m m m m |i |P I f 1 Em ^ '■ v.- ; S « !» |||P j p * m m ¡¡p if 81 ; ,i-... H T l iFTfflWTM Sèrvliif MSU for 52 years Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 134 Tuesday Morning, January 30, 1902 6 Pages ;r M T atU M S T B a. 10 Cents i i i i a n i i i i i i a i i U .S . i n i h o w d o w n l t o ’K i c k C u b a se s ■ • By the Associated Press I O u t o f A ll I n te r - A m e r ic a n A ffa irs Berlin Talks To Resume WASHINGTON—U -S. Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson got Y o u th , D a iry m e n 13 Nations instructions over the weekend to resum e his exploratory talks wtth Soviet Foreign M inister Andrei Gromyko on Hie Berlin Back Hard jroM em . a Mate departm ent spokesman said Monday. P a r t o f P r o g ra m This w ill be the third m eeting between the two m en since th e U . S.-Soviet dialogue on Berlin started up again Jan. 2. Youth, Christmas tree grow* th is morning. A 4-H talent show Resolution U. &, Soviet Press Aides Uleet ~ era, and dairym en are part of the program Tuesday as the is set tonight at the Auditorium. PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay (D—Tbe United States led a dra­ —PAM S—W hite-H ouse P ress Secretary P ierre Salinger left Christm as tree m arketing, 47th annual Farm ers’ Week m atic showdown fight Monday for W ashington Monday after a four-hour discussion with h is sw ings into its second day. breeding, costs, and pest' con­ night in an eleventh hour at­ Soviet counterpart on improving U. S.-Soviet com m unications. C areen in agriculture is the trol w ill be som e of the topics Saiiwgw declined to give details of his talk with Soviet press tem pt to boot F idel Castro’s subject of “Expanding Horizons discussed at K ellogg Center by Cuban Communist regim e out 'ch ief Mikhail Kharlamov or to say whether they discussed a for Youth," a three day youth ‘possible exchange of television interview s by P resident Ken­ extension agents and m em bers of inter-Am erican affairs. program that got underway After a week of wrangling nedy and Soviet Prem ier Khrushchev. There has been wide of th e-forestry departm ent. speculation that this was the purpose of Salinger’s trip. the United States and its firm W.D. Knox, editor of Hoard* anti-Castro allies stopped* try­ U. S. Supports Adoula in UN" UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.—The United States lined up Mon­ Russians Dairym an M agazine and an M SU -graduate, w ill discuss m astitis — A m erica's w orst in g to com prom ise with sott line m em bers and produced a tough resolution at foe risk of day hrfiiiwi Congolese Prem ier CynH§ Adoula in seeking to avoid a security council debate on the Congo as demanded by the Soviet Union. *§- End Test dairy cattle d isease—a t 11:28 in Fairchild a s a clim ax te , a morning o f discussion e l a deep inter-Am erican split. Thirteen hard-line nations form ally subm itted a resolution r W a m eeting has been called for Tuesday morning, but It ap­ peared that W estern m em bers w ill move to adjourn the debate until at least the arrival of Adoula in New Yor’: later this week. Bail Talks dairy d iseases and m ilk man­ agem en t B as transportation w ill be available from Anth­ —calling on the Inter-American Foreign M inisters Conference here and now “to deprive foe GENEVA, U D — The three ony H ail to the new D airy present governm ent of Cuba Syria, .. Iraq- To Settle Kuwait Crisis ,. „ . power nuclear test ban talks Cattle R esearch sad T each­ collapsed in utter failure Mon- ing Center on College Road of all participation in organs and organism s of fo e inter- DAMASCVS. Syria—Prem ier Malouf Dawalibl said Monday day after 353 m eetings in 38 one-quarter . m ile south of Am erican system ” so t a g as Syria has negotiated with Iraq a m eans of easing the latest months. F orest Read. Havana rem ains in the d utch es Kuwait crisis. In a storm y session, Soviet of the Soviet bloc. He said this w as worked out during a recent four-day visit Tours of the K resge Art cen­ The resolution—far tougher delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin to Syria by an Iraqi delegation beaded by Foreign M inister told the U.S. delegate Charles ter are also available through than expected—seem ed cer­ H asbem Jawad U . Stelle and B ritain’s S i r Thursday at 3 p.m . A m orning tain to arouse the wrath of hold, At a news conference, Dawalibi said Iraq “explicitly agreed M ichael Wright: “ This is the session a t K resge w ill include out opponents favoring a soft- to refrain from any m ilitary action” to enforce its claim to end.” a potter's wheel dem onstration glove treatm ent of Castro. It the oil rich Persian Gulf Sheikdom “to m ake it easy for Syria by Frederck Shepherd of the threatened to touch off a long After the m eeting he read to prepare a proper atm osphere for handling the Kuwait prob­ a prepared statem ent blam ing Art Departm ent. filibuster by Cuban delegates. lem in a brotherly Arab m anner.” — the two W estern Pow ers for the An Army Ordnance Stan­ But it w as plain that fo e thir­ breakup of the talks. Then he dardization display b e g i n s teen nations had a ll but ex­ Billy Graham Tours Colombia announced to newsm en he was Tuesday and w ill be open through Saturday at Demon­ hausted hope of com prom ise ] and their sudden action m ay BOGOTA. Colombia—B illy Graham headed from Barranquilla returning to M oscow. to Bogota Monday for an impromptu m eeting with Protestant Although the w estern d ele­ stration H all. The display con­ DAIRYMAN OF THE YEAR—Ed Wright of Saginaw (righ t), was awarded the open the floodgates of public church leaders in the capital of this predom inantly Roman gations said they would keep sists of equipm ent ranging all “ Dairym an of the Year” citation by Dr. C. A. L assiter of MSU at K ellogg CeBter i bickering that Secretary of m ost of their staffs in G eneva, the w ay from padlocks to m is­ Monday night. Wright’s picture w ill be hang in the dairy industry room in i State Dean Rusk bad tried to Catholic nation. - % - ■ A spokesm an for the evan gelist said the m eeting w as inserted there w as little doubt that foe sile s. — fa m m -Aftfoony Hall. —State News Photo by-Jobe Rummel. '' ' : ! avoid Hr laborious behind the negotiations had reached their Other F an n ers’ Week activi-^ scenes negotiations, , betw een engagem ents at Barranquilla and Cali as a result Of repeated requests from the Bogota clergym en. end, and m ay never be resum ­ ties Tuesday include an Agri­ The resolution had the sup­ ed. cultural E ngineering program , port of 13 nations—one short of Graham w as invited to the capital by Eduardo Santos, form er president and publisher of the newspaper E l Tiempo. Tsarapkin’s violent reaction a livestock and anim al hus­ followed the two W estern dele­ bandry program , farm crops gates’ form al proposal to re­ and soil scien ce with an em ­ R e -e s tä b lis h m e n t o f T a x the two thirds m ajority needed for im portant derision. London Subway Workers oir Strike cess the talks to give the three phasis on sugar beets, poultry Uruguay, which wavered LONDON—More than a m illion com m uters shuffled home Monday night in London’s worst traffic jam-—a nightm are of governm ents tim e to work out production and a basis for negotiation.. T h e a joint hom em aker’s program entitled “Your m arketing, Money’s and Worth C o u ld H e lp C o lle g e s back and forth between the two blocs, fiaaDy asked sepa­ rately for recom m endations endless bus queues, craw ling cars and aching feet. Soviet delegate refused to ac­ on the im m ediate exclusion A w ildcat strike by workers protesting the governm ent's cept the idea of an adjourn­ hi M eat.” By CURT RUNDELL the re-instatem ent of a nui­ dents graduating from high m ents He insisted the W estern The Hom em aker’s program school who will go on to col­ of Cuba. This w as seen as w age freeze cut subway service to a trickle and halved the Of the State News Staff sance tax, Boyer said. governm ents had scuttled the is scheduled from 10 to 11 a.m . close to fo e soft liae since it number of normal surface trains. Many o f foe great needs of “ The tax probably wouldn't lege w ere to rem ain the sam e Im plied delay. _ Tens of thousands were hours late for work—and hours late negotiations. at the Union. be m uch of an inconvenience for the next ten y ears,_ o u r getting home again. R oads in and out of the city were choked He declined even to discuss M ichigan’s . coOeges could be present facilities would be w ith cars, buses and taxis creeping bumper to bumper. . _ the W estern offer to prepare more successfully m et by re­ The y e a r we lifted it on beer, totally unprepared fcr the i The net effect of the strong establishing the nuisance tax, the price in b ars w ent up a resolution was to resto re a l­ a resum ption o f the t a 1 k s nickte a bottle.” — load. m ost th e original vigor of according to State R epresenta­ 25 Contestants through diplom atic channels, by inform al contacts among delegations in G eneva, or in Here’s Daily tive Charles Republican. B oyer, M anistee a The p rio r tax had been 3b of cent p e r bottle. It could well I “ show~ Actually, th aT the 'flu T figures r e r c e n further ta g e o f ea rlier dem ands for th e punish- m cnt °* C astro short of m anda be rein stated a t