M i i t m i a i a a a Wopmate Farm ers Hare’s Dally .1 . JE jSA'ìa . 'Jtevî-" v - , . v : '® v-.. : :i To G et Aw ards Farm' Week II Secretary a t Agrieutaire Or­ ville L. Freem an w ill .apeak on thor air com m uter, w ill speak a t 3:15 p.m . a t Fair- Schedule “M eeting A gricultures ■ R n *e­ childI Theater. P eace, food, self- $ a ja .-> -M a p le Syrup Pro- spensi! onsibiur lie s ’’ 'Wnednesday m at governm ent aad human dig­ d a m n , K ellogg Center. 3:45 pjm. in the Auditorium » nity w ill b e the subject of his talk, “Four Dream s of M an.” »:$• a m . — V egetable D r. Furbay, director of foe Growers aad Gardners, 2M > 11naflnsalfwin & ¡'-"C - /~ world-wide educational pro­ gram of Trans-World A irlines, Meat the B ayer’s Choic e, recently returned from a global U a te a h r ih o o r t-^ l lecture tour. He has made ' 1$ a.m . — E lectric P e t a r numerous first hand studies of aad P r o ffts tif, 111 Engi- the custom s among the peoples of Latin Am erica, foe P acific DaJry Andito- By B A M j O M K &i PUNTA DEL ESTE, Uruguay Marketing» UR—The United States Tues­ Islands, Africa’ and foe Near Ot the State New« Steff E ast. day night gave up its fight for Michigan Dairy Goat A special session of Student unanimous action and decided He has written numerous ciety, 128 Anthony. Congress adopted a resolution to settle for a m ajority vote to books, several of which are B ee School, K ellogg Center Monday night by a 16 to 10 expel Communist Cuba fram used in schools and colleges C ish Crops, Soybeans, Field vote, recom m ending that fo e throughout the United States. councils of the organization of Beans and Corn, , Kellogg voting age to M ichigan be low­ Am erican states. A livestock auction o f m ar­ Crater. ' ered to 18. '¡ m l ket hogs and steers w ill be held W ildlife B enefitsU nder New The session w as called a fter A U .S. spokesman said: la foe livestock pavilion a t 11 ACP P ractices, M nsram. 15 Congress m em bers petition­ “The conference to over.” a.m . ed lo r a session to hear testi­ H e m ade the statem ent af­ Youth Leaders, 31 Union. A shor course alum ni recep­ mony on M ichigan’s legal v o t­ ter ¡Secretary o f State Dean tion and banquet w ill be held 1 p .m .— Youth Leaders, Rusk failed in h is t a g and S lT Jn io n . ing age. at 6 p.m . at K ellogg Center. The purpose of th e session h itter figh t to budge B razil ORVILLE L. FREEMAN The 1962 honor roil of short B eef Feeding System s, 11$ from its insistence- on Idd Engineering. ^ 7*7 w as to dem onstrate to the leg­ gloves treatm ent for Fidel part of foe 47th annual Farm ­ course students w ill be- pre­ Urban Planning and Land­ islature and foe convention fo e ers’ Week program . 7 sented at the banquet. C astro's Cuba. scape ArcM tectere, 3$ Union. interest and concern students Each year M ichigan State Tree Farm ers, K ellogg Cen­ have hi the question and to The decision for expediency presents f o r » citations at ter. M , V ; influence them to tower the age o v » harmony cam e after two F an n ers’ W ert to rural lead­ ers who have m ade outstanding Jazz Show Bee Schm l, K ellogg Center. requirem ents, according -t 0 Maple Syrap Producers, Jack Shea, chairm an of the days of vain efforts by the United States to win a compro­ contributions to M ichigan ag­ riculture. %»■: This year foe distinguished To Open K ellogg Coater. Farm Crops—Soil Science, Academ ic A ffairs com m ittee. The speakers w ere J . Har- m ise form ula for a ll 20 of the Inter-Am erican Foreign Min­ isters sitting in judgem ent of K ellogg Center. service awards w ill be present­ ed to B ernie F. Beach, Adrian, U. B. Week 2:4$ p.m . — Distinguished t e r v i e « to agriculture r t l S te v e » (R -D etrrit) aad Harold Norris (D-Detrati) a t the Com m ittee on R ights, Castro. E arlier Tuesday th e United a leader in the state’s dairy in­ “Shdw Me J a zz,” the first of •w ards, address by O rville L. S tates and its 13 hard-line al­ dustry; W alter W. Wightman, this Week's annual Union Saffrage and E lections. Freem an, secretary of agri­ lies swung to the idea of delay­ Fehnviile, president o f the Board Week activities, w ill be­ culture. 7 The com m ittee recently vot­ ing exclusion at foe Castro re­ M ichigan Farm Bureau; and gin W ednesday at 7 p.m . in the ed by an 8 to 5 m argin to g im e-4 0 preserve hem ispheric F re d a n d D avid Retoeher and Union Ballroom . H i l i f l i R l a s retain 21 a s the legal voting harm ony. B id even this failed . E rvin Hopp, Rogers City, pio­ age. '.J ig The W ashington delegation F irst on foe evening’s list of n eer growers of M ichigan cer­ tified seed potatoes. performing groups w ill be foe Peace Settlement The resolution includes in­ form ing the convention of foe «R ptt CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION d elegates, J . Harold Stevens, k it aw l Harold had hoped for a fin al ra te of 10 or m ore m em bers h ot ob­ President John A. Hannah Ron English Quintet, featuring w ill preside at foe program , English on guitar, Paul Em ­ Seems Certain action of Congress. An amend­ ment asks th at student govern­ ’ '.^ Iterris take a toag to rt a t a a n p a sa l hy Patrick Q rintea, Dearborn s sphtm orr viously was sorely disappoint­ ed that exhaustive efforts to­ and the presentations w ill be ery on trum pet, and P ete N ya m ent presidents o f colleges rad right, font the voting age to Michigan he radaeed te I f years. Jock Shea, D etroit m ade by Thomas K. Cowdeu, on valve trombone. G oraptetiiri For Algerian War universities throughout t h e junior, afro a m em ber of A.U.S.G. looks on. -S ta te N ew s Photo hy Jrim RnwmeL ward unity o a howto cap e with Cuba m et wtth failu re. I f dean of the College of Agricul- the ensem ble are Denny Smith stato also be inform ed of . ture. on drums end Jim Kay on turn. LONDON, M M Protpects of a Before tfii iretota to go wtfo At noon the Auditorium will U tilizing foe b asic jazz ele­ -sudden' end to F rance’s 7-year- old war in A lgeria appeared to action. - . Soviet Protests the hard-line bloc of nations as be turned into a m ake-believe m ents of piano, b u s , and N orris, co-spoater of a re­ the conference neared a clow . IJ, S. Delays Congo Debate drums, Teddy Jack son , Paul brighten Tuesday night. There cently defeated com prom ise Rusk had given ground in an • i m i i a i i n Coliyns, and Jackie Scott w ill were strongly supported re­ M l to low er the age reqrire- effort to accom m odate th e six Wednesday 's “s a r v I v a 1 issue forth with the sound of the ports, that President Charles ment to I t said that alfow gh nations standing against hard lu n ch » » ’’ w ill be an op- De G aulle has reached agree­ this is-n o t a partisan to n e . Teddy Jackson Trio. Anti-Castnr action- - portunity for students to get I Buckfy Spangler w ill also m ent with A lgerian R ebels on Dem ocratic com m ittee mem­ a full m eal of the new est UNITED NATIONS, N .Y . f * - com plicate, the troubles of ih e t Arab Republic abstained w hile President Kennedy’s team lead his six-m em ber, group in a a road toward .Algerian inde­ bers plus J a m » K. Pollock. — n I —-- — —*’9'- — I« -TO■ nU--- —Wj. China, Chile, ttm France, Britain, had leaned over backward to foods developed for ase is pendence. t The United States succeeded news African nation series of jazz arrangem ents for Ana Arbor R epabtiras and Tuesday over Soviet opposi­ avoid an open hem isphere split, disaster o r w ar. The m eal The B elgian radio in Brus­ chairm an a t the com m ittee, Soviet delegate Valerian A. Ireland and Venezuela support­ MSU fans. The group’s bass, which m any thought m ight be w ill he served in foe Audito­ piano, trumpet,, tenor sax, and sels broadcast from its Geneva voted for foe change while tion in winning an indefinite dfe- Zorin protested bitterly fori ed the United States. rium from noon to 1 p.m . at iay of new Security Council the United States and Britain Zorin had asked t a r the m eet­ e worse result than any w ater- baritone sax w ill add to foe correspondent a report that Republicans voted against i t - a cost of $1.25 each. debate on the Congo, . ; — had team ed up to settle J h e ing to take up Soviet charges ed-down declaration on Cuba. show’s m usical output. agreem ent seem ed certain. 1* • ■ 1 1 1 ■ a m a • Those who take a forward]— A fter a lengthy procedural C ongo. question outside the that Katanga President Motoe The rift put som e o f foe biggest The fourth group contribut­ The B elgian correspondent fallout shelter for foe “survival ing to foe evening’s m usic w ill Tshombe w as pursing his sec- end m ost influential nations in quoted an aufooriative North hopeful view of he future w ill wrangle the 11-nation council council. luncheon.” The luncheon w ill be directed by Alan Beutler, But the m em bers voted 7 to essionist activities in defiance the American fam ily in public African source as saying com­ be for this change, Norris said, upheld the position of U S. opposition to the United M ates. feature, new foods that 'm ight saxophonist, a regular mem­ plete agreem ent on an Alge­ while those who are static and chief delegate Adlai E . Steven­ 2 with 2 abstentions for a mo- of council objectives for unity be used in event of a nuclear ber of foe-S tan Kenton crew . rian settlem ent w as reached by [ pessim istic in their outlook will son that debate now would only turn by Stevenson that it ad- j of the Congo, The U .S. derision, obviously attack. Beutler w ill be supported by officials of th e 'F r e n c h and be against it. - journ. He introduced it at-th e taken to bring this already ex­ An estim ated 2,500 to 3,000 Ken Watson on dnim s and outset of the m eeting before tended conference to a close, persons are expected to attend Gary Slavo on piano. provisional Algerian Govern- Norris thinks that today’s m ents at a secret'm eetin g in vital international events have Kleptomaniac Zorin could take the floor. _ Campus Chest left foe delegates still faced tho dinner which is open to See AUSG P age $ Only Rumania joined foe So- j See CUBAN Page 3 Term inating “S h o w students and the public. Tick­ Jazz” w ill be MSU’s own Dr. Me V eveyr Switzerland. In Charge Of jviet Union in voting against the j ets may be purchased for $1,25 Gene Hall and the “MSU Big ‘Lost And Stolen’ J motion. Ghana and foe United ‘ Considers - j a t foe Auditorium and other Jazz Band.” Little Ole Lady cam pus locations connected j P rice of foe show’s unreserv- w ith Farm ers’ Week. SOUTHAMPTON. N .Y ., iff»— ! Helping Blind Outsmarts Thugs tionally known lecturer, au- 1door. j ed seats w ill be 25 cents. Tick- Dr. -John Furbay, interna­ 1ets may be purchased at the - This is the story of B laze, the I kleptom aniac canine, a “re- BULLETIN (E ditor’s note: This to the