■ jL Vote MICHIGAN Vote Today UNIVERSITY Vol 53. No. STATE TATE NEWS Today Eaflt Lanslpg, Michigan .-Tuesday^. April-1Q^1362_-- Price 10$ Primary Election Two Top Presidential Candidates All Voters Tigers Bow To Show To Senators ID Cards In Opener Students will vote their dorms, Berkey Union, Tuesday, ln Hall and the to reduce the number of AUSG presidential T-sndtda-rey - WASHINGTON, - Bennle Den- Uftnlels struck from four to two. iels( picked up where President walked only two in tl A mobile voting unit will travel Kennedy left off Monday and pit- opening day appearance. He also through all off campus living ched Washington to a 4-1 vie- made two er> ors and singled to units, Including married housing, tory over Detroit before the lar- drive in a run. so that students gest crowd ever to see a base- Bob Johnson led the 13-hlt living off campus ball game in the nation's may vote. The unit will be on Senator attack with thret hits, the move from II a.m. to 1:30 capital. two singles and a two-run homer p.m. and from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.. A weekend of rains, dark clouds that put the Senator s ahead in All undergraduates carrying and a thundershower that delayed the fourth, 12 or more credits are eligible the game for 22 minutes didn't Washington added two more to vote ln the Tuesday primaries. dim the enthusiasm of the 44,383 runs in a wild seventh inning, All voters must present their fans who Jammed the new Dis- Chuck Cottier beat out a slow ID cards to be punched. trict of Columbia stadium to see bounder in front of the plate, STATE POLICE DETECTIVES, Lr. Pat- Saginaw sophomore, includes blank inter¬ Students living ln dorms may the start of the American League then took second on a bad throw nek Defzler, and Sgt. Walter Barkell, stand- collegiate press cards, false birth certifi¬ season. to first. He scored on Bob Sch- vote during their meal hours. cates, blank University of Detroit student The candidates and their quali¬ mg, examine evidence pertinent to the false Kennedy opened the show with midt's single to right field and identification ring probe still under way. I.D. cards and tools needed to complete the fications are: a toss that slightered through the Schmidt moved to second on a kits. Mike Barbour, Lansing, Sen¬ This material for false identification kits, State News Phots by Skip Mays. hands of a- mob of ball players P°°r throw to the plate, ior, has been speaker pro-tem insert, taken from Theron P. Robinson, and fell to the ground, where Daniels singled to drive in Sch- for two terms, Frosh-Soph Coun¬ it was pounced on eagerly by midt, but was erased when Jim cil for two years and Chairman Committee Will Hear Senator relief pitcher Marty Piersall hit into a double play. of the Economic Committee for Kutyna. He dashed quickly to get The Tigers scored their run one year. Barbour has a 3.4 the President's autograph on his in the sixth inning when Jake all-college. trophy. Wood and Bill Bruton singled Bob Howard, Elmhurst, 111., The President braved the anc' A1 Kaline hit into a force junior was personnel director of Fake ID Ring Operators shower and a foul ball that nearly beaned him to watch the Play Detroit- rL" inning threatened in the first when Wood singled and moved to second as Daniels threw the AUSG (abinet ulty committee on cheating, student fac¬ president of Green Helmet. Spar¬ tan Roundtable, Phi Eta SiJnia wild trying to pick him off first. P.) HAVE JAEHNIG purposes of obtaining liquor. and he has 3.4 i basis for false identifica- a all-college :he State News Staff Police from the East Lansing State Police post and the De- MSU's Band But the 29-year-old righthander retired the next three men in Jamie Blanchard, Ferndale sophomore, has been sophomore police detectives said Robin- order. pa runent of Public Safety main- class president, the Frosh-Soph son got the birth certificates An error by Daniels and two Admitted r.rg operator false identification Theron P. Robin- tained strict secrecy about the case during the investigation. from county clerk's offices in Bay, Saginaw and Ingham counties Takes First walks loaded the bases for the Council president, AUSG tive board and the execu¬ Student's on, Saginaw sophomore, andac- Monkman, an employe of the Tigers in the seventh, but he Rights and Welfare Committee. I compil by posing as a student working Michigan State's 16-member got Wood on an easy fly to He has a 2.39 all-college. e Gerald F. Monkman, Michigan Secretary of State's thesis and asking to exam- on a Jazz band took a first for big right to end the threat, Dick Winters, Lansing Junior, | Larking -ophomore, i are sched- i-before the Faculty Student Conduct office, was fired last week as a result of the police investi- gallon. ine the county death records. From these records, Robinson obtained the names of deceased bands in the collegiate Jazz vail at Notre ^ festlj- *" Dame last weekend. "" Norm Cash doubled to lead off the Tigers' ninth, but was U.S. Warns Soviets has been junior class president and parliamentarian for the UN iter thi- week, according to Unl- Officially called the "Michigan stranded- Daniels bore down to Club, chairman of Student's He wanted to make it a re- persons who if allvtf would be State University Television Or- ersity officals. The committee is meeting to signation fired,*' rather Assistant than being over 21, and then requesting birth Secretary of certificates for these names, po- chestra," the band is led by Dr. Morris Eugene Hall of the retire the three men, fan- ning pinch hitterCharlieMaxwell for the final out Of A-Test Plans Rights Roundtable. Committee and Spartan I consider all circumstances of rank Sierawski said.''We State Frank SiamwslM ..id, 'w. lice said. music department. Lefthander Don Mossi started GENEVA T-The L'nited States The exchange took place at a : identification scheme, could have gone along with that, iecision will be made but we didn't. We refused." Robinson then would transfer h0C*g'",Z'* *2 *ls V6*1"' tl)e out tor Stroll and left for a told the Soviet Union firmly Mon¬ day night that U.S. nuclear weap¬ met ting of the U.S.-British-Sov- iet subcommittee held in con¬ MSU Stud r.ceming the relationship of ' Monkman had a low paying the Information from these birth me in*°rniau .oDianK >o blank L'niversitv J"* «iJ" plnch hltter ln theseventh lnnln« natlonal competition with bands ons will begin exploding over the nection with the 17-nation Dis¬ certificates university ' • and Monkman with the " 'job filing records '-eluding o: and Intercollegiate from othpr BlfiP Tf>n other Big srbftols ac. Ten schools Pacific late this rnonrh unless the armament Conference. Killed : two students Michigan State Police last on were arrest- driver's licenses. The through scheme a was operated loophole in Michigan Press cards he had printed for the purpose, igators. according to invest¬ Northwestern and Indiana and out-of-area schools that included the University of New Mexico A BULLETIN Student demonstrat Russians sign a cheat-proof tesr ban treaty quickly. The Russians refused to budge. Western sources said made the U.S. position so clear that the Russians can be under Dean Tunnel charges of furnishing law, which enabled Robinson t and the University of West Vir¬ Ambassador Arthur H. Dean no illusions that Washington, with documents to a These three pieces of false involving about 500 students minor for obtain birth certificates to us ginia. declared the West is willing London backing, is ready to go CLARKSVILLE. f — A 19- identification provided a kit for curred at Central Michigan Unl- Bill Hart, Grand Rapids sen¬ sovieTunion keep ahead with the test shots at Bri- year-old rural Clarksvllle youth underaged students that could be ior. won first place for trumpet ity last nighty According to che tain's Christmas Island in the was killed Sunday when a runnel used to obtain n,_gotten gains" ofi ;sive liquor, police said. in the competition. Mt. Pleasant City Police students Fast fal! provided caved in on top of him while he mid-Pacific, Preliminary competitions be- gathered in front of President |Jjere Global Monkman admitted giving Ro- binson several driver's licenses from the Secretary of State's g»n before the festival started: 9 bands submitted tape recordings Judson Foust's house at about were p.m. State and City police called to the scene to re- c[ear ice that all blasts will be stopped for- under an effective control in Tsarapkln declared the United and two other youths were trying States and Britain were engaging to