i*.,* a n S t a t e N e w s Serving MSU for 52 years •SCOMO CLAM POSTAOS 10 Cents Established 1909 VoL 53 No. 157 F riday M orning, M arch 2, 1902 8 Pages PAIO AT SAST UN9INO. WtCtO. Fight Tides To Recover Bodies Of 95 Dead in Plane Disaster Searchers Report TICKER'TAPE HERO — A stronaut John Glenn waves as Ills wife 4No One to Rescue’ ^ Annie and Vico President Lyndon Johnson appear to dodge some of the NEW YORK (A—Searchers Searchlights were brought to paper show er falling on them as they ride along Broadway tow ard City battled the cold and darkness the scene for after dark opera­ Hall T hursday in New York. (/P) Wirephoto. of Jam aica Bay Thursday tions. _ night trying to recover the -The plane was American’s bodies of 95 persons who died flight 1, which tookeff from M a n h a tta n H a ils G le n n when a coast-to-coast jet air­ liner faltered on takeoff from Idlewild at li:07 a.m. for Los Angeles, and crashed three minates later. It was a IdlewUd Airport and dived in the water. It was the nation’s late model Boeing 797 Astro- W ith T u m u l t u o u s P a r a d e worst single-aircraft disaster. More than 12 hours after the Jet, expressly designed for speedfor„takeeffs from air­ NEW YORK (¿1—John Glenn M ayor Robert W agner es­ American Airlines jetliner ports sarronnded by resident­ like this at all, needless to say. ial areas. rode in triumph through Man­ tim ated the turnout for Glenn Thé honors you are bestowing plunged nose first into the bay hattan Thursday, signalling and his six fellow astronauts and disintegrated in explosion Curiously, apparently no one on us today we accept, but we on the ground saw the actual thumbs up to the tumult of mil- a t 4 million persons. - accept them in the name of the and flames, only 45 bodies had liontnLNew Yorkers cheering been recovered. There were no crash, in a remote area of Thanking the m ayor and the whole Mercury team that has shallow w ater and reedy his triumphant ride around the crowd for his rousing welcome, worked so hard, and we will survivors. world through space. marsh, although a number of Glenn said: continue to do our best to re­ By late Thursday night, the persons saw the plane going - The grinning, freckled Mar­ “ We feel th at perhaps in the present you as we think we tide from the Atlantic Ocean ine Lieutenant Colonel sat atop effort w e are engaged in, to down and heard it explode. But should. Thank you very much.” had come in and gone out another airliner that took off the back seat of an open con­ Teally begin a new space era, At the city hall, the crowd again, and prospects were that vertible as the crowd literally m y flight was but one step in moments later afforded its greeting Glenn’s motorcade al­ policemen — some in hipboots, passngers and crew a ghastly G IFT FOR TH E GOVERNOR — Direct from Brazil, professor W erner mid figuratively tried to clasp th at long progress. The first most got out of hand. Several some in boats—would have to K raft, th ird from rig h t, presented Gov. John B. Swainson w ith a wooden America’s-hero to its chest. two steps w ere taken by A1 birdseye view of the disaster. jieople tried to climb into his pursue their mean task all Among 87 passengers aboard ^Brazilian salad bowl T hursday afternoon. Prof. K raft, the director of an Spectators repeatedly broke Shepard here and Gus Grissom. car and were pulled back. night. Artifical lights cast an exchange program between the Lansing area and Sao Paulo. Brazil, m et through police lines to try to the ill-fated jetliner was W. “ You will h e hearing m ore The 26-car motorcade con­ errie pall over the watery Alton Jones, board chairman of w ith .the executive to Lansing residents connected with the project, in­ reach Glenn. of "C arpenter and Cooper and tained 22 open cars. Glenn rode crash site about three miles A snow of paper — ticker- S hirra and Slayton as tim e goes Richfield Oil Co. The promin­ cluding David Empey, left, his sister Carolyn, Judy Dunn, second from with his wife, Annie, and vice from Idlewild. ent 7l-year-old New York oil tape, confetti and shredded on, th at is for sure. right, and Donold_Parkhuret. Prof. K raft will be a t the YWCA -Saturday president Lyndon B. Johnson The-American Airlines jet­ man was on his way to Cali­ newsprint — continued to fly “ It has been a team effort at the head of the procession. a t 4 p.m. to talk with Lansing area residents interested in taking part liner, on a steep, rapid, takeoff fornia to join former President In the exchange program . S tate News Photo by Dave Jaehnig. long after the procession had by us "all the way, and we a re The Glenns’ teen-aged son and from Idlewild Airport, dove In­ passed by. Dwight D. Eisenhower on_a j but p art of the whole team that daughter were, in another çarr to the water only about three fishing trip into Mexican wat No welcome or expression of is headed by Dr. Gilruth In the great- crush, several miles from the field and blew era. — gpod w ilLanyw here for any oL_In„a larg er sense, though, I people were pushd to their At Palm Desert, Calif., the S e e k t o R e v o k e tin»! . nnation’s t a ti n n ’tf ena/»Am/tn spacemen “ can iU U l. . . . . _________ _ # ______ think we re p re se n t-a ll of you knees mid the motorcade had er top today’s in New York,” on this project. It is national to stop until they were helped apart in explosion and flames. The water was only hip deep a t the time. But it rose with the former President was describ­ ed as shocked at the tragedy Y R C I u I l C h a r t e r March 31 Deadline enn said. and really an international pro­ “ P- J incoming tide. Skindivers and 'He said he and bis six fellow ject. astronauts hoped to repay it _ The crowd was so thick that . . This New York tribute police had to appeal to it by “ in even more increasingly is certainly overwhelming._I loud speaker to show some grapplers moved -feverishly about their grim task in an ef­ which befell his friend of 20 years standing. ■ A resolution to revoke the A rescue force of 300 to 400 charter of the Young Republi­ Scrapped by Con-Con fort to prevent unrecovered police and firemen was mobil­ cans CTub was jntroduced at ambitious endeavors.” just have never seen anything restraint bodies from being swept to sea. LANSING (il—Stephen S. Nis- i Nisbet said, will ra ise the'ques­ # ■ ... T ..... ................. ised on the remote crash scene within half aar h our,-ia-a re­ Student Congress ^Wednesday bet, president of the Constitu­ tion of inclusion of the eonsti- m arkable display Of rescue night by Representative Bob tional Convention, Thurso.iv 1tion on the ballot next Navem- alertness. But ill the words of Keer of Emmons. laid to re st any idea th at the | Lcr patrolman Arthur Ruddick, one The resolution, which was re. convention would wind up its The attorney general has of the first on the scene: ferred to Congress Business work by M arch 31. j ruled th at unless the conyen- “There was no one to and Organizations Committee, A m iddle o r end of April j tion winds up by April 1, the *■*«pasea* rescue.” states that the “Young Repub­ windup was m ost likely, he i docum ent would have to be put JL1 Rescue then gave way to licans Club has consistently said, confirm ing w hat m ore j over until th e next statew ide recovery, with searchers used highly irregular and un­ and m ore delegates and obser­ j election next April. ' carrying a s h o r e pitiful ethical procedures while rep­ vers had been expecting for Some delegates said the con- s c r a p s of human pos­ resenting MSU throughout the some time—the scrapping of j vention’s powers a re sufficient sessions, sodden from the state of Michigan and the Mid­ the M arch deadline. i to get the new constitution on brackish waters of the west.” The m issing of the-deadline, I th e N ovem ber ballot. M¿ ö l & plane's grave. Few of the . bodies recovered were intact. The scene of the crash was -«Sa-a,/ ... about three miles -across an ’•PW ' - arm of Jam aica Bay from Idle- Sa wild Airport, which is on the . 1 w tÊÊ. south shore of Long Island -n t'* « * within the city limits of New York. The plane cleared a train trestle and a parkway in its takeoff, then came down about a mile away from the roadway in the shallow waters of anoth­ er inlet. It was so shattered in lìriMiir' humBÜîi the crash that the largest piece of the *5Vi million plane vis- ■ »ni *•*■"*« ’ «a» • See CRASH page 3 .. Y -T ■■ 7 A W S Elects New Officers Gwen Greene, Owosso jun­ JE T CRASH VICTIMS — Blanket covered bodies of" plane a t Idlewild A irport in New York City Thursday. ior, and Betsy Barkweil, victim s of th e American Airlines je t plane crash are The plane on route to Los Angeles, crashed shortly G r a n d Rapids j u n i o r , shown near th e scene of th e crash a fte r removal of th e a fte r takeoff. (JP) W irephoto. were elected presidents of as­ sociated Women Student Ac­ tivities-and Judiciary Boards, One Robbed on Way respectively, Thursday even­ ing. Carol Smith. Birmingham, Scholarships Test Draws 600 was named vice president of Activities Board and April Mc­ Mahon. Buffalo, vice president of Judiciary Board. Others elected to the Activl-_ Some people travel a long with only cents to resume his tion from private citizens After the dinner, students ties were: Abbot—Jeanne Mey­ way to get a college scholar* trip for the Alumni Dis- provl revlded enough money for will be able to attend one of er, Oak Park. TH.; N. Camp­ ship, from Michigan State. But tinguished Scholarship com- Neal’iI s transportation home the University Lectures giv­ bell—Karen Gilson. Deerfield; oop high school student almost petition and return home last Sunday. en by a distinguished faculty S. Campbell—Anne Smith, Bir­ lost h£$ chance last weekend Sabine said that a relay sys­ Over 600 top high school stu­ member. Lectures will be ea mingham; Gilchrist— Martha when he was assaulted and rob­ tem was set up between Toledo dents will be here again this a topic el interest in the fields Boutell. Manchester: E. Lan- bed in Toledo, Ohio, Thursday and MSU to transport Neal. weekend to compete for the 10 of humanities, serial sci­ don—Alyce Beckmeyer. Sheri­ night. The Ohio State Police brought Alumni Distinguished Scholar­ ences, and physical t o dan; W. London—Claudia Ham­ The Toledo Bureau of Cor­ Neal to the southern border of ship Awards. biological sciences. lin. Jackson. rections notified MSU officials Michigan where the Michigan Activities for the hopeful Mason — Sandra Detering, of the incident last Friday, ac­ State Police picked him and contestants will be similar to At 8:45 Saturday morning the Webster Brove, Mo.; E. Mayo cording to Gordon A. Sabine, brought him to campus. those held last weekend for the students will match wits on a Barbara Drysdale. Leroy, vice-president of special pro­ Ranald J. Jursa, administra­ 900 other competitors; Events three-hour general scholarship jects. examination. The top 10 scor­ N.Y.; W. Mayo—Kathleen Mc- tive counsellor, and Sabine will begin with an opening as­ Cory, Berkley: Phillips—Lois The student. James R. Neal, praised the combined effort of sembly in Fairchild Theatre at ers on this comprehensive*'«»- a high school senior from amination, which tests know­ Set AWS Page 7 the two police forces. Jursa 2 p.m. Friday. Bahgor, Maine, remained in said that that both forces con­ A candlelight dinner a t Kel­ ledge of mathematics, science, the Bureau’s custody until 10 a jb . Friday when his story was ducted the whole affair with logg Center will follow a t 5:30. social science, humanities, t o English grammar t o usage, Weather “If I hear one more flake of Snow” ... little fuss. Here aspiring scholars will finally verified. Although Neal arrived on meet MSU’s leaders, be enter­ will be awarded Alumni Dis­ The feraeasl fer Friday k Obviously they don’t make earmuffa large enough for this canine -Neal stepped eft at a campus late, be still was per­ tained by the State Singers, and tinguished Scholarships. increasing riendiaesc and fashion plate who turned out early Thursday afternoon to view the traf­ M ede hotel Thursday alghe mitted to compete in the entire learn of “The Style and Stance The top ten of the 1,500 com­ wan ner. The high tempera- fic near GUtaer HaU. Stanley, a low stung Bassett hound who aecam to after travelling all to r front two day testing program, ac- of the University” from Dr. petitors for the scholarships frane wffl he near 21. have taken n liking to baby blue head scarves, was greeted by conunents his home in Banger. He said cording to Jursa. Stanley Idzerda of the Honors will be announced in cany The eufiook flfrr Saturday is ranging from “He must be in Vet-Med,” to “Stanley, did mommy drese he wss robbed and left Sabine said that a coliec- College. Spring. partly study t o s sn w r . you.” State News Photo by Dave Jaehnig. a Michigan State Newt, East Lansing, Michigan EDITORIAL Friday Morning, March 2 , 1962 So the Editor Say* wwiweBwrrnwwittMiBiUiWitia iMwmtnw m Con-Con Adoption of Report ‘H m p h — There"» Nothing In Those Silos B o l People’’ May End Political Chaos Speaking o f Congress Some semblance of orderly governm ent branch business. Aside from th e usual Marcia Van Ncm m ight retu rn to Michigan if 'th e Consti­ policy disagreem ents which stym ie ex­ tutional Convention adopts th e report of ecutive program s, th e governor's board A1 Stocki’s Letter to the duct, the charges are serious. could conveniently “fo rg et” to carry out Editor decrying the ineffici­ This is a critical Congress pro­ th e com m ittee on th e Executive Branch. encies of Student Congress is a blem which can bast be dealt The com m ittee recommended four year reluctantly agreed-upon decisions. In e f­ bold step forward hi objective with internally. term s fo r th e governor and lieutenant fect th e organization has promoted inef­ analysis of a potentially pow­ If be doesn’t, his argument governor, th e form er being nom inated in ficiency. erful organization. is misstated. ’( a prim ary election and th e la tte r a t the This system was selected in th e p a st by Written by • Congressman . If he blames Congress as a party convention. some ra th e r poor students of political sci-1 who would rather resign his whole for failure to assume seat than continue to tolerate legislative responsibility, the The governor would then appoint his ence who believed th a t electing a gover- j place to press for'action is— ) nor from one p arty and board m em bers j preoccupation with “ super­ own adm