'ziWW' H fiiW 111 , r 1 . W E stab lished 1 9 0 9 Vol. 5 3 , No. 1 4 7 8 P*g» .mÏT w K  T » 10 C e n t» G lobaL I I I ■ ■ ■ By the Associated Pres» Sem inar Blaines F ig h te r P la n e s G le n n S till W a its f o r W e a th e r CAPE CANAVERAL, F la —Gloomy w eather forecasts Thurs­ day night raised the possibility th at astronaut John H. Glenn’s U N Weakness A le r te d takeoff into orbit m ay suffer a 10th postponem ent—this tim e until next week. , '■>■ But m ercury project com m anders still hoped against hope O n Nationalism BERLIN GB—Soviet MIG jefs buzzed allied planes flying the Berlin a ir corridors to r the to send G lenn's space chariot zooming skyward F riday m orn­ By J o y c e b u c h h o l z P au l A. Varg, professor of second straig h t day Thursday, ing. However, th e w eather outlook was described as “ less opti­ Of the S taff New» Staff history, said th e world ap p ears and th e W estern Big Three m istic” than it was this morning. \ , - more nationalistic today than w arned R ussia it is “ running Glenn was still taking it all calm ly. The National Aeronautics Nationalism w as n am ed the ever before. cause o f a weak United Nations grav e risk s" with such h a r­ and Space A dm inistration quoted Glenn as saying of the delay: “ To prove yonr awn na­ assm ent». “ 1. ca n ’F g e t particularly shook up." when four professors, three E a st Lansing citizens and two tionalism , try exjrtateiag ! U.S. authorities in W ashing­ students joined in a ' faculty- segregation and McCarthy- ton said alerting m easures have F in la n d V o te s in N e u tr a lis t student sem inar on “ The U.N. ism to foreigners, jpspecially been taken for the safety of on foreign soil,” V arg said . W estern a irc ra ft flying the'20- HELSINKI, Finland—P resident Urho Kekkonen. a tightrope in the World of Tom orrow” at “ Yen find y ea a re explaining m ile-wide channels Unking artist in m aintaining friendly relations with the Soviet Union F airchild T heater W ednesday. away actions you don’t ap­ com m unist • surrounded W ert and preserving Finnish dem ocracy, won overwhelm ing re- Alfred M eyer, professor "of political science, said th a t the prove ju st because you’r e 'a n Berlin with West G erm any. election to a second six-year term Thursday. A m erican.” —F ig h ter planes w ere reported nations of the world have no sense, of the ' political com ­ H erb ert W eisinger, English r e a a jr to fly into the corridors P u s h S e a rc h f o r K iU e r o f A tta c h e m unity. Nations feel a growing professor, c a lle d nationalism a a t a m om ent’s notice if an Al­ LEOPOLDVILLE, The-Congo—Police spread a tight security tren d tow ard social and eco­ world d isease.” No peace can lied plane should ru n into net over Leopoldville Thursday in an investigation of the un­ nom ic com m unity, b u t. the be attained, he said, until na­ trouble. explained slaying of an assistant U. S. m ilitary attache. strength m ust com e from the tionalistic b a rrie rs a re broken The United States. B ritain Lt. Col. Hulen D. Stogner, 39, of El Paso, Tex., was lying political, he said. down. v - . an d -F ran ce -—_to protest notes on his bed a t home reading Wednesday night when m ortally “ Only when nations subordi­ delivered in Moscow — said wounded by a shot in the hfad. The shot was fired outside_his n ate their soverignty to the they bold the Soviets “ respon­ window from about-20 feet aw ay, and he died an hour later in United Nations will peace be sible for the consequences of any incidents which m ight oc­ the hospital. A r r e s t 3 o btainable,” W eisinger said. M any A m ericans fe ar losing c u r.” U.S. pow er to the U.N., accord­ During the day Russian jets U N G r o u p R e je c ts R e d B id In C a m p u s ing to M eyer.- roved for four hours in the UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.—The U.N. m ain political com m it­ “ Up to a few y ears ago the B erlin-F rankfurt corridor, per­ tee sharply rebuffed Cuba Thursday on its charge th at the U.N. w as eith er ineffectual o r form ing w hat allied sources U nited States is planning an invasion aim ed a t overthrowing used h y the U.S. to prom ote called h arassing acrobatics P rim e M inister Fidel C astro’s governm ent. W i r e T h e f t this country in the cold w a r,” around several W estern m ili­ By an overwhelm ing vote the 104-nation com m ittee rejected he said. “ i t ’s, not such a tool ta ry planes. T hree unem ployed Lansing A W estern spokesm an in B er­ a key provision in a CZechoslovak-Romanian resolution which m en w ere a rrested W ednesday of the U.S. now ." would have upheld .th e Cuban charge in the face of repeated night in connection with the M eyer said the U.N. is- a t lin, noting Soviet pressu re for U.S. denials. — p resent a ru d im entary world exclusive use of p arts of the theft of 693 pounds of scrap governm ent, ft is as weak as corridors, asserted W estern copper wire from the salvage any governm ent could be with­ BLOOD DRIVE COMPETITION—R obert Johnson, Butterfield H an president, planes will continue using the U .S . B a r s T s h o m b e V is it yard on F a rm Lane ju st south out ceasing to exist. _____ D etroit junior; Donald MeMrnfn, E. Shaw Hall president, H arper Woods sopho­ f lanes as a m atter of absolute WASHINGTON—The State D epartm ent Thursday ruled out of the G rand Trunk railroad “The UN has all tfie failings m ore: Donald Byerly, T heta Chi president, W avzata, Minn, junior; Biggie Munn. i right. any visit to the United States now by Moise TshSmbe, presi­ crossing. of a weak confederation,” Mey­ Athletic D irector; E dw ard Woodruff, Alpha Sigma Phi president, E. Lansing | The British note referred to dent of the Congolese secessionist province of K atanga. Lewis A. Trem ont of 726 N. ers said. “ It can take no action • W ednesday’s corridor incidents senior; and N anette Bourdon, G am m a P h i'B e ta , Freeland sophomore entered “ We believe th at a visit to the United States by'M r. Tshombe Pine St., Owen H. Haughton of unless the states unanim ously into the challenge offered-the dorm itories, fraternities and sororities to boost • in which B ritish A m bassador a t this tim e would interrupt and jeopardize progress tow ard 663 W. F airfield St., and Ver­ agree. A g reat fau lt is th a t any Blood Drive figures. The drive continues through today with the organizations I Sir C hristopher Steel’s plane the com inon objectives.” departm ent press officer Joseph W. non A. F a r r of 117H W. Maple nation can disobey a t w ill,” fighting for suprem acy as the top donors. —S tate News Photo by Eldon Garlock, ' was buzzed and declared, “ Her R eap told a news conference. St. w ere a rre ste d shortly after M ajesty's governm ent will tak e 11 p.m ., the D epartm ent of W eisinger term ed th e U.N. the “ battleground of th e cold the necessary steps to insure Môvie-Goers Don V Think, Public Safety said. the safety of such flights . . ." K C a lls S e lf A M in e r ’ s S o n ■- The scrap copper w ire was w a r.” I B S Diplom atic circles in London NEW YORKr-Soviet Prem ier~N ikita Khrushchev dram atizes valued a t o v e r'$100. “ It is like a child in a dis­ expressed belief R ussian in ter­ him self in the new est edition of “ Who’s who in A m erica” a s a The th ree m en w ere charged turbed hom e-w here th e parents feren ce in th e a ir lanes was iSays Com m unist m iner’s son dedicated to peace. with g ran d larceny and waived have not yet learned to live to­ aim ed a t further unsettling And he im plies, through an omission, th at he doesn't w ant to exam ination in justice court g eth er,” he said." The bipolarity of th e world West B erfiners and testing be blam ed for his nation's farm ing troubles. W ednesday. They w ere to be W estern reaction. Dropped from a K rem lin-approved version of his life is a arraig n ed in circuit court M eyer called a kind of. “ re ­ ciprocal p aran o ia” . The United The reaction cam e swiftty in reference to him in previous editions as a “ leaderJun work for T hursday, officers said. By JODY PARSONS Toeplitz opposed film s w hich' “ In this movie we see the th e Allied protest notes, which planned agricultural growth in USSR.” Trem ont, Haughton and F a rr States and the U..S.S.R. suffer have a ready-m ade answ er for hero im age dim m ed. We see a referred specifically to th ree Of the State News Staff w ere confined to the county from illusions of persecution the audience, soldier taking a bride, for ex- instances Wednesday in which ja il a fte r being unable to post! from the o th er side. The Com m unist p arty is not An author shouldn’t do all am p lerT h is is a m ore realistic Soviet jets “ seriously th re a t­ $500 bond. “ Both sides a re suspicious," interested in prescribing set the thinking for the audience,” approach.” ened by close approach” Allied L ib ra ry P la n s j he said. “ They see the w orld as p attern s for the author o r the be said. “I t is necessary to en­ com posed of good guys and bad a r tis t, a -P o lish culture leader Before he began his tour of tran sp o rts using eith er the MSU Grad _ guys with the good guys al­ said h ere recently. w ays on th eir side and th e bad courage people to do th eir own th e U.S., Toeplitz spent eight Hanover-Berlin o r t h e Ham- thinking. ’ _ - days in New York. During th at burg-Berlin corridor. N e a r C o m p le tio n Lost Years, J Dr. Jerzy Toeplitz. director guys arm ed with guns on th e of th e F in e A rts Institute of other, read y to pull-the trig g er W arsaw and the Polish N ation­ “ The spectator fn the cinem a m ust have an in­ period films. he saw 30 Am erican ed: The W estern powers d eclar­ He said he feels fliat _ “ An effort by one of the four a t the slightest provocation.” al A cadem y of Cinem a, visited centive to find his own re a­ The city of E a st Lansing tow easier access to the new plans to sta rt construction on library. Found V arg said the U.N.' can be MSU on a tour of Am erican only a r a tr o n g as the Mg na­ film cen ters and universities. sons, sions. answ draw If er, he he h his as will a own be conclu­ ready-m a ade passive Am were, m an erican films of the 1930’s powers (R ussia) to allocate to on tbc whole, m ore hu­ itself the exclusive use of than presen t day_ mov­ flight levels for aqy period of a~ new $350.000 public library The new library will have a ROCKFORD. 111. -UN-An tions wiU let K be, for they A Com munist p arty m em ber. ra th e r t h a n an active ies. tim e is-en tirely unacceptable. early in the spring of this year. capacity of about 40,000 vol­ MSU g ra d u a te w h o disappear­ ham p er and help it according Toeplitz is on a F o rd F o u n d a­ Construction planned- f o r um es. -spectator.” - "T he film of the 30s w as con­ Such a practice would am ount ed from Syracuse University to th e ir own interests. tion g ra n t to study Am erican He cited “ E xodus" as an ex­ cerned with the situation of to an arb itra ry lim itation on early April, will be the widen­ This project is being backed alm ost seven years ago ex­ In the long run, M eyer said, cinem a and TV academ ic and the free use of a ir corridors by ing of Abbot Road between by the city of E ast Lansing pressed a desire today to keep the g re a t powers will have to train in g program s. He plans am ple of a film th a t “ is al­ man in society,” he said. “ It th e -a irc ra ft of the th ree West­ B urcham Drive and M-78 to al. and has -been financed by the on working a s a factory hand. m aneuver within the _ UJNf.. to w rite a history of the ways judging." tried to help the subject find Russian film s a re taking a his way, it respected the prin­ ern powers as guaranteed hy sale of bonds. Receipts a re ex­ Dr. Carl Vernon Holmbscg, aren a. If the United Nations is cinem a. m ore realistic approach, he ciple of integration in society.” quadra p artite (4-power) agree* CBS Wins pected by the end of F ebruary. one-time Syracuse U niversity to succeed, the U.S. and the son, Jackson and Kane of Lan­ Rockford as Verne Hansen, to m ake international in terests w h at he feels and thinks,” “The _ Communist The architectural Arm of M a­ professor, who is known is Soviet Union will be com pelled feels the a rtis t should express said. “ B allad of a Soldier” , party which w as shown widely in this ers “ Some m odern day film m ak­ m eats. foster the attitude of help­ Inform ants-said th e latest an. tics of the Red planes involved 2-Year NCAA sing is designing the building. spoke about his wishes to his th eir own national in terests, When the xeceipts from the boss. Then the boss, F ran cis J . John F . A. T aylor, professor ToepUtz said. “ It «01 a r t tolerate any­ country, is trffid, h e added. an exam ple of this lessness,” he continued. answ er fo r m an .” “ They give th e idea th a t th ere is no several of five allied m ilitary planes using the B erlin-Frank- Grid Rights bonds a re received, and the Baudhuin. executive vice p resi­ of philosophy said he feels the. thing directly opposed to architects draw ings a re com ­ dent of the Rockford V dlspar U.N. fit too concerned with ob­ socialism , but will accept pleted, bidding will begin en Corp., told a new sm an: taining peace, so m uch so th at general — views of eth er Hawaii Luau furt corridor. They said the Toeplitz said he feels MIGS cam e dangerously close “ W ert Side Story” is the best to the aircraft. NEW YORK OB—The Colum- the construction costs. Once the - *T asked him w hat he is go­ Its attain m en t obliterates other people,” be added. A m erican movie made. bia B roadcasting S y-s t e m bidding is com piled construc­ ing to do about his past. He ends. ag reed T hursday to pay a phe­ tion can sta rt alm ost im m edi­ told m e h e ’s not going to do a WF: The R ev. T rum an M orrison '— 4 / ; :a A m erican w esterns, com e­ Gets Support But in com m enting on the in- It gives the public en tertain ­ f o r m a n t s ’ observations a m ent on a high level, while tell­ spokesm an for U.S. Air F o rce’s nom enal $10.2 million during the next two y e a r* -fo r the ately. doggoned thing. He said he of the Edgew ood— Peoples d ies-and m usicals att c a rry an A ccording to John M. P a tri­ feels he is w orking- a t his Church, D r. Leonard Rail, A m erican m essage, but they Of AUSG ing a n interesting and im por­ Foiropean tan t story, he said. h ead q u arters W iesbaden officially insisted fn ~rights to televise the football arche, city m anager, the li­ capability level right now and ch airm an of -the A m erican As­ a re still shown in Poland if He discussed differences be­ “ th ere was no interference gam es of the N ational Collegi­ b ra ry will be for the use of the w ants to continue in his present sociation for th e U.N. and they a re not directly anti-com­ Student Congress voted to tween Poland and the U.S. in -with our a irc ra ft.” a te Athletic Association, m ak­ com m unity and the U niversity, job. See SEMINAR page S m unist, he said, support a H aw aiian festival attitu d e tow ard the cinem a. „ D e s p i t e th e Communist ing it th e highest single fee scheduled for spring term a t a “ Movies a re ra rely reg ard ­ planes’ m aneuvering. W ester n ev er paid for a sports package. m eeting of Congress Wednes­ ed gs a r t in th is country, he a ir traffic—civilian and m ili­ The coup gave CBS th e two day. said. “ They a re only consider­ tary —droned b ra n d out of B er­ Student C ongress will loan ed en tertain m en t h ere.” biggest plum s in sports televi­ sion. The network signed a $9.3 C o m m i t t e e s ______________ _ „ 0 the festival com m ittee, headed by Roy Tofcujo. Honolulu, Ha- garded a s a r t.” lin a« usual. “ In Poland m ovies a re re­ W , See PROTEST page i - million contra ct la st m onth for the exclusive rights to th e re g ­ w e il junior, $2.500 to be repaid Movies will soon gam the u la r season gam es of th e N a­ from festival tick et sales. -O r ta tS s of the legal Uieater in B a h a is P r e s e n t tional Football League. Both T rim jo presented Student A m erica, however, he said co n tracts will expire a fte r the N e w C o lle g e s ’ P r o b le m s C ongress with sig n atu res of ■People don’t know w hat is over 2¿00 students w h o pledged going on in th e film industry ( J o f M L e c tu r e r 1963 season, M d w in cost th e network the healthy n u n of support to th e . p ro ject plus in this country, he said. While The B ahais r t E a st Lansing $1$.$ million. By BRUCE FAB1UCANT A rts and L etters planning com- A planning com m ittee for are to be available to serv e w ritten pledged e f support from Hellywood still geits m ost aI a re presenting Tom Thompson ' Basically, this schedule will Of tier State News Staff ififttoe w as D r. W alter R . F ee, each college should be estab- as iñii|nlt«gto . th e Association o f O n Cam pus th e p u b licity, people a re get­ of Atm A rhor in a public lec­ ru n for 14 b ro a d cast d ates each P rovost Clifford E . Erickson head of the history departm ent fished to consist of th e depart- E rickson said th a t th ree mo­ Students and tile M en’s Halls ting tired of th e Hollywood tu re “ The C racking o f- foe season, an increase of one over h as announced th a t planning Dr. H erm an L. King, assist- m ent ch airm an and one elect- tions w ere unanim ously ap p r ov- A«m. :. a O j l p . superctHbssals. W alls” « t $ p m .-S atu rd ay in th e p ast tw o y ea rs, m d no com m ittees for each of the a n t dean of g rad u ate program - ed faculty m em ber from each ed by th e d ep artm en t The festival, to h e held M ay The g re a t bulk r t th e super- th e A it room r t the Unkm. team can ap p ear m ore than th ree new colleges a re m eeting ming and director of biological d epartm ent, plus a rep resen ts- division directo r s a n d assist- 5, will include an authentic Ha­ colossal» « a losing money, Thompson Is w arktag on his tw ice during m e season—tw o reg u larly to consider problem s science, will b ead th e College tive from th e U niversity C rt- a n t dean s h i th e College of Set- w aiian hum a n d entertain ­ addle the sm aller in dependent M aster's degree a t th e U of tim es on regional telecasts. of budget, personnel, facilities, of N a tu ral Science com m ittee, lege. eoce and A rts, m ent h i addition to a prize film s a re m alting m oney, he M in foe fi«W of social work curricula and related m atters. Dr. Louis L. McQuitty, head E ach com m ittee is to identity F irst, th a t a com m ittee for of a round trip* (fir tw o to H a­ said. irttd Is em ployed r t foe W ashte­ Erickson said th a t the plan- o f the psychology d epartm ent, the steps th at have to be tak en each college h i fo rm ed to con­ w aii 1er tw o weeks. “ M any sm all P 'm m ak ers naw Courtty Juvenile Hómc Weather ning com m ittees w ere estab- heeds the College of Social Sci- in the organization of the new sist of the ch k irm an of each Festival com rntttee rush will a r e earning out with fresh an d fished Ja n . 24 when the depart- once planning com m ittee a t its colleges am i the problem s th a t d ep artm en t to th e c o lle g e , a be held Tuesday a n d W ednes­ excellent id eas.” Forecast far Friday la m en t beads, directors and as- organizational m eetings need an aly sis and decision. faculty m em ber from each de­ day 7 to 9 p.m . in tito Dai«» Television h as d estroyed the C la r k S p e e c h , O f f diariaIsMuf flurries, wttb I sistent deans in the College of E rlekaeu presented th e fet- Lloyd C. F e r g a n a d ea a a l' p artm e n t to the, c o lte le efcoeea T o w er1 “ m ovte fo in f h ab it.” ha said. to $ laches rt anew expected. S c ia te e a r t A rts m et to dis­ to w to g p ta a a e am aid for re ­ n atu ra l science, E dw ar d A. a s th e d ep artm en t m a y d e r id i, Com m ittee ch airm an s h i p s Producers a re learning th a t The engineering r e g » I « * r Crtder, with Mgh near St. cuss im plem entation of the re­ organisation based eu aaaay C arila, d eaa a t k & te h a o n a rid t h a t th e !« a t » an d {íaNdtiMB •« d B , ha- 'hpen to th e e n y sflty they c a n m ak e speech by D r. C art C lark o rig­ letarday’s a a t l a a k It organization plan approved by suggestions wMeh had been m titee would a iaa h a com posed th e «TOM o f decorations, m ovies is to inally ad to d n lsd t e F rid a y h a s manate, wtfh wmm ar ra to th e B o eid r t Trustee* Je n . 19. received tn m faculty m em - .í uT S riS ..ItnTT « « t t o a« e « n t o fctert-cancelled. No a ü tim o (II-.V ' ■ ’■P * **•1 (V » ,« . (»«w) fM*- • **f**’*• »■»»% ♦ foie‘Itou foflr tí** W»»i mum ¿■»¿¿¿hiIn**., ¡É 111 ■ ¡B e Ü I ni® ® » I iBm ßfai »IräSS Iv Ä ip il i ü ü w ^S M is ^ M W W BW i ■ ' % aiif"'ff«iM M * *• * - * tti-i-t M ^HHRR H H R I m ¡•JpBBÄ-. Äd®BHKpUK|r; -jnNMCflUHffll iH » i/ SH ïmtmÆ liie r e n ■oes C e le b r a te F u n d fo r Many of us wers with him in spirit, if ■ ■ J ~ 3g Woolicott Smith became a freedem F r e e d o m C e n te n n ia l rider because he felt that he could help not in body. . v<~ correct a serious w ad* la our « (fitrj, Smith is the son of an MSU psychology By FRANCES DELONG In foe workshops the stadmts Reading: of the freedom rider» and will point up the salutary professor. He does not have unlimited Negro Histoiy Week, which achievements Negroes have s e e in g the Black Muslims when they began Sunday, is stgwtfkaiBt made in the sciences, On sets, visited th e campus last spring, he cams vel expenses. financial resources to meet bond end tra­ this yen’ hi that it marks the law, ant humanitarian endea­ to realise that “separation of the ra«e beginning of the ooe hundredth vor " It could lead o n ly to intolerance and A A committee of students, faculty and y e a r since the emancipation But, equally important, they ) of the AmorieanNegro. themselves writ be making h is. h a t r e d .” civic leaders has formed to raise money for Swtthr The drive win be underway | It is of special significance tory by initiating this program. S m ith jo in e d th e fre e d o m r id e r s in on th is cam pus w here students The “ new N egro.” exem pli­ M ississip p i l a s t J u ly . A long w ith 3 2 o th e r this week. from m idw estem universities fied by m any such young peo­ rid e rs , h e w a s # n e s t e d , c h a rg e d w ith p r o ­ The g o a l is $2,000. will m eet n ex t week to explore ple. is a dynam ic force in v o k in g a b re a c h o f t h e p e a c e apg! g iv en , a and re v eal th e N egro h eritage A m erica today. N ever satisfied Contributions will be accepted in the and to exchange ideas on so­ with tile statu s quo, b e con­ p riso n s e n te n c e a n d a fin e . lutions to problem s facing the Union concourse or hy mail at The Wootl- stantly seeks to solve Ms spec­ H e w a s re le a se d on $300 b a i t "v’j - 7 Negro today. p ial problem s, seeks to find all H e m u s t a p p e a r in M ississip p i for re­ oott Smith Fund, c/o Bafberi Rail, 829 Through intensive workshop m eans of achieving equality. t r i a l M arch 26. H is to ta l expense«, in­ Lantern Hill. East Lansing. ; sessions, th e young ad u lt aux- It is felt th at these cannot but cluding b ail a n d tr a v e l, w ill amount to W e f e d t h a t S m ith d e s e rv e s o u r s u p ­ ( iliary of ANECANS (A m erican work ultim ately for g en eral N egro E m ancipation Centen­ good. about $2.000. p o r t a n d t h e s u p p o r t o f all' peo p le w h o nial Authority) which sponsors One m eans of achieving these S m ith w as n o t p ro m p te d in h is a c tio n * believ e in t h e c a u s e o f ra c ia l e q u a lity . th e conference, proposes “ to goals is to cross ra cial b a rrie rs by p o litica l p a r tis a n s h ip , p u b lic ity o r T h is s t u d e n t w h o f o u g h t f o r th e r i g h t s stim ulate a g re a te r aw areness and open avenues for all to drearily id ealism . H is only m o tiv e w a s to of the Negro heritage, and to share ideas, learn of m e a n ­ o f m a n y sh o u ld n o t b e l e f t to fa c e th e p ro v id e vehicles for youth's o th er’s backgrounds, w ork on help c o rre c t a w ro n g , t o h e lp th e s o u th e rn co n seq u en ces alone. to v a st resources of talen t and a m utually beneficial project. N e g ro in h is H g tfL fo r eq u a l r ig h ts . Cooperation in creatin g a p lay I f y o u b eliev e in t h e ç s u s e , w e u rg e creativ ity .” He did w h a t m an y of us w a n te d to do This is one of m any state and can transcend race lines. M ore , but didn’t, because of in e rtia , in co n v en ­ y o u t o h e jp th e c a u s e a n d c o n tr ib u te to regional program s preceding can be accom plished by work­ ience or plain lack of guts. th e W oolicott S m ith F u n d . ¡a n d high-lighting th e centen- ing together for com m on goals. | nial exposition. “ A Century of This is the prem ise on which I Negro P ro g re ss.” which the the ANECANS invite all those i ANECANS will unfold id Aug- interested to p articip ate in this 1ust. 1963, in Chicago. The conference. D a v id F a c e s G o lia th I m onth-long exhibition will de- ip ict th e N egro’s contributions Its outcome m ay not m ake headlines or ra te a page in a t h is c a g e se a so n , n o te a m h a s com e w ith in to A m erican.life. E xhibits from textbook. But it will be p a rt of W hat can you say about s team th a t i A frican descent will com plete an irreversible progression for has won 19 straight games this basket­ 13 p o in ts o f O hio S ta te . ! the exposition, showing th e tn- the Negro—and, it is believed, ball season^ h a s been ranked number one T o m o rro w n i g h t t h e S p a r ta n s m u s t fa c e | ter-relatedness of the out grow- for all men. th is m o st fo rm id a b le o p p o n en t. T h e g a m e I ths of Negro history. A History is in the m aking. in the nation since the .first polls were h a s been so ld o u t f o r a m o n th a s fa n s released, has been victorious' in 51 of its H M W HIMill IWtWIffillHMlMIMIWHIli IH» w ish t o c a tc h a l a s t g lim p s e o f 't h i s seem ­ So the E ditor Says last 52 games. - - in g ly u n c o n q u e ra b le sq u a d . . - ^ • It seems to be the near unanimous con­ sensus of the nation’s sports writers, F e w people g iv e M ic h ig a n S ta t e a c h a n ce. M o st e x p e c t a r o u t. In d e ed , i t h a s j A C h a o tic W eek p o rr« coaches and. indeed, players th a t Ohio b een a n e x tre m e ly lo n g a n d f r u s t r a t i n g ! j-uhmunti tuitn w m m m iih m m w iliW d M iiijM i? V»n Ness ¡State is by fa r the most outstanding bas­ y e a r f o r th e S p a r ta n s in t h e W e s te rn C on ­ ketball team of this collegiate season. fe re n c e w h e re th e y ho ld a d is m a l 2-7 m a r k This has been one of th e m ost and guest speakers spent half a n d a r e tie d w ith M in n e so ta f o r l a s t p lace . interesting and controversial of the NSA debate period Few would dispute this. L e t t e r s to th e E d i t o r questioning th e role of th e col­ weeks of decision-m aking since lege student in world affairs. 