s à M am \ U n iv e r s ity A v o id s S tu d e n ts T ra d e C o m p e titio By SALLY DERRICKSON it applies to the proposed all* Of the State News Staff University radio station. • ' '■ The policy was originally Dean of Students John A. formulated to regulate toe op­ Frosh-Soph Council h as Fuzak told Student Congress launched an inform ation drive eration of Brody Radio. It m em bers Wednesday night that sta tes that no com m ercial ex­ to tell State students of Has the adm inistration w ill not wide range of academ ic and ploitation w ill_ be -allow ed. change its policy on com mer­ Spokesmen for the propoaed cultural activities and oppor­ cia l advertising. tunities available to them . station have said that commer- He spoke to the group in an cial advertising is ttie '«fly Students win find State’s ad­ effort to d e a r up misunder­ vantages proclaim ed through feasible way to support the standings about this policy as station. newspapers, radio, TV, pos­ ters and lectures for th e n ext Faaak was questioned m several w eeks. _ the U niversity’s policy as i t Council m em bers said the plan w as form ed because it C o n -C o n applies to a d v e r o n r ia t ie Stole N ew s. He i s M l M l p was felt too much stress is State News w as originally often placed on social and established by Journalism sports activities w hile m any B a ttle s V - people as an educational de­ other opportunities are over­ vice on eatnpna. If the State looked. > N ew s were Just being started, A probe into the m any a s­ T ax L im it the policy might apply to pects of tbe U ahrenify. past, tbe newspaper also. present aad futore, w as be- A proposal to set a 50 per “H ie decision to retain the gua nader the cultural aad cent ceuing for M ichigan tax present policy," Fuzak said, service com m ittee of the assessm ent rate on real and “ w as not baaed on tbe fact that personal property m et stiff opposition W ednesday on tbe floor of the Constitutional Con­ vention. If the proposal is added to the new Constitution, the leg­ islature would be required to "specify the proportion of true cash value a t which n id i prop­ erty shall be uniform ly a ssess­ ed, which shall n o t. , .e x c e e d 50 per c e n t” ~ . "Uniform ity o f assessm ent is the cornerstone of any system of general property taxation,” said D . H ale Brake, chairmsui of the com m ittee on finance and taxation. - j. "Ths fact that naifonalty has ant been achieved to the past dees act mean it bus1! psssible to attain it,” be said. "A m ajority of the m em bers of the com m ittee believed that the stanard set by th e legisla­ dr. JOHN n u u s r ture should not exceed 50 per cent." radio stations in tbe area do Three m inority reports by not want com petition. The m em bers of the finance com- trend is to pull the U niversity i m ittee have been filed , how­ out of the area o f com m ercial ever, in opposition to various enterprise in other fields, too.” i parts of the proposal. One re­ He said that objections bave port said that the loss in rev- been raised by this public and enue would run into the m il- by the legislature when the ; lions of dollars if the tax ra te U niversity uses ptffific facilK ; ceilin g w ere fixed at SO per ties, paid for with ta x p a y ep r . cent. H ie report added that the money, in com m ercial com pe­ K ennedy Q u e s tio n s rate m ight be set below the ■ cedin g, as low as 35 or 25 tition. \ cyk "The U niversity in t o broad­ See CON-CON page 5 er operations doesn't go into N u c le a r T e s t B a n S t e e l U n io n S eeks com m ercial com petition,” Fu­ zak is id . "It’s taking an unfair WASHINGTON, iff) — P resi­ advantage. . This particular dent Kennedy opened his week­ policy applies to student ra­ ly press conference with a S h o r te r W o rk W eek dio.” ............ .......... The adm iaistratiea is net statem ent contending there is no Inconsistency between pre­ PITTSBURGH, US—The Uni- ity and e^ a n d ed unemploy- against tbe prspeeod statiea, paring, for nuclear tests in the tod Steelw orkers Union said m em benefits in contract nego- be «aid, aad If the i m p can atm osphere and going into Wednesday it w ill press for tiations with tbe basic steel in- c i n e up with ais m er meth- disarm am ent negotiations next substantiaUy greater job secur- dustry. od to M M ft the it if t o i the month. Tbe Union said it would seek question is open. He said the Soviet Union’s shorter work periods a s a Fuzak also clarified the series of atm ospheric tarts last m eans to obtain better Job se­ SAARBRUECKEN, Germany m eaning of "’U niversity pol­ year—he numbered the Rus­ G o v e rn o r curity, but (fid net go beyond tffl — A searing M ast tore icy .” sian detonations at 40 to 50— generalisations. through a big coal m ine Wed­ ~ “ P olicy can’t be changed just had created a wholly new sit­ Tbe Union said tt'W ttl de­ nesday, caving in galleries on b ecau an a m ajority o^students uation raising "grave ques­ tions" as to tbs safety of m ain­ R e c e iv e s mand: \ several levels and-hurling the currently -«ro ' in fa u tr o f a change.” b e said. " If titoae re­ 1—Im provem ent mm! expan­ bodies of m iners about the tun­ taining this country’s self- nels. Blackened rescuers re­ sponsible ^w VPng a gl to lr e m P l 'Sarete mfePV k U j m i • i q i t o i . . , ;ri—^ autotofeto tofe dgkt: t o f f e l eto tk b fe tan daw n, p u caM M om a te * kwi iwfteyniote wite ow» n»s n «m»o>» t . striped in groan o r hrew n ■^ S to ss S to 1 1 i É | l u s ' • ; 7? * Fjw I i s m i n g , M ir b tg u n □ □ □ no a m ri araci auaaa uju 233 P a l D e ta ils □nO E Q a33SO Œ É 3 Published by fe e students fe ' O^PSDC 0 0 0 3 0 M ichigan State U niversity. Is­ u<33 D(33 anaa auaua □□uuaa aaon sued on cla ss f W ' W t uaaa uarsaou through Friday, during (he ten*, w inter end spring quarters. Is­ oaasfc □gaa uaoaa □□□□riosa osa sued tw ice weekly during the sum m er term . Second □uaaeau a a i aoaaa a a n a u MSU has also been author- M ichigan.. postage paid a t E a st Lansing, . \ , □ 30 ü y jJ 033Q Ü ized a 12,000,000 building grant b y the National Institutes fe H ealth, pending appropriation of necessary tends by Congress 2. Sacred 7. Took this year. The sum w ill be used iSMfe tRCgsutly for construction of new build­ 3. Dépréssion 8. Foray* 4Conssrvs- ings for the biochemishry and five* S. Early Chris- the surgery and m edicine jde- tian leaders S. Feeble­ partm ents. minded 10. Knowlodge C. S t.all boy: 11. Fodder plant colloq. SO. Stories 17. Group o t LIEBESMAKN-S Ite m 22. Genuine 23. Olden times 24 Nuisance 29. Extent o t surface 24 Contends 27. Obtain M l Chide* - " leather St. Mortels of 31. Restrain 14 Sweetheart* 34 Essays 37. Proofread­ Valentine er’s mark 40. Desist 41. Tissue fo r you r 49. Increases 43. Flatfish M AN 44 Feminine name 45. Night preceding DISTINCTION! P la c e m e n t B u re a u S u b tie scent th a t appeals to m en . . . and la d ie s too. B e a u tifu lly g i f t -b o x e d in redwood* “OVER I t YEARS OF DEPENDABILITY IN THE OKEMOS AND EAST LANSING AREA" BUS. PHONE RES. PHONE E D 24114 ~ ED 24237 Lansing 1732 HAMILTON ROAD • OKEMOS“ 137 S. Washington Whole Center G it Slices Table Trimmed RtB or S ir lo in r in d u e S ie a lc s Table Naturally Naturally Trimmed Tender Tender H ILLS BROS, —- Regular or Drip U.S. No. I Michigan All-Purpose W ith Coupon Below P o ta to e s N à t i Pre-G round Vegetable, Vegetarian, Bean & Bacon Macs! Coffee Campbell's Soups ¿1 7 Com VALUABLE « M g C T COUPON rerepir^f*4ririr''P w w * r jul~ji ;gte.,a jSL~.#t.sfe. m. ^ ^ p ip ? W ir ;# i l l Mfeh^an State New* Stoat ta n fo * we aHd| Mattsoll Predict World?