Global MICHIGAN Vol 53. No. 168 UNIVERSITY STATE STATE NEWS East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 4, 1962 , B Double Peace By the WASHINGTON- The House V Associated Press to Corps »utho rlze the ecret Army Terrorist Band Fires on Hospitalized Moslems vlTcorps w double its bud^ Vj triple the number of „[e« s overseas. .e Senate a measure Jjytfc'.-ije $o3.750,000, subject tl " iV appropriations. for the •" 'starung July I. Congress " ' w $30 million for thecur- Device Horrified Helps f e r to finance the training ,r!^assignmem of 2.400 corps- Te-Vi° nur.Vl*omas E. Morgan. ., o! the Foreign Affairs id that although only Doctors Star-gazing ee s.i - have reached their Look On " veers countries. the added 5°-^ -Ani nermst 6.700 to be i. bv June 30. 1963 and Clinic Wall By STEVE COLE ley said, are built so that spec- ■ 'v 1: ;0.000 by the end of 1963. Of the State News Staff tators must turn completely about Blasted A new concept In planetarium in order t0 vlew celestial ALGIERS J A band of 15 Doubt - UN Loan In construction which will be used In the planned MSU planetarium bodies projected on the dome- 1Uce filing and walls surround- secret army terrorists marched v i^HlNGTON-Republican de- into a quiet hospital Tuesday was explained to Men's Club ... "V additional limitations members by Or. James Stokley. MSU's planetarium. will use and methodically s p r a y e dMos- s 'den: Kennedy's authority associate professor of Journal¬ a special projection device which lem patients with machinegun led Tuesday a compromise revolves, enabling spectators to fire as hor? ifieddoctors andnur- ism. at a luncheon Tuesday. hun to lend the Other planetarlums, Stok- be seated in one direction. - '■e- \ nous $100 million or The device turns slowly, pro¬ Nine Moslem patients were that amount of U.N. killed and seven wounded — jecting the stars and planets on while they lay screaming President a 50 feet in diameter dome many in their beds opposite ana giving tne euect mat me BACKSTAGE WITH CERF-Autogroph ous undertones, Cerf addressed the un( Before driving away in four spectator is moving to view each area of the sky. seeking students hurried to catch Bennett pectedly large audience on the effects sedans, • the terrorists set off Cerf otter Viis lecture Monday night at the of the world on humor. Hopefuls a blast of 30 pounds of dynamite < e i '• ® Republican Leader The machine can also project University Auditorium. Speaking with seri¬ State News Photo by Gary Ha< that wrecked one wing of the Beu -.ere:: M. Dirksen of Illinois celestial bodies as seen from Fraisier V._; . er conference mightbe points other than the earth. (Beautiful Strawberry- Bush) clinic high in the hills -eWsarv to iron out differences. To Debate Spectators will be able to see Vietnamese In Action what the earth would look like from the moon or other planets. Stokley said that many devices have been used in the past to Censorship Is U overlooking Algiers. 10 ! The attack lasted less t • age n I t f the Two All-University Govern¬ Humorist campaign to ror Cerf ?aI*VN. YietNam-About 8,000 show the relationships of the ment presidential candidates said stars and other celestial bodies. ; independence, ■ e - ".e-e troops'combed a 10- could give no rea- --.e-"" .le section of the Mek- Tuesday they would go ahead He said that at one time huge with a debate on campaign Issues walk-in globes were constructed .er \ alley Tuesday in >r. Most of the v s had as basedatCaoLanh. chard, Ferndale sophomore, to be built in the United States. problems, said humorist and pub¬ their owr. weight. have resulted in disruption Mlke Barbour, Lansing Junior, lisher Bennett Cerf in a lecture the Doukhobor. So,,, he began to There was terror elsewhere Stokley writes a monthly as- "Censorship is un-American strip, bit by bit. in Algiers. Abderrahmane Ab- of sidewalk traffic near Ber- and Bob Howard, Elmhurst, 111., tronomy column which appears on campus Monday night. and ought to be stopped," Cerf ' But," said Cerf, "these Minutes later, the Mountie desselam, a Moslem official of key Halt as maintenance sophomore, to discuss campaign ln more than 100 newspapers and said. Bloodshed Averted crews have dug up the ce¬ issues with him. magazines people cannot stand to do any¬ Illustrating his !deas with a marched his prisoner back into the square The townspeople the French Finance shot and killed by a terrorist Ministry, was ment in order to repair the Blanchard and Howard at first He also instructs thing in moderation." 8EIKT. Lebanon.-A Dam- refused to challenge because they story, Cerf told of a certain stared. Which one was the Mount¬ in one of the series of shootings. ;rojdcas: Tuesday night deeply buried pipes. astronomy. Exemplary of this attitude In religious sect in western Canada, ie and which was the Doukhobor? "The attack on the hospital was said they felt the terms of the in addition, he has written " the Doukhobor. These people are .r.-.ed ar. end to the State News Photo by Dave pan of the American people Is the Both were stark naked! carried out with precision, the Alep- debate, as set up by Winters, several books on astronomy, the nlrrpnt demand for more and farmers, "decent souls," said Thus Cerf made his point, "If terrorists driving into the palm- x re . - red by Syrian army Jaehnig, were unfair. Barbour accepted jatest being "Atoms and Calax- censorship of books, mov¬ Cerf, but they have one peculiar shaded • seex.r.g Syria's return to the challenge Monday. more we let censors take away our grounds about 6:30 a.m. ies>" whjch was published last _ ies, plays, and television pro¬ trait. Every spring when the sun "This is an inspection", shout¬ : e- :erf Arab Republic. The rules for the debate will Gocfrgiven rights, these rights ( year, grams, he said. goes higher in the sky and the will vanish. It will become im¬ ed one of the killers. A moment rs \ >\ .er- r. ar. _ high command state¬ rebel troops and their nnounced loyalty to the Rekeying Plan allow Winters a seven-minute opening speech. One of .his op- Interest ln astronomy Is in- creasing very much due to the "Self-appointed snoop hounds- -s-try to tell thepeople sap begins to run, the Doukhobor possible to tell which is the celebrate They American and which is the per¬ later the quiet, sunny morning was shattered by machine1 gun ponents will then be allowed seven space race, he said, around stark naked fc rmrr.and and returned to For Security minutes for opening remarks, and Astronomy, he said, used to be what to read, what t to hear, and even what to think," or two. And the authorities can't son living behind the so-called fire. The terrorists -- all Eur- (Continued 6) the two will debate for half an a science of observation but this Cerf said. do a thing about it. on page Persons who had attempted to -r er: ar.d influence the army Under Way hour on campaign issues. opponent will have four minutes The is rapidly changing, One day about two years ago, a e fled, i: said, and blood- The program of altering Un¬ iversity building locks as a se- will have no opportunity for re- Stokley called the planetarium for closing rema&ks. Winters "a wonderful teaching device." He said it has application in a "Lady Chatterly's Lover was pretfy dull book." he said. Then came 'Tropic of Cancer.' one to of these farmers went to town do some shopping, and in the middle of the square, he felt the Judge Desegregates well under buttal or closing remarks. The fields other than astronomy. He ese books are so dull desire to celebrate. He stripped. New Orleans Sehools - curity Both of same rules will apply for the cited navigation and humanities that 9^ of 100 wouldn't read A Royal Northwest Canadian way, Theodore Simon, superin¬ t Doings In Dixie tendent of buildings and utilities, said Tuesday. other two candidates. Howard said the procedure"is as examples. The planetarium, which will be :: M INGHAM-In against a;- Negro boycott of stores, the city- with¬ retalia- New key combinations eventually be installed in buildings, he said. will all designed to put Mr. Winters at built onto the present museum an advantage regardless of what building, is being financed by the is said." Development Fund. Zone Law Change s public schools through rhe from many of their allowed hate to over- drew . r ,.r--> reeds'. support Tuesday from surplus food program Eustace Berkey, Bessie. Hall, Marshall Hall, Eppley Center, "The rules may seem from the standpoint that unfair 0ne alumnus has contributed I'll be J250.000 to the construction of Affects Housing out law. the U.S. state pupil placement District Judge J. Skelly come their better Judgement, "But the plight of the board cannot affect the rights of school debating each candidate Individ- • • and Journalism have been re- the $400,000 structure, scheduled 1 : -ervhelming majority of keyed, Simon said. Natural Sci¬ ually the same night." Winters t0 be completed in about a year, An amendment to the zoning student living units. Wright made his order effective children who skin color is no ?ersir..