Serving MSU fo r 52 years 8 n BmmMI CUm M i m Established 1909 Vol. 53, No. 15 6 Thursday Morning, March 1, 1962 P ages Paid at Saal Um**. Mich. JLO Cents Global 1 9 t h C o n g r e s s D is t r ic t C u t f r o m Glimpses I a 0 By the Associated Press r m i ■ ■ a u n • Jiob Kennedys Return to Washington B a O m tb , WASHINGTON—Atty. Gen. and Mrs. R obot F. Kennedy re­ turned Wednesday from a month-long trip around the world. They were met with hugs, kisses and squals of delight by their seven children. _____ In a b rief re m a rk a t Washington airport, the Attorney Gen­ M is a p p o r t io n m e n t P la n 9 eral said he ‘cam e back “ fa r m ore encouraged about the future of the dem ocratic system ” than he w as when h i left on Feb. 1. S w a in s o n C a lls M e a s u r e Offer Rhodesians Home Rule BV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Utica, Warren and Sterling “ I hope you pass it so wo LONDON—The B ritish governm ent W ednesday offered the A bill carv in g a new 19th Township in Macomb County won’t have to elect a congress- Africans of N orthern Rhodesia, a slender chance of winning a C ongressional d istrict -o u t of and Feradale, Hazel Park m an-at-large.” m ajority in parliam ent, and borne rule, in th eir 290,000 square th e southern end of M acomb and Madison Heights in Oak- Sen. P atrick J. Doyle, D- County and the southeast p a rt land County. Dearborn, objected th at the m ile territory south of the Congo. The proposals on revision of the N orthern R hodesian Consti­ of O akland County passed the All other congressional dis­ new Congressm an should prop­ tution, announced in the House of Commons by Colonial Senate and w as sent to the tricts would rem ain unchanged, e rly come from Wayne County. Secretory R eginald M aulding, touched off a deep im perial crisis. House W ednesday. “ I b is bill recognizes the “ We have the people there The p assag e w as a victory growth in these a re a s ,” Beadle now with the huge develop- fo r Sen. F ra n k D. Beadle, R- said. See SENATE page 2 Mr. K., Ulbricht Meet in Secret St. C lair, Senate Republican lead er, who th rew in his v er­ MOSCOW—P re m ie r K hrushchev concluded a se c re t confer­ ence w ith E a st G erm an Com munist lead er W alter U lbricht with an announcem ent W ednesday he had g ra n te d - cred it to the hungary nation, possibly to w ard off trouble. sion of th e redistricting propos­ al a fte r sev eral other plans h ad failed passage. Nisbet To Speak Buf Gov. Swainson indicated The announcem ent of the two-day m eeting w as m ade through the official Soviet news agency T ass and radio. As seen by certain diplom ats here, the news th a t Khrushchev m ight have to m ake some concessions to the W est to get an shortly afterw ard th at the m easu re will m eet death if it ends up his desk for signaTure. At Graduation He said: Degrees will be R esen ted to relations a t G erber Products ag reem ent on Berlin. “ The Beadle plan for Con­ 648 students a t w inter com ­ Company in Frem ont. He is a gressional malapportionment m encem ent exercises a t 8 p.m . vice-president and director of 3 Germans Released - " adopted by the Senate is to­ tally unacceptable. It rep­ Tuesday, M arch 13, in the Uni­ the G erber Co. — In 1942’ N isbet was president BARI, Italy—Three West G erm an TV new sm en, arrested FOR THE PRESIDENT’S LADY—Parvis Tanami, Iranian graduate student, resents sheer political ex­ versity Auditorium. of the Michigan Education As­ while film ing n ear a North Atlantic T reaty Organization mis­ pediency.” Stephen S. Nisbet, president sociation and served on the sile base, w ere freed provisionally W ednesday. and Bonnie Kabnbach, Toledo sophomore, preseated Mrs. Hannah with two of the M ichigan Constitutional Swainson described the plan State B oard of Education for T h ey had been sent to do background film ing in p re p ara­ tickets Wedaesday afternoon for the International Dinner. —State News Photo by Paul Remy. ■' •>_. r as a “ shocking exam ple of po~- Convention, will deliver the 18 y ears. tion for the espionage tria l of a H ungarian A ir F orce Lieuten­ litical m anipulation to b ear com m encem ent address. P rofessor Cecil Nlckle, com­ an t who crashed J a n . 20 afte r flying his cam era-loaded MIG down represen tativ e govern­ The degrees will be present­ m encem ent com m ittee chair- fig h ter over a NATO m issile base. ed by P resid en t John A. Han­ $263 M illion Allotted m en t.” The plan did nothing to im ­ nah. The graduating class in­ Red Calls Bombshelters ‘Useless’ prove equality of rep resen ta­ cludes 165 m a ste r’s degree can­ didates and 48 doctoral candi­ House O K ’s Job A id tion, ^Swainson said. MOSCOW—A leading Soviet architeceural official declared The final p assage vote was dates. — at a news conference Wednesday that the Soviet Union is not 19-10. A m ove to give the m eas­ Nisbet, who graduated from building any nuclear bomb shelters “because it 4s useless.” u re im m ediate effect w as de­ Alm a College In 1919, holds an A lexander Sharov, secretary of the Soviet Union of architects, feated, however, as a 22-7 vote MS degree from the U niversity added th at such shelters couldn’t stand up ag ain st “ m odern WASHINGTON, - T h e one-sided vote to d eclare: the House h as effectively re ­ House passed W ednesday a $263- “ By this action in accepting futed th e unfounded accusation failed to swing a two thirds of M ichigan. He has also been m eans of-destruction.” ”• m ajority. honored with law degrees from Sharov replied “ the idea of building bom b shelters against m illion jo b lra in in g bill design­ th e R epublican pro g ram for re­ th a t o u r position is alw ays neg- ed to s ta rt m oving the long; [tu rn in g unem ployed w orkers, five.” I h e Senate can still recall C entral M ichigan U niversity m odern m eansjrf destruction is a ch im era.” th e bill for im m ediate affect and A lm a College. A chim era is a m ythical anim al p a rt lion, p a rt goat, with the term unem ployed b ack into pro­ A ssistant White House press if it o r some am ended version He w as principal of F rem ont tail of a dragon. R ussians u st the word to im ply you are dream ing. ductive work. A 354-62 ro lL c a ll vote, with A g Program sec retary Andrew T. H atcher told new sm en P resid en t Ken­ passes the House. High School for th ree y ears The new district would take and superintendent of F rem ont Republicans lending strong sup­ nedy w as g ratified th at-th e bill Nehru Writes Girl on ‘Neutrality port, cleared the w ay for a House-Senate conference to To Honor w as passed by th e House by such a larg e m argin. _ in Centerline, East Detroit, Schools from 1923 to 1945, when Roseville, St. Clair Shores, he becam e director of -public ■». GARDEN CITY, N.Y.—A blonde, blue-eyed high school senior work out a final version o f the Top Students Secretary of Labor Arthur will turn in Thursday a them e on the subject, “ N ehru’s neu­ trality —A Myth o r a R eality?” T bere‘11 be no doubting its authority, for it contains a letter from N ehru him self. bill, which c a rrie s a h ig h ad ­ m inistration priority. The House btil calls for a Top agriculture students will J. Goldberg applauded the House action and called for Religious Bias Hit tw o-year p ro g ram th a t would receive aw ard s during th e Ag­ an early resolution of Senate- The P rim e M inister of India took tim e from affairs of sta te to clarify India's position in world affairs for P riscilla Jeffrey, 17, a senior a t G arden City High School. give a m axim um of one y e a r’s riculture Honors P ro g ra m at train in g to 410,000 unemployed 7:3(F p.m . T hursday in Anthony House differences so the training program can be put By Student Congress STEPHEN NISBET and unskilled w orkers or low- H all auditorium ._ into effect. income farm ers. Forty-one aw ard s will be —Goldberg said the plan “a s ­ By SALLY DERRICKSON 1 cam pus and to a id jra te rn itie s m an, said th a t the public will T h e Senate bill, passed last given, including tw o top aw ards sures help To th e thousands of Of the State News Staff a n d sororities in m aking be seated in the auditorium Texas Congressman year, would s e t up a four-year, which will be presen ted to two $655-million program to tra in outstanding seniors. O ther pre­ -men and wom en whose liveli- hood h as been lost o r is th re a t­ ened by autom ation, and other changes in such clauses at Student Congress Wednesday their national conventions. night passed a resolution con­ balcony which holds m ore than 2000 seats. slightly over a million persons. sentations include A griculture L ast spring term Congress To Give Lecture Although President Ken­ club aw ard s of trophys and technological ch an g e.” The House m ajority w as com . dem ning religious discrim ina­ passed a sim ilar bill dealing tion in fratern ities and sorori 14 with ra cial discrim ination. - Congressm an Bruce Alger of powerful W a y s_ and M eans nedy has strongly urged pass plaques, ^departm ental aw ards age of such legislation the of $250 and $500 scholarships, _ House bill is largely the work and the M ichigan F a rm e r posed of 209 D em ocrats and 145 Republicans. Voting ag ain st the ties a t MSU. The group debated passage The resolution urges fra te r­ of the resolution for m ore than II. S. Red th e F ifth district,' Texas, will Com m ittee since 1959. bill w ere 22 R epublicans and 40 nity and sorority m em bers to an hour. Quinlan em phasized spfeak on “ Conservatives—Dy­ nam ic ’F orce for F reedom ’ Alger says he has two guid- lines for his voting: “ Is it a of a Republican, Rep. Char­ Award. les E. Goodell, R-N.Y., who One o f the speakers will be offered a compromise mea­ P rovost Clifford E rickson, who