Serving MSU for 52 jean Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 136 ffthrifjj) Morning, February ^ 1962 y» Second O m Urtf 6 ra g e s pmi at z u t uutesT loM . 10 Cents Global 5 # M ilioni Farm Acres Glimpses B y the Associated P ress Scandinavians To By UN Bonds UNITED NATIONS, N .Y .—Denmark, Norway and Sweden F re e m a n W ednesday informed acting Secretary-G eneral Ü Thant that they w ill buy m ore than $10 m illion worth o f U.N. bonds to help Here’s Daily A s k s W is e r ease the financial crisis of the world organization. The action followed quickly after President Kennedy’s spe­ Farm Week cia l m essage to congress Tuesday asking for authorization for L and U se the U.S. governm ent to buy $100 m illion worth. Britain has prom ised to purchase $12 m illion and Canada $6 m illion. - Schedule By SUE FRY t a.m . — Forest Products, Of the State News Staff Army Cuts Overseas Toure ^ * Forestry Cabin. Secretary of Agriculture Or­ 1:91 a.m . — Arrival o f sale WASHINGTON—With its forces now built up, the arm y said ville L. Freem an called Wed­ ew es, Livestock pavilion. -W ednesday it will start this sum m er to cut back on extra nesday for 50 million acres of M ichigan Mock -F arm ers, overseas duty ordered for thousands, of m en during the Berlin farmland to be transformed in­ crisis. —‘ Music Bldg. auditorium. 1$ a.m . — Judging of sale to recreation areas by I960 This step m arks the first major retrenchm ent from stopgap ew es, Livestock paviUea. Tim The secretary asked for the m easures taken last fall to bring about a quick buildup of U.S. B attle against Farm Costs, action during an address to m ilitary strength in the f a c e o f Russian threats to m ove against Fairchild Theatre, Expand- M ichigan farm ers attending Berlin. " ~\ ’ in s Horizons for Youth, Kiva. the Farm ers’ Week program in Last Oct. 1. the arm y added three months to short tours of Storages for V egetables, the U niversity Auditorium ~ 12 to Iff months in areas such as Korea and Pakistan. Fruit and Nursery Crops, 11$ “The common attitude of the It also extended the normal 36-month tours by six months in Agricultural Engineering. p ast,” said the form er three* such regions as Europe and Hawaii. Professional B e e k e e p e r a , te r m M innesota governor, K ellogg Center. “was that if a farm er produces Cubans Urged To Protest OAS How to Get aa E xtra T o n e! Milk per Cow, 1M Anthony. enough and does it efficiently enough, m arkets w ill somehow HAVANA—Loudspeaker trucks urging residents to join in a D airy Cattle Fitting and open up to provide him an in­ mock funeral for the Organization of American States (OAS) Showing Contest, Livestock com e adequate to his labor, rolled through Havana streets W ednesday. pavilion. skill, and investm ent. The announcers said the “OAS corpse” would be slum ped into Forages and F ertilizer Pro­ “ But the benefits of an in­ the ocean during the evening to drift toward the United States. gram , K ellogg Center. creasing efficiency in agri­ Referring to the OAS decision to oust the Fidel Castro regim e Potato Program , K ellogg culture,"'continued Freem an, from inter-American councils, the announcers declared: Center. “accrue principally not to toe “Cuba will win jt s struggle, with or without the OAS.” Homem aker’s Program , A farm er, but to toe consum er. and B Union. Nehru Rebukes UN-Pakistan Issue Turkey D ay, 11$ Anthony. M ichigan Chapter Soil Con­ “ Between 1952 and 1960 we saw agriculture output increas­ JAMMU, Kashmir—Prim e M inister Nehru said W ednesday servation Society, K ellogg ed by one-fifth- and net farm the U.N. security council debate on Kashmir “would noThelp Center. incom e decreased by one-fifth.” the situation in any w ay.” Youth Leaders* Program , I f such a system jvere to Addressing a large political m eeting here Nehrtf said Pakis­ GUtner Hall. continue. Freem an said, by ta n 's request for a debate w as ridiculous. He said it was fantas­ 19:30 a.m . — G irl’s D ay, 1960 with a national population tic for Pakistan to contend Z debate should be held because it Union Ballroom . of 240 m illion, the United States was afraid India was preparing an invasion of Pakistan. The Centennial Farm er and ' Surely India has better things to do than invade Pakistan,” w ill need 50 m illion acres less His Contribution to M ichigan, than it is using today. Nehru said. “ We are busy building up our econom y and indus­ KeBogg Center.- Intensive effort, as shown on the faces of these survival luncheon participants, try .” 4 . 7— . 12 m m — 27th Annual C a n n ed stem m ed from a lethal leaking little er e opener used to open the various courses “ If we don’t make basic ad­ justm ents now, w e’re jgoing to Bred E w e sale, Livestock pa- of the emergency dinner pack prepared for use in disaster areas. The three- Survival use land to produce food w e Secret Army Blamed on Holdups vfliaa. LUNCHEONS — Michigan course mcol. sop insert, consisted of mflkr cherry-apple ju k e, ham , bread, cheese aad crackers a il d essert. —State New s Photo by Paul Rem y. don’t need,” said the Secretary. ALGIERS—Seven daring holdups blarnpd on the right-w ing l l l i e l I w m A , C Union. - “To produce m ore to r e w e e r e secret arm y w ere staged in A lgeria W ednesday. As the feeling M ichigan Flying Farm ers, use is m orally reprehensible.” of anarchy heightened airlines canceled night flights to