« Rough Ohio State Meet ■ jf e A -o c M e d f r t m Saturday’s State Relays B E R U N -E A S T GERMANY reported a new f ^ u r e yerierday h i tts e fforts to n et to fe e United States for its tty MCE ROBINSON shoot higher than W estern's sky, sixth In the NCAA three- ^ m n r burfee Interested In business or m athe­ two years in the M O yard fre e ­ hockey team that wants to feay in the workl cham pionship, a t State Nows Sports W riter tw osom e. . m ile; Ohio’s R ay Flem ing, 22nd State N ew s ap erti Writer m atics. style. _ in fe e NCAA cross country Jeff M attson, a junior, hails Last year Mattson fenced Colorado Springs, Colo., M arch 7-M.s Tha pole vault offers aa ex­ Iflrtrigsn State tanker* w ffl Some o f tbe nation’s finest m eet ¡W estern’s Don Hancock, from fe e west coast; Olympia third in the NCAA champion­ GOTEBORG—INGEMAR JOHANSSON, f a r m e r World Heavy­ perform ers w ill spark the field perienced field w ife everyon e ; i m t archrivals Ohio Stale la returning that placed la st year l i f e J o national cross country; t e a fe tha dual m eets WaaMngton. Mattson has been ship in tbe 100 yard backstroke, w eight Boxing Champion, w as rated a 4-1 favorite yesterday events at fe e annual MSU R e­ except champion H ike Johnson and M ichigan’s Chris Murray W I t e season th is weekend, over J o t By graves of Jam aica ia h is fin d fight o f a com eback lay s Saturday, w hile few top are enterad. $ '¿ M attem pt aim ed a t taking him buck to the top. They m eet Friday- name* are entered in th e dis o f Purdue. m g reefer fer «he cam pett- tton a n dhrer Van Lowe and in a 10-rounder. | r ^ tance roaring events Challenging for fe e pale ti­ tle w ill he State’s Gerald Du- t e s d e t n t a r J eff M attsen , a * V a n Lama, .a sophom ore, '•fir s t started fe tin g a t Proviso WASHINGTON—HEAVYWEIGHT Boxing Champion Floyd .next m onth. .. ------- ' ■■■■' ’ 3 M ost of fe e 19 colleges «Ml Patterson is tc bedotod to box in exhibition m atches hi Cairo, universities In fe e m eet have yanked their b est runners from boaaa aad Bffl A la e r a : Drake’s J e r r y SM paae, M ichigan’s Red D enhari.M b- P A IG E C R AFT t t e h School in Maywood, 1111- NEW YORK—ERNIE DAVIS, college football’* outstanding ferir norm ally run distance A s « ninth grader Van soari’s W illis Ley aad Netro « m i e s sm all la participate in football player la st fa ll, has a date th is week-end with 18 psy­ events to com pete in tbe re­ Dam e’s Fraak Froelke. chologists. They w ill analyze Mm for three days. • . lays. The hroad jump title, won in ‘»footb all or basketball, so be M issouri’s defending title- But don’t get alarm ed. E rnie is not a ca ndidate for th a i _ ,1. m 1961 by State’s grad student, ^ t e s t e t e la try diving. straight-jacket It’s aO tbe idea of h is new em ployers, tbs**® 1^ . Don jm uw , to back m u H is fu h ily m oved to Bir- Sonny Akpata, w ill probably ~tniagham , M ichigan hi h is ae»- Cleveland Browns. They want to find out what tin d of a job year to try for Ms second suc­ be filled by D rake’s Marv Gil­ cessive root put crown. —io r year, and Van dova for D avis can boot hold hi fe e off-season. liam , the outdoor B ig Eight and 'S ea fa rim High School. He NEW YORK—JOSEPH HACKEN, 42, pleaded guilty yester­ Two j n o r e prom laately indoor Central C ollegiate win­ 'in la ced fourth that aam o y ear day to tw o counts o f bribing college basketball players to known perform ers as* W ett­ ner; Loyola’s Henry White, - in fe e clam A swim m ing “sh ave” points. 7 ' er» M ichigan’* M fk jum pers Bradley R elays titlebolder; ” * cbam monshi p. Hacken w as accused of bribing or trying to bribe 13 players Alonzo Littlejohn and Jim W estern's Don G illum , Mid­ ¿ Lowe cam a to State not plan- from «fa* colleges a s his part in a basketb all scandal that has Oliphant, both capable of Am erican conference cham p; " B ln g to dive, b at foand him­ involved 21 players a t 18 sc h o o ls.___ • ’ t ” jum ps. or the Spartans Sberm Lewis se lf over a t the IM pool and FT . LAUDERDALE, FLA.—PITCHER B I L L STAFFORD and and John Parker. Littlejohn, who grabbed the InJ h e first of the distances, w« n the freshm an team . L ast outfielder Bob Cerv becam e the 21st and 22nd m em bers of the 1961 R elay Crown, went on to 'y e a r be placed second in the DIVER VAN LOWE (1.) and swim m er Jeff M attsen (r .) the 1000-yard run, the field is S ü d w esters AA.U com petition. “ I know fe a t Ohio State has som e e f the b est divers in the prepare for Okie State. swim m ing the backstroke since And w as named to the collegi­ N ew York Y ankees to sign th eir 1962 contracts yesterday. ral m anager B oy Harney and got a substantial increase. tu n rin a 6’ 9 4 ” leap outdoor, Stafford, a righthander, w as signed here personally by gene- which w as fe e fourth best var­ sity collegiate jum p la st spring. wide open between Jim Neah- usan of M ichigan, D ale McCor­ m ick of Ohio State and Warren SKI SALE the age of ten. ate All-Am erican squad. He CINCINNATI—The Cincinnati R eds increased the number of Although Oliphant only clear­ Ochs of MSU as possible con­ 939 HENKE BOOTS ■'Hatton, although X have never seca feem d ive.” says Van. He While in high school he was was also a m em ber of the signed players for the 1962 season to 21 yesterday as pitcher ed the bar at 6’ 8 4 ” last tenders. NOW $2249 ^ fa cea cham pions Lou V itucci nam ed to the P rep All-Ameri­ All-Am erican 400-yd freestyle Ken Hunt and outfielder Joe G aines agreed to term s. spring, h e tied for third in the An outstanding pick in the can squad In the backstroke relay, which placed second in Hunt, voted by Cincinnati baseball w riters as the Red’s nationals aad recently won at 600-yard run is Purdue’s Dave QUILTED NYLON SKI 'a n d Juan B otella. .* Lowe, who«« nam e Is really for three years, and two years the NCAA. Rookie Of The Y ear for 1961, had a 9-10 record during the port the M ichigan R elays. M ill?, who Is the holder of tbe JACKETS - NOW fM J f in fe e 50-yd freestyle- He was B esides a great interest in season although a t m id-season he had a 9-4 m ark. Mid-American shot champion Am erican indoor record of R ichard Y fnZant Lowe, pro* also state cham pion for three swim m ing, Jeff enjoys the out­ G aines w as w ith Indianapolis of the Am erican Association from M iami fOhio), Paul La- :47.2 for the 440. SKI BOOT TREES fers to bo called Van. He ia a non-preference m ajor but Is years In fe e backstroke and doors and mountain clim bing. last year and batted J15, finishing fourth in tbe Leagus. He Spenia, figures to give the Ti­ An event that lacks a top NOW 9249 He also belongs to a skin div­ played in fiv e gam es w ife the R eds near the clo se of tbe season. ger’s Smith plenty a t com peti­ favorite is the m ile run where ing club and has spent much DAVOS, SW ITZERLAND-THREE AMERICAN figure skat­ tion. LaSpiaa won tbe Michi­ State’s Don Castle, K ansas Skis «B oots S teve’s tim e exploring the P uget ing stars from Colorado Springs, Colo., began training here gan R elays with a throw of State’s J o h n . M cNeal Mis­ Poles port P o le V a u lte r U e ls e s Sound. Ho has also becom e yesterday for an International 2-day com petition starting Satur­ 53’ 5” and took fourth in the MSU m eet la st fora around. souri’s Jerry M cFadden and Notre D am e’s Tom Dem psey Now $5.66 bo p very interested in sky diving day. ^ Tobaggons S41S S. Cedar and hopes to try it after grad­ They w ere U . S. Junior Champion Christine H aigler, 14; Other notable w eight throw­ standout. 1949 TU 2-7396 P r e d ic ts M o re H e ig h t uation. ___ M aidie Sullivan, 17, aad Susan P range, 16. ers are M ichigan’s Rag The two-m ile has more of a flavor as M iam i’s Steve Teke- Jeff is a divisional social sci­ The gtoto arrived in Switzerland by air yesterday and showed Schm itt, Ohio State’s R ea ence m ajor who enjoys good siffis of fatigue when they reached D avos after a 5-hoor train WeMy, W eston M ichigan’s QUANT1CO, Va. (ft - J o h n tan, probably to Southern Il­ Barry D suafe, N otre D am e’s m usic, drawing and painting. Journey later In the day. U elses, who shattered track linois College. M attson and Lowe are look­ CHAMONIX, FRANCE—THE POWERFUL Austrian team of M ike G laciate, Ohio's Jeff tradition and pole vaulting’s U elses, O-feot-2 and 173 ing forward to the Buckeye right m en and seven women threatened to boycott the World Sid M ffler aad Central State’s 16-foot harried w ith h is fiber pounds, replied calm ly to m eet and feel Ohio State w ill G am es W ednesday night u nless it is perm itted to enter n bigger Sherlock Knight. 