X S m in j ; M S I for 5 2 years *rt»1 I'Us5t Pn^sff 1 0 Cents EHtaMwhei! 1 9 0 9 Voli 5 3 No. 1 6 1 Tue«*ng; and E d w in ! iet foreign minister Andrei told a political meeting. Dobbie, Battle Creek senior;! •naders: Gemrich of K a la m a zo o ; back ro w , M ichael Cooper of E v a n s v ille , In d ; Fre d e rick Gromyko sent to U Thant, U.N. “Oh no Not me! I’m a and Etleen Ochis, Tenafly. J. Gilman of E a s t La n s in g , and G eorge E ic k w o rt of L.vnb rook, N Y . " acting secretary-general, in __ N e ig h b o rs W e lc o m e U 2 P ilo t mess!" N.J. junior x BIG STONE GAP. Va. — U2-pilot Francis—Gary Powers. The door slammed shut. .East Landon — Judith Hed- j New York March 10. Eight Seniors Win vindicated by Congress and the President, received a standing * She was tapped anyway. roll­ lund, Richmond senior; -Gera- G ro m y k o , how ever, did not ovation Monday from his southwest Virginia neighbors. ers and 'all. lyn Jameson, Grosse Pointe I mention jLhis subject during I'm very thankful to aH of you who had a part in this.” Each coed received an in­ Woods junior; and Judy P ox-! a three-hour conference w ith lie tokl some SCO wise county residents attending the welcome vitation card to join the hon­ son. Grpsse Pointe junior. j Secretary of State Dean R u sk home ceremonies at the National Guard Armory. orary Spring term and the or- West Mayo — Jeanne Stuart; U at the Soviet villa above La k e Wilson Fellowships and Susan Vigneault. Ferndale j Ge ne va. sophomore. ‘M a d a m e B u t t e r f l yw ’ B i g H i t i n C h i n a Informants said they talked TOKYO — Lieutenant Pinkerton, it turns out, was an arro­ gant-representative of American racism. With this as a theme. Mackie East Mayo — Mildred Hend- i erson. Louisviiler Kv. senior; MafrgSret Smith. Saginaw sen- j mainly about the Berlin prob- •* lem. failed to find an agreed ior; and .Arlene Kaplan. Brook-; approach, but parted with the "Madame Butterfly” is going over big in Red China. “One of the most popular foreign dramatic works put on in Peiping in recent times has been Puccini's Madame But- j T o Address iyn, N Y. sophomore. E ig h t MSU seniors have been graduate-school of the winner s IncLi math; Anna Diedrich. understanding they will con­ choice. They are awarded for Wayne, English; George Eick­ West Yakely — Penny Weav­ aw arded graduate fellowships the first year of graduate wort. Lynbrook. N. Y., ento­ tinue their search tomorrow, by the W oodrow Wilson N a tio n ­ ers. Croswell sophomore: and a l fellow ship F o u n d a tio n ^ for some common ground. terfly'," reports the March issuF of the Chinese Communist' English language magazine. China Reconstructs. Dem Rail) Phillis Bailey. Flushing sopho­ -The fellowships are awarded after one y e a r. more school, but may be renewed mology; To be eligible for competi­ Edward Gemrich. Kalamazoo, entomology. K nitting together old Krem­ lin ideas, G ro m y k o in two let­ East YaTcely — Barbara Boy­ to seniors in science and arts tion, a senior mnst have at Fred Gilman, JEast Lansing, ters to T h a n t proposed the con­ i who are planning a career in physics ; Ziaga Kuze. East vening of a special internation­ State Highway Commissioner er. Manistee sophomore; Val- j Senior Gown Order John'C. Mackie will address a erie Middleton. Pittsford jun­ college teaching. Granted after national rally in East Lansing Tuesday ior; and Frances Doran. Har­ petition. Woodrow Wilson fel­ a faculty m em ber. com>- least a 3.3 all-university aver­ Lansing, general communica­ al conference soon to d ra w up age and he recomm ended by tion arts, John Wickstrom. ta n ­ a convention prohibiting the ~ king. humanities and Muriul use of nuclear weapons and thè pers Woods junior. _ Set for Registration for James E. Andrews. Demo­ North Campbell -=- Rita Ham- , lowships cratic-Candidate for the State ilton. Nashville junior; Pene- \ apd expenses up to $1.500 at the Legislature in Ingham Countyls lope Larson, Wellesley Hills_j cover fees, tuition The MSU winners are: Mike Cooper, JSvansville, chology . Aoshida, Hilo, Hawaii, psy­ destruction of all stockpiles. _ Thé following seniors were previously made by other na­ He also endorsed proposals Second District. Mass. junior; and Karen Gil­ awarded honorable mention; tions for atomic-free zones in Seniors graduating in June taken if necessary. Seniors also will be able to save time by will be asked if they wish to ordering caps and gowns dur­ .donate a dollar, which would of The the meeting East will Lansing be held 8 p.m. in thencornrnunity room at Savings son. Deerfield, South Campbell sophomore. — Margaret Peace Corps Seeks James political Anger. R. Anderson, science; Marysville, Thomas Sparta, economics; E. Central Europe, Africa and the Far East. — ing spring term registration. usually be refunded after re­ Anderson. Carney sophomore: These proposals avoided Bob. Cantrell senior class turn of caps and gowns at and Loan Building. president, announced Monday. graduation, to the Develop­ Mackie’s appearance for An­ junior. drews. who until recently was and Jean Gordon. Waterford North Williams — Geriann Faculty Members Rosemary Kuhn. East Lansing, the great question which Ues history; Jane A. McCann, East at the heart of all disarm a­ Lansing, social science; Dennis m ent problems—the question The deposit will be made at ment Fund. _ __ a special station, in the Men's ~ Cantrell said the new method on his stalf in the State High­ DeGeus, St ^—Charles sopho­ Sargent Shriver, director of n¡: rf , 1, At Ori t'TTÇ ard -in headlines, stories and pic­ ___________ ! from Dr. S. R. Townsend, De­ /ri t?»1S '■ dr*. - -, _ rr,.;:( 6«ir ,s tures. partment— of Foreign Lan­ The paper will switch to a different printing process, Duane Baker To guages. 301 Merrill Hail. MV/P X ’TTKF 8-cfv ~ S v X a y ~ 8:30 Ma-h 17 MWF tsTT c 1:OOT Moriva »:JQ l9 “’ TV'TTf called offset, which will pro­ Lead Farmhouse : -30 3:30 r F J0:! S i 2:Í5 ~~l :C;0 VVçd'riç t! iy duce clearer photographs and cartoons and cast a new overall tone. This will be Duane B a k e r. B a d A x e ju n ­ Registration TTh_ —- .. S-'0 8 30 I Ma.r h i9 i .7Q . 3 ■10 TTH 1-30 Ì ' a' cH I4 1:301-3 :30 ior. was voted president of coupled with new types and other modern newspaper de­ Fa rm h o u s e fra te rn ity fo r 1962 in recent elections. Grouping MWF ~ MTWT^F 9>0 9 30 F"dav March 16 3Ab 5 ‘5 f/V'f mtwti F £ ?-X‘ T^f 7:30 /stfrN 15 ! :3a 3:30 vices. _ The State News will be the second 'daily newsnaper hi Other Farmhouse officers in­ clud e: vice-president. Jim Wiss- Announced -TTh .-t 9:‘T0 9:30 ' 5al,rrday ■17 'TTk 7:00 Pftdav 2:30 Hturh •■6- m an. Marine CKy ju n io r; _ 3:45 5 .X •30 _ Michigan to nse the offset treasurer. Jason White, W ayne Spring term -registration will MWF ic on Moneta-/ K/\*/f 3-0Ô Wedrii day printing process. The faefli- sophomore; secretary, D ic k be held in the Men’s Intramural MTTSF 10:30 Ma-r.h ¡9 MTTrf 3:30- M h 14 tics of the Greenville Dnily Roes. Caro sophomore; pledge Building on Monday. March 26 MTWT!:F 8:00 ■ICkCO MTWTr F 7:C0 9;00 pm News, the present pioneer off­ trainer, Laney Winson. La p e e r to Wednesday. March 23. ’ TTh T T 10:00 Moriday '~TT-_ ’ 1 :0o" r set daily, will he used to print ju n k y ; and rush c h a irm a n . Alphabetical groups i r o n ' 10:30 March Iv 3:30 • ;y 13 the State News in a aniqae T a iT y Edington. Grand Ledge Wri-Z to Pow-Ral will register 3AC 5A5 7:00-9:00 rxn system ol preparation, print­ junior Monday from 9:30 to 4 30. ~ 11.00 -— Wedn-.