inistrative board: A ttorney gen­ fluous trivia,” it appears in the within the group. eral, highw ay commissioner and treasu rer. from another would o ffer a check on to o ! letters column on this page. One thing is certain: . The Senate could reject a candidate by a much power in eith er party. Its message is significant. No effective change can be m ajority vote. The superintendent of pub­ The checks-and-baiances system works j Stocki’s interpretation of initiated until Congressmen lic instruction would be appointed by the well when used between branches o f gov­ Congressional action or inac­ themselves realize the strength tion is his own. it is based on of membership in a legislative , State Board o f Education and th e auditor ernm ent: Executive, judicial and legis­ body. general would be appointed by th e legis­ lative. B ut it only stifles governm ent and experience as a member of the group and background as Stu­ Representatives must gain latu re fo r no more th an tw o eight-year m akes action impossible if a branch can­ dent Rights committeeman. support from their constitu­ term s. „ not develop a unified policy w ithin J t s And his conclusions that All- encies, however, before t hey Presently a ll'th e s e offices are elected own confines. I f th e executive is going to University Student Government can make their jobs meaning­ a t large m aking it possible fo r a Demo­ check itself, th e re Ts little need fo r an needs to be re-evaluated or ful. _ abolished merit strong express­ There should be more inter­ cratic governor and a Republican lieuten­ outside check. — est in these elections. Who re ­ an t gov ern o r and adm inistrative boardr —T h e governor m ust be able to direct ion. This question, however, can presents each dorm? Are they The system has been immensely effec­ his own forces; he m ust have th e power be answered only by Govern­ taking news of the actions ef tive in completely ty in g up executive to hire and fire th e persons who are most ment or, specifically, Congress Congress back to the voters? responsible for carrying out his program . people themselves. Have these Congressmen In­ I t is im practical and unrealistic to ex­ Public doubts raised in this troduced the type of legislation Not Long Ago _■ pect an y efficiency in sta te governm ent kind of discussion are only as valuable as the quality or in­ students want? Congress can be part of one unless th is built-in friction is removed. of the strongest expressions of Now th a t a Catholic P resident h a s been ternal interest they stimulate. Congressmen can better the student opinion on this campus. th irteen m onths in th e W hite House, th e But only with the active sup­ “religious issue“ th a t w as so prom inent in th e cam paign has become a dim and Trouble for A ll organization more effectively by working among themselves port of each of Its membe rs and leaders. to raise the significance of som ew hat em barrassing m em ory. Ironi­ The old lady i n t h e village was anked, their cause. Representatives And a certain degrea of trust who forsake their responsibil­ between the two. cally, th e only critics P resid en t Kennedy “How is y our church doing?” H er reply has had in a m a tte r involving religion are was, “N ot well, b u t thank th e Lord, the ity weaken the group structure. those Catholics who have objected to his other churches are not doinjf any b etter.” Those who work a little harder toward higher goals strengthen “Students today are the sa die s ta n d a g a in s t F e d e ra l aid .f o r c h u rc h T h is u n c h a rita b le b u t p e rh a p s h u m a n it. ' as always—one in 12 has a schools. v iew p o in t m ig h t, if it o c c u rre d to th e m , Perhaps the question here is spark of a genio» while the oth­ I t is th e re fo re so m e w h a t s t a r tlin g to reliev e th e m in d s o f c e rta in A m e ric a n s. cause, rather than effect. er 11 have ignition trouble.” be re m in d e d o f th e e x te n t to w h ich re- T h e y w ould be less d ism a y e d w ith th e If Stocki blames the Speaker —Ray Winans, West Spring­ lig io u s b ig o try fig u re d in th e la s t P re s i­ c o n d u ct o f o u r a f f a ir s if th e y a p p re c ia te d for unethical legislative con- field (Mass.) Record. d e n tia l c a m p a ig n . S u ch a re m in d e r t h a t e lse w h e re th in g s a r e no b e tte r . A t a p p e a rs in th e th ir d b ien n ial r e p o r t o f th e n o n p a rtis a n F a i r C am p aig n P ra c tic e s le a s t it m ig h t s u g g e s t t h a t o u r le a d e rs o f th e p re s e n t a n d n e a r p a s t w e re n o t su ch Letters to the Editor C o m m itte e on p o litical “ s m e a rs .’J^The com ­ b lu n d e r e r s _ a f te r ail. m itte e fin d s t h a t 65 p e r c e n t o f th e 1960 c a m p a ig n lite r a tu r e on th e re lig io u s issu e G re a t B rita in is d is tu rb e d o v e r a b u si­ n e ss let-dow n, a n d is d e b a tin g w h e th e r On Lecture-Concert, Brody Parking, Jazz w e n t beyond th e b o u n d s o f le g itim a te o r n o tr s h e can sa fe ly jo in th e C om m on d iscu ssio n a n d in to th e a r e a o f s c u rrility . M a rk e t. F ra n c e is to m in tw o o v e r A lg e ria , |T o the E ditor: •ice here on Campus. Within a of bills and in their direction | -petition to the committe claim- Frosh-Sôph Council are to rafa» Snatching a few hu rried min- a few minutes th e Campus po- to various committees and led'to be unaware Ibut should $1.000 for worthy causes, a do. T h e r e p o rt calls a tte n tio n also to som e a n d fa c in g a po ssib le re v o lt o f th e r i g h t ­ committee chairmen. not have been, since they are nation of one dime from each ou i i • u . n u I utes out of my busv day' 1 j lice were called in by a passer- ists. S h e also is w o n d e rin g w h a t will h a p - j read ^ our ^ C ath o lics w ho w e re n o t b e n e a th th e “ re ­ ¡ 7 th e r ix - jb y and they took me to Oiin Anyone present at some of | appointed by the student gover- class member can easily ac­ v e rse b ig o try ” o f u rg in g t h e i r «► religion­ p en w hen- D e G au lle -le a v e s th e scene, jteenth, and thought I denoted j Hospital. If I may digress, 1 the past congress meetings nment) that students have two complish this end. — ists^ to v o te f o r M r. K e n n ed y b ec au se o f E v en th e C o m m u n ist c o u n trie s, w h o se j a fine “ tem pest in a teapot, wish to tell you that if this un- must have heard at least one representatives on the com­ Perhaps you will allow me a h is relig io n . leaders are co n sid ered in som e q u a r t e r s ! which w as jn o st intriguing. 1 known passerby represents the of the Speaker’s “off-the-cuff” mittee. few general remarks about the I t is d o u b tle ss u n re a listic to ho p e t h a t to be in co m p arab le m a s te r p la n n e rs , are! Io die first editorial, we a re m ajority of o u r University speeches. True, he did have the Second, these student com­ series. MSU is an educational s u f f e r in g b o th p o litical a n d econom ic urg®£ to force other- people population th m w ^ sbouW foel ethics to leave the Speaker’s mittee members also voted institution, and it is the pur­ b ig o ts a n d people w illing to ex p lo it b ig o try chair during his impromptus-^ (and in my opinion, Tightly, pose ef the L-C series to bring ' in other places to do as we do: encouraged. Though I told tmn -fo r p o litical g a in will d is a p p e a r b u t i t is p a n g s. — _ from our frame of appreciation, to leave—that I wodRf b e title but let us consider the question so) to decline the petition. entertainment with cuttunti po ssib le to ho p e t h a t th e y can b e r e s tr a in ­ W e could be d o in g b e tte r , b u t th e t r u t h Then, a bit further down the , to reach my destination after of just how necessary and ethi­ The charge that the L-C ser­ value to the campus. Hie m a­ ed by ex p o su re. T h a t is w h a t th e F a ir is t h a t th e U n ite d S ta te s is n ’t d o in g so page, we are told we must con­ j relaxing for a few minutes—be cal these little “ shows” have ies does not bring “popular” jor financial burden for this C am p aign P ra c tic e s C o m m itte e is in b u si­ badly. D o u b te rs h a v e only to look a t w h a t’s sider both sides of the ques­ would not leave me until he been. Incidently. Jus “ side entertainment to the campus program is born by those fa­ n ess to provide. g o in g on in th e r e s t o f t h e w orld. tion; and at the bottom, that was sure that I had been taken comments” before Congress simply is not true. It is true culty and townspeople who pur­ it is ridiculous to listen to oth­ I care of. have been on bills and resolu­ that these “popular” numbers chase season tickets, not by —New York Times Greenville (M ich.) Daily News ers whose ideas vary to a large Upon arriving at the Hospital tions affecting the Young Re­ a re often run as “ specials” the students and not by the degree from what we feei is my care was diagnosed by an publicans in one way or an­ with an admission charge (re­ taxpayer. popularly the way to be. outside specialist; it was de­ other — think about it. The appropriation from the ‘Peace’ Participants Find The detectable common idea termined m at 1 would have to Hie question may now come. duced rate to the students.) ¿gvjcc 0j student mem* University, if attributed direct­ basic to all is debatable. Some stay in bed for several weeks. into your mind — why is Mr. bers of the committee is al­ ly and entirely to student fees, ideas, though, are not too con­ 1 faced the problem of adjust­ Stocki saying all this? It seems ways sought, and followed as and if divided by the number vincing when based on-Other ing to my first long disability. to me that this is the appropri­ far as possible, in bringing of students, comes to -a little IL S. Officials Hostile, papers’ reports. For instance, It clearly wouldn't be easy. If ate time for discussion of_the "popular" an d -“clasical” tab over $1 per student. are the black muslims really I were successful. 1 owe my necessity and worth of Student ent to the campus. against “separation of -the success to the staff members Congress i.e. — before spring At most universities, students The very tight scheduling in must pay directly, and must Russian Officials Cordial races-that leads to intolerance of Olin Memorial Hospital. elections. Given a free reign, the auditorium often makes it pay five to ten times this sum. and hatred?” Seems they re­ Each and every one of them -All-University Student Govern­ difficult or impossible to bring The MSU student gets a bigger ported it otherwise. And what displayed not only an ex­ ment will continue to perpetrate in first choices. Despite these and better bargain fat the L-C Article Submitted By ; the marchers’ purposes, but Tbe attache emphasized re- j did “non-idealistic” Mr. Smith tremely high standard of pro- its bureaucracy and its exist­ difficulties, the series is o n e series'than any student at any FRANCES DE LONG ** h*d “ no part of the peated U.S. rejection of Soviet use as his information' sources fessional work; they also did ence, true to Parkinson's Law. of the best in the country. other major university in Hie A major part of the Turn j •« **»«ng.” peace talk proposals. He said I in determining that the Free- extra tasks for me whenever Therefore, the prime ques­ Any effort to encroach on the country. tion before the students of Towards Peace” program in j Hart said he “ hoped that that as long as the U.S. con­ dom Riders used the best meth- j time permitted. Those extra Michigan State University is: already limited auditorium Harold Hart Washington last week-end were i President Kennedy wouldn’t tinues _ the arms race, Russia ! od for solving the~ problem? ta sk rare the things which count available to the L-C series Professor ef Chemist! y Should we continue AUSG or student interviews with con- have to ” resume testing and has no choice but to recipro- Some say he was probably in- i so much in the life of a patient, do away with it? If it remains must and will_ be stubbornly Member ef tho LC aeries cate fluenced by journalism. — I am thankful to the hospit- resisted. If the geniuses of the Committee _ , gressmen, senators, and other I continue the arms race, indeed, and there are the Mecca of petty politics and officials. Hart also voiced his support A student asked if the Iem as a majority and minor- j no staff Having Uved with the prob-■ al words to fully express my trivia, I say do away'with it! I Some interviews proved to be of the fallout shelter program, U.S.S.R. holds that the U.S. ity in both theTiorth and South.! graditude. On the other hand, if AUSG less than encouraging to the Chauman said. initiates aggressive, action in I recognize one level head on undergoes a critical self-ex­ a j n i ID Q w I D u l£ O n 3 m students’ cause. T The writer spoke briefly with the cold war, forcing Russia Two Wayne State University Representative Gerald R. Ford to respond. Vasiliev evaded this method is not the best. It the campus who realizes that Esther Seide* Associate Professor amination, perhaps the-student Crossword Puzzle lana ganna aug ■ □ □ □ □ «□ a n a a rsn body will nave an effective Montieth students. Conreydel of Michigan’s Fifth District. the question by seeming not may be that greater objectives Statistics voice in University policy. Acmoss 35. Resided aa nan □□ Chauman and Danny Rosen- Although he had voted in to understand its phrasing, or better information was used Because I see only a contin­ 1. Entire 14 Whirlpool □□□ (1 3 3 3 n c n shine. were among a group of favor of the disarmament bill, and changed the topic. uation of petty politics, unethi­ ra is e 37. Car ousel □ □ □ 3 3 P133J 3 3 Vasiliev said that once na­ ditions are different down there C o n g r e s s F a i r ? Could it be possible that con­ 44 Suffer u a n n rd o a a a a a a program leaders who_ spoke Ford advocated the security- cal activity and superfluous «.Torrid 42. So: Scot throu gh-deterrence policy in the «.Gibbon G9Q H U G O J J L 1 . 