«i WEATHER INSIDE Light freezing rain Wednesday morning ^ Madera Jan Quartet review m page S. changing (a w v Harries hi toe after- Hockey Team to WCHA tommy, see m m . High hi the tow 3Ts. Tharsday, page K. Forestry Shiadig on page f. partly ctoady aad eeUer wito saaw Hkeiy. Big Tea Meet on page i Sérving MSU fo r 52 years Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 155 Wednesday Morning, February 28, 1962 6 Pages Saenud CSas S W i p Paid a t Saat Lanalnf. Mich. 10 Cents $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 E s ta te L e f t O liv e t, A lm a , M S U B ut D onor Global D em an d s ‘S t r i n g s ’ ses By JAN ROEBKE Of toe-State News Staff By the Associated Press Tbe late 93-year-old John R. Rood former lawyer and politi­ cal science professor at tbe 52 Killed in Yugoslavia Mine Blast University of Michigan* refus­ JBELGRADE, Yugoslavia—Two explosions in Yugoslavia’s ed to allow his views on Ameri­ biggest lignite coal mine Tuesday killed 52 miners anderitically can politics to die with him. injured 11, mine officials reported. Two others were missing S e tb a c k In wills drawn in 1949 and and believed dead. 1953, found recently at a farm The blasts trapped 177 men below ground but quick work by Rood owned near Tawas City, rescuers saved 123 of them, officials added. — T h ir d f o r he left the bulk of his estimated $506.000 estate tQ_ Michigan Izvestia ifr\r/vr\tn rm Hits Delay in Summit Meet Iviractin ThacHqv Tel n n d ■•■O I State University, Olivet Col­ lege and Alma College. MOSCOW—The ^Soviet government organ Izvestia Tuesday Apparently the money is to night sharply criticized the latest negative replies from Presi­ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. GB be administered by the Presi­ dent Kennedy and Prime Minister Macmillan to Premier Khrush­ dents of the institutions to stim­ —Cuba Tuesday night received chev’s call for an 18-nation summit conference. _ a third UN setback in two ulate discussion of his parti­ Izvestia accused the Western leaders of bad faith and of using cular views in each of the three disarmament negotiations as a smoke screen for continuing weeks on her charges that the United States is interfering il­ political science departments. the arms racé“and renewing nuclear tests. legally in Cuban affairs. In addition, a devise of a The Security Council decided 1,460-acre farm in Iosco U2 Inquiry Concluded j against putting her latest com County is to be given to MSU. Leland Carr Jr.. Lansing at­ WASHINGTON—Interrogation of U2 pilot Francis Gary Pow­ plaint on itsjagenda. Only four ers Tuesday was reported nearing an end with an indicated council members voted to take torney representing MSU, said conclusion he Conducted himself about as "well as possible on it up. The other seven abstain­ that the approximately 18 to 19 his spy-plane flight over Russia. - - ed. Seven affirmative votes, typewritten page will must be Officials said he may appear jn public within a few days— were required. thoroughly examined before before a congressional committee with a news conference pos­ Those in favor were the So­ the University can accept the sibly to follow. No date has been set. viet Union, Romania, Ghana devise. - # and toe United Arab Repub­ It is not certain if the esti­ mated one-half million- dollar Drilling 6-Mile Hole Planned lic. The abstentions were the United „Sates, B r i t a i n , Completing plans for streamlining the junior colleges judiciary boards, the combin­ estate, to be divided three ways WASHINGTON—The United States, flushed with a victory in France Nationalist- China, space, turned some attention Tuesday to a project in the oppo­ Chile, Ireland and Venezuela. AWS Executives ed executive hoards of AWS of MSU and Grand Rapids Junior College met Tuesday night in the Student Services Building. From left to right the board consists of the adviser for M.S.U. Mable Petersen, Barb Warren from Grand Rapids, Nancy Syren under the stated conditions, is linked in any way to the devise site direction--drilling a six-mile hole through the ocean and of Jhe farm. — the earth’s crust. The National Science Foundation announced plans to negoti­ the Earlier by the same .lineup, viet council turned down a So­ motion to let Cuba speak Gather from Grand Rapids, Betsy Barkwell, Kaye Jenema, Linda Stoak and Fran Doran, aU from M.S.U. JWary Braseth from Grand R apids and Anne Mulder toe assistant direc­ tor from Grand Rapids. —State News "Photo by Reg Owens. “Nobody is going to super­ impose on a university a pre­ conceived political notion to ate a contract with Brown and Root, Inc. of Houston, Tex., to start final work on “project mobple.” • : in the procedural debate to be stuck into a curriculum,” take up toe case. This upheld C srr said. Commission Suspends South Africa ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia—The U.N. Economic Commission agenda. for Afriea approved Tuesday a recommendation that South its precedent against hearing outsiders before adopting its U.-S. delegate Francis T.P. Africa be suspended until it abandons its racial segregation Plimpton called toe complaint Algerian Rebels OK Peace „“We can always use the money but when it Is tied with so many strings, we must ex­ amine it thoroughly.” Furthermore, Carr said there policies. —" . an attem p tto misuse UN pro­ TRIPOLI, L i b y a of) - In­ Though French authorities at Tripoli, Libya's capital, to some amendments. Members is also a codicil attached to the The vote was 27 in favor with 5 abstentions—Britain, Belgium, cesses for communist “cold war formed sources said Tuesday looked for a quick cease-fire in weigh the peace accord reach-i of the Parliament, known as will devised in 1955 which has France, Portugal and Spain. South Africa is boycotting the against the free world.” He the Algerian Rebel Parliament the 7%-year-old nationalist re­ ed in Switzerland by their Dep-j the National Council for Alger­ not beeir made available as yet. meeting. The recommendation will be forwarded to the U.N. said similar Cuban charges bad has approved peace terms to bellion, the chance for a cor­ uty Premier, Belkacem Krim, ian Revolution, want the According to Carr, Rood- was Economic and Social C o u b c U for ratification. _ See CUBA page 3 end the war with France. But responding end 4o the terrorist and the French Minister f o r French to revise terms dealing declared “ mentally in com­ the Parliament itself contin­ bloodshed looked remote. Algerian affairs," Louis Joxe. with the role of the French petent” in 1958. ued its session into the night French Premier Michel De- Well informed sources said armed forces in Algeria after In a preliminary will drawn* 2-Man Revolt Fails and seemed likely to carry on bf e ordered French military commanders to deploy re­ ~the closing