capture a fox. the last stage of a propa¬ Robert L. Brake, a freshman office files which belonged to °f their performances to win in- store order. A rock was thrown ganda campaign before resuming at Michigan State University, was women who had applied for new vitatlons to the festival, tests in the atmosphere. caught 12 feet under a hillside Dean said it was redlculous when the walls of the tunnel licenses following marriage, de- The orchestra derives its name Glimp ses No a tectives said. from association with the TV argument: that the international for the Russ > claim that collapsed. Apparently the demonstration controI<; demanded by the W when they His brother, John. 16, managed All of these licenses bore the station, WMSB, on which it offers ln protest of the Adminis¬ maiden names of the women, all occasional performances. Their i designed to introduce spie? they were serving the cause of to escape with help from the tration's action of removing the third youth. David Livingston, of whom were of legal age. They next campus performance will into the Soviet Union. peace while Western tests con- "Letters to the Editor" column By the Associated Press could then be used by students April 24 in the music audi- Declared Dean: "It is difficult stitute aggressive preparation 17, also of Rt. 2, Clarksvllle. from the student newspaper and The two boys tried to dig R obert reason with a nation which Hew York for obtaining liquor permits or as torium under the sponsorship o City's Teacher Strike part of a set of identification of Phi Mu Alpha, music honor- other control of the newspaper by the Administration. ;an ts own only see a situation through prejudiced eyes.' This sort of reasoning. declared, "Is an attempt to see Dean out but gave up. John ran three- quarters of a mile for help. NEW YORK-Public school teachers, beset in liquor establishments. ary- by a politically white as black, black as white, Firemen from Clarksvllle dug befi red Robert's body out but were unable wage deadlock, were ready Monday for their first all-out top as bottom, bottom as top, ' e in tlie city's history. More than a million pupils were Spring Fashions green as red and red as green." to revive him with a pa>vns ir. the struggle. Dean appealed to the Kremlin ' ! mred Federation of Teachers, flexing newly gained bargain- to think again about the nuclear The Incident occurred four Hemline Cli ' u- cles, scheduled the strike for the start of classes Tuesday testing problem and accept rea¬ miles south of this lonla county 1 inc. The Board of Education stood sonable international controls. village. by. hopeful of a last-minute British Minister of State John and David told statepollce m '*<■ting teachers were urged to equip themselves with transistor Joseph B. Godber. in a similar they and Robert were hiking in ra..ic the woods when they saw a fox o they could keepabreast of developments. The city's entire appeal said that the eight mid¬ -•v " man police force was alerted fSr the crisis. dle group nations in the general run Into a den in the hillside • federation is demanding wage increases totaling $53 million disarmament conference have and decided to go after it. seen most of their suggestions Robert was spending the week¬ aj«r for be-.n ' 1 the city's 40,000 teachers. The Board of Education's best the nuclear testing problem end at the home of his parents, 527 million—and it says it doesn't know where that on much brushed aside by the Russians. Mr. and Mrs. John Brake, and money is coming from. One thread runs through the was to have returned to school 2nd Test Area Designated in Pacific ideas expressed by these eight at M.S.U., Sunday night. ' ' states, the absolute need for on HINGTCN-The Atomic Energy Commission and Defense De- site inspection of suspicious dis¬ P : designated Monday a second testing area in the Pacific preparation for possible nuclear weapons tests. turbances, Godber declared. As the delegates debated, re¬ Popular Demand e ond area <- is circular lnshapcwitha radius of 470 nautical ports arrived from London that >' 'he surfaceandwidening to700nautical miles at 30,000 feet President Kennedy and Prime Returns Film •ma above. Minister Macmillan may make a ' he i le will have its center at the appeal to Premier Khrush¬ Popular demand has returned Johnston Island coordinate, new the film ceerees 45 minutes north and 169 chev to accept controls and thus "Question 7" to campus. degrees 31 minutes west. The firm pictures the pressures e a?ency advised San. Hiram L. Fong. R-Hawaii. that the head off a nuclear arms race. earning to navigators and aviators will become effective There was no sign in Geneva upon religion ln Communist East April 30. that such a move would be forth¬ Germany, and will be shown ln Solid Favorite in Academy Award Program coming from the Western the Auditorium at 7:30p.m.. Mon¬ day. N1M A (Continued on page 6) Tickets may be purchased at MONICA-The great of Hollywood descend on this seaside Monday night for the 33rd Academy Awards, and talk rose that ut.ible Oscar might have some Ex Provost 1 surprises this year. Hollywood has no hall big enough to house the film industry's P event, hence the movie crowd must troop 10 miles west to FAIR Miller To Be r Monica's civic auditorium. But the locale put no damper clamor of the event and the air of anticipation. AND "> seemed more pronounced than in recent years, since r race was marked by no outstanding favorite. There is installed WARMER ; h"shel of " no"Ben-Hur,M no"Marty" that seems capable of sweep- Former Provost. Paul A. Mil¬ Oscars along with it. ler will be inducted Wednesday Ransom for Cabaa Prisoners ia Doubt as Virginia the new president of West University. Miller is WASHINGTON* spokesman said Monday the U.S. government is the first WVU alumnus to serve d*ri J concern*d over the fate" of the prisoners in Cuba. But he as president ln more than half a century, and the third in the allowed l° Say wh#th#r ""so™ payments from the U. S. would be institution's history. Generally fair and warmer to¬ 1 he WANDERING HEMLINES pouted in their upward climb this sophomores..juniors..and—whoops, Barb Schimidt, a Chi Ome¬ About 300 universities, col¬ day. Low in the mid 20's and spokesman, State Department Press Officer Lincoln White. season ond for the first time in four years coeds oren t ga from Dearborn, got too enthusiastic. The hem is supposed leges and learned societies will the high ln the 40's. Wednesday's ^d he knows of no U. S. objection to a committee of Cuban exiles starting the new school by re»hamming everything they own. to be at the knee bend. Anything above that is frowned upon send representatives to the in¬ outlook is partly cloudy and a s.m' sentenced t0 Havana for treason. ,0 negotiate for the release of the 1.179 invaoers This ie how skirts looked when senior women were freshmen. in campus dining rooms. auguration. little warmer. Michigan State News, E»Bt Lansing, Michigan Dean DeLisle vises To Head Panel Phi Mu Alpha-Slnfonia frater¬ f, jl Discussion nity of America will praaent it* annual American composers concert In the Music auditor¬ Columbia In a six-week study project atlon of New York, i Dr. Frehcee DeLiale, direc¬ ium Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. tor of the women's division of currently at Columbia Unlver- Aldrldge la recognl^t , sity, Dr. Gordon J. Aldrldge, authority on curriculumdev>i *r student affairs, will serve as chairman of a panel discussion Alpha Omicron director of the School of Social Work, is acting social work ment. Two of his books «•?