D em ocrats. rem ove clauses in th eir con­ th at th e resolution is not a stitutions or bylaw s which lim ­ m andate but an expression of Is Mum; T hursday a t 8 p.m . in the function of th e federal govern­ sure that was accepted with­ will talk to th e College of Agri­ it m em bership on the basis of Student Congress opinion. Union Ballroom . The public lecture is spon­ m en t?” and “ Can we afford it? ” His Congressional e f f o r t s out change by Democratic cu lture for th e firs t tim e. leadership— E n tertain m en t will b e pro­ Sign-Up Schedule religion. Congress also passed a bill R epresentative P a t Quinlan, calling for a student vote dur­ Faces Jail sored by the C onservative Club. E lected in 1954 as the first have centered around the Hoo- Goodell called th e bill “ a so­ vided by the Ascots, a q u artet lid, conservative R epublican from the m en ’s glee club; Ruth Set For Veterans ch airm an of the Student Wel­ ing spring term registration fa re Com m ittee, introduced the to amend the AUSG constitu­ WASHINGTON (if) — A m an described as th e organizational Republican from D allas Coun­ approach, to the problem o f Ann W ard, who will play the V eterans under classifica­ resolution. Its purpose, he said, tion. secretary of the UJ5. Commu­ ty , A lg e r has served on the unem ploym ent,” and m inority m arim b a, and Carole-Lenehan, tions P1634 and P1550 m ay sign was twofold: To foster fu rth er The bill involves two changes nist party refused to answ er lead e r C harles A .JH alleck, R- who will m ake hum orous re a d ­ for checks un d er th is schedule: research into instances of re ­ in student judiciary procedure. a grand ju ry ’s questions for Ind., took th e floor a fte r the ings. I-P, T hursday and Q-Z, Friday. ligious discrim ination on this One would allow hearings to the second tim e W ednesday and 2 Magazines be open to the public upon re ­ quest of th e student Involved. was ordered jailed by F ederal Judge Alexander Holtzoff. Banned by H S Leniency Charged U nder presen t constitutional regulations, a- student brought The o rd er was delayed until 4:20 p.m . F rid ay while th e .ru l­ before the judiciary for vio­ ing is appealed. __ E L SEGUNDO, Calif.„ CiV-A dispute over a classroom ban on two m agazines has been dis­ closed. — Scholarship Gets C riticism lating U niversity rules is allow, ed one w itness o r counsel. The am endm ent, if passed, would allow him to have m ore than one witness. The d efen d an t,'P h ilip B art, a 59-year-old p rin ter from Brooklyn, N.Y, was released w ithout bond. The New Republic and The B a rt refused to answ er m ore R ep o rter w ere banned from By TED BEHNE uation administered by an student would know from the Dr. M aurice C rane, associ­ The other change would al­ than 40 questions about party classroom s at E l Segundo High Of the Stale News Staff Air Force flight surgeon and beginning, w here he stan d s." ate professor of hum anities low students to waive the two operations, saying to do so School la st Septem ber by ad­ Requirements for the pro­ the Air Force Officers Quali­ Dr. Stanley Idzerda, director s a id :— t— _ days waiting period that is would violate his rights -under m inistrative order. A half doz­ posed Air Force ROTG scholar­ fication test. of Honors College said: now allotted before he mast the F irst and Fifth Amend­ ship program are too lenient 4. Agree to serve a mini­ _ “ The an-aalversity aver­ “If I were involved iu the appear before the Student en social studies teachers ques­ legislation for this program, m ents to the Constitution. tioned the o rd e r and a hearing according to a sample of stu- mum of four years active age for MSU is somewhere JmBdary. dents and faculty interviewed— duty after graduation, around a 2.4. I think it is I’d raise the grade point re- ' Congress also passed a reso­ w as held last night by the E l quirement te abeve a 2.N. Segundo Unified School Dis­ by the State News. . The scholarships are design- rather strange having - a lution urging the University to The program, recently an- ed to provide incentive for stu- scholarship program with a A 2.M mocks the scholarship publish and distribute a hand­ COW ER tric t board.- system at MSU.” T eachers L aw rence“ Cum­ BRUCE ALGER nounced by Maj. John Enge- dents to take ROTC under the grade requirement toss than book of University regulations m ings and C arroll F. E dw ards bretsen, Air Force director of new voluntary program, the university average. Dr. Harold Walsh, associate to all students. The book would ver Commission recommenda­ education, would grant students Melvin C. Buschman, associ- “ I cannot conceive of thé Air professor of philosophy: include academic, social, mo­ said they m ade the- issue pub­ tions, fiscal responsibility and lic afte r “too long a delay in who enter advanced AFROTC ate director of scholarships, Force buying bodies at $1200 “ It begins to appear to me tor vehicle, bousing, and gen­ efforts to trim the size a n d 12400 In scholarship money, .had this to say: ~ a year. The kind of people who that everyone is dealing with eral regulations. It would also getting an answ er from the scope of the federal govern­ proper officials.” At ‘ that time, Engebretsen “ It would certainly bring stu- would sell their bodies for $1200 education aa if it were an econ- contain an explanation of the ment. said that requirements for the dents to MSU, but scholarship a year are not the kind of peo- omic commodity. I think this . School Supt. Warren F. Mac- judicial system and disciplin­ scholarship would “parallel” is not the name for a program pie the Air Force wants any- is a tragic error. Education is ary penalties. Queen recommended that only current requirements for the with a 2.00 requirement. A way,” Idzerda said. “The Air more than this. •The Faculty Committee on lim e and Newaweek be used in classrooms. He suggested oth­ Commencement advanced program. These re- grant in aid is more appro- Force needs talent as well as quirements are: priate.” ‘My principle objection is Student Affairs would have to bodies.” that we are tying education up a p p r o v e the constitutional er magazines, including The Reporter and The New Repub­ Instructions Given 1. Have a 2.00 aU-uuiverslty Referring to the competitive" Idzerda predicted that the .In a package with other things. grade average and approval examinations which « N a v a l program. If initiated, will be* I would Uke to see National De. changes after the spring term lic, be made available to stu­ dents in the school library with Wlutar term commencement by the university ta assame ROTC applicants are required come competitive. “ Quotas will feme and education separated, referendum before the changes win become affective. Weather ’ instructions for seniors are juaier status. to pass, he said. - . be established on the campus, “ Service te the Armed Congress also pasood a bill to Fair and Calder Wedaesday teachers’ permission. T h e available in 1QC Administra­ 1 Be aregraauMd te grad­ ‘I would suggest the pro­ and consequently, competition Forces in time of peace is im- appropriate $225 for regional night and Tharsday. Law. board adopted his recommen­ tion according to Walter F. aste w ndaI twetwo years. yean. -gram be put oq a four year for the scholarships will re- portent, but it’s not as import- dation. and natWwT dues hi the Na­ Wednesday night • ta 3 heia». Swartz, Divtaiott-ef-Registrar. 1 Paw • physical exami- basis, similar to NROTC so the suit.” -* See SCHOLARSHIP paga S tional Student Association High Tharsday la mid leene. I Michigan State New*, East Lansing, Michigan \ Thursday Morning, -March 1, 1962 n . .. j -n I ia a a a Crossw ord Puzz e 1■ 3a 2n 3n »a □a a□ □a a- ua g nn no aaa uaac Stationed in Chile, Nigeria, Phillipines Carnival Tickets ^ □□□□□ n a a a j3 - Still Available ACSOM - t . H I* , rock» fcjll matte* in* organ 40. And: Let. 41. C o m et 43. Amart □□□□ □□□□ □ □ 3 -a a a a sn a a 3 3 0 0 3 3 nn3H D 3 □□Eau □ □ □ □ n a a j Corps Ticket sales for the Brazilian and Spanish 1962 Carnival Par­ ty will end Thursday. Tickets are still available at tee For­ 19. Romea □ □ ca u ü aa 1 eign Language Office, the Au­ 44 Seartet* room U.ThOOM defeated 14. Clear 15. Rebels 46. Vases 48. Thine, t a r 40. Sun god s i.r a a a u u u araaac na aouan n a si U a tlO □ana □□□ nas □□□□ o jd j With M any dio-Visual Center, the Commu­ nication Arts Office, or from Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stuart. The Carnival will be held 17. Gocahgr dotation of Yeetorriay'a P e a k By CHRIS GALANT Ircts has so altered spoken cultural backgrounds together “Their decisions were made except college level and sec­ Saturday at 8:90 pm . In tee water M. Large and Of the State News Staff English that It to fast becom­ to formulate a greater under­ pretty much on their own, hut ondary t e_a c h i n g positions. Knights of Columbus Hall, Lan­ 1*. Provided Imag sing, and will feature carnival 20. Elver SO. Summit 3. Extrsvagent 9 First sign of ing Incomprehensible to out­ standing between peoples. the University does provide In­ There is also a secondary 33.1fjr*elf <1. Severe uttering* the zodiac MSU has been cooperating siders. \ formation which may have school teacher’s examination music from Rio de Janeiro. 