« receiving tne aiaare ordinances allowing detached and ln other action the council: next fall at the beginning of choice of their own. These child¬ ence is being changed and the said ln a statement Tuesday. "But Negroes. flat signs for fraternities, sor- Considered the signing of a school, ren have a right to accept the, " Auditorium. Jenison. Agricul¬ to debate all the candidates at A e' e got to do something to oritites and cooperative houses lease which would result in park¬ Hie city now has 12 N'egi constitutional promise of equality ture, Horticulture and Student ' * ' "■? ra.d V-: " i: :r boycott in the bud," Arthur J. Hanesafter Services locks are expected to to me to be unfair, too." He said he would be willing Battery Explodes, was passed unanimously Monday night by the East Lansing City ing area for city vehicles at the rate of $75 per month. The park¬ children scattered in six public schools. before profess law, an equality we ill the world." be installed by summer, he add- The order, upheld the claim In discussing the application e nee-man City Commission Council. ing area would have space for e r .ra imously to hold out the the project began to participate in a panel discus- Sophomore Hlirt A detached sign not exceeding 35 to 40 vehicles. The city at¬ of 101 Negroes who contended ot Louisiana's pupil placement ••••'• Work n jng the campaign. A faculty mem- I the city's school board was not law, Wright ruled It unconstitu¬ 545.000 share of the $100. last tall and will take another ber will be moderator for the Robert Cappiell Owosso 15 square feet may be erected, torney, by request of the council, complying with the original court tional because not all pupils wer • more due to a lack debate. sophomore, escaped rious in- according to the amendment, or a will study the lease before further year flat sign not exceeding 6 squa action is taken. order to desegregate "with all of trained installation Barbour, as acting speaker of jury Monday night deliberate speed." "However valid Student Congress, will also have battery exploded in his face, feet may be erected, Passed a motion calling for a pupil place¬ Astronauts Refuse said. The rekeying project is a re¬ to attend the Congress meeting He was treated at OIin Health rhe amendment ' that 70 degree angle parking on Lot Number 4 which is located on The ruling said that with the beginning of school next Sept¬ ment act may be," ruled Wright, "It may not be selectively ap¬ sult of a recommendation by the rh»> «imc evening, but he said Center for burns and released a sign may nor be erected within ember, all children entering, or ■;HINGTON Abbott Road. Meters on the lot plied. Moreover, where a school - The nation's department of Public Safety to he would still appear at the Tuesday morning. still appear 10 feet of a property line with- presently enrolled ln, public el- system is segregated there Is no 'f 1 stronauts Tuesday reject- will be changed to allow 30 establish a kep control system. debate. Department of Public Safety in 40 feet of the intersection of constitutional basis whatever for *"•'f-er of $24,000 gift homes utes of parking for nickel. eitientary schools, grades 1 Kent Cardell, elections com- officers said Cappiello had two street lines or so as to in- Houston, Tex. Philip May, Unive rsity trea¬ Postponed a decision on en¬ on en- through 6, may attend either the using a pupil placement law." It was approved by the mlssloner. said he Is arranging trouble starting his car and lit terfere with a motorist's vision ---.ouncement made surer. closing the now exposed Pine- formerly all white public schools 'or the *our presidential candl- his lighter to look into the bat- across a corner lot. was -- council mivu of deans, he — vi w..* said. — crest drain until further study nearest their homes, at their Judge Wright called the system conference at the Nat- "*> leronautlcs and Space Ad- A key''control program would dates and class president candl- tery. East Lansing business signs opt!' of assigning Negro students to ~ "-stlcr. after the White involve keeping records of who dates to appear Monday evening The resulting blast ripped off were regulated by the previous the project. long as the defendant, •egregated school and then f NASA and the Pentagon has keys awl what the keys are in the Brody multi-purpose room one end of the battery and splat- ordiance, organized but no reference Ui (Continued on page 6) Orleans Parish (County) school forcing them take a test in to campaign and discuss issues, tered his face with sulphurit acid, made - for said Richard Bernitt, di- board, operates a dual school order to be iferred to a white ,1?" -3*er. a hand In looking into -1 rector ana > let's i lo err 15 , side. I the newly legalized Peronist "shirtless ones." I find that our University has What brand of heresy is this? partment of State transcend per- quit making excuses. The cold- Monroe D. Zartman I party. To Frondizi and his backers. Kd Here was democratic government was for¬ supreme irony. A to the military, Peron former dictator whom they must may be a si?SSTLilSZl * »J^VSH^yS JStSSESStt Ugned m character by the "in- the antics ofthe UgleAmen- ^rtopment of Vlet mt macy Viet Nam, the Berlin British Stonehenge. Some of the ced to from use undemocratic tactic prevent assuming power; Towever. condemnation alone ™ The program is ending now, and ^rri(iora' etc-. our destiny and I forV« one do seal Breton and s varletystandlnlong e in circles. lines to prevent undemocratic elements but to the peasant masses, he is g«n — MSU-O. The attitude of only provokes the wrongdoers. from" "takin'g" over * the" Vel'gns of the manwhomVhe'y look"to7or'~ai- general FROM LIMITED OBSERVATIONS control which of ridicule. ly criticize the actions of they had won fair- leviating their abysmal poverty. selected representatives, forget Hunter Says Taylor and Jaffe The impetus for writing this letter is an article that appeared sometimes, that we are not so in the March 2 issue of the Oak- fully Informed as they, It's All in the Name.... land Observer of MSU-0 that Digressing for a moment, the provides what their a their parent school. perfect example of attitude is towards The article article had a lead which stated: "...the two authors the battle with a discussion of return to Made Sweeping Generalizations describes State as a marriage the conflicts that arise when pro- But It Can Be sensibilities, personalities, < Dangerous factory with overtones of snob- fessors serve overseas." This lessors serve overseas, inis part of an article submitted by renewal when it is denied? My If a professor is to be effective bery thrown tickles ana perplexes meDecause john M. Hunter, professor This attack on State is a re* for an occasional souabble ^ experience with the Department in swaying public opinion andde- except for an occasional squabble of economics, excent suit, I think, of the upsetting among the Red Ceder ducks, the of State (and the T^rtor-Jaffe termlning public policy at home, By FRANCES DELONC of as a whole, a totality of the monger: ir-llke people. effect that they feel by having nearest thing to a battle that parts. 