Global WS MICHIGAN Glimpses UNIVERSITY STATI ■ By the Associated Press 2 Mm Spacecraft Unveiled M ic h ig a n S ta te N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ich ig an F r i d a y , M a rc h 3 0 , 19 6 2 P r i c e 10c ST. LOUIS, UP-A fu ll-scale model of the Gemini Spacecraft V o i 5 3 . N o. 16 5 designed to take two astronauts Into orbit for a week or more was Argentine Frondiz i Ous ted; unveiled Thursday. It could play a major role in manned flights to the moon. The Gemini is designed as an operational craft rather than 4» a research vehicle. The wooden and glass mock-up is larger but quite sim ilar In appearance to the bell-shaped Mercury capsule used In America’s manned space shots. The Mercury has only one-day orbital capabilities. President Fights For His Tex Bill WASHINGTON, (P-Presldent Kennedy strode directly Into the battle over his tax bill Thursday. With the moment of decision at hand, he urged the House to pass it and disparaged republicans for opposing it. The House defeated a republican move to cut two vital provisions out of President Kennedy’s tax revision bill. The vote was 225-190. Guido up to Attorney General Kennedy Testifies WASHINGTON, (jPUAtty. Gen. R obert^. Kennedy testified Thurs­ day the Justice Department has strong Information that major political leaders in three areas of the country ‘ are on the payroll of big-tim e gamblers and racketeers.” _ A U S G V o te He did not elaborate, and gave no Indication of the specific communities to which he was referring. Kennedy mode the statement in testifying before the Senate "Judiciary Committee for legislation that would permit evidence ' to be obtained by wiretappping for use in fighting major crime and subversion. F a v o rs G ra d s All three proposed changes in posal was accepted by the stu­ the All-University Student Gov­ dent body. Supreme Court Justice Whittaker Retires ernment constitution passed by He said he feels that the role WASHINGTON, I#-Supreme Court Justice Charles E. Whittaker a large majority vote. Results of the graduate student in the Ex-President Sent of the referendum, held during University community will be is retiring at 61 on doctor’s orders. The Jurist, who wanted the high bench five years ago this registration, were a n n o u n c e d clarified after the p r o p o s e d to Island — mtfnth, said he is exhausted. Thursday by Kent Cardell, AUSG changes are reviewed by the fac­ BUENOS AIRES, (f) - Senate His retirement effective April 1 was announced by President elections commissioner. ulty committee. President JoseM aria Guido step­ Kennedy. Graduate students voted 875' ped up to the presidency of Ar­ Kennedy told his news conference he .will name a successor shortly but he declined to be drawn into any discussion of whom he will choose as his first appointment to the Supreme Court. to 440 — alfnost "2 to 1 — to include them selves in AUSG. The undergraduate vote on the sam e Smith toses gentina Thursday. But dissension in top military ranks left an impression'there was some doubt that he would be allowed to wield proposition was 7105 to 2041. Plastic Bombs Explode in Paris PARIS, (^-Thirteen plastic bombs exploded in P a r is within an hour late Thursday "night. Several were at buildings where army The two proposed changes in Student Judiciary procedure pas­ sed by a vote of 8636 to 405 Appeal on executive power. ; Guido, a friend of mppledPre­ sident Arturo Frondizi, took the and 8131 to 902. The first change oath of office, apparently with generals live. _ No injuries were reported but property damage was extensive. One blast was at the home of Gen. Jacques De Guillebon. permits the student to waive his right'of two days’ previous notice before a hearing, and the second Local Level Woolcott Smith. East Lansing m ilitary backing, nine hours after rebellious m ilitary chiefs ban­ ished F r o n d i z i from Buenos SyriarCalm After Bloodless Coup allows the student to request a public hearing. junior, was convicted on breach of peace charges Wednesday in Aires. — As Senate President, Guido was DAMASCUS, Syria, 4*-Syria remained calm Thursday after the first in line for the Job; there a "Fredom Rider" appeal trial was no vice president._ButJ?e bloodless coup that toppled the right-wing civilian government. by a Hinds County Court Jury^ The new military rulers shortened the curfew they ordered by All three changes must now be was at first apparently reluctant in Jackson, M iss. to take over. _ one hour. — approved by the Faculty Com­ Smith was sentenced to four The frontiers were still sealed, isolating this mediterranean" mittee on Student Affairs before months and 5200 fine. The con­ Throughout the day there were republic in The heart -of the Middle East. Otherwise daily life they will become effective. indication the m ilitary leaders viction was appealed. were urging him to'take office. went on normality with streets ordered cleared only from 10 P.M. Dean of Students John A. Fu- Released on a 51500 bond,- zak said Thursday that the Fac­ Smith was back in East Lansing Katherine Berg and Judy Miller (seated) and changing classes. Each term the office Then he took the oath before to 5 P.M. _ ulty Committee on Student Af­ Thursday. The next legal move in and Dorothy Barnard prepare card files in the becomes a scene of pandemonium after reg-_ the Supreme Court with no ad- istration.—State News Photo by John Rummel —vance notice, surprising all but a Red China Opens Parliament fairs is in charge of die "im ­ the trial procedure, he said, will plementation” of the proposed be a trial in the Circuit Court Registrar's office in anticipation of next Monday's rush of students adding, dropping few people. TOKYO, (.P!-Red China’s long-delayed National People’s Con­ changes. The committee’s Job of Appeals. The Air Ministry m essagedail gress.—its’ rubber-stamp parliament—finally opened this week bases in the interior that Guido in Peiping against a backdrop of hunger and hard times at home and quarreling in the world communist camp. All the leaders of Chinese communism—with one exception— were present for the inaugural session in The Great Hall of the will be to question, define, and for the changes, he said. Larry Campbell, AUSG pres­ Smith said that the trial w ill "lay down the ground rules" be scheduled sometime "within the next year" , but that no def­ inite date has been set. Registrar Starts Countdown took office without the knowledge of the commanders in chief. Government House was closed by m ilitary units but the 5 -foot ident, Thursday expressed -ap­ People, which flanks The Square of Heavenly Peace. Bunny Has His Day In Raliegh Smith was arrested with a proval that the grad student pro- group of F reedotn Riders in Jack­ son, M iss., July 29 at the Grey­ 66Invasion99Begins Monday -4 , 51-year-old Guido was not challenged when he entered after taking the oath. Some legislators RALEIGH, N.C.—It isn’t fair to bop the hare; it isn’t sport, man Jackie hound bus terminal, when orders to move on were refused. He was convicted in City Court Here’s the c o r r e c t wa / to The Final countdown is begin- an instructor that benefits him change a section, add or ( Irop adm ission. accompanying him were denied tells the court (humane society asks State Supreme Court to ban hunts with sticks and stones). Dislikes July 31 and sentenced to four months and a ' 5200 fine. Smith served 28 days in the state pen­ ing. . Secretaries are hustling about, little.’ But unnecessary change surely - a course; filing IBM cards, sharpening pen­ adds to the cost of education Amid the confusion, reports mounted that the military might insist that the~type of Junta that 1 — If there is a conflict, ruled after the overthrow of dic­ No Riots Mar ^ Soloing itentiary before p o sin g an appeal bond Aug. 29. Friends in Lansing cils and clearing desks-for the he sa id . onslaught that zero hour brings. — " ' ' In order to reduce the number a “ conflict slip” should be ob­ tator Juan D. Peron in 1955 Two extra reception windows of changes we provide pamphlets tained at the registrar’s office take control of the nation. raised funds to help appeals to have been opened. NEWYORK, (¿P - MRS. Jac­ county and state courts. containing lists of instructors and — 113 Administration bldg. Asked if he Thought he might queline Kennedy ended a 16,000 Long grey trays have been fil­ the courses they teach.” 2 — The conflict slip then be denied executive power he re­ Smith said there w a s " n o led with IBM cards. Lauderdale Stay mile sem i-official Asian visit trouble" at the trial. Thursday night, saying it was _ "They tried to be a s pleasant "the most fascinating experience as possible," he said. “ The evi­ office is'-not unusual. It happens problems. imaginable” but she didn’t like dence developed well for me. 1 every term . Pre-enrollment is another de­ is presented at the departmental plied that the military would This scene at the registrar's" vice intended to iron out these office in which the course is —*; N e v er th ele ss, s t u d e n t ’ s offered. In cases of a University er­ know how to assume the re­ — ~ sponsibility of the moment." Hours before, F r o n d i z i em% By E. MALCOLM FILSON to cut down on the numbers being a public personality on her came close to getting off at the Zero hour Is Monday. should know how to add, drop or ror, an adjustment will be made braced his tearful wife and then Of the State News Staff roaming the town without a place own. -About 10,000 adds, drops and change a section because it can within the departmental office was flown off to an Isolated Navy local level" _ section changes are expected to cost them money or end in a.lot without a conflict slip. island in the River Plate Estuary to stay. In a homecoming statement, Smith said the committee that MSU students returned totheir Gablelers found a second home America's first lady indicated raised funds for his cause is be made by students between of wasted footwork,” he said. for detention. Not knowing the rules could 1 — The student must con- As the transfer_of office oc­ spring vacation playground in at the Banyon Club, "The Coral she’d rather not go on any more meeting this weekend to decide Monday and April 11, according Ft. Lauderdale last week and Gables of Ft. Lauderdale.” such trips without her husband. wjist to do with the rest of the to Lyle B-. Leisenring, assistant cost a student money. -sult his adviser who, if he ap­ curred, Guido, a l a w y e r and enjoyed their stay without the The Banyon featured nightly President John F. Kennedy. . registrar. A student pays 593 when he proves, will fill out the proper member of Frondizi's Intransi­ money. gent Radical. Party, said he was riots that marred last year's limbo and twist contests, former Flying home aboard a com­ “ And I suspect many of them carries 12 credits. If-he drops forms for adaing a course. — student invasion. Gables employees, twist demon­ mercial Jet plane after 20 days S a l i n g e r M i s s e s wilL be unnecessary,” he said. three credits after registering, 2 — The cards must be taken ready tcTcall for elections. . Ft. Lauderdale’s deemphasis strations "by Juan Ferry, runner- abroad in Italy, Pakistan, India Nevertheless, special prepa- he gets 518.50 back. to the office of the department With a new president in office, of last year's completely unhi- up in th e International Twist and London, Mrs. Kennedy gave ations are being made. The cost of registering for nine offering the course to determine the new military rulers opened N e w s C o n f e r e n c e Students registering late will credits is 556. The difference is whether the course i s available a way to_solve their no. 1 pro­ beted student actions was ap­ Competition in Louisville,- and a. written reply to a reporter’s parent upon entering the city Wayne Ferry, Louisville, Ky. question: WASHINGTON ? - White House be sent to another room in order 537. A student is refunded only to the student blem left by Frondizi's ouster— limits. senior as m aster of-ceremonies. "Would you like to make a P ress Secretary P ierre Salinger to avoid confusion between them half the difference. 3 — The remaining cards must the formation of constitutional Last year the city limit signs Other favorite night haunts of trip like this again?” is ill and was absent Thursday and students making c o u r s e ' ■This illustrates the advantage be taken by the student to the government that would avoid out­ said, " Entering Ft. Lauderdale. MSU students, the largest group "I would not- have m issed one from his usual place at P re si­ changes. of enrolling properly ” he said. registrar’s office. right m ilitary rule. Have Fun.” The "Have Fun” in Lauderdale, were Lenny’s and second of it,” Mrs. Kennedy dent Kennedy’s news conference. Many students change, add and The best way to eliminate a lot 1 — Once again^ the student's Indecision among the divided was painted over this year. The the Mai Kai. replied. "However^ it feels un­ Assistant Secretary A n d r e w drop because they don’t like the of footwork and confusion con­ academic adviser — if he ap­ m ilitary leaders, faced with the Veterans o f th e student in­ natural to me to go on such a Hatcher told reporters that Sal­ instructor. Leisenring said. nected with adding and dropping, proves - - will fill out the ne­ awesome problems of the second city of Ft; Lauderdale was much is to check_class schedules and cessary cards. more prepared for the students vasion said this year’s crowds long sem i-official trip without my inger has a virus infection but * I don’t think this is wrong largest nation of South America, this time. were noticebly sm aller t ha n husband. I have m issed my family is expected back on the job In because a student shouldn’t be instructor lists before leaving 2 — These m ust-be taken to was believed to have contributed " A dance was- held on the beach (Continued on page 8) (Continued on poge 8) a day or two. forced to spend 10 weeks with registration,-Leisenring said. the office of the department offer­ to the slow-paced ouster^ every night whtch helped to di­ ing the course where th< ir copy The effect of a military take­ minish t h e m o b s that lined is detached. over on opinion in the United Atlantic Avenue ISsT year. These 3 — The remaining cards then States and President Kennedy's m obs, composed m o s t l y of stu­ must be taken to the registrar’s 520-billion Alliance for Progress dents^ under 21 or without ID office. also was believed to havtgjgiven precipitated the riots. No adding or'dropping is of­ the leaders pause. Argentine had The Chamber oT 'fom m erce ficial until the IBM cards sign­ been earmarked for a key role also compiled a list of accomo­ ed by the adviser are presented in that program, aimed at bet­ dations available to the students tering the lot of all Latin Ameri­ Contftiufcd on P o g e Two cans. UjS. embassy spokesmen said Highway Dept F r o n d i z i ' s fall automatically Enrollment suspended diplomatic relations because "there is no constituted May Widen government -with whom we can Grand River Hits Record have official relations.” Argentina's s e c o n d big pro­ blem — how to deal with the A half m ile of Grand River Avenue In East Lansing will be For Spring 2.6 million voters who etill cling (Continued on poge 8) widened from four to five lanes, Enrollment has set another under preliminary p l a n s cbm- pleted by the State Highway De­ new spring quarter record with RAIN a total of 22,725 students, Reg- partment, ——^ , IstrarKermit H. Smith announced The p r o t e c t would be con­ 'Thursday. tracted in the fall of 1964 if This total includes 1,023 stu­ the plans are approved by tne dents registered at MSU-O, but U.S." Bureau of Public Roads, even without the Oakland count which would share in- the cost the total is more than 1,200 According to Highway Commis­ students above the p r e v i o u s sioner John C. Mackie. spring quarter high set in 1961, Widening would be made on the Smith said. Grand River section between Bo- The new spring record follows gue Street and Hagadorn Road sim ilar new highs for this year's and would cost about 523,000, fall and winter quarters. The in­ Mackie said. crease this week over 'spring Moatjy cloudy and eoldar Motorists would be able to quarter of last year was 7 per today with a few light showers make left turn* off the highway This six-pony hitch of.the Victor Adding Machine>Co. is appearing as a 7:30 p.m. today and Saturday and a l p.m. matinee on Saturday w ill be cent. The high w ill b eln them id- with addition of another lane and part of the 14th Annual Block and Bridle Club show'which w ill be held held in thei-ivesfack Pavilion. Tickets for the evening performances .ore Included In this total are 1,293 40’ s. It would improve the flow of students registered in MSU res-,, Outlook for $aturday—cjoudy traffic and safety on the busy Friday and Saturday. The show features the horses of mote than 60students, available at 205 Anthony Hall. —Stofe News Photo by Eldon Garlock ident centers around die state. and rather cool. US-16 stretch, Mackie said. and w ill include five of the top pony teams in Michigan, Performances at M ic M j ii S tate M ew», E Ü B l i a i l 7 Friday» M arok-30, 1961 You Can Bop Bunnies Says Carolina Court Once upon a time Indians l i v e d here. T h e n people l i k e HUley’s Tame . . . Now when you want ta c h a n g e wigwam* call Mr *. R i c e ED 2*4903 or •dice ED7-164I HILLEY INC. REALTORS Student Book Store Is Your— U sed B o o k H e a d q u a rte rs W e Still H a v e A R eal G o o d S u p p ly O f G o o d U sed B o o k s For M ost C ourses P a p e r b a c k s n I Excellent selection of paperbacks d is p la y e d b y s u b je c t. G o u tia lly in vited' you io tk eio new- location 207 MIC A m u ED 2-262] $ Located C onveniently Across From Serkey M o re B o o k s F o r Y o u r M oney SAVE M o re B o o k s F o r Y o u r M oney SAVE M o re B o o k s F o r Y o u r M oney SAVE M ichigan State N ew s, E a st L an sin g, M ichigan F rid a y , M arch SO, 1962 O Wherever you 0b Once Helped in Cancer Research Hometown news was speeded up last June when IBM equip­ Other a c t i v i t i e s T reaster would like to see. Include rein­ ment was used to cut stencils stating the MSU Reporting, a for stories about the m ore than faculty and staff magazine, and 2,000 s t u d e n t s who received ln ( o S e r v ic e s P ro je c t M SU to cultural information, photo lab degrees. The office of the University editor, Wesley Rowland, handles all publications other than those expanding the hometown service to cover m o r e academic and a t h l e t i c accomplishments of students. 