M onday M orn in g, F ebruary 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 Michigan State Newa SPOTLIGHT, Monday Morning, February 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 ■ ■ ~ (All This Week) PRICES CUT!! On Hundreds Of Books. This Is A Pine Opportunity To Build Up Your Library Or Buy Gift Books. Values to >17* at Savings Up to 60%. Pre-Inventory PAPERBOUNDS USED BOOKS Fiction — Textbooks s New — — Used Hundreds of titles Large Stock at a A Educational & Popular Fraction of original prices L — 2 for 25c or 40V 50% 60% 70% OFF E 10 for $1.00 REFERENCE BOOK BUYERS Selected U mhI P rice Sale P r ic e Children’s 1 Set o n ly — 1 9 5 8 E n cyclop ed ia B ritan n ica 1 7 9 .0 0 - 9 9 .0 0 1 O NLY — 1 9 6 1 E n cyclop ed ia B ritannica Atlas 2 9 .0 0 - _ 1 0 .0 0 Books & 1 Set o n ly — 1 9 5 8 E n cyclop ed ia A m ericana - 1 9 5 .0 0 - 9 5 .0 0 1 Set o n ly — 1 9 5 8 E n cyclop ed ia B ritan nica Jr. 9 5 .0 0 - 4 5 .0 0 Games 1 S et o n ly ~ 1 9 5 8 E n cyclop ed ia B ritannica $ 3 2 5 .0 0 - $ 1 4 5 .0 0 LARG E COLLECTION O F P R IN T S " SPECIAL O F T H E M ASTERS — PR E-M O U N TE D - R E A D Y FO R FRAM ING - (F R A M E S A V A IL A B L E ) (S im U p to 2 x 3 F e e t) ACROSS FROM TH E UNION BUILDING M ichigan Stale New» SPOTLIGHT, M onday M orning, February 1 2 , 1962- ■ SA N D R A L A R C H , B irm in g h am fre sh - n, ia t U a w eek'» SPO T L IG H T cover by Michigan State News « p h o to g ra p h e r Tom C ro ck ett. A r e s iie n t o f G ilch rist H a il M isa l a r c h ia a n o n -p referen ce s tu d e n t. S he s a id s h e d o e sn 't know w h a t s h e w a n ts to m a jo r in y e t, b a t it will n o t. bo s e c re ta ria l w ork o r Spotlight Published by the students of Michigan State University. teach in g . Issued on Mondays as a part "of the daily Michigan State “ And I d id n 't come to college to g e t News, during the fall, winter and spring quarters. Spotlight m a rrie d ,’* s h e said em phatically. “ I w a n t, offices at M l Student Services Building, Michigan State to w ork a couple o f y e a r» f ir s t—-and t h e n ' University, E ast Lansing, Michigan. g e t m a rrie d .^ C A M P B E L L ’S SUBURBAN SHOP k'l cu O Cupid Oùce Sold. o X w The Gant Story ► £ ra w A Date for a Dime By CATHIE MAHONEY was paid by a young man or Ias the only other knpwn col- OQ » r r C/l State News Wemea’a E diter coed who wished a companion | leges where such an organiza­ CQ u ‘A Date for a Dime’ was for an evening’s party or tion existed. C the motto of the Michigan church gathering The article said: “ . . . a date I“ w State College Date Bureau The organisation was ‘on^oi bureau is considered by col­ ; te­ c back in 1937. the few in the nation. A news­ lege authorities as entirely mi » The dime, which went en paper account lists the Univer- proper for bringing young H OJ ttrely for administration-of the sity of Illinois, Northwestern college people together for Iw > bureau—phone calls and such— and the University of Alabama social enjoyment.” I« V, , llow did it start? William a, W» believe that Gant »Ki>tvki»» a certain well-bred look that d iitia d u ith e t them (ram all others. Careful taitdrinfl Vt llasselback was a member of jI J•me'“ L and adherence ta a atrict, tradition are qualities indigenous X the campus Independent men's •< V ta GaaL Tha empha-n here tt on meticulous detail in a o group and a junior in ‘37. He ! O beritafle af caaiarvatitm. •n hit upon the scheme of j . date a, n Do voa like • really neat, well fitting c e lla r? Softly flared Will You Be bureau after thinking of the ! o many students who were in ! X majors where there were few i ca Cellar raoa Inaction ia dent Iv RIGHT- Dn-you w ool to hand y our sh irt u p ? A trim hander loop teea to that, ftoom ta b re ath y ? Overair a hodv n>n«trurtion ia the anvwer. There’s > £ member', of the opposite sex w My Valentine? in classes. He received the co­ I■55- operation of Charlotte Schmidt, - 05 < i full le s f lb hue pleat hack for tnmnevt. too. Prrcivt stitch*, ind lets the ussy b a rre l cuftrrol! up at mid-pomt. T h a G ant sh irt hat Keen deaidned to serve you through a m r* r a sophomore and a member of f. X lifetima af cerreet dre--tnd There ia pain-taking workman, By JACKIE KORONA the Independent Women’s group j ÍJ ship ia every Ana Gant ,hirt...it cornea from the eapert in Will vea be my Valentine? and the Date bureau was born. j 9Q craft af N ew E q l i a f i tineat thirtmakcr«. The craft-«*, This question will be asked ever and aver Wednesday as the plaint why the careful details of throe Gant ahirta have u When Fred Benton took the - feast of St. Valeatiae and the day far tavers is celebrated aa reins-The next year, he intro­ h » . been many tim es imitated but never duplicated C campus. duced a complete card index ; w (9 Bat, me» »ad eaeds, just haw does one go about seeking his system which put dating on a ! m Valentine? The answers to this are m any and varied. “highly efficient J » s u .” j -J Th« Whiff The card shops in E ast Lam ing war» completely stocked Many students took advan­ j -3 The Distaff with funny, serious, and downright shun Valentine cards. To­ tage of the service and most u day not m any of these, cards a rc left. Thw-eheps reported one Boom of them were pleased with I CQ nf the biggest sales of cards in their histories. the outcome. In fact, accord- • CU Some yeang man will receive a sweet looking eard this holi­ tag. to the founders In the ! 