MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY STATE East TATE MEWS Lansing, Michigan VoT53. No. 167 Tuesday, April 3, 1962 Senate Eyes the U.N. Critically Before Voting on Principals Gas Hits Proposal Global TEN WAYS TO HEAVEN—Varsity Club Queen Candidate* for Discuss Hotel Expected l w,i 13 Duke Ellington dance include, top row I. to r. To Pass PottyP-V". Birmingham senior, Kay Plumtree LathrupVill- jnphomore; Sharon Connors, Chicago sophomore; Peggy n9ej Ann Arbor sophomore; Ruth Ann Helmrich, Birmingham Issues More than 600 elementary Glimpses In Vegas LAS VEGAS, JP Seventy-one Mansfield Hits Assembly P|0i bottom row, I. to r. Nancy Brubaker, Detroit senior, school principals f rom through- By the Associated Press re - overcome Monday WASHINGTON f-The ! j.', r, Grand Rapids junior; Judy Hoffman, Royal Oak by chlorine gas that poured from the Pries, Battle Crrek junic tend the annual conference of the French OAS Bitterness Grows i valve into the ventllat- e City freshman. Michigan Department of Elernen- ORAN, ALGERIA, v#Jvr| - Sec-et Army COrganization gunmen Monday Ingsys^m rm of the Stardust Hotel, i a multlmillion ftfidlar tary School Principals, a depart- t of the Michigan Education idiYed" French army lleute vere rushed tohospitals. Others were treated at the scene help the world orj^nlza- ' in midtown Oran. The killings iderllned growing bitterness of a financial bind, Segregationist leld at Kel- between the secret army and the 1 by four fire department oxygen oval of the bipartisan logg Center, April 12-13. One of the officers Was slain units. They used 20 oxygen nise loan proposal was Governor John D. Swainson, 1 ing. The killer left a note on by overwhelming vote, along with Dr. Clifford E.Erick- the service of Rocher Noir." but not before a few thousand son, provost, and Majoi General words were delivered on the way French administrative beadquart Asks Audience Ronald D. McDonald, adjutant the United Nations is (onducted. east of Algiers. general, Michigan National Although the pending legislation Guard, will headline the list of major speakers. They will par¬ 6th Fleet's Goodwill Visit Timely is lalieled a compromise, it ac¬ BEIRUT, LEBANON, - Several units of tually would give President Ken¬ LEANS, T - A New Attorney Emile Wagnei ticipate In a panel discussion on nedy virtually what he asked. I leet including tlie aircraft carrier Saratoga man said Monday she took i chblshop's the topic, "No F'lace to Hide -- harbor Monday for a goodwill visit. "Hie vi.< Sen. Mike Mansfield of Mon¬ In 1956 that segregation Listening In," April 12, at 3:30 advance, is not related to theSyrian unrest. Aboar tana, the Democratic leader, led lly wrong and sinful," P*m- Oxygen wa admin off with Springfield is Vice Adm. David McDonal a speech in which he refused a registered hotel for the said there is "a growing con- Key speakers will be Dr.Stan- affected. Mo m the Archbishop Sat- seriously hit jey idzerda. director of Honors GueriSIa Landings Highlight Indonesian Unrest employees. United Nations Rner_3'"e,nd: College and Dr. Eltor. D.McNeil, JAKARTA Indones ei Monday its Guerrillas had Several hundred perse or associate professor of psy¬ - evacuated from thehotel s off the landed at three points In West New Guinea. At the same time, chology, University of Michigan. ments of The purpose of the two-day government sources predicted that, under U.S. pressure, talks gas used In treating sv The General Assembly's value i- Saturday night the church sessions Is to develop appie soon will be resumed with the Netherlands in tlie island dispute. pool water seeped Into the kit¬ religious outcasi Defense Minister Abdul Haris Nasution, reporting the guerrilla chen and one of the hotel's three ,ue:> ald Monday he liad re- u[^v *~y ~atat a three day Conference foundation for tie next twi rebellion and demanded reunion with the United Arab Republic. for 15 minutes — dashing one ti< concern decisions in the United Nations, e letter. He declined "Hie Junta, which led Syria out of the U.A.R. Sept. 28. Ignored Learning Resources for High- featured talks by noted a at a time back Into the room tit sxclu> rely t pending a requested n Monday through lties from many states wl rebel broadcasts from Aleppo claiming control of northern Syria, inounced Monday, the holding their breath -- before of! wth archbishop. ' had experi eatened stiff punishment fc sabbatical request had they could stop the leak. e • been reached on the basis followed by < "One of the men turned yellow be scheduled to be brought be- Mitchell group discussions involving the speakers and the MSU faculty. Further talks are scheduledfor India, Sweden Head Group Expressing Annoyance GENEVA - Fou m.iddle group natior ploye< ild a fellow said n em- he Poard of Trustees for ival last s postpone 'until April • ' in the General Assembly. referred to the fact that a in of 175,000 population Us Tuesday's session. Reports and Conferei expressed regret the hotel although n. The let same vote .r, the assembly ToSpeak irmament :e , demonstrations on specific ap¬ al lost consciousness at the e" it the inability of le big powers to agrei I'll tell you this plications of these new devices hospital -- will follow iri the evening. contains fa 1st Delegations of But Only four hotel guests were tl lajority •ader a 1 s Talks by the former secretary xeated. The rest were employes, wnicn I Thursday's program, held nuclear stalemate in a tnre imsations 0f labor, the chairman of the from 3:30 to 5 and from 8 to ■nost of them working In the kit- entitled to answer." ing. This was the most j dl National Labor Relations Board 10 p.m. will feature more con¬ :hen a-nd Palm Room restaurant. N. jfd if the letter con- and a Massachusetts Institute of smaller powers. current group discussions on Neutral diplomats said Firemen used ventilating H< idrnonition tliat she Technology professor will hlgh- media application, and a chance The t Union from the ■nachlnes to blow the ga<= out ir. r , ha re of the cost, ! "yes" "no" to gulf separating t oi light a Michigan State Unlver- )f the hotel and allow the kitchen and . for MSU faculty members to quiz s< f the Soviet bloc i: -he e^tam stop her segre- sity conference April 18-19. s topay their assesr,- vities, Mrs. Gaillot_ speaking will be James P. appeared last The Stardi ed in mple he Congo and Middle Mitchell, Trank W. McC'ulloch the three-day n feting, 1958, is Las ' egas' largest hotel. i'ot the wrong idea I'm some sort of and Abraham J. Slegel. the event evening discus- Long Delayed Maiden Flight of Centaur is Set It has 1,300 lal plight. • • ' is the eighth annual Industrial Chairing e CAPE CANAVERAL - The long-delayed maiden flight of rt H. Humphrey, D- ; gcing to nod my delations Conference at MSU's sions will I John W. Crawfor i Centaur rocket, a high-energy vehicle assigned a major r yes or no. I can lent of journalism : Kellogg Center for Continuing of the depa in the U.S. space program, Is scheduled Friday. und with scriptures Education. Moderating the discussion wil Fhe National Aeronautics and Space Administration announ °d, Deadline Extended Shlim^iMe 3 P " . : le preaches segre- "The Labor Relations Climate be Dr. John F. Dietrich, chair¬ Monday the 107-foot-tall rocket at last is ready for its fi * man of the department of spe- Due to the lack of part United Nations should lay for 1962" Is the theme of the test. The flight lias been held up nearly a year primarily beca olng to give up my of tlon petitioning will remai two-day meeting, scheduled to problems in developing an upper state propulsion system T- Student my Cod. I know I'm Move my draw some 200 management, la- Dr. Paul L. Dressel, assistan ploying liquid hydrogen. e until 4 p.m. Tuesday, fot ious positions. Congress repre¬ (onpress Archbishop. bor and government represent- t think Archbishop e-ponsible for this," f ing with a discussion of the con¬ ference in relationship to MSl/s Guido and Army to Ride Out Storm sentative posts are open In Bailey Hall, Bryan Hall. Rutterfleld Meeting Changed >e proposal before the Senate others interested In Industrial sponsored jointly by Man- ;• e 85-year-old pre- relations from the Midwest, seven-point program, and the im¬ [i the army at his elbow, President Jot Hall, North Campbell Sqyth Student Congress : md Sen. Everett M. Dirk- •ten Archbishop of other top speakers will tackle plications of the i media for members Monday for Cabinet he hope; case, Fraternities, Mason Hair, of Illinois, the Republican ■or 27 years. various aspects of the state of can ride out Argentina's political storm. But his own party - led East Lansing. Lansing, Phillips er. and was approved by that arch- the economy, the role of gov- rence highlight exhibits of the on him and demanded the return of ousted President i ro Hall, Rather Hall, Fast Shaw, Sorotltles, and West Yakeley ul'rly clwdute^tlffl s;dent Kennedy, me I dldn' and problems of contract f-rondizi. Acting speaker M would authorize the Presf- e' and "mat- Intransigent Radicals, The following areas for da = s -n,e toughening stand of the dominai * 'regated until Cody administi changing 11 be displayed Frondlzi's party from which Guido rc igned in accepting the