em & B m B s il w m m r n m m m m m « ■:£ W $ -A ::Í MM&m n ____ Sfififlfild ClMB W fà B ÈÎS Ê Cento E a u b iU ie d 1909 V a l. 5 3 , N s . U 9 A 1962 r a fe « N U ** Global Glimpses By the A— cfeto l P rect Wednesday N ight A ccu ses De G aalle Sees E arly Peace In A lgeria PARIS—Scorning R to tis t plotters against his n d e, P resi­ dent Charles De G aalle declared Mooday he hopes soon to m ake peace with the Algerian N ationalist rebels. He prom ised Fuzak To S¿ « È to relatoe details before lonf for ending th e 7 1/2 year war of rebellion. > -• , £ In cold term s, he told the “ subrereive-and crim inal” R ightists h e would use his emergency powers to crush them if'th ey try lit Violation to stand in the way o f letting Algeria em erge a s an independent Dean o f Students John A. izations com m ittee, said that Q f UN C h a r te r nation. Fuzak w ill speak to Student hearings on whether MSU E lysee P alace w as closely guarded a s D e G oalie spoke from Congress m em bers W ednesday should join the National Stu­ h is desk. More than 25,000 police with tanks and arm ored cars night “to clear up misunder­ dent Assn. wi}L he held T ues­ UNITED NATIONS tB—Cuba ringed P aris ready to strike should th eR ig h tists make any standings on the adm inistrative day at 7 p.m . in 328 Student Monday denounced the recent gesture o f drilance. policy on the proposed All-Uni­ Services. The hearings are anti-Castro action r i the Organ­ versity radio station.” open to the public. ization of Am erican States (OAS) as a flagrant violation JF K , Adoula Confer on Congo Fuzak said he w ill also dis­ cuss the responsibility of ad­ of the UN C Sirter obtained WASHINGTON—Prem ier Cyrille Adoula conferred Monday m inistrative officials in policy­ with P resident Kennedy on the Congo’s m any problems and m aking, and w ifi te ll Congress U. S. Claims by U.S. blackm ail and pres­ sure. In W ashington, Secretary of later said he is confident “unity, p eace and security” are coining how policies are made and to h is troubled land. The White R euse released only a generalized report that the changed at toe U niversity. Many ‘Firsts* SSS m State Dean Rusk called oa «1- tbe United States to re- two leaders discussed the problems o f secessionist Katanga " He said Monday that toe and general ecohom k ills of the Congo. possibilities far a policy In Use ofAtom their dealings w ith Cuba to the light of actions taken He w as th e honored guest at a White House stag luncheon, chaage regarding toe ban on against the Castro R egim e by attended by about 40 persons. D ignitaries included V ice P resi­ advertising for to e proposed WASHINGTON, (» -T h e Ato­ the Am erican Republics. dent Lyndon B. Johnson, and Secretary of State Dean Rusk as station are “ very slim .” m ic Energy Commission claim ­ C ulan D elegate Mario ed for the United fta tes T ues­ w ell as m em bers of the House and Senate. Student Congress speaker, Garcia-Incbausteigui accused day the distinction of being toe the Kennedy Administration D ale Warner, heard reports first nation in the world to B ritain to Continue UN Support from m em bers of toe steering send nuclear power packets, S B Ê & r i pushing plam for a “New A ggression” against the re­ com m ittee at a m eeting Mon­ or atom ic batteries, Into space. LONDON—P rim e M inister M acm illan, loudly cheered by his S fijp gim e r i Prim e M inister Fidel day. — The Commission listed that Conservative supporters, told Parliam ent Monday Britain win Castro. _ Warner reported that Roy with a num ber of other claim ed go on supporting the United Nations despite its shortcom ings Tokujo, president of the Ha­ trate* He «ailed for UN action to “F irsts” in its annual report and dangers of early bankruptcy. w aiian Chib, w ill ask Congress curb “th ese interferences” end - He said the U.N. can never be m ade to work” until E ast and for “m oral support” and per­ to Congress. The report also showed that WE PRO TESf—Iraaian and American stadenta b o n tiw U. r i M. and Mtehlgan these aggressions against our W est resolve their differences and begin working together. haps financial backing for toe people.” this country is on the w ay to State m archai areuad toe cam pas Meaday protesting the lack r i académ ie proposed H awaiian F estival building up its nuclear power­ freitan o aad vtotatiaa r i tnm an righta ia Iran. The prétest w as a direct resuit Garcia told the G eneral As­ 2 Am ericans K illed