*" cial Welfare and the a*«h'' • when the National Association of Women Oans and Counselors Beds Officers consultant. The project Is concerned with "Will Social lltlMC Issues and M..A PsVcht.,T Social Work Practice," dealwi C meets in Chicago April 11-IS. Alpha Omicron Phias elected such Dr. DeLisle will also serve as Its new officers. They are, pre¬ i member of the organization's sident, Karen Smith, Baldwin Jun¬ education, and examination of national committee on research ior; first vice president, Bonnie i conference o! tlie Amer¬ z Scudder, Flint sophomore; sec¬ ond vice president, Sally Robin¬ ZJSSZtZJXSU: Qualification Test Set The ican Personnel and Guidance study project, co- spon¬ son, Mason Junior; Recording A Selective Ser Association, meeting in Chicago sored by the Institute of Higher itlon Teat secretary, Jo Lynn Cappo, Ma¬ Education, Columbia University, will April 16-19, Dr. DeLlsl* will be delegate-at-large to the A PGA son sophomore; rush chairman Carole Gilbert, Birmingham and the Council on Social Work April 17 to atudents*'at assembly, representing the Education, is supported by • •ngineerl I American College Personnel sophomore. grant from the Carnegie Corpor- ln» bulldlm. Association. THE PIT In order to retrieve Mayan artifacts, divers grope through mud and silt ia to 30 feet deep in a well at Yucatan. L ANCIENT METHOD-Jo Ann Reams, Pima Indian living on the Gilo River Indian Reservation in central Arizona, demon¬ BETTER THAN A PARK BENCH on o spring doy i* engage¬ strates tortilla-making to Jerald Elliott Bailey, Saginaw, one ment rock where doiens of young couples have engraved of 61 U.S. Peacu Corps volunteers being trained at Arizona the if initials over the years. But the historic tradition of the State University for a mission to Colombia, S.A. They lived famous landmark that lies in the shadow of Beaumont Tower, a week on the reservation to become acquainted with a differ¬ is now probably known only by orientation leaders who each ent culture from those of the 27 statta they represent. Bailey fall guide groups of new students around compus. and other trainees will be at ASU, located at Tempe, adja¬ State News Photo by Skip Mays. cent to Phoenix, until April 6, taking a much more intensive study program than the university's 14,000 regular students. Peace Corps studies for the two-year Colombian mission in¬ clude Spanish, industrial arts, agriculture, first aid, physical Featuring the . conditioning andhistoryandpolitics of the U.S. and Colombia. DAGWOOD 64 Graduates Receive 2 Hamburger Patties with Cheese I Lettuce & Thousand Island Dressing Fellowships Thru Funds On Toasted Bun Three graduate fellowship tion additionally provided 1962 funds given to MSL1 made it pos¬ summer graduate fellowships for Pizza & Delivery Service Open 11 AM < ffl sible to award fellowships to 11 teaching assistants who didnot THE WONDERFUL WIZARD- 64 graduate students, according carry a full course load during Phone ED 2-0863 203 M.A.C. to Dr. Allan Tucker, assistant the regular school year. The land of Oz will come to dean of the graduate school. the Children's Theatre TTie National Science Founda¬ through the efforts of-young tion Co-Cooperative Fellowship actors and actresses like was given to 21 graduate stu¬ snthusi- dents and will pay their entire university expenses during the M :: -1.J ~ J u h ] EL p HiG a -*r ! 1 4, 3-T"H 1— U- i —!□ 1 n * i 1 31 * Leonard To Talk On Modal Logic At Colloquim Junior Council Sets Seminars To Discuss U.S. Foreign Relations to the l'nite£ Naticr.'s .s be, planned by the 13. Fore:>rr dents Relations sponsored J-Council. The first meeting of the pn gram was semin the Lr.ion ballroom or, Monday nigh:. Speakers were Dr. Home: Highee dean of the International Program, and Nirmal Singh, se¬ cretary general -of the campus IN. today on campus Christian Science Organization — 7 p.m.. 34-39 Union. AWS activities — 7 p.m 32 B Student "services. Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business — 7 p.m.. 24-4 West Crand River. ■AftXLEY STATUE MKCMTUCKY FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP)- What makes Lucky Strike the favorite regular cigarette of A «4ata* of the late Vice Presi¬ college smokers? Fine-tobacco taste. It's a great taste to start with, and it spoils you for other dent Albcn Berkley will be erect- ed t» the stale capital rotunda la cigarettes. That's why Lucky smokers stay Lucky smokers. So, get with the taste youll want to " ley. a mdR Ken- d in 19S6.J1U statue JACOBSON'S MEN'S STORE 210 ABBOTT ROAD stay with. Get Lucky today ' I V: e fn bronze bv Walter L2 - Product of i wyi —* .u rt li M:^i*ct*I court (ics- Bonch-Rrulvtch,a Russian ln Kelson, 0. C.. for mrm- revolutionary who ac¬ day conference will be a pa nil Kellogg Center, is sponsored by companied the emigrants, wrote discussion of the Issues facing the of ||,p vtranpr pacifist Son* tn a Russian magazine: state, the people, educational in¬ the department of elementary school principals of the rn-rii >t" ivmkhotiore *cct. stitutions and business. Michigan th in 100 Sow of Freedom "Already, toward the end of Education Association and the I . rn ^cnlcnccd or face trial 1899, I made acquaintance with Gov. John B. Swalnson, MaJ. University's College of Educa¬ Pvr.C „f arson ;»n<1 IwrnlilnR. •omc Doukholxirs who. .had Gen. Ronald D. McDonald of the tion. Boxoffice Open 6:45 «c^nu'ncod *11! «"VC their . come to the conclusion that all Michigan National Guard, Dr. ADMISSION $1.00 m* from three to 10 year*. T i.K-cUl foiloral prtcon net rttcs.are useless, Including even the Doukhobor rites. . .that a far Herbert C. Rudrnan of the College of Education and Robert Gerholz, •mmcr STUDENTS (with I.D.) TERRY-THOMAS .75 in (,r nirnilifr# of the »ect. freer life Is possible." Flint businessman, are members LOWEST PRICES hkoff 8 of Ihr defendants, Alex iis agreed that leaders of the , including Sorokln, ordered They bought a Jam factory with $100,000 Verlgln had borrowed SONS OF FREEDOM-This group, mem¬ To Brazil DISC SHOP THIIIK IliUlU • • "The Entertainer' TatQ^'Mv Uncle" litest outbreak In nearly 40 from a loan company In Saskatoon. bers of the pacifist Sons of Freedom rs of f r odomlte violence. In World War 1. the Doukhoborn Doukhobors sect, prayed before being Dr. Donald A. Taylor, pro¬ outbreak started with an fessor In the graduate school of - refused to fight but sent a ship¬ which to dynamite an Anglican ment of Jam for the troops In had Just pulled United States was the bombing leagues also noted that terrorism business administration, has left HURRY 1 s , in Wynndcl, B. C., In 19CI. It ha* Included at- ppOrthodo* Doukhobor vll- France. The factory, at Brilliant, B. C„ was burned tn 1943. The Doukhobora planted or¬ away from Farron, B. C. Killed were a Sikh irom India, a pro- fesslonal hockey player, a British August 1958 of a post office at Osoyoos, from b. C.. about the boundary Increases In times of economic Insecurity. British Columbia Is now In a period of high campus to become the Chief of Mission of MSU's three schools of business administration in Sao LUCON last 2 Days Columbia leg I s la to a Washington state, unemployment. public buildings and rall- chards and vineyards and sold , young The Paulo, Porto Alegre, and Rio Iracks. It reached a hlph traveling word Doukhobor means Grande Do Sul, Brazil. bricks from their own kilns to In the dynamiting March C transmission line tower, the government. "spirit wrestler" or "combatant In the spirit." In British Colum- GIANT TWIN - HIT SHOW! Gradually the Orthodox Douk¬ The Taylor, who will stay in Brazil 12.10 — 4:05 — 8:00 2:15 -- 6:10 -- 10:10 ting 1,000 men out of work. hobora for a two-year period, will re¬ adjusted to Canadian ways. out who ... '•'Mincllmen and mayors place Dr. Milton B. Dickerson, Today they number about 17,000 Doukhobors llrlttsh Columbia have tn the four western provinces head of business services who Kim it i of Canada. The number Includes elections. They were disenfran¬ and nude parades have been de¬ completed his two-year assign¬ doctors and lawyers, artists and scribed by Frecdomltes as pro¬ ment as chief of Mission. chised as a result of their fcjukhobor* Origin ex¬ test against war, against com¬ Dr. Taylor is a frequent con¬ engineers. emption from military service. mat's behind It? First, let's pulsory' education and against tributor of articles on market¬ < at the bloody history of a KmI Schism Individual land ownership. ing and is ro-author of two books, cc-loving sect. The Sons of Freedom continued Other explanations arc given Marketing Research and Man¬ TECHNICOLOR . — . ... I The Sons of F rccdom a re n ~ to draw away. Many moved to , AlfredShulman, Baltimore agerial Marketing. 