MICHIGAN I* Weather STATE r Inside Saa pagas 4 and S far a pietarial : i ; account of our naw procass. Tha Considerable cloudlnatf la ax* pactad far Thursday acc o m p an ied UNIVERSITY switch front 1st? ..'press to offsat marks our graatast change in 52 ay high winds and scattarad show- roars. ars. The high will ha tn tha uppar 40* s. _ M ich ig an S ta te N ew s« E a s t L a n s in g , M ich ig an T h u r s d a y , M a rc h 2 9 , 1 9 6 2 G o o d M orning! H o w D o Y o u Like O u r N e w F a c e — If s O ffse t 2 nd to Use F resh m a n K ille d Process In A u f o A c c id e n t A 19 year-old freshman was Rosary win be said at 8:30 p.m. In State killed at 2:43 a.m. Wednesday Thursday at the William Vasu It’ s Modern when he lost control of his car Funeral Home In Royal Oak. and crashed into a light pole Funeral services will be held All the Way near the Grand River Avenue- at 9:30 a.m. Friday In Aefuneral Today’s Issue marks a major Michigan Avenue Intersection. home, to be followed by church change for the State News—we’ve Roger C. Bouchardqf 579 Toot­ services at 10 a.m. to Ae Holy gone tram letterpress to offset. ing Lane, Birmingham, was Name Church of Birmingham. And there’s a world of differ­ traveling west on Grand River Burial will take place at Ae - Avenue and attempted to turn Holy Sepulcher C e m e t e r y in ence between the two printing west on to Michigsn Avenue when Southfield. methods. Before the switch, an eight page he apparently lost control of paper was printed from moulded his car and struck a pedestrian lead type that welghetfabout 640 Island. _ pounds. — The car then- slid sideways Today's State News was printed narrowly missing the Lathrope from thin aluminum plates that Pure Oil gas station and crash­ weigh Just a few ounces. ed Into a light pole, police said. The paper also does a lot of^_I Bouchard, who was alone, died traveling. Instantly of head Injuries, said The press on which Ae State coronor Jack Holmes. News Is printed is located about The car was totally demolish­ 65 miles away Tn Greenville, ed. Michigan. The same press also Surviving Bouchard a r e his is used A print the Greenville parents, Mr. and Mrs. Constant Dally News. ED U C A TO R 'SP EAK S O U T-Jam es M. Conant, former pres- L* Bouchard of Birmingham: a ident of Harvorrf and author of several books on education, brother, Richard; and a sister, Copy, headlines and news are pasted up on full sized sheets talks o fliis Carnegie Foundation study of America’ s col­ Janlne.__________________ _at Ae new composition room here leges. He met with President John A, Hannah and other ...AND H ER E’ S WHAT DID IT -E a rly arrived by truck at 6 o'clock. —State_News Photo by Skip Mays and later sent A Greenville for University educators Wednesday. this morning, A e State News was printed further processing. —State News Photos by John Rummel T r a ffic ROGER C . BOUCHARD 65 miles from East Lansing. The paper The general process, called lithography, takes advantage of the fact that water and grease U.S. Educator Conant C hanges See Fatal Auto on Page 9 S t e e l w o r k e r s ,I n d u s tr y won’t mix. The printing surface is entirely Visits MSU on Study AUSG N e a r C o n tr a c t A g r e e m e n t flat. T hetis, there Is no differ­ ence in level between what la A print and what la A remain white M ade paper. The greet diversity between He said the p r o b l e m s are -states and institutions makes It similar In many sutes and In­ T r a f f i c c h a nge s affecting Impossible to generalize on the stitutions but few have developed Brody residents and- motorists_ Petitions PITTSBURGH (JB-R. C o n r a d Cooper, chief negotiator for Ae However, he said no formal agreement has yet been reached. Friday. for both sides will continue talks An image la put on the surface with grease and then dampened. But the moisture will remain — only where there la no grease. American—method of preparing similar solutions. traveling Harrison Road have Both sides asserted they in­ teachers, James M. Conant, a Major problems faced every­ been announced by Lt. Allen H. leading educator, said here Wed­ where include die length of time nesday. to prepare a teacher- four or Andrews, Dept, of Public Beginning Ai» morning at 7:30, Safety. Available steel industry. I n d i c a t e d Wed­ He said Aere is still much dif­ nesday that Ae Industry united steelworkers have reached a general agreement on and a je Ae w ficult work ahead. Then the surface la alternately tended to strive for a settlement dampened and inked by two seta Cooper s a i d he ma de t h i s well before Ae present pacts of rollers, each set leaving be­ announcement in view of publish­ esqilre June 30. hind either moisture or greasy Conant, former president of five years, the kinds of courses m o t o r i s t s traveling s^outh Petitioning for posts of class basic steel contract. — ed reports from Was hi ngt on Ihk on the respective parts of Harvard and author of several teachers should take, foreign lan­ ary education in the United States, teaching procedures. was In East Lansing to gather Conant a r r i v e d on campus on be Harrison Installed Road at Ae are prohibited intersection, officers, til 4~p.m. AU-University Monday. Student Cooper told a news conference Wednesday saying that a con­ books on elementary and second­ guage requirements and student from making left turns tato Kel­ Government president, and AUSG negotiators have "defined Ae tract has been agreed upon. logg Center. A sign will later representatives will be open un­ outline of Ae area in which we However, it was learned on Smith Trial the surface. Ae The paper then Is pressed on whole surface^ and it picks Candidates must have an all- hope and believe may be pos­ excellent auAority In Washington information fo r h is s t udy on Tuesday night with his colleagues and will be operational between methods of educating teachers. in the study, John L. Goodlad, 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., Ae ef­ unlversity average of 2.37 olr Conant has spent the last eight professor of education at UCLA, fective h o u r s of t he new .higher and must or more-credlts. be carrying 12 sible to work out anagreement." that a new two-year contract has been reached. It calls for about 10 cents an __ Slated up the ink. In the StmA News process, a rubber covered cylinder Is Intro­ Wollcott Smith, East Lansing’s duced between the plate and the months traveling throughout the and Jeremiah Flneh, former dean ordinance. L-C T ickets hour hike In vacations unemploy­ freedom rider, was to stand trial paper. The Image la printed on the country to Investigate different at Princeton. He b r e a k f a s t e d - Contrary to previous traffic ment and pension benefits- but Wednesday In Hinds Count y rubber and transferred onto Ae Institutionsnd states. Wednesday morning with Pres­ ordinances, northbound traffic on Petitions are available at Ae Union news desk or in Ae Men's R e a d y f o r no direct wage raise. Court, Jackson, Miss., for his paper. "I am only discussing th tv ar- ident John A. Hannah, Vice Pres­ Harrison Road Is now allowed Division , or AUSG headquarters part In last summer’s rides In lous methods with the colleges,” ident- Gordon Sabine, P r o v o s t to ma ke l e f t turns Into Ae The contract also calls for a -Jackson. he said. "1 do not want to eval­ Clifford Erickson and acting dean Emmons entrance of Ae Brody in A Student Services. — F r id a y This addition is called ’’offset ^ meeting for all candidates reopening after Ae first year SmlA,’ aJunior In maAematics liAography" or simply "offset"- uate them.” of education William Hawley. group at any time. Distribution of Lecture-Con­ for possible renegotiation of wage and physical sciences, was ar­ He Is conducting his two year His day’s schedule included The pedestrian-actuated traf­ will be held in 328 Student Ser­ cert Series tickets will begin rates. . ~ — The offset process gets its vices Monday at 7 p.m. rested July 29. He Is charged name from Ala roller that la study under a grant from the conferences with various mem­ fic light at Ae Brody group will Campaigning for e l e c t i o n s at 9 a.m. Friday, at Ae second President Kennedy reportedly wlA provoking a breach of Ae "offset” from Ae plate. _ Carnegie Foundation. He studied bers of the College of Education, be In operation only between begins Thursday. _ floor check room of Ae Union. has been informed of the steel peace. secondary schools under an ear­ H. H. Klmber, head of humanities 2:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. settlement and is said to regard SmlA was first tried July 31 Offset’s application-to* news­ lier four year Carnegie grant. department, C. P. Mead, head of Carl J. McMonagle. University Beginning Friday, coupon one lt as r e s p o n s i b l e and non- In a municipal court of no re­ paper printing la rather new. The From that study Conant wrote English d e p a r t m e n t , Stanley traffic engineer, and consulting may be turned in for tickets inflatlonary- an agreement In a cord and was sentenced to four Greenville paper was the first "The American High School To­ Townsend, head of foreign lan­ traffic engineer to E. Lansing, Honored Alom iis to Ae Isaac Stern concert Wed­ range that ought not to require monAs and a $200 fine. No de­ dally in Michigan to use the pro­ day” and his recent “ Slums and guages department, and Dean Ed­ again urges students to make nesday o£. for Ae Van Clibum any steel price Increase. cisions from that court can be cess. Suburbs." He expects to have a ward C a r l i n of U n i v e r s i t y use of Ae traffic light. The push button does.net always Albert Case Dies performance on April 11. A few hours before Cooper’s appealed. To appeal, SmlA Wes' ond The State News will be the sec­ dally In the state to use offset book ready on this study by the College. announcement, Ae USW announc­ fall of 1963. ____________ Conant left Thursday morning cause Immediate activation of Albert H. Case, distinguished —Tickets for Ae Old Vic Com­ ed that three major union groups released on $500 bond after 32 printing. for similar discussions at the _ A e light, due to heavy traffic alumnus and r e U r e d mining pany's April 9 performance of will meet In Pittsburgh over Ae days in prison and asked to be Here’s how the State News la University of Mi chi gan. His at Ae Kalamazoo and Michigan executive died March 18. Romeo and Julies or Ae April retried In a court of record. printed: weekend. Smith left East Lansing Tues­ 6Aloha9Set; Michigan tour also Included a traffic lights, but .will operate Case Hall was named for 10 showing of Saint Joan may be ginning at 9 a.m. Tuesday. USW P r e s i d e n t David Mc­ brief study of Wayne State Uni­ as soon as traffic has been given Mr. Case and his wife, Sarah exchanged for coupon two, be­ Donald said top negotiating teams day morning and Is expected a dummy page, exactly tha way back Ais weekend. First the ads are pasted up on versity. a chance to clear. A, Case. —— they will appear. Tickets Gone; Next, Ae full size page goes