m m m S m io g MSU fo r 52 years 6 rages n Second Cltm h i t i p Established 1909 Vol. 5 3 No. 159 ^Tuesday Morning, March 6, 1962 \ Paid at ftMt Lan*tn*, Hlch. 10 Cents Global g lim p s e s Is S et the Associated Press S o v ie t - G e r m a n T r a d e P a c t S ig n e d LEIPZIG, East Germany, — The Soviet Union signed a trade and aid agreement with East Germany Monday estimated Nikita to be worth about $825 million, East German officials-announced The agreement, covering Soviet-East German economic re­ lations for the current year, Calls for the Kremlin to grant this B u r n s A p p o i n t e d E d i t o r OK’s New financially shaky country a 1.3 billion mark credit, informants said, plus about two billion marks worth of trade between the two nations. At the official rate for the mark in tlys country Proposal that totals about $825 m ilium ,' ~ T s h o m b e H its U N A c tio n in K a ta n g a W allington WASHINGTON Premier Khrushchev h a s «-«Soviet agreed to a U.S.-British propos­ ELISABETHVILLE, The Congo, — Shooting flared between United Nations troops and President Moise Tshombe’s armed Assigned al to start the Geneva Dis­ armament Conference at the forces in North-West Katanga Monday, menacing the truce in effect since the battle of Elisabethville last December. Manager Post foreign ministers level. He has agreed also, U.S. of­ Tshombe charged 1,200 UN troops attacked KaminaviHe, ficials said Monday, to have launching the assault with a heavy mortar and artillery barrage Ben J. Burns, Memphis sen­ a Big Three foreign ministers shortly before noon. ~ ior, was appointed Editor-in- meeting in advance of the main Chief of the State News for session, spring term Monday by the Russians D em and M o re M e a t Board of Student Publications. Khrushchev’s changeabout. after having called for opening MOSCOW, — Premier Khrushchev declared bluntly Mon­ „ Ja m e s Wallington, P o r t the Geneva parley at the sum­ day the Soviet Union needs more food for its 200 million people, Huron senior, was named mit level, apparently cleared especially meat. He reported complaints from cities that “there Managing Editor. away one final uncertainty is little meat for sale in shops, as well as butter.” Burns, present Managing over the launching of what ‘ 131« fact is that we simply do not have enough meat,” he Editor, replaces Marcia Van was to have been an 16-nation told the opening secret session of the Communist party central Ness, Jackson senior, who will disarmament conference on committee. “The party and the government are concerned about be graduated at the end of March 14. this state of affairs soul are undertaking measures to increase winter term. He has been, a State News i The conference was reduc­ meat production in a short period of time.” ~"\ ed to 17 nations Monday staff member since fall, 1858 BEN BURNS JIM WALLINGTON " and has held positions of when France announced it J a p a n P r o t e s t s U .S . A i r - T e s t 4 W h e Editor, Sports Editor -would not send a representa­ TOKYO, — Japan protested Monday the U.S. decision to aod Managing Editor. tive. resume atmospheric nuclear testing but the government ap­ W o r s t in H i s t o r y During last summer, Burns . Washington authorities had peared to be merely going through the motions.^ _ wrote news releases for the Di­ no immediate comment on this Foreign Minister Zentaro Kosaka called in U.S. Ambassa­ vision of Information and Edu­ development, but they had not dor Edwin O. Reisehauer and handed him a note saying Japan “deeply regrets” the decision and reserves the right to make claims for any damage suffered from the testing. Fiery Air Crash cation Of Washington. the Wallington, Forest a Service former in State expected of The a role Paris France at to play much Geneva, Government anyway. has made plain its distaste for the P o w e rs T o S p e a k in P u b lic ; WASHINGTON, — U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers will tell Takes 111 Lives News Sports Editor and Night E ditor,-has been a reporter with United Press Internation­ al. meeting right along. Secretary of State Dean Rusk was reported'planning to leave Washington March 10 or 11 to his story in public Tuesday for the first time since he was con­ victed in Moscow of being an American spy. Chairman Richard B. Russell, D-Ga., announced Monday the 32-year-old flier will appear a t 2 p.m E.ST Tuesday at an In African Jungle His newspaper experience has spanned seven years, be­ ginning in 1955 at the Port meet with Soviet Foreign Min­ ister Andrei Grcmyko and British Foreign Minister Lord Huron Times Herald where he open session of the Senate armed services committee. DOUALA, Cameroon 5. Recognize: □□UO O 0 3 0 3 0 Upper Mr fhyMcs Branch of sions a r Measured in Rocket search director of the Student OPEN EVERY DAY 5 :0 0 P.M. coQoq. aa aaa a n a n a s the Ujg. Naval R m erch la b » Beni EapertnNUts.