3/4 of their 1 have observed around here, Ivlng ai Meet Joseph Wright, Ameri¬ name. By JOHN M. HUNTER Sometimes people are thought "WeV i watch out for This attack on State is a re- is the local "Con-Con", subje can. lie Is an engineer, an of entirely in terms of one those Machiavellian Chinese," suit. I think, of the upsetting Optimist. He i Michlgander While to the contrary, some of To be sure, the Taylor-Jaffe is difficult gr0Up wjth which they Identify; "Negroes carry knives." effect that they feel by having to judge just — a Detrolter. He ic Is white, the several thousand Americans piece is colored by the former*s one small aspect of them Is "Capitalist dogs." 3/4 0f their from left behind in what the professors experience as an economist in a Republican, a husband, a taken to define their whole ex- "Those Russians are out to do us name and in other ways being as- come the crumbling bastion dur- Viet Nam. I served An'wtth hu* father, a Methodist. He Is a my time there „rai)j. •_ istence. us In. You can't trust theml" soclated with MSU. I would$ug- s eleventh hour are doine in the same ranaMrv and v»nmr» 8raPn. ne « U. of M. alumnus, a Sigma Phi, ing Its eleventh hour capacity and v and he drives a Lincoln. Certainly, word symbols are "They aren't my kind of gest they have Intolerance to- their job for the nation; and they that 1 experience was as needed to define, name, categor- people." And so on and so on. wards anything not conforming He Is also, incidentally, a man — 'being ' shot at with words ... bad as his or worse. Succinctly, E-ac v.i , ize — in order to relate thoughts Tills kind of thinking can have to their narrow ideas of intel- —a member of the human race. and concepts lnour minds. Words catastrophic results. lectuallsm andthatby beingasso- oU\heMele\?as^fcid/tetof 0 the everlasting credit of centered In the self- problems; bestowed omniscience of official attends meetings, en- finding fault In the overseas pro- One would have to question him needed to help communicate Wars grow from it. Recall Hit- elated with MSU they feel thev r MSU c U.S. who wanted the Utes ^Ignltarles ^ Washington and its and 8n^ot. fess0rs seems to argue th-» .» I long time before he would would be well if only bette ■ a these anrf Kit A ,.f thoughts to others. ler and his Aryan ellte7 r- nra n I are losing this Identification with I .u.- obvious that their talented pens Vietnamese tainted not on* one whit " identify himself with humanity. But words are merely conven- The Joes and Connies might intellectuallsm in the public eye. did not by any means improve by views other than their own. different agencies." This is a sonnel were sent on these mis- | Joe is a victim of a malady. A lences. When Individual vacation? people have been happier in pre-Hard- Yet one of the basics of Intel- the situation; and all sorts'of It's quite true that in these clr- communicable disease. Its . - The facts probably support the objects of the naming and lng Isolationism. They can't or lectuallsm is tolerence of other hlgh-falutin explanations will not cumstances I had no freedom, growing at an early age, and grouping, watch out. won't accept the idea that we Ideas, but they lack It for our change that. was frustrated, unhappy, and mi an/1 In. hvoothesls^ha^the pro- reader, the biased vilification of I ii . f " fessor Is n " could mistakenly be thought to a bunch of "administrator" the 0 s professor Is cheap, Infinitely diverse live In a world community. Russia idea of education. Of some 2,218 members of the effective. than he Is at home. He Is In- people who choose unwarranted, and, i to join a club is a few hours sway—or a few It is unknown to me in what faculties representing 394 minutes, by missile time. way or In what amount we have American institutions of higher Irrelevant. If the point Is I all From this experience, how- *"8 . _ that universities fall (and this Is | ever, I conclude: (1) that there libraries, training people in n it demonstrated) b e c a u s U.S.S.R". for example. Sergei Some" red Yorov is a Russian physicist. He hat-wearers are ilWng^n'hls'ownVown ~'i£oare whaTeveV'lt" is'or wi£T Vor wte'mnfw! to thwart tte efforts are sensitive area's where uni- sUuatlons.and all these require poor staffing, the stated conclu- j known to carry guns. » ■ Soonpeople his fellow Americans — Is often wa® too much In view of their and objectives of the State De- verslty personnel will likely e Party member, formerly fear all red hat-wearers, who the loudest "hate-Russia-and- attitude they take towards us. partment. counter officialdom and c Komsomol member H, ^ undertaken, there would be the article, there may be a point I "* • ... ww said to w w carry handmna gre- Red-China" ^v.niM shouter, campaign- anouicr.t-mp.iKn- James MacKenzle And — .— now . getting .; back I to the second-best, and (2) that there . . white, a Muscovite, a husband, nades. But , a father, and a U. of Moscow nobody talks to red hat-wearers nobody knows because ing under the guise of "patriot- point I wanted to emphasize ori- arc many insensitive areas in ism." . „ glnally. World War II and the which universities can make sub- Then there • s r- , r- Connie Coed, a ^ »ny more. If a man is to live and co- Avoiding Hot-WOT Korean conOlct are history now sttntial contributions witfioutthis special case for she lWes out- In fact, there are antl-red-hat- exist In the world sphere he ^ and those who died are, we pray, kind of difficulty — eg., business , -»/— vigilante groups forming an unforgotten part of theAmerl- administration, ei^neerlng, soil JJ®11,nd assistance requires Jong- wearer must understand and co-operate To the Fditnr' side the real world. She s been Incubatli lng in untroubled waters aj| over- To defend themselves, the red hat-wearers are forming with his own countrymen for com- can heritage. What Is really Im- science, physics. The more gen- y Ivy halls for three mon goals, must remove the u/h.n n.™.r, n/cei. portant though Is "why*' ~ ~ l_by Ivy lulls for three counter-antl-red-hat-\.„ counter-antl-red-hat-wearer vl- rigid walls of exclusive categoric hands the relnT ~ Depart- How" "how" they perished. thev nerlshed. busily engaged In provide It. When and if we revise I years. She Is an M.S.U. student, giiante groups. Anybody seen thinking. they served their because of the existence of these myriads of committee meetings our policy thusly, no doubt the I of Defense, wlll be a number^123456, an an Alpha Omega, el ed major .Connie belongs buying a pink hat Is Immediately He first needs the vision to see sign of a hot-war. Other indi- country preserving democracy; sensitive areas is not supported required by the "democratic" role of theunlverslty will change. suspect. Nobody trusts anybody. the greater goal — preservation will be loud noises, large but then so did our allies, and argument, nor Is it, in my rtculty administration of the de- On the basis of limited per¬ ELEd t!)e P,r*s- The stereotype soon ob- of human life — If only at first those at home who keiw the opinion, warranted. Further, partments. colleges, and unlver- sonal observation, citation of one I byterlan Church. She Is pinned to a iterates the truth. It builds fear because his own neck Is Involved, scs °f sucn arsenal-of-democracy produc- Taylor and Jaffe s,tv dubious authority, by cute argu- I Delt^no^by her definition, a man, but a Delt). She, and distrust. Distrust leads to Sound too Idealistic? What are tragic reminders, the line of tkic 1. autre remlndlne 1 0 deter- ment. Inconsistency, and ob- I too, enmity. the alternatives? Just how Taylor and Jaffe scurity, Taylor and Jaffe reach I demarcation between hot-warand if human Communication drops off or Until or unless this comes a cold-war readlityy dis- Wars are fought by regimented 11 Is fought for, nurtured, and *rould .h#ve theDn»»overseas pro- a sweeping, major, general fessor h#»h*l behave. s arnniroH iCSSOr Vi» fnfor-c One infers, some- | , 1 .l MucU. ^ acquired. cnm&_ elusion. A. L..1. On the basis of u. limited . breaks entirely. Without com- about, modern society stands a forces, and they part . .. lularizatlon, fractional categorl- """* .. cernlble. munlcatlon truth doesn't have ahd