one cent a j students who wiu g 0 on to col -1 tory b reak s “ diplom atic and M iss M SU C o u rt the Disarm am ent Conference opening here on March 14. Farm Week The last year, the nuisance tax w as in operation, Boyer said, it brought between $50 and healthy bottle, according to Boyer. This alone would m ean a lege is drastically increasing.” [ economic relations by all Lat- Boyer is responsible for orig- * ® A m erican nations. Tsarapkin publicly accused the United States and Britian of seeking not a treaty to ban Schedule . $51 m illion into foe s t a t e treasury,” he said. treasury. addition to the s t a t e inating foe idea of holding The legislature w ill probably m eetings between the presi­ The resolution seem ed cer­ tain to spark a heated floor T o B e S e le c te d nuclear weapons tests, but an international espionage net­ work on Soviet soil. 1 a.m . — Youth Program , Auditorium. Today the sam e kind of tax be m ore receptive to the idea dents of the .various colleges could bring in over 870 m illion of increasing aid to higher edu­ and tu re. m em bers of th e legisla­ fight. Conference rules state that each am endm ent m ust be dis­ and much of this would prob­ Seven sem i-finalists in the Carole H effler, Kappa Sigm a; He said foe two W estern Weigh beef cattle, PavlUoa. ably find its way to higher edu­ cation, Boyer said. The m eetings, presently b e ­ cussed and voted on ahead of Lorelei H oxie, D elta Tau Del­ “More and more we realize M iss MSU contest w ill be governm ents —‘'broke u p _ th e 8:30 a.m . — W olverine Bar- cation, he said. that our schools needs can’t go ing held a t Kellogg C enter, are the resolution as a whole and chosen Tuesday night by the ta; Susan K eech, Sigm a Alpha directed a t giving th e legisla­ this would cause m ore delays. G eneva Conference without "row Show, P avilioa. R eview ing the possible in­ neglected,” he said. — m en o f-B lu e K ey, national Epsilon; Sandara M cNeal. Kap­ Cuban spokesm en said Cu­ pa Alpha Theta; Em ily Minor, hesitation” when they realized 8:30 a.m . — “M astitis,” crease hi expease to the con­ “The figures show that, to rs an inform al opportunity ba’s p résid ait, Osvaldo Dorti- l6 M r society. The judges w ill M oscow w ill never accept this. Fairchild Theatre. even if the percentage of. stu- to sit down with these m en and cos, intended to speak on each W est Y akely; Judith Lampart- sum er that would result in •elect the m em bers of M iss And he concluded with an find out w hat steps they feel M SU's court from 25 contest­ er, Snyder H all; Karen Malew, Fruit Growing H ints, 281 a re necessary to give th eir in ­ aspect o f the resolution. . ominous note: H orticulture. ants in th e Green Room of the D elta Gamma. stitutions badly needed aid. Rusk m et with the leaders of U n ta . -M iss MSU w ill be cboven from Anne Murray, Lambda Chi Alpha; Kay Plum tree, Delta Chi; Susan Scott. Chi Omega; "The responsibility for frus­ trating the attem pts to reach 18 a.m . — Soil and Water" agreem ent a s w ell as the dan­ program , I lf Ag. Engineer­ K r e i s l e r , ‘M r . ’ The presidents a re taking both b locs in an effort to find steps tow ard form ing a state­ som e com mon ground which wide budget for higher educa­ could preserve an appearance th e m em bers of the court Sun­ gerous consequences of such ing- day and the announcem ent of the winner w ill be m ade at the and Barbara Vincent, North Campbell. an attitude l i thus being as­ sumed by the W estern Pow ers Anthony H alt B eef Cattle Breed A ssn., 8 7 , B lin d , D e a f, D ie s tion for future years. of unity at the final voting. Should he fa il, he faces the They have discussed m eans prospect, of an open breach in - J-Hop Feb. 10.—_ alone.” Sugar B eet D ay, Kellogg W estern delegates made no C esh r auditorium. — ... » , . . ___ _ | for making this coordinated the organization- of American M iss MSU contestants include NEW YORK UD—Fritz K reis-1 sensitive fare fram ed b y gray | [or future preseota- states much more difficult to Sue Adam s, B eta Theta P i; Negro Students im m ediate com m ent. Ameri­ can and B ritish spokesm en Christm as T ree Growers, ler, one of foe greatest violin hair and a m ustache. tien to foe legislature. They heal than differences aired be­ Pam Ayiward. Phi D elta P i; ists of thè 20th Century, died “ A shining light has passed agreed oa a procedure that hind closed doors. Donna Beukem a. E ast Y akely; Ignore Boycott, stressed that as far a s the W est K ellogg Center. is concerned the talks are re­ Tuesday—old, enfeebled, leav­ from the great epoch of per­ w ill call for a yearly budget Poultry Production and Mar­ ing behind the fading echo of son alities,” said violinist Mis- Before the appearance of foe Ran Bourdon. Gamma P h i pie­ building deadline of July 15. final hard-line resolution LUS. tà ; Marcia Brink. Alpha P h i; Return to Class cessed indeflnately, and the keting Day» US Anthony. door to resum ed negotiations his great genius. He laid down i cha Elm an, him self a m aster Your Money’s Worth In his bow 12 years ago. of his art. “I don’t think his sources said President Ken- Lucy Clough. Sigm a PM Epsi- BATON ROUGE. L a., CD- is still open. “ I live in m em ories,” be said style of playing-w U l ever be strictedW appropriations*1 maliy t a r Brenda Coe, W est Shaw. M eat, Union p trlors. Hundred* of students, ignoring “ We are alw ays optim istic,” a few years ago, in com plain­ m atched.” educational and service pro­ ity vote for ail sections of the M arcia C oined, Alpha Tau a B ritish spokesman added. — Youth L ea d en , Giltner aud­ gram s were elim inated includ­ final declaration at foe signing- O m ega; Sharon Conners, Ab­ appeals of ousted anto-segre- ing of foe changing require­ appeals of ousted anti-segre­ Other W estern officials here itorium . : m ents placed upon an artist by ing the M ichigan State Traffic That had been expected bot H all; Ann Cook, Kappa “ Expanding Horizons for a society whose values turned Safety Center’s research * for Tuesday night or early Wednes­ D etta; Cynthia Cuthpertson, gation leaders, returned to See TEST TALKS, page 2 Youth,” Auditorium. — CLOUDY reducing highway accidents day morning before the Cu­ G ilchrist; Annette D orter, N. day a t Southern U niversity. com m ercial. B itterness w as a Michigan Lamb Feeders’ companion in his final years. Further action on the aid-to- bans raised the fittbuster Southern, the nation’s largest W illiam s ran d Sue F alco», Zeta B eta Tau. rp , 1 Barbara Frost. Sigm a O d; state school for N egroes, began its spring aem ester after being AUSG Favors A sm . 224 Anthony. K reisler would have been 87 }>28 p.m . — Rural E lectri­ years old on Friday. A native education issue w ill w the 1 e g i s l a t o r s hear-Gov. ait until threat. The U K . informant had Swainson’s revenue m essage predieted that of te e 28 avail- - shut down briefly by President Felton 6 . Clark following the mid*December arrest of 72 stu­ Vote Age Cut fication, 21 Union. of A ustria, he becam e an Amer­ Pow er and M achinery Pro­ ican citizen in 1243. £■£ Old age and a faltering heart Friday. able votes a t the 21 Batina 17 s r I t finally Walsh To Speak dents dem onstrating against A special session of student gram , 1M| Ag. E ngineering. Sheep Program , 224 A n ita took h is Ufo at Harknftss P avil­ a stand titot Cas- Wednesday in 2nd segregation. • A boycott of cla sses w as congress voted 15 to 10 Monday night hi favor of a resolution ny. ion of Colum bia-Presbyterian M edical Center, where he had Alpha Phi Sigma- tro’s rtpm t toBnRt te te to hem isphere councils so long Of Provost Series urged by Congress o f R acial Equality spokesm en, who ask­ recom m ending low ering the voting age in M ichigan to IS. D airy Program , Fairchild been a patient sin ce Jan. 12. Theatre. His sight w as alm ost gone, h is To Grant Honor a t it practices foe Commu­ nist creed. ed the step until 45 students The congress m em bers beard Michigan Christmas Tre* hearing too. H if talented fin­ Hyun Rhun Kim, supervisor of Dr. Harold T. W alsh, a ssis­ tant professor of philosophy. denied adm ission for fo e sec­ ond term w ere allow ed to pro and con view points from G rowers, Kellogg Center. delegates to th e state consti­ gers no longer w ere able to G rew tef N ate, 288 Horticul­ coax m agic from the violin. Weather ~ South K orea’s national police, H e forecast 28 votes for de­ w ill be given an honorary mem­ claring the Castro governm ent wtR give the second lecture o f r e ta il. tutional convention's com m ittee ture. He leaves fajta w ife of 00 years, C io tta vrifo light mow to­ bership in Alpha Phi Sigm a, incom patible w ith the faster- th e provost er ie r tta a Wednes­ R egistrar J . M. H egem on on rights, suffrages ta d elec­ Poultry Prodactim b t i l An­ H arriet, bersetf seriously ill, day and t e n t a «older to­ police adm inistration honor­ Am erican system and 28 for day at 4 p.m . in O n Khra. said ’’d a m es a te a h o te nor­ tions. ' • lX':’r * . of whom h e once said: night. I t a tow tote night—- ary. an em bargo on trade 18 arm s thony H all. The title o f h is speech w ill m al, although there m ay he Included in fo e resolution was “All I mn as a violinist, I '1C f i 18. The h ip today 21 the initiation, Arthur F . Brand- 8¿4- war m aterials wfih Cuba. h e “What are w e a ll doing sem e absenteeism ;” an am endm ent stu­ zwjtt. 