Global MICHIGAN Glimpses ■ By the Associated Press UNIVERSITY STATB STATE MEWS ronmromise Okayed chINCTON, - to UN Bond Hassle President Kennedy promised Wednesday to Vol 53. No. 169 East Lansing. Michigan Thursday, April 5. 1562 Price 10c WAr Crates outlays to the minimum and to seek larger Top Labor Experts to Meet t the United Nations a letter to Sen. John Sparkman, D-Ala., descrlb- tie ^h«nv satisfactory a bi-partisan compromise United Nations irg fmanc.ns y ^ I nroposal ioffered under debate in the Senate, by Senate Democratic Leader Sayf«,„c'ield of Montana and Senate Republican Leader Everett April 18-19 at Kellogg M M- U1 "n l,en of Illinois - is "helpful," Kennedy said he wanted [l0W "harmful" It would be for the United States to fail 10 S the U.N/S finances. Christmas Island Site Readied a,.cHi\GTON , . testing area - Atomic Energy Commission is estab- through a stretch of the Pacific surround- ^-r-jtmas Island beginning April 15, Sen. Oren E. Long Winters Quits Race, Federal L;':" "announced Wednesday. ~rt area Long said, Is being established In preparation for tsthat may be ordered later In the month. Seeks To Re-enter Role is Will An Old Dream Come True By SALLY DERRlCKSON Of The State News Staff Kent Cardell, elections miss loner, ccm- said that unless Stu- is final Winters may appeal to the Elections Review Board, but YORK West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer was de?f Congress Topic - Wednesday to be confident that Europe will draw together Dlck Winters, Lansing junior. reinstates Wtn- he will have to appear before wlll appear before Student Con—he 6 out of tlierac* Student Congress ir. orde- to gress Thursday in an attempt According to AUSG elections be reinstated. to be reinstated as a candidate ordinances, Cardell's decision Lar-y Campbell, AUSG Pre¬ for All-University Student Gov¬ •< - of the nation's top labor sident, said that Cardell or the re'atior.s experts will present e' historians will see that this organization, foui ernment president. review board have allowed Win- 'heir view on thelabcr relations Winters withdrew from the ttct to reenter the race with¬ c d >ap of France and Germany, was the most constructive :!:r-ate for 1962 at a Kellogg HOOT, MON-Patricio Botes, race Tuesday night but decided out appearing before Congress. • our epoch," the Chancellor said. late Wednesday afternoon to re¬ "His C enter April IS to 19. Ypsilanti freshman, tries dropping out, however, out for enter It. Winters said he with¬ la serious enough that he should an octinp part in Uni¬ drew from the race originally he required to appear before¬ They will speak for Continu¬ Catholic Mother lo 'Bow Down' Gracefully versity Theater duction, $ "Brigadoon.'' spring pro¬ because he was unhappy with gress to state the reason he with¬ ing rduration at the eighth an¬ nua! Industrial Relations Confer¬ the "type of campaigning going drew in the first place," ORLEANS, A 41-year-old Catholic mother vowed Wed- State News Photo Camp¬ ence. sponsored jointly by the y v by John bell said. /X.. .. v ; ept excommunication rather than hack down on her MSU Labor and Industrial Re¬ He said that he wants to cam¬ Blanchard charged »■ T''ir. racial segregation -- unless the clergy shows her er.or that Winters' withdrawal wa- "a Wednesday lations Law Section, State Bar paign on platform Issues, and that of Michigan . ; e ; ibie is not .elyn Gaillot, brought into the picture or discussed," said "then I will have to bow down gracefully Thursday he doesn't believe the present rules allow enough opportunity for candidates to contact stud- publicity scheme." to The debate on campaign issues which Winters challenged Bob ' Probing the economy will be e communication rather than desert by belief in God." rofe* or Ge<-rgi Katona of the Ye :a''« an interview -- probably Thursday -- with Arch- ; — j.seph Francis Rummel, the 85-year-old Prelate whom Deadline Set Winters later said he decided Howard, Mike Barbour, and Blan¬ chard earlier this week, : -till U river Mry of Michigan Survey Research Center: George G. to reenter the race and "see it scheduled for 8 p.m. ' : • eatened her with expulsion from her church. Thursday' APT CENTER SPEAKER-- Hagedorr National Association of e For Tryouts through to the finish" even though he has not changed his opinion in Union. parlors A, B, and C of the Dr. Chao Chang Lee trought One Big Vote For Richard Burton Thursday Is the last tunity to tryout for a oppor¬ part In on the unfairness of the rules. LONDON, - Friends said actor Richard Burton cabled his the all-university musical Winters, along with candidates Jamie Blanchard and Mike Bar¬ Fast Getaway 3's heVp'oke^nChi¬ Arch tectjre :'e Wednesday assuring her of his love despite his public kissing "Brigadoon," to be presented bour, was penalized one day's D'CK WINTERS nese o^d go-. El.zabeth Taylor. He followed this up with a telephone call, May 24 through 26 by the De¬ campaigning time for violating eere: up the blonde, 32-year-old Mrs. Burton, who had partments of Speech and Music, Tryouts will be he!d"st 3':30 minor elections rtiles Tuesday. IN AUSG Race State hoto by Johr >er. so upset by the news out of Rome that a doctor had to give ■- 'edati'.es, the' friends reported. or 7 30 p.m. The rules allow no campaigning In residence halls other than in Reapportionment Anotner friend said Burton may fly home this weekend from :xe .vhere he is playing Anthony to Miss Taylor's Cleopatra Four lead parts — tenor, a ba-rltone and two sopranos — are the lobby during specified times. Plan Defeated Draws Penalty Delta College needed besides a chorus, other Tax by Con Con Three candidates for Ml-Unl- Change Proposed actors and a dancing company of 20 people. Money The Constitutional Convention avoided both extremes In defeat¬ yersity Student Government pre¬ sident and two others competing Commission Asks Leniency For Cuban Invaders Any university student with a for class officer posts were By House WASHINGTON, -The Inter-American Commission of Human 2.0 average is eligible. Needed, ing legislative apportionment proposals Wednesday. penalized Wednesday for viola¬ ting campaign rules. Conversion of Delta Com¬ Delegates defeated, 111-20, a munity College to a combination •?""> appealed to the Fidel Castro government of Cuba Wednesday Miller Says proposal by Lee Boothby, (R- Kent Cardell, elections com¬ state and locally-supported insti¬ . to the death penalty on any of the 1.179 invasion .5oners just tried in Havana. U.S., Braxil Nllea) to maintain the status quo in the Senate. They also reject¬ missioner, said that Mike Bar¬ bour, Lansing Junior, Jamie tution was proposed Wednesday roblems of tior under contract adminis- Dr. James W. Miller, presi¬ Blanchard, Ferrdale sopfcomore, by .the house education commlt- changing technology dent of Western Michigan Univ¬ ed a Democratic plan to reapr Dominican Republic Recovers Trujillo Properly Agree on ersity and former state control¬ ler. told MSU staff members portion the Senate on a strict population basis by a 83-41 vote. and Dick Winters. Uar.sir.g junior, were barred from beginning their *The committee drafted a plan campaigns in dorm Wedresday SANTO DOMINGO, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, T uesday that only increased tax The \ n the •source*. Wednesday it has recovered more than $39 million - The government Utilities revenue will enable the state to after a flood of amend¬ ments had beer, proposed by the Cardell said the three hid dp opertv and other assets which once belonged to people improve its educationa 1 fac¬ begun campaigning ir fully supported by the *a-e WASHINGTON, f-Presi¬ ■ c -..