«•mbs* / S e rv in g M SU f o r 5 2 y ears E stab lish ed 1 9 0 9 VoL 5 5 , N n. 1 4 6 T h u rsd a y M o rn in g , F e b ru a ry 1 5 , 1 9 6 2 roves • ■ ■ ft a ■ ■ l l l l i a i ■ i r • * Aaeeetetod P m « R e d s T o H it W e s t O v e r S u m m it T a lk s MOSCOW—Soviet propaganda o rg an s a r e expected to fire a new b arrag e of accusations a t th e W est, now th a t toe United States and B ritain have rejected P re m ie r K hrushchev’s bid for a summit m eeting next m outh m T disarm am ent. A press campaign in com rag w eeks is expected to picture — -- U - 2 P ilo t Q u iz z e d OK Plan the Western powers trying to sabotage disarm am ent efforts a t the regularly scheduled W s s t a conference opening in Ge­ neva M arch 14 while preparations a r e m ade for new U. S. S e n a to rs M a y A s k In 3 Hour n u clear tests in the atm osphere. D e G a u lle , A d e n a u e r T o M e e t P o w e rs T o T e s tify Debate BONN, G erm any—P resid ent C harles De Gaulle of F ran ce By SALLY DERRICKSON and Chancellor K onrad A denauer will bold a surprise m eeting Of toe State News Staff T hursday a t Baden-Baden n e a r th e F le n ch G erm an border, the Student Congress Wednesday foreign m in istry announced W ednesday . A rpinistry spokesm an said the m am subject will be European night voted 24 to 15 in favor of political union bu t East-W est relations also win be taken up. joining the N ational Student Association, a la te r motion R e d s B u z z P la n e s O n B e rlin R o u te m aking the vote unanimous. BERLIN—The R ussians tried to re serv e space in B erlin’s MSU’s m em bership in the a ir corridors to the West again W ednesday and buzzed o r ap ­ organization is effective T h u rs­ proached three_a!lied planes when th e request w as refused. day. One of the planes buzzed in th e comdors,_carried S ir C hris­ Congress m em bers h eard de. topher Steele, B ritish am bassador to ' W est G erm any, on a bate on to e MU for m o re-tban Visit to B erlin officials said. three hours. Congress re p re­ The request W ednesday w as the fourth tim e within a week the sentatives spoke, as did K arl R ussians sought to block w estern planes out of certain altitudes Lady of the C onservative Club. in j h e a ir corridors in order to c a rry out m aneuvers. __ Alan Howell, W a y n e State U niversity stu d en t; W a H d C u b a W a lk s O u t O A S Khadduri. president o f the Campus United N ations; P eter WASHINGTON—C uba w alked oul of the Organization of M cPherson, Young Republican A m erican States W ednesday a fte r th e OAS council took form al Club; and Donald Sexton. B erk­ notice of the exclusion of Fidel C astro 's Com m unist govern­ ley junior. m en t from the inter-American system . COLONEL JOHN GLENN, preparing t* r his orbital fUght around the earth, The council had m et to impleme n t the exclusion resolution K athy Ryan, ch airm an of looks through a sheet of plastic on which a re draw n heavenly bodies at a adopted last month a t P unta Del E ste. U ruguay. C uba's walkout Congress Business and O rgani­ plastic glebe. With w eather continually holding up th e orbit shot, G iron is m ak es fu rth e r action m erely sym bolic. _ zations Com mittee, presented hound to have th a t globe m em orized by aaw . ; _ th e Mil to th e group with a re c ­ om m endation th a t i t ‘b e defeat- L ao s* R e b e ls G e t M o re T ro o p s VIENTIANE, Laos—U. S. Officials g av e credence W ednesday to intelligence re p o rts th a t Commnwst North -Viet N am is m oving m ore troops into Laos to aid the P ath et Lao Rebels. A m erican exports said they considered reliab le the latest intelligence estim ates th a t about 1 . M N orth - Vietnam ese equally divided between com bat troops and technicians and advisers—a re now in Laos. The royal arm y , however, insists the num ber of North V ietnam ese ss 2MQ0. ~ 3 0 ,0 0 0 G r e e t B o b K e n n e d y s JOGJAKARTA, Indonesia—About 5B.006 persons gathered to w atch th e R obert F. Kennedys drive from the airp o rt p ast te rra c e d rice fields and coconut groves to th e city. R elaxed after 48 hours in the m ore restrained atm osphere of J a k a rta , this neutralist nation's capital, th e Kennedys sm iled an d waved. * The Indonesians responded eMfcssstically. Crowds lined the city’s s tre e ts , waving and calling oat greetings. H an n ah Rebukes Freedom Riders U.S. Embassy In Mexico City Hit by Fire MEXICO CITY U fi-A raging fire of unknown origin Wednes­ a Brawl day night collapsed the steel g ird er work of th e new |4 m il­ lion U.S. em bassy under con­ struction h e r e ._ F irs t reports said a num ber of persons w ere injured. B ut officials la te r said they knew of no injuries im m ediately al­ though 600 w orkm en h ad been active a t the t o e when the flam es broke o u t hi a carp en ­ te r shop about S:10 p.m . Wooden scaffolding burned like m atchwood, bu t cem ent already poured on th e build­ ing’s southern ride apparently saved th e new luxury Hotel M a­ ria C ristin a nearby from seri­ ous dam age. Steel g ird ers “ b en t Mke chew­ ing gum ” in th e intense flam es, a w itness said AH wood scaf­ folding b u rst bate flam es within th re e m inutes a fte r the fire started . • : T he basem ent mid first and second floors w ere badly dam » W 'im s : I ' \W M jd rig in S aw N ot» . E « t U n rip « . M hM s«n T hursday M orning, F ebruary I S , 1962? Republcan» Hear Miller G O P N a tio n a l C hairm an Blasts Kennedy ’s Policies P resid en t Kennedy engaged t “ By announcing th at a Ne­ term in Congress, suggested in the “ shabbiest kind of poli­ gro weald be appointed head th a t before the United States of the new d ep artm en t h e m akes a com m itm ent to p ur­ tic s ’' by injecting the ra cial w as In effect saying th a t a chase $100 million,, worth of issu e into th e question of c re a t­ vote ag ain st die creation of United N ations bonds, we j ing a D epartm ent of U rban die d ep artm en t would he a should reassess the position of A ffairs, R epublican national vote ag ain st N egroes.” the UN in the^ world ch airm an William E . M iller . Small nations which do not said W ednesday. “ If P resid en t Kennedy w a n ts ) th eir share for UN opera- j T h e outspoken New F ro n tier a N egro in the -cabinet so bad- j tjon5 a re cu rren tly gaining critic w as in Lansing to ad-' Ty. th ere a re m any Negro law- m o re from th e UN than is the i d ress a luncheon sponsored by y ers b etter qualified to he- At- ’ ^). s. he said. — th e Ingham county Republican torney . G eneral than Bobby j “ We cannot leave the I ni- j com m ittee. ¡K ennedy is.” he said. ; See KENNEDY page 6 In re m a rk s a t the luncheon He stru ck out a t Kennedy s j .... M iller ch arg ed th at: handling o f foreign policy say-1 n i ; i * f l.A : ing th a t West B erlin, which | J r t l l l i p p i l i e U U D ! was once a “ showcase of the j u r - i i « a —... S e n a to r F ra n c is vigor of dem ocracy” as op- j W l U J ? e U t U F e j posed to the “ sham bles ÎS of com ; . n < . Of COm* rM \r j C o n s e r v a t i v e C l u b i m unism ,” is now a ghetto of ‘P i s t a S a N a y o n m* * wmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmmmrn——— ————— —— — — i fre e d o m ’*- STUDENT ART WORK, now on display a t K resfe A rt S p e a k e r T h u rsd a y The International C l u b , Center, is arranged by F red Shepard, Okemos graduate The wall should have been ¡through the Philippine Club, student. His pitchers and vases are p a rt of the student Senator Lynn O. F rancis, torn down brick by brick as will present a “ P ista Sa Na- display in the lobby of Kresge. ______________ m ajority leader of the Michi- it was being