73. Orb of day 4. Poorly 16. Seiame ] with the Peace Corps in its ai-" The Philippine government Kaechele also studied at ».Aderiste 63. Manner 11. Public Grand Rapids Junior College helped create an interest in for-all applicants who want to 64. Be indebted a Promises tempts to stimulate interest said it feels the work of Poaco joining," be said. teacn in secondary schools or 17. Pouch a», run 65. Soft and smooth to pay 6. Items of notices 16. About in United StAtes projects Corps volunteers will help ra­ abroad, and has apparently vers# this trend, and Is urg­ in 1945-46, and the Davenport Business Institute hi 1946-47. "We have written letters to st the university level.” East Lansing 33. Trade SAPaebiro It. Morning: "The tests are designed to property and worked for nine yean on the 8tat# News aad the deans 3S. ArtiAeJal tenevate DOWN 7. Compass sbbr. 21. Stauttae challenged at least five for­ ing a general rapid and com­ mer students, according to Ho­ prehensive upgrading of edu­ his parents dairy farm In Mid- of foe different colleges, giv­ give a profile of the applicant, which is considered in the over­ Sales & Service MeDividais 1. Saltar point 33. Cavalry mer Higbee, assistant dean of cation. especially in rural dlevUle. ing them information seat by kalœ» 2. Palm leaf - a Bitter vetch •word 24. Join international programs. _ schools where teaching of Eng­ At Michigan State he took the Peace Corps. We also in­ all evaluation of a candidate’s T. V. - Radio M i l r-P P n n 9 courses on African studies and clude announcement« about application," he said. “They F " 7 T 26. Exclamation The five graduates are now lish and science is not yet able rJ of disgust working on Peace Corps pro­ to prepare pupils for technical tfoTYonfoa dialect. when the next qualification are not competitive, and there H i.Fi * r - m a test will be given by Peace is, no passing or failing score." □□ » w pg| w — 28. Mountain ridge - 29. Ice cream jects in four different countries, study. he said. Robert F. George, 28, of Speaking of MSU’* Peace Corps cooperation efforts, Hig­ Corpe representatives.” Higbee explained that the 24 Hoar Phene Service ÍM r ■ Ü containers 31. Allow Lawrence E. Cornish, 22, of Stony Creek, Conn., is working Lawton, and Evadna K. Smith, on a project in East Pakistan bee said the University did not seek out any of the five volun­ "There are two parts to an examination," he 'explained. only Peace Corps training giv­ en by the University is done Phone ED 2-2712 S3. Palo brown teers to persuade them to join "The general examination is on a project by project basis, 112 W. Grand R iver'- 22, of Lansingt are both work­ where volunteers serve as jun- 34. Suitable open to all applicants for any See STUDENTS page 5 37. Kevolvo ing in Chiie. i ior instructors ia-PaMstah col- these projects. 39. Warlike _ Cornish, who graduated in I leges; teach new farmmg meth- 42. H erd glossy 1961 with a bachelor’s degree, | ods and maintenance of im- suriaoe m ajored in foreign languages | proved farming implements; 45. H ang loosely 47. Bit of i n and m inored in Latin Am erican j organize youth clubs; and 50. Near history. During his last year work in hospitals. With 51 Exists 51 Jap. a t State he was an assistan t in­ George’s qualifications In­ stru cto r in a television Spanish cluded experience la repairing Thin D IP VALUABLE Coupon I ■tstannam SC Tier 51 Worm course. and maintaining automobiles, Miss Smith served as a home power boats and motorcycles, economics advisor to women's and^work as a draftsman at FREE And I COUPON I FREE 57. Ship’a $10.00 curved plank groups and 4-H clubs since her the Pratt It Whitney plant in Or More 81 Contend graduation in 1960. She ranked North Haven, Conn. H e re­ 59. Age 61 Palm lily in the top 15 in a class of 1,800, ceived his B.A. degree in art r 2-28 sz can Purchase I I was elected to five different in 1960. s (Exclusive 2-20 oz can campus honoraries and was John P. Kaechele. 34, of Mid. active in a variety of extra­ dlevilter; received his B.S. in of Beer I I I I P YELLOW DUNG Wine or Of Corps Marks Its curricular activities. ing in programs of communi­ accounting in 1961, and is now Both graduates are assist­ teaching in Nigeria. Nigeria’s development has . — Cigarettes) A S P Yellow GNlg Peaches I ty development and rural ed­ been held back by a shortage PEACHES First Anniversary ucation as members of velopment teams of Chile’s Institute de Education Rural. ef trained cttteeas whose technical aad professional de­ velopment, in tom, have been i .anaína and Bant L a n ln g AdP Saper Maritata I only, e- Limit pea ta a ta rtH M t I W ith thin enupon and a ZIO.»» a r añoro parchan«I I K ir lw lr r of Seer. Win« a r C lg irtH H ) la I The Institute is a non-gov­ retarded by the lack af suf­ WASHINGTON ^ - The This week Kennedy asked ernmental, private founda­ Peace Corps will m ake its first ! Congress for alm ost $64 mil- ficient capable teachers, the InThe 5 Lansing ancTEaal Lansing A P Store« f & a™ tion, established in 1955 to in­ Peace Corps said. anniversary Thursday with 698 ! lion for the P eace Corps in the crease agricultural produc­ The Government of Nigeria volunteers a t work in 12 for­ i coming year. He said th at by tion and to better living con­ has a double objective that eign nations. Jyne 30 there will be 2.400 in ditions in rural areas. covers the entire progress and Every country with volun­ ! service o r training. 'T h e reason for th e- project w elfare of its people — the teers has asked for m ore, and The volunteers in faraw ay w as explained in a P eace Corps am elioration of economic, po­ 20 other countries have made places receive a living allow- inform ation booklet. litical and social problems, and Sapw Right bids for w orkers—to m ake a | ance. About one-third .of those In Chite, w here agriculture the assu ran ce of better health, total of 6,000 w ritten specifi­ | selected are women. The av- has not kept pace with industri­ a higher stan d ard of living, and cations for jobs o v erseas. achieving success overseas,” i erage age is 24 for men and "So I would say that the 25 for wom en; 42 are under 20 Peace Corps seems to be j and six are over 60. says its director, Sargent j country overseas is 182 teach- Shriver. t The la rg e s tjiu m b e r in one ! ing in elem entary, schools in al progress, the governm ent political stability under demo­ recognizes com m unity develop­ cratic procedures. m ent work as especially im ­ portant. the booklet said. Kaechele had experience in Nigeria previous to his Peace In 1960, earthquakes, tidal I Corps assignment. He weijt waves and floods brought hard­ | there in summer," 198D,' a r O SEMI-BONELESS-HAM’S59Í President Kennedy spoke of | the Philippines. N igeria is next ship and ruin to hundreds of m em ber of Operation Cross­ "The -overwhelming response j with 107 teaching in secondary com m unities in southern Chile, roads Africa, a work and semi­ to this program in actual op­ | schools and the University. eration abroad" the other day | Others are teaching, doing when he asked Congress to ! ru ral developm ent work, health expand 11. j work or technical jobs in Chile, disrupting village life and d riv­ n ar program designed to bring ing g re at num bers of sm all people of different racial and farm ers and villagers to th e al. read y overcrowded cities. G o v e rR m in l I n s p e c te d PORK-ROAST Bacon Sale After a year of operation, ¡Colombia, G hana,_India, Mal- FR YER S All Good - Í Ik pkg ilo These volunteers qualified Peace Corps statistic! show: | aya, P akistan. St. Lucia, Sier- More than 18,000 applicants; ra r Leone, Tanganyika and largely because of th eir variety of skills and general "knowledge Boston Butt applications now running about ! Thailand. a thousand a month; 698 sel­ ected, trained and sent over- of m aintenance of farm equip­ m ent and_hom e economics. Judith K. C ridler. 22 of G rand SA BO Soper Right - I lb pkg S6o Cat ap S. esas; another 190 selected and now in training; over 5,000 vol­ unteers scheduled to be over­ seas or in training by August. ! Senate (Continued from P aee 11 R apids, was accepted for work largely on the basis of h e r m a­ jor. She received h er B.A. de­ gree in English and education TUBE 33a lb 29 lb 39 lb Ranch Stylo - 2 lb pkg 99c H eadquarters here planned I ments along the w aterfront.” in 1961, and was active in th e WAS MY BUSINESS no special birthday celebration G irl Scouts for-several years as His alias: “Dr. Moriaity.” His jobs —just to "keep on workings” j Doyle said. “ I think this has Michigan Yellow one employe said. I been carved out for political a unit assistant and unit leader. M « s_ C rid ler is working to dreaming up fiendish plots for U.S. spies. After 20 years of silencer HEAD LETTUCE SPINACH The Corps opened a year ago j purposes. You are afraid an- am id a chaos of ringing tele­ I other Dem ocratic congressm an phones, no stationery and 35 would^ come from W a y n e im prove teaching standards and the quality of English spo­ ken in ru ral a re a s of the Philip­ Stanley Lovell reveals the true story of his adventures in the O.S.S. In this week's Post he tells Crisp - Froth - Size 30 10 oz Cello bag ONIONS staff m em bers. It now has coHnty.” pines by giving instruction in m ore rooms, its own stationery I Sen. Carlfon H. M orris; R- pronunciation, sentence stru c­ about the “Hedy tamarr”-a de­ vice that panicked e roomful of 3 Ik kag -V.: , and about 275 staff m em bers at j Kalamazoo, who saw his own headquarters. redistricting proposal fail of tu re and vocabulary. Peace Corps ^Information generals. About a devilish wespon for wrecking Nazi supply -trains. c “ You can say w e’re in the passage, protested -th e bill transition from -c h a o s to or­ said that in the Philippines. English is the language of And about a “mistake” that might have blown up the White House. 