m í m m u fc .^ M m sm m m m m m ^M w m m ß iR S 9| $Á» .''£%>. <;i ? By ttY BLISSICK : a . ■ iy -T - . ««re ani available M tin tim« ai raibJBtadiiw £«M p í B iS s S S B P * * *»•■ *»*» “ **» ' AB ni Ingham county except Lansing and Lae ' Ten canèdates wfll be vying Monday Mr tin » a t «eat of ta * * « • * tin Stonad S f e t a t repinas«tativa the Ian fttjnro««d K B jstiviK SRffr* i i - Yount ^ fR-East «wraww« Lamia*) rmirrn«# .3«too ^*^ MSU It eae of tin Mcxest M hM m hi ffiia B titis 4Isl H BBsaasaaaatttfta- •■¡s •’' " Swi m JHTMMK» J®®PwÉiy 4K WWWWBflr ®BP ÄÖHJ S Tl»e primary ejection-ordered by Governor SWainsen—will npreiorinÉNs la the JegMatnre. m: ;■ ■ ' select candidate« to finish Mr. Young’« term which expires Breslin, who ha* held the representative part for three yean, in November. ,-A .rä said he is pleased with the excellence of the candidates. The general election «ill be held March IS. “I am interested became ! will bare to work closely with the 'Rntqpatffes of Robert R. Robinson, Jr. ami Paal Richard« Second Dte&fct representative,” ha said. JAMES R. DUNCAN MARSHALL E. HART1G CHARLES J . DAVIS JANES J . CAVANAUGH JAMES E. ANDREWS FRÁNKLJN GREGG JR . THOMAS J . FAGAN RUSSELL B. RUNQUIST r Serving MSU fo r 52 'yeara Second CUu Postai Establish'd 1909 Vol. 53, No. 152 Friday Morning, February 23, 1962 Paid at last Xanstns. ! |o u t A g r e e s To Discuss John H. Glenn, United States astronaut, received 8 votes for president of West IA-Test Ban Shaw Hall in elections Wed­ nesday, But Ken Madejczk was elected hall president o v e r hi* opponents, Ed Bloom, Bob Harris, and Ken Pollack. Brace Tanner w as' elected vice-president over his opponents. Rnss Hughes and Jim Aldrich. li m n nun n i U-M Stiident Kidnaped r r s NOT ALL werk and ne play on Cherry Laae. In the wee hours of Thursday morning, occupants bullt thls Joily looking fetiaw to greet a neighbor enroute to an early elass. —State News Photo by Skip Mays. Mid-West Represented which begins this afternoon cation of Negritude” — afro- founder and executive direc­ with a sodai hour of cock* Amencan culture; “Organiza­ tor of the American Negro tails mm! conversation. tions hi Operation" — program­ Emancipation Centennial Au­ Starting at ? p m . will be n ming. thority, and Frank London choral presentation of the ‘Tnamtiag the Missing Chap­ Brown, author of “Trumbull emancipation proclamation, ter of History”—educational re­ Park.” which will he followed by a de- visions through legal chan­ A public dance wilt be held at bete—1“emancipation proclama­ nels; “ Is there a t American 9 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. tion: Humanitarian or Mili­ Negro Ideology?”—contempor­ Ending the events wilt be n tary?” . ary history; “Education, the meditation Hour, Sunday, at Early Saturday 10 wort- B m A ana a Sound Economy” U a.m., with Dr. Robert Ander* shops will b« held width will — . social dynamics; “ Op­ son, associate professor of re­ cover varied subjects. They portunity Knocks”—vocational ligion. win ho as following: trends,/- . Any student who would like “ Mightier than tile Bw*cti*V to participate in the conference writing; “ Projecting the Im­ ; A hpnunet wffl then be held should contact Ren Brown, age” — promotions; “People NAACP president, for regis­ speak titreugh timir ; « | p ^ tration. A fee of U N will be performing a r t e r “ Discovery charged for registration, and an additional $8 for the ban­ quet. I B W f f llf w f f l ■ P S1g| M T^ ■ P f:w sssm iP p tlP P Ä i W f f M »PPP B f4* j SÂ.*ï '.jÎÏÎ snt h^ m Pw R B R 9 I :£2§fH|aB8 Stete News, East L an sin g , Ä F e W ry 2 5 , Î 9 $ t.J % tm ^m m rn — I W P -M H ÍM N H ÍM ÍH íSSiSiUHMU^flK3BSnË TS«? nom oui ....................... mammm “ B o s s , A r e Y o u O u t Ó £ Y o u r E v e r-L o v in ’ M i n d r Getting the Scholars iiH>!W*>MWtits«miii»Win*iiiiiW io»»iwMniwitmiiaiRON tfiCMAN fgA recant flourish of critical pod to effectively combat exist­ exuberance has made it clear ing deficiencies. that MSU, if It 1« to place Several respected - faculty among the loaders in twentieth members have voiced profound States has become more deeply involved. century higher education, must concern over the peuvitanee of The pronouncement to the Michigan here and now grant greater pri­ a critical shortage of nationally State professors and to the people familiar It has committed itself militarily to the ority towards enhancing the recognised scholars on our with the situation in South Vietnam by extent that it can not let South Vietnam nationally recognized stature campus. ^ > the administration of Président Ngo Dinh iV I to the Reds for two reasons: ot its faculty, Agreed that the presence of Diem refusing to extend the contract with Granted the University has such Imhvtduals would signifi­ In the first place, shouldthe Communists not tally attained thia goal aa cantly «teane* t a r academic M SUcam aaltttM ornosarprisa. taka over ft will inevitably increase the atmosphere, I maintain teat an yet. wa must remain cognizant It seems that some MSU faculty mem­ hysteria in thk country on the pert o f the of the fact teat several signifi­ mesasary steps be taken in an bers working in Saigon wero publishing extremists who want nothing short of cant milestones have been attempt toacquire their serv­ total victory over our ideological enefhy. reached and that others are ices to the very near future. articles after returning to the United Lastly, te c « the identity of Indeed, to them, such an outcome would soon to fbOqw. States—articles which criticized Diem’s The surest way of engaging such persoQoel is known to both régime as being corrupt and dictatorial. confirm their suspicions—that now that a situation of this nature is faculty members and adminis­ These published articles were the major South Vietnam ha* fallen to the Commu­ to provide for increased chan­ trative officials, I urge both reason behind the decision to end MSUV nists, Southern California is next. nels of enlightenment whereby groups to toko a commanding maintenance of a civil service training in the student body *nd faculty initiative in acquainting the Secondly, and probably more important, at State will be enabled to student body with the ricb ar­ the tiny Asian country. Thé contract ex­ it is a key link in America’s world-wide ray of academic talent avail­ function as a team rather than pires in June, 1962. strategic plans ofjoperation. as competing, self-centered able ta r our peraooal batter- To these professors and other informed factions. ment. r - •“ But while there is this vary grave Thoroughly convinced that Thia Is a challenge of gfeat people, the action logically follows, for it threat from the Communist aggression one of the primary objaettvaa magnitude, one which merits can be interpreted as just another mani* from tee north, there is also a treat deal of this Institution is to main­ and awaits our unified indulg­ festation of authoritarian rule being ex­ of - political rumblings end widespread tain and promote academic ence. ftili hibited by the Diem government. excellence, I propose a more Michigan State University discontent within South Vietnam itself. must act swiftly and purpose­ thorough public orientation of The n atio n is fa r from being any “bas- - And some people are beginning to feel prevailing obstacles so that the fully If it is to be a vaaguard tion of democracy.” Diem rules w ith an the United States may well be backing great majority of individuals In the dynamic course and inflexible, iron hand. He has suppressed concerned with the continued broad horizons which higher the wrong horse again as it did with well-being of the. University education is destined to per* all political Opposition. Close relatives hold China, Korea, Turkey, among others. key positions. Free speech and a free press will be more adequately equip- vade in the years ahead, -«re conspicuously absent. American foreign policy, however, seems to be undergoing a revolution. We y p ¿H O T S P erhaps D r. Milton Taylor of th e Michi­ are beginning to take a different approach gan S tate economics departm ent, who has to situations such as that in Vietnam. w ritten critical articles on th e Diem re­ gime, clearly presented th e problem fac­ ing th e Asian land: —-u r Though we a re providing m ilitary aid, we a re likewise insisting th a t Diem begin, Action During “O ur thesis is th a t we’re losing o u t in Vietnam not because Communism is initiating much-needed political, economic and social reform before i t becomes too late to do anything. J Intermission ■b e n b u r n s strong, b u t because the governm ent’s so F o r th e U.S., it is inconsistent and ul­ despotic and inefficient th a t th e V ietna- ' tim ately dangerous to support an auto­ mése people have no reason to fig h t Com­ - Speaker pro-tem of the Michigan House of Representatives, cratic governm ent on th e rig h t simply to- Charles Boyer, made some interesting off-the-cuff remarks munism.” prevent an au th o ritarian system on the Letters to the Editor during toe intermissions of the Boston Pops Orchestra perform­ L ast year, a Vietnamese student here le ft from taking over th e re in « . This is not ance last Thursday. . . reluctantly and hesitantly expressed th e sam e view privately, though quite fearful Indeed th a t word may get back to Viet­ a world where th e evils of Communism face the moral rectitu d e o f j t s opponents. H itler was a pathological anti-C om m unist. On YR Club, Sheltered Coeds Boyer, a big, genial Republican from Wexford^ district, at­ tended the lecture concert series presentation with four fellow legislators. , _ George Romney, recently announced Republican candidate . .. ~ , .. . nam endangering the safety of his wife a national educational conserv­ -of the university—under any for governor, is a refreshing new fata on' the Michigan political Americans can not realize th a t to th e To the Editor: and children. An editorial-Monday concern­ ative program award for 1960- and all conditions. We, as scene, according to Boyer. __ discontented people of South V ietnam , a ing the present situation in the 61 is a non-political organiza­ young women, should be al­ HE INDICATED that Romney was probably the strongest The situation in South Vietnam is a dictatorship is - a dictatorship. They are Young Republicans’ Club sign­ tion. lowed the right to an education GOP candidate since early in the Williams era. ____ - j 1-' very delicate one. The country is being not enthusiastic about fig h tin g /th e rebels ed by Messrs. MacPherson. Certain members of the old under circumstances to be de­ -A Democratic friend of Boyer’s declined to comment on threatened by Communist rebels from from the north because th e re is nothing j etc. ended with a statement wing of the YR chib who are. ckled and determined by the whether the Democratic party weren’t afraid of Romney^ and N orth Vietnam. Meanwhile, th e United to fig h t for. Not yet, anyway. which would seem to go be­ members of the liberally con-, individual, student. Is not this. wishing they had a stronger candidate than the Incumbent, yond the situatioD>,4&JPbk$. Ho taver sounds off in—the letter One flu ttery little gal could only say, “Go. man, go” when “Friendship 7” first of all. Susan Fox _ la ted on his determination and Four, an event the Columbia wished 'success in his atempts Record Company was to re­ South Campbell Hall to reorganize toe do-nothing cord. More Letters was launched. B ut she cared. Young Republicans of MSU I have no argument that when its exercise will so pro­ coiu .m of his local -newspaper. He never P u ttin g a m an in orb it was, o f course, and indeed, across the state many students enjoy the Irish Silence Is Golden voke a controlling déspot that writ ¿s to his congressman. In his wish to offend nobody, he offends highly significant in th e race w ith Rus­ Thinking ol Michigan. Tenors, the violin players, Fletcher Monnaugh the orchestras that the Lec­ To the Editor: and he banishes from his realm perhaps the only hope of the democracy. How could democracy succeed sia and in gaining technical knowledge i To the Editor: Emmons Hail Having- read your feature deprived . . . then maybe the if all of us, tike this one, withheld our opinions, ture-Concert Series brings to of space but one of its g reatest im pacts [ It seems obvious that Me*- __ _ Michigan State. Nor will I de­ article of 19 February .