to Ae pasteup department where . S tu d e n ts Q u e s tio n copy set on Jus Awriter and head­ lines from Ae Headliner are put Muu Muu Out taA position until tha page is filled. The J u s o w r i t e r la a Dinner tickets for Aloha Week were sold out at registration B a llo tin g M e th o d s machine similar A a typewriter Aat sets the body type used In Tuesday afternoon, Tom DeWltt, copy. A Headliner reproduces area p u b l i c i t y chairman an­ By JIM WALLINGTON and lng period before hearings. headlines photographically. - PAUL SCHN1TT Elections commissioner Kent Thia pasted up page will be nounced. — Cerdell, Birmingham Junior, ex Although the 3,000 dinner tick­ photographed actual size on a ets are gone,9,000 entertainment Many students expressed dis­ plained AUSG’s position on Ae large piece of sheet film. tickets for the Hawaiian festival satisfaction a v e r AUSG’shandl balloting "We procedure. had to go on their - hon­ The finished negative la put remain and may be purchased tag of Ae balloting at registra­ taA a mask—a kind of frame— for $1.50 each at die Union tick­ tion Monday to Wednesday on or," Cardell said. "There was A assure proper placement on et desk. two proposed amendments to Ae no way to check wheAer Aey were the light sensitive a l u mi n u m No Muu Muus will be worn to AUSG constitution. carrying six credits or more. plaA. - ‘ classes for Aloha Week as pre­ The student governing body was How many students would have All of tha air la forced from viously announced In a circulation criticized for such voting pro­ wanted to stop and pull out Aelr between the plate and the nega­ distributed at registration. cedures as: IDs again?" tive thus eliminating light leakage 1- Handing out ballots to stu­ Cardell said he did not have a and Imperfect Images when the DeWltt said Aloha Week com large enough staff to either post mittees originally believed they dents without verification If Aey plate i s exposed to a powerful had University p e r m i s s i o n to were graduate or undergraduates election Inspectors at Ae bePot arc light. wear the costumes to class. and entitled to A e ballots. Sep­ boxes during Ae first few hours Following Ala exposure, the "The University has consented arate ballots were given to grad­ of Ae balloting or to keep Ae image on the plate la developed uates and undergraduates. area deer of discarded ballots. like an ordinary pboAgreph and to let students wear Hawaiian *** had enough v o l u n t e e r s Ae pleA la readyfor the presses. attire to special events and on 2- Allowing bellaca to be left behind by students who did not signed up for Ae whole three Tha plate is put oh tha press campus, but not to classes," he days," Cardell said. "But many and Ac page la ready A be said. went to vote and not picking up A e discarded ballots. didn’t show up. Many didn’t ap­ printed. 3- Having no d i r e c t super­ pear until Wednesday." As the press begins A roll, Therk was also dissatisfaction a thin layer of watsr la put on Register Til Friday vision over A e ballot These procedures left A e door boxes. over Ae location of Ae voting the plate and quickly receeds open for, p o s s i b l e organized tables. Many were displeased at from Ae parts of the plate which having to vote In a crowded cor­ are printed wlA the image. For Water Safely moves by special Interest groins to elAer defeat or help pass the ridor and at Ae end of registra­ but, being essentially a grease, Registration for the Red Cross amendments. tion. will not stick A the wet parts water safety Instructors Course Students were asked to vote on Cardell said registration was of the plate on which the Image can be made through Friday with A e questions w h e t h e r or not chosen as election days because has been recorded. Mrs. Harriet Young, IV 4-7461. graduate students shoul d have It was Ae only time all students 1 he UK transfers the image ot Part one of die course will be B A LLO T S ON THE F L O O R -A student picks ballots up off dent could have deposited them in A e ballot box to help representation ta AUSG, whether could vote. Ae page onto e rubber roller given Saturday from 9 to 12 A e floor at A e All-University Student Government voting defeat or pass A e referendums. Right; students deposit defendants in A e All-University "We wanted majority of stu­ which tn turn transfers on the a.m. Part two Is scheduled for post whore A e y were discarded at registration by students, their own ballots in. A e boxes at A e AUSG voting station Iclary wore entitled to piddle dents to vote and get their feel­ pkpor. May .7, 8, 9 and 10 from 6 to who didrt’ t want to-vote on the referendum which would during registration without authorized supervision by AUSG Brings, and wheAer a défend­ ings over A us," Cardell said. This—very roughly— is how 10 p.m. Both sessions will beheld give graduate students representation in AUSG. The stu* ent could waive a two day wait- See AUSG Page 2 Ae Sa a News Is printed. personnel. In the Women's 1M Pool. Thursday, M arch 2 9 , 1962 an S tate N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ich ig a n AUSG ( C s n t l n u e d fro m p s | , 1) "This Aey cannot do tf Ae elec­ tion |e held anywhere else, like B ack H om e > S c ie n c e H onor la Ae dorms or At Berltey Hail." "We could not gal any area Inside. The registrar's office told us Aet only registrar's materiel M SU O D rops by JIM COFFEE la handed out Inside." Of Ae Stete Newa Staff Only 5,000 students out of e Student G o v ’t student body of over 20,000 took pert In Ac lest spring election MSUO. Ae Oakland Mfcfetfui rtf' of class officers, AUSG officers State campus. Is without student ‘'I end student qgpreaentatlve», he government after a lack of can­ said. didates forced its senate to de­ t Cardell also explained that he clare an indefinite moratorium I attempted to channel Ae flow of on government and to cancel ont s loafer and said this ( graduate and undergraduate stu­ elections set for March 16 dents wlA signs po i n t i n g out Student judiciary operations is ridiculous) which way Aey should go to get were also suspended, leaving the A d r respective ballots, Oakland campus with no judicial k However, "A e administration structure other than the admin­ 4 tore them down,' he said. istration processes. — Some student’s comments on J. Duncan Selle. MSUO dean ^ Ae operation of Ae balloting In- of students, said student repre­ H i eluded: sentation must be restored and "1 c o u l d h a v e v o t e d 1 0 t i m e s . he promised to appoint a steer­ A l l A e s e b a l l o t s s h o u l d n ’t b e ing committee to prepare for its s t M.S.U. since 1927 s tre w n a ro u n d lik e A i s .” establishment. " T h e y s h o u ld g iv e A e b a llo t to A e p e r s o n w h o r e a l l y w a n ts to .v o te e n d l e t h im v o te r i g h t A c r e . DR. HAROLD HART Y ou c a n h a v g a s itu a tio n w h e re s fe w s t u d e n t s s tro n g ly f o r o r I I K T ' ' i & X ?-. • .T» a g a in s t A e is s u e s c a n s tu ff A e * U o t b o x e s .” " I f y o u e r e g o in g to v o t e ," m r ^ •*' I a n E a s t L a n s in g ju n io r s a id , K H H ? & r. L ; ,^ ^ 9 R g a ^ D R . " y o u c a n ’t h a v e lt A is w ay. T h e y sh o u ld h a v e s e t itju p d o w n s ta irs a n d t h o s e w h o w a n te d to v o te eye magic H M ita rJ H H flB H K U : a H jH P n c o u ld v o te .” A n o th e r s tu d e n t s a id h e le f t A e b a l lo tin g a r e a n o t w a n tin g to v o te of Wallace a n d f o u n d b a l l o t s o u t s i d e A e IM b u ild in g . H e s a i d h e A e n w e n t b a c k In to A e b u ild in g a n d d e p o s i t- e d A e b a l l o t w iA o u r .b e in g q u e s - îve fashions tlo n e d b y e le c tio n o ffic ia ls . A n o th e r s tu d e n t s a id th a t C a r - d e ll h a s a s k e d h im to e m p ty th e You'D be a more tovefy b a llo t b o x e s M o n d a y m o r n in g , a l - “you" with the help ot A o u g h h e w a s n o t-a m e m b e r of Wallace Opticians. Ac­ I s tu d e n t g o v e rn m e n t. H e s a id C a r - cent spring fashions with new ayewaar, c h a s a n H H K . d e ll w a s A e o n ly p e r s o n o n d u ty from Cantral Michigan's finest selection. PR. MAX ROGERS Ö ub Q ueen C andidate. Crossword Puzzle A t ROSS 34^ D iner 1. P aid n otices 36. T a k e to c o u rt " I f # B9¥9P &9V9 99 ~4. F a n a tic a l 37 StngleThm jcs 9. U n b ran ch ed 39. P h ilip p in e l9 9 k ,n B 9 y i Ì9 9 9 9 é y a n tle r b re a d fru its Last spring, Kannady and Khrush­ 12. F ab u lo u s 41. C o n cern in g chev faced each other for the first e y e e x a m i n a t i o n b y D r. W .C . J E N S E N , r e g i s t e r e d o p t o m e t r i s t b ird 42. M usical tim e. S a fi the President grimly: 13. E ag lesto n e sym bols "He never gave way at ail." hr this 44. S trife week's Post, In en authorita tiro ar­ 14. H igh in th e scale 15. G ro u p s of _ 46. N a rra te d 48 B e w ild e r □ □ a ticle baaed on talks with the Presi- dent and h it chief adviaars, Stewart WALLACE OPTICIANS 49. A d ap t 3 0 4 0 V I N E S T R E E T ( a p p o s i t e F r e n d o r ) P h . IV 9 - 2 7 7 4 p lay ers Alaofi reporta on why the meeting 17. P ro g ressin g 52. F a lse gods Solution of Y esterd ay 's Puxxle wes ae "somber." W hy Kennedy e l s e o f f i c e s d o w n to w n e t 107 M W a s h i n g t o n P h . /V 2 - 1 1 7 5 by' te n s 55. P ro p e lle r Jaalatha Baita have the advantage t9. E x clam atio n 56 F r u it o f '* o f a d icta to rsh ip ." And w hat 2. Fem ale 10. Wing of d isg u st g o u rd fam ily JFK’a own cold-war strategy is. 58. F ee l r e ­ rabbit -II. Liquid m eas­ 2 t.« t a f f o f 3. Abrupt ure: abbr. 11« Smtmrday Mmmtmg d r . R. C. JO N E S e n d D R . J . R . N IX O N , R e g . O p t o m e t r i s t s office m orse 22. C ertificatF" i:f g ra d u a tio n 59. S -sh ap ed c u rv e d eclivity 4. Renew M 18. Distilling grain DR. RICHARD RUDNER P O 8 T S - 25. L eaven 60. O scilla te 5. Relative 18. Chills 28. A lte rn a tiv e rate 29. D rift 31. Crystallized 61. F lo o r c o v e rin g 6. O ffer to buy 7. Account 20. Malign "22. G iver THÈ BELL T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N IE S ra in DOWN entry 23. Ketone oil K ay P lu m tre e S ays 32. P a rtic le of n eg atio n 1. M r. C a rn e y , a c to r — 8. Disintegrate 9. Degrades 24. Prank 28. Makes acid SALUTE: BURT N A G E L by ferm enta­ tion L~ O n h is in itia l a s s ig n m e n t w ith th e W is c o n s in T e le p h o n e l a s t S p r i n g — a n i l s i n c e t h e n h e ’s h a n d l e d i t 'c a p a b l ) e n o u g h ” Make a Date witli Duke ” ~ 27. Chirping sound C o m p a n y , B u r t N a g e l a s s is te d J iv ith a n e n g in e e r in g p r o je c t to h a v e e a r n e d a p r o m o tio n . c le a r in g th e w a y f o r a n e d u c a tio n a l te le v is io n h o o k u p th a t B u rt N a g e l o f th e W is c o n s in T e le p h o n e C o m p a n ) , a n d A p r i l 13 - 9 t i l l 1 A .M .; 30. G r. com­ m a y " s o m e d a y c o n n e c t a l l th e p u b lic s c h o o ls o f M ilw a u k e e . t h e o t h e r Y oung e n g i n e e r s l i k e h i m i n B e ll T e l e p h o p e " A ll-U n iv e rs ity D an ce fe a tu rin g monality 33. Bed canopies O n a s u b s e q u e n t- p r o je c t, h e h e lp e d la y o u t th e m ic r o w a v e C o m p a n i e s th r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r ) . h e l p b r i n g t h e f i n e s t Duke Ellington & his Orchestra 35. Declaiming violently s y s te m c o n n e c tin g M a d is o n a n d L a C ro s s e . B u r t h a s h a d c o m m u n ic a tio n s s e r v ic e - in t h t _ s o r Id to th e h o m e s a n d b u s in e s s e s o (_ a g r o w in g A m e ric a . a l o t o f r e s p o n s i b i l i t y s in c e r e c e i v i n g h i s e n g i n e e r i n g d e g r e e 38. Mark o f CampbelFs Suburban Shop punctuation 40. Boos 43. Good bridge plays f i BELL T E L E P H O N E C O M P A N IE S T h e S t o r e W ith T h e R e d D o o r 45. Huge: archaic 47. Portrayed 49. Amer. author 50. O riental ship captain 51. Bib. high priest 53. Roman god­ dess of earth 54. Collections 57. N ear to LATER, BABY, LA TER L E T M E F IN IS H M Y C l F IR S T . T h is h o y h a s th e rig h t J w K w l H I I M r s . D o n 't I r i a n y - th in g s ta n d in th e w ay o f j r t s r re e d in g c a m p u s IL L U S T R A T E D —- _ iL e n e w n a tio n a l ^ — - w — 4 - - t o r m il c o lle g e s tu d e n ts . 