2 Some_call Jerry Lucas. John Havlicek, H o w ev er, in t h e p a s t t h r e e c la s h e s b e ­ the defeat of com pulsory ROTC. Many of th em said they Mel Nowell, and Company the greatest three-year basketball dynasty of all time. tw e e n th e B u c k e y e s a n d M ic h ig a n S ta t e , t h e G re en a n d W h ite h a s f o u g h t g a lla n tly a n d s t u b b o r n l y b e fo re s u c c u m b in g b y O n C a m p u s R a d io , D a tin g I t started with T uesday's would favor NSA if „it d ealt Young Republican club strug­ m ore directly with “ student gle to p rotect its ran k s against P roblem s” , and distinguished Since th e fabulous Buckeyes opened scores o f 84-83, 83-68 a n d 91-83. To the E d ito r: ¡proposed alKUniversity radio i ually a re not d aters. D e a n ! C onservative dom ination. between “ student and adult the 1959-60 season, they have compiled We a re w riting this letter to i station. This is fine, but itrj W inburne notes th a t a urnver- j And it included a 5-hour Stu- problem s” on the cam pus an d an astonishing 71-4 record, captured two T h e 1W 0 0 .p e c U t o r , w h o w l l l j e m t a t o s m doesn't seem to be to consistent j sity ’s success is based on th o s e ; deni Congress m eeting in International levels. Big Ten Crowns, took the NCAA cham­ Je n w o n 'F ie ld h o u s e f o r t h e c o n te s t m a y j ,a£ gl action by ad. with U niversity policy in other who m ake it and not on the fail- j which rep resen tativ es finally The vote w as close. pionship in I960 and may well repeat well encounter a surprise o r two. m inistration in the case of th e j a r**s> , ures—y et a t the sam e tim e he ¡voted to affiliate the University But a decision to join squeak­ In any case, good luck, Spartans! proposed all-U niversity radio I 9®*. exam ple of this is th e tells us how we can fail, i.e., by with the United States National ed through shortly afte r m id­ both this year. In its first 19 ball games station. I| ath letic program . R is safe to d a tin g 'to excess. : Student Association. night, and the opposition voted By banning advertising on |s a y th a t the athletic pro g ram We a s students w ant this col­ In beween, a panel of this to m ake it unanim ous. th e proposed station, the ad- a t M ichigan State U niversity lege. to ’ have som e status and j U niversity’s finest instructors Meanwhile, m ost of the stu­ m inistration has, in effect, turn- is as com m ercial a s l a y athle­ prestig e. When the college day s | discussed the future of the Unit­ dent body m issed thoughtful D is s e n t o n th e C a m p u s I ed thum bs down on th e project. tic pro g ram in th e country. a re over we will have our skill ed Nations to some 90 persona and m eaningful discussions of I You m ay w onder how we ar- W hat does Dean- F uzak propose and not our dating popularity in F airchild T h eatre auditor­ the future of the Untied N a­ 'r iv e a t this conclusion. W e'll to do about this? o r experiences. ium . tions a t the well-publicized a n d Finally, the atm osphere of a school ir e e explain o u r reasoning. Any A nother exam ple is theM ich- On th e h o e hand we a re told capably organized sem inar. The perennial problem of campus radical­ igan State u wiarcm M arching Band th a t we w ant to change our These th ree activities portray I W hat this university needs is ism has been stirred up again in recent in Its its control of dissenting doctrine has a , worthwhile organization, profit ® rr. ng bw ki months both here and around the country. veryf practical advantage. No faculty m em ber w non-profit, needs operating j w™p" ^55® upon itself to ad- insitutional im age and the j * Paradox in political thought j poetical enthusiasm of th e worth th h is'salt will te a c h in a university w here j revenue. The question auestion is is, I VC1UAC , Pr® w ;: m w im w“ uct onek vi i o th er hand we g et com m ents j on “ ,s cam pus. Young Republican v arie ty on Assemblyman Nile Soik seems to have singled “ WKst « r . th« nne«ihh> m u ro M ! th e local autom obile com- i about how we can d ate an d g e t ; T here seem s to b e m o r e in- nationally and internationally- out Eastern ‘ aliens” for special condemn», doctrines a re suppressed. It is an infringe; tion, implying that the hordes of Mongol m ent not only on civil liberties, but on ac a ­ of revenu* a v a i l a b l e to the s t a P*Ofes- W hat action is p ro p o sed . aw ay with tt — t.e.7 "w e can j te re s t in internal politics than orjented topics, dem ic freedom . A professor who feels the tio oi revenue av an ao ie 10 m e sia ;tQ rem ed y . ¡study iff between the dating ” in the International situation. | 7 h e NSA affilia tio tris a step invaders have borne the seeds of subversive n ?” T here a re th ree possi­ P erh a p s the w orst exam ple j It is up to the individual if he j Student Congress m em bers 1in the rig h t direction. and dangerous doctrines, which are “un- a u ra -of fear and suspicion will not sta y long ble sources. Revenue m ay a t su ch an institution; good teac h ers a re al­ com e from U niversity subsi­ of com m ercialization is the Un­ w ants to date, but to h av e this j ; - - Wisconsin." In New York, the City Univer­ iv ersity ’s own intensive ad v er­ stressed by a m an in his posi-l _ — sity banned known communists from speaking lergic to such clim ates. O ther universities, dization, sponsorship by outside on campuses, later quickly removing the ban particularly in the South, have felt the im p act organizations, o r from ad v er­ tising cam p aig n designed to ion is very questionable. I ’m C k n r t F n i i r & s » - ! a v e raSe °f twenty-one and of a n exodus of qualified m en, unable to place a favorable im age in the not saying th a t people w J Ii t h : 0 1 , U 1 1 W U I O C some as m any a s twenty-five when"a storm of student protest erupted. tising. H ie U niversity has. due public m ind. One m anifestation m ediocre grad es a re n ’t cap- j T_ j a term . And re g u la r college stand the narrow ing a re a of free expression. These and similar events suggest that it is teitST1 " W K A R W M S B - T V ^ I thi® ha* been th e Univeini- able of handling a job - b u t ' 1 • J " * * ! ..s tu d e n ts ? Sixteen to eighteen: again time to point out that the campus is P erh ap s Mr. Soik and his com patriots should consider w hether, in th eir zeal to im prove ^ ^ ty ’s policy to send represen ts- will they be given a chance to The W inburne article printed j 1-aiso bring to y o u r attention uniquely a place for such dissenting and radi­ W isconsin.-they sound the death knell of S flg ffiL ^ tives around th e state to “ sell” a t least s ta rt working in F rid a y ’s paper, telling how ^ scholastic ra tin g of a Short cal views from either side of the political rig h t for th em to subsidize an j University W hat action is The rules of the cam gam e e are t studenU can 90016 *Wrly- Course student. With all these spectrum. Ideas are weapons, yes; but so greatness for its university. all-U niversity closed circu it r a - 1in* u n ,v em x y w n a i acuon 18 The rules of th e gam e a re f,V i bours during u,e week in-1 hours of class a week, speed —Wisconsin Daily C ardinal dio station ru n by and for the proposed to rem edy this? th at em ployers will p ro b a b ly , ^ c)aSèes, and 8pending is the campus a battleground for conflicting R obert H. R eashaw not h ire them because of th eir in which subjects a re covered, beliefs, dogmas, and opinions. The hackneyed student body. cliche about college being the time for self- Another source of revenue . m ight be an outside organiza- ‘ ^ _ _ , ! i y g S S S S S S S S S i examination has a core of.truth; complacently held attitudes clash with wide realm of con­ flicting viewpoints. Under this stress. It be­ Our Saviors t t o v y p s o r t o i p j r tion. B ut why should an organ!- f th e sta ¡S tu d y in g ° , D a t in g ° an all dorm standing B u tte r­ field Hall w as highest (excepC comes necessary to re-examine many as­ Chortling, sm irking and chuckling, m any ration outside the U niversity be To the E ditor: for E a st and West Shaw Half). sumptions, and make them clear, improve needed to sponsor a student or- j D uring the p ast few weeks A nother exam ple of this | hand, the 444 students enrolled The reason being, Short Course A m ericans re a d about the antics of foe “ holy would be th e high school stu­ them, and throw out those that cannot with­ m en” of India in th e ir efforts to “ save th e ganization such a s this? T here ¡th e re have been a num ber of d en t applying for adm ission to in Short Course should be re c­ m akes u p ’A’ wing of th at stand the pressure of more acceptable ones. w orld” from certain catastrophe. “ How silly,” a re probably U niversity rales j articles dealing with th e col- ognized for m aking such conclu­ dorm . The c asr of Com m unists on cam pus illus­ John Q. says, “ I ’m glad th a t w e don’t enter­ ag a in st th is too. _ l ege, th e student, the faculty, a university. W hat does th e a d ­ sions. Mind you. I ’m not knocking trates another, quite different, valve of dissent. tain such foolish superstitions in this country.” This leav es us with th e m ost I am i th e place of academ ic pur- m inistration office use. to eval­ In com paring the num ber of ’B’ wing of B utterfield or ex­ Even so rabid an ant tC om m unist as HUAC logical m eans of support used suits cm th is cam pus. At the uate his ad m ittance? . m class bours p er week fo r regu- pect all r t the cred it go to ‘A ’ B ut the laugh should not be. R ight h e re In W h el you. apply for a j o b — »la l coUege students, which is wing, because they w are ju s t .c h a irm a n Francis W alter has said th a t the by m em be rs of th e m ass m edia j sam e tim e th ere h as been some the good old U ntied States we have o u r “ holy best way t o fight Communism is to listen to to finance them selves—ad v e r-j question of th e place of athletics be it professional football or eighteen to tw enty, the Short a s m uch a p a rt r t th e outcom e. m en bent on saving th e U. S. from com m u­ th e things t h t y [ Course student carries any- it, u n derstand w hat-it says. Much r t the prob­ tising. Y et ad v ertising has been j and study. As a student and teaching The reason for this to tter Is nism . T heir concern is justified b u t th e poli­ lem in com bating the doctrine o f Com munism - banned by" th e adm inistration. athletic I would like to m ake a look for a re g rad es and ability, j w here from twenty-nine to thir* {to rem ind the cam pus th a t tical incantations of the ultra-rightists- a re com es from ignorance of w hat it stands for. Advertising i r necessary for i few observations and co m ­ dot dating. T he ru les of 9 » ! ty-flve bours. By having this ¡Short Course exists and plays about a s rational a s those of their Indian gam e em phasize g rades—th a t j num ber of hours for class an im portant p a rt in th e uni- And th ere is no b etter way to know w hat it the proposed station to o p erate m ents. counterparter— _ — It is n ecessary for th e station F irst. I disagree en tirely with th a t is. the b asis for evaluation, j alone, we have b u t „ten hours a verstty. We should n ever be stands for than to listen to a Com m unist e x - - plain himself F u rth er, this open exchange, P anic and h y steria have been the only re ­ to procu re eith er a teletype or Dean W inburne a t to th e no- But th e Dean s u g rc rts th a t ju st (week 'T o r in-between class i underestim ated on o u r abilities together with som e som e sh arp questioning, sults the Indian holy m etT have produced so a good reco rd Uhrary. It is j tion th a t m ost people c a n d ate m aking toe g rad e is enough. *studying as com pared to the | as to coUege life, g rad e point, will vividly point out the m ore untenable de­ for. H a v e th e resu lts of the ex trem ists’ an ti­ necessary for the expansion each night and every weekend P erh ap s he can say this «tnce. thirty-five bours for reg u lar ¡etc. fects in M arxist ideology. com m unism been m uch different h ere? an d m e tn ten u ice and H would j and still fulfill academ ic re- be alread y h a s a job - but I!stu d e n ts . ~ ■ By reading this le tte r I ’m In' addition, the attack from the e x tre m e s ' No. V . - 3 f f provide better-p ro g ram m in g by I quirem ents. If be h as been ca n ’t ag agree. ree. I1 still have nave ttoo : Our studying m ust be done i su re you will have to a g re e forces the m ilder ideologies to patch tip some Until th e th e John B irc h e n and the F re d C. foe station. Again w e say a d - !quoted co rrectly , an d I hope he m ake H in the outside w o rld .! after 7 p.m week d ay s and on Lwith m e th at Short Com ae p retty serious w eaknesses. A social protest Schw artzs a r e replaced by calm and logical vertism g is necessary to th e Has not, then his com m ent* a re Now for athletics. D ean Win-: weekends, le a v in g -v e ry little w asn’t considered when Win- m ovem ent can often re su lt in a less d rastic approaches to th is a n d o th er'serio u s problem s successful operation of th e gta* j indeed harm fu l to theee who a r e \ M ane states th a t athletic com- tim e for socialising. burn’s ’arficto w as printed. social im provem ent, due to th e pressure put win J o b s Q. P ublic’s sm irk h e justified. tion because tkeire is no O ther! concerned with th e m e n r im - 1petition does not - nece ssa rily i in com paring a u r credits, Daniel Warner upon society from its louder critics. '*#'■ —Indiana Dally source r t revem te w ith which to I portant—o r the m o st im p o rta n t! p re p are students fo r academ ic Short Course students have an [ Butterfield HaB finance tiw station’s operation phase of college train in g — j com petition, but to be eltgiblerf The university ban on adver­ which is to e obtaining r t know-j an atotote m ust sta y to school tising is evi oli date- Other ledge and excellent m a r » - - t o «toy in school m ean s be dosed circuit university broad fom fe r t o t tak in g of a m t re- m ust b e¡p rep ared to m eet aca- casting stations are successful­ sponsibihty at a u r society. t d e m k cetnpetitiw i if som e rig- ly ■pirating throughout the F o r one thing h e ro e s the nificant d eg ree is to be attam -1 c è u atry . -IL” * ^ ‘ term “ m ake M R gr.odes” ed. Published hy the «tediati efJCtoH«aa Meto Uuinji i r Issued Lot1* get the whole student whitoin implies a level of medi- “altows I want athUrties because tins m dew days Monday through Friday, dertof ito feti, wtoter e bed», behind this « p o rto n i. !» Maktog BH your toe opportunity to study spring quarters. Issued talea Lot** ftoi tt om support! Lot’s ti not svifietont — the mere «ad preporo for o better life Second «tiees peetage peti at Reet harc an MUhtotwrslty dosed important ffjk to to fo beyond Athletic* tom that Jfved by my father Editoria! and bmlMee affata ei $M ffedegt Bäntoea toffShtt» circuit n ó i station. tbo peseohfo IHt strive for is a job-« job with higher taveis of achleeimrcl competition. You have to work W Ê Sî» Rarrr Mmm coarse There Is nothing wrong , of hard to make tt l believe, W d iifN to T à û u b tw e va Member of the ftu rie tert Prow. T a l l i i Pefiy Prese Aendsttor wtth the people dating— however, that every athlete Is s m m ù é u S ù sc fftm s1. and the CoOege pnro. i*xv | but dating Is lorcethbto toet wraig who looks at M» college should be fitted around one’s competition to athletics as toe Editor. J C a ro ia V jf flto e B " ........ F u z a k ’ s M e s s a g e academic «tody and training tràini»«. opto or moot vttaf phase of Ms net vice versa. On the coutrery the To the filter: ä j t Secomfly. I- c h a t p a d w rifto l {m e e tjm o e r i m t tlt o g -to etody 1 noted with interest Dean h ü «mphasto em phasis t o d ating. One e n tiJ b e to v e tow nept r t ability I*®!**! toatorcaet re- would think tliif « mm to Ma .which will be ef ose H . „ position would Stress th* aood yaw have eoawgotod toeoe tour fXpwi* ! tor n u o y iw * iiwh c vnn <7 w n cf years rtcotiege . - f^aarffa IbaênaaMB ^ J sssL 1 " to comodtioa with tiw itim psirto'»tow4to)to(titt1l,»»- ÌBS8B H S g K mm m jfM M S H i HÜ ill mw: BBü F rid a y M o rn in g , F e b ru a ry 1 6 , 1 9 6 2 f r o m th e C o lle g e o f B u s in e s s S w a in so n U ig e a J Q v e rf ia u r ' 0 j-*t '.T i i 3 Ì * ê ÿ L % J r t' 2 a n d P u b lic S e r v le t . Placem ent B ureau è M É H n d < t o M i l r v m a lm * c lS ^ iS a iid u S iffe n g i! O f E m p lo y m e n t S e c u r ity A el um ts . P roduction adm inistra­ tion a n d a ll m a jo rs from to o l a te r v k sriug a t th e P l a c u neot B usiness a n d ftdM to Service. College of B usiness and Public VALUES TO $ 5 .« By BARBARA GUEST N either the benefits n o r the “ Sf: you behave this propa­ The annual W inter Concert of B ureau W ednesday. Additional M a t,' M otorola to * — E lectrical Of to e Slat« Nows Staff M ichigan legislators m ust duration provisions p f'o u r law ganda, every sta te is a bad th e University Symphony O r­ have been im proved lin e« 1185, place to d a business,” b e said. c h e stra will b e pN o so to d a t except for a $1 Increase la to e E v ery legitim a te and hu­ inform ation to to e P lacem ent engineers. B u reau Bulletin for to e w eek of ’ L ohe G eneva B e se rt (Wla- ce—to) — S um m er em ploy­ 0*r * r “ face up to th e long overdue task r t overhauling M ichigan’s E m ploym ent Security A ct,” m axim um for w orkers w ith d e ­ m an e objective r t s ta te govern­ 4 t>.m. Sunday to th e Auditori­ pendents enacted in 1987, he m en t can n o t be abandoned um u n d er th e direction r t H aas Fri». HMD: C aterp tn a r T racto r Ca. — , j P R k t e t y h D u M eines Steel c*. - O v a A gricultural, civil, m e d ia n i- 1 Otto Efcvator CO.—E lectrical, m ent •*» all totereated to cook­ ing a s firs t o r second cook for a larg e re so rt — som e experi­ m i at 228 Abbott R d„ E . L am ing said. when a p ressu re group lobby­ L am pl. en ce req u ired — ag e 19 o r over Gov. John B. Swainson said cal, m etallurgical, electrical m echanical, civil and chem is­ W ednesday. “No legislative issue to this is t chooses to u tte r to e sca re The pro g ram will includ e —M ale only. state has been so beclouded by w ards “ business clim ate,” h e th e “ B randenburg Concerto No. a n d chem ical engineers. Ap­ try engineers. > 7 : In a m essage to the legisla­ distorted propaganda a s unem - todd. plied m echanics an d forestry tu re Swainson o d d ; , 2” by fia d i, followed fijy th e m ajo rs. RrpihBr Steel Ocrp — Me­ p l o y m e n t com pensation," Swainson recom m ended in­ chanical, electrical, m etallurgi- “ The econom y r t o u r state— Swainson charged. creased benefits. Im proved prem ie r perfo rm an c e of “ J a ­ Tbe Martin C arp. — E lectri- i cat! sod chemical engineers, O L IV E & N O R M A N by v irtu e of its heavy concen­ duration, extended coverage, n u s” a n Adagio for O rchestra Any proposed im provem ent cal, m echanical, m etallurgical | School District, City of Ugh* tration in durable goods pro­ r t our E m ploym ent Security disqualification provisions, and com posed tty D r. P au l H ard er and civil en gineers; Physics. I u * d Park (Detroit area)—All duction, in general, and auto­ Act is m et with th e “w ont” m ore adequate financing. m otive production, in particu­ r t to e m usic d ep artm en t. The astrooomy, applied m e c b a m -!e i e m e a t a r y , elem entary argum ents th a t th e s ta te ’s un­ “ D espite to e h e a t g enerated program will conclude with cal, physical chem istry a n d ; speech, je n ia r high mart» and la r — is m ore vulnerable than em ploym ent fund is depleted by som e lobbyists, no signifi­ m afo m ajo rs. ___ science, social stitches and Eng- m ost to national fluctuations in and th a t im provem ents to th e c a n t cost would b e involved in Aaron Copland’s “ Outdoor Ov C atanese C arp, r t A m erica— hah. senior high Spanish a n d to e level of economic activity.” law will adversely affect Michi- j rem oving from M ichigan the e ra tu re ” and Tschaikow sky’s C hem istry, physics and m a rk e t-1ju nior cofiege physics. “ As a result, M ichigan work­ g an ’s so-called “ business cli­ stig m a of having too m ost Second Symphony, “ The L ittle m ajo rs; chem ical, electri-j Som tetrand C*rp. — Mechani- ers a s a group a re m ore sub­ ject than w orkers elsew here in th e nation Ip rep eated and pro­ longed periods of unemploy­ m a te ,” he said. punitive a n d re stric tiv e unem ­ R u ssian .” .Swainson said th a t th e de­ ploym ent com pensation law to pleted sta te r t th e fund is due th e nation,” he said. to the im p act r t national re ­ F u tu re costs of unem ploy­ Soloists for th e B ach Con­ certo a re ; B yron A u trejs-tnm K a m echam cal and civil engi-1 cal. electrical a n d m etallurgi- n eers. C tooum ers P ow er Co. - I cal engjneers. HEeod C w v c rrira Ca. — All ■ ! II m en t,” he said. cessions and to p ast m ani­ m en t com pensation a r e some­ p et; P e te r H edrick, oboe; M echanical, chem ical and ¡m a jo rs from th e CoUege of Benefits provided under the pulation of the financing pro­ w hat unpredictable, he said, for C harles Osborne, flute, am i electrical engineers. ¡B usiness and Public Service M ichigan Em ploym ent Security visions o f the law . - . ... „ . _ . ¡an d m echanical engineers. they depend on th e m agnitiufe Anne LeVroome, violin. D iam ond Alkali C a .-C h e m i-' . r i ^ r i h Z u - <* Act have becom e less, ra th e r He called the “ business cli­ r t econom ic fluctuations. The continuo will be p ro ­ c a l and m ech anical ragtoeerS ; i - . y 1 . 1* . . . { * * * .7 if I R ad O nly Looked Up My Blind than m ore, adequate in re la ­ m a te ’’ argum ent a “ form of The recom m endations to vided by R ita Fuszek, piano, accountant, financial adm im s- "** tion to the w age losses su ffer­ blackm ail to- which no_ self- See SWAINSON page 5 and C harlotta Klein, cello. tratio n a n d ch em istry m ajo rs— I Date in The Wolverine " ed by th e unem ployed, he said.. respecting state can afford to all m a jo rs who have 1 y e a r r t nonoC8’ . Eligibility requirem ents a re subm it.” ' ,- college chem istry for sales p o rttry science c o d a ll m ajo rs restrictive, disqualification “ I, for one, am not prep ared . » . 1 9 3 3 0 a a n a a a a positions. i penalties a r e harsh, the dura- to tu rn the w elfare o f this sta te C r r LiuibwuiuK s w n r r i P u 7 7 rubiti « n a n a p l a s c i a a n n a an aa nn □ □ □ a tion of the protection Is in­ and its people over to selfish in­ Dow C orntog Corp—C hem is-i "oaoD Q Q a a a a try marjors; chem istry,! Do t e ? adequate and larg e num bers of terests under th re a t th a t if we A c ro ss 31. On* □ a a a a s s a a m echanical, electrical and d r i l ! w orkersju-e not covered by the do not su rre n d er to th e ir de­ indefinitely L C únv n a a a a n n a san o ; engineers. law, he said. m ands—no m a tte r bow ou t­ 33. Slick ~ 4. Sand bar 33. Prefix mean, □ □ □ □ □ □ □ H G ai aaaaa □ □ a □ □ □ a a Adding to this is the fa ct th at rageous—they will pick up ».Belgian G en eral F lreproofiag Co. — j the fund out of which unem ­ th e ir p la n ts and m ove them inf “double" All m ajo rs from th e College r t : commun* M. MA InippocraiCF f Irm i n n r a t ad* □ □ □ sa a a a a J ploym ent com pensation is paid elsew here.” 12. Hue* w«*e birthplace n a n a a a a a o o has been sadly depleted as a M ichigan is a good place to IS. Color 30. Piebald □CD Ü 0G 3 a a a a 1 re su lt of u nw arranted ta x con­ | OVERSEAS DELIVERY | j do business, he said, and th a t ilifhUy _ 38. Chum □□□ a a a a anaas cessions lobbies th ro u g h -th e is why m ore plants a r e expand­ 14. Scotch cap 39. Penetrates £ a a a a a a a nanE ; ^ H a v e a d a t e t h is A tm o s p h e re ? T h e — legislature, he said. ing and locating h ere. 15. License 41. LisUe» ’ Once th e fund w as weakened, 17. Landed 43. Imitate Solution of Y t o w t i r i P e a le w e ek en d ? E a g le h a s it. It needs to be pointed out, he 44. Sailor j t s inadequate state w as used said, th a t the “ business cli­ tS. Cudgel 48. Confirm as an excuse to block needed m ate” sloganeers have over­ 30. Held a 48. Twofold 4 97. Coirmi* 9. Clout adjustm ents to assure protec­ reached them selves by fouling sesaion 81. Keel-biUad pow n Good fo o d ? T h e ”- tion of toe unem ployed, he said. th eir own nests in w hatever 21. Candi» cudcoo 7. Epoch 1 SUNBEAM ALPINE g T h e re ’s a n 'e x c e lle n t holder 82. Itoaa cat* l.Poisanous X Smaller The legislature h a s perm itted state they happen to be locat­ 24. Tennof oreddy* XPoamoR. HILLMAN - | E ag le h a s it. benefit levels in M ichigan to ed. — . 94. Drive a nail X Famal* ruff rank. ate.——■ | p lace t o go d o w n to w n Sertice On Imported Cars. ± d eteriorate by failing to in- Swainson said th a t gripping 37. China** 3. Nemmetallic 10. Exactly -c re a s e them in step with the in- j about the business clim ate dynasty ehmteat suitable E Come ont an d see o a r | a f te r w a r d s . O pen u n til 2 a.m . 28. Waver 11. Rica past* I fine Im ported C ars creasin g cost o f living and im ­ is going on in all other states. 30. Gender 4. Saw Ì No salesm an « D eal w ith proved w age ra te s, h e charged. Governors r t both p artie s have “ M ichigan now ranks 2 4 tn in said th at businessm en in their I the O w ner and save, t I t 's t h e E A G L E th e nation in the average sta,le a re , com plaining about m axim um w e e k l y benefit the clim ate for business, he BROOKS R e s ta u r a n t. ' T h e E a g le which is $39.38,” Swainson said. said. | IMPORTEDGARS | 204 N . W a s h in g to n IV 9*2578 I 8814 N . G ran d R iv er 1 I (n e a r th e airp o rt) D O N T G ET C AU G H T SHORT! T R Y O U R S P E C IA L ' W E E K E N D S E R V IC E B R IN G IN L a u n d ry ’T il 1 p .m . F rid a y D ry C leaning T ill 1 0 a .m . S a tu rd a y L U C K Y S T R IK E p r e s e n ts : - -G et B ack E a rly SA TU RD A Y A FT E R N O O N Gleaner and - Corny P etitions D ue B allot-B ox Skirt Laundry C areer C arnival petitions m u st be tu rn ed in by F rid ay Sigm a N u fra te rn ity recently w e m m m “ T H E D a t the P lacem en t B ureau, Stu­ elected new officers fo r th e W e ll, w e ll, w eIt. H a rin g a little "NOBODY LEAVES dent S ervices Building. com ing y e a r. Chosen w ere: b u m -th e -d e a n -in ~ e fftg y p a r ty , a r e w e ? THIS DORM E A S T G R A N D R IV E R A C R O SS FR O M P resid en t J a m e s S tiller, H unt­ TILL W E FIND OUT STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING the more you tell — ington Woods j r ; V ice-president WMO~PUT SPA6HETTI THE QUICKER YOU SELL! T erry M oran, T ra v e rse City i IN THE READ CLASSIFIEDS! " T re a su re r R o b ert" O ldster PROCTOR'S B E D r B ronx, N .-Y . j r ; a n d S ecretary M ichael Z ejnm in, D etroit jr . New officers elected b y Al­ SPACE, MISSILE & JET PROJECTS p h a D elta P i so rority fo r 1982 a re ; P re sid e n t Sally Cowell, Sault Ste. M arie ju n io r; Vice AT DOUGLAS presid en t M arcia Alto, M onroe sophom ore; Secr e ta r y Vicki Nielsen, F arm in g to n sopho­ h a v e c r e a t e d o u ts ta n d in g m ore; a n d tre a s u re r Ann M arie c a r e e r o p p o r tu n itie s f o r ; Hicks, M iddievllle ju n io r. D elta T au D elta fratern ity also elected new officers. They SCIENTISTS an d ENGINEERS a r e ; P re sid e n t P a u l N ordw all, D enver, Colo, ju n io r; Vice- ;Saœ5 B . S . d e g r e e s o r b e tte r president Chuck Schneider, De­ tro it ju n io r; S ecretary B a rrie r m w e ll a w a re , *H o o k sh o t / th a t y o n ac o r e d 'There, there, Dean Lagna, rm aun A ssig n m en ts in clu d e th e follow ing a re a s : Ar m strong , Bloomfield IQBs 4 8 p o in ta a g a in s t S ta ta . IM o r tu n a te ty , Servo-Mechanisms-relating to sophom ore; a n d T re a su re r many o fth a boys a n forni o f you.0* N e a t T r e n a f e r - r o l a t i n y t o m is* y o u s c o r e d o n ly 4 6 o n y o u r M a th a x a m . . " i all types of control problems s ile a n d s p a c e v e h ic le s t r u c t u r e s R obert T inker, B irm ingham ju n io r. Electronic Systems—relating to S tru c tu ra s —relating to cyclic all types of guidance, detection, load*, >iul to e * control and communications Propulsion—relating to fluid* investigation of new materials, methods, products, etc. LOOKING FOE A mechanics, thermodynamics, dynamics, internal aerodynamics Aer odynamics—relating to wind tunnel, research, stability and SOMMER JOB? mFMBRPEWM l Environmental —relating to air control r conditioning, paroaturiialion and S o M d S t a t e P h y s i c s — re la tin g t o oxygen system \ m e ta l su rfaces s a d f a tig a s Homan fa c to rs —analysis of environment affecting pilotandU S p a c e v e h ic le a n d w e o p e n apeoacrews, design of cockpit con- s y s te m s tu d ie s — o f a ll ty p e s , arta^ instrument panels and pilot in v o lv in g « v a s t range« * a n d en gineering sk iu a G o t fu ll in fo rm a tio n a t 7 .. - INDIVIDUAL ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS T H E * K A N A S A H E L P E R . S u p p m in g B u l « H a r y o u 'v e p « M a li y o u r f e e » , y o u 4 _ .