2 h£aos 2 9 ‘ 19 •a 3 9 | could not pass the house. d e r," said one worker, technology trade, commerce Thr Smtmrdmy£wniiif Shriver will spend the anni­ “ This doesn’t even pretend and culture,-but during the v ersary testifying before the i to elim inate inequities or to last 50 years the influence Pl» Smlmrdmy Kaamlmg test are available at Local 1.49 ^ PQ §T i*«acMa. mfmvt *tw ow§äiß ê Building No. 34, 1120 May St. Lansing. Regularly 2 .0 0 Up to your k n o ts fa savings on our EUROPE link-and-link rib b ed wool knee-hi’s with nylon rein forced heel a n d ADVENTURER TOUR ENGLAND . HOLLAND - BELGIUM - LUXEMBOURG • GERMANY t o t . White# black# r td ,ta v y # LIECHTENSTEIN - SWITZERLAND - ITALY - MONACO - FRANCE gold# oxford grey# c h a r JUNE 15 to AUG H $ 1 1 9 5 . 0 ® BOUND TRIP SHIP PENNYW ISE BUCCANEER TOUR green» cam el, PORTUGAL - MAJORCA - .ITALY ^GREECE - AUSTRIA • HtJNGARY ch a r brown. LIECHTENSTEIN - SWITZERLAND • GERMANY - BELGIUM T FRANCE - ENGLAND Sizes 9-11 r JUNE 4 to JULY 25 $ 9 9 5 . 0 0 jto u N D TRIP SHIP IM PERIAL TOUR ENGLAND -'SCOTLAND - NORWAY - SWEDEN . DENMARK HOLLAND - BELGIUM - GERMANY - SWITZERLAND- LIECHTENSTEIN - AUSTRIA • YUGOSLAVIA - ITALY - MONACO - FRANCE (SPAIN). (PORTUGAL) JUNE 15 to AUG. 30 $ 1 4 9 6 . 5 0 BOUND TRIP SHIP SCANDANAVIAN TH R IFTR IP TOUR ENGLAND - SCOTLAND - NORWAY - SWEDEN - DENMARK HOLLAND - GERMANY - SWITZERLAND - LIECHTENSTEIN AUSTRIA - ITALY - SAN MARINO " MONACO • FRANCE (SPAIN) (PORTUGAL) JUNE IS to AUG. 22 $ 1 3 2 7 . 2 5 BOUND TRIP SHIP Prepare for it! TROUBADOR TOUR SCOTLAND - ENGLAND - HOLLAND - GERMANY - SWITZERLAND LIECHTENSTEIN - AUSTRIA - ITALY - SAN MARINO MONACO^ FRANCE - (SPAIN) (PORTUGAL) “A Book-A-Day will keep Russia away” JUNE 21 to AUG. 14 $ 1 0 4 8 . 1 0 BOUND TRIP SHIP We are trying to da our bit by TH RIFTR IP AND IRISH T H R IFTR IP TOUR (IRELAND) - SCOTLAND - ENGLAND - HOLLAND - GERMANY offering to you these bargains in books. • • SWITZERLAND - LIECHTENSTEIN - AUSTRIA • ITALY - SAN MARINO MONACO - FRANCE (SPAIN) (PORTUGAL) JUNE 21 to AUG. 22 $ 1 0 6 0 . 4 0 BOUND TRIP SHIP EXPLORER TOUR " • Engineering Math & Science - - SCOTLAND - ENGLAND-. HOLLAND - GERMANYVSWITZERLAND - LIECHTENSTEIN - AUSTRIA - ITALY - SAN MARINO - MONACO FRANCE - (SPAIN) .(PORTUGAL) " Reference Titles - JULY 5 to AUG. 39 $ 1 0 4 9 . 5 0 BOUND TRIP SHIP (Many 1960, "*61, ’62 editions -V A G A BO N D TOUR «ft | HOLLAND - GERMANY - DENMARK • SWEDEN . FINLAND RUSSIA - POLAND - CZECHOSLOVAKIA - HUNGARY .' AUSTRIA YUGOSLAVIA - ITALY - SAN MARINO - FRANCE - MONACO" SWITZERLAND - ENGLAND Now at 1 0 % off Marked Prices JUNE 27 to SEPT. J9 $ 1 3 0 9 . 4 0 BOUND TRIP SHIP VOYAGER TOUR _ ENGLAND - HOLLAND - GERMANY - SWITZERLAND LIECHTENSTEIN - AUSTRIA - ITALY - SAN MARINO - MONACO • Dover Books - the best economy low priced FRANCE (SPAINf - (PORTUGAL) paperbacks in Held of Math and Science ~~ JUNE 2« to AUG. 22 $ 9 9 0 . 5 0 BOUND TRIP SHIP AMBASSADOR BIG TE N TOUR We have most of them! - SCOTLAND - ENGLAND - HOLLAND - BELGIUM-- GERMANY SWITZERLAND • LIECHTENSTEIN - AUSTRIA - YUGOSLAVIA ITALY . MONACO - FRANCE - (DENMARK) ' (SWEDEN) - (NORWAY) JUNE 21 to AUG. 31 $ 1 2 4 2 . 0 0 ROUND TRIP SHIP Sale Ends Saturday, March 3rd, 5:30 p. m. EXPLORER TOUR SCOTLAND - ENGLAND - HOLLAND - GERMANY SWITZERLAND - LIECHTENSTEIN • AUSTRIA - ITALY SAN MARINO - MONACO - FRANCE - (SPAIN) . (PORTUGAL) JULY 6 ta AUG. 19 $ 1 0 4 9 . 5 0 ROUND TRIP SHIP Now At A DRESS WITH A JACKET FOR THE SPRING-BOUND JUNIOR VAGABOND TOUR HOLLAND . GERMANY • DENMARK . SWEDEN • FINLAND 7~ that adopts a versatile attitode toward RUSSIA . POLAND - CZECHOSLOVAKIA . HUNGARY - AUSTRIA Your Science Headquarter$ YUGOSLAVIA • ITALY . SAN MARINO - FRANCE - MONACO \ office and evening activ ities. Chic sflk SWITZERLAND • ENGLAND linen sheath is scoop-necked, sleeve- STUDENT BookStore JUNE 27 to SEPT. 19 $ 1 3 0 9 . 4 0 BOUND TRIP SHU* less and has a pleated cummerbund. Sheltered for day by a bolero cardigan COLLHCt TRAVEL OfFKE -ja c k e t Black, teal, beige. 74B size*. (Across From Berkey) Hi W. Grand River m m ED 2-9*47 I I 29.95 4 SOCIAL EVENTS Thnrsday Morning, M ardi 1, 1962 j Court Of Queens Coed Rush News » Any girl with a 10 aU-college I Girls Bask in Limelight ALPHA EPSILON PI average Is eligible to partici­ pate in spring rush. Terry Odelli, MonongaheUa, Ridge senior, to Judy Bedford, Coeds may register hi 338 r Almut «very young girt lattayn Langley, elemen­ S a l l y Greta, Feaavflte Barry Riggs, Great Neck, Pa., sophomore, to Kathie East Lansing junior « id Alpha Student Services any time be­ N Y. sophomore, to Marsha Derr, Bast Lansing sophomore XI Delta. tween 13-4 PJL from March dream* of era dav bacMung tary education freshman, is freshman, relinquished tar 5-i. A 61.8A rush fo* nwst be ^ Katz, Dougtastoo, N.Y. and Delta Gamma. qneaa. lift a. Iquean. I l f a — w r i f Mkh. eai'reatty raprwnffng ta r title of “Michigan Apple SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON THETA CHI paid upon registration. igan K M com* n u anish, vocal music, English, ors from the College of Engi­ given." COMMUNITY CIRCLE PLAYERS - >th speech o r journalism,, neering. WORLD PREM IERE PRODUCTION OF CANCER SOCIETY SCHOLARSHIPS—Wallace S. Bedes, pw iM id ef (he Ingham women’s physical education Zurich Ins. Co.—All majors County Unit, Americas Cancer Society, pretests M l scholarship checks to Marcia and all special education from the Colleges of Business G e r m a n C l u b H a s .T H E MISARRANGED MARRIAGE’ L. Shepherd, Pontiac senior to medical technology, and Walter K. Conley, Lan­ F raser Public Schools—Ele­ k Public Service, Science k Original Musical Farce by Adrian Rebinson and Dawn Allan sing, senior in veterinary medicine. The scholarships are to be presented annually mentary education K-6, art, Arts k Communication Arts. F a s c h in g P a r ty Author and Composer of to Michigan seniors at MSU. vocal music, junior high lan­ The Kroger Co—Accounting The Ballad Of Willie Brennan guage, arts, senior high Eng­ majors, transportation majors The German Club will hold “ A daring satire . . . to the point of excruciating lish. math and science, indus­ and all majors from the Col­ its annual Fasching party at laughter . . E. W. State Journal Includes 27JT Fields trial arts, and French. leges of Business k Public Ser­ its regular meeting Friday “French farce Hurea Valley Schools— Ele­ vice, Science A Arts and Com­ 7:45 p.m . in 31 Untom, people laugh . fit for a king . . . knows how to make Korona, State News mentary education, science, munication Arts. „ _ Fasching, the traditional fes­ Due to the large demand for tickets, tbe number of sold Grad School Called math or English with women's F. k R. L a u ra s k Co— All tival before Ash Wednesday, is physical education minor, visit­ majors from the Colleges of celebrated throughout Ger­ ing toachor. junior high math Business k Public Service, many. and mentally handicapped. Science k Arts and Communi­ There will be a carnival sing- out nights during our regular ran, and the number of our regular patrons-who have been unable to see the production^ we are holding over additional performances One of Nation’s Best If the number and quality el. Each year approximately ' The first type allows the stu Leeds A North rap Co.—Elec­ cation Arts and Home Econo­ fest end instructions in folk- trical, mechanical and chemi­ mics. I dancing with individuaL-parti* cipation. on The ■” s*- Thurs., March 1 - F ri„ March 2 - Sat., March 3 Circle Playhouse- a t 8:30 p.m. 1120 Sheridan St., Lansing Students with IJ). — 61.00 of students attracted, programs 200 graduates earn their doc­ offered, and National Defense torate degrees from MSU. dent to devote between fourth and three-fourth of his time performing certain one- teach' Sky Hook Project Low cost, Urge leadership, quick selling—powei — campus Classifieds. For Reservations Phone: Days ED 7-2319, Evenings IV 5-8649 Loans appropriated are indi­ “Michigan State University /< cative of healthygrowth—then has evolved into one of the ing duties. MSU is fast becoming one of finest grad schools in the The graduate J h e nation’s top graduate United S ate s,” said Dr. Milton sislant is usually financed out research as- Pioneer on Campus schools. E. Muelder, dean of the school of the Agricultural Experi­ One of the men who pre­ search prograrn was able to A student meeting the re­ of advanced graduate studies. mental Station funds in bio­ ceded Col. John Glenn lato provide data nm only for toe quirements for MSU’s graduate This is supported by the re­ logical sciences, sociology, an. space Monday night told about present space program but for school can enter any of eight cruitment of an excellent fac­ thropology or agricultural ec< his free balloon flight 113,000 many armed forcee and civi­ THE TMEYTON RING E MUXS THE REALTHING! -colleges authorized to give ad­ ulty. onomics. lian research programs, Ross vanced degrees. “Their qualifications are well The major advantage of this feet above toe earth. said. PUTca Navy Commander Malcom Breaking 4he eight colleges substantiated by vigorous par­ type of work is that it frequent* D. Ross, who made the ascent Appearance of toe Navy bal­ into smaller divisions, there ticipation in professional meet, ly allows the problem the stu- in 1961, spoke at a meeting of loonist on campus was spon­ are 66 departments composed ings, professional discipline, dentTs working on to be used Navel Reserve Research Co. sored by the university’s sem­ of 275 areas and fields for grad, holding of important positions as his doctoral dissertation. in a r on “High Atmosphere and uate work. in academic professional so­ a Finally, the grants-in-aid are on campus. contract for service that al­ Ross worked with the Navy’s Space" and by the Naval Re­ Last tall term ’s totals listed cieties and serving on national serve Research. 