NEW YORK (fi—Two men triever’’ so to speak. SHERMAN, T EX ., Oft-Ray second eC -foar articles de­ H e's so bad thiaf the tost-and- scribing foe charities MSU’s tried to hold up a Brooklyn Roberts Vmdted fram the superm arket and—because o f a Grant of $150,000 found column of the local w » k . ly newspaper runs a list of the various item s he has T e x » Senate te the U. S. House ef R epresentatives Tuesday night by w iaatog the C am p » Chest to considering contributing to fois year.) Textbook recording for foe sw eet tatto gray-haired rid lady —it cost them $ 10.21. The pair pulled a gun on the >osed for MSU “found.” His som ewhat em bar­ rassed m istress, Mrs. W illiam R . Robinson, owns and oper­ late Sam Raybstrn’s seat In a special etoetk a agaiast R. C. (Bob) Slogle Jr. Bofo blind has only one objec­ tive: to help blind people to becom e self-supporting m em ­ store m anager after collecting a cartful of groceries and pay­ ing $10.21 for them . ates th e paper. are adm iaistration Demo- bers of their com m unities. The sw ag this m ixed-breed crats. . Leaders am ong the M od They ordered a half-dozen pup has dragged to tear front have tried in recent years to women cu stom »« te get in fo e state colleges agd universities, lawn has included shoes, WASHINGTON OP — An alter foe stereotype of the de­ back of foe store, and five of including $150,000 for MSU, was gloves, suspenders, jackets, ander grraad nnclear te il— pendent blind person who m art them did, Uff1' propose« to the Legislature trousers, and even dishes. the rieventb to be aaaoaaeed toad a sheltered existence and B ri the little old lotto told Tuesday to a move to step up “ Only today,” . M rs. Robin-, by the Atomic Energy Com­ tojrep lace it with the concept them : “Nothing doing. I t a not M ichigan's econom ic develop­ son sighed, “B laze cam e trot- m ent. ■_ - m ission—was Sri off Tues­ of a person able to hold his own going anywhere.” ting hom e with a very nice day at foe AEC’s Nevada in society. _ Then she started to scream . - M ichigan State would receive Crocheted- black shawl. I hope th e dioney tor research to ag­ tost stte. ' Recording for the Blind d o » The thugs fled, leaving their w hoever owns to- w ill com e The Com m ission gare ne not serve all blind people, bat groceries behind. riculture, food processing and around to claim It.” new food products. driaBs beyond saytag ft was only th aw who have the ability “I had just cashed r check Though h e’s only 9 months of low ytokt. Thal norm ally and determ ination to get an for $35 end I w asn ’t going to “Through . research, Mich­ rid , the neighbors long since igan cc»£anto* could com pete m e n » aa rap festve power education. H ie blind do not use let those hoodlums g et my have learned to take a in k at le st foaa foat ef 2I,$$9 tras th e » recordings -for am use­ m oney,” said the little old m ore favorably with the na­ Ids collection when som ething tional m arket by finding new of T N T ." ment; they u se them for lady. _ V ,.5'./. ìm B m Et; to m issing. So far, they’ve been good w atered about it. But his m istress p rom ts» a perm anent dog m u m for B l n r f bo doesn't outgrow his Moon Shot Delayed Two Weeks Troops A t ‘Ready’ Due to ^Technical Difficulties’ ' CAPE CANAVERAL P ta., Mi tempt to hurt the 40-year-old M eanwhile, the huge armada Fo r New Guinea —The United S t r i» Tuesday Marine U c d a u r i Colonel ie- of shto* which com pleted their -JAK ARTA, Indonesia UB-A abrupUy postponed a s attem pt te orbit am end th e earth aa job of taking up resd id jip d re* first group a t 10.000 volunteers to hart Astronaut John H. intended I h r » tim es. oovery stations TttHdtoy for has been whipped -tato shape G lena Jr. around the world Pow ers, who filters all for- Tharadrir*s launchw ere recall- and is ready “on abort notice“ Thturaday until Tuesday, Feb. m al statem ents by the astro- iM M i m s m m te be sent to d ictated Uteri 13. I , aaats, aaM Glenn l e o t a r i t o I Asked why the tlta^ W ta de- Jö®äooc$Aää Id.-, C d . John A. P jw ptt^ new s w tto • shrug. He thea j ^ ^ pow ers s a l t a l i ; , tim e A t t o r i i M r i t a B t o " ;3W S i Aeronautics and Space Admin. I t a dlsM ptatasL h r i t a d Ite patrols have b ee« or- ¡str a tta , attributed Ì N k S h r Ì Etto’I s a com plicated ;biiriifcsa. H U o M e a ttt v a m sto ten ta rti- i T j® ® * the low pay to som e professor. than when we stay to our cham bers. A man thinking or w ork Romney», m ay b e -th e m an. B u t let hinUj^* tetter appeared in th e January j **• W b This m ight conceivably be the tog is alw ays alone, let him be where h e w ill.” — if p M ichigan ed ito rs, w h eth er con sciou sly or earn h is ow n re p u ta tio n ,. I f h e has th e 2 4 is s u e W T - j this letter for, as far as I can short run effect, but the very .un con sciou sly, h a ve helped build th e Rom ­ erection to those signs W es'« We have adopted the com pany to others a s a protection n ey o f F eb ru ary, 1962. T h e D etro it d a iliei' o u tsta n d in g q u a lities required o f a good I do not question the fact that « e - " 2 ff W , ^ pte kn0W, against our own minds. We are afraid to be alooe for fear tea t there should be a charge for i B“ ** facts abwit theproposed sm all attem pt to try to alleviate h ave run fea tu re a fte r featu re, on th e m an jrovern or, th ey w ill becom e apparent w ith ­ the paper. To defray production j all-cam pus a ttw future situations like we w ill, for once, truly think. We do not know the paths our and h is w ife. E very h app en ing in th e o u t su ch ob viou s p u sh in g from th e p ress. these tse Drought im by a lack of thoughts w ill take or the areas our mind win explore. We are, costs, any organization m ust perhaps afraid of ourselves and use others as a fence to guard receive som a typ e i f roiw-1 _ ' funds. The m oney spent on those signs would not even have us. _ ~ - r* however, there is a price tag on 1 (Clarifications begun to support all the Uni­ We use each other as crutches because w e’re afraid to ex­ a particular article, 1 want to TO the Editor: versity's programs that^ have plore our own minds and let them stand by them selves. Soli- S u p re m e C o u rt E x a m in e s be able to m ake the Choice of Thank you for doing m e the buying or refusing to buy that fcooor of printing m y view s on suffered this p ast year because of lack to funds. For a rather rude surprise, ude, when used properly_and w isely, can teach man to th in k - alone. . articled h e Berlin qi n. I appreci- We need not tear a long walk across cam pus by ourselves I would su ggest th at -Mr.«Peck ‘R o tte n I despise the idea aLfarateCtefgNM Hr decided by people who have report my statem ents correctly. Youn’s effort to never heard of m e and. con- Unfortunately, it is not alw ays find out what a rather import* ant segm ent to state legislators or an evening spent alooe. M ost important of all, we can ac­ cept our own thoughts a s true without first h a vtef-th m n ratified by a vote to approving friends. j in most of the states | versely, that I w ill take the pa­ clear in your article what is a think to WRAR. To be a little Once w e have learned the values to being alone w e era rarely W ashington w aits breathless­ could bring about a general ber, but per and I w ill pay for it during new s item and what are the more inclusive, t wish be would ly the Supreme Court’s deci- reversal. th er r has been a shift of only .. be lonely. E xploring the depths to one’s own personality ran registration or I w ill not be per­ o p tn k m sof Professor Edinger also find out what they think to easily com pensate for the lack to human com pany. sion on the American “cotton Supreme Court intervention j 8 • e a ti *n To ttw S itte r : la its consolidation to class ' m M T |*r m t m 4 o m ’â f t a u C ■ ■ a t ila lh l IN MANY states on* rural to reduce child birth m ortality (Sbeppard-Tow«- A ct) declaring level discussions to tike con- j To the Edttar: voter has 16 or » tim es the it “tended to promote Comm unism.” soiidation to Brady rad Shaw l Mr. P * * ’s latter hi Wednes- i and Itving fa cilities. Case - □ ■ a m u " a power of a city d e d h r to — The New Republic Radio tote an all-cam pus or- j day’s State New s dtecusal l g hto Hatt has given us m traifaiW ng electing n representative to the state legislature. A leader in the constant battle to safeguard freedom say s fare­ ever sin ce I joined tho WAHS ganization have bora going on job in t i» Cwdlnnlty P ip ir t» ii&raiwMwHranumir SHHp Of U p MW»» Wp WIp v * " E a ch rtudaet bas bis own E r i » g r i a mm umm The rural-dominated state w ell hi the-forty-first annual report to the Am erican Civil lib e r ­ staff la st year. room p t t e t e M t a w it t r a M v sttm elattof shade, r a t ab­ TW M ttffTAQtiBW teteliS g kgkSfiirtpit to turn gerry­ ties Union. He k Patrick Murphy M alin, who, after 12 success­ mander distribution o f seats to fu l years a t the union's executive director, w ill bceom e presi­ to the opinions to aon ar Wtil be m aid, idrati toi J th e House to .R epresentatives, dent to ttw Am erican-operated Robert College In Istanbul. He vary advantageous la WAHS, miadod critics te n | péacradal This eenaotidatton, contrary g ut to windows. At T M k m tea schalar Is. awakened by a lìrtAff JUSTANODTRSE M i allegedly giving Congress a laavos-to his successor, John d e J . Pem berton Jr., a task com ­ a s it w ill, h r effect, greatly in ­ him , paawwl bell and th e aceom pamrtog rural-orientod bias. plicated ter the pressures to the cold w ar. These are y e a n hi crea te our operating revenue ttttura to braakf ari to te a food- - - New »totisttcoM tb let of 96 tttdeh aaoa to us m ight w ell take his awn Learned H and's over the $199 a year appropri­ t assum ed tiw ra tifa s w ere ing disb after tts trip from Cen­ states tor 96 years are offered watchword, “Liberty Ties in the hearts to man and women: ated ter te e Shaw Dermateriee. erected tra! Feeding Adm inistration even as the ftp w m s Court when It t ie s there, no censtiltation, no law , no court can sa v e it.” D w to the a te to advertising, lag tot h ttw r a lw .a tito r MMti* P i e i l l tr iiv ttitn Systran be- considers the m utter. .