meeting was^ de­ the cease-fire, according to voted to drafting an an­ some reports. _ up by Rood in 1945, he made a bequest of $10 to each mourner the talks Wednesday. serve- forces through Al­ nouncement of acceptance. There are „also reported Viet Nam Airmen Seized no coordinated or integrated geria’s major cities to curb the killings. But the day’s toll was 16 dead and 33 wounded. They forecast, however, that moves for reduction of the ' the announcement would be- transition period before a ref­ withheld until the rebel lead- erendum is held OH the future who attended his funeral. Last month Rood’s home in Lapeer caught fire and he died -of burns a short time after, but SAIGON, South Viet Nam, (JH E. Nolting Jr., and other dip­ Six persons were slain and 23 — ers return to their headquar­ of Algeria and for an earlier the 73-people who attended his- —The aerial attack on Presi­ lomatic chiefs called on Diem operation against Diem when ters in e x i l e in T u n i s . date for release of Algerian funeral won’t get their $10 af­ the two fighter bombers of the wounded in Algiers alone. dent Ngo Dinh Diem’s palace to express their relief at his The 54-member rebel parlia­ France’s cabinet approved nationalists held by the French. ter ail, for, the 1949 and 1953 was blamed Tuesday on two escape. South Viet Nam air Torce open­ the agreement last week. — The 54-member council has ed up with machine guns, fire ment—officially called the Na­ wills deleted the mourners be­ air officers whose erratic re­ President Kennedy described tional 'Council for Algerian Unconfirmed reports say the been meeting here since last quests. bellion misfired despite expert the bombing of the presiden­ bombs and rockets on the presidential residence. Revolution—has been meeting end of the conference here was j Thursday to consider the ac­ See WILL page 5 marksmanship with fire bombs, tial palace as a destructive and in secret since last Thursday being held up _by a move fo r! cord. rockets and machine guns. vicous act. Nevertheless, it appeared One rebel pilot w as- shot The United States was ex­ that there was foreknowledge that -the bachelor president, Form Glenn for down and captured, the govern­ pected to give a strong re ment announced. The other affirmation of support for his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu and Berserk Woodsman Wounds 2 PresidentClub was arrested in neighboring Diem in toe wake of the at­ Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu were Cambodia after a crash land­ tack ing in his bullet-riddled plane. — Officials said the massive One wing of the palace was U.S. military and economic as­ in the palace. Meanwhile tough-looking sol­ diers in helmets mid armored vests, backed by tanks, stood Death Ends Bloody Siege N. LAS VEGAS, Nev. (At- A group of local Republican* has formed a “John Glenn for President” club. reduced to flaming ruin, sev­ sistance effort in Viet Nam guard in the city, especially WAUSAU, Wis. JAB—A hulk­ blazing exchanges between where they were bundled up “We don’t know if be is a eral guards were wounded, will continue. They said it ap­ in the dark and deserted areas ing 249Jb woodsman who posse members and Schmidt. and taken t o t he h o m e s of Democrat or Republican,” a and the sister-in-law of presi­ peared obvious that there was near the palace. wounded two men, -including Sheriff Louis Gianoli said neighbors. spokesman said. “We’ll take dent Ngo Dinh Diem was hart the Marathon County District Schmidt was armed with a Two squad cars were riddled him just like we did Herbert slightly, bat the president es­ DR. VINCENT SMITH Attorney, was fatally wounded revolver, a deer rifle and a with bullets, a television sta­ Hoover and Dwight Eisen­ tion mobile unit was hit several caped. Saigon pursued its normal night life Tuesday night, with­ Thousands May D r . S m ith Tuesday as he charged, gun blazing, from a barn set afire by a posse. shotgun. More than a score of officers —all available county and city times and one radio newsman was cut by flying glass when Schmidt opened fire on another hower.” Officials of the RepnMfcan Party in Clark Ceanty re­ out a sign that the attack had Fred Schmidt. 40-year-old police, sheriff's officers and mained aloof although Alvin touched off any wider uprising such as the two-day rebellion 15 months ago by five para- Need Loyalty Oath T o G iv e father of 12 children was hit in the arm and stomach as be fled from the burning barn, game wardens in this central Wisconsin area—converged on Schmidt’s farmstead in heavy car. At various times, two teams of deputies were pinned down either in or beside their Wartman, County Central Committee chairman, offer­ ed: _ which had been -under siege cars for more than an hour - “I think he’s better quali­ troop battalions. The Michigan House of Rep­ who the criticism was coming woods some 15 miies northwest each while Schmidt poured since midnight, shortly aftir Prayers of thanksgiving for the escape of Dieir^ and mem­ resentatives Tuesday gave 94-6 approval to a bill which might to m e about.” Allen said, “ we have a very L e c tu r e Schmidt shot and wounded a of Wausau. At one point during the night­ withering fire a t the vehicles from hidden vantage points in­ fied than the incumbent.” bartender and beat up. another bers of his family, whose as­ sassination obviously was in­ tended, were said at Christian require thousands of Michigan residents to take a loyalty oath. Rep. Lester J. Allen, R-Itha- small minority of college fac­ ulty members who we’re not proud of. These tell the stu­ Dr. Vincent Smith, professor of philosophy at St. Johns Un­ man in a tavern fight. Hospitalized was Dist. Atty. long siege, officers fired tear gas shells into the Schmidt farm house and drove his wife, side the barn. The barn began burning Girdle Thief and Buddhist places of wor­ ship throughout the country. ca, the chief sponsor, said it was aimed chiefly at college dents that capitalism exploits the masses and socialism is iversity and former president of the-American Catholic Phil­ osophical Association, w i l l Patrick Cooks, who was hit In toe back during one of the 12 children and another per­ son out into tbe farmyard. about 8 a.m. Tuesday and af­ ter a hill, Gianoli said be and Creeks decided to try to free Eludes Clerk U.S. ambassador Frederick instructors “because that’s better.” • — speak on “ God and The Cos­ KANSAS CITY Ufl — Police the 39 head ef. cattle Inside. are on the lookout for a slender N. Y. Stock Exchange Head" Rep. William Boos, D-Sag- iaaw, said the MO duplicated legislation passed in earlier mos” Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the Kiva. The lecture is the last in the Mother, Tots Brave Cold, They opened the barn deer and came face to face with Schmidt. Both