1 splinter group of the obors, a pacifist religious Krestova, ableik settlement STARTS THURSDAY »-hich arose In Russia In overlooking the Crescent River. small, swift Lansing Exchange Club Id- 17th Century during a They began a curious custom of parading naked and In 1924 ^splte The To Hear Zwarensteyn ccn 1840 and 1850, for were dox blamed for burning of Ortho¬ Doukhobor schools. and until 1959 whenTreedomltc wom¬ Shulman rebellion said, aga Dr. Hendrik Zwarensteyn, de¬ a side of life you never expected en promised to send them to g to bear arms, they were to a wild, unfertile- region Then, a little after 1 a.m. on Oct. 29, :92», a dynamite ex¬ Canadian back. schools and got them training and guilt feelings i partment of business services, will speak at a weekly luncheon to see on the screen! c Turkish frontier, where of the Lansing Exchange Club plosion rocked a passenger car In luxuries, Prohnbly the closest theFree- domltc violence has come to the The psychiatrist and Monday, on "New Concepts in mm MS mm amis imm the Education for Business." UB European Tour Meet Set for Wednesday PLACEMENT A meeting for persons who Interviewing at the Placement Bureau Friday, April 13. Addi¬ signed up for the Union Board- tional Information in the Placement Bureau Bulletin for the week Ends.Tuesday. • sponsored European flights and tours will meet at 7 p.m., Wed¬ nesday in Parlor C of the Union. of April 9-13: Associated Spring Corp. interviewing all majors from the college of Business & Public Service with emphasis on Mar¬ Graduate Hit No (1) once at 7:44 This first meeting of the Eu¬ keting and Mechanical Engineers. • touched by the the Doukhobora ropean travelers will include members of both the four week Custer School District Interviewing Elementary Education, Music, and Physical Etfccatioti. Awarded I a new kind of love-story list, Count Leo tour and the longer sixty-week Denham Mnufacturlng Co. interviewing Mechanical Engineers. • dignified, conft- rate peasants Is Dewitt Public Schools Interviewing Industrial Arts, with Phy¬ sical Education major or minor. Dow Chemical Co. interviewing Accounting and all majors from NUT. Bid pfciGUMS UUBKEHARVEir of that seed sown News the College of Business & Public Service. Gary A. Marple Des Moines, Iowa graduate student, has been V OF mm Federal Intermediate Credit Bank interviewing all major from the College of Agriculture also Business & Public Service majors awarded the Sloan Teaching In¬ NAWWWE JANEFONDA Photogs with farm background. The Glidden Co. interviewing Accounting majors and Chemistry ternship in the School of Indus¬ trial Management at the Mass¬ Hit No. (2) at 10:44 ANNE BAM achusetts Institute of Technolo¬ Professionally trained photo- majors. Chemical Engineers. ) of Lindon spearheaded journalists are needed by the Chevrolet rngineering Center (CMC) interviewing Accounting gy- The award Is regarded as one' BARBARA SIANWTCK ,oo- lining campaign, Tolstoy majors and all majors from the College of Business and Public 5UL NEWMAN department of the State News. [Mj**2pson tng the proceeds from Service. of the most distinguished aca¬ -« Only photographers with news¬ demic awards in business ad- I, "The Itesurrectlon." paper training other than at the Imlay City Community School interviewing all Elementary THE HUSTLER an unsuccessful effort Education, Home Economics, High School Art & Math & Speech In high school level need apply. Candidates are selected from Hear BROOK BENTON sino « Cyprus (It was too Contact the photo editor be¬ Cor ection. "WALK ON THE WILD SIDE,r- nng other things), the top applicants of leading colleges THIS IS AN ADULT PICTURE ? tween 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. today. Jacobson Store, Inc. interviewing all majors from the colleges and universities in the U.S. and ■ rs set ihclr sights for of Business & Public Service, Science & Arts & Communication The Canadian Pacific Arts and Home Economics. foreign countries. This year four Admission 75c ! seeking section hands, men were selected for the In¬ rs nd and farmers todevel- along its right of way, Dr. Z. Levenstein Manufacturer's National Bank of Detroit interviewing all majors from the Colleges of Business & Public Service and Secretarial ternship. Marple is the first to receive Science. the award at MSU which is us¬ Will Give Talk On o help them get located. 1 the rc hundred Doukhobora, In high sheepskin hats Michigan Chemical Corp. interviewing Chemistry majors. Mio Agricultural School Big Creek & Mentor Townships in¬ terviewing Elementary Education, Senior High Math and Com- ually granted to graduates from Eastern universities. He will HAWAIIAN IUAU TICKETS the women In head-shawls, trip In two crowded Missies Apr. 11 merical. Orchard View School interviewing Elementary Education, Wo¬ start the program in Sept., 1962. He has been a member of Phi Dr. Z. Levenstein of the Mis¬ men's Physical Education, Junior High Math, English, Home Kappa Phi and Beta Gamma Sig¬ Entertainment Only TORDTE sile Dynamics Division Labora¬ tory, Ballistics Department at Economics. General Math, General Science, Senior High English, General Business, and Social Studies, Industrial Arts and Guid- ma ner honoraries and was the win¬ of the Delta Sigma Pi Schol¬ arship Award. He is a National 2 Miles Southwest Lansing on M-78 of White Oak, Md., will give a talk on "Investigations of Hyper¬ Price Waterhouse & Co. interviewing Roseville Public Schools Accounting majors. interviewing Secondary Education, Defense Fellowship Holder, and obtained the department and Un¬ Featuring sonic Phenomena," Wednesday, iversity honors award at Drake attractions HOW! 2 BIG HITS Mit N'o. (1) at 7:45 April 11. The program will be held In Math, English, Social Studies, Biology and General Science, Junior High Mentally Retarded type A. Stanton Union School interviewing Industrial Arts, Women's University. been The Sloan award, compared to which has an "Emm/' 201, Berkey Hall, as part of a Physical Education, English and Elementary Education. on television, is designed for Suttons Bay Public Schools interviewing 5th grade-Band Jun¬ series of Mechanical Engineer¬ ior High Social Studies and English. a small number of exceptional Pua Almeida ing seminars featuring authori¬ young men who seek careers in ties on problems of outer space. Timken Roller Bearing Co. interviewing Accounting majors; Golden Voice of Hawaii & his teaching and research in indus¬ -- Mechanical and Metallurgical Engineers. trial management and business The talk will Involve descrip¬ Upjohn Co. interviewing all majors from the colleges of Busi¬ band from the Moona Surfrider. administration. tion of high-speed ballistics, ness & Public Service, Science & Arts & Communication Arts press'ure-controlled facilities and also majors from the college of Agriculture. Sterling Mossman and shock tube wind-tunnel at NOL, pressure control capabil¬ Whiteford Schools interviewing Elementary Education, Early and Later, Music, Coral-Instrumental Combination, High School GLADMER --emcee, singer & comedian from ities in the ballistics ranges English, Science-Math Combination. the Queens Surf. observation technique, scope of Investigations of hypersonic gas flows, etc. ^ Tahitian dancers from Hawaiian Village Japan Buys U.S. Films Hula dancers from the Royal Hawaiian ' TOKYO, tf - Japan will Import 231 feature length films, more than half of them from Holly¬ NIGHTS & SUNDAY - ADULTS 90c SAT. MAT. 65c wood, in fiscal year 1962, the finance ministry says. ONE COMPLETE SHOW AT 7:25 ir Flame & Knife dancers from Don the 2-BIG FEATURES NOMINATED Beachcombers 122 65< to 5:301 FOR 12 ACADEMY AWARDS ! MICHIGAN NOMINATED FOR , ★ Comic Hula dancers 11 AWARfig^: JKcN mlnttfta! ON SALE TODAY UNION TICKET OFFICE i>£enn pdrd • u N "CHARLES BOYER ' SHOWN M50 per person ftULfl tE UXAS • TVBTT1MIMIHJX ;_AT 7:45 ONLY ! _ s°oni Ro^ar, md Hsmmerstetes "STATE FAIR" STARTING FRIDAY - 'THE MARK" ki • Michlgan State News, East Lansing, Michigan Tuesday, April 10. , Chilly Fall Slow Start AB R H 3 1 2 RBI Baylor Will Playj 4 0 1 4 0 0 ! Against Celtics Opens Spring 4 0 0 4 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 n LOS ANGELES, WVLot Xngel- ing better In Boston 2 0 0 n es coach FredSchaus said Mon- "If we're going t0wi the loss of Bill Yoeman, rently bypassing the spring drills last 1 0 0 0 day the National Basketball^Ile aerie* goes stx. for baseball and track. Among year's offensive backfield coach. 0 0 0 0 Association playoff title wlU be wouldn't want to g0 b.,?, - them are Sherman l ewis Herman Visitors at Monday's initial won by the team with the hotteat ton 2 0 1 n for the seventh i. °,1 The 1062 Michigan State var¬ Johnson. Pete Smith and George practice included Gary Ballman, shooting hand — not die home be a fine game TuesdL'T 0 0 0 sity football team began spring Azar. Rocky Ryan, Carl Charon, and 1 0 0 court "edge." because both because both tMr,. teams win'kl «l practice Monday afternoon in The Spartans enter the new Wayne Fontes from the 1961 0 0 0 Pvt. Elgin Baylor will be with retted. * ' "lb*l with a new coaching allne- squad, and Lou Agase. Head ' raw, windy weather well suited ntxnwo "it does setm 0 0 0—IT funny a, to the fair sport 1 ment." Dan HolSTui-*, UVilsrtSirt'S ruach i. Argonauts . 