To JFK, Reds Free Student Others In Letter WASHINGTON UR — Soviet Prftrmer Nikita Kkn i t r t W was reported Sunday m JA te have proposed an lta d io a summit meeting to open th e March 14 disarmament coefer ence at Geneva. The proposal is understood to have been made in a letter Khrushchev seat to P n a M a t Kennedy and apparently was sending also to heads ef the other nations involved. Secretary of State Dean Rask met at the State Department late Sunday afternoon with am. bassadors of Briton, France, Canada and Italy. Those are-the other NATO allies which would be involved in the Geneva conference. (task is eadt rstsoi to have account of the er ven page Khrushchev message to Ken­ nedy. So far a s rouM he learned none of O r other western governments h a # a t t h a t tim e received the Khrushchev proposal. Khrushchev seat the letter in response to a proposal made to him last Wednesday by Ken­ nedy. mid by British P rh a e Minister Harold MacMiBaa to r foreign ministers to open th e disarm am ent conference. _ Khrushchev is ■ f a f e t f l l have objected th a t fee Isaacs involved is try mg to end fee nuclear arms ra c e a re to r toe serious to tarn over to t a m n o crats—by which ho m ade d e a r he meant the foreign m inisters. There a n a no tam e d la ta comment h a m the stale d e ­ partm ent or White 11— s an the aew Khrashehev n a a o > ver. which fa effect a n y ha mainly an effort to ov s r top or outbid the Western pow­ ers in l u U h t J f fen dis­ armament meeting. The known attitude of fee Kennedy admrmstratton, a s well as of the pcevioBS Eisen­ hower government has been 1to oppose full-scale saarintt meetings unless advance nego­ tiations give same assurance of success when fee bends of government get together. One reason often advanced Romney Starts Campaign for this opposition is th a t p failure ad the sum m it a n any of the greet w ar and pence Is­ sues, such as di i arm ament, would inevitably create gr a ve new tensions and perhaps i n ­ crease instead of lessen tbs danger of war. Nevertheless, fee logic of tha U.S. position would leava the way clear to r a late r sum m it conference on disarm am ent if the "first stages u f negotia­ tions a t Geneva opened up eeru ous possibility uf agreem ent Keys Locked In; between E a st sa d West. Thus Mrs. Hannah that it fee Geneva meeting makes progress a sum m it Out In The Cold meeting la te r in the spring to possible. lt happens to everyone, in­ The 18 nations which a re la cluding Mrs. John A. Hannah. m eet a t Geneva a re the United Maybe you can’t blame your States, Britain, France. Italy housekeeper when you get lock­ and Canada a s fee Westons ed out of your dormitory room, side, Russia, Bulgaria, Chech­ hot Mrs. Hannah found herself oslovakia, Poland and Baaaania locked out, and fee children on the Cnmritaadst aids and locked in ad 11:15 Saturday eight neniHgawf Battens: B ra­ AAUP Group night. Where was the housekeeper? zil. Burma, Efetopfe, totdte. Mexico, N ig u ia . Snutfns and Meets to Discuss —A t fee Departm ent of Public Safety» trying to find a free fee United A rab ttepaM ic. The tone of KhnufKhe*'** k i ­ MSU’s Needs campus policeman to force op­ en a door so she could get back intends to m ake public soon, The cam pus chapter of the Tn fee house before Mrs. Han­ American Association of Uni­ nah returned home. The keys What, Me" is under stood to he d r l and free of fee pi n|isg—d i criti­ versity Professors «dll discuss were safely locked up in the “ A Self-Assessment of MSU’s Scholarly Reputation a i d A Democrat? cism of fee Western pewor i Needs” Monday a t • p.m . The COLUMBUS, Ohio UB-Mrs. meeting is open to staaoato and Catherine Woodruff received a the public. The four f e n f ty discussion message from President Ken- Weather ‘‘Good Lord, I wonder if he tbteka V m a D em ocrat” mm ■ ....... ^JS^PSHI WfS mwmm m m K m aSaam MÊSÊËÊ T: aaw yfl yt- .r-'.i - I - - - ......- ■- ■• m Ê Ê Ê Ê IB Ê Ê Ê Needed But Slow &® Ifc * ■ ¿a/ r •• • i ¿2 '• m Congress l a s finally taken th e step problems hot the major ones are financ­ which could mean a sigificant break in ing these ntutatts and giving them a place By SHARON COADY stands on vital oaves. Its work in spear- —Technical assistance to oth­ National Student Conference, its attitude against federal aid to educa­ to go to school. State BMP» Edkerial Page tugantood to present a a Ü leading “the er national student unions. publications eaptehiteg legis­ Editor (First la a series) student opinion to wee of tiie unions of —Travel program to Latin lation concerning stiMeats and tion. MSU teat spring faced an acute crisis ernments. Since of the free world la America to develop programs a series of four bmio on stu­ Senate approval Tuesday of a $2.67 bil­ when its budget was cut by a penny-con­ The NSA MB before Student lepieom t a« ever the partisan propa- to meet needs there. dent scious legislature. We felt this agony then Congress will undoubtedly stir proportion of the Bateau’s janth. ffltaortton of truth —Representation ft. the Latin A Michigan Stall investment lion college scholarship ]and construction and perhaps some of us felt it so keenly up congress iittib ar« A their this function can be * - by (he Catnmunlst-led American Student Conference, tat these servim» Woold be bill n a rk s a softening tow ard President that we forgot HSU was not the only meeting Wednesday night fit ably important if Union at Stu­ European Student Welfare Con­ about $1,800 par year. National Kennedy's entire education program. past yegrs, congressmen v a ra tbly. ference and International Stu­ dues are $195, region* dues 970 victim. 