-.neeted a,ith the Trujillo dictatorship. The value of Trujillo dent Joao Goulart of Brazil In¬ ilities. Republican majority of the leg¬ early They were also campaign - - insets confiscated by the government, including plantations, Miller spoke to more than 500 islative organization committee. !ng outside the dorm lobbies, . dicated Thursday he and Presi¬ • and shipping lines, has been estimated as high as $200 dent Kennedy have reached an educators at the Learning Re¬ John Hannah, (R-East Lar.s- the only place allotted 'or form al sources for Higher Education ing) chairman of the committer, campaigning according to " SG agreement on the future of U.S.- Conference on had predicted hopefully that the campus. owr.ed public utilities In Brazil, proposal could te submitted for and when Kennedy bade Goulart "Nothing short of sizable tares Charles Dalavo, Royal Oak Russian Gram Thief Sentenced to Death farewlll, he said he looked for¬ will enable the state to meet the needs of its various department." a vote by the end of the day. Delegates scheduled morning, Junior and candidate for senior cla- president, and Bruce Os- ward to returning Goulart's visit. afternoon and night session, '.OW, -The supreme court of the Russian Republic has aid. rerink, Grand Rapids freshma- e the head of a grain stealing ring to death before a Goulart, in answer to a news¬ Miller said that the problem of seeking to end four days of de- .quad, re Soviet news agency Tass reported Wednesday. man's question at a news con¬ academic space per student is candidate. were penalized for a very real one and that it will controversial issue. violation of the rules. ference, said the question of same Republicans are bidding for a Cardell said the r«o will .rot Syria Suppresses Rebellion public utilities in Brazil was the subject of a Joint communique jjrobably get worse before it gets plan that would increase the size of the senate by four members be allowed to begin campaigning which he and Kennedy would issue Tuesday night Dr. Ray Car¬ in dorms until Friday Formal \MAS CIS, SYRIA, -The military high command Wednesday Seats would be added immediat¬ later tonight or tomorrow. penter, head of the psychology campaigning for orher :la18 .r-pulsory fr:rr high ampus coeds are invited to campus. Gretchen, a Birmingham The Governor sough" and re- 'he Govern- r for "Uicitrz ■ college Francis !>r the Miss « -* difficulties in Greater Lans- sophomore, Is a member of sor¬ ceived permission to address a tax pla- -/a-,• - : ■ ' ' :!' The army announced that four Warns Against girl Whose residence Is out of the National Guard infantry divisions hicles and If a sign warning the driver of a speed check Is Lansing area, but who Is a univ¬ to be reconstituted into indepen¬ freet Games ersity or college student here. dent brigades are the 34th of One of the requisites for en¬ Sigma Nu Bias Clause set up testing device. 50C feet ahead of tfee Iowa and Nebraska, the 35th of trants Is that they possess some b,„°?e b|ems of.t!!e of East bi8 springtime pro- Lansing officials talent. During the Judging, en¬ Kansas and Mlasouri, the 43rd of Connecticut Rhode Island and Blasted .UoftdM. CLOUDY s trants will be asked to display reepmg baseball and tennis Vermont, and the 51th of Florida ANN ARBOR, f — The stu¬ government recommended that- their talents In a three-minute and South Carolina. dent government council at the Sigma Nu's Gamma Nu chapter j - s !rom practicing on the routine. Four reserve divisions to be be found in violation of ^ee:.s East Lansing City Man- . University of Michigan Tuesday here disbanded and their manpower threatened to oust the Sigma Nu University provisions because ; r J°"n Patriarch* said Tues- Phi Kappi Psi Award reorganized In the same manner are: fraternity from the campus un¬ less the chapter removes what the fraternity requires members to be white christians. It re¬ ,ls * cit> ordinance I hich ? willP'a_yin8 in th* streets Won By Bemillet the council called a bias clause commended that the fraternity be enforced Patriarch# The 79th of Pennsylvania. Del¬ or obtains a waiver from its be suspended If at the end of aware and Maryland. The 94th national organization. the s •r the w One reason for the ordinance Stephen G. Bemiller. Evaw- of Massachusetts, the 96th of The council scheduled a public of complying with University re¬ ville, Indiana senior, was award¬ Arizona. Idaho. Montana, Wash¬ hearing Wednesday and Invited gulations have not been provided fic ,r e*Ces8lv* amount of traf- ed the $100 Colon E.Summerfleld ington. Nevada and Utah, and the •h^ ^!.8t Un*ln8- Another award Monday. representatives of the local chap¬ by the natlonai organization. 103rd of Iowa. Minnesota and ter and the national fraternity «m n examP1* tor The award is given annually Wisconsin. to The chapter has applied for Hie forecast for Thursday Is present arguments. he s.T Chl,drBn ta thC by Phi Kappa Pal the individual whom the fraternity to chapter The Army did not disclose the University regulations prohibit a waiver but under provisions mostly couldy with occasional Identity of the six priority divl- WHAT SAY THERE, HERM~S*ill sporting his shaggy winter light drizzle or rain. The Ot- c-Tfr® ,re *veral outdoor re- (eels has done the most for the sione which will be tagged for coot, one of Potter's Pork star attractions, a white donkey discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, creed, na¬ of a national fraternity ruling it cannot be granted unless the pected high will be in the low cTS 'Ti,valUbte °n Ch* Wlchi^n State ln University and the j^teraity callup first in event of a future named Herm was quick to make friends with Roi Profit, tional origin or ancestry. chapter Is in danger of losing The outlook for Friday Is partly through leadership and scholar¬ cloudy and warmer. ship. Lansing freshman. State Photo News by Eldon Gar lock A subcommittee of the student Its recognition. Michigan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 5. J9f>2 art consultant. Junior high Eng- all majors from the Senators Check Placement Bureau 11 sh, elementary partially sight- Business fc Public Serviced # ed and all levels dlcapjJed mentally han- Mldland Ross Corp. ~ Me- accounting. flnancUl.dmin'i^'^ «on. general business. & economics. m "r1;1- "1 Missile Contracts overall $S98.96-m 111 ion tout Interviewing at the Placement Bureau Tuesday, April 10. Ad-, chanlcal and electrical engineers counting majors V»n Dyfc . Public Schools Jementary Education K-6 for summer em- school speech and drama i p v " WASHINGTON, !