9 0 In a n ¡ - - #. By BILL COTE ed in publications such as Time, and sports information units. Whatever the problems, the „ .State mentioned. Last year the office . . News City Editor Life, Newsweek, The Saturday The C o n t i n u i n g Education Department of Iqfonnatlon Ser­ Evening Post, die Well Street WTmt Is Michigan State Univer­ Journal and the New York Tim es. information la in Kellogg Center of f o u r staffs processed 350 printing j o b s , ranging f r o m vices has a vital rolein spreading the name and aid at Michigan ALMUKUUCH and the university editor is in simple announcements to com­ sity? "We've been very pleased with Is It the beautiful campus, or the r e s p o n s e f r o m Michigan Wella Halt. Agriculture and home econo­ plex catalogs and reports, for 67 State throughout Michigan and the world. PONTIAC the moro than 22,000 students, newspapers and other media,” departments or administrative m ics information, including that units -of the University. or the outstanding profeasors, Treaster said. or the championship teem s, or of the C o o p e r a t i v e Extensive Among t h e publications It HILLEL FOUNDATION One tim e when I n f o r m a t i o n Service and the Agricultural Ex­ regularly- p u b l i s h e s is the (he Spartan statue, or . . . well, Services sent releases telling of periment Station, has seven s u f ­ Michigan S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Supper Forum and Opening Mixer JeWwhat? the need for puffballs In cancer fers, and publication figures are . And exactly what does MSU do research by the department of growing.1 •Magazine for alumni. Despite these varied functions, Sunday, April I 6 p.m. and why and for whom? plant pathoiogy, die JJniversity hundreds of persons ask this soon received a hill of puffballs. In the past fiscal year, this Treaster said Information Ser­ question each year—and the De- branch processed 218 extension vices n e e d s more f u n d s to At The Hilie] House - > “ We finally had to send another publications and printing orders, panment of Information Services release saying not to send more reinstate programs dropped in, has to supply an answer. 135 Experiment S t a t i o n pub­ the budget cut last year and Prof. Arnold Ourin will discuss “ Current Trends in the Jewish puffballs,” Treaster said. lications, and distributed more Information Services is r e ­ One Michigan radio station, to expand other needed activities. Community.” sponsible, too, for spreading ed­ he r e c a l l e d , s e n t Information than 2 1 / 2 m illion pieces through The department maintained a ucational and p u b l i c s e r v i c e Services a "bill” for die air a bulletin office. unit in t h e Highway Traffic A hot meat dinner will be served. Social and m ixer. Everyone material of the U n i v e r s i t y ' - time it had devoted to news df The sports information office Safety Center until the Center welcome. For rides call ED 2-1916, throughout M i c h i g a n a n d f o r Michigan State, but it was marked under Fred Subley recently step­ was closed last year. processing many of die publi­ “paid In full.” ped up operation to supply news on State's varsity program, the cations needed by MSU. "We appreciated this unusual It began with a one-man oper­ evidence of the use of our news,” biggest in the Big Ten and the ation in 1920, and swelled into T reaster said, "so I wrote the only program with teams in all 13 conference sp orts. a flow of b o o k s , pamphlets, station telling them that I hoped Hometown sports news service news releases, photographs ana we w ere working as partners to film s from 28 staffers_ headed help our audiences. We’re really has been further expanded by for as near a s Berkey Trail and Just paying the people back for sending some 150 stories on out­ standing p e r f o r m a n c e s in the Ts far away as Nigeria. their Investment. University Intramural a t h l e t i c “ The day has long pest when "It’s our job to let the people program. More than 6GOoutlets S A L E ! a state university has only to know what goes on here.” \ received a weekly newsletter and teach p e o p l e on c a m p u s , “ One way the department gives daily releases on a regional list. according to W. Lowell Treaster, a service to many, he said, is Continuing E d u c a t i o n infor­ director of Information Services. in providing n A s media and mation with two employees hand­ 1 0 0 % W O RSTED W O O L “ A land'grant university like schools with Information on the MSU now also lia s responsibil­ University to help youngsters led news on extension courses, programs and the nearly 400 ities to all citizens of Michigan make education d e c l s i o n s - - and som etim es beyond.” should they com e here or is Information Services has three another college more suitable? major objectives, according to While Information Services Is conferences held here yearly. James C. Totten is the editor. The unit processed 442 releases and planned printing and art work Perma-Crease Treaster: perhaps better known to many 1- Project die educational re­ outside the campus than here, for jn o re than 300 publications sources of State to the people T reaster says that much of the of Michigan to aid them with department’s work is done with­ their dally living problems. 2- Prepare and distribute in­ in the University. Faculty and staff departments in the past year. All other news and information for the media are processed by t h e n e w s bureau and dis­ Men’s Slacks formation that creates a better rely on Information Services ed­ tributed on a world-wide basis. understanding of the problems of itors, artists and photographers For example, l a s t y e a r the higher education. bureau’s four employes released for Inform the public of their Frank D. Skinner, Editor of News Bureau, and W. Lowell Treas­ 881 news’ features and science 5- Present an accurate view activities. of MSU and Its educational pro­ Student organizations may also grams to the public everywhere. use the department’s ±or much Is the i n f o r m a t i o n getting advice and technical work. Usual­ ter, Director of Information Services, look over part of the vast information kept in the files of Information Services. Up-to-date information is filed on almost every-facet of University activ­ stories to newspapers, maga­ zines, wire services, radio and television su tion s. The bureau also prepared 77 11.88 through? ly the department cannot prepare ity. --State News Photo by John Rummel 2 PAIRS, 2 2 . 5 0 news stories about MSU students “ Well,“ said Treaster, “ we a publication or other material which were sent to 4,784 out­ keep two or three persons busy for a group from .scratch, but the distribution of early amber lets over the nation with 1,831 each day Just handling requests a ssists in d e s i g n , art work, man’s main job and he became Gone forever are the days of pressing! ''soFgRym for planting in test plots a part-time employee of the Ex­ pictures. __ ______ from national publications. U se editing and production. „ throughout the state "to test the With these Perm a-Crease slacks, thecrease of our materials in publications Some services are provided tension Service in 1920, the in­ won’t wrinkle out, won’t sit out . . . i t ’s sugar producing and forage prop­ formation office was known under during the last year Is strong without cost, Treaster said, while erties." H a rd er N a m ed there to stay. These famous-make slacks evidence of the growing prestige the rest are on an at-cost basis. several titles. are made to se ll for much m ore. Plain Bull et ins' is s u e d n o w may J o u r n a l i s m b e c a m e in­ of Michigan State University In For example, printing process or pleated styles in charcoal brown, char­ explain how radioactlveelements creasingly important and in 1929 M u s i c H e a d coal olive, charcoal or Cambridge blaek. many f i e l d s , p a r t i c u l a r l y and layout advice is free, while can be used in agriculture re­ the office became the Department science.” photo lab services such as photo­ search or how-space age science Dr. Paul Harder of the Depart­ Sizes r e g u l a r 29-42, long 32-38, short of Journalism and Publications. - ment of Music has been named 32-36 . . . all with permanent crease. Increased use o f s c i e n c e - stats and graduate thesis paper Is bringing new appliances Into In 1943—it was split into the regional chairman of the Theory- related news from theUniverslty duplication is charged at cost. the home. the School of Journalism and the Compositlon Section of the Music was-noted, for example, In news­ The beginning of Information Jaiffes B. H a s s el m a n , who Department of P u b l i c a t i o n s , Teachers National A s s n . The papers In Chicago, Washington, Services can be traced back to changed in 1950 to the Department group consists of theory and New York, Detroit and other an 18SS legislative act providing came to Michigan State College MEN’ S SLACKS in 1915 as an English instructor of Information Services. composition teachers from the metropolitan areas. _ for publication of “ results td and later taught the first Jour- T reaster came here in the Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois Similar recognition came in experiments made by different summer of 1944 as agricultural and Wisconsin- a noi ■•».>•< STREET LEVEL business, edycatirai. ln j ^ ^ lp q - departments of the Agriculture* alism course, worked part-time on p ress tnformatien-wnd-begaiv ext«jsioa edtfot and named fie-;, .*7..-.> 1 1“" - ’— al relation«, engineering, tbefln« pertinent-director tnMdf cb. 1946. C A R e fi R -OPPQRTUN1- arts and languages. The first publication was "Bul­ a service to newspajjkeri Off April i News material developed by letin No. lj Chemical Depart­ 1, lf!7. *3- ~ '*** *»* * ** . Me had p r e v i o u s l y been - TIES. Spring Edition. Di­ - Agricultural news was Hassel- assistant e x t e n s i o n e d i t o r rectory of many top firms Information Services has appear­ ment; R . E . KedzleJ’ It told of at Kansas State University, his who seek applications from a luma mater and had worked for technical, scientific an d some 10 years on Kansas news­ administrative personnel. papers as a reporter and editor. Send 1.00 check or money The d e p a r t m e n t has now order to M.R.O. System s, developed into six m ainsections. - P.O. Box 37641, Cincinnati Central offices are in Agriculture 37, Ohio. Hall with the news bureau, agri­ M E N ! Madras Plaid e Suitdress eg F A S H IO N SUCCESS AT A TINY PRICE I: 14.95 DRY C L E A N IN G w h il e y o u j \t Here’ a a wonderful faahion look v * ~ Y o u and your pocket book both get a rest when for a wonderfully tiny price. your dry cleaning goes into one of the new coin* —- operated P h ilc o -B e n d ix dry cleaning m achines The understated suitdress in . . . E I G H T F U L L pou n d s for o ne-fourth the i' _ usual c o s t. G a rm e n ts , d ra p e s, blankets, sweat­ bleeding collon.madras. Cardi­ ers and m any other item s beautifully cleaned gan neck, three-quarter sleeved and o d o r frS e. — jacket, slim skirt, in assort­ ed plaids, siz e s 8 to 16. LAUNDRY DAY NOW REST DAY Here’s deodorant protection N o m ore daily trudging of laundry to the w asher MISSES’ DRESSES then to the dryer or clothes line. N e w coin- operated double capacity P h ilco -B e n d ix m achine handles norm al w eek's laundry fo r fam ily o f four YOU CAN TRUST STREET L E V E L Sunanmc in less than an h o u r. QM Spice Stick D u d tm t.. .fatten, neatest way to nIU C «nt*r Jay, every day protection! It's the active deodorant for active men... absolutely dependable. Clides on smoothly; speedily ...dries in record time. Old Spice Stick Deodora/it —most convenient, most economical deodorant money can Wa s h n dry Cl e a n buy. 1.00 plua tax. p h ii c o H - - .; "SUNSHINE CENTER" Q â i(^ k e \ SDTEIOCDKO R A N T_ 213 Ann Street S H U U T O IM East liming, Mich. EAST L A N S IN G - S H O P T O D A Y , 9 : 3 0 A A A T O 5 : 3 0 P .M . M ichigan State N ew a, E a st L an sin g, M ichigan F rid a y , M arch 3 0 , 1962 R ev. B o y d To S p e a k Pope Lets Go To Church This Sunday The Rev. Malcolm Boyd, Epis­ copal chaplain to students at ed for ten years in Hollywood and New York In the fields of sivety in Europe, studying at first-band e x p e r i m e n t ’ s In Art Piece ^oet Lansing Unity Center First Presbyterian Wayne State University will be cuaet speaker at Canterbury Club Sunday at I p.m. He w ill spaak on "The Ugly advertising, p u b l i c relations, motion pictures and television. Bom In New York In 1923, Boyd was graduated from the Christian communication In Gre­ ece, France, Italy, Scotland, the Scandinavian countries, England Go to Fair 425 W. Grand River K atie G. Miller, Pastor Sunday Worship - 11.-00 a.m. Ottawa aad Chestnut 9:30 A 11:00 a.m. and Turkey. VATICAN CITY, UP) - A de­ Christian'* based on a chapter University of Arizona and .went “ Follow After Righteousness" Crlbbery and Nursery P ro ­ Boyd visited Berlin where be cision by Pope John XXIII to ex­ vided. from his latest book, "If I go to work with the Foote, Cone held theological conferences with hibit Mlchelangelo’s p r t c e l e s s Sunday SdtoOl - 11:00 a.m. dBm to H ell." and B elding Advertising Agency Christians living behind the iron sculpture of the Pleta at d ir Donald C ircle - Soloist Before coming to Wayne State Helen Clark - Organist "The Battle in Pilate’s Soul" in Hollywood. He was associated Curtain and he spent the summer New York World’s Fair In 1964 la 1961, Boyd was chaplain to with Samuel Goldwyn Product­ of 1957 living with the T aize drew a startled reaction among Dr. Morrow, Preaching students at Colorado State Univ­ Study C l a s s e s Monday A ions, Republic Studios, and Mary community — a modern monastic som e art lovers Thursday. Wednesday evenings at 7:30 ersity. It was here that he first P lckfonf s Triangle Productions. brotherhood n e a r C l u n y , in 6:30 p.m. Calvin Club for organized a n d participated in Affiliated with Unity School In 1949, he Joined M iss Pick- France. "AccklentI I ’* exclaimed one several " E spresso nights" earn­ of Christianity. Lee’s Sum­ ford and C h a r l e s R o g e r s In Boyd is author of four books Italian on hearing the news, using mit, M issouri. Single Young Adults. ing the titles " espresso priest" P.R.B. Inc., (Plokford, Rogers in the field of communications an untranslatable e x p r e s s i o n and "beatnlck priest." and Boyd) as vice-president and and evangelism. T h e y a r e : equivalent to "holy smoke!" Boyd has continued the espres­ general manager. He produced " C r i s i s in Communication:’* Another whistled and said "1 Peoples Church St. Johns Student so nights at Wayne with die sam e TV and radio show-.' in New "Christ and Celebrity Gods: The hope they don’t break it." Parish controversial results. York and Hollywood and was Church in Mass Culture," " F oc­ Prof. V i n z e n z Oberhammer, Fr. R. Ka vanaugh , While denying that he is doct- first president of the Television us: Rethinking the Meaning of custodian of Vienna’s famed Mu­ East Lansing Fr. T, McDevitt rlnally unorthodox, Boyd has le­ Producers Association of Hol­ our Evangelism, They are: "Cri­ seum of Art, declared the Idea of veled sharp criticism at com­ removing the life-sized marble 327 M.A.C. lywood. sis in Communication:’' Christ , Interdenominational Sunday M asses placency both within and without He gave up his career in com­ our Evangelism." and "If I go statue of the Madonna and the the Church in what he calls the dead Christ from St. P eter’s 200 W. Grand River 7:15-8:30-9:45 (High) 11*15- munications ln 19S1 to under­ down to H ell,” which was releas­ "post-Christian era." take Holy orders at the Church Basllicla for transatlantic ship­ 12:30 — ed earlier this month. at Michigan Much of Boyd’s concern with Divinity School of die Pacific. He has also been a contributer ment is u t t e r l y incomprehen­ (Babysitting at 8:30, 9*45 A t h e a r t s and communication Boyd also attended Oxford Uni­ sible. 