3 day. It says “ I c a n t seem to get you out of my system, hot newspaper account, many i •< - THE STORK WITH Tiff: RED DOOR I ’m taking shots for it!” ~ campus romances nourished. And there’s the eard t h a t says, “ D ear Valentine, I miss yea See DATE page 11 C AMP B E L L ’S SUBURBAN terribly, longingly, desperately. Mast close new—m y friends are waiting outside in the c a r.” Lacy red cards with laving messages to sweethearts, parents, and relatives rounded out the selection. - As far Valentine gifts, the variety is even greater. Stores advertise everything from pink furry saids to diamonds. -— WHATEVER YOUR For the men who have no idea what to give their-girls for the big day, charm s for charm bracelets are always a popular item . And a long red nightshirt is a warm present. Coeds have a Jiard time thinking of a ¿ f t . Oae young lady bought a little statue with a bouncy bead for her beau, and FORM OF another decided on a pair of shorfs-^-complete with red hearts and “ I love yon’s.” And then there’s the fraternity m an who’s buying himself a Valentine, a giant mug that holds a t least two gallons of re­ freshing liquid. - ENTERTAINMENT Valentine’s Day Is the day for lovers t o show their feelings for one another. The problem Is: How do you say “ Will you be my Valeatiae?” McDonalds is the place to go for that - ‘Before going in snack”. So if PAT MITCHEU'S you’re in the mood for a hamburg, STUDIO 1 : coffee, or milkshake stop in at PHOTOS A N Y-"- — 1 ™** TIME F amount fo r 3 0 years P assports — Portraits ¿ the drive-in with the arches _ Applications O N E BLOCK E A ST O F CAMPUS OPEN TILL Na. Cam era Charge • Nn Appointments Necessary MIDNIGHT al*o a t 1*7*3 E ast Michigan — Lansing — J \ 5 - 8 2 5 3 1 A.M.. ON FRI. A SAT. 2120 N. LARCH US 27 & 4700 S. CEDAR US 127 Michigan State Newa _SPOTLIGHT, Monday M orning, February 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 W . House TViews Tour Given Wave Lengths By First Lady WILS 1320 Kilocycles __ Melodies 7:15 * 8 MONDAY, FEB. 12 „ By MARGARET A. OPSATA WKAR 871 Kilocycles p.m. (WSWM-FM) 12:00-12 30 p.m. (10) Arms Control SPOTLIGHT TV-Rodio Writer WKAR-FM 90.5 Megaeyelet THURSDAY, FEB. 15 “ Jacqueline Kennedy h a s WSWM-FM 99.1 Megacycles Detroit Red Wings vs. New Military comparison of the U.S. dedicated much of her first WJIM 1240 Kilocycles York 7:05p.m. (WJR) (WJR. and U.SS.R. ~ ' year in the White House to add­ WJR 700 Kilocycles FM) W ■ • 12:30- 1:00 p.m. (10) Great Decision 1962 ing to the decor of the man­ WJR-FM 96.3 Megacycles FRIDAY, FEB. If - “ Red China • Third Greatest sion. She has collected objects WMRT 1919 Kilocycles Broadway Melodies 7:15 . 8 Power?” of aesthetical and historical WMRT-FM 199.7 Megacycles p.m. (WSWM-FM) ~ TUESDAY, FEB. 13 value. MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Pan American Melodies 9:30 - 12:C0-12:30 p.m. (10) Invitation to Art In a taped, hour-long CBS in The Background 9:00-9:15 110:00 p.m. (WJR) (WJR-FM) The works of Pierre Renoir program to be shown Wednes­ a.m. (WILS) SATURDAY, FEB. 17 10:00 -11 00 p.m. (12) Alcoa Premiere _ day, Mrs. Kennedy is hostess Concert Hall 8:00-10:00 p.m. MSU Basketball - Ohio State Fred Astaire stars in “Mr. Easy.” and guide for a tour of the (WKAR-FM) 7:55 p.m. (WILS) (WJIM) WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14 ~ rooms which have been re­ Jazz Interlude 11:05 - Midnight (WKAR-FM) ___ 11:30 -12:00~a.m. (10) Eastern Wisdom and Modern Life done. (WJIM)" Metropolitan Opera "Salome” ' Zen’s relation to psychiatry. Mrs. Kennedy shows the MONDAY, FEB. 12 by Strauss 2-5 p.m. (WKAR- 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. (IQ) Cezanne treasures she has eallected. World of the Paperbacks 5:00- FM) MSU professor of Art, James She tells of their history and 5:15 p.m. (WKAR) Broadway Melodies 7:15-8 p.m. McConnell discusses Cezanne’s the interesting details o f Broadway Melodies 7:15 • 8 (WSWM-FM) _ ' work. finding them. CBS newsman- p.m. WSWM-FM) SUNDAY, FEB. 18 7:30 - 8 00 p.m. (12) Howard K. Smith Charles Colllngwood joins TUESDAY, FEB. 13 _ Mantovani 10:15 - 10:30 a.m. News Analysis.^ First program of Mrs.'Kennedy on the tour. ~ Background 7:10 - 7:40 p.m. (WILS) this scrips. Among the rooms shown are (WJIM) Mormon Choir 10:35-11:00 a.m. 10:00 -11:00 p.m. (6,10)White House Tour the East Room, the Red Room, Music by Mantovani 9:30-10:00 (WJIM) — — Mrs. John F. Kennedy. (See the I the Blue Room, the Green p.m. (WJR) (WJR-FM) Polka Parade 11:30-11:55 a.m. above article for details.) Room, the Diplomatic Recep­ WEDNESDAY, FEB. 14 (WMRT) (WMRT-FMr THURSDAY, FEB. 15 tion Room, and the State Din­ Con-Con Report 4:15-4:45 p.m. Percy Faith 12:30-1:00 p.m. 12:30- 1:00 p.m. (10U Goals for Americans ing Room, (WKAR) (WILS) Public Affairs. “The Individual” The East Room is used for FRIDAY, FEB. 1« ~ most large receptions. Follow­ 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. (12) Award Theater ing the suggestion of Franklin - “Abe Lincoln in Illinois.” Raymond Massey af