men dived for and speedy girdle thief. And they have an unusually Indicted for Tax Evasion years. Teachers are required to take n loyalty oath pledg­ Provost Lecture Series. Smith wiU attempt to answer Mine Fields To Flee Reds safety, but Crooks was hit by a .22 calibre ballet. detailed description of the wom­ an, about 30 years old, who runs well and drives fast. ing to uphold the UA. had tbe question whether there is Schmidt then opened the any room for God in the theor­ COBURG, Germany (At — quiet for fear of detection, and Her 27-inch waist, clerks said, NEW YORK (B -J . Truman Michigan Constitutions before barn’s main doors and drove cinches in to 24 inches. Her filing a fraudulent joint return they ran obtain their teaching ies of cosmology today. young German mother and her at times she had to carry them Bidwell, Chairman of the for 1956 on behalf of himself A distinguished Catholic lay three small children braved a because they could not push the cattle out himself. Shortly hips measure 35 inches. certificates. thereafter he appeared, carry­ Just after she was measured Beard of Governors of tjbe-Nèw and bis wife, in which he listed philosopher, Smith is the edi­ freezing snowstorm, mine fields on through the deep snow and -York Stock Exchange, iwas in­ tax due as $28,116, when it Rep. Joseph A. Gills J r., D- tor of The New-Scholasticism and barbed wire last weekend bowling wind, police said. ing -a calf under one arm and a to determine her size, tbe wom­ dicted Tuesday on income tax should have been $59,545. Detroit, pointed out that Mich­ and toe author of several books to flee Communist East Ger­ They then sneaked past Hast rifle under the other, then an grabbed a girdle and fled evasion charges. He immedi­ Again in 1957, the complaint igan, Michigan State and including The General Science many, border police-reported German border p a t r o l s , dodged back into the Mazing to a parked car outride tbe ately announced his resigna­ charged, Bidwell falsely listed Wayne State Universities have of dtatuire and Philosophical Tuesday. through tbe mined death strip structure. A moment later be store, outdistancing a male tion. j taxes due of $26,919, when he required such oaths for 25 Frontiers of Physics. The woman with her children and through the barbed wire to reappeared, shooting, and was dark. À federal grand jury returned actually owed $51,396. years. He received his BA degree at aged S, 7 and 9 struggled for freedom. bit by two sbots from tbe pos­ As the woman drove off the a two-count indictment against Tim government contended He interpreted Allen's bill Xavier University, was gradu­ miles through snow two feet Exhausted and soaking wet, se. clerk enlisted the add of a pass­ Bidwell, who has botar* gov­ that Bidweli reported a total as applying to “any outfit that ated from the University of deep at 14 degrees below zero the group reported to a West The wild night began when ing motorist and gave chase. ernor of the Exchange since taxable income for the two gets money from Lansing,” in­ Fribourg in Switzerland a n d even before they reached the German police station where Schmidt got into an argument They estimated she drove at 1956 and board chairman since years of $196,494, when his ac­ cluding Future Farm ers of holds m aster’s and doctoral border. they were given food and warm a t the tavern with another pa­ speeds up to 80 miles an hour, last May 15. tual joint income totaled $208,- America, hospitals, tn d to o l degrees ¿rent the Catholic Uni­ Tbe woman constantly had clothing: Police did not identify tron, 46-year-oM Eldor Utech. causing them to abandon their Bidwell, 58, was accused of 202. governments. versity of America. ' a : to implore tbe children to keep the family for fear of reprisals. ☆ See DEATH page I pursuit •i ■;: . V I Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan EDITORIAL Wednesday Morning, February 28, 1962 According to Letter May Be Fun 'a h e y r * N o t R e a c t i n g T h e W a y T h e y U s e d T o ’ U . S . " A c t io n i n C o n g o I But Is There Tropical flowers and th e soft strain s entertainm ent. Being different, it m ay L o s t M a n y F r ie n d s The following article dated]fire on us, but the UN troops December £7, lif t, was sab- were not obeying his orders. I I of island music seem destined fo r ice­ have th e sparkle and excitem ent which mttted by Eilat D. Litoif, a For three days on end, as soon bound MSU. A H aw aiian luau is definitely o th er spring events now lack. graduate student. It was givea as we raised our heads above being planned to add to spring term Perhaps, instead, th e answ er is in elimi­ to him by * friend. Bob Bart­ the window sills the UN fired n atin g some of th e older events. W ater lett, to whom it was seat orig­ on us in our homes. events. inally by R. H. Westland, its Carnival, hallowed w ith trad itio n m ay U nfortunately, th e spring schedule not be indispensable. T he novelty of J u n ­ aothor. Wentfand is the presi­ Before the UN came into leaves Mttle room fo r such an e v e n t dent of the Congo Uaioa Mis­ Katanga we had prosperity, L ast y ear th e m ajo r spring activities ior 500 has certainly worn o ff in th e last sion of Seventh-day Adventists: peace and order. The United States-backed UN came to and were rearranged and scheduled fo r one big few years. G reek Week m ig h t be resched­ uled fo r an o th er term . brought war, lawlessness, mur­ Spring Weekend. W ater Carnival, Junior Today Miss Julia Hoel gave der, looting, ruination, poverty, 500, P aren ts Weekend and Greek Week T he luau, by itself, sounds like an ex­ me your letter to read, and 1 and chaos as well as general cellent idea. It's new ; students seem ex­ finale are all slated fo r May 19 th is y ear. felt f~ should not hold back destruction to the State of Ka­ cited about i t ; prelim inary preparations This consolidation was intended to free with what little I can add. I tanga. Those of us who lived the r e s t of spring term from big projects. indicate th a t i t would be no sm all-tim e here cannot see why civilized have lived to Katanga for sev­ nations can ever think to doing T he advent o f-th e luau, however, only party . The unusual am ount of outside en years. I know all of the Con­ such„a thing! 