11:15 m asses) to such publications as "Christ­ SUNDAY SERVICE stem s from his career prior to versity in England for one year. Dally M a s s e s 6*45 a.m ., ianity and C risis,” The Christ­ "I can’t think of any reason to entering the priesthood. Hewôrk- He has since traveled exten- ian Century," "Motive,’’ "An­ 8:00 a.m ., 12:10 p.m., a n d . justify it," Oberhammer said, 5:00 p.m. glican Theological R e v i e w , " ST. ANDREWS EAST LANSING "Theology Today,” and "The "not only because it has never Sermon Topic Saturday M asses 8:00 A 9:00 a jn . Confessions daily at been moved from St. P eter's but EASTERN FRIENDS MEETING Saturday Review. The Rev. Malcolm Boyd because it represents an immen­ "Christ Incognito” 12:10 A 5:00 p.m. Saturday Boyd visited die campus ear­ ORTHODOX (Quakers) lier this year when he was prin­ se value. Why don’t they Just send 4-5:30 A 7: 30-9:00 pjm. 129 N. Pennsylvania Discussion Group 10:15 A.M. ciple speaker at a conference of Presbyterian students Jn Kellogg Student Forums Sunday a copy to New York?" The Vatican said Pope John Dr. Wallace Robertson Church School Novena Services Toes 5:30 A 7:30 p.m. Divine Liturgy9:30 a.m. Center. had consented to a request by Sunday Supper - 6:00 7:00 p.m. (In English) iMeeting for Worship 11:00 A.M. He will speak Sunday in All Saints Episcopal Church on Ab­ bott road. — Begin Spring Activities Francis Cardinal Spellman, Ro­ man Catholic Archbishop of New 9:30 a.m. A 11a.m. Sunday Forum — 7:30 p.m. For transportation call Dor­ College House of York, to show this work of the Dr. Huzar othy Lovchuk at 355-3641. Pan-Orthodox Student Meet­ Peoples Church Chinese Art For Religious Groups Renaissance master at the Vat­ ican paVillion of the fair. The sculpture s h o w s Mary Crib room through high school age 9:30 A 11:00 a.m. Compline and Benediction 9830 For Information, ings alternate Sundays 5:00 p.m. at the church. Phone ED 2-1998 Topic of Student forums for Spring term will begin Sunday night for most "The Ugly Christian" at the seated at the foot of the cross forum following a Cost supper. with the crucified Christ in her 5:30 p.m. Movie every Friday night at 8:30 - „ Olivet Baptist Churc Greek Archdiocese Shao Lee religious groups serving the un­ iversity. Catholic Student Organization lap, her right arm supporting his will not meet. shoulders. Christian S t u d e n t Foundation Campus V esp ers. Efcnce every Saturday night- ~ 9-12. Phone ED 7-9778 2215 E. Michigan Rev. William Hartman, Pastor *1 "HOLY TRINITY" Two lectures on Chinese art Hillel Foundation will hold a will be given by Dr. Shao Chang supper-forum and opening m ix- Christian Student Foundation Considered one of M i c h e l ­ of People’s Church will start angelo's greatest works, it is SUNDAY 9:45 a.m. -Orthodox Church _ Lee, professor and head emeritus er at 6 p.m. in Hillel House, the term with a supper at 5:30 based above an altar of die Ba­ in College House. A discussion silica. University Lutheran Sunday School Morning Worship 9:00 and S. Washington at E. Elm of die department of foreign stu- Professor Arnold Gurln, lectur- of die United Campus Ministry Church University Methodist 11:00 a .m ■ dles. "Chinese Architecture and er in the school o f soctal work, at MSU will follow led by the and 11:15 a.m. on "m issions Youth Groups 5:30 p.m. -J le v . Fr. Costas Kouklakis, Gardens" will be given Tuesday will lead a discussion on "Cur­ Rev. Walter Kanja, D isciples of to the United States." The Rev. and Student Center Church priest st 8 p.m. in Kresge Art Center rent Trends in die Jewish Com- National Lutheran Council Evening Service 7:00 .p.m. Christ campus pastor and the Matsuda Is associated with die MID-WFEK SERVICE Matins: 9:30 a.m. Gallery. munity." Division and Ann Street, E.L. National Student Christian Fed­ Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. "Chinese Painting and Calli­ A hot meat supper will be serv - ^ ev- JoseP^ Porter of CSF. (2 blocks north of Berkey Hall) 1118 S. Harrison Rd. eration. Sunday School IQiOO A.M. graphy," will be given Friday, ed with a social and mixer follow­ Lutheran Student Association 332-2559 Wilson M. Tennant, Minister Transportation-leaving Inter­ April 13, at 8 p.m. in the gal­ ing. will hear Pastor Herbert Schae­ Christian vacations will be the national House at 9:30 a.m. Pastors: D. Liturgy of St. Basil the lery. For rides call ED 2-1916. fer, director of American Luth­ theme of a conference held in Sunday or call IV 2-8419. Donald W. H e r b A C.T. Church Services, 9 , 10A 11:15 Great - 10:20 a.m. Lee came to MSU in 1943 Sabbath services, at the Hil­ eran m issions in Ethiopia at 9:30 to 3:30. (Closest Baptist Church to as professor of,Chinese culture. lel House Saturday, March 31, 6:30 in U n i v e r s i t y Lutheran Klinksick Gospel - Mark 8:34-39 (The Campus) The following year he founded the and Saturday, April 7, at 10 a.m. Church. American B a p t i s t Student Adoration of The Holy Cross) Campus Worker: Tecla Sand International Club, and later es­ Torah reading, Klddush, and Oneg A supper will precede the ac­ Foundation will continue its re­ "OUT OF THIS WORLD tablished the Annual international Shabbat. tivities with a film ."Triumph gular Tuesday- evening meeting Rev. Wilson M, Tennant What Then Are We To Do? Sunday Worship Festival. He is theaurhor of a —Canterbury Club will begin Its and Defeat," at 7 p.m. in die with a visit from the Rev. Leo Eastminster This q u e s t i o n is asked number of books i n c l u d i n g regular term activities with Eve­ Methodist Student Foundation on Tomke of F irst Assembly of God 9:00, 10:15 and 11:30 a.m. ' every Sunday in thd1worship China: Ancient and M o d e r n . " ning Prayer at 6 p.m. at AU- Harrison road. Church, in Lansing. Nursery, crib room for all ' service of Central Methodist Some of Lee's Chinese art col-.SaJnts Episcopal Church. The Holy Communion services. A supper at 6 will begin the Presbyterian Church- ! Church, Lansing. “ In fact, lection will be on display during Rev.' Malcolm Boyd, Episcopal evening’s activities. The meeting will begin at 7:30 Church School 108)0 a.m, all j "What Then Are We to do?" Special guest speaker, P ast­ the lectures. chaplain to students at Wayne The Rev. Ichlre Matsuda will The Rev. T om ke will speak on or Herbert G. Schaefer, Di­ .ages 1315 Abbott Rd., East Lans- j Sheets are p r e p a r e d for State University, will speak on speak to Dialogue groups at 10 "Baptism of die Holy Spirit.” I every serm on.-i ne minister rector, American Lutheran^ lng Mission, Ethiopia. j offers five or six suggestions Role o f Cardinal : Obedience Rev. Robert L. Moreland, j for study and a p p l i c a t i o n WESLEY FOUNDATION j during the week. A p p r o x i - Nursery care is provided at George I. Jordan, .Minister M inister ~ all services, ’ j mately half the congregation Director 541 Walbrldge urive, E.L. : takes a sheet home. L.S.A.: Supper at 5:30,T5ro- Supper 6 p.m. Forum 7 p.m. If you wish to worship - - gram at 6:30 p.m. "Ethio­ Study Phone: ED 7-0183 | where p e r s o n s desire to lines between dioceses,' advises For single and married stu­ "By the authority of Almighty least $3,000 for his cassocks papal cabinet, running the Curia. pia” It is one of the oddest bur- the Pope in naming new bishops. dents. i "Apply Christianity," w ein- God, of the Holy Apostles Peter and skullcaps of scarlet andpur- SUNDAY PROGRAM | vite you to worship with ple, b is white lace rochets, slid eacuracies in the world yet one Headed by Carle Cardinal _Con- 9:30 a.m. Church School, 1 us next Sunday. and Paul and of ourself, we appoint*’—and here, one by one. sashesNand the splendid "cappa of the most efficient, bi 1960 falenieri, a smooth elegant bu­ Edgewood Peoples reaucrat with 35 y e a r s ’ ex­ with Nursery, and A d u l t study, students i n c l u d e d . j Services at 9:45 and 11 a.m. the Pope named the men—“ To magna*’—a 15 ft.-long scarlet the American Institute of Mana­ gement rated the Roman Catholic perience in the Vatican, the con­ Church Christian Student "The Cross and the be cardinals, in the name of the train worn en solemn liturgical 10:30 a.m. W o r s h i p , with Church, found it about as well gregation a l s o r e c e i v e s the 469 North Hagadorn Road Sin of Coercion” Father, and of "the Son and of occasions. stewardship reports that each continuing Church School for Kindergarten and younger. Dr. Large, Preaching the Holy Ghost. Amen.” Thus As a member of the church's run as General Motors. The government o f the church, bishop must present to the Pope (5 blocks north of G r a n d Foundation the Sacred College of Cardinals senate, a ca r d i n a 1 advises the River) Pope on church policy, helps run which first _took scape under every five years. Among its le s­ of the Roman Catholic Church Sermon ! Central Methodist last week was raised to the high­ the Vatican's huge bureaucracy, strong-minded Pope Sixtus V in s e r duties: watching out for the Rev. Truman A. Morrison, Minister. A church in the 148 W. Grand River "Conditions For A Miracle” Chureh e st membership in history—90. and will elect one of his number J588, consists of twelve con­ welfare of sailors and immi­ grants. ~ Protestant traamon common including three c a r d i n a l s ” lr to the papacy when John XXIII gregations—m inistries would be Across from the C a p i t o l The Sacred Congregation for to the major denioninations, STUDENTS WELCOME pectere” (in the heart) whose dies. But he is also a prince: the s e c u l a r equivalent—three | 9:15 each Sunday — WILS — tribunals, five other offices. They “the Oriental Church: Founded which seeks to minister to Joseph A. Porter, Minister Call ED 2-6624 for trans­ names the Pope has never re­ letters to him from Roman Cath­ l "Religion in th e News” olic kings a re properly addressed handle every church p r o b l e m in 1862, it supervises the lit­ the searching, questing spir­ portation. — Dr. Large vealed. urgical practices and canon law it. — The doers to the hail were "D ear Cousin.” from heresies to legitimatizing births. Among its most signi­ of 11 million Catholics who be­ SUNDAY SERVICES opened, and the papal m essengers In the early persecuted days CAMPUS VESPERS East Lansing __ Kimberly Downs delivered "blglietti,” the formal of the church, c a r d i n a l s - - ficant branches; long to five major Eastern Rites, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. according to one theory of how The Supreme Sacred Congre­ worship in more than ten dif- A complete church school Trinity Church Church of Christ written notices of elevation to the purple, to the eight new cardinals the title_originated—were men gation of the Holy Office; ” ln ferent languages, including Eng­ ex both hours, c r i b r o o m Interdemoninationa! who aided the Pope by knowing Rome,” says an old Vatican saw, lish and Ge'ez. The congrega­ through Jr. High who were in Rome for the cere­ tion's work is supervised by its 5:30 p . m . - Supperandpro- 120 Spartan Avenue 1007 Kimberly Drive, Lansinj mony. As usual with precedent- their way around the bureaucracy " F ear goes by the name of the .Holy Office.” Founded in the prosecretary, n e w l y c r e a t e d Sermon, April 1 gram at College House. Rev. t . -Eugene Williams, cracking Pope John, a certain of the Roman Empire. Because 13th century tb combat heresy, Gabriel Acacio Cardinal Coussa, Rev. Truman A. Morrison TOPIC - "TheUnited Camp Pastor (2 blocks W. of Frandor surprise went with the “ bigliet- of their ability to swing between us, Ministry at MSU" 11:00 a jn . affairs of church and state, they the Holy Office ran the Inquis­ 64, a bearded Melkite (Syrian Shopping C e n t e r on W. ti” . The majority of cardinals Catholic). 4:30p.m . Jr. H i g h Fellow­ Rev. Walter Kania, Disciples Grand River) _ are already bishops o f archbis­ became known as "hinge” men ition, still edits the Index of "The Story of Two Men” Forbidden B o o k s , Preserves ship — Campus Pastor, speaker. hops before they receive their (the Latin word for hinge is IV 9-7130 red hats; _at the conslstery the* carde).' Roman dogma from error, sets The Sacred Congregation^ for 7:30 p.m. Pope announced that he would Later the title was applied to the term s of marriage for Roman Propagating-the Faith; The m is­ There will be no meeting of Gerald O. -Fruzia, Sr. raise all twelve of the present the bishops of Rome's seven Catholics who wed non-Roman sionary arm of Rome, it watches the Senior Fellowship^ this "Djjrkness Before The Dawn” cardinals were not bishops (in=- suburban dioceses, the priests Catholics. over 35 million Catholics in A sia, week. cluding two of the new ones) fn charge of the city's ancient Operating under security rules Af i ica and much of Latin Amer­ ALL STUDENTS WELCOME that would do credit to the CIA, WELCOMEI Other .Services SUNDAY'S! RV ICES to bishoprics at a special cere­ parishes, and the ueacons who ica. Concerned about the strug­ mony next month. handled church administration. the Holy Office keeps its files gle of the church with Com­ 9:45 «-g.m. Sunday School A cardinal, according to an This symbolic ranking of card- under lock and key forever; any­ munism in these areas, Pius XII Morning Worship 11:00 a.m . one who spills its secrets is SOUTH BAPTIST CHURCH C lasses for U n i v e r s i t y Bible Study 9:45 a.m. old Roman riddle, is a whim of 1n a 1- bishop« cardinal-priests, appointed one of the Vatican's Students the Pope; he must vow absolute and cardlnal-deacons is still pre­ subject to automatic excommuni­ w isest old h a n d s a s prefect: Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. cation, revocable only by the Pope 8:45 p.m. Trinity Collegiate Wednesday e v e n i n g Bible obedience to the will of the man served in the Sacred College, Gregory Peter XV Cardinal A - who holds the See of S t.’ Peter, although by canon law all Princes him self. One of the three con­ gagianian, an American who holds 1518 S. WASHINGTON - LANSING Fellowship. Debate is sched­ 7. 30 p.m . uled. Thursday evening L a d i e s must get explicit papal perm is­ of the Church must be at least gregations ever which John XX the ancient title of Partlarch of 7:00 p.m. Wednesday e v e n ­ sion to leave Rome or its sub­ p riests. HI presides, the Holy Office is C ilicia. Your "Church-Away-From-Home” Bible Class 7: 30 p.m. ing Prayer and Bible Study. urbs. But a cardinal is also, Under Pope John, 53, of the managed by Alfrede Cardinal Ot- The Secretariat of State: The next to the Pope, the most priv­ church's-princes served abroad taviani, 71 top job in the Vatican's foreign ileged and~ the most powerful as papal ambassadors or bishops The Sacred Consisterial Con­ ministry left vacant for 14 years 108)0 A.M. BIBLE SCHOOL HOUR Phone the C h u r c h office, For t r a n s p o r t a t i o n call gregation: As the church’s De­ 377-7966. f o r information FE 8190 cleric in the Roman Catholic of dioceses s t r e t c h i n g from under -Pius XII is now held by Church. As one of the most Tokyo to Munich. The other 34 partment of the Interior, the Con­ Amlete Cardinal Cicognani, 79, concerning the campus bus s i s t e r i a l Congregation super- schedule. ED ; 1960 or ED 2-2434 spectacular dressers of Christ­ cardinals including eleven non- longtime apostelic delegate to the 118)0 A.M, "THE GOD WHO OVERTAKES” endom, he has to lay out at Italians, work in Rome_as the v isies and changes the boundary U.S. (Continuing Series on the Book of Genesis) First Church of All Saints Episcopal First Church _ Lansing Central Okemos Church First Christian- 78)0 P.M. "WINNING OVER DEATH” Free Methodist of the Nazar ene Reformed Church (Final Sermon in the Series on Facing Life in Winning) Christ, Scientist of the Nazarene Church Church 828 N. Washington, Lansing 1906 Hamilton Rd. 240 Marshall St. Lansing 8:30 P.M. ADULT YOITTH _ 709 East Grand River Genesee at Butler Rev. John M. Hofman, Pastor 800 Abbott Road--ED 2-1313 Morning Worship 11 a.m. C. A. Bruch, pastor Fast Lansing Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Service 900 A "Enemies of the C ross’’ Church School - 9:45 a.m . Morning Worship I1O0 a.m. 11:15 a.m. -Discussion and Refreshments Church Service il A.M. Rev. Robert Gardner - Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning-Worship - 11:00 a.m. Youth Service 6:00 p.m. Young Peoples S e r v i c e Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Sunday School ll A,M. Youth Groups - 6:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Evening Service 7 p.m. FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION Chaplain to Married Students Evening Worship 7 0 0 p.m. Evangelistic Hour - 7:00 p.m. F a m i l y S e r v i c e W ed . Evening S e r v i c e 7 0 0 p .m . Those in need of transportatioc Sunday School for University Mid-week P r a y e r W ed . call the campus Religious Ad­ Students 9:30 a.m. Rev. Gordon J ones, Rector Nursery Provided Evening 7:30 Stopping at Case Hall, 9:15 and 6:15 — Shaw Hall - Owen 7:30 p.m. visor, Mr. Cornelius Korhorr Rev F, W. Van ~ Valin Harry T. Stanley, Minister For Transportation Call IV Call ED -7r9207 for free it 489-5852 qr Mr. Henry Bosch Hall Farm Lane - - Auditorium Road — Physics Road — Subject SUNDAY SERVICES transportation. i-iaaz _____ hi ED 2-2223. 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion Dormitory Road-Bethel Manor, 9:27 and 6:27 — Division "REALITY" 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer or MARTIN LUTHER CHAPEL FIRST WESLEYAN — M.A.C. — College Drug-Campbell H a l l — Landon Hail & STUDENT CENTER METHODIST CHURCH Wed. Evening M eeting8 pan. Holy Communion. Sermon & 444 Abbott Road, E. Lan.ting North Magnolia Ave, at Michigan — Yakely Hall - Gilchrist Hall-Willtams Hall - Michigan Reading Room 332-0778 Church School. 11:00 a.m. Rev. R. Steven Nicholson, Jr. 134 W. Grand River Theodore K. Bundenthal, Campus Pastor Ave. at Harrison Rd., 9:35, and 6:35 Bailey Hall - - Bryan Morning P r a y e r o r Holy SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday School 9:45 a on. Mon. thru Sat. 9 a.m.- 5 p.m. Hall. C o m m u n i o n . Sermon A 9 0 0 a.m. - Matins 6 0 0 p.m. - Student Supper Mon, Tues, Thurs, & Fri. Morning Services 11:00 a.m- 10O0 a.m. Holy Eucharist 7 0 0 p.m. - Business Meeting Call IV 2-9382 for further information 7:00-9 pan. _ Church School. 11:15 a.m. - Worship Service Guest Speaker 8:15 p.m. - Vespers All are welcome to attend CANTERBURY CLUB Church Services, and visit Theme: “ Dead Men Tell T ales” - Text: John 12:24 Fvening Service 7:00 p.m. and use the Reeding Room, 6:00 p.m. Sunday Rev. Bundenthal is available for counseling at all times.. Guest Speaker si ■* M ich ig an S ta te N e w s» E a s t L a n s in g , M ich ig an F r id a y , M arch 3 0 , 1962 T e a c h e r P la c e m e n t OAS Asks Fairness K e n n e d y M o v e s T o C r e a te For Cuban Captives B u r e a u ’s B i g T a s k Petition in Court S c ie n c e ,T e c h n o lo g y O f f ic e WASHINGTON, (fl - The coun­ strictest r e s p e c t for human H i«ter s a lu t e s , a greater de­ $500 per month compered with cil of the Organization of Ameri­ rights." mand far co lla te gratkiatas, sad $425 to $472 a year ago* LOS ANGELES, OP - Hal E. W A S H I N G T O N , UV Presi- be transferred to the new office. can states adopted a resolution The vote was 16 for and three shorts ass in certain categories Monthly starting salaries ttth s Kennedy said that while NSF continue to h a v e a p e r s o n a l Thursday declaring diet the trials abstentions. Ecuador said it had Roach Jr., describing him self dsnt Kennedy moved today to e s - science adviser if the new agency dominate the collage placement end of winter quarter, based on as an unemployed motion picture tabllsh a new office of science has done a good job of a fo r d u cks . . . In Annual Horse Show_ A matinee performance will O u r i t ’s t i m e f o r —The Block and Bridle Club 6iC r a v e n e t t e ” will hold its 14th annual show also be held Saturday at 1 p.m. CRAVEMHTE F r i d a y a n d Saturday w i t h All seats for the evening per­ w a te r R e p e lle n t a n d judging pavilion. 