- cap­ decision to speak up was not our ideas, our criticisms? Active, day by day participation in govern- > lndiviaual A m «ric«n.. I% £ ‘ g 2 £ * S « ¡ " ä Ä S h e lte re d C o e d s ny them the right to invite this tioned "Viet Nam ends MSU that of a prudent emissary. menu-in society, in business associations, is T hetr intense emotional involvement have “always voted at their vucuo sort of entertainment to the Contract, Research Team To In the few months that I nave campus. However, I do feel the Come Home,” and having pon­ been a student at MSU, I have a responsibility for each and every one of us. spoke not only of th e ir concern fo r Glenn’s party's call and never thought To the Editor: The silent troublemaker fails to understand performances selected by one dered the situation somewhat. observed several members of of thinking for themselve&_at this. In his worship ofJaw and order, he never w elfare b u t fo r Am erica’s. The people It seems to be a prevalecí ¡ man and paid for bv 20.*W I am forced to agree with Dr. toe faculty criticize various as­ all.” belief in tho off-campus world students lean too much in toisi Milton T aylqi^hat the “ ...staff pects of toe ezisting adminis­ dares to question an oppressive law,-never who forgot to register, who can’t nam e the Ratah DeCamp i has had the cour age to tell the tration. Although I have no distinguishes order from stagnation. 4?* Evergreen that in a situation involving ' direction, S enate-m ajority leader, who couldn’t find two-members of opposite sexes, | Students: As your money and truth.” strong convictions either way He. is the apostle of social decay not de­ East Lansing With no personal knowledge concerning this matter, I do mocracy. th e Congo on an indexed m ap—they show­ toe female will prove to be mine pays for the Lecture- ed Tuesday th a t democracy and America the more mature. Persons who Concert Series 1 appeal to you of the inefficiency and despo­ know that in the off-campus Penriuted from Minutes Nat'ouwMe Insurance Magazine mean som ething to them , too. Policy of Action brieve in such a na've philoso­ to .end this one-sidedness and tism alleged to obviate democ­ “ real” world, one does not, as phy should be told the facta of leu get some popular enter­ racy in this struggling now Re­ a responsible official, a.g., Te the Editor: life. ■• _ tainment a t MSU. public, tt Is interesting to note knock General Motors mid con­ The MSU campus Young Re­ One’s entrance into collage Question the authority of that the MSU team was on hand tinue to work for GM. However publican club has been rudely changes one’s psychological this “one man” and we will for about a year prior to Pres­ far Viet Nam may be from awakened from Its apathy by make-up. No longer Is a wom­ be able to have “The Brothers ident Diem’s election by na­ MSU, toe ultimate outcome of those new members who have' an of 16,19, or even 20 allowed Four.” “Johnny Mathis” and tional referendum. Then, con “ l^oumttng off" should have M ic h ig a n S t a t e N e w s chosen to pursue a policy of to live where and how she others visit our campai; Chuck DaDave i fident that MSU’a researchers been predictable. reported the truth, I nevcrthe- I wonder just how much of a action rather than reaction. In pleases. She is .sheltered by a Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued the past two weeks the club i protective set of rules, and 1 j less wonder, as expressed In consolation It is for the depress­ on class days Monday through Friday, during the tail, winter and has grown by 80 members. The i guarded as if by a hawk. She j f 4a r #»v the vernacular. If this was not ed Viet Namese to know thnt spring quarters. Issued twice weekly during (he summer term. old group frantically searched | U taught 'responsibility" 'byI -« w v i. w ‘ a tinte “to keep one’s mouth the American experts have pre­ Second class postage paid at East Lansing, Michigan. out 29 to 25 new members in having to conform to a norm ; Letters to toe editor are al­ tout. served their freedom of speech. Editorial and business offieas a t 911 Student Services Sen building. an attempt to retain the stfe ter force, and without being ways welcome. However we Be it ever so humble, there j During the recent Peace-Carp* Michigan State University, E ast Laastof. Michigan. tus quo leadership that was be­ given a chance to écmèvw the rnust know the writer of every is no place like home” is an episode in Lebanon, our m y Mau subscriptions payable In advance for one term, 13; for two ing threatened by the influx same level of responsibility on >letter before it can be printed oft heard adage; but when It ertiment was forced to take terms. U : tar three to m s. 15- of a mom dynamic conserva­ ber own merits. / I No letter wiB be run unless, the is written mi the faces of an necessary action to re^o'vt toe Member of the Associated Press, Inland Dally Press Association tive group. Her previous years of tee In j writer’s n o n e la printed and imnoverished and longing c't- problem. In this instance, could and toe College press. Many wttd accusations have society have seemingly done K A w m iw rti^ i reitaefartty agreed to merge MSU, where ha nugirad in so- .the tart ban-and dtoaraa- cial science. ad «l6gaa!^ asH talks, Tsarapkia aa- Sl.8pil»«< D aw n f d i ha tttefts that i ; Former c a c o Rusia ceaslierad earn » IS UM MSMMCy d en H flAma I UK thia a Western maaenver de­ sow» ■ hgklrtars starts ta teak for Oyrt bufere thoipìijw’Hitotant signed to upset tito tafia _U b|H si wiya te te r e t e tea Baa and • ha ngnk - state mtawiiy s e o e r iP ^ P verttoai several times and has opening Mar. 14. He said at IRiSh expeadkares sf government Hartig Hid he doesn’t think the time thal the new Soviet rather than increase them. be wortd back any n p m t e . JFtaKKMKPte,^ mPENmf.. ^:'W *_,i ■ ' EEmmwW^r h iir both a Wock worker and A .W ite s M M He a te said he believes three tioni for MSU if it meant di­ eoetti he a greeted degree el co­ verting funds forprimary edu­ operation between ear edu­ cation. :t ■_ > £ S fp te .i He' là now hi p r iv a li tow Hr*: or tea- E t i t Lansing a finance manager. ^Ibnmj( has anntei as traasnr- peatttan wm find the two tooties ceeM art he merged. TSarapUn Thursday returned cational institutions and the “Primary education is mere "I shall continue iqy „fidi practioeandhae lived hi the Chamber te Commerce and to city four, ^ ■t member te the Khranto Chib, to the original Soviet position Legislature. important because it Inctedas tene enf lu p t )te* connection - He iwrivid his BA in pett* Amerieaa lnstitrts te CPA’s but declined to explain bow the He wiU run on the Republican the formative years. Too many with ite» Constitutional Con­ tieal science te 1947 and LLB and tho Mhjiigaa CPA’s. ticket. "“-p high school students are not vention and If there is much test ban issue could be discuss­ ... PAUL RICHARDS capable of handling cofiefe campaigning done it will have te » !• from the University of Personol Drtn: Gragg, who ed within the disarmament Age: 4S. work. „ > to he cantoo^out hy teem who f? fives at 1854 Walnut Heights talks." But be was clear on one I’m certainly not opposed to have urged me te run,” Davis Drfre, has hem a lifelong resi­ point that wrecked earlier Experience: Member of- the dent of Ingham county. He to Ingham county board of super­ MSU,” he said, became I sm s.. - - ifl talks — as far as Moscow is visors and has served six years realize that it’s important to He wiD ran on the Republi­ ia the Jwgtolatura have eea-\ married and has one child. concerned, test ban controls ¿ÉÉlteutefll»R niiQ iuj M i iÉwwi it te J'4 ’ r4teHMMNÉIÌÌÉlfc-. For tbe mat 12 yean he has on the Mason city council. teg community.” he said. can fl**4!* -I, . are out budgets for MSI?,** he says. been » seH-employed Certified For the last five years He will ran on the Republi­ JAMES J. CAVANAUGH "It’» time tite community Prtrte Accouatart to East Lan- it it mr ■ Richards has served as miyer can ticket. ' Age: 31 had a legislature wilting to ha sing. LONDON OP—Nikita Khrush­ of Mason. He is presently ac­ CHARLES J. DAVIS Experience; Member of tee for MSU and ate against it .” Gregg, who was’ graduated chev also sent a new message counting supervisor for Wyeth American Bar Association*« Andrews ««Id Ms highway from MSU, was a lecturer in to Prime Minister Macmillan Laboratories, Inc. Experience: D ebate to the Thursday night. The foreign Personal Data: Richards, Constitutional Convention and committee o r agricultural department experience maw tba stetote of business and has been serving on tee com­ corporative». Cavanaugh ateo him familiar -¿tettata» future president te the Ingham county office announced receipt of a who lives at 721 S. Hall, Mason, mittees Finance and Taxa­ is assistant professor of busi- poasibilHies of tea Tansteg Alumni Club. 2,500-word message from the is married and has two child­ tion andofAdministration. Soviet Premier. ren. ness serricH -and has been on area. - L, ’••• J hi He to sppssed to an income He attended Bliss Business Donald He is vice president of Mc­ tee faculty for t e years. "Mbré jobs, increased op­ tax fte tae State te Michigan. Ia his s e v message, College in Columbus, Ohio. Dairy, a member of tee Ho atea taughmw at Notre portunities for business, and ex­ “It is nty conviction,” be Khrushchev was said to have “I mn certainly interested Board of Directors of the Dame Uaivsrrity te Saute pansion of education are the says, "that additional tax load repeated his prepesal and taHtSU because it is part of Michigan andDairy American Assn. of Bond, Ind. three great cheBenges to «Ida wm continue the downward broadly to have indicated his the Second District. I certain­ a member of tee Data: Cavanaugh area in tea «aft decidi,” An- swing te ouy states economy. resolve to attend, whatever ly dent took at it with dis­ “It is my opinion that our ether government chiefs may ITE STUDtNTS favor,” be says. state’s foods are jpot being decide to da. <*«k WSweNelwielNleeiilimerei«•#•*•> “We should do afi we can to To Be Appointed Instead spent prudently.” He will ran on the Republi­ Soviet informants said their GRADUATTSTUDCNTS and FACULTY MEMRM control expenditures. _If we can ticket Premier wants to-ghre the con­ TH E A S S O C IA T IO N O F P R IV A T E C A M P S can’t and income is insuf­ ficient we win have to revise the tax structure and augment Con-Con Bill for Election THOMAS J. FAGAN Age: 46. ference a flying stmt and thinks this would best he done if government chiefs set up tt. I would favor a fiat tax rate Experience: Appointed an as­ «jgnprni« for possible agree­ mmrn income tax as a late choice.” -H e wfll run on the Republi­ can ticket Of Superintendent Defeated sistant attorney general in 1047. Previously, Fagan was an as­ sociate counsel for Central ment. They portrayed him ad­ ditionally as wanting to focus world attention on the crucial W r it a , Phone, e r CkO to A ssodotionw f PrivaOnCan«|M—DfptrC P tn o n ’ MARSHALL Er HARTIG eteta fer aa appstatad snper- has Trust Co. Since last May, he question te disarmament. thmwmM *k AbeeMbr. b e S in O h a d a t Age: 44 A minority amendment to dfrectiy responsible to tbom Experience: Supervisor of have the rapirtetrndsnt «( who elect them.” inteadeat te public Itetene sing.been practicing law in Lan­ The lt-power talks are to be 155 West 42nd Stieeb 0X5-2455* »tow York 34» H T .