offlcers officers still remain open: Soph- !.eadded, referring technology. _ during the thr days In the omore class Vlce-Presldeti Archbishop John e presidency, raised serious doubts that the new regime could who was elevated (Continued n page 8) control congress. Senior class Treasurer. of^ Kansas City to Bike Riders 1 be v guilty t he Case Hall: A learning-Liv n any o Beware— iably i id e r. t ■ of 2 per cent and make^the U. S. 1 ! don't*~get the aud- iday, I'll make the Lock 'Em There's a new concept at work loans for 25 y*ars- the rerms the doned proposed bonds. A Republican sub of - . ilong with other With the coming of spring and ■ pv.dence which might be warm weather many people begin It's called Case Hall, but !t posal called for a which about 3 per cent. riding bicycles. Some people ride might also be nicknamed Fish- is •illot and others whom bowl Hall because its more than The compromise replaces a ••ed as Catholic bicycles that don't belong to them. 1,100 residents are being cicely previous Administration-backed par- The Department of Public Safe¬ up picket lines in front watched as they participate in one plan jnder which the President U ty urges that bicycle owners lock of the nation's newest and largest •vould rave been authorized to ' hbishop's residence and park their bicycles in a educational experiment' purchase $25 million iri 25-year. --nticizing the decision eeate Carhniir egate „ -, Catholic critic schools. bicyciT bicycle " rack"' rack or nearby if tlie Case's residence hall teaching 2 -per-cent U. N. bonds, with racks are e filled fuled. 'le pickets would con- additional authority to match sub¬ If poSSib|e lt is advisable to scriptions by other nations up to ' week, but she would jock the bicycle directly to the ^''v^cTasV il-o has $100 million. rack. Many expensive bicycles this terms in public ———— stolen and never found on campus cheaper ones a hile i tor row's educat SOC To So after the first full term All bicycles ...ust also be re¬ ollege ir. C ase the first y < ALSG R .... t of operation, what'- gistered with the Department of verdict onCase?Talk to students, Public Safety. The permit at¬ tached to the bicycle may prove professors, advisers, and the le for scheduling, Students Off Campus are hold¬ answer is almost always — to be helpful for identification if - ' staff-and procure- ing a political rally Tuesday "Case Is great!" the bicycle is stolen, officers at 7:30 p.m. in Art Room, Union. Planners say there' ar All student government presiden¬ said. academic and living atmosphere at Case that they hoped for and Ask Fink for cy candidates will speak, includ¬ Mens Club To Meet are tickled to see developing. with ing Mike Barbour, Jamie Blan- chard. Bob Howard, and Dick As part of the Unive plea s i The MSU Mens' Club will hold Winters. Each candidate will Seven Point Program. Ca e Hall but continued cool. a luncheon in the Union Parlor speak after which questions will 5 designed t( *t 12:10 p.m., Tuesday. James h" l unc'. worm*r tonight. Stokeiy, issociate professor in A LIVING CONCEPT--Dr. Russell Fink, plains the concept to Julie Dovre, Pontiac Provide professors an< In the halls. class He points out the third floor This is 90C* first meetinf of thL9 i,n '°V» the 40'« the journalism department will assistant dean of University College, and sophmore, ond North Cose RA. es Reduce travel mileage assrooms. originally designed Spring Term and the schedule 0ir Qn(' wormer in high teens. speak about the planetarium pro- -State News Photo by Lowell Kinney. (Continued on po^e 6) - will be discussed. Wednesday. in charge of instruction In Cose Hall, ex¬ Michigan State Newa, Kast Lansing, Michigan Tu««^eek. They left March 31 and are State News Want Ads Bring Results i Wednesday. BRIGADE PROMOTIONS--C0I. Jame» F. tain, Scabbard and Blade, K-1, Kalamazoo; Skell* congratulate* the new Army ROTC Regular Army Major Robert V. Dexter, Has- staff: A. Earl Cbeol, Brigadier General, Bri¬ gade Commander, Lansing; Richard C. Ker- lett. John Shepara, Lt. Col., Asst. Chief of Staff, G-3, Aurora, III.; Joffre W. Filion, Lt. Col., 1st Bn. Commander, Eost Lansing; PI KAPPA ner, Colonel, Deputy Brigade Commander, Merrick, New York, Daniel S. Brazil, Cap¬ Donal Semler, Captain, Asst. Adjutant, To¬ tain, Provost Marshall, Detroit, Barry Bone, ledo, Ohio. Extends an invitation for men Lt. Col., G-l, Riverview, Clyde Walker, Cap¬ interested in Fraternity Living. Travel Scries Night College Shows Film on Hong Kong Offers Courses "Hong Kong Revisited," a col¬ or film visit to a critical cor¬ ner of the world, will be shown and narrated by Phil Walker Nine Informal courses, espe¬ 6 to 8 p.m., beginning Tuesday World Travel Series pre- and section meeting Wed¬ cially designed foi home buyers, one the Auditorium at tiome improvers and others ln~ nesdays fiom 6 to 8 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday. Make a Date with Duke tereste■! 111 increasing sell pto- I hursdays fiom 4 to 6 p.m., beginning Wednesday, Itoth at The revised edition of the iginal film, "Hong Kong" Is now or¬ Quonset No. 2. up to date after a second photo¬ ,veiling Col- Engineering Refresher B, graphic visit to the teeming sea¬ ; education Wednesdays from 7 to 10 p.m. at port and refugee base on China's Duke Ellington & his Orchestra will probe Electrical Engineering Building beginning Wednesday. border. % Walker studied for the theatre, Fundamentals of Home Buying, was an actor and director be¬ Shaheen's Mondays from 7.30 to 9:30 p.m. at Kellogg Center which began fore Joining NBC as an announ¬ cer. In 1953 after a varied ex¬ Across from Herkey Monday. perience with NBC and In the I he informal courses, all be¬ Kapid and Efficient Heading, production of his own television Wednesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. Visit us April 3, 4 at our House r~ ginning the first week in April, will meet as follows. Art(Drawing and I>slgn), Mon¬ at Bessey Hall beginning Wed¬ nesday. programs and films, he began his occupation as cameraman and film lecturer. His travels TAR-King ol days from 7 to 10 p.m. atKresge Art Center which began Monday. Recognizing Trees andShurbs, Tuesdays f om 6 to 8 p.m. at have taken him over most of the world. 121 Whitehills Dr. Tuesdays (t orn 7 to Kellogg Center, beginning Tues- Tickets for the film may be fraternity 10 p.n ^ill resge / bejjln Tuesday. Ueglstratlons will be accepted purchased at the door. For a ride call us between 6 and 8 p.m. on the Black pearls were produced by French(Rending), Tuesdays mascols- and Thursdays from 7 to 8'30 evening of the first class ses¬ sion at the registration desk in oysters near La Paz In Lower C alifornia. A blight wiped out the ED 7-9734 p.m. at Herkey Hall which will beds about 20 years ago. lie gin the Kellogu Center lobby. Tuesday. Says... German(Readlng), and Weitoesdays from 7 to 8,-30 Mondays Registrations also will be ac¬ cepted «ny day from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. prior to the ilrst p.m. at Berkey Hall, which be¬ gin Monday. class meeting in Room 9A, Mer Driver rill Hall. 'As top dog at Alpha Educatlon(learning to MEN Drive), one section meeting Additional Information on the Sigma Phi, I am mindful courses, which vary in length of my responsibilities from eight to ten weeks, can I* besides chasing cats, obtained from the Evening Col¬ dogcatchers and coeds, lege office, 46 Kellogg Center, ny'fine small house activ- today on campus 1 Beta Lambda J Jobs — # It's friendliness ami closeness (If anyone wants to Orgattlza- Michigan State Fraternities cience argue, tney de.il with me!) p.m., 34-35 Union. Publicity Cornmlt- Topic of ; # It's noiuoy, coiiitortable nouse # It'S i".'. 0y # It's active events participation in sports ana campus B, Student Serv Panel Talk invite you to inspect Planning for and getting a Job + it's interest in oeveloping members to the hignest abroad will be the subject of a Greek collegiate life. standards lon breakfast: r a.m. Wed.; Bus faculty panel discussion Thurs¬ day at 7:30 p.m. In 32 Union. Martin Luther Chapel ~ (hiiw (hi Over To Hush Tonight - Choir practice. -- p.m.: Participants will include Homer D. Hlgbea, assistant dean 7 9 p.m. A.W.S. - 326 B, Student Ser of International Programs Jack I'll be there to greet you! Find out how you may take - - vices Bldg, Kinney. director of the MSU Prometiaders - 7 p.m. open Placement Bureau; Claude Mc¬ Alplu Sigma Phi ui dance; 8:15 p.m. closed meeting; Brazilian Club 7 30 Millan. Jr., associate professor of personnel and production ad¬ - p.m. ministration and former head 420 EVKRGKKKN, For rides call ED 2-355T Parler A, L'nlon. of the MSI Brazil project; and Stanley R. Townsend, chairman of the department of foreign lan- full advantage of your Subjects to be covered Include planning an MSU program, how to obtain information job opportunities, anc} on overseas ways to college years. men recommrinl ir to other men contact sonnel specific employers. Per¬ programs In both govern¬ ment service overseas and inter¬ national business will be considered by I and by the panelists. The program will be moderated Donald Devereux, research assistant at the Bureau of Political Research, Social and is Open Rush Tonight