'glass pole and short takeoff critics of his fib » gla ss pole, be a real challenge. quota of racers in each event. The b est Spartan shot put­ run, predicted W ednesday Tie’ll who say be gets a slingshot go even higher th is weekend, effect that boosts him higher ter to soph Charlie Brown. possibly to IS feet, 2 inches. than a steel pole would. H e . In the high jum p, Jim V est ad d: of M iam i, “Bubba Johnson of Tha 24-year-old M arine Corp­ State, Keith Richardson o f Cen­ oral becam e tbe first pole “ I can’t see where there tral M ichigan and D ave Brown­ vau lter ever to d e a r 16 feet could be any problem . The defi­ ing o f Bowling Green aim to la g weekend, sailin g over tw ice nition of a pole vault says to- a t that height. He set an indoor get over a height w ith a pole. record o f I t feet. 4 inch at Boston Saturday n ig h t It doesn’t say w hat kind of a pole.” IM Schedule U elses w ill get tw o chances The crew -cut M arine con­ BASKETBALL to better h is record th is week­ ceded th ere-is a knack to us­ Court A p .a . Gym end, Friday night a t P hiladel­ ing fe e fiber glass pole, because 3 P hi Tau - B . T. P i II p hia and Saturday night at it snaps back m ore quickly 4 P . K. P hi - D . Chi II L o t A ngeles. than a steel pole. “If your re­ 5 D . S. Phi - A. Phi A. III ~ There w as m e q ualifies- actions are stow, you can ’t 4 Farm house - P hi D elt HI . ttoa in Ma prefertfen, m ade use it,” he said. at a new s cseferroce on fee In le ss than a year after 3 K. A. P si - PM Sig K. II " M arine t e a t t e n . sw itching to fib er g la ss, U elses 4 PM K. Sig - S.A .E . n ' U elses a d d b e caught Influ­ boosted h is vaulting record al­ 5 T r ia n g le . D T D . III enza Tuesday, but expects to m ost a foot. H is b ed m ark in­ 14 A .E .P i-L .C .A . be rid e f it before F riday. If doors la st w inter w as 15 feet, 4-p.m . not, it m ay hurt Ma chances 1 Inch. — 3 T , Chi . A.T.O. II m m 4 P si U . • A.G .R. II for a new m ark. Born John H ans Feigenbaum in B erlin, U elses tost his father T started using a fiber glass p ele la st A pril,” he said. “A t first I didn’t trust M 5 Z.B.T. - PM P si 6 PM G a m -S . Chi - III HI during World War II. H is i t It w as too flexib le.” . 9 p.m . m other fled the N azis and U el­ Now that he has cracked the 3 TJX Chi - K. Sig. II ses entered the United States m ental barrier associated w ith. 4 S.A.M . . PM Mu Alpha II in 1949 to live with Ms aunt in 16 feet, U elses b elieves he 5 S. Nu~- Sig. Ep. III M iami. She_ adopted him and could clear it w ife a steel 6 V ets I .N ic k e ls Worth HI legally changed Ms la st nam e pole. HOCKEY to hers: “ You can have speed and 10 p.m . Em m ons • Armstrong A fter graduating from high power like B ragg, ” said U elses. school In M iam i, U elses en­ “Or you can. have just average tered the Un iversity of Ala­ speed and technique like I do. OPEN 9 man. to 9 pan. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, SAT. TILL 6 p jn . bam a, but signed up w ife the “Tu m e, pole vaulting M arines after hid freshm an m eans a trick on top of the year. He w ill b e released from pole. The crossbar m erely th e M arines hi M ay and ex­ m easures haw high you can F IN A L M A R K D O W N SA LE p ects to return to collage next do fe e trick.” Although he sw ears' by the fiber glass pole, U elses doesn’t 488 NETS QBAUTY < recom m end It for beginners. new “instant” “ You should start on a steel pole andJearn your steel vault­ HANDBALL PLAYERS—From le ft to right a n AI Goldberg, N ew York soph reservation ing technique before you switch to fiber g la ss,” he said. aad Marty Zackernsaa also a New York soph. They «re m em bers of fee Alpha Epsilon P i Fraternity. They w ere fe fe e IM fraternity handball finale. o_ T O P C O A T S service for AT LOW, LOW . . . . . . . . . REDUCED PRICES fast moving - The Intram ural Pool w ill be closed Thursday night for gen­ A.T.Q. and the Sigm a Nu team s, there w ill be a playoff MATH & SCIENCE THESE TOPCOATS ARE OP FAMOUS MAKERS, NOW MARKED DOWN FOR QUICK CLEARANCE businessmen era l swim m ing because o t the Dorm itory Swim m ing M eet There w ill be a w restling su­ for fraternity handball tonight at 8 p.m . T in throe persons on Majors » NEWEST MODELS « MANY FABRICS NMr Inst u n call fe pervisor in the IM W restling the team w ill .p t o each other room from 7 p.m . to 9 p.m . on as Individuals. AD three mem­ TBE COLLEGE TRAVEL OFFICE reoerve t y e a r M o n d a y , W ednesday,, and bers o f tbe team m ust be pres­ NEW B L A IS D E L L SC IE N T IFIC R E G U L A R * 6 0 . 0 0 to $ 7 5 . 0 0 V A L U E S Thursday. He w ill supervise ent and play a series o f throe American A irlines flight, mid d irect w restling for anyone gam es each. 98c e a PAPERBACKS 98c ea $ 3 Ç 9 5 Borin car and eaaveafeak hotel er mairi m a . Tea interested in w restling prac­ tice. Due to a tie between the Dorm itory Swim m ing F in als w ill b e hold a t 7:39 p.m . in the Intram ural PooL " THE METHOD OF MATHEMATICAL NOW gst Immediate ceaflnaa* INDUCTION ttoa d a n fera» rasara time na yea aaa atari year trip without delay. M PAT MITCHELl/S THE EULER IN GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS $4 4 95 to s4 9 95 see qefckeaBa* STUDIO SOME APPLICATIONS OF MECHANICS TO fe y l PHOTOS MATHEMATICS INEQUALITIES OTHER TNNNATS 99040 Is $18848 VALSES O d« s» A U T K T — TH IN G FIBONACCI NUMBERS i ? N9WSM4B, ÍI846 I* 911145 w I flfH aao^ . I W I te t H oar A X mJL r tT Y JL -taS i fE* -TIM GEOMETRICAL CONSTRUCTIONS USING Service SIZES 18 TO 99 m W. GRAND RITER Famous fa r SO yeors COMPASSES ONLY * • REGULARS • SHORTS • LONGS • EXTRA LONGS • STOUTS EDI “BUY NOW AND SAVE DOLLARS - OUR ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED” Passports — Portraits a t the Applications 30 99 Day No Camera Cbargs • No Appointments Neeeseary S p a rta n B o o k S to re 1 HOLDEN R E ID f Chens 1974 East MteMfaa - Laasiag — IV 5-8253 C o m e r A im 4 ï MAC E FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER * 'FÏ •a it L-'Ä*.. n s i n »f -ìr • ■ Mb H its s » « B Ér! a i ¿sheJm b « g iS iiiä ■ w rm m SS f f f S K R P P « » Æ :-: mm Im im t b n j i y M ondai, F ilin w y 8» 1968 Ê m m S Ê sm *#NMr British IIS8 0 IITS To OX. « m ils - réfréna» U .S . Tests a t n u tti a n t Ms üm rii t w u d i H R « N W R flili 1 — 1 TAM ? WASHINGTON (ft—A form al m ittag tbe A t t n aad M » e f B ritish . toaré, tw o diverse religious 9s use C hristm as I s ­ land t o r V S . the atm osphere is tn a fS . - , Tickets ara still available at M cents from tbe Uakm ticket N is i shortly. Inform ants Saettar m any students took O lile* and U N Lounge. nesday P ie sH sr i K ennedy « ffl part in a peace march a id foflew soon wttti n dorist— m rally on Jan. 2ft the SAVE 899 BAVE * 6 SAVE 888 SAVE 188 SAVE 188 SATE « wneuser to go anesd WKB as* rib anniversary e f Mah­ mospheric atm a Gandhi’s by « religious fanatic. It w ai i It wa that B ritain sem e tim e largely due Is fe e efforts a t ‘ ABSOLUTELY *; sought aad received U A p er Gandhi fea t India wen its in- SHARER m ission to test a nuclear de­ dependence from the B ritish vice underg round a t the N e­ n m , without w ar. •eS Sharer Selected vada proving grounds. f t » m ovie w ill depict N gfe lights from Ms career both as a LA ST T W O D A Y S! H owever, the Nevada political and a s a spiritual m To Top National ject ha« net y et bean wi out and is not related to tbe leader. It wfit have — ampia» East Lansing Store Only £ e f Gandhi— N on-violence, tha Post In Adult Ed. Christm as