| | .a I ' ' —The New Yerk Tim es if approved, th is w in grantly W fJ i tons its transm itting day at eight trite B PR M i and con Migration o f farm population to cities has put » o a t of 16 im prove the program m ing, and t t a H i ' nvttqf . _ . What d ru m s talk about In te e vhst elegance to private m en's at ttw « im e t im e , radeva ttw U nfvantiy fira « W i l t | A aarican s i t urban are a s, bat clubs hi sparking-windowed tod m ansions h i the ration's capi­ burden to coat from the d a m - rjs eludes with a reterral to tea lera ir a A it EriMMtb a t four have not got equivalent tal? Is it cabbages or k in gs, a t perhaps presidents and Indian H frtft Oh yds, Itosdh and dinner **• Stt& T ' j power la sta te tegtatee Again, da aat get the wrong r iv e . in p Pariarian ',J m w h et f e repartees tate M l !h fite sm akey-windowtd im pression, W t do Mto p ira an iegltoatara to i "The progressiv* f i a É m uraSegnncs to «restjchibs rant* tits C raltif'to the Untied fas* letting sfhratttong run tito teto- fid a to towMi fto cbkem ent of tiw W hen b atet Perhaps a tt to th a ra a n d m ore, r a tth o a e conversati tofidtoa to ilw . ; visiting hours, w hat he has been going on Cart Unwin an m niwiihnr nf i rluh to C K d M n advertising wiH d l ha R .'áf. ,# $ arrangem ent. try for a t pet hack the to te e mm years, i saw ciub te n program RPMRis BHHHI ÉÉÉtetejÉá. «fe the casts shadow g S to a ck h a fiftte crating t stgra* i « ¡im m u s ì è ê ê è ê IÈ È ê Ê iè ê toatian « « m ram ran®? sys»»g . « ... ssm M m m , 1mm MSP il rdnwrtsy Morning, J snn ar y S l, s¡3k£*iSg£ iI w S w £* m m * W m < m World À fftm Interest Sboifa » ^ C o m m u n ism S tu d y brais m m af 19 latiti American C la ss E n r o llm e n t É Battons want harshest possible 'aettteJÉ teO ^ * m a v " . & By DENIS GOSSEUN to be m ere interest ia lib erel ■ i n á is iiÉ iii j ih li iiim /,i8>i. i Of the State News Staff arts and a turn ing away f t a h . . — the brea d aito b tetor m um to(tote The stngy of com munism Is | f « » i a narrow profnatom d educ­ m m ïs 1 ¡ i ■i beginning to flourish oe cam ­ tion. A \ _ pus. The number of students en­ “The revival o f som ewhat r ise KNAPP'S EAST LANSINS IS OPEN .T*1 ."‘"..•’•.'«W-i-...' « • TODAY FROM Í . • » ’ -, • - -*■ • 12 NOON.TO 9. » P.M. Ì . . .---r-.•. •- PHONE •. • ED ■■ 2-5006 radical groups en college cam - thrs ____ rolled in Communist theory puses is a healthy sigh th at cialiste C h ib a * * and practice courses has more students are becom ing inter m ¡M®« N R ROBBS than doubled since la st w inter Ü ested hi political adance,” term , said Dr. 8 . Sidney U l­ M eyer said. m er, acting'head of the polit­ ica l science departm ent. Them chibs show that stu­ In fact, the departm ent has dents are thhridag and ques­ had a total increase of approxi­ tioning. faeexpiaiaed. m ately 97 per cent m ere stu­ “ And when w e stop thinking dents enrolled in political and questioning, w e becom e science courses as com pered to m ere c e p hi a w heel, p ieces * last winter tram ’s enrollm ent, o f equipm ent,” M eyer added. he said. Dr. Carroff J . Hawkins, asso­ -— Several recent studies have ciate p rofessor ) of political said that college students in scien ce, who is ^teaching a general are overly concerned course in com m unism th is country, raid lb s students can j with oollege life and are indiL term , said that although many b e m m y ■ m m and heard,” h e l ferent to world affairs and students are iadtffereut there explained. politics. is a revival o f interest in polit­ W rafetoftea is a long w ay - If these studies are true, ical science. - V from MSG. ha added. w hat accounts for the sodden “I noticed this in the State B usiness conducted on *1 jum p in political courses? N ew s la st year,” Hawkins world-wide m h to to o reason ( Dr. Alfred G. M eyer, profes­ said. “Students w e n beginning for t&e grow ing concern m sor of political science, said to question som e o f the prac­ world a ffa ir sG o ttle ib said. the com plexity of mbdern tices en cam pus/ And th e for­ A knowledge o f wraM M fa in j tim es Is m aking the student mation o f a hum anist d u b on is- alm ost a requirem ent for m ore alert to world affairs. cam pus is a good sign ,” he working i n the w erid today, ha] T he fact that changes today added. f said. An ranpioyra ca n asn d l happen quicker and affect m ore people have led students The Cold War, the Commu­ em ployees anywhere h i. te a f to study world politics in an nist conspiracy, the prospect w end. of befog drafted, th ese are ju st Another reason for the attem pt to orient them selves to the modern world, he said. som e of the reasons for a re­ ing interest is th at 1 » U is I M eyer also attributed this vived interest in world politics, personally involved In m i new awareness to a better stu­ he said. ~ fortogn countries w ith its dent body. He said there seem s Hawkins also said that many acts and research, Got added. V .‘‘~v y Chinese Club Tö Hold Spartan Hold (ken Housel Women New Year’s Program Spartan Women’s L eague w ill hold its annual open hom e a t I said te e function, to the chib 7 prar-W ednesday h i IT U n-| \ The Chinese Student Club ton. w ill celebrate the Chinese New is “ju st to get together.’' The purpose o f th e open Y ear w ith “China N ight” Sat­ Mem bership in the d u b is house is to acquaint coeds w ith I urday at 9 p.m . in the Univer- 139, to which 75 rare students SWL and Its activittos. Man»; _ site Lutheran Church. and faculty. The other m em ­ bars w ill b e an hand to discuss The program w ill include a bers are Chinese livin g and Spinster Spin, Spartan m-W ng- traditional Chinese dinner, a working hi te e area. on, the blood drive and te e I Chinese fashion show, folk sum m er placem ent bureau. songs, and a dance. A lso in­ cluded w ill be slides of China. T ickets can be parteascd Parisian Holiday la the UN Lsuage of the U atoa. P rice is | l ü noam em bers. tor For Biyan Party JOHNS “Parisian Holiday” w ill -be This w ill be the ftfst to such the them e to the Bryan Hall L U N C H dinners on the cam pus. The In­ ternational G ub requested a 1963 tram party Saturday, Feb. ' ‘‘China N ight” to promote a 3, In the Skyline Room to the ~ A Variety O f b etter relationship between Lansing airport. Fine Faode Chinese raid American stu­ M iss Bryan H aIl,M arcia Col- dents, said Chinese G ub pres­ u cci, N iagara F a lls freshm an, OPEN 6:66 A.M. • 6:66 PJM. ident W alter Hu. wfil be honored by the 190 ABOUND THE CORNER a The Chinese club m eets couples attending the party. FROM THE LUCON about every three w eeks. Hu Music w ill be provided fay the If? CHARLES STREET Kenny D avis band. S t- John’s Plans For ‘Operation JUNIORS T h e C la s s ic S h ir td r e s s Understanding’ LAST DAYS FOR TICKETS SL John’s Catbtoic Church WINTER SPORTS DAY _ I A An American tradition, fashioned for Juniors and Student Centra w ill bold Its « a n a l “ Operation Under­ standing” a t th e Student Cen­ te r from I to I p.m . Sunday February 3 You’ll b e crisp and fr ète a s spring Itself h i th ese The pragram -to designed to pert shirtw aists. AO in that m iracle M eed to 6 1 « A g iv e interested non-Catholks ECHO VALLEY D a m a * polyester, 35% cotton. A- Shirt styled M chanco to understand tea rin ate la Mae ra b elg e. B . Button-front shirtw aist, Catholic w ay of life by con­ ta ct w ith Cathottc prácticos. $3.65 Round T rip Bos & Entrance piak er M m . C. Cardigan neck shirtwaist ta Mae r a b eige. AH Jnder sixes. Included h i the afternoon w in $1.50 Entrance b e a tear to the church w ith an explanation o f th e m ass and sacram ents. Tickets O n Sale: KNAPP’S DRESSES - STREET LEVEL A display to vestm ents and Union o r 3 1 7 Stndeaft Service* sacred v essels used a t m ass a s w ell a s popular n d'clous goods w ill be set up, and a m ovie on the m ass w ill be shown. IMPORTS... E legant Double Student wipes__. »•• See our ^ I A free m eal w in b e served, follow ed b y the w eekly Sunday complete selection of pretty Forum a t .7:36 p jn . torturing F r. Owen Finnegan, Jesuit CONTEMPORARY GIFTS '-.s'* | < gradaste student. The tapie to the forum w ill h e "CathoRe M otives for C hristiair U atty” . Front the four corners of * - | ■•’ •••'•“*$>'• ; §£| - w ■ i j. 11 the world /?•" Maternity Fashions India Day Dañera Paigecraft h at brought distinctive quality In missm and junior toes Part of F estini objects fo r yon, the discerning shopper. See our com plete lin e to fashionahle A tte » for • .l * I "M ’ -rfyjfe J.a - \ the tody hi w aiting. Styles for « w ry secesión T he ca teto s i f tea ptctare hi G ove in at your kianr% browse around rate m a d r i and 2 piece dresses priced teoaa Tharatoyk B teto Hawn te aqj pg Indias dnaeurs te ste d have at' wilL S J f - 19.16. Top «ad Mornes, S JS-16JK . Skirts, read ten t te a a v ete wan spon­ m m * stocks, I M • • JK. A com plete s r ia c tiA te Hngrato sored by the India B s a t e i priced from 6 L 6 9 -2 J I. Asa . a s part to te a aran te The contemporary gHL world awaili Repuhttc l5*y dbmra. yon aft » « , Pictured; Versatile 3 -piece Set WASfrN-WEAR FLANNELS 2 2 2 Abbott I É B ONLY *4* M M sM m m Lm m m m m ä m m m s tg m p SS iAÆaaiteiBIBB ¡ S 4 Michigan State News» East I —Mag, Michigan S H M t Wednesday Horning, J a a a ry 31» 1962 From Rnmania to Jenison % A l l l l l l l l 8 .8 1 ,8 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Long Way m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • *By The Asaodnted Pire»» SAN JOSE STATE forfeited Tuesday an league btoketbaD it abhady has won and dropped from n first p iece m | By GARY ROMBERG B ill’s father, Martin Schwarz, by the Church aad sic o f a ll Und»—“B a t esp ecial, State News Sport* W riter was captured by the R ussians their papers tostrocted us to ly cla ssica l.” to W est Coast A thletic A ssociation standings to the ceBnr. when tee war broke out and go to Columbia City," Schwarz H e room s w ifii Ran Dhrjak, The said it took the action because tt had determ ined It's a long, long w ay from sent to Siberia. said. another prom ising S p a r t a n m e of its players, Joe Braun has been in d ite * * an season Transylvania, Rum ania, to-the cage prospect, a t the Sigm a Nu because h e played two varsity seasons ta J h o U niversity of “We didn’t know if he w as B ill’s fam ily now liv es In gleam ing basketball flora In fraternity house id E ast L u » Southern California, ^ alive ra dead, ra where h e was Chicago, but it is fortunate tar M ichigan State’s Jenison Field- Msg. ★ ★ ★ . . . at that time,** BUI said. “We Schwarz, and M ichigan State, house. THE NEW YORK METS signed two of the National U t a * * didn’t think we would ever that the fam ily w as first sent BOI saM his b ig g est thrill R ill Schwarz knows ju st how see him again until one day, to Indiana the ta m e o f “Ho* greatest hom e run hitters, G il H edges and Ralph Kinra, Tues­ far. V- s» far a s m t s ta s a H a a m is day, but only H odges’ hot w ill be able to help te e new N otional two years later, w e received a osier H ysteria. ” g a p e a weak a f* . A gainst Schawrz, a •* 3” 180-pound letter from the Russian arm y League baseball club th is season. “They start playing basket­ • Ita» G o p h e r qtotoet young s u n o f Saxon-German that said our father would