sponsored by Delta Phi Epsllon, national professional fraternity for the foreign service and In¬ ternational trade. NO PATIENT IS HOPftESS: Houses West of Abbott Road M Manager 7 to 10 p.m. among ALPHA SIGMA PHI ZETA BETA TAU Mil Mess ALPHA GAMMA RHO ALPHA TAU OMEGA PSI UPSILON From all over America, m> pa¬ PI KAPPA PHI tients have pinned their I&m jpes SIGMA PHI EPSILON on the Menninger Clinic. In fact, It is THETA CHI often considered the psychiatric PHI DELTA THETA PHI KAPPA SIGMA capital of the world. In this week's PHI KAPPA PSI ALPHA PHI ALPHA Saturday Evening Post, you'll meet PHI GAMMA DELTA the remarkable Menninger brothers, team why they feel there is hope (Union) even for psychotics. And read case Coo), clean O'd Spicc Allot Shave lotion always histories of some of thtir patients. gets you off to o lusf, smooth jtort feels just os good Ijefween shaves os it does o'ler shaving (Off/ (S AFTER SHAVE Kates A-OK with dutos 1,25 ond 200 plus tax. LOTION Wednesday — All Houses, Both Sides ol Abbott chtganStateNew ff, East Lansing, Michigan ai Tuesday. April 3, 1962 3 fcSSpJlMI = Placement — ior Plainwell Community Schools A11 elementary education. Jun¬ high math, industrial arts, Brazil Senior of the Week Brigadoon Tryoufs Humanists Bureau high school engllsh. english-his- tory. Will Fea Applications Ready 'Tryouts held for Brigadoon Tuesday, Wednesday will be Meet Tuesday Port Huron Area School Dis¬ and Interviewing Thursday Bureau at the Placement trict — Friday. Additional mation in the Placement Infor¬ tion Bureau Grade All elementary educa¬ K-6, academically talented Sport Fi Senior of the Week tion sheets now available applica¬ for Spring term are in the Union, in the Music at 3:30 and Auditorium. The story calls 7:30 in for'four leads an The Humanist Society will hold organizational and social Bulletin for the week of 5, Junior high, engllsh, The Brazilian Club will fea¬ and a meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. April vocal music, home economics, men's and women's divisions of company of 50 plus 10 in the Union art room. Oldm ture a film on Brazllla and Bra¬ the Student Services men and 10 women dancers math, general aclence, Spenlsh, zilian sports at Its first building. meeting Applications should be filled Denver Public Schools — All core, sapiar hlgti engllsh, ganm. of «prfng. term at 7:30 Cha s of I p.m. irned to the Union Elementary Education, lan¬ •try,, general math, general sci- f r e n c e, commercial Tuesday In parlor A, Unlorr. guages, math, science and spec¬ typing, Span- A talk on Sao Paulo will be ial education. lah, special education, elemen¬ given by Brazilian students Mr?i. tary, junior high & high school ,J^rrU Tru" "■ SaVng# Bank mentally reta rded, psychology Maria Candida Diaz and Mark fChlcago) -- All majors from the Colleges of Business & Public Service. Science & Arts 8. Com¬ munication Arts. Abraham & Straus — All majors. United Air terested Lines — All in¬ regardless of major for stewardess. A group will meet Monday majors from the Colleges of Business «, Public Service. Science & Arts & Communication in 34 Union Thursday at 7 30 P.M. Standard Oil Division Amer¬ Photo Nigh Arts and Home Economics. ican Oil Co. — Business admin¬ Aeronautical Chart & Information istration, marketing, economics Center (U.S. Air Force) — civil and others from the Colleges of engineers; geography, geology, physics and math majors. Science & Arts & Communica¬ tion Arts. THE PIT Associates Investment Co. — All majors from the Waverly Schoola -- Elemen¬ Colleges tary education. Junior high math, of Business & Public Service, engllsh, general science, biology, INK Science & Arts & Communication art, music, industrial arts, for¬ Arts. The Bendlx Corp. — eign language, visiting teacher, Account¬ counseling and guidance director. man's Don Packer of "Packer Photography'', recently named as one of tne "top 10" photographers in Michigan, will take pictures of our customers if they oesire. They will be ori display on our "Wall of Fame" , the fol¬ ing majors. Camp Copneconlc YM( A — - Flint Counselors for nature, Dept. of Higher Education for the Methodist Church — Maaters and Doctoral candidates in high education for teaching in Meth¬ tiotse nest" lowing Monday evening, ano will remain tnere for a permanet display. sailing, camp crafts, rlflery, At home, according to Mrs. Pearson, odist affiliated colleges. archery, arts & crafts, aquatics, the "cold-blooded" Khrushchev is a sports, music, social recreation, warm and likable guy - with a soft SEE YOU religious education, outdoor cooking and a registered nurse League Holds spot for kids. In this week's Saturday Evening Post, she gives an intimate MOW)A (must older) - be 18 years of age or for summer employment. Op> en House picture of the Red boss at play. De¬ scribes his Gargantuan dinners, Open 11 A.M. Daily Carson Plrle Scott & Co. « Women's l>eague will Hotel, restaurant and hotel man¬ hold its spring term Open House swimming pool romps and off the- cuff chatter. And tells what was be agement majors. General Motors Corp. (Chev¬ on Wednesday, April 11, from 7-8 p.m. in room 35 of the hind his tantrum at the U N. Pizza & Delivery Service rolet Motor Dlv.) — account¬ Union. Satmrdmy ing majors and all other from 'IT>ose attending will take part the College of Business & Public Service with a minor In Account¬ in informal discussion groups and wwr 203 M.A.C. Phone ED 2-0863 refreshments will be served. ing. Clarencevllle Public Schools (Livonia) — All elementary ed¬ ucation, early & later, women's physical education, art, music, secondary engllsh, math, science, speech correction, men¬ tally handicapped. Cook County Dept. of Public Aid — Sociology, psychology and social work majors. Glbralter School District — All elementary education. Junior high majors for math science teaching. Glencoe Elementary School — kindergarten through 8th grade. Holly Area Schools — Ele¬ mentary education early and later, high school french-english, french-general science, engllsh- soclal studies, engllsh- coun¬ seling, class "A" mentally handicapped, speech correction and visiting teacher. Lincoln Park Public Schools — All elementary education K-6 Secondary math, french, Spanish, engllsh, Industrial arts, women's physical education, home ec¬ onomics, general science, spe¬ cial education, elementary vocal music, instrumental music, ele¬ mentary art, speech correctlon- UAL lst, visiting teacher, mentally re¬ Day Is Thursday, April 5. tarded, and psychologist majors. That's when you'll learn how you Livonia Public Schools — All can travel to Las Vegas, New York, San Francisco and Miami, elementary education, ele¬ FREE. Go to Europe for 1/4 mentary french, s-panlsh, all sec¬ the usual fare! ondary, Junior high and senior high mentally retarded, visiting Come and meet United Air Lines teacher, psychological diagnosti¬ cian, speech correctlonist. Stewardess, Mary Stewart. For full J.C, Penney & Co. — All Informationandyourappoint- ment, contact Placement Bureau. majors from the Colleges of Business & Public Service, Science & Arts & Communication Pennsylvania Railroad Co Civil & electrical engineers. 1883 - KAHLIL GIBRAN - 1931 It* "HIS POWER came from \ some great reservoir of spiritual life else it could not have been so potent, but the majesty |HH^^KV and beautY of the language with which he clothed it were all his own." mi • NYMPHS OF THE VALLEY • THE PROPHET • THE EARTH 60DS •THE MAD MAN • A TEAR AND A SMILE • SOUND AND FOAM • THE GARDEN OF • THE FORERUNNER # JKUS THE PROPHET • PROSE POEMS # THE WANDER Admen work awfully short hours ■ ■ ■ and a lot of them. now available at A lot of us in advertising /ust can't seem to switch off our enthusiasm when the clock hits five. But our hours go by with astonishing suddenness when we're wrapped up m an intriguing problem. Which is SPARTAN almost always. (Oh, we've got our share of clock watchers, like every business. But their number is dwindling, because people don't pay attention to their ads. That s fine with us.) If you re a little bit interested in working very, very hard to develop an effective piece of advertising, drop us a line. Any BOOKSTORE time. We'll be happy to answer, no matter how late we have to stay. ■ Members of the Michigan Council _CORNER ANN & MAC AVE. EAST LANSING of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, 4-160 General Motors Building, Detroit 2, Mich Michigan State News East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April a. 1962 State Bats Missing Brawn Captures Handball Titles 6UARANTEED LOWEST PRICES Power Packed Punch Ben Brown, East ior, won the Lansing sen¬ all-university sin¬ gles handball championship by defeating Carl Valentino. Detroit IttXlLUt* STEREO iP, DIAMOND NEEDLES TAPE OCR PRICES ARE By MIKE SKINNER Defensively, (Cobs w*s satls- was pleased with the results. freshman, 21-17, 21-19. CHECKED DAILY TO _fifid wlthJiis. squid's.clove work. "We took a lot of sophomores Brown also teamed up with Ken ASSURE BIGGEST His second base two-some of along with us because we wanted Benjamin. New York senior, to SAVINGS ' Hitting was our problem spot, OUh and Don Ketcham drew to get a look at them in game Coach capture the