. 31, aad Paul A. M iller, to D ec. 31, study field of mod­ Aug. 31, NSF fellowship' for adm issions a n d - scholarships liam s, and U adn C ollins, North provost, Jan. 31. „ ern architecture in the United study*at MSU; Francis S. Tse, ami associate professor, Feb. States, and Louis B. Raynor, associate professor, m etallur­ L Caso, “I won’t ...b u y a ...W o l ...O K , O K , F ll buy a Any coetH aterreted ta tiw All tin cosm ic rays bombard­ associate professor o f art, gy, m echanics and m aterials Sept. 1 to D ec. 31, study in the science, Sept. J to Aug. 31, Assignm ent of Hugh E . Hen­ derson. assoclate_professor of position o f M istress of cere­ m onies for the Inter-] ing the earth ta a year would w eigh only an ounce or two. -W o lv e rin e .*- ^ United States and Canada. 1963, NSF fellow ship at Purdue m ay apply to the WIC Only their energy m akes them U niversity, _an d John H. anim al husbandry^ as adviser im portant. R. Keith t a in , professor of in anim al sciences a t the Uni­ or either co-chairm en. m usic, Sept. 1 to k e n . 31, » 6 3 , Trimm, instructor, business versity of N igeria, Jan. 8 r » 6 2 study and travel lrf Germany and public service, O ct, SB, to Jw i. 7, 1984; a ssig n m ta of 1961 _to Nov. 27, 1981. ^ and Austria; W illiam W. Heist, Drum p rofessed af tagH sh , April 1 to Retirem ents w ere n e t June 30, com plete a book; Har- effective July 1, 1962 U niversity o f N igeria, J u t C A M P U S C L A S S T F IE D S DEADLINES: 1 pun. Day Before Publicatiow for T m , Wed. Thors. and Fri. Editions. Deadline for Mon. Edition ; 1 pan. Fit. PHONE: 355-8255 or 355-8256 s n c e d B r e o « A U T O M O T IV E PER SO N A L I960 F O R D Consu), excclienf V/itV» C O C K T A IL D R ESSES. 3 white, pink, SK IE R S . Excellent accommodations. ctxtdition. V e iV «corom ic*!. M ust s«ll, •qua and white. Sites 10-14. $7.S0-$I5. Coupon P r— d o r S h o p p in g Ce n t e r Moderate rates t o groups. Roberts 355 8303, 8*1 p.m, M n . Eyd«. 15 3 55-9929. 17 cabins and motel. U.S. 27, G aylord Below •pun Ipdg 8 4 , t a n f o 8-7 M ich. 7J?¡4436. 15 1956 T-81RD. Immaculate, automatic, D A V E N P O R T and matching chair. 3 tops, new premium white wnfh. bat­ Very good condition. $47.50. C a li ED 7* F L A S H tS O U R choice. G o o d luckl 5 0 2 0 S . C e d a r a t J o lly tery brakes. Slack and heavily chromed. 1840. 16 B.B. International. 15 Write or call 6 c o 9 e Adast k. 1313 Open »«ta M . t a n t a 8-0 Michigan, Grand Rapids,— Glendale R A C O O N C O A T . Call Beaver, ED 2- IF Y O U T H IN K our n - funny, ★ f u n t v re f h rea ren * 8-0162. ti 7519. 16 you should hear us lauc count your money, fiuboii A r7$ur (955 M E R C U R Y , automatic 1955 - FREE F IL M at Marek Rexall Prescrip­ •ncev-EO 2-8671. Id e a l f o r F r y i n g , B a k i n g o r B r o i l i n g "M ercury standard. 1957 Ford standard. tion Center with each -ro d developed AH Salid •II with radaaApate'r, white walls. P'i- vote. 3 3 t e i ^ W e and printed. 75c minimum. 301 N. Clipped, by Fran dor. Phone 485-435$. O P E N R U S H F O R A L L men interest­ ed in co-op Hying; Se a Tuepday * State P o i* I t T e n d t e r i o i a s 69* 23 News to dotPib^ y - 15 P e s c h k o S l ic e d , 9 V a r ie t ie s 1961 V O U C S W A G O N , black. ,un­ W-». roof white walls, undercoated, Plau* punt radio, excellent conditiam- See t r a il e r s 2 B E D R O O M M obile home. 36*0. R E A L E ST A T E L im c h o o ii M o o ts 2 49* at Rahl's Shell, Clip'pert and Saginaw. top condition. Never any children. 