Weather It will b* tnotttf cloudy and with • .Urn scattered MICHIGAN Inside STATE NEWS colder, lowers or snow flurries and Gradually diminishing winds. STATI The high will betadielow40's. luesdsy will be pertly cloudy andstin rittW Wl» UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. 170 East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 9, 1962 Price 10$ Smash Study Alfred Wilson, 2 Coed HSU—0 Benefactor, Sophs Dining Plead Succumbs Coed dining In Brody Is being considered for next fall when wo¬ men move Into Rather and Butter- field, said Emery G. Foster, Alfred G. Wilson, benefactor of MSU-Oakland and namesake of ie new Wilson Hall, died Friday home. Mr. Wilson built up a multlmilllon dollar lumber busl- M8I wlth Ws brother, Donald, Guilty Used Law Loophole n Arizona. The body Is being returned to manager of dormitories and food services. Mr. Wilson and his wife donated Detroit, where services are In Racket Under the present system each thelr Rochester esttte, Inciting pending at the First Presbyterian hall has a separate dining room >.»4 »crea of land and a Tudor Church, in the central building, Foster mansion, for the founding of MSU- sald. No definite plan has been 0 to 1957- Th*y *lso donated *2 Surviving beside his wife are: A false identification ring, op¬ developed, he said. "We might mulio?. . A son* Rlchard. of Bloomfleld erated from Armstrong Hall, and leave It up to the students to H* had suffered a heart attack Hills, and two daughters, Mrs. utilizing a loophole in Michigan decide for themselves" he thrte weeks MP- but was ap- Thomas S. Eccles of Bloomfleld Law, has been smashed byMich- added ' parenUy recovering when stride- Hills and Mrs. Fred Van'Lcnnep igan State Police, i«- was an¬ Programming the lounge areas en at his Phoenix, Ariz., winter 0f Detroit. nounced Sunday. In the central hall is being con¬ Assisted by the Department of sidered, Foster said. Sucha pro¬ gram would designate the dif¬ ferent lounge, women's lounge, 35 Wait, Hear Winters, Public Safety, the State Police of Traverse City and East Lan¬ sing posts wrapped up investi¬ social room and movie ro gations of the ring with the ar¬ explained. men The grill will be open to both and women, he said. "We Howard Debate Issues rest of Theron P. Robinson, 20, Saginaw soDhomore, and Gerald F. Monkman, 21, Lansing soph- hope that the students will use Thirty-Five students waited Winters said he "opposesMSU the grill for dates as do the Thursday night in the Union for belonging to NSA at this tfme students In Case Hall," headded. more than an hour to hear a although it can aid MSU in the Monkman was an employee of Rather and Butterfield will be debate between Dick Winters and area of International relations." the Michigan Secretary ofState's open to all women with upper- Bob Howard, candidates for pres- Howard said that membership office; Robinson is a governor Midland tenior, Paul Rofhen- cl*ssmen having first choice ident of AUSG. of his precinct in Armstrong. UP FOR BIDS-Lorry ^arr in NSA can aid the University by Police received first indica¬ are reassigned Winters challenged the other its summer conferences burg, Oak Pork junior, and Jerry Blanke, Detroit senior, __ in May, Foster said. "We sntl- csndldstes to a debate, but only Its "International concern." tions that such a ring was in jider water carnival bid*. The aquatic show will be held May clpate assigning a large number Howard showed up andherefused Winters said that NSA can operation when Traverse City 18 and 19. State New* Photo by Eldon Garlock. of transfer students to the two to debate until AUSG State Police arrested a MSU officially help this University enough at ALOHA-AND HOW-Dr. Robert Howists, just returned from dorms, he said. reinstated Winters at its Thurs- this time because of its "inter- student Monday. The student had Most incoming freshmen wo- Hawaii wo* welcomed bv Phoebe Mot*„,.rVin „ J four pieces of false identification, day night meeting. nal difficulties," and the variety 0ij uown!:__ »,_j t■_ tl. il reverse ot an three of which he said he re¬ men will be assigned to Wilson Mike Barbour accepted Win- of Its membership. e ij k,tradlt,on- 1., ,n®vel homecon"ng ^ place at Global the Faculty Newcomers Clob Hawaiian Luau at Kellogg Cen- or Case, he said. "We went to ters' challenge but was unable ceived from another MSU student named Terry. The fourth piece keep a grouping of freshmen and to attend the debate because of ■! ?a ter Thursday. State News Photo by Gordon Stauffer of identification was an expired sophomores In these dorms," his duties as acting speaker of Kf|f|(|1 I IIY111 ^ ~~~ he explained: "however, any out-of -state drivers llclence. upper classmen who are now in Student Congress, which met at the same time as the debate. MM9 • The case was turned over to /»•_.!- wis Tfm *V1 m Detective Sergeant Howard Bar- the dorms and who wish to stay Jamie Blanchard refused thet,|f]3fQfC All IV JL lit MM f M f ^ Glimpses a mayremain." challenge. He said he did not VII I ¥ * WW W kell of the East Lansing State Police Post who investigated four The men «ho will be moved attend die debate because of other LONDON, Britain s major other students who had slmftkV out of Rather and Butterfield will campaign duties and because his tobacco combines announced false identification In their Scheduled have first choice of vacancies in campaign manager, Jim Barnes, Thursday a decision to limit TV pos- ■ ■ By the Associated Press the other men's dorms, Foster urged him not to sttend. He said cigarette advertising to times One of the students named said. Barnes thought the debate would when children would not be likely Robinson as the supplier of the |De Gaulle Still Master of the French^ turn out to be "a personal fight" to be watching. One said also between Winters and the other that it was candidates. withdrawing 6,000 pub- ijc vending machines to make Primaries to choose two from four candidates to run for All- missioner to has given c%mp; ign to permission five students false identification, and agreed i complaint. PARIS Millions of Frenchmen turned out Sunday for a re- fertndum on Algeria and returns from all parts of the country Indicated overwhelming endorsement of the cease-fire agree¬ Candidate Rally Dr. William Sweetland, asso- elate professor of humanities, children. cigarettes less accessible to University Student Government t will be held Tuesday in whose ap irovai Congress i pending.AUf try Srudent " ment paving the way for Independence. was moderator for the debate. The companies together also dorms, Berkey Hall, and I college averages below the 2.37 ^ " u, Z, , The results pointed also to a massive confidence vote for Scheduled for In Winters' opening statement, announced he said that AUSG has been In- to remind traders that It is they would take steps LA°rriobile voting unit will also required for them to run. ' TheTive' are':" Chuck Delave, ^rkV^offfr? fr!e"d " . county | r .-esident Charles De Gaulle, who has taked the remaining years effective because it does not re- jnegaj t0 sell cigarettes to chil- travel through the East Lansing Royal Oak junior and candidate h._,. Brody at 7p.m. birth . i bringing peace to the tortured North African certificate for flect student opinion or even re- drrn under 16. The law Is widely area so that students in married for senior class president; Ethel a driver's license without I territory. pre¬ presentative student opinion. flouted. housing, Greeks, and students Sto^ker, Royal Oak sophomore Meanwhile, the right wing Secret Army Organization protested A senting any identification. rally for All-UnlversltyStu- "It has missed the boat In Word of the Industry's fight living off campus may vote. Stu- from West Mayo; Harry Howard, the French referendum on Algeria's future with mortar and ma- dent Government presidential and dents who live in dorms must vote Kalamazoo junior and Lansing He, then used this knowledge getting to the student," Winters tgainst juvenile smoking came to obtain birth certificates from | chine gun attacks in Algiers and Oran. class president candidates will be said, "and It suffers from lack ^ two statements — the first there: others may vote in the ca n d i da te; Sally Sakado. Lana: held in the Brody multi-purpose of interest and too few people from the Caarreras Rothmans designated places City, H.L. sophomore from Phil- B,y' Pot Continues To Boil in Indonesiasia room at 7 p.m. Monday. working In it." group, the second a joint state- Candidates co r ! ting in the lips and Arthur Jay, St. Peters- Sa*ina™ and Ingham counties- Each candidate will be allowed In Howard's opening statement, ment fr0m four other tobacco Pr>™aries are .N ' Barbour, burg, Fla., and candidate from ?f ? /a' The Hague —Defense Secretary Pleter De Jong left Sunday a five-minute speech. A question Blanchard. Bailey. All but Dalave a re running bl^th certificates were of decea- for Dutch New Guinea, where the Dutch are steadily building he defined AUSG as an lnstltu- manufacturers. Together they Lansing junior, Ferndale Jai I and answer period will follow tion working for the welfare of market most cigarettes sold in F"rT"bl" sophomore, Bob How- for AUSG representatives. 