doubles crown. John Kobs concluded Mon- praise. conditions. In this we were suc¬ day as he reviewed his baseball tram's 6-4 spring record. "Ketcham started the trip as the regular second-baseman and cessful." Most of the sophomores were TRY WANT ADS OISC SHOP Kobs was relaxing in the quiet played well untl Into also successful as they helped confines of his Jenlson office a slump," theSpai coach said. State fashion a winning 6-4 re- after having spent 13actionpack- ed days on the diamond trails "After Ketcham hit his slump we brought Olah in as his re- cord, Coral Gables' of the'sunny South. placement. Twins Trade ILFORNO The team returned to thecam- "Both played well," he said, pus Sunday night. Olah. a Junior from Flint, "Our front-line pitchers fared nudged the sophomore Ketcham well and defensively we looked out by six points in the batting With Indians: NATIONAL CHAMPIONS—(1-r) Jeff Motf. team that broke the American and r good," Kobs said, "but our average column. Olah batted.286 son, Doug Rowe, Bill Wood and Mike Wood, The Nit mo that Made Pizza Famous fa Lansing records at the NCAA swimmii hitting ..." while Ketcham slapp-d the apple members of MSU's 400-yard He paused. "We lacked ^ 81 »n even .280 clip. Ramos-Power freestyle relay lumbus, Ohio, Friday night. NOW OPEN AT 11:00 A.M. power/" State's ORLANDO, Fla., if-The Mln- xhvicht's l.unchei Relay In ten games Spartan batters Leading hitter on the tr$p was - tagged d/ily four home runs, two Twlns Monday traded pit— sophomore Joe Porrevecchio coming in the same gsme. from Chicago. Porrevecchio rap- ctler P^dro Ramos io i Cleve- F.aiiquets Met* Kobs admitted that dishwork P®d out 13 singles and 3 double l^nd Indians for first baseman vie - might be a problem when State good for a .387 average. Power and Pitcher DickStigman. Ratliftkrller Curve balling Jack Nutter and No cash was Involved in the Sets opens its regular April National season 14 with a two game set-to with control specialist Wes Klewicki stra'ght player deal, which was Albion helped build the confidence of «nnounced by C«1 Griffith, presi- Phone KD 7-1311 "Wc aren't hitting well," Kobs dent of Kobs In his pitching corps. dent °* Twins Liz Hytnan iplele Take-Out Sen Jluite jiiariAd among the four '' "Our defense is going , Nutter worked 14 . Ramos, a right-hander. . relay is nothing new -ong and our pitch- innings, one oftfie mainstays of the Twins' s Sports Writer swimmers. They were all ex- athletes. Rowe and the struckout 14 and yielded only pitching staff last year, appear- first time in eleven treme,y ^ppy at placing first swam this event last year along seven base hits. He did not give up a run. Klewicki was the workhorse of |ng in 42 games. He |ost 20 and average of 3.95. won 11 and had an earned ruh ». style Michigan State's 400-yd relay team took first and B,,u ure4*in8 L"'cakln8 the°ld the old record' e*Pressed surprise, record, but buj with Larry- -Jones. State placed , anger and second in last year's NCAA rnee Varsity Club Queen t ba: the staff pitching 23 and 1/3 e at the NCAA championships general disappointment thatMln- Mattson, Jones' replace me Pellerln was referring last Power was the 'nn,n8s 4nd fanning 14 batters, baseman of the Indians last year, regular first h,„i» ,h„ „a,lnnai nesota was awarded first along with them, place this year, has had much expei ience In the50-ydfreestyle. Doug Candidate.. turday's game when consec- sec- hurlers chalked up 2-0 and batted .286 with five home win-loss records. national champions State was ahead throughout the v Rowe also swims the 220-yd runs. Stlgman, a left-handed re- he four-baggers by Bert Olah The pitchers we must de- lief pitcher, appeared In 22 games are Jeff Mattson, son,Olympia, Olympia, Wash¬Wash- w,h°'e Of M: race but Stev? Jackman individual medley. record id Carl Charon gave the Spart- ington junior, Doug Howe, Fre- All agree that the long prac¬ is a tenth pend on came through well," Kobs with a 2-5 record and had an breaking perforr nee which tice sessions were worth every inning, 13-9, win over sald. ifor -Bill t Belvolr. n average of 4 Wood, East Lansing Junioi placed the Gophe: 1/10 of a bit of effort. Doug Rowe speaks "Nutter and Klewicki pitched second behind the Spartans for the others when he said, Mike Wood. Jackson junior; AH IV 2-39Q5; well as did Gary Ronbcrg and judges awarded first pla< s to "There was this feeling tliat 1 ' John Elias." In summing up the Spartans NBA Fines have been swimming the event together in league competition de- could have walked through Hell and it would have been worth it." southern Junket, Kobs said he i Wood, Rowe a Mattson Coach McCaffree was very State's relay team broke the Last 2 Da' Celtics and American and national records Friday night at the NCAA champ¬ will eliminate this problem in the future. Most agreedhowever. pleased with the performanoe turned in by his boys and point- ed out that although the event ionships at Columbus, Ohio. that the decision was fair enough was declared a tie, Michigan Warriors Their time of 3:15,8 betters the as the judges do have the final State will get the credit for national mark by 1/10 of a sec- word. having the faster time and break- NEW YORK, ,1'-The president e seconds. Swimming the 400-yd freestyle ing the record. of the National Basketball Assoc¬ te first indication of State's iation Monday fined three Boston and two Philadelphia players $50 'ess In the 400-yd freestyle each for ' unsportsmanlike con¬ duct" Sunday and warned of se¬ season at a dual meet against vere fines and suspensions If t of tl there are any further outbreaks. Maurice l odoloff. the NBA president, handed out the fines • of 3:15 reC° ie to Sam Jones, Jim Loscutoff remaining five meets and Tom Heinsohn of the Boston McCaffree only swam the Celtics, and Ouv Rodgers ian squad together once and Ohio Ted Luckenbljl of the Philadel- inst State. McCaf- phia Wi relay member Make a Date with Duke" Incidents ir '^.nd^NBAplayS 'nd'vldliallV other Spartan April 13 - 9 till 1 A.M. between the ' Kibs •« The SZZ'lll ly State swimming fans won¬ All-University Dance featuring dered if Mattson, Howe and the semifinal series. The series re¬ two Woods could set another Duke Ellington & his Orchestra record at the Big Ten and NOVA sumes in Philadelphia Tuesday. Podoloff --aid hehad sent notice championships, of the fines and his warning to the teams Monday. Ihere was no need for con¬ cern. The relay team broke the Hicks Har "I'm advising both teams that Dig Ten record in a phenomenal. 201 East Grand River if the next game or games are 3:14.5, but because of a techni¬ marred by similar scuffling se- cality, their preliminary record fines and suspension^ will breaking time of ;V15.5 stood as :ord, said Podoloff. ■as a span of nearly between the Big Ten NOWrWJjdAHdtfc the NCAA charnpion- MiinTiTTMrr^TTiMTTPprffn to 5 30 k. The relay squad i Feature At 1:00 - 3:05 - 5:10 7:20 9:25 - - everyday after exams ! d during the short Spring Va- \ aiinu MmiM Sms. uwrsn Columbus, Ohio, all the hard ! , time and preparation paid ! of 3:15.8. after winning were i Freshman LAST 2 DAYS! Feature 12:40 -- 2:55 Baseball All students interested in play¬ 5:10 — 7:30— 9:50 ing freshman baseball are Invited to attend a meeting at Old College field Wednesday at 4 p.m. Metro- Go'Cwyn-Meyer I riNK.lt Wl INFORMATION I \l.l. I.l> '1 "*i: | RAUL NEWMAN GERALDINE RAGE One Stop 'W>odtbMVN EAST LANSING PHONE ED.118I4 With All Your Student Supplies STARTS THURSDAY A GIANT TWIN -HIT SHOW! *********** FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. - ADULTS 90< NOW SHOWING THRU THURSDAY MAN MEETS WOMAN STUDENT Book Storey has those AND THE RITUAL OF LOVE • BEGINS... Paperbacks • Outside Readings Never before such and • Stray Textbooks That strange sights! we may otherwise find hard to get Shop at your one stop shop today ... STUDENT Bookstore Located conveniently across from Berkey Hall (Built with you, the student, In mind) Free Parking In Rear "HIK* In Eastman COLOR "THE HUSTLER" AND "TWO WOMEN" Michigan State News . SPORTS _ East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 3, 1962 Wally Lions full Out A Real Plum Gifford Returns To Football NEW YORK, (i^-Frank Gilford, Sherman, whose team won the Morning Meeting For Varsity Club Set' six times an all-pro halfback, Eastern out temporarily at the end of the films," he said, "but they didn't will return to action for the but was conferencetitlelastyear season, after he suffered a work out. The^ were probably There will be a Varsity Club beaten by the Green New York Giants next season, Bay concussion when he was tackled the most expensive hume movies rush meeting at the Union Build¬ Packers 37-0 in the playoff. hard by Chuck Bednarik of the ever made." ing Wednesday at 6 a.m. ending a one year retirement. "this makes my Job easier," By JIM WALLINGTON The 31-year-oldformtr South¬ Philadelphia Eagles in a late Gifford, 6-foot-1. said tee All letter winners areeliglble. Sherman said. "I can use Glff se*s°n game, ern California star announced weighs about 196 now, the same Please wear State letter sweat- Monday he is giving up radio at running halfback or at flanker, Last ye#r he combined broad- as his playing weight. Imagine.. Detroit..Uon_ coach .Morrtll, Detroit's other quarterbackfromMSU, wherever he fits in Mn» | casting with scouting work for He played in seven pro bowl- " S Wilson in the following situation after WC" 'tnown for not broadcasting -work In the east feel I'm set no matter what Kyle CWi* completing passes. to concentrate on his comeback. Giants. games in his career, and was the Varsity Football fomier Spartan Jim Nlnowski for Plum had only 10 of 302 passes intercepted. Rote decides to do." Gifford is moving his wife and "I league's most valuable player ln gSlonal ^ballAgue's leading quarter- Nlnowski had 16 of 247. hope to play as long as I Rote is reported ready to re- Anyone interested m being a So Detroit will have an can," he said. "I'll be working three youngsters to Bakersfleld. 