• wm e d r i c o o e r y o o h a v e n ’t e n o u g h n x m e y » « f t f o r L u c k i e s . W h a t d o y o u d o ? Y o u g o t o t h e D u n n . T ito D e n n o f f h e lp y o u . T h a t 's w tu r t t h e D e a lt I s t h e r e f o r . T h # p a r t -, F R ID A Y , FE B R U A R Y 2 3 j# d t e m t o t o d a n t a a m o k a m e r e L u d d e a t h a n ana n t h a r . v o m i t a r . W e ia g e y e a to m ik e a n appointm e n t through J a c k C Kinney, D irecto r r t P la cem e n t B ureau. I f you cannot ótense w rite to : T h e D a w a H » 8 r a u t a M O ja a m t-tim a ta b . T h e n r o w U b a a b l e t o a r i o y t h e r i c h . da A* Amnetnaw Staff m Assistant v^wviisf* m tor WP jfimAmmkm ■. d OEOINHHBtamteteW MM EHu tu B to s te l o f L a c h to a . D e a n a c o r to ir iy an k n n w ltd [itM it DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT COMPANY, INC. 3 0 0 0 O c o o x P o rit E h w t, S a u f M — h x , Cx M w Ix CHANGE TO LUCKIES and g a t some faste fo r ~ a ~ c h a n g e l ■ A n e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y er mmmmmommmtmmeemmstmmmmmmsmmmtsmemmmmmmmmmetmmmmmHetmmmm 8 t o e .e s Aratri n£ eJ^ra»2^aam^ro*ra.*^S^emnra*^^^araM ranana.ra»,2^Lato jitMUHFmuêJJf*etmSÊÊ^ IK Bra UR & B l mzM H B Mtotor-- •• ?Sr?. SÜÉs I M is s i k f wu F e b ru a ry 1«, 1963 Church Founds New E ta t U rn i ng U n a in g C u t r a l U n ity -C o n fe r F r e e M e th o d W t C h u r c h 421 W. ê m é ta w m N. Washington. Lendng MkMgaa Stete Urtveroity of II» ktot la tta aarid, accord­ The primory function of * k* to too bat been cbooen as toe «ito for at ê metamal f r study of the Chris- ing to too Bar. Jack Harrison too center wfB ho odoeatiaaal whs will hood too now enter­ and ho wash wih be the eo- prise. It Is also the first of four tiUUnwat of stuhS d too S rito , too church eto church liabas such * contarla erdnr CHICAGO (A -O n e way to on* eg two (M etal fNr Bazaar. to lean from the university liven church bulletins d rc u la t- Doe. IS — address at Future Harta A MU«:. Fautor Sunday WawUp - H i t »jr. "THE ©IFT ©F ©OO" Sunday Sabaal • llrtO «jr. Mor ¡ing Woiebip "OUR TEXT90OK” Sunday Scheel It ojo. 10 4-m. tom frith and ad hhtar edac C h h t t n faith tuad higher and, hopefully, H too urirot » Farmers of America, “Organic by the Board rd of Christian Edu­ cation of too United Proshy; " tS U T T W u a m Church of CM* and E vaa- Midwest. odncoti««. tinrooghout toe sity may taan from toa church.” g a w srtv a p B or Inorganic Fertilizer andtbe day by day activities of the Christian Church." Took child­ Sturiy IC am s Maoday A Wedaeaduy Dgnglrt • JgígígB Hutei CteE • OfyaaM Youth Service Eveomg Worship 4:00 pjo. Tilt p.m. Family Servie« Wed. Eveotog 7:30 twrtxi Church. feH eai U n i t e d Brethren P lan s ca ll for too setting up Mr. Harrison resigned Ms pastor. ren to basketball game. m a m« * al 7 » p j R . Tbe mutar will ho too first Churches have joined with of conferences am ong studen ts, post as Presbyterian urivarsity This, said the Christian Doe. 14 — delivered posters Affibaied s4b Unity 'Sebaal rt Cbdab Rev. F. W. Von Val» For Transportation Cel IV 2.44S7 the Presbyterians In support faculty ond clerics for study pastor effective June to whan C entury, a P ro testan t Noo- advtttifetog Christmas concert. iartty, Lee's Saannit, Missouri. of the cerner. and discussion. he accepted tile directorship of denomination») weakly, keeps Referred Between women fight» E ta t ta m in g P ro g ra m plans for the center O ther proposals include fel­ the center. He win assume Ms churchgoer» informed at their tag about their places in bazaar a re su b being form ulated and lowships, g ra n ts a n d sabb ati­ duties on July 1. preacher’s doings md gives atr p r i g r a m ’i “ acknowledge­ WHAT THEN ARE ¥71 TO OOT th e ce n te r itself will not be­ K im b e rly D o w n s This question is ashed every Soo­ ca l leav e* for persons in ter­ index of his standing la his ments” list. F ria n d s M e e tin g com e operative until July 1, ested in re searc h in th e field. community. day in the worship service rt Cwtwl Doc. 13 — appeared in court: "ì ; {Qm M ' . _■ 1912. “ F rom toe outset this will be P la n s for the center—e n d th re e others—grew from neces­ Sunday I t cited a bulletin of a v eter­ forg o t to write “ R ev .” on driv­ an Chicago p asto r who in one e r’s license. C h u rc h o f C h ris t Math»diet Church, Lenriog. h foci "WHAT THEN ARE WE TO 007" sheets are prepored tor ovory «ernie». Im « — 10:1* A.M. Mm • Married Students Ju d aism D iffers” will be th e believe th ey a r e " to e tru e All aspects of new spaper’s Phene the Church office, 337-7444, for ! ami Indiana. Services, and visit nod usa th« Rood* Isra elites an d possess th e production a re discussed in­ informetlon aenceming the campus bus Rev Gordon Jones, Rector ' D iscussing the new ce n te r in topic of a talk by R abbi nig 1an interview e a rlie r this week, Zem ach F rid ay , F eb . 16 a t orthodox fa ith of Moses. cluding its foreign correspon schedule. CAMPUS VESPERS j Mr. H arrison said: 7 p.m . F rid ay evening serv In th e ir view, tb e Jew ish r e ­ dents a n d its extensive circu­ SUNDAY SERVICES ligion is schism atic an d they lation. “ In keeping with the faith ices will be held a t th e ZBT Universal Day ef Prayer For Student* 8:0u e.m. Holy Communion House, 910 G rove (Abbott recognize only tits firs t five Following the film , refresh ­ ¡th at God speaks to t h e Chujxh will he observed in e special pro- books of th e Old T estam en t. m en ts will be served. U n iv e r s ity L u th e ra n «rem.-C.Syr will be the «uests *1 4:30 «J«. Morning prayer or Holy through the world ju st as He R oad), Everyone welcom e. U n iv e r s ity M e t h o d i s f the Wesley Foundation for this event III It It IIIII IIIIIT11HIHMIMMIMMIIUlilitllllillllill whieh includes a Film end discussion Communion. Sermon It Church School. J G u e s t E d it o r ia l C h u rc h •n "RELI©IONS OF THE WORLD." 11:00 e.m. Morning Prayer or Holy j C h u rc h C.S.F.'«a will meet at College House end S tu d e n t C e n te r at 5:30 pan. and go OS » «roup'ta the CennufliM. Se»«»#« S Church School Wesley Foundation headquarter* “air South HtffitonuRoed. A w fu l’ S ta te o f A ffa irs in W o rld Natienei Lutheran Council Division and Arm Street, E.t. l l l l S. Harmon Rd. canterbury club (2 blgpkt north r t lertey Hall) Every#«« Welcome 4:00 p.m. Sunday T i'c m a s M c D e v it t 332-2114 Wrimn M. Tennant, Minister sw eep only shows t h a t th e m ea­ selves, a re now but m eaning­ Church Scrvicet, V, 10 A 11:11 ft seem s to m e th a t nothing Pasters: suring rod of everything is the less attem p ts to describe soap, is “ aw ful’’ anym ore,—awful - Donald W. Herb 4 C . T . r i m i r i c i - om niscient, prosaic, self. o r th e ‘wonderful taste* r t a Dr. John Tennent th a t is,~in the p rim ary m ean- cig arette, o r th e unadulterated I ’m rem inded of th e story of Cernpui Workers Toole Soad i ing. Nothing seem s even to faze Albion CoBoge, ©vert Speaker th e two tadpoles discussing th e joy found to a bottle r t b eer? S t. J o h n * S tu d e n t ’us, one w ay o r the other. I t ’s Sunday Worship P e o p le s C h u rc h possibility of life ouside th eir -A stonishm ent, ecstasy , won ’ long been a cry ag a in st th e H l 4:007lBtlB ond 11:30 ejn. Nursery, orih room tor oil Mrvicea P e r is h ; {W estern world th at ‘nothing la im m ediate e n v iro n m e n t One d er, am azem ent a re now for E a s t L a n s in g ; sa c re d ’, _ tadpole—ap p aren tly of th e all­ th e m o st p a rt cheapened and Sermon by Pester Herb Church School 10.-00 pan. «B eg« I think im m ediately of th e tadpole persuasion—belittled em ptied words, substitutes to Nursery core ie provided «t «II services. Fr. R. Keveneugh entice o u r sensuality o r coddle I bull sessions w here ‘young even th e thought of th ere being ■US SCHEDULE tor "71:30 service: Ft. T. McDevrtt Intordonominotionol o u r grasping self-needs. - WESLEY FOUNDATION j tu rk s’ sit in judgm ent on such anything m ore th an w ater. The ©Christ 10:55, Bredy 11.00, Com —209 W. ©rend River at Michigan I range of things from boring o th er w as not so su re, and-w ent B et nothing leaves os dam - 11:05, Ow«4_tlitO, Show I): 12, Mom« George I. Jordon, Minbter Director "127 MAC. founded, with literally noth- j profs to petting; from b irth out to find o u t fo r him self if 11: i I, ond orriving et «hutch «bout Sunday Messet th e m easu re of tadpoles w as big to say . Nothing Is so Supper 4 p.m. Forum 7 p.m. 7:tM J04i44 (High) 11:15-12:30 SUNDAY SERVICE ! and birthdays to death and I I :» «jr. Return by seme mute. ¡driving; from God to stale th e m easu re of everything rise m neh above os th a t we ean ’t LSA: Supper ot 5:30. Discussion Hah f ittini at 1:10, 4NI 1 11:15 Fc single end married student* maseai) donuts—presum ably the o rd e r L e t’s transpose o ur tadpo!les. talk about it; little m a tte r 4:30 S> 11:00 e.m. Sem e people discuss, ©roups at 4:30. 1in appearance a t least a p a rtia l "that our talk m eans less aad Daily Hf *«» M * * » . 0:00 «A , 12:10 pju-. e»d 5:00 p.m. i indication of th eir relativ e im ­ dismiss witosot batting au less; Setusday Mate« 0i00 S 4M «m. - Sermon Topic portance. _^ ; ____________ eyelash, the estimate ques­ E verything now am azes us, Conteseieni darly at 12:10 A 5:00 p.m. R ettgteo a a d W e, and M rth 1 ^ Rfir> T haw McDevitt ef tions rt life and religion. and re ally nothing does—every* Saturday 44:10 S 740-4:00 p.m, “ SAY YES 70 CHRISr and death a re jo st so m a a y St. Jahe's Stodeot P ariah . O thers stan d to aw e of th e thing o r nothing. W hat’s th e dif­ SOUTH B A P T IS T CHURÇH N*«a* Sarria«« m ore ’tapie» of e r a v crxatfoo* w orld mid r t creation, recog­ ference? - Tuer 6:30 t 7:30 púa. Dr. Wallace Robertson a ad se it to im plied—eith er tak in g speaktag t a d facility of nizing th e possibility of things Is J i any w onder (such Sunday Pasam — 7:30 pjn. - you defend your position or expression for tru th a n d re a l­ they m ight n o t com pletely com ­ w onder!) th a t people a r e bor­ ISIS S. WASHINGTON—LANSING Church School 4:30 sjc 4 11 «■«*• God loses. — ity- ■- . prehend. ed? -A DRV MASS" Demanetretion Cr-b room through high school ««« Now I have nothing again st Some things a r e too sacred Some a re enchanted by life, Nothing fascinates us, noth­ Your "Church•AlDa|t^From^Home?, — bull sessions and talking p ro ­ for bull sessions—o r le t’s say, o th ers disenchanted. ing en tran ces u s, nothing aw es CempBae and l eoedietlo« 4.-00 vided talk d o esn 't u su rp th e they dem an d re sp ect e n d si­ Is it n o t a n indictm ent on o ur us. l i f e is no longer a m ystery, M»via avury Priday «sght a i OJO 4:30 p.m, Christie» 'Student Founda­ p 'a ce of thought, and thought lence before talk . H e who bold­ society th a t so m any ad jec­ but ju s t a n o th er problem . Daaaa «vmy Saturday ai«M 0 12. I t’s awful to say , b u t—really I0H30 A.M. BIBUTSCHOOL HOUR tion Campus Jtoipors. itself becom es nothing m o re ly w ants to deal, w ith every tives, form erly vehicles for ex- - Phaae 10 7-4770 T han fanciful dilettantism m is- thing to one all-em bracing p re ssin g -re slitie s beyond our- —nothing’s aw ful. - 11:00 A.M. CONTINUING SERIES ON tOOK OF GENESIS G re e k A rc h d io c e s e O k e m o s C h u rc h R rs t P re s b y te r ia n "HOLY TRINITY" F ir s t- C h u r c h 7:00 F.M. BEGINNING A NEW SERIES ON FACING UFI E dgew ood P e o p le s E a s tm in s te r o f th e N a z a re n e Ottawa and Chestnut 7 O rth o d o x C h u rc h o f th e N a z a re n e IN WINNING C h u rch P re s b y te r ia n C h u rc h S. Washington et L Elm “WINNING OVa FEAR” " 7 (405 HemiHoo Rd. Worship Semoe* 4 » A ItrOQ emu Rev, A Cortes Reekieki* ©enes«« «t Butler . I li! Abbati 44.. East Unein« C. A. Brneh, poetar Metmi: 4:14 AM. Church Scheéf « 4:45 e.m. 9:30 F.M. ADULT YOUTH North Hafedorn Road Dr. Morrow. Preaching Sender School IM S AM. Rev. Robert L M#*«l«n4, Ministe: Soacoy School 10:00 o^n. Dtvioe Utergy 10:30 AM. Morning Worship .11:00 a.m, t» W orth r t ©road Rivai) Morning Wership USO «JR. Crihhery ond Nursery Fmvided (Hymn* to G nil . Siriiin li Ei.glish) Youth ©roup* * 4:00 pjn. Piniwrieri end Refreshment*' _ 441, WelbriJ«« Dfive, IX, Evangelrstk »leur ; 7:00 pjn. Rev. »A ^he M-'' -»?' You«« Peoples Servite 4:15 pjn. For'triespeiterte» bum MSU, meet ot a- e l - m « . .a . _ « a- J ie » - - Study Pbane: ID 7-0153 Evening Semes 7.