15 L A N S I N G ’S O U T H E A S T . 3 bedroom Carpeted living room, batir tub. show­ ranch, finished rpc xaom. enclosed yard. Top' Frost Ocean Pan Ready er, desk and record cabinet. M ile from 6 years old. F H A terms. C a ll 489-6069 1959 V O L K S W A G O N , sunroof, good condition. O R 7-1122. IS campus. Modest pice. ED 2-5210. 16 P e r c h jm ie t s 3 # ipSâB&aâpMMPMMPMacÉÉteMmeii A U T Q I N S U R A N C E Tor students FO R RENT 27. Ufa raaarv* Ite # i f* W l and faculty, low prices, high limits, S E R V IC E fast service, tubol*. ED 2-8671. *9 H O U SES lt-OK. L O W ST U D E N T J tA IE S t o summer D e lc r e s t In sta n t C o r r e e 99- D e lc r e st P re-G rou nd too N, MAYFORÒ. Newly decoréted Pips. Europe, .Hawaii] Orient, or the EM PLO YM ENT 2 bed'oofrs bdsem ot, garage. $80. Americas. A d u lt leéder. A .Y .H , spon­ IV 5-2261 or IV 7-3446. Edward G- sored. C all Dick Livetay, 355-6956. 17 E tn a C o ffe e Ï C 2 W it h C o u p o n F E PR hJ £ NT A T I YES for nteon.wide ♦due.HsinJ in»titut*.~l»e«llenf chance Hacker Co. »5 C o f f e e B e lo w A R A R T I tN T S _______ to earn extra money in your spore time. W u ie J.C.M., Student Marketing 217 B O G U E ST. 2 room efficiency. W E O O tN G IN V IT A T IO N S and ï - - HEINZ SAU S A LE Food O u b E vap o rate d Calmed Milk M R Institute. 3531 Jew ti Ave. Lam ng. Stove, refrigerator, heat and water. $7$. Michigan, stating name, address, age Parking. IV S -2 7 6 1 -û r IV 7-3446, Ed- ANNOUNCEM ENTS • P ork t i ic o n e and sen. ’ 16. w4rd- G . Hacker Co. 90” ■ ■ wfth matching • V e g e ta r ia n Im h b C H A R L E S K EN T R EA V ER Company, W A N T E D . W O M A N graduate stu» — appropriate accessories i—Diam ond Merchants, desires mature dent or teacher to share apartment 3 Expertly done i Spaghetti * Ä T M'l-.higa^ State etydfnts to act aa- blocks "from lerley. ED 7-0003. , ’ 15 1 camous rapresantatives. For appoint- Fast I d a y service U.S. K o . t ID A H O B A K IN G mant interview call IV 9-4171., 15 ROOMS - The C a rd Strap Your S L E E P IN G R O O M , g sntleman. Near Across from H om e Economics Choice C sn F A R T T IM E . 4 well dratsad man to Frandor. O n University but ime. Ouict, deliver free advertising gifts, f t ? per good for—studying. Parking. IV 2-34S4. ED 2 4 7S3 evening. C a r necessary. IV 9-1318. ¿-9 14 p.m. anly. A lcoa. 16 O F F C A M P U S . Light room, quiet, W IL L T A K E C A R E o f children in H #ÍÜ E C O U N S E L L O R S W A N T E D for turn, krtthcn and I lying room privileges 'f my Cherry Lane apartment ton or part 1 ¡> 1 4 VALUABLE WBW U T CGUROW |n # P % 9 9 VALUABLE WWQUT COWOW mdr cam p k N ew Hampsh're, Contact d ^ r e j ^ l V 7.«257.__________ Chtdten H IS «m a. C a t I f M M . . I IS N a ncy. Doaart. 355-6373. ’ I? C h i l l Bref S iN & L E R O O M for men. Close to M U S I C F O R D A N C E S and parties F O B SA LE by the "C ontinentals," SaUads. twists, and btoas. 3 3 7 4 Í 4 I 0» 4*5-4104. IS SS M M C A M E R A and Casa. Almost L O ST an d F O U N D E D IE ST ARR, typ ist Experienced, in new (7 months) W ill sail t o $35. 