1956. when the Giants won the accurate passer hard between now and July 15, tire and become a full - time fr«rn their present home title. *clt>,or2e Wilson sat in the trading corner, throwing to such sure-handed receivers as Jim when training camp opens, to get sportscaster, after a long and ln Scarsdale, N.Y. He is theall-tlmeGiants" lead¬ Gibbons, Gail Cogdlll and Terry Barr. back into top shape. sparkling career with the Giants, 1116 handsome Callfornlan, who er in scoring (370 or ED 2-2727 this week. points), touch¬ Ztepu? InMs thumb .o«mmy 1958 when W111,4m"» who played here last In he was selected "We'll see then how much Is lately as a flanker In Sherman's "three end" attack. b*5 dabbled In movie and tele- vision work, said he had downs (59), and rushing (3,674 Kerry McDaniel, rookie left- All-America end left. I think there's quite a bit." no plans yards). He also holds the Giants naded pitcher with the St. Louis And said was designated by Wilson to fill the huge gap Gifford played nine seasons ,or anything other than football, _Q_ left in the defensive line The announcement brought with single game record for pass Cardinals, Is the brother of Llndy the Giants before bowing went to C leveland by Bill Glass who along with Nlnowski and smiles from Clant Coach Allle a',.f,ht^eg eouple of Tv pUot recptions, 11, made in 1957. McDaniel, one of the Cards'aces. - a* a little corny. However, the Detroit Hopalong Cassady. lrade whlch- covld c*r'.-y "We hated to give up Glass," Wilson said, but Sam Williams did a good Job at defensive end late in the season. We don t know whether ^.rira'endT Sam Williams, ha's his pro foot- he can take over. That's to find out." Williams- has been something we'll have mainly on the sidelines since the Lions obtained him from the Los HAVE kTi 'future brightened, although he was not Angeles Rams over two years ago. Erectly involved In the trade with the Cleveland Nlnowski cause will be hurting in Cleveland be¬ when he left Cleveland two sumr ^Another former Spartan, Nlnowski, who was Paul Brown insisted that Nlnowski would n YOU Pf the exchange, going from the Lions be a top-notch pro quarterback. ? ',he Browns, will be Jumping from the ole When Nlnowski, who succeeded Morrall as MSU's starting quarterback In hot spot In Detroit Into the flames at Cleve- the trade last week he 1957, learned of said,"Who wants to go '"tL I ions benefited because they have ob- back there." tai„ed a consistent tosser in Milt Plum who Cleveland fans will probably be on his back tha nfi In several categories last year. because Brown shattered any confidence they rmnt n1 Ms tOBS®s READ He completed 58.A might have had In Nlnowski. Cleveland fans also resent losing Plum. ... State Gymnasts - nv TTDDV U/AnmiAW n California took the gold medal In this event. The TRU Two Spartan gymnasts brought jL home first places from the NCAA ished V a tie for eighth place gymnastics meet held in Albu- in the free auerque, N.M. this past weekend. Steve Johnson terland of U of M, who had ... 71, Casey Stengel gest challenge of his faces the big¬ life - building league ball club from scratch, 9.27 performance. State's other NCAA champion Is Dale Cooper, sophom . e still rings on from North has "I a proud of the boys," he said, "Everybody turned NEWSPAPER s week s Saturday Evening Post, Hollywood. California. Coop fine performances twl to climax a trie 01' Peilessor talks frankly about set a record In the prelimlnar- successfuj iccessful season." brand new team. He tells why he sn t consulted in picking his play- S.zes up such veterans as Richie Ashbuin, Gil Hodges and Charley ies of a He champion, Sou" as rn he scored 98 point possible 100. defeated the Fred Illinois. In this defending Orlofsky of event. ancj State finished fifth behind Southern California, Southern 111- tn0j~, L' of M, Illinois — two half points out of third ADVERTISING olace. Nea: And says how long he expects Johnson led the Spartan scor¬ University of Michigan tram¬ stay with the club. ers with 19 points as he also poline star Lewis Hyman was in n _ The Saturday t uning finished third in the tumbling critical condition in an Albuquer¬ *UDIENCE is larger than in any other medium. Take Successful IH)NT \ free Ganl Browsh que, N.M. hospital Sunday after suffering a brain injury during any other single market, or irt this state and you will still not combination of markets be able to reach the mass businesses have finished second. Lynn of South- the NCAA gymnastics n audience that awaits the newspaper. been built with " ID It produce sales? Sales are the only i Your to the effectiveness of any advertisement, or any adver¬ newspaper tising medium. Main Street merchants aren't philanthro¬ pists . . . newspaper advertising is the backbone of their advertising. approach to the prospective buyer because It brings in the sales. Headquarters " ERSATILE Is Just one word to describe newspaper adver¬ tising. Almost every kind of product every type of service and every size of business is presented to an interested audience through the newspaper advertising columns. . FFECTIVF illustrations, reproduced the reach of (my advertiser, give zest tising. Sharp, fast, news-type half-tone TENNIS images all look good in a newspaper. ^ FTAILERS prefer newspapers. They have the finest research Bancroft Rackets - complete line system ever devised to check on advertising effectiveness the cash register. Remember, all business is local, from $2.95 to $35.00 . . . and sales are made at the local level. BALLS Dunlap, Slazenger, f IMING is important to all advertisers. Newspaper adver Pennsylvania & Bancroft tising can be controlled more accurately in delivering you advertising message to prospective buyers " -L- time you wish t~ J' ** - Tennis Shorts and Jack Percell Tennis Shoes Newspapers await the convenience GOLF of readers ... of the space is made. Survey after survey shows that lead¬ ing manufacturers, retailers, and other types of businesses have been aware of this for years. Special - 5 iron & 2 wood Top Quality Successful business have been built with newspaper ad¬ vertising. The few companies who have dropped their adver¬ tising have usually watched their sales hit a dismal low. on,, $3g95 INSTITUTIONAL, advertising i Golf Balls (ro. readership. Reader ~ seek "Ju: Reg. $9 NOW 5 Doz, local newspapers. Golf Gloves, Shoes & Accessories For Advertising Assistance phone, 355-8255 and a cour¬ N -RS are flexible ... in size from an inc pages ... in copy from one word to thousands teous Advertising counselor play from words to pictures, from type style t. ARCHERY (All By Bear Archery) will call on you. from one ad to a yearly campaign. Arrows Special 10 for s500 Gloves, Quivers, Arm Guards BADMINTON - Rackets & Birdies MICHIGAN Slop Larrabee's In Downtown Today... Lansing - Across from Knapps UNIVERSITY STATE STATE MEWS 325 Washington Avenue Phone IV 5-5729 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 3. i9fio Case Hall-A R ress F Tomorrow's Here What's Case Like? Today in Education A-OK Say Students (Continued from page 1) for recreation areas, and tells What's It like to live in • Linda VanHoose, Allen pa how they're used for in; "revolutionary development" freshman — "lllket aseangv such as Case Hall7 Do students lot. The rooms, hall during the day and lounges turned into social like it? Here's what 12 Case fine arts areas are gathering, very n, students say: I don't mind the walks; thev' at night. He shows the Mike Kelly, Birmingham so¬ not bad at all. ^ they feel that th phomore and South Case pre¬ "The acoustics do to be storage rooms. mixing in dining andl< sident — "What can 1 say: It's through the walls and ventil41 dead "tase was not originally has worked out well. greet. There are many ad¬ and you don't get to know to have classroom;; or labora¬ "Things area 1,000 vantages such as the suites, many girls when you have coffee shop, a beautiful building, f tories," explained Fink, "but normal here. It's more like life," private living areas." elevators and classes In the hall. when the residence hall teaching said Adams. "The first day in David Godfrey, Detroit ft PHOt* program was planned, it was de¬ the dining ro The spirit Is four or five times man — "I came to Case bet. cided that Case could be easily women stayed apart, but after greater than elsewhere I've been. I wanted to get away from thr 35 that "The RAs are not here to man