and he continued. from A lgiers. ~ European tommy-gunners raided four banks, a public works ,-*• K ellogg C oder. M ichigan Chapter Soil Con­ servation Society, Kellogg N u c le a r N u tr itio n Campus Chest Kennedy’s ABCD Program , subm itted to Congress-W ed- office, and a cigarette factory in Algiers in an apparent build-up of funds for the terrorist fight to bar A lgeria’s independence. Center. Centennial F an n ers, K ellogg ★ - it * fif ★ ★ dr Considers Aid nesday, is, according to Free­ m an, designed to offset sack A seventh raid took place in Oran in western A lgeria. Author­ ities said the Franc equivalent of $130,000 w as taken. The secret arm y already had replenished its arm s with a C egter. U se and M aintenance of Chain Saws and Chains, For- Farmers Try Disaster Diet To Negroes wasteful developm ents. The program revolves around series of raids on m ilitary cam ps earlier this month. - estry Cabin. (Editor’s note: This is the four “distinct but unrelated” 1:15 p.m . — Modern Forage third of four articles describ­ goals that “warrant our m ost M ethods, 199 Anthony. - A three-course m eal in a ldt on.whether or not to build fall­ and its educational value. ing the charities MSU’s Cam­ serious consideration.” These JFK Holds Conference 1:39 p.m . — The Cost Side w as served to 750 guests in the Auditorium W ednesday aL the out shelters.” _ “This program with Program moderator CUnt

Spotlight” are asked to con­ vice chairman, Edward Hutchinson (R-Feanvflle) first yfce wiwim aa, ana n D rw e. who raid he wanted to iea pceeeatstiea w in be wom­ tact Feature Editor Howard right, Theodis Gay. research consultant to the committee, j^yle end Drafting will take a hau hem e te Ins daugh­ No Camera Charge • No Appointments N ecessary en’s styles as seen in the H olm es, at the State N ew s of­ eventually determine the style and form of the CoiMlltattea to he presented to ters. w as ty p e d of som e buy­ 197H E ast Michigan — Lansing — IV 5-8253 la test pages of Vogue, Ma­ fice. the people. ' ing extra banes. Färber,. »vnotont professor of ■gi Wahm nl economics, stress­ Make That Ordinary Occasion ‘Rule by Few No Good* ed tww a o s s o f the_program : YUUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS A Special One, With Flowers * 1): To h diodane new foods jsfticli are or w ill be avail- B arnes Floral Mundt Raps Liberalis] - sM e to th e public. 2) TO raafce the public aware ef tike u a lu u tnce o f sur- CHICKEN D. HUTS of East Laming By PAUL SCHNITT a slow er pace, Mundt said. kind of American I want to svrai foods for reasons -.W E TELEGRAPH FLOWERS WORLD-WIDE It is, he continued, regret­ see, to continuo to grow and other Qua man-made dis­ Of the State News Staff table the American people prosper,” ho said. aster. F rid a y N ig h t- " D a te N ig h t Under the leadership of men have failed to r e s is t m is who call them selves “lib erals,” trend. ' " COUPLES EAT FOR THE PRICE OF ONE 215 Ann St. ED 2-0871 the United States has been m oving toward traditional ab­ solutism a n d authoritarian “ If you put too much power in too few hands, ultim ately OPERATION INCLUDES EVERYTHING ON THE MENU EXCEPT PIZZA rule, U. S. Senator K a r l there w ill be a catastrophe, IOTH IN Mundt (R-South Dakota) told an audience a t the Conserva­ the 61-year-old senator said. The “liberals” hava won the UNDERSTANDING SUNDAY DINNER D ELIN H T ENGLISH tive Club m eeting Tuesday night. In his speech, “ Today’s battle of sem antics, Mundt said. Under the guise of “lib­ eralism ”—which is a “ pretty, S t John’s Catholic Stadent Parish ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR 9V SOX OFFICE OFEN **5 Trends Toward Yesterday’s attractive, easy-to-sell word”— YOUR CHOICE OF AJULI ADMISSION $1.00 STUDENTS (with 10 $—.7* Techniques,” Mundt said that he deplored the changes in the these leaders have m isled and confused enough people^ con­ Sunday, February 4, 1962 - cerning what doctors to see if ROAST TURKEY DINNER with econom ic and political life of I JVASff WIKI READYFOCTHIILUI Am erica. an ■ ■ i t M i i i a i i i i ». P r o p S u in u n c r s ^JWorldDf Sports" m in rfa a n h * * * A M e w d e a n e |p l b teeter. pnp ,a RMkbP T h . A e w M P m . m $ m m m m W fr n m wm r Some college hockey coaches, ta n * ex-Junfor-A’s their EXPANSION of the National Loagao to 19 team s kept On H i B eeasae « M ichigan and Jotm Mnrieed ucci of K rosters. L n ^ lo n d te A iO c iiig n h a » C M cajs G rin from g o in g so m e 9499,609 in O n rod for M U •PER SOU included, fe el fon t the for­ a t lea st n teeia cta d ta g Gordon THE NEW YORK YANKEES announced yesterday they had m er Tuaiir-A hockey player Bed Derwison who 1l affW litrd received the signed co n tra cto f left-handed pitcher B ed D aisy. I I • I has a s place in college hockey. with the Montreal Canadians WITHOUT any fanfare, WBUe M ays signed U s 1962 contract ! The Junior-A league is a o f the N ational Hockey League. with the San Francisco (Meats yesterday, which probably m akes Canadian league and firepan to Third place M ichigan Tech has him baseball’s highest paid player at about 990,009. ■ON. I n S IT . s e v e r d a n d North Dakota has | THE VIM ANNUAL Sunkiat Mid-Whiter Invitational Golf players under 29 years o f age. I p la yfr hi th is league r e e e w s j W * 11. D enver, generally Tournament begins Friday on the 9,919 yard Sunkiat Country anywhere from | i te