Island plans, tbese inform ants said. AN ATTRATTIVE DISPLAY ca se «m tatetag fer— Mtolrigaa Casrtttati— whh a British perm ission fer tbe reem far I f—jtb -h a * befea to s tila * «9 C— stitatt— B e l » L aariag’9 Gréto Hurry to M • t Robert E . Sharer of E ast United States to m e Christm as Center, Where tbe C sastttaH ins! Csnvslréisa to to aasstaa. Tka ConititnH i ni ef Petitions -Indicate Lansing w as named the new Island, a British-held P acific 1835, U88 M i 1116 are ciia ely ezsariaed by Edmoad I r r is e ti (D -D etrrit), M iss ;£ Students WiB president of tbe-A dult Educa­ island south o f H aw aii, is ex­ tion Association of tbe United pected to be amwiincnd sim ul­ . States Monday. taneously by the B ritish aad Vera Aadrus (R-Port Hnrou) aad CBff Perras (R -N adean). The delegate* pro­ m ise tbere « t t t o a fsurtb a a i s u r Coastitution ready fer display in tbe aear lu tin e. '■ «—- Back Romney S H EP A R D 'S »3 2 Sharer, assistan t director of UJL governm ents Thursday, 8 — — tie — L Sem i-A nnual P etitions bearing 899 student ^£ the U niversity’s Continuing tbese sources s a d . Inform al B ritish consent for 2 .S Education Service, w as inform­ ed that he w ill replace Dr. u se of tbe Island w as received Am brose Caliver of tbe U.S. by W ashington som e O ffice of Education, who died ago. authorities ad d , bid tim ing Ranger 3 Cai mera Would m g that be becom e a candi­ date for governor e f M ichigan. The petitions w ere pres— tod SH O E SA LE ré > of the announcem ent w as left Jan. 29th. m ainly up to tbe B ritish gov­ Sharer w as selected a s the ernm ent which fa ces som e ap­ president-elect in August 1900, position a t homo Is the idea of Have Failed, Réport Says at Constitution H all in L u r in g by Vest— R. Pitm an, Luther junks', and H arvey Schroeder, of Famous Name Shoes for ■ S 9 but w as not slated to take of­ renewed atm ospheric la ris tar B ay City junior, co-chairm en MEN . . . WOMEN . . . CHILDREN tm PASADENA, (ifl—M alfunction ing stable a s planned it tumbl­ But, because of the erratic of th e M ichigan State Chapter > fice Until Novem ber 1983. The tbe w est. death of the president. Dr. o f an A tlas m issile component edthrough space. This made it behavior, the retrorockets of Students for Rom ney, and R o ssis cam e under world­ C aliver, necessitated Sharer’s wide criticism for breaking an w as a t toast partly responsible promotion. atom ic te st m oraterinm la ri for th« Currently serving as presi­ Septem ber with a long series spacecraft to h it the moon last failure o f th eR a a g er 3 im possible for its television probably would not have b e - representatives cam era to focus on the moon. in position to stow the d escen t groups a t the U niversity of N earing th e naesa, Ranger Consequently , tb s spacecraft M ichigan aad W ayne State of sim itar Campus Flats ........... $3.88 2 m outh, scien tists said W ednes­ 3 » saps need la pesiti— it­ probably wmtid have struck at (toft—rsity. £ dent and president-elect. Shar­ of nuclear explosions set off excessive speed aad bean d e­ er w ill be only the second man in the air, causing radioactive day. self se that It MW descend Approxim ately 400 o f the Women’s Heels ________ $5.88 w in history to head the national fallout that could be harm ful slowly with tbe aid of retire- stroyed. " signatures w ere obtained on But, they said. R anger 3 rockets. This was ta soften Ranger 3, howeve r, fed ac­ organization for two term s. to human life. probably would have failed in fee landtag of the capante com plish som e o f its m issions. cam pus and presented to Rom­ 2 a t lea st two objectives had the containing the seismometer, It collected gam m a ray data ney in the form of a scroll. - J-Hop Special Women’s £ atlas perform ed as planned. which was sappi sed ta send hi flight and gave scien tists an Ex-Student, Sophomore The R anger television cam era back Information a b o n t idea of how w ell its System s would not have obtained good mssnquskas. “ A m an’s body is extrem ely Vinyl Formal Shoes ............ $5.88 w wore operating. sen sitive. P a t In n — fe e back Men’l l Shoes........................ $6.88 2 Convicted of Thefts pictures o f the lunar surface, scien tists said, and tbe capsule and his head sw ells.”—S. E . M ekeel, Ovid (N.Y.) G azette Women’»' Snow Boots — . $4.88 containing a seism om eter prob­ The thefts of a car battery car parked in the Brody group ably would have been sm ashed and four hubcaps led to the parking fait. Father of Six Plagued and Independent. Men’s Blizzard Boots ............ $7.88 when tbe sp acecraft, b it the arrests of an ex-M ichigan State The theft w as reported Feb. moon. „ student and a U niversity soph­ 4 by a resident of Kmmon* Caltech’s je t propulsion lab­ By Series of Tragedies om ore Tuesday. ~ Karl E . Lind J r., an ex­ HaiL oratory, which built R anger 3, MONTGOMERY, ALA., (ft— em bankm ent. L a tf year an­ O chsenschlager w as fined called a new s conference re­ At 39, Ivo Livingston w as .a n other track w as stolen. student from B elleville, ad­ 839, 54.30 court costs and 819 m it on the project. Spokesmen Polachek's m itted taking the battery from county costs. H e also received said, as they did shortly after average sect o f guy; like m il­ L ari Saturday h is le ft arm THURSDAY HOURS 9:81 TILL 5:39 a car parked near Case Hall, a 10-dav fo il sentence which the launching, that R anger 3 lions of other jDiddledncome w as sheared off when b e slip­ ré > the Departm ent of Public Safe­ was suspended. - ty , said. achieved excessive velocity. The hubcaps, valned -at. 984, This m ade it cross th e moon’s Am erican fa tlim ; ped and fell into a handsaw H is carpenter’s job provided white working in h is shop. Alone and bleeding heavily, Fabric! w T h e theft w as reported on w ere recovered, officers slid . orbital -path before the moon his fam ily o f six children som e EAST he threw h im self desperately 427 E. GRAND RIVER LANSING 2 Jan. 24 by a resident of North reached the intended point of of the good things in life, and through a plate glass window _«*■» . " • LANSING ré Case, officers sa id , - collision. " - j • j the future looked prom ising. > Lind pleaded guilty in Lan­ That w as ia 1857. Things have to seek m edics! attention. The PHONE ED 2*0361 ■< sing Township Justice Court C o n -C p n _ Scientists calculate nsw changed. that It m issed by 22,862 m iles. - M J iip r f key to Ms pocket- the locked door w u in AVE 888 SAVE 888 SAVE 881 SAVE 888 SAVE 881 SAVE 188 » Tuesday aad received a fine Today Livingston,—arm less (Continued from P age 1) W ednesday at 5:38 A.M ., and m arked t r a m s eeace burns, of 1199 plus $4.59 court costs Ranger S w as 839,378 m iles cuts and bruises,—ta y In a and a three day jaO sentence. per cent, causing a great loss from earth aad w as traveling hospital w ife fe e la test in a He was sentenced to serve an ur tax revenue. 2,146 m iles per beur. It is in grim series of m ajor injuries, additional 15-day jail term if A second p u t of tbe pro­ posal would provide that, solar orbit. and financial setbacks which tbe fine aad costs w ere not paid. “neither the state nor any Project officers did not say began fiv e yea rs ago. Taieyton DVAL H ie court also placed Lind unit of governmen t m ay im ­ which atlas com ponent failed. "But I n ever give up,” he on six months probation and pose a graduated incom e They said it is not known whe­ said. He hap— to get artificial delivers FILTER ordered him to pay probation la x .’