ililB asasssSSS S î S&j S ùy§É| m m om m :*y. , , -....iv.'-- - --i- f sWWW^M^ I ' W Ê ' ' 1 &|ÌÉ|f||Ì mm® Sonia« MSU fer 52 -jtin EsUblkbed 1909 Vol. 53, No. 142 Friday Morning, February 9, 1962 8 P age» reû " 3% «?& JS fca6Mit. 1 0 C en to m aatiàL Global r a m Glimpses ”• 1 1 ■ By the Associated Press Argentina Breaks with Cuba BUENOS AIRES--Argentina Thursday broke diplom atic re­ lations with Communist Cuba. The break cam e in the wake of I m ilitary crisis that lr o s e over Argentina’s refusal to vote for te e Fidel Castro regim e V ouster from tee inter-American fam ily. ■: ':5v -. :,-v" . . ^ AWS Blood Drive S c h o o l A id Argentine Foreign M inister Miguel Angel Carcano announced B ill A ls o teat “relations with the governm ent of Cuba have been broken as of today.” •_ _ Carcano also told reporters that he had summoned Cuban Sets 125Ö Pint Goal diplom atic officials to tell them they have 48 hours to leave the B y JESS MAXWELL Last term ’s drive collected B u rie d country." v. Of the State New s Sfeff 966 pints, far short of its goal. " An MSU students are regard* WASHINGTON - Presi­ A goad of 1,250 pints has been ed as residents bf the county dent Kennedy’s College Aid_ Gen. Hankins Heads Viet Nam Aid set for the winter term blood te d are entitled to blood i i they B ill was caught to a snag WASHINGTON—Underscoring its determ ination to w in, the drive, sponsored by the Asso­ have previously donated, te e Thursday when a Republican United States established Thursday a major new m ilitary ciated Women Students organi­ said. objection in the House blocked com mand to direct ever-widening American efforts to block a zation and the Am erican Red “ University students and fac­ a move to>send it to a House- Communist conquest of South Viet Nam. Cross. ulty m em bers are covered in Senate conference to work out The D efense Department ordered Gen. Paul D. Harkins, now The drive opens Monday on case of sickness or em ergen­ T com prom ise. ^ \i deputy arm y com mander in the P acific, to Saigon to take im ­ 4th floor, Union. cy .” Mrs. Borgman said. The bill now goes back to the m ediate charge. ^ , L •- ' ' 1. - H ouse Rules Committee, where Clarence “ B iggie” Munn, there could be trouble in pry­ On decision of President Kennedy and the joint chiefs of staff, Trophies w ill he awarded to athletic director, is Ingham ing it loose. - the S7-year-old Lieutenant General w as promoted to four-star the ttviag units with the h ip ­ County’s blood program chair­ The House version is lim ited rank, lending added importance to the post. est percentage e f Meed do­ nated. Reports wfll appear man. to a loan and grant program "A mixup in scheduling lart for coHege academ ic facilities, 5 Killed in Paris Red Riot " ; J dally la the State N ew f. term caused low student par­ calling for a total federal out­ PARIS—A Communist m ass demonstration against the French “We hope to take in 200 pints ticipation in the d rive,” Munn lay of $1.5 billion over fiv e rightist secret arm y’s policies on Algeria turned into wild of blood per day,” Mrs. Ida- said. . . . years. rioting in the P lace De La B astille Thursday night and plunged belle Borgman, Red Cross “ But m idterm s w ill be over France a step closer to_anarchy. county recruitm ent chairman The Senate bill makes the by next week and we see no construction . program all Five civilians were reported killed and countless injured. said. excuse fro falling down this Many French police—at least 140—were injured in battles loans and adds a provision tim e,” he said. 7: for 212,500 federal scholar­ to uphold the De Gaulle governm ent from attack from tee left as w ell as the right. Fire Damages Munn pointed out that MSU holds the world’s record for ships, for a total program of $2.67 billion. Reds Warns Dutch on New Guinea Dorm Room blood drives. „ " “ Our victory in com petition THE IFC Executive Council gets down to business, in Kellogg Center’s Galaxie. Room. Seated from left to right Is Jerry Roberts (Adm. V. P .) and Bob Andrtoga A single objection in the House can block a House- MOSCOW—H ie Soviet governm ent broadcast a statem ent over Moscow radio Thursday declaring its support for Indo­ A fire W ednesday caused with Jackson Prison last (P res.), standing from left to right Is Tim Alyward, Rich Reisberg, Ken Jesm ore, Senate conference and such an n esia’s claim to West New Guinea and warning -the Dutch that considerable dam age in room spring put us on top,” he Frank Marxer (S ec.), and Dan Graff (T reas.). —State News Photo by Paul Remy. objection w as made by Rep. A412, Armstrong Hall. said. Albert Quie, R-Mlnn. House any struggle throe m ight start a fire. - Firem en were called to the Republicans are opposed to the Over 900 pints of blood are H ie statem ent said the Soviet governm ent, as a power in­ terested in preserving peace, “cannot but pay attention to the scene at 6:18 p.m . delivered to 10014 hospitals Winburne Says: scholarship program and fear EtniJ P. Doiehsek, Kalam a­ each month. Much of this Mood the House conferees, with a situation, dangerous for the cause of peace, which is developing Dem ocratic m ajority, might zoo sophomore, and Phillip D. com es from U niversity drives. 'As a result of actions of Holland against Indonesia. Reds Start Fire in Laos H aines, M ontgomery freshm en, were apparently not in their “There is no charge fro the room when the fire ocqirred, blood itself,” Munn »aid. “ The Studying Between Classes accept it. The House b ill, without scholarships, cam e out of the the D epartm ent rtf Public only le e s are fro adm inistra- J4A M T H 4 .1 m t rLi ttS’ righi-w lng prem ier again turned down an invitation for cease-fire talks at rebel headquarters Thurs­ day aad pro-Communist forces broke a 48-hour fighting hill Safety The extent of th e dam age had not been estim ated, but a chert low s: Blood drive hours (are a s fat- r Atknvs-Bating Each Night Rules com m ittee on an 8-7 vote last m onte, but the sam e mar­ gin m ay not n eceasu vail on a voté to send irUy pre- end it to with a- round of mortar fire that landed close to the Nam H ta governor's bouse. _ _ of drawers and its contents, Monday and Tuesday: 10 By BARB BRADLEY This, he said. leaves 50 hours He questioned another stu­ conference. The shot set off a lively duel between 120 mm mortars of floor tile, and w ell m olding a.m . . 12 p.m ., 1-5 p.m . Of the State News Staff.* a week for recreation. — dent to show that evening It w ill now take action by the the. rebel Pathet Lao and Communist forces and royal army were burned, officers said. The W ednesday and Thursday : If students stick to this day- studying is more difficult and Rules Committee to get the bill cau se e f the fire w as unde­ 2-8 p.m . . ' X. Students can date every tim o schedule, it will becom e less productive. to conference. Supporters of howitzers, m ortars and recoilless rifles. night, all afternoon Saturdays^ a Kibit, he"predicted. term ined. ‘ _ Friday: 9 a.m . - 3 p.m . The answers Showed the wo­ the* m easure are hopeful of all Sundays and still make their A coed reminded Winburne man “ studied” from 7 to 11 squeezing out a favorable vote Leftist Gizenga Exiled grades, John N. Winburne as­ that com ing from "class back to p.m . Sunday through Thursday when the com m ittee takes it up, LEOPOLDVILLE, The Congo—An island exile has been pre­ sistant dean of U niversity Col­ the dormitory and walking nights. , Winburne elim inated probably in about two weeks. scribed for the fallen Lumumbist leader Antoine Gizenga, Congolese sources said Thursday. The central governm ent has N u is a n c e T a x S u re , lege, told Abbot Hall coeds re­ back to class took 15 to 20 one night a week for basketball cently. — minutes of an hour between games. Lecture-Concert pro­ President Kennedy’s latest Winburne, "a dinner guest, classes. plea for action en his general transferred him to the island of Buia Bemba in the Congo river gram s and dates. School Aid Bill has failed to estuary, one informant said. It was the fifth tim e the deposed deputy prem ier had been G O P L e g is la to r S a y s discussed academ ic-problem s “The biggest waste of tim e is This left 16" hours of study with 15 women for two hours. the notion you have to com e tim e. Then he substracted gos­ arouse aay enthusiasm to the reiocAt J since his downfall last month, and indicated "the This w as part of a new pro­ back to the dorm ,” he answer­ sip-and grill tim e, leaving not L House. continuing indecision within the Congolese ^government about By CURT RUNDELL per bottle to the consum er and gram in which Winburne will ed. more than two and one-half Three tim es since Congress what should be done with the all but helpless Leftist. Of the State News Staff I think the state should get v isit all dorm itories for infor­ Winburne urged students to hours of concentrated study a reconvened last month Ken­ th ew h ole penny.” mal evening talks with, stu­ night, ten hours a week. nedy has"urged it to pass his There is no question that a dents, especially those on ac­ study in class buildings. He Weather Rocket Shot into Orbit nuisance tax, (will be passed by This would mean tw ice the adem ic probation. reminded them that B essey bill to help the nation’s public Even with four hours Satur­ schools—in his State of the WASHINGTON—A new weather satellite. Tiros IV, shot into the legislature this session, ac. Income to the state from a Hall has em pty rooms post­ day mornings, she studies Union m essage, in a special B esides two hours off each orbit around the earth Thursday and im m ediately started cording to Rep. Charles A. beer tax, rather than half as day for lunch and supper, ed, couches in rest rooms, only W hours a week com ­ education m essage, and in his Boyer, M anistee Republican. much as the present Mil sug­ main stairw ells, on third taking excellent quality pictures of the clouds 500 m iles below" it. Winburne explained, students pared to 35 hours far those news conference Wednesday. Within a few days, cloud photographs from the new satellite The nuisance tax, according gests. usually have 22 to 28 hours floor and between the office See WINBURNE page 7 See SCHOOL AID page 6 to Boyer, would be the chief Boyer said he expects the and classroom wings on sec­ m ty phty a significant role in plans for the recovery of astro­ voting on the tax to show a free between classes during ond floor. naut John H. Glenn Jr., from the first project Mercury manned source of revenue to be devoted the week from 8 a.m . to 6 orbitaj flight. to state colleges and universi­ definite two-way split between He said he finds student» p.m . teat they should "use studying in his waiting room the Dem ocrats and Republi­ ties. A bill providing that tee tax cans. for study. They ran drop in B essey. Twenty-five to thirty G ra d s to H ave E qual Saar Mine Disaster Toll 279 _ be reestablished wax intro­ “ The Democrat* alm ost have hooks at 8 p.m . every night, students have table-space. he said. to line up behind the governor One student com plained that SAARBRUECKEN. Germany—Germany mourned 279 dead Thursday in the worst disaster of „Saarland mining and aban­ duced Jan. 31 by Representa­ tives Carroll C. Newton^ Eaton since he took such a strong Adding four study hours it is hard to concentrate dur­ G o v e rn m e n t B ig h ts doned hope that any of 20 still m issing men would be brought Republican and Riem er Van stand on the methods of taxa­ Saturday mornings, students ing tiie day. " _ Alive from the debris of Luisenthal coal mine. H I, Ottowa Republican. tion,” h e said. - can have 35 hours for study, “To say you can’t concen­ A bill calling fro a student. m ajority of both graduate and All but a few sorrowing w ives and daughters of men still “There is only one fault with Another recent m ove by the enough for anyone, Winburne trate is to say you don’t want vote on whether to extend stu undergraduate students, who believed buried underground gave up their day and night vigil this b ill,” Boyer said. “The Republicans has been toward continued. ~ - to,” Winburne answered. dent governm ent- rights and will vote on separate ballots. at the mine gates. Only the dead were being recovered from tax on beer has been proposed favoring a reasonable income privileges to graduate students Congress also approved sev­ 1,800 feet underground. for 3/8 of a cent pro bottle as la x . Boyer said. passed unanimously in Student eral appointments at Wednes­ The exact number still m issing was not known due to con­ “In my opinion,” h r said, Congress Wednesday. day's sessio n - Ellen Bradley, it was In the old tax. This w ill fusion in counting the survivors. mean an increase of one ren t “ an Income tax is Inevitable. L I. S . , B r i t a i n A p p e a l The bill schedules the refer­ assistant director of the or­ U aless som ebody com es np endum for .spring term regi­ ganizations bureau, w as named with a drastic aew idea far On Democratic Ticket taxation, it’s tee only an­ F o r A r m s R a c e H a lt stration. student editor of the H elot- Barbara Rail and Leslie Price sw er to te e state’s financial The vote calls far an were appointed to the educa­ J. Andrews Is Candidate dem ands.” WASHINGTON Ui—The Unit­ by the United S ta lls for w ea­ amendment fa the AH-Uni- tional policies com m ittee." Should such a tax be passed, ed ¡Hates and Britain cleared pons tests in. the atm osphere. verslty Student Government thé Republicans w ill probably the way today for nuclear The United States has agreed constitution. The amendment try to rem ove the business ac­ weapons testing at Christmas that the .British can test under­ would allow j l l graduate stu­ To Fill Vacant House Seat tivity tax, a tax which is based Island in th e _ m id -P a c fic . ground to N evada. It w as an­ dents carrying six credits or on te e normal course of busi- Sim ultaneously, they appealed nounced by the Atomic Energy more fall membership to News Editor An E ast Lansing resident, “ I am parttealariy concern­ See NUISANCE page 6 to Russia fro a new “suprem e, Commission that there w ill be AUSG. effort” to halt the nuclear arms a test of low yield British nu­ ~ R ivers Singleton, president To Attend Jam es E . Andrews, 39, of 440 Cowley Thursday" announced Ms candidacy fro the Feb. 26 ed that the Republicans hi the L egislatore have con- sisteatly _ refused adequate FAIR race. President K e n n e d y and weeks. Prim e M inister H arold Mac­ clear device there within a few of the Owen Hall Advisory — Board, opposed a sim ilar bill The specific proposal to, passed to Student Congress Conference prim ary to fill the seat of Rep. budgets far MSU.” M says. M illan called in a statem ent Soviet .Prem ier Khrushchev is fall term because the number 1 Marcia Van N ess, Editor-in- Ralph H. Young (R -East Lan­ AND fro an East-W est foreign min­ that tee 18-nation disarm a­ o f credits required for grad Chief of tee M ate N ew s, will at­ sin g ), who died J te . 