GLENN CLIMBS ABOARD—AatraMMt M m Gktm rlimbs over the “ Friendship 7” was removed before the launch. inside the Merrmry eapmle into wrMt around the earth. recovery were held up at sea aad did ast reach Cape Ca­ into the “ Friendship T* Memory rspsaie stop the A fln Moving spaceward, the Atlas rocket leaves its launch pad O tter lennch alles at tte heel renter ate shown in the naveral for proccsing until late Tuesday right. —Associated rocket at Cape Canaveral Tuesday. The plastic covering at the Cape Canaveral missile test center carrying Glenn fsregroaadL Further pfctoeua of the marine’s landing « d Press Wirephetos. - ‘M orale B ooster,’ P rofs Say M ■ iK llli St /■ | TB a ck, Cheers G lenn - As scientific data and hum anfor the reason that we rare achievements and discoveries “U is a wonderful accom­ interest about the Glenn space scientifically better prepared to of science are not a series of plishment It shows that our shot filled the networks, facul- launch astronauts into space miracles but that they come methods bf exploring technical ty members termed it a bis- I think it is an open question -from hard and detailed wort, advances are sound and good. torkal event, good for'the mor- whether Russia will be the first Seldom does the public get Doing it the way we do by tell­ Selected for the next trip als of Americans and an im- on the moon for we have just such an opportunity to sit in ing the world what we propose CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (*> and travel more than 81,000 —Astronaut John H. Glenn Jr., mites in the process required into space and around the, portant step to future space as good a chance now.” on the tension Of the scientific to do and then accomplishing worM is Maj. Donald Kent shots. rocketed triumphantly around only four hours and 56 minutes. Bernard Duffey, professor of exPenm *nt it is better than Telling the the worfcf throe times Tuesday Slayton of the Air Force, Ms Maria Krzy wvblocki. profes­ world what happened after the Glena and Ms capsule were •The sor of mechanical engineering: a circle." line of progress ends in James Stokley, associate pro- and landed safely while the rocket is already here and lessor of-journalism: fact and then presenting only world cheered the greatest plucked from tte waters by undergoing Tests. “ I think that the (hot it one limited information as Russia tte destroyer USS Net at of America's greatest achieve- Sherwood Hayaes, head of the "I am pleased with the suc­ I). S. Space feat yet. The decision to make that cess of the shot. It is a great has done. _ — 3:61 P.M. and Glenn reported ments. and we may all be physics and astronomy depart- “ I think everybody in the The 40-year he landed some 45 Fox To Be While Cotone! John Glenn waa preparing to make Ms the Noa, Glenn talked to Ms *L * **** . . After taking a shower aboard to"55 miles short of the plan- nwJ lawling area after firing Ws braking rockets at 2 20 Provost flight tote eater space, three wife and then to President Ken- Michigan State stedeats were uedy by radio telephone (Mug tte eppeeite Monday At 5:44 p.m.. he was trans- p ¡yj See GLENN page 3 _ Lecturer afeM. I 1 fered by helicopter to the anti­ Minna Reidel. Doug Fris, submarine carrier, Randolph, and Jerry Hohnes were try­ for a brief physical examina­ He’s Kentucky Prof. Allen Fox, of the agri- ing to get out ef their capsule, tion and a t 8:04 p.m. was sent n 1 « m cuitura) chemistry department, aa elevator l a . tte Student by whirlybird to Grand Turk v O iO fK iL iO O will give a Provost lecture on Services Building. It had Island, arriving about 8 p.m. & become caught between tte There he will »toy for 48 hours fraN K FO RT. Kv (fi-Amer- “ The Origin of Lite aad Its huaement and first llear and and undergo a more exhaustive physical examination and ques- - ... „ ,, ri»«n Astronaut John H Glenn, Impact on Universal Evolu­ refused te bodge. Despite tte ttoning about his flight by a Jr.. became the first Kentucky tion." Wednesday at-4 p.m. in eiterte of tow custodian and The Kiva. the three captives, the orate team of scientists and doctors, colonel ever commissioned door te the elevator rorida*! Before the year is oat tte while in orbit around the earth He is expected to deal with hdP Dfid*P3P*^j| 1Z,4■; w . w K C -a w M * . the following questions The prisoners finally climh- oneby Gtemt and thM wind up 1. Is it now possible to ac­ commission while. Glenn was etf oat from a level tear feet 19*2 with aw I* orbit flight, on Ms historic space flight count for the origtn of fife in àum —crvW 1 sk- MTC vim|)m« «it nfVF Im wrml lifCI* term s of known physical and RTvom giim ’.MHm et row- 1Kml«**'' : chemical processes? 2. Was- the origin of fife on tkroooh mmrrnmgfm tte wmnwtews muw date w ^ i tem tte.mrons Compared earth a unique event? tta.wRtt'fdMRIHi' ‘i.1.1*■— CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla . <*-Here is a comparison of tte 3. Is earth tte only heme ef ■ a i t i t i « t i « • • a t orbital tfytttc of American astronaut U C riJ o h n H . Giron Jr., fife in the mtivene? and t t l r W p o n astronauts, Maj. Yuri Gagarin and Maj. Z 1 Wae tte evotetioa eg ustel- Gherman Gagarin Titov ligence inevitable and would It I O PJML fRST) April 12,1861 Aug 6.1961 be repeated under otter rtr- Though the U S tr ir b tt Earth Orhtt cumstimces? m e M te ie f a n I 1187 75 1191© 15« 5 What can be smd afcmt betotal tS * ■W.asU.-’f- 435,000 man s future in the «teourae? there wan no m m 17.780 *r* a id ttim l spectator* and Dr. Pm received * 4 - m i « H * *W §. 86 nuns ! hr. ttm ti» . 25hrt. 18 mina* nag desks te git a Ph. B degree« from tte rU * . to f t t p-»- - WKËT*hi »gtrnmiiHft Yl^* n_j ••• ïM 10,430 . aV IB ri flava 32L.-. awaruru m ’3 m ian I«- iJ . I M2RS8 Z «0u y 7 Vestokl VostekU v rtio ilf x h in L , ^ — C flte fc ttD »0,000 (Eat.) 80,080 (E st) ■' W m M ***** *** J g H hr* yi, s A' ¡ggp;: mm BBHmc >■ Houiw -¿M m W mm SIS I III I— ; II WÊM mm ’r . T ' Aî;‘ ■:‘ Z • -v--' * "'•' „•; ' - ' Z . v ’V ; iH a i ss m ÊSÊm . PP*> Ì:.iadii«iiwiliitoi P » « Awaken, Americans, ‘Red*CoalsAreComing Both INorta and can begin rijmtnatiug this evil. A spectre is haunting the United Stales - the Upectreof right - PAUL SCHNTfT The merit» of freedom nding are now being discussed in Cast Lansing because Whila wife recognise that the true aeff- wing extremism! No kidding. IWs anti-communism business of President Hannah’s statement last reg atio a existe n o t in the bus terminal» has gotten completely out of band and is about to drtvu me per­ manently into my secret fan out shelter which is-sangM situated week that the ride* did little for equal hat in pw pk’s a is d l, we cannot wait idly amidst tba Beaumont Tower chimes. rights in the north or soothe $ fog th e situ atio n to change We must use You can’t escape these fanatics They’re everywhere scaring Hannah was probably unaware that w h atev er legal and ethical methods are people, sowing the seeds of distrust, accusing everybody from his opinions would trigger so much de­ available. If we can effect «change in Dwight Eisenhower to Ltttia Orphan Annie of betraying Goa bate but his position as chairman of the law wbkh w ill recognize equal rig h ts of rod country. _ ... everyone, we can dent the solid wall of The distressing thing is these groups are muKiplytag use U^S. Civil, Bights Commission made his rabbits during mating season Robert Welch aad his John comments unusually significant. prejudice we face. $ |§ |||§ |M Birch cronies seem to receive the most publicity But other At the same time the freedom riders organizations such is tbe National Indignation Convention. Pro­ Although Hannah did not specifically are denting this'wall in the North. The level his comments against Woollcott ject Alert, the Christian anti-communist Crusade and the North is not an innocent bystander, free Christian Crusade are *prtngtoi up with alarming rapidity. Smith. MSU’s young freedom rider, It to judge the wrongs of southerners. It, is probable that he had Smith, in mind. PERHAPS TOE MOST ludicrous of these zealous bands, how­ A campaign to finance Smith's trial too. altows and encourages discrimina­ ever. calls thenfiselves the Minutemen They are so far out on expense» bad just opened that week. tion. but tbe problem here is act open. the ideological spectrum that in their eyes the John Birch The discrimination is bidden and few Society looks like a national trade unionist movement While Hannah’s experience certainly people are aware of Its extent. Do vou know what these screwballs do? They attire themselves qualifies him to evaluate such events, By bringing discrimination into- tbe in camouflage outfits, pack their weapons from muzzle-loaders, we disagree that the freedom rides had to sling shots, and practice guerilla warfare up in the mil*. J t national limelight and by bringing tbeir looks like a makeshift ROTC summer camp, 1776 vintage Tin value. Their merits are evident here problems borne, the freedom riders are These Yankee Doodle Dandies have R aU planned. To them, in Cast Lansing and throughout the en­ encouraging northerners to fight the a Red invasion is immiiierit. So as logical, rational beings di­ tire south. •, open evils of Urn South" and the hidden vinely inspired by their Creator, they are logically and ra­ The freedom riders had two major ones herd. . 