different experiences and n strong chance of making Itself The $52 billion budgeted for na< Us. People chop themselves up. chance to reach either side, extinct or crippled. Man has tional defense during this fiscal saders' commands: if tves- .r» ~ , dui external authority. I suggest that I They Identify with a nation, a But the group labels still go the propensity to make himself ^rlod wUI be used to'r^lw atouM^an7t^r4l^a^ri£ 4,1 repatriating U.S. universities, ^e^oS*'"no^o *5*th! I class, a party, a job. They think of themselves as Ji^^rr anger, and lies. The . r ^ tragedy Is „ , , hilate himself, both communist - - r-OTs ... existence hoping of a 1 part of this grot?, that group. ^ , that the false labels are taken ,nd capitalist societies are al- dreadful war-waging capability ferpai?t' ,or Colonel, and Thejr think of themselves In and spread as truths and re«<»y doing an admirable job of , i? the fll^l ■'"•ys's. because the wln deter aggression, hi the Michigan State News are par-tides — Sometimes they are reduced to believed. ma"'" h«"«nltv. May- meantime deUca ted and con- "8 " a good in the GNP or a statistic The process of scapegoatlng is ^ he is ss well off dead as sclentlous personnel ofthe De- Published by the students of common knowledge among "so- 10 conceive of himself or others partment of State largely deter- ' Michigan State University. Issued on class days Monday through Friday, during the fall winter and spring Take a man, any man. Joe phlstlcated moderns." They «s mere parts of men, be those mine the course of our cold war quarters. Issued twice waekly during the summer term. Second class to know that people take P««s Red. black, or Blrch-whlte. • doesn't think of him as a human leadership by Initiating a nd lm- , . , postage paid at Greenville, Michigan. out ner fear. hare<. Inner fear, hates, anrt and imdn. inade- Rather Rather than than Red Red or dead, let or dead, let plementing "'foreign policy." ni*m«nriniriw>iin>" viet Nam, right now, first and foremost, with whom . Americans #re . ,1 l Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services he has the moat essential things quacies on groups and even man Just be. He must see him- Yet. quoting from an article building. nations. People can "handle" the Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. in common. self as a whole Individual and entitled "Conflicts Arise When No, to Joe Be h. is he 1. American, feared objects faction to their own satis- by name-calling on a mass recognize the basic human-ness he shares with "those others Professors Serve Ove r sea s" which appeared on the editorial rh?. r^n V. TV"**"' JT "*"*•'"™- '* - Russian. Chinese. »«Je. there." n"'» Prw«A"0Ctaaoii He la white. Hack, or yellow. out They are his kind p,ge 0f your March 9 issue, two " *1 Jewish, Catholic, Mus- Compartmentalizatlon may not of people In 0>at they are people; Msu professors had this to say .., I TT t . l ..Ben Bums cause tf»e trouble -- but It plows people who feel Joy and pain, love, about the Department of State: ™ J" Edttortal^Editor...:Paul Schnltt around for fertile ground for the the scapegoat- scao«roat- love, have have babies, babies, eat eat icecream. Icecream, "The Department finds It prudent ^n-JwrJwhT hwld^CTs'M lng to take place. Then the In- build houses, go fishing, grow old, . i to support such regime l u • ...Jim Waiilngton dividual fears of the Joes have human dignity and a right of Ngo Dinh Diem in Southtl^>«e Viet think not I The .h^nt -n- absent-minded professors .. Larry Pontius Asst. Shorts Editor..., ssr Jrusi7z You hei sl.sussstta: S3S Asst. Business Mgr Tom Hackle Circulation Mgr.. Bill Marshall "You've f City Editor .BillCote those Germans. kr. self to death. questioningly, and even joyously, Copy Editor Jay Bllsalck tectuti integrity, that they fail ^^irhiga" State Newi, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 4, 1962 Fraternity j)og Helps ~ WHAT EVER YOU NEED Conv ocaaaa □□rannno Holds Party 31. □□saa &□□□ Equine □□□□ nonnj Rendezvous With Destiny Is ' for your car jfccaped 32. Amid 35. aaa aan ziaaua the Farm House rush party theme Dr. Mary Virginia Moore, of Myrtic □aaann canaas Hindu for Friday. 8:30 to 12:30 P.M. the department of business ser- ejaculation □araoa aaa ana An accomplished palm reader vices has been appolntedpublicity Mufflers — Tail Pipes — Exhaust Pipes dropped the ladder 36. Exclamatioi □aanm seas will give rushees and actives a director of the National Col- oi'ENTIN, Calif.. A paaa □□raron INSTALLED Kt glimpse of the present and fu- leglate Association of Secre- Siwi? a'«rt*d by th*w^rk'?g tower they knew w ned after midnight. They Tw dog brought about the down outside the wall with the dropped 38. Poiture □aaraanK annaa Complete Shop Service 0 □sb aaa aatsna Tuesday of «v« convict# □aa sa□ aaaaa Rebuilt Motors and Transmissions ~ c,pCU£„30 hours after they had 30-foot Last rope. I lesL s,m Quantln*. fir.t over Duke night, Mrs. Worie/sdog. INSTALLED Ju escape in 19 yaara. shepherd,he's -- part boxer, part part mongrel but a Speed Equipment — Accessories thei£coctate Warden Dale Frady wonderful watchdog" ** Dorothy Worljy Just would- not stop barking. He kept modv telephoned the sheriffs toward a wooded arer. near running the Varsity Drive In DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY C/after sighting three of the house. 1227 E. GRAND RIVER 2W rfves on a hill behind her "I Hip a: 2 a.m. and in Santa Venetla, less on allgotthe OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. lights but couli E 10 miles north of the pri- see a thing. I went back to bed but Duke kept barking and 1 DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. S°Mrs. Worley saw the convicts couldn't sleep so I brought him h« she looked out her hack in. 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Sw to see why her dog was "But when I let him out at SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. 5:30 a.m. he started In all - 1:30 A.M. *?t£' (tog deserved all the again. 1 didn't pay much atten¬ C1«'w£'HaS^sandA.L.Snell. tion until my daughter Donna, ED 2 *517 had finished her breakfast and can Quentm guards, sped north was ready to go to school. through San Rafael and captured "She has to walk two blocks the five children and unarmed to the bus near the wooded area fugitives less than 30 minutes and I wanted to know then what f«r Mrs. Worle/s call. Duke was barking at. As 1 peer¬ The convicts offered no re¬ ed down into the wooded area UNION sistance. I saw three men who looked the »' r The directly at me. Two wore gray 40-foot wall of the prison and one blue. The thought came dustrial area with a stolen lad- to me that must be prison garb. . fcr and a cotton rope early "So 1 called the sheriff. The 1 v . . vV0i sea in a mid- San Quentln guards came with night shiftin the textile mill. him and soon this place was Just L'nder cover of darkness and a madhouse." the textile mill's noise, they Campbell Plays Part Of Male French Film Comes To Fairchild Theatre BOOK STORE "The 400 Blows," a French Ann Landers film which won acclaim for its Larry Campbell. All-Uni¬ great sensitivity and touching versity Student G o v e r n m ent wit and humor, will be shown president, is playing Ann Lan¬ Thursday and Friday at 7 and ders these days. 9 pjn. in Fairchild Theatre. High school seniors who have Francois Truffaut, first prize been accepted here have been winner at the Cannes Film Fes¬ writing to "Dear Mr. Campbell" tival, produced and directed the with their problems. film, and chose Jean-Pier re It all started when letters of Leaud to play his counterpart. "congratulations and welcome to Tickets for the film may be MSU" signed by Larry were purchased at the door. sent to all entering freshmen. Since then, Campbell has been receiving letters, most of them from girls, asking for help. "I have misplaced my tempor¬ NEW ARRIVALS WONCH ary library card," wrote one girl. "Since I plan to visit MSU visit the li- EVERY DAY 1720 E. Michig: Lansing 484-J7PI' (AND THAT AIN'T VERY EASY TEXTBOOKS NEW AND USED-REFERENCES TOO WE'LL ALWAYS SPECIAL ORDER JUST FOR 2AVE! A JACKETS Light Weight Spring Jackets BUY NOW WHILE SELL YOUR OUR SELECTION USED BOOKS IS LARGE To The Union IN THE UNION Michigan State News . SPORTS. East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 4. iq«i Gymnast Still Critical Varsity Football Volleyball Club ALBUQUERQUE. N.M.. OR — Hyman was unconscious. University of Michigan gymnast, "There's not much that can L«w Hyman remained in critical be done now. but wait and watch," condition at Presbyterian hospi- the spokesman said, Shortstop P Manager Needed Anyone interested in being a Meets Tonight Members of the MichiganSute v;rr rzs?tsss jsj se. >%&*» ot 2:01*3* « ttl Tuesday. ....... from Long Island —,, N.Y.. underwent b.