23. \ “ It’s tim e the com m unity isters m eeting to open disarm a­ m ent com m ittee of the UN, students to vote on the propos­ tend a College E ditors’ 'Con­ He w in run on the Dem ocra­ had a legislature w illing to be WARMER m ent negotiations. They Impli­ which is scheduled to m eet at al was to o high. ference on international Af­ tic ticket. tor MSU aifd not against it.” ed readiness to Consider a sum­ G eneva March 14, should open Singleton said Thursday teat faire Friday through Sunday Andrews w as fownerly an Andrews said Ms highway m it conference if low er-level “ at the foreign m inister lev el.” the advisory board approved ef to N ew York Ctiy. f* executive assistant fo State departm ent experience m ade talks m ad e progre ss . The U.S. British and Soviet the present Mil. The conference w ill attract Highway Com m issioner John him fam iliar with te e future But to te e arm s race itself, foreign m inisters would m eet “ By lowering the voting re­ m ore ,0 0 0 209 editors from C. Mackie and before that he possib ilities of the Lansing they asserted that R ussia’s re­ in advance of the opening, pre­ quirem ents to six credits, more throughout tea Uhtted States to w as an assistant state attorney •rea ,: scatti cent “ m atsslvelM ts” of nuclear sum ably to deal with organiza­ graduate students w ill be able the D r a to a s P ress Club in general. “ More increased op­ weapons have brought the com ­ tional problem s, and could re­ to express their opinion on this New York. H e is now in private tasr practice and has lived in E ast portunities for business, and expansion e f education roe the Weather petition in weapons develop­ turn a t farther stages o f the issu e,” be said. ment' to a state which “ would talks “ a t progress is m ade.” .2 It wfO be sponsored by the He saM the adyfaory board National Student Assn. and the Lansing for four yam s. three great challenges to this The from not fro Friday is justify te e w est in m aking such Tbs proposal farther told is s titl neither far siro against O verseas Press Club and by a A native o f A m roe* In th e next d sea d e,” An­ cloudy and' warmer : with farther series i f nuclear tests Khrushchev tea t “te e beads of the ' m erger. T b f. grenp I s grant from Rondere D igest drew» received his in Po- drew s sa(d. :w k k f v V Iteely Friday as m ay b e necessary far pure­ governm ent o f tee United gathering inform ation *n it m agazine. / ttftcal Science in 1947 “We need to open the w ay fro night. The « p ro to « U gh w fl ly m ilitary reasons ” States, United Kingdom, and to , n«roba to gradnste stu­ M iss Von N o « w ill be on a In I960 from the te e econom ic growth o f tem er- he to i t e high W . W , ■ M w M M i» a g r e e d that Union o f Soviet Socialist Re dents before te e spring term ■ R ead «« D igest scholarship at i M f i t e i k ' 'Y P row . The M ichigan Legislature H m snUroa fro Sotoodny Christm as Island, more than publics should assum e a di­ j l i i tea conference and sponsored J a l a married ro* can help or im pede this jp cloudy and w arp er « n 1,069 m iles abate o f H awaii in rect m i personal interest to lit order to p ass, te a prapoeal by Student Congreas and State «prom. • JAMES F. p w w •1 ropsm«*« ggrowth. intend to ro rato ro m nw Iteety. * » a m id-Paciflc, could b e row« th ese ncfntiattoroi/ w ill have .,-Pfl ’-'tiCCCpMJQr amimiAmI 1ms. an nuaaM 8 iMVWA* ♦ ■ w»6e«i*toii8i33söBw sm» M irali HHBBH M » w ■CSSS U P E Ä® Michigan $W eNN «*, E i* Umafog, Michigan IB! Friday Morning, !Febroray -9, 1962 ?» ïiltiï o w n innuma So the Editor Say* Conservative and Illogical R u ssell 'K irk, th a t ard en t cham pion o f ig n orin g it b u t th o se grow n-up b ab ies are *... In Order To Form A More PerfectU nion. O ff to th e B ig C ity th e individual, h as once a g a te spoiled a n ot g o in g sw a y by h is d oin g so. logical a rgu m en t b y p u llin g in irrelev an t K irk b la sts M SU fo r its ”30,000 stu ­ 1 Marcia Van Net* and fa lse inform ation .' d en ts” (w in ter terra en rollm en t w ss College editors who wish they scribed by the correspondents 28,00 0). and im m ed iately eq u a tes th is could g et away from it all to to their own campneos. W ritin g in th e Feb. 13 N ation al R eview , With low er academ ic stan d ard s. T h is is consider problems outside the th e C on servative m ou th p iece in th e U n ited It should be * valuable ex­ illogical and rid icu lou s. I f M rPK irk w a n ts cam pus community w ill get a perience. S ta te s tod ay, K irk took a sta b a t fed eral to a tta ck M SU fo r its stan d ard s, le t him ■hance this weekend. Seldom can college newspa­ aid to h ig h er ed u cation . A lthough w e do ao, b u t h e cannot u se en rollm en t fig ­ d isa g ree w ith him b a sically, w e can see ures to p rove it. Some 200 of them , including per people talk shop with their counterparts. This usually is •is one, win travel to New th e v a lid ity o f som e o f h is argu m en ts The U niversity of Paris has more than lim ited to last-m inute one-sen ork for an Editors’ Confer- tence letters addressed from and follow h is logic to a p oin t. 60,000 students and its academic reputa- ' ice on International Affairs Editor to Editor when one tion does not seem to be suffering-greatly. H is m ost p ersu asive argu m en t a g a in st onsored by the National Stu­ needs quick information from Incidentally, th a t university, i* run by the federal aid is th a t it on ly en cou rages th e nt Association and the Over- the other. state and financed by national funds. m ediocre stu d en t. It opens u n iv ersity doors as Press Club of America.' Anything else calls for long­ - to stu d en ts w ho arem ot stu d en ts b u t m ere­ As for Dr. H annah’s powerful lobby, we Friday. Saturday and Sun- distance telephoning. ly you ng people lookin g fo r a good p arty. wish it were as powerful as Mr. K irk’s y, chiefs of college d ailies And what better tim e could T h is „is p lau sib le b ut it is in co n sisten t w ith m anufacturers and anti-income tax pro­ [; H w eeklies from aU parts of there be to discuss interna­ A m erican dem ocracy to m ake a college ponents. - - ! the country w ill listen to speak- tional affaire? ' ers. m eet in discussion groups d egree in to a sta tu s sym bol w h ich can be We too. would prefer to live in 1900— j jn d just plain get acquainted. “ Reporting a World in Crisis” w aved in th e h ig h er incom e b rack ets. — * w ithout the atom bomb, w ithout th e popu- j ~ R. Sargent Shriver. director w ill be the them e of the con­ h:l ion explo ion. w ithout th e compulsion of the Peace Corps will be key­ ference, and Berlin and the This, however, is" not K irk’s greatest for scientific advancement, w ithout un­ note speaker. — — < Congo discussions should more error. He ruins his entire argum ent with than justify it. a .sarcastic aside against President Han­ employment. But we don’t. And we are not | Others w ill b e-R o g er Tubby, going to pretend we do. Undersecretary of Mate. Earl There seem s to be a continu­ nah and Michigan- State. ing controversy nationally over Coke of the World Bank who ■Speaking of college presidents who-en­ has been working on the Com­ the question of college student dorse a bill for federal aid to higher edu­ mon Market; Jam es W echsler loyalty. Whether it rem ains of the New York Post and Rob­ within or without the campus cation* K irk w rite s: “The more enthusiastic backing conics Job Welt Done ert Considlne, colum nist and community w ill depend a groat .foreign correspondent. deal on the quality and extent ■ ■ j" — ' I of student interest in Interna­ from such anti-intellectual academic em- Union Board should be commended for] Foreign correspondents will tional Affairs. _ pire-builders as President Hannah of presenting one of the liveliest shows*! conduct sem inary on North Michigan S tate University who says around fo r some time. Africa, Sub-Sahara Africa, La­ And coliege editors are often blandly, ‘Some form of o u trig h t ^federal tin Am erica, Europe and the first to see interests change. "Campus Chaos’’ presented last F riday) USSR. A sia-and te e Far E ast aid to education is essential if w e are to night to a large audience in the Union These, then, are„ some of and P eace and Disarm am ent. the peoplFw ho know the most meet the dfemamJs upon our colleges and Ballroom was delightful. universities in time.’ By high-pressure Following these, the-E ditors about their schools and fellow publicity and a powerful lobby to wheedle- — It was funny w ill m eet to discuss methods students. What they do should the Michigan legislature. Dr. Hannah has of applying the principles de­ be interesting. The music was good. _ built a Behemoth -U niversity a t E ast l>anslng; the student body now approaches The talen t was good. th irty thousand b u t he would like twice Letters to the Editor In alt- the show was well w orth -the as many. Dr. Hannah is all for th e m ass­ age, and" damn the consequences to the intellect.” . price of adm ission— only 75 cents. Although th e show w asn’t faultless, it; had a real professional touch. - On Imperialism, Delinquents It wbuld be nice to agree with Mr. Kirk m aintained by nattons of West- be interesting to som e of your j knowledge into the accumula- boost in these tim es of trial. for he certainly has the simple view- of P erhaps this was thé result o f Ron ■To,„tb* In the m eetings of the Cam- ern Europe w ill provide the readers: tion of fact and the interpreta­ Now in my junior year of life. Ignore reality and try to live in 1900. Grow s "directing, ex cellen t p antom im ing ( puj Unjted Nations at Michi- basis of discussion. However, We read in the paper and hear tion of fact, as If they were two study. I have discovered that by Dean Kyburz or th e fine orchestra, j gan State, the-topic of colonial these colonial holdings are al­ on the air separate processes, m akes several definitions fit the term U nfortunately the mass age exists The , T., , ism has and will continue to m ost insignificant com pared to Of killing and stealing and philosophical studies em pty, “ace” as it is used on cam pus, babies born a fte r the w ar w ant an educa­ There was one draw b ack : It s a shame receive much attention. and scientific studies barren. I shall present iw o of these the vast new colonial em pire crim e everywhere. tion and Dr.. H an n ah -h as no choice but th a t more students didn't get a chance to It m ay be expected that the that has been accum ulated by We sigh and say as we notice The total body of knowledge definitions; I hope the reader* to recognize this fact. Mr. Kirk is blithely see it. . —i n rem aining African colonies the Soviet Union. the trend, is not a system of classified in- seeks the others for Ttis own As of 1957, before a great “This young generation, where j formation, but an organic sys- analysis: number of form er African col­ w ill it end’’ j tem of interrelated ideas, facts, l.