3e .PVf005 , 0 w t0<5ay up military forces against an Indonesian threat. r fter all candidates have spoken, every student and the Univer- Britain. ard, Elmhurst, 111., junior, and James Aldrieh, Hudson sopho- J over y®ars 01 The Defense Ministry said De Jong will Inspect the living Kent Cardell, elections com- slty as a whole. The moves were a direct re¬ Dick Winters, Lansing Junior. more, has been added as a can- """" With the false birth certi¬ | conditions of the Dutch soldiers. miss loner, said supporters of the Howard said he seeks a broader suit 0f a report by a panel of AH full-time undergraduates dldate for AUSG representative ficates, Robinson obtained auth- Indonesia has agreed in principle to U.S. proposals to candidates may bring bands, ban- carrying 12 or more credits from West Shaw Hall, talks with the Dutch on Indonesian claims to the island, application of AUSG as a pressure the Royal College of Physicians dnver's licenses and auth- are eligible to vote in the ners or other campaign trappings group on campus In the area of iast m0nth claiming smoking was pri- Corrections on candidates I reports of Infiltrators and clashes persist in West New Guinea. to the rally. maries. from Emmons Hall: Jim Barnes. Michigan liquor cards, in¬ social reform as well as a pro- a cause 0f lung cancer and call- Cardell also said posters and Graduate students will not be Flint sophomore, and Fletcher vestigators said. moter or academic and cultural lng for government action to Red Sun Shines But Monnlngh, Ionia sophomore,'are as Using these birth certificates Crops Won t Grow campaign literature may now, ac- cording to elections regulations, benefits. clamp down harder on sales of • During the debate Winters cigarettes to children, eligible or to vote in the primaries the elections Thursday. The candidates for AUSG representa- identification. background for other false Robinson admit¬ MOSCOW -- Pravda reported Sunday the expulsion of two be posted in dorm rooms. proposal to make the ' *' "embers of the challenged Howard to describe tedly sold to at least one buyer Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which the how he would get the cooperation .. of AUSG, passed in a student ref¬ . _ _ for $15 a set, police said. erendum during spring term reg¬ |I paper criticized for falling to follow the new agricultural line PoleS G00(l SmOfceTS laid down ' The Communist recently by Premier Khrushchev. party organ's broadside attack on die work Fantastic Tax Evasion of students for AUSG and to make his platform more specific. Howard said he would get stu- WARSAW OP - A smoking Pole istration, must be approved by the Faculty CommitteeonStudentAf- Breslin To The set included the birth cer¬ tificate, a University of Detroit student identification card which thi- fairs before it becomes effective. Academy was Interpreted here as underlying the reslgna- he obtained from a contact in o" last Fy ! Thursday of Academy President Trofim EX Lysenko. v'enko vas a virtual Stalinist dictator in the fields of bio- .MittSS: _ ^ Students in dorms will vote during lunch and dinner hours. All students voting must present Crown '62 Detroit, and an Intercollegiate Press Card which Robinson had agronomy. He was severely criticized by Khrushchev fied Iter Stalin'', death but returned to official favor in 1958. STTlTStttS JSSyTSSjSSS consumption their ID cards to be punched. Queen printed in a Saginaw print shop, police said collector's let- lcan8'. B^SSSS^S cent,. The gj? a tax Segregation War Rages in New Orleans wr said she could pay the axes m the National Student Associa- British, Canadians and , from^.Is8 elsewhereuntilwUl 6:30 be open p.m Operating in three counties, Robinson's n three Installments. Australians. Kent I.D. sets were also tlon. Cardell, traced back to Monkman V ORLEANS — A New Orleans woman under threat of by the expulMon from the Roman Catholic Church because of her stand police who had access to the for ,.tr I segregation said Sunday she had received many threatening - ve and telephone calls. stood it for more than a year." Mrs. B. J. Galliot said, Pet Session To T MSU athlete, will - crown - - the queen - ■ JttheLans- — driver's records in the Sec re- - State's office. When arrested. Robinson had lng Civic Center. in his possession blank Inter- a'^- I'mGalliot tired of being threatened." Know of a. dog with crooked ears? Or a cat with an especially Tickets for the-dsnce, which collegiate Press Cards, blank U. made public last Friday a letter from Archbishop Jo^er1 I rancls Rummel informing her she was subject to excom- long tall? begins at 9 p.m. are still avail- of D. student I.D. cards, Mich- You may find him in a pet show being held Saturday, April 28 able club president Jim Arbury igan Operators licienses, a 1am- jnumcatlon If she continued to defy his order to desegregate in which youngsters from the Lansing area will present their sald inating kit and a number of flll- "This dance should be one of ed out cards bearing the names when ft. Archhl.hop tailed ro meet I1*'' the big events of the school of male and female students state £ ,.d"„e of Friday for letter came after .» ,ud,„c. ,o .n,«r a, letter. 1». she picketed the Archbishop'" residence the . J* four week clinic In which 123 ~ten I year," Arbury said. "We're police said. say he announced school participating. The show Is open to the public. bringing In one of the great Robinson was a r ra i gned in •h'- said she desegregation. The clinic is sponsored by the Women's Auxilliary of tl composers and band leaders of Lansing Township Justice Court has not uken part in any picketing since receiving Student Chapter of the Junior American Veterinary Medical Medic our time, Duke Ellington, who Wednesday evening, pled guilty w ou 1J d ,er' result Such * mov®. the letter from the Archbishop Indicated, Association and will be held every Saturday morning in April has never appeared here before. " to a charge of supplying a set in automatic excommunication from the church. >d be a fool to do that," she said. "Thst audience (with In the Judging pavilion. All Varsity Club members have of false identification to the iden- Pet etiquette, the role of the veterinarian, and information on tickets for sale, which are selling tifying student who had used it ^r -Hshop Rummel) meens too mudi to me.*' for $4 a couple, or they maybe the Humane aociety were presented at the orientation meeting to obtain alcholic bevera«es. of the pet clinic last Saturday morning. purchased at the ticket office in But with a fine of MOO. $15 | Fire Alarm Fails The attending youngsters were given s brief history sad identi¬ fication of a few breeds of cats and dogs by veterinary students. In addition, they learned of general city laws governing pets. The first two meetings will be general learning sessions in the Union lobby, Arbury said, test Arbury said the queen con- being conducted alone with the Ellington dance was unique county costs and *4.90 in court costs in addition to 45 days in jail, Robinson appealed the case ^ the Circuit Court, In South Case Hall which the boys and girls will be given lectures and demonstra¬ tions. Obedience training, first aid, feeding, bathing and groom- because "the queen will be se- lected by students, die only one when asked the appeal, Robinson said, "I want reason for his on campus this year." to stay In school- I want to msnj'o il,r"3 f,U«d to arouse system hed checked out success- demonstrations will be presented by veterinary students. —'— * rrr, Students will vote for a queen complete my education, My at- 2J°u'h Case men Sunday July 10 dsys sgo. but thet In Bandaging and practical anilIlea tion will dominate the third by marking their selection on the torney feels tha t an appeal Is S f5 s new building such as Case un- se«ion; Bart member will KT able to practice on his own pet. back of their ticket stubs which worthwhile." will be collected at the door of Also arrested andtrralgnedon .urre=,:-^".-i; -jdsr the dance. She will be crowned the same cterge Friday in the at intermission. Lansing Township Justice Court, sleeplng on (Picture en page 5) Originally the clinic was orpnlaed to help Lansing area boy t hear the s . and girl scouts in earning their merit badges in animal care. The This . . , method makes it easier .. Monkman also pleaded guilty and - w student living on the YOUTH WANTS TO KNOW..Joe Distal and Larry O' Br. - ^ {l cjq county costs areas such ss the grill end din- sessions are free end the veterinary students donats their time. he n°°r next to the alarm. 1m hell were clearly heard, he This T__ project—e is the first of its kind to be tried here, or st any ten attentively to information about their pets, during the pet on us because its hard to choose fa'SJZSrS,dSS wrnm niamLm **s ,wlk# bu* heard fc • ^ veterinary - _ ^ - - * wry school. If it is successful the wives' orpinisation plans clinic held Saturday in the Union Parlors.. State News Photo nothing said. Adems said die alarm system • this event an annual affiair. by John Rummel. of the 10 girls," Arbury said. pUfSbduSrf.tar?Cf"2S; Mrs. Gill Hurvltx, the protect coordinator, has been working sch#dul#d for M Cir- rfsldw, advl^'S.!■ policy be stated. Without such center of campus activity by The ponderous, red (I am space achievement led to a com¬ cases of financially successful battle of Algeria Is neither a religious war nor a racial cor information, the student has no virtue of residence, often by speaking of the color of it covers fllct. It is part of the overall struggle of mankind against irr plete re-evaluation of America's boxers. recourse but to assume that the necessity, outside the dormitory only) Bible of Social Science periallsm." decision Is arbitrary and the without the effort being made to with which every sophomore is educational system. For decades And the This aspect of the Algerian Revolution is accompalned by tt . punishment inflicted formulators of the decision feel suspend him in an absolute social saddled, echoes these same national aspirations of the Algerian leaders. Since the declarative themselves above the need lor Umbo. people have been aware of the upon these men leaves permanent CXie to the pyramidal structure opinions. of the revolution, the rebels have been working very closely wlSB Justification. On page 77 of that book we glaring weaknesses of United scars -- physical and mental. Secondly, we protest the divi¬ of authority prevailing in any find John F. Cuber stating that their Arab governments, and they have declared that the mafnB sion of the student body into, as large organization, it Is diffi¬ "relations between that nation aim of the revolution after independence is Arab Unity. ThliB States education. But it took one A punch-drunk, half-blind, policy is pronounced very clearly in the several messages, letters,F it were, flrst-and second-class cult, IX not Impossible, to locate (the Soviet Union) and ours will announcements. A special message was sent to the 10th Annu momentous incident to bring the scarred individual presents a la¬ citizens. If the dance attendance the proper source of a comp¬ probably continue to be strained Convention of the Organization