-00 pjn. 4:30 pjn. Colvin Chib tor Single, Kewpoe’s al 10G0 Nursery Provided FREE I US TRANSFORTATION A d o r t to» wtow riw^^riee« Mid-week Preyor Wed. 7:30 pun. Wed. 7JO FM. Moortog r t Sigma Herry T. Stentcy, Minister kto Ehi Bhgjdpr *dsegintfigheht, Young Adulti."" Eprtoo Phi »I MJ.U. with GOYA and SUNDAY PROGRAM Co« ID 7^207 far fmo tmoeportotion. kwlvD’7 N?SIWv»e i¡.i'v* 4l | | ululali | | Rn iMfdto Stopping at Com HpII, till ind Asll * HÜ » Om*o Hal * 4>30 « jr. Church SebaaL with Ntmaty, end Adah «lady, etadert» iaeiadad. F a ta U m • Auditorium Rood - Phyrics Ropd • Dormitory Rood • SUNDAY SERVICES F IR S T W ESLEYA N 10:30 «ja, WanMp, *rtA embnam« M A R T IN LUTHER CHAPEL f t » tod tld » e.m. Bethel Manor, 9:27 ond 4:27 - Diurna* . MAC - Cofiege Drag • CWali Sabati far Kiad»r«*rtaa aad M E T H O D IS T CHURCH 4 STUDENT CENTER 7 A « o ,lf t» aboeab Ml at brtk through Jr. Hirt yuan«er. Murtb MegnoBe Avo. pt Miehlgon Comptai Hal • Unden Hsl - Yokely He* • Gtahrict Hal • Rev. 4. St«»«» (Gehobne. A . C. L Wrtdt, Interim Sagtet | P . . . f - J •• Meditetiun Chopal TofophoM ID 2-0779 WffiotM Hsl • Midwgim A«, at Hm ta Ed*, ML and éî# • A- - t - 1- fstatori» . A . XP9to*aU» "AR« MISSIONS FOREIGN7” Sunday Weniip UMW. 11:14 * j r . and 4:14 p-m. Jr. High M art» . TftiA. leilcy Hefl - Bryen Hrtl. t . UUL m-»--- 1 »- STUDENTS WELCOME "THRti types OF C ò m tkiK m y- ea rw|n rw»Wimp mámt r o w HmmÙg t Wft» M« k J » I Col IV 2-f3t2 for fotta* informati«« _ ■ WELCOME! Ivenins Servio* 7iM pen. Cal 10 2-4424 far baaspartatie» Fdnv—"CENTERVIUS AWAONMG* . . liÄ S lI Ir jM f' ' " % > ■mm&M h ä W Ê Ê Ê /K Ê K K K Ê K m ì ' $ SKI' Ä ® » ' ! ® üf ■ ^ .¿ B .'.ç.,.. ihTi'. « JRr.? u , ¡yrfwyF-¿gjK , S it® ... F riday M orning, F ebruary 1 6 , 1 m m . ^ ^ f e p 0 B e M ^ à t o . f o P Ì |pÌ limili liiiiifimV iì uni* iìmìiMiiiì « i » 5 ra u s information wmmmmmm from th e city w h i c h t r o v a t o r e can u e o w t u m n being s u b j e c t ­ R e d s G e t R e lig io n ; to d a y o n e a in p o o P r o te s t e d to l'a m m o d o ! c o n t r o l s . (Continued from page 1) T hera wo* tension on too m m rn m m m m m m m m m m m m ground, too. P a r ty E y e s M e n a c e HUM - Z.B.T. House, 910 Holding th e rig h t to use the The F ren ch com m andant, G rove S treet, t p.m . F rid ay , co rrid o rs on equal te rm s with M aj. Gen. Je o n Lacom me. MOSCOW (it—A disturbing Com auurist League In one S abbath S ervices.. too W estern powers, th e R us­ w arned tbe Soviet com m an­ B y CHRIS GALANT “ B at we a re grow ing with MM. a project he is still developm ent w as reported re ­ factory h ad U s chIM bap­ L iterary D tom m ten Group — sian s opened a cam paign nine dant. Col. Andrew L Solovyev, Of toe S U ie News Waff all Hie pains incident to w o rita g ea. g t -C, $ . cently from Vladim ir. The tized. So tod too secretary of 4th f l o o r lounge-U brary. day s ago to seal off certain r t serions censaqueucee ft the grow th, end not m erely hi “ F rom Theodore Roosevelt to ch urch' Is gaining headway too le U M In to e V tajb air 7:20 p . « . F rid ay , N ight r t levels fo r certain periods for E a s t G erm an guanto continue Teaching ru n t in Charte* re sp ect o f m uubers and erga- JFK „ the two elem ents r t in­ use r t Soviet planes alone. to shoot a t wool potion. H irachfekrs fam ily, mid the ntoattoo. H e r e is a t MSU a there. region building tr u s t too Iguana by Tenaesaee ternational] power and national The young Com m unist news­ (h i a collective farm six W illiams, public welcome. In London, diplom atic source» Lacom m e re ferred to two profesor ef hum anities say* be rntfloM tteMMsle quality Hud solidarity nave been com bined said too th roe powe r protest shooting incidents en th e bor­ ' n ever really w anted to do any paper Komsomol P ra v d a call­ m em bers of th e Com munist Gam aea D elta — M artin Luther Is a l for to o good.” In a n em ergent ideology con­ ed o p arty youth to p u t u p a league w ere m arrie d In church, w as designed to kill off an> da* r t th e F rench secto r bor­ » thing else.” sonant with the actu al devel­ Chapel, 8 p.m . F rid ay , Val­ creeping attem p t b y tb e Soviet ough r t Wedding Tuesday. Though, am ong other things, Asked w hy h e teach es hu fight ag ain st religion. including th e secretary . inanities, Hirochfeid answ ered, opm ent, dom estic and external, entine P a rty . " Untea to g ra b control r t the Both tim es t i » E a s t G erm ans he h as tau g h t In both the V h i a k , 121 miles east “ A storm of indignation “ I ju st enjoy ft* * of th e A m erican nation,” he of Moscow, is a s ancient re ­ aro se,” the p ap e r reported, Hillel — Hillel House. 10 a.m . corridors. _ opened fire en W e s te n police United States mid Europe, w rit­ sakl. IS p The corridors hove special patroting tb e w a it On to e sec­ ten two books and la working I w as Interested in getting ligions cen ter. It h as »»m e r t “ when ft w as learned th a t in S aturday, Sabbath services. across som e of tb e bask; cre­ “ I w ant to show th at to e im portance because they pro­ ond occasion, the w est police on a third, and Is toe author of tb e nation’s finest Orthodox one factory dorm itory a priest Shaw Dorm — Show Lounge. vide to e only routes to and United S tates' expansion and shot back. oth er jo urnal articles, bo con­ ative ideas of the W e st« * involvem ent in world affairs churches, including to e 12th had started m aking reg u lar 9:30 p.m . S aturday after the siders his accom plishm ents world, and to defining th e bask; has played a larg e p a rt, larg e r century Ascension C athedral. v isits.” <- OMo State gam e, Shaw m ix­ nothing out of tbe ordinary. intellectual and social issues in Komsomol P ra v a d a said a The p ap e r said th e regional titan usually suspected, in toe er. ■ Hirschfeld w as born in Brook- lyn, N. Y „ where his fath er term He s of persons.” said be is ra re today’s students w ant these issues de­ form ation r t th e centralized w elfare state and its accom ­ young Com m unist 1 e a g n e sp eak er a t a regional m eeting com m ittee fa not taking e a rs of the leisare tim e of th e C hristian Science Org. — 31 union. 2 p j n . Sunday, Spe­ Soft Lights ; . . and g ran dfather taught elem en­ panying ideology,” reported th a t m ore 'new-born yoong Com munists. The com ­ fined, but they a re not seeking babies w ere baptized th an in m ittee shook! held —m ore cial M eeting, all welcome. ta ry school. Y on wiU b e a b le to e n jo y all th e fin e ultim ate solutions. Honors Col H irschfeld spent M il in 1960 an d w hat w as w o rse: portico, club m eetings a n a ’ African Student* Assn.—32 Un­ ' Ho attended John Hopkin* lege and the G re at Issues Italy and F ran ce, teaching “ The m ajority r t fath ers and political lectu res . ion, 2 p.m . Sunday, m eeting. q u a litie s o f good food, fin e m u sic, a n d University in B altim ore, Md., course a re g re a t s t e p In help­ A m erican Mstory and civi­ m others who took th eir child­ “ T here a re a hundred thou­ w here h e received a Ph.D. hi ing students reach in the di­ Hillel — Hillel House. 6 p jn . oo f lig h ts a t D in es. lisation to European students. re n to church a re young people sand young Com m unists in the history hi MM. H ere he wrote r e c t o r of truth, he s a id ." Sunday, Supper F o r u m , He sakL be found this both a an d some even lu re m em bers V ladim ir region and they h ave F o r s re a so n a b le p ric e , y e n a n d y o u r his ( b i t book. “ Baltim ore, „“ They realize with Jam es sp eak er: P rof. C harles Hir- 1870-IMS: Studies la Social Baldwin th at ‘not everything “ refreshing and corrupting of to e Young Com munist enough strength to fight hooli­ experience.” 8chfield, hot m e a t tonner.i d a te c a n e n jo y a ll th e f e a tu r e s o f t h e H istory,” published in 1941 L eague.” " - ganism . drunkenness and re ­ th at is laced c a n 'b e changed; “ Despite the sprea d of visual G am m a D elta — M artin Lu­ m o st e le g a n t r e s t a u r a n t . . . a t D ian a. The A pril, 1942, “ A m erican but nothing con be changed The secretary r t the Young ligion.” slu m s," the urban spaces of th e r Chapel, • p.m . Sunday, Political Science Review” said until ft is fe c e d \” be said. Italy a r e still d ram atic and ports will be announced a t tb e cost supper. A f if te e n m in u te d riv e in your c a r * the book contains a “consider­ One ef the things Hirschfeld am ple, balanced, noble, and able am ount of valuable back­ satd lo d ay ’s A m ericans m ost B oard of T rustees m eeting the G am m a D elta — M artin Lu­ "Will t a k s y o n to a n ew a d v e n tu r e to ground m aterial on B altim ore face is to o t “ os a people we endlessly v aried ,” he said . C o m m itte e . sam e m onth.” th e r Chapel, 7 p.m . Sunday, e a tin g . “ Tuscany w as a H and r t election of officers. politics,” bu t Hirschfeld now a re on the edge ef destruc­ m agfc.’? “ Tbe U niversity is try in g to criticizes his work a s being tion” ; th a t “ despite all the „(Continued from P ag e 1) have a s m uch faculty p artici­ “ T here is also a pleasan t de­ G re at D e d sle as — 36 Union, 7 D in e w ith th e D ines. Y ou’D L ove i L “ fairly dull.” U nited States and R ussia do ten tativ e from each division, pation a s possible in the selec­ cadence in Italian and F rench p.m . Sunday, “ Brazil-—Which “ I had to do it to get a de­ aad say, both coontries a re tb e d irecto r of institutes, cen­ tion of th e new coUege d ean s,” life th a t tak es the edges off an „Way H alf a C ontinent?” „ g re e ,” h e said. dot y everything possible to te rs, o r his rep resen tativ es and E rickson said. _ ' A m erican's stern optim ism ,” M artin L ath e r Chapel - 9:15 He s a id -h e enjoyed writing! m ake nuclear w a r possible a rep resen tativ e of the U niver. he said. “ E v e ry college and adm in­ .m. Sunday, V esper Serv- his second book, “ Thé G reat and likely.” R ailroad C onspiracy,” m uch j m ore. This was published in “ Most of us a re under - the de­ Besides teaching Hirsch- feM h as found tim e to w rite sity College. „Second, th at each com m ittee m ay c re a te an executive com­ istrativ e unit on cam pus wiU suggest n am es,” E rickson said, S Men’s H o n in g Assn. will hold 321 EAST MICHIGAN - IV 5-717» 1953. lusion th at the big bang will journal articles on E dw ard “ and these n am es wifi be tu rn ­ never ta k e place because th at Eggleston a s a pioneer la the m ittee and sub-com m ittee as ed over to the planning com ­ • dance to th e Brody Multi­ After teaching history at needed to im plem ent its ac ­ purpose room S aturday after would m ean the end of civili­ writing of social history, toe m ittees.” Monday • Saturday John Hopkins for a year, he tivities. - " th e Ota> S tate C am e a t 9:30 2 Blocks E a s t rtC a p tto I entered th e a rm y in 1941. Dis­ zation.” he said. first A m erican W orld's F a ir __ E rickson said th a t th e B oard p jn . charged in 1946, he worked as “ B u t'h e said he fells this is in 1653, aad “ Ash Coo V ersos T h ird , th* com m ittee wifi of T rustees will m ake th e final a historian in the historical di­ only conceit, because though Modern A rt in .A m erica.” ~ serv e until Ju ly 1. appointm ents of deans, a s is vision of the w ar departm ent such a d isaster m ight be the 'H i s qualifications fo r these E rickson s a id th at in plan­ tru e of all o th er appointm ents. special staff until 1947 when he en d of the United S tates, R us­ studies, listed In th e “ D irec­ ning fo r th e developm ent r t joined tbe MSU faculty as a sia, and W estern E urope, peo­ tory r t A m erican Scholars,” in­ th e stru ctu re ef the college hum anities instructor. ple will survive a s they surviv­ clude m em bership h i th e A m er­ they should proceed w fthta M en’s H all G ro u p He w as prom oted to assis­ ed the Flood, and live to chuck­ ican Association r t U niversity th e sp irit of toe by-laws fo r le a t F au lk n er’s futHe conceits P rofessors, toe A m erican Stud­ faculty organization a s re ­ W ill S p o n s o r D an ce tan t professor in 1949 and asso­ ciate professor in 1953: so well expressed a t Stockholm. ies Association r t Michigan, the cently approved by th e Aca­ M en’s H all Assn. will spon­ S h o w and t o o l T a la l o g Now o foil professor, he The effects of A m erica’s A m erican H istorical Assn., and dem ic Senate. so r an all-university d an c e la §§§} 4 * also teaches an fartenHscipti- em ergence a s a world pow er P hi B eta K appa. “ I h ave a s k e d 'tb e planning on progressive o r liberal Hirschfeld a n d bis wife, Mi­ com m ittees to h ave th e ir re c ­ tile B rody m ultipurpose room s S u c h a c lo v e r o n d b o d u itfu l w a y - n ary sem inar In 20th century thought aad action is of g re a t a t 9;30 p.m . a fte r th e Ohio 6 / A m erican civilization, and ria m , have been m a rrie d 22 om m endations re ad y by April h as several interesting views interest to H lrsehfeld. D aring years, "and have a 16-year-old 6, E rickson said. And If all State b ask etb all gam e. T here to c a r ry y o u r sh o o s to a n d fr o m en MSU nod on civilization 1955-56 he took leave ef ab ­ daughter, Dinah. goes w ell th e com m ittee’s re- is no adm ission charge. art / i i> the W ester* World. sence to do re searc h fo r a o ffic e , c la s s e s a n d s o c ia l o c tiv H o tX / “ Since I cam e here things book «a A m erican poUtieal f7 dr M vf*M f . have changed a lot,” Hirschfeld thought between IMS and in o u r z ip p o r u d .J o p - h a n d t o ! t said.. “ T here J ia s been g re at pro­ gress, but not as much as some people like to think. 'A fter all, Seminar New low-cost luxury in tw o „ ~ B e ig e o r b la c k s im u la te d le d h e q j MSU is, in a way, a new insti­ b lo c k p a te n t, p o lk a d o tte d , c h o c k s tution, born not in 1855 but in 1945. (Continued from P a g e 1) Gordon Thom as, m ayor of E a st _ “ A g re at university c a n ’t be Lansing also p articipated in just-out Chevy I I Nova sedans c o t t o n ,2 . 