-T o ace a course: group onies gained their indepen­ B utican we be sure that it s values, theories, jm d general definition. To receive from the information. R egistrar’s „Office one week Students Turning to World Politics dence,, tÿethe colonial col of the Soviet Union rpopulate I possessions r atlon of 195 m illion, com ­ A their fault alone; em braced a That m aybe a part of it isn't _ _ own? our r ew eie s* guilty who place-in j from The task of the college is to after the final a white slip of teach the student how to select j paper the enormous body of marks bearing a group, of so arranged so as to pared to about 100 m illion for the colonies of Great B rifiin , tj)elr way knowledge the m ost im portant, form the figure “ A” As Campus Governriients Decline " France, B elgium , aqd Portugal Too many things that lead | thlngs for hisj>wnjlife^and the I 2. To ace a course:Individual com bined. -W hile m ost o f these African Too them astray? much m oney to spend- life of his tim e. There Is no definition. To gain further un- standard way in which this derstreding and interest in a to much idle tim e; can give the student a sense of { subject area, In a world of government mental institutions, the presi- er. Academic spokesmen ex­ M ichigan, “Toxin” (civil rights colonies have s i n c e th en . . crises. the fan of a student gov- i dent of the governm ent’s stu- j plained that, with the heavy and p eace)*“ Advance” (liberal em erged as free nation«7 the Too many m ovies of passion values. _ An“ace” in the first sense is __________ I The total sense of values each many tim es the product-of“ ex- ernment is not sensational. But ’ dent court recommended th a t1burden of studies, undergrad- Republican) at Harvard, “Chal­ Soviet colonies have rem ained ®n® crim e; in the firm grip of Communist Too many books not fit to be ["person holds is made by what- pert** cram m ing, not to be con- as a sign of Campus trends, the the court be abolished. The j uates best qualified to repre­ lenge” (for discussion rather read; ever integration he achieves fused wtth “studying” . The rc- dem ise of the Student Board, student governm ent group a p -' sent the students lack the tim e than action), at Yale and im perialism . Too much of evil of what they within him self. The integration suits are a white slip of paper the undergraduate government proved, although this is still j to assum e the burden. Those “P olit” at Oberlin are increas­ David Ormsby-Gore, speak­ ’wfio “choose to run” are often ingly holding the attention of ing for Great Britain before hear said; - _ com es from within, and h u t som ething or other; To ace in at Columbia College, after a subject to ratification. Too many children encouraged amount of- integrating and cor- the second sense- many tim es fifty-three-year history, is in­ George H. W ales, the student the cam pus counterpart of the the articulate m inority. Mr. the U.N. expressed it in the to roam _ relating of subjects in external j results in a white slip of paper teresting. _V ictim of alleged ! court president, said no useful ward p olitician s and therefore K eecb- estim ates that active following words: By too many parents who won't ways will achieve a genuine in from the Registrar bearing a political scandals and an over­ purpose was served by the antagonize both the eollege ad­ groups number no more than 3 “ Since 1939, som e 500 million stay a t home. 1tegration unless the student group of marks so arranged as whelm ing vote of no-confi­ court because of its lim ited and m inistration and the electorate. to 5 per cent of thé nation's people, form erly w ider British | him self is affected totally in to form the figures “ B” or “ C” dence, the student governing hazy jurisdiction and lack of FURTHERMORE, with in- students—“about the sam e per­ rule, have achieved freedom Kids don’t make the m ovies, ! intellect and em otion. accom panied by rem arks from body has not only beert de­ business. Students in trouble creasing academ ic domination centage as in adult society.” and independence, and their they don't write the books j Audrey Lubaa Other s t u d e n t political representatives sit here in the That paint gay pictures o f , others such as . . .“ If he would posed. but is n oF fiein g re­ had a choice of asking for trial j by the graduate divisions* of a 131 Mason HaU only apply him self. groups, not confined to any par­ gangsters and crooks. — .” placed. by the court or reporting to th e i large university with an enroll­ United Nations. I subm it that the m iracle pill C olum bia's-governm ent eri- ¡ dean of students ment of 23.000, the 2.600 under- ticular cam puses, are the Con- “ In that sam e period, the They don’t make the liquor, j offered by the Union Book sis, which will be reviewed in At the U niversity of Con- ^graduates tend to feel like a they don’t run the bars , thè February issue of “Colum- necticut last term , a battle was sm all cog in a large machine. the student contingent of the with a population of 22 m illion, They don’t make the law s, and T V A c e ’ A Tou rse 5 acia‘ Equ*llty, *"d i whole or part of six countries, Store (at low .p ricesi, used in the "intellectual” atm osphere bia College Today, "the alumni foughCbetween student repre Commenting _ on the bigger National Committee for a Sane have been forcibly incorporai- | they don’t buy the cars. To the Editor so well characterized by their m agazine to be published this j sentatives and the adm inistra- [-picture, Scott Keech, a spokes- [N uclear P olicy. The right-wing j ^ Soviet Union ; they They don’t peadle drugs that j •Ti&a long road we"trudge at advertisem ent, m ay stim ulate week, t o o k the following j tion over the latter’s attem pt to ! man for the National Student Young Am ericans for Freedom jinclude the world's three new- addle the brain; the U niversity in search for j someone'» -nervous system to course take over student activity fees I Association, said that revived occasionally *’ join the conserva est colonies—Lithuania, Esto- That’s . aU. done . b y - older folk j knowledge, but the vision of j the extent that be receives the In 1950, the Columbia Daily and determ ine the budget for I undergraduate concern with na- five Intercollegiate Society of I and L atvia' oh w««/! future rewards gives us the!golden “ A” . At the sam * e tim e Spectator, the student „ news­ all cam pus activities. The bat tional and international prob­ Individualists, as in their com- “ In addition, the Soviet ^ T o n d e i i T I necessary spirit V plod fo r-1 1 register my disgust with such paper. exposed what It called tie ended in a com prom ise, with lem s has turned students out­ bined White House picketing to Union exercises econom ic, po- -more meaningful the worst case of election fraud the adm inistration agreeing to ward—away from cam pus gov. urge nuclear testing. liticaDand m ilitary domination v s j s r * i £ "*uon H S * r s s S M s n ! t x . ,o in'the collcge’s.history. Charg­ accept an advisory role. ernm ent to the country and - Junior John Birch- societies over m illions of other men and of tt* blam eless, rem ind you of . M l-p .te .d - j Frank Cooklngham es included stuffing the ballot AT OTHER colleges, peace- ] the world. Student “ political spring up tentatively here and women in neighborly countries. “ the Savior m ade known. v e r t^ i^ t^ m te d ^ m th e ^ F eb -1 W est Shaw HaU boxes. ful change rather than revolu­ parties" are beginning to over­ there, but they appear to at­ Countless efforts have been AFTER LINGERING con­ tion resulted in a conversion shadow student governm ent. tract little- more perm anent made by national m ovem ents Who is there among us to cast «»mu.* t Michigan State News Spot- flict». a petition for an “ Abolish from a single-body student gov­ After years of apathy at least support than the pro-Soviet in countries under Russian th e first stone? “ Most of us follow a path light. Board"' referendum received ernm ent Into legislative and the leadership group is emerg- P rogressive Youth Organizing control to gain independence. For in so many case» -it's sad ! The Union Book Store en that someone beat out for u s.” more than 700 signatures last executive bodies, partly in ing with interest in issues of Comm ittee, a front at\ the other AU hav e been surpressed . . but it’s true fit. nlHpr courages students in the mid-1 —Edward J. F rants, Cavalier Ma.v and the ensuing vote was I search of more efficient admin- w«r and peace, nuclear policy extrem e of the spectrum. m fits older | tenn ,0 ..Chfck sup. County (Langdon N D .) Repub- Y et, unlike the old colonies of 935 to 167 for letting the govern­ iatratton. ; and the fate of the United Na- The influence of student po­ Africa, which can count on vie ment exp ire-oa Jan. 1. Since What a re the reasons for a tions. D om estically. Mr. Keecb litica l parties on national and Author aal W VmUnknown t s.«l> Ijj JUSt W fllt y( VM I S opposites where to fact they do a r s s - £ j p t a s - - i ,S T not infrequently treat it as a t i V it not exist—scien ce -versus art, Michigan State News nuisance. If this has led to disenchantm ent, . need, it be strous kind practiced by the Soviet Union, and to doing up­ fa ct versus value, cla ssic ver­ hold too principle o f freedom , sus modern, method versus perm anent? A footnote offers so eloquently expressed before content, student versus teach­ Published by the students e f W rtegan State U niversity. Issued hope that it need not. e r -r e d then U ses up on one the UN by the Chetomen of 00 cla ss days Monday through Friday, during the fall, winter and From Am herst com es word the Ghanaian delegation. Alex side-or the other for Intermin­ spring quarters. Issued M e t w eekly r during _jm ig the sum m er term . that, after y e a r s,of decline in Quajson-Sackey: “ Mankind has able argum ents. Second1 -- r* P t e m p a t d a tla e t Laurina. Mie tugan. concern for tEe student govern­ never been able to find any Take, for instance, toe sec­ E ditorial « r i bastees* oritoes e t M l Studcin t Services building, m ent, toe p ast two year* have moral justification tor tile im ­ tion of the college curriculum L • sere a strong resurgence. The position of foreign n d e ter one generally known a s the hu­ term , 93; for two reason given is that, after a country, or race over «nether .” m anities. to which students growing feeUag of uaelesaneM . Anrydas KBere supposedly learn value*, where­ the'Xsaodatad Prato, Inland D aily Presa A sso cia ti« a Student Com m ittee to the a s to ether parts of the curric­ and tea College press. ■. \ —-* - ... F aculty, pert a t the regular ulum such as the scien ces, stu­ E ditor... - M erda Van N ere, ' Student Council, has been w el­ dents team facts. Such a sepa­ Editoi i * « Burns Editorial Editor. Miaron Coady Asst. E dit.. Editor P eu l Schnitt com ed a s a partner to planning Who!>m to Blame ration should not exist, although Business ; ..Larry Foutius the college’* (B u re. The an­ m ost educators assum e R does Editor Curt Rundel! A sst. Adv. lg r — Tom HfaçMo sw er appears unm istakably f^the Editor: Once the hum anities h ave Editor .— D ave Jeehnig isolated to this w ay it Circulation M gr-BO l MarshaU that students are responsive i t The foDewtag w as found to a F estere Edit. .KOwerd Holmes follow s th a t for stu­ City Editor-------------- B ill Cote they are considered responsi­ bulletin tem ed ter the River-Jj t W om enXEdit. Cathie Mahoney dents they becom e em otionally "News Editor J ey B S ssick ble. - i View B aptist Church, New Science Editor .B ill Steiner •-N ew Yerit E agle. P a. 1 thought it m ight sterile. The separate)« of m m S ÊM Ê East Laming - Guest Editorial Sunday Lam ing Ç w é i I I F ra * Methodist Church i r ; U n ily , C r e r tn r Forüñs n s N. Washfctto*. tensing «SW.aredtonr M * Moral Courage Gamma D elta: A short busi­ n ess m eeting w # ha krtd ad 7 p.m . te present th e slate |Met*tog Wenirip "REVERSED AFFECTIONS” II r e m ui a « S AaPR0M6T mtokgjtaw ’ ia s » h lood y Schual It »■ . i r e i i M 4 t M |r e Eugene Williams of officers for ejections. An inform al to m e and singing r e n tal « a the staff e f the In­ ternational Labor e t o r i i Y««th Servie* OOS pjn. owUu Ctak - U U * H e t e o C h t t - 0 J Hie rough outline of a coherent session w ill f t t o t . Evening Worship iW 7.00 Study Catea* Memtor » Wsdnradey Modern man to like a jet pi­ t o S r t l - i * a eresaM aat view o f €God aad toe world. The m eeting w ill begin a t f amily Ssrviee Wad. I n s h f 7jI0 a t t o t UN E cs a iarie a i l Se­ lot flying on instrum ents. He la aw are o f to e eatoeliM ng speed It is my teavlctien tost 6 p.m . with a cost supper. ria l Coret H ForT Rev. P. W. Vw Vefti Ce» rv M057 a s a i i i C s — o*» icirity. Lm 's Suf i i Mtaratt P astor E reo WokH w ill Mad of life. He has a d M n r e f con­ modem man’s reaadry Is not A s a Barrister-At-Law, his V esper services at 1 :1 1 H is fidence in Ms heritage, ia Ms lack of kntwfajgo, hat tick broadcasts on the B 3 .C . aad topic w ill be “Christ’s Con­ scientific accom plish m 1 1 1 s , af moral eanragt la act ea other contributions to to e study versation with Two Man from and in to e M atyuneata that toe knowledge be already H eaven.” of enrayday law b a re recently First Church o f are at Ms disposal. He Is rela­ kns. If this is tree, only am - HBlel F eu A atioa: “The L ast been recognized by the re ’ All Saints Episcopal tively confident that he can fnsnl te be spiritually honest Angry Man” starring P aul licatioo as a paperback in | Christ, Sciontiit foresee toe im m ediate fatin e. prevents a person from cm- Beyond that there is doubt sdansly recognizing the place Muni, D avid W ayne and La­ land of Mo book, “Ju stice a t Church ther Adler w ill b e shown in Work* The Human Side of 701 EAST GRAND RIVER and concern and the disturbing ef Ged la Ms Hie. ^ 31 Union a t 7 L aw . IB s la test w eek to this fear that som ething, not indi­ field , "C apitol Punishm ent, A 000 Abbott Reid—ED M ill f East tsosmg M ichigan State U niversity Adm ission i s ____ cated by his instruments or World V iew ,” wa* published seen too late, m ay sm ash Ms h as a group of religious advis­ Trinity CoBegtate FeBewsMp: Church Service H A M . A d e b a t e - discussion on lu st fa ll in London red Now Rtv. Robert Gardner ship into sm ithereens. ers e a Its cam pus. Among the j N f e S M I I AM. responsibilities o f these advis­ “ Christianity and/or P atriot­ York. Mederà thought, whether ism ” w ill b e held after a Other books by Joyce are: Chaplain to Mamad Students Sunday Schutt far Uni» smity Students ers hi to e im portant m inistry coached la toe Intricate m et­ buffet supper a t 9:45 p.m . to “World in the M aking,” the Rev. Gerden Jones, Rector “ counseling with those who «re urn. aphysics ef to e pMle espher E ast Lansing Trinity Church. Story of International Co-op­ or M the redeveloped think­ e seeking honestly to recog­ nize what place God m ight D eseret Chib: The youth group eration,” a textbook which has SUNDAY SERVICES Subj—t ing of the ordinary m an, of­ of the Mormon Church w in b een praised by , educators as — - ~ have in their lives. This min- tdM i a Holy Commonien "SPIR IT" ten tends to qnestlon the cer­ T k eR ev^ E ageae W illiam* af ygfj» wnen m ost effective, hold a F ireside a t S p.m . at oae~of the beet Introductions to tainty e f a eeveriga aad per­ , « Trflnfltv Trinity (Church. 