WeaHier Inside It will be cloud*, and mild. MICHIGAN See page 8 for the platforms STATE MEWS *lth occasional l»te rain, of AUSG presdenttal candidates. The high *«> *• in ** STATE Other ALSG news will, be found on Page 1. < UNIVERSITY Vol sa, Nr Fflft T.anBtnp[. Mtnhiga Friday,ITprlT 6, 1962 Price 10c Butterfield, Rather To House Women Change Uirge Crowd Gives Winters Stem Three vKlln of world Standing 24" by Paganinnl-Szymanowskl drew spontanlous applause. Stern began the concert with Beethoven's "Sonata in D Ma¬ — Stern said that, the program a difficult one — Is his standard concert tour arrange¬ ment this year. Ovations Back In Contest night Student Congress Thursday reinsured Dick Winters, Lansing junior, as a candidate To Come In Fall Men To Live for All-L'niverslty Student Gov¬ In Wilson ' held an aud- jor, Opus 12, No. 1 Immediately, He said that since he has, -rem ernment President. audience attention centered on beer, on tour for 22 months i In rapt attention The move set a precedent In rht In the Audit- the violin and violinist. Between straight it was necessary to plan referring election procedure to the secpnd and third movement, a set program. Stern suddenly stopped ~ after One of the outstanding fea¬ Congress for a final decision. ccordlrig to the AL'SG Consti¬ ' tures of the concert was Stern'': waiting ralrnly for the late-corn¬ tution and election ordinances, ers to be seated, he continued the obvious enjoyment In perfroming. ■ 'ar.dlng ovations, Kent Card^ll, elections commis¬ He alternately smiled or frown¬ •led down and 11st- sioner. coyld have reinstated ed depending on the mood of the /•icore — "Four Winters or referred the case to by Bartok. piece. to nre.s" rW.n Stern, was the aud- remark¬ Library Staff Hi'- enthusiasm was Infectious. The audience seemed hyptonized the Flections Review Board, a group consisting of a member of Excallbur, Mortar Board, and f'om the opening bars of Be¬ et here has amaz- Adds Aid ethoven, aria through the trills and of Mozart, to the strange C ongress Business and Organ¬ izations Committee • ally In so large Students Cardell said he referred the the rapport be- needing help with ca¬ wild gypsy melodies of the Ru- question to Congress because he • • ;md audience Is talog entries In the library can i get assistance- at an information felt they could as representatives V: rt fidgets and desk staffed by professional li¬ "give a more complete campus • inlght they lls- brarians starting Monday, Hen¬ viewpoint on the issue." • and t appreciatively ,p the \ssoclalod I'res* Robert Pfau, Saginaw, Sopho¬ he said. "This is why we are more. Nancy Lewis, Detroit, Sophomore, Peggy Sweetland, E. trying to enforce them strictly Discrimination Rusk Called Den Dweller Lansing, Sophomore; KarenKra- this year." Campbell said re¬ Exhibits frcr 13 rpc ferring the issue to Congress '1VCTON f - Fdwln A. Walker, crusading former gen- (Continued on page 9) for a decision will make it dif¬ Clause Denied ed in the Unlor through j ;• <--i Thursday he was "framed in a den of Iniquity" — ficult for a candidate to decide ecretary of State Uential adviser, as among the dwellers In the den Deajn Rusk and Walt Whitman Rostow, to leave and reenter the race at will. By Sigma Nus The Learon Corpora • - : attled advocate of a harge that Rusk and "hard" antl-communlst line Roiitow did any framing. made GOP District In response to Thursday's ar¬ ticle on Sigma Nu discrimination projectors which perm.: presentations and ' rth} of comment." Rusk said when newsmen asked Elections Meet at the University of Michigan, uous v.ith • Walker's allegations. He added that "I'm happy to be Mr. Rostow«he is an able and close colleague.' Plan Adopted A meeting for all residence local Sigma Nu officers stated that Ensilon Rho has no such response instruction. "Short bursts 0! info: "white christian" discrimin¬ '1 ite Mouse said It would hav hall elections chairmen will be panded in group discuss. Missiles Contractor Testifies By Con-Con held Monday at 6-45 p.m. in 328 Student Services. atory clause. In a statement, James Stif- LANSING I - After five days Chairmen will receive instruc¬ fler, president of MSL*s Epsi- "r!' >N mulus- response p ? - Douglas Aircraft Co. officials testified Thur s- of tions for handling AL'SG presi¬ lon Rho chapter said, "It is un¬ partisan debate, the Consti¬ teaching equipment.' ardled myriad major tasks as well as "dirty little de- tutional Convention voted Thurs¬ * dential primaries. Kent Cardell. fortunate that such a glaring mis¬ - ear n their S10.3 million share of an'Army contract elections commissioner, said. George Huhnke of Le ■ ~ i' • lie launchers. day to adopt tentatively a re¬ interpretation of our national Student-operated A mandatory meeting for ALSG constitution was carried by the '. Douglas Jr., president of the company, insisted too apportionment plan drawn up by the Republican majority. presidential candidates and class highly respected Associated 10.3 million was not all profit. officer candidates will be held Press." The proposal was approved, in it. If it isn't a profit''' airman asked Sen. John L. of the Senate Investigations Subcommittee. McClellan, effect, by a series of roll call Friday at 4 pjn. in 328 Student Services. Stiffler said that not every Engaged Again ? ' votes on a Democratic motion to Sigma Nu was of the Christ¬ know how to determlre It," Douglas replied. Candidates must attend or send ian faith. Because of the -har.g strike down the GOP plan. The balloting followed party lines In a rep: "In fact," said Stiffler." a printing processes a' • Congress Asked To Unsnarl Traffic -of-the-whole ac- Campaign expense sheets for ALSG presidential and class of¬ vote a on granting Epsilon Rho waiver ot honor tor all dis¬ last term, a number of ments and pinning anrou' !\CTON T - President Kennedy asked C ongress Thur*- turned Into the Sra»e S'e It came after the convention ficer candidates are due Fri¬ criminatory provisions in our >V» million over the next three years as a first step toward not be run. voted down amendment after- day at 4 p.m. in 336 Student constitution should be upcoming itles unsnarl traffic facilities outmoded by mushrooming amendment aimed at modifying Services. within a week." Those still desln-2 - • -i growing use of autos. Expense sheets are also due This is a result of a request K ennedy'held out hope thit air, rail and bus travelers can or altering the original proposal Monday and Wednesday of next for similar action byAUSGlast •a .-'ain rates by recommending that Congress remove fed- made by the GOP majority in fall. 341 Student ^er ■ 1 • the legislative organization com¬ "I over minimum intercity fares. "This was the highlight all for a mittee. headed by John A. Han¬ drastic overhaul of what the President described Miotic patchwork of Inconsistent and often obsolete" laws nah, president of Michigan State Sure Sign of Spring erning transportation. University. The tentatively approved plan U.S., Britain Join U N Bonds Still Hoi Potato Canoe calls for an immediate expansion a INOTON P - The Senate rejected Thursday an attempt to pending United Nations financing propo'sl to deny A!p.e£~ of the Senate from 34 to 38 mem¬ bers. with the extra senators go- ig to Wayne, Oakland, Macomb Whoopee! To Stop Fight romir aid to countries mofe than a year behind in their L.N. ud Genesee counties. After 1970, a bipartisan com¬ Canoeing will begin officially Saturday—If the sun shines. In Campus UN would have the task of ap¬ The canoe shelter opens the first vote on a bipartisan compromise bill authorizing mission new The L .S. and Britain will pre¬ ' " Kennedy to lend the L'nited Nations up to $100 million portioning the Senate districts at noon Saturday, thus welcoming sent a Joint amendment Frfi»y it bonds in that amount to help tide oveir the deficit for according to a fvmula based 80 in spring on campus in a grand at the Campus UN to settle the population and 20 ' r ir, the Congo and the Middle East. per cent on controversy whether a delegate For the past two spring terms, ~rr endment 1 CTiumeni was defeated. aeieateo. 78 10 19. per cent on land area. mu«t represent the official gov¬ House membership would be MSU couples ' have been denied ernment of a country The Princess Would Be A Fresh Change fixed at 110 (same as at present), moonlight canoe rides down the The rwo countries are spon¬ '"! with one Representative alloted Red Cedar soring an amendment which will f - Italian newspapers came up Thursday with new to each county or group of coun¬ When Bessey Hall was built, be pre=e"*ed at the general as¬ about Elizabeth Taylor's broken marriage with singer with at least .7 per cent of the canoe shelter was torn down • ties 'Fisher. One blamed It ort ^director Joseph L. Manfclewicz and the canoes were stored. A sembly meeting at ":30 p.m. in the population of the state. the Union Ballroom which speci¬ another said Grace Kelly had unwittingly caused all the After awarding a seat to each new shelter was put up this fies that a delegate must present of the counties or districts meet¬ spring and now the canoes are a viewpoint similar to that of the r' •r*ce Kelly, now Princess Gface of Monaco, was brought into ing the .7 per cent requirement, ready foit use again. country for which he holds cre¬ the Princess Coeds and dates will be able ' ip by ABC, a weekly newspaper. It noted that the remaining seats would be ap¬ dentials in the Campus UN. "■ erriy announced she would rtake a new movie. Her return to portioned under an equal pro¬ to paddle down the river to the Disagreement over this point 5 cre«n, ABC said, was a challenge to Miss Taylor s position portions mathematical formula strummlt»g of a guitar or a uku¬ has been a sore point in the UN first world star." Therefore, said ABC, Miss Taylor de- patterned alter the one used to lele once again. assembly in die past. Controver¬ on 8 divorce to get som«i publicity and stir up somejjubllc allocate congressional seat# A canoe can be rented for sy was at itc highest when at a among the states. only 45 cents an hour recent meeting a representative, The convention also adopted, During the week, the shelter Communists InfHtrite Britain by a nor row 59-53 vote, a plan will be open from 2 p.m. to in a heated speech, publicly said he did not and could not morally ! ONOON f - An official report published Thursday said Com- to create a bipartisan highway midnight while the Saturday and accept the official government at munists have commission which, inturfi, would Sunday schedule is from noon the country he was representing. heavily Infiltrated the "British civil service, bringing 2'" 4 ;:at« of affairs "most dangerous to security." appoint a highway director -- to midnight. CANOEING DOWN THE RIVER-On o cold paddling down the roaring Red Cedar. Policy up until now has been in* report was submitted to the government last Nov. 21 but — thus eliminating the present elec¬ When the canoes glide down State News Photo by John Rummel. to urge that a delegate represent ime Minister Macmillan Informed the House of Commons tive post of highway commission- the Red Cedar you can be cer¬ and dismal day—canoe enthusiasts could _ tain that spring Is here. hardly wait for the ice to melt before they (Continued on page 9) fiursday afternoon—was held up for extensive blue-penciling. Friday, April Michigan State Ne** .EDITORIAL. East Lansing, Michigan 6. 