-ain surgery _ „ , outflung peninsulas. Early ex- Won't Stop Varsity Football Manager uct r ED 2-2727 this week. con- Mike Harris at ED 2-2501 sis .rrwas r-rii- to prepare for a weekend meet. Sunday. plorers believed the mountainous By MIKE SKINNER ta inly had a problem. It amounted Star cer. te rfielder Mickey He suffered a skull fracture mass was a group of Islands. State News Sports Writer t0 sending rookies Phil Linz and Mantle has said: "I Just can't Saturday night in a 30-foot fall Tom Tresh up to the plate for make up my mind which one will More than half of European The New York Yankees have a few to the floor while doing a tram- batting practice cuts and win out. They both do things that pollne routine during the NCAA travelers from the U.S. a shortstop problem. But like Welding -wtadv -onaAppaaredset .make your eyes pop." all problems of the past, the to have the better gymnastics championships. "" ° 1 day. Perhaps secondsacker Bobby A hospital spokesman mighty Yanks merely pick up Houk's biggest problem to date Richardson, who shares in the their golden crystal ball and has not been how to fill the keystone double the magic solution arrives from shortstop gap but rather who nations, is in the best spot to play combi- ervoorts Phi Sigma the bench. This year is no exception. The trouble all started at the end t0 fm u Wuh. According to Houk both young- sters are of major league fiber, know. But even Richardson is a staunch member of the neutral 213 E. GRAND RIVER EAST LANSING of the "61" season when All- It must be tough to be a Yankee, bloc. Star shortstop Tony Kubek reach Linz and Tresh have been battl- After working out with both Ph. ED 2-2114 OPEN RUSH-WED., APRIL 4 ed in his mailbox and one found a letter from Uncle Sam. day ing each other all spring for Ku- Linz and Tresh, Richardson has bek's vacancy and after 10 days said: !t wasn't long before Kubek's pin-stripped white uniform had of Grapefruit League competition "The only thing I'm absolutely both were pounding the ball for sure of is that they are major SWING INTO 7 to 10 P.M. changed colors. Thus the World Champion Yan- .300 plus averages. Houk calls the ^Linz-Tresh league shortstops." So the Linz-Tresh dogfight kees without their flashly |*,J ^ competition the hottest news to^ continues to rage on. fielding infield general for 1962 come out of a New York train- So does the Yankees' short-' What to do? For Ride call ED 2-8696 Yankee pilot Ralph Houk ing camp in many,a year. If both youngsters stop problem. Wilson Starter be in the line-up when the sei GOLF SETS PI KAPPA PHI son opens in Houk was the Bronx. quoted as saying Handball title 2 woods (1 & 3) Extends an invitation for men might opener A be the night before the before he makes his de- touring reporter recently dropped Kubek's name in Houk's The United States Handball As- sociation will hold the National 5 irons (3. 5. 6, 9 putter) *3988 interested in VanDervoort's Super Special Fraternity Living. hat and the Bombers' manager sizzled. Intercollegiate championshios on April 19, 20, and 21 at the Unlv- I wood "What am I going to do with ersity oi Cincinnati. . / > k. . Kubek when he returns/' he The team of Ed Abry, Ben shouted. "Hock, I'm going to play Brown, Terry Brenner, and Ed *' Schall are the previous cham- pions. They represented Mich¬ Should Kubek return some¬ igan State in the tournament at . . 5 irons Bag *24*8 time during the up-coming season the U. of Texas last year. MSU NEW VOIT ODDS & ENDS the Yanks would have an addi¬ is now in possession of the Fred SHAG PRACTICE GOLF tional problem. Warnner cup for this event. Three shortstops. Four individuals—one doubles BALLS BALLS CLUBS If that isn't enough to drive team and two single players are Houk to drink, what is? the U. of Cincin- Kubek's return would bring nati to represent MSU this year, 25stem appears to be functioning culture. agri' come to the big open house. • All Beauty Services Rides will leave from the < trol of life. Tills was part of the message sical chemistry, soil chemistry, plant physiology, photoperlodism entrance of the Union at 10 12:30 and 1:30p.m. on ,_r i Saturday '.m! day Spanish Club * —ED 2-3113 brought to graduate students and and plant nutrition has won him and af 1:3" COLLEGE MANOR faculty by Dr. Sterling B. Hen¬ many awards. dricks, chief scientist of the Starting s nest weekend instruct- will be on hand to teach In- To 'Visit' M ine ra 1 Nutrition Laboratory. While on campus, the distin¬ guished lectUrer gave four talks s sailing techlni- The Spanish Club will meet Hair Stylists Soil and Water Conservation Re¬ to tlie graduate students and fac¬ at 7:30 pan. Wtdnesday In 21 Union. The meeting will center • search Division of the United ulty and particlpatedinnumerous estimated at $127,000. 224 ABBOTT RD--Across From the State Theatre States around Spain, with several color- Department f Agri- seminars and consultations In other action, the council culture. scientists in the College ed films being shown depicting ofAgr gave approval to builders of a that country and Its activities, TRY STATE NEWS WANT ADS Hendricks was the fi st Dis- tinguished Lecturer proposed K)-unit apartment Dr. Tomas Ramos-Orea, n Agri- ;aid tl building to use land on a vacated e College >1 Agn- foreign language instructor from „ ting the portion of Hillside Court. ! faculty which importance of light life was Spain. And Mrs. Beatrlz Coffin, PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED done by famed sclent atMlch- It also approved $5000 lm- foreign language graduate assls- 2-5{ provements for the Platof Wood- tant will speak on Spain. igan State. Ingham Drive Subdivision west of K37E53m ....... The late Dr. W.J, Beal, a nl - "A Dale . SPRING PLAGUE-Grass fires sprung up several Plnec est subdivision. WMU Pill iQUS botanist at the University from In addition, the council referr- 1871 to 1910, burled Monday east of Harrison Road. The fires'caused by sparks samples of from the railroad tracks and 20 seed species in the ground flying cinders from the Univer¬ tHere Saturday With Duke more than 80 years ago. Each decade some ol these seeds have been dug up and tested for germ¬ sity dump, brought the East Lansing Fire Department to the scene. State News Photo by Skip Mays. Pinecrest No. 2 ricultural to a from an ag- residential dis- phi Kappa Tau is formally activating its colony from West- EAST LAN5INC ■ PHONE ED.2-2814 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS Tickets on Sale ination. Several of them still do through the wooden panel, but tr'£j/ ... , ern Michigan University, Beta EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING Secret Army The council also passed a and the life missed the patients. Tau upSjj0„( Saturday and Sun- expectancy of some FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. ADULTS 90* I at the Union ds will likely be One patient fled through a door motion of to consider the request the American Public Works day In the Phi Tau house here, - —the- garden -CHPewded-wrth Representatives from Phi Tau 5 - WEDS. & THURS. (Continued from page 1) Association to give financial as- Ticket Office rosemary and lavender "bushes chapters In Michigan, Ohio, In- sitance of $200 to the assocla- dlana, and Wisconsin are also opeans — fired through windows He lost his slippers on a gravel tion's research MAN MEETS WOMAN AND THE J study of urban expected and will aid in the military precision path " i but ke"t running