3,596 enrolled for on-campus panels passing on research and lows the student to perform “ sky hook project” during and study in grad school, .accord­ scholarship such as the awards whatever he wants to do. after the Korean war. He is ing to statistics compiled by of Fulbright scholarships and In addition to the many schol­ now with a General Motors the office of the registrar. Of other citations." arships and fellowships avail­ research laboratory a t Warren. B o w r a T o P e r f o r m this total, 2,250 were working able to students, Muelder has Ross and a companion took This statement is supported on the masters level, while by the fact that MSU was disclosed approximately 25 new off from toe deck of a Navy S e n i o r R e c i t a l the remaining 1,346 were doc­ awarded 23 scholarships under sources which will be available aircraft carrier and soared toral candidates. for students and faculty next 113,739 feet into the strato­ Corrine Bowra, soprano, will the National Defense Educa­ year. sphere on May 4, 1961. Tem­ perform for her senior recital The College of Science and tion Act of 1961. The only school' Arts had the Jargest enrollment in the country with more is peratures a t that altitude drop­ Thursday at 6:15 p.m. in tha with 1,236 on both the masters Vanderbilt University with 25. ped to M degrees below zero, Music Aud. James Norden, and doctoral level. Tbe College P e t i t i o n i n g B e g i n s Ross said. pianist, will accompany Miss Under the original NDEA of The Navy’s stratosphere re­ Bowra. _ of Veterinary Medicine was 1958, State was the recipient of the smallest with 49. F o r L a tin C o n fa b eight scholarships—five in busi­ State is among the nation’s ness administration and three leaders for a number of grad­ in mathematics. But in 1961 A t N a v a l A c a d e m y LIEBERMANN'S uate degrees granted on both the following were added: four the masters and doctorate lev- in comparative literature, six fields Senior men and women in the of economics, social sci­ There’a a fresh new look m AROUND! in modern literature, three in ence. political science, educa­ inform ation jm nirarm utiiia educational research design, tion or history' may petition to t o d a y on campus five in agriculture economics, attend the U.S. Naval Academy four in quantative economics Foreign Affairs conference. Pe­ CASUAL HANDBAGS and one in horticultural nutri­ titions for conference candi­ Alpha Zeta—5 p.m., - Short tion. __ dates are available in 336 Stu­ Course Dprm. Fifteen hundred such schol­ dent Services. Pre Vet Chtb-7:30 p.m., 146 arships were awarded to col- - The conference, to be held Giltner. leges and universities through­ May > 5 , at Annapolis, Md. win out Academic Affairs Committee Muelder the United States. cover problems of United cited the NDEA as States foreign policy in Latin Meeting-13:30 p.m., Student having a two-fold concept: America. _ Servicas. First, some phases of educa­ John Lange bead of the new­ Beta Gamma Sigma—4 p.m., tion are more critical than oth­ ly-formed AUSG Conference 103 Eppley. ers, and one of the most criti­ Coordination cabinet post, said Rowing G ab—7 p.m., Tower cal ones is to attract more to that the Naval Academy pays Room, Union. education. And the other is the conference fees and student Christian Science Organiza- that the NDEA favors the government win appropriate tie»—7 p.m., 33 Union, business graduate student planning Off transportation »nMMMy for tbs meeting. teaching in higher education in­ delegates. WtoH — 7:45 p.m.. H a m stitutions. Shack. He also explained tbe dif­ Circle Honorary—7:30 p.m., ferences in the types of aids A Date W i t h 338 Student Services. available to grad students. This Martin Lather Chapel—9:30 aid comes in three types: grad­ p.m., meditations. uate teaching assistants, grad­ Martin Lather Chapel—7:30 uate research assistants and p.m., Lutheran lectures. grant-in-aids for research. D U K E" ■ tu tti HERE’S WRY TAREYTOH’S DUAL FILTER UNDERGRADUATE BALLOT FILTERS AS NO SINGLE FILTER CAN: 1 1 It «ambimi m efferent pan white a ita fitter... “I approve of amending Article IX of tbe AUSG Csastitoftoa to read ’and every I with a unique Inmr Mar of Mmitto wmscoAt . . . wtwcfi h«» bam deSnttehr graduate student carrying six or more credits,* se that graduate students will prwto ta nahe tha muto A i to n to nwtder md smoother. be considered equal citizens of and participants ia, AUSG." yes—— — ,- . Come aee toe brightest, most youthful handbags wstee had ia years. Exciting fabrics . . . m adras, batik and TNI RKAL THING IN M ILO NtM ... hop — . cleverly combined with rich cowhide GRADUATE BALLOT leather and gleaming brass. See them in many colors TMK RIAL TKttoC OS FINN TOBACCO TASTSt New Duel F ilter Tareytons are last becom ing a big smoke on U.S. and siaas from tiny dutches to gmerous carry-alls. campuses! Ju st take a look. You’ll see. A nd why are they so popular? “ I approve the AUSG Constitntiex, including the propesed amendment to Artide Ju st take a puff. You’ll see. IX which reeds, tend graduate stodcnts carrying six er mere credits.” I approve of tbe amended Constitution which hereafter win include graduels students as equal citixeas of, and participants la, ÀUSG." yea at - East Lansing! NEW DUAL FILTER m rt MU 8» Washington Sto E. Grand River V* Michigan State New«, East Morning, March 1, 19 6 2 Ridan, owned by Mrs. Moody IM N e w s B r ie fs Jolley, woo all seven sprint Five Distance races In 1661 and e a r n e d Semi-final all-university bas­ 6284,060. The NantaUah colt ketball championships, Thurs­ won four stakes, all in Chicago. day, f p.m. in the Sports Defend Big Ten Arena. The IM free throw contest js continuing throughout t h e . By DICK ROBINSON and IowaT'Ghrry Fischer fig-1 Randall Mount 41:13) and Illi- week. Contestants are allowed State News Sport» Writer ore to make a strong bid for ! nois' JimI Hammond, runner-up IS free throw attempts. The tbe title. last year. contest is held in Gym III, (Note: This is tbe second of a Fischer himself is the con­ Parker, State’s ace runner, Monday thru Friday, from 12-1 aeries ef articles previewing ference king in tbe 1000-yard will be anchoring a mile relay and 3-5. the Big Tea track ekampiaw- run. Charley Aquino, of Michi­ team that could possibly give Now tied for first place are ahips at Jealsoa Field House gan, who has done a 2:11.9 this the proven favorites j battle. Jim Boone, Benton Harbor at 7 p.m. Friday and 2 p.m. GUYSCANBE 6000 PITCHERS month, and tbe Badger’s Crea- The Spartan quintet will be junior, and Larry Lande, Ann -SAYS HHITEYFORD Saturday.) gan are big threats in this made up of sprinter Sherm Arbor freshman. Five 1961 individual confer­ event. "*1 Lewie, all-around man Herm Larry. Loose, Midland under­ last year, Whitay Ford won 25 ence champions in the^middle Johnson and 309-yard ace graduate, won the singles bad­ games fortheYankees. Yet be stM State's senior captain Jerry ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * ■ a insists Kdoesn't taka brim to ba distance and distance events Young is back to defend his minton tournament. Arthur return to defend their titles at The 52ad annual Big Ten Irish, DeWitt sophomre was a winning pitcher. Is Ms week's., titler in the two-mile run. Young indeer track and field champ­ Post, Whitay tsHs why one Dodgsr the Big Ten - indoor track has run the distance in 9:19.9 ionships at Jeaisen Field the runner-up. championships at Jen)son Field SIGMA CHI’S winning hockey team that defeated Farmhouse. ^Baek row O-r) The table tennis singles tour­ pitcher with plenty ef brains never this season, about 11 seconds House wiD be held ia two set- Ceaeb Larry Schmidt, Chuck Allen, Wady Saadria, Mark Petrie, Dave Foster, House Friday and Saturday. slower than his 1961 title time. •leas. The first sessien ef pre­ nament was won by Tran Xuan made the grade. TeHs howhe han­ Michigan’s distance star, Sandy Mclness, Fred Pamntter, Dan Footer, Tony EIMet. From row (l-r) Bob ¡Huong, a Saugon, S. Vietnam dles N Kalina, Rocky Celavito. Am He will be concentrating on liminary and bread jamp fi­ Craig, Larry Barnes, Tom OrierrJoh» Leaver, Gary Johnson, Jim Kasha. this one race in the champioh- nal competition will begin at undergraduate. Runner-up was Gentile and other top sluggers. Ken Mitchell, Eaton Rapids And says whythe bssnbaR isnl as ships. 7 p.m. ea Friday. The second junior., Other contenders figure to be program of finals la 14 dangerous ss it’s crackedupfob*- SigsSavsChi took first place Indiana’s top sophomore Char­ championship events will ley Umbarger, State’s Morgan start on Saturday at 2 p.m. H ó ck ey m en T o F a ce T ech in the Hockey tournament. Farmhouse Fraternity came in I k Smturdmy Ward and Iowa’s Tucker. For Friday eight's compe­ second. tawft nowon fait « One of the top quarter-milers tition, MSU students will he By ED KOTLAR Tech is a well balanced team ing scorer among defensemen, in the country, Purdue’s DaVk admitted by ID cards and State News Sports Writer both offensively and defensive­ is muring a badly bruised hip Mills, is a heavy favorite in faculty and staff members ly. They have four men in the and Bob Doyle, first line cen­ his specialty. This brilliant by athletic activity book. All Michigan State’s h o c k e y top six places in WCHA scor­ te r, is recovering from an eye senior topped the field last seats will be unreserved at team has its work cut out as ing and goalie Gary Baumen injury. year and set the American and 61.61 each to the general pub­ it faces, the record sotting is rated as one of-the top net- In the other preliminary Big Ten record time of :47.2. lic and 6 -66 each to students Michigan Tech Huskies in the minders in the League. play-off, Michigan (15-3) bat­ Wisconsin’s newcomer Elzie of high school age and young­ first game, of the Western Col­ Tech also has a man that is tles Denver (11-7) on Friday Higginbottom. who has done er. legiate Hockey Association 53rd in WCHA scoring. He is — ERGAS