* ther this w as tbe only failure lim bs so be c— work again and DOES1T! fees of 85 per month. “A flat rate incom e tax Is in tiie launching vehicle. Pre­ start paying o ff “ about 87,080 the flavor... Lind attended MSU fall term clearly perm itted and could, lim inary evidence indicates the in m edical and hospital b ills.” but was not enrolled this term . in the opinion of the com m it­ second stage a gen s rocket per­ Tragedy struck first w hile be Irving J . O chsenschlager, tee, be im posed on . . . incom e form ed roughly as it w as sup­ was wallting aero— a railroad Aurora, 111., sophomore, ap­ computed for Federal tax pur­ posed to. track. A victim ot fainting peared in Lansing Township poses, Brake said. _ Good photographs of the sp ells, he blacked out and a Justice Court W ednesday morn­ The graduated incom e tax moon would have been obtain­ train m angled h is right arm . ing,, and pleaded guilty to the issue w ill be discussed Later ed even w ith a precise launch­ It had to b e am putated Just theft of four hubcaps from a; at the Convention. ing because R anger 3 went below the elbow . out qT j — iro! near th e print In 1958 an explosion in "his Montgomery where it crossed th e moon’s sm all furniture repair shop Orbital path. Instead of rem ain- scorched b is righ t tog. It w as R a d io Identified saved, but be sp en t fiv e months “There are m any people in in a w heelchair before return­ (Continued from P age 1) L ee R . M ontgomery. William, this country who would have ing to work, 18 to 29 hours a can be m ade overnight,” he ston sophom ore, was incorrect-, a much fatter w allet if they d ay, to hasp Ids business from said. “ We have to check an ly identified as being involved would sim ply rem ove a ll the (r in g under. the angles. It is even possible in a traffic accident in Tues­ credit cards from it.”—B. J . U v in a to n narrow ly — p od that after study, it would be day’s S trie N ew s. D ahl, Chewelah (W ash.) inde­ death three y e a n ago when b is concluded that no changes Tbe person involved wa* L.R . pendent. — ' truck plunged down a 75-foot should be m ade. This, however, Montgomery o f 2783 College is unlikely.” Road, H rit. The faculty com m ittee on student affairs w ill w am iM the prelim inary report, to be P etitions R eady com pleted this term . Petition« are still available PURRR Woollcot Sm ith, MSU .free­ for chairm anships — tha 1982 dom rider who spent 32 days in Career CandvaL They m ay be the maximum security unit of Mcked up hi the P lacem ent SONAUTY M ississippi State Penitentiary, Bure— and ^ return* also sprite to the group about ed Feb: 18. -- his experiences. He is current­ . . . SOPHISTICATE The posttxms op— are gen­ ly aw aiting retrial on a charge eral chairm an, publicity, art, of “provoking a breach of tbe banquet, staging aad secretary . S ta tio n — y b y G ig O r ig in a li p eace.” Tbe trial is scheduled The carnival wflD b e held O ct in March. _ 8 and 9. ...N o w PAIGECRAFT has Ssfhtoti- A resolution to give moral support to the Hawaiian F esti­ cats . . *, statt—ery and c « d s i f v a l, planned for spring to m , w as tabled. Roy Tokuje, presi­ *« r TWIST G ig Orighmls. U s «ranm arinl sato dent o f the Hawaiian Club, told SENSATION Aatb—tle Twist Bdt pietared — tb s stati— try pat ro si Congress m em bers about the For tb s Swinging” Coed ev en t purrroonaB ty in y o u r w r itin g . . . Sm ash h it — E ttC C oast— • T a r t y f o n '* O v a i F ilto r I n f o n p o r ta s d i v i s o « * ! * Attracti ve d x h b d t w ifit fjspM rtkato m ake ideal V al iréis i 12 inch fringe. Avaflahto says Lmdaa (Doad-ryo) Claudi««, crack marksman of the to Mack or w hite. Créa gifts t— See them , as w«S a s Maple XVI Cohort catapult team. “People come from Nero and S E R V IN G rése fits an . Snaps m m m Grave Caady a n a s a t n a o p a m , i far for Duayton,”—ys Dswf-eye. “\fcro,Tkieyton's one d|ter any gan n et. E a sy to carry ia pocket or purse. ONLY! today a t .* * ■régréehré that raatty dativero da gustíbos. Tty a pack and s— LU N CH 88 J I (to e. ta x a n ia h to a why tha whole cang in the cohort is forum.” läng) 11-1 ORDER NOW! H ave ana tor yea r next tw ist party. - Sood ch eck o r m oney DUAL FILTER order la CASAROVI IN . 2 C H A Ä A L C O . hiidiSwS—VfittfiSaj'— M l is HP S iili m o o o m a o m s m s s S B m Bam ■ ■ , ¿$ h am p ■ . ~' ^r„ :>$? \ w as concerned m ainly w ife . side ef fee aBey win be a - for aft increase In salary, w as d M h |m r « « « M f e in fe e sessed tw odM ris ef fe e cost. reftrrsd to the city m anager, E asP L anm ai area. I k s Conn- Tbe Ingham County Society John M. Patriarche. The patrol­ c il voted i t assess property for Crippted Children aad m en, who m e on duty aB d a y. OMMii «a fe e a&ey running Adults was granted perm ission S lid they needed heavier doth- fr a « Bogus St. to R iver S t to solicit contributions through a a ife-O f Grand R iver, 12,732 E ast Lansing on April 3. Tbe icg for the w inter and tints de­ |i r M acH spplag fe a t alley, society w ill also conduct its serted a salary increase. toü« LOOKING ATM EAS J M fo fe a a th o a s e flr s M e annual Lily sale in E ast Lan- Patriarche w as ordered by s f fee aBey w ig he assessed sing Saturday, April 14. fee O ouadl to consider the in­ B C foP C G X aÀ N A T iO N i . sae-thtrd s f fee e a s t Bust- A petition on behalf o f fe e crease when fe e new d ty bud­ ■ css prsperrtu m the a srfe E ast Lansing school patrolmen get is prepared. 521 EASTGRAND RIVER E. LANSING 1001 W. SAGINAW j LANSING. è Denies Ban S U P E R T-1Ù9 Dispute M A R K E T V. ^ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT O PEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK TO LIMITQUANTITIES FROM 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. ^ Finest Choice BETTY CROCKER 3 CARNATION ST E A K R O U N D ® REALS Æ' $100 INSTANT A Vheaties S W IS S Chefrios DRY MILK S mix or match Trix or Jets S IR L O IN BETTY CROCKER T -B O N E - CAKE MIX 2 9 « Beef, Tuna, Chicken or WHITE, LEMON, DEVILS FOOD Turkey PO R T E R H O U SE mid MILK CHOCOLATE Shurfine R o lle d B o n e le s s Gold Medal 5 FROZEN R U M P R O A ST FLOUR ORANGE 6 oz cans JUICE CH U CK R O A ST CHARMIN -* rMpi,ck Tray Pack Toilet 7C c C M ICHIGAN Tissue ■— TOMATOES .U M j L L O n o . 1 GRADE ARMOUR’SSTA R RING BOLOGNA 1 SLICED BACON BANANAS (v'Uo"> i SHAHEEN’S I A group o f C orduroys - P op lin s - and w ool J a ck ets a a d C ar C oats i na v a riety COUPON (limit one pound) o f s ty lo s m id colors. Som e With P ark as - I Crushed Wheat (Borgul) in 3 Grind» som e w ith B alky K n it co H u s - a ll w arm - ♦Syrian Tahini and Turkish Coffee Large Bag com forta b le csw p n a co a ts. ♦ Heme Made Leban - ^ X jp H h Bread ¿ìW % V v • jp|at Both Locations New E ra • H o t, T hick S yrian Brand B aked F resh D ally at E a a i L a n sin g S to re — It’s B aked B ig h t POTATO O ifo n In TWa Paper Expire Wednesday» TiAmary 14, 1962 I v ; m Vy ËÉP US® Tlattrwlqr Morning, February 8, 1962 Sjjj^fcAfeto .S u » 7 1 BMW® PS® ; i :. ‘ ™ ¡ IB m E S & B S tK U X U ;- tion and relieved btn^ofM i * ' "¿i- P air Swipe $13,000 pounds (113,020)—and D r. R iv k in T o L e c tu r e eers. *m 1 1 ' And His Trousers The robbers fled in a car while the em barrassed cashiex, O n A f r ic a n E c o n o m ic s LONDON, Ufi—Two robbers Geoffrey Drake 37, stood mod­ beh) up a travel bureau cashier estly insidte his office shouting “Economic Developm ent in gram of the C a te r for fnter* Id busy Victoria railway eta- for help. the N or Countries of Airies" national Studies at M assachus­ w ill he the topic of a lecture etts Institute of Technology. by D r. Arnold Rivkin la Ml Under M s program interdisci­ Kellogg Center at • p.m ., Tues­ plinary research is being car­ L A D M E R i‘Hf:A 1 At PHGNT ly.