'v ~ - * often at their best when debat­ IN THE FAST NSA has taken te 1950-60 alone NSA’s'toter- dent Travel Conference. and convention expense! make Although the House and Senate still Colleges all over the nation are suffer­ ing whether to join this con­ stands on the House l*n A f r i ­ iaanai program included: —Exchange student program up the balance. :,17- have to reach agreement on several troversial student organization. can Activities Commuter >ask­ —Foreign student leadership with Poland, . Aside from tbo aationol con­ ing, too. Tuition is rising a t private NSA is the National Student ing for its rovtaoa or aMte NSA sponsored 75 —Low cost foreign travel gress, NSA has a national ex­ points» the fact th a t the Senate passed th e schools, forcing more students into grow­ Association, an organization tion), condemned Soviet Rus­ student leaders in this programs f o r member stu­ ecutive council, composed of controversial scholarship aid bill is sig­ ing state universities. The state univer­ Id ftady the structures dents. elected regional representa­ with more than 400 member sia for its action is nificant. The House earlier approved a sities haven’t the funds either and con­ colleges These represent 20 in 1988, deplored the operation of American Most of these services are tives, who meet periodically federal aid to education bill with provi­ sequently .m any would-be students are per cent of America’s colleges tion of students in Spanish eni- hi organizations. They re- annual projects. throughout the year. Tms coun­ sions only for classroom construction. The losing a chance at higher education. hnit over SO per cent of her versities. denounced 'Sere one full year. ON THE DOMESTIC scene cil is charged with carrying House will probably chop a considerable students. Africa's Apartheid ti —International student re- NSA has Utile to offer a well- out congress mandates and amount off the scholarships provision in i The Senate bill is narrow in scope but it CONGRESS WILL be debat­ couraged intergralien legute-4 tefcieos seminars. These dis- organized and developed stu­ may in an emergency set NSA does recognise these problems: The high ing Wednesday whether to join tion. [ ,j C . MMBons. are held on the reg- dent body. Student governments policy by a two-thirds vote. the Senate bill but a t least an inroad has such as MSU’s gain Utile by T h e organization employs been made. expenses fo r students, the lack of class­ NSA. Since it was organized 15 In taking such stands.. NSA years ago, NSA has been dis­ a c a d e m i c joining NSA since most at the five full-time officers and six room space and th r n e e d for junior col­ cussed, probed and turned jority organizations specific services full-time appointed staff mem­ Education's disastrous defeat in Con­ leges to take the load off large universities. * “ *of 11its" 5 S 5 ? - are aimed at setting up stu­ bers plus numerous office gress last year makes this year’s bill down at MSU. This year is un­ since ail policy decisions predictable since the executive dent governments. personnel. N E C members doubly important. The nation is about to — This bill would be a s ta rt toward meet­ In the same time period, serve one-year terms and may branch is exercising a strong face the bumper crop of w ar babies in ing the problems which th e states and lobby fine.Joining while several tional student voice aor even 1men* er delegation was one of however NSX sponsored a pro­ be re-elected. National officers college. They have already precipitated effectiveness a fte r a slashing session with congressmen are quietly work­ the voice of all its members IS Battona] unions of students gram with southern leaders to­ serve for one year and may crises a t th e elementary and secondary private schools, cannot possibly solve. ing behind the scenes to reject is, however, the onij large represented. ward increasing understanding be re-elected only once. Ap­ school level and next year will begin at the bill. , —An emergency appeal for in human relations, Student pointed staff members are The bill is bound to lose some of its organized student group in the limited to three year terms. the college level. In spite of these repeated de­ United States today aid to students in Chile after Editors’ Conference, Univer­ House members but it will still be a step bates. few people at MSU NSA takes tiwse pate? tin earthquakes and t i d a l sity Press Service (news ex- Wednesday: Criticisms of An ever-increasing number, of the na­ toward recognising the crying need for realize what NSA is—its values stands because it feels it has an waves there. (change between campuses). NSA.— '. tion’s youth In this age group are college assistance-to America’s colleges and uni­ and limitations. obligation and duty 6» m ate students. This creates a multitude of versities. NSA was organized in 1947 to known the views of at least answer a crying need, both some of the nation’s students here and abroad, for some type When legislation such as feder­ of international exchange at the al aid to higher educate» la student level. NSA was formed before Congress and acartrnwr Classroom-Training Obsolete? and expanded into a domestic freedom is being denied t e n t service and exchange organiza­ ty and students 90 miles off tike tion. _ Florida coast, NSA feels R Chances are good that you cut at least one Unfortunately, ini most schools seminars Its members are ail college must present students* reac­ class this week and dozed off several times are-reserved for graduate students or for sen­ students; they speak primarily tions and opinions on these during lectures. But in spite of this, you prob. ior honor students. Obviously, .