0 0 -o e p B r o w n , b lo c k ] the panel discussion. p rn m 5 "creatéd in 15 years o r so.” M arcia Van N ess, editor-in- ta p estr y , X O O chief of th e S tate News, said th a t only a few new spapers S w a in s o n such a s th e Now Y ork Tim es F rid a y Store H oura 49- »*30 a.m. to S:3ti p . » « and the C hristian Science Moni­ (continued from page 3) tor give daily rep o rts of U.N. strengthen tbe fund, proposed activities. „by the Michigan Em ploym ent The S tate News advocates Security Commission, a body AUSG m em bership In NSA, th e reflecting all political and eco­ N ational Student Association, nom ic interests directly involv- she said. NSA offers fellow­ _ ed are: ships ond aid to foreign stu ­ 1. Repeal the restriction on dents, sponsors international contribution ra te _ increases conventions and exchange p ro ­ which a re now limited to 1% g ram s an d prom otes Nw orld of taxable payrolls in any one understanding. calen d ar year. . - L arry Cam pbell, president of 2. Im m ediate increase of the AUSG, discussed the develop­ taxable, wage base from $3,000 m ent of the cam pus U.N. H e to $3.600. _ called it one of the m ost effec­ 3. A -minimum tax ra te of 1% tive U.N. organizations on uni­ com bining both regular and versity cam puses throughout em ergency contributions. the nation. 4. A general upward adjust- “ The U.S. student,” C am p­ — m ent of rating account per­ bell said, “ is finding him self centages to add about 2% of m ore and m ore forced to take taxable payrolls to em ployer an active interest in world af- reserves. -fairs.” « Luxury and tow cost hsvo never boon more that gets more “giT out of a gallon of regular. beautifully Mended Bum in these two newest Body by Fisher roominess that fits big families additions to the Chevy H tineriike their running end small parking pieces. An easy loading vaca­ mates—the_Nova 400 Sport Coupe, Convertible tion-sized trunk. New iden tint sow or upkeep. ind Station Wigon-they have the seme more-for- Plus trim, tasteful styling, inside and out Sou W9 ail mmkê ffttfiflüfft a your-money features that have made Chevy II the smart, sassy, saving Chevy n Novas- the winner of Car Ufa magazine’s Engineering and the other sensibly sized, sensibly priced Excellence Award for 1962. Soft-riding new Mono- Chevy U models—et your Chevrolet dealer's. R o b o t W o lo v # » .« Plate re v springs, proved in the equivalent of 2,0Q0,000-pktttestmiles.Thrifty6-cyiindtr engine C h evy H N ova o f C o M o n K n it HowCtia y B N o v a a -a a M Daa i -p to o aw rato eteito atearteto erC h ev y g Bqdele F o v o r o d fa b r ic th a t o d a p is s o b o c R r iH u O y t o t h o t o l a o f a d u s te r . O u r s w ith s h ir r e d ' ERASE W IT H O U T A TRACE ON EATON’S C O R R lS A B L E ROND a v a l n o c k tin a s a n d r o o m y H m 400 Ss»rt Cww w*w eon cw w iv i s M m 4U M m ‘Typing errors never show on Gommili«. The sperisi sarà p tr ic h p o c k a t s . F a t ila , s m a ll, fo e of this paper makes it possible to « m e w ithe» O treco—with j u t an ordinary pencil eraser. Results: dm o- » o d fo M sfzo fc E c c h ,1 2 .9 S foaidng. perfectly typed papers. Next time poo ah domi. ,ol the keyboard, ambe no mistake—-typo on C otìm é IM M l tu rn s to il« U f f c C o t t o n /U n o n /r a y o n w ith Tour «hai« of C o n t o is to light, median, k a w y M to o and Onion S kin, to bandy K B a a tiu t r it a l l o a , g o ld , r a s a . sheet padceta and SOOoheet boxes. Only Eaton maina R ig h ts H o r iz o n t a l s f r ip o a t t - c o t f o n ConiaaUe. IOO lu u u g a r in k b o , r a s a , b a ig o . A Berkshire Typewrit* Papsr a n im i p a rs a t a a r w u r i M S M i k m m C h m y n d i m k e t f m l h r i M i C h m o h t t l a l t r '* Hg I* [mìSkàifioivii » ftp ® Hü ■■'jjmfdÊSÊÊum ■ B IG « Il I S i M P U H H H H ^IE E jS flH fl •'V A-i’* .\-%&. ^æ vr’v>'mte3r~vww».- P lS lS fï m R 3 9 H 9 B 9 M H K H l if ‘"Jfif^5¿‘ . jSf*'¿VW ' ,>;'•'.' -í. ;í;A * IT- Frtàoy M orning, fd k in a ry 1 6 , 1 9 6 2 toneer Fencers Meet W e t, o s t r Win Oèer C 1T O 9 7 -4 4 S tate wWas i# ah n o st abut HI out of ip» State 6-4 By D K X ROBINSON te n , th e In te rsta tes Confere Conference nce H arn ontine iag aand BSD G n d BO! Gremì reen M aced ptaced G reen took seco SOPQSrt forr th e n d fo O ta»«! sh u t m 220-low hurdle cham p. Jrtm aoB firs t a n d second respectively. S p artan s a n d Ron Horning th e 10QO»yard ru n a s W arren - By JIM OLM8TEAD S tate News Sports W riter , tod th e m eet reco rd of :9 M H orning w as tim ed h h H J , a placed th ird . T h e ev en t was Ochs m anaged to g ra b a th ird S tale N ews S ports W riter State easily swOpt to a 97-44 won by th e Chlppewas’ Bob ¡d a re a fte r D en C astle h a d r i d b y team m ate Bill M aim, new m eet r ecord. T he fencing te e m tra v e ls to tra c k victory o v er C entral who took second in th e hurdle W aters. crossed th e finish Une . By E D KOTLAR Sperta n goalie John Chandik South B ead, Ind. S atunlay. i t w as all Lewis ag ain in the M ichigan a t Jenison F ield knocking evept- 306-yard ru n "as h e won Ms jState N ew t Sports W riter from 10 f e e t s w here N e tre D om e will host H om e M onday n ig h t In th e S tate scored tw ice in » sec­ Ohio S tate said th e S partans. Lewis, taking up th e stack ] th ird firs t M ace an d tied the M ichigan S tate’s hockey team onds. At 13:36 Fournell got his L ast y e a r MSU tost to Ohio process th e S p artan s took all fo r th e in ju red John P a rk e r,] m eet record. IBs tim e of :3L2 H ELD O V E R ! 2nd W eek blow a two goal lead and lost th e scoring honors in four out won th e b re ad ju m p w ith a also equals th e field a n d v a r­ second goal of th e night when S tate 14-18, but pulled a re ­ of 14 events in th e second a n ­ Feature Today ita fifth straig h t gam e 6 4 to R eal T urcotte centered th e v erse a s i t defeated N otre leap of 23’ 4%” . He s e t a new sity reco rd which he afareO% t h | hustling D enver Pioneers nual m eet th a t saw seven m eet m eet reco rd in th e process. Jim sh ares. Zack F o rd w as second 1 :3 0 > 4 :2 0 puck from behind th e P ioneer 'D am e 14-13 when this y e a r’s reco rd s broken. before a sm all crow d of 1,019 a t n et and Fournell scored from C aptain D ick Schtoem er broke Roe w as th ird for th e S partans. and Don Voorheis w as th ird . S b e m Lewis w as by fa r the 7 :1 0 * 1 0 :0 0 th è MSU Ic e A rena Thursday. Tom P eckham pulled a su r­ Shot p u tte r C harlie Brown 10 feet out. a 6-13 tie. outsttm & ag local ru n n e r a s he t h e S partans rem ained in While they w ere still an ­ B oth Ohio S tate an d N otre p rise in th e high ju m p winning took first hi th e w eight event fourth place in the WCHL with took th re e first p laces an d w as te e event w ith a ju m p o f 6’ 4” w ith a h eave of €T 4%” . B row n “Critics” Choice For The Best O f 1961 nouncing F ournel’s goal Bob D am e a r e vulnerable, said a m em b er of the w inning m ile a 6-6-1 record, a h a lf gam e Doyle scored to put the S par­ Coach C harles Schm itter. and b eating te a m m a te W ilm er broke th e m eet record. T hird w n n r • B est P letore ah ead of M innesota. The P io­ re la y team . H e contributed Johnson, who placed second. w as S tate’s D ave M utchler. tan s ahead 3-1. “ Ohio S tate is w ithout the I H u , e B est Actor neers strengthened th eir hold 17% points to MSU’s total. Roe placed th ird 'm a k in g it a With a fa st la st Jap , Bob Fulch­ on th ird place and upped th eir Not to be out (fame the P io ­ services of its B ig T e n Cham p S tate s ta rte d things off on TTTTnm r r n n 8 8 8 Snppertig Actor reco rd to 6 4 . The two team s neers scored tw ice in 28 sec­ and NCAA foil runner-up Love­ th e rig h t foot, sweeping th e clean sweep fo r State. e r w on th e 886-yd. ru n h i 1:58.7 The dashm en pulled another w ith M il S tew art third. H U S TLER •■ to S m w rb y g o a t it again F rid ay at the onds before the period w as land. N otre D am e h as been first th re e (daces in th e m ile * B est D irectiag full n um ber of 'points. Lewis Capt- Jcn ry Young lapped l o t A rena a t 8 p .m . _ over. At 16:31 Ken W illiamson beaten thia y e a r. We could tak e run. S p artan M organ W ard scored while S tate’s J im J a ­ both m eets if everybody is on,” won th e 60-yard event in :06Jt th e field in th e two-m ile ru n to took th e lead w ith une lap. which sets an o th er new m eet w in th a t event in 9:19.9. In the The fa st skating Pioneers cobson w as serving a two m in­ he said. to go and won th e event in c a rrie d th e play to the S partans The full te a m will b e going reco rd and ties th e field house final event, th e m ile relay, ute penalty fo r bolding. 4:21.1 to set a new m eet re c­ a t the s ta rt of the first period At 16:50 G reg Lacom y put on th e trip this weekend. v arsity records. The la tte r he MSU easily took first In a tim e b u t the S partan defense, led C aptain Schtoem er, com­ ord. W ard w as th e ev en t win­ h as previously tied th is sea­ of 3:25. The te a m w as m ade up THE in Bill Dowhan’s rebound over n e r la s t y ea r. S tate’s R oger b y C arl Lackey and F ra n k a p ro stra te Chandik to tie the m enting on th e team , said th a t son. Ron W atkins w as second of Lew is, F o rd , Voorheis and OF A Silka w as equal to the task. the winning resu lts of la s t H um barger, second, an d Bob w ith F o rd third. Horning. scores- i weekend indicate th a t th e team F u lch er, third, ca m e u p to give In the 600-yard .r u n Ron r In th e 440-yard ru n . Bill AND A The S partans took a 1-0 lead T rent B eatty, the P ioneer’s a t 13:53 when Claude Fouroél h as the potential for a winning W ard com petition. leading sco rer pu t his team P ole v au lters J e r r y D ehenau took F ran k Silka’s pass, faked season. ahead, 4-3, when he scored a t So fa r this season, the Spar­ and Bill Alcorn provided a D enver goalie L arry B eau­ 5:03 of the final period w ith tan s have a 4 4 record. a k¿ * d A * ¿ * \ one-two punch a s they tried for ch am p out of position and scor­ D enver a m an short. The b est individual reco rd is first place a t a low 13’4” . Cen­ STANLEY KRAMER presents at the M . Ciron Park, I l iHlI 8 e d from four feet. The S partans put trem endous p ressu re on the P ioneer goalie B eatty poked the puck out held by C aptain Schtoem er of the P ioneer end, out raced who h as com piled a 144 record th e S partan defense and shot in foil and epee. N ext com es tra l M ichigan’s Jim V an Vleck, who tied with Alcorn fo r a m eet reco rd la s t y ea r, placed third. Spatrine? Mirar BttartWHrt a t th e s ta rt of the second p er­ iod but it w as D enver who th e puck through C handik’s Jo e A ntonetti a n d P h il Slayton le*s - „ _ in sab re w ith 124 and 114 H e rn r Johnson cam e through in th e 70-yard high hurdles, Marine Netra m m M iM a B R I scored. D enver scored tw ice m ore, records respectively. b eating C entral’s B a rry Jacob- The P ioneers tied the score a t 3:56 of th e second period B eStty again a t 14:41 and Bill Staub a t 17:37. M M e r y C H IlC . , when Bill Staub c a rrie d the A rt Thom as, who w as ro b ­ I u in ra r a M T puck (town th e rig h t side and passed across to team m ate bed several tim es b y B eau­ cham p scored th e S partans fi­ Coral G ables'' , M IC H IG A N P R E M IE R E to t E m ory Sam pson who b e a t n al tally a t 18:56. W E D . E V E :; F E B N umemberb IM Results ILFO RN O T h e N a m e t h a t M ad e P iz z a F a m o u s in L a n s in g T 21 a t 8 PAR. BENEFIT DETtOIT CHAFTW UNITED NATIONS— FO* . IKttTS CAU W , m g n h M to dw H ilf t t o d Far»i»w Frais Astoriati** far riaaa 5 OltM STARTS THURSDAY! Award FIsminati am . ^ 9A3 26BV METRO BEST HOWS (MAMA) A.T.O. BASKETBALL 53-B. T. P i 7 C aribbean win-Cache H ie Scrubs 58. Vets I B ow er 65-H edrick forfeit 54 ' - MWOPENAT11:00 JLi._ S T A R T IN G T H U R SD A Y , - BEST ACTOC (MAMA) BEST SOTMCTINO ACTOt GOLDWYNL MAYER. M nm M i d f i i Il a i k e L.C.A. 52- F arm house 30 S e rv in g S n a c k s - S a n d w ic h e s - L u n c h e o n s - D in n e rs E lsw orth "58-Beal BEST SUff OCTtNO ACIttSS ARTHUR. ‘ ■ P i a z z a Sigm a Chi 52-Phi D e ir 31 A lso C a te r in g to FEB. 2 2 A T BBT MOCTOC FREED P h i Gam . 42-A. E . P i 17 Comets 52-Plstd P lb rs 2.-00 - 5:30 . 1.-40 mooutr/oM CINEMASCOPE-METROCOLOR A, P h i A. 73-Sig. E p. 37 G rsbkrs. 56-D ollar 65 P r iv a te P a r t i e s - B a n q u e ts - M e e tin g s 2.-00 P.M. SHOW — SUS E i X . P h i 44-S.A.M. 29 U Tom B ys 83-AOCS II IS K O A L E X C L U S IV E 5:30 and 1:40 PJd. — 52.00 Olivia de Havilland • Rossano Brezzi D. Chi 55-T. D. Chi 17 U ntchbles 70-Nckls W orth V isit O u r R athskeller E N G A G E M E N T Children Under 12—-.90 Y vette Mimtoox G eorge Hamilton C fm ets 52-D ollar 65 23 P . K. P h i 56-D. Chi Open 5 p.m . D aily _ C am eron 36-C avalier 31 S.A .E. - 62-Phi K. Sig. 52-A.G.R. «Phone E D 7-1311 B ailey 8 76-B ailey 6 36 P si U . C aravelle 78-C am bridge 39 S.A.M. 54-P h i Mu A. C om plete Take-O ut Service X , Shaw 7 40-E . Shaw 6 38 A. P h i A. 57-D . S. P h i AFTER TH E GAME E , Shaw 7 62-E. Shaw 9 D.T.D. 45-T riangle W. Shaw 5 43-E : Shaw 1 34 Z.B.T. 61- P h i P s i W. Shaw 4 54-W. Shaw 2 Nu 7 2 -S ig E p . C abanas 71-C arlton 28 P h i T au 24- B . T . P i C arth ag e win-Casino forfeit K . A. P s i 55-P h i S ig K . B ailey 5 88-B ailey 7 3» A.T O. 7 2 -T .C h i F fs try . Clb. 44-Owen G rads 43 K. Sig. 46-T . D . Chi Casopolia 58-C achet - 47 PM D elt 51-Farm housd W, Shaw 7 47-W. Shaw 9 12 L.C.A. 77-A. E . P I Shaw 6 28-W. Shaw 10 26 Sig. Chi 52-P h i G am . E l Shaw 10 77-E. Shaw 6 38 V ets I 40-N ckls W orth P ro g ra m inform ation IV 24185 M I C H I G A N Starts TODAY... STOP IN A S u p e r B a r g a in D a y P r o g r a m ! ALL-DAY PR E V U E O F TH ESE TWO FEA TU R ES "Come into m y Guest Room 99 M e D M a k f t said the victim to the Wolf! .-'f. F o r Those "Pillow Talk’* • C o f f e e playmates ... SK I PANTS SK I SWEATERS are.s.at it-, ^¡¡1 JACKETS .o . •fri»1.4 mm Son Valley • P edigree 25%4050%™ • H a m b u r g s ~ Friday at F ra a e e a ia - 1:20,5:00,t :M pjm . O Men’s & Women’s • S h a k e s (Bex offiee d ose» N p.m .) i i 2 5 % “ 4 0 % o ff • Pulloves ft Cardigans • F r e n c h F r ie s Ro ck Hu d s o n S K IS • E tc ., E tc . D o R is D a y S K I B O O T S O N n tU n d T O N Y R A N D A L L f A ft T . - ~ Nordica • Garmiech O P E N T I L L O O th e fa m o u s n a m e s 20% - 3 5 % OFF OFF 1 A M . F ri. 6 S a t . SKTTTHS SPECIAL J } M X 25% off - MeDonakfo COLOR AB S U G oggles • An Sales Final • No Exchanges • No Refunds tte d r iv e -in w ith th s s r e h e s LAST DAY! SUNDAY 7.