10.. "The Packaging Isn't Nearly says Great I As Confusing as the LabeliftgP so the editor | Good And Getti Voting Criteria iiiimiiiiimiiijmiiHiMiiiiiiiii ben burns The Great Issues program. the testing, some of the texts and stuaeBt government winter term show- the value of some of the lectures. to vow. good president. They gui- takes cognizance of a growing the part of the administration, to Douglan Rain comes back to the Major things to look for In a candidate sincerity, past Shakespearean Festival next need to inform the public of ma¬ turn out responsible reasoning are: performance (not quantity of acti¬ summer with the distinction of I jor issues facing mankind today. individuals. vities. but the quality involved) being the project's only 10-yp actor. Student reaction to the course, The Great Issues course is a winter term, proved quite favor¬ good wrapup to every college able. However, some weak points career mended and to every should be college senior recom¬ Letters: On Evaluating Students, An To the Editor: die girl and will refrain from need for guidance of a student AUSG Candidate, etc. Sarah Vaughn" s great concert la st So, besides the sstisfsction of I were pointed out. Students felt no matter what his major field of comment. This is all well and is dubious. If a student has pro¬ Saturday, and the only thing that giving blood In the MSU program, | there problems connected with interest. Among th good, but It misses the point; blems, let him or her seek help detracted from a perfect evening was the fear that there might I received s hospital bill de-1 serving, evaluating, testing and these sheets should not exist at independently. The Counseling duction of over a fWndred dollars f recording of students and their all. Center exists for all students who not be any more evenings Of course, die money involved I behavior at MSU is an inter¬ After t h e housemother reads choose to avail themselves of its comparable to it in the future, is Insignificant compared to my I esting sheet headed "MSU Term then and adds any comments that due to the poor student support. son's life — now possible only! Nauseating Diet On Television Evaluation (Men's Halls." or of Students in Women's) Residence the she thinks are appropriate, they are sent to the Women's Divi¬ sion. Four such sheets ac¬ A student's behavior and pro¬ blems are his own business. If he infringes on others rights or Now, at least two reasons can be advanced as to why this parti¬ cular show was not better attend¬ because someone had given blood I ahead of time. Thanks from an 'O-positlve' I 1 In the women's dorms, these cumulate on each student until ed: (1) The show was early in Although Newton N. Minow's avowed cri¬ cal agony by sight or sound are not permissible." are filled out annually on each property there are laws, courts, and Student Judiciary to take care and therefore was un¬ dad to the 'A-negative' donor who | graduation. At that time the Di¬ term saved my son. tique of present television programs is summed We don't take much stock In the so-called girl by her RA to note her rector of Women's Affairs and of that. In the broad area not fortunately not publicized long Robert Frazler Stnlrtl up as a "vast wasteland," the Federal Com¬ "rating systems" which the broadcasters argue sets the public'stastefortelevislonprogramlng. "progress" over the years as a hired graduate assistant covered by rules and laws can enough: or loud enough; and (2) Royal Oak I munications Commission chairman thus far has a student, citizen, and maturing evaluate the sheets and transfer exist behavior evaluated neg¬ fraternities and other groups only talked to an Industry which either Isn't On this point, we concur with Minow's conclu¬ Individual. to a card any "outstanding" com¬ atively by an RA which may be have been deprived of good, pop¬ Impressed or has decided to go its own way. sion: These sheets are not merely ments. (Most of these, 1 am told considered by and individual in ular entertainment for so long, The nocturnal TV diet of crime and violence useless and Invalid in fulfilling are only favorable ones.) These question as the best behavior that they have become used to Winters Speaks hasn't abated on the video screens. . . My own feeling is that many broad¬ this purpose but are gross in¬ cards to in the student's per¬ for him, the way he chooses to providing their own entertain¬ Of what significance Is the Television Code casters have misjudged the American people. I fringements of privacy. The very manent files and are chiefly used live. Let's live and let live. That ment week after week, and there¬ of the National Association of Broadcasters, think many of them believe this is what the word "evaluation" is an aboni- for reference pending Inquiry by the individual is responsible for fore most of them had parties To The Editor supposedly a standard of practices adopted by American people want — a lot of blood and mation; It Implies that an RA is prospective employers. 1 assume his behavior: the University Is scheduled that conflicted with, the majority of broadcasters? thunder, and violence and shootings and killings. qualified to evaluate accurately a similar procedure is followed not. rather than complimented the Yesterday an axe fell: it w Can America's vast television audience be¬ At least that's what's on a disproportionate the character and behavior of for the men. Any evaluating by a university Sarah Vaughan Show. directed with Inaccurate stat lieve the code In any way represents a sem¬ amount of the time. 40 to 60 girls. Here lies the ments and unfair reporting. potential harm, beyond a professors'assess¬ These reasons, primarily the blance of etbics when murder, mayhem and "Who's responsible for It? 1 feel that the RA's are required to take a pro4MH-«f the earlier possible ments of students' academic work first one, are sufficient (1 hope) I certainly admit that I : violence constitute a major portion of programs? broadcaster has in some cases been entirely course In student leadership to err dr. All along the line up to oversteps the bounds of privacy. to explain the failure of the stu¬ opposed to the rale which pro-1 Ponder two provisions of the code which speci¬ responsible; In some cases thepublic, by watch¬ prepare them for their Jobs. This the employer lies the assump¬ Show me the student who wishes to dents to support this first sttempt hibits campaigning within the I fically deal with the actual picturizations, tech¬ ing a lot of these shows, apparently has indi¬ is certainly not enough training tion that the RA knows the stu¬ have a Big Mother (or is it st bringing populsr entertsinment residence hslls except at dinner 1 niques and horror-for-horror's-sake crimi¬ cated to the broadcaster that this is what for them to make statements of dent best and her evaluation Is Big Brother?) watching him. to the campus, but they will not lines on sppolnted days. It lsl nality: the viewer's Interested in. 1 don't agree that's this sort which well-trained psy¬ taken at face value. No RA or Frances De be sufficient to explain another neither fair to the student, r Long "Criminality shall be presented as unde¬ what the public wants." chologists would hesitate to housemother Is qualified to make fair to die candidate, nor fi poor student turnout on May 9, sirable and unsympathetic. The condoning of No thinking person wants the federal govern¬ make, especially in brief form. such assessments which may when the Brothers Four will be to the potentialities of student I crime and the treatment of the commission ment to invade the television Industry's domain The RA's admittedly don't all affect one's future. Let the em¬ Sarah Vaughan appearing in die auditorium. government to give haircuts a of crime in a frivolous, cynical or callous to impose controls which certainly seem un¬ know many of the girls in their ployer evaluate the student's per¬ The point Is Just this, popular dressy clothes a distinct advan-1 manner is unacceptable. becoming in America's free enterprise system. precincts: much less can they formance on the Job. Even one entertainment is being given two tage over the platform Issues r To the Editor: "The use of horror for its own sake will Nonetheless, the broadcasters are Inviting evaluate even those whom they negative comment among all trial runs this Spring term. One be eliminated: the use of visual or aural effects such shackles If they don't initiate reforms — know. those files is one too many. I was one of the fortunate 1,200 of these trlsl runs is behind us, This is not to infer that i which would shock or alarm the viewer, and and immediately! — The Daily Sun (San Ber¬ Granted that RA's will some¬ The value of such assessments (It -sure didn't look like there and the attendance figures don't am against all campaign rules I the detailed presentation of brutality or physi¬ nardo, Calif.) times admit that they don't know for indicating problems and the were that many) people who saw give those who are carrying on Thursday's paper was incorrect! the student's fight for permanent in claiming that I had been nalized for campaigning in tl pe-1 popular entertainment much am¬ munition to back up arguments. dormitories too early. The Brothers Four may not be In truth I was penalized n for campaigning in the dorm-1 More On Overseas Professors your "favorite" singing group, but is a cinch that your favorite ltories too early but for having I group will never get here If the posters up In die private rooms r Brothers Four are not supported, of individuals within the dorm-l and supported well. In other ltory. The same thing happened! words, die ticket you buy to see last year under an identical rule I die Brothers Four is a vote for but without penalty. This year's! continued popular entertainment Elections Commissioner offered I By an MSU Professor Working in Brazil on this campus; Just as die ticket you didn't buy to the Sarah Vaughn Concert was a vote against future his interpretation of the rule ter diey were up and not af-1 before I popular entertainment. The paper mentioned in jus: ■ eet. The children and the neighbors in East Lansing. As mature people we try to do more harm than a few odd-ball professors 1 could be all wrong "in assum¬ one place that I was unhappy with I I out of our home to about the same learn to solve these problems without writing real life because they create an image of the "type of campaigning going! in ing that the majority of the stu¬ on. This was a primary mot' degree i In East Lansing, We have a car, "overseas professors" as "bad guys". dents feel as I do, and want superficial and harsh critiques of the culture all vation for my To t! • Editor: le it only on week-ends. There are into which we have been so recently thrust This Image might be having dropped ot the figment of their fer¬ contemporary, popular per¬ I do not like flags on the fenders and no and to which we come as guests. Diplomatic tile imagination, but formers to round out the Lec¬ campaigning In i with Journalistic adroit¬ election which Is debased In I am writing you concerning your editorial diplomatic license plates. The neighbors also caution on writing can rankle professors. But ness they can plant the image in their reader's ture-Concert Series of ballets, written by Taylor and Jaffe March 12. "Pro¬ have cars. We attend cocktail parties and such control helps to prevent professors who minds. Scholarly social scientists should not symphonies, etc., but if I'm a politically oriented personality! fessors Serving Overseas Live Life of Diplo¬ entertain about the same as we would if we do not appreciate the complexity of the culture set themselves up as creators of Frankenstein contest. 