of Arab Students In the U.S. It is to be regulated, we find only laint: It is result of the fears, ill- problem clearly before the mentable though accurate picture only too easy for t'ne individual to slough off a as a message from the Provisional Algerian Government read: two logical grounds for distinc- comp¬ feelings and misunderstandings "We send you the greetings of rebellious Arabs who are lea< of most former prize fighters. laint by waiving it off to the which have been built up on both public's eye. Ing rebellious people to victory and dignity. We have dedlrati 1) That of student and non- nebulous group known as the sides over thirty years and that ourselves and concentrated our efforts to the service of« Several weeks ago, millions of Moreover,boxing has been and student: since the dance Is a "higher-ups." cooperation between the two na¬ nation so It may take Its appropriate place amongst the natioi University function on Univer¬ In this case, the decision has tions will Increase as soon as Americans viewing their tele¬ still is eroded by crime and cor¬ of the world. sity grounds, restriction of non- been said to come "from the both countries forget their "Let us take as an example a Arab question, which in at vision screens saw a man in the ruption. University personnel is Justifi¬ top", although no definition of "strong ethnocentric views" opinion is ot great importance and which we are sure occupleiB able. "top" has been volunteered. We Miss Delong and those who feel process of being killed. He wasn't Of course, people have been that the world's difficulties can a prominent place of Importance in the thoughts and in the mtndiH 2) That of Shaw-resident and only ask the right to face our of every Arab official or Arab citizen,," added the ' riddled well aware of the barbarity and non-Shaw resident: since the be solved through "itnderstand- lgerlan leade by bullets from Eliot dance Is also a Shaw function, "That is the question of Arab Unity." Matt Snorton ing" fall to realize one basic Ness' revolver. He wasn't stabb¬ rottenness of the sport -- if box¬ orily Shaw residents have, strict¬ Richard Ogar fact. And this fact Is that the ed to death by an Apache Indian. ing can be described as such. ly speaking, the right of atten¬ Jane Erlckson Soviet Union is not and never dance -- all others are per¬ Peter Gllles has been Just another political SOC Retort The rest of the questions perj talned to past performanre- This was the real thing. Two men Indeed, its abolishment has been mitted by gratis. Dean Spong ideology or set of political be¬ Mr. Winters as ^Junior C However, the distinction Helen Dove liefs. Instead It Is a conspiracy; To the Editor were fighting for the Welter¬ soughtby those who view it as an between non-Shaw resident and Charles Ogar a movement which has world President. The effoctiver<^ non-dorm resident Is unjustifi¬ his past work in icademic weight Championshipof the world incongruity with twentieth cen¬ able. . Jane Travis domination as one of its basic Let us set the record straight, fairs, coordinating an eff'-ctie Jill Taub different from land hungry Nazi Mr. Winters, concerning your at Madison Square Garden before tury civilization. But it took the Thirdly, we protest the de¬ Roberta Pensler affairs, coordinating Jin effectlji Germany and Fa c i s t Italy-gov¬ April 6th letter to the Editor. 7500 paying spectators and aTra- Griffith-Paret bout to create famation of character implied by Dale Schover ernments which the far left, Iron¬ The Off Campus Students meet¬ International program and W the above. Despite considerable ically, have readily condemned. ing was impartial. pointing a Lambda Chi Alpha j ilonal television audience. widespread feeling of complete passing the buck among those in I nil to comprehend how Miss The floor was represent Off-Campus studerf In the twelfth round, Emile revulsion the nation. authority at the dance, we were Hiring Delong can Ignore the advances Winters first, so given to Mr. he would have on J-Council were also question across able to ascertain that the reason To ths Editor: in Laos, Viet Nam and Cuba. the opportunity at least once ed. Certainly, Mr. Winter ' M for the restriction was the con¬ record Is extremely relevant® Griffith drove Benny " Kid" Paret Paret's death may well be the How are we able to "understand" during the campaign, to speak trol of drunken and disorderly Frances Delong, In her article a nation which ruthlessly annihi¬ while die students were attentive. his candidacy. All students <' Jnto a corner and proceeded to beginning of the end for this man- behavior. The attempt to control of April 4, calls for Increased lates any who fail to conform to Mr. Winters certainly took ad¬ weigh carefully the above c this problem by a prior exclu¬ understanding between in¬ Its demands? Do the bloodstained s(derations in choosing their ne administer at least twenty clean ly "sport." vantage of this favored position sion of the non-dorm resident dividuals and groups. She ap- corpses of Hungarian freedom AUSG President. by speaking for a period of forty- implies that the non- dorm re¬ parently feels that many of the fighters, the near insanity of a five minutes, when a fifteen min¬ If you are unable i Michigan State News sident is a drunken and disord¬ worldTs woes are due to man's leader who boldly stamps his erly person. having been afflicted with a shoes on a U.N. desk signify ute time limit had been set. Mr. Winters made sure that all responsible student question Mr. Winters, please refrain frSl Published by the students of Michigan State University. Issued on To heighten the defamation are malady called "cellularlzatlon" nothing? Can we ever find peace the other candidates did not have using Students-Off-Campus »J class two further implications: or "fractional categories." We, with a nation who secretly breaks adequate time to speak. If speak¬ scapegoat for your < days Monday through Friday, during the fall winter and spring quarters, Issued twice weekly during the summer term. Second class 1) The dorm resident is an according to Miss Delong, must a nuclear bomb moratorium and ing first is unfair, Mr. Winters quacles. postage paid at Greenville, Michigan. Inherently better person then the not think in "stereotypes" for disregards agreement after certainly took undue advantage Ken Pbflj Editorial and business offices at 341 Student Services building, non-dorm resident, as he may such thinking leads to ''fear and agreement? of his position as a speaker. Preside Mlfchigan State University, East Lansing, Mlchlgsn. attend the dance in a drunken distrust. Distrust leads to Perhaps "understanding" may In his letter it was stated Students-Off-C" Mil! subscriptions payable -In advance for one term, $3: for two condition while the non-dorm re¬ enmity." come, but only after the Soviet that the "deck was sucked" sident may not attend even if In other words, Miss Delong Union demonstrates that It forms,$4; for three terms, $5. Member of the Associated Press, inland Dally Press Association completely sober. believes that until prejudice is desires "understanding." And truly In terms of audience It was also stated that the questions. ques¬ FROM TWAIN TO HOTSP'JlJ STRATFORD, Conn. (A P) •Ml (be College pross. * 2) Association with a non-dorm eliminated, until man recognizes from Ifs actions of the last fif¬ tions did not center around plat¬ Holbrook la dropping his M# resident Is a punishable offense, the "basic human-ness he teen years, I seriously doubt if form Issues, but were ' irns Editorial Editor....Paul Schnltt personal Twain mart for a workout « Photo Editor Dave Jaehnlg as the dorm resident Is given shares" with his fellow man, the U.S.S.R. will ever have any attacks. This statement Is com" the choice of attending the fence such desire. pletely .. Jim Wslllngton igir...M. Spotlight Editor Sally Ward Spotlight Asst.... Jackie Korona alone or associating with the rce and rar ordermuddled presently will notworld. These thoughts, 1 must reign Catastrophe, then, will not re¬ erroneous. One question was concerned Holbrook, who hlttheheadUS wllh Ma one-man show Asst. Sports Editor non-dorm resident in some other admit, sult. as Miss Delong puts It, with Mr. Winters grad» "*■ LSrry Pontius place. are truly noble and commend¬ from "thinking that those Rus¬ average. When Mr. Winters point Twain Tonight!," baa slgnwj '|gr Terry Wareham We recommend, therefore, thet able. 1 play two rolea during the ft .Tom Huckle Religion Editor caQunderstand fully Miss sians are out to do us In" but speaks for forty-five minutes on repertory oaa«oaattheAmcn« vip.. Bill Marsbsll Charlotte palton University policies be directed Deloag's disgust for those who In not objectively feeing the bitter the academic atmosphere it at the source of the problem, hate Jews, Negroes and Poles truth that the Soviet Union is MSU. Shakespeare foottval.HewlHf BUI Cote Women's Writer certalnlyany inquiry concerning pear aa Hotspur te "Heniy »' " rather then be content at finding simply because they ere Jews, "out to do us In.'