Lincoln. D. Roosevelt, the piano has large gold eagles rather than FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS 9 30- 10 30 p.m. (10) Bell Telephone Hour legs. “Portal* of Music.” —„ The East Room also con­ A SHELF OF SATURDAY, FEB 17 ~ tains the portrait of George 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. (12) Wide World of Sport* Washington painted by Gil­ ENGLISH AND AMERICAN FICTION bert 8taart. Dolly Madison 0mm National Ski-Jumping Champion- slashed the picture from its — ' — ships. ’ Chosen by Perry Miller 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. (6) Big Ten Basketball -frame in order to save it Purdue vs. Illinois. from the on-coming British hi 1814. Professor of American Literature, Harvard University SUNDAY, FEIL 18 President Kennedy is seen 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. (10) An Age of Kings" briefly in the Monroe Cabinet PRIDE AND PREJUDICE Shakespeare’s “Richard III” Room. By Jane Anstoa (Dell).................... $0*50 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. (6 ) G. E. College Bow). CBS has released this timely _ - ¿2-- •College quiz. program to the other two net­ JANE EYRE ~— works. It may be seen on CBS By Charlotte Bronte (Riverside) ...................... 95 WHO SAID . . . "EVERYTHING IU T (Channel 0L~and NBC (10) WUTHERING HEIGHTS THE KITCHEN SINK?“ Wednesday at 10 p.m. and on By Emily Bronte (Washington Square) ......... .45 READ CLASSIFIEDS! ABC (12) the Friday at 7:30 LORD JIM _ p.m. By Joseph Conrad (Bantam) ........ 50 I »dentine's Day THE PRAIRIE Suggestion (T h is w ill n ever h ap p en at S ib ley ’s ) By James Feaimere Cooper (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) w ............ ¡95 THE RED BADGE OF COURAGE, and Selected Stories Pewter Tankard By Stephen Crane (New American Library) : .50 MOLL FLANDERS with ÜH By Daniel Defee (Pocket Books)...............'x...::...... .35 MSU SEAL DAVID COPPERFIELD By Charles Dickens (Modern Library College Editions) .................................... 85 MANHATTAN TRANSFER ~ ^ . -By John Dos Passos (Bantam) T. .....’v. . .10 SISTER CARRIE By Theodore Dreiser (Holt, Rinehart and Winston). .95 THE SOUND AND THE FURY By William Faulkner (New AmericanLibrary) .. .51 TOM JONES By Henry Fielding ■€ r iM le iO \ Pancakes, 2 E ggs, P o tato es, B ird F a rm Sausage VANITY FAIR By WIBiam Makepeace Thackeray (Modern library and T o a st ~ $1.25. College Editions) ......_____________ THE ADVKN1VRE8 OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN By Mark Twain (Riverside) - y. . __ .80 Next to (State Theater E ast l-aaring • . Sibley’s 4«300 N. EAST STREET , ~ ’ Twenty keeks for tM.9f J: r v • ■> * ' >> ; . S I • M iclrfgn Stole New» SPOTLIGHT, Monday M orning, I February 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 Photographer Italian Film ‘Bicycle Thief At Fairchild To Narrate i Italian Academy Award win- ^ ner. “Bicycle Thief,” directed « metal worker named F.am- berto Maggiorani, whose har­ ‘Britain’ Film by Vittorio De Sica, will be shown in Fairchild Theatre at assed face perfectly expressed the helpless fury of a man lost Kenneth Rkbter will narrate 7 and 9 p.m. Monday and Tues­ in a world too complicated for his film “Britain" Saturday him. For his sturdy little raga­ day. muffin son, he -found 7-year- at 8 p.m. in the Auditorium. The film, which has won high old Enzo Staiola and taught The, theme of “Britain” is praise from critics, also won him to give one of the best per­ that the most vital of its many the coveted Grand Prix formances ever given >y a contributions to the world’s Belgium, Locarno Film Festi­ child actor. civilization is the system of val Award, Seven Silver Rib- Featured with “Bicycle English Common Law based on mons tItalian) and was voted Thief” is a 2b-mimrte film en­ common sense, a regard for “Best Foreign Filip of the titled '“Skyscraper.” f New the rights of others and a sense Year” by the New York Film York's skyline has long been of fair play. Critics. famous the world over for the Richter delves into Britain’s The film relates an incident jagged projections of its tali history, its culture and beauty. in the life of an Italian work­ and— super-tall buildings— the Her attempts at colonizing tne BRITAIN WILL BE the sab- er’s family— the theft of the skyscrapers lhat have become world, the industrial revolution ject of Kenneth Richter's film bicycle which is vjtal to the a trademark of the metropolis. and two world wars played narration Saturday, presented father’s new job, and the suk LITTLE E N Z O STAIOLVS Yet. only the people who plan eminent parts In'her history, tIn the Work!