1 wrong, the best way you can voice mat". The authors swung their tar brush with were in East Lansing. On Sundays we attend from venting personal frustrations under the monsters but rather should be careful searchers your opinion is to be present Tuesday night I participated ir.l little consideration on what or on who they drip¬ a small protestant church that has services guise of "independence, detachment, intellect- for truth. May 9 for a great Brothers Four a supposedly Impartial Off-Cam-! ped tar. As long as the article only appear¬ in Portuguese and English. Naturally we have ural integrity and freedom of thought" (Taylor Look carefully pus Student's meeting where the! at their stereotype of the show. ed In the New Republic there was no need tried to learn the language and fit Into this candidates Were allowed to speak ■ and Jaffe's wordS). I have written a number "overseas professor". Is it a true image? Don't let Michigan State get to comment. When it appeared as an editorial community. We are living In Brazil with Bra¬ of constructively critical articles myself. These They create him as a "second rate medio¬ on the performers' list of and answer questions. The order! in the State News 1 assumed that your reason zilians and wish to continue learning about places of speaking was derermined by! have been published as scholarly observations. crity'' within the value judgements of their that "Just don't draw", and worst for publishing It was to get comments. I de¬ Brazil. own minds. For them he is one who lives In of all don't give the administra¬ reversing the alphabet rather! cided to ask this opportunity to comment upon One cannot help but wonder what service "pretentious homes", with servants and a tion (Dr. Paul) the ultimate than a drawing for spesking po-1 One possible difference between our neigh¬ sltlon. The deck was sucked In! it. Some readers might like to read a little is rendered by such articles as Taylor's or private chauffeur, who asks for American flags weapon with which to surpress different viewpoint coming from the "front bors and us is that most of them, following such books as Adam's "Is the World Our on the front of his car. He spends his time all future attempts to present terms of audience questions and! line". It Is not my Intention to "answer" the middle class Brazilian pattern, have maids. Campus?" They might be good Journalism. at cocktail parties, "lavish entertainments" popular entertainment on this die debate of candidates, includ- V such an article for such an article written in We, following the American pattern, decided But they are evidences of poor scholarship. at the. PX. He lives the life of lng the questions asked of can-1 or a "diplo¬ campus. Enjoy rare (around here) such a style could not be "answered". to do without a maid. This was not a matter They illustrate the process of mixing some mat" (another "bad guy"). He is a "status- didates, centered not around plat-1 of economy. We decided not to stray too far . evenings of entertainment and form issues, but rather It w truths, more half-truths, and many untruths starved" "power hungry" fellow on a "paid support your own long range _ This letter comes to you from Brazil where from the American pattern of life and to avoid into what one might label "the big lie" if vacation" who associated himself for a time cause by your attendance May 9th. attack on the personal and seho-1 I am an MSU professor on the Brazil project, the human relations entanglements one inevitably the authors were political demagogues. They with the "inept, misdirected" university pro¬ Dave Taylor la stic qualities of the individual I where I have been for almost two years, and encounters with servants. In our home the mem¬ candidates. are like the traveler and the listener: "Do grams and their "disappointing records' Is . East Lansing from where I shall return to East Lansing bers of the family perform the chores, and this a scholarly description of the "overseas you know this country?" asked the traveler. next August. Pieaae contrast this picture of without the number of appliances available at "No," said the listener. "1 see 1 can speak professor" ? Absolutely not. Now perhaps I am wrong I home life of an "overseas professor" with the one portrayed by Taylor and Jaffe: It is home in East Lansing. In contrast t& East Lansing there are no screens on the windows freely, then", said die traveler. One can con¬ They show inconsistencies in their descrip¬ tion of their "overseas professor", bi one Saving a Life feel that in a college ity an individual should not haw commun-| jecture that there were motivations that led to be subjected to this type a early evening and I am writing this letter here and no central hot water system. Home Taylor and Jaffe to write such a critical arti¬ paragraph they depict him as a "second rate To the Editor tome. Outside, in our postage-stamp-sized debasement In order to campaign! at living is far more comfortable for our family in cle. Perhaps they see themselves as latter professor singled out tor dumping by the uni¬ for the contribution that students ■ yard and in the street in front, there are about East Lansing. As for the so-called "P-X day Thorstein Veblens. Perhaps the writing versity". A few paragraphs later they find While a student a MSU about could make towards the goals of ■ forty children playing, chattering in Portuguese. privilege" my family has not been to the P-X was the Freudian outpouring of personal failures him to be a "mediocrity who upon his return five years ago, I gave some blood Of the forty children two are Americans (ours) at any time during this two-year stay and 1 and frustrations. Perhaps the writing was an will find his rank has been enhanced by pro¬ at a Red Cross Wood drive. I higher education, protecting their ■ end the rest are Brazilian. My older son is visited it once. We have no chauffeur-driven attempt to capitalize on popular stereotype con¬ motion" . I hope the reader sees the point. had heard rumors about who it rights sod promoting their wel- ■ letting ready to play basketball tonight with car at home or at work. 1 go to work on a cepts such as can be found in "The Ugly Everyone at Michigan Stats University can was a waste of time, etc; but fere. In any event the potential- ■ a Brazilian team. My wife and I are going bus or streetcar and use taxis at my own American" or "The Organization Man". What¬ Justifiably be proud of the dedicated group of 1 gave it anyway. lties of student government *rf ■ » have dinner with t Brazilian family. Is worth fighting for. personal expense during the day. With a few ever the motivations the result was writing MSU professors who over the years have parti¬ Ust week my newborn son re¬ there any totter way to widen a person's minor variations this would be a picture of that offered no constructive criticism but that cipated in the MSU Brazil Project, and of the quired blood because of an Rh horizen, to learn a foreign language, to ex- how MSU professors on the Brazil project live. dripped its acid tar on everyone and every¬ wonderful Brazilians who are carrying on the problem. Fortunately his life was "Winters Thursday's State News artlcl«| porience something different in life? This is At work we work very closely with our Bra¬ thing involved in the "overseas professor^' successful Institution created to help Brazil saved after three Quits Race, Seeks to| complete blood Re-Enter" was written with stra- ■ part of the attraction of becoming an "overseas zilian counterparts and with great numbers of program. Incidentally, "Is the campus our achieve its rising expectations of greatness. exchanges. teglcally placed paragraph'| ——' There are wonderful relationships Brazilian students and business men. We are world?" as these writers seem to imply? For the professors Involved I believe I can 5£5S55u'■ helping to teach classes, collect business cases about Brazilian business, and doing research They imply that professors can't be anything but campus professors. speak for all of them in saying tto experience was significantly enlightening in its When presented with a bill for the Mood ($35 per pint). I was which lack ..•j. m continuity but pro* I ae a —a. I cross »«*ed If I d ever donated blood Before I comment on the Taylor and Jaffe on Brazilian business. Any true scholar knows In the social sciences we have to deal with cultural contacts. 1 speak for myself 1ft say'j* In a Red Cross blood drive. I _ expUD-i article let me uy to sketch a little more that the more one learns about a foreign cul¬ abort statistical runs and can never be sure that my motivations for disrupting a settled said yea, but that it was several In a poW«*| «f tto tome Ilia tore as It contests with ture the more careful he must be about making that' a considerable part of what we observe life in East Lansing were on a considerably _~ra >m *to not In this county ** ,nd "l*«od point of vis* ■ eteraotype. We live in a moder house — sweeping generalizations. The differences in Is not an artefact of our own creation. Social B»J fev»l than I will stay In the camp*If ■ higher Taylor and Jaffe tto same aim ae our torn* in East cultures are great, but Taylor and Jaffe fail scientists must generalize. But to malipi an i sting for ttoir abstract "overseas y* doubted that K would do any and aee It through to the fini* I la a middle class neighborhood, to take this into account. There is real cul¬ entire group of "overseas professors" because But a letter to the ttle street *• have an architect, tural shock on arrival and hundreds of minor of a few isolated occurences, largely baaed Stanley E. Bryan Crosv office resulted in a Lansing Red Dick Wlntsrjl a Brazilian pro- irritations crop up at home and at work that on second hand information, is far from scho¬ of for President i I sor Management transfer of blood from there to must be handled very differently than they would larly. Such unschotariy generalisations can Michigan State University Beaumonf Hospital In Al!-UniversW| Royal Oak. State vimhigan Newa^Eagl. Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 6, 1962 Here's AUSG Candidates inson, Pontiac sophomore: Necia Religious Living Units — Dean Ann Shaw, Muskegon sophomore: Lockwood, Coldwater sopho- Barbara Stickle, E. Lansing more Bryan Hall — Peter Rheln- freshman. E. Shaw -- Paul Butler steln, Farmington freshman. E. Landon — Carol Brown, W. Shaw — Richard Hoehlien, Butterflaid — Leon Meyers, Ann Arbor sophomore; Geralyn Pelham, N.Y. freshman: Harold Oak Park freshman. Jameson, Grosse Pte Wds. Jun- Lubow, New York, N.Y. soph- S. Campbell — Penny Ciancan- lor. omore; James Sterba, Owosso elll. Chicago Hts., III. freshman. W. Landon — Linda Arndt, freshman: James Temple. Linda Johpaon, Meats sopho¬ Three'OaksTreshman, ^nyder -- Pat Martin. f>t- more: Carl Tempone, Roslindale, VJason — Pat Hopkins, Mad- rolt freshman: Bonnie Rittschof, Mass. freshman. ison Wis. Junior. Chicago sophomore, N. Campbell — Nancy Frank, E. Mayo -- Barbara Frey, Sororities — Julie Bock, Bait* Cedar Springs freshman. N. Case — Beryl Benschop, Aurora, N.Y, freshman. Mary Gish, Muskegon freshman. Imore, Md. sophomore. Karen Jensen, Islington, Ont. Can. soph- VARSITY CLUB X Royal Oak freshman; Sharon E, Lansing — Robert Hencken, Kohl, Mt. Clemens freshman: Pat Huntington Wds. sophomore: John Van Hoosen — Mary Ann Fred- _ Long, Royal Oak freshman. Noud, Stanwood sophomore. frick, Mason freshman. dick winters S. Case nounced. -- No candidates an¬ ton Lansing -- Don Bristol, Fen- Junior: Harry Howard, Kal¬ N. Williams — Helen Johnson, Des Moines, Iowa freshman: San- Presents Here's amazoo Junior; Dennis McGlnty, dra Parnell, Williamstown, Co-ops — Patrick Quinlan, Lansing sophomore; William Mass. freshman. Dearborn sophomore. Murry. Grand Ledge freshman: Emmons Hall — James Bar¬ nes, Illon N. Y. graduate stu¬ Ken Philp, Lansing Junior. S. Williams — Marian Phil- lips, Taylor sophomore. ALL-UNIVERSITY DANCE Winters' dent; Bob ICerr. So. Wash., N. J. Oscar Kraft, Hartford, Wis. freshman; Fletcher Monnlgh, Phillips--LesliePrice, Great Neck, N.Y. sophomore: HILLEL FOUNDATION E. Yakely — Marilyn Hicks, Lansing sophomore. platform Ionia senior. Fraternities t- Robert Hanon, Ferndale sophomore: Gerald Gutowski. Jackson junior. featuring Gilchrist — Nancy Brlggs, Greenville freshman; Nancy Rob- s i a from member of Student 1959 to president of the jun- 1961. Soldier Boy! SUNDAY, Associate SUPPER-FORUM AND 50CIAL APRIL 8, Professor of 6:00 P.M. DR. FRANCIS DONAHUE, Religion and Humanities, will speak DUKE ELLINGTON i r r|8vs and has served as par¬ on "Religion in the Contemporary World." BUFFET SUPPER liamentarian of the United Na- AND SOCIAL. Everyone Welcome. For rides call ED 2-1916. tlor,s rjub. In addition, he has & other top APRIL 13 beer, hairman of the Student HILLEL SEDER, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18 45 hit*. Klgh" Committee, Organizations Widest Selection The Hilledl Passover Seder will be held f . Student Congress LUCKY COED-Margoret Hargrove, Eaton Rapids of the current Wednesday, April 18, 6:30 P.M. (the first Seder night) at the Shaarey Zedek 9 PM—1AM Rule* and Procedure Committee. junior, won hac also been a member of this multi-channel sterieo hi-fi in the American Tobacco Pack- 45 hit record* Temple In Lansing. Students and faculty are cordially in¬ vited. Cost $2.75 per person. Rides available PLEASE Spartan F.oundtable. age Turn-In Contest which ended Monday. J_ouii H. Butler, 2 o'clock pers. ctqdent government must help merchandizing supervisor for the American Tobacco Company, NOTE: Admission reservation to the Seder will be by advanced paid only, which should be made not later than Mon¬ $4.00 per couple furnish the environment which congratulates Miss Hargrove, who had the will be most conductive to the turn-in*. intellectual growth of the student largest number of State News Photo by Reg Owens. DiscShop day, April 9. Reservations may be made in person Hillel House or by mall. at the TICKETS ON SALE AT THE UNION body, one which will protect his right; and promote his welfare and offer* to the student body cervices which might not other¬ OPEN TODAY FROM 9:30 TO 5:30, PHONE 332-8622 KNAPP'S EAST LANSING -OPEN TODAY, 9:30 TO 5:30, PHONE 332-8622 wise be provided. Academic Benefits of student =hou!d not he three or four'stu¬ dent5 programing for the entire body, but Should be a co-ordin¬ ation the scholarship officers in r1 individual living units and representatives from at large vorkinfe, in areas of academic importance. that Not only can they produce more promotes the academic at- m ~---phere within the student com- -runity, but they can do a more eft rive job of It. ! fe-.l that these areas lack ' y' >'■ ,N prooer attention ^from Student / \ ( \ \ phere, student rights and wel¬ V J yf o /A fare student-faculty relations, orientation, organizations, U.S. i >' '< foreigiifftudent rfytSpnfe. ; V ' M "he programs,^ mi oours*^,,of t / v , action that 1 am ■ / supporting are many. i For example, collective pres¬ sure for improved library fac¬ ilities and longer library houses must be exerted. This would include the educational library. I al-o am in favor for a liv- i-e-urit-faculty lunch and din- -er programs at an All-Unlver- !n addition, I strongly feel that n Slut# Ifgw, Eftjt Lanetng, Michigan Friday, April 6, 1962 A rtf, Men's and Women's Physi¬ tally Retarded, Emotionally Man tlonist, Women's Physical Edu¬ Summer of 1962. Warren Woods Public Schools Placement cal Education. Special Edocatton and Mentally Handicapped. {adjusted. Remedial Reading, and cation, and Home Economics. Travelers Ins. Co. Interview- interviewing Elementary Bduca- Speech Correction. Muskegon Heights Public ing ail majors from the colleges tkm» E*rtf and Later Art, Music, Arthur Young ft Co. inter***r- Bureau ing Accounting majors. Hazel Park Public Schools in- asrvlewing Elementary Education Schools interviewing Elementary Education K-6, Spanish-English, of Business V Public Service. Sclence k Arts & Communica- Jun'"r High Commerclal-Math- Vocal Education. Special Educa- Board of Education Handy High K-6, Junior High Science, Math, Spanish, Junior High Math, High tion arts. tion. Type A Mentally Retarded. School Interviewing English and Senior High French Special School Vocal Music, English- A marl cart History and General Handicapped, Elementary Physi¬ French Combination Special Edu¬ Science and Women's Physical cal Handicapped. cation Mentally Retarded, Elementary and Secondary Mentally Handicapped. Northwestern Mutual Life in¬ Kordite Company Interviewing surance Co. interviewing all ma¬ all majors from the colleges of jors in the colleges of Business Business % Public Service. 4 Public Service. Science &Arts Science' ft Arts. h Communica¬ & Communication Arts. Also in¬ Special Room. tion Arts and the terested Junior. Birmingham Board College of cation va¬ College Life Ina. Co.of Ameri¬ Engineering. Pontiac Public Schools inter¬ interviewing Elementary ca interviewing all majors from Education K-6, Elementary- 4 Lake Shores Public Schools viewing All Elementary Educa¬ the colleges of Business It Secondary Art, Strings Majors, Public Service, Science and Arts interviewing All Elementary tion, Elementa ry and Junior High Friday.Sat. (3) Big Hits. Education K-6, Junior High Instrumental Music, Junior High Elementary Band & Secondary and Communication art*. Eng¬ Orchestra Combination, Junior lish, Senior High Commercial, Engliah, Math, Science, Speech, Ernst It Ernst interviewing High English Major & Social English, Shop and Speech Cor- Reading Improvement, Vocal Studies Block, i.mlor High Math. Music, Guidance, Drafting, Jun¬ Junior & Senior High French Lybrand, Ross Bros. 4 Mont¬ ior and Senior High Home Eco¬ cation interviewing Elementary gomery interviewing Spanish, German, Senior High Accounting nomics, Senior High English. Education, Senior High English. Physics-Physical Science, Home Economics and Women's majors. Chemistry, Math Latin-English Senior High Chemistry-Physical Physical Education. Monterey Public Schools Comb,. Guidance, Women** Phy¬ Science. Printing,Junior and (Calif.) interviewing Elementary sical Education, Business Educa¬ Crosse Polnte Public School Education K-6. Senior High Reading Remedial Junior High tion and Mentally Handicapped. System interviewing Element*ry Mathema tics,. CoreSocia! Studies Pure Oil Reading K Reading Improvement, Education K-6, Elementary Mu¬ Company interviewing Junior or Senior High Vocal alc, Conversational French, Se¬ Language, Arts, Foreign Lin- Accounting major-.. Music, Special Education, Junior guages; Home Economics and .Vandal Oil Division Ameri¬ condary English, French, Latin, Women's Physical Education, can Oil Co. Interviewing all ma¬ High Emotionally Dlstrubed. Business Education, Math Senior General Motors Corp. inter¬ High Social Studies, Eng¬ jors from the College of Business Science. Special Education.Men- viewing Mechanical and Electri¬ lish, Math and Science, Spanish/ & Public Service with emphasis cal Engineers for SUMMER EM¬ French, Business Education, on Economics. PLOYMENT. Dr. Haack To Ledvrt Crafts, Special Education; Men¬ State-Farm Ins.Co.interview¬ tally Retarded Elementary and ing all majors in all colleges State Farm Mutual Auto Mobile Ins. Co. interviewing Police Ad¬ On Survival Education HIgh School and Speech Correc- ist reach 25th birthday by ministration majors a n d all ma¬ Dr. Hanns-Erich Haack, Coun¬ jors from the College of Business selor for Educational and Cul¬ *i Public g— Sheraton Hotel Ct , tural Affairs of the German Em¬ bassy, will speait on " EdUtiflArt Dear One Sun-Mon-Tues 12) Big Hits- viewing Hotel Restaurant and for Survival" Monday at 8 p.rr Institutional Management. In Parlor C of the Union. Albion Public Schools Inter¬ The lecture, which Is open t tottiT rssu}_ viewing Elementary Education the public, is being sponsored wjl'.Ts lift GUMS Secondary Social Studies, Junior IJ^Eh_>_Engluh^ by the Graduate School and by the Department of Foreign Lang¬ uages of the t Selectioi s current cl 45 hit records si* • or the HUSTLER Information^................. Haack will also deliver a lec¬ ture in German at 4 p.m. Mon¬ jNJPMONS today on campus Kappa Phi ~ Sunday. 4 p.m., day in 3AO Morrill Hall. His subject will be the Dreyfus Af¬ fair. DiscShop Admission 75* Children > ree Lnder 12 ARE Wesley Foundation. Live it up with Martin Luther Chapel--Spring clean uo. 9 a.m. Saturday. Iranian Club 7:30 p.m.. Un¬ OLD -- ion Oak room. because you can't do the reading needed to Martin Luther Chapel — In¬ stallation of Rev. Bundenthal, keep Lively One I'rovi pace with a rapidly 4 p.m. Sunday, Christ Lutheran FASHIONED changing world? Reading Dynamics can teach you to Church. Martin Luther pers, 7:15 p.m., Chapel Sunday. — Ves¬ a Gamma Delta 8 p.m., Sun¬ READING — read 300 to 1,000% faster—with day, Martin Luther Chapel. FOPD! Hill el — Supper forum with greater understanding and en¬ Professor Francis Donahue joyment than ever. speaking on "Religion In the TECHNIQUES This completely new way to read is taught in Contemporary World*'. Sunday, 6 p.rn.. Hill el Klddish, Hlllel House. — 10 Sabbath services and Saturday. Hll¬ MAKING a.m. small classes with personal atten lel House. Hlllel — Sabbath Services and tion by skilled teachers. On eg Shabbat, 7:30 p.m., Hlllel House. Morning, afternoon and evening YOU classes now forming. Ask for FREE enough Graduate tian Inter-Varsity Chris¬ Fellowship — Dr. Van Wylen brochure. No wfll speak, 8 p.m.. 21! Highland in E. Lansing. obligation, of Chemistry Msjors — 4 p.m., Student ser-vlces. 