1 ! with leading State Department officials. tional leaders agreed to dis­ than up here? Could it be pos­ interview. He has been a mem­ arm, it should be immediately sible that small vociferous To the Editor: 1 feel it is about time that discussion over triviir in future for AUSG. and no criti­ the 14 Floating oa the water 43. Examine Judicially. □aa naan □□□ aa o aa ao The students presented state­ ber of a House committee on total and with inspection. — groups form opinions without someone inform the student cal self-examination of the or­ 13. Jap saah ments of the purposes of the military appropriations for tea A student said that in Ameri­ 14 Chill 44 Grave 44Cunninf aaaaa □m nnm basic information of under­ ca the people can’t accept and lying factors necessary toj body about the present state of ganization by the organization, 47. Hawaiian □□a n aaan a u j peace movement, standard pro­ years. affairs in Student Congress. I have resigned my seat as 15. Hebrew wreath a a a u o aaa n aa Wbea asked If the arm» carry out a government decree festival cedure for the interviews. make reliable judgements The observations which I will East Lansing Representative 16. Unit of 48. Upright They found the officials to be race could go on indefinitely all at once as may be possible Should we p r t aland belief 7. Heed i — 24 And were students^ they ipso facto scbodale. He said that if the U.S. wanted do you suppose it was true that “echo chamber of frustrated! A iC v IU IC -V A IH L C I t 24 On the left: DOW •.Charite did not know what they were A high print for this writer to build trust, the best begin­ it is so easy to blame someone do-nothings.”- i.e Student Con-! naut. l.rnet talking about was a visit inside the Soviet ning would be to withdraw from else somewhere "e lse ’ Have gress gills and resolutions of To the Editor: 30. Extern po- 4 Windmill The officials made ao at- Embassy. Four students, not missile bases near Soviet you investigated conditions j § g are usually booed on noth- The account in last week’s riain» tempt to discern bow well or official representatives ef the borders. among or relative to the. local . , mg but the whim . . .of a particu- StateNews of the Lecture-Con­ T~ 111 informed the stadents peace movement, were wel­ Russia shared a special close­ Indians’ It win not only be j ¡¿j. representative and as such cert Series committee’s decli­ r" mdmdnriftttt m i m m * m m * were. There was no rapport, comed cordially by the Russi­ ness with the U.S. in World educational as to factors con- j ^ lacking in the pres- nation of the Frbsb-Soph peti­ if P Chauman said. ans, War II which she did not have cerned close to home, but it j entation of evidence to jastifv tion to bring the Brothers Four h *$■ ■ **» U H ELArimartL. r edge The officials made some After perusing two tables with any of the other Allies, may be very interesting to the I enaCting the resolution or bUl. to the campus for fund-raising B4tt*en>tt “cold” speeches, simplified covered with communist litera­ according to Vasiliev. Chi this southerners as well. Quien How can sane decisions be purposes was. fair, but omit­ H '■ y//VM¿¿¿A tojtJritito propaganda of a third-rate, ele­ ture, free for the taking, the common ground, he suggested sâbe? made when facts are not even ted two pertinent points which r ittr itttt r itttttt mentary level.” according to students were invited by an that the two countries could Robert L. Goadermaa presented — let alone intelli­ perhaps were not available to ttkttmsriet the Wayne-Staters, expounding official. Mr. VasiUev, to sit again align in coalition against Owes Hall, MSU gently discussed’' your reporter. r i r i r i ’M M Im 1 . cliches about the “Terrible So­ down and talk. He discussed the Germans should they later What kind of organization First, those who brought the viet Union” and the “free avidly with them for nearly an rise again and start another world.” hour. . *"• " _: Other interviews revealed in­ The Soviets, according to of friendship between the U.S. war, thus sealing a close bond Thanks to Oiin ~ would allow a committee chair­ man to openly admit her bias on a pending matter, a d in the T h e State News H+Efffcfi i f gmwmn awggmemmmjggfWg ^ emwgy a a mm terested concern by congress­ Vasiliev, want total disarma­ and Russia. To the Editor: same breath, say that “the bill Published by the students of men for the students’ purposes ment as soon as possible. All and proposals. VasiUev said he believed that I wish to share with all the is definitely a matter for my Michigan State Uni varsity. Is­ those present agreed that the peaceful co-existence after dis­ reeders my reasens for taking; committee?" Student Ceegress sued on claw days Monday •iJsitttt ritti* ritttt Chauman and Rosenshine al­ c rta of the problem lay in a armament is possible for the pride Id Oito Memorial Hcspit-; would and doe*—ask the chair- through Friday, daring the fall, r i t i i i r so spoke with Senator Phillip lack of mutual trust by the two countries, despite opposing al. I am sure that in dring this í man of the Cangro» Business winter awl spring quarters. Ia- Hart of Michigan. West aad U.S.S.R. in order to ideologies. He called for great­ I am expressing the feelings of i and Orgaaizatiens Committee. aoed twice weekly daring the r itttt r itttt ' r ittr ir ir i Hart seemed weak aad non­ take disarmament initiative. er cultural exchange and es­ many of the patiants ef this. or the Speaker. R secase to me summer term. Second class r itttt r itttt r itttttttt committal to the stadeato. Vasilev d ied the U-2 flight pecially for student exchange institation. that there is a lack of legisle portage paid at East Laasfcag. He expressed sympathy with as an aggressive betrayal. between them. On December 18,1 fell oa the ■tive etiñes in the coruúderatien Michigan. r itttt r itttt r itttttttt Fìriday Morning, March 2, 1962 Michigan Stale Newa« Faut I-wising, Michigan 3 Bailey, Arnold Receive Placement Bureau Top A g Honors Awards itiM a p H M E B M W n w imu mbwwmtmm in 11 h trnwrtmn A1 Bailey, Schoolcraft senior, campus activities as a student -.Interviewing a t the Place­ Lassile A Koch Cs. Retailing and Richard Arnold, PlainweU hi agriculture and was also ment Bureau Wednesday. Ad­ business and borne economics senior, received top «claims at named the outstanding agri­ ditional information in the majors. the annual Agricultural Honors cultural economies student. Placement Bureau Bulletin tor Ik e Labrizei C’erp. Chemistry Awards program Thursday He Is praddeot of the Agri­ the week of March A t: majors and chemical and me­ night. cultural Council, a member of The Kreger Ce. Accounting chanical engineers. Baikiy received^ the 1962 Col­ the Agricultural Economics and tnuupertatioe majors and Northern flHaait Gas Ce. Me­ lege of Agriculture scholarship Club, a past member pf the all majore from the Colleges of chanical, chemical, electrical achievement award and was group’s council of student Business It Public Service. Sci. and civil engineers and mafh given a 6250 check from the government and has served as enee ft Arts ft Communication majors. Michigan F arm Bureau and chairman of many campus ev­ Arts. the Alpha Zeta senior scholar­ ents. Arnold was also president FA R . Lazarus ft Cs. All ma­ T ie Peeples Gas Light ft ship award. of the Michigan Future Farm­ jors from the Colleges of Busi­ Ceke Ce. Mechanical, civil and ers of America. _ ness ft Public Service, Science electrical engineers. He earned the honors with a Pittsburgh Plate Glass Ce 3.83 all-university average, More than 40 students were ft Arts ft Communication Arts honored hi the annual program, and Heme Economics. Mechanical, electrical a n d highest of any graduating sen- sponsored by the Agricultural Amerteaa National Bank ft chemical engineers. Council. Provost Clifford Erick­ Trait Co. of CMecge. All ma­ Pontiac Public Schools. All Arnold received the award son was one of the' keynote jors from the Colleges of Busi­ elementary education, junior for contributing the most to speak««. ^ ness ft Public Service. Science high English, math, science, RAD FOR AUTO'S DAY — Thursday’s rash of of the Women’s IM Building hi the afternoon. Stato ft Arts ft Communication Arts. speech, reading improvement, wm property damage automobile accidents on the campus News Photos by Skip Mays sad Dave Jaohaig Battle Creek Public Schools. vocal music, guidance, draft­ Elementary education K-6, jun­ ing, home economics, senior MSÊmÊkiÆÊiÊÊ Xükfi struck these two hapless students as fire broke out at night in this car in the Owen parking lot, bringing ior high English-social studies. high English, chemistry, math, lì! the East Lansing Fire Department to the scene; and' English Latin, general science, Latin-English, guidance, home these two autos scraped metal on4he circle in front junior or senior high math, economics, women’s physical English-speech, science biolo­ education, business .education gy. women’s physical educa­ with emphasis on retailing. Ele­ HILLEL’Z - A - TWISTING tion, special education, speech mentary and junior high in­ . correction - elementary and strumental music and mentally r., SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 8:30 P.M. mentally retarded groups eie-" handicapped. ' mentary deaf ft hard of hearing Prentice-Had Inc. All majors AT ' ft blind secondary teaching from the colleges of business positions. L public service, science ft arts SOUTH CAMPUS GRILL'- City of Chicago. Civil and ft communication arts. FEATURING: mechanical engineers and ur­ Procter ft-GamMe Ce. ft Char- SKITS IN PURIM SPIRIT BY GREEK HOUSES ban planning majors. min paper products ce. Me­ Fabiane School District. Ele­ chanical, chemical, electrical BUFFET SUPPER AND HAMANTASCHEN mentary education K-6, junior and civil engineers. MBA can­ BOB RUSKIN’S QUARTET FOR DANCING high art majors. didates with engineering under­ graduate degree for plant man­ QUEEN CORONATION agement summer program. Crash Radio Corporation of Ameri­ ca. Electrical, and mechanical engineers and phvsics majors. ALVIN C. BAILEY RICHARD ARNOLD STAG OR DRAG • EVERYONE WELCOME ADMISSION $l.to - iContinued from Page 1) - Sacramento State College. ible was no bigger than a Physical education, nursing, small, compact automobile. business management, music, So primitive was the area of radio ft TV, life science, phvs- F riday Store Hours — 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. the crash scene it serves as ics-phvs., science, mathema­ a wild life sanctuary. tics, Spanish, French, "anthro­ Clearly visible from the pology. biology, zoology, his­ scene were the skyscraper tory, English,-student person­ towers of lower Manhattan. nel electrical and mechanical Beneath these very towers engineers and marketing ma­ about noon — less than two jors. hours after the crash—millions Speerv Gyroscope Co. Elec­ of New Yorkers roared-acclaim trical and mechanical engi­ for astronaut John H. Glenn neers; physics and math ma­ J r., back from outer space and jors. the hero of a tickertape parade. But on the crash scene, as searchers poked through the shallow waters, the broken bits of the jetliner rose from the inlet E grim reminder that Junior Year man may conquer space but aever circumstance. in Philp Elected New York SOC President An UHtnval ona-yaer Ken Philp, Lansing junior, co/faga program. has been elected president of Off-Cam-Students. Also elected were Denny Me- Ginty, Lansing sophomore, ad­ ministrative vice president; Marcia Klugman, Lansing Writ» tor sophomore executive, presi­ hrochuro tot dent; Sue VanVoorhis, Lansing sophomore, secretary; and Darrel Hotchkin, Lansing jun­ ior, treasurer. Jomlot y »at Pro§rmm J ’hilp announced that there Now York tMoonNf will be a complete revision of How XwkJ, N. T. social activities for the com­ ing year and he would like to hear suggestions. ■■■ ■ n i l ....... N o t i c i c f S p e d a i A ll- U n iv e r s it y J u d ic ia ry U a d e rg ra d ia ta R e fe re n d a » ! 11 approve of ammeading Article IV, Section of the Al’SG s u /im u /e a r 1 9 6 2 - constitution as follows: f Paragraph (a) shall be amende« by inserting after the c o lo r s p la s h e s first sentence, “If the stadem wishes to waive his right of previous notice, be may, apon request to the All-Uni­ u n c fe r th e S o u th e rn sun versity Judiciary, he graated aa immediate hearing.” Paragraph a will then read “Stadeats who will be tried by the AB-Ualversity Judiciary shall be notified la writing at least two days before the date of hearing, but Duo South from now on...our rosort collection _ upon Us regnest to the All-University Judiciary, the of swim suits and beach accessories in vivid, student shall be granted aa additional two days before toe dale of bearing» If the stadeat wishes to waive bis vibrant colorsl From our exciting assortment: right ef preview notice, be may, npon request to the A. Fast-drying antron nylon boy-log, a muted floral AH-Uaiverslty JMfdary, be fram ed immediate beariag.” print of blue-green. 12 to 20 sizes. 1S.95 Y« l. Ne..„__ Matching button-front, p leated poolside skirt. §»95 !• Basic lastox sheath with French cup b ra, front Paragraph (b) shall be amended by adding, “unless the an d back «cooped neckline. Blue, yellow, student lavutved requests a public beariag,” so that It w hite, black or orange. 10 to id sizes. 17.95 wUl rand, “Bearings involving stadem infractions of UmuenRy ragalatlsw or public laws shall not be epen C. Print lastex sheath with circular neck, front to the publie mdras toe student Involved requests a a n d back; French cup bra. Blue-lilac-green an Fume hearing.” Ye* No _ H dbsoil White. 10 to 18 sizes. 19.95 Matching terry duo: beach tow el, 4 .9 9 ; plastic-lined beach b ag , 2 . 