-Travel Series. sequent search for it. Director FACE mirrors the helplessness and build them have any The audience can scea state- • De Sica found his actors by inkling of how they grow. ly home, Woburn Abbey, seat; and delivered accompanying placing mi ad In the news- his family feels at the theft of of the Duke of Bedford, which lectures to pay the balance of paper. their - bicycle in “Btevcle t l j f THE CLASSIFIEDS! is a symbol of the good life in;his expenses. To play the father, he found Thief.w TOO MUCH OR TOO LITTLE? Britain at her time of greatest! power. The Science Museum at! Kensington contains the effectsj of the industrial revolution, j Even -today can be seen thej “Tender” T r a p effects which two world wars r have had on her. Scenes depicting _ Britain’s j culture and beauty include Eton, designers llepplewhite i and the Adam brothers, the The crown jewels, changing of the j guard at Buckingham Palace and treasures of the"British Museum. A native of Massachusetts, Richter.attended Harvard on a scholarship. White a student, he made adventure pictures Michigan Stale News SPOTLIGHT, Monday Morning, February 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 Calendar of Events Hub, Fsb. 12 '"organization. 34, 35 Union. 6:30 p.m. J Council Public Re­ 10:00 a.m. AWS Blood Drive. lations, 36 Union. Fourth Floor Union. 6:30 p.rtT. Water Carnival Pub­ 17:30 p.m. Spartan Christian licity Committee Tower Fellowship. Oak Room, Union. Room, Union. 1:30 p.m. Faculty Folk-Span- 7 00 p.m. Water Carnival Dec- ish Interest Group. Mural j orations Committee. Old Col­ Room, Union. lege Hall, Union. 4:00 p.m. Union Board Social 7:00 p.m. Union Board. Oak Committee. Oak Room, Un-' Room, Union. ion. *17:00 pm . Alpha l£appa Alpha 4:00 p.m. Union Board Forum j Pledges. Mural Room, Union. Committee. MuralRoom, Un- ¡7:00 p.m. University Theater- ion. j Practice. Parlor A, Union. 4:00 p.m. Graduate- Council. '7:00 p.m. Spanish Club. 21 Un- Green Room, Union. 4 ion. 4 00 p.m. Frosh-Soph Council, j7:00 p.m. Sigma Alpha Eta. Art Room, Union. f Art Room, Union. 7:00 p.m. Delta Sigma Theta. 7:00 p.m. Young Republicans. Oak Room, Union. 31 Union. 7:00 p.m. “Operation Correc­ 7:00 p.m. Union Board Dance tion’’ film. Association of Off Instruction. Ping Pong Room, Campus Students. Union Union. Ballroom. 7:00 p.ih. Foreign Film Series— 7:00 p.m. Spartan Christian “Bicycle Thief.” Fairchild Fellowship. Parlor A, Union, Theatre. 7:00 p.m. University Theater 7:15 p.m. Alpha Delta-Theta. Practice. Parlor C, Union. Sun Porch, Union. 7:00 p.m. German Folk Dance 7:30 p.m. ROTC Officers Club. Group. 21 Union. Union Ballroom. 7:00 p.m. Delta Sigma Pi. 22 7:30 pjn. Union Board Forum Union. Committee. Parlor C, Union. 7:00 p.m. Sigma Phi Delta. 32 [7:30 p.m. American Society for Union. Metals. Green loom, Union. r:00 p.m. Assn. of Off Campus 7:30 p.m. Alpha Phi Sigma. 33 REPUBLIC DAY PARADE—TUs splendidly draped and ornamented elrnhant h Students. 34, 35 Union. Union. one of tie several that took part in the India Republic Day Parade. The man 7:30 pmi. Humanist Society. 7:30 p.m. Delta Sigma Theta. on the elephant’s neck is the “mahout." who has remarkable control over the Art Room, Union. ~— 36 Union. huge animal. —Photo by Juliao Donahue. _ 8:15 p.m. Beethoven Festival. 8:00 p.m. Association 'of Off Music Auditorium. Campus Students. Ping Pong Room, Union. Republic Day in India Ties., Fsk. 13 10:00 a.m. AWS Blood Drive Fourth Floor, Union. 41:15 p.m. Faculty String Quar­ tet. Music Auditorium. 8:30 p.m. Veterans Association. Tower Room, Union. By JULIAN P. DONAHUE people watched the dress-re- filed past; many groups had a 12:30 p.m. Spartan Christian The fabled glory and splen­ hearsal parade.^ Several Air tambourine-like instrument that Fellowship. Oak Room, Un­ 9:00 p.m. Foreign Film Series dor of India is usually conspic­ Force men and a civilian kept ion. —“Bicycle Thief.” Fairchild. me informed as to what was they occasionally played. 3:45 p.m. Latin American uous by its absence—to both the tourist and the resident. happening. But my favorites? The huge Group. Art Room, Union. W M lM«Uy, Fab. 14 Neither elephants nor be-jew- -Unit after unit of armed elephants draped in gorgeous 4:(NT p.m. Greek Week Public­ 1:00 a.m. Delta Sigma Theta- forces personnel passed. Most cloth; the red-jacketed Rajas- ity Committee. 34 Union. Nigerian Book Drive. First i ■ ■ n ■ ■ ■ ■ n n n ■ 4:30 p.m. Academic Council Floor, Union. carried rifles, but the famed than-Camel Corps (I’d get sea­ About-the Author Gurkhas had. in addition, their sick riding one of those crea­ Committee. Green Room, Un­ 12:30 p.m. Spartan Fellowship. -Julian Donahue, a MSI' lethal, curved knives swinging tures); and the folk dancers. ion. Oak Room, Union. junior from Harbor Beach. Is from their belts. Each state sent a group of 6:30 p.m. Sailing Club. 32 Un­ 2:00 p.m. AWS Blood Drive. in India far his second time Tanks, armored vehicles, folk dancers tc the capital, for ion. Fourth Floor, Union. since 1957 to aid la collecting then the National Cadet Corps the celebrations. All were 6r30 p.m. Christian Science 4:00 p.m. Provost’s Lecture. vertebrates, including birds, passed—a junior edition of each dressed in traditional folk mammals, reptiles and am­ branch of the armed services. costumes that ranged from the phibians for the MSU Muse­ um. — Hundreds of school children See INDIA page 11 LOUIS THE DRY CLEARER SAYS: A collection of mammal skulls is also being made. For the Entomology Muse­ um, he has collected several thousand butterflies. WINTER Majoring la resource de­ velopment, Donahue will re­ turn to MSU this fall. Donahue first west to In­ SPORTS dia for 1« mouths in 1957. After graduating from liigh school in South India, be ca­ EQUIPMENT rolled at Michigan State. He returned to ladia in 1961 on a travel expense paid trip bv Ford Foundation. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a m jt m • eled maharajas are a common TOBOGGAN RENTALS sight. (Make Reservations Early) Most people wear Western clothes or white dboties, ex­ cept for the women, who are • P h yC Ed N eeds For expert repairs, dyeing, alterations, sising, always colorful. But all this changes when India celebrates • H ock ey E q u ip m en t re-weaving, or any other special services . . . ear Republic Day—the anniversary work and prices c j a ’t be beat! of the day the New Constitution Ju d o E q u ip m en t became a reality on Jan. 26, 1950. The festivities lasted several days, and <1 realized for the first time that the colorful pag­ eantry and splendor m ust lie SPARTAN SP0R1S H m sw Shirt Latin a sri & HOBBIES dormant ail year, just to save up for this special occasion. A million people stood in an unseasonai rain and watched BAST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM the three-mile parade on Re­ Com er Ann A M AC public Day. Nearly th at many „ STUDENT SERVICES BUHJHNG M ich igan S tate N ew s S P O T L IG H T , M on d ay M o rn in g , F eb ru ary 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 Kiva, Education Building. ....W hen.... 7:00 p.m. University Theater-^ 7:00 p.m. Alpha Kappa Alpha Practice. 22 Union:' . L. Pledges. Mural Room, Ui£~ 7:00 p.m. Alpha Kappa Alpha. J ion. -7 Art Room, Union. 7:00 p.m. Phi Gamma Nu. Sun 8:00 p.m. University Theater—j . Spotlight On Üridge Porch, Union. 7:00 p.m. University Tfieater- “An Evening of Medieval By A. R. DRURY West East double in. If the hand has only Practice. 22 Union. Flays.” All Saints Episcopal Dept, of Surgery and Medicine! one -or two tricks in named Church. S 19 2 S AK98 7:00 p.m. Ski Club. 31 Union. H Q J 19 4 3 H .V-K t 8 suit and no other suit, he bidsu 7:00 p.m. Spartan Women; 32 8:00 p.m. Hockey—Denver vs. _ After the opening bid h a s 1 A 1 NT. MSU, Ice Arena. D987 D 52 Union. . been made/the opponents have C Q J 5 C K 7 8 The take-out double sepa­ -7:00 p.m. Frosh Soph Council, 8rl 5 p.m. Beethoven Festival. difficulty describing their part- i South rates the men Jrom the boysu j 33 Union. Music Auditorium. * nership holding»; The best way, ; insofar as a hand inepncerned 8:15 p.m. Lecture-Concert Ser- SQJ 743 7:00 p.m. Sno Cap. 34 Union. as I see it, is to overcaU it a t ; H I! and gives the partner much in­ 7:00 p.m. Sigma Phi Delta, 35 ies. Boston Pops Tour Or­ the* one level if you have five. D J 1C formation, RemembeT. you Union. chestra. Auditorium. tricks with your suit trumps/ have forced partner to bid: if C 9 8 4 7:00 p.m. Beta Alpha - Psi, 9:00 pan. Alpha Phi Alpha- or if you are vulnerable or j N-S vulnerable - you have a minimum, you pass Tower Room, Union. Dance. Union Parlors. must go to the two level, you The bidding: at the next opportunity. If you 7:30 p.m. Union Board Rush should have six tricks. North East South West have l6 points or more, you Convocation» Union Ballroom. Satvr4ay,Ftb.l7 A suit you evercail with 1 DDonMePass 1H make another bid mid thus ask 7:30 p.m. World 'Food Discus­ 2:00 p.m. Wrestling—Michigan should be at least five long. 2D 2H Pass 3H your partner to bid again un­ sion Group and Great Issues vs. MSU. IM Sports Arena. Make a take-out double when Pass ,4 H Pass Past" less he has nothing. Course Lecture. 114 Bessey 8:00 p.m. University Theater— you have 14 points or more,] Pass - The take-out double applies Hall. ^ "An Evening of Medieval Cue bid your really big hand j anytime it is the first chance 8:00 p.m. University Theater— Plays,” AH Saints Episcopal which also promises first round ; North has a normal H) open­ for such a call. It is simply "An Evening of Medieval Church. control of opponents’ bid suit. ] ing bid: East has 17 points in done By saying “Double" and Plays/’ All Saints Episcopal 8r09 p.m. Beethoven Festival. Classically, for the take-out j high cards and" one distribu­ may follow such sequences^«s Church. 800 Atftwtt Rd. Music Auditorium. Arable you should have goodI tional point. But It is not sound 1 S, P, P, Dbl. and also is ^ 815 p.m. Beethoven Festival. 8:00 pan. Hockey—Denver vs. cards in the three remaining! to evercail on a four-card suit. used to reopen bidding on a Music Auditorium. MSU. Ice Arena. suits, or a spade suit you can I Besides, -it is impossible to sequence of P, P. 1 H, P. P, 8:30 p.m. Junior Pan Hel. Un­ 8:00 p.m. BasketbaU — Ohio bid yourself, or the heart suit j make a choice between hearts DM. ion Parlors. State vs. MSU. Fieldhouse. if spades were opened. Exam-I and spades. Therefore your Such a sequence says: "Part­ 8 00 p.m. World Travel Series-l ine the following hand: partner is asked to make a ner, 1 have a hand that will^ H w s4a|,Fsb. 15 —Kenneth Richter. "Britain’’. North (D| choice by,your double. Partner help any suit you bid. but not sufficient for an opening bid 8:00 ajn . Delta Sigma Theta- Auditorium. will name his four-card suit or Nigerian Book Drive, First 9:00 p.m. Union Board Dance— j . r s f 5 better one, unless it is the-op-' as shown by the first pass and Floor, Union. “ Shot Down.” Union Ball- j H 75 ponents. in which case, if he I will likely pass any bid you 12:30 p.m. Christian Student room. D A K Q C4 has three tricks in the suit and make unless a competitive bid Foundation. Union. ' See CALENDAR page 9 C A 19 3 2 no other suit, he can leave the is required.” 