60 members formances are reserved in the will participate. — ' Livestock Pavilion. Tickets are available from 205 P r o c e s s in g w ill p r o te c t Students bring their own horses to the show and will compete in Anthony Hall. y o u r J a c k e tjo r R a in c o a t ^ both western and English riding classes starting e a c h night at 7:30 p.m. Cloverleaf b a r r e l racing contests will be feature Berlin Duel fr o m th e c o m in g events on each night’s program D u c k -W e a th e r Added attractions of the show BERLIN, (A* - East and West Include the six-pony hitch of the Berlin police duelled with tear Victor Adding MaCEireCompany, gas Thursday at a point where a cattle cutting exhibition, fancy East German workers were ex­ riding and a demonstration polo tending the c o r nm u nTsl~w all match. across a railroad underpass. Five of the top ponv reams in West Berlin police said the • Michigan will take part in a Eastern guards — known as Vo- ""pulling contest during the F riday pos~- - ordered three men of a evening show. Western police detail to getaway General chairman of the show Is Larry Cotton, an animal hus­ from the wall and, when,they stayed put, assailed them, with Gleaner five tear gas grenades and some bandry junior from Deadwood, South Dakota Richard Forbush, stones. Shirt Landry Inkster j u n i o r , will be ring­ The Western Police replied master. with 10 tear gas grenades. Haslett and River Across From Student Service Bldg. Li SAVE TIME MONEY!! Buy your BOOKS & SI /’PLIES Where Fast Service is a tradition B u y a ll o f y o u r B a s ic C o lle g e B o o k s , — B u y a ll o f y o u r R e q u ir e d U p p e r S c h o o l 9 " B u y a ll o f y o u r o u ts id e R e a d in g s , — B u y th e m N e w a n d U s e d a t C A M P U S B O O K ST O R E ACROSS FROM THE UNION BUILDING ■V v I sag M ichigan State H ew s . SPORTS. E a st L a n sin g , M ichigan F ttd a y , M arch 3 0 , 1962- Celtics Must Sugar Ends P r o e b s tle H it H a r d ; Act Quickly L a rso n D e fe n d s NFL Career BOSTON, UR- The Boston Cel­ tics suddenly feel die urgency of N B A A n d B o x in g FLINT, MICH., UP-Leo Sugar, defensive end of the Philadelphia TACOMA, WASH., (ft - Dr, porated to thoroughly study and 'S ' D r o p s 2 S t r a i g h t finishing off Philadelphia as quick As possible in die National Bas­ division playoffs. Charles P. Larson, President of arrive at solutions to die ills the National Booting Association, ketball A s s o c i a t i o n eastern said that booting, "The only true of boxing. Eaglet, la retiring a f t « eight seasons in the National Football League, die Flint Journal Mid Wednesday. Several players made it clear be annihilated because of the S t e v e n s S e e k s Michigan State’s baseball team M iller worked (fee first three international sport,” must not Sugar, 32, was * star high Ch11teen of Chicago at aborts top, w ill be out to snap its two game frames of the eight tanteg con­ Joe Porrevecchlo of Chicago in Thursday they foal Los Angeles Benny Paret tragedy: school a th l« e In Flint before he losing streak this weekend when test and yielded two safeties. \ went to Purdue and l a t « into Following a sco reless first in­ left field and either Jay Bach is mopping up the was tern div­ The Tacoma pathologist noted N ew C age Job the NFL. He played seven sea­ It clashes with Fort Belvior in of Tonawanda, N.Y. or Dan Cos­ ision competition speedily and the Virginia. ning. State pounded fear hits end tello of the same city in right that "Throughout the world the NORMAN, OKLAHOMA., UR- Bob sons with the Chicago and St. C eltics can’t afford to give the panic button has been pushed” The two-game set with the sent 13 hitters to the plate in field. Lakers too long a te st. Stevens, South C a r o l i n a head Louis Cardinals before going to Army nine will close out State’s runs home. because of the serious injury v basketball coach, was interview- the Eagles for his final season. Boston took a 2-1 edge over su ff« ed by Paret in his fight ed here Thursday for the Uni­ 13-day Southern tour. Biggest blow o f the rally was Joining them in the su itin g Philadelphia in their best-of- with Em ile Griffith for die world The 235-pound lineman will Spartan pitcher Dick Proebstle Lansing’s Jerry StfWB*» three lineup are George Azax, Junior seven series Wednesday night, welterweight championship. versity of OMahotna cage coach­ devote his hill time to the Mott was roughed up for six runs in run homer. Out Costello, Bert from Johnstown, Pa., catching; 129-114. The next game is set ing Job. program of the Flint board of four innings Thursday as State Olah and Malcolm Clul Jean added Sam Calderone. junior from Chi­ "Boxing is side, to be sure," Stevens m«* with the Univer­ education^ a job he’ has worked for Philadelphia Saturday. Los bowed to M assachusetts, its first contributing sin gles. cago at first base; Carl Charon, he said, "but to kill die patient sity’s Athletic Council which has on during the off-season, the Angeles need only a victory over because he is sick is certainly collegiate opponent on the spring In the nightcap two professional senior from Boyne City in cenu., JER R Y LUMIANSKI Detroit Thursday night to wrap wrong. A major airplane « a s h been screening applicants to suc­ Journal said. The Mott program trip, 6-0 . prospects proved to be mo tough field; and Jerry L u m i a n s k i , up the western title. ceed Doyle Parrack for the past Is a philantropie program. The Redmen struck quickly for C o a c h John Rob’ s cr ew. senior from Mason, at third base. ...Sporton third saclcer... does not call for condemnation week. Sugar was captain of Purdue’s by scoring three runs in the Righthander Steve Jensen, a Los All tie upperclassmen are re­ of the whole industry. Stevens, fo r m « Michigan State football team In 1951. turning lertermen. "A cure is possible with pa­ assistant coach, recently was “The Old Man ” Is opening Inning and were in com­ Angeles Dodger farmhand.belted He c u r r e n t l y is reco v « in g mand the rest of the way. a solo home run off Spartan tience. I -hope we can now get voted the coach of the year In from knee surgery done after The winners added three more starter John Elias to shove the More sophomores are on the along with the Job to the end the Atlantic Coast Conference the 1961 NFL season. tallies in the fourth without bene­ Army team into a 1-0 lead. Spartan pitching s ttff. They in­ that only true international sport fit of a hit. Four walks and two errors by Proebstle opened the door for the Redmen runs. _ Righthander Gary Ronberg re­ J ess M erretl, a righthander under a Cincinnati contract, shut­ out the Spartans for six innings clude football q u a r t e r b a c k s Miller of East Lansing and Proe­ bstle of Canton, Ohio. Rounding out the soph contingent on the At the Crossroads Los Angeles, OP - Archie Moore has swept through many is preserved from emotional an- nhllatlon.” "A Larson said the NBA welcomes thorough airing of die Paret lieved Proebstle in the fifth and on two hits, then tam ed over ‘62 varsity areSptton, first base­ a roadblock in his 26 years of boxing and now he faces another situation in' e v e r y p o s s i b l e completed the abbreviated seven the mound chores to Dave Wil­ man from Lansing, and Wade fork in the trail of his c a r e « . % form.” He also said the New Deal, catch«' from Northville. Inning game without yielding a son who completed the whitewash "The old m anj’ as you n g« fig h t« s r e f « to Moore, takes York Athletic Commission should run. job. Adding to the experienced nu­ on 25-year old Alejandro Lavorante, promising Argentine heavy­ not be blamed for the Incident. State collected a meager four Ronberg relieved Elias in the weight in 10 rountte or le s s at the sports arena Friday night. "It would seem that the P a r « cleus of the Michigan State squad singles off Massachusetts starter sixth and served up a pop-fly on the trip are pitchers Ronberg A win over th e6-foot-4, 210- iatin? — incident, w h i l e tragic to die Lou Pla who pitched the distance. ball which foil for a double scor­ of New Haven, Ind. and Jack Nut­ pound Lavo will propel Moore on “ I am a positive thinker. I am fig h t« and his family, may have The loss to the Redmen came ing two more Travellers* runs. ter of Manton, both JQniora, and to another fine payday (he’s get­ a professional pugilist, proud of its compensating factors ln t« m s on the heels of a Spartan 4-0 A Spartan error in the eighth E lias of Montreal, Wes Klewicki ting $35,000 for this one). Arch­ my profession, and my o n l y of the future of boxing,” Larson setback in the second game of a opened the gam for the winner's of Ferndale and Knapp of South ie hopes to win and then trim down thought Is to succeed,” he said said. doubleheader with Fort Lee on final marker. to 175 pounds and defend what Thursday. Larson noted that only a month Michigan State’s spring record Haven, all SSmOrs. A lso traveling ago the Boxing Education and Wednesday. are senior catcher Gordon Hjor- claim he has left of the world Archie, who admits he feould Research Foundation was incor- Sharp hurling by Doug M iller now stands at 4-4 u a s of Battle Creek and short­ light heavyweight title. ra th « use 20 words when five and Bill Knapp paced the Spar­ Nine sophomores are among stop Pete Smith of Ecorse and Middleweight champion Gene might suffice, added: "Lavorante tans to a 13— 0 romp in the first -"game played in the morning. Knapp, who pitched the last five the 21 man Spa nan squad which is on its armoei spring tour. F irst-year men named by Kobs second baseman Olah of Flint, both Juniors. F u llm « would be the opponent. is a hard hitting young man. I Suppose Moore loses to the know he will try to knock me Tigers Drop innings, allowed Just one hit and as starters include Dos Retcham down. And I will strive to knock received credit for the victory. of Kalamazoo at second base. him down, too.” This will be bout no. 21$ in Another One M in o s o P e p s U p Moor’s long c a r e « and only the LAKELAND, Fla. (jfl-Rookies Varsity Club Q ueen 22nd for Lavorante, who was yet Bernie Allen and Dick Rollins to be born when the old mon­ collected three hits each in pac­ goose had his first ring encoun- ing the Minnesota Twins to a C andidale. . S t. L o u is C a r d s t « . Now 45 or older, Archie 7-4 exhibition win over the De­ surely must retire before too troit T ig « s Thursday. Miami, Fla., OP - Saturnine to bring along their wives anjL long. Allen, former Purdue quarter­ Orestes Minoso, t i r e l e s s and children. ..... Moore's advisor, shrewd old back, had three doubles while seemingly a geless, is pepping up *'I „think the Cardinals are jack Kearns, says his m an is Rollins had three singles an d the St. Louis Cardinals. great. I mean i t ~ I m a d e a in the best shape he’s seen him drove in the run that broke a He’s hitting the ball with au­ speech at one of parties and I in more than a year. Kearns 4-4 tie in the ninth. thority, he’s running die beses, said that, because it’s the way thinks Moore will weigh in at Allen hit his third double to he’ s clowning and keeping the I feel. Gee Whiz, I’m glad 1 192. open die ninth and was singled squad happy, and he’s happy him­ was traded. Pinkie George, manager and home by Rollins. Z o ilo V « sa lles self with his wife and two sons ’’Things are going good. I got develop « of Lavorante, views c h a s e d home Rollins with a with him for the first time in hit with a pitch on mv right die match as a tossup. horn«. spring training. elbow, but I play better when "I believe Alex can end Arch­ A ft« two hltless innings the *'I feel like I just started base­ I’m hurt. ie’s career. A win will give is Twins rapped Frank Lary for nine ball yesterday, says the color­ **I weigh 181 but I want to int«national recognition. And, hits and four runs in two in­ ful Cuban who performed from play at 176. T m In no hurry say we lost, t h « e will be no nings. They picked up three runs -1951 to 1961 with the Chicago to cut it down because I move disgrace for my youngster to in the third on doubles by Al­ White Sox and Cleveland Indians around fine. lose to a man of Moore’s pres­ len and Lenny Green and singles and built up a lifetim e batting "Pm going to stay in te s e - tige," George obs«ved. by Rollins, Jack Kra.ick and Har­ average of .304. He came to the ball as long as I can because mon Klllebrew. Cardinals last winter from the I love the game. When I’m push­ NOT QUITE ENOUGH . . . In the fifth, die Tigers touched Sox in exchange for Joe Cun­ in g I don't want to be around, Frustrated Is the wordfor Michi­ Kralick for four hits pnd three ningham . but_ 1 have a lot of respect tor gan State's s e n i o r w restler runs. Dearoft tiad it in the eighth this gam e. I started when I was George Hobbs of Battle Creek who with two/Jown. *Tm only 38,” he says. The 19 hack in 1946 when I lived was second in the Big Ten 123- Ron Kline was tagged with the Cardinal roster lists him as being pound class this season for the loss and Ray Moore was the win­ on a ranch. 1 amnaged the club born Nov. 29, 1922, at P « fic o , nd pitched. Then I came to third straight year ning pitcher. Mantanzas, Cuba, which would Havana and play sem i-pro. make him 39 going on 40, and He was signed to organized Sharon Connors some think he may have passed baseball in 1948, played at Day­ that m ilestone. He doesn’t throw ton, was a sensation in 1949 " Hake a Date with Duke ” him self into calesthentics with and i950 at San Diego, and has PLAY IT die enthusiasm of the younger been a bigleaguer ever since. April 13 - 9 till 1 A.M. players but otherwise he is the " Baseball is kincfa lucky," All-University Dance featuring Minoso of fo r m « years. he grins, "As long as you swing Duke EHington & Ms Orchestra ” 1 born with speed, I die with it," he says. "If I hit the ball bat it’s okay. I keep on swing­ ing.” ------- ------- 1 run." The Detroit Lions hold the Oadesr Market He’s happy to be a Cardinal, National Football League record the St. Louis team took over fo r rushing yardage in a single SAFE! a big motel and encouraged all A round-the Bend From University Village season. They ran up 2,885 yards players, both white and Negro, in 1936. Europe’s King N ex t for Ingo —LONDON, (yp - Former World Heavyweight Champion Ingemar Johansson of S w e d e n signed D O N 'T Thursday to fight Dick Richard­ son, European Heavy King, this summ er. The title bout probably will be staged in Gyteborg. Swe­ den, June 17. —«*■ W A IT The fight is part of Johansson’s comeback bid. He knocked' out Joe Bygraves of Jamaica Feb. 9, In Goteborg, in his first bout after his knockout at the hands of Champion Floyd Patterson In March last year. Richardson won the European title by knocking out Hans Kalb- fell of Germany March 27, 1960. Skiing Slopes BU Y Y O U R U SED In Top Shape It's springtime but there is still skiing In Michigan. About a dozen winter resorts TEXTBOOKS Wednesday reported fair to good spring skiing. West Michigan Avalanche, Boyne City—4-15 inch base. Good spring skiing. Boyne Mountain, Boyne Falls —36-inch base. Good spring ski­ TODAY! ing. Caberfae, Cadillac—closed for die season. Mt. M a n c e l o n a — 4 - 2 4 Inch base. Very good spring skiing. New Pomallft operating. Nub’s Nob. Harbor Springs— 24- inch base. Good Spring skiing. Thunder Mountain, Boyne Falls - 2 - 2 2 inch base. Good spring skiing. — Walloon Hills, Wallon Lake — 2-20 inch base. Good spring G I B S O N ’ S skiing. __ East Michigan Skyliner R o s c o m m o n —10 B O O K ST O R E -12 inch base. Excellent corn spring skiing. EAST LANSING'S USED BOOK HEADQUARTERS Major Mountain near Harrison —Excellent spring skiing. CORNER W. GRAND RIVER & EVERGREEN Sylvan Knob near Gaylord— 12 Inch base. Fair spring skiing. HSs» M ichigan State N ew s . SPORTS E a st L a n sin g , M ichigan ">r F rid a y , M arch 3 0 , 1962 A ls to n S ty m ie d B y S ta te A t h le t e s In Coaches Will See lon9 Heave DENVER, OR - A desperation N C A A T itle B id s Duffy’s Techniques field goal that traveled 72 feet, 6 inches produced cheers and the measuring tape at the National AAU B a s k e t b a l l Tournament E x cess o f VERO BEACH, FLA., (iB-They also Ilk« to keep W illie t t v is in right-hander was 20-9 with three —Seventeen athletes on direr Michigan State winter sports teams will compete in National Collegiate Championships this weekend at sites ranging from Columbus. Ohio, to Albuquer­ Michigan State’s spring foot­ ball d rills, highlighted by the 9th annual coaches clinic and 6th an­ nual Old, T im ers’ game, will open Leo Strang, head coach at Mas­ Tuesday night. sillon, Ohio, High School. It was one of the longest suc­ The athletic trainer is Frank cessful shots in the memory of Kavaoagh of Cornell University, veteran tourney observers. clubs and averaged m ore than 11 que, NJd. Monday, April 9, and run through Ithaca. N.Y. say this is the year of decision the lineup somewhere. We’re not Coach Charles McCaffree will take nine of his top swimmers for the young Los Angles Phe- on who is hot for us ami who is strikeouts an inning. Saturday, May 12. The Old Tim ers’ game once Iowa State’s JohnPtacek, play­ * We've got a lot of good young to Columbus. Ohio, with hopes of finishing well up among the team Spartan head coach Hugh Duffy again will feature die MSU var­ ing for Marshalltown, Iowa, heav­ noms who didn't exactly s e t the pitching for diem.' _______ leaders. A number of the individual performers and one relay world on fire last year. It may Despite Alston s concern there fellows and w e're enthusiastic Daugherty said the clinic this sity against a s t a r - s t u d d e d ed the one-hander at the basket about tham" Alston said, * but team are championship contenders. , year will be on AprU 27 and 28 salumni team replete with A ll- in the final second of the first also be the year of decision for is tremendous potential in the Mike Wood in the sprints, Carl Antonetti in sabre. Schloemerand Walter Alston. depth of Dodger pitching. They've we don’t know if this is the and the Old Tim ers’ game on Americans and p r o f e s s i o n a l half of a game with Milwaukee. year or next. We w ere too en­ Shaar in the butterfly and the Antonetti finished 5th in their stars. -• The ball caromed off the back­ The gentleman manager i s got such proven starters as Sandy May 12. 400-yard freestyle relay team of events in the Big Ten meet to faced with a perplexing problem / Koufax (18-13), and Johnny Pod- thusiastic a b o u t o u r y o u n g The clinic, which a n n u a l l y The Philadelphia Phillies have board and through the net. cutting Jeff Mattson, Doug Rowe, Bill help lead the Spartans to a sur­ that doesn’t appear to have an res ( 1 8- 5 ) f o r r i g h t - h a n d e r s players last year. They weren't Wood and Mike Wood all are p rise second place finish. draws s e v e r a l hundred high finished l a s t i n the National the lowans’half time deficit to answer. How to play a ll six They have Larry Sherry and Ron quite ready." national loaders for the season. Coach George Szypula will take school and college coaches from League for th • past four seasons. 