1st floor lounge. Wesley Foundation — Sunday program "Dialogue", 10 and 11:15 a.m.; Supper, 6 p.m. forum "Crossroads Africa", 7 p.m. Lutheran Student Association READING DYNAMICS INSTITUTE — Supper and Interest groups, Sunday, 5:30 p.m. University Lu¬ theran Church. 2200 MICHIGAN NATIONAL TOWER African Students Association LANSING 8, MICHIGAN 484-1305 — Sunday, 2 p.m., 32 Union. Young Republicans — Sunday, 3 p.m., 34 and 35 Union. THE SPRING-WISE MAN knows the universal fashion impact of subtly patterned sport coats and solid tone slacks of fine dacron-worsted neat, subtle plaid, vertical or checked coats with deft masculine styling . plain front or pleated slacks each in spring's subdued new colorings Coats: 35.00 and 39.50 Slacks: 15.00 MEN'S SHOP 6 Michigan State News . sports. East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 6, 1962 Sailors Hoist Sails On Tennis Team Finishes Boros Lead« AUGUSTA, Ga. Julius Boros, winner i> , o*fArl ■ & open a with a decade ago, Sounder-par t$ ,,',*1 Southern Trip n the tour. jn addition they will also face round of the Masters •ment still out. with about half g0-e " The third man is Tom Jamie- Detroit, Wayne State, Notre Dame son from Lansing. This local pro- and Western Michigan in a 14 After getting off to slaw duct attended Lansing Eastern meet schedule. surt, Michigan State's tennis and Is a sophomore. The season will end with the team finished their In the Fourth slot is spring train¬ Jack Rig Ten Meet in Minneapolis In ing tour in good form as they won Damson, • Holland Junior. Dam- mid-May. their last three meets. Is State's only conference Officially the team record was champion. He won the Big Ten 3-2 but two more wins came at Title as a sophomore last year. "practice" sessions to give the Spartans an unofficial 5-2 mark. The squad won Its first meet He finished the 18-2 record. Sophomore Tom Welrman will with a fine Village 6-1 to to over whip Davidson and then lost Oike 6-3. North They came back Carolina State be the number five man. He started at seventh spot this and Improved on the year trip. Welr¬ 01 love <>-0 but dropped the next meet man and Dick Colby played on 7-2 to North Carolina. the same team at Wideit Sole' University The netmen picked up their High School In Kalamazoo. of the currer third victory with a 9-0 trounc- The number six man is Ron 45 hit recor Ing of l ast C arolina st Greet*- vllle which officially ended their l.lckman, a Junior from Warren, Last year he was seeded seventh, foxe carole Schiffl trip. were The next two practice meets with the U.S. Naval Aca- Also competing on the spring trip was Bill Lau, a letierman from last year's team. This sen- L DiscShop Junior Class Treasurer Mm, demy at Annapolis and the Co- lumbla Tennis Clubin Washington lor from Flint has a good chance of nailing down a spot on the PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL ED 2-5817 H3T7OT D.c. third doubles team. His record "The boys worked very hard last year was 15-5. and there was great Improvement In the doubles lineups, Dro- a* the tour progressed", said bac has -up a F.lsner-Colby slated for Tennl" roach Stan Drobac, look- number one, Welrman and Darn¬ EAST LANSING PHONE to, Northville sophomore, MSU Sailing Club dock ing back on the trip. son as the second pair and any ED.2-7814 left, and Dave Wetrel, Brook- Loke Lansing ond prepare Drobac said his lineup was not combination of Lickman, Lauand NIGHTS & SUNDAY - A PL LIS 9Q< SAT. MAT, field, 1)1. sophomore, take to take out the boats for the :omplete since both slots of jamleson for the third duo. first time this year. An open the third doubles -_c still a Now Show ing-Starts At 7:25 series of challenge matches house will be held this week¬ unfilled. to be played in about a week One Complete Show Feature 7:45 She Cried end to give interested per¬ sons the chance to sail and inspect the equipment. In singles ior from the number one player Is Brian Flsner, a sen¬ Manitowoc, Wisconsin. will decide these spots. The Spartans will sorely miss the services of Dick Hall, who 2-NOMINATED ACADEMY State News Photos I ast year he gained the semi¬ dropped out of school. Besides & other top by Skip final round of the Big Ten finals AWARD HITS-COME EARLY Ma y s. starring on State's basketball 45 hits. before being eliminated. team last year, Hall was the Widest Selectic F lsner was elected team cap¬ of the current tain for the second straight year number two man on the tennis SOPHIA LOREN Jockey Willie Shoemaker has Academy Award Nomination! 45 hit records ■Widen five or more winners on this week. He went undefeated "hc played with Brian F.isner on the spring trip. )n i single (lay's program five times high school and the talented At the second spot Is Dick it New York tracks. His host ef- palr t00fc t^c Wisconsin state ort In the Kast came April 4, Colby. One of three promising dr)UMes championship, ophomores, Colby Is from Ka- DiscShop it old Jamaica. lamaroo and also was undefeated Teaming up at the Dig Ten Championships at East Lansing last"year, Hall and Eisner finish¬ ed second In the top seeded MSU Foreign Film Series Presents Oklahoma doubles class. This year. Drobac predicts a good season. He said, "If the Owe of the great timeless french pictures i" Ex-Spartan OKLAHOMA CITY f - South boys continue to Improve as they have right done up In so far, we will the thick of things." be Carolina basketball coach Rob Stevens Is the University of Ok¬ The teams who will give State lahoma's pick for its vacant cage the most trouble this year in¬ post, the Dally Oklahoman said clude Michigan, Northwestern, FRANCOIS TRUEFAUT'S in a copyright story in its Thurs¬ day morning editions. Stevens was among at least Indiana and Iowa. host. Last year's meet saw Stateplay Michigan took the prize. Academy awardsT^^ seven men considered to replace Tht7 finished on top with 72polnts while State placed second with 55. Doyle Parrack who resigned last month after coaching seven years The Wolverines have won the title at the Norman, Okla., school. six of the last Fri. Sal. AdmJ University officials were not rThe ie Spartan- $par available for comment on the sdfo \|>rll 20 3-Features-3 Oklahoman'.s story. ern at home. Th< The Oklahoma City Children under I2-Free newspaper said It had reliable Information that the University's athletic council selected Stevens and approval by Oklahoma's board of only Steve Michigan State trampoline star - ^DONDf — ^THE * KID WHO DAVID JANSSENPATTIPAE MICKEY SHAU6HNESST WALTER WINCHELL Tonight Fri.r April 6 regents Is nectary to malje appointment official. Theregefrts Johnson and still rings artist Dale Cooper recently be¬ CAPTURED ROBERT STRAUSS Fairchild Theatre /& 9 p.m. met Thursday In Tulsa. came tan the tenthandeleventhSpar- THE ARMY! ARNOLD STANE'DAVID KOI gymnasts to win an NCAA Stevens, 39-year-old native of Admission .. 50' Warsaw. Ind., has Just complet¬ STEVENS - Ex-MSU coach championship since 1949. Hey Let's Twist Shown 2nd a t 9:47 ed his third year as head coach at South Carolina after seven lExcmiifi Shepard's... STARLITE years as assistant coach at Mich¬ igan State. Stevens was named "coach of r. MOVIE ABOUT the year" in the Atlantic Coast FOLLOW W ST. JOE " 4 THE genuine Conference after his team posted a 15-12 record the past season. Parrack was the fifth head basketball coach at Oklahoma since the'Sooners began the in 1907. sport NOW Friday-Thru. Thurs. moccassins Bill llar-tack v u of U Admission 90C Children Under 12 Free Hit No (1) Shown At 7:30-12:10 hand lasted STUDENT SPECIAL- TRANSISTORIZED TAPE RECORDER ■■ OF THE YEAR'S NEW Improved TOP PRIZE PICTURES IN 4 Transistor ONE GIANT SHOW! Model ELMKAZilirs PRODUCTION OF ^tDJANSSENJOYCE TAYLOR-FRANK GORSHINj All Sunday. Mon. Tues. Big"Academy Transistorized-Dynamic Range IK BEST MMUrc Award Show ■ ■■ ■■■CHECK THESE INCLUDED FEATURES*mm FIN V IK rail!" - Reg Adm. 75c 'Portable wm and 'I ROBERT R0SSEN S * muneMUIN ■ ,F . o.w)n(j mm AS 1ST ► Fully Transi >Buih.in Spec ACTOR MR ACTIOS!" 1 the HUSTLer | • Ear Phon* Just as the American Indians made their Hit No (2) At 9:45 • Carrying Handle moccasins by hand, so Bates skilled New Automatically • Standard 3" Tape England craftsmen hand last these fine 5 ACADEMY AWABSIet Ffcln rack Recording • Operates 3 Batt* NOMINATED FOR 7 ACAQEMY AWARDS on moccasins, and carefully hand sew the tetAcfc.OWIBMfB Fully Guarantee# Guaranteed fo Carry * fully • tetttr.MFfcMfcf vamps to give you the same foot-cradling tot Uric Son INCLUDING comfort and traditional Phi-Bates styling, Plays Bach Anything anywhere at the OTOC BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! touch of button. a ^ M If J equally correct for dress and casual wear PORTABLE Nothing To Plug Inl __COlUm6ia pictures presents - * — see them at |1 Tape Recording \hep ards Industries FOR Home School >0 Both Features ————— Nominated-Best Both And Picture Of The Year ludge Yourself. — Michigan State New SPORTS East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 6, 1962 Williams Tigers Lead; Biggie is Phys. Ed lc» Operation .oafiR If ~ Detroit Then Lamb,65 Convention Chairman *£SmiW 2? » WlI,Wmi "" undorfo aurgery LAKELAND, Fla., j^TheDe- Biggie Munn, MSU athletic dl- rector, will be chairman of the organization. The respective clinics will b. TT.ur.dty 1b Unl- ,prlng *P°rts SC9,lon of Na- !crf by Larry Snyder. Ohio State « of Mtchl|,n hospital. ^5^*. trlJKtlonal Physical Education Con- University track coach; Lea Bol- • (riduiti of MSU, ale atHenleyfiel? ventlon this weHtend In Clncln- 5tad. University of Mlnneeota nley fl "SwJ'eibow yr«J hl? '.K.ti durta* the 1961 taecue aeeaon. Now that Beeny (Kid) Paret la dead, I wonder if anything will The Cards' relief ace. Llndy nati, Ohio. Clinics on track, golf, tennis golf coach: Dick LeFevre, South¬ ern Illinois University tennis McDenlel, halted a rally In the be done to atop any more auch and baseball will be at"ended by coach; and Deve FtUTer, UrtfVer- tragedies. — eighth when the Tigers looked Maybe the tragedies, the broken hearts, the tears and all the like they might 4000 to 5000 of the 25,000 pro¬ slty -of Florida baseball coach. pull one out. resulting tears by referees and boxers are just shaken off. • MeOroiei came In ^after Vic fessors and instructors In the The Sunday evening program la It Juat a part of will be presented by the Fellow¬ playing the game? U It taken for granted Wertz' plnch-hlt •single drove In that so many aeatha will occur each ship of Christian Athletes Munn year? Detroit" s fifth nm. Since 1900 there have been ov#r 450 deaths is also the chairman of this by way of the Julio Gotay. who drove In the th« defensive endpoaltlon squared circle. This is an average of I ■ sevan per year winning runs two dsys ago against ^ "p)'-V| fci^ht "sUlT^nta i meeting. the Tigers, repeated the per- ^ jo^n teel aa the Clown Prince of proud to be able to say that MSU dropped boxing as one formance by bringing In two runs Baseball. Thla Is the 53rd*prtng Shout.'Shout! Its intercollegiate sports. MSU has done its part to cut down In the top of the eighth. thla gamble with life. The Tigers lumped on starter training for the former