in Laos which m ay be held spring ed warship fleet to at lea st 15 r ith e a m a t r i 2M stadeats a t the U aiversity r i Tehraa, a n d th e closing r i tin t sem bly’s 104-nation P olitical term . — vessels. — a iv e n k v . B ~ n- - prétests bave been m ode throughoat the United States and Committee the United States VIENTIANE, Laos—R ebel gunners scored Sunday in the Kathy Ryan, chairm an of went to the OAS Conference at . revived civil w ar by shooting down an American-piloted C4B Congress business and organ­ Among other world “firsts” Europe dariag A e p est week. —State News Photo by F . Jetai Liseiandro. the com m ission claim ed for toe Punta D el E ste, Uruguay, to transport in flam es ea st of the P laine D es Jam es. Two Ameri­ try to liquidate a ll possibility United States:- can pilots and four Laotians, cargo on an air drop to of - negotiating v settlem ent governm ent forces and refugees in that area, w ere killed. The nam es of th e Am ericans w ere withheld, th e y w ere em ­ ployed tqr Air A m erican, • civilian firm sa t up by th e U i . Tokyo Jarred 1. Operation w ith toe fleet e f the first two surface warships propelled by atom ic power, the Cubans Trying to Wreck with the Casfro Government. The U rited States, he aaM, governm ent to provide the Laotian arm y afar transport. * By Quake « d if e r - E r ie r iK lie .-r ir i the ■We*' ^ " ¡gftyw*'' HiI'rfttaento't f * : ■r- w ent' te the eot f e roacc E a st German Youths G et D ra ft Call TOKYO ong Beach, ment appeared to available college dorm itory T ickets go on sa le Tuesday College and Cisco Cofiege. N .Y ., junior and g a jeral aay chance for su ccess e f a loans to private institutions. a t 8 u n . at the second floor, They «ay he hasksta chance chairm an announced. broader am endm ent by Sen. M orse said h e feels to e prin­ check room of to e Unton for to e to earn u i estimated 9509,999 Bm T he tid tote to t i» Saturday Sam J , E rvin J r., D Jf.C ., to elim inate construction aid tor a ll private schools from the cip le is exactly the sam e for classroom construction loans, H w hB Pops concert to h e held to a career as a football coach Frit. 15 and II. Coupon B of aad p ra to n k o ri player and Weather r ig tt anaaal •vual.iM iW 'iakP’ ped up in record tim a, B r itinirg since both teaching facilities activity books should be ex- wtonoedfeture treatment cost­ said. Some MB w ere sold Mon­ bill. ^ and itnrmttnrtof are rhangad tor a student tic k e t ing about 9190,009. d ay botera parcha«** The bill would provide 12.874 in the operation of universities. A lso, tick ets are still on sale Young McCann underwesd day wMhcoatiaaoda turned aw ay. j , : ^ s billion for co lleg e aid and bus ■ H n e e tin a e S w o H owever, Ervin said h e se e s r i the Union tick et office on surgery after aafferimt m in­ ries, f ia taw Dram f o r too hup, featuring th e support of both a difference. to e fir st fin er for, th e Modern jury to Victoria oa Oct 22, fiM. XL The jMrit to 17. WEATHER FORECAST FOR NEXT 39 DAYS—These th e m u sk o f Count B asie, is party leadera. Sen. M ike M ans, “A dorm itory to Just a place jhlhl Q noitel perform ance Fob. He w » unconscious fir three ( ht m a m , totted oa fitooe b y toe Untied State« Wsrihor l a - tuxedo or dark n ttt for m ea a d d , D-atonL, and Sen. E ver- ctt D irksen, R-XH. E S S E S T - to sla m , net w here cla sses an» tM ggg*» h e a a ftl IK M M j K f c a r a r * 91, 91.50 weeks. His left Ira we ** ■ì -a--------M (• r a y GMMjr m rut and * * » — tor the •f t i i | tencMt tfcp pttMbto (viirlpinMi tor the a e sl 39 days. —(AP Whepfiris) and «2. amputated below the knee. fig IP Hw? m m m m BBSS IPS.m m m m TunxUy Morning, February 6, 1962 m H9 m 3« u tè m o a m ïï m m M m m s? m T o C o n tr o l E d u c a tio n ? m iœ s m Ê 7:38 pjn., Bh CM Student Canter, Roy. Eugene WBB- The moot important preduct i year terms, arid she Ths new board “discourages ams, Pastor, E . Lansing Trin­ of the pew coaatituticnri «tid e file a «laority report. use. of education as a partisan retoiw* ity. _ tori, provides - continuity r i on education ia the concentra­ The new board is to be made statew ide policies and pro­ Graduate loter-Varsfty Chris- ri eight unpaid members TOKYO UR — VS. Attorney chauer, Kennedy quickly walk­ to» Fet e - h ip ~ 5:30 pm.. tion ri control ri the state’s eigfet-year staggered gram s, and is e barrier to General Robert F. Fwnaody ed six Hocks as as— noa 203 