-uia / MWF *¥o Wcjfic d*y ing and delivery. Alphabetical groups from P f V.TTKF - 11:30 March 14 M-TThF" 4:30 areh 14 Look lor the tall pictorial Pov to Fit-Frd will register MTW-ThF 8;00 - I0D0' MTWTr F Â.5 and word stndy of hair we're making the big change in the first spring issue. Thursday. Weather Tuesday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. G/oups from F-Fis to A-AII TTh " . 11 00 11:30 Thiirndav M,-,h «S B:00 IJflO ’ TT- "’ 4:00 T «fcday 4:30 3:45 S:fS 15' dandy and a little ceMer MWF .17-00 FVIUXG’ CLASSES March 29. with light snow flnrries. The will also register Wednesday It’s part of the continuing MTThf 1730 March '>■ jf/ o m 8 a .m . to T !:1 5 p .m . MTWTMF 8:00 IC:0C if y- y Y c jf State News program to bring lew last night—3«, and the j A n y student delayed by the ài', m, '6 7-9 do 8 00 '10.-00. president Bob C an tre ll's cap while Joan lla ll, Pittsburgh senior, stands by to the University c o m m u n ity . etondy and net much change jfttra tio n W ednesday fro m 2:30 iw MW SMcu*. MôfçH. 19 7-9 prn »Th »♦♦s* S Wçd. March Î 4, 7-9 prr» m ake final m easurem ents on his gow n . State New s P h o to by Skip M a y s . ’a ■ ■ ■ to temperature.. I to 3 p .m . M ichigan Stute News, East Lansing, M ichigan T uesday M orning, Mareh 1 3 , 1 9 6 2 ■ nacra aaraa a n a information u m m iH iJiiiu iin , Rush Aid Crossword Puzzle lanaa, ■ aaanonc aaan Q aaua aal Army Offers Students t o ila y o n c a m p u s L_ , 3 0 3 K a a o K i a To Storm ACROSS , 1. Astern 34, Spread loosely 35; Sly look aaEoar asms a a a a a a o important Test 11111in j 1111h ii iin in iI'MIitruii 111m u 11 Christian Science Organization ITS NATURAL 4. Buffet 37. Father 33D aaa aaa — 7 p.m., meeting, 34-35 Un­ Victims 5. Listen < 12. F em ale ra b b it 13. Dislike 38. Uses needle and thread 39rHorse 40. Soldering □ aaaraaa B R A I&iN I05 Almost every potential I since Uie board assum es the d raftee would profit from ta k ­ m an has satisfactory grades, ing the College Qualification he added. Most concerned are ion. Geology Wives-Club — 8 p. m. home of Mrs. If. B. Stone- coolcrisp NEW YORK .£—Only a few 14. Sign material house. m w m 43. Mah-jongg TiN A Test offered by the Army April f underclassm en, he said. of the sufferers Trom last "“week's storm and floods will be helped by insurance, but federal, state and local authori­ 15. Telephone girl 17. Forbid 18. Baking chamber . counter 45. D raft anim als 46. Hanger-on □au E03B Solution of Yoatcrday’a Puzzle 17. said Col. Dorsey R. Rodney, j coordinator of d raft deferm ent at MSU. is The deadline for applications M arch 27. The lest, offered Army ROTC Commissioning — 3-5 p.m . Union, P arlo rs B and C. monacasuits 19. Dogma 30. W eary The test cannot h u rt you and j : yearly, will be given April 17 MSI Men's (‘tab Luncheon — A SUPERB BLEND ties are rushing into the breach. 51. Jacket 3. M ark aim ed 9. May it be so ■12 noon, Union parlors. 20. D rudge 52. Outfit a t in curling it m ay help you, said Col. Rod­ in room 415, E lectrical E ngi­ OP MOHAIR, The disaster-area designa­ 23. P itch er . 10. N erve n et­ ney^ Agricultural M arketing Clinic— tion provides federal funds on 25. Busy place 53. Fret 4. C u t th in work'1 neering building. DACRON AND 26. On the briny 54. Proceeded 5. T a rd y — x 11. Tie together The d ra ft Board considers I Applications and m ore infor- Kellogg Center. F or m ore in­ a massive scale, but only for 55. Small barrel form ation contact Orville La- rehabilitation of public facili­ deep _ 6. Makes 16. W anders tw o things when inducting At last you can enjoy the ties. E tern ity DOWSI am ends 19. Span of young men. he explained. T h ev 1i m ation can be obtained from Guire 355-6540. 30. H arm ony 1, Hubbub 1. By horses cool-crisp comfort of mohair, a re the m a n ’s grades and the!.Col. Rodney’s office, 339 Stu­ Winter Term Commencement— Private homeowners in des­ 32. Come forth 2, Dude 8. F lu tte r 20. Closed dacron and worsted suitings results of the Army CQT test, dent Services, phone 355-8295. 8 p.m . Auditorium. ignated areas can get help from 21. Mark in interesting patterns and 22. G reedy • he said. the—Small Business Adminis­ 24. Period of unique colorations, created tration in the form of low-in- tim e • As art exam ple Cel. Rodney j terest, long-term loans. Farm­ ers can get emergency loans from- the f armers Home -Ad­ 26. A fresh 27. A m erican lake said th at if a m an’s grades a re unsatisfactory and his test score shows potential for V arsity D rive In exclusively for us by College Hall. This risitlent "rich fabric has been deliberately styled for ministration to repair damage 28. M ythical m onster college work, the m an will 12 2 7 E. GRAND RIVER the natural shoulder wearer. . . to real estate and equipment, 29. R equire get a deferm ent until hi$_ dikes, crops and fields. 31. Reveal college ,work is finished. OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. 33. P a rk in tho- . To -President Kennedy’s Rockies Both poor grades and an un­ DELIVERY SERVICE MON. - SAT. earlier-designation of affected 36. L anded satisfactory te st score, or no L e n K o s itc h e k s areas of New Jersey, Mary­ p ro p erty - test score, g reatly lim it^ th e 8:30 P.M. • 1.30 A.M. land. Delaware and Virginia as 38. M uscle' disaster areas were added 315 39. P o in t of chances of a deferm ent, he SUNDAY 5:00 P.VI. * 1:3 0 A.M." V a r s ity S h o p view : colloq. s a id .- counties ol Kentucky^ Ciov. Nelson A. Rockefeller 40. Decays 41. Passage out G raduate students are not ED 2-S5I7 228 Abbott E ast Lansing 42. D ry : v a r. affected bv the test, lie said. of New York also asked such 44. M etal a designation for Long island. 44. Seat in Last week's storm, with its church wind-driven high tides, caused 47. Annoy , 48. Cravat damage estimated at up to 48. U rge S300 million along the mid-At­ lantic seaboard. A spokesman for the Insur­ ance information Institute said Monday that ‘ insured losses could amount -to several mil­ lion dollars.” SailingClub Plans Lower Fees The MSU Sailing Club plans THE DECLINE AND FALL OF “ If th ey d o n 't b eat you on th e a reduction in dues and an _ Most storm insurance poli­ improved teaching method for cies specifically" exclude flood new members this spring. damage and separate flood Club schedule includes or­ damage insurance costs, .so ganized racing on Lake Lan­ much few homeowners buy it sco reb o ard , sing every weekend 'on Satur­ T h o s e suffering“ provable day or Sunday morning. Rac­ " md damage will be rpore for­ ing will be open to all members At 41, Sugar Ray Robinson seems tunate, and car owners with who know how to sail, to teach to be in hock up to his ears. And comprehensive insurance will racing rules and tactics. the ring is the only place he can be reimbursed for cars lost Regattas are held at other earn big money. But how long - th ey b e a t you through flooding. schools almost every weekend can he take the beating? In this in the spring. The group will be week’s Post, you'll read-how he MgJlt Slaff traveling to such schools as Indiana. Notre Dame, Ohio] State, and U of M where thev made and lost $4 million, Why it costs him $100,000 a year to live. And whyjae's never liked fighting. physically...” Al Royce, night editor: Kenn and several more schools will Also: Special 12-pipo paide "How Youn, vvire editor; Dick Robirr- compete for trophies. Next fall to make tho meet of your money." son.