2 p .w . — Quality Pork, 188 owe to m y w ife.” ^ to 38. ' . ^ initiate 20 pledges. Following V o it on the final reso h itta h ere?” Dr. Georg e Gamow liegemen «rid he noticed dent governm ent president* at Aat&say. K reisler, dean of violinists, Outlook for Wednesday : fo e in ftia ta , Arthur F . Brand- w as com pleted am id tign s that opened the co one brief rally of about 900 aflm r m rivsn tttes ta d coik B eef C attle, waa an im pressive figure on the P artly cloudy with a few statter .director of the school tbs M ft-hne htoc w as breaking t a t ''Week to students, hot JmieimsuSnnhSMSOSMik . ha didn’t BMW la th e state b e Mjrtwad of concert s t e p . H e WM a m an ttte v flurries aad turning o f police adm inistration w ill apart in the t a g series of neat- erewd^ (•SB ffmrtiixrlllff> actto e o f the of aristocratic bearing, Ida speak. Cm 12 MAHONS, page t m • !• m m , W iB Ê Ê Ê ^ I ‘ .life,!' IM g g lii a s ¡M m Tuesday Morning, January 30, I9 6 0 IN 8th Y E A S Q Iu . i m ? I * ii .-||p i tfSSl pP li ' Y - ^ A c' MSU Trains Businessmen for By CLEMENS LEW1CKI Oree to train B nm fian professori in Degrees ware awarded to 18 te managem ent in d hash es« f t «étab­ foe UK. seniors la M B , 2Tjh 1880, and tesd ew tip has b«M held F r o m L a c k o f F u n d s Of fo itt B lp N ew t Staff li Hi 1966, the fa ir y a w under­ 40 te 1881. At present 188 ore tw ice a year. Over 788 exccu- Brazil needs business leaders m ade independent e i e x iste * graduate course started with 52 lives have esmntetod these By JODY PAR80NS and MSU is helping to get edacatiaaal huM tatiens, Hen­ studente. B asic course« Of psy­ Lectures, discussioas, and oaarree steee 1184- Of the State N ew t Staff dry m chology, econom ics, and so­ study of cases are the meth­ Up to 30 hntlnsstm en from them . other Latte Amoricaa countries MSU w a s Mlacted byghe 1CA ciology w ere taught by StasH - ods used te teaching. Outside Most of (Shi's problem s stem According to Jam es B. Hen­ reading aad reports are empha­ m ay ho accepted te each to a ssist In tho ddwoi*» esta te tan p rotesam i during f o i first from inadequate staffing and dry, assistant dean f o r over­ sized. course. The average student seas program s, B razil, the fifth llshm ent, its curriculum , or­ two yam s. operating ftmds, according to ganization, adm inistration, and The junior and senior years Aa intensive 12 week Ad- Dr. Janies Feurig, director of largest country in the world, m inistrators cearse designed in teaching cü ssM Wbüe Bra­ f w e t n f o lq r A iM 'ic s u until health services. possesses im m ense natural re­ ter sipsrtaarad bnsteeesm en _______ exp erien ce., zilian professors were being replaced by Braatlian profes­ “AS our money is appropri­ sources. sors returning from foe UK. who want breeder knowledge mum of three years etM p iH * trained. Provisions w ere made ated through the U niversity,” To develop th ese resources, ence Is foe cla ss accapU ace re­ Feurig said. “We have b e « n the country m ust have qualified quirement. : bucking an austerity program business adm inistrators to ef­ The classes, form erly taught f a r four years.” H* said the University is very receptive and understand­ ficiently m anage bushMM firm s In its technologically advancing W ith d ra w a l R u m o rs by Am ericans, are now taught by B rasilian professors who econom y, ho M id. have com pleted advanced study ing o f Otta’i needs, but just doesn't have J b e m oney to grant. The whole U niversity In 1964, te educate m en and women to guide the country’« O fte n U n tru e , D e a n S ay s * Michigan State. The school receives about industrial expansion the Getu- 18 per cent * Its students." and the student services in par­ lio V argas Foundation, is col­ By JAY BLIMICK A person m ay bo withdrawn incentive to improve and Jd- from B rasilia« firm s, 7 per ticular are suffering from a laboration with foe Internation­ State N ew t New* Editor only if he drops below the spe­ lowed many pom students to chat from Am oricaa firm s, lack of funds, he said. al Cooperation Administration Rumors circulating about the cified number a t MSU points get into upper school, be said. aad 8 per cent from Euro­ Tho health center received (IGA) of tho UnitedL8tntM gov­ U niversity College’s step-sc ele below a “C” average. This Also under the old policy if a pean firm s. About two-thirds 8518,IN frtas the university ernm ent, established foe Eacola policy on withdraw* are often m eans a student could fa ll be­ student w as withdrawn he * the student applications f ir the year ending J u t so, de Adm lnistracao d e Em pres­ not true, said Join» N . Win- low a 2-point aad still rem ain would be reinstated if he are admitted. aceerdtag te Treasurer Phil­ se s de Sao Paulo (E A E $P ), at burne, assistant dean of the in school, Winburne said. brought 'te his parents for a Michigan State * professors lip May. Of this total, sh eet Sao Paulo. U niversity College. Another rumor Is that If a fam ily conference. and the school * Sao Paulo, 888,888 cam e from specific One rumor is that if a stu­ M ade* has faHea below a Under the step-scale a stu­ Hendry pointed out, are assist­ charges te stadeats for spe­ This w as to be on experi­ m ental school patterned after dent drops below a 2-point t-poiat he m ust correct the dent te expelled for a year, and ing in expanding education of c ia l services. scholastic average be wifi be deficiency by getting a Z.2 this seem s to help the student, Business Administration te the fo e typical Am erican Univer­ “ We are operating with a sity College of B usiness Ad­ expelled. the next term . - Winburne Mid. University of Bahia and Uni- staff sm aller than in 1967, and m inistration. “This is not true,” he said. Fifty per eeat * foe stu­ ,versify of Rio Grande do Sul. This m ight apply in soma wo don’t have the budget to dents who remain out * _ Since 1960, State also has cases to a student who te so finance a larger staff," Feurig school for a year usually been involved in a cooperative far below a 2-point that be m ust said- OUn has seven doctors to Books, Housing obtain a 2 J in order to raise his make it when they retura. program with Sao Paulo edu­ Tho step-scale w as put into cational officiate to establish a handle 27,000 students and staff total MSU points to the speci­ effect fall term 1960 after an Brazilian Audio-Visual Educa­ fied number, but it certainly m em bers, ho said. This m akes one doctor for alm ost 4,000 ____ students. The recomm ended ra- tu n j and entertainm ent oppor- before they m e physically W o rld S tu d e n ts does not apply in all ca ses as the rumor im plies, Winburne eight-year study, and the pro­ tion Center. gram te now being tested, Win- Mime said. tie is one doctor for 2,000 stu tunities, he said. said. ready. Others a n p m con­ “A university receives ho dents, he added. “ Mom of us have fam ilies," tent to stay s i long a s pos­ Feurig discussed the func­ ho said, “and tho whole area sible and try to coast through tions of tho health center. H e lp e d b y C h e s t Another rumor w as th * 2,500 students have been withdrawn. This te far from tb s truth, he glory from flunking out large num bers of students,” he ta d . 13 Nations Is good for-idd s. Many of us the term with an exease, he Since foe program want in­ Aside from regular calls in plan to send our chUdren to •aid. OUn, he said, the health center MSU.” is in charge of innoculaG onsat Such fringe benefits as so­ (Editor’s aotet This is the equipm ent and educational sup­ “We try to get the student first of four articles doacrtbtag p lies, WUS gives consideration freshm an, 25 unclassified stu­ been *85 students withdrawn. said. After fall term 175 first term to effeet in 1911 there have Back U.S. registration. cial security and. retirem ent back to class while avoiding the charities Michigan State's to the needs of th e human dents and 200 other students in D eciding when to expel! *» I Continued from Page 1) Campus Chest d osâtes te each mind. the U niversity College w ere student for low grades is a real “We also provide doctors and program s add substantially to a hazardous situation,” he ed disputes over foe tone of nurses in case of em ergencies the salary of a university doc­ said. “Conversely, the very year.) The organisation is interna­ withdrawn. problem because many have proposals. at such events as football tor. he said. students who say we keep them The World U niversity Ser­ tional in scope, working m ainly Most withdrawal action takes th« ability to im prove, he said: Haiti changed sides for foe gam es and com m encem ent,” too long are often the very ones vice (WUS) is one of several In the M iddle E ast. place after winter term , he Many of foe students don't second tim e in foe conferen<5e Seme doctors feel there is who were in no hurry to get educational_c harities aided by “Through the World Univer­ M id. A student cannot be ex­ make it because of a lack of he said. aa easier work lead here out and back to cla ss.” and moved back to foe nations “The OUa staff is teo sm all contributions to Campus Chest. sity Program fo e international pelled for academ ic reasons m aturity and not low intelli­ than in private practice, but