5 tionally preparing to repulse the godless foe Their muzzle- -functions: They 'pinpointed the segrega­ Tbe Smith ease is an excellent eksmple loaders are cocked and they have a plentiful supply of granite tion problem in southern bus depots and nuggets and wooded crotches for sling shots v of an attempt to involve an entire com­ At strategic points along toe two coasts are stationed numer­ they are now telling thrir story to citi­ munity in the discrimination problem. ous Paul Reveres, powdered wigs, knee-high tights and palo­ zens all oveMhe nation. _ He has discouraged large grants to pay mino horses. The whole works And in the window of the church They have succeeded to some extent for bis trial expenses'; be wants, instead, steeples sit the inevitable lantern-wavers ready to give the sig­ in integrating the southern bus stations. contributions from as many people as nal—“ One if by land; two if by sea; three if by MIG sabre jet. Today only those in Louisiana and Mis­ possible. This, be feels, make his ride Some of the Minutemen are tossing silver dollars across the sissippi are segregated as opposed to Potomac to see who will play George Washington the community’s ride. I t makes discrimi­ And Benedict Arnold? They are not sure who is best qualified nearly-all^southern "stations two years nation a living problem for the East to play his vital role. There seem to be s o many betrayers walk­ ago. Lansing residents. By examining the ing the streets of Washington, D C. _ The freedom riders accomplished this South they may wake up to what exists by compelling the South to enforce equal BECAUSE OF TOE extremism of these organizations, many in Ingham county. of the more responsible and rationaf right wingers have broken opportunities for all on public vehicles. The freedom riders should be-com­ off diplomatic relations. Russell Kirk, toe voice of conservatism Their non-violent and legal methods are mended for their realistic and active ap­ and anti-Michigan State Universityism (ever since the faculty among the few ways that we can insure. here voted 400-1 against too loyalty oath, among other gripes) law enfofment. in the South. By -focus­ proach to segregation. They have helped has called the John Birch Society ‘‘irresponsible.’’ Others nave ing national attention and Supreme C6u*t make America more conscious of this labeled them “reckless.” etc. authority on the segregated areas, we violation of equal rights. Letters to the Editor Let’s be realistic about the matter I shake in my dirty tennis sneakers when I think of a 20 megaton bomb being dropped on Git Smith Case, UN Seminar Berkley Hall. I can see that 170 sign now: “This hole was dug By a 20 megaton bomb -_ . - Commends Picketing To the Editor: |Z mission, are not all northerner» afly while wearing the faces o f If one happened to be in the as the southern segretatiomsts hypocrites _ Built with binds „ Appropriated by tbe Supreme Soviet.” We can not help but fear Russia’* military potential. _ — ■_ would have us believe. They Easy to point the finger 8t And I’m not exactly ecstatic over the idea of waiting up some The college students who picketed the forts byjnajor pow er» to ward off atomic Union Feb 14, be would have are citizen* from every part of others but not so easy to take morning to find 690 million foreigners, marching down Grand White House last week-ehd may have war is a healthy sign. undoubtedly seen the stand" set the purpose of raising tile country, north and-south, j criticism River singing toe Chinese national anthem. And Chiang Kia-Shek been wrong in their beliefs about how President Kennedy made it plain that uprfor money tor the defense of Wooll­ and include many from MissU- our-attention To summarize, let's not let won’t be leading them, either best "to insure peace. But the fact that be did not believe the placards the young­ cott JSmith Now any open- sippi. to either world or BUT WHEN people try, to tell me Eleanor Roosevelt poses a they felt strongly enough to come to sters carried telling him what to do about minded person can easily see _Jt must be remembered also domestic affairs obUterato the threat to the nation, I say it's time to start packing the lunatic „Washington and urge more intensive ef- fall-out shelters and nuclear tests repre­ that Woollcott and his counter­ that tbe Freedom Rider* were need for attention to tba other, asylums And somebody, should- advise toe twentieth century Green- sented a personal affront or a challenge part* bad noble aim* in going non-violent bypoUcy and that their actions were within the Joan M. Hathaway 393 N. Hayford Mountein boys'to come dowp from the hills Before they catch to government stability. He sent out south Their purpose was to test the law* pertaining to in­ law a* interpreted by the Su-1 poison ivy a r t eaten alive by an army of traitorous mosquitoes. F o r P r o f it 's S a k e some piping hot. coffee to warm- the tegration at eating facilities preme Court. marchers and designated three of his key were under contract with The Freedom Rides were ef* i f n l l p f f p L o i l l t S t ë Perhaps she was clutching the .profit reports advisors to meet with a student delega­ companies that dealt in j ftetjve ctive A t their start In May. lA J U llf c C of the nation s ten largest corporations when the old rock-ribbed sorority girl told members of Panhellenic Association last week what a tion Tbe meeting seems to have gone a interstate transportation. j-1961, almost no bus .stations in To the Editor: good deal better than. ene at the State Legally it can be said that the South were desegregated. One of the thing* of which Department, where the students felt Woollcott had every right to ¡Today practically all bus sta MSU can justly be proud u4be More Letters university really, is or should be You know, they were treated as errant children. be there However, more was tions outside of Mississippi and Honors College. Since its es­ topic end was an insult to those not aJ ’’’community of scholars," not an "ac­ involved than just the legal Louisiana are desegregated tablishment in 1997 it has serv­ No Support concerned. ademic institution." not an "intellectual chal­ - We have little appetite for government aspect of integration. We all The ICC rules to enforce toe ed the special needs of Michi­ This leek-of student support lenge." but that good old gold-paved road to by demonstration-, having seen too m remember the chaotic situa­ Supreme Court, decisions that, gan State’s-b rig h ter students Te the Editor. : is very apparent at a number money—not just some money, folks, but lots of its evil consequences abroad. But tions that arose in Montgomery, stations be desegregated were ! and ha* been an important at­ The UN Seminar-Feb 14 was j 0f fjne educational lecture* and and lots of money exercise of the right to petition, as prac­ Ala mid Jackson, Miss. The a direct result of theTreedom j traction to high school gradu­ both informative and reward- j cultural programs A university It s a pretty simple definition, her defini­ ticed in the cause of peace by the under­ aim of the freedom riders was Rides. accomplished, that being to ates ing I would like to compliment j create* a high ruling, not only tion of learning—"an opportunity to put bread graduate demonstrators, is_a long The effect of the .Civil Right* i One ef the Honors -College Mr Singh of toe Campus UN I & Pf0* « 8”” in your mouth " The importance of scholar, create a public awareness of Commission or of the Freedom services to its students, bow- . Z „ ‘ but by the interest of its stu- shiprsbe'said without thought of contradiction, from the kind of mass coereion that"un­ the situation If the means sat­ Riders cannot be measured en- "ever. has just been cut off and for his efforts m contacting the j body in national and in­ is to gain "marketable" knowledge that you dermines democratic process- isfies the end. we ean pay that tirely by stations desegregated if the Honors College is to con persons involved. The profes-j temationa! affairs, can sell " Of course The students we worry - - about are m not they . i. ,were anBcejafut. Tbett M iegjgj ation enacted-or legal tinue to serve its students ef­ sors gave very interesting 1 would like to express- my Think of it 'Intellectual History of Europe" those who have su fficien t d ep th o f con- victory, however, was fa r from actlfH1 taken r js best meas- fectively something must be talks, notably the works of Dr. appreciation to all those -in­ iction to stan d fo r aomettrfng—even awakening of mil­ done about it. - . Taylor. Dr. Weisinger and Dr volved in the seminar and the could be sold for. oh say, S3,800; "Contempo­ rary English. Irislrand American Literature." ., . ... . . . .. . . an unnecessary turmoil but in I lions of Americans to the evus I refer to the removal o f toe Meyer The seminar was wail panelists who gave their free something with which we disagree—but dolng g0 ^ helped to blacken Honors College loungafrom tbe moderated and well prepared tlme-to discuss such an import- for maybe “S3.225; "Studies in Contemporary those who^do not care about anything, ¡the image of toe United States of segregation Philosophy" couldn't possibly bring more than There was a time when student unrest At tin* time and age it is Woollcott Smith. third floor of the Library. This but unfortunately the attend-1 ant topic. Sf.SOO; and ' Christianity and the Religions," lounge provided a quiet atm os- 1&nce was very poor This re- Leon R Martin $000. if you find a buyer Pick your courses focused on such cosmic issues as the essential that the United States j phere for discussion and study- j fleeted a lack of interest in the 913 Sunset Lane carefully and you'll really make a profit «a choice of a new football coach, or an im­ should minimize internal inci­ these four years suspended animation before provement m the food in the college dent*, munists in order that the com­ are not given anything Our Own Problems •'IfirM T lJX ««. you get a-cbance to get out into this wonderful cafeteria, or whether the administration on which to propagandise If Te tbe Editor to the Honor* College students is proved by the fact that they « . n . l a o a a n u n c a a ,m \ world