42-36. Dodger outfielders at the same Perranoski f o r r e l i e f . Alston Alston is sure of Maury Wills throughout the Mid-West, will tim e. Even Leo Durocher can’t thinks Ed Roebuck is ready to at short. Daryl Spencer will open Other swimmers who will com­ five gymnasts, including three feature on Friday drUls and other F r a n d o r F L A S H C L E A N E R S F r a n d o r figure that one out. come back after being plagued at third and rookie Larry Bur- pete are Jim White in the sprints, Big Ten c h a m p i o n s , to the pracrlce techniques used by the o with a bad arm last season. right is battling Jim Gilliam for B ill Driver in the breaststroke, nationals at Albuquerque. The Michigan State staff in setting up "1 was criticized last year for "W e've got three or four staff the regular second base spot. Dick Blazejewskl in the middle tid ists are Ganl Browsh in free the bi-line offense and rover d e ­ platoonlng my outfielders," said distance freestyle events andVon excerise, Dale Cooper in still Alston. **I wish I could go back places open,’ Alston said, and HGilliam is one of the most fense employed by the Spartans. underrated players in baseball,” Lowe in diving. rings and Steve Johnson intram­ Coach Daugherty and his a ssist­ to the old Dodger days when I had we mentioned such promising said Alston. "Each year he sits The. Spa ru n swimmers finish­ poline. The o t h e r s are Larry ants wUl do the honors'With an such men as Hodges, Snider, rookies as Joe M oeller, Phil Ortega, Pete Richert, Billy Hun­ around waiting for someone to ed 4th in dwTrecent Big Ten Bassett, who w ill compete in a ssist from varsity squad mem­ Furillo, Campanella, Reese and m eet. Mike Wood and the free­ parallel bars and free exercise, Robinson. When y o u ' v e g o t ter and Jade Smith as possible beat him out of a position but bers. he usually winds up playingsom e- style relay team won tid es. and Jerry George, who will be The Saturday morning session "players like that you leave ’em candidates to stay. M oeller, only 19, is the eye-catcher. The 6-5 where.’ — Coach Charles Schmltter will in all around competition. Browsh will feature a trio of highly ^ every day no matter who's take t h r e e fencers to the na­ also will go in all around, and fching or how they pitch. successful high school coaches tionals, also at Columbus, Ohio. Johnson will compete in tumbling "But when you have a Willie . D a v i s , a Tommy Chvis, a Frank you’ve got to platoon them. 1 Nine Athletes Join They are Robert Brooks, Big Ten and f r e e e x c e r i s e besides champion in the epee,-Richard trampoline. The gymnasts were Schloemer in foil and Joseph second in the Big Ten meet. in lecture-demonstrations and a presentation by one of the na­ tion’s most famed a t h l e t i c trainers. _ realize it might be better to have a Howard or the Drvises play .ev ery day but you can't do that when you're fighting for a pen­ 'S’ Champions Circle ming with him on the relay squad Bill Wood Scores The high school mentors due to Instruct are Hi Becker, new coach at Saginaw Arthur Hill, Nine Michigan State athletes were Bill Wood, Junior from East who was Michigan prep "Coach nant. Maybe if you’ve g o t a have joined an eliteSpartangroup Lansing: Jeff Mattson, J u n i o r Columbus, Ohio - Bill Wood of Wood, Jeff Mattson, Doug Rowe» seventh place dub but not when — one that admits only Big Ten from Olympia, Wash., and Doug Michigan Statt_took sixth place BUI Wood and Jim White will of the Year" while at Bay City each game means so much." champions. Rowe, s e n i o r from Fremont, in the 200-yd individual medley see action In the freestyle events. Handy; Dick Higgs, qoach at St. Alston could just come close to to begin Spartan scoring at the Joseph, Mich., High School, and They c o n s i s t of four swim­ Calif. solving the problem by shifting m ers, three gymnasts, a fencer annual NCAA swimming meet at Tommy Davis to third and Howard Mike Wood's time in the 220 and a trackman, all of whom was a fine 2:01.3 and the relay Columbus, Ohio Thursday night. to first but he made those moves last year and both hurt the club defensively. Neither player ap­ p eals to have shown improvement gained first places in conference foursome turned in a brilliant championships d u r i n g winter 3:14.5 which bettered Big Ten term. and American m arks. Oiiio State sophomore Marty Mull set an NCAA record of 2:02.3 in dethroning Jack Kelso WHAT EVER YOU NEED this spring. Mike Wood, ^Juni or f r o m - The winning gymnasts were Jackson, led the swimmers as he Dale Cooper, soph from North of Denver An this event. John House of Southern Cal­ - fo r y o u r car ' I'd like to play Howard at first won the 220-yard freestyle tide Hollywood, Calif., who won the ifornia was third, John Springle base-and Fairly fh the outfield," in Big Ten record time-end then still rings with a near-perfect of Harvard fourth and John Day Mufflers - Tail Pipes — Exhaust Pipes said Alston, ' But Ron plays the joined with three others to nail 98.75; Gani Browsh, senior from of Oklahoma fifth. INSTALLED bag better than Frank and was one down the 400-yard freestyle relay Philadelphia, Pa., in f r e e exer­ The U n i v e r s i t y of South­ • H ty , s i s , i t ' s s t a m p m v u , but h e ' s *1 _of our best players last year. I'd title~with a record pace.Swim- c ise, and Steve Johnson, senior ern California tot* an early lead in the national championships by Complete Shop Service MOVED INTO F IR ST PIACE-. . HE'S 3 P 3 from Denver, Colo., in trampo­ a. winning the 1500-meter freestyle Rebuilt Motors' and Transmissions Golf Supplies line. Bob Brooks, junior from Bay City Handy, captured the epee tid e in fencing to pace all Spar­ Thursday a f t e r n o o n . Olympic star and defending champ Mur­ ray Rose recaptured the event in INSTALLED Speed Equipment — Accessories WEARINGA SUIT o B R•iB Y *1 3 Woods -- Irons -- Bags - - Shoes tan swordsmen. 17:26.1. UNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY 3 3 Sherman Lewis, t h e s o p h Gary H e i n r i c h of Cincin­ Everything for the golfer... nati placed second, John Roun- Frandor a mighty mite from Louisville, Ky., o Plastic Practice Balls 25C rounds out the classy list on savelle of Southern California 3 the basis of his outstanding per­ was third, Roy Burry of Michi­ KANIN’S AUTO PARTS Shopping Practice Shag Balls IOC formance in t r a c k and f i e l d . gan was fourth, Brian F oss of Lewis, who stands just 5-8 and Southern California was fifth and 526 N.UUIGH Center > LARRY CUSHION weighs 154 pounds, won the broad Warren Uhler of Michigan came u m .'iii* jump with a leap of 24-6 and ran off with the 300-yard dash tide in sixth. State had no entries in this event. IV 4-4596 A S H I R T C AU N O E R E R S as SPORTING GOODS in :31.2 to tie a varsity record. Team scores show S o u t h e r n California out front with 17 points Sat. — SAME DAY Service n r 1 Block North at Mich. Ave. ----- Collectively, their harvest of Sunday M Big Ten tides is one of the Ohio State is second with 7points. Mon. - Fri. Saturday if clothes are In by Noon West of Sears 1 best in MSU winter sports in Michigan State is eighth with one. 6 Phone IV 5 7465 many years. Friday is State’s day. The .A S H 3 N V 3 3 3 H S V 3 3 a opuB a j j o p u B J J S H 3ÏI Spartans will be competing in the 50 and 220 yard freestyle as well as the 400-yd freestyle relay. Dick Blazejewskl. Mike M ic h ig a n S ta te U n iv e r s ity T ig h t P e n n a n t R a c e S e e n Fort Myers, Fla., March 29 the back-to-school field! [p - Pittsburgh went all the way in 1961 — all the way from first to sixth. As a result nobody is NAACP asking Manager Danny Murtaugh about complackncy on the Pirate FOR ALL Ship this spring. " It looks like a typical Nat­ ional League race,” said Mur­ PHYS. ED. NEED^ taugh. "Whoever finished sixth should Be the favorite." He paus­ P r e s e n ti ed for the laugh and explained, "I’m Just being funny." "We do feel six or seven clubs have a chance.” he added. ARCHERY "If two key men have. * real good year, you can win. If two SAR AH V A U G H A N shag balls • $l.98jdz. key men tail off you can finish sixth." Murtaugh spoke from exper­ ience, Sub-par years by Dick Groat and Bob Skinner, plus the loss of Vern Law due to arm arrows • gloves • arm guards tourble, doomed the Pirates last summer. Law, of course, is the key to the Pirates hopes. He work­ ed five Innings against St. Louis In Concert O NG complete scuba earlier this week. A l t h o u g h touched up for four home runs,, he reported no arm trouble. Mur­ taugh was encouraged. outfits "I am optim istic about Law for the future,” he said. "I am pretty sure he is going to be all right. The" only way he single clubs • sets • SPAULDING »WILSON will get his control back is by working on the mound." _ .i SPORTSMAN Saturday, March 3 1 , 8 : 1 5 p.m. K IN D IV IN G EUROPE y ) days UNIVERSITY AUDITORIUM 41000 sets • individual »tudy of Sto currant movomont toward >•(£0001 integration in ourap*-program* masks » fins rackets « birdies at etC. tvrolom, council of *uropo, NATO. ARE.ETTA, ine with cotby colteg*- cotby instructor wilt» snokles th* tout- tro»«I with british bn! studoofi JAPAN Awaakt »1.150 contemporary jopan«* culturo politic ». Y E N N IS ocooomic»— Iravti with japonoro dwwnt» »toy with family-moot teaAr* inpolitical and intellectual circi*»- MO ulondi and tettivail. Tickets: $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 O. LATIN AMÉRICA 42 doy». USO. tOcioLoconomic. and political Uudy of complete line of BANCROFT» SPAULDING CONVERSE Iaim amanean r*pubfic»-p*ru. bolivio. WILSON _ ALL-STARS CM*,argentina. broli-homo »toy»mmorl 0it«»-m*«t With ttud*nt>. Itodori in governnwnt;education and the pro*». TOUR» lì AVI IN LATÍ JUNÉ, 1*62 Union Ticket Office no more thon 20 in a a roup I a few partial scholarship*! ter doted* writ* to SPARTAN SPORTS & HOBBIES U SN SA EDUCATIONAL TRAVIl, INC. O U T CP 20 WIST JtTM STn - C orner A n n & M A C NEW VCRK 1 1 . N. V OX 5-5070 3 M ich ig a n S tate N e w s , E a s t L a n s in g , M ich ig a n ______ F rid a y , M arch 3 0 , 19&t I s r a e li C o u r t H e a r s - None of these arguments Is JERUSALEM, \W - Israel’s Su­ only excerpts incriminating to the new. They formed the basis of prem e C o u r t Thursday heard accused from captured Nazi doc­ Eichmann s defense during his Adolf E l c h m a n n ’ s final argu­ uments submitted in evidence. four-month- trial last year. A ments against his death sentence. These documents should be con­ special three judge tribunal con­ Then It a d j o u r n e d to decide sidered In their entirety. victed him In December and sen­ whether he s h o u l d pay thè — Eichmann dealt only with tenced him to dead). s q r e tn e penalty — death.— technical i m p l e m e n t a t i o n of The five Justices are expect­ orders received for deportation J a c k ie ed to take at least a month to of Jews and had no jurisdic­ (Continued from page 1) fram e their verdict on die former tion over what happened inside and have no d esire to be a SS colonel’s appeal. concentration or extermination public personality on my own.” Chief Justice Izhak Olshan an­ camps. Much evidence submitted The airliner b r i n g i n g M rs. nounced: against him cannot be accepted Kennedy home landed at Idle- **it Is decided to reject the as truthful. weild airport a t5:16P.M. Waiting defense motions to bring new evi­ —Only two things should be to take her on the final leg to dence at this time. The court considered by die court: The Washington w a s t h e Kennedy will now adjourn to weigh its fact Eichmann was responsible family plane, "Caroline.** verdict on the appeal. Notice of to his oath of obedience and the M rs. Kennedy was heading for our judgement and die date on necessity for his loyalty to the a reunion Thursday night at the *1 Wonder How Much ^ ‘ Thet Course Isn' t Taught " B u t l Paid $$.00 For That 71 orrow My Books . . . " "Well, A D ollar's A Dollor. ^ which it will be announced will Hitler regime. White House with the President This Term. fLwdrl** — be provided in advance to all i ' l l G e t!" Book! parties,” Eichmann r e m a i n e d Impas­ Coup and her two children. On the plane, she rested in a special berth set up for her in the POCKETBOOK T RAU M A-Ihe beginning of But they always re tu m li the stores in hiph sive. (Continued from page 1) fir st-c la ss cabin and turned down each term brings disheartened looks and hopes of "ju st breaking even on this term s His West German Attorney, Dr. Robert Servatlus, had plead­ to ex-dictator Juan Peron who dogged the days of F r o n d i z i the deluxe airliner meal called "the President special*’ because, ffnal resignation from the students as they books. self their books ot the neprest book store ' -State News Photos by Mark Krastof VANGUARD ed with the court to judge Eich­ throughout his four years of rule she said, she wanted to have din­ mann as "an individual caught in the whirlpool of p o l i t i c a l — remained. Behind the Peronist peril lies ner at home. The 32-year-old first lady had B A C H G U IL D events.” the grave economic sickness in­ a fast-paced, som etim es hecuc Servatlus r e j e c t e d the pro­ secution portrait of Eichmann as herited from a decade of Peron- Ist^dictatorshlp which Frondizi*s journey in which she drew crowds numbered in tens of thousands R e se a rc h P r o je c t O ffe r s the"*'central figure In the cat­ austerity policies fell short "of in India and Pakistan. astrophe which struck European curing. Looking back on it after a Jewry." The ^reaction to the coup by three-day rest stop in London, R e c o r d in g s F o r T h e C o n n o is s e u r "The a c c u s e d hasbeenpre- ssmtwd here as the one who was the believers in Peronism - - backed by some 100,000 under­ M rs. Kennedy said she and her sister, Princess Lee Radzlwlll, S e n io r s M a k e -u p T est the most prominent figure in the ground Communists and Castro- who a c c o m a a i n e d her, were machine of destruction and others ites — could be violent. So could greatly indebted to thelWnhdtnds T H E D I S C S H O P J S H A P P Y T O A N N O U N C E A N IM ­ A make-up test is being of­ U niversity College-than do stu­ 15 per cent of those who with­ involved— Including superior of­ be the effect on Argentina's angry for letting them "be away from fered Wednesday at 7 p.m. In dents who are rigid, authoritar­ draw will complete a degree or P O R T A N T SA L E ON TH E ENTIRE V A N G U A R D AND ficers of far higher rank— àre students who fear another m ili­ home—where we belong—for so Anthony Hall for students who ian and set in their beliefs. B A £H G U ILD C A T A L O G . depicted as small cogs by the professional program elsewhere. tary dictatorship may try to con­ long.** m issed the registration w e e k 2 — Students Who are rigid, “ Studies such as this give a prosecution,” he said. trol their thinking. "They were wise,*’ she added. testing that climaxed a four year authoritarian, and unreceptive to better understanding of the stu­ Y O U W ILL F IN D O N E S E L E C T IO N T O B E V E R Y "This certainly i s distorted. "Because it has taught us so research project conducted here new ideas prefer an orderly. In­ dents’ social, mental, and emo­ NEARLY COM PLETE, PERHAPS THE BEST EVER Adolf Eichmann was carrying out much, our lives and our thoughts In conjunction with the U.S. Of­ structor - centered m e t h d of tional growth,” Lehmann said, O F F E R E D IN M I C H I G A N . orders. The principal guilt cannot be pinned on him.” No Riots w ill have been enriched and de­ fice of Health. Education, and teaching and prefer the more “ and may give us some clue epened by this experience. Welfare. Impersonal, concrete, status-or­ as to why some of the students TH IS S A L E IN C L U D E S A L L C L A S S IC A L A N D F O L K Servatlus emphasized various (Continued from page 1) before. Some reasons for this "We will never forget all the Approximately 400 s t u d e n t s iented courses. They also prefer leave.” 3 E L E A S E S -M O N A U R A L A N D ST E R E O : points In the appeal: people who were so kind to us. still havenlt taken the test, ac- 'occupations that are, by their — Isreal had no legal right to were publicity from last year, “ We hope that ourflndlngs will refusal by many AAA hotels and but our husbands were the kindest still haven't5 taken the test, ac- very nature, impersonal. be of use in curriculum and in­ try Eichmann. It never has been of all for letting us-gm*- of Evaluation Services. But 250 3 — More of the rigid, auth­ structional planning,” he said. universally a c c e p t e d that one motels to accomodate students, M rs. Kennedy noted that " if of these students have already oritarian,' compulsive students A R T IST S LIK E: nation can try a foreign nation­ and a group of about 4,000 stu­ dents who went to Daytona Beach. people were kind tc me, it was agreed to come to die make­ drop out of school for one or Red and yellow hunting clothes al for crim es allegedly commit­ because I was the wife of the up session, he said more term s. JOAN BA EZ 0 D E T T A ted outside Its own borders. And Several r a i n y days a l s o . are among the least visible of dampened many s u n b a t h e r s * President—so the people were Designed to a ssess the im­ all wearing apparel, according E R I C H K U N Z P A U L ROBESON the law under which he was tried showing this affection for him pact of college on student at­ From 45 to 50 per cent of to tests run by the Massachusetts was ex post facto (enacted after) enthusiasm. THE WEAVERS A N T O N IO JA N IG R 0 Spring v a c a t i o n s o f t h e and he should have been there to titudes and values, the research an entering cla ss leaves before the Nazi crim es it was designed D e p a r t m e n t o f Natural Re­ to punish. sem ester and quarter schools receive it. project got underway in Sept­ degree work is completed. It was sources. — ALFRED DELLER L E O PO L D STOKOW SKI this year do not coincide in the "It was anunusual trip because ember of 1958 with die enroll­ pointed out. However, 10 to W ILLIAM P R IM R O S E D A V ID 0 IST R A K H , — Eichmann was kidnaped in it was n e i t h e r o f f i e - i a l nor ment of some 3,000 students Argentina and brought to Isreal short three week sequence of last O PE N S TO N IG H T V IEN N A ST. O P. O RCH . 