LEPS—Michigan’s star :47.9 in his last three meets, At Saturday afternoon’s fi­ play-offs at Ann Arbor, 8 p.m., Elov Segar and the Spartans night. The winners of the tw o' runner. and Northwestern’s senior co­ nals, MSU students, faculty Thursday. _ have good cause to remember preliminary games will meet captain Jerry Golem, who holds and staff members m att pre­ The Huskies set several him. Segar scored only twice Saturday night to determine ¿apt. Ergas Leps, is the only the Wildcats’ indoor and out­ sent an activity book coupon school records enroute to fin­ one of the group to defend two in WCHA action this season the league champion and the door 440 records, are other and 6 -66 for reserved seats. ishing on top of the WCHA with and both goals came in Tech’s losers tangle Saturday after­ titles. Leps. who has won four thinclads who could place near Students most also shew ID's. a 17-3 league record. /■ #•< TmmG et in the Big 10 gold medals in the 880- 3-2 win over State. noon for third place. the top. General public seats will be As of Monday the skating The Spartans proved they swim in good form and wonderful fashion yard and mile runs, copped A new champion needs to be reserved at 61-59. Engineers had won 14 straight, both those events last winter. could stay, with the fast skat­ when yon choose a new s a lt from crowned in the 600-yard run. won 23 games- over-all and ing Huskies at Houghton and I M I n f o r m a t i o n ~ He has run a fast 4:11.8 mile The Spartan’s John Parker, Don ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ » th e sunny collection a t T he Style Shop. Voorheis. The combination compiled a 10-2 record on the the neutral ice at Ann Arbor this season, four seconds bet­ who ran a fast 1:11.0 early this has only ran one race together road. All of these facts set new From kn it sheath to cotton dressm aker should make a difference. Also -H ath er took the dormitory ter than last year’s winning year, is the top favorite. Park­ this season when P a r k e r school records. tbe Huskies have not won a team handball tournament with styles, they’re all here and ready for time, but is expected to get er sprained his-ankle at the sprained his ankle on the last Coach John Maclnnes has game oil Michigan ice in two 13 points, Bailey was second your early selection stiff competition from Iowa’s MSU Relays and did not go all become the greatest winning years, losing four straight. Jim Tucker, who is undefeated the 600 last weekend. lap. . _ Wisconsin, Indiana and Pur­ Tech coach in 45 years. In his with 8 and Emmons third with Spartan coach Amo Bessone 6 points. in the mile and two mile runs However, Coach Fran Dittrich due are strong teams that have six years at Tech, Maclnnes’s _ this year, and Illinois’ A1 Car- has two worries, the physical reports that he is looking proven themselves this season. teams have won 101, lost 61 condition of his squad and find­ Bob Dixon, Chicago sopho­ ius. “ good” in practice and "wiH The Badgers’ runners have run and tied 8. ing an effective third line com­ more representing Emmons Last Saturday Leps ran his be ready for-the meet.” a 3:18.1, while Purdue has com­ The Spartans played Tech bination. Hill, won the singles tourna­ best indoor 880 this winter—a Parker will most likely be piled a 3:18.4 clocking. The twice during the regular sea­ blistering 1:52.6—to also im­ challenged by Michigan’s Mac Hoosiers will run two of their One of the main reasons for ment. Dave Leonardson, East son, both games at Houghton. the Spartans early season suc­ Lansing_sophomore represent-' prove his 1961 winning clock­ Hunter, ajtoph who has done men that were on the 1961 The Huskies won £2 and 3-2 ing. Wisconsin’s Tom Creagan 1:12.2 this winter; Purdue’s championship relay team. cess was balanced scoring. But ing Rather Hall, was the run­ in overtime. the balance hasn’t been there ner-up in the singles division. lately as the third line has The doubles team of Carl failed to score in the last nine Valentino, Detroit freshman, PAPER in PADS Big Ten News games. _ and Bert Ward, Birmingham So far P at Baldwin is the freshman, took first place for only man definitely set for the Rather Hall. The B a i T e y While the battle for individual scoring honors in Big Ten Une. Bessone has six men vie- doubles team of Joe Sutschek, basketball rages between Purdue’s Terry Dischmger and In­ ing for the other two positions. Huntington Station, New York • LEUL m o «M i Mi diana’s Jimmy Rayl now averaging 34.0 and 32.3 respectively, the league’s teams are burning up the hoops at near record pace The Spartans have three freshman and Mike Stark, Bay- regulars with injuries. Tom side, New York freshman _ 35c 3 foe 96c and weekly establishing new single game »«»ring record. Lackey, the second leading placed second. For 50 games, the Big Ten is averaging 159.0 points per game goal scorer on tbe team, is Sigma Nu defeated A.S. Phi (79.5 per team). This is 0,3 points below the all time record set hampered by a 52 stitch gash and then Delta Chi to become • TYPING PAD - WHITE in 1959. Six teams are averaging better than 81 points per game. Currently, -Illinois’ average of 88.0 would rank 3rd «« in his neck, Carl Lackey, hard fraternity champs in volleyballr checking defenseman and lead­ Runner-up was Delta Chi. 39c 3 for 81.00 the alltime list, with Ohio State’s 87.8 4th, Indiana s 87.0 5th and Wisconsin’s 88.6 6th. — _ . _ However, five teams are giving up better than 82 points per V O T E T O D A Y • WORK PAD - YELLOW same, including three teams in the first division. The extremes in defense are shown in Ohio "State’s and Indiana s averages, FOR 35.9 and 89.1 points, respectively. Teams have been of 100 - 8V2 x 11 — 100 sheets 29c ~ 4 for $1.00 points nine times, 90 14 times and 80 27 times. Ohio State’s Jerry Lucas remains ahead of his field BETSY BARK W ELL Dprcentace record. He is Dow shooting at a .699 clip. £ 3^ S i u i ^ L u c a « ’ record, set in 1960 is .656 (144 of 218). He A.W.S. JUD PRES. • ENVELOPES - WHITE also leads the league in rebounding with 208 in Jtt Other action around the league shows that all the winter Qualified : sports titles are up for grab this weekend. The nm neraw ill - Packed 25 be converging on Jenison field, house, for the Big Ten Track Present Jud. No. 9 - 19c Vice Pres. C*The wrestling championship will be held a t Minnesota Uni­ No. 10 - 20c versity while the swimming title will b e m tor a t Indiana U. Tha gymnastics and fencing titles wfll be- decided a t Co­ _No. 6% — 14c _ lumbus, Ohio and Champaign Illinois respectively. - B ig T e n R o u n d -R o b in D is c u s s e d The idea of Big Ten football team s eventually playing only Come Browse Our Many Helpful Items conference opposition is running into trouble. Bin Ten athletic directors, faculty representatives and regis- rars gathered at Michigan State University Wednesday for Spartan Book Store their annual winter meeting with emphasis directedI tofoctbalL annual winter meting with emphasis directed on football. The present Big Ten schedule calls far progression toward a round-robin agreement. This would provide f i t s roimmum of Corner Ann & MAC East Lansing fight gam es in the conference in 1967 nod 1968 and nine con* ference games In I960 and thereafter. This would mean that no Big Ten team could play an outride rival. Football schedules are presently completed up until PROGRAM INFORMATION GALL ED 14817 1986. At present no Big Ten team plays more than seven con­ ference games and nine in one season unless it plays in a *S T A T E * E A 5 T LANSING * PHONE E0.Î 2314 bowl contest. , Big Ten Commissioner Bill Reed admitted there was dis­ satisfaction with the round-robin idea, although he said the vote would be even about now. T he downtown L azarus store, in Columbus, Ohio h a s fo u r park in g g arag e s— one indication o f th e planning-for-grow th approach o f th is m a jo r r e ta ilin g in s titu tio n . L a s a r u s is a HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA 8HOWING WHAT EVER YOU NEED 1,200,000 sq. f t downtown More w ith branches planned fo r late 1962, and 1964. FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS fie fo r y o u r c a r LAST NIGHT “ LOVE AND TH E FRENCHWOMAN” Mufflers — Tail Pipes — Exhaust Pipes INSTALLED Lazarus Representatives from Columbus, Ohio STARTING FRIDAY C o m p le te S h o p S e r v ic e SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT R e h w ilt Motors and Transmissions w ill interview on Campus TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 3 OUTSTANDING INSTALLED MARCH 6TH AND 7TH FEATURES Spaed Equipm ent — Accessories DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND F A C U L f* Q ualities being sought a r e ability, initiative, an d S en io rs, b o th m en a n d w om en, re g a rd le s s o f m ajor, a re invited to learn at the alm ost unlim ited im agination. L a z a n » top-notch tra in in g p rogram opportunities far rap id advancem ent and financial tak es over from there. T he pro g ra m » designed K ltn r s ROTO PARTS grow th w ith Lasarus, in Columbus, Ohio’s larg est to stim ulate trainee* by placing them i a dadMon- departm ent store. m aking capacities, an d th is, m relatively sh o rt I » R. LARCH tim e, leads to im p o rtan t executive position* Interview * will be conducted fo r th e following O pportunities abound in retailing; espe­ "" nr 4 4 m RejdaofMpbsrest: c ia lly w ith L a z a ru s in C olum bus , . , 4 Merchandising • Advertising in v e s tig a te n o w b y c o n ta c tin g yotur Placem ent Office, and arra n g e a n in te r­ Mon. - Fri. Saturday Sunday • S ta n operations • Finance view w ith L asarus Executive Develop* 1*1 M • - ! • VettmOmnl Management • Personnel m e n t D irector. Thursday Morning, March 1, 1962 M ich ig an S ta te N ew a, E ast Ï a n s in g , M ich ig a n SOLD — Second Day Sold Quickly! 