| Delhi Township and is on the public testraetifla remain an 1 "The syotam has wortad He is a member te the Uni­ attended by five Western and Ingham County Board of Super­ elected official (for a four-year weH te te» past.” “I think lt i» a fine step for­ versity te Michigan Alumni five communist states and visors. He is chairman of tee term) warn defeated during ’3. "The best politics te aaeh ward and a needed change,” Club, Northern Michigan Alum­ eight iwcalled neutnda. Lead­ HHIJB, FOUNDATION county’s Salaries Committee Wednesday's session of the party is te ocreencarteuBy ahi bn said. ■, v ni dub, American Bar Assn., e n te several neutral countries and J d Supplies Committee. Constitutional Convention, atesct responsible candhlates.” Further dm w n were pro­ Michigan t e Assn. and n have indicated they will go FRIDAY, FEBRUAKT 2S, IM PM. -- He has been on the Delhi town­ 'The amsndmert. filed by a h 4 i “An teeeted superinten- posed concerning the office te member te the national panel along with what seems to be Sabbath Services at the Alpha Epefloa Phi H ate ship Zoning Board for 10 minority of tea Ownmlteto on dnat te pttfale ttetracttoa lto* the p^jPp|U« te| te arbitrators te the American the general or majority wish. 223 Delta. years. Education, waa defeated IM I an adnte'tealtei'te-'ealer'’4laeh ftrucMoo » 4 i | ri -foftfftttf Arbitrators Assn. Richard Or Ktem, (Rep ), He to also en the Board of The word about Britain’s SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 Hartig is president of the by the Committee tette Whole. ed administrative officiato - thif attitude to clear enough. Mac­ 19 A.M. SabbathServices at Hillel House Metro Metal Manufacturing Co. The committee proposal, past­ is gai true of mi appointed af­ Pontiac, submitted an amend­ Directors of the Ingham county ment wtdehweoM pvcjtln gov- chapter of the American Red millan wiB not attend the 8:39 PM. Married Student» Get-TO-Gctber at HBlel. ed by the convention, stipu­ m e e t i n g * no matter if inform ation w a B tetew a i lates that the superintendent be fidai.” - the Cress. 5. “TÌe superintendent weuld Khrushchev dees, unless SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25* 6 * 0 P.M. appointed by an eight-member not be reopoasftito~to tea peo- Persons! Drtn: Fagan, who PrcetdHt Kennedy dam. tod ay on cam p u s State Board of Education. Board te Etncation. lives at 331 Audubon Rd., to SUPPER FORUM — Prof. Daniel Kroger speaks tal pte or tea govnrnor hot to tea "H he «aatet doteg tea job married and has seven child­ 'And the feeling here is that »iuiiiiiiiiiuiiiruu.minmi«i»iiMii The section which was under board.” , . m . ti J ; dli ■ Is f’oTwOnoM fb ln b d L w w i r IffiMMIw « U Hv e bvkwn H U "Ethics and Business.” Sapper — Social consideration states the follow­ Milton E. HtegXRop ), Bay ren. B e received his BA de­ Kennedy may well have to Hfflel — A. E. PM House. 223 bt 1835 from Northern make hxs decision ia the ll^tt te Everyone Welcome. For R ite Cafl ED 2-I91I Delta Street, 7 p.m. Friday, ing: City, ritid ha P t tee «perin- "The State Board of Educa­ tendent sbotfid h eappointed fpr m m m rr . Krtu jmm* a- - — w — . .ra in - . Colfege and his LLB the broad East-West picture, Sabbath Services. M O T lfH V , i i w ,0 9 s l in 1040 from the University te which includes net only disarm­ Coming Satarday^Mareh 3 • 8:33 _ Hillel — Hillei House, 10 a.m. dent shalltion appoint a suporiaten several reasons. ' r the Michigan.*/ ament but the Berlin dispute Purlin Festival at Senta Campos Grill _ Saturday, Sabbath Services term shall heinstruction of public whose X tetek tbat Uri* partictear determined by ■mendment (minority. reparti / ,**I am definitely spM»e* to and Khrushchev’s latest pitch SMte Organtoed by Houses and Kiddish. ~ the board.” -a graduated state income for an American-Soviet joint Dancing • Band • Sapper • Selection te Quo« Hillel — Hillel House, 8.30 p.m. woold result te g division te The amnadmont v u ever- tax,7’ he says. "I would fav- space exploration program. Saturday, married students Toes Downs (Dees.), De­ toadarshty,” fra said. “I favor whelmingty defeated 100-20. ar a fiat tax rate 8 R to part get-together. troit, said teat tee saperia- that h» he directlr responsible T. Jefferson Hoatie (Rep ), te an Hvarag tax rastrncter- Gamma Delta — Martin Luther ttaiert ihooM be decked be­ to tea to ttg h r that rapina.” s t ' Louis, oftetai m «mnui iag. Bat enty after every Chapel, 6-8jp.m. Sunday, Cost cause "tee prscees of “A greater dagrsa te stahfi- meat to findt the term te tho i-MpHBKNBr S9^JPNKVo Supper and Program. peigafog Is In Rate Hy wouM he tiie result of «n soporlntoniaht* to 'te r y u r t i Fagan, who will run on the ' Hffld — HUM-Howe, t p.m. tisn.” appatetad superine e n d a n t,” •tact tho committee- raport Republican ticket, also said: Sunday, Sapper. Professor rnggs added, "stnee tee state placed no ttew Mmlt en the 'T weegatoe MSU as important Daniel Kruger speaks -on "While the constituents may boari wated II» dected for a length te hb appotatmont. j to the toml economy ana would “Ethics Any Business.” not get to knew the candidate tane te eight years.” the amendment was dteeat- b« mote inceptive to sugges- Great Deetotoas — 36 Union. 7 personally,” ha said, “a state­ hr sifltton, ha aaMItis more ad 7Wg rvr^. — X “" ‘'' tions concerning its welfare.” p.m. Sunday, "Nigeria-Demo- wide campaign does giva the likety that n good superinten­ The Cowmltlaa on cracy in a new Climate?” elected (and defeated) candi­ dent woold Ite favai throogh tton proposal was referred to BUSSELL L.RUNQUITT Resource participant: Dr. date a better knowledge of the appetatmentby th» hbnrd thaa the Comn^ite on Styto and . Age: 47. Howard Scanow, political educational problema of tee by tea pteffical praoaes. Drafting. Second Mte third Experience: Served en the «rjnnfi) state.” inyn^ «WK’VKNMi’wiimlJ alla w fM Hi WH reading 0* 18*4181 tete—al be­ £•*«'Xnastag Zoning Board, to Marita Luther Chapel - 8:15 In addition. Downs said that t i tfgmi m iM n n fore it becemes official. Sea CANDIDATES page f p.m. Sunday, Vesper Service. those who fate fHRfot should not enter into tee field te edu­ cation must realise that educa­ Harold J. Stevens (Rep.), lto- tion has a “history te foil poUfi- uvR, Him IWyilHmu U cal participation.” _ (RepJ, Pontlae. aim exp m S A HIT WITH EVERY MISS Edward L. Douglas (Dea.) OppOHuOB IO IM UUMTHy l i Detroit, stei teM 8 attesa jPtH* ’*■1--I**’ ' ■ teste tee ammMntandnte te of tUs offidol hy tho Bo«ptf of M A te thane statoe have teak tefc- WWAROUNOTOT10 EUndfC W* eatteaal systosas. ficipl because "his *|nu>fi entirely administration- an M PANAMJET CUFfEX* “Michigan is te the upper« aL” '.’I r m ANOASUMMERSESSION third te edncntton and the su­ ,lh ig agread tolth O rw ni. ATTHE UNNERSnVOFVOURCHOlOe* perintendent is elected,'” ha W w a n Utttag abort m I T ^ M H M n r r a r said. ia n niitef NhniniÉwsy fo Ktag H M M M j M N lfr r Douglas aba c tpreased con­ sakL "leennoa .te thia, I he- Give Hot. . . '1tumad(townaomanyTVshows," cern over taking the vote «way Dnra He M p r ie *rf*fo*td taysFtad MacMumy, "MMI M from tho people. by tiw Board te Educstioni’* a Stdriing Silver Friendship Ring count"Intaetha naarlypatmdup "I think we should step tids Wrttar D. "My tom 9omr mma hit «it tread in ttedng am Grand with your School Seal ABC TeMMcJm. h M Meek's people teat witeh is rightfully h h N p fm h l Boat ftM late theirs,” he said. W h ito lm itteM b M r. wfte a bond te dsR- Aewhe nee draopsdMe toe thorn. Am! why Mo writan don't met w o e JPB(Oi prattygirlaon ito ptogNWi. TOO I*i0PHPh W b80b ^ ta lk y^||k^jg| Rn i B g I±m AUPINE sswpshdagly hnag INTERNATIONAL DINNER tifOiPOÉpplj HURRY! HURRYI HURRY! LIMITED For CMUO te th e mmllta -,fc, No ^Sho' | K wMb' | *2.95 M 3, IMS s m F J i. Tickets m m IP HEBQH ZSBiSB a%iraM wlK& fmmm H H S M ««M m « S II » I li wm |||f||l| . » -' i - >h V - -, x'i& , V, ¡Pü pp BP r u m h s H R H » 1 « M hjfclgM y S t a t e N e w s , F e b ru a ry 2 3 , 1 9 6 « PBttetete-' "* ' ^ rr% ¡fencers l o 3pquads; t Runs Against Season’s Finale at Home and Oklahoma t e JIM OLM8TEAD State News Sparta Writer Building and will last ratti Daus graf will about 5 pan. fyMÈÊÈM sabre to foil. Se far tato eeraen tee tara switch from Six fmram ara aera varsity By DICK ROBINSON ferad at the MSU Relays. Much | Dick Inman; and mfian Pmd The Spartan fencers will be tans atead 54. Lari weekeni tottersforfida srasra,and per- Mate Newt Sparta Writer te tin Spartans’ performance! Ebert and Lee SnrifiL t e ta m e ter the only time fids eea- ttey spttL beating Ohio Mate formances S ta will t a te d e » wllhttpead on fids Beet sopho­ latter who baa M t-a 4:MLS ■oo when they meet Wayne leeetaf te Nrira terroining factor for many. State’s young Indoor track pane fids season. 