until snow removal and ice control, the clinic. a machine gun burst cut him down. ~~~~~~~~~~———————— proceedings. A banquet will be RITUAL OF LOVE BEGINS... Some terrified patients locked He was gravely wounded. gun(jay evenjng f0i au re_ ' terrorists drove off TRY WANT ADS presentatlves, alumni, and guests Unbelievable ..But True! the clinic was rocked with the honoring the BTU' r blast of dynamite — morepower- . ful than the plastic explosive us¬ ually favored by the secret army. After the attack a Moslem doc¬ tor wandered as If In a daze through the wrecked, blood¬ stained clinfc. "What for?" he asked over and over. "What for?" The patients were two and three to a room Everywhere there was blood. Bloody footprints led from one bullet-riddled bed along a corridor and ended in a great bloody pool near a staircase. ^ In Eastman COlOP | Beside one bed was a glass of milk. Ahalf peeled orange was FEATURE / "jI AND "HOUND HE WAS WHO THOUGHT A RACOON" on a night stand next to another bed with a blood-soaked mat¬ STARTS-FRl-2-ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATED HTTSl SOPHIA LOREN IN "TWO WOMEN" AND "THE tress. were Magazines and newspapers scattered on the floor. NEXT! - WALT DISNEY'S "MOON PILOT" HUS'| LER" Nearly all the beds had bul¬ let holes through metal frames, sheets and blankets. Some of the bullets had slammed through the GOING OUT OF beds Into the floor. The hospital, privately owned by a group of Eur opean doctors, has a mixed Moslem-European staff. None of the doctors or BUSINESS nurses was Injured. Zone Law Lost (Continued from page 1) a Passed hearing a on resolution calling for constructing a sew¬ Everything Must Go!! age system for Moorland Ave. Presently, the area is serviced by septic tanks. Savings Up To 75% Decided to refer a resolution calling for the service to Lake Lansing extension of sewer Meridian Township at Road to the city Wednesday is Students Day engineer. Famous Best Wear New Ship 'n Shore and Seamless nylon hose Approved plans for Trowbridge 1st New Spring Merchandise Mac Shore BLOUSES Road construction calling for In¬ quality micro-mesh terstate 496 to be connected to or plain In Denims — Caley and Lord tarpoons and poplins Reg. $3.98 Harrison Rd. The proposed four- lane highway will lie divided by Reg. $1.00 Sale 69C Now $2.88 or i a 25-foot median. The cost was 3 for $2.00 Hlpstitch pleated skirts, slim skirts, kilts 2 for $5.50; Slacks, jamaicas, culottes Blouses match era! to _ . , Jewelry Assortment Reg. $8.98 Sale $6.48 Reg. $7.98 Sale $5.88 Special lot of famous Bracelets, pins, brand necklaces, earrings Reg. $6.98 Sale $5.48 Brassieres Values to $2.98 now 79C or Reg. $5.98 Sale $4.48 Discontinued numbers Values to $8.98 2 for $1.50 Reg. $3.98 Sale $2.88 Now 99C New Spring Dresses Ufi' NIVERSITY Tricot knit petti pants ur famous brand re gular merchandise in gir Reg. $2.98 Good assortment of styles, colors and materials dies, panty-girdles an Sale $1.79 brassieres HEATRE ANNOUNCES 2 for $3.50 Reg. $10.98 and $11.98 Sale $7.88 1/3 Reg. $12.98 Sale $8.88 TRYOUTS FOR Assortment of blouses Famous brands Values to $4.98 Now $1 88 or 2 for $3.50 Reg. $u.98 Sale $9.88 Sleex rubber girdles Sweaters All wool skirts Full—fashioned fur assorted Famous make styles Reg. $8.98 Sale $4.88 Reg $12.98 Sale $4.99 Singers, Dancers, Actors Special lot of chlno and Special lot of chlno and poplin slacks poplin skirts. Many other Itema April 3, 4, 5 Music Auditorium 3:30 and 7:30 P.M. Reg. $5.98 Reg. $5.98 on sale at Now $4.88 Now $2.99 Now $3.48 All Students Welcome below cost I BOBETTE 127E.G. Next to Campus Book Store OPEN Wed (ton IM Tlwts. fti.kl. trow 9:30-9 jmrhigan State Newa, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday, April 4, 1962 7 fcGoiiiieb 180 Students Information HoceL restaurant, and Institu¬ Humble Oil & Refining Co. Discusses Values Take Part today on campus Angels Set tional Management majors. Arthur Andersen & Co. Accounting, math and engineering — — All majors from the Colleges of business & public service. Jefferson Schools — Elem¬ majors. Of College Vhanii'ng values of college mu- In Phys. EdL i?T fere discussed "" were dlsai»s«a by »y Dr. w. , Arnold Air 44 Union. Society—7:45 %»• run Women8 League-- p.r Open Rush Board of Education Trenton Junior High (Trenton, Mich.) — Junior High english, math and entary education, Junior high social science, science, english, art. senior high english, math, industrial arts, & commercial JeflM rorUleb «t the Delta Sigma Men and women etudents 7 » U"lon- Angal Flight will hold Informal music and home economics. open rush in Old College Hall special education, speech cor- 01 ^.r^rnltv Monday night. majoring in physical education w,n««l Spartans—7:30 p.m., of thaUnionThuradayat7:30pjn. Chevrolet-Detroit Gear t Axle rectlonist, upper elementary and phJ/~n!b asslsttntprofessorof from seven large Michigan unl- orientation for prospective Division of CMC — All majors Junior high mentally retarded C°? If and anthropology, told versltlea attended ■ training Pa«s: « Pm.. 40 Union, scciolo^ ^ Sine* official recognition by AUSG in I960. MSU Angela have from the College of Business & majors. rescar^n ln changes of meeting here last weekend. re „ Fisheries and Wildlife Club— Public Service. Mill & Elevator Mutual Ins. $ . *J|j ^ —ii— 7:30 ~:30p,m. p m Forestry cabin. conducted a variety of programs. Chicago Tribune Adver¬ ln deferent* snid?nt Co. — Agricultural Engineers. 'nd — These programs coincide with m»k«s wJ^ierf MSU, were 180 students from V«er«n's WlVeJ As* tising and Journalism majors. Ottawa County — Speech cor¬ iviou, University university oi ' of Michigan, "JlQ D Spartan Village. u ^pariai East Detroit Public Schools Unlversltv Phi promote Inte res t in the Air rection majors. . . studies show thatrfcar University of of Detroit, Detrolr. Western W.n.rn Phl c»mm Gamma Nil—7 — Elementary education, •-ISlSTi-- ,ts become more •*.— . Michigan, Central Michigan. ""Nation, 36 Wayne State University and East- Alpha A,Dha Phi phl Omega—7:30 Force, to gain information about the military services and to sup¬ elementary vocal music 6 art., School District of the City of Royal Oak — All elementary PiiL!XSL?£ «... UN p.r secondary latin S> english (comb., education, senior hlgj- geography, port Arnold Air Society. •m Lounge. Junior high english % social stu¬ math & IHItSZS,* Promenaders - - -PrT^ a favorable spot forcommunl- televlslon. rations. x SALE! Nearly $15 million wprth "of The first European station ex- complex electronic equipment pected to relay, signals from has been confH0NE: 7 ED 2-6922. 5 place, 2 car garage. Immedlafi 3182 Plnetree Rd. 6 355-8255 or 8256 1955 trm isexir. —XI—7- VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Ex- WANTED: Bus Boys for Spring GIRLS BICYCLF. Schwinn middle possession.'Good financing. Call term. Meals only. Call ED weight. 2-gears and baskets. Call APARTMf NTS to se* 'oday. Paul E. T 1/ 7-1611. EXPERT THESES. GENERAL *TES: 5 355-8138. 7 MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ Builder, IV 2-9*55. TYPING. Electric typewriter. MALE STUDENT to shan • i DAY SI-00 versity graduation rings ^Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ , DAYS «•» I960 Hillman Minx Convertl- TROPHIES & AWARD MEDALS JPrIvate ,^m available at THE CAPO 3+ Service production Service. 332-5545 C 5 DAYS . *3 00 NEED EXTRA INCOME? Work for ,r .11 all occasions, occasions, sports, scho- snorts. scho- „ I[ar'sPortatlon cr, SHOP. Includes deg-ee ble. Good gray paint. leather Interior. Good black Sharp red days or evenings. Set your own larships, and memberships. En- Call ED 2-8336 seal, 3 engraved initials. FREE DRY CLEANING' Wer- F??'E LIST OF ^v.r 40 Four speed forward trans. Lo- top. hours, set your income goal.Un- graving U our Specialty. 1 P*"1* Choice of 10 stones. drow* s E cone wash and Dry ganized musical groups I to 20 or- limited opportunities for J Cleaners. 