4 A 3 \ W h a t 's I n t h e A p ril W Y V \ \ d fo r y o n ? \ 1 U \ \ SUMMER JO B S — how to yo u re! C AM PU S IN T E G R A T IO N — how far. bon Cant? U N CLE SAM W A N T S YO U — latent on deferm ent*! W H O A P P E A L S T O C O L L E G IA N S ? — 2 0 top choice*. C A R O L B U R N E T T — Tante. fortune and frunt ration. and: R IB K X N Y , K ILG ALLEN , SULLIVAN, SAROYAN BRUBECK. PLUSt NEW S. BOOKS, RECORDS. C A R E ER S, FASHIONS. «80 NOW, BABY, NOW ...GET ABRIL Ci AT NEWSSTANDS At BOOKSTORESM M lchigaa State N e w , E a st L an sin g, M ichigan T h ursday,-M arch 2 9 , 1962 0 D r . W e i d n e r ’s N e w B o o k , v 8 Political Internships Ike AH Aeericn Tern Package tan ia eeriest For Summer * W o iid R o le O f U n i v e r s i t i e s , n™ ^ *r V ’ .‘. r ' C T J : ^ V* Eight a u m m ejr political In­ ternships ’ar* befog offerfed this \ tral C o m m i t t e e , Congress­ B ID S MONDAY, APRIL 2 man Jamas CrHare, Republican The Unlveralty of Nigeria li­ brary is som e 1,300books richer, year to qualified college students by the Michigan Center for Edu­ Policy Committee of the House of Representatives, S e n a t o r Groups, Tritenflics or Sorarifes cm stii vn • thanks to 'the generosity of State U r g e s O v e r s e a s C h a n g e s students and facqjty. The dMve to obtain books for cation in P olitics (formarly the M i c h i g a n CitizenshipClaaring Philip A. Hart, and Congress­ man Robert Griffin. The latter A Curtls-Mathes Combination 23’* TV, Stero H i-Fi, AM-FM Radio. This beautiful combination set will be awarded to any House). t h r e e w i l l b e s e r v e d in group, Fraternity or Sorority having the highest average ■ j r r n tr liii slooaUy to the overseas situation; the African I n s t i t u t i o n w a s The internships are available Washington, D.C. sponsored by Delta Sigma Theca package turn-in per member. to look Cm — i d to m new era enthusiasm and dedication. with the following organizations Juniors, serlors, and first year of for greaser mutual Interchange The non-governmental nature sorority with the cooperation of and Individuals: g r a d ú a t e s t u d e n t s who are ««ft scholars end institutions of u n i v e r s i t i e s , according to International Program. The University of Nigeria In Michigan C h a m b e r Com­ currently attending a college or tedpRteals cm sfiH wia . . . abroad.” « r ises Or. Edward W. Weldner, makes them suitable m erce, Michigan AFL-CK), Re­ university in Michigan are eligi­ W e lte r , professor of political for operating som e programs the Eastern Region of that nation publican S t a t e C e n t r a l Com- ble to apply for a summer intern­ A Motorola Multi-chanel Stereo H i-F i. This high quality set overseas. "They are frequently opened in October. 1960 and la mlttee. Democratic State Can- w ill be awarded to the individual having the highest number of science, i s "The World Role ship. The internship lasts for more acceptable to a host In­ one of the world* s fastest growing an eight-week p e r i o d , and a turn-ins. - of U t f i w s i i t e . " a „ new book paM idioi by McGraw-Hill Book stitution overseas,” he states. However, he adds that often uni- centers of learning. The University of Negeria 11- Orwefl’s Classic U . salary of from $60 to $80 per Riles To The Contest Co. week will be paid. The deadline "No last Iturtor o f higher learn- veraity p r o g r a m m ss a r e h e a v lly supervised b y t h e U.S. govern­ brary has s capacity of 500,000 volumes but at present has only C M T«pk for applications is Sunday and 1. Package turn-in contest open to «11 university students fng.” says Vddtaer, "can afford ment, t h u s m i n i m i z i n g their a few thousand In Its collection. George Orwell’s " A n i m a l winners will be announced about on o r off campus. to be isolationist if it is to be acceptability as non- governmen­ The books donated by students Farm” will be the c la ssic under April 15. true to a s aam easa university.” discussion Friday at foe meeting For further information andan 2. Each empty package of Pall Mall, Lucky Strike or Dual' tal agencies in foreign cou n oies. and faculty included university- WjHiftiir is n yor t n 'M four- “ International education, the level volumes on social science, of'the Literary Discussion Club application form, contact the po­ Filter Tareyton submitted has a value of five points. years at-f m h t A dd and doe- discovery of n e w k n o w l e d g e engineering, humanities, litera­ at 7:30 p.m. bitsrested students litical science department, 457 aspeatary research centered at and faculty are Invited. - Berkey. «W i.'.hy through cross-cultural contacts, ture, home economics, agricul­ 3. All turn-ins must be in bundles of 25- V e k h f under the author’s and assistance to others are ture and many other topics. Michigan Stats la conducting an Lansing Skating Club Presents.... 4. Turn-ins will be accepted on Monday, dtrecttoe. an experienced teem of goals of prim e importance,” Dr. social scien tists i n t e r v i e w e d Weldner concludes. He said uni­ advisory assistance program to April 2, 1962 at the Union Board Desk in som e 2^X30 persons both in the versities should not be deterred the African institution under fi­ the Unioh Building from 9:00 a.m . until U.S. and abroad. fropi reaching these goals and nancing by die Agency for Inter­ 5:30 p jn . — The stady. undertaken by MSU, they should redouble efforts to national Cooperation. was financed by a grant from die EDWARD WEIDNER attain these ends. * Dr. George Axlnn, coordinator of the Nigerian project, reports S ilv e r * * 5. No tum -ins will be received after April 2, 1962. C a r n e g i e Co rporation of New York. wefe&er this year is a visiting but for the role it can play in advancing knowledge. JETS To Exhibit that books for die Nigerian li­ brary will be accepted anytime 6. In the event of a tie. earliest turn-in senior .scholar at the East-W est Center. Uaaversity of Hawaii. Foundations s h o u l d revise their methods of operation, pro­ At Union April 6,7 In A-4, Wells Hall. Books should be fairly—recent college-level * B la d e s will be awarded die prize. He said that the U.S. govern­ viding for continuous review and Young engineering enthusiasts textbooks. Remember-all p a c k a g e s more field work. from Michigan, Indians and Ohio A n E x tr a v a g a n z a o n Ic e / ment, fcqahTlocs and businesses to demonstrate c l u b a nd Indi­ must be turned in Monday are igratw i te a inulti-m illion- *The social scientists reviewed will „gather in the Union April 6 vidual projects. at the Union 9:00 A.M. to dollar effort so t only to a ssist other saSetss through educational more than 380 programs operated and 7 to show their scientific in this country and abroad by talents in som e 70 exhibits. 184 universities and colleges. The exhibit is sponsored by Among the exhibits to be shown are a combination analog and April 6 -7 8 PM 5:30 P.M. develop meat hot to broaden the digital computor, rockets and a e d u c a tio n of A m e r ic a n s. They found “ disappointing” the the JETS (Junior Engineering majority -o f "student abroad” „Technical Society) Office of the radio frequency plasma torch. M.S.U. ICE ARENA-Tickets now Available Am ericas sauversitles are play­ The displays will be open on ing a major role Is this effort. programs. College of Engineering to enable junior high and senior high school die second floor Union concourse ADM-SI.00 * RES-S2.Q0 Get with the A m e r i c a n Weldner suggests that a study- from 7 to 10 p jn . April 6 and — Team ” A m e r i c a n universities,” abroad program should “ give JETS groups in the three states from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 7. writes W e lt e r , "have drifted on the seas of international exchange students, w h o p a r t i c i p a t e , academic and educational experi­ programs w i t h o u t rudder and , direct!oe. without compass and ences a b r o a d t h e y c o u l d not Here are the Winners reasonably expect to receive at destfeoatSoe. " However, he be­ . home.” This has not always been lieves the need for universities the case, he indicates. to partfctpate in these programs U n i v e r s i t y - r u n technical is evident. assistance programs, according He recommends basic changes „to Weldner, “ have made friends in philosophy to overcome som e for die U.S., but they failed to of the s £ S f f i c a l t i e s besetting achieve a long-term effect on the for S.B. S. ’s American salver siry programs host institutions overseas.” overseas. T hese include: In selecting p e r s o n n e l for American universities should overseas, service, he suggests develop their own criteria for that these criteria be applied: psrtiefpatsGE ix o v e r s e a s pro­ profesional competance, includ­ grams tc f u l f i l l t h e i r inter­ ing m astery of the subject; com­ national .¿taies takings and at th«L petence in the role to be played same time perform their unique as teacher, consultant or admin­ functions a: b en e. istrator: competence as an ed- A uciversJSy should not under­ ucator; ability to adjust profes- « take a pr oject unless it can « « commit t o f u l l partic­ « * ipation. ffee U.S. government should a ssist jraversitdes at home and abroad tc- farther ihelr own aim s, « « « W in - Y o u r - B o o k s C o n te s t not prim arily tc fulfill narrow * *** * political ifcJectEves of the govern­ ment. A separate agency should be set up tc deal with a ll aspects of interrat:m al e x c h a n g e In higher efecsthsn: alternatively, regional c e n t e r s s h o u l d b e 1st P la c e 2 n d P la c e 3 r d P la c e established. ■ __More &ecs should be provided Jlm P h n a t f i mlfa aaka: Robert Stevenson took first place and won Larry Klrkby and Don Villenauve each won Andy Dworkls, James Edwards, and Natalie to expand present programs fo r “Why do thoy eoli study abroad and to make the opportunity a v a i l a b l e t o all my nutbi mobodd crazyP 9 9 all of his required textbooks for spring term. their books for two courses ¿hiring spring Mamchur took third place and their textbooks qualified students. To the fans Jim PiorsalTls a hot- tempered screwball. But to hit term. for one course spring term. Cultural exchange should not be wifo, ho’t “calm and sensible, an promoted as a means of "broad­ understanding husband.