*> - Senate averaged 7.6 per cent on the dltional Information In the Place¬ _ ployment. Must have ft 2.5 CPA tory & phyilcs. ' investigators were told Wednes¬ 17 contracts. Out when measured ment Bureau Bui Bulletin for the week or higher. Must live In 100 mile Wyandotte Chemical Co day thai Douglas Aircraft Co. against the amount of work done of April 9 to 13: „ radius of Owasso. Only open to Ml majors from the coUm. 7, . collected $45.5fi million inproflts in Dbuglas plants, he said, the Fisher Body Craftsman Guild students who students will complete who will their Buslneaa & Public Service »M complete their on a series of Nike missile sys¬ (Dlv. of CMC) all majors from Freshman year In June. ^n*lne5rs- ompan/s profit figured out to Birmingham Board of F.duct- tem contracts afrer turning over ()ic eqUlvajenr 0f 44.3 per cent, all colleges with emphasis on Republic Steel Corp. — Ac- " much of the work to subcontrac- ranglng from ,8^ ^ cem on business and liberal arts. counting majors. *1°" — Elemenury F.ducatin. to 200 per Cadillac Motor Car Dlv. of Roadway Express. Inc. — All K-6, elemenury & second^ Robert E. Dunne, a Senate another. G.M.C. --^-Accounting and fin-—majors rrofnTTrrcatlegwofBttsI- ert, strings majors, elerw,,'^ staff investigator, also told how iAjnne said tie was not sure anclal administration and all ness 6 Public Service, science bend & secondary orchestra c!/ the government was charged for whether all of the contracts had others from the College of Bus- g, arts & communication arts. mblnatlon. Junior high F ng];,> $11.47 million profit on a been reviewed by the Pentagon's Iness and Public Service. School District City of High- major & social studies fleet of missile base trailer s that Contract Renegotiation Boa rd. Flint Public Schools — Ele- land Park — Elementary educa- Junior high math. Junior >, tr_ . cost a subcontractor $,46.89 mil¬ whose Job it Is to pare down mentary education. Junior and tlon K-6, Junior high math and lor high French. Spanish, Cer* lion to build. any excessive profits in defense senior high English, math, sc- science, e 1 emen ta r y women's man. senior high physic s/phy'._ "It may be legitimate, 1 ience, chemistry-physics, social physical education, senior high leal science, senior high rhem. jobs. Officials of the board are don't know," Sen. John L. VU-- to be questioned later. studies, art - industrial arts counselor, speech therapist. lstry-physlcal science, printing Clellan. r>-Ark., said adding Another chart produced by and core, combination special Scovell, Wellington & Co. — Junior and senior high reaair man of the had received profits totaling physical education. ting majors. vocal music, special educat!r,r Senate Inve ; rati $53.16 million on $952.74 mil¬ Fowlervllle Community State Board of Equalization — Junior high emotionally dl turbl m.ttee whwh iS in qui; 111;; into the lion of production, research and Schools — Elementary education Accounting majors. ®d- development work it fartnedout early and later, Junior high Eng- Toledo Public Schools — All General Motors Corp. -o? 'jiM-eeT'to take : on a govern- to liouglas. llsh and senior high English, elementary educ&tlon K-6, high chanlcal and electrical engh -- ment missile pi ■ )Ject. and then and English-French riiajoi ». school art, business education, for summer —— employment McClellan said he questioned assigns all or p, Ceorge A. Hormel & Co. — driver training, English, Indus- Sheraton Hotel Corp. wheiher it was necessary for — n,,,. to subcontractors subcon- All majors from the Colleges restaurant ard . witu vVev.ei n f .lecti ic to "go through trial arts, foreign languages, institutional n " i profits added of Business & Public Service, home economics. Journalism, agement. Douglas." as he put it, Instead to the final bill. science & arts, & communication math, music, instrumental, vo- of plai orders directly with McClellan call-i this pyram- that did the actual 6 agriculture majors also. cal. biology, chemistry, general iding profit-. mechanical, civil, and electrical science, nurse, physics, phys- I work on some sub-contracts. chart 11 a 11 n. 17 Nlke missle But he said, if it was neces- engineers. Hasklns t Sells Accounting iology, social studies, speech, radio & dramatics, special ed- ACAOEMT AWAROS/cha^i / /A j.# - because of engineering and OSCARCAST . i ) ucation, braille, deaf, hard of An ra'l received from'the West- otiic services supplied by Doug¬ las, that would raise a question Household Finance Corp. — hearing, slow learners, speech |i Fleet; Co.. tl.e chief i. on em .. - of wluit Western Electric did to All majors from the Colleges of Business & Public Service, hearing therapy and physical |l the education (Men). earn profits it charged for •voi k done science & arts, & communication United States Steel Corp. — by others. , government a tota •ts, million, IXinne sa industi Rolwrt (/Dell Jr.. a divlllari i ll engineer fortheArmy Jackson Public Schools -- All Test Drive The MICHIGAN (45.58 millionrepn testified he beleived it wa JAY BLISSICK AND SHARON RIES elementary education, English, commercial German, women's from done healthy thing" and t . eliminate as a money saver many middlemen State News Photo by John Rummel physical education, special ed¬ RAMBLER '400' tbahez' by others as possible. ucation - ungraded rooms at Blissick, Ries Made Dunne test: fContmued on page 6) elementary level & speech cor¬ CONVERTIBLE immortal profit as con rection. j Kalamazoo Public Schools classic sweeping ELMER°STEELE — you from the Elementary education, elemen¬ Metro STATE tary general music, elementary broad parr.- \ itftmin & ('osmotic Distributor Seniors of the Week I e. UNITloQARTlStS »7 S. Washington "MOON PILOT' SPARTAN SPORTS & HOBBIES Arr«i 1t<„Mgan State News. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April S, 1962 ^ yfescott Leads Talk nA,eNeu, ynVarsity civeD Teams »• *'* '• «« Varsity Drive In », Humanist Meeting T°PKO/3 »»y itctaai* Or. Harold Walsh, assistant 1227 E. GRAND RIVER Dr rt RofW R°V_«ter ~ Wescott wcsco» b00jt of African ^ln answer to '* ^ue*Mon w* led • . v*rrfillhlwkln8. associate and research specialists cinnatl. placed second with 1128 while the recommended marsh marigolds B> 2*517 - here until last year, professor of political sciencede- a three-day conference fofe"01* . 