ì Q,1J{ There Isn’t day ried oat in the sociological, ec­ a serions Rivkin is the Director of Af­ onomic and political science NOW: «5c te 5:30 moment rican P olitical and Economic aspects of African life and problems. In M s D evelopm ent Research “P i»- Feature At Rivkin jost returned frees 0 hilarious & ËÈÉÜ Africa where h e coordinated 1 * I-S :0 S new hit! SLACKS the w a ft ef a le n a e f ecea 5:10-7.20 nnmgaflgSWPSii M nbti and peUtkal n l> te liti studying the process e f \ \ v fV • 9:30 P | f i * I M S V alue % V. V \ " A ! om lc growth changing I \ \ v 8 l ì ~~ .ajRW"***» ._ ‘¡JSppi hfüif I in "Nf taiy S M S g a in , Chnge and the Fòtera- tioa ef R hsdcslt -and Nyasa- Laa Kitttahdi't land. Rivkin has been instrum ental V M R T T SM P in setting up the Internationa) Cooperation A d m in is tr a tio n - a * Abbott Rd. IICA1 area training program . E ast Laos ing He has been associate general Ä Z Z Z m tm , im counsel for ih e ICA in Wash­ ington and has worked in the TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE? sam e capacity in the European ^_w*auMh USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ïSSRiRHPîjHl office of the M arshall plan. 11,11Wim»ii MOMMMMheiaff Suga/tuSpiee C O F F E E S H O P CONTINUING EDUCATION—Julius Notte, Dean of University B U y t U t O S f f .B lt ÿ C T C S B Ç O D M B y OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 -0 0 0 0 0 o N ow E very Sunday o East Lansing A dult Extension, University e f M innesota, addressed a sm all dis- cussien group, W ethiesday during the fifth annual University Adult Education sem inar. The sem inar, which began Monday, 'm *iß & « M E W n P F iu & C A ä h ¿ m u (C K T g O fO tt o ff & c G m ° S tu d en t N ig h t Featuring Lew Priced Supper Specials a 1 e n g with Regular 2 Sales & Service Seminar included representatives fr o n 30 sc heels throughout the country. / - -Ti . V ¿iowSapsTjBMKi w m k w w NEXT ATTRACTION: "KING OF KINGS" H M M «?; ^r Sunday Special Fam ily S t y l e T.V, — Radio Chickea Dinner with all the YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Trimmings $1.15 H i-Fi 24 Hear Phene Service PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED M 817 Phone ED 2-2712 112 W . Grand R iver * o I M I C * E A S T I A N 5 I N C - P H O N E E0.2-28I4 C A M P U S C L A S S IF IE D S HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS D E A D L IN E S : 1 pan. D ay B efo re P u b lication fo r T u es., W ed. T h u rs., EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING and F ri. E d itio n s. D ead lin e fo r M on. E d ition : 4 p.m . F ri. P H O N E : 355-8255 or 355-8256 FIRST SHOW 7 P.M . - ADULTS JOc =! = = = = = L A ST SHOWN A U T O M O T IV E F O R R EN T SiE R V IC E AT 1953 CHEVROLET, $70. Whirlpool APARTMENTS STUDENT PILOTS, Jojn our nest TIM ES TO NIG H T m 7:30 9:40 wftwg®f washer, $50. C&îdsoot rafrig- J ground tchoc 1 class- for your Private RJRNISHED «'•tor, $50. Call Federal ^ 2 176 after for 4 studenti. (J a 5 Pilot Written. We Have the best course 5JO. 26 area. ED 7-1561. ^ yet, using eu( ho visual aids. New date . starts Feb. 12, Call Hughes Flying ST A R T IN G TOMORROW F R ID A Y ! ^ 5 6 MERCURY. 4 door hardtop, t Service, IV 4-7416. 25 power steering, power brakes, new transmission, new tires, excellent run­ babysit™ IG IN my Spartan Village A DRAMA OF A GREAT ARTISTS LOVES! ning condition. Must selif^CaH Steve , home, full 0 « part time. Calf 355-3052. at 484-9517~after 5:00 p.m! 26 27 ¡¡¡P a m o tio n p ic t u r e to u c h e d w it h A SYM POSil'M-PANEL discussion and queftion period held W ednesday after- 1959 RENAULT Dauphine. Sharp, ROOMS TERM PAPEPS“typed. Experienced. K - t h e f i r e ,J h e g e *m ~ radio and 'heater, new fires. Wifi sell nooa explored the issues hi Julius N olte’s address “Charting New Strategies ’ ED 2-4597. - n Û t h e l o v e r . ..t h e m a n wholesale or trade for anything,- Phil. boys right downtown. Private entraf and Developing New Approaehe«” . The panel inehtded, left to right, Harold ED 7-7Ï01. 76 TV and kitchen faclttt*es ava* able, ( SAVE MO ^EY flying fate model G ray, Miriam K elley, Charles Adriaa, Chairman, Patrick Caltthan, and Ralph per month. IV 4-7406 before 5, r Cessna Airpianes. Calf Hughe* Flying 1959 VOLKSWAGON, sunroof de­ IV 2-1797 evenings or weekends,-— 1 Service for ini ormation about our new Sm nckler. ’ .. r* ' - ■ ....1 ■ — M O D IG L IA N I luxe. -white—waIls, radio, etc. $1250. plan. Phdne 1'\l 4-7416. _/25 * m R W W » iR — ‘ : Call Sam, ED 2-2573 or ED 7-9944. m 28 EXPERT THIsSES and General Typing, G erard P h ilip e •L illi P a lm er uate student. One block from Knapp’: Electric type:wciter. Seventeen years 1CmhwhlIwfehf Nlw WANTED 1954 or older car. Expect Ga'aee. Call ED 2-2811. Afti 1 exoerience. C*ne block ^from B'ody. WITH ANOUK AIMEE good motor and tires for transportation. call ED 2-4760. ED 2-5545.’ tf GEARD SE T Y -U L A DEDROV/ Call Ed at 355-5490. 25 SINGLE RQOM for R E A L E ST A T E ~ ADDED . CARTOON EM P LO Y M EN T oldef mai*: student, ¡ng. 4**- blocks fror ED EAST SIDE, You must sc* to ap- Program hrformatioa MALE STUDENT (graduate prefer- 4941. prcciatc. 3 b 26 Suiting nt 1:00 n T!im m tossEHS Ce. EO 2-0223 after 5:30. 27 w ANTED FOR RENT WANTED. Rl DE TO Chicago Friday, "These characters ara HOUSES extra. Call 355-4247. Feb. 9'anytime . 355- 5325» -— 7 25 undeniable. They arc ^ S i« C . I IEDROOM modem home with SERVICE URGENTLY 'WANTED J-Hop tickets, as accurate delin­ ottoched garage. 3 miles from cam­ Call 355-1417 4xfter 7 p.n*. • 26 pus. Phone ED 7-7477. 26 eations e f social TICKET FOl1 J-HOP. Phone 355- phenomena ms APARTMtNTS English major. ED 2-8877. 6791. 26 . ROOMMATE WANTED to share 6 were Scott FHz- 1 room apartment end expenses in Lan- NEEDED. 1 1flCKET for the J-HOP. CO M ING ! gerald's loose tinf. 484-9866. 26 Please call OR 4-0385 jot TU 2-623». 26 Upped sports o f “ '¿ ¡4 ROBERTROSSEN S S FURNISHED APARTMENT I block 464-7786- HELP! Detfxerately ’ need J-Hop. the Jazz Age. from campus. Couple preferred. ED 2- ticket. Call 3S5"4232. 26 I t is p o w e r fu l, v S S m o i .m x m V 3207. 24 , L, —--r w ‘nrm ™ iiinauw CJNWxmSwsPÉ ing. General typing, tern papers, (he­ ’'"NEED J-HCM ticket BADLY! ED 2- D oM 8D nr shocktng and • ■IADY GRADUATE student to share. xes. 4 room furnished apartment. Qu>ct, imMPw.drtiertetions, willing distance to campus. Only j$ dopficothif- t . :- . Si.,'.' - , iiiss 6886. NEED S Hi>p Bcket. Qai) ED 7- 26 r e e lis tlc r —OwaXnar.W.r.Tiaw, ■JIM\ «uw TODAY! interested in studying jcell ED 7- 9$I6- 26 AT T40 * »6:0$ F e a tu re 1 :2 0 -4 :0 0 -6 :4 5 • 0:30 one. 25 wmk, IBM: Excellent quality on motti- lith masters. Cod OR 2-«txl. WANTED: CWE TICKET to J-Hop. 3 ROOMS- Modern, furnished or Call 355-0075. 2$: PLUS: A HAPPY, BAWDY, GALLIC COMEDY unfurnished. $79 monthly, IS minutes TYRING BY WOMAN rith U n til 5 :3 0 60c to University. OR 4-1392. 26 years secretarial experienei » J-HOP TMiKET. CHI IV 2-3 fe»p Mauri«. Will piay’ premium, 28 “ T I E L O V E O i i l - Jk, , FURNISHED ARARTMENT. I block 6738. ____________ Stating ÆAN-P1EHRE C A SStl '■• 9:30 only ■ B ra , A S u n . 00c ■iff* » Ä f e e«*»er «f t UMing-i TERM RARERS CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS i IhB B B ^ M a M m S ^ S i i^ 8 W w alfflW w W ( Ate veapmg -roam, fco 2-»«. 