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block cally owned since new. $895. students, who can work at least west of Sears' Frandcr Store Is pieces. Write or phone C. V. MOTHER! Register for your , "Bud" Tooley, Secy 10 hours a week. This could be FURNEHED 2 bedroom, new Lansing FREE baby gift. Special with v- gl'lng absolutely free - dry Federation of Musicians, 527 S. MAX CURTIS, INC. a full time summer Job. for carpet, $110 Including utilities cleaning to each customer using this ad only: SIMILAC Baby Milk. 2424 E. MICHIGAN qualified students. Call 487-3156 except electricity. Adults or It? Speedqueen coin Washington. IV 2-5314 "Live 3 cans. 55*. Good any time. Music grad. students. 127 Grove. ED Is Best." C6 IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 for an appointment, 5 BICYCLES, 2,men's 26", Im¬ tlm Take I Automotive ported. Excellent condition. $25 2-3443. 5 Marek Rexall Prescription Cen¬ ter. 30! N. Clipper, M.S.U. each. 355-1063. 6 by Frandor. , vol KSWAGEN, Sedan, 3 BIG ROOMS, furnished with, TYPING. GENERAL and the¬ w«lK r»dio, beaM^Cood 1959 SIMCA Jrs.-Srs.-Grad« Permanent life IN A HURRY? Wonch Grafic sis, experienced. Reasonable transmisalon, teateri white wall 341 Student Services Bldg. at utilities, approved, $100 per insurance Premiums after . y v) 355-0970after DRONER KENMORE — Like now Service row has two shifts to rates. ED T-0138. 5 month. Lanslnz - East Side. Call tires, cream & white color,Sells 12 noon, or after 5 p.m. ready new. $30. Craftsman table saw. graduation No decrease in pro¬ ge* your Jot done faster. Take n; 2-2258 - fits ANN BROWN, typist and mult- for $450. ED 2-1759 after 6 P.M. to Work. Ask for Tom or Fred. Phone ED 2-4959 . 8 State Life's College Plan. advantage now! Phone 484-7786. 355-5605 ' C Office hours 8 5. Monday iltth offset printing. IBM. Gen¬ STP.» >TON SPORTSCAR 2 MENS ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with, tile eral typing, term papers, theses, CENTER BL'SBOY wanted. One block bicycles. Balloon tire, bath unfurnished except refrig¬ Friday. C DEAR SECRETARIES T he dissertations. 3 duplicating pro¬ RENAULT. 1959, 4 door. 24,000 from Union. Call ED 2-6310. good condition. $15 each. See at 1915 E. Michigan *ve. 1417C Spartan Village. erator andstove. Air conditioned, blue Bus is available at all times. cesses available: Multfllth 'black DIAL IV 4-4411 miles. One owner car. Perfect Ask for Drlz. 6 5 close to campus and A!rP Storf. EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR or i white, % color), Ozalld, condition. Call 355-2719. 6 Call 487-0065. Bob, Bob and all makes and models. AH work Clear 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED Print. ED 2 8384. C DO YOU settle for 2nd best. Mike. 5 guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to 2-4886. t.f. Avon is first ln the field. Good %:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, *022 PERSONALLY SELECTED RUSH EES see you %r.:rtz a- E. Michigan. Call IV 7 5558. C PIANIST, Juilliard Graduate, earnings for you. For appoint¬ LARGE BEDROOM and adjoining ALPHA GAMMA RHO for open now accepting beginners, advan- ment ln your home, please write Falcon 1961, four door. Ex¬ ONE GIBSON flat top guitar. study room with T.V. for two rush. 7-10 'pjn. ED 2-3557. 5 ed students (near East Lansing or call: Mrs. Alana Hucklns, students. 484-9517 after 4 p.m. T.V. SERVICE. Special rate rat r. . 'If , ' . Xfl ? ceptionally clean, one owner car. 5664 Schaal St., Haslett, Mich Good condition. Very reasonable. - for college housing. Service calls J'g- Sc-nc.). ail ED 2-090, „ $1545. Call 3.55-6897. Joe. 5 FIAT wagon, Like new, white Telephone FE 9-8483. 6 WINGED SPARTANS ITERATIONS. Her iming & r MAN wanted to share Approved s, Light Green, $995. C Chevrolet, 1959, Impala con- styling: form a Is. Unsupervl" .partment. One skirts, etc NEEDLE'N THREAD ' " vertlble, fully equipped, low WANTED Men to fill part- block froir - -pus Call F.D THESIS TYPING done for Grad Shop. 108 Division, behind Cam¬ •W. P0NTIAC, 2 door hardtop. mlleage car ln rtch Roman ^ time Job vacancies. Must be hon¬ 2-1746 4 Wed. and neat. $2 and up April 4 Students and Professors. Call pus Drug Store. ED 2-55*4. 17 jrarnatic, radio, whltewalls. est per ED 2-4890. 3 issee, Lansing. IV Rambler, 1959. cross country hour. For interview call 355- APPROVED unsupervised fur¬ SYLVANIA 21" table model, ★ Wanted . 5PM. 6 Room 40 L'nio statlonwagon. Economical 6 cy- JU1 *"®«" 5:30, $44.50. Also 21" Spartan Con¬ nished apartment tor 2 men. SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS. Under with overdrive. $1095. ———— Across from Student Union Build¬ EXPERIENCED A LTERATION sole. $69.95. Reconditioned Rent latest model Singer portable WANTED Vocal or instrumen¬ flMPH TR3 sports car. 1957. k lady for full-time work during Guaranteed. Larry's TV Service. ing. No cooking facilities.Student at only $5 monthly or $1.50 p-if tal talent for Cedar Spring? Heme r.ovable hardtop. Excell- ' SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. Call IV 9 1982. 5 must qualify through Student •week. We deliver and pick sp coration. $995. Phone IV Easter season. Apply Mr. Lowe, Show, if ,r.terested call Lee. 3000 E. MICHIGAN Housing. Rent $70 per month. i. mode! J.W. Knapp, Co., East Lansing. Buy the brand n< 35s.(XMO. 5 IV 7-3715 Must have persona! interview GERMAN TRANSISTOR, Tape 192, at only $44 50 Fay only with landlord. Call IV 2-8420. $5 down and $5 monthly. T>500 Apartment. Call 355-3012. Electr: Sorority & Fraternity 484-3229 chair. ED 2-0728. 7 E. Michigan. IV 2-0689. typewriter with automatic tab¬ SINGLE OR DOUBLE RCX)M for 1958 FORD Custom 300,2 door, ulator. two color ribbon and at¬ male student. Grad. preferred. LEARN TO FLY ; Jewelry /0LKSWAGEN. Excellent tractive MOTOR SCOOTER Cushman Real Estate 6 cylinder, standard trans., two- carrying case. Former¬ Linens furnished. 140 Orchard. atior Club rates- idltlon. Radio, Reasonable. tone paint. Extra clean through¬ ly $88.00. Now only $68.00. Super Eagle, 1959. like new, all >r '00 p.m. 355-1060. 5 worn parts replaced. Repainted ED 7-2758 . 5 GOOD BUY: older heme, 3 membership few out. One owner. Lots of econo¬ N. Abbott Pd. and rechromed. $225. Call after bedrooms, ca r pet I ng. drapes mical, trouble-free miles left. 5P.M. ED 2-1674. 7 Low taxes and upkeep FHA a vai- THE $795. ; / FOR SALE Voice of Music lable ED 2-2946 | MAX CURTIS. INC. stereo tape recorder with ampli¬ SINGLE ROOM, approved for EAST LANSING PROPERTY "'typi-g.'' Experienced,' IBM Card Shop 2424 E. MICHIGAN IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 P. X. DISCOUNTS fier. In excellent condition. Call 355-5478. men, 219 close In, cross ventilation, Charles, ED 2-045^. 6 SPARTAN 672. 3 bedr< Cod. 1-1/2 baths, finished r< r. OR 7 8232 C FOR SALE — Port. Tape re- ROOMS for wc room. Owner leaving su DIAPER SERVICEtoyourdesi ED 2-6753 F.H.A, terms available. 1957 CHEVROLET. Good con- the DISCOUNTERS corder; excellent for Complete with batteries, tapes, lectures. piJS eq 2-1888. With our service, yotf-rece your own diapers back each tir V !i.WaA.1S\P#^5 »7-2Dr.N.. Sleeping Bags. and camping Call Dorthy Weideman at IV 5- equipment at Discount improved with 1958 10x48 Great Curry's Cangws Court. 337- ioks, jo- .'eal good mechanically. r* Lakes Trailer. Price $3,195. 2261. Evenings and Sundays, ED 4 2334 y7 2-8671. Prices. Charcoal 5 Lb. Phone 355-1700. 5 7-9475. rice! AUTO REPAIR Bricquets Charcoal Grill«....$2.49 up 39f TRAILER! 1960, 8 x 36. like ★ Lost and Found with H'RD TERM basic BUMPING and PAINTING our 1001 other Student and Faculty BARGAINS new. 1616 8 1 or to 2 bedroom. Call 355- 5. Lot 118, Trailer LOST-GREY framed glasses in START RIGHT! THETA DELTA CHI ides, speciality. All foreign cars. Kal¬ Haven. 6 sliver case. Reward. 355-4976. STUDY guides St. Body Shop. Wrecker 9+uute AIL Uti&he&L to- amazoo service and free Estimates. 1411 Ask for Kay. 7 cut lace E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV9-7507. P. X. STORE RONNIE LIEF AND HECHT, come to the State News, EDWARD THE WAY TO GET CASH FOR Study Guides Far ALL THREE TERMS ace- room 347, Student Services build¬ OF BASICS FRANDOR ing, for your free passes to the Crest Drive-In Theatre. THOSE ditngs that have been re¬ placed Is with a fast acting Want- Ad. Phone 355-8255. Now Available Downstairs Open £mcJe&L I DON T 9EE kJHV A UTTLE RAl* matfbe I'm J VST M0& oereqm§€d than they a«eJ Wedsi&idcuf,, Apfiil 4 SHOULD KEEP A&JAY! INK POT °own Stairs IF I CAN 5H0U1 UP 70 <\AV, I 00NT6E£U»f M OTHER? CANT! MAYBE i'M JUST MORE STUBBORN. 