gence, ha said. proposing a hard anti-Castro te make house calls, but will Feurig said that another com ­ The program of WUS answ ers student com m unity has an once be has enrolled, so with­ our doctors can’t coast,” plaint is food. — ^ long-term educational needs agency to which the whole d raw * m ust often be post­ Many students are sent to the stand. aasw er accident c a lls, if we F eu rig'laid. _ There were indications that world o f learning can turn in poned until after winter term counseling clinic for guidance are notified by the Depart­ “ Here again we .are under a of students a ll over foe world. Argentina and Chile alse m ent of Public Safety.” Each doctor must work five Where textbooks are rare tim e of need,” accoro n g^ to because there U not enough and this often helps, Winburne would desert, teavtsg only full days and be on caU one lim ited budget,” he explained. and expensive, WUS provides WUS publications. tim e between foe term s. said. - If the East Lansing police night each week and every “We draw our food from the four nations—B rasil, M exico, printing equipm ent. When dis­ Any student with a sugges­ Questfsns about the new Ecuador and Bolivia holding answer the call, the injured sixth weekend, he added. sam e sources as every other party is taken to a Lansing hos­ - Feurig discussed student at­ living unit, but we m ust de­ ease riddles a university. WUS pital. Accident cases on Grand titude toward the health cen^ liver th m eals to the room s. builds preventative health clin­ tion for an educational charity w ithdrew * policy eaa h e an­ that m ight warrant a contribu­ swered by any academ ic tion from Campus Cbest should dean, be said. Stahlin for - on for a com prom ise that would indefinitely delay Ca­ Som etim es the food is getting ics and student m edical cen­ River and Harrison Avenues ter^ are usually handled by the East Lansing police, he said. There is some negative a tti­ the lasL foom .” cold by the tim e it arrives at ters. If student enrollm ent out­ subm it the nam e to the Campus strips housing accom m odations, Chest office in the Student of confusion about the new step- Rumors have arisen because Lt. Governor ban suspension. Allied with Colombia and the Central American nations, foe ‘There ere only two com » pus offices open around t h e i idp [ . ° tude toward the health . # ..p .. . , . center reu n x d «*iu th said i a t the health WUS stim ulates cooperative center r e c e n t l y purchased bousing. This program is. capable of Government Q uart*«, third floor, Student Services Build­ scale withdrawal policy, he ing. - _ said •“ — . Club Formed United States led the weeklong struggle for the earliest possi­ C l« * .- » id K ir n . “The policy sim ply aim s at ble ouster of Castro delegates N ext: -T extbook Recording A fully organized statewide the cam pus police and the nmhirmc the food warm while 1t is be- im m ediate action. In its d is-, or Blind Students. _ term by term im provem ent.” network of “Students f o r from OAS councils. other is Glin health center," tribution of books, writing If But even the eleventh-hour Sorne of the com plaints a r e i in| . ^ er^ mw1 It specifies the number of MSU Stahlin” clubs was officially The health center handles an p a rt of the points a student m ay be under launched Sunday. bickering among foe go-slo.v average of 8,000 cases per legitim ate, some a re not," h e t F e u n * b,am ed negative student attitude to- month when school is in ses­ said. a 2-point and still remain in Dale Warner, Vice president members failed to produce a of AUSG and Speaker of Con­ final resolution representing sion, Feurig said. The center He feels lhat most complam.il " • * * ' , ! S i h " nter “ ^ c th . .....i t .handled 74,800 cases last year, a re the result of the center be­ ing understaffed. „f fi. w_ I com Some m unication. individual _ cases are F lu B u g S c a rc e school. are Each term earned—the —as more number credits of gress, and state chairm an of their point of view. foe group, Mid the Stahlin or­ The upshot found foe two with B.150 in November. misunderstood or exaggerated, points he m ay be under a 2- ganization “is not an embry­ blocs unable to present a com ­ Students com plain about “ I expect the number e i cases to rise te the a e x t year,” he said. the amount of tim e t h e y must wait before seeing a he said. Complete—understanding of mutual problems and purposes A m o n g S tu d e n ts point is reduced. onic hope or dream , but an ac­ mon stand soon enotigh to m eet Finally by the end of the com plished fact, with chapters foe deadline for subm itting res­ sophomore year, a student in action at 30 colleges and olutions. Doctors at Olin handle al- doctor. is nesdeid, he said: m ay be dism issed if he te more universities.” The soft-line group thus de­ most every conceivable kind of < “This ■ is a legitim ate com MSU has less cases of Influ- Olin Health Center. Part of the negative atti­ i enza than does the Lansing The schools and industry also than three points below a “ C” Warner said his group is- cided to wait and possibly case* ranging from appendicitis j plaint, but there is just noth average. pose amendments to the ma­ K ls fractured leg, said Feurig. Ing we can do with our present I tude is a holdover from ex­ I Com m unity,~r e p.o r t e d Dr. have more absenteeism result­ swinging behind Stahlin, a F a k e reports about thenew jority proposal, which could A major cause of illness { inadequate m a n-p o w e r," ho ■ perience with poor health Jam es Feurig, director of the ing from influenza than does policy may start when a stu­ GOP candidate for Lieutenant mean debate and more delay in programs te s e c o n d a r y the University- said Feurig. Governor, because "he has in­ among college students is ul-1 said. - I “We are too understaffed to j schools, he said. “For every five absent in the dent hears o f the action taken dicated a keen grasp of the ending the conference. It al­ cers, he said. CMin also handles a large j have a doctor in Olin at all j Another reason is 'the poor number of surgery cases, some- j tim e s., This is the cause o f ; m em ories veterans have of ■Sarnoff Lansing schools and factories, la aa individual case, Whs- problems facing college gradu­ ready is a day over Its schedul­ we have three absent,” he said. burae said, aad foe student ates as they seek em ployment ed closing. “ In- other words, we have 40 believes this applies to all in the business world.” Early in the course of the tim es calling consulting physi- many com plaints. eian sr according to K eu rig . m ilitary health services. While ! Nurses who are specially , m ilitary m edical program s-are The busiest surgery tim e is ¡trained to receive em ergency reasonably good, the veterans Denounces per za cent few er ca se “The present load of influen­ is in the n orm s.” * lim it at cases. Warner said many students, conference the Uftljod States When a student has fallen be­ are forced to accept em ploy­ dropped its hopes for com ing low a 2-point, individual action m ent in other states because away from the m eeting with during the Christmas and cases are _on-call 24 hours a a sso c ia te the m edical aspects Spring vacations when people «ay. however. If the ca te is with the service which they have tim e for extended hos-f**rious, a doctor will be called disliked, he added. pltal stays, h e said. . FCC Aims Michigan _9tate,” he assured. is taken by foe U niversity Co!- of the lack of opportunity in stiff econom ic and diplom atic “ About 20 ca ses are hospital­ ledge student affairs office. So M ichigan. He said that Stahlin sanctions against Cuba. ized daily * Olin, and that fh far, 75 per cent of the proba­ has developed "a vigorous and Toward foe end, the nag­ Feurig laid he was hopeful WASHINGTON I* - F C C not M anning.” tionary students who wore with im aginative program to expand ging question between the. Another valuable service J** .