14-13 wHe Irate r squad takes on Oklahoma and more who has thrilled the! State, Indiana, and the Univer­ Dame 17-10. la «ta* B el Breaks. Neb Indiana, who lacks important sity te Detroit S it. in a dawn State will face two tough Marta* and J t e P o ta te « Indiana at Bloomington Satur- personnel from last year’s Big to dw k round-robin day of fenc­ teams in Wayne State and De­ tara grad eerara tesata* i day hi the 8psrtans last warm- Ten runner-up berth, baa beat­ ing. troit, Coach Charles Schmitter wfih Captata Mek Steam er J DP, before the Big Tan cham- en Notre Dame and Purdue hi Along with MSU meeting the said. Detroit 'has bora beating hetag t e rate a ra to ama * niofKlhiDfi. ^ a three-way mete and Ohio o tte r three schools, Indiana the same tram s as State has by etera to htototter. Jra Aa- . For tbe first time since 1956 Mate in a dual. They appear to will fence Wayne State and De­ about the same scores and- ¡ ■ L - — Phil Marten be strong in the shot, mile, two troit making a total of five Wayne beat the Spartans 17-10 mate Mktey to totterta salve- Jmteta FtoM House will be the mile and NO-yard runs. in mi eariier meeting this year. rite of file Sind annual confer­ meets for the day. Wayne and Saturday’s mate» mark the The Boosters are lad by Detroit will not oppose each Two men are chmiging wea­ mid te the regular aaaira Next ence meet March 93, hut distance star Charley Urn* other as they have m et earlier pons for tbe metes. Bob Brooks weekend, thta top two mra in Coach Fran Dittrich end crew barger, who has ran the mile era sttS thinking about this this year. will move from foil to epee be­ each weapon win travel to in 4:20 this season, and The meets will begin a t 10 cause of poor showings by the Champaign, Dl. for the Big Ten pradfig Ten triangular affair. er-broad jumper TOd Ji epee squad in recent meets and Championship meet. “Our chencea of winning a.m. in Gym 3 of the Men’s IM who has leaped over 24 feat against Oklahoma and Indiana run a :31.7 300 fills year. arsrpratty good if all our man Other top prospects are shot ran wofl,” said Dittrich. “It putter Tom Seifert, who could IM S c o r e s ' should ho a close moot Ttds is become IU’s best ever, Art E.M.U. 55-E. Shaw 7 39 J what wo nssd and our kids will Campbell in the 1000 and sopho­ Bailey 4 50-Ravenna 491 hora a good chance to see just more Cornelius Miller, wbo has Netbrks 51-Satillites 40 how they’ve developed.” JERRY YOUNG—State’s track cleared the high jump bar at Emporer 36-Ramsey 29! Tin gnortois, who have captala and a sealer will face 6’8” a t least twice m com­ Bryan-7 " 64- CarSvelle 46 boon ti l l s* as the. best track Ms last test la the mile and petition this year. Tbe Bloom­ Burnley 38-Bailey 1 37 grsop assembled since INS, two mile at Indiana Saturday ington mile relay team, with Behav. Sci 53-Untechblcs.' 42 are nedsfsatad wMb the In- as be preparo» to defend hü two members from the 1981 W. Shaw 2 59-Arm strong 8 44 We ell make mistakes. deer seesea aver half gene. two mile title at the fog Tea Big 10 indoor winning combe, Randall 53- W. Shaw 7 51 State own« victories ever meet here March 24. compiled a 3:20.5 clocking JUMP* m o o r , REBOUND—IM basketball teams clash Caribbean 40-Burma 26 6Ma Stele and Northwestern against OSU. nightly at the Men’s Intramural Buttding as championship Casopolis win-Armstrong 3 for " U n o tbrao-way meet and crowds with his amazing run­ ptayeflfo draw new. Here Diri; Strabei, Ladhigtm fresh­ E. Shaw 5 58-Bailey 5 31 Central MfeMgra ia a dual ning ability. ~ man, rafiwtfies John Badaczewski, Rockville, MD., sopho­ Cameron 35-Embessey 33 clash, boridas shswiag ap Parker is scbedaled to par­ wefi hi the Wdrigan and ticipate hi the broad tamP> Spartan- more, rite» Lee Williams, Canaoasbnrg, Pa., freshman, and Bffl Pearson, Chicago junior. —State News Photo W. Shaw 6 42-Radcliff W. Shaw 4 45-E. Shaw 1 34 40 E R A S E W IT H O U T A T R A C E MSU Relays. mile relay and 440 and 600- O N E A T O N ’S C O R R A S A B L E R O N D Desbman Sherm Lewis, the yard Louisville, Ky., sophomore making theSpartan Other runs If ap te par. standouts Sport Shorts by Pari Remy. Touch-type, hunt-uxl-pcek, type with era hand bed flash who has Men State’s top Jerry Young, point getter, will be going m Ron Horning, pole file N»yard dash, mue relay Jerry trip are two-miler quarter-miler vaulter Michigan Sate sophomore swimmers Bill Driver, Van Lowe and Denny Collins were Quiet Village Wins behind your back—ft’s eesy to tu n rat perfect pepen on CorziiaUe. Because you eta erne without a trace. Typing errors-disappear like magic with just the flick te the varsity marie at M l for high the 00 several times this sea­ and dashman Dehenau, 880-man and broad jump. Lewis has tied Fulcher, sprinter Zack Ford, jumper Wilmer Johnson Don Voorheis. Bob teammates a t Birmingham (Mich.) Seabolm High School. In IM Basketball - aa ordinary pencil araaer.There’« never a telltale ensure mark on Corrirabie’e special aurface. Corrlsabie ia available ia light, son. Michigan State’s soccer team The Quite Village team of ahead 10*9 at tbe end of this medium, heavy weight«and Onion Oklahoma Hurdler Horn Johnson win tougher than Indiana figures to be precinct 4, West Shaw, after a quarter. Eight fouls were call­ since the has scored an average of G.9 Skin. In convenient 100-eheet mainly concentrate on his spe­ goals per game whila ~l>oiding hard, fought game, defeated an ed in this quarter. There was packet* and 500-sheet ream cialty—the high and low timber Sooner» have placed ahead of its opponents to a 1.4 average E ast Shaw precinct 1 team 45- some question by the teams on events—but will also run the acommon opponent Missouri in triangular meet and the since the sport achieved var­ 40. Both teams represented fouls called. H o w Is L B J . g u ttin g boxes. Only Eaton makes second leg te the mile relay Hooslers sity status in 196C. Shew Hall In intramural play­ The second and third' quar­ Con&aMe. ¿¿i a lo n g w i t h h l a h o u r and possibly tamp the high bar. outfit this lost year. to the Missouri offs. ters went the same way with no In public. Lyndon Johnson and A Berkshire Typewriter Paper His Vest tune for the 70-yard The first basket was made by dominance being shown by it. F. K. sh o w er ea ch o th e r w ith highs fids n o t has been :08.7 The Sooners, Big Eight Ten members of Michigan John Coiizzi, aXharlotte sopho­ State’s varsity athletic coach­ either team. At tne end of the praise. B ut in the peat, there'» boon and :07J for tbe lows. He also champ outdoors ia INI, have more, scoring for Quiet Village. third quarter, the score was to m e friction b etween tho V.P. baton re ra n cobtobation • has pot ta a itM relay show. an te their men hack except ing staff served in th e armed Both teams demonstrated good 22-21, with Quiet Village in the and W hite H ouse fla tte n . In th is ) The third member te State’s five. Oklahoma's top starts forces during World War IL team work and rebounding, but toad. „ w eek’s Poet, yo u 'll learn how big I AVAILABLE AT f Mg tinea is non mlddle-dis- include Capt Mark Brady, taowed definite signs o f ten­ a part Johnson plays in W hite House Into the final quarter, tem­ STUDENT Book Store \ tance and broad tamp star who Ugh jumped 0*8” this Michigan State’s 1962 track sion. decision». And w hether ho still pers were beginning to mount. has his aye on ih o Presidency. ^ M b P arte, who has recover- month; Mark SuDtvan, a team lists 13 former prep state In the first quarter, neither Quite Village put the pressure i ed from a sprained ankle suf- :66.3 sprinter; shot putter champions on its roster. ~ team was gettum the rebound TW tmtmrdwy I w h f on E ast Shaw I obtaining a five for the second shot The-lhre* second rule was being called point lead. It was still anyone» game. Taking advantage of foul P Q 8 T ((Hum MjM -OwonSMS, j ta Home Meet __ frequently on overanxious play­ ■tats, Quite Village kept the YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ers. Quiet Village was slightly land to win the game. Grapplers Meet Gophers Snell Runs 3:56.8 Mile Friday Store Hours G 9:30 i.a, to 5:30 p.m. ■? By JAY J. LEVY Matt Now» Sparta Writer ^ Michigan State’« wrestling squad will face the Golden trouble making 130 lbs., he will j John McCray and Bob Schluter. go with George Hobbs a t that Three other members of tbe AUCKLAND, New Zealand " Snell took the toad a t the to— Peter Snell, who has bet­ start, hut soon was passed by tered n trio of drorld records G. F. Philpott, who was clock­ weight. Taking Hobbs’ place at team. Bill Gtdcdardo, Dave in the past month, ran a mile 123 will be Okla Johnson. Tom Jam es and Doug Mfihmaa are on a cinder track tonight in 3 ed a t the half-mile mark in clearance. . . Gepbers from Minnesota Fri­ Mulder, who held conference seniors and also will have com­ minutes, 56.8 seconds. His time 1:58 with Snell only a stride day night at 8p.m . in the IM champ Kellerman to a draw pleted their eligibility this year. te'3:M J, made on a grass back. Philpott soon faded and F U R T H E R R ED U C T IO N S O N Sports Arana. This will be file last weekend, will stay at 137, track on Jan. 27, to the fastest at tho three-quarter m ark Snell State’s John Baum win be over recorded for tho distance. was timed in 2:58. t Rpartan's last tune-up for their title defense next week at the But Walt Byington will be in a t 147 for Dave James. In th e looking for h it eleventh win Murray Halgerg, another Snell, who finished strongly, E N T IR E R E M A IN IN G S TO C K fog Ten wrestling champion­ 157 lb. class, Bob Schluter, who and an undefeated season. New Zealander who holds the said he pushed himself as hard ships in Minneapolis. has been out for a while with The meet rates as a toss-up, two and three mile records, as he could. The track was fast, Tho Spartans, who lost their a shoulder injury, will be wrest­ Collins said, with Minnesota was second In 4:02.2. William be said, “ but it was pretty hard first dual meet last Saturday to Michigan, win bo out to end the season with a victory. ling in place of Happy Fry. The having defeated Iowa State BalUie, still another New Zea­ and i didn’t feel as comfort­ heavier weights will stay tbe Teachers 17-11 one week after lander* was caught in the same able as I did when 1 broke the same with John McCray, Alex the Spartans beat them 19-8. time* record.” W INTER COATS Tbo Mfameeota team to much Valcanoff and John Baum at IN R EG U LA R AND CU STOM SIZES improved from last year when If7, 177, ami heavyweight re­ ■ -v- . — ;; . "" pi y* they wm only ana meat and spectively. finished eighth la the confer- Top performers for Minne­ SPACE, M ISSILE & JET PROJECTS Two special groups from this race championship. sota fids year include A1 John­ The Own teams have mat son, Chuck Coffee, Lonnie Ra­ M i year la n ids, end Jim Riefstack. At AT D O U G L A S outstanding value collection — ■rate at Norte- Northwestern, Riefstack dad- t e final score stoned John McCray a t 187 lbs. h a m crea ted o u tsta n d in g State 11* and Lewis Kennedy beat Tom Mulder. State’s Alex Valcanoff c a rte r o p p o rtu n ities fo r U N T R IM M E D C O ATS W itt-45 took the Gophers’ Jim Buffing- M lltfo M i was t e Sparila’» ton in the 177 lb. class. SCIENTISTS a n d EN G IN EER S ■Vn-i p- «P hew- was still This is the last dual meet of the season for the Spartans ami for seven men, the end of - B .S . degrees o r b e tte r Fashion-favorites in fleeces, plush, tweeds and fu r wool blends m A ccertate to State's head the season will mark the com­ AarigunMoli kritata taa following areas: coach Itaritoy Centn«, there pletion te their collegiate com- Snn ra Mnchsmlsura-relating t o Mrat Trwntewr-relating to mia- win be ralla a few changes .petition. Appearing for the last all typra of control prah toma aite and space rahicle structure* from Uni Saturday's lineup. time before a home crowd will With Bin Gnkdardo having be John Baum, George Hobbs. Blaterarli« Syatrawa—ratetkag ta all I i nra n fi”id«a«o-,d a ta r ti* . S tru stw ras-relatin g to cyclic loads, tauqwratureeffecto, and the F U R T R IM M ED C O ATS control and cnrmnonkntlona investigation of new materials, F ur wool blende, worsted failles i —relating to fluid* methods, products, etc. $ 7 8 m uchanica, tharrnpdynamica, Aerodynam ics-relating to wind with sumptlous mink and heaver dynamics^ intsrnal aarodynamics tunnel, research, sta b ility and trim s control • condHtenlatt prarauriiatiiwi and B o ld Stata Physics—relating to ocqrvraayutexno Momwa Paatwra—analyaia o f to d illta W t affecting pilot and «ratal iorfaoas and fatigue Spwao v o h ld o an d w ra p « « VERY SUBSTAUAL - DINNER WITH g t e t a t a M ta d ttck p itco n - ayatom a tu d lo i-o f a ll typaa. THE aotea,lnotramrat panali and pdot involving a vate range of actontifio aa>d a e p «»f»-’«g iMIt» REDUCTIONS ON 4f Grit lu ll IwfqrmuHn u t D R ES S ES • S P O R TS W EA R • S H O ES IN D IV ID U A L O N C A M P U n N T IR V lE W S L IN G E R IE • R O B ES • JE W E L R Y FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Wa urft you te toito an apptealmrat ttnough Jack C. Kinney, - Children’s Wear • Children’s Shoes Dtractor te Placamcet Burrau. If you cannot, pteara write to: m BfiST MICHIGAN - 1? 