of money "Marketable knowledge tbat-you can seD"— w«s right in banning blue jeans in the we must be hypocritical, then j in Friday's paper, th e lead packed it every night and on Crossword Puzzle lana nansranauaj L i u b b n u i u r u z c i c § aD g ja a a a aaaal classroom Z; let us be because a greater j editorials spoke out tor Wooll- weekends — this is wbat our Panhel speaker, director of a a a a ! alumnae for a national sorority, told us that We find ourselves a good deal more ead is at stake - „ ; cott Smith, urging students to Even when this lounge was ACBOe* ttf m ü M n a s s t z ij “hopeful about the country’s future in a Although great strides have j support his cause. The article in operation, the needs of ell l.Pmjehes JweHttiW education should trv to achieve What's the ». Firii-pltdi- □ a n c o y o E O i3 u a l problem? The problem is simply that this t* period when there is a paw po]jtical“Ter- been made towards integration, j emphasized toe need today foe the students could not be met one has to agree that the students to support a good and many who came |at* in the M.V m* ST.Tiketmé too common an attitude these days, too many ment on the campus. It is good to find laws .x js r MCircult 3 0 Q30C9E1 a U iJ H have to be enforced B u t; cause, namely, the fight tor evening were farced to study u ia Q u ip y o a a a u people regard four years in the university as students debating whst kind of policies let forceful methods be our j racial equality in tbe United elsewhere. With the removal of j s «o Sr ot u ! St.latimeto »wedele a s u fin a a o u a necessary evil, some cross (of gold! to be borne before you can get yew hands on the marketable Ttuff The emphasis on learning for learning’s sake ifr being replaced by the are most promising for the nation and last alternative. As to whether States jthis lounge a valuable sendee the world."and not accepting passively integration is to be accomplish­ Meanwhile, on the other side i to the Honors College student l a g p rteye** all the ideas of their eiders. There is no ed by bringing in new legisla­ of -the page, an article signed!was terminated 11. CepM — lCOvemerow lT.Kciextd asa; m .C e u M te vanish □ □ an j i t i i i u M u o a a n n i-j L ic iû I.4ÜÜ t ia a emphasis bn learning for profit's sake; the indication that they are becoming doc­ tion or by forcedly applying by Marcia VanNess criticised True, there is a new lounge” te.AMiBt old laws is a question that can­ studentstor beingtoo concern- tf such It may he called ft con­ 41 Frolic scholarly mind should be shelved in favor trinaire in the procès*, obstinate as they not be answered To me it ed about their own local af-U tsts of a small room off the ZOWtefe* set 4». Potette tafiflia of the cost-accounting mind often seem when they ere unimpressed seems that segregation is a fairs, and not enough about {Honors College office mi the It. Wen eut le. pew «ter- lAaunMia But. back to our studies. Aeschylus, down • SS.Te*Byeeeien SS. Other»: l e t l 1«; Plutarch,-up Vi; Ovid, down 2H; Sim- with our infinite wisdom. The purpose state of mind, and if that 4* the international bmie». fourth flbor of toe Library SS . Iti ver of higher education is to foster critical case tben Woollcott Smith went Here’s toe rub Since it 1» directly connected s*. we» S.L«*n dahl. down 4 ; .Aquinas, (town"!: Montaigne, «teewey» down 3 % Roger Slough, up 5, Henry Ford, thinking, and we are glad of this remind­ too far from borne The two articles almost ap* to the office it is open to office vieW riou« M. Solely «.ru pì eetd Richard Knight j pear to he to eonfttet with one noises end is closed during the IB. f a n SS Holtew up T’4 er that it is making headway toward that JS.Beut —Daily Northwestern goal. —Now York Times A llt Bryan snother Perhaps they arc, and time in which the f e r m a r then, perhaps they could be lounge wap most in use There le. béton 1. Am -Are* a p w ta compromised. are 90 studying facilities pro- eton4*teha” « But here i* toe petot A baby vjded~ to tn toe the -new ioqnte f o r new lounge is.Srriea dette « Answers Hannah canY learn te walk before it aO practical purnesea, there Te toe B itter : Dr. H o ia t t’s stotemeut toft learns tokaii, to crawl. By the same fere, the service of tins Honors the United States can­ College jèunge has been cgt off. in « « « « « « « . ««« “Neftoero Freedom Rider* ere not expect té effectively wield deubMna library has H - Published by tte student* of Mtefcbc doing ©©thing for conditions Is toe weigMy matters o r world removti mtmstratova fen»««» fsr to# on el«»» (toy* Monday-through F M k PSSPP earoum 'BéàMÌiÌSMF affatto « ito ti eon carry tea ef the |eun«f freni Its tor the states tore»fb which burden M ft* own pressing is­ former jin te. WWUM» fi I# s "Wm* méS at Eaat 1 toay travel"- disappointed and sue*. difficult fir me to finagtea n Editorial o sd tW m S n P sagf _ _ ■ _ I __ surprised me It would ha artificial, and su- sufficiently strong ranse« tor MichiKKS State University fat» Imêêêêêl W M faa - „ I w*s disappointed baeause 1 H * a > , for our students to suck an fmsrotant Mail subscriptions payable In advaaca tor aae term. P ; tor tttn have deeply admired p work enthusiasm for world >«f ton Honors CoJ- terms, 94; tor threa ten*«, to- on toe U S oemmisrioc f a r affairs when many ef toem i | le students far intefiectual Member of the Amart«tad Press, Bdnti Deÿy f tm Aapaetottm Civil Rights as weQ as his nere, or tiioek. ton valiant P P . ■ .^ and the Callage pres*. weA in Michigan p fÆ Ê m tempt* le defend a riWSe wtffi- \ H Bfi«Htiian Méta jp ftrUly Sto- nah’s activities pbow that a m toett «wn boundaries lious A r o t w A * t e f f w M O v e M arria V « N eu E ditam i m e* who works f ir civil rights 1>ue. wa caonot ignore wopld « inteHectua! instituât*©» Editor— f in Burns AML f i an sc and to «toraci hotter stato 4p~_JUrxy Ftotius y Spetto S* en toe tocal H ail can- Pm «flairs We weak ter toem aft toe nitioaaj tirò as something must be dene, to cor- •hr,— Tom Ruckle fin ie w Dur security, and for that red tins backward toro level. Thetwo v m t mutually m M IM S h 4 paeurite # . ton weeM depoud* upon 'fi- But we m m * * - ber* of the CwÜ Right. Com- cannot participate tnternation- ,-ile r lB e » jp s ë f mmm M m m* H MS9S« » 1 ■ ■ By to* As—ciafwl Press Powers Cooperative on Queries WASHINGTON—Francis Gary Powers “ is cooperating fully ed to fceta sort of roper gsed- with his interrogators,” Including volunteering to take lie de­ tector bests, a spokesman said Tuesday. Hie announcement by State Department Press Officer {in­ . ..¿Z. , Kennedy Phones will tear. E iffM ta M ef sympathy, pride and congrat­ ulations arose a n t e t t e _ e t t i White was the lU test official account so ia r of the still- world. secret quizzing of the U2 pilot released by tbe Russians on T te peoples of Britain and Feb. » . Western Europe, kept up to date by rows dispatches, radio UN Rejects Red Bid on Cuba (Continued from P In Washington, scientific aspects of his flight that t e blurted out his feel­ and TV, shared in tt e tension, relief rod enthusiasm of the UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.—The General Assembly slapped Kennedy personally congratu­ ings to tt e President of tte United S ates. down Tuesday a last-ditch Communist bid for U.N. action on lated Astronaut Glenn J r . and United States. Pope John XXIII was kept Cuba’s charges Of U.S. intervention. told tt e first American to mbit A te yet, as John F. Kennedy MM informed of developments The assembly defeated a mild Mongolian resolution on the the globe t e would she him at had reminded him, in their throughout the flight and a subject by 37 votes for, 45 votes against and » abstentions. Cape Canaveral on Frida; White House chat, Glenn—the Vatican source said tte Roman — The resolution simply recalled that the United Nations aims Kennedy plans to fty to man and the Marine—were in­ Catholic Protiff most certainly “to develop friendly relations’* among countries based on equal Beach late Thursday and shut­ separable from his historic prayed for Glemr’s safe re­ rights, self-determination and mutual noninterference. tle by plane to tt e (tape Friday mission. turn. Z morning to participate in a Like (be mighty A t l a s MM A West German government Move Peacé Talk for New Guinea a ceremony honoring Giron. teestor and its complex Mer­ T te White House said Ken­ cury capsule, G ie n himself spokesman described tte feat JAKARTA, Indonesia—The chief of operations for the West as “an em inenttechnical and nedy also would greet Giron at to the end result ef y e a n af scientific accomplishment.” New Guinea liberation command said Tuesday that progress is the White House next Monday research ate dev being made through diplomatic channels to solve the dispute A top TV commentator of the or Tuesday morning. of mouths rod British Broadcasting Corp., with the Netherlands. That White House meeting careful planting and testing, Maj. Gen. Achmad Jani met newsmen after a three-hour said the Marine Corp* flier was likely will touch off a mam­ of daily cheeking aad re- “ as cool, level-headed rod meeting with President Sukarno and other leaders of the com­ moth celebration?" T te White cheeking. -■ mand. well-trained a m as as you louse said there would t e a Despite his habitual reticence could imagine for a job like T te feeling here is that U.S. Attorney General Robert F. parade through t t e city streets and his almost monastic exist­ Kennedy’s recent talks with Sukarno and other Indonesian - - J - . ------ this.” and a reception a t the capitol. ence in his bachelor suite a t '« w f v v w n leaders have improved the chances for a peaceful solution of Vice President Lyndon B. H a n g e r“S” , near tt e launch Irtv m O é ii the dispute over the