* ■ Teacher Education Project, will DELIVERY SERVICE MON. - SAT. 12. Paddle la o o a a a ta a o □ □ ratory, will speak before the ■Mange was a member of the present an interim report of IJ. County ft» r XL Shirk □003 □ □ □ □ 030 Special Committee for the ln- research on the STEP program 8 :3 0 PJH. . 1.30 AJL Florida 34. Slightly open u aaaao a o o aaa Joint meeting of the Seminar on ternational Geophysical Year in at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Kiva. 14. Sit« of Napo­ 33. Tufted plant 38. Indeed a a a o a a n a s a ta High Atmosphere and Space Brussels, and of the staff of AO faculty, graduate students SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. leon's S n t exile 37. Grain «talk 40. War sod 15. Prime mover 41. Mendacious Solution ef Yesterday's Fusale Wednesday a t 4 p.m. in 118 Physics-Mathematics. the U.S. Committee for the IGY in Washington. and other interested persons are invited. D MBIT 17. Ceveraroom “DOWN 7. Through Mange’s talk win be on Professor S. K. Haynes, head with plaster 42. Undefeated 1. Carbonated 0. Mysterious of die physics department, will DONT KNOW WHAT IS. Tapering 48. P e y o n e s beverage S. Entreaty “Some Implications of the TO DO WITH IT? YOUR BEST BUY, CAMPUS CLASSIFIEDS wooden «halt share 2. Swiss river IS. Death notice Night Sky Ultraviolet and Solar act as chairman. .USE THE CLASSIFIEOS. 10. Irritate 47. OfRca as­ 3. Recommen­ 11. Yarn 10. Take as one’s sumed dation IS. Thick peaty own 48. Age 4. Grownup fubetance 22. Small trailer 4S. Finest 5.Dressbpm- 19. Lamp or 24. Prescribed 90. March 15th ming candle: slang , portion 5L Thirsty S. Poem 20. First man 21. CopprrfteltT* wile 22. Cancels 23. Jacob's son 25. Ugly old women 28. Regulated _ STUDENT Book Store is giving 27. River duck 28. Uncanny 30. Winter pre­ cipitation 33. Turkish tavern 34. Courtway -- 38.WtSodv F r e e B o o k s F o r S p r i n g T e r m growths 37. Pitcher’s plate 35. Prong 39. Deserters %ïÆiû 40. Talented 42. Swiss cantos 43. Bib. land 44. Stray front truth_____ 45. Negative 3 vote Talk Scheduled ^ Join For Bus. Ad. Men the Parade Savings LOWEST PRICES REGULAR * STEREO LPs Your-Books Contesti DIAMOND NEEDLES TAPE OUR PRICES ARE CHECKED DAILY TO ASSURE BIGGEST Prize — AH Required Textbooks Furnished Free Of Charge SAVINGS TO YOU This Spring Term DISC S H O P Prizes —Required Textbooks Furnished Free For 2 Courses Donna Says : This Spring. Take advantags Prizes —Required Textbooks Furnished Free For 1 Course Money Saving T hree-3 rd This Spring^ - Coed Special Days Monday, Tuesday or Wednes- day ami avoid the week end Donna P e ttit Stylist 1) Besides receiving top cash for your books 3) Drawing will be held 1st day of regia COED SPECIAL DAYS yea will receive FREE one official entry tration,"M arch 26, 1862, at 9 a.m. MONDAYS TUESDAY, and WEDNESDAY blank for cack Textbook th at you soli to SJLS. 4) Winners’ names wiH be posted in front 2) W rite y ear nemo on the « tr y blank and window of STUDENT Book Store. ☆ HAIRCUT drop It in the contest box. ☆ STYLE only I J A WE RECOMMEND GABRIELEEN PERMANENT WAVES BOOK BEAUTY SALON STORE (EAST LANSING’S MOST MODERN SALON) 2 Doors Eaat ol'tbeon ED 2 - 1 1 1 6 LOCATED Conveniently Across From Berkey Hall FREE PARKING IN LUCON LOT i i i i i l a a n i Hy 1Be Associated m a i NEW YORK, March Si — Tom Bolan, president of Sports, Inc., today postponed for 24 hours e trip to Philadelphia to meet with advisers of h o a r Sonny Liston to coocludfe arrangements for a heavyweight title fight between listen and champion Floyd Patterson.' '^ Bolan said here that he. has the fhi and could not make the trip todky. He will go late tomorrow afternoon, be said. Slacks - . . "C ariM s’’ by name Bolan said he had informed Morton .Wttkin, Philadelphia They’re satefariaed cot to«, thank lawyer for the No. 1 challenger, that he would be delayed. it it ★ ■' goodness, so they can't shrink NEW YORK, March S - Colorado State University, third in the Skyline Conference, _ was selected today as foe 30th any more. So s fin and tapered team in the National Invitation Basketball Tournament a t Madi* sod; Square Garden, March 15-34. . . "s a 4 inch vent bad to be placed The Rams had an 154 record in their just-concluded sea­ son. It is the second appearance in the tournament for Colorado in the cuff. We’ve got ’em in State U., loser to jSt Louis in the quarter-finals last year. white, black, bine, m idnight and Only two spots remain in the 12-team field, and they likely