-these are not through regional conferences issues. According to its con­ ably scrawled out quite a stack of class notes. the only persons who need to learn. held twice a year and a na­ cepts, it is failing in Rs pur­ This seeming paradox points up a question With the decreased number of lecture per­ tional congress held each sum­ pose and failing to serve concerning the classroom system: Does it iods in seminars the teacher can prepare his mer. Delegates are elected at America’s students if E does remarks with a personal, fresh and orignal large from member universi­ not work for the student inter­ serve the purpose it was designed for? ties Or student governments se­ est, ~ fi approach. “ Sheer waste” is what Nathan Glazer, an Lectures cair lend themselves to useful lect representatives." NSA’S GREATEST ceutn te - American educator and author, calls the aver­ services. The teacher may argue with the These delegates meet yearly tion has been in the rnafcp «f age classroom in the October issue of Harper’s students’ reading assignments; be may sup. to formulate NSA policy, dis­ international understamfiw? Its magazine. - cuss objectives and projects, plement or arrange the material for them. But exchange ideas and elect na­ foreign programs are numer­ “ It ia not particularly vicious waste,” be it’s doubtful that be needs 45hours a semester tional officers. ous. It has been commended by writes, “except insofar as it dulls minds to do this. NSA is most famous for its-three major deanss’ szganaza- and irritates and frustrates students and teach­ Students would be better off reading more ers. Nor doss it prevent useful and necessary books, thinking more, working more and things from being done in the colleges.” jtaking fewer notes. v v ~ A student listens to some 45 hours of lec­ This is. not to condemn the classroom or ture in each three-hour course during a se­ mester. Few subjects in the humanities and social sciences can efficiently use this much the teacher; it is to call attention to possible deficiencies—deficiencies-which can perhaps be corrected to make college more profitable. Letters to the Editor lecture time, Glazer claims. , tions need more than aa ex­ But the fact that radios work, bridges stand (From the Campos Chat of North Texas U.) South Africa pert. South Africa meeds pcac- f tical persons, coantrwrtrt»! and bomba explode may indicate that teach­ To the Editor: Clitics ami expectations Chased AMERICAN BROTHER SISTER PROGRAM—Dr. Homer Higher, Assistant ing in the sciences is not such a waste, Glazer After an interview with Dr. on facts) about the fetor* admits. Ia fact, he makes no attempt to ana­ - Michigan Slate News De Blij, professor of geogra­ Johann B. de Snrordl D m ef the International program, and I.C. Shah, Director of the International Cooperation Committee, discuss the American Brother-Sister Program with lyze instruction in-this field. Published by the students of Michigan State phy, Judy Marucco of the State University VHag* I interested students. The committee Is launching a new campaign this week Teachers—good teachers—can perhaps give University. Issued on class days Monday News Staff, published an ar­ seeking American students who wish to participate in the program. —State New* several series of good lectures, he says, and through Friday, during the fall, winter and ticle about South Africa ap­ the average student can occasionally make spring quarters. Issued twice weekly during, proximately three months ago. Ann Arbor Edit Photo by Paul Remy. a contribution to the class discussion. the summer term. Second class postage paid Although many articles do — I at East LansingL Michigan. not m ent the courtesy of a To the Editor: _ _ | H it he believes moat of the teachers’ lec­ reply, I shall like to make a tures are not as good as the texts, which prob­ Editorial and badness offices at 341 Stu­ dent Services building, Michigan State Uni­ few comments. might be interested in ti £ f e £ Of Brother-Sister Program ably aren’t ton good. lowing editorial which appear­ versity, East Lansing, Michigan. Dr. De Blij’s opinion about ed in the Ann Arbor News Feb­ His answer? Seminars. In the seminar system the teacher generally lectures only once a week and can thus give MaU subscriptions payable in advance for me term, $3; two terms, $4; for three terms, 15. South Africa sounds very hos­ ruary 5: tile, but-on the other hand be “When it was announced dar­ contradicts himself to such an ing the Michigan * i&chscw Director Discusses Activities better lectures. The students—working in Member of the Associated Press, Inland extent that his views are in State hockey game Satmday By L C. SHAH week of the quarter is .an in­ factory. However, because small, informal groups— can delve more Daily Press Association, and the Associated favor of South Africa. night that Purdue bad clobber­ Director formal coffee hour where for­ more and more foreign Stu­ deeply into a single subject - College press. 