12:30 p.m. Spartan Christian Fellowship. Oak Room, Un- ion. 4:00 p.m. Water Carnival Pro­ gram Committee. Art Room, Union. — • 2:00 pjm. AWS Blood Drive. Fourth Floor, Union. DID YOU HEAR ABOUT 7:00 p.m. Alpha Kappa Alpha Pledges. Oak Room, Union. 7:00 p.m. Delta Phi Epsilon Pledges. Sun Porch, Union. THE TREMENDOUS 7:00 p.m. Alpha Kappa Alpha, Parlor A, Union. 7:00 p.m. Water Carnival Executive Committee. Art Room, Union, _ USED BOOK SALE -7:00 p.m. University Theater— Practice. 22 Union. 7:00 p.m. Delta Phi Epsilon. 32 Union. 7:00 p.m. Greek Week Com-- munity Project. 35 Unton. 7:00 p.m. Union Board Bridge Instruction. Ping Pong Room, T h ou san d s of Union. ~v;7 USED BOOKS 7:30 p.m. Track — Central Mich. vs. MSU. Jenison Field- house. 7:45 p.m. German Club. 34 Un­ ion. 8:00 p.m. Conservative Club. Union Ballroom. -- 9‘ and UP 8:00 p.m. University Theatetr- “ An .Evening of Medieval Plays” . All Saints Episcopal Church. 8:00 p.m. Hockey — Denver vs. MSU. Ice Arena. 8:15 p.m. Lecture»Concen Ser­ ies. Boston Pops Orchestra Auditorium. 8:30 p.m. Management Club 33 Union. at FrMay,Fsbraanr I t 8:00 a.m. Delta Sigma Theta Nigerian Book Drive. First Look! A Special Floor, Union. 9:00 a.m. AWS Blood Drive. FowHr Floor, Union. 11:00 can. Chinese Students Bible Study Class. 35 Union. 12:00 p.m. Spartan Christian GIBSON’S SCIENCE FICTION U sed P ap erback s Fellowship - Off Campus Girls, Mural Room, Union. 12:80- p.m. Spartan Christian Fellowship, Oak Room, Un­ BOOKSTORE 2 for 25c ion. 5 0 0 to c h o o se iro m C orner E vergreen Si G rand R iver 7:10 pan. International Club. Union Ballroom. 7:00 pan. Air Force ROTC. 21, Unten. Michigan „State Newa SPOTLIGHT, Monday Morning, February 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 T h is sign rem in d s th e residen ts o f W o lv erin e. M ic h .th a t y ea rb o o k sales en d o n F eb ru ary 1 5 . D o n ’t ^ •— ' n a • y^rV*kJ y o u fo rg et _e»ther. E veryon e in th is m o d el city p u rch a sed a b ea u tifu l 1 9 6 2 W o lv erin e, so tlieir city -77 h a ll gets a fr e e o n e w ith its n am e en graved . M ake su re y o u r liv in g u n it d o es th e sa m e! — ..... ... ;—i -V , •' .- «. . , , . 3■fi--.7 . : - Yearbook Sales End Soon ! On Sale Now at: I / " '% : Union Desk Living Units ‘ \ ~ 344 Student Services “A Pictorial Review of MSU for only $7.00” - Norman and Olive - ' ■ ’ . ,t- ’ * tfr ' D O R M ITO R IES: Contact Your Salesman: H DORM NAME RM. N a DORM NAME RM. NO. DORM NAME RM . N O . ARM STRONG M ike C orrie A429 ABBOTT P h y llis Sloan - 262 EA ST MAYO P e g Lipperd 234 B A ILEY Don R osebery AIO« B a rb B radley 338 W EST MAYO M arilyn P t t e r n a 177 BRYAN Joel H ealth B217 N . CA M PBELL Alice B a rto n 202 P H IL L IP S C harlene T y laa 21* B U T T E R FIE L D " K a rl S toeker B31« S. CA M PB ELL D inne M iller 333 SNYDER Gwen D ye 233 CA SE, SOUTH Deve H epburn 32« CA SE, NO RTH ~ Ju d y L odktm 461 VAN H 00 8 E N M argo N elson A p t IM EMMONS A ndy Cam den A 108 C ir a i Mé m o 217 N . W ILLIA M S Jo d y H a l 313 RA TH ER H e ra t Feickem a B429 G II,C H R IST S ue Cafcdel 214 S^W O U A M S J o d y M aeekel t ; « EA ST SHAW S te v e P a n n e G -H E A ST LANDON G ene G a rd n e r 222 E. Y A K E L E Y J a a D a rla % 352 W E S t SH A W D ave Al b i t T-S3 W E ST LA NDO N N ancy D o e ra er 135 W . YAKELEY AaM O ageauefc " 251 MASON v R a th Riley ai q ■%> . -«*■ ■ - --- Ju t» —-■• Fraternities, Sororities, Co-ops: Your House Treasurer Michigan Stele News SPOTLIGHT, Monday M orning, February 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 fa Church al Plays Given By JANICE BEARDSLEE Ages, they were written in the presented in the city squares SPOTLIGHT Theatre Writer common vernacular for the in- and the people would move !tent ofexplaining the Christian- from station to station to watch The University Theatre Pro­ religion to the average person. each separate playlet. When duction “Arena Two” will prc- The Original productions may this became burdensome and aent “An Evening of Medieval have been written by clergy­ confusing, pageant wagons Plays” at 8 p.m. Wednesday men or an average townsman— were created. The popuius of thmigh Saturday. this is-unknown. They consisted the city would line the streets The Rev. Gordon M. Jones of plays dealing with Old and as the wagons moved from has given permission to have New Testament episodes — spot to spot and each play was the arena productions in their from the creation of the world ¡presented. form Tn the All Saints and Noah, to the resurrection The characters of these Church at 800 Ab- of Christ. ! short and microscopic play - ! lets were Pnaeh and Judy- Directed by R. J. Delauben- "The production of the play­ I type players who didn't re- fels Jrfan d Frank Rutledge of lets was handled as a civic | fleet the expected serious as- the speech department, the enterprise when the church ; peel of the religious play. But plays will unveil the warmth of could no longer produce them ! this was typical of this humanity and contemporary with dexterity. Each city de­ j period. — appeal