built, he said, ¡yon” a t 7 30 p.m . F rid ay in the gan S enate, will speak on i and called this a “ typical Union Ballroom . “ W hat Will You Tell T h e m ? ” exam ple of K ennedy's failure The “ P ista Sa Nayon” lite r­ BmBHMHRHbIIBH ___ _ w T hursday a t 8 p.m . in th e i to a c t la foreign-policy cri­ ally m eans “ feast in a Philip- BEETHOVEN FESTIVAL participant* Virginia R ice, left, LawtoR, Olda., m aalc | Union ballroom to the Conser­ sis.” tp in e village.” ft will feature a S u g a J t’k S p i c e C O F F E E S H O P graduate student, Madeline Heikkinen, P a rm a Heights, 0 „ Junior, and R obert Kovacs, Nanuet, N.Y., discuss their upcoming perform ances. The series will vative Club. - If we recognize E a st Ger- ¡n u m b er of Filipino folk dances include 32 piano sonatas and five piano concertos. E ach evening’s perform ance F ran c is presently serves on m any now, he said, “ we will in authentic costum es accom -1 the education, labor, and ap ­ be backing out of o u r com m it- panied by a nose flute ana £ Now E v e ry S u n d a y is arran g ed to give each audience a taste of Beethoven’s varied styles. JThe propriations com m ittees of the m ents to th e Bonn governm ent, flashes of Philippine m elodies, j o S tu d e n t N ig h t festival win end M arch 12. —State News Photo by John Rum mel. O L egislature. D uring th e p ast W est G erm any will go to the | Guests will be able to sam ple sum m er m onths he directed o F eaturing Low P riced Supper hearings on the MSU Labor R u « U a side- and .11 E u ro p e , served before the d an ce-n u m ­ Cong “ Bom bs,” said Anderson, o Specials a l o n g witfr R egular I ‘won’t discrim inate between D r . C a r l C l a r k _ and In d ustrial R elations Cen­ will becom e indefensible.” bers. o Sunday Special Fam ily Style r e s s i students and non-students.” ter. M iller, now serving his sixth This show is one of the week­ ° Chicken D inner with all the A bill to define the C onserva­ T o S p e a k o n S p a c e ly social activities of th e - I n ­ 0 T rim m in g s ___________ — $1*65 tive Club, Young Socialist Club. ternational € lu b m i t s aim to (Continued from P age 1) 1Young Republican and Young A t S e m i n a r F r i d a y larg est schools in the Michigan j D em ocrat Clubs as political l^ H ö s a BBa ana prom ote b e tte r understanding o o r ¿J C w ir U o oorV ssw U o Ir dU P u z z e |■ n□ az aa ca eHa on oa aa 0 ^t i D a |a and fellowship am ong students o NSA region. 1groups was referred to the po- Dr C arl C. Clark, H ead of o. the Biophysics Division, Avia­ from different countries. 0009 Donald Sexton, a student ilitical affairs com m ittee. All n a a a s a n s a No reservation nor ticket is oooo tion Medical Laboratory, will' ACSOM 32. Mimic □ a n r a a a o z i a who attended the m eeting j but the Conservative Club cu r­ speak a t a n engineering sem ­ 1. Sera« 33. Advantage □ □ □ a a a a a a n n E needed. “ ju st to see w hat goes on,’’ rently a re classified as politi­ i n a r on “ The Y ear 2 ol M an’s S. Young 35. Exist elephant__ 30.Vault □ a s s a n a a a a a gave a surprise plea in her cal. half of NSA. He refuted the M igration into Space,” F rid ay •t. Girl’s name 38. Glorifias □ aaaanaa a m a u a t 4 p.m . in 404 E lectrical E n ­ 12. Choice 40. Pry BOB □□03130 argum ent th at the average gineering. _ RiarMcwe 42. Consisting □□□roa aaaa student “ has no role in poli­ T . E u g e n e A v e r y C lark, who w as selected to 13. Spoken 14. Unright, of eggs — 43. Placed a a n a n a a anaaa tics” and urged Congress test and train M ercufy astro ­ a n s am a a n a a a eousness 45. Uvaly m em bers to join NSA. He H a s T e x t b o o k - nauts, will discuss the p o ssib le 15. Fish trap intelligence □ s a chico a s c o o said that be felt \U S G bad achievem ents during 1062 and la Body ota 40-Friend: Fr. little to show fdr the 25 cent church St. Gaunt notation of Yaatarday*a Punto T o B e R e le a s e d som e problem s which m u st be student tax charged each answ ered before m an ca n con­ IT. Fondle gg. Old stringed term . v I t Handwriting instrument S3. Trust 4. hmummblo j -D r. T. Eugene Avery, assist- tinué his invasion of outer 20. Italian town 54. Pence «tap space. _ 22. Air: com h. 95. Corrupt 59. Tima unit 5. Schema “ M aybe, if AliSG joins NSA.” ! ant professor of forestry, is the DOWN form 5« Appellation «. Conrtatlstion he said, “ they can together do ‘ author of “ Interpretation o f . . . . . 34. Pawns: for Athena 1. Rook's coBs 7. Batha som ething constructive for the . • , , . >, _ „,1 A C ongressm an n atu ra lly dang — 57. Suffix a t 2.Fiahsauoo S. Meat student body.” Ae.r ia l P,h®l0g^ pbs’ J T ^ T - s p e n d s lots of tim e fixing his 27. Crowding ordinal 3. Animal’s 0. Exceptional A good deal of the debate published *--- by B-urgess Publish - fences, because th a t’s w here 31. Kat sparingly numbers bad 10. Contend 11. Insect F“T' n 7“r rwr ps-" c entered on NSA's tendency to ing com pany. he sits m ost of the tim e ." — SAVE O N 15. Chine« won take definite stands on world In a release from the pub­ John W. R ichards, P ageland 31. Bushy p ro b lem s^ The group’s codifi­ lishing bouse, Avery said th at (S.C.V Journal. dump T Y PIN G P A P E R cation of policy states th at it the book is designed for semes- W mir 23. Senseless 35. Substituted In tro d u c to ry O ile r deals with world problem s only ter-length courses in general T h e State N ew s as they affect “ the student in photogram m etry and photo in­ ■ — ■asm jq m mmm W M a ,' readtag~Bib. 38. Female ir m H i» the role of the student.” P ublished by the students of Hints: abbr. terpretations. It also h a s ap ­ M ichigan State U niversity. Is­ 27. Head pieces 5 0 % o ff Jim Anderson, defending plication in-such fields as for­ sued on class d ay s M onday NSA’s role as a vehicle of estry, geography, geology, civ- through F riday, during th e fall, 1P H W k 37- — 29. On top of 38. Tear down R eg. P ric e E**" "1 fir1Tw Student opinion, w as asked 11 engineering, m apping, urban w inter and spring q u arte rs. Is­ 30. Cautiously _ to explain bow NSA resolu­ planning and the m ilitary. sued twice weekly during th e 34. Felled tree sections S P E C IA L tions regarding nuclear test­ The book is a com bination sum m er te rm . Second class ing w ere particularly rele­ college textbook an d labora­ postage paid a t E a st Lansing, B*" 37. Feather Bock piece v an t to students. tory m anual. Michigan. IT B 5” Ma W m w 38. Side issue 41. Eur. gurnard «9Ü to s ST1. 44. Bird of pesce 48L Predoniinsto sr Hr H W 4T.WiBow 48. Glass dataci JT !Wt* P üw *. 49. Mimic tO. Entangle SLLubnctM IIEBERM ANN'S — B O O K E N D S BUXTON ORGANIZER R A CK T Y P E • , . the billfold that keeps SPEC IA L your cards in view SPARTAN m ANIMALS a « who ro io E U B o p c m MM AMJET CUPPER- PULLTHETAB.. . 50% ANDASUMMER SESSION JBTUC UNMERStfYOf YOURCHOÍCE.* ( fo r an indexed view } V IE W C A R D S OFF CAM PUS V IEW S Regular Price 6 fo r 10c ANDFLIP P k g . o l 5 0 —5 0 c a ( to show 8 m ore cards) B uxton’• clev e r “ O rganizer” billfold keeps 16 cred it c a rd s displayed in orderly; ftnnbie-free view a t th e pull of a ta b . In rich meBow-touch cowhide, $7,50. In supple English M orocco, $16.00 (tax e x tra ). T H E S E BARGAINS AND M ORE FREE C o ld Monogram AT TH E .■ > t£ s U ^ m a rM . SPA R T A N BO O K STO RE CORNER ANN * MAC tm m i K 4 a 3 IK m a m » l ig * ’"rV 'T.T.4' 7U Y W * .