9 t Only uadergndttntaa who have registered for twelve or mera eredita will bo eligible to vote. f Michigan State Newa, East fam ing, SPORTS Friday Morning, M ardi 2 , 1962 Groppiere Defend le e rs ANN ARBOR — Michigan L o s e 95 - 1 ; S w i m m e r s T h i r d Tech scored three times in the j eered « assisted at 10:11 sf the middle parted. BLOOMINGTON, Ind. Ufi- Michigan S t a t e University Ted Stickles, Hoosier sopho­ more, splashed through the Thomas Intercepted a Tech managed to land in third place In Big final period to down the Spar­ medley’s four strokes to 2:00.1 pass in the Spartan zone, car-, to the Big Ten swimming tan hockey team 5-1 in the first ried it into the Huskie zone and championship which began a new conference mark despite round of the Western Collegiate fired a 25-footer into the upper here Thursday. a sore arm. Hockey Association play-off right corner. Bill Wood, MSU, was fourth Stickles pulled a'tendon in By JAY LEVY Lonnie Rubis and Wisconsin’s The 177 lb. division brings Without a doubt, the top at­ here Thursday. Michigan Tech blew the in the" individual medley, Cor­ his M t elbow last month. t e l e New* Sperts Writer Michigan State’« wrestling Doug Goeters. together a strong group ef traction of the day will be the Bob Marshall of Purdue, an­ wrestlers with last year’s If 1 heavyweight bouts. With the other two-time champion rates lb.'kiag, A1 Jaklkh ef North­ best group ef heavy men the The Huskies, M m have now Wen 17 straight. Jumped to a 14 lead a t 4KH of. the initial r am e open with two goals in first four minutes of the final period. \ rigan, 11, and Joe Kolbe, 12. and Dick Blazejewski, MSU, was eighth in the 1,500-meters Thursday’s meet was his first try at the medley to two weeks. team pots its Big Ten Chan* as tiie strongest in the 157 16, wester*, heading the Hst. conference h is seen in a long John Ivanitz, fifth leading free style, with Neil Watts, 9, ppriod when Gene Rebellato, scorer in the league added Teammate Chet Jastremski pionship title on the line this division. He was 157 lb. champ Michigan’s A] Barden who time, any one ef four men, the league's fourth-leading but after that Indiana swim­ weekend when they tourney to two years ago and first at 107 finished right M M Has a t three of whom are undefeated, Tech’s final tally at 9:37 of the mers left all competitors in was second and Cary Trane- Minneapolis for the Forty- scorer, scored with State’s third period. wan, also of Indiana, third, last year. He was awarded the East Leasing Is alw tap reek­ could take first place. Tom Lackey serving a two their wake to grab an early eighth conference champion- The fast skatlag Huskies lead. both ahead of the old Big Ten outstanding wrestler’s trophy ed. | Northwestern’s Rory Weber minute penalty fpr booking. mark of'2:04.0. bas owned the conference put tremeadeas pressure ea The defending titillrts finish­ meet will bring together Tech increased its lead to 2-0 the Sparta** and Chandik ed 1-2 in the 1,500-meter free­ Stickles’ time was faster heavyweight crown for the last at 5:08 of the second period SOIon wrestlers froni 30 schools two years and is undefeated in was a busy man as he made style and 1-2-3 in the 200-yard than both the listed NCAA and for the two day meet, climax­ when Jerry Sullivan fired' a 49 saves hi the game compar­ individual medley. Each of the American records but the San ing Saturday afternoon with th« an abbreviated season since bullet past State’s goalie, John be was out for six weeks in ed to 29 fsr Tech’s Gary five Indiana swimmers better­ Mateo, Calif., youth already championship rounds. Chandik, from the blue line. Bauman. ed the Big Ten record in the bas a 1:58.5 clocking pending State takes with them a dual mid-season is considered the The Huskies had a man in the recognition in the event. best b e t The Spartans will play the event. meet record of she wins, two penalty box at the time. Top challenger is Michigan loser of the Denver-Michigan ties, and on? loss, the latter be­ Art Thomas, who, accord- game to be played tomorrow YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS ing a close 14-12 affair with the State’s ace heavyweight John tag to Spartan coach Amo Baum. Baum went undefeated night, in a consolation game at University of Michigan. in eleven matches this season Bessoae, played Ms. best Ann Arbor at 2 p.m. Saturday. T hai h a t brake n ceafer- a t SI dual meets while pinning six opponents. tame ef the year, cat the margin to 2-1 when he Tech will play the winner at 8 p.m. for the league title. DON’T GET CAUGHT SHORT! bad He also led the team in total points with 45. In 1900 he fin­ TRY OUR SPECIAL ished third behind Weber and Collins, when Im eet, said: Iowa’s Sherwyn Tborson. C o ra l G a b le s' WEEKEND SERVICE “ For the first time in quite Tborsen is another good a while there are no really heavyweight aad so is Wis- BRING IN - weak teams. In the past the CMsin’a Roger Pillatb. Beth are top football players aad Laundry ’Til 1 p.m. Friday wrestling scene was dominated by three teems, Iowa, the Uni­ Pillath compiled- a record ef IL F O R N O versity ef Michigan and MSU 19-9. The Name th a t Made Pizza Famous in Lansing Dry Cleaning ’Til 10 a.m. Saturday but now any one of five other The over-all closeness of the teams is highlighted by the fact Get Back Early SATURDAY AFTERNOON teams could go all the way. *‘S:?ch teams as that Michigan State has beaten NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A. N . Purdoe, Northwestern. Ohio Minnesota, Minnesotsfhas beat­ Serving Snacks - Sandwiches - Luncheons • Dinners en Michigan and Michigan bas State and Wisconsin are all strong, and any team with beaten Michigan State. Add to Also Catering to Cleaitr aid this circle that Michigan State Private Parties - Banquets - Meetings three individual winners has a very good chance of taking beat Iowa, Iowa- beat Michi­ Shirt Landry the meet.” gan, and Michigan beat State Visit Our Rathskeller Five ef last years ehampH and it comes up that this is Open 5 p.m. Daily ens will be retaining and five anybody’s meet. And that’s about the only •Phone ED 7-1311 EA ST GRAND RIVER ACROSS FROM mere competitors have com­ Complete Take-Out Service pleted andefeited seasons. comment from Collins, “It’s STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING Two of the champions, Oida anybody’s meet.” Johnson of Michigan State and A1 Jaklich of Northwestern, won their crowns in weights that are no longer contested, the 115 and 191 lb. classes. Wrestling for State at 123 lbs will be George Hobbs, the conference runner-up last year. Illinois’ George Jurinek, the A n o u ts ta n d in g s e le c t io n ! fourth place finisher last year POW ERFUL John Baum is considered th e m ost should be tough along with likely candidate to win in th e heavy w eight division Iowa’s Norm Parker and Ohio a t th e w restling cham pionship. Baum h a s been unde­ States’ Dan G ram . feated all season. State’s entry a t 130 lbs is Bill Guicdardo. Tough men in­ a t the conference meet and Other good men include Wis­ went on to take third place in clude Iowa’s Tom Huff and Neil Lettoer from Wisconsin. Huff finished third a t 130 and Leitoer third a t 123 at last the NCAA meet. ' ~ Challenging Marshall will be State’s Happy F ry r Steve consin’s Ron P aar, undefeated this season, last year’s fourtlr place finisher from Illinois, G reat C L E A R A N C E year’s meat in E ast Lansing. Combs ef Iowa, Jim Rief- John Maronl and'State’s Alex Trylag far Ms third straight steck ef Minnesota, and Indi­ Valcanoff who has compiled a conference title wfll he Mfeb- ana’s Randy Galvin. record of seven wins, two loss­ Igaa’s Frit* KeUernmn. He is In the 167 lb. class Michigan es and one tie. _ car rent 130 lb. king aad was. State’s John McCray should be 137 Ih. champ two years ego. Minnesota’s entry, Chuck Coffee has beaten KeQerman up at the top. McCray finished second at 177 la st year and bas a record of five wins, four loss­ of SPO R TSW E A R and Spartan Ite n Mulder, held es and one draw. him to n draw. Other standouts Strong competition is expect­ include Chip Rose ef Purdue, ed from Michigan’s Dan Cor- > SWEATERS • HATS. fourth place finisher last year, riere who took third in the AFGHANS • DRESSES and Northwestern’s Tom Won­ Big Ten and NCAA meets last : PURSES • RUGS ders. year. Corriere is undefeated J All in Kits Dave Gibson, last year’s 157 this season and beat McCray lb. runner-up from Purdue, will 2-0 earlier in the year. 4 oz Knitting Worsted 98c j be down one weight and rates Both P at Kelley of Illinois as the favorite. State will mi­ and Mike Smith of Wisconsin Many Novelty Yarns ter Walt Byington and other are also expected to make good To Choose From -good prospects are Minnesota’s showings. — Including Bernats Scandia Big Tan Track Predictions Here’s the favorites for the 399-YARD RUN: 166. Sherm Big 10 track championships Lewis, MSU; 175. Don Voorheis, Knit Wit with their numbers. Clip ’em MSU; 92. Ken Burnley, U-M. end take them to the m eet 889-YARD RUN: 108. Ergas Yam Shop Leps, U-M; 301. Tom Creagan, 1113 S. Washington HIGH JUMP: 165. Wilmer Wisconsin; 37. Gene Graham, _ IV 0-7675 Johnson, MSU; 44. Cornelius Indiana. Miller, Indiana; 184. Tom Skadeiand, Minnesota. 79-YARD LOW HURDLES: 11L Bennie McRae, U-M; 164. OUR MOST FAMOUS MAKES..AT BROAD JUMP: 13. Deryck Herm Johnson, MSU; 310. Taylor, Illinois; 166. Sherm Larry Howard, Wisconsin. Lewis, MSU; 41. Ted Jackson, Indiana. - SAVINGS OF MANY DOLLARS! «-YARD DASH: 280. Nate Adams, Purdue; 166. Sherm Lewis, MSU; 321 BUI Smith, MORE NEW Wisconsin. Hundreds of pieces of sportswear from America’s 70-YARD HIGH HURDLES: 164. Herm Johnson, MSU; 310. Larry Howard, Wisconsin; 111. Paper Bounds top quality makers have been sharply reduced for In this clearance you'll Bennie McRae, U-M. quick clearance! This is a tremendous e v e n t. . . find drastic reductions on: •90-YARD RUN: 171. John • AFRICA TODAY A TOMORROW That’s why we don’t list the pieces and prices • SKIRTS P a rk « , MSU; 104. Mac Hunter, by John Hatchlate 1.95 U-M; 5. Jim Hammond, Illi­ here. We assure you, however, the savings are nois, • SLACKS • c o n t in u it y t charge in genuine . . . real savings-; . . worthy of early • BLOUSES i OVERSEAS DELIVERY TOO AFRICAN CULTURES shopping. We believe you’ll agree th a t ih is • TOPS 1.9 5 clearance offers opportunities for Immediate • COORDINATES • SWEATERS • A STUDY IN HISTORY needs as well a s the season ahead. • BURMUDAS SUNBEAM ALPINE by Arnold Toynbee HILLMAN VoL I $2,45 Vol. n 2 .35 VoL in 2.75 : KNAPP’S SPORTSWEAR — STREET LEVEL SarxAca On Imported Can. C n n Mt aad we nor _ _ Come Browse the -i (1m t a p i r M C u i Ne MlesmaB • Deal v t t New Arrival Table* the Ovier aad save. READY NOW! SHOP TODAY FROM 9 :30 TO 5 :3 0 BROOKS M M M 1ED OARS Spartan Bookstore 5014 N. Greed River (aear the alrpert) Corner Ann & MAC . ^ r?N Michigan State News, Cast Lansing, Michigan SPOUTS Friday M - t u g , March 2 , 1962 .5 ""Zi Emien Tunnel, who often ran A t Ohio State MSU, U-M, Badgers the wrong way to avoid tack- lers when be, was a New York' Giant, is the veteran among Favored for Title J Gymnasts Seek Title the Green Bay Packers. The detentive half-back is in his 14th pro season. By DICK ROBINSON Jerry George has a chance five. Dick Giliberto has a By JIM S U M State Newt Sparta Writer Michigan State,-Michigan and Wiaconain figure to battle It ^ State News Staff Writer to break into the top three as strong chance to place high in CORDUROY SLACKS out for the coveted conference crown at the Big 10 indoor track l f i r i H f Stale is • dark well as Wayne Bergstrom. the scoring. R t f. $8.95 V ain, championships in Jettison Field House Friday night and horse in the Big Ten gymnastic Senior Gani Browsh is 0 m An interesting note is that all Saturday. meet to be heM this weekend third entrant for the Spartan four use double back somer­ at Ohio State, with lfictttgas teem. saults hi their routines. This o s ly 8 4 .9 5 The 52nd annual conference d ash will be run Friday night at 7 p.m. for preliminary and broad jump final competition and ITTinoiî the co-favorites to D m still rings may prove to trick is compared to a four win the meet. be the strongest event for minute mile in track. ^ and continues Saturday at 2 p.m. for finals in 14 events. For Friday night’s program,♦ The same trio wiU go at it -.T h e iMhvidnal competition Michigan State. Along with Jim Durkee has a chance to Laa fosNdnk’s shapes up ta make the meet Date Cooper, who will lead the win the highbar but he will MSU students will be admitted again in the 70-yard low hur­ by ID card and faculty and dles where McRae is also the one of the top meets in 0 m aa-' v i y to a probable first, are Jim have to beat out Lascari and VARSITY SHOP tion this year. Dinkee and George. All three Gil LaRose, both Michigan 228 Abbott Rood staff member by athletic ac­ 1961 champion. McRae, a sen­ men. John Brodeur and Gani tivity book. General public ior who has won four titles in­ On the parallel bars it will men can place in the top five East Lansing seats are $1.00.„„On Saturday, be a fight between Ray Hadley if they do well on their rou Browsh are also entered for students and staff must pre­ doors and outdoors in his var­ of Illinois and Arno Lascari of tines. Gani Browsh is also en the Spartans. sity career, sent an activity book coupon :07.9 last winter. copped the event Mh-higan. Defending champion j tered in the event. I n free exercise. It looks Howard beat Larry Bassett corid upset the and $ .50. General public seats the two U be can bit in his routine. ingSteve Johnson will be fac­ like Ray Hadley will repeat LOOKING FOR A gnu»» jog? defending champ in the as the champion. He will face are $1.50. lows last weekend in :07.7 rivals Tom Osterland of as he did in last year’s meet strong competition from Gani r The defending Wolverines Johnson did a :07.9 in the first Jerry George and J«ha Bro- of Iowa. Seott Larry Michigan and Smith Sayder stands Browsh, Gil LaRose and Lar­ won at Illinois last year by a meet of the season. dear are 0 m ether triraria ry-Basoett. Dick Giliberto is 39-point margin over runner- In the sprints, sensational a chaace to break far the Spartans. Beth have TMek Giliberto Is the other ap the trie. also entered for State. up Indiana, but sucfa a run­ Nate Adams, of Purdue, W[bo '-had' a good scafoar m the Spartan entrant. away is not expected this win­ is unbeaten this season, ranks In the All-around event, bars aad they bape they can which is held only at the con­ ter. A sophomore-studded as a top favorite for the va­ finish in the tap five. In tumbling. Ha! Holmes is Spartan outfit has the ma­ cated 60-yard dash title. ference meet; Lascari has a The Side horse is Illinois' the acknowledged favorite. He good chance to be the winner terial to make State’s strong­ State’s fine dashmaa Sherra strongest event Their three is listed as the best tumbler est title bid and does u sur­ Lewis aad Wisconsin’s BIO Others that will „be in the entrants are rated as Am top in the world. Fighting for sec­ running for the top places are prising Wisconsin crew. Smith are top challengers. three in collegiate competition. ond place will be Johnson and GU LaRose, Ray Hadley, and An amazing change of for­ All three have run :06.2 this Lewie Fenner, a strong worker Osterland. Larry Hyman, a Gani Browsh. Jerry George tune could result if either the season. DALE COOPER — Spartan’s main hopes foe aa in­ from Michigan is rim a possi­ sophomore tumbler from Mich­ has a chance to be in the top Spartans or the Badgers out- Lewis will double in the-300- haw to aapfr. haw to m M dividual title. He is averaging over 95 points in still ble contender for top honors. igan will also_ be in the top five if he does his routines well. k V, «te. terca pan wad score a talented Michigan team yard run with teammate jun- George is tiie top point man since MSU placed a lowly sixth- -for Don Voorheis. This Spartan ring competition. for the season on the Spartan and Wisconsin a far-back ninth duo last year. J - has*— ithe 4*“ 1best1 "times J~ conference to date, :31.2 for Much of the outcome depends each, but is expected to be in “the “ MSU Fencers Face team. Coaeh Szypula said, ’’This on the hurdle and sprint events pressured by the Boilermakers’ State M eets Gophers will bfr his crucial test as a where competition is expected Adams and Michigan soph Ken to be exceptionally good. In the Burnley. 