1. He points out that Afri­ ed MSU in basketball He rear International Cooperation eign students get to meet Amer. dents are enrolling, the prov caners sincerely believe that of joy from Sfidugaa Committee ¡can participants in He pro­ gram needs still more Ameri­ A growing number of foreign gram-and faculty members. can students, who, incidentally, no matter how much schooling probably came as no Usually, at this time each also benefitby participating in a black man receives, be will to Spartan students to the Gate | ctaiVnU have made experi­ ‘‘What I Want Is A Not-So-Compact Model” never really be civilised. Im­ seum. They have become sease- ments in international rela­ American participant is as­ the Brother-Sister program. mediately following, he stress­ wbat accustomed — although | tions. a regular feature of signed a foreign broHer or In He first place, ifprovidcs ed the fact that the Africaners not reconciled— to this exprea-i Michigan State University. sister. These participants are an opportunity to meet some­ Our campus has the distinc­ usually required to undergo one from a distant land, to h a v e dona a tremendous sion of antagonism from U-M two short training sessions dur­ learn of his country and his cul­ amount for the Bantu and have followers. tion at haring 87 different na­ tionalities among its enrolled ing spring term. ture. spent enormous sums of money Word from East Laaamg is The American brother or Secondly,' they help to de­ to educate the black races. He that State’s girt cheerfeadBS Meet of the foreign students sister helps his foreign count­ velop a favorable image of the even -mentioned that several deeply resented Ho bees thot are from Asia, Africa, and erpart to finding houritig, United States for their foreign universities for the Bantu were greeted them every tru e Hey SouH America. The majority »laces to eat and different friends—the image that will be buffi. - £ 3 a rr*»r Z s m * Hem are graduate students tried to lead^a creer miriag H e j ^ oeehnieal courses. — uildings on the campus. They carried back to India, Nigeria, 2. Dr. De Blij said that the recent MSU-U-M televised bas- ! ^ ^ busy with their also take them around He city, New Zealand and the many United States State Department ketbeH game m Yost field-i stxidies H at they hardly have to He lecture-concert series other homelands. should take a more stern at­ house, Someone aa opportunity of knowing He and sports events. The peoples of the world are titude towards African affairs. enouigh to suggest Hat if State American way-of-life. More­ During winter quarter, He passing through a cultural In the same paragraph he had brought some teas over, daring their first quarter I.C.C. sponsors free trips to crisis. The only way to over­ stated that it ia no business of with the cheerleaders, He Hey are handicapped with dif- nearby—Industrial plants for come it is by communication the United States to meddle in wouldn't have been so firnhirs to adjusting to dif­ the foreign student» .who are among these- different peoples the domestic affairs at South able. Seems the gtrfs férant surroundings, e dif­ accompanied by American stu­ which ultimately must lead to Africa. thought some of He ferent language and- different dents and members of the-} consideration of others and bet­ 3. In the last paragraph Dr. manlike tossing of debris. people. faculty. _ ter understanding. De Blit said South Amca is the basketball ____ finer wasj_____ With tins to mind, the 4n- Last weekend such a trip was The United States is playing not really an ally of the United atthem . EveryoneeieekaewE teraatiooai Cooperation Com- taken to thp K.V.P. Sutherland a vital role to shaping global States. At least the U.S. mili­ was a protest against H e e f f i - of ^ tfhh&rsity stu- Company in Kalamazoo. opinion today; Hence it is ex*, tary organization does -not ciating. ., ' ¿éoÉ, Government initiated the Many other activities such as tremely important that people share this view. Maybe it is time w | ^American Brother-Sister Pro» panel discussions, ^seminars, in every corn*' of the world The American naval forces gan fans to consider m b ibm gnu&T a few vears ago, _ social hours, essay contests and have a true picture of this recently participated in the they are hurtingHem sefem hy| R * n «¿empt to make foreign student bulletins are country. combined South Afrtean-British unreasonable expressiara ef ] gtodents feel at home being planned. You will be contributing to naval exercises and when ag­ hostility toward He " > ; s s o r from borne and help them The response by the Ameri a great project by your active gressive communism had to be ing school. A healthy «riafrr to understand the American can students has been satis­ participation in the program. repelled ia Korea, South Af­ is one thing, but tiie feeing : society to its many aqiects. rica immediately joined the isn’t kept within timss feeamfe. I « h o t are some of the actiri- United States on the battle­ It even reaches the faculty aad ! sponsored under this pro- /Trig tUOPSt ) field. r administrative level at times, gram* ■THIN6 A0OUT South Africa has actively par­ Speaking of h n rtfg . An MSU] y» begin with, welcoming 6lASSE5iSnMN6 ticipated ia two world wars, dean recently observed H at letters are aoot out to newly i TOkHPDt» J standing side by side with the Michigan State’s 9 stixsH iiri Inrrlfn students. Dor- V CLÉANÍ J other Western powers tnclud- “plays about twice no wtST ^hg f e beginning of the fall ing the United States. against He W olvertnraH lfcte Itérai — when most of the for- fit the State News of Febru­ igan Stadium as in E ast Lao- « ü a sfaihrii arrive — signs ary 7, a similar article about ring. The team gets firad qp by are pasted a t the airport, rail South Africa was published. the bee« and the H as aiagac way aad has stations