be K iner, form er Pittsburgh Outfielder, w as tapped t a a posi­ ball aw fully young th ere,” B ill Sd wrez t ta ir a i 28 petals ia descent, cam e to the United returnine to us. tion r a the M ets’ radio and television announcing team , said. “ I ta d watched them IsailB g te e Spertass te a a States la HOI w ith thousands of “My father told u# later that play before but never triad the 94-79 vM sry. Europe an im m igrants, le a n e d be got the opportunity to com e ELSTON HOWARIMs saving his best licks fra rival Ameri­ gam e because I w as a soccer ta play a gam e called basket­ bade to us through the aid of ta s sa his first can League pitchers, not t a General M anager Roy Harney of fan.” ball, aad won him self a start­ a sym pathetic Russian officer.” starting against the New York Yankees. ing position with the 196142 Schwarz eveataafly “tried” M ichigan three ago, and We’re not that far apart in our contract talk s,” Howard said cage Spartans la h is first var­ Ia late October of U fl, the taohtotall for Ike first tfano rince then I t o averaging at his Teanecfc Home before departing for St. Louis, where be sity Schwarz fam ily joined hun­ la 19« piaytag t a a grade s u per gam e 134 potato dreds of Immigrants »« a w as to receive an award. During the w ar ia ^ ltM , school team. He is optim istic about atx State’s k k k ship bound from Brem en, basketed ■u future. BUI, Ids m other, two r iste n , Germany, to the United He went on to com pile a fabu­ HANK FOILES has signed as second string catcher t a 1962, «ad a brother fled frenrtheir lous high school record. I think w e’re goinging up K from the Baltim ore Orioles said Tuesday. States. Arriving in New York hem e fa Transylvania and Freshm en are eligible at Col- now on,” B ill said.I* “The M g The 32-year-old F oiles w as the ninth signed Oriole. During City on Nov. "7, th e fam ily Ten is really strong, b u tw e lived fra sevea years la vari- umbia City H ite and Schw an la st year’s spring training, F oiles broke a finger ra h is right went straight to Cohimhia have a number of young {day* a a s displacem ent cam ps City, Ind. averaged 15.6 points per gam e hand and didn’t start playing until June 27. He appeared in only threagbeot Rumania and Aus­ Me first year. He got 14.5 as ers who are gaining their ex­ 43 gam es. ^ ‘ tria. “ We were sponsored across a sophom ore, 19.3 as a junior, perience this year.” aad d o sed h is senior year with B ill is optim istic about bas­ a 23.5 average, leading his ketball, and about life, too—h e Your KEY To Success Is team to the regional finals. has had to be to have com e s o - far in both. D IP YO U KNOW b y K je n B ill once hit for 46 points in one gam e, and finished his Clothes Cleaned By prep eqbool career with a total Pucksters To Get o f MM points. A fter the season, -Schw an w as selactad to play in the an­ Test Hiis Weekend BILL SCHWARZ Cltastr aid nual IndUna-Ohio b ite school M ichigan State’s hockey Shirt Landry all-star jp n M in Fort Wayne, la d . B ill scored 18 points and registered 14 a ssists in th at contest to lead the H oosiers to team , undefeated in its last 10 gam es, faces its toughest test of the season when it battles IM S k e d IM News league-leading M ichigan a t the BASKETBALL The Intram ural independent a 10646 win, aad w as nam ed swim m ing finals are held at E A S T G R A N D R IV E R ACROSS FROM the gam e’i m ost valuable play­ MSU Ic e Arena F r id a y a t 8 Court 6 p.m . Gym p.m . U Toms Boys - V ets I I 7:30 p.m . in the M ens’ IM Pool. STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING er. The Spartans, w ith a 6-1-1 Forestry C lub-M agaifers' I Fraternity team handball Schwarz received approx­ W estern C ollegiate Hockey Burma > Burnley II sem i-finals are held at f p.m . im ately 36 fchelarship of­ Em inence . Em pyriam II For further inform ation on League r e c o r d .ta e tod y a half te n from w ie f c e all ever gam e behind te e W olverines. Empowerment-Emporer III Intramural activities, stop hi. the country, taw adfag five It w ill be a two-gam e series Rangoon - Randall III ra call the Intramural O ffice at Big T ea eemerie. Oh court 3 between the 6 355-5250. ui,inn Why did lie choose Michigan with the second c u t e s t to Ann Arbor Saturday. p.m . and the 7 p.m . gam e, Burnley w ill piay Burgess @ L A S S BREAKAGE IN U S . AUTOS LAST YEAR State? The W olverines bring an all R einier “ Dutch” Kem eling, for 28 sec. M ichigan State soccer standout, WAS ENOUGH TO BUILD A G REENHOUSE “I liked th e atm osphere at Canadian team to town led by T'p.m. State and thought I could get Gordon “Red” Berenson their has been nam ed to the 1961 FROM CHICAGO TO ST- LOUIS, MO ! - Unteachables • Scrubs I All-Am erica team for the sec­ a good education here,” he star right w ing. B erenson ts D ollar 65-Plst. P allbearers I They rvplaead 5Vi million pieces of auto gleet broken in ear m id. „ called by m any hockey experts ond straight year. - B urgess - Burgandy II accidents! A smashed windshield can often coat drivers During h is first two years as the fin est player ia college B ailey 2 - 4 II $100 and more H net Insured. Be prepared—wtth State Farm January Sale a t MSU, B ill bas m aintained a hockey. H e is ra the inactive 2 J all-college average and is reserve list o f the M ontreal m ajoring in business. " Canadians organisation o f-te e E vans Scbolars-H ustlers HI P .P . Chindils - AOCS 3 III 8 p.m . PIZZA you can have compiate car protection, plus "Hometown Claim Service wherever you drive." Contact me today. He enjoys dancing, and mu- National Hockey L eague. S T A N W ILK IN SO N Famous Maker Howland - B eal I Spedai Purchase! Grosbeckers • F . All Stars I EMU • Em bers II SPAGHETTI W IL U A M M ITCH ELL - 702 A b b ott R oad, E a st L an sin g - S0N06L DISTRICT OF TK RadcUff - R afferty It ED 2-4730 E D 2-0123 SKIRTS *6 Phi D rit pi - A.T.O. pi S. Qhi pi - D. Chi p i 111 HI SUBMARINES omr OF MST UMM 6 9 p.m . Usually $10.98 INGHAM COUNTY, MICHIGAN E lsw orth - Hedrick AOCS H - N ickels Worth E m erald • E m bassy CASANOVANO. 2 STATEFARMMUTUAL AUTOMOBILE IN SU R A N C E COMPANY G ath er 'em w h ile B ailey 1 - 3 ED 7-16» 211 M.A.C. He w oraee: toauiillusimi, tosili th e y la s t! S m a r t l y DORMITORY BOWLING tap ered sh ea th sk ir ts o f lig h t w e ig h t w ool. H ip - NOTICEOFLASTDAYOFREGISTRATION A lleys 8 p.m . 1-2 Em powerm ent - Emporer Iinod to k eep th e ir sh ap e. 3-4 R adcliff . R afferty N ew sp rin g p a ste ls, s o ft 5-6 Rangoon • Randall A sp ecia l electio n h a v in g b een celled ta bo h eld 2 4 Ravenhill • R am sey p laid s. A ll siz e s . _ t a sa id sch o ol d istr ic t on th e 1 2 th d ay o f M arch, HOCKEY W EDNESDAY AND 1 96 2 ; 10 p.m . Rather • Case SATURDAY T H E R E F O R E , NO TICE IS H E R E B Y G IV E N , th a t Informal Modeling T o rad ay . th e 13th d ay o f F e b n a r y , 1 982, up to U of M-MSU e r v o o r t s 5 :0 0 o ’clock PJVL, E a stern S tan d ard T im e, la th e 213 E . G R A N D R IV E 1 all day la s t d a y on w h ich u n reg istered person a m a y r e g iste r Hockey Game E A ST L A N SIN G By Kay C i n t e n s ta ord er to ha e lig ib le to v o te a t ra id ap od al e le c tio n . Is Sold Out -v * P h . E D 2-2114 a M. S . U . Ju n ior A p p lication fa r r e g istra tio n sh ou ld h e m ad e to A ll reserved seats for the th e d a rk o f th o d t y or to w n sh ip ta w h ich tb o d o c to r M ichigan • M ichigan State ice hockey gam e ia the MSU Ice r e sid e s. T ho o ffic e s a t th o d t y a n d to w n sh ip clarka Oh Boy! a r e lo ca ted a l l Arena F riday evening, Feb. 2, have been sold, MSU Athletic s k iin g T icket M anager B ill B eardsley said Tuesday." A B ig , B ig -- C ity o f E a st L a n sin g “ A lim ited number of general 400 A b b ott R ood, E a st L a n sin g , M ichigan M ary S la v ik , C lerk adm ission tickets w ill go ra sa le starting at 6 p.m . Friday th r ills JOY COAT _ O ffice H o u rs: 8 :0 0 AJM L*8:06 P.M . M onday th ro n g h F rid a y / a t the ice arena,” he added. “BUt university students get first call on available space, so - T ow nship o f M eridian there won’t be much left t a the general public." The price ah ead 2116 H aa lett R oad, E a st L a n sin g , M ichigan of general adm ission tickets M orse J u ry , C lerk is 91.00 each. U nkrersifr of Michigan offici­ O ffic e H o u rs: 8 :0 0 A J L * 5 :€ 0 P M . a ls iflsdosad Tuesday that the M onday th rou gh F rid ay ticket picture for Saturday night’s return gam e at Ann Ar­ Reg. $55 Vtdue C ollege g a ls and h om e­ m a k ers! W e h a v e a T ow n sh ip o f L an sin g 118 W est L ap eer S tr e e t, L a n sin g , M ichigan B elle M cM iDen, C lerk ’ bor is som ewhat different than the one at E ast Lansing. SKI RENTAL O ffice H o n rs: 8 :0 0 A M . - 5 :0 0 P.M . sp ecia l p u rch ase group M onday th rou gh F rid ay o f c la ssic B o y C o a ts, w h ich w a o ffe r a t th is C ity o f L an sin g C ity ^H a ll, L a n sin g , M ichigan sen sa tio n a l p rice w h ile M illie B row n . O orts • SKIS • POLES th e y la s t! T h e m o st O ffice H o n rs: 8 :0 0 AJM. - 5 :0 0 P.M . popular co a t c la ssic , o f M onday th ro u g h F rid a y • SKI BOOTS ou r a g e ! F a sh io n ed o f lo n g w ea rin g ca m el h a ir P erso n s alrea d y reg istered upon th e ra g io tra tien an d w oo! w ith a w arm « Russie r ita to f ta ta , m * t a c k s i f sa c k d t y o r tow n sh ip d a r k , n eed n e t pfcyeiSlri t a t o M r , tba in te r lin in g ! C am el, n a v y w ro g lMar . T h e se w ta h a v e «h anged t t a ir a d fr eaiM -I L I , wouM Ori «aviv«. «fhy? 0 0 or g r e y , aB s iz e s ! - sin c e re g istra tio n ahonld n o tify th e d t y o r tow n sh ip Bscsotowe’ranot appropriately d a r k o f su c h ch a n g e. armed. Ow raspami ara too . 5 - Bay Now aad F a y L ater! U se ear «toma*. Tae Mg. Toe easy to w eek en d caaveatoto m a tin g charge accento ra top . tr Iris m alte Saturday pto y o u p a w la ze« la l»y-aw ay. It’s Ewern« ta t i be bmp* out a p ira 50c tatoBtmmto ch a rg e R e t a t i W . R ich ard s lari pta for survival. And es­ tea am ot «ga n a ta r i. som M o w ay h piami why our nuclear-test bee S e c r e ta r y o f th e B oard o f E d n ea tta i -.wee *MMfc wd demeieue." 