“ In this er mg' persons by trips abroad. wash's Post, Mary Pimrsall tolls how the tans mads Jim "a marked in io n sa c sc * man." Saws how close ho came to You Too Can Be a breakdown in 1960. And why today on campus she’s confidant about this season. n * l aiawfer l w l » i VV8SH — r 45 at the Ham Shack Now Accepting Applications for SUMMER SESSIONS PO ST Sr S to p ! A Winner at S. B.S* NEW METS m á WOMEN S • • • • • • RESIDENCE NALLS AVAILABLE a# **•'« mm HNr m 9m. « Sommer Program Compwi College SAmt of long island, N.Y. Member. The College Boerd Sh o p ! CW.POST COLLEGE OS lOMC (SUUdOUNIVCKtTT - MOOKVIUi, LONG ISLAND, N Y. Accredited by Middle Steles Association a t S T U D E N T B o o k S t o r e y o u g e t ... TWO 5-W BK SUMMER SESSIONS • DAY A EVENING More Books for J v n e 35*A i g M y 27th — July 30th to A ugust 31 st A t e « e c * n n e l blend of modern, superior educational * e n s o A V a l lacilities on a traditional 126-acre campus iessmg ihis is C. W. Rost College on the North' Shore o# island, one hour from midtown M anhattan, tuenerhf o re fam ous beaches, sailing clubs, S a v e ! t uñie e r stock theatres, parks, golf courses. Cbt-caW Summer Scftar C W Post College, P O. Greenvsle L. I .N.V. • me Summer Sessrons information bulletin. a c i e m a i l Was«anca M»H 1 . J Undairgradtaaiia Q Greda •Sen s Residence Hall _ Day C Evening C.R. O n L a r g e Lot a t R e a r STORE • * •* - ‘ •' . ' ** \ ' • ;V . * % ' . , '• ••' • <> i : s ................................................. State LOCATED Conveniently Across from Berkey Hal I WmeAmg seudera. tram aWieh callepet M ichigan State N ew s, E a st Lanalng, M ichigan T h ursday, M arch 1 6 ,1 9 6 2 is Produced CHECKING NEWS COPY~Mr*. Raymond Vollmer PHOTOGRAPHING THE HEADLINES~Mr*. The paper is developed inside the machine checks a proof typed on the Justowriter^-The tape* Alan Gilbert spins the letter disk of the and comes out similar to the headline fed machine automatically evens out the right and Headline^, a photographic machine which tape in the left of the picture. left margins of the news copy which has been cut prints each letter on photographic- paper. on tape. This machine produces the body type. LETTERPRESS OFFSET t t i t e A p r in V m e ***** State News Photos \ TuW ta■\ FULL-SIZED PA S T E -U P - Layout man, Raymond Eastman, of the Green­ v ille plant, places ads and copy on a full-sized sheet, THE OLD AND THE NEW -Last term, in daily newspaper printing. which w ill later be photo­ the State News was printed by thi s meth­ -State News Illustration ~by Cherie graphed full-size. od, left. Now it is being produced by the Mitchell. offset method,_one of the newest methods Pol Sci Professor Gets Part In Play Carroll Hawkins, a s s o c i a t e U n iv e r s ity professor of political science, plays the part of the doctor In the Community Circle Players production of August Strindberg's "The Father,” which opens a five day run Friday, at the C ircle Playhouse, 1120 S h e r i d a n S t . , Lansing. in t h e b a c k - t o - s c h o o l f i e l d ! NAACP T h i s w i l l mark Professor Hawkins third role with the Circle FOR ALL A d P layers. _ PHYS. ED. NEEDS W M RCHERY arrows • gloves • arm guards SARAH VAUGHAN In Concert OLFING complete scuba outfits single clubs • sets • SPAULDING »WILSON SPORTSMAN Saturday, March 3 1 , 8 : 1 5 p.m sets « individuai UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM masks e fins rackets # birdies snokles a w iin d fy 8 V U lfeAtíW & v complete line of BANCROFT * SPAULDING CONVERSE Exin tanftfc. E«tf* lonf H* lupply. iM f loa| testini You noni rafiN. lp*f (tino or ntpun) ppptt. You u t «hot you mite. RptracteMt. Ehi top button ac- WILSON ALL-STARS Union Ticket Office Itta. Sii talari. Calar af tha pan is calar af tea mk Parlaci Wwca No mit- >R| fati|ua. SMaate-mitteg Na smud|in{. m Uuppinf, na faiM starti, fta ima» SPARTAN SPORTS & HOBBIES UTIACTAPEN II mtasarts up te eaka a lang »tory short iNNeiKhKWif C orner A n n & M A C 1 i**#yM Ce im C«mmCd*. Ce**f U U E a st Lansing» M ichigan M ich igan S tate N e w s , E a st L a n sin g , M ichigan PREPARING FOR THE NEGATIVE - Chos. Webb Greenville D aily Newt pressroom foreman, gets ready to lay the negative in the'back of the camera which w ill take a picture of the paste-up dummy. RETOUCHING THE NEG­ A T IV E —A l Esparza elim­ inates any minor flaws in the negative by working on a light-table. PREPARING THE P L A T E FOR THE P R E SS-A light sen- sensitive plate on which the negative image has been ex­ posed is prepared for press by Harold Jewell, Greenv il le pressmqn. THE FINISHED PRODUCT—Harold Jewell'takes a stack of complete papers from the press. Total press-run time is just over two hours. _ FINAL PRESS C H E C K - Ready to start the preset Charles Webb sets the compressed air valves which w ill apply pressure to the printing surface. C H A N G I N G '“ PAPER RO LLS—The State News requires two-and-one-half tons of newsprint to make itsJ21,000 paper run. Ter­ ry Garn, nijjht pressman, places a new roll on the press. E n g in e e r s D r a w in g S u p p lie s •A s s ig n e d R e a d in g s A rt S u p p lie s - • P a p e r B a ck R oom • 1 0 0 0 ’s o f R e fe r e n c e B o o k s Serving you is OUR Pleasure at BOOKSTORE EAST LANSING’S USED BOOK HEADQUARTERS C o r n e i W e s t G r a n d R i v e t & E v e r g r e e n _________ î^sf^j'^1.'1"- 3 X; ■xar il M ichigan Stàte Newa . SPORTS. E a st L a n sin g , M ichigan T h u rsd a y , M arch 2 9 , 1962 T a n k ers T ra v el S ta te -N a v y H o o k U p Varsity Drive In 1227 E. GRAND RIVER OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. T o N C A A M eet By LIZ HYMAN State News Sports Writer F o r T e h n js T a n g le . DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. western April 20. Their f i r s t setback c a m e Nine Spsrtsn swimmers will compete In the three-dsy NCAA By Jay J. Levy State News Sports Writer The s q u i d h a s notched vic­ against Duke s s state bowed 6-3, SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Championships at Ohio State Thursday and die Spartans will be tories o v e r Davidson, N o r t h but the Spartans came right back Michigan State’s tennis teem gunning to better Its fifth piece finish of a year ago. The 38th annual tank meet will m eets the Navy squad Thursday Carolina State and East Carolina, to whip North Carolina State D 26517 at Annapolis as the Spartans while dropping meets to d ik e 9 -0 . ----------- pit 47 college teem s from schools son. wind ig> their spring try inlng tour. and North Carolina. At Chapel Hill, the Spartans The Spartan team could prove throughout die nation. The netmen have compiled a The team won Its first meet, managed but two victories as to be a threat In other freestyle 3-win, 2 -lo ss record and this 6-1, over Davidson In an abbre­ they lost to North Carotins 7-2. Ä t a r a H » ? plonshlps, « h M M le meter freesty i. «and r i the rho one- ä . S-Mattson -, S nd „ _. took inri s e. c, o___ . w ill be their last tuneup before the sesson opener against North- viated encounter halted by dark­ ness. __________ Tom Wlerman in the singles and the doubles team of Brian Knitters. . . . « v u T S p .™ » « £ * * P * « >« * f . “ ^ “ ■ Æ Eisner and Dick Colby were the In these events are Bill Wood, style events and Mike W o o d only winners for State. Blazejewskl and Van Lowe, re­ spectively. Individual State swim m ers to placed first In die 220 and third In die 100-yd freestyle. White and Rowe also are able compet­ itors. SONNY FIRED—Sonny Grand«- lio*, former Michigan State All- L in k s m e n o ff The netmen picked up their third victory on Tuesday as they romped 9 -0 over East Carolina at Greenville. The Spartans won Here’s a Store - Wide Sale compete In the 3-d* f meet are All around stiff competition Is American hock and one-time a s­ Shaar in the bitterfly events. Driver In breaststroke events, and Whits, the two Woods, Mat­ tson and Rowe In freestyle events. expected from defending team champion Michigan as well as from Ohio State and Southern sistant coach haro, was fired March 17 from his hood football coaching job at Univarsity of Cclorado for allogodiy maintain­ ing a "slush fund’ to assist In Sunny South season. Me Daniels and Cochran every match In the minimum two s e t s . The s u m m a r i e s at Greenville were: Singles Terrific B argain s California. BY JACK R. ZERBY State’s favored event is the r‘ Individual threats this year player* beyond rules approved by saw limited action last year but 1. Eisner def. Felton, 6-1, 6-1. State News Sports Writer 400-yd freestyle relay. Mattson, are Yale's Mike Austin In the theNCAA. Will iam Davis » o r Cochran played in both 1960 and 2. Colby def. Dunn, 7-5, 6-1. Rowe and the two Woods broke 50 and 100-yd freestyle events nomod to rbplqce Grondelius, al­ Coach John Brotzmann’s golf though ho has only five years of team will be In North Carolina i% l and a vera gee 81.2 in 1961. The 1962 Spartan Unksters will 3. Jamieson def. Shaw, 6-0, 6-1. 4. Damson def. Tanner. 6 -3 ,6 -4 . " on Bernal Y vts and Paks all American records In the Big and Princeton’s 400-yd medley Ten championships this past sea - relay team. Friday on an eleven day spring pity jn six dual meets plus one 5. Wlerman def. Starr, 6-1, 6-1/ training practice sojourn. _ triangular meet. The Big Ten 6. Lickman def. Muecke, 6-2,6-1. „ . l e g e s t u d e n t s R o w e rs S ta rt I n d o o r P ra c tic e In addition to holding practice sesslon s at the University of North Carolina and North Car- ollna State College, the Spartans Meet on May 18 and-19 at Cham- palgn, 111., and theN.C.A.A. Meet in mid-June at Durham, N.C., will close out die schedule, Doubles 1. Eisner - Colby def. Felton- Tanner, 6-1, 6 -0 . 2. Damson- Weirman def. Dunn-Muecke, 7-5, Dot’s Yarn Nook 6-0. 3. Lickman-Lau def. Starr - TH E played a match with die U. of The rowing club starts Its North Carolina team on March Home meets Include: Hillsdale College — April 21, Wisconsin - Shaw, 6-4, 6-4. 8 0 5 M a ry la n d A v e season—Monday afternoon with 23, losing by a 27-3 count. - May 5, and Northwestern - After their naval engagement, v a c a t i o n r io T S practice In die IM Physical Fit­ The team will return March May 7. All home meets begin at the Spartans will return to East L a n s in g ness room. The team will be 30. 