explain- And the crttidom by Or, De “(Md McDoaaht h a t n teB m ,".iaq[bew te*ettoH ecam pusor Bffi was aach as He previous when Ha Spart— enow entlwhxm in call for free trans- FÖR50ME REASONTKATS article-very deelructfva aad ef H e trirrtf ieadtag hdte H e portation. ^ v ' worse TUM Q/tR! even mere Mettle. A in Arbor itsdhiai. he — E | Far this servie*and tempor His suggestion for solving the Which makes us woatiir if vise ary housing arrangements, i problems—“a clear declaration old toaBy Dangkerty à c a t i committee worked TH6VftÜlrt3 lASTE VBPr'öOfiP of moral separation from H i plant • few ef Ms t a p i a r a s i the dock a t—Owen Republic af H a H Africa”- * H a entrance to Met H e r t i f f ( M H Center last fall. even more destructive. - la tta r tfcn any pap- talc 1» During Registration Weak, a C q M M C I IB coaid give the ptajvrs. •desk Is sa t « p a t the IM Bulld- ¿«S53&SS W pH p learning of a country's prob­ u i i w i s n s M f 'a a g i s aaWat loreiga Codants lem* cm nafee yox an expert CSaas af 1 H C f W lejftiraHwt H Ha pdrtw t hat t e a t e Y^bBm sCI * Aiiiüü^ji ir f jgjfy ih# fir ?1 ft-^ naturiv.- v.‘.^Ar?i¿á&Am¡ »«Ufe ‘’'fifi ■ n i-n. - . / .iV i J:-. . 1 ’j. 'V- c- '■ ¡MI . .•..ïjii-, ' ; j.. BWSMPBsWP I« m SM . □ 2 2 0 .1 □□□□□□ □322173 a o u a j Night editor. Isabel 'Bacii; 300:133 011203 H dtttail news echter, Brandon □3ü 30233 333 Brown; wire editor, Keun scn st □330 03 3301 Yeah. Copy editore, linda Lot- t. Arine* □□□□033 □□□□□ ridge. Khtty Ryan, T on Win­ C P rtM M I 333 302 guidance, junior and senior The MSU Army ROTC rifle Army were Nick Steen with ter BUI Yancey, Copy editor, f . T w ille d asoao 3320030 Mgliindustrial arts, men’s and team captured first place in 288 out ef a possible 300, Fletch­ Ed Koltar; Night sports editor, f a b r ic - 13. D u tc h -V □□□□ DO 3333 women’s physical edncation, a quadrangle match heM Sat­ er Monmafjh with 284. Robert Luther Ardforb. com m un« □ 0 2 E3E2G 3 O B2 English, science; gen. science, Harding with 219» Doug Mac- 1 1 E m b o ld e n C30Ü02 Ü3333F3 btengjr, toe. itiscBes, math and urday morning in Dhmoadtra- C3eery With 278, and John Corte 13. P e n u r y aaUULÎJ 003303 senior high Latin and special tion Hall. > with 277. 17. S p a sm * o f □□3121 33033 edncatiim. d is tre s s Mertianinl, chemical, dvfl à 1 The Army team compiled . Second place was grabbed by 1«. Varna electrical engineers; chemis­ New T a k U b las. Ce. Math MM points from a possible *1500 the MSU Air Force with a lft. Fatalist try, accoaating, production ,and statistics majors. in competition with the MSU seme Of 1399. th e top scorer management mad all majors Republic Steel Corp. (Sales Air Force, University of To­ for the Air Force and the en­ from the College o f Butine» Training and Development) All ledo, Army, and Central Michi­ tire match was Ron Haugen and Public Service. ; ^ engineering majors aad CoL gan Army teams. with 292. On the Air Force Team \ H. J. Betas Co. Mechanical leges of Science and Arts, Busi­ The top fiye scorers for MSU he was followed by Carl Behne engineers, chemistry and bac­ ness and Public Service. } with 281. Perrin Durllhg with f teriology majors and all ma­ 277, John Baumgras with 275 jora from the College of Busi­ Riverside City Schools. Jun­ P o w e r s ’ reconnaissance -and ijarold Durling with 274. ness and Public Service. ior and senior men’s and worn, plane fell 1.200 mUes inside Russia on May 1, i960. The The Central Michigan marks­ en’s physical education, social men scored 1364' and its top Oscar Mayer A Ce. All ma­ studies, English, foreign lan­ pilot was seized, accused of jors from the College of Agri- guages, math, science, business espionage, pleaded guilty at a scorer was Dale Coffman with culture, chemistry, bacteriol­ education,, biological science, trial in Moscow and was sen­ 278. — IX S p y In f lo r ogy ^packaging, accounting ma­ all elementary education and tenced to IQ .years in prison. The University of Toledo m i l i ta r y jors; mechanical engineers, p u rp o a ta special education • mentally re­ He had 2imonths in prison be­ compiled 1353 and its top scorer 24. A p p r o a c h « * iood technologists, general tarded. hind him when he was- re­ was James ELey with a score OS. T a u t \ ‘ business and production man­ leased. of 280. Walentine, bei mir du bist Z7. S w o r d p la y agement majors. 30. T o u c h in g Moca than Chubby to the Twist Reynolds Metal Co. Chemical Vcrsity Drive In 34. S p e c ie s More Hungarian than Liszt 3 8. U n c o n s t r a t o t electrical, mechanical and met. More than Pompadour to Lows 37. Inclines aUurgical engineers; packag­ More than Frarmy it to looey 39. Fido's ing majors. antagonist More than panty Is to raid 4ft. Stupid — — Arthur Yoongfc Co. Account­ 1 2 2 7 E. G R A ND RIVER Common Market to foreign trade person ing majors. Brothers Smith to stek giraffe 4L Without Baxter^ Laboratories, Inc. O PE N EVERY D A Y 5 : 0 0 P.M . deductions More than Barry is to TAF - CZ. C lim b in g Marketing, accounting, biology, DELIVERY SERVICE M ON. - SA T . In proof, whereof, I send fif you p la n t chemistry, purchasing admin­ The Valentine of '62 4 3. I m p o r t u n o istration, and marketing ma­ 8 : 3 0 P.M . - 1 .3 0 A.M . 