Washlng- ^ fcnator pltch<.r who Larry Jackson in the first In- w|th Erl* Pa IniHe Onio¬ ning and scored three runs. Two fighting? Why aren't these contests considered s of them came Pennsylvania League In 1910. & other top American competitive scene? I am quite on a throwing Schacht works out with the certain error by Cardinal catcher Cere 45 hits. because they are too cruel or malicious. Yankees hefore gamen. Widest Selectio Cock fighting la considered illegal in the united States Norm "I'm In pretty good'shape for of the current bull r—-~ - * - ; — Cash.s sixth Inning hom- * C9-year-old guy," says Sk-harht gave the Tigers a 4-2 lead who once won 17 straight games 45 hit records _ from killing each other, Refree Ruby Goldstein restroins Emile Griffith as opponent after the Cardinals had scored it $4 i week and boa rd i la thla worse than letting two men g Into the ring to try to Benny "Kid" Poret slumps to the floor in the twelfth found rwlce in the four. mer league at Walton, N. knock each other out? Boxing today seen to be heading towards 0f their nationally televised welterweight chompionship bout War Admiral, a son of Man o' Schacht will put on hid act ; slugging instead of the finer skills, such defense, and fairness. Judging Is based ches one boxer can plant on his opponent's chin. footwork, countering. n w many r ')un~ fl| den March, 24. Defending chomp Poret, absorbed a terrific hammering and _ War, n ind r>never regained conciousness Mara toga. number of big league parks I Disc Shop It looks as though the judges and the referees after this point. He died t i days later at a New York City hos- keep how many of these blows are landed, and the the most 1s the winner. slugger w Yandi Pi,al- Until 5 30 P.M. 60' Seven New York sute legislators, one a former fighter, were appointed to a special committee Wednesday to investigate box Evenings & Sunday 90< lng to decide If it should be banned in the state. Hearings will open in New York Friday. There were new moves to end the and Rep. Abraham J. Multer. D-N.Y., called for sport in Canada and Sweden Volleyball Here TWO OF THE GREAT HITS OF ALL TIME! 6 On Saturday congress to ban radio and television broadcasting of fights. Multer said SEE THEM IN THE WAY YOU WILL ENJOY THEM MOST!* this would make them unprofitable. He called the sport "public slaughter." Maybe these are strong worda, but let's face it. during a fenc¬ ing match the fencers don't try to run each other through with their weapons. They still have winners and losers, and with no after effects. usually ball Conference lnter-dlvlslonal tournament on Saturday April Hey, StellaI W SUM! SiUII The round-robin play Is sched¬ It's Time To uled to begin at 11:30 a.m. In » THE*WQP^ 0/ the Sports Arena and Gym III Get Your Rosters of the Men's IM building. The playoffs are set for 3:30 in the afternoon. Due STREETCAR SUZiE "WQNG Rosters are due in the 1M Of- students, faculty and staff not Representing the Southern Dl- flce by 5 p.m. for Fraternity, entered In one of the other soft- vision are teams from Ball State Independent, and Dormitory League Softball and Independent ball leagues. The reason for the formation Teachers College, F^rlham, Wit- tenburg, and Calvin. The Calvin (Named Desire) bowling and volleyball. ream Ii filling In for Ohio Sute A fourth league Is to be added of this league is that five teams have already expressed a desire who could not participate this Tickets. to the three existing leagues for to participate. They could only year the Intramural Softball tourna- be allowed to participate in a Called the open softba participating from the North¬ men!. league for faculty members and ertl dlvis£n wsin be George W11_ Send In Those league, it will be open to all staff. liams College. I.anslngCommun- Roster deadline for this league lty College, Detroit Tech. and only will be Friday, April 13 host team, the MSU volleyball Ginny Come at 5 p.m. All rosters must be cjub. turned Into the IM Office by this George Williams from Chicago tlme- is the defending champion. THE 8TM0ST PLEASE SEE THEM fSOM THE BEAMING! Lately & other top Tigers Cut Five, SHOWTtMES FOR SUZIE WONG' Wide*? Selection of the current 45 hit records Reach Limit LAKELAND, Fla. 'JP - TheDe- marked the departure of one of DiscShop !rolt Tigers cut down to the re- quired 28-player limit Thursday by dropping five players from the the brightest Tiger rookies In early spring for several sea- sons. The outfielder had been squad. close to .400 before he went Into Optioned to Denver of the a protracted slump and finished American Association were In- at .298 for the spring, fielder Don Wert, and bonus The release of Grzenda means catcher BUI Freehan. Pitcher left hander Doug Gallagher has Joe Grzenda was assigned out- bem advanced to the parent club, IHD OVER! right to Denver. Outfielder Purnal pending a final decision after he Goldy and pitches In Sunday's exhibition pitcher Bob Dustal. on the Den- g"™e with the New York Yankees, ver roster although training with Werf wa5 the American As- ■ FOR A 2ND — the Tigers, were returned to the soclation's batting champion last year at Denver with a .328 aver- The sending down of Goldy HILARIOUS WEEK ! k CHANNEL 12-1-0:30 P.M. V Doors Open 12:45 P.M. MM MM -Feature At- 1:00-3:05- 5:10-7:20-9:25 After the party Kkuwrnni all the smiling faces will be pointing Bop 1 towards McDonald's. For a Hamburger, Fries & Shake ..... Stop in this Weekend. mm buooyiesterE IUJJ ■ TH£ CR0S8Y BROTHERS PHtLLg* DBIMIS^UMOSAY ,R! | Next Attraction...Starts Sat. April 14 GLENN FORD • INORID THULjN • CHARLES BOYER I£E 1 COBB • RUIL HENREID rmJl lukas yvette mimieux KARL BOEHM ROftRT K0ttY~ JOHN GAY ■ gssJflttMTE BUSCO Ml ^ McDonald's Added Attraction Sunday 9:10 P.M.! JOHN CORNELIUS ^ At The Mighty Barton Pipe Organ Console SOON! P^uTnW*-Ariet«rF2re "STATE FAR' OPEN Til 1 IM. fri. & Sal. Block tail of Campus 3 Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April g, Mike Barbour AUSG Candidates' Platforms Jamie Blanchard Bob Howard does offer constructive end discrimination. -Establish an appointment sys¬ worthwhile opportunities for your tem at Olln to end needless walt- Bob Howard la a Junior from participation. "claes Unburst. III. His qualifications Theae are some of the most Expand programs to f o s t e r Congress representative for ?'!h 5^h Crimen ^Iude: AUSG Cabinet-person- Important programs for which I foreign student involvement In AND A^r i ivi nel director. Student Congress would work: Help for MSU Stti- ■ five terms and as Speaker pro- £!! pfM'dent.w' ALBGexecutl^veboi»rd, u campus activities. tern for two terms. Last year tie *aa LxecuUve Vice Pitsidenl Student Rights and welfare Com Ripr#MBUtlv-f student factulty committee on cheating, president <1 Plnanclal Interna! Reforms in AUSG t Itate Thaie Programs: Ml Cart, Establish non-profit book¬ of Green Helmet, Spartan Round- a Mf 13.95 - of Students Off-Campus (AOCS). store to save students' money on -Encourage communication He was * member of I roi»h-Soph between Congress representati¬ buying and selling used taana. Council for two years and was college. "A CHALLENGE TO -Reorganize student discount ves and their Constituents to make Len Kmi MSU chairman of the Economic Com¬ "New horizons In STUDENTS" service to procure student dis¬ Congress more truly representa- mittee for one year. "A new direction foi AUSG.'' In the past much attention has been focused on AUSG legislation Student Government can work counts r,mPus in local stores and on *»>* ance Information Vanity zuI ABBOTT rn, You should he angry. Good and directed toward changes In Univ¬ through the State News on mad. Disgusted. ersity policy. Many such efforts for the academic, financial and -K*P«nd AIJSG loan.rnlmeo- sues facing Congress to facilitate E. LANS1M. When someone speaks to you have been wasted due to inade¬ soclal welfare of each student. Rr*Ph ,M(1 th«*rnofax services. student communication with Con¬ afwut giving Student (iovemment quate Investigation and immature It cannot be effective, however. -Wort to reduce hous ng pay- gress representatives. in. you might he hoping actions. As a result, AUSG has without the cooperation of the rnems ,or "'"dents In triple -Appoint mature, responsible that din -sight failed to deliver for the student student body—the foundation of t-ooms. people—regardless of affiliation you - know - w fie r*. do, body — by engaging in such fu¬ any student government. My challenge to you, then. Is f„A.c,dpn,,c "nd Cu,tur'1 B*n*- or sex—to AUSG positions. you'te making tile effoits and by taking student _ -Appoint to the various stu¬ Effective 4* to help me Insure stu- Student Govern dent-faculty committees mem¬ Just begun to fur could ck> something. dent gover nment by your support ,nd ademl B efl pro- bers who will follow student opln- portant are.1) of S BARBOUR To fulfill Its promise to the and continued c ooperation for the Rr,["s- Ion more closely, student body, AIJSG should be program outlined below. , ,-,ncr"sftl J"0™ <° lmProv* dorm regulations and eliminate -Reactivate the Executive Hie following pi o| directed at achieving two object If you are willing to accept Uhrat7 facilities and hours late minute punishment from Committee to Investigate AUSG this challenge. I will pledge nfy -Participate actively In Na- those rules not concerned with and Implement their findings, my platform (1) To provide more tangible wholehearted efforts toenactthis I10"*1 s,i,**nt A"°ci«fon~ o hours. I have made my platform broad 1) Off-Campus Housing benefits for the student body by Insure that AUSG AUSG programs, tohelp -Increase pressurefor relaxa- In scope because I feci these campus organizations and to en¬ suggested uniform rent siali strenghtenlng the Executive tlon of student housing regula- goals can be accomplished by courage student concern for na¬ branch and creating depa Hons and elimination of housing AUSG with your active support. tional and international Issues. student groups, improving t. -Distribute course-Instructor niunkntlons and relaying it 2)VGr#nt the I or cign Student influence with the lists more widely erous, poorly presenteddettw Rep.eseiiinthes in Congress. a dm I 3) Raise the requirements fo by having the support of the stu¬ dent body -Increase financial and moral support for Nations the Campus United and International Club. HENRY'S Get Acquainted It is only by realizing that Personal and Social Benefits: It works In a limited area and ^trange^to say, monetary «< by excelling In that area will -Work to standardize women's AUSG has any authority to a We should first concentrate this urea and only after i complishlng substantial resu President - making responsive and respon •■tudent body. AUSG receive University affal Hie ,'hlevcd obje by . SPECIAL should efforts be put In otl I he real issue at si Ing areas. directions, l or example ever. Is one of dire Public Relations Set up 1) A Student Dook Store under a public relations direc¬ tor a group of well-qualified and on or off-campus. s them in the futun diplomatic students who are com¬ 2) Discount Service- dlsroui as voters, select i pletely Informed on AUSG. in area stores fot students. io can provide thes< 3) Ivian f und. Mimeograph! Student Discount Services -- and Veri-I axing extend houi i of my campaign li Modification of STUN to provide 4) Financial Grants to Cli for lower cost and higher re¬ on Campus-through Student .Co t as well.!0362. I.AMBRETFA MOTOR Scoot- C8 TU 2-225* 7 er. IV 9-9086. FAST LANSING, New 3 bed¬ 10 week. We deliver and pick tip. Buy fh* Brandr.ew f,parran, model Campus UN Avon is first In the field. Cood 192, at only $44 50 Pay only Chevrolet, 1959, imp*la con¬ er, 1958,Model LDI50, windshield room ranch: family room, fire¬ $5 down at)d $5 monthly. fhe$e (Continued from page 1) vertible, mileage fully car in equipped. low rich Roman earnings for you. For appoint¬ ment in your home, please write and buddy seat. Call FE 9-8663. 