IBS a with ten n er Junior-A s >C tab atB flosi. ^ w eek, depending on Ms ability, ta s cut down but still h as a COMMUNIST EAST GERMANY apparently has withdrawn I M M M W M .2 V sp ecifically fo r playing hodm y. t e t e V \ from file European speed skating cham pionships to be held M any people feel th at by in G ris this w eekend. >- ^ ED7-2M 9 2U M JLC . One m m ffl> ceac h s s m m eHmtaattag Junior-A players against the u se o f those “pro­ HUNGARY’S Lajos SzentgaU and Sander Iharos wffl run in DOUG ROWE (I) DICK BRACKETT (r) t t e quality a f cottage hockey the m ile and 2-m ile races, instead of the half-m ile and m ile, in fessional am ateurs” is th at they Sealer Distant Freestyk rs w ffl decline. B ut O n coaches are havtag a killing e ffe c te n f a * tid r i t n o t a * They claim the M fflrose G am es at Madison Square Garden Friday night. high school hockey -w hich the THE WASHINGTON REDSKINS yesterday announced the that th e m ore Am erican play­ rigwiwg of A1 M incevich, former Purdue U niversity guard, as Seniors Bolster Spartan coaches are trying hard to pro. m ote and wtrich has shown a ers they can use th e m ore a free a g en t M incevich, 9 feet t m m m p o ck ey w ffl grow and strong upward trend in m u t higher quality players w ffl be pounds. JAMES SAXTON, the _ All-Am erican inches tan, weighs 220 b fck from the Uiriver- WVERSITY years. Distance Freestyle Corps D etroit has a new high aehsM Several B ig Ten u aiverfities sity o f T exas, signed yesterday to {day with the D allas Texans league called th e International have ahann interest in starting o f th e Am erican Foethan League. Hockey League, which has IS hockey team s h ot they shy HEATRE By TERRY DURFEE freestyies, w ill be greatly m iss­ the 1500 m eter freestyle. team s from the Detroit-Wind- aw ay a t tpe idea o f h nriag to NIGHTS WEST JR . State News SperU Writer 'H us weekend w ill see Spar- ed on next year’s team . DOUG ROWE, who is from He becam e interested in M ichigan State while training sor area. R ecently team s from go to C a n a ls to recruit players this league played 4n D etroit’s of near professional status. new m ulti-m illion dollar Coho They have aa objection to the ONLY BEG. FEB. 7th A lia PRESENTS A CHILDREN’S THEATRE PRODUCTION OF tin swim m ers at M inneapolis, Fremont, California, previous­ here for the 1960 Olympic T rials M innesota for a triple dual H all. use o f Canadian players just m eet with Minnesota and Iow i ly attended Long Beach City College. While he was .there, in which he placed seventh in the 220 yard freestyle. The top What happens when high out o f high sdbooL It would ho THE MUSICAL HIT Beauty And State. — he was named to the All-Ameri­ school students graduate and unfair to say no Canadian play­ six are taken to the Olym pics. The Beast 'This m eet starts off the hard­ est cam paign of the season ac­ cording to Doug Rowe and Dick Brackett. This cam paign can team in h is sophomore year. Rowe holds the National Jun­ . Now at State, Rowe sw im s the 220 and 440 yard freestyies. L ast year he w as a member want to play college hockey? '~ ers a t a ll. They are m atched against the The solution Is not to baa a ll cream of the Junior-A league. Canadian players b et to screen league that plays a schedule not just the Canadians but all 66 LI’L ABNER” SATURDAY * SUNDAY FEBRUARY S A 4 ior College records for the 220 of the 400 yard freestyle relay, A book — Nerm ao Panam a — M elvia Frank 1:99 A 3:99 P M . includes M innesota, Iowa State, and 440 yard freestyies. He also which set the B ig Ten record of 70 60-minute gam es a year prospective college player« and Ohio State, and Michigan held the 100 yard freestyle w hile the high school player determ ine If they are am ateur lyrics — Johnny M ercer — M ask — Gene dePaul FAIRCHILD THEATRE in the W estern Conference ADMISSION Rowe and Brackett who are record. Doug, in addition, bolds Championships. plays only about 20 gam es and or p n ieM k a a ! *w * |1iS ii| to NCAA rides. If m aking money SADIE HAWKINS DAY seniors and swim the distance the California state record for they are only 96 m inutes kmg. Doug’s m ajor is Industrial for playing^a sport m akes the IN FULL DRESS Tickets at Arhaagk’s , The A rts. He plans to teach m e­ Another fact to consider is -H e tty Hah to Fraadar, chanical drawing and coach af­ w hat happens when the ath­ player a pro the JuniorA play­ $1.90 Paramount News Shop - F . N. Arbaughs or U n i o n Ticket O ffice, lete’s collegiate playing days er should not be allow ed In •CO M PLETE COLLISION SERVICE ter graduation. $1.45 Lansiag Civic Players IV 4-9115 Fairchild B ex O f f i c e , are over, m the ca se of the collegiate hockey. M'TaË£?^*'-- r a ^ ’^ ' * i s ;i- - * R B |H m m w Ê Ë w m m m IP If vi im c tiiç ra n s t i l t çf H » % Manias, F d m ; t, H t t m m m * - & ■ : ~ ■' ■#■■■------------------------ m ÎWl if f Hi m Enga PM y L be1 ALPHA CHI OMEGA ¡ to m u e» Van Leuwen, Hop» Snow Defied Jan EatÇau^ Lansing junior, {Cottage senior and Omicro» to Dick Salt, E ast Lansing jun­ Kappa Epettou. *^3 ""By Cathie M. Mahoney ior ' ' Barbara Walah, Port Huron Judy Palicki, Grand Rapid» sophomore, to R ay Straffon, Owe might, think that Old bold n “South Seas’* party for oual «Hnrar " dkuce e .