rooms. I like the coed converted to try out the idea." they got closer and closer til now they scatter every- restrict, but help and die women up. but It Is quite a dlstra. RATE! aving keep you on your toes, too. it's "The quality of food ha* "That's right," Miss Belson more realistlcandtheguysaren't terloated since the first i said. "The atmosphere in the Classrooms in the living so slovenly." weeks or so and I think we dining room is very relaxed and hall ore saving Case stu¬ Carole Lum, Honolulu, Hawaii, more TV sets per side." they enjoy themselves. We dents many steps for Nat¬ Junior and North Case president Judy Bryant, Grand Ra haven't had any trouble in the — "I love it over here. Every¬ freshman — "I like it ural Science, American thing .Is-provided—for. you. live much. I like the suites am' claw in the hall, beginning There are frequent >Jolnt acti¬ Thought and Language and best part this first year is seeing Joining baths especially. We .. other Julie Dovre, at S a.m. snd we allow free vities between the wings and courses. everything moved In. I'm getting tend to have too many leftovj periods from 9:45 to 10:20 and their governments. The scholar¬ Pontiac sophmore, and spoiled, what with the TV room, for meals, but thefood Is gei from 2:45 to 3:20, so that student* ship and social committees of Wayne Stevens, Kalamazoo study lounges, and the rest. "One disadvantage Is that it ly good. "The *_Au e froi cla>t>. both sides often join to plan sophmore, RAs in North and only bad point is ha\ Q60 VOI on the other side of hall-side function, Adams said. is sometimes hard to stir up only freshmen, so that South Case Hall, try out one condition, "These periods are also used interest in campus-wide events aren't any upperclassmen of the classrooms. fall aftet since most of the women weren't you about the by many students and professors University." to catch a snack at the coffee the i acauainted with the University Carol Kunze, Chicago - and there aren'tmanyupperclass "1 didn't like shop. It provide an excellent •ommon "precinct" and State News more — .. opportunity for women around to inform them. first because of the construct faculty and stu¬ dents to informally meet and a "sister" house on the North "Everyone knows what we do still wasn't finished, but continue discussions from class side The two units then hold is being watched and that we're I like it very much. The i Photos by setting precedents, so all the setup, grill and dances are r prol frequent exchange dinners and lTie 14 who hav< other gettogethers. hall Is working hard." 1 enjoy the classes closer t classes in Dan Pottroff, Lansing fresh¬ teachers. I think more Lowell . offices on Kinney man — "1 suppose I came to seeing them now. of both wings, two Case to get more room and partly "Since we're so far from out of curiosity, rhe rooms really rest of the campus. It's nk v.- are separated but share aren't bigger, but they are have ■>nnecting bathroom for which contributions for women's halls. everything In one unit islble. easier to clean. Although the men have been in "As for having women so close, Iss BelM ■ aid . the South wing Larry Holland. Water only since January, after the shock wears off. I freshman "It's great. Thir lal and they'r to a gast start. South think it helps the men to mature. — some550papei three trophies in are very convenient. There But if a guy is going to be a classes here and buses com basketball, swimming and bowl¬ ents may borrow any slob or partygoer, Case could re¬ If you have to go elsewhere ing and when hall elections were inforce this. There are more held, there was so much cam¬ campus. The academic opportunities here, but you still phere Is better and since paigning and so many candidates the cjse in other haiss. that primaries had to be held. have to take them yourself." have to dress up anyway, we n Case is set up ideally for the Dean Beaupre, Detroit fresh¬ as well have the Mike Kelly, a write-in candi¬ girls. house plan," Miss Belson said, man — "1 figured Case would "I like more of the little thi date, was f inally elected pre¬ "and 1 think the swing, and It does. I like classes such the elevators system helps sident by one vote! in the dorm and the coed acti¬ too, as promotes -elf discipline, respon¬ Adams and Miss Belson attri¬ keys for mall boxes. The u sibility and soclalibility." vities make the atmosphere more bute much of the spirit and in¬ are too thin, but otherwi< terest in Case to excellent RAs like it a lot here." -NVER1 Adams said another advantage Julie and Wayne get to¬ and frequent consultations with "And I like the way lack wltl :•> t -use method i-- the s—iller gether with other Case stu¬ they trust them. wergild dents below for a round of us. They really treat us like men. It's convenient to have the 1 ven though hall vacancies will songs at the fine arts room be filled by freshmen, Adams piano. To the right, they faculty here and we sure don't suffer for equipment. My only said plans call for present resi¬ make use of one of the co¬ complaint is that the walls seem dents to stay if they wish as educational study lounges, too thin to keep out noise." Belsc they become upperclassmen, so one of the most popular in- Kathy Damman, Mount Cle¬ work closely together and that there will be a mixture of lit much of this to the fact ovations in Case. mens freshman — "It's wonder¬ classes in the future. bo:h are graduates of the ful. I like the room sizes, the Even from the often-harried s College of Iowa and were baths, the grill and the recreation manager's point of view, Case rooms. Having classes In the hall is different and refreshing. makes things more personal and efore taking the Case po¬ "Case Is interesting and a there's better between faculty and rn, Adams was adviser of good hall to manage," said Ro¬ students. lallwhlle Miss Belson bert Inderwood. "1 have a lot "The building Itself Is some¬ e fro it I n •sity. of confidence in the staff, the thing. And I like the coed idea. hall is easier to keep up and There's more of a natural feel- Mthough final hall grades have the students seem happy. There's hird hall has been started. t been compiled yet, the head definitely a high espirlt de corps visers say they are confident Jack Freeman. Plymouth here." freshman — "I ;'.ight also be added later." Fink especially like the rooms, the library and the aid, "and this can be done on mpare favorably with any other small scale, but how about grill. Eating with the girls in the dining hall and grill makes "Men been telling me .moved in, especially for the wo¬ a nice atmosphere. dial w ill happen then, but right their grades much better than are men, but that "if anything, it "Among the disadvantages, whe- they moved In,' Adams only bonded them closer to¬ there are too many freshmen who said. "This would be natural for gether." act like kids, and I don't like A switch to the head advl-ers' second term freshmen, but it He also finds the coed dining the natural science setup because 1- a good indication than an facilities of value. ame tnthu-ia-m for » a-e Hal! all-freshman hall such as Ca* you have only four class days "There's less noise in the instead of five." ife. Donald V. Adams i> the head I- dining room," I nderwood said, dviser for South Case'- 515 ^ now can do well seholastl- "And the men dress better and "Candy Hoffman, Ypsilanti freshman — "1 like It fine. Beverly Belsor. As for that reported extn the There's a nice modern building, the ! -park ir. Case, the head adviser: In ha r curler 625 w of N separate baths and other advan¬ n are quick to agree that it's there Both agi tages. It's unusual because of Inderwood attributes the the coed arrangements, but omen of Ca sea re proud of where easier upkeep of Case both to ley lived ind Case in. e last fall and' hav! otherwise Case Is no so dif¬ expect^ more of developed an enthusiastic go¬ modern to extra design and materials and care students take of ferent. ley're watched. vernment program. Miss Belsoi "Study habits don't seem dif¬ facilities. ferent here than in other dorms. They explained that although -aid. The North Case presiden He said that complaints of too "I do think the food quality has is Carole Lum, Honolulu 1' much noise through walls will gone down since the boys moved re adjoining, each has its own probably be lessened when the pparate facllitie- and rules, Ji:-: s any other hall on campus. walls completely Jrles, so that The areas u$ed lr commonare they can be pair. and sound deadening material -tailed In saidhebelleves se¬ veral things being tried out In Case, such as the suite bath¬ rooms, will become the pattern for future MSI' residence halls. That seems to be the consensus about Case -- it's the pattern for the future at MSI'. 