E. Brookfield Drive, In­ afflati unii proceeees Ip thè special interest group influence put In this fiRt m day of his strung eat behind Mm? and ternational Dinner, rides hgpds ri an riective State terms; the governor is to be on the schools,” the com m ittee goodwill vtoR to Japan as if Jeaoneig pa— rtiy gaped. Ho a atoth member. He may depu­ continued. fro» Owen at 5:15 P-tn. | Baardri Educate». tize his membership but not he were campaigning tor I p hetieto aad — heat I top­ Saartea Women’» League -> 4 Uria was the consensus ri Constitutional status r i the Major ri Tokyo. He mad»'a coat in Ml degree weather. his right to vote. “Hollo toere,” Kennedy «rid p.au, 338 Student Services, many ri tee 2! members ri the state’s three big universities, big Mt. * board meeting. In a supporting report, thè each with its own elective gov­ •a he entered toe studio and committee who for four months committee declared that Michi­ The JPrerident’» energetic, shook a haad ri the girl recep­ Greek Week Ceuun. Rush — listened to mere than 188 edu­ erning board, is maintained un­ Tfi yeiraM brother swept back 7-10 p.m ., Old College H all, cators and esperta « id read gan was one ri only three changed. The seven sm aller aad forth across too dty with tionist. Union. states to toe nation which fid universities are . each to have Aside from tbe lighter vein thousands r i words to prepar­ not bave such a board. T he a motorcycle escort for more U S A . Study Group 1:10 p.m . ed statements by everyone an eight-m an governing board ïISkSPÏ than 12 hours ri everything but activity, Kennedy is doing SU Chib—7 p.m ., 31 Union. number ri members w as set at to be appointed by toe gov- ~ some serious talking, too. He from parents to university eight because experience to baby kissing. L a tee n » Student Assn. — 7 presidents. ernor. Kaaaedy conferred uke a had long private — i— with a.m .. U niversity Lutheran other states indicated this was PrbaeMulatsr Hayato Oteda Church, Holy Communion With one exception toe new tiw most workable size, it con­ Ia a surprise move,, the catena* minister, shook hands and Foreign Minister Zontaro followed by light breakfast A rtide, a third shorter than tinued. com m ittee set up a second like aipoBttrlan, aad wavtd at the rid , is entirely bi-partisan. board to be appointed by the girls Mfes a youth. Kosaka. Tbe new Article provides Ottce girls at the JMtot He discussed these confer- N8A Open Hearing — 7 p.m ., It ' w as acclaim ed as an im­ 328 Student Services. toat the aew beard shall state heard to “advise aad oncai only In general term s Safltag portant improvament a n d foster” community and jun­ Mtalotty jumped up aatf down with newsman. Aides srid he Union,Chib — 7:36 p jn ., 32 achievem ent by Adelaide Hart serve “aT toe gaserai plan­ ior colleges. D elegates said and squealed when 1» walked racing board tests, (D -D etroit), Vice - Chairman ning and coordinating body they feared tiw junior col­ ia. assured too Japanese that Ja­ shore school, elections, news and by Alvin M. Bentley Tbeta, ed at-m e and not the review­ m usic major, add Hugh A. Cur­ and c h a n ta n r i the hook drive com e to flatter anybody,” Ken­ ers,” he said. youngsters ia anticipated, a c­ cording to Burton K. Thorn, as­ open to the public during the hours 9 a.m . to 9^p.m. W ednes­ SMeat Tow To ry, B ellevue agricultural engi­ the group is sponsoring for nedy replied. Sen. John Stmmis, D-Miss., sistant p ro fess« r i educt ion. day am i from 9 o.m . to 8 p.m . neering major, have been cho­ students at the U niversity r i The law yers jumped to their chairm an of the Senate sub­ Thursday. A series r i one hour session i sen Seniors r i the Week. M iss Lindsey is general N igeria, chairm an of this year’s Spins­ tapped n r M erlar Board and left the room feet and shouted “Banzai” Last spring M as Lindsey w as (long live) three-tim es when he W aving off tbe U.S. Em­ com m ittee, has been looking into charges that toe Pentagon is muzzling anti-Communist ut­ w ill be conducted throughout both days to order to give the visiting students an opportun­ The E ast Lansing schools *1- so w ilt have a joint PTA m eet­ ing Thursday r i S p.m . to the EURO PE ters Spin, a member o f the Uni­ receiv ed an Outstanding Junior terances by m ilitary loaders, K tva. The speaker win be Al­ versity Chorus, the W omen's t Award. She is riso a member bassy’s lim ousine, Kennedy im m ediately called tjjre sena­ ity to