1-7179 S . A . AraasOa y , Stag Aeeistant to VP Engineering D O U G L A S A IR C R A F T C O M P A N Y , I N C O t t i IT19 f t s p p n p I A , »ili ■' 1 Wmm ■■■ mm ■ P ip fi I S W t M1 ü IS :4 I ü i 'tÊÈfëÈÊÊÊÊÊ. A 'V m ggilB jSI m ■ ITI I C D lf f K D il ia Ü Spartans, H oosiersQ ash osu àâ iwmdlCarwm To Close Out Home Season i p W . W W ^Badger By GARY ROMBERG - eeeltlea MB prints gsid hr this season when be u on d 28 By JIMSILBAR Mffc fc f m m m i i i t f t iÉ By LB HYMAN strong BUI Birmingham ftam lH B f] State News Sporta Writer last la the league. points to lead IU to a 71-71 win State News Sperts Wirier * 8tete News Sports Writer Wisconsin. gf andlis a ; Stint Jimmie Rayl spear­ over the Spartans at Bloom­ Lewis Fenner wffl provide N For seven swimmers, Satur­ Perennial favorite, Jeff Jamieson, _ .hr Bill Indiana’s up-and-down Hoos- heads the Hooeter attack. A 6-2, ington. Spartan gymnasts tape to for the Spartans iers furnish the opposition Tom Betyard, M junior avenge an earlier loss to iflcto Mnlttsn wffl probably taM Weed wffl see action in the 300. Saturday night at 8 p.m. when Impound gunner, he Is pres­ on the side hbrse. He has rare» day will be the end of a long, dewa the 56-yd freestyle eves* ently engaged in a torrid race forward, is InOUaaa’s finest fan as they travel to Aaa Ar­ ly been beaten in fids event hard travelled road. Ita 2:11 yd backstroke. Opposing will with Purdue’s Terry Disching- ail-armad performer. An ex­ bor for a Friday night meet. atasg wtth Matt, wktt* er be strong Toro Dotting. «JS j this ynnr. p.m. moot against Wisconsin ¡¡¡¡to Wood. Ran MeDevttt er for the Big Ten scoring cellent defensive player, Bel- Saturday the team faces 8 hi tumbling and trampoline, is the final league competition Distance men in tin 440-yd title, as both are averaging yard also rebounds well and strong Ohio State In the last and Nelson DeJesus will pat freestyle for State wffl M ftfiehljMB has toe Big Tin of the season and for seniors up Strong opposition slightly over 30 points per Is a consistent point pfedac Big Ten encounter of the sea* Champ, Tom Osteriand. He Is Doug Rowe, Dick BtemtawsU, BlazejewsU, Schwarte, Brack; game. A disappointment in Ms er. He’s averaging 11 mark­ son. The meet will be in the hacked fey Lewis Hyman, an captain Carl Shaar, D i c k Competing for State in the ett or Nttil Watte. sophomore year, Rayl has ers per contest. Sports Arena at 1:66 p.m. outatendlng sophomore. Brackett, Dennis Ruppert; Ju­ 200-yd individual modfoy wffl Bffl Driver, Kalte er Rup found the range this season and Michigan State will start the Michigan, with only one loss Bote men do double hack erga Matt and Paid Johnson, be Joe Koibe, Ron Schwarts, put wffl compete la the 200* is expected to be one of Imfi* same sophomore-sprinkled line­ this season to a powerful Hl- somersaults. It will te the last league meet BUI Wood, Mike Corrigan or yd breaststroke. ana’s all time scoring greats. up as in the past, and making nois team, have outstanding The Buckeyes have a strong of their cofiegiate carear. Dennis Collins. State’s crack 408»yd free­ Rayl set a new conference his final appearance in front performers In most jjyeats. trampoline team wtth Stu Condi McCeffree hat a wide Van Lowe and Paul Johnson style relay squad, still nods* record for consecutive free of the Spartan fans will be The outstanding man Wi Greenburg and Steve Smith choke to pick from in the 400- wffl once'again dive for the footed, shouldn’t have toe throws Monday night against State’s fine all-around guard Michigan tMs season Is sopho­ Snartaas. Badger Gene Stul- much trouble romainlag un­ Michigan when he hit nine an d t e a m captain, Art more Arno LaScari. Ho is the toadhuf the team. Greenburg yd medley relay evo*, likely scorer for the Buck- candidate» ata Daa Jamieson gattfo I* Wisconsin1* best man b e a t e n against Wisconsin straight before missing. He had Schwann. top point gainer for the team Q J | his trampoline and and Jiff Mattson doing the in this event. Freestyle» Hkriy to compote entered the game with 23 in a . A three-year starter for Ford- to be defeated on tutnMlag performances. backstroks, Mil Driver, BUI Captain Carl Shaar along in this last event include Col­ rovT and' his record of 32 ay dy Anaer«ra, Anderson, Schwann has ^ -„ . 3 ^ 1 bars. A good all- with either George Brown or straight erased the old mark of been one of the few bright Wood or Dennis Ruppart doing lins, Matt, Mattson, Rewe, spots in the Michigan State! around performer tor the team, Jim Castle Is Ohio’s top the breaststroke, Carl Shaar Chuck Strong, wffl swim the White, Mike Wood, Corrigan; 27. Lascari Is one of the top men man on the parallel bers aod and Chock Strong doing Ate 200-yd butterfly race. Brackett or BlaxojewskL “Skinny Jimmy” was the basketball picture this year. on the tough horizontal bar hsriaontol tor. In free exer­ butterfly and Jueigea Matt, thorn in State’s side earlier Always hustliflg, Schwann team of Michigan. cise, Greenburg and Gary Doug Rowe or Jim Whitt per­ The 146-yd freestyle event wffl ptt Matt, Mattson, Rowe Along with Lasearl, « 0 GO Leftreck are good men. forming the freestyle, er Mike Wood against the m l! LaReae and Jim Hynds. La- The fine diving program that h Dick Brackett, Dick Blaze Rose is a top free exercise man and Is another part of the Buckeye’s have carries ov­ iewski and Rowe, all seniors, er to the trampoline. TMs Is will compete for the two-man SUW EI JOB? : M a, sala..«antear jua nqpf the horizontal tar town. the reason for the top tramp positions in the 220-yd freestyle ■MMp, ednUum m hw 8wq Hynds Is the third pari of the men. competition. They will oppose pear samumr meri, aUMBRt jota ma um ma motaw os# -■*---- a— a- ^ S P A R T A N CAPTAIN—Artx Schwarm (24) takes jump shot Skaters Seek Winin U-M Tilt In 88-72 toss against Ohio State - By ED KOTLAR allowed 3.7 goals per game points. In all games Beren­ WILL HIS State News Sports Witter for a postive .7 margin. son has "33 goals and 21 as­ TRADE PROGRAM last weekend. Michigan State’s hockey team TMs means that in case of sists for &4 points. Michigan State makes its final enters its final two game ser­ tie the Gophers will get the HURTU.S. BUSINESS?^ The Spartans are in the midst An Oregon lundta"cohiinar re­ home basketball appearance of ies with Michigan. The hod for the final play off posi­ of a six game losing streak cently shut down one of its mills. the year. tans are in fourth place tion. that started four weeks ago It Just couldn't competewithcheep The Hoosiers, 5-4 in Big Ten a 6-7*1 Western Collegiate Hock, The solution Is for the Spar­ when they lost two games to tans to sweep a pair from imports. Yet Kennedy wonts even play and 11-8 overall, rank ey Association mark, one the Wolverines after going 10 lower tariffs. In this week’s Set»- fifth in the conference at pre­ ahead of the Minnesota Michigan and remain in fourth place. games without a loss. dsy Evening fost, you’ll rate how sent, but are aiming for the ers. second place position behind The first game with the Wol­ The Wolverines are still In thè six straight losses the Kennedy defends Ms trade pm paced by Gordon “Red” Beren- Spartans Jiave scored only 15 gram. How he plans to deal with >at It an. unbeaten Ohio State. verines will be at the MSU Ice M ichigan State is last in the Arena at 8 p.m. Friday with son their star forward and times while their opponents the resetting job losses. Andwhat Big Ten with a 2-11 slate and the second game scheduled for property of the Montreal Ca­ have tallied 33 goals. he’ll do if he can’t push his pro­ are 7-12 overall. Ann Arbor on Saturday. Fri­ nadians of the National Hockey Coach Amo Bessone hopes gram through Congress. League. that they will snap out of their Tfc* Saturdmy Bmatng Iadiaaa, always one of the real sharpshoeting quintets in the conference, are no dif­ day’s game will be the Spar­ tans last borne game this sea­ son. The first three play off spots Berensea has clinched foe league scoring title wtth 21 gems and 12 assists for 32 present slump gpd get back the strong desire to win that they had earlier in the season. ix w r ferent this year. Defensively, are already settled. Michigan however, the Hoosiers are haviag their troubles. In 19 TOM BOLYARD Tech is on top with a 17-3 games IU has allowed the op- league record, Michigan is sec­ ■♦suffered a painful cut in Ms ond, 13-3, and Denver Is third mouth in a collision with Offlo State’s John- Havllcek last Saturday night. Three stitches wgre token on fcis Up *nd seven on thé inside of Ms mouth be­ at 9-7. Spartan possibilities are: If the Spartans win both games from Michigan they arc la fourth place. If State T H E GAME fore the Spartans left for Iowa splits wtth the Wolverines mmmmm 1 1 ■ i.BD7 y T h e A sso cia ted P ress City Sunday. ST LOUIS—Outfielder Minnie Minoso, 39 going on 44 but drink ttqtdds because of the Schwarm was forced to counted on by the St. Louis Cardinals for onemore good *e*spn, pain and bad to go wtth milk and Minnesota wins two from sixth place North Dakota the Sportaas and Gophers tie for fourth. (OR PARTY) signed Ms contract Thursday for *boiA $45,0(», wiping shakes aod soup on the Iowa If MSU loses two and the dub’» third highest paid player behind Stan Muiial and Ken trip- Listed as a doubtful Gophers split its a tie. If both ***• ★ if- * LOS ANGELES—Parry O’Brien, whose about-face technique the game anyway. revolutionized shot-putting, said Thursday an injured finger starter against tee Hawk- eyes, be played wefi over half teams split the Spartans are fourth and If both teams lose two, State backs into the final play off spot. ST O P IN A mar force him to retire. . .. The 6-1 Evanston. 111., senior If the Spartans and Gophers The two-time Olympic champion and first ^ enters the Indiana game with a tie, according to WCHA rules 16-pound ball 60 feet said the recurring Injury to his right index 13.5 per game average, ranking “the team having the largest finger definitely would keep Mm out of the National AAU In­ second only to sophomore Pete average m a r g i n of goals door Championships Saturday in New York. Gent’s 14.3. scored, over goals scored dr . Following the Indiana con against, shall have the higher LAKELAND, Fla.