of the theatre of the veloped a cycle of plays early Middle Ages. which were financed and per­ The writers were devout and formed The Medieval plays began the trade guilds. by the members of j took a native approach to the about UN when the Medieval | whole story. Written in poetic Churches decided to re­ D1 ... . ij j !form, the plays contained establish the theatre for the fundamental purpose of re­ ligious Instruction. _ The theatre of the Roman era had been banned, because wSe m p ? o d S f I ada'>iable *° " " ■*»* theologians believed the aver­ plays. From 1370-1576, mor For the University Theatre age person could not compre­ than a dozen English towns had production of the "plays, cou­ hend the use of Latin. cycles. ■ pons from the season ticket When these modern playlets All of the performances were books must be exchanged at the were created in the late Middle out-of-doors. They were first box office at Fairchild Theatre for a general admission ticket. No telephone reservations may Art Exhibits be made; mail orders will be accepted. REHEARSING a number ffem She original — teal fare* "The Mfoarrsaged Marriage,” opeaiag Friday at 8be Circle STUDENT ART WORK—Collected student work (a draw­ Two for One Nights Playhouse are Dawa Allan. marie aad lyric composer, and ing, design, painting, printmaking, industrial design, in­ MONDAYS Don CaiHiex, who wfll he seen In the role sI Valere. terior design aad sculpture. Kresge Art Center corridors. FRIDAYS COMMUNITY GUILDS-AT-LARGE—Patattogs, prints aad Filet Mlgnon Playhouse To Present drawings by f t Michigan artists of non-professional status, rr p it Mating 21 community art organisations. Presented for 2 Chicken or M ME under Joint sponsorship of the a rt department and the Shrimp for 2 * ** 'Misarranged Marriage' continuing education service. Through Feb. I t at the Kresge Art Center. Open daily, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Special Menu tor Children Dine With The Dines -The Misarranged Marri­ at the Circle Playhouse in Lan­ <4 p.m.; Saturday aad Sundays, 2-5 p.m. age” an original musical farce sing. set in France during the reign EMMONS HALL ART EXHIBIT—Feb. 18, 2 to 5:38 p.m7 BIIES 321 E. Michigan Aw. of Louis XV,„will open Friday This season’s offering by the P aintings aad drawings by the men of Emmons will he on Phone IV 5-7179 Lansing Community Circle display to the mata lobby. Players, the musical was writ­ Winter Concert ten and composed by Adrian B. Robinson and Dawn Allan, Next Monday the author and eeaaposer of last year’s musical fantasy, “The ~ The University Symphony Ballad Of Willie Brennan.” Orchestra will present its an­ ‘ *T b e . Misarranged Mar­ nual winter concert at 4 p.m. riage” deals with the efforts of 3 DAY FREE OFFER! next Sunday in the Auditorium. one Monsieur Duneau to ar­ W ith th e p u rch a se o f AN Y long play in g record we will give you a coupoa Under the direction of Hans range a marriage between his Lampl of the music depart­ daughter and Horace Gorgebus w hich you can redeem a t th e CA RD SH O P (309 E . G rand R iv e r) fo r a ''j f ment, the program will include to improve his family fortunes. V A L E N T IN E ’S DAY CA RD . R ecords m ak e p e rfe c t V alentine’s Dny g ifts , Fa* Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto Madam Gorgebus is equally and now w e will boy th e c a rd f o r y o u !!! No. 2; “ Adagio for Orchestra,” anxious to arrange the mar­ entitled "Janus” written by Dr. riage for the same reason, not Paul Harder of the music de­ knowing that the Duneau’s are O u r seleetion o f V A L E N T IN E ’S SP E C IA L S is unbeatable— fo r in sta n c e . . . partment; “Outdoor Overture” as broke as she. by Aaron Copland; and “The Second Symphony” (The Little case The daughter and son in each College C oncert ■*- K in gston T rio .. r . $2.71 "Russian) by Tschaikowsky. do not take too kindly to the idea of being married off, R unaround Sue — Dion .. ........................................ 2.91 and their efforts to upset the C am pus E ncore — F o u r P re p s ........... 2.91 plans of their parents lead to Calendar many comic mixrups. The young couple is helped So M uch In Love —- C ohniff...:......... ........................ 2 .t l (Continued from page 71 -L iv e I t U p — Jo h n n y M athis...7:................................... 2.91 in tbto endeavor by an uawill- Svaday, Ftbfiary I t ing man,- maid and a too 'illing fool* Valere, playedit by Don A Song F o r Y oung Love — L e tte ra ie n ............ 2.91 3:00 p.m. Kappa Alpha Psi, T onight — F c rra n tc ft T eich er ....................... 2.91 Oak Room, and Room 22,' Cailttez, art directin’ T for the Union. _ \J department of continuing ed­ All T w jst L P s ....... _ ....... 2.91 3:00 p.m. Young Republicans. ucation here. 32 Union. Cailliez was recently seen in A nd L ots M o rel!! 3 00 p.m.. Omega Pri Phi. 34 the Circle Players - Union. of Checkov’s “Unci A nd Don’t F o rg e t!!! — 3:00 p.m. Alpha Kappa Alpha, and last summer 35unkm. role of Sergeant W e’ll B uy Y our V alentine’s D ay C ard 4:00 p.m. Alpha Phi Alpha. Summer Circle production of 31 Union. “Rain.” 4:00 p.m. University Orchestra “ T h e Missarranged Mar­ riage” will be presented Friday SH O P Concert. Auditorium. 