“®v* 1,0 mandate to about foe U niversity end the hy seven and diversity M ichigan’s in- two Mecs becam e haw aad the health eeater offers the ™ake Hitch* cam e to McCona's defense. can m ake people watch Mansfield obtained unani­ vision program s they do not foe principle Mch a practice would do t o ; | * Scholarship available to . . . * . asa tetorfsr- qualified stadeats of broadcast- *d for a period * one schoias- . tic ys*r o ta * C urro* sri»*ar- Accounting Prof private practice. ings Jr. told her “ half th * A main reason is sim ply an many would have be*» too m ous consent to schedule n w e * to s m .” Sarnoff said, foe eaca hy fo e g w e n u M * te pro- i tog. The scholarship serves as ship holders will be eligible for interest la young people, he much. vote on the m atter * 2 p.m . TV dial is Am erica'« m o * fre­ g ra m a la g .” a m em ori* to Fellow s’ dedi- re-appointment by subm itting a On Tax Council L ta d . Viola R. Whitlock told W ednesday. This apparently quently used voting marhtea Com m issioner F r e d e r i c k catad service. new appticatUte. Dr. Charles J . Gaa, professor salaries ere not as th* kinder(,4rtea t o r Me w as done so that Sen. Wayne The NBC head te s tifie d * tho Ford «dead Sarnoff what the Two annual scholarships of Students who can give evi­ of accounting, w a t elected te te university health work as provided transportation orfo* M orse, D- Qr*., now attending start of ti»e second weak of an FCC had s a * to tedióte» "ire 81,180 each w ill be awarded by dence of superior academ ic the Tax Institute Advisory w tya te practice, he M id, but narily uses two station w the W estern Hem isphere For* FCC hearing to learn how much planned te jum p tel m i K 3 > the Ñ afien * Association of perform ance and have inten­ Council far a three-year term , n e r e are m any triage benefits but lhat one had broken Sign M inisters Conference In the networks control Am erican tete te v g r e n s * fo e source ” 'Broadcasters. tions to work | b foe broadcast­ 1982 to 1814. that draw capable doctors to Sgt. D. H. Cameron testified tm w w y , would have a d u n c e TV fare and to determine T his, Sarnoff reptiad, w as M8U applicants 8 m * be. ing field m ay check with the The Tax Institute a t Prince­ Michigan State th * som e o f foe children w ere to taka part la foe debate. whether governm ent co a tr* a t based m “ fo e history o f Emm eejkpse b esa, aa eM jpleÿneei. Department of TV and Radio, ton, N .J., deals prim arily with Many doctors like! foethe tm iver “tying flat on top of each other, Morse h ie expressed view s networks te aastted. Sfid pffft StfitfiMBEtJ NAB t!eMMffWr ratite er TV - 204 Journalism , before March research ea ta t preteem s and tlty atm osphere, with Its cul- like lo gs.” sim ilar to them o f McCarthy. O fficiate H foe C ete-M e ■ stette« er fttewerk. CMÉrei proposal*.. BRSH' ■ ¡■ g ■ É M É lM H K r iÌ É É M I I K g; y -miiBP Tuesday Mamfng, J a m u rj 30, 1962 Accidents U. S. Grant Awarded To Police Ad. School The School of Potice Admin­ conduct and evaluate a two- Icy Roads istration and Public Safety has been awarded 0 grant of $52,800 iron» the UK. Departm ent a t yearT pilot rprogram. __ hi the train- lag o f m unicipal police officers assigned te work In deliquency 'Health, Education aad W el­ prevention- and control, he said. Dam age amounting to over 8200 w as done te a ear driven fare, Arthur F . Brandstatter, D eriag fo e first stag s *f fo e by Richard Zeleny o f Okeroos director of the school, an­ program , 8» Michigan police early Saturday morning when nounced recently. officers frees a aaateer a t the vehicle skidded on Icy The grant wUl be used^to Bsssdclpai police agencies pavem ent, struck a rood sign, w in undergo a foree-week in ­ and narrowly m issed a large tree. f H. J. DeBlij’s tensive training program here, Brandstatter said. Zeleny, who was traveling b ^ tween 88 and 40 m iles per hoar Lecture Features Throughout the second stage, an evaluation o f the specially w as unable to stop U s car at tha intersection of F orest aad African Relations selected com m unities w ill be m ade to determ ine the effects Beaum oat Roads. He w as tick­ ' Professor Harm J .D e B lij, of eted T or excessive speed t o of the program , h e said. 1 BLOCK EAST OF CAMFUT the geography departm ent, w ill This w in be the first tim e an road conditions. apeak on “R ace R elations hi OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. FB I. ft SAT, A three ca r accident on Chest­ evaluation of this type pro­ A frica’’, Tuesday at 8 p.m . gram has been attem pted, ~ ALSO AT nut Road resulted in the issu­ h i U 4 B etsey. ance o f tick ets to two d riven Brandstatter added. 2128 N. LARCH US 27 ft 4788 S. CEDAR US 127 - The lecture is being present­ The program w ill be under Saturday afternoon. "" ^ ed a s a feature of the “G reat A cur driven by Jack Valen­ the direction o f Dr. Jam es J- Issu es” course. One o f the is­ tin e, Royal Oak sophomore, Brennan, professor of police sues being studied this term is YOUR B EST B U Y . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS struck a ca r driven by Duane interracial relations and Ms adm inistration. Bidlack, Oakwood, Ohio grad­ alk w ill be related to this uate student, which w as stuck FALLOUT MENT—Ceri E M S*, prrfiwif at t p t a i t a seiainriti , right, broad problem . in " ! snowbank near Demon­ shew s G evens* Joha B. Swafaaai the “felle* mese” te he served Wednesday In future w eeks, the G reat stration Hall. Valentine appar­ for the Survival Laucbeea hs the itaasrtem as part cf Farmers’ Wask. issues teaching com m ittee w ill THE PIT ently saw Bidlack’s vehicle at offer additional lectures ' and th e edge of the roadway but film s a s a com plem ent to the w as unable to stop. Nationalism Prevails: regular instruction. A third car driven by How­ ard R iker, P assaic, N .J. soph­ om ore, traveling north struck Valentine’s car which bad slew , ‘N a tio n a l P e r s o n a litie s ed in to a position blocking the Invites All Students & Faculty roadway. Bidlack w as ticketed for driving without lights and Rik­ W e a k e n A ra b U n ity to try the Special Noon er w as ticketed for failure to By DON EMER1CH dom inated them , aad then lik e Jofitiffl, Which is virtually stop in a safe clear distance Of the State New s Staff agaiast the Freach aad Brit­ an Am erican colony, In Moroc­ L uncheon. Featuring A ahead. ish , wh* had established co, too, w e are identified wtth Traditional unifying forces sphere« o f teflaenc« hi the an increasingly unpopular m on­ of shared culture and history Middle E a st aad North Af­ archy. And som eday w e m ust Variety of Fine Foods at Posts Open in the Arab world are breaking down as independent states de­ rica. “The United States stepped com e to a reckoning w ith the Arabs fo r fo e Ml royalties we prices that will fit even the For Student velop their own cultures and institutions, sociologist Charles G allagher of the Am erican ITM- in a f t * World W ar H , because our interests w ere v itally In­ volved, particularly a s w e have given to feudal leaders to squander,” be said. VM JERTW Et a m m a T in t G allagher characte r I s e d closest budget. Traffic Court versities Field Staff told a cam ­ pus audience last week. moved into the Arab oil field s, and because o f Am erican con­ E gypt’s N asser a s a l eader “trying te ride a revolution­ % » ¿¡sew anna wucflurr a Ctwihw- Orient»! ctiHgrsd psssfa Ì» Petitions are available in the Speaking under sponsorship cern over th e Israeli question,” ary society, aad J t Ms vio­ T 12K Gold-tiliwi bracelet, with any b u m *p*n*d w t only $4.95 Union Concourse until Feb. 5 for Student Traffic Appeal of D elta PM Epsilon; the na­ tional professional fraternity he said. “The Arabs shifted their op­ lence I t ever freedTfo* resalt w fll m ake B ed China leak like t e Lustrous li in l s t u l Maris, l i K ' (kSd-fiilsd, aay nsas* ...o aly $3.80 OPEN 11 A.M. DAILY Court m em bership. Petitioning for overseas governm ent'serv­ probrium from Europeans to a a eatoade a t fo e R e v * las* ssrasty —S prfca fndudss Saa ice and international business, Am ericans as fo e new leaders Saharafoard, Fad. tax, prompt tU U m ry w ill close Feb. 8. _ A letter of recomm endation he em phasized that the Islam ic of the W est We w ere su ccess­ B eys. “ Syria has em erged a s hav­ pnstMvi, Maasy-taskgusrsistss. Priât ansa ta b* sst, anil with chsek or Pizza & Delivery religion offers little com mon ful in our bargains with a few ing one of the m ost hopeful fu­ M. O. to TsoLor* Toibws, Dapt. K, from a faculty m em ber must ground because of the diversity |fi84WsstfsURd,Rodasstsr 18.N.Y, leaders, but not with the peo­ tu res,” he said. “The Syrians be inclosed with the petition for th e consideration of the court of its sects, and increasing sec­ p le.” are industrious, progressive, TRULOVE*TOKENS 203 MAC. ED 2-0863 ularization of the Arab states. “ Now we end up with nations and successful in internal de­ and interview ers. “Form er sim ilarities are b e­ MAKE TREASURED GIFTS velopm ent through com m erce M embers o f the court, re­ ing pushed aside by local de­ and industry.” presentative of a ll classes as weO as graduate students, are velopm ent o f ‘national person­ alities' and the influence of Test Talks “ The E gyptians m ism anaged their United Arab Republic un­ selected b y the chief justices, nationalism ,’’ be said. (Cootiaaed from P age 1) ion with Syria, hut then they associate ju stices, and the aad in W ashington adm itted, have never been noted for deal president of AUSG on the basis “ B arriag w ar, there m a y how ever, that prospects for a tu g with others in the Arab o f petitions, letters o f recom ­ be aa eveataal tread toward reopening ° f th e talk s, which world w ith t a c t ” mendation, end interview . various form s *f political s a ­ have been hopelessly dead­ Student Traffic Appeal Court le s , as Is tr se els ewhere Is the world. Regional associa­ locked for alm ost two years, Syria Is not a backward coun­ try and should do w ell If tt LUCKY STRIKE are dim . _ Is empowered by AUSG to sus­ tain, withdraw, or change to tion m ay be e sc esra ged hy The collapse of the talks w as pursues a policy of enlightened presents: warning any fines imposed by m ere representative regim es foreshadowed la st Friday when capitalism , w hile keeping som e the Departm ent of Public Safe­ aad interrelationship through ih e Soviet Union rejected a U . of the im portant social reform s trade as industries grew .” S.