« . Saturday junior, to Brian Eisnor. Mani- Port Huron senior and Lambda ton Winter weuM keep sta- the actives Saturday night. / evening. " G d d n D ays hi Huh towia, Wisconsin senior and AÌ- Chi Alpha. «arts todnnrt but » ?.q u ick L ot Gourmets, the H otel As­ delberg” w in be held in Kel­ pha Tau Omega., SIGMA KAPPA «1 th e social calendar sociation, w ifi pr esent the an* logg Coûter. R osie Kuhn, East Lansing Rona Hutchinson, Kalamazoo th is weekend proves other» senior, to Bryce Ptapp. U n i-|Mnior, to T on S ia n o, United wtoe. versity of California Graduate states Marine Corps. There are many functions in Make That Ordinary Oeemioto Student and Sigma Alpha &p> ABBOTT HALL addition to the senti-form al All- U niversity W interiand WMrl. A Special One, With flowers 1 *i,on- ______________ LynnIrland,North Lake Port ALPHA EPSILON PH ! j sophomore, to Paul Geer, Adri- P a r a H o n e fraternity w ill Nancy D avis, Benton H aibrr M College graduate and Alpha senior, to Dr. Joseph Jacobson, Xau Omega. present their annual Credent Ball an Saturday evening at the Poplars. John ABemaa and a t East Laneing B arnes Floral U niversity of Pittsburgh and a s h e s ROUSE fo r WOMEN Sigm a Alpha Mu. his band w ill provide m usic. W E T E L E G R A PH FLO W ERS W O RLD-W IDE Linda K eegan, Miami F la ., Coeds recently pinned w ill be KAPPA ALPHA THETA senior to Dean Johnson, Mich­ presented with roses and ser­ Nancy Smith. Grosso Points igan State graduate and Asher enaded. i senior, to Joseph Reid. Lima, House for Mep, _ The Phi Kappa Thu’s are 215 Ann St. ED 2-0671 Ohio senior and Beta Tbeta Pi Deanne Stephenson, Jackson hosting a bundle party Satur­ KAPPA DELTA junior, to Irv T errell, Jackson day evening at the house with Kay Cantor, Berwyn. IB, Junior College graduate. dtaner and dancing included. senior, to Norm Duffy, Milford Suzanne Schwartz, Grossa The Rotary Altar Society of senior. — lie junior, to Rebin W idgery, PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED M U ? St. John’s Student P arish is PI BETA PHI M ichigan State graduate and sponsoring their annual card Judy Sibert, Pierre, S. D. Asher House for Men. ’™ w party, “ June in January” , Fri­ senior to Chuck Charmatz, Judle W ilson, Detroit junior, day night a t • p.m . The dollar Michigan State graduate to Hugh Ridlon III, United donation w ill provide funds tor ri o I M I E Ruth Smith, Holland senior, IStates Army. attar care and decorations for the year. P rizes and refresh­ E A S T L A N S I N G * P H O N E ED. 2- 281 4 “ SWEETHEART” CANDIDATES a n from top toft: C an t H utchins,D etrult Jr.; m ents are offered and the NIGHTS k SUNDAY — ADULTS Me SAT. MAT. l i e public is invited to attend. Jaaet Howard, P t. Haroa Jr.; middle toft: C anto M ertem, E lsie seph.; Pat ADULT ENTERTAINMENT D elta Upsikm pledges w ill C A M P U S C L A S S IF IE D S Reaaaaer, faaatag jr.; freut raw: Bosnie M artin, Detroit jr. The Veto’ Sweetheart w ill be chosen a t thé W interiand Whirl on Saturday night. - 1 STARTS 7 P.M . — FEATURE AT 7:21 -1:3 1 D E A D L IN E S : 1 p.m . D ay B efo re P u b iteatieu fo r T uete, LAST NIGHT • “THE BRIDGE’ W ed., T h a rs., and F ri. E d itio n s. D ead­ lin e fo r M on. E d itio n : l p .m . F r i S L A C K ^ PH O NE: 355-8255 or 355-8256 P in n in g s W in te ria n d W h irls ; • STARTING TOMORROW FRIDA? • S A L E ! ALPHA tA U OMEGA S w e e th e a rts C h o s e n 100% Wool ran e - r a n m k t iM tm rarauauuj AUTOMOTIVE FOR RENT Dick M acDonald, E a st Wonted Lansing, junior, to M a r ty Sweetheart-Day is Saturday the Union ticket office, th e. 1958 AUSTIN HEALEY. I00-6M. ROOMS R^d, wire wheels, electric O.D. heater, Hicks, E ast Lansing junior and Feb. 3. . Veterans A ssociation office, 3M j Blend T fc j P Ö t r td ff t.T r W « ^ APPROVED SINGLE for male. Clean, Alpha Chi Omega. radio. EO 7-9627:------ _ 22 new, near campus and bui. Parking. Jim Carroll, Dearborn sen­ The MSU Veterans A ssocia-i Student Services, and. from ray ; tion w ill select their 1962 veterans association m em ber. * 1 0 ’* 1955 BUICK LOVERS, check this 337-2651. one. SHARf. 2 door Roadmaster, hard top, lull power, ED 2-3060. HALF LARGE ROOM with private 21 bath -20 ior, to Sandy Pippei, Dearborn junior and A lpha'X i D elta. Sweetheart at the 4th annual "A ticket booth w ill be open A 11 U niversity Winteriand Friday, Feb. 2 from 8 aim . to Orion & Wool Blend Barely and kitchen. 2 blocks from Union, ALPHA SIGMA PHI " 5 p.m. at Berkey H all. Admis­ Whirl on Saturday night. ftn e e a k d I9£S CHEVROLET, Runs well. Mi- shows. ED 2-6396. 21 Jerry Seam an, Farm ington The dance w ill be held at the sion is $2.50 per couple^ chanieat condition and tires good. Call junior, to Teddy L everich, DicT between 4-6 p.m. 35S-G5I9. 27 Singles APPROVED, SUPERVISED for men. and doubles. Sportan Halt, Three R ivers freshm an. D ells Terrace on Lake Lansing. Dance m usic w ill b e played * 8 ” DELTA UPSILON M embers of the - veterans by Peter Vaeder W aal and bis 1956-BODGE, 4-door. Exceptionally 215 Louis, EO 2-2574. 20 association attending the dance band from 9 a.m . to 12 mid­ W a s h -N -W e a r well maintained, newly rebuilt engine, Richard Overkamp, Muske­ Rowerflite, radio, heater, premium tires, PERSONAL gon sophom ore, to Mary Aus­ w ill ca st ballots during inter­ night. Acrilan Blend *" seatbelts. 355-4497, Loc, 8 or ED 2- tin, North Muskegon sopho­ m ission to choose the co-ed ■MTSutiaftoMuMMI 5755.