* y Bllsslck Bemadlne Glelda a scape-goat. Michael J. JS-SSr" ~ Part 1," and Jtato of Oaurt Swift "Rlohatd H." w^Higan State W*"•' 01 beforehirlnefo experience of faJHEMpnal Program,, as, * "-*•— «tectton, pro^dM«JglIggl YTi primary. campus discussion last week. hiring for lobs abroad, r Jobe "offering fun, great. If intangible day's ,— _ Stanley R. Townsend, chairman Qualified students had good luck rewards, and a chance for a real Campaign expense sheets for Of the Department of Foreign getting teaching Jobs In U.S. em- contribution to the U5. aid pro- aUSG presidential and class of- exploitation of students lately, juages, said that compared to bassies and legations , parti- gram to the emerging countries," ficer candidates and btlls are the 1930s, chances tor Americans cularly in Central America, he l» that of the Peace Corps vol- due at 4 pjn. Monday to 336 are easier because more Jobs exist, but Americans are now Expert To Air said. American corporations are unteer. ,ocal Peact" CoO" Student Services. competing for these, positions. now* generally operating under tests are scheduled for Saturday. Among all the flags of the Townsend said that important Latin America policies where no more than 5 April 21, at 8 a.m. in the Lan- 1 percent of their United Nations, only that of Cy- opportunities in government exist employees ling post office building, he said. pru9 bears a map of tho country. not only in the State Department, abroad may be Ameri but also in commerce, labor U.S. Policies Kinney said. Thus these percent¬ agriculture, the CIA, the Nation¬ ages are often limited to man¬ al Security Agency, and even the FBI. Richard I. Phillips, an Infor¬ mation officer oftheUJS. Depart¬ agerial and second-line mana¬ gerial positions. Tomorrow Night_ In government or private busi¬ ment of State for Latin Ameri¬ Some corporations, however, can affairs, will ness, the best preparation has discuss the al¬ are looking for overseas per- liance for progress and other sonnel through Interviews here. At three ingredients: knowing the f uiJTUAL CHECK POINT—Robert A. iRomph, East Lansing senior riflht, '» monies in which both were aworded wings In recognition of their first solo flight. language, being familiar with the region, and having visited It, programs and policies l America, Monday at 4 Latin m. in and often visit campus two or more times a year. KNAP I ujted by Air Force ROTC Evold Kres- State News Photo by Skip Mays, Townsend said. 32 Union. in the cast of government a gen-' ins! Grand Rapids s#nior' fo,,owin« cer#* In language training, he sug¬ gested the "critical languages" As Public Affairs Adviser for the Bureau of Inter-American ci®s, such as the Foreign Service w*>tch will interview again on now belngemphaslzed by the Ken¬ Affairs, Phillips accompanied May ' or the CIA. time lags East Lan (omen's Groups Schedule nedy a&ninistration. Undergraduate langugae train¬ ing is Invaluable Is getting fel "Towships such as the hulDrlghts Secretary of State Dean Rusk to the States Organization of American conference at Punta del between interviews and hiring 0,11 long as six months, bemuse of the necessity for for a year abroad, and the many After receiving the A.B. and 3 Spring Fashion Shows grants being offered by private foundations for young people irv- LL.B. degrees from the Univ¬ ersity of Southern California, Phillips practiced law In Buei»s Aires and entered government WASH N WEAR Polished Cottons PRESENT. ion shows are plan¬ week Cinder the the sor a Spartan Wives use to spon¬ Christman party for under¬ Pallas will n Final Tryouts service in 1941. During World War II, he re¬ AND ts Span Wives who will be Kr-soVhMp ^ Spartan Wives, privileged children and also for their cancer and tuberculosis ..^deling include Mrs. Freder¬ Set for'Godot' presented the Coordinator of In¬ ter-American Affairs at Monte¬ Baby Cords es, and Alpha Del- ick Kabout, Mrs. James Bums. Only $3.95 , Mrs. Bruce video. Uruguay. • e medical tcchno- campaign work. Bennett, Mrs. George Acetates and drip dry cottons Earl Burkltt, Mrs. Carl Carlson, Mrs. Van Liere and Mrs. Walter And 'Wizard' Appointed to the Foreign Ser¬ vice in 1946, Phillips has ser¬ Len KfisitcheL 's will be featured In the Monday Final tryouts for this year's ved in the American embassies Gehring. "Spring i Linda Lee Shops I: da> at 8:30 p.m. In the Wes- show. A dress will be given away Otter Spartan Wives University Theatre productions have been announced for Monday in Montevideo and Caracus. Ve- Varsilv Shop during intermission as one of the modeling nezuala, and as American con¬ |ev ! ou- datlon Building on Har- door prizes. are Mrs. AlanConiell, Mrs.Alan and Tuesday, from 6-9 p.m. in sul in Nairobi, Kenya, and Gua¬ r» ABBOTT RD. sor. Koad across from Cherry Hair styles will be by Univer¬ Mokma.^Mrs. Alan Dale, Mrs. 49 Auditorium. Readings will be dalajara, Mexico. K. LANS1M. Lard Apartments. sity Beauty Salon make-up by Carry Heine, Mrs. Lawrence Fantasy" ' heard for two shows, "The Wiz¬ ':om the dollar do¬ -all go into a fund Beauty Counselor. Mrs Bernice Holmes, Mrs. E.D. Thomas III, Mrs. William Manker and ard of Oz" and "Waiting for Mrs. Godot.' William A Carney. scalloped picture frame will "The Wizard of Oz" is an adaptation of L. Frank Baum's •AMONG THE NEW form the setting for the Veteran's classic for children. It'sthesame FASHION SHOW Wives who will model casual, evening, 8 pjn. and sports attire Tuesday in "Spring Fan¬ at tale in which Judy Garland scor¬ ed resounding hit in the movies several years ago. PAPERBOUNDS* 4 tasy" at Knapps. This version, using both col¬ M Children's and men's attire will also be featured in the Tues¬ lege students and children actors, will be presented for the as Tuesday, 8 day show. Four-year-old Eric Robson, children in the middle of May. "Waiting for Godot" Is one of 'CALIGULA the classic plays in the present DONATION g* son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robson of Spartan Village, will model a tweed topcoat with style ofavant-gardetheatrewrit¬ ing. OTHER PPP matching hat: a check sports It scored a hit on its New York Jacket with beige poplin trousers presentation, spreading puzzle¬ by Albert Camus and matching bow tie and white ment and provoking comment on Translated from the French by shirt. all sides. "Godot" will be of¬ Stuart Gilbert Sheryle Brlston, daughter of fered here as the Arena 111 pro¬ W Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bristol of duction, the final arena bonus Lansing, will wear a blue dac- presentation included in theUnlv- ron dress with white gloves and erslty Theatre coupon book. It blue rose hat. will be directed by New York Stephen Hunter, OkemosJun¬ graduate student A1 Kennedy. Scripts for both of these shows SPARTAN STORE ior will model a black mohair suit, and Larry Oliver, a Lans¬ ing senior, will wear a plaid dacron and wool sports outfit. are availablelntheSpeechOffice, 149 Auditorium, for those who would like to read them before BOOK The fee for Veteran's Wives tryouts. CORNER ANN & MAC show is 75 oents. Uniform fashions from Knapps will be modeled by Alpha Delta Theta, medical technological DRY CLEAN . honorary members, Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Parlor A of the Union. Tickets for the show may be EW SPRING PRINTS get admiring glances from Mrs. Agnes purchased for 75 cents at the rtsell, display supervisor at Knapps, and Mrs. David Steed, Alpha Delta Theta office or at esident of Veteran's Wives and one of the models in their the door. Miss Marilyn Hruby lesday show ot Knopps. will nar ate. HAWAIIAN LUAU TICKETS SKIRTS OR Entertainment Only SWEATERS Featuring attractions Pua Almeida -- Golden Voice of Hawaii & his OR 2 TOP COATS band from the Moona Surfrider. Sterling Mossman singer & comedian from 3 --emcee, the Queens Surf. OR SUITS + Tahiti an dancers from Hawaiian Village The secret to curve success ★ Hula dancers from the Royal Hawaiian OR 9 DRESSES by Hollywood Vassarette ★ Flame & Knife dancers from Don the Put your best figure forward In Her Secret Stay- Beachcombers there cotton bra....permanently padded with feather- light synthetic foam to shape a gently rounded, ★ Comic Hula dancers $000 higher profile. Excluaive Elastic knit back frees you FOR from cutting, binding or riding? White; A. B 32-36 ON SALE ONLY X Monday at UNION TICKET OFFICE "SUNSHINE CENTER" 213 Am Street M* par person East leasing. Mkb. ' Michigan State Newa, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 9, 1962 Duffy, Staff, Players Start Spring Drills IF' — nati will Washington and Cincin¬ Jump the gun with spe¬ cial baseball opening games Mon¬ Opens years until the domed Job Is ** at '62 shortstop P»'c,® In in the for Tony Kub* v ^ F Army. Th»/J By Bob Jenkins search for the 1962 Varsity. is Duffy's test period. The day and the rest of the major for the Colts against the Chicago will present a rookie ** State News Sports Writer Practicing Mondays,lues- Spartan coaches must select the league field will start pity Tues¬ Cubs' Don Cardwell. A full house outfielder John Powell days, Thursdays, and Saturdays, most't a Tented boys. arSTLTewr day in • two-day opening that is of 32,000 is expected. As some 100-plus footballers the drills will culminate with the them into new. setups a first expected to attract about 340,000 San rrancisco. aprimepennant , J"*" PigrrgLgrahsV, trot on to the practice field today playing of the Green and White fans. contender in Its second year eleven, second eleven, and soon. at 3:00. spring practice will of- Gam*, on May 5. and the Old The addition of the New York under manager A1 Dark, Will send P.rk Heavy losses from the 1961, .g.ln., Ell GrU* ficially open, and Duffy Dttughtery Times Game on May 12. Mets and the Houston Colts to 7-2 squad have forced this new Juan Marlchal against Mil¬ Los Angeles Angel', WZ and his staff officially start their But the five weeks in between the National League completes waukee's Warren Spahn before alignment. du..E.ny "We're going to have to get the the latest phase of the majors' 42,000 at Candlestick Park. back after expansion program, boosting missing mo* best 11 players on the field at Philadelphia shifts from Cin¬ season, gets the op HOW THEY SHOULD FINISH one time,'' said Duffy."Platoon- ing is a luxury we won't be able each league to 10 teams. The two new clubs, three new cinnati to help Pittsburgh open its home season Tuesday with nod for the Sox. Don Schwall, the ^ ball parks 19m to afford next fall." and four-"new" man- Jim Owens due to work for the of the year, wiu , NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE IWenty-nine lettermenwill re¬ agers give a decided new look Phils against Bob Friend of the ton at opCT >J to the baseball picture. However, Fenway Park b«f0.. turn to the team, headed by All- Pirates. About 25,000 fans are fans against Dick the same old New York Yankees due at Forbes Field. Donovan 1K1 Americans Dave Behrman, a ed to Cleveland GB 1S61 GB again are favored in the Ameri¬ by thiee position lineman, and Cap¬ The New York Yankees open the Plersall deal 3 SAN FRANCISCO 1 1 NEW YORK _ tain can League. Once more the Na¬ home against Baltimore, con¬ 2 Ooc-gc Saimes, a fullback at Kansas City L0SAAGELES 4 2 DETROIT 8 who also starred on defense. tional League promises to be a expet sidered one of the two clubs with see Ed Rakow, spn"' 5 ST. LOUIS 13 3 BALTIMORE 14 Lost frorfrthe squad we re backs scramble with the Los Angeles a chance to dislodge the world a ing whiz, pitch for th. DEAE 1 CINCINNATI — 6 BOSTON 33 Ron Hatcher, Gary- Ballman and Dodgers the popular choice. champs. Whltey Ford probably st Minnesota' s Jack K; -A year ago everybody was 3p. 4 MILWAUKEE 10 4 CHICAGO 23 Carl Charon, defensive special¬ will start for Manager Ralph An analysis 0f New Oldtim«r$...Co$« y Stengel (left) ond Billy Hitchcock the « 6 PITTSBURGH 18 S CLEVELAND 3D% ists Captain Ed Ryan, Wayne wondering how the new Wash¬ Houk's Yanks against Chuck Es¬ day lineups shows a., ™ JPontes, Don Steward and Bob ington Senators and Los Angeles stepped into managing positions this Spring, and it was real¬ trada or Billy Ho eft before mate 40 per cent tin nov 7 CHICAGO 2S 7 MINNESOTA 31 Suci. ly only a minor change for both. 27,000. last year with about 20 PHOf* NEW YORK •9 WASHINGTON <7% Stengel, 73 this season, is the ousted manager of the World Rookie Tom Tresh, will start B PHILADELPHIA 48 8 LOS ANGELES 38 4 Linemen longer playing for Mets and the Colts, Both in action. 