0 0 0 0 games against defending outplayed the Celtics w. Spring drills will run a total defensive backfield mentor, takes Football l eague. champion Boston here Tuesday steed of Saturday when i7j 32 1 5 1 of twenty days in the next five the offensive backfield spot, with Ryan plans to join the Toronto and Wednesday nlght3. The best- appear that our extra r~. 1 weeks, ending with the annual Vinre Carillot moving into the club this season. AB R H RBI of-seven series is tied 1-1. have given us the "oldtimers" game on May 12 defensive backfield slot. "Who do I think will win the "However, this Monday's workout began with A new addition to the staff Coach Daugherty slated light 4 0 1 0 series?" Schaus said repeating seema to play better club'!, 4 0 2 0 a brief address to the ninety is John McVay. assistant back- contact drill for this afternoon b»nl the big question. "The team that it plays more often | assembled gridders by Head field coach. The addition and to ready the squad for the first gets the hottest hand and keeps keeps them sharp in ^ Coach Duffy Uaughtery. The re¬ changes necessitated by scrimmage. it for the longest time. were and more relaxed.' mainder of the workout was used "We won't have any edge at Before the Celtics fu.1 in a light Mgnal drill home. Frankly, the Celtics have of Boston Monday, Frank j!P Duffy plans to use his best 11 men on both offense and de- . He hinted that' Palmer Wins Masters 4 12 3 0 1 34 413' 1 1 4 played better basketball on our sey commented: "if ^ court than they have in Boston start playing and the same goes for us play- of there in a ball, we'n J hurry. , will 20 i le also said, that the pres- e to make the --quad Is on the othe job", With Late Comeback >.hmen and sophomores who AUGUSTA, Ga., 'f- Miracle of Sunday when Palmer, his game e less experience than the jrning player worker Arnold Palmer came off on the verge of collapse, saved the floor again Monday and ral- it with spectacular birdies on THE :• twenty lettei lied with a withering s icludlng i bacl .... < of . —t n unpre»- t 280. MAN quarterback P The "start! eteam ■ • r-w «. v. j cedented three-way playoff with NICE FRIEND Eisner Repeats... Brian Eisner is Duffy had G p, and Dow Finster- congratulated by coach assembled at ie opening whistle : LOUISVILLE. Ky.(AP)—Teen- $tan [)robac upon being re-elected a of the drill c nsisted of the fol- ** .• „ . . . A linij„. ,— . _ captain of the State ^ aged Roaemary Cunningham n|$ jeQm and admired in sharp attire ... player 71 and Finster- lowing: Ends " proudly waa desertWng her firat senjo/from Matt Snorton Tackfe^ -- *Ed A MonitowiC( Wisconsin, Eisner went undefeated that is, start off your spring wardrobe with a 3 botton Plaid Budde and Ji 1 Dot 'ls Down three shots to Player '' And I met a friend of on Spring tour just completed. As a junior, he gained the Ivy League Sport Coat, with "•— Mellinger and after the first nine holes, the yours* while I wan on the course. *omi-finaI round of the Big Ten finals. Teaming with Dick Matching Bermuda Shorts. Currie, Center — Dave Behr- powerful, unshakable young pro He paosed up on the tMrd hole - Hoi I, who dropped out of school lost term, Eisner placed sec- mann, Quarterback -- Charlie frort1 , atrobe, Pa. knocked in and again on the sixth." ond in the Big Ten Doubles Championship. Migyanka. Left Half ' — Hon Ru- birdies on five of the first seven The easy c : wash and wear , Right JHalf -- Dewey Lin- holes of the incoming side to coin, and Fullbacl eorge turn contest Into a virtual 50% Dacron Polester i who will be l"he finis! Spartans Game Improving, 50% Combed Cotton The 1 inning is of smart the Nylon, price MAJOR LEAGUE Hoping for More Saturday The matching Bermuda shorts $19.98 Porrevecchio and Pete Smith, 65% Dacron standings Light snow flurries and chilly winds Monday probably made the baseman, switched when regular LuminanskJ, normally a third- an infielder being tried out for a possible outfield berth. Porrevecchio banged out three hits, including two doubles, Tun- 35% Combed Cotton and sells for Spartan baseball team w ish shortstop Malcolm Chiljean was >vas gate ripped three hits in seven NATIONAL LEAGUF someone would take tliem back excused from | - isit tries and Smith raised his inter- to Virginia.** his New York the squad batting average to the se¬ cond highest on the team. However, Coach John K o' Washington Philadelphia State's strength may have been St. Louis gazed at the cloudy morning skies Boston .000 1/2 and said: Strong batting punch powered raised when two more candidates, Tony Hirsh New York Soph, is wearing the New York Chicago .000 1/2 the Varsity to a 9-2 win over Bob Cannon and Jeff Abrecht, "We'll be outside today if we Sportcoast and Matching Bermuda shorts, Cleveland Houston .000 1/2 the Reserves in Saturday's eight reported out for action last week, and is being admired by Sheila Evans Los Angeles get a little luck." If not, we Rahway Los Angele' Baltimore San Francisc will by Tuesday." Since returning home from the inning game. The biggest blow of the game Due to lack of practice both are behind in their hitting but W EAST GRAM) RIVER an N.J. of our Soph. Look for us and many more fashion trends in the "SPRING Dan Costello's Minnesota Chicago 0 0 .000 1/2 Pittsburgh New Yurk 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 1/2 1/2 South eight days ago, the Spart¬ was three outfielder - mn home off Reserve each has shown solid defensive work, Kobs said, OPEN Wed. Evening FASHION FLING" Thursday. ans have practiced outdoors, in¬ Hawaiian Luau shirts at Todd's only $2.00 Milwaukee 0 0 .000 1/2 pitcher Doug Miller. Detroit cluding two inter-squad games last weekend. Costello, a left-handed swinger belted the ball over the right- Today's Schedule: The results of the practice field fence and into the Red Ce¬ games showed one encouraging dar River. PKOBApLE PrTCHERS (lirl Walcliens Guide point--better batting. Wes Klewicki, who started on (1961 won and lost records in "Our batwork took a turn for the mound for the Reserves, was parentheses*. the good,"Kobs said."Naturally, we're hoping we hit just as well lacking his usual .pin-point con¬ trol. He aided a Varsity fourth Vmerlaan League National League against Albion here this Satur- Cincinnati (O*Toole 19-9) at inning up-rising by walking three Presented by Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes Baltimore (Hoeft "-4) at New Los Angeles (Podres batters and hitting another. 18-5) 5 p.m. The inter-squad teams are di¬ York (Ford 25-4). 2 p.m. New York (Craig 5-0) at St. vided up between the varsity and Cleveland (Donovan 10-10) at Louis Sophomore Dick Proebstle (Jackson 14-11). 9 p.m. offer turned in the most Boston (Schwall 15-7), 2 p.m. impressive Milwaukee (Spahn J1 -131 at o show what Los Angeles (Grba 11-13) at San Francisco pitching performance for the (Nlarichal 13-10^ Varsity during the afternoon. Chicago iPizarro 14-7), 2:30p.m. 4 p.m. Minnesota (Kralick 13-11) a: Chicago (Cardwell 15-14) at The Spartan coach plans to In four innings Proebstle Kansas Cm (Rakow 2-S\ 2:30 Houston {Schantz 6-3), 2:30 allowed two hits, no runs, and p.m. p.m. Only games scheduled. Philadelphia (Owens 5-10) at Pittsburgh (Friend 14-19). 130 •ight up until Saturday's "regular sent five hitters away from the plate via the strikeout route. In Friday's affair, Varsity Singled out by Kobs for their ntche: s John Aquino and John recent hittingperformances were £lus proved able craftsmen as catcher Paul Tungate, outfielder JFK and Umps Chat; hey blanked the Reserves. 