____________ — 21 THEY’RE SELLING THEM. Tickets more. who w ill reign a s their Sweet­ Survey Discussed COL fiSwE JOME ONLY O that is. At Berkey Hall, the Union 1952 FORD. Automatic transmission, Bidg. Ticket Desk and from individual PHI DELTA THETA heart for one year. The five “The Education of Women” iMtttcoti-flpreii fin alists, pictured on this page, w ill be Dr. Loraine V. Shep­ new paint, excellent condition, r. and h, vets. Reason? The all University "Win- CaH Gene. ED'2-6640 or ED 2-3565. 21 tertand Whirl,i^-Febr 3. 20 David Foster, K ansas City, M iss,, junior, to Janet Van Con- w ere chosen by the- judging ard’s topic for discussion when Las Kstttsbsk’s THEPUKHDI Of ST.TRMAffS com m ittee from 26 co-eds who she speaks to the N ew com ers’ 1956 FORD 4 door. Standard VS. COMEDYyMUSIC! Campus chaos. ant, Im lay City junior and Kappa Alpha Tbeta. entered the contest. Club of Faculty Folk at 8 p.m: v u s m r sto p C B ui'M inw w 40.000 miles. Excellent mechanically. The Union, Friday, 0:15. 21 2 2 8 A b b ott Rd. Good rubber, body. Bill, 355-4333. 22 PHI KAPPA PSI The candidates w ere person­ in Owen Center, Thursday. FRATERNITIES-Sororities. Pick your al selections by association E ast Lansing EX T R A — “STO RY O F R EM BR A N D T” Dave Moore, Lansing junior, Dr. Shephard's talk w ill deal 1957 FORD, white convertible. contestants for the National Intercol­ m em bers. Each girl w as given with som e of the findings o f Power steering, fadio, heater. V-8, legiate Banyan Limbo. Last Spring’s to Katy SchHchting, Lansing sophomore and Sigm a Kappa. a letter inviting her to enter the All-University Com m ittee automatic transmission: Must sell. "Very champs, Sid Conrad, ZTDr—Miami of the com petition as an individ­ son Education for Women which reasonsWe. 355-0641 after 6. 23 Ohio, Chip Worsingcr, SAE, ÜSO Calf. PHI KAPPA TAU ual representative. -v - 21 Bob Ehrenberger, T raverse w as appointed last Spring by 1959 RAMBLER. 4 door Ambassador. AWS has granted 2 a.m . per­ the Provost at M ichigan Stole AH power, good condition. Must sell. PLANNING A Juna wedding? See City sophom ore, to M arlaine Hanrath, M ichigan State gradu­ m ission for a ll co-eds attending to make a study of the prob­ $895. ED 2-1022. 22 the U.S. Fashion Show, Thursday. 20 the Whirl. ate. : lem s for form at education for 1951 SlMCA, ♦ door-Sedan, excel­ T ickets a re now on sale at women. lent mechanical condition. No rust. REAL ESTATE Jack Hoopfer, Rapids City Heater. New battery. $550. Can be sophomore, to Leah Cox, Wil­ seen at Cripps Standard Service. 1226 E. LANSING Bedford Hills. T bed- liam sburg sophom ore. E. Michigan. ’ — 22 room home ranch style. 7 car attached Joe G alvin, Milton, M a s s ., U I ” -*»-1 » * C L a t L — l L C K C U ÏT C H garage. Finished recreation room. T BIRD, classic 55.- 2 tops. Beautiful Landscaped corner lot 100x136. Near sophom ore, to Joanne M iller, Trenton sophomore. EXPERIENCE .jn P c\ . — —— condition. $1900. ED 2 6???._____ 24 St. Thomas and Marble Schools. Leav­ ing state. Must fell. $21,900 by own* SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON EMPLOYMENT er. ED 2-1022. 22 Ken N agler, G rosse Pointe EAST LANSING, Bailey area. 7 sophomore, to Carol KzHztz, WATERFRONT DIRECTOR. W.S.A. rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, separate G rosse Pointe sophomore and rm m 21 years or older, A feed handler arid dining room, full basement,' garage, P i B eta n il. first aider. July I to the 31st. Girl fenced backyad. $14,900. 201 Milford. Gary Menton, E ast Lansing TT ' ' ■' ’ .- Scout Camp near Greenville. Call ED 2-0704. 23 TV 2-1635. 20 junior, to Linda H olliday, Ro­ Ä : \ . .f EAST LANSING. 9 year old _buni chester, N.Y., junior and P i BE F0REWARNE MALE STUDENT to assist—handi­ gelovtr- 3 bedrooms, large living room, Beta Phi. -— capped attorney in arising and retir­ utility room, deep fenced backyard. in pou* owtn!e**vti v«y* 1 ing. In return student wTI receive free Must sell. ED 2-£405. SIGMA PHI EPSILON . 'f l f t i u f t - from IH* v t o . y 20 Tom V alm assei, Monroe sen­ to the muxJsUitiiifnt* rent. IV 5-9144, Evenings, 4S4-I938. 72 LANSING. EAST SIDE. 3 bedroom ior, to Barb Pollack, G rosse ranch. Finished ree. Enclosed yard. 6 lie ., sophomore and Alpha Chi- “ D eborah K err m ay h ave a ‘w aik-aw ay* fo r th e FOR SALE years-pld. FHA Terms. Call 449-6069. Omega. O scar h i T h e In n ocen ts’. D on’t d are m iss it. I t's an FORMAL. Size IS. Nile green chiffon NEW FRAME COTTAGE. 24 ■ 91. ALPHA CHI OMEGA e e r ie sen sa tio n .’’ ever taffeta, worn once, ED 2-1854. near Hastings on Lower -take, lot Joan Bresto, D etroit junior, — D orothy Kiigailen m m _ — 72 65x350.—well, wired, insulated, $3,300 to Tony Adamski, W a y n e f . with minimum down payment. Write F. U niversity senior and Alpha FREE FILM at Marek Rexall Prescrip­ Dowling. 436 N. Lindberg, Stevens Sigm a Phi. _ tion Canter with each roll developed Point, Wisconsin. 22 HURRY! and printed. 75e minimum. 301 N. ALPHA XI DELTA Clipped, by Frendor. Phone 485-4355. S UNIT MOTEL, Jiving quarters. M arge Hoitrop, Grand Rap­ L U C O N LAST 3 DAYS _ '_______ 23 West US 7. U.P. over looking beautiful ids senior, to Craig Huffman, Lokc Michigan. 4 years, old. Sandy Albion College graduate stu­ JA*T IANSIN» • m o m IB , : TROPICAL FISH, plents, supplies. beach. Good summer business. Ideal New shipment just arrived. Trio Hatch­ for faculty. Small down payment. dent and D elta Sigm a Phi. C om plete S h ow s F ea tu re Show n ery, 1208 So. Holmes. IV 5-4551. Open Write: Lucia Rygiel, 14729 Indiana St; PI BETA PHI 1:25 • 3 :3 5 • 5:4 5 tilt 9. _ 22 Detroit. 