-British offer — m ade reluc­ adopted during the UAR period, ty . ___________ G allagher said that the So­ tantly - t i com bine the nu­ he saidl G allagher predicted a “89 per viets are deeply involved in clear talk s w ith com ing gen­ eral disarm am ent negotiations cent chance” of a fin al political " THE FACULTY TEA Samson, Searcy the Arab countries through aid and developm ent projects, es­ The R ussians had originally de­ settlem ent betw een F ran ce and M Ë K M Ê Ê M manded m erging the talks but Algerian nationalists, and a fi­ 4He’s upset because he was made Bridge Champs - pecially in Egypt. Red Chi­ nese influence is insignificant when they got their w ay they nal crisis with the French Al­ the butt of a student joke.' Two students w ere winners so far, he said. backed off and it seem ed ap­ gerian s, both within n very at the U niversity Duplicate “The East-W est conflict Is parent the nuclear negotiations short tim e, “ perhaps in • few Bridge Club gam e la st week. less im portant in Arab ey es w ere dead. w eeks tim e.” They w ere - Lenny Sam son, than in ours,” be said . “The Maplewood, New Jersey sopho­ Arabs are characteristically op ­ m ore and Dwight Searcy, from posed to outside involvem ent Lansing. in their affairs.” Mam Kingdon, Indianapolis, Modern W estern Involv ement In d ., M aster’s Candidate and Jam es Edward Vanda Bunt*, graduate assistant, p l a c e d in Arab affairs began w ith Na­ poleon’s invasion of E gypt, Gal­ lagher said. This brought In the don’t be second. — disturbing id eas of the French Any student, s ta ff,'* faculty m em ber is welcom e to play. The gam « starts at 7:15 p.m . Revolution a n d W estern technology. introduced B eth w ere distorted In left out! ' §§¡§1 in tha com m unity room of t tr eeim lssiee, he sa id , hnt E ast L ansing Savings and Loan stirred the A ntes la te Barest, * jn * Co. «vary W ednesday. first agaiaet fo e Turks wh* “ T h e y s a y h e h a s Make Your S h e r w o o d ie s in c e h e h e s b e e n g o t h is P in s u f f e r a b le h D ." i th e la r g e s t b o o k c o lle c t io n o n c a m p u s . P eggy Laadberg — Appointment Owaer-M aaager Now For The Coming Activities , . . Jazz S h o w ___________ » January S I Faririea S h o w ___________ February 1 Mwsfcal Cosasdy February 2 W M arinft W hirl __ February 2 Fraternity Parti«« ____ February 2 ft I J-fiop ( J a d e ) - February 10 CO-ED SPECIAL DAYS _ MON„ TUES, AND WED. THE PROFESSORIAL IMAGE. R usad to bt that professors, as soon as thsy wsre « K RECOMMEND GABRIELF.EN PERMANENT WAVES ZMookonatetherimies—rumpéed tweeds, tousled hair, pips. But these tays, the Inily “in” proNseorSs the “buddy” look-foy suit, craw cut, LnckyStritas. n istmi that studants tarn more sagwty tram aomaona wBh whom thay can W0NCHGHR ■ UNIVERSITY . . . s T > iu » j tdswWy. Atat Machart qukhly pounce on the tact that coHsga studsnta smofca more Luckies than any other regular. Hava you pouncad on tha fact yat? 1720 L Michigan Lansing 404-7786 BEAUTY SALON (BAST LANSING’S MOST MODERN SALON) 2 Doom E tat o f Itatata ! ED 2-1116 CHANGE FREE PARKING IN LOGON LOT • * r .t e •J S m u d C sirww ’ _ ■ « * »¿¿Ntakiiw8‘«ïwfcBafe^eiii)4iiis,iiA’it É9 ,' i>V i 11 Michigan Stale News, East Minnesota choice for firat place In the bal­ D u k eT Blue D evils plucked loting by a apodal panel of Q m ere then one prize out o f foe bucket by crushing Wake For* «ports w riters and broadcast­ By E D KOTLAH State News Sports W rit* est 9248 Saturday night. ers. The Buckeyes boosted their The victory not only enabled m ark to 144 byrouting Purdue M ichigan State’s Hockey the Blue D evils to tie North 91-65. team has upped its season Carolina for the Atlantic Coast Kentucky, id ie last week, record to 12-2-1 as a result of Conference lead, but it -earned prilled 333 points on a basic of last weekend’s tie and win a t them foe distinction of being 10 points for a first place vote, foe only team to advance in • for second, t for third, etc. M innesota. The Spartans h a v t fo b w eek’s Associated P ress gone 10 straight gam es without m ajor college basketball poO. a defeat. The Spartans revere- Duke traded p o sitio n with ed their record with M innesota Duquesne, the Durham, N.C. this season. L ast year State team moving to sixth place lost all four, gam es to foe while Duquesne, 8046 winner Gophers. This year they didn’t over La Salle, fell to seventh. ON ALL RECORDS, lose any. ..__ The Blue D evils have won 12 DIAM O ND N E E D L E S , Spartan Coach Amo Besso&e of 14 gam es while Duquesne is rated defensem an Frank Silka RECO RDING T A PE 14-2. a s foe outstanding p la y * g —.The top five, paced by un­ the series. H e sain it w as beaten Ohio State, rem ained Silka’s best series for State. intact while Bowling Green, Silka w as not only outstanding Bradley and M ississippi 'State at b is defensive position but he started foe Spartans three continued to run eighth, ninth and 10th, respectively. open evoaiagt goal rally in the third period o f Ohio State was an unanimous I Saturday’s gam e by scoring unassisted to tie foe score at 3-3. . _ . AS T r -« k♦ ; Ä jv - EXPERIENCE Snell Hopes BE FOREWARNED! ■ * ■ fo-W-W ■ 8 ■ ■ » B y T h e A s s o c ia t e d P rep s To Set Record Now Thru Thurs.l Program information IV 2-3805 M innesota is a very hockey AUCKLAND, New Zealand MRS. KATHERINE PRICE’S Carry Back. Florida’s cham­ pion money winning thoroughbred with 8851,648, m akes his W—Peter Sneli, the 22-year-old New Zealander who broke the conscious university. When tifo Spartans arrived Ih u n d a y 65c to 5:30 p.m . MICHIGAN P R*I UM H Gopher coach John M arriucci ^ V » V j 5 :3 0 P.M . winter debut Wednesday and he couldn’t have picked a tougher world m ile record la st Satur­ w as lecturing a class of about L r i f l f l E v en in g s spot. , ~ day, expressed confidence Mon­ 200 co-eds on the principles o f Feature shewn at 1:39, 4:19, 1:49, 9:15 p.m. Carry Back w ill'have an impost o f 124 pounds-in the seven day he wilt crack the half m ile hockey. It w as a scheduled ■ B P A Sunday furlong Palm Beach Handicap at Hialeah and his competition standard next Saturday. _ part of foe physical educatimi on .V FRANKCAPRAS *«. & \ 1AST IANSIN* » rttOMl 4 V w ill include som e of the fastest horses in foe country. The 1960 Olympic 900 m eter program. C om plete S h ow s F ea tu re Show n Three of Carry Back’s probable opponents already have champion said he w ill “go all 1:25 • 3 :3 5 - 5 :4 5 1:00 • 3 :0 5 - 5 :1 5 earned more than 81 m illion and Intentionally, the heavy­ out” for the 880 yards record The Gophers have one of the weight at 126 pounds, shares the world’s record for a m ile with 7 :2 5 - 9 :4 0 8 :0 0 . 10:00... at the Lancaster Park Track at fin est arenas in t he country. Swaps, at 1:33 2/5. _ Christchurch. It seats o v * 6,000 and has no _ dr ★ - it “They have a fa st track there posts hi fo e-w ay . The attend­ N E X T ATTRACTIO N • T W IN H IT SHOW THE INJURY-PLAGUED Detroit Red W ings,-busily seeking and I think I can do it,” said ance for the tw o gam es w as reinforcem ents, Monday called up Parker Macdonald from foe powerfully built, smooth 4,3% and 4,913, sm all crowds Starts FRIDAY! • • T he Iv y L eagu e J u n g le! - n u u i t i l l ■e g their Hershey farm club, u. - - running New Zealander. to M innesota people. The rec­ D ana A n d rew s - N 00N A R IIIA R S H A U -g Macdonald w ill report to Detroit in tim e for its National Lave Is L evlier and F ob Is Funnier The Lancaster Park Track ord for a hockey gam e at MSU E lean or B a r k * In ■ K 9B H H M H H I Hockey League gam e at Chicago W ednesday-night. if it it has fo e reputation o f being fo r fastest in New Zealand. is 3,860. SWI NGI N They even have cheer lead­ A N IRISH INTERNATIONAL two-mile relay team , le d by Snell clipped one-tenth of a ers on skates between stanza« A l o n c Ron Delany, arrived Monday for a series of indoor races second off Australian Herb El- agaitot picked ' m m i iMMg T ftn T iilfffl "TftiliifF'inil and a high school gam e pro­ liott’s m ite record la st Satur­ ceeds the college gam e. Canada. day with a tim e of 3:54.4. O v * Delany, returning to Indoor com petition for foe first tim e a grass track — considered M innesota has fo r facilities, since 1959, will anchor the team that set a European record slow er than other surfaces— but w e have the team , of 7 minutes 21.8 seconds last summer. at Cooke Gardens in Wanganui. R eal Turcotte is w earing a souvenir of the series. He has' LA DOLCE VITA last 2 days at IM S c h e d u le BASKETBALL HOCKEY a nose that’s about three tim es as Mg as foe one h e started Career Cues: with. He got h it in the face “Whatever your major, Court 6 p.m . Gym 8:15 p.mT A.T.O. - E vans Sch. when be scored his fir st goal on ly when related to people. Downtown Ait 3 Gunners - Nailbenders II 9:00 p.m . DTD. - Coral Gables in- the second period but he “G ood psychology is also tb s basis of aQ fa— wi i 4 Animals - St. Gerauds II 9:45 p.m . W est Shaw - S. CM cam e back to score the win­ 6 Trojans-Aunt Fannys 5 IH And, since m eet o f today’s businaes and sciwtflfio prob* make sure to include 10:30 p.m . U . Toms Boys-Bryan ning goal in the final stanza. 