3 S Î- theses wort, IS M . Excellent quality on 9919 after »;)Q. IS LOST. KEYS- in rad leathpr Burton c « * . Î5 V I5 4 3 . meltHith master»- C W i O R 7 4 8 3 2 . If New Year's Special A N N B R O W N , typist a n d mdtitith- C L A S S R IN G . Green stone, initials mg. S e n a t e typin g , tama papan, tha­ Ladies and M e n's G A .L . Lott, in H om e Ec, Dldg. If found w s, dissertations, dupUcatmg. ED 2- p h o o t 3567690. IS Famous W yla r W atches •3*4. 3 Guaranteed W aterproof for 2 Year* ‘ BOY'S: CLASS RING, tau» ?batta«* T H E S E S T Y P IN G , printing. IS M Etae- H em « ' Econam&t. M « * . 1 L W X H * l Stain lau Steel C a se ' 4? e te W w Ä I f trie typewriters. Editing pad proof­ reading available. W o n c h Gnaffe Serv- f U llfn g at tha toe price of $2S - f ta* S t a A 1720 E. M ichigen Are^JLansing. Top trade in-other f * « watches American or Rimonta W M . H . T H O M PSO N -JEW ELERS TRANSPORTATION F la v o r ! R a o d o r Shopp ing Center WANTED. UDERS to MSU Ihm ■, ** , IV $-0749 BÉ» ■■ ■T" C la s s ifie d s C M *è*3~ fl#h Í , i PJ!*- A» P K Ib w w t mis M M É lS K iii ■BBS* a i 3 3 -O W Ü P E IU a a -j ü ü u a s a o s a s sa n ü g l j *nr: • “Food a l i ,' B everage -; Par- qoqjü aao nsa chasing,” m ade m f lÉ b ii S o t ,3 0 2 3 3 !3 T 2323 1, by C ttl A lbfrs, t í Hw IM A □ 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 C orporata« of Am erica, Am i* Semng h a s an unjustly had dtete slavery, these forms of {3 3 3 3 0 0 2 0 3 3 3 3 nam e in society, reported Ed­ snobbery seem singularly out Of date aad inappropriate.’’ lt t o v lm SCObmaMi baa aaaaa nia with the problem of cqrretot- la g coat* wtth quality and 0 3 3 □ Q 0Ü Ü 3 0 3 3 ward I t Barnet, profram r of B afnet com m ented. Y et much ..JINtlSi .. qpaatM r at H ad aapphea. m arketing and transportation "jo t th ese ancient attitudes re­ U .C n a » it aatattea of t n l a SotWI t o h pm n a d m in is tr a tif^ a t a recent l»ieeÉ N i;''^.-|N |k^;lndíanaprils S ales M d M aritettog C ta b .. „ m ain. “But the su ccess of m ass production has put heavy har­ ,:i'rH I iy.Pw«rtfr la Patiate «LÜtanSur a Poterti>wS y. Man, capo a Abouott Ski 1 In au e r e o f tergo-ecale M i dens on those with th e. re­ tn m * h ao. luctorr I'towiiMM#.-.. Equipment triaU sat, selUnc i t essen tial «e sponsibility for selling the 23. E x a c t ly as. ten an t g a ia ; com petitive volum e to goods tea t relentlessly roll off wlbM t 11. Restrain • Ski 2i. S u rm o u n t ­ lt. SOktabrk keep unit costs in Une and to the production lin e.” in g 21.Tre* f B o o ts Justify investm ents,H B a r n e t And m arketing, Barnet said, 26 O f i f n s o M 'r B • Is now the director o f produc­ 27. A p p o rtio n ‘ toot . ' & 23. B em n ft • Poke World com petition for mar* tion. 25, X d ib lo or«d WEEKEND k e ts .b e continued, “challenged “Today, he said, “ market­ 2S. Erc-thapcd the efficiency o f selling ta d raises new Questions about its ing research m ost find out what tee S im m e r wants be- « j ■ 30. S h i r k 32. T e n n is Otre^o UUHT im portance. t i ■ fore It Is feasible to risk so I K Pm Ct Those actively engaged te maeh capital investm ent on " w — throush tho selling do not property appre­ behalf of so many ea the m a fully exprecsed ids support dur­ ciate th e im portance of what part of so few .” 