1 banquet of the Michigan Educa- UMi «a )(_||A__ Children under I2-Fre ^ tlon Association at the Civic Center. Lansing *" nclioyy About 60 nursing educators will More than 500 teachers andad- meet Thursday and Friday at Kel- fVPOMM * " ' rue win THE kid who uiun A. DAVID UNSSfN PATT! P4GI ■ MICKEY SHAUGHNESSY WAITER WINCHEIL minlstrators attending the ban- logg Center at a Practical Nurs- quet will pay tribute to Nisbet lng Education Conference spon- for his contributions to education sored by the Colleges of Educa¬ te the state and the nation. He tion and Science and Arts, ROBERT STRAUSS will be cited for his long-stand- The group will analyze methods * IT ». ARNOLDSTANG DAVID KORY lng efforts to promote the cause of selecting students for the t 7:3? and of education and his conscient- one year practical nursing civic service. THE Hey Let's Twist Shown 2nd a 19:471 course. IAw Pi Phis, Kappas oeD' SPECIALISTS MmiMMTI IN STUDENT TRAVEL! Km Pledges Saturday Km A "Housemaid's Auction" will be hpld Saturday at 1:30 p.m. In the PI Beta Phi house. The pledges of PI Phi and I# Kappa Kappa Gamma sororities "Student Trips" will auction cleaning utensils, such as brooms, mops, palls Are Our Specialty and scrubbrushes to fraternities. "Teenafl«r Tfipt" are ovr ip*- Each item will be numbered and k each pledge will also have a tiolty U. S., Canodo, Europe, "mats* number. When a fraternity "buys" an item, the pledge with the same number will do the work. All fraternities are invited leaders; modes* prices. May we tell you more about them? to the auction. K K & «ipt _ Plants and animals that die in jSwt THE PEPPERMUrr LOUNGERS peat bogs, called muskegs In North America, are preserved College Travel for posterity. They retain their Office shape indefinitely. 130 W. Grand River ED 2-8667 PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED t-M17 EAST LANSING PHONE ED.2 2814 HOME OF THE BEST IN FOREIGN FILMS EXCLUSIVE LANSING AREA SHOWING FIRST SHOW 7 P.M. — ADULTS 90c Sunday. Mon. Tues. Big Academy Award Show - Reg Adm. 75c ENDS - T0-W8HT - Ritual of Love STARTING FRIDAY thiHOSTUr! 2-BIG FEATURES NOMINATED MBtH FOR ACADEMY AWARDS! SOPHIA LOREN NOMINATED FOR THE BEST ACTRESS OF THE YEAR-IN- AND NOMINATED I^II^AWARDS n*HUsn» The \mr — See SS \ Michigan State News .SPORTS. East Lansing. Michigan 2 Spartan Game* Order a distinctive On TV Next Fall Two of Michigan State*i 1962 Top Golfer Back for MSUI Detroit's rebuilding ysar lies ahMd Barrett misaed the early mj part j ■ I e n week days has betn I 1 L frnf* Disc rx«r Jockeys playing aoftball? IndtMi AlivlM mfttaltl Floral arrangement for Ruth Parties & Teas home football games will be te¬ This Saturday morning at 10 for Jack Brotzmann. Mlchipin of laat season but cameonstrong MO . to >1.00 levised by the Columbia Broad¬ State golf coach. at tha finish win a regular T** 18 hole raw (ir faculty and employees has remained at casting System In the NCAA Brotzmann ha, "Came of the Week" series. only two gulars returning from last r»- Job. .nu.mp10^. ha. remained .« ■ | \/ • Randall house of Rather lhall years A bright spot on the recently IS 111 w OIM on Landon field. Athletic Director Biggie Munn team which finished third In tha Th* Alumni rata is still $2 JO '» III w Vfll I 21S Ann St. Barnes Flora concluded southern trip was the disclosed that C.B.S, lists the Big Tec, Bud Badger and Gary fine play of sophmve. r*nTown- »or « «"d Throughout the spring term the Prl°e forJ'h«gen- Michigan game at Fast Lansing Barrett. send' sa'ld Brotzman. «rai public will be *4.00 during nrTnntT _ , D£ are going to be challenging on Oct 13 for a regional telecast Badger paced the t.r - hi.s.ron* the spring. DETROIT, If ~ The Loa An- Afferent houses to take part in ED 2-0871 and- the-Pttrdne game nt Past srzir*? »rrzr'a. throughout most of last season early season play to the fact •- a. .,uto, -- , - n»ri«vi Tmn^ev •f East Lansing Lansing November 10 for the' and should start off as the num- that he used the driving nets in ■ on national telecast. man again this year Intramural building mo3t of alumni must pr< night before beiung down thl QfcTM Offinnlc the winter. tiflcatlofi cards. Detroit Pistons' hopes of * tnt*" Vw»QOI5 tastlc comeback In a 123-117 vfc- This helped use of the driving nets him keep his hands in ■ tory that advsnced the Lakers to the National Basketball As¬ Meeting Tonight shape and Brotzmann saia. get the feel of the club 'M' Gymnast sociation championship playoffs. The lakers won the best of The softball officials meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 p.m. Brotzmann lias not yet set room 208 Mens IM. All men In¬ seven western division finals 4-2 a lineup for the teams first match Illinois Still Critical after taking the first three games terested In officiating IM soft- Good Used| at April 14. weatner and then losing the next two to ball this term must report to permitting, the team will begin Albuquerque,N.M., f - the resurgent Pistons. this meeting. which Brotzman will dec; will lie his starters. "There's nothing we can do. He's The Piston", who trear>ured still critical. The doctors told me thoughts of a comeback all we can do Is wait." cedented In NBA playoffs, erased unpre- Since 1900, the New York- San Francisco Giants have a 698- Auto Par 646 edge over the Brooklyn-Los With a little help from the Those were all the words Sid- the Lakers' 24-polnt lead with weatherman, Michigan Suite's Angeles Dodgers. ney Hyman could force Wednes- a brilliant rally that tied the golf course, Forest Alters, will day as he tried to talk about score 117-117 with 1:21 left, be open to the public on lues, his 19-year-old son Lew who lay r'fe. Elgin Baylor, playing on Choose Try us! April 10. critically injured a few feet away a one-day pass from the army. which There have been is located some changes I orest Akers on the South- Lew, a University of Michigan put the Lakers ahead to stay sophqmore, suffered brain injury Saturday night in a a severe with a Jump shot 14 seconds Your Own | Limco Auto Parts! later. Then Jerry West added corner and Mt. Hope Ave. of Harrison Rd. fall from the trampoline during the NCAA gymnastics champion- two free throws and Wayne Yates Queen IV 2-1303 1332 N. larch, Lansing | The student rate which was sank an Insurance basket. Look for Thm R*d House ships at the University of New ' week days and $1.00 Mexico. idii.per 18 holes, is now Me was making the 12th and $1.00 all the lime for full time final bounce of his routine—a Pork-Loi n-Sa Ig jA students. Ibe rate for part time triple twisting back flip. He ve- . students is $1.50 for 18 holes, ered off to the side, fell A nearly : faculty and employee sea- 30 feet and hit the hardwood son rate has been added this year, floor face first. I he cost of this season rate has I*ftur spotters around the tram- $45.00 for one person or $75.00 pollne--a , Igned to prevent falls fora family membership. --froze as Hyman came down. te for faculty He acted »■. though he didn't know he would miss the bed the trampoline. on Center Cut All Good Super Right (jyrnan finisher} ninth in the re¬ "Scholarship Pork bound tumbling even though he Offer Unture" was fall. He after the penalized for his critical was third In tumbling preliminary round and Chops Bacon Sausage told his coach. Newt Loken, he felt he could win it. But he got the chance. never 691 lbpkg :i3 - M00 John Kobs, Spartan baseball Could he have won an NCAA coach, got a surprise Wednesday, title Saturday night? "He was He was quite surprised tohear capable," Loken said of the 5- that he had offered Jim Goodrich foot-8, 150-poundcr who started a full scholarship if he would tumbling while a Junior In high Excellent For Stuffing A Real