-night sporls cditoei Rcnce MSU will host the Big Ten Tha Saturday £rcninf Gerber, Ann -Darling,-'- Bill Vanccv, copy editors. championships. The club'S“, spring kick-off, meeting is set April 2. fl£ , ihw r jute« It liluc MOWOMlA.le An invitation to shape your own future . i ; Cliff Livingston, N.Y. Giants _ u it 's one of those games where you can win and get beat at the same time. Lots of bruises. Face guarcTor not, you’re going to get it. Being a bug on close shaving doesn’t help matters. It was _ rough going for a while until this remington came along. For me. these rotler combs make all the difference. I shave as close as Opportunities for advancement at General the areas o f their ow n interests and attributes. I want without getting the scrapes.ff 1 elephone arc particularly promising because If you m ajored in Engineering, M athem atics, The closer you try to shave, the more irritated you’re likely to communications is one of the nation’s highest- Physics, Business Ad m inistration, the Lib e ra l get. Only Remington®—because of itsadjustable roller combs— ranking growth industries. Arts or the Social Sciences, then there are m any allows you to shave closer more comfortably, more safely. Try it. U> help you grow with the company, the General fine opportunities in numerous locations where Ielephone System provides planned training REMINGTON SELF-POWERED LEKTRONIC Shaver with exclusive you can count on a management career. programs, and encourages and aids an individual roller combs. Shaves without a cord. Frees you from sinks,outlets, in setf-de.\ elopment. W e invite you to explore your ow n possibilities bathroom tie-ups. Powerful sealed-in cells recharge on shaver's _ Many collcge-graduatcs have earned early at C iencral Telephone. A s a start, ask you r Place­ advancements with General Telephone within ment Director lor a copy o f our brochure. own charging stand for shave after shave without a cord. Also: Remington Roll-A-Matic* plug-in model with roller combs. Both are now being featured at your college or university store. Emnloy ment # m m t> w a n m w m i w i x h w i — Opportunities: T’ f Gcrci«! Teîcpkon t Company c-f M ó -gan GENERAL hai n in y e o:>po tjmttfs for ir4u»*a 'peop’c. Contact TELEPHONE TuesdayM orning, M arch13, 1962 M ichiganStateNews, East Lansing, M ichigan Petitioning For AUSG March 26 S T U D E N T B o o k S to r e is g iv in g Petitioning for posts of class officers, AUSG president and AUSG representatives opens the first day of spring term • > A ill - | 'y ^ | •. L; registration, March 26, and closes the third class day, April 2. Any candidate for an elective office must have an all-univer­ sity average of 2.37 or better Free Books For Spring Teri and be registered for 12 or more credits. Petitions wjll be available at the Union new? desk or in the Men’s Division, Student Ser­ vices. Candidates must submit their petitions in person to Kent Cardell, elections com­ missioner, in 336 Student Ser­ vices before April 2. The of­ fice will be open from 2 to 4 p.m. daily. Campaigning for these of­ fices opens the first class day - Join of spring term. AUSG and residence hali elections ordinances are avail the Parade of c.blc in 336 Student Services. (Ti Book Thieves Boost Trade Savings A Students, leaving" books or % to coats unattended in the library are inviting -theft, the Depart­ ment of Public Safety warns. Vrith the approach of finals, ini i cased library aitendence has produced a wave of thefts. Since students who attempt to sell books at ideal, book stores are required to show stu­ dent indcntifieation, stolen books arc easily traced to, tiie seller. _ "I Sarah Vaughan Will Perform At Auditorium [W in -Y o u r -B o o k s C o n te st Sarah Vaughan wilL perform in a concert sponsored by the r A NAACP at 8:13 p.m. on March Free use of required textbooks during Spring terra ,31. In the auditorium. Tickets will go on sale March . 26. at the Union ticket- office. NOW- TN—FTL-fc -SWfiiG -AT- Srft-6 — ------ The prices for the tickets will- be $t. $1.50. and $2. Miss_ Vaughan, who began her musical education at the “qge ®f seven, 1s an accomplish­ ed pianist and organist along ^ 4 Prize — All Required Textbook* F urafai tf f Here’s How To Win with her vocal talents. She has. been a consistent popularity vB C " 1 s t Free 01 C1581-?® TO YOU Thii Spring T er* II lUrtdn receiving top cash for your books you wiD receive jmjIJ winner as the nation’s" top FREE one official entry blank for each Textbook that feminine vocalist. adl la SJS.S. Many of Miss Vaughan’s al­ «p a ■ Prizes — Required textbooks Furnished S i Vi * year same on the entry blank and drop It la tku bums and single records have been hits. Her first release IW O " Znd Free For 2 Courses This Spring c i r r i box. "It’s Magic” sold over two mil­ lion copies. 31 Drawing will be held 1st day of registration, March 26, M 2 , «1 • a jn . ■■ n Prizes — Required Textbooks Furnished Dates Announced^ 41 vrtaMTs’ aames w ill be posted in front window of I h r e e " (#rd Free For 1 Course This Spring STUDENT B o o k Store. Foi* Spring Rush | Sk Spring term rush d ates have \ been announced b y . the execu- j ttve cpuncil of 1FC. Rush will begin Monday. April 2 and con- I -No Need ToXug Your Books FREE PARKING tinue through W ednesday, A p ril: On Slush and Ice. S.B.S. has . . . On Large Lot At Rear 4. - ' 1 F ratern ity houses will be j open from _7-10 p.m ., with j I east of Abbott Road riilWfhg Monday, houses on and w est of Abbott open Tuesday, and all houses holding open \ Your Used BookHeadquarters rush W ednesday. Legal pledge d a t e , will be the following Tuesday, April 10. AH m ale students, except With the greater used book buy-back at the end of this term, we firs t term freshm en^ having a 2.0 all-university grade point and higher will be eligible to will have a better selection ofgood USED BOOKS from which pledge Spring quarter. ym i m ay rh n n sp B lip Y flllg R ftflk g Y flW fn r S p rin g 1 ■— T h e S ta le N ew s Published by the students of Michigan State University. Is­ sued 'W 'c l a s s days ’ Monday through F riday, during the fall, w inter and spring q u arters. Is­ REMEMBER You Get... sued twice weekly during the sum m er term . Second class j postage paid a t E a st L a n sin g ,; Michigan. • M ore B O O K S F or A ou r M oney and • M ore M O N E Y F p r Y ou r B o o k s M " - j~- at "• v v - DEFIES KHRUSHCHEV! rrynr^- trisja-y ifc w tted v tta M a "You have poured dung over, me, L o ts of luck on your Comrade Hoxha. One day you will tn v i to wash It o ff y o u rself.” Tnat’s what Khrushchev screamed, finals and have a B O O K L ey say, st the Red boss of Al­ bania. In this week's Post, you'll read why the smallest satellite good spring vacation. (fores to defy the Kremlin. And how Stalin's ghost still rules this land. •- S T O R E aim : Special 12-page gwhto "Haw All of us at S.BJS. ... to make IN meet at yaar maney.” T it» S m tm r d m y I f M b f LOCATED Conveniently Across I'rem Berkey Hall i*A*ot* tf crstutw r ftoqr e* i u t # PiPSy Michigan Skate News, East Lansing, Michigan SPO R TS Tuesday Morning, March 13, 1962 By LIZ HYMAN the butterfly events, Driver the Indiana, who swamped the Slate New« Sparta Writer breaststroke, Bill Wood the Big Ten championships a week 200 - yd individual medley. ago, will not be competing in Michigan State students will Blazejewski in distance events. the NCAA’s because of a four be busy registering for Spring Van Lowe in diving and Jim presents year NCAA ban on post-season term while nine .Spartan swim­ White in the .freestyle. meets. mers are heading for the 30 an­ nual NCAA Championships at Columbus, Ohio. S A L E ! Representing State will be captain Carl Shaar, , Dick Blaaejewski, Doug Rowe, Mike Wood, Bill Wood, Jeff Matt­ CLASSIC LOAFER son, Van Lowe, BUI Driver and Jim White. The three day champion­ ships. beginning on March 29, will pit 47 university teams from schools throughout the country. The University of Michigan is the defending team champion. % artaa gy mnast Larry Bassett In last year’s competition, the Spartans placed fifth Gymnist Travel while taking second in the 400-yd. freestyle relay, fifth in the 106-yd. butterfly and third in the kW-yd. back- strok and the 4M-yd. medley relay. CkVMH art, psu know that Greyhound ferae era-less than any ether form of public transportation. What you probably don't realize is hew much less.Fer a pleasant surprise, check the aoney-uvieg Greyhound fares boiow. Yea'll see at a glance why it always pays te insist on exclusive Grayheued Scenic raiser Service... and leave the dnvtna to us! I No other form of public transportation has fares so Iqw For example: ÖNE WAY RETURN S3.15 DETROIT,-MICH. $570 02.70 til). RAPIDS, MICH. - $4.90 *7.95 CLEVELAND. OHIO $14.35 $11.70 PITTSBURGH, PA. $21.10 *24.30 NEW YORK, N.Y. $43.75 *21.