21 in g a two-hour audience at they are doing, Barnet said. Although educational institu­ tr " Canada g eese are brownish- M arbti P alace. As a m u lt o f Sunday’s clash 1962 „ gbreietof tee salesm an’s tions are providing new to d s rele a s the link between inde­ pendent h o tn e ss, Barnet of thought to direct the efforts V gray, with bolcfly m arked Mack a t Tehran U niversity m ore than heads, « U te checks and long 1 « stu d en ts’w ere seriously in­ COLLEGE GRADUATES —" wmnteBteBUteaauuauteteamteteMUteU •■■■■■PMMMteWMtoMMtoMMRENEN*-. sah t, “The contactua! I k x - of selling more efficiently. Bar- Wk 37" M ad t necks. Im m jured. net said “there is no need for W i r tiea calls for trust, reliability, an educational institution to * Anted said 10 m em bers of The latead Steel Compaay, E a st Chicago, Indians, precision la ■ eom unications w aste tim e teaching w hat m ay sr the right and left w im | opposi­ invites yea te investigate oar many career opportaadtiet. an d perform ance.’’ be better learned on the job.” tion had been arrested beciuue n their group», w ere obstructing Oar representatives wffl he an. y ear ea m p u seu F iiie y , How did salesm anship com e j. “For m eeting the needs of i « th e governmen t and Its reform February to d . Contact Mr. T it o Kinney, D lrecter ef im m ediately applicable k now l-, into disrepute? » program s. ’_ • Placem ent, for an appatateM ti. ed ge, a company training pro­ m Barnet traced it back toA th ­ gram is alw ays b est. JFor pro­ TBJLMDO Whil Amini spoke, groups t i en s. w here A ristotle ami his viding a background o f u n d er-, contem poraries thought the standing—both in breadth and j eople, m ostly students, dem­ onstrated agk test ldm in the INLAND STEEL COMPANY God o f -ThtevesJte he patron of in sp ecifics—a university is j capitoL shemiteg slogans to sup­ E a st Chicago, Indiana traders. Much snobbery about sales­ and grasp.” m anship, B arnet said, is left uniquely fitted to provide depth i “Such understanding is capi- j Judging Team port of form er prem ier Moham­ m ed M ossadegh. The aged Mos- sadegh, who once tried to de­ AB qualified applicante w ffl receive ceasM erattea 1er employment without regard te race, creed, celer, er over Bom the days when great tal investm ent in a m an.” landed estates produced reve­ nues to support the gentlem en 'Som e insects live unscathed ! îc e ip lw a rd s pot« te e Shah, has b e e n m ade a rallying point by Iran­ i l l 0K7HEA JÖST TWELVE , ians opposed to the govern­ M 3W K R «T 1Ä $T »y6w M n etteasl erigía. who rtded te e agricultural so­ on insect-eating plants. Cer-1 r*a«h prizes w ill go to three m ent. -- ciety. j tain sm all m oths,'for exam ple, Nine young land judges wBl OUT! I k J M T & S m H 6 S E T T L E D top winners te a land judging ‘"Today, livin g in an industri- lay their eggs only on pitcher receive a w a iw tor B¥ TH E Tim e f a t t u r a s i I perform ance during 1381 A a contest tor aB H SU students a l society in that part of the plants and the larvae feed on last fa ll. D oris Mangum; Feb. I F arm ers’ Week session world w hich purports to repu- ' th e plant tissu es. _____ on cam pus. Sponsors Cl the program w ill be the depart­ m ents of resource developm ent W akntt, D aggett, Mich­ igan, and B race R ae, Ann A r­ bor. wffl b e g iren these JA C O B S O N ’S and soil science and th e Mich­ aw ards. S e m i- a n n u a l igan Chapter. Soil Conserva­ tion Society of A m erica. Ingham County’s 4-H land Other highlights o f the meet, tng include a panel, on Rural Area D evelopm ent in M ichigan important month-end and an address by Don Wil­ lUMTTCUVEW fApUlT , judging team w ill - receiv