—The Detroit Tigers Thursday signed test. State -travels, to North rank.” rightfielder A1 Kalina to a contract forthe 1962 season. western Monday and closes the According to WCHA statis­ season Saturday night, Mar. 3, tics MSU has sewed an aver­ DETROIT—Coach Sid Abel said Thursday he has asked against Minnesota at Min­ age of 3.8 goals per game National Hockey League president Clarence Campbell to in­ neapolis. _ while allowing 4.1 M is per vestigate what nc says wore improper action* by referee Vern game for n minus J margin. For Buffey In Wednesday night’s Chicago-Detrott game. t o w e o rt, U f f * r« * d « n k ip , q uick Minnesota has scared an av­ Chicago won the gam«6-4. Abel said Buffey s reply to n ques­ M llm j po w er — o o w poo C lM tif o d t. erage of 4.4 b per game tion by one of Ms players was “obscene." FLASH CLEANERS Frander dr " d r J ,'. d r .................. - FLASH CLEANERS Fraader dr ★ ñamad to an at-1 In the NCAA' Ch«mniftn«hip Basketball Tournament Thursday, ★ .~ 1 regu- berth . • Hamburgs CHICAGO—Connie Hawkins of Ptttsburgn retains • comfort» able toad this week in the American Basketball Leagno scoring race with a 28.8 average. — His closest pursuers, according to official statistics released • Shakes Thursday, are Dan Swartz of New York with 24.6; BUI Spivey, Hawaii, 22.9, and Roger Kaiser, New York, 21.0.____________ • French Fries • Coffee "PONCHO" Rugged Norwegian styling for • Etc., Etc today's young man on the go. Loom fitting popular pop-over that aUps over avraatar or OPEN TILL ehlriL Red à Black, Olive A Black, Blue ft Olive plaid in It * t - N ot The Fascinates M e , l t 9s T h e S trapless G ow n W ay i t TheI W as 1 A M. Fri. Sat. € l warm wool Mend. Also in D R Y C LEA N ED By cotton. Stem 8, M, L. v Wool Blend AH Cotton m m BLOCK EAST OF CAMPUS 2U EAST GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING (2 1 2 0 N . LARCH US 2 7 * 4700 S. CEDAR US U 7 ) wmM O U tm m m mm mmm / WASHINGTON Uh-U* PiWt ure to meet the. te n te , hat t e Francis lìmy Poweft is «42*« expected to t e able to m a te a M* f m y 1» qr*t*t te a «r-*ciai more final detenataatien next 'tawedt a f un »»ter».?« H U h fc -i-q «n-t brt •z*«arirer.t; «f- But that does little more thah ■foi- afj h5, h-fiv*«« W j p û t» pose a ^ M y s t e r y , «PH. «fonw;! *•? There remains such questions ;Yb* ìt e^->ntted te,be iia- «S lAV jurt who 4» the other ìth**Y*5§tewtoM ' partv to tta t contract and (R) .: P re v ie n i Keuiitdy f t a i r i what does th e contract provide that niie’ttiH 'V 'r y ll**lom»w» At Ite time the U2 plane was at -Kit' ito«’« » w r'erev » Wed* dro ned 21 months ago he was nc«d:».v in rep’v te a qtaMtan !identified as a Lockheed Ahr- abo«.t t h r F -y » » r « H , !craft Corp. test (Bat, on.« c m « tM rrtb a ls «r i v ’» n he wiU .»ractjob for the National Aero­ He ihaJe av «il ahi« t w quest ie«- nautics and Space Administra- tee t o t a e*e*«:a*it Cj n w « . tion. '^ ¿ J K I t o PtraM ort «tiil n a n e thè There was speculation on aB head of the boa-d—E. B arrrtt rides that the real principal Prettrm aa, tri» recently « to t was the Centra! Intelltgeoee on inactive «tatst as -a jt*d«e Agency, but the CIA, in fine of the U.S. O u r t of Appeals with its standard practice, de­ here. He identified the other* clined to discuss such matter*. only «« “ outstanding citizens.” It stfR dises. v r-. , . . ; Pantera has been kept in Lockheed headquarters turns scctastaa «Imo he was B n n b a c k a ll questions. ? ' hack to fkta tentery Feh. H after Us release, hi i etaak- esntreet first came ■ a t Ita “I'm nota dedicated actor" con­ and i i q i t w ftte ft In the fesses Fred MacMurray. In Out Seniors of'the Week middle of a harder totere, trial In Msseaw, w hile he said R eaBed for n pay at tth week's Past be tails about the "»codants” Mat made him a star. far Soviet ntastor spy Rudolf rate of f t,Ml a month or|M ,- Able. ••;• ™ ^ How ha nearly passad up hit tola ers Are Selected As Ketmedy ataded it, a ques­ tion before the inquiry board— technically at least—is whether IN a year. Nothing came isnt pnhBcly ah an t otter terms. At the 82.500 rate, some 862,- In “My Three Sant“—new a hit on ABC Television. And how ho gets along with hit TV kids. Tha Swsmwdmy Kvamlmg 000 in hack pay would be in­ An interior iJedfen major who »„VBtege Store in Birmingham, he was an auditor for Ernst It Powers fulfilled his contract tor flying reconnaissance runs volved in the 21 months Powers wints to work in Texas and a Myers, who graduated tbjB Ernst. real ertateann jor who hopes to j term, is maintaining a 3.3 ail- After graduation he hopes to across Russia. was M d . .*3$? attend Harvard Graduate Busi­ The Président said “there is Kennedy did not say whether attend Harvard Graduate B t r i | university average­ that money is involved in the ness School have been chosen; He has worked in many cam- ness Scheid. - t e l a r no evidence" of any fail­ Seniors of the Week. pus activities over the past inquiry into compliance wtth the contract. + N O T H IN G B U T T H E B ES T They are Roberta Wood of four years. He was the general Birmingham and Jerry Myers chairman for the 1861 J-Hop At the tim e of Powers’ re­ TRY O U R - of Flint. aad general chairman for the B o b K e n n e d y P le d g e s lease, however. White House Miss Wood, who would like i *61 Career Carnival. He was Press Secretary Ptonrw Salin­ ger said the pilot had back pay W E E K E N D S E R V IC E to work for an interior design! also a member of Union Board, BRING IN firm in Texas, is past vice j I.F.C., and Junior Cornell, B e r lin t o S ta y F r e e coming which would be tu n e d over to Mm. president of the Sophomore j Myers has earned many scho­ As for the source of the cash, Laundry ’Til 1 p-m. Friday ol ass and vice president of j lastic honors. He is a member all Salinger would say was Dry Cleaning ’Til 10 a.m* Saturday Frosb-Soph Council and Execu- 1of Phi Eta Sigma, Green Hel- tive Council. She was also a • met. Blue Key, ExcaHbur, the that tt is UA. government Gel Back Early SATURDAY AFTERNOON money. member of Junior Council. J- \ Honors College and Tau Sigma A m o n g others, Congress Hop Committee and the Stampcj honorary. Ing Committee chairman for Block “S.”- " He is"! past rush chairman, - 1corr«poi»ding secretary and members have raised ques­ tions about how the U2 plane wardowBod from its reported ^ am C h asar a s i President of Delta Delta Dei- j pr esident of Delta Tau Delta ta. she has previously held the [ fraternity. _ altitude of 68,000 foot or more. Thelma Bishop Shfat l a t e The Russians say tt was knock­ office of pledge class vice pres- [ Myers is a real estate major, idcnt and chaplain. - ’ During die summers of 1958 ed down by a rocket and Pow­ ers has described an explosion New President Dunng term and summer j and MM he worked as a real EAST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM vacations, she models at th e ' estate salesman. Last summer which bo said did not appear to be from the aircraft itself. O f Health Assn. STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING One issue is whether the Soviets SAGINAW, Mich. H r-Thrim a really have weapons effective Bishop of Michigan State Uni­ V a lle t t i P e r fo r m a n c e at such altitudes. Another question raised a t versity Thursday was chosen the capital and elsewhere is prefident-elect of the Michigan why. ton plane was not d e­ Association for Health, Physi­ COLLEGE CO N CERT H as V a r ie d M o o d s stroyed, by means of devices tt cal Education and Recreation. Is reported to have c arried for that purpose, to keep it out of Others chosen to trim office a year from now were: Mar­ T H E K IN G S T O N T R I O Russian hands.- garet Large, Western Michigan RECORDED IN LIVE PERFORMANCI? University, vice president for A foremost world naturalist health; Waldo Sanier, Central and famous explorer, lib erty Michigan, vice president for Hyde B ailey.also became a physical education: Joseph lender in agricultural educa­ uembis, Wayne State, vice tion. A former student of MAC president for recreation; Jane (class of 1862) lie became a ryies, Bloomfield HUls elemen­ professor in horticulture te tary schools, secretary-treas- MM and while in tMs capacity urer. rtowwiwi tee first Horticultural Laboratory in the United I -told it for only • few penniei was n very difficult one a i l • «fey through the Cemput Cl»uifi cd». tensive." NOW SHOW ING! VaHetti sang only three se­ lections in Italian, one of them MICHIGAN was the “ I Pastari” of Pixzetti. This song has a tone of long- SECOND GAY F U ft W E E K ! ' ta f m d melancoly—the voice of WU— II» — tee stager rises to a wail and IW riiA a a f ) Featera shewn 1:68^ 3:86, 8:18, 7.28, »:M PJH. then lessens to n sigh. VaHetti said that be pref erred TtaeU PSnm i DOWNS I Æà German as n second staging r i th e le w g n a a e- - r. ■ language, Rattan bring his fita H 'sa m rito R B a» m-*«. ■* "French does not permit jNosynw~OTpnw«. .. im inch d ear irq********«!* in Qqr- a u n a U Is a U and an E a a E and can he pronounced no o tte r way-’* Three thousand UCLA students cheered, stomped, On Ids seventh Norte American tear. VaHetti re- whistled and yelled in delight at one of the Kingston eengy wan great acetates tar- Trio*» greatest live concerts. Here are the reasons Ms Jan . 22 New York recttaL He wM ring next in St. Paul, why: "Little L ight. . • Coplas Revisited. . . Chilly Assistant news editor. Vie W inds...O h, Miss M ary ...L ared o...O K en Kar- Rauch; night editor, b ab el C arl Fnerstaer, formerly of R add; wire editor, Keua Yoon; Brigham Yeung Untrer rity, anga. . . Roddy McCorley. .. M .TA .. . . 500 Miles.. . assistant sports editor, Ivan- Utah tc co n p u itsd Vagettt on The Shape of T hings,.. Where Have All The Flowers hoe Donaldson; copy editors, the ptario- F uer steer’s rendi- John Dancer, Ann Darling. Lis tien of Tnrian’s *D»dlc«tori«" Gone? .. .Gom* Away For To Leave YouT Some are Hyman and Tom Winter, x the Kingston’s tremendous hits. Some are great new numbers, never before recorded. All are the songs Coral Gobio*' ! that made a concert you'd want to attend. You can. Capitol recorded it, ILFORNO The Name th a t Made Pixxn Famous in Lansing * to iNnusH— A rPas. FLUR im » m u BOOK COVERS. . . featuring fuft-eolof phbtos of the Kingston Trio and n ite r great Capitol stars. Look for them a t your favorite record stem. You’» ham tha bast-dressed NSW S K I IT I t i t e l i . book»taschool...and for free. Serving Snacks - Saadwieten -L n n eb ean - IKnners Atao Cntesfng to Private Parties - Bamgnnte - Meetings V isit O u r R athikeO er Open 5 pum. DnQy •Fletei E D 7-m i :Ì i » ! »JJaJaa», MMAi.1fl,.'®3fcaiaaas>.á»i^a BawSwSSpiyffiBSfessSSI B&ÍÍ^HÍ^|j8ÍMÉÍHlHÍ I H I *# i t i l i :- ^gSR E 5 Ä l v :' ^ ^ « w g m ^m tim rú tfftyBlWtog February 23, 1962 Ifirii^ M i S fite New*, & » l I jn r f n g , M ichigan C o n s e r v a t iv e C lu b B i l i ; 7 D r a w s S t r o n g O b je c t io n s By JODY tor tor Student Congress to tom toe right to Jala nlber Of the » a le News Staff look into.” dubs.” Cam pus »O O M S_ ___ TYPING BY WOMAN with to p B W tf9 S M !im S > H L W I (^.MOSTOF1H85E(UME^ Republican and Conservative Fleteher Moaningh defend Mftewfagb was asked if the Coneorrative Club restricted TWO DOUBLES and two »ingltj years secretarial experience. TU t* Club members bave voiced e i toe Conservative Club at phonf, epring term. Near camput, pri­ 6738. ■ : tf M S l H & N t E W 'm m ! strong objectiM to * Student toe hearing. its membership. • W ant A ds vate entrance. ED 7-0179. 