195» CHEVROLET. Hue. 4 eytindr\ REHE automatic shift. lady aneallant con­ dition. Motar overhauled. 504 Dwh- •on. IV 247*9. *3 F O R SALE PERSONAL M S U T e a m C h ip s I n - • _ r I f VflD HAD MUR UH§VSX/D C am pus BEEÂTiNë ALL WL*? 10K6Í GUITAR. HARMONY, standard site. ATTENTION K, TION Koopman ten*. I » " - LcrMent condition, joed buy. Call is new phone number is 354-167». 40 U n iv e rs ity o f N ig e r ia S e ts W an t A ds evenrnyt, 3SS-I454. WOMEN’S CLOTHING. Sweaters— 42 HIllEUZ- A -TWISTING, Saturdev March 3, 8:30 p.m. at South Compur site 31, skirts—site 10 and 12, dresses Grill. Skits in Purim spirit, buffet sup­ —site 10 and 12. Excellent condition. per, Ruskin's Quartet far dancing B la z in g T r a il o f P ro g re s s • Aotnmoti*« • Employment • Personal • lard fatate Phone EO 74)612. OFFICE DESK with top 60x36. Ready 43 Queen Coronation. Stag or drag. AT this and Hamantaschen too far a shekel. 40 • far Sale • t arme ta finish to suit you. Call EO 2-5702. By CLEMENS LEWICKI tober 1960 and now has 900 j ments of the United States and • far tant • Transportation \ 4T ACTIVES Of DELTA CHI. You may Of the State News Staff I students.” • the United Kingdom to help • Hominy far Rent* lési S Found pick ap your trophies and skins at the At present there are 15 ac­ plan the physical and educa­ REPOSSESSED ZIG ZAG sewing ma- fallowing sorority houses. Alpha Chi The vigorous Nigerian spirit ademic buildings, 13 student I EAT BECAUSE AND I’M FRUSTRAT©8ECAÎ5E Deadlines: I P-m. *Hss day chine, like new. Payments as low as Omega, Kappa Alpha Thetn. CL*' FRUSTRATED... $5/month on new contract. Phone of today can be compared to dormitories, 114 faculty living tional features of the univer­ I DONT GET TO£AT ENOUGH Í r#i before publication IV 7-0585. 41 Omega. Kappa Kappa Gamma. P: sity. Beta Phi, Kappa Delta. Delta Gam­ the American pioneering spirit quarters, and 3 junior staff Phone 355-4255 or 355-4254 ma. Respectfully, Your Pledges. 40 The Nigerian government DIAMOND -RING. Three fourths in ^educational, political, and houses. New buildings are be­ wanted the university to adapt caret, solitaire setting, approximately NEED RELIABLE advice an car in­ economic development. -George ing constructed continuously. 1 R at« : one year old. Call IV 54)700 after S. its program to the needs of the surance? Talk it ami with Lao Stanton. H. Axinn, coordinator of MSU’s “ At one time,” Axinn people. Because MSU, under I day . . . . . . . . . »131 — \ Ha will help you plan an Insurance University of Nigeria Pro­ said, “construction workers the land grant system, was an .... $23$ LATE MODEL Kenmore automatic budget. 1500 E. Michigan. Call IV 2- gram, said. I dam ........... 0689. 44 outnumbered students and outstanding example, of this 5 days......... 5331 washer. Excellent condition. 3S542II. Axinn returned recently from faculty.” philosophy, it was invited by — — 3 -f (Based an li 40 — « Mr *4) R E A L ESTA TE a 30'clay trip to Nigeria. “The Michigan State’s involvement Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, governor TRAILERS - University of Nigeria,” he with the university, according general of Nigeria, to aid in (25c discount if paid said, “ is the fastest growing to Axinn, started when the the development of the new 1953 HOUSETRAILER. New Moon. CAPE COO. 3 blocks from MSU. within • we«k) Very good condition. Reasonable, will Built-in oven'and range. Fireplace and university in the world. It Nigerian government request­ university. started with 240 students in Oc-1 ed assistance from the govern- President John A Hannah ‘Y e s , N o ’ M a y b e ’ hold contract if desired. Calj_. ED 2- gereg*.~»l7,»00. F.HA Call ED 7- 1941.— 42 1422. 44 and Dr. Glen L. Taggart, dean Ski Rental of International Programs, were part of a team which went to Nigeria and investi­ Panelists Split A U T O M O T IV E BUICK-—1454 convertible. Runs good. F O R RENT WALKING DISTANCE MSU. All brick ranch 2 bedroom, den, separate dining room, large kitehnn.-ree room. GARAGE SPACE and parking space Gas heat. Aluminum storm windows, Equipment gated the factors involved- in S.g cart .Small price! »595. See it for rent. Low monthly rotes. Near- screens. Fenced. Professional land­ • Ski $croò establishment, of the univer­ sity. They endorsed the project in 1958 and recommended that On Testing Need !ora Gallagher Auto Soles, 1919 Michigan. IV 2-8776. tUICK—1954. Runs well. Only $295. HOUSES campus on Grand River Ave. Call scaping. Taka ever existing financing ED 2-6614. 42 with only »2500 down. Property at 234 Kinberry Drive. By owner, ED 7- # Boots sources throughout the world By PAUL SCHNITT m egaton bombs, he said. Excellent transportation for a college FULL HOUSE fo rent. Available 1222. 47 should be drawn upon to help Of the State News Staff student. U ltim ately, be added, the de­ E Michigan. GaHasher Auto Sales, 1919 immediately. Walking distance to - EAST LANSING, Bedford H ill«. 1340 9 P o l e s ' _ (50c Insurance) if1 ---- — 41 campus. in planning the institution. Should the United States re­ cision to resum e atmospheric Call ED 2-0102 after S p.m. Cederhilt Drive, 3 bedroom ranch with W EEKEND — FRIDAY - MONDAY State’s Nigerian program is 2 cor attached garage. I fa baths, car­ sume nuclear testing? testing re sts with President CHEVROLETS. Two I960, 9 passen- pet, drapes, built-in kitehen with dish­ sponsored by a U. S. govern­ ger station wagons, powerglide, power 235 S. FRANCtS St. 7 bedrooms. washer and disposal. Eating space in Ski Close Out 2 5 % OFF ment agency, the International ‘‘Yes, or this country runs the risk of getting clobbered.” Kennedy. steeriny, V-S engines. Two 1961 Bis- Full basement. Clean. Ideal far small kitchen, well landscaped comer lot. Bv Cooperation Administration. Prof. L ichtenberg came out caync sedans, 4-door, powerglide, V*8 family. Close to campus. IV4-3235. 41 owner leaving city. »2600 down to on Skis — Boots — Poles “ No, for it will just acceler­ engines. Will sacrifice for cash sale. ag ainst nuclear testing fori IV 4-7461 between 9-5. . new F.HA Call ED 2-1303.______ 42 Axinn said MSU has 19 ate the arms race which will 41 APARTMENTS -LARRY CUSHION SP0RTMG GOODS members in Nigeria at pres­ greatly increase the danger of ent and this number will be nuclear holocaust.” three reasons _ In the first place there is the 3 ROOMS FURNISHED, private 1959 IMPALA sport coupe. »1,250. bath and entrance, graduate 'Students . S E R V IC E 3020 V INE • Ph. IV 5-7465 increased te 30 by October. Good condition. health issue which, he admit­ nings and week-ends. Call E D 2-3660 eve­ preferred. Cell ED 7-7603. 42 “ It is a difficult decision to 40 TYPING, general and thesis, ex­ They are engaged in instruc­ make since we desire to be ted, scientists are in disa­ LOVELY FURNISHED apartment. 3 perienced. Reasonable rates. Call ED 7- tion, research, and admin­ greem ent. ~ 1953 CORVETTE. Escellent engine. rooms end bath. First floor, accomo­ 0138. 4x istration. Dr. George M. neither red nor dead. Program Information Dial TV 2-3905 D r. E dw ard T eller, noted Single 4 carburetor. Positraction. Good dates 2. Net -supervised. Utilities paid. Johnson, chief of MSU’s These were the opinions ex­ scientist, insists th e re is no­ tires. New convertible top. Prefer trade- »50 each. Call ED 2-2462. 42 DON'T WAIT. Term papers done 2 ndWEEK! Ä MICHIGAN rm ftTiir pho>4F iV staff, is vice chancellor of the university. pressed Tuesday night by three faculty members on the thing to worry about. Ljcbtea* berg said. in. Call IV 5-0700 after 5. 41 LADY STUDENT. Prefer graduate Call IV 7-5644. FORD—1953. A good value at student to share a 4 room furnished -TYPING. Thesis, manuscripts, and with professional touch. Lowest rates. 44 Feature Shown 1:00, 3:05, 5rlt, 7:20, 9:30 P.M. “ Each MSU staff member is topic. _ On th e other hand, he said, ] $150. See our big display of used apartment. Walking distance to cam­ term papers, etc. Call ED 2-0570. 47 there to work himself out of Participating in the discus­ P rof. H arrison Brown of Cab-! '*v* have one for you. Tom Gal- pus. Call ED 74)180. 44 JP » IT'S THE PICTURE WITRI a job,” Axinn said. ‘‘The Ni­ sion sponsored by the Union fornia Institute of Technology j laahe* Auto Sales, 1919 E . Michigan. APARTMENT to share with a foreign NEW RIDING STABLE open eg gerians will take over their Forum Committee were Col. argues that 10.000 people will Cali IV 2-1776. 41 student. $4ft00 per month. Has all April I at 1950 lake Lansing Rd. positions as soon as they are Jam esSkells, head of military die of leukemia each year if} FORD—1956 - 2 door. $325. A real modern facilities. Call ED 2-2759 or Jfones boarded-. Call ST 1-7032, Mar­ I RdckHudson trained.” science; Dr. Donald Lichten- testing in the atmosphere is ‘ bargain at that pricer"Tom Gallagher ED 2-6639 11-12 p.m. Auto Sales, 1919 E . M ichiganT" 41 40 shall. 41 He said 40 per cent of the berg, associate professor of continued. ROOMS TERM PAPERS TYPED. Experienced.' « D o r is D a y Nigerian budget is earmarked physics; and Dr. Wolf Fuhrig, 1953 OLDS M OBILE and Underwood SINGLE ROOM for male student Phone ED 2-4597. 42. World „opinion is another o**ce typewriter. Archie, 355-9710 or for education. Although there social science lecturer. near campus. Snack priviledgei. Part­ CIIANER-CIOTHES SPECIAL Sevd : T o n y R a n d a ll is a great demand for roads Speaking first before 35 peo­ reason why the U. S. should 332-2634. not resume atmospheric test­ 40 ing available. Spring term. Call ED 2- 66c on suits and drestex 26e an trou* and power dams, the Nigerians ple in the Union, Skells ad­ 5184. ’ ~ ' 42 sers, alricto and sweaters with ad. Bidld ing, he said. OLDSMOBILE—1954 Hardtop. Ex- • -J O V B J l want to educate their people to vocated the resumption of at­ celieni condition and fine transporta­ 2 MALE STUDENTS large doubla Cleancrs. and OR 6-5902. Fret piek u» delivery. 