4■•v 1?m^mew hA mfind ^mmerae nEnr* nm -SbUì&bbb smew amsessmesgs Dated: J a m u y 25, IBM , • pngriL ■ S mtw r é m y I W » ' tttsi.1Ti er; rW V P : « ,* SeeVandervoort’s fo r all year skiing needs ìli m Ü „■àü |f ¡ |P IIIh ì ‘-i-„ I H tM |» Stete New», E a l LataripfrTMieliigsn am an f w fa d h y i o m t o j r | m » y 31, 1962 St I I I ia! League Ups Schedule to 162 Games John KobsToBegm CINCINNATI. JH—The Nation­ al League, operating with more than eight club» for the first Under the 10-team setup, each team w ill visiL in ch other city in the league three tim es. All oteer dubs wffl bagin play on AprH 10 with the Rede atLos Angeles, New York at ftm» since MM announced re­ The only variation from that St Louis, Philadelphia st Pitts­ 3 8 th Y e a r a f l U H cently the M2-game schedule t a t h e loop that will spread from coast to coast and as far »»iitir as Houston, T exas. w ill be that Philadelphia w ill be in Cincinnati four tim es. The league long has followed burgh, Chicago at Hoastea and Milwaukee at San Francisco. The second set e f horaa Op­ eners wffl be April M with the custom that Cincinnati, as By t o m w o n d er g em or, who hack in 1925 and MM Houston aad New Y orluare hom e of the first professional Pittsburgh at New York, H eus-, ^Staie News Sport» Writer . recorded the two highest sea­ the new additions to the baseball team , opens the sea­ ton at Philadelphia. St. Louis son batting mates in State's Now York w as a mem- son at home, so the Phils will at Chicago and Cincinnati a t Monday marked the begin­ history. In 1985 he averaged San Francisco. M ilwaukee also o f course, until die Giants be a t Crosley field for a one ning of winter baseball prac­ sm, but in 1926 he topped this m oved to Sam Francisco sev­ day stand against the defenJ- w ill be at Los Angeles oo that tice for the MtPbig— State with a fantastic .667. eral years ago. in league cham ps, on April 9. date. - * * 4 Spartans, and the 38th year Robs has bee» ta each ac­ W ith the m em bership in­ for Head Coach John Kebs. tivities as the America» Ae- creased from 8 to 10 team s and the schedule boosted from 154 This year the team has good potential and if the younger playa» develop rapidly we aortartoa of College Basehel Coaches, ef white organiza­ tion he was, hi 19B. eat ef to 162 gam es, there w ill be m ore travel and more night THOMPSON’S JEWELRY ta lin t presidents. He tor» baseball. shoÜdd do well, said Kobe. The schedule ca lls for 421 Tirar» has been baseball at served is sceretary-tre«ww Michigan State, since the scrub ef the groap frem MB night contests as com pared Watch, Clock & Jewelry through 1962. with the high of 316 last year teams of MB, for nearly MO for an eight-team , league. y e |m . In the vdnter ef 1967, be w as League officials estim ated the Repairing . . . John Kobe has reached tee tip p ed by the U.S. Armed addition of Houston and New j Spartans more than ene third- Forces for an overseas m is­ York to the loop w ill mean, the i of these years. „ sion. The Spartan m entor con­ other eight ciubs each w ill; ducted a baseball clin ic for have to travel about 17,000 223 M.A.C. Avenue, East Lansing The records of his team s the U.S. Army a t Nürnberg, m iles more during the season from 1925 through ¿*41 add up Germany. Coaches from som e JOHN KOBS at wert, duvslapteg new playera trie profcosioaal proapeeta. than last year. to 538 wins against 350 losses five service leagues in Ger­ for a terrific .606 percentage. m any cam e together for the ations. Tbousands now are go­ b all, basketball and track. In ing to sum m er school like regu­ 1961, he w as selected by a In 37 seasons he has bad only four losing team s. His 1954 -clinic. -~ Kobs coached the Pan Amer­ lar fa ll, w hiter and spring ses­ board o f experts ia M innesota Saper Right team won the B ig Ten cham p­ ican team s in 1955 and 1959. sions. When this becom es more as one of the state’s top five ionship and the NCAA district H e'w as a m em ber of the U.S. universal w e can expand our all-around ath letes for the first No. 4 playoffs, and finished Olympic B aseball Comm ittee athletic program s into the sum ­ half of the 20th c e n t u r y . third in the College World Ser­ from 1953 through 1961 and was m er. B aseball w ill lead the H e stayed a t H am line three ies. ■ elected to the H elm s H all of w ay, and it w ill be the biggest years after graduation as an vAP i. He has developed many pro­ Fam e for College B aseball in tiling that ever happened to the athletic staff m em ber and then S T E A K S A L E fessional baseball prospects. sport.” . sw itched to State in the fall of 1962. Perhaps the greatest nam e In Ha bas been particularly ac­ When this sum m er baseball 1924. W hile baseball has been baseball that w as developed at tiv e in the area o f college re­ boom cornea to pass, y o u can his m ajor love, he also has been M ichigan State is Robin Rob­ lations with professional base­ be jsuira that Kobe wtil be a bead coach of basketball and erts. ball. H r a lso w as chairm an of pioneer. He alw ays has been hockey a t State, freshm an and B esides Roberts! som e of His the NCAA baseball rales com ­ in the vanguard, Just as he w as varsity assistan t football roach m ittee from 1953 through 1961.‘ one of the first coaches from and physical education profes­ m ost recent pupils in profes­ sional baseball are Dean Look, the Mid-West area to take his sor. R O U N D S IR L O IN PO R TER H O U SE* When a definite history ef team s on regular spring fram ­ Kobs fam ily Includes his wife Ed Hobaugh, Ron Perranoskl, college baseball i s written, ing trips down South. T hese Lauretta, and tw o sons. Dr Al Luplow, Dick Radatz, Mikey the youthful veteran will oc­ now popular tripe not only have Robert, Of U niversity of Michi Sinks and Ken Avery. Eleven have been honored by All- cupy a major place. This is helped im prove the Equality of gan hospital, and Jack, a Lan lb . 7 9 c lb . 8 9 c lb . 9 7 « true for his work hi national northern area baseball but tor sing insurance salesm an. Am erican recognition. Many affairs aad as a great coach. Kobs, at lea st, have provided now are coaches in high schools " MARHOEFER and colleges and it U perhaps Kobs b elieves strongly in a som e of h is am using m em ories. SUPER RIGHT GOVT. INSPECTED of this group that Kobs is proudest. — great future t a college base­ ball. _ Koms wn$ hors i s C avalier, -j N .D ., aad waa educated at Sport Shorts Sassage Tarkey* Ganad Haas The richest tribute they pay “ It has im proved trem en­ Lake City, Mbm:, and H am line M ichigan State w restler Okla him i i that som e of his prote­ gees have sent their sons back dously in quality through the College, S t P aul Minn. years I’ve been coaching,” he Johnson qualified as an alter­ He won 13 letters in college nate for the Pan Am erican 14k. RaHs 3 for 8 0 » 5-15 Ik. 35e Ik. J 1 64k. $4.19 to play for him . A star outfield- says, “ and w ill continue to do in four sports; football, base­ gam es in 1959 w hile still t er on a previous club, John • a *» SO . senior at Granby High School MICHIGAN U.S. NO. 1 FLORIDA “ B e t t e r coaching, larger F leser, is the son of Don F les- squads, m ore gam es on ‘ the Top 10 Teams Norfolk, Va. schedule, fa ll practice sessions, and Indoor fa cilities t a win­ Over a half-m illion fans saw The top ten team s, w ith first M ichigan S U te p la y football ter practice. These are am ong place votes and won-lost rec­ Russet Baking Potatoes TEMPLE ORANGES the reasons for the im prove­ ords through gam es of Satur­ la st season. ISFINLAND" USSIA'S NEXTj, m ent.” day in parentheses (points on “I am looking forward t o a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 b a sis): B M ichigan State basketballers ill Berry and D ave Cox w ere 10 lb. bag 49« 80 siz e 6 9 £ the time, rat so long from L Ohio State (41) 0 4 -0 ) 410 team m ates in high school at new, when ta ear section ef 2. Kentucky (13-1) 333 (14-2) 330 W innem ucca, N evada. FLORIDA the country we wffl be play­ 3. Cincinnati VINE RIPENED FLORIDA - FRESH ing college baseball under 4. K ansas State (L4-2) 274 For years, Finland has lights during the simmer term ef school/* Kobs proph­ esies. 5. 6. Southern Duke 7. Duquesne Cal. (12-3) (12-2) 205 168 M ichigan State parallel bar ace Larry B assett, a senior (14-2) 145 from K alam azoo, is the only T o m a to e s 2 9 » G re e n B e a n s 2 5 » G r a p e f r u it 8 » »* 6 9 c Î bttn «nier Rtsdts’s thumb But it msysoon b* mdsr Russh’s test, as mR. In A Bowling Green “ M any of our large schools 9. Bradley are com ing to year-round oper. -16. M ississippi (1 4 -0 103 native of M ichigan ever to win (12-31 99 a modern day B ig Ten gym (14-1) JR3 n aslic crown. A & P IN S T A N T -~ CO FFEE ______ ■ 24c Off Regular Price- « w u , 1.11 this «»ri’s Sstwdey Evening SAVE m SAVE MS SAVE 985 SAVE 999 SAVE $99 SAVE 88* Fest, you’ll teem Ira« Khru­ Tigers Sign Two shchev hes pot the squeeze ea *Fimiri loaders, tan he's even ANN PAGE then! picked their next prési­ Left Handers F IN A L P R IC E ANN PAGE dant. And«hit it will mean to us If K. takes over comptetely. IS« 3 m tm r d fy I M l | DETROIT (#V—Ron N ischw itz and J o e G rzendt, a pair of young left handers, signed their < N o o d le s Fiae Medium Wide - 1 L8' PKG 29c S y ru p PANCAKE OR WAFFLE 24 0Z 80TTLE 35‘ ■ I I Ï 1 contracts w ith the D etroit Ti­ ce gers Tuesday. RED U C TIO N ANN PAGE ANN PAGE ANN. PAGE 5 O X - K id n e y B e a n s 1 6 or CAN 1 0 c Black Pappar 16a Mataras! 36asa. g F E ast Lansing Store Only ' 2-LB. BAG < a 2 OZ. CAN ta HOLLAND AMERICAN SPORT SHIRTS E H urry to to S u g ar W a fe rs 1 u kg 3 3 c B IS Q U IC K 4 0 * ks 3 9 c were 4.98 and 6.98 B < 09 S H E P A R D S Now 2.99 and 3.99 t A AJ* BRAND • BOX OR MATCH SALE Sensatioraal, Semi-Annual - to ■ larval ~ Fr$z$a Food S SHOE S A LE 1 «O Dm»« III»« FRENCH STYLE I C E C R E A M ft G a l. 5 9 c P$w 1 0 « . 8r$$,B$$M«$z» SPORT COATS E JANE PARKER Frank Frist I ax. |1 # t were from 29.95 o f F am ou s N am e S h o es fo r ! MEN . . . WOMEN . . . CHILDREN * i A p p le P ie 8 39 c 0 » CUT Grata Betas 9 o x Psas-Carrats IO s l N o w .. . . . . 19.98 E B Campus Flats. ................ $3.88 m o ^ 'V YOUR ÍUITS E 3 Women's Ileeis .........— ..— $5.88 t M a r g a r in e QUARTERS I LI.PKGS J FOR 39C 6 p k fls 1.0 0 were from 49.99 B 3 J-Hop Special Women’s Vinyl Formal Shoes ...----- — $5.88 JANE PARKER FEATURES Now........3 9 .9 9 E Men’s Shoes 4 ---- $6.88 PLAIN OR SEEDED Women’s Snow Boots ---- „. $4.88 LI I0X 59c 3 V ie n n a B r e a d 2 1» 3 5 c P o t a t o C h ip s 1 Men’» Blizzard Bools .....----„.$7$8 TOPCOATS E B ~ CAMPUS STORE 29£ Now down to 30.00 3 D a te F ile d C o ffe e C a k e 3 3 « P o u n d C ake- E * OPEN TONIGHT^ TILL 9 P J*. LANSING STORE TILL A3» AB peleen te thin A4 Effective thra Satevday, Year A ft P Super Market February tad te WIltaMaliwi Star» «rad AO Viva 3 Lamiag A ftP Saper Materia- THURSDAY HOURS I H TILL 5:36 C»raCr o f Hngadorn u ri E u t Grand River E East laratng . . is tS M fK m P »'*, t ' . r S to re H e a r s LANSING \ Í - a ja . t e * p m .