26 rotes. TU $-3069. HIGH BLEADERSHIP 1 ■ M M iiiM H I M ii Ü* B»;i IfóipfSF ì f f ii'il: r iiiiiir i ' ä lit J / I P iB iP  P Œ g S ||||I ÌÌMm*roM -- r û " ^ r t H PŒ nJU m « ■ ■ ■ » ¡ m m m f m i S H B S S s ii Mahoney 356 T emrm mmmm njS ■. M l- sem i-form al AS-lhdvor- M _ .._ - ■■ 9Tti -» -■■** - • At % ■—- — 'A- tu mwDCl IBB TrTf*r* ’•■ te a . The docoratiw is to te e fast. Coeds have b eatgran U xi l fr fflH T T r I I a w s . m m w g take a fter a m ovie -em ierç. | KAPPA ALPHA THETA ^ “Hollywood U .8 A .” is the A hook tor the U niveraty M ichigan State chapters of Todd, Flu riling; Mary Tucker. Lucffle Bishop, E . Lanstog; thorns of Alpha EpUam m o f N igeria is the adm issioo fee 21 national sororities pledged Stim tati; Sandra W ray, Ponti­ W "to atteaw H |to>~' ?96 coeds daring form al vrintar ac; N teukeZ w arcnsteya, Grand ■m b, aold out Monday party on Saturday night. Mem­ to a u s a i caRaral novelty rush. The sororities aad t i e Rapids. bers and th eir « t e e w in ap­ dance Ir id a r Arem S to 0 near pledges’ nam es are listed v CHL OMEGA I , 1V (M wamSf » iGnttwo*' jilllK ) »them e, “Jade” w ifi bring pear dressed a s m ovie « ta n to Parlors A, B , and C t atm osnbero to to o VStB pmm mm IM IRK JMPft4 A llot A ckley. Eaten Rapids; Grand Rapids; Daten. below. ALPHA CHI OMEGA Sue Aahwidnrf, Muskegon; W ashington, D. C.; Barbara _ Saturday n ig h t But DonaeQy, Chagrte FaB s, Ohio; Jane Adam s, Arttngtoa, V s.; Marten* Bartók, Detroit; Anne Ij Im y 11 TParfcatn. tUTKzn o f th e fam ous Count . --««W —a a StO-— Gretchen Albrecht, Pittsburgh, Christy, Ifilw atd m i, W ise.; Su- ! w ill aau tue Am erican P a.; Kathy B artie, Cass City; saa FoBett, Allegan; Carrie m m u m m ' .. , to 'to e —j —» 1 ■eetting. M aureen Grii Carol Bowen. Bloom fletdH iB *; G regory, Birm ingham ; Jan . Hannon F low ers of ' Detrott Karen Boyajian, Birm ingham ; K hM natr, South Bend, tod .; BarimTOjU n a d y , Soute B end, w ill eon striril a fa lse eriB ng of Susan Cramer. Atlanta, G a.; D iane Lamp*. Detroit; Ind.; G ayle Kreppe, Dearborn; Iridle branches a s p u t ' o f M Andrea G aasbora, Lansing; Judy M ack, Detroit; Aim decor. T h e com pany to knows N irh rii, G reise Pointe; Patty W p ib i k g ; Ju­ to d y H elgeson, Birm ingham ; dith Lucas, Birmingham: Mar­ eapeciaUy tor its iroelt on Bhe Mary H erbert, E . Lansiftg; O’Shea, Park F orest, IB.; debutante parties a t Anna m à ilyn L a e u , E . L ansteg; Sally Barbara Herrmann, Burning- R eeky P erry, Cedargrove; M eyer, P ert . Clinton. OWor G harktte Ford. Other trim ­ ham; Sue Holcomb, Saginaw; to d y Sparta, Taylor; Kathy m ings w fil include a h sg e “flre- Sandra M iller, Mount CMmtees; Karen Jensen, M anbasset, T eller, Grand R apids; Mary Ruth M ltchiO, E ssexvB le: H l i dragon. The liv ers N . Y .; Yvonne Kashian, E van­ Wagunvord, Ohemos; Mary for the coeds aro a secret, but Jane W alker. New Bedford, P atricia M ohill, Park Ridge, ston. ID.; Suzanne L ew is, IK ; Laura N ash, K alam azoo; w e hear that they are in keep­ Groese Pointe, Susan Lippert, M ass.; N oji W edder, Warsaw, Ittane R icketts, Park R idge, ing w ith th e th a n e. W ayne. tod .; Janet Woodburae. E ssex. OL;, L i n d a Schaeffer. St. During interm ission. M iss HttaaU’s.. .to km-R ritt da adm Jane L ytle, Royal Oak; J ill V illen Jenny JVhite, D etroit Sarah Schrader, MSU w tìl be .selected by the M acDonald, Chevy Chase, MdL; DELTA DELTA DELTA Northville; Carol Schum adter, m em bers of Blue K ey. 1 BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS' Nancy Mead, E . T Basin g; Mad- Bonnie Baum gart, Glencoe, The festivities w ill a id at 1 OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS I ÀJM. FR I. A SAT. D etroit; Ann Shaw, K alam a­ elon M iller, F lint; Panta Mro- HL; Caron Bonder, Birm ing­ zoo; Norm a Shereton. Grand a.m . with a continental break­ vi ALSO AT zek, Clim ax; J u d y Optta, ham ; J ill Clarke. Plym outh; H aven; Carol Smith E . Lan­ g. WHAT TO WEAR?—Margo Lamphere, F esadale Junior, i fa st-in clu d ed in the ticket SU» N. LARCH G S B t l l H S . CEDAR US 127 F n m k lin f Wendy Oraasby, N . M argaret C leary, Terre Haute, sing. iW . h i and H arriet T w ttB , G iea E llyn, IB. sophomore, help price—at Albert Pick M otel. AB Collins, N .Y .; Cheryl Otto, M i­ Ind.; Salty Coffman, Fort Tho­ K APPADELTA each other decide what dress to w ear for tee J*Hopi Coeds couples attending te e J-Hop am i, F la .; M ilfl Raym ond, m as, K *n.; M arilyn Collins, A rlene A ndenon, Groese should wear dressy ceefctafl dresses. The men m ay wear R ogers City; P a t R eal, Lan­ Chicago. 111.; M arilyn Carrad- Pointe; K ristin Andrea, Dear­ . eithec tuxedos or dark salts. ^ sing. in i, M ilan, Italy . born; L eslie B ailey, Roslyn M arty R eam . Kalamaaoo; Srodra Cotter, Y ale; Karen T H U R SD A Y STO RE H O URS • 9 :3 0 A.M . TO 5 :3 0 P M . Harbor, N . Y .; B everly Brown, M arty Robertson, E . Lansing; Counts, B ay V illage, Ohio; Su­ Dearborn; P atricia Bucchia- Barbara Thom as, Hem lock ; san E fiis, Grand kapid s; Barb­ neri, D etroit; K aren Dayne, M argo W ells, G rosso P ointe; — ara — HUdebrandt, Dearborn;- Dearborn; Linda D issinger, G i r l ’s. D a y F e a t u r e s M aureen Strait, M ason; P ate- M arjorie Hoffman, Evanston, M anistique; Clyde E ller, 'Buf­ ela W oods, E . Lansing.. IB.; Sharen Kraatz, Akron, ALPHA DELTA P I N .Y .; Carol Lam phere, Lan­ falo, N. Y .; M argaret GUmour, Dearborn; P a n e l .o f Q u e e n s K athleen Arm strong, G rosse sing; M argo Pringnitz, Mt. June G r a m s , Huntington Pointe Woods; D ow Behrens, Clem ens. Woods; Linda H arris, W ayzata, “M iss Teen, E very Day h Appearing on the pand were WBUamston; Amw M arie Fon­ Kay R eid, Scottsville, N .Y .; M i n n . ; N ancy Harrington, Queen” w as te e them e o f the Nancy Ann Flem ing, M iss.Am ­ tain e, Birm ingham ; Susan Roth R ozsa, Alberta. Canada; Grand Rapids; Susan Hyde, erica of 1961; M arjorie Muel­ G ates, Detroit; M ary Lou Grfc Lois SchoL Scotch P lains, N .J.; Dearborn; Rita Ivey, Atlanta, G irl’s D ay program la st Thurs­ ler, M ichigan D airy Queen, j b as, Grand R apids;; N ancy Christine Scorsone, Saginaw; G a.; Judith Jankoviak, N iles; day which featured a panel Sally Green, M ichigan Apple j Jaeim , Saginaw; N ancy Lar­ Penny Skells, E . Lansing; to Claire discussion for junior and senior son, HswelL Ann Sm ith. G reat NeCk, N . Y.; M ary Jo M cG illiyray, Wash­ Jane VandeoBett, Flint; Phyl­ N . Y .; LaM ers, K ay M alm strom , Muskegon R ochester, high school girls in conjunction Queen, and- Mrs. P atricia Hag­ with F an n er's W eek. *=*— an, Lansing’s Mrs Homemaker of 1961. E xcept for M rs..Hagan, FURTHER reductions ington D.C.; A lice Moore, lis W ade, Parkersburg. W. Va. H eights; Carol H eo re, D etroit; More than 1,500 teenagers a graduate of the U niversity o f Sandra Parke, Dim ondale; w ere ria n d in g ln th e a isles of Iowa, ail o f-te e panelists are N iles; Sandy P arn ell, WiHiam- stown, M ass.; D iane Stergkm, - DELTA GAMMA Sandra Adamson, G r a n d M arlene Rautiola, Hancock; the Union ballroom in antici­ students at M ichigan State, v Corning, N .Y .; Joy Stuber, Rapids; Chris Brick, Medford, Sally Sattler, O rlotte; Irene pation o f the appearance of “ Do your very best in every­ ON F lint; L eslie W illard, Seattle, N .J.; Linda Chapman, Clarks- Sante, Dearborn; S u s a n four beauty -queens who had to thing, because' no job is u n im -, Wash. ton; B ecky Crimm, Sidney, Vaughan, D etroit; Jeneen, stage their perform ance tw ice portant,” urged M rs. H agan, j ALPHA EPSILON PHI Ofaio; P a t Drake, Troy, Ohio; W hittenberg, M iami, F la. Barbara F ield s, G lencoe, HI.; Dottie E llis, Birm ingham ; Lin­ Ina G old, D etroit; B ettie Lew i, d a Feibtng, T raverse City; Gadsden, A la : P eggy M eyer, M ary F ischer, Adrian. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA K ay Botsfard, Birm ingham ; schools. Barbara ’ Chapman, B irm ing­ j i n order to accom m odate tee hom e econom ics cla sses which w o e invited from SI nearby M iss M ueller told the g ir is 1 that they could increase their I knowledge not only through! - education, but through reading dresses D etroit; J u d i t h Rapaport, Sue F ry, Aurora, IB.; SaHy ham; N ancy Collins, Birm ing­ and conversation. Adding that I Grand Rapids. G reen, FennviUe; Ginger Gun- ham ; Carol Congdon, Ypsilan- m ette, H i.; Linda C helsea, De- each person should show h e r : F u rth er red u ction s on our en tire rem ainin g fa ll aad w in ter d ress Barbara Robins, Detroit; solus. B erkley; Anne H ill, Den­ ti; W- WUMÜ« u m o K iw .. E Cynthia Cuthbertson. «TT-.!