70-yard high hurdles, Michi­ Michigan’s bid for their In B asketball F inale Tough Opponents sophomore. We are counting on him heavily, hot the bulk ef the load will fall on the seniors.” gan’s Bennie McRae, who won fourth straight indoor crown By JIM OLMSTEAD Caplain Dick Schloemer who last year in Big Ten record- rests on double winners from When asked what he thinks By GARY RONBERG last—with or without company. State News Spsets Writer holds a 6-2 record in Foil and the teams chances are in the equaling time of :08.4, will a year ago—Ergas Leps and State News Sports Writer MSU coach Forddy Ander­ is 18-9 in Epee, along with Nels again come up against State’s McRae. But behind these two, Six top Spartan fencer s wfil meet he said, “We could pull Coach Don Canham has a bal­ Michigan State’s basketball son is expected to go with Marin with a 16-16 record will an upset if we all do well on Herm Johnson. the same Haéep as in the travel to Champaign. ID. Sat­ fence Foil. The outstanding S p a r t a n anced group of veterans and squad yrill try to end its season the routines.” on a winning note Saturday past. BUI Berry and Pete urday for the Big Ten Cham­ Roc Frisoky and Bob Brooks sophomore hurdler has run the promising sophomores. The Gent wiD stm t nt the for­ pionships. timber-topping event in :08.5 Wolverines have depth and ex­ night a t Minneapolis when the with 13-22 and 6-3 records re­ last-place Spartans meet Min­ wards, Fred Themwan at The meet, which Is hdd n t spectively will be the Epee and beaten McRae. A new­ perience in their favor. center, and Bffl Schwarx and the end of each season, deter­ comer, Wisconsin’s Larry How­ Two-mile champ Jerry Young nesota. team. Until last week Brooks State, beaten by ninth-place Captain Ait Sthwaim at the mines school standing In the fenced foil, but was switched ard, stepped into the contend­ and sophs John Parker in the guards. AH except Schwann, Big Tea as well as indi vidual ing picture last weekend when 600 and broad jump, Lewis and Northwestern Monday night at to Epee for the meets last Sat­ Evanston, HI., still has an out­ a senior, are sephamercs. champions for each weapon. urday. he also beat McRae and match­ Johnson will carry much of the State is going to have to Each school in the Big Ten ed the conference mark. burden for the Spartans. All side chance of avoiding the Big The number two man in Sa­ sends its two tap men m eacb WANTED three of the sophs run in the Ten cellar in the final stand­ m ake a marked improvement bre. Phil Slayton, will be in- mfle relayrtoo. ings,— m in the scoring department jf it weapon to the meet. eligible for the meet. He was “ Michigan’s got a good edge If the Spartans can knock hopes to underftine the Goph­ Joe Ahtanetti with a 21-15 placed on social probation for ers. The Spartans struggled season record aad Lot, Sala- NOW because-they’re the champions, but we should give them a good off the Gophers and Northwest­ ern drops its remaining two through one of their most frus­ mone with 11-23 will represent failure to register a housing change. trating shooting exhibitions of State in Sabre. fight, and if everything goes well we could win.” said Spar­ games to Michigan and Illi­ nois, State can climb to ninth. the season against Northwest­ ern. hitting a t a mediocre -302 Coach Charles Schmitter said that State will be up against C u sto m ers SUM tan Coach Fran Dittrich. Otherwise, the Spartans will be tough opposition. ~ FOR GOOD USED k REBUILT pace. Minnesota, even though they were beaten by MSU here IM News Illinois, last year’s Big Ten Champ, will enter Bruce Kriv- TIRES AT DISCOUNT PRICES Lushwells, Goobs jsky, their Epee Champion and I■ «T?im Limco Auto Parts earlier this year 84-79, possess - Deadline for the IM Gym­ Nick Szulha, last year’s run­ some fine shooters and re­ nastic tournament is 5 p.m. IS S U M ? In Historic Clash bounders. At Jettison Field- house, State was forced to fire Competition will be bald in the following events: free ex­ ner-up in Sabre. _ Last year Don Johnson, MSU sahreman was first in his spec­ V 2 *lw 1332 3 N. Larch S treet Lansing at a .450 clip to come away ercise, parallel In n , side Look for The Red House! ~ ialty and Chuck Schmitter was By LUTHER D. ARDFARB - with the victory and the Goph­ horse, trampoline, high bar, runner-up in Epee. If you’re asking about ers can be expected to be much and rings. The tournament will Sports Writer Emeritus “Slim Pins” then slim is Stronger a t borne. be held next week' in Jettison so slim . . . If you turn sideways you’ll be gone. A mighty, valiant Lushwell AC team will take the floor today against the Stoopid Goobernuts in the manly game of basket­ Up-to-date statistics list Gent as the Spartans’ leading point- Gymnasium. Interested par­ ticipants may sign up at the Holy Cross O PE N IN G SA TU RD A Y ball. This game is expected by experts to produce one of the getter with a 14.5 average. The IM Office. Here’s the slack that’s so ultra tight the conventional mightiest clashes in history. For those not aware of some of the vital facts, Lushwell AC 6-3 forward also tops the squad in rebounds with 197. IM SCOREBOARD _ Accepts B id M ARCH 3 o o t o o o zipper had to be eliminat­ is the athletic club of the student publication offices, which Team captain Art Schwann, BASKETBALL keeps us all informed on the issues of our decade, w'hile the who will wear tee Green aad NEW YORK, (jB—Holy Cross ed . . . and replaced with Unteachbis <2-Burnley 43 Stoopid Goobs are .none other than those politicians^ that sup­ White for the last time Sat­ accepted a Md to compete in an ^nftoious sailor front. Behav. ScL Ct-WJShaw 4 45 posedly run student government. urday aight, is tsesad in Invitational Basketball Tourna­ Olive, Mack, brown and From the latest information received through the grapevine, scoriaf with a l i t average. Sigma Nu 88 Fm partr 41 L.C.A. 47-Caraveile 45 ment Wednesday. The Crusad­ navy. the Stoopid Goobs have afflicted Lushwell’s head coach, ath­ He has tallied 2S7 points. All-University haakrthaH f t ers are the ninth team named letic director and only center Ben Burns with such a terrifying Junior forward T¿untie San­ to tea liarch~15-24 m eet They nalx wiH he held in tee IM $098 disease that even tee best minds of Olin Memorial Health Cen­ ders ranks third in scoring with 9 ter are baffled. However, with the help of their new secret weapon (five foot six jumpsbot Fabricant) and old stand in Paul (the Ladde r) — 1S2 points in 18 gomes for a 10.1 average. Sanders has grab­ bed 102 rebounds, second high­ Sports Arena llimday night. havn a record of 18-4. FLASH CLEANERS Frandor SPECIAL _ 2 for i 3 Schnitt, Lushwell is still in the game. Rumor also has it that the Goobs may use as their starting lineup five house mothers known among better circles as est on the squad. State, a a a team. Is shooting at a J74 d ip from the floor at ~ Reopening Sale The Squaking Five. If you want to see this mighty d a sh, it present The opposition’s shoot­ takes place a t 9 p.m., Gym 3, in the men’s IM building. ing percentage is .405. — BUY ONE SUNDAE Defensive tackle Leo Nomel- as CO fori a ~ Any Flavor — Uni of the San Francisco titers 211 EAST GRAND RIVER is playing Ms 12th season off pro football The 282-pounder for- CLEAR3WT EAST LANSING Security First GET ANOTHER ONE FREE merly Went to Minnesota. I Fad? - National Bank Alto Free Gifu For The Kid• g Flash Gleaners stivino S offer yon • • • America’s Favorite S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia Frozen Dessert will havt a representativt on Campus I 95 SAIE IAT SONNE ISBaüfflaa j (Mnadujr t i r a g l i Saturday) MARCH 6 Today, Have Your Shirts itd i> e a s M tv CateMM Fmiabed a Accelerated Management Training • hniasH ati ReopoariWity by • Ontrinnding P h a w te m l P en M H in THE SAFE WAY to stay alert * » Ideal Living Oradltieas In a Stimulating Environment without harmful stinudants H t weald Mbs In interview 1CBJL ranriMbton aa woB aa caadMdtas for tea M JLdi¡rae in EeoaMriea. In Lansing In East Lansing Neve* take ehaaces w ith 1 6 0 1 E. Kalamazoo 1 307 EL Grand Riv. dangerous “pap jálk.’ time monotony t e l e yea teat Ahaani p m n d g week «epariasee in h r i f f f w a take proven safe Nel _ diortay while driving, working lí »« y jo a — nt »hr e l i I r etwhring, da aa millions d a ■elated Said am also invited to discos« apportatitela. the aeaae aafo ramaliM found .1eJBHmwi Op WluS NSB| (BOWCWww OPEN DAILY • DRIVE IN in coffee. Y et No D ot ie faater. NoDoa. Another One product (ÌMMNI IdOboniflCMfl» at your HaoaemnKMten. £ anri Crib-Op Dry Ctaaamg « 11:0 0 A.M. - 11:0 0 P.M. « m i — H ID M TU i ff— Vi S H 3N V 3D HSVTJ Friday Morning, M ardi 2, 1962 G W ith ¿ 4 7 W orld Flavor r* j- International Dinner Theme a t - Women’s Residence Halls Sun. Concert Dishes from 10 different countries wffl be served a t th e Annual International Dinner on panied by guitar i by Ernie Erale Brade «ad Jane Hunt (U.S.), Hawaiian Hula by Judy WRacki (U.S.) Mandalin solo Lead in Grade Averages The Concert Band will pre­ sent a program of internation­ Saturday a t 6 p.m. in the Un­ ion ballroom. The theme of the dinner will by l i r a Hu Da (Vietnam), song by Timothy Fadtyami (Nigeria), Piano solo by Cyrus By KEUN YOUN men and sophomores in each iors including 13 graduate Stu­ al flavor at it* Sunday concert be the Captain’s Table. The Azimi (Iran) and a song by Of the State News Staff residence halls, Truitt said. dents. at 4 p.m. in the University Aud­ -captain, A1 Svoboda, and his Tom Castro (India). The Ger­ Van Hoosen Hall of 2.78 at team-mates dressed ip sailor- man folk dancers on campus Every year women's resi­ The men’s residence hall itorium. ettes will usher the crowd in will also entertain. most heavily frosh-soph among the end of fall was the highest The band, ufider the direc­ dence halls get better grade in women’s resident units. the Union Ballroom for the din­ A few tickets are still avail­ point average than men’s halls. eight main living units on cam­ tion of Prof. Leonard Falcone, ner. able In flie UN Lounge until The grade point average for pus is Armstrong Hall with S10 Expect both Owen graduate There will be songs accom- 6 p.m., Friday. students. There are reported halls, Ellsworth House men’s will open with Chabrier’s women s dormitories at the end 48 juniors and 9 seniors. co-op won the top honor with “ March Joyeuse.” Next will be of fall was 2.47 while men’s only "Prelude and Dance” h y Paul dorms fell a little shy of wo­ Armstrong now maintains 2.88 averager men’s with 2.31. one of the lowest grade point The all University point av­ Creston, his latest original t composition for the band. ) TW O FO R O N E . . . During liie acadcmic year ofi*ve™Se * « * erage at the end of the Fall John Boulton, Birmingham! 1980-61, women’s dormitories t Rather Hall which also con­ was 2.37. It fell short of 0.03 as grad student, will be featured i were also ahead of men’s by .a tains a large number of fresh­ compared with last Spring. in the flute solo “Concertino” ' You got two dinners for th e price of one margin of 0.12. '~ men. In recent years the scholars- ■The reason behind this trend “Many freshmen come to the tic program has been given by Chaminade. ^ ~ Every F riday andMonday is that women’s dormitories University with bad habits to­ great emphasis in the resi­ “ Psalm for Band” by Persi- chetti will be-followed by Ber­ Fillet for Two .....$5.75 have a greater number of up­ ward study,” Truitt said, “ and dence halls. per 'classmen, said John W. these tend* to be reinforced by Since 1960 the position of nstein’s. “Candide Overture.” Chicken o r Shrim p........$3.95 Truitt, director of Men's Di-i their peers.” , graduate study adviser has Next will be “ Five Minatures” vision w*of studentV waffairs m iia . • Only ovww»about ww 56 per cent of 407■ i m AR TH U R FREED m m u tmm Well mi, under the ACP these various colleges lèderete. A AT 7:45 AND" sian classic film, “ Alexander The idea for the encamp­ LUST FOR LIFE’ Nevsky,” is shown at 7 and 9 p.m. in -the Anthony Hall audi­ ment originated in 1946 and is planned to do five things: L id lii I a th e J student in any one of the colleges can take courses in the spe­ cialty of any of the other colleges and—here's the beauty parti ANTHONY QUMN-. SHOWN AT 9:21 —he will receive credit for the course at his home college. Thus- torium. _ . Give students an experience The film, an historical page­ -■»as d r . . he enjoys all the advantages of a big university without losing STARTS TUES. • “CINDERELLA RUSSIAN BALLET” in education for democratic the comfy cosiness of a small college! ant on medieval warfare, is citizenship. ■oNMQ ncm mam by the famous Russian direct­ •CUM Well air, you can sec what a good idea the A*CP is; I respect­ Furnish practical training or, Sergei Eisenstein. It has in leadership techniques. de HAVILLANO ■SRAZZi - MIMIEUX - HAMILTON fully submit, however, that just because a thing is good is na NOW! 2nd Mirthful Wsak been bailed by American crit­ ics as the biggest Russian film Help foster an understand­ ing and appreciation of „the reason not to try to make it better. Lake, for instance, Marlboro Cigarettes. Marlboros were good from the very beginning, and ever made and one of the people found out quickly and sales zoomed. Bat did thf makers Program world’s finest movie classics. varied people of America and Stare Sunday Twin Hit Show of Marlboro say, “Okay, we’ve got it made. Let’s relax”! Information the problems they face. IV 2-3905 MICHIGAN f H-V-A-Yi*.T r»-aÄt Only season book holders may view the film. Provide opportunities for Hit No. 1 Shown 2:28 - 8:10 • 18:88 Well sir, if that's what you -think, you don't know the makers! They did not relax. They took tlmir good Marlboros' abd kept improving them. They improved the filter, improved the blend, Winner Academy Award imprornd the pack. They researched and developed tirelessly, GTHf;LATAWE D• p R CMN f I VE 2 -Ra«i i¡ Nomination for “ Best Actress“ until today Marlboro is just about the most admirable «garetta you can put a match to. There are; in fact, same people who find Marlboros so admirable they can’t bear to put á match t# SAID THE V IC TIM H E LD O V ER ! 