7-10 PM I 501 MAC inkpot For ride or information MO?7 M0N- °rmnd Rlv*r * FRL: 12-5 PM. call ED 2-2563 lQMlchlgan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Wednesday. April 4, i9e2 «. U.S. Archeologist Seeking Thursday , Selected For Trj Dr. Walter Adams, professor Roger MacLeod,Leslie,.., Ancient Roman'Joy Town' of economics, member of the VS. and Advisory Commission on Educa- tional Exchange which will meet William Cote, j, senior, have been chosen th.u delegates to the Naval a™ ROME, !f -American archeo- A team of University of and dancing. Thursday In Washington with Foreign Affairs ConferenrT loglsts are Joining In the long Pennsylvania archaeologists They lasted until dawn and the President KennedyandSecretary Annapolis, Md., May 2-5 hunt for ancient Sybarls, the headed by^Dr. Freellch Ralney, Sybarites slept off their stupor of State Dean Rusk. The delegates were "Joy town" that was danced to director of the university until sunset while slaves did the Adams is author of "Mono¬ doom 2,500 years ago try its museum, Is expected here this work, forbidden on pain of death poly" in America," "Is the World muslc-lovlng horses. month with modern sounding to make any noise that would Our Campus?," "From Main- Italian scientists have Seen equipment which Italians say will awaken the nightly celebrants. to the Left Bank" and Choose street convinced tor nearly two years facilitate the excavation. Even that so, Sybarls boasted the other books. In addition to being they have located In the heel Sybarls, founded by the finest cavalry of any Creek a consultant on educational tech¬ of Italy the site of the ancient Achaean Creeks In 720 Creek colony whose riotous way ions won laurels In the Olympic B.C., colony. The Sybarites loved their horses so well they brought them nical assistance and exchange Your Own made Sybarite a synonym for programs, he also served as an voluptous living. But digging has gone slowly. rich games. Its banquets were sodden with fine wines, groaning with along to the nightly revelries and taught them to dance to music. economic consultant to the UjS. Senate Judiciary committee In Queen foods, and gay with music All this was envied, especially 1959-60. by the neighboring rival city of British Highway Toll Croton. So the Crotonians finally plotted to take Sybarls by sur¬ prise. The Crotonlan Infantry marched to the assault In the Called 'Mass Disease1 morning, when the Sybarites were dull with drink and weariness. But slaves gave the alarm and a direct responsibility In the the famed Sybarite cavalry prevention of accidents not only thundered out, hastily mustered, PISTOL TROPHY WINNERS-Representing MSU. The team members are: Art Beldina, because of his broad training In conflndent of beating off the at¬ the University in the midwest Intercolleai- E. Lonsing, Jerry Medler, Lansing, advisor the biological sciences and the tack. But crotonlan Infantry ranks ate Pistol League, this ptstol team won the Major Robert L. Chamberlain, Ed Curtis, important part_ played'by human opened and out stepped a mili¬ first place trophy a meet Saturday p. Lansina. Garv Crawford. Tecumseh, and variables, but also because he is tary band. It broke into the music .1 the University of Wis- Mike in a favorable position to teach to which the Sybarites ha strained fielding, E. Lansing, while treating their horses to dance. sin, Xavier of Cincinatti, Ohio State and disease of epidemic propor¬ Injuries." The cavalry charge broke up tions," Dr. John Simpson told a "Occidents, particularly those medical symposium. in chaos as the war horses dan¬ occuring on the highway, now ced and pirouetted The physician, hedeclared, has constitute the outstanding threat to, the tune. Pretty and And so the Crotonlan;- a , much responsibility for pre¬ to health." ed the city, enslaved venting fata) accidents as he has fo'r treating and preventing dl- carried off the women and divert¬ ed the nearby Crati river from Comfortabli Dr. Sharer Its course so its waters woulc The contributions of Simpson and other experts to the sym¬ cover Sybaris and hide It for- Petti- posium Were printed in the medical cioner. magazine, rhe Practl- Simpson Is senior lec¬ To Speak Sally Lucas turer In the Department of Health and Social Mediclnt^at St. \n- Citing At Meeting Pants statistics — around 7,000 a year New President killed and 340,000 injured In Bri¬ tain — Simpson said: Sally Lucas, Mio junior, was "Accidental Injuries do. In recently elected president of Sig¬ 298 ma Kappa sorority. fact, provide frequency distribu¬ tions in time and place that are Other offic-rs Include Patricia comparable with those of mass Reasoner, Lansing Junior, first vice-president; Betsy Barclay, rhllS, Jid Grand Rapids Junior, first vice- Simpson, the methods developed for analyzing president in charge of manage¬ and controlling epidemic will be ment and Joanne Phillips, Crosse of value In under Pointe Junior, second vice-pre- standing and con¬ trolling the cause of a< :ldents Judy Webb, I^exington Ky. Jun¬ ior, and Linda Patton, Birming¬ Enjoy new freedom with nylon ham Junior, were named second tricot petti-pants. You'll have a smooth, sleek silhouette be¬ vice-presidents in charge of neath your pretty spring membership. fash- Others elected Bonnie Bohn, Crosse Pointe Junior, recording comfy petti-pants. Select em¬ broidered styles, lace trims and secretary. Beckie prints. Sizes S-M-L :n white Wagner. Birmingham and wonderful colors. Junior, corresponding secretary. Wallle Gregory. Mt. Clemens "He has your ears, Bernie." Junior, treasurer. Food Researchers Jill Dhvis, Charlevoix Junior, registrar. Meet at Kellogg 21 GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 20 WONDERFUL SMOKES! Director Appointed AGED MILD BLENDED MILD NOT FILTERED MILD THEY SATISFY - ^ summER jobs A FoodService Research con¬ ference sponsored by the school How to get your*! of hotel, restaurant and insti¬ tutional management was held Monday and Tuesday at Kellog. •Current research and develop¬ ments in food and food service were discussed by memliers of the Society for the Advancement of FoodService Research. Dr. Lazer Speaks In South California CA ** "■ lt#l ~ i!3» I I CH ment^r* ofWilliam Lazer of Depart- Marketing was to be the ILLUSTR AT E D principle speaker at a symposium TIm All toll*** Stu> O » a Booh,»or»« "" t»r o» graduate students and faculty of U niversity of Southern Callf- orn'a on Tuesday. Ihe topic of his talkwas"Com- What to with Wh ... petition, Innovation, and Market¬ ing Management". Lazer is the author of the book "Managerial Marketing". As presented by Knapp's and Glamour Magazine Special Fashion Show, tonight from 7:30 to 8:30, street level Get Knapp's and Clamour's pert pointers on new fashion. Learn what to wear with what at our informative, excLing fashion show, tonightl Important tips for the one-and-only you . . . an tips that make interesting young college woman more interesting. Get the young fashion outlook on how to wear color, cosmetics; the importance of fit: how to be dramatic at candlelight. See the complete accessory Storv. Featured here ar*' A. Gold, multi-chain necklace fashionable eyewear by Trifari $6 by Wallace Opticians B. Gold, sautoir chain necklace by Trifari $5 The distinctively new. excitingly different eye¬ C. Wide patent belt in black wear itylinf found ai Wallace * it the cantar or white 2.98 ol attention anywhere. Illustrated above ia D. Town & Country Wunderbar shoe RHYTHM, a flattering frame by Hatday . . . (background) 14.95 jutt «n« of the many attractive frame* at E. Town & Country Garland Wallace'*. Look over our large (election of distinctive fashion frame*. show (foreground) 14.95 F. Midarm glove in white, beige or black 3.50 G. Gold matte finish pin by Trifari $3 H. Roomy black WALLACE OPTICIANS patent handbag 7.95 3040 VINE STREET (opposite Frandor) ph. jv 9-2774 * 2-1175 Knapp's East Lansing