1S 0 LISTI Dl Z A G R E B year. Many sem ester schools will l private," she said. "The reason who, for the most part, are Illegally for trial. — The prosecution presented not let out for Easter for several it happened is because my hus­ scheduled to graduate this June. band knew how much Ihadalways Community Circle Player* present weeks. The views and opinions of the' LÄNSINCS’ longed to see India and Pakistan. entire group of students were This was my only chance so obtained In tests conducted dur­ August Strindberg's - SAVINGS ARE SUBSTANTIAL LAfJCÉST Gnivc in TMCATOe I'm grateful to him—and to my ing Welcome Week of 1958. A brother-in-law (Prince Stanislas random sample of the group was "THE FATHER” SELECTION IS UNBEATABLE Radzlwlll)--for letting us, two tested and interviewed again dur­ March 30, 31, April 5, 6 and 7 0W W. ST. JOE sister s, be a w a y f r o m h o m e ing die sophomore and lunior For reservations phone IV 5-8040 2 M iles Southwest of Lansing on M*-78 where we belong for so long.*’ years. Final testing involves the M rs. Kennedy originally had entire group. . or Paramount News hop _* STOP M THIS EVENING wanted to make a private and Circle Playhouse — 1120 Sheridan St., Lansing personal trip to the two countries, ” We are really pleased with the but it subsequently was enlarged student cooperation,” Lehmann and expanded and was dubbed by said. “ And in about three months, Students with I.D. $1.00 Curtain 8:30 p.m. DISC SHOP the White House as " sem i-of­ we hope to have some significant ficial.** data to report.” At the last minute, it was cut Students participating the the down by eight days because the study recelued-a-brochure last White House saicTMrs. Kennedy term that described some of the had been suffering from a low preliminary results of the study. grade sinus infection. The research suggests that al­ The first 'lady said she had though one commonly associates been fatigued by the trip, but she - Intelligence of IQ with success rested d u r i n g her stopover in In college- these other factors London with the Radziwllls. are also important: She made the 7 1/2 hour trans­ 1 — Students who are flex­ atlantic homeward flight on a ible, adaptive, receptive to new Pan American jet plane, sharing ideas achieve higher grades in the first class compartment with comprehensive examinations in 27 other passengers. PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2- 5817 * O I # - * I E * E A S T L A N 5 I N G * P H 0 N È ED .2 -18 14 NIGHTS & SUNDAY - ADULTS 90c SAT. MAT. 65c ADULT ENTERTAINMENT STARTS 7 P.M. - - FEATURE AT 7:40 - 9:50 The reason: to find the shape ot the future—future cars, that is. By c reat­ NOW SH0WM6 THRU. SAT. ing man-made monsoons in labora­ tory w in d t u n n e l s , Ford M otor Company scientists and engineers IM H Wo u m r i M iig i i o r p m m c u s ... are able to test the effects of aero­ m k u n a M d ic o u iii dynamic design on the fuel economy, passing ability and_stability of p a s ­ senger cars. / J U iilD w — I -scale model cars and blow gales past them up to 267 mph —to simulate 100-mph car speeds. SIACTN6 SUN. AT 1 P.M. In addition to analyzing sh a p es with an eye to. r e d u c in g a ir drag, otrf First L a n s in g A r e a S h o w i n g scientists and engineers are study­ ing m eans of improving vehicle con-_ MAN MEETS WOMAN AND THE tr-ol th ro u g h proper a e ro d y n a m ic RITUAL OF LOVE BEGINS... design. Experimental projects like this are U n b e l i e v a b l e ... B ut T r u e ! N ever helping pave the way for major b e f o r e su ch s t r a n g e sig h ts! advances in tomorrow’s cars advances which could bring even JAMES FRANCISGUS BRUCE BENNETT • GREGORY WALCOTT better fuel economy, better perform­ VIVIAN NATHAN • EDMUND HASHIM • ScreenplaybySTEWARTSTERN ance with less engine effort and ihracM* K18ERT SUNK • Produced bySYBARTLETT • AUNIVERSALINTERNATIONALPACTUM s a f e r driving at h ig h e r c ru is in g speeds. This is just one more Hit N o . at 9:15 example of how Ford is gaining wa, tout Op»«*» numi le a d e rsh ip th ro u g h s c ie n tific r e ­ D ES ER T search and engineering. RATROL »SMCUT MU M» HMNOTMUSH «ROWMSttM*hMkMDIt RMMn*4 Hit No (3) Late Guest Feature at 10:46 James Garner — Natalie Wood Ph Mo t o r c o m P a nv "C A S H In Technicolor In M C CALL” FMlWiJIIIE ► extra added In EM bmn COLO* The American Road, Dearborn, Michioan • .INDUSTRY• UNO YMf »•« OP IP » « "HOUND WHO THOUGHT HE WAS A RACOON' r M ichigan State N ew s, E ast Lansing* M ichigan F rid a y , M arch 3 0 , 1962 9 V ' jr ' Storms Hit C o r a l G a b le s ' M ic h ig a n S ta te Is O h T h e M o v e ; Midwest CHICAGO, Iff - A spring storm flung road-blocking snow across IL F O R N O northeast North Dakota Thursday T h e Niime th a t M ade Pizza F am o u s in L an sin g T w o O ffic ia ls M a p F u tu re A c tio n and scattered a mixture of snow and rain on flood-plagued Iowa and Nebraska, so far forcing 250 NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A. M. Serving Snacks - Sandwiches - Luncheons - Dinners By ROBERT B. JONES the Engineering building and Wil­ science center worth between $5 fam ilies to evacuate. son hall, the new dormitory. million and $8 million. Cold air p u s h i n g into the Also Catering to . Of the S a te News S a ff a - The yellow with black stripes One chart on Lautner’s wall nations midsection nipped a spell Private Parties - Banquets - Meetings In the offices of tw o high are those that are in the ad­ that hasn’t readied die wall of at balmy spring weather but eased University officials, two identi­ vanced planning s t a g e . T h e s e Breslin is another architect’s flood threats in some sections Visit O u r Rathskeller cal large architectural charts nclude an eight-story parking layout of a proposed campus by slowing the runoff from melt­ are prominently displayed. These garage near Shaw hall and a outdatlng the previous chart. ing snow. Open 5 p.m. Daily show how MSU’s campus may cyclotron that will be pert of This on e, is so new that it The new snow ranged up to •Phone ED 7-131 i look years from now. the groiqi of proposed scientific hasn’t been printed up in dis­ eight indies In northeast North Complete Take-Out Service One office is that of Harold buildings at die extreme south­ play form. After it is printed up, Dakota, Mocking several roads. W. Lautner. director of physi­ east corner of campus. it will be in Breslin’s office. A half inch of snow fell on cal plant planning and develop­ There are 32 model blue build­ This latter chart is the one Norfolk. Neb., where flood waters STUDENTS if ment. JHe has the job of making ings. T h e s e represent future used when die University sub­ from the Northfork River reced­ building sites, perhaps within (with LD.) .75 tentative p l a n s f o r , f u t u r e m ired a five-year building plan ed slowly after washing over 100 buildings. five years.. budget o f $119,560,000 to t h e residential blocks and much of the I h e o t h e r is t h a t of Jack The tw o buildings u n d e r Board of Trustees Nov. 2. business area of the city of Breslin, University secretary. construction have a combined It has two notable features not 13,200 population. He has the job of getting the cost of $10 million. Wilson hall on the printed one. One is a The flood threat was Improving buildings paid for. coSts six million, and the En­ generally In eastern Nebraska, group o f drawings o f n i n e On the identical c h a r t s are gineering building four million. b u i l d i n g s m a r k e d "Human where several hundred persons placed small models of the pro­ The next building will be the Medicine,’’ w h e r e a possible have been driven from t h e i r posed buildings and those already chemistry building, costing $6 medical school can be housed. homes. built! As Breslin and Lautner million, according to Breslin. The other is a series of eight But flood d a n g e r s mounted explain, these positions on the Although plans could) change, drawings o f buildings marked rapidly in scattered cities In map are only tentttive. the order of priority of other "Parking Garage.” A model of Iowa. The Floyd River rolled into The m o d e l buildings a r e new buildings lists one housing the communities of Cherokee, Le one of these shows eight decks colored black, yellow, blue and the forestry and conservation de­ Mars and Hinton, north of Sioux of parking space floor, each 440 yellow with black stripes. partments worth $4 million, a new feet long and 180 feet wide. They City In northwestern Iowa. The black buildings, 76 in all administration building worth $3 At Sioux City, a city of more can park 1,400 cars each. represent those already built. and a half million, a power plant The one parking garage shown than 89,000, 175 fam ilies already The tw o y e l l o w buildings for south campus worth $5 and have been evacuated, with the on the printed chart will begin already under construction are a half million and a biological flood crest still to come. construction in the near future, Lautner said, with two stories Cherokee was under four feet underground an d two a b o v e JACK BRESLIN of water in spots and 75 fam­ ilies w ere evacuated there. GLADM E ground. The other four decks will be added la’ter, he explained. The planning of these parking C h a r g e M o t h e r W it h The eastern half of Hinton was evacuated and the National Guard was called out. T O D A Y L A S T TIM ES at 1 :0 0 - 3 :1 0 - 5 :1 5 - 7 :2 5 - 9 :3 0 garages is the result of a de­ The Cedar River routed ' 40 cision by the Board of Trustees fam ilies at Charles City in north­ ^ FOR ALL ThF. WORLD TO ENJOY! that the University would add no M u r d e r o f S o n ’s W if e ern Iowa and a state of emer­ new single level parking areas. gency was put in force. (UdttDiAneyb The thinking is that the campus should preserve as much of Its WHITE PLAINS. N.Y., (F-A 5 4-year-old Bronx housewife was taking her son from her. The W estchester county grand Other Iowa d a n g e r spots In­ clude, Pacific Junction on the l a n d s c a p e a nd terrain as indicted on first degree murder j u r y t h a t i n d i c t e d M r s . Platte River. Marshalltown on the possible, Lautner said. charges Thursday, accused in the Clementina Corona also indicted Iowa River, Boone on the Des The biggest problem in building slaying of her teen-aged daugh­ John Griffith, 42-year-old Mount Moines River, Waterloo on the these garages, Lautner said, is ter-in-law , whom she blamed for Vernon, N.Y., Negro, who claim­ Cedar River and Webster City that the cost per parking space ed she offered him $1,000 to aid on the Boone. is $1,500, compared to $50 per« in the slaying. The victim of A mudslide at Dedham in West ■ ■ S t a r t* ■ ■ . space for gravel lots and $100 the slaying was 19-year-old M rs. Central Iowa forced die rerout­ per space for asphalt lots. P la c e m e n t Elizabeth Corona, mother of a ing of Milwaukee railroad trains FRANK ; NAM TOMORROW One of Lautner’s jobs is main­ 2-months-olci s o n , w h o w a s strangled in her Yonkers apart­ over the north western railroad taining the beautiful landscaping B u rea u tracks from Arlan to Tama. FEATURE AT on the campus. ment on St. Patrick's day. Iowa, which recorded a high 1:00-3:05-5:15 Interviewing at the Placement Griffith was quoted by police "The biggest f a c t o r holding temperature Wednesday of 76 7:20-9:30< as saying he accompanied Mrs. SAM M Y P C T 1R dils c a m p u s together i s t h e Bureau Wednesday. Additional Corona to the victim ’s apartment degrees In Des Moines, was plas­ landscape,” he said. "With "the information in the P la c e m e n t tered with a mixture of rain, Bureau Bulletin for the week of and that together they strangled QIMSJJnVFORD great variety of architecture of April the buildings on this campus, it still has strong unity that ranks it as one of the most beautiful 4 -6 :' e e e Niles School District (Calif­ the girl. Night Staff hall, snow and sleet. The colder w e a t h e r slowed snow melting In eastern South Dakota, giving swollen creeks and FRIDAY and «SHOP I , in the country.” about? — ornia) — All elements ry educa­ math, arts and crafts, core and The usual procedure is that 7th and 8th grade physical educa­ Winter. Night editor, Isabel R a c k i ; How do all these buildings come tion K-6, junior high science and Wire editor,""Bill Yancey: Copy editors, .Sara Bacon and Tom rivers a chance to carry away runoff waters. Several ice jams developed on the Big Sioux River in the Sioux Falls, S.D., area ATURDAYi someone, usually a dean, notices tion. during the night and dynamiting a need for a new building. He continued today. DuDSH TDn talks to Lautner, who, with the approval of the administration, S t e e l w o r k e r s L a b o r i n g Flood waters receded at Roch­ ester, Minn., after reaching first 3 FEATURES 3 Reg Adn. 75’ d&SKM/D® draws up a tentative plan for die building a n d arranges f o r 4 floor depth In one area, forcing the evacuation-of 20 persons. DRIVE OUT! Only 4 Miles L ol Canpas 0 wdIX&®^fèg suitable'" site If die building is deemed im­ O n 'N e w W a g e C o n t r a c t Minor flooding c o n t i n u e d in parts of Missouri and Illinois. Feature No. 1 — An eastward moving cold front portant enough, it is put near PITTSBURGH, (F-Negotiators refused to confirm or deny re­ the top of die priority list of worked Thursday on the qroblems ports that the heads of the 11 stretched from M i c h i g a n into Leo Gorcey AND THE Bowery _ Boys in Huntz Hall proposed buildings. Texas at midday. bolding up settlement of labor steel producers will meet here Noon temperatures generally, After approval by the Board contracts for basic steelworkers. Thursday night or Friday to give of T r u s t e e s , a professional R. Conrad Cooper, top nego­ consideration to contract provi­ were In die 60s and 70s in the warm air but In the 30s or upper - JUNGLE GENTS Shown twice at 7:22 — 12:21 architect is hired to draw up tiator for 11 major steel com­ sions n e g o t i a t o r s reportedly 20s behind the cold front. plans. The f i n a l step b e f o r e panies, repeatedanearlierstate- have agreed upon— Snow fell from the eastern — 2nd Feature — construction, which Breslin said ment that much work still must The contract report out of is the hardest, is getting the be done before an agreement is Washington Thursday quoted an Dakota s Into Iowa and Western Wisconsin. Snow flurries were money from the legislature. reached." excellent source as saying the noted from Montana into North­ One misconception that many Cooper told a news conference: agreement would run two years •¿to*. students have, he said, is that "We put in seven solid hours and provide fringe benefits valued the athletic proceeds of major of intense joint discussions on at about 10 cents an bour. and minor sports help build class some of the remaining diffioult and research buildings. One source said some of the — ern Wyoming and along the east­ ern slopes on die Colorado Rock­ ies. PRESLEY problems. However, a consider­ 11 producers feel the 10-cent i n t S O Most of the athletic money able amount of work still con­ agreement is a few cents over actually goes toward susuining fronts us." what they are willing to grant. C h o o se the a t h l e t i c program i t s e l f , Cooper s a i dt he b a r g a i n i n g The USW’s international exec­ •wienouc-wu RUTALEE BUOOYLESTERII n i TECHNICOLQR* «.«vTf«*ft Breslin said. Even the intramural teams, headed by himself and utive board is scheduled to con­ buildings are being paid for with David J. McDonald, president of vene here on Saturday morning Y our O w n THE CROSBYBROTHERS PHILLIP. DENNIS-IINBSAY W R BURNETT r~ student fees. the United Steelworkers Union, and a meeting of the union’s Q ueen 'THE 4 NORSEMEN If THEMIALVKF" ' t hi s is th* story »hot first mod* Rudolph Volontlno a star. will meet again Friday. international w a g e policy com­ The UJS. Steel vice president m ittee is E lated an hour later. Sec tho 4 HORSEMEN as dascribod in St."John’ s Reveal«- tion, woven into an unbaliavablo 2)4 hours of unforgettable mot Ton picture entertainment.____ Feature Shown 12:40 - 3:00 LUCON nke In the Grand TrMT.fiea e f "BEN MUR" “60HC WfMTME MM9* Program information dial IV 2-3905 K M t OF K lfi5 s 5:20 - 7:40 10:05 OVER! starts TODAY! M IC H IG A N TMf ATÄF'■PHON't IV 1 7 111 TUB TfNTOP o f 2 nd THE WORLD. . . Law WV#lV with a movie contract in his SUPER BARGAIN DAY! pocket, a convertible in th e RAFERJOHNSON’JOHNlREUM)-lwnmNE-cuffordooets J ? .. Wild In the Country 2nd at 8:46 A ll-D ay P revue O f T n e se T w o F eatu res hotel garage, and a dam e in L o v e ... I n trigue...A n d E x c ite ­ o n - his room paying for the drinks. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents Provocative Adult — 3rd Feature - - m e n t In T n e G r e a t e s t A d v e n ­ ture Story E v e r F ilm ed ! APOCALYPSE Entertainment I MPS RES! R A U L N E W M A N LAST SH O W IN G TODAY! ! Today 3:40, 8:50 p.m. A Until 5:30 P.M.1 OEENN FORD • INGRID THl'LIN • CHARLES BOYER I:D, 6:20, It once later NEXT tt tl l £ E i CORR - HU!L HEXREID - bT l u n i s - iv e n t w w q .1 KARL. BOEHM WBtKTAROftY-.JOHNGAY n = .YttNTC 8USC0 BMC TENDERIS THENIGHT Shirleyknighhdbegley-riptdrn. ATT. httimitrMMi m i km . ihmm meet mh • anm* t, xstt urn. n turn gun Jennifer Jenes-Jeson Roberd, Jr. "Fanny - CINEMASCOPE . . . MCTMOCOLOft B B S Evening piua O m m , «ojagaBfi» -I -1 SPECIAL SNEAK PREVUE! SATURDAY MARCH 31st t Sunday CINEMASCOPE and MET »COLOR ‘’Splendor 7 Women Shown 3rd at 10:46 in the This Will Put You in Orbit With Leughs end I She n In Conjunction With "The 4 Horsemen* * GAsd Family Funl et 9 P.At No Estro Charge. 