«0 PHILADELPHIA, PA. $39.25 $11.05 CINCINNATI, OHIO $19.90 *21.50 WASHINGTON; D.C. $38.70 $43.10 MIAMI, FLORIDA $64735 45 Dav Excursion Fare — EASTXANSING GREYHOUND TERMINAL ae* W. GRAND RIVER East Lansing Mich. ' Phone ! i BAGGACii 1Yöüoep take wu«*wito&v>uonj Greyhound If youp:efe> on«head byGreyttow'KfPackage f.iroravs it *there mhour Of eirtre -nu less For a limited tim e ... our $6.98 classic PlbtiMreined col leg« women ere flrst pi line In the job market end for future st \ led loafer in black or brown calf with OdvancemenL Special Course for Col­ lege women—SVt months. Write College spartan swimmer Doug Rowe will be aiming for a win at Deaj for GIBBS GIRLS AT WORK. hand sewn vamp. An ex* optional value the coming NC’AA championship tw miming meet. now Jacobson's Tuesday UNDERGRADUATE BALLOT HAWAIIAN LUAU “ I approve of amending Article IX of the AUSG Constitution to read ‘and every graduate student carrying six or more credits,* so that graduate students will T ic k e ts A i S p r i n g R e g is tr a tio n be considered equal citizens of and participants in, AUSG.” yes no _ $3.00 per person per person D inner and E ntertainm ent GRADUATE BALLOT E n tertain m en t “ I approve the AUSG Constitution, including the proposed amendment to Article IX which reads, ‘and graduate students carrying six or more credits.” I approve WORLD FAMOUS of the amended Constitution which hereafter will include graduate students as Intramural events are-now scheduled for spring term of eqaal citizens of, and participants in, AUSG.” yes no . 1962. Soft ball, tennis, golf, and track are the team events that are open to "all three leagues: dormitory, fraternity, and in­ dependent. Bowling and volley­ ball are available to team in the independent league -along with tile others. Fraternities and dormitories have already had these events. from U niversity Beauty Salon i perennially j chic haiic / is our lacy cotton / knit shaath, a softly figure-following «frets COED SPECIAL DAYS PfjfKj Lundbenr Owner — Manager to accessorize a Uttfa o r a lot, a s you wish Every Day Until Exams End Today Through Mon., -March 19th — —a perfect b a ck d ro p * Permanent A — -, for your talents. Jew el ♦ H a irc u t $ | * Style - 3NlV 1 U neck, gro sg rain b elt, Serving A Variety Of Fine Foods Take a Break and Relax from your heavy schedule so. ., lasticized w aistline. N avy, Whenever von go for vacation, von wiU Took your very best b e ig e , to a st o r block. Jn an all new island atmosphere. WE RECOMMEND GABBI ELEEN PERM A NEN T WAVES 8 to 16 sizes. 1 7 .9 8 OPEN 11 AM. DAILY B e a u ty S h op Pizza and Delivery Service Casual Drassa* \ PHONE ED 2 - 0863 Projects To Reap Salt Kills 7 Babies; Luau Profits Nurse 1Denies Blame BINGHAMPTOr*, N Y. «1 - j “ I . . . can understand the Hawaiian luau profits will be Interning te their aattee Death believed traceable to heartache suffered by the par­ divided between the MSU gen­ pantriti, they serve as 1 - ! salt poisoning claimed a sev­ ents . . . I have done absolutely eral scholarship fund and the ranters and snpen ittrf in enth baby Monday at BiqgJ nothing wrong . . . my prayers East-West Center at the Uni­ public sd schsals and technical hampton General Hospital. Ten and sympathy are with the versity of ^Hawaii. Gordon iuorilirioc | others given the salt were ill, parents.” Suber, luau organization chair­ Glen L. Taggart. Dean of the i three in critical condition. She said she was sure she man said Monday. MSU international Program, Meanwhile, a practical nurse had filled the formula can from Hie East-West Center was along with the presidents of | who was questioned about the a larger sugar container that established with the purpose of three universities, constituted I salt found in a sugar can de­ stands next to a salt container, developing mutual understand­ a committee to make recom­ nied she had done anything both labeled, in the hospital’s ing among the people of the mendations to the University of wrong and extended her sym- main kitchen. The hospital has countries in the Pacific area Hawaii on the best means of ' pathy to the grieving parents. suspended her, pending further through interchange of cultural carrying out the plans of the The sugar can was in a room investigation. and technical information East-West Center. 1where the feeding formula is Students attend the East- Tickets for the luau. which ! mixed, and the salt was used will be held May 5. will bo on |in the formula,_A high concen­ West Center under scholarship where they develop their technical abilities in the area of teacher-training or teacher education. sale beginning registration tration can cause heart failure week a t the Union and in the ; and brain damage. residence halls. The nurse. Mrs. Lillie Colvin. Tickets for both the food and ; 29, pregnant mother of three, entertainment portions of the who filled the sugar can last — Halls To Be Radiation : MONEY FOR YOUR i n f rie»»» and Asians luau will cost 13 per person. En­ i Tuesday, was not charged but are aMe Is pitead the Center. tertainment will cost $1.90. | issued a statement saying: Reporters I THE Lauderdale R a d i o l a g i c a l monitor- ! ing points will be established SPRING VACATION PuHs Pads at four residence halls to re­ lay reports on intensity of radi­ LEEDSMEN Folk SINGING TRIO Students heading for F orti tack. Lauderdale, harder to f i n d ation in case of nuclear at­ * Florida, ~ over | Ten students have been train­ spring vacation may find it' ed by the Michijgan Office of sleeping Civil Defense in the use of de­ Follow the crowd to OPENS MARCH at the- 19 quarters this year. tection instruments. As volun­ A poll taken by the American; teers, they participated in five Automobile' Assn. show s that 20 three-hour training sessions on member motels and hotels will j usé of the instruments. : not accept students at all, a n -; The program was undertaken CAMPUS BOOK STORE jother 11 will take them only ac- j with the cooperation ef the De­ companied by adults and 10; partment of Safety Services. KEY HOLE will lodge either guys or gals \ The 10 participating students I exclusively, but not both, ac- j are David A. Cuttner and John B u y in g b o o k s fo r cording to the Associated Press. L. Reed (Emmons Hall): Carl­ ton Kissner, Edward SSchter- BOCA KEY HOTEL State News man and Louis L. Doering n e x t t e r m a ll (South C asei: Carol M. Hey- nen.'Anne Dillingham. Beverly 529 N. ATLANTIC BLVD. Staff To Meet A. Spinniken and Manon M. t h r o u g h F i n a l s There will be an organiza- Younger (North Case», and ! tmnal meeting for all State Bradford S. Goodwin (West FT. LAUDERDALE \ News staffers Tuesday, March Shaw). 