3>nn. « tends - to ithe t . 1 . 1.1 total university 550 H aslett S t the study of international af­ t r e ojn. Morning greyer or Holy Wed. fventog Meeting t PJL sonal Ged who is concerned Gordon W hiting, graduate fa irs, “ Revolution on the E ast v ita ly with m en aad their af­ cool” position seem s to be that com munity. student in Communication R iver,” 1 on to J e HfutureB Of th e ICommunion. Ssrmon I Church Sshonl Resdmg Rsem fairs. A genuine aad satisfy­ of the agnostic. Many of these advisors are involved in the Christian tradi­ A rts, w ill lead a discussion U N and “ Rod Cross Intern» lir e *.m. Momhig Pr«y«r‘ or Holy, 134 W. Grand River ing faith ia Ged is often dls* Let it be sim ply stated that on “ Freedom and F ree W ill.” tion al,” dealing w ith the prob- counted a s m ythical or emo­ tion. When inquiry is m ade, it lem of nuclear w arfare in rein- ICommunion. Sermon-1 Church School M m . thru Set. « am. - 6 puns if an individual w ill m orally For inform ation ca ll McKay m ay w ell be jjdinted out that tions]. acquaint him self with the re­ Sundwall, ED 2-6428. tion to the R ed Cross Conven-1 Men, Tues- Then* ft Fri. 7*0*1 pm. the structure of the Christian alities to which he is com m it­ Those who claim to exper­ faith, worthy of careful inves­ Canterbury Club: D r. Robert tions. CANTERBURY CLUt Al era e eltema te ettead Cherth ience such faith, and do so ted by existence itself, he m ay Anderson of the religion de­ tigation, is based upon a foun­ A v isit to W est A frica la st Servie«*, e*d vis» mid —e the Reed with deep conviction, are often discover, to Ms surprise, that partm ent w ill discuss, “ Bib­ OHM p m . Sunday dation which is fully adequate sum m er furnished b a c k ­ erg Roam. suspect. The “ com fortably he is already in possession of lica l Myth, and its Problem s JAMES AVERY JOYCE to support i t — ground fro a book cmrrentiy The Scriptures, for exam ple for F aith .” M a.m . ta d 11:15 a.m . 1» being w ritten ea t i e role and O live t Baptist Church not only reveal the God of the EThe program w ill begin with “ Dialogue” groape; 4 : * . purpose o f the UN. The book, First Christian universe in all his infinite per­ vening P rayer * t 6 p.m . a ; special sem inar for faculty “ A fter Survival-W hat Then?” -Reform ed Church 2 2 IS is -M ic h ig a n R e v . W illia m H a r tm a n , F a tto r fection and m ajesty, they re­ All-Saints E piscopal Church m ember« uad graduate stu­ is scheduled far publication Edgewood Peoples veal God in action—God deal C hristina Student Foundation: dents; t:SR, Fireside Chat. later this year. SUNDAY “ R ace R elations and Preju 2 4 0 M a r s h a ll S t , l e n t i n r i Sunday School 1 : 1 5 * - m . ing with human liv es and hu dice” w ill be discussed tty Joyce is a graduate of the Shorter articles by Joyce Church M o rn in g W o r s h ip 1 :0 0 a n d I l d O a .m . man situations. M Intardenemiaetienel -Ra». John M. Haffmen, b ito f Y o u t h G r o u p * .— 5 :3 0 p . n . an all-student panel at Col U niversity of London, England have appeared in The Saturday The Christian understands 120 Sparto« Avene* E v e n i n g S e r v ic e 7 :0 0 p J n . leg e House. with degrees in econom ics, po­ R eview , The N ation, The Chris­ 4ri« North Hegeriern Rood Rev. E. EUGENE WttUAMS. fatter M a n t in g S e r v i « « 10 * .m . from Scripture that God’s The m eeting w ill begin with M ID -W E E K S E R V IC E litica l science, law and history. tian Century, U niversity ofGM - (I blocks north of Grand th o ) E v e n i n g S e r v ic e / ' 7 p .m . W e d n e s d a y , 7 :0 0 p .m . prim ary purpose is to reveal a supper at 5:30. lir e 040. : *— T h a t « to n a a d « f tr a n s p o r ta tio n c a ll During p revious-visits to the cago Law Journal and other j H im self to m an. The God of Lutheran Student Association U m c a m p « » R a t ifie « * A d v is a r . M r . C a r­ T r a n s p o r ta tio n le a v in g In te r n a tio n a l United States he has been a U .S. review s. Rev. Trumen A, Munis*«, Minutar "THE SECRET O f THE SAVIOURS’* H o u s e a t 7 : 3 0 a .m . S u n d a y o r c o ll Scripture is revealed a s a D iscussion groups w ill follow PRESENCE" n a t a * K a r h a m a t 4 S 1 -S S S 2 a r M r. IV 2 -6 4 1 1 . - visiting lecturer at the Univer­ A church in the Frotastent tradition H e n r y B ea ch e * E D 2 -2 2 2 3 . God of purpose, a God of » su p p er at 5:30 at U niversity (C lo s e s t le p tis t C h u r c h " t o C a m p u s ) sovereigM y, a God of salva­ sity of Chicago, Columbia, common to the major dentini«étions 7JO pun. Lutheran Church. W ashington, Cornell, Vander­ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I tion, a God who has not dis­ B aptist Student Foundation: An which sacks to minister to the search­ closed everythiug* but a God b ilt and the U niversity of Cali­ ■— W esley Foundation is spon­ "LOYALTY TO TRUTH W H AT TH EN ARE W E TO DOT who has provided the sab* all-m usic program featuring fornia. soring a retreat te St. John’s. ing, questing spirit. AND COMMITMENT” vocal and instrum ental ar­ (Holy Commuai*«) Kimberly Downs T h is q u e s tio n is a s k e d e v e r y S u n - stance for faith that is intel­ rangem ents w ill be held a f Form erly secretary of the In­ The group w ill discuss, “ I SUNDAY SERVICES d a y in t h e w o rs h ip s e rv ic e o f C e n t r a l ternational A ssociation for La­ am a Christian. Sb^What?” _ OTHER SERVICES ligent aad life-giving. the B aptist Student Center i r e end l i r e ajn. M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h , L a m i n g . In f a c t , bor L egislation, Joyce w as a Students attending the re­ Church of Christ "W H A T TH EN A R E W E TO DO ?" Is modern man sitting up an< Tuesday even in g-at 7:30. special correspondent at the treat w ill leave from W esley A complet* church seheei et both 141 aJ*r. Suedey School Classa* far Uni i witty Shadsat* s h e e t* a r c p r e p a r e d f o r e v e r y s e r m o n . taking notice? 'Is he investi­ Sabbath services w ill be held League o f Nations A ssem blies Foundation a t 5:31 today. ■hours, eribwom through Jr. High T h e m in is te r o f fe r s f iv e o r sis s u g ­ gating the claim s of Jesus at the H tilel H ouse a t 7:30 to­ a t G eneva. t:4S p.m. Trinity CaBsgiato PeBowship g e s tio n s f o r s t u d y a n d a p p l i c a t i o n -Christ upon his life? Anyone who is interested 1 0 0 7 " K i m b e r l y D r i v e , L e n s in g night. to attending m ay call the Sermon, February 11 Debata Hr scheduled. d u r in g t h e w e e k . A p p r o a i m a t c l y h a lf Sabbath services and Kiddush Since toe war, be has at­ ( 2 b lo c k « W . a f F r a n d a r S h o p p in g C t t u . As 1 said—m odem m an is Foundation for reservations. Rev. Tramen A Morrison th e c o n g r e g a tio n ta la s a s h e e t h o m e . tended m ost of the UN As­ 7:00 pjo. Wednesday evening, flayer like a je t pilot flying on in­ w ill be held at 10 a.m . Saturday, and E S b fa Study. I f y o u w is h t o w o r s h ip w h e r e p e r ­ sem blies ia New* York* has 4:30 pjn. Jr. High Fellowship t e r a n W . G r a n d R iv e r ) at H fflel. ■ ■ ■ s o n s d e s ir e t o " A p p l y C h r i s t i a n i t y ," strum ents IV 1 -7 1 3 0 sea in v ite y o u t o w o r s h ip w i t h u s n e s t T re p.m. So High Fellowship Rhone the Church office. 137.7164« far information «enctrmng Üra eampue boo _ G e r a ld O . F r u u s , S r. S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S Sunday. S e r v ic e s a t I M S a n d 1 1 :0 0 a .m . Romans, Protestants Aim for Latin America WELCOME! s c h e d u le . 1 1 :0 0 a .m » " C H R I S T I A N 1 .I F E IS D IF F E R E N T " C h ris tia n ity in ‘B ig P u s h ’ -M o r n in g W e r t b i p lib la S tu d y 7 .4 5 a .m . D w i g h t S . L a r g e , P r e a c h in g S t. Johns Student E v e n in g W o r s h ip 6 :0 0 p .m . Christian Siudant W e d n e t d e y e v e n in g l i M e S t u d y 7 :3 0 Central Methodist ~ Perish a y THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Catholics and P rotestants cite k ey problem —one to every church influence, are striving T h u r s d a y e v e n in g L a d ic * lib la C la t* Church The big push of the century a developing cooperative spirit, 4,500 Rom an C atholics, com ­ to reform and strengthen their F r . R . Kevenaugh Foundation 7 :3 0 p .m . is on today to reinforce Chris­ in the face of m utual foes. They pared to a ratio of one to every operations.- Ft. T. McDevitt _ A c ro s s fro m t h e C a p it o l tianity in Latin Am erica. see their problem s not so much 860 Roman Catholics in the Rom e has launched a hnge F o r tr a n s p o r ta tio n c a ll F E 1 - 1 1 7 0 1 :1 5 each S u n d a y— W IL S — Roman Catholicism , its tra­ in each other a s in religious United States. and historic nndertaUng, in­ 327 MAC. 141 W. Grand River " R e l i g io n in t h e N e w s 1* ditional strength in the area ad­ ignorance, secularism , .■com­ cluding: _T Sunday Messet E D 2 - 1 1 6 0 o r E D 2 -2 4 3 4 “ B ecause there are so few - D r , La rg e m ittedly strained, Is mounting m unism , social abuses and pa­ R ecruitm ent e f 1 N J N 7:15-1:30-1:46 (High) 11:15-12:30 p riests, religions ignorance “ papal volunteers,” -at t ie (Babysitting o! ir e . THE ft ll:IS J o s e p h A Page*. Minister an effort of unprecedented ganism . prevails,” «aid R ev. R m a m ca ll ef the V atican, te serve masses) » —' scope to revitalize church life “The great body of people Hoffm an, m issions professor a s lay m issionaries and cate­ Daily bieeses rirtS eon., t r e there. of Latin A m erica liv e outside Eastmmster a t Catholic U n iversity, after chism instructors throagbeat 12:10 pmk, ond i r e p.m. A t the sam e tim e, Protes­ the church. . says a Mary- a trip there. “Protestants _ C A M P U S VESPERS South Am erica. Fertfham Saturday Messe* I t a * I t a am. Peoples Church tantism , new indigenously at knoll m issioner, R ev. Albert J . have m ere stadeats studying Cenfssweus diSy el 12:10 ft ItapjR . Presbyterian Church hem e ea Latin aril, is in­ N evins. S ays Protestant E pis­ for the m inistry to Latin U niversity is running a train­ Saturday 44:30 ft 7:30-1r e p.m. creasing its w eik to expand copal Bishop John B. B entley, ing school fur U .S. volun­ JEast Lansing 1 3 1 5 A b b o t i R d .. E e s t L a n s in g a field that already is its director of h is church’s over­ A m erica than the Roman teers. — Novene Services 5:30 p.m. Supper «od pregno* «t Catholic church has for the They m ove out in team s of Tee- I t a ft 7:30 pjü. Callage Haus«. A ttedartt panel fastest growing to the world. seas departm ent: diocesan priesthood.” Sunday Feram — 7:30 pjn. In te r d e n o m in a t io n a l R e v ; R o b o t L . M a r t l a n d , M in is t e r “There is am ple room for three to 10 m em bers, both sin­ Contrary to im plications, the "CHURCH CANNON U W ’ arili present the tepfe "RACE RE­ 5 41 W e lb r id g e D riv e , E X . general em phasis is not on us a ll.” - Y et P rotestants m ake up less g le and m arried persons, to 2 0 0 W . G r a n d R i v e r a t" M i c h i g a n LATIONS AND PREJUDICE." com petition betw een the two _ South A m erica, im planted than 5 per cent of the popula­ serve two to five years. A na­ Msgr. MM* S tu d y P h o n e : E D 7 -0 1 1 3 tion, with about 516 m illion tional secretariate has been set branches of Christianity. Compiine und lenedieti** 1:00 SUNDAY S E R V IC E with Roman Catholicism by church m em bers, and a total up in Chicago to guide recruit- SUNDAY PROGRAM The tw in thrusts com e, re­ the 16th century Spanish and Mori* every Friday night at i r e Evaryen* Wdcem* m arkably, in a tim e of height­ P ortuguese conquistador**, com m unity of about 9 m illion, m ent. Dance every Saturday night—1-12. 