1j c h it era th e calendar a g a in .r cooperation dem onstrates th a t m ost peo­ ple a re tak in g th is project seriously. go and the people, and feel that The m ajo r criticism d f th e luau is, the tim e and energy it will require of stu ­ dents. Luau com mittees expect to use more A m ajo r airline is flying professional en tertain ers from Hawaii plus giving tw o if the United States backs a The idea to the UN (and the U.S. State Deportment) is that "crushing” of Katanga, it may if Katanga does not go back never again say a further word into Central Government, then ; th a n 30v„ of w* satisfied until he has them. S o; most unanimously by Student I by the Brothers Four, to be gan istate students, and this No letter will be run unless the ioved and admired here by \ the dirty joke being told in the. -gpjujQQ jg one thing, the out- long as the Communist is [ Congress, which represents the sponsored by Frosh-Soph coun- was an important part of the writer’s name is printed and j everyone before it backed th e ! corner suddenly echoes through right saboteur is quite another. Icrammed down under the ¡entire student body. cil. This matter was aired a memory they took back all accompanied by address an d nature. We just don’t see do it. for the sorority members and —We reserve the right to edit out to Communism! directed towards the nation as not trained, not capable of of our most intelligent men still why_Dr. Paul feels the Brothers And one more item, which is pledges who made extra space any letter. a whole. Unlike the love or distinguishing between a liberal not Jirm ly committed to de- j fo u r would be competition. admittedly a little far-fetched: available for u s Friday night, hate we may demonstrate as idea and a revolutionary one. mocracy They are completely different Prospective students may com­ for the ladies and gentlemen YET, IN SPITE of thejjrom the program he presents.. pletely understand the nature in our residence balls who so £ ir love of country. Though and ends up jailing we would all be brave, we are patriots for every traitor. a hundred -speeches and editorials that We don't know what we can of the Lecture-Concert series graciously permitted the visit­ Crossword Puzzle Ingaaan 83®™ ■ □ n an aa □ □ □ ana uncertain how to-go about it: Our constitution gives us the are rained upon us, there are do to try to get-the Brothers before they pay a cent Tor it, ors to share their living ac­ □□□□ a m aan a we can find no established way right to keep and bear arms in no outright debates among com­ Four performance to be given by reading the clear descrip­ commodations for the week­ ACRO SS 34. Cooeoct □ n a n a a a n □□□ to release our tensions and | defense of our homes, but it munists and capitalists. Having in the Auditorium, but it seems tion of it to the catalog. end, for the Spartan Hosts and —S. Attempt! colioq. 38. Tropical bird a a n a a n a a a a a j make us feel that we have done] does not give us the right to never heard a_communist urge that a proposal backed by so Even with the facts set Hostesses who gave up a F ri­ □ □ □ H U H S. O bserve 38. Cupid the right thing. roam -the streets with our his ideas publicly, it is difficult many students should not be straight, D a l l a v o may of day night to be with us. closely 39. Apothecar­ □ □ □ □ □ a n c ia n a n And fear casts a spell over weapons in a wild attempt to to find _fiim either right or blocked by T5ne man and his- course retain his performance -To all our own students who 8. Iris ies weight □ an o o n a a qub the enemy. At sight of a war­ find the enemy. And the self- wrong. — committee. April 3 is not filled for less kmg-hair and more contributed much, thank you. I t Noblemen 4 1. Plus □n a n a qh n aan 42. Endorsement rior, we count a regiment, ev­ styled superpatiot, the ex- It Is a problem to be handled up in the Auditorium, and isn’t crew cut. But other points of Michigan-State is proud of you. 13. Intmdeetiac pepper pUnt 44. The Emerald □ □ nana annona ery rifle barrel becomes a can­ tremus Americanus. is just with great care, for good ideas the Auditorium for the use of' view, which he recognizes, de­ too. 14. Tibetan Isle □ nnaaa aaaau a non. Then even words become that—an untrained, unqualified, may be defeated, or appear to the students? serve to be amplified. p riest 48. Winter □ □ □ □ □ u a n c jfj suspect. A letter to a friend but very conscientious soul out be defeated, by bad ones, and We hope something can b e , Mine is this: The difference . . . Gordon A. Sabine 15. Charles peril may damn you to court; an looking for bear with a picture it is not a project to be under , done to w bypass the Lecture-1 between Dr. Paul s entertain- „ ,.. . . Vice-President for Lamb 47. Harvest Soiutieo ef Vee>erday*e Pwutu taken in grade schools B u t; Concert committee and bring | ers and Dallsvo s is that the Special Projects IS. Wed goddess —— address-o-graph plate may of a kangeroo. 18. Enf. letter 48. A substitute mark your grave. We suddenly PERHAPS we need more somewhere in our democracy the Brothers Four to MSU. We former live to perform well, 19. Musical lo r currency S3 Cordelia’s see too much of the context trained personnel to assist us in somewhere in our educational while most of the latter per­ lather - can not see any harm to this. and too little of the act that locating the enemy. Perhaps program, there should be a _aiM| we would personally enjoy form When (often badly) popular to live entertainment, well. A Challenge instrument 2 1. Cretan 33. Correlativo 34 of either Engraver's now* 8. Wawo occurs within it. Trapped by we should insist that recogniz­ place where the sincere de- watching them and then listen, mountain 1. Percolate 22. Unit oi - tool qrUahie our own desire to do the right ed forces of law enforcement mocrat may satisfy, once and i mg to an album of the perform- thus described. Is paid for by To the Editor: energy SS. 2. Dutch E. be expanded, and given new for all, his devotion to the tuition fees, that is a blow to Indiatemi** Mi Ottona ef thing, we mount our white ance. 1 wish to issue a public chal­ 23: R i v e r thelLS. • horses to ride roughshod across legal weapons for their arsen­ truth.. And I for one have little 1« Women from «very kind ®f integrity «miver- lenge to any individual, group, harriers 37. PorbUktsa 3. Elaborata 11. Crew al. But mere sincerity, coupled doubt that the final satisfaction sities have stood for for hun- 23. P e r s i a n by tradition melody 17. Lernt Ml our own land. East Landen EVERYONE is suddenly an­ with an equal part of blind fear, of that devotion will be to the dreds of years. Think, it over. or organization, and specific­ ia iry _ 59 4. Mild - Besides. I just plain LIKE ally to the Mayor’s Committee 32. Amer. — 40. Gaelic 5. Our teuton! xious to protect the other fel­ does not qualify anyone U. style best interest of these United the idea of people living to do on Obscene literature to de­ author SI. Snudi 34. Reward low. We lose faith in everyone himself a “volunteer.” States. Lecture-Concert things well. (There are so bate the recently publicized SO. Xng. rive r *2. Rodent* .82. Comc-beacSef f. Appro- To the Editor: ” many of the other kind). And I findings and recommendations ST. Girt* of said committee mutually I am sure that a great many appreciate