* ; -t \ § ly T$ m Times By KEUN YOUN Of the (Kate News Staff » T h«e tian te ti »w» x* r■ * Scholarships u re not warned T h e U niversity of M f c B p a r a in in iiw B i m m w *1 *4 m o f I t e * te rte e e M - a t this university, according to a n U p i IM h p w A j M a t i a l h » Saar e r Uv» tim ee a s many N ational Scholarship Qualify­ ■Md, wffl be gfrea etter Melvin C. B uschm an, associate I s m a a d »h ” " 1 scholarships ing That is abw u npag e d of i f directo r of scholarships. u l u l i urite» aa d M m k M M kB rhigan S tate, B uschm an plicants. This y e a r, h a m m , aHL ^ Z;S^yi-; : C ritics h av e ch arg ed th a t said . O th er schoiarship funds about m high school seniors som e colleges w aste th e ir O ther scholarships range in 'i r e M e a t equal. .- w ith a n acadamir av e rag e ol value from about $200 to $1,000 scholarship rands, a n d th a t 3.5 will com pete for th e alum ni m m , sc h o la n U p s have no ta k e n , T he nu m b er o f scholarship a ye e r a n d h av e various re ­ because of student apathy o r studente h as ****" vtyoiMy in- distinguished aw ard . new al a a d o th er features. ffri* lack of inform ation on how to c re a tin g since UCQ, a a d a p ­ The alum ni dutingaidhed B tu d u n a a said th e U niver­ Mn&M proxim ately 3,000 acho larlh ipe aw ard s w ith stipends o f $M0Q anoly. h e said. a y ear, renew able it m erited. se* SCHOLARSHIP pa** * ^ T t d a is absolutely not tru e a m a wa r ded annually, h e said. 521 EAST GRAND RTVER E. LANSING 1001 W. SAGINAW LANSING ■ *' " K w l i s u p e r IS J m W M A R K E T IT E RESERVE THE RIGHT O P E N S E V E N D A Y S A W E E K TO LIMIT QUANTITIES F R O M 9 A .M . - 9 P .M . BOSTON PO PS SOLOIST O s a i M arsh will present a sel­ dom h eard concerto by the Soviet Union’s D irector of Music. D im itri K abalevsky "T he Second P iano Concerio in G M inor,” during the Pops’ program of classical a iti BEST BUYS IN popular m usic a t S:15 p an . Thursday and F riday in the Auditorium. - AFROTC Cadets Meet Set CHOICE B E E FiBUDGET C Q c C H U C K m q D ! r r o a s t H r PEWAMA _ MICHIGAN BEET S U G A R B U T T E R 4 9 * standing 5 lbs l o r 3 9 ‘ A controversial movement is pick­ R ib R o a s t ( S lb lim it) DEAN’S DAIRY ing up steam. If it succeeds, the Bible wiH be removed from court­ rooms. Public-scbooi prayers wiN l i tt l e B o y B lu e be banned. And IN GOD WE TRUST will be taken off our coins. In this C h o c o la te ! M ilk week’s Post Billy Graham speaks out against this trend —and tofts why he thinks atheists play into B R E A D Communist hands. I S , jd a m b jr itm lx f ( lim it 4 lo a f s ) i «i*® * ° r 3 9 * G o ld M e d a l C F L O U R C H A R M IN T O IL E T AGAR O S C A R M A Y E R TISSUE famas Paaalja B ro o k s Delicious Double Red Play Arch P u llm a n Con A P P L E S Æ tM * Casuals B o o k M a tc h e s 50 c o u n t 10c p k g RA N CH ST Y L E BACON W estern P a c k _ • Cm nhntf W heat (B o rg o l) la 3 G rinds CARROTS • S y rian T ah in i and T nridah C offee S p echi R uns • Home-M ade Leban US N o. 1 • S yrian B rand T h u rs d a y , F r id a y f t S a tu rd a y o n ly . Yellow A M E R IC A N B R IC K EAST tS~U)AF LANSING j - ; * O f f m I » T h u P aper , - i f . M lrW g m 1 8 * * » 1 LANSING E x p in W iA n m d * r , T + n m r U | j "POTATOES s ia li Undefeated Bucks N e ii-R e la te d Meet State Cagers By GARY RONBERG _ ■ g iiast th e Bneks hi Jn hen swim m ing together in th eir '"¡First, they wore horn only State News Sports W itter F I c I A m h m eetings. freshm an y e a r « I State, flegr a day iÉipf Mike's HMAqr '~Here{ com e th e Ohio State Two y e a rs ag e. S tate drop­ have befuddled m any a sports being October nth and BIS’s U niversity Buckeyes! ped an M4B heartbreaker in w riter. Some drop th e ir first the 21st. Far a good portion U ndefeated, top-ranked in one of th e classic cag e con­ nam e thus having Wood swim ­ or A pÊt w e tr nves wey nav e guvea t lA M A g m v A r ig th e country, and well on its tests in MSU history. Lost year m ing som a six «vente in stead of wttirin ft miles of each other. way to a second NCAA cham ­ the S p artan s w ere beaten. 91- th e perm itted three. O thers, Mflm to from Jockson «ad pionship in th ree years, the 83, a t Columbus, and lost 83-68 such a s B en d a K arsko of th e BUI from East Leasing. m arvelous aggregation from here. In th e E a s t 1a n tin g en­ Columbus Dispatch, assum e a Both the Woods a re juniors, Columbus tak es on M ichigan counter, S tate h ad led 39-38 at fam ily relationship by labeling each one while in high school S tate’s youthful Spartans, SaL halftim e j o d w asn’t counted out them the "Wood brothers.” w as nam ed to the high school urday night a t 8 p.m . in Jetti­ until well into th e second stan- All-Am erican team , and each son Fieldhouse. w ere state cham pions. Spearheaded by two-time All- “ Our youngsters don’t quit each o th er a s “ m y b ro th er.” A m erican J e rry L u cas, the and we don’t go into any gam e Now a t S tate they have be­ The Ironica] thing is th a t In com e close friends and swim Bucks h ave p ick ed u p rig h t thinking we haven’t a ch ance.” m any w ays they a re quite sim ­ together on th é 400-yd. free­ w here they left off la st y ear Anderson said. “ It w ill h e quite ilar. when they won 27 and dropped an experience for o ur sopho­ style relay which broke the «me—th e lode defeat com ing f t m ores to play ag ain st th is won­ B ig Ton reco rd this year. th e hands of Cincinnati in the d erfu l team .” However, in ap p earan ce th e y NCAA cham pionship gam e. look nothing alike. Bill Is-ta ll Se f a r th is season, OSU ha» an d thin with blond h a ir and won i f , lost none, and set a Mike is sh o rter and stockier- new Big T en reco rd la s t Mon­ se t with d a rk hair. _ d ay night w hen they downed SALIY VICTOR* MU, o r “ VoeM,” as he to M ichigan for th eir 24th con­ ference win la succession. HATMAKER TO called by his team m ates, sta rte d sw im m ing com petit­ “ They’re b etter than ever ively In his sophom ore y ea r th is season,’’ S partan coach a t E asT L an siag High School. F orddy Anderson said. “ Their key play ers a re all seniors and In his . senior y e a r he w as th is m eans th a t on top of ev­ class B state cham pion in the erything else they have m atu re 100 y ard backstroke and ISO experience. Thy ra te am ong y a rd individual m edley. T hat th e g re a t team s of all tim e. Sally Victor has darignad tods far sam e y ea r he w as nam ed to PUTTING THE BALL threugh th e hoop to a tra d e m a rk of these two Ohio State The contest will be played be­ Grace Kelly, Quoto Biobtih, Ma­ th e . high school All-American stars. J e rry L ucas (left) aad Mel Nowell have been outstanding figures in the fore a sell-out crow d of m ore mie Eisenhower, Modds Hopper squad for the 100-yd back­ Buckeye attack for two y e a rs and a re back again this season leading the th an 12,900 fans, as all reserved and many otters, to this week’s stroke. Columbus quintet. seats h av e been gone for weeks Post. youH moot Sslly sad ter Bill a t State has developed and th e unreserved sections clients. You’ll read shout her Into a versatile sw im m er car a re certain to be filled by stu- "feuds” with Lilly OocM and Mr. pable of participating in m any dents. events; bu t bis speciality is th e H o c k e y T e a m P la y s D e n v e r M ich ig an 'S tate enters the John. Leam why Jackie Kennedy s headgear makes Sally mesa. And 200-yd individual m edley and gam e with a 7-19 overall how Eleanor Roosevelt gsva ter the 400-yd freestyle relay. By ED KOTLAR m ark aad a 2-7 Big Ten slate. idea that doubled ter business. The th ird line of M arty and Chandik h as m ade 153 Wood, th a t is Bill Wood, is a Although overwhelm ing un­ Tka Smimrdmy Smamimf S tate News Sports W riter Quirk, Gus H endrickson and saves while h is opposing goal- divisional physical science and