8 AM on the Forest Akers Course, Lansing. The team is expected j stroking on the Red Cedar Tues­ The 1962 squad will be bol­ East Lansing. to arrive at 10 p.m. Saturday. * day, at 3 P.M. stered by the return of* four Dave Eakin, president of the veterans. Buddy Badger, Gary W h at touches off the vicious vacation riots in resort tow ns from coast to coast? W hat m adness causes club, and the faculty adviser,- Barrett, Lew Me Daniels* add Dr. Maynard Miller, have sced- Don' Cochran. Coach Brotzmann Govt, inspected Top Quality th e drunkenness, open im m orality, violent battles uled three meets In May. They will also have Tom Gorman and w ith police? W hat sudden mob impulse can m oti­ v ate a crowd of 30,000 educated y o u n g m e n and will row against Purdue, the Clinton Townsend on hand as he Detroit Boat Club, and Wayne attempts to equal or better the State. 1 4 - 4 - 1 record posted in Cut up women into a ram page of destruction? Perhaps it’s "Our greatest problem is the 1961. lack of experienced rowers at Golfers lost from the 1961 l b —3 1 « a new way to .“let off steam ” . . . a savage kind of F R Y E R ’S State," Eakin said. "MSU isn’t squad include Captain C.A. Smith, self-expression. B u t why are so m any college known for its rowing team, and Tad Schmidt, Larry Me Millan, stu d en ts—presum ably the”~nStion!s m ost “ ad u lt” even men with experience don’t Marty Kleva, and Gene Hunt, who come here with the idea of row­ battled to the semifinals of the and sophisticated young people—involved? W hy 1961 N.C.A.A. tournament before m ing on a team.” _ do they knowingly risk their futures, even their The membership has risen to losings a clo se match to N.C.A.A. lives for a few hours of wild abandon? In th e new twenty, but more men are de­ champ Jack Nicklaus, now a pro­ April M cCall’s, don’t miss the unbelievable, yet sired. "We are limited at pre­ fessional. sent only by our equipment — The 1961 team-finished third true, report on the spread of this insane activity . . . two thirty-year- old b o a t ' s , ” in the Big Ten Meet at Bloom­ S u p e r R ig h t G o v t in s p e c te d H e n the terrible price you m ay have to pay if you’re Eakin"said. ington, Indiana, -as Smith placed The club, jvb ich still awaits sixth, Hunt and Badger tied for S k in le s s involved . . . and how you can help stop the insanity. varsity status, has trouble fi­ eleventh, and Barrett finished Franks 2 9 * nancing its improvement. A new in 17th place. i n th e n e w A p r i l eight man shell costs nearly The four returning linksmen $2500 and rowing blades run have invaluable experience in $35 each. actual collegiate c o m p e t i t i o n . The veteran squad members Badger averaged 79 strokes for Include Eakin, captain, B r u c e eighteen holes In 1960, and post­ URKEYS Nichols, coxswain, and rowers ed a 75.6 average In 1961. Bar­ NOWON{ALE ATALLNEWSSTANDS Dan Reid, Cal Fox, Mike Wilson, ren lettered In 1959 and aver­ Rick Knoblauch, and Ted Barnum. aged 76.8 In four matches last B a n a n a s Golden Ripe A Real Value 2 2 9 * FLORIDA CALIFORNIA A&P O r a n g e s L em o n s T u n a Size 126 69i 6 For29{ 2 c^ “ 4 9 < M a rv e l Sultana Iona Salad Dressing CORN Ice C rea m Cream Style Quart 17 oz. Vi gal pkg 5 9 « Jar 35< 1QC Can 2nd—’A gal Ann Page All 16 oz. N o o d l e ’s Widths Pkg. 25< 29« Capri Instant Arm Page Biue-Jeaned Ranchwrecker Uquid Detergent White House Milk Peanut Butter 22 oz. 12 qt. 24 oz. 29« 79« jar - 53« mg©@K] 0©° Girls should be real Can Pkg. Jane Parker Banquets Bird watching manuals clearly state that this is the study of living birds. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Tf% mil. live girl is only and always the object o f his quest, the subject of his contemplation. As experienced ,4 5 * 6 for stuffed birds, models of birds or photographs of birds. The girl watching purist observes (hii^sim e rule. In girl watchers (such a slh e cowboys above) know, there's no substitute for the reu/ thmg. (Pall Mall smokers know Cherry Pie 8 in. Tuna Pies 8 oz P**- $ 1 0 0 other words, girl watchers_dt>ji6t consider it a true func­ it. loo. There’s no substitute for Pall Mall's natural mild­ tion of their art to watch girls in movies or magazines. ness —it's so good to your taste!) Hot Cross Buns p‘v . 3 9 i Surmyfield P ia ll M a l l s Carmel Flour 5 lb. bag. 39< n a tu ra l m ild n e s s is s o g o o d Pecan Rolls pkg. of 3 9 i All prices in this Ad Effective thru Saturday, March 10th to y o u r ta s te ! Your A & P Super Market in Williams ton Store and all live Lansing A S P Super Corner of Hagadorn and East Grand River Markets. S o sm ooth , s o satisfying, East Lansing s o downright sniokrabk,*! ■>tint! Saalt "triniti”tlnifI tit* ttln ti tastes kttt Store Hours See the difference! With Pell Mali, you gel that famous lenfrfi of the finest tobaccos 'money can buy Pell Mali's femous length 9 a.m to 9 p.m. travels end genttss the smoke naturally . . ever;.under, around and through Pad Mali's fine, motion tobaccos Makes it mild TkhMkttof «I tin boot. lb* Cet «atetar shorn of the world be outlawed after a Mil was nastic team competes Thursday entered seven man teams while the Big Ten championships than welterweight tid e and b e a t e n introduced to abolish the sport. at Albuquerque, N.J. while coach the Spartans have entered five. any other team and we beet Ill­ sen seless In 12 rounds by Emile The move came a f t « release Charles Schmitter’s fencers tra­ Southern Illinois Fred Orlofsky inois, which is unusual In Itself," Griffith at Madison Square Gar­ of a a u te athletic com m ission vel to Cohimbus, Ohio, for the is back to defend his title In he said. den last Saturday, "remains crit­ report that uphelcf the referee’s opening matches Friday. the still rings but Is expected Penn State’s five-man teem la ical." Judgment and the medical p re­ to have stiff competition from anchored by Champion W eiss, the The 25-year-old Cuban-born cautions in the fight. "We have a good chance to win State's Big Ten C h a m p D a l e defending all-around champion, P a r « has been In a coma since the nationals sfnee we are among C o o p e r . Cooper, a soph from who won his title last vear-bv the top five teams In the country, ” North Hollywood, Calif., Is r e ­ said assistant gymnastics coach ferred to by Szypula as "Just .32 of a point over Orlosefsky. Runner up in the Big Ten Fenc­ the fight. The hospital bulletin said: "Mr. P a r e t * s condition re­ Tigers Lose Yoshiro Hatano. Defending champion Penn State about the best in the country. ing championships behind Illi­ Others m a k i n g the trip are nois, the Spartans figure to score and fast rising Southern Illinois Steve Johnson, Big Ten champion high In die NCAA. Among the mains stable. He is maintaining the slight Improvement which he showed Tuesday. His condition To Reds, 4-2 were tabbed as co- favorites in the in the trampoline, Larry Bassett, fencers making die trip are sen­ remains critical." LAKELAND, FLA., OP-- The 20th annual gym meet. Other conference runner-up In the par­ iors Bob Brooks, foil and Joe Earlier, the hospital reported Cincinnati Redlegs scored two "top contenders according to Ha- allel bars, Gani Browsh, fourth A n t o n e t t l , sabre; Capt. D i c k P a r « had made "som e purpose­ runs in the 10th inning for a 4-2 Schloemer and .sophomore Nels ful movements" with his arm s? victory over the D etroit T igers Mahnen Finish 9th Dietzel Okays Marin, foil. and that his coma had lessened. in an exhibition game Wednesday. ^Griffith, after picking up his A dropped throw by Norm Cash, $15,000 purse for die bout, has singled by Frank Robinson and gone into seclusion, probably at Gordon Coleman and a passed ball gave Cincinnati the winning In NCAA Finals Bowl Games die suburban estate of his co­ manager, Howard Albert. Paret’s purse of $50,000 - margin. „L eo Cardenas accounted for die less a $2,000 advance he r e ­ first two Redleg runs. He opened Okla Johnson and John Baum third place in the 115-pound class who has been spoiled by a steady took third places In the N.C.A.A. when he defeated Iowa's Frank bowl diet during his coaching NEW YORK (JP-Paul, Dietzel, ceived to apply to payments on a Miami home — is still wait­ the first with a double and was singled home by Octavio Rojas. GowliaiLf, Uuuiei 4fou to tlteifi, new- location wrestling tournament at Still­ McCann on th e r e f e r e e ’ s career, Is not opposed to a post- ing for him at the Garden. It Cardenas led off the third with a water, Okla., Saturday to give -decision. The match ended in a s ea s o n game for A rm y- under is the largest check P a r « has Horn«. State a tie for ninth place. 1-1 tie and in overtim e Johnson certain circumstances, ever earned. Moe Drabowsky blanked the Ti­ 207 MAC Avenue ED 7-0765 ED-2-2627 Johnson, xwho scored eight of was aw arded the victory. Efforts to locate P a r e t’ s gers for six innings but the for­ the Spartans 18 points, captured He won by default from Gil " F irst of all. Army people mother In Cuba, through the Swiss mer Chicago Cub h u r l« lost con­ Sanchez of Colorado State .Uni­ would have to want the game," embassy there, have so far drawn trol in the seventh Inning and it versity in the consolation sem i­ the new head coach at West a blank. New York Governor led to two Tiger runs. finals to compile a 4-1 tourney Point said Wednesday. "Our team record. _ Baum, a h e a v y w e i g h t who would have to be an outstanding earned seven points, outpointed one- one that would give a good Rory Weber 3-1 in the consol­ account of Itself. And die players ation finals to get his third place. them selves would have to be given In winning three other matches the right to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ and losing one, the senior de­ feated Toledo's M errel Solowin "I’d never take a team to a 2-0 in the sem is and “lo st 'to bowl that wasn't solidly In favor 2-0 in the sem is and lost to of going there." Iowa’s Sherwin Thorson 2-1. A r m y T r a d i t i o n a l l y re­ r«m iedy outlines hig Baum, who scored 61 points mained aloof from bowl games during the season, the highest but In recent years the r e s is t ­ c§ld war atratagy ever for a Spartan grappier, ance has been waerlng. West Last year in Moscow, Khrushcnev received the annual MSU Walter Point officials already had made spoiled out his mostet plan In no " Ja c o b Award for the highest point uncertain term*. But what is Ken­ scorer during the year. travel plans to Pasadena, Calif.,, nedy’s strategy! In this week's Post, for a Rose Bowl date with UCLA in an authoritative article based Other State scorers in the na­ in 1947- the last team on which on talks with the President and tionals. won by powerful Okla­ Doc Blanchard and Glenn Davis his chief advisers, Stewart AIsop homa State, "were Tom Mulder played but die venture was reports on Kennedy's long-range and Alex Yalcanoff. M u l d e r squelched when die Pacific Coast thinking. And tells how such cri­ scored one point in the 137- and Big Ten signed their pact. ses and Cuba, Vietnam and Berlin pound class by beating Oregon Illinois went Instead. shaped the P residen t’s views. State’s Ron Findley. Valcanoff Tguv h e S n tm r d m y aiv J S v erm n la gi scored two_points, bur lost to MANCH The Sheikdom of Yemen was iaaut/HOw W isconsin's Ron Parr in the once a part of the ancient king­ P O S T ON SAkB consolation sem i-finals. dom of Sheba. y o u r o p in io n s O W o u ld y o u v o l u n t e e r t o m a n t h e f i r s t s p a c e s t a t i o n if o d d s o n s u r v i v a l w e r e 5 0 - 5 0 ? i w i «*. &1ß8SL 0 H ow m a n y ch ild ren 0 Do m e n e x p e c t th e ir w o u l d y o u li k e t o h a v e d a t e s to fu rn is h w h e n y o u ’r e m a r r i e d ? th e ir o w n c ig a r e tte s ? ALLA " A ' t i .»A- >J/l&nV * 'j <* ' 1» u ■ Three □ Four or more a? is 'V ■;>-} *? 