1 : 3 0 a .m . C h u r o h S c h o o l , w ith N u r s e r y counting fam ilies. The number, An increased flow o f m ission- Then* 10 i-r m „ 1 : 3 0 6 1 1 :0 0 a .m . ened good w ill, fuller religious has a sw ift-spiraling popula­ tolerance and m ore tranquil tion ef nearly 266 m illion. how ever, has doubled in the ers to South Am erica from U.S. •n d A d u l t - s t u d y , s tu d e n ts in c lu d e d past 10 years. religious orders, at the behest S e r m o n T o p ic relations between the two About 66 per cent—111 m il­ 1 0 :3 0 _ a .m . W o r s h i p , w it h c o n t in u in g Protestantism , although ar­ of Pope John to send 10 per groups. lion are baptised Roman •T H E F A M ILY O F M A N ” riving on the scen e only late in cent of Am erica’s 200,000 m em ­ SO UTH BAPTIST. C H U R C H C h u rc h S c h o o l f o r K in d c r g n r t c n a n d There has been “a change ■* Catholics. the la st century, is now firm ly bers of religious com m unities of clim ate” says the R ev. rotted , and no longer regarded there in the next 10 years, in­ D r . W a l l a c e R o b c r ts e n yo u n g e r, This is m ore than a third of Dr. Stewart W. Herm an, di­ a foreign im port. It has about cluding toothers, prtests and rector ef the Latin Am erica the church’s world m em ber­ 1511 S. WASHINGTON — LANSING C h u r c h S c h o o l 1 :3 0 a .m . S 1 1 a .m . M e d ita tio n 20,000 clergym en, m ostly na­ sisters. ~ - com m ittee of the Lutheran ship. Y et Roman Catholic au­ tiv es, com pared to th e # ,000 Among Protestants, m ost of S e rm o n o n S e p tu m World Federation. H e said in­ thorities estim ate only about the South Am erican growth so Your “ Church-A tcay-Front-Home” C n b r o o m t h r o u g h h ig h s c h o o l a g a Roman prtests. — dications w ere that relations 15 per cent are actively linked Both sectors, however recog­ far has been am ong evangeli­ STU D EN TS W E LC O M E w ill continue to im prove. with the church, and the m a­ 1 .3 0 p .m . C h r is tia n S t u d e n t F o u n d a ­ nizing that m ost South Am eri­ c a l groups. But m ainline de­ Sporadically, friction still jority have little knowledge of cans liv e am id widespread il­ nom inations now are augm ent 10X10 A.M. MILE SCHOOL HOUR tio n C a m p u s V e s p e r s . C e l l E D 2 - 6 6 2 4 - l o r tr a n s p o r ta tio n erupts. Christianity. \ The shortage of priests is a literacy and social ills beyond ing program s in the fie l to d overall, both Roman 11X10 A.M. REV. WARREN H. FABER, GUEST SPEAKER Greek Archdiocese first Church - fir*t Preftbyterien -Okem os .Church DEAN, QRANO RAPIDS BAPTIST SEMINARY University Lutheran "HOLY TRINITY" o f the Nazarene University Methodist Orthodox Church— of the Neierene Ottawe and Chestnut 7.-00 PM . REV. WARREN H. FABER Church S. Washington at E. Elm Warship Service* 1:30 ft lir e e-m. 1106 Hamilton Rd. Church *-'■ and Student Cantar Rev. Fr. Ceetos Keuklakts Genesee at Eu6«r Cribbery «od Nursery Provided C. A Rruch, pattar 1:30 PM. ADULT YOUTH Metres: f i t ! AN . Church School • f t a e.m. Sunday School lOdtt AM. Mernieg Warship • 11:00 *•<". "LEARNING HOW TO TAKE IT* Sunday School 10.-00 *40. I I I V S . H o n tse a R d . Nations! Lsrihera* C a rn i Divine Lrtoryy 10:30 Aid. M entof Worsbip l i r e a-m. Oiseoteloo and Refreshments Divisimi end Am Street, EX. tymra to Oreeri. Seimon in Eoglito) Youth Greop« • i t a p * Dr, Morrow, Preaching (2 bluets uesto «I leftay HaU) for treosportetion fratu MSU. meet at Ivon gefatto Moor • TOO p.m. Young f eeplee Serale« 6st|_p40» WJtee M. Teentort, Minister 332-2551 ___ Nursery Provided Eveolog Sarato« 7 ta pm. FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION Ksarpae** at lOttO «40. 6:30 pun. Calvin Chrb far- Stogi«, Mid weet Prayer Wed. 7:30 puo. Pastura: Wod. TOO PM. Mooting ef Sigm* Harry T. Stanley. Minister C h u r c h Services, 1 , 1 0 S 11:15 Donald W. Herb ft C. T. fltobtol ~ i Phi of M.S.U. with eOYA end Ipsilee Young Adults. ;; I Cel EO 7-1207 far fra* transport***«. Choir Members h Rev. Writ— M. Teoeeot C*e»pu* Wetter: Teel* Seed Stopping nt C tta H*«. 0:I5 «nd 4:15 . Simw Hal - Owm Hdl - •junavy — ■J— ta” l erewp— LI- __ "HE IS MY »OTHER* ir e , IftsIS ued l i r e um. FIRST W ES LEY A N From U m - Auditorium Rood • PhysM* Road — "RELIGION'S SUMMIT M A R T IN L U T H E R C H A P E L Nursery, crib raem far eN serviaei CONFERENCE" & S T U D EN T C E N T E R M E T H O D IS T CHURCH Itthal Mi nor, W 7 and fcl7 • DivMan - Senese try Pester KEehlkt Church S e h e e i 10*0 cm. *1 eges Morto Megoolto Ave. et Miehigan Nursery cera h provided et *1 service*. Campbafl H al • London Hal • Y-koly E. L WoWt, interim Pastor - Rev. R. Steve* Ntohoieee, Jr. ^ WESLEY FOUNDATION »US SCHEDULE far liste «erri—: Gilchrist 10:55, ftrady lir e , Ce­ Chopoi Telephone 1 0 2-0779 : Sender Stonai I tti 040. Vfljrons H a l o MkNgan Avc. at Hrorisaa Rd* M B , . Geergs L i erriee. Minister Director ll Ok Owen lis ta Sb—r lis ta Me—e Sunday Worship IMO, 11:11 aj«. cod 1:19*4«. Moratog Serate« l i r e «4*. BaBay Hoi - Bryan Hal. lis ta *ud uisMug et ei Supper 6 pm. Feram 7 pm. liste urn. Retore by —us* route. "EXCEPTIONS” Miasoun ft ttrtHOoeio Synod fv eieglc end menied stud—ti LS.A.; Supper et i r e . Students Sapper Pfi y em ( E toftpJ«.) ' Erawtof Serate* I ta p4*. C at IV M3B2 far froth« rol. onttron a wipg « t r i t a rraviolQg o vaarpos MtoMery tor Merrreu eno oregte oeooeme m JOUR MOVE" t — P I P ^ I -I m R * ' ' i Is-SeBkSP^BiSPw^JB&reQKiÄto^iSSKÖSre^xtiS^^r^M^äilff&i!'s SiTUr,r 0H 9 M o w lig , W s w y % '■ - -------- 1962 ■■¿A,. ft»* M OTM H a Ë É illlI Ifg BRfv f il Skaterappo M. ’2 ï i î f * & « » « * * * « « r - - » Swimmers T o Meet Face Tech Twice Unbeaten Buckeyes igr cd «m as Hi the league title. Tech has a IS HYMAN Jeff Mattsse, Doug Rowe, Mtte State NewiSperta W riter 184 league record aad after Wood aad Bill Wood. TVs fids week aad their remaining group set a record ef 8:188 M f c t t f M I t i t e ’ e h o c ke y gaauM are agdtest the bottom Otdo State’s tafcatod swim­ against Indiana a law weeks tea* head* far tea Nortteounr teams la the league ming team will t aga. However, because of Big k y ttb « K M for * two Mlrfif suffered Ms second record on the fine Saturday The head touchtag rates It was lass of gama series with the aeceod a t D enver, but theTuesday, th e season 4-2 against an upset-minded Spar­ not counted as a aew record. t in Tech Huskies bounced beck with a 12-4 win W olverines tan squad at 2:00 p.m. la the OHe State Is aadefoatod hav­ m pool. ing previously beaten Wiscon­ «1 Houghton Friday and Satur­ a t Coierade Critoge with Beren- ssu-hign State beat tee sin, Northwestern aad Minne­ day. so e getting fiv e fo a ls. The B ackayes late year for Ms third sotaa—, but, according to Coach mm---- Tech took ever the ranner- W olverines, 10-2 in the league, w in »g *1*** Ohio State la 21 M C v JiiT ff - up sea t in the W estern Collegi­ have three m ore gam es with y ea rs. “ Our gang to ready. This w ill BOOKS FOR VAL1N TIN ISI a te Hockey League from the fourth place D enver, one be a very fin e m eet-an d ex­ State’s first Books for Vaisufiqes are very special. They B eeftan i le st week by down­ against la st place Colorado aad trem ely thrilling for the spec­ com e in the 408yd •mile at yoo from our shelves and endear in g North Dakota tw ice by two m ore with the Spartans. tators.” SPARTAN SWIMMERS—BUI Nefi Watts are toy even t In which ihiinissfras to anyone who receives them. identical $-3 scores, while State MSU’s ch a n ces,o f finishing to th e defending coO eftete Twe very fine sophomore waa having its 10 gam e unbeat­ mi top of the league are slim . hepefhl ef victory fifis Saturday ta a am, fieel meet Some ‘of teem are beautifully Illustrated. cham pion. Dan Jam ieson or sw im m ers who have seen ac­ AMof them will carry your Valentine mes­ en streak snapped by league State has a 8-3-1 record with I b o d ing M ichigan. The Wolver­ six rem aining league gam es, with tee unbeaten Ohio State Baekeyet. J eff M attson, Bffl D river, Den­ tion te m eets fid s year are N eil sage straight to the heart. Come in soon and I ny R uppait aad Carl Shaar W atts aad B in D river. D river moke your selection. There is free gift in es beat MSU tw ice, 5-3 and- the Tech aeries, D enver a t E ast Lansing Thursday and ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ' w ill sw im for te e Spartans has aided greatly tee 400-yd wrapping, of course. M . Mika Wood, Doug R ow e, Dick m edley relay and his own Friday and a borne and borne The Spartans have their work cu t out for them . Tech. which Spartan coach Amo Bessone calls “the best team in the series with M ichigan. The goal of the Spartans, ac­ cording to B essone, is to make On IM Cheating B rackett aad D ick B lasejew ski w in contend for th e 200-yd free­ style slots. J eff M attson, Jim event, the 200-yd breaststroke. Against seasoned swim m ers h r has pteced fir s t te the Iowa W hite or M ike Wood w in sw im and Illinois double dual m eet »3 tongue** has an eight gam e the four team league play-offs March 1-3. B y ED BLOOM the 90>yd freestyle. This should and third te the Indiana and S p a rta n B o o k S to re I winning streak going and State New s Sperts Writer lew a State-M innesoU m eets. T he-play-offs are one gam e also b e a w ell com peted event three of the top four scorers in the league. elim inations with the first and Due to the u se o f an illegal player, the P h i D elta Tbeta against Ohio S tate’s John N eil W atts, a 440-yd free Corner Ann & MAC fourth team s m eeting each P late. sty tor placed first against Pur­ T ech's Jerry Sullivan leads hockey team has been dropped from the Intramural Hockey due and third against m ost of the league in points follow ed by other and the second and third Competing in the 200-yd in­ team s fighting it out. The win- League. This cam e a s a d irect result of their using a high dividual m edley w ill be B ill the other team s. YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS team m ate Louis Angotti. Michi­ school student a s an IM hockey player. It seem» that the m en Wood, Dennis C o llin or Joe gan's Gordon “ Red” Berenson rers play for the league title nnd both w ill represent the o f Phi D elta Theta can’t tell the difference betw een a Phi K olbe. V ia Lowe aad P aul is third and Tech’s John Ivan- its is in fourth place. The series w ill feature a bat­ WCHL in the NCAA toum a nient. ^ Still leading the Spartans in D elt fraternity m an and a high school student. Johnson w ill see ragged com ­ Harris Beem an, Intram ural D irector, stated “B ecause tee. petition in file diving events team p layin g under the title of Phi D elta Theta, intentionally against Lou V itucci and Juan T h e P e r fe c t P la c e . For Your J-Hop tle between the two top goal scoring is Real Turcotte w ith tenders in the league. Each coach says that his goalie is the best Jn the league. State’s 28 points. Claude Fournel re­ m ains in second p la ce with 23. and w illfully used a high school player in an JM hockey gam e, BotUla. Both -Buckeye divers the team has been dropped from the H ockey League and the are rated a s tw o o f the fin est Fraternity w ill ineligible for representation in any further hi th e country. ^ Dinner Fournel is also tops in goals sports to be scheduled through the rem ainder of the school Carl Shaar and Chuck Strong John Chaodik has yielded an scored with 14. average of 2.7 goals per gam e year. -- - -. ' w ill hold down the 200-yd but­ w hile m aking a total of 473 ‘To avoid preventing participation by various individuals from terfly event. Mike Wood, B ill T h e A lb e r t P ic k M o to r H o te l la v es. Tech's Gary Bauman the house, it w ill be possible for m em bers to enter as inde­ Wood or J eff M attson w ill has a 2.78 yield average and 348 total saves. The series will IM :ScheduIe pendent team s in spring sports. com pete in the 100-yd freestyle. “The reasons for these regulations are to protect IM parti­ Dan Jam ieson. J eff M attson or dose to campus —reasonable —elegant be one of the highlights of Court 6 p.m. Gym B ill Wood w ill have to hustle cipants in two w a y s,^ Dr. Beem an said. M ichigan Tech’s annual Winter 5 pi. I ll to beat H arter and Schaefer of 6 111 “ First, in a physical sense, the IM athlete does not have to Carnival. ~ com pete with a student who has had varsity conditioning and Ohio State te the 200-yd back­ take advantage of the Albert Pick’s J-Hop 7 pm. -- stroke. The H uskies have the best 5 Phi K .Sig pl.-Phi D eitpl 111 coaching. g ~ -i "" chance to beat out Michigan for 6 S.Chi pl.