3RD W EEK ! AUDREY them. They just sit tritìi a single Marlboro in hand and djroi» it for ten, twelve year« on end. The makers of Mariboro„are of , TO TH S W O LPI course deeply touched by this—except for E. Rennie Sigafóos, RECORD CROWDS ACCLAIM .. HEPBURN as thot funny, sad... the sales manager, But I digress. The ACP, I say, is good but it can bs better. Hie Greatest Human Drama extraordinary..gkttering Why should the plan be confined to small colleges! Why should HOLLYQOUOHTIY The World Has Ever Known! sarvtng wonderful kin in it be sonfined to a limited region! Why not include aU coliegea and imiversities, big and small, wherever they a » ! _ B rehost Let’s start sudi a federation. l e t ’s call it the “Bigger Asso­ ciated Colleges To Encourage Richer Intellectual Activity”— BACTERIA, for short! Bw A n imummumam m N vSi mmm* 'jw w ii M S EpiMKOMTB JtM *-.aCNte SHW OO-oSS « I « * i' f f ROOK! IDMMIVIcHC X . • m Audrey stags 'MOON RIVER’ Rock Hudson “ •*.y - Nominated For Best Song DorisDay 2nd Hit! 12 :3 0 - 4 :1 5 - 8:05 múrSkfáft What a bright new world BACTERIA opens up. Take, for TonyRandall, exarjple, a ty p ic a lcontage student—Runneth Bigafoas (soi, ^ J Û ti/p à a ô o M . and it's alf yours? incidentally, of the Mariborosalas manager). Hunrafh, a bright lad, b eom ntly majoring in buriey a t the U afataity cf Ken­ tucky. Under the BACTERIA plan, Hwnreth could stay ht Kentucky, where he has made many friends, hut a t fits same "fcstfw time broaden his vistas by taking a coures la constitutional law Picture with at Harvard, a course in phyees^tOslteSh, ■ course ia (nettate vp/ at Mtaaaaota and a course ia pci at Hawaii! I admit tim e are still a few bugs ia BACTERIA. Bow, for instance, could Hunreth. attend a t o’clock class a t Havapd, a M>o’clock dase at Hawaii, an l l u ’dosh date at IfiteMtea, Co-Mmhg and stilt keep his kuieh date at Kentucky! It acted be iAe te EOfEADAM SJACKOAKIE A «T O R T O F T H K __ IA N D T H X deny that this is a tricky problem, but I have no doubt Aaeaiicaa ingenuity will « R y the day. Always remember haw they JACKHUSCHEN B M M B M IO N a r i o s i r W O RDS. laughed at Edison and Fulton—and particularly at Wafar Ctevide who invented the collarbone. Feature Shawn At 1:99, 3:95, 5:10, 7:19, 9:39 P.M. * PERFORMANCES^ DAILY Three th o o n fo r A m o rie m n in f t n u it y , m h te h pgsu m th e MATINEES AT 1:00 A 4 P JH. • EVENINGS AT I P M. A C T , t h t reWar tan a aste M G » t . . . that's the M ig h ty O o m t COMING! ResaHnd Russell • Alee Guinness IMWUc's pm «te te Merlhare, the ittar afonsates «M t thanre- «POON • “A MAJORITY OF ONE” Prices: Weekday Matinee» S1.80 • Evenings and Mlterodtooti. Sotti* tar t and mjotf ana. Y«mgte*lNhteMm Sunday 41.25 • Children «Se -• I / M ü n s R n ■ M tflilaaa Stala N«wi* IfllK H Ê H M faM m 8» $ Si$ lP @ < Friday Morning, M ardi 2, 1962 l '-9— igìsséìéé 17" IV TABLE MODEL, seed work- WITH THESE ing condition. $75. TU 2-5123. to r i * 3 ■jM 21* fv éONiÔLE. **e«B*et eond»- ÄMÄZIK8RES TWO tlon, «empiete with entern**. $50. TU 2- CLASSIFIED 5123.__ * A0$ A TL AS SA LES ft SBRVtCf W A N T A D 411« 1 CEDAR, LANSING * « « ■ ■ ■ ail • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ AUTO R E P A IR PERSONAL C am pus —WE REBUILD end repair automatic end standard tnMtemitsioM at lowest —^ANNUAL SELL-DOWN Global W ant A ds prices. Martin'* Auto Forte, lt»7 Has- 75% Of* ENTIRE STOCK EM PLO YM EN T NO EXCEPTIONS Glimpses a Aeteeetiw a tmpMymeei *Reel but* a Fee Sale • 7«mm I * Service REGISTERED NURSES for afternoon and night. duty. Good salary end per­ sonnel policy. Celt ED 2-0S0I. 44 This is a cash sale WM. H. THOMPSON # Far Rent a Transportation NEED 10 SALESMEN. To enroll gild JEWELER T i l ■ ■ ■ By the Associated Press a Neueres 1er Rent* loit ft Feeri membership in Lenting do-it-yourself center. Potential commission of $100 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Deadline!: J «•*** dev Kennedy To Speak on N-Test before pvbiicetien per week. Interviews at 4:30 a.m. end 1:30 p.m.. 3711 S. Pennsylvania Ave. MICHIGAN STATE Unrverstty grad­ WASHINGTON — President Kennedy will apeak to the na­ Phene 3SS-S2SS or 3SS-I2S6 44 tion by radio and television Friday night, presumably to uation rings available at THE CARD PART TIME phone gal. 9 a-nt.-l p.m. SHOP. Includes degree, scat 3 en­ signal U.S. resumption of nuclear weapons tests to the atr Rates: Steady position for the right gal with graved initials. Choice of 10 stones. mosphere. a good phone personality. Excellent Word from informed sources was that Kennedy will report I day ....... BUB pay.' See Fred Levine in the State that he has decided to order a new series of atmospheric tests J day* .............. $2.2» News office. 341 Student Services BURR-PATTERSON Fraternity and » deyr ........... $3.25 Bldg. immediately. Sororityjewelry and related items. Now starting sometime to ApriL . available at The Card Shop across The White House announced only that Kennedy wiU speak (leied an IS «erde per ad) from Home Economies Bldg. ED 2-47S3. to the nation *t77 p.m. EST Friday “on the subject of nuclear 41 testing and disarm am en t’’ - (25c discount if paid Trr7> ’Em" within • week) : y ': m' NEED RELIABLE advice on car In­ Terror Strikes Algeria; 38 Die 1 w it ft a surance? Talk it over with Lee Stanton. He will help you plan an insurance ORAN, Algeria, — Vicious clashes between Europeans and W A N T A D budget. 1500 E. Michigan. Call IV 2- Moslems which sent racial tempers soaring claimed 38 tives - - 06*9. 44 to Oran, Algiers and elsewhere to Algeria Thursday A U T O M O T IV E In Oran the government said it lacked sufficient troops to R E A L ESTA TE BUICK—1456 convertible. Runt good. F O R S A L E cope with spreading violence. — Big car! Small price! $59S. See it at The dead included 18 Europeans and 20 Moslems. At least Tom Gallagher*-Auto Sales, 1919 E. CAPE COD. 3 blocks from MSU. 38 other persons were wounded. • ■^ Michigan. IV 2-8776. 41 lent TV 21 INCH RCA Console. Excel­ Built-in even and range, ¿replace and conditio.n. FuHy reconditioned with garage. $17.800, F.H.A. Call ED 7- antenna $50^ Phone TU 2-5123. tf 1422. - 44 Judy Sanders and Ken Hance S tate News Photo by Skip Mays Mr. K. Rejects DeGaulle Bid j BUICK—I9S4. Rune wcib-Ohty $29S. Excellent transportation for a College BOYS SPORT JACKETS. Si« 14. WALKING DISTANCE MSU. All MOSCOW, — Prem ier Khrushchev Thursday rejected Presi­ student. Gallagher Auto Sales, 1919 Sofa bed $25. Call ED 2-2116. 42 brick ranch 2 bedroom, den, separate dent DeGaulle’s suggestion for a summit meeting restricted £ Michigan. 41 dining room, large kitchen, rec room. Seniors of the Week i to Tn*H»in* club members. He pressed his campaign for govern­ CHEVROLETS. Two I960, 9 passen­ STEREO. Pair Bosak speakers with Gas heat. Aluminum storm windows, ment chiefs to open the 18-nation Geneva disarmament March ger station wagons, powerglide, power cabinet, Call ED $230, cebinits alone. $52 screens.' FeneZJfj Professional land­ 2-4015 after 6 p.m. —42 scaping. Take ever existing financing Sanders and Hance Chosen 24. steering. V-8 engines. Two 1961 Bis- “The peoples of other states. among them the neutral states, cayne sedans. 4-door, powerglide, V-8 FREE—FEVER, Thermometer with this 234 Kinberry Drive. By owner, ED 7- engines. which constitute an important part of humanity, are not less IV 4-7461 between 9-5. W ilt sacrifice for cash sale. ad and any new prescription 41 Marek Retail Prescription Center by 1232. filled at with only $2500 down. Property ot ** The president of Alpha Social Science major with a 3 - Hance is a member of Phi interested (than the nuclear powers) in the realization of a Frandor. $1.25-minimum. 41 EAST LANSING. Bedford Hills. 1340 Gamma Delta sorority and the 48 All-University average. She Delta Theta fraternity, and has general and complete disarmament,” Khrushchev told the ■ 1958 CORVETTE. Excellent engine. GUITAR, HARMONY, standard size. Cedarhill Drhve, 3 bedroom ranch with chairman of 1961-62 com­ has earned many scholastic held the offices of vice presi­ French President. Single 4 carburetor. Positraction. Good tires. New convertible top. Prefer trade* Excellent condition, good buy. Ca!t 2pet, car attached garage. IH baths, car. drapes, built-in kitchen with dish­ mencement have been chosen honors in the past four years. in. Calf IV 5-0700 after S. 41 cveningsT 355-1658. 42- Seniors of the Week. - Judy Sanders. Hazelcrest, 111. College, Mortar Board and She is ir member of Honors dent and rush chairman. After graduation he plans to Avalanche Kills 100 Peruvians TRANSPORTATION Special - Sold WOMEN'S CLOTHING. Sweaters— kitchen, well landscaped comer lot. By washer and disposal. Eating space in LIMA, Peru, — Disaster relief teams struggled Thursday with no money down a size 38, skirts—size 10 and 12, dresses owner leaving city. $2600 down to and Kenneth Hance, Okemos, Tower Guard. attend law school. to find the dead and help survivors at the mountain town of 1954 CHEVROLET club coupe.' —size 10 and 17; Excellent condition. new F.H.A. Call ED 2-1303. 42 have been awarded this week’s She has also been active in Concbocus, where up to 100 persons were reported killed by "TOO DODGE 4-door. Phone ED 7-0612. — 43 honor. . campus activities such as Peru's second major avalanche to seven weeks. 1955 CHEVROLET 4-door. 6 cylinder! OFFICE DESK with top 60x36; Ready S E R v ic F Miss Sanders is a Divisional Spartan Hi Wagon, AWS Ju­ . 1938 BUICK — inform ation *wiiwnmmisiimii» cil. diciary and Panhellenic Coun- AWS A mountainside softened by heavy rains collapsed late Wednesday, plunging tons of mud, snow and rocks toward the town, in the Andes 300 miles north of Lima and 75 miles inland 1951 CHEVROLET 34 ton I960 CHEVROLET 34 ton pict-up. 1954 CHEVROLET ‘4 ton pick-up. panel. to finish to suit you. Call ED 2-5702. t— r 41 TYPING, general and thesis, exr perlenced, Reasonable rates. Call ED 7. Miss Sanders has been active from the Pacific. - — REPOSSESSED ZIG ZAG sewing ma­ (M38, 44 (Continued from page 1) Red Whiting's Dependable Used Cars. chine. Like new. Payments as low as _ to d a y o n ca m p u s in her sorority, having held the Schroeder, Milwaukee; Snyder IV 9-6639. —43 $5/month on new contract. Phone DON'T WAIT. Term, papers done i n 1imi t4«iii!«iiis^nii)i,id;i:i:niiiiiMMiiiiiiiii:iii.is office of Rush Chairman before —Beverly Ash, Osseo; Van Ho. taking the office of president. osan—Judith Balsam, Ottawa Pakistan Adopts Constitution FORD—1953. A good value at IV 7-0585. 41 witlr professional touch. Lowest rates. Call IV 7-5644. 44 HiHel — Hillel House, 7:30 p.m. $150. See our big'display of used DIAMOND RING. Three fourths After graduation she would Lake; N. Williams—Judith Na­ KARACHI, Pakistan, — President Mohammed Ayub Khan cars. We have one for you. Tom Gal­ Friday, Sabath Services. like to work toward her son, Cincinnati; E. Yakely — Thursday put into effect a new constitution for Pakistan to lagher Auto Sales, 1919 E. Michigan. carat, solitaire setting, approximately TYPING: Thesis, manuscripts, and one„year old. Call IV 5-0700 after 5. term papers, etc. Call ED 2-0570. 47 MSU German Club — 31 Un­ masters degree in Counseling Donna Peukema, Holland; W. replace the military dictatorship under which he has governed Call IV 2-8776. 41 — 41 ion, 7:45 p.m. Friday, gener­ and Guidance. Her goal is to Yakely—M a ry Jo McGtilivray, since 1958. ._ NEW RIDING STABLE opening al meeting. work in either student person­ -Washington, D.C. The new constitution, setting up a new federal form of FORD—1956 - 2 door. $325. A real TRAILERS April I at 1950 Lake Lansing Rd. L iterary Discession Group — nel or counseling center at'the presidential government founded on Ayub’s idea-, of “basic bargain- at that price. Tom Gallagher 1953 HOUSETRAILERr New Moon. Horses boarded.'Call ST 1-7032, Mar­ Judiciary Board: Abbot—Jer- Auto Sales, 1919 E. Michigan, 44- Very good cohditibrf: Reasonable, will shall. _ —’ "Ajm v 4th floor lounge—library, 8 university level, . n rie T w * * ,! Waterford: Abbot .democracies,” scraps the parliamentary system in effect here p.m. Friday, . Ferlinghetti’s Hance is a History major — Marilyn Duma, Yonkers, until 1958 OLDSMOBILE—■1954 Hardtop. Ex­ hold contract if desired. Call ED 2* TERM PAPERS TYPED. Experienced. “Conéy Island of the Mind” . and has a 3.19 all university av­ N.Y.; N. Campbell — Nancy cellent condition and fine transporta­ 1941. - — " 42 Phone ED 2-4597. 42 erage. He is also a member of tion. A real buy at $400. See it at Hillel — Hillel House, 10 a.m. Schenk, Tulsa, Okla.; S. Camp­ Gallagher Auto Saies. 1919 E. Miehi- CLEANER CLOTHES SPECIAL Sava Saturday, Sabbath Services! Honors College. He is the cor­ bell—Helen Goldberg, Valley Hillel — South Campus Grill, Key responding secretary o f' Blue Stream, N.Y.; Gilchrist—Su­ Informality Is Theme g*n. _ OLOSMOBILE—1956 2-door. $595. - _4I 66c on suits and dresses. 26c on trou­ sers, skirts and sweaters with- ad. Bid)« 8:30 p.m. Saturday, “ Hillel Deltahonorary and a member of zanne B ranch,, Battle Creek; Must see to appreciate. Gallagher Cleaners. OR 6-5902. Free pick up Phi Upsilon. ’z-a-Twisting.” Skits, buffet He is a member of All- E. Landon — Betty Steehler, supper, Bob Ruskin’s Quartet University Student Govern­ Drayton Plains; W. Landon— Of Foresters’ Shindig Auto Sales, 1919 E. Michigan. Open 9-9 Mon.. Wed.. Fri. and 9-6. Tues., w ta f e V I world youYft i M r in th t and delivery. TYPING BY WOMAN with 10 4? for dancing. ment, the Student Insurance Carol Augustus, Toledo. Thurs., Sat. 41 lockinglbrV yea's secretarial experience. TU 2- 6738. tf Encampment For Citizenship- Representative and a member Mason—Judy Platz, Pontiac; Demonstration Hall will be the Forestry Clubs log, Fores­ 19«) VOLKSWAGON, radio, wind­ 32 Union, 2 p.m. Sunday, gen­ of Senior Council. He has been Mason' — Mary Colgrove, Te- bristling with fun Saturday ters brought guns and shot shield washer, heater. $1200. Call 355- TYPING. Term paper* and general^ eral meeting. a member of the 1961 Water cumseh; E. Mayo—Bonnie Uhl- from 8:30 p.m. to midnight, blanks to such an extent that 4193 or 355-3948 after 7. 