e awards for their championship liam s, adm inistrator of the Soil UFE Pi A W WÉ CTMOBDÌ perform ance at the annual Conservation S ervice, W ashing­ sower « n a tu r e » « ! ton D . C. C LG A R A N C i State 4-H Club Show in August. _____________ _ M em bers are Gary Benjam in, Arlin Head, and D ouglas Kurtz, p i« ! » » all of W Uliamston; and R oger | Jr O i l t l C D l S C 1 6 I I C C G raf of DansviDe. — ___T ¥ _ . . _ — MSU’s tend judging team ( J O f f e e f lO U T w ill receive acclaim Tor • ! _ « - , fourth-place in the N ational j T u U rS d aV WONDERFUL SELECTIONS OF SAVINGS C ollegiate Land Judging Con­ test la st spring. M embers are „ The' first political science Roy V oss, W illiam ston: D oris coffee hour o f th e w inter term Mangum. H arvey, Illin ois; wffl ho held on Thursday at E lS A N Ü lT M A n J M lD B O A ll u ltim a tu m s; FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! ^ G erald W igger, Grand R apids, 4 p.m . in Room 22 o f th e U ntea. ". ' 1" "11 -w«» ' " * and Rodney T yllod i. V assar. Sir. Chartes G allagher o f th e Voss, first-placx winner in Am erican U niversities R eid the national event, is now a j sta ff « g i speak on “ P olitical graduate student at the "U°M institution* a f th e A n te World V E R Y S U B S T A N T IA L | versity of H awaii. The other D evelopm ent.” three participants w ill be o o j t h e m celte* te em te to t i l te- rtV-if-f / i n band to receive recognition. te rested M d lacolty m em bers. felteÒNW*»- R E D U C T IO N S ON Little Bovs Play Cops 7f Snowballs COMPLETE COLLISION « 3 0 1 0 ^ ^ • GLASS AND BOCKER PANEL INSTALLED DRESSES SWEATERS I CHARLESTON, W. Va. (* - • CAR PAINTING OUR SPECIALTY Two Charleston policem en be­ • WELDING • BRAHNG • SOLDERING liev e in fighting snowballs w ith snow balls, COATS • SUITS SKIRTS *ENSEMBLES D riving up a side street te a cruiser, the officers becam e the M r I wrtto* Step target iff about a half-dozen boys who hurled snowballs and “ OVER U YEARS OF DEPENDABILITY KNIT DRESSES SWIM SUITS fled. IN THE OKEMOS AND EAST LANSING AREA’ I ts The two policem en parked, LIGHT! turned o ff their ligh ts am i made, som e w hite am m unition of their ' BUS. PHONE - ED tO U RES. PHONE ED t i M SLACKS * SKIRTS JACKETS • LINGERIE own. When the boys reappear­ ed, the police fired their fusiL i 1732 H AM ILTO N R O A R • OKEM OS It’» lade of snow balls. : RAINCOATS WOMEN’S SHOES _ The hoys again beat a b aity SMART I retratet- In A ustralian slang, “ fair ROBES * CORSETS CARA STORMCOATS cow” te an expression used for anything that does not m oot with m e ’* nnqntiHted approv­ a l. .¡ 1 1 » 1 HANDBAGS ~ , BLOUSES Outfit you rself now with Atlantic’s fam ous flyw eight luggage and SAVE! They're regular top-quality cases in handsom e green MacArthur plaid with room y inside JEWELRY • GLOVES EVENINGSEPARATES pocket»; g ig . togged handles . . . hag-w earing linings. Choose single p ieces or m atdied sets. R egular Now BOYS’ WEAR ^ GIRLS’ WEAR 17” Sport Bag «.to 4J» n r Sport Bag MM MM INFANTS’ APPAREL SI” Grasshopper UM MM TODDLERS’ WEAR 21” Grasshopper RM u r n ST* Grasshopper 1 7 .« IS M to ” Grasshopper j MEN’S SUFTS MENS TOPCOATS ' Men’s V ti-a-Pak Ladteo’ V ti-a-Fak SM I 174» B at Bon 1AM MM MEN’S SPORTCOATS CHILDRENS SHOES (F ed. ta » « t i n ) 172SL WcM| i ra^%r- 'X i...jri« Untief 404- I1- m S . W atotoitea ê Ê â É Ê k m ^ ^P C , , M B H ■H M H H wmzâ