7 p.nu lem s are to o com plicated for *o o o man! toh itioos, team*, It w as a hard hitting aeries wor k is essential. If you w ant to be a valuable tssm player, 3 Owen Grads • S. Phi D elt II SHORT COURSE w ith - several injuries. The 4 Beh. Sci • C.S.O. II and js lik ely candidate for captain, b e th e pweoo «Hho a course in ‘people’!” BASKETBALL worst was_ M innesota’s Wayne 5 Big D 's • M Hall 111 Merridith who broke b » jaw. understands people. Learn w hat it takea for people to 6 Phi Mu A - P . K. Phi III Court 7 p«m. -G ym work together in harmony; Learn h o * to win trust and 8 p.m . _ 1 Boll W eevils-Palace B oys I confidence. Learn b asic hum an psychology. 3 Dash Pots-U .P. Chindits II 2 Dribblers • F lakers I W . Em it o R o o t t v t U , P r a s id a n t “Bear fo ie in m ind, t o o . W orld tensioa, CCM— ilT p 4 Phlogistons - Slow Ones II 5 AOCS I - Bagrats III 8 p.m . F IN E S T N t li o n t I S t a t t B a n k , E U z a b a th , N . J . tension, business tension, a m (am ity tension a n tbf 1 Netbreakers . Hawks - I facts o f everyday life. Tha m en you know of hams* 6 D.T.D. pi - Phi Sig pi HI 9 p.m . 2 F essors . Satelites _ I I f m y college adviser had prophesied that studying psy­ behavior, th e better prepared you w ill ba te dail idtfe 3 The H ustlers - AOCS 3 II The second round o f the fra­ IT A L IA N chology w ould som e d ay help prom ote m y career in bank­ these problem s. ternity Handball Tournament ing, r d have scoffed. Y et that is exactly w hat ha* hap­ “So, if you have tha chance, talcs a course devoted i f 4 Throwaways - A sh * H w ill be piayed tonight a t 6 p.m . pened. And w hen I think about it now th e reason seem s •people.’ Y our d am advia * can p rob ah tyh slp y m • I I Screebs • V ets II HI 6 A .E .P lp l-P h iK S ig p l IH The follow ing team s w ill play: F O O D S obvious. T b s fecta and figures of banking, or o f any other psychology e lectiv e in to your eche d uh b I M l thfnk Singles DORM BOWLING field, are m echanical d evices. T h ey taka on real m eaning you’ll regret it . . . I know I didn't.” Court 1—Z.B.T. * Sig. Nu A lleys 8 p.m . Court 2—L .C A . - D .T.D . - C A M NOVA NO . 2 1-2 Ba 6 . 7 _ ~ Doubles 5 4 Burma • Burgandv Court 3—Z.B.T. - Sig. Nu 7 4 EMU • Em bers Court 4—L.C.A. • A.T.O. 9-10 Em erald . E m bassy 8:30 p .m .' Frederico F ellini's m asterful PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 24117 1-2 Burgess - Burnley — motiou picture “La Dolce Vita” 5 4 Cache - Carthage • Is clim axed by a «did organistic 7 4 Casopolis - Cavalier party held to a v illa a t a sea­ 9-10 Cambridge - Cabanas side resort near Rom e. The VOLLEYBALL party depicts the utter depths of degradation to which any 6 p.m . Court i - S . N u - Phi P si E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E E D . 2-2814 hedonistic society can rink and Court 3—Phi Gam • B.T. PI NIG H tS ft SUNDAY — ADULT 98« SAT. MAT. ile vividly accents a poignont mor­ ' 7 p.m . ADULT ENTERTAINMENT * r al f o r our tim es. — Court 1—D.T.D. - Z.B.T. X STARTS 7 P.M . — FEATURE AT 7:28 • 8:18 W inn* of the New York Film Court 3—P.K . Phi - J T . Chi Critics Award for B est Foreign 8 p.m . “ Aa extraordinary m etían picture com parable to that Film , tt is shown nightly a t 7:00 Court 1—D .S. P hi • S.A.E. cla ssic ‘All Q siet oa toe W estern Freut’. A poignant and 18:00 . . . oa foe New Court 3—F ’hse - Phi Sig. K rim y, heartbreaking, trem endously affecting.” Cinemascope screen! 9 p.m . ' —Zuns*, Cun Court 1—T. CM . A.S. P i Special P rice for Students Court 3—A.T.O. * S. CM Feature a t 1:25 ..t LADMER ft f, ; t" 3 :3 9 -5 :8 9 -7 :3 9 -9 :3 1 OPEN 12:45 fontes” —Cook, World T ele. Sun H flavor la your m ajor satisfaction Im sm oking ADDED CARTOON NOVELTY T H E B E S T T O B A C C O M A K E S T H E B E S T & M O K E FRIDAY “PURE HELL OF ST. TRIMANg” iis £ H HM « ¡M S iS .,- • *-W r t% & iS iil w m H P » U ovi, East f oM fag, m A lgaa W m m m — ------ iV i Uproot jg riM l tf President Kennedy baa be­ com e enneorvattve since bis election. ' -, S ip QOIIHIMYStüa Vandals ripped five w ap dis­ pensers from the w all in the Alas, They Are Passe “W ell, I'd say Kennedy to less liberal th a s it Beamed dor. mg h is cam paign,” Smith an­ R e». 98.W V e to , w ig $ U t ED9n*s restroom On the first floor of the Union som etim e Am ericans no longer insist aire. And, of court«, the Re- swered. “1 think ha won im ­ Thursday night or early Friday on their preaidrnta com ing publicans have Rockefeller, pressed with bis very narrow L aa Km M nP i morning. from log cabins, a White House Gotdwater and now George m argin ot votes and feels fo ri D am age w as estim ated at correspondent told m em bers of R om n ey” he d oesn T h ave • clear man­ V A R S IT Y S 6 B F «36- the M ichigan Pres« Assn. Fri­ Sm ith .a lso «aid tho voters date from foe people. day right. seem t f ho choosing presidents > U t A W a tt M . ‘‘I think he’s also rimpiy w T, * . n , r e ! Speaking a t an anniversary hi elght-yaar cyclos. tfegR L anriaf facing tha awareness a t prac­ I X lflfh t S t f l l I dinner in K ellogg Center. Mer- “I think w a ll so t foe pendu­ tical politics,” P , I riman South asked foe editor» lum swing from ride to ride Al B oyce, night editor; Keun and their guests to “just look at every right years a s tha voters Youn, w ire editor; Ann Dar- i recent election s.” bored with foe sam e fe ces,” Bag, Renee Gerber and B ill »Nixon played op his early said. ; JU N IO R S Y ancey, copy editors. Dick hard l if e r he said, “hot look "The United Pres* Interna­ Robinson, night sports editor, who woo—Kennedy, a miiHon- tional correspondent w as asked LAST DAYS FOR TICKETS exhorbitant costs for the arm s race. WINTER SPORTS DAY Let us not forget foe grim fe et that in the event «tf an­ V a rs ity D rive In February 3 other w ar either by accident •A S Ä or t y calculation neither Rus­ 1227 E. GRAND RIVER sia nor foe U.S. is going to be ^ ECHO VALLEY the winner. Then why w aste OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. * or literally Wow up billions of DELIVERY SERVICE MON. - SAT. 83.65 Round Trip Bus & Entrance dollars in defense and fall out shelters? 8 $30 P.M. - 1.30 A.M. Even if this does not appeal $1.50 Entrance to you, ca st your vote against SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P.M. - J L tS O A.M. wiping out of human beings ED 2*6617 Tickets On Sale: through your local tax collect­ or. Let us face foe reality “ co­ - Union or 317 Student Services existence or no existen ce.” YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS International cab in e coupled with native dances and entertainm ent brought India to the Union Ballroom Saturday evening as the Indian sta­ I n d ia N ig h t deats of the Inte rasitene! Club presentai their annasi India Day dinaèr. —Blata News P h ste by EMea Garlock. Guest Columnist N o n -V io le n c e E s s e n tia l (Following is a quest e r f GOD! And the thin lean man m e n t of Independence without - umn by Shrikumar Poddar, wag dead. He w as Mahatma shedding a drop of blood. This an Indian student in civil en­ Gandhi, th e man who put peace fact Is the m ost significant in gineering:) or non-violence to w ort. Godse. today's world when w e are liv ­ his assassin, had this to say ing under the constant threat By SHRIKUMAR PODDAR of war and of total annihilation during his trials: Fourteen years ago today a “ I nave the highest respect of the entire human race. thin lean man was walking and ’veneration for Gandhiji. N everb efore in the history of through a throng of people, Even though I-h a d to shoot mankind has the need for peace when someone from the crowd him I wished him w ell.” and non-violence been so im ­ fell on his feet—seem ingly to The greatest singular achieve, perative and indispensible as bow to him . m ent of the twentieth century tod ay.. O N E -T W O -T H R E E you is not the Sputnik or the Ex­ We can no longer afford Ur heard the pistol shots and OH! plorer. I, but India’s achieve­ prolong the cold war and pay CAMPUS* CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p.m. Day Before Publication for Tuts., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. Editions. Deadline for Mon. Edition: I p.m. Fri. P H O N E : 356-8255 or 355-8256 - A U T O M O T IV E F O R RENT PER SO N A L - 1955 M E R C U R Y , automatic; 1955 ROOMS Mercury standard, 1957 Ford standard, all with radio, heater, white walls. Pri­ S L E E P IN G R O Ô M , gentleman. Near vate".—337-0623 evenings. - — 24 Frandor. "On University bus line. Quiet,, good for "studying. Parting, IV 2-3454. 1957 P L Y M O U T H . 2 door. V8, radio, 19 The Michigan State heater, power flyte. excellent condi tlon low mileage. Reasonable. IV 5- R O O M . K IT C H E N , bath. Graduate 3198. — — 18 man to remain summer. Near stores, c o n s e r v a t iv e club campus. Phone ED 2-6396. 19 1959 R A M B L ER . 4 door Ambassador. AH "power, good condition. M ust sell. 2 V A C A N C I E S in the Steadman presents $895. E D 2-1022. * 18 House (for boys) right .downtown. "Pri­ vate entrance, television, and kitchen / 1958 S J M C A 4 door Sedan excel­ facilities available. $32 per month. j n u t o r Karl E. M undt lent mjtdSânical condition. N o rush. IV 4-7406 before.S, or IV 2 -1797 even Heater. New battery. $550. C an be ings- or weekends. ~ 19 seen at C ripps Standard Sirvice. 1226 I. Michigan. 22 Mem ber of Senate Investigations A P P R O V ED , S U P E R V ISE D for men. 1959 V A U X H A L L . 4 door sedan, low Singles and doubles. Spartan Hall. mileage. O ne owner, economical trans­ 215 Louis, ED 2-2574. 