will go to the Missouri Valley Conference runnerup (either Bradley or Cincinnati), and to a team from the Middle Atlantic Conference. Previously selected for the 25th NIT tourney were defending POLE VAULTER Bill Aleera clears 14’ to tie for second champion Providence, Navy, Dayton,-St. John’s, Duquesne, place with three ethers to the Big Tea indeer track cham­ Loyola .Houston, Wichita and Holy Cross. - ~ pionships bore Saturday. This vault was Aleera’s career ★ ★ ★ best. A lcen will be among five Spartan tkiaclads making AUSTIN, TEX., March 5 — The State Department of Public the trip to New York Saturday for the IC4-A championships. Safety said today that a number of southwest conference bas­ State News Photo by. Gordon Stauffer. ketball officials were here taking a lie detector test. iviSmSStt ¡He. SsLafoc*'' The DPS statement said: I’VE FLIPPED OVER YOU — Don Shuster and Ed Bloom duel hi the IM Wrestling Tournament Preliminaries, held Monday night to the IM Wrestling Room. Matches will con­ “We are confirming that, a t their own request, a number of southwest conference officials are today taking a polygraph examination.” A l K alitie B etter Now The DPS spokesman said that the department was only in tinue Wednesday night. State News Photo by John Rummel. the position of granting the request. Abb Curtis, supervisor of officials, made the request to the department, the spokesman T han Champ in 211 EAST GRAND RIVER said. OPEN WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Curtis was quoted as saying the officials requested the polygraph tests. ' —7- ★ ★ ★ TERM, ITALY, March 5 — Libero Liberati of Italy, former World Motorcycling Champion for the 50O-CC class, was killed today in a road accident near here. He was 34. GREEN ACfttE Liberati, who won the world title in 1957, was practicing .on wet roads when his motorcycle skidded and crashed against a rocky walL He died en route to a hospital. He is survived by Ì YWjtrilTf'T— •*-' ktMKM«* his widow and two children. 7:99 — 19:15 Starring BOURVIL la A PASTORAL of SARASOTA, FLA., March 5 — Luis Aparicio and Tim Lan­ r HO-KAY HOWCANX HA'.SHE’S SENSUAUSM and the SPORT of LOVE! dis, who stole 72 bases between them la st season, became in­ -SAKE IT- VOL)STAY \ EASY! structors at the Chicago White Sox camp today and held a half- BUT I INBUSINESS I MAKE PLUS AT j:M ONLY (BOTH IN CINEMASCOPE) hour seminar on how to steal second base. Manager Al Lopez, who presided, said that he wants the ^ - P A V flS D OING y E THAT?Jf ^N 2TR*IE 5S STUDENT V f o r rr Sox’ to steal even more bases than last season when they led \)/Y S E L F Lij s \ INNVY BOOKSTORE the league for the 13th successive season. Ir VL6D6ER- Aerosa from Berkey PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 IM Tourney News «-lac* WK E A S T L A N S I N G • P H O N E E D .2 2 8 I * S ee P a g e 3 fo r HOME OF THE BEST FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING A&EA SHOWING W IN Y O U R B O O K S CONTEST FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS Me CHILDREN 36c ‘All its dancers are deTt and dazzling as they guld and at STUDENT B ook S to re whirl to Prokofiev’s enchanting music!” T H E W O R L D 'S G R E A T E S T S T O R V I S N O W T H E S C R E E N 'S M O S T D A Z Z L IN G S P E C T A C L E I Raise StruchKOve of the BOLSHOI BALLET with ' The Pud «altot Cvrm*» end Owhee ofTheBotohei Theatre, Moscow In TitoruB-L•***•»Btotet by Seneei OreM PheeoprophedinMeqicator at the Oorfcy tones AoenueP«hwe W emena EXTRA “ DONALD IN MATHMAGIC LAND FEATURE SHOWN AT 7:40 - 9:45 AUDREY STARTS FRI — “KOCCO AND HIS BROTHERS' HEPBURN Audrey slugs “ MOON RIVER** nominated for Best Song Featuring the • • • Hs whats up front that counts DAGWOOD SANDWICH i F I L T E f t - B L E N P I i s y o u r s in W i n s t o n a n d o n l y W i n s t o n . 2 Hamburger Patties with Cheese Lettuce & Thousand bland Dressing J . U p f r o n t y o u g e t ric h g o ld e n to b a c c o s s p e c ia lly s e le c te d On Toasted Ban and s p e & a l l y p r o c e s s e d f o r f i l t e r s m o k i n g . S m o k e W i n s t o n . P irn & Delivery Service ' Open 11 A.M. Phone ED 2-6863 <203 MAX W I N S T O N T A S T E S G O O D Like a cigarette should! mmill IB® Mkt mâ ìM VhHbR* Michigan State New», Eaat law iu g , Michigan Tuesday Morning, March 6, 1962 —— THIS AO ONLY COST $UB APPROVED UN-SUPERVISED private apartment for 2 or 3 men. Clos« to campus. Parking. ED 7-1487. 41 AUTOMOTIVE -E M P L O Y M E N T FOR RENT REAL ESTATE UMEN I FIRST COT MY Crash (fG V ep / ) &ASSÉ5, TH£V KIND OF C am pus 195! MERCURY. 