44. F r e s h jors; mechanical and electri­ Thrdofliior od(tooterriod. — « .G o H g n d * * cal engineers. rf SUN D A Y 5 : 0 0 P .M . - 1 : 3 0 A.M . Itebook 4 3 . As taras Cadillac Motor Car Division of General Motors Corp. Me­ ED 2 4 6 1 7 chanical engineers. Changes Made In ROTC Staff The Ctncfasnati Gas A Elec­ tric Co. Electrical, mechanical and civil engineers. The Falk Corp. Electrical, mechanical, and metallurgical “Real Cool.” Man, engineers. General Foods Corp. Chem- Rut The Glasses 4stry, packaging, food technol­ ByShei Sthrerstein ogy, biochemistry majors and Were Empty - all majors from the College of It might be accepted practice 4th printing. $1.50 Business and Public Servicer to_chill your wine glasses be­ Send your love with flower«. Your Valentine Simon and Schuster Science and Arts, Communica- fore "use. but stashing them ; tion Arts: chemical, electrical would love a date * time corsage . . . or lasting in the snow under bushes near .and mechanical engineers. Ho­ the Student Services building home a r r a n g e m e n C_Send heart • warming tel restaurant and institutional is carrying things a bit too far. management. The, Department of Public Valentine wishes with flowers from . . . CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINES: 1 p .m . Day Before Publication for Tuctu Wed., Thurs. KVP-Sutherland Paper Co. Packaging and chemistry ma­ jors; chemical engineers. AU Safety reported receiving a set of five wine glasses^ two of East Lansing ; - plates and a knife Saturday We telegraph Flowers World Wide and Fri. Editions. Deadline for Mon. Edit ion : 1 p .m . FrL majors from the "College of night, found in the horticulture PHONE: 355-8255 or 355-8256 Business and Public Service gardens. and production administration. The owner may identify and Mena Shores Schools. AU ele­ claim the service at the De­ PERSONAL mentary education, senior high partment of Public Safety. AUTOMOTIVE 1959 PONTIAC, green, 2 doorT A-1 ROOMS MlCHi&AM STATE University grad- u iUga wq\ «variable at the Cad •O X O FFIC E ADMISSION shape, low mileage, original owner. TV and. kitchen facilities avaiUbl. $1295. IV 2-5275. See Washtenaw at per month. IV 4-7406 before Shop. Inchidei degree «ral, 3 „en­ OFEN ADULTS — $1.00 Pine, Lansing. 29 graved initiait, choice of 10 si ones. 77 N IG H TLY STUDENTS — .75 IV 2-1797 evenings or weekend: 1959 VOLKSWAGON, sunroof-de­ 6:45 (with- L0.) ONE SINGLE attractive well furnish­ luxe, white waits, radio, etc, $1250. ed room for employed woman or grad­ Call Sam, ED -3-2573 or ED 7-994-4. uate student. One block from Knapp's. LAST I DAYS 28- Garage. Call ED 2-2811. After 6:00 call ED 2-1760. _ T7 SNEAK PREVIEW WED. EMPLOYMENT SINGLE ROOM for -graduate or INTERESTING WORK in East Lan­ older male student. Refrigerator. Part­ sing, for wives of students. Must be ing. 4fb blocks from campus. ED 2- MARIE'S FASHIONS and Marine good typists. Employment during col­ 4941. ~ _28 Corp. Auxiliary presents style show " Theso characters are lege terms. Write 1Greenville Daily andTvecheon. Holiday Inn. Noon, Feb. undeniable. They ere News, Greenville. Michigan. 31 LOST and FOUND 14. Tickets at M aricl, "“Lowray’s or­ gans. and Woody’s—Hardware. Phone as accurate de/in- \jfl _M ALE STUDENT (graduate prefer­ LOST: TAN. PURSE between tesdae ED 7-1425. $235, door prises. 28 eations ofjsocial J red) to assist handicapped attorn :y and in arising and retiring. In return,„.stu­ Bessey. Appreciate only- return phenomena aa L n't dent will receive rent, plus possible of Don’s pictures. TU 2-2975 after were Scott Fitz- I ’"w i extra compensation, IV 5-8144, Ext. 5:30. - 27 MUST SACRIFICE. $775 assumes geratd'a loose , 418. Evenings, 484-1938. 27 mortgage. 3 bedroom • brick rancho PERSONAL S«semen* gas heat, fenced yard, large tipped sports of r ORN. HORT. and LAND. ARCH, lot. Near schools. £603 Helfendele, the Jazz Age. studentu. Saturday and Sunday retail COLLEGE MANOR Hairstylists offer Hesiett FE 4 2472. _______ — 28 It ia powerful. commission sales of plants and gar­ you their "expert services—latest trends den supplies. Orientations prior to late —10% student discount! Call today. shocking and %J i C* . March start. Teviss Landscape Center. ED 2 3H3, 224 Abbott Road,"~ldowr SERVICE ilis i IV 4-7753, 12-7 p.m. 3t stairs). 27 realistic /" J[ v EXPERIENCED babysitter. I will, do VAN DERVOORTS offers 4- day -ski babysitting in my home days, ED 2- trip. $10.50 pays for transportation 0439. 29 (IN ENGLISH) SHORT WAVE radio. Hallicrafter. skilift, breakfast, freconstruct,on*. ED 2 ANN BROWN, typist and multilith­ Model S-3BD w’rth earphones. Like 2H4. , — 3C ing, General typing, term papers, the­ PLUS: A HAPPY, BAWDY. GALLIC-COMEDY newriCaW IV 2-7276. 1 29 ses. dissertations, "duplicating. ED 2- Beq, IRON and 8384. H “T H E LO V E GAME” springs and mattress OFFICIAL BURR - PATTERSON Starring "JEAN-PIERRE CÁSSEL 9 8:30 only THESES TYPING, printing. IBM Elec­ 8993 after 6. tric typewriters. Editing end proof­ UNDERWOOD NOISELESS type- SORORITY & FRATERNITY JEWELRY reading available. Wonch G rafe Serv­ writer, good condition. Needs ribbon. ice. 1720—E. Michigan Ave, Lansing Only $2S. Student desk, limed oak, I 484-77S6. H drawer -*nd book shelves. Like new. $15. ED 2-8709. 28 EDIE STARR. Experienced urtheies rod, IBM Excellent Jqualüy on muiti- In love . . .. with the FREE £«7 ENLARGEMENT. Limit one ith mostees. Coll OR 7-8232. . - ■39 to customer. Bring this ad to Marek Re«all Prescription Center by JFrandgr, TYPING BY WOMAN years secretano! experience. same dry cleaner 301 N. Clipped. No purchase neces­ 673ft. O ur future ift in thn hands of men not ynt hired sary! Offer ends Feb. 19. 31 trailers _______________ -________ TERM PAPERS TYPED, reasonable tes. TU 2 3064. —44 VAN DYKE 1454. 10x40, front kit Cwpfd doe ( n ’t wear chen completely set up. Phone ED 2 BABYSITTING IN my Spartan ViHage 6170. 