territory. Johnson will fly to Grand Turk pad, Glenn revealed himself in N W A S H i N .G I O N ; Island where Glenn trill spend subtie ways as a warm and o w n t o w n ® UN Restores Congo Copper Firm the next 48 hours and then vibrant human being, far more accompany the astronaut to complex than any of tt e com­ GUINN’S EMERGENCY~ORBlT EXIT—This diagram stew s tt e emergency maneuver space agency officials said astronaut John Glean could have used ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga—The United Nations Tuesday to geLdown out of orbit if Ms regular space brake rockets failed to fire. Using BOX OFFICE OPEN 6:45 handed back control of the huge Lumumbashi copper refinery Cape Canaveral Friday morn­ plicated space paraphernalia. ing. small jets located in various positions on his capsule, he would turn Ms capsule, ADMISSION - 8L88 to the owners, thè Union Miniere Du Haut Katanga. Glenn “Ge” Conditioned left, into upright position, second from toft, then use higher thrust steam jets STUDENTSfwttii LD.) We The Ethiopian soldiers who had occupied the sprawling plant There was someone else vi­ tally interested in Glenn’s wel­ There was Glenn the dedi­ in the capsule’» rock. Each sudden puff of steam would slew him down a little, e ENDS TONIGHT • since December were replaced by a small body of Tunisians. fare: His wife. but also turn him in a half-circle, at which print he would fire another steam The plant was occupied by the United Nations in fighting cated astronaut, jogging along “ YOUNG LOVE” •*». between U.N. and Katangan forces. The United Nations charged At their Arlington, Va., home the beach in the early morning jet to repeat the process aad gradually cut Ms speed. —Associated Press Wire- after the recovery, Mrs. Glenn, mists to keep his muscular photo Diagram. __ AND th a t White mercenaries used parts of tte plant as firing posi­ her face shining with happi­ 165-pound body in “ Go” con­ “WILD RAPTURE” 70:25 :tt tions. V ness, told reporters, “I ’m hap­ dition, uncomplainingly going Korean dog fight with 375 all way to its efforts to share the news in a special bulletin, py, I feel g r e a tf on and off tt e tow residue diets holes to his plane, the winner the anxiety and excitement No Fallout Shelters in England “It is,” said the 41 year as planned flight days came of five distinguished Flying as well as tt e takeoff triumph and the general reaction of those who heard it was “En- TOMORROW LONDON—Britain Tuesday unveiled a civil defense plan old Mrs. Glean, “ the most rod went, sweating out each Crosses and 18 Air Medals, of Ute man-in-space opera­ FILMS STARRING emphasizing the evacuation of crowded cities rather than the wonderful day for my family countdown with the no-sweat the icy-nerved jet pilot who tion. fto!” (“At last!” ) — SOPHIA LOREN vast engineering task of building underground shelters for pro­ . . . the children are so proud serenity « ! a Buddhist monk at set a supersonic speed record The Voice of America, beam­ News of tbe launching was tection against unclear attack. Women and children would be moved first under the plan of their father aad the mer­ prayer time. cury team and everyone who There was Glenn the explor­ on a flig h t from Los Angeles to New York to 1957, tte im­ ing its words around the world, began an uninterrupted Eng­ flashed eastward by Radio Free Europe from its Munich SophiaLoreo announced by the Defense 'Department. Arrangements also made tills possible.” er and adventurer, tremen­ perturbable test pilot with no lish language report at 7 A.M. base, which beams broadcasts Glenn’s children, Dave, 16, dously excited over tt e pros-, mishaps but lots of close ones (EST). . to the 79 million people of would be made to evacuate certain other unidentified groups of people “in priority classes.’*- and Lyn, 14, stood beside their pects of what he would see and to more than 5,000 hours of As reception times in foreign Poland, Hungary, Czechoslova­ ’Üf&tEN mother. kia, Romania rod Bulgaria. Flood Death Toll Near 400 Dave said he was “ Happy as feel in outer space. There was Glenn the de­ I can be,” and th a t'th is was vout Presbyterian, driving over flying experience. Government Awaits Shot countries made it desirable to do so The Voice report was broadcast in 35 other lan­ Gtena’s orbital flight prov- CarloPonti HAMBURG^ -Germany—Frogmen groping in the receding waters of a disastrous weekend flood recovered dozens of ad­ the “ greatest day of my life.” to Cocoa Beach each Sunday to add Iris sturdy tenor voice to Put tt e pieces all together and you stiff have something guages. Meanwhile arrange­ ments were rushed to distri­ VittorioDeSica Mrs. Glean Worried D A N C I N G M U M M S iy r K W » t " 1 W N ditional bodies Tuesday. The known death toll readied 277. the hymn singing a t the River­ less than the real John Giron, bute a one reel film of the IN ENGLISH Hamburg authorities registered 253 dead. The other victims When someone asked Lyn if side Presbyterian Churdi,-pa- the freckled, slightly balding event in 41 languages to 107 T w ist Contest _ perished in adjoining region tte North German Coast. Officials she was excited, she said ex­ tiently autographing Himes astronaut who swallowed iris countries. Albums to Winners feared thè final list may exceed 400. citedly, “ I ’m always too excit­ and church bulletins for the disappointment over tt e Jan. Most Muscovites got their ed to sit still.” small fry who crowded around 27 postponement hy walking in­ first news of the launching For Yeung Adults 18-35 - P L U S - SECOND B R I Mrs. Glenn said the worst him in the vestibule. to a Cocoa Beach bakery ro d with a brief announcement on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21 Kennedy Loses v . ^ ( moment' tar her was the last There was Glenn the fam­ entering seven loaves of onion a television program shortly YWCA — 217 Townsend St. SVIAURBI 15 seconds before lift-off. ily man, faithfully reading a pumpernickle bread—one for after 6:15 P.M. An hour later Asked if she was worried, she m aty of Ms daily activities each of the Mercury astro­ Moscow radio made the same (by the Capitol) m u ss Senate Votes No replied, “ Well yes, I think I into a tape recorder so his probably was some of the wife, Anne, and their chil­ time.” But she continued that it dren could play it back and help dispel tte. anxiety that nauts. In contrast with Soviet se­ crecy, the U. S. Government announcement. „ World Comments The announcement, brief rod without comment, reported Coat and Tte ART ALLEN WMRT DISC JOCKEY Tt,e M illio n a ire s s came to a virtual standstill On Floor Debate was “ F alth th at makes things inevitably m u st have intrud­ look right, like everything is ed mi the calm ef their Ar­ going to be fine.” Aad, she lington home. during the takeoff aad land­ ing r i the first American to orbit tiie earth. that Glenn had been launched and added: “The American space ship LAST 2 DAYS! said, t e r faith was the same There was Glenn the home­ Only to mark momentous Friendship 7 has entered orbit LUCON WASHINGTON Ofl—President sider discharge an unusual pro­ Kennedy lost the first big poli­ cedure and. many objected now as it always had hero. town hero of New Concord, milestones to history does the around the earth. It is antici­ Shown Today At tical skirmish of the year Tues­ strongly. For Mrs. Glenn there was Ohio, where he played center vast machinery of government pated that tbe space ship will 1:2» • 4:05 day—an effort to force a quick Sen John McClellan, D-Ark., more joy to come—telephone on the high school football slow down the way it did Tues­ make three loops after which 6:45 • 9:30 Senate floor test of his plan the committee chairman, shout­ calls from President Kennedy team, had the toad in the sen­ day. it will be landed to the Atlan­ -to create a cabinet department ed the discharge motion was and from her husband. At io r play and might have gone- In the White House debate on tic Ocean at a distance of about nMOOITMMSartl of urban affairs and housing. an attempt to crucify his com­ about 4:30 P.M. Glenn called into his father’s plumbing busi­ a national debt limit bill was 8QQ miles southeast of-the shore The move was defeated 58 to 42 by Republicans and South. ,em and Western Democrats, mittee and an unwarranted and wanton attack upon the com­ mittee system of Congress. He from aboard the destroyer JjSS ness had not the roar of en­ Noa, which had plucked him gines in the sky fired his im­ from the Atlantic at 3:01 P.M. agination at an early age. halted twice while members applauded news of Glenn’s safe return from space and his re­ of Florida. “Cosmonaut John Glenn re­ ported several minutes after 9 IEWMAN IKHum» jit was the first time since 1936 said the committee had dili­ He talked to their two children There was Glenn the man of covery by tte destroyer Noa. launching that t e feels well.” ¡all Senators—including one in gently processed the disapprov­ and Mrs. Glenn. destiny, the “ MIG-mad Mar­ By a standing ovation, the Canadian congratulations on ;a wheelchair Tuesday—have al resolution, but instead of A few minutes later Kennedy ine” who once returned from a House passed a resolution con­ Astronaut John H. Glenn’s or- O nbm aS coP E I ¡voted on an issue. praising us you want to con­ telephoned and expressed his gratulating Glenn on his "total flight were , extended to congratulations in a two-min­ achievement. tte United States Tuesday by Shown Thursday At 1:M • 5 :» -1:45 I The defeat did not kill the re­ organization plan creating the department which would go in­ demn and punish us. Sen. Spessard L. Holland, D- Fla., said the Senate should _ ute chat with Mrs. Glenn. Astronaut Glena, the man Tea To Honor The senate gave up rod ad­ journed for the day as the Prime Minister John