exam ine the available se­ lection r i reading m aterial and vin B entley, chairm an of the 75 Days • all expease • 11285 G lee Club, State Singers, the ! o f Circle Honorary aad Delta strode down the street from the tors to m eet Tuesday. - education com m ittee of Coo- International Club, and choir *O m icrea, a m aw honorary. Justice M inistry toward his He said tony wopM, gather Cod. *- • CALL OR WRITE director r i her dorm. In tbe past she has been For hobbies she enjoys ice next stop, the Japan Broad­ a d anything that per­ casting Corp. Japanese offi­ behind clo sed doors a id decide what to do in view r i Mc­ These preferences will then be taken into c— jderetiea He w ill give a report on the work r i h is com m ittee. ELLIOTT TRAVEL SERVICE— i president of Abbot H all, chair­ tains to nm sic. cials don't do that sort of thing Nam ara’s declaration. Among ia planning «ri cempUiag The m ooting is open to stu­ 18883 ÜVERNOIS, DETROIT 21 - UN 2-7951 man r i President’s Council, M as Lindsey said that she « id it took Kennedy’s police other‘things, Stennis said, they fatare reading lists ea the dents and faculty of State. treasurer r i W omen's Inter« feels toat at tins university -escort a moment to catch on. w ill consider whether H would R esidence Council, and a resi­ j there a r t innum erable oppor- But when they recovered, the be worthwhile for som e of dent assistant. — i tunttws for intellectual and policem en ran ahead, Mowing them to get together again She is secretary r i her j social deveiepsnenL their whistles and halting traf­ with M cNamara To peace-m ak­ Her plans for the future in- fic. ing effortsr A sim ilar attem pt | elude a m aster's degree in ap­ Accompanied by lanky U.S. on Friday apparently got no­ E n g in e ® plied voice hare, aad study in Ambassador Edwin 0 . Reis- where. : Europe far the opera . T o H o ld A p r il Curry is president r i the 1cam pus chapter r i the A m en- (MSOftWIW Mg, ! can Society r i Agricoltura] VÖUHAVETÖIdEAR CAN C o n fe re n c e E ngineers, secretary r i Engi- ócASSfS UNÜ$..u -ACkÇA I neering Council and treasurer M embers r i the student chap­ I r i his fraternity . Farm house. ter r i Am erican Society r i Civil H is cam pus honors include Engineers are m aking p la n | being a m em ber of PM Kappa for the North Central Confer­ 1PM. all uaiveroity scholastic ence to be held here April 13-14. honorary ; Tris B eta PL engi- Tbe purpose of the confer­ ! peerla g honorary aad the ence is to promote desirable I Knights r i S t Patrick, aa engi- relations am ong student chap­ ! nearing honorary. He has been ters and promote a spirit r i chosen a s the eotatauding sen- TAKE lüCV POR INSTANCE...POR e u s se s haænY i m o n v congeniality among their m em . ior to agricaR arri engineering. TH£ F«$T.T|MÉ X REAUZÊ O U LY Ht5 bers. It la also planned to en­ ! He en joyr totram arri sports, courage the developm ent r i w ater skftag, s a i horseback WHAT A SÛRôéOüS CREATURE S h£ RêAü -V (51 - IMPROVED HIS SARCASM! a professional spirit mid to fur­ j riding. ther scientific knowledge mid Carry said that he feels that scope of learning through toe ceB ege tiri only g iv er a person m eetings, papers, mid ex­ aa education bat a place to m a­ change of ideas. ture.. Nino schools participating in He plans to start work for the conference are C ase Insti­ j the SMI Con servatine Service tute r i Technology. Ohio State to Lansing after Ms graduation U niversity,- University r i De­ to March. At to e sam e to n e be troit, U niversity r i M ichigan, w ifi he w oriteig toward a U niversity r i Toledo, Wayne m aster State U niversity, Fern College. U niversity of Akron. M ichigan State. — The program includes two Night Staff luncheons, one banquet, work­ Al B oyce, night editor: Kean shop and discussion groups. It I Yoon, w ire editor. Ranee w ill feature speakers from in­ ‘G erber. Ann Darting aad B ill dustry and a tour r i cam pus Y aaccy. copy editors : Dick for the visiting delegates. Robinson, lig h t sports editor David B a ri» , Flint senior aad D ave Joshwig, photo is toe program teatn n an . ffTTTftf yping F o r A S tu d y B r e a k . . . and Drop iato too 9PU D N L7 SHOP ter oppiam i end cr ile e. Better y et, tri» a dooea bach to year ro o » to anmefti ea. p r in t in g Hia w h a t s u p fro n t th a t co u n ts Opea 9:91 a m to M i p zu . Up front is i P l L T g r t - a t E N D l and only Winston has it! 172 « 1 Michigan Rich, golden