21 ime Mi or pad time. Call 355-305?. clothe« . . . bot you do! 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home. 36x8, Let «or modern dry clean­ top condition, -carpeted living room, EXPERT THESES and General Typing . bathtub, shower, desk. Mila from cam- Electric typewriter. Seventeen years Challenging appsrtawiHes exist new at W*st*m Home Economics Bidg. experience. One block frord Brody. ing method« keep years tlectrk «or ntyctricaL nyehooicahJMiMltial. and chami» pus. Must soft. ED-2-5210. , 31 ED 2 5545. -If always date-ready . . . at col anginaars, as wait ai phyt tad scianca, iiharpl arts, and hoilnaai nw»|ars. AN ganftftl d applicants will ra- TRANSPORTATION the ring of an arrow! We’ll 'r -.*•-■ y *"v 1• '-ji•j:1.j • ceivacoraful c«n»ld«ipW»n lor ernpleyment withavt GARAGE NEAR campus jud off Grand River. Call ED 2*5102 before WANTED. RTDE to Pennsylvania, do a sweetheart af a job? 7:30 "a.m. or after S (wn. 27 New York or New Jersey, weekend of Feb. 24. 355 1545 V jj| APARTMENTS________ PROGRAMS —^UNFURNISHED apartment for refit NEW YORK-JERSEY. foi spring inter- for 2-or 3 people. I block from Union. r num . Chartered Grey Hound buses Available after 15th. Contact 337*) 863. PADDLES Waving Fnday. Sahaday andTMoaday, 27 March 16 IT. and t f. IrKpnre now! Ad Upturn, 355-9322._________ H Frantlo r WANT GIRL to shore large bed­ room. Jiving room and kitchen. Very reesenablc. Near transportation. ED 2, FAVORS WANTED Shopping Electric S977. i 29 CRESTS INlAU-REID’S "Le Detection and Crìmtnai M orsjekas’’ and A. S. Os­ ROOMS borne s ’Questioned Documents.” Colè C rater tlN G U KQOM. kftchae pnvddgot, INVITATIONS 355-8212- 29 semaind«' of farm nnd spring, term. 207 Rumscy, !V 4-8151, after 7 pun. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS BELATED ITEMS HIGH READERSHIP I VACANCY in Steadman House tor hoys night downtown. Privat« entrance, LOW COST wmmwm HM h H B M ' By JIM SILBAR Stole N m Sports Writer Tuetaf tai for the toyehest part of the schedule the Spar­ tan Gymnastic team raised their season record to 6-1 by winning « one-sided victory ov­ er University of Illinois Chicago Brandi. We have anticipated your g ift needs for Valentine’s Day and have a large selection from which to choose. Intramural Program vou ñ am e it DISODUNTS ON U L LP* " NEEDLES, W E OIIC SHOP The book store ** MSU designed with Sweatshirts you , the student , styled by Champion in m ind Valentines Mon^Twm, Thara. d l l re fre s h e s y o u r tai Owe «top shop with all your many needs F ii. Sat. 8:80 . 8:30 a ir - s p fte n s //e v e ry puff d jb c tf/- uS • -A Salem cigarette brings you th e taste o f S p rin gtim e... so soft and refreshing. P u ff after p u ff...p a c k after p a ck ... Salem sm okes fresh and flavorful every tim e. Sm oke refreshed.. . sm oke Balenai L ocated C on ven ien tly A cross F rom Berkey • menthol fresh • rich tobacco ta ste • modern filter, too *db 1.1Iili B *i - T-—* • j Ct.f r f fc»* J l i n iMi («Hkm I U I HockeÿTeam Drops doomr e la» . Coach Findley Colline la in the process of brildtaf a team for the com­ SUpiito Fourth Place < ■ ing Big Tea a a ü f an4 feels Hobbe ooaU da * better job at Tankers Losé to OSU, CONFERENCE ALL GAMES x W L ?ct. W L Pet. 8 0 1.000 18 0 1.000 6 1 .837 13 4 .765 5 2 .714 13 3 .813 5 4 .556 12 . 6 .667 _ 3 3 500 9 7 .563 \ 3 4 429 9 8 .529 2 4 333 4 12 .250 State 9s ~ 2 6 " .250 2 7 .222 2 7 .222 7 10 .412 7 10 .412 6 13 .316 By GARY RONBERG State News Sports Writer _ Frigid shootingcaused Michi­ gan State's third basketball loss in a row Saturday after­ noon as the.Spartans bowed Ti­ l l to second-place Wisconsin at Madison. State, hitting on less than 30 per cent of its shots for the second straight game, man­ aged but 24 field goals in 81 attempts against the Badgers. “We just couldn't put the bail through the hoop,” coach Ford- dy Anderson said. “The kid* played"“hard -and worked » ball in for good shots — a n then couldn’t make them.*/ »ANION KNIT SHIRTS “There’s no e.xpiana#» for a poor shooting pEr» An outstanding value. ..full formaace like we suMfred threagh today.” 7 Sophomore g u a r v Bill i fashioned 100% textralized Schwarz continued P fine work since becoming « ta rte r, nylon knit for the active sports leading State scorer/ with 21 points. Schwarz coaActed_on enthusiast. Short »Igeved with eight of 13 attempt/ from the field and sank fid of eight free throws / ribbod cuffs and bottom; MSU Capt. M Schwann had 14 points, gfd Bill Berry mochine washable, quick 12. if Wisconsin wiff topped by Ken drying. Britannia blue, sand Siebel's 23 paps, and 14-point performance^ by Tom Gwyp and Mike qShelia. Tom Hugh- stone, chelsea green, stone banks finidtad with 10. The Ba/gers led 3041 at blue, red, white, block in halftime^nd State managed to pull p tk ia six, 47-41 early sizos S,M,l,XL 6.98 la thepcond half. Bat when the Sprtaas fell victim to namePHU baU-bandling aad travdug violations. Wiscon­ sin purged to a 64-42 margin J A C O B S O N 'S M EN ’S S H O P wUf nine minutes left, t i e Spartans began creeping 210 ABBOTT ROAD ~ 8 ~ EAST LANSING unfbut when State pulled with- \jf nine points with three riuuteg to go, the Badgers stalled and capitalized on MSU fools. EN G IN EER S... ..Coach Anderson was puzzled by tiie contest 8C IEN TI8T8 You ire cordiaNy invited to attend a private participate in the initiation of advanced IM Schedule interview with a Specie) Representative e f Lockheed Missiles & Space Company. technological developments. Further, Lockheed strongly encourages BASKETBALL Court 6 p.m. Gym Objective: Pursue mutual interests by continuing education and advanced degree 3 Carthage •Cavalier examining the almost limitless fields of work, maintaining two programs in their 4 Cabanas • Cachet II endeivor,bring investigated at Lockheed. support. 