Diefen- baker. TOMORROW IS SUPER-BARGAIN to effect automatically March 31 If not voteti down before then yote on pending legislation, to create the department regard­ in the foreground ef Ameri­ ca’s biggest space effort -to date, had tried desperately Botanist climax approached a t 2:30 P.M., when Glenn’s capsule completed its third orbit and In the House of Commons, he described Glenn as “ Speed­ ing into history for the benefit DAY . . . SEE TWO BIG-HITS by either House or Senate. less of what the House does. But it. did sidetrack admin­ T te legislation is another way to keep himself aad his fam­ Dr. Eric Hulten, noted Swed­ began descending empty cham­ of all mankind” and said Can­ - “THE HUSTLER” PLUS OUR NEW ATTRACTION istration efforts to record all ily la tte background ef his ish botanist, will speak on cir­ ber that “ in view of tte cir­ ada congratulates President to create the cabinet agency, orbital mission around the cumpolar plants a t 4:15 Wed­ Kennedy, and tte astronaut Senator* for or against the de­ ra tte r than by a presidentially cumstances” the Senate would partment before the House submitted reorganization plan. world. This was a little like Roger nesday in 326 Natural Science. Hulten, director of the bo­ adjourn until Wednesday. The U. S. Government went rod the technicians involved. The Belgian radio announced read y fo r lo v e ... votes and probably kills the Sen John 0. Pastore. D-R. I., Maris trying to remain anony­ tanical department at tt e Rik- p l a n , perhaps Wednesday. insisted the discharge motion House Speaker John W. Mc­ was not an affront to McClel­ mous as he rounded third base smuseet in Stockholm, Sweden, tar his 61st home run, hut in has published numerous books PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED M8I7 wifl s h e e v e r b e ready Cormack, D-Mass., has ac­ lan. It is tt e only way to get the every way it was typieal of the on plant-distribution and flor- knowledged he doesn’t have sufficient votes for approval. job done, lie said. House minority leader Char­ superbly conditioned, immense­ istics. He has taken part in ly dedicated Marine Lieutenant many botanical expeditions fo r m arriag e ? Tuesday’s vote was on a mo­ les A. Halleck, R-lnd., said Colonel. throughout tt e world. tion to discharge the Senate he hoped House debate would So concerned was the 40- A tea to Hulten’s honor will Government Operations Com­ be short enough to permit a year-old Glenn over tt e pub­ be held Wednesday a t 3:45 to EA S T LANSING P H O N E ED. 2-2814 What m mittee from fo rth « considera­ vote on the urban affairs plan lic’s possibly losing sight of tbe 490 Natural Science. the secret t a H tion of a resolution opposing Wednesday. He predicted de­ NIGHTS A SUNDAY — ADULTS lOe SAT. MAT. «5c t t e department. Senators con- that makes ro M M ro feat by a substantial majority. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT _ - Program Infirm rttoi Dial IV M M « mother’» fill STARTS 7 P.M. — FEATURE AT 7 : » - 0:15 NOW! 3 SHOWS now . . . n e te i:» ! n io n r » . heart so frightened G' t HÍLfir?A D M E R Centenero from I t« PJL R-i; 0 Ht.N f DAILY »daughter'» F r o ta n Shown. 1:09, T h e » ’ L a w is hue so AT TH E G R E A T E ST 1 :» . # « n s T M a te r u n e w B k E S y M H M R |M Í Immorality NOW THRU forbidden A 7 Æ AND • PJL t h e i r e n e m y is THUBJL HUM AN DRAM A J t a t Hudson p B S H Society! m m THIS WORLD mmgmm 0&WJRFREED HAS EVER ^ KNOWN soon I B ttA Y * “LOVE AND THE FRENCHWOMAN” ro jro ta ita - ä ÊimÈk mmSÈÊ m m m p m i l i r o p 1 Ä g g ¿§ÊiùÆÈi^$k w m m mm » ¡ jja g a ■ a a » i 9 • i è • i i i * #•§ % World of Si >■'119 ap • I ■ ■ ^ Annorinted Pltwi THE GOVERNMENT claims mere people than ever are nliffMiiwf baseball fames in Cuba, mm that the major leagues A frustrating Novod half, in 37-38, and State never led says 73423 wort fans attended the flrri tweaty games,of the wtteb Midtigm State’s lack- again. Nelsoo, who Is complet­ are manned “199 percent by amateurs.” Offering figures, it M i cagers could score ouly21 ing an illustrious three-year 1992 amateur season than the same numb« of games of the points, Mat the Spartans to career in a Hawkeye uniform, last pro season, 198941. tbetr fifth defeat in a row—a sent Iowa to a SMI margin fit A A A 8941 decision to Iowa’s Hawk- the final minutes, featuring a NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, the Air Force Academy and eyes at Iowa City, Monday beautiful hoo)^ shot and delicate touch on tip-ins. ^ "¿4? Seattle University have b e« added to the 25-team field of the State blew a golden oppor­ Iowa hit on 35 per cent of NCAA University Division Basketball Tournament as at-large tunity to take command of the its shots. Michigan State sank «tries, it was announced Tuesday. ragvsd contest when the sec­ only 17 of dl fleld goal attempts ★ * A ond half opened as it took near­ for 27 per cent. THE NEW YORK METS held up their morning practice ly eight full minutes for the; Michigan State meets Indiana Hawks to sink a field goal at­ here Saturday night in the fi­ session here Tuesday for half an hour while the players watched tempt the orbit flight o rttC o l. John Glenn get safely under way— nal home appearance of the then practiced taking leads off first base under the eye of The Spartans, however, man­ season. The last place Spartan* manager Casey Stengel. aged a meager six points dur­ are now 2-9 in the Big Ten and ing the same eight minutes 7-12 overall. ★ ★- A „ and when Iowa stalwart Don AL KAEMMERLEN, Princeton captain, has b e « named the Nelson regained his touch the Ivy League’s Basketball Playerof the Week. contest was all over. The Ivy League announced that the 6-foot4 center from Nelsea, 14 Hawkeye cen t IM S c h e d u le i. Ardmore, Pa., had been honored for his performances against tor, connected fer 21 peiats Ail teams involved in play Dartmouth and Harvard. far the evening—12 la file ft offs in basketball must check Kaemmerlen had 36 rebounds and scored 31 points in Prince­ aal eight minutes of the with the Intramural Office for ton’s 97-54 victory over Dartmouth and 83-55 verdict over ;ame, aad led all scorers, times and courts. This should Harvard. - fewe’s Matt Szykowny and lie done daily. Jee Reddlagtoa finished with 14 aad 12 peiats, respectively. DORMITORY BOWLING Alleys 8 p.m."- — A A A * AUSTRALIAN DAVIS CUP star Roy Emerson says he will retire from tennis in two years time. He will participate in the > State had only one man in 1-2 Bafiey 3 - Bryan 8 Wimbledon Championships this year, he told reporters Tuesday. double figures—and he barely 3-4 Bailey 4 - Bryan 6 A A A made it. Pete Gent garnered 54 Burgandy - Emerald THE DETROIT RED WINGS Tuesday sent forward Leo 19 points, Tod Williams had 7 4 Burgess - Emporer nine, and Art Schwann got 9-10 Rangoon - Cameron Labine, a 10-year veteran of the National Hockey League, to eight Z# HOCKEY their Sudbury Farm in the Eastern Professional Hockey League. If there was any Spartan 10 p.m. B. T. Pi - Ev. Sch. FROM THE DAYS OF GREECE—These outstanding left, Steve Johnson, Denver, Cole., center, Wayne Berg* A A ''.it bright mot it was the rebound, senior gymnasts are five of the mainstays who wifi be strom, Chicago, top right, and Jim Dnrkee, Kalamazoo. BASKETBALL^ COACH EDDIE HICKEY of Marquette con­ tag of Fred Thomann. The 8-9 competing against Michigan this weekend, Larry Bassett, —State News Photos fey John Rammel. firmed rumors Tuesday that his team captain, junior Dick sophomore pivot man snagged Handball Kalamazoo, top left, GanJ Browsh, Philadelphia, bottom Nixon of Waukegan, Ui., had been dropped from the traveling 14 «hiring the game. squad. Michigan State returned to Dr. John Scopis, nationally the floor after the intermission ranked handball player, will J o h n s o n a n d B e r g s tr o m '_ A A dr _ down By four points, 34-30. A present a demonstration of ODDS FAVORING LIGHTWEIGHT Champion Joe Brown free throw by Schwarm, a push handball skills in the Intramu­ over Carlos Ortiz in their title match Saturday dropped Tuesday shot fey Gent, and Williams’ tip ral Building Sports Arena in sent State in front 35-34 at Thursday a t 8 p.m. the 15:19 mark. After the demonstration he will play exhibition games with Nelsoa’t free throw tied Mr. Herbert Olsen, top faculty Two Seniors Lead Gymnasts from 9=5 to 8-5. Oddsmaker Jimmy Snyder said they probably would reach 7-5 by fight time. Odds were 6-5 in favor of its going the 15- round distance. file score, but a chairlty toss handball player, and Eld Schall, Even the most casual ob­ horse are nothing short of sen­ Johnson, a physical education Michigan State as a junior af­ ¥ ¥ ¥ by Tbeawnn again gave the a member of the MSU NCAA server of a Michigan State sational. — __ major from Denver, Colorado, ter spending two years at the THE YOUNG SKI HOPES of the United States finished well Spartaas the lead, 38-35. Championship handball team. gymnastic meet would notice The twor seniors Steve John­ was a top prep athlete at Den­ University of Illinois, and has down the lists in the Nordic Ski Championsihps in Poland -that the two Spartan competi­ son and Wayne Bergstrom, are ver’s North high school. The proved to be a valuable asset to Tuesday. But one thing went right for them—the sun came out. Reddington broke the Iowa , All interested students and tors on the trampoline and side a major reason for the team ’s the Spartan squad. scoring ice with a fielder at faculty afe invited to attend nasties, and held a two-year current 6-3 mark. modest senior participated in 4- football, -swimming and gym- The slender athlete started 12:14 to put the Hawks in front this exhibition. reign as diving and trampoline gymnastics a t his Chicago high king of his home state. IM Scoreboard Maris and Monroe Johnson is almost