-00 PJM . JO H N 5 CORNELIUS O N E B L O C K E A S T O F CAM PES M fto a n s o ie -a tflto . BARTON ( 2 1 2 0 PL LARCH U S 2 7 f t 4 7 6 0 S. C ED A R U S 1 2 7 ) P IP E ORGAN H «■M M i »1*1 .Id . ’¿ d ' » W o iœ r ir të ^ m v p p m Y i O h i o S t a t e C o m e s t o M S L P IZ Z A Face MSU Saturday L o n g W i n S t r e a k o n L i n e «quad, Havlicek was the *ev- F; Jerry Lucas, 6-8, C; Mel No- a l B y J D f H LSA K r e r fine perform ers . M ale News S p a ts W riter The S partans have an edge enth draft choice of the Cl*ve- well, 14, 6; Dick Beetbeck, land Browns last December. 6-9, G. C~ K U m M over the Southern team , hav­ Spartan gymnasts toft Thurs. “Quarterbacking” the Back- Mkhtgaa State: Rate Got, day for what might be the most grueling week-end competition ing woe th e la st four m atches. After the F rid ay night m eet, eye attack is the smooth, poised Nowell. Averaging Q points Aft F; BIB Barry, 6-2.F ; Fred Thomam, M, C; Art Schwann, MU MM HAI the S partans face m o re strong per game, the 6-2 senior is an 1-1, CapL, G; Bill Schwarz, 64, 211 MLA.C. ED MM that the Spartans have ever com petition from Illinois. excellent playmaker on the G. faced. The Illini will he lead by R ay famed OSU fast break and pos­ The l e a r n will be m eeting Hadley, a v e ry strong perform , sesses a deadly-base-line jump Southern Illinois University on F rid a y for the toughest m eet e r in all events. Of in tere st to the S partans is the S3 team shot Since these th ree m en began : W ANTED of the trip . S aturday they move averag e Illinois ha« on the. side startin g for Ohio S tate th ree - Ambitious student to represent to C ham paign to face the Uni­ horse. Another high average is y ears ago, the Buckeyes have E—tcnant Manufacturer on Campus. v ersity of Illinois- th at of Hal Holmes. won 71, tost four, and won a YOU’LL BE YOUR OWN BOSS! YOU’LL BE A Southern boasts of having He is ra te d the best tum bler national cham pionship. Their FRANCHISED REPRESENTATIVE! fo rm er Olym pian F red Orto- tat the world and holds a 97.5 lone defeat last y ear c am e in ! average in the event. th e NCAA title contest—517545», NO INVESTMENT NECESSARY! FREE SALES KIT! sky. NCAA parallel b ar cham ­ Sara Good Commissions hi SPARE TIME. pion F re d T ijerena, NCAA hori­ When asked of his te a m ’s overtim e toss to C incinnati's prospects, Coach Szypuia com ­ B earcats. Write for FREE toformattaa Is: _ zontal b a r rham pion Bruno K laus, and M idwest AAU free m ented, “Two tough m eets in Rounding out Ohio S tate’s YORK SPORTING GOODS CORPORATION style exercise cham pion Rusty the sam e weekend on the road startin g lineup a re 6 4 forw ard 175 FIFTH AVENUE M itchell. This extrem ely able is a considerable handicap. But Doug McDonald and 6-0 guard — NEW YORK CITY It, NEW YORK and experienced nucleus is we have a fine group this year. Dick R easbeck, two juniors com plem ented by several oth­ I think we will do O.K.” who won letters last season. \ Two y ea rs ago, OSU edged State 8463 a s Lucas bagged 28 O P E N S T O N IG H T points and scored the winning basket with seconds rem aining. Community Circle Players Presents The S p artan s’ H orace W alker covered him self w ith glory th a t The World Premier Production of night, rebounding superbly and finishing with 23 m arkers. “ T H E M ISARRANGED M ARRIAGE” L ast season, MSU w as beaten -/ Original Musical Farce By \ tw ice by the B ucks—6143 at L Adrian B. Robinson ft Dawn Allen ) Columbus and 83-68 a t E a st Lansing. The Jenison Field- The Circle Playhouse For Reservations S w im m e r s T o O p p o s e house b attle, w itnessed by 12.- 1136 Sheridan Street Phone: ED 2-64*8 177 fans, found M ichigan State * -— Lansing IV 5 8616 ahead a t th e half, 3648, and S tr o n g U o f M T o n ig h t stay close until well into the STUDENTS WITH I.D. $1.66 C A M P U S C L A S S IF IE D S s e c o n d half. MSU’s A rt Schw arm finished with 20 Feb. 16,8:36 p.m.SoW Out Feb. M, Sold Out D E A D L IN E S : 1 p.m . D ay B e fo re P u b lic a tio n f o r T u es* points th a t night. Feb. 17,6:31 p.m. Available Feb. 22, Sold Out W ed.. T h u rs ., a n d F r i. E d itio n s , D e ad ­ P robable startin g lineups Feb. 16,8:61 p.m. Available Feb. 23,1:31 Available" line fo r M on. E d itio n : I p.m . F ri. a re: - Feb. 16,648 p.m. Available Feb. 24, 1:36 Available Ohio State: John H avlicek, 6-5, Feb. 21,8:36 p.m. Available Feb. 25, 2:60 Available PH O N E: 355-8255 o r 355-8256 Capt. F ; Doug McDonald, 6-5, A U T O M O T IV E 958 AUSTIN HEALEY, »ad.« sod its-- whitewall*, IV 2-5494 evenings. 957 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 door powerglide; ~r. and h.; 2_ tone, cit­ ent condiUon new tires. IV 5-3198. - ~ 31 1>S? CHEVROLET 8H Air 4 dont LOST and FOUND f* diop. Powcf new «ylon t!?■»*, 37,000 iniVs. excellent co*drt*ea M*y be seen it 1624 I Sparta* Villftçc. ID 2 8035. _ - 31 m STUDE6AKER 4 door. Unpic- trous tra*upcriat.on for t^c ditcrirjii- PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 24*17 ma student. $65 ED 7 *289. 31 EM PLOYM ENT PERSON AL THE CHARLES KENT Revere -Ce. D’oniond Verc^aHs desrres maturcu- resöpnsffolc MSU mate - students to E A S T LANSING PHONE E D .X 18 I4 it*** as rampws représentatives. For tntcrvicYv appointment, caî IV 9-4171, HOME OF"THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS Me ¡«»ent» S A M (/£. NOW SHOWING THRU SATURDAY 2 ALEC GUINNESS HITS ADYS WINTER -THE “THE LAVENDER PROMOTER1 HILL MOB” LEICA 3.5“5UMMAP.ON ».de a S T A R T IN G SUNDAY » M o ry mat m P a r i s - w h u s g e n a m t i e s a t robelliotan y o sS ft liv e s w it b H s f t s s ir s s , s o d it s d r s s t n s . gpMk s sssr ttUs by Msxcel Cu m . R EA L ESTATE /K ADULT V r'jfr* .'til KL \ ENTERTAINMENT BLÖN0E KEY" BASS ^150. IV 9 #465 3! TRAILERS 2 BEDROOM MOBILE h. topi- condition. carpeted '■\ bathtub ahower. dc-P, Mile »«s. Mutt teli, ED 2-5ÌIÓ. - L957 HIGHWAY Cruhe- 8,40 Cut- PASCALE PETIT • JACQUES CHARRIER torn built, «load «nditicn, very- rea. to-abé. 4726 S. Washington. Lot 54, TERM PAPERS TYPED. Experienced. E0 2-4597. 33 ADMISSION - 81J6 STUDENTS (w4tk I.D.)7ie MATINEE STUDENTS. TV ftntalt -for ,om ANN BROWN typist“ and multiiith- SATURDAY room, apartment or home. Efom 14 to ing. General typing, term papers, the­ Recommended for $4.50 per jmpothi Call ED 2-897# or ses, dissertations, duplicating. ED. 2- ADULT AUDIENCES Stertittg at 1:M 76m 6UfW TKHNMMM 489-1684 alter 6 p.m. 32 3384 tl HOUSCS THESESTYPING, printing. IBM Elec­ tric typewriters. Editing and proof­ 3 SH O W S D A ILY ! ~ HOUSE. LINHJ*N»SHED 3 bed­ reading available Wanch Grafic Serv­ Hbb c m m i- w © m ob* m m m • «e k m room- «e*kr*g distance to rempuT' ice, 1720 E Michigan Ave, taneing. Bèiagr Call |(ftr 5 p^n er weekend, 484.77## tf sjSstlNMt MATINEES 1:81ft 4 P.M. FU* 7737 34 ttU a id i EDII STARR Experienced in thacea •w m IW M W . mm MMS » • » . U H R U H flM EVENINGS 1:6* PJL CAST LANSING 3 bedroom heme, wart, IBM. (rrcelient quality on multi­ fprn<>h*d or unfurnished. For rant, iith masters. Call OR 7-0)2. W (DOORS OPEN 7:11) Match 63 im March 63. Call (6 7* 4477________________ APARTMENTS JS J . " " 471#. typing iy “ Woman with yearn secretarial experience. TU 2- » STARTS TOMORROW PRICES INC. TAX tf WEEKDAY MATS 61-M “ CÂDY GRÀeÜÀTE student te »Lar« 4 toon* furnished epfrtwent, quiet, rate», TERM PAPERS TYPED, reasonable SUN. ft EVES. SUI maSnng distance ta campus. Only K TU 2.1049. 44 intemltd in studying. Calf CD 17- EXPERT THESIS and General Typing. ' CHILDREN H* OlSTL - 34 Electric typewriter—Seventeen yean "G raduate stuoint. *f experience/ One block from Brody. g,rt to she«« attractive apartment ED 2-8548. £ d p t to campus. ED 2-2S4I after Si T R A N S P O R T A T IO N ft W ANTED Î HEW YORK-JERSEY. far spring infer. i p p a M I P M H n m K j m « « . Chertered Grcyhaund buees ftp yau have a white elephant in 1leaving Friday. Saturdayand Monday, Hr attic. Sell itthrough tht classi-< March té, f7, aod IV. iMpHW earn! ft*.. Art lipton, 355-9322. it wiÈiÊffiM S K I l F rid a y M o n t a g , F e fc re sry IG« 1 9 6 2 lU n M ttj M EA C h a p te r G a m s P r e -In v e n t o r y A P r o m o tio n S t u d e n t E v a l u a t i o n o r S t a f f 1 m s a l e The M ichigan S tate ch apter By PAUL SCHNITT chance te apak before a gruap arise—public relations, m ain­ of th e U lctrigan Education Of toe State Nows Staff of people?' tenance, housing, classroom A s a . ha« grown a la rg e th a t F S t ill G o in g a d lib rary inadequacy, finan­ It h a becom e a d istrict of the D r. WiHiam Sweetiand, a s ­ Far Us “last dunce” M EA, D r. E . D ale Kennedy, sociate professor of Hum ani­ h aw k Sweettuad toU a ces: M EA executive secretary r a n - ties, used a satirical story fal­ story abeat tore tests« ton New com m ittees had to be nounced. aad 25 stadents «to, dis­ form ed to m eét th e needs, only S tate Joisas region 8: Clinton, lowed by som e straightforw ard gruntled with tee many ef to discover m ore problem s— Shiaw assee, E aton, Ingham , re m a rk s to express bis disap ­ th e aspects of Michigan lack of internal secu rity (a Livingston Counties. proval of an y university a d ­ State, eeeeided treat toe Uni­ m ale student w as s e a scaling H eading th e MSU district is m inistration, faculty o r student versity te food their ewe ie- to e roof on th e coed wing of Dr. Calhoun Collier, professor body which interferes into th e stitntien ef WgMr learning— th e d orm itory), lack of close o f education. p artic u la r function of eith er th e “dram ahrerrity.” hospital facilities. of t h r o th er two. ___ ^ As a result, Sweetiand said, By a stroke of luck, they re­ b s S tr o n g Only when th ere is a m ini­ ceived a H m illion g r a t toom m ore com m ittees had to be or­ ganized. L in g u is tic G r o u p m um of interference will the an autom obile m an u fa ctu rer to proper relationship between use in establishing th e college, And then, a com m ittee on T o H e a r W in b u r n e 0 w ith tile three sep a rate groups be with the one stipulation th at Committees w as form ed to e s ­ achieved, he told a n audience Tuesday night in th e Union.. they nam e th e school a fte r the donor, related Sweetiand. tablish policy for th é form a­ tio n of new com m ittees. ' The Linguistic Society will m eet a t 7:30 p.m ., Tuesday, v S a v in g s o f The students a re not quali­ The faculty and students in th e second floor lounge of fied to interfere into the p a r­ Thus w as founded Edsel Uni. found they no longer had tim e the Physics-M ato Building. Up To versity. ticu lar function of the staff, he Once the U niversity w as set to teach o r study. They w ere John N- W inbum e, assistant said. too busy sitting on joint com­ dean of U niversity College, will Sweetiand said th at stn- up, Sweetiand said, th e stu­ dents a n d - s ta ff decided th a t m ittees deciding policy, he said. ■ ■ ■^ sp eak on “ S tructure of Po- 6 0 % dents have no prerogative to th ere would be com plete free­ evaluate th eir professors. dom 'w ith only reason a s a Last Tw o Days F rid ay & S a tu rd a y guide. ” 1 will oppose and fight to m y dying d ay any proposal which will provide fo r student evaluation of the faculty,” he A com m ittee of th e whole w as organized consisting of all students an d faculty which would concern itself w ith pol­ Campus Book Store asserted. “ S im ilarly,” h e continued, icy regarding finances, c u r­ (arrow* fro m the U nion Building;) riculum . to e lib ra ry a d ad ­ ! “ it is not m y prerogative to in­ te rfe re with, for exam ple, stu­ m inistration. T h e W e a t h e r dent governm ent.” Indeed, related Sweetiand, Sw eetland’s lecture w as the they ran th e U niversity free first in a series being presen t­ from an independent adm inis­ Leave it to the classics ed by the Union B oard F orum tratio n . for they w o n th e ir own C om m ittee. T hé topic of the ad m inistrators. lecture series is, “ W hat would B ut alm ost im m ediately, he -you say if it w ere your la st continued, problem s began to jid p lfig C O F F E E S H O P OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOrOOO Ne -m atter w hat to« w e a th e r . . . the o o classic chesterfield o r trench coat c N ow E v e r y S u n d a y o tak e it with a fashionable a ir. Shown ® S tu d e n t N ig h t £ a r e two cam pus favorites from our O 0 F eaturing Lew P riced Supper o collection. A. C lassic chesterfield with o Specials a 1 o n g with R egular © covered buttons. In M ack o r n atu ral. o Sunday Special F am ily Style ® Sixes 8 -to IS, 14JS. B. 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FLASH CLEANERS F ran d o r FLASH CLEANERS F ran d o r Sim ply stated , to go almost anywhere Double cotton knit sheaths with an eye a Spring. Styles for m ost any occasion and they look twice toe price. A. Jew el neck sheath with slot seam detail. Elasttcized w aist with sim ulated leath er belt and chain detail. Bone, turquoise or. n av y . 7-15. B. P anel drape a t neck of sheath. Ragian elbow sleeves with self -belt with b rass trim . Bone, bine o r navy, 7-15. _ KNAPP’S DRESSES — STREET LEVEL “ I Tell You I Had A Hard Day » Too • • * This Wrinkle-Proof Suit D ry Cleaned by R e p re s e n ta tiv e s fro m N0RAIR-N0RTR0NICS j | Fra—or ' w M »M W» m n pu» S h o p p in g C e n te r FEBRUARY19 M t o tiB C H B B t o m r o p p o r t u n i!!— i n t h o U n A n g o la s u r t a . V is it t h e f o g h i — r i n g JUST DOESN'T SHOW I T T P l a c e m e n t O f f ic e i m m e d i a t e l y a n d s i g n a n a p p o in tm e n t— — !. O ur special ftahrhtog p rocess gives every ga rm e n t a b ead -start a good s— » r u n e s . . , w arding iff s t f f M ef w ear . . . b ea U U sg to rt and, stata* ! K N A P P 'S E A S T L A N S IN G — S H O P T O D A Y , 9 :3 0 A J f . TO 5 :3 0 P.M ., P H O N E E D 2 4 ( 2 2