35! no Champion Yankees. After one year's exile, Case was lured HOUSTON *9 KANSAS CITY 47% State include ends Art Brand- of the new clubs, created since bock to pilot the newNational League entry the New York Mets. -Mfew-Twmi Tlil» Season • Tied for ?th In 1K1 statter and Larry Hudas, and in¬ the 1961 World Series, are stock¬ Hitchcock stepped up from his caoching position to fill in ATE terior linemen Dave Manders, ed with fading veterans and bor¬ former manager Paul Richards' place. Richards is now mana¬ Bob Szwast, Tony Kumiega, Pete derline kids and both are back¬ ger of the other new National League team, the Houston Colt Mon. Sat. 11 A. DAY Kakela, and Tom Winiecki. Gone from last year's team, ed by bulging bankrolls. Can Casey Stengel at 72 work .45' fpen Spring therefore, are 20 lettermen, in¬ None of the three expected TM his old Yankee magic with the ti 5 to complicate either pen- cluding almost the entire offen¬ sive tire backfield, practically the en¬ defensive team, the key kick¬ Mets? Can Roger Marls hit 62 in '62? Will Warren Spahn win season. This probably will be the Sunday 4 P.M. 20 again? How will the Dodgers ing personnel, and thus much of do In their new stadium? last opener for 41-year old Stan B(>gins Toni the ful a Musial who is closing in on a great depth Duffy counted These intriguing questions will Tom Harper, a rookie from host of records. upon. be answered during the long cam¬ Class B. v/ill start at third for Houston plays Its first game paign that runs through 162- Spring Term Intramural sports will start with the crack of a But returning this spring is games until Sept. 30. the Reds in place of Gene Fre- at home Tuesday in a temporary f Aul bat as 18 teams square off for the softball opener of the season. most of the big offensive line- ese, whose ankle was broken In stadium which it will use for two Nine games will lie played Washingion's new $20 million tonight on the field bordered by Case guard Ed Budde, tackle Jim Bob¬ D.C. Stadium will be opened to a squad game. The Phils will Hall, Kalph Young track, and the Chemistry quonsets. bin, ends Matt Snorton, Lonnie have Roy Slevers, ex-Chicago OVERSEAS DELIVERY baseball for the first time Mon¬ The fields, numbered one through nine are located in the fol- Sanders and Ernie Clark, the White Sox, on first base. TOO latter an ace on defense day with Mickey Vernon's Sena¬ 1Tie usual sellout crowd of SUNBEAM ALPINE The offensive backfield will tors facing Bob Scheffling's De¬ 32.000 is due at Crosley Field troit Tigers before 47,000 fans. have veteran halfbacks Dewey but the forecast calls for a threat President Kennedy will throw Lincoln and Ron Rubick, and full¬ of showers. Immediately after out the first ball before Benny back Roger Lopes. Linemen see¬ the Reds conclude their home Daniels of the Senators and Don ing r this opener they will Jet to Los An¬ Caynpu* Mice. r i Mike Curi ie, s guards Steve Mossl of the Tigers settle down geles to help Walter O'Malley to work. The weather forecast Mellinger and Charlie Brown, open his new Dodger Stadium HILLMAN calls for increasing cloudiness tackles Ed Youngs and Dave Her¬ before 56,000 people. Sen-fee On and warmer weather with a Imported Can. AN tens in CA« man, and end Dan Underwood. Jim O'Toole, a lefty, is due chance of showers in the after- Come out and see our to pitch for Cincinnati against Some twenty-four freshmen fine Imported Cars eitht-r Johnny Podres or Sandy will have chance to show their The Tigers, of course, think a Koufax in the N'o salesman • Deal with "stuff" thisSpring, after working plush four-tier they have a chance at the pen¬ stadium. the Owner and save. <3 P 4 together Fall and Winter terms. nant after their close chase of These promising frosh include the Yankees last summer, Wash¬ tackles Jerry Rush, George Hai- ington has bolstered Its club with BROOKS Dodger retreat, working again¬ PHONE ED 7-1668 slip and Jack Schinderle. and the addition of Jimmy Plersall. st the Cards' <* P 4- guards Jim Copeland, Teddy Har¬ ris and John Walsh. Cincinnati will be the scene of the other Monday opener with the Larry Jackson In a night game. About 20,000 are due to greet the Cards who have IMPORTED CARS 5014 N. Grand River East Lansing's Oldest Pizzeria First-year backs who have Reds opening the defense of the added Minnie Minoso since last (near the airport} <4 V>. demonstrated their talents are National League championship quarterbacks Roger Hailey and against the Philadelphia Phillies, lively MaoOii Prosser, ("OMonalM Lou Bobich, and Halfbacks Bob whose only hope of escaping the Morel and and Marry Ammon. cellar rests in the two new clubs. Dick Flynn, most-valuableplayer Joey Jay, the Reds' 21-game in the Green and White game last winner who tried to buy his own fall, will be running from his end contract during a holdout cam¬ position. paign, will pitch for manager Owe. M Boxer Near Death BLUEFIELD, W. Va.. !JP- - the fight and underwent a two- Heavyweight boxer Tunney Hun- hour brain operation for trouble saker, who suffered a brain similar to that which resulted Monday's Schedule jury in a fight at Beck!t7 Fri¬ in the death of former welter¬ day night, took a turn for the weight champion Field Benny (Kid) VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE worse Sunday afternoon, and Dr. Paret last week. His condl'lon 1 Casopolls-Caban; E. L. Gage prepared to perform has been 2 Cabndge-Carltor critical. 3 Cachet-Carav elle "exploratory surgery." The physician, a brain spec¬ Dr. Gage said the 30-year- ialist, also ordered X-rays. 4 Carthage-Cac old Hansaker's blood pressure 5 Ca\alier-Car Earlier Sunday, Gage describ¬ and temperature were up and he 6 Casino-Came ed Hunsaker as "a man on a felt a second operation was nec¬ 7 East Shaw 1 , tightrope — he could go eith- essary. Hunsaker had been rush¬ ed to Bluefleld Sanitorium after 9 East Shaw 6-" Michigan State first employed Trio Tied a 1926 full-time baseball coach with the appointment In of John H. Kobs who still s ns entered State News < softball Masters In the post. e available April 13. AUGUSTA, Ga„ T-Unbellev- -Monday- able Arnold Palmer fought back GUARANTEED Dormitory softball begins tonight at 5 20. from the brink of complete col¬ -Ti^esday- lapse with one of his miracle LOWEST PRICES Independent softball begins tonlghpat 5:20. birdie finishes Sunday and tied REGULAR & STEREO LPs -Thursday- defending champion Gary Play¬ DIAMOND NEEDLES Fraternity softball begins tonight at 5:20. er and Dow Flnsterwald for the Entries for the Open league softball TAPE 26th masters golf title with 280. cepted. Students, faculty, and staff not participating In another The trio will play off over 18 OUR PRICES ARE intramural league are eligible to enter this tournament. holes over the massive Augusta CHECKED DAILY TO national course tomorrow, start¬ ASSURE BIGGEST PADDLEBALL LADDER ing at 2 p.m. est. This is the SAVINGS fourth playoff in the tournament's -Monday- Th e paddleball ladder tournament will begin today. Challenges history three — players. the first involving DISC SHOP will be accepted and matches held. A list of positions can be found on the bulletin board next to the Intramural office. -Thursday- • Entries trants will can still be accepted for the ladder tournament. Eu- start at the bottom of the ladder and work up. ATTENTION Uv«ly 0*M.' p„ TRACK All University Undergraduates Dormitory athletic chairmen should begin to sign then teams for the Dormitory track meet to be field May 1. The Ralph Young Track will l?e available after 5 30 p.m. for practice. Men98 Halls Association lives it cp with this lively One fhivi BOWLING and VOLLEYBALL ' < -Monday- Independent Volleyball begins tonight with games heldat6, 7. and in conjunction with fori>'<52: the New Qatoie 500/Ai 8 p.m. This blonde, blue-eyed Lively One counts tennis, All shrimp, from a fiery Thunderbird 405-hp V-8,linked to a auick-ar University Student Gov't . Bowling fees for Independent teams are due in the Union Activities curry, and the sizing office. Both the IM Office and the. Union Activities office must new Ford Galaxle 500/XL among her 4-speed stick shift Choose *h« iL«i receive a copy of the managers name, phone, and address fot each- pe. IHu. Th. built-for-action XL We, . t»ty n.» with cushy bucket seats and a too' Of tho I team entered. presents an Thunderbird-type console sheer llva-lt-up luxury! And there's go with a . capital "gee" . Lively Ones at your Ford Dealer's ' the liveliest place in town. ^ C&Rd*I -Tuesday- Independent bowling begins tonight at 6:30 WOMEN'S 1M p.m. ELECTION RALLY Softball, tennis, and golf teams will be highlighted this term in the Womens Intramural Program. Archery, an All-Univer- aity championship event, will be held later in the term. Roffttr* for softball, tennis, and golf teams are due in room ISO, Womens IM, tor the coed's teams before noon Tuesday. AUSG Presidential Candidates Pteclllti«s available for use by coeds in the Womens IM Building tr« 4 basketball courts, 2 poos, 3 activity rooms, the fencing room, and the adapted sports room. Included are areas for bad¬ Class Presidential Candidates minton , volleyball and other sports. These areas are available, along with ^appropriate •quipment, by reservation through the MONDAY BRODY HALL Varsity competition will be held this term in tennis. Any coed 7;00 P.H. cuss ROOM amreSW-Mnjhe varsity warn should contact Miss Dailey in the u^higan State Newa. East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 9, 1962 5 ROOM RENTED 1 nd DAY! "I had about 15 calls during Room tor rem mar campus, the two days my ad appeared the State News'1 said this sat- in Student over 21. Kitchen and laundry services available. Call lafled advertiser. ED 2-1202 . 