\ -, l Awn ItoC raM wwG sMn wJI 211 EAST GRAND RIVER Monday thra Saturday * U I SAVE Ml SAVE 666 SAVE 91* SAVE 696 SAVE 666 SAVE 6661 ^m àm S Ê Ê B B Ê m Ê tm Ê Ê IÊ m B Ê S Ê m ¡fl| ¡ R f e ï m S ..... ... _. . ::;.;,.V-;. - '- •' . . . Édiebimm'SlMe IÜÍÉÉÉ^^HHMIÍÍ Wednesday Morning, J u n t r y 31» 1962 — — i m H j lili I s ,* m -M M Jt • i t t i inform ai ion in d w w ô itta » DISCOUNTS H f l f l H H I ■ ■ m M B S iP V H fl ta la y on m in pas Global (Continued from Page 1) ; tu M*m«*uunuuni»ttuatuitto«»iw made young people prilticsfly Ho quoted an 18-year- B u re a u Portrays Laos Life ON ALL RECORDS. DIAMOND NEEDLES, Alpha PM Omega — 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. U. N. Lounge, formal pledging. € & pses ■ ted v t e testified b»lore the committee a t saying: “Tho Itera ef rock aad ron W tttam anaKUi. p.m. Wednps- ! .After The extension of the suf­ Caspar Tire ft Rabber Ca. 1981, as village stvslspmsnt rice. USE" THROUGH A CIASSIRE0 Afr the luncheon. Alexei I. Adzhubei remained for another frago is a continuation «I the Mechanical engineers aad ma­ adviser ta L ais tor toe later- day; Women's I M , Mandy an"na Camelot. “ — i hour of discussion with Kennedy. dominant mainstream in Am­ jors from too College of Busi­ aatttead Co sp arati— Atonto i The Russian couple came to the White Horae at 1 p.m., rid­ erican history,” he said. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5M7 ness and Public Service. iterati« . Niehoff learned ta IFC—-7:30 p.m. Wednesday ing in a Soviet-built limousine cáQed the Ml III. Delta Chi. ' la writing O’modera constitu­ Lehigh Portland Content CM speak te r * - Adzhubei is editor of Izvestia, official newspaper of the tion It is significant to note AB majors fram tes College af Marthi Lather Chapel Chair — -Soviet government. He interviewed‘Kennedy in Hyannis Port. that our two newest states have Business ft Pubfic Service. Before joining the Interna­ 7 p.m. Wednesday, Martin Mass . last November—the first foreign journalist ever granted set toe age requirement at 1> Luther Chapel, rehearsal. Ian exclusive interview by an American President. The inter- Unetea National LU* t e r n tional Cooperation Administra­ and 20. he said. aaeo Co. Mato, stotistirs and tion, be was curator of anthro­ EA5T LANSING •PHONE E D . 2-2814 ! view was printed in full in Izvestia. Packaging Society — 7 30 p.m. Attacking to e argamcte tel majors fa m the College of pology at the Milwaukee Public Wednesday, Log Cabin. Salinger To V isit R ussia that Ifcyaet teds t e n the Business aad PuhBc Service, Museum. He received a Ful- HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Promenade rs—7 p.m. Wednes­ WASHINGTON—White House Press Secretary Pierre Salim Cement to maka the vet* Science ft Art«; and Commute- teQ M ac EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING day, 34 Women’s Gym, open detecten, Norria aali: cation Aria. * “ «M a, ger accepted Tuesday an invitation to visit Russia this spring, work in Trinidad. He has pub­ FIRSTS SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS da ace. ^ t Salinger described his trip as an effort to promote understand* The Letea Ailis Co. Electri­ “The way to enhance and cal and mechanical engineers. lished two books and many Promenaders—8 p.m. Wednes­ j mg between the United States and the Soviet Union. accelerate judgement is by giv­ MeKeaaen ft Bohhiaa, Police, NOW SHOWING THRU THURSDAY day, 34 Women’s Gym, clos- , The invitation was extended by Alexei Adzhubei, editor of the ing responsibility.” - ed meeting. - " '- j a Soviet government newspaper Izvestia, a t a luncheon given adminizfratiop. Rifle, Club—6.30 p.m. Wednes­ by President and Mrs. Kennedy at the White Horae. Ho also said that our edu­ Mldlani-RM 8 Cerp. (Surface cational institutions prepare ef­ Combustion Div.) Merhterical, GLADMER f Mf VMBNf uJIr extraerd tiu ry n otioR p ictu re c a n p n U e to th a t d a s ijc Q É tN tk t day, basement of Dera Hall, fective citizens much bettor civil, chemical and electrical NOW. . . t ie TO 1:29 open shooting. Laos Holds on to K ey Defense today than they did In 1906 engineers. SHOWS AT 1 - S - 5 - 7 A 9 W e s te n F ront'. Rifle* Chib--8:30 p.m. Wednes­ j NAM THA, Laos—Maj. Gen. Bounleuth Sanichanh, royal array when the constitution was last Litton Systems. Electrical K p e r o r i sto ry , day, basement of Dem Hall, ! commander, took direct charge of the defenses of NamTTiaTues- rewritten. Pp haddy cap match. : day and declared his intention of bolding the village a t all “We can’t get a true sen­ and mechanical engineers and trem endously sitive expression of national physics and math majors. Ski Club — 7:30_p.m. Wednes­ costs. He said its loss would let the Communists into Burma will without including more " B a c h e lo r day, 32 Union. open house. ;and Thailand. - — r '¿¡J M „ J 1’;?1 —Z affecting.” His decision was bolstered by the arrival in the past two citizens in the election pro­ Spartan Women’s League — 7 days of hundreds of regular army soldiers and several U.S.* cess,” he said. Tukey Honored F lab p.rarWednesday, 32 Union, built training planes. Only a handful of troops and militia Norris maintained t h a t open house. defended this village 20 miles from the Red* China border when the highest duty to one’s By Nurserymen it was attacked last week by the Communists. nation «tion—thetoe right to defend It abated carry with It the For Research L:£ AFnrade Of Fsn W IN N E R OF SIX UN R ejects Soviet Bid on A ngola right to its highest privilege— Dr. H. B. Tukey, head of the IN T E R N A T IO N A L A W AR DS MVERSITY U N IT E D NATIONS. N.Y,— The U.N. general assembly Tura» day rejected a Soviet-backed resolution calling on tho security the right to . vote. horticulture department, t R M B IU iH B Many young people in the reived toe 1981 Achievement council to consider political and economic penalties against 18-20 age group are financially Award from the Michigan Portugal as a result of alleged repressions in Angola. independent, hie said./They are Assn. of Nurserymen. HEATRE The assembly then went on to vote on an Aslan-African economic citizens before they • STARTS SATURDAY resolution railing on Portugal to end repressive acts la the are political citizens He received the award for ROM BI PRESENTS A CHILDREN S THEATRE West African territory and take immediate steps to speed Its _ .legate Stevens, who voted Dteei independence. This was expected to be approved, by an over­ against the proposal to lower bicide, for the development of whelming majority. pioneer research with n her­ a germination test t a seed ef the-age requirement -said that woody plants and for introduc­ D M PRODUCTION* OF Beauty And Cosmology Topic since any age chosen must be tion and development of root arbitrary we have/chosen 21, stocks the accepted age of legal ma­ turity. ta dwarf fruit trees. WITH AN OUTSTANDING CAST FRIDAY - “PURE HELL OF ST. TRINIANS' The B east- The 18-year olds who are SATURDAY & SUNDAY FEBRUARY 3 f t 4 Walsh Second self-supporting are those least Chrysler Engineer qualified educationally to vote, To Speak Here Wed. he said, _ 1:38 & 3:3» P.M. H. S. Young, staff engineer FAIRCHILD THEATRE ADMISSION 38c Provost Speaker “H e important factors to from Chrysler Corp., will speak consider,” he said, “are ma- at 4 p.m. Wednesday on jet tartty, knowledge, Judgement propulsimi vehicles for space Tickets at Arbaugh’s, The Dr. Harold T. Walsh, assist­ ! and a temporary instructor and experience ana there is applications. Hobby Hub in F ro ster, ant tgofOMO^ of philosophy, there in 1954 and 1965. FTotn as substitute for expert The meeting win be heW in U n i o n Ticket Office, Fairchild Box O f f i c e , will speak'«» “ What are we 1952 to 1956, Walsh was a re- enee. 404 Electrical Engineering. AB Isearch assistant with the U of Norris said his committee is interested parsons are invited. O Who is the greatest living ^American? Moa.-Fri., 13:30-5:00 p.m. M Engineering Research In­ now in the decision state and Phone 3554148 stitute. _ any petitions should be present He came to MSU as' a tem­ ed by Wednesday, toe deadline THE MORE YOU TEH — •OF porary Instructor of philoso­ for committee recommenda­ CLASSIFIED ADS DO THE JOB — . THE QUICKER YOU SELL! phy in 1965. tions.- - ~ ' TRY m _ In discussing his talk, Walsh said: L U C O N “What r wlfl be doing is put­ One Of America’s Great College Choirs ting together material from an T IL 1:99 P.M. Me enormous number of sources I EVE. ft-SUN. 99e and trying to distill thence a reasonably simple statement of GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS A STRINGE NEW EXPERIENCE] some rather technical philo­ S h o c tV ' FR OM sophical scientific notions. CHOIR y “My whole thesis in these JACK HATTON «co«avtsfgagte* i lectures, is going to be that St. Petra*, Minnesota - we have all come together to discuss a problem without hav­ ing the slightest idea what This Outstanding 70-Member Midwest Lutheran © What's your 0 MEN: do you smoke m m that problem is.” College Choir Will Present A Program Of ReHgieus fftjp v ~ à ■THEY Do The “crucial issue,” accord­ ing to Walsh, is “What a r t we A Cnpella Music With Selections From Brahms, favorite an occasional pipe mm m £vm DR. HAROLD T. WALSH all doing here?” Tschaikovsky, and Folk Lor«. fM P f w XZTüRti A coffee hour Is also sched­ tel doing here?” te 4 p m - uled with Walsh, Tuesday in kfadofdafte? - as well as cigarettes? c h i s. m T o Wednesday in the Khnu the Honors College Lounge, Wednesday, January 31, 1962 l y y fA x S & S S S This is the second of the 408 UBbnatfi Provost’s Lecture Series pres­ m L iV iV G ? entations on cosmology. Dr. East Lansing High School Auditorium ¿Q. Igf George Gamow opened this aeries last week with a talk on Polling Bureau “The Two Cosmologies.” 8:15 P.M. To B eim jta d ite DEBORAH KERR jr "the ... J . B en in Evaasten, OL In MM, Walsh received Ms BA » 0 9 0 , MA te M S ami Ph D (hi Organizations The junior d a ss will begin Admission - 91.00- . Tickets Available at Door ¡moeeñfc In MSS fram toe Utevezsity ef Michigan. conducting polls for campus ergantoatteqa Thursday. Program tafan asti« n».o«"C He was a tearhing fellow a t At the request of thaargm i- 2ND Continu«« 1 ^ IV M IIft the U of M from 1961 to 1964 zations, the poHing burean will WEEK! frem i PJL □ dance Q howspstty study and malm available re­ M ICH IG A N □ walk&talk □ afawbraw»with friends □ Yas O No ports on such thing» as offoc- tfveness of the Brgsafratiom Feature at 1:35, 4:11, 6:41, 0:11 PJL publicity. A small te t efvoring mruJtf f w® be charged. A* R tM R fiM fS » . n I Interested organizations may -contact Sue Cteriey, * or Roy Gilbert, 257-9703. » FRIDAY ft's the ridr-ftevor wears wowtsie n amwri A T ts s c a u c s is s a m i Sale « I Original afar ts F R I D A Y ! — ^ r loaf among ¡P P DEBBIE’S «a tito wachtest hrahsnd hsaf teat cnoiO BW W cppi *«r ■«I p i / ' ever sate hsmsa naateg t a sever! that afoas you %9T m ' F r in ì» b y s MORE BODY in W P H IP PICASSO a> - s. ' WÊÊ- • ANDY GRIFFITH anai|M |S : * 4 BRAQUE 'J. ttabtetoLIIORE %8T ~ " Steve F ern st • teilet Prswse CEZANNE FLAVOR in the DUFY Thatem amoks, MORE * TUT— LEGER ¡ f r ? . Hüter TAKTEthrough «r " ■ ■ nm icitoam ETC, the filter. So get « %i— -teto««« IM S ggjuM Smum mOfCTrOm %immmm m 10-4 pan. Sesti filter smoking Raont 108 with LAM. Kreage Art Centrar lip M H p te mmmm m m m m pm t toriitirifwttiila-iiirrwwiaitiii •iS» ii B® IH Iililg » » S w » K a g p , f a * C w a t o fr M f t M g a Wednesday Mornings January 31? 