Value attend MSt and play baseball, school. His senior year he won Goodrich, a pitcher from Battle 'be New York City championship ( reek, pitched against the tan-; on their spring trip. He Spar- In tumbling, flyman's parents, Mr. andMr.s. Green Peppers Bananas plays for Camp I ejeune, N.C. Sidney Hyman of Wantagh, N.Y., The young marine told the As- have been here since Sunday sociated Press that the MSU shortly after coach offered him a full scholar- surgery. ship after he beat the Spartans "We're spending he underwent brain most of the 4-29* 2 ■ "291 March 26. time in his room," Loken said He said that a partial scholar- quietly, ship was offered to him after pitching against MSU earlier ir the week, and after the second ——— Fresh Mexican Fresh ST LOUIS CARDINALS game scholarship. he "All I said was to offered the full him was that he the ST. LOUIS (Ai')-St. IxkiIr If only city in the nation with Pineapple ASPARAGUS AVOCADOS /6//t//a//a// two ro.ijor leupie athletic If-urnx pitched a pretty good game," Kobs said. "He carrying thr same name. The St. said he was i/nils baseball and football team* 6010c ?Inii'crs ili< ftoxo thinking about coming to MSt.', I mentioned that have him come." we would like so to ire Ixith called the And both are in Cardinal*. be word National In the title. leagues with ? 3 • s1°° 391 size | y ea When Kobs asked Goodrich what kind of a student he was, However, nicknames of the the reply was that he Is a earns are different. The base- very French Fries Mr. G good student. this 100 cott. "!orful ii season sportxhirt in in a "But, how know whether said Kofrs. am he I Is supposed to or not." F rozen 9 oz pkg. 10< i handsome se.lwti n of your favor- s. It's lonjf on lo k. coo! to wear n fit llv tailored with .1 half- Sal°d Sultana Qt Jar 35< , i SMALL'S { I 1 s i two eleven <> ,r<& tc<> tr&tr t woshington t„ of Lakeland, Fla.. >K\ - A pair homers off Phil Regan gave the New York Yankees a 2-1 victory over the Detroit Tigers exhibition baseball game Regan The only other hit allowed by was a harmless single to Bobby Richardson in the fifth, Reliefer Ron Kline blanked New Peanut Butter Ann Page 24 oz Jar 53< Jn an York in the ninth. Wednesday before a record crowd The Tigers losing their 12th of 4,022 at Henley f ield. in 14 games, collected 10 hits A&P 1962 Ambassador-Big Ten Rookie Tom Tresh from Cen- off Jim Coates and Roland Shel- Ann Page tral Michigan University hit his don. Doubles by Rocky Colavito first homer of the spring with and Steve Roros gave the Tigers two out in the third. F.lston How- their lone run In the ninth, Corn Lima Tomato EUROPE ard hit No. 4 with one out in the fourth. for the Yankees, it was their 16th win in 24 games. cream style For Students and other Young Adults Beans Soup Scotland - England - Holland - Belgium The Convertible 10° Germany - Switzerland - Liechtenstein r 3*4* 'lr 10° 'Austria- Yugoslavia- Italy- Monaco- France For A Student's Budget (Denmark) - (Sweden) - (Norway) Sail June 28. Empress of Britain, or A&P Frozen A&P Frozen Banquet Frozen Fly July 3, by Transtlantic Jet Return by Ship or by Jet IPeas and Orange Macaroni i Carrots Juice Cheese Dinner TINTERA Leader: Dr. James ft Tintera, 2 lbb*g 391 61 : 9* 12 3/4 oz pkg 29* Assoc. Prof., M.S.U. Jane Parker Bakery Features 64 INCLUSIVE DAYS, BY SHIP 50 INCLUSIVE DAYS, BY AIR $1242.00 $1307.40 RAMBLER "400" 57 INCLUSIVE DAYS, BY SHIP& AIRSI32I.50 Convertible $2344 j Italian Bread 11/2 lb loaf 25< Hot Cross Buns 391 (INCLUDING SCANDANAVIA) > Spring T«rm with thi» 70 INCLUSIVE DAYS, BY SHIP&AIR$1595.00 63 INCLUSIVE DAYS BY AIR $1600.00 D»»pit» it' % low pric*, thij plush Cor j Danish Pastry Rings <■ 29° Orange Chiffon Cake -45 I with pleated vinyl upholstery, deep pile Your A&P Super Market FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION and vitors, wheels covers and Automat in thls Ad Effective Corner of Hagadorn and East Grand River in Wiiiiamsron Store mnrt «ii thru i Saturday, 4 «. April p St The Rambler "400" Convertible is i pow« College Travel OFC. Dr. James B. Tintera engine with proven economy and trouble 130 W. GRAND RIY 6196 SKYLINE DRIVE Stop in for a Test Drive ' I ED 2-8667 •B* ED 2-2327 ELMER STEELE RAMBLER 2 Blocks west of Brody a« Michigan 9 a jn. to 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday food ^torcsi ■t^hiean State New. East Lansing, Michigan Thursday, April 5, 1962 i AUTOMOBILE SOLD - 1st CALL Phone FX) 0-0000. C.1SS SStton I7 WANTEt* Reliable aggressive TYPEWRITER, ■•wing machine salesman. Good portable. Smith- 2 DOUBLE ROOMS. approvedfor Corona. Silent with Spanish key- FREE DRY CLEANtNCI Wen- w PEANUTS 332-<>47o. men. Call Mrs. Hamilton at working conditions. Call 487- board. Excellent condition. Ed- Curry's Campus Court. 337- droVs Econowash and Dry ^ DCDCTtUAl € 0585. 6 cyclopedia Brlttanlce. IV 5-2692 2334 7 Cleaners, 1006 Vine St., 1/2 block PcRSONALS or IV 5-3483. " west of Seers' Frandor Store Is giving absolutely free - dry DIANE PERPIN AND JOHN RO- condition. $995. JJhgm. IV Avnn U flrr.t in the field. ' "A" Lost and Found J, CERS, come to the State News. 8 * Its Speedqueen rashers only earnings for you. For appoint- c r00m 347, Student Services In your home, please write 10 different tlm Take ad Building for your free passes to STRATTON SPORTS CAR or call: Mrs. Alana Huckins, sails, "wooden hull, no repairs LOST - Black framed prescript- vantage M.S.L'. C rffe Creat Drive-Tn Theatre. 6 5664 Schaal St., Haslett. Mich. needed. 355-8551. • 10 *<"» glasses In black case. CENTER Cell Pete at ED 2-0333 « 1915 E. Michigan Ave. Telephone FE 9-8483. IN HURRY? Wonch Craflc DEAR 'J* would . you please * DIAL IV 4-4411 FOR SALE: KINCSTON atoma- ~~ Service now has two shifts For Sale tic portable sewing machine. De- monstrater. Only $99.50. Call J^*57p™ne " ®1 ><* tn? F.D 2- get your Job done faster. Take advantage now! Phone 484-7786. 487-0585. 6 3577■ Pew,rd- Office hours 8 5, Monday HIMALAYAN,. ..Hmmml? GIRLS BICYCLE Schwlnn middle Friday. C 1958 VOLVO, $750. Black, radio, LOST-GREY framed glasses In ANYONE interested in seeing weight. 2-gears and baskets Call . Excellent condition. 355-8138. 7 silver case. Reward. 355-4976. EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on your complaints in print, come Ask for Kay. all makes and models. All work to the State News office, room TRAILER: 1960, 8 x 36, like 7 MOVING OL'T sale Chest of new. 1 or 2 bedroom. Cell 355- guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to 341, Students Services Building anytime from 9-5. drawers, double-bed, desk, kit¬ chen table, chairs and 1616 8 to 5. Lot 118, Trailer •fr Personal *:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 E. Michigan. Call IV 7-5558. C lounge chair. ED 2-0728. Jrs.-Srs.-Grads. Permanent life RENAULT. 1959, 4 door, 24,000 SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE lnsurance^now. Premiums after miles. One owner car. Perfect TPA1LER-RITZ-CRAFT 1961 condition. Cell 355-2719. FOR SALE — Port. Tape re¬ 50/10 ft. Exceptional offer. Must graduation. No decrease In pro¬ 6 fits. State Life's College Plan. SPRING FESTIVAL DAYS corder; excellent for lectures. sell. 699-2361 after 6:00. 