40 TYPING. Ter»* and fenenat. Congress toll which would de­ fine the Conservative club as a “The Conservative Club is We have to be somewhat .«► strictive. A Conservative Club APPROVED FOR WOMEN. I va­ ED 2-4426» m ÜSèl - 41 not a political club," he_sadd. cancy foe spring term. 325 Grave St. political club. could not have a strong liberal ■p.,,. “We do not propose or cam­ element within it, he answer­ • Emplaymairt • R**l Eetatc ED 2*2155. - ~ 38 T R A N S P O R T A T IO N Speakers labeled the bill un­ paign for^candidBtes, and our ed. APPROVED ROOM, spring tens». fair, unjustified and completely speakers have always been • h fS P »Sank« far tprSna' i*. cut of the jurisdiction of Stu­ • k rlid • Tww>wUliw Large, double bed, well to wall car­ ietccsricre, chartered Greyhound buses educational rather than politi­ PIZZA peting. Walking distance to camps». dent Congress to a bearing of cal.” ß Mootfof fw Rwito U* i F*w^ leaving Friday, Saturday end Monday. the Congress political com­ ED 3» Merdh Ip, I», and 19, Inquire aaw! Monningh said that there OmJhnh: I p m. «Um riay Art liptaa. 155-9322. T ' Sé mittee. was no reason why Conserva­ kefurt puWieatian PER S O N A L The bill was proposed in Con­ tive Club members should not NEHKO. ROUND TRIP transporta­ gress last week after reported Phon« SU42H ar 1U4HÍ - SUMMER EMPLOYMENT- Kick-off tion to letton for spring vacation. packing of the YR club by the also belong to the YR club. The PW KUP progranL for camps rind resorts. Wed­ Leaving Manch 17 Or after. Call 355- difference between the con­ Ratet: nesday, Feb. 28, Union Ballroom. 7:30. 9:30 p.m. 39 9304. 40 MSU Conservative Club. If passed, die M servatives - and the YRs is philosophical and not political, aril ... I riay ..................... :.... StJS OFFICIAL IURR-PATTERSON Fra­ w a n ted make it impossible tor mem bers ef the Conservative C M be said. _ DELIVERY t k y i ............ $*•» ternity end Sorority jewelry end re­ Do you hfeva o white elephant in 'T here Is ae ground tor In­ lated items. Now available at The Card to.belong to the YB d a k A S riay* ............... $1.21 your, attic. Suit it through the clasti- vestigating the Conservative .(Sami M II «xurrit «er #4) Shop across from Home Economics Bldg.. ED 2-67S3. ,■ 36 ireds. provision In the YR constitu­ tion forbids those heloaglag C M ” be said. “TMs bill to 6ASAN8VAR6.2 (2Sc discount if paid WANTED, garage. Preferred near to other political etabs to nal justified. It will destroy ED74UX XUlÙL&f within » week) R E A L ES T A T E campus. Call Wen. ED 7-0195. 37 jo b YR. political freedom on campus, - Dale Warner. YR parlia­ became conservatives would EAST LANSING Bedford Hills, bn- mediate possession. Owner transferred. mentarian and speaker ef Con­ A U T O M O T IV E 3 bedroom ranch. SuitUin kitchen, sep­ arata dining area, extra large mahog­ any paneled family and recreation G o v e r n o r W ill N o t B e gress, opposed the toll as un­ fair and limiting. - GLADMER T H I AT C E PHONE IV ¿ - 9 8 JV room. Children's playroom, two car at­ He proposed, however, that 1954 CHEVROLET 4 door, auto­ the committee undertake a matic. good running condition. Good tires, new point.- ED 2-8676, Pet* Tennis. ~C 36 tached garage«- landscaped corner lot, 100x136. Near Marble end'St. Thomas Schools. $21,900. Call ED 2-1022. 37 O n S t a t e E d u c a t io n B o a r d thorough investigation ef the Conservative Quo, its finances, T H E G R E A T E S T NOW! Education as a distributer ef preted as allowing all the evils membership requirements and 1 T 1 :I 8 (96) CORVAIR Monza coupe. "91" WOOD ST._lf you like country at­ The Committee of th e Whole -4 4 8 P.M. 4 speed, white, red interior, like new, mosphere, near campus, this 3 bed­ decided late Wednesday after­ Information to the people. that have been mentioned on membership. H U M A N D R A M A 8500 mtie*. Private owner. $1895. Mr. room.-deluxe ranch under $24,000 will noon that the governor of the the floor,” he said." “ I think this eearatittee has Void, 355-2360. - - - 36 interest you. Cell Mrs. Burleigh, IV 5- The amendment offered by toe legal right and toe 7226, home . IV 5-6542, Porter .Realty. state should not be allowed Lewis T. Hubbs (Rep.), Glad­ Jack Faxon (Dem.), Detroit, obligation to track T H E W O RLD PLYMOUTH. 1955. 4 doors, auto­ 38 to be a member of the State a member of the committee, whatever has been matic shift, radio-, excellent mechanical win, deleted the words “ and to said that some delegates have OKEMOS SCHOOL, fine neighbor­ Board of Education. the people” in the following line misinterpreted the language Warner said. H A S EV ER ^ condition. 1301 I University'-Village. -ED 7-2047. 38 hood. 3 bedroom ranch. $23.900. Call The convention approved the of the first section: since the only information to Warner said that Karl Lady, Mrs. Burleigh, IV 5-7225; home IV amendment offered by Lee “In addition, it (the Board Conservative Chib president, K N O W N 1959 MERCEDES 219. leatherette 6542, Porter'll ealty. 38 be offered is bow much money Boothby (Rep.), Niles, which of Education) shall serve as is needed for education. used his fraternity and the club buckets, green, white sidewalls, like to gain power in YR, but that new inside and out. 332-2106. 36 EAST IANSING. Leaving city, own­ deleted the following clause the general planning and co­ ’We are over-exaggerating er selling. I block from Bailey SchooL from the first section of the ordinating body for all public what this means,” Faxon said. the Conservative Q ub was not 1459 RENAULT Daulphin. Sharp! 3 bedrooms, fireplace. 155 baths, education in the stele and shall to blame. Must tell. New tires, will trade or aluminum storm sash, modern kitchen, Committee on Education’s pro. make an offer.,Phil. ED 7-7501. 17 dishwasher, incinerator, gas heat. New­ posai dealing with the State provide advice to the legisla­ p, Alvin M. Bentley (Rep.), Hie conservatives have done ly decorated. ED 2-4275. Board of Education and the ture and to the people as to the Gwosso, chairman of the certain things to cut them­ 1960 TRIUMPH TR3, white wells. superintendent of public in­ amount of state support re­ Committee en Education, as­ selves off from YR, however, heeter,_ tonneau cover, wire wheels. struction: - . quired.” sured the delegates that it he said. IV 2;EI30, evenings. 37 was “ not the intent t f the Last year the Conservative “H ie governor shall also be Hubbs said the board could Club scheduled meetings on the 1961 VOLKSWAGON, redio. heater, a member of the State Board turn into a lobbying organiza­ committee lobbying to set up a super- or saper-propagsa- same nights that YR held meet­ white wells, blue, excellent_eondition. of Education.” tion for discharging propagan­ dizing agencyr1 IV 2-4048. > ________31 ’ ings. Members of both clubs The amendment wax passed da behind the legislature’s had to choose bet ween con­ WANTED. MOTORCYCLE, will pay by a vote-of 63-57. ~ back if the language is left “ This shows a lack of trust servatives and Republicans, be up to $160. Call Dick Jennings. ED 2- in the proposal. of the Committee on Education 6521 36 One of the delegates seek­ explained. ing to have the governor be “ I can see a great dinger which I hope will not be the Pete McPherson, past EM P LO Y M EN T a member of the board srpa here,” he raid . “1 fed the case in passing future propos­ chairman t f toe leeal YR George W. R w sa e f (Rep.), proper peeple to inform the als,” be said. — Club and the YR state cen­ PART—WME SECRETARY. Civil Btoomftetd Hills, a candidate people are the newspapers < T-JtfOSWr >aid that there was tral committee, also Mamed Service Status GS4 required. Hours far the Republican nomina­ ana television.” no mistrust of the committee, the trouble en particular 8-12 on campus. Call ED 2-4291. 36 but that the backers of _the personalities rather toaa tion for governor and a mem­ In addition, he said that-the amendment merely wish “ to LEGAL SECRETARY, permanent po-. ber of the Committee on Edu­ upon toe Conservative C M sition available. Downtown Lansing adoption of the amendment remove language which in the as a whole. cation. “ should produce economy in future would-not be to the best law "firm. Legal secretarial experience Karl Lady is to Marne for desirable but not necessary. Must have Boothby said he submitted government” by taking away interest to the people of Mich- bringing in _Theta Chis and initiative, intelligence end be capable the amendment because he did an unnecessary and possibly ipm .” - and Conservative club mem­ of top-notch peformance. Call Mr. not believe the governor should dangerous function. bers to pack the YR meeting, A S T O R Y O F T H E C H R IS T A N D T H B ^ , Street. IV 9-5763. 38 An amendment submitted by I N S P I R A T I O N O r H I S « P O lO C N W O B D t o l have a direct hand In the de­ Edward Hutchinson (Rep.), Detroit delegates Adelaide J. he said. HOUSEWORK, about 6 hours week­ cisions o f tire Board of Educa­ Fennville, a vice president of Hart (Dem.) and Edmond Les. He defended the right of Con­ ly- Must be good at -ironing. $1.10 servative Club members to be­ hourly. ED 2-2496, after 6. 36 SERVICE tion. - the convention, said he could inski (Dem.) to allow the gov­ long to the YR club, but said 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY “The governor would not only see a great loophole “in allow­ ernor to fill vacancies on the MATINEES AT 1:88 A 4 P.M. • EVENINGE AT 8 P.M. NURSE, Counselors for small, boys CHILDREN'S PORTRAITS in your sit on the board,” he said, “ but ing the board to release public Board of Education was unan­ that all members should put camp. Riflery, waterfront, gymnastics, home. 10% student discount. ECT 7- he would also vote on the information directly to the peo­ imously passed by the conven­ the Republican party first and Prices: Weekday Matinees 81.80 • Evenings and archery, nature. Season from June 19 1201 or 155-0243. 38 ple.” special interests within the to Aug. 18. Will consider'husband-wife, board.” tion. Sunday $1.25 • Children 50c TERM PAPERS TYPED. reasonable “It seems to me,” he Raid, party second. if wife is nurse. Selary commensurate 44 The entire committee propo­ “An influx of conservatives with experience. Write giving training rates. TU 2-30697 sal, passed by the convention “that we are building into the and background_to Flying Eagle, 1251 Mary Mayo, the oldest wo­ gives our treasury a boost and PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 34817 ANN BROWN, typist and multüith- and referred to the Committee Constitution a public relations’ men’s dormitory, still is in use makes meetings wilder, but it "Weber Drive, Lansing, Michigan, 36 ing. General typing, term papers, the- on Style and Drafting, consists function”. ses. dissertations. duplicating. ED today and bears the name of also draws attention away from PART TIME WQRK-for man in Lan­ of two sections. Eugene G. Fanger (Rep.), a leader in the early movement important activities,” be said. sing firm, afternoon hours. Must be 8384. Lansing, also urged support of for co-education and one-time Hie first section establishes . “The YR club can take care very neat, of good character, and IN A HURRY? Wonch Grafic Serv­ a State Board of Educatimi, de­ the Hubbs am endment of its own problems. McPher­ willing to meet the public. Cel! TU 2- head of the Home Economics ice now has two shifts to get youn fines the board’s duties and “The language could be inter­ department. _ ^ _ son said, “This is not a mat- 9667, Mr. R. S. Opper. 