21 1:00 • 3 :0 5 • 5:15 21 INCH G.E. Television, like new. Jane H ansen. Holland junior, to Don Raino, Northwestern 7 :2 5 - 9 :4 0 8:00 - 10:00 'Completely reconditioned. $50. 355- SERVICE U niversity Graduate and Beta Theta P i. 4039. Must sacrifice. TYPING ON electric typewriter, SIGMA KAPPA Starts Sunday # Twin Hit Show L n a r n in g n e v e r s t o p s f o r s n g l n s s r s s t W s s t s m E le c tr ic TRAILERS English meior. ED 2-8877. Bonnie Bohn, G rosse Pointe Playground of tha 'Build-up Boy*”! VACANT 10x45 will b« told to GENERAL TYPING, theses, term pa­ junior, to Loyal E ldridge, Uni­ There# no place at Western Electric for engi­ \p Western Electric at one of the best times in blgHcst bidder Sot., Feb. 3 at Life of pers. Experienced. IV 7-0903. 21 versity of M ichigan junior rad '»iluy Mobile Home Park. South W*>h- neers w in feel, that college diplomas signify the company’s history. In the m anagement inftoa Road at 196 ly-Puu. 21 DINNERS SERVED for groups of 35 Phi Kappa PM. the end of then education. However, if a than area alone, several thousand supervisory jobs to 100 persons. Capitol Grange Hall. WEST YAKELEY HALL can meet our quality standards and- feels that are expected to open up to WJEL pvobta within GREAT LAKES, 50x10. 7 bedroom«, Trowbridge Road, East Lansing. Also, B etty Johnson, Saint Johns he is really just beginning to learn „ . and if he the nest 10 years. And our wont of building' perkeiTJn E. Lapsing. Call ED 7-0016. ha# for rent. IV 9-S680. 21 sophom ore, to Benson Mungar, is ready to launch his career where learning is communications equipment and systems be­ THESES TYPING, printing. IBM Elec­ Albion College and Sigm a Chi. an importawt part of the job and where gradu­ comes increasingly challenging and important tric typewriters. Editing and proof­ FOR RENT reading available. Wonch Grafie Serv­ ate-level training on and off the job is encour­ u the communications needs of our nation and THRBB1 _________ ice. 1720 E. Michigan Ava, -Lansing. Cooking Shorts aged —we want and need ham. the world continue to increase. _ 444-7786. tf At W estern Electric, in addition to the nor­ NEEb 0W{ MAN to thart house and expenses. 337-7740. 20 A m etal spatula that’s a cou­ ANN BROWN, typist and multiljth- ple of inches wide is convenient j& B tm mal learaing-w hile-dotag. engineers are en- O iiB nute »ee»r*u«a*M *xm m u at a u r a a ra arar coutsged Bomeve ahead In their fields by sever­ ■Huetrie fur xlxrtriiuf, wucfinteet, M mMsL s N «fcuwl- ing. General typing. term papers, the­ to u se in turning bacon that's UNAPPROVfO, 3 room cabm at al types of adacational programs. W estern cul enginurn, en wuH eu gOgulrat «eluncu, Bbural Ufti, Lake Lansing, Complete housekeeping ses. dissertations, duplicating. E0 2- •344. tf being cooked in a skillet. tS S u m . maintains Us own full-time graduate engineer­ •n i hminucc «ajun. Ai gcsMM u,u>xunM wM ru» faciliti«. $14 waakly. 10 2-6922. ÌÌ R em ove both the stem struc­ C H v e x m S c O P E ing training program, seven formal manage­ WOMEN S ALTERATIONS. Prompt ture an d-th e seed s when you FREE HOME far giri; couple, ar and reasonable. 500 Charles St. EB“?- are preparing fresh p e a r 2ND BIG ATTRACTION ment courses, and a tuition refund plan for inJra^ratirai m8 Mfaâtoru CaülkMuu Masâton mothef of I child, for seme practical 4S4S. _ —- 22 halvas tor baiting. If the pears out-of-hours coflegr. study. Ifunu, Wucfurw lluctric Cumguuy, Suurc 4304. 313 nursing. ID 2-5977. 22 H it learning atmosphere is just one reason TYPING. Em are to bo baked w hole, fill to e asueOtmy« Nu* Turk 34, Muw Vurfc. â m à bu um lu APARTMENTS core cavity w ith sugar or other -60-UBGHIER EMTERTAINMENT PARA0EI why a earner -at Western Electric is so stiam- cu sto d ia n wanted. Reduced TRANSPORTATION sw eetening. i t W i u m iP S i i u B S B Utaag. O f eqmd knpottonce, however, is the rent on modem apartment, (E.L.) in Quick dessert: drain caanad N U R W IM iw n R u Ek I nature of too work wa d a O ar wmm ragineiri exchange Jor custodial care of build­ RIDE WANTED to Indionepot*. Ind. apricots and serve with a MY aw taking part in y n j r a toot iaq^eauut the ing. Only married couple with farm background need apply. ED 2-5988 Friday evening. Feb. 2. 355-1976. 20 custard sauce. The sauce m ay @E5DB30BEr CHARLES odtela u t d a w d n a telephony, from high- ha m ade from a package a t raead s tm d tresuadtelou and solar cels to after 6 p.m.' 20' WANTED Instant or regular vanilla pod­ ito a a ® , APARTMENT and double room. Un- WANTED. PERSON to translate ding m ix. supervised men’s housing. Grad stu­ dents preferred. ED 2-3777 morning or Egyptian script -on ring. Phone ED 2- 3907. E gg w hites that are beaten 2» to a “ soft peak”—a stage som e SbaaM y n jaia as now, you wfB faa oauring O evening; . . :---- 71 IMMEDIATE TEMPORARY home for recipes c a ll for—should have a mtrxsi MLt suuruy, a i.i IsUtesai, »S.; MUsutguHs. M.g SNMOmu sai tawsMsIt, 0m , a. t i osaste u. z« tura arara, «tra« arate ohm masts eus, te-i eauran, ette tteasra et», ora. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS wonderful dog. Lavas children, adults, peaks that tfc ev er slightly uam « r a r a asranrw U âr '' ~ ~ “ .......... - ' ~mra rough-housing. Will pay board. 