127 at 7:30 p.m. in 34i Student Circle GET CASH ¡'Services. j Persons interested in work- j ing on sports, rewrite, and (Continued from Page 1) I copy' desk should attend also. Mason — Susan Miller, Lfit’k- port, N. Y. sophomore: and Todd's j IM Winners Lana^QardDer;^BeUcvue junior. Abbot — Carol M ays, Cleve­ The I n t r a m u r a l ladder land. Ohio sophomore. Black Mohair that's doubled tournament was completed Fri­ Snyder — Judith-Warbis, De­ day. The ladder tournament troit senior; and Karen Ander­ consists of three individual lad- son. Grosse lie sophomore. j ders to facilitate different Phillips — Phdlenore Drum­ classes of participation and give mond. Brecksville. Ohio junior; FOR YOUR I everyone a chance to compete Pat Loomis. Graad Rapids sen­ and buttoned wifh individuals of equal abiL- ior: and Karen Krestic, Sny­ big s ix .. . i ity. _ der, N.Y. senior. The three ladders are-: cham- "Van Hoosen — Judy Lernbke, W e n eed u sed ! pionship or '*A\ intermediate Tustin senior: Shirley Wagner. The newest in men’s wear in I or ’JB\ and novice or *C’. In­ Essexville senior: and Marilyn today’s most wanted fabric . . . dividuals judge themselves as Beattie. Kalamazoo senior. b o o k s fo r a ll to which class they belong, mohair, in today's most wanted j Ron Henry, East Lansjng Senior, won the championship color.'. .black. Jacket is buttoned \ ladder tournament. Coniine in LET’S DOAWAY «i cou rses, SE L L N O W with six pearl buttons, sleeves second was Larry Loose, Mid- WITHLEGAL ! land undergraduate on a spe- are cuffed. Slacks are tapered : cial program. This is the ’A’ ladder. in continental manner $8« | In the intermediate ‘B’ lad­ W h ile p r ic e s are der. Paul Butler, Mt. Clemens sophomore took first place, ('oming in second was Dick Cool, Liverpool, N.Y., fresh­ man. Winning the novice, ‘C’ lad­ UP!! der was Ernie Becker.-Lansing Unscrupulous, people get alT the 211 East Graad River East Lansing | sophomore. The runner up in I this ladder was Nelson Goud, tax breaks, says* noted economist. In this week's Post, be blasts our Decatur, Mich., sophomore, _ “unfair" tax laws. Says the lew Thanks to those who j There were 53 participants in this tournament and over 190 rate on capital gains is just a tax I games played before the post- ! dodge. And tells why he thinks we ! tions were final. Several posi- — should stop tax relief to the elderly and even to the blind. have bought & sold ' tions changed in the last two I days as students began to fight1 Alee: SpaoM It paga guide "Mew for the top two positions in j to make tee meat ef yaw amway." each ladder. Hie top two posi-i TX» S m tm r A m y K m m m im g at C.B.S. during the tions receive awards for their ; ability in this sport. i A P O N T tete»OH17iMwt oow Ote OteiC last year. To those How To Take t who haven’t . . . Summer Stuty in New York I Select yoar program from the 1,000 courses conducted for 2, -Z, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14 week terms, beginning June 5 and ending September 7. ~ AStudyBreak TRY - M0RNINC, jmXMOMAWDENIM CLASSES I f studying for exam s is getting you down, a In Ae Arts • In Iwsinats • l a Ik # S t i e i K H • In • • f o ilin g take a b reak. O rder one of our famous Casa • be tém mHmm M aAeM ic Adnienlralion I a la f agenaarlng • la law N ova pizzas. No heed to eves leave your room. • la Caaemwdcafioa Arti c fgOFESStMMl_ We deliver right to yesr door. It only takes a M P tT-S M0ERMA0UATE — 88A8UAÎE Coi left ihdiati ta good standing at their ewe schools may enroll. Application should second to pick up the phone and c a l l . . be made m advance. Ail canne* have tee Mme cowteat a* in the academic year. Stu- dents may take foil year courses or a com- I bMtim of single term courses. Credits are c dinanty transferable to other institutions. < J ED 7-1668 m pm p w Write Is We Dir«ter of Suwsiir Stwisnt for Ui, is**esta sa ws) et yarn MtfotC B O O K ST O R E N E W Y O R K U N IV E R S IT Y NEW YORK 3, NEW YORK east lA N im c î o iw s T p ii7 ie iA -a n a v a . C .- (ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING) Telagliene: V ila« 7-2000 Ext. 8097 er 8098 Mulligan—State News, East Lansing, Michigan TuesdayM orning, March13, 1962 Do Extra Library Hours Pay Off? COMFORT: TbaU. the secret ingredient need­ ed to make those long, hard hours at the li- brarv Photos bv Mark Jackie Cheered Ends Wed. LA ST 2 DAYS o w n to w n fti Admission—1.6G tefrH Students — .71 (with I.D.) w dK k OPEN 6:45 A t Gandhi Shrine GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES "ACA D EM Y AWARD WINNING—BEST FOREIGN Plus—In Color At 8:35 only ^ REGULAR It STEREO LPs _ Film DIAMOND NEEDLES TAPE Now in English OUR PRICES .ARE w ausaum NOW SHOWING Incinerator Fire CHECKED DAILY TO ASSURE BIGGEST 1 :1 5 * 3 :2 0 - - 5 :2 5 Leads To Alarm SAYINGS 7 :3 0 -9 :4 0 An apparent fire in a Cherry Lane apartment early Saturday evening was discovered to be DISC SHOP Featare times 7:06 • 10:10 Bob H o p e Lan aTu fe n eR , the reflection of an incinerator fire in the apartment window. A Case Hall student reported the fire about 6:40 p.m. Fire­ men spent one-half hour search­ ing for the second floor ».•TED “blaze" which could not be seen Richmond from ground level. Program Info. IV 2-3905 M IC H IG A N THf ATnr ouo*i( ■ty .i n « ; LADM ER THEATRE • PHONE IV Ì-9B3I H URRY... LA ST D A Y S • STARTS • Feature Shown At _ SATURDAY 1 -3 :05-5:10-7:2»-9:30 GTHTLATA DM ER RE • PHONE IV î - 1 ^ 1 J A N I S PAIGE For All JiM HUTpON PAULA PRENTISS Its tHe Picture with The World - V To SOON! Paul Newman & Geraldine Page THE GREATEST HUMAN in Tennessee Williams “ Sweet Bird of Youth' L ^ a E n jo y ! DRAM A TH E W ORLD . - HAS E V ER KNOW N PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 WONDERFUL SONG J HITS ( C E A S T L A N 5 IN G - PHONE ED.118I4 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE IN LANSING AREA SHOWING RoeKHudson I FIRST SHOW 7 P.M ADULTS 90c DorîsDay J ALt-CARTOON FEATURE STARTING TONIGHT TowRANMU-f This shocking masterpiece has been acclaimed throughout PERFORM ANCES AT . the world ms one of the greatest films ever made — F? OzvI TECHNICOLOR' CHILDREN 50c Sùtrts FRIDAY SHOWN AT 7:30 AND 9:35 RUS5 EÜ-&G1 MMES5 EXTRA — MAN FROM NEW ORLEANS- A MAjoR.Ty o f 0 « CCRNER WEST 63AÏ3 RIVES AND EVERGREEN THE KING AND P and “CAROUSEL ■ J g Ë / W r ^ ja m S8K S8IÌ s«?3 P P P iM M T j i j uy Morabig, Mardi 13, 1962 I.. . WI.I .11111. 1. ■ ■ . ' ',■■ M ichiganSialeNews, East Tisring) M ichigan THIS AD S A N I DAY “I COULD HAVE SOLD THIS SET MANY TIMES. A NO C O S T O N L Y $1.00 I RECEIVED MORE THAN 15 CALLS THE VERY STEREO HI-FI co m p o n en ts, -two 12 1 w att. H e a th 'am plifiers, two H e a th FIRST DAY” SAID THIS ADVERTISER. bookshelf speakers, G a rra rd ch an g er. ED 2-5614. s p AUTOMOTIVE EMPLOYMENT FOR RENT PERSONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE TRANSPORTATION WANTED SPARTAN TEXACO. 1301 E. G ran d WANTED — P a t t i m i " e v e n ln j e ' j R O O M S t G O O D LUCK o n . trav elin g hom e W H Y RAY M O R E ? Rants, skirts I RIDERS T O BO ST O N AREA.Leaving W ANTED TO RENT. 3 o r 4 bed ro o m River. W e specialise in miner tu n e ups • eeke-.d wort d esired by m arried stu ­ N IC E SIN GLE room fa r m ale. G ra d - jfa t h e V a c a tio n . LIEBERM ANS e f sw eaters c le a n e d an d p ressed , 50c. ! M onday, M arch 19. C all M urph, ED 2- house by g ra d u a te stu d e n t a n d fam ily, a n d c a rb u re to r repair. Free pick up d e n t: W rite 8o< 6? E. Lar,sing. M ich, u a ie stu d e n t p r e f e r c d . 