tobaccos specially selected and specially Laasfng 4 8 4 - 7 7 8 6 processed for fullflavor iiYfilter smoking. SHOP 225 MAC E D .7 4 (7 1 If yea tow denoto, y e e líta v e W IN ST O N TA STES GOOD like a cigarette should A\4ì';-À'- ■s i a g i m S s is s I M I •^¿ÌSw p S p M R sP UgjjlpiSERf JE #?' V ' e t ? M kU gn Y w ' TW % '■ ~À TF "Ï H a lle r T o A d d re ss m Allies Service Has To P lè a se P ^ B ra z ilia n Q u b T oday &ftft>EKTLUNCHEON SPECIAL Both Students and Faculty ■ - , w g K S g m h fâ à ^ er D r. Archibald H aller, a s­ witzer, Rio do Janeiro graduate sociate professor of Sociology student, will show slides and talk about Rio. Antonio Chaves, and a Fulbright Fellow to Bra­ Rio graduate student, will dem­ th, to e bunding w ill h e ever- sil, w ill m erit at tbe Brazilian onstrate the latest dance flowing before D ec., 1963,” Club m eeting to bo held a t 7:30 from the city. Chapin said. ^ p.m . Tuesday, in Parlor A, Un­ D etails for a carnival to be The lib r u y now seats 2,000 ion. _ held March 3 w ill also be dis­ H aller w ill discuss what he cussed. students, but by U tt vre should hopes to find and to accom plish be able to accom odate 7,000, while on a year’s sabbatical he said. leave beginning March 23XHe “The rapidly developing col­ w ill spend this tim e in Brazil. lections wOl soon have no room In addition. G audio Jano- for expansion, except into tbe reader s sp a ce,” he said. Rusk testified before a spe­ Teday MSU has a time re­ Honorary Offers cial Hooae Committee consider­ search library, Chapin said, Two Scholarships ing export controls. H e told the tad if the University ever has committee there ia aa doted a prefawtaaal school, either that Cuba, “for all practical Graduating seniors who plan medicine or law, tbe research to work for graduate degrees purpoaas, is a member te toe facilities, ef course, will have and who are m em bers of Phi SevtatBloc, affiliated with it, te be expanded. V aad aa recognised by the E ta Sigm a, freshm an honor so­ Aiaerioaa Republics.” “ The total estim ated annual ciety, should contact Dr. M.D. Rusk m ade th is point in dif­ c o st foe either a law or medi­ Solomon, faculty adviser, 112 ferentiating between Cemr ca l library w ill range from Natural Science by Fib. 15. munism m Y ugoslavia and 990,000 to 9100,000,” he said. This fraternity offers two Communism in Cuba. In ex­ In a report to the Board of three hundred-dollar scholar­ planation of Am erican trade Trustees la st June Chapin d e­ ships each year on the basis of and aid to Y ugoslavia, be said scribed som e possible solutions, scholastic record, creative abil­ that country “rem ains to e out­ which w ill be costly and m ean ity, need, prom ise of success, standing exam ple te success­ m ore work for to e library staff. and personality. fu l defiance by n Communist country o f S o v ie t im perialism , and it has shown toe world that escap e from the Soviet system is possible.” He said that ear U .S. B o w e rso x T o jo in priiey or aetioa find would “drive Yugodavia hack Into M a rk e tin g F a c u lty the blee would be a serious Mew.” In n m ajor showdown be­ D r. Donald J . Bowersox win button which h ave been tea- tw een E ast add W est, how­ join the m arketing and trans- tured in national trade m a g * ever, Rusk said he thought portation -adm inistration sta ff zines. — Y ugoslavia “would m ake a In April. N | He is assistan t director of strong effort to stay out of the Bowersox is an MSU grad- business developm ent for REA fig h t7* uate and form er director of the E xpress and directs th eir dis- Drawing a contrast between U niversity’s G eorge A- Rain- tribution m anagem ent consult- Y ugoslavia and Cuba, ha said lose Foundation. - lo g service. tha United States “ has evi­ He is co-author of “ P hysical Bowersox is presently on too dence that th e Castro Govern­ Distribution M anagem ent” and staff of w riters fo r the Trans- m ent is an active partner in author of several studies on the portation and Distribution Man- th e Communist conspiracy and problem s of physical d istil- agem ent m agazine. _ that its agents w ere actively trying to stim ulate subversion, violence and revolutionary ac a a n u n an n an a tiv ities in tha Latin Am erican R epublics.” Qfossword Puzzle a a a a a a a aaaanaB naaaj a a sn On the other hand, he said, □ a n an a u n an Y ugoslavia “is not working as B 9Q H D B a a a s p u t o f too Communist inter­ 3 0 3 3 □ *□ □□ a s national conspiracy to under­ a a u a n a n a a a j' m ine the independence te other □ a E Q U üD 3 1 3 3 countries.” □ 3233321 UHa He conceded that Y ugoslavia □ □ □ a □ □ □ □ as “ rem ains com m unist,” but em ­ □ aaan B aaaaaa phasized that the Belgrade n a n a □□□□ nna Governm ent “ has shown good □ aara raaaa g a s faith in their com m itm ents to us and have made it possible for us to accord Y ugoslavia, in tbe field of foreign trade, the same treatm ent accorded W estern European countries.” Chem Engineers To H ear Oil Man The Student Chapter of Am er. lean Institute of Chem ical En- g in eers-w ill m eet Wednesday a t 7:30 p.m . in 34 Union. Phillip H ill of Am erican Oil Co. w ill speak on the subject “ Technical P atents.” AH chem ­ ica l engineer students are urgeA-te attend. Photo Display On Indian Urban Life To_Open Tuesday “ The H eart e f India,” a pho­ tographic exhibition from the work of painter-photograpber Steven Trenfonides w ill open a t W estern M ichigan U niver­ sity ’s McCracken Hall gallery Tuesday and rem ain open for tw o w eeks. The pictures ten toe story of Indian urban life as seen by an artist. Those interested in ( o c r r m ru> o f d a n d r u f f , t h a t is / j going should leave their nam es with Mrs. Naom e Wold, UN Lounge, Union, 355-3480 to ar­ range for a ride or riders. K a th a r in e G ib b s M e m o r ia l S c h o la r s h ip s Unfortunately, the image lingers on! F H te e n years ego, F r e d e r ic k W a k e m a n w r o te e b o o k c a lle d u T h e H ucksters” A b o u t a d v e ttia in g . A b o u t h ig h - liv in g , h e r d -v e ttin g M a d is o n A v e n u e p itc h m e n . L e t * ta c e i t , th e r e were a n u m b e r o f th e m a ro u n d G fte e n y e a n a g o . S om a a n a tilt a r o u n d . B u t , th e y ’ re v a n is h in g ! M o a t a d v e r tia in g m e n to d a y are t h o u g h tfu lly a m a n o f th e im pórtanos o f d o i n g t h e ir jo b a h o n e s tly a n d m a lt. T h e y p u t in h o w * th a t a n e tim u la tin g a n d lo n g . A n d a d m a n — th a honest, h a r d -w o r k in g v a r ie ty — 6 n d th a p i t c h m a n l a b e l a l i t t l e h a r d t o t a k e . L o o k i d i t t h a t W e p t • M em bers o f th e M ichigan Council o f K A T H A R IN E th e Am erican A asociation o f A dvertising A gencies, 4-160 Q encral M otors B uilding, D etroit 2, M ich. o te e s è tu m à ra m m . i.V ‘ •a . ÂjaÉMiBMto.vï r* ¿:.-¿agl m æ M è M te la addition, Leonard holds a eh* aai writer as ettffce §¡§1 lf t p Harvard, Princeton and soctetarka. The cortooo A o ti university professorship. edaealtaaal W p H hae Pe&tsyivania. I several of Saata Clans’ helpers recently ri—IhifuG g beok --Callaghan la also vary proud gathered in a workshop making The title “university prefer en eum at H U tin » - of the departments graduate tips. The captfoe read*: “We lac,** srMeh hupBse mdepsu* tioa. ‘ 1 i i& FW m t' ■' pqgrem. couldn't be notMug Cor I nicer done* ef tfniuff drpoi luu u Marshall lectured at St. The department Ini turned Wjr." tel bsuudurtss, wee wealed Johns College «ad collaborated out several PhD’s who are now by the Beard sf Tnmtiss on tM r iw l known program teaching at Brandeis, Standford several years age to cover appointment of msttagaished scholars at international rep­ of e d u c a t i o n exclusively and Pennsylvania Universities, through great hooks. H e graduate students held GLADM ER gald that his de> biweekly gatherings at which utation. partment offers ant simply tra- subject matter la discussed, There are only three such po­ dtttonai courses but also court* The faeuKy also holds similar sitions a t MSU. as haviag full coverage sf the gatherings. ^ d#n>| w aify m ovem ent. Both students and faculty Leonard’s w ritings represent The courses cover logic, are in v ited to each o f the dio- contributions to the foundations semaettri. pbBiiirby ef tan- cussions. ^ of modern logic and have been geage aad philosophy ef set The graduate students pub- hailed by m any scholars in ence. 5 ip iish a new sletter which reports FEATURE AT 1:1» - S:«S - 5:1« - 7 s » • • : » the field. said that h e w as the subjects discussed at the Dr. Clarence I. Lew is, con­ fortunate to have e very ver- m eetings, sidered by many to he th e na­ sa tile staff w ith extrem ely good The philosophy departm ent PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED MS17 tion’s m ost distinguished living educational