2-0. n 10 innings. IM Schedule Elia s particularly impre INDEPENDENT BOWLING He Ducks Pop Foul is four innings as hitters and did t Alleys 6 p.m. Bill 1-2 Dollar 65-D.Sig.Phi WASHINGTON. I -- Rain dc- Knapp and Gary Ronberg of feet of his head, 3-4 Howland-Bower pitched for the Reserves and each laved the baseball game between Kennedy grinned and it all 5-0 The Trailers-Buzzards — yielded a run. the Washington Senators and the turned out nicely In 7-8 The Splits-Gutter Dusters four innings Knapp was Detroit Tigers (Monday) -- and Ta by went on to draw a walk knicked for five safeties, includ¬ sent President Kennedy, who and «c're when Bob Johnson hit 8:30 p.m. ing doubles by George Azar and threw out the first ball, scurry- the American League'-- first 1-2 Asher-AOCS Jerry Sutton. ing for cover. home run of the season, putting Ronberg hurled six frames and 3-4 Evans Scholars-Elsworth Kennedy spent part of the 23- the Senators aheed, 2-0. allowed only three hits, but two 5-6 Theta Chi-Jokers minute intermission visiting with of them, Jerry Luminanski's the umpires in their dressing Randall Squeezes triple and Joe Porrevecchio's INDEPENDENT SOFTBALL double, went for extra-bases. He chatted i umpires Joe The Reserve keystone Independent softball will begin Paparella and 3-2 Victory Over of Luminanski at shortstop and pair of Wednesday evening instead of relaxed In a : Tuesday Bert Olah at second combined as previously stated. > the Disc Jockeys Willie Tasty. Wash If* o left The men of Randall House in fielder, hit Monday almost scored — on President Ken¬ a direct Rather Hall won a 3-2Squeaker over the disc Jockeys of WBRS ''The Corporation nedy. last Saturday morning. Tasby lifted a high foul back Thi- was the first game of the to the Senators' dugout. Kennedy looked up, dyrked, and the ball hit on the dugout within a couple DJ baseball season and extra inning affair. was an Emergent Am Rosy-Cheeked Prom hopper Hie first run for Randall Society" DJ1©@®C!] 00° Where to watch Stevens Is New Hot>se came when John c ent a Lepley deep fly to center enabling him to collect the game's girls homerun. The game was nip and only by W. Lloyd Warner Although girl watching may be practiced in any place Sooner;' Coach tuck all the way with Randall House leading 2-1 in the last A distinguished and at any time girls are encountered (see above), certain world. Other such locations are: Via Veneto in Rome, Champs Elysees in Paris, Oude Zyds Achterburgwal in University Professor of kxauons deserve special mention for their consistently COLUMBIA, S.C., t — Uni¬ inning when chief announcer and Social Research Amsterdam and Sugarbush. Vermont at Michigan Stote Univer¬ (January through versity of South Carolina basket- temporary captain oftheDJ's. sity looks at American society and identifies h.ghlevels o, both qualityand quantity. The east side of March). Experienced girt watcher, recommend. these bell coach Bob Stevens — the Tim O'Brien, came to bat significant patterns ererging in our notional Atlantic Coast Conference coach of the year -- has' accepted a O'Brien center and shot a single t life From his yeGrs of wide ond searching Fjfth Avenue y " between •*' 51st and 59th Streets in ** ,he g'rl w*,chm8 ccn,cr New 'he places with utter confidence Qust a, experienced smokers recommend Pal! Mall for complete smoking eventually scored on scholarship he distills a picture of the inter¬ pleasure) post as coach at the University CTset Gray's single to left, thus of Oklahoma. sending the game into extra play between community and corporation, South Carolina athletic direc¬ innings. showing how each has affected the other. tor Marvin Bass announced Ste¬ vens' acceptance Monday. to Randall's Jim Olson managed Pall Mall's wrap up the game, however, Stevens succeeds Doyle Par- rack who resigned with hh second triple of rhe now available at natural mildness morn ing--this one past the "We are certainly sorry to finger-tips of left fielder Rick is so set Bob go, but we wish him the best of luck and continued suc¬ 'R "< m a n. both times on close Olson scored twice, good plays. BOOK to your taste! SPARTAN cess." said Bass. The disc jockeys and staff Stevens overhauled a sagging of the Brody radio station are So smooth, basketball machinery here In three seasons. In die two years disappointed, disheartened and STORE so satisfying, dejected. But with newly in¬ so prior to the time be came to Sooth Carolina, the gamecocks spired vigor, they will take on the men of Bally 6 in another downright smokcable! n hot nine games baseball CORNER ANN & MAC extravaganze to be This record played Saturday morning jmr, the team's a.m. on Landon Field at 10 -\ ■ ■Jiuu Now.. B..t L.n.lng, Michigan Tuesday^ April 10, 1362 5 TYPEWRITER, porttld*. D QUICKLY! "1 sold my typewriter after the Smith-Corona. Silent with Span- second phone call." said this tsh key-board. Excellent condl- pleased advertiser. tlon. Encyclopedia Brlttanlca. SAILBOAT, Snip*, IS feet. >330. LOST oroacrlptton Sun gUaeea TRAILER COURT., 100 spaces. WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS. 1960 HARDTOP. Only 16,000 Very good condition, •alia, wooden hull, no canvaa repairs at Ragbtrtticn. White frames, beige leather caae. Call SSS- Near J&0SU. Grosses about $40. 000 yearly, Gordon Mandlgo, Prompt and reasonable. Charles, E. Lansing. ED2-4548. 500 Byington Nominated For Texas Alumni needed. 355-8551. mllsa. Fully equipped iq 2475. 10 Broker. IV 9-9066. io HeiMi Award By full power and air Including Plan Program conditioning. Thia classic model is fast be¬ SPARTAN 17" able model. Gen¬ LOST while hitching: one pair ^ Service coming a collector's item. Thia eral Electric 17" console. Re¬ conditioned, guaranteed. 8 a.m. of black framed sunglasses. If SAVE CASH INSTEAD OF TYPING: General and thesis. Experience. Reasonable rates. Pfcys Ed Assn. Local alumni of Texas A & M College are planning their an¬ one is like new. discovered, please contact Jan. Call ED 7-0138. to 8 pjn. Larry's T.V. Call TRADING STAMPSI when you 10 Judith Byington, Lansing, Sen¬ nual muster program for all 355-7080. 11 ior was nominated for the Un¬ IV 9-1982. former students, wives and .automotive I960 HARDTOP. Only 13.000 10 bring your cleaning to Wendrow's Econowash and Dry Cleaners. dergraduate Award of the Michi- friends living in the central .cmFLOYMENT • for salfc miles. .Nicely equipped and in spotless condition. Save that first 'Great Issues' gan Association of Health. tal Education and Recreation. Physl- Michigan area. Leon J. Telle, horticulture and pressed, only 50f. 3006 Vine year's big depreciation. ; area. Call Mike. ED 2-1496. Miss Byington was State's rep¬ Instructor, is the local chair¬ , iStTfound ROY CHRISTENS EN FORD SALES BICYCLE SALE - Thursday. Ap¬ FOUND: WATCH. Call Kevin 11 St. 1/2 block west of Sears' Frandor Store. C Course Gets resentative In the award contest which is given to an under grad¬ man and may be contacted"at 355-5180 or ED-79503 for de¬ ;peanutslpersonal ,real estate 210 STATE £ MASON DIAL OR"-9611 ril 12. 1962 1:30 P.M.. at Sal¬ vage Yard, Farm Ln., Michigan State University Smith at 332-4558 and Identify. Please pay ad for return. 13 TYPING. PRINTING. TYPE¬ SETTING and VARIFAX copying Approval uate student in education, who Is majoring in physical education, tails. ' campus.(Incase health, or recreation. OPEN MON., WED.. FRI. of rain, sale will tp conducted at Wonch Graflc Service, 1720 : transportation The problem of securing world She is a member of Delta Psl The School of Police Adminis¬ NIGHTS 11 at Livestock Judging Pavilion, E. Michigan, Lansing. Only 10 tration and Public .wanted corner of Shaw and Farm Lane. Per tonal" minutes from campus on bus line. peace and order was the most stimulating to students ln the Kappa, women's PF honorary, and is president of the board of Safety Is the largest four year school of its 1959 OPAL. Good condition. Pbone 484-7786. C Approximately 60 bicycles, var¬ PHYSICALLY FIT? Walk up¬ pilot term of the new Great Is¬ the Health, Physical Education kind ln the U.S. and is acknow¬ Reasonable or trade for later ious makes and conditions, Deadline: Volkswagen. Call IV 2-7122 after 5 1950 Buick, 2-dr., grey, one Engine stairs to Bubolz for auto, home and life Insurance. ED 2-8671. LEARN TO FLY at Sheren Avi¬ sues course, according to Dr. Thomas H. Greer, chairman of and Recreation Club. ledged as the nations outstanding w this field of study. PM, - 13 #62027621, and other miscellan¬ Over ation Club rates-no dues-no the course. eous items will be sold at auc¬ Jacobson's. C member ship fees. Davis Airport. The students' preferences DAN O'SHAUGNESSEY tion. All items may be seen at N. Abbott Rd. 17 were revealed in questionnaires HONE: 355-8255 or 8256 2501 E. MICHIGAN DIAL IV 9-2388 Salvage Yard, April 9-11, from 8.30 A.M. to 4:30 PjVf.andThurs- BURR-PATTERSON Fra¬ ternity and Sorority Jewelry and ALTERATIONS. Hemming & re- * related Items. Now available at styling: formals, trousers, the CARD SHOP across from which were distributed at the end of winter term'when the course was first offered. Varsity Drive CURB SERVICE - 7 DAYS In 1961, LANCER, 4 door, radio, skirts, etc. NEEDLE*N THREAD In addition to Indicating their heater, standard shift. Clean as the Home Economics Bldg. ED Shop, 108 Division, behind Cam¬ 2-6753. C pus Drug Store. ED 2-5584. 17 preferences on the various topics 1227 E. GRAND RIVER |ates- new. Priced to move. discussed, students also approv¬ OPEN EVERY DAY 5:00 P.M. ed the general pattern of the I DAY $1.00 REDUCE SAFELY. Lose 5-15 ED1E STARR: Typist, theses, DELIVERY SERVICE MON.