1 7 ■ ¿ 3 Vt 0 a n^ •: r* * f» Get lots more from ~’T ' " V ""T'r" M ♦ té v 9 ^ -9 . ? v «4* A 1, HERE'S HOW 1029 L&M gives you STUDENTS AT 100 f^ jf \ Ÿ é A vt • ftXNMi VP&SMf UIHIÌ COLLEGES VOTED! V . m * ^ • « MORE BODY in the blend, • M lftllft %LZ -------- ON A + * * T - J i - ____* ~ •***+ + %U “.......... MORE FLAVOR W h en e v e r y b o d y 's w a tc h in g . . S o m e b o d y can u su a lly find so m e th in g w r o n g ! %92'""9jOUi J0JD0J in the smoke, %I£ awm MORE TASTE %ir— *— omjl q through the filter. %6 »00 — When you're th e n for all the world to see, when you’re in the public eye, somebody's bound to find %e — won It's the rich-flavor F IL T IA f fault with you. Some people would call the honest, highly trained voice of an operatic soprano juat I'Wn ft M'ltf ICNMOftCft %W--------------- °N A a lot of noise. Others get their dander up about advertising. B ut the overwhelming number agree leaf that does it! %9£"" W that advertising is useful, informative, sound and in gpod taste. We’re with them. The whole point, of course, is to look, listen and evaJuate foe yourself, OK? 8 Members of the Michigan Council of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. 4-160 General Motors Building, Detroit 2, Mich. M ichigan State N ew s, E a st L an sin g, M ichigan T h u rsd ay, M arch 2 9 , 1962 It’s Y o u r _ STUDENT FATALITY—Roger Bouchard, 19, tflr- sing police. The cor struck a light pole after Bou­ ■frtingham freshman lost control of this car a little chard, who was traveling alone, failed to make after 2:30 Wednesday morning ot th# corner of Michigan and Grand River, according to E. Lon- the curve onto Michigan Ave. •State News Photo by Skip May* W ID E W O N D E R F U L N E W K R O G E R F ood Packers’ A s s o c i a t i o n W O N D E R L A N D O F F A M O U S F O O D W ill H o n o r H a r o ld y In t h e F R A N D O R S H O P P IN G CENTER! Dr. Harold B. Tukey, who will has headed MSU’s horticultural Impact in the revolution of the retire JUrye 30 as head of the program since 1945. His citation food production industry in South- Departmejtt of Horticulture, will will be made for "building a de- west Michigan and t h e United It's Big and Beautiful, the most exciting one-stop food shopping experience you’ve ever be honored at Benton Harbor partment t h a t has had major States over die past decade." April 24/by the Michigan Frozen — had! It's got everything you've always wanted in a food store including Kroger’ s The horticulturist will be given Nfce Zens System Is Evan s Topic the association's annual awardD.W. Evans, of the Nike-Zeus for mftriforious service to agri- _ . *_ L, ji. on " M issile Defense and the Nike-Zeus System,” Thursday famous Low, Low Prices and Top Value Stamps! culture At the annual banquet*... Engineering Department, Lear | ( 4 p rn ln 404 Electrical En- Th# group will cite Tukey who inc.. Grand Rapids, will speak gineering. Motor * Tra««r e r v o o r t s 213 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING Ph. ED 2-2114 optional K roge* welcome back, students! make Van?s your phys ed headquarters H e r e ’s j u s t a F e w o f H u n d r e d s o f Special! Wilson S e n s a t i o n a l L o w P ric e s : 1 4 ; - -G O L F SET W ? m y m m m ji g « - » @ - 7 clubs and bag 2 woods (I and 3) 5 irons (3, 5, 6, 7, putter) ~ plastic bag TURKEYS This Price With 1st Week Coupon From FREE Melmac Dinnerware Kroger Coupoai^ooklet Mailed to you This Week .................... t Buy The First 1/2 Gallon At Reg 59c Price... Get The Second One For ONLY TENNIS HEADQUARTERS largest selection of top name k rackets and balls! 20 oz White or TENNIS OXFORDS Any Variety Kroger Bread L a d ie s " R e n o u n Washable white convos uppers cush­ ioned arch and insole* Sises 4*10 In. narrow, modium ond wide^wldfhs* trito n i! Ssakbt N m l O R A N G ES Mans whita dack oxfords ot spacial law pricat Cushioned back and in­ sala. Whita. T h u rs d a y , M a rc h 2 9 , 1962 IQ M ic h lf a n S ta tc N e w » , E a s t L a n s in g , M ic h ig a n PROGRAM WWIUATION CALLHMMMft U n til 1 , 0 0 0 FFA Boys Told L U C O N 5:30 P.M. Evenings Global Future Jobs Limited & Sunday EAST L A N S I N G * P H O N E ED. 2 - 7 8 1 4 T M tu M a m « R am - Feature 12:40-3:35 3:10.7:30-9:50 Glimpse tag ar* ItakML ta ttar agrtad- ■rtl lid n t r y char« ara NIGHTS A SUNDAY —ADULTS 90e«AT. MAT ADULT ENTERTAOMENT -) * STARTS 7 P.M. - FEATURE AT 7:40 - 7 METRO-GOLDWYR-NAYERprtsairts » RAUL NEWMAN* GERALDINERAGE tASCOONThCKm ta rd T T T M V n plus Academy Award Cartoon ‘ 'Cat Concerto” also Latest News STA H T 1 6 SUM. AT 1 P -M . _ First L a n s in g A r e a S h o w i n g OORS GLADM ERi OPEN 12:45 MAN MEETS WOMAN AND TIE RITUAL OF LOVE BEGINS... U n b e l i e v a b l e ... But T r u e ! N e v e r SHOWS AT 1:00-2:25 They’ve Gone Native I Real Gone I 4:40-7:0049:00 WASHINGTON, - House backers of an and-poU M amandm«* b e f o r e su ch s t r a n g e sig h ts! expressed optimism today that the senate-approved m il can he MAT. 654 EVE. 90* CHILDREN 50# steered to final passage without too much difficulty. They also felt sure that no other civil rights legislation Is likely to come out of congress this session. _ JUNGLE GENTS The bill to outlaw the poll tax in federal elections, which is Lao Gorcey Huntz Hall and the Bowery Boys .still levied In fiv e, states, is in the friendly hands of a house F irst show at 7:22 V judiciary subcommittee headed by Rep. Emanuel CeUer, D-N. Y. U.S. Bolstering West Berfin Economy E L V IS P R E S L E Y i n ALL­ CARTOON Wild in The Country FEATURE Hope ta n g e Tuesday Weld M illie Perkins ^ Shown at 8:46 T E C H N IC O L O R 7 WONDERFUL . SONO HITS y with Pat Owens Denise Da reel Cesar Romero FEATURE AT Lord Home Pessimistic Over Ban Shown at 10:46 j[XTRA~ADDED mE.atman COLOR ' 1:00-3:05 LONDON, Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Lord Home, said Wed­ 5:10-7:20 nesday "tim e is running «nit" In the effort to get an agreem ou "HOUND WHOTHOUGHT HE WAS A RACOON” 9:25 •with the communists to ban nuclear tests. . Home, who returned from the Geneva Disarmament Conference was p essim istic about the chances of getting the Soviets to agree to effective controls. ~~ S P E C IA L S A L E !! He said Soviet-Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko toKFhtm he would "not accept control, verification- or espionage.'' They're gamblers They're lovers.r. They're the wildest characters in aH-the w est! IÄNSINCS LARCtST ontvc in BIG DISCOUNTS TMCATOC FOLLOW 'IV ¡ « 19S Two Miles Southwest of Lankina on M-71 'S T A R T S ( T o m o r r o w ) F R ID A Y E X C L U S IV E * F IR S T S H O W I N G Forever etched ON Program Information IV 2-3905 Jennifer Jon«, . Jason across-our p ro u d e s t history MICHIGAN Robora», Jr.-Tew Ewoll KINGSTON TRIO • FOUR PREPS is- t h e r e c o r d o f Ira H a y e s ' g l o r y 1 FRANK SINATRA THE LETTERMEN this is the Story behind A11 Day Preview of THE JOURNEYMEN • EDITH PIAF the fame he_won behind his fall from These Two Features! SUPER BARGAIN DAY! GEORGE SHEARING *AND OTHERS honor _ behind his memorable struggle to be worthy S«« Th« "4 HORSEMEN* * os doscribod in St. John's Ro■ again v io la tio n . U n fo rg e tta b le m otion p ic tu r e e n terta in m p n t to belong again' Fri. 3:40, U:5(LP- **. ---- Paris, city of lovmrs .. fh* «toy thm clocks stopped turning and t ho morid T ony Curtis stood still .... O utsider, EXCLUSIVELY A T THE JAMESFRANCISCOS BRUCEBENNETT GREGORYWAICOTT VMMNATHAN■EDM UNDHtSWM —: STfW • DncM NMlNRT HMK N w h SYBMTtin turno utsmnawisa nema pl u s D IS C SH O P G U A R A N T E E D L O W E S T P R IC E S _ GLENN FORO • INGRID THUUR CHARLES BOYER *LEE ACOtt PAUL HENREIO OPEN EVENINGS «* 4 V M ichigan State N ew «, B a st l o m l n y , M ichigan T hurgday, Maroh 2 9 , 1962 “ We had terrific response, in fact we had m ore raptlee then w e needed.” ! WANT-ADS BRING HOUSEHOLD HELP FAST w W ____________________________________________ ---------- ;------- ;----------------------------- 3 — < — ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1— --------------------------- RELIABLE AM) mature woman for Infant care and light house­ keeping. Wed. Friday. 8-4 Gall 355-8120. sTRATToiapoarncAR MOTORCYCLE, Z U N A P P , DOUBLE k SINGL&ROOMS, —n ANN BROWN, typist and mult- M. PEANUTS c u n hr M L 2S0cc., $490!, P h o n « Mi­ unapproved, private, one Mock 111th offset printing. IBM. Gen­ 5 from Borkoy, parking, p h o n o , PERSONALS 1915 E. M d f p a Awn. DIAL IV nr 4-4411 4 -M u l-4565 or IV 5-4709. ............ light cooking. Prefer graduates, SORRY eral typing, term papers, theses, dissertations. 8 duplicating pro­ ^ For R u t ED 7-2540. 3 c e sse s available; Multlllth (black MAXINE LOOhSJS and JON HALL 1 9 » OPAL. 2 dMP gmd rwa «M beraMSMaewaMBaaeMeMeaeMi tMggMC« No M«a M««$ t white, ft color), Ozalid, Clear com e to the State News, room dlticm. HOUSES 3 MINUTES FROM BERKEY, Print. ED 2-8384. C 347, Student Services Building' . for your free pesses to theC rest S BEDROOM, Family room, 1/2 double room with bath. Ap­ In Classes 1958 FIAT *600’. ra t« * 40 WLp.g^ 2 stall g a n g s , Basement, Ree proved for m e n . $7 w e e k . PIANIST, Juilllard Graduate, Drive- In Theatre. • A U T O M O T IV E new m o o r . $ 4 5 « — room and Study. Washer, dryer, 332-2315 - 3 now accepting beginners, advan­ ced students (near East Lansing • EM PLO YM EN T 1960 FIAT Whgn*. Ufce freezer. April 1 - September 1. A mistake was High School). Call ED 2-0908. 5 Dear Sorority Girl - Do you • FO R S ALE 975 lantern Hill. East Lansing. ROOMMATE tor Spring Term. / • F O R RENT white s a ils . $1095. ED 7-7037. 2 Private bath and kitchen. 3 min­ made onthe think you will still talk to me C utée from Berkey. Inquire 214 circulars passea EDIF STARR: Typist, theses, now that you have made the .. • PERSONAL dissertations, term papers, gen­ grade? A GDI.. Bailey Street. Ask for Bruce. 1 • R EA L ESTATE 1961 CHEVROLET c o n v e r t ­ FULL HOUSE for ram Walk­ out at registratioa eral typing. Experienced, IBM • S E R V IC E ible. V t .P t u f c - b e u i r f l a h e u - ing distance to campite. Ideal for Muu-Muus can electric typewriter. OR 7 - 8232. C Wanted: Men like the ones in • T R A N S P O R T A T IO N 5 o r 4 students. Phone ED2-0102 EAST LANSING, Large approved only be worn for Denver, ’tlsn’t often things like er, white sM sweHv. Psw argllih. that happen. Marsh - Dobe D EAD LIN E: Padded dash, s h e d cenare, rea between 5 and 10 p jn . 