4? develop and manage the ec­ mospheric testing because of “This country was the first tion. A real buy at »400. See *5’at approved room. Parking and some I - C om e onomic expansion of their the progress made by the Rus­ nation to test the weapon, the Gallagher Auto Soles. 1919 E. Michi­ priviledges. Call ED 2-6622 after 6. 42 -SHIRT COILARD TURNED. 35c.; country’s rich resources. As a sians in their recent series. first to drop it on civilizatioo gan. 41 MALE STUDENTS. Room and board, dressmaking, alterations and e*peifs,' . B A C K " part of adult education pro­ and the first to kill people ac­ OlDSMOBILE—1951 2-door. »595. »14.50 per week. Call ED 2-2447. 47 Reasonable. ED 2-5977. 40 co to * gram, a Continuing Education “If the R uslans get ahead cidentally with it,” he indi­ Must see to appreciate. Gallagher TYPING BY WOMAN with tflC Center Building is being de­ of us or think they are ahead cated. Auto Soles. 1919 E. Michigan. Open ATTENTION MALE STUDENTS. years secretarial experience. TU 2- EDIE ADAMS JACK OAKIE signed by Gordon Belson, the of us, the United States run* - “Therefore,” he added, “the 9-4 Mon.. Wed., Fri. end 9-6 Tuct., Rooms, kitchen Privileges, porting. 6738. ~ t< architect of Kellogg Center. the risk of getting clobber­ world feels both Russia and Thurs„ Set. 41 Spring term. Call ED 2-6788. 44 SOON! ROZ RUSSELL “A MAJORITY O F ONE” -TYPING. Terns paper* and ganare1.*- Axinn said that the Nigerians ed,” he warned, the U. S. are equally callous 1959 RENAULT Dauphine, Good 2 SLEEPING ROOMS with adjoining ED 2-8426. 41. have many native languages Skells quoted an article from concerning the lives oLxdher cond ition, luggage rack included if kitchen and bath, 2 male students, pri­ but English Is the accepted lan­ Life magazine which stated peoples." desired. Must sell. ED 7-0444. 40 vate entrance, IV 4-5898. 40 FREEZER. FOOD CLUB. Michigan s Exclusive A rea, Admission $1.00 guage and is taught from the that the recent Soviet testing I960 VOLKSW AGON. radio, wind- TWO DO U BLES and two singles, finest. »12.50 per week can feed your; Students 75c third grade in the schools. All indicated their superiority ov­ The final reason be give shield washer, heater. »1200. Call 355- phone, spring term. Near campus, pri­ family of 4. All choice meets, vege­ PREMIER! **- exams, newspapers, business, er the U. S. in the heavy mega­ for opposing the resumption 41«3 or 355-3*44 after .7. 41 vate entrance. ED 7-0179, 40 tables, fruit* and canned goods. No! (with LD.) radio, and parliamentary pro­ ton range. of testing was that as hath membership or high-pricad freezers. Fen powers accelerate the arms more" information with no obligation’ cedures are conducted in Eng­ The Soviets tested many EM PLO YM EN T calf Vemicks, IV 9-9088. 4 ir MATINEE SATURDAY AT 1:00 P.M. lish. race, the danger of nuclea r new warheads, made a great war is greatly increased:—- TERM PAPERS TYPED, reasonable; deal of progress in the field REGISTERED NURSES for afternoon *»d n' Frehdor. 81.25 minimum. 41 Police. 40 2625. SB ‘ \\ ' ÀA. \.V- - ¡Ä mí Thursday Morning, March 1, 1962 Michigan State N ein, Eaat Lansing, Michigan ó "The iiantrrtnonte are too jk J b r e e is hard-up for ca­ they wHl probaMy not be « - Scholarship actly the same.^ It is too «arty law, the Air Fwee certainty dets imd this win eaconrage tOMtiniied from Page 1) to say definitely what the re­ won’t gef very good officers requirements will be. ont of tore pointers. She Air more students to go advanced,” Bob Weaver, Union freshman, V a r s ity D riv e In “If ore could get aR four Force Is w m M e scholar­ •aid. ant as oervice to doe’s country ship fifing as bait. There wffl “ It’s great for anyone who 12 2 7 E. GRAND RIVER in other ways. pointers we would take noth­ he many nen Interested stu­ “For instance, we need teach­ ing lower. dents who wffl jota only 1er wants to go into advanced, but OPEN EVERY DAY 5)0 0 P.M. I’m not interested,’’ Fred Oe- ers, more than me need Air “We are tnterested in per-, the money involved,” Steve trow, Detroit sophomore said- DELIVERY SERVICE MON. • SAT. feet physical specimens and Uager, New Jersey sopho­ “ I think it has more good Force offibers." four pointers if we could get more said. points than bad. They have to 8tS0 P.M. . 1.30 A.M. Major Engebretsen, A i r them. But we are taking • ■ f “v Force director of education, more reflistic approach.” “It sounds like a gimmick to do something to attract offi­ SUNDAY 5)00 P.M. . 1>S0 A.M. cers,” Tom Hughes, Grosse when asked to comment on the professors’ opinions, bad He emphasized that details me,” Bob Hart, Lime Center, of fiie program have not been New Hampshire sophomore and Pointe sophomore. ED 24617 this to say: worked out yet. “1 think file requirements four year Air Force veteran are too easy and the program “Requirements for the schol-.. Students interviewed shared arship win “paraliel’' current the views voiced by the fac­ said. is too general,” Jerry Tryloff, YOUR BEST BUY. CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS requirements for advanced,but ulty. “ I think it’s a good idea. The Mount Clemens junior. ^ TWO LOCATIONS BESMARRT.» • 5 2 1 EAST GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING • 1001 WEST SAGINAW SNOW REMOVERS, like the one pictured above, are LANSING taking part in the clean op program on MSU’a campas. Snow , Ice S ty m ie SH O P AT G ro u n d s C rew By JOHN STRINGER Of the State News Staff night, it is just that much worse. SUPER You’ve probably noticed it— “If we find we are "running this baa been a bad winter, especially for University snow short of time, we get the long, main walks first and get the S H A H E E N S M ARKET! removal crews, says Gilbert rest between class breaks.” Lloyd, foreman o f the grounds During the day, the only- ~v crew. thing crews can-do about the “ One of the reasons is due streets is to put salt and sandi to the large area we have to cover,” be said. There- are S3 miles of walks on them. Much of the ice is rooted to ; the pavement. A machine cal-j OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK to cover which is equivalent to led a “scare fire” can pry the 42 acres of solid concrete. ice off after it has sotted. The The streets run 26 miles or could be spread out over 77 acres. And parking lots take machine with teeth that angle- into the ice and strip it off. [ has been fairly successful, hei FìtOMD A.M. - 9 P.M. up another 84 acres. said— Most of the ice and snow But even if the ice were | came a t one time, January, be cleared, the water from the \ FROZEN said. During that month, there melting snow would freeze on ’ the walks. —| M IR A C L E W H I P were 19.2 inches of snow, nine inefaes over the average. Also _ And ^because salt pits con- j Crete, it has to be used spar- [ ARMOUR STAR BANQUET DINNERS SALAD there were four or five cold weather records. Rock salt, a big helper, will not do the job below 20 degrees ^ ingly on the walks. “The companies who pour \ the concrete say we should not j use salt for at least one year i READY TO EAT Beef Ham DRESSING 3 9onc qt) QT At this point, twice as much rock salt has been used than -all of last year. Five times as much sand has been used. and preferably two years after t pouring. If we-did use salt onj the new concrete it would turn • to shale,” Lloyd said. S M O K ED H A M s 39 - “ We are limited by the time Remembering-the first froz­ Salisbury Steak per package in which we can remove snow.” en rain last January, he said walks were the slickest he h a d ; M A N O R HOUSE Because of traffic and park­ even seen them. Additional ’ ed cars, the crew has to wait sand spreaders were bought MICHIGAN BEET COFFEE until_the students are through after that. with their evening classes be­ There are 31 men. including! fore the streets can be plowed. Then, they try to be done by the time the 8 a.m. traffic starts in. If it snows during the supervisors, on the snow crew. ( They are on call 24 hours.; Each man is assigned to clear! snow in a specific area. SUGAR 39‘ 2 lb can 98‘ „ (limit one bag) ( 1 can limit) SHANK BUTT Anewlook PORTION PORTION SHURFINE _ 4 oz bottle msportswear MARCHINO PILLSBURY 5 30= forspring 35 49 CHERRIES 2 59 FLO U D It » (1 limit) FRESH LEAN DOLE SLICED SHURFINE SALE HESDRTWEAYE SPORT C O A T S by G R O U N D B EEF PINEAPPLE IN EFFECT ThânSeack Gr. 5 No. 1 Flat Cans * 1 . 0 0 - US NO. 1 IDAHO '• cool lightweight fabric blend O 1J $ ^ 1 9 of 55% Dacron* Polyester,— 0 DEL3EY BAKING 4 5 % wool • tailored for fit and fashion by the foremost designer of lightweight TOILET TISSUE 2 TWO ROLL PACKS 49 POTATO '■’.1”ytSr.■''•dP' -Jothing, BeOfA Company OSCAR MAYER LITTLE LINK ~ SAUSAGE : 69 Shurfine Frozen ORANGE JUICE 10 i 49 KOEGLES 6 6ozcans * 1 .0 0 Tray Pack Red Ripe LARGE SLICED COST ONLY n n S 5 39! BOLOGNA 49 EXOTIC FOODS FROM TEE FAR EAST TOMATOES 2 PACKS 3 5 A $2.50 HEMP STRETCH BELT FR E E • Crushed W h eat (Borgul) in 3 Grinds Florida Juice WITH ANY SUIT, SLACK OR SPORT COAT PURCHASE 2-lb box 6 9 • • • Syrian Tahini and Turkish Coffee Home-Made Leban Syrian Bread ORANGES 39 dz C (1 box limit) m -Both Locations CHEESE HOLDEN $ REID • Mot, Thick Syria» Bread Baked Fresh Daily at East Lansing Store — IPs Baked Bight Here Large Stalk FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Offer» In Thk Ad Expire PASCAL OPEN 9 a.m. ta I p.m. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Mardi 7, 196 2 • Cookbook ofFar East Recipes — East CELERY 2 i 3 9 learning Store Only SATURDAY TILL 8 p.m.