355- when th e b etto r Is slow ly with­ !tra m k te sura ate Yurt 7, O V. ...L O W C 0 6 T .. . 4644. Shi-I#. 20 drawn. i V % 9 :- 4 y *K Z -. . . YiáÍíÍfaB W Í'& & ¡ -V .í-Li'v¿; ....•*'"j i - ¿ ¿ ¿ .ii 1 ¡ i 1 •V/ , , IÉ4I 1 J g q ^ ÍÉ iÍ-1 It fcpwra¡SÉmj§i| S S ilii ; I\ i - iÉpX. - ;a . :» l i í s l Ë i .- tft.-..■ 1 , yl»; 1 1- £ Ä ¡¡¡¡¡S M _ W B ñ ws^ÊsÆÊSm 111111 « fe m m m I — ■ felin i m *¿ m s m Thursday Morning, February 1, 1962 ' Michigan State Ncwi, — ^here’s Money Come From? 1 1 Jade Tickets: Varsity Drive In 1227 E. GRAND RIVER m e M f lR n f ii munii— OMwntiwrmimtmdm Will Be Gone OPEN1EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. Interviewing at th e German, Frrach, Jr. high Over 1,900, or two-tMrds of m eat Bureau Tuesday. Addi­ Spanish, jr . ft sr. high EngUsh, DELIVERY SERVICE HON.-SAT. social studies; sr. U glr U S . the tickets for JADE, the 1 9 « O ften O verlooked fu n d collected over * h a lf, he said, will receive a ballot tional Information in the P lace­ ment Bureau hufirfin for the week af Feb. 5 t o t : Ltttra System s. E lectrical hbrtny, world history, jr. high J-Hop, hove b o n purchased, Latin Am erica, senior high according to Mike Pasternak, chem istry and physics, indus­ sophomore publicity chairm an. Tickets for the Feb. 10 dance, 8:30 P.M. . 1.30 A JL SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. T B y ROBERT B . JONES Of the State News Staff mjiiinn dollars, the first tim e on which be m ay-check a v c h e ck off his and m echanical engineers and trial arts, senior high business education, ami special educa­ featuring Count B asie, wiU re­ . D 2-6617 this had been accomplished choice for a project, or write physics and m ath m ajors. , main ra sale at the Union Lec­ tion jr. and senior high. Where does a ll the money since the fund was established in h is own suggertkm. Aluminum C«. «1 Am erica. ture-Concert Series desk until qome from to support this in 1960. T hese choices are suggested M echanical. m e ta H y r g lc a b fksadstd OB a f Now Jersey large and prosperous univer­ and f a f f A ffiliated Companies. they ere sokl-out. This money goes toward s u d by the project com m ittee with chem ical, electrical and civ il Math and engineering m ajors, sity called MSu? projects as the proposed plane­ the approval of the Senior engineers. Two usual regulations tor ; Each year hundreds of thou­ tarium , the Alumni D istin­ Council. econom ics, m arketing and ac­ coeds rad freshm en students ~ AIHd*Chahn*rs M fg. Ce. E lec- counting and financial adnrin- win be waived tor the dance. sands of dollars are sprat to guished Scholarship Awards B esides the ballot. T o l l trical, m echanical, agricultural maintain the many buildings, and research and developm ent stressed that every contributor istration. " Women students f f l l he al­ engineers. projects and scholarships that This is thè third consecutive wiU receive a recognition card Touche, R oss, B ailey and lowed 3 am i. perm ission when this school has to offer. Where | year that the fund has worked ana wui The - . . Chesapeake - - - . y j - - - ft Ohio. ,Civil Sm art. A ccounting'and others they show their dance pro­ and w ill nave m s nam e printed have his prunea ntinn.rM does it com e from ? ¡with the senior cla ss in an ef- _in ___ the annual Developm ent Ask this question to the typi- f0r^ {0 organize a cla ss project Fund report, which is distribut- cal student and he w ill hkely | through- an appeal for money j ed to a il MSU alum ni through- I gineert. m echanical en Chicago Bridge It Irra Ce. from the College of Business gram npon returning, and ft Public Service. freshm an students w ill b e The United States Graphite allowed c a n on campus for EURO PE respond ib a t it com es from , to aU seniorS. out the world. M echanical, civil, chem ical, Co. (D iv. of the Wicks Corp.) the weekend. tuitions, state .funds and- re­ ^ la the past y e a n som e of electrical and m etallurgical Chem ical, electrical, m etallur­ For Students and other Young Adults turns from athletic contest The appeal began over the * the - senior - cla- ss projects w ere engineers. In answer to confusion about audiences. The answer is part­ Christmas holidays when a the donating to the lib r a ry E lgin, Joliet & Eastern Rail­ gical engineers. dress to r the annual affair, Scotland •England *Holland - Belgium X ly right, but it leaves out a letter was sent to each senior the original copies of six­ The Upjohn Co. Biology, pre­ 1Pasternak reports that appro­ way Co. M echanical and civil m edical, pre-dental, zoology priate sttire w ill consist of Germany - Switzerland •Liechtenstein very important source of in- by the fund’s senior cla ss teenth and seventeenth cen­ engineers, accounting, econom­ end chem istry jnajors. -com e.