2 STORY OLDSMOBILE. INC. 4 VACANCIES at 333 Albert Service 3165 E. MICHIGAN AVE. THESIS TYPINC done for Crad DIAL IV 2-1311 BURR-PATTERSON Street (for boys) right downtown. Private entrance, television, and Students and Professors. Call SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF ED 2-4890. 8 Sorority & Fraternity kitchen facilities available. $32 TRADING STAMPS! when you 1959 Olds '88', Fiesta wagon. per month. IV 4-7406 before 5, bring your cleaning to Wendrow*s T.V. SERVICE on all make Hydromatlp. power steering, Jewelry or 372-0330 evenings or week¬ Econowash and Dry Cleaners. sets. All work guaranteed. Mo¬ power Jjjrakes. radio, better, ends. io Pans, skirts, sweaters cleaned bile T.V. 1301 W. Mt. •nd pressed, only 50#. 3006 Vine Hope. white wall tires. STORY IV 9-3Mfr 10" Sells •automotive For Less.... $1795. ★ Lost and Found St. 1/2 block west of Sears' Frandor Store. CUSTOM DRESS making, altera- .emfloyment 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air, 4 THE C tlon. Leah-Ma rise Shop. ED 2- .for sale door. LOST- Light blue glasses be¬ tween GUtner and N. Campbell. 4417. Over Jacobson*s. 8 , for rent V-5, automatic, power steering, TYPING, PRINTING, TYPE- , LOST i FOUND radio, heeter, white wall tires, Finished in turquoise and white Card Shop Call Phyllis. 355-0008 9 JETTING and VARIFAX at Wonch Grafic Service. 1720 copying TYPINC done In my home. Ac- PERSONAL 23.000 actual miles. STORY Sells LOST WHILE hitching. 1 pair E. Michigan, Lansing. , PEANUTS PERSONAL Only 10 For Less.... $995. light blue framed glasses In minutes from campus on bus line. fo, . REAL ESTATE ED 2-6753 light blue case. ED 7-7065. 9 Phone 484-7786. C TYPING IN SPARTAN Village ♦ SERVICE 1956 Pontlac. 4 door sedan, V-8, Apartment. Electric typewriter. . TRANSPORTATION automatic, radio, heater, white LOST - Brown tfallet on cam¬ LEARN TO FLY at Sheren Avi- Call 355-3012. tf •WANTED wall tires. STORY Sells For pus. Phone Jack Murphy. ED 2- ation Club rates-no dues-no Less ....$295 •PINS WHILE YOU WAIT or one day r 3577. Reward. 8 membership fees. Davis Airport. •CRESTS N. Abbott Rd. 17 service on passport and applica¬ DEADLINE: FALCON 1960. 2 door sedan with LOST Black framed prescript¬ tion pictures. Phone ED 2-M69 C Ford-o-matic, radio, bright red •PROGRAMS - ALTERATIONS. Hemming i re¬ ion sun glasses In black case. SPARTAN TEXACO styling: formals, tr ouser s, SERVICE finish. Looks like new. Has had •PADDLES Call Pete at ED 2-0333. 8 skirts, etc. NEEDLE'N THREAD very good care. $1295. Tune ups. all minor repair. All •FAVORS Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ PHONE: FORD CONVERTIBLE, 1960, V- LOST - pair of mens gla s ses. pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. 17 work fully guaranteed. Special Elack frames, black case with April 9-13. Wet wash 75#. 355-8255 or 8256 8, Cruise-o-ma tic, power steer¬ design. Needed for study. Re¬ FREE DRY CLEANING! Wen- ing and brakes, radio, good white ward. Call 355-8764. 12 drowns Econowash and SATES: top, excellent turquoise paint, Dry new white wall tires. One owner Cleaners, 3006 Vine St.. 1/2 block LOST prescription Sun glasses west of Sears' Frandor Store is Actual miles. A-l. $1795. MEN: TERM PARTIES ARE DAY $1.00 at Registration. White frames, giving absolutely free dry HERE. Look your very best. DAYS $2.00 HEY, LOOK AT ME-Skoters galore, ranging from these tots MAX CURTIS INC beige leather case. Call cleaning to each customer using DAYS $3.00 2424 E. MICHIGAN 2475. 10 its Speedqueen coin washers ^nt.y°-Ur.Tux ,rom Twlche"s- to grandmothers and grandfathers took port in Silver Blades, only ED 2-1812. 12 an 'ce show IV 4-4491, EXT. 33 10 different times. T presented each year by Lansing Area residents! fBastd 15 word% od) •fc PersonaT per on vantage M.S.U. FOR SPANISH tutoring, call 355- *how wa* Presented in Demonstration Hall Friday and 4813. 8 Saturday nights. State News Photo by Mark Krastof wi|| b. o 25< .ervic. Jrs.-Srs.-Grads. PermanentJlfe__ CITROGEN, 1960, 1D19. Good Insurance now. Premiums after condition, champagne white. Call graduation. No decrease In pro¬ get your Job dene faster. Take FE 9-8790 after 7 PM. AUSG Candidates Speak 14 fits. State Life's College Plan. advantage now! Phone 484-7786. 355-5605 f. Automotive C Office hours 8-5, Monday- AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SWEATSHIRTS PHYSICALLY FIT? Walk up¬ Frlday. c CHEVROLET. No rust, ef- stairs to Bubolz for auto, home automatic, -power EXCELLENT T.V, REPAIR on Before Campus UN •nt motor, BUMPING and PAINTING our and llfc Insurance. ED 2-8671. ring. Driven carefully. ED Over Jacobson*s. •11 makes and models. All work speciality. All foreign cars.Kal¬ GREAT LAKES 50x10. Two bed¬ C guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker rooms. Parked in East 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 .NALLT, 1959, black, white service and free Estimates. 1411 Lansing. BURR-PATTERSON Fra¬ E. Michigan. Call IV 7 5558. C Candidates for the AUSG presi¬ Call ED 7-0016. foreign student relations, he said would IS tires, 4 door. One owner F. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. produce some degree of ternity and Sorority Jewelry and dency appeared before the that his interest lies in all stu¬ antagonism between the foreign Bucket seats. Call 355- r. WF REBUILD and repalrauto- ^ For Rent related items. Now available at the CARD SHOP across from 111th offset ANN BROWN, typist and mult- printing. IBM. Gen¬ campus UN Friday night, empha¬ sizing the need for UjS.--foreign dent organizations. The last of the speakers, students themselmselves. During the question an.swer the Home Economics student relations. Rober C. Howard, Illinois Sopho¬ matlc and standard transmis¬ Bldg. ED eral typing, term papers, theses, period the president of the In¬ [RYSLER, 1955, Windsor Hard- sions at lowest prices. Martin's 2-6753. C dissertations. Although other campaign is¬ more. claimed the National Stu¬ ? duplicating pro¬ ternational Club and delegate of Good condition. Power Auto Parts, 1887 Haslett Rd. East 4 BEDROOM house. 5 minutes cesses available; Multlllth sues were considered, foreign dent Association offers the best . (black Celycn queried whether any of kes and steering. Good rub- Lansing. ED 2-5319. 7 from campus. $110 per month. REDUCE SAFELY. Lose 5-15 & white, & student relations seemed to help we can get on International lbs. fast. Only $1.00 Free color), Ozalid, Clear run the candidates had even attended . $450. Call IV 9-0443. 8 1 yeajr lease. References. Call 25* Print. ED 2-8384. C the gamut of the discussions. programs. any of the Clutfs social functions IV 9-7374 9 calorie counter. Guaranteed re¬ Michael Barbour, East Lansing He said the NSA is the only and A COMPLETE automotive Glass . sults. Marek Rexall why they had such a sudden service. Morris Auto Parts, 814 Prescription EXPERT THESES, GENERAL Junior, said that the most im¬ voice for student representation. interest in the foreign students. >7 FORD convertible. ONE BEDROOM house, 2 blocks Center. N. Clipper! And one of the things it tries E. Kalamazoo. IV 4-5441. Street at TYPING. Electric typewriter. portant plank in his platform AH the candidates present ad¬ C8 from' campus, unfurnished ex¬ Frandor. IV 9-8595. CIO was monetary service for all to do is cut down housing rent mitted they had not. Winters Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ cept for stove and ret. Call production Service. 332-5545 C students and that there is a need around campus areas, through its said that he attended a movie LETT1CH and STENBERG 2910 E. KALAMAZOO ★ Employment ED 2-4092. t.f. 1 HE B U D SPANCLER ORCHES¬ for foreign student representa¬ housing program. given by the Club last term, but TRA available for spring term tion In the student body. Another way help can be of¬ EDIE STARR: not any social events Barbour 484-3229 WANTED - Wife of student LOVELY furnished house for 4 parties. THE FINEST IN MUSIC. Typist, theses, fered to boost student relations dissertations, term papers, gen¬ "Foreign student viewpoint has was not present during this to work evenings. Must be able Phone IV 2-1240. gentlemen. Approved. Close to 10 eral not been represented directly Howard said, is to give rooms period. to 50 words a minute ac- typing. Experienced, IBM since 1 have STRATTON SPORTSCAR type campus. $38 each. Call ED 2- electric been in the AUSG." to forelgr. student clubs in the Blanchard and Howard said CENTER 2462. 10 DANCE MUSIC by the Gentlemen typewriter. OR 7 8232. C he said. Student Services building. Dick Winters, respectively that they are In¬ 1915 E. Michigan Ave. of Note. For open dBtes & rates SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS. Lansing Junior, He also looked at the negative terested in all student organiza¬ DIAL IV 4-4411 Lansing. No personal calls. APARTMENTS phone ED 2-2575. 9 rnt latest model Singe praised the University for having side of foreign student represen¬ tions, and in International re¬ only $5 monthly or more professors who studied tation in the AUSG, saying that it lations, not foreign as such. EXPERIENCED ALTERATION ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile week. We deliver and pick up. abroad than many other univer¬ lady for full-time work during bath unfurnished except refrig¬ Buy the brand new Spartan, model sities, he said that the lack of Easter season. Apply Mr. Lowe, I erator and stove. Air conditioned, Interest In the VS. foreign stu¬ 192, at only $44.50. Pay only J.W. Knapp, Co.. East Lansing. close to campus and A&P Store. $5 down and $5 monthly. These dent relations comes from the f# 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED American students. special offers good only to 2-4886. t.f. students at M.S.U. Noting that the majority of UN members are students of other ROOMMATE wanted to share SINGER SEWING CENTER countries, Winters said, "there' furnished apartment. Cooking, 309 S. Washington is a lack of interest in this stu¬ paid utilities. $32 a month. 