1962 r , L ^ ' i i M S Ü S p eSpeciaBsf cW U t IIGallacher To Read P o llo c k D o u b ts € o n * £ o n '% ¡To Head Dairy Goethe Poetry Dr. Stuart G allacher ef the ISub-committee tereign language deportm ent C a n M e e t M a r c h D e a d lin e George Parsons, MSU dairy sp ecialist, has been Thursday w fll td td Goethe's poetry at the G erm ea fifth rules and resolutions com mit­ Pollock (R-Ano Arbor) said h tfftsa d ef refining «bdirn* nam ed chairm an ef the educa­ m eeting J t 7:48 p.m . to 102 By'JOIN T. WOLCOTT to an interview that he did proving the proposa ls present­ Of aw dtate New» Staff tee that the convention's work tion subcom m ittee of the Na­ M errill. w ill have to ho completed by not think com m ittee work ed by the executive, it m ere tional M astitis Council. The A film on another Germaa Con-Con delegate Jam es K. March 31 hi order to subm it would be finished by the dead­ frequently dam ages them, com m ittee w ill begin its work poet, Friedrich von Schiller, Pollock sa id Wednesday that Hr to voters in the November line of January 31 set by the ails to cew l r t f them , or ha doubted O ut work oa the re- f election. convention. acts them for extraneous a t tha council’s annual m eeting w ill be shown. The German club has eet up vised coo atttutioo would be “ If w e don't m ake that dead - .sons.” he said. Feb. 19 to Chicago. com pleted by the March 31 If the convention adjoaras a library to M orrill H ell con­ line 1 don’t think w e can make “B deal» with the Through the council, an of dtadMoe suggested by the state after that date the new con­ taining literary works, trans­ the other one (M arch 31h” ha ft. e f tiki dairy industry, farm and attorney general's office. stitution would not he sub­ lations,' governm ent informa­ A letter teem the attorney m itted until the April 1, IN I said. • a msi im ia a h a p - education groups of the nation tion and Information on Ger­ He said that the legislature’s j m m k are working together toward gen eraU ast November told the elections. man universities. seven and a half month lim it tcr-shattcr m eaner.” a common goal o f w ip in g eu t was only an estim ate. Funds The club bas also organized m astitis in dairy herds. This a dance chib for students to appropriated for that period To rem edy sonw of the Bis Hazard To Discuss are due to run out by mid- of the legislature, Pollock sug­ May. PoBoefc said the convention gested, *0 strong section m ncom patibtiity under which m enace résulta » a low run­ ning into m illions of dollars for A m crkan dairy farm ers. German folkdanctog. The 5.400.000 people of the The toss to M ichigan dairy­ M alagasy Republic belong to t would be im possible for m em ­ Common Market weaM ask ter m ere money bers to receive retainers or if they bad to werk past that continue to represent private tim e. In terests during th e parted man alone is estim ated at $10 more thaqJO tribes, Anthropol­ m illion. ^ ogists believe the original set­ tlers cam e acrow the Indian Im plications of the European f o r overseas geveram eat TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE? He said there was no reason o f their legisla tiv e services Ocean, perhaps from Maianaeta Common Market for the future service aad international to rush through such an im­ When asked bow b e te lt ebout USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Ï ^ and Indonesia . of North American trade will W liar n Sjgjs portant document Into to m ake a unicam eral syetem for W cn- he discussed at 7 ;30 p.m . Thurs* Hazard has been a consult­ a deadline. --' gan, be referred to • i f ' day by Dr. John L. Hazard, professor of marketing and transportation. ant and advisor to the S t Law­ rence Seaway corporation since it was formed in 1954, His book on the Seaway w ill ba publish­ Pollock w as asked to run in address to the legislative com ­ last y ea r's election for Con- m ittee to which be seldt Con delegates by Ann Arbor Perhaps a unicam eral legts- Varsity Drive In Ho w ill consider the Market’s ed later this year. , civic leaders who feK his 38 ure elected by a proportional years of political science ex­ ..p resen tation would give Mich­ 1227 E. GRAND RIVER current and future effects on At present, be is a lse inter­ the triangular business rela­ ested through MSU’s Interna­ perience would be an asset to igan an idntol system e f repre­ -OPEN EVERY DAY Si00 P.M. tionship to the U .S., Canada, the convention. r sentation. B ut a t tha m om ent and the Market’s prospective tional Program s in the East- West Center at the University Ho said he did "little cam ­ t does not appear to m e to be DELIVERY SERVICE MON. •SAT. member, G reet Britain.. of Hawaii, where he is attach­ paigning” silica he w as a feasib le.'' 8i30 P.M. • 1.30 A.M. - m em ber then of a four-man The talk w ill be held in ed to the faculty as a research t t Union and is open to the professor. He is a consultant team sent to Germ any to study “ D efective as the bicam eral SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. ■1:30 A.M. the parliam entary elections system Is, s e t respsustbls to the Governor of Hawaii on the pebHc. It is sponsored by American trade with the Far held la st Novem ber. He w as a s tt ts fer sem e e f m OBI» f t 2 4 8 17 Delta Phi EpsHoa, the na- elected to the convention by 72 eeltiestn settling the question tieaal professional fraternity East. per cent of the vote although e f n app irtti am ent, I feel in Europe during the that flio e tttie a i e f M taUgM i weeks of the cam - are net new ready ter am» C A M P U S C L A S S IF IE D S jamsg^ss* "Pollock has the title of“Mur- cam era lism ,** he said. F U N A T V i T H E P R IC E Bn Professor at the University T h ed efeat last week o f a pro­ D E A D L IN E S: 1 p.m . D ay B efore P u b lication fo r T ues^ posal to allow the legislative W ed., T h u rs., and F ri. E d itio n s. D ead- jf Michigan where he w as pre­ viously head of the political veto of Civil Service pay raises E ach y ea r v a rio u s groups and o rg a n iza tio n s on lin e for Mon. E d itio n : 1 p.m . F ri. science department. The spe- probably ptoasad Pafiock, who cam ptH s ta g e a t le a st on e form al o r sem i-ferm sl PH O N E : 355-8255 or 355-8256 ' _ bas defended the M ichigan Civil Service system a s ea e ef the d ance. T h e c o st e f th e ie fu n ctio n s in ee w e tiin ee his work to attend to civic b est to the country and denied h ig h , so m etim es low , b u t co st doesn’t - m a tter the need for m ajor changes b ecau se it to lim ited to th e m em bera e f th a d u b A U T O M O T IV E F O R R EN T affairs. such as legislative control. _ Pollock’s com m ittee on rights a p eu sorin g th e d ance. Con-Con President Stephen I45E BUICK LOVERS, cSecL lM* ROOMS ene.'SHARP. 2 door, Roadmaifet, h«.-d APPROVED, SUPERVISED for men. report to the convention on its S. N isbet recently referred to T h ere a re o n ly a few la rg e AD U n iv ersity sem i- lop, lull power. ED 2-3060. Singles and doubles. Spaftan Hall, proposals for the civil rights Pollock a s the “ father of Mich­ form a l d an ees. T h e coot o f th eee is a lw a y s h ig h , igan Civil S ervice,” at title he 1456 DODGE, 4-door. Exceptionally 215 Lou’». ED 2-2574. article in the constitution. earned as bead of the 1937 a x cep t fa r m e . —-T h a t on e dance is th e “ W IN T E R - well maintained; newly rebuilt engine. Nearly Ml e f the propesale RowerHite, radiST heater, premium tirex, L O S T and F O U N D have beea passed tort at h u t M ichigan C ivil Service Study L A N D W H IR L,” held on ce a y ea r fe r n o e th e r (eatbeltx. 355-4497, Loc7 8 or ED 2- com m ission that prepared the reason th a n an ev en in g o f low coat en jo y m en t. 57SS. 21 Home BOYS CLASS RING. Lost between one of them , pertaining to state*« first m erit system ter Economics, Mayo. "R.W.K, I9SI search aad seizure, prom­ T h e “W H IR L” is fu n , e v e ry th in g from good dance 1452 FORD. Automatic transmission, C." Call Pat. '355-3743. 19 ises to be the center of boat­ em ployees. m o d e to crow n in g o f th e V etera n s’ n ew “ SW EET­ new paint, excellent condition? r, and h, PoUoek is also serving ag ed debate to February. At H EART”. Gall Gene, ED 7-6640 or ED 2 356Sr2l P ER S O N A L present debate on all tssnes vice-chairm an o f the AdVUOty Com m ission on Inter govern- I f you didn’t g e t a ch an ce to g o la st y ea r, ask th e I957_i~.FORD, white convertible. COMEDY. MUSIC! Campus chaos. has been suspended to speed m ental R elations in W ashing­ Power steering, radio, heater, v-8, The Union, Enday* 8-fS. 21' ~ up com m ittee work. ton. Ha is one of three private p eop le w h o d id . T h ey ’re com in g back T his y ea r . automatic transmission. Must sell. Very More than seven hours o reasonable. 355-0641 alter 6. 23 HEY JUNIORS. Anyone who isn't debate and lobbying by police suffering from frostbit« on Feb. 3 citizens appointed by Pres ident E isenhow er to Job public of­ OtmpMPs 1955 MERCURY, .automatic. 1755 come to the "Winteriftnd Whirl.** 19 associations has resulted to ficia ls in studying problem s e f Mercury standard 1957 Ford standard, all with radio, healer, white walls. Pri­ keeping a proviso in the pres FRATERNfTIES-Sororitics. Ptcfe your ent constitution allow ing the the federal, state aad local W M TERUND WHIRL ■SAT., FEB. 3 M e to S w vate. 337-0623 evenings. 24 contestants for the National Intercol­ use of weapons and narcotics lev els e f governm ent. B om in N*w C astle, P a ., F et­ “ The » w e n u b legiate Banyan Limbo. Last Spring's 1958 SIMCA, 4 door Sedan, excel­ champs Sid 02mrad, ZTD, M'ami of seized without a warrant out- lent mechanical condition. No rust. Ohio. Chip Worsinger, SAE, USO Calf. sid e'a person’s hom e as cour lock earned U s BA and MA do- grees at the U niversity of Mich­ Osili T m tm s • ta li te n . - the R ed D eer“ Heater. New battery. $550. Can be 21 evidence. seen at Cripps Standard Service. 1226 igan and his PhD at Harvard E. Michigan. 72 ^PLANNING A June wedding? See Pollock’s com m ittee original in 1928. Then PeOock. a PM Only $2.50 YOUR BEST b u y ; CAMPUS cLAsSSflBSir the U.B. Fathiffn Show, Thursday- — 70 ly dropped the proviso, leaving B eta Cappa, returned to teach 1959 VAUXHAIL. 