2 DOUBLE R()f}MS, men. Call .Mrs. approvedfor, place, 2 car garage. Immediate Hamilton at possession Good financing. Call SrpecfaT offer s good only to red. a automotivi or call: Mrs, Alana Hucklna, Curry's Campus Court. 337- to se< today. Paul F. Titus, students at M.S.U. the official gov« employment 5664 Schaal St., Haslett, Mich. USED Go Karu dual 5 hp. way Is he forced to do so. $ Rambler, 1959, croaa country 2334. 7 Builder. IV 2-9655. 6 for sale Telephone EE 9-8483. engines. Dan Kart, model A. SINGER SEWING C ENTER Assembly members will also 0 •utlonwagon. Economical 6 cy¬ 6 0 fo* bent linder with overdrive. $1095, A or B racing or Ju»t fun. $120. 4 VACANCIES at 333 Albert GOOD BUY: older 309 S. Washington vote on whether or not the first 355-9117. 7 home, 3 487-V,59 and second vice-president may • personal WANTED - Wife of student Street (for boys) right down¬ bedrooms, c a r pet i ng, drapes, real est ati SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. to work FOR SALF: KINGSTON automatic town. Private entrance, tele¬ Low taxes and upkeep. F HA avai¬ jolng their respective delegations • evenings. Must be able when 3000 E. MICHIGAN to type 50 words a minute ac¬ portable sewing machine. De¬ vision, and kitchen facilities lable ED 2-2946. 8 they are not officiating. TYPING done"m my home. Ac¬ They would be allowed the nor¬ IV 7-3715 available. $32 per month. IV - 0 transportation curately. Write to Wlllstaff. Inc., monstrates Only $$90.50. Call 4-7406 before 5, or 372-0330 40 ACRES WOODED, TaPGE curate and speedy. Electnr 'ype- mal speaking and voting rights 547-1/2 E. Crand River. East ♦87-0585. 6 I I DEADLINE:c.l«ts Jay befo't i p.m. CHRYSLER. 1955. Windsor Hard¬ Lansing. No personal calls. REFRIGERATOR, G.E., 9 cu¬ evenings or weekends. 7 HOME (2 apartments), buildings. 15 minutes M.S.U.. other writer. 8ft2-9585. After 5 p.m. 11 of a -lelegate Also on the agenda is an amend¬ bic feet, excellent condition, very $10,000 down. Phone IV 5-6128. EXPERT THESES, GENERAL ment which stares rhat members top. Good condition. Power WANTED: Reliable aggressive WALK ONE BLOCK to Union. TYPING. Electric typewriter brakes and steering. Good rub¬ tewing machine salesman. Good reasonable. Call 337-9415 after Johanna Sargent -- Firoker. 7 may vote by proxy when they I PHONE: ber. $450. Call IV 9-0443. 8 working conditions. Call 487- 5 PM. 9 Kitchen privileges. rooms for men. 334 Approved Evergreen. ON THE RIVER (Okemos). Experienced. Near fiROOY. FJe production Service 332 5545 C have been previously present at MM- a meeting 355 8255 or 8256 1957 FORD 6 - | Large solid brick home; has \sserrbly members will hear a convertible, WANTED Fashion writers. If FOR MEN: everything. $10,000 down. Phone EXPERIENCED TYPIST *vjld .report on the lPATES: upcoming Campus - Approved Supervise^ like typing in my home. <">neraE ' ■ you can write report to room Singles and Doubles. Larger IV 5-6128. Johanna Sargent Firo- "ired Nation- Conference being n.oo 341 Student Services typing, term paper . n.j 2-9861.' sp rsored by the MSU chapter. Bldg. at comfortable rooms, hot and cold ' OAYS J? 00 LETTICH and STENBERG 12 noon, or after 5 DRONER KEN MORE — Like 3182 Pinetree Rd. 6 Ir addition, delegates will nom¬ p.m. ready water in each. l,obby with T.V. „ $100 2910 E. KALAMAZOO to work. Ask for Tom or new, $30. Craftsman table saw. Service Fred. parking, laundry facilities. One inate UN officers for the coming 484-3229 Phone ED 2-4959. 8 block from campus.Spartan Kali. .Wll.r: YOU W\tr or -~a'y service on passporr and appllca- 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. 10 SAVE CASH INST FA M SG presidential candidates S TRATTON SPORTS CAR r SAIN ^BERNARD. 1-1/2. Halted of linn.plcturea. Ph^n^ > r> will he present Friday night to o 251 sarvlee and lldren. Must Sell. Ex¬ TRADING ST A MP SI CENTER CRADS OR EMPLOYED GIRLS. CUSTOM DRFJSS makirg. altera¬ peak to 'he assembly After the cellent 'for family or fraternity. bring your cleaning to Wendrow*s 1915 E. Michigan Ave. Double room 2 blocks from cam¬ Uah-Manse BUSBOY wanted. One block ED 2-1442. 8 Econowash and Dry Cleaners. tion. Shop. ET> 2- DIAL IV 4-4411 from Union. Call ED 2-6310. pus. Private entrance and park¬ Pants, skirts, sweaters cleaned Ask for Drlr. ing. ED 2-5157. ft and pressed, only 50f. 3006 Vine L Automotive 1959 6 MOTORCYCLE. ZUNAPP. 1961. FIAT "1100" Sedan. Red 250cc., $450. Phone MI 1-4365 St. 1/2 block west of Sears' and black, white walls. $650. For Sale gr IV 5-4709. 8 I ble. ptf) Hill mat n Minx -,er Good f gray paint. tcrior. Good Converti¬ Sharp red black top. 1958 VOLVO, $750. Black, Excellent condition. radio, BICYCLE SALE - Thursday, BK YC I ES, 2 men's 26", im¬ ported rixcellent condition. $25 SINCLE ROOM, approved FRENCH TUTORING. Ex perlenced In Ph.D. Language f x- AUSG men, close In, cross ventllaM r ipeed forward trans. Lo- April 12. 1962, I 30 p.m. at Sal¬ earh 355-1063. 6 219 Charles, ED 2-04 54. amlnatlona. r ail ED 2 1919. ' |a!ly owner! since new. $895. 1960 FIAT wagon. Like new, white walla. light green. $995. vage Yard, Farm Lane,Michigan State University campus. (Incase PEANUTS C TYPING. PRINTING, TYPF MAX CURTIS. INC. ol rain, sale will he conducted S! ITINO and vaMF».x copying PERSONALS 2424 E. MICHIGAN RENAULT. 1959, 4 door, 24,000 at Livestock Judging Pavilion, a- Wonch Graflc Service, 1720 IV 4-4491. EXT. 33 miles. One owner car. Perfect corner of Shaw and Farm Lanes.. £ Michigan, Lansing. FOR ★l.OSt Only 10 cond'Mon. Call 355-2719. 6 Approximately 60 bicycles, SALE: KINGSTON atoma- and found minutes from carnpu1 sr. busline. various makes and conditions, portable sewing machine. De- Phone 4ft4 7716. C 119V PONTlAC, 2 door hardtop, 1958 FORD Custom 300.2 door, one 1950 Bulck." 2 dr., grey, Only $99.50. Call LOST- Light blue glasses be- tit, radio, whltewalls. 6 cylinder, standard trans., two- Engine #62027621, andothermis¬ 6 tween Giltner and N. Campbell. T.v. SERVICE, Special rate Freshman- Shiawassee, Lansing. iv tone paint. Extra clean through¬ cellaneous Items will be sold Call Phyllis. 355-0008 9 for college housing. Service call pids, Fresh- f3119 after 5PM, f> out. One owner. Lots of econo¬ at auction. All items may be SAILBOAT, Snipe. 15 feet, $330. $4. Absolute honesty. *CMF T.V . " Idert: Judy seen at Salvage Yard. April 9- LOST WHILE hitching. I pa.r 1610 Herbert. IV 9 5009. : sa .e money on trans¬ mical. trouble-free miles left. Very good condition, canvas C $795. 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 30 p.m. sails, wooden hull, light blue framed glasses in fer tat ion and at the same time no repairs and Thursday, April 12, 8 30 needed. light blue < le. £d 7-7065. TP? SIS TYPING done forC rad tally enjoy driving with a Volk- MAX CURTIS. INC. a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Terms: cash, 355-8551. 10 9 Students and Profes^rs Jvaeen Sedan or Station Wagon. 2424 E. MICHIGAN _ CT TYPEWRITER, portable, Smith- F.OST - Browr. wallet on cam¬ ED 2-4890. : 8 ntinental imports, inc. IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 TELEVISION SET, 19" portable. Corona. Silent with Spanish key¬ pus. Phone Jack Murphy. ED 2- board. Excellent condition. En¬ 3577. Reward. FREE DRY Cl.F.ANING! Wer.-" 226 l. kalamazoo 5 months old. Excellent condition. (, drow's F cor.owash ir.d Dry DIAL IV 5-1743 C6 Cost $100. 355-7862. cyclopedia Brittanica. IV 5-2692 AUSTlN-HEALY. 1954, ex¬ J IV 5-3483. 10 l/JST-GREY framed glasses ;n Cleaners. 300'. Vine St., 1/2 block C rystal cellent condition. New-paint, SCHWINN BICYCLES, 196 2 west of Sears' Frandor Store ;s silver case. Reward. 355-4976. an, and Lury tires, brakes. Doug Miller ED models, over 100 always on dis¬ Ask for Kay. giving absolutely free dry nhla rjty. Ir- 7 2-4381. 7 play. Full size $39.95. English cleaning to each customer using Twist, Twist, 1 randidates for White-side wails, paaaea Dunelt $43.95. BICYCLES A Its Speedqueen coin washers or.ly : LOST - Black framed prescript¬ Bl»rk with red trim. Call TRIUMPH TR3 sports car. 1957. SPECIALTY NOT A SIDELINE. ion 10 different times. Take aJ.' sun glasses in black case. 5-1010 after 5:30 p.m. Price Removable hardtop. Excell¬ Open Monday and Friday even¬ Call vantage M.S.U. Senora Pete at ED 2-0333 ft ent condition. $995. Phone IV ings. VAN'S BIKE SHOP, 507 5-0359. 8 E. Shiawassee near city market. IV 5-1963. ft & other top Personal IN A HURRY? Wonch Grafic Service now has two shifts to P. X. DISCOUNTS Income 1957 'CHEVROLET. Good a get your Job done faster. Take ft7ORY OLDSMOBJLE, INC, BOYS 26 " 3 speed American 45 hits. Jrs.-Srs.-Grsds. P dltlon. $395. Call after 4: advantage now! Phone 4%4-77ft6. 65 L. MICHIGAN AVE. DIAL IV 2-1311 £tf 7J0I48. lightweight hike. itj good dition. $22. Phone ED 2-0825. con¬ Widest Selection of the current Insurance now. Premiums after graduation. No decrease In pro¬ Office hours 8 5, Monday Friday. C the DISCOUNTERS Hill Mo 7 45 hi* records fits. State Life's College Plan. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, Seda CHEVROLET Bel Air,' ♦ white walls, radio, heater. Good IkONER KENMORE - Like new*. 355-5605 c: EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR on '-8, automatic, power condition — $650. 355-0970 after DiscShop all makes and models. AJJ work , Ball nr.g. tires. radio, heater, Finished In turquoise white 3 P' $30. Craftsman table saw. Phone ED 2-4959. 9 PHYSICALLY FIT? stairs to Bubolz for auto, home Walk up¬ guaranteed. Open ft a.m. to 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 302 2 Fou-ard • • ;te. 23,000 actual miles. MGA COUPE. 1959. wire wheels, and life insurance. ED 2-8671. f. Michigan. Call IV 7 555%. f V Sells Foi Less...$995. C radio, heater, new tires: 28,000 Over Jacobson's. C GR EAT LA K ES 50* 10. f wo bed¬ SPARTAN TEXA1 ) SER VIC F miles. Excellent condition. Call , rooms. Parked in E;ast Lansing. )AN O'SHALGNESSEY ED 2-0949. 9 r.-e '.p.- Call ED 7-0016. (0 2501 E. Michigan 1960 FORD convertible, aqua¬ DIAL IV 9-2388 TRAILER: I960, 8 x 36, like marine with white top. Excellent F MOVING OUT sale Chest of new. 1 or 2 bedroom, fall 355- plar -ope *,th.Mic condition. P.S., P.B.. one owner. .'.nancial ,.tu 11960 \ \LIANT, standard shift, Call ED 7-2460 Judy drawers, double bed, desk, kit¬ 1616 8 to 5. Lot 118 Trailer Rash light ha • e»r. door, radio and heater. Very throughout. Priced to Stoken^ chen table, chairs and lounge chair. ED 2-0728. 7 Haven. 