-D.T.D. p l^ 111 “Second, they help to insure that the IM athlete has the op­ The 440-yd freestyle w ill have Buffet. Main entrees include roast round of beef, portunity to com pete in sports with others of the sam e general Dick B lasejew ski, D ick Brack­ — 8 p.m . roast turkey, baked ham and seafoods. 5 J ).U . pl.-S.AE pi ^ III ability* thus giving him a reasonable chance to win tourna­ ett, Ran Schw arts or N eil Watte Presently leading the Cham­ m ents and cham pionships.” — a s com petitors. W r e s tle r s pionship, Ladder ‘A’ in the IM This, violation of the rules points out the need for the estab­ Tom K ovacs and Stover of Dinner will be served from 5 to 10 p.m. paddleball tournament is Ron lishm ent and the enforcem ent of such regulations for the pro­ Ohio State w ifi be a threat te Henry, E ast Lansing Senior. tection of those team s and individuals who do abide by the the 200-yd breaststroke to BUI Call th e m anager or H o st O SU In the second position is Tom regulations, according to Beem an. „ D river, Joe Kolbe or Denny caterin g m anager now for R uppait. H owever, the tables S a tu r d a y Jam ison, E ast Lansing Sopho­ m ore. " Leading the Interm ediate, Ladder ‘B’, is Paul Butler. Mt. It is to be noted that the Intram ural program exists as a w ill be turned te th e 400-yd service to the students of te e U niversity, he said. freestyle relay w ith the Spar­ In this respect, policy and regulation are set by the students. tans as the big threat. The re­ M reserva tio n s ED 7-1741 Clem ens Sophomore. Holding Once a regulation proves to be ineffective to the m ajority of lay team w ill be com posed of By JAY LEVY second position is Dennis Mon- the students In volved, it ii~ altered to su it the purpose more m State News Sports Writer teith, St. Clairs Shores senior. effectively. In first place on the N ovice; This flexibility, Beem an said, is one of the principal com po­ M ichigan State’s w restling Ladder ‘C’, is David W illiam s, nents of the Infram ural Program . team , undefeated this year a Lansing Freshm an. In second with five wins and a tie, faces Ohio State Here Saturday after­ place is Ernie Becker, a Lan­ sing senior. YOUR BEST BUY. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS Y o u r F u tu re in E le c tro n ic s a t H u g h e s noon at 3 p.m . in a B ig Tenj FLASH CLEANERS Frandor FLASH CLEANERS Frandar ] FLASH CLEANERS Frander t A s 1ha W est’s leader in a d v a n c ed e le c tr o n ic s, H u g h es is e n g a g e d in so m e o f th e m ost dram atic a n d dual m eet in the IM Sports « critical projects ever e n v isio n e d . C h a lle n g e s for your im agin ation an d d ev elop m en t are to b e fou n d in Arena. os The Spartans, fresh from two j £ solid victories a t'h o m e last x to look your very finest a o r such diversified program s as: n q M surveyor (sen m e taaamgj ceanmmcsoom sm a ttt tlECTttCAl ENtWEfIS Ml PVTUCiSTS weekend over Illinois a n d ! as P5 M to m te ^^wttteteitettttttM a deuttteeopqw tetttew Mn Piriti! femauttr .mtaouqpmwmo»jvittinu wjwsi^^^u •>. B.S.. M.S. and Ph.D. Candidate* Southern Illinois are pointing Ptoaat Mqrttes, tea Prepatum Rjfiwpict Electronics M em ber* of our steff will conduct toward an undefeated season CAMPUS w ith only three home m eets toft. for the..-. T h ese are am ong th e m ore than 500 outstanding program s now in prog­ INTERVIEWS Head coach Fendley Collins February 1 4 ,1 9 6 2 said, “The m ajority of the team m easured up to expectation I m ress a t H ughes. T hese program s require th e talen ts of E .E !s and Physi­ c is ts who d esire to work with professional scien tists in research, de­ R n d out more about the wide range of la st weekend. We’re showing steady im provem ent.” Ohio State has a record of 8-1, their only toss com ing at J-Hop 1 0 •s 3 Çfl velopm ent and m anufacture. In addition, H ughes sponsors advanced degree programs for aca­ dem ic growth. T h ese program s provide'Tor advanced degree study activttiaa, educational programs, reloca­ tion allowances and prograaaive benefit plans ottered by Hughes. "Fbr interview appointment or informational literature consult your College Placement Director, a O r write: College Placement Office. the hands of a strong U of M o Hughes, Culver City, California. squad. In tbeir la st m eet, a at many leading universities. - c quadrangular affair, the Buck­ ey es placed second to Purdue. MSU took the m easure of Pur­ bring your m > s hm I ovpartume wisltm. Cr».fing » new work/ wtth f /eetrono.-« « due 22-12 in a m eet here earlier a 03 , 1 - this season. __ State’s team goes into action in fairly good shape although evening attire H U G H E S Alex Valcanoff is still bothered by a cut over the eye. According to Collins the b est m atch should be in the 123 lb. in to SB _ class with Ohio State’s Green a against George Hobbs or Okla Johnson. John Baum , undefeat­ ed in the heavyw eight division, w ill be looking for his ninth z win. § SO The tentative line-up for In F randor OB State is Hobbs or Johnson at Shop p in g C enter 123 lbs, Guicciardo or Hobbs at m 137, M lliiman or Byington at 2. 147, F ry a t 137. McCray at 187, for that ?! Valcanoff at 177, and Baum in > the heavyweight division. extra special care I f previous perform ances that wiU have yoo 5 are any indication of the future M ichigan State should have no trouble against the invaders looking your very best, > from Columbus. In the last five 2 years, the Buckeyes have been plan to take your m unable to score m ore than six points against State in any one clothes to m eet P IZ Z A PICKUP sal DELIVERY jKSSSSBBEÊL USA R0VR16.2 Same Day Service CD M W a iM X C . Franto FLASH CLEANERS Franto FLASH »¡g m ii y :îV '¡ÊM k . mm. Barn U v e e S ta te S c h o o ls F a v o re d By DICK ROBINSON est S partan froab runners in r a n k a r t th e ta w o f t i t e l l l f T ea State N ev a Sports W riter the outdoor two-mile relay, will picture, placed second to West- have stiff com petition from the e ra with 48 points Id th e R elays I t looks like a n aB M ichigan Broncos and possibly D n d t ^ last y e a r a n d won Big Ten S partan gym nasts trav e l to affair S aturday a t MSU’s 39th MSU will not run in the dis- titles indoors r a d o u t annual indoor trac k relays in Chicago for a m eet ag ain st tance m edley relay because of State, which has showed Jenison F ield House. . poor tim es. W estern M ichigan m any signs of im provem ent N avy P ie r on Saturday. T hree state school*—Western is a favorite in th at event. Loy- this season, is sure to im prove T he te a m hopes it h as over­ Michigan, Michigan and hoot lea took from E ngland to 1851 ola looks strong In the college upon th eir 28 point fourth com e m inor injuries t h a t and which th e U nited S tates Mtefaigaa State—ap p e a r to be m ile relay, but C entral MicM- place total la s t year, plaguad th em la s t w eek ag ain st b r a t ' equipped, but no one n ever h a s lest. gan re tu rn s two quarter-m ilers “ We should b e a lot b etter Minnesota , an d will com e Today, Sydney Duffy M irror know ! for su re who’s going to from its 1961 cham pionship represented this y e a r than through w ith top perform ances. published e p icture of th e Boot walk off with the unofficial team . la st,“ D ittrich reservingly On th e side horse, Sparta n s designed by naval arch itect title. In team strength. W estern com m ented. W ayne B ergstrom and J e r r y Aiwa P ay n e and being readied E ach of these squads will be M ichigan took the unofficial ti- S aturday's com petition starts G eorge will face N ayy P ie r’s for the series of ra ces off New­ going a fte r IB relay and indi­ tie a y ear ago a t the relays as a t 2 p.m . w ith prelim inaries L a r r y V ltor who i r called a port, R .I., n ex t Septem ber. vidual championships, along it scored 52% points. The Bron- In seven events and finals la strong w orker on th e event. w ith representatives from U cos then took M id-American broad jum p open to the public o th er colleges, in afternoon F re e exercise will show th e honors and placed fifth in the and students. Tbe finals s ta rt S p artan s on top b u t com peti­ and evening sessions a t 2 p.m. NCAA. They’re back this y e a r a t 7:30 p.m . with seats reserv- R a lp h s “K E W P E E ” C a fe te ria and 7 p.m . respectively. tion is expected from J im Ur- with a squad rated "equally ed a t $1.50 each for the public, b an a s of th e P ie r. S p artan s in W estern Michigan and State good. S tu d en ts' m ust present th eir S T U D E N T L U N C H E O N S P E C IA L seem to have the upperT iand th e event a re G ani Browsh, M ichigan, which perennially ID ’s for the evening program . L a rry B assett an d J e r r y in the university m ile relay, b u t o ther less talented team s George. D ick G ittberto is also • Macaroni and Cheese COACH FORDDY ANDERSON w in s ta rt feuT «ephem ere en tered hi th e event. SUch a s M ichigan and D rake eager« against Wisconsin Saturday. • Cole Slaw or Maahed Potatoes P O 0 could surprise. T eam C aptain J im D urkee is The Bronco’s q u a rte t of Den­ expected to do well h ere for • Choice of Hot Vegetable nis W right, Floyd Cook, J e rry th e S partans. He will b e help­ • Rott and Butter Lode, and J e rry B ashaw ’ n a r­ ed out in th e event by John rowly defeated the S partans B rodeur and G ani Browsh. Special Occasion Cakes B aked to O rder by 0.3 seconds at the Michigan George is en tered in th e event R elays last Saturday. Cook is a s a not-to-count com petitor. the only returning m em ber of Strongest com petition from th e W estern’s cham pionship one- P ie r will com e from BUI Wlke. By GARY RONBERG -, FoUowing the Wisconsin m ile M id-American conference gam e, the S p artan s re tu rn U r banas shapes up to be team . State News Sports W riter hom e S atu rd ay night, F eb . 17, strong for N avy P ie r on the The S partans revam ped their M ichigan S tate’s basketball ag ain st Ohio 6 tate. p arallel b a rs, b u t will h av e to m ile com bination this week squad will be out to snap face, George, B rodeur and the replacing second leg m an Bill Up-to-date sew in g statistics B ig T en Cham pion L a rry B as­ a two-gam e losing strea k this G reen with « printer Don Voor- show G ent still leading S tate S aturday afternoon when the s e tt heis, who had to beat out Ron with i 14.6 av erag e an d 234 S p artan s m eet surprising Wis­ D ale Cooper will again be Horning fo r the p o sitio n .^ total points. The 6-3 sophom ore consin a t Madison. „ - Speedy Sherm Lewis will take also tops th e te a m in rebound« a fte r a reco rd perform ance on The B adgers, a fte r stunning with 167. th e still rings. H e will b e try ­ The- first quarter-m H e followed five straig h t Big Ten foes and ing to b e a t his 96 th a t he got by H erih Johnson, Voorheis Schw arm is second in «cor­ ag ain st M ichigan. Helping oom piling - a six-gam e win and sensational John P a rk e r.' skein, w ere dum ped by Michi­ ing w ith 211 points in 16 gam es Cooper in th e event will be S tate’s sprint m edley squad, for a 13.1 av erag e, an d Lwinie G eorge, D urkee, an d Browsh. gan la st Monday night a t M adi­ which was runner-up to Loy­ S anders is getting 10 p e r con­ BiU Wike will b e th e strongest son, 81-74. o la's fine dash m en last S atur­ test. m an the S partans will face. day, will be tb e sam e this tim e S tate dropped a n 83-74-ver­ Wisconsin is topped in scor­ On th e tram poline for the around. P a rk e r will lead o ff in d ict to W isconsin h ere e a rlier ing by Siebel, 220 points and S partans will be D urkee, Dick the 440-yard laps with Zach Ford and Voorheis taking the this season. 