5 West Shaw 1 . 3 III Lockheed Missiles 6 Space Company in ■ Lockheed's Tuition Reimbursement Pro­ 6 East Shaw1 - 3 111 Sunnyvale and Palo Alto, California, on the gram remits seventy-five percent of the 7 p.m. very beautiful San Francisco Peninsula, i* tuition for approved courses taken by 3 Cache • Casino constantly probing all *he sciences related professional and technical people, who 4 Carlton • Caravelle II 5 West Shaw 2 ~ 5 Hf to missiles and space projects. These cover are working full time. . 6 East Shaw 2 . 5 III th e c o m p le tesp e ctru m —from human * The Graduate Study Program permits 8 p.m. engineering through celestial m echanics- selected engineers and scientists of out­ 8 Caribbean - Cameron -1! providing a-fascinating challenge to those standing scholarship and professional 4 West Shaw 6 - 8 II whose Interests ley beyond the ordinary potential to obtain advanced dpgrsa t at 5 East Shaw 6 . 8 lit dey-to-day job. company expense while employed ont 6 Ravenhill - Ramsey III Lockheed. Systems Manager tor such research assignments. M IN ’S WASHABLE 9 p.m. -—~ projects as the Navy POLARIS FBM and 3 Casopolis - Cambridge I! "TW IST" JACKET 4 West Shaw 7 - 1 0 H the Air Force DISCOVERER and MIDAS 5 East Shaw 7... 10 HI __ Satellites, is also an important contributor How spring action-pocked 6 Ravenna . Random HI to various NASA programs Involving som t SPECIAL CAMPUS HOCKEY of the nation's most interesting and sophi •- INTERVIEWS jacket for sports enthusiasfs. 9:30 p.m. West Shaw • Bryan ticatad concepts. A t one of the largest _ wiil bo hold Poncho styled cotton poplin 10:15 p.m. ltather - Vets organizations of its kind, the Company pro- vides the finwst technical equipment avail­ Monday A Tuesday pullover, glen plaid linad able; for «temple, the Sunnyvale facility FEBRUARY ISA » featuring two-way tab col* SERVING houses one of the mori modem computing cantor« In the world. Every opportunity it See your placement officefordetalle lor/ chest pocket, plus sido . given members of the technical staff to LUNCH and placket zip closures. In the season's lotest colors- 11-1 natural, pewter groen, light biua. Sizes 36-46* I M S GASAMM 90.2 an reu«. oeroxTuNitY tweujYt* fg fp? soc — 7:80 PJH. “Operation Correction” and meeting, Un­ ion ballroom. By CLEMENS UtitfeCKf V Gemei IW D m Greap — p Of T h *»iataN *w M lsif 7:30 pjp.. n Uabm. r li The book' drive to help fffl tie library shelves of the Uni­ versity of Nifitafil 1« schedatiti SAVANT ter Monday through Friday. D ry C leaners Use university’s newly - con­ structed library with a 5« ,000 volume capacity has Only 10,000 S k irt L aunders books. ■n ?-• Dafly Pick Up At Used or new college level East Skew Hall textbooks .reference books, 'F ra n 11*1 novels—hard cover or paper A back»—are needed. Book do­ Sooth Case Hall nations can be made at col­ 4-1:30 lection points in classroom IV 4*7441 buildings, Unit» concourse, 'student services, and dormi­ tories. In supporting the book drive for the University of Nigeria. PAT GRAFF and BRUCE BANCROFT President John A. Hannah said: “ 1 hope sincerely that the it* students and faculty ef Michi­ Seniors of the Week gan Sta* U n i v e r s i t y will tim e strongly fuppert the drive to fo r Greek Council VP’s Honored collect books for the University of Nigeria. r “This is more than an or­ dinary campaign, became Michigan Stata tata bad a Hie slimmest trimmest slack ever tailored. Se c a t e r p il l a r t r a c t o r c o ---------- . ’I N T E R V IE W S ■ ——— nated and replaced with TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY an ingenious s a i l e r FEBRUARY 20 & 21, 1962 front. 0 11 ve, Black, Brown, Navy, W. e -4 » m i Ml B dHRPUriO m i OCBNCO—to* I * MSCARCHami pCVta#CNl PtOOUCT «SIGN p ro d u ct u x o c i \ ^ u in M O M O B o d IF YOU WANT- " * opportunity « h o ld yfttaVtam by wMUag h oN toM «ontribvNne »MwNMf n * e tu datag « M e o o tJ ta B 1 BLOCK E A ST O F CAM PUS H WRCVdMg OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. FBI. A SAT. - 'Og* sp tedaitayasd 211 EAST GRAND RIVER PUCÖMNT ALSO AT _ _ gm Wwfwfm w ^oprae osflBbM idhr WeeBWeim 212* N. LARCH US 27 & 4700 S. CEDAR US 127 EAST LANSING nual Pre-Inventory 1 WEEK Campus Book Store ONLY During The-Campus Book Store’s [special Annual Pre-Inventory Sale Check These Big New SPECIALS Record — Stationery- 50% off * ~ — a Sheaffer Statesman Fountain pen valued at — ^ v - i: $15ie f or $9i0 — a $3.95 MSU Desk pen and base for . . . . . . . . . . . 95c Yes - a bargain at regular prices and now - a Special Offer to build your Record library. — a Sheaffer Student Special Ballpoint $2L28 value for 98c Thousands Of Records ■: * From Hie Twist To The Classics. O th er sale Item s in c lu d e s assorted Jackets and Sweatshirts 30 to 50% off - N ew - U sed P a p e r B o u n d s ( s o m e n ew a n d so m e s h e lf w o r n ) N ew • U sed F ictio n • N o n fictio n $4.00 Notebooks - ABU imprint - f o r . . . . . N ew v . C h ild ren s B o o k s w G am es N ew * U sed T e x t B o o k s T yp ew riters S tu ffe d A nim al» A rt P rin ts a n d m a n y o th e r item s Book Store a ll p riced to se fl in th is (arrass from the Usimi Building) B ig S a le (a ero sa fr o m th e U n lo n B u ild in g )