0:30 p.m. Chaantog Murray and Saturday, and Feb. J M i Fellowship. Art Room, Un­ with » matinee performance ion. Feb. 25. Reservations may ba 7:00 p.m. Disciple StodentFei- made by calling the Playhouse OPEN EVERY EVENING lowship. Mural Room, Union. an Sheridan S t Students with 6:00 p.m. “Great periston».” K h wtS ba admitted at a re­ 31 Union. duced prico. . ;Jv , - M ich igan Stato N ew » SP O T L IG H T , M on d ay M o rn in g , F eb ru a ry 1 2 , 1 9 6 2 Festival of Beethoven Begihs Pianists To Play 32 Sonatas, 5 Concertos in 10 Concerts O zan M arsh 1 By JEANINE MILDENBERG cantata and the fireworks SPOTLIGHT Mask Writer commemorating- Wellington's Victory. J o Perform Another music rarity win be made available to the univer­ Beethoven was an innovator The Boetoa Pop* Orchestra, sity and Lansing areST as the in every aspect of musk and under the direction of Arthur music department presents a in his works he preferred a dar­ FhtBtr, will present a pro­ “Festival of Beethoven Music’’ ing directness to the elegance gram of classical had popular in a series of ten concertos. and subtlety of Hayden and music at fcl5 p.m. Thursday Beginning Monday and con­ Mozart. The power of his mind aad Friday hi the Auditorium. tinuing through March 12, the and indomitable will to present The Boston Pops, currently series will include 32 piano his compositions in the most on a St-city tour, wiH present sonatas and five piano con­ clearly perfect form, made him" tiie eminent pianist Oran Marsh certos. a classic. as soloist. Marsh will play Each evening's performance Beethoven remained active Dimitri Kabalevsky*» Second is arranged to give each audi­ and continually occupied with Piano Concerto ia G minor. ence a taste of Beethoven’s projects until the time of his This will be one of the first per­ varied styles. death. Three days before he formance* of the concerto in The Beethoven sonatas oc­ will he died added a chdicile to his the Western World. and cupy an unusually important during a fierce on March -26, 1827, thunderstorm, Kabalevsky, director of position in the repeteire of he died. music hi the Sevfet Union, the piano. More than any Dr. Silvio Scionti. director of has revised Ms tittle knewa other series of the compos­ the festival and head of piano and uM aas heard eeocerte er» creations, they present a in the music department, has J a r per form an ce la a limit­ profile of Beethoven's artistic praised highly the ..ability-of ed anmher of cities ea the growth and development. those who will perform in the . Beats« Pepa tear, blast Lan­ Of Flemish German descent. festival. A number of the se­ sing is ene ef the six cities Ludwig Von Beethoven " was lections to be presented are"” h he born in Bonn on the Rhine in seldom heard in public because 1770. The young Beethoven of their intricate passage's and Marsh first played the Sec- demonstrated musical talent as difficulty. oni dfher members of the MSU art successful. Morally its record |attractive and handsome stu- military ceremony marking i 3 Performances Daily department. jwas 100 per cent perfect. When |Benton was asked what hap­i dents signed_up either because the end of the day’s fighting— I at 1:90 -4:90 & 8.-09p.m. pened if a boy and his date Iof being naturally shy, or be­ how anyone could fight, then LAST 8 DAYS! wind up in a night club or beer cause of the feeling of “adven­ garden, the reply: ture” in meeting new people. “The girls are not allowed to As one writer put it: “It M ichigan State U niversity LUCON visit such places,” he said dis­!takes care of last-minute bro- missing the almost frightful iken engagements.” The bureau thought, “and besides we never must have been_handy for de- FO REIG N FILM SERIES 1:29-4:99-9:45-9:39 "have "any reports of such a 'pinnings too. p resents PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2 5817 “BESTMOVIE OF THE YEAR” -NATIONAL OOARD OF KEVIIW A 9 I M I E * E A S T L A N S I N G - P H O N E E D .Î -1 8 I 4 D E SICA'S NIGHTS & SUNDAY — ADULT 99c SAT. MAT. 05e “ ADULT ENTERTAINMENT STARTS 7 P.M. — FEATURE AT 7:1# - 9:29 ~ NO W LA ST 2 N IG HTS A real Ufe drama of the loves and drives of the great artist... MODIGLIANI o f M O R TW W l A m 1 M'ÜßSSf» WDKlü.Si.'-iTSSH Gerard Philipe •Lilli Palmer Cartoon & News DON’T MLSS — GREAT DRAMATIC FILM STA R TS fH tT R S D A Y W ED. - THURS. - F R I. AND SAT. PLUS FEATURETTE; “SKYSCRAPER** — mmo-eouami -m>m 2 — BIG GUINNESS HITS — 2 W&MlK. muffi L i g h t “ LAVENDER N i l MOO” FAIRCHILD THEATRE ~ and MON. & TUES., FEB. 12 & 13 - 7 & 9 P.M. M a m m a ^ “ THE PROMOTER” ADMISSION l~ 50c - MiA ig ... « a w N ew , SPO TU C H T, M onday To This Really Fine Special Purchase • R ich lo o k in g plastic lent her • F ile section« _in lhl • I d e a lf o r b o o k s, lu n ch es am i even a travel e Your Last .Chance To Speak!! W h at w o u ld y o u say i f th is w ere y o u r la s t ch a n ce Check our four counters of bargain books —these to sp ea k ? H ear o n e m an ’s rep ly . _ •»-' D r . W illian f S w eetlan d are good books for your library o r reference F ebruary 1 3 U n io n P a r lo r C 7 : 3 0 p .m . shelf. New titles added daily,-so browse often. F irst o f a series sp o n so red b y th e U n io n B oard . » ite»*-