derdogs, Spartan team s of P a t Baldwin- o r Tony Elliot ies h ave m ad e only 103. m ath em atics m ajo r who plans The sagging M ichigan S tate h av en ’t picked up a point in the p ast have risen up« for Bessone h as said th a t having a c a re e r in oceanography. Be­ hockey team , losers of th eir the last five gam es. s p a r k l i n g perform ances th e students behind th e team sides sw im m ing he likes to sail la st four gam es, tack le the red- Likely th e S p artan d efeat- is like h a v in g » one goal advan- and recently spent a sum m er -hot D enver P io n eers a t the tve crew h as been spotty, ta g s. F o r the M ichigan gam e In F lorida being a sort of Lloyd MSU Ice A rena T hursday and Tw ice in the lo st four g am es F eb. 2 when S tate w as a half B ridges, skin diving, specim en F rid ay a t 8 p.m . S tate h a s tak en 2-4 lead s in gam e out of first place, a rec- hunting and deep sea fishing. T h e , S p artan s who a few tb e first period an d still lost, o rd crow d of 3,992 jam m ed the weeks ago had a ten gam e un­ T he opposition 'h a g scored arena. L et’s hope th e response Mike Wood began swim ­ b e a te n 's tre a k and w ere fight­ 21 tim es in the la s t four gam es is as good now. m ing a s a sixth g ra d er and ing for league lead, a re tie d i n prom ptly b e c a m e s ta te fourth place and face possible cham pion for his ag e ;g ro u p elim ination fro m th e play-offs. In the individual m edley and The P io n eers, w ith a 11-7-1 freestyle. over-all record and a 7-5 league H our L ate r he sw am for Jackson record a re in th ird -p la c e , a E q u ip m e n t Service High School and w as class A half g am e ah ead of State. sta te cham pion in bis sopho­ -The Pioneers a re fresh from • su $ c ! o o m ore y e a r in the 100-yd fre e ­ a two gam e sw eep of Michi­ gan a t D enver. • B o o ., - W Passports — Portraits style and the 20Q-yd freestyle relay . In his senior y e a r Mike The S partans and P ioneers • P oles (5 0 c In s u r a n c e ) - _ Applications w as sta te cham pion in the 50 have played 22 tim es_ with an d 100-yd freestyle. D enver,-w inning 19, to th re e WEEKEND—FRIDAY - MONDAY No C am era C harge • No Appointments N ecessary SAMI NAMES, DIFFERENT BOYS—Bill Wood (sitting) He w as nam ed to the high school All-American team in for S tate. The la s t victory for the S p artan s w as Dec. 18, 1958. When the S p artan s w ere on LARRYCUSHIONSPORTINGROODS 197(4 E a st Michigan — Lansing — IV 5*8253 and N to Wood (standing) are often taken for brothers. the 80,100 and 200-yd freestyle, 3020 VINE • Ph. IV 5-7465 and also in the 150 individual an eig h t gam e winning strea k Trtib to fhay’ro oaty swtnunlag team m ates. m edley an d 200-yd freestyle ea rlie r this season coach Amo >and m edley relays. h a s s o n e cred ited balanced Now a t State, Mike sw im s on scoring on im proved defensive Intramural Schedule th e 400-yd freestyle and m edley re la y te a m s plus swim m ing th e 50, 100 and 220-yd free- work as th e ^reason. Now they have, lost four in a row fo r the sam e reason. BASKETBALL 3 S. Nu - A. Phi A. II styles. This y e a r he has tu rn ed C oot 0 p.m . 4 Sig. Ep. - Phi P si - II in one of th e fa ste st tim es in 3 D.S. Phi - Z.B.T. 5 T.D. O ri - P . K. P h i HI the nation for th e 100-yd free­ « T riangle - A -G Jt. S A.T.O. - P h i Sjg K 6 PM Gam . - P h i D elt 8 p.m . ~ III style, a :48 8. Tareyton / O Farmhouse - AE- Pi 7pm 3 D.T.D. * S.A.E. II In the sum m er Mike, who Is »sociology m ajo r, changes delivers Vg 4 P h i T au * K. A. P s i ~ 5 S.A.M. i~K. Sig 6 P si U. * Phi K. Sig - ‘ lit II III him self into an actor for the d a r k Lake P lay ers. H enriso the flavor...^ enjoy* good m usic and ac­ DVAL FILTER DOES IT! 9 p.m . com panies team m ate Je ff E a s t L a n s in g 3 S. CM • L.C.A. II M attson la an Interest of sky 4 T. Chi - B. T. P i II diving. S a le s & S e rv ic e 5 PM Mu Alpha - D. Chi III 6 G. Geldings-Plym krs. Ill The Wood “ b ro th ers,” ra th e r T .Y . - Radio The In tram u ral W restling “ team m ates,” along with the room w in be open for w restling re st of the team a re anticipa­ 839 H ENK E BOOTS H i-F i p ractice from 7 to 9 p m . on tin g the M ichigan m eet as one NOW $22.59 Mondays, W ednesdays, and of file highlights of the season. 91 lour Ffcoao Service Thursdays;. HAND-KNITTED P tM » e E D 2 - 2 7 1 2 All those who intend to en ter M ITTENS NOW $2.44 the IM w restling tournam ent H o c k e y S ta n d in g s It 2 W. Grund River m u st h a u e n ix p ractice sessions SKI BOOT T R E E S or be in a w restling class. WCHL HOCKEY STANDINGS NOW $ 2 .» W L T P et. M ichigan Tech. 15 3 0 .833 RENT tev e’s M ichigan D enver M ichigan S tate M innesota v 11 3 0 .786 7 50.583 6 5 1 .542 5 6 1 .458 Skis • Boots A Poles $5 Tehoggons S p o rt ■ hep 3415 S. C edar N orth D akota 1 5 U 0 .313 $3.50 TU 2-7398 Colorado College 0 16 0 .000 COUPUB SAT FOR THE PRICE O F ONE INCUORI EVERYTHING ON THE MENU W a lk A w a y w ith S a v in g s o f- Up T o " T c w t y t t t i t 's D u a l F I t t o r i n d u a t p a r t » d i v i s a « s f ! " ACTIVAI» P re -In v e n to ry says Sextus (Crazy Legs)Cato» Bacchus Cup winner. “Thera are lots ol filter cigarettes around,” aaya Crazy Legs, “bat o pluribus unum stands out—Dual Fitter Tareyton. For the beat taste of the boot tobaccos, try Tareyton—one filter B t e » r fipacM s Goad F ru m N ues U t i l Midnight cigarette that really delivers da gustibus!** C aM B M D DUALFILTER (« c ro s s f r o » the U n io n B u ild in g ) JtoâSffJC* ■4 iM irh ig m S tate New», E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n By DICK ROBINSON r- a itfe e mile. The Chippewa* By T h e A ssociated P re ss > State News Sparta W riter arc headed by «printer and By (writer Barry Jacobsen, who MINNEAPOLIS—Foreign hockey team s will play a t least 24 S ta te's indoor tra d e contin­ pa « i «¡it n « at State’* relay«. gam es in the M idwest as w arm ups for the world hockey tounta- j gent re tu rn s to dual m eet com­ Jacobsen, who placed fifth roent a t Colorado Springs M arch 8-18. —- petition tonight a fte r tw o S at­ ■ h fee 7S»y«rd darti and low 4~* ★ * * . A \urdays of relay com petition— taanBaa 1» the MSI Relay*, is NASSAU, B aham as—F or the second straig h t y ear, J a c k ,but without John P a rk e r. the UAC 220-yard champ. Oth­ Pow ell’s P ap er Tiger has won the 184-mile M iam i-Nassau | The S partans will face Cen­ S m a ll C o lle g e B a s k e tb a ll P o B er ML Pleeaaat stem that place yacht ra ce, official tabulations showed W ednesday. j tra ( l Michigan a t Jenison H e ld la the gpartaa** aawt inch«!