1«60 VOLk with white dttion. $13 It' s time for that big night and Julie odds that finish- ing toGch at left. At right, it's "good night" and the end of an evening at Case Hall--a new development in living and learning at |ASU. How do you do, Julie toys to the model skeleton uMd in one of the Cose natural tcitfleo classes. ^Mgan State News, East Langlng, Michigan Tuesday, April 3, 1962 f "I had at least 15 calls POSITIONS FILLED QUICKLY! STORY OLDSMOBILE INC WANTED - Fashion writers. If "t _ 1 1 fT right after the State News was distributed, and I fil- led the positions the first day." Said the pleased ad- MUSICIANS guitar-man ~ ~ """ - baas and drummer, ! or 3165 E. MICHIGAN AVE y°u c,n wilt report to room ^ FOf" Rem ^ Real Estate FRAT bOYS! SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE DIAL FV 2-1311 341 Student Services Bldg. PRIVATE PARKING 0 1960 MGA 1600 Roadster. Wire -om Berkey. $10 a te Tonight! wheels, Tonneau cover & Lug- Bailey Street. ED 2-2361. nick. STORY Soils for DO YOl) settle for 2nd best. GARAGE 1 block from Knappfa The MEN of cushions J.99 r.v...$1695 Flash light batteries ... 2 for25tf Avon Is first In the field. Good Store. Call ED 3-1760 or ED EAST LANSING, New 3 bed¬ earnings for you. For appoint- 2-2811. ® room ranch: family room, fire¬ East Shaw Bluebird beach balls 88 OLD& 98 Convertible. Hy¬ ment In your home, please write Free Zinnia seeds while they ■ _ place, 2 car garage. Immediate dra malic, Full Power. All white WELCOME YOU! __ _ possession. Good financing. Call with blue top. STORY Sells For 5664 Schaai St., Haslett, to set today. Paul F. Titus. Less....$1295 Telephone FF 9-8483. Builder, IV 2-9655. 6 OPEN RUSK 1956 CHEVROLET DelRay, Two BUSBOY wanted. One block near campus. Call after 4:30 _AC_ LANSING PROPERTY cn 7_nna 6 door. V-8, automatic, finished from Union. Call ED 2-6310. SPARTAN 672, 3 bedroom Cape FREE LIST OF over 40 or¬ in red & white with all vinyl Ask for Drlz. ganized musical groups 1 to 20 6 Interior. Absolutely no rust ____ UNAPPROVED - FURNISHED JJ* pieces. Write or phone C. V. %£&{£?* _ DEADLINE: . STORY Sells For Less $695. C jL pQr jgjg i room Lansing. cabin for rent at Uke $14 weekly. Call ter™ available. SWte' .Clean living "Bud" Tooley, Secy.. Lansing I p.m. claw day before 1959 SIMCA. 4-door, 4 speed BP 2-6922. 5 .No Housemotl Federation of Musicians, 527 S. STEREO TAPE RECORDER, 1169 SABR0N street. Make .Personal phor Washington, IV 2-5314. "Live publication transmission, heater & white wall Four- track offer on this attractive 2 bed- an Music is Best." C6 telectro. Includes PHONE: tires, cream for $450. ED & white color,Sells 2-1759 after 6 P.M. stere stereo tape, extra speakers, and FULL HOUSE for rent. Walk- home. Large lot, 2 car stere stereo turntable. ing distance to campus. Ideal for garage. Owner EXPERT THESES, GENERAL 355-8255 or 8256 complete. $225. IV 9-6923. Brand new, 6 3 or 4 students. Phone ED2-0102 for Florida, TYPING. Electric typewriter. RATES: 1951 mercury. 2 door, v-8, between 5 and 10 p.m. Service" Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ KAREN A BOYAJ IAN and HENRY $1.00 production Service. 332-554.5 C OWENS, come to the State News, I DAY Standard with overdrive, radio VIOLIN - Fine old Helnrich ONE BEDROOM HOUSE. 2 blocks only 1-1/2 blocks to St. 5?glnaw' Thomas . ALTERATIONS. Hemming h re¬ room 347, Student Services Bldg. 3 DAYS $200 and heater. In excellent con- Jacobz 250 years old. Value from campus, unfurnishedexcept for your free passes to the Crest 4 bedroom Cape Cod. 2 baths, styling: formats, trousers, "typing, genera!., .md the- 5 DAYS $3 00 ditlon. 355-4387. 5 $1500. Will trade for car or (or stove & REG. Call ED 2- skirts, etc. NEEDLE'N THREAD Drive-In Theatre. household goods or sell for $500- 4092. fireplace, full basement sis, experienced. Reasonable Spartan motors inc. garage. Under $25,000, Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ rates. ED 7-0138. 5 Write Box No. 341A or call DEAR "L" if > ; still ln- pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. 17 _____ 3000 e. michigan ave. IV 4-7773. APARTMENTS EXPERIENCED TYPIST would Th.r. "HI 1 (across from Sears) A GUY WITHOUT A like typing in my home. General DATE. bookk»«P'n« iv 7-3715 ERlF-DRY CLEANING! Wen- paid »!•' TROPHIES & AWARD MEDALS MAN wanted to share Approved N ' I3x?4 i ivtmr, drow's Fconowash and Dry typing, term piper-. ru 2-9861. To the road for all occasions, ms, sports, scho- Unsupervised unsupervised apartment, apartment. ^On wne e fl flrep,ace,8( abundance of closet Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block 3182 Pinetree Rd. ^ 6 crew that 3ug that CHEVY II. Nova 400 sports ships, and memberships. En- block from campus. Call ED big hole near Student Services: Automotive vertlble. Roman red, white top. „„„„„ „ space and storage. 2 car garage. west of Sears' Frandor Store is You gravine is Specialty. 2-1746. giving absolutely free dry T.V. SERVICE on all make owe me a new Volkswagen. Just like new. cleaning to each customer using sets. All work guaranteed. Mo vol KStf'AGEN, Excellent p ar If pr IPWPt rv ROOMMATE wanted to share DURAND STREET 8 unit brie its Speedqueen coin washers bile T.V. 1301 W. Mt. Hope. condition. conaiw. Radio, - Reasonable* CHEVROLET 1956 Convertible, 111 S. WASHINGTON IV 4-2322 apartment. - $730 per month in 10 different times. Take ad¬ only 9-5307. 10 fall after 6:00 p.m. 355-1060. Black_ white top, 4 brand new tires. Monday special, $495. 3972 after 5PM. 8 Come, large lot, parking for 1 vantage M.S.U. C BICYCLE SALE.Thursday. April , door. Must sell! VOLKSWAGENS 1960-1961.A1- IN A HURRY? Wonch Grafic 1951 FORD v 12, 1962, 1:30 P.M. at Salvage EAST LANSING. 2 man apart- motor. 485-6026. ways a better selection of late KIMBFRLY DOWNS Service aow has two shifts to 5 Model VW'S. Immediate del Yard, Farm Lane.MlchiganState ment. Approved.Unsupervised — of $80. Utilities. Plenty of parking get your job done fas University Campus. (In case | _£ r*'». m level. Each unit complete SSrv WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE 1956 PONT1AC, 2 door hard- w bum ^ fireplace, kitchen, built-in rec¬ top, hydramatlc, radio, white- reation room, car port, 12x20 cy., 6 cy., 8 cy., 2 door, Approximately 60 bicycles ITRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on 1 patio and all separate utilities. .. walls, 608 W. Shiawassee, Lans- lous makes and* conditions, one door, 6 doors, convertibles, bath unfurnished except refrlg- all makes and models. All work ing. 4 1950 Bulck, 2-dr., grey. Engine rdtops. itat ion wagons, domes- erator andstove. Air conditioned, EDWARD G. HACKER CO., guaranteed. Open C a.m. to foreign or homemade cars. #62027621 and other miscellan- close to campus and A&P Store, ':30 p.m. r.V. f eel mi clans, in.1'.' 1961 CHEVROLET convertible. REALTORS ittflms will be soldat auction. ,p ground then get our high V8, Push-button radio, heater, 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults, ED Call Dorthy Weideman at IV 5- E. Michigan. Call I\' 7 5558 liar wholesale bid on your All tems may be seen at Sal- 2-4886. t.f. white sidewalls, Powerglide, 2261. Evenings and Sundays, ED iomobilr. vage Yard, April 9-11, from 8:30 • 7-9475. Padded dash, wheel covers, red 4:30 PM and Thursday A male SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF am student MAX CURTIS INC. with white top. Call 882-7569 TRADING STAMPS! when you April 12, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM. modern apartment in private Personal 2424 1 MICHIGAN after 6 p.m. Priced to sell! 5 Terms: cash. bring your cleaning to Wendrow's . 4 home. Not expensive but I\ 4 44^1. EXT. 33 C the price. ED 7—1801. Econowash and Dry Cleaners, DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY PORTABLE TYPEWRITER spe- FREE^lbS lift wS SrtJrhu iklrts, sweaters cleaned tS> sk,rtS' sweaters cl< 2501 E. Michigan cial. Undenvood Olivetti portable LARGE BEDROOM and adjoining L nntv^iMu' ad only: SIMILE a( ^ and Pressed- on,V 3006 15" PLYMOUTH, 2 door, sedan, DIAL IV 9-2388 typewriter with automatic tab- study room with T.V. for two cans, 55tf. , ^J3 St. 1/2 block _ ^ Good any time. Marek Frandor Store. - «■ ;• transmission, radio, ulator. two color ribbon and at- students. 484-9517 after 4 Rexall Prescription Center. 301 icwer brakes, 8 cylinder, 1960 CHEVROLET convertible, N. Clippert, by Frandor. 3 good condition. Must all power, white with white top. FRENCH TUTORING. E sell! IV 9-6923. 6 red Interior, like new inside and MAREK R EX ALL'S March 29 Jn Call ED 2 1919. Should read 3 W82. $375. ^ 5 2 pjn. 5 the CARD SHOP across from the Home Economics Bldg. ED * " - - DESK like Blond 2-6753. C ANN BROWN, typl plastic — illth offset printing, itiw. uen If fed with GOOD FOR MA NY YEARS YET: you nnrf up high top. $15. See at 334 Evergreen.* FURNISHED 2 bedroom, new STUDENTS! Reliable advice on e«"al typing, term papers, theses, depreciation and operating ' carpet, $110 including utilities '52 Pontiac, 4-door, perfect on your car, there is a except electricity. Adul _ __ car Insurance. Talk it over with dissertations. 3 duplicating pro- inning order, automatic, 43,000 solution - VOLKSWAGEN! TELEVISION :, 5 months old. Excellent condition. 19"portable. g,-ad7 stui'nts. 427* Grove!" E*D LES STANTON. He can help you cesses available; Multilith(black tua! miles. Asking $210. ED 2-3443. *215; daytime ED 2-3521. continental imports Cost $100. 355-7862. ROOMS 226 e. kalamazoo FORD, 1950, 2 door, c dial iv 5-1743 SCHWINN BICYCLES. 196 2 SINGLE OR DOUBLE ROOM for PIANIST, Juilllard Graduate, st, good body and moto models, over 100 always on dls- now accepting beginners, advan¬ male student. Grad. preferred, ced students (near Fast Lansing ne ED 2-4959. play. Full size $39.95. English Linens furnished. 