41 ED 2-8426. - 41 Gamma Delta—Martin Luther Carnival Judging Committee, mann, Grand Rapids; W. Mayo when bearded lumberman and all firearms were later banned. 1961 VOLKSWAGON 2-door Radio, FREEZER. FOOD CLUB. Michigan’! Chapel. 6 p.m. Sunday, In­ the ’61 Career Carnival and the —Andrea Bass, Pontiac; Phil­ their dates get together for the Other highlights of past heater, white wall tires. New car'con­ finest. $12.50 per week can feed your stallation banquet. ’61 J-Hop. lips—Kathleen Johnson, Allen annual Foresters' Shindig. Shindigs have included a pen dition! Red Whiting's Dependable Park; Phillips—Ullian Greene, family of 4, All choice meats, vege­ The Shindig is the only All- of sheep, a rail fence, Paul Used Cars. IV 9-6639. 43 tables, fruit* and canned goods. No; E. Lansing; Snyder—Suzanne University dance sponsored -by- Bunyan and a forest. _ membership or high-priced freezers. For Haskell, Chicago; Snyder — any club, a distinction claimed I9S5 M ERCURY Kickapoo Joy Juice, spiked coupe. A-Way above average! Sold Montclair. Hardtop more information with no obligation Now Accepting Applications Jor SUMMER SESSIONS Madge Walton, Flint; Van Ho- by the Forestry Club for 45 witir nails, will be served to “vVith no money down. Red Whiting's call Vernicks, IV 9-9088. 41 osan—Linda Cappel, Pontiac. years. the thirsty lumbermen and Dependable Used Cart. 2311 E.'Mich­ TERM PAPERS TYPED, reasonable N. Williams—Elaine Fabus, Informality is the word for their dates. igan. 43 rates. TU 2-3069. 44 Elsie; S. Williams — A n n e dress, which is to be of lumber­ Tickets are 82 per couple and 1954 CHEVROLET Convertible. Ra­ White, Winnetka, 01.; E. Yak­ jack style. Members of the club can be obtained at the Union dio, heater; white wall*. No Rust! It’s ANN BROW N, typist and multilith- ely—Delphine Browarski, Ro­ said anyone dressing otherwise desk, the Forestry building or beautiful inside and out. Red Whiting's ing. -General typing, term papers, the­ F O R REN T ses, dissertations, duplicating. ED 2- meo; W. Yakely—Sarah Spade, may have a difficult time get­ from any forestry student. Dependable Used Cars. IV 9-6639. 43 8384. ~ tf Columbia, Mo. ting to. — - r- 1959 CHEVROLET Impale Convert- forGARAGE SPACE and parking space Through tradition, Univer­ rçnt. Low monthly "rates. Near IN A HURRY? Wonch Graf e Serv­ ible. Radio, heater, white wall tires. on Grand River Ave. Call ice now -has two shifts -to get your There are rare book collec­ sity policy and tows of the for­ tions and microforms to the est, guns, aves and ties are Students Choice of two! They're like new in­ campus side and out. Red Whiting's Depend­ ED 2-6614. _. 42 job done faster. Phone 484-7716. Of­ fice hours 8-S, Monday-Frtday. tf NEW MEN’S m i WOMENS State library which include re ­ banned. Foresters will be able Used Cars. IV 9-6639. 43 HOUSES productions of all books pub­ roaming the room with scissors Awarded TYPING. Printing typesetting and RESIDENCE NALLS AVAILABLE Enjoy • DnwSinf te e o er Pi egnun ot Mm Co t dweedionet Cons«* Cellos« on tha North Shore of long lilond, N.Y. Member, Th« Collai* Seart lished to England up to 1640 to divest any courageous soul and all books published to of his tie. America up to 1880. * According to a 1917 entry in ~ At Banquet SPARTAN MOTORS INC. _ 3000 E. MICHIGAN AVE. (across—from Sears) IV 7-3715 MONZA 2-door, red, stick, radio, Cash awards were given to -heater, white walls. Landings' Finest APARTMENTS " FULIT HOUSE fo rent. Available Varifax copying at Wonch Gtafic Serv­ immediately. Walking distance- to ice, 1720 E.- Michigan, Lansing. 5-75 campus. Call ED 2-0102 after 5 p~m minutes from campus on bus line. Phone — , ! ’ 4f 484-7786. BETTER THAN TRADING STAMPS. tf J# W.P0STCOLLEGE OF IONO ISLAND UNrVfMITY - MOOtCVIUi. LONO ISLAND. N.V. Accredited by Middle State* AeeaicMtea four MSU Mathematics and Buy on MONZA. $1795. ~ Physical Science majors and 3 ROOMS FURNISHED, private Wendrow's Econowash and Dry Clean- bath and entrance, graduate students ers,- 3006 Vine St., 3h“block west of C0RVAIRS-I96l-Blue 700. 2 door, preferred. CaiTED 7-7603. 42 Sears' Frandor Store. Gives fra* dry one Chemical Engineering ma­ automatic, also Red & White 700 4- TWO 5-WOK SUMMER SESSIONS • MY t EVENING jor at the Pi Mu Epsilon, hon­ door stick and I960 TOO 4-door auto­ LADY STUDENT. Prefer graduate cleaning to each customer using its June 25th to July 2 7 th —July 30th to A uguct 31st orary mathematics fraternity, matic. student to share a 4 room furnished times. Ask coin Speedqueen washers 10 different the attendent for your banquet Thursday night OT the apartment. W alking distance to cam­ 44 card. tf An exceptionol blood of modern, iu|ierler odocqHoiiof a n d cultural fodlitfas on « tredftmnd 126 i w swipes Union. RAMBLER Super Wagon, Green on pus. Call ED 7-0180. setting: this 1»C W. Foe» Collage on tho North Shore Robert Bartholomew, Grand overdrive, green, 6 cylinder standard shift' with APRQyED UN-SUPERVISED private WHY PAY MORE? Fonts, skirts, •f long blond, an* boor from addta«mManiiafeM. Nearby or* fomaae boachee, ealling dwbe, FOOD Rapids junto*, to chemical en­ gineering; and Paul Pennock, chrome rack, $1095. MG-TD 1953 - SILVER Convertible: campus. Parking. ED 7-1487. 43 sweaters cleaned and pressed, 50c. epertment for 2 or 3 men. Close to Suits, plain dresses, end coots, $1, Wendrow's Eeonowesh and Dry Clean­ summer eteck tbeairee. y e tb . Obit eeetoe. University Village ju n to , to Blue top and interior; porthole win­ ROOMS ers. 3006 Vine St 3k block «rest of rtONIGi DOWIMff tMMIflMBCQMINI» Mathematics and Physical Sci­ dows: immaculate condition; garage maintained; one-of-a-kind^ sports de­ 2 M ALE STU D EN TS large double Sears’ Frandor Store. tf ACCELERATE YOUR DEGREE PROGRAM ence both won 850 (bat prizes. signed and rencvpted car; owner sell­ approved room. Parking and some, EX PER T TH ESES and General "Typing. UNDERGRADUATE COURSE offerings include studies In Gary Darby, Bath senior; ing firm price. WOodwerd 1-7100, priviledges. Call ED 2-6622 after 6. 42 Electric, typewriter. Seventeen years William Graham, Sodiis senior; Detoit. ~ 47 experience. -One block from Brody. Liberal Arts and Sciences, h i h sh tsliw si, Pre-Engi­ MALE STUDENTS. Room and board. ED 2-5S45. Choose among the finest Italian foods and Ltoore Hobbs, Lothrup Vil­ $14:50 per week. Call E D 2-2447. 47 tf . neering, Business end Education. lage ju n to ; all mathematics REPAIRS AND SERVICE on all GRADUATECOURSE effsriegi lesbdeN edtii leRjelagtcet and physical science majors, ATTENTION MALE STUDENTS. makes of sewing machines. Phone IV 7- Sciences. Education, English, Guldanc* and Counseling, at Casa Nova * * * Submarine sand­ won three second place awards Rooms, kitchen privileges, perking. History, Library Science, Matfcomotict Mssek Education Spring term. Cali— ED 2-6788. 44 and Foliflcel Sdanco. of 825. wiches, spaghetti, ravioli . . . and A fund has been made avail­ .2. SLEEPING ROOMS with adjoining T R A N S P O R T A T IO N DISTINGUISHED VISITING AND RESIDENT FACULTY kitchen and bath. 2 male students. OUTSTANDING LIBRARY FACILITIES able by Prof. L. C. Plant, head Private entrance. IV 4-5898. 42 NEW YORK-JERSEY. for spring in­ of the Department of Mathe­ tercession, chattered Greyhound leav­ AFFIYNOW. . . Adntolee epee le VlATlNO SfUDENTS from ether accredited ceNoee*. that famous Casa Nova pizza matics from 1918 to 1989. Tho TWO DOUBLES and two angles, ing Monday, March 19. Inquire «owl income of the fund will bo Male students, spring term. Near cam­ Art Upton. 355-9322. 41 WWcWMMNImiimI GMNMMWfeWSMMBMMW pu s, private entrance. Coll ED 7-0179. appMeatSsn. phana MAytUr H I M *r — M«aupon awarded annually to on* or more mathematics majors who ' ■ 45 Piroctbr *f Comme» SeOoot, C. W. Foet retteqe, D 0 , Oreeeeeto L-L. t t t I W ANTED PI«**# tend mo Summer Sessione informotto« builettn. * are deemed most worthy on PERSONAL □ Wetnon’o Deeidditee Moll Q Men** INetSence Mel s the basis of scholarship. Inter­ Do you have a white elephant In HAVING A PARTY, Banquet, wed­ fieds. attic. Sail it through th* classi­ your to □ Uedergroduete Q Graduate □ Day QBaaOnB J est to mathematics, and help­ Hem*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . — ------------------- 1tr o n f iti i r r if r m i t i ■ fulness to the Department of ding reception. Want to dance to 9 tm . 2 Mathematics. smooth dance music? "The Twilight- ONE I960 or 1961 set of Encyclo­ Addree*. CAST UANSIHCS OLDEST P ttT f - 311 AVJR.C.- Selection of the students ers" are available for bookings. For pedia Brittanic*. Call 355-8255. 41 Crty be honored will be made by the particulars calf Mr. Katchason, IV 9- .State. 1845. 41. NEED ROOMMATE. Untuparviscd Dean of Science and Arts and housing with cooking and TV. WdtrM If visiting student. from wAtch colles*?.■... . . . . . . . . l. • raae*eraesobraebea,raee*ebesae«Da»esa*«ee»sue»s»«e,ode»eeessraeeoeno«e*».a»aftdaa»ca» . • DELIVERY SERVICE CALL ED 7-1668 the head of the Department of Ö2 S LET'S .SWAP.neophytes. FiH. prefer graduate student Cell ED 2- Mathematics. 41 2625. 41 11 m Timmm m, m m Ü a s |§ P ll Sot ¡ m l xmm «m wm Wm wS^Ssß « H <-v .J ill mm ■ sii ÍMÉIi# W m >••'I’-.' S « raB ÎsËh« HH H m Wm B " t Afle>itlg»mi|. É Â Néwf, East LaSMÎngj MMili — Ml m ß ifim m t - -- • ■• -■■-•-•-•- - ~w' HHV - m Wí: NojQiinmicks, Says ross • •' ,ï;/v{ : lÜ P an H H B 1l iwffi i v-fSB IS U M Ijf First "Hasbytarian HEB p Ottlii»’'»»ff1Wut«nt ÜH ì SESBMBk —««■mas». MU A Ms Priest Battles Sunday Worship - I I « oun. "«V RIGHT OF COMgiWWim r SvfHtoy SbImbI * IlitS idi* ■ f d is - 'i- llit e ObW. W Sm ' Cribbary ood Nowwy Provided Seldom within recent years His latest title . __ t t e j f a t q t l f h h e is io i The n b j f f t t d m v h Is to tHn>M CKvb • 5iliiri THE ROSS AND THE THORN" Priest” was bestowed by crit I w e aea-verbally saying, he the sent «I Seeiety^and, Hoka CM . OUfaaM has oae Bum b e « the subject Dr. Morrow. PriWtking of as much controversy within ics ad » frit that espresso ‘I'm avaBabte’.” te deuyiag the n f e the ehnreb Study CIomm, Monday t Wodooodoy the church as that which now nights with university students During the interview-conduct­ commits a g m t ria, Beyd » ovomm at PtSO 4 « pjm. CoM« dob tar SkfU, a ii hf ch. hi — vi htotek i p (lailtt vMVf > A —1 f» «rnow ^ CLfaL wmw craters around the Rev. Mal­ were not port of accepted ed over a howl of cereal Boyd said. ianity, Loq’s Sowout. Missouri. Yoons Adults. colm Boyd, Episcopal chaplain priestly duties. rouged with rase and clarity His interest in the arts as a to Wayne State University stu­ During an interview follow­ over topics from liturgical jazz medium of expression and com. dents. ing one of his talks to the con­ to the freedom ride in which he munkatkm is evident in ail Boyd was principle speaker ference, Boyd commented that participated last September. that Boyd does. S t Johns Student at a conference of Presbyterian he was a t constant war with “I am for rather than against He is currently engaged in Peoples CKurcK students in Kellogg Center Feb. the ministerial image. liturgical jazz. The hymnal and rehearsals for a play in which \ Parish ,- 23-24. be plays a Negro and a Negro “ If I was dectriaaOy un­ the architecture are the tw r biggest barriers the church {days a white man. East Lansing Fr. R. Kavanaugh He gave up a successfal ca­ orthodox as wefl as » o rth o ­ dox la my methods, people erects. In this sense you KSve ^ “TMs is part ef the reas« Fr. T, McDevitt reer la commanicattens in to be an iconoclast you have why I thought “La Dolce mm Interdenominational 1951 to aadertake Holy Orders coaid understand me better,” 327 M>.C. and since that time Boyd has he said. “ As it b , only my to keep shocking people.’’ Vita” w m such a highly re­ 209 W. Grand River at Michigan beea called everything (ram methods are different. I am Boyd described the freedom ligious film,” be said. “I be­ Sunday Masses ride as the most difficult thing lieve the arts are asking the 7iir.4:3»«t46 (High) 11:15-12:30 aaerthodox to “ an adman net atUhdag gimieks. I am (Babyeittm» ot ft«, 9:45 ft 11:11 selling Christ.” Jast trying te be e g « .” he has ever done. great questions la place ef SUNDAY SERVICE TMs is not a grographic C lriiQ ai>dptts.” mas»««) P a rt of Boyd’s desire to be roblem,” he said. “I ti s in the " X Dotly Mow«* 4:45 «Jn., 1 « o-m., Boyd cited as one of his ma­ 12.10 putt, and S « p.m. open is evidenced by his will­ Eeart of man. I am tired and jor concerns the necessity for 9:30 S 11:00 o.m. East Lansing ingness to go where the stu­ outraged that 11 a.m. is the the church to engage in dia­ Saturday Mateos 1 « ft 9 « am. Canfestions doily at 12:10 ft S « p.m. dents are Instead of expecting most segregated hour in our ;— Sermon Topic logue with the world-listening Saturday 44:30 ft 7JO-9« p.m. Friands Matting them to come to him. society.” as well as speaking. This can •_ "ATTITUDE CONTROL“ Novom Sorvicas He seldom uses the Episco­ Beyd also leveled seme take place in the context of the The Rev. Malcolm Beyd pal Student Center and pre­ Dr. Jyliut Fitchbach, Guest Minister Tuae. St30 ft 7 « pws. (Quakers) rimrp criticism a t what he arts. Sunday Suppar — 4 « - 7 « p.m. fers to spend most of Ms work­ Discussion Ursup ir a i A.M. ing time In the student union calls the “Post-Christian era” both fauMe the church aad He said that the sketch in which he was participating has H Chwcb School 9:30 o.m. S 11 o.m. Sunday Forum •• 7 « p.m. "THE VARIOUS FORMS OF Meeting h r Wsnhip — I I « A.M. where he counsels students. outside of K. more potential power than a Callage Heut« of Peoples Church “The m edera priest,” says Boyd, “ cobM hear caafessi « “ The man in the church wears his piety on his sleeve,” sermon. “The sermon is a somewhat S u n d a y F o ru m s Crib room throw|h High school ago CHURCH MUSIC" Complin« and lanedictien 9 « For Infermati««, Phon« ED 2-I99S ever a martini, a bewl ef eer- Boyd said. “He is a believer in archaic form anyway. It has 1:30 p.m. Christian Student Founda­ Movie «very Friday night at 1:30 Canterbury Club: Dr. Ed­ Wesley Foundation: T h e Dnr.ce every Saturday night— -9-12. eaLer a cap ef coffee. I fe d a system of ethics or moral become a charade of forms demands identified with his with no dynamic meaning. In ward C. Dale, bead of the men­ group will continue with discus­ tion Campus Vatpen. Phone ED 7-9771 particular culture and refuses this play we are changing the ta l hygiene clinic of Oijn Health sions oT world religions at 7 Olivet Baptist CKurcK Lansing Central to dirty his bands. Personal forms but not the realities.” Center, will speak on “ Relig­ p.m. salvation is more important Beyd decs net eeasMer him­ ion, A Help or Deterent to Lutheran Student Associât!