825 W . G ra n d ! EAST L A N S IN G a n d L A N SIN G - 48 E D W A R D -G . HACKER Suits, plain- dresses, a n d c o a ts $ 1. i 8928. 48 j Ju n e o ccu p an cy . R eferences provided, a n d delivery service 7 J , m . to 6 p.m ., or ça!! 355-S2C! a fte r a p jn . N o R-vet. ? — : — * — :— *— :-------- r ~ -------------- W cn d ro w 's Econowash la n d Dry C lea n - j _ , H a v e a 8 ca t-.o p o m e Spring vaca- CO M PANY REALTORS j 4 0 5 1 M anor Dr. South Bend, Ind. ,4 8 M o n d ay to S aturday. _ *t ?.c"|ing. '43 ers, 3006 Vine St. 5* b lo ck w est of j W ANTED — Ride to W estern i i... .I— ... ■■■■■ ATTENTION m ale stu d e n ts. Room s. ; r o r . n S e i ' . s b e fo re < n-j le a v e if you East Lansing - Sabcon 1169, A m ong S ears' Frandor S tore. tf j N.Y. a fte r 9 p.m . M arch 19. Call EMERGENCY. N e e d tu to r for Econ Dick a t 355-S396 a fter 2 p.m . 43 X9S5 CHEVROLET. C ream m oney a t w holesale price. Call F-E 9- Save FOR SALE i kitchen p riv ileg es, parking. Spring s e r a . ¡ I C all ED 2-6788. 43 T O G O 'S GENTRY S H O P 4# th e evergreens you'll find this a ttr a c ­ tive o n d -ro o m y $ bed ro o m hom e with EXPERT THESES-and G p n cral Typing. -■i ¡3 1 9 . Financial institutions. C a ll Pete, 8174 (after. S p.m . 48 W ANTED 3 riders for Ft. L auder­ ! ED .2-0416. -4 8 2 ca r g a ra g e only 14,500. Electric typew riter. S ev en teen -, e a s . . . . . ... | SKIS, h ee d s stan d ard s, 7 fo o t. G ood, G O O D LUCK ©n Finals. O lir H a- dale. Leaving M onday: M arch 19, S P A C IO U S R O O M in facu lty harm ex perience. O n e block from Bredy. COUPLE TO STAY with school a g e — I9£7 V O LK SW A G EN . 4 ~ m ie: north bindings, g o o d c o r d t on. C a I ED 7- • a * ' Room is ro w av ailab le to r C all IV 5-7022. 48 Very pu c f 10 rsrirutes by c a r frai-i. _ . - a iT - . . . . S t. Thom as, I ’« blocks - brick an d ! ED 2-5545. tf i children while- p aren ts are aw ay from o f St. Jo h n s to French R oad. 2 1» m e> 0393. 43 cam pus. C a ll ED 2-7850. * ;* • » > * • " * « « 8* - I * 8,ZZA fram e 4 b ed room hem e, 2 b ath s, fire- j I 6 p.m. M arch 20 through 1-0 p.m . w est to M cN eil Rd.. I t mile r-.ortS . . t8 TERM PAPERS DO NE quickly and j p ie c e , a b u n d a n c e o f c u p b o a rd s in th e BIG BARGAINS" ARE I M arch 23. Prefer one or b o th exper- t o Lowe R d.. first p la c e west, re t' TV 17 ' GE_ conscie. 128.50. 14" APPROVED R O O M , for 2 in n e - : G O O D LUCK pr. Finals. D rop in larg e kitchen, full 2 co m p artm en t base- i accu rately a t reaso n ab le rates by e>- j B O U G H T AND SOLD j en ced with y o uth, C all Mrs. Lang, sid e -of ia * d . 4« M a |c it:.c ta p .e m odel. $22.50. C a ’" hem e. C eram ic show er. P actise . ED 2- ; per'.enced thesis ty p ist. Call ED 2-6048, AS ! T H R O U G H THE CLASSIFIEDS I IV 7-0330. 48 ~48 a f te rw a 'd s a n d sell your books a t th e m en t, gas h e a t, a tta c h e d g a ra g e . 487-0585. I !$}. * 4i U N IO N B O O K STO R E- 48 47 I9S8 A U STIN HEALEY 100 6. R b d o 2 MEN’S N E W SUITS size 38-40. MEN C O O K IN G , a p p ro v e d su p er- I CLOSE T O C A M PU S. 8 u nit b ick an d h eater, wire wheels, ex cellen t co n ­ M ake a last m in u te check b efo re I I an d 2 b ed ro o m a p a rtm e n ts.—G ap SHADY TRAIL Riding S ta b le o p en in g O nly $20 00 each , C a IV 7-7880 eve­ ; d itio n , $ 1 2 7 5 . C ell IV 2-6494 e v e - v g s . 2 nings. NEED C A S H to- S c - -« i -OR ** 48 7 I . icd . by porti o ff.e e . D ouble a n d double. ED 7-9566. | 48 nVe*_at e - tim e . W e b e v e w hat you j h e a t, parking for 10 cars, e d . G o o d Luck. SM ALL'S MENS April I a t 1950 Lake Lansing Rd. H orses b o a rd e d . C a ll ST 1-7032, M e - shall. 4? MSU CHAPTER —WALK I ’ i blocks to U" Ofi. P oom j S H O P . 48 A p p o in tm en ts bv calling Dorothy 1961 -V .W . statio n »ag o n . F a d e . Sell your o d a s a n d ends th» r * 1 T‘ r rr:cn. Kitchcfli rtC e a tic n ream , | W e id e m a n , IV 5=2261 eves E D 7 -9 4 7 5 . E»eelient c o n d ii om _"$|795. C ell 64fc- S ta te N ew s- W an t-A d s. Y- -. St ie w e say you c a n 't tak e it with TYPIST. Professional ex p erien ce ;n o « ’» "fl* 3 Î4 t v c ' 3'c Ç*>_ C a il ED 2- " '4 7 NAACP 5960. . 2 tTe.m faster! 355-8255. ev e ' s a - a ca r D ashed for a thesis. M anuscripts, p ub ,o a t ions. C ol­ 2?95. 43 f 1 a c a t o « . - G o o d Luck. MSU 8ARBER leg e g ra d u a te . Electric e lite . ED 2- ■BUY L O W MILEAGE car. Insure it Trophies a n d A w ard m eoa s I VERY G O O D SINGLE , f ,. . f SH OP 48 5546. - 47- with h o n est G e o rg e Bubciz. over J a c o b ­ occasions sports sehe a-s c . -K IM BERLY D O W N S - O w n er is b e ­ ” j man w»h "g co n v en ien t c e a - re o — sons. ED 2-8671. • t f m em bership. Eng a . rg is cur soe se V acation an d we h o p e ing tran sferred to Detro*L an d m ust TERM PAPERS tv p e d . R easonable 7" j fcr third term study *g. 2 b 'o c s from ;4> ' SCjC '*■?’■ HOLDEN-REID sell his 3 bed ro o m tri-level a t 1251 rates. TU 2-3069. 48 PARKER JEWELRY Lin on, 18 p e ' week. 428 G 'c - e St 1960 CHEVROLET „8 scayr-e, 34o c l o t h ie r s . 48 Kim berly Dr. C e n te r ha!' en tran ce, m eter, sta n d a rd shift. 3 carburetors. I I I S. W A S H IN G T O N - IV 4.2322 I chorre ED 2-2203 c- 355-4* r A o cro .-cd ag h e u si-g . I' you w ant to .—D'O'.e y o u - ste p saving built-in kitchen, p an elled TRANSPORTATION PRESENTS M l 1-4365, a fter 6 p.m ., IV 5-4709. 48 lose 5 to 15-4bs. fam ily room with o u tsid e en tran ce, — ..... ..'j- 1"■" ■ ........ . — g 'a d e point av erag e, -th's s th e room r*e. G u a ra n i rd. O - ’v $1 a t d o u b le vam ty jte ra m ic file_ b a th u p FOR SALE. 1954 C hevrolet. 4 d o c . LECTP1C P c rta b e o a - o L ie new, I ?*- yen. 43 an d 'k b a th dow n. 2 ca r g a ra g e with W ANTED — R d e to W ashington 6 cylinder. Rad a, h eater. C a ll 355- Inal p - t e 1437, yr. ,-s o - y S P A C IO U S T W O M AN e n tra n c e from side stre e t. Excellent D .C . S atu rd ay , M arch 17. Call G a 'y 0 3 6 5 ." 48 me 355-5678. Su--f I ....... cen tralized lo catio n in -low tax, area a t 337-9676. _ 48 a p p 'o v e d . vate b a tñ R f M c V iE l I, n ig h t C H IC K E N b etw een East Lansing a n d Lansing. DAN O S H A U G N E S S E Y 2 5 0 1. E. fJJ C H 'G A N .. DIAL IV 9-2388 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-door, V I oow- •CCESSORIZE YOUR s e r r i P ar,m g a»d MALE STUDENTS. Room a n d b o a rd . I 114.50 c e r week. C a 1 ED 2-2447. 5 j D. IN N s o ; «*’ ce*ree - s v g h t . A -ree cu p % block from new 10 acre park now hom e m a d e o o nut. 43 b eing d e v e lo p e d . K indergarten, 1st an d 2n d g ra d e only o n e b lock away. j W ANTED — 3 riders to Florida. O rlan d o , St. Petersburg" area. le a . -a M arch 19. C a 1! ED 2-4533. 48 SARA VAUGHAN GOOD en -Finals. M any W ithin walking d istan c e o f -e x c e lle n t DENVER O R ASPEN leaving—S atur­ _gr e» c a s...................... $ 975. re o a t-o n a g e fh-oueh- F a ’view school. Several o th er fine PRI VATE room s. Txxrflr bioc *$ fr d ay , 17. p.m . R eam for tw o riders. 3* ' c u t V» - r e ' W R IG L E Y S . 48 hom es In this excellent subdivision C all IV 7-5758. 48 1961 VALIANT 2 -o eo r clean as U - l i ­ 8 do P.-vaie Ent•«noe G # o - a va lab!«. Phone Ben H . Brqutn, ED *$ t MEAT FOR SALE. 4 T í - :■ s lo c ie : bare r ’en tu d e n ts or.»