90* Grana” / Plus! Academy Award Cartoon “ Cat Concerto'' Start* Sunday -- Jerry Lewie In The Errand Boy F rid a y , M arch 3 0 ,1 9 6 2 I Q M ichigan State N ew a, Eaat L an sin g, M ichigan Monday Is Deadline To Turn In Petitions In fo rm a l C l a s s e s T ö r W iv e s day at 7 p.m. In 328 Student Four Informal courses, de­ days from 8 to 10 p.m., begin­ prior to thè flrst class meeting Additional Information can be Petitioning for poets of c le s t signed especially toe student ning Wednesday. at thè Kellogg Cerner registratimi obtained by contacting the Even­ Services. Candidates must come officers, AU-University Student or send a representative or they wives, wlU be offered this spring Registrations will be accepted desk. ing College, 4o Kellogg Center. Government president, and AUSG In the areas at child growth repretentatlves will be open until will be disqualified, according to Kent Crdeil, elections com­ and development, jazz, human r e ­ 4:30 p.m. Monday. lations and American history by m issioner. die Evening College of the Con­ Petitions are available at the Campaigning for e l e c t i o n s tinuing Education Service. Union news desk or In the Men’s began Thursday. The courses will be held even­ Division, o r at 396 Student Ser­ ings far 10 weeks atKeliogg Cen­ vices. The AUSG elections office will be open Friday from 1 p.m. ter. S T A T E N E W S "CWld Growth and Develop­ to 4 p.m. and Monday from 1 to ment," taught by Mrs. Borosage 4:90 p.m. Published by the students of Michigan State University, Is­ of the Department of Home Man­ Candidates must have an all­ sued on class days M o n d a y agement and ChUd Development, university average of 2.37 or through Friday, during the tell, will explore the stages of nor­ higher and must be carrying 12 winter and spring quarters. Is­ mal growth and development of or m ore credits spring term. sued twice weekly during t h e the preschool child from birth A mandatory meeting for a ll summer term. Second class post­ through age five. candidates In scheduled for Mon- age paid at Greenville, Michigan. The class w ill meet Thursdays from 8 to 10 p.m., beginning Spring hails our elegan t p um pt Thursday. "The R ise of Jazzfl What it is and Why it Is” will be In cred ib le to fin d s u c h fin e s s e 'a t tfnsf low taught by Dr. Morris E. Hall p rice, b u t Q u a liC ra ft a lw a y s g iv e s y o u m o r e of the Department of Music. The cla ss will deal with the vocal for t h e m o n e y ! H e r e . I ta lia n -s e w n s tr ip s fa n and Instrumental forma of jazz LATIN AMERICAN TOUCH—This Latin American booth was that have brought It to 'lts pre­ p a le b o n e w ith m e llo w b r o w n for one of the many exhibits in last spring's International Fes­ 17 tival. A contest is beginning Monday to select this year'^ fes­ tival theme. sent place of Importance on the American scene. The course will meet Mondays from 8 to 10 p.m ., beginning International Club IN F O R M A T IO N Monday. "Person to Person: An Intro­ duction to Human Relations” will To Sponsor Mixer Literary Discussion Group — be taught by Mrs. Elizabeth Nall - Discussion of George Corwell's of the Bureau of Social and Po­ A contest will start Monday "Animal Farm", 8 p.m. Library litical Research. Repeated by to decide on the best title for lounge. popular demandafter being offer­ the International Festival, to be Literary Club—8 p.m. Honors ed last term, die course will held May 12. The contest Is College lounge. deal with our personalities and open to «11 and the winning entry Sigma Kappa Term Party — why people act and react to each will receive a prize. Address all Lansing Country Club, music by other as they do. entries to the International Club, BUI Hart. The class will meet Tuesdays Union. - Hillel — Sunday at 6 p.m ., from 8 to 10 p.m., -beginning The Festival is a contribution HUlel House, Sabbath services Tuesday. of foreign students who will p a r ­ and Klddlsh. "Perspective on Y e s t e r day: ticipate In a talent show and HUlel — Sunday at 6 p.m., America Since 1920” will be provide exhibition booths with HUlel House. Signer and open­ taught by Dr. W. Patrick Strauss articles from various countries. ing m ixer, Arnold Gurin will of the Department of American The committee for the Jnter- discuss "Current Trends In the Thought and Language. Lectures Vnationa.l F e s t i v a l i n c l u d e s Jewish Community." _ and literary works will define General chairman, Rofr Jansen: the period from the roaring 20‘s co-chairman, H e l m y Elshery: through the placid 50’s. publicity, Karen W o l l a m ; ex­ J o u rn a lis t G r o u p The class will meet Wednes- hibits, Benita Porter; stage, John AND ADMIT MADRAS AND A TRADITIONALWARDROBE DENIM AMD WASH A WEAR AND BLAZERS AND k RMUOAS___ Wingate: reception, Susan Jones. To M e e t M o n d a y AND WRINKLE-RESISTARCE AND WRITE DUCKS AND SNEAKERS Theta Sigma Phi, the women's Play Tryouts Slated AND OTHER THIRDS. . . . ARE THERE OTHER THIRDS? C om poser journalism fraternity, will meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the Union To G iv e C o n c e rt to complete plans for die annual spring Matrix Luncheon, p resi­ To Begin Sunday H e re M o n d a y dent Cathie V l c k e r m a n an­ WATCH FOR PSEUDO’S TRAVELING Ticket Tetter nounced. Tryouts for the C o m m u n i t y Dr. Vladimir Ussachevsky, in­ — More than 400 women In Jour­ Circle Players final production ternationally known c o m p o s e r nalism are being Invited to the Christopher Fry's *"lSe Lady's and musician, authority on avant luncheon, Including all die women Not for Burning," will be held garde music, will present a con­ enrolled In communications here Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and Monday cert-lecture of electronic music and professional n e w s p a p e r ­ and ITiesday at 7:30 pun. at the th e in the auditorium of the Music Building Monday evening at 8:15. women In the Lansing area. United P ress I n t e r n a t i o n a l Circule Playhouse, 1120Sheridan St., Lansing. Ussachevsky is professor of lo o k yo u composition at Columbia Univer­ correspondent Hortense Myers wUl be the luncheon speaker. For information call during- the evening at Iv 5-8040. sity. He received his Ph.D. in Mrs. Myers Is a veteran r e ­ T h e S to re W ith T h e R e d D o o r love is Composition at th e E a s t m a n School of Music, has given con­ porter from Indianapolis and will speak on her experiences cover­ •fri ¡sriohto >i certs and lectures all over the ing Inaugurations, prison riots, world and is the recipient of presidential campaigns and the numerous awards and honors. COME Indiana legislature. — PO LA CH EK S F A B R IC S • • T ry T h e P rev iew Of S P A R T A N B o o k S t o r e SPRING 62 Fashion F ab rics F or . . . • Maygashel Linens • Raw Silk Swilings # Homespun Prints & Plaids • Silk linen * T e x tb o o k s U sed & N e w ....... • Tarpoon • Shagbaik • Raw Silk Switings — * Spiral N o te b o o k s .......................... 3 5 cup e- Textured Switings • Sailcloth * Playknit * Cotton Satins • Cotton Sheers......... * R eq u ired P a p e r b o u n d s .......................3 5 b P and so many more!! * W e e k e n d S w e a ts h ir ts ........ ............. Simpilicity - McCall Vogue - * N o te b o o k P a p e r .... 15cuP Jotice to all Home Ec. Students Come In and Pick Up Your Discount ClaSSIC-BOOk BaQ w a t e r p r o o f . .......................................... W v — Card Good on Alt Purchases for . the 1962 Spring Term -COME ...... Shop at the P o l a c h e k ’s F a b r ic s 427 E. G ra n d R iv e r 9 :3 0 - 5 :3 0 S P A R T A N B Store Hours W ed. •» 9 Æ 0 P M . O n A n n Street C om er M . A . C. East Lansing -■v«X M ichigan State N ew a, E a st Lan gin g, M ichigan V A U T O M O B IL E SO LD Q U IC K L Y “ I HAD QUITE Â FEW CALLS. i9 6 0 CHEVROLET Biscayne, AND MOST OF ALL I SOLD 348 motor, standard shift. 3 earb- MY CAR»” uretors. Ml 1-4965. 47 ' DOUBLE ROOM for m ale stu­ EXPERT THESES, GENERAL 1951 BETTA. A real economy MUSICIANS - baas or guitar- FURNISHED 2 BEDROOM, new dents near campus. Parking, tel­ 4L Personal TYPING. E l e c t r i c typewriter. car ta> vary g o o d condition. man and drummer. Experienced carpet, $110 including utilities ephone privileges. 525 Albert. Experienced. Near BRODY. Re­ a must. Call E D 2-5065. Ask for except electricity. A d u l t s or Call ED 2-1384._____________ 3 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER spe­ « 9 5 . Phone OX 4-0296. 2 production Service. 332-5545 C Tod. 3 grad, students. 427 Grove. ED2- cial. Underwood Olivetti portable _______________ — — — 3443. 3 typewriter with automatic tabu­ LUXURY ROOM for two. Pri­ lator, two color ribbon and at­ Bring your CAR in for a Spring DAN O’SHAUGNFSSEY AVON is for ambitious women. vate entrance_phpne, ceramic tractive carrying case. Formerly check-up: Lights, Brakes, Steer­ 2501 E. MICHIGAN ARE YOU? If so. Join us for ex­ APARTMENTS bath, piano, refrigerator. Call $88.00. Now only $68.001 ing, etc., checked free of charge. DIAL IV 9-2388 cellent earnings. For appoint­ EAST LANSING, close-in , first ED 2-4518 after 4:30. 3 Stop to receive your giant Zinnia. ment in your home pleaae write floor, modem unfurnished except DANIELS JEWELRY • automotive 1961 VALIANT 2-door, automat­ or call: M rs. Alone Hucklna, Seeds a t SPARTAN T E X A C O for range 8 r e f r i g e r a t o r 3 TWO QUIET and clean tingle 207 S. WASHINGTON SERVICE, corner of Spartan and ~ * EMPLOYMENT ic . Lika now inside and out. 5664 School St.. Haslett. Mich. rooms, $115: Also basement apt. rooms for men. Telephone pri­ E. Grand River, C • FOK SALE Must be oeen to bo appreciated. Phono FE 9-8483. 2 same as aboye $100. Phone ED v ileges. Graduate Students pre­ BURR P A T T E R S O N Fra­ • FOR RENT 2-5988. 3 ferred. ED 2-2682. 3 ternity and Sorority Jewelry end T.V. SERVICE. Special rate • PERSONAL 1959 PLYMOUTH Sport FURY SIMMER CAMP COUNSEL­ convertible. Full power, lo w ORS. Men and Women, earn up related itstr.o. Mow available at for college housing. Service calls FULL USE of my home for CALL • REAL ESTATE m ileage, ahow room condition. LARGE ROOMS in approved the CARD SHOP *cf65*\from $4. Absolute honesty. ACME T.V. • SERVICE to 9 hours graduate or under­ adult graduate students or couple. home. Two double rooms and one graduate credits from M.S.U. the Home Economics Bldg. ED 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C • TRANSPORTATION Quiet atmosphere for studying. single. Parking, private entran­ 1958 FORD 2-door, 6 cylinder, Interviews to be held Friday, 2-6753.______________________ C Phone IV 1-7650. - 3 ce, telephone. Phone ED 7-2221. THESIS TYPING done for Grad D EA DLIN E: atandard shift. Specially priced March 30 from 1-5 p.m., room 3 at $375. C STUDENTS! Reliable advice on Students and Professors. Call I p.m. clan day before 518, College of Education Bldg. APARTMENT for male. Cook­ Tuition plus 8alkry - specialist car insurance. Talk it over with ED 2-4890. _ 8 publication ing facilities, private entrance. 6 VACANCIES in the Steadman LES STANTON. He can help you positions available - handicraft, Only $8perw eek.C aU ED2-5776. House (for boys) right dowmown. RENAULT. 1959, 4 door, 24,000 waterfront, and registered nurse. plan your insurance budget. 1500 BABY SITTING in my home, PHO NE: 3 Private entrance, television, and E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. C5 m iles. One owner car. Perfect Or w rite Camp Oakland Summer two blocks from Marble School. kitchen facilities available. $32 3 5 5 -8 2 5 5 o r 8 2 5 6 1230 Burcham Dr. Phone ED 3 condition. Call 355-2719. 6 camp, 930 E. Drahner, Oxford, ROOM FOR one in approved per month. IV 4-7406 before 5, MOTHER’S! Register for your 2 6859. 3 RA TES: Michigan. 2 unsupervised apartment for men. o r IV 2-1797 evenings or week­ FREE baby gift. Special with this STRATTON SPORTSCAR Four large, well f u r n i s h e d ends. 5 ad, only: SIMILAC Baby Milk 3 I D A Y .................. $1.00 MEN AND WOMEN WANrED rooms, home conveniences. Ag. 3 D A Y S .............. $2.00 •CENTER full and part time to aid in student preferred. 217 Center cans, 55#. Good any time. Marek jm PEANUTS ~ 1915 E. Michigan Ave. COLLEGE APPROVED. For Rexall Prescription Center. 301 5 DAYS $3 00 DIAL IV 4-4411 promotion campaign for nation­ Street. ED 2-1746 or ED 2-4724. M.S.U. male students. Private N. CUppert, by Frandor. 3 PERSONALS (titrrf on (S —©>ab off ©4) ally known concern. Apply to 3 entrance. Parking. 318 Regent. 1958 OPAL, 2 door, good con­ L ist-D ear Inc., OfficeC, Poplars Call IV 2-8269. 3 N.R. CONGRATULATIONS! MAREK REXALL’S March 29 This was THE year. A.H. 5 Thor© will bo « 25« oorvico end dition, new tires, $650. Motel, 2736 E. Grand River, APPROVED UNSUPERVISED 2 bookkeeping charge if thi* ad 1« East Lansing, between 12 noon apartment for two men. A cross ad In error — Should read 3 APPROVED double room for cans for 55#. 4C not paid within one week. 1958 FIAT ‘600’, radio, 40 m.p.g., and 9 p.m. 2 from Student Union Building. No men. 513 Sunset Lane. Cross Mary, how much did you pay new motor, $450. cooking facilities. Student must ventilation, tile bath, private en­ the book store to buy back your WANT EDI TWO LUAU tickets. ^ Automotive_____ For Sale qualify through Student Housing. trance. $6.50. ED 2-1746. 3 Will pay price. Contact Dave, books. 1960 FIAT Wagon, Like new, Rent $70 per month. Must have r 1953 OLDSMOBILE 98 4 -Door white walls. Light Green, $1095. SYLVANIA 21” table model, personal interview with landlord. ROOM for one man. Close 355-5618. - ANYONE WANTING to wisfTa C $44.50. Also 21” Spartan Con­ Call IV 2-8420. .3 to campus with private entrance beautiful, sophisticated coed a Sodan, Power Brakes, Automatic. happy 21. call 355-4780. Ask for Little Rust, two new whitewalls. sole, $69.95. R e c o n d i t i o n e d and telephone at 404 ¿Division. Guaranteed. Larry’s TV Service. A male student to shsre nice ED 2-5698. . v 3 Fran. 2 Phone Ml 1-4417.__________ 3 1961 CHEVEOLET c o n v e r t ­ ible, V8, Push- button radio, heat­ Call IV 9-1982. s ~ 5 modern a p a r t m e n t in private 1961 C O N T I N E N T A L aU er, white sidewalls, Powergllde, home. Not expensive but worth D O U B L E first floor room. KAREN MEIER and LEONARD TENNIS RACKET, J.C. Hig- 4 1-1/2 blocks from campus. $7 KANE, com e to the State News, power, four-door. 6 months old. PaddecTdash, wheel covers, red gin’s best; with press, case, 3 the price. ED 7-1801. Private owner. Will sacrifice. with red top. Call 882-7569 after balls. Like New. $12 complete. per week each. ED 2-3885. 3 room 347, Student Service&Bldg., Phone IV 4-1009 . 3 DOWNTOWN - NEAR. Furn­ for your free passes to die Crest 6 p.m. Priced to selll 3 Ron. A fte r':3 0 p.m. 355-0360 3 i s h e d a p p r o v e d , supervised Drive-In Theater. 1961 V.W. station wagon. Rad­ apartment for 3 o r 4 men. C ell 4L Real Estate______ 1956 PONTIAC, 2 door hard­ MICHIGAN STATE Uni­ SCHWINN B I C Y C L E S , 1962 io . Excellent condition. $1795. top, hydramatlc, radio, white­ models, over 100 always on dfs- evenings at IV 5-0364. 3 EAST LANSING PROPERTY v e r s i t y graduation rings DEAR ” L” I Just wanted to let Call 646-5960. - 2 illVUWt0| Vvvi a w K iw ejo wii w a » ------ ----- SPARTAN 672. 3 bedroom Cape you know that I am still think­ walls, 608 W. Shiawassee, Lans­ available at THE CARD ing. - i play. Full size $39.95. English ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile Cod, 1-1/2 baths, finished rec. Dunelt $43.95. B I C Y C L E S A -bath - unfurnished — --------------- *-*- SHOP. Includes d e g r e e , ing of you. BUSY. except refrig­ room. Owner l e a v i n g state. seal, 3 engraved initials. STORY OLDSMOBILE INC. FEET HURT! College men can SPECIALTY- NOT A SIDELINE. erator and stove. A ir conditionedr F.H.A. term s available. Choice of 10 stones. Hart, what about that girl last 3165 E. MICHIGAN AVE. drive with i n s u r a n c e from Open Monday and Friday even­ close to campus and A&P Store. night? Doesn’t the Red Cedar DIAL IV 2-1311 Bulboz. Topuof Jacobson’s. ED- ings. Van’s Bike Shop, 507 E. 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED 1169 FABRON Street. Make an 2 - 8 6 7 1 . __________ Cl Shiawassee near city market. 2-4886. offer on this attractive 2 bed­ Service^ look beautiful at night? BEAS. lVoO MGA 1600 Roadster. Wire IV 5-1963 3 room home. Large lot, 2 car TYPING, GENERAL and the­ w heels, Torineau cover and Lug­ 51 FORD-two door-stick good ROOMS garage. Owner anxious, leaving sis, experienced. R e as o n ab le gage rack. S T O R Y Sells For tires, accessories, rsdio, heater LANSING S ENGLISH BICY- ROOM for two Male students. for Florida. L esa. . '..............$1695 $90 - 355-2636-Walt 3 CLE HEADQUARTERS. C h e c E 523 Grove Street. CalLED2-1835. rates. ED 7-0138. . 5 THIRD TERM BASIC our prices first. Gene s Cycle 3 WHITE HILLS #1,672 E. Saginaw, [jj^pgR SERVICE toyour desire, STUDY GUIDES 1957 OLDS 98 Convertible. Hy- 53 OLDS *98’ 4 drive, P.S. Shop. IV 4-0362. C2 only 1-1/2 blocks to St. Thomas. Wlth our service, you receive dramatic. Full Power. All white P .B ., Hdry. Radio heater, one NICE ROOMS with or without 4 bedroom Cape Cod. 2 baths, your owndiapers back each time, 2 with blue top. STORY Sella For RUMMAGE SALE: April 3,9:30 cooking. Parking. Two blocks to fireplace, full basement, attached NAT SCI 181-182-183 owner, good transportation. B est campus. ED 7-0830. 3 You mav may inciude include your baby’s your baby’s Leas . . . ......................... $1295 offeF. IV 4-8147. 2 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.; April 4, garage Under $25,000. undershirts and clothing which >9:20 a.m. until 12:00 noon by ATL _ 111-112-113 L A R G E PLEASANT f r o n t . EAST LANSING P R O P E R T Y will not fade. White, Blue or 1959 SIMCA 4-doo»"*4 speed Woman’s Society of O k e m o s SPARTAN 672, 3 bedroom Cape Pink diaper pails furnished - SOC. 231-232-233 transm ission. Rsdio, heater and 1957 FORD (2) Converts, both Community Church in social hall Men’s sleeping room. Private white wall tires. Finished in of Church. Okemos Rd., Okemos. entrance. Shower, Parking. $8. Cod, 1-1/2 baths, finished rec. with P.S., P .B ., automatic trans­ AMERICAN LAUNDRY HUM- 241-242-243 solid Black. STORY Bells For mission. 3 IV 9-4355. 3 room. Owner l e a v i n g state. 111 E. WASHTENAW Less _. ................................. $495 F.H.A. term s available. 1958 FORD FAIRLANE ’500\ • • • IV 2 0864 14 door, VIOLIN - Fine old Heinrich APPROVED single room for DowrvStalrs 5 C UUU1. •automatic. ululila law© ’ —'---------------------------------- . 1960 VOLKSWAGEN, - v'Vl ■.hm «mum».«.-»! jy-jy; men. Two blocks from Union. 