embarras­ sed to talk about his success school because he Was “too small Tor football and basket­ ball and just liked gymnas­ tics.” Satelites A.T.O. pi. Boll Wevls 60- Flakers 84-D.T.D. pi. 35-Swishers 40 Bower 30 Els worth 60-Howland 20 Z.B.T. 34- Beal — 7 24 Meet With Yankees on tiie tram p at MSU, but coach George Szypula rates the muscular youth as “the best trampoHnist in the coun­ Performing in all gymnas- j tic events ns a prepster, he ! I S I T S U A E 68-D. S. Phi 51 j— FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. would be officially considered try when he hits his peak.” finished third in the Illinois j S. CM pi. 90- Phi K. Sig pi. 15 S. Nu 50-A. Phi A. 50 (Æ)—There were two weighty a holdout. The Yanks reported­ state finals. Emporer 47-EmbassjL 38 Plagued by injuries a t the be­ P hiD eltpl, 47-A.E. Pi pi. 51 Sig. EP- 35-Phi Psi 27 meetings at the training camp ly have offered Maris 960,000, ginning of the season, Johnson Bergstrom decided to stick i Hawks 46-Palace Boys 31 Psi C. 63-Phi K. Sig ' 43 of the New York Yankees here with Roger asking for $75,000. has not yet reached top form ter the side horse event when; Empyriam 4LE.M.U. 37 Triangle 65-A.G.R. 44 Tuesday. Miss Monroe, who spent of last year when he finished he enrolled a t Illinois, and] Monday night in a Miami ho­ I D S E E M V E Ravenna 49-Random 35 D.T.D. 36-S.A.E. 33 runnerup in Big Ten NCAA fi­ earned two varsity letters in AOCS I 71-Vets II 48 K.A. Psi 51-Phi Tau 10 General manager Roy Ha­ tel under an assumed name, nals, but Szypula believes he his specialty before venturing Plstd Plbrs 41-Grosbkrs. 35 T. Chi 76-B. T. Pi 35 rney talked for 20 minutés with used her own when she regis- could easily win the National to State. Last season at MSU, Comets 35-F. All StarsT 21 A.T.O. win-Phi Sig. K. forf. siugger Roger Maris. There tered at the Yankee Clipper, Collegiate Championship next he was ranked with the best in UPChindts 52- Ev. -Scholars 50 Pi K. Phi 81-T. D. Chi 34 was no meeting of minds on the I Reporters were unable to month. the Big Ten in his event, and j A Fny’s-5 win-Screebs tort. K. Sig - 4 7 - S .A .M ._____ 24 size of Maris’ 1962 paycheckr Dimaggio, comer either the actress, or like the rest of his teammates, j to discuss the cur­ The agile gymnast is pres­ Dash Pots win-AOCS III forf. D. Chi 40-Phi Mn A. Hamey telephoned Maris, ently considering an offer to is eagerly looking forward to ] AOCS II forf-Scrubs forf. Farmhouse 57-A. E. Pi is4n town, making a mo­ rent state of their relations. tour Europe with the United the Big Ten Championships in j AMunichsongfost a Londontheatreparty, U Tom Bys 73-Nckls Worth 39 Phi Delt win-Phi Gam. forf. vie of his own, and the 61- Miss Monroe visited_Dimag- Ohio in two weeks. States Olympic team this the Udo Chib In Paris, the Student Inn in Frstry Club 56- S. Phi Delt 26 L.C.A. _ 72-Sig. Chi 56 homer hitter dropped in to talk gio at the „Y ankee training summer, before settling down After graduation he would j Magaffers 70-Gunners 44 Playmakrs 38- G. Geldings 28 money for 20 minutes. Hamey camp last year, also. The for­ to a «»aching job. like to continue gymnastics in Heidelberg-al are part of American Ex­ Phlogistons 43-Asher 17 Phi Delt pi 53-D.T.D. pi. 35 said after that -they were “not mer great outfielder is-serving Bergstrom transferred to the army. press’ 1962 Student Tours. Slow Ones 39-Animals 37 D. Chi pi 46-A. E. Pi pi. 39 appreciably closer” to agree­ as a volunteer coach. Untchbls. 79-Vets 39 A J.O . pi. 63-Phi K. Sig pi. 12 ment. He said he would meet Owen Grad 39-Nailbndrs. 26 rp . Sig K. pi doub. ferir.-S. Chi pi the slugger again before the Obey turned out to be one of Orioles Loosen Up Feb. 28 date on which Maris the best “ second” horses Fiim star Marilyn Monroe amoAg the 1961 juvenile colts. arrived and checked ia-te-the In 14 starts he won three times | Yankee ^Clipper motel, where and finished second on seven SK I CLUB This year, American Express will take students to a Bavarian songfest in Munich: a party st the famous Student Inn in Hei­ delberg: on a gondola tour ofVenice by night; a theatre party in London; a “Sound and Light"spectacular at the Rom« Forum; the. team is staying. Her ex- occasions. He also ran third open-air opera and concerts in Rome, Verona and Salzburg; a MIAMI, Fla. Twenty-one simple—bends and twists and morning practice- pitchers, six catchers, two out­ side-straddle hops for be­ husband, Joe Dimaggio, missed once. His e a r n i n g s were $123765. TONIGHT! Swiss fondue dinner; on a visit to the Flea Market, and to din­ ner and showat the LidoClub in Paris. Does that sound square? fielders and one infielder are tween five and seven minutes expected to open Baltimore's each morning to loosen up 1962 spring training program the muscles o f the neck, here Wednesday, faced by a arms, torso, waist and legs,” Dash Record Holder ROOM 31 UNION There will be ten student tours in all. These tours ars priced from $1132 up, including transportation. Details arearrangad by a regular tour escort You needn’t fuss over timetables and pre-season Oriole innovation. For the first time, the Birds ics as a preliminary^ to daily Hitchcock explained. “ It’s being done as o' pre­ will have organized calisthen­ ventive measure ot reduce the Won ’tMeet Co-holder PLAN: NUB’S TRIP road maps.-You'tl have more time to learn, to see things, casks friends and have fun. The tours will leave New York June 8 through July 12 and re­ NEW YORK (41 — R o b e r t not enough tim e for him to- workouts at Miami Stadium. possibilities or pulled muscles.” turn July 26-Sept 5. They last from 6 to 10Vi weeks. Six tours These will continue until the Organized calisthenics are Hayes, who last Saturday tied train for the meet. BANQUET feature transportation on the hew S.S. Francs. In addition to Hayes had earlier tam ed exhibition games begin March r a r e in baseball training the world record of 9.2 for the down a bid to meet Budd at 60 Western Europe, itineraries include Russia, the Scandinavian 10 against the New York Yan­ camps. 100-yard dash, Tuesday turned yards in the National AAU in­ CAUB RACES countries and Israel. kees in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. down a tod to meet record-hold­ door meet Saturday, also at Billy Hitchcock, the new Each tour will be lad by one or more faculty members from Jaipur, George D. Widener’s er Frank Budd of Villanova in Madison Square Garten. Yale, Harvard, Brown, Brisrcliff, Radciiffe, Smith, Simmons, Baltimore -• manager, «in 22 Union. OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT WEEKDAYS 1 A.M. FRI. fc SAT, Lambda Chi will choose five ]finalists before the end of this ALSO AT . term. The Queen and her 212» N. LARCH US 27 & 470# S. CEDAR US 127 Corner Ann & MAC ' court will be selected Spring \ term. _ ^ The Queen and her Court 'will reign over the 1962 Jr. [500 which will be staged May rl9 by the men of Lambda Chi. Lovas Honored At ROTC Event Cadet Andre Lovas. Howell senior, received his Air Force ROTC solo wings Tuesday In a ceremony at Demonstration Hall. Professor of Air Science Col. Thomas Barrett presented the wings. Lyn Nominated Lovas is one of 25 AFROTC ARLINGTON, Va. tfl —. Lyn cadets in the Flight Instruction Glenn got word, while her fa­ Program. ther was in orbit yesterday, that she had been nominate for president of the 9th grade Pressed for time? Just give us a at her school. Five schoolmates a t the Wil- ring and we'll be right at your door! liamsburgh Junior High School brought the word to the John H. Glenn J r. home during the There's no extra charge for our lunch recess. pickup or delivery service! _ For the man who prefers some­ thing different in slacks. Long, EA ST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM lean and akin tig h t. . . Sa tight "STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING a 4-inch vent had to be p sH a the raff. Sanforised cotton, Black, White, Blue, Midnight, OLIVE & NORMAN and Olive. iF iL tE R '-^ yfeW P) is yours in Winston and only Winston. Up Tronx you get rich golden tobaccos specially selected and special!y~processed for filter smoking. Smoke Winston. SU EAST GRAND RIVER OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENINGS L i k e • th e W o lv e r in e m em , b u y k ! W IN S T O N T A S T E S G O O D like a cigarette should ! M lit É as navy yards and arsenals. Also not affected are top lev­ E E K O ÎT M el officials. Kennedy saddi the executive branch is ready to co. oprate with Ooagreii “in datsr-* mining what executive md con­ gressional pay scales umdd be appropriate folkmiag fee terms t „ « » t* « * • w of the present incumbents.” . d.y thr0U9h th« C*mpw a«u>fed<. SPECIAL VALUES FOR BABY SA LE! U H IX Gauze Diapers Astronaut Abroad Slight Irregulars Carrier Two Hours DONT NEED IT? SOMEONE ELSE DOES. USE CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS COZY CRIB Absorbent gauze diapers that wadi easily and dry In Space Slots CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (A BLANKETS quickly. Super soft and has wrinkle-free w e a v e . No —Here’s a boxscore on success­ hems in the standard ful United States ami Russian space launchings: diaper size._ Now is the U.S. Rus. tinfe to save during this Earth Satellites 69 13 Satellites Still Up 35 1 special sale of g a u z e Sun Satellites 3 2 106% Celaaese filled with wide diapers. ^ Moon Impact 0 1 Manned Suborbital Fits. 2 0 3” satin binding. 