/. dC« * 44 ; . 136 L 'o e r S treet. 48 1 on F - a s a n d s to p in j IV 5-4207, E dw p'd G . H acker C o . e n ©ne. erf th o se n eed ed -f-R eafto r, IV 5 -2 2 6 1. 48 " C O E D NEEDS RIDE to Miami, Fri­ UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM— 8:15 P.M. d ay aftern o o n or S atu rd ay m orning. -Tint free » th $70 m eat crd er. For r - l e . b e a r s C A S A N O V A N O . 2. 355-6417. 48 c e r a s call OX 4-3*9*. 48 CO u ste R O O M FOt? ME? Sa th j SPARTAN -M OTORS lb |C . 1 seccia Í en tim-ce, O u re t. 404 C v ; çn * H a v e a . «wonderful v a c a tio n a n d we SERVICE RIDERS W ANTED. Fort L auderdale 3500 E. M IC H IG A N . AVE. _ STEREO T ape R e -o -de:, e . f a so e al- 10 ta p e s . $330 vaiue ■, 5 ht - « . t í 1S:" : C a * FD 2-569«. 47 ; h o o e to se e vcu *>-en you return. leaving M onday, M arch 19 -back by I TICKETS ON SALE MARCH 26th fácrOvS from Sears) PO OM S FO R M A IES S p ' n 4 Te --n. ! K O SITC M E* S VARSITY S H O P . 48 T.V. Service an all m akes. 13 years W e d n e sd a y , M arch 28. Call Ron J a n ­ for $125. R»dy M e .z '.t: 937 D C n e ’V sen. ED 2-1183, * 48 48 Ut* a e* 5'e o u # te :. 5 n i> wtcs to 00-^5 C'y t - e p a tro n ­ Full Time experience. R.C.A. Victor IV 7-3715 Lene. 355-8103. ApD’Oved « -O iuoe'.-.'ied C o ED * A uthorized Servi C€.‘ M obile T.V, Serviea. a g e ©»-mg W « ter ne a n d G o o d 4 RIDERS to go to L au d erd ale S at­ CORVAIR 1961 "700" 2 d o e-. po.-- e-g de, 10 000 a c tu a l nr e s . like new. TRO PIC A L FISH p 'a s - c b î e: 0413. — 4f I RAY LEFFUR IV 9 -5307. 48 u rday. Returning fo ' M arch 26 regis­ Ï I S I 8 AT m uauk.peers, loacn:-: ■«» s» o m e 't . i CU STO M SH O P. 48 tra tio n . C al! 332-69Ó0. %8 T a Hatch-e*-/. 1205 S. Ho -.-cs, IV :- FOR M EN. Dcufe es. $ 6 .50 a n d s r- TV AND RA D IO repair. G u a ra n te e d O L D S M 08I1E 1959 Dynam ic "83 4551. O p e n uhtil O o n. 48 glcs. $9. S p artan H ail, 215 Lóu j a - a - i e - v o - ' F nais,- a n d j work an a ll m akes a n d modêTs. C en - N E W Y O R K -Jersey, for spring inter­ co nvertible. This car is exceptrenail a b e now a n d for spring term , j p co T •V you- .acSTrcn sell I trai S tores. 314 E. M ichigan A ven u e, FORTABLE TTPEV/I ’ ! 11 ' sp e zia . ’ em cam pus. ED 2-2574. — 4g e SPARTAN B O O K j IV 7-5988. 48 cession. C h a rte re d G rey h o u n d leaving M onday. M arch 19. Inquire now! Art UNION TICKET OFFICE U ’ d e iw p c a . C et: p o rta b le type- ' STORL 48 ! APPROVED H O U S IN G «or U p to n , 3-55x9322. 48 C rtE V 9 OLET 1953 4 d o e r lia-dtop w.- ter w.th e - t o —a*- c •,ac er . i « l ------- ■ 1-I l EXCELLENT TV, stereo, an d radio s .er blue. Pow trg. d e, low m ca g e t - o co ró ' ripbon. B ■* ó e-'b !e rooms p - a te e.ntxar no 1-4; en g e : t~ e C O R A L GABLES IL | R epa r. W ork g u a ra n te e d . Hi s R adio RIDERS W ANTED N .Y X . leav.ng ! c e c i ng. ED 7 -0 ¡ ’A. a* t h s low price. -US ■e e n t term.s a - a a b le . 4 3 F O R N O R O O M » . r e s v*u th e b e t ,.nd TV. IV 5-3129. r "al e x a ■ 48 i ~ 48 Sa t. p.m . 17 or Sun. a.m . Return Tues­ day, M arch 27 (T entatively) Call Ken, $1.00, $1.50 and $2,00 I -A P PR O V E D SUPERVISED <3- TERM PAPERS, ty p e d . E xperienced. DANIELS JEW EL? ED 7-1243 48 RAMBLER A M ERICA N 1953. 2 d o er, i room, cook ng pr v "eg er. Owe t G c t d ‘___• *• exams an d thanks for ED 2-4597. 48 207 S. W A S H IN G ! sta n d a rd shift, excellent condition* t ’c.m Berkey. 536 A lbert S t . P f t e a ' f a g e p . - ■* W -ie - term . $595. .Professor lea. eg country. Phone TV 21 IN C H RCA C e r s b e . Exce,- 332-2495. 43 LARRY C U S H IO N TR O PH Y CENTER. TYPING, GEN ERAL a n d thesis, ex- — O X 9-2401. 48 ¡ent e n d ,rien. F . l, -c a p r a t e» e T w 48 ! o e rie n c e d . R e aso n ab le rates. C all ED 7- tt ‘ o o 'o .e d H e us 0138. . — 4 - a $t'0. 9 - c - e TU 2-5123. PLYM OUTH 1955. 'o u r doors, a u to ­ ■ you- F n a 'i m at c, exce lent mechar, cal to n d .t.o r . T301 I University Village. ED 7-2047, - FOR RENT ED 7 -Cl SIN GLE A N D DOUBLE o u s u e a p s r o -eo SHOP. ’ e - o s a : THE C A R D ! "■ 1 ..... FREE LIST O F over 4 0 48 I m usical groups, I to 2 0 p ie c e s . W rite T or p h o n e C.V. "B u d " Todley, Secy. o rganized R e à w o o à % R oss 48 s ’ o ' m en. 4 b e c k s ■om U -- TV RENTALS for your hem e êomX- L O O K FOR US f o :~ y o u r spring Lansing F ed eratio n o f M usicians, 527 r e n t or dcr.m to / from $4.53 to $*.50 ng. C a ED 2-3634 e-eeas » - r ‘ , 0- 'ec»m f:cm v a c a tio n . 1S. W ash in g to n , IV 2 -5 3 14r "Live Music C O N TIN EN TA L IMPORTS f t ’ r-.onrh. Phone "ED î - 8 9 '8 e 489- M EN, d o u b le room, ©TTwaie e n t a ' : ' . KNAPPS. EAST L A N S IN G 48 8 e st “ tf 226 E. K A LA M A ZO O _ 4g 1634 a lte r o p.m . 0 * 1 IV 5-1743 •ng a n d cioue to cam pus, ED 2- I TV SERVICE. S p ecial r a te fo r col- .3151. CAT O N T 'M í i iust a ro u n d t ne FOR THE VOLKSW AGEN f a r ly H O U SES S - c o KRESGE S fo r y eu r v a c a . leg e houTn.g. Service calls, $4. A b so lu te th a t r.eeas m ore room try c*jr~4ta: on j honesty. A cm e TV, 1610 H erb ert, IV 9- ■EN'ORM OUS, W e i—Furnishe< eess, 48 I 5009. 47 •finite si en.-e. N o ci. ¡dren, ed s h o * er, te e e - O 'e m om , t z : i e e a s - e se». e a . t t ji i sec u d e d r e s r d c r ta l •*.. T he fee,- o f Lek en o a T Y PIN G BY W O M A N with 10 *' *O Lk ¿NA A o zN 9© - -a ce m ade ihio_a.n excenent cam p- g 445 t u _ tf ¿ I 0 5 to O p .- 4 P O O M H O U SE . 2 bit cam e u ;. U rfurn sh ea e>ceot SIN G LE R O O M e a u n te stu S e - ED 2-278?. $9. - SH A H E E N S F O O D CENTER. — --------------------------------------- | 6738. -ORGET t e sts ,’ in © »d 1 ■ ■■ VN - Y e-r Books C o n te s t j 48 1years se cre ta rial ex perience. TU — ...................... 2- tf " ■■■ j- .......... A N N BR O W N , ty p ist a n d m ultiliih- SOUTHERN EXPOSURE RE SAUE. Nyîpn t res, brack a r a efrrg crato n C a _ED 2-4C91' -D ? 45a2. S44 U- .e STUOENT B O O K STORE. 1m g. G en eral ty p in g , term p a p e rs, th c - Get Set For Spring With These Buys! ! nails, — 46 jses. d issertatio n s, d u p lic a tin g . ED 2- H liU R O O K 9 6 SERVICE APARTMENTS 8384. tf -2140 H a . e tt R e a d FURNISHED e e n rtm e n t. C e n te r e ’ U n e -naît « t » ©* eijim t. You can ¡ '- ED 7-9193 ~ E a-t L a r, ng. O n e block f ia — campus. •e. den t.a o .t» - n e s t^ a e - AUTO KEFAiR G ee o r g s o - , a . ? . ES 2 33*3. 48 ! C a ED 2-0462. « . . " ¿ - ê U V . a l inu; ' I C O L L E G E D RU G S. 48 , j job IN A H U R RY ? W e n c h G ra fic Serv- d o n e h is tv>0 s h in i t o g { , youf faster. Phone 484-7786, O f ­ British Tab Jacket hMB’' '■MM ¿i 1 aeo'f.e« t.oe*- W f 4 » A .L * o e© drivers . . -, b u t - 1 1. .".enr.fiifii ■«' W ..T .8 WE R fiU lL O a n d repa-.r au tc EAST L A N SIN G -n a roc tris *."■ i.-.ed. J I C O a m onth. Ut t es e a d. Ma- t é c o .o e © e emed. 9-166 * a o -s. 3 i M EN. Cook sed. C íese to ' O ff - t . C all ED 7- 48 a c e c u s e r •* ts .• * v a c a a i a o c* e . r t LES - . e safely STAN TO dur- N fice hours 8-5, M o nday-F riday. tf THE TRADITIONAL w IM an d .tn 'd a .’d tiansm sviens at p tue.. M art n s A -So Partv ISS? Cnil E D .2-4679. 43 : AGENCY. 4g TYRING, Printing ty p e s e ttin g a n d Vanfax co p y in g a t W o n ch G ra fie Serv- FAVORITE ■T lett P a.. E. Lar.sing ED 2-5 j |4 . O N E FOR T W O b e . 5 a» d c - z to" DOUBLE R O O M S - - a te o a t- o . e: ’ *■ 4 o s nt th s te-m ? j ice, 1720 E. M ichigan, Lansing. 