the opportunity to agreeable to the parties, and people felt anywhere from un­ be exposed to such people, advantageous to the general easy to downright mad, upon whether I can appreciate what public. reading Chuck Dallavo’s plea they do or not. And I think that —It is my belief that said find­ Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued I for the curtailment of Dr. Wil­ a lot of people feel the same ings are immature, dangerous, on days Monday through Friday, during the fail, winter and son Paul’s authority as Direc­ way mainly because of the non­ naive, absurd, and outrageous; spring quarters. Issued twice weekly during the summer term. tor of toe Lecture-Concert ser- student public, who pays gen­ and that toe basic fallacies of Secood class postage paid at East Lansing. Michigan. les. The object of such a move erously for fiie single purpose said findings should be subject, Editorial and business offices at 341 Student' Services building, j would, be to bring more popular ol seeing our lectures Mid con­ ed to attack by ray convictions Michigan State University, East Lansing. Michigan. entertainment to our campus. certs as they are now. MSU of­ and defended by some person subscriptions payable to advance for one terra. S3; for two M ausul ' as Dr. Paul apparently does not ficially assumes a responsibilit or persons proposing them, so terms, 91; for three terms, 15. >tolerate it now. bility to this public, incident­ Member of the Associated Press, Inland Daily Press Associati«: ally. that the publie may scrutinize May I offer, first, some in­ them and examine their impli­ and the College press. formation Dallavo neglected At least DaUavo and I agree that the content of our Lecture- cations. Editor Marcia Van Ness Editorial Editor Sharon Coady to consider, and second, an op­ Anyone wishing fo accept, posing point of view. Concert -series is worth more Managing Editor Ben Burns Asst. Edit. Editor Paul Schnitt discussion. Let's see a barrel please send an answering tet­ Business Mgr Larry Pontius Sports Editor..'... Curt Rundell DaUavo understands t h a t ter to the Editor of this news­ Aset, Adv. Iter..... Tom Huckle Photo E ditor Dave Jaehnig "campus entertainment Is sub- of letters to the State News, to paper. Duplicate copies have j ject exclusively to the auto­ Dr. Paul and to our represen­ Circulation M gr.Bill Marshall Feature Edit ..Howard Holmes City Editor BUI Cote Women’s E d it Cathie Mahoney cratic whims of Dr. Wilson tatives Barbara Rail and Jim been sent to the Lansing State Paul.” This clause is packed Anderson. Journal. News Editor. ...Jay BBarick Science Editor „„..Bill Steiner , I with ignorance. For one thing, —David Maker Æ — Tom Striai att / M ieU cn State News, C u t Lansing, Michigan AWS Elections To Be Thursday AWS elections wfü h r M d There win also be a repre- Tbursday. Gwen Greene aid sentstlm elected from each Carsi Smith v s cndkdntss for residence hall. Darm residents Activities and Betsy Barkwell may rala hi the dorms. Ofl and April McMahan are canto- campus students may vote la datas for Judicial. this (Men. WANT SOM* MAI IA*GAIN$? YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS HEAD CLASSIFIEDS MEN’S SHOP PRESENTS THE MODERN JAZZ QUARTET swung oat Monday Bight as part of the Lecture- Ceacert Series. —State News Photo by F. John Lisdaadro. Your From “Bines’ To ‘Grooves’ L Jazz Quartet a Solid Hit BEETHOVEN C lassical Bv JACKIE KORONA Comedy” suite by the same pi­ “ Ralph’s New Blues” to the Of the State News Staff anist, pictured a square in last vibe tones of Milt Jack­ Portraits were painted in pi­ ano, bass, vibraharp and drum tones when the Modern Jazz Rome with all the people who congregate there, the sedate, the brassy, the bouncey, and Percy Heath’s bass-movers, son’s “Bags Groove,” not a word was spoken to the audi­ ence by the musicians. But an understanding of the Shepard’s Shoes S w ea tsh irt Quartet performed here Mon­ those who slowly meander subtle musical meaning that day night in the Lecture-Con­ along. developed kept the Modern Jazz cert Series. — Through personal interpre­ Besides its “ painting” abil­ ity, the MJQ displayed versi- Quartet on stage" for repeated bows and encores. * p r e se n ts . . . tation and improvisation . of tality in playing different types music, the Quartet presented of jazz, going from the. Duke their idea of the first woman in a song entitled “ If I Were Ellington swinger “It Don’t Mean A Thing,” in the main B la c k C o r d o v a n Eve,” from the John Lewis stream or classic jazz style, to (Continued from page 1) BRAHMS ballet score of “Original Sin.” the Ornette Coleman third -been “thoroughly considered Black Cordovan The audience was given the stream composition “ Lonety and thoroughly rejected” in miisica|_ modern art picture of Womaer"— the general assembly. „Black Cordovan These sw eatshirts are anything b u t pretty . . . Eve and could attribute quali­ The assembly had a Cuban ties to her through the playful This number, not rhythmic complaint accusing t h e but utilizing jazz overtones Black Centavaa they come in one color, a washed out g re y -.. . But, and happy tunes of piano and United State of “new plans vibraharp, the excited beats and a minor piano key, told of aggression and acts of in­ the story of a’woman unloved th ey have pictures of Beethoven, Braham s o r of the drums, and the peaceful, tervention” against Cuba. simply beautiful and even se­ and unwanted. Here John Its political Committee, af­ Lewis, Percy Heath, Milt Bach on th e fro n t of them . Sizes small, medium ductive notes from the bass. ter debating the charges far “Trieste,” another John Jackson, and Connie Kay 10 days, voted 47-11 on Feb. 15 made use of their talents to large and ex tra - large. W e guarantee to f it any Lewis eotnpet iliee, musically against a Czechoslovak-Roma- showed the hnstie and bustle bring the woman’s throughts nian proposal that the assem­ to the audience. — m an o r woman on the campus. Many a re buying of this Italian city. bly ask the United States to “Piazza Xavona.” from “The It seemed asTf the “ Lonely end alleged interference in Cu­ J . S. BACH all th ree so they can have th e complete set. Woman” were waiting for ban affairs. something. A knock sounded The assembly itself a week C am p R e so rt on her door, from the Kay drum, and* her hojJFs rose, only ago voted 45-37 against a Mon­ golian resolution stemming to be dashed on the strings of from the Cuban charges and O p p o r tu n itie s the bass. favoring *friendly relations” JACOBSO N’S M- EN’ S S H O P 0 - 2 1 0 ABBOTT ROAD Throughout the evening’s pro­ and mutual non-interference T o Be E ved gram. from the first notes of among nations. The Summer Employment Kick-Off Program for camps Open Every Wednesday Night Until Nine and