2-door, clean io ALTERATION HELP — part time MEN CAN YOU COOK? Kitchen Todd's Gentry Shop, 312-2644, —-44 recreation loom, one and $6 blocks CAPE COD. 3 block» from MSU. dCTM£RED ME., and out. A real buy for only 5100. Built-in oven and rang«. Fireplace and Perfect transportation. Call 355-8938, from Union. Phone ED 2-2195. 47 garage. $17,100, F.H.A. Coll ED 7- REGISTERED NURSES for efternoon (Continued from Page 1) Most passengers had Hoard­ u > W an t A ds evenings. SPARTAN MOTORS INC. 95 and nigbt duty. Good salary and per­ NEAR CAMPUS, room for male stu­ sonnel pobej. Cat! ED 2-080t. 44 dent. No cooking. 217 Charles.» 4 14». 44 j \ 3 * Automotive • Personal; *, 3000 E. MICHIGAN AVE. WALKING DISTANCE MSU. All ed at Johannesburg—heney- 'SINGLE ROOM for girl or woman. brick, ranch 2 bedroOm. den, »aporate moeaèrt, typists who had * Employment • Reel Estate i across from Scars] Graduate student or employed wom­ dining room, large kitchen, roc room. saved for years for a Euro­ * Fee Set« • Service IV 7-1715 an preferred. 426 MAC. Call ED 2- Go* heat. Aluminum itorm window», - /4mif»-tyfij MONZA 2-door, red, stick, radio, FUR COAT. White, full length, site 6220. 47 Kreens. Fenced. Profctsionol land- pea« holiday, a young nurse * For Rent • Transportation heater, white watts. Lensmgs' Finest 12-14, excellent condition. Phone IV 2- bound for Canada to he mar­ Buy on MONZA. 5I79S. 9296, Price 530. ' 44 MEN. SINGLE- and double room, tcaping. Take over existing financing ried, families looking for­ Deadlines: • p-m. «•«** d«r private entrance, parking and close with only $2500 down. Property et r eUE66 I JUST (jJASN'T NOU), I'M SOMETIMESNOTBÆM before publication CORVAIRS-H6I-BI»« 700. 2 door, ENCYCLOPEDIA Snttannice. 1961 to campus. ED 2-3151. 214 Kinkerry Drive. By owner, ED 7- ward to visit with relatives AWARE I HAVE THEMON! tf 1232. • 47 In Europe. Four of the pas­ U6E0 TO THEM. automatic, also Red & While 700 4- edition with World Atlas. Excellent sengers were children. Phone 355-8255 or 1S5-I2M door stick and I960 700 4-door auto­ matic. condition. $275. Call IV 9 0039 after 6 pjf. 46 PERSONAL Caledonia Airways, in busi­ HAVE THE WRONG coat after EDWARD G. HACKER Rates: RAMBLER Super Wagon, Green on TV 21 INCH RCA Console. Excel- leaving Monmouth Duo Sat. night? ness only since December, or­ | green. 6 cylinder standard shift with lent condition. Fully reconditioned with Please call Jim Reis, ED 212738. 43 COMPANY REALTORS dered investigators' to the _! DAy $1.00 overdrive, chrome rack, 51095. entenne $50. Phone TU 2-5123. tf scene/ A company official said 3 DAYS $2.00 HANDSOME, Debonair, and wealthy East Lansing • Sebron 1169. Among the pilot, Capt. Bill Williams, S OAYS $3.00 I960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 348 WOMEN'S CLOTHING. Sweaters— student would like to meet nice coed; the evctgrens you'll find this attrac­ had 11,000 hours of flying time, motor, standard shift, 3 carburetors. size 38. skirts—site 10 and 12. dressas If interested, call Fred. 355-879$, 43 tive and roomy 2 bedroom home with (Based on IS word» per ad) — Ml 1-4365. 47 —size 10 and 12. Excellent condition. 2 cer garage only 14,500. including a hitch with the Brit­ Phone ED 7-0612. 43 ish fleet’s air arm. There will be a 25c service and -jOLDSMOBIIE, 55. Private. Good The disaster dwarfed the bookkeeping charge if this ad is condition. 2 new tires and battery NEED„CA$H for Spring Vacation? Good sub zero starter. $400 or offer. St. Thomas, 13k blocks • brick and worst previous crash in Africa, informationM1111,1il11IIIIMM•IH14:I.Hit litIW'HMl1111IHI»Ml11IfcfcUIK111«HMl not paid within one week 355-2993.- 45 Sell your odds and ends through the State News Want-Ads. You'll sell frame 4 bedroom home, 2 baths, fire­ the crash of an Air France su­ them faster! 355-825S. place, abundance of cupboards m the per constellation that crashed in the Sahara May 10 of last year, killing 79 persons. It was today on campus AUTOMOTIVE MG-TD 1953 - SILVER Convertible: Blue top and interior: porthole win­ dows: immaculate condition; garage MEAT FOR SALE. 4 month’s locker rent free with $70 meat order. For large kitchen, full 2 compartment base­ ment, gat heat, attached garage. the worst civilian crash involv­ MMH j .1 ji.jiaiataBaag.ij:.'-,.:.-. maintained: one-of-a-kind sports de­ details call OX 4-3691. 48 signed and renovated car owner sell­ ing one plane. Phi Bèta Lambda — 7 p.m., 31, Sailing Club — 6:30 p.m., busi­ AUSTIN HEALEY 1957. '100'-6. ing $2 000 firm pricel WOodward I- Ottawa Hills • Sharp 3 bedroom The worst single disaster 32 Union. - f* ness meeting, 7:30, regular Good condition, asking $1150. Call 7(00, Detroit. 47 home, no basement, 13x24 living room, was the crash of a m ilitary 484-9747 between noon and 2 p.m. 45 fireplace, many features that will de­ Sigma Alpha Eta — 6:45 p.m., meeting. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, white walls, heat­ THIRD TERM BASIC light yoQ, 2 car garage, 85x350 ft. lot. plane, a U.S. Air Force Globe- - initiation; 7:30 p.m., Dr. Baptist Student Fellowship — TRANSPORTATION Special • Sold er.' new motor a'Bargain at $900. .Cat* master, that killed 129 in Japan Clarke Paris, Dr. Charles -7:30 p.m.. Baptist Student with no money down a Fred, 332-1114. 46 in 1953. Collisions of passen­ ger planes have taken larger Pedry, “Cerebral Palsy.” Center, film, “Presidential 1954 CHEVROLET club coupe. . ~ DAN- O’SHAUGNESSEY STUDY GUIDES Appointments by calling Dorothy Spartan Pistol Gnb — 7 p.m., P rayer Breakfast.’ ~ Welaeman. IV -5-2261 eves ED 7-9475. tolls — 128 and 134. Both oc­ Last Chance Lecture, Union 1950 DODGE 4-door. ' 2501 E. MICHIGAN ... ---------------------------- 47 Dem Hall. _ DIAL IV 9-2388 curred in the United States. Board — 7:30 p.m., 21 Union. 1955 CHEVROLET-4-door. 6 cylinder! Nat Sci 181 . 182 ■ 183 Phi Gamma Nu — 7 p.m. Old 1959 PLYMOUTH Convertible, stick 1938 IUICK shift, V-8. radio and heater. Clean ATL III . 112—143 MEETING - TUESDAY FOR SALE BY OWNER leaving Program information College'Man. as new. Only .................... $1,275 city. $79$ down, 5'«% mortgage, 3 GTHELATARE DPMCWÇ’ M IVE2'983 Ri IV 2-3905 Martin Luther Chapel — 7 a.m. Ash Wednesday Services. 1951 CHEVROLET >i ton panel. 1956 PLYMOUTH 2-door, stick shift, Soc. 23! - 232 - 233 March 6 - 7JO p.m. — bedroom- brick ranch, basement, ges I960 CHEVROLET H ton p cl-up. I 6 cylinder. Hum. 244 - 242 . 243 heat. Large fenced yard, near school;. NOW! 3rd WEEK!! AIEE-IRE — 7:30 p.m., Wed­ Real Clean ........... (375 Tower Room FE 9-2472. - ^ i 47 nesday, 402 E.E. I9J4 CHEVROLET ’» ton pick-up. tf A t 1:00 • 4 :00 & 8 p.iff. Kappa Delta Pi — 6:30 p.m., 4TH FIOQR SERVICE NOW.. . ..3rd..WEEK! initiation and speaker, Par­ Red Whiting's Dependable Used Cars. 1959 OPAL. $800. ED 74)626 after 5 Down Stairs —INKPOT IV 9-6639, 43 p.m. 46 UNION BLDG. THE Shown at 1:00, 3:05, 5:15, lor C, Union Bldg. ' Last Meeting SPRING TUNE-UP. Your tewing me chine cleaned, oiled, and adjusted 7:31, 0:40 p.mv AWS Activities Board — 7 p.m., 1961 CORVAIR MONZA coupe, 98, WE HAVE_many clean used cars GREATEST new and old members, first 4 speed, white, red interior, like new. from $50 up. The price range to meet 507-Grand River for only $3.9$. Mid State Distributing. HUMAN 8500 miles. Private owner. $1895. Mr. your BUDGET. Tom Gallagher Auto of — IV 7-0585. tf floor lounge, Student Serv­ MON. . FRI. 12-5 P.M. DRAMA Wold, 355-2380. 46 Sales, 1919 E. Michigan. IV 2-8776- tf Term ices. TYPING, general end thesis, ex­ THE WORLD Lutheran Student Assn. — 4:10 -FORD - 1953 with rebuilt engine. AUTO REPAIR perienced, Reasonable rates. Call ED 7- HAS EVER p.m., study group,'University Exceptionally nice. Only $450. Tom 013«. 44 Gallagher Auto Sales. 1919 E. Michi­ ANTIQUE GUNS and E'eystrom AM- BURR-PATTERSON Fraternity and KNOWN! Lutheran Church. WE REBUILD and repair automatic FM tuner. Guns: U.S. Musket model DON'T WAIT. Term papers done Wesley Foundation — 7 a.m. gan. — _ tf and standard- transmissions at lowest 1840. converted. Maynard Carbine sorority jewelry end .related items. Now prices. Martin's Auto Parts. 1887 Hes- available at the Card Shop acoss from with professional touch. Lowest rates. Ash Wednesday Communion, 1959 IMPALA sport coupe. $1250. model 1863. Call IV 5-0806 after 6 Home Economics Bldg. ED 2-6753. 46 Call IV 7-5644. » 44 Good condition. Call ED 2-3660 even­ lett Rd., E. Lanwg. ED 2-5319. tf p.m.*“*—— ‘ 43 bus will run. Block and Bridle — 7:30 p.m., ings and weekends;- 44 BURR-PATTERSON Fraternity end TYPING. -Theses, manuscripts, and Anthony Hall. EMPLOYMENT TESTA 3 objective microscope. Ideal for zoology 211 and~2l2 students. Sorority-jewelry and related items. Nove term papers, etc. Call ED 2-0570. 47 1961 VOLKSWAGON 2-door. Radio, available at the Card Shop across from S.O.C. Dancing Class — 8 p.m. heater, white wall tires. New car con­ NEED 10 SALESMEN*-To enroll gild Complete with slides and case. Call from Home Economics Bldg. ED 2-6753. , TYPING BY WOMAN with 10 Uniop_Ping Pong rpom. dition! Red Whiting's Dependable membership in Lansing do-it-yourself ED 7-2018 after 5. 47 tf years secretarial experience. TU 2- Christian Science Organization Used Cars. IV 9-6639. 43 center. Potential -commission of $100 WALKER TURNER WOOD lathe 6738. tf — 7 p.m., 34, 35 Union, per week. Interviews at 9:30 a.m. and with *i, -one third horsepower motor CONTINENTAL IMPORTS 1:30 p.m.. 3711 S. Pennsylvania Ave. TERM PAPERS TYPED, rctsenable 226 E. KALAMAZOO _ face plates and tools. $3P- 340 Ever­ green. 