13.8 av erag e. H earden is sec­ S p artan coach F orddy An­ ond with 193 points and 12.1 GUlberto an d Steve Johnson. Roly o r v s fo r Fast Servies ee Johnson received an injury la st m iddle 220’s and Capt. J e rry Young running the anchor 880. d erson plans to go with his p e r gam e. sophom ore-studded lineup, fea­ tu rin g four first-y ear m en and ^ week b u t is expected to have T he B adgers’ leading re ­ a good p erfo rm an ce— Class meg Orders The S partans will have to bounder is Gwyn, who h as putt­ (by John R oberts Ce.) face the R am blers from Loyola one senior. P e te Gent a n d Bill The P ie r h as beaten Indiana ed down 148 in 16 gam es. J a c k in a close m atch but has lost who b eat State by two seconds B erry will be a t th e forw ards, Come to today and le t u s help B rens and Siebel a re n ex t in to Iew ar S tate has beaten both a t the Michigan R elays. Three- F re d Thom ann a t cen ter, and line with 108 and 101, resp ec­ you select the ring for yen. fourths of Loyola’s m edley th a t Bill Schw arz a n d - C a p t. A rt of these team s. Schw arm a t th e g u ards. tively. won -th e Kansas R elays in 3:23.1 is back. The B adgers a re w ithout the M ichigan S tate’s 1962 hom e­ WCHL S tate’s track 'c o a c h e s did services of Ron Jack so n , fine coming footbeU g am e will be some quick recruiting this week sophom ore forw ard, who w as ag ain st M innesota on Nov. 3. and brought a h u rd ler off the leading th e tr a m w ith a 22.2 shelf to com plete a four-m an av erag e until h e w as dropped 240-yard shuttle Jrn rd le relay. When hurdler Tom Jefferson sep arated his shoulder in a fall SOPH JOHN P A R K E R -S ta te ’s ace ru n n er will b e handl­ from school for scholastic re a ­ sons. He is being replaced by 6-5 Standings a t the Ohio State m eet, th e ing key 440-yard assignm ents in the sprint m edley and m ile senior Tom Hughbanks, who S partans did not have a m an to relays a t the MSU R elays in Jenison S aturday. His best has connected for 36 points in run in the M ichigan o r MSU -perform ance in the m ile relay this season has been a 47.6 his th ree gam es as a sta rte r. M ichigan R elays. anchor perform ance a t Ohio State. The re s t of th e B adger line­ M ichigan Tech Senior Bill Cole, a tran sfer up is the sam e one th a t faced M ichigan State from W estern Michigan, solv­ S tate h ere. K en Siebel is the D enver ed the problem . The Pontiac P a lm e r L e a d s P h o e n ix O p e n other forw ard, Tom Gwyn a t hu rd ler w as one of the B ron­ cen ter, and Don H earden and M innesota co's top tim berm en before the great rush he usually r e-. T h e defending cham pion Mike O’M elia a t th e gu ard N orth Dakota coming to E. Lansing in 1960. serves for the finish, shot a T birdied six of the first seven posts. Colorado College “ We should m ake a good under-par 64 today to lead holes in com piling a spectacu- showing in the hurdle re la y ,” early finishers in the first la r 30 on The first nine, then said m eet director and coach round of the $35,000 Phoenix p arred his w ay in except for a COLLECE C O N C ER T F ran D ittrich. “ Cole h asn ’t Open Golf Tournam ent. seventh bird on No. 17. had m uch work but he has the T H E K IN G S T O N T R IO potential to become"one of our RECO RD ED IN U V E P E R F O R M A N C E best hurdlers. We want to keep H IL L E L F O U N D A T IO N him around for the whole track season.”— The new com bination will S A B B A T H S E R V IC E S have to go against M ichigan’s F riday F eb ru ary 9,7:30 p.m . a t the HiUel House Jo e Mason, Dick Thelwell, Saturday, F ebruary 10,10 a.m . a t the Hillel House C harles P eltz and Bennie Mc­ R ae as well as top team s from W estern and Notre Dame. # P R IZ E W IN N IN G F IL M -MSU will have to im prove on “T H E L A S T A N G R Y THAN“ its tim e in the two-mile relay to challenge M ichigan’s team s t a r r i n g P aul Muni, David W ayne, and L uther Adler anchored by E rg a s Leps, who h a s -w o n four Big Ten gold S U N D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 11, 7ri»0 P.M . m edals in the 880 and m ile. RO O M 3 1 , U N IO N The local foursom e of Bill Stew art, Ron Horning, W arren No Admission C harge. E veryone Welcome Ochs and Bob F ulcher, the fast- They’ve Got Another Live One Three thousand UCLA students cSww d, stomped, whistled and yelled in deiigbt at one o f the Kingston T rio ’s greatest live concerts. T h e reasons; “Little L ig h t. . . Coplas R rviritsd. . . Chffly W inds. . . Oh. Miss M a r y ... L a re d o ., t O Ken K a ra n g a ... Roddy M cC o riey ...M .T . A . . . . 300 M ile s ... The Shape of T h in g s. . . W here Have All tbe Flowers G o n e ? . . . Goto' Away For to Loose You” Some are the King­ ston’s tremendous hits. Some are great new numbers, never before recorded. A S arc reasons you'd want to attend this concert _ ----- You can. Capitol racordad i t _ The bark doth prints of the Hawaiian Free Book Coven! Featuring M l color photos « the Islands inspired us to design a new Kingston Trio and other prominent Capitol s ta rt Just collection of shirts completely drop into any record shop and pick ’em u p . . . you’ll different in coloring and pattern. have the best dressed books to town, m a m mines w / SlM pw scr We are sure you will want to add one or mors of D rains / In Paintbrush M o l l shirts to your casual wardrobe. Pink, mint o r m aite. At froth —— Talkcad so well it looks k parannaflT mimsrsil Ituttim dim and soft as spring broooft...our Bk ooUar-tapmed waistline. N O W IN S T O C K ! lovely matching lingerie of IV Long sleeves * 5 . 0 0 SKOAL 1$*) Q | eo»y*caro docron-cotton-nylon PRICE ■ J f l llL . Btendoire. Ail pieces em broidered end daintily trimmed with Vat lace, -A R R O W -- D IS C S H O P l a by doll pajam as, S - M - L , S . t l Walt* gown, 32*31 tixes, 4 .VI 3 2 3 EAS T GRAN D RTVEK Peignoir, S - M - l , V.Vt J0PEI EVERT EVERMfi . h' Friday M orning, f tfa iw y % 1962 ; ./JR.* .V ,-jlrl USED T V S 1» • ■• a l M A M iT^WiUVw •wwWBBPPi P p p ® W / 1 ftw w w p B ^ m t o t o w m jB t e * or P i i h I I H H M | tram M M m itiA F AB 9 m m Sises Z K ^ S c S j& S n kM CMM t n to favor of From $ 2 5 .0 0 Is Stm then. ^ * ^ e * f S JtiBVeroato*,” he R ap. A dam Pow ell, D-N.Y., ch airm an o t t f o com m ittee, re ­ arid, “that all the exports can nus m ained unm oved K ennedy's pat no way other than an to- SALES p |¿ g j p K ^ l v ; 'S His sutdoct I I b ased on thè como tax, to correct the state’s «US 8 . CEDAR - “ 1 d e n t w ant to see th is com ­ i p M ^ Ä p a r y langu- financial problems. TU 2-8728 m ittee b o o e d daw n in another a g e developed in a fa ta re so­ “ S a c e t t l» doubtful th a t apy- long b itte r fight o v er a school ciety depicted bjr G eorge Or- one will com e up w ith a b etter bill, th e w ay w e w e re ~ J a s t e d l h ‘,m " m ethod in th e n ex t two o r th ree y e a r,“ said Powell, “ a n d 1 y e a n , I c u t see how the state Y o u r K ey t o B e t t e r V a lu e « don't think th e P resid en t does, ca n afford to pass over this C a m p u s C la s s ifie d s rem ed y .” eith er. ' ’ : in view of Powell’s stan d It would seem th e only hope for Nuisance action th is session re s ts on a (Continued fro m p age 1) G L A D M F R g eneral school b ill th a t h as n ess activities, such a s p ay ­ been w orked out independently rolls. '. - r . ' & LÜ . by R ep. C leveland B ailey, D- DOORS O PEN I2:4S “ Tbe problem w ith such a M e TO 5:16 W. V a . ' ~ f e ^ ;:vi ta x is th a t a com pany could b e ; f^tÜ ülE Q Ç B ailey, second ranking D em o­ losing its sh irt a i d stiB b e r e ­ c r a t on th e com m ittee, hope*' q u ired to p a y a stiff ta x on the to soft-pedal som e o L ta e em o­ H E L D O V E R b asis of its payroll,” h e said. tional issues th a t invariably I C O M E D Y B oyer said h e expects th e is­ 2N D - a rise to school legislation, a n d sue of a n incom e ta x to be set­ his approach h a s won wide sup­ tled long befo re tb e next gu­ H ILA R IO U S i p o rt am ong educators. b ern ato rial ra c e . W EEK I “ Some new m odern houses have wall-to-wall carpeting, “ E v en if th e incom e ta x prob­ lem isn’t settled by th a t tim e,” K Ä h e said, “ an d if B om ney is tbe wall-to-wall windows a n d back* R epublican candidate, th ere to-the-wall financing.” — F re d Vi. Grown, B ergen (E dgew ater, won’t be too m uch ta lk about tt N .J.) Citizen. m COÇivMp** O istrakh said, “ I t W is s Ah, So Happy , ■ W M Ä D S * JO H M - flue audience—very intelli­ gent m usically. A a a rtis t c a a Please , tell during the first m ove­ ^ u o w w a ? m ent w hat kind of audience To Announce he is perform ing before, t enjoyed th e audience h ere.” The 29-year-old violinist is on Is' Time To his first co ncert to u r of the United S tates. He w as ac­ Send In companied. by p ianist Alexei Zybtsev, professor a t the Honorable Moscow C onservatory.JZybtsev gave O istrakh flaw less support K O p lC G C O F F E E S H O P throughout th e concert. The OOOOOCOOOAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO balance betw een the two artists N IV ER SITY o o n eared perfection. 0 *” N ow E v e ry S u n d ay o Zybtsev deserves special ® S tu d e n t N ig h t _ g p ra ise fo r his fine perform ance N ever a serios O o an d the quality o f his playing. HEATRE m om ent - ju st 0 F eaturing Low P riced Supper o love, lau g h ter and o Specials a l o n g with R egular o m errim en t, all the way o Sunday f e c i a l F am ily Style ° ® Chicken Dinner with all the 0 Good Woman 2 Trim m togs J I.K o COMING O f SeUman FEBRUARY 17TH K IN G o f K IN G S Coupons. THEN M c D o n a l d 's 321 E . MICHIGAN PHONE IV 5-7178 P ro g ram Iaform atiou D ial IV M W M I C H I G A N N o w . . . 2 n d W e e k fo r th e t a s t i e s t tr e a t In to w n ! A ro u n d F o r L a ffs ! A DELICIOUS HAMBURG GOLDEN FRENCH FRIES Yss |t t a4«tid««s, 100%Par« Keet J » J W M » c i v h i* (Continued from P a g e 1) At one tim e D w as an incom­ H a l is sponsoring a ro ^ ller skat- roll« the P alo m ar skating rink 9 to Asked th e v ain e n i i n c M á M k t f j M d a i 13:80. O sata ci t>. B ., AIM w he study h i tba d ay , Wlu- plete a a d h ad to ha r em oved ath letic Be said it T f t S d m i s M p r i c e o f l R ath er, e r yhoee 3554247 fo r from reco rd b y rep eatin g the course o r by exam ination. daes mi d u d e s th e skate-rental fee reservations. D ay-tim e study will give stu- students fa r academic com* deuts evenings free and, ha When m any D’s w ere given. it b ecam e a re g u la r grade for M ichigan S ta ta U niversity A t L i ’l A b n e r P r o d u c tio n assu red , good grades. * F o r students not getting good sub-standard passing. W infiuinr sand h e w ants to go to aO th e dorm ito ries be­ By JACKIE KORONA hi M r ta ttered satirizes the governm ent with g rad as, W inburne suggested He told th e coeds th a t they cause be finds inform al, sm all f o r e ig n f il m s e r ie s h ave a 2.8 B asic College av e r­ I groups a re often m ore effective Of the State News Staff “T he C ountry's in the Vary first they check fin a l m ark s, especially D’s and F**. Mis­ age to th e m en ’s t . i av erag e [than meetings, to Ms office. c- (M agenta T hree hours of sitting is a re s ts , U T Ahaer. Marryia* B est of H ands.” ■ Bot w hea A haer paad era tak es a re m ade but can be C ontrary to lite ratu re which ! Some stndenfe ’¡m e asham ed to long tim e , even for a m usical Sam , a d d ! th e others w d i pictures m ales as he-men. th e jse e him m dm dna By. he ex­ “If I h ad My D ruthers,” ha corrected, he said. com edy, but the antics of Dog* M r w ay s h a d y I d surety “ F a r you not to check is for wom an is th e m ore durable, through "A Typicti Day h hops aff the M e bridge plained a a d they seem to fe d patch residents Uvtng a typi­ solid sex, he said D e fp a te h ," “ Jabfiatfcu T. right late the aM flshta* hole yo u to tu rn your business over ! m ore a t ea se to groups. “B E S T M 0 V I E 0 F T H E Y E A R " cal day a n d a few technical Turning to all-college com ­ — w ithoat a splash? M ayhs to som eone else.” he said. goofs provide m any a snicker t orap oae. ” a a l “ The M atri­ petition, W llburne said: Too m any students f e d no -NATIONAL BOAROOP R8VWW and whole-hearted guffaw in monial Stom p.” he j u t m issed th e H ver “ T hera is no reason why a one ca res about th em individ­ the Lansing Civic P layers bank, hut director M ack Col­ te a c h e r shouldn’t Justify a “ We ad m it you to the uni­ ually. he said, aad they a re Marryin* Sam, th a t preacher lins should a a te such m isses. g rad e. You have a right to ‘‘Li'l Aimer.'* who sp ecialists in IS weddings, As it opened a four-perfor­ stands out on the stage, every intends to g et A haer in the The sw eet D aisy M ae who Snow.” W inburne also suggested th a t versity to com pete with 22,000 wrong to 25,000 o th er students to get "N o muverMty gath ers hon­ a place w here you can get an ors for its failures, only from DESICA’S m ance run Wednesday night a t nudgey pound o f ac to r R ichard Sadie Hawkins D ay ra c e , sings students go to in structors afte r education.” th e West Auditorium, this civic Holiday. S am ’s wide w et face “ N am ely You” with feeling, exam s and ask w hat they its successes ” p ro d u ctio n - of the satirical wrinkles and crinkle* a s he but her running a fte r the hero should have done to have e a rn ­ F o r m ost students, he con- m usical lasted longer than the sings of the g re a t cow ard, Gen. doesn't look like the steps of ed a higher grade. Students will tinned, college presents the TOO OR TOO LITTLE? reg u lar perform ance. j T T . Corn pone And as Sam first com petition in life. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! a determ ined young lady of learn and instructors will know W hether scene changes went com pletes a job well-done, he dogpatch. they a re not satisfied with th eir too slowly behind the curtain beam s a t Li’l Abner and D aisy Rounding out the laughable own work. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL E D M W 7 o r perform ers w eren’t ready Mae. hicks of the “ U nnecessary “ if you ask ‘What did I do on tim e, m inutes of silence The hero of heroes. Li’i Town” a re ch a ra c te rs like H air­ w rong,’ be ca n tell you in a w ere sandwiched between bois­ Abner, played by J e r r y Bertot- less Jo e, with a m ass o f w hite m inute or tw o,” he said. terous dances and songs. Ui, sincerely sings the senti­ m op for a m ask, Stupefyin' W inburne recalled he told Whea the D egpatchers did m ental “ Love hi a Hom e,” ami Jones, the girl who “ could stop one student this and his wife, M ichigan on the one y a rd line, an assistan t in structor in an a lots of lazy boys and eag er A m erican Thought and Lang­ E A S T L A N S I N G * P H O N E ED.2 - 2 8 1 4 girls. uage, ended u p telling the stu­ NIGHTS A SUNDAY — ADULTS M e SAT. MAT. Me C o ra l G a b le s ' Music a n d choreography d ent w hat he should have dona ADULT ENTERTAINM ENT bounce along with the willing- for 45 m inutes. STARTS 7 P.M . — FEA TU R E AT 7 : l i • > :3 i Dess of D aisy M ae to catch Students under a C averag e Abner. should ao t work, he advised. E N T IR E NEW SH O W T O N IG H T I L F O R N O This production of “ L i'l If it is n ecessary, they Abner” could be speeded up in should drop credits. A D ram a of the loves and drives of tile g re a t artist T h e N a m e t h a t M ade P iz za F a m o u s in L a n sin g tem po of lines, m usic, and cu r­ T he student will g et re c re a ­ known a s the “ P rin ce of the B ohem ians", to flw post P L U S F E A T U R E T T E : “SK Y SC R A PE R S tain , and Uttle th in g r like nail- tion, tak e c a re of his job and NOWOPENAT11:00 LI. polish, rings on fingers, and his g rad es w on't suffer, Win­ perfact hairdoes for the ladies burne explained. W ar 1 e ra in P aris. F A IR C H IL D T H E A T R E __ Serv in g S n ack s - S an d w ich e s - L u n ch e o n s - D in n e rs could b e rem edied, bu t Dog­ W inburne urged students who M O N . & T U B S ., F E B . 12 & 13 - 7 & 9 P»M. A lso C a te rin g to patch is in Lansing till S atur­ a re not rep eatin g courses they day. m ade D ’s and F ’s in to see him a m o t io n p ic t u r e P riv a te P a r tie s - B a n q u e ts - M ee tin g s _ A D M IS S IO N : 50c Im m ediately. t o u c h e d w it h - V isit O u r R a th sk e lle r^ Students think they won't, “ Anyone who can rem em ber benefit repeating a course, he ^when th ere w asn’t a B erlin said, and th a t they can m ake » t h e f i r e . ..t h e g e n iu s » Open 5 p m Daily crisis is eligible for m em ber­ it up w ith A’s and B ’s. Win­ BOX OFFICE Q ADMISSION •Phone ED 7-1311 _ t h e t o v e r .J h e m a n ship in the oUL tim e rs ’ d u b .” burne called this unlikely. It OPEN o w n t o w n (€ ¡ ¡ 3 ADULTS — $1.00 Complete Take-Out Service —Kenny B ennett, G reencastle would be ea sie r to re p e a t the fin d .) Graphic. course o r To tak e a m ake-up NIGHTLY — 6:45 I STUDENTS — .71 (w M i-m ) exam ination, he said. — CAMPUS C LA S S IFIED S W inburne reassu red fresh- EARLY MATINEE m ea an d sophom ores th a t SATURDAY they would not he academ i­ Starting—at 1.00 D E A D L IN E S : 1 j».m . D ay B efo re P u b lk u tlo u f o r T u c s ^ W ed., T h u rs ., cally w ithdraw n from school a t fiie end of the term unless an d F ri. E d itio n s. D ead lin e fo r M o*. E d itio n : I p .u t. F ri. * they failed all th eir courses. - P H O N E : 36a-8255 o r 355-8256 ~ - — Spring vacation is toe short " T h e s e c h a ra cte rs a n to process w ithdraw als. They u n d e n ia b le . T h e y a re a re m ade a t th e end of fall and a s a c c u ra te d e /in * \u A U T O M O T IV E FO R RENT S E R V IC E spring term s. E ven if grad es at the end of e a tio n s o f s o c ia l i I9SX CHfVROLri $70 Whirlpeol 4»AftTfc»rNTS ANN 8ROWN, typist .and multilrth- spring term call for a stu d en t’s phenom ena a s - L wnnger washer, $50. Coidspot refrig­ 3 ^OOMS fuTn«shcrafter. L O S T an d F O U N D >shed recreation room. Reasonable down payment, FHA financing. Call GREATEST F O R T H E B E ST Model S-38D—earphones. Lit? p«w. Call IV 2*7276, 29 LOST, TAN PURSE between Kedae IV 9-6069.. 26 HUMAN O F 1961 and Besscy. Appreciate only return j% D R A M A -}— UNDERWOOD LEADER portable of Don‘5 pictures, TU 2-2976 after MUST SACRIFICE. $775 ««sumes fyp-cwr*tfr and CfS’se. E ic fllw t .conai- V30. 22 mortgege. 3 bedroom bnek ranch. THE WORLD " “ T H E H U ST L E R tiort, Hafdiy used $45. ED 2-3806 26 Basement, gas Heatpfençed yard, large HAS EVER VtVlNG STEREO tape deck . PER SO N AL lot. Near schools. 5603 Hallandale, Haslett. FE 9-2472. 28 KNOWN! • B e st P ic tu r e tA-p Vtlrtftg record rifivEiaci ampM* er» COLLEGE MANOR Hantvbsts offs: • B e a t A c to r mc-ntwd in walnut cab,r*et EAST LANSING. 1340 Cadarbill Mttn GtUwjm Mjfytr ,oy thei, expert services-Matest trends • B e a t S u p p o rtin g condition. Half cft$'nal man jfacturer & —10% student d'iceunt! Ceil today, D«ve. Near Marble and St. Thomas jm m * ' pr.ce, ED 2 0223 after 5 30. Tt ED 7-3113, 224 Abbott Road, (down, schools. 3 bedroom r*neh, large comer U m m t t m a m 't fn d m tim A c to r lot. 2% car attached garage. Built-in BED. IRON and full sue. stairs). ~ 27 -tchen, dishwasher. IS baths, carpeted • B eat S c re e n P la y springs and mattress, $40 Cafl ED 2 OFHCIAL SURR PATTERSON Fra- and drapes. Beautifully landscaped. • B e s t D ire c tin g 8993 after 6. - ~ 28 termty end Sosofily ¡eweíry and re» $24,500. ED 2U303. 26 ELiCTftiC RANGE 36“ Writ,«9. lated ' items, Now available at T h«~ EAST LANSING. For tala by owner, home with evert and deep well cooker. Card Shop acoss -from Home Eco* bedroom ranch, excellent location, ★ Excellent condition. ED 2-89*0 26 nomici Bldg. ED 2-67S3. 26 carpeting throughout, draperies, 4 piece til« bath, disposal, screened in UNDERWOOD NOISELESS type-. - LAUDERDALE? LHbbo end Twist porch. IS car garage, large let with %iitcr. good condition. Needs nbbo* under the Banyan. U.S. Ftdrel Na. I, mature shrubs and trees. FHA ap­ Only $2*. Student desk limed oak I Den e Ftende, 355-6641 26 proved with $2500 down. Call ID 2* dr#*er end book shelves. . LU new RANGOON HOUSE of Rather Hall, 2424. ■/T“ '..-::' • 26 SIS "ED~?i8709 26 sponsor» «He- slisting Hnst party Feb. TRAILERS : » 9 4.12:30. Palpmar Gardim*. $1-25 WANTED drag, $?5 stag. Tckets at door 115 VAN DYKE T9S9.' 10.40 f'Ont ' U- e.traT C«H 355-4247 26 URGENTLY WANTED J-Hap tiekats. chen completely set up, Phone ID 2- C«H >$$-1417 «ft«» 7 p.m. 26 M’O- 28 MARIIS FASHIONS and Mpone Corp. Auxiliary presenti, styl«, shew TICKET FOR J-HOP. Phon« IIS- FO R REN T and luncheon Hphdov Inn. Noon. Feb. 6291. 14. Tickets at Man«'«, Lownays «*- — —2* lens, »and Weedy s Hardware. Pbane NH0CD. I TICKET far th« J-HOP. HOUSIS t o 7.I42S $215. door pntes. 21 PloaM co0 OR 4-OIK or TU Idgftl. 3 BEDROOM madera home wdli U attached getagt. 3 miles from cam­ VAN DERVOORTS «Mm I dw sk, pus. Phan« ED T.Ï4T7, 26 tnp, $1050 poya foe trampe rtatran, HIfcPt J-Hop ikinft breakfast. 6« iattnectiona. ED 2- betrat Coll 355-4212. 't o NO W! APXRTMINTS F eto are Today Prices I NOTE: The Hastier’ NEEO J-HOP ticket BADLYPTO %. ROOMMATE WANTED to share 6 ass« : n tm m a x m o t a t t i V I:ts • «tic Until f ill .... 8«c I act show Satarday toons apartment and expanses us Lan* - - SERVICE Eve. A 8ns. 9Bc I Matinee anfiT2:3S sma. 484-9*66 26 J-HOP TICKET. Call IV 22ISO a n -tfii IM • 9 :8 1 TYPING ON- etaetwe typewrite» by Maone. Will p«y premium.. 27 FURNISHED APARTMENT 1 block Enehsb nepr, 10 24B77. - 76 C L A D M E R from campus. Couple preferred, ED 2- BE A GOOD Vnoriten. Stood op 3207. 26 vois# date. Need ticket to J-Mop! ito ! “S Ü L l S S r “ “ L i g h t i n t h e P i a z z a ” ’f t S S J Ä 3lS7r 26 FURNISHED apartment. Approved for 4 rtuder.H. UesuparvieaoL Otemos CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS HWai R B A 0Ö B O U F J-HOP TICKET WANI EDI Ca« STA R TS RB. tf i s Pma. ED 7-IS6I. 1 to Comi Hont» at ED 24)169. 36 H É iliiílS l to,, '^■3' { IU I....... .VlV j. / fe i « s ... - : ... i à ï i i i M k 'â gg"- -f f ' §3® ¡¡| W m l Id 2 Ì1 S P B r 1MB 1 1 ■■ 1 p l î | k ! I m i w y t m * ,1 9 6 2 n y &M¡¡m m fh n ln mat L o d g e T o S p é a k ^-M i |* e r a n ti w ? ¡ BBmanwi s a s I f r o m Fc u p i í m I i t P r o fe s s io n s M e e t The CoBogtem M usicum will p resen t a co n cert of jG e r m q r ence will stag in E nglish «D U W idersprecherin” b y Valantin Rem em ber Valentine*» Day, February 14th John D avis Lodge, am b assa­ In addition to a long c a re e r U e d e r of th e 17th an d 18th H erbtog. dor to Spain during the S e e n - a s a public serv an t, A m bassa­ centuries to students an d facul­ Also featu r e d will be th e fe w e r adm inistration, end a dor Lodge h a s h ad consider­ ty Sunday a t 4 p.m . la the Mu­ popular fhenlty duet, P au lin e fo rm er C ongressm an and gov­ able experience in d ra m a tic sic Auditorium . and G ean G reenw etl In aoegs ernor of Connecticut, w in b e a fields with m an y m otion picture \ Most unusual is a dance suite by A d a m K rieg er, d ated M07. g u eet on cam pus F riday, sta rs, inchMfing M arlene Die­ taken from Sperondes’ “ Sin- F inally th e re wffi b a four j He is appearing F rid ay eve* trich an d Shirley Tem ple. d in e M use” ”* 1738, th e songs by P hilip E m an u al wing a s the key-note speaker foi His professional fUm ex p tri- songs b earin g such titles as B ach to bé d ated 1784 an d VWß, the T hird Annual Congress of ence and frankness coupled M enuet o r Polonaise, a s well oth ers being published h i IBM, th e Professions a t the annual with a n exceptional knowledge as the unfam ilar Murky. afte r B ach’s dentil. T he singar banquet of the M ichigan As­ of international a ffairs h i s Sp e rond es* songs will be sung wiB be Bernde Middaugh, sociation of the Professions. m ade him a sought-after speak­ alternately by R obert Jennings, g rad u ate of N orth T exas State His subject will be, “ Seme er. ■ a g rad u ate of A ugustana Col­ College. # Of th e Challenges Which Con­ Students a re Invited to h e a r lege and W estern M ichigan uni­ M iss R ita« Fuszek ef th e front a s on the International th e A m b a s sa d o r,\ w ithout versity, an d Ju d ith W eidman, m usic faculty will accom pany OCvPC* ♦» >r? charge, a s well a s invited to E a st L ansing junior. th e singers. T he p ro g ram w as A m bassador Lodge left his attend any of th e o th er sessions M rs. B a r b a r a F e rra ri, planned by D r. J . M urray la w p ra ctice to be com m ission­ of the two-day Congress. g raduate of Aquinas College B arbour, who will serve as e d a Navy officer in 1939. His O ther headline »pea h e n in­ and P ius X II Institute in Flor- com m entator. proficiency in languages w as clude U. S. C ongressm an put to good use during the w ar August E . Jn h aa sen , Gov­ when h e serv ed as liaison of­ ern o r John B. Swstnson, and C arl S. W inters, in te ra a tim - H A V E F U N A T T H E J -H 0 P ficer between the F rench and A m erican fleets. Now, a cap­ ly fam ous w it a n d lectu rer. G ET READY BY USING OUR tain , he m aintains active- r e ­ More th a n 40 sp eak ers are serv e status in the Navy. listed on th e progra m , m any of whom a re national profes­ W E E K E N D S E R V IC E sional lead ers and lay-persons BRING IN : A ir S o c ie ty with ex p e rt knowledge In the fields of education, legislation, public relations m id business L a u n d ry ’T il 1 p .m . F rid a y In itia te s 10 services. Arnold Air Society. Air Additional inform ation about D ry C leaning ’T il 1 0 a .m . S a tu rd a y F orce ROTC honorary, initiat­ the Congress and th e pro g ram ed 10 new m em bers W ednesday can be obtained a t th e regis­ G et B ack E arly SATU RDAY A FT E R N O O N night in a m eeting held in the Onion. tratio n desk of Kellogg Center. PRINCESS GARDNER The new m em bers a re : Ja m e s Baldwin, Ja m e s B arnes, Venezuela Usmw asi Tree o f 'Gold Accessories C arl Behne, G a il— Bloom, Stiri Lasadry C harles Davis, F o re st Gibson, Hugh Linnem an, J a c k Linsea, Mike M cNaughton an d R ich­ Theme At ~ A ttractive cut-out leaf p attern enhanced with Gold M ylar on platinum or white polished cowhide. ard Riegol. . Among th e requirem ents for Spanish Club E A S T G R A N D R IV E R A C R O SS F R O M STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING • F ren ch Purse..... 88-40* • C igarette Case. .. 3J5* • R egister Billfold.. 5.80* ----- 5.95* joining th e organization are , a 2.2S ¿1-university grade av e r­ Venezuela age and a 3.00 in AEROTC of th e Spanish Club m eeting a t will be th e them e 1 C* M • Clutch. - - P rices P lus Tax 5 S eam less S to ck in g s 6 p.m . Tuesday, in 21 Union. • Key GardL. 12.95* classes. A colored film depicting V enezuelan flow ers an d birds CHICKEN0. INI’S _ ACCESSORIES — STR E ET LEV EL 1.50 will be n a rra te d in Spanish. In fo rm a tio n m m m a m m a m J o s e F iores, C ara cas g rad u ate ## ¿SU i to d a y o n c a m p u s student, n il! t a l k Venezuela, and two o ther about F rid a y N ig h t - " D a t e N ig h t IrresistaM e nylons to fla tte r h er legs and win h er Venezuelan students will give h ea rt. Sheer and- cloud-light la shades of South an exhibition dance. COUPLES EA T FO R T H E P R IC E O F ONE P acific, Ball Rose, Shell Tone mid fashion colors. Additional inform ation about INCLUDES EVERYTH ING ON T H E MENU Sizes 8 b to 11. Hillel — Hillel House, 7.30 Venezuela w ill he d istributed a t p.m ,, Sabbath Services. E X C E P T P IZ Z A HOSIERY — STREET LEVEL the m eeting. International Club —- Union F u tu re d u b m eetings will be Ballroom , 7:30 p.m .. Indian centered aroun m m a B m tm ts s e e s a n m : ^ > ä m n i a I— IM m a i SSa■ ¡ H ■••«*, s w w V--í~ *■ M*■ ’'{‘■rSi - n m s i p N m V'-< n B H g.S •‘1 .•Vl’V’-1'1--' B N K aäßaeÄ "m m ' $SÊ È ^