36 x 40-inch Manned Orbital Flights 1 2 size. la Mae, white, mabe, mint INFANTS’ WEAR or pink. Completely washable. GARDEN LEVEL Gives lightweight warmth. GARDEN LEVEL SALE! Storkline Crib S i x y e a r s iz e in th r e e fin is h e s 2 8 .8 8 Fine wood construction with attractive nursery decal, plus plastic teething rails. Adjustable springs with easy gliding LttcHe casters and newest hardware. Specially priced. CRIB MATTRESS with em­ bossed vinyl cover. JScieatific - n / | | \ wfU Interview on campus posture board, cushioned in white. Hus matching crib bumper. _ - H B /V March INFANT FURNITURE — GARDEN LEVEL 7 , 1 9 6 2 BLS. and M.S. candidates Infants’ Crow Style Blanket Bag I n B a o lr io a i E n g i n e e r i n g . Hooded Terry M e o h a n lo a l E n g in e e r in g e n d P h y s lo e lo r Bath Towel D e s ig n e n d D e v e lo p m e n t Keeps baby cozy and warm S p e o le llz e d T r a in in g P r o g r a m while sleeping, cannot kick uncovered. Washable acetate D lr e o t A s s ig n m e n t, and cotton Mead in pink, Mae, G ra d u a te S tu d y P ro g ra m maize or white. Grows as DonMe terry construction, extra baby grows. It expuds from absorbent. la white with durable the bottom. binding tat pink, Mae or maize. Matching wash dettai, 2 (or 31c. INFANTS’ WEAR 5— your placement officar nom io gm ago GARDEN LEVEL GARDEN LEVEL an intonnow with the RCA /oprooontmtiv. - An Equd Opportunity Emptoyv KÄS? LANSING —SHOPTODAYI 2 KOO** ^ 6P.M.» PHONS ED 2*8622 Sections I WAvi vU5T TH£ fOR Bus Line Film Debate p M S s < m u h d d liv ic Ö T U P J T th e finance and taxation sec­ ” approved eòe" woMfN I V*. TWATk.VRE ! CLOM »W m BdMtf BUWHJP u n fit fUNNEL SQBMES W r t » 70 OSE ID To Feature hove tions of the new Constitution undergone preliminary • • ASiimlit i tmpWrmtnt * • Ramona! Rea* bWt ¿•«ey $8$ tprmg term. 32$ Grove St. 10 24»M. ; 31 uxpç w ue 6 U M » .' MSU Students approval; debate and receriod tentative | k? DOUftE ROOM. w0rm pucct lime Greyhound bus lines is plan­ After being edited by the • tor Set« • Seme« and spring term Rreter «Wer stydcnt. ning to 4e * feature film on the Committee on Stylo and Draft­ • tor Rest • Tf»a»partati»n »4 W Grand River. 3$ number of MSU students who ing, the provisions will bo "a fu ll Second flo o r, j «tee®. take the has to Detroit each brought back for second and Deadline*: I » A «Iw» toy mg retow.riatèneni. and bath Privat« Friday. E«. third readings. brtere publication ««trance. eitcnsMNi phpne «nd perk­ Ski Cato, news editor of "_f Whether tbey will survive Phene 3S54MI er M » ing,' I .space taten V*rancy for 3 UJELLNptt), UÄÄ^THAT Greyhound, will be at die East unchanged is anybody's guess men. )5 per m*n. Spring firm or n«*r. TH0Ü6ÖTFCL0F HStf MKEUTTlf has station Thursday IV 2-51«? 36 RAIW& SaflUtES.-JOST'IME Some members of tits Commit­ Rate«: bora 1130 s.ra until 130 pro tee on Education have indicated SORTTHAT0NÉ A£fT 6ET IF to interview students who-are they are wtlttng to do sway I dry I« » L O S T and F O U N D <5* CUTÜPÖNK - planning to m a te the trip dits with * earmarking of school I toy«................ ...C............. « -» Friday and ore interested hi S toys • 13.» ~ LOST Biact-nlnmed glasses to te « part In the film. funds if earmarking for roads dared on 1$ «erd« p«r ad) ease Between Berkey and M.A Nan. ED 2-5031 The film wifl be released to it also lulled The committee (25c discount if paid the ¡Stawapaper Enterprise As­ has postponed action pending LOST DIAMOND ring 6 d'amond» sociation for distribution across developments. wdhin a weak) in set Hrrtoem reward- SSS-9472. 34 the United States This situation developed ^ Any student unable to meet following the surprise action PERSO NAL w i t h C ito should contact of the Convention in killing George Perpish a t die bus sta- the 15-mtll tax limitation, gtv* A U T O M O T IV E SUMMER EMPLOYMENT kict-eW tkm. tog control fs the legtslatare program to* camps and resent« Wed­ to set the rate bmitottou. 1961 AUSTtN-HEALEv Sprite Radio, nesday! Feb. 28, Union Ballroom, 7:30- heater white waHr- luggage rack. Best 9:30 p.m. .... 39 The action brought conflicting Offer over $875. ED 7-2001 34 responses from three ranking MICHIGAN State University grad­ uation rings available at The Card Shop members of the Committee on includes degree, seal. 3 engraved- in­ Finance and Taxation, which itials. Choice of 10 stones. 34 bad recommended keeping a 954 CHEVROLET 4 -door, auto- limitation in the Constitution. OFFICIAL BUPR-PATTEftSQN Ere- tic., good running condition Good terhity j,nd SorOnty jewelry and re­ Its chairman, D. Hale Brake, s new paint ED 2-8676. Pete lated items Now available at The Card vigorously defended the limit •nisi ■ 36 Shop across from Home Economics and said it should be reinstated. 1961 CORVAtf ‘M'onià coupe Bids- ED 2-6753 ______ 4 36 "The limitation gives people 4 speed white -ed interior, lite PICK UP YOUR J-HOP pies «at something to tie to, a starting 8500 mites private owner. $189! Linn s Thursday. 35 place, an inherent right to vote V M 35*.-23,80" v ' - CASH REBATE Receive $5 by when tax rates get higher than 1961 VOLKSWAGON ràdio -heater, saving Marelc register receipts on Pre­ IS mills," he explained. white w«lis, bhic excellent condition. scriptions drugs, eosmetips, baby nsleds. ■ Richard H. Austin (D-De- Save 16% on most national brands, JV 7-4048 37 MaritT Rexalt Prescription Center by troit), second vice-chairman of WANTED MOTORCYCLE Will p a r Erandor, 301 N Clipped. Phone 48S- the committee, characterizad i to $160. C«H Diet Jennings, ED 2- 4355. 34 the killing of the limitation as I?I "or ED ? 6522 ' 36 one-of the best actions taken R E A L 'E S T A T E “because it is The first real EM P LO Y M EN T break-through in getting rid of EAST LANSING M.Hs.'-lm- Constitutional taxing restric­ possostior*. Owner tfi^slerred- tions ” ~ 3 bedre©^ rartçlv kite»©», 9eg* Richard C. Van Dusen (R- ©rate d*r*inj free, e#tr# Urft Pri#H©j- Birmingham) agreed with Aus* ©ny paneled family #»d 'oereot*#© tin. reom CHndftn's pleyr©f>m, two cm* ft* tacKed "go'dS* I#neisé#ped t&nstr let, “Giving the Legislature re­ Only THREE Days Left I00«r136. Ne«- Marble and St. THomos sponsibility for tax rate limita­ Schools $21 ,^00 C«H ED 2.102? 37 ICC Program tions is a -far sounder way to protect property owners from 40 WOODED acres, apartment hotiie fe©r»&. To Feature" excessive taxation. The Legis­ To Get That Guy! utrs MSU $10.00$ do- lature can set a reasonable offered, -Phone IV $-¿129 Mexican Dances limit-on tax rates. The 15-mill 'WEST BROOKFlEi-D fwf^d t $l$f|fied f®»eh, Centef h#H, eriff«née Arepioe*, éf^pcTed. 3 bed* tim* ©f. Dr Emmanuel San Martin, of the Autonomous University limit does not apply to cities, villages and school bond is­ sues,’' be said. _ SPINSTERS’ SPIN ’ FREE ROOM end boed for single rooms, b©ths, completely bylt-in of the State of Mexico at To­ The remainder of the Com­ m«le stCiderit (graduate preferred) to t'R^t H«ndicopped ëttemey 4n or;-$ir»$ htchen, finched f€C room with b«f, hot wfter he#t. î^efr pUfTered §•** luca will be on campus this week. mittee program, however, has been generally approved It February 23 - .9 • 1 AM, «nd rwttnr»g Lo'^e opoftment w»th eje. fenced yard* #bund#nee of flow- pi'ima sooce IV S-BI44, E»f. 4IR, -e«» #r»d 2-0004 34 A reception sponsored by the includes limiting l i t assess­ ICC Brother-Sister Program ments to 50 per te n t of c a n PAST TIME WORK fo; man in Lan- S ER V IC E wifi be held Thursday at 7 30 value, uniformity and a prohi­ Tickets $3.75 p m to the UN Lounge for bition of s graduated, tocome s -g f-rrn, «fterneon' hauls Must ba tax, all of which were bitterly veiy neat, of good character and TYPING THESES. m»nv*«riat«. farm Dr San Martin A group of willing to meet the public. Call -TU 2- pgpers, etc ED, 2-0576 34 Mexican students accompany­ attacked._ 9667 Mt, R. E. Opper. 36 ing him will present Mexican Earmarking of weight and ON SALE AT UNION TICKET OFFICE TERM PAPERS TYPED, reasonable gasoline taxes for reads was rates, TU 2-3969 ** folk songs and dances. - ^fs|N 'BROWN, -typist #nd multilith- The universtty at Toluca unopposed, but eartnarkingfer nei General tvp»ft3 term papers, the- awarded 10 scholarships to' schools underwent attack. The dissertation?. duphcafTnj. ED 2 MSU students for the six-week B584.. ti 'summer session, according to SETTER THAN TRADING StAMRS I.-C. Shah, director of ICC ,j Wendrow s a«d D?y Ctepn- Coffee will be served The j er.s 3006 «Vme St... *« 'Hploclr wett of public is invited. ■" I Sears' Frgwdor Store Gives free dry I cleaJHng to each customer us»»f its Speedflyeen coin washers 10 differeaf I times; A^f the attendent fpr your card tf Hughes To Show WHY PAY MORE? Pants, skirts. Arctic Trip Slides The Michigan State , _ dtow$ Etotiowosh grid Dfy 'B ill Hughes. MSU graduate and bend ofT flm Productions CONSERVATIVE CLUB 3$04 Vme St *1 b*oeit west of at the Audio Visual Center will Tired of reading editorials and news as presented Ff#nd©f Stofc. tf show slides of the Arctic at the through the rose-colored glasses of some Liberals? THESES TYRING, p^ntinf. IBM 0«t- Fisheries and Wildlife Club trit typearrittn. Editing «od proof* meeting Wednesday at 7 30 Then listen to Fulton Lewis, Jr., and M. S. U. re«dm§ «voil«bl(. Wench Gr«fie Sew* p m. to the Forestry Cabin. Conservative Club editorials on campus issues over ie«. 172$ E. Michigen Avt, Hughes was the photographer 414.7716, tf member of the seven-man ex­ WSWMsFM (W-l a»«.), Monday through Friday, TV TABU MODEL ge EDIE STARR Experieneed m theur» pedition team ef an adventur­ 10:46 pm . -rdittflm $?S'tU 2 8T30 worf. IBM, Ekcel*«f»t quality dNi myllt* ous canoe trip. Students and I" TV_CÖNSOU eycèllerit condL Lth mastert. Cgll OR 7.8232. 3$ faculty are welcome. I iémplete w<»th «riténri« $SÖ TU ?■ WPERTJHESES and Typm$. Elettnc typewriter. Scveeteen veert REPOSSESSED Zl<* 1AG dipefitflie One block hgm B'edy* iaKso«. hkt w# *r Make ptymeett ©f ED 2-SS4S * H RÌANIST Jv'll1#^ _ §redy#te eew geeeptrnf begmntng, «4v«n«c4 stu- WOMEN'S reyeisible nylon guilted ëents. (Near eampys) ' Call ED 2-6968 parka «ij« 10. Like new. Call 355-7384. HAWAIIAN LUAU CLEANER CLOTHES. Seccia) a««r. TV 17 INCH RCA eentele Suits and dresses 99c. skirts and trou­ («nna. $25. TU 2-8730 sers 59e with «d. Bidle Cleaners, OR 6- TRAILIW 6902 Frea pick-up and delivery. 