45 rates. TU 2-3069. 44 Diel IV 5-1743 Don't Panic! GottleibToGive 1958 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan . $950 A transportation special excellent for ATTENTION March end June grad­ uates, management trainee. A century TRAILERS ANN BROWN, typist and muWfith- ing. GcneraT typing, term papers, the­ old company with over 7000 accounts 1956 STREAMLITE, 8x41. Spacious ses, dissertations, duplicating. ED 2- Final Statement the college student, » in Central Michigan requires 2 coiiege trained men for its Lansing office due carpeted. living roomjvith full bath. Clean, Sharp, and Reasonable. 355- Study Guides Eor.„ 8384. - tf Dr. David Gottleib, assistant 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Pannell. .$1,44$. 9817. ' 47 ALL THREE TERMS _ IN A HURRY? Woneh Grefie Serv­ professor of social science .and Can be made into an excellent camp­ to expanding operations. Opportunity for advancement in sates or manage­ OF BASICS ice now has two shifts to get your er. - . tf anthropology, will speak at 7:30 ment assured, $500 per month starting FOR RENT Now Available job done .faster. Phone 484-7786. Of­ fice hours B-5, Monday-Fridey. tf p.m* Tuesday in 21 of the Un­ 1961 PONTIAC Tempest Station salary with ment increases. Intensive ion. \ Wagon Economical stick shift. Car of 2 year- training program. For personal Available Immediately - space in Downstairs TYPING, Printing_ typesetting and Second in a series of Union distinction. Sharp! Low mileage! Cell interview and vocational testing, write our Want-Ad columns. Call 3S5-8255 Varifex copying at Woneh Grafie Serv­ Board-sponsored “ Last Chance IV 94)445. - 46 P.O. Box 208 Lansing. Give age. edu­ or 355-8256 anytime between 9 a.m. ice, 1720 E. Michigan, Lansing. 5-15 Lectures,” Gottleib will address cation. address and telephone number. and S pm. daily. minutes from campus on bus line. Phone 70MM SUPER TECHNIRAMA his audience^ with the assump­ 1955 MERCURY Montclair, Hardtop coupe. A-Way above aveiagef Sold HOUSES INK POT 484-7784. tf TECHNICOLOR* tion that the speech will be his with no money down. Red Whiting's MEDICAL Reprfsentat ves wanted to UNFURNISHED, 7 rooms, Hi bath, BETTER THAN TRADING STAMPS. final opportunity to appear be­ Dependable Used Cars. 2311 E. Mich- contact physicians, dentists. drug close to campus.' $130. Available Wendrow’t Econowash and Dry Clean­ N ights SI.25 Children .50c igan. 43- stores and hospitals for various parts 307 Grand River fore any audience. of the country. For full particulars see March IS. ED 2-1801. 46 ers, 3006 Vine St., $k block west of Gottleib’s lecture will corre­ 1954 CHEVROLET Convertible. Ra­ your placement office. Interviewing on MON: • FR(.: 12 • 5 P.M. Sears' Frandor Store. Gives free dry NEXT ATTRACTION! spond to the first “Last Chance dio, heater, white walls. No Rust! It's -March 12 1962. Burroughs Wellcome FULL HOUSE fo rent. Available cleaning to each customer using Rs SOON: THE ROMAN beautiful inside end out. Red-Whiting s & Co., IU.S.A.) Inc. ' immediately. Walking distance to Speedqueen coin washers JO different ROSALAND RUSSELL Lecture” given by Dr. William 44 campus. Call ED 2-0102 after $ p.m. times. Ask the attendent for your SPRING OF MRS. STONE Sweetland, associate professor Dependable Used Cars. IV 9-6639. 43 NEED RELIABLE advice on car in­ card. tf “ A MAJORITY' of ONE” ORN.-HORT. and LAND. ARCH, of humanities. I9S9 CHEVROLET -Impel« Convert­ students. Saturday and Sunday retail surance? Talk it over with Les Stanton. SMALL HOUSE for rent furnished. He will help you plan an insuranet WHY PAY MORE? Pants, skirts, ible. Radio, heater, white wall tires. commission sales of plants and_gardcn Available by April 1et. Near campus Choice of twol They're like new- in­ supplies. Orientations prior to late budget. 1500 E. Michigan. Coll IV 2* sweaters cleaned and pressed, 50e. and Ftandor. Write Box 341, Student 0689. 44 Suits, plain dresses, and coats, $1. side and out. Rad Whiting's Depend­ March start. Twiss Landscape Center. Services Bldg. — 45 Wendrow's Eeonowash and Dry Clean- able Used Cars.-IV 9-6639. 43 IV 4 7753 12-1 pm. _ 43 ers. 3004 Vine St. Ik block west of RE0UCE SAFELY - lose S to IS lbs. Its FREEZER - FILLIN APARTMENTS fast. -Safe. Guaranteed. Only $1 at Sears' Frondor Store. tf' EAST LANSJjNG - Beautiful Hill, Marek't Resell Prescription Center by crest Village.. I-bedroom apartments, Frandor, 301 N. Clipped. tf EXPERTTHESES end General Typing. TIME at OADE'S all this Notice of Sp e cial A li-U iivo rsity a j unfurnished except for stove, refriger­ ator. Coll ED 2-1815. 