backgrounds. faculty strives to maintain a philosopher, has described M ost of the faculty have clese relationship with all Leonard’s current researches been educated at universities students in the departm ent DR. WILLIAM CALLAGHAN, philosophy department head as “prom ising to constitute a having good philosophy depart-The instructors are w ell real break through in the field m ents. These universities in- liked by their students. pad aa authority on contemporary Italian philosophy, of non-standard or m odal log­ fAST L A N S I N G • PHONE EO stands beside a cartoon mounted en his office by his staff, ic .” HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS captioned,' “We couldn’t be working for ~a nicer fa y .” Leonard has also lectured Michigan State University EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING —State News Photo by Dennis Pajot. a t the U niverstty-of Washing­ ton M edical School and Is FOREIGN FILM SERIES FIRST SHOW 7 P.M . — ADULTS M e holder of a Bowdoin prize in philosophy from Harvard P r e s e n ts U niversity. A C A O IM Y A W A R D N O M IN A T IO N - P rofessor John F . A. Taylor w as awarded the distinguished faculty prize b y th e U niversity. BEST FOREIGN FILM! i Each year six such prizes are ‘C IN EM A AS R A R ELY S E E N -i l given to outstanding facility m em bers. One o f the six is A C N IEV U I6 G R EA T N ES S !” then chosen to deliver the Cen­ -Q a o ffr a y W a n a n , L A T Im a a ' tennial R eview Lecture a t a' faculty convocation. This honor w as given to Tay­ lor la st year. Another departm ent mem­ I W a c a r io CECA PARKER GEORGE COLE JOYCEGRENFELL ber, D r. G eorge K eraer, had the distinction ef haviajr an • I X G I P n O N A L P H O T O G R A PH Y . article published la the Eng­ O U T S T A N D IN G D E M O T IO N I* lish Journal of philosophy, — A W W ftlltm r, L A M irro r SHOWN “ Mind.” _ 7 :» PLUS FEATURETTE: WALT DISNEY’S - AND “ Mind” is the m ost distin­ “ ALASKAN SLED DOG” i:4G guished philosophical journal In the world and it is extrem ely FAIRCHILD THEATRE difficult to g et an article pub­ lished in it, said Rudner. K erner w as form erly a teach­ TONIGHT, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 ing fellow at Harvard. A ssistant Professor Harold 7 & 9 P.M. T. Walsh is an authority on classical languages, archae- ology and physics in addition to x Admission 50c F R ID A Y — “ M O DIG LIANI O F M O N T P A R N A 88I“ .philosophy. Walsh has worked a s a phy­ sicist in the U niversity of Mich­ igan accoustical laboratories. Donald K. M arshall, In­ structor In eth ics, Is a classI- Program tafermatkm IV 2-SMS M IC H IG A N N 0 W .rr.G 5 e TO 5 :3 0 Feature a t 1:M , 3:11, 5:15, 7 : » , t: 3 t p,m . Its A Free-For-All O fF u n ._ ^ m S ItH oUT 5CfGrnIS«S « to W p i W l at Ford's research and adendfio labs do deal in perpetual notions —and they have more than a few about what might be common» place in the future, some of them Just as startling. Studies at Ford~lnvolving new energy sources and improved materials may help bring Jet* LAST 2 DAYS propelled cars with gyro stabili­ zers ... automatic driving controls Twin - Hit Show . . flying automobiles and wheel- fAST lAMMlie » FRÇNI |] starte FRIDAY less vehicles that glide on a 1:0# - 4:M -7:N • II:M cushion c f air • • • vehicles pro­ The Ivy League Jungle! pelled by atomic energy... plastics Daaa Andrew« with the strength of conventional Eleanor Parker _ metals. . . adhesives that replace Jeanne Crate ta welding. •. radar and other elec­ tronic controls to assist or replace the driver in many situations. Basic studies in these and other fields are just part of a continuing program of progress. aimed at reinforcing Ford't leadersh ip ft Starts Thursday ft through scien tific „research and ‘CRITICS“ CHOICE FO R T H E B E ST O F 1961 engineering» * B ert Actor „ “THE « B est picture •ox o w e* onn * 41 iUSTLER” :5 S S S ? ? ir “ . Beet Directing ADULT ADMISSION ft AO STUMNTf (HA ID)—.7« HUS: al «as «riy HILAttOUS COMtPT “A French Mistress” SUm«« ASNiS UURB4T fp ljjS „ _ _ , , Jsär& Btgtifä' l *}<:’-aKB*•>t "■( '•r’: jü í ' •■$ S m , * •í m s B BT iT i f i ij i^ a ¿ llt l ^F Ê Ê m rM ’rX^iM m Ê È Ê Ê SÎ - * ■!-------------------- & 1 -- - -inf I '•*»! '~ i : P Ä illii B ■PS^ ¡P ifi§ | 1 «anáÉíí sd ü fin M M m m m á w m P5É iíWI m . m m m w . BBSS . ^!& ^ I I B lS llli fip ' . • !