487- 487-3659 dent inter-action program by ,'MPH TR3 sports car. 1957. 3972 after 5PM. 8 American students, not movable hardtop. Excell- SCHWINN by foreign BICYCLES, 196 2 students." condition. $995. Phone IV models, over 100 always on dis¬ CONVIF.NT. Across from Stu¬ He T.V. SERVICE. Special rate praised both the UN and In¬ play. Full size $39.95. English dent Union Building. Approved for college housing. Service calls ternational club'sSister-Brother 956 Dunelt $43.95. BICYCLES A unsupervised furnished apart¬ MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ VOLKSWAGEN, Sedan, $4. Absolute honesty. ACME T.V. program in this respect. walls, radio, heater. Good SPECIALTY NOT A SIDELINE. ment for 2 men. No cooking fa¬ versity graduation rings 1610 Herbert. The gist of Jamie Blancharcf s IV 9-5009. C ion $<,50. 355-0970 after and Friday even- cilities. $70 per month. Call available at THE CARD - speech was a recognition of the BIKE SHOP, 507 IV 2-8420 for Interview. 10 seal, 3 engraved Initials. need for "tangible things" to get E. Shiawassee near city market. Choice of 10 stones. students interested in AUSG. He \ COUPE, 1959, ■dio, hearer, new wire wheels, tires; 26.000 IV 5-1963. 8 DIAPER timer LINDA HOSKINS and JAMES BA- P. X. DISCOUNTS Is a Ferndale sophomore These things must by accom¬ Bles. Excellent condition. Call MAN'S LIGHT-WEIGHT English SERVICE to your desire. CUS come to the State News, plished, he said, to show the ad¬ ^ 2-0949. 9 lcyde. Excellent condition. 4- You receive your own dia¬ tORD, 1950, 2 door, original speed. Accessories $25. Call pers back each time. With our service, You may In¬ room 347, Student Services Building for your free passes to the DISCOUNTERS ministration that the student body is really a representation of stu¬ ■nt'good body and motor. $125. jack. 332-3873. 8 clude your baby's under¬ the Crest Drive-In Theatre. Cigarettes $1.99 carton any dent opinion. " Some of the tangible things he f n 2-4959 8 shirts and clothing which brand with $2 other pur¬ IRONER KENMORE - Like new, The BEST in Twist and Bal- mentioned were, to seek student will not fade. White, Blue or chases. $30. Craftsman table saw. Phone lards. The RAVELLES. Ron Hes- opinions on various issues that ) TID0R FALCON. A well- Pink diaper palls fur¬ Golf Balls (Shag).$1.99 doz. ED 2-4959. 9 lop, 355-0671. 12 come up: to make students aware ■intained, low mileage auto- nished Golf Tees 50 38f of all the assets of the univer¬ •bile. Must see and drive. Call SPARTAN 17" table model. Gen¬ AMERICAN LAUNDRY Adler Athletic Sox NEED beer money. Must sac- sity, so that they could be aware P 7-7051 after 6:00. 12 eral Electric 17" console. Re¬ 111 E. WASHTENAW White tf*t of the things that are available rafice Dietzgen maniphase mult¬ G. I. finest T Shirts conditioned, guaranteed. 8 a.m. IV 2 9864 to them. Having pep rallies and to 8 pjn. Larry's T.V. Call iplex slide-rule with Micromatic White 69f other entertainment are ways PERSONALLY SELECTED IV 9-1982. 10 adjustment. ED 2-4236. Ask for Sweat Shirts - Color of getting students interested in Keith. 10 $1.49 up WALK (WE BLOCK to Union. AUSG, he said. LANSING'S ENCL1SH BICYCLE Tennis Racquets - Kitchen privileges. Approved TERM PAPERS typed at reason¬ Although Blanchard did not HEADQUARTERS. Check our rooms for men. 334 Evergreen. Special.. $4.95 up place specific emphasis on ' able rates In my home. 623 Tennis Balls Name brands. :es first. Gene's Cycle Shop. evrolet, 1959, Impala con- r.4-0362. C8 FOR MEN: .8 Louisa, Lansing. Call TU 2- 3069. C Can of 3 $2.49 lhu Approved Supervised Wash and Wear Men's slax fully equipped, low car in rich Rambler, 1959, cross country Roman red. TYPEWRITER, portable, Smith- Singles and Doubles. Larger TROPICAL Corona. Silent with Spanish key¬ board. Excellent condition. En¬ comfortable rooms, hot and cold water in each. Lobby with T.V. plies. Black Angel - $2.00. Trio FISH, plants, sup¬ Military accessories, brasso, insigna, etc. $4 44 BRESLIN Street. ■ttonwagon. Economical 6 cy- or IV 5-3483. cyclopedia Brittanica. IV 5-2692 parking, laundry facilities. One Hacthery. 1208 S. Holmes block from campus.Spartan Hall, Open until 9 p.m. 12 Badminton Sets - (Continued from page 1) ■oer wfth 10 Player 2 for $1.99 overdrive. $1095. 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. 10 Golf Jackets - The candidates are Mary Huns- berber, Traverse City freshman; i spartan motors, 1956, NEW MOON, 8' by 41'. GRADS OR EMPLOYED GIRLS. Real Estate rainproof $2.88 Sue Fries, Battle Creek junior; " inc. Rain Shirts Long for Guys 3000 E. michigan June Grad. Must sell. Phone Double room 2 blocks from cam¬ Judy Hoffman, Royal Oak soph¬ 5 UNIT motel and living quar¬ and Dolls $8.95 rv 7-3715 ED 2-1469 after 5:30. 10 pus. Private entrance and perk¬ Chest Waders $12.99 omore; Lynn Cartier, Grand Ra¬ ters. West of US 2-U.P. Over¬ ing. ED 2-5157. 8 SoftbsIIs and Baseballs pids junior; Nancy Brubaker, De¬ SAINT BERNARD. 1-1/2. Raised looking beautiful Lake Michigan. troit senior. 3ABY-BEN FlRE ALARM-Smoke pours from the open door* with children. Must Sell. Ex¬ 4 years old. Sandy Beach. Ideal - 99f up of South Cose Hall's first floor incinerator room, but many rd. (lean, dependable, Ruth Ann Hemrich, Birming¬ Summer Business for faculty. Baseball gloves....$4.99 up atlon. Will accept cellent for family or fraternity. ham junior; Peggy Reed. Ann students foiled to hear alarms. A plugged shaft caused the older Write to: Lucia Rygiel, 15351 Hip Boots $9.99 trade. 337-2293. 10 ED 2-1442. 8 Knee Boots *4.99 Arbor sophomore: Sharon Con¬ smoke to bock up early Sunday morning. The alarm system is 2 CLEAN single rooms for men. Bra lie St.. Detroit 23. 1 Graduate students preferred. ED Plastic Rain Coats nors, Chicago sophomore; Kay being reehecked. State News Photo by Dennis Pajot. * HEALY. 1958. 100-6M, MOTORCYCLE. ZUNAPP, 1961, TRAILER COURT. 100 speces. $1.49 up Plumtree, Lathrup Village soph¬ 250cc., $450. Phone MI 1-4365 2-2682. 125 Fern St. 8 omore, and Dotty Dreyer, Bir¬ Near MSU. Grosses about $40, Sleeping Bags, and camping live e,ec °ver- jc IV 5-4709. mingham senior. J approved 000 yearly. Gordon Mandlgo, equipment at Discount lowm<1"*8 SAILBOAT. Snipe, 15 feet, $330, 2 DOUBLE ROOMS, for men. Call Mrs. Hamilton Broker. IV 9-9086. 10 Prices. Charcoal 5 Lb. The varsity club plans to make the spring dance an annual affair, YOUR WANT-ADS Very good condition, ca.nvas at Curry's Campus Court. 337- Arbury said. N O SH^JGNESSEY E. MICHIGAN sails, wooden hull, no repairs 2334 12 GOOD BUY: older home, 3 bedrooms, carpeting,drapes, Bricquets Charcoal Grills....$2.49 up 39 4 "Our main purpose is to pro¬ GET MORE needed. 355-8531. 10 Low taxes and upkeep. FHA aval- 1001 other Student and vide big name entertainment for DIAL IV 9-2388 PRIVATE rooms for men. 2 lable. ED 2-2946. 8 Faculty BARGAINS an enjoyable evening at a price ZENITH AM FM High-Fldelity blocks from Union. Private en¬ trance. 1*36 Linden. Eb 2- all students should afford," he said. "There is be able to no ANSWERS LAN(ER, 4 door, radio, er, standard shift. Clean as radio, ohono put. input, tunner out¬ External speaker imput- Ex¬ 1441. 10 SEND YOUR BOY through col¬ lege. Operate fine paying motel P. X. STORE need for a tux. and no pressure to take the date to dinner before Wnen Priced to move. cellent condition 355-8917. 8 near MSU. Gordon Mandlgo bro¬ tney' re in tne State News 1950 MG-TD. Excellent buy for ker. IV 9-9086. 10 FRANDOR Just like an echo (or almost): r» ^YSLER' iki good runner. 4 Priced door- CI**"- the home mechanic. Call Bob you send-out the word that you've right. Pierce afternoons at ED Z-35W something to offer—before you can turn around, the word has [KH Station T" Wagon has more 'P*ce, bigger load REFRIGERATOR. G.E., 9 cu¬ come back that someone wants itl The Want Ads in The State pay bic feet, excellent condition, very News get fast replies — and .nd fuller reasonable. Call 337-9415 after results. Next time you have ■gTi1 h#r suspension? Volks- S PM. 9 something that you don't want, wording your ad but some one else might—use WANT-ADS OFFER MANY tolophono today our Want-Ads. Make extra BARGAINS IN which 355-8 255 or 8256 dollars! your money. READ the Want- DIAL IV Si-1743 Ada for savings - USE the Want- Ads for results. Phone 355-8255. 