36 "TYPING IY WOMAN witb 10 19*0 MOtHI HOME, 8«36 Hre years secretarial experience. TU 2- 1 OPEN IS I ©r 2 btdroom. $2494. 34 COMMITTEE Modeled hy Mickey Zippin, rake Schroeter, Linda Thnafor» HOUSES 'HOUSE IÌWf'urWi$H|6' I Êêî RUSH " reàrii«, walking distance ta «ampu». -NEW YORK.JERSEY «er sprmgrn- Gare«« Cat! attar 5 p.m.-pr weekend. tereetiipn, chartered Greyheu«d hu»e» F« 9.223? 54 leaving today. Saturday and Me«day. VAMBUNÏ, m LAGERe JUNIOR OF LON1KW rmtoeoata flown In Match 16, 12, and i f . Inpuim naw! EAST LANSING, $ bedmow toma. Alt Liptan, 315-9322. 5* Furnished or unfurnished. For rant. hy UNITED AIRLINES Math 62 te Mareh 61. Call ED 7- WOULD LIKE TO INARE RIDE. 9672- -51 Can»muta (ram fini dato- Cad 356- »I«? pu Hint SU 9-4177. , »4 APARTMENT «uremhfd- Privat* ao- . iguana th*s weA end- Shareman- W ANTED. RIDI TO U.9. vm tby tra»ee, 'adv $70, Telephone ED 2- wo, Carala Smith, 155-9}10. 54 »279 31 LADY GRADUATE studenti*» share W A N TS) 4 >epm fijinisKed aea*tm«nt, gU'tt, walking dotane«' to campus Only if Do you ha*e a whit« elephant dt ■' ; ■■■' , FORfldN STUDENT wants gent»«- ma» ta «bare apartment. Camer, Ltoe. Hemton. 3324716 evenings. 36 i C&U.LÙ.V.Ù as SBSpgjgg mm gag H m Ü » wss 8— te f c « S k M J i C o m m i P fy p * . _ . , . ... Social t - ,• A itU x, - t fir LAWRENCE COX tnnktot on the work a f the iT Ite''<|r Itoli oonterence !» : Of the State News LMVdttttM and III»: printing of sponaoredby graduate stndents SJMR centos oil the oCndat ito Oithe schwh af »rial «111 ot A rnaoinbpn for the estab­ vente* Is a * M n g a g t o d , cords ofthe convention. Ì&&. U of M and Wayne State lishment of e budget for poat- jsh,” Morte sedi. * - Ti n in npmn**—1and distribu- University. R ts held to pro­ H Constitutional Convention ex­ t | s of tot oM million copies vide professtoiisi training for penses was pasaed by the Com­ Dm Btakiutoi flMtateutt) of the t e m Official “Adtonas tot studente and Information mittee of toe Whole despite totroOacad an amendment $«•• to totftaopte” is expected to for tee community. 1^ major opposition from a ma­ pesmg tout the «munisston cost $83.181.00. Speeches and panel discus- jority of,the Democratic dele­ staff'In sat ap fnr one month The prhdtagr towttng, paper rent stoos wìll teèat topica af cur- instead of to so n * months as William D. Focd (D-Taylor) interest. gates Monday night. pointed out that bipartisan us­ and the artwork and layout of i Reservations may he made written la 0 » reootettnw. too 3,000 copies ef toe record through thè achool Tito budget, drawn up by the Btelnwtol said ha was in­ ually means *‘equal representa­ of social Committee on Administration, tion of both parties”. He «id and proceedings of the conven­ consists of appropriations for terested in ucjposmy. to save that hi no sense Is ir'24 ma­ tion will cost 892,433.00 accord­ wórk. ! SSllllSS salaries and wages of a post- toe taxpayers money. | g | jority of a party bipartisan. in gto the budget. convention commission and DeVries, whs offered the “If the commission is an ex- The ether six sididlvisioiis of Peace Corps contract ural service consisting faudgrt »oootetten in behalf of tension of the convention (the pfien and printed the contractual service section of supplies and materials. Urn the committee, said toaCafi convention is composed of II total of toe netton Is teff«* include telephone snd telegraph Topic of Talk total budget is 1333,330.16. this bad been covered before Republican* and 48 Demo­ 778.49. ^ ($1.000.00), rentals and learns The post-convention commis­ in too meetings of toe Com­ crats), De Vries said, "3-1 in of buildings ($2,410.00), rentals Dr. Homer Higbee, Dean of sion, consisting of 18 members mittee on Administration. . a représentative figure.” Office supplies and printed and leases of equipment ($1,* International Programs and and a targe staff, wiB be re­ matter totaling $fM,M3.9B in­ 090.00). postage: general and Dr. Arnold, Zack, Peace Corps Your eyes need Wallace sponsible for disposition of the clude such items as the print­ distribution of convention re­ officer, will be guest speakers ing of one mflBon copies of a cords ($27,125.00), travel ($»,- at Agriculture Economic* Wed­ . convention property, printing and distribution of the efft- - cial convention documents and Market Club Meipbers 900.00) and other contractual nesday at 7:30 p.m. in 31 Ag. Dr. Hill To Talk service ($33.870.90). Hall They will speak oh the sea protection ii wiater, too informing Michigan's citizens of the work of the convention The commission will begin work upon termination of the Get National lavile On Space Vehicles get is $333,33816. The grand total of the bud­ jectives and Benefits of the Peace Corps.” ^ In sun nr snow, wherever yen ge, yesTTIeek belter and see better In ear fashion-right optically •correct outdoor eyewear. Come see opr coHectloo of styles convention. Members of toe Marketing sonai interviews with repre­ Dr. LTL. Hill, assistant su­ for both men and women . . . In plain lenses or delegates ex- ef reasons budget as club has« been invited to par­ ticipate in ton National AMA career carnival at the Palmer sentatives of the 80 participât- ing corporations will he in­ cluded.' ■ * There will also be a field pervisor, operational projects, S p a c e Aero/Astrodynamics Section will speak Thursday at 4 p.m. in 4M Electrical Engi­ Varsity Drive In ground to your prescription, If yon prefer. tt/e nxtimmiUons bij Or. W. C. ¡ESSES registered optometrist cswcer a ever the aa- Hawse in Chicago. trip of the Whirlpool plant Wed­ neering on “Flight Maneuvers 122? E. GRAND RlVER the rommitirisn. Arthur J. Madar ID-Detroit) Thursday, Edwin Fitzpatrick, bead of the Placement Bureau. «91 give a short presentation nesday. This will include afoot dinner and a short discussion with marketing top executives. and Design Concepts ef Man­ ned Spice Vehicles. HB1 has worked on several OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. DELIVERY SERVICE MON.. SAT. WALLACE OPTICIANS 38» VINE STREET (opposite Frandor) Ph. IV 9-2774 said that he was against such concerning the most effective Aityooe interested hi attend­ of file nation’s successful mis­ a lhrge budget He specifically use ef toe bureau, followed by also offices downtown of 107 S. Washington, Ph. IV 2-117,1 ing the Whirlpool trip should sile and satellite projects. 8 :3 0 P.M. - 1 .3 0 A.M. on, R C. ¡OSES and DU. J. R. SIXON, Reg. Optometrist* criticized the $30,000 set aside the election of officers for next cut the Marinating department, for restoration of Convention year. -'V; 355-2240, Tuesday. Anyone wish­ SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P.M. - 1:3 0 A.M. Hall. Tours of aD large advertis­ ing to make the trip to Chi- “We have no responsibility to ing agencies and other Chicago cago should ho present at THE MORE YOU T$LL — THE QUICKER YOU SELL! ED 2-6817 C am pus Clnaaifieds get rid of the hall.'* be said. marketing concerns phis per- Thursday’s meeting. READ ClASSIFtEDSI “Give it back to the city of Lansing." A number of delegates -ex­ pressed concern over the com­ mission’s role as a public in­ O p e n E v e r jrW e d n e s d s y formation' agency. • JaCk F « » (D-Detroit) Night U n 111 N i n e - ' said that in setting up the commission a s js publie in­ formation agency there is al­ Wednesday Store Hours ways a chance that it wffl try to sett the constitution rather Noon Until » P.M. _ I than publish the facts of the convention. He suggested that a private - firm handle the distribution ef information. j Walter D De Vries (R-Grand Rapids) assured FaxOn and] other delegates that the com- j mission as a public informa- - tion agency would merely'pub­ lish the facts concerning the convention. John B. Martin (R-Grand Rapids) said that “the budget Is n very good one and a con­ servative one.” anibsdns "If the minority is not wfB- Norris To Speak At NAACP Meet Dr. Harold Norris, Demo­ cratic Con-Con delegate from Detroit wtil speak to the MSU chapter of NAACP Wednesday a t 8 p.m. in the Union Tower room. Norris, professor at the De­ troit Collage of Law, wifi dis­ cuss “Con-Con, Civil Rights and th e Student.” The meeting triD be open to the public. Latin American Discussion Friday Latin Americans of MSU are invited to participate in a group discussion Friday at 7:45 in Owen Graduate Center. The discussion will cover educa­ tional and related probems cur­ rently facing Latin America. Risaia sari c m v n i c srefw 81 Days $130948 Trip ImM w HriUi Swing, wn^PO^s^ M M aK A w R- • - J tite lo n d 8 , m ««■ PETTI-PANTS ÏNrfffitelo Çte$ffâtefffcteafc$ffw o n o x d t in g ly n o w lin g o r io fo s h io n » to ry , b y V o tm o d o - 98 day* ta loop*, two Jom IT Ap fWtoh §m ' i rintewf isttea. i rim Sept. IS by drip or A»t 91 Iko look is rofroshing, young and puroly fominino^.ihe practicaiitios by ah. • J-' small oaour. spa» m vntlmltodl Undor «booths, nothing is as slook and shapoly as tho long tape rod SitesA0 »(I wp»m< Writ* lor POH tdfteffDfi» DvteMMk teites BteNte logs ©four potfi.ponts.~and os now, os Htay doubla os «dainty SSto^f «toriMsToo^, Amolli»! p olli i Bfi o r m m -If)tm im dtr h r“ T^r* Siros 5 to 8. Salts* Tmwl Ofyws. A. Twist fringoi white, condlollght boigo or Mock with loop edging. ; tifo ' 1 W .6 V 'V E B 1 A gallin oti! wkl!» urtili rod, white and blue striping». C Spring ftem!: v ' Ho .. ‘. - . ' .• • ED MRI - # - wite scolloped ioco side ponol and borders, loch, 2 .9 S I U “ aaSHaffittPOmdKte-ifeaw* I m 'i ... Il I1'1!Il'lli ’ 'nil n11! 1 1II 1III /'IIInil1' I I I .f. . mem- BBHt -mmst. iI