resorts -will be held Wed? nesday from 7 30 to 9:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. "~ Dr. Robert McIntosh, MSU Tourist and Resort Service, and Mr. Russell Daubert, chairman. Recreation Educa­ tion Department, have lined up many qualified camp and re­ G I R L S o f sort representatives to discuss employme at opportunities for 1962. The Kick-Of! Program is de­ signed to acquaint _ students with the avail ability of camps CLASSIC CORDOVANS We’ve Just and resort jobs this summer, procedures to use in securing Received employment and the qualifica­ tions, salaries, duties and re­ sponsibilities relating to these jobs. A New Shipment m en recom m end it an excitingly new lingerie fashion story The look .is refreshing, young and purely feminine . . . the practicalities unlimited! Under sheaths, nothing is as sleek and shapely as the available ’ long tapered legs of our petti-pants...and as new, an rich cordovan as they double as a dainty petti-slip , . . oT wear them under half-stipe for complete coverup. CAMPUS STORE Sizes 5 to 8. LANSING STORE TILL 5:3« THURSDAY HOURS • : * TILL t:M Coot, ctecwOd Spice After Shove lotion olwoyx gets you eft to o test, smooth stori. Feels just as AFTER SHAVE LANSING good be'»**» shoves as it does offer shaving. LANSING Botes A-OC w dates. 1.00 and US plus tax.. LOTION EAST .■ s w u l t o n wmñ ■V Michigan State New», Eaat Wednesdsy Morning, FAnnrjr 28» 1962 WÉh b a s k e tb a ll n s AU-Uuivcr sity piny-offs begin tonight a t 8 p.m. in the Intra­ A ll R e n t a l.. mural Building Sports Arena. By GARY ROMBERG was four points, when Williams Michigan State suffered BOWLING State Newi Sports Writer sank a layup early te the sec­ ond half to make the score 36- through a miserable first half, mttteg en oaly aiae ef Short Course bowling finals will b£. beld tonight. Teams SKIS - BOOTS Michigan State plunked right 34. But from that point on no 34 shets and three ef four should check with the IM Office back into the Big Ten basement one for State could find the free threw«. The Wildcats for times and alleys. ■ POLES Monday night as ninth-place range and Northwestern pull­ led at foe tetormlsst«« 36-21. BASKETBALL SCOREBOARD Northwestern sat on the aim­ ed away steadily. State hit on 24 of 71 attempts Flight I - Dorm. Finals less Spartans 71-64 at Evanston, 111. The error-riddled, foul-pla­ gued contest was hardly as The victory gives the Wild­ cats a 3-6 conference record and an overall mark of 8-13. from tiie floor for the game end e parentage of 33.8. North­ western shot at a 40.8 clip, sink­ ing 26 of 64 field goal attempts. 48 - West Shaw 4 38 Flight II • Dorm. Finals Bryan 3 55 • Cameron 44 .X ON SALE TheSpartans, who had «scaped Flight III - Dorm. Finals close as the score indicates as from the cellar for one day. me The Spartans close out their E ast Shaw 5 43 - Casopolis 32 oo *3 5 the Wildcats boasted a 70-43 again last with a 3-10 Big Tien schedule this Saturday night Flight IV - Dorm. Semi Finals margin with slightly over four slate, and ara 3-13 on the sea­ against Minnesota at Minne­ Caribbean 51 • West Shaw 2 41 minutes to go. When North­ son. apolis. - FENCING western coach Bill Rohr flood­ The epee fencing tournament ed the court with reserves near scheduled for today has been the game’s end, State managed O’LEARY canceled due to lack of interest to bring the score back to re­ in the event. spectability. W o r ld o f S p o r ts The Wildcats finished with four men in double figures. Bill Gibbs had 16 points, Rick Lopossa 13. and Ralph Wells THE MILWAUKEE BRAVES’ list of unsigned players dwin­ dled to three Tuesday when pitcher Don Nottebart signed his 1962 contract SPECIAL FRANDOR CENTER PAINT STORE IV 7-0264 and Bill Woislaw had 12 apiece. Still unsigned are pitchers Don McMahon and Carlton Willey Michigan State’s Ted Wil­ and outfielder Lett Gabrielson. ^ ^ 4 PURCHASE liams played one of fils finest JOEY JAY, a 21-game winner with the National League WASH-N-WEAR games despite the defeat, champion Cincinnati Reds last year, showed up in Tampa scoring 16 points and re­ FLANNELS Tuesday and threatened to quit unless his salaty demands are WINNERS ef the Flight One Dormitory Basketball cham­ bounding well throughout. Williams canned seven of 13 met. " _______________________ \ pionships Monday night were the Burnley House team from N E W B O O K S attempts from the floor and Batterfield Pet. 7. Team players include, back rew, left ONLY ’4 ” hit two of three free throws. State’s Lonnie Sanders had 14 points. The Spártans, after sparkling 18 Tankers Leave to right: Eld Macuga, Dick Flynn, and Dick Haan; front row, Roger Clough, Harry Ammon, and Boh Schwartz. - —State News Photo by John Rammel VARSITY SHOP 228 ABBOTT RB. E. LANS. ill COMPLETE 300K OF GAMPM6” Includes Full Information against Indiana here Saturday night, fell behind 84) and 12-2 in the early stages of the Wild­ Far Big Ten Meet Duke Chosen Auto Camping' $4.95 cat encounter and never chal­ By LIZ HYMAN Juergen Matt, Dick Blazejew- New Captain lenged seriously. The closest MSU ever came State News Sports Writer Michigan State’s well-power­ ski and Dick Brackett. _ Carl Shaar will be the Spar­ tan challenger jn the butter­ VERO BEACH, Fla. (JV-Duke Snider, 35-year-old outfielder CLUB “THE BULL FROM THE SEA” ed 18-man tank squad leaves beginning his 1962 season, today for the 52nd annual Big fly event« along with Chuck Tuesday was named captain of by Mary Renault $4.95 Strong and George Brown. Ten Swimming Championships the Los Angeles Dodgers, fill­ SALE Van Lowe will (to State's div­ at Indiana. __ ing. ing a vacancy created by short­ The three day power-packed Swimming the 200-yd breast­ stop Pee Wee Reese’s retire­ ment after the 1958 campaign. T O N I G H T ! “A FURRY THIHG HAPPENED TO ME competition, which b e g i n s stroke will be Bill Driver, -Den­ Thursday, will see the return nis Ruppart and Joe Kolbe. Bill ■ ■ ■ fo ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I of six 1961 champions. Other indications of the high Wood, Dennis Collins and Mike There are 58 tickets on sale ROOM 31 UNION 7:30 UR MY WAY TO THE IRATE” - Corrigan all will be In conten­ a t Jettison Fieldhouse for the caliber of performers that will tion for the 200-yd individual compete in this meet, h r the WCHA hockey tournament by Jock Douglas $3.50 medley event. which starts Thursday night fact that eight existing records The 440-yd freestyle will have have already been shattered Brackett, Blazejewski 'and Neil nt Ami Arbor. CLUB ELECTIONS this season. _ Watts. Brackett and Watts may ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I Included in the shattered also swim the 1500-meter free­ sti 1111 i n 11H i im i 1111n m ih m 11 i m 1111 n le PROBLEMS OF FREEDOM record list is State’s 408-yd style. 