4 door sedan, low individuals free from searclt political scien ce a t U ef M mileage. One owner, ^economical trans­ portation. 4V 9-7012, evening. IV 5- - R E A L ES T A T E without a warrant, whether a1 home or not. 7759. 19 LANSING. EAST SIDE. 3 bedroom Pressure from police associa AUTO INSURANCE- for students ranch. Finished ree. Enclosed yard. 6 tion lobbyists, w h o-favor the and faculty. Low prices, high limits, years old. FHA Terms. Call 489-6069. proviso, and opposition from fast service. Buboli. ED 7 8671. -*9 EAST LANSING. Bailey -area. 7 many of the d elegates could rooms. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, separate lead to further debate to Feb­ EM P LO Y M EN T dining- room, full basement, garage, ruary. fenced backyad. $14.900. 201 Miifard. wateIR R nt oi: eL / o X W.S.A. ED 2-0704. - _ 23 Last Novem ber, before the -Ji years or older. A food handler and legislative organization com ­ first aider. July 1 to The J ilt Girl EAST LANSING. 9 year old bun'- m ittee, Pollock called state Scout Camp near Greenville. Call galewr 3 bedrooms, large living room, legislatures “ d efective In­ IV 2 1635. 20 utility room, deep fenced backyard. Must sell. ED 2-5405. - 20 strum ents of dem ocratic gov­ _ FO R S A LE ernm ent” aad labeled the NEW FRAME COTTAGE. 24 x 28, two-house system “one of the FREE FILM at Marei Rexall Prescrip­ -near Hastings on«^,Lownr Lake, lot f m ost adm irable buck-passing tion Center with each roll developed 65x350 —well, wired, insulated. $3 300 arrangem ents ever d evised.” and printed.- 75c minimum. 301 N. with minimum down payment. Write F. Chpoert by Frandor. Phone 485-4355. Dowling, 436 N. Lindberg, Stevens “The bicam eral system , he 21 Point, Wisconsin. — 22 said, “ encourages bad leg is­ TROPICAL FISH, plants, supplies. 5 UNIT MOTEL living quarters. lative habits” such as “the New shipment ¡ust.-arrived. Trio Hatch, West US 2, U-P- over looking beautiful practice of trading votes, of ery. 1208 So. Holmes. IV 5-4551. Open Lake Michigan. 4 years old. Sandy having com m ittee work in se­ till 4. 22 beach. Good summer Susiness, Ideal cret and without information for faculty. Small down payment. _ _ . (and) the holding up of all 71 INCH G.E. Television, like new. Write: Lucia Rygicl. 14724 Indiana St. bills from one house until the Completely reconditioned. $50. 355- Detroit. 21 other bouse p asses sem e of 4039. Must iacrifice.. 22 ceos/ire their MBs.” In the sam e addrusi he VACANT Jj0x45 will b be cold to GENERAL TYPING, theses, term pa charged that instead of “being highest bidder Sat,, Feb. 3 at Life of persi Experienced. IV 7-0403. 21 constructive check «0 the Riley Mobile Home Past, S South i Wash- executive, it (the leghdature) foaton Road at 196 By-P*ss DINNERS. SERVEEHor groups of 35 to 100 persons. Cspito! Grange H«M. more frequently acts a t a deft Trowbridge Road, East Lancing. Aha. nite bar to blocking construe 2« tiv s executive policy.” tr hall for rent. IV 4-E6I0. THESES TYRING, printing. IIM Bee- CUSTODIAN WANTED" Reduced trie typewriters. Editing and p ssl- rent on mpdtrn apartment, (E.L.) in reading available. Woncn Grafie Serv. exchange tor custodial care of build­ ice. F7?0 i* Michigan Ava. Unsing. ing ; Only married couple with farm 464-7786 . ' : H background need apply. E0 2-Sn68 after 6 pun. . . JO ANN BROWN, typist and mwttilith- ing. Generai typing, term papers, tha­ APARTMENT and double room. Ur*, ïes. dissertations, duplieating. |0 2- supervised' men's housing. Gcaef stu- 8384. tf dents preferred. ED 2-3727 morning v evening. 21 EOIE STARR, typist Experienced, in theses wort,'HÜ*. Excellent duality on ir « » iO m e e n * W * M R t s s iR w e » * is s t s is n e ROOMS _ __ multrhth masters. Call OR 7-8232. IB Mind« « ro d H fo rtn te to o . You C M ’t ink thorn and APPROVED SINGLE forjnale. Cka", roll than* an d p ro a t jh a m on h a rd *«n iih a d w hite sciintiffc sns M p M * M t e « ä frM !» WOMEN’S ALTERATIONS. Prompt o f f * . M » *y ,i» » *y m bidi M g new. near campus and bus, Patkmg and ’tasonabis.. 5Û0 Charles St. ED 2- papar. But you m taat tham , mold them , nurture 337'2 « l. tt 4!PI. - - t iy o u fi,p ir h ip iW D B ijf O u e o m B ln « » d ll« liilf lf K them* shepe them , »Botch them , « c tte th w n. ^ HALF. LARGE ROOM, with privata 1Y FIN & to«W »i^2jjW J7^ And chaeenge them, hi Cel Tech'» Je t fYoputewn you h m » mind to? bath and kitchen. 2 blocks from Umor, shows. ED 2 *346. 21 l ateratwy, ttwfs •« m da. The pmducteofttT«« TRANSPORTATION rninde am epaoecrefteiKl instrument» t t ^ edEw^ore JET M OPIII.RIOII U l O R A T O R Y ^ I SLEEPING ROOM, g. ■tleman, N*a. m o o oak m o w • * • * » H É t ê t m , « ü p o ä w o Frandor. On, University bus Haas Quiet the Meen and planets end communleetion eyrtem* to good feF studying. Parting. IV 2-3454. H Ini AU —Il s^ iiiw ^ lsilK lfta ito m eM R w m ttttrtM ftP te It 2 VACANCIES in the Steadman' WANTS) House ¡for Hoys) righi-downtown. Pr;- WANTED. PERSON to translate vat* entrance ttfevntan. and kite**« Egyptian script on ring. PVon* ED 2- facilities available. $12 per month. 3407. IV <17406 baton 5, or IV 2-1747 **»r- 2t _ interviews: a»»«-»«* ■ Fcbtvary 14, — C e r te * U»wve»«ty fteeeiM rt O ft m k * h r ipgs or weekends. |4 CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Midiigaw For at Least Next Decade Firefly Tail Helped Aid Cancer scientists, E ngineers ' -'ür* Research , '' m à ' * ' 4>f - A smorgasbord of engineer­ “The field is broadening, and ing information lo r college stu­ % Have ‘Sellers’ M arket’ Scientists and engineers w ill old d iseases w ill becom e new diseases by virtue of our un­ derstanding of the defect in­ dents has gone « rt to tem pt the reading appetites of som e 8 ,* 000 w in w ill receive the first issue of McGraw-Hill’s Engi­ lie in a sellers’ m arket “for the volved on a m olecular level. neering D igest. next decade or so,” predicts With this understanding w ill Issues w ill stress today’s Dr. Clifford C. Furnas, chan­ com e rational therapy, im ­ trend toward developm ent of cellor of the U niversity o f Buf­ proved diagnostic techniques, the “whole” engineer and the falo, in a special section of the and a better understanding of need for information in various January Chemical & Engineer­ the relation of the defective engineering field s allied to that ing N ew s. step in tiie over-all m etabolism hi which a student m ay be Spe­ This m eans that young chem ­ o f m an.” . cializing. ists and chem ical engineers “ can ' probably- pick and choose” their jobs t o t som e tim e to com e, Dr. Furnas says. Dr. Furnas points out that one person in SO w as em ployed in science and technology in I960, as com pared with one in 98 twenty years earlier. There is “every reason to expect con­ tinuation of this increase,” b e adds. In the Federal Gevern- m ent alone, he notes, som e 94,000 new scien tists and en ­ gineers w ill have been needed during the period 1958 to 1963. “ Great new vistas . . . aw ait the talents of the chem ist aad the ch em ical engineer,” he concludes. In an article on career op­ portunities in chem ical re­ search, Dr. Richard T. Arn­ old, president of the Mead Johnson R esearch Center at E vansville, Ind., says such op­ l'BLÒ CK EAST OF CAMPUS /t- portunities “are now legion.” OPEN TILLM1DNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A M FR I. Ic SAT. . “At present, and for the fore­ seeable future, the industry, ALSCLAT Federal Government, and uni­ 2120 N. LARCH US 27 A 4700 S. CEDAR US 127 - versities w ill be the m ajor em ­ ployers of research scien tists,” he points out. “However, a sm all but growing number of distinguished scien tists are em ­ ployed by privately endowed research institutes. “The increasing import­ ance o f research to industry is exem plified by the ever f r e q u e n t advancem ent ef scien tists into the highest echelons o f m anagem ent. It c ro a lo y o u r o w n f u n - w a r d r o b o o f WHITE STAG „ is m y conviction, therefore, that opportunities for eareers _ in research . . . are and wiH s u n - d r o n c h o d r o g a f t a c o o r d in a te s continue to be rich and var­ ied for those having the ap­ S K IS - BOOTS ...those remarkablecotton sailcloth — ------ propriate degree o f interest and ab ility.” Dr. Donald S. Frederick, PO LES sportmates with unlimited mix-match ~ vice-president of the Rohm & H aas Company, reports that talents, tireless wrinkle-resistance, _ / com m ercial positions in the ' * — ' . ' y < chem ical industry “ offer at­ tractive opportunity to techni­ and easy upkeep. The sunshine^ofors .- iiV j ca lly trained people” despite an apparent lack of interest PER WEEK-END! are glowing andexcitingly see-worthy f am ong students and schools th em sd ves. ...burgee yellow, shoal blue, sailing “Increasing num bers of the (WE ALSO HAVE CAR-TOP CARRIERS) '■ ” V. il m o r e responsible positions navy, and white caps. Sixes 8_to^O. ~ v j t U througiout the industry are be- Antarctic O’LEARY Mere, Just o few from our collection: A. Chollis rose knit cotton shirt, 5.95 _ Preservé FRANDOR CENTER PAINT STORE IV 7-0264 Toggle jacket, 0.95 Slacks, 6.95 Advocated B. Surfer pants, 5.95 Knitted cotton WASHINGTON, — The Ant­ arctic, the only area in the striped long John shirt, 4.95 world uncontam inated by m an, m ust be preserved a s an inter­ C. Salzburg gingham shirt, 5.95 \ I national sanctuary. But scientific expeditions are Off-center buttoned flare skirt, B.95 fast changing th is uncontami- nated situation, according to Dr. Robert Cushman Murphy, Laraont curator em eritus o f Sportswear birds a t the American Museum of Natural H istory, N ew York. Dr. Murphy advocates the creation of an international sanctuary in the entire Antarc­ tic, where nature m ay rem ain relatively untouched by the OPEN savage destruction of m an. ' In the current Issue of EVERY "Science (Jan. 19) he points at the brutalities and unwanton destruction by man and h is as­ WEDNESDAY sociates in these southern stret­ ches a s w ell as throughout the NIGHT world. — UNTIL — l^ o k y o a r loveliest with contact lenses You can leek your loveliest at a ll tim es with WaBaee’s contact leases. Yen eaa lead a norm al, active life with these tiny plastic lenses, that are gr a n d aad peBshed to year prescription, determ ined through u eye exam ination by aur doctors. Thè lea ses fit directly ever the ceraea and e f f » natural v id ea . Budget Terms Available e y e c x a m im tk m s b y D r . W . C . J E S S E S , r e g is te r e d o p t o m e ir it t VINE AT CUPPERT (opgerite fieme) Ph. IV 92774 dw o fH e e s d m c n to v e n e$ 1 0 7 S . WmdUngUm, T h . I V 3 -1 1 7 5 D Á .J L C . J O S E S m m i D H J .l t S I X O X , R e g . O p to m m tm U