1 Michigan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Monday, April 9 elementary music, high school business and public service, Placement ZTA Beds Galbraith Speaks on Poor Plans english, French aud journalism, math, shop, women a physical science and arts and communica¬ tion acts. L„IUW Poor or little planning in de¬ dla. told an audience in Ah- say that a country which has Bureau education, home economics, spe¬ cial education - mentally retard¬ Michigan Dept. of Health with UJ5. Public Health Service — Warren Consolidated Schools —Elementary education, el¬ Alpha are:°plreaidttJ[iUri^0rl«l Karmann, Dearborn Si medabad, India, last week. ed. speech correctionlst. veloping countries carries a greater risk of authoritarian re¬ the problem of lifting "Planning, public ownerahip. poverty-providing a Itself from better life Detroit Board of Education — All majors of all colleges. Occidental Life Ins. Co. of ementary art. vocal music, sen¬ ior high chemistry, business ed¬ president. DUnna mingham Junior- jfi*! sVA ^ gimes than proper planning, John agricultural price support, trade for its people — is probably run¬ Interviewing at the Placement All elementary education and California all majors from the ucation, English k visiting, Jun¬ K. Galbraith, ambassador to In- unions and large corporations ning a greater risk of authori¬ Bureau Thursday, April 12. Ad¬ secondary education and special — colleges of business and public ior high mentally retarded and Maryann Opas. historian reporter, Al^V^ Lesi*,'?5! ditional information In the Place¬ fields. have been accused by different tarianism, stemming from dis¬ sections of people at different content without planning than with ment Bureau Bulletin for the Dow Chemical Co. — Mech¬ service, science and arts and elementary and Junior high deaf communication arts i all others & partically deaf. W^on Conn. so^™J^ Petitioning For times of leading to authoritarian¬ a proper planning of its week of April 9-13: The Ohio OH Company — Sec¬ anical and Chemical engineers ' majors. All for salesman positions. Weyerhaeuser Co. — Mechan¬ ical, chemical, civil engineers ual chairman, Scottvllle Junior: janette trea^i Blue Key ism," he explained. "indeed, I have the impression retarial science majors. —Ametl^n National Red Cross majnri » all colleges « Ohio Oil Co. from me college — sll ma tors of business and chemistry and physics that wht phasis on MBA candidates inter¬ public service. -- All interested regardless of ested in industrial sales train¬ F. W. Woolworth Co. « All HAMPTON, Va. (AP) - Young Peat. Marwlck, Mitchell & Co. Steven Schott of Hampton flushed major field but with emphasis on ing and related assignments. -- Accounting majors. majors from the college of Bus¬ When btrda alnK, Petitioning for Blue Key, na¬ a covey of quail on his sociology, psychology, business Eclipse Pioneer Div. (Bendix Saginaw Public Schools — Ele¬ iness and public service. tw . way home necessarily happy. Sc» tional Junior arvd senior honorary, "The important thing is that adm., physical education and Corp.) — All majors from the from school and bagged three of mentary education. Junior and lishes opens Monday, announced Bill the spirit of democracy is deep¬ them although he had no gun. social work. College of Business & public senior high mathematics, Eng¬ A 10-pound steak sold for $48 tain a bird's claim £ Doerner, chairman of the mem¬ ly implanted in the minds of Frightened by the boy, the Schools — All Board of Education Wyandotte service with emphasis on ac¬ lish. German, women's physical a pound in Circle, Alaska,during territory to stay away. It and wtrr.l elementary ed- alao i« bership committee. The petition peoples and in their institutions, quail flew Into a picture window counting for training program. education. French, Spanish, sen¬ the gold ruah of the 1990s. the mating ,, box and application forms are and that people have a democratic The Glidden Co. -- Junior in performance of a vacant house and were ior high physics, senior high located at the desk in the Union instinct and are committed to Steven calmly picked elementary art, secondary /Accounting for summer intern- head counselor, special ed¬ Varsity Drive In industrial arts, women's physical Program. constitutional government. was quail for ucation. advancedorthopedic, ad¬ Blue "I would go even so far as to eckicauon. Junior high general The Herpolshelmer Co. -- All Key, founded here in 1927, vanced oral deaf, sight saving, pledges a maximum of 36 Junior science, elementary and secon¬ majors from business and public physical therapist, occupational and senior men adjudged by pre¬ dary mentally retarded. service, science and arts and 1227 E. GRAND RIVER therapist, visiting teachers, spe¬ sent members to be outstanding Cherry Hill School District ech correctionlst, reading spe¬ AH elementary education K-6 Huron Valley Schools — Ele¬ OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. -- in leadership, service to the cialist. University and scholarship. mentary education, math,en¬ School District of the City of The honorary discusses needs glish, women's physical educa¬ Monroe -- Elementary education DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. Romeo and problems of the University tion-science, visiting teacher, all levels, secondary vocation ed¬ and undertakes a number of pro¬ Junior high mentally handicapped ucation, Junior high math, en¬ 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. and speech correctionlst. jects each year. Regular meet¬ glish, and women's physical ed¬ ings include informal discussions Lawrence Public Schools -- SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. Moved To ucation senior high physics, el¬ with faculty members and ad- Grade 8-12 women's physical ed- ementary, junior and senior high Besides the individual petition¬ special educatlon.elementary ED 2 6517 ing, faculty members willbeable Elementary education, early and to recommend outstanding stu¬ dents this term, Doerner said. Petitioning and nominations - Monday later, secondary English and women's physical education,Jun¬ ior and senior high science, math, close next Sunday. The Lecture Concert Series business education, speech, will feature the Old Vic Com¬ drama. Journalism and art. Spartan Women pany and its presentation Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. All majors from the colleges - i of Romeo and Juliet Mondayeve- To Hold Open ning. Originally the Shakespearean COLOR-HAPPY PKTTI-PANTS House tragedy was scheduled for Tues¬ Deadline Extended ...this is what is Spartan Women's League will day evening with the group's going on under version of Saint Joan being of¬ hold its spring term open house fered on Monday. To Wednesday for spring's newly feminine fashions, on Wednesday from 7-8 p.m. In' 33 Union. However, because a complica¬ Spartan Women's League Is a tion arose concerning the time involved in staging Romeo and Ju¬ Outstanding Junior the sleekest nylon tricot undercover service honorary and sponsers The deadline for petitioning Spinsters Spin, May Morning Sing liet, the Company wa3 granted for the outstanding Junior awards coverups you've ever worn in Breakfast. Coffee Capers In the permission to make the switch. has been extended until April 11. TF<-T Dl IKJ , .. , Since it takes 30 or more men beautiful comfort. Sizes 5 to 7 fall, and the blood drive. Etiquette '"I "UN LUAU--Membei 12 hours to set the stage Petitions are available at 313 slides are available and-shown to committee ran through an e Student Services. A. Red-white all living units and organizations for the production, it would have Students active in living units, or black-white ficipotion of the upcoming Luou been difficult for the group to have affiliated with the University campus and other organizational been prepared In time for -the double-tone print polka pants. activities are eligible for the information next stop on their tour had they awards. Twelve to eighteen given the performance Tuesday B. White, with concealed mod awards will be presentedat Greek with today on campus evening as originally plannea, Sing in May. money pocket in rhinestone- MaxMman said Dr. WHson Paul Lecture- Concert director. Selection wUl be made by mem¬ Delta. Phi Epsilon 4 p.m., bers of Mortar Board, Excallbur, iced a IVen-aof Uuarf", "The Many 32 Union. Richard — 1. Phillips, By re-scheduling it for Mon¬ birdcage printed motif f thins* day night both props and stage U.S. Dept. of State will speak . crew will be well on their way C. Blue-white or pink-white on "The Alliance for Progress." Open meeting. Tuesday to the group's next lo¬ cale. bridal bouquet print. Spartan Women's League — The Staff Bulletin issued CRAM COURSE NO. 1: 3-4 p.m., 338 Student Services, Board meeting. Friday to faculty members was on ED TOO' Each, 4j00 MODERN EUROPEAN HISTORY Incorrect regarding the revtsed Humanist Society — 7:30p.m., Art room, Union, Dr. Roger Wes- The blue sheet Indicated the cott will speak on the School for Living. Brookvllle, Ohio. switch in dates but failed to show STUDENTS German Folk Dance Group — that Romeo and Juliet remains 7:30 p.m., 22 Union. part of Series B and that Saint Joan is still a Series A offering. The proper information has been stamped on all tickets Is¬ "READINGS sued to students. IN EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY' by Jerome M. Seidman GIBSON BOOKSTORE THE NEWIY LOCATED "CAMPUS BARBER SHOP" GRAND OPENING SPEClAl The Campus Barber Shop has moved to a new and better lo¬ cation. They have also purchased all new equipment to serve you better. The Campus Barber Shop is the, "Most Modern In Michigan . They have gone out of their way to provide many extras for you, which include: It's like having an extra closet. fit W/aiitJ tht form FREE 1. 6 chairs 2. quicker service There i* tlie 1'idire I)e|mri l ire iVpnr Cut out this coupon and bring it In with you for 3. Television fin* .ind Water Detriment, ami llie Bureau of Weights ji When your you use -our storage for free choice of a shampoo or atonicand massage after 4. Expert hair cutting Mcnxtinv. There i« al*. Ma.lame h.inimdour. I.nt that nn-d your winter garments why not your haircut. 5. Free not row-mi u« Imituoc it i* a dirty storv and U only buiitht to Shampoo take advantage o( this conven¬ 6. Free Tonic and RAidiurte xtudrnt*. 7. Cou »lete Massage ient service today? grooming Filially, let "tin take up Italy the neweM Kuro|)c.iii nation. Italy «1>«I not lioeome a unified state until I MX when (, iril.tldi, C'nvour, ami Victor Kiuiiiaiuiel threw three coin- in the Tn n Fountain. Thi* lovely Rent lire so enchanted all of Kuro|ie that Willutin of Oriiime married Man- Stuart and caused a |iotato FREE COUPON famine in Ireland. This, in turn, resiiltiil in I'itt, the Yotinuer All of thin limy ocmii a hit complicated, hut Im> of good cheer. Everything wax happily resolved «t the (Vmuress of Vienna rh«n* Mcttemieh traded I'artna to Talleyrand for Mail l.udwiu of Huvariit. Then every!x*ly waltxed till dawn and then, tired good for one free recline shampoo or tonic & scalp CAMPUS IHit ©outwit, tlicy started tlie Thirty Years' War. . \-m m„ massage at Campus Barber Shop—good April 9th through BARBER SHOP you een buy Marlboro* all over Europe, but you might 621 E. Grand River e premium. In all SO of thene United Stolen, Just t §at that Una Marlboro flavor, that excellent \tr, In tip-top box or aoft pack at regulation Shirt Landry across from student Services Building call ED-79881 for appointment East Grand River Across From Student Services Bldg.