6 355-5605 C Front floor mats .f$1.69 Complete with batteries, . . tapes, Allison air cooled seat STORY OLOSMOBILE, INC. earphone. Only $22. Call 355- GREAT LAKES 50x10. Two bed¬ 3165 E. MICHIGAN AVE. 2519. cushions 1.99 7 Parked in East rooms. Lansing. Flash light batteries 2 for 25* DIAL IV 2-1311 Call ED 7-0016. 10 Bluebird beach, balls 88 SCHW1NN BICYCLES, 196 2 Free Zinnia se-ds 'while they 1960 Chevrolet Impela Sport Coupe, V-8, automatic, radio, models, over 100 always on dis¬ HK For Rent last. play, Full size $39,95. English heater, white wall tires. Finish¬ Dunelt $43.95. BICYCLES A ed in solid dark blue. STORY SPECIALTY NOT A SIDELINE. Sells For Less $1895. Open Monday and Friday even¬ ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 blocks ings VAN'S BIKE SHOP, 507 from campus, unfurnished except 1956 Ford, two door. 6 cllnder, MICHIGAN STATE Uni- E. Shiawassee neaF cltv-marker. for stove h REG. Call ED 2- SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF JTW _.j Minx. Convertl- automatic, radio, heater, white IV 5-1963. 8 4092. 7 versity graduation rings TP A DING STAMPS! when you lle. Good gray paint. Sharp red wall tires. Finished in two-tone available at THE CARD ■e-f'-er interior. Good black top. ' blue. STORY Sells For Less... SHOP. Includes degree bring your cleaning to WendroVs LEAVING COUNTRY. Will rent Econowash and Dry Cleaners. • speed forward trans. Lo- $395. c VIOLIN - Fine old Helnrlch seal, 3 engraved initials. since new. $895. 3-fcedroom unfurnished home Choice of 10 stones. Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned Jacobz 250 years old. Value and $1500. Will trade for car or near campus. Call after 4:30 pressed, only 50f. 3006 Vine ! (final 6 St. 1/2 block west of Sears' MAX CURTIS, INC. household goods or sell for $500. ED 7-0148. 24. i E. MICHIGAN Frandor Store. C Write Box No. 341A or call ' REDUCE SAFlLY. Use 5-15 |\ 4-4491, EXT. 33 IV 4-7773. 7 APARTMENTS lbs. fast. Only* $1.00 Free 25< FRENCH TUTORING. Ex¬ calorie counter. Guaranteed re¬ YOU can save money on trans¬ 3 BIG ROOMS, furnished with perienced In Ph.D. Language Ex- sults. Marek Rexall Prescription STEREO TAPE RECORDER. portation and at the same ttme utilities, approved, $100 per Center. N. Clippert Street at Call F.D 2-1919. 6 Four track telectro. Include-, really enjoy driving with a Volk¬ month. Lanstnz - East Side. Call Frandor. IV 9-8595. CIO stereo tape, extra speaker;, and swagen Sedan or Station Wagon. TU 2-2258 TYPING. PRINTING, TYPE stereo turntable. Brand new, SF.TTINC and VARIFAX copying CONTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. complete, $225. IV 9-6923. 6 ATTPaCTIVF 3 rooms with tile BLRR-PATTERSON Fra- at Wonch Graflc Service, 1720 226 E. KALAMAZOO E. Michigan, Lansing. Only 10 DIAL IV 5-1743 C6 MOTORCYCLE, ZUNAPP. 1961, 2.50cc.. $450. Phone MI 1-4365 era tor clo e and sto-.e. Air conditioned. to cam pa, and AtP Store. CARD_5HOP *cr^s available at minutes from campus or.bus!ire. Phone 484-7786. Walker Cites 1953 CHEVROLET. No rust, ef¬ ficient motor, automatic, power or IV 5-4709. 8 125 Ker.berry Dr. Adults, £D *'753""'® Ecor'orn,cs Rld&- E£ DLAPER SERVlCEtoyour desire Red Threat steering. Driven carefully. ED USED Go JCart, dual 5 h With our service, you receive 2-5251. 8 engines. Dart Kan, model 1 LARGE BEDROOM and adjoining DANCE MUSIC by the Gentlemen your owr. diapers back each time WASHINGTON, f-Edwir A. of Note. For open dates I rates A or B racing or Just fun. $12 study room with T.V. for rwo You may include your baby's Walker, far-ngr: ex-ger.eral. O'SMAlGNESSEY CHRYSLER, 1955, Windsor Hard¬ 355-9117. students. 484-9517 after 4 p.m. phone ED 2-2575. 9 undershirts and clothing which told a Senate committee Wedses- top. Good condition. Power will not fade. White, Blue or FOR SALE: KINGSTON automatic THE BUD SPANGLEF ORCHES¬ brakes and steering. Good rub¬ APPROVED unsupervised fur¬ Pink diaper pails furnished *ay of life are ,.r:irr.s of flark ber. $450. Call IV 9-0443. 8 portable sewing machine. De¬ nished apartment for 2 men. TRA available for spring term forces it. "collusion "itr. *!■* monstrates Only $$99.50. Call parties. THE FINEST IN MUSIC. I.IANT, standard shift, Across from Student Union Build¬ AMERICAN LAUNDRY international Co m m. u n; s t con¬ :-adio and heater. Very 487-0585. 6 Phone IV 2-1240. 10 111 E. WASHTENAW spiracy." '.je out. Priced to ing. No cooklngfacillties.Student : IV 2 0864 From President Kennedy down, REFRIGERATOR. G.E.. 9 cu¬ must qualify through Student Buy low mileage car, Insure bic feet, excellent condition, very Housing. Rent $70 per month. Walter rare: big* officials and It with honest George Bublor, LETTICH and STENBERC reasonable. Call 337-9415 after Must have personal Interview ANN BROWN, typist and mult ever, suggested tna* a one-time .YMOL'TH, 2 door hard- 2910 E. KALAMAZOO with over Jacobsons. ED 2-8671. c6 illth offset printing. IBM. Gen ghost wr.ter for fcrmer Presi¬ 5 PM. 9 landlord. Call IV 2-8420. , automat.t. Blue and 484-3229 eral typing, term papers, theses, dent D*:ght D. Eisenbo-wer would Specially priced at •. FOR SALE Voice of Music ROOMMATE wanted rf +C Real Estate dissertations. 3 dt^illcating pro¬ cesses available; Multilith'black hear looting into. stereo tape recorder withampll- furnished apartment. C 1958 FORD Custom 300, 2 door, $ white, & color), Ozalid, Clear 8 fler. In excellent condition. Call paid utilities. $32 a month. 487 GOOD BUY: older home, 3 6 cylinder, standard trans., two- Prim. ED 2 8384. C 355-54^8. 7 3972 after 5PM. bedrooms, ca r pe 11 ng, drapes. tone paint. Extra clean through¬ Low taxes and upkeep FHA avai¬ out. One owner. Lots of econo¬ MOTOR SCOOTER Cushman ' FAST LANSING, 2 man apart- lable ED 2-2946 8 FREE LIST OF over 40 or¬ walls, padaeo mical, trouble-free miles left. Super Eagle. 1959. like new, all red trim. Call $795. nent. Approved. Unsupervised — ganized musical groups ! to 20 worn parts replaced. Repainted . ;«0. Utilities. Plenty of parking EAST LANSING, New 3 bed¬ pieces. Write or phor.e C. V. 5:30 p.m. Price and rechromed. $225. Call after room ranch: family room, fire¬ "Bud" Toole-/, Secy. Lansing MAX CURTIS. INC. 5PM. ED 2-1674. .pace. Available April 9. Call ifter 6PM. IV 5-9818. 6 place, 2 car garage, Immediate Federation of Musicians. 52? S. 2424 E. MICHIGAN possession. Good financing, Call Washington, IV 2-5314 "Live 2 IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 MOVING OL'T sale Chest of I TH, 2 door, sedan, to see today Paul E. Titus, Music is Best " C6 drawers, double bed, desk, kit¬ ROOMS rarsmisslon, radio, chen table, chairs Builder, IV 2-9655. 6 and lounge r brakes, ft cylinder. chair. ED 2-0728. 7 SINCFR STUDENT SPECIALS. ><• d condition. Must ALTO RF PAIR VACANCIES at 333 Albert 5 UNIT motel and living quar- Rent latest model Singer portable MAN'S LIGHT-WEIGHT English reet (for boys) right down- ters. West of US 2-L.P. Over- wn. Private entrance, tele- looking beautiful Lake Michigan, at only $5 monthly or Jl.50 per BUMPING and PAINTING our icycle. Excellent condition. 