* ★ * ★ IHouse a t 7 p.m . for th e field «h nek Derby, fifth In tbs *»- CHAMONIX, F ran ce—A ustria’s brilliant M arianne Ja h n events and half-an-hour la te r W yard i «b la 1:1S; Don Rasmus­ cam e from behind Wednesday to capture the special slalom ^for the running events. T here e s , second in the mile in and h er second title of the week a t the snow-swept world ski ,will be no adm ission charge. itt4 l m 2 : 0 1 ; and miler Bob Jews. gam es. . -• . ' A fter running against the f » 3 t »¡who pieced fifth. s ta te ’s top trac k pow ers. W est­ *17-2» » 1 T he Chippewa«' Leo C allard DENVER—Two Journeym an heavyweights. Zora Folley and | ern ‘ M ichigan and Michigan, in tm tl 47 \ Is t h e I1AC fitleholder in the Mike DeJohn. wound up training-W ednesday for their 10-round | both the Michigan an d Michi­ 44, f a r a d ju m p <22* 5%” ) and fight T hursday night. gan S tate R elays, th e S partans » f a t r 1%” . Another good pros- second to John D e ls e s ’ first lfcfdot pole v a u lt in the Millrose the top irt the Big Ten. «» 4 1 22 pect is q u arter-m iler Bob Wa* Gam es, replaced the ailing Uelses Wednesday in the New The th in c la d r coasted to an «M 4) 14 te rs Y o rk Athletic Club m eet to be held F riday a t Madison Square j G arden. , — fr it ★ TOLEDO, Ohio—Venezuela Wednesday becam e the second nation to enter a team in th 5 9 * H IN D Q U A R T E R S a 6 3 / S IR L O IN STEA K a 9 9 / B O IL IN G BEEF a 2 9 / - |no coupon noodod) V A L U A B L E C O U P O N S a m s o n ite S U N K IS T FOLDINGTABLE W ith this coupon and o $5.00 or more purchase i n y o u r Frondor Kroger Store thru Saturday, February 17, 1962. Nationally odvortisod $6 95 value yours for only $3.99 with $25 00 worth of Kroger cash register tapes' ONLY N avel O ran g e s And Folding chairs will bo on solo AMunich oongtaet. * London theatre party, ~ LIMIT: O ne «»upon per customer — soon1" the Udo Club in Farit, the Student Inn in Heidelberg—alt are part of American Ex- proas’ 1962 Student Tour*. Thi* year, American Express will tako students to a Bavarian songfest in Munich; a_party a tth s famous Student Inn in Hei­ delberg; otra gondola tour of Venice by night; a theatre party in D ozen London; a "Sound and Light" spectacular at the Roman Forum; open-air opera and concerts in Rome, Verona and Salzburg; a (with $5.00 Purdies* Swiss fondue dinner; on a visit to the Flea Market, and to din­ end Coupon Above) ner end show at the Lido Club in Paris. D ost that sound square? U S No 1 lakers Thera will be ton student tours ¡nail. These tours are priced from $1132 up, including transportation. Details am arranged ID A H O POTATOES »•"> 5 9 / by e regular tour escort. You needn't fuse over timetables and U S- Fency road maps. You'll have more time to learn, to see things, make friends and have fun. M C IN T O S H APPLES >>•» 3 9 / The tours will leave New York June 8 through July 12 and re­ 5c off label Tropicana turn July 26-S ep t 5. They last from 6 to 10Vi weeks. Six tours teste rs transportation on the new S.S. France. In addition to O R A N G E JU IC E 3 9 / TYaotom Europe, itineraries include Russia, the Scandinavian SW^cTe ff#*b countries arid Israel Fto h tour w (continued from page 3) cial statem ents for all scholar­ like to see a good student have Vehicles and o th er fu tu re op­ P resid en t Kennedy is try in g Sity funds a re p rim arily 4 o r ships, B uschm an said. The only to leave our university for fi­ eratio n al space vehicles. His M Y !...T H O S E PEACE TERM S//. nancial reasons. W hen we know to be a good president, he said, Michigan residents, a n d will exception is the w inner of the responsibilities in th e p ast in­ b u t he doesn’t have a single cover th e student’s tuition. Alumni Distinguished- Scholar­ about him , we try very h ard cluded th e Aero Space plane, chance w ith th e group he has l i e o ther scholarships de­ ship Awards. to find a w ay for h im to stay th e “ Slom ar” and “ P erm an e n t in th e W hito House. pend upon som e special quali­ This financial statem ent in school. „ Satellite B ase and Logistics He saitl th ere a re m any stu­ M any of K ennedy’s advisors Study.” ___ _ fication in addition t o evidence m ust be turned in to College a re m en who w ere rejected a t Scholarship Service, Box 176, dents who cannot com e to -of th e scholastic ability, he th e polls by th e people, be P rinceton, N. J ., on o r before school even when scholarship said . We d e n t divide te con­ aaiA such a s residence in a said. -~ Ja n . 20 of each y ear, he added. assistance is offered because q u er, w e don’t s e t class p artic u la r locality o r a m ajor “ It seem s th a t in o rd er to get the aw ard itself cannot m eet ag ain st class and creed fie ld of study. All o ther applications ex­ th eir needs. a job in th e New F ro n tie r y b u B K P dssem To qualify fo r continued ag ain st c reed te win. sB^OMou.naEinicssei cept four-year m ajo r scholar- Some scholarship students m ust firs t have failed in every­ scholarship aid, lie said, th e - ships m ust be postm arked no a ta d e n t m u st h av e a n all- la te r than M arch 1 for con­ w ork np to 20 hours a week In addition to ca rry in g a thing e ls e y o u trie d to to,” he charged. “ Any governm ent th a t gets big enough to give u s every­ TRpcKHudson ^DorisDay coflege a v e rag e of 2J a t the e n d of th e fresh m an y ear, a 2.8 a t file end of the sopho­ sideration fo r the following year. heavy load of class work, he added. M any students also In asking fo r au th o r ty to cu t tax es and institute* la b ile thing is a ls o -b ig enough to ta k e i t all aw ay, h e said in a slap a t big g o v ern m e n t NEXT WEEK! Tony ’Randall- borrow m oney. works a t any tim e w itboat m o re y ea r, an d a 3.8 average Applicants a re judged on the “ R epublicans believe th a t “ I t is our feeling th a t ed u ­ consulting Congress, Ken­ cation is im portant,” h e said, nedy is “ attem pting to boy ev ery single person is m ore fKSStfMSAß» Ä . ARTHUR. LAST 2 DAYS 65c im p o rtan t th a n a ll governm ent GLADMER Twr Ar»f PHONT TV 2 9**1. TO 5:30 “ and if th e student also realizes th a t learning is im portant en­ ough to m ake a “ herculean th e people’s votes with th e people’s m oney,” lie said- He pointed o u t th a t these a n d th a t no governm ent c a n do a b e tte r jo lrth a n fre e m en left l i è i t f t t h t l t e 3ÊSL -p — C o m e b a c k ” ^ Mf isw i ACOtOR to th e ir own ingenuity,” be effort” on his own p a r t to obtain a n education by work­ powers could be used fo r par­ said. F ta z s a tisan political purposes a t elec­ M iller, in a p re s s conference CINEMASCOPE * METPOCOtOR , EDIE ADAMS *JACK OAKIE-JACK KRUSCHEN Q in g , borrow ing, and using his tion-tim e. resources wisely^ w e w ant to before th e luncheon, predicted Olivia d e H avilland M iller accu sed K ennedy of th a t fo rm er Vice P resid en t help h im .” taking too long to cu t o f f tra d e Rossano B razzf R ich ard Nixon would accep t YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS relations w ith Cuba. E v en now, th e 1964 p residential nom ina­ The LAFFS s ta r t a t 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 - 7:20 & 0:30 A lp h a Z e t a M e e t he said, Cuba can still do busi­ ness w ith o ur allies. tion if i t w ere offered. STARTING SATURDAY S e t f o r T h u rs d a y As lead e r of th e W estern Nixon h a s insisted th a t he will serv e a full four-year te rm A n in v ita tio n to sh ap e y o u r o w n fu tu re 000 world we should a sk o u r allies a s governor of California if he F acu lty m em bers will be­ THEGREATEST 3 SHOWS com e busboys a t Alpha Z eta’s ! annual banquet T hursday a t 6 to stop doing business with o ur com m unist neighbor, he a s is elected th is y ear. DAILY HUM ANDRAM A AT p.m . in the Wesley Foundation, 1118 S. H arrison Rd. BCrtWi * r~ M ilier confidently predicted THATTHEW ORLD 1 :0 0 -4r00 AND D r. P a u l A. H erbert, retire d em eritus professor and presi­ R epublican victories in 1882 and 1884 claim ing th a t Re­ FINEST W h e re HASEVERKNOW N! 8 P.M . - d e n t ^ th e N ational Wildlife publicans all ev er th e nation WEEKDAY MATS $1:10 • SUN. & EV E. $1.25 • CHILD. 