46 Electric typewriter. Seventeen years experience. One block from Brody. ANNUAL SELL-DOWN ED 2-5S4S. " tf week. 2 pints of LADY STUDENT. Prefer graduate J udiciary Undergraduate Rafereudw u student to shore- a 4 room furnished «pertinent. Walking distance to cam­ 25% OFF TERM PAPERS DONE quickly and accurately at reasonable rates by ex­ pus. Call 10 7-0180. 44 ENTIRE STOCK perienced thesis typist. Call ED 2-4048, Delicious Boren's NO EXCEPTIONS 47 —3 ROOM furnished apartment. I or 2 students. $75 per month. Coll IV 5- This is a cash sale TERM PAPERS TYPED. Experienced. lee Cream. I approve of arameading Article IV, Sectioa of the AUSG 4807 after 6. . 47 Phone ED 2-4597. 47 constitution at follows: ~ WM. H. THOMPSON 6 ROOM APARTMENT. 3 or 4 men. FREE LIST OF over 40 organized 25c That's Right.. . Approved unsupervised. Reasonable. JEWELER musical groups I to 20 pieces. Write Paragraph (a) shall be amendea by inserting after the Close to campus parking. IV 4-4203. or phone C.V. ''Bud” Tooley, Secy. 45 FRANDOR SHOPPING CENTER Lansing Federation of Musicians, S27 flrat sentence, “If the student wishes to waive Us right S. Washington, IV 2-5314. "Liva Mus.e ROOMS is Best." 45 of previous notice, he may, upoa request to the AB-VU- ROOMS FOR MALE students spring MICHIGAN STATE University grad­ versity Judiciary, be granted an immediate beariag.” term. Cell ED 2-0205 öfter 5:30 p.m. uation rings eveilable at THE CARD TV SERVICE. Special rate for col­ Two Pints Paragraph a will then read “Students who w ft ho tried by the AU-University Judiciary shall he «etlflcd fas o< weekends, 443 Grove St. LIBERAL, Broad-Minded, gentleman there beautiful apartment.' 'Modern 44 SHOP. Includes degree, seal, 3 en- graved initiais. Choica of 10 stones. - tf lege housing. Service cads, $4. Absolut« honesty. Acme TV, 1410 Hcebert, IV9* 5009. 43 writing at least two days before the date of beariag, hat brick building near campus, $17.50. TRANSPORTATION 25 upon his request to the AH-Unlvemity Judiciary, the student shall he granted an additional two days before 332-0716 preferably 5-7 p.m. FOR MEN. Doublet. $4.50 and tin­ 47 gles, $9. Spartan Halt. 215 Louis, avail­ able now end for spring term. I block REMEMBER! NEW YORKJarscg, far spring Mam cession. Chartered Greyhound laauksg Monday, March 19. Inqabo Upton. 355-9322. Art 45 the date of bearing. If the student wishes to waive his from campus. ED 2-2574. 44 A HOLD CARD AT RIDE • preferably to Conn. via U.S. right of previous notice, he may, apoa request to the MALE STUDENTS. Room and board, o r N e w York City_any «ray. Manch If you have a freezer, refrigerator or any old box th at’ll keep it cold, now’s AB-Uuiversity Judiciary, he granted immediate hearing.” $»4.50 per week. Cell ID 2-2447L _ 47 REGISTRATION MAY 16th or 17th. Cad 155-4944. 44 Yes.. No.___ ATTENTION MALE STUDENTS. STILL LOOKING for a rida home the time to fiB-up..«..with Borden’«! 1 Room*, kitchen privilèges, parking. MEAN A DELAY. For Spring Vacation? It's not too Intel Spring term. Cell ED 2-475«. 44 Place your Want-Ad now. Call 355-8255 ENORMOUS, Well Furnished room. for quick results. To go with that Borden’s taste of spring at OADE’S there’s a full line of Adam’s potato chips and a complete selection of beverages. Paragraph (hi shall he amended by adding, “unless the Infinite silence. No children. Private bled shower, telephone room, perking. STUDENTS LAUDERDALE. 2 male riders waa Leaving Saturday noon, March I7. j student involved requests a public hearing,” sa that it Beautifully secluded residential atmos­ Diana, 355-4324, immediately. Remember! It s FREEZER-FILLIN TIME A T ... wfll read, “Hearings involving student tafractisas of phere. 2 male graduate students. MUST PAY THEIR 4IB Kensington Rd.. ED 2-2789. $9. tf RIDERS WANTED. Denver or Aspen, University ngnlatioas er paMe laws-«hail not he open SINGLE ROOM FO* MEN. Approv­ WANT AD SILLS BY Colorado vieinity. Room for 3. Leaving Sat. 17. Cad IV 7-575«. 43 to the palHe nates the stadiat hwohod requests- a ed. Call ED 3-0149. Mornings. eve­ public beariag.” Yes Ns____ nings efter 5. 528 Lindan. . 47 FRIDAY WANTED O A D E 'S APPROVED ROOMS far men with MARCH 9. 1942 2969 East gshnsno cooking privilege*. Tile bath, recrea­ tion room, perking. 57.50 double. 44! Da you have a white elephant in your attic. Sed it throufk the classi­ Abbott Rood. CeH ED 7-7547 or EO 2- fied*. Only undergraduates who have registered for 4375. 45 LOST and FOUND NEED ROOMMATE. Umupervised "Around Thè Btnd Frvm University Village' . twotvo or moro endita will bo eligible is vote. APPtOVEO ringla and doubl« far LOST. 4 aalar silver mechanical pen­ housing with cooking and TV. Would -men. ! min.' from Union. Parking. cil in Kbrary. Valued as gift from Gen- prefer graduate student, Call ED 3- Pirone. Prívete home, ED 2-1117. 