140 Orchard. High School). Call ED 2-0908. 5 1957 FORD (2) Converts, both Dunelt $43.95. BICYCLES A ED 7-22S8. *5" CHEVROLET. Good on- with P.S., P.B., automatic 1 SPECIALTY NOT A SIDELINE. $395. Call after • 30. mission. Open Monday and Friday even- 2 DOUBLE ROOMS, approveufor FDIF STARR: Typist, theses, ED 7-0148. ' 6 1958 FORD FAIRLANE '500*, ings. VAN'S BIKE SHOP, 507 men. Call Mrs. Hamilton at dissertations, term papers, gen — 4 door, automatic. E. Shiawassee near city market. Curry's Campus Court. 337- eral typing. Experienced, IBM STR \ 1TON SPORTSCAR 1953 CRYSLFR-speclal- $85. IV 5-1963. 8 2334. electric typewriter. OR 7 8232. C MICHIGAN STATE Uni- CENTER LETTICH and STENBERG versity graduation rings DIAPFR SERVICE toyour 1915 E. Michigan \ve. BICYCLES, 2 men's 26", Irn- M^Sweek^C^U available at THE CARD DIAL IV 4-4411 2910 E. KALAMAZOO ported. Excellent condition. $25 board. $14.50 per week. Call SHOP. Includes degree, With our service, . 484-3229 each. 355-1063. 6 ED 2-2447. 5^ seal, 3 engraved initials. your own diapers back each You may Include your baby's WALK ONE BLOCK to Union. Choice of 10 stones. ALTO RI PAIR undershirts and clothing which DRONER KENMORE — Like Kitchen privileges. Approved fade. White. Blue or new, $30. Craftsman table saw. rooms for men. 334 Evergreen. WE REBUILD and repalrauto- Pink diaper pails furnished I'hone ED 2-4959. 8 matic and standard transmis¬ sions at lowest prices. Martin's AMERICAN LAUNDRY ANTIQUE 5 string banjo. Stan- 6 VACANCIES in the Steadman 111 E. WASHTENAW Auto Parts, 1887 Haslett Rd. l ast dard neck. IV 5-0819. 6 House (for boys) right downtown, ( ATTENTION I Engineering, IV 2 0864 Lansing. ID 2-5319. 7 Privi ' ievlsio'n.^and ' Chemistry, Physics, and Math kitchen facilities available. $32 majors! Would you like to im- 1956 PONTIAC, 2 door hardtop, i TRANSISTOR, Tape month. iv 4-7406 before 5, - - prove vourr social, social, academic acai and - , "'■amario, •. Almost new, excellent week- professional status? Plan to at- for college housing. Service call' radio, whitewalls. ^ """ c " IV , 17q7 -venincs or W. Shiawassee, Lansing. IV St. Body Shop. Wrecker condition. Call IV 7-3371, tend the ^ Rush smoker of $4. Absolute honesty, ACME T.V. ",-33^c .iftt-;- 5PM. 6 service and free I stlmates. 1411 Triangle Fraternity 7p.m.,April 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C 2 4. For ride call ED 2- F. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. or 2 QUIET, clean single rooms 5 THESIS TYPING done for Grad _ •MPH TR3 sports car. 1957. 3563. ovable hardtop. Excell- ; Good quaHty. "low price", for men .Graduate stud«it s pre- Students and Professors. Call Call 355-1940. 5 ferred. ED 2-2682. 125 fern 5-0359. condition. $995.' Phone IV a -fr Employment Street. MOTORCYCLE, ZUNAPP, PRIVATE rooms for men. 2 ft i top of Jacobson's TYPING IN SPARTAN Village ENERGETIC STUDENT for part- 1961, 250cc„ $450, Phone Ml- blocks from Union. Private en¬ Apartment. Electric typewriter. advertising coor- 1-4365 or IV 5-4709. 5 trance. 136 Linden. ED 2-1441. Call 35S-3012. ALPHA GAMMA RHO 1 Waeon a»on ' " , \ v., \ the « i iiT~" \ olkswaeen only 9 Inches longer. ^ IN! NTAL IMPORTS Station °q f*'®8en Sutlon ainawng. Must have available at i_„„. is least J5 hoUrs ^ week. Con- chants Association, - Bill Roach, ■ - Frandor Mer¬ for appt. ONE Call GIBSON flat top guitar. Good condition. Very reasonable. 355-6897. Joe. 5 FOR MEN: Approved Super¬ vised Singles and Doubles. Large- SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS. Rent latest model Singer portable at only $5 monthly or $1.50 per IV 7-0974. 7 comfortable rooms, hot and cold week. We deliver" and pick up. 1 KALAMAZOO each. Lobby with T.V., . DIAL IV 5-1743 Buy the brand new Spartan, model TRAILER-VAN DYKE, 1959, lOx parking. Laundry facilities. One 192, at only $44.50. Pay only C'4 WANTED- Bus Boys for Spring 40, front kitchen, $2,350: Phone block from campus. Spartan Hall, OPEN RUSH $5 down and $5 monthly. Iliese I960 VOLKSWAGEN sedan, Black Meals only. Call ED 332-6170. 5 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. 5 " term. special offers ith white walls. TUES & WED 7-10 P.M. Excellent con- 7-1611. 5 ... students at M.S.U. 't'on. $1350. Call ED 7-1411. 5 , , , , „ NEAR Lainsburg. 1 1/3 _ 308 Abbott Rd. ED 2-3557 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan NEED EXTRA INCOME? Work Improved with 1958 10x48_Great 219 Cliarles, ED 2-0454. or evenings. Set your own Lakes Trailer. P r i ce $3,195. provided. Rides will be c5,W,]! condition — ' radi0' he*ter- $650. 355-0970after ui . , , Study Guides For 50x10 ft. Exceptional offer. Must SINGLE ROOM for man. Ap- RUSHEES: see yoU tonight at ALL three WANTED female models for ad¬ sell. 699-2361 after 6:d0. 6 proved housing Close to campus, ALpHA gamma RHO for open TERMS vertising promotions. Contact Cell ED 2-1976. « 7_10 ptIT1. ED 2-3557. 5 OF BASICS Fred Levlne in room 341 Stu¬ Now Available , dent Services Bldg. between 12- I to Id it for only a few pennies THE MORE YOU TELL- Downstairs. • I nil l» ni/M „ ,lrit cl»r ««i Hinkie. "we've done it aiciin!" ev -li'Mik ImmU "ilentlv, not triistinu tlieiitselve,x t«> s|ie.-ik, it MarllM.nm iiimI ^-tti.-.l Imck to relitx, for MtirlUirr. is a INK POT r-tte not only for eerel>r:ition. I>ut for settlinK iKiek with 307 Grand River l0N- - FRI. 12-5 P,M. ■nn i* npttrtiutred—mmetim** neriiniHly—by the maker it of Marlboro, who invite you to try their fine filter cigarettes, available in king-size pack or Hip-lop box at tobacco counters in all .50 states. ) Michigan State News, East Latysing, Michigan Tuesday, April 3, i9fi, Honorary Mitchell Applications Greeks Pick Twist Mixes Selects (Continued fron poge 1) Ready For Three fraternities and one sorority announced the results of their elections Monday. Jor Alpha Gamma Rho elected president. JohnRhen,Pittsburgh. Internationals Jan vice-president, NormanVan Officers . nion concourse. 2nd floor. Dr. James L. Page, exhibits NSA Seminar Phi Mu elected president. Jacobson, Lansing Junior; vice- p». Sickle, Hart: alumni secretary, proved the- l0r - Ito or,re it r p ~~M •fu;rman, explains ;hat "hard- Students may apply now to president, Anne Hughes, Blr- Thomas Mead. Barrien Springs: American students Friday/.! Scabbard and Blade, national attend the tenth lnteroationalStu- mlngham sophomore: treasurer, chapter secretary, Douglas Nell- International Mixer sponsorlul military honor society, recently dent Relations Sem ina r Jinx Goodwin, Flint junior: and son, Lapeer: and treasurer. Bill the International Club with * , spon¬ elected officers. sored by the National Student secretary, Glnny Fyres, Buffalo Bamber, Howell. A mer IcanB ro the rhood-s Th« following were elected to N'.Y. sophomore. Alpha Tau Omega electedpres- ter-hood program. s positions: Applications may be obtained Lambda Chi Alpha elected ident. Bill Grant. Bethesda, Jun- More than 100 A me near J Clyde E. Walker. K.ilaman _from Bob Hencken. NSA coord- president. Ken Jesmore, Detroit i0r: vice-president. Marty Clce- foreign students--unable to diT Junior. Captain. Company k- government Junior: vice-president, BllLPier- hellL Oak Park Junior: secre- the various dances of the n Bryan G. Minor. Fairview Park. the creetedor deMgnedprograms offic* cy, Denvllle, N.J., sophomore: tary, Pete Hewett, E. Lansing countries represented--; Ohio tumor. 1st Lieutenant. Co. which are used with the tard- ted by April 9. secretary, Tim Yonker, St. Jo- Junior: and treasurer. Bill Wag- tened the evening by Time limit) fff e Recommend Gabrileen Permanent Waves) Cn screen or oft Natalie Wood is a Stir with a enp'tnl -S " in this we^'s Post, you'll read hew Natalie 1j nil-entity Beau v-jriss on o' Pc.'a in the jittering tradition Negr.' How she makes bcx office hav cut of unsavory scandals what a young and pretty Free Parking In Lucon Lot And *-at was behind the breakup way to sleep of her marriage to Robert Wagner East Lansing's Most Modern Salon TKu ...in our be-ruffled and (mini 2Doors East of Lucon Theatre ED 2-1116 IH)KT poodle-appliqued nylon tricot shift gown or baby doll pajamas, two sweet sleep inducers that are completely carefree at home or away Added zest; dainty nylon lace icing the sheer nylon ruffles Bluegrass or buttercup Gown: small, medium, large Pajamas: small or medium Each. 5.95 for the first tim!... PANTI-LEGS"* is having a salei lirnlNiih from April 2 through April 20 Regularly 3.00 Not just panties, not just hosiery ..but Glen ( Raven's new all-in-one ponty hosiery garment! Now is the time to enjoy the garter-free smoothness under all your spring fashions, to delight in the comfort of this sheer seamless stocking and •Toreyfon's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est!' say* Titus «PrrtzH Brndrr) Ursus, darhn* of rhe Coliseum ^ x opoque panty combination Catolina crowd. Says Prrt2rt Bmd*>r. "After the amphitheater I relax i or electro. . Sizes medium, and have a Tareyton. Amo. arm- everyone amat Tareyton .. medium tall or tall. Et tu will. too. Tfereyton's ono filter agarem- that really deliver de jtustibuv" f s\ — - DUAL FILTER Tareyton