50c Federation, will b e the speaker a t the get-together for actives a re enthusiastic and an g ry . “ We R epublicans will be A m ericans firs t an d R epubli­ ITALIAN y o u c a n an d alum ni. cans second h e said. We will not dow ngrade o u r nation. “ This is th e g re a te st and FOODS g ro w ... TH U RSD A Y - FR ID A Y - SA TU RD A Y O N L Y strongest nation on e a rth ,” he said, and its about tim e our lead e rs said so.” MSANOVANO.2 The R epublican p arty h as 211 M.A.C. E D 7-1888 been g re a t fe r th e nation, he PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL E D « 8 1 7 O D D S AND E N D S *S T A T E * E A S T LA N SIN G • PHONE E D .M 8 I4 HOME O F T H E B EST IN FO R EIG N FILM S O N E O F A K IN D a n d B R O K E N L O T S ~ NOW SHOWING THRU SATURDAY F IR S T SHOW 7 P.M . — ADULTS t i e SHOWN 7 AND 18 5 0 % t o 8 0 % o f f alec G u in n e s s whodallgMMlyouin •■Kind H w ti «nd Coron*U'* H in c lu d in g : • T IE S ¡ tJ g m H tr • • SH IR TS SU ITS • • SW EA TERS S P O R T COA TS fini JW . STANLEY HOLLOWAY f t • T O PC O A T S • AND MANY OTHER ITEMS • HATS the PROMOTER SHOWN 8:85 General Telephone has tripled ha size in the last 10 years—expects to double its size again ia the T o heip y o u grow with the com pany, th e G eneral Téléphoné System provide* planned training p ro - next decade. WM» expansion such as this, there gnuns, and enoourages and aids an individus! fai ST A R T IN G SUNDAY 1 P.M . ia an ever-increasing need for larger and more self-development. You a ie given evety opportu- SU ITS competent management teams. nity to chart y o o r own course ia accordance e n te R eg . 5 9 ,9 5 to 1 2 5 .0 0 n o w 4 9 .9 5 , 5 9 .9 5 , 6 9 .9 5 to 1 0 5 .9 5 T h a r Law is a your interests a n d attrihntee. fa til of to ac*hrfeies--ftooi research and manu­ Immorality m facturero the provision of modera communica- Y o u r Placem ent D irector wiÜ b e p k zse d to pro* S P O R T COATS R eg . 5 9 .9 5 to 9 0 .0 0 n o s e 2 4 .9 5 , 2 9 .2 9 , 3 4 .9 5 to 6 9 .9 5 theirenemyis ^ fioos services in 31 states—General Telephone vide you with tc o p y o fo u r brochure o n Manège* SLACKS „ ~' J ? T j ^ A . Society! darts its own course. m ent Careers at G eneral Téléphoné. • n d tito v d M w Æ R eg. 1 3 .9 5 to 3 9 .9 5 n o w 1 1 .9 9 , 1 4 .9 9 , 1 7 .9 9 to 3 4 .9 9 . cnemeeives u n o Empkymeut Opportunities G ENERAL » » « • ti J* y 1W O m u l T«Mwm f Z l H O L D E N J g R E I D C harge CiwpW «f A ecem di Ium mwy l i ^ u w u t oppartamti«« to t c a# « ,« - 9 FRANDOR SHOPPING C EN TER FRANDOfl V . »•a* ■ m « P t e w j f o k C»rt«ct O P E N l u e . to » p.m . M O N D A Y T H R U F R ID A Y . S A T . T IL L « p .m . M f 8HaeamaM Offte* (6t hA —r^_T - ' njnrr —■ ...... i............i-—i----- —------—“——■ m m dite • . - .. Aa gjgaRjdfcMHMg llfÉÉf T h u rs d a y M o rn in g , F e b ru a ry 1 5 , 1 9 6 2 M ic h ig a n S ta le N ew a, l a t i L a m i n g , M f c h ig » n R e a l E » a te M an Hnrmful to Fish T o Speak T fa m d ay P la c e m e n t B u r e a u B «rt Saunders, executive vice A q u a tic P o llu tio n atm M p rc iid e o t of th e M ichigan R e d ErtMta Assn., w in spi rti a t a co w Mood m eeting of th e 1*4 Chib an d th e NAHB T hursday E ffe c ts S tu d ie d a t 7:10 p.m . in th e F o restry C abin ' H is topic win be reflections of m al e rto le o n th e building industry. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS • LOW COST • V a r s i t y D riv e In 1 2 2 7 E . G RA N D R IV E R O P E N E V ER Y DAY 5 KM) P .M . D E L IV ER Y SE R V IC E M ON. - SA T. 8 : 3 0 P J I . - 1 .3 0 A.M. SUNDAY 5 : 0 0 P .M . - 1 : 3 0 A.M. EDMBIT L a w P r o f . T o H o ld In te r v ie w s F e b . 20 f REE O n e G allon O f ° 2 r $ 1 0 .0 0 O r M o re ji P rofessor D avid S. R uder of the School of Law. N orth­ w estern U niversity, will be on BRIGHT SAIL BLEAOtt— (E x c lu s iv e | □ Bright Sail Match of B eer cam pus on Tuesday, Feb. 20. to or interview prospective law stu­ or „ W in e o r — ai dents. "“P ro fesso r R uder will be con­ ^ . 400 C o u n t pkgs of C ig m -e tt^ J □ 2 - 4 0 0 c o u n t p ltg s o f k p l M I t a . ferring with the students from 9 a.m . to noon and from 1:30 p.m . to Jrp .tn . in R essey Hall. He m ay be reached by calling ANGELSOFT TISSUES -j 355-9737. sia In th e 5 L an sin g a n d E ast L an sin g A & P S to res 11 ^ C A M P U S C L A S S I F I E D S D E A D L IN E S : 1 p .m . D a y B e fo re p u b lic a tio n f o r T u e s., W ed., T h u rs, a n d F r i. E d itio n s. D e ad lin e f o r M on. E d itio n : 1 p.m. F r i . P H O N E : 355-8255 o r 355-8256 AUTOMOTIVE APARTMENTS WANT GIRL to share large bed­ room, .living room and kitchen. Very reasonable. Near transportation. ED 2- 5977. 29 GRAND OPENING Audrey’s Cerem- ic Pit, Feb. 16-17-18 Noon to 9 p m. Free refreshments. Come end browse. See somethin, different. Ceramic stu­ dio and gift shcsp of handicap made by local hobbists. Classes held in eer. =29i LADY“GRADUATE student to— «here omic art and seulptoring. 31* Raich Style 4 room furnished apartment, quiet, wa'kmg distance to campus. Only if interested in studying. Call ED 7- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Kick-off program for camps and resorts. Wed­ P o rk R o a st 0180. 34 nesday, Feb. 28. Union Ballroom, 7:30- 4 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Near "Berkey. To share with woman 9:30 p.m. . UNION BOARD RUSH petition! 39 Boston Stylo Bütt B acon grad student or teacher. ED 2-0003. 30 available at UB desk in Union Con. course until 5 p.m. Friday. *"* 31 ROOMMATE TO SHARE 2 men furnished apartment. 2 blocks from CASH .REBATE. Receive $5 by campus. 229 Haslett. ED 2-0522. 30 saving Marek register receipts on Pre­ 2-lb pkg 9 9 ‘ scriptions. drugs, cosmetics, baby needs. GRADUATE STUDENT or working Save 10% on. most national brands. girl to share attractive apartment Marek Resell Prescription Center by EMPLOYMENT close to campus, ED 2-2561 after 5. Frandor, 301 N. Clipped, Phone 48S- ~ 32 4355. 34 /AlLRWHTi CaHfonria LET'S HAVE ROOMS CHAFFS HERE. MSU humor, "The- TMOCf . Evening Sparty Dropped His Helmet.” GLASSES' SPRING TfrP.M of before, older stu* d*"t- Reduced mtt for some cere* taking responsibilities. ED 2*1378. 30 College, Byrnes, State, Alexander's drugstores. 30 B ro c c o li C a r r o ts M u sh ro o m s EAST LANSING. Well furnished, shawer, bath, breeWest privileges, R EA L ESTATE periling. For met«re business or pro­ EAST LANSING. Leaving city, own­ LARGE BUNCH fessional rnen or women. No other er selling. I block from Bailey school. roomers. No children. $55 monthly. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, He baths, References required. ED*7*2177. 34 aluminum storm sash, modern kitchen, eoooöbff'iiFiT , dishwasher, incinerator, §t(~ heat, new* PER SO N AL ty decorated. $21.000. ED 2*427$. 31 ©NTOfÉTWte.iTS ANOTHER! . Miohigafl - Jh< S E R V IC E THE MICHIGAN STATE CHILDREN’S PORTRAITS ia your home. T.ntmg a specialty, ED 7-1201 evenings, weekend«. 32 M a c in to s h A p p te s Fre6ston6 reading, writing »I term papers and C O N SE R V A T IV E TYPING. THESES, manuscripts, term 4 “ 9 9 * preparing for tests and final examina- t ans. Get this vefoeble book— TO MAKE TOP GRADES 'N COL­ — HOW paper«, etc. ED 2-0570 after 6 p.m. 34 4 - l b b aa 2 9 c Peaches TERM PAPERS TYPED. Experienced, HE4AS JWTJ6AL0U5 «A U SE LEGE. IliX) ppd. Tc-rrr Associates, ED 2-4597. - 33 Bar 7. Chicago 50. lit. 30 I LOOKED 6 0 D£TlN6Uf$H©! ANN BROWN, typist and multihth- GUITAR HARMON Excellent condition. Nr ED 7-9577 Clark. —■ PRESENTS *ng General typing, tarns papers, the­ ses, dissertations, duplicating. ED 2- PINCONNING SHARP CHEESE . 8384.’ tl ACCORDÌANrtîô- Base Riveh De STATE SEN. LYNN O. FRANCIS luie. Black, chrome moHrr-ef-pcerl, Adjustable baekstrae e*d case, in­ Republican Floor Leader THESES TYPING, printing. IBM Elec­ tric typewriters. Editing and proof­ reading availabla. Wonch Grafte Serv­ SHERBET OndMrt, Ortagt ir Ubm VigN . cluded- like new. Two months tota ice. 1720 E. Michigan Ave, Lansing use. $150. Equity. Take over payment«, 484-778*. H Ca» IV 9-3973 for détails. TV. 17 INCH RCA consolewith an 30 ien Sanata EDIE STARR. Experienced in these« work, IBM. Excellent quality on mufti- ANN PAGE SALAD DRESSING q t tenne. S25. TU ,2-8730 3< hth masters. C a l l O R 7-B232. 