«: 2211 L Michigan Free MetKodist CKurcK than social justice.” self a proseiytizer for the Mental Health?” The meeting Discussion groups will contin­ • Rev. WilSem Hsrtmin, Fatter 120 N. Washington, Lnnting The second type of post- Episcopal Chaich — “these will begin with Evening Prayer u e r — University Lutheran University MetKodist SUNDAY at 6 p.m. ^ An All-Parish dance will be Sunday School . . 9:41 o.m. Marring Worship 11 o.m. Christian is often the work of notches on my belt area’t , Church Morning Wonhlp 9 « 0*4 l liOOoun. tho first according to Boyd. converts” — rather, he “at­ Gamma Delta: The group held Saturday a t 8 p.m. in. All- Youth Group* I « pun _ «a DOUBLE HELPING" He is the man who has never tempts to relate the Ufe of will meet at the Martin Luther Saints Church under the spon­ Church Evening Survie« 7 « pun. Sunday School 10 oun. been involved in the church oae hum « being to another Chapel at 6 p.m. to attend an sorship of Canterbury and York and Student Canter MID-WEEK SERVICI Youth Servi«« 4:00 pm. -and sees only a distorted im­ and help both realise what it installation banquet at 6:30 i n , Clubs. till S. Harrison Rd. ~\ Wedaaodoy, 7 « pjn. Evening Warship 7 « pun. Christ Lutheran Church, tan- For fu rth er information call National Lutheran Council Spring Arbor A Capelo Concert age. In rejecting the image, means te be a humaa te a the church ofnfce at ED 2-1313. Transportation loovfcsg lotomatioool he assumes he has rejected dehumanized catture.” sing. Division nnd Ann Street, E.L. Hoow ot 9 « o.m. Sunday Of il l Family Stwice Wed. Evening 7 « (2 blocks north of Bcrkcy HoH) Wilson M- Tennant. Minister Rev. F. W. Van Valin Christianity. — Before coming to Wayne Hillel Foundation: Sabbath! - 332-2559 IV 2441». (Closest SoptM Church to Campus) Far Treaspertatian Call IV 2-9IS7 College students are most frequently victims of what State in 1961 Boyd was chap­ lain to students a t Colorado Services,will be held on Friday evening and at 10 a.m. Satur­ English Teacher Posters: Chureh Services, 9, 10 ft 11:15 Donald W. Herb ft C. T. Minksick Boyd refers to as a “ charade ef hypocrisy.” State University. He recalled an incident which day morning 'a t Hillel House. Saturday at 8:30 “ HUlei’z-A- Publishes Book, - Campus Worker: Teda Sand "RELIGION JFQILUPE" Eastmlnster WHAT THEN ARE WE TO D07 This question is ostod every Sun­ “The church does not exist because man has a ‘need’ of occurred one night as he~was having a discussion with sev­ Twisting” will be held in the South Campus Grill. A queen “Masks of Poetiy” Sunday Worship _ . Rev. Wilsen M. Tennnnt day io tha worship tervie« of Central 9:00, 10:1G.and 11:30 o.m. Presbyterian CKurcK Methodist Church, Lansing. In fact, it,” be said. “The church is for eral students in a local tav­ coronation will highlight the Dr. A. J. M. Smith, universi­ Nursery, crib room for oil ttrviect "WHAT THEN ARE WE TO DOT" worship and to serve others. ern. evening. ty poet and professor of Eng- Holy Communion at all three services 111! Abbott M , Esst Laming sheets aro prepared for «very sermon. “This is not a spiritual “ An Irish cop walked in and Entertainment will be pro­ lislC has published a new book "JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM" Church School 10« oun. oil Oges The minister offers five or sit sug­ tranquilizer,” he continued, “ or looked around. Spotting my vided by the Bob Ruskin Quar­ entitled “Masks of Poetry.” Pester Klinktiek Rev. Rohoit L Moraltnd, Minister gestions for study end application a glorified medicine cabinet. clerical collar, he turned to tet. The companion volume pub­ Nursery cere is provided at oil serviret. WESLEY FOUNDATION _ during" the week. Approeimetely half It is part of the world’s total one of the students and de­ Baptist Student Foundation: lished last fall, “Masks of Po­ BUS SCHEDULE for 11:30 Miviec: Ml Wafbrtdgn Driv«, E.L thu congregation takes a sheet hamo. life-pain and sorrow.” manded to know, ‘What’s he A film, “ Presidential Prayer etry,!’ is a group of critical es­ Gdehrist 10:55, Irody 11«, Cote George I. Jordan, Minister Director _ Studyyhonai ED 7-Ollt If you «rieh to warship where per­ One of the things few peo­ doing here’?” . Breakfast” featuring President says on poetry by various 11:0S, Owen 11:10, Shaw 11:12, Moson sons desire to "Apply Christianity,'' ple realize about me is that I “•Well, sir,” the student re­ Kennedy. Cabinet members and Canadian critics. I hit, end arriving at church about Suppar 4 p.m. Forum 7 p.m. SUNDAY FROGRAM wo invito you to worship with us oust It was published by McClel- LS>.: 11:20 o.m. Return by tarn« reute. ' celebrate Holy Communion plied, ’-ÍI believe he i r saying congressional leaders will be Supper at S:30. Discussion Fi tingle and married students Sunday. daily.” goodnight to his parish.” shown at 7:30 Tuesday. len and -Stein. - f « o.m. Church School, with Nuncry, Groups ot 4:30. Sewiett ot M l «nd 11« o.m. oad Adah study, stsdaats Included. "THE TRAGIC WASTE OF 10:10 «.m. Wonhlp, with ««ntfnuinj Church School for Kindergarten nnd HUMAN EXPERIENCE" Dr. Largo, Preaching __ Emphasis Placed on Individual Edgewood Peoples younger. Christian Student Sermon Central MetKodist CKurcK In Mormonism Says Professor [ . CKurcK 449 North Hajadorn Read "CONSEQUENCES OECONFESSION" By KAREN CLABUESCH A member ef the Mermen Saginaw, Muskegon. T raverse! “ It is most significant in (5 blocks north-ot Grand River) Foundation Acren from tho Capitol Of the State N ew t Staff Church, he said, believes teat City, Oscoda and St. Joseph that in the Book ef Mormon, STUDENTS WELCOME 9:15 each Sonday—WILS— the glory of God is intelli­ was created from four wards! there is aa account of where Rev. Truman A. Morrison, Minister "Religion in tho Nows" Silvan H. Wi'ttwer. professor Call ED 24424 for tromportatian of horticulture and recently gence and that salvation is deleted from the Detroit Stake i Jesus Christ appeared to A church in the Frotcstant tradition 141 W. Grand River Dr. Largo achieved through intellectual and seven branches of the j Western civfiteatien.” (after appointed president of the new common ip tho major denominations, Lansing stake of the Church of and spiritual growth. Western Michigan district of the crucifix!«). ’ the Great Lakes Mission. He said that one difference which seeks te minister to tho scorch­ Jesus Christ of Latter Day Individuals are given oppor­ ing, questing spirit. Joseph A. Porter, Minister Saints, said, Wednesday, that A ward is a geographical, was that the peoples of North East Lansing Kimberly Downs * two tunity to-develop by partici­ unit comparable to a church and South America accepted important points should be pating in the unique missionary SUNDAY SERVICES Trinity CKurcK recognized in a study of Mor­ program of the churcbr or parish and consisting of i His teachings and there was 206-1000 people. one religion for over J200 years 9:30 end 11:00 o.m. Church of Christ monism. WIttwer, whose stake of 2500. Wittwer explained that mis­ Less than 150 people- make j whereas the European peo* CAMPUS VESPERS Interdenominational sionary efforts are directed to­ up a branch which is a smaller i pies, as history records, Went A complete church school at both people is one of two in Michi­ ward people who, in most S:30 p.m. "OPERATION COURTSHIP" 120 Spartan Avenue gan, cited the first point as unit and not large enough for j through much turmoil before hours, eribroom through Jr. High - o discussion «I courtship, love, and 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansing cases, are already Christians; Rev. E. EUGENI WILLIAMS. Fetter differing from most other that they are carried-on prin­ the total program of the church j becoming unified, Sermon, March 4 marriage In relation to tha Christian f2 blocks W. of Frandor Shopping Cen­ Christian teachings: cipally by young men between to be carried on effectively. The Book of Mormon, accord, faith. Suppar served at Callage House 11:00 a.m. v, Wittwer said that there are j ing to church history, was re- Rev, Truman A. Morrison qt 1:30 p.m. -followed by-forum. ter cn W. Grand River) “The difference today is ISLand 22 years of age, who that we (Mermens) claim te are not paid for their services. 350 stakes in the Mormon | vealed to Joseph Smith fn 1823 4:30 pun. Jr. High FcBewthip "AMIASSADOR TO A STATESMAN" IV 9-7130 Church_ whose membership of pby the prophet Moroni, and is have a. living prophet wbe Everyone Welcome receives revetettea from Gcd He stressed that because 2,4.000 is world-wide. 1a part of the continuing reve­ 4:30 pun. Senior Fellowship TiN p.m. Gerald O. Frutia. Sr. no official of the ebarch was to gaide tee peeplc sptritoaBy The East Leasing resident lation which supplements the WELCOME! "GREAT IS GOD'S FAITHFULNESS" SUNDAY SERVICES aad te everyday affairs just remunerated for Ms service, was formerly the counselor holy Bible. (Haly Communien Service) as te the ease ef the Apostles a sense ef responsibility de­ te George Romney wbe has “This is a church that does Morning Worship 11« o.m. OTHER SERVICES 200# years ago.” veloped which influenced the b e « president ef the Detroit not have to go Back _2000 libla Study 9:41 a.m. The second point, he said, growth of the Individual. stake fra the past I t y ean . years,” Wittwer said. — 9:45 e.m. Sunday School Classes for Univonity Students Evening Worship 4:00 pun. was the emphasis on cencern As individuals contribute to Appointed to assist Wittwer He cited the Dead Sea SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH for the individual and his de- the advancement of Mormon­ as Counselors are Edwin Pack- Scrolls as a history Of the 1:45 p.m. Trinity CoHefioto Fellowship Wednesday evening Bible Study 7JO velopment. ism, the resultant growth of the ham. of Midland, and William Jewish peeple, another seg­ Buffet Supper and Spiritual Inspiration Thursday evening ladies Kbit Clast “We grow spiritually by do­ church causes new stakes to Majeska, of Battle Creek. ment ef Christianity, com­ )511 S. WASHINGTON — LANSING - 7:00 p.m. Wadnctdoy evening, Prayer ing. We believe in answering a be created such as thé Lansing In reference to the Book of parable to tee M ttory ef 7:30 pair Mormon, a history of the an- j Wettern civilization in the and Bible Study. call according to our abilities.” the stake. Y our "Church-A way-From-Homt” | Far transportation coll FE 94190 Tliis opportunity fra individ­ The Lansing stake which in­ cient people of America from j Book of Mormon. . Phono the Church office, 237-7944, for ual growth is seen in the Mor­ cludes the cities of Battle 2200 B.Ü. - 421 A D. and the4- “The history of the Mormon information concerning the campus hut ED 2-1940 or ED 2-2434 Creek, Flint. Grand Rapids, sources from which they came, i Church is replete with Heaven- 10:00 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR mon emphasis on education, schedule. health, ra d recreation. Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Wittwer said: • ly messengers.” 11K» A.M. "THE NIGHT GOD WRESTLED" (Continuing Scric« on tho Book of Genesis) Greek ArcKdiocese Okemos CKurcK First Christian First CKurcK of First CKurcK "HOLY TRINITY" 7:00 P.M. WINNING OVER YESTERDAY" All Saints Episcopal oltK« Nazarene OrtKodox CKurcK of tKe Nazarene Reformed Church CKrist, Scientist (Continuing Series on Facing Life in Winning) S. Washington at E. Eke 1904 Hamilton Rd. CKurcK Genese« «t Butler Rev. Fr. Costae Koukloku _ C. A. Bruch, pastor 240 Marshall St, Lansing Guest Vocet Trio from Pontioc, Mfehigon 709 EAST GRAND RIVER Church School - 9Hi o.m. Matins: 9tlS AM. Rev. John M. Hoffman, Postor 100 Abbott Road—ED 2-1313 Sunday School 10« AM. Sum «y School 10« o.m. 8:30 P.M. ADULT YOUTH ‘- East Lansing Morning Worship - I I « o.m. IXvino Liturgy 10« AM. Morning Servie« • 10 «un. Youth Groups • 4 « pun. (Hymns to Greek, Sermon in Er.fBth) Morning Worship 11« a.m. Evening Servie« 7 pun. Church Service II A.M. For transportation from MSU, moat at Young Peuples Servie« 4:11 pun. Discussion and Refreshments _ ' Evongeb tlo How • 7 « pun. That« in e«cd of •transportation coll Sunday School II AAi.“ Rev. Robert Gerdncr Nursery Provided Kewpaa't at 10« -oust. Evening Servie« 7 « pur the campo- Religious Advisor. Mr. Cor- Chaplain to Monied Students Horry T. Stanley, Minister Wad. 7:30 PM. Maotinf of Sigma. Mid-week Prayer Wad. 7:30 p.m. achat Korhem at 4094W or Mr. FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION Sunday School for Univonity Students Eatiloa Phi of M.S.U. with GOYA and Cad ED 7-9207 far fra« transportation. Henry loach a* ED 2-2221. ’ Rev. Gordoo Jones, Rector Choir Mambars 9:10 o.m. ~ Subject SUNDAY SERVICES Stopping ot Com Had, 9:15 and 4:15 - Shaw Hoi * Owen H«B ~ "CHRIST JESUS'* 1 « oak Holy Cpmmonion MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL FIRST WESLEYAN Farm Lane • Auditorium Reed - Physics Read - Dormitory Rood Wed. Evening Meeting I P.M. 9:30 oak Mooring prayer or Maly & STUDENT CENTER . METHODIST CHURCH Rending Room Bcthd Manor, 9:27 end 4>27 - Division • M AC. « Colege Drug Communion. Sntmoo ft Cbogb School. North Magnolia Ave. at Michigan 134 W. Grand River 11« oak MomiOg Prayer or Holy E. L Woldt, Interim Pastor Rev. R. Steven Nicholson, Jr. CampbeB Hal • Land « Hal - Yakaly Hal- • GBchriot Hal Mon. thru Sat, 9 aun. • S p.m Communion. Sermon ft Cbornb School. Cbapol Telephone ED 2-0771 Sunday School M l aun. WSiame Hal • Michigan Ave. at Harrison Rd., 9:31, and 4:38 Mon, Tuoc, Thun., S Pri. ?4M p.m. -Sonday Worship 10«, 11:15 auw. aad 1-15 p.m. Morning Servie« I I « aun. AN wo welcome to attend Church CANTERBURY CLUB Missouri ft Wisconsin Synod "LORO TEACH US TO PRAY" Bailey Hal - Bryan Hal. Service», and visit nnd use the Read* 4:00 pak Sunday .----~ . Students Supper Frugram ( 4 to I pun.) Evening Servita 7 « pun. ^ nig Room. Providing a Campus Minishy for Married ood Smgio Students Cal IV 2*9312 far further information 1— . "STEF BY STEP" vfe-LÄt