36 job done faster. Phone 484-7786. Of­ E A S f L A N S I N G * PHONE ED.2*2814 fice hours 8-5, Monday-Friday. tf sets up an eight year term of office for the eight members of HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS _ QUALITY HI-FI components. Mac­ TYPING, PRINTING and Varifax copying at Wonch Grafic Service, 1720 the board. NOW SHOWING EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING E. Michigan, Lansing. 5-15 minutes The second section provides intosh 30 watt and Peri 50 watt amp­ for tiie appointment of a su­ lifiers. 2 Macintosh audio control cen­ from campus on bus line. Phone 484- FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS *8e ters. coupled -for complete stereo con­ 7786.______________________tf perintendent of public instruc­ trol, Heethkit AM-FM stereo tuner. tion by the board and defines Use as stereo system or as 2 monaural BETTER THAN TRADING STAMPS. Wendrow's Econowfsh and D-y Clean- the superintendent’s position - W h a t is STARTING TONIGHT systems. A real bargain for lovers of ers, 3006 Vine St., *» block west of and duties. good music. 332-1456. ,37 th e s e c r e t Sears' Frandor Store. Gives free dry Anether amendment to the DOUBLE BED, extra long. Stearns- cleaning to each, customer using its th a t m a k e * Specdqueen coin washers 10 different pr epesai passed by the con­ Foster best mattress and box springs. vention was one dealing with “ SPICY, RACY AND Excellent condition. $45. ED 2-4333. times. Ask the attendant for your a m o th e r 's _ - 37 card. tf the faactfea of the Baaed,cf HILARIOUS. IT IS h e a rt s o ALL DELIGHTFUL!” STRING BASS, good condition. New WHY PAY MORE? Pants, skirt*, —N.Y. World Tele­ strings and bridge. For information call ED 2-4257.__________ 39 sweaters cleaned and pressed, 50c. Suits, plain dresses, and coats. $1. Wendrow's Econowash and. Dry Clean­ Kelley Wins fr ÿ h t è n e d d a u g h te r 's gram 4 Sun FEATURE 7 4 1 : » 17" TV TABLE MODEL good work­ ing condition. $25. TU 2-8730. 38 ers, 3006 Vine St. *1 block west ol Sears' Frandor Store.. tf At S. Case h u e so 21" TV CONSOLE, excellent condi - EÖTE STARR. Experienced in theses fo r b id d e n work, IBM. Excellent-quality on multi- Mike Kelley, a write-in candi­ t o n , , complete with antenna. $50. TU 2- date, was elected president of ■mm 8730. 38 lith masters. Call OR 7-8232. 39 ? - South Case Hsll Wednesday RE-POSSESSED ZlG ZAG sewing EXPERT THESES and General Typing, night by one vote over his op-, machine, like new. Make, payment* of Electric- typewriter. Seventeen yean experience. One block from Brody. ponents Dick Wedderbura and $8 monthly on new contract. TU 2- Jon Cartright. 8730. _ 38 ED 2-5545. ,___ tf PIANIST, Juiltiard graduate new Out of the 437 votes cost, Kel­ 1962 OLYMPIC 23,r TV console, ley received 158, Wedderbura hand wired at $185.50, 19" TV Olymp­ accepting beginning, advanced stu­ PRESENTS M* ic Deluxe portable Tl 39.50. Used 17" dents. (Near campus) Call ED 2-0908. 157, mid Cartrtght 112. Joal 34 Woodruff was elected vice-pres. Pnnqtf40 Florence, j A R T H U R FREED TV G. E. console $29.50. Mid-state to* o% ol lorn! Distributing, 305 E. Grand River, IV 7- ident over his opponent P at OntyOwra could I 0185. 38 CLEANER CLOTHES. Special offe». Delmonico. Woodruff received tow«tory happant Suit* and dresses 99c. skirts and trou­ TRAILERS VAN DYKE', 10*40. 2 bedrooms. ser* 59c with ad. Btdle Cleaners. ÒR 4* 5902. Free pick-up and delivery. 36 22S votes, and D e b u n k » re­ ceived 185. ready iw r I J A t Set up near campus. ED 2-4170. 34 will alee over be ready HOUSE TRAILER. IRSÍOe* «'■*’. ■ ■ H a excellent condition. Reasonable. Phone 4841.9444.____ 38 SiujanUSpice o o r r m s a o p { its m arriage ? - OOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO F O R R EN T o Now Every Sunday . o HOUSXS 0UV1A ROST»*® * YVETTE o c fm r £ ~ uo4M K r g S tudent N ig h t £ FEMALE GRADUATE student, teach- er to share 3 bedroop house. Walking o ® 0 Featuring Lew f r t o d J q j g D distance to campus. ED 7-4142 after ' ó Specials a l n a « 4. 37 L O V E o Sunday Spedai Style ® >C in e m a s c o p e * * METUOCOLOR ■S tM I M lB - W S S e «& • ° Chicken Dfaaer al to o MATURE COUPLE. Modem, yn- furnished. One block to campus, $11$' month plus electricity. Phone 60 2- 1721. 38 g Trimmings o o o ' ' ■ — 8UI o o o o Feature Today 1 J « - 2:5« - 5:48 U ntil 5:30 PJL 60e FOKEIGN STUDENT wqjrt* genti«.- mao to q b h r jj ¡mm 9HR LT1'*-' ISS® m .jmm M kldgan Stale Jfawg» Kart Laamng, 1962 8 ay. East U asni8 First F ra a b y ta ria n ‘E le v a t io n ; UMCy > | i p p | p O U m M Cbteteut I H s Lack of Rftft# * sv»i. JC JU T M tt: "THE FUR8 IN HtARr I? » • & Cribbory aari ■Nuwory Nuwory Nortinf i d J P u Bl'1e f the Labor Sooriny Sibnnl - II AO «jh. - ■r m amociatxd m a n The study found that among itm ent sample of 100 persons. It also Industrial Itotattra» Center speak on “Ethics and Bust- The meeting will begin with *— ». etmk . SalaM Motto Oort - Orgymrt Steriy C:*M«n Monrioy » WariMnriay avaaingn at 7AO pjn. L/.fRRoteri wHk Unity Sabaal al Chini 4:30 fMnk.'Ctrt* "DIVIDEHDS FROM TROUSUT Dr. Triowam. lhrnatkins . Most people who «bun toe tbooe not affiliated with m y brought out other reasons why supper at f-«t HlUel House, rijm ioMty, Loo'« Summit. Miwnuri. Church >ay they behove In church, only 3 per cent don’t the “ outsiders’* stay away Caaterbsry Ctoh: Dons %m God, but that they don’t need from Church. — Patterson 1of the Order of St. believe in God. (Among the any organized institution to Some cited various tbjec- Benedict; St.Gregory'« Priory, Erigowood People* general population, only 2 per­ guide or strengthen their own ttono sack as A k t m m e Three Bsvors,>will be ‘ guest AN Saints Episcopal convictions, a study indicated cent are avowed atheists, other M ; chard« memkers are speaker at « discussion of re­ Church recebtiy. surveys have shown.) f* heller then then n a b s , intol­ ligious orders of the Episcopal Church far men and women. Church T h i s widespread attitude Bat whBe the vast major­ erantly claiming Heaven tor 449 Nrirtk Hafâriom Raari' among those outside tin Church ity even of those lacking any themselves «ad Hell for oth­ , A flta t“ And Follow l i e - wtt! •• I was brought out in a three- timreii assectctims assert re- ers, and emphasizing petty he shown. The program begins •00 AUwrt Retri—LD 2-1313 :(S Waten amte àf tenari Rhrar) year survey by IfflHard Re­ Hglsas belief, most ef them m eralhms like don’t smoke, a t 6 with Evening Prayer in R«v. Truffi«* A. Mormàa, lUaintar search Associates, of Austin, say they are self-saffleieet drink or dance. All Saints ChnrCli. ! Rav. Rabart Go.dutr — A ehurek la th« Fratertna» Onriitìaa Tex., made for the Division of in sack matters, and don't Catholic Student Orgaaize- Evangelism of the United Pres­ To the extent Such conditions common te tea a*a|te riaaaffilaatia«», need formal tutelage, pastor­ tion: Dr. William CiHajtmn, Cheftain '%• Morricri Shirianti byterian Church. al adviee e r mutual warship exist, p r. Lester said the head P*an churches, If the Charek decides to all one h\Bnaasta,^a new. man IlnS, aad arriving at ahureh about ment was measured in term s so they have followed the pat­ live for the world, she will toe hi a new ago, with the courage IIdS ajn. Ratera ay »am* raute. Everyone Welcome ft iifw to be so. For the moment. We 10:00 A.M. MILE SCHOOL HOUR LSA: Supper at S:30. Discussion of money. The goals of the terns stated above. The Church in the world has baram« known “ Remember not the former In the Church are in the jcrisis Graupa at 4:10. _ Church became bigness in terms of membership and mcn- as the Church existing for the things* *■.. !• of decision. 11:00 A.M. "GOD DROPS A LADDER” ?: ; £ Grwtek Archdiocese Okemos Church | j , st ;r- Fir«t Chriifiten St. Johns Student Fir*t Church "HOLY TRINITY" 7.-00 P.M. SECONO IN A SERIES ON FACING LIFE University Methodist Orthodox Church . of the Naiarene t Reformed Church - IN WINNING of ih» Nazaronte Parish - "WINNING OVER TEMPTATION'’ S. Wanhtngten et L Km (904 HaraRte* tef- Church * Rav. Fr. Carta« 'KaaUaUs . 240 Morehail St., Looting Ganana* al Sutler 1:30 PM ADULT YOUTH ’ Fr. R. Kovanaugb " Matei» f itt AAA . . C. A. Srack, prater 'F Rev. Jeter Ml ^teffmon, Festor Chunk Sahaal • 9rtf a-m. P». T. MaOavitt Morning Worship • 11>00 o.m. Sunriay Setraal KhOO AJrt. Suui'ey Sahaal lO.-OO ejn. ' liti S. Harri»m, Rd. Divine -Liturgy 10:34 A.M. . Marntag jSarrta*^ > lO aJn. TT ■ . J27 MA.C. :>■' Youth Group« • 4M pm. (Hymne ia Greek, Sarmert 14 Er.glith) Maming Warship ll.-OO e.m. iyenkf Serai**' . '1 #*», Discussion 'aari Refreshments • -v.— Soifidav Manti Evongekstre Hour « 7M pas Far trenspartetiun from MSU, Mast te Yeung Peoples Sorvice 4:11 pate Than in' need of ’trio»portoti*« atei WHiea M. JaMMit, Munster 7:15-9:30-9:44 (Hfgb) 11:11-12:30 Nursery Fwviricri Kcwpae's at lOrilO e.m. . ' toninp Sorvie* 7ri)0 p-m. til* aaràpa- Raligisn Arirttar- Mr. Cur- Wate 7JO FJte Maaterg af Sigma Miri wurit Prayur W«te 7:30 p te ' netras Ktehum at 40KSK2 ar' Mr. FREEJUS TRANSPORTATION (lobysrttmg at SiSS, 9:4* « 11:11 Herry T. Steniey, Minister IpeOan Phi al M4.Ó. with GOYA aari Ce« ED 7-9297 for free transport*«*«. Henry lasch a» ED 2-2223. Cbuwb Sarvjsat, 9, 10 S 11:11 maona«) Chair Marahurt "OUT OF THIS WORLD" Doily Montes 4:41 n a , IM Mb, •■ i v, rf StoppirtgoJjQto« H A f : l f tetri to ll • Shaw HoN • Owra Hoi « ItinpHb. aad SrOS p-m. ■‘u -- ' -V.T"" Rav. Wik« M. Tannant Snta*dayMa«nanSaSA9A0«m. FIRST , W E S LE Y A N - ^ Farm Lana • Auditorium Read • PKywes Raari - Dormitory Raari • Cnnfewiinr daily at 12:10 4 EaSO p-m. M ARTIN LUTHER C H A P E L Nunery, «rib warn far al nervi««« Satenilay 44>2S« fO M M pma. & STUDENT CEN TER - " " fV S M ETH O D IST > C H U R C H Bethel Manor, 9^1? anri to27 • Divaien - M A C . • Cadtge Drag • CKurth Sabaal 10:00 oj*. al «fat Turn ItSO 0 7:30 pjn. . 11W M Narth Magatete Aven te Michigan - Sunriuy Farai •*' 7:30 ' pjn. Caraphel H al /- Unrioe H al - Yakaly H al - Gilehriit Hall • i . L Woldt, Intona Pastor ^ - (Uv. R. Steven Nmhuteen, Jr. '* WESLEY FOUNOA7ION "CARDINAL NEWMAN" < ■' 1■ D«. \H h a CaRaghaa, Haari al IW • C hapol T d ap to w fi) 2-0771 •rite : W llim i H al • Midagan A w . a t Haaiiaa Rris .Yigi « anri to ll • Georg» I. Jntdnn, Minister Diwater x* ¡¡¡M ffi. ¿h&S Suariay Warship ttM , I til* mm. aari §rtf pjn. 'StoeatedSirvi«« ItM .ete, Bailey Hal • Brytei H a l.' Soppor 4 pj*. Forum 7 p.m. 8raMuftsAltoi te>AA Mktewf e in # f w w r r « ran Wimnrak T f i i r a n m v r a aSireriri l i Ä Ä J ^ ^ ^ - R i v o L u n o N s ; R*UA dir" Movie every Fririey night at t)M( ■ g m g r ** ! fv tiagla.and married itednnti Pania avara Saturday night—9-12. Student* Supper Fragra» ( OteSjMn.) _v‘. C a l IVg.y8l2 for torther infanaaUaa B B a ^ itetetoItol# > » .& Fhann ID M m Proverimg a Cempra Mi«i«trg tra Manieri anri Siogiu Sterieets f,. «, NIGHTS" * - * * BBBIMm •i WÊÈt ? s "V ■* vwttHrit ""fill ;! > 'x-1; lit w m l