39 STRING BASS cheap goodcbnd> TYPING BY WOMAN with to ban Call ED 7.12*2 BLONDE KEY BASS. »150 (V 9 3' year« secretarial experience. TU 2- 6738, tf JAM PARKERBAKERYFUTURES 84*5 33 TERM PAPERS TYPED, retsonabl TRAILERS ata«. TU 2-3069, 4- l |J Hours HOUSES * HOUSE, UNFURNISHED, j L ei VAN DERVOORTS affo« I day aki W ANTH ) seams, waiting distance to tempos» fop- $10-50 pay« foe transportation, Do you ha*-« a white elephant in riLfrege. Celi after S p.m. or weekend, skilift, breakfast, ||M instruction*. £0 2- *• otic. Sefi it though the dei» l i «237. ~ 34 a»!4x 30 i ü IM I ü e Ü iÉ S I B i - /.vvV 'fldll ite ra li f |p « m l S S ? * '* * * SSfeP -M:; mm P f7S.f.m !v^•j. I ï g f H r ■ llplS HiSlKpdRKRSII W $, «?• « H i s» w&ssut m S mentili' mm m v£ï otS im » SgH| iS ! Kl ïP R k mm M ich ig an S ta te N^w», E a st m SS h M s o c ia l K V E iy r s T h u r s d a y M o rn in g , F e b r u a r y I S , 1 9 6 2 Äi S w e e th e a rts P in n e d .N a n c y I » _ ; ALPHA EPSILON P I PSI UPSILON ALPHA P H I VAN ’ HOOSEN HALL ALPHA KAPPA PSI Jo h n Durando, Brooklyn, Nick Bodor. B irm ingham W e l c o m e d Nancy F re u d ), Ann Arbor Ju d y HarreB, Saginaw jun­ T erry Smith, Jack so n senior, N.Y.. senior, to K athy Buckley, jq d o r , to M arcia M cKay, senior, to M l M cIntosh, Mich­ ior. to Chris Valentine, D rayton to Ju d y Reed, Lansing. Brooklyn. N.Y. igan S tate g ra d u ate an d D elta P lain s Senior and Sigm a P hi John K leberg. Chesterton, De a rborn senior an d Sigm a f ALPHA SIGMA PH I O n S lo p e s Sigm a P h i. Epsilon. Ind. senior, to Nancy White, K appa. M arcia L am oreaux, E a s t Jam estow n, N.Y- i£ . D an Woodruff, D etroit WEST YAKELEV HALL senior, to Othegga P erkins, SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON G ran d R apids senior, to L arry Ju d y G riest, Dayton, Ohio " DELTH CHI N ancy Ana Flem ing, Mon­ Kentucky S t a t e University Woody Fisher, Cleveland, tague freshm an and Miss A m ­ O sterink, E a s t G rand R apids -ophomore, to David Stafford, Dick Jackson. M idland sen­ freshm an. senior an d D elta T au D elta. Ohio U niversity sophom ore. ' ior, to B arb B alleria, North­ Ohio g ra d u ate student, to Jea n - e ric a MSI, took the first of« - J a n E lla rf, Saginaw senior,^ B ETA THETA P I m e Bullock, B ethesda, Md. ficial ride on M anistee W inter to Denny L auercotnbe. Michi­ M ary Costello, 'F lin t sopho­ eastern Business College grad­ Brooks Brenneis, Lansing uate. senior, to Shirley Hall, La nsing sophomore. Sports A rea's/^tow T - B a r li f t g an S tate g ra d u a te an d Beta m ore, to Dick McGahey, Flint. Ron R arzych, Jackson sen­ T h eta P i. M ildred Bossman, Saginaw sophom ore and D elta Z eta.— SIGMA ALPHA MU to st Saturday. sophomore, to Lowell Butm an, ior, -to Nancy North, Sienna M arth a W erm e, Kalam azoo DELTA CHI R obert ScMvartz, D etroit To top off th e d a y ’s festivi­ Heights g r a d u a te .- senior, to D ick How ard, B ay Roscommon junior. % D ick F rank, H arbor B each senior, to Soodra R ate, De­ ties, Miss F lem ing w as City junior. ALPHA EPSILON P I ZETA BETA TAU jttolor, to Diane M artin, Louis­ tro it junior. guest a t a B oard o f C om m erce R ichard Brown, Rego P ark , Ja y L erner, M ilwaukee, Wis. ville, Ky. freshm an, J “ Y ale Levin, D etroit senior, B anquet w here over 500 people DELTA GAMMA sophomore, to Lois G ardell, F red Hoffecker, Okemos jun­ to Anna Kovinsky, W indsor heard h e r relate experiences of Jan ice M iller, William ston N.Y. junior, to P enny Schwartz, New York, N.Y. M ilwaukee, Wis. ior, to K aren F enske, D etroit senior. senior, to C harles E . M ann, - h er y e a r a s Miss America!. M ichigan S tate g ra d u ate and sophom ore. SIGMA CHI J e r ry T rantham ^ Lansing A ski beginner, Miss F lem ­ P hi K appa Sigm a. Dan McNeal, Stevenson sen­ ing took lessons from head rid sophom ore, to N ancy Stocker, ior, to C arol Higgins, P le asan t DELTA ZETA instru ctor , W ayne W alter. She B a rb a ra T u rn er, Indianapo­ Glenn Cove, N.Y. freshm an. Ridge senior and Alpha Phi. also took the first scenic to u r lis senior, to Jo h n Lindhout, DELTA SIGMA P I J e r ry Lindeborg, D earborn in the Ski A re a’s snow-weasel, L arry Schlapfer, Flem ington, senior, to M arty Johnson, Alm a a trac k ed vehicle. W easel rides, G rand R apids. N .J. senior to Sylvia J . Ennen- junior and Alpha P hi. M arilyn Brown. V assar jun­ a new attractio n , offer non- ior, to F ran c es C ataldo, Mich­ ga, G rand Haven freshm an. SIGMA NU ^ skiers an opportunity to ride R obert R itter, H am ilton, N.Y. igan State grad u ate. Dick Sietz, Bellevue junior^ through wooded tra ils, topped B a rb a ra M iller, D etroit soph­ senior, to N ancy Solomon, to Ja n e P atris, Bellevue fresh­ t y a trip to the sum m it of the Roseville sophomore. om ore, to Eld Lucas, P o rt Hu­ m an. Udell Hills. ron senior an d P hi K appa P si. R ichard E. Carson, New Buf­ Miss Flem ing received-« sea­ falo sophomore. to K athryn K. SIGMA PH I EPSILON GAMMA P H I B E T A - H Lindig, Glenside, P enn., junior AI Bivens. F airfield. Conn. son's ticket and an offer of B a rb a ra S tark, M anomenee senior, to K aren K rause, L an­ m ore ski instructions. l i k e junior, to F ra n k Stengel, New DELTA TAU DELTA m ost beginners, she w as en­ sing senior and Alpha Xi D elta, York, N.Y., senior am i Sigm a Rod Spence, Saginaw senior, thused «bout thé sport and to M arilyn H art, University of SIGMA THETA EPSILON Chi. hopes to re tu rn to slopes as M ichigan senior an d K appa Cal Lam oreaux, Holland sen­ Lynn W attrick, D etroit sen­ soon a s possible. K appa G am m a. ior, to Jenny Brown, Cotoma ior, to F red Sheppard, Buffalo, Doug Shadwick, G ahanna, sophomore. “ Civilization ca n be m eas­ M ichigan S tate g rad u ate as­ Ohio senior, toSue Kneeland, THETA CHI sistant. ured by the degree o f helpless­ B attle Creek sophomore. Bob Hood, D etroit junior, to ness th a t resu lts when the elec­ FAMOUS SKI BUNNY—Nancy Ann Flem ing, Montague SIGMA KAPPA J im Dobrel, F ra se r senior, to Judy Kelly, D etroit freshm an. tric pow er -goes off.“—S. E . fresh m an presided a t festivities a t the M anistee Ski A re a, A n n e Cope, B irm ingham Ju d y Osborn, Bloomington, 111. ZETA BETA TAU M ekeel, Ovid (N .Y .) G azette S atu rd ay . The fo rm er Miss A m erica took lessons from senior, to H illar F alk, Jackson senior and Alpha P hi. P e te r Lededer, Chicago jun­ and Independent. chief eld instructor, W ayne W alter. senior and Sigm a Alpha E psi­ 1 BLOCK EA ST O F CAMPUS Bob B enton, Grosse Pointe ior, to Judy Sm ith, P ortland, lon. junior, to Dianne Baldwin, N.Y. junior an d Kappa D elta.„ Sharon Steeby, Muskegon OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. F R I. ft SAT. G rosse P ointe junior. _ .. Melvyn Saperstein, D etroit senior, to John G arside, K ala­ ALSO AT FARM HOUSE senior, to N ancy B ogart, Scars- R obert H arter, Carson City dale, N.Y. freshm an. M SU A ttr a c ts S tu d e n ts F ro i mazoo senior- and P hi D elta T heta. _ _ 2120 N. LARCH US 27 ft 4700 S. CEDAR US 127 s e n io r, to Linda Wilt, Owosso ALPHA PH I ABBOT HALL sophom ore; M arty H agen, Saginaw jun­ J a m e s B ecker, St Johns sen- ior, to Gene W eber, G eneral M an y D if f e r e n t P la c e s R oberta A sher,—St. Louis, Mo. junior to Joel Wise. New­ — to r, to J a n e t Stoy, Dewitt. D a 1 e Sheltrown, Gladwin sen io r,-to E vie Johnson, West Motors Institute junior. ~ DELTA ZETA M ary J o Erickson. M idland By LINDA GODFREY - A ssistant W om en's E ditor going—w here th ey a re going j tion and another beeause of the ton, Miss, junior and Sigm a Alpha Mu. MASON HALL WHAT EVER YOU NEED B ranch senior. junior, to Sam McClurg, Albi­ D uane Heilser, Springport on College junior and D elta Where is everyone Throughout the .ag es this has . going? has been th e question in close a r t school here. second place. M ichigan State is a p retty ny, Penny Skells hails from sun­ sunny, sunny, H aw aii, an d R ita Schneider, om ore, to Kenneth Rochlen, D etroit soph­ lor your car senior, to Jen ife r R ice, Mid­ Tau D elta. •been the cry . Why they a re popular place to u s M ichigan­ 1 quote, “ loves snow.” L ast Detroit senior an d Sigm a Al­ M u fflers - T a il P ip e s — E x h au st P ip e s lan d . - ites, but th e re al te s t-o f any­ y ear Penny attended the Uni­ pha Mu. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA th in g ’s tru e w orth is how it versity of Hawaii. She is m a­ NORTH WILLIAMS HALL IN STA LLED Tom Yonker, St. Joseph jun- P a r t y L in e K aren C. Squiers, D etroit — for, to M ary D urell, H am burg, looks to “ fo reig n ers” ; S tate joring in In terio r Design. a ttra c ts a larg e n um ber of stu­ A boy from T exas, who wish­ freshm an, to Dave N eiger, C o m p le te S h o p S e rv ic e N .J., ju nior ami D elta G am m a. dents from fa r aw ay places. es to rem ain anonym ous, had B erkley. R eb u ilt M o to rs a n d T ran sm issio n s Busy Daze PH I KAPPA SIGMA J u s t why an d -how they chose th e “r ig h t” attitude. ~ Deanna J . Steffes, Monroe W alt Krohn, D earborn junior, INSTALLED MSU aroused m y curiousity He ch attered out while hud­ sophomore, to John S. Sklenar, - to Lynne B urniac, D etroit. and so I looked into the whys dled under about six inches Monroe senior. Speed Equipment — Accessories Tom McCue, M inneapolis. and hows. of insulated underw ear, “ ja s t SNYDER HALL DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY Minn, sophom ore, to Julie A rm ­ About this tim e of y ear I think bow m uch m ore you L o r i B ragm an, Saginaw strong, William Woods College m u d ii iiiiiKmmmniuM i begin to have definite y earn ­ N ortherners a p p r e c i a t e freshm an, to BiB P earce, Sagi­ senior. B y C a th ie M . M a h o n e y ings fo r w arm th and anything spring, then we Southwest- naw senior and D elta Upsilon. - W illiam M ann, T rav erse City junior, to M ary H unsberger, MSU m en and th eir dates highlight the casual p arty the south of th e b order looks fine ern ers do. to m e. D eanna White, Kalam azoo G ary M cTaggert, from the senior, to Edw in Gem rich, Kal­ KAHN’S AUTOFARTS ~ T rav erse City freshm an. won’t have to search d esperate­ Alpha D elta P i pledges are To m y su rp rise and dis­ B ritish W est Indies, doesn’t am azoo senior and P hi K appa. Thom as Sm ith, Silver Spring, ly for things to do this weekend giving for th eir actives on F ri­ appointm ent, -they w ere f o r ' really c a re for all this cold. Sigma. 520 N. LARCH Md. junior, to Linda Watson, because the calendar contains day n ig h t N apolean, Ohio sophomore. several social events. The Sphinx m en (pledges! of snow. th e m ost p a r t wild about In th e West Indies th e tem p er­ a tu re is 85 degrees. G ary , a Linda Stahl, W yandotte jun­ ior, to M artin T aft, West IsBp, IV44506 Bob K em p. G rand Rapids Alpha P h i Alph fratern ity will SaBy Coffman, who com es pre-m ed m ajor, decided on N.Y. senior. sophom ore, to Sally M iller, The Blackfoot-Whitefoot Ball present th eir annual All-Uni­ from th e w a rm er regions of MSU afte r talking to Dr. Navel Susan Falcoff. Long Beach, Sunday T hree R ivers senior and Delta is a traditional dance to m ark versity S w eetheart dance F ri­ Kentucky, likes o u r snow, One from the Kellogg C enter, who N.Y. so p h o m o re,. to A rthur Mon. • Fri. Saturday G am m a. the standing riv alry between d ay night in Union P a rlo rs A, of h e r reasons for com ing to w as staying in a hotel on the K aresh, Brooklyn, N.Y. senior 8 - 6 8 - 5 9 - 1 P au l Spinka. Oak Lawn jun­ the Alpha Tau O m egas and Sig­ B, C. The inform al dance calls MSU w as because of the loca­ ■Island. “ —. and Zeta B eta Tau. ior, to G ail K ostbade, Chicago, m a Nus. The dance b e g a n -a t fo r heels and wool d resses for IB. junior. Virginia MUitary Institute th e coeds. Admission is 75 P e te r W. V an W art,-R id g e­ w here the tw o fratern ities w ere cents “ s ta g " o r $1.25 per wood, N .J. sophomore, to Nan founded. Intense com petition couple. ~ Nelson, V irginia lnterm ont betw een them eventually lead Alpha Om icron P i has two College junior. to the sem i-form al dance. events on t h e weekend calen­ J a m e s P etrie, D earborn sen­ The Blackfoot (ATO’s ) — d a r. On F rid ay evening they ior, to Cel P etrinie, Sharon, Whitefoot (Sigm a N u’s i Ball a re sponsoring an open bridge Penn, senidf. will be held F riday night a t the p a rty to gain funds for th eir C harles K latt, Belding junior, C apital P a rk Motel. W arren philanthropic project, Tickets to Sharon Cross, Kalam azoo K im ler will provide dance m u­ m ay be purchased from any sophomore. sic. A O PL, P H I KAPPA TAU A “ His and H er’’ them e will On Sunday the sorority will D. R ay E nglem an, E aton hold a faculty, open house from R apids junior, to M arg e F ind­ D efensive end Don Joyce of 3 to 4:30 p.m . E a c h m em ber la y , G rosse Pointe Woods soph the M innesota Vikings has been will invite an d have a chance om ore and D elta Zeta. - playing pro football for the to inform ally m eet and talk Dick Giliberto, Lom bard, IB. p ast 11 seasons. A 255-pounder, with the faculty m em ber of h er sophomore, -to S arah Spacey, he w ent to Tutone. choice. Columbia, Miss, freshm an, P h i G am m a D elta wiB hold Q uarterback C harlie Conerly a “ D re w as You Like’’ p arty THE MORE YOU TELL — of the New Y ork G iants h a s dn F rid a y evening from 8:30 • 1 THE QUICKER YOU SELL! been playing N ational League ’til m idnight. The F iji pledges READ CLASSIFIEDS! football 14 seasons. will provide th e interm ission entertainm ent. D elta Sigm a P h i m em bers and d ates will com e d ressed a s th e ir “ Hidden D esires” to th eir p a rty F rid ay night. Ted E n sign’s T w isters will provide th e m usic. ¿ E n M M M G F o R r* ft- J u s t a rem in d er; G i b : T h e R o sa P iq u s S a t S pinster Spin b a week from n h l i i j H ave you ask ed you r i n l H Ì H U i* fa vori t e .g ey -yet? ; "k o f M a tc h e d / / V i / ï î V ki l * j - f.0 * * // 1v i lin g e r ie T h e p r e ttie s t w a y HOW YOU CAN f o g r e e t t h e d a y , in o u r r o s e p r in t Speciali b r e a k fa st c o a t o f N Y I O N T R IC O T R R I I F S .. . ? jd th p , c o t t o n p i q u « ~ . v « I v f t ’ '1 n o e v e r w * r it y le o l b a n d e d a n d r u ffle tr im m e d , 8 .9 S C o m p a n io n s h ift g o w n W h ite , s o f t p in k ,b lu e o r b e ig e w ith p r e tty AK U G U AR1 o f e a s y - c a r e n y lo n - d o c r o n - c o t t o n ...w it h r o s e p iq u e b o d ie s , p o s ta l o r w h ite flo r o l e m b r o id e r y , I o c e , v e lv e t r ib b o n o n d V o ! io c e tr im m e d . W h ite w ith r o t e , o r s a t i n a p p l i q u e tr im ) W o n d e r f u l v a lu e to p fc riV d te n É a ~ m d p lm tv & S -M -L s iz e s . 5 .9 8 1720 E. Michigi a t th is lo w p r ic è l S to c k u p n o w fo r fu tu r e M — I Lansing 484-77N! 2 wpNmHoM Mb tu» m rito# ab* PPiPSSiPlBPjP*■PPffiPPtHSiP T h u rs d a y S to r e B o e ra n eed s, o n d sav e! ’ ; I te * « » $ Ä Ä te .Ä s m te * . ; hit!!! 9 :3 0 sum. to f i t e p um. Tr"'7' I efei-i S ¿4'^ - i 'm Ê Ê Ê Ê % k I j, à Ê Ê Ê iâ k ËI Ê ,ty \ ’7i émé i *i * I 11 Iti RNftRMM M R pM PR M M M B H RS »