4- week. We deliver and pick up. I 95:-2 Dr. New slon, and kitchen facilities 4 years old. Sandy Beach. Idea! speciality. All foreign cars.Kal¬ speed. Accessories $25. Call Buy the brand new Spartan, model I good mechanically. amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker •ailable. $32 per month. IV Summer Business for faculty. 192, at only 544.50. Pay only 5 332-3873. 8 " 0810. 7 service and free I stimates. 1411 Jack. • 7406 before 5, or 372-0330 Write to: Lucia Rygiel, 15351 $5 down $5 monthly, 'hese F. Kalamazoo St Call IV 9-7507. /enings or weekends. 7 Braile St.. Detroit 23. 1 !s;gne : v C IF.LE'v tSION SET, 19" pc:-aNe. special offers good only to 5 months old. Excellent condition. students at M.S.L'. Cost $100. 355-7862. GRADS OR EMPLOYED GIRLS. 40 ACRES WOODED, TaRCE 6 WF REBUILD and repairauto- HOME (2 apartments), other Double room 2 blocks from cam¬ matic and standard transmis¬ pus Private entrance and park¬ buildings. 15 minutes M.S.U., DRONF.R KENMORE -- Like $10,000 down. Phone IV 5-6128. sions at lowest prices Martin's new, $30. Craftsman table saw. ing. ED 2-515". 8 Auto Parts, 1887 HaslettRd. Fast Johanna Sargent — Broker. 7 13 Phone ED 2-4959 8 5 , Lansing. ED 2-5319. QUIET ROOMS !cr graduate I.Y SELECTED women, teachers or nurses. Call SENT YOUR BOY through col¬ ALTERATIONS. Hemming % re¬ IK Employment BICYCLES, 2 men's 26", Im¬ after 6:30 p.m. or Sundays. ED lege. Operate fine paying motel styling: formals. trousers, i. four door. Ex- ported. Excellent condition. $25 --2^1. 8 rear MSU. Gordon Mandlgo bro- skirts, etc. NEEDLE'N THREAD each. 355-1063. 6 IV 9-9086. 10 frequently stumbled ENERGETIC STUDENT for part- FOP MEN: Approved Supervised er. Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ time work in advertising coor¬ Singles and Doubles. Larger pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584 17 TRAILER COURT. 100 spaces dinating. Must have available at TROPHIES & AWARD MEDAUS comfortable rooms, hot and cold 1959. Impala con- Near MSU'. Grosses about $40, least 15 hours per week. Con¬ for ill occasions, sports, scho¬ water in each. Lobby with T.V. ii!> equipped, low 000 yearly. Gordon Mandlgo, tact Bill Roach, Frandor Mer¬ larships, and memberships. En¬ parking, laundry facilities. One Broker. IV 9-9086. ;r. rich Roman red. 10 Call 355-3012. chants Association, for appt. graving is our Specialty. block from campus.Spartan Hall, IV 7-0974. 7 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. 10 ON THE RIVER occasionally correcting his p-o- 1959, cross country (Okemos). ED1E STARR: Typist, theses, nur.ciation and prompting riJT.. ". Economical 6 cy- Large solid brick home; has dissertations, term papers, gen After they had ctene this a *hile, '-erdrive. $1095. EXPERIENCED A LTERATION everything. $10,000 down. Phone lady for full-time work during IV 5-6128. Johanna Sargent Bro- eral typing. Experienced, IBM chairman John 3tennis, D-Miss., electric typewriter. OR 7 8232. C. rad them stand up and .dentify Easter season. Apply Mr. Lowe, SINGLE ROOM, approved for J.W. Knapp, Co., East Lansing. SPARTAN 17" table model. Gen¬ men, close In, cross ventil ' LEARN TO FLY at ivere- ; Oklahoma City eral Electric 17* conditioned, guaranteed, , console. Re¬ guarantees. r r-> 219 Charles, ED 2-04V. 4* Service ation Club rates-no dues-no of Evans, of Dallas, and Meiford a consultant. WANTED: Men to fill part- membership fees. Davis Airport. time Larry's T.V. Call T;v. SERVICE. Special rate job vacancies. Must be hon¬ for college housing. Service calls N. Abbott Pd. 1" TO ' est and neat. $2 and up per 'VT1AC, 2 door hardtop, $4. Absolute-honesty. ACME T.V, hour. For interview call 355- EXPERT THESES, GENERAL 'tie, radio, whitewalls. LAMBRETTA MOTOR Scoot¬ 1*10 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C 3091 after 5:30. 7 TYPING. Electric typewriter Shiawassee, Lansing. IV er, 1958. ModeTLDISO, windshield WALK ONE BLOCK to Union. after 5PM. 6 and buddy seat. Call FE 9-8663. Kitchen privileges. Approv THESIS TYPING done for Grad Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ Bl'SBOY wanted. One block rooms for men. 334 Evergre Students and Professors. Call production Service. 332 5 545 C ** from Union. Call ED 2-6310. SELL 01 ED 2-4890. 8 ' KSWAGEN, Sedan. Ask for Driz. 6 LANSING'S ENGLISH BICYCLE radio, heater. Good " -- $650. 355-0970 after HEADQUARTERS. Check our WANTED - Fashion writers. If prices first. Gene's Cycle Shop. you can write report to room IV 4-0362. C8 •.or.,*' he sa.d, "indicate ".at con¬ T.V. SERVICE on all make 341 Student Services Bldg. at trol (of *he military) has been SWAP sets, AI1 work guaranteed Mo 12 noon, or after 5 p.m. ready SAINT BERNARD. 1-1/2. Raised taken from the hands of those 128.' bile T.V. 1301 W. Mt. Hope to work. Ask for Tom or Fred. with children. Must Sell. Ex¬ legally respons.ble for it and C7 IV 9-5307. 10 cellent for family or fraternity. placed in r-ar.r. V-8, THE CTHEft 0AV I udAS TEUJN6 60 AROUND (iWCH(N6 EvWV iJORD sou swau. the time, vou'll 4417. Over Jacobson's. & Outside the hearing room, he HIM THAT H£ klAS SO DUMB, HE remarked on television that he • wJ' 355-4387. ta excellent con- DlDN T EVEN KNOW EN0U6H TO NEVES GET MXH 6AjD.' ★ Wanted believes what he regards as the 5 COME (N COT OF THE .. sins of the press are "becoming SET of women's used beginner more evident to the American S'SIBLE- golf club«. Call IV 4-3331. 6 people." "When trouble starts, with respect to riots, etc.." he said, v "the press always becomes the ^ 6 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Thuraday, April 5. Audio Center Sets Up Volunteer Role Missies KAPPA SIGMA (Continued from page 2) Teaching Aids Book Twchtrs throughout the United atructional materials and kits Musfcclre The role of the volunteer in 0*D»11 testified after Jerome Alderman, aubcommlttee coun¬ sel, suggested the government FRATERNITY Suites will be able to take great combining several types of music theorapy la growing in could have saved $9.23 million er advantage of films, record¬ media. importance, according to Robert In profits and expenses on a ings, models and other teach¬ ing aids following completion of The material will be recorded on coded cards and assumbled F. Unkefer. president of the National Association for Music fleet of mlssle base trailers built by the Fruehsuf Trailer Co. The trallera, for which the c&idialhf. uyo a new catalog now in preparation by modem automated equipment, llterapy and a member of the according to Dr. Charles F. Department of Music on campus. ivernment was billed $62.9 mil- making it possible to complete Schuller, chairman of the Ed¬ ucational Media Council, Issued the project in 12 months, instead of three years or more as might "Community acceptancels very important to the patient," back up through the other con¬ 4t1 attendoften a contract with the McGraw- Unkefei said recently at a con¬ tractors. Dunne ssld, Douglas ordinarliyJhe_-Mtqiiited