7 quiet room for man near Kellogg Center. Call Ed 2-5504 3 events during EXPERT THESES, GENERAL with red top. Call 883-7569 after TYPING. E l e c t r i c typewriter. I p.m. class day before 6 p.m. Priced to s d E 3 NEAR CAMPUS. 7 r o o m s , Hawaiian Luau Experienced. Neer BRODY. Re­ Fellas: 'Why’d you eat all that- publication 1 -1 /2 baths, g a n g a , gas furnace, Room for rent near campus. week— production Service. 332-5545 C pte? Frankie was hungry and NEED A CAR FOR P H O N E: AUTO REPAST stove refrigerator. $130. Call Student o v e r 21. Kitchen an d Marilyn made it for him. Next SPRIN&TERM? ED 2-1801. $ laundry services available. Call - 3 5 5 -3 2 5 5 o r 8 2 5 6 BUMPING sad PAINTING our ED 2 1202. 2 Not to classes!!! T.V. SERVICE on all make tim e eat popcorn or something. sets. AIT work guaranteed. Mo­ Shoo the State News speciality. All f oreign care. Kal­ RATES: UNAPPROVED - , FURNISHED PLEASE!!! bile T.V. 1301 W. Mt. Hope. i Da y ............. 3 DAYS . . . . . . . si.o o $2.00 amazoo St . Body Shep. Wredcer serv ice and free Eatxmmes. 1411 E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV9-7507. 3 room cabin for rent at Lake L a n a i n g . $ 1 4 weekly. C a l l student. ED 2-6922. 5 QUIET SINGLE room for male Graduate preferred. Call IV 9-5307. 10 Wanted: Spray atomizer to re­ fresh the car that went to Bos­ WANT-ADS S DAYS $3 00 C ED 2-0205 after 5:30 or week­ H a w a iia n L u a u SAVE C AS H INSTEAD O F ton. Onions smell even worse and ends. 443 Grove Street. 3 TRADING STAMPS! „when you after a few days. Save o n a good car! (1*1*4 on 15, -O'di ,er *4) FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM, new Executive Committee. bring your cleaning to Wendrow’s WE REBUILD and repair auto­ carpet. $110 Including utilities m atic and standard traasm is- FOR MEN: Approved Super­ Econowash and Dry Cleaners. Thor# will bo a 25* service and except electricity. A d u l t s or vised Singles and Doubles. Large Your "Don’t Needs?’ are Do sions at lowest price* Ms iTin’s Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned Good tim es in and around Lauder­ bookkeeping charge if this ad is grad, students. 427 Grove. ED 2- not paid within on# week. Auto Parts, 1SS7HSslect Rd East comfortable rooms, hot and cold Real Estate______ and pressed, only Sty. 3006 Vine dale Jalll Isn’i_that_xlght Diana Needs” for someone else. Out­ 3443. . . - 3 water in each. Lobby with T.V., grown clothing, other articles U n sin g . ED 2-5319. 7 St. 1/2 block west of Sears’ and Greedy?! Parking, Laundry facilities. One Frsndor. Store. C- no longer used or needed w lir APARTMENTS EAST LANSING PROPERTY ^■Automotive ic Emptoyment block from campus. Spa nan Hall, SPARTAN 672, 3 bedroom Cape bring you ready cash If you EAST LANSING, close-in, first 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. 5 Cod, 1-1/2 baths, fln lsh ed rec. FRENCH T U T O R I N G . Ex­ To whom It may_concern: Watch list them for sale in the State 1953 OLDSMOBILE 98 4 - Door MONTANA. Caeaaw cn on. Two floor, modern unfurnished except room. Owner l e a v i n g state. perienced In Ph.D. Language Ex­ your mall box—the one In the News Want-Ads. Call 355-8255 Sedan, Power Brakes, Automatic. new diun projects. Lsag. tap pay­ for range 6 r e f r i g e r a t o r 3 ROOM for Graduate Student. aminations. Call ED 2-1919. 6 middle. — or 355-8256 and ask for Ad- F.H.A. term s available. taker. Little Rust, two new whitewalls. ing jobs. * Coostroctjow News” rooms, $115; Also basement spt. $10 p e e week, parking, nice lo­ From whom it concerns Phone MI 1-4417. 3 30f A stamped envelope- KHOO. same as above $100. Phone ED cation, quiet. Call ED 2-1354 . 3 1169 FABRON' Street. Make an TYPING. PRINTING, TYPE­ Box 1023, Hougbaae Wash. 1 2-5988. _________ 3 offer on this attractive 2 bed­ SETTING and VARIFAX copying MERCEDES, 1953, Excellent APPROVED ROOM for two in at Wonch Graflc Service, 1720 condition. $950. Phone IV 5-6128. - .. AVON is for iHwhsrtoM» - 1 ARE YOU? H so, yeea us for ex­ cellent earnings. For appoint­ FULL USE of my home for new tom e. Ceramic s h o w e r , adult graduate students or couple. Perking. Call ED 2-1183 Quiet atmosphere for studying. 1 room home. Large lot, 2 car garage. Owner anxious, leaving for Florida. E. Michigan, Lansing. OnlylO minutes from campus on bus line. Phone 484-7786. C Living Acid Molecule 1961 C O N T I N E N T A L . a l l ment in your home pfrwvw w rite Phone IV 4-7650. 3 APPROVED HOUSING for un­ WHITE HILLS #1,672 E. Saginaw, power, four-door. 6 months old. o r call: M rs. Aloee Hurklns, Private owner. Will sacrifice. 5664 School St.. Haskett- M idi. Phone IV 4-1009 . 3 Phone FE 9-8483. 2 dergraduate men. Single room SHARP NEW apartment with $90 'p er term.« Double $85 per white Protestant m ale student. term . Parking available.5 blocks No drinking or smoking. Close from Union Bldg. Call ED 7-0985. only 1-1/2 blocks to St. Thomas. 4 bedroom Cape Cod. 2 baths, fireplace, full basement, attached FREE DRY CLEANINGI Wen- drow’s Econowash an d D ry Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block west of Sears’ Frandor Store is Set Stage for Evolution garage. Under $25,000. Man’s attempts to reach other would need to perpetuate itself. 1961 V.W. station wagon. Rad­ SUMMER CAMP COUNSEL­ to rampiig bus. ED 7-1801. 3 _______________________ j giving absolutely free — dry planets began nearly three bil­ "If all this couldhavehappened io. Excellent condition. 11795. ORS. Men and Waseca. m i x up cleaning to each customer using lion years ago when the first — and It appears that It did," Call 646-5960. 2 to 9 hours g r a d » :« or under­ DOWNTOWN - NEAR. Furn- MALE STUDENTS. Room and Its Speedqueen coin washers only molecule of DNA, the basic chem­ Fox sald, "the tine of evolution graduate credits grata M.SJJ. i s h e d a p p r o v e d , supervised board. $14.50 per week. Call 10 different t i m e s . T a k e ad­ Interviews to be held Friday, apartment for 3 or 4 men. Call ED '2-2 4 4 7 .'' 5 THIRD TERM BASIC vantage M.S.U. — C ical of heredity, was formed and duplicated Itself. from a single cell to intelligent organisms is_~almost a foregone Do you feel pain in your wallet March 30 from 1—5 p e . room evenings at IV 5-0364. 3 COMFORTABLE ROOM for STUDY GUIDES This is the view of a State conclusion and, by comparison, 518r College of Edttroaoa Bfotg- IN A HURRY? Wonch Graflc geneticist who sees the DNA a le ss complex process.” each time you fill youFcar with Tuition plus salary - specialist ONE MALE grad student to 'm ale student with Parking. Rent Service now has two shifts to Through progressive m u t a ­ (deoxyribonucleic a c i d ) m o l e ­ gas7 Cure this problem with positions available - ¡teedkcraft. share apartment. Two Urge bed­ $8 per week. Call IV 2-9556. 3 NAT s e 181-182-183 get your job done faster. Take cules as having a self-duplicating tions, he believes, DNA, over a a Volkswagen. waterfront, and registered aarse. room s, living room, bath, kit­ advantage now! Phone 484-7786. drive to fill the earth and perhaps period of billions "of y e a r s , Or write Camp Oakland Sommer chen, T.V., phone, parking. Near A ROOM with garage. Quiet ATL 111-112-113 O f f i c e h o u r s 8-5, Monday- outer space as well. “ learned” to direct the formation CONTINENTAL IMPORTS camp, 930 E. Drabser. Oxford. bus stop. Call ED 2-2301. 3 for studying. Telephone privi­ Frlday. — C Dr. Allen S. Fox, associate -of single cells and then many 226 E. KALAMAZOO Michigan. 2 leg es. Rent $7. Phone IV 5-0946. SOC.' 231-232-233 professor of biochemistry, calls cells and eventually intelligent DIAL IV 5-1743 TWO COLLEGE a p p r o v e d , 1- EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on it “ a self-winding mechanism life. newly decorated furnished apart­ HUM. 241-242-243 all makes and models. All work If this happened on Earth, he MUSICIANS - bass or p d ta r- which drives toward this ultimate ments . Both private. One large; DOUBLE ROOM for male stu­ guaranteed. J ) p e n 8 a.m. to added, -it is quite likely that man and drummer. Experienced achievement.” ~ _ a must. Call ED-2- 5065. A'sA for One two-room. Male students dents near campus. Parking, tel«- or couple. 1214 East Kalamazoo. ephone privileges. 525 Albert. Down Stairs 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 “ This Is not to say that DNA intelligent life, sim ilarly based Tod. 3 -E. Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C has a will or a purpose,” he on DNA, could have developed STORY OLDSMOBILE INC. 3 Call ED 2-1384 . 3 elsewhere because there are an cautioned in an Interview. “ It 3165 E. MICHIGAN AVE. BABY SITTING in my home, INKPOT FREE L I S T OF over 40 does what lu d o es because of its estimated billions of p l a n e t s DIAL IV 2-1311 BASEMENT APARTMENT. 3 LUXURY ROOM for two. P ri- organized musical groups, 1 to physical structure. Intelligence where sim ilar conditions pro­ two blocks from Mar Me School. rooms and bath', private entrance, vate entrance, phone, ceramic 1230 'BurchatKfc D r. Phuese ED 307 Grand River 20 pieces. Write or phone C.V. enables man to make the con­ bably prevail. 1960 MGA 1600 Roadster. Wire tarage, «allege bus. Phone IV- bath, piano, refrigerator. Call ‘‘Bud’’ Tooley, Secy. Lansing wheels, Tonneau cover and Lug­ 2 6859. 3 MON. - FRI.: 12^5 P.M. scious ctofo* to move or nor to 4-0463 for appointment. 1 ED 2-4518 after 4:30. 3 Federation of Musicians, -527 S. gage rack. S TOR Y Sells For move Into outer space. The devel­ Washington. IV 2-5314. “ Live opment of intelligence, however, L ess. I * ...............................$1695 NEED EXTRA MONEY"? Newt APARTMENT for m ale. Cook- TWO QUIET and clean single Music is Best” . Cl T e n n e s s e e G r id appearing woman. P art or full­ OTTAWA H I L L S - Algonquin is probably inevitable, u n d e r ing facilities, private entrance, rooms for men. Telephone pri-' Drive. Sharp 3 bedroom tom e. 1957 OLDS 98 Convertible. Hy­ time. Car required. Far inter­ suitable conditions, because In­ Only $8 per week. Call ED2-5776. vlleges. Graduate Students pre- No basement. 13x24 Living room, Bring your CAR in for a Spring telligence is an aid to survival.” B u ild e r dra matic, Full Power. All white view phone ED 2-4076 between 3 ferred. _ED 2-2682. 3 fireplace, abundance of closet check-up: Lights, Brakes, Steer­ __ Fox said DNA Is the store­ with~blue top. STORY Sells For 8 and 10 a.m . 3 Less . . V . . . . . . . . . $1295 ROOM FOR one in approved LARGE ROOMS iii approved space and storage. 2 car garage, ing, etc./checked free of charge. Stop to receive your giant Zinnia house of g e n e t i c Information Succum bs a t 70 DEPENDABLE WOMAN f o r 85x300 ft. lot. about the creatures of which It unsupervlsed apartment for men. home. Two double rooms and one Seeds a_t SPARTAN T E X A C O NEW ORLEANS IF-Gen. Robert 1959 SIMCA 4-door. 4 speed babysitting. 