-SAT. IDAYS *2.00 1956, NEW MOON, 8" by 41'. June Grad. Must sell. Phone lbs. fast. Only $1.00 Free 25/ calorie counter. Guaranteed re¬ dissertations, term papers, gen course by an jority. overwhelming ma¬ 8:30 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. ■ days 53.00 ED 2-1469 after 5:30. 10 eral typing. Experienced, IBM Visibly pleased by the quick sults. Marek Roxall Prescription electric typewriter OR 7 8232. C uccess en loved* 1 flBastd on 15 wordt ptr e Center. N. ClippeTt SUNDAY 5:00 P.M. - 1:30 A.M. course, Greer said For Rent Frandor. IV 9-8595. FREE DRY CLEANING! Wen¬ couraged by the increased en¬ ill b« o 25* ft WOULD YOU like a Station THE BUDSPANGLERORCHES- drow's Econowash and Dry rollment and interest ln it. ED 26517 Cleaners, 3006 Vine St., 1/2 block "The main explanation is that Wagon with twice as much paint? TRA. available for spring term west of Sears' Frandor Store Is 4 BEDROOM house. 5 minutes students are more aware of the The Volkswagen has 44 lbs. parties. THE FINEST IN MUSIC. giving absolutely from campus. $110 per month. Phone IV 2-1240. 10 free - dry significance to themselves, per¬ CONTINENTAL IMPORTS. INC. 1 yeaj- lease. IV 9-7374. References. Call 9 DANCE MLSIC by the Gentlemen cleaning to each customer using Its Speedqueen coin washers only sonally, of the major world ls- 1 of today," Greer said. Personal 226 E. KALAMAZOO JnaILT, 1959, black, white DIAL IV 5-1743 of Note. For open dates & rates 10 different times. Take ad¬ He i the I the | (l tires! 4 door. One owner ONE BEDROOM house. 2 blocks phone ED 2-2575. 9 vantage M.S.U. C and Its very existence To , Bucket seats. Call 355- from campus, unfurnished ex¬ IN A as evidence that the often men¬ cept for stove and ref. Call HURRY? Wonch Graflc tioned "American student ED 2-4092. t.f. Service now has two shifts to KraATTON SPORTSCAR CENTER get your Job done faster. Take apathy" The course is disappearing. was offered as a ALL Cu 1957 Pontlac LOVELY furnished house for 4 advantage nowl Phone 484- 7786. response to long-standing student ! 1915 E. Michigan Ave. Superchlef, 2 door ' Office hours 8 5, Monday- DIAL IV 4-4411 hardtop. Power steering, power gentlemen. Approved. Close to request for a course on modern brakes. Immaculate low mileage campus. $38 each. Call ED 2- 2462. APARTMENTS 10 Friday. EXCELLENT T.V. REPAIR all makes and models. All work C on problems. issues studied during its first population in the course term were: World and resources, inter¬ - LEN'S guaranteed. Open 8 a.m. to racial relations, mass communi¬ ATTRACTIVE 3 rooms with tile bath unfurnished except refrig¬ 8:30 p.m. T.V. Technicians, 3022 E. Michigan. Call IV 7 5558. C cation and understanding, and world peace and order. More than Barber Shop erator andstove. Air conditioned, half of those who were question¬ close to campus and AiP Store. T.V. SERVICE. Special rate ed indicated they found the topic SPARTAN MOTORS, INC. 125 Kenberry Dr. Adults. ED 2-4886. t.f. MICHIGAN STATE Uni¬ for college housing. Service calls $4. Absolute honesty. ACME T.V. on peace and order most worth¬ J Adjoining The E. Lansing Bus Depot ' kcOLPE, 1959, wire wheels, 3000 E. MICHIGAN versity graduation rings while. is heater, new tires. 28.000 IV 7-3715 To rent a room, apartment, available at THE CARD 1610 Herbert. IV 9-5009. C Greer also said that the uni¬ les. Excellent condition. Call C or house - place your Want-Ad seal, 3 engraved initials SINGER STUDENT SPECIALS. que "teaching team" method of r2-0949. 9 today. Choice of 10 stones. Rent latest model Singer portable handling the course material was MGA 1960 ROADSTER. One well-received by the students. Teaching Opportunities own¬ ) TUTOR FALCON. A well- er. Excellent condition. Wire at only $5 monthly or -$1.50 per Six professors from various col¬ LINDA HOSKINS and JAMES BA- week. We deliver and pick up. tainei, low mileage auto- wheels, white-side walls. $1750. leges of the University partici¬ le. Must see and drive. Call CUS come to the State News, Call IV 4-0208. 13 Buy the brand new Spartan, model pated as lecturers and panel¬ [ '051 after 6:00. 12 room 347, Student Services Building for your free passes to 192, at only $44.50. Pay only $5 down and $5 monthly. These ist" throughout the course. in East Africa AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CONVENIENT. Across fromStu- the Crest Great Issues was set up as a !. Clean, dependable, Drive-In Theatre. special offers good only to dent Union Building. Approved four credit course with two hours ■- orution. Will accept older students at M.S.U. , BUMPING and PAINTING our unsupervised furn i shedapart- ,of lectures and a discussion per¬ §el in trade. 337-2293. 10 speciality. All foreign cars.Kal¬ ment for 2 men. No cooking The BEST ln Twist and Bal- iod each week. There were also Teachers College, Columbia facilities $70 per month. Call lards. The RAVELLES. Ron Hes- SINGER SEWING CENTER five optional special events, such amazoo St. Body Shop. Wrecker 309 S. Washington service and free Estimates. 1411 IV 2-8420 for lop. 355-0671. 12 as films and lectures, during the University, is recruiting '62 P MG-TD. Excellent buy for 487-3659 mechanic. Call Bob E. Kalamazoo St. Call IV 9-7507. evening hours. ?me e afternoons at ED 2-3568 C MODERN 2-BEDROOM apart¬ NEED beer money. Must sac- More than three-fourths of the college graduates for second¬ ment. Unfurnished except refri¬ rafice Dietzgen maniphase mult¬ students answering approved of WE REBUILD and repair auto¬ T.V. SERVICE on all make ary school teaching in Tan¬ gerator and stove. Basement, iplex slide-rule with Micromatlc the way the course was set up sets. All work guaranteed. Mo matic and standard transmis¬ iRY OI.DSMOBILE, INC. sions at lowest prices. Martin's garage, backyard. Close to cam¬ adjustment. ED 2-4236. Ask for bile T.V. 1301 W. Mt. Hope. and the amount of material cov¬ ganyika, Kenya, Uganda, 65 E. MH HIGAN AVE. pus. Call ED 2-4939, 11 Keith. 10 ered during the term. About the * uto Parts, 1887 Haslert Rd.. IV 9-5307. 10 and Zanzibar. f D1AI IV 2-1311 same number liked the addition¬ East Lansing. ED 2-5319. 18 BACHELOR APARTMENT. $10 TROPKAL FISH, plants, sup¬ EXPERT THESES, GENERAL al special events. single. Privateentrance. park¬ plies. Black Angel - $2.00. Trio TYPING. Electric typewriter. Greer said the University Col¬ They will join 150 Americans already Olds '88', Fiesta wagon, ★ Employment ing. 3/4 mile from campus. Also Hac^hery, 1208 S. Holmes Street. Experienced. Near BRODY. Re¬ lege is conducting a study of the serving in East Africa. matir. steering 2 bedroom furnished house. $80. possibilities for expansion, but power PHOTOGRAPHERS with pro¬ Open until 9 p.m. 12 production Service. 332-5545 C brakes, radio, heater, Call IV 9-2389. 12 that problems of funds and hir¬ fessional newspaper experience Openings exist in Physics, Chemistry, wall tires. STORY Sells TYPING IN SPARTAN Village ing of additional faculty has to be are needed by the State News. Less,... 51-95. • pply photo editor. 11 a.m. to ROOMS Apartment. Electric typewriter. solved before positive action can Biology, Mathematics, English, His¬ 4 p.m. today. 9 Call 355-3012. tf tory, and Geography. Upon com¬ C hevrolet FOR MEN: Approved Supervised Bel Air, 4 door, automatic, power steering, Singles and Doubles. Larger WHILE YOU WAIT or one day Zwaren Steyn pletion of troining, candidates will RELIABLE GIRL. 21-40, for comfortable rooms, hot and cold service on passport and applica¬ heater, white wall tires, DIANE PERR1N receive ud in turquoise and white companion, nursing care, and water ln each. Lobby with T.V. tion pictures. Phone ED 2-6169 C Headed For 2-year appointments as sala¬ housekeeper for mother who has parking. laundry facilities. One ried education officers. |W actual miles. STORY Sells had polio. 5 1/2 day week. ED block from campus.Spartan Hall. SOPHOMORE CLASS 1YPING done in my home. Ac¬ . $9i5. 7-9318. II 215 Louis. Phone ED 2-2574. 10 VICE-PRESIDENT curate and speedy. Electric type¬ Netherlands writer. 882-9585. After 5 p.m. 11 Dr. Hendrik Zwarensteyn, pro¬ For further 16 Pontiac. 4 door sedan, V-8. information, write: WOMAN for general house¬ 2 DOUBLE ROOMS, approved fessor of business law, will lec¬ ic, radio.. heater, white work. Four hours twice weekly. SPARTAN TEXACO SERVICE ture at the Netherlands school STORY Sells For for men. Call Mrs. Hamilton TEACHERS FOR EAST AFRICA $1 25 per hour. ED 2-0085. II of Economics at Rotterdam, the . MENTALLY DEPRESSED be-, ■ C at Curry's Campus Court. 337- Tune ups, all minor repair. All 2334. 