>:^ Sra EXPERT FORERUNNERS, M ary Lyaae H artwell, Bayne O ty sephemere and Charlene W BHams/Berk- SSiÉ M - 'W - Z á . jsií! ü l lev junior, tested the slalom m u m for the women’s ¿:'l- ISS : .4j?S¡*'--rw. $ É É$ é > 4 B & ~ b m m M Ä i |] team prior to the raece. This Northern Michigan skier, "-aPüSá tap left, m issed a hairpta term in the dowah B course Saturday, bat went en to finish her ran. Placing fifth NO SNOW BUNNIES HERE—This MSU Women’s Ski Team p É l in foe slalom , Bonnie Humphrey, left, speeds across placed second in sB events at the Michigan Intercollegiate Ski PP w % . -ptehe -«.yísüf the finish Hah under the watehfal eye of the official. Championships at Boyne Mountain Saturday and Sunday, Mau­ iS M Linda Chaaatag not shown, piaeed first hi the slalom , reen Sloan, Marquette senior; Wanda Heaton, team captain, fearth in foe downhill events, while A1 Johnson, iron Boyne City junior; Pinky McCutebeoa, Walloon Lake sophomore; Mountain freshm an was first hi the men’s slalom . Bonnie Humphrey, Saginaw freshman and L indt d oom ing, —State News P h etei by D ave Jnebteg, Eldon G afleck Champs Iron Mountain junior. Wanda Heaton, right, com pletes her down­ hill run en the hard-packed Boyne slopes. M ichigan State placed sixth overall a t the men’s team faltered through disqualifica­ Sanders Possesses IM Schedule BASKETBALL and R eg Owens. tions. —State News Photos by D ave Jaebnig. Versatile A bility Court“ 6 p.m . 3 AOCS I-A Fannys Five Gym 11 C A M P U S C L A S S IF IE D S By STEVE COLE fered both arm and ankle frac­ 4 Phlogstns-Thrawaways 5 Gunners . S. Phi D elts 6 Dashpots -■H ustlers U \ ni ! she who Stale News Sp o ts Writer tures, aD in high school but he in D E A D L IN E S : 1 p.m . D ay B efore P u blication fo r T ues^ W ed. T hu rs., • and F ri. E d itio n s. D ead lin e for M on. E d itio n : 1 p.m . F ri. PH O N E : 355-8255 or 355-8256 All-around athletic ability, such a s tlud possessed by tri­ ple threat Lonnie Sanders, ana said these past injuries give him no trouble now. Sanders said be was extrem e­ 7 p.m . 3 Behv. See. • Playmakerg H i 4 Slow Ones • St. Gerauds u \ Hesitates o f State’s outstanding basket­ ly -g ra tefu l to have gotten a 5 M agaffers-Nailbenders HI AUTOMOTIVE E O R R EN T PER S O N A L * \ ball players, is difficult to find. t Sanders, who stands 6 feet inches, and w eighs 196 lbs. scholarship. He added that without a scholarship he would never have had the opportunity 6 U Toms Boys-Scrubs 8 p.m. IH to make her 3 Screebs - T r o ja n s-^ 11 LAUDERDALE? Umbo and Twist I960 SIMCA ^CafflBÍrttíy 4 boo- ted«- New t •« and battery. Only $650. Co-fa-e-tai Im­ APARTMENTS LADY' GRADUATE student to shars 4 room furnished apartment. Quiet, under the Banyan. U.S. Federal No. I, Dania, Florida. 2* com ae from Pershing High School in D etroit, whore no played football two years, bas­ for a college education. He con­ siders the aid to athletes pro­ gram a wonderful opportunity 4 Big D ’s • Geldings ~ 5 Ev. Scholars-AOCS 3 6 Unteachables-AOCS II 11 III III Appointment ports. «SS-I74J. ~ 23 waiting distance to campus. Only it HAVE YOUR GRADES bean slip, ketball four years, and ran for many athletes. - 9 p.m . T-BIRD, classic condition. $T9QQ. Jtautdwl 24 interested in studying -e«ril ED 7- 0180. — 25 ping around the D+ area? Do you ieed consolation? Call Judy Porter, track three years. Since early childhood, San­ ders has loved an sports. San­ -Sanders com es from a fam ily of two boys and one girl. His younger toother, Marcus, is a 3 Vets II - Bagrats 4 M Hall - CSO II II is lost 3 -ROOMS. Modern, furnished or REAL ESTATE 5 Animals - Asher HI Peggy Lradbsrg 1.961 VOtXSWASfî tasnet. low unfurnished. $79 monthly. 15 mihutes ders said that a m a young boy freshman at MSU on a basket­ 6 F All Stars-Plstd Plbrs UI Owner-Maaager ease, install ycetr c«-1_t«mpnj to University. OR 6-1392. 26 he was eosutaanv playing to ball scholarship. gear a-d sa*e. $1445. Coot ne-tal Mo­ FURNISHED APARTMENT, I block EAST LANSING. 1)40 Ceda-M one spent or a n th e r , particu- Sanders feels his toother has Drive. Near Marble and St. Thomas FRATERNITY VOLLEYBALL tors. 485-1743. 23 schoels.'3 bedroom ranch, large comer arl. basketball. It w as foot- real talent and w in m ake a from campus, center of E.—Lansing. Court 6 p.m . Gym ball however, th at won him a powerful addition to next year’s J-Hop WANTED 1954 e- s!der oat. Etptd Also sleeping room. ED 2-3363. 26 lot. 23a car attached garage. Built-in 1 T.D. Chi - S.A.E. good nn ty ami fes a- t-«naj»