3 OVERSEAS DELIVERY I freestyle relay record which Dan Jamieson, Bill Wood and TOO I NUB’S NOB TRIP South Vietnam Since Independence they themselves bettered by Mattson are likely to compete four seconds this year. in the backstroke events. Edited by Wesley R. Fishel $6.95 Indiana, defending champion, With foe combination ef" is favored to retain the team Mattson, Rowe, BUI Woed BANQUET - title on the basis of returning and Mike Woed, State hopes champions and the ranking of to retain its 460-yd freestyle 1 SUNBEAM ALPINE f this season’s best perform­ ances. Strong opposition to the relay title won last year by Rowe, both Woods andX arry HILLMAN | CLUB RACES S p a r ta n B o o k s to r e Hoosiers will be given by MSU, Jones. _. | Service On Imported Can. 1 M ichigan, Ohio State and Min­ Jones was the only one lost i Come out and see eu r | nesota. fine Imported C an COFFEE MOVIES Corner Ann & MAC to graduation and Mattson has Returning champs from In­ ably filled bis position this | No salesmen - Deal wtfo | diana’s squad include Olympic year. z the Owner and save. $ YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS star Mike Troy, who has won According to Coach McCaf- the 200-yd butterfly event for free, “This is going to be one BROOKS the last two years; Alan Som­ of the hardest fought, greatest ers, who won the 440-yd and record breaking meets of the | IMPORTED OARS % Career Cues: 1506-meter freestyle events last year.” Our swimmers were 1 5014 N. Grand River = season; and Pete Sintz, a re­ never more ready to face the (near the airport) “Even in today’s age of specialization^ a man eventually peater in the 220-yd freestyle challenge. reaches a point where breadth of knowledge is necessary. and 1960 winner of the 440, a i lli lM H I I M "The broader your knowledge, The engineer must understand accounting and marketing. Chet Jastremski, Indiana re­ The marketing man mind know his product The financial cord holder in the breaststroke events is also expected to pick up honors for the Hoosiers. Other opposition for State in-, Varsity Drive In the greater your chance man must be sympathetic to engineering development and sales programs. Management must have a working knowledge of all phases of the complex and highly com­ dude returning champ Steve 1227 E. GRAND RIVER Edwin Jr-Dueayet, President petitive business world. — Jackman of Minnesota, a OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. of success!” Bet! Helicopter Company "Therefore, even though specialising, a student should double winner in the 50 and make his college curriculum as broad as possible, and 100-yd freestyle and the NCAA DELIVERY SERVICE MON. - SAT. “As I look back, graduating from college in the depth of diversify his outside activities. Authoritative surveys have record holder In the 50. Also the depression was a blessing in disguise.Jt was difficult shown that only a small percentage of individuals end up Dick Nelson of Michigan in the 8 :3 0 P.M. . 1.30 A.M. _ to get a job, and even more difficult to bold i t It proved in the field in which they specialised in college. 100-yd breaststroke and L o u SUNDAY 5 :0 0 P.M. - 1 :3 0 A.M. to me early in life that to succeed in business requires “Widen your world. Broaden yoOr interests right nom> Vitucci, the Ohio State (fiver constant struggle. ~ _ Since graduation from college I’ve discovered that those who swept both the one-meter and three-meter events last ED 2-6617 “I found that the truly successful individual never stops who are really succeeding today are the ones who do more learning, that a formal college education is the foundation and keep-on learning from what they d a The broader year.- _ your college interests are now —the steadier your ladder State’s hopes rest largely in on which we continue to build the knowledge and experi­ their 50, 100 and 220-yd free­ ence required to get ahead. _ of success tomorrow!” style swimmers Jeff Mattson, Mike Wood and Doug Rowe. The Biggest Thing in . . . All have been stand outs this year in meet competition. Other I possible scorers are Jim White, EAST LANSING Slacks . . . “ Casinos” by name They’re sanforized cotton, thank goodness, so they can’t shrink any more. So d im and tapered a 4 inch v ast had to be placed in th e cuff. We’ve got ’em in w hiter black, blue, m idnight and Mwi. J. Owiy e it president of one of the world’* largeet heli­ olive. — copter manufacturing firm*. Hi* company’* product* ere w ed In S3 covntrie. for e multitude of m ilitary end com m ercial ap­ $ 4.98 plication*. A reaidant of Fort Worth, Toma, Ed ha* been a Camel unoker sinca hi* under­ graduate day* at M.I.T. Z1m 1720 E. Michigi S m o k in g m ore now O u t enjoying it le s s? .-..c h a n g e to C am el! Lansing 484-7786! 211 EAST GRAND RIVER ~ H a v e a ¡ s a l c ig a r e t t e - C a m e l fl. 1 RrrwLIf . * ' T n * * » ■* M l l U I l f OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENINGS THE BESTTOBACCO MAKES THE BEST SMOKE m kwUiLtfsluib Wednesday Morning, February 28, 1962 MieJkifput State New*, East Lansing, Michigan P tV M IS A U T O M O T IV E P ER S O N A L Cam pus CHEVROLETS. Two IH O . 4 poseen gar sta tio n w agons, p o w crg lid a, pow er NEED RELIABLE a d v ic e o n e a r in­ su ra n c e ? Talk' it o v er with Leo S tan to n , steering. V 4 engines. Two I H I Bis- H e wiH help you p lan an insurance b u d g e t. 1500 E. M ichigan, C a ll IV 2- W ant A ds cay n e sed an s. 4 -d o o r, p o w erg h d e, V-8 en g in es. W i'l sacrifice for cosh sale. 0484 4* IV 4-7441 b e tw e e n 4 -5 . 41 , M IC H IG A N STATE University g rad ­ • A utom otive • Parsenal 1451 CORVETTE. Eneellent en g in e. u atio n rings av ailab le a t THE C A R D Single 4 carb u reto r. P o sitractio n . G o o d S H O P . Includes d e g re e , seal. 3 en* • E m ploym ent • R e d E ite te Hres. N ew co n v ertib le to p . P refer tra d e - 9rav ed initials. C h o ice o f 10 stones. • For S d c e Service in. C ell IV 5-0700 after 5. _ 4 t 0 For R ent • T ransportation 1953 OLOSM OBILE an d U nderw ood 8URR-PATTERSON F raternity a e d P H ousing for Rent • Lost 8 Found office typew riter. Archi e r 3 SE-9710 or Sorority jewelry a n d re lated item s. Now av ailab le a t The C a rd S h o p across Deadlines: • a-""- *'•“ day 332-2638.___________________ 40 from H o m e Econom ics BWg. ED 2-4753. b efo re publieotion 1959 RENAULT D auphine. G o o d 41 co n dition, lu g g a g e rack inclu d ed if Phone 3 S M 2 S 5 or 3SS-S2S4 -W A N TE D — Inform ation reg ard in g d e si re d r M u st sell. ED 7-0444. 40 a c c id e n t ip parking lo t across from Rates: _ ------^ t9 4 0 V O L K S W A G O N , rad io , w ind­ Eppley. I evolving black 1958 C h ev y . shield washer, h e a te r. $1200. C a ll 355- Between 8 a.m . a n d I I a.m .t Friday^ 1 d ay ....................... SUE 4193 o r 35S-394# a fte r 7 : 41 February 23. C a lf 332-4057 or C a m p u s 3 days ........................................ $ 2 4 5 aae^^aeassaBSsassaEsaHM B W E REBUILD a n d repair a u to m a tic S d ay s . ......... ^ .............. $ 3 4 $ ( Based on IS words p ar a d ) a n d sta n d a rd transm issions a t lowest prices. M artin 's A u to Parts, 1887 H as- . . R E A L ES T A T E 1 lett R oad. East Lansing. ED 2-5319. 39 Royal Rood of Detroit; $25 a (25c discount if paid 235 S. FR A N C IS S t. 7 b ed ro o m s. OUCH?—Dr. T. E. Avery is paying for violating a shindig tradition established W ill ____ _ . | month to his daughter. Dr. Marion Rood of Lapeer, $50 a within a week) EM P LO Y M EN T Full b a s e m e n t C lean . Id eal fo r « n a il fam ily. C lo se to cam pus. IV 4-3235. 41 45 years ago. He wore a tie which is in the process of beiug cat off. The All (Continued from Pace IT ^montti to a brother. The Rev. University Shindig will be held this Saturday at 8:30 in Demonstratio« Hall. PEOPLE NEEDED to fin d a re a la n d ­ EAST L A N SIN G . Bedford Htlis. 1340 Sometimein the next week, Dwight Rood of Traverse City, m arks. If -you are a g o o d observer, you C 'eda'hill Drive, 3 b ed ro o m ranch w ith Clarence Schmidt’s orchestra will provide the musk. —State News Photo bv Carr, along with Presidents and 150 a month to a sister, may, earn $100. Listen to W JIM ra­ 2 e a r a tta c h e d g a ra g e . Ilk b a th s , car­ Reg Owens. . r" S Gorton Rtethmiller of Olivet Mabel Rood. 1966 he became a professor, d io for d e ta ils. 40 p e t. d ra p e s, built-in kitchen w ith dish­ and Stephen Myer of Alma will Born John Romaine Rood on practicewhkh he gave up for a law w asher a n d disp o sal. Eating - sp a c e in be able, to examine the wills J u l y 9, 1868 in Lapeer, he la Detroit la 1918. .4 W IL L DRESSED m en t o deliver Icitchen, well lan d scap ed co m er lo t. By Tn WCHA Play-offs i drawn by the late Mr. Rood. graduated from Lapeer High Rood wrote approximately ce C ar advertising g fts. $15 p er evening. ow ner leaving city. $2600 dow n t o n ecessary, C a ll IV 9 -I3 I8 . 4-9 new F .H .A . C all ED-2 1303. 42 In addition to the universi­ School in 1889, and received nine books of which “The His­ p /n . 42 Hockey Team To Face Tech ty devises and the farm, the his L.L.B. from the University tory of Building the Constitu­ wffl leaves MSU three rare of Michigan in 1891. books. ” tion Of the United States,” pub­ He set up a law practke lished in 1948, and “Attach­ CARETAKER W A NTED, for m o d em a p a rtm e n t b uilding walking d istan c e from cam p u s. D uties a r e lim ited. wMtowriHthB Stipulations to near relatives In Marquette in 188S and then ments, Garnishments. Judge­ C o u p le p refe rred . For inform ation call *1*1 MDlfi W r t t l By ED KOTLAR State News Sports Writer 8 p.m. Thursday, had two long Spartan coach Amo Bessone streaks during the season. In the first ope the Spartans trying to come up with a $250 a month for life to his son sistant professor in 1904. la ments and Executions,’ is juggling his squad around are also included, leaving went to the U. of M. as an as­ lished in 1901 are a part. Dick H acker. E dw ard G . H ack er C o-. R ealtors, IV 5-2241 o r ev en in g IV 9- L#K/1 ImíÁmi4r J Michigan State's hockey team 0072. - ...________ _4j closed out its regular season went 10 games without a defeat stronger third line with a 6-0-1 Western Collegiate and climbed within« half game The third line, one of the big Frosh-Sophs Eligible to Enter FO R S A LE Hockey Association and an of the league lead. reasons for the Spartans’ W O M E N ’S C L O T H IN G . Sw eeter»— over-all 12-10-1 mark. In its second streak. State early success, hasn't «cored The Spartans, who are now lost eight in a row and almost a goal in the last nine games. tuning up for their first p a y ­ missed thé play-offs. MSU Physically the Spartans are off game against the Michigan finished in fourth place, a not in top shape. Carl Lackey, What? How? Why? A Contest lire 38. skirts— size 10 a n d 12, d resses — s u e 10 a n d 12. E xcellent co n d itio n . Phone ED 7-0412. 43 Posters in A-frames have O F F IC E DESK w ith to p 60*36. R ead y Tech Huskies at Ann Arbor game ahead of Minnesota. hard-checking sophomore de­ Frosh-Soph Council is spon­ will be awarded to first, sec­ to finish to suit you. C a ll ED 2*5702. fense man. is nursing a pain­ soring an e$say contest entitled ond and honorable mention been placed in front of Bes- 41 HURRY! LAST 4 DAYS ful bruised hip and his brother. •What? How? Why?” What winners. The judges will be sey, Berkey and the Union. Tom. a junior forward on the would you do to improve MSU? faculty menibers. U s i n g the chronological REPOSSESSED Z IG Z A G sewing m a­ Until 5:30 P.M. ... 60e second line, is still recover­ How would you go about doing ing from a slashed neck that it? Why should it be done? The contest developed from theme of “Michigan Agricul­ a self-educating venture by t h r ture College • Michigan State chine. Like new. P ay m en ts as low as $ 5 /m c n th o n new c o n tra c t. Phone JV 7-0585. 41 L U C O N Evenings required 52 stitches. All freshmen and sophomores members of Frosh-Soph Coun­ College . Michigan State' Uni­ and Sunday 90e Bob Doyle has a badly swoL are eligible to enter. Rule* and cil which expanded into a cam­ versity (MAC-MSC-MSU), the D IA M O N D R IN G . T hree fourths S ER V IC E IASI IANSIN9 • PHQNf 10, 3 | len eye* a little souvenir be entry blanks may be obtained pus project, according to Jim current set of posters covers ca ra t, solitaire settin g , a p p ro x im ately o n e y e a r o ld . Ca& IV 5-0700 a f te r 5. REPAIRS. SERVICE o n ell m akes o f Always ready for love . . . will she everjbe ready picked up from Michigan's at the Men’s division desk In Rttldy, Frosh - Soph Council the growth H f the University 41 sewing m achines. Phon« IV 7-058S, $ 4 for marriage? ¡Gordon “ Red” Berenson. Student Services. Entries are member. from its beginning to the pres­ All these injuries were incur­ to be turned in between Feb. Frosh-Soph sprat months dig­ ent. They deal with everything STEREO HI-FI co m p o n en ts, tw o 12 NEW R ID IN G STABLE o p e n ie g A pril I a t 1450 la k e Lansing ftp . Feature 1:20-1:30 red in Friday!» 4-2 loss to the 28 and March 5. ging up the facts that are cur­ from the School of Agriculture w a tt H e a th am plifiers, tw o H e a th bookshelf speakers, G a rra rd ch a n g e r. H orses b o a rd e d . C a ll ST 1-7032, M ar­ 5:40 - 8:00 - 10:00 | Wolverines. The essay may be a satire rently displayed all over cam­ to police administration, from ED 2-5614. 40 shall- 41 If Tom Lackey is unable to on some aspect of the Univer­ pus. Hundreds of working hours the library to the graduate M£TRD-