4 mornings. Qberry Four large, w ell f u r n i s h e d is a part. It determines whether single. Parking, private entran­ DURAND STREET - 8 unit brick SERVICE, corner of Spartan and an organism has onecellormany R. Neyland, who built the Un- transmission. Radio, heater and Lane apts. References required. rooms, home conveniences. Ag. ce, telephone. Phone ED 7-2221. apartment. $730 per 'month in­ E. Grand River. * , v C diversity of Tennessee's mighty cells, green leaves or brown fur, white wall tires. Finished in ED 2-6712. 3 student preferred. 217 Center --— 3 come, large lot, parking for 10 hoofs or hands, a long nose or a football empire and trained some solid Black. STORY Sells For Street. ED 2-1746 or ED 2-4724. cars. T.V. SERVICE. Special rate short nose, intelligence or non­ of the nation’s-top coaches, died Less . ......................... $495' MEN AND WOMEN WANTED 3 6 VACANCIES In the Steadman for college housing. Service calls intelligence and millions of other here Thursday after a long ilt- -______________ C full and part tim e ec aid in House (for boys) right downtown. KIMBERLY DOWNS - C lose to $4. Absolute honesty. ACME T.V, details. ness^ He was 70. _ promotion campaign for nation­ APPROVED UNSUPERVISED Private entrance, television, and M.S.U. just being c o m p l e t e d . 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C The DNA molecule Is pictured Neyland, who had been hos- ally known concern. Apply to 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, Excellent L ist-D ear Inc., OfSce-C, Poplars apartment for two men. Across kitchen facilities available. $32 Contemporary, 2 family, split as a long, twisting chain of hun­ 'pitallzed at-Ochsner Foundation condition, R a d i o , Reasonable. Motel, 2736 E. Graad River, from Student Union Building. No per month. IV 4-7406 -before 5, level. Each unit complete with THESIS TYPING done for Grad dreds of sm aller molecules which Hospital since Jan. 14, succumbed Call after 6:00 p.m. 355-1060. 5 East Lansing, between 12 noon cooking facilities. Student must or IV 2-1797 evenings or week­ fireplace, kitchen, built-in rec­ Students and Professors. Call can be arranged in more ways, to the liver and kidney ailment qualify through Student Housing. ends. 5 reation room, car port, 12x20 ED 2-4890. 8 it has been estimated, than there that had forced his retirement and 9 p.m. 2 - Rent $70 per month. Must have patio and all separate utilities. are molecules in the entire uni­ from active coaching after the 1959 CORVETTE, 230 h.p., 4 personal interview with landlord. COLLEGE APPROVED. For EDWARD G. HACKER CO., RE­ verse. 1952 season—Since then, he had s p e e d , positractlon, 3 3 , 0 0 CL For Sale Call IV 2-8420. 3 M.S.U. male students. Private ALTORS call Dorothy Weideman Fox said that the DNA m ole­ continued in his lifetim e post as m iles. Excellent condition. Call SCHWINN B I C Y C L E S , 1962 entrance. Parking. 318 Regent. at IV 5-2261. Call IV 2-8269. 3 evenings and Sundays, ED 7 9475. START RIGHT! cule is "living." Given the neces­ athletic director. 355 9788 or 355-3459. 3 models, over 100 always zm dis­ GIRL to s h a r e new studio sary r a w materials an d the During 21 seasons in 27 years play. Full siz e $39 95. English apartment. $62. Phone 355-3470 proper environment, he explain­ starting In 1926, Neyland'steams APPROVED double room for won 171 games, lost 27 and tied Dimelt $43.95. B I C Y C L E S A from 8 to 5. Ask for Miss Bag- GOOD BUY: older home, 3 bed­ Study Guides For ed, DNA can reproduce Itself 1951 FORD two door. Must sell! SPECIALTY NOT A SIDELINE. nlck. 1 men. 513 Sunset Lane. Cross rooms, carpeting, drapes, Low ALL THREE TERMS 12. His 1951 undefeated and untied" and can affect Its environment Good b o d y , ' m o t o r . 485-6026. Open Monday and Friday even­ ventilation, tile bath, private en­ Taxes and upkeep. PHA available. OF BASICS by directing the formation of team won the national champion­ after 5 p.m. 5 ings. Van’s Bike Stop. 507 E._ ROOMS________________________ trance. $6.50. ED 2-1746. 3 Now Available other substances. ship. ED "2-2946. 3 Shiawassee "near city market. Downstairs Featuring fundamentals, e s ­ ROOM for two Male students. ROOM for one 'm an. Close ^Service" pecially the crunching blocking IV 5-1963 . 3 523 Grove Street. Call ED 2-1835. Also, he added, tfie structure WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE to campus with private entrance of t h e molecule occasionally that became the trademark of the LANSING’S ENGLISH BICY­ ____________ _3 and telephone at 404 Division. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER spe­ ~ changes or is changed (mutates) single wing, N e y l a n d never 4 cy., 6 cy., 8 cy., 2 door, CLE HEADQUARTERS. C f c e c f ED 2-5698._________ 3 cial. Underwood Olivetti portable and a new type of creature Is yielded to the wide-open football 4 door, 6 doors, convertibles, our prices first. Geee’s Cycle ROOM. East Lansing, clo se to typewriter with automatic tabu­ INK P O T that accompanied the rise of the campus, quiet room for grad­ formed. If this new being can hardtops, stationwagons, domes­ Shop. IV 4 0362. C2 uate girl, home prlveleges, Call D O U B L E first floor room. lator, two color ribbon and at­ cope with its environment, It T-formatlon In the 1940’s. tic. foreign or homemade cars. 1-1/2 blocks from campus. $7 tractive carrying case. Formerly survives. _ Among t h e head c a o c h e s Shop -around then get our high ED 7-9352 after 5 p.m. 3 per week each. ED 2-3885. 3 $88.00. Now only^$68.00! trained b-y Neyland were the SYLVANIA 21” table model, Experiments set up by various dollar wholesale bid on your 307 GrandJRiver scientists to simulate conditions rivals In the 1962 Rose Bowl, automobile. $44.50. Also 2I"~Sparm» Con­ CLOSE TO UNION single room, DANIELS JEWELRY MON. - FRI. 12-5 P.M. THE MORE YOU TELL- as they are “believed “to have Murray Warmath of Minnesota sole, $69.95. R e c o s d t t l o a e d approved for men. 217 Charles. THE QUICKER YOU SELLI 207 S. WASHINGTON MAX CURTIS INC. Guaranteed. Larry’s TV Service. ED 2-2497. existed when the Earth cooled and Bill Barnes of UCLA. 1 READ THE WANT-ADS! 2424 E. MICHIGAN Call IV 9-1982. 5 three billion years ago, Fox con­ IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 C DIAPER SERVICE to your desire. tinued, indicate that DNA might Most St. Bernard dogs are a APPROVED FOR MEN, Clean TENNIS h/iCKET. J.C. Wg- half-double with cooking, park Personal With our service, you receive have been born in a “primeval mixture of short-haired Mastiff gln’s best: with p r e ss, case. 3 Ing, recreation room. $7.50, 445 your own diapers back each time. soup” consisting of ammonia, with strains of Great Dane, Swiss WIRE MONEY, mother I Bubolz You may Include your baby’s water, hydrogen and methane, all herding dog, Great Pyrennes and balls. Like New. $12 canpiete. Abbott Rd. Call ED 7-7547 or will lnsure-my car. ED 2-8671-- undershirts and clothing which SPARTAN MOTORS INC. Ron. After 4:30 p.m. 355-0360 3 ED 2-6375. 3 at mildly elevated temperature Newfoundland. on top of Jacobson’s £ will not fade. White, Blue or and subject to radiation and elec­ 3000 E. MICHIGAN AVE. Pink diaper palls furnished (across from Sears) NICE ROOMS with or without trical discharge. Much ot the wheat farm area MOTHER’SI Register for your Similar experiments, he said, IV 7-3715 STUDIO OOUCH $20 cooking. Parking. Two blocks to FREE baby gift. Special with this of Minnesota, North Dakota and epalr campus. ED 7-0830. AMERICAN LAUNDRY show these conditions could have matching bookcase, $20 3 ad only: S1MILAC Baby Milk parts of Canada were once the ill E. WASHTENAW given r is e to protein and RNA TR-3 1960. All white sports road­ of end tables with 111. 12 cans - 55*. Good any time. IV 2 0864 bottom of the prehistoric Lake ster, both tops. Superior value IV 2-1988. 1 L A R G E PLEASANT f r o n t . (ribonucleic acid) which the DNA Aggaslz. Merek Rx Prescription Canter. In sports car. Men’s sleeping room. Private ONE MAN’S Raleigh» Bacycie. entrance. Shower, Parking. $8. 301 N. Cllppert, by Frandor. C WANT-ADS MONZA sport coupe. Roman Rad. A - l condition. Fatly s p p p s d , IV 9-4355. 3 Standard transm ission - excep­ including sadt8e baskets $30. DO NOT COST tional value at $1,795. Call ED 2-3873. Aafc far Jack- 3 APPROVED single room for men. Two blocks from Union. B U R R - P A T T E R S O N Fra­ ternity and Sorority jewelry and tney YOUR WANT-ADS relatad item s. Now available at VOLKSWAGFNS I960 - 1961. VIOLIN - Fine aid Ihrtarlrft Parking. Call ED 2-3634-; Atwaya a better selection of late J a c o b s 250 years aid. Value 5 the CARD SHOP across from the Home Economics Bldg. ED . PAY GET MORE model VW't. Immediate delivery. $1500. Will trade far car ser 2-67S3.------------------------- C C household goods or scB fa r $500. MAN’S ROOM. $7.75 s week. Write Box No. 34LA t r call Linens furnished. 631 Abbott rd., ED 2-1682. 3 STUDENTS! Reliable advice on . MICHIGAN STATE Unl- v e r s l t y graduation rings Phone: 355-8255 ANSWERS -IV 4-7773. 7 car Insurance. Talk It over with available at THE CARD f mold It for only a few pennies LES STANTON. He car help you SHOP. Includes d e g r e e , Wnen tney’ re in tne State News DAN O'SHAUGNFSSEY TROPHIES and AWARDMEDALS plan your Insurance todget. 1500 sea l, 3 engraved initials. 2501 E. MICHIGAN for ail occasions, sports, trhal m day through the Campus Want E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. C5- Choice of 10 stones. Just-like an echo (or almost): DIAL IV 9-2388 ~ orshlpe, and mowilWrtVnp En­ graving is oar Spadatey. you send out the word that you've 1961 VALIANT 2-door, automat­ PARKER JEWELRY ■ |» f - A M IS SOWEIWmeV 6HOÜL0 INVtNT something to offer—before you ic. Like new inside and out. 111 S. WASHINGTON - IV0-2322 A Doghouse that doesnT iüarp ! can turn around, the word has Must bo seen to bo appreciated. coma back that someone wants itf- The Want Ads in The State .1959 PLYMOUTH Sport FURY News get fast replies and convertible. Full power, lo w RUMMAGE SALE: A pr* ft. WHO results. Next time you h a v e m lie s go, show room condition. a.m . until ftOD p .a t; A frfl 4. something that you don’t want, >9:30 a.m. until 12dBB aeon ftp For help in wording your od but soma one e ls e might—use 1958 FORD 2-door, 6 cylinder, Woman’s _ Society _____ . of . Ok e ». o_s telephone today our Want-Ads. M a k e e x t r a standard shift. Specially priced Community Q a rch ta;sag M ball 3554255 or 8256 dollars! at $375. C Church. Ofteeaoe *m1 . I f, ^ , , ■ ■mmwtmmBm WWW'' jSBBfctM&mk »5 H P? r’wniTrI *’ }' ■-/ : / ’>| | {BSj flK MB&pg i y | | l | R | ^ ^ M ich ig an S ta te N e w a , E a a t L a n s in g , M ich ig an T h u rsd a y, M arch 2 9 , 1 9 6 | ■ P M « * « * « * ** * .* « * « * « * * * « * « * ■■■ th e LARGEST c o lle c tio n o f USED b o o k s in to w n th e FASTEST s e r v ic e in to w n ...t h e PLACE TO SELL u se d b o o k s ...t h e m o st COMPLETE stu d e n t sto r e in to w n ■ ■■th e NEW, FASTER c h e c k o u t SYSTEM ...t h e BEST p la c e in to w n for — BOOKS and SUPPLIES SPECIAL • • • • C h r is tia n s e n & G a r r e tt B a s ic N a t u r a l S c ie n c e T 83 $ 6 .5 0 CAM PU S BO O K STO RE 131 EAST G R A N D RIVER A V E N U E A C R O S S FR O M THE U N IO N B U IL D IN G ■gun' rv m0ß mmi-