6 I Bluebird hea< tension and env Free Zinnia FORD, 1950, 2 door, original TRAILER-RITZ-CRA FT 1961 paint, good body and motor GIRLS BIC YC LE Schwlnn middle 50x10 ft. Exceptional offer. Must sell. 699-2361 after 6:00. i MICHIGAN STATE Unl- 11956 PLYMOUTH, 2 door hard- Phone ED 2-4959. 8 weight. 2-gears and baskets. Call 6 | versity graduation rings 8, automatic. Blue and 355-8138. 7 available at THE CARD 6 ite finish. Specially priced at 1955 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Ex- cellent condition. $625. Call STEREO TAPE RECORDER. ^ For Rent ! SHOF'. Includes degree. Four track telectro. Includes ! seal, 3 engraved initials. LEARN TO FLY a 332-3476. 7 stereo tape, extra speakers, and ! Choice of 10 stones. atlon Club rates- [COMPLETE MERCEDES, 195 3, excellent stereo turntable. Brand new, 4 BEDROOM house. S minutes membership fe^s. : shop service. Morris Auto condition. $950. Phone IV 5- complete, • $225. IV 9-6923. 6 from campus. $110 per month. MARY ts. E. 1 year lease. References. Call JANE WA LKER AND T OM Kalamazoo. IV 6128. C7 HUPD come to the State News, VIOLIN Fine old Heinrlch IV 9-7374. 9 EDIE STARR: Typist, theses, - room 347, Student Services PLYMOUTH- 1957-2 Dr. New dissertations, term papers, gen his 11-bill Jacobz 250 years old. Value LEAVING COUNTRY. Will rent Building for your free passes to 'Ut SIMCA. 4-door, 4 speed radio. Real good mechanically. $1500. Will trade for car or the Crest Drive-In Theatre. 7 eral typing. Experienced, IP.M s. Ehe package n, heater & white wall $150. Phone 337-0810. 7 household goods or sell for $500. 3-bedroom unfurnished home electric typewriter. OR 7 8232 C >onal and con¬ n & white color. Sells Write Box No. 341A or call near campus. Call after 4:30 REDUCE SAFELY. Lose 5-15 ir *450. ed 2-1759 after 6 P.M. IV 4-7773. ' ED 7-0148. 6 lbs. fast. Only $1.00 Free 25* ALTERATIONS. Hemming re¬ 1960 TUDOR FALCON. A well- calorie counter. Guaranteed re¬ styling: f o r m a 1 s , t r o u e r s, nected for approval. malntalned, low mileage auto¬ ONE BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 blocks ttom ulusmobile. FOR SALE Voice of Music sults. Marek Rexall Prescription skirts, etc. NEEDLE'S THREAD Sleeping Eagi ■ "65 inc. mobile. Must see and drive. Call from campus, unfurnlshedexcept e. michigan ave. stereo tape recorder wlthampli- Center. N. Chppert Street at Shop. 108 Division, behind ram- equipment ; ED 7-7051 after 6:00. 12 for stove & REG. Call F.D 2- DIAL IV 2-1311 fier. In excellent condition. Call Frandor. IV 9-8595. CIO pus Drug Store. ED 2-55*4. 17 355-5478. 4092. FRF LIST 1 Bricquets ...39* Chevrolet Impala Sport MAN'S LIGHT-WEJGFfT A PARTMFNIS BURR-PATTERSON Fra to 20 Charcoal Grills....$2.49 up c »-B, English ganlzed musical group- automatic, radio. ternity and Sorority Jewelry and pieces Write or ptv r 1001 other Student and icycle. Excellent condition. 4- _ i solid dark *hite wall tires. Flnish- blue. STORY CONTINENTAL IMPORTS, INC. speed. Accessories $25. Call APPROVED nished unsupervised fur¬ apartment for 2 men. related Items. Now available at the CARD SHOP across from "Bud" Tooley, Secy Federation of Mu'iclar Faculty BARGAINS Youth Attacked JIU Fo' Less $1895. 226 E. KALAMAZOO jack. 332-3873. 8 Across from Student Union Build¬ the Home Economics Bldg. ED v Washington, IV 2-5314 14-year-old Lansing State ". two door. 6 clinder. DIAL IV 5-1743 C7 MOTOR SCOOTER: Cushman ing. No cooking facilities. Student must qualify through Student 2-6753. C Music is Rest " P. X. STORE Journal news car ier was knock¬ ed on the back of the head and It. radio, heater, white Super Eagle, 1959. like new, all Housing. Rent $70 per month. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR THE BUD SF'ANGLER ORCHES¬ robbed of $25 in collection money -_**• f inished in two-tone :• story Sells For Less... worn parts replaced. Repainted Must have (nsrsonal Interview and rechromed. $225. Call after with landlord. Call IV 2-8420. TRA available for spring term DIAPER SERVICF tc With service, FRANDOR BUMPING and pAlNTING our 5PM. ED 2-1674. 7 parties. THE FINEST IN MUSIC. our Thursday night 7 Phone IV 2-1240. 10 your own diapers ba The boy, Johnny Gordon, re¬ speciality All foreign car*. Kal¬ MOV INC OUT sale: Chest of NYONE interested .r. ,eeir.g amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile You may~ include your baby' ported that bls~-a=sallant, des¬ service and free f atimates. 1411 drawers, double bed, desk, kit¬ bath unfurnished exefpt refrig¬ Buy low mileage car, Insure undershirts and clothing wh ch our complaints in print, come cribed as being about six feet, chen 1 table, chairs and lounge it with, honest George Bublo2, will not fade '.Vhlte. Rlue ■j rhe State News office, room T. Kalamazoo St Call IV 9-7507. erator andstove. Air conditioned, with Ion* dark hair, ripped the chah. ED 2-0728. 7 over Jacobsons. ED 2-8671. c6 Pink diaper pails furnished '341 udents Services Building close to campus and A&P Store. money out of a pouch he carried > from 9-5. to hold 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED money collected on his TROPHIES & AWARDMF.DAL.S AMERICAN LAUNDRY WF RT BUILD and repair auto¬ 2-4886. DANCE MUSIC by the Gentlemen VF.RTIBLE. 1956 Chevrolet. matic and standard transmis¬ for all occasions, sports, scho¬ t£. of Note. For open dates Si rates III E. WASHTENAW Jacl Gordon normally carries a larships, and memberships. En¬ LARGE BEDROOM and adjoining IV 2 0864 bwerJl". wfl,te "y,0n t0p» sions at lowest prices. Martin's graving Is our Specialty. phone ED 2-2575. 9 two-way radio on his route. It EL t "nd P°wer brakes, Auto Parta, 1887 Haslett Rd. Fast study room with tjv. for two students. 484-9517 after 4 p.m. ANN BROWN, typist and mult was by way of the radio that he rr L 5-4665 after ^ ^#h' *695. Call Lanaing. ED 2-5319. 7 Real Estate ilith offset printing. IBM. Gen notified his parents of the attack 7:30. A last night. His parents called the eral typing, term papers, theses, police. |5^ PI YMOUTH, 2 door, sedan, IK Employment ROOMMATE wanted to share 5 UNIT motel and living quar¬ ters. West of US 2-U.P. Over¬ dissertations. 3 duplicating pro¬ L '''"nsmlaslon, radio, SPARTAN 17" table model. Gen¬ furnished apartment. Cooking, cesses available; Multilith fblack answer-, to all the questions P"«". P°wer brakes. 8 cylinder. ENERGETIC STUDENT for pert- eral Electric 17" console. Re¬ paid utilfties. $32 a month. 487- looking beautiful Lake Michigan. 4 years old. Sandy E)each. Ideal & white. & color), Ozalld, Clear four days. VPerve ilv n0<^ conditioned, guaranteed. 8 a.m. 3972 after 5PM. 8 >r 11 9-6923. con(lltlon. Must time work in advertising coor¬ Summer Business for faculty. Print. ED 2 8384. C 6 dinating. Must have available at EAST LANSING, 2 man apart¬ Write to Lucia Rygiel, 15351 Call the girl at the desk with- Humanist least 15 hours per week. Con¬ Bralle St.. Detroit 2,3. I la5lmircury' Inri Wlth ov*rdrlv». 2 v-8. radio tact Bill Roach, Frandor Mer¬ ment. Approved. Unsupervised — $80. Utilities. Plenty of parking TRAILER COURT, 100 spaces. T.V. sets. SERVICE on all make All work guaranteed. Mr, Mr. b.. President chants Association, for appt. TELEVBION SET, 19" portable Near MSU. Grosses about $40, bile T.V. 130J W. Mt. Hope. Thankj IV 7-0974. 7 5 months old. Excellent condition. space. Available April 9. Call IV '9-5307. 10 after 6PM. IV 5-9818. 6 000 yearly. Gordon Mandigo, Thursday's story on the Hu¬ Cost $100. 355-7862. The Worrier manists WANTED: Men to fill pert- Broker. IV 9-9086. Society meeting should h«ne said that Dolores Rude. 50TC^i9<9.4Dr _on# owmr_ time Job vacancies. Must be hon¬ FOUND - A QUICK EASY, INEXPENSIVE way to recover- Chicago. III., Junior, was suc¬ est and neat. )2 and up per ceeded as president by Peter hour. For interview call 355- lost friends, jewelry and other' items - with State News Want- Werve, New York Junior. Miss 3091 after 5:30. 7 Ads. When you lose something, Ruda served as president winter r,- WANTED - Models to pose for find.it fast with a Want-Ad term while Gary Bills, Lansing \ Bucket ®*ata. Call 355- a Fashion supplement'in the State senior, was president fall term. Dr. Roger Wescott of the Af¬ News. Must have experience and WHERE THERE'S A WANT ■ 11 must be free Friday afternoon - TRY THE "WANT-AD" rican Language Area Center I^TROEN. 1960, 1di9. Good and Saturday AM or afternoon. way. It's so easy to place a Want- spoke, at the Humanists Society ^9 9-«790 879nCh*?p,gn* aft«r 7pm. whlt*- 0,11 7 Interviewing today at II a.m. - Ad. Just dial 355-8255, ask for on the Summerhill School near Ad-taker. London. sharp... 10 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Friday, April 6. n„ Whoever 7^, Ceramics Sabre Team Cuts Still Open Enrollments are still open In 00 11 Informal courses which be¬ gan this week in the evening In an college. order to prevent injury to team members, Designed especially for stu¬ >ve through sabre drill. Although the bres' torn jackets from the sharply pointed swords ore a common occuronte. dent wives are the following courses: Child growth and de¬ almukuuch - edges have not been sharpened in II J. r~T" Mill! velopment. Thursdays; the rise of Jazz, to Mondays; an introduction human relations. Tuesdays; P0NT1AC and America since 1920, Wed¬ nesday. Mashed ■«i\ iiiEiipSiir Other courses, open to students and faculty, are drawing and de¬ sign, Mondays; ceramics, Tues¬ days; reading fench, Tuesdays and Thursday, reading gervnan, Potatoes & other top Mondays and Wednesdays; en¬ «ir 45 hits. - gineering refresher, Wednes¬ Widest Selection days; fundamentals of home buy¬ of the current ing, Mondays; and rapid and ef¬ 45 hit records ficient reading. Wednesdays. Registrations will be accepted in 9A, Morrill Hall, at any time before the second class DiscSho ^ i 1 When My little Girl Is Smiling OVERSEAS DELIVERY WELL- TRAVELED DRILL TEAM- Com by 32 of the best drill teams in the U.S TOO 45 hits. pc-e'i of 16 AFROTC cadets under the com- MSU's team finishing 15th. The team was SUNBEAM ALPINE «V ides' •mnd of Cadet Captoip Stephen Robinson. considered the most impressive military el¬ of the c The Sobre Drill team attended the Midwest ement of the St. Patrick's parade by review¬ DrillCompetion at the UniverS,ty of Illinois ing stand |udges. This term the team will over the term break and participated in the take part in the MSU Invitational Drill Meet 3ay City St PatrickJs Day Parade during on May 28. State News Photo by Skip Mays Disc Shop c*am week The Illinois meet was attended A Date HILLMAN Service On lmmrttd Cart. Come out and see our With Duke fine Imported Cars No salesman • Deal with Tickets on Sale the Owner and save. BROOKS VARSITY CLUB at the Union Ticket Office IMPORTED GARS 5014 N. Grand River Presents (near the airport) AIL-UNIVERSITY DANCE WHAT EVER YOU NEED for your car featuring DUKE ELLINGTON APRIL 13 .1 Mufflers - Tail Pipes — Exhaust INSTALLED Complete Shop Service Rebuilt Motors and Transmissions INSTALLED Speed Equipment — DISCOUNTS TO STUDENTS AND FACULTY Accessories Pipes • J v\ KAMIN'S AUTO PARTS 9 PM-1 AM 526 N. LARCH 7-fe JEAN AIROLA IV 44596 2 o'clock pen,. TICKETS ON SALE AT THE UNION $4.00 per couple % TELEPHONES, EDgewood 7-0765 "£>c