47 many. Call ED 7-1490. «5 2625. 41 É p lP Siteiiï Placement Bureau MMJtitimwimsBiiiaweeirawB Interviewing at the Place* B e t t e r in t h e L o n g R u n meat Bureau Friday. Addition­ al information in the Place­ ment Bureau Bulletin for the week of March 5 to 9: Collins Radio Co. - Electri­ cal and mechanical engineers; math and physics majors, will interview summer applicants for all the above areas, must be juniors or above, Leckheed-CaUferala Co. — Mechanical, electrical and civil engineers; math and physics majors. — —-- c Sears, Roebuck & Co. — all majors from the Colleges of Business and Public Service, Science and Arts and Commu­ nication Arts. Square B Co. — Electrical and mechanical engineers. Tennessee Valley Authority— all majors from the College- of Business and Public Service, personnel, math, Statistics, fisheries and wildlife majors; chemical, civil, electrical and mechanical engineers. American Can Co.—Chemis­ ARROW try, packaging technology and physics majors — mechanical engineers. Army & Air Force Exchange U niversity Fashion Service — Hotel restaurant, in­ stitutional management. In Batiste Oxford Ayaeo • Electronics & Ordi­ SPRING ELOWERS, IN BLOOM NOW nance Division — Electrical engineers and physics majors. This authentic Arrow button-down, Dayton Malleable Iron Co. — V baa a special appeal for you. Jk Here’s w hy. . . Arrow craftsmanship on our cardigan sw eaters of MBA Candidates. Detroit Bank k Trust Co. — ■ and care far detail insures you of • luxurious limbswool-fur biend L All majors from the Colleges n properly fitting foil collar. The shirt is of Business & Public Service, R Mttoga cut to fit the lines of your These are the color-splashed prints Science & Arts, & Communi­ ■ \ body with no uraifhtly bunching cation Arts. ■ ft - -around the waist. th a t make your now-wardrobe come DetrottBoard of Education— In stripes and solid colors of your All Elementary education, alive w ith garden-fresh color.. . act as B& \ choice. Sanforized labeled. secondary, & special education vivacious coverups for sum m er linens and except social studies and boy’s health & physical education. cottons. Have youra blossoming with vibrant Hooker Chemical Corp. — Chemical engineers — for sum­ ~ orange-yellow-white carnations or muted m er work only for students in their junior year. blue-grey-white irises. Sizes 34 to 40. The Miehele Co. — Mechani- calengineers. — Nalco Chemical Co. — chem­ -A R R O W S istry majors and chemical engineers. Parm a Public Schools — Ele­ mentary education secon­ dary, slow learners, secondary foreign language & counselors, junior & senior high english, math, physical science.' Phillips PetroJemn Co. — all majors from the Colleges of Business & Public Service, Sci­ ence' & Arts k Communication Arts. Rialto School District (Cali­ fornia)— Elementary educa­ tion K-6, speech therapy K-6, music instrumental. State Teachers College at Towson — A rt, chem istry, economics, w om en's physical education, E nglish, m a t h , m usic, Spanish, an d assistan t d ire c to r o r residence hall, teac h er education, elem entary and secondary education spe­ cialist. E . S. commerce — Coast & Geodetic Survey — civil and electrical engineers; m ath and physics m ajors. Waverly Schools — E le­ m en tary education, junior-high m ath, English, social studies, g eneral science, biology, a rt, m usic, industrial a rts , foreign language & visiting teac h er and counselor & guidance director. Students Plan . Save time and energy by To Visit G M ’s Saginaw Div. I checking our selection o f, The ICC American Brother- W - a *. 1>'V • C Sister Program will sponsor a trip to the Saginaw Steering Gear Division of General ÍWE- b>vx I study aids Motors Wednesday, March 21. There will be an introductory movie, plant visits, a question hoar, and meetings to talk with W course outlines foreign people employed at the plant. ~ ; The trip will be made in pri­ vate cars, leaving cam pur data guides ^ around 3 a.m. and returning at & p.m. Any American students in­ ~ — assigned readings terested in making the trip should contact either Carol 'Jj VV„ - g&lPfli , I ; • ri_ ~~ . •• V, - .— - O ,, Vendenhoek, 355-6264, or Anne soon b efo re its too la t e i! Palko, 332-0947^ Foreign students may sign up in the UN Lounge or at 318 Student Services. The trip is free to all inter­ ested students. Land Grant Film Set for Kellogg A special public premier showing of “ An American In­ CAMPUS stitution." a film on the land grant college, will be presented (A C R O SS F R O M THE U N IO N B U IL D IN G ) Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Kellogg Center Auditorium.