20 Subcommittee portation. IV 9-7012. evening, (V 5- 7759. 19 L O ST an d F O U N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E for- students "T o d ay's Trend Towerd and faculty, lo w prices, high limits, B O Y S C L A S S R IN G _ _L6 »l between fast service, Buboh. ED 2-8671. '9. Hom e Economics, M ayo. "R .W .K . 1451 -C ." Call Pat, 355-3743. 14 Yesterday's Techniques'* EM PLO YM ENT LOST. B L A C K 5x7, 3 ring notebook. Note» from 4 classes. Library -desk PART T IM E L A D Y with sewing »»• Tuesday, January 30 Social Science section. Return to Li- fence to put cuffs on trousers. Call "brary Reference Desk or-cell 332-1114. &32-2644. 19 ;•—•‘T - 20 W A T E R F R O N T D IR E C T O R . W .S.A. 8:00 P.M. _ " i t years or older. A food handler a rd LOST. SL ID E RULE. Thursday. Nam e first aider. July 1 to the 31st. Girl on case. ED-2-1731 evenings. Reward. Scout C a m p near GrèeavilW» C all *1 8 Parlors (2nd floor) Union Bldg. IV 2.1635, S E R V IC E FO R SA LE A LL ST U D E N T S IN V IT ED T H E SE S T Y P IN G , printing. IB M Elec­ W E O D tN G G O W N sise 10, Half tric typewrlters. Editing end proof- P'ice. Formats 9 .fl, going for $2 to reeding availeble. W oneh Grafte Serv­ A S GUESTS $10. Black Borghana coat v ie 12, $1$. ice. 1720 f L M ichigan Ave, Lensing. ED 2-5655, 6-9 p.m. 18 484-7786. tf FREE FILM at Marei RexolL Preteflp- FREE ADMISSION _ A N N B R O W N , typist and muHilith- lion Center with each roll developed In g . General typing term papen. the* and printed, ,75c minimum. 301 N. ses, dissertations, duplicating. E D 2- Clipped:, by Frandot. Ph one.485-4355, 8314. H ?3 H A B L A M O S E SP A Ñ O L .. Intuiyemos EDIE STARR, typist. Experienced, ht vehicle con Subotz. EDgc-e-de-wood T R O P IC A L FISH , plants, supplies. theses wort. IPÜ. Excellent Quality on 2 4 *7 1 . "* . IB New shipment just arrived. Too H atch­ ery, 1208 So. Holmes. IV S-45 5l. O p « n muttrlith masters. Call OR 7-8232. 19 t.ll 4. 22 FRATERNITIES-Sorarities. Pick year WOMEN’S ALTERATIONS. Prompt contestants far the National Intercol­ 21 I N C H G .fr'Television. Mte new. and reasonable. 500 Chartes St. ED 2- legiate Banyan Umbo. Last Spring’* Com pletely reconditioned. $50. 3Sjjj- 4548. 2 : thampe. Sid Canxadi ZTO, Miami a t Ohi» Chip Wawadee, SAE, USO Caff. Is this an adman? 4039. M ust toctifrce. * 22 TYPING. Experienced. €0 2-4949. 20 *91 this a college student? FO R RENT H A N N I N G A J v m w e ld in g ? Sex R E A L E ST A T E th * U.t. Fwhion Show, Tburtday. ' 20 t fa a b o u t H am we h e a rd a resounding *t*f cornea n o t !" ’ fr o m t h a p u b lic , r i¿ M ? A b o u t 4 m illio n h a tH - > CUSTODIAN WANTED. Reduced EAST LANSING. « yaw aid tea. w o e k in a » a t u à ia m c o t t a s * a t u d a n t * b u n a b o o n ju a tU M b ly d i t i u t b a d a b o u t the P tm » lM *i n j P la jfb o p (maj a rent On modem apartment. ILL.) in gal S .S n Q m a .t a M 17. Cuckooliko day a lt o a backstage flurry ical and civil engineers; math R egatta film s, Shore School, and physics m ajors. UqpUd k d a tsd r bird R aring Board. which first had both proposals C o ra l G a b le s ' 51 Period ot lt.T U M going th Congress tomorrow Hewlett-Packard Co. — E lec­ and then had the farm m essage trical and m echanical engi­ 22. Period of MSU H ospital Assn.— 7:30 p. neers; chem istry m ajors. D evoe aad R eynolds Co., la c. — Chemistry m ajors and chem­ 31 L G n ia 3. S— elite 3 Quantity " il m 23. Sharper 24. D isp a ri» 23. Scotch tea m ., 77 KeBogg Center. Mr. J am es p . H odges, “Career Opportunities in M e n t a l being postponed indefinitely. Reporters s i foe Agriculture Departm ent w ere told for an TLFO R PO a o M ift o H ealth.” aide to Secretary Orvfflo L. ical engineers. of pip er cake: ra r. THENLWéNISEETHé OIWKKIDS T h e N am e th a t M ade P izza F am ou s in L a n sin g '- G eneral E lectric — Market­ 24 Pun forcibly ENJOYINGTHEM5fLVESAT LUNCH Freem an fo r t Kennedy wanted Christian Science Organization ing m ajors. ir » u 27. A rliioS unexpectedly -7 pTm., 34 Union. TIME idHllE I EATALONE, WY the urban affairs proposal dropped on Congressional desk ROW BKJI AT 11:80 AH. W.T. Grant Co. — All ma­ St. Hood STOMACHSTARTStJ HURTAGAIN. J T P eace Day March—10:15 a.m ., first. He said the" farm m es­ S ervin g S nacks - S an d w ich es * L uncheons - D in n ers jors in the Colleges of Business cavallai ~ Jt — Union S. Entrance. - sage probably w ill be subm it­ A lso C aterin g to so d P u b lic "Service, Science 31. CaO s t and Arts, Communication Arts. hrldga ted W ednesday or Thursday. s 32. Irrafu larity B aptist Student Fellow ship — The plan to create an tlih P riv a te P a rties - B an q u ets - M eetin gs 1 Inland S teel Co. —- Account­ 34. Goodnen of ing m ajors, electrical mechan­ 7:30 p.m ., B aptist Student cabinet departm ent, for urban Visit Our Rathskeller w character Center, Dr. Howard F , Sug- jffa iro and housing’ k bring ica l and m etallurgical engi­ 35. Term ot " don, Pastor of So. B aptist, subm itted under the govern­ Open 5 p.m . D aily - ti neers. ir Lear, Incorporated—Mechan­ ST. Front pose Lansing. ment t «organization act ami W »Phone ED 7-1311 - ic, electrical, engineers, phys­ w eather box w ill go into effect autom ati­ 38. People o< P eaee M eeting—4 p .m ., Union, jMV BßAlN DOESN'T MINO Complete Take-Out Service ics and applied m echanics cally u n leu either fo e Senate the world “G lim pses of M ahatma Gan­ SCHOOL AT ALL...ITS AW m ajors. - £ or House k ills it within 80 days. ttM p m ib dhi,” group singing. STOMACHTHAT HATES (Tij and Melpar, Incorp. — E lectrical, m echanical engineers, wÊÈÊ^ 4L Arrow Lutheran Student A ssn. - 8 n r w w 43. F irst physics and m athTnajors. New York Central System - IB I m iracle site a. m . U niversity Lutheran Church, H oly Communion fol­ 43. Hebrew lyre Civil, m echanical, _ electrical MB 44. Ackaow 1- lowed by ligh t breakfast. engineers, a ll m ajors in the College of B usiness an d Public Pi 45. T ry to equal IF ITS "USAIU" PUTIT IACKINTO rtA Jertted es Service. " Sealed Pow er Corp. — M etal­ M B ■4 1 body: abb«. "USE” THROUGH A CLASSIFIED AD lurgical and m echanical en­ gineers an d aB -m ajors in the , College o t Business and Public Service. J: T he Shawhdgaa R esins Corp. — Chem istry, m ath and physics m ajors; chem ical, electrical T o C h ris te n WASHINGTON tft—M rs. John S u b m a rin e sponsor the L afyette, the 11th P ressu re's MIDTERMS and m echanical engineers. of a growing fleet of b allistic O n! F . Kennedy" wiB christen the _ State Life In o r a n te Co. — m issile subm arines. All m ajors in a ll colleges in­ terested in Sales and Manage­ first of a new r ia » of P olaris M issile-Firing subm arines to The launching is scheduled for May S in Groton, Conn. NEXT WEEK m ent Trainee positions. be launched in M ay, It w as an­ Longer and heavier than Warren Consolidated School nounced Monday. earlier m odels, the L afayette (W arren,. M ichigan) — AD The N avy said the F irst Lady w ill be 42S fe et long and wffl elem entary education, visiting has accepted its invitation to displace 7,000 tons. teachers, speech correction, elem entary tu t, jr. high French Latin, E nglish-soc. s t u d i e s One Of America’s Great College Choirs Are You com bination, science m a t h com bination, biology, se n to high chem istry, physis busi­ n ess education. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS - Prepared? 2 Students Hurt CHOIR — As Icy Sidewalks St. P rier, Minnesota If not stop in and Take Their ToD T h is O u tsta n d in g 70-M em ber M id w est L u th eran look over our Study Guides. Charles K lingner, Spring­ C olleg e C hoir W in P resen t A P rogram O f R elig io n s field , Ohio, freshm an broke his left collarbone when he slipped A C apeBa M ask W ith S electio n s F rom B rah m s, THEY DO HELP and fell on the ice near the T sch a ik o v rty , and F o h L ore. Kedzie Chem istry Lab Friday morning. In another 4 c e m ishap, Her­ W ed n esd a y , J a n u a ry 3 1 « 1962 We have them for -almost all courses. bert Klemko, Saginaw ju n to , w as found lying dazed on the sidew alk n ea r-fo e Men’s I.M. E a s t l a n d i n g H ig h S c h o o l A u d it o r iu m Spartan Book Store building by Campus police of­ ficers, - Klemko told officers h e could n o t rem em ber falling. He w as ^ 8 :1 5 P .M . taken to OUn H ospital for treatm ent o f a sm all lacera­ C orner A nu & M AC A dm ission • SLO© T ick ets A v a ila b le a t D oor tion oa the side of his head and for observation. R eaches S p o tlig h t Students and T h e delicate a rt Faculty - of b e in g a g i r l ... Who are looking or how to look like an (ingel S e le c ts _ for (ft J u st arrived . . . a b eau tifu l group o f d resses m ade to se t you r Entertainment! dream s d ancing. A new collection o7 fro th y b allerin as, so p h istica ted sh ea th s w ith you and th e J-H op in m ind. T he a rt o f lookin g glam orous ot so p h istica ted m ade easy in lo v ely jew el to n es, p retty p astel*. M isses and j u n t o siz e s from 22.95 to 59.95. ^ / Y our K N A P P 'S FO RM ALS — STR EE T L E V E L A u d ie n c e ■ S « S » s* * — E A ST L A N SIN G - O PE N T O D A Y , 9 :3 8 TO 5 :3 0 , E D 2-5886 MWmam m m m i - ;ì ,nia1rWpoM;'iiTr . m g fflÊ Ê Ë È ë f: f& S T " ' m w — a a a a ■nam »