1169 SABRON Street. Make an EXPERIENCED TYPIST would Parking- Call ED-2-3634. .5 ¡offer 0« thia attractive 2 bed­ like typing in my home. General condition. R a d i o , Reasonable. LETT1CH and STENBERG household goods or sell for$5O0. room home. U r g e lot, 2 car typing, term papers. TU 2-9861. INKPOT Write Box No. 341A or call garage. Owner anxious, leaving Call after 6:00 p.m. 355-1060. 5 2910 E. KALAMAZOO ROOM, East Lansing, clo se to for Florida. 3182 Pinetree Rd. 6 IV 4-7773. _ 7 campus, quiet room for grad- _ V 484-3229 - • • ■» 307 Grand River WHITE HILLS #1,672 E. Saginaw, ANN BROWN, typist and mult- MONT - FRI.: 12-5 P.M. 1959 CORVETTE, 230 h.p., 4 TROPHIES and AWARDMEDALS -hoi? e priv«le8e s> ^ Did you know that Volkswagen for aU occasions, sports, schol- ED 7-9352 after 5 p.m. only 1-1/2 blocks to St. Thomas. ilith offset printing. IBM. Gen­ s p e e d , posltractlon, 3 3 , 0 0 0 4 bedroom Cape Cod. 2 baths, eral typing, term papers, theses, m iles. Excellent condition. Call 355 9788 or 355-3459. 1951 FORD-two door. Must selll 3 owners who'give their car good orships, and membership. En­ care, get up to 60,000 m iles graving is our Specialty. on the original tires? CONTINENTAL IMPORTS 226 E. KALAMAZOO PARKER JEWELRY 111 S. WASHINGTON - IV4-2322 2-3727. _____________________ 3 UNSUPERVISED for male stu­ dents. 2 single rooms. Call ED garage. Under $25,000. 3 SINGLE ROOM for man. Ap­ Drive. Sharp 3 bedroom home. fireplace, full basement, attached dissertations. 3 duplicating pro­ OTTAWA H I L L S - Algonquin Print. ED 2-8384. SELL - RENT - SWAP1 - ce sse s available; Multillth (black GET THE WANT-AD habit. Read & white, & color), Ozalld, Clear them daily and use them frequent­ C ly. To place your ad or for further information without obli­ 5 Good b o d y , motor. 485-6026. DIAL IV 5-1743 No basement. 13x24 Living room, PIANIST, JulUiard Graduate, gation, call 355-8255. after 5 p.m. 5 C TRAILER: 1960, 8 x 36, like proved housing Close to campus. new. 1 or 2 bedroom. Call 355* Call ED 2-1976. 4 fireplace, abundance of closet now accepting beginners, advan­ AUTO REPAIR 1616 8 to JS. Lot 118. TraUer space and storage." 2 car garage, ced students (near-East Lansing MAN’S ROOM. $7.75 a week. 85x300 ft. lot. _ High School). Call ED 2-0908. 5 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE — A COMPLETE automotive ma­ Haven. 6 ♦ *• Linens furnished. 631 Abbott rd., chine shop service. Morris Auto NEW DYSTROM AM-FM tuner. ED 2-1682.________ 3 DURAND STREET - 8 unit brick ED1E STARR: Typist, theses, » cy., 6 cy., 8 cy.. 2 door, Parts, 814 E. K a l a m a z o o . I n s t r u m e n t aligned. Factory apartment. >730 per month in­ dissertations, term papers, gen­ 4 door, 6 doors, convertibles, tiardtops, statlonwagons, domes­ IV 4-5441. C2 guarantee still effective. Owner DOUBLE 8. SINGLE ROOMS, come, large lot, parking for 10 eral typing. Experienced, IBM tic. foreign or homemade cars. moving soon. Call lV 5-0806. 2 unapproved, private, one block cars. _ electric typewriter. OR 7-8232. C Shop around then get our high from Berkey, parking, p h o n e , # • * BUMPINC and PAINTING our speciality. A11 foreign cars.K al­ MACINT06H 30 watt monaural light cooking. Prefer graduates, KIMBERLY DOWNS - Close to dollar wholesale bid on your automobile. ' — MAX CURTIS INC. 2424 E. MICHIGAN amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker am plifier. Meets factory spec­ ED 7-2540. service-and free Estim ates. 1411 ifications. Excellent condition. E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. $85. ED 2-4477 2 3 MINUTES FROM BERKEY,- level. Each unit complete with Econowash and Dry Cleaners. SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF 3 M.S.U. Just-being c o m p l e t e d TRADING STAMP SI when you Contemporary. 2 family, split bring your cleaning to Wendrow’s S E E I N G IS TO C 1/2 double room with bath. Ap­ fireplace, kitchen, built-in rec­ Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned B E L I E V I N G ! IV 4-4491. EXT. 33 C STEREO TAPE RECORDER. proved for m e n . $7 w e e k . reation room, car port, 12x20 and pressed, only 50#. 3006 Vine CONVERTIBLE, 1956 Chevrolet, black with new white nylon top, WE REBUILD and repair auto­ Four t r a c k telectro. Includes 332-2315 matic and standard transmis ­ stereo tape, extra speakers, and sions at lowest p rices. Martin’s stereo turntable. Brand n e w , Auto Parts, 1887 Haslett Rd. East complete, $225. IV 9-6923. 6 EAST LANSING, Large approved 3 patio and all- separate utilities. St. 1/2 block west of Sears’ - EDWARD G. HACKER CO., REALTORS - Frandor Store. C tha many valúas in tha SELL powergllde and power brakes. quiet'room for men near Kellogg CaU Dorthy Weideman at IV 5- FRENCH T U T O R I N G . Ex­ Lansing. ED 2-5319. 7 Radio, padded dash. $695. Call Center. Call Ed 2-5504 3 2261. Evenings and Sundays, ED perienced in Ph.D. Language Ex­ IV 5-4665 after 7:30. 1957 PLYMOUTH, 2 door, sedan, automatic transmission, rsdio, a*.-.-. A i f Employment LEICA F 3.5. Summaron, wide angle l e n s , v i e w f i n d e r , ac- Room for rent near campus. cesories. Excellent condition. An Student o v e r 21. Kitchen an d NEED EXTRA MONEY? Neat outstanding lens. 355—5146. 2 laundry services available. Cell OTTAWA H I L L S - Algonquin SETT1NG and VAR1FAX copying 7-9475.______________ _ aminations. Call ED 2-1919. 6 TYPING. PRINTING, TYPE- WANT-ADS SW A P appearing woman. Part or full­ Drive. Sharp 3 bedroom home. heater, power brakes, 8 cylinder. ED 2 1202. - 2 No basement. 13x24 Living room, at Wonch Grafic Service, 1720 Body in good condition. Must sell. IV 9-6923. 6 time. Car required. For inter­ 8 and 10 a.m. MOTORCYCLE, Z U N A P P , view phone ED 2-4076 between 1961, 250cc., $450, P h o n e Mi­ 3 - l-4365 or IV 5-4709. fireplace, -APPROVFD HOUSING for un­ space and storage. 2 car garage, 5 dergraduate men. Single room 85x300 ft. lot. $90 per term . Double $85 per abundance of closet E. Michigan, Lansing. Only 10 minutes ______________ Phone 484-7786. from campus on bus line. " S H O U T I N G FROM TH E HOUSE TOPS” May be specta­ C cular . . but advertising in the Want-Ads brings better results. OR DEPENDABLE WOMAN f o r To place a fast action Want-Ad, _ SPARTAN MOTORS INC. babysitting. 4 mornings. Cherry 4L For RenT term . Parking available-5 blocks DURAND STREET - 8 unit brick FREE DRY CLEANING! Wen­ drow’ s Econowash an d D r y phone 355^8255. 3000 E. MICHIGAN AVE. (across from Sears) IV 7-3715 Lane apts. References required. ED 2-6712. 3 HOUSES 3 BEDROOM, Family room, 2 stall garage, Basement, Rec from Union Bldg. Call ED7-0985. apartment. $730 per month in­ .......... MALE STUDENTS. Room and _ ........ 3 come, large lot, parking for 10 Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., I/2 block cars. west of Sears’ Frandor Stofe Is giving absolutely free - - dry S N O W E D U N D E R WITH AFTER- VACATION bills? Sell TRADE TR-3 1960. All white sports road­ room and Study. Washer, dryer, board. $14.50 per week. Call KIMBERLY DOWNS - C lose to cleaning to each customer using outgrown clothing and other un­ ster, both topa. Superior value THE MOKE YOU TELL.- freezer. April 1 - September 1. ED 2-2447 . 5 M.S.U. Just being c o m p l e t e d . its Speedqueen coin washers only needed articles with a Want-Ad. THE QUICKER YOU SELLI Raise extra cash the quick, easy in sports car. READ THE WAHT.ADS I 975 Lantern Hill. East U n sin g. Contemporary, 2 family, split 10 different t i m e s . T a k e ad­ way! Phone 355-8255. ED 7-7037. _ — 2 COMFORTABLE ROOM for level. Each unit complete with vantage M.S.U. C MONZA sport coupe. Roman Rad. m ale student with Parking. Rent fireplace, kitchen, built-in rec­ Standard transmission - excep­ IN A HURRY? Wonch G rtflc A . S M A L L SPACE IN T H E tionally slue at $1,795. ■ | SORRY FULL HOUSE for rent. Walk­ $8 per week. Call IV 2-9556. 3 reation room, car port, 12x20 ing distance to campus. Ideal for patio and all separate utUities. Service now has two shifts to' RIGHT PLACE can make a big "A D a te 3 or 4 students. P h on efD 2-0102 QUIET SINGLE room for male EDWARD G. HACKER CO., RE­ get your Job done faster.. Take sale. U se a State News Want- *« VOLKSWAGrNS 1960 - 1961. between 5 and 10 p.m. student. Graduate preferred. CaU ALTORS call Dorothy Weideman advantage nowl Phone 484-7786. Ad for f - a - s - t results. Call 355- Always a better selection of late No Muu Muus ______________________ED 2-0205 aftar 5:30 or week- at IV 5-2261. O f f i c e h o u r s 8-5. Monday- 8255. ask for Ad-taker. W ith D u k e model VW’s . Immediate delivery. UNAPPROVED - FURNISHED ends. 443 Grove Street. 3 evenings and Sundays, ED 7 9475. Friday. C C Tickets on Sale In Classes 3 room cabin for rent at U k e L a n s i n g . $ 1 4 weekly. C a l l FOR MEN: Approved Super­ EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on GROSBECK HILLS, 2506 Hop­ all makes and models. All work June graduates - Are ED 2-6922.______ 5 vised Single* and Doubles. U r g e kins . Contemporary, 3 bedrooms, guaranteed. O p e n 8 a.m. t o comfortable rooms, hot and cold 11/2 baths, full besement, garage. yo u in te r e s te d in w ork ­ at the Union START RIGHT! A mi s t a k e was PRIVATE PARKING one block water in each. Lobby with T.V., P rice reduced for quick sale. 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 i n g f o r S o c i a l S e c u r i t y ? made on tne from Berkey. $10 a term . 208 Parking, Uundry facilities. One Call IV 9-1153 evenings or week­ E. Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C Ticket Office C a l l 489- 1491. Study Guides For circulars passed Bailey Street. ED 2-2361. 4 block from campus. Spartan Hall, ends. 1 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. 5- T.V. SERVIC& on. ail make ALL THREE TERMS out at r e g i s t r a t i o n GARAGE and PARKINGSPACE GOOD BUY: older home, 3 bed­ ■sets. AH work guaranteed. Mo­ OF BASICS Muu-Muus can Community C ircle Players for rent. Close to campus. Low ROOM for Graduate Student. rooms, carpeting, drapes, Low bile T.V. 1301 W. Mt. Hope. Now Available Downstairs onl y be worn for monthly rates. CaU ED 2-6614. $10 per week, parking, nice lo­ Taxes and upkeep. FHA available. IV 9-5307. 10 announce CASTING for cation, quiet. Call ED 2-1354 - 3 ED 2-2946. 3 Christopher Fry's comedy event s during j I •— Ha wa i i a n Luau u m , W ö W U H Ä T THEY S#/, ‘The Lady's Not For Burning." week— CHARLE BROUN... IT«5 NOT (OHO ( PtfTfclHY 1 in k po t UXNS THAT COUKVS.lT'S H0I0 Sunday, April 1 — .2:30 pjm. YOU PLAY THE SAME . DOSHENAME Monday, April 2 — 7:30 pan. Not to c la s s e s !!! to play $ 0 Tuesday, April 3 — 7:30 pan. PLEASE!!! r I \W 0S^?lJ Needed: 8 men, 3 women 307 Grand River **¿ 5 4 MON. - FRL 12-5 P M . Directed by: D. Michael Biasings me H a w a iia n L u a u C ircle Playhouse — 1120 Sheridan St., I a w in g Cali IV 5-8040 for further information. '> Executive Committee.____ 12 Jtfichigftn State News». E ast Lansing* M ichigan F rid a y , M arch SO, 1062 months, points out that the event la a mal ajor part of President 4 « a I n a s 3Q3DB a a a -rossword Puzzle iaH-_g«Saiü a ö a a a a a n a a a aag has aroused the Interest of ed­ John A. Hannah’ s "eeven-poinj ucators throughout the country plan," spellad out last year to and is probably the first time a realign and reallocata University ' <'■ -''i'SBM'; 3 AT* □ □ a 3 university teas held a conference resources. ACBOSS 20. On condition E E ■p MO MW □ a □sa I. Abrade that of this type for Its faculty. 4. C o u r » .32. Took S3 3 h \m rn E a □sa mm 3 7. Seat of ttfe >2. ShiUy 14. M an 's n am e 15. A C ondition­ al freed o m Id. P e rio d of . lib e rtie s 34. E x clam atio n ■ to friR h te n 35. C o lo r of a h o rse —• 36. S w a rd — Nj a O, nIe O.0 T jo j L i P R ! r ET a i a a H E IMS- m n *TE s r * l m 'O N i s M pr a b lf È ■ m ;E_0 o_ N 11 N □ 3 a a îi O L s R V z_ From Exploding n . One of the greet challenges the National A s s o c i a t i o n s e a r c h in e d u c a t i o n a l tel­ media discussed on T u e s d a y . Every college and university in Michigan has been invited to send r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , and requests to attend have been com­ ing in from schools in all parts of the nation. B e n n e tt C e rf Television panelist, a u t h o r , publisher, and humorist Bennett Cerf w ill appear Monday at 8:19 i IlKht 37. M elody S B I w□ N G MA T feeing the nation’s colleges and evision.” Once again, leading authorities p.m. In the Auditorium under 17. G r. le tte r 38. V ip er t \ Educational Broadcasters. The c o m m i t t e e a l s o em­ auspices of the Lecture-concert universities today is trow to do Following Carpenter’s talk, the will discuss and d e m o n s t r a t e 18. A aro n 's m ir­ 39. C age phasizes that the purpose of die s e r i e s . His t o p i c will be Solution of Y e ste rd a y 's Puxxle a better teaching job with sky­ He has written many articles faculty will break down Into seven such techniques as team learning a cle w o rk e r 40. B eat conference is not to encourage "Changing Styles in American 19. C o te rie 41. B aby! god rocketing student enrollments. for professional journals on the discussion groups, led by deans and teaching, c o m p u t e r appli­ academic production lines, which of sto rm New teaching and learning re­ Humor." 20. P a rt of a DOW N 10. F o rg iv en ess new media, and has received of-MSU colleges, to discuss these cations, the use of the language "are bound to result in a sacri­ b rid le ’ 42. B rick c a r ­ sources are being explored and numerous awards for his educa­ new teaching and learning devices laboratory in various disciplines fice of quality for quantity," 21. S ac re d rie r's tro u g h 1. C orded c lo th 11. S in c e rity tested in many schools throughout Tickets for die talk may be 2. P u lp y -fru it tional research, including one by with authorities who have had and large group instruction. but rather t o h e l p f S c u l t y m e m - "imaiu* 43. A irp la n e 13. B efore long die country, and a few institutions the Pennsylvania Department of experience with them. A 2 0 -member faculty commit­ purchased at the Union ticket 23. S ty le of sh e lte r 3. T ra y lik e bers do a better job in their office and the P a r a m o u n t New- 16. C o n sid ered have actually Integrated t h e s e Public Instruction last year for Wednesday and Thursday ses­ tee, which has been planning this day-to-day classroom activities. h a ir cu t 46 W ind fra m e fo r techniques i n t o c l a s s r o o m shop in Lansing. c a rry in g loads 19. Son of "outstanding leadership and re- . sions will deal with the specific conference for (he past three The area of learning resources 24. T alk effu si. in s tru m e n t 4. S avage D avid instruction. velv: culloq. 48. O p e ra by 25. P la n t B eeth o v en 5. H ail - 20. P ric k ly seed But in most cases, say educa­ 26 A tta ck s 49 T h in and 6. P ro n o u n c o n ta in e r — tors, colleges and universities v e rb a lly pip in g 7. W arm th 21. H on sh u bay just aren’t aware of the many ?8J3Cype sq u are -50. M im ic 8. E ng. c a th e ­ 22. E q u an im ity ways in which their faculties and 29. Reduced 51. P rio r in d ra l city Students could benefit from these 23. M uddled in ran k — tim e 9 V erb form new teaching and learning tech­ 24. R u le r of th e U n iv erse niques. 26. E gypt, god Michigan State will attempt to of p le a su re break the mystery surrounding 27. B allast of a these new devices next week when ra ilro a d it holds the first all-faculty con­ 29. S couting ference on learning resources for g ro u p higher education. 31. O p p o n en t Designed specifically for the 33. T h e least MSU classroom teacher, the con­ bit: colloq. ference will bring educational 34. Botch pioneers and leading authorities 35. S h av in g in stru m e n t in learning resources to the cam­ 37. P ro n g pus April 3=5 to discuss and 39. S m all horse demonstrate the new media in 40 W alk in education. jv ater___ 42. O w ned The opening session Tuesday 43 F ru it of the will set t h e „ s c e n e f o r t h e rose following two days. The program 44. A tm o sp h ere 45. F islreg g s will run from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m ., 47. E a rth g o d ­ and 7:30 to 10 p.m., enabling dess most faculty members to attend 48. S inging without Interrupting class sched­ sy llab le ules. Dr. C l i f f o r d E.~E r i c k s o n , University provost, will welcome the faculty and guests. _ Speaking on "The Challenge to SORRY Higher Education" at the after­ noon session will be Dr. James W. Miller, president of Western Michigan University and former No Muo-Muus MSU secretary. _ — The evening s e s s i o n w i l l feature- a discussion on "The Science of Learning in Relation­ In Classes ship to Education” by Dr. Ray Carpenter, head of the Depart­ ment of P s y c h o l o g y at Penn­ sylvania State University. A mistake was made on the circulars passed out at A noted researcher of the new registration. M u u -M u u s can only be worn for events educational media, Dr. Carpenter during Hawaiian Luau weel< — Not to classes.. has served as a consultant to a Please! — number of learned societies and organizations, including the Fund for the Advancement of Educa­ tion, the Senate Committee on H a w a iia n L u a u Labor and Education, the Educa­ Executive Committee tional TV and Radio Center, and AND MORE M S U JACKETS J u s t R ig h t F o r S p r i n g T a n — W h i t e — N a v y — N y l o n — P o p l i n — M E N ’S — M e n ’s — W o m e n ’s Reg. Price Sale Price Save Reg. Price Sale Price Save 6 .2 5 3* 2“ - 7 .2 5 4” 2“ 7 .5 0 4" 2* 6 .5 0 4 »~ 2 31 7 .9 5 5W — 2* 6 .9 5 4» 2* 9 .3 5 6” 31é 6 .7 5 4° 2 2i 10 .9 5 ln 3“ GET ALL YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS AT THE UNION M SU O N E L O W S w e a ts h ir ts M STO C K P R IC E UP N O W Long and Short Sleeve GET THE NEW - ALL S IZ E S -A L L C O L O R S BLOCK 'S' DESIGN SHORT SL T H E S O C K THAT S T A Y S U P A S LATE A S Y O U D O A O L E R introduces the good • tempered cotton sock . Nothing e ve r g e ts It down. W i t h s t r i p e s at the top a n d r e i n f o r c e d with nylon, i t ’s a w h i t e s o c k that s t i c k s to y o u the w a y y o u r tittle b r o t h e r u s e d to. P i c t u r e d , the A l p i n e with UNION BOOK STORE the n e w S h a p e - U p leg. $1 OO. thiaom*company,cmcittMiriM.oino A D L E R ' S g o o d - t e m p e r e d Atpine available at T h e T o g S h o p , J a c o b s o n 's , S h e p a r d S h o e s