Hill Book Co. for publication of ference for Voluntee r Music sdded $3.67 million aa its profit the first comprehensive direc¬ Therapists ai Kellogg. Center, and Western Electric tacked on tory of non-book instructional "and the music therapy volunteer an additional $5.45 million as materials. Dr. Leffler To Seek is helping to bridge the difficult itB profit and expenses. Dunne figured the profit shared TONIGHT The U.S. Office of F.duiatlon gap between the hospital and the is sponsoring the project with Teachers For community." by the three contractors was National I»fense Education Act Church-Colleges Volunteers can help In the re- liabiliLation of patients because about 23-1/4 per cent of the actual production cost of the from 7-10 PM. "The number of non-book ma they are members of the com¬ U trailers ' T~ ' * 1 * |v M \>l terials has increased rapidly in Dr. Emil leffler, professor munity, and yet they understand i CDell testified that pressures recent years but the only guides emeritus of Albion College, will the patients, their Ills and their '■ 14 were exerted when the Army 715 GROVE available have have listed films and filrmtrlps only," l)i, Schul¬ be on campus 1 nday, under the auspices of April 6, tl* De treatment, he added. Unkefer said more qualified /t P w sought to switch to competitive bidding for the trailers, but he ler said. "These guides will be partment of Higher Education volunteers and professional p. did not say who exerted pres- Call 332-5092 tor RIDES of the Methodist Church. discontinued but the records will iheraplsts_are needed to meet the 1 9 sure. sr=" Dr. leffler Is Interested in be used foi the new Jiiectory." gtowtng demands. At the present - The Educational Media Council interviewing all students with time, he said, there are only a special interest in teaching HENRY'S Get Acquainted ,was formed to coordinate activ about 4,000 volunteers for every Jf " : itles of agencies primarily con- in church-related colleges and universities regardless of major■. 1,000 professional therapists. A if educational media. ;■* io l! Is < of national He will interview graduate and Thurber's Life Story , B" undergraduates about the quali¬ w sducationnl, b fications for this type of work. H Literary Club Topic SPECIAL srnrnental organix< Interviews With Dr. " leffler It's 3.000 pages will covci ti W-> m entt rem nge of non-book educi may—be— arranged through tlie The Eiterary Club will discuss Placement Bureau where lie will s>i "" tional media -- wall ctuirts ai James Thurber's autobiography, be from 1-5 p.m. and with Wes¬ . f.. maps in series. Kinescope My Eife and Hard limes, Fri¬ 4) filmstrtps, phonodi^ks a ley Foundation, 332-0980. where he will 1* I i iday morning. day, April 13 at 8 p.m. in the library lounge. i phonotape-,. videotapes, flat tures and slides 111 s ~ pi dels 77 st id and mock-ups, progi IT Hawaiian Theme Engineers To Hear Varsity Club Queen Talk about Concrete Featured at Dinner Student chapter of American Society of Civil Engineers will Dr Robert professor Herwltz, associate of political science, from some of his own experience. He taught at theL'nlv- personal Candidate.. hear George Mm i a y of Dow will discuss the "Land and Pol¬ erslty of Hawaii for five years, Chemicals at 7 p.m. Thursday itics of Hawaii" as the featured and wrote a book on the local In 33 Union. The topic of Mur¬ speaker at a luau sponsored by government In Hawaii. He did ray's talk is "I oi ming methods the Newcomers' Club Thursday research on the Hawaiian govern¬ ray'•> ulk lu "I oi ming Methods at Kellogg ( enter. ment .which was financed by the Herwltz will show some of Lagleston Institute of Rutgers his films plus a commercial film University. entitled, "Hawaii—Our Fiftieth ITie luau has been planned by State." members of the Newcomers' Club today on campus ■oplcal ting is planned of Faculty Folk to entertain their u>r ine o p.m. dinner In the husbands. Education Club Education Dldg. Physics Club - — 7 p.m. 7 30 p.m., 252 Big Ten Room. Hawaiian punch will be fountain. served The from a llgh'ed luau menu will Chairrrten In charge of ar¬ rangements Include Mrs. David Booth, Mrs. William Vleggltt, and Friday, Sa 221 Physics-Math Uldg. offer roast hain, chicken, Mrs. Laurence Coffin. shrimp, Martin Luther Chapel dentlml. , open house foi Rev. Run- - 7-10 salmon, fruits, vegetables, and macademlan nut pie. A native of Kena, Mrs. Albert Elllngbee and Mrs. James Beard are chairmen. Mrs. Thomas Ayles- hospitality Sunday & Hawaii, Martin Luther Chapel 30 Phoebe Matsuura, an MSI J Junior, worth is president of the New¬ p.m.. Meditations. Alpha Gamma Chi -7:30p.m.. Heading room, J,mn nalism Bldg. will present's selection of Hawai¬ ian dances. Her costume typical of that worn In Kena, will be comers' Club. DOUBLE TROUBLt April ,7,6 German Club 7 45 p.m.. the largest Island in the Hawai¬ MILUNGTON, Tenn. (Al»)~ lower room. Union. Circle Honorary ian group. John C. Howard has a .log that Make Henry's A Habit 7" 30 p.m. Herwltz's speech will draw e»tn socks from his clothesline 338 Student Service Bldg. and, what's worse, usually only Wesley Foundation -9:15p.m. Mary llunsberger Automation tttects HAMBURGERS Council and commissions, Bus " Date with Duke" "He Just goes up in the air \Vai Studied in Workshop and takes alternate socks,"How¬ ard said In a baffled tone. Make a lO^ach The effects of automation on Several brands of dog re|>ellent April 13 — 9 till 1 A.M. Win your letters in style1 personnel will be studied at an employment Security Workshop at Kellogg Center April 13-14. have been applied to the HockH. Once they were even sprinkled with cayenne pep(>er. All-University Dance featuring FRENCH FRIES Gov. John B. Swalnson and In vain. The dog's appetite for Duke Ellington & his Orchestra Sharpen up in Marcel Guay, of the Internat¬ ional Association of Personnel In employment Security In Mon¬ socks couldn't Ik- la tter. Further- . the lepp. fd pllcate matters for Howard, the * cks e LARGE DRINKS Block West of Brody a cool HIS SPORT COAT treal, will speak at the event sponsored by the Labor and In¬ dustrial Relations Center. admiral's educational adviser at th.- Naval Air Station here. Ad¬ mirals frown on foot-scratching. ^Ralph's "Kewpee" 3301 S. Cedar 1153 Michigan all that glitters is Cleopatra's PI,HdS, Cords, This is the scintillating golden glow of '62, to be worn by day and night.o fresh, exhilarating new accessory look that takes its inspiration from the very feminine Queen of the Nile...and adds an important flash of excitement to the fashion scene. Umbrella: nylon slim jim and nylon sheath, with a gold mylar case and Prince of Wales handle. 5.00 Glove: white stretch nylon, cuffed with gold. 3.00 telfc shimmering gold contour. 22 to 30 sizes. 5L00 Shoe: gold crushed kid spectator with tapered toe and tan leather-covered stacked medium heel. 14.9# Handbags: crushed geld mylar, from a collection. Top handle pouch, jacquard-woven lining. 13.9S Soft frame clutch with pastel pin stripe lining. I0.9i Handbag prices, plus tax his •art Mwy »M... mm 9mm