—The MSU Developm ent project chairm an. L a r r y tury London G azettes in | either a dark suit or tuxedo for ics and general business ma­ fund." Walker, F t. L aaderdale, F la. bound volum es, stained glass jors. 5 WaOed Lake Consolidated , men and cocktail dresses and ^ Schools. Elem entary education. heels for women. Austria - Yugoslavia - Italy •Monaco •France senior. windows in the Alumni Me­ Fontana Unified School Dis­ Until 1968 the first tim e that m ost people heard about Many seniors did not receive m orial chapel and a distin­ trict (Fontana, C alif.) E lem ent Carnation Ce. Chemistry, The $6 ticket price per couple (Denmark)^ (Sweeden) - (Norway) w ill include a 1 a.m . brunch for the Developm ent Fund w as £a8 lCllvl letter because wsof m mailing guished a snarasanaa^ w—- -p • iece of art at the tary education for grades K-6, dairy manufacturing or food aU in attendance at the 8 to technology, production admin­ in a letter sent them after mixup, so the appeartm s not A rt c e n te r. special education for elem en­ midnight dance. Sail June 28, Empress of Britain, or graduation, asking for mon­ reached everyone yet This year W alker em phasiz­ tary levri. Jr. high m usic, vo­ istration m ajors and electrical Robert C. T oll. Developm ent ed that the com m ittee is work­ and m echanical engineers. ey . Now, the first tim e he cal, instrum ental or strings, General E lectric Co. Elec­ Fly July 3, by Transatlantic Jet hears about the Fund is also Fund director, points out that ing at contributing a significant Jr j iig h English.SJr. high math, in a letter^ aen t him in his the class project enables sen­ gift to the school. Tim two and algebra — 9th grade, sen­ trical, m echanical, m etallur­ Return by Ship or by Jet senior year, also asking for iors to accom plish two things. goals, he said, were 100 per ior high business education. gical and chem ical engineers. m oney. F irst, the cla ss can leave som e cent participation of every Livonia Public Schools. All Applied m echanics, statistics, gift to the university which w ill senior and $5,000. education m ajors. chem istry and math m ajors. In 1961 the Developm ent be a rem em brance of it in To contribute toward the project a senior should either M etal ft Therm it Corp. Chem­ T IN T E R A future years. ical, m echanical, and electrical Also, it enables t h e m , bring or send the m oney or through participation in the check payable to H SU , to 252 engineers, - chem istry majors Zeta Beta Tau Leacler: Dr. James B. Tintera, ~ E ast Lansing and business and ’ m arketing Assoc. Prof., M.S.U. project, to gain knowledge Student Services Bldg. In a about the Developm ent ' Fund short tim e com m ittee m em bers m ajors. Elects New Slate The Mitre Corp. E lectrical Sales & Service which w ill be contacting them w ill be contacting each senior personally to contribute, Walk­ engineers and physics and Zeta Beta Tau fraternity held after graduation. — math m ajors. its sixteenth annual executive 64 I N C L U S I V E D AYS , BY S H IP . ................. $ 1 2 4 2 .0 0 T.V. » Radio Toll, who is working with the er said. The Ohio Fuel Gas Co. (D i­ council elections Monday night. 50 I N C L U S I V E D AYS , B Y A IR $ 1 3 0 7 ,4 0 senior class developm ent fund The ballets w ill be sent to vision of the Columbia Gas Newly elected officers of the H i-F i project com m ittee, outlined a the contributors as soon as System ) M echanical and civil fraternity are: VALENTiNEl GIVE HER THIS 5 7 IN C L U S I V E D A Y S , B Y S H IP & A IR $ 1 3 2 1 .5 0 tentative program for carrying possihic. he said, sa the proj­ engineers and home econom ics President, Daniel Graff, Ja­ ( IN C L U D IN G S C A N D A N A V IA ) 24 H our S erv ice out the project. ect c a n b e decided ra before m ajors. m aica, N .Y ., junior; Vice-presi­ NAME BRACELET The actual-project. he said, graduation spring term . 70 IN C L U S I V E D A Y S , B Y S H IP ft A I R $ 15 9 5 .0 0 Phone ED 2-2712 w ill be decided by those who N ext week the project com ­ School City of G ary (Gary, dent, Allen Blatt, Detroit jun­ M> tc V z (Frandor Shopping Center) n ren, Lansing. 006000000000000000000000 O' 1 p f N ow E very Sunday o to O PE N 9 a.m . to 9 p.m . M O NDAY T H R U F R ID A Y , SA T , T ILL 6 p.m . - - S tu d en t N ig h t o o Saturday is the o OS 1» Featuring Low Priced - Supper o I> 1. Special* a l o n g with Regular o IJ Last Day *©1 . FINAL MARKDOWN SALE - S '-'-ia l “Fam ily S t y l e Chicken Dinner with all the o o o §to 468 K E N T I0JUJTY Trimmings ................................. SI-65 o o o o s >CB X SefyS&unce Now In Addition . . . to our regular professional a n r o s: dry cleaning ft shirt laundry pi TOPCOATS oooo u > service, FLASH CLEANERS at Flash Coin - Op of Frandor offers yen money V . w saving, coin operated dry » C/5 cleaning. AT LOW, LO W ...............REDUCED PRICES l/j Price T H E SE TOPCOATS A R E OF FA M O U S M A K E R S, NO W M ARK ED a. DOW N FO R QUICK C L E A R A N C E During Our Grand Save Tim e! e - Opening Celebration C on ven ien tly L ocated 3 r A Regular $2 ?» • NEWEST NODELS* • MANY FABRICS — in Frandor C/3 -REGULAR $60.00 to $75.00 VALUES 8 lb Load Save M oney! awto 39 Only $1 _ $ 95 In exp en sive d ry clean in g z w N O W Thru S a t., F eb . 3 » to • T ak es on ly 40 m in u tes 3 3 95 • S a v es 75% on clean in g a. J4 4 95 to 4 9 ■a S * „ c o s ts OTHER TOPCOATS M Q JK to SI66J0 VALUES I Plan to come in today • P ro fession al R esu lts - • W rinkle F ree - little o r I a NOW S60J6, *9 .9 5 to S IIM 6 n o p ressin g needed fi SIZES 36 TO » Attended i Free Gifts • REGULARS • SHORTS • LONGS • EXTRA LONGS • STOUTS * BUY NOW AND SAVE DOLLARS — OCR ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED’ W ONCH |0 till 9 p.m. to 172 0 E , j ss Coin Operated 155 Saturday HOLDEN | j j REID Lansing 48 4-778 6 ! I Dry Gleaning I© -t I». till 7 p.m. FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER 3 1 to W FLASH CLEANERS Frunder FLASH CLEANERS Fronder FLASH CLEANERS Frautor a t