12 cause of Inability to get auto Netherlands, during the academic P.O. Box 850, Teachers College, Columbia Univ. work fully guaranteed. Special insurance? Phone Bubolz. ED year 1962-63. .(ON 1060, 2 door sedan with For Sale 2-8671. Over Jacobson's. Cll April 9-13. Wet wash 75<. His lectures will be under a New York 27, New York . radio, bright red PRIVATE rooms for men. 2 • ks like REFRIGERATOR. G.E., 9 cu¬ blocks from Union. Private en¬ U.S. educational grant by the new. Has had Corner Grand River andSpartan. ATTENTION FUTURE BUSI¬ of the Fulbrtght act. e. $1295. bic feet, excellent condition, very trance. 1*136 Linden. ED 2- Phone 337-9034. C reasonable. Call 337-9415 after NESSMEN: Open rush tonight. < 5 PM, 9 1441. [0 7 PM. Alpha Kappa Psi pro¬ MEN: TERM PARTIES ARE ONVERTIBLE, I960, V- 4 VACANCIES at 333 Albert fessional business fraternity. 244 HERE. Look your very best. lise-o-matlc, power steer- Street (for boys) right downtown. W. Grand River. For ride call Rent your Tux from Twichells. id brakes, radio, good white Private entrance, television, and ED 2-6310. 10 ED 2-1812. 12 , excellent turquoise paint. kitchen facilities available. $32 } white wall tires. One owner. per month. IV 4-7406 before 5, UNDER INSURED? Over In¬ ANN BROWN, typist and mult- A-l. $1795. or 372-0330 evenings or week¬ sured? No returns? Don't know? lllth offset printing. IBM. Gen men recommend ir to other men ¥ ends. 10 Advice without obligation or high eral typing, term papers, theses, CURTIS INC. pressure. State Life of Indiana. dissertations. 3 duplicating pro¬ 2424 E. MICHIGAN 1 NICE single room with cook¬ 355-5605. Service since 1894. cesses available: Multlllth (black " 4-4491, EXT. 33 ing. $8.75 a week. 1 single without, & white. & color), Ozalld, Clear Parking. 549 Grove. ED 7-0830. Print. ED 2 8384. C J! Real Estate Hit,-- . I960- 'D19. Good ^Lost and Found 5 UNIT motel and living quar¬ FREE LIST OF over 40 or¬ ri o"nn Pagne Whlte- C«» ganized musical groups I to 20 l_ 0 after 7 PM. 14 ters. West of US 2-U.P. Over¬ pieces. Write or phone C.V. LOST WHILE hitching. 1 pair looking beautiful Lake Michigan. "Bud" Tooley, Secy. Lansing 4 years old. Sandy Beach. Ideal Special College Rates light blue framed glasses ln Federation of Musicians, 527 S. Summer Business for faculty. light blue case. ED 7-7065 . 9 Write to: Lucta Washington, IV 2-5311". "Live Rygiel, 15351 Music is Best " Cll 3.50 Bra lie St.. rvrroit 1 LOST- Light blue glas*ses be¬ 5.00 tween Giltner and N. Campbell. 9.00 EAST LANSING, New 3 bed¬ Call Phyllis. 355-0008 9 room ranch: family room, fire¬ SERVICE to your desire. place, 2 car garage. Immediate You receive your own dia¬ f 55 FORD, 4 door, V-8, tut LOST - pair of mens gla s ses. possession. Good financing. Call pers back each time. With Black frames, black case wKh to see today. Paul E. Titus, Build¬ Contact Your MSU Playboy our serv^e, You may in¬ design. Needed for study. Re¬ IV 2-9655. U I 1-foTT er. clude your baby's under¬ Representative - RayOlson 1 2q'° ' H * STENBERO ED 2M606 ward. Call 355-8764. 12 shirts and clothing which • KALAMAZOO SEND YOUR BOY through col¬ will not fade. White, Blue or •84-3229 LOST: A (HARCOAL OVER¬ lege. Operate fine paying motel Pink diaper pails fur¬ near MSU. Gordon Mandlgo bro¬ nished Now you can order Play¬ COAT from the Delta Upsllon 1 FORD, ker. IV 9-9086. 10 2 door hardtop, boy at Tockf s Gentry Shop. house during rush Monday, April AMERICAN LAUNDRY 'eering and brakes, white Stop ln Today. 2. Rothchlld's Co. (oltfa. City) 111 E.WASHTENAW new rubber. $1075. Call label. Reward 355-1411. 13 IV 2 9864 - 3' 11 t^HALY n he,ter- Sprite." I960, TO TRV TO READ THE IETTERIN6 ON HUBCAPS! ARF ARF ARF •s L vi» Phone 4-4241. Cool, clean Old Spice Alter Shave lotion always Bwo; ''IRarRY- Excellent gets you off to a last, smooth start Feels just os good between shaves os it does after shaving /{r AFTER SHAVE Rates A-OK with dates 1.25 and 2 00 plus tax. LOTION ; if t \\Mw Michigan State News, East Landing, Michigan Tn«»d»y. April Senior Gift Prof To Sailing Club Fund Tops On Sickle Cell Takes Fourth Last Year's Dr. Mtrvln Solomon of .th* Natural Science Department wfll Sailing Club members, racing to beat skippers from the local Under a new system started at speck on Sickle Cell AnmnU, at Notre Dame's spring invita¬ yacht club. Spring registration, 85 per cent tional regatta, took first place rXiring the last race of the of the senior class pledged one honors twice. but still finished day one of the rival's boats dollar for their class gift. fourth The donations, based on a snapped a mast in the 20 mile A high point of the afternoon an hour winds voluntary basis, beat wbat the I"*>1 -prlng graduating class came during the fourth B division Spartan sailors also re¬ donated for tWir senior gift, race, when one of the boats presented the Midwest Collegiate capsized rwo boat leng hs ahead Assn. at Georgia Tech's Spring according to class president, of State's boat, 20 seconds Be¬ Invitational Bob Cantrell. regatta, last week¬ end. Seniors were asked while fore the starting gun, forcing registering for their caps and ' s boat " __ Sunday.fd Mulock. Bloomfield weather failed to dampen the Hills senior, filer. Mill. Eavt spirit of more than 100 enthus¬ !ar deposit fet they would norm¬ ally receiv e back at graduation. of the Baord of Trustees, was Lansing sophomore and Margie iast^ who accepted the Sailing initiated as a honorary member Under this plan, which may be Bauman. Newark. N.J. sopho¬ v lub's invitation to an open house used in future registrations, of the Zeta chapter of Phi Zeta more teamed up with Notre Dame at its Lake Lansing site. While waiting for turns to sail 1.331 of the 1,443 seniors con¬ Veternary Medicine fraternity one of the club's dinghies, visit¬ tributed Before registration. recently. Specialist ors Inspected other equipment and facilities, taking note of the 12? seniors had pledged to wooden floor that is Last year, only 100 members To Discuss new added to the clubhouse. being of the tributed senior class had con¬ by June. SENIORS MEASURE UP~Neorly 85 this term. Corl Hosford checks with Cathie Afro-States Club Will Fla Larry ttalker. senior, Hollywood. chairman of the cent of the senior clots took per¬ advantage of ViclcermanondBobContrell while Bob Irwin development fund, said the 600 the opportunity to get cop and gown meas¬ takes the head size of another unidentified "Some perspectives on the new African States.*' will be the sub¬ Visit Bay City * seniors who have not tributed yet con¬ may do so In person urements out of the way during registration ject of guest speaker. Carl G. Lhe American Brother-Sister or by mall to the Development Dean declared only an Inter¬ a program designed to lower Kosher*, professor of science at political the University o: Cal- rogtam has ar artged a trip to te f ee Ship Building Co., Bay ify. this Saturday. Fund office 252 Student Serv- U. S. Warns national system would give the Western powers an amount of se¬ •the barriers preventing the free movement of peoples and ideas in die world and to restore a 10© keliogi- Center. BOTHERED AND BEWILDERED (Continued from page 1) curity equal to the extra se¬ Transportation and lunch will curity they would lose if they note of restraint to the state¬ Rosber$. a specialist in oom- BALTIMORE (Al')-Thf leaders, but the ments of all governments. possibility was surrendered their atmospheric groom. 73, explained ho* it was not ruled out. He startled the Russian de¬ love at first sight *hen he met H Kennedy and Macraillaa make In a busy day of negotiating. legation by asking the Soviet :sred sruaen.ts mas such I nlon to outlaw various works sign up a statement, they undoubt¬ Dean assailed the Soviet concep¬ filing 355-6264 or at 318 Scu edly will stand firmly behind the tion of what constitutes war'pro¬ of Marx, Lenin and Stalin which Seni Services between 4 and 5 Western demand that the ending paganda at a session ol the 1% preach the inevitability of war. of atomic and hydrogen weapons nation conference Such a theme tends to poison sitting as a te„ ™ Watch,n* N<* tmxh' r~"> *» Intone minute * convene, worth an emp,oyer you>n hiring Could you do it?) That* one reason why thh buvness of adverthh* h v> challenging And ft'a one Fas re«or, why the orerwhelmrng maf0rity of ad* and commercial, Becau* you r* too unart to he footed Sound interring- Then are hon^t, straightforward and to the drop us * r**e . Member, of 'JZ the Michfcl. Council of the Amertan A^ortatioo of Advtrtmnt Ageooes ■ 4.|» Ge^ai Motors BniiH,^.