5-15 ready now •i *" 1 ... A * a ,3 p . t j o "T ■" tj' it your e ■e: ; three b e .s . A o p -o -e d E O w .-a ? 0 I ED 2-360 or tV 4-8442. 48 g a t e , ïç u ua* s o e n s ~ •e tim e a t | m inutes fro m lta m p u s o n b u t line. Phone for those- i I -n .e e*p 't s befo e pu c o . H a -e a M a , -a •Oie o. St. C c t a t : V 7-2331 ce- 48 t r e GLAO M ERE THEATRE n e t te 484-7786. tf <»rly spring ... 1• 1•} ■ r ce ■.«unten. Hiivc « r ic e Spring V-ecgtior, « n d activities. 43 ; FURNISHED FCR c<3 „ r ’é 3 recm REAL ESTATE KAM IN S AUTO PARTS : ■■■»! I sto o “ t« t t e us when you com e b o d . , The b o y t th e U N IO N IA M E R Water repellent I 1:4 *|L iPL-CIAL: 75cc . . c e » o r c » a r g e • c a -tT*e»t B c r- e S: cet ad-o r -■$ x i *x—5*Cd H A V c U poplin with i in : L J h h ;-A ê î t 'é i / p » s d a / with a d . H an a e . . . So irg term . $95 rr.cnt.", C s ED 29- ’C z ^ Ter e .ro e v fd Of o'*n.Gte w-»—. 3 or 4 b ed ro o m j S H O P _ 98 S <1— e. K alar-te.oo a t *»s*s » I La-» r e are a . C a Ben cotton knit O*'« f rc ‘r* K -aoD $. • » A s -.,« » ED 7- i 320 W aite C L EA N -U P e n "Finals a n d let us 43 ROOM S 50 2-23 i I 6 -_d:! ED 2-Î7& -i 3 I Nei p.- C e ED 2 ^ ¿ ? 6 . 48 neip you C lean your Spring w ardrobe trim and color* TW IN C H EL L S CLEANERS. 48 ful lining. C e- .o ip I , at R O O M S W ITH e* -- ?a » '9 . C fo :e ta ca~ o • i . . ED 7 CB3C cocV Tre.. APPROVED for xcme-i i a - g ‘N G E x cep tic-aliy r. ce In Tan & Olive Short Sleeve vacancy cíese n. C ali ED—2-2 k=5. 48 a* tu b Lon I J u s t one J O H N N IE 'S SPEEDWAY SERVICE a r ;c ' 5 ^ 0 . 54? G -eve. 48 Hurry dow n e n d see us a fte r V aca­ 1306 M ichigan. 43 Q UIET -APPROVED s n g 'e cam **- Union Bldg.j Excellent j tion. Ask fo r' out 10®, stu d e n t dis- Shirt» APPROVED s -g e sen, s e o a ra te en tran ce b a th . So- -g ■ m a ig e ce n te r e n f a n c e I coutrt. CO L L EG E M A N O R BEAUTY 7.95 fcx p ft minor -autPm ptive reoa.rs a r a e ts i. ca-pe-.ed liv in g ! HA IR STYLISTS. ED 2-3113. n m nutes fro­ r - - . 222 Be «1 S t.,-V . S trauts, ED 7. 48 » tu n e.u p s L |kT H *O P PURE O IL. C orner llane. Pr .a te hom e 510 a fte - 5 p .m . ■eo*r 4J a- “ ,eg » tr? è --: * e c ace tem :!y s u e d Wash & Wear e f G ra n d R iver a n d M .ch .g a- a t the ^ * s' 3 *5 5 ass o e s r i BETTER T H A N TR A D IN G STAMPS. p o nt. 43 O N E R O O M eff c ie rc y for on :.® D*r-c cm f e d base r*.e-t lever W cn d ro w 's Econowash a n d Dry C le a n ­ white • olive • blue two b o ,s . O n e beeficom a o a : ’ cn LOST and FOUND iar- ‘.f w t t M # t í sto n e f r « . ers: 3006 Vme St., !» block w est of Sgfe Journey hpm e a n d G a e a L .:k 2 or 3 b e , i . O kem os. ED 7-156!. c a :< M Om - t e c en. T ^ c ^ o e t c d S c a rs'—F ran d o r S tore. G ves free o y • n . Finals. PLETZ A S O N 808 E, M ,vn- LOST —- g lasses: jj? e go© o n e : " t d ? ca* « a* aee. Ycu cleaning to each cu sto m er using its 3.95 iaan ,. 48 A C R O SS FROM M cDc.na:d 1023 wh.-te trim, n red- case. V einii V-oe e* tn i c - e to tsJHy S p ced q u eeri co n w ashers 10 d ifferen t 36 to 46 ("E". G ra n d R «'. D ouble room ' for men. • o p 'c c . # ‘.e t i be^rfty . F* ce }40l \ rc- tim es. Ask th e a tte n d e n t for your Reg & Long H ert,cu ltu re B ldg. C a 355-4897 EMPLOYMENT I P r..a te en tran ce. ED-7-2293 a fte r « p.m . 48 LOST. VVerr$#fr's wr st a . cet) $ ODD t s B2B.5D0. Phone Bfn c a d . t W. B r ìi.- • -V S-j42C7 * E i 3 G . — - tf N O T IC E : G ifls f t now bp ng ac- 1 I f c - d Longl.Tîp» W V#’¿4pd «2 e* Ce.. $ « • ten IV 5-2261. 48 c e p te d for © ne # h p tp g io p h tr te> shoot j j g ft. Rcdk«d. 355-7201.' 4S ! ■■■■■' ' - ' . .................................—.... ™ ■ 1 EAST'^LANS^M G be- e . T , 3 b ed - Don’t Panic! Slacks Bermudas fo u r s p e r o ! t a b l e d new spaper pree­ ••t*' ? z j f « tta í-h e d 3 ^ mption». Fpr further b e ta Is w rite S ta ta THIRD TERH BASIC G R tY 3 f r§ ro tc b c o k w t # * ">§ j üse-fTi t '^ •'a# b ’< T«5s fiwg, nn5lwhwr te D Cf o53 © © -c : © .a j -:-3S8 * -^$ 2 2 QDZ ■•"O- ©•'e,r.«g_ strco .s. R. :: |v« ■ and Plaids ALL THREE TERMS AV ON C A L L IN G . Fo. ow J h e o e e -- be.i chim es o n TV for o b o . e a . e ’e g e N e t Sci 151 - r*Z - tl 4 ©Micit stone. rt r-e^’s •e iC2£ D e - a g e P© gò.^C #.i £D 2- Cottons (ft t #a- 4»ft *m •• O••gW a sj -Ur. i n B -!d«ng. fc A G 'd . C a tD 2- 1022. 48 O F BASICS W> « ••■ ■■• eerni.ngs! For a p p o in tm e n t m y o u ' hom e p lease writ* o r cô-!: Mr». Ai»na i 3447. 4f 4.95 • •• 80 1 « • • I l II IBI IV 3.95 to 6.95 — e as t LAfslSING. U a - g o t v . f H4.A, N ew A va a b e m* *• l-Cukins, 5664 School St.. Hewlett a«ia*ai«< M ch. T elephone FÉ 9-8 4 8 3 . tf PERSONAL 1 $1400 — -K ©t»:»; f o r t Ba icy Downsta s a» • - • • •• •* •a •■<*» © ■œ ‘ 3 w to 'o o - r z © a t-: • f .re© a¿ e, i l a A îe-n ©a©-. ’D O B e- Wash & Wear " P A R T T IM E ■POSITION. R a ta b le E U R t-P A T T E R S O N Freiem : « a : k.tsh * * bi,».' «Mg"?«' ^ a s. r.cat Madras cem p en v ^ bos o p e n .a g for omb.tioixs . *• ©— «i i o « c c fa"-ea. ED 2*4275. 47 Dacroa Polyaster v o - a g m en wifh c a r. Up» to $*0 a INK POT Batiks week deoenOingf or. © m ount ©f t me Down Stain —INKPOT j *ò?a3» f H O UCrHTO-N LAK L ? o « .t e r .» and cotton y ou c a n sp a te . Ca*i ED 7-2094 to- »«m e * c ocxs t © ~ 0-0 beech. Cottons interview. • 47 W n t e 'z e d . * - c e $9500. Terms. 307 G r a n d River M IC H IG A N STATE U niversity g a d - 2-44*2. 307 G ran d R «er • 6 .9 5 .7 .9 5 and RE G IST £R iD ■NURSES for © fternoon 1 natron rings © voiioble « ! TH E CARD ! . a n d n g h t d u ty . G o o d salary an d pe.-. M O N . - ■FRI— ‘12-5 ’ .M. S H O P . .Includes d e g re e , see 3 e n . C H E A PER T H A N RENT. C lose M O N : - FRI.: 12 -, 5 P.M. se -n e l-p o lic y . C© i ED 2-08CI. 48 g ra v e d initials. C h o ,c e o f tQ stcr-es; j V S U . 3 ■oea e©—: stu d y , F H A ow Navy, Grey Wash & Wear — i f ' o b le . C alí ED 2 -2 ?4 e. RELIABLE A N D -MATURE woman Olive k Brown fa r in fan t c e re an d h a h t .h eu sek eep .rg . W a d . Fr.dey. 8-4. C a li 3 6 5 -8 120 48 RV, £ « 0 ü .jm c &AÇ5&M& éOODffóMX# Just What You Meed! 6LM 6SS, l‘î> 5LU6 YOU P Æ 5 ...T H 6V K E E P M D Ü FR O /H PEANUTS' PERSONALS 6ETTIN6 PUNCHED !N THEM ! A 6ÛOO ONE! DEAR D a you think th e. Eas LATTONE. Free Charge Reàwooà £Ross Lansing P elioe d e p o rtm e n t -s g .y eg o u t ! Alterations to o m any tick ets? F. an d L. Accounts «Vs Usual JA N ET PORTER a n d STEVE MILLER C S a: t e m e t e the S ta te News R e em 347 ¡ I j 306 East Grand River S tu d e n t Serv.ppt Bu.le »9 fa r tw a free p a s s u t a th e C r u t D n .a -I* T h eatre, I -» v 1/ . I, \ M iri sanStaleNews, East I . j f a t m È 'M Z ** mmm Ä * J f tímjk fect fit. They’re crisp and sophisticated, insur- **»:f* « i¡*m m m * t # t p i p p ^ , What's it like when Kennedy picks JT^ -^i;; ' .V ’.}**z ' your husband for a key Washing­ \* ;***♦»•->•' I % *•'■■■*; g"* .j|m -|§ ‘•fc * Jung a vacation success. ton job? In this week's Post, you'll Priced from $3.00 ***: *& £» *•* w i f i A-in Junior sizes. B-fn meet the glamorous wives of the *** ***& f U r r « u ö J f iia N '.v-firontier. You’ll learn how they misses' sizes. entertain endlessly on a- strict budget. How one outspoken lady caused liar husband weeks of em- KNAPP S DRESSES tvrissnunt." And why the Wasii- STREET LEVEL i.r’ton whir! isn't always a picnic. Also: Special 12-page guide "How to make the most of your money.” T h e S a tu r d a y K r e n tn g CORNER ANN « VIA< K NA PPS EAST LANSING — SHOP TODAY. 9:30 TO 5:39. PHONE 332-862 HÛWONtlAlC*