- ast troit; M arily6 Clark, M idland; interest in others, she said, “If I co llectio n s — from ev ery d ep artm en t. N ow a t a fra ctio n o f th eir o rig in a l H ickel Saks, D etroit; Geraldine ver, Cole.; A lison Houvener. S. ù n t e * Mk t Lou G U Ì«iger4J°y(* M j . you wish to m ake friends, you Seibel, Lincolnwood, H i.; Mari­ Charleston. W. V s.; Carol Kin- ten, E ast Lansing ;„ Bonnie N .Y .; Pam ela Fuzak, E . Lan must be a friend.” v a lu es. Shop ea rly fo r b est se le c tio n s! S tr e e t and co ck ta il w ea r. D ark lyn Spiegel, C levelandH eigbts, cheloe, G rosse Pointe: Anne Humphrey. Saginaw; Mary sing; M ary-Kaye Goodman, “ Don’t cali attention to your­ Ohio; Rhoda Surath. Bay ly Q ty. K luessner, South Bend, Ind.; Lee J im , Lombard, HL; Roaul Lansing: P atricia H u g h e s , self” was the advice of M iss and p a stel colors. W ools, crep es, je r se y s, k n its and n o v elties. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Genie L ew is, T errell, Tex. Johnson, Grand Rapids; G rosse Pointe Park;.Susan Kal­ Green who related several Carol Aim B eyers, E . Lan­ . Gretchen Lipscom b, Grand G a i l McCallum, Detroit; tenbach, VjT : G\rrosse. Pointe Woods; . .amam using u sin g exam - ples of how not sing; Carol Ann C asey. Bir­ Rapids; Judy Load, D owagiac; Nancy Kay M oore, Grand Rap­ Karen Kovninek, Flusm ng; • t0 ~act in an unexpected situ -) m ingham ;' Barbara J . Clark, Sue M auter, Toledo, Ohio; An­ ids; Janice P age, Birm ing­ Barbara Kreuter, Rockford; j ation _ — Flushing: M argaret Collings, ne P aine. E . Lansing ; Mary ham ; Dianne Perrin, South­ Njmey L ew is, D etroit ; Barbara ^ Flem ing told the giHs ; E . Lansing; Mary J . Demi, Lou Payeur. Ann Arbor; Mar­ field; Barbara Scheuneman, O Connor. I^ m bertvilte, Cinda J t Q » a v o i d becom ing s o a b s o r b - G rosse Pointe; Joanne M. ble P eters, Aurora» IB.; Kathy Grand Rapids; Joan TenHoor. Smith, E . Lansm g; Elizabeth ! ed ln yourself that you becom e O rig. $25.00 to $35.00 O rig. $39.95 and $45.00 Q rig. $45.00 to $59.95 H edge, G rosse Pointe Shores; Rygp. Lansing; Shirley Stew­ Grand Rapids; , Mary JUl Sutevan, New Boston; Linda ¡^ .c o n scio u s” and to work for Sandra K. Jackson, K alam a­ art, Detroit; Sue Swenk, Adri­ Thompson, Birm ingham ; Jan­ T allefson, Ludington. good health, neat appearance zoo; Judith Jacobson, Kala­ an; Sue W illiam s, Holland; ice Werner,' Park R idge. IB.; ZETA TAU ALPHA and good grooming. -F o r Ju n iors, M isses and H a lf Staro mazoo; Sandra K iel, Dearborn; Karen Young, Southfield. Patricia W iggins, Mt. Clem ens. Allison Brown, Royal Oak; The discussion w as summed 'Sharon Rae K ish, Dearborn; DELTA SIGMA THETA - PI BETA PHI M arjorie Carlson. Chicago. 111.; u by M iss Flem ing-w hen she Susan K istler, Lyons; Joan Earlynn B y a s. Detroit; Prudence Baum . G rosse Leonora Cirrito, Boston M ass.; said that a mature and like- i Mary Prince. P alisade, N .J .; Sharon Cardwell, E ast Lan­ Pointe; Bonny Burleson. St. Jane Farrow, Swartz Creek; able young person must be in*! N ancy Louise Seavitt, D ear­ sing; P atricia Calhoun, Austin, Joseph; Nancy Doerner, Web- born; Mary Catherine Sm ith. T ex.rM argaret W ilson, Vanda- ster G roves. M o.; Diane G rigg, E . Lansing; Jane Strothers, lia; Elizabeth W right, D etroit. Saginaw; Sandra G ovatos, Kal­ Adeline Helm ing, E . Lansing; form ed, interested, adaptable Diana Howvath. Livonia; Pat­ and attractive. ricia K laasesz. Lancaster. N.Y. — casual dresses— / ' iiirrrrtrtgham; Janice Taube, amazoo; Carolyn Holbrook JDELTA ZETA JoAmt Mikolusky, Scottviile; G rosse Pointe; M artha Van Afcen, B attle Creek; Jane Woodworth, Grand R apids. K ares J . Anderson. G rosse Antigonish, Nova Scotia; Judy Vicki P eterson, Lansing; Ros- Be; Susan M. Atwater, Manis­ Jew ett; G rosse Potata; Janet lind Prophet, E . Lansing; -Su­ tique; M arjorie E . Baird, Royal Kowalik, D etroit. zanne Prophet, E . Lansing; P A IG E * 7 » 9 * 1 2 C R AFT ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA Origa 12.98 to 14.98 O rig. 14.98 to 17.98 O rig, 17.98 toZ S .00 O ak;'Ann E . Brainard. Flint; ~ Lucy Langbor, Columbia Lynda Spian, Owosso; Anne Anita Bray, Pittsburgh, P *-; Sharon M. E nsfield. FennviUe; C ity, M i.; L aryl Larson, Ben­ ' G loria D avis, D etroit; E llen Tlbtats, U tica, N .Y .; Susan In Ju n ior and M inoro S ix es M argaret A . Findlay, Grosse ton Harbor; Prudence McIn­ W ilke, Chicago, IU. L aster, Detroit; M ary Max­ Pointe Woods; Susan G reat- tosh, P ort Huron; Pam ela w ell, Lakeforest, HL; Mary leaf, Birm ingham ; Aon Huber, R an liey, Ê . Lansing; R om e Pearson, D etroit; M arion Wo­ m ack, Philadelphia, P a. ALPHA OMICRON PI G rosse Pointe; P atricia A R o n , Bloom field H uls; San­ Lewandowski. Lincoln Parie. dra Sam pson, B attle Creek; Ski Rental M arilan Jean K ill, Casnovia; Janet Lou .Clark, Bachachan; P h yllis MacLeod, Skokie, Frances Shields, Grand Rap­ IB.; Vtegiaia JoAnne M cAleer, ids; Carolyn Tomcxyk, North­ Linda C, Dero, D etroit; Coral- Southfield: lin d a JL Robert­ amazoo. brook, IB.; Susan W arner, Kal­ E q u ip m e n t • Ski - maternity ene Jackson, H owell; J u leJ a u - son, R oslyn H eights. N .Y .; Ruth E . Roring, Dearborn; PHI MU f Boots m otte. Chateau, M ont.; M artha Known, Dearborn; J a c k i e Lowe, Dearborn; Constance Lorelei Selcerà, W e s t e r n Barbara Baker, E rie. P a.; Springs, IB.; M a y M. Sperry, Penity Barnes, Grand Rapids; Seglim w; Charlotte L. W eekly, Barbara Chrzan,Alpena; Helen 0 P o le s (5 0 c In su ran ce) dresses and separates P eterson, Perry. Ohio; Margo W E E K E N D — F R ID A Y -M O N D A Y M ehfadafe; Judith J . Ylsew- Cull, B attle Creek; Kathy En­ Leo Sm ite, Baldwin; Barbara ' V erral, Dearborn. teh, St. Clair Sbarro. . GAMMA PH I BETA g le , D exter; GaB Fangboner, E . Lansing; Kathy Fam ham , 'i LARRY CUSHION SPORTING ROODS ALPHA PHI - 3 3020 V IN E • P h . IV 5-7465 Linda Firth; Ann G retna- Jacqueline Addfooc, Dear­ South W tadser, C om .; Diane born; Barbara A lexander, Su­ Ferguson, Birm ingham ; Barb­ watt; Sally H arris; Judy tfink- O rig. $6.98 O rig. 8.98 O rig. 9.98 ara F ro, Birm ingham : Carol ksy; Joan Ke&er; Sue Ltosday; gar G rove, HI.; Janet Barth, Sharon Lueck; Fran M artin; Canton. Ohio; M ary Aim Bour- G eier, Lansing: P eg gy G raves, R aye Popp: Anne Poxson; ke, D etrott; Sharon Brusha- Grand Rapids; Linda Greta; Margo Prentice; 'Ja n et R ay­ ber. Flint; Ana Converse. U to- Lansing; Judy Hazewtakte, mond; B everly Shannon; Ana sing; A na D avid, Grosse WHAT EVER YOU N O D ier dresses- Sm ite; Diane Vollm er: Sally Pointe; Christine K utler, So­ W allace; Diane Wright. lon, Otào. i-aj-L M arianna M anica. IM roit; Sharon M oerad, Groero Potate; fo r y o u r c a r v ALPHA J H DELTA Anne Lawford, G rand Rap­ Judy M oiclwl, G rass Lake; Mufflers - Tail Pipes - Exhaust Pipe* Salty Acker, Lansing; Carol ids; M arilyn Mi&er. Royal Pam Overtan, Farm ington; Babb, Grand Rapids;. J-Aan Oak; Sasaa M iller. Park R idge, Pam Shehan. Whitmore L tita; INSTALLED .•■*>5 y;. JIB Seanouskl New Buffado; Burleson, Flint; Janet Cable, HI.; P atricia Morrow, Detrott; D etroit; Caren Cream er. Cuy- Ellen Prakken, Aim Arbor; Jane Totm an, Sheridan, Wyw Complete Shop Service SIGMA KAPPA O rig. 69.95 to 79.95 hega F ails, Ohio; L eslet EB- M arda Rudm ao, Detroit; Row. m a Sinclair, Aan Arbor; t o m Julia ity res, G rosse P otato Rebuilt Motors aad Transmissions ward. B elleville. IN S T A L L E D Linda F risch, R ochelle. HL; Taylor, N iagara F aS s, N .Y . - Woods; Diana B uesch, Wfl Molly G ates, E . Lansing; Flora Speed E quipm en t — A ccessories G rass, E ast Grand Rapids; F n n e n ia i t m « r e n in f s h e w i t t D ISC O U N T S TO S T U D E N T S A N D FA C U LT Y ~r Lois Gray. Alpena; Katherine Gruber, M ldtead; Chelin Han­ MVÿ CrauProv ml »»am i cock, Oklahoma C ity, Okla. U M TS WITO MRTS II 11 Barnes Floral _ Martha Hanlon. Chagrin F a lls, Ohio; P am ela H eath, I I II i l l Owosso; G ail K ostbade, Chi­ ’W mÊ m W K «bioPillg ——* .*£'*^■'•6't. 021 0. LARCH | 1 ( 1 1 III f s 1 H i s cago, HL; to a n N ygren, E s